t (I, 41, :41 it -f 4bitt9l l 6iI74TAAA C!, TTJESDAI', ;WA. ,- Emitk , 3 IS, Ib6G Cilit BUCKLEIhaS bland way of putting things. ITe says the•type of Civi lization which obtains in any particular spot depends on the geographical oirrounil- logs thereof, and hence that many, if not most, Of the obliquities oh,s.ervable in men tal thonde§ all moral conduct as inevita ble, and - deserving of neither praise nor blame. Chicago furnishes the Most Aril& lug illustration of tbs verity . of this Vino- sophical hypothesis afforded on this •coati- MEW: Having Lake - Michigan in front of \ ---11, and a prairie heldnd, its citizens and journals have a certain deVehipment of "wind" quite superlative. Hence the pei palatal and; prodif;ious r clatler tlic:y keep . about, the linprecedenled zrcrivfli and i.n• portince of their city. their ,tat.e.- meats aro Eithjected tu. aey soual Lc +, they are_ invariably found ernp , y ; but tilts does not hinder Rretition of them tin der one modif , ati‘m or another, - All tun:infer Chicago hasyounte.i the ra pidity and Eubstantialne: , s of its hicreaee in population, in business, in wealth, in architecture, and in shout everything else. • Judging from its toastiugs novices have inferred that so grand and superb a city , never' before exh- - ted among the. Lotions; that it sate, a qm_en, drawing - to itself the unadultered admiration of tiLtuin.l; that New York sank almo. , t, into ir.significance in comparison with it ; and that St. Louis and Cincinnati were not ever: worthy to he its =servitor. L,llens act t election.,ns hc - d dleficot return_, . riot: extravagance :snarl br. maintained; but, unfortuu th , ; oRi clods are Ou of rhetoric ilienistalvcs :in.! ant apprecim• ing it in others. Invariaicly their ret mint are 50 incisive ,15 1U Se You of Ciecago, and expose it to jeers or con. tempt. At the late election in Cincinnati 29,7513 cores were polled. If the voters living in so much of the town as lies on the lien: tucky side Of the ricer should be included, as they properly ought in an , estintil e of this sort, the total voting population woul.l be raised to over 35,000. In Chic i:zo; ai . the late election, only - 15,075 were polled, or a trifle over half as many as were polled in Cincinnati, excluding the Kentucky side. 'lt is possible the canvass was better managed, and hence more. searching in Cincinnati titan in Chicago, but, in the alb EOM, of reasonable proof, ii is as fair to infer the .reniistm.ss was in - one city as in the other. It must be taken, therefore, for the present, us proved that Cincinnati, on the Ohio side alone, has twice as many inhabitants as Chicago. The number of yutcs polled at St. Lout does not furnish rciLitile data :la- compari-, sou, either with Chicago or Cincinnati, for the plain reason that lty the Constitution to 3li.souri, as it stands, large clases of adult males are excluded front the right of suf. frage: The Conservatives claim, and per haps with truth, that but for ti.Cdisfran chisetnent of the rebels they would have control of the city and cominonwcaFh by large majorities. Tire returns of the elec tion held iu the city of St. Louis; the pres ent month, are not 'before us; but in the county in which it is situated, 21,(M2 votes were polled, which . is within 2,000 of ninny as ween ever polled in Cook county, of which Chicago is the capital. Hence, the inference is allowable that St. Louis is considerably more populous than Chicago. In the congeries of municipalities - I.llov, a - commercially as 'Pittsburgh, there were polled this year *23,803 votes, Or 7,:›8 more .titan were polled iu showing that the pouulatiuu byre is taie•ll!f largtr titan there. If it is urged on the ; , tat nut Cbics— go that the fail V 111.: WaS not potted iu that , city, we answer that there was a 'anon- trable delicienc3 - here. 'file :,ggreg3le vote here at the late October ekction was somewhat mallet . tha'n. two yea's while the'tuxable:, i':ow Lumbered alme:t 0)00 more than thtm. If the full vote had been polled thela•zgrqate would have = stood but it trifl,yl,,,low that at AUTHORITY OF SUCCESS Cable telegrams state that at a recent banquet Lord Dsur,v, the Prim , :Minister, made a tristoily :11111BiOU to L'., United :tats:, expressing the hope ths..t tiny question between the govern merits of the two count' iei might be approdehed in a forbearing and concilmtky spit it, calcu lated to remove all bitt...rna, FM:: cement the friendship of the two nations. -Thi;- was understood, as it was nianifes,ly de signed, f;', in , :ieate the, teltq in whin Her 31.1jety, government had conclude.: bee.cef:rward to conduit the negotiation upOn the 'demand front this side the laden, pity for edoliatimis upon our commerce by privatceis dulinJ. the recent . war. It is ni;t to bcsuppo,ed that the sett: laments or the British aristocracy towards this country have in reality changed, but a.grand success always'commands admiral , tion our enkindles respact. AA it no longer-appears to he'in the power of ['Maar chical goverifinents . to entlaiiger us; us we Lade demonstrated the pc:sessinn of uu• - parallel resource=_, a tens city of purpose and . a power of endurance tnieslicoed and un conceived; and as our future, notwith standing some drifting clouds of the lute storm still remain in view, presents an as- poet of unmatched greatness; our enemies are constrained to do us homage.. What ever • questions atC. 4 in dispute between them and us, will now be readily adjusted on the basis of natural equity'anti. the re. quirements of acknowledged inkruntinnt This is not a solitary examplil of the same tendeney to worship power. rrns . sin, under the leadership of IStsstmin, ruadi a IllaiVellOUS itride, to national ag grandiument. With a p:esOepiie; a 'rig-. or,-and. a _rapidity neyer surpassed, she roso Twin au inferior. rank to be a elaspowF.r. At onee•the hearing towards, her of all the great nrounreldes in Europe ehatigell. The grandest of then, did her reverence. • .11EAUTIV4.; :".12nri.11 M • • Geo. D. l'ut:STJers., of the Journal, hnx :4) Far recovered Ids. health 116 to assume his . mlitorial thttics. Lie nu oodnees the faet'in the following bewitirul 7 manner : . . • Our heart-felt ihank s are t! as to very many f our brethren of the pro, for their tery . kind notices of us duringour te .„ • Their sympathy soothed and cheered add sirengthettud at. It seemed to throw a MOM and lovely light upon th e wdtid and ina k e . th , W ish ht linger attion.4 . oar lel . low men. There is much that is t:eaudrul and holy and halloriing In sickuees. • Its inlltiences are purer and •better than tho,e of Health. Indeed, I • ',e feebleness of lb,. • body is often the holth of the' soul. Pi rt sec and hear what we may not inithe sea son of •our physical strength. vitlytitid . spirits o the air flutter Over the dividing • line between two worlds, uttering to mortal . . - beings the tones they have-learned in hear . en. As we movedownwaraupon the sans: ." bre and mysterious pathway that leads to • ' • the door of tlie tomb, we behold, us from : - • the depths of a bilii.iolAY- 'Men ercitvern, the pale sereunieS if I:l9uti g slurs, all is visible in the glare and sunshine of the iinnota k r . n t aA their sarced and blessed light 4 ,===:, • • ALEXANDER : . CtIIc'INGB, Governor of Colorado Territory, was long a citizen of P ,, o , sylvania. He is a slippery customer, belonging to the genus, "oily gammon." First . and last, he has held to •as many principle:s . as ought to sufaCe for a sLOre of decent men; but his rifle. is not to hold to one set longer than is perfectly coneen . tent. In the early part of the last summer we heard, what was doubtless true, that he warmly espoused the Pl"'i d " t.s Policy. Shortly afterwards we eneoun t tereu hint at Altoona, on 'his way to Den ver. On the ears we had a full convera , Lion with him, Ile professed to be strong lyon the side of Congress, and was bliss fully confident that Pennsylvania, at the October election, would rebuke the Presi ; dent by a splendid majority Cl'. forty I thousand: The next we heard of t4tn lie had just ismied a certificate of election as I Delegate in Congress to the Johnson condi- I date who did not get; a majority Of the j votes cast by the people. Now, we have iliformation tld, in obedience to rug3es ti ins from Washington. he is laboring to k:' ,,81, the Admission of Colorak,as That he will baldly be dhle to do. In the eventofite adinission occurltiou will be gone, and the President will have hint on Lis hands to provide for. If the provision does not equal his expqe tations—and CuatatiNns is not filmiest in meastning Lis own pretensions—lie will play the. President a. trick and come up lustily on the other side. ~ I.le - isirliellever in the Christian Scriptures—at least, in that portion which' speaks of "lesing all things to. all trey," and has acriiiire,l sin gular flextrity in turning sharp coineiS. Hence, lie is man it is always safe to ,‘ ;Act]. —Reuben W ither,z, President of:the Bash of the :Ante or el': lurk. died; cued 7—oti ttedne ay'. 4,,orreapundence of tee Pittsburgh gazette. j —The Ilve trick pen nt ChieugO have formed .TEIFF:RSON CITY, 310., Nov. 7, IS6 nto keep II um the pubitU bl.o4tti quoin 1c t reels uud stagreri, iu ihe cutd - ormation and houudie, cup.ldll - of t its Trans-Mi-r-iippi .portion "ot our inAgnilicent national ilowain. I lere is tae theatre for the grande,t (ievel'opraent ut human energy th4t the - world has ever Ir. is certainly the most i..tupen• Ikais product of the ippnlue, and gran deur. of the Creator to Le louai on this idatiet. "Tine':: cobleFt olDraing IS lite !Ist, - said - Bishop Berkley a century ago, and here i From the Mis,ll.:.iippi to the Pa the last land to be Pwsessed; tor be. .•ond that Baca❑ lies old Asia,• already too populous, which can only be rejurenatid ;.y the cots ,trd march of empire and Chris tiatf civilization. But a truce to moralizing for the present. This day I have i-ussed over 139 miles of this Sta—a splendid country, priucipal:y prairie, with ink:rye/ring sectiot of woodland, dad sumo glade, but all very :rood landiduch of it surpassingly But not one tenth of it is under cultiva tion, and touch of that which is bears the impresss of old Missouri- sloveulimss. In smite places Northern emigration is tom• ing in,' and there the farms and villageS are neatAind in good taste. Thin . city is if striking specimen of the old slavery re gime—alike destitute of neatness, good taste or enterprise. Still it is coming over: for yesterday it gave upwards of u hundred radical majority. The- young men who have lately come iu claim to have worked this revolution. The Republicans arc greatly rejoiced nt theglorious victory,thcy achieved yester day in this State, e,necially at the election of General Pile, over Hogan, in the First :District, and at the large aggrugat: It 011- eul majority iu the State. They feel that they are now safe, that the State is permit. neatly pacified, and that the vote of yes terday doubled the va ue Of real estate in Missouri. I have met some Conservatives, I and ev.ai they talk ac if the result would be beneficial. Rebellion in- „Missouri was ~z eotelted in the war; but yesterday it was killed. To-morrow morning early I shall start , for t -t. Louis; I stooped here at ‘lark this u vezhig, so (hat I might pass clear (hrough this interesting State ky daylight. I ex ,nai to rennin in that, city mail my coin. I,anlona ,Mut with our own ear, when we shall return home. So far, this has beeu interestjug and For the kind attentions which in every place-extended to es, the Eastern extersionists feel profoundly grateful. C. • • flonianee of hallway "'Avast Snits., In iion Mr Henry Burden, the great iron nom of Troy, N Invented u idlook heated Spike purpose or fastening In Lilt tie, On railroads. ludit4o he took n ot la patent, and he endue. that • the same year the 111 Id. of Corning, 15111AI/iv' florae in Mow oc%ininnit.ealetella.sutitrilenatfhlie,,fintilt ) ear and Mr . Burden gained It. Defendants aapiled for a new trial on exceptions; It wit kinliddfmniants were again beaten. the case pawed W latent varlOUS phases, no• olwOrl wan itinteluttal us Molter to tithe evidence anti tinst•as the dam. ages. e'rniti MU to It•CZ, a- period el twelve year, the Glialicellor luoored at his, work. roe ciiiirt grunted him , during ilia time, $ll, 0,1 for ins s ervle.o. tic itlsD charged 15 u day tor oftice rent , :Ma CV,C11,41 wt Itthilli01111101; 00. nit 101 l acted 1.1.4 1111 eig rk, and Mang at is leunitie toinleney, 11,1•11.,tl I,laeur Writ tog novels, be witteli ho ilitr , leced Mx !larder. realliiy we - re -worded by the aunt ti1t,127,Z. It. ILIA° al t • ! • Mr. Cordell's that Ilk, IlOrk'lLlnrt' setretly paid the Chancellor mailing' lawyers are—for plaintiff, me. fetich , or Troy; for defendants, - tho ti oa . Seymour, of the same city. , To stem thb Mutter 'up, too case bus been 'in court twental, years, and the y: expenses have .Iften. ationix 6“riag .:trau , Aas' Las 1i:11W:flat" "dly. ig1ier67,..1141 land °Moo' buitlikews plyutig tJacirVbertlett.aoeut the cotuers where crowds GF;NERAL NEWS -31(717773 . 7s 21enly Is I. , !.. 7r7n. —Henry %Vise is ill or cholera. _neow is two feet at snit Lake. --tieieark is menaced with eitinction. _J u lia DeArl llayn e has got her divorce. —Vie Governor is visiting the noosne tun nel. —Prussia is intrigueing with Greet religion ists. -Lao actor in Lyons died from grief at being hissed. 4Tne latest Paris crinoline is in the shape of 'd coat lull. =There are 4,0 LAuLlenta in the I. 7 ni.ersity of ..-..,hipments of Speeie to Eratipe are getting large again. ThLi health ci Baron dale., de Rot beehild is Very —Na potent) is Lured to death by. American •tSovereignS."% et. Lout, John Smith has been lined e:.00 for protein.: sweuroLg. • —Theprospert noir ie that meats will fall to thdrow prioes before the tear . +Allerludaire SpOrtslualt L•itot a eOlArreCellt ly which weighed Les. property of 49.030 is. lying around loose in Montana, awaiting an heir. • —The galobtlutt•holtse, of Sew Orleans filled with taut women are in fail blast. —The Mormon church in over :Le yeare phi. It Cite Organized with rds. members. —lt t, thily elLeontat.tirt; to notice ;Lugo tellJperat.te COeVeothal la Chicago. - —The qt.: of iinoras aro ;11a king the graL,s llOppers L:tt hull" N Ith great ruiadity. •. —A colored clergyman of Itrooktyn has been arrested for Carrying a swore Cue.. —The Indian., on letnlaitts hove taken three 'thoitzund white atatip., the, season. -Tptee3itor or the 1.0 alsVille Deeteerat would rather the at ChleagO than lIVO there. • —lieergra'd less by the scar Is estimated by the Comptroller's report at $5114;j1,579. —Thu general preparations made prior to the meeting or Congress are now goingou. -Grafton, Steno., given 2.50 votes for the Re publican ticket, and none tar the opposition. —A Mobile paper says Lout theiSouth will be mote prosperous nee years hence then it ever Was.. —'file• gambliwg, t talllizhments of Worcester rcuently ve calla:4,l by ttlikStute Coudt.st• —The factor - leg of liilhngly. Ct.,abiorb over M.-141.1101 uze; cuildnm between too ages or :OW it, —AC.ttlanta, (15., there 15 "A WiaoWA' and Orplaraa'• ./ITtlllllellllolg l t l/tl/1/.o}"—they ‘100'101113:C Otto,,,altd Olphalt, :UAL : 1 111.101)" '10.14111 1114,11 • pal/01,1), I c lon t 10 , 0,..hr0pt•1 A • have 11,,tro)•ea everyll l l l taiO Dee h, r tan • 5.1 Icy except - the 1405," hat, Olean. Lae • •gras,-Welos, AlO 11., green. ' —l . OO •ll;t•Apt 00,1 a: rtv.ll t•I arOar re•rhh‘ns 111 ,•••. ,e':lit-.I wate• • o. , 41r, la,, With great proa/ga,fty they. I.PI, tte:tal their gold alai 511 , , er 1101011 g 111, ArltAlltlelll,l4. '—Aa 311d0,1,110119 11:t1tIA•al li,llool 01.,010AV1101 tt t'vlai) IOIIIIItRIVII 00113 111 C011202.111e11C, 01 Ike.elag Inot a.l money bra gambling house. tr 3 log to 11111240: .. the tiger." corr,gpondent of an Ent.0.,1 paper, writ f lug ul,lll Upper Annum, quotes price los tiewly-eanglo, elephants at wets to •.:,VOns, lic uorOlag s:ge and f.e.t. Mates are tlear,st. A loung rhoo,nett, Is ogle, ,t 1 :or rale at — Thu World =.a) s I (at each tote re ' prer ' ents dtollt nine ptIn011, , ,111! , 1 hoc-i Ott 0) trot Iota! . ..Me of t h e country at %111 Ch titer, ti 6 all aggregate, populath n fit a quit that the census tahers for Ilacei, years yet.. —Etn . 4lan.l Ints . now . rJ,,Oon oinnn:or infant r; .:.I))Ji.crluntour ArtiHely. nul,oor “1111 at torah butt :hat:la Ni I •Annicor twonitv, all %von I.rgaulicu.l, well uf wwined, and ,inguntrly ~ k nto, l tho rtes,of their weaponA. • --John B. 0 .Ug h I tutu red ns New York on Wintoe,lay for till, 1..2( . 1111141y L.111:111. 0! Or vlllo tiwt . .lner, the .n.nvortttl on 0111 A. 01 vttle sun) ono., ticA7 /I whit :1. 1111110 r on thuivalu :01.1 very pour. 1 , 10. ~ ,t11:1.100111lied lu .1,:,10.• NEU rlzsl, S 8 ETA,: 01 , Li.llE. , UTICA I, ”1:1,11i I 11.. ,a.1 . 111T. Oz' LISLE, Oat • a. Ey, A hat,: or r) a bat e ,c a baz re-I of 4 214tr.a ryla.ii.,a n::: 1..1,r, Lia/I,,JrCi,ar. =I • , Lail.s..l get ilt,c,lraeurtG e, t.:111 ...c.l get [I, r i .' I f;ty, " l: ' ,l 1,114,T1 '‘t FLEM -I:,W, NO Itch! :ttllin Scratch: zWAI 5.'5 .../1:."1•51ENT Itc!1 trual VI to 1.• , ..r5. • • ITC II Ozo•rlotr. ••T 1.1•1 1,11 ; • ••1•1 tlll . ' ,tnt.ften:, • •TE•I ••ITC•I' •511.:Vr.11.11.1r.. u. • •FF. — IE/l•• ••11•1.1•1• • • IT( I" •1./ FAIL ••ITC/1" “L•E•1"to./t , ••11•II:1•' • IL Cl73:llA(r 11112 "TEI"FF:It'' ••1.1•CII ' • ••l'e.1 • 11:11..' rt tr •••1 1 .FTElt" •• I 'ETTEO'• ••11 . C11•• 0.•511 . 1.A1511`. • 'T • TTEIt" Cures Itchlua riz. >.l-alt It iI,AAA. Scs.l.l t rad, Haab. all oSlo. 111sumtt.. Fruparol roll' by Di. !•WAY 5. .t EON, Ithll.l- 1...1.1.11. 1,4.1 by 51 • CLAItiL1 31 . h.ENNAN. .15 5111 rt 'Avrt. F.L., A. A ESL 7. 37 Wood et.. Ft 51orSet At, l'lttsburgh. !SANE DE A% T, au:1.12,110 TIM LAWS UP 11EAL111.-11 is 11.1.1,1 e lonlitatc Lt•glalatur,a ID P , a3 lava lUc al.: pi ea,rvallun Uf tlau pulolto triitll. It tht Y rcut Uf acUlart6cra.kt , ,a, la la fur I'a ora tom: cc molt n, , n11 tta. , .111 o: ase in:111141W, Id flAntre.4,{4 t; sca.rt.c.y au member or 11, commu n.,. id' either • six.' to tote vocu try. • ••0 has not Lue.,[t.e ti:olluaals 111 laver of litray r.T•hg.h,e Aell If f Llle, furnished over lb , Jr own alga tan, a by per .of mit.worrlvolged I aalauClen /Aerator ,toe, tonal - ode, and every ptr tino el of me all oroteemonal .11e. three • Ituensva have &elm d to the co at txpitelt the, the prepar,ll•t• Ps • .1• truarrtagalnat epidemics, 00ve,114.0 re:petty lot rly•oef•ata• a val• ovule null ti. meth, Inc., a promoter o spin:- tile a • mutat and harmless vymettint., aao tech. tutting medicine. in strengthener of the nerve.. a general I ill / rt./rant, a prole , : t..n against the dektee 'tons atitela of ina•szl • arid Imp.sre +rater, and that It Itopa to *degree of Vigor and activity to the Viral lu tea which la 110 n eunneen'cated to any r.,c,ea of the tonics and atolthiellldd lu use. limier these air. cumat•nees the aeir-pi - , ryative law of nature rho Lel teach eves y re t ton al ye non satin, el th r by ri.boa of Inherent debility or to eune(quene, ore.. Darien to unwholesoutd it fluency.. I In perilof •be greatest °fah temporal olerolutts IfeaLnll, the lopurtallCO ut nein, the flUfTtuttri u 3 A tlefecalve pepPes who I eg'sh.c" to give It frlal are • Innhy their own eneu.let. It la guaran teed t. runt atoll.. tit In alp It, fora,. nod Ile clitoris and nervous will Mid Donde. In the whole lunge of edictal Alia hat/tr.:limy oihdlerne• which ulTar•l theaatne NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WM. 81NU.1143f,./r,i Adams 'Express (Vice, .44 Ftfth Street, is an authdi - ised Agent to recewr Advertisements for the (1.42,N21'E, and all other popers throughout the United litotes and the Oooldas. THE STOEKIIOILDEOS OF THE -.FEDERAL (m. C , 311'..:.; aro r , 'located to meet on FitiliAV. lath lltal , Ir. 31., tolllfll nt ItOug,.. corner ot Glatt. ate cot mot vutiocane Ray. Ituranoka itnporianco ro tating to proocrty and Ilahf lltlra or die to Inpany to whion all ate W1:1 Orougnt h.lorc the !cooling f..r.action. Ity oreer of 0010 WOO A. B. 310.1,3. , c-ctarc. SIIOE, HARNESS & sw; Kit shoo 1.1 eee that new • Lrover & Baker No. 1 Sewing Machine Before I/071, g elgen here. IL In the !beat for their 06, nor viol. ot . STREVT. s •rs!--1 can 11V offer Lots as to as Cao, well Wont, .1 and Inn pint. c & P iot, i l to y to , ora,t: r o r tt o : F . . otrk ..„ 4 7 6 z 4 0 1.10 On liollolon Woe ro rot t ."4 :A, to n.r. Ore ntrott, fro. ....... L Towunhlt, co.olug . o rtW Borough 1010 .............. .44r to so mg.,' E.tt Townanto. lotn frog, ... •to .:ol Tu.:above wlll loosol,l loom. to butt por • Iso. nom,. via: Ith pro ...I.rup rt locattd . ttto Moron no I ILL To nn atll, 18 AI ," 14, 11 lototrgh, nrol rI For &crate. apply at the Ham •c0..1 lo,rnoc, Onlre of G. A BAT . But:rt . iSt.rEet. Laverruz,.llle. J ' Pittsburgh White Lead %fork% PURE WHITE LEAD, Bt.tat.L.ILAD U11.0U1411 IN OIL YOB. re-01111a 0/1. 8A88X.1.13, 'No. 61 Fourth St , Up Stair& • 11011'. 'l'o I.OAN. , . Persons Cal tog to bOrrolr IMMO,' en LUND AND ItUUTUAUE. • For one, two or more ream, will do welt to mill o NEW Apy'ERTISE . NE„T!‘73. TARES T. BILADY & CO. I (Succe.ors to S. Jones &c 0..) Corner Fourth and WoodStsh, BANKERS &BROKERS, DcALEII6 IN ALL KINDA Or Government securities, Foreign Exchange, ' Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS nalhe on all accessible poll:1U In the United btalt 3 a ed Canaria. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. (Writ!. or CoaTitoLtrn ur At. CO„ NorricE 'ro CO\TItA(ITOItS. alriprupo.,larlltbe Isteetvra at this tan, ilt I tit. ;Or icio-o.p,e.g the ex aoQ one Anutru•nt of tio. 1.00 Iron Faldit.." , Chartl•l3 Creek; at Stanytteld. Bias to be Made at so li a ,11. • t directione of the Courtly Commission.t. nolanhyT lln\ltt LAMIIEUT. I lIISSOLIUTION—The prirtnersliiP /-4 hett•tnf,roca toting between-the onelerstened. .by lameof Fl . ll tt MIAlt 3 t's , •• Machtnites, ii,llllll Joy ts.en di...Yeah/ 1... 1 000.01.11,e Int.-est of AI.IIFItT 11.11Elt log loyn purclot....l by CIIA RYES. F. it ft. It AY and lA3I K. 1...:c•t1 conttnee the buytnysf. at the old stand. under the llama of ellAßLEffi F. GICAII.I3I .t.OO They will nay the debt, et tile 117111 of FISII 2II GicAIIANIL & CO., and sr.! ,uthorized to re Cell, andrace: nm. ..1.1.-111tAr W. 31 H. I SicOINNENS. 1. (;LOVES AND UNDERWEA.R, For ow Lac,atLopvPrioos WHITE, ORR & CO., 23 3P.1.1111. *Street NOTICE TO CONSICIErt? OF W AT F.l..—The renal,nbwm progrcie at the Water Y. ore. render It Impel attar that greet t^....• oa should hd Wu d the uth el:water, ibt ewe t belec now rang' g uelo t t teetd to Its uttnott ca plrtt, Ad itaceeeesar% .ate of water CLIC.O.I avoided, etch an aprlbk ring htteeli, washing }Mea n cote, Ora ricl•lue clo.het. in tubs I. • an 'north:t oo ,anent,Vote, there le pr o per a ucotion t d to th,,se palremonte the cite will no: have Behr cut,: it...let tor lire culinary and other neret•nre purp 11 , .'d na-ol»erta ace of this e mat' d. price toe eCe Wlr r of /,upply Of water, as well .1 it heat y one. It l; Loped trot in tie course of thi or weeks Or mon It, C Wiest. tile hap rlateudent wilt be enabled to [mode O. re rtst:lC , I as. JO>. FRENCI.f• poll: nS: buyerintentitu of Water Work._ riliPtiANS , COURT • SAUE.-By tt tut or an ordez of tht. Orphatia• Court of Al -I..ghtny county. we, tLe uuderstgord. Adtnlttls:ra tors of the Mute of A %WS Pou it t nTEIt deco •a• t , l.s.lllcepos tot üblic :ale, et the Court aloes, lu the CIV; or rt.tsburgh, county efore.ol, on Friday, .11th day of Dec., 11}66, At 10 o'clock, A. 31.. ail that certain I.lt of lirCuto% altuate in he tier it.t Ward of the City of Allegheny, iletcr•util no luitont• : Ileginotng on the haat tide n. Craig Hate% at Inc rot Mr Of Hope alley; thence along •Alit street north 21 feet G inches; thence east parallel *hit liott alley 12 feet inches: •thenee Ilot:.PArall...) with atreet 01 feet 6 Incna to .11 0 y: thence along sahl allhy weft to . nig stie..t, at the pia of beginning, on which i.e , creat e., A twosty eirl Aito, nit t o hatothel . kJ of groUllil altoate adjoin'hg Iho Ativo. nthl ileteoltied at foll.tiest Ili Rinaingon the toot chic of Craig sileet a. a polar Cl ft. S north of Hope alb y, theme stung t nag. treo-1. north 21 It aln tueneneaat 30113 !Pipe oiler. dl ft In.: ti enc.:too:lT p otallel wan Craig It. :If% lu. to rot the lot mho. .1. berth:, : honer along ,the same west and °armlet te1:11 Rope alley GC R. 2 i i to Craig at, at the plate of beginning, on which la e: cam! a two Cory Brick lint lung. 1 tat sf, or cash on confirmation of sale; one-third In eon year. with interest: the other tiara to trio na charge on the ptemlaee du-- leg the Ith tout vitt. widow 0,1 said e...dent. the inierrst Shutt ,t .to be 1.01 .io eat I blow annually: tar prioetpaL • n her 1,0•11 to be_ pm% 1 to the Patti. , by law Intitiril troth said deferred pay c..lll.. to seen! 1•Y noutl and mono:Aga the ormio Fultlt F. :Tltit. Ad'r TIIIE GROVER & RAILER sviyitic MACHINE Is the Ulttm,Ttlttte Uf Itlechitulttra. Please call and It at = rITTSBUytiaI BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., BREWERS, MUSTERS aHO LEALERZ, =1:11 W. 11.. W. D.F.ll.tioN; Tha attriatlon t*.e rn,torr, or the two :Inns partic6l.i ;I; I,INA to ..ur ALE f:.• AND PORTER. Whloh7hrorrh the ..runt i 41,110.1 of MCI our vxtr ice nio!tingf. el•tih.ahq 1 1 0, . tote the 7, e ..to ty ~, Ir a ~., h ,:utAtitte purr n.l eat, :het our INDIA ALEttro n 10..y.1.1.,25 tor 'Ault y use.: e • aO - 01r. rh, , thrner. whl less, h., 1.,,t0.1!..r 0r,,.14 Mt 111$ uffi, Mg hi. 01,1 Lirew.ry, or at hut orlIcr„ 1. 'nay az , l Califis .11Iry _ ,VSSIGNEES • PEREMPTOIV SALE (q 7 FURS! FURS! FURS! _ F..ID MoR %ENO. Nov. 14th. at 10 nttuulu.lu the afternoon. at 2 ..,•e:oce.. 00.1 e 01 b •f old pooluv:.,rl , y od without ....sore, oricr of Li. Ada - Is, Ae• $2,000 16'011T111 OF PUB'S, oicln oridnalo pieces. with prlvllLae. The is yor:invr ethbrr cw (per invol, received with Wank 11 , 1,0 NV", Wait. French Cone.. real Pquirrel 11,d on 1 , 1 at Mexican t?a,dc..krenchSniirri-,. Anond.:lll Iltch, (It 1.1110 l oiler. Ermine andl !,apes. Vietoria. Coddra, Talinte. Mu ff,. Ml. not and 1:1(11,1ren•r. • . _. . .. • • Air To Dellere, tble Is a ep r weld oppt•mlce, .. e, ry 4,11, ort-re I will bt bold repd ve th air prl,l - pet,: aupli,etts. ---' • IVO! —CAtkl. T. A. McCLEL.I. \ND. nor;Auctlue•ner. Tau PITTARIURGO EXPLORING .1,>.1) UCVI r 41INING CoNIP • V. Katt ItN VIVA: [NIA, JACKSON C , Jlj.• • lobular (tint the :tate of Virginia. CAPITA(' 4300,000 Ihyldol In 3.1)1)0 abate,. per value al. l shl.:,crlp• lion Klee StbU per .bare.: Orel( Ste. • .1 1 ft :Weir t—F. Fisutu, Carson sleser; , Ktrntlghant, Vt.,: ElCooorr, Jotnon co only, \Vet t tar,—J. Coat:Er, .faction Cu.. Wen VA. 'net urn—W. Ccsata. - .11•11, do • do do Ant. et:erectly Carbon Street. East ill nook hong. Inteetor—to Kosarol, Careen Street, Eat 111, n . 1111 rtoupanv oth-re o :or as dencrlbtil above. Tier too , onholoo a shalt, tv . 111 , 11 torede to 1 e It I, et.ep. Ili otter to al•Seelu percent. S Ivey Ore. !farad al thotngtt the (art OM as C.) lu Ol Oro r •-a , hick 6 r ain.. rhare, may I. cured ay t h e Pre..1,1,t, or an? of Cr. err or the CAL. any, ',tore area let other in.rtleu:are can be obtained. point. 74 BREWERS' •NOTICE. • .r i L E I'IT InBUItUR, resolved, at theft last meeting, that n,ttletwints with Dealers shall be made on the YlltSt . Or EVERY corn• weaving November let, 1014. SPENCER S McK At IL FAWCETT ..t-I'U. CARSON. DAIII.INtiriN .t CO r. NVAINVi(IIIOIJT, • • =I IMAM • FEINKLIN.COTTON WORKS, E. Hy - DE , S•SONS . Are now prepared to manufacture COTTON TAILS. CATIVET CHAIN,' COVERLET YARN, CANDLEWICK. TWINE, HATTINOS. COTTON - WAILES, de, Ac. WEST CANA!. STREET. between Robinson and Lomock, Allegheny City. Va. E. S.—Ali-01 , 1e. by mall attended to. toMOH (`HEAT DEVOLUTION IN TILE .4, INK T 11,11114 OF THE' UNITED STATES. —PURE CAL.IOIINI A rlllAall'AtlN E. made and 'pre par, d as If doue In Vrance.'f• nut pure Cadfor • N Inc. and taking th, place of Imported Vh•ni . amolerilened would call the attention of Wine Denbra an.l Hotel E, opera to the following letter. which may glee acorreet Idea of the qualltyof their W _ , •ItIOS MILT:VAL 110tr.L. • rat LA111.1.111, (lot. tith, OM. S "AiEssue. HfrtadlLU Co —Gottletnest: Having given your California Clittnioogne a thorough teat , we ta fl ke plenum. , In eug thit we .nk It the il heat ..ine we leave red, th Hm at once place It on our bill of (are. I once truly J. E.ldiflrGrl.t.l7 &CO." Call and try our California Champagne. noldtuTi ISO COIIM.K.I t. 0., JO Day et , N.T. DRCGS! DRUGS!: DIRUGS7.II JAMES T. SAMPLE !SAVING Will!MT TILE WELL It NOVVN DBO6 BOUSa UN CUIIN klt OP FE ot:lta L 1:611-NnON STS., Will keep oh bawls fall oneortment oral kintla of . 1 7imrl. - cr C 7 6 r And whlelt will be nold caelper than a ny• other two In the to ell lee. roe•erlptionn carefully prepared by a drat alai - CI droeuitt. onAli I.lnds of PERIN:IIE4Y and FANCY sohrs _ oCAO GET IIiONE HUT-, • • GROVER & BAKER for • Itonday ells. Is is rrasea: ladies sad therefore the teat. Dan•. WI to call and cad It at No. ie intro emir.= BOOTS AND 15 110 ES .—A very /argil 11.0 Ck ft TNT lowest prices. NEW :A N TS. NEW AD V E RUSE I'[ENT. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COO Db 111 - 1 - lEN CLO SING. OVI" SILE A. I,)EV. ALEX. CLARK. 1 1. Edi tor. Amos. s conMilm tors ars. s..me of the most moloont American •vss a1:.1 ii• psg..shse embellished sslth - talglnal dos M.. s from lb. 1,0, sultivatod Sto Moms artists. .1 “Imal flts m ing In Impels . ..re, as h.moricto !al,. and ..1.111,171 produce. .t Ilepahtment Is csm.shdly ar voted le 1.1171 A romrs. , I•ublistst.llfif It, t.facuy month. operlmod- umber.: sv (III! thin UOI/IJI„, sm, post paM •or Ih c.a.. :tn, •very Schou and ot es s m, or I„ Stated. Evers ',earlier shoul.!1111, • •. J11Jr ,,,, J. W. I , AIitiIIAI,A). ::s3 13...iChts:nut PITTSBURGH 'GAS SIITING CO., Office, No, 2 33erchauts' Hotel, CDR. THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREET:. CZI.F.F.OOCUEZI.g3 . : JAMES I. BENNET, President. ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President, ROBT• CHRISTY, See'y and Treas'i. JAS, T. 11F. , NF:1 T, W. W. PA'll:;Cic. RoBT. NEY. 11. M'l). PAIN W. C1.1_%.1. 4 ANT. A. 11. Mlll , ll. Office llotte:•, 9. a. la, to .1 p daily • DISTILLEICV 11.9 P .A.IaOrrIC>INT. \Via be EoI d at Auction. on 11" El e:e 1:e1"Ar MOHNINU, Noveunoerl4 . l, WA, at II u'olo.q, ou We prembeee, THE KENTUCKY DISTILLERS, L0.:1.1.4 on the. Olito Itle.r, opes!tt• 'Port.stnenth with 27 wres of I.ootl, vet Front. .for Whmtthtie . 7-1 5 feet. Catreclty 1.600 ri12.:11/...0 , • • Thhre She on the crenniach the I)l,tliiers. con tolning 3 Colinet-11,.1 Mann Tub., 4 Aker nine, inn ouahels Lodi: hot and col I teal Tuho and Cl thing cilopletc. Ilhurink 111S1.. ; 0.1.11 r un n rCnCIA Linn - Stun, too Cor ;oc, Thae, Engines tour llol,cra, Artttion ,:ore and Warelo,use, Whl,ku Huns., 31,11 now., IN al tor 0.1(0 hoce, built chlirely of oat, twenty Canetuent lioelilnus for halliis; slso, gall . n . ay . ..,from blur r ; to The location to one ni the best qtlio Weiitern country for Distillery. The Irma° not no 111 ,110 tor leas than nue hundred thoutat.l It will follslllre'v he 5.314 to •the hiuhret bidder. without re re or rtg.krd TEll).—.CA er 6ii. Ft r furl lirr teurrfritiier. prek loos to the rein, ihply to kir. 0(1 he. Illellll2ll, or.to J. 1,. 111, ../i}l.s\ & I IP . - • gelli E,tAit• 1trt.1...,,, :tn.! All • . -!.. 11i . ..t . f. N 0..“ Wt., l '1.'u1r.1,,,,..t. 1.1,1.1,1 n 0.1:• 'IL rr, . THE VEnY LATEST STYLES OF Fine French Calf Boots, Fine Kip Water-vroof Routs, Heavy Boots, Ladies' Botgl;, Ladies' Billion Gaitt rs, Ladies' Cowes. - Gaiier.;, Ladies' Etalmorals, Misses and l'lnldrtiW Siitol of Every Wscription, ai THOMAS H. PHELPS', 4ti Smitbfictd Sr'te n.le, at lowt.et nnaket rats.NEl kIANI , FICLT and ItA bdln untortedo nun In Warrhou.,. 1.3/11. tun I.llll+ nt St...eubtun - 111, l Mu.. aaaaa REMOTAL.-TIIIE -UNDERSIGN YU have removed the cane of the HIKE OIL WORKS ft.oin 31 Market street, burgh, to their Work". Calt.-.0,N Drown , .. , u, whet , : tney.can nereatter be found. Postale° Arlilr..“ SJO . Ilttabargh. no 1111.11 A • 0,4. xIESICEL. Bit ( ," E Thlild lOW AND AIACIII s umnufteturers uf Maack'. ateut balance Vali . .. for. Mama Ea glue.. and all kinds of Brewers' ritinft irrt, Hangar., Pulleys, Oil Englues ui ail Mace, yrfth or without llitluice Fire. Front., • Walking B'-am Conneallous, Pampa. SO., ColtNElt. tiAltuthON AN,tI.IA.II. cm:LE:Ts, Plttriburgb, Repairing Zed pntlitatit tan rn.asinary promptly •114.••••••• ~ M. " Eir LOAN OFFICE, NO. 131 SIIITIIVIELD nTHERT, corner of Math, Pittsburgh. -. . Money Loaned on gayer Platte, Duna Platola, Diamonds, - Jewelry, Cold and- Oliver. Watobea. Clothing, and valuable articles of every description, The goods Cllllloi be delivered without a ticket. Not accountable in ease of firll or rubbery. limed/ ofevery desertutin i fozAale , g. ,, lg v est ',1...mg.. t,m14 1 ,..11 ' •-•---... AHD oii:.— ------ •11 , bblg iu r i rjr . I. l , te r flx i l b and - warranted Winter =1 BATES a BELL =I NEW GOODS. Flannels, --- cloakine - s, 4 .13_017-'s Wear, ! Shawl , z, !,! Silks, • • Dress Goods, • Linen Goods, SAIL, CLOTH AND VELVET MANTLES. .R Y{ GOODS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . , Jr IV, 11.h"Ri KER & ICO,, 59 MARKET STREET WE OFFER THE LA P.CEST STOCK i r NAT .1.171 dT TILE LOWEST EASTERN PRICES G!!Pi.:.4.TEST INVENTION OF Wtbsters Patent "Ordittars'iTrencli," =I Rutmd Lode, Stem, Gas, Braga and .3.ead . .11:1 ;n.: Voit Is SCREWIN a trf? ravszia Unt, ate:Male:ea 14 , 1 In ti,e wIti:NCII for Cutting of and t , eree.in. op r4..e, he., can be carried lu the •exfente nod burdenof the a:tat ,1:71a: of - :ent:, 10 be F.arrled and need U • Ti:o. 1:1W.111:1N. Wth . . ve;3t 1- v..nat,, , • " "LLD. • _ • . • R C... k 0.1 verr 1:All.10)AD EPAIR V. It,. stud every ,I1.11:E. and II WA 12.12 AND 12SELl. be-, Wliti.N(3ll, ate tutitle in the Inort thor -0 o.a.nnir. 41 are over 3• per cent. cheap, inan .105 coo r tool. it - ECil to or rfortu the came work.. lit. Wrench .111. rat ittr ,crew op plpo !ito Miler AOl tn. Wrench wl.l cut Of and ore t•cis tllaultAn Inch tl, rt. sir,,ticrew One lo 2 Incises it t. r. 2i" inCh )trench mill cut oil and arrow to 2i." foctnia..2l3.,:cter. fin bAie try M. Mc:STEEN & CO., 0.,:!.5 No. 34 Water street, yey.r Liberty ATLAS {FORKS, i . ..71,,1ZT0 1 .r STREET, hililti Vi rd, litisburgli. Tuou.ig-x.._ lii.l.Eit, President Tip., , ort.s ...re among the !arrest and most con pine v.:e11., mint /IL Lilt We t, and are now pre pared irt farnttn Enp - ,inesurEAcry Drseriptlon, pollen, Oil Tanks, .Shect iron Vkerk, , _ linilread Casiingn, Dolling Mill Castings, • Engine Cwitler.,.. , 111:!chilic Eantlngi,. 1 : .- •—..— CienerviCaMings, ' .ORDERS SOLICITED. a 09,u, 01E7A ViAIti?.TiOUSE. • • RICHARD E. BREED, xxviE . -..cos=l" - rwavi.; No.' aect tirood Street BIM NNut .KNI) PLATED TAMA WARM., 'l' ViZAIS ASL) TABLe. CLITLLIti, aneal.,...a 4:LIA. . CIaINA TEA - SSTS, ciILN CHLIN A TUILKT NETS, ..111NA VASES, " •()lIINA SPITTOONS, Alta. OF EVERT DF.BCRIrTIUN LAVA. CAUL) kidSliKra, LAVA. VAsEi, • nl . lll tiONa. STONE'IVAN of all varieties; tosul wholes:Os apt) retali tra.de.• ' The largest midmost complete stock of everything In 11116 line to the city. . Prices And terms Mainline WI In tilt eastern Cities. pr • r'lißlift•Git CUTLERY COM.. n S Y.—We have cn baud the [West, stock of :-. • POCKET CUTLERY MIL ells. Also, . . • .E - 10110 - wGrroundßazors In Endless Variety. MIMI VITIVE. 401M-3Zt.EAT, Agent l'ittzburgh Cutlery Comppy. .roe. 67 and '69 Ftlitt Street. • ' 0./18BITCH BUILDING.) ncla UONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains, '...*ltz - Ctit.itry, 'Vases, DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, sea: No- 00 Penn Street. NEM: STYLES lIAI`S. • • • 9 Id CORD &,- co 131 trOOD STREET, Are rectivlttg au lc - amuse ev,ek of HATS, CAPS AND.EUES,- Embracing an endleza:varlety. HATA FOR THE LA 111 M, DENTS AND BUTS; EVERT Rr.-Y I.E; RI? YU FOR LAMAR ANU (`DE UREA! NA IILE, MINE. bQUIDIEL. 00., tte.„ IA any Shape or price, to which they Invite the attentide of JUL ocil ADDITIONAL 130IINTIES TO soldiers of 1861 and 1862, • All who served three years! 'are exattled to 8100 twenty: those serving two Teen. *hot or who were dlscharged by releon of wounds. or taartwils. . 2 hree Jlortihrs Extra : •Pay , • Is due Voltint eel. ()Meets to the aerslos March id,. Ise.S.. sod discharged, ineaserett. oat, or restarted , .I' l7.%Via 9 4. l —Permsne - Zily disabled are en titled to Old, 430 or 143, KCOnntig to degree of disabil a. W. J. a BALL 11:171 . E.11801.4 AltorasYS. X 50,000 LtVortik of Fine '1 1 " MI I NG. - DRAWERS, .lINDERSRIRTS, - SHIRTS, COTTON AID IYOOLN HOSIERY, Also, .$5,000 Worth of Gloves, Of all De,etiplioilt, all of which will he sold at ACTUAL COST AND MUST BE SOLD , I . , • Opposite the Union Depot. AWThe lease of Store and I/weMeg, together with Counter., Shelving, Show Ca:, s fur fiat, J. D. RADIALEY, 334 and 336 Liberty. Street, MEE OFFICE • OF. THE EMI Notice to hereby even that eettled propose!• or the sale of One 3111lion-Dellars of the 5 per cent. ' AND ONE MILLION DOLLARS OP THE e . SiX Per Cent. Loans - ,. Of the Commonwealth of Penneylvanl, bo Ived at the Treathrrllevnrakent, In the City of Ilarrlelwrg, tenth 3 o'clock 0. Jo., of The 16th clay of Noiqither, A.D,1866. Bidders wilt state 11121011= elfered,jvrles asked. and , hett. r Registered or Coupon Loots. 7 o be addressed. • . t:em.nisetuners of Slaking lend, Har isburg, ea.," endorsed ••Pr6posals to sell butte The forninisrlonyra reserve the right to releCt any not, In their opinion. advantag , °. to the Con/mows.. W. • —.. • . . -' JOHN F. IiARTRA.NFT, Auditor General. ELI SLIFELL oteretary of Stile W. H. ft.EI2IILE. ; ii4ate Treasurer oe7.mnS7 commissioners of tbe'Fluklnd Food DI;. J. S. KING NO. 104 SIFTS SEIPT., Where be wishes to receive his friends mid patrons who - are in need of the services of an experienced • , • DENTAL`PRAInaTIONEE. • Especial attentlot/wlll be given to the preserve ti.,n of the naturay teeth by . skillfully Maui them with the most select materini.sod' by giving them oilier proper treatment, thus Pre•ervlug them for future uses and comfort In aril old age. Irregularity of the teeth of young persons skill fully attended to and eorrertett. Those beautiful life-Ilke artlacial teeth, rendered so comfortable and useful by the magic o f the Don tors mechanism, will be made ready for alt who • may order them. All recent discoveries of value to gl ring relief fkoro pain In the extraction of teeth, wilt be skill roa c 'd te Ws ' ir r gi t ti t ' o q tris. d "-"41171TI4.1 1866. F 44. .• 1866: , Ice are now exhibiting for FAL I. Taal:it the most extensive etoek of goods we have ever had the pleasure of offering to our patrons. Dtglish Brussels and Tapestries, . Of our own Importation, comprising many newland choice patterns never before in this market: RICH lIILTOY 'OD VELVET CARPETS AND RECS, EMBROIDERED SWISS L SCR CURTAINS, Sew and Elepat Patterns of Cornices, Side diL Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, Choice Styles Notting Curtains. .biTAB.UND dr. WILMS. • . Nos. 71 and 73 FIFTH STREET, Next house to U. S. Custom House and Post °Mee, Second Floor, se • • • EGAI. NOTICE.-ESTATE OF tiliAltLES AVERY, DECEASED. LATE -ALLVIIIANY VITY, order of the' urob•os , Court of Allegheny County, Fennsylea 01a, notice is ttersbl Aleut that the midenligued, surely-111g Executors of the Last Will and 1 eata m'nt decedent, bane settled an account, which Is glen In said Court, showing a baluice in their hands in Cash and Investments of Two hun dred awl Sixty-four 'Thousand and Seventy-seren • ands.-too Dollars, subject to a reduction of not overtatn. w !itch, accOrdlng to the said 041 is di.- tribut,ble—one.balf to lite "American 311aslonary Associst , on," of New Tort; the other haf to be diantrud by Executors for purposes set forth In said will.. persons sad -corporations' claiming or to claim said funds, or any part thereof, are required ton ppear in Court, at the eit% of ruuborgb, on 02c13111.1/AY OF 141./V.EIIB6R, 1800, at 10 o'clock A. a., and Ale their cistrur, or show cause, If an. they hare, why the sad account should not stand confirmed, and said balance be distributed according to the provisions of the las. Isla and tes tament t f said decedent, as above set forth. THOMAIi dOblAnt IMME;2=IM W. J. C. /10,1901.... C. 11. 1111.86. MYERS, HOPPER & (Successot• to R. Q. Bulger.) No. 45 Smithfield St.. Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of V'T.T.IELINTIrr 17ELM Parlor, Chamber, • • and Dining Room Sets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, Together with • toll assortment of Pittsburgh Mamfacturecllirriture; Constantly oil Nuad and (or sale at the Map•ocrompt C 41,1•12,. .Pricmoow. te.h.:••2B WM. W. tacos BARCUS 6r. GRAFF, 96 Liberty Street, DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PRODUCE, T, * Fresh and Choice Ante Les, . AT LOWEST Is CASH ep PRICES. oar Alta to ke a FirSteCialS s Family Grocery, And snake lt b aggsri r c - Lox to bi ll ir ybo 7 . 7 Avg a. '!` ritiollnd DrlLL• t si sum, ooni. of! D4UCUB G.H.ALEF, 116 Lllhrty .2%.2r.plxtasxcart. onißirs AND tIVEBY'STADLE; Alyea; JANES.: Pzoiriefoi .ilPrOntidtaned dind asniada . label Ittvialf trains. A 1.., Carrangea roe Flmm* .Weddnu and Parties, as elan notice and ivaaonabla mad. • Stable Open Day and Niant ILL IND WINTER $lO,OOO Worth of Starts, Ties, Suspinders, 1 FOR SIXTY DAYS, Bt fore removimg to ny New Building Oppobite Wayne. ColonsaioNzus or ma. enciciNn FUND. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. lIAI,IIIBISURG. October 21. TWC - 171.LE11,,.A.1ir, lfaa resumed the practice of Dentistry at Opposite the Cathedral, ....PIO. 8. GRATZ N 'I 8 TAN'rED—AGE.Np."—To sell by I• baruple, AtiLIIIIIW'd GAS uEIEIt.I7UIt. retail at Can be attached to any lareo Otanen tun bent gra•llett In tile from Carbon Coafennen. an a candle. Wilt not blow bur. tiltdt by a,euta Vial" at .1 Generators a the :a..t tO days. Sten are ;cdnlng mteler it.. — .trots ortrate. J. C. 3 be.; - Itry tt. Clad . street. • XV A NTED-4AGENTS—IDA LE AND 1 , 431 A L};—th ivory part of 14 estrrn Nam • St t • •Tli K r IttAe ETd Nl•torltaY A?, • •1,1NC0LN3,111./XEKt'aiIIINGF IEL.It,• Vila, by the month or In man-A.lou Publish era' nate al-owed. Yor tllll particularr ap:y larrru... or addrt,s, FAIWO CO., a•a: .A 3 Fifib street, rittetatrirb. 1 . .. . kiIiTEII—AGENTS —.4,500 PER I'k:dill—Ey retehere to letronote :HAW ..t. CLARE'S rAkIIV SEW I %iill'AC/Ilb . e , kuprov c•l and Perfected. 11 , 1,111 I.ln. ALL. Stitch, quill. I ahl. braid si.llembrohlet beau:lib Iy. rrlee only 1411. Slaking the elnsti , lock nedeh, a nd lully warranted tor ttre yvars, and ts. Itetteed. We test the :the aye wages or rUtillffi,,ioll, from omen 'Wire that amount ran be {bode. Alidreirf Or ‘`Ai ICu ei. Id. LONG, No. Il I, OtAnkt str.et. rittallnrah, Pa. tee atiVulll3ol9,lt of the Finite A' Ly ~ 0 and the Weed Sehing3taellines, in souther column. ,b 1: Watt. W.:(STED,, • . . • . . • 500 ArEcird.rles: • • On, of employment, to sell our polyitcatlons Sod Wlntor ontid• fur .aztst trans. Ono AF.....,c , rep , i ,va,L nc .a ,a.s. of 47 coplc,oft.:ux: new howl, '" otwrw... N. -,btrd Pftodniren. I II for Ladle., everywhere.. to intr. - oh:cc the Common Soon homily newlua )lac l it Improved and per teeing. It roll hem, 1..11, glitch. unlit, bled, braid, and embroider bemalfully—prlee only 1140 — mo , S . tug the elastic to it and folly warranted tor torte tent's- We pas the ab toe wages, or a com mission, from Wrilell twice that a ge,, can he made. Address. or call on C. IItIWEIS4 Office .ti0.'255 girth street, Phnsdelohla, All httersanawered protup' ly, with cfreulars and terms. TASTED—AAENTSTo well t ha • only owl.' SOUTiIERN lIISToRy OF W 'rite Lost CaAißt,- BY E. A. POLEAILD. • Corrd,loto In LAN() E fIOTA I. OCTA ():„: VOLT ME of neany SW/ poxes. Illustrate d. . Also our It Ano-11..toks:ot ten:moo, KEY-Nt: vti OF Aal EktleAN LlltEttl) bind 41.111,ES Timm < THE LOUTH. Agents otould.do well to sent for oor cireutar a awl torma Wore eugsgltig lu the rale of other Wort,. Addrcoo or APP// to •^ A. L. TALCOTT; '5B IlarioiStree.. rattinu.,h, TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, - A FIRST CLASS RESIDENCE, Located to Fourth, Fifth. in alb, Penn or P.mith field street.. One with tt ab:rat iached referrc... DieN.LASTIIR, GAZZAIII & do., .ro. 98 Grant Street • no 7 • WANTED, ACENTS AND SALESMEN . In every Town. City and County In the Iliadic. • ' Southern end Western Elates. Everybody out or employment will find It to th tr It:accent to call at . • Ng. 43 Fifth St., tip Stairs, Or address P. 0. Box 301 Vittaburgh. Pa. oce.rva AGENTS WAN N TED FOR A EW BUOK, NOW HEADY. WOMEN OF„THE WAR. . By BEANS-#.oBer 0. anti.: of "Teßobeltlon • .1 ;,, Mcurd, ,, ,o. • The object of this work Is t collect and present narratives of theaerviees attic Some. who abated the portlsof the war.aud ought to inherit its gior The volume contains about 000 oct iver pages, and in 11/1191,1,ted with steel plate portraits, em graved to the most Improved style. Sold only by subscription. 'tor kdrcolars, address or apply to = = AGENTS WANTED BY TIDE EV. REELL SEWING CtI3ICAN'i to sell their NEW Ero3 IiLACIIIN W,I I Ft:Vi mom Meson paper to heal; y iteaVtr cloth or leather eoitn out change of feed. needle •'r tendon. lleif-altlsl.lllg ptessere foot and newly' deelene•l fi;Jr motioned LINDEuIetIID. Addicts, enelos.mtstamp, J It. HALL a Cit., GS Flfth street, Floor,) ore ' Pittsburgh. Ca. • MEN WANTED, • TO ACT AS SALESMEN, • Either permanently or temporarily, *Gm Are patent to tomaee Ln first-deal pnstnele relations. Apply liapers.on or a.l\lresa Pi. IL ae11...185 9al Grant street. ritt.leiral., fa. A GENTS IVA NTED—For the Gold MEDAL :.+EWING ht.(' tINI In every City and County In the Unlou. The 'teat envirt eased two-threat Machine In the wort , . tAildress A. k' 'lolll3uki S CU., ail Washington street, kusiol, .Mass. • DIVIDEND NOTICES THIRD NATIONAL BANK, PIT/STICH/al, rITTSIICIWII. NOT 7th, WA. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK. bare this day declared a dividend of SIX PERCENT. ON THE CAPITAL STOCK, Free of Uorerniueut tax, out of the e•rnlusa of the last six mouths, parnole on Lad after. MUNI/AY NE-IT, the attla 'noel: • ellao. It. LIVINOUTi.N, Citable, DIVIDEND OPTICILIVZSTLAN INn1111.1!•ZCZ YlTTerat Cu, Nov. 6;13, 1, , X, 5 TUE .110AF:D OF DIILEC [OBS, of this Compatty Aare ;kis day tleclartd s dtridend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFT X CENTo aport each cbaru of the espl7 tat Rock, out of the eernod profits of expired risks of the Inn alt months, .free of Government ape. State taxes, payable to Stoektiolders - on and after the 13th that, WU. P. lIEttBSRT, MEM CITIZENS' NATIONAL BAS:_ t Errlsottatitl; 6th November A ma. A THE DIRECTORS RETIRES BANK ... have tate day &clued a dt_dend of FIVE PEE. CENTIon the C/411141 stock.: utof the von , * or the last. AL: months, payable ,o and after the 12th' lost.. Tree 'of Government tax. • a07:1354 J. E. BSA. Y, JR.. Castaler. EXCULLSOZ NATIONAL - IS/0m .r 1 . 11758 t 1011. t nrisuchoth Pa., NOT 6. ItYsd. TO k' DIIIEC rons 014TIIIS BANK have declarol a dividend of OIX PBS CENT. hum the earnings (.1 the last .4., nientba, payable to shareholders en demand. '.1he17,47 Income Tax I. raid bribe Bank, nol:n19 MMTM=! QUARTERLY DIVIDEND. FtaaT KAT.ION. L Ha2cs. Prtrz•buitcar, (Late Pittsburgh I Comuany I FtrTelib aGu, Nov. rib bare THE PIRECTORI OP THIN I.:ANE t Is day deela , etl a quarterly dirldt tut of T tlaCEf'Ett - CENT. on the • spiral:lto:A out or tee proles attic thr.eirremtba. payable fora; rettbk, tree hi' tea. • noaath3 . J. u. eCUELY, Canbler • M4 . MMfM HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAiLOR, Northwest Corner of Penn & Nt. Clair Ste. • Outten to return thanks to hie friend., and the pril• hater the tuan• neat favors, and respectfully collo, Ita a share of their fature patronage. Ile' wool pleased to have them examtne late ' Large and Carefully Selected Stock Fine Woolen ,Goodsi Paracivarly adapted IiIiTLEBTS UAI /QV FAIL .encas LARGE STOCK OF - • I 1300 - Y'S SUITS . AND OVEIWQATB, Of the latest styles (or Winter sestob, taw 111 store : by GRAY & LOGAN, .Vo. 47 St. Clair Street. oem FALL AND WINTER GODDS. . W;H= MPGLE J , N 0.1.0 St. (late St,tect s ecas - ad rill the attention olAptices to 1,1, itaek 61 66665, which has hems aelecte d srlth . - „ecat cam, tad ••contains alt house.st ..tylen 000.....• e• Irst-c.: ass Gent. y. , auttna • SUIT OF OLOTIIE.S MADE TO t/I:DEIt. Will plesse earl cod examine our goods and peter. Also a full and complete atoek of FOttNIHOINti WM. 11. ThICGEE, • id.EII(3I:IANT TA..1L02-. • . iCo. 10 Si. Clair Street. Pituborgh. .a..1.8 1 01%1M1D0, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY; DIAMONDS, 1162X-817ZE14 121749.21...1%, French clocks,'' &c. lt t r val glyen totheASPAMING 07 j ar seaniurrt .7fb. 22 i'intritrest. BEILL-ENGLINII VENETIAN BLD. "Canaan:Oa. '• ranalred and for pas bp telußta .11. /CELLI' 41, ME II EMEIM2 I