The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 13, 1866, Image 1

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    ix ~'*".l.4'l=l
Penniman, Reed & Co.,
88 N'irtjeatToot.
F. B. egAINIMAN, ) 2,1
P. P. 1101.18ToN, _
ElllO.l r. REED. i 4 "in e " 215"ge1•-
glue e Copies...". .............
Lel:vend tiy carrter r (per week)
Subscribers, (peryear)
Llbirot redaction, to Ne...b07. at 4 ii 44222
the pisbitegh 64getti,.
111 II
A. 1118£01 . )12101ti has been evinced on tie
part of matty,of the old admirers of Slavey
to attribute the' comramt ive failure of brods
in the Southern States almost exclusively
to the inertness of the blacks since coer
ciooluta been withdrawn. Gen. Jenkins,
of Georgia, puts a different face on the mat
ter. ge attributes the failure in part to
the indisposition to steady labor of the
freedrutp, but chiefly from unpropitious
leallolll. But even Withthese abatements,
h . - , adds, what will be an agreeable surprise
everywhere, that the pecunidry results of
the year are Of cotton, he says . .
the "prlge of the article will be more than
three-fold that of the average of former
years, - whilst the production-in weight will
be.fully rine-third of that realized in -those
years." •
THERE aro reports that the Feniani,
propitiatory to the next onset upon Cana
da,. niean to cut the Atlantic Cable. Any
nation at war with another, - Would do the
same thing, provided ,!.heir :interests re
quired the barbarism. But it remains to
be shown'that excursions by certain classes
or our own citizens, against the territory
of au adjoining nation, with which we
are at peace, are legitimate acts of war
3lns. IllcCxxnE, a:faruter's wife, living
near Quincy, Illinois, apparently died on
Sunday, a week ago, ant neat day was
buried in the family vault, near the house.
On Wednesday, groana were heard in the
vault by sonic children; the collin was
opotted, and the woman fOund alive. She
had injured herself in attempting to force
open the coffin, but is recovering.
TUE young RepubliCans of Washington
are concerting measures to give Congress
a formal and cordial welcome upon its 're
assembling. Civic and military delega
tions'are expected to participate from - dif
ferent cities. This is the demonstration
which -the supporters of "My Policy"
construe into an assault upon the Presi
'iTrtE Cleveland papers are jubilant over
the completion of the he* Union_Passen
ger Depot in that city, which they claim to
be the largesr in tho world. It wis for=
many opened on Saturday, with a banquet
and speeches. The building is 008 feet
.long by 180 broad, and cost half ti
of dollars.
COLORADO has taken the start of all the
territories in establishing a good common
school,. system. A seminary for higher
education has also been commenced, under
favorable Auspices, at Central City. Ari
zona, Montana, Idaho and New Mexico
have made no aorta worth mentioning in
this direction.
Ix Cincinnati, Judge Warren has de
cided that "a conviction by a court mar
tial would be necessary to disfranchise a
deserter" under the act of Congress. This
has the merit of adhering to the "line of
safe precedents," -
-. 'BEFORE the New 'York election Mr.
.Seirard's frietids said heivould regard the
defeat of Mr. Coffman as such a demand
for big own return to private life as he
would feel bound to, obey. Why don't he
hurry UPI& resignation ?
THE time was when 'Tharlow Weed
claimed to be the Warwick of American
politics.•• The power is broken. The
witchery of Iffe incantations is dissolved.
He only excites jeets by lingering longer
,on the stage:
4THE Buffalo Ucinmereica, which, as its
name imports, was sold to the President,
and supported his policy till after the late
elections, concedes that the people have de
cided in favor of Congress.
. Cowasaes will =Wig regulat edesiott
op Monday, the third day of December—
.three weeks from yesterday.' Alieady
some of tlis members haie Arrived it
Washington 4,
Aar account of an apparatus for consum
ing all the.smoke and gases evolved from
eoal, withll computation of the saving
made therJby, is given in another column,
and is worth considering.. .
Tan Oc!'ober elections sent the mercury
in the re thermometers all over. the
Bonth dovta several degrees. 'The Novem:
her electifti must send it down to tro.
Tlinnuis a possibility that Lippencott,
Repubil, has been elected to Congress
rim the linth district of Iliinols, mak
ing a gal ; of one member. '
Ix Is now stated that General Sherman
luts'gone to lifezico , to see the French well
off. The result will doubtless put a differ-.
ant face on the matter.
THE election of Van Horn, Radical,
over Waddell, Demo - erotic, in tbo Sixth
- Congressional district of Missouri; appears
to bo certain. - _
GOY. FLETTITEII s CharlJeD. Drake, and
Henry T. Blovt are .cornpetitors for the
United States Senatorship in Missouri.
TuE Republican majority Li Illinois
''rans • np to 68,000. . .
The Senetership
,1041 ES. EDIYOBS hierrin:—.l6 It not iralWir'
Teel that an expression should be had, on the
J:art - sr :h.e people of Western Pennsylvania,
as to their' eheice in the determination of the
- question of the 131C002501111.1151 to Mr. Cowan
....In view of his app: thing retirement tenni
the sea:act ClUtemPue apt t o he TOmilli in
matters oft/As sort. The 7 fkre t• 00 much 019 "
posed to refer the adjust:Walt of 'political
questions to ooh cliques or combinations
(seff.constituted soinorety) as mar
assume the es ponsibility. SlSPcfltoge
to have taught -us a totter lessen. Yot the
betsSenaorial position of ail °them, men aught
to elected of assured few. as well as abil
ity. Such a combination is seldom foetid in
'the politician (taken In Its commonly 2u:opt
ed sense) and yet by the existing order of
managements from such material the choice
has to be made.
The y. Omenry of Western Pennsylvania
constitute the strength of the tnepublicart
-patty of the State, and yet of the three diets.
• ions (politically) of Its territory their section"
is least regarded in the disposition of of
honors. Their community interests we car
' tainty commensurate with either of those of
the other partitions. The retiring Senator Is
their Senator, and they are fairly entitled,
. certainly, to have a voice in the nomination
of his aueoessor: With men well np to the
• • mart of suitability for the plaoo—men of
-standard a:concur. in every res Peat,
Thomas Williams, for instance—why :would.
we loon beyond the motaitalnsfar aMOM.
Ilc a
4; 0 11111 ) ,
3 cents.
..... 15 emus.
At Wm. Fleming's ladies fur house, No. 155
Wood street. At this establishment may bo
seen one of the deist and target assortments
of ladles and misses' furs ever offered for
sale in this city, consisting of Capes, Berthas,
Eugenes, !duffs and Cuffs; Gay's Patent Eicoi
slor kluff4hlso a large assortment of gents'
fine fur Caps, Collars and Gloves . . Persons
wanting anything in the above lino will please
call and examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. • Wit. FLLMIIIO,
'- No. 13T Wood street.
Remind our city and country friends, that Fo
e. Fit th Street., Is the renowned emporium for
the sale of fleets and Shoes, directly under
the Opera House'.
That Gardiner, No, 60 Tifth street, that is sell
toll the cheapest and boat Boots and ttithee I
dome doubt; nevertheless, it is true. Tx" ,
him. • .
Ton Can Bay
Foreign Liquors of all kinds at Josephs.
Finch's Distillery, N0.189r190,114 end 193 First
street, Plttabnrgh.
Large supply of Full and Winter geode, being
received, new novelties, at the Opera House
Shoe Eitoro.
CM - to Fleming'. Drug. tore.
I , Zo. SI Market street, 'for llestetter'S and
Drake's hitters, cheaper than any other
7 , -
• Remember
Good Cough Candy can be obtained at 112 red
Oral street, Allegheny City. GEO.: Beacas.
Go to Flemlp/i4 Drug Store,
No. 8i Market street, for the beet Dedielna
Liquors oral' kinds.
Saperlority of Gni - diner's Boota and Shoes is
unirersall, acknimiedged. -
• Look Uere Quick,
You aro wanted, at 'the Opera House Shoo
ales Is Immense, ut too Opera House shoo
lied - action In prices, at the Opera House Shoo
You Coo Buy
Now Hops at Joseph S. Finch's
Ton Can'.6oy
row Hops et Joseph S. Pinch's.
[By the Merchants' Batioesi Telegraph C 0.3
. Prom 011 MY'.
Special to the Fittsburgh Palette.
Myer seventeen inches. Weather cool and
Oil market dull and nothing doing.
FrinsithlN, November 12,Ileiti, •
'rho river at Oil City fifteen inches; at Frank
lin sixteen incites, and falling slowly. These
la grospects of rain.
The London Times and the Fenian
miera—lnetirreetton In Sareelona—A
Plot In ripain—The War In Japan End
ed—Death Mr the Ticoon Confirmed.
LONDON, NovembOr 12.—The London Times'
Of this morning, says S Considering the diffi
cult position of the President of the United
litates, and ids efforts to prevent the invasion
of the Braid; 'Territory, in liorth" America,
it would see with satisfaction some compli,
ance ith his request in behalf of the lenlana
who had been convicted of treason and sen.
'mond to death; Wit still It would concede
no immunity in case of another invasion.
Pasts. Nov. It—The report that an 'near
rectlonhad takun plan!) In Barcelona In un
n.onto, Nov. It plot has been dlecover
ed In the city of iaragossa, In consequence of
which, severs] Arrests have been mail,,.
Losnox, Nov. 12.—^ elegrapide dsspetches
have been received, which statettbat the it ar.
in Japan bas ended.
The report of the death of the Tycoon is con.
Livinuroim, Npv.l2.—Eo2ton bears; MlMlling
U tt u' ltn a Ln " ko d 4. s g e ltrnso b tlll% for money; 11.
.S. 5-200, Erie, S 2; Enna* Central, 77. X.
Argument of Cestosele—Wllliath Duggan
ToUOI7O, C. W., Oct. 11—The Court met at
V/ o'clock today. From the seare.ty of spec.
tators it was evident that the 'excitement
which, during the past week, has calked ro.
;larding the Fenian trials, was considerably
abated. She members of the bar present were.
lion. J. IL Cameron, 11. A. Harrison. D.
and J. MeNab, for the Crown, and H. lecHln.
Ile, J. Fleming Murphy for the accused. At a
quarter past twelve His Lordship took his
seat on the bench', William Leggin was the
Ent who was place d In'tne dock. Ha it stout,
able-bodied looking man, apparently between
forty and fifty yous of age.
Mr. MclCensie—l move, my Lord, in this case
to have the Indictment quashed on the seine
grounds as that relied ori in the case of the
Queen vs. O'Neil and others.
The prisoner exercised his right and chal
lenged through his counsel, thirteen jurors
before a jury was empinueiled.
Mr. Mc.lienzie—"BefOre -my learned friend
Mr. MaNab -opens the awe, I would move
the. Court thatit, calls upon . the Crown, to se
lect cm what counts in the indietment,
pose to try the -prisoner; whether they elect
him to be tried .s an American citizen or
British subject. I think 'that this is the proper
time to do soi I submit, the pawner has no
right to be tried on two distinct Offence. on
the same Indictment. '-
Mr, Harrison—Mv Lord, I submit that this is
.not a proper tires to bring forward such en
After a lengthy aignment between counsel
His Lordship rejected Mr. McKie:ids motion.
Mr. McNab opened for the Crovrif in
a short address.
After - the examination of witnesses Hon.
Cameron said zth.t, It being hal Elitist five, it
would be better perhaps to reserve the pro.
ceedlngs for tke defense till tomorrow, and,
the jury could be looked-up tor the night.
A juryman asked whether .there was any
need of hearing 'evidence forAhe defense ln'
case they were agreed that no case was made
out. The Judge said there would not.
Juryman—We are: unanimonsly of opinion
we most acquit the prisoner.
Ills Lordship—That disposes ot ,
The Clerk recorded and declared the verdict
"Not Guilty: , • ,
His Lordship, addressing the prisoner, said:
uggan. the jury found you not
guilty, an d I think properly so. Ton have re.
ceived a charneter in three brief words which,
state that yod are an "honest, hard drinking.
bard working man: , Contract that eliarecter,
if son can, and be in future an honest, bard
working man, and all will be right. Now you
ace at liberty.
Who camel will Ciao Concluded-111e
State Prison—A Reform Reedost—Cele-
Ern , Yeas, Nov. 12.—The Jumel will case
wee colataanced and,ooncludel today in the
Supreme Mutt: The Jury, after an absence
of live minutes. rendered a verdict in sub
stance, that Mao testatrix was in an unsound
state ot mind when she made the will:
The /*ening...Express says that an officer- of
one of the benevolent inetitnUons of title city,
receptly paid artofflolat visit to the State pris
on at Sins Sing anti reports a most Injudicious
and Inhuman Ineitiod of discipline prevalent
in that institution and strongly recommends
an investigation by" the prison association.
Mr. Williams, tho Episcopal clergyman who
was charged th picking Alio pocket of a
laxly In a Attl M e t es stake, has been' released
on ball— •
The evacuation - of this silty by the British
forces, In 1783, will be commemorated by the
First division of the National Guard of this
State on the Seth, when the annual fall parade
of the division will take plane.
Terrine estle—Sekoo Eters Wise Kerr,
" yowl , Hors. O. W., Nov. 12.—A terrible gale
on take Ontario occurred on Sunday morn.
Ing. Tile following disasters are reported
hereabouts: Schooner John StevemeonZ beach.
ad; high and dry, near railway station;
schooner elliplan, total wreak; schooner Iris,
sank alongsrde cribs; schooner listen - clone
In New Harbor; schooners Union, North Star
and Atlantic damaged.
2410 far 'Destitute illaltermsam.
(Mum, N0v.12..4t la understoml that tho
ooveramant will. tarnish all relief for dastl.
tut., ashen:mu on the Labrador coast
- Tho Quatro ham witted' a letter to Mr. Wats
rt ,g ll l=ln t attho Eal r lat b rarg i to re o id serid.
allyoraMsapriadog seep sympathy. '
rerritee hoffrinmiud Heavy Iliprinkllty
The Times correspondent gives the follow
tog particulars of the great ram
'no in India: •
A Calcutta. paper, of August lath, says
Twenty thriusann paupers !tom the Carmine
sit leken districts have inundated Calcutta,
and tie arrivals are reckoned at two bun Oren
a day. We hive. on (Oa highest :lilt homy, a
frightful picture or the prevailing tlestltur.on
especially In Cuttack. It would be difficuit
to exdggerate•the n.agnittitle anti extent Of
the calamity; all tile accounts I have Scott
have underrated It4it Is difficult to obtain re.
liable statlsties as to the mortality from fan
-lee, and cholera occasionetl_ly 'it; but all I
have seen and heard convinces me that it has
been on a scale of frightful inaauttudo.
There are still lour long black months be
fore us, hough. for a month past there has
seemed to be some slight abatement in the
distress. In the four districts of lielasare,
Alidnapoor, Sarnia and Tirhoor over torty
tbouband non-laboring paupers wore being re
lieved daily In the latter part . of July, beside
seven thousand who were able to make some
return for food by working. -A week later we
find thirty-lour thousand relieved nally in
Bolasare and Midi:weer alone, while Poore°
and N'uttila add 17,001 more to the said
is believed that in Cuttack the majority' of
tile people must tile herein relief cult .reach
them, while one thousand pennons a day were
perishing at the single station of Bolasdre.
A vessel, the Tuba! Cain, which was bring
ing them food was driven off by a storm and
compelled to thro w overboard Mailbags ot rice,
hut Maeda not all anti possibly not the worst.
The new crop of rice will eoou be obtained,hut
It is likely to odd a new source of danger: for,
lacking other food the poor people will devour
10 in Its Immature and unwhole.oniestate and
a dseatiful pestilence will probably Mts be
produced. '
Unless the land can be covered with a net
work of railroads and canals, there seems no
escape from the frequent repOiltiOa of such
calamities, and that dayl is fur distant.
Another account says:. en the famine
was at its height, the starving poor, we are
told, crowded Into the streets of Calcutta,
and it was estimated that 110' fewer than twen
ty to twenty-Ove thermion( starving people,
were' wandering about the capitol. At Mel-
Metes Ghat, chore the Bombay met,
chants rinsed - a land and distributed I
food, there Wore at one time ;OW
famishing applicants ex °wiled up. They
were described to. placed In - order upon
an open space waiting Inc :the , distribution:
On onto side nearly 4,0/0 !finder's, each with a.
leaf platter before him, were scattered on the
wet ground hastily partaking of the scanty
dole they received. On the tiler side were
thousands ht famlabing Mumelmans, ranged
in like manner and watching with client and
greedy eagerness the imeal of their /Mimeo
brethren, dud collotillg bitter longings
the minutes until their turns should come.
Under the shelter or the Ghat urowdett the
women, girls acid children.
,„ Outside the gates were hundredd anti bun.
dreds who Ilan lost their chance till the next
distribution, but over all a horrible dead sl.
lence—no chattering or converse—baldly u
sound eiceptiug ,when, at intervals, toms
wretch threw up his arms with an ejaculation
to heaven, wrung from him by the unapteaoa
ble pangs of Mincer. More Mot this, tellelais
*rote: home descriptions of meeting dead
bodies In every morning's ride—bodied lying
in the road with the village dogs eating them
A Calcuttajournel stated that in Ihtlasore
having a population of 12.000, the iloatla
swooned to ~00 a day, and on the Govern went
demanding of the ullicials it report against
the • libel, the collector of the district rep'
that on the Oth of augnst he hail 240 du the
ritY. on the 5111, 151, and for the ;reekending
the, 151 a day. The bodies sometimes re
maining unburied for three days. • • • ,
The province of Orissa angered the most
severely; one paper declaring that 400,010 130ilig .
have - perished In maritime Orlset alone. in-
deed a telegram from Andiu annoucce that.
halt the population of Orissa have perished In
the famine—that is, I olly.two in Bilotti and a - ,
half of people. .
Another Cam.]lin Invasion—M(l.loz.
not y«t Depe - riect fur Irelend-141-
•IrtiCllolllll CO Circle. ThrOngt•call
the; Cottuiry. •
Yong, Noviinber 10.—Builnesi Is pro
greasmg very smoothly at the Steptien. Read
Quarters Just now, money and ern's contin
ue to Dow In wlth:lncreased raplulty, one Uni
ted States reglißent contributed Race' bun
dred and eighty-one dollars.
Ur. Stephens :has act yet taken his dcpar
- . •
The World believes that the Fentans,con
template a !renewal of their movements
against the flritiell North AmeriCue poases
along, and ?are making active Preparations
for annthcrltivasion of Canada.
circular is out In a letter of Instruction,
to the centre of each circle in the country,
givlug • directions as to the organization of
Infantry, artillery and cavalry regiments,
and.thoproper nutforals for each corps, etc.
ft eminates from the (lead qulrters of the
itoberts branch of the Fenian brotherimod.•
Mexican Maners—Protest teem Ortega
BPOlrSneliLli, Nov. 8 -Via New Outeenay
Nov. 11—Tin rarrold'S special ..aye:
Ortega and suite art !veil at grunts ou the 31,
but were arrested by too Military atithardies
and afterwards permitted to return •to - Now
Orleans, but remained at, Brazos.
A protein from lieueral Ortega and Ule Mem
bers of lils.stute, appears in the Rio Wanda
Ciburisiof merlons.
The Geteral first refers to the guarantees
under wbthh be came—gUarant en winch 1m
elaitna, in taw! . scope, tacitly admit his pro
per political character an the constitutional
Presidentnf. the Mexican Republic. Be then
recites the acts accompanying and includurg
the arrest, and protests, lint, against the no.
lotion of the individual guarantees given by
the law of this country to loreigners traveling
therein; second, in the name of and no
President of the Mortenn.Republic as consti
tuting an Indirect inlet (entice by armed force
Of tiro United. States In t lie ;caution et the local
Mexicali quest:Mei and tiara, against any act,
direct or latfireef, which, through attempts to
-impose upon„ the people of Mexico tne trac
tional government of Don Benito Juares.
lam satisfied that the policy hum will be
hereafter much more active in support of
Juarez, and that,at least n strong moral MO u
.ence will be exerted to settle the troubles
over the river. ' •
Blavayonas, Nov.. G.--Canate.s still holds
the city. On the a ft ernoon of the 24.14 a courier
arrived nem Prow J starer bearing it peremp
tory order for the surrender 02 the city to Ta
'pia. after holding a council of ills otheers,
Cauales consented to surrender on the follow
ing conditions, viz.:
Thu troops to pass beyond thettato of Tam
'anlipas, all the acts of Cantata. tultaluistra•
Lion to be declared valid no one, to be prose
cutedfor politactilacts since ttio 12th of Au
gust, Canales to remain In command of the
troops. These conditions Tapia .styled un
worthy of notice, and stated that he should
attack the town ut nit early day. Canalei
continues to exact money rout the people.
An 'injunction" Nerved on Governor
- Plotener—tleetion Returns—Bodies/
Majority in Missouri 23,000.
ST. LOUIS, November 12.—Injunetione, at the
instance of Morris, Jessup a Co.; New York,
Lave been nerved upon Governor Fletcher and
railroad companies to prevent thent from
selling the Cairo and rotten Railroad for the
benefit of that'Stats% The petitronere for in
junctions hold three hundred and ninety-four
thoneand dollars lit bonds on:the said road,
secured by two deeds of truit,'ittid claim t bat
the only right the Mate has in the midi-that
of a mortgage; and 4ubject to ordinary quali
ties and limitatlchtsof such Instrument. The
cane will come baciru the United States Cir
cuit Court in thelkpril seaslou. •
Eighty countlee in this State:deo an °Metal
reported Radical. majority of 'GAO. The
countlee vet to-hear from will probable in
crease it to between twenty and twenty-Svc
thousand, •
mextean Affairs-8414t0n contraelleted—
Col.'Melvor Released.
Now UHLMANN November 12.-11. A. De La
Rutntree, Secretary of the Mexican Legatton
under the ministry of filcLatn, Just returned
from Ctitbanima, publisher a brief fetter In
the Plenum , contradicting the rumereiland
statements that in consideration of the comb ,
tenance and support afforded President
Juarez by our Government, he would volte, nt
to alionateportions of the Mexican Republic.
colonel Melver, Into of the rebel army, pho
has been held ander military arrest, has been
The grand meteOrlo display, botiecen mid
night and dawn promises to be witnessed by
Obaeogiolu...of a RebeLlieasral—Sneeesa
Loom/awe, November 13.—The romaine of
ex,renel General !humeri were Interred at
imxington.yesterglay 'after the preliminary
exercises here. There wu no disturbance.
MoFerran, Armstrong It Co., one of six of
our most prominent cotton merchant firms,
tatter , inaugurated a daily three o'clock after.
noon market by auction, whereby planters
have the option to take the prices last offered.
The affair turned out a splendid success, na
halm being offered, and 6/5 sold at alliiaittc.
The. Caluellels Clopfederstitta PieJenne.
Iturearee, O. Nov. 12.—h is' understood
that storm meat will be made public After the
departure of the udideterial delegation. an.
now:ming important earUculare Of the course
to be .purned by,tbeza to Zeeland relative to
Lis Ceittederaobu wham'.
citthe lie - vicottoto narkes,
Disasters at Nee--!mount of Colo In ad
C. N. TreAsurs—Clrealnr from demi.
tort' McCulloch—lnternal Revenue—
The Portion or Telt Davis Asked CM.
—The Piddle Lamle.
NY esuntirrox. November 12.—Consul lark-
Patrick, at Nassau, reports additional plas
ters by_ the recent gale, among which are sev-
Oral americau.vessels lest. ,
The examinatlen of applicants for Contelar
places proves nor to be a microform, lint 1$
rigid and thorough. Out of the num:monsoon
(thirties ir....0 have presented themselves; Onli
two thus Jar have been passed by the Beat
The amount of coin on hand to-day in the
Treasury was $4077,759, and coin certificates,
420531,540; total; {7,0,14,319. ;
The Secretary of the Treasury has kissed a
circular amending the following paragraph
contained In the Treasury Department ("rai
lar of Slay 27th, 1847, to the Treasurer and Ass
Blatant Treasurer of the United States; and
depositories of public moneys: Whenever any
disbursing onleerf or disbursing agent shall
die, resign, or be s'upereeded or removed, You
will at once atop i urt her payment of his drafts
or 'checks previously drawn. thwarter
cheeks previously drawn by disbursing agents
who may die, resign, or bo removed, sill be
paid i rom funds on hand 'to their
credit unless the name atoll hove
heat drawn taste than four months before
their presentations, or there are reasons for
suspecting •frami, or circumstances which
would lend a judicious officer to decline to
pay the name.. Referring, also, to the dire*.
tions In aid circular, of the same date, to dhs
beam g tfflcers and agents, that public &POS.
!tortes will not be required to pay drafts of
disbursing officers when payable to any par•
son or his order. The construction which las
been placed upon these instructions forbid
ding the payment of such draßs payable to
order is hereby modified, and hereafter the
Treasurer Assistant Treasurer and publi c
Depositories are authorized, in their discre
tion, when satiated of the correctnessof the
ind.reletuents, to pay drat ts payable to order
in cases where serious ineourenienee,delay
Or injury would result by refusing to pay the
Tho following appointments of Internal
Rerenno onkel s were made to-day: Daniel
H. Neiman, Aaayssor for trio 10th district of
Pennnylviulla; Thomas Miller, Assessor for
,he 7th district Of 01110.
The receipt° from Internal ROVOMUO to-day
were /.649.174.&i.
Messrs. Lowry and ilillyer, Commissioners
from Mississippi to ask for the pardon ofJeff.
Darts, were at thu White House toolay, and
left a note asking the President to 11. r. a Stay
for an Jaunt-law.
Thu lienural Land Office his' received re
turns from Tellabsidee,,Flonda:showlag that
duriug October 21,448 acres of the public lands
were disposed of la that State for actual std.
t/cment under the Flotne.tend law.
Returns from the local °Cho at st, rater,
Minnesota, show that during' the past mouth
3,658 acres wore disposed of.
The Nouthern Preto on the Northern
tarotton.—The %toot on Rwanda,. the'
.I.;.tot—The Fite of the Constituttontil
Amouoment. '
New Yong, Nov, 12.—The stramabtp 'NW
York, from Bremen on the 28th, has arrived.
' The following is the Richmond Whip's le
cr on thelate elections: "Just an we thought:
Just as we said they wonid do. The Radicals
wive swept the north, and In that word we
clude the west, which seems ro rival New Eng
land In ,ruillcaltain. We are accustomed to
distinguish the western from the northern
Stated by kiwi, almost tender, phrases, and,
to expect from then: mautfestations of censer-
Xiitaitta not looked for in the former, we will
not be apt to do so liereattel.
The %Vest In- thoroughly imbiled with the
- rancorous spirit of ltadlcallstu. Some of the
heartiest haters and bitterest persecutors of
the South are front the Western 4Nortlei
western States, such us Wade, Schenck, Ethel
latmrcer, Grimes, Be. With • the ex
newton of Maryland and the unflinching lit
tle Delaware,e hien edit:Vs thinks and acts tor
nmself, j tite whole Not tit hiss gone just pas we
expected, foe itself, against the South, against
the Colon, and against the Constitution. Not
even could tile heavy Conservative majority
In New York city redeem the State of New
York. The majorities In the several districts
'more than counterbalanced It.
We are happy to lie able to nay that the spir
it, Prof our people do not appear at all de
'prowl! by the results Of glens eleettona.. Ti.•
egrogeted nothing else, and ate therefore not
disappointed. The indications ate that the
Northern sectional Party has rather lost than
gained. It has. already reached that position
in Which - it had everything to fear and little
to hope. It could not expect to Increase its
power by new accessions, but lied canoe Map.
prebend the losses and gilding away of its
strength. , Radical mm may health' to have at.
tallied Ws oulmtnating point and hencefor
ward itacourso will downward.
Tee effect of theae elections upon the fate
or Oho Conathutionni A wend went Is the inter
esting point or Inquiry. The fidelity of Mary.
land and LadaWate to COngervatlvelem has, as
far as too can judge, sealed the. fate of that
amendment. t required but ten Staten to
defeat, and we now have fourteen arrayed
against It. There would ateent to lnf but one
s ul a l e ot t o L or securing tilt paltry tort Relics Into
Prices of esoudatuffs Contrasted.
Now Tone, November 12.—The Prima* con
trasts the prices of breaderturs with those
ruling through the poet six yeare, by which It
appears that flour Is now riper tent. higher
than during the - highest market, when gold
was much higher limn now, and adds: Al.
thongli there way be no feeds to warrapt the
preeent extraordinary price, for breadotugs
there Is yet a canoe Tor the advance, aril that
canoe I. speculative .Man la. WeaterMtkalers
hold back their produoo, undo the remit Is
seen lu the lollowitor receipts of Muir and
wheat ut Tide Water, from the epee:lngot nav
igation to the clomp of October: Flour—ln 1666,
212,700 bbla; in 1e65, 650,700 bbl.; In 1864. Mice.
Wheat—ln 1866, 11,61.3,9 W by; In W, 6,797,8 00 hu;
1064, 13,17/3,001.1 ho. Withal:me light receipts
at t. aboard, and within two or three weeks oi
the close 01 navigation, It Is net erirprlalcia
that the idea of a short supply for the whaler
causes extravagant speculation, but let the
grain holders look out and stand from ander.
linitalna-Amenirgeno telegraph
SAN FRANCHICCI, Novemeor it —Tim' bn r k
Onward r. porta haring leftist retropoulowah I
fifteen oporatore and constructers in t h e ser
vice of rho Russlan.A.morioan telegraph ex
pedition. • •
ice bed cpmmenged forming when the On
.word 'eft, but th mon wero comfortably
housed for the win er.
_ -
Tne proof° of retropoulowski treat the
party with great hospitaitty.
Colonel Bulkicy started for Anadyr Bay,
August rd,d is ,expected here during the
present month.
Tee fluseuin war steamer aria's, left the
same day fur lileolaufski currying Cemtt
. Allll,9OEr, the Rusalun Commissioner.
Germania Confederation
New Tone, November 11.—A London letter
says: There seems little reason fb dnnbt that
the Kin; of lloilaud will at mute join .the
NOM burnian Confederation. There Is a
strong party In the country which lb not only
willing, but amxions to transfer the govern
ment of the country to Prussia, and if Its
members ran do no mote, they can at least In
duce the King to resign his pretensions to the
Government of Luseubourg. Since NM that
Duchy has formed a pa. t, of the German Bend,
and bus been garrisoned by Prussian troops.
Not a single Dutch giddier has ever occupied
the fortress, and to all Intents and purposes
the place Was a part of Germany In agree
ment with tne provision of the C ongress of
Colorado Election—Letter from Ciov.
PRILADttrulA ' Nov. 1.2.—A letter finblished
from Governor Cummings, of Colorado, - do.
nice the aspersions against him for giving a
certificate of election to Mr. Hunt as a Con.
gresslonal delegate. He atates that Hunt re
ceived a legal majority of the votes. the Board
of Canvalisers - having counted for Chllleott.
the candidate of the party anxious for the
admission of Colorado as a (state, the votes of
a company of volunteers formed of Kobel prim.
oilers enlisted at Chicago, who had no right
to vote.
Durd erer Mr's. Gar von and Daughter
BassOnvitte, S. C., November 12.—The net
grocei who killed !dm Garven and daughtvr,
near Orangeburii, worn hung on haturday by
thu citizens. The freedmen of the vicinity
a ern no incensed against the perpetrators of
the outrage that they• wanted to burn the
murderers, but worn pi - ovented by the whites.
Borrow. Nov. ll—lnteresting and !inpres•
siva farewell -services-were MALI 'this lifter
noon on board the missionary ship almning
Star, a vaned built with the moans raised by
n0,u09 children Of the American kiabbatii
Schools. The services wore witnessed bp over
two Moment' persons,
—lt fe !Mid that an artificial ivory in now
made In France from a paste of papier mocha
and gelatin. Millard balls formed of thin ma
terial, though berely.a third ot the price of
tho-o made from real ivory, are yet no dursble
and elastic that they Min be thrown tromp:le
top of the bonne on to the Pavement, orvieleut
lv struck with a - hammer, Without lajury,
With this sameaste, to which the name of
Parisian marble i n given, among many other
things, the finest and most complicated mold
ings for ceilings con bo made, or captiaLs of
collie:is (Inn bo cnnetrneted to any cohOr so 1111
to resemble the most-valuoble Morbid&
—The Newburyport Rea atte n dedtOrf of
newly married couple whoa launch
gentle he elf,.
Intotaging gave way and , let the
man the water. Iletore he was reo ,
cued his wig came otfand floated away. When
h e wee pulled out, bald and drenched, hie
wife refused to teeegekte him, and besought
the crowd. that they would save her lenshand,
.peinting frantically to a bough (When drifting
down the tide; .•
—Coal veins, respectively six and throe feet
In thickness Lissa been strock near Leaven
worth at a distance f sbo u tefz muarw
beneath the surface. The Leavenworth Clan
*wearies =lulu the eau!, will be .eateleient
torthe *nu* Otate Of win&
The Fiery
Painful in the discharge of our duties as
reporter of things transpi big, we determin
ed last night to watch for t ie l graud display of
a ooting among the stars, I remised by tile foi
-1 wers of Pythagoras. Th programme laid
d wn by these men of sin • ce fur rho proper
o serration of the phenomena, was carefully
et died and after learning the precise loca
tion of Saturn, Jupiter Mara, Venus, Mercu
ry, Uranus, Neptune and the asterolOs We
.alowly 'Wended our way to a height winch wait
.high enough to look down upon the city and
le afford us a clear, uninterrupted vision of
the heavens. retelong up n the Light:St tree
we could lind, with a dark lantern intor but
ton hole and a darker map to our halid, we
patiently awaited the netting oir of thefftitele
ors. We lint sunned learned ex pressions'wl lb
stunning adjectives ilflAl Only scooted asufitn ,
ry shot across the bleu etherial d u ne to dy
cite e.titcles and give vent to it column to
report in Our journal. The inliltltcs roiled on.
tediously, but 'nary a 'blur tom Uri Instil its
place. We were net to be discouraged, how
ever, mid threes h chattering teats,
prayed that. some uillieltit,olll, little
star might skip from the milky way
(for our hope Was on this wane.) But alas! the
little) ewels clung with wonderful mnaluacity
to their snowy path, and—nary a slur shot.
We had faith lit Venus. if the stars were Kai-
Oiled by spirits kindred to our own—as
demonialogists have asserted—we had un
bounded confidence in the belief, that limo
31reds of the lesser lights would dance attend.
once upon the queen of beauty, But Venus
had no chariots, and In her our faith rapidly
vanished, for nary a star shot. Then we
thought of "Old Mars. wnom we had heard
repeatedly . etalosizeil in the stump speeenes
of the patriots who used to urge our entry
Into shooting circles. if there was any shoot
ing to be done certainly Mars %geoid be lu, but
he wasn't. There was not a single shot Siam
Or near him that.we could discoverthrough our
glass, (am inverted tuolbler) and we Lail no
more abiding faith in his a airilko chaplet,.
Mars may be very good in his place,' but
short or adverthona rates, we can lake WU
(MIL, notice oi him. We ilienglit of Sep.
tune, but imagined him ii. wet .1,1 b•Cllss,” who
wools! put Call the heavenly rockers did they
shoot Into Ins bosotn. We did not pay touch
attention to his quarters. knowing Swans
had a circle, we hail hoped to see the stars
swing roun d It, more especially since trio Belt
"was made up of bottled Buhl. But the heav
ens contained no spirit akin to Andrew 'a, uud
Saturn wan neglected. Alas! that Parueelsus
did not live In our day to give sumo intssuld
ed star, the spirit winch controls the White
Muse. In short, we . closely observed every
quarter of the heavens, measured the 11 xml
and varhthle stars, believed ourself an as
tronomer, the nixed about the cause of mete
or, wondered about the milay way . , re
velled fa contemplating the Nebu
las, but . all to no purraPe.. There
was Mary a Shot. 'f lie clerk of the weather,
Indifferent to the gratuitous announcements
his pyrotechnic display receives from the
tress, tailed to keep the engagement with the
public. Why, we do nut know. We lied a re
served seat and had determined to utve the
entertinument lid extended notice had we
witnessed It. As the curtain of morning
dropped over the dark stage, and its tile lust
star got In behind the scenes, we retraced our
MOOS homewards and voted astronomy a bore,
the clerk of tile weal her a poor manager, and
the Mars not up to their parts. We now pate
upon record that the promised display Al'...; a
fizzle, aud doubtless good tulles who stay up
tomtglit to sec the shower is ill be sible-to ap
preciate our experience last night.
lrne Robbery nt Iho Union Iteitet—Tire
Stolen 31obey 'round..
In our Issue of the 2iith of October we pub
lished an actount of a Mr. J southan Town
send having been rubbed, on the day pi colons,
of $1,3G0 at .he Un.on Depot, while about to
take the 'eastern bound train for his home in
Ilaytitit tine," New Jersey. Least any of our
readers shiJuld have forgotten the eircutn•
SWIMS as narrated, we republish-the details.
-twin - out west us tar, as Zanesville,
Ohio, and on his return to thiS thy - lie put up
at the Red Lion 110tei; Miring at that time In
Ills possession f.,i,e90 in greenbacks. This sum
he divided, placing 44,:iiru, closely wrapped fu
a piece of newspaper, In his left trousers
pocket, and the remainder, in the breast
pocket Cl his vest. On leering the hotel on
the night of the robbery for the Union Depot,
ho examined both packages and tumid them
all right. •
Ile took a street car for the depot. and 0.0011
npon the roar platform with sit or seven
others. At the depot he bought his ticket
with money from Ole vest pocket, and ptro
cemled to his berth in t.l.e sleeping ear. Atter
taking lila sent he put Ills hand in ids trousers
Pocket and found that the pocket had heel,
cut open anti thu money taken out. Ile cried
Out Immediately that he was in and instant
search was inado through the tram for the
thief and the woo
Cult. As soon us
me:.-came to lir
deepest oeocern
otters revrat,l'of s!
that weans Mig •
though without any re•
the alarm WHY given two
Townsend and evinced tae
the attain, advising Mai to
,coo at least, us Duly through
I lie hope Lo recover to:.
money. Mr. Towi
.1,000 fur the restl
•500 (or the ileteetit
made every ogcrti
trators of th:s boll
feet, until yestertlit,
learned through us
that u .ithowv
Stiarpsbuig bridge,
to tutu city 4. as
%bleb sum wait of
it %cattily gen:tem.
i ir i:Mat offered a reward of
ration 01 his money, and
mu Of the thief. The tmlico
lion to ferret Out tint porpr
runner3', Oat without rt
ty, when onteernuth Wlllllot
source he tieutri..l authentic
a citizen, living near tile
• COdlitsloantialla Malt:ohm
uuroay with $l,lOO, well at
IMO ~',i vest banks, an,l
,u erl.ovcrcque.Led to give
(Mellen:du lor thu smeller
anae et lug the ileberlption
Lim 41,Utio .11.1 .
ouc.. The Lutitteti
lietUd 10 cl. 1" ).
1.l 0 I Mu taller, .Ld lit at
- friend, tot: lit hull 001102
O[ Out by .10 .L« nudplc
cortliugl attkutl It
much wealth. /le, i/.130
3ddesiled to exchange 11,
10.11 IL 1./II
into IJOSPC•I4UIt Or
LIR.I the lulniey a
ettlilvered 'Ault hit
burg Ideal, rontErl, alble'l negotiate as 0.T.•
e11 , 4..e, lee nutlet or the money returned to
hts haute while L ltrlemll hastened Immo-h
-andy to communtiatelll.thre.very to the po-
lice, who will Vrveet . .l to arrest the tinder
[isle Morning, mita' Which ire Will be penal'.
ted to give Lis Immo publicity,. We hare no
doubt the gentleman who hue the money
timed IL us Le avers, but whaLjuatlncatton ho
can furnish for keep ing Its go-al luck a Secret
we cannot imagine, as lie 111U4t Loco known
tt had been Vomit Ito-to by [loaves, or at all
events was 11Eq his legal property. We shrill
be able to give furthet:yarticulura to-morrow.
We takepleaaure ill referring our patrons
to the card ot the Pittsburgh Gas Serving Com
play. We have witnessed the workings of
the Saver at the Company 'a office, and are sat
isfied there is no doubt but that they material
ly Increase the illuminating powers of the
Pittsburgh gas. The 111011UA op,nunii.: Thu
Saver is attached to the LlLY'Corepany,inetre,
and is charged with a hydro-carbou Maid and
as the guslowses tit ough tt is carbonized god
its iihnoinuting properties increased doubly,
thereby redueingyour burners to one-half the
also you are using. You cave tlfty per cent. of
your gas, and hare as much light as you have
under the present, use. Tho gentlemanly
rotary, Mr. Robert Christy, or his assiatant,
Mr. liendersou, will take pleasure in showing
the workings of the Saver, at their unite, No.
Merchants' lintel, Smithfield street. This is
'lmportant to gas consumers. fled Ire loyal,
special at tentiento
Afow evenings since two men mooed D. D.
Mar and Win. Sanders, happened to be at the
same time Ina in the Fifth ward.
They hung their coats side by shin and pro
ceeded to ..take a shave," Sanders. by ill
leek, had Ills taco scraped ntnwth before the
Other had been finished, and put on one of the
coats and left the shop. Unfortunately ill, had
put on the wrong coat, and nothing was left
foe Harr but to put on Di,. wrong coat Um,
which ho did, excusing the Miler pp the ground
that he was evidently drunk. All thut wor
med him was the fact that In the pocket of his
coat, was the sum of $14. 1 1, which he feared
might not be In it when ho got his garment.
"Ito was right. 110 recovered his coat anti for
ty.flva mints of the money, but the two dollars
wore missing. Complaint was made before
Alderinan Taylor, and tile wrongouitt-inati
was arrested and held for a hearing to-day.
frlailual Court.
The November term or the United States
Circuit Court for t 413 district met yesterdav
morning at ton o'clock, lion. Wilson aleCiawl.
loss on the bench..
Litt the special term of the Circuit Court the
trial list was adjourned over until Slay runt,
In consequence of the noumnsignment of Mr ,
cults of the C I rcu It J udges, wade necessary by
the reduction In, the number of Supreme
Judges. On the opening of the Court, this
morning, his Honor, Judge McCandless, re
ferred to tife postponement Of the clone, anti
retnarked that th ere
. was consequently no
business to be transacted. 'A entire of jurors
had been fitimutoned, but the summons were
recalled some weeks since. Court then ad
111spod-thlrety Basiwals--Thoraa3 L. Wil
liams and bin wife live In bank alley, and so
do Ann McCarthy and Hannah Morrison.
Thera seems to bo not the hest of feeling ex
isting between the neighbors for a day or
two since, airs. M , Carthy and Si rs. Morrison
want to th ei house of Mrs. Williams and used
the most insulting and threatening language
towarde her. Hannah even went no Iltr us to
declare emphatically that she. would not
leave the promisee until blond bad been meld
ed She aid, "however, and it parties situ
keep their shore of the vital 11 u in: For fear of
a nil:recent state of reattere, hoerovvr, Mr.
Williams went before Alderman Taylor, and
made Information againet ills neighbors fur
sonar of the peace, Warrants were issued.
r- , ' -
Attempted Outrage in Manchester—The
Injured Parties, Refuse to Prosecute.
Two young girls, the eldest of whom could
not have been more than seventeen, came to
the oftleeof AldermactLYmaldeola oil Saturday
and made the following statement: On Fri
day evening they were walking along Penh
street near St. Clair, when they Were accost
ed by a young inati who bad been paying lov
er like attentions t;ii one of the girls for some
time previous, and Milted by him to take a
ride down to Manchester In ono of the street
cars. They consented, but had .scarce seated
themselves in tins vehicle when two more
young men entered the car and familiarly ad.
dressed their male companion,' who began a
desultory conversation with them that watt
kept up until they had almost reached the
Manchester terminus of the road, when
tile strangers` Ind their associate adieu
mullet t the can When tee conveyance reach
ed the stables their gsllant requested them to
walk amass an open geld with him us on the
opp side they could take the return curs
for this city by way of the Rebecca street
route. They eon everted to the arrangement and
started across the field, but they hurl got but
a short distance when they were met by the
tWO young Inert Olio had been-their oompan.
ices Mule cur. Without timid:lugs word the
three rulDae.s insole a Indecent assault
upon the gine, knocking the. down and tear
ing their clothing, while the terrified ere..
tures called loudly (or succor. Their cries
reached the. ears of some of the employees
at the car stubles, who came Immediately to
their usst.danee. O. the approach of the man,
however, the wretches fled down the geld In
the direction of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland
Railroad, and left the girls In ten hands of
their rescuers. When the girls had told their
Maghstrate prepared to finite up Eva
ht tor ation against tne young unitivrtio had
went with them\ as an escort. Irmo the city,
lett to tins the girls oldectml, stating that tney
e willing todo so if their names would
not be made public, assuring the Alderman
!nor if their parents knew or the occurrence
they would be, severely punished, If not mar.
tiered outright.. lu view of lids fact the
!striae, although , knOwlng the guilty parties
perfectly well, has been unable to gets legal
nold upon them, and consequently,they ale
still at large. Wu sincerely trust Nat the
murilerOus young scpUntlrels that could thus
concoctthen a cool and deliberate outrage
will not long escape the meshes of the law
and the penalty due limb. offence.
A Prerocion% lions Thief.
• On the :Silt of October last a young rr”
named C. It. Gamble went to the livery stable
J. li. Dahl, ou Fenn street, in the Fifth ward,
and hired a saddle horse, with saddle and
saddle cloth, bridle ae., the whole establleh
meta valued at 'Wu. At the. time when tho
elan should have-rcluined with the horse and
accoutrement A to the stable he staid away and
continued to do so for suceessive days. Search
was made, and at length the horse was recov
ered at Boller, where tile fellow had Hold
them, but Gamble stilt gambolled at liberty.
A few days since officer hell, of Alderman
Taylor's police, learned that the escaped thief
was in the neighborhood of New Castle.
Thltlier lie went on Saturday, armed with a
warrant for the arrest of Gamble, and found
i....toiner mingle ensconced In the Law
refire comity Jett. where lie had been plated by
Justice J. hi. Craig to await his trial on
another charge of horse stealing. It seems
that after be had sold Air. Dain's horse, Gam
ble had procurtsi a horse and buggy from some
person near New Castle, and endeavored Weal
the equipage. His manner in endeavoring
to dispose of the , property excited suspicion
1111111 lb was arrested, the theft proved and he
committed us aforesaid. Officer Bell obtained
peaseesion of Gamble's person and brought
him before Alderman Taylor. The fact of the
theft was clearly proved and the thief was
dermal; ted to jail by the magistrate to await
Ms trial at Court. Ile gave officer BoU the
address of Ills e lfe In Allegheny elty. with
this request that she might be sent MY. The
°Mecca - out to the addre., , but the lady had
departed. Air. Mil was somewhat astonished
to learn (rein the neighbors that Gamble had,.
besides the wife mentim.ed, three other wives
all living in Allegheny; Censldenng that the
fast.trian is s„..y oath, apparently not more than
twenty year...of age, this may be considered
as pretty wtl. ,
... .v . Tem bobber/
Confidence:ln our fellow man is a capital
thing; so is sngar; hut too much confidence is
Tike too inu4 , ll sugar—lt-makes a Man sick.
We imuclimAhat Mr. John D. Sneathen, of
tills city has become sick (join too tree an in
dulgence in confidence.
• Mr. Sne.ithen keeps a boat store on Water
street, near multhlield. Some two weeks age
a British subject named Alexander Ale Dom
Sell, hailing trotn Prince Edward's bland,
made application to Mr. Sneat hen for a ague,
tint min clerk. lie brought with him several
recommendations from prominent men, anti
Mr, S., without hesitatton,pmployed him. Lie
not only employed him, but, seems to have
forthwith made him the confidential man,of
the establishment. At all events McDonnell
siept at the si ore, and .had charge of the
MOM'S' till. On So. clue night ho re
tired to rest as usual, while In the
'money till there were five hundred dollars
ht SevemThirty bonds, and fifty in coupons..
Yesterday morning toe two weeks old confi
dential clerk was missing, anti, wane yet, so
were the SM. The man and the mosey are still
both among the minus quantities, anti there
1,4, as yet, Ireell no clue to the one or the
other. In the room which contained the till
was a safe In which was °epos Ito.' some SIO,OOO,
but lute thin the thief did not penetrate., I
A .101 1 7 Alllalr,
An inte'reallng young holy with a prepos
sessing physique, named Martis-L. Connelly,
appeared before Alderman Donaldson, yes
tot day, And -lodged an information against
Sarah' Jolly, for Inver ant conversion. It
appears the prosecutor took up bar lodgings
in the home of Sarah, in the First ward, Alto
g beity,'soine Dine la,t, spring, bringing with
ti e r coosidel awe Ter,..inal propert. Du Ing
ter duty beneath' the roof of Miss • J lly,
Martha tripod an °Mawr ul calling and 0 net{
e j
it cot.iti tame amount of money, • horeb all
of wince went; into a • c , moon fund, ou - of
which the .spenses of the house were paid.
A few' this a since, Martha quarrelled wall; the
hostess and quitted thin household, to which
She retarndil yesterday and den ended lhat
the property Phu Inni brought sill/ her on her
arrival,. should he given to -her again.
This molest request Mrs. lolly_ I re
fused to comply with, alleging that
Martha owed her a hosrd bill of 'thirty
dollars that must he Ilquidated before she
sentild give up the goods. Find ng that abs
bud no Other redress but through the law,
St anti k repaired to the often of them tigistrate
meats ed anti made oath tis stated., A war
rant has been boned for the arrest of the ea
cured. •
Dl.her to be Dbaked
. Thonitta W. Janes and ilarlaira Dialler live
neighbors to each other in It dout allaygn the
Fleet teard, in this city. bait to say, they do
not live In that harmony tc4ards each other
that should exist among nelkhbors. Not long
alnco ]lre. fisher risitvd Air. Jones and In
dulged in some most Ithualve and threatening
language. and be ore aim left she raised the
Iron-poker, vowing thati atm would knock
Jones with It to the celebrated locker of
his relative; Davy. Mill more recently she
went to Jones' residence hod put some of her
threats into deeds. 'Ho tar did she carry her
activity that she broke the doors of his domi
cile, and ountstind things up in a general way.
,Thts was the feather tam broke the camel,
Jones back, and lie went complainingly to Al
derman Lynch. That Magistrate lamed a war
rant for the arrestor the too vigorous Dlaher.
A reranlona Dog.—John Newmoyor,
tng on Centro avenue, has In jtht poneession a
Jeronimo' dog. A day or two shine, a little
of Georg° Rosner, living near MEI
mover, went Into the bowie of the latter
while the dog was there. The animal-ammo.
diately alining at the child and bit her throngh
thu upper lap: Mr. Rosner, father of the in
jured child, mode information beformAliles ,
Chau Taylor again et the proprietor or the dog,
but the matter was dually settled *intent
further dl illeulty.
False Pretebee.—C.lVehrung, the propri
etor of a drinking saloon on the corner of
Fifth and Wylie, strooln, appeared before
thlorinali Lynch 'yosterday and made oath ,
against. William Colon for fame pretence. The
aociinent is alleged to have borrowed from the
iloponout three dollani, elating that Alder
man Lynch emit him for it. A warrant has
been issued for William's arrest.
. sleet.—Tie National Wool .°rowan ,
Ikmvention will ussemblo tounorrow at Clore.
laTel. Thu importance of this meeting will bo
fully rem - Ignited by all parsons Interested In
wool growing. Delegates are expected to be
In attendance from all the Slates interested
In wool—sat:oWe) wool—ln the Union; and the
oroceedings will bu looked for with mach in.
tltt In the Eye.—Charlon Lindsay - told
Alderman Strata yesterd ty that Migrate
eon, oulhe /oth Instant, attacked Wm. struck
him In the eye, knocked ham down and ki nked
biro. Witch LW() transaction occurred in t he
Elia' ward. At the request of LlatlorrY!_un
Alderman Issued a warrant for tae arf i tdsiz t i .
the assailant ott a chargo assault
Stole a s;ddF,.--Jum7
M a de Inlnrtnation beLoorro
Is allecoSntelli.'iltgo:filliC7.SeEdd,:;l4enntlaym,,l.°°,lcr, 111
tEast ebePr'tkiwrit';:ill'ait,litLle
T a h n e d. il l e ett ge e d hl t u n g l e ,;r
w ll u t a
properly hc . ld for a hearing.
.arreste "
pw . rd . 0 1 , 25n,000 ftualllea are now Using
the 'Wheeler 6 tv Haan machines, and they
!vivo never failed yet to give sateefaction.
oaa ,,,„ r & go., the weetern agents, at le path
, t teeet, have a Ana stook on hand, from wtden
Yon ma make) Our eenxition.. Evelyenuirldne
bey sell ie warranted. • •
Personal.—llialer General J. B. Ktddoo,
Comm nor It the Freedmen's Bureau In
Texas, is topping at the Monongahela
Howie. He on route to Washington, whith
or he goes tethold a consultation with Malor
General Howarth upon matters pertaining
to the Bureau in Texas. Be leaves this eve.
. .
Diseharged.—Margaret Thomas came to
the office of J notice :Lippert yesterday, made
oath against Andre* hfonrbe for assault and
battery. The accused was arrested but was
discharged' alter a hearing, the evidence being
deemed - Insafeelent to warrant the proceed
DP.VLIN—At him residence ie Baldwin township,
on Monday, liorember I:.'sh. at 11. o'clock A. W..
Mr. riOTEtt U. DeVtaN, in thejoto year of hl.
lite funeral will leave his lste residence. on Wore.
.NE,D.T-mO*XINU, at o'clock, to 'proceed-te ttt.
Pant's Cathedral. and from thence to St. Maly . 's
Cemetery. „The calends and retail rs of deceased
are respectfully Invited to etten.t. Carriages will
leave Mr. John McKeown's Livery Stable at seven
o'clock on the morning of the funeral. "
14 0 4V/Ily, 3 4:4l4k)3).ill4tailizil
H •
aa. beau t 1 fel •430111Pacre," the largest suburban,
place of sepulchre. except one In Ills coenty, sit
uated on New Brighton rued, Immediately north of
Alleghen For burial lots, permits or Liles, call
at c y., entral Drug Soma of COOL SI CLA Via', Alla
ghtusy City.
N 0.160 Fonrut nava, rlttamrgb. 00711 n of
41 lands, CIL&PILB, GLOVE—Wftd even deserAptlc,n
of run ezal Pursusnlng tfroo. narawnen.
open 1 ..ndalgl3l, Hearse and Clull•FAs Immune°.
Elavaltirmela—acr. Da7lo Km *D.. Be?. 01
A'. Jacobus U.D. Thorn' Ewing. Sp.. .711 , 00 b
11111”. L-o:
o. 196 Smith field St., cor. 7th,
(Entrance from berreakb Street,/
H . T. wilitE & co.,
Manchester, Wood's Hun and vicinity.
Corneres Einedield and Clutters streets.
Htano sod Ouriarel furnished.
FOR 113.9.1-.33
1112 Rood, .o.nd WORM HORSES, NO. reeelve
and will be sold cheap: one atnld HSI r INCISORS
one goon WORK MAUR. guaranmen to 'be noun
and good worker.. Cell at
nog Flynt street, n ear 'Monongahela House.
GROPER &.' .
Sewing Mit - chines
Are THE BEST for ianally and itanua4talo6 pur
poses. Call and see inert
.7 o. l& Ft/ Vi Street,
YoR. OIL aEpnacas,
Manufactured only and for sale by
T. IL .1 s co.,
Plc.= oar 1. ~...4.24t1M7.3, x 1ia.a0,
N. W. Cor: ad and Market lilts.,
rrrret until!, PA.
so' M,
The underalgned will collect all hoontler, barn
pay and pensions doe soldiers under the acts. or
Congress or State
Congrea. basins& passed an act equagaing bon-,
ties. under Which veteran eoldlers are entitled to
bounty of from 4100 to 111100.
Attorneyt at Law, •
- 1 - Oince. No. 114 Fifth street,
?victim' Furniture Manutaeturirs,
/._ •
Lawst. st,le• of IfURSITURIC eopstlattivoo ban
pirrenunGn HA vim
No: N • cria.x-thieitr , oest.
Deposit:* m de on of before NuVEMBER 10
Rill draw EIX PER CENT. ItiTESEST (free
tax.) Ftioll. NOVEMBER IST.
Open d•ily from oi, at.. tO 4 r. X.. andwn Wed
nesday end Wu, day evening*. from 6 to ,d o•eloet
FilthSlreet,between Tunnel and
fluitham &freets,
irst ela.a good. oil all deacrlptlona always oa
Rand and told at the lowest pekes. Itapattlag dog
nnvorniir nn ...rt • - •
Toys, Baskets,
vr.a.mwErtrinsmo, Avr
J. G. Laner's Variety btore,
10* 111/1R11.67. STIIILILT
, 4
Anchor Cotton Mills,Pittstiorgh,
ralierrimf oak
STONE: WUP.K.t. Northwest corner of West
Common, Axxxoniner.
,Ilwre on band or prepare on short notice
Siltle ere promptly exe c uted. YRICES REM Bow ABLE. OttlitllCO
Thee keep an baud a large trePply of geeing Mn. terlala, Mate Cement. melt.
No Paint. sag
Varniebes. Prompt attention given to the Boone,/
boatheve. t 'glum No. 25g Penn vtreet. - and 1...
3. a. acrrrnx. .. . • anyann
JC. B Blannac•
. turers oflarraparfll Leracm aid ban 7
1115C)413 AL„
Bainberry otrasoarry and&onligrapli .0 " 1
of choice Alea. , Brow Moat, Lager MdMitaa
p.tiroe Cider: Cider by timbered, half m74704'
f,g it tittanalln MaHX.l7t2.; near
Orders Wed end ;now to au o • Fte e arel a
re.on fan setae& . a f t •
Censosst, Pitch, /VA /Fara
Varnish and flUsek Pasha,
IlLteurnetared sad old an cheap as sar_other how.
to thc000~•~ tat st a u latlnati C° 7..
Tit—for 8 my's and other
/Maus Otensita. t u t A eig 0 . t 143=1,4 1 .1veL.
81,tigg a i r i l, ancy: Utensils for Cook i lnit Cal;
.d fancy .114,14,Ai P i pe. We
aryypelt.""ar 114
.1101111NIN ,
/Cobb's. 01 prysie ;Abner Mit for isle by
I No. 703 Llberiy stmt.
100 boxes Goshen, ratter,' and Hamburg for ule by
Itt) dozen for isle by
-4neslrad -' I =greis c o'r ais B l2:3l
laaraiu. ,w
, o.3llol.lbergi Mt EMI MN%
The ZdMon Is forwarded which 1U reach
setentrlber soonest:
34 4 1 . CODY (ptr annum)
Clot of hos
-thtbe otti , a or More.
FOR SALE cm-Imm,
1343 Wirth istrembit.
tl, -O PCP
931 Smithfield Street.
. or
1 , 111111071 . TILE CE4I or
.rnor,vcr.Na ♦ ruiitm
MLITT. sad with. one half the labor, time"
and coat 01 any caber procest.
PATENTED AUGUST Ist. 1.065 e -i
r.fl!l',~4 •.,.a
ED•THE EAGLE I.7uTToN WORKS, (*.lrma ,
ty Oa owl by Measts. KING, PENNOCK CO. 1r C
respectfully Inform the putalc ttUitya wlll cocaina , '
Gm manufacture of
Sheetings, Cotton :Yarns - , Carpet
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting.
Order. may be left at the Orrice of the Works,
08. AT THE
Corner of Duquesne Way and Barker's LII, y,
I . i.rdlllobl.ll-Vaila
No, 89 Market Strert, Pittsburgh. Pa
This old established house has now to thirty
five thousand dollirs worth of !toots welch s, lila
styles the latest, the quailty the best,wears
detonate.] to sell at VERY LOW PIUCEJII. We
have resolved nut to bentidenold by any in the bar
bees that keeps goods worth having.
CaHand as:mum our stock of goods, and we feel
satisfied that you will parchase what you .want In
the Boot and shoe Line.
Do pet forget the place, SO Market street.
Jen JA.llnB BOOR.'
be sold at Public Auction, it YOWE MONROE Alt-
ISEN AL. Oldlnt Comfort. Va.. or; Trille:WAY.
the 214 day of November, 1106, at 10 o'clock a. Not
a large guiltily of Starell, conslsting In part of th
following article. - vlOl - ;
70 Field and Siege Ca nnon, cut Iron, of Yid- •
ous calibres;
11,170 Shot. Shell. and Spherical Case, tot .mouth
bore and rifled guns:
Iferrill.a Carbine& new and 'repaired;
acoEudead Mead Muskets. cal. al;.1.
- at rteureis sod Spencer's Repeating Rides; , •
: Foreign lOU, •* ustrian." cal. St;
too Smooth - Bore Muskets. mod. ill. Olt I
No ,to do .do altered to percusideft
10 Smooth Bore Musket , . flint lock. cal. IS,
217 lievolv.ers ••Widtriey's sad Remington's. '• • •
Nan. ca. 36: .
1,183 Cavalry and_Artlllery Sabres; •
Olt Swords Yost blas and non-commlasickned
*mutton days will be 'allowed for the rent al of:
Trauie or sits—VAl.H. .
. AYR.
Capt. of Oro. And Rrt, Cool. U. B A.
Adapted for e'er/ description of funny sewing and ,
tailoring: 'they HEM. FRLL, 1111fD, BRAID and
TOCE,..elthour essatiarlup. and make the 'TUCK
idUlte. UNIFORM. Also GATHERS and 10/IDB.
It will stitch from the finest gauze to the thickest •
Beaver Cloth without any change In feed. needle or
tenant'. and run for two years without tekingstiatt
to clean or be repaired. It the parr-hatter, after a
fair trial does not regard the Finkle & Lynn Sew- ..
lag Machines superior P ..any machine In the mu
tat, be can re tarn It and have hie money. It snakes.
811tchesallte on both sides. which will not . rip or
ravel. The cheapest machine by 2fi , per cent.' In
nee, and noiseless. Warranted for to .r years.. in
hae been In um In this place for eight years, and
has siren satisfaction in all cams.' Plain ilnlsh tip • •
to Mahogany inlaid with pearl, plated mud
/Softwood. also the •
lleed,Loik liellch Sewing. Machine •
Gas been In nee ben torten rears. and his nerir
been out of the marker. We call rho attention tf
laGoes, sho..inatene and iternessenakers to No: s.
Shaw & Clark's Sewing NachineS.
. Asenta wanted..
ser.o kind. or tamlly serrlnr doe.. ,
11. 11. - 1.0N41, Arent. -
I.= Grant street. opposite Cathedral.
selP:r.T.a Pirranmsau,
A. A. YOUKO, •
7110MA38 OW
71101La.1/ . ?:NXnIS,
liseLne Po rthasid the old ettabllebed Brewery •
known .. the ALLEGIIfth 1111HW Huy; formeny
owned by tlampuelt Heebm, we vrould inform Um
puhtin,that wa Intend continuing th e mantlfsetrum Of 7.
Made tram Pure Spline Water, and from our halh
ties and long experience In tbti bualneu, •Islad
eat/sntd that we will be enabled to give entire sae. •
Isfacttoa to theme who may favor to with their pee.
465 Rebecca 'Street,
aa'All orders left at BROWS GRAHAM%
403 Liberty street, 14'1.M:trey .41 prod/PBY
attended to. • oorlau
InE _
masprAciwases os
. .
wry LLD JUNINS 01 , i Nrea i s i urrnmin.
, 09""anuarcir .d liNT01& 111"WIMAKI
re ' ros. -con
iii.PALINS a:Contralto promptir....
.••• bonrrofore. the Dour mf.crtral will slWays be
coed se trals TOnadry. dirposon of our 014 patterns, 1. 4 ,, D ,,,,,.
par.w.lll.ztrijrb •ND 1112011ra.p.t
Weigh /VIAL mACifira. on or Sir, la/MST. L
t abort notice, toe.
Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Covers
CR:tined Regional without unpacking.
Nos. 83 and 87 Third Street,
Itetitect Wood and Smithfield,
PloUrisblnstialf column advertisements of Infect
Machines. but. net t FillUentt a BAKER.
It has been lolly tested for sixteen
years. and Is by an compe
tent hidget
. uminced the
. USE. •
3To, 3.*3 3Plith Btroo
BAMERS.B x.aunctarel9 l of „ S.
• 1113313inEFT retszne.
thinge7) WAKKKocTiK.IIO. 98 MARKET RT.
2.2;:'. . 15T h'elPPIGHt1isPECI'ACLICS -.LIAO
alle a lYG LNSTITIIta ,
.ISdk OLAtsfits •orPli. . '.
. ! - Et y CT
__rintamomanns, Ras e °
• 11110 k.;
it , jr 4 04,446 . .. f 0r D ia1e sitnamtab,
''lN_ i, , ,..._ = , T ,
..,„.. ,
p 1
1 t
I l i.
- r
< t .
E ..., .