El I N II Zlie - .4?..ittol*qit -- (6ii . .citt LI E The New Yorii - Times, some inontlis ago with almost paternal 'solicitude, called our attention to what it regarded as an itlimi. ■ itent 'danger inwentling.over the country and to which it thought we were uncou i-•delously'contributing. It said there was a strong probability the I'resident would he . able so- far to weaken.* the republican strength income of the northern and west ern States as to enable the democrat; to carry them;. that enough States might be • carried in this way to constitute majorities of the two Rouses; that, in this event, the - President would recognize these bodies as the only legitimate Congress; Sad thus compel the republicans to pass under the yoke. To avoid this.catastropbe we were NE admonished it Was essential to tread softly and to eat - unbounded quantities of dirt. btving to some pc-Culler:Ai. a of constitution we did not see proper to accept the enter tainmenkto which WC were. invited. It Was so palpable : to Us that the American people were masters of their' own govern ment, and wcro not at all likely to sink into the C0.11(liti(11 of serfs, that the teepida tiOn of our contemporary provoked mirth in us instead of exciting serious apprehen- The elections are now pretty much over,' riud a deliberate stuiey of the field is read ily attainable, In our contumacy towards the occuliant of the White House it really seems we were in a. goodly tellowshih of bonorabld An—enough of :them to take the high matters in dispute entirely out ot the category of. uncertainty. The only chance the President Lad of obtaining in struments for the accomplishment i-f his flagrant designs against the repre-entativt: - of the loyal States anti Peop:e,•lay in the : c conduct of such men 31r. - 11. J. )310.ND and such journals as the one lie con trols. They, and they only, by their hesi tancy, and trimming, and lialfdlearteducss, lifted the scheme of the President out of - the depths of contempt. If they had stood firm; if they bad not promised comphaticr with his views and assistance in his !seas- Pres; if they had not excited. distrust am doubt among fiuMi and fabit-liedrted publicans; if they had not encouraged tilt venal, who attach themsel vrs to. the Party bf thomajority as bummers to a victorious army on its march; and if they had'uot ex ' hibited a disposition to lead the way in the great betrayal; there would have been no Uncertainty as to the gencr . al result of the elections this. fall even as early as last Spring. . But, whatever intentions these men and journals had of becoming ame:minces o the President, and sharers Of the Pesultmil plunder, their pleasant - expectations were cut otr.• 'lf they Were seduced, th , c .. peoph were not. If' they were ft ighteritr-d, thr people inaintained an a:dinimble self-pus session. _ The Tliwr.e, in CO11)01011 with most of do •- Journals of its Mass, after groping about for . months as do thir blind who five men as trees walking, concluded that its coinbina lions for a neiv and triumphant party, on the plait . of . installing the beaten Rebel. lion in the Palaces.of the Gov'erninettb was a:signal failure, and tried to. find its way back into the republican ranks. Its success in this encleavq: was not bril liant:. Indeed, • it did mot display either as .much address or as much impudent:e in ex tricating itself from the uncomfortable di lemma in which it was involved, as tEd some of its fellows who were vastly - infe rior to Win ability and experience. flay.. ing no character to .mnbitaiii,. they threw away all pretensions to con=istency and decency, as soldiers on a disorderly retreaft do arms and accourtrements,. and, frigid" Conservatives one week, became !laming Radicals the next.; from cringing adulators of the President and Mr. COWAN, they Were speedily transformed into the most bitter mid relentless assrtilants of both. On this point the Ma - CS might well descend to take lessons of its satellites. We have fallen :upon an era,. long foretold, when fm pits gro W wiser than their teachers are. IIS '~ TUE FATE OF' THE PJ!TIFF The POPE, for many ages a central gg ure in European po.itics, is still'colispieu ous . as ever, notwithstanding his approach ing temporal humiliation. The withdraw al of the French troops, occup)ing Rome, 1 i is fired for about the 15th of December. Hardly a doubt remains but this evactia :lion will be speedily followed by the ocu potion of tim Papal territories by the I&diai army: The Impression is general ilia the Parr will•await „events at the Vatican. 31C3OWItile, NAPOLEON is said to lie blooding over a scheme for union. the Christians of 'Turkey add Greece with -the Ramjet communioo, and for offering the ~ P oPg Jerusalem in exchange for /tame, thus waking 3launt Zion the center of the new dispensation as it was of the old. This is It scheme - which a p - di. Bean - might well :indulge .as th poSHbie solution to a troublesome question; but whether -the the Sovereign Pontiff and the College }it Cardinals could be induced to fall into the mettenre, admits of conider able doubt. If the consent of the de great dignitaries should be obtained, then it would become a serious question what effect the trans-plantation would have upon the Church. :-Young trees arc testily taken out of the earth in which they germinated, and carried far away, and planted, under other skies, ;11 a different soil. Soon they forget the violence used upon Olean, and send forth fresh leaves, and , shoots, and flourish, it may he, l e brighter green. But, with old trees tin, work of trans-plantation is a much more serious matter. The issue is . alwayi in volved in doubt: the failures outnumbering the successes: Lafge roots have to be cut asunder; the lesser ones gel hrt.isetl, or crushed off; and the branches have to be sawed away. If verdure appears at all, it is sickly, withers in the hot sun, and the life of the tree goes out. . . 'For many centuries - the Church Las been planted in Rome. Like the banyan tree, itta roots have ruu under the seas, and come up in fo away cootineuts and isles of the oceans, flowering with its doctrines and ritual. It seems most improbable that it can be taken up, remove,' thence, and be safely plantenl cia the hill-tops el Judea. All its traditions, all its memories, run back to Rome. These are the wit-, nesses of its lower from .tliciace it 11113 ruled the world. To remove it is, to con sign it , if not to immediate death, at least to swift decay. It may, indeed, be said, that Jed : Ca. is : the nest from whence all the grand relig ious Ideas that. master the nations nave 'eons forth. And this is true. All those high places are haunted still by holy..de smnds, and the barren earth and the whis pering air seem instinct with weird spirits of the past. But it is a desolatelaud. A blight hss passed over the maledit•- tion df the Creator rested there. Mu and his works aro in decay. Even inanimate :nature is sorrowful. If-the Church'ilesires for -,a seaspiiio put on sack-cleth, and sit Washer; 'anti take up Ittmoutations, no 1 t , i =g MONDAY, NOTEMBE'R 12, IS6G MIEEMI wore tuiteble piace can be found; but, if it moans to Ehare, in all the on-goings of the world, it will'stay at Borne ou the best terms it can make with the new power that is rising.ih order and beauty out of toe sepulchre of the past. Si ECM() - SUFFRAGE; IN TENNE,SLII. GOV. 13rOWQ lOw; in his message to- the t.leliyere,l an lhoGth makes the.e. observations - • At your esti . % zessions in J lily last, ;” face 01 the direst OppOiiltDll of the oftnistratteuiand lit deilance patronage, yon ratillot the pendlo,f,t o „3.. c meat to the Federal Cori/AP-n:l , ov • 11 ;ample hare approved the wl ,1 ""!"• 1 ',lauded the fearlessness; or r",,,?, ... ,?.. -the Coogte.s of 1110 United stote s their approbation by at mica ndmnting to ' tr had blfet le5C T rue a 1 ocd by tae en , t : l o u ' o s e t n th ;g l :to our sotto an the rlghtsl3 t h ere - ur'llool . True, you have been 1 , 1 to / t i eonu o t r i , e . e. ‘, l .l lALt t h h e .. .lfe w s I h il o c e tiL core basl d hi; revolutlonar% not 10 destroy }out weanazatfOn have been honored and row you have eiklayed the approbation 01 your owu COnaelellee and receaveil the plau dits of the patriotic Or the nation, and May wen g 0 on in the even -tenor of your way, gui ded alone by a sense of your duty. • • , flaying in this diStitign:f.hed manner OM:c -ol the seal of your approbation wails amend ment, it is proper that.yowshotild mould your to its spirt:llnd design. While it Is true that this amendment leaves with the States, as heretofore, tile regulation of the elective feanchlse, it da-eoualty of t hat it encourages the enfranchisement of all • loyal male Citizens ,Of whatever color. Our OWL State, for imiturice, under the operations of the atuendmon, without tiny entranehwe went. of the colorcti citizens, will Lance but Acs representatives, while, with impartial loyal smerrage, it 13 estimated that she would have nine. thus.increasing her power In the coun elle of the nation fifty percent.. • In my message addressed to you in October, 15113; taw stibiect of colored culla:lga es dlsetus.eel 111 all of its bearings, floret careful ,view or that paper, 1. still approve the ,10111 !- meats thereitioxpresSed and. respeettutly• re- - you to them. An eventful year, however, has passed slnee it was written; and .ulhilo unforeseen events have happened, contlngenties therein con templated have also ()centred'. • The rehired race have shown a greater apt'- : tole for learning and linen ;gem, titan watt ex peeled,-wad ht' their noS.I conduct and , teadfust loyalty Imre rupt.ily ,ven Iwon the 10,1.1 opinion and resp,•ciof the white race; a'hite the latO rebolg, tinder the eneoui ace men tOf the Prealdr lit. have shown IL return to:true royally than wits armed for: The=e :mtaltcstat ions have occa s ioned n rap• adnincerlient of the national Lentlment In favor Of Irlipar•ta ' i anti - rage i • in the fine -age to a Well I 10Cce alluded, •.t. Imo cam:Lily admitting that "ifeero voting .It, my natural preJudicerf of caste," It is Set ,Vated that *there is In gals of them 1 I would a willing to see vote itt once.'' The opine, Ism expressed "tont negro sulfrage be.o.ii to follow as one of the great revill, if the rebellion; and that Onetime would clone heu It. would be proper tint/ right," hat that , he,t.lme bad not then come, the groat olkier 'Lion being to "the linmeillatO and Indlaeronl• .•otte cult:tech ismeent of the negroes," but. it is diteetly insisted in the wessage to which I .'cater, that...if rebels are to be restored to the igloo of the creative franchise, let nano los ger .tty those political rights to the lute slaves . vho have been I. , oltitil atuong Ihe fnithlees.” still adhere to the opiniou that "al I this. n t miters against a negro rating In any contin gency, come:. from a lingering sentllneut of •1111 loyalty In the South." In all the State,: lately iu rehoniao,,,,,, Tennes,ee, the rebels:etre been fulivr•re3tor e*l to the rights of {be elf et ice finnenbe;" onl maul la t :State, milder n ,ountu hat cinema eulfrage Ma. a large notnte, of /lee toyal persons are it na.euidably lUb, teal 1.0 %Whether the time bus Come when 11 e. "pc4- ger and right" to confer the hallot on the em oted Man, or whetLivr that. time ts uppro.o.n ing at which that sacred right 0111111 wont, In :MU, are qtar,tlOns demanding y. lir eltrae,t nmshlerilnOil Met 1111111 deCIMon. - The admirers and follower, of the I ' lent 010191, I w ith any sho' 0.9 A .7 l• 111 .14.1`1' r.1.147.1N, ill a priVale 13 nn eorro3enteor CII theaeo, in an authorize:l and fti,prOved 2.l"e!Mnent 1101 " 1,1 "S. SLYS 1/f Ills opinions, made piddle by Ills diteel "Th , ha spoheil through HIS PCOT , 011, since hls heeesqlon 10 the Presidel/cy.he heard b. yoIC.I 11 4, 12 LI Tann Maine !Celan,/ that If lie were Teilne,s e voom mob! tvor itelltrodu• •• nevro Nun 'f' a. • tia: not the (Winder of Ete eeemr., twat he 111121 t r 111, three 1 1 , -aeltustet , el tilde LI evil-,lSers 1 1 ' 1 """ " to !”, .hi , •l: it inh.• d the dry bones in /11 ‘n thre atn,3 who couni lead let.l U•ra.. and 1.1 Oh , 1. 1 - 1.,••• I loll.le I.• ',..talte. 1 1 the 1.1011,1 Mr/ I/ g prrweny unallaca: •bf ,•• I ffif • l e I leaven Ti Io• r•ystem DJ' - j.. .11 z .red to extend the pris hare to the tat. - • • • • • • If oltat• terrne.l the itaAte,,l "arty in the • ay .S-11,11,1 eni6llo. nita II agree with the l're , lllent, and Lea ,ce LI ill 1111 1 1111:‘,11, 1 •••ii.)111/1 i.lll 111/ Mowers on the que3troh of utn • ne soffraze.•ll. Ladd seeta that , 1 nne 11 ,• •` 1111 ciN elnt r lemporl he !.T.l.eetnenteini'vl batten on • vexed Layion will be planciaed, eel M a at 1 he n/azre Lay etlfranchked with 111.aniul;:y. As for myself; 0 lulu I 10.20 etcht. I-e.l o hoce ineJltdinet of ta..ne, retuning 1::•l d eal:oh uml ILL g• lOn .habits; n 1 am Ir.:. lo hat 1 11, ,ir , ,to act 111 harmony rr,ia I lady ol the 1,:a1 pcOple of na. 11,1151. I I blek e should not, w 1, ontrollhvilea.olls., cwt.!, rant-el r¢e nom I'l.ll •reat natteaal early %qui...! It 1,..105! eau . z ,avr.l the life of the o leyal prOple of Terme:ewe troll ,r the cppresser: r :al.ll'S -Thanksgiving in Ohio 14 opptillt(il i i i ., Thursday, Novmiber •:It. -.The recent Lsee,..lVO rains ill the ,et tilt ,-,f England have cancel the grno ail of ittaahto an ettortool.l3 extent. . . -The wort - of restortng the tattled Ptl Clout+ of Notte Dame, l'arlk, 411. almost flitishoth It bas occupied 'A yearB. . , pri ,„,, d I A Heatitkai Head of "lair: -Thirty persons are In the stele Nevada. and us rt. proof of their latt•li ertee It 1 .'.1:,„''1,..'1°11'.. " . 1 Ite great ••Itcr C.itor It..sinter' poise:.dated that every one Of theta sun play alum: 1 •• . I.l ": iiii ... ' i ' as ' r ‘ '''r •••ll.or toles 11.6torer: f 1 '. n•'' n 1.L.. Ltre.atutt • 1111 r ( "tor It. 'tool' . • 1 len" It oet •o : Ihr I clot Itestoter• -The men In Illy - aria . ore gteat , tontt,try 1 • I. It sill tv•tork ,tr ty Lair to it, 0r../Ipal color. rbe, lay it'lighted cigar bmitle their plate. •tt. ' '•1 is i a i 'i"'•il" ii." hair V ' "'' ha" • 1 . 1. 'lt I . :Ill.-I.., tt.e s • eta, k-.•rt.1.1.,... the bre Lk fI3L t'tbits tau I take a pug' aetwettit : a. It will v.-tu...... kl , dlrolrult . cud 11./ . 1.111,• • thOtailflllB, . 1 S. 11,.. 111 le,, I'd ea r ,ott. ;10-) aim 11,.01,1,.. -It is said that General Lamora, now in Flo,- I ''. 11 3 '..0 tts , er.. the ttote net eta CI t•t111 Ake. ence..l4 engaged Clef Oral, Int: Up /I•lrtatit..l 11,4 1 i .,• • i t , Z,,V,i,ii,', ~..7,11 , 1 r ,.1 r, ,1 T T:, i • .%g ' ll. f' I, 1 tent eiCeolle the trtilitaty opt.rmions. , d ; , ~t, --,,.,',,,,,.„ ~.,,,',, ..,.....,-; I.!•l.l ' ; ‘ V., r f.t. i ~ .I.i st I Ir. the lido campaign Di Italy.. 3: t 1( . 3 t's: .ta. , N • . .t . t.th ,SIII street, alter Vine. -It is vlcinonstr.ited that the Ilse of safe. in- ' 3. clan Itadlus drugcl.t. 04 , 1 dealtra la tellct ..- .Aced of hard . water In London will toot I:. , ! 11 ,:',!. I by IseCttA I.lt .:1: .t. goliEffl. l A 15. S 5 31 ai ethnic 4.3,:1,3_,C00 yearly on the three artielt. s id i ,;,,`-'2.,,,, , ,,, ~,,„. ~ ~1.:,,Ly soap, tea end cOiree• .1.. a. PI...Y.MISit, s 4 .11Arkut ttrttl. . itttborgh. 37 Weed ~tr, et. and -An Australian Colonist hits harne.sed tut n '; As" I '.. ~.. is lll - , Ir 7• A .vitit eit t l Atarwr . lihrtgatoo and put, him to latmr-turntu•• ma- j -.,..,...._ erry INitil half horse power. Ir he goal:ivy. j spREAD 7771 . r ituTut._si me in stuck lu him makes min min c e itp. , medical men lasts; that it o 1 14,11gulat,1 to ails Irthe -In the little mining, camp of Illreltvilie, B r i ig.,i,,,,,, township , 4 , 1 i f ,,, ~,,,. w 7,,,,. I hi' 1 a rented..,, he seer, valuable It may he. la.:ter rase eats re iusuble real property does not amount , coning this , it 13 like .‘a)lne Vol to erit,ic which to 4i00,0a1, tile /ALOHA. last year amounted tot; rat Ivoriti needs should he MO I u a .111er-that ben +146,1115, - Cent and Met:log.l mat' hr too 01.1elv 'MN...I-that -A hoxed-up turtle recently lived seven ! the T 1,311.1 of protecting and restoring health sbould L ento the lx r. Charleston 911100 n, without lone 1 Or' se A et,,,",. sxi 0101}-, A1t.11101..t.1.e albl elO MI, into water, bas at the end nt that lilac disposed of i _roma at Is bath It la wore tit se arse: It la (sinc e !urge tputnity of bread as If he had a good 1 -ii ' • lts:, SAN/ tr.., lIOSTi.TrEII'S et . ..MAUI 11/T -appetite. . - ' TEIIS-an Abssluta. sp , chic far tirsperola bidet.. -211 e a ealllty Parent 3 of two Now 1 eel; t ...sand net - , tt. dent tity-e... never Lee s km". n }mum; teen who were tired of doing nothing, : t t e,,na t t the ~,,I„ire .4 ,Ile jlieo Its, wdul would recelt tly starlet' Metal In the LtrOtters hush. SI i I.a e 11: II the • eel e.illeiseel I ndell ef euring mud ...Ph a capital of #20,13,0. LI two weeks they i Invigorating utillltess, the rout ; fle of tLe pre- Owl 10-.1 Ihe capital and a few hundrett Over. , {oration .. toed 11.4,.. been e.l I, a coati...Va . , the few. 'I hre Is tht. Itlcht st ..dlorllJ. for sip log -.1 MOO ItAllOtt. distance out from ther C . 1 vtat lialst th... 11.1 not Le 1.1.1 ttn3, ra t ukutl; ISI. ...,30, no one need tell Min that advt.: I islina ; sLatetLr Is exce.ll..t 5h0.11.1 L.. i.1 A .,.1 ~, A vlty ex visa% C.1.11.(.1 0. big thsh, (or he nth - 4,05.! 110. i a lath .11,1..11 S. n, ad t. te cog als vete. or it. it hmliels of grapes for sale and the next morn- . 1 - ono. alma in people hot the 111 I'IL, aa haze been ~,,, there wasn ' t ~,,,,, left-the boys Cl i th , ~,,.. 1 ativertked and continue to in thl rent.. o• Iu every - - - raper of Ally priantlettee 111 :be wrOvoi Ism ail. l Leder, .iti that th e merlitanentls tentlieunl.ild In -It appears from resent experiments con- I It, tarot have aces I r4o.dated 11110 ,r. I'4l, ~. .1 uttleal• by the. Lositimi PneurrtittiC. Company, ,I gu,,,.... 1 hoe -awlNeoJey p,rreet health tceday whJ 11101 one hundred and twenty tons al - goods can ; would he iatg.tl,hlsi atm heti, of air}, le .1.. tc the be sent through their eighteen miles of 1111,(04 , no wsi 11p. 1 , 11.1 , 1 het niir,vl th, tritth yrs! 4 ',gun( to ~,, i thia ...Via nd trartgarttht al": c.trrret ire hot and every hour, at a coot less 1.111.115 lti a toll mile. 11 11. 1,11.1 e., prole ha+ Is.° reac' from ells . I Wald lefty. la that any artooto.l t utrOmo. Itt. II the -An apprentice railnr•boy fell from' lime public health 1,, heen to meetetit of lire, nave Men ”round top , ' to the deck, stunned, but little I 0 tree llf the Cycle.. hose Ite-I, notch. lhenoi 11,1 'he nu rt, the Captain exelalmed In 6urpri whern did yon come Iromto From the north 1 and . 313 3 ” mean an to it,rtelgs Mt. ‘ ll 111,0 " 1401 'n or Ireland, yerhoitore' was the abrupt reply as 1 rsl34 A I ' l ' - ir " a ' r ''' ll ' the 111.1.1elellow gathered libuSeit up. -:- ' Mr..l. C. Derby', general agent for the Paris 1, . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. exhibition, announces that no further uppli- i ----------- - - -- - --------- c ttiOns from American exhiltiters mot Ice re- Wil. BINOITAX, Jr., ..Adcnne Express Office, I:eivei.l; us the space allotted to the United •Al Fifth Street, Is an authorised Agent to receive "dates la tilled. Notlt e of the 1.11210 of Ado- i. Advertieeniente for the , O.AZETTE, and oil other meat for accepted articles will Int given by.litr. Derby. . . papers throughout the United Citates and the -General Lee excepts the notes of all etti-, Canadas. il ma who are unable to pay the 1, es et Wash- • - Ingtou College, believing that yentas men .110 1 A SSIGNEEI' receive their education under , such Lin:too l ./..Ik. edlll.loeS Wl/1 pay when able. Peri...tie , thin - PERE3II . TORY SALE OF one reason why the number Of application:, has reached e le ht hundred. -A. Wall street *ball" tried to/Whip ta o I FURS!' FURS! FURS! , •Imurs" at New Toth. :lie other day, 1111.1 gm pitched Into the gutter for his puma. On gut- i :A vr .41.17 , 0"1".1C1P.W. ling Up lie for mi that he but loot a diamond poi in the smilllc, and It natal[ Oqt•grtll`lt los , . ' .1 1; WEI/SERI/AY 310113:13411, Nev. 1 Oh, at is +tourer had the ph astir." of carrying , di - the V.y) 1 n'tflovt, preet,tlv, tool esntlsiliss 11l theta tersOoD, i pt 2 "'cloy:. and win bit .01r1 aerometer! ty and reward that he Mimed for IL. tritium, reserve, by order MG. Adams, tug.. As -Tint students of a New Veils c011t,.. . roc , tit- ~ 1 dec.:. a'; wi ve. 13' perpetrated IL 11111 ay Joke upon tam ot the 1 . co teat: magnates who is all absent tro deli as .i.. 00014 " 0 112"11 OF FURS, Il e Ink. al:nee. 1 1‘1 , 111g in the 1 'hit ( f alas; • l not, IA the in 10111!?: 10 Its:11: , i;) ". 'in .... ter ~ .,:it. ph .. •5. With privll. Ve The as ,3'. Bibb tho,atuden ' y changints the murk kept For( .eet 1 101000 2, Ili r 111,1., rere 1 ved with blank ' 1 w 1 1 . i r e '' a , , ,...1 , ",..g,. the 10111 thapie( l Of Acts lor a I .• leeto W•tr.r lilitt nIICII C 1 1114.7. real lititiltrel ^ I Ihm ,m !fat 31 nk Mexican Sattlo French:Suirrel, -No lexe" than 1 A • • :than C Plteti, 1 , , Lim Coney, •grinitie eat! real bym., and eattt,,,,, a , - .- , 1.- 3 . t ostlt.. -3 of vielorY, t See or it Vteterities. Cods., Talen., man, entry of the pr et,..,,,,,; „7. 1.1 1 13 1 , 0,1.1 tor 3he I Cud-, Ay., t std,s 311 ties and Chltdrenat. 1,y , a,,,, ones it to Berlin. ticHa I MrT , t Ile - ler,. Oils ts aan N o a uppsrieni r. as a 3 tr 11 t• oth i a/ ta 1 will ite bold dw th the tali!. I t tl e v y tt i rt n it.lllllollly, they •-' 'rf + 3 .33 . 1, 01,4 1.,, 1 i : !Lee •,1 t , .. lop:ICAO:Bf el e v en hours andlort,l-tivet m ,,,, , , ; ~, , 1 t o C11.11,-oAstl. T. A 3lceLl - ..1.1. I.N.D. ' 'coo they were: all played together% ' 1 "- ' t.' ' '''''' nt: • AI llollerf,eer, did not heighten the ell, et hi ' 'neoi 1 i It 1 • tri be detects. l -A negto of the Ottawa don ee , xi., xemohni the other day, Liging r,1,,t, ~i ii , i •O's ' ten to lourteen thousand dollars In I" -‘,. fl i- T 111 ,' ! IMMO:A :eel en Lund real dollar, in . jv,r,,:j,.. 1 . 1 '' " . eight, banditti dollars is clothing. 1,, , ' . e ,l traced late Vermont by one of his et tsittog but the sharp aliens ale had taeriit 1111Lth i r track IS Bit all the plunder in Ler p0 ,, ,,,,, i ; -The citizens Of Ala, .rville, liftranehy, cream hold a nit•ctiag Oh 1 111. ll h rose ant, the obp- e t, of 0 ' 111011 . 13 tO Seetlto Ott IttrtettrtlVl: -01 Ite ultett'lLy of Ulf Ifityevllle and Lexington Rail road, held, ut piment, by parties untrtenthy to the completion of the road, and to organize a tell company, by ntiich rat/load etnutections wRh the. InterlOr of the State may be eetal. ' ]lslet- , , , IIiATITUTIOU Is xna.Soczn.- Th ere .9 a Olltt. Of country extending from North Carolina t)' Texas. including the northern 000 central prams of the Intervening Stat, s of South Gar . inn, Georgia, Alabama, Alleetedopl and Lou. .. tvltlltat, Is high, In cOrthettoutleo..l the tailure , i.tt.the. 4 1.11,4„ Is threatened with the Most dlr., .. , , ,, .....i..11N" that ean Itefal a people-a ,atate . au tittaltal denoting the approach and it luny Int Lit. actual tren ches 01 lit hie be f orel::'li.ET"luZ'..aw.-tt.h:',.,Zk.Pe3-;:or•jc.'6-71'?"11e'S i p e : uo l .9 : i r e ., :it t :: : 0 o r ' t t• h i : 11 o t :f el t ' . 1, u . i l p , r i c e, k , r,. : ~,",,,:ot: ln t k : , e ur : , l ' a P t. t. , :s o r i t - ' l r ' e c; i I:, ' : ' II tragicalit oil o n' t n tae .7: hun dred and seventeen out of . Dui "' t i. e. ' n e' t . t ' n ' n ' , and twehty.ene who mer e ",,,,'.:,,-,,,- ---,-,•':, neighborhood of Luke ltaLeal 1 . - a. - 1 -' , * ta ' , l i t.' the Waurrection have bean either i t:tit ' I or l" fallen agaitt lulu the be ot the anti e . ' t. The slain amount 40 1 1111 ty . f o al . . /II It ' 11 % 1". °grew report it la Slated that thirty-claw ~7 Lien have succeeded In making Inc, i nd _ - ',, - * front Nertcblnak. The/ r •Slttly road to fa,,,,,•,1,' ilea thtoUlShslapatt tO Tamar'', ,ilfe In New Oilcans, t With the api roach of Wiutor aacsco, the' ,g'arubling houses op,r, iu full blast, and they, are almost numberless, ranging inelegance of appointments an.l monetary strength from institutions which furnish royal sup pers,a apt commar •bousands of dollars, down to 'little • 've ':y-nine shanties, where the lunch oasis s of crackers and cheese, amp "t iips -. \ - mst a picayune a p i„, Formerly INhey were licensed under, laws of tl:( St:tte, and were open to every body, but now they arc under the ban, and are somewhat exclusive. People have learn ell to look upon frequenters of these pla ces with distrust, 'whereas in old times ev erybody-, except the preachers and deacons, playedwithout regard to public opinicn. The law obligett the proprietors to keep their placca omthe first floor, in order - to secure c4.sti'of entrance, and every one bet ting against the bank had a Icgal: richt to donandlthe dealer to Change his Pack of Girds even in the middle of a deal. Al though the practieo does not obtain. so uni• versally now, since the changes of the law, thousands are lost and won nightly on St. Charley tflreet and other localities, where large brazen figures over a dohr, and a screen m the top of the stairs, give sureln-_ dieation l that a "game is being dealt;"'' -Straime to say that, notwithstanding the influence of Preach malmersin other Mat- Mrs, faro is the favorite game and Creoles the most numerous players. The gamblers wield an important influence iu4he control of Muncipal 'affairs. AS a natural accompaniment of such Li faSt place, gilded baguios filled with fast women abound plentifully. Some of the . finest residences have been appropriated for such purposes, and although strenuous efforts are often made to rid the community of them, they always fail here, as they do, everywhere else. New' York, Boston and Washington arc probably the only c ties in the country which excel 'New Orleans in the extent of its patronage in the dont monde. The Evening Star carried with her ton watery, grave whin ,pf the Most noted mistresses of houses of prostitution in the city, and the adjustment of their re spective "sueeessious"—property left be hind-Lb:is furnished whispering gossip Tor the whole city, as it has disclosed the fact that male partners existed, who boil pecu niary interests in the,'„houses. Of course j ' People don't talk of such thines'out- loud ; but they get whispered Anat. abaft great celerity. There is a certain boldness about tlfe appearance and lozation of these dens of iatzony here, which is, perhaps, only equaled. by your own city, For instance. on Boston street three costly marble ear tinge steps are laid on the curbstone, on which are cut in letters the uames of King, Ilamilten and 'Palmer, Mistresses of the htiuse,':nol which are ht — filain sight frhtn Canal street. King was lost on the vessel reb:rred to above, and the roughs call her marble sign a tomb-stpne. The balls 1/C the quadroons, almost al ways Macy dri,..ss t are another prominent point of tast life/:ie. Of course they are attended by all the fast young men about town, and rumor has it that gray heads and beards are sonictimek seen! mixed 'up in whirling quadrilles, pollais and waltzes., with the long black tresses of the semi, White females. They / 1 1,4Lconducturl with all the rigid conventioinditThs that pervade similar entertainments indulged in by the upper-crust, aud no description of them is necessary ":::71":"ISALLOE' LIME— ,. I, e, . I , :.I !lit I-. OF LI.SII-. . . 1.3 t r.r! I irr Le( Cyr/ yr,3 re! IL, 'LI:On? ut 'nil A.:1,1 , 114 1 , ..F - 111N4; .4 1 I:1 , 0 ET~III I: •It 1i ~0/:E. ,T F )1 I • 3 WO . 3i bT. /UK ~ .I.llthole,th• and rvoii str I,rng Mid .11.-dn.the inn..., Nt tonthr oi th e Dir.n.nanl, nt . ar Foutht n erred.tn..l2..4lT CONNltailiEvrti. Ie• barren+ on.orted n • • prime Critilieirli,; SO • • eivi et raltai...•: //sled Ete.cliee; • • .A.Pl'l“; ei bane,:t'lJtr hose, ie...., re Ices •r- Cheete: • Fe:, Canoed evii.ze.tre.:Flii .t.. .era nod ler ,tte he 11. , .5411 eEL , eirdptiee., I • ltia•bureh-- ruin SCiOl4. • ItIA.RNIENS 1 -- MAE Ltit uhutihi..e. : the new iiroyer & Baker No. 1 Sewing Machine . Before heti , it eh., hi rt• III.• hest for their tte. Our bait • nt/9:ftr.i E=MEM iae I HAVE TOI L S ILIA( SOLD :OV TaK INTEI:q n't' ,!, • ru ,_c,A NIL& hi, 1 . E•• Tlc..• to UMN-614 L tE:llßiler •11,. e:ll,i'VrtYll.. October /B'4. U _ NDEIICLOTII MG, JACKET; FLAN N El.r; . .111.ANK , TS—fli sires spd colors; Fl:/tn, 11.1Itn. Popular stuck a; 1 ,0 1 , n1 , ' Prices. - A. LEGGATE., 1f,9 YederAl t [sett, Ain slim/. SHADES—Anew lot of n. .W and ocaut,ful el:slams on 1.1144. en, its. •nd Butt tirnttnaS. Chad and Fainted 1i0r0011,4 at ?to. KR Market street. x .71):1. It. It blifin • 11110. ROOTS ASIVD SIiOES.—A . very. Wipe erecta very lowest prices. - A. L.EtitIATE. 007 ILO Ft Sera stmt., &Huth V.l. --- NEW ADVE RTLISEHEN TS. JAMES T. BR,ADY ft CO., (thloc,taors to B. Jones G C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood SO., BANKERS & BROKERS, InALLILS lAr ALL KIND 3 Or Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, • ' Gold, Silver and Coupons. CVLLECTIONs InAle up •11 teceaelol• Poiut , I the United States end Cane. luttrrest allowed on Time Deposits. J . c tSCHOOIIIIIIAKIVR,& 801 V, PittAurgh White Loan Works, PURE WHITE LEAD, , BLUR LX:AD giltU I LV A FUN U No. 67 Fourll, Street, Up Stairs. Loll b 79 lIPAT HE: VOLUTION IN , TIIF: zN TE Tt F. OF HE UNID STATE — DUDE CAL• I FOdNIA of T fAxFiti NE. made nod S. prepared il6 if In France, I nm Win Ca. l lor• ola n lhe, and Miklos the place ordruportolUham parm The undert h lirSed 'would ^all the attention oine Dealers and otel Keepers to the following f W which may give a correct Weser the quango( they Wine: ''CONTINENrtI. Hain, -PitiLADstrill a, Oet. :sth, Borenzit a cu.—Ge.tleynen: Having gleen your California Ch Lmoagne &boron& test, takn Ineasure.in_aay lug that use Moat It Ina Lest &tarn au wine ore. lace avcr d. We shall E. once place It on our Lill of (Are. 5 ours truly J. E. KINGe•Ltt .0 CO." Call and try our California Champagne. uoltia7a • Lit/I.IOIIEIL t , 0., 30 Duyct N. Y. DRESS GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT, Z , mina° in,t .IC.row Prices; WHITE, ORR •Sc • • OTs!. LOTS:—I can now offer t, "10 na p:5O, well locatttlaml ins pleas ant Ai.), 10,4(..../ op the Elle from Venn 101,(0) ton Lille rIY s. r..et, , fl ow ....... ........ 7.0 trot 011 B. ol o f to otalpe i.ll, iron, !f 0 to nyi Vu tri. o.tetott. from 'Le 10 001 lo I.lh.rty Townehlp. eel...ping Mc. lloorootylo lets. from Seil to S 0 Alin Imr. 1; Tow usurp. Leta (tote... IS. to WA/ 10'S Will he toldop tern. to stilt W. , ' 11:111.1,... worue vow . oltalralooe loeprorOd prop. eriy, located In the lloroughs 'folvuthlp, Al. lovlowty tile,Pl labtorgh. and a 'Joining couutloa. For terms, apply at the lital tonal e 000 Insurauce Unice of 11. BATE% 'cot, Lewrenceville. nun Maier s "t I'EIE TEM' LATE: . Pine Frtiich C If Elo9ts i • Fine hip • Water-rroof Wavy Boots, Ladies' Polish Boots, Ladie,' Button Gaittrs, Lades' Crngrfss Gaiters, Ladies' Baltuorals, Ilisses and Cluldren:o Shoes of Every Dmcriptlon, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', Li iStnithliettl Streof [4ll'S Itti:111; Fl FLttER' nl. 'CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., PR EWERS, MALSTERS 4, HOP DEALERS, SOSIMA 11110 DES & Co.. ritehbnratz • h3l. AII)EILSON. Allegheny, ME • • ' Or! cg.torc C - J or hid IWO BMA ,artlctart• act! to•-, . PORTER. . tbrurgh the r-rerel o n;* 3tyll rrom ours -mots lcc tuttit.ug f ell ties and. Hors from the vArle e tot and WrAr, Re t A . guaractee IA be Durk , AA I butotto.. ry to t sly Our !Nl/LA ALE too F.ceu 111,111 r rceuAist. Sc,! r.. taut t!y . tot. let t, A \ OEII, O. rUstAmrrs will tlease to tortl - ttla o Ave their oro rs WU, attlutre. lug lAA 01. t 1 Bruw.ry . or „tour office, Gran of Darine;ne Way and Barker's Alley Fur...PITTSBURGH EXPLORING AND ['eV/et ot'ING MINING C. 01P NY Is 1:1 t Is/IN %If:0111[7k, JALICAUN tot: ::"Ty. t barter from the state o(Vlrgtela. CAPI r AI 4300.000 Div Ir. 3,000 ,he ea. var value aud aubterlp • [IOU l , rlce $ r blare. • I r.sitluu l—F. f rl-11Sit, rlarerta att . ! et, Himlmam. k ou county, Ettlittor t t eetetary,-.1. to‘acte..l,l,ort Co...Wcst Va. Tte , .urrt-IY. NN IGEIAII, de do do Arse . . :e,: re LEG y Cll,Oll Ewa: uttrubat Dlrthtor—le n. earsom Ward. Kan in , u [nutlet. TItI et topanv re 4.ms ;or sale, as dcscelbed ehoce. They err tothillo r . a shaft, whack; aired. to 1.44 (4 c: d, 'p. In Order to accede the &O per cent. OA, r t/rs, w ton .sptcad, all throuatt the /arm ar.ECI) In a. two r tot tiller rental. tharca easy th• B cured Ili a the wher ea t ,, m e or any ot• Cr oh ecru( the CEEI4I4 an y, where Caw 71. a. other ,p , rticulara cam be hbtalned. Dela: 75 BREWERS' NOTICE. • • TOE lINDERSIGNED, lIREWERA OF I.IT resolve.% at (bell last •meothoe. that 3 , lttle..ts with Vealera 01.11 be made on the riusr 01 EVERY MONTI.", moot. mencime November It% ISM. SPENCER &IcKAY, I). FAWCETT & CARSON. LARLINUTON'S CO Z. IVAINWEIGEIT, L TIILEKE.N. ' I'o I.LOC tf.. K ALTE.NIIOIO* & FRINKLIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S SONS Are now prepared to mauuraetare COTTON YARN; CARPET CB A IN COVERLET YAEN• CANDLEWICK TWINE:DATTLINV,S COTTON WARPS. Lc.. &e. WEST CASA!. STREET. between Robinson and Lanook, Allegheny CRY. I's. orders by mall attended to. non nta., DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! '-' JAMES T. SAMPLE NAVIN() HOU , iII7 . TIM WELL NOWN DREW ROUSE ON COHN alt OF FltuElt• I. AND Nub! NtiON STS.,- ALLEtirtNN Y, Will keep on hand a full amorttnent of all kind. of 3=ktErr - And which will tat sold a,-39, cheaper than any other house in tile two Cilitl. • . 1., ... 1 1 , t 10 +. carefully prepared by a first chum -r ATIV:ds of PERFUMENY and FANCY 80A PS on hand. marl GET NONE BUT Ai GROVER & BAKER For a Iloilday Olft. It 1. mtl.hie , perfect nod therefore the best. Don't fall to call sod nee UM. NO. 10 firrlf .1101111.1ilf. . leo blis. hew prime White Flint (or cats - hy CRARk.rd C. BALSLEY, P No- 511 Meaty street. CHEESE. ao boxes (1036t0, Factory and Limburg for 'plc by. CHARLES C. BALSLEY Bitoolis. -WO dozen for ealn by, CLIAISLIpi C. 13.4.LSLEY, LATER' LARD A lot of Ito t reudere.l abolce Lard, ltt tierces to arrive for sate by CUAILLEJi C. BALSLEY. LARD OIL. 5 bbl.. Extra Relined and warranted Winter rttralned, for sale by A1f.i.83 C. lIALSLEY, No. :01 Liberty et.rcel 825 , 060 TO LOAN. Portions ee'sir leg to bOrrow moue) oD Illns I , AND MORTUAUX.' 7 ' For One, two or more years, will do well to call on MO Real }:state A gen:llVkt.l"tarilt.l.ClParrrsTrYets SEWittIC `,I 4 IiACHINE Is the Ultima Thule of M. b nit m. Pleene call arid "'"alue "" NI). Id nrxii 1M Istroot Will holds Roudul Rot or Bolt In SCREWING 1.11 , 1 , STY The Appliances u s ed tha t'T. Witt:NC:ll for rolling oil and Screwing tilt Pipe. Sc., can 'be carried In the pocket, obviating the expense and burden Of t i e gg est wetgght of Ton Se. to he cart led nud used .final what tawanted by evxry FEAII and GAS EIMER. ['LUMBER, ENGINEE 11ACHINISP. BLACKS ITII, CALL and CARRIAGE BUILD ERS, and on 611 STEA.Malill'S, Boa Ts, LuCOM Zee.. and In every BAILEGA.II liLl'Alit 01100, FA l. l'oltl', ler. and every ' , TORE and klt/USE WHERE WATE.i: A N (I Al, ARE USED. These WRENCHES are made to the mo:t °ugh manner, non are over .0 per et nt. cheaper than any [lt t t r tools used X , perform the tan. work. A 12 In. Wrench will cut Off and screw 1111 pipe's 1., ILIO. • meter Aib to. Wrench WI,/ co: uf nod :crew tripe to IS Inch diameter. An io inch rc eh will cut off aml screw tip pipe ' a to a lichee Alamett r. A :t' Inch Wrench Will cw to and hen, up plot ti to _'inches di:Miele, l'or . hale Ity T STYLES OF .(10-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE—The s- , tiuderslgurd hare this .lay formed a co•partuer ably under the name and Mlle of EVANS, DALLAS & GILMORE, T. M. MARTON .1: CO.. Fin. the rail p,..lte of Fa&ylag,A. the .IE3 trir k ):111E dud Ilartulacturtrs or Cordage, Pactilug, Tanis, &c., AT THE OLD ,TAN:.. BUSINESS MAN'S •C MMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, 6 and S al, Clair Street. 011 Arithructi.: uncl•Pailinan..l.lp • U...., mum, to Ofr I ' ennu..lll, , , per wou I /1 n 1,1,• Fur Clroul tre. or ereCilnyll.s,.ll , t , Ve” v. 1• 11 , 0114:!:„114 . __ F. 00O' LAO 01. MEM FIRST CLASS LOOKING CLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MIANUFACTDRY• Keeps on Ilantl and manuttetnrei 5,, ord• r. the FIN XL . ..Tr:I'I'I;ED, , I,T a.... , 1•.%V0DD and W. 1.- N eVAI.awdadDIAI:E A11111:011. r and PICTURE MICAND, l'undda l'orni.••• • Vand, and fluttmla, Consul,. Trlpwl and Drarldd of raquislid: th,lan sod worarn Lnehir, • J,DIN.• AND EEDILDIND esec , tfol In Dm high." style oftluf art. 4/JeCKICaS Multi: CAT E. nn:..n3Ddias . • SOLDIERS , CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, tte. The nnaculpted wig collect ell bottutler, back Day and penalona dee soldier.: under the acts of Courts, or State • Congres• basJlLt passel an Let equalizing Woo llen, under Which veteran soldiers are entitled to bounty of front 1100 to 11 . 100. JOHN O. LASUILE, A. 11. iIItOWN. Attorneya at Lan-, .1111-afi2oll.l . OLdee, No. IL I Fifth street THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, 31 caufacturedurkly and fur sale by X.i.OX110•01. Its.i..22LVlDVrcarls:ess, W. Cor.3d and Market Sts:, G EO. F. SCIIICCIIIIIAN s CO., PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY STEAM MTH , RIR APIS Evl•Al4. ILSIISIKNT WEST fiF THE 310tiNTAI An. nese nets Cards, Letter thafis, Bunds, ti t cu. Drs. ehenv Darns. I•nflonnts, Portrait, V, o n f o Certificates of Depo , fits, Invitation Carils„te. Lee. NO, 19 snit Ti Third st., Vittsbingh. se lilfifJ PiTriiiliffitGli AND OAKLAND InCEENitifUse.N. JOHN R. & A. HENDOCH,. " (necneesors to John Mt. - cheat, Jr..) NUILSEDYSIEN AND FLDIDSTS, Pittsburgh. t'a., licit attentinn their extensive stock , of Flf AND X DINASTENTAL riVrieDlSEe.Nit, IJKAVE VINE'S A ID tiltE.ENtiOlirE PLANTB. Cs!l for is Fall Circular. l'lttoburfeti and Oakland Passetiffer the Greenhous e every (. I EORGE HEAVEN, CANDY MANUFACTURER • And denier ',ln FOREIGN AND AEU:RICAN YRUITd, Ac.. • N0..112 lederal4Hrect; Second duo- c.v.... the Fleet National Hank, 'a • I PIAUI/PI. .••• ----- REMOTA L.-THE UNDER MG :11- ID hare remore4 the °Mee of the lifwEpti, WORKS (rum 33 Market street, Pittsburgh, jrt?.),,. Works on (.7211t,01i hTItEET Lirosrustuwu. Where they can hereafter beluund. PostUtilce Aildreas 83ft. Pittsburgh. r u • tr, , I), ug . - pAPERI PArEIRS.PITTSBunun - PAPER MARIPACTURIEICI COMPANY. Warebouse, Third Stnet, tetit coo band, and Tor OM. St losses, ,narket rates. Still TACK, MAN? , LA, HARDWARE, At I IFI FELT and ,W r L'AtEd• 10,1110 assorted LION In Warehouse. Cltutton Mills At Steubenville. t 610. 1111 l -• sa-1.‘11•••••••. P._ No 7il Liberty street W 1 ST` CO\IOIO% irtr u olf`AE co „ COMM., ALLtOITENY. ALTVATKIL H ay, „ on hand a, prepare on short notice I) FLAKY FUR hII)F.-WeLK4:IIItENVEItIf VAULTe. ad HEAL) AN '1'(31!1 TON Jur., .:ro promptly ortroto , t. .royi•Es ity.4- ttot. 411 LE. oc:11.111 , 0 • No. 731 Liberty ntreet MONEY 'LOAN OFFICE, SO. 141 SMITHFIELD STMEET, turner of 81xll, I rittaburalt. /SOUP, Loaned 00 01Iver Plates, Huns Pinola, Diatuonda, Jewelry, Mold and Silver Watehea clothing, and valuable artleles,o(e.verytdeserlptlo,u, sN The o ac g e 0 oVIL 0 1: g tbe : delivered r o r;. " "" Mora/a of every deaerlption for sale atlo Isu No. 911 Liberty street. ItIDLIET 'S c , .rum.rizsa. clzt.xvizo-sr. Jest rceive/ a fresh supply, of. Ca n dl e s , celeted Vanilla Cream and ast.orted l for sale by the pound, at the Family Grocery bistro or. JOHN A. lit Nt , llti W, artier Liberty and Hand street., VECESSARIES FOR THE 111111 , i TEII.-.For a good COOKINU tlVEarld other 'lnchon Utensils, En to blo: t4ifi tirant street. Plain and Fancy VOA LaCtiTTKL.S I , IIIF. r , llO ELb. Plain SU4I n ano Utenalls for Cooking trystet and other rant,. disurseFonders. btorn ripa, Ws ter Conductors. 404 all other article., roll at P. IL' 1113 11•Yrn, Noe 144 anyo., - All cb,..• ..;1` •. • . • - . - _ NEW ADvERTISERIENTS. • NEW ADVERTTSEXENT. j NEW ADVERTISEAT.ENTS. vEruf 1 - Aix...ital.; cAlpi D 0 ;11 T. 1 .... _ C GO 0 D • AT EXECUTOSS' SALE. Tha..seiy valuable rap.ll, 3!t•. 1 , 1 l'ellrt t 0... BLIP, Westm”rtland ~ nu! T. Pa:, 1.11 - .1 , .1 , .. , 1..1 , c ty t'aul.llrlnVir, lit? Llta- pr4.pc/ , ‘ , l 1. 11 4 A AC 7. LUNUACRE ticc.azt,l, CJ111.111.14 312 .a.cu=c 9. . 10, le eltrLlllnly one of Me tint •t far m :; is lc'. td nuareltrol county, lel It Rood an I s t.uhtt.trttlal tut pro reagente. A arty l‘Fge and vont vul'•ut Dwelling House, a Large and - New Darn, • Bunt lot' e brel ILIUM,: al, a rENAN I' It 'USE on one part or the farm. The w but_ (aim Is UNDEIULAID (.0.11 And wtll be on or eonteolrn t to the Due. f t h. r,h templated Itallrout !rum Man, ruation to New !eau, b - In• about are s fr. at Manor rtahloa. au the Pe 1102. nail row!. :col two and a i,aif from N•w tialrtn: ...nett/L.la to •cltuo:s an•t churches. It tie sold en I' m .. or dint tr.l to ~tit pAchasers. To. abut, 'prate..rty wit! to bold et rialutc Vendor. on • Thursday, December 27th, 1566 . . Persons vrl.lllll, to iturrhaLe, and de It It.g to rev the , artn before tbo day of ante, aryl ear "111 J. r.l. RANKIN, Esq.. at ilarrlkrro City. rdro take ;dram, In ellwrlcur tin ',Mw p.treertl l.or 2 .1 loop 141drrfiq, try;,Bi...set;Artero. IL2 , l r ll . d v e i r L - . .f lg d : It. B. CARR, 3forg..ntoon W. V'., nol2:ll4:arT k: XeC itt t. : ti , ATIAB .Itl ITb STREE T„ Ninth Hard, Fitisburgh. THOMAS N. MILLEH, PresitbEnt TLose Works are among ttaf largest and most loan Plete estattllst•meot lit tlte tVc. t, are larc pared to furnlati EnginesdpLvery Dote rlytion Boßees, Oil Tanta, Sheet Iron ork, railroad Cabling., Boalng 31(11:Castings Engine Cuttingo a.tiligs, Cetierf I Castlll . ;; N, ORDERS SOLICITED, ocoalui • TUE GITEATESI',INVErVi'dON OF AtiE. Webster's Palent ".Ordinary tireueb," =1 llults,Rbuud (:ae, Brasx at ht MIEN M. MeSTEEN & CO., N0.:14 Water strece, near I.lbertT IMIE =l=l EMI SHIP CHANDLERY BUSINESS, . . - • • No. 13C1 , laiTra.tor 511.2. - 4thcat. 1:41.1,A5, • 1 , 1 , :•:;•...14.1...%•!. 7,, 11. 61,1.11.• • /•:.• - • .7.1:•••••: J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, FOll Vll. ItEFIN EIZe; T. 11. .1 El^l.lr A CO, =I 8A517. - L'IS DEEM NEW GOODS. Blanket s, I+ lannels, Cloa kincys„ • Boy's Wear, Shawls, • Plaids, Silks. Dress Goods, • , Linen Goods, • • - Merinos, CLOTH AM) VELVET MANTLES. 3. SELEPHARD7 STEAM CRACKER BAKER a-rip cox.FE CT 10.1 ER, No. 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA Mann Cant firer and dealer In :Mk liteliof PLAIN & FANCY CRACKERS, ,uu• FRENCH CONFECTIONARIES, :3,4Docs, 3alcomr-EEN PURE SI'GAR TOYS, FOR HOLIDAYS Prompt Talon 04', try 11o9:51wr OVEICE OF TUE • Q.ll3ll,loNEns tilt FUNP, 11 •1110,u1:6, Ueltyber 21, isrir. Notice Is lo rubr given %tat sorted propossle or Lite ...or One Million Dollars of tb,e,s per cent BE ONE MILLION DOLLARS MEI Six Per Cent. Loans, • Of thecointioihwe3ltli of VetiisAylaula. will be re crlrel at the 'lreamiry De 10,. melt, in the City of liarrisharii, .111111 2 o'cleek in., of 'r rrEIL J-,8"52", The 16th day of November,,A.D, 1666. • Ft .tea MOlllll effered.'prlce 11.1 r Itegt.tgreol or Conlon, Loos. u. be a.hlre,cd. ••Coru.nis.lonern of , Inking Fund, liar, ra.."' elle orb,' "Propt...als to cell State 1. 0 ri , se•ri tine to reett !plat not. In IS,It ort:nion, right l to .the C'uutmo, u , rcalt h. .I , OIIN lIMITRANFT, Attditor li rueful ELI SLIVEtt. • S-ecretary or State . W. 11. .••• SLA{C Trcasurer. Co , 11111if3:011tri et the Sinking Fond. DU. J. S. RISC,' • ev,intel tLe tn . :l.:Lice of 1/enlister IL Coro. 1.0.41. Opposite the Cathedral, t r t c , cedvt, Mc ads rtatron2 ndces of au expt,rfenced DENTAL PRACTITIONER. retterlii Vt., on will be given En tie pervert,- l'thi of lb., n' •d teeth by ski llfully .11111r.g th em tu.nt rl4l, laid by giving them rttEter trt3.11.,!. (1.1 pre ter elbg• them, for Andre et re ate! rot:abet 111 3 rip,: old Ewe: • •tl' :Ile troth Of ,t uttmg pored. st t all- Ity atteedt .110 awl otter:, •ted. arlloclniteetif, rendered eethrtkettltle and useml i'y It e matte of tot Doe tor's me •Imultm t be hind, I extly fur 811 who mat - order ttdde. - . AU ii.nent dii,nr.frle, of r..lne In RI rl.lp. relief 'tn., viln In tin extrnettou of leciti, All. I, bklll - fully iolnltniste,,l in Ulna,: minims.; thalre [twin. 9.1 ,- e bunr•irom it A. Si. in 4 r. U. 6e1.:1 ..: 1866. FALL • mn .4- 4 iLitlP IWe aro now figexhlbeor pare e ver n!. eact.nstre anynt ood mwe hare ever had the naere of offering ty our patrons. I English Brussels and Tapestries, marketchoice patt.rna never injure to till. .`" Dlcu 1111TUA AND VEJNET CARPETS AND RUGS, .11111:011/Ett1:1) SWFaI I. aCE CURTAINS, Nor and Elegant Patterns of cornices, Side & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, • Cholcu :Style. Notting Curtains. WEARLAND &.COLLIISS. 73 7 and and STREET. Next how., U.S. Cornet llou F se Y and rest Vince, bound Floor. CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. I3REED, 113 LECil=3. 6 "1"E .NO. 160 Wood Street. BRITANNIA AND tIII.VER BLATED TABLA WARE. TEA THAI'S AND TABLE CHTLERIL, •Oral, on hand. CHINA TEN BETS. CHINA DI NNEJt tLETS. CHINA TOILET SETS. I N A VASES. CHINA Bln'OONs BB E W A Ith OF t'l EVERY bEHeitirTzuzi L.LCA CARD I.:Ati.ti Kr.% • . • I. AV . A , A el CI, WINS. EMI TONE WARE 01 Aft vaMetlea, Local M/101r 4:1.i retail :note. ' The ;ar ea and mo,A complete atock. everythlll g In this :We lu [Lc city. Prleus and term: the stone ns In the cletern: _111317:34, - 1 1 :17 r1Tt. " ..b C .. 1 Z /L ot E .e l . l t Y .co c k ° '7• l " POCKET CUTLERY ; f ln thin illy. Also, Grouad Razors lu Endleße Varirty vizracr. N. ciloaaammr, Agent Plttsbnegb entlerl Cororang ..Vos. 67 and 69 Fttih Street. IDISLAtCII BUILDING:) ntl3 110NUMEN7'9; GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains, to teary, Vases, KEE DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROONIE I . • Nn. 170 Penn Strvet. NEW STYLES HATS. IZ'CORD & CO., 131 1F3^40011 STREET, Are receiving en laeinense stock or —go HATS, CAPS AND FURS, Ecobr i ag tag n endless ;1 arlety .11. 1 1 TS MR THE. LADIES, RENTS AND BOYS; CAPS OF EVERY .Tv PClts FUR LADIES AND CHILDREN; SABLE. •AllNli. SQUICREL. any altspe or price, to whlch they invite the talent'. of A11. ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of ISOI and 18C2. AU who nerved three Are entitled to 1100 L those nereltur rea rW., $3O: or who_were dincharged by rewou of wounds, or their heirs. 2hres J./oaths Extra Pay le. doe Volunteer Otacera In the errTlCe !larch &I, DM. •041 dlaehargett,ntuttured out, or rutlgned t Globe A orli o, lAIS. NSlONS.—Permanentl are entttled to 113, 41110 or C. 16, aecortlln y g.todisabled degree of disabil ity. W. J. & LULL. I'ATTEILSON, Attorneys, 4 'an, ari Plttahnlrh, Pa, NEW PAPEIR HANGINGS. FOR PAILLORR—French Designs, rrllb Gold Ron. der, FOIL LlBRAZlEn—Pompeian Patterns on Orange grou nd PIM HALLS—New Orson Patterns onZed Clay ground. CIIAXBER. Lace and lilialln Patterns over dark gvanda. - Par cue f.• W. P. ISA nSISALL. pea Fa Wood stress. uCASKS 'POTASII, prime, w calved and foragi u bj t, E A. Kia.i.y Co.. TellOkilde DIT/WitSt g:Wu°411001 NEW DRY GOADS. 111N 9 iII'CONNELL & CO., NO. 178 EZDEIAL ST., Allegheny pity, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Levers, EMI' IN, hIcCONNELL S CO. announce that they have Just evened and end are constantly rece.a log ',kitty IN VOICES of not telected lIItY G0. , 115, and all artlc'es In IS, Ir Una at buslnefs, direct (r of E e asl. which they offer TO THE 11..A.DE , OR AT II ETA IL, at the LOW X/nT fLtar.3. THEIR STOCK COMPRISES ALL /as LATEST AND BEST SYLES • And in Great Variety, And are all . aj d , llZI T UAT I MIT . A . II , 6I.TTERNS FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH Tlress (Foods, ALL KINDS OF FLANNELS, While and Colored Blankets,' Balmoral Balmoral Skirts, Cloakings, Prints, Delaines, Ginghams, Sheelings—Bleached and Brown, Checlo, Tickings, Sheetlngs, etc., etc., _ Aud an exteutslre variety end neaertment of IV ICI. P I C7 O IV EV ERWIN, McCONNELL & CO., NO, 17S FEDERAL STREET, I=IEI C. C. SEELY'S CHOLERA PREVENTIVE. • • VOR REGULATING THE ELS.- destroying Acidity In the Stomach. cre ating a healthy action of the Liver. assisting in the .Secrellou of ileattily giving Regularity to the Bowels. and assistin inns stem Ins dexithy state. the iiREVENTI VEs uurpassed. It has been tried lu thousands of Instances. and has never been known to fail where the directions were strictly fol lowed. At this time, when we know not at what moment the fell destruyer. .may be upon or, nothing shonlii be left undone that can be done to give the system a bettitt.y action.and It Is with a slew to Ming about thls great dlslderatum, wale. of Itself is the strongest bulwark' against tee attacks of cholera. that this medicine Is offered to au Intelligent pub lic. Its aellon in cases ofDlarrhea Is magical, One bottle of the Preventive server to cheek the com plaint—two seldom required. Seely's Cholera Preventive thels result of many years study and labor. The oh- Ject of the proprietor la the nr.t place was tom:More a medicine that-would • seist digestion and relieve blur from the terrible sufferinga of Dvapepslt. 1 1 / 1 1"- lug attained this great end, fie found that the mix. , ture was anadruirable ew e at or, 011 d that In cases , of diarrhea Its action was wonderful. Inclplent I Ilarrhea was cured by sleds e bottle; and even child cr,es were compelled to succumb to the powerful b y of this medlelne. Having by actual ezper In his own ea/stoma that of big satisded himself of its curative Mowers, he offers It to the public In full confidence that it wlll effect nil that he Metros for It. Unlike tire numberless goad: no Arum. that are foisted upon a too credulous public, It is not a universal cure-all, but Is Intended for a remedy, and is only et:luscious In cases of Incipient i'holera, Diarrhea, lfsepensla, or kindred ins, arising for the moat pan from Imperfect digestion. /u fell confidence 01 1111 restorativepowers, It la now alit red to the public. No bon:el:old Should he without a supplyof It. etcamboata. Hotels and Travellers should always hare it on hand. Lt is easy to take, shnple In Its nature, and Instan taneous In its erects. Sold by all respectable druggists and cOuntry storekeepers. att27:11.5 ROOTS, SHOES,' GAITERS, DRY GOODS, Blankets, Woolen Hoods. 1866. PLAN*EI.IS, 8 • Cassimeres, Cloths, SEA Wl2, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, n0ru.03,1.13:03, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, EMI McCDELL.A.ND's AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 and 57 • ( FIFTH STRFeET:- ...ra,vrt DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK., No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN /855. I Open daily from Pto 2 o'clock, also on Wednesday and Satunlay evening., from Mar lit to Normnbor ' ht. from 7 to Is o'clock, and from November Ist to May Ist, from a to Es o'clock. Deposits received of all rums of no declare d One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits twine a year, In June and December. Interest has been declared aeMi.anneally InJune and December since the Bank yeas organised, at the rate of alx per tent. year. n Interest, If not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the ilepositor as princlpal. and bears the same in. terest from the drat days of Jusae and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the de. poaltor to c a ll. or even to present his pa. book. At this rate money will double In leas than twelve yeus. Books containing the Charter. By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, alrUbted gratis, on application at the odice. PnealpiirT—UP.ollol2 ALBREK. • old Pngaingirras John G. Backofen, A. K. Polloek, M.D.. i Benj. L. Pahsseatock, Hobert Robb, James Herdmam, John H. dhcenberger, James !dcAuley, Junek Bhlalle, James IL D. Meeds, Alexander Speer, ' Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. • adaigia, Wm. J. Anderson T . James D. Kelly, Calvin Adams, John C. Bindle)", , ga r r Y tkiii n gss, . lint Bglwa7n. 1 John Marshall, Walter Y. Manhall. A'onao..,r Carrier,'John B. Moleadden, Charles A. Colton. Jahn , Orr 1 4 4 ' 1; kiaurfl nn. tte r sry E L. .0 . 1, 4 : 274 11 t , John J. illifesple, _Aleian . der Tindle William H. Haven, Willie= Vanlcir Peter IL Hunker. ' Wm. P. Vietnam Richard Hayes, Isaac Whittkr. Yncasungu—CHAßL S A. COLTON. dectscrusk—JAS, B. IV. MKIEDS. W. J. C. L10M.11..•.C. A. Y. .111 CBS. MYERS, HOPPER & CO, • (Eiticottiort to U. 12. Bulger.) No. 45 Szo4thfield. St., • .illnufactarers arid Dealers la all kinds of Fitrxßivirincrptm Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Bets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, Together with a fhll as tortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture c;orotantir on; bandalid for sale at the Sac .woest3PriAmem. • , 1 EGAL NOTICE. —ESTATE OF' oPlEi26al WiAß Yl 4!!Eitl 2 .2.ltit! it:shins' Court of Allegheny County, Penns,.lva• ids, notice Ls beret,' igiv.n that the tiodersigaed,, shrilling Executors of the Last Will and Tosta-• in. nt of. said decedent, bare settled an -asentint, which is [lieu In said Crum snoring a bslaa nth ' their hands in Cash and invesunents of 'Two line. ILIA and hilly-four Thousand and lieVenty•weven . 04 90.400 Dollars, soblect ter.sieredoetiou of nin. il,rstrPie-eso'bk-el!'brrioTallf!Aerretal "3111411r7 AsseclaVon.,•• of New Yoshi the other . lief to as disbursed by Zoecators for parpOses sei.forth lo uld will. Ad nervous gad cOrporatlorut .clillnhilt 9r ,la dein said fonds, or Ily port thereof. ao, required tr l re.VVg•tarltl!t4fl V i ngi n i r liEln44lll l , 4 43' o'c.ock A. *:;gad file theft. els has, or , show cause, liv..',Te,:lgT,ll3 t i l l 4'4l:.T.'"::, AZ f,21:4 .....rdw g v. the Provirlons of the-lass veld and tow, tainent tf Bald decedent, Its above sel - forUs• • -, , • ,• • • •,, ' TkitollAti 4% HoWlt A • . •. ' . , ,_. mg,Berat xnetl •iols' //te. d d iOerginfliiiikrif 1 %1 , OfXslllah ARRIVAL WANTED, Eo wire of co • 1463 writ Li .& KING. VANTEIGENT..S—Ter sell b Situp ' AS UL1.F.1 , /S GAS GEN' niceroit. 14 , 1 bl at CM. CAII he In aVant.l tb bur lamp MG"-, inn brat ust• lleta no.. from Carbon GU. Con, cult,. as a c , ..ntlle. Will net blow out. AMMO nude by ..ututs evillug Rtgha sr dciubtralour. wilt. In the lab:A/day, Gnu are coining money selling I/. Teri. private. . •O. C. lILTOut, 2,07 t - So. IOS. SC. Clair street', WANTED—AGENTS —MA LE AND T FE3IALF.T—In erery part of Western Pena. y:Tanla tor the ring nowntorl Knerarlurs, • “PltATElt FORtir., ,, "THE -.YEA," —IAN COLN'S 110,1 E AT SVILINGYIELD,• Either-by the month 000 n commission. Publish ..rs' rates al owed. For full parilculars apply • priwo, or address, no: 43 Fifth strait, Pittsburgh. . $7,5 d .t011200 :or Ladles, everywhere, to In'tr:riet"ttr3oWtiol .tense Family Sewing ilaculne, Improved And pet , ecte.l. It It'll hem, fell, tttleh, gent, bind, braid. embrol ler beautlfully—prlce 0017 gyliV—m A k; ng the ellalle lock-,altett. and Ittlly warix.riled tor Intro "ears. We pay the above wages, or a corn. alsalon, Zoom 'which twice that alloUllt C. be made. .1.,1.1rem or call on U. 00WEK.1 a CO.. 253:1. fifth atreet, Phlltdelphls. Pa. All It stel,.swered promptly. with circulars and I • WAL.NTD, • • L • TO PURCHASE . FOR CASH, • A FIRST CLASS RESIDENCE, Located In Fourth, Pllth,'_Elstb. Penn or 'Enilth held strict.. One with itablC attached preferred. RioREARTER, GAZZART. & CO ., . .• vro: 98 Grant Sired, no • AGENTS WANTED "FOR A I% 1300 K, NOW HEADY. • • WOMEN OF THE WAR, 117 FRANK. Mot.III if, authc of "Thu fiebelllott Itocord, , a ce, The obfect Or this work Is t collect nod present , • narratives or the services Of the oome,, 1940 biltall/ the perils of the war.andonght W Inherit Its glor The volume contains about GAM on pages. and Is Illustrated with steel plate Port ral ts, • engraved In the most unproved style. bold only by' aubscrlptlon. ' for Circulars, address or apply to - 7 hAla Y BOWES:. _ • • oc6 No. GS Filth st, eet. Pittsburgh. A GENTS WASTED 13 Y. THE CV; • ••••••• ItEICA SEWING 7.16.121111 k: COMPANY' 'to sell their 74:1V $1.15 MACIIINIL. WI sew from tissue paper to heavy Beaver cloth or leather with., out change of feed. needle r tension. bclf.alu sling pressure foot and newly designed foUr Motioned • UNDfaas.x.n. Addreas, enclosing stamp, J It. HALL a Fin. ; . • 138 Fifth Street, (Second Mem Pittsburgh, Pa. .3llegheny • MEN WASTED, • TO ACT AS SeiLESMEN, Etter permanently or temporarily, who arel- 1 petrol to engage In first-els" business relations. Apply In person or address W. D 4.l{hlt selnjss 9B Great street. Pittsburan, , . • A GENTS. WANTED—For the Gola MEDAL &EWING. At AC Itt.every City and County In the Union. Thu lean cony' eced two-thread Machine In the wok. Addrene A., F tOIiNSuN dt Cl./..; ail Washlnglusi • utreet, 31ase, • • 007:n4; DIVIDEND NOTICES. ; THIRD NATIONAL BANK, PITTSKI.TioII, PLITSDOIIOII, Nor 716, Med. E DIRECTORS OF THIS I3ANIt 118VC this day declared a dlvldrud of I • SIX /*XII CENT. ON TUE CAPITAL STUCK. Free of (10VerlIMCIlt tar. Otlt Of the esrnlll(6 Or ih• laartaz montbe, parable . oft and after ..110NDAlf NENT,.t.Lke =l5 1110. 0051 JNO. L. LIVINGSTON, Cashier. DIVIDEND. . • I OrIICE R i TYRN IN6fludfiClL VOIWANIT, j kITT.,IIII u 1(, SOY. litb. J.SGS. • • THE ISOARD•OF DIRMCIk)ILS of 0;!a Company have Ulla dartleclared a thrlden•fof ONE , DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTsypon each chart ol the Capt. thl Stock, Jut of the earned profits of ezzol;c4 risks of the tont six months, free_ of Government tri4 Slate'taxen. pnyable to Stoeihoklefson and W3l. EUBEIST, • 11:= MEM CITIZENS' NAllf/TAL BASK tTh Prrrtqa.rzau, rah Horeml , ertillri , f CENT. du the Capital Stock, cplt of Mu prollrs of the last all moult., payable ou and afltr the 12lb 1113 E.. tree of Coverument tax. 1107:01 . - J. E. BRADS, JR., Catttlei, BINK VlTTlbeaull, x. Gth - 71KG. (' . rrHE PRESIDENT .4.NDEIIIECT -a- CMS a/J."l'H IS BANN have WI, day declared a divldeed of FIVE erNT. "u las Lapltalbtoeit out or lhe prole of the last of mouths, which will be pall to atookbolders or I.V I , leg at repreeenta. tires. cu or after We lath lust., true of [Gove rnment State taxes. _ _ _ut:7:135.1 .EXCIp.IIOII NATIONAL I[Ati6 OF PITTSLIVIGII, I`a F DiRE P CTSORS PA. NOT G. BANK have Ileclarrol a 'dividend - of eIX PEE CENT. from thecartangs the last it: months, payable to aharcholders en demapd. She IL Income Tax. A raid by the Bank.. no7:nfa rt. M. MURRAY. Cashier. 1.31",,T0N5. t Pirrsnuxou. Noverub, 30, liSta: THE DIRECTORS OE TUIS B Save Ova day declared 4 , lll , lde:id of ONE 'SUL- • ' LAICAND. bt.Voi.VSY-YIVE Clit.eiTs on each ' share of Capital Stock. out of their erotlia of lba • last Ms module.pa) able to Otoei.bot re. or theft . legal rapreatsitativea. oti awl after StIiNDAY, thit I.3loinat. 11.0130. ri0G.0.13 PreaMent. 1 :411.11AN NATIONAL BANK. PITTSBUROIL. Noventh, MeV{ A DIVIDEND OF SIN FEU CENT., of oternment Tax, on the Ital Stock or this Ban O rhaa been declared, payablq on and after the 110th but. 1131:13 . 'OFFICE or ALLEGnirsit (lAS OOrrAlit, ALLB9HENT, PA.. Nor. Stri. MS_ 5 THE DIItYIiTOIN• 'THIS COIII . AN Y have tide dor declared & dividend of FOUR rEft CENT. on the Capital rthek, from the protein of tte six months, payable on andaftvr the 115th Inst. n04n...1:3 J. S. D AVIT ;SON. Tress,r. QUARTEULY DIVIDEND. NiaTioN, ki/INK, PITTSBURGH, - tLato PPUborah Trust Como.y.) THE N.L. 1864. DIR.ECTORS Or Vito BANK bare t Is Jos decla , ed aquartcrlr dividend of ?a:IEEE PER. CENT. do the crapltal block out of lac profits of tba Ise thrtAtliontbs, payable tortbattb, free of tax. n08:0464._ B. be ULLY. Caahlar. IVIDEND. NATIONAL. Halts. I PIPIThDrt..OII, Nov./ober 6th, Li6o. f THE:DIRECTOR- or THI4 HANK here_ MU day declared a dividend of Y/ t" . :'PER CENT. on Its Capital Stock, tree of Goren/meat T 0.,., payahla 'O4 dunsnd.• The time of dee/mina, foto/el/lel/lends hai been changed to_ _the Iltsc Monday of July, IfC7, and there Aer on the Ytrat Men , i/Ya of January and July In each year. , P. GLINIX/N. noB.net Cashier.' Jil:ts:ctatiwittlit HENRY id ;tad • MERCHANT TAILOR, Northwest Corner of Penn Desires to return thanks to hikftlends and the pub. he for the many vast favors. and: respeethally settee Ito a share of their futsae Patrososke• Fie wool pleased to have them examine his Large and Carefully Selected Stock Fine Woolen Goods] partica.2l, adapted tog iESTIAIM MI FOB lilt AO • ' LARGE STOCK OF BOY'S sux'r MI AND OVERCOATS, Of the latest styles .for Winter desSon. WAS /e. store, by GRAY A LOGAN, .Vo. 43' St. Clair Street. FALL AND WINTEII :GOODS. W. H. itIoGEE, No. 10 SL Clair Street, Wmild call the attention of borer, to his stock of Goods. which h. been selected with great care. and `. contains al/ the latest atyles of Goods to be found IA nnt-elan, house. Gents want.. a . . SUIT UP OLOTIEB MADE TO ORDER. Will please eall our good. and_ penes. Also a full and consolele - stoek of FUENDMIIbiti 131.101)d. ItltollANt TAILOR; No. 10 St. mot. eittsbursh. • 1.01018 BERGE A&cOy Manufac4 -.4 torero of • • Grand and Square Pianos. • - t/T BLK6 Ett MTILICET, tloeond - Block Feet from Broadway, HEW BOWL. • The Moos msnufacturel butble fltm aro armor- . loused for poWerful, clear,ortillso and sympathetic , one: with es collent work =arm p Lima., and _ • n•!".• 110.. ?IL MI .11.04•••• . JUST RECEIVED ; • • • a ctit I,..4.y ! tter; sreet Cloer, pure MCC . tT2,Vg l eltirarrit Nies!, HENRPREA. T.Shortr nyonalcoolovaath Fd r l BBL& ENE3LISU VENETIAIN •-"Jszp. "Cookson , e."-re coved land far WS - • WWI% C 1. KELLY• CO.. - OM • • waolosalo Pntglah 97 994 Mfg. • . ; - • WA Vt` ASHALL SIAR sIDS.RILEIL STIBILR. Becreary W. ILOSEITURG:CIabIt r GEOBGB A. ENDLY, Caohler. ND NOTICE. • r