The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 12, 1866, Image 1

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    TD - li DAILY GAZE 1I
Penniman,. Reed & Co.,
iva. Be Siith estreot
P. B. PEILVII!AN. & mon ,
f i o n,so sukk ai
It 7 E o Eo , Haslneu mg.agers,
Mule Cople.
Delivered by carrier, (per weekl
Mall svbsa lbers, (per year)
Liberal redactions to Newsboy" *ad Agents
cg:figiburflh 6'neite
• TIDE republican journals in the interior
of New York ate advocating the election
of Mr. Horace Greeley to the United States
'Senate in place'of Mr. Ira: Harris, whose
term ofserriee will - expire on the 4th of
neat March. Mr. Greeley was a formida
. Me competitor for the - place, though with
out his solicit:Aim and 'procurement, ivlten
Mr. Harris Was chosen. Ho is largo
- odds, the most able and influential man in
his State, and this recognition of his capac
ities and services would not only be grace
ful on the part of his political associates,
hut would be of, great advantage to the
country, which stands in need of its wise.t
and purest sons in high positions.
The only. competitor to Mr. Greeley
named .99 far is Mr. George W. Curtis,
Who is decitledlY able and upright, but
whose Claims are not at all comparable to
those of the great journalist.
• ALL MEN who are not hopelessly blind
ed by passions perceive tho significance of
the late elections. The New York World,
than which few journals are keener sight
ed,"declares, in view of the popular mani-
feitations,tiett President JOHNSON is "pow
• crless, during the residue of his term, it
' ail contested questions of domestic poli
tics," and tint "it would he futile for hitt
to contend longer with the Radicals in re
spect to the South." Precisely so. Now
if' the President would cease his factious
endeavors, and submit' to the inevitable,
the whole matter of reconstruction would
be accomplished on such a basis that the
people of both sections, inaftcragee, would
unite in commending as patriotic, humane
and beneficent.
IT is announced—we trust without an
thority--that United .States troops are
about to be sent into Mexico.. Of course,
there . is no authority of law for such an
expedition. We are not at war with Mex
ico; are not menaced by that. country;
have no cause of quarrel With it; and no
law exists authorizing military interven
tion In its behalf. The President has just
as much, 'and no more, authority to send
an army into ,France or Rusida, as into
Tun President begins to teel that he has
incurred a crushing weight of Odium for
his share in the New Orleans massacre,
and is endeavoring to shift the iesponsibil
ity to the slicild4rs of Secretary Stanton.
'lll.t personage may have been negligent
or culpable; but in view of established
facts the President will have hard work to
make any body - believe his action would
have been different front. .what it 'was h"d•
rite dispatch of General Baird been laid
before him.
'LIEcTAEN. SEIEILM AN and Minister
Campbell have finally started on a voyage
to see it they can discover the Mexican
Republic. They go to Vera Cruz. If they
find any sort of a government /hat will
stand respectably for twelve months, they
will take precedence of all the discoverers
whose exploits are recorded in history.
Perhaps they go lei find something that
will not stand without help.
A coonnuany Conservative and Demo
erotic "ducks", were killed at the late elec
tions,'and the pressure on the President
for Mikes for them is immense. Indeed,
most of them seem to hav t e beeneandidates
that they might plead martyrdont, and de
mand recompense. The-Senate will doubt
less have something to say - about fastening
on the Treasury these hoards of men whom
the people have rejected.
- Tan Baltizaore.'Grazette states complain
ingly that Gov. Swann made a requisition
upon Gen. Canby for troops to prevent the
arrest of the new Police Commissioners
and was , retbsed. It also condemns Gen.
Grant for publicly 'denouncing Governor
SWAIIIOI3 course as unwise. These may be
taken as indications that army officers will
not readily bo made tools of by the Presi
IT is stated that in view of the election
results several of the Souellern Governors
haie applied to the President for instruc
tions as to what they and their States
ought to do. They• - ought to nnderstand
by this time that Congress - is the"Captain'a
.otllee," at which settlement - is to be made.
TEE returns from Michigan are .aot all
in: So far the majority of the Republican
candidate for 'Governor is 24,431-, with
twenty-four counties to heir from. These
remaining counties are expected to sw,ell
the majonty to 27,000—S gain of 10,000
over 1864. •
' TUE Republican majority in New York
continues to increase as the returns tiom
the interior counties get in. It will ap
proach 16,000. Wbat a glorious common
wealth New York would be, but tof the
city, where commerce taints about all it
Turelections are repork to have p t •
duced ono effect on the President.=they
have stopped the pardon business. It - is
well the President at lust comprehends the
'Government does not belong to him, and
-that there are powers to which he is
-amenable.. .
• 4
Tim: Chicago Journal says that as far as
beard from the Republicans have made a
gain In Illinois of two State Senators and
seven members of the lower ,Louse of the
Ugiatitture. The Democrats insist no far
thervepnrts shall be made. I
Tait Missouri. Democrat chionicles with
pride the fact that on the day the Radical
victory in Missouri was announced - the.
Bonds of that State went up eight p.r cent.
That is the financial estimate of radicalism:.
In Missouri the Radimils hire full two
'thirds of each branch of Its Legislature.
The St. LouluZernocrat of Friday, says the
liadicalsliave certainly elected ;seven. of
.the nine Congressmen.
ii lirmoia General Logan, who ran for
* Congretia as the Republican candidate at
i lirse b r as an estimated majority of 52,000,
'being a gain of :30,000 on the iesuit two
years ago..
. ,
INlViieoru3ht the Republlean majority
r ianstlinated at ,25,000.„ In the Legislature 4
Republicans are stronger than last
1 1 1
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You Can Buy .
Foreign Liquors of all kinds at dozerin
Flrich's Dlst Mary, No. il9, 199,193 and 193 First
Street, Plttatiurgh..
j Remember,
Coed, Cough. Candy can be obtained at 119 Fed
eras street, Allegheny City. GEO. REAVES.
Go to FlemloWn brow Store, 7
For the host. White Lood in the city. St Mn
Yet street.
• Go to Fleming's Drug More,
8t Market street, for Flaxseed Oil and tar
Pentme. •
You Can Buy
liew Bops at, Joseph S. quell's
You Can Buy
New flops at. Joseph S. Finch's
The - Unita of Flee—A I.etter.troni Yale
rollego—lusportoot lhootructiotot to
New- Youg, November 10.—The .Poit re
ceived tho following ecommuttlention 'from
Itrof, Loomis, of Yule College, In . relatlon to
the shower of meteors which Is expected. to
take place on the morning of the 11th list:
On the morning of November 13th Mt,
shooting stars were oxen in • extraordinary
numbers throughout nearly the whole of
North America. rt was estimated that the
number vtslhlo at It single Suittou canal; not
have been leas than 200.41410. The display. began
abotte t m hinight, but tints not very lemur's:dee
"tall between two and' three reelork. .Theie
Is no evidence that any remarkable display
of meteors was seen on the same, day, either
In Europe or Asia. On Abe morning of No-
Vember 13t11,14.32, 'Unusual number,, of shoot
ing stars were seen throughout. klerope. One
observer counted forty-eight in four minutes.
NO Misses] display was notleed on the same
day in the. United States.
On the rooming of November 12th, till, me.
teors apneared us numerous as the stars dur
ing n period of four hours. Thl. display was
noticed th roughen t Europe anti America, anti
unusual number of meteors was recorded
November 9, law; also, near the same reason
of the yeitr' ' in. 1102, and at -several previous
dates extentling hack to the year 70.2.. -These
feels cleanly indicate' a evade of ahem one
third of a century, anti It is prOnahle that
there will 'tic a 'repetition of showers either
this year or next, in some part of the World.
but we Cannot inc. cure that. Ihe principal di:S
play will lake place in the United Stares. It
will be misers . ..4i that the day of the year Oil
which the greatdisplity occurs Changes three
days Inn , centery, hence We may look for tjsc
greatest display this year on the mon meg of
November 1101. On the morning of November
13th, ISSS, fon r ob.ervers at New Haven saw 4:10
shooting stars In less than two hour.; while
no the next looming less than half this num
ber could he seen. This fact wonld lead us to ex
pect the greatest unto her of meteors this year;
also, on the morning of tile 13th: It Is prOhable
Guist the numbered 3 1, 00 ting Stars will be con
siderably greater than the average °Wore
mornings both of the 13th touLtlth. The sum •
hers may he expected to begreatest after mid
-1•1114. and increase until the commencement
o rning twilight. •
Thu following directions are given to guide,
observers In the Open air, from u station'
which commands a good view of the heavens
quite down to 'the horizon. Observations
from an open window arab( bet little value.
If 'lt Is desired to determine the whole num
ber of meteors visible, at least four observers
are necessary; and whonever a meteor is seen
Its number should be audibly announced, fee'
the purpose ocavoldingduplicates. A major
ity of the November meteors move in paths
w filch seen, to diverge. from a point or region
In the constellation Leo, near tho betel of
the Slckle. It is important to determine an.
eurately the liitilellsl.Ma mall position of tills
area, from withal the warfare radiate; also
tile proportion of the numbers Which do,nnol
those which do nOt, conform to the general
Its is is probable that on tilts occasion there
will ho a large number of observers at many
iliffirent places, it will be a favorable oppor
tunity for determining the oeight of panic..
ler meteors; therefore, whenever a meteor ap
pear&so remarkable as to attract particular
attention, the position of its path among the
stars shoal.' lie located and the beginning and
erol-of t/M path, the precise thoe'of the Edam,
vation and the duration of the light, should
be carefully estimated. When the length of
the path gas !men deierm hied, the last o!: ser-
Italica will give the velocity of the meteor,
Is an element of the greatest Import
ce with respect to the theory of these boil-
E. I.
Yule College; November 9, ISei;
, :lthe Or, rland Teirgraph—nontes Deem
.ed I , esallble—Progrese• or the Work—
' The Shenandoah Recognised as an
Prozlish Privateer. - r
ktv Tong, November 10:,—The liertuiPs mr.
respondent with the Overland Telegraph Ers
pedttion, writing from Petropoulof kJ, in East
ern Siberia, given an encouraging account of
the progress of the Work. The Russian cor
vette Verlag, a vessel carrying seventeen guns
aunt three hundred 11101", IS detailed to itsdst.
In laving the sea lines. The following Is a reca
pitulation of the work on the Russian side of
the Pacific: Major Abase inns explored the
route between iitilikra and Okhotsk, and found
it • feasible for the construction of the tele
graph. Capt. Alatiooil has eznloreil the route
from the mouth iilhe Amcor to Okhotsk, and
Sound It feasible for work. Lieut. 'Kennon has
explored the route from Ghijign to Anadyrek,
and front t hat point to Anarlyrvary. and !mind
it feasible for the work. Capt. Afnerar has
traveled among the Teliciehtlq, the savage
tribes in the northern part of Slitieria. and
found them entirely friendly. Major abase
has traveled among the Korlaka and e the na-
Bre Kumehadoles, lied found them chttrely
friendly. Capt. Mahood and Major Abase have
traveled' among the Tungus) and other tribes
between (Itititga_arld the mouth of the Atnoor,
and found them entirely friendly. The
Tungus' revealed to them a route through
the mountains which they have hitherto kept
secret for their own 1.405. Work has been
commenced at several paints wherever work.
men can be procured. Poles were being cut
and housesMonstrueied for stations amt ann.
ply depots.' Pointe have bout selected Meng
the Okhotsk Sea for binding Pl.ppl les and ma
terials for the line. These aro mainly at the
mouths of rivers that may be used for trans
.portation to the Interior. A sifillettint num
ber of workmen wilt be procured at Yokuntsk
for building the line _lvrio• the natives are
not In abundance or era
unwilling to labor.
Mai. Aiken lies already n ade mho prelimliii,V
-101 atigements for obtaining wre . kineti; mate
"nate and supplies will be provided as fait as
the ships art Ivo at libiJiga.
The correspondent adds that while the She
nandoah was In the North Pacille, 1565, she
burned the whaleship Harvest, belonging to
the house of Pliuger tiros. ' of lionolalu. aunt
sailed under the UftWILIIO.II deg. A statement
of the affair was sent to London, nod the hill,
was proMptly paid by the British Government.
Title would seen to be an Indirect acknowl
edgment that the Shenandoah wits an Eng
lish pirate ship rather ',hart a rebel Cruiser.
From Mexico—lite Liberal Generals
nod lawyers Oppose Juarez and l's.
vor °V/ewer.
NAV 01tLE..43. Nov. s.—Advices from Chi
htiallea to the Dm of October have been re
ceived. Juarez in there with his ministers
and eight hundred soldiers. Dimling° is. held
by eight hundred Mexican Imperialists and
four hundred French. They are expected to
fall back on the capital.
Both the Juarez and Imperial governments
are exhausted in finances. .luurez is levying
forced loans. - extraordinary contributions;
and confiscating property. BM hopes aro de
;pendent on a liberal 10.111 by the United States
'government. Ho has greatly oppressed Amer
ican residents, and they have Bent u • memor
ial to' Washington. Maximilian's prospects
are very bad; he must leave with the Fiend).
• The Liberal generals and lawyers are under
stood to favor. Ortega, and only recognize Ju
.arez because he is recognized at Washington.
Ail Northern Mexico, except Durango, Is in
Liberal hands. - •
Thehleatctt territory la clear of Indiana
Movement of She Stephens Fee:Minn.
Now Yono, November 10:—.Tlin Expreas save:
Teoro was. considerable excitement at the
headquarters of Stephens, from an early hour
this morning, caused by numbers of persona
calling to learn Intelligence respecting move.
merits of the C. u. F. it. The opinion appears
to be fast gaining ground that several Irish
merchants In the city hare warmly espoused
the cayse, and will place vessels at the dispo
sal of Stephens. That he will take apvuniage
of their kindness is mown than probable, but
not to any extent; as no reliance Is placed In
using force with a naval expedition; a land
ing Is only necessary, and,then the future fate
oflreland will be decided by strength In the
field.' Ms barely possible that the Atlantic
Cable may suddenly cease to speak in short
time on this side, but whether it will be cut or
captured, is a question which must be' in
abeyance for the prevent.
[Bi the Mercbanta• National Telegraph eO,l
From Franklin and Oil Clay.
Special to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
FlLAaysixr, PA.,Novernber 10— Eceniny.—The
ricer at Oleopolls is sixteen Inches, at
ho eighteen inches, and at Oil City twe n ty.
two Inches, and- falling slowly at the shove
points. The weather Ili Cloudy with
of more min. Prospects
Weather cool and cloudy
Tbe Lord Robbery—Farther rsatnlns.
Hen of Mr.
N Tona, ( lgervernber IL—he examination
of w h itnesses In reference tothe peaches° by
Mr. Bitten of coupons from the Minds stolen
from auras L. Lord. was resumed yesterday,
and the decision was made that the evidence
would not warrant the Court in sending the
cage to - the Grand Jury. The defendant- was
accordingly cusinuona. 11
Tortow,,, •Novend,er le.—.liter an ineffectu
al effort to secure as further delay, the case of
the Queen vs. Wm. Hayden teas ordered on for
trial, and the prisoner was brought In. Hay--
0011 Ss alx , nt"twenty years of age, with a light
complexion and blue oyes. The prksoner, by
.threenon of his counsel, pleaded -not gutlty."
The jury were then sworn.
John Metcalf le:allied that lie was at the.bat
-au of RidaewaS, where the Canadian volun
teers were attacked, and saw several killed
and wounded. :
Joseph Near= ag ..41111ed that On
morning of tile fi rst of June,lie SW w four c anal
boats towed umoss
. the Magma river by two
tog ho its;. the canal boats contained several
hundred men. The prisoner was amongst,
them. lie was - armed with a title and had a
cartridge bort slung to a belt around Ills waist;
he was riding a roan horse, which belonged
to tile Niagara Street Hallway or inarmo. The
prisoner spoke to Conner huh told
•hlin to give II tun I he rest of that money; Price
ly pulled out his pocket book and said,
lin , u very little ltionrY; I gave you neu'lly all
1 had bolero." a imprison, said, •nili N'Ou
have lots of money." Prleely them gate him
Como eighty-live . cents lo silver, and ;asked
Min It he would keep the boys awity., w 11,111 he
said lie would do be, as he now hail smoothing,
to treat them with. 1 heard be made a similar
demand On 141. er persons.
. .
Other want - Wits wore toturillned4 whaj coa
l:11,1nd the 6liove testimony. For• th e deface,
tiflldavitts us to the pritoner's preritoislgood
charactee was n
'no Court chorged the jury very , :t4noly
against tho prisoner, and the Jury ruff •dten.
At ten two the jury reinoied
into Court a ith a verdict 0f...G0d1y."
Mr. Harrison-1 IltoVe, Illy Lord, the
Meld of the Court upon the prlstalsr.
tis, Lordship—Prisoner, have you any.
to ray Why lien touts should not lie pass al on
Pri.oner-1. hay., only th ,ty that the iii re
111,fi104 ho Bare :01'01 . 3 atgatnst vuut I
ohh oned the homey m mro the th
swore talsel V.awl they have pet jurett them.
selves. 1 simply uskeAl fur the money ( inns
• -
. .
Tile tr.,it.iio . pr•::onation having been Made
Orerlou, to ten z....e, being 1,14,et1. lien /OM.
h ID benten,4l the prisoner to be hung of; the'
3th of next moo tn. ~, 1
, . Nnvy Vara • .1.111.1i11,“14,—.1.1urn5e
Dinuostrrr—lrres.bry Depurnberbb..—
ppuiLitant , zat. by able Pn,44leill—M.-
elbsrge or Ernstsbe 4,vrks.
W Novemlier 10.—Commoilore
John Emlgorii,lims liven . appolnttil to com
mand the Easton Nave Yard, ill plat, of All
mind ringham, a M.! term of service let
Commodore 0. W. Cooper, 4,1.11101,1ing
the .United Stan s :Wainer W I, ire
-11005 under date of Ochiliee:est, tee arrival.
of Ills ceicict at Matitanzits,. Cient, utter t‘
el nize in the Hatuunas.
Abaco, on American liveque had gone on
shore, and all on no,ra sero
The English brit Raven. bad liven v11)11.011
at Gre2.o. Stirrilp Crag, and ,Riven ashore.
NOM, had been gutVtli.
On the Commander Cooper stoppsil at
i Nitstan, whors, at the request. Of our Chnsut
ut that plans, flee Americas machinists Wert:
taken on Isttril the W11100:4:I for passage to
Slatitansas, thee having Icon wrecked oa the
barque IV this Rich, on the. It t han...,
fly an arrival at Nassah, n tlir . 27.1.. of a
saloon., how Magna, :14 , 311.1111, ogre rati•tval
of the enlist...est...talon of t l,r. sat...tent on
Tnrs's and the wracking of thirty !Or
eign vessels, by_ Ihr revert' Willeb
Visitod the ItAintirlas.'
The disbursements Of the Treacnry on ac
count of the War, Navy and interior Depart•
meats diving the past week, were as follows:
Wu: Derma tmeat, i1i14.111.4 Navy Department.
; intemor Depat Dacia, szia,:ilin total,
The National ltank etreinstion Wt.
Issued during the week. to the amount of $l4l
- tnakt it a total to date, of 42:sis,:,Int. The
government hold seen! :es as fellows: For
circulating mails, her deposit. of
public motleys In designated Ilegx)sltorleN,
43.4,95 n; 1014 d, 4379497,1 w. Fractional Currency
was teller:Med in the stun of c 235,3116; received
from theitrmttng Ms reau, 1:560,500; shipped to
National Banks and Deptodteries,
TlM — amount of funds In the vaults' Of—the
Treasury is as follows: United Staten Notes,
Legal Tenders, $1.51,32, Fractional Currency,
66.57,a11; Gehl, s ' llver.s2,7:ni other roll.,
The Prcardolt to-ilay - made the follosing
appomtments: T.. 1. Gardner, •Instiee of till.
Peace for the county ut Washington, District.
of Colninbia ; 11. 11. Taylor, Deputy
Postmaster at Cincinnati, Uhl.,; IV illiam 0.
Ilerattherg, Po:d master at Fort hltullson; lowa;
Albert Seinen, United States Marshal for the
district of Oregon; dale., \veatworth,ofylta—
sunrl, United Slates Coneni t Ilusco‘v, Run-
Charles A. 1., Russell, of lowa, Receiver
er Tioney4, - &c.. at Sioux City, Iowa;
Pelham J. Anderson, of Alabama. Receiver
0 , Public Moneys, at hintitgoinerv, Ala
bama; Nathan Pe;,., of Kanaus, Agent for
the Indians ,of the Ii u.lotpoo Agency.
It .Intvlng heel; ileebted by the SVerlaltl'y Of
Lhrs Itiledor to hate printed, instead el lone
te.eript. eopit, of patent ells, ;prepared by
the Superintendent of Public Printing, all the
amain clerks employed on such work have
been discharged.
Additional Etectlon'llol.orna--710, 1.100 - •
*try Thi•stro 10 be. Sold et Auelloo-:
/Street Colu/nlo‘loooro Inviterl to Re
ithot—lehereasii,l I stleut 110000ae00. • •
New Yeke, Novemlar le.—Additional re.
torus from the interior of the State 111,12.. N;,/
Gov. renton's majority, aml It how amounts
to x 1,00115,100, With a orospeet that It .1111,1,
be lees 110111 that number.
On the 234 of the present month the old
Bowery theatre will go antler theltammer by
order of court. Mr. Fox's lea,rt will expire on
the Ist of Nut* next, and ail ,all. probability
after that date the obi ltowdry theatre will I
cease to be tined for theatrical purposes.
The Nrtrx of rays: We understand
that Mayor Holtman has invites Messt,i.
Tweed dud Cornell, the Street Clulent
era, to resign.' In view et triir, enargesot.tual
feasanee and 1111ra pt ire a11e.,• , ,t1 tmalted
gentlemen tile Mayor consi.lers that liu cult
not, with suety to the public intert,t, reap
point them to the responsible onion that they
have 110.1111 under n 1141.101011 Of .fishotto t op..
Tile renert of the Colllllll,mioner of Patents,
far the present year, shows IL remelt:ante in
crease of ILLIEIIIOSs. The number of patents
now is , ,ue.l weekly IIVerIOLLI.4 ton lllVfOlred.
The total number of patents issued for' ills
year willreach nearly ten thousand, against
six thousand Wee hundred Inc last year, 'and •
an uveraite of shout IWO a year previous to!
the rebellion. Thu surtilus fund ninouutti fur
clTily accrued during the
last two years. •
From Canalle--Dmititmlion ue theConMs
of .I.abrador.
Que.enc.C, E., Nov. 10,—,t large number of
the crew of Her teJeety'a steamer Aurora are
under orders to bolt! themselves le readiness
to proceed to the western lakes where they
will ho eh:aft:lllM ft) the winter.
. . -
Intelligence us received that owing to the
failure of the liSherien on tin, Labrador coast,
the north shores are rendered destitute antes!,
relief Is immediately provided. The herring
fisheries are a complete failure, and the pros-
Peels are said to be fearful to contemplate.
The Government has placed a steamboat at
the disposal of the charitable for the trans
portation of supplies, which x tll leave in 41
few days. Aid of any sort of money or goals
may be sent. to for. Mr. Mel wood, Quebec, G.E.
The Ball/more Ilabeas
'.'Corpgal Came—ati Extra Neat.Jou of the
Leglelatter° to boCalled.
Ilatrzuottr, November 11.—There IA much
interest felt to learn the decision of Judge
Bartel In the habeas corpus sous of the Police
Commissioners appointed by Gov. Swaim to
succeed the old hoard, and In the vitae of
Slicriff Thompson, wino was arrested taut com
mitted for not summoning a 110010 hi answer
to the requisition of the newly appointed
Commissioners. The ncelsion is expected to
cover the whele ground as to the legality of
Gov. Swann's action and the consequent legal
ity or Illegality 01 1110 proceedings In Jade°
Bond's Court. It Is generally believed limb
Gov. Swann .will immediately summon nn ex
tra session of the Legislature, when a ques
tion of great moment to the 'people or this
State will be 5110110[14.d for consideration,
Flonnclel Ernidi FeNred hi New Or
leeow—NaMog or one MeNies.. Com
. mhisionern.
\NZW . J./ILL./O.:8, Noy 10.—A New Orleans dls
patchohayst -There are fears Irl eenanlercha
circles elan approach inn financial crash, Ow
=Writ (allure n of the cotton crop and near_
Major General Sherman embarked this af
ternoon on hoard the Stmettehanne, for Vera
erne: In Mexico', having been ordered thither
to take rare o(tho Interests of the UnltiO
Staten. Hewas'acemnpanied - by colonel Atid - -
enereld, of his Staff, and Mr. Campbell, the
U. S. Minister, : with Mr.. Plumb, Secretary
for the &Holster. The departure was witness
ed by a large number of parsons.
OIL errr, Nov. ii
Orrews, NOT. • 11.—It bi understood that
Messrs. 111 , Gee and Gait will sail with the del
egates ler Gurnee on Wednesday next, Diu
former as representative ter Gannets at the
Darla Exhibition, and the latter to -assist In
the completion of the confedenstion.
It Is expected that Lord Mona' will leave
for Englandabout the middle of December.
FROM 4t.%rsil INO OS.
3Vrom ()Stows.
1.0. fl Derby on International Matters—
,The Grant Deform Bleeing—ltarrione
of the Czarnitch—Arrest of Members
of n aceret Political Morlety in•Parin
-LParliament, Prorogued —Alnerletm
slhlli intarded by Pfrates—instirrec•
lion In Barcelona—Blovements of •
• Decon hteamer.s—Einanclat and Cont.
mere MI.
I,oxDoN, November 10.— AL a recent banquet
Lord Derby, the Engllol premier, Made a
friendly allusion to America, In which ho
I oped that any question between the two gov
ernments of the United - States and Great
Britain, might be approached In a fOrbealmg
anti conciliatory speech, w hich might remove
all Ititteruct , s and .cement . the -frit:Th.lllp of
two nations.
, l.oanns.., November 10.—The great Reform
meeting is appointed to take place In London
on the i i of December next.
Sr. riiTnltnitULtri, Nov. 10.—The Czar witch
dint the rrincess D.tguaar wore married yes
terday .11.11 great festivity and rrjohing
t hroughout the city. Tim _Czar on t hts Welt.
Stoll 0011111 M tea the sentencessof a large num
b e of 1.1 ehners and remitted arrears 01 taxte.
Penis, Nov. 10.—Forty-twO arrests have been
made of weathers of a secret political society
lu Paris
•. -
Losnos, Novouther 11.—News has ',ea re
esive , lpt the s.rrival of the bars' Nellie Chu:
us at 3 Ito Stole Jonesport, Maine, w:th
hundred wall lilts - Altlerlcaud , to eolonizo
Tun United slatea hien:nor Ticonderog
heft Jafht on the inn for (
The brig Luhia v.a4k hoarded It
olrates on the e 0431. of Ui halo. Naithtle. Tin
Captain and two men at ere killed, and
A UtilLtql Status Coll.ll,ally ills got, the L:011-
twut. Of 1 Etzil;4,rol' or LO a •
from Ll.° IV e..dern ' Union
ny'a il/AVS on Ito no:111 to
A leant Li,!. red Lnitn'een Jll.
p.lO Ood Silallgittle. NO ,11.s.ibter to tLe ship.
ping, however, Ili 1 been reported.
• French Admiral awaiting the ar
rival of his hquadroirat Shanghai, In order to
proveuil to Corea.
lc was }utmost:al at Sidney (Australia) to
'levy a thILY of uuu shillin g an ounce on gold
exports. The crops Were not extraordinarily
good on the !shoat. Ui some articles LOOM is
only Lull of last year's crop expected.
f earn. Novcumer IL—News has been re
erive•l in • thetas gent - tern that unlnsurrec
tion tn. at Barcelona against the
1V at rice government.
QUEENNTOWN, November anchor
lit 'a SLoaathOlO 10aa, trout New York on Oc
[Maw fob, touching here last night en route
to Liverpool-
Lostms, November' O.—Telegrams (cola
datc•t hint evening, alleles a better
tw lint m American Fire-Twenties, quotation
tor Camil
OUVOL, Noveurour a.—Flour market
malerately motive. Lathan Corn slows
Lioof mu 'titbit - ter ur 413 pounds,
Corn •1120ted at for In lied Western.' Sates
01 Men. Pork ' , ported at 17 , 11;407as per barrel
tort, prime quality, Lard..-DOCIIOO 01 tKilki per
ew - • •
Livuerour... Nov.lo.—The market bits a du
i:lining tendency. horn tie Fer, at co?
too 11,, , id for Middling Upiantl, • •
Lis DON, Nur. 10.—Couaols closed at io!-i for
LoxboN, , Nov.ll.—Parilamerit Ina again teen
I.unnos,'Novembor 11.—Thu following wore
the dluelog pr . lc...t of American securities loot
eyeing. I,lle, '25; Ilanolx (.4111(1111, ;;; U. S.
5..21e0 .1. ; •
C•bloot PreMll4lol3lrti stye—llext.o... c en•o of Dunham—
Prayert for the Ilelen.° oriel!". Davis
—Deportgare of lieu. Fey—NO(l,mM
CORIVe III IOI I I-Ifinio - rilaot T 41:1r-
Nano lone, November ll..=The _Malta's
Washington ,pccial an.. The President yes
terday laid before the Cabine certain por
tions of his annual mensag . The meeting
..was somewhat pcotracted. 'arlous portions
, Of the message were discussed. Our relation
wail Mexico will occupy a very prominent
position In the tnesdage. It is certain that
the mission of Minister Campbell and General
!Amman to 31ec1co - is not for buncombe. It
means work. .
lf, on the arrival of the Snsonelisnnii at
Vera Cruz, or any other Mexican port, It In a.. -
certnincil that neither Maximilian nor the
French Mire left, and evidence In allOrdeil
Chat they do not nutted to do no without un
necessary delay, there is reason to believe
that the Pronideist will recommend to Con
gress most vigorous measures to expedite
their exit. The Stitt(' of xtral rs timid their ar
t Iva', if not the primary netlon of the mis
sion, will probably tic p.,PI mined by the Gov
ernment in time fur the President to Incorpo
rate his definite mot decided Mel can policy
in his forthcoming ineAsago.
The recent letters from Mexico throwin
discredit /4)011 tile information given to the g
pubile through the Mexican Minister, to th e
elfuet that the vinit of the Emperor tot/dant.
,VS, Inn pursuance of this Intention to embark
for Europe, are Ixlieved here to have been
written In tine Interest of tine Imperialists:
a. In lief Is entertained that Louls,Zilipoluon •
tiedr 8 MlLSillallan It, remain In blexlco until
ti:,, yr,,,,en troop : , are WHIPI lawn for reasons
which 11,111,, 4.13 explain better thlin hinodf,
Thu Grand Jury line made:, present:Malt SO
tine e;1,0 lit Jl.lph 111111 h a le 00a, fwd..'
CsilOyer, Tor perjury in the an mu SVPlellee
ale , . by till. Inn WlLtlep, Olt the 11343,81 Pita lon
amt berme 'the /loube Judiciary Com
ilt •
nohert Lowne, Generol lilies and Go , Governor of 311asIslppt to toe Vre,hlent lee releillidatel of the
1 , 9 ro of that :state, praying for the re
-14,50 or .reirel,am Lavls, eitee arrived In'
WAstimoros, November ie.—Major General
Fry, lute Proved. MM . :Omit:moms' of the Uni
ted States, sailed Irian NOIT lurk. on • Satur
day, the lulls hint .1u the steamer Arizona,
for California, to enter upon Ms duty at Ad
jtarilit. General of the military district of the
I'acdie, to which he has just been asolgued by
the secretary tit War. .
The Nate:mai Convention of the Grand Ar
my of toe Itepublie, will assemble at Indian
apolis: 00 Tuesday the ?Otis, instead of the
etail inst., Its huretufure announced.
Tile following circular ' healed to-day from
the Treasury Department, is of great inipor
mace to holders of United States Seven.
Thirty Treasury notes I.
rlatatilrlLY DCP'T. TIVEA.itAILIt'd OFFICA,
WAIUIriGTON, November
Payments for interest arising Ins e tt)men
of Seven-1 hi rty notes sent to the Secretary of
the Treasury for convelftdon Into United
States six per cent. nondu, (act of March 3d,
Pod.) should hn nestle either lu currency or by
National Bank draft, drawn on anyl.,r -Yr •
Lionel Bank 111 11110 or any of the four princi
pal .Atlanide cities, a Melt, when collected,
will Ins received In payment of said Intermit.
When the remittance for ouch Interest in
gent in tliu same enclosure a ith the notes,
provided for conversion, the amount should
be speellied in the letter, advlstng the trans.
mission of the notes and the currency or
draft enclosed In tin OUVCIOI,O addressed to the
Treasurer of the United btutrd with the con
tents marked on the outside. DI - 1411.4 ill 'pay.
lilellt of Interest should hI all canna be made
parable to the Treasurer of the United States:
Iterulttonces for ouch interest, when not
sent with the notes, should be forwarded dl
reetly to the Treasurer of the United States.
Ptirtles sending 7-30 notes for converolon
shoot.' state thedelimit nation of bonds re
mits-od, and whether they wish Mgharrlld
coupon bonito. If IrSlffterell stock le request
ed, the putties should be nartionlar and state
widen of lite fullowhilr places they tlesiro the
interest. payable: Washington, O. C., NOW
York, Philadelphia. Boston, New Orleans, St.
Louis. Baltimore, Cincinnati, or Chicago.
Seven• Thirty notes sent to this Derartment
for conversion should he forwarded to the
Secretary of the Treasury, to whom all letters
In regard to conversion of the said notes
dilOtlid be addressfal.
[Signed.] F. E. Srissen,
Treasurer of the United States.
:aerofoil. dc.
Saw FanucmCo, Nov. 10.—Thu steamer Con'
stltution, for Panama, sailed toelay with 'tete;
eon In trootne, of which $1212,1100 Is for New
Torts. She also carried Otto hundred tons of
wheat end twenty-tone Of flour. Ammtg her
passengers urn Wm. 31. Stewart, U.S. senator
from Nevada, end O. A. Muunford, Western
Union Telegraph Company..
Wheat sold to-ilac It $2,18 per 180 Ito. lie
col pi e--ltellion, Yellow Jacket, Oct. 9th, $lBO,-
0131; Hell and Norcross, 100,000; tiould 031dt:er
re. $11100); Crown Faint , 11110,o0o; Chatter,
froD,IYO; 311 , 1, $12,002; Savage, V 10,002. •
Consul Outlay claims thirteen cannon re
cently brought from the French fortilleations
at Mazatlan, on the property-of the Mexican
Republie, and will treat their male as void.
Thu etearanco of the steamer Continental,
which soiled for San lilac, slanxllla axed Aca
pulco, was obtained from the Mexican lm.
• portal Consul.
Reward OlVered for Use Arrest of Itur:
Sr. Logo, iSiOvoniber 10—Salt ,Lake City of
fersxwo thonsand dollars reward for the ap
prehension. of Abe assassins. of Dr. Robinson,
recently murdered there. The citizens, by
private subscription, added sixty . eight Lin.
Iced dollars. Brigham Young has secribed
Ave hundred dollars. -
The Maryland lloree Fair.
BALTIHORI:, Nov. 11.—The Maryland Horse
Fair Is announced to take place there ibis
week, coml.:net ,g ob Tug slo p. The lumens
horses Dexter and ratehen are to he present,
and there will be trials of s;'.eed ouch day for
premiums, ranging from t,soll to 54,000. There
is a light fall of rail, this evening, the ;wind
being southeast.
Wihear P-leclloll
• • •
311twAracc, Nov. 111.-The Republican Con
gressional vote in this State Is not less than
26,0 W, a gain clover one hundred per cent. on
the vote of 151-4. The Legislature stands, Fen
ate 22 Itep., II Item.; Absuull?lr, I:ep.,
The PlitsherZtli Gynann‘lom—Exhibi..
Hon and Lecture.
The reconstruction of the Pittsinfrgli Gyll3.
uasiu m, made neCe,sary by the tali of the root.
and the consequent. Inundation last spreng, Is
nearly completed. Tim roof is thorouglily re
paired, the apparatus has_ been re•a~ljusti 6.
and ttilprored, an,d nearly Cr , tile remiss,
cessary bare been completed, 90 that new the
Members of tiro Association, fur so to 4.
time debarred from the examciLeof their mus.
cular privileges, have resumed, to a great ex
tent, their healthful gyration... Jett new the
principal exercises art in r 4 hcarsal for the
grand exhibition soon to be given by ttie
sedation at their rooms. to pyoparatiM, for
this scats have been arraugcd :thorn the:sides
iC thz,,Gyinon:llitil. and apparate4 is being ad•
, listed, On Saturday eVentep a iiiLeting of
: the A . :soot:aloe was held to make arraoye.
meat.; for tile co win; 000,5510 w it Was deCI
to gip, the exhibiting on the It of
Thursday, the Slit nisi. The Lost gjiii.neith:
tahint of the en V will tithe pan ill the exer
else, oil the evening, the Teruel, having rid
unieiireit nir the lierea; it Ihe perfor
mance,. Win COollWitie dome ion ,t, stunting:lLO
interet.ting . (tuts, and tile a hole - 1,00,00a ,
Clot toll to lie lit till. 11, or.< iuterest to
It 'n.l_.• Loped tied n. tali attend:ewe wilt
1 11. 12,11•,:l. Sill, Annoeleit ion hay been u.
eXpen no in eindilet leg the in.-
repairs to their roone., and the pro.
cee.l.3 of Into exhibition will - come
Mr. Doors,,, the retary, 11.3
V0rr1 . •1..1...1et. 10111 Pr. Il iliohip , et . nontioi,
tile I,t. , , , teit tittle gam tit oier gtoy :11 , 11
/1311 , 10, It hire Ine , eular nett:eta:meet, :,..ave
s.tartted the 1111111044:W ,12,11 ,
is services [Le deity, ry a Ivo!. 1,10/V
the AsNoeiatinn. t.can reported the
meeting the I'. ill certainly Ilellyur
hit :eel en- ht vitriy no)'.
We iiii•lonitand that ti number of luive
rolipittirted to ileorate tiro nail for Vie
cd the exhibitimi, 2m.1 wlil iiie.Lo it i•eal.•
tlful with Anwar,, everg'it,nb :11151
The Pitt.O.ntei,lx lesopernitee Len.. ife.
On Fr: lay eveain4 a Ineetnn.; of tif‘e Pitts
burfib Teunforanee League wal bet& at
Central Presbyterian Charelf, on Sin rthtlelf .
',trent. Atter the Prf , olenti Dr Mrt.,,on
less, had Called the no.attiat„: to order the en
erelues Conotteneetl watt strayer, offerer! by
lr. Little. Thu ulinu f tes of last trawling war
read and approvra.
W Mellestr was tbeft
troaate u ll t
by 11,,, Chu .
troeuf, ata y l
oloqueit tuts approprtate fulflren.s on tilt
"Great Cu use or Tentperanee."
Dr. Itobert. Stray followed In a few appro
priatu refnarka.
On mot on of John D. lialley,&•.l. - , it u r ns re
eolVed that the regular meetings of the
League In, beld On I lie third Friday Of each
innuth. • • .
3lr. Llttltl then 111411 , 1 some brief rem irk, in
relation to anterolltar the license law, so irs to
littre Ireeases.gra need hut twice it year. Dr.
if ray and Pre•ddout McCandless all, SpOkO
tra the vaunt, subject.
Dr. Wray moved that the Chairman, 4ir.
McCandies, John D. lt:tilev. lien„ null
Chas. W. MeLlenrv, u couthottee
to wait on the of the Court... Met ascer
tain It at Ca r Tieuessary to grant license every
• .
The motion Wasa me ndede by Mr. Bailey, to
continue the committee appointed la-t year
for the purpose of actiMdtm; to all buidness
%Alt the Court.•
On mot inn, lir. SteCnio was re-elec
ted President, Und It. C. )Miler, En 1., re-elect
ed Secretary of the League, to nerve for the
ensuing year.
On 1110110 It the present Executive Commit
tee Were also ri,eleeted to serve ter the
10. year. '
Iltero being no further butsine,s the League
Enna of Mtkbbera 01.1 in Rata to lair
- WICIT TOlttlittittp.
One evening last week, in rap wa, ,dupes
the door of Mr. ..Nutinmiel linzen's hons.e, In
Fairview township, Mete., county, 31r. 11.
who Is an old man, went to the door, and was
accosted by a stranger, who desired to• know,
the way to Brownsville. Mr. Hazen stepped
out of the'honse to give the desired informt•
lion, when the' stranger presented a pistol at
his head. and informed hin, that it wan his
money he wanted. At die: mine tunic three
other strangers Inivie their appeariosco, who
exhibited ;evolvers and dirk-knives In 110-
tiniferttatie prolusion and nonle un empliai
demand upon the old gentleman for ...your
money or your life!"
Ile assured them that he kept his money in
the bank, but they swore that In , had receiv
ed money BattLyi which wit, in the 11011,.
Willie One man guarded Mr. Ilettell, the rest
coMpciled Ills daughter to go•with theta White
they searched the loinse. They ransacked
the bureau drawers, fettled the beds to plece4,
looked In the Weed pile, raked among the '
corn In the bin—hut Pellet nothing in the
greenback line. I . lsuppoleted and angry,
they took from Mr. Hazen and his daughter
tin it pocket hooks (containing /dawn ten dol
lars) and left with litany direful threats of
another predatory visit. Mr. Ilaram? e
tot re
coldly received 0 , 0, which %let held .ti In te
•ern not morete two feet from where the
thieves, raked it over.
.5 (ter leaving Mr. liaaen's, they inade a visit
tit tile Rowse ot Mr. James Sehers, where they
re . sametad ;lie 010110 eettiltt and curried elf 411
the money It; the house.
ol' liorba.—Th C lover, of good drain:die
entortananentl will be charmed to learn that
the pope int Llet or, 111. L. r...l , ..venportonakes
hie Initial bow at the Opern nous., this even
ing, in the gre.ate.,t uf eCaCII.O.
WO lILLyO never seen this -ealltmout as the
ytt front
what the EiVit,ll ort ice say 14 him we lir
almost means' of being pleneed with WS knn
personation nt Inn part. To•morrAa he ap
peal aas Othellool...11.• 111 Which, the a t m won
gotta a re•putatton.
Tuu.vrno.—Vt,tvall opens nt Ilila house thl.
evoning In her great onorlaltty of othaneo, or
Thu Jogosh Atoiher,^iu a loch; ,he to
Yu without a rival. Tho ploy ie ropoqe,
touching exeolliolt
etUro Lo 11111,i !0../
oven If nut forth under iCAllovoi-...llLotirouto.
Mr. Sidney 3i1W101V01 1 pp...141 at the t rt•
Ott beLl.ll:o3y afternoon Id aloe 11.'1 act of the
Shahspeartatt tragedy of Rochard 111. Mr.
Marlow O'S (111111010.1011 01 a he part it
nut. and his nertormatUm tot it . 1V .01 erupt.
meritorious He gave decided eilolence of
histronic nbllity, and trial yet gilt, a motto all
the prrifzeknont be 1001
31.180.1 , 111:1 HALL.—TII O 1 1111 11110 1 00Se1111101
sauford, with his Lallllolo. MllOl,l tel
Will inaugurate abt let :021,00 01 CM Oioeo
sltoonic I'o trim have
neon this band any commendation of outs
would he simply sapertleous, but, to stlell as
louse net we woahl bay that too other band in
the country haS gained each all 1 1 10/1e1)10 10I
torlety for verNatility, m actuality and genii
file humor. Sam. Santo ii is a fillet 111 11/110101r
1001 we eiVeet. l lUrillk his -toy In this city to
to sec this qi_sclOue temple of utuneement
tilled to runic tion. On Sulu silty. afternoon
they will give a grand family matinee for the
accommottatton of ladies auttchildreu.
On Saturday, Mayor Morrison committed to
Jail Samuel Lelßiau., to answer a charge of
stealing a watch-gourd, preferred by George
Gerber. Gerber Is proprictorof a tavern on
Ohio. street, Allegheny, alto alleges that
addle in the bar-room, on Friday afternoon,
Wlntiona and a companion came it,.
Inmb'grabbed at Gerber's watch, but In Wit-
Hog it out of Ids pocket the guard broke unit
fell to the door. Williams picked It up and
refused to return It. An Information
cordingly made against hint and Up.dt a hoar
leg Saturday morning, was committed in de-
Molt 01 three hundred dollars ball. William
is unfortunate. Some three Weeks ago he Utla
arrested tor stealing a watch, and was coin.
Mated LOJall• for trial because he could not
secure ball. lie remained - In jail until noon.
when the required security Was given. After
he was jugged again
betng ant a um hours,
. Death of an Eattnimbie are
pained to announce the death of Airs. Mary
earns, mother of E. P. licare,... Lm,, which
took place, rather suddenly, from committee
of, be brain, at her late residence. Webster
street, on Saturday afternoon.. The ileccareit
was au estimable Christian lady, beloved and
respected by all Who enjoyed the pleasure of
her acquaintance. The funeral serviers will
take place this morning at nine o'clock nt St.
Paul's Cathedral.
A. Autavallan.—Wa would anggent . that
the ringing of the Ilre alarm bell be 'matte
the signal for notifying , the petrel° of t lie Non
niencetnent of the meteoric dirplay, Inuit is
expected one of these nights. Lot a general
ringing of the bells announce to the commu
nity at large, the appearance of the meteors,
xin that none may tu6s the wonderful display
The Ficey , itainhtorm- , ,Cotolng of the
..111elcormZ - .
Whether, In its - cea:feless marelt through In
-110110 ,pace, the grand system . §rtnetefirs in
tersect:, the track of the milli., or the earth,
In su legiog will,
.the mighty I4otnerhood of
platters around the vast telestql circle, comes
I once in a generat ion, I, to the Oftimi of flying
stars, lam never been quite -satisfactorily as
certained. list it lto., been pretty well deci
ded that onus u th irty-three `years the earth
. fis in a pifsttion to be reminded of ile own MU-
Mate doom by seeing the stars tall from their
different spheres. (
Nothing could more grandly Illustrate the
perpetual miracle of creation and' existence
than the marvellous accuracy' with which the
coming of the grand display can he predicted
from reference to its previous cOthings. So
tree 14 the working of the celestial machine
that thri coining together Of the meteoric null
the planetary systems ecarcely varies un
hour. If .no know When they were together
last.we can tell When they will ho together
again almost/ as deitopely as we can tell at
1%711AI:boor the 81111 will rt." to-morrow morn
ing by referring to the moment It:rose this
.11..11 . 111 . 111Z. 'MU 111111101811,y Of the Journey oc
cupying thirty-three testy, each 3 cue sweep
ing 10r1V111,1 1,111 . 0,1Z11 SO many , thinking of
11111,, the /Itl./e. 110/14, OCelLiklited by our
daunt kohl:T.l,ow nail 1111,a 11. few thousand:
0101. MIL elf !ter way. to pity 1/1!1 . respects to
1.01110 high th, eelt,tial, whose
she entei.--ilie,e lio difference- to
,teady old mother eartli, awl she is always on
kilowatt, thfit, rind knowing that to-da Is
flit: 12th of November, or etattne all our marl
. nu I.Uenly matching to-night for the
flit-hint; of tltp fiery thlithdoifie that will mark
the emnpletant or another thirty-three years
of of Innen on our onward journey.
o per±ll , :itly 114.6 thin date and the wonder
ful pitenoutt-non It wa. , to bring, been kept be.
lore the fondle, t hat ue , upott•ettll our readers
prcituri•.l.thud stilt 10r
ad there Is no danger
that .4.lty 01 put oo the
iu 11
0f.t1.4' F•444t1 Day. or go
.101,11 we!l, or call out the fire. depart
-1111.111:Ir rt.iii.44 to stem., the Paytithet or old
o.". 1,1.41 tho'. !t Ii not be the
chetah:tot,: many ootir, longer. They
1 4.411 ~ . plot:ad. ...a up tool wait for in t
mad It it doe, not 4,111 'tonight they
111 •ItO 0,1.11 10-110.1 . 1 OW :light.
of the eonttog,howor, come erudite
.nth'totoor to to, NO, hi, u„, tided
np I lie 11/1100 tact, all./ fig .111!, relation
:beret,: 1
-The term meteor ~o tnlll, any infmannentm
of - -ion - L. urea reply netilintnMt e.
They !Art:, varmus ' hush is , me
teor, o' C.ob. , 11. d. and bail. lej - men.
annetius, iolo inottOce lby the
00 ,, a - ..te of tl . aye oto, oarisefe, 1111'0 ULt It
toe C..1...•1
nto•oemenn arc 1.1 !Jab:non:, taro ble,, shootlba
atm,, .I:e., .1' Wad Is, A Izneous
„„ :be , u „, ere .„,..
,ta„,,,,mge Ole
tern, trot applheo out. those mettles
um: la, globular lire nr .Itootiott , to ars aro nose
ninl leen "ton hur.n.; infft unknown
.11.1./P., from Ihe e trfh tout In linkiMan Os
't! TO- llv C. or their sOlttlity - *phears from
their otn•usionatly (Oro., toy upoit our earth's
,m - fitee tianno•nr, of or .. rootenr" iron
Lore heat is j 10 4 41 1 .,, and whose a,eertetined
Nnts,lant - o is c0mp...4,0f tree cohnalust
meats: • , •
9)131,.tr !litu,curniplet!
Chlorine Zine,...nascertained
Nickel . 23,2 I
The earliest records of a historic account. of
the occurrence of grand meteoric showers ez
tanl far back us the Chinese annuls of GO
It. C., which nation preserved tire only an
t lient.le g
outins on the subject from thatAlitte
till 31.. i A. 1).. all. during this period, 977
years, sixteen special grand descents of fall
ing stars arc recorded by the Chineto. The
Greeks, quit., ,drangely, preserved but
meagre records of the phenomenon. Their
heory.vras to the effect that the :cronies were
masses of carthe•tone forced oil the general
urhom I.y the rapidity of rotation.
. -
Willie of tale itiOnt re inarltable displays Of
met ern le tallenOtnenit Ilatee 110011 neentnialiSlien
.I thOui the Piastatge of :pronto stones. The
body of the meteor, eal Fed dm I.lls, is is fiery
body precipitate.: across rho heavens. Min Of
ten explodes left It loud no ise. lent:nag nO trace
of solid nniterial, their van or nano. A In
tran. follows them,' and frequently
leanee, at brilliance In the rear that lasts see
-4,111 'Wraiths., They bend forth vivid seint Ws
t Inns, and present vat ion , bright colors. so
that the same meteoric shower is often differ
ntly described tro u t different places. Their
atvernee height above the earth Ints,' been as
certained to be of at deg ree, or about six
ty 11111eS. Tlte;tete accepted theory of it mete
or 1.1 ihnt they emanate from a nOlllOllOl body
that resole,. around the sun, tit an elliptical
orbit, the . aphelion of which 'litho, the orbit
or the earth at the slated period of their reg..
aloe Their nebulodity is inferred
from the Liet that none of the meteors, own
ing, though flaw do, Wttla the prntiglons \Ye
locsty lit Ia:0 Inner , in a minute, ever reach our
%planet Ina solid state, but are tlnstuuted ,In
the itttno,nalere.
im nebular theory Is that of Professor Glua•
stead, or Yule, and of Arita., Thu latter sug ,
gusts nut the meteoric boiler ermattLete a
,trenni In the tom of annntlehte zone, within
which they msrsee a common orbit; that there
are eel, rlll such streams which iperEect,
Vle! , i 4oall poring, the earth'. common
ohs; and that through each the myriml of
small et Is in teal hot) les lire irregularly disixih
t-ed, and Sl o tt In our earth's passage through
the densest of these groups the must brill brilliant
Isphiyei occur..
Pier, . Height.
. miles
:Greece.. 62 miles
. CI miles
14 , 1 Mlles
C'i tulles
:2:3 in oS
' miles
ih•rmaity. 72 mlles
.I'oDaytin. .r.O miles
.1.0111101 . , 70 .tulles
c2,t4 miles
.Elirpe. 40 miles
4.0! t ; miles
Ma.ssaeltu,ts. miles
I•ol,,tarn. 40 mites
1., WI
C .
C 't .
1. U. I .
1 8.. I
A. It
1, .: 2..
1 It, I.•,
A. It Ell
1. I/ I , l',
1. D. 1.1 .
A. D. 1 , 1.
A. D. lu3.
ittallYUl,ll2 tClitlillllllll—A Boone Broken
Open by Itowdle•.
Us Saturday 1111.111 t a little I,elore tuidalght,
a party of live or six hien visited the re,ltlenee
of Mrn. 31aehera - .1, a widow lady living •on
Until lord 611.1,1, in the Sixth ward, and after.
rapping ~01,11...1 times at iltu front door de
113aa.1,..1 an immediali, admittance from Mrs.
• Maci“rai, I. he , I.misting an tipper window,
n-lard tier out vi,ltnes svtott they scant
-1.1.1, clll.. ~arty replied that they wished
to get they mud.. kuOvtil the
;1111.1 , 01.2 of th 011.10.10 0 ,, To Lt., thc4 la ly
,tt, , o t ted, lelllnyt i !soil to go anus Or she
stonhi .:alt the itolloe. I nttlead eomplyong
1,1111 her rigine.l, 1.1. comp of the, 0,-
eee,,,t fit, 11,1' of for hero 110-y
forced the 1100 r .1, 1.11, nlol,o,wng tayfowli
not,,-.,.0p-oeti the 1110 a .100 r, 11110. f.IIIIN ,
lag 1101 01...41.01e1 01 1 lie 10. ti, 1310,
,0011 IL, Mat, olo,l erat found 1 hat
the radian, had t in-eted ijorattee 6114140 - 1-d
it'edit forttti-rttatitte, 1111.1di la few Ulllllll,O
yet , IV .11e 400 r, lie; the ['dub,
t escape through the rear door
utol after ritnitibt, Ittrotgli a de,erted grata.,
)3111, 01,0•1 V 101104,01 by the pd.tet,
10 0 o:lliiii,floo' ('-ride-. trt, t tie tt•
1: , 1 111, 11`,/li opt•ii
the 1,4111••• ztt. 1)111 lilt 110 1' .•l site pr
1..01.0e 110:10, will be broliglil LU ripeetlY entice.
At 1104 1:1 to-day the,cm Irt•lti Vie littlttla of Vic cuillt
the city tt +Laid will lie put, into KC
tuitt oVerittittil. Atter that hour thorn willbe
no more experimenting with the signits anti
and the department Is notified by
Chief Efts: 'neer ildre, 01100 any alarui coundeti
after that t 'Me will be bone lid, and the tern
putties are to procchl nt (111041 to the neighbor
hood lutPeated. The hot tmole On Friday
night it workings of the , •yetein was thor
oughly batisfactory, and gave the beet prom- .
i-e ul' the of tile lute. Mr. Samuel T.
1....141..y, late 01 the Western Caton Telegraph
Cum pany,has beet, appointed Supertuteudebt.
Ills a,shittotte. have MA yet beet! aeleeted.
The Alleblienlitii% are agitating the cubit:et
or having it line constructed for their city, to
(1410 I.t cuittleCtlOZl with, cure, being operated
from our central otlice. •
New Freight MIA. of Efie
A large frelreit house is being erected at
this mimed depot in %Vest New Castle, the In ,
crease of the business of the road having
made It abtuantely necessary. At eeels end
of the building an exl ra story has been add
ed, to his used. for offices tor the clerks and
those connect:o,i with the Med/. The builds
ing.ot the omit). end ot tho dent is Intended
for the tran.action ,if the business Of the Erie
and Pittsburgh road, and that at the ioath
end for the NOW Castle and Beaver Valley
road.. The transportation buSiticsa at that
point is heavy. far o:receding the expecte
tions o[ ; b us . who projected the improve
ments. Extensive arrangements are nos In
progress Mr developing One minors.) regions
thereabouts, which will throw an enormous
amount of coal on the xoad, to be tramper.
led next sert.on. The coal now shipped Over
the road, wepresume, exceeds in tonnage all
the outer freight._
arrnartiv of .2.51. 10 families are now toting
the Wheeler 8 W ilson machines, and they
have never fulled yet to give malefaction.
Sumner & Co. ' the western agents, at Fifth
street, have afinri stock ea hand, trona which
you can make your selection. Etvery machine
shay Dell la warranted. ,
Interentargr Cane—A Father Trying to
Get Po■sesslo* of His San. -
. On Saturday morning, before a Rill bench
in the Court of Quarter Sessions was heard,
partially the argument on a writ of habeas
corpus, Issued upon petiticin of Frederick
Dachroth, to obtain the custody of his son,
Thomas Dachroth, aged nine years, now held
by the Directors of the Poor. The parents re
side at • Latranla, in liarrisoa township, and
It appear* that a charge was made against
them by a Mr. Nelson, a neighbor, alleging
that they had cruelly beaten and abused the
boy Thomas. (On the strength of this infor
mation the chitil was • taken from them and
placed in the custody of the Overseers of the
Pool, where ho still remains.
On the let inst., the parents, through their
counsel, IL P. Mueller, Esq., made application
before Judge Sterritt for a writ ordering It. it.
ihtViti, F. Dravo and Mcnos Chess, Director*
of the Pour. to produce the body of the child
In °mut The application was grunted, and
the writ made returnatile this morning. At
the time used Messrs. Davis and bravo made
their appearance with the child. On •kllz . nart
of the petitioners, Rev. Pretletlek to de,
pastor of the EvangeilearLuther Church, was
called. Ile testified that he had known the
parents fur a timelier of years, they having'
oeen members of his .eongregation for live or
EIS years. lie hail baptited the child en De
cember lx 1557. lie had been a frequent visi
tor ut their house, both prior and since, their
removal to Latrona, but had never heard of
them inaltreattng•theirchilinen. Re thought
Mr. Dachroth a diligent Christian man, aunt
knew that he instructed them at -home, and
took them regularly to church.
The boy then matte a statement to the court.
Lie said his father hail tied 'him and then laid
him on the floor and beat Mtn with a cane;
that leis mother struck him and nearly knocked
his refusedt. HIS father whipped him because
he to ma to School, and Ras mother, he
said, whipped Wm ler the semis reason, when
lie hit her on the area. ilit said his parents
gave him enough to eatoand that he had been
told !by neighbors that - petitioners were not
father and mother.
Proceeding. were suspended at this point,
and-the ease was contittutd until Saturday,
the 17th inst. The yver*eers of the Poor mewls
time retain the custody' of the boy. •
Serious Accident—• Woman desionsly
At about seven , o'clock last evening,. Sirs.
Wlnitie Donahue . , tin age.; Irishwoman ofistinut
seventy, residing with her 5011. on Point idles,
met WILlt a serious bud welt nigh- fatal Meets'
dent Site was alone with lief . grand
child. about two year's of L ege, inn rcom of the
second story. Feeling chilly she walked to ; he
i grate, In a :In - :gat fire was burniug, - au..
11-.L. - s - ai with her bo.Ck to the tire.. In A lea m..
tits the bottom of her ;tress, by some Mean,.
route in contact ttih the fire tend h. ari instant
: her entire persek to thei•eli. Her iiints
',were miff, with rheumatism, too that she could
intik., no effort to eatinamsh the fire. Site
fuel sufficient presence _of mind, flowerer, tc
sit down upon the floor, Instead of run
ning thetrueVeilly about, and so witting
I to the flames. Her cries, and those of
- frightened child, soon brow:lit assistance,und
quantities of water were thrown upon her. IL
was not, however. unto; some one with com
mendable thoughtfulness, threw a large blan
ket c/o-mly around ho; burning woman that
the Lire was effectually _quenched. She Was
then placed upon a bed and her Injuries exam=
feed. lier entire dress was burned off her,
but her principal injuries wore on her back.
All the way from her hips to - her neck, the,
back is very badly burned. . Otherwise her
hurts Are slight, Dr. McMahon was called in
and sold that her Injuries though serious are
not necessarily dangerous. •
BP.. Donahue nett been using volatile Hut
ment for the rheuniatlsewin her arms, and it
is thought that some of it must have been
spilled upon the skirt of her dress, causing It
to burn more readily than-It otherwise would
have done.
The burning of the unfortunate woman's
areas made ao great a tight as to cause an
alarm of lire and tile engiaen , turned out With
their usual promptitude. Fortunately, how
ever, the misfortune af a ea nliagration was
ant added to what was airead y had enough.
Brought to Grief—A Phllcdelphla Clerk
la the Plttebargh
A dispatch was received.on Saturday ; morn
ing by Chief of Police ilasme from Chief
Paul:lcy, of the Philadelp&in ;detective pollee,
requesting Chief Hague to arrest; on the ar
rival or the eastern train in this city, cue
nary Lewis, who had suddenly left that city
for the west, after having stolen 115 - L'.oo from
his employer. On tbearrival of the Baltimore
train, at I:16 r. aI., officer Macao took-into cus
tody a young man on the trot a answering to
the description telegraphed by the Philadel
phia officer. At. first, the ye nth denied his
identity, but on being taker to the lock-up:
and searched, am! 4.33 u in mos; ey found in his:
possession, he admitted his n; Imo to be Lewis.'
Oa his Person was found the band book of IV.
It. Scliere R Co., in whose employ Lewis was,
and from whom he sto!e the i.ho money. Sul
lers .1 Co., are well-known show dealers.
• .
Accompanying Lewis was a -very prepos.
aesslng young culy, who claimed. to be his
wife, which relatienabiri the prisoner also
claims for her. She was In crest distress of
mind at the arrest of her hnstand amtvlsited
him repeatedly. Lewis Is about nineteen
years of age, 01 considenside intelligence, and
who !Weit be called sharp at Id well posted.
Ile Is a brother-in-law to AI r: Sellers, and
..cms to have, been his confidential clerk,
handling moat of the money of the fir= Ii
seems that while he had in his possession the
cunt mentioned above he decamped, but had
his enterers. nipped In the, bud by his un
timely arrest: Ile was remarkably reticent
and would Edge no account of himself what
ever. Yesteribly officer Benjamin Levy, of
the Philadelphia pollee, arrived to take charge
of Lew is, ants this morning atat ted for Phila.
tielplita with him on the three o'clock train.
The wife of thePrisoner,who stopped at one of
our principal hotels during her stay in the
city, accompanied her husband back home. •
Goods Thrown Away
. We do not mean by the above caption that
goods are really thrown away, but that ut the
mammoth auction house, salesrooms of T.
McClelland, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth street, dress
goods, boots and shoes, ran sold at prices
which figuratively speaking; may wiSM be said
that they are given away. Never aince this
popular bazaar has been opened bas there
been such an enormous stock atClWea away in
the • capaciousstorerooms, and never has
greater bargains been offered. The prices are
lower than those commanded fur the same
quality of goods are or elk years ago. This is
orotalassertion, but it must be remember,
that the hulk of the new goods recently laid
in, was purchased at Eastern auctions, at the
rdent actuations which threatened panic,
and at heavy sales made to New York, under
the hammer of the Sheriff. The stock umbra.
ee4 all description of boots, shoes, gaiters,
slippers &e., and every article of he
Wens dad doldrums pedal covering-.
In athiliton to this, the 5105 k u lull
line of an I kh, is .try gaol. in
..uca us att.', malcsiaia, "Ulan I..,.bultast
Crillolinc skin-,llush icla carp , t,.,a... a
try. cu..teru U..•. culeued ria,•ke ••,. . •
elal.ll.lig, I-.
. .
-Lula. Se., Sc, Ci
lie..serattiar•lti Zt.e, , 1.1 i y
tleletit KM,. le 4.1.
ratatillAituent ...till). (is a' ,
b , raullie, a- it to a• 11 iy
•ala era It Just j. sls
sa i d ...gut.s the prices sir gs.s.v.i.
‘ are familiar; )011 Will ae aw. is.
wonder b..w went . 1....141{111••
!erect. ("re,. ac ire are .... .
at .ait Saleweee are coaatait • iy11111.11V1.41/1
.0 Walt opus tire lade, slid we art... 111.
Vise tatreisilerl who are la "or).. '
the Nail aeather r.,
Wain, ealearwitina 01. it ae,
A New for •
The Tltuiville Ireruhi eksys ; "A gqq , ....
Of h city Sun secured a patent. for a new in
vention for developing oil wells, which It the
result of long expernuenting on his part. The
contrivance la of a very sla , ldeeidMet.r. and
Works nil the principle of hydraulics. at the
lower extremity et the rod, which descands
Into the well, Is wooden rammer of a Ciao eP
for to lit the well. weight of emnie simian
needs Is•m.gde Jo descend upon the
dred r- - 7 rod, producing a vinl-nt
Upper and of the
concussion,' upon the water below, and clean
log the crevices of parattlne or sediment of
nature. This invention Is about to be
ly tested, and the Inventor, who leas
f. r .o a fi ta
u icl
u oiil for years, has the fulled',
conllancethtabtaza COiIotriVILLIC cart 1
tl i ll b s in. the rock below." openin g
Charged with Theft.
Our readers will remember that on too 6th
of October I.t a gang of rowdies got upon a
train on .the . COnnellsville Railroad, and Con.
ducted themselves in a riotous manner. Con.
doctor Drake the next day preferred a charge.
before.the Mayor against five pencils an
known, for riot- One John Brady was arrested
hearing oofnsen i n u o rd te a r y s , , l a n n the e h rd
p t e o
h a at n
n f the
meantime the other rioters might be arrested.
On baturday Brady bad a hearing before the
3tayor, when It was satisfactorily determined
that only two persons participated m; the dia.
turbaned. As under the laws Of this State, it
requires at least three personstoereate a riot,
Brady was discharged.
Supremo Court.
On Saturday morning the Court [Tenet at
balf-paat nine, a full hence being. present with
the exception of Chia , Jasticri Woodard.
Stevens et um vs. Buss et BL; ereene
ty. Continued for argument at Phihuleiphht
on January 9th. -
_ court adjourned, without- tiuxuacting"fai:
thedo e business, until • this morning st, tor:
The Edith:ft Is fargarded.wkleh will reach,
subscriber soonest.
etude Copy (Der annum)...
Club. of lrtuo
Clubs orTsu or more
Painful Catastrophe—A Fireman nadir
Last night, at the alarm of tire oacasi
by the burning of Mrs. Deno hue's clo
reported else here, the engines all
out. The hose carriage Of thApaquesma
parry, in turning tee corner of Fifth an b.
eric streets, came in violent contact OM a
stick of timber- lying there. - Mr. •
Shirley, a well known and efacioat member
of. the Duquesne Company, was drivingat the
time, nail,. by the vlOience of the shock Was'
thrown from hisseat and fell forward across
the timber. da ho fell, Ills right leg rested - '-
on the etick the 'foot projecting in front of:.
the wheel of the hose carriage. The wheel
struck the limb a little above the ankle, and',
pasSed over it. breaking the been across the
angle of the stick and tearing 11, T ut ri most
entirely eirthe limb. • Whoa he
the bones of his leg were protrrd lea a esti.
erablo distance from the tiesh. The wagon of
the Vigilant Company was close at hand, and :
Into it the injured .Man was lifted and con
veyed at once to Passavant's IntlrmsaT• The
limb W SO. badly injured that it was impos
stble,to &wee It. and amputation waA awes
sary. We hear that Mr. Shirley le at present
as well as could be espeete.l. bur:ls suffering
greatly froui his injury. lie has the sincere
sympathies of his' comrades -and of all who
know him.
Freedmen'• Ud SoClety
The annual meeting of the Pittsburgh and.
Allegheny 'Ladles' Society, fur the relief of
the Ereeemen, is to be held in Allegheny at
Dr. Clark's chure4corner of Siockton evened
and Sandusky streets, this afternoon at Ind(
past two o'clock.--The annual report will be, •
presented, and addresses wilt be delivered by
gentlemen selected for the occasion, who will
net fall to interest the audpence, and all who
appreciate the work of the society are lawn
tatly invited to be present. •
HE 411NS-01. Bstor.lay. .1,705 - ember 101.8, 18% as!.
'elork r. IL.. Mrs. M A Itl, eausort of the lot: E.l
- Hernias lu the '&44 year of bee age.
flee to,er9l .111 Lek,- - Jae fr*m her-Iste_real
,lence, No M Nreb ter *tree . THIS SI .05150 at 9
o'clock * to preeeed to et. Mary'. Chneter . !der
ritrele, ***heti., et the Lto fly. an. rev etionY
melted t 4.• tend veltheut eon..
NEW AbVEit. elzE:11
,II I I/ ILL' I 1•;••1_-_--, - lit
•• thv
• ••,14
..e ee4uleta, exert,: .r. 1“ nit- -It
tte 'O4 ew I •
tgt..ov ur , tel t
•-nv 4•1“.
CT .4 1 IEI.I-1.• .
uAy CI FE. p.lOB
• I , oera. IN rnt.Bo.oB 10....50.0..
0..0 1• I' WI night. Elearev sad
. Calm. 0, 0. • •rn
1.f.8 ruts-newt—Rev. L/8,10 hat? . ••:• •
• . •
~ Coon.. TBasoBo .".00
0111.0.• V.. n •
No. 196 Suoithfield St., ear. 7th,
(Entrance from nevem( Street.)
.I=•xlem ,
, Awl/ IZ3 HA riuuKKY STREET.
-11 ‘ 1 .1.1132111Z111,.. PA.
Manchester. Wood's Mtn and vicinity.
tbrneroi libefifteit and Clartlers Meets.
b Sarre and Carrlsers to rnle bed.
s ' 40
wtrai. Street:
. . -
T_GazArix EzDttrao rants;
•• a .
. Sewing Machines
Are THE BIDsT for Faselly .ditanutacturing pur
pose.. Call and see them at
e 7 ro. IS .Fifilh Street.
HASLETT & C o ,p 3
934 Smithfield Street.
WITII 0 L'T TUE rszor
VARNISH, WAX, OR kg-mm.l4.A
- •
SLLITY, and with one pair the labor, alma
and cost ol any other precast.-
rickl:BZ Neweule. Cuslaseria.n.l_munty. Ps.
1051 W). R1L10DK.,../ . . W. 11.:i..10141 , ANDraiwr
EP Tt.E. ESGLY. 41.917..itr WO" K. 3 f
o,"ntl 5. KANO, ".• 1 t tUr- u t
speuttuityl fur= ttle pu P . 't • "
tlae u.u.atit tutu ep;
di ; I
oen.. that kerya
.1t amtl Cai.2ll pe our or .4,1 e
•lIIIIMeti In.! poy pn..
Pile Pout •121 , 14.4- 1.11/e. ,
thr plarp, f.
Plutirbsblur bu , t column dvd.r en • • r ,
61,t1.bru. but fet .• • V•
k 1•41 y (v. !Att. , •'.
yew ° . aNI n• ~„ ,
• tent . to
.11.111 -11 Um- • •
t. I IN
.t7l±l.l:i. c.v., 01.
so - nd WOl4 t
b e .01d then" we '
o.e goon Usti 40 S.
rod guai 'warn.
not Pint street.. near
Practical Faraliure Manufactuf
in rs,
Latest ante. of VORMITURE ennatantla on ban
p G
irrseunu ,11,
1 1 7 c.: (37 "Z ro cnxvt.l3. gem root.
s"Vx&IBER 1.0
1.111. ir.ziaidepa °CENT. . I .BaFaLL3' T Mee
tax.) PRAM litrirZYßEEt 187 s P
Openaaa.araay e 34.. and on WO.l
a a.
vama tip. V .. , GAGA ovcicKik