The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 10, 1866, Image 4
-VERY LATEST. TRLEGRAMS. TUE FENIAN TRIM. ment of, Peter Corran wad - nem •mr irene—arralgnment of one of , mobiles Captare—Poetponement el Islets—Trial of Disimend. Toaorth, C. W.. November s.—Court met at ten oteloek this morning,the same counsel for the Crown and defense $1 In the previous • Peter Curran, ofiaillaye. and Henry Lavelle ' werellret pascal in the dock, The former 1 a tallogeut man, of light complexion, with • blue eyes, and has, a Moustache andion, beard; he • I. ban m the appearance •ot iLlaborlng num, and seems:to be between forty and fifty years of age. Hemp Lavelle is about the same age; has, dark eyes and hair, mad has a. most units miming Want-entitle°. He was dressed la a __ , shabby auitof , black, and wore a melte neck - Mr. Megensle—l. move,: my In . Wei° V eases to quash the iridictment on the same grounds as inlNNeirs case, and on the farther grounds that the offense tone place previeus to the psyatug of act and 30, viz., chapter 4-. The indictment having been read, the orbs open, by direction of their counsel, plmd not - • Lerdatilri—When•iiro Iran ilkelY to be • ready with their 'trials I • • Mr. McKenzie—l am Wahl, my Lord, not for some Ume., ; There are anumbee of witness. ' whoMe have not been able to procure. Bete • le tv r let the time be indefinite. - Jam. John-Cameron—ht would be better If my learned friend "could name seine day, so that we might have our wituessses hero. The Crown less been put to considerable exPeeee and we are prepared to proceed In ail thecae , ea in which tree bills have been found. hir.'Megerszle—Beiore the day is over. it. l2 ~my, intention to make a prope:ltleen remainder; Aearned friend, whereby the IlTn u ext he elestreases may be dereroc d • klbsOrdship—irell, !fluty arrangementcah - -!-be arrived at, I are er ellsgne , _ -Morgan The prisoners were [nen removea. Jens; John Grace, Daniel "Quinn and J no. gan ware next placed In tins dock. Grace, since his MeareeratlOD, 141.13 _received f or tlo,oo, • 'as his o f of the reward altered the .orrest of John W it es Booth, ho being one of .• • -thetroopers wbojotaedia tea capture. - 2 lheea dr.lPKenzle- 1 . aLso,triake the same motion .;*-- - The prisoners then • severally pleaded "not Bernard Doan was next arraigned. ols a • .. tall and powerful looking man, uetween forty of ago, and like tile preceding prlsonerk pleaded "not guilty." ' x 11.enzle made a Similar motion in thiti Patrick- Donohue is 'tt man apparently be. t • tweantWenty ann thirty years of agd, with :dark eyes, mustache, and hair, and appeared to bathe meet realm:table lookingot the lot. ) 116 - Wiuhrteatly dressed in a suit of black, and ; ; When placed In the tiock, lie stated that he was anxious tohave his trial proceeded with as eciOn its. possible. To the Indictment lie pleaded "not guiltyP and his trial by consent of counsel, was fixed for the 13th Inst. 'Mr:McKenzie also moved to quash the in. dletment in this use, on tee same grounds as In the previous CS3Os.. . ..,,Trod. Fry. a bond, next appeared at the bar, and he is a small man with repulsive features. Cite stated that he Mal served In the British and United elates arridos. Mr. MeMenzle: fa this case, my Lord,' think wowill be ready about the middle or next week, .1 also, in this case, make the same 030. Lion an regards the indictment being 'but In MR, Wm.. Baker was the next prisoner plaeed in tbedock:, The same plea was pat In by °own- Selpielello_defendant pleaded "not guilty ,• sad stated that le was not ready for tcinl. ;• . AtilassLige7a Icingthy dismission took place between the learned counsel- on both eldest,. McKenzie; for the_prisoner, desiring to • • postpone the trial of Dulles' case without having; as the Crown alleged, any reasonable cause for doting so. • . The Queen vs. McGrath.—ln the case. which was tri ec a. estordity and resulted iu a verdict r eotnot - guilty , after the rendering of which new An citnent was prepared against the --prisoner. eb • ; ktr. MLA-, for prisoner, pleaded auterfols acquit. ; • -Lion. J. 11-Cameron desired'ajury to. be ern . piaaneled. at once, to try. the is • . Mr. McKenzie requested a delay until to-. : - morrow morning. Mr. Cameron—l will join issue 'upon the plea, my •Lord, but I must object to Tile post ponement The plea is a adatory one, and ; . there i(4110 reason "shy the matter cannot be at once decided. Unless there is an affidavit mu in, leaanoteousent. • - Mr. hicKenzie stated' that he required time fto consider the question, and after some 'Da- cession it was agreed that the Issue raised ' McGrath's cuss should botried on Monday. Jamas Bark, Jamas tipauldiu". and Wildant Orr were then Maced in the duel, and having been arraigned pleaded not guilty, and stated I that they were not ready for trial. Mr. McKenzie, in these cases, made a similar motion to quash the indictments. ; The Queen vs. Daniel Diamond. This pHs { Oner was next placed in the dock. Some time • was occupied in empannelmg a jury, twenty jurors being Challenged by the prisoner's counsel- - Mr. ItteKabe, in the Case for the Crown, ob. ' served-that the indictment in this case charg ed the prisoner as an American citizen, and was framed.' similar to the others that had been pieforred. The prisoner was arrested on Saturelay.the second day ofJ,une, at a place called Frenchman's Creek, with a six barreled revolver in his possession, and from the Bus .' pielous account he had given at himself, the crown nail deemed it their dote to indict him. As there were a number of witnesses, he would proceed to hail the evidence. • John Metcalf, sworn-1 was present at the light of Itidgewey and ea w _Ensign Mehlachran shot there. The prisoner made the following statement which I took down at the time: Ile said be was an American citizen and a native ol'lrelalide that be was a - Roman Catholic, ; and worked with peddlerpthat he usually re sided in Ftilladelphia, and left there for Fitts flat-ho ea the ist ofJenmi that be returned to Buffalo the. Same night and crossed over again on Saturday wrien he was arrested. . Reuben Messer, sworn—On Saturday morn. Ing, by direction - of Capt. King, I arrested the prisoner about four miles from Fort Erie. on the bank - of the Niemen River. : I asked lum if-he "had any arms; he replied not. -I then • seDsched him, when he told me he had are- trolver and put his hand into his pocket and drew It. out ; It was a sus barreled revolver, loaded, lint not capped. Cross.examined by Mr. Fleming—it Is a cos ternary thing in the States to carry revolvers. Joscph Newbegging swons—The Penises, when the prisoner was arrested, were on Ed. win Ilutzehhups farm, about four miles below *.Cross.erninined by. Mr. McKenzie—When I arrested him he said be was no Fenian. Thomas Lowereburg, sworn—l belong to the Welland battery, mid was present with sever al others when the prisoner was arrested. As we were going down the river some ono cried, "A Fenian." Captain King then ordered us to arrest him; be said ho was no Fenian, but ref used to sate where ho came from; there • were soma cartridges taken from, him by one, IL Y=igg In , sworn - Corroborated the evidence of the ;receding Witness:l. Zion Topper, sworn; but objected to by Mr. Kelfauzie, on the ground that the witness , name was not on the back of the indictment Etteresdans arrived in Fort Fria on the Ist of az /trjellenzle here objected, that so- far. there as no evidence that the prisoner was a ' Mut the witnesses could nos be asked what other persons did tell it waeproved that the 'prisoner was connected with Fenlanlsm. His Lordship over = ruled the ,- objection sod, i. the exanduadon. continued: Thep asked pro.' vtdons for One thousand men,, - but. there' were not as many, as that ; thef:ioaadod at Tower Ferry'and from thence marched to the vdiaird home of them staid on the brow of, the h and the remainder were onthe front streetsearching for provisions. Tabs closed the case for the Crown.., The following witnesses wore called for the defense: Joseph coons onions—l reside in Buffalo, and ash. Superintendent of the Ituralo Iron and Nall Company; the prisoner was In our. employ for abour.'a month before the raid as a nutitiir be was a J.:al:meat hand; on the of Jane heart.that he was in caned.. when with us' Le bore "a goad. characters* I am au EngiLettmalq and have resided In the States mace Bremer exettemeht it custo mary to carry revolvers; at the time of the raid many People went over Canada ! out Of cariosity.. • t° Crose.exanuned-demeloybetween two and three hundred hands; the factory Is quite to where the Foulanuemborked. °s° Margaret Sweeney, sworn—l reside at Blimk Bock; / imetw the prisoner, he boarded at • hotuiek he was there on Friday, the n ns3 June; / emberrem the day by boys making of such a fuss ookg ,at the Company going beyond into Canada. XV non' called the to p bed mirrisoner k up 4/1 the rn9 . 11111 g... .1 gegenerallygenerallys; go y. • , bir. lioNabo--The Fen;. ans Were beyond the river when .'I got up,• maw nottunit.o/ the prisoner after Fridays has ,a good character, and an good a boy as was la that house. _ • Kato lieLagne,- sworn-1 keep-a saloon at Black- Book, and know the prisoner. On Thursday night I saw the prisoner taking his beer In my shop. ;/ also saw him on Friday night and Saturday morning. I remember the fantasia passing over into Canada la June 1= Mr. MlCenzle—Put in the affidavits of John Jenkins and others, of 'Now York, as to the prisoner's character. This closes the case tor Mr. 11"Konite addroased the jury In a long . . aid.oloquent speech In behalf of the prisoner. . • Mr.R. A. Harrison replied in behalf of the' Crownoln a temperate and eloquent speech. 't The liandlury entered court , bringin in true b a against Patrick Cooney, and John . Coons /its Airdship then charged thejury. The jury retired at half past lour o'clock, and re turned a verdict ot •mot guilty... -The tollowing letter was received by one of .- the Crown officer., purporting to comel m. Michael Murphy. - i d: • Berrsto; NOY. 7, 1836.—Str : The Fe a, , Irialitimei L nal meta. ashamed-as an Ir man tO sity,bave adhered to their enemies. Now, - . I wish toprOposeaplan to end all this trouble . - for you hiCanada.l Uet together all your Pe • Wan' prisoaera awl take them to the Atneri. can lines and send them over, with a warning not 4.4) , caught i again. That will end the . matter at' once. These-people might have trade you trouble If they had gone with the Udall party; they have gone as they al ways tlaVe, with their enemies, and now win bare 10 get their help from them, and little can ' they get front them. Alt they want; of.. them are their , votes, and now, thcor'..knove 7 -IJusy have. them In any event, so they will Om them no aid to their scheme to invade your txruntry; Tor they ace .:.„ they cantudy ego there against the Itcpubil. camilaways, as•ther always have done. My countrymeng am very sorry to say that. yon profess - 1.o .• loSe liberty, but still go for, the party which does not /eye It. • TheydonOtan .cterstanci the meaning of the word. In tact, they do not, know what they. want. If they dld, they know not bow to realize IL 'there will be an end to - .redden troubles here and elsewhere. You will see. So let go your pris e:tars. And the only ; thing which wilt give the agitators anything to agitate about wilt.Do gone. All will conclude that it is beat forlro. rand tOremaintinder the control of England, as they,hara not sense crionglt .ta. Control thempleee,,, , ~- - - Yolirn respectfully, , • Militeld) -• • - EIS MarilanFl, Electlon—Nezt Legistar.nre. BAtanioDe, MD., Norembor 9.—A.lleghany cunntyy uleuts the D.Optibl (eau ticket. for the Legislature, as do all the Wuntles in rnmk Thomas' district.. Tbn next Legislature will eland as follows: Senate, 16 Democrat ands Unionists; House of Delegates, CA Democrats to 211tepublicans. The presiding °Meer of the Sens te,Liedtenant Governor Cox, will alsoact with the Demon. racy. The 11,4kublicans only carry four coun ties: in the Slate- This is reliable, and there will be no change from these figures. I Republican Gains In New Y Ireeo A, N. Y. licar.9.Sixty-three aunties of tats State five a Republican inn wily of 43,00 1 3,a.ga1an 28,000 since Tho Legisla ture standa about as follows: Senate, I lleana,9 DeMoceabli liquse, 58 Republic:las, ill Democrat/5: torn paragraph, first published info? r k tp. paper hes given the luipressionti o nc_ a : n n e e re t Chamberlain, the Governor etch_ m f n i is In such uncertain health that hi l e n d a e ler is e tor fromg ht ha looked for at tiny moment. .ututional health is Min he Bars roe gwv e myself a fair gPod, 'or won ''' bo . chancre. I ant cull uttering 'considerably at my .111C11. will probably require sem tames from i,f r iy decided surgical treat. fi r do not think ram In such a precariousmc condition as Is suggested by your I parairmPP" —The aisgusta Chronicle and Sentinel con falllS the following: An actress connected now wail a Chicago theater declares that J. Wilkes Booth is still living. She Jesters that while on .her way to ford's theater, where she was en geged. on the evening Lincoln was killed, she met Bootlituithe Street, talked. with him for some time, and en parting with him gave him lettet to reel which She had that day rebeiv ed.,. Big weeks ago the letter *as returned to her through the post office, with a .private mark on it which convinces her that it came --The LaCrosse (Wis.) Democrat states pos. itively that .1. Wllkes Booth was alive on July IS, 186 e, and declares earnestly and certainly that Booth never was taken to Washington, either wounded ordered. youtig Illinois lover procured a limes.] without conimiting his inamorata. Explana. Lion being madettigrew very angry and told the young man the county clerk could not sell'ber for "a liar, neither could any. body eisele She remains single. —A revivalist in Pillnghampton, N. Y. en. countered - - a largo sized African, and asked him, "My good man, have you found the Lordi" To which Sambo replied in a surprised manner -"Golly, is de Lord lost!. —A Sick student of Chicago lately took nitric acid in a mistake for blackberry cordial.. It cured him so effectually that ho never will be sick again, —A fund has been started In England for the restoration of the church at Guttman Torkard, where Byron Is hurled; about $2,50:1 hard been received. The river has undergone but lltUe change since our last, remaining about stationary at tour feet. Considerable rain feU during Thavlay night, and the indications last eve ning were favorable for a continuance of it. being warm and cloudy. , The arrivals slew oar last report Include the Lent Leon,. from Parkersburg; Robt. Moore, from Portsmouth, and Lorena, from Cincinnati. The last named boat recently made a Dip from Cincinnati to New Orleans. The Leni Leotl was considerably behind time. . haying been delayed by business, darkness, etc., etc. The New State left for Cincinnati last even ing'salth a very fair trip. The Nora. Captain covinno Is next in turn una will at once mmence loading'for that ' point. The Nora will probably be followed by the Columbia. Capt. John Shensi, will have command of the Quickstep this trip, Capt. ilarr, having been compelled to atop .off In 'consequence of ill health. Toe Quickstep, It will be borne In mind leaves for Cincinnati to-day at noon.anil passengers and shippers should boar this fact in mind. Messrs. h loyd and Strong are asso ciated together la the office. • The towboat A. J. Baker on Sunday last, Runk a barge of coal she had in tow, by cons 'leg in contact with a ralt, a short distance above New Orleans;. The boat and coal be- longed to J. Sharp McDonald, of this place, and it seems bald in toeing tboboat after bavinicso nearly reached her destination, —Since writing - the above, we find the fol lowing in the Lonmyille Democrat of Thurs. day: The towboat A.P. Baker, Capt, Dowd, from Pittsburgh, with nine coal boat., run afoul of a raft In Carrollton Bend on the night of the Id Inst. and sunk one of her barges con. tat rang 2:,000 bushels of real. The Kate Putnam, Capt. Lightner, will pos itively leave for St. Louis today. The Sher-. man, Capt. Crane, is next in Luna after the Putnam. I Capt A. C. McCanum,ls ill- lusgllip steadily for New - Orlains, as is ado.. the Clinlelia, Capt. Lytle for Nashville. JrvrEnsonoutoe, Leo. November 7.-7 rsx. —Ens. Cott—There Is sir feet six inches in the plies over the falls, and on a stand. Weather clear and pleasant. Steamers Dar lington and Glasgow 'passed up. The Kate Robinson passed down. The tow boats deer, Simpson liorn-r, Resolute, Diary Day ige, Star, .Dart, Greyhound, left . Pittsburgh with heavy tows. Savo-rat will pass below as quick as they can pass through the canal. . D. M. Dayrdar, Fails Pilot. The Argosy and Bellevernon,from Pittsburgh and the Glasgow and Emma • No. Si from Satut Louis, arrived at Cincinnati on Wednesday; the Importer left there the same day for Paw burgli„and the Amelia Poe, Glasgow and Pia° Grove were advertised to leave there fur Pitts burgh on. Thnreday. The Petrone, en route from Arkansas River to Pittsburgh; passed by Cincinnati on Wednesday. We clip the fol lowing from the Cincinnati Cbiamercia/ of Thursday: The new steamer building at ,: Dan Morten's ,ard ( OT ' u l,7glßn'a i e; or;t‘ot next , 7 . " - i'Z.e The - Argosy, from Pittsburgh, - reships 161/0 plows, and a lot of Plantation lel - mous - for New Orleans on the John Groesbeck. and 400 plows for Memphis on the Maggie Hays. -. Thu Rob Roy recently came off the Ma rine-KAU Ways in complete repair Capt. Enoch Taylor arrived lrom Memphis yester day,. Deem. Fowler &Sheerer, of this city bare been appointed' freight agents for the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Fos 1115 C. VT n I N ! at? t: 1; SHERMAN Cape. J. CLUNK: _ _ . Will leave for the above and all Inter - Mediate ports, on , WEDN LSDAY, 13th Inst., at 1 p. For freight or p j assage apply on boant. or to J. V. COLLINGWOOD, J iLMEI COLLINS • Agents , JNO. FLACK, , • WWI LOUNVILLE.--Thez i giSt spl.dlel pas coiter 4,4tatoer • • NOVA Capt. , DsViNser. will lase Psr the above and an Intermediate ports on MON flaY, at 121 r. ' • Fur freight or passage apPly on board, or to nolo Nl.Jlt:tt A COLLII3(IWOOD,.Agenta. PEOPLE'S LINE.-UEG ULAR WEEKLY PACKET be ti.r.n PITTSBURGH AND GINCIN- • • • NATL—the new and splendid steamer ARGOSY. thu. Louis Vandegrit. W. H. Scott, Clerk. Hints PlltSblirsh EVERY • TUESD• II o'clock w. Lenses ClnclnonSi EVERY rit/DAY, at IY o'clock. For IkelghL or Da.).402 , isOnlYoo nosHL 'Maa= FOB CAlllo_,_ AND HEW OluslSMlS. , —The passenger steamer • ARMENIA Capt. A. C. hlTCAttam. Will leave Vor the above and all Intermediate porta on T tits DAY. at le. n. /or &alga; or passage, apply on board or to oenl FLACK COLLINO WOOD, Agents -- - . . . VOR CAIRO AND .ST. A dE ai t - 1 .- LOUR.- -T ie 3ne neuter . KATE PUTNAM Capt. J. H. LICIIITNEA Win leave for the snore and aU intermediate ports, on 'nein DAY. at 1 p. m. ,;L'afreigVatlertatiztwarAVen-ts. VOIR EVAIIVEIVILLE ANDk a gar . ASIIVILLE.-The tine steamer CAXIELLLCapt. lTlu. , . WM leave for the above a nd all Intermediala potta, on THIS 'DAY, at 1 r. Z.l ft'ightrir arejEElTNOAtrlorAt:e.t.. - t'oll ILTNCINICATITIibrzW a t splendid side-wheel steamer " QUICKSTEP...» " Capt. B. Rauh, Jr., J. W. Floyd. Clerk, will run as a - HEGEL Alt PACKET, as announced above, leavlnkfon SATUtt. DAYS at Jr et. Yor ocla freight or passage appliOn board or to JAMES COLLINA.AIfcbts• NVIREXF.ING,mAnuvr-r a gr si t• *r • —'l i f te a sC i ..A li dl l pis:eYsglirdUDt; • -- BAYARD • Capt. (ixOEMs MOO= • _ Leavea Pittsburgh • • MONDAY AND 211 D 11 o'clock A. M s Leaves Parkersburg • • • Tl5/tli yor R e A t lf_ h .Allll FRIDAY at 2 o'clock P. Y. ps...geapplyon bOafd. Sele:kl .EO. r. BCDNYCHDIAIV & CO., PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, 'f . II . 4ANAYTWEaT P TITHUUH APHIO It STAB - nese (lards. Letter lan, liessis, 11..1, TS ~ Au"' bhOW Cord., Dlbiollss. ortrslti,' V lel7r u s: CcriltlestesorDeposits, invitation cubs dt, •tre Nom. 72 arid IiSINAI e, Plush-m a t h i!" 4 • PITTSDCBGII AND OARLAND wu rirk u rat A. atm poen • u . to Jobta Murdoch, Jr.,) MOMSEILYMEN AND YLOILIbIIS, Pittsburgh I. solicit &Illation to their extensive stork or u AND OHNASINNTAL IMEatittagN o Utt& PE VINES A ND ORICZNIDJIAtiE PLasbiTll. Call fora Pali mew,. Pittsburgh mol Uskisad Passen g er Ca nna t the tirrenhoull over,' IS minutes..:. • inn:r2i GEOBGE BEAVEII, CANDY MANUFACTURER And deidef 1a POREIUX AND AMERICAN . YRULTN. PICKLES,. N No.ll2Aederal Street, , tk.coad door hem. thq 7lrat National Ilank. , EMOVA USDIRISIGN. YD here removed the once of thellOPZ OIL WORKS from 33 Market/frees, Ilttebergl4 to their Works on VAltsON STUBBY Brownstown. !there toe] can nereafter be found. - Poston:lee Address 830. Ylttsbarsh, nr2,ll* ' . 111110141 , 1 IarMT.T 4 WC • • Celertnontatns brnca, ; Oy ALL3OIF33 No 3d, IIIGB. REALER PROPOSALS witlrbe re °dyed at this oalc mat.l ?KID AY, Pt 3 Inst. at 3 o'cldcir r,te:. for Breaths awl Cat lux North. Ca • nal Street, , from Seat Lane to Sycamore street. - Aim for uri . ,naoir,tun Alley, how street Br direction orate street colniolieee. - noknel . (Sty Controller. jj]]OOTB AND EitIOES.- 4 :very Amy! ffrck remlo!res . tprke,* z.,07 sum, Ancorpb. • _li _1.5.. ~.t~~3 ~, ~' fi';i == CEXIMMM=I RIVER 'NEW& EIM9JSMiATB. Chlentto l'atsleglarket. CfrICARO, Nov.:tabor B,—The fresh receipts of Peer - Cattle to-day . at the union Stock Yards are bin head. Entered sates, 6.37 head, st. prices ranging from , tlt - tt,su for light heif ers and cows, 4505,25 for good cowo and butch. ere'" stars and fretut 4 1 ,7567,15 fur goOd GO choice shipping beeves. There has been a steers number .of butchers' stock and necking sold today lind a feta gooil Chipping steere have - been taken, but for makruon stock tho' demand is light and prices - are weak: -A la r g o ' dumber of gOOO, smooth steers have been forwarded east on owners' accOunt. Bhippent are purchasing ori a lib eral ramie, anti areal° principal buyers. City butchers are taking a raw falelots. . CLEVELAND November &—Wbeat--Dull and nomnud. 1141 d ziter,'M for N 0.2 Springj e 1,15 for No.l der Corn gall and inutility; mosaics were re ported and we are linable to give via. ores.. Le offer was $1 for No: r from .etore. Oats dull and nominally lower. Beld a t Wales for No. 1 - . State, Bye.nominally unenanged. Bald id31,25f0r No. 1: Barley golet and nom. molly nuebanged at $1,15e1,21/ lor . Oarlada NO. 2, fIA tOlll for - Be.s Nate: ~.~.i~ • PH 114 AilErerZ, IS3 Whet and Broker, • 11S Wood St.. near corner of Fifth. All descriptions of `Government Bands conght unit Bold nn Littoral terms Lannon and Contsnentsl Exclutage &Old at Sr ow ", rk ir tf r e :Ld cam - tons Nought at,h lig Drafts Donna on Now YorP,t FINANCE AND TRADE. Fainkr,.NOccmber 9,1806. The New Xcirk stock qiibtations today, AS reported by Robinson, McClean & Co., were as follows: Gold, 1417A4 ISSPs, 114 X; S..ars, Old, 110%; do, new, 110;' 5 ".Da of 19175, 107%; 7-308, lst'series, 107%; second and third: i(Vg. INF • ichlgan Southern R. IL, Cleve- land ,t. Pittsburgh, 92%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, EON; Erie IL 1t.,135X; Union Telegraph Company, 81;;;; Chicago & North' Western,h7.l-e. —The new issue of live twenties of 1805 are attracting considerable alit:l:Ma r na likely to become a leading -security. The bonds.aro sot:feet to precisely the same conditions as those of I9C2,except us to date and to payment of interest, the coupons being payable on Jan: ueriand July 1. This issue is intended to ab sorb; the whole ct the three seriesi of Seven thirty Treasury Notes now 'outstanding, -amounting to about. #7.15,000,000. From the veryjarge ultimate total of this consolidated loen—beingi nearly equal in amount to the threi3 other Issues of dye twenties combined— it would appear that It must come to be re garded as the "consols" ot the United-States; and, having the advantage of running three years beyond the date of Mb bonds of 1862, would seem to , be especially adapted for at tracting foreign investments. • —The oil fever has Prevailed with groat virulence in some parts of Maineoluring the last eighteen months. it has now nearly sub sided, and ,conyelescents are reckoning up their losses.l These are large, aggregating, it, icestlinated, not less than 5500,000. Citizens of Bangor, Bath and Lewistown are the prin cipal engerers. —lt Is reported that a naral revival of business bas ..taken place .ge in New Orleans. Every branch of mechanical trade Is well em ployed. Not only aro large and stately build. logs gradually going up on what has hitherto been vacant and idle property, but In many instances suostantlal but antiquated looking edifices have been torn down to give way to others more modern and Improved. "—The revenue commissioners estimate that. over 12,000,00 u gallons of distilled spirits, 186,- 000,0W - guidons of fermented liquors, and is,. 003,9 W gallonkof imported liquors aro annually consumed in thiscountry, costing s.soo,ofAece. The government revenue derived' from the liquor business is estimated at 447,727,x7d ma nually. • PIT I SBURGII MARKETS. \ 0/PIOR OW TEI PITTSBURGH GAZIITIB. Frttwor, November 9, ISM The produce markets were very &alto-flay, owing partially to the inclement condition of the weather, but mainly, so far as Flour anti Grain are concerned, to the reaction in the west. in Chicago, s on Thursday, Flour de dined 15 to tie plir barrel; Wheat, 10 to 120 Per bash:Oats and Corn In about the same' ratio; and Bogs fell from 34, to 1.4 a cent per pound. Thu operations here, in the the above named articles, are controlled almost en tirely by Chicago—when there is an advance there. we have advance here, and it is but na tural to presume, that a. decline there will have a corresponding result here. At ono time, the Now York market report was the main guide for operators, but how it is' Chicago. - ..IIRA.L.N—Wheat is dull and a shade weaker, but nominally unchanged—No. I Spring is still quoted at (SAO to VAS.. Oats quiet; small sales in Store at Seto 50—demand leas active. Sale of 1 car new Ear Corn at BE4 and I car prime old Shelled at .1.10. - Rye is selling at 11,01 to $1.25. Barley is dull, andovith pretty free arrival's, prices are aiding downward. Sale of 1 car Spring at 81,16. less active, and holders are not as stiff no they have bean fpr some time past, and in some cases allglift concessions are made In order to effect sales. We continue to quote al 512,50 SIS for spring Wheat, and $134 to 414 Mr Winter Wheat. Rye Flour is scarce and firm at SS to sS' —small sales of Buckwheat in store ut 618 t 064% per mot. PROVISIONS—Bacon cont(nnes tlull but un changed at lu!§ Sito 17 for shoulders; for Rib bed soles; and to Il' .'y for,sittgar cured llama. Lard Is dull at,l:, No demand for Ness Pork, and 111th , or none ht market. POTATOES—Peach Blows, prime, are sell ing at Bellow at 75 cts per bush, and Sl4 per bbl. New Jersey Sweets are in light supply and a shads higher, being quoted at sklies.i. CIIEESE—ConUnues dull but nominally un changed; we continue to quote 'at 15. for West ern Reserve; 17 to IS for Ramberg; Au for Fac tory, and . ..Y3 for Goshen. • APPLES—Coming In pretty freely', but the demand seems to keep up, and we can report regular sales at to liaif per bbl, sate qual ity. The shipments cast continue fair. BUTTER—Coutlitues in goal supply and prime Roll is offeral freely at3o to El—the ter for choice. There seems to be no demand for ecimmen packed. t DRIED FlLLJlT—Peaches are selling in a re gular way ataS to 20 for quarters conch mixed, and 4 22 to 23 for halves. There Is no call for Apples. and see quote nominally ate to it etiL CILINBERRIES—StesiIy with regular sales at 515 per bid for common, and .0/ for culti rated. - CIIESTEUTh'—Ssarce aed higher with sales ner nosh. CIDER—Is selling ac from if. to 68 per barrel according to quality and eize of barrels. PIG METAL AND DIMON 'MARKET WhEILLT REVIEW, • O►►lCß 01108 PITTSIIIMGH GAZICTTE, FlopAlr, Nov. 9, 1901.1. There Is a continued. active demand for metal, especially good brands, •and with light Iceelpts and a verylimited supply, t lie •mar ket Is very flrm and prlees are still tending upward. Of eastern irons, the market Is, and has been for some time past, almost entirely bare, while thodemand for western irons is also somewhat in excess of the supplytin deed, desirable brands of both cannot:l foun dry irons aro Very scarce, end command. en treats prices. Blooms steady and rim: bet without quotable change. The following arenem° of the operations effected during the past week: BITUMINOUS COAL SMCLTED PBOX LAIM:RU G EM133321 tons Low Grade Forge.... $l3 50—GO dye MI. do Medium Whlte do . • 43 50-;-30 dye no do do Grade Forge. 44 44-4 T 404 118) do 'do do to arty. 47 00 do 100 do do Mottled • • • 40 50 do 20 do do Gra 40 00 do 200 do • do Gray • •40 CO do ..8.1 do Open Gray, a fay. brand. - :, 48 00 do 40 do COM. No.l Foundry...--- 45 00 do - • CHARCOAL eYELTIA 100 Lois American gountainllo..46o 00-4 mos CO do do do ... 60 00 do •do Juniata No. I Foundry.... 57 Oil do 15do No. 1 Pdry IPaing Reek 57 CO 'do .do IPgingiLock a Inv. brand. 59 00 do Ert, do do do . do . 60.00 do 40 do do No. 1 Foundry me dium quality . 33 Oa— cash 45- do Wicing No. 1 Foundry medium quality., 55 00 do 30 do No.o 11. 11. Foundry ' 51 110-4 mos 30 do No. Sdo do 55 00-6 mos do Vinton No I—II. 8......... CO 004 mos 50 do Cambriallo. 1-11. 13 55 CO—' cosh 50 do Ohio N 0.2-11. II 65 CO do 10 do Heels No. 1-0. II 'll 00-4 moo 10 do Centre No. I—II. It CO 00 do 10 do KeystOne No. 1-11. LI 58 00 do 19 do Buena Vista No. 2 White.. 52 CO do • ANTIIRACITZ 'WO tons So. Lint brazil.° • 300 do No. 2 MO do No, 3 110 ,19111:0. 1 Forgo extra 200 do N 0.3 'GO do No. 1 Foundry, GO Connßod Bank cox*. $47 60-c mos 160 . do. do - .....- 47 50 do 50 tons Juniata 20 do Juniata 50 do Sanluta. PiTTROPROM PETROLEUM MAAR= Osstos dt 711111 Prrveneacm:llazwrrs, Freme.v, November 9, Um, CRUDE—The market for Crane' woo Resta dull and weak to-day, with considerable of fering, and but comparatively few buyers. da compared with yesterday, however, prices have undergone no quotable change-10% to 11c, bulk, and obis, and 15% toll, bbls 'nolo clod._ A. couple of small lots, one of 100. and the otner 2001,b1a of nice gravity sold atil%, but this is, at /east, half a cent above the market for 40 to 45 gravity bulk 011. Solo Of 1370 bbls,ju bulk, at .105; /150 at /0%; 450 at 11; SJO, bids returned, at 11l and COO—last evening —ln bulk, nt 10%. We have no late advice. from Oil City, bet the eastern Intelligence Is not favorable. REFINED—There is no Improvement to note In the demand for bonded oil, and the market Is - dull and weak, with a ten dency to still lower rates. Wo now quote at .344 to 35 (or November delivery, and 35% for December—€.olo 0( 500 bbls for the last named month et 35%. On the cars here, wo quote 23 to 2).5.4. Free oil is very dull, and with the exception of small sales to the local trade,. there is nothing doing. Cleve. land appears to have motopollzed the entire control of the west, the dtlferenco In freights , •nabiltig refiners in that city to undersell Pittsburgh. Wo quote standard brands alt.luVALS—Tho following arrtvnta of 01l ;rllrrltted to- day : ' W. P. r Loga r n ° .11,0 I 01100. Waring a 55 Total illoveland Market. BILALIIKETB BY TELEGIIIAPAL New To c rk Flaturotal Matters Nzw Your. November 9.—The Money Mar ket is easy and steady at 6(176 per cent. Ster ling is dull at 1C9%616.1%. Gold is without material change, Opening at 146 , 4. advancing to and closing at 116%. Government stooks are firm. RallrOad stocks are lower: Yort Wayne, 106%; Milwaukee d SG Paul, P 2 Cleveland & Toledo, 119; Erie Si ; New York Cdutral, 1113; Michigan S outh ern, 91%; North Western preferred, 79%; Peelle Ma 91191: Mariposa preferred, %PA; Wsstern. Union Tel. eKraph, 12,• Ohio A Mississippi Certificates, 34,4; G's of 'Bl. coupons, 114%; At: coupons of iloy„• do. .64, 107%; 10.4 u coupons, 100341 7.30's of first Leone 107%; do. second issue, 106; do. third issue, l 0 The Pears money art'cle says: The tempo rary activity in money having been chocked; the speculative animation in stocks has re vice. t. The loanmarket. is easy at 60 6 per cent. Paper palsies at 6 per cent. for the choicest grapes. The stock market is more animated than last evening. Governments are firm, and railroad stock in general ad vance. Alter the regular board New Yore Central was quoted at 118%; Erie, 56%; Mcml- Mel) M. C., 11; •.81. S., tol%; Pittsburgh, Pl.'s: N. 15,61%; I. W. pref., 76%; Toledo, 119;:(,; 110; 1 , t. W., 116%. The government securities were rather more steady towards the close. The Theo following were the closing pr ces: Ilegister, of 'Bl, 1104( -01.14%; coupons. of S3l, 114y,(9111%; reglstansi. of -764 /07iga1107%; do coupons, .of '6l, 10310 f 10314; dO, Of '64, lifIli107%; do, Of , G 5, 107RA4) 1071;10-40'8 'registered, luu%100%; do coupons, 100%0100%.' AuguAt 164:441106%; June do, 1e514t9106; July do. 105%6101; June com pounds, of '64, 116%e1117: July do. lic.,;@n6X; August do, 11.6asii0; October dia, H4%631164 In comber do, li:1%(0i14; May, 11:64@lltli; Aug est do, 110%@151; September, 11:/%1111%; . bar, IMULLO. E= Niw Yen; Nov. 9.—Cotton henvii, 'a fur ther decline onto.; sales at 37c fur Middling up lands, and Mc for do Orleans. Flour dull and 15 to 2513 lower, at 010 ',..i0iFy11.50 for sound com mon Extra State, 1111,50H1 . -,53 for Extra Hi 11. 0., and $12,50014.2.5 for Trude Brands, the mar ket closing quiet. Whisky quiet and nomi nally unchanged. . W heat dull, and common grades 24a3.2 Jewel-, at k2,050+1 5f0r Inferior Chicago, and 11 - 2,35 Itir No. lelfwaukee. nye quiet and drooping.l Barley more active and Closes lirm, at .1,0561,11 tor Canada West in bond, $1,30001,135 for do free', thelatter fOr very choice, and 31,1530,23 for Trotted State. Bar ley Malt dull, et 0445. Con opened to lower, 'and closed lc better, at 01.,.4fj1,.5.1 for shipping mixed Wes tern_a_float and , in storni and VIZ@ . 1,20% for Western Yellow. Oats dull and lO2e. lower, at 91071 e for Chicago and Milwaukee, and 74172,3 for State, the Ineide price fore few small lots. Coffee dull. Sulfur active, ut 1014 01111 for Cuba, and 11X013e, for Porto Rico, molasses dull. Petroleum dull and lower, at Zin for Crude, and 3513 for Bethnal In Wind. Work heavy and decidedly lower, at-25,87i413 27,50, regular ad 31 d cash tot New 084, closing at $25,57 for regular, and 422,75023,09 for Prime: also 1,250 Ibis Now Mess at 12i5,59, seller for Dezember, and 01,50, seller for 10 days. Beef steady at previous prices. Beef Dams are heavy, at 37611 e. -Bacon dull. Dressed flogs heavy and lower, at 10 , 4010%c for Western. ' Cat Meats heavy, at 12;013.14iff0r Shoulders, and 15151.61 , 4 for Hams. heavy and low er. at 131445 , 15 c. Butte; steady, at D.0123e for 0h10,351,044e for State, and 50655 e lor Orange county pails. Cheese dull, at Salle. New York Dry Goods Market. New Tons., Nev. 9.—The Dry Goods market presents some now features this morning. The election being over more buyers havebeen in the market and more business has been done but in a somewhat irregular way. Print men have reduced the price half a cent gen. erall9. but this was hardly suflicient to meet the difference already existing between the prices and the jobbers, And it had little or no effect. The jobbers further reduced their prices yesterday evening half to one cent per yard on the stocks already in hand, some. parts of which were not very desirable goods, and some 40 or 50 cases have since boon sold, and them is a fair business sail doing, bet it only extends to these goods. Jobbers prices are: Brown ISheetlngs—Allantic, A, V; Pep. nerd', B, 25; do, it, 21. Bleached Skirtings— Bartlett., 30; Tip Too; 3214; Slaterville, 10. Prints—Merrimac, 21; Aw.orican, At nolds, 17; London Mourning, 1814. Skirts— Whittleton; A A. 35;; do, B, Denims—York 45; Boston Manufacturing Company, 071.4., BO dale Markpt. BuggAt°, Nov. 9. — Flour easier; No. I spring at 511,7561245; western spring $12,50; white Canada /14,75015,11. Wheitt-30,000 bnehels of Chicagoand Itilwanked •No. 2 spring on rail. road track. Peas lower. Cava-60.000 bushels at 41,12.011,15, closing with buyers at 61,14.0 Oats quiet, at We. Barley-7,00e bush. Canada, at 61,10;15,010 bush. to arrivirby IL T. • gyo opens Quiet. Pork at Lard I.l,Valcc. ,ky unchanged. =I • Cum/too; Nov.9.—Flour dull and declined IS to 2.1 c. Wheat is quiet and declined le; sales at s2,of for No. I. and sl,b7 } for No, 2. Corn 3(33 .t X, closing at tl%c for No. I, and nstpoe for No. S. theta quiet and declined Sc, at 411341;e for No. F Highwines quiet. Mess Pork SI lower, at 1M.,540,34,06: Bogs fairly ac t Uwe, at Glirf:...fc for common "to extra choice. Freights quiet. Few Orleans Market. Now ORLEANS, November 9.—Cotton.lower; sales 850 bales; low middling nomlnul at 31!60 3.54 e. Receipts; 23,700 bales, against .44.1.* lust week. Exports, 18,000 bales. Stock. 137,501 bales. lingar in good demand at for fair. Bank Sterling EO. New York Eke(Wive, ar. Freights—Toview York, ;14; Liven:l6er, p to Iluvre.,lll;. B/,■ Market. gr. Louis, November O.. Cotton drooping, at ,1V383.1c. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat heavy and unchanged. Corn higher; new, @7sc; old, 950341,05. Oats lower, et (s(010. Pork lower, at 1i31,75itn; Week exkluetell. Hu. con and lard drooping and nominal. Whisky higher, at SIX. • • Toledo Market. Toccoa, Nov. 9.—Flonr quiet. Wheat win. ter, Ifkle lower; spnng 20 lower; sales n( new white Illeolgan.nt $2,53; amber, $1,73081,50 for No. 1 spring. Corn opened at 40 mixed, s at Se lower, and gray sales of No. I at 95 GSSAe. (AU held atThe, 4Ge was bid; Philladelphla 'Market PIIILAD6LrAWNOV. 9.—Flour quiet and un changed.C9,43. Corn declining; heat .deccilning; , Red, adirh,3,2s; White, 4.3 0Q ,Yellow. Wla ky steady:Pennsylvania, 41; Ohio, ac in bond. - Billwaukee Market Mrzwericse, Novemiier S.—Fleur dull; de clined 40 cents. Wheat declined s@Be:sales at k!,d7@2,10 for No. /; 51,0001,92 /Or Nis. Corn declined Sc. Oats duct/and Sc. ' • IMPORTS BY B*ILROALD, Ptirvantrumr. FORT WATO a CR/OAGO It. November 9-2 M bbls flour, D Wallace; 100 do dal:0.001;1er, Goo a co; Fear feed' S B Floyd; 16 bbls apples, 1 car do, L Vo tgt A co; 4 raddleri tobaco, A J .Murray; 2 care apples, Keil & interlard, 71 bbla apples.' car barrey, W Patterson, 101 sacks a 0,131 do oats, Ken nedy a Lathrop;{ 44 bids cider, E Badunbach; 2 ears stares, Italy, a co; 5 kga lard. Little, ' Baird & Patton. 100 bbla Sour, E Myers & co; 1 car hay,DN Courtney; 15 doten orooms. Head A Metzgar; 11 bags rags, • Godfrey ,9 Clark ;l bbl butter, 50 bbla flour, Kirkpatrick, Bro A co; 74 bbl, applh ide%es, L L Beck; I.slthis cl. L Crouse; Wheeler; 100 do, .7 A fleercher; 10 53 bbls glue, II A Fahnestock & co; 105 bbls flour ' Boyd & Mcliown• 101 sacks rags, Pittsburgh Paper Company; lib/0 buck , wheat flour, John Porterteld; 57 hides. BaJaton; 1 car metaLlltyan & Catuthey,• bbls tall.7r, 115 bbls apnles, Blair A . Woods; 50 hdla broom handles, McElroy A CO,. 7 bales broom corn, Wm• Mardorf; 1 0 0 Obis flour, Jaa Gardi ner & co; 40 bids J Adler A co; 62 bags flaxaced. M Suydam; 2Ms butter, I.llukicy A Bra; bbla apples, J leddls; 2 can metal, J : Moorhead; 11l Ibis apples, Fetzer A Arm strong; 5 pkgs tobacco, .7 S Dilworth A co; 17 do do. uhriver A Lazcar; Tears metal, Nimick A coil do do, McKnight A co; 100 bbls flour, Shomaker A Lang; 100 do do, Segbmyer A Vordiamp; 100 do do, B Leochf 19 tog lard, 5' Sellers A co; 100 bbis flour, E Lt Myers & co; I cur tallifeed, A J Hagan; 30 bbla elder, I do onions, II Lea jr; 12 do cider, Kell A Ititchart; 1 car barley, M Ileckelman. 455 00— cash .. 54 03—I moo .. 51 50 do . Cs 00— cool . 52 uo do . 53 00 do • CLEVELAND AND PiTTABURON November 0-1 car wheat, Gilmore, Simpson & co; 100 bbls flour, Wli Garrard; IM do do; Cook Bp) & co; 1 care wheat, D Wallace;7 do metal, :Hulick & co; 1 do wilco; J s Liggett a co; lu pkgs flush, tV Cooper; 10 do do, E /learle ton;4l do do, L Volgt & co; 21 do 110, J 8 Worth &o cars Iron ore. Shoenberger & HMG; 1 d o d o, Itryan - dt Cowboy; Ido do, .I.efir le, Batley & Dalton; I Iloilo, Graff, Byers. co; 1133 bga barley, 17 do ryo,l/lt Galway; 12 pkgs chairs, Lemon & %Velem.; car corn, Stew art a co; 33 tibia oil, Warly & King.; bble ap ples, 0 do potatoes, J Mc 5 bble vinegar Shornaker Ableang; 16 bgs barley, 12 do e, J Glenn; 10 apples,. Idellane & /infer; 21 cheese, H Riddle; 23 do do, Watt & Wilson; 133 eke potatons,l4obble apples,PotterAlkint &co; rare barley, Spencer & McKay; 350bxe cheese Cdbk,Bro & co; 1 car barley, Fetzer & Arm strong; 6 bble apples, W • PITTEDIIIIOO, COLONBCB .0 CINCINNATI B. IL, November 9-42 eke rage, Markle & co; 70 bbls, SO eke Soar, 8 eke cornmeal, Hahn & Riddle; 11 bbla nuts, 7 bbls eggs, Graff it Reiter, 24 eke barley, Pettit hi-Nowlin; 4 pkge butter, Volgt a co; 15 pkga tish, Shuls & Danner; 12 do do, Watt & Wileon; •13• bags oat., .1 Cook; 33 Backe barley, ti pkgs sundries, E Sualth; 17 aka toes, T Bennett; b 0 bbls apples, Meanor, Hood & Harper; 31 els barley, John Gangwlch; 13 do do; Geo Robb; 37 pkgs starch, 12 & A C Dun can; 23 do do, Wm Cooopert dodo, Atwell, Leo & co; 23 do do, 12 P Hotlyl car corn, - A Taylor; Ido barley, Prankenbelm & Miller; 1 do corn, Schnelbuck & Schott; 1 car staves, W Hastings; I do do, T Merkle• .100 bbls Sour, Culp & Sbepard; bge rye, J'B Pinch; 23 candles, 0' Sellerd & 130. . $115.00 caeli 118 W do l.•'0 00-4 MOB Atrsoldnry &renew, November 7.-1 ear oats, 31 Well; SO bra choose, it A Carson; ears wheat, n bbls dour, T Noble A co; Si sks barley, A Morrow; 14 do do, 8 Springer; le do potatoes, Pillum. A SUPPLEMENT TO .4 SUPPLE-. hIEN r TO AN OKIIINAN• E RELATIVE TO NUIPANCILS, passed the hist day of November, A. 1J.:1663. brarriOs 1. Be ft ordained nod enncf at by the Bur p,. an r d unil ty'llie llorony6 Goloyear. anft Le hereby...meted by nutiaority tad Maine, That it shall net be lawful for any ersou or persona, corporation or corp trs lions, to estalslish or carry on the business of melting' tootling. reca ll's, or pressing bog's rot or lard, or mantifOcturing oils or other products therefro vs within the corpor ate Ileitis of she thoungh of Lawrenceville. tee., Any person violating the provisions °title foregoing section shall, for each, a t4l every slay tbe said unlasrfot bunion. shall be prosecute r ecover, , Of Or dollars, to One vs ho the corporate antic of t e borough, boor s , a n y Justice there (as debts of like amounts are 1101 v by law recoverable. Ordained and enacted Into a law this, the tilt illy of 140.lihter, A. 1). J. C. 1111FPITS1/41turgess. .1. J. COVEItT. Clerk. • - nub fl‘i OTICE. • El • T RATE THIS DAV - SOLD Dy EN Tf{. TINS INTICIM EItLEHT IT IN THY. STANDARD PS NEVIN EBY and In f i l m nr CLASS h to Cali, kii.lattilne. October.Zlh, IVA niihne2 IDLE 11 • CArt.I3LELML cf43,2%trxv. Jort reeolred 'Yeah supply 'celebra ted-Yon/1Y Croom god at.urted rar rola bttrie paaud, at tb , Slozolly Grocery elore or JOHN A. RENSHAW, (4- ntr 141 . 091 7 aid 1114,424Ma1a• MI MERCHANT TAILORS. HENRY G. HALE, • . MERCHANT TAILOR% Northwest Corner . of Penn es St. Clair SU. Dealtea to return thanks to his friends and the nab . . be for the many Da 3 i.tyrors, and resPeetrelir ."C" its a share or their fut Ore patronage. Re wont pleased to Intve them examine !Oa Large and Carefully Selected Stock Fine - Woolen Goods gartiantarty adapted WI UNTLEILTS IAR YOB 'Mt Ai) VINTIP. sellzigs LARGE STOCK OF • 80 -" S SUITS • • . • .. • • • - AND OVERCOATS • Of the latest "styles fur Winter Season. now In • store, by GRAY .& LOGAN,, AO. 47 St. Clair 4 Streei. oCJ. yA.LI. AND WINTER GOODS. W. 111. 111 7 GEE `• No.lo St. Clair Street, Would rail the attention of buyers to his stark of Hood.. which has bee, selected with great care, and contains all the latest styles of (lards to be found In • first-C.o. house. lieut. wanting a ' SHIT OP CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER, Will' please call nod eXamlne our mi.!, and priers. 'Also a full and complete stock of FURNISH'S() (MODS. WM. 11. McGEE, m Eltell ANT TAILOR, . 10 tit. Illalr Street. illitaberuh. PROFESSIONAL. B. F. BROWN - • LA.TIS Local Claim Agent. U. S. SAN. COM,. Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, MECUM./ FLOOIIIo Pittsburgh, Pa.• Pensions, Bounties, and Arreat of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge made until datum are settled, and then 'but a mode: ate fee. my 23.1,11 WH. A. SHINN. • ATTIMArEr AT L4ll)^, No. 120 Fonrlh St., opposite Wilkins liar. ?articular attention given to the collection of se COUOLII, 11 la notes, &C. Corres:. I.dents In New York, Boston, Baltimore, rotiutell. a; Beaver, Bellefonte, Steutug. ?a.; ' Indianapolis, Ind.; Alorgantoen , W. Va., Litlee. N. Y., and elseehere. • 11. C. eacener.r. •'• .1 C. n•Comus. NrACKEELL & BIeCOXCBS, • ATJDRNETS & GOUNSELLORS:AT LAW , • No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. znpuds _TonN.A. STRAIN. ITAT:,IIII;LTITT, Ex-Officio, Justice of tie Alit) IVLICE MAtiISTILATE, ' Office, 112 Filth St. opposite Cathedral, PITTSHURUH, Deeds, Bonds, Idortgagss, Acknowledgments, Do pooltions and all Les al Business executed with promptness and dLspalch. my19:111 JANCEV, NOTARY PUBLIC, JITS,TICIS. TUE PEACIC, AND BAAL r-IxArr. AGENT. Othe, corner of flutter and Davo'r streets, Lawrenceville. apeelat attention even to the purehsse and este of lteal Estate, the Coneetlon of Items. and,the pre, parationand acknowledgment of all kinds of Legal Conveyance.. • . WIIILIAN JANCIEY, Justlce Of the Peace and Notary rabllc. . asyMb3zl , EUSTACE S. NOM° W, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Penniyl vania Alveriue.l foot of the &kilo' and appal!, Chatham C,lree mv-2.1a • CHATIIIDI T. EWING,: Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, ,„)Plttaburgli,:Pzi I Comet Winner for Ohio, Kentucky, West Vir glum, allewurl •nJ other State.. 1n,16.-59 COAL, COKE, &c COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMMEL & RABER lite the attention or th•public to their One stock of COAL just received, including the follaw rlctles: Lamp, Ilos.l, 2, Saud Cliestant, Lyklas Valley, Nocl, 2,3, and illiestuat, All or which they are prepsred to deliver at the LOWEST HATES. by the single ton, car load, boat load or thousand tons. All orders promptly attended to. Mee: UPI Chestnut street, near the Depot. ochLl6 IIARRISDURU. PA. c om..! COAL! 1! HICKSON. STEWART &_CO. Having removed their Mee to. ' ISTCS. 19167 'Xidliackx - eyltroot. ' a.Stely City roar 4111) SECOND rurm, aro nagerp.sloaoalrletriodslionErtr.gberty A g l r ". Z. O e rdefsle k riirtliTir °Mee or addressed to them through tire roan. will be atteridat to promptly. myrotda : ftmfl Youghiogheny and Connellavilie Coal And Manufacturer; of Co.], Slack, end Devulphorized Coke, OFFICE Ai. 13 'YARD. Coni Clymertter an t Morton: drat and on Liberty and ltrett.ll, ward, and ou tlecJud street, near Look No. t, Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Manufacturers sLoolled _with ttie best arUcte of Chat or Coke at the lowan cut, rates. Orders len at mkt of the yards will receive promo!, ••••%“1.0 FWg*cleb,;Eut:riNiA 860 FINKLE • SEWING MACHINES , Adapted for every descflption of family sewing and tailoring. They BEM, FELL, RIND, lIHAID and TTRlK,tuailhout sweruring. and make the TUCK Molts, UNIVQII.II, A GATIIERS and .1011D , V. It will atltch from the finest gauze to the thickest Heaver Cloth Without any change to feed, needle or tension, and run for two years without teeing spat t to clean' or be repaired. if the purchaser after fair Irlik dues nut regard the Pinkie L ' yon Scor ing Machines e superior t...any machine lathe min ket, he can return It and hare 1411111MM]. IL make. th LOCK STITCH:_ wtHeticsalike on both sides, which ill not rip Cr ravel.' The cheapest machine by , :al per rent. In use, and noiseless. Warranted fur foJeyears. It has been In use In this place for eight years, and 111e1 elven satisfaction In nil case.. Plain un til, tip to Mahogany Inlaid with pearl, silver plated and Mosewanl. Also the - Ireed,Lock Stitch Sewing Machine Has been In use here. /or ten Team and has nee. r been out of the market. We call the attention tallor o, soiliosmiliers and harness makers to Hot.., Als Shaw & Clark's Sewing Machines. lit- Agents wanted. well kinds of family sewing done. ILA (Irani. streelt. H. I.ONti, Agent, t, opposite Cathedral, ' se2hT.T.l3 . Parrautattill, RALE OFI CONDEMNED ORDI NANCE AND ORDINANCE STORES.—WiII be sold at Public Auction, at VOICT 41;1N IN CE AR SENAL, Old roint Comfort, Va.. on TriURSDAY, the aNI day of November. IPGII, at to welock A. r.. a large quantity of Stares. consisting In part or the rolloarlac articles vim • 21 Fleldiand Siege Cannon, cast Iron, of vari -51.440us calibres; Shot. Snell, and Spherical Case, rot Gianni'. bore ant third guns; 74 Merrill's Carbine,. new and repaired; 00 Enfold Ilited Muskets, cal. 1.7.; Henry'sra and Spencer', Repeating Rifles; GOO Foreign Itltlea. •. Austrian." Cal. 51; • GA, Smooth /lure Muskets, mat.cid am. to flu du altered to pereurathr, • cal. Gi; • 10 Smooth Bore Muskets, glut lock, cal, 0); 717 novolvera avy •• Whltney's and Iferulngton'a" , cal. as: n 1,101 Cavalry atal Artillery Satins; gli Swords, Must laus and non-commlasiotted talkers. Irourteendaya will he allowed for the removal of gores. . .TaIiIIaUPSALE—ULOB. Capt. of m .1;1 Cul. AY°l4 noP:azt O • L. u-• U. L Co *, SOLDIEUS CLAIMS FOB BOUNTY, &e, Tbe underalgned will oollect UI bonatles, back pay and pensions due soldiers ender Md . acts of Congress or State laws. , Congress basi oat paned an act equalising boun ties, under which veteran soldiers are bounty of from .100 to Ivo°. • . JOHN S. LAMHIE,. M. M. 13110W.N. Attorneys at Law. . Off, leo. 114 ltifib Street. jeat.glyi.•dAwT PiTTSIt UltU tl. NEW PAPER 114LNG1NG111....- d 7011PMILORS—Irreiteti Designs, with Gold Dor- LIBIg&IIIES — Pompeian Patterns on Orange tirrek Patterns on fled Clay NB DHANDERS—Lace' and Nulls Patterns astir dark armada, w. r • ... • . 118 HILL. Nal - • Wood Inch . - . MEDI GRE.ENBACH3 ARE' GOOD. BUT ROM'S BITTEN IRE BETTER, ;--- Roback's Stomach Bitters, Alley yare or experience and trl .1. have prov be the best remedy extant for nil omplalnts where tonic and stimulant arc required. They never fall to strengthen the weagelmnart vigor to the strong. and In all respects restore sheltered and broken .down minstltutions. No remedy has been received with as much favor as !STOMACH 11tT TH.118. ROBACK'S BLOOD: PILLS C; L SICK NFAOACHE Costiveness, .end 4 Diseases of the Bowels DR,ROBACK'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, A?iD BLOOD PURIFIER ARE UNEQUALLED you euuma Scrofula, :Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, Salt Rheum, Dpspepsia, or Indigestion, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, FEVER 110 in St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, Bl7l' It la admitted by our most learned physicians th ROBACIVS BITTERS combine the properta of a retitle Issative, an efficient anti-billions age and the best stomachic known to the world. • ROBAMVS BITTERS,. should be used by convalescents to strengthen the prostration Which always .follows acute diseases. In the bilious districts of the West and tionlb, tnere hu. fur • lung time, beeu much needed. aw article of Stomach Bitters, which, If taken la prop= er quentitles and at the proper time, are a sure pre vudative of Bilious Fever, Fever , and Ague Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Jaundice, Hid: ney Complaints, and all DlNeases of a simi- lar nature, and .A. 140 .138rteir As peventive for billotis sleaangement, reaulat. inn ( h r system. and ffIVIIIE tone to the algeattee or gans, than any other kuuSrn remedy. Now that the war tares, there will be thousands arcking homes In the South. No person who seines t':ii,"oll2tenlilft2l4rirtZ .7.llT.ltegiftsni'Valreitzgl! Jennies and maladies. enaendered by miasma and pointed water Trase•ers to and all residents of the rank river bottoms of the west and !south. and the valley of the Mississiont mid Its tributaries, should provide them. selves with the BITTEMS. PRIM, IVALTON & CO., Dr. r; SOLE PROPRIETORS To whom all letters should be &damned Nos. 56, 58, 60, and -62 EAST THIRD STREET, crxer.r.rit.47/ 0 Isa Wwdoawatiner • • • CTURERS. • I 'l4 Ult UNION -IRON DULLS, NINTH WARD, FITTSBURGEr. A CoNSOLIDATION O£ THE '•11:ON CITY YUCOE•' AM) •CYCLOI'6 IRON CO." tti.;:cntr - rntatts or IRON AND FORGINGS. Speclzliatention given to the manufacture of llaninfered and Rolled 'Locomo tive and Car Axles, 32 C-7-. 1 0.1121iXV 321Mit...4124.731. nAnatoia CNA His tiVLICE BANS, MUDGE Htt.:N itour,s, LIN IS AND BOLTS. I IMAMS, GIRDER IRON; OCTAGON AL HI ,LLOW WBOUG lIT IRON POSTS; T AND , ANKLE 11t0S ,. Ac ! WAREHOUSE: 95 Water and 126 Filet Streets; OFFICE: - - AT THE WORKNINTiI WARD. PITT. ktI111(311 ocla-r27 • FORgr PITT BOILER, STILI ND ZINK worryi:s. • CARROLL 0: SNYDER, ximuzacyunsrA Or TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUEIi, TUBULAR FIRE•BOS & CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLI'NG PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON BUIDUEs, PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES. • • Mace and Works, corner. Second, Third; Short .Ind Liberty Streetz,, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Am - order. teat to tLe abova address will be promptly attended to. sellklr9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. • SINGER, NINICIIic CO 'IIARLITACTITRILIS OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL FOWL FLAT AM) OCTAGOI, OF ALL SIZES. KILL, MISLAY, CIRCULAR, CARO AXD CROSS CUT SAW PLAITS. • ELLIpTIC ANIZsEMI-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS , Caat Spring . Sigel, Cast and Girtnan Plow *eel PLOW WINGS AND MOWER Dias. SPRINGS, ALES AND. STEEL TIRE, RICKLE. 8130VEL, HOE, RAKE, FIIIIK, TOE CALK AND MA,IHIN Rini CAST siTEEL, CROW-BARS, As" AC.. As. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh, 1e18:k4 " - VESITVILTS IRON AND NAIL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, BALZELL & CO. -MANtIPAC'TIIIMILS OF ' BAR, BOILER, SHEET IPLCVIV, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehous - e773 Water & 90 Frunt st., PITTSI3UItGIi, PA. takkss KEYSTONE . . IRON W ORKS. HIITCHISOI&. co., Manufacturers of the different slues of • Bound, Square, Flat and • llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, • Sheet Iron, ke,, itc. Worts, PITT TOWNSU IP, on Monongahela river. Unice and Warehohee: No. 146 Water Street. 0c1:14( FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. ..a&-Xa34C), . Copying Presses, Warehouse Trucks, Baggage . Barrows, Sugar Mills, Ar..c. FORSYTH, TAYLOR & Co., semtliie MARKET STREET. • 8.. WOLF, .TEL, & CO., • Dlcal.inS IN Hardware & Cutlery. Are now receiving large additions to our stock, which to offeredto Dealers at 33149.151"1"MMUNT X=XLXCLIEEII. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., 5e15:17/ Pittsburgh, Pax. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, -Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE UNION lIION MILLS, XTTie 33 - Cr.E1.41M.13. ROLLING MILL AND BRIEGE CASTINGS. lIACDINERY AND CASTINGS GINSRALLT. Orden proniptly• and carefully execule4. C UMW ILS ILEANONAII,LE, EBBERT & MACKLIND. MEI pITTSBUIIGH STEEL WOML ANDERSON, COON At CO., 03OOOEBBOR8 TO JUNKS. 11 1 :,,YD & 00.,) kfaitufsetnrers of Lh bent relhaed Cast Ston. &P.M REAPING AND MOWING MAM3I2; 11111 MT PLOW WINGS. F1P111843113, /AXLES vpactmaits. le, cut and CoounUu Plough and Spring. Steel, Oiniaa—Corner °Calm and Rada stzecta , two bloats •47:dy iboya tke Mouangshela house. =GENT STEM, WORRR. . MILLER, & PARRINi s .m.iNrrAcTruzn a or .• BEST .Q,CALITY • CAST STEEL Warranted Equal to any in the Alarke - e"h"lmßYL=ll%;geD° SPECIAL. ATTEND M NTION E ID PA TO FINE CAST A STEEL. ' Office. 38 Wood Street. IN BT. CHARLES IIoTEL /11.411.D1N0 PITTPIMILOII. Jo..e t a n . Ict,S:JM • a7tittADLEr... ~ E TNA STOVE WORKS. - • • A.. BRADLEY & CO; • . .11LanotteRtre evert variety of COOK, PARLOR _ AND HEATIND STOVES Amonyntden are the , celebrated, ftinkno.„ ' AVA; l i .A t i ed 4 rin Tronl:cV iet.l Also manufacture ' CRATER, GRATE FUONTR, dce. Moe street..a'nltdU Wargeh•o u t e r a unceur 00 000 00 Secd nod Wo Y. iI'ZIEJL......JOux A 1.1.10 1. - JAS. L. L • UI. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Mies mad Warstionse 30i Liberty -opposite erratvariety ot COOK, real' sad HEATING STOVES, =oat wbleb are theca. ebrated • Alisa (3 boar • and Monitor , a , c . kuis Stores;so ores; al, the Autocrat and Sentinel Ammar or end the unrivalled Star of the Empire. for wow ..40, Arnica, Orates., fentlera % Sure , Kettle*. • WALL PAPEEt-"-Of an grades, for Parlors, Hails, Dlußooms and Ktoh • MI; fresyrtnetyitclio. Spat treat. (49 70tl. Bzia au% - 11113 RIM IRON gORKS. JONES & LAUGULINS, I. O 3C7C"IeCIEVCrJEX 4I3-23, ItA*7lc - rons.ns or AMERICAN AID CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron;' Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal'Screen Iron; • T Rails,l6 and 20 lbs. tathe yard Tram Rails, punched and conn- ter sunk ' Boiler, Bridge ti ld Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; 1.. i Railroad Fish liars and Bolts; .' Raitroad . Car I/meets - and Axles; Street Cur Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shattingi • Patent Cold Rolled Piston Bodst, Mower and Reaper Bars. WA KE Hplß+ AN I) OPTIC F, 1. Water and 153 Front SIN BRANCH Hu :SE, Nos. i 2,24 and 26River Qt.,Je1.15 KENSINCION IRON WORKS. LLOYD- 8t BLACK, 4 FDTACTURIIIS or Rest Common, Refined Charcoal Juniatal3 oonilron. AtEROH ANT RA IC, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOP. 'II AN 11, T and ANHI.E IRON. BOILER. PLATEind EEt IRON. • • 110'WEI: and ItEdiEFIR EARS CYLINDER and GUARD Olt FINO tat IRON. oStiLL T RAILS, 2 I and 16 lbs. toiae WROO WIT CHAIRS and nelliES forsame. FLAT RAILS. ranched and Countersank. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS and SPIKES. . ' -• • Warehouse. No. S. Water and No. 6 Market its. Works, Second street.. Eighth Ward roliolnlnic Clty RANGES, STOVES 41VII GRATES.. A LL PERSONS WHO NEED NEW 1 NO It k NOES are tnelted-to call and Sao 1, ltlSeKLl. R CM's NEW COOICINIJ CANOE, ' No. 221. I.ltn , rty street, where they will also and .111 v itae supply of hob and common enameled GRATIS, COOKING ?MILO& &ISAMU SIMS; Wash Hance Furnaces and Lanudry Moves: r.osscci & co., Blvsnrseturers of the celebrated TRIURIPII COOK STOVES. FOIL COAL, Awl Black Oak for 5cp17.197 OSEDeILE STO IF'Ag WORKS. , L. PETERSON, Jr., & 'CO., Mum lecturers and Dealers In 41 ends of Cooking and Heating Stove s, • . HOLLOW WARE, Of the .very LATEST PATTERNS and STYL7f3. • Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. • wouss, MANCIIESTEII. . DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. MAILMAN, BAER & CO., 11.9PTJTACTUMLI:ti or Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPRING AHD A. B. STEEL, WAREHOUEZ, 1070. 77 "V/Craotetx• Street. rkrrsnunGn. ARSENAL GLASS *OREL . MODES & CO., MANOTACTOUXAS Or- BLACLI AM) GREEN GLASSWARE. \ Druggists , Ware, Bottles,. - DEMIJOHNS, CARBOYS, Nce., Wirtz and Mice, .Lairreuexpille, I'OSTkIrTICE ADDII.BI3. r.rmsnesea, "awaye on hand, Glassware of the itbove alon. All ord ra t promptly attertded-to. Particular IlloOtIOD paid to private, Moulds, .25:11,5 UTILITY WORKS. McLEAN & F., - LEMB, • Not 83 Liberty Si” opposite Fourth s • xdiinTacnnakis ' OABINM MA ER S' HARDWARE.; •Thep make specialty of Iron Bedstead and Pivot, C.torsi Porcelain, Bedstead and Pivot Casten:. It tdstead Fmk:We/is; Stops toe, Extension Tabled.. he. They also manufacture tnd have eons/anti! on hands Tit lamb Latches, Spring Latches, 14 , Lean'in Window' Bub titumorter, kl.Lesn'a lUD.Etric Bask Button, Utility ;Butter and Butt g ( hindstone HartglnEa, bad Irons, Bash Weighte,'Aci: JyX:eol LIPPINCOTI' & BI'JEWELL,- NO. 118 Water Street, XANOTACTIIRTMEI OP PATENT OUOUND, • . - PATENT TEMpERED ' PATIENT TOOi'AIZIA CIUCULAS ZIDLAN I DILL AND CIIOIDATIF ViiT L W. Jag • ; O'MEARA )11011.E.R . Wong&&um . MORROW & BilAnum 4 MANC7ACITT.pgi as Steam Hollers, tia StrAa, Agitators, Tanks, - Salt Paw, t:se,,meters, Wrotlght • Iron Brillgoa„Stieet Iror. . Work, de., Ace, CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND NIL, PITTSBURGH; par. SEIPR EPAiltUiti DUNK WM . !. I'LL m314:621 w.:. IeUTANAPS......A. ..C. OWULAX. YIERICAN MACEILLITE 111_011Eilik A FISEE,, °BARKA( & CO., - - Engine adders and Illacidnistr,, • _ • ILAPOPAt.TUIIII2-0 OP Oil .Enginpii, Oil-Tools,. • . And erreaittdroe necomar7 for Boring On WeIllu• .• Pu Pa ll r eys. Han =ration wad to Pitting op Ethalting! gers, Marlon Ilvokus, near Ft. W. & c. a. a.. t .411.11eshozaar, PA . • KR PA MING PONE - PROMPT I. fi • bows PFr noLTA R. SEL". XLIEDICIECIT. . . , . • Neu WI Obi° Mitreet,A.llegbeisy. Impsoviii MORINO TOOLIL.AI4II rrrruitis 81111I111(1 OIL AND BALT WP-LLB. Particular attention 'tatted to Ws Patented provements to Jars and Joints. mule or Juliana. v. B.,and Low Moor Iron, In standard alma, sad' unlimbered. so that parts can be ordered by maßq telegraph, and found a &enrol at at all times. : Yr e also tarnish ropes. Mdung. small teals, Or.. those who may srlah Ansioes and usachisre wort made to order. °niers by mall proudly auended 10. - I am prepar e d to grant Iterates to other amours*. Ur ruts for these Improvearenis on liberal lama. Buz LIRA r. • BLACK' DIAMOgIi EIPrZIMEL. 'I7PCIPEILIEWS4 PITTEIBV/SIALL rAk. • PARR, BROTHER alatufacrurrrs or • Barr MIALITY iLEJINZD culs2 angst. .nre eauOctagon. of all urea. W arranty oval to 'any imported or manulactarad In Mahican& UT. - 12"e and liztriecoad"d's"tlulera...4PUßtatairaelndl"b".l•ll N Jos. .:nmou 111.11UESNE AND NEST: N yostullmi, PITT`SISUIt6II. ay_ ; gyft.7o.*l4!","s•ilstrint--odY's,.tgLerl'iiirs...".llltbalU'laari Pataars Frames, sirrisfa: also. itallrold Axls. Locoinollva Frames. and all shape work. -.Th e iinderSlirio4 • basis, Wen ror to. 7 years slimed the basilicas ate prepared to famish. all orders .n 44 1 .141.01, tpts 1.••• •;_ Wan with promptssman4 dispatch. I .: • 1711:11fri • .11hr. i1A119,614111X1. FTITSBURGHTRON WORM J. PAINTER & SONS. %WU:MAME:IIMM Or Iron fluckrt,,.Tub and Trunk HOOPS ELND_____WEERETS, haxia. _ PA. 0%0. 101_ —w. c..accersz— ... 1. P. n0ra.K.4.1r7 T MILLE fiTEEL • - lb, 41 1:7C). • _ AIMIITZE BYRUM...PLOW - and BLZIIITJI . 1111 Cr LX4.7. SP/USW. araxa anew U•RA me.. • • Inks. aro. se AvArtsamiugrr 40:atatraf • EVERSON, PRESTON at CO; • Pte1.V81.1.1"4.974 ' MOW • 0.13:1KS: Itrt"ono "po,4' tkpM Plip-r= 7% Pr IS 111.141 . ' II