.q DR GOODS,TRINDLINGS.Ito - NEW GOODS . AT •• • • . . .WEILOLES ALE. • -..2 0 00D0Z.. BOSE. in Merle°, Wool. Dahsooral 000 DOr...lV(.4rikVool and Main.: .• 1,000 DOZ ; OLOV In !.I,:roe The Silo, GOO 6ortAsUbraLlPril...V3lll3, and For 000 LES T 1.1.??1441IND colors; ' renal S.rsets, liairoural tst . elooplittrts, Hoods. 'obi. , Kola Mewls. Capes. Intents' Jacket': toast's laid Comforts, also Gent's Furnishing Goods: Mato and Wool Shirts, UrOershtste.! Drawers: Neck.TleieSostienders, klandkerebters,, And s assort/nen I. or Trimmings, Flinty Gocds and Notions. and PA boo to sell agelo. are re- Spectrally Invited to tall awl-examlue ourstoctr. bz lore purchasing eisevalere• ArsrOur atm is to glee satlscaell . ' • 119.08,13 M, . GLYDE & CO.) • Nos. -- IS and .SO Market St; no 3 OragTiirTmEsos FURNISHING Goons. Ladies' Furnishing Goods. • BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC AND THE CE,EDULTED Flon-Ton Hoop Skirts, it I Wholesale or Retail. gT• kr. L. .TON'!, 17 Fifth Street. not N EW FALL. GOODS. MACRUTiI 19 Fifth Street, time e lust opened an estvalve and splendld.stock of LIKENS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. RICH BuNl , lltr .4 TRIMMING SISSON , 'EMBROIDERIES otevr rT deOcrlPllon, RICH AND ELEGANT LACE GVUUS.. I PEAL LACES orall kinds, . I VEAL ',AL*: TILAIDIED GOODS, 'l4 ;14;.T10N LACES -1; splendid Ilse, IN AINSOOK, SWISS, JAU ,, N ET muhLtN; !LINEN LAM N CAMBRIC, IRISH LINEN; GLOVES-1, I OP and attractive styles; HOSIERY—a comphle szsortme..t: - I.ADIF.WA CHILDHENS , MERINO VESTS and DILA:WESS., YANCY ZEPHYR SHTICLES—SpI. , Rd et Jas •.. Res season; • aIe.H.LIN AND AMERICAN ZEPHYRS, ;SI LETLAN I) WOOL, THE GENUINE CASHMERE TAENS—aII color. IItIAULEY'S S , RTS of ewe," slze, ART AN.D.NOTIOSS. • Ilerettants and Dealers will find It to their advan tage to Call and essublue odr present extensive stock before purchasing elsewhere. All our goods being purchased direct on the beet terms, on are rrepar,las.d will make a- low prices as any East ern Jobbing House. • . NACIBUM sSS CARLISLE, 19 VI PTA STREET NEW DODDS .11311 T RECEIVED • JOS. HORNE CO.& I===lll BOX." XTS Het T B, Al Me leading Fall Styles. I Wret ory IaCICSCIfiIisL Ct Dee and 'frames. Parts Yancyand Colored Slit Ve. eta In most dsuirable shades; Plain lane; Bon net and Trimming Ribbons, new and rich colors; Ylowers. choicest Preach and American; Foathers, cy hat and thletr; El XIX A A. 40 I TA 3EI A 33E1E1,, (961 assorted.) ea ll nirn e gTa b lA r la i tn ' s• L-C 7. 1 - 7 . n Ci c7K Y. Vif,l;.nds ; and Huallaga Embraldered g and il u alnltan Clara. cut.. Laces and Luc (Jowls. Lial „ fi n d:i 1 o u s:L m Tna d lyo i n Ornaments; Dress ' l'Llininings P . Bogle Fran ' t s eL FE Goons: A. moot- complete stock or Jaw:mete, CaniWes, Agana, e....tc. I Handkerchiefs, Plain. Lace.'Hem-iititebed, Hem , rt . t r i n 4 3 ,74 tlit'Utre,ry Bordered variety and Gent's 'Underwear. • ournilhing Goods: Ilsisimidera and Neck-Ties; Heavy Shirts and Brosenrihrides. Ban-Ton and ISL 000 p .Skirts; CorSels. Blair Poe.. Beta, Union and !ilk Belting. Buttons—tbeistest novelties. all kinds.. • Tarns—Greatest oa lety.-Cashmere, Lambs Wool And • to the. inistarss. plat. ooloro anA random. • ' r • • tlent's ranertollars. and esex)thing tke 80. LW dna ! -• • • :flices as o}rL Eastern Zoning Rowell. • Nos. 77 and '79 Market Street. N ew FALL GOODS. • • .11 s (Iry 5, '(0.2. EIFTR STREET. EMBROIDERIIMI, inner and cleatit patter= VA NCY and PLAIN HOSIERY In bPst quanues: Einntowramo naltaumuhuzYs: HEM-STITCHED do IMITATION aud IIEAI. LACE do' • V ALENCZNES LACE, BEAL THREAD LACE Mil CATION _dodo IMITATION do do 41.1IPORE LACE. do OUICIIRE do. LADIES' DRESS CAPSIn n variety of laylear. NEW STI LE LADIES' BEAD DRESSES; • WIIITE.IWIDITS NEUK-TIES, PAPER& LLN NNE racrin it WORSTEDS., !MUTSU PATTERNS, SHIM PLOWERL; • MATE,.TIMIRAIIS, RIBBONS, S, V= NOTIONS, .kcs. , 1 our Goods me sold at Z.Noiccreire .Oa b. Priae•is. IAIIII, ItIce&NLDESS & tiAnWmsON. Qum & 110LESALE DEALVMS to :FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ISt., Sialrd nameabove Dla=con , Al - • I ra menu, P•. TOBACCO, CIGARS &F.e„ EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. .Ik-W. JENKINSON. Arroiscrynras or ALL ralros or Tobacco,, Snff - add Cigars No.'s u wrimmi:szeszr, Thins .looT from ISan);•endlon Brida ranor Brandi Store . t W en s . OLI O. sra4:l 311 R. B JEFFRIES9 Asatursaufer raild .W:tp . lol.ll;:and Retail Uealer hill kluA~ of :1 OBACCOINUFF AND:CICARS, • oIT. IMAM BilLY.,llT,Tirrestrnott, PS. •447-A ailisortinent: of bt H tt t • sail Mut( TOBett:CO, of the best gustily, kept on bands - - • mrp:tap BLITNETOCEitIN, • ocusa tx "co G TOBACCO mmie axo Dommenc CIEMIN MM US Smolang Tobacco, Pipes ,&C Elicrcrezat.32. Slittroc.t, Ow . Isomer of Liberty.) 7121:b14 VIEGR - AINTy. 2 - - Ahwutatares of and Wholesale and Udall - /Sealer la aU kinds of Sibacco,. Snuff and Cigars, 4.0 33..".147.) WITSI 23 EL"1". - ..t.W"dT-17.1,-.:4lMktf.Pbice24,ti.pr IRGANS, &C. , TUE BRADBURY NEW YORK, Boa dehomaeker S co., Philadelphia Thcitsi,4 d; Co, Cottage Organ, AMERICAN ORGAN. .. . _ . i ti v ra w=cl o ti t r e f i r beet :.u,t.Tueoatlbgeltt In tee , pertly sa rd sl ipatty,ol Cie. and thorough wOraint ottlt -.`--- • • • esa D arren:m.lU Dave for years takerk.the ant rigrAtNeMmie-ttrcel• ttlge::=l= any oth er). ..all 'a , ted for A T! years., ~ ~ . . :- - r - - - ~- WADIEMINIC et BARR, , . , . At, ca p s _ GI IIr W r , :UNRIVAII I :T IANO.FORTES, raiNca a oq.n3 orV-iencimed At; OItATIO OB,GAlnridUith DE013..- over Yorieshow: f luid now haw; HD endurnew stock inst rec'd by . ME ME CITY AND SID3I3RBAN. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL SEWS ON FIISTPAGE.) Pittsburgh lirswerT, sod tbe Art of • • . _ There is.no - branch of manufactures in our !city In which thu superiority is more strong- Ikmarked than ale, the reputation of which • Is world wide; as an instance of which, there were lately shipped to the St. Nicholas Hotel, New -York, one hundred barrels from 'lug breWery. The thousand of Pittsburghers, as well as those throughout • the country, - 'who are in the habit of indulging in talllir two 'or . three glasses of ale daily, seldom direct a thought to the ernmactar 'of the article they drink; or take the trouble to .intestiarate the process by which it Is manufactured. A brief description may not be, therefore, uninterests to the reader, and the puttlic generally. • in the extensive breweryof Messrs. Carson, Marlington &I Co.. (euccostortt to Joshua Rhodes .t.'Co.,) of this city; the nutuntacture of malt liquor is carried .on to . an enormous extent. These gentlemen have the largest es ; tabilsitmeth Iti this nestles of the country, 1 and take great, pride ht keeping up the repu tation of our city for choice' as. The brew log apparatus, which Is of the latest and must upprth ethdescrlption, has been put up within. a few years lay the predecessors of tile 4res ent Orin. These comprise very large ma_ Mg tub, topper coolers, retringerathr and fere usentingtune Attached to the brewery is one of the most complete malt houses In We country, Just Sinlshmtby the old term •at a large inermise in cost over the old structure. The malting wpm:By of this house is two hundred th ousand bushels of barley In a sea son. . . • ' This establishment was started several years ago by Joshua ltliwies, , Esq., oils of our most prominent and w enterprismg citizens. • The present than, ho have eularged their sphere of operation so extensively, are already cele brated for their skill and cleanliness with which they manufacture their tale and Amber I Ales, Porter for Draught, and bottling Brown Srout..A.X..Aie. Ac., which fled ready sale In oar city at tile first class e.striblishinnuts, and In our neighboring caies and country Mths. The drm will manufacture this arson about 1,000,000 gallons of ale. Preparatory to the process of b awing, the barley is converted into malt. This comprises steeping. couching, flooring, and .:: :u drying. Great care has to be taken; arid. n expense is spared to secure the best grain. ' 'i: 0 grain Is first steeped In water contained In wooden cisterns, which must ue frequen y drawn off, and a Ish- quantity supplied, la order to thoroughly cleanse the grain. When suffic iently- saturated to admit of its , ing crushed thumb ed between the anti linger, It Is then drained floorhe water' and spread over a cement to the depth of 1 slx or eight Inches, and felt, with occasional turning, until It sprouts. In. this proce4s of germina tion a culiar azotiztad substance is evolved, which p o w erf u l- a ge n t a s diastase, which. acts a in con e r ri ng starch into dextrine, and nithnatelyintb saccharine. • Theamlater continues to turn the barley at intervali no as to produce a uniform growth _upon the door. When the barley has shMeiently sprouted, a stage to be determined by the sweet taste and the chalky appearance of the Inside of the grain, It u druid rapidly, in order to retain the starch matter watch In a long growth of the sprout would lee wastml. 'This drying is done on 1109. Her, - the 'boat destroys the -germ grain, expels the Moisture, and conver It a a sweet and friable grain call ed malt. C then passed through a serve, and Is subs° eat ly crushed by rollers. W hen the brewing iti . need the ground malt Is conduCted MO a la ge vat, infused in heated water, and thoroughly mixed by a machine adapted for the purpose. There it remains at rest until the starch is converted into sugar, and then drained into boiling copper, math- Donal water being sprinkled on the grata un-' nil the saccharine is extracted, which is ascer tained by an illbtrUillent called the sacchr-ro lather. In the boiling copper the clear ex tract, or wart, l 9 bullets with Imps for the pur pose of imparting to it an aromatic, bitter flavor, and the property of kwaping -without, injury. This accomplished it in drained Into shallow vessels, and cooled by an apparatus called a retrigerator, In a temperature at which We brewer wisthal fermentation to corn. mcnce. Thence it ls manducted into a vat and mixed' with yeast of a previous brewing; where the fermenting body rises, and a rapid disengagement of carbonic acid takes place. To prevent the creation of too high a temper ature, which wonld cause acidity or the.vvorts, it Is racked off from the leriasentinit vats, into puncheons of one hundred flay to three thustired gallows/ capacity, whet's, It purges itself of the yeast. The tertnentatien being now complete, and the ale or porter perfectly clear. The sediment or yeast which rClUtliUs 1 settles at the bottom. its is then sacked. MI I into casks for use. 1.11118 condition It, is used as a beverage to an almost unliinited extent. The remedy for national intemperance, we are persuaded Is dot in the abolition or disuse of every beverago out cold water, but in the substitution for aßurtf ul beverage ono which is harmless and this ale provides, which hats nutriment in the rualf., a tonic in the hop and contains biit a very - small percentage Of al cohol. ,-- - - Imports* to Young !ten Many a young Man, gifted with a strong constitution, and full of health and vigor, oftentimes made to grow thin and 'pale with out his being aware of the cause. It may be induced by the- excesses of iaboi, or by dissipation under which a strong constitu tion must succumb. In such cases many ;re sort to stimulants in Some form or Other, which, if.persisted in, will gradually under mine the health, and wear out the functions which sustain a healthy organization.,There is a- sure and safe remedy for this state of things in Dr. Keyser's flood Searcher. A:Ali:a rdent in itself, of slow but sure powera,' that will, in nearly every case, If the direclions. arb followed, elect wonders. Dr. I:Oiler's I Blood Searcher is a stimulant without the usual uepression and prostration which is ir1d116.4l by many other prepara tions which are now so common. It Is a real, genuine medicine, 'prepared with great care, and compounded ,of mater ials of known and tried efficacy Li the heal ing art. ,There is no known preparation with which we are. acquainted that has as much true, genuine merit, and has cured - as many diseases of a chrome character, as Dr. Key ser's Blood Searcher. We know hundreds of perons, young and old, who from being pale, emaciated and sickly, have, by the use of this greatremedy, had - the hue of health return to their countenance, and the once emaciated limas recover their supleneas and 'vigor. This Is no sketch of the fancy, but real honest facts, which have a living existence in num bers of our citizens, who, by Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher, have been restored to health and usefulness in the community. of rice one dollar per bottle, or six bottles art five dollars. Ask for Dr. Keyser's Blood h archer. and take no other, at the Doctor's Great Medicine Store,l4o Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar: .• Court met as usual yesterday morning, Judo Stowe on the, bench. The following cases were acted upon: m Alamo , vs T .r. E r lta i n n el e Co., e te r : f ur j n a efi es a 31 verdict _ plaintiff for the sum'of $653.4.2. A. motion for new trial madunnd reasons filed. John Mfgeown, administrator of Margaret Coyne, vs. J. C. Cox. Verdict for plainti ff for $3 M 15. otion fox anew Wei made. Jos. W. Lynch vs. T. Gumbert & Co. 'Ver dict forelefendants. Philip Kurth vs. Louis Honer. Action to re cover $l6O, the price of a horse sold to defend— ants. Verdict for plaintiffs in the sum of VV. Thu Dock Creek Valley 0,1 Company vs. Job trerawford, Stilt to collect the amount of do alleged subscription to the Company. The jury was withilrawn, and the plaintiffs took a non-suit. The Pittsburgh .4 Philadelphia Oil Company vs. Johrrerawford..Sult to =cowman amount' subscribed by. defendant to th e Company ffi stock. Verdict for plaintiffs. in the sum or ,:A. The Midas Petroleuro. Company vu. L.ll. MeAboy, K. S. Wright and J. G. Arbuthnot. The Sheriff obtained leave to amend his re turns by inserting the names of L. It. 3lcAboy and K. S. Wright, alter "Defendants" in the original return, and Non Inventus to' . O. ArtfUtbnot; but subseffluently this action of " the Court tfuis reconsidered and amended. Cleor - ge U. Lehman vs. Nicholas Snyder. Jury wit hdraWil and plaintiff took a non-salt. Adjourned thrthis morning. • - James Hartigan occupies a small brick ten. I ntent in the Hight Ward In eommon With John Owens and hie wife Sarah, Immediately in the rear of which bra hydrant from which bah parties . have been accustomed to get their water. yesterday Mrs. Owens was washing awns clothesat the hydrant.wheit HastlgroVe hatter halt came with a bucket and Insisted on her neighbor removing the ablutionary I apparatus nut of tier way, Mrs. Owens re fused, and angry words ensulng, in. the course of the conversation the latter tol go d her erratic, onent that If sho did not aw would most assuredly , knock her iIOW.I ay she* brick bat. • The redoubtable James Hartigan hearing the' melee, came to the aid of his helpmeet by calling Dire. Owens sonic very bard.names until the lady became so creeper. &Zed that , she showed a disposition to pp. , the interfering masculine, and in prder to make the contest equal u on both s hles„lshe took up•a stone, bat eri she bad an opportunity to strike with It the allant Janice fled Inglori ously, never bring nir.up until ha reached the °glee of Alderman Lynch, 111 the Third Ward. where be mule an information against Sarah for eurity of the A warrant was Aimed far her a et. PITTSBO UGH, - Yesterday morning the Supretne ccoirt met as masa, a 101 l bonen beang prase •t. The fol lowing bnelnc3s was transacted, Farmers Railroad Company, ppellee vs. Reno Olt City. Itatiread Com any, areal. muts. Vonango county. Submit ed by Hey drick and Snowdon for appellan and A. IL McValmont, centra. Montgomery. appellee, vs. lia dermas et. al., appellants. V J onango. Submitted by J. 8. llctlalmont & Co., or appellants, and by Samuel Flamer, for appellee. Tanner vs. Hughes et al., Greene county. Submitteed by Downey, nlyley and Buchanan, for plantiT Manor, and by Blank, Phelan and PI,IIIIIIO, contra. . Funk, appellant, vs. Haldeman et al, no. K. R . l i l ee eev .. F&nan f? .33 c rt en w n s " Tb Argued i t 7. P ' is i ti IL. Iliadi Sil, c Roberta and Hon. W. H. Lowrie tor appellants, and C. Ileydriek, T.4B_ackus and Gee. 8. Snowden for appellees. . A'N - D Pastas° Auction Bode of stores and d Fel. flags on Qhlo street this day. A. 4ggate,' Auctioneer, will sell on the premises, at two o'clock, Wu building, wills ten years lease,. No. 115 and Ill' Onto street, near east.corner, to which special attention is Invlted,sa a very .profitable investment may be made. . . Special Cautiona—birs.low , s - Booth- Syrupjuis become s° popular rant various Wittlesaloiir vat oat aft% Mt Winslow c 4 t lico#44 fif rap is igtoonnent. olruttioloWasg IN •-• TuMwr EARLY TELEGRAMS. . Our Jlexiean Represeutativer—Damages Awarded—Trial for . Aguillet a Naval OfUrer—iroPeu.lim.. , of Judge flood Io Italttmorr—lnternal Revenue VeMMl•slosser. Nre - Tons, November 9—lien. William T. Sherman and 1.. D. Campbell, our Ministers to Mexico, arrived in this city lust night. Brains, the alleged pirate of the Chose peake, pleaded not guilty to the indictment in the Circuit Court In Brooklyn, yesterday. 110 was remanded, anti the trial will take place on the loth. • • Joseph 11. Smith W 6.9 some time since ejected from the steamer St. John, or refused passage to Albany. lie sued the company for five thOUSalld dollars datu.sges, and a jury yester day, after a Charge by the Court sustaining the complaint, rendered a verdict for foor teen hundred dollars: The Herald's Washington special says z En sign A. J. Kane, of .the Navy. has arrived in imirington In order to answer charges pre ferred against hie) by Mr. Pecki our Minister to Hayti., IL Is alleged that Kane gaye upper.' tam papers entre:Steil to hint by a prominent Ilaytten rebel to President Genrard. thereby exposingp plan to assassinate the latter, and his Cabinet, by birdying ripithe pruicifuil Ursa nnls in Port-au-Prince and burning the city. The charge Is that Randreceived two thou 'Saud dollars In gold for this service. The Ifcrafersliavana correspondence says: Monsieur Pessiguier, Maximilian's chamber lin, arrived i . econtly In Havana, on the Man hattan; from Mexico. Ills attention 6.11•IIIS I lie devoted to an limpet: ion of untenanted houses In that city. VS'S tec; Noveuatier7.—Ring Victor Emanuel, the ruler of milted Italy. entered the city at eleven o'clock this morning. The Patriarch of Venice received his Majesty in IA eh u of St. Marks, where a fr./cam. was chanted in honor of. the event. The reception given by, toe authorities and people was Mug, tillicent, and great Joy was manifested every wnere. Thu crowd which turned out waisre linoleum) that the troopswere unable to defile before the Ring for Want of space. The National Guard of Venetia has been mobilized.. Ceo. Marsaeno. the newly appointed Cap tain General Cuba, arrived at Ilavana On , last Saturday, to relieve Gen. Lercundi. The Herald's Washington special says: It IS the Intention of Governor Swann to cull tae Maryland Legislature together at an ear ly day, for the purpose of impeaching the Judge Bond. '• A large delegation of prominent men from Ohio arrived to-night to amist In the reema meadatMn of Mr. Spooner as the successor Of Mr. Rollins an Commissioner of luternal Revenue. Governor Swank ad.VOCateS the change. =l2l Conimou Pleats A Wordy ellarrei Supreme Court FROM HEW YORK. FROM MAN. Feulmnis-41nmored TIM Condemned CoMmuntallon of Sentence. New Yong, November 9.—The bee special says: The correspondence be tween the Canadian Governpam t and tier Ma jesty's representative nt ashlngton, is un derstood, to have resulted In the recall Of the death sentence recently prononueed against the condemned Tenter., and the substitution therefor to imprisonment for a term of years. Messrs. Wells, Bell and Flannagan have beau released without trial. The ttetloll of Mellor ornment in commuting the death sentences will probably be made known publicly in a few days. ' The Montreal Ga.,ette, the Government or: gab, reiterates its statement that the British Government has instructed ita representa tives to see that the Fenian prisoners are not Only tried by a regular. tribunal, but afforded all the benefit of the most humane painal Code. Tonosvo, C. W., NOv.9.—The polite anther!. ties are instructed to cause the arrest and de tention of all the suspicious chantetere in the city under the habeas corpus suspense act passed last session. • The net empowers meg; strates to cases the arrest of any pertain. suspected of cOuiitenan clog or encouraging designs against 'the Co, ern:neat or people, and commit taut to prison, there to remain, without trial or hail, until the Stli of June, next. Yesterday arrests be gan: Four men were committed: James and John Dudley,, Charles Cush and Alexander Nicholson. Tim Dudley's profess to hall from Brooklyn and are moulders by trade. Cash says be comes front Lancashire, grigiend, Nicholson from Scotland. It is expected' to be proved that Dudley Is au assumed name, the proper one being Donegan. Proposed National Asylum for Soldforo and Sailors. New Tone, November B.—A very hunt; meet ing was held last evening at Cooper Institute, to aid in the establishment of a. National Asy lum on the Potomac for disabled soldiers owl sailors. Horace nresided.• Addreutes were delivered by Libutentuat Governor Wootiford, General 0. 0. 'toward, tioVernor llamtlton, of Testis, and others. A contribu. Gots was raised in aid of tits object. About tat,' 000 or pu,ouo are needed to estaulish the In stitution. Lame Male of Blooded Horne,. NICAr Yonn, Nov. 9.—.'Lt the races yesterday, Mr.-Edward Schenck sold at auction seven teen blooded horses from the stable of Leon ard IV. Jerome, comprising some of the best stock In the country. The totalrecelpts of sale w•as fi1Z,450. The New York riection—Yeatou's Ms jorlty.l4.3o6. Nese Yong, tiovointior 9,—Tho Tribune's ores inereime renton's majority to fourteen thousand three hundred and six. MEETING NOTICES. T HE ANNUAL MEETING? OF THE Stockholders of the - PAXTON risTnotatuss COMPANY Will be Issld a:the °lnn of ISOCONSON. M•CLEAN CO . No. 75 Fount .'street, on TUEIWAI; Nor. lath at ao'clork F. N. A full atteniauce of aloe:- o'dera Is desired. as barb:lest 01 Importance wl,l be brobtet before the In.ellnw. nolena.6 11T Onbsn or 110000. rirrsnctic.it, November 71h. TIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the; Iltnektolders of 'FARM. STORY I NO CRY-HILT . HUN OIL etall'ANY will be held on MON DAY, filth day of November. I. at 2 r. W., at No. 10 d.. Clair street,.Blssell , a 111000, room No. It, nerond tone, at which time will be .bald an elec tion for °Meer+ t ;nerve for the en aulng roar, and no, oilier berninens that may cone tihfure the meet l a og. Be order of the Board. 008:156 J. L. SIAR.SIIAL"., Secretory., CIT,ICZCITIZINV r/166IV:01111 /IAIL.WAT Co., rITTSBUILGII, boy. Ist, Isca. s THE EIGHTH ANNUAL MEET ...LSO of the Stockholders 01 the CITIZENS , . PASSENGER RAILWAY coarmiii Of the CA i ttgllttsbaigh, will urth s Nes held at JACOB VS. No. 27, Fotreets ON MONDAY, NOVEUBEN - 1917.1. 1860, At 7 o'clock r. .at which time and place a Board of Di rectum will si ne st the come, and seen Other btransacted as may be fore the meeting. D. F. CORWIN, MEM • optic.. JoNEs• rsuily CumrANT. Pin - 88MM it. -.ls oT. ii. Va. r TitirtE Al ockboldellirsUolitte'lloflsltY(llsl.Pk'Ae- NY wilt be held on ItUN DAY. November 12th,_ At II o'clock A. v., At the office of A. U. SMITH d BRO.No. 58 Water Went, at which than And place . No. wUI tre elected. And other 'tete et Ary benineas trausseted. ' WM. t. no2:mB tiecrew7. •,r. , ot.cati;x• (Wrier. EV Haire. IN kir • - PITTOBLINCE ANELECTION FOR THIRTEEN 011tECTOES OF THIS CO, To serve for the ensuing year. will he held at It. la Rageley's Iluilding. Water .tree[, TU el; DAY. November lath, late, between the hours of II a. w.,^and I r. 0. ' not:n7 ROBERT FINNEY, EFCFFLErf. OFFICE 'W !STERN I o SURAN cis Collr ANT, f. I'ITToDOOOII, intober S A.N ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIREt;TURS of this Compalrf. to serve for the 00.0108 year will be held at the °thee, No. 02 NV•ta, eare.A , . On TUESDAY. the 13th day of 'No vember neat, between Lb.. hours or 11 •. es. and ea. WM. P. liEttliEld. 0031:01 Secretarv. Pthsounoti b Ili tort NOIIA re Ws it. It. INS.. . • •. s ITlTseur.ou, Nov. 6th, ISCoI. rtHE ANNU4I. MEETING - of the Stockhuldere of the euTsuu RUH k RAU rAtisiENUElt RAILROAD COMPANY will be hellion MONDAY, Novemner 19th, at 2 o'cl mt. Y. M., at the IDINONUANKI.A lIOUKE, at 'glitch time and place Direct°. e will be elected, ant. olher business transtmted. no6mllB • W. K. NIMICK, Secretary. • - 01 1 F/ICE Oe' THE OAKLAND RAILWAY COMPAN Y.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stockholdercof the Oakland Railway Compel!, will be held at their Station, In Oat land. rttt Township, on 81UN OAT, November 190, OM, at 3 o'clock t which' time" and place a Board on /Doctor. will be elected for the ensuing year. and suet other httelnete trans/wind - as may come before the Meeting, mime) = NOTIC3I±I. • THE ANNUAL. MEETING, of the &nettle Worm or - the KEYWrONFI SAVINHI4 BANK, for the purp of electing Directors roe , theenbuing year, wUl ose held IX% their °Mee. No. P 9 Martel. street, un MUMMY. Noe. 19th Inst.. between the hours orl, ant 6 o'clock P. 31. - • norgularrrS J. W. CARNAHAN. neeretary. IRON CITY MILLS. • itCH3RS • & BIIIIC lIITELA • • . 31simfa c turers of azrumn, CUAIWOM"./ MOAT.% & POLLSIiILL 133ZICEIZIT sizecsiscr. arms. AND WAIMUCIUBS, iti0..28 MARE= BT. 0c3112.3 . F. MIISSMANN, Fifth Street, between Tunnel and - •fhnthdm Streets,. GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE rlr digs goods of all descriptions always o • Rand and sold at the lowest Prices. Repairing don cAnnfnliv nn ;Morin:nth.. 1 DISgOLUTION.—The Copartn6e ea, heretofore existin` tinder 'tPo name and style of T.lt. HARTON d CO. N. 00 Water Street. was 1 isaolved °alto , 910 I n. DAY lir OCTO DEB. 1066. by the death, al T. ht. ItAltTol.l. All pers.ns having claims against the firm wall please present them for settlement. USA). ARMSTRONG. nr JOH:YIP. DALLAS. • Surviving partners. at the old stand,' oele:mal , No. OU Water street. Pittsburgh. . , 29 1 ST. CLAIR STREET. 9,9, .- !tuult FERULE SPECTACLES. 00 , ... SURVEYING INSTILUMANTS, CrEitA OLASSES ~ TELESUOPY.S. STEREUSCOPES, IitCP.USCOPES, CO.IIIII.NATIOI , I 11YDISOMETERS, ~..' (U. S. etands.ra.)_ THERNOMETEES. BAEODLE'rEItS, SACUILUE. ice. • ZTl4°.l".l.sl;ll"o.lo.Tr.b•rlial opii.ba.. 17 1 2 ',, . . iSt. Clair Stmel A LLEGIIENY CITY FLOUR. AND NMEDEII:I EITC,I=L33, a C. IdoIii.A.STER & CO.; • • • • ISto 155 Ohio St., AllegheaY• • P. • Wholesale sad Kemal Deslees la . 7321.4300.r._Tpre0ec1. dis;Ciirreill:22. .9111121 padres Wheat Sad Ble. - 3071034' SPECIALNOTICEI3. ar THE .QUEEiI THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! MILS:WINSLOMPS WRE' HAIR RESTORER Se QUEEN. not only - In Neat., but InNInTUZS. Istbe Best Mar Restorer ever offered to the Palat. An tntalliDle It/S . l.oElin and oniFEAVNIL Of tee Hal ,. If faithfully aPPIled. to no Hair Dye. It acts directly upon the rant, of the halm chang ing Luray hair tofu; original lire color: arresting Pre• mature decay and falling out of the halm. afadle.t log scurf and dandruff; and coring all humora of the scal. It p ail' cnitage dry and wiry halt t 9 *Oft and tresses. -- It Imparts a delightful fragrance io the hair. • • In abort, If you wish to restore your halr. aa In youth, and retain It through life ale I&S.ITINSI.OTS QUEEN HAIR RESTORER. lee 31 per bottle. bold bl all Drneelele R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale : Agents. tnyliOtbr,2 ~_ MMMO=OiI SELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES • Are warrsii4e.l t a all rases, for the speedy and per manent cure at ail 411tbasesarisIng Ilion >canal ex cesses or 'YOUTHFUL INDISCItETIoN, Seminal Loas. Nights . .. Emissions and Sensual Dreams. Gen ital, Physical and Nei . .. Debility, Impotence, Merl, Sexual 1nti,6015, Ac.. Sc. NII CHANGE. OF DIET IS NECKS-IA dV They_cati be used with out detection , and miser fail to effect a cure. If 44 . 11 according to Instructions. BE L L'S SPECIFIC •PI LLS, rrice one dollar per box, or six boxes for tee .del lam; also, large boxes, containing lout • . • small. Price thri e dollars. Ft contour to biX boxes are generally required to cure ordinary caats of Stull.' Wealcnese and though benefit. Is derived from ualug a aingle box. . . . In Chronic Csses, and resstleolarly .when Imiw teaeror Dei.lilty wilts As sons Prostra tion has affected the system, BELL'S IC PILLS Are re:unamended as the most eine:Woos rejev WM- In g atul invigorating remedy In the world. A !maw.. price nee dollars, will last a medal:, and is generally sullicient. In extreme cu eint Debtlltt Red Imontenee BelPs External Remedy, Price two &Him sultletent for n month, can be used to good advantage- I'm. Itves rent to th r e ogans, and with the will re s s t tore g them to the le normal cosditton. CAUTION.—Tbe above Remedies have now Imes before tue public many 3., ars, awl their greatlaue e.t.a In the alleviation of human mist r 7, na4 earned thn cupidityof several parties, who use the name "SlircidO rilis," cop', my lalwls, elrollars and ad re, tisemenla, sometimes word roe word. and put up worttileNs compounds tint dic,ppolat the lust ea imitationss of Roiliest:has.. If you cannot purchase tlell'sapectllc Res...llea Of your Drugslat. tike no other, but bend the money ducat to' • DR. JAMES LIBYAN,' setting Plty9clan, No. 1419 broadway, hew York And you will receive then , . by return .1 . ma ll, pont paid, and free frounohnurvatlon. JOSEPH. Druggist. Corner Market and Diamond, agent, ' atiZilZtWalwr Pittsburgh, Pa. rgrTO LADIES.-11 you require • a reltable remedy tot estore you, and remove Irregoleritits or o.structions, WHY NOT USE. THE BEST. Every lady :tows the pliable. Dreg ularttv of nature Is likely to bring on Heatiarlie. ' tilildluess,..Low Spirits, FalnHng, Hysterics, dm; then the bloom of health fades. the appetite fallaP and other symptoms more dlstresrmg commeneci as Weakness,opinat Complaint. the Whites. Prt. 1a s, de., A. A PULVER-WAILING ItESIXD will be found la - DE. lIAILVEI , B FEMALE VILLA. The CI P(11 1 11311011 of 31 years has proved they lithe no equ fur removing obstructions awl irregularities, n al o matter front whet cause they arise. Tidier() safe and sure in every case. Up wards of 40,000 boxes are sold annually, and no corn ptaillt.ol their olleacy Hever heard. for illeraccum- Isiah what they are represented to do. Sold in beees cvalciitting diatie pith a. Prime one dollar. teed HAILVE.E . O OOLDEN PILLS is a remedy four degrees stronger than the above, and Intended for specie! cases °flung stun din,. Price ern dol. lan per tam. II you cannot pureltese the Pills at your druggist, they will he Sent hr mutt, post paid, secure front ot , accretion, on recatlpt,,f die money, by ire. JAMBS BRYAN, Consulting Physician. Mo.tiltl Broadway. New York. JunP.Pll PLEASING, Druggist, corner Market and Dramond, Ant for Pittsburgh. ituUdieMegger gWM. BAILNIAILL & UO., BOILER - MAKERS I=l SE= IRON WORKERS, Nos. 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn SU • • • Basing secured a large vardomd furnished It with the most approved remehinerv. weare Prepared to manufacturn every deacrlptlon of Be ilers. in the beat manner.'and warranted equal to any made in the county!. Chimneys, Itreecidng. Fire Beds. hieam Pipes. Locomotive Boilers. Condensers. Salt Pans, Tanks, oil Stills. Agitators, nettling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges. nog le Pang: and sole mann liettleerS of 11AlltillILL'S rATNNT BOILER& Repairing done on the shortest notice. Jame" ay - LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL'AND SMELTING:WORKS. PITTSBURGH & CO ., Manufacturers of Sbealhing. lir.lere and Belt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bot toms, Speller Solder. Also. Importers and desires In Metals, Tin Plate. !sheet Iron, Wire, etc. Con stantly on hand. linnets', Machtnes and Tools. Warehouse, 0. 110 Pi tor and In) tiscoND Or MOO., Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper eat to any deals. pattern. otyll:edtulAwT Mr - PITT'SUURGII SAW WORKS, ;Orlin/V(ID, & CO., Manufactu rer. of PATENT tiltOb N CIRCULARS. warrant ed CAST STEEL. SAWS, of every description, Mill,. Muley, Cruas-Cut. Gang, and all 'other varletlea. Ali -kinds of KNIVES and SPoINCIS made from Sheet Cost Steel: Extra relined !SEATER and MOW ING KNIVES, Ac. /firWarehoun and. Works, corner WATTS!. and Snout druman, e Pittsburgh. Particular attentlon paid to re-toothlng. gum ming and ALTZIRIIICUIIIgeIreui nr 13.10.; silo, repairs Of all Mods. Punching and. Drilling do. at tea. aonabla rates. 1e5:e23 arROBINSON, AEA & CO., (Sac. erssors to 11.0uttin0a. MINIS & WASHINGTON WORIIS, FOUndera at naehialists, Manufacturers of 11015 ami Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, tem Machinery, (tearing Shafting Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks .1141S11111. Boller and Sheet trots Work. fofttlrgtair,AlFTAlLD'S PATENT LW ECTOIC WMARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, au Essay of Warning and Instruction fur Young Me*. Also, Diseases and Abuses which pros trate the vital powers, with . means of sure relief 11°:.f.T:.f.,`.haril2NeA . 4771111g1T411?::;c1 A A d s: soelatton, Philadelphia. Pa. ao24Dloa,k,wl_ MrALL NAUSEOUS MEDICINES taken without la.to or swell, by using Dui 7 4 - - Das. Dicg A CO.'N , AOYT CAVSIILLS. The best In use. wild by Druggilds generally, noil:n6l BOOTS AND SHOES THOMAS H. PHELPS, DEALEI/ IN BOOTS, SHOES, BALMORALS, GAITERS AND RUBBERS, 46 SMITHFIELD ST, PITTSBURGH. nob.n= 110111.1i8ON & AO., • 61 Market Street. Have poet recelrsh &large and well aelected stock o - Iden's 'French Calf, Rip and Water-Proof Boots, Lad iesVilleses', Borg, Youths , and Chlldrens 9 BOOM SHOES, GAITERS, DALMORALS, AND BETIO araskamm.rues Of An the Latest Styles, MANUFACTURED ILIPIIIESSLY FOR TRE RETAIL TRADE. oc2o IitCCLINTOUIi, - 92 Federal St., Allegheny, Has Nat received th . ii i. !:r . ns.nt and desk selected Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Batmenls, Slipper! trA Cims, Ever brought to Ole market. GIVE HIM A CALL BEFORE PUEOliAtilEti. • immix 11611, 71fLoC710.2BZWCOOME. ,03 - . Boot and . BhOo Emporium, tri Federal Street, Allenby.? Clil. 0c24 A ILMtGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL BUMMER BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS And Bainsorals, • Jost received, cod will be sold at the VERY LOW-, EST PRICES, tither Wbolevale or ROAM. Rive. US A CALL .11croxo ruimuo sum zl.sz- ITUido. J. U. St. W.. C. BORLAND, No,OS Market street; dd door from rilth St. Idyl! COorin -407 i nueLiii a Ntv Bilge v. Manufacturers and*Deaters In CPISLIONtesreI zharr.43.," BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 out° st., Allegheny.. - tingling promptly eitlntE4 on the abortest no tice, 16700 FOR TVSBALE A Farwof about acres In Union Township, Alleghm y county, situate about four miles the cite on the Wghluittou Pl. The bnprom meats are a large ,igtoty /Islet Dwelling HouSe rooms , two.storySpelng House, a Carriage House. a large dumber Room. a No. 1 Flame Bang Ear.. with s tshillig sufficient for 60 head of cattle. There is a nue Y...g erch.rd..Comnrinlux sat e aba acres. Mocked with the best varieties of fru Itlrrs. It is all underlaid with coal. 'I he laud is is a high state of calttration. welt watered, fences good, and would avt: admirably for dairy or gardening pur poses. 17N acres adjoining the above, with a good ?rune House, Carriage Reuse, good boring Hotter and other oft-buildings: with a good Destined In Mac bearing Condition. This piece is also all us dedmil with coal. yam, 1:3 lures adjoining the &bore, unimproved, for sale low. This piece ualso all underlaid with coat. The above throe pieces of property lie loggers° the Little Saw NMI Rue and Steubenville tiallrosdlg, and the coal can be reached easily from either road. Toe coal alone is worth all 001 0 asked (Cr the en• I.lre properts. g 3 ,0 Farm 01173 acres. Mtn Me In Lit. Clair town ship, Weonnoreland ronnty. Pa linniediarelY on Melillo of the retina. Itallroad—Tbe In; provementi are a two•etory Frame liame trlth nye rooms and good cellar, a Frame e re ham Slaw fent, and other outdialalings. Tn_is on the , idave a good g Y qtri it Orcha rd; ~;°, rtr, V,7 „ 1 . 0 1',.7 id:v.0;111d with cool and inericsin ; ' convenient ' ', churches, mills; schools and blick smith shops, to. nether with the personal property such so atort. Implements. grain In the ground, 411. rorebsion given immedlatelY. Alao, Farm of 53 acres. situated to Chartlere township, Allegheny county, ra., about miles from the city, near the line of the M. Manville It. IL.and within ongonalf mile of a station: &d arms of theeest of creek bottom lurid, and Isla high state of altivation:2.3 acres gOod• Tnn of wood land andli pabtuP k,. re. The, terming is genaralle ing and well adapted for gardening. The attention of those wishing to embark 1 , . the bulginess will OpII at once and riectire a go bargain. as situate 14 a rare chance. Also' Yana of set sera., ;s inLF.lleaggens D arla All county, Pa., em 11 .11040 of 11- Males river. abbot one from the llorougn ll.bellt.lshe-aoll is of the best quality, The Ito nrOrelll.lo/1 ure farm house w ith rroom , , a good 8., gadother out betidings; fencing g ood: about Nacres olcoal. Church.. acho.ll and mltla very convenient. Possession Immtillately; Also, the beat Farm in Kill:abet:lg township, Containing about gilo acres, lying on the Sononga bol• ricer immediately below Lock No. 3, on wine!' Is erected *large two-story brick dwelling, one log and One frame ban f. bun, cent crib, wagon Shed, brink spring booms, granary, work shop. sc.; about 30 acres of she above is fl land, river bottom; the balance being limestone, and underlaid with coal, anti about 3.1 acres of limestone. There , are two orchard* crappie trees, in Komi hearing condb lion; peach pear. Winn trees stud grata goes, au, Toe laud is well adapted for gardening purposes, being a abort dllstauce from the thriving bbrough of Elisabeth, creating a market aL home for all the products. The property will be sold cheap and on reasooable terms. .11110, Alarm of OS acres, situated In Elisabeth township, Allegheny county. Pa., about our mile ,from Lock No. 3, on Motiongahela riser. Improves Menta are one frame hon., with gee rooms, barn, spring home and oessoutbulloil la Solnga. The land in of the best quality. th The above wild at very low Canna. YOrfOriber part:eulars, enquire of G. 11. TONER, no 7 11.1 Est*to Anent, 1114 Fourth ward.. FOR SALE—The beautiful 2nd SUBSTANTIAL MANSION AND Owns Owned occpied- WesternA lIAGALIer Elul., agnate,' un Avenue In CrXT"R". The house la a model of architectural beauty. tad cOlabillell every appliance for comfort and luxury. IL Is built of Pressed thick and trimmed with Brown Moue, hall doors laid In encaustic tile. plate ease windows, and In 'every !minute detail In con structlon thrunKpout completS. TIM. GROUNDS 1. Are ample (nearly four acres) And beantlfully ores mm,ted with Shrubbery, Shstle'Trees and Flowers. All the ant-buildlngs are lintsbed Jrs style cot , . - responding with the uta.lon. The locality la unexceptionable, being.free froin smoke of the chic., and the ,lew from the house entendre. Pull part lonian tons lib ed on appllcat Lon to RUYAN - , Broker in Siouan agll Real Zs Oda. 57 Fourth et.. ( • rite' s Building.) poi SALE. follow tug desert bed prorertp will be offered t prisate sue Drat' tIATULLUAY, liosember 19th, SEW I= . At the head of Brunot•• Island, in McClure town gap, will he sold In lots to suit Purchasers. • . : 211—SLEY - Xk \LOTS UP 0110MND 18 Manchester. betas. Lots Nos. ne, MC% ICA, to), 110, 111. 112. 112. 1 1 4. 111 and 111 in the plan of the extension of Manchester and bounded by treble street. Adams street, Cedar alley and Washington street. The described property will he sold at rea sonable prices sad on easy terms. 11118 indisputa ble. erlnform lc I to t'rth "I°' A. P RAM 1:1?:11 A Or his attorneys. IL A.. 1 W. 0. PUItVIA.NCK, oe1l:moe No. 110 Flllb street, _ Pltt•burnb. HOUSES! HOUSES: HOUSES: • FAVORABLY LRAM 15 PM - SURGE 4 4 ; One Three-Sim Brick. lone Three-4ltor• Brink One. Three-4Lm BMA One Tiaree-litery Brien. One Two-Stun 13rlet.• One Tliree,tory Brien One 11•04elery Frame. One Two-htory Frame. STEEL & WILSON, = No. 60 Bmlthilell 3troct • F°'l 8/ME,' SIX ACRES OF LAND, Situate Valley ktalLr near oad, Joh 13 ns mils from the n ton Station, o til the l. h em proven:tents Are •tw Off Frame Dwelling o f sin rooms , * blab e, au excellent well of water. 1,0 as sopted tiles of vetted fruit, and Aber., is also' an extenslre Stone Quarry on the plane with a .10 foot vein of the best building stone, now being fully . nd prudishly worked. t gur terms, apply at the Ural Estate and Insurance Office oft - H. S. BATES, Butler street. Lawrenceville._ t'OR SALE—II acres of ground, 1 well timbered and watered. on Squirrel Hill, ten minutes' walk tram Paaionger nation at Shady Lane. Fourth Street Road. Also acres at Home wood Station; and several Farms well located to Westmoreland and Allt, be ny counties. Also Colt/ PropertY. Homes and Lots 10 tne city and suburbs. !for further particulars einimre of WILLIAM. WARD, - (Opposite the llathedral,) ae.'Also No. 110 Grant strget. VEENTRY SEATS FOR SALE.— •-• TWO LOTS, one of th- other of seven. on the. Central ten italroad.acres and immediately AT A STATION, one mile from itraddoek , s Weld, and about tee same diatauce from liwisevah7. Station,. each of which have a beautiful and commandtng view of the Monongahela river, and both also sd , Join the public road I. aping from Ltraddockla Field to Pittsburgh. Enquire of W. 53. It *WEANS; Jr., So. AS kraut street. tor turtber information. no\ uhS __ ____ VOR -SALIF.--one Brick HOMO -.- and Lot on Webster 6{l'l[o. AilegtleDY, loslde the Vommons, The house has Ave rooms With a good cellar and finished Barret. t T b n . e i tet e :' 3 l d t:O o r li ttO • alrett ar g= '' onle alleys lc e ltevo ' E. arc of ' order, and [ o r sale HALL. Real Estate Agents; no9:GO ho. 91 Deaver street. AlleghrhT• 1443 R SALE! FOR SALE:—The til.tack and hood Will ofn • \WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL GROCERY ESTAITLIeIihtENT. note. doing an extintleo and pro:Polite butanes, in one of toe yell looationa in our city. /be partiele/111 give the best of re.mita fur Quitting the above businem. Address notio34 I'. ff. 11., PDX 231). Pittsburgh P. 0. FOR SALE.—Two hundred and eighty-els ESII glare. of HILLDaLE CEMETERY' • YSIII hr sold on reasonable tunes. One-third to to paid down, and balance from one to four (I 10 4) years. -Enquire at 11111 dale Cemetery, or at otllce of COOLEY St CLAN KY, Allegheny. 0051000 SALE-On Jackson Street, A. one honks and Lot; I. 23 by 110 back to I.edlle street, The house 11. five room.; the two front roolOw am beta and the three Other room. are of frame; with msble fronting themllle Street end; hydrant In the yard. and other tmprosem , nte. well be sold cheap. Y.nqulre of RAMSEY 01 h ALL, Real Estate Agents, No. 91 HeaVer street, Allegheny. 113 %TOXIN D. BAILEY, Stook and Real Estate Broker. Poll SALE--400 Acres of Coal -a. Land. .lying Immediately upon the Ohio Ricer, W mile. beiow tiallapslla and tits ratite abOve Oln- Monett. On the &Wen tract Is a four 100 t veln of Coal. which, ft , general plirreMell, Is notsurpassed. it Is entirely different from the bouthern LthisrCoal; coutain• tat little sulphur, forges and cokes well. end for making steam cannot be xxcelted. The lo cation being about =Wow; from Pomeroy and Hanging Rock, moat .make It valuable for coaling boa.. There hi • wart, front of ti of a Mile, With a tuaV„Tegul I'lt Zge'gtilboofutP;Zivfg.t, t4i,:g=t ed.ill riven tejtether with the_nengsbrarY fikture. !Or ii‘ri,^ii.