_inkaittgbitraft obagtttti - , Alr tiOVElititEß 10, 1366 VFADACT Ok? THE • EpPLE. , When" President Sonnetra resolved to .„Jbetray;the, high-trust reposed M. him by the lopl Masses of the_ United States, he resorted,hrjusiitication of his baseness, , to the stab pleailcommon to national betray ers and. tuturPrlM in all countries met ages, rtu,,,,,,,42k,fieni .armil, justlepie. I c r 9-75 1 tAt l . l l o s f,_t lie PeciPle, and was statitung• for tile' defence of their natural maYoOnatinitierial iights'ag!klyst . ii,ban:l of faCtionists, who, by some unticionnteble miscarriage of electoral machinery, (laid attained to seats in thetwnlioeses e of Congresses.. , He pointed., with tones of rain .4lmiselK-Psk lefaction and insolence to the Congressional elections destlnecito be held 914,10 / 4s.itetme to , confound his con serereby establishing the conformityof his sopilar judgment: NOT ilia: he rest here. He was not content to lot the-Peon; prthe exercise ofmnblaiscd : reason, decide upon his appeal. ,He wield ed the yast patronage of the goverzunent— never before so great as now—whether vested in his diserottoaby the ConstittniOn - . or by,C9wasaipaal statutes,Nfiqi the ut mosticis'sible effect to corrupt and anbsi trf ollie official chiliiee.' In the whole his tory of, the .repnblie, furnishing some lam entable examples, can no instance be found in which the power at appointment was so eharaeleesly used to pervert :Multitudes of citizens; as this instance. The result • is before the nation._ , . The - verdict is against the ' President. - The men Whosel unprecedented yalor„.eir durance and sacrifices upheld - the flag and, saved the republic; have given` theirvoices ittfavpr of 04)13gre13it and in condemnation of ihe - Midentivii and his uPliOlderli. They havejudd ;the ,majority in, the Houses, "Well cione„ good and faithfel servants; goon until the Unicin shall be reconstruct ed on the basis of gentdeeloyalty and im partial, '. There no' Misunder standing the, matter. The President has been rebuked and condemned by the high est tribunal knOWn - to theilaws: ' Congress -has been "applauded, and,, at - the same time, admonished to go - 011.itl its work, not falteringly, but full of vigor and determi ntitioa.7.,:tind-thfs it will,do~ What of the. President ? Expectations have, been indulged by some men, that upon the rendition of this popular verdict against Idna and his Policy, he would bow his bead and return to the line of his duty. 13iithr persons'enteriain erroneous - views both of the character of the President and of the ineilirthi ,dikeititing 'on hint: Contra cliction and rebuke, whether coming from indititinals or from the masses of his conn tTathi.; instead - of leading him to dispas alewife, self examination, and to a calm re ' vier*: - Of ;the necessary tendencies of his plans, only excite his anger and induce a aulltht Obstinacy. He is less likely now to atep's that-he: was upon the first itulication of his departure from the memb.Y. - ilionidiewas elected and the men sires fortlie defence of vridCh he was not. •So . fai;nothing Jilin been gained, by the eleetfthth. .The President will go on.in-his . chosen way, doing what' mischief he can iiioppthtnnity preients. He` will openly 4eal frith:the Icryal men of the nation to . . disloyal, counting the latter wcirthy of the taindsi.:itonsiderstrin: - : Iffeßotktelen - :mush has ban-, galned. Idembers ot the present ~Congress Lave been instructed Wand enlightened.. The issue was not joined doubtfully,' and the vledict is not an enigma or a riddle. The people have 'said- that the President's Policy, either in - whole or in part, shall not be adopted; th.t the rebel leaders shall be absolutely excluded from participation in the government; and that the political power of the former slave States in the union shall henceforward be -guaged °by the measures of equity accorded ,by them to the enfranchised blacks. To these in siructiona members of pongress will be hold during the, approaching session_ Degrees df timidity,' alienation of _ 11111 /6.lC:conformity to the demands of the President:which:were tolerated at the list seinticite, will hot:be 'patiently' endured dnr inif:iWJ;OW OOO.,.11:4:paoplo are rho masters of. the goVernment.' They have spoken in no doebtful -tories;arid - "mean to „ , , ..._Ziineteen Stoics have, htid their Con gresaionalalictions. The ascertained re incite are: Vemacrtit -- Rep. Dem. . 5 liaxyland. • • Pennsylvania li3 3 Dfichigan....,; 6. 8, 3 %Yummierln.....6. 1 4 : lowa , -• Minnesota htfasourt 12eqrk,... .20 11 Kansas.. tpuyet,Ts4o Nevada. rsey.'...'S ' 2 MOM • • •• • •;r;.; .. . . , cl3lissigied here Democrats I .o4,l4.fitOtestetl..bi ItifiiibliPitus, 'and pror bablp Sour at feast, win - ber gained. The. Repaldiectneoriteistants are - AiricitnAO!... of Pentisilithia, toi.iirm of 'Cade, !lino vEE,.or Intliaru4 and J. L. TILOMAS and STEWART, Of liarylalid. Six States, recogniied . as in the Union, have yet to hold elections. The delega tions from these f in the present Congress • stand : . Rep. Dem. - Rep. Dem California.:..... 8 14., Hampshire 3 Conheetient ... 4 ° recur , 1 Kentucky . 2 7 Rlxede !mina - . 2 —: Total la 1 -Utiles° shall now go as before, the Ile publicans will have, lathe new Rouse, 140 members to the Democrats' . 44; 0.1,1 1. leaves the balance as it' stands in the old Congress, ltif , Snhjat any - chances lq reason of seatscontested. , In the - Senate ' the Republicans hare al ready gained , one in New : jersey and one in Oregon, and will gala still another' in Nev. - Jersey,and, ono in Pennsylvania.. They williose one in Maryland. ON the 22d °flint February, when . ident ,Touilsow Secretary BEWAIL° T 11174- LOW WEED and li. J. ItAvuosti, revealed thei had hatched for delivering the Goveinthent into the power of the reb els, certain telegraphic .dispatches were sent from New York to W. ashipgton, which, ve-veadin'the 11ght .of the -" ele Lions held during this last two months, show up . those gentlemen most * anidstrigly: * SO4: New Yong, Peb. Illa Excellency, Andrew Jetrnsea. Da.ta'Psomintat It laall right and all safe. The 'Talon fa volumed and the country sate. Your speech . le triumphant and the country will Oa_hatllPY t • ICOnis back on 'dela .; 3tp.-Bg*ar4 te /41,011:leer of the Ootieris.. meet sarctaidei date et Febntary 23: “AlLtight-,the_uork Le done. The .country la safe. -Tbcriamintstration Is established. Its enemies are , nowhere. Look lor me on klondayoollOWaY o t l ileAr I 4=2=2 r. ' • 'Nxer Telt . reb.:A . .llOL Hls Eiiellect AndrpWliClllWelli .g 1110141.0 of I thank yon from my - whole graterta 'mart for your speech - of tre•taday. TIII3 Onion .0, now 41.Lzie4 • lit'ff Your, Feb. 22,1803: - , , Prestdentlohnson: Meeting is uu%gnill.dent; suocess. ImmetUatealul oath usisiallO popular borab oVerTlielmlngly with . you: IL J. RantoirD. , . Yee; the "eetulto i haPpy*" but ie . Mr . fqswAlw? : • , ." PACIFIC RAILROAD P-XCURSION Ccirresprabienee of tee Pittsburgh Gazette: Four RILEY, November 5, 1886. Since my last, from Leavenworth, we hive made two visits to this point. Our united party left Leavenworth on Satur day morning on the Leavenwo, h ands Lawrence branch of the Ununi ' Pacific Railroad. This is a well-aanstruci il road of thirty miles in length. We .s 'ad but a few-moments at the Lawrence I , Fetation, but pushed on by the main limit of the Union Pacific Railroad; Eastern Division, making , brief stops at Topeka, and some other 'stations, and arriving at Fort Riley about one o'clock. Here the excursionists partook of an ample lunch, or, it Would be more correct to say, dinner, which was followed by a number of congratulatory speeches and a good time generally. Eve rybody was delighted with the road, which with the country 'tihsraongTherywhlge"dli W Pn eha e; d passed, which is probably not excelled by any on the face of therglobe for beauty and fertility; with, the gmicrons 'courteay of the gentlemen whose guests wc were; - ind-' with the weather, Which was more t like bright mid-slimmer man late autumn. - . After dinner the whole party took an ex cursion to the Fort, which is situated about half a Mile porthoof the station, on a beau taful plateau some fifty feet higher than the river bottom, and an indefinite number of miles in, extent. The buildings, which are mostly arrayed around a hollow square; on pride ground, are handsome and all of stone.' (I sliall . speak Of these stones more particularly at another, time, for they • are Very beautiful, - work willi remarkable ease, I and.ciist iiitiormdleskquantities for many miles; cropping ont of the bluffs • which mark definitely the boundaries of , the mi le.* of the Kansas.): The ladies and a few gentlemen went in ambulances, stage coaches and other vehiclea, the rest, to the 'number .of a 'hundred,, more or less, followed on cavalry horses, forming tvetivalcade in which all degrees of horse., Manship were 'exhibited, and the biggest dust was kicked up that I ever . saw. Gen. Costar with his, lady, who is justly admir- ed for ' her beauty and andahle qualities, and other officers, received the party cour teously; but our stay was necessarily brief, .The only drawback to the pleasure of our stay at this ulace was.an accident to Gov ernor,Hahn' 'w of Louisiana, ho 'was seri- ' ously,braise d.by the overthrowing of the buggy ,in which he rode to the Fort. He hashed a chronic= ameness tor years. This • was aggravated by the murderous :assault upon him in New Orleans on the day of the massacre, andlimace lilt injury on Sat urday- was more, serious than it other wise would , 'have been. He was better yesterday,- and 'able to re turn to St. Louis.. He bore his mishap , with great equanhnity. • ' . In the afternoon we returned to Law rence, where we spent the Sabbath until evening, - most of the -party attending di vine service at the several churches. In the evening the' majority of the party re turned to St. Louis, stopping over night at Kansas City; while the most of our eastern maty resolved to return to Fort Riley; and thence!go by some other means of convey ance to Fort Ellsworth, 85 miles further west, on the line of this road.. I am, to accompany the engineering corps in a re- Conneisanee of the route, while the younger men,':armed with carbines, aro going to make war upon the buffaloes. We expected to get off to-day, but I ant at this moment informed that we shall start at 7 tomorrow morning. I like that, because it will enable us to puss over nearly the whole road by daylight. I hope to return well posted as to the relative prospects ofis great national thoroughfare, and of e vast rind ro glorious c fb countryihugh win it passes. I expect to get .back ae far as-St. Louis this week, and write no more until then. I thrill defer a description of the noun try, notices of the towns, and a disetissilio of theiprospects of this great pioneer road until I get home. C. P. B.—lt is possible that I may 'may not go to ___.- t. ... th . mpanm of ""VeYt ance arc limited. THE WOUTIETU t•QSURESS = [Unlon inbmllers m arkeduti;"Oppos Lion .4.1."] CO'S:Merit:CT. X1if71690,1,. James Dixon, U. Alexander lidnisey,U Orris H. Ferry, U., Daniel S. Norton, U. CALINO6IIIA. NNW wAXI•PUISLE. John Couness, U. Aaron H. Craigla, U. cornellna coy.. U. Jas. W. Patterson. U. Ntt.ILWANN. " NNW Goo. Read Metall°, 0. Etlwlrt D. 'Morgan, U. Willant-hantsbury, 0. Vacancy. • • ILLINOIS: NEW JERSEY. Richard Tates, U. A. G. Cattell U. Vacancy,: ,•...- Vacancy. • INERANL. NEVADA. • Thos. A. liendricks,O. Wm. M b'tewosti U. Vacancy.. Vacancy. •• Grlmes. U. Wade, U. James Harlan, U.j JohniShermao.-11. oaxaos. VaCAncY,— , Geo. H. Woilams, Vacancy, ' . Henry W.. Corbett, U. - HENTUCET. • PINNOYLVANIA. Panics thit.l4 - 10, O. Chas. R. Bncicalow, 0 Vacancy,—. Vacancy, • MAIN& snobs ISLAND. Los_lll. William Sprague, U. Wm. P. Feasenden. 11. "Henry B. Anthony, U ,NASNACUUSETTS. TENNESSE& Charles Sumner,U. , David T. Fowler, U. Henry:Wilson. U. J. 8. Patteison, I - NANTLAND.. TIIISLONT. Rewards. Johnson, O. • Geo. F. Edmunds U. Vacancy.-- • • Justin S. Morrill:4J. NISSOTYRI. • Wisconsin. John !tandem:m.l3. Tames It . Linolittie, U. Vacancy. Vacany,"—.• • MICILIOAN. WW.iT 1711t0iIIrd. Zatharlall ebantller.o P. G. Van Winkle. U. JiteoLt M. Howard, U. Waltman 7:Willey, U ,MOUSE,OF itErn,EsEx - TATivEs, NSW YORK. 5. Fred. Stone, 0. . • 1. - Stephen Taber; O. 1:13110178.I. " 2. Demos Barnes, 0. I. Win. A. Pile, U. 3. Wifß. Roblnson,O. 2. C. A. Newcomb, R. .4. John Fox 0. • i 3. Tlinmas Nooll, O. 6. John Morilssoy, 4. J. J.. Gravelly, U. 5. Theo. P.. litewart,O. 5. J. W. licelnrir,.U. 7. Jno. W. Chanler, 0 6. Job:: W. Wadden, 0. 8. James. 8r00k6,0. 7. Beni. P. Loan. U. Fernando. Wood, O. 8.4. P. Benjamin; U. M. W.H.Robertson, U O. W. P. Bwltzler, Ck 11. Ch'sli Van Wyck.o nicanun.. 36' Joo 11 Ketchum, U... Fey. O. Beaman, U. 13. Tbos corned, u. ..2; Charles Upton, U. 14. J..V L Proyn,•O. 3. Austin Blair. U. 15. J. A. biricrold,U. 4. Thomas W Perry; ' IC Orange Perri', U. 6, 11. E. Trowlirlnge,U 17. T. C. Sultana, U.. -6 John P. Driggs, U. 113.. James ALMaryln,U. munrascrrs. 19. Win; lb Plaids, U. .1. Wm. Windom, U. 20..A.R. ;Arlin, U. . 2. L Donnelly, U . : 'Z. Coekling, U. ' rraw JIRSICT. '22. Reray L Wm. Moore. U. 23.. D, McCarthy, U; • 2. Charielf Halght,o: 24.. T. M. Pomeroy. U. 3. Chas. Sltgmves, 0. 25.._Wm. RACelsey, U. 4. John 14111, U. 21. Win. 8. Lincoln. V. 5. G. A. Halsey, U. 27. llamlltort Ward, U. Rep. Dem. 83E3 . 2tl'..Lewis-Solye, Delos E. Ashley, U." .4. Burt Van Horn, U. • onto 30. J. /1. Lltimphrey,t). 1. Benj. Est:neaten, U, 31. M. Van'dermal, U. 2. It. B. Hayes; U. DELAWAJZS. Hob% C. Schenck - oj. Nicholson, 0. 4. Win. Lawrence, U. . 5. Wm. Monaca, O. 1. IL B. Jruld,U; 6. 11. W. Ularke, U. • " 2. J.F.ParnswOrtb,U. 7. 8. Stiellabarger, U. 3. EX, Washberne.U. , 8. C. 13.-11amihon, U. 4. A. o.llarding, U. o.' E. P. Buckland,U. 5 8..4.. iniTersoll, U. _ - 10 Jas. lCAshley, U. - 6 Burtono,,, Cook, 17;.11 John T. Wilson U. 7 P. H. Bramwell, U. . .-12 Y. Van Trump, O. S. 11. Cullum, U. 13 G. W. Morgan, O. 9 Lewis W. Boss, O. 74 Martin-Welker, D. 10 A, G. Burr, 0. 15 T. A. Plants, U. ll Edward Kitchell, U. 16 J.A. Bingham, U, it John Baker U. 17 E. It. Eckley, it G. B. Baum, ' U. 18 I. P. Semi/Wing, U. At large, J. - Eagan, U. 19 Jas. A. Karachi, U. umbras. Wm. E. lithlack 0 .1 . 1111 " 1 U. 2 M. C: f en' " en°6' 5 ht. v. Hunger , TICANSYLVANI.L. • w m. t, 4444 4 , , ,, ; 0 1 , 8. J. Mandell O. aa John Cebu nn ' U. • 5 c i. h.s . ..o r wi m o y ti e , r. u i . ii. 71. Washburn,. v. 4 ;Yin . D. Kelley U. a 0.8. ()rt.. V. . . 5 t.. N. Taylor, U. oSchuyler L. olfas u, 2 d, Boyer, 0. • , IS win. wilitaiaa tr M. Broomall, U. C. Shanks V v 7 Hots, 0. td.,..litevena, U. 1.16. e. Wilson,U.l7 ire 'IP". 11 . Hiram Prlee; U. " It eh.; Ankeo,o 3. Win; Aillson;l7.. 13. U. O. 4.W LougarlOge,l7. 14. Geo. 5. 5. 0 . SE . Dodge. -15. A. J. illoshr,,i "-" 0. - A: W. liebbard, .16. Win. K. K oontak ? KANSAS; ' 17. Dan>l J. Mooed Sidney Ciarke,ll. 18. S. .I.W Mon. 1. John Lynch;'U.' _ D. A, Finney, U. • 2 Sidney Parham_, U. 21. John covale, •U. 9. Jas. G. Blaine, U, 22;J. K. Moorhead, U, U. U. Frod'k APeters. Plke, 11. 24.0. h V. Lawrence. NASSACLU,SZTTS. I. Thos. D. Eliot l. F. E. Woo :bridge,U 2. Oakes Amos U. 2. Luke'Poland, U. 3. G. Twltcholl; U. 3., W. C. Smith, U. 4. Samuel Hooper U. WISCONSIN. 5. lien). E./taller, Lle 1. IlalbertEPaine,ll. . 6. N. P. Banks, U. 2. Benj.F llopklna,U .7. G. B.lloutwell,U.. 3. Abaluia Cobb, U. s. duo. Si. Baldwin, U. 4; Chas. A Eldridge, 0 w Washborne U. .5. Pillietus SaWyer, U le. Henry I. Dawes, U 6. C+C Washberne,-1/ 5151 tr1-sse. ' wies2 visamia. 1. 11. McCullough: O. I. (LID. Hubbard; U. 2. S. Archer, O. ~ Benj. M. Kitchen, I/ 3. C. E. Phelps, 0. S. Daniel Poison. tr. Figinels Tlttmpelhomes, U Connecticut, california, Kentuck, -New Uhode island lied Tennesee, ' choosing twenty•nthe members,. aro yet to , . --A lamp trimmer in tae United States navy named Edward Lonle, , who was employed on steamer -Madawaska,' at New York, iately . as Oertalned bra foreign advertisement that he bad bacomo heir to 000,0 M in gold, the tIIJo of COnnt maim extensity estate. Louis, who is a young Rungarlen r upon learning of his good fortune, deserted from the" navy, but is now at Meador tm3,making an effoft to mom a /m a w &scrimp from Melorrice, Morthr tho 0MM;447999(Pe1q 1 0004 1 4. 40 1 0 1 14ar.17, , : THE Titttscille Herald pays this fine corn- pliment to a paper which recently appear ed in our columns, and what is more, every word of it is richly merited: "Secretory Browning: signalized his ac— cession to the Interior Department, by a gratuitous arraignment of the acts of Con grescap elaborate defense of "My Poli- I cy," and a fulsome adulatory vindication of our much abused Chief Magistrate, This electioneering document was not suf fered to piss without refutation, or its au thor unrebuked by the press of .the coun try. But by far the ablest and most caus tic veply is the production of the Mon. Thomas Williams, of this Sgte ' which oc cupies six, solid columns °Me Pittsburgh Gazette of the Ist inst. Its extreme length, and the fact of the elections being over, will prevent its appearance in the news, paper priss of the country, but it deserves to be put, in a pamphlet form, and scatter— ed broadcast in every school district of the North.. There is no 'production of this campaign, whether in the form of a speech or an essay, that handles the pending .is sues with a more masterly logic and full— ness of historical and constitutional learn- lug, and in a style of rhetoric more pol ished and pure; while its epigrammatic sarcasm, and occasional flights of elo quence, carry us back to the celebrated pages of Junius. .A.e a contribution to the political literature of the day, and as an ar gument for thinking men, it is worthy the reputation of its distinguished author." . Tux .St. Louis Demerat is exultant Hear it: Missouri vetoes Andrew Johnson. But yesterday, She was a slave State, and ho has appealed to the passions and preju dices of the old slave States for support. But yesterday . she was called a rebel State, and Andrew Johnson counted with reason upon every. rebel State to sustain him against she loyal North. But Missouri. is a slave State and a rebel State no longer, thank God! Within two years -a revolu tion has - wrested this State from the con trol of the 'pro:slivery and rebel dynasty, and, as the vote of 'yesterday proves, placed it firmly and surely in the hands of the party of free labor, free institutions and liberal idl3O.S. To Andrew Johnson's, appbal, Missouri answers with thirty thousand majority against him and his de. tested policy. --ACCOMMODATC; G HIMSELF TO CTRCUM -BTANCEB.—The Richmond correspondent of the Danville (Va.) Register, tolls the follow ing anecdote about Gen. "Allegheny" Johnson,on the :marchto Bristoe Station iti:the fall of•18113 - .1The: General was riding along the road, and 'deceiving one of his men up a persimmon tree, ludloed cut to "I say, there, what are ycin doing up there? Whyain't you inthyourregiment? " • "I'm gettin"aimmons, .T. am," replied the soldier. "Persimmons! Thunder! They are not ripe yet. They are not tit to eat," "Yes, but General," persisted the Coo led., "Cm trying to draw my stomach up to suit the size of my rations. If it stays like it is nqw I shall starve." The'Greneral had nothing :fartherto say butrode on. CHOLERA! . CHOLERA!! CHOLERA!!! With the almoit certain adveni of cholera with the romans of the spring, no thoughtful person will be unprepared for it. Secure what experience has demonstrated to be the most certain antidote—that which has cured oner will cure agaln—and never purchase • new and untrledartlcle, when an old and reliable article can be had., When the cholera visited .00 two tanker aura• slons, It was found by experience that. „ FLEMING'S CIIOLEILL YLVEMItE Was the best and supereeded all otters, therefore: It stand. to reason that, it you would lines an artl tie that yen can depend on, you should purchase It t.. the t•aclualou of all others. Sold only is Pitts- Itria, at JONEVII FLEMING'S 1111.1Ille AZURE, Corn., of illeTharnorl, near Fourth street: TIIEVLI/LlfisiliL PLACE, S-I Market Street. • Sent by mall an*where on receipt of three dollars. noB:rra ,Itch! Itch!! Scratch! Scratch! ! MAYNE'S 1.11NTME....T cures ItcAln Erum 12 to la hours. ••ITCII. Dr., Sioar¢e . , WWll:runt, !:TETT ER:: " Sl = t• .TETTE -ITCH. TO PAIL •: .TETTEIt., "TETTE', ..rren". 0111tING THIS .TETTE.R. .TETTEIt. ••ITCfI" • TOMMENTING .TETT EU. ..ITC • "TETTE.. COMPLAINT. ' TTEtt. Cures Itehlntriles, Baltltbrum. Scald bead, lisak. 11 Skirt Dii,catls. Pre , psre , l only by Or. BWAYNE A SON. Fiala del A R,. $Ol.l by M'CLAILMAN .31• K EN NAN. 1:5 - Mart tstroe. GEO. A. ti ELLY. 37 Woods { .. and 'Jos. Y1.E.11 ti; Market at.. Plusborich. 41, DEUlTT;•llcehes• au=l:l2.:Tra. • SPIREAD TOEICRUTLI-Some medical men Moist thattt it us:di/ruined to advirtise seemed?, however viluible it maybe. Queer rea soning this. It is ilke_jaying that an article which the world needs shoe:lithe hid in a corner—that ben , ~ eat* sod blessing* may be too widely diffused—that the mesas orprotecting and restoring health should he a closo Monopoly, and not; accessible to all. The . milt:Went Isbsd. It is worse than that: It In bre. tux. Suppose IitYSTETTEIt'S riTO3IACII NIT TEItI—ao absolute specidefells dyspepsia, bilious- Dressed nervous debility—bad Dever been known Soloed the repertoire of the (amity, what would knee he.o the noniequeneer Instead of curing and invigorating millions, the good e tfeets Of the Pr.. paratlon would have been confined to a eon:para. tire few. Tb re la the highest authority for saying that Hattshould not be hid under bushel; that whatever is tiCtiktlit should be place a d an: city on s bill, where ail men tutu cogullances of it. it Is upon this principle that the BlTTglial have been advertised and COLIIIOIIO to beadvertised 'ln every newspaper of any prominenee the western bem- Iv:there, and that the spontaneous Wtlesoutall ln Its favor have Peen translated Into all written last goatee. housandvenJoy piodbet health to-day who would 'be lauguishing on beds of sickness if the ne rrispapnre Lad not awn-ad the tenth with repaid Co this nesevitatert loseigorant andearrrellee far and wide. nupturee . prout has been reaped from this publicity, Is That any argument againat It? If the penile health has been pr et alive:: have been saved: if the feeble bare been strengtunned and the •Ick reatencil great goo-1 hue hem accomplished; and who se: mean sr to grudge to exertions time Q• Matt! their fair reward? - NEW AiSVEB3'ISEMENT6. WIL /1/71.02Lethh Jr., ddaau Espress Offloe, 1;4 ih Street, is an authorised Agent to mesas Adroerttienser . dr /or the GAZETTE, and att oilier paws throughout Na United Mann and the UNITERFIALIST CHURCH, CORNER. DP GRANT AND TIIIRLI STS: Pastor. Rev. A. IlltdiEtt3lAN. Vrraching RITZILY SUNDAY at SOS A. sar and - 1 P. a. Sunday School at 9A. n.. All the people are halted to come and hear. MrIRELIGIO OS .-- TUE. iFILUST - CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Al:tunes,. City. of 'fillet JerSEI.II KIND M rimton, till UM maple. tan tvcir new hante of worsolp, trl , l continue to meet ItrEXCELIDIt lIALL, corner of Federal and Latoet streets.) ttevlees every LORD'S DAT at latri on V.O,ED" BAPI'IST CWITACEI.-- VoLit the completionor. the nine Chapel,l cervices will he held 113 MASON 10 HALL,. Pixach, lag by l'eutor..ltre. JASIESII. DICECIatIiON,I orerrgg riVl l l 3 l .6 oilitgi 'i P ' "d ' ”i clock. p. m. All me cordially Invit ed to attend. . ' *ISAAC AIKEN WILL - Daub In'Yrorth venue X. E. Church, feyheny Oltr. (tlabentlo lierfertinl, at 10,4 o'clocs. Tbo pablW are cordlaily Invited to Attend.. beats tree. blebbath School *tea. X., and /rev. vr, LOCKE'vrill , preach Kondayand Rey. dttft. WILLI AXIS Tucadayllvenloae. 0; 7,4 obiork rrnarrit.CHURCIII, 6.IC..ISVVJEC 1191 , 1 1 13.1113EIT," ~,Ll,clw can .Wood and lin:ll44od. MISSION SERVICES, ONDE 11, THE DI IMO lON OP THE TRINITY ODUKCII (MIL D. ' 00.0T8 FII3O. E Year OrrieINVITZD.. • • EVERY' BON DAY A/TICK-NOON at IN o'cltiek, lb re wll.l be Divine Barr ce. with a Jowl, plactl cal Del mon, In TzTNI7r elttlltOlt, to Which all pec•-• ple we ...Jelly Melted._ 'Young Men and Women are especially urged to attend these services. The (Admen hell. will chime 10 raljultes before the hour of teevice. • 0010:077 SZVIOF, VIARNESS & cAUUKAOE KMANgas elteuld eee the . neer . Braver & Baker No.:l:Sewing Machine Before buying ellettbire. It Is the heet for their Yor trate at `0 . 2.14) NO. IP FIFTH STREET. DissibLuTioN or rit i . RT.Nxt br, nitlP.—The oar.nerabli N lereit i tkea r I, A , K g I,,;llesul‘ed as of this of the Am will by :Settlal by the • Vlili ',:j•ltZtr/ESe rfitTee .h.n. Nov tin ru,a • no On HALE, • -- .A MARE, RUDDY AND HARNESS Wlil Witold at Au'ution, qn W. 14111% 1 , 411AY Httl met., nt the 01.11 I.A.Wur, IIUTEL: gllVA'rter!;nd"gtV'att,:z riT;' "r"" r 01 . days. no8:nal LAIID.OIIII, .a-i 76 notified and aaaaa Ltd Winter !grained, fur sale by . • OLIARLEN C. BAT.OLNY. ace No. Liberty ntrool. TUE GnovEn •& . BA • SEWING . MACHINE . I. the UltfmerbilloiTliteckikolszo..Closooiallad 18 PIFTLi 2311 LENT. SZCHOBLiara &LANG,Wholeasie dealers Inerocerles. Float, Waal Troduds.:Tto. Flib, Mem, Balt; Carbon OH. Nos. mind gV9 9 , 41 ,AU1 101 i, LibitUr.Sinele =mg; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES T. BRADY' , CO., (bluccesaors to S. Jones a C 0..) )Corner FourVla and Wooints., BANKERS & BROKERS, D1.U.Z211 IN ALL BINDS , 01 , Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLVECTIONd made on all acne ealble points In the United states and Canadaa. j Interest allowed on Time_l)e BALTIMORE tk. HAVANA STEAM. !SHIP COMPANY. • - ALEX. BROWN I SONS, General Agents. FOE HAVANA, AND NEW OftLEANh, CARRY ING THE UNITED OTATNO MAIL. The Fir st-Wasiliteamsidps of this line will sail as follows: ••1; .111 A" 1.100: tons, T. A. Halm Commend, on SA.rUIf.DAY, November 17th. • "LIBERTY'-I,2Sotons, Wm. itolline,Commander. NATLIEDAY. December Ist. From HEOWN•II , WHARF, FEEL'S POINT, Al 2 o'clock P. M., pree. , sely, on the days announced. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed Sc. commodations, apply to HENRY H, WAILPIELD A CO, Agents, 16 hillssat`s Wits's?. N. B.—No Pills of Lading but those of the Comps. ny,will De signed. Permits for the freight must be procured Mom this otlice. No freight recelYed mn bill. of lading sighed on day of sailing. nOll SILK, VELVET AND - CLOTH SACQUES _ . 'in Alto Styles, Oa hand and made to order, 'tor sale at low priem. WHITE, ORR & CO., noto 1315 Wirth Eltrioat. THE PITTSBURGH EXPLORING -A. AND UZVECLOrING AMINO 001.11.• NY IN VEUSEN VISUIdIA, JAUKIitiN COUNTY. - . - .i.barter frank the State or Virginia. CAPITAL, $300,000 . Divided in 3,000 shares, par value awl subscrip Uon price $lOO Per .here.. • orrierate: Tresldent—V. Figural, einem 'street, Blrmigham. • Vice t•tesldeat—W. EtCallorr, Jackson coanty, West Virginia. llecretary—J. Chagas. Jackson Co. Wes; Va. Treasurer—W. OmutaClams, do do do gist. Secretary —tortArthe Sanas, Carson street, Zest littatlnghaa, • Director—lS I:Winn:6 Carron street, !Last BIT. Integbant. This company otter. shares for axle, as described above. They are bundles a .sbart, w atch needs to be 372 Lees deep. la order to accede the flo per cent. Sliver thy, wnich spreads all through the tam IlEo..es) le a two (sot %hien •ratetm. Cloves m ay be secured wtth the rrestd•nt, or any oter otnear of the company, where also the other particulars canbe obtained. . no10:.15 1?OR SALE-100 Ades of Land -nloWubington emats. wc.ar to.. Alp Ohio. 91 , sores cleared: balance to timber; (00d bou.e, good bin. waterhandy, large orchard. school and tknrcb es bandy, add 'within 43 miles of Colder Sta tion, an the Marietta and ulucinnati Railroad. Price - 1105er acre. • • 1 ACM in Us tikaallla, idle. back of Taro-parapet , - ante. on which thorn lee three tenant houses et 2 rooms unit. one framelmoso of four rooms, cilia good condition, - ISO Aerie of Land tar IMMO, situate in Slnklug Vallol.l s ßinie CoutY.'Pa.. 1100 miles Imo Altoona by the Inking Valley. Road. The adrantuea of this property are numerow, and blcallmgoaeswe will glee full particulars. • WA Acres, 50 unto of width is underlaid with ooaL situaleto North Fayette Towoahlp, on the liteoWnvilio Road; iniprovercents, good Frame WHIMS: SiX 1 006111, good Bank Baru; about HO Fruit Trees tom inthair prime. do • • Pike,VA TalYei t TrTITV?;. ` I I the r""eteetee 0i1k=f79:147,..7""_.°' oil miles o"be 15 Acres to Has Toinutio, llutimiles ant from AAITny Market. lA:elling Rouses to Allegheny City. one In Wlainahurg. 000 In ?seaport. one at Idgewco2 Station. on tho Central Pennaylvanla nalltoad. Aloe inarsodluely adjoining this 15%/40111, a fur more ACRE LOTS. Flu cod Do Nan at thisaMce.' Arso, Benda and Mortgages boagbt sad sold. dOtin RIIIT, DOM [state •gent.; 139 Pan lbstreet prrranuaGm. BREWERY, • CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., BREWERS, MALSTERS & HOP DEALERS, • Boaneseurs to • JOSIIVA. 117110Difl & CO., Pittsburgh. WA. W. ABIDEOSON, Allegheny, The attention of the customers 'of the too arms le partlenlatly Invited to nor ' - • ALES AND PORTER, Which, Omagh the careful !Winton of Malt from °urea ten,lre malting Gentiles and Hops Irmo the lards snot sus West. rte cat guarantee to be pore and satistuvory to The trade Our LN DIA. ALB Lea been highly ',anent nded by physicians for fanillyttee. Jl'tlr. DEEZON 'S 'customers tell rleme he paw - denier io leave their c.rd to at ma OM. hdluta. lug his old Brash.% or at our *Mee, - foruer.of Nowt Day sad Wier's illty, stonittA . BREWERS' NOTICE. ITNDEBSIGNED,BiIEWEEIS UY P/TllsllUntill, re•olved, .t their hut meetlairl . that • aettlements Irltti Dealers shall be merle ea the filar Or EVERT )LOU,NT corn meetteg Morel:ober 44 De& BPS3CIII. .hicKAT, D. FAWCETT* CO.; 'CARSON. DLISLINUTON & CO.. Z. WAINWRIOEIT, MICRAILL TIMIKEN. n 00.71 roLLOOJE, E A.LTILNTSORS At CO FRINKLIN. COTTON WORKS, E. 13 - YDE'fi3 SONS =I COTTON TL c, CARPLT QUIN COVERLET TARN, CANDLEW,ICE, TWINE, BETTINUtI, • COTTON WILET 4 4 te., ac • WENT CABAL STREET. between Robinson lad LWVCIL. Allegheny . City; Pa. - •P. orders by mail Itaetided to. nod neo MONERENTB,. GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vases, DESIGNS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, sc24: 100. 00 Pam; Ntreat. DUMAN DRUGS:: Drumasm JAMES T. SAMPLE IIAVING BOUGHT TUE %CELL KNOWN DUUU lloUtOr. obi COIINKR Or I . EUEMAL AND AUBINSON Akladf.olll/41Y, WiLI keep on 111434 x WI assortment oldl kind. of • 33Iri.tr 13-113. - And which will be; sold cheaper &ban ,any other boom) In the two dint. Preferlptlona carefully prepared by It ant clan dr 2FlVla l. de of 11:ItYUlf SILT andTAN - CY Ont . and. • 000 BOOTS AND SHOES. e.T . ; WILE:IEI4M, HS Market St., Pittsburgh, 144 lasi rectlYe.l • eery large stock of all kinds of 33cm:swat 41.1%7.7ZS gesso= el, Which he fa impaled to Winces: r than the cbcan- Mit ' rer ( liliit ti I AFL I il u ill. " 4l e cl! ' i 4eV r ar r ! nuts to give satleactioit. BEME ti BEM, - . oallnala No. 30 Market went. GET NRIVE BUT A GROVER & RAKER For j Holiday 6lft. It la reliable, .perfeet and therefore the heat. 11on't fall to call and ace list ' • NO. IX fifII i STREET. Ipppi.Fire , , IOD bbln. new prime 'White flint for sale by CHAELXIS 0. BALBI.6Y, No, 201. LI bcrty .trect CHEESE. , V) boles Uoitten, Factory and liiimburg for 8010 by eIIAttLYS O. BALHLEY. t~neucatw.rt9 Btiowis. 1(0 closen OHAUI.f. O. BALBLICY• ME3=l! NEV LARD. A' lin of littlir tendered rbolea llercri to arrive fur .10 by • CHARLES 0. BALI:SLIT. woO " No. WI Liberty street., 825,000. TO I.OAN. riots dell, tog to borrow to 013 of On 100 ND ANP MOILTIJAttg. not ono. two or toots yearn. Will do well to call on • Ai WORLI it..1.67WW.. ne3 Weld Estate Agent No. 17114 Ulan street. FOR; TO E' WIN. god! COOK /NU fri &end other / 1,7 1 ,4% 1 1:1,1 1 1,.. to to No.. tirantait itta ?Inn and 7.14 1' . brei, l itingor COMlnsUgstet - and other fatter Wenn; Wender., Morn Pipe. WA ter Cenductors. And All other Arttethei. an DOMrhs.'llti ; 1 40 '":!"4 !..t.m.,f • 414 %tr.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 NEW ADP ERT.LSEXEN.T. IMMENSE CLOSING OUT SILICI $50,000 Worth of Fine • FALL AND IrINTER IMI2I 1-“Cto'r ',TNT G. SlO,OOO Worth of DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, WHITE SIIIRTS, COTTON AND WOOLEN HOSIERY, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, $5,000 Worth of Gloves, Of all DeStriptions, all of %Lich will Ix sold at ACTQrAIA COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Before removing to my New BeWing: Opposile the Ue!ion Depot. /EirThe lease of Steil, atol Dwelling, together with Counter., lihelviug, Ohow Ca,es..t... for fait. J. D. RABIALIEYp 334 and 336 Liberty Street, I:=3 OFFICE OF THE Coblmcstilomr.for or TIM SISETNO TrNO. TILIKASCIZT DirAftTNINT, )1•111LIblallitli, Veil - ART 7.1, I&b,S Notice la hereby given that seated proposal. or ihe.alo or . One Million Dollars of the 5 per cent. ONE MILLION DOLLARS DEEM Six Per Cent. Loans, AM the Commouvrealtli of rennaylvaula., will two fe- Mi• 011 at the Trea.ury lboparL dent. bathe City of Ilfurtaburig, until 2 o'clo4,lt 1...2., or pmiciaxii9iol.et:lr, The 16th day of November, AM, 1866 111 dt er+ .111 slate aount offend, price asked, and arta r Ilsaistrrrd m or Coupon Loa... 'lo be .1d: ased. ”Con...oltlloners of Slating rued, Ha, 'lst. g. Ca.," ondurard •Plurposala to Sell State - - . The commineinners retie eve the right to tricot any hide nut, In :their opinion, advanLagrOua to the Commonwealth. JOHN r. lIARTRANYT, Auditor lienenil SLII'Ett. Secretary of State W. It. ic rat u Male Treasurer. *Mien C.motteslonery or the Met tog r00d.. . ' `RE GREATEST • EVVENTION OF THE EUE. ster's Patent "Ordinary Wrench," = Belts, Round Rods, Steam, Gas, Brass and Lead Pipe. WM bold • Uound I or Bolt In SC 112WiNO urr neednTY 111 T. The A t tellancel, WOW, WRENCH for Cutting off and revving up Plpe,ite., eau' be carried In the pocket, obviating the expense and burden of the great Wright or Tonga. Ay, to be carried cud used In PUTTING 111 AND REPAIRING WORK. • Jeet what Is wanted -try every OTEAM andl/An TITTER, PIA/1111E%ENGINEKR, mAcii isr, }LACKS UMW, cod CARRIAGE .111.111. D. ERR, and on all IiTKA SHIPS. ROAD& LOCOII - TIVES, Ac,, and to cam RAILROAD REPAIR 13110 P, rAcruiti Ac.. and err isToltft and WANK WIIEI9I. WATER •tiD OAS ARE USED« Vitae WItENCUES are made to the most Wor onoff manner, and are over 3 iio per cent. cheaper than any other tools used to nerform the same work. • I:In. Wrench will rot off cud screw up pipe Silo jl In. mete. Al 2 In. Wrench vrtat cut of and screw plpe !I, to 1,11 hachellameter. An MI Inch Wns o h will cot off and screw up pipe to:lnches diameter. A 21: Inch. Wrench cut off and ,aerew nD pipe 'a to 2, , fincties diameter. Yorsale by ff. McSTEEN & CO., • it oet:r.3 N . 34 Water street, near LtbertT. flO-PAII . EItAIIIP NOTICE--The •••-•undeni g Lua tave this day.formed a co-partner ship Lied.. IJI a me and style or .. ._ EVANN ILLAS•dt GILMORE, i ~ vissoax TO ' T 4 11. lIARTON A; CO., Yor tLe pvpo,e of carulpg on the 130.A.'1' SRI? CHANDLERY BUSINESS, _ And Itortuftetarero of eardage,• Packing ,.., Yarns, &c., AT THE UL STAN 75 6. , , No.BoVP's, ritlifitilCiert. • -.IOIIN 11. DALLAS., •-• • • D. D. Li. tilf,Sloolf. 217TRIILTIVIII. Oct.. 2 . -qh rata. .oolmM WELDON. & KELLY PLUMBERS Gas and Steam.. Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, • large uaotUIDCOt of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. in7l7:b7 :131J1( THE 14114. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, run (MC REFINERS, atanufsetared only and for sale by T. 41Y .1...icki5.400 , x• 4,...d.xitli7l7c.risin, N. W. Cor:dd and Market Ste., =I rAPERI PAPEIII-PITTSBUiIkIaI EVER MA IMPACTOR' HO COMPANY. Warchoune..Mti Third ntrvet, keep totnnan band, and ter Isle, at lawrnt market rate., NEII TACK, MANI , LA, HAIWW A lOC, .11 °VIM, YE I.l' and WHAI . PINti PAVIA/tn. 110,1L.00 ..OrtetlUOW In Warnhoute. (Mutton Mllls at mtentrouvhlo. t hlo. Nfts . bt.r maate..• st.itrad.r... pa. WEST COMMON MACHINE STONE WOl. Kl, Northwest Corner ot West Common, ALLKULIZN T. . = IlaTe on hand or prepare on short notlee LINARTII AND e7EP STONES, PLAUS rOtt • BD/le-WALKS, ItitYlVflelty VAULTS, de • JIHAD AND 3:00111 STONZS. do.. de.- sintir ere promptly 'executed. kitICES REA, BON otalnnlo3• MONEY LOAN OFFICE , NO. 151 SMITHFIELD IiTIMET, corner of ninth. Pittsburgh.' Moue/ Diamond., J Loed on Silver Plates , Sliver Watebe. Pl.tols, an ewelry, Gold and. Clothing, and valuable article. of eve rytlereri ption. • The good. cannot be delivered without & ticket. Not accountable to case of tire or robbery. flood. of every descrlpUon for sale at lo CPI 11•14101441 VII 4 • 41111 . 1. Itv Os •V - - ItIESICK & HILO» Engine Build. EON AND MACtllDirkirs, raaratracturers of Meilck's ratan; balance .Valves far Mem Ea- A L g o" i l al d s:lL k !A d mr . ._, " uir 04411V 1 ,72, • Or wlthptit Balance • Valves. Sollars. Fire FrOntg, ' Ileam Coanactloar. rut's.- ta. J LX)ltliFlt . HA MEL:KM Alto ria.k. ern.isra, littaburgh. a. • napallinx aria Dattina 1310"nanhInery vrnmpuy siro nEs AND DWELLINGS' ON' ALLEIIIIENY, AT AUCTION.— Pro Otani, Ms and 111 *Ala areas, near tent Voralßen.,wltALlbrelllng Ifoure In rear. will be pep ritkilt! on ittrferi; ',POW fa' April neat.' Uround rent A l •.tatu tor .ablyearly. -Ter 0ne.,41:1411 cub,. Palsrbell taantba. Positive salaW . A. 141.4i!4754.4*.(410//ter.. CLOAKING CLOTHS, New Styles; VELVET MANTLES, New Styles; RICH PLAIDS, New Designs; • DRESS GOODS, Splendid Variety,._ . BATES'& BELL'S 21 Fifth Street.- Ladles' Dress Coats, Sae clues and Mantles made to order. nog:TIM 825,000 WORTH OF FOIL SALE AT 3:101-11Lek..T7L'IL'S Cheap`. Clothing House, Corner of Ohio Street and Diamond, At Wholesale and Retail. Plug Scotch Tweed Suite Fine lancr . easato ere Stalls Flue Fency licari Camlmere Butte 25 00 I Heavy English Beaver Overcoat, Canter Bearer Overcoats Chinchilla Overcoata.... Vino Black Cloth Yroec Coats Flxie Black Frcuell /rock Coats 23 5) =I All Wool French Cip. rant. •nd Vesta.— . 1 oil =I Ready-Nado Boy's Clothing. CIISTOII WORK- 3IADIG TO UNDER ON TUE SHOUTEST NOTICE. J. C. KLETT. Jr., Cutter. not:615•& SELLING OFF CLAC).EiLME... AT 'C S T To Close Out Business, LADIES' FURS: GUNSENHAUSER & CO., No. 6S MARKET STREET. 1101.'411-W4 Opposite Wayne ESE ATLAS WORKS, MAD R T OA" S TREE T, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President Theae Works are among the lamest and 2003 L corn ptete eetabllaernent In the Wet t, and are now pre pared to rornLah ' Engines of Every Description,, Hollers, Oil Tanks, • Ge4cril Castings, ORDERS SOLIULT.ED. 1109:31G4 MURDOCK & PUTIUM, Are daily reelvlng at ibeli GENT'S • FFIEVISTIING STORE Mr.f•Lh Allailrockt, SCARFS, TIES, BOSS AND lIDKFS, sricco][l,]E GILOVES. HALF miss. SUAPEAHLESI, ITEI WlLota.ain cto Fln t Snails and Collaial/2 Everithing to complete tbo flentlemensWardrobf ItIUIIDOCii & • =MD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY ALT .41.1740W1C0N. ' Wlll be sold el inetlon, on WEDNESDAY MIUIININD, Nuremoerl4.ll, Idco, at 11 o'clok., on the premises, • - • THE KENTUCKY DISTILLERY Located on the Ohio River, opposite rostsmonth Ohio, with Al terns of Land. • River Yrout foeWherfape 0[374 feet. Capacity 1.1300 tillatiELS There are on the Premise., the'Distillerr, eon taining 3 CoPlier-linedfilash Tubs, 40 Meer runs, lee ounheie mmhz. hot and cold water Tont, and ere rything complete. Flouring Mill, with four run Preece Darr Stone, two Corn Sheller.. do. Three Enginei four Holler*, Artesian Well, &ore and It - embosses, Whisky house, Malt Hoene, rens for ii.tuo bog., built eta Indy of oak, twenty - Tenement D welting. for nand. wises, ltallway from Elver to The locati 1. D istil ler y. of the best In the -Western country for • The improvement. could not be 'made for lee. than one hundred Dimmest' It will positively ho sold to the highest bidder,, without reserve or regard to value. Thallla -- CASII. For further particalarCTlO. to the eale, spply to Mr. KANE:, on the p° einimi, or to .1. b. IiIIaCtILAY: d ct/.. lte.l Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, No. 70 Went Taint street, Cincinnati. noiil Tr. ." I ; FORT MT _FOUNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS -HEAVY . ORDNANCE,, AND ALL BINDS or HEAVY DAISTINIES. Special attenflott paid to ROLLING DILL DURK BLAST 'MACHINERY and RICTOUTtio gI[PALItS attendedbo o tromtly As beret/afore. tbo materials will abilyi be sued at tilts Foundry. Having disposed or our old patterns, we are Pro t:Mud, . with 1411N1 •ND 1111111tOlrill_ patterns, con structed under the superrislon of Mr. K44ZBT, to ,fureleb NAIL MACHINES at Awn notice. pirrsuunGn CUTLERY COlN hare on hand the guest stock of llollowGrouTul Razors In Kadin. Vseletly. vcrsharp iv. CoCi-X3391W, AFent Pittsburgh Cotten COmpany, .N . O S. 67 and 69 Alah Street. NEW STYLES HATS. . M I C ORD & C 0., 131' WOOD . 11ZR A VEz. Are receiving =lmmense stock of RErs t . - CAPs A ND- FURS, Embrsolnit atiencileas 'variety. HATS TOR THE LA Digt,:GENTS Aiwa BOY 4 oALI3 OF EVERY•BTtLE•` - FUR:f F UH Atm AND OHLLDLHEN .• SAULT.. MLNK. sQUILICEL., ite'.; Ka.. LA AnylhapAseprlce, *act, mei inyita ttiostrairthenorw. . . . , .... ALLEGHENY CITY, I= .t 22 00 q 23 00 2 30 to 5 00 Also, A LARGE . ITTOCK OY 13hect Iron Work, Railroad Casting., Bolling Mill Cabling., Engine Castings. Machine Castings, Nearly opposite Poet Office Alt the new and elerani .tyke In Gent's Underwear; 'taro, IgAtrUlFACTitaltli CAIP POCKET CUTLERY lb this city. piwlttittNi till n•) Kota II pa DrgAi i • al V i i hi iztl`, ‘a, lyzj DEAF NESS, NOISES tN TIE BEAD, Discb arges fioni the E r CATARRU S - NEURALGI A, ASTHRA, • SCROFULA; Bronchial Affections, Throat Difficulties, DiseaSed Eyes, • . • Loss of Hair, Dyspepsia, Enlargement of the Liver. Dis eases . of -the - kidneys. Constipation. Gravel, PM's, Insanity, Fits. Para., • Irish of Mood to Die Head, • teinilly In livery Form, CONSI7MPTION, • With all and every. beesa which Infests the human body , cured effectually by MRS. M. C. BROWN'S AIETAPffVSICAL DISCOVERY, Price. $4,00. Offices--110 Arch St., Philadelphia, 5l Bond :greet, New York. MIE3 ECM '..No boring with instruments. No blowing in the ears. the nostrils or introducing wires. • No pouring medicines Auwp tins 111/0 "- The NI ET APHIS CAL 1.)15 , .0V Kin' will reach ever) spot thst drugs and Instruments will reach, and thousands or pl.. besides. • Truth if:mighty and insist prevail: error is preg nated with oeath—.. onsequeutiy 11.51 sooner Later stub into oblivion. EOM • aRE FOUPIZEJUDICEIIt In conseli (nee of Ihe prcludiceexisting against pp tent medicines, It Is thy ratan:et desiro that: my Metaphysical ill.eorcry should not he received or classed vilth patent medicines of the •ge. You ask me why? I auswer, lieeause it I• a :mien:Ware:re, I -Ig. dltlering in appilcation ;tendencies and results, Irons ail other imimilles andpreivaratlonti, urnleh have ever gone before it. And further, because the Metaphysical Discovery Is the result of inlierlte,l Ila. , Ver to trace curets to tiller first cause: thettlere fat IC - Oeunilersovpl that tin e Metaphyaical Il :ev ery Is not only the ievultuf Inherited pone, but also the r - ultpia Ilfc of rare philoAgghlc re search, and that too, lu an unbeaten tern. EMI Eyes, and They See Not. • Awe.. ye slumbering world and behold you, sets. and your children In the prison house of al !s -tare, front the cradle to the grave betake from to thougut—thlnk and lien. The World writlies_ln pain and passes Into untimely graves. Mark, learnt. that your friends elle through .us pert- Mending um Every egret driven Ls a death blow to the physleal system. 1 nave never met an Individ ual who was treated for anything but effect. There. gre many agonising hearts, sorrowful In mes and rassy graves th-ought not of Instruments which torture. and met Icl ors which destroy the tyste.a. The DI.CIVUI euuatass al tutee distinct prepara- • limns, which pasts Into the system by alt./m.114m through the Eyes, Ears and Scalp: It Is packed In a heat wooden case, and will be scut to au) address la the world, on receipt of the above price. riovonvotioAlossor T. S. C.'Cliase, of Cambrldgeport s Mass., do cer tify that I have been troubled with a bad catarrh for upwardsof thirty years. t obistined Mrs. M. U. Browies tfetsphysiest 1.1 Iscovery. and to tea anti after using it found relief. I bare used the 1111111lne faithitilly. and belles, It WOnt to the root of my Ill.ease. 1 tool as If catarrh ersillcateil from uty aystaut, the foul eitecis 01 the ssd il.sease hahluir m:ased..My wife ales boa been puffer:lna from a compile:att./Li of Olsen:is:4. ton using the Dis covery, clotted blood and. watter rushed 'frum her bead, and she found Immediate relief, atil has teen jr3ill log health ever üblee. the heartily reetimmead the 51“aphysical Discus ery to alt islio sutler. CURE OFCAT.OIRII. ASTHMA, kc Mrs. .Cisnever, residing at Mo. G:-Allen street, Bosom. Mass.. sale: •• 1 have been troubled for Tears WWI .3[1111., catarrh, and sore •Ittom. 1 Eitll. fered Iron. pain and dlminess In my bead, coltifet t, A?.; for elgut years could nut attend to Inunaettuld duties, and had despaired of ever be ing cured. Providentia , ly it-anima or Mrs. M. U. Wolves Metaphysical Mutt/very. t obtain.' It. The remit Is, lam ent.rely cured..and determined to keep a hot orlt always In my hon..' MRS. GEORGE VAUGHS'S esa TI FICA TE, MALDAZ.I" MASS. - This is to eertlfydliat ''Care suffered for ten years. A dyspepsia, catarrh, and a comp !cation of iliSeafeS rul the past year I have be n restless, become, notaleeir at night. rio eXll,asted had I that L war likable to do my household duties 1 became so cblo. that It seemed Impossi ble to keep warm. ler sometime my eyes were very much disexasil, and my hearlux Aliself and Mends considered mu-In Consumption. In vat state I went to Airs. Al. U. Groan and obti tied the Mesabi, steal Daentery. I have Used tvie boa faithfully. amino language can tell the benefit re ceived from it. hip eyes. have become clear and strosg. .11y dvspepsla Is entirely gorse. 1 ettl now do my own wo - rk, and feel altogether a new e n s bela. y Wends say I galuing Hebb. 1 know sr 1 could not have lived. 1 trot grateful to God for U. benefit I have received. I recommend Mrs. Al. U. Growls and tier mode of treatment to all who' suf fer as I bare done. CATARRH CURED.-.MR. JEROME A. CPCO .. 5)1 (ILL/ C1.if882806 MASS. - Thls is to certify that I have been troubled with a bad catarrh for the last the year.. This winter it became unusually troublesome. I woo obliged to rise at night, owing to the mucus, widchwuril..../..ars suffocated me. I, oloslued Sirs. 11. 13. brown's Metaphysical Discovery some weeks back, used It radhtuny, 'and my catarrh began to give way at once. 1 now consider myself a cured young Mall. being vainly deOvered trout the terrible dlserue ut catarrh: My sister has also been diseased In h2r head mud ries irudi childhood, so much so that the fat/lily thought Arc could ulic live. In the use of the Discos try she has received. canal Lemon with my self, We cordladly recommend the Metaphysical Diacorery. MISS E. LOG4I , "S oEli TITIVATE. I; Emilia Logan, - do hereby testify that I hare Illid .Vtre Conga for its earaiwoind cough and raise for three hourn.t a time; Mimi I could not lie down at flight: going up stalls, any work would exhaust me. I base been .33 lug medicine and doctormg all the time, hilt was still gettlug some. • rrovldeu tlallyis rrieu I procured hire.al. 0. Brown's Item physical-Discovery. I have used It one week, aud my cough la ur , rly gone. I have goL Id oft he. tlgkinesa la lay throat- / can now take a long breath, witch I could still do before. I cau go up nut down stalrs w about styling any fatlgue. I teal d irect, Bostoisease Isla. n leavinr system, -So. 374 llauover s, Mass.g my = mar , f; the teorst type of l'Aronie Sore Eger of Xpe.fg-fire years /donating coral by my ifelap4yektst Ilirarcery. I, EliasJeffries, do certify that I have been .„ ff t,seuty.iilee year. wit. diseased eyes, taken from Measles when +child. I cannot describe the nature of all my aufferlusa, but will late that my s' ran corruption au d water all the time. Sly cheeks also broke out down to my chin, and the matter from both eyes and face Kept couatantlp drop hull on My stress. All the doctors I apylLA to failedto render toe reihl, aol I despaired of and- Inett mall teaming of the wouderlul cures made b went G. Brown. when hope eutered,ffly breast. i to see Ler, and brought. home with use the bletaphysictl Discovery. !used it accordin K. to at. Mellow', and now tuna tiolumuly anti thankfully de• clare, that throngs the blessidg of God and the use us Ales. AL G. Itrown`• medicines I am a. cured. Co. Man. IILIZA. B. JEFFutEJ. F/FF_ .i7JSES 0? DEAFNESS IN -IND A RuCND PHILADELYBIA. ‘l , :oises Itritie Head, ituuoing of tee Ears Still-- Neck and bore Theo .t cored by Mrs. M. U. Mown. die Arch .creel; Metaphysical Physician, Professor on the Eye, Ear, Throat and Scalp. ' . The following puraons have been cured of Um above dixases. through the use of my aletaphyal cal Discort-ryi - Miss Rebecca Watson, St. Patti street, Frankfort% cured °focal:mm*lo24i hinted In the Ale 24, CAD now he thu children called. by th.ir name. to the next house. • William Kinwechkr. LISS North Front stn et, a lad °lnbuilt 5 lean, was acre deaf; can now bear the notes distinctly on the piano. Could nut hear b a sa was aben una lore. id. lila whole system Ls isniontwd, as e Inval Belly. lul. houth lieeoud street, was quite deaf In one ear, and partially so in the other, has regaided the hearillA of both well. U nisi Iltoophreys. 1 Darby township,. had a swelled And stiff neck for eight years; could not turn Ida head without turning eight hie whole bOdy; had Mau a largo lump,•sise of • ba.l, and hard. nu. der lila chili. tot One year. Roth have ellaappeareal ths °ugh the use of tuy aletaphyaibal inshoy err. A auu of Captain liavid Wale. In Wthulugton, - Delaware, has been cured of dean.. •nd running of the eat a, of 13 years stanult g. Opent largo sums °tutu:icy n, of diffeteut renualles;could Lind Dent:- Ill; procured tuy Dietaphysical Illacusery, which luituctilalely Cored hint. CERT:FICA TR FR 03f TriE REV. P. S. HE SSON, P.4STUzi OFTIIS 115154 11 STREET BAP- WiT CHURCH. From Inlurtt4 received In lay right eye when boy. a chronic Inlierinuallea ha-i beta produced, In consequence or which 1 sobered martyremn. t r o p ,00meet of my waking life was mublttered, and I was frequently inland, to sleep at night. A ,arie ty of remedies has bee i resorted oswlthout success. aandl entertained the vurpoae, as 4 last Teeort. , baring the ball Laken ("ILIA the sociret. In the In rue of thus ending relief. in the Meantime. ilitet. Woe. ideutlaliv; i noticed one. oar In 4 they Iv laden 4 bullion( l'oolt Sen Water I. lbw! nev er pearl tilt Whom anu'i determined to try it, lad did, with the most delightful results. la a few days the tiatului Irritation was removed. I miti'd bear the strongest light, and went feral A 4 it were tb the eritymeut of a new life. I now keep a bottle or I, alway la the house. mid If my eye seem; at all disposed to annoy vie.- I give It a dose. and there is an midi to It. 1 would not be without It for any £OlOllll of money. I have OevaslOri tos ly flannel". time my wife used to anger wirer., at times from protracted pain In and Oyer tier eye., sod 11116 has Mood Your Itichard's k4e Water a sovereign ape. GPM In bureaus, giving bee almost In.tant (hateful to lioil for the .slept 1 Lb.., personalty reeMeect. Icannot butmmend the PrePlrstims most cordially to those who hare suffered Mu my self. • /.. ENtii • • raet.r o' lho Btona SC. 1341 , tibi Bealdeace, 14D roplar &Levet., rbliadelßL tn. The Celebrated Poor Richard's Eye Water, per bottle: Large size, - - - $l,OO Seeond size, Small misc. - . -25 The:Rhine Idedlettlestw be ball of At.Llat7G siretDroll AVIECI3I4II. • ' • N. - B.—mm.ll.4AL BILLPICLI L ittsbarzt ME WANTS' WA7iTIED, BY A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, One or tyro Unfurnlibra 12.mr, witlz .Ihinra, In ylka•antll.atlon. tither In Mist/lin:I. Allruhis ny t Ity.. Ram nces It reon trod. ALl..lrrt.. IMEE D I SIBLI. SIPA Qh SIDE-SHIEEL Rain Enquire of tio,llo Wilt.So a KING: WirTED_WENT To sell b y Ar.l./IYEW'S GAS lietall at g" . ..tn. Can he at4SClAtti: t , >ny lampy ]taxes toe best gi. Ileht lit use ifore Carbon Con•ethem , as* candle. Will not-blow out. ..30.1.00 wide by s.nelits rill lb./ andlieverators with in toe sot days', glen ate coining mon, selling it. TCIIII3 PriVat. J.- C. I 1..11) nl, No. Clair •treet. WANTED, 500 ..TIECIIhiI.VICS: out or employment. to self our and Winter oend forel - molar land tine A gsoit repo. is tun rose nrcropteiof our new ItQok, ••• I niedanil rue," In four days.tAddress - • W. J. IitiLLA.N It 7t CO, n06:7w7 75 Third street. riltlituarrit. D W s tUA E. i A m!vt DIALi t -. laforLE—l IPestsrr..o t syler “PIIAY Ph Al' VALLI. I "THE MCI PEN' , " PRAY Eit„rr i`LlNtiiLN'h HOYE Al' SPILINUFIELI): Either by the month or on commission. Publish en: rates al - owed. Ito r full particulars apply I persos, or address, rwitou GO., • I 13 Flfth Street, Plttsbargli. I,VAINTEI)- 2 AGEIVTB -v1,500 PER YEAR—Everywhere to introduce rillAW LILA kth•A FAMILY OEW ING MACHIN s linproes auil perfected. It will hem, .fell.stitch troth, Lind,: braid asit embroldet brautifdly. Price only 610. - Making the elartli: toms si s t e h, an d rally warranted tur lire years, and is Ileenied. We pay the atmve wages ur &commission, from which ' , mica that amount can be made. Addressor rill on tr. Lis LtiNti. No. 1 1::Grant etre.. Pittshurch, Ps. isee adrerttsettelit of the Pinkie Sc Lyon mut the Weed beellug Machines. In another column. sell.Parre 'MTL!.''T - 4t for eVery. here, foe to Introduce the Common Sense Fanuly revving 51.mtdoe. Improved and per. reeled. It veil berm fell, stitch, quilt, bled. brald, and embroider b...alalfully—orlce only log the elastic lock.etltell, and tally warrauted for torte torte yeaes• We py the ,ve wages, ore cem. .easnion, !rem -b lob twice that amount can be made. Address or call uu C. BOW Y.LtS sou.. viticeNM 2500. /fifth street. end olelphia, Ad Is Item answered promptly. with drool., and terms. au.l2mo WANTED, AGENTS AND SALESMEN I L every Town. CUT ata . Coanty ,D3t the '3ilthlle. eouLhern and Western attatcs. Everybody out of cmplopnent wlll And tt-to the lotercst to call at No. 43 Fifth St., tip Stairs, Or a4dreas P. O. ltoz 301 Pittsburgh. Ps:. or.S.rrs AV ANTED, 14 : TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, A FIRST CLASS RESIDENCE, Looted lo Fourth, Fifth. Slilh, l'erm or Smlth add atieets. Une WWI .141,:e attached prcfurred; McIYEASTEER., GAZZAM & CO„, Jtb. 9S Vrant Street, 11 7-A y T oVI!I - 641114VM S kr 7T ( 1 1 )7t n i l+ ( T I N. WALt,° The Lost` = Complete In ON , . LARGE ROYAL ObTAVO VOL.U3IE of neiny 1400 page li. lituatrat.d. wiso oor 11 a...1-Books of. teforence. Ji El'-NO eB lII' AilEtticAN LinEltri and " THE SuUTII. Agents would do Well to send for our circular and terms before engaging In the sale of other works. Addl.... or apply to A. T.. TA LCOTT, 54 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. no8:117:1-t5ulawl AGENTS NTANTED FOR A. NEW BOOK, NOW READY. WOMEN OF THE WAR. By YttAYI MQUItlr, sottm of "Tito 11.ebellIOII Ilesosed,” The object or this work Is t collect and present narratives or the services or the women who shared. the T r e rils y l lu th m e w - a , r 4 .xd i o n u s ght a to ,o reff i t . gs aloe' ,0 pages, and Is ill ' ustrated with steel plate portratia, engraved bathe must Improved style. bold only hy subscription. roc larculara, address or apply to GCS No. GS Flfth st , cet. Pittabtirgh: • GENTS INA NTEID ILY THE EU. HEKA: SEW Int( MAl:11INE CO.LPANY sell their NEW $25 31ACl1i. F. VI:I sew. from tissue paper to hearl Beaver cloth or leather with out change of feed, needle .-r LenAun. heif-almtlng pms.nm rout sod newly designed four motions& IltusitilglV.D. Address, enclosing stamp, J 11ALL GS 111th Street, (Second Ploor,) Pittsburgh. Pa. IMMI MEN WASTED, . , TO ACT AS SALESMEN - Eltber permanently or ,tomporartly, who are I a* -potent to engage In tint-class business relations,. , Apply in person or address W. D. AKER, .12:1E5 OH Orsitstreet. Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS WANTED—Forthe Gold MEDAL SEWING M♦Ct INES, In every City and Ununty in the Union. The leastcomplloated two-threw Machine In the worl , l. Address A. OLINSuN A CI), 3 Washington street, Boston, Masa. - n07:047 DIVIDEND NOTICES. T/11.13 NATIONAL BANK, PITTSSIMGII, PrITSLICUGII. Nov WI, IWO. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS HASH hone Ms day declared a dl. Wend of 'SIX PHU CENT. ON THE CAPITAL STOCK. Free of Government tax, out of the .1.11111” oftlut last six months, parnolu on and after MONDAY' NEXT. Hie Nth Inst. ' oar JNO. IL LIVINGSTON: Cashier. VTIDEND. "FILE W , T Ige N UM C If Gra T 7 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this CompanT hare this day declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR. ANI) FIFTY ,CENTS upon each share of the Caol tal ytock, .t of the earned profit; of expired risks of the last six months, ,free of tioveroment and. Stile taxes, payable co Btocknolders on and after the 13th hut, W.ll. Y. lIE/1111[11T, MEM CITIZCNS NATIO; r11,,DU116.11. 6111N,i THE run ECTORS OF -hare tufa day declared a dly.de CENT. on the Capital Stock. out o the last six months, payable on an Inst., free of Government taz. .807,054 J. E. BRAD Ju.. Culales. BANK or VlTranClatlll, IYrv. intt. 066.' PitESIDENT AND DIRECT. OILS u}• THIS BASIN have this day declared dividend of YI VS CEK VEST. on 113 1.:11O1111l18toos.: out or the pronts of stalest es mouths, which mill be Pal.) to stockholders. or their legal represent*. tires, On or alter the 115th lost., free of ll , overtutotUL and State taxes. a07:u51 =MEI SICILaNG a NATIONAL BART. Or PITTSBUnGuII, /. rtirsUelltal, rat. Not 6, LVII. Tt i o L vo Vino/Nes VlErtBPoinillOArig.NlTl: front the carnlnge or the last Ito months, payable, to chareholdurs on demand. Inc U.S. Income VAz II raid bßbc Bonk. n07m41 . li. N. MURRAY, Cnsbler. • 311YsT011y OAVIN•aO BANK. 1 1 . 1177•011006 NOVember 341, UM, THE DIRECTORS OF THIS B UK . hare this day declared a dividend of t/SIL.DOL— LAIL AND SEX e„NTY-FINE elstsTS on each share of Capital Stock. out 01 their rtollts of the last six mouths, payable to otockluil 1 . 0...0r their Irgel reprolepLatlYcz. on and after. MONDAY, than Ette test.' 1A111:1 Itt.)110. ._1100.030 President. • ti ChM AN NATIONAL. BANK. t tieeertecile .r Itedete A DIVIDEND OF SIX PEA/ CENT., free of (Jovernrnent Tax, on the . : 4 'anttal Mock or thta Bank has been declared, piraOlc oK arcl after thet:loth put. UEUMIS At XtiDLY. Cashier. ncw3.n37• 1)14/00 , 11D SOMICE. • OTLIC r. Or A Ltr.ollCtr lIAS COvrAlrr, :ALLE.9xENI'. A. NOV. sth. Iros. ff THE DII:ECTUIt4 OFTCIP 4 COIIVAN V' bey tbndet glee's:v.l a dividend of FOCH VEK CENT. on the tni,H4lrtove, from t• , a protect of tbe last, six mMlLL.,:payallic on su•l aft, the 15th Inst. no: tl>m • • J HAVIOSON. Tres, r:, QUAlr' Fi mi: lf r: l N E 5 1 4 .:Tz L i o.x j Y t Lu b D tA g i N u lfr ic,1, 1 .:Pi L rr i : o n i n:c: 7 ,: ! Pirvidir entl, Nov. :Lb. Moe DIEECTORS oV TlUts LANE have t Is ,i.s. decia.rd a quarterly dividend ot , THU PIER— et:NT. on. tltirt.apttal Meek out of the profits of theL lest three months Doeto4l, payable forthwith, free of ',ay, SCULLY, Csahler. • Prori.rs NATiotrAL BARK. PrlTSßilsou. tuber/doh, Ina. I R 11111EL-ro id oi BANK hare talc day declared a dividend of FIVE. PER CENT. On. Its Capital Stock, tree of Government Tax, payables. god...sand. The time of deehLring. future dirjleeas !w been changed to the rime -Mondayof July. RC, any there tier on the tint Stun Jays of January *o July In each year. " P. M. (LONDON , ' nonnea • . Cashier. 1:v4Aw,(4:211::11 STEAM TO AND -rnONI LEVER. POOl AND QITEP:N *MOWN () Rink:lm) TW/CJII A WEIDE.' The INHAN MNZ, salting • EVERY;SikTURBAY EVERYWEDNESPAr .cutirrisfalr. Tickets Yold to &ad from Ireland, ENFilud. Scot! lrmany Coppnce_ applyat Um ra °mem rola a cigilnua illealre _ Zxpressamse, rityi,Vriv =1 =I =IN 'l. 13.l i st i E wL . } ,w fils swim: dot fINEPEte the probes or *Rec the 19th W. ILOSEBilltth, Cashier