The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 10, 1866, Image 1

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    'ALE DAILY .GAzterE.
rueurniza) BY
Pennimaii, Reed(& Co.,
••No. Se 7E-1.1.1113. Mitred:Et;
, -t. P. 11011.11410 N, 114 7
s muses P. RE ED, Hum I nes s liiratiamef!.
' 3 eenu.
Slues Copley
Delivered by carrier, (per Ireep ......•....13 cone
min ts.bica per7..r),....1,
re.lneUons W tionlboys Autd Agents
he qiaztttc
14AllfJ11DAY NOVE - MBER 10, 1860
Trox," is one of the doctrines of the revo
. lutionary epoch, fur which democrats, even
"In these later day; profess unbounded ad.
nitration, except when applied to the blacks.
In Georgia the Legislature, elected exclu-
Bice) , .by whites, * recently passed n law
levying taxes on the; blacks for general
revenue purpose; and the assessors and
collectopt are now engaged in enforcing it.
It isnot probable many of the blacks un
derstand the points which were in eontro
yersfbetween the inliabita:43 of the Thir
teen Colonies and the:-liloth' Country, but
a conception of natural justice seems to
4 have taught them that there is no equity in
making them pay to support a government
In which they have no voice. The result
is they aro resorting to various expedients,
- many of:them highly ludicrous, to escape
,the payment of the taxes imposed. It
Seems probable that the State. Treasury will
not be largely replenished by their Contri
, .
.Tux voice `of the people has been em
,phatie, and lie append a generaVsittnma
tion of Itepublimm mtijorlties; which have
sustiined Congress and mada treason odi
one. Look at the glorious result
At the October elections
New York..
. Nevada.
Total majority
Willi California, Tennessee, and other
States added, the popular majority againit
the President is about• half a million of
Tom President is said , to have lob:lA:leis
tei Clymer . that if Congress attempted to
impeach him he would re,siit their action
•as illegal. On another occasion, speaking
on the same subjeet, he said: "The Old
Capitol is still in existence. It has
been used before and may be used again."
Re had not then heard the results of the,
pleetions. The people have spoken since,
liald their voice is more potent than that of
many-Piesidents. •
Wu mentioned the other day that Major
Eaton was mustered out Vocal:lse hitt-.per
vices were no longer neUdeci. We now.
know that such is not the fact. The
Major made some speecties during the can
woad whieb had so much gamine' ring in
them, and in other ways made his political
sentiments so manifest, that Mr. Cowan
went on and dictated his zonoval. Secre
tary Stanton was not aware he was to be
mustered out until the job was done._
- .
Gov. - SWAN made a speech on iVednes•
day in which he - stated not only that the,
President had deaded •to use military
force against the Radicals in Maryland,
but had actually provided the force, and
made It subject to the Governor's orders.
Of course, the commander-in-chief cannot.
ilawfuny delegate his authority to any
Governer. *
Tom report from Europe now is that
Maximillian is to remain in Mexico, while
the French troops are to be withdrawn in
a body. Those., two_declarati+3 do not
stand together. When the Frdnch troops
go Vnximillian will find Mexico an uncom
fortable place to tarry in.
- New 'Tong election news, ilte . ,wine, gets
better by, age. Gov. rent..'s majority,
it...cording to the fast returns, exceeds four
.teen thousand—which is only a trifle short
of the calculation of the Republican State
Committee made just prior to the election.
TAE. Democrats doubtlesw - Oerpetrated
large frauds is the city of New . York, noi
withstanding the Registry law. But for
that la*, however, they would have made
their frauds enough bigger to have carried
the State.
Tun Heady/110 Republican' of - Thursday
reports the sudden death, on the day before
of Col. A. K. .21c CLuni; of Chambers
burg. The report .t 3 without foUndition.
91317. CIIMILES a. HALPlNE—"Private
kilea O'lleilly"—wall elected Register of - Yoilr..Citk by: teri thousand majority.
is a genuine wArAnntocrat.
,GENi I'. BLit's. Tan for tim Legisia
tipo inliliasoari,natf,o a majority of Els,
Ilia seat viii contastml.
' 7 l line of tno l tiresteru Heroes.
Dr: iloamer;the:President of Anti
ontt'Oollege, told - -the following story In a.
,eech f at BYTtleOter :"Every day in-the
ustety Class Face a Vining clergyman who
Wealiettled at Yellow , Siirings some years
Agq, :NLen the war-bp:dm out lie raised a
compan mostly In, hiti•Jawn parish, and
mammy with it to- hiitleld. For; brave
and'meritorious 'condnet he was raised to
the command of a regiment, At the end of
the, three -years Le mune 'home with his
Men re-enlisted, and went back to light
out, !the battle with Grant. He was soon
promoted to tho, rank of a Brigadier, and
itwaahis brigade;that broke the enemy's
center In that terrible engagement near
Nashville, thereby:SHlng the city. When
the collict'entHple Wanted to send
General NeUO 7 • 'COngress; bat he
wouldnot g 0; ,
offered to make
hint'aridget. of , he would not
take that 4301. '$ was a minis
ter when I w - olliti:war; I was a min
ister while I was in the war, and I mean
to be a minister whilst I live.' He has re
sumed his work at Yellow Springs, and
.every Sundays sit, with edification, under
'Lis direct and earnest reaching," ' •
—.The Petersburg (Va.) -Index has been pux
xled by the rations ):.seports In Its exchanges,
ot Uie cotton crop be - rafter careful Oratrana
-Lion and companion of them all, concludes
Cult this Is about correct: "At ono time there
was • fair promise of an average yleid.but
owing U) the drouth, the rains, the heat, the I
frost, the. army worm, the navy worm, the
commissary worm, Me; quartermaster worm,
the freshets, the cholera; and the grecarnents
Bureau, the aggregate cannot possibly eleeed
517 bales, dtstr . lbuted as f . ollows: Wit
riel l =i 2 iiiss " lrsi l p d AA U srm r lit u t= l( Ti
- Tennessee; 70; Texas, We exclude Berth
sue s, because the journals of. that State
• • suent, but Loth° °titer Stater our -account
1 be correct."
A correspondent of a Kentucky paper who
wieltedJohn Breckinridge in tamed* pre
-1.0 his departure for Europe, denies the
.repOrtii Gaat large contributions of money had
:been sent bfm /donde in the United mate;
„anti elates that he has been. livintrupon slaw
; thousand dollars Bayed - from his salary as a
„,Confeerate General, and obtained in gold in
, ;Vie oerteapondent states that General
IBIteC ridge occupied_ a.,aeatty. fornt.hed
s hame sufficient Airlifts family,' and the pro
.ent e ntertaiinnent of Such friends as sought.
bffyisociPty,lo. actrat ..Of only $l3l per .ntouth.
Other Tenses of Ay g ;Wer.fS }be name:
, .
111--Tb - e Rep
_Oilcan auyority In •Idichigan will
exceed,l s o o . iTh43 atea WI di
P 3 / 411Misinea.
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VOLUME LXXX.:---NO. - 271.
C 373
• An Admonition.
Tho domesUc economist will notneglect to
Prepare for the rigors of the winter by repair
leg and putting into proper order such of his
posSessions as by their very nature are coin.
pelted tofemuln• In the open ntr. subject to
the tempest blasts mud icy embrace of winter.
Hyd rants, If on t'of repair, should bo attended
to before the inclement season arrives and
Axed in such a way as to defy the assaults of
lb; weather. those wishing such worn - done
should, If they regard their own Interests, pa
tronize the plumbing establishment of T. T.
E wens. No. IGO WoOd street, where everything
in the plumbing and gas fitting lino is done
at the most reasonable rates.
There is nothing no much calculated to Im
prove the appetite or Secure the approbation
of the fastidious epicure as to enter a dining
room where, the aroma coming up from the
ourtoe flue the room with a delicious odor;
where' the tables ate covered with snowy
linen, glittering cutlery, and shining queens
ware; and where stitlie attendants almost an
ticipate your every . wish. Such a place is the
Continental Dining aloon, next door to the
Post Office and .lininediately - under 31inced
bookstore on Fifth street.
The pronriolor; William lioltzheimer, is'a
gentleman. am! nolone regrot bestowing
upon him their patronage.
Nervous and Sink illnadaehe—Causes
Nervous and sick headache arc induced by
Indigestion, costiveness, fdul stomach. and a
torpid state of the liver. Persons suffering
from these complaints should avol.l, as mach.
riosslblo, the too free use of spirituous and
malt liquors, coffe anp tooacco, and keep the
bowels open, by small but frequent doses of
BOTIAS.3 BLOOD BILLS, and pursuing a resu
la r cottm pf habit, when they will find they
never fail to remove the difficulty.
. t),001)
40 OW
10,0 0
For Instantly sliver-plating copper, brave,
German silver, bronze, ac., fur cicanin gpnd
fiollabmg silver and silver plated ware. 1
Sold by McClarrim ..t. McKeimaniDrugkieda,
iu lifarket, Street, corner Diamond, near/Fifth
4 31, (M
. . .
Free. Free. Free. l
• •
~ A. treatise upon Dyetng unit Scouring, watt
many other valuable receipts, by nolwe a
Stevens. Free—at McCMyren .t McScutum's
Drug Store; 85 Market street, cor. Din;Montt,
nearrlithitrect. .
French Calf grunts,
Superior finish, nnexCeptlonable make, and
warranted to fit the foot comfortably amt not
make corns. Onus liousz SUOZ Sioux.
In boots and shoes:the Opera Holm Shoe Store
will MO yon Just the goons you want at 'll per
cent.- below the regular market price. I
Slotre Antiques, and Silk Velvets, from eastern
auction sates, vary cheap and In great variety,
at J. W. Barker .t C 0.% 59 Market street.
De 'Moil
Of Winter Goodese co nd
b i ng receive d.
largo supply this tall.
I ===l
Ot all kindi from 1.8.!.f, cents to M.,50 per yard, at
reduced prices at J. N. Barker (o.'d, 59 Mar
ket street. .
You Can Bay
Foreign. Liquors of all kinds at Josephs.
Finch's Dlatlllery, No. 189,190„175 and 195 First
street, Pittsburgh.'
Goal Cough Camly can be obtained at 111 Fed
ern! street, Allegheny City. Geo. lles.yes.
Sold by the Pal, or by 'the Case
Country merehau Ls take note.
OPEILA Moon Suoa Sr
White and: colored.. Very great bargaini In
these at J..{V. Barker d Co.'s, SO Market air
New Goods
In Ermat variety and endless style•.
OPllid. none C Snot" Store.
And shawls, and choice styles of cfoaktnns at
J. W. Bennett h C 0.% trJ Market street.
• 110 Came* o boots sad Moons
En rota., for the celebrated °tient 'louse Shoe
" • You can Boy
New Hops at Joseph S. Finch's
You p!to Buy
New Hops at Joseph Finch's
The illexleen Qaestlott—lLexlmllllan to
Remote In llezteo—Donquet to Br..
-Brlight at Dublin—Victor Euxsovel la
VealeeEntbarleem of the People.
New Toby, flop. 9.—The papers of Oils morn
log-have the following tllmpatebes over tho
The Mera/d's Paris correspOndent says: Gen.
Castlemantl will arrange for the retirement of
the French. troops frac{ Mexico en masse. as
Napoleon thinks that a march by detachment
would be inconvenient. It was considered
that France would he relieved of two huge
incubi, Rome and Mexico, about the game pe
riod of time. .
The Empress Of Mexico, now called the Prin.
ems Charlotte. Is said to be eltlicted with a re
liglons M0130112141111:1 al Ways bewailing the In.
Juries done to the Church in Mexico. and that
her mufti is hopeless of cure, It is said that the
unfortunate lady had Just attempted suicide
by lumping from a window.
The Ilertad's Dublin correspond.snt sum
Tito Bright banquet in - Public promises to be
Brand national affair. BF dyes extracts
from the letters received by the Breentlve
,Vommlttee from leading personages In reply
to the find' ations. The sentiments expressed
by Cardinal Vurtin and others go to show that
Mr. Bright Is likely to effect such a - reunion Of
all good anti worthy Irishmen as will secure
the legitimate removal of existing grievances.
7.—The ships which nave been
Ordered for the service or replaying the
French troops from.Mexlco pre ready to sail.
The Moniker of to-slay says that Maximilian
will remain in Mexico.
Demur, November 7.—Prnasia'sees In the op
pointment of Baron fittest as Minister of For
eign Affairs of Austria, an attempt on the
.part of the Cabinet of Vienne, to Interfere
In questions considered settled, it this view
is correct it will compel the Prussian (*warn.
ment to complete more quickly and Surely 4 ts
national work In thumany.
CONSTAXTIMOiLIt, November 7.—Tho
culty between the Sultan's government and
the Cabinetof tha United States, growing out
of the conduct of the Turkish oßleials towards
the Consul and Consulate of America, in the
island of Cyprus, has been settled, . •
Lemma, Nov. 9.—The London ..Nerdid this
morning says Mr. (iladatones mission to Rome
to 'reconcile the rope to his fate.
The rumor of the failure of the Itusso•Pres
slim alliance is unfounded. -- -
The ship Young Magic Captain Walker,
from Callon , isaground at Dunkirk. •
loysii►an4. Nov. 9.—The briskersP circular
ft,rorrares,litetliU tl .. p t i n ix r tc2 . w h o :v ir e ,
d ig
Clincil clueing at ti g a. •
Loanox, Nov. O.—Cousols for money opened
at 1:18X. Thu following aro the closing prices of
.mcrlcan Securities: grte, 02 llifuois Ven
tral, T 7.
Gunboats for
an Goeber—Rellel tor MS
gtizsza, C:E.,Noveieber understoOd
that Ilur Majesty's steamer Night will pro
ceed to Halifax, and h n eLlg y ues , i ir hl a hone
t lZaje w st;r%s t tfram t tr Aurora. - rom
The New Brunswick Uovernment has glven
elx thousand dollars to the ttnebec sufferers,
and,Neva Scoths has given live thousand del.
lain. The Mayor lies received - another cable
telegram, authorizing is draft ot three thou
fon_ pounds sterling on the 'askiount of the
tarot. The contrlbutlona from England
already reach thin% -Ave thousand dollars,
and those from the United hiatus over ten
I tdionsamtdollars.
CIIr the Merchants. Finer al Telegraph Co 3
• From ell Cigar and Wrsallld .
Special to the Pittsburgh Gszette.
Barer eighteen inclum. Weather cloudy and
Warta. Market dull. .
• Pnarmar P. Nov. 94806.
-ThOrtver at olcopolls • le .18 inches, falling
slowly. dt Fra nklin the same. - ,
• .
New I,tooesie,Owew:
iFORTEI3SImmo:, November 9.—Tbe far
line rouse from - Norfolk to rhile4elphle and
jioyr York, Ls uOW °yeti for travel.' .
Chief Clerk of Agriculture Appointed—
Appointments by the Preside:lt—Fen
lan_Meethig-71tequest for the Records
of Fenian i ' rlalsCoinplied {Pith—olli
cial Dispatches from Mex.leo.
WAsuiticcros, Nov. 9.—Major 13olton Newton
has been appointed Chief Clerk of the pepart
marmot Agriculture, and Is now acting-Com
.. .
nalassloner In the absence of lion. Isaito Now
ton, who has boon 111 for the past Bin weeks.
The President, to-day, made the foitoWing
appointments: Joseph . U. Wells of the ins
[riot of• Columbia, Agent for the Flathead ioni
other confederated tribes of Indians in. Mon
tana Territory; Joel It. Bassett, of Minnesota,
Agent for the Chipnewits of the id ississippi,
Pillegeraud Lake and Winnebago bands, and
the Indiana of Red Lake and Pembina. •
- Odd Fellows Hull was well tilled tide even
ing with Feniuns to express their sympathies
lit response to the call of the National Execu
tive Committee of Irish. Citizens Capitaless
the senttments of the Irish at the in
regal d to of the Fen tans in Canada.
liesolutions w er eeadopted denouncing the ac
tion of the Canadian authorities, tannin on
the United States Government to Interpose
in behalf of the prisoners, etc. Several able
speakers addressed the meeting. Considera
ble euthusiasm was displayed by - the autti
ence,And the denunciations of British Lyrae.
rty and the exposition bf the wrongs of Ireland
elicited energetic applause.
Information is resolved that the Canadian
authorities Will. comply With the request Unit of,
the Uni States Government to be prouipt
iy furnished • with records of the trails of tau
United States citizens arrested as Fenian In
- • . 4
The Mexican legation received, to-day, offi
cial dispatch. from Chihuahua up to toe 13th
ult. Gestural Auusda was. already flu his way
to Durango. It was thought that the Impe
rial garrison would evacuate the city before
the approach of. General Amada.
Thu official paper'ot , ho 15th ult., published
.the official report of Gen. Currents 01 the im
portant victory obtained by his troops over
the Ereneh at Pales Puerto; near Alassaltau,
on the-17th of September last.: -,..
A dmree from President Juarez, dated the
15th of October, is already published: it de
clares that the LOUleilallti Tebauutepee Coin.
pony to open steam communleation by tile
Isthmus of Tehanntepec, - havlng tailed to fol.
1111 the obligations imposed.upost theta by the
decrees of September 40,1357, Starch :Atli, 1557,
and October 75th, 1800, have lost all
their rights to that undertaking. A. grant for
the same.ts omit° to the Tehuantepec Truasit
Company, organized lately lu the city of 'New
York, This Company sent coma months ago
n special agent to the' City of the Mexican' negotiate tor this grant. Th
grant la liberal ovidle it fully protects the
rights and interests of Mexleo.
Panama Dates—Arrival of A elatles.—
Ye. ton's Blejorll7--ntephrne Nul Hoar
ID Ireland —HI. Plana—llhe Great
Eastern and the PAM Expoosillon—
tame of the Harriet lane.
New Yang, Soy. 9—The steamer Henry
Chauncey brings , the Panama &sr or Nov. lat.
The steamer Peru from South American ports
arrived at Panama on the hho brought
ta,cue In specie. The news is not important.
In South Peru commerce had suffered sever..
ty from the hill in saltpetre. Thu Ital tun ship
H. Pratolongo had arrived at Cahn" with 45.1
.Asiatics on board from /damn°. Out of the
whole cargo only seven died on a yoyaue of
laidays. Twenty . political prisoners had
been brought to Cuts° from Arclulpa among
tlrem Gen.' Deltanion, Carnes Macliuca, and
Lieut.. Col. D. Jose Canzeo, from Central
I America. There is nothing new.
Governor lesion's majority at the latest ee
-1 counts was 13,zed.
The report that Mr. James Stephens, C. O.
IL, left on Thursday evening font rerand, le to
tally without foundation. Mr. Stephens has
been In his orlice and was busily engaged
lbtoughout the day. Ilia departure 1:11501 be
near athunil, but lie start.s,Mnd from whence,
will only be known to Coloael Kelly and two
I others. It Is probable the general public will
he kept in Ig non:ince of his moverneutefor the
next three weeks. No intormauoa can be oM
tamed Dom headquarters.;
A correspondent says that the Great East
ern has been chartered by M. 111selche, to My
between New York and ilrest during the
season of the hots Erpositilon.
A Havana letter says: The steamer Harriet
Lane is expected to reach New York Mu cou
' pie of weeks. Iler History is perilous and in.
teresting. After being captured by,tho Con
federates at Galveston she was sold to Me.
'louse, of Houston, who loaded tier with cot
ton, and she succeeded in reaching the port,
where she has remained over since. Mr. House
transferred the vessel to Mr. flunky, at.pres
ent a clerk In his employ, who, In turn, execu
ted-an nnconditlonai and Irrevocable power
of attorney to Captain Scott,. who claims the
. vessel, he having executed a frond for $lO,OOO.
Mr: House, who has been pardoned by the
President, turns over all claims be may have
on the Harriet Lane to the United States, and
,Culted Staten naval elllcera are expected at
Havana to take charge or her unless Captain
Scott institutes suit en behalf of himself and
the parties for whom hula acting, among whom
lien. J. If. Magrniler presents a little claim of
over SCAM. There Will he no further delay in
the matter. The ameuut realised from the
sales of cotton brO4ght by tgi Harriet Lane,
together with the soul received from the
English Insurance Companies, Ming .the
amount paid for damaged to the ship by lire
while lying in the harbor of Havana, was in
vested jointly by the Confederate agents and
Mr. House in the purchase of the steamer Pei-
Man, vrideti will be placed- In the bands of,
.Messrs. - Morrell A gsco of Havana, and
theist consigned to any lino who will sell the'
steamer, and the proceeds to Po divided by`
the Unlttat States and 31r. House. Those are
the remnants of the jute Confederacy In Cuba.
Only half a dozen , or ea-Confederates remain
In Havana engaged In catamaran.' and me
chanical pursuits. .
Judge. Ratan Urging. Impartial tin:-
lenge for Texas—The file!mond
.••Times,' on the Recent Itteetione—
More Comfort. for Jett: Davis.
Nsw Yong., November 9.—Jtlgo perran, of
TOVII, a foutober of the Cabinet of Jeff. llsoels,
has virlidou a letter to Governor Throckmor
ton in w hicirbe urges the people of. Texas to
give suffrage 'to the negroes on the sumo
termsas it is given to the whlttc. lie warns
tile people of the State that the North is In
earnest tit dentouiling suffrage for the blacks,
nod says that those who oppose negro suf
frage ill this qualified form elect to force uni-
Vernal negro suffrage on tile etiontry, and
nught to be and w il l be, held responsible by
our people for it when It comes, and they
ought no longer to be allowed to shield them
selves under pretended ignorance from the
pqnscjinencee of such crim Mal de magogu ery.
The RR hrtiond 717A0s says of the recent elec
tions : These results have surprised none
angina us but that class of saynine gentle
men who' were eenstantly port mating mira
cles for the salvation of tint Sou hero Canted•_
oracy during the darkest - hours of its brief
history, in what way the Radicals will abuse
the vast powers which the now possess, It is
as 'yet Impossible to conjecture. Their may
either insist on the adoption of the Constitu
tional Amendment as the measure of
our ilumilluttrirG Of liley may discard
It. and.. deuland something still mere
degrading at nor bands. But ono coarse itjnow
open to us, which 1a consistent with both hon-.
or and dignity. We ran refuse to ho node pat-
DOS to the schemes which have been deviled
for our.degmdatiOn. We can thus preserve
that honor which defeat couLl not take trout
iss and trust to tea healing Ina uence of time,
and better celluloid. But come what may the
Southern peoplealionid enteric:to no covenant
On terms which will brand the with dillion.
on they are now faithfully obeying this laws
and Coiistitptlon of the United Statesj they
will do nothing more, ,_
A. correspondent - a few dayi ago visited Car.
roll Hall, n spaelons building Fortress
Monroe, erected originally to accommodate
the officers on duty, but lately mode note
worthy as the plison house of Jeff. Davis. A
numbef fel men were engaged in removing
the bars from the windows, and making other
alterations to contribute to Um comfort of
Mr. Davis. Ills family intend tb take up their
quarters within the hall. 'A suite Or monis
Will ho set apart, and they will need a large
ree eptipa varier to accommodate the visl-
The Tote of Debierare—The(lleJerlhles,
• iViLxiecrrotr, DEL., Nov. 9.—The Uo iette
claims tho following as the vote of Ulo State.
The Goennercial thinks it is too high for
Saulsbury, the democratlo candidate. New
Ce.tie county—for Diddle, Ir. Kent co-lefty—
for Saulsbury, fr.. Sweet counly-rfor Sains
bury. 767. Total for Saulsbury, 1,G05; for RW
-4110,179; demogrutto majority lb the State,
.1,510: Selmer county, broad Creek and Little
Creak united give Saulsbury 416 InajorltY4
Union loss of 11% Cedar Creek gives Mello
76 majority, a Union loas of 49. The whole of
Nelatcounty m estimate] to give Saulsbury
ktl. majority.
The New Orleans Alot—lleeretart
lon Charged With the ResponslblO/7
or IL -
NEW Torte, Nov. 9.—The Oats a - pedal Bars;
The Witahlogton'Tteptibilocin charges that Sec.
rotary Stanton withheld from We rrealdent
an Important dispatch from lion. Baird, sent
two doe prevlena to the New Orleans not,
mal alloges that If the Proaldent had.recelved
It the riot would not havaoccurted.
Assassination at Louisville.
Loanivatzialiovember D.-11r. Johnli.Bader,
at Noiln's Turners, Edmunds's, county; was
assassinated Tuesday morniss. lavestiga,„
Uorta throw sitsplolon.on John. Vanmetor, as
tits assassin. The cacao M.;loi yet developed.
Arrest of Olneeris of a Mining Compass/
—Arrival of the Crew of the Lost Wits ,
ler AnSelalse—Diseorerlee Heisting. SO
the Franklin Expedition—Fnnerat of
Mimeos Draper.
..Nsw Yong,. Nov, o.—Thren men name( 110
ley, Ilarruat and Wheeler, onleers of a mining
company le Wall street, have been arrested
and lodged in the county Jail. The facts In
Unease which led to thearrestend Invarcera ,
Elan of t nese men have not yet been fully de•
Veloped, but are said to boor an extructlinftrir
character. -
The Captain and part of the crew of Alfa
American whaling ship Antelope, which wall
lost last October. near lieantelik have
arrived at St. Johns. The Unnmercida Journal,
or that town, 131,3%,:
Tee onleers of the Antelope bring Interest:
hog InfortnatiOn of the discoveries nettle lid ,
Mr. C. F. pect Mg the II anklla expo.
dition. Mr. Ball bats in his possession a geld
watch, Homo silver spoons. one other relies
supposed im_havo belonged to the . Franklin
party. Ile also learned that the remains of
some of Franklin's men were lying ander a
boat in Cenan title Bay, whore :boy hail been
placed by the natives after death. The na
tives wouni,net permit Mr. Hall to go on to
examine them, hut as several vessels will
winter in Repulse Bay, It is believed Mr. Hall
will secure 0.913t1111CU and push his tray to
where the remains are ail tatted.
The funeral of Simeon Draper took place at
St. Bartholomew's Church, corner of lafitY
ette Plactiand Great Jones street, this after
noon. -
Narrow Eireapo of ra Family—A. Child
Jumps frani n Third awry Window.
PirlLAnnalnn,...cov. o.—dn manna tire was
given last night about twelve o'clock, and on
reaching tile spot the firm was found to pro.
cried from the. fancy soap had perfumery store
of Randall..i Co. Ott Chi, I nut street, above
Tenth. The firemen . actively endeavored to
suppress the: flre but despite their crofts it
gained rapid headway, and when at Its height
it was announced LIME, a, (sniffy were sieeplng
In the upper part of the building, and just us
the word was given titers appear./ ut one Of
the windows u little child twelve years of age
who crie,f frantically for help. The firemen
immediately placed their ladders In position
to rescue thestiffercr, but before they, could
ascend the:child sprang from the third story
window and fell with great force on the top of
the Stone window front which place It was lin
tiled lately rtsctmil and taken Introit neighbor
lug house, when a physician was sent for to
minister to its Injuries. It was soon discover
ed that the Child had sustained no further in
juries than several severe sprains. Soon after
the mother of tiro child, Mrs. Hartwell and
her two daughters were taken from the burn
ing structure In an exhausted condition. '
The Amendment.' ggeJeelett—The Vole
Almost Unpin Imoo so.
MILLIDOZWILLI; GA., Nov. 9.—The Legisla
ture rejected the Constitutional Amendment,
ThexeJecting resolution reads:
I2raoltrd, That thud Legislature of Georgia
declines to rattly! Mb amendment adding the
I4th article to till Constitution of the United
Stales. •
A motion was made: In the Senate to post
pone its conelderthion to some future day,
but was amended to merely adopting the above
resolution, and tins passed—yeas .36, nays none,
the full Senate voting. in the /louse the vote
Mood. year is L nays .1, Dii..Ellingten, of Gil
moilr, and Mr. .11 umpli reys, of FRO nler.
P . romieet et the Pilate Falr—Huntills
lion and Prayer In Alabama
New Oncenue, November 9.—The State Paw,
to begin.on the :WO, promises to be a grand
affair. There Is every prospect of a most to
reunion of Northern and Southern in
Tho ItLahop of the Episcopal Church loft to-
day Logo to Kentucky, will:re an assistant to
thu Bisnop of fientimity In to Inc consecrated.
The now itlithop of Louisiana ata3s here.
liovirrnOr Patton, of Alabama, luta i. , ,med IL
proclamation ordering the observance of the
. ..t9LII Instant an a day of . , fasting, humiliation
and ptayer.
The, New Jerwey Eleeilon—liepublican
We_Welty Over 2,000.. -
NEWARK, N. J., Nov. 9.—dis the returns have
become more. nearly perfect, we are enabled
to state as the result of the election us
lows: The Republican majority in the State is
a little over 2,000. The majority for liaises, Re
publican, in the Ult. Congressional district, is
921; that of 11111. Republican, in the 4th ills-
Wet, Is 465; iluylcr, the independent 'Demo
cratic candidate receiving less than ibU votes
In the whole district. Newell, Republican, In
the 2.1 district, is defrato.l by a SEllellmuJority.
Another Bloody Mystery In Philintel
Ynicanstr LILA, November 9.—A.j01117105211 . 1111
baker, reeldbig In the southern part of the
city, was band in the cellar of his house, to
flar.with his throat cut. lie WEI. rCll:lOVed to
the hospital, and soon tiled. The affair is In
volved m complete mystery.
Fenian Trials and O - Opier Telegrams on
Emeriti rage. ' .
I NVeleome'llTome
Mr. Daniel O'Neill, the versatile and accom
plished editor of the Dirpatch, returned home
yesterday, after a prolonged stay find extend
ed tour through Europe. We Were pleased to
note that the trip had a. beneficial effect upon
him, he looking the very picture of Ike best
health imaginable. Ile expresses himself well
p eased with his trip, and eateeinahl/ obser ve tlons of the manners and customs . of foreign
climes ample repayment ton the time and ex
pense of visiting the famous spote.of the Old
Continent. We welcome him buelc, and feel
that. the readers of the Dispatch will Join with
us, Since Mr. O'Neill Intends to immediately
borness himself to the chair editorial of that
Joarngl. Ile 'was accompanied home by 31..
J. Heron Poster a nifflliss. Julia Viu-,ter, both
Of 10.1014 Were equally delighted with their
trip across the eeettri.
will Uemove
Mr. J. D.Ramaley. the well knotin-and ex
tensive dealer in clothing, boots, caps and
gents. furnishing goods, is about to remove
lily store into •the palatial building recently
erected directly opposite the Union Depot.
Daring an Immense stock at his present popu
lar salesrooms, Nos. $3l and rAI Liberty street,
which he is desirous of disposing of at prices
without regard to cost, title is a favorable
opportupity for procuring great bargteins'in
overcoats, cents, Vests, • taints, buts, cups,
boots tam shoes, and every imaginable art late.
or gents. furnishing goods. Thu entire stock
mad be disposed of, , and our readers will be
afforded an opportunity of purchasing at
prices which characterized old times. •
The elegant salesrooms now occupied, in
cluding fixtures, etc., with dwelling house at
tached, is to bo rented, or rather the lease of it
from the present time to April, IND, is to, lie
sold. The location is agootrono. Enquire of
the proprietor.
Mortuary Report.
Dr. D. L. McCook, Physician to the Board of
health, reports, for the week enillog Nove m
bernth, eighteen deaths: Six of the ileccalimf
were maies.und twelve were females. Seven
teen were white, and
/ one was Colored. The
cllsenscs provingfatarwcre as follow,,:
Typhoid 1/ysentery, 1; typhoid fever, 2, dye. ,
entery, I; consumption, 2; pithoonnry congt:o-
tion, i; rnemon la, II; unknown, I; hydroceph
alus, I; dipthoretie croup, I; laryngitis, 1; to 111
born 2; dlpthurin, 1; congestion nt hinge, 1.
fit t he above thorn were: Limier I year, 4;
rrom / 10 2 years, 1; 2 to 5 yearn, 2; `AI to 30
yours, 2; 30 to 10 years, 2} 411 tO SO yours, 2; to to
CO years, II CO to 70 years, 1; 70 to 50 tears, /.
Enrirhwy.—Fri:an the Bedford intoirer we
learn that the confectionary of George Mar
darn' was ento retreat night a %tucker two ago
by breaking open a back window. The burg
lar appropriated a largo number of nickel, a
dollar or two of strip and a twenty dollar bill
On the petroleum: yank. On last Saturday a
negro named Barnes-presented a twenty dol
lar bill. answering the description of the bill
taken, at the banking house of heed & Scholl,
but before bo could be arrested ho lied the
Valuableion.—iVo noticed last
evening In our visit to the °petalled°, 41
a 0.
eitled Improvement Itt the orchestra, anal upon
inquiry found that it, talented artist has been
placed In charge of the drum corps which nets
In conjunction with the orchestra. Manager
liens 4101orves ere(' It for this new evidence ot
his desire to place the Opera Rouse upon an
equal footing In every respect with the Lad,
tres cc the cast.
Alec Iblanie,..The Ilellhtaysburyr titundorif
says that a monster catamount was billed by
Thomas Stephens„ lathe nelghborbood-of
litsin, on Thursday last. The 'varmint' meas
ured four feet on on a stretch, and° two feet
eight inches from the head to the tall. It stood
two feet high. This ferocious animal is said,
by the oldest inhabitants, to ho the largest or
its species that wins over killed on ihe.alle•
gherileg. -
'Western Illateeralty.—The neat torn of
this Institeto will commence Thlusdny, No.
vember Oth..ln addltiottto th e present climes
In the different departmenta, there Will be
ClllBBOB In Cherniatry, Astronomy. Rhythm,
and Political P.oonop Those who wish to
attend to, ffookdrec g and Penmanship
alone, can do so for !teen dollars par term.
A new elate fOrtatat le Right (jytebee•
Completion of the System—Test of Its
Merits—Complete Success—true lime
from the'fli Dell.
• At length the fire alarm. telegraph, for the
completion of. which 'the public have for so
long a time been on the qui rite, has been fin
ished and is ready for operation., The final
arrangements • - were made.. yesterday, and
searching tests of its workings instituted.
Yesterday tatenacxni Chief Engineer Hare and
Wm. X. - Ogden, Esq., of the Committee made
the circuit of all the boxes and tested the per.
feet ion of the workings of all the circuits.
Last evening, on an Invitation front the Firo
Alarin Committee, the members of the Pitts•
burgh Councils and a large delegation ;of the
unanbers of theAllegheey Councils, together
with the members of the press and some Invi
ted persons, met the Committee at the central
office in Wilkins Hall, there to. witness the
practical illustration of the workings of the
system when to full operstlon, and to Judge
for themselves of its success or failure
Mr. J. M. llainewell, of he firm of Gamewel I
fi'mulard told Company, whose. system this Is,
made a few brief remarks, explaining clearly
the principles and workings of the arrange
ment. As our readers are probably aware,
there are lorty-ono signal boxes distributed
throughout the city in easily 'accessible loca
tions, and within _eaiy reach of each ether.
Eachof these boxes Inman outer and an inner
door. Within , the inner door is a littl • system
of clock work, which is wound op and 'set go
ing bya key, which projects outsid , ot the in
ner. door. The running. down of this maehin-
Cry causes to revolve a Small "break wheell,"
with cogs and breaks corresponding with the
number of the box. These cogs and breaks
open and close successively the circuit con
necting with the central oflice; and so, auto
radically, give the alarm. The key to the
outer door of the box is left with some respon
sible persons near the station, and when a lire
In Hest district is ilbasivered, the bolder of the
key opens the door, polls down the alarm key,
the machinery Is set In motion and the alarm
flies over the wires to the central onlee.
At the Central Mlles the alarm is given in
two ways: by a small alarm bell, which sounds
the number of the box, and bya register which
records the number with a -pencil on s. slip of
paper. This last Is only used us is safeguard to
the ',nice operator. Us marks upon the paper
mediae and the hour, and flies it away to pre
vent misunderstandings.
Yrom the office toil.' Various engine houses,
signal stations and the great alarm bell, are
wires by which the alarm of lire mighttantly
transmitted. This trrinsinlSSlOn be el.
reeled by manipulating the wires directly at
the battery without the Intervention of com
plicated. m ry, but this primitive method
of operating would lead to divers mistakes
and would .probably render the alarm ,tele
graph a nuisance instead of a bles sing.
Therefore the Repeater Is employe,/ to
transmit the Intelligence of fire on the
Car principle that automatic machinery Is
more accurate and reliable In its action .
than human hands can ever become. This
"repeater: , works almost precisely on the
same principle as the l enreak-wheels" in the
signal boxes. It Is furnished with two dials;
supplied with hands, like a clock. The min
ute hand on each of these dials Is placed at
twelve tad the hour hands adjusted accord.
mg to ills number of the elation.. If the num
ber is sixteen, one hour hand is placed at one
and the other at six. The key is pulled smt
the alarm is transmitted tnrough the different
circuits, to the alarm bell, to the gratis In the
engine louses, and to the little bulls In each
of the signal boxes.
To prevent false alarnis that might possibly
occur, the :wwltch hoard" Is interposed ILA a
safeguard. No manipulation of the repenter,
or of the wires at the battery could convey all
alarm .Meade, unless the circuit, is effected
'by the adjustment of, Alio keys 'or switch
board, which adjustment Is effect.' by the
operator after the alarm is reeely .1 at the
oftlee.• ,
To secure the ability of transmitting the
alarms, even though the repeater be-out of or
der, a system of operator's keys Is provided
.by moans of which it calfbeeffeeted.
In order that the elremt may .be fully and
regularly tented, the "Tell.tnle Clock , ' Is pro.
vided. This is an ordinary clock with an
extraordinary. attachment. fly Its machinery
a little paper dire marked with sections is
. marls to revolve slowly. A little bell connec
ted with this strikes three t.mes an hour to
draw the operator's attention. .At the strik
ing of ilia bell the operator Moot cause the
current to pies through the entire circuit,
and If the circuit is complete.' a little pencil
dots the fact on the paper disc, If the duty is
neglected,'n blank - space on the paper at the
spot that shthild be marked, tells the tale.
no Mech, In brief, for the explanation given
last night by Mr; Gaznewon. AL ItaMOOMUSiOn
a key was placed In tee hands of Presldent
EdeCtibley. Of the Select - Council, with the re
quest that ho would go to some box of Ms own
selectiou and transmit an alarm to the 001 cc
Ile proceeded to box N0..17, ontire corner of
Wood and Sixth streets,and at fiftten Minutes
past night, pulled the key. -In our half mill
eh: the strokes ofaeventeen were kiunillng
on the great bell, en all theengige gongs and
on the little box trolls. In two minutes from
the lint tap of the belittle engines began to
arrive on the spot. In nix and n, toil( minutes
the Relief had reached the place all erred up,
having COMO its distance of a mile nitil
quarter whits promptness that •was refresh
ing. At this' striking proof of the ettlelency
of the new system, all voted ha success.
We are heartily glauh the good work has
come to he suceensfel an ISSultho noci.ilit of the
city, and on account of the gentlemen cool
rposl ng the Committee who have had the mat-
-ter In hand, and also of the gentlemen. OM.
saltuting the lion to WbOtil WO are Indebted
for the system. .
We will Mato here that an additional, some
what-novel unit expeeilingly valuable, Use IS
to be made of the'greal hell. From lt,Aour
Limes in the twenty.iour hours, o:trellis:insure
to learn thin comet. time. At twelve o'clock.
noon and midnight, at ALL O'clock in the
evening, and ut six, o'clock In the 'morning,
the proper strokes on the sonorous body
will . announce the time as the . stars
have told IL The URIC of these strokes will
be rivulet.' by the proverbially correct cal
culstion s of lleeisrs. ,
J. It. Reed - 4, Co.; No. GS
limor'ith street .
regular n'
transit gentl ' Ors n e
rv r a eg t s t , e madetheir
nightly with the most perfect Instrument%
anti, beret Ore, the bell, guided by them, must
give the most perfectly tellable 'lntelligence.
So our citizens, besides saving their property
by melte, Of the big bed, will also says their
The Trogrees of Allegheny
The morchnntile progress of Allegheny
City within the last decade of yesrs,las been
a matter of comment and general surprise to
even the most casual observer of commercial
events. Dui a few years since purchasers felt
constrained, by necessity, to come from that
Woof the rivpr to Oils, to buy gem's, as there
was not, at that time, a single dry geode house
In that city, of sufficient magnitude, to arrest
the attentlnn of large dealers, or wititatn
enough stock to afford a choice to even the
least, fastidious of our ladles. A cursory
glance through the streets of our sister city,
yesterday, gore en reason to wonder at the
change that has taken place, and note the
difference between the recent past and the
present. The dry goods trade particulamy
Misadvanced, and where stood, a few Twiret
since, the tiny insignificant store, now can be
seen the lofty anti magnificent establishments, ,
whose hundreds of shelves are crowded with I
goods from all parts of the world, and whose
sales rooms are Paned with buyers not only
from Allegheny, but from our own city.
Among the latter nosy be properly classed the
new dry goods emporium of Erwin McConnell
t Co.. No. WS Eadeval street, which, although
but recently opened,' has ul ready gained tile
front rank in the trade of that bustling mart.
The building theybecupv is new, having been
built and fitted up by fi. W. Simpson, and can
be readily recognized by the beautiful iron
front put op last summer. On the first hear
Is the retail department, filled with silks,
sebum, poplins, Organdies, merino, linens,
musiins, flannels and calicos, both SW French
and American Manufacture.. Here an au d corps of salesmen aro kept busily en
gaged waiting on the customers, who are
.daily augmenting In numbers as the firm's
manner of doing busbies. .bccomes better
known. The second door Is dedicated exclu
sively to tile wholesale business, and Is "dock
ed with every imaginnble style aud quality of
goads, from the coarsest to the finest texture;
Sim country merchunts should not neglect to
visit this establishment, OA the flrnt Is pro ,
pared to offer to such a Mass of custom su
perior inducements. Thd mernimis of the
hbuso are all young men, full of energYmnd
gmaiiead-fitiveness, with a perfect knowledge
of this branch of business, and' therefore; can
not do otherwise than succeed. They have
our best wishes In their Ilens" enterpclnu.
(lreat Blumlent Attraction
Just returned front a visit to the East, our
friend U. Eicher has brought with him, and
has now on exhibition ut the warerooma or /1.
lcieber 4t Bro., Wood street. a beautiful speci
men of the aindoir, or Upright. Piono, of the
famous Steinway Je Sons, Now York, make. It
Is extra braced by a double iron tram°, one in
front and another at the back, .imparting or
traordlnary strength and capacity to stand
In tune; while the now and patented "resona
tor" or sounding board compressor, Imparts
great additional vibratory power to the wood
unit produces a tone meet, sympathetic and
voice-like in its character. Mb term OE"mois
• !tor" among the pianos is, certainlY, not a
misnomer as applied to. this close of - piano,
and the Messrs. ateinway merit the thanks of
the nubile for perfecting an instrument Which
groin its compact and graceful farm bidet the
tning wanted for small parlors and boudoirs
and sitting rooms. it is aliened' tliat
tuning In two years will settle° to. keep, this
I iron clad piano' in tune. The purchaser, a
gentleman of this ellr, has kindly coutiented
.10 W e l be e "r'ir re
eiwta*n exhibition '
law days at
trooMS, aildthoptthibiacconling
ly, are fantail to =Rand buyer-411m attracs
tlve mtlilialaoveity.. • • .
- •
HeAM/ ItObbv l 7Flici 'Greeliville Argus
swot An attempt rteamadu by u couple of able
bOdled Individuals to rob II man of his ramtcy,
host Packard , s hotel, on Friday evening inst.
After a lively scuffle they succeeded In getting
tome eight Coatis tot their pains. •
Life Ignorance—The Dlotinctire Fen
toren; of the North American Compo
ity—Elberostintlarentento Offered and
Protection Afforded Policy- Holders..
We have alreadyl shown that the impedi
ments and barriers thrown up by an erroneous
thinking people against tile system of life in
surance, have gradually been removed, and
public opinion, which long run in channels of
prejudice and opposition, now runs in a coun
ter current of healthy thought and frlendli.
neon to the subject. Satisfied that few, if any,
of our readers look upon life ;thaurance with
the slate abhorrence in which it was viewed
by our non.prOgressive forefathers, we will
now endeavor to treat upon the relative met . -
its of the companion prominently before the
public as insurers cif human life. In doing so
we are not inclined to disparage the claims of
either or any of the numerons corporations in
the field, but would slinplypoi nt - to the merits
and distinctive features of the old and relia
ble North. America Life Insurance Company
of New York. The Empire State business men
deservedly enjoy a reputation as sharp and,
fur-seeing. They have carefully studied the
subject of life insurance in all its details,
anti have discovered upon the one hand the
vast benefits of the sy tem if properly oper
uted, and upon the other file iminerous ave.-
nues opened to dishonest parties, who may
embark in companies (or pr•scylf speculation,
having no Idea of perpetuity. In order to
Prevent the latter null enjoy tile former, the
merchants and business-mien have succeeded
in procuring wise adti justlegislation, placing
the regulations and securitic,..out of the hands
of the individuals immediately concerned.
This effectually ciremo the door to any species
of dishonesty, and places the New York com
panies upon a safer basis than any other In
the world. For instance: By a recent act of
the Legislature of that State, the North Ameri
ca is authorized to make special deposits with
the Superintendent of the Insuratav Depart
ment and receive therefor Registered Policies,
bearing the seal of the Department and a cer
tificate that tile Policy is secured by a Pledge
01 Putlic Stocks and Bonds alai Mortgages,
under a special trust enlisted by net of the Leg
in favor of this company alone. TM. pathos
every Registered Policy as secure lel a
tioned Bank note or United States bond.
Then agate the policies of the North Ameri
ca are not hedged with legal obstructions anal
technicelities to prevent the helm of the In
sured deceased from immediately receiving
the full amount of insurance. From the very
moment the policy receives the proper signa
,tures, it becomes indisputable, and is para
ble upon simple proof of death alone. Nor
does the North America policy, as do many
ethers, unreasonably limit the occupation of
the insured, or prescribe the limits of travel
so closely as to compel the assured to forego
its pleasures. The company is very !teem.' in
these matters. They permit permees who le-
Bore with thee] to change their oecnimtlOti+
for more hazardous ones without demanding
extra rates, and at ordinary rates will insure
officers and others of the army and navy in
time of peace,-and should hostilities com
mence, the premium will continue the same.
But the feature which we deem the crown
ing one of the North America, Is the original
non -forfeiture plan, introduced for-the pro
tection of•parties who may, through the vi
eissitiales of life, become poor and unable to
pay the hrethillttl on their policies when due.
All of the llfei and endowment policies are
.non-forfeiting after three annual payments
shall have been made, thus securing to the
heirs every dollar of the ineestment, whether
or not the pollee be continued till death,
it frequentlyhappens that the party Insur.
ed is not fully_ prepared to meet at the
very day upon which fulls 'due the prem
ium on the policy. re 1111111.3 he may be pecan•
Inrlly embarrassed, or perchance he Is absent
( rem the city. or the molter escapes his atten
lion. To provide against any forret LIMO upon
sigh trilling eatome, tile North Alheritet.tlll9
wisely concluded to grant ail policy holders a
special Limo of thirty days grace. Tillagenerons
provision cannot be no deeply appreciated
by the party about insuring his life. Alter all
premiums are paid, four yeors of grace will Ito
allowed, if neederl,.(and - •
er manner after more payments) during which
time the insurance continues under loins of
premiums until the fell value of the policy Is
exhausted. Tho advantage of this provision •
is at once easily understood by tile prudent
:financiers:And proves one of the greatest dis
tinctive features of the company. The re
striction cm travel is by 110 means close;tind
ono person out of ten thousand will never de
sire visiting hue remote sections of the globe,
which aro only forbidden by the North Amer
ica policies. There are many other :Wyman
-genus features Cl this favorite life insurance
company which we cannot thoroughly explain •
to day, bat will endeavor to do so some tuture
In conclusion, we would, after .establishing
tlur.urgeut necessity . of emery prudent man
insoring his life for the'benent of his depend
ing relatives, advise all to closely examine into
the extraordinary claims of the North Amer
ica Company over all others. .Mr. E. T. Cook,
No. 07. Fourth street, is the general agent for
Western Pennsylvania, and wil! he found will
ing and ready to thoroughly explain every
distinctive feature and advantage of the
North America risks. •
Orx Lie liOCXE.—Thls afternoon a grand fash
ionable matinee - will be held at this temple of
the theme, at which !-The 31arbleileart" will
be presented. This 'is u beautiful zolnance,
and will draW a crowded audience. The ad
mittance, tc; all parts of the house, Is llxed at
twenty-live cents. tht bloodaynlght next the
great actor, 1.;,. 1.. Davenport, will atipmr in
Daudet.. To•night. the "Three Guardsmen”
will be presented for the-last time this sea
son. •
TIIHATGII.—Mr. John ltrouguam, the clever
actor, concludes late engagement ut tile The
atroto-ni ght, upon which el:ens:Oa he will ap
pear as Columbus, an the fun-provoking ex
travaganza of "Coluthlms',lteconstructed."
After which the 'lrish "Genius" atria "The
BeaCOn of Death' , will he uresential:" This nf
ternoon a grand matinee will be held, upon
which occasion-Ur. Sydney Marlow, a talented
young gentlemen of tills city, who possesses
extraordinary histrionic ability, will appear
as Itichnrd The performance - will con
clude aith the nautical 411,1311\ of "Black
..Eved Susan."
Auxtrux Ncoirre.—This truly wonderful er.
hlbltion ' illustrative of the beautiful scene.*
of the A rabian Nights, closes to-night at Ma
sonic Hall. Ahafternoon matinee w ill he held.
These will positively tie the last two enter
tainments of the Arabian Nights In this city.
and , all should embrace the mwortuulty and
Badly Tiested
Chrlitiana Baker resides In the pleasant
surburbazj village of.. Hatfield, In Collins
township/and unfortunately in the immediate
township (and
neighborhood ofn married pair named August
and Mary Weisel', whose indiscreetness, 11
Christiana's story can be believed, shows
their appellation to be a misnomer, being not
wise at all, but exceedingly foolish.
Yeeturtlay, Mary fancied Miss Baker had done
her na Injury whirl, nothing but a resort to
violence could assuage, and she therefore
struck Christiana over the head andshoulders
with a dirty broom, Injuring her person and
damaging to a considerable extent the habilis
meats she wore. • Thu .husband of
the assailant, the valiant August..whozieviame
13 by nq means indicative of his character,
arrived ht the scene of strife In time to seethe
assault, but instead of endeavoring to quell
the disturbance, he threatened to give Chris
tiana a more ,severelzaialgution than that to
which shelled been just subjected. Fearing
he would carry Ills threat into execution Mrs.
Baker took refuge likilight, appearin g at" the
odic,' of Alderman Taylor, a short time after
the affray, where she made an information
against her aggressors, charging the ferriln
with asmuit and battery and the masculine
with surety of the pears!, The accused were
arrested and made to give bail for a hearing
on Merida) , at eleven o'clock.
We have the presumption to regard our
selves rurpubilc benefactors, basing our Maims
on the ground that we have always an earnest
solicitude • for 'the; went of our fellow man.
Nothing so d 'stresses us,'lts to see °a poor over
berdened wight,ii plodding along through Ine
streets of a cold winter i day, with his knees
or elbows protruding through the rents of
thread-1i ire garments. Many are forced to do
so on account of the increased price of cloth-
Ltq which puts warm, comfortable wearing
apparel withont the pale lir their exchequer.
so io those poor wretches, we would
inform them is a confidential way of a piano
where,they can purchase woolen goods of all
inscriptions at, prices that place them within
the reach of even the poorest In our comma.
atty. and that place is Thomas
sand l b
extensive auction house, Nos. Hand et Fifth
street, immediately under Masonic Hall,
It there is any person who is prone to skep
ticism and Manned to, disbelieve oar lumen
lion, they have mart° call atotho house do.
slgnated to be cured of their lack of faith In
our veracity, nemember the spot, a 5 and 57
Fifth street.
Piew Book•
• •
PUN NATIONAL Conn n eon. I3p alady orPhll
adelphia. Philadelphia : T. B. Peterson di
Mothers. Pitlslittrgli: Sold by John Pill ant
This manual 'ls by a lady who has proved
every recipe at her. own liberal table, as pre
pared inber own hitch:M. The recipes are
trained witlia view to economy, without has
arding that perfection of the cuirinc which
mattes every material yield Its best flaror and
Invigorating strength.
. _
...151r5..1. C. Croly. Now York: Tho American
News Company, Pittsburgh: For Sale by
John P. Hunt .1 po.
This column is dedicated to young house
keoperal and centaina, lodides recipes for OT.•
din ary uses, a chapter for invalid., for Infants
and on Jewish cooking. and a variety of
recipes of epcclal value to house
keeporr generally. . .
pinfriet Cones.—ln the District . Court yes.
- tdrday morning, tbn case of Goghs:on va. But
terfield ume concluded, thelvtry finding a ver
dict for the plaintiff for six and a tomtit cents
damages. There being no other macs ready
:Or trial, Court adicturneal
A 11 ico CroOat of Yonitbs.
The Coiumbus Totowa!' has the fell Owing
sketch of a nice crowd of the recently nsen
generation, who hare come under its ohserva
lion : •
IP A little more than a year ago a gang of des
! penoloes infested this locality: pilfering, gar
roting strangers, andeornmittlng burglaries.
These fellows banded together, for a time es
caped ilrrest, and laughed in the face of offi
cers. linker, Fuller. Mullen, McDonald, Stew
art, Slater, and Warrington were the ring
leaders—were the eoneceters of mischief In
this locality. The people will recollect the
names Of all, and the personal appearance of
the majority of these Men.
About a year ago seVeml of the gang were
arrested by the prilice, but some were releass
ed beeanse the charges were not sustained:
But now the "Lase of the Mohicans" can say
with propri sty that he is the right martin the
right place. •
ll'arringfon and Baker are now eeriffng each
his smell(' term in the Penitentiary. Merlon.
aid will soon enter 'upon • his second term in
the same Institution, as Will Stewart, already
sentenced for six years: Mullen-1s also con.
vlctcd ofm Penitentiary offense, and will soon
commence his first term In company with his
Companion, Slater. Charles If; Fuller yester
day came up from Cincinnati under sentence
of the Southern District Court, for robbing
the Westerville Postollice in . June last. Be
was sent to the Penitentiary October 3d, 1903,
(or two years from, the _,Vorthern District,
for a like offense. ile then gaythis age, as 1.1
years, was rather a sprightly boy, and' on
being- released from prison July 15th, 1905,"
for a time did better. He came to Columbus
last spring, fell In with Jim McDonald
und.gang, and afterwards made the acquaint
k of Win. Lskc,of Delaware. Fuller and
Lae pasled through Westerville on the even•
to of June 11th, and conceived the idea of
rouhing the postal:nee. They forced 'an en
trance and secured 'about toirty dollars in
Postage stamps, and escaped without detec
tion, Some time afterward they were arrest-
ed inn. 11. series of burglaries committed In
quick snecestion In Delaware county and at
"nee confined in the Delaware county jail.
The stamps stolen at Westerville were still
tneir persons and were Identified by the
It, citron - 111e Postinaster. Lake was sentenced
for j.liree years,, and Fuller, "on account of
Ids Beath,' sentenced (or two years.
- .
1 A Bare Treat Anticipated.
Eri.• Nair Oran..., ilonsa; Nov. 9, 1806. .
ITnna GAZETTM—PIease allow methrorigh
you} valuable paper, to congratulate all lag
ers Oythe'drunia in Utmost highly cultivated
andilogitlmately retralered form,, upon a Ws
patei: which I have - this moment received
froM that polished 'gentleman and sterling
nctor, Mr. E. G. Davenport, finally yieldrug
to my strongly pressed Importunities of the
pet two menthe, un.most. daily,) for him to
layer Its with a Visit a n d a few of. his delight
, ful representations. Dls engagements in the
'East will not permit Ills remaining here
yield six - nights, but during that time the
choicesrof those impersonations for -which
he is sonelebrated will be given. Mr. Daven
port will mace the Journey from Boston to
this city expressly to play this engagement,
and will return directly upon Its conalusion.
Encouraged by the liberal manner in which
my efforts in the production' of a "scenic^
piece, presented by the stock company
alone, lave been . recognised, I had •pre-
Dared ' , and announced for Monday next
another; but the receipt of Mr. Davenport's
dispatch has decided me to postpone it for a
week, us I do not wish to forego the pleaanre
that It will afford me to present. that gentle-
man upon the al age of the Opera House. Ono
of the most pleasurable points in this engage.
most is the knowledge gained from a former
communication received from Mr. Davenport,
that he accepts it - much the more willingly, as
he knows—being well informed of the resour
cesOf this establishment—that hie support
will be pleaSantfr adequate to all his desires
ln that respect.
Mr. Davenport will commence on MOrif4x.
?g,U,P,IT &lag trod
ra m 1. e
infornied patrons . of the drama, - (many Of
whom among the residents of Pittsburgh,
have, no doubt, witnessed his masterly •rendi
tins of that most sublime, character, to secure
Mtn a welcome of, the utmost brilliancy.
Yours, very truly, -
Fatal Accident
A man named Jeremiah Stewart, of Nichol.
son township, Fayette connty, was accident
:illy shot a few days since. Ile bad..taken ills
gumatut gone' over to the house of a neighbor
who was making Sorghum molasses, and as It
10 raining one of the boys took the gun and
put it under the edge of the pan to keep tt
dry. On taking dt out the nammer caught a
cane stalk, which pulled it back and canscd•
the discharge, the contents entering Mr. Stew
nit's right si lo and passing through his bow
els. The unfortunate man after lingering for
five days, list from the streets of the wound.
Ile was a member of Company E. 11th Penn.
sylvan is Cavalry, and had served three years
as a faithful soldier.
In our Thursday's Issue we 'dig great In-
Justice to a very worthy citizen of the Seventh
ward, Mr. Hebert Franklin: m our :report of
his arrest on a' charge. of assaulting n house
located In that district. He owns the- house
alluded to, and used no violence In endeavor
ing to force an entrance. He Is a 'Peaceable,
well meaningund venerable citizen, and was
not to blame En the manner our Informant re
presented. Neither was he tumml tted tojall,
us st,itetL We make this correction cheer
fully. since we have no lien of bringing scorn
upon one who is undeserving of It, ant; whose
grey hairs suould;command our respect and
• NMI I Another Cure.
Mess ns. EDITOV.,—That the deaf may know
where to hind aid, I hereby make known the
fact that I was to. deaf (or several )ears that
I could not hear a watch tick, and that Hr.
atimrn, ut the Merchants , Hotel, has by stew
operations SO restored my hearing that I now
can hear. Ills method of treatment is of the
Most scientific and unaccompanied by palm
Jona Maass, Mt. Washington.
Highly Invariant Law Pinit.—Before the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Chief Justice
Woodward and Judges Strong, • Reed, Thomp
son and Agnew, the. appeal of A. D. Funks,
assigns, vs. liableman and others, was freely
argued, una excited much attention. The
counsel appellants were Walter H. LoWrie,.
ex-Chief Janice, Hon. Thomas hi. Marshall,
lion. F. Carroll Brewster and B. Biddle
Roberts, Esq. The contendingcounsel Were
Messrs. F. T. Backers and Haydrlck. The
decision of the coast will be looked for with
much anxiety, as the amount involved is im
mense, aPDrokimatlng many millions. This
case immediately interests all stoekhOldera
la the DalaulthicElheny, Consolidated Petro
leum of New York, Webster, Peoples% Votui.
tale, Oceau,Northern Light, and twenty other
petroleum companies.
'formes to • the - Memory of Bishop
Touoz—TheErlo Direr/MA of Thursday says:
The Month's Mind, In memory of the' late
Bishop Young, was celebrund yesterday ;porn-
Mo'clock.g at ten The ceremony commenced
and ended with a solema °Mee for the dead,
sung and recited by the clergy. The Sacri
ficial Maas was offered by the Rt. Rev. Dr.
Venni, who also breached the sermon for the
oceasion. Tho discourse was expected to have
been delivered by Bishop Tlmon, of Buffolo,
but from some cause he was unable to be pres
ent, t A Largo number of the clergy of the dlO
- were present and took part In the services.
Narrow Escape--la the confusion fact
dent. to the arrival of trains at the tiednitibus
depot, on Thursday afternoon, a lady came
near being crushed by the detached caps of a
train, which,. struck by another train in mo-
tion, made a sudden movement backward.
The conductor standing near, drew her, by an
energetic movement, from under the
car, and
almost from under the wheels. The rescue of.
the lady caused a general sign of relief from
the many observers, and againCOntaaion ruled
the hoar,
No Regard for ugh Prfeec—Tho num
bar of marriage licenses issued by the Probate
Judge of Jefferson caunty, Ohio, during the
the mouth of October last, was thirty-ntne,.
great number than *sa ever issued Mace
the org tzatiOn of the county. The number
• issned la yahoga eounty, during the name
month, w . one btu:mired and thirty-three.
The eplaemleKoll rages.
Upwardsof 250,04X1 fat:allies are now Wing
the Wheeler I/4 - W
lison machines, and they
have never failed yet to give satisfaction.
Sumner & (lb.; the western agents, at ui Filth
street, have ivnne stock on band, from which
you can malc6 your selection. very machine
they sell is warrunted.',,
RE,YNOI.I)—WILLIA S II3 — On Thurtday even
ing. Nov. Bth, lathe retidence et the groom•. p.-
00011.1.0 Duquesne Botoogb, by the Rey. R. T.
11111 tr, Mr. SAMUEL C. t.r.Y.NQLDS and Mat
MuL.LIE. A. WILLI/LAW, of Allegbetti City.
034 , 2AUrial:ifkotziwizt,P4:1
beautiful . 4.1x1.5-thre.” the largest au-Durban
place of sepulchre. except one. Inthla emits, sit
uated on New Brighton rout; immediately north of
Allegheny. For burial iota , perinith or tales, call
at Central Drag Store of COuL t ULAN/a, AU*-
loamy CLIVL •
ALES. mar"
. zr:Arrozartur.a.zamixt„
No. me Fourth street, Plttsburoi l p a :
all kinds. (1.11/..Pni GLAJarns; au every description
of Funeral 7unusalug klooos
open 4 ay suellakibt, ilearseaud Cana*. carcass..
lizrzstaXCZB-804. Dasld Kerr ..ts,l).. /I
W. Jacobus, DAL. Thomas Ewing , Yin.. J. 0 0"
Ulna; Eea, .
No. 1968mithOeldtilt., car. Wit,
Untrance Ikamftrestb 61. n ma.)
AND 1.1311A-Spllo7 BTREI.[T._
oogTAINIvor. rynarr-Two COLH/ELL or
The Edition Is forwarded which will reach.
Subscriber soonest.
single Copy (par
Club.. of !fro. 1,25,
CMOs of Ten or more
NOTICE.--The Committee of
uonferenee and Inspection of t Flee Depart_
me ct ue hereby notified to meet at the • .
Magi° Malta suo 3E(cmuse,
for the purpose of xn ek log their regular au null tour
c!flrispeetlort. slate
AT `DUNSEATIC & CO.'S, ONlcrenst.
OC9 .86
Eft t or.
Are TUE BEST t?r Family and ManntactoliniPlir
imses. Call and see them at
9.3 i Smithfield Street.
oe) .
rnourcuto • FINISH .
MLITT, and with one bait' Ule labor, Ulna
and Wet. Of Sily Other prOtSst...
mucKER. a myrtle. -
n09:n66 Newvllle. - Cumberland i:ounty, Ps
Slitu ETIODES.x. W. 11. LATS)IL . W..J. ANDIGEUIcar
IYE veil Meal a. KING, PENNOCK GO.,
Inform the Dahlia that we will'eonGhLW
thamszinfacture of _
,Shee linge r Colton,Yarne, Carpet
Chains,Candle Wick
ad Batting. may be left it the Ofeeti of the Worts.
• - Oft AT TilE
I?it - tentricur4.ta..l=oca.
Got the Beim—They Alw.Yalietve7slo4.4.
Every week, Dr. (Idiocy A. Scott is called .
upon to insert Artificial Teeth in cases where .
other dentists Aasaleied, been paid, =4IT/id,
and in every can. ha's work gives entire antis.'
faction. Ile is quite an =let In his lla f
business, and has merely to ore mine a case
know how to articulate the teeth so thatt hey
will present a handsome and - natural aptaisir
ance, and will masticato the food thorOuirldy.
Ilisyricet ore lower than than of any dentist
fn the city, and he will gatomnte4 his - work Is be
superior. So it would better for any of our
readers who are in =vent of teeth, to call upon
* the Dr. In the first place, and thereby 'says
their time and money. , We wonldalso assure
[Dose persons who ale suffering with diseased
and unsightly teeth that they Can have them
extracted without =nix= whatever, by calliog .
upon Dr. Scott. He has °its - acted for over len
thousand persons within the last seven years,.
and among this large number there to no/ ate
mum which his process has proved injurldus:
On the contrary, he can refer. to numbers of •
his patients who claim to have been benefited
in renewed health. He extracts numbers dal_
by the new .. .Rhigoleno or Vapor". process;
and gives pure Laughing des to those-who
desire it, without charge: He makei no
charge for extracting when artificial teeth are'
ordered, and gives a fall set on Vulcanite,
with beautiful gums, for eight dollars. Re
member his number, VS...Pena street third
door above Hand, • .
No, 80 Market Strert, Pittsburgh, Pa
Thlioldettablished house has now in sto thirty.'
eve thousand dollars worth or Boots and tato., and
sLyles the latest, the quality the best, welch we &rat
oletermlned to sell at VERY LOW PRICES. Wa - '
have resolved not to be undersold by way ha Meats.;
bless that keeps goods worth having.. ,
Call and examine our stock of goals, and we feel!
satisfied that you will purchase what you want
the Boot and Shoe Line.
Do not forget the place, 83 Market street.
.fe= • ' JAY RROOK'—i.
. •
Plou rlsblng half colum, ad v•rtitements of Inferlot.
Maehhaes,bat get • UNIJVhIi i BAKER,- •
It hes'Neen lolly tented for stxteon
yearg. and Is by all eompe. . 1
. .
tent lodges. pro- . •
notmeed the -
1,13 3E9.11,1%. ISt:reset.
SOR 18.t!i=,.31!11
Six good, sound WORK HOMER just received
and will be sold cheap: one — goost DRIVING HORSE
one 1000 WORK MARE. ienaranteen to be sound
tod good workers . a n zly a s sTABI.K.
nog Yl»t street. pear Aloe. usenet. Room..
Practical Furniture Metnitentren,
tan .t 1 711RN1rintir. onistaatrmi band
pi ____,
rrsilunas atm .. : .
.FOR SAYMICSi • •.- -
MSc , . 0•7 Noc:nairtlii. EVlCzNeoelt.' '
..itrg„ , ,....,A 1 1 . 41 oJErri.voilm,o,:a
open daily i 10213 9A. X.. to 4 I'. X.. and On Wed.. .„, 4
aeaday and Saturday evening*: from 6 t0..6 04.10ek ' '
nolrairl . . .
Tin T. WHITE & s. •
ittAnettestar, Wood's Eva and Irtctatly.
smeserm amaze 'sag
• .