. . , . . .. . . . •..,. .. . . . . •••"""""'"'A= ( f -•••••••••(.#1. . . . . . . . .... . • , 1 .. • .-.. , . „ . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . ,• - , • . . . . , . - t - . . . . . •E . . . : .... . . . .... . . , . . . . . . . _ .. ....... - . . •. • r . . . . . -----7r7.- _ . , 1 . . . . ._ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .•- . • THE. DAILY GAZINIE. PUBLISHED By Pennimap, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING Zaci. 86 'Firtl3. Street. F. B. HOUS TO NIn , I Emm y . T. P. s . . . .10191/1.11 'KING I CIAO 31 P. REED; $ I=2ll Delivered by carrier, (per wacky f3a lbers, (per lear) Lloetal ra.luollona . to Newst!curs 'and Atolls Zitt V;ttobittglttactir. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1866 EtWONEWII FOR THE LEGIALTTURE. During the past summeithe Com Missio ners of the Sinking Fund tried to obtain at rrivate sale two millions of dollars in Pennsylvania bonds, towards the cancel ment of the Public. Debt, and totally fail ed. Afterivixds iIiCY advertised :for that amount of bonds, giving all the indice they could, allowing margin enough to close the transaction during the fiscal year. The notice, however, was not long enough to reach . Europe and get answers. This no ' lice failed to Aring the bonds into, market, and hence that. large amount of money is idle, so far as concerns,. the o)llllllOn wealth—whalever." the State Treasurer may make out of it. ~ There are about tvienty millions of Pennsylvania bonds - oyerdue, and which the State hasp right either to cancel or to atop the Inter4 ,.. :sy,-ffpon. What, there fore, the Legislature oNht to do is plain. Legit give the . Comtnissioners of the Sink ing-Fund authority to call in what bonds they need, in the order of maturity, and in case the brinds shall not he surrenderglo stop the interestnpon them. . . If valid objections should be found to such provisiints of laws4-which we do not conceive to be possible:Alien it might be .well to order 1 the,Comm' shiners to invest the surplu \fundsFe of the State in deral 6 securities, where they would be drawing for the public benefit as much or more ,in tereSt. than is now paid by the State to the holders or its bonds. At- all events. the matter should not. be allowerto remain in its present conditiOn. Two millions of dollars at interest for the benefit of the Treasurer, even if the rate of Interest is low,- -- atil•rds so large picking that cwt.). "a good feflow" ought in:alp' enjoy it a fortnight after the asseinbling of the Legislatuie.. • Toy. chief officers of the Associated Press in New York are just now engaged in a lively quarrel. We du,not care whiekside wins, but trtst the Ness, outside of that metropolis, may reap nte good fron4he result. The present's stem of furnishing news through the agentv of the Associ&d Press is open to the.gravest objections, and now is a proirer time 16 state them and de mand improvement. There can be Dog*, reason why the telegrams - which we pidr-, lisp elsewhere should not have been placed in our hands - at dark last evening, in stead •of pouring in'. up till three o'clock this morning. ' The . items are nearly all clippingit from yesterday . morn.-: iug's.paoers and could have been trittismit- ted IVvra noon. Again; we do .not think that the press throughout : the country should pay . fur the editorial matter upon political topics iir (he New York journals. independent, thinking editors generally choose to. await the mail for such material; and prefer using their discretion about pub lishing extracts from Eastern 'cotemporary jOurnals. Thercare many othergrievanees .which the press has long borne quietly, but patience has ceased to be a virtue and : im .mediate reform should be demanded - "'"' M 1 NEW Youri.--Governor Fzi, 'ox,.. Rc publicriu,is reelected by a majOiitiap pre:dm:ding 13,000. The. Congressional delegation stands as - in the 'present body; the losses in the city being made up in the rural districts. Thus—in the Tenth Dis- trict, composed of Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties, W. 11. ROBERTO - N. Republican, is elected over W. RADF9RD, Democrat. ' In the Eleventh District, com posed of ()ratio and Sullivan counties, CLIAKI.V. IL VAN Republican, is elected over G. AN DERHON,Dangerat. In the Thiitcenth District, composed of 'Greene and, Ulster counties, TROMA9 Con- Republican, is elected - oyer 1. 11. Democrat. These aid - gains . . The Legislature is decidedly Republican, securing a successor to IRA PARRIS of the right stripe. / Fr was reported before the late elections' —how truly we cannot vouch—Mr. SEW ARD had confessed that if the Republicans 'carried New York lie should consider the result a direct intimation that lie had so ,completely - forfeited the confidence of the. - people who had honored and\ sustained him thmughOut his long career, that it was his duty to seek the retirement of priinte 'life. Well, the intimation has been given. - &elf Mr. SEWARD heeds it. • El =I , • TEIS Itatlicals Lave miKried Masuiuri by 25,000. In the First Congressional Dis-'; trice, M. Hogan, a radical, bus beaten hie; Democratic competitor. R. F. Loan, radi i cal, who wits in &telt, has been,re-tleeted. The Radicals, at Forst, hold their own, and probably gain bue tougressitian. 1., •IN idassaeliusetts the Republican ma jority is sixty-lour thousand. As an indi cation of popular sentiment It, mdy be stated that about as, many negroes have been elected to the Legislaturdvas.cOper beads. Frdedeni of opinion works somfi pe- Culiar results. Fenn out of the five Congressmen in New -Piney are Republicans, and the Leg islature being strongly of the same faith, a Republican-United Stales' Senator VIII be elected in plice. of Mr. WRIGIIT, Democrat, recently deceased. Excellently done, for New Jersey. TUE Radicals of Maryland have resolved hencefOrward to battle for " Universal Suf frage and Equal Laws." 'Sn far from be iug disheartened by defeat, they have alsen to a higher purpose and are animated by a livelier enthusiasm. Ix the Third•Diatnct of Vermont, at the regular election, there was no choice for ConeTesaman. Now WoaratauToN C. g.M.1T14 Rad'Mil, has beerechoseu. TPLE "Itlonongithela Republican urges the aeleetieou of the Hon. M. S. Quay, of Bea vet county, as Speaker of the Bouse.of Rep resentative§. /Limpots is immensely Republican, llongiessional delegation stands as before, _ 'ten Republicans to three Denmerats. • lit4nl. l 3An gives 25;000 Republican ma jority, end the• wbole.Ccmgceseionil dale . liation, five in number, as.before. HEIM:DA sends granting EICTOSS the Collti _ Vigil' thowiand - ; &publican Na RM t--o-p : i p iyl . 1, ll7, t , 1 , ri3M3 111=! In= VOLUME LAX.---NO. 270. = _ • You Calf Soy New Hops at Joseph S. Finch's Now If opt, at..losoph S. Fltioles. Evorythlng by Cloths 'toot Cass!leers, awl Cloak i rho. tnt nto at No. 73 Market. street. Foreign, Llquors of all kinda . at. .In.:aph S. Finch's Distillery , No. la), I:0,193 and 195 Firrt tddeet., Plttelnargh. . • eleggut and beautiful winter cloak. Sguiese's, at No. 7J Market street, Ls the pligee . to get It. IVe know of nrf placo in the city where a lady can 110 made to appear fusLlonuLle, but at No. 73 Market street, whim she Is the possessor of one of Spence's (Nooks. A treats., upon -Dyeing anti Scouring, with ninny other valuable •receipts, by 11 ^we Sterns. Frec—itt Meeharlot & MeKenn:ilea Pnfg StoriF,Cs Market street, cur. lilaitiond, nuar Fifth street. Of every eenelev able description,and mule of all t Ile popular and sew st . yleA of cloths, go to the Planter Cloak House of-the Scutt, the Pittsburgh Cloak and Mantilla afore, lb u. 73 Market street. instantly silyer-plating copper, brass, German silver, bronze, le., for cleaning and polishing silver 11,1,1 silver plated ware. Sold by Meelarrun t Itlb:Conan, Druggists, Market street, corner Diamond, near Fifth street.. , •Yuerl arras Fora! .• immense Block of all the new ntyles Funs, at.tho 112LelltliVt, and popular Leese of Win. Flouting, No. 139 Wood Arent. The stock uL Lille ostabliblunent is nut excelled by any other houso . in this country, and the exceed- Ingly low pylon at which they are selling is causing quite a venial:ton. If you want any thing in the line of Capes, collars, Hagen les, lout's, the new style' skating muff, go to Wm Fleming, No. it Wood street. -A Strange Story—The Dieterlone • Dle appearance of Alvin C. Temple, at Iturnioir fiprlnge-1 Ile Explanation Garen by Hie Ploppoted Murderer—A • lake et Petrolenm Dloteoyered In - 7 , Cave on the Little LL•asewbe. ter no der Ground—Temple Falls In and le Drowned. • Some - weeks ago a man named Alvin C. :'remple, a citizen of New York, mysteriously disappeared at Bruning springs. West Vir glnla... Within. the last few days suspicion fastened on whereon named Robert B:Stein way as his murderer, snit accordingly he 'was arrested'. Since his arrest he has written and .published) the followtowestracirdinary state, meet In the rarkershurg 71mm of Monday My obJectin - writing this communication Is to lay belore o the public the facts attending We tlistroi.4ing death of the late Alvin t. Temple:of the laty of New York, as I have Just been arrested hereon a Charge of being accessory to, and the rause of It. I am bin e without' friends or nomaintanees, and must go-to prison for want et hail. 1 hope, howev- er,ln the coarse of a' few days, to exonerate myself from all length:ion of any complicity In' the death of my friend) The tieceioett and myself were both resi dents of New York, and bad been acquainted nearly tee years. Alsmt the middle of Selo blitheniter how we left home together on a tour h oil regions - of Southern Ohio and West Virginia. We came first to Marietta, Ohio, and visited the II wells of Duck Creek. We .then visited Su ma:4,ly lforseneck, Sand 11 ill, White Oak anti Burning, (Springs. We arrived at.the latter place on the afternoon of FridayJOctol.l . %Lb. We spent Saturday t. in visiting they ohms oil. wells. On Sunday stunning we sta tell Oa a' ramble to Make 501510 pbservallarts as to the nature of the country. From this'couble Mr. Temple never to:toned. and upon this circumstance 1 have been arrested. , I hope the Emetic, after bear hug my statement, will suspend its' Judgment. ntll 1 eau offer more pivot of my entire In nocence. Air. Temple being something of a geologlst, carried a leather sack suspended by , a strap over the' shoulder to -con tuni the speelmens collected, and in. his hand a haminer with a handle three feet ' long, such as is commonly used by geologists: We crossed the Burning Sill In gs run at the mouth and climbed tip the, hill on the uoper side. About three-fotirths of the way np a discovereirhn• opening In the rocks, ClUeoll prObably by some convulsion of the, earth. Into thls wo found that we could crawl some II Moen feet, when further progress was stopped by the fissure becoming narrower. Temple. by. .titrusting , In his hammer, ewer tabled that the passage soon widened again, at hy removing some of the pieces of riktit we could go mt. We procured a sapling, which .we found on the grofted above, w hien we used as a buttering ram. .Wo could hear the pieces fall us they Were posited Inward, and 'from the sound knew . the debt:Mit. could be but a few feet. 1 went Brat; when we had opened the way, . and de. acentied by letting myself dowu by tile hands. • Temple followed. Unfitting a 0151011 and a piece of paper we found ourselves Ili a cavern about twelve feet square, in whick'we Could stand. upright._ Pieces of broken rock, varying ionize from un egg to dbarrel, cov ered the ground. Temple 'collected some specimens, principally sandstone and feld spar, which lie put ado the neck toile examined at leisure. Our progress was very II illlcnlt on accountof the loose.antlAggell stones. Partly feeling our way, and now and t en lighting a notch; Ve managed to ascertain what I have related, and also to disc Over a dour° nearly oupos'to where we entered, some three feet. • width at the, bottom and gradually tuorow . . . .. mg towardthis top. - Crow - ling this Wit round it made u considerable descent until It of Into a spacious cave; the dimensions of which I cannot state, as it wins Dot thor oughly c•rplorwl. We found here the sumo chaos of broken rocks, awl were con tinually braising ourselves in climbing over nut through them. Proceeding _ some thirty 3 arils we saw alight on our right which prov ed to be caused by &split In the rock. Look ing through Ityee could 11011 the hills on the opposite batik of l lm Kanawha, but could u.rt 011011 our wayLeavin this on our right we praceedwirto make what eXIOOreI lons 011 r Ilmltehl uicans.would allow. After going per haps Oily yards, we were surprised at finding a email lake, or pool, an near as lean judge, Rsslaty feet In length, by twenty feet wide. US level WM some three feet below the ground en which we stood. Temple inserted h i s ham mer into tuis I pool unit found thatinstead of water it was oil—petroleum. I have not time to describe our sensations on this discov ery, which penal leed untold wealth. - After dis cussing the matter for &few minutes, he at tempted to try the depth with the handle or his hammer,. Ile got as near the brink as he could, and was about executing his deSign, when the loose stones on e stood sod-, donly caved In with hem . I which le wink li , rose again, I t wins ruggled a moment, and I Saw Wm no more. powerless to assist-1i las, oven If I hail n ovas ot. been completely bewildered. The weight or the specimens in' his sank no deuM pre vented Lim from saving himself, as he was a capital swimmer. The horror of my situation .may imagined. I stood alone In that cave wherein was death and darkness fully'aware that when I went out Into the light .would . l only meet struusers and suspicion. I called my companion by name again,'and again till' terrified ny the, sepelchinLP echoes that ro am:Puled through the blackness. This Is the true statement of the fact. Whether it will be credited is more - CM] lean say. lam fully aware how difficult-It la for me to answer the question. "Wily did you, pot make this statement sooner!' Here Is. toy reply. When I left the care I went to any room at the hotel. Ovqrwhottned • as I was, I could not help being tensible that the discov ery WWI au Important one, and resolved - to. se cure tho boa elite or It; so 1 kept the matter quiet until my designs should be maimnplish sal. go thin 0114 1 obtained a favorable lease from the agent Of the itatthbone .011 Compase,any the ground covering' U cave. This le as ttle county Yes:gads ahem, was maLlo the • day after the oceurrence above revealed. It is made to Georg') Temple, the father of finery V. Temple.-the brother of the Into Alvin 'C. Temple. I have not reserv •od to myself drectly or indirectly any Part of .this lease- I hop" thin circumstance will go Pa using to show that 1 conid have WO motive in •causing the sleuth of any friend. I do not think ids relatives, or those who know- Mr, will entertain the sliglmst suspicion:to my prejudice. Yet 1 real that can never liave!a moment's peace of mind until the judg went- of everybody shall acqUit me 01 tire charge, And DOW; Messrs. Editors. I request that you will give the foregoing statement. Place In your paper and thereby oblige a friendless and grief stricken man. , The - I • HOIiZAT a. OTIONWLT. •JiiirOlitiDik'sgi ITIS=EM =I Every Lady la Want of In Point of Fart, Free. Free. Free I= =3l My the Herebaote • Nat Weal Telepipb Co • 'rotas 011 City. Special to the rittobargh Gazette). • • On. CITY• NOV. 5, Meer twenty inches.. Weather cloudy, Aar . - • • Jerome Pork liaeoe- J mums Palmy 1 r. 0., Hoye.—The hurdle raMe-ane mile won b y quarters, and seven hurdle-was won by Rommel Yellow Hammer • and Surprise felb Time 4d5. to the three. mriera of mile 'daub, Trovatore beet Her 1•4710/Ip hi Uwe. lengths Time 121%. ECOND , EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LITEST TELEERNS. THE NEW YORK ELECTIONS. Gov. Fenton's Majority 12,900. MAJORITIES ON CONGRESSMEN Equal Rights Convention INTERESTING ACCOUNTS FROM 1 r,xlcO. Nulv,l - ens, November s.—The corrected re. lurid; from LIM Interior of this State generally increase Abe inalorltv of Governor Fenton. Acerodinglti pri,ent. appear:On,: it w ill ale proximate Other 0:1101b1,110i in 11l be 01114.1WI1:LL 1140101', AS LllO tripling of vet, s 4,, local coma Ziates will 2 , 11110V:10a 1 . 0•111 Ce tile. into for Governor. • The A,lonilllo, far as it.in turned, will stand ICepublteuns to 15 001110:311LS. Clarke 11. COOlll,llO Is tlefenieil In .I.llllllly by :11 'VOWS. Stephen !taker, p titan an,ls also 41E:foaled in Put 1111111. MOJOriliet our Congrl'.vo/0./1 ,-1 , 1114 Stephen Taber, Denim at, 1,7:7). ,121201141 ii i,- trict—Demos Sorties.Deemerat,o,s6l. Third District--Willitim E. oltinson.limpocrat,l,s7ll, Fourth District —I L ,his Fox, - Detutierat, Filth District-I°lin Sintiri.ey, Democrat, over Taylor, 2,705. Sixth District-12mm. E. Stewart, Democrat, Seventh J. WIIIIIIIOI/ Chanter Democrat, 1.471. Eighth I Distriet—J 111.0015.1/01110C111 1 ,, , ,/,575. Ninth I DIBLIiCL—FerIIIO,IO Wood, Democrat, I,lln. Tenth District—W. il. Robertson, Reptililletn, li:levesith .DEdrlet—Charles 11. 'Van Wynn, Ltepulaitit, WO. Twelith I )ISIrIcL--.loliii A. liefelilllll, Copia/Ilea. ' hlll.lThirtcenLli 1,. d instrlct—Thouts Cornell , Republican, inn Fourteeitth DlAtrict —John V. 1.. Friuli, limn oerat, :ea . Fifteenth I ilstriet —John A. Gris wold, Reliant Man, s.ion. Sixteenth IdaLrlet— Oratlge Ferris, Ithiniblican. 1,710. Seventeenth District—Calvin T. llitrilitird, IlepllllllColl, Eighteenth District—James Al. Marvin, Repohneau, ii.ego. ti 1001.12M1L11 InstrICLNY 11- 'llllll C, it, Twentieth Dlstriet.LAildisOn H. Littlin, Republican, 4,11.10. Twenty-first Dlstrict—homes: Corti:ling, Re publican, 1.30. Twenty-ogienisil District-401in C Cllll ICIIIII, II1,101011C111,5,WI: Tt.:llly-Ltilr.l DISLOCI—DCIIIII3 McCrotliV, Republican, 5,10 u. Twenty-font to District—Theodore M. Polk:- ivy, ILepnl/1 . 01111, :r,2110. Twenty-fill District t u. 11. Nelsen', Republigion 4,1110 TwentY sixth District —WM. S. Lincoln, Republican, 5100. Twenty-scventli District —Hann] ton Ward, Repithillian, Twenty-eightli Dis trict—lA.ls Salye r l 11111•10:10111i1 Twenty-einit li,LficL-1111iL Itepublician, 2,„400. Thirtieth District—Mini, Humphrey, Denmeritt, Thirtv-first District—Henry Van Amnion; Repuldieuti, 7,001). Too aggregate ROIIIILIIICSII nedorlty naa, tins table The following call Imola:en Is3tiett:- i•lii,view nd the. proposed Con VOllllOll . for a 'revision of the State Conslitattion, the if.l 1111;11.11 E,111:il Right's Assoehttion w 11011 10 TWI-11‘1111 Hull. Albany, Tuesilayiatal Wednes day, November htuh tont 21st, to minsiiier.the ellit:SL1011 Of 2,0 amending tits Constitittion 11.1 10,0.1 I's the right 01 vlllTruge LO 011 1.11 1 41,, 111011. 111:4 Incl. 1011 01 rani or :ON. The spirit of the age impels tot - 011.11g1 step. The (100p10 every% here, iit Elie lad IVOI 111 :and the New, named 1113 UP 'tile -letlt orgy of ages, urn demanding an 1.11 Len. 41011 of rigids. The reemooroe,,,,, o f Dila Union is it Meader, deeper ork I ban the resitf allow . "' the Jebel Stales. If is Hie 1111- log of the cattle nal mu huts 1, :1 10, 101,1 1,01 realization of our topnolio.o 410.1. 1.11. then, Llie lovers of freedom (rem every WI/11'We 01 LllO 5.L.110 C01:10 lip to i 111 S ronVel‘ Lion it A:- bony; unit add their vales and their Milne tali on the aide of Justice, to make New 1 ork It genuine republic, In power In the nation :404 a light to the world. Elizabeth Cady - zdanton, Frederiek 11011,41,, lion. A. J. Cain let., Parker Pillidtury, Limy Stone, Henry It. Itiackw ell, Charles 1.0110/ KOlllOllll, Francis Lila 110, 11101 01 111,1,,i01 COWS of Equid Itlghts, will be yn:st•nt.lnntl participate in the discussions Of the t-onvea thin, Om behalf of the said Equal Rights As.. elation. (Signed> 1.0c01,1A Moss.. President. _ . A bOrreenimilent, who left the tiny gif Mexi co int the 2.2,1 ell., and Vera Crux on the 'Sall, gives the follow Mg IlVelol Ilt 01 1 101 4:0101 It 001 Of 111.UNICO: Gen. C.Llell/01, the Aid de Camp of lite nerve NIIIIIIICOII, until Special eillitillisSlolll , from France toMexico, 111 . 1 ivc.l 111 LllO Calif Inl 011 S lay night,l hit. 21., Ile met tbe Elope tior Mitzituzlibm at Ayottat,oll rO.lO nr rAlis leo,'and niter 5/L111(11 001 S 11:11,11 weld, llta rO. sportive way. No nrltcful ColllllllllliCallon Op piners to JULY*, 1111,,, , t1 brLW.••• , , oill1;01 is to have Melding withreported the General Oh 1110 hied UlftlllM 01 the country' Wall Ills return to Mexico. It Livery tiontntin If 'General Civil - Pamir lots much 1111hille-...5 In. transact. with Itile...iThe coming ot this Commissioner has been wa fur In Mexico Wall LllO greAll,L ii111,1,,L ited oven anxiety. Everything :ahem. there 111111 all are walling lite .10V01111,0111C1IL or thopoli -01, whatever that may be. Sone, .y that Hal 'l.altie will be at the head of arbors; otlllll,Slly Custelnati; othurs,'.l mires, inc Santa Atria, or Ortega. tinder Alnerl.ol prOlcc/ sorry 0110 has his sayabout, the future of this punt oolllllfy, but 110 01111 LO 1:1101y what it will be. 1 The condition of the country as quite as hail *sit well could be In every list/et:L. 'lllO 1111011. cos are CIIIIIIIIA4III, LllOOl . Ol. of barley and in, titan corn. line main stay of the people, are short. Corn Is worth twelve doltara the cargo of four hustle. In the capitol. The neighborhood of tint city and the colnt try generally, he overrun with hamls of guer rillas, prOfe.eilly Lll/OrlllP, b u t in mammy bandits and cut throats. • A b an d un der one ,111 tlllllO 1.01 , T., took ilea session last month of ..Apatu, tt ',Plage Miry tulles from the tapitot, sacked LllO lionses, carried olf seine pt the "inhabitants for rAti 90M, sad finished by violating the hint women of the town In the public' niiiittr, Iler the direction of their leader. At, sa l on place they stopped LllO work On LllO 11111W*. LO Vera tarn%, null teak 1011 of rite 1000100- Live "il,lOll 111 Line construction, to hold for 111111010, 110111111111 lllg toll Llloll , llllltl 4111113r.5. • Thu main Mad LO Vi_ra Cruz.y infests.' witli these guelirillit bands, in some cses m heti leg nu le. than a 1 hOustoul shell, a ,000C nu • rOL/LIOtrIII,I 0101,101010 . 01 011 all alike, he they Fruneli, Slexicaus or AlUerl.ll.., 011 this eight of October 22.1, they entered Paso Del Macho, the present terminus or 1,1,. railway Ifol/1 Vern Crlll. 10 Motion., 0101 61.010 Lir,/ W 1101 1 ,21 1. 1111111,1 from under the linseS Of ns Frolloll garrlSoll. The mules belonged to Santiago Snail, it well.knowa Murk:1111, who In a rge caital Invesd n the few w ens of . tran la sportin p g freight to Me l xico. A few days heron:, these Lilierals 'exiteted 1111 the highway', SIAM toll of the WILE:011S going to Mexico. ImpOrlfilat PumwlSf Derlxion—Pree.Nlen tlal YLVICIINGTON, Nov. a.—Secretary Browning ilO.l given a decision eta inn appoint trout the , action of the Pension office, in ratand to a claim (or the increase of invalid pensions under the act 0f,.1 one nth. ISO. ills COMA SIMI of the law to in substance contained in the following paragraphs, quoted from the de cision: Three grades of disability. are described In the act, but it Is not to be presumed that Congress supposed that all 111 vKild penslon.., who recetru the 11111.1111113 M Ilfllolllllt littler for mer laws would be therefor , entitled to its liberal provision. The appbcan t for the in creased allowance most affirmatively prove .that Ids disability is ono of the spcffinc char acter mentlehed in the act, or id tffilliFitlent thereto, unless the fact Ito sufficiently estals lished by the proof accompany lag h 1:1 Or intent application. I am of the OPillioll that the proofs do not bring a ruse within the ack - to goer LION unless they show %hut the 11 isaffility Is permanent and incapacitates the applicant, from perforating manual labor to the saute extent , us if he had lost a bond or toot. The President toslity appoint... John Wise Deputy Postmaster at Washtngton, lo att. and Franklin. Elliott, of Now York, fled A. S. Sill. of New York, Cons Mar Clerks. Joseph rill!' NOII, MiiMiltle .1 flatlet , of Art zones; latearriced in this pity—overloud. • Dolditnflrond Robbery—Al Gang of pot. --•bere Throw ef - Tralo oir the Down an Dfubanknfoni owl H..b All the raseehgere. Lotasvitte, S.—Further particulars re ,ceived concerning ..tine Franklthe Kentucky, re railroad outrage, show that eats me thrown off the track about two o'clock this Morning, 111,0 lit Lllroo and one half tulles from here, by a band of robbers numbering ten or twelve. The engine I arum! over twice down an majtankutent of Duni: Tile Adams h.:sprees 111V.4.11g01. raped being burned to death. Ant, robbing the passengers la the nifgregato of about two thOnand five hundred dollars lit auconey and Watches, the robber. left In tin easterly direr, tlon, and a bend of Ilion (rout tats vicinity went In pursuit early tills morning. Tho roe. berswere blackened "and otherwise disfigur ed, and were not recognized. • New fort[ ileelloss—lOU.Conen lion Ques t New Your, Nov. tills hour t.e have no further returns from the Interior to choose the result for Governor us herotuforo • tolo graphed, Tho Convention was ahead of Fenton :%1,000, Now Yoric,olty, 0.50 la Troy, In Utica several thorium , ' io Brooklyn, mud in pro. portion everywhere. The rural districts seem to have voted unanimously for convention; and it Is probable that. PrOPOSASOLI will be carried by sOmetiling ovor Oo,ouo, " 1 2. 4- .;• , SEMI EMI __ __ et:111 PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1866. FROM CANADA. Moro Fenian Trlabt—lmportant objee lion PI Taken by P. e•citser'• Irounael. TORONTO, Nov. B.—The excitement In the trials IA diminishing. Court opened thin jamming at the usual hour. ruid - lek O'Neil tens tile drseprisoncr placed la thd_dock. Mr. McKenzie, before the prisoner pIc:IMM, morel that the Intik:Mont lit que.sheal,Ve proem] of a...joinder of Court, us that once Was eldnalitt.l-10 the County of W4lland, and therefore cannot be tried In film County of York, it being (meat two counties United. Mr. McKenzie contended that Ills teamed friend had placed a wrong construction 0 pc luter nretation of the clause, and that Ms to the second ground its Lordship bad verrnled that obit:ellen : by his incision ln app Lion cline name nature made yest daY. lengthy legal argument here took lace be wean the er.nusel. Mr. K. MelienllC-1 would ask of ir Lord ship to allow me until . to-worrow • riskier %stitch course 1 shall adopt tothin whittle er I should enter demurer, or allow pigs- Oiler to plead over. Ilon. John Catneron—lietter be ea fat how you detour in ewe of the Queue on.tWitzer, Which Is reported inwhich I defended the Prisoner. It was held by the learned judges, that tinles:s the detuurrer hail been Success ful t sente me would have had to be carried out. 1l is Lordslilp.—Very well, 1 ley( 110 obJee tion. , The prinnnel was then removed nod Patrick Alm:mall 010 pine • d to the dock- McNeil in a short address opened the cane for dim Crown, In which tie Stated that It Could ( Ott pros cal that the pri..ooner on the lid of tine was Writ with What lin known lei a "reeling 111110 In ids possession near Fort Erie. And the L auconinL winch he gave of Weasel( afterarrmd. Atter the .exanduation of a few witnesses, Ills Lordship, addressing the jury, eXplatneil I Ina the evidence showed the prisoner to be a British subject, and could not therefore be tried as at present Indicted; he therefor di rected the jury to return a verdict of acquit tal. Mr..Melsenzm then suboutted iludkrlLish ,ainjeets eOuld tint he tried titlesfor We *erne ode nee; he should therefore be iIL-0 11 10. 1 • Mr. 11. A. Harrison—Thu Crown Itas,;„10 1 tit or evlllture of the pro•ourr, my Lord. 4{ 110 in treed 144:1111, lie will not bell rhal as aullidlieri can citizen.. • Merited UV toil MIME The I:o.urt at. 0110 o'clock to-morrow • Mr iention to ii l Mr. Melienzies Iht-..---- ... ...-- -- °flowing objections to all tire - Indic qita rrelorred agithibt the reltian prison let tittried, euntaluing doublecounts,am tile •ase et the Qlleell N-B.lltelit - llth, he will -•be rlorprisuner to plead a plea of nutro f -Ile- lett; bit, Oil the ground of intsJoinder ATI counts, and tint! by Is charged us an / eel tan citizen; Ild, that he 18- Charged SS It ' it -1,11 subject, and. tilt! i.e is eh . eti with what amounts to high treason. A au eititheit citizen era foreign Stateandait li. subject at the same time. There (Ann be L. - 0111,4.111(A OtreilSeS charged In tire samittn illetuient. till, That it appears oil the fweB,ol tire Indictment teat the UifellgeS eltargild herein against the prisoner were cOrinnittsd in the county of Wellatol, and the indictment, ihereiore, could MIL be legally ',return:4 • - ' against In in. The Jail , entered the court -Find brought. lolls :tgalu. , O the Jelin, iug Fenian prisoners: .10111. Hughes, Patrick Donullue, Junies Buret!, James Neothling, William Orr; Ii "tidier, V.:alley mill, ram Frederick Fry. The Condemned rental:an—The Dosllf Penalty not — to he Ent oreect,lteledine of lUe. ner''' • - • To swim., Noviailberi..;nTlie Toronto Leader 11,4 horn lag MN , ' ileatg'i(rtiele 111111 • into of the tiontlinnued Fen Mon, tatyn fortual passing of t he sentence if denth;l9 'not icginrel eil :INi.errltill hli.uuon of their (atilt. eir- MiniSt .l ances ;Mint towards lenitiney, .ttnthe micesslty Of nhisliling Mood Is not gent. per its llllillS clearly apparent. These, sill ',nimbly determine the eol the prisoners; but it it Silfriliti tarn alit Will heh el 1111:111 Ills: t`i,eo list. the sub -4t poiltsliment. will no doubt be ust.lll. pla.q. tot' no one rtin away with the : API/ l'illitrilS will get free par ilonair an) thing limn oitelllng to It. Minim opiti3on 4WD - Milt/ I ma 1i11111,111111 . 11t lir , Vt . , StiVerti , tinder different liinniinStato 13, they would anotreilly have 1/11 . 11 a tint!: liefitt,ll.ll . Ili /ICI, /Ma l ritilt Lit est:cute, all appeal., for mercy N . olllli ill Fain. 1 . 110 Imperlut I:overoment will hits tillgties • 11l 1111,110 Sil ill° subject, and lip ',.a.hitt. sag ion the representation of the CrirWll will, it'lololl/ itirtlwr ills til tillrit,t. Titers Is ail Were: to On part of I In, piddle to belie,' that the full • P. of the' law will not he Olt the prinonera nentenecil lo death. ..115•eaily tlh !meads of the tieliAniets lire ',Lung t 11111 l ey ha the, that they wee going to bit I ,lProbable that they will l i lt rd; mnl it i unLhe hanged, the sootier this is uudurs(L 111 tits leits tilOy will be 01,1 eto raise. Wit can ofi. lord 10 1,0 magnanimous much better limit eee emu afford to make , mai tyre,: but Our magnanimity eannat go beyond sparing their lives, I( lc go I hat far. rimlslittient In pro portion to tilde crime, with withal,» 11.11 1/1 i‘t It ISt Id elenienc, they milsL rect . l,ll. I:llc•ratiliC It y MOIL/IS:la ”ay• big that , it. In understood Ilott the lieVertileind It tilt: late Ciliiigi/L meeting . resolved IllAlolll- 11111 10 the...denten.) of Lynch unit Me 51 Muhl, Three• fhtin, nitinetl Flauneguni 111111 Well», ....Mined In Ihe Old jail IMMO . 1 Mie on the charge Of renlanisui, - Were I rant cn , twiY, the tir,and!fury huNing ignored the bills tignitist talent. liallimoro habeas Corpus Case ItALTIMOIIn, Nov. S.—The habeas corpl . case w.L.i coot limed tin one o'clock when .Inilge Lariat adjourned the ease truth two o'clock, pet in Ming, with the consent. of the counsel for the &it - int.slotiers, the parties to he unrestrainedeont the court should meet at that • I 1 A t..ri so N orember h.—The habeas obrim:i • was continued until this morning. There ,4 a 11/11j-ILMUIIIIIIIt. Math, 1 , .) . counsel us v, bhp nil in i9satoltty of evidence, after which the cinirt decided to admit evidence, winch took • cry welt , rangeonntiracing every point in the proceedings itictileut open the trial and irilgtUrf Cictiiilleng"s"rdinsut di ienI..IIOWIS to 1.4111 ltrreAt. Still Ituprisoninclit or o‘lllr. V1C11...11‘, 8110rIn Till OM). • AA ~, c 11;,.1. the to i141.)011tIlUel till to- Taw 11.10710t1g. 1213=1 Merenetdo to t:o• Ell= it,,,,lntote., November %.—Governor called upon at his reSidt`lll,! halt night Ily itlarge hotly or I altntrentivtot, and unekt ttneeett, vow rat glinting them 1111 the• vletstry olitalnott: lie said 'I har hneetion till: 111OVIII Cononinaloners n OUill 11110 In, ! , Itltiell by the Coneta, 10111 111111 1 11111 Judge Ilona 0111114 Lr 115111 to it striet nevonntatallly or lite octants. H:Uinta trout Allegheny r.onnty iodinate I hal the COnser v aLi Vett have earrlegl 11111 1.4%- 1141111 Ive Llt:ket. '111.11:no4tIlutItml amendment 1.11,10011 or slnkilig fund fur the nuppoit. or the row!. uritllois 1115 1151:11 udooted. 301.1*11 wul Ca.lll_llo.llgPOTl.l—ltreacllt 01 I=== tir,: NOV. 8.--1110.11111101 will e.l> 10 110.41101.e] Until 110;VL Week. • Tim Great ireptibile,, pioneer steamer In.tlin 5.411 Fntucl.nu, China and' Japan line, len nctml to-day. She Is the largest, 'wooden steamship ever built. In tne United ritaCes. 'rho typhus fever hail broken out. Ina =digs mint form In one of tho charitable institutions on Manhattan Inland. rourreen severe mama have be II reserved 1.01110 Ykor hospital Will, in it tow days. - - no A. Browne In. 1 ttmghl ul - • aet.l' . . Carolino". _ sitatioNt Clotrle3 E. Fleming to menvor tt.!5,000 for It liretteil of prootiNC, of marring. Arre.t of a Hold Broker. New 1 - 011. R., November Frank a gold broker,. doing business at No. 9. Wall Street, was arrest Ni this afternoon and con veyed befereJIIMAVO. Dowling, at the toiniel, eliarged with having attempled.to get cash for eight coupons of IiVI) LIIOIISIOI , I dollars each, which were advertised as having been stolen front Mr. Lord. It appears from the evidence that a boy named W.,11. UM was sent by Hilton to the :nib-treasury 01110., at titan,, presented the (martens •for payment, wherolipon In(wns Immediately handed lint.) the custody of an officer. !Mr; Ilitton was committed for esaminution lo default of 431 . 00 ball. Clio re: olt r Niemankip. • New YORK, NOV. Hagan, wpiril arrived `from flavr at this port Itedity, bitil twenty-nine tleallo to One patemgo Irma eholera: Vito Cl these wore sailors belonging to tine crew. The n:toe flee patients null ael tering lion, the elltouye, who wilt he -Itutnavlt ut My transferred to. the Illinois. Among. the patsengers were ten cabin pitiviengers, semi or whom were Laken The Florida is chartered by the French gov ernment to gir to Vent Cr117.,,111111 merely tenehe I ,at New Pork to lituill'onssungers. A Mien will be taken on the subject: by the nottill of lb MO at their meeting this altar. noon. Foreign .1111arlarts by Cable. • N,.11' Veen, November n.—The 111.rld lets the following special over lila cable, doted Lon don, November 7; The Bank of England re• reived turn lu ykoltkilurrik; the month eudtkg Friday, gold to Lute vuluu et 4:940,00o. Tule in crease in rim week, at Lek 4.1311ket mg payments, was .EN3, 4 1.5. • L.N001.1 November 5.-rNvening.—Amorlean bonds ruled ills mornlngdtt. Crel'Ai4; 17rie sbares are! per tout, fewer. Livaitrum.,Novembeen.—Eveniug.—Tho pe• • trolouna market le quiet. Tbe cotton market opentsi at the rates of lest evening. Orleans Middling, 15!4I, From New 'Chicano. New Oeurardi, Nov. B.—Accoonts of cotton continue favorable. the crops Slotted 1.3 the worms and rain cllt.bolnved. TllO Governor a T „toe recommends the cx• Unction of all appearance of difference ON to civil rights between the whites andtit . sres. J add° .Caldwell, a Inember, of th second l'hiladelpilla Convention, made a s ech at .111.1e11301 1 by spectal appointment, during the suss toe of court, urging the extension of sot. (rage to negroes, tutd denouncing rebels anal tits rebellion, EMI t v z, , c T ~,, -1-7:-..'r, ...... 1:0 ' ,---- - : i=i: ' ' ; ,:' ' - ..t*" .-.1 ( , '..'''...--°‘,lk — ti 4 .„ 4.1 .., • - Ac c , .C 6" „...„.... v ..,... 4 .,,,,,,,,,_ ~,,,z-k• - -4 _ • ,v_S EUROFEIN ADVICES 'Br THE CABLE. The Rama Steamer* hurl the Admired ty Court—the French 'Vie°lin in Mex ico—The king of Italy in Venice. [el' TUR vaSe Of the rebel cdoamers peized . Liverpool, w blest WitS brought before the .Iftni rally Court, baS beclF allowed, by COUSellt of all parties, to Amid over. it is believed that the matter will be Privately adjusted. • • • Yenta, Now. B.—The Irma:lf : transports aro maids , to bring home the French troops tram .• • - arstee,'Ntv. B,NheK lag of l all entered Vanier • yeah:ratty, and met with' a grand -re eeptlon:4. ' LON MIN, Nov. 24.—The drafts of• 1 1 ent S. Co., of Chinn, liuve 1,1,1311 refused adeoptanoc. Their engagements aro heavy. • LOXDON, Nov. B.—Thin bunk rate In, bcon rw doted to 1 per cunt. LI VOLPOO NOV. S.—Market for cotton dot'. nun Objet., w.ve deellnedll:,.•, TM, sales to.day . 'have been ,MlOll baled Mil:ldling 1111111111 k 000 quoted at 11;‘,41. Losoort. Novr. B.—The money nytrkoi quiet; Consols for money, sn , ..j; 40; Erie :43;4; Illinois Central, 77. =1 Sr. (arum, Nov. S,—The oillelal vote gives bell. Pile lie majority over Hogan lor Con gress, hut should sieveral hundred votes . cast alter the regular closing of tile polls he se- Cured, his majority will Im Increased. and (len. tilalr defeated for • Legislature. The 2 , 1, ith, CO, 71.11 and Nth districts gave large Rad ical majorltles. urns from the 3,1 district in SUR too meagre to deterinme the result. In the utlt district Swite.ele, Cornier- . . vat Ivo, is probably cluctO.llllll. tle give over II MI. of a Radical utajurity. 1'bc1:01111tiOti to IJO hoard (rout gave lantoin about '21,000 majority. VT = 06HR,T.1.t, N. November Yox, celebrated player, wax ,everely n 1 10.1 tlllB morning, a.t his rebidigieg city, by Ills at•eitlesital .11selfurgg of a pi,. in a itOrktt. of It Iv coat. Tim NW mitered abdomen unit lodged in tills thigh I~ty on II nturl: al the ',rube. I'be • I it in I. Seizure of Arm.—Peroonl Item. ocrn.vA,C. W., November S.—Teo e:eies of Wes Madre:4mA to utikoolve Per.. , wore emt ,lett,Med lit the ILuthoriLles for ,su'uetioos front the (1;,001.1slil.Mt. on. John- . MeDoolthl leave , on Monday Nun York, toJoin other deiegnt ',tiling Englund, on Wedneday. I= O.IeSTOWN, S. Y., Oct. S.—Tl,c Owen, lit s vllinge and Vie"ltlV asemelrJ Lt groat iiiii the re,loof Ico of love rof fr 1011 l 1.1,4 ~ventlig. A 14 . 0111 1 rot:option lo loom; livid, A general Inv It talon In given to all, fool Ills efogoto. fool cAoAclons 111411,1011 allot grounds mu Lloongol. , • reutvit - ot /tlnJorily—Ftwoortscii•r• rite. ltrwligs•rri:, N.Y., Nov. ~ --4, 0 it0:1•4 t0...10111y I Alonror e y 1.761, arr....1111y to rht, t. into WC tiller, unit 4tippir.rti to be The bta're factory of IL trilierittorl, II r,trutt -01, ii , tLyne ommty, limned fItS morttolg, tvolying of $1:r,100. litilired for ho Deloorroty . of Ohio. Lumoys, Nov. the tucriiog. of ILL, I 1,22n . .,1 wr, 1I 02(4 ~,,,olvetl 111 :111121 IL for •the nomosio ion 1,1 •:rol~r nllll to 100 - MI of A:011101r itt.s!. =I ea.. 7.—Lie lei, from boas., mee the i.zl al liaiilinallest tit eeiile ttri "11k,, ii woold geed aernicii in the lay. M N01,1111.4 , r.r...—Tb0 Is‘w .111 C ,NAros, S:1111.1 , 1, woo blii•neil tL,r Morn -1!F; lu.ia. tl 5 03.20 . , tIo 4,11 • AND -SETBITABAN__t A D DIVONA I, LOCAL N nwa ON THIRD PAGE.) hell 11 nod Allegheny 4111r1.144140 Awy'lll 111. • Till, 111.1,1 e which, for three years hala been 111 1,111 ISO of erveLioa, is at, length, laitipt ly completed. .% nether large family of parelll• Iris eltll4ll en, hitherto 010% disi into the oilal asylum on IV 441 met, were - on :naulabi l y transferred to their new holm: int 1 11,11.,e street. TIM 01,3.3i1/11 ,1 11 , 1,1 Ctn . :LILA elll Tliar 4- day utteramm by n largo muffle, oat -till a: kola, gad Kell Ilenten to whom, persel.4 l i labors and liheral oil...rings It {A mainly ow 11 Hatt the dawn, of this noble 1111110 anal non r are how open bir the (ii st line: as a 0..010, reilliff' 11111 11 school law beri.ateal little ones, caid alum the orb. Vs charity. The .:mall 1, 1140:11 1/1”r loon! ceal /1101 in all, were prosaill. The rcosTre.i sayale r delivered eloquent. 111111 liiipre.ssivu :a/dresses. The Rev. Slatt atter a brad address, asked 51r. the 01:41tors ery, wad all the children to Mai in repeating tile Lord's .pruyer. The puldle servos, weru optical 1111 the benediction 14: tux. Dr. P.1)41.. 1 . 11i1.11 - r ll .411111 T sly o lds in intervals ill 1.110 adilre,ses. The tho! threogh.olo.- utono,t livery part or lit::: building—whaill ap pears to have been arranged throughout %Ma. ad:4141041e judgment. 1110 ,IcUlAllrll to 1 30.0 y 11 - 4 feet, itual Comprises a basement, two i i rnielpal stories undo,. spacious attic. 1 1 1 1au basement story is ot Tiresseil stone, tic super:Arne tin of brick - . Thu lower or o:lse ult:at story la II iVittuel 1111 n n kactiftil, room,' baker, titulary, platiroom anal %arks roOla pryiaelpal 100011 d floor cool 1 11 tses reception-rintat ilravelag room, matrons' par -oor,-chapo,se d hool r nurxery a d nd dorm ito. y; the 01.11,141 door I , mn, divided into ormitories infirmary, clothes 000111,00. Titore..aro With 1110 fat:tittles on oaten door. Tito wash 110t141: vool 11011.-11 mod airs:lag room are In a separati MOW ing aul the IVI,O end bt 1110 IoL Tim tot Illln :l Trod( et 2 , 5 lee: east want on 'l'rentont. street, and V.:4feet earn 1111 he malli on Cent rt tool to 1111 streets, in the Firs Ward, Al leghcnv City. The areloteet, .11 Kerr; carpenters, A. Vat terson C 1:4, 11111,:t 11,Orli by Walker; 'quo,. sulk by Ilnw eel h; idatialeolo/: by Itl)'L11e. .111 these parties 1111 1 . 6,16.10 Jll4 lota 11l till! 111/11 1.1 1,111 1.111.111,1•Ivcs. Tile friend , et this I astatit iou—aint wlln aro net 11 1 benektelars, anal Lliu 1,1•11ellt:11111 1, 3 1111 . 1, 11111011 111 11111 11 1 111111111: 1111.1 . 111'111,11.11.4 St . I . VICe. of 11 single gentleman, wilt, for tire, years, 011111 untiring u,sidotty and poLiottL tott,,ertiottO, 11110 01001101 111111 101111011 et/Cry slop 01 101 pOl. gib., saint, :sod 1110' 01,1111 :anal their exerii tarn with a Judgment. told 0:111 Or 1 Ito 110111104 importance, as 4411 as tenths:tint; the 11101 , 1- 1,111, adapting Ito parts 10 the VarlOits 11411 IN anti CuoVellitointßoll 0111•11 on Institution, tn, to lin CCU 11111 l of ,east.. Not In these xi:sot:l4s 011 ly has the walla:nun spoken or proved 1111u :felt It phlhuttli copied, but I les lois also In, Lila thou Oven lip 11l this Se 11 11, and coat ri. 1.1101,.n. of ‘00..0v, 400 hororo (110 totitt MOO- Ity Mu exemplar 01 11111111, ehariLles and willing 11100111, LlU:ruby extolling others to like geed details, encouraging :MI 1.111:4310 111 g the :WI atitertilelllt; 1111111,1 111 continued 'lOOlll, and saerillees, mit if this large, snacions , I'oll Vl,le teat and motile 0411140 Manila w oar millet, an ornament to the city, 111111 n 1111111111/111 for all:time to come of tile bereaved 1001 help. Latllen itna entlen In doing it 10 the e little ones, you hays done It [Dentist hinnli God In not nuntuullul of ouch bets - ice, II will reinty. FriLuOla Cotten Work N. title eot3lllisliment, owned 1111 l .earrled on • for severid yeafi by I lin late flyde, Ott anemia el his death, steed idle for Neteret 11101101 tVe arc glint to announce the remonpLion of; 111181110 k. by L. liyde's This lirol Is voinnoseit of thuchi lit ren afar: Y:. vie., GeOrge, T1. , m1:0 and Edmund, and their slater eitell 'one iil whom in familiar with! the detail,. of their buslnest* Chu bretheitii:are - carder,, iipiniters and- ma chlnts•s, 141111 With h their fere ettch3 Mel !noels oversee and du the work usually nettle:le to 10 red overumnia—the tiller I'm charge tir (110 eottetitig,(lolll,llolll,,lity Ite. Their t (11 telly rely on hen lihr, et I !owe, the best.quallties cotton uiiis. due ion AVII carpet-chain, It - 111 e, NO Ling, &v. We heartily reelilletel this Alondy num ii, 11w Illn:r:ti pa tronage whales", 11,1 sere they.w ve. See advertisement.. .011110111111ted 4r .1,11 Will 'law was - 1 0eamated yi , stenlay by Alderman 1,021t0dn.111, to lINN: a I rail 1;t1 char,:o of la, eeny, {watered again:4lllm J by elin 'Marshall. Cuter %indite rinan. the pil/prialtOr or I too City hilaudai 1u Peebles tow °strip, ap p(areil beforirA Merman Sey ler yesterday, anti made •oath :waists!. Cbarles Stall and Jacob Seldevaller, lor treaine,lng oil hii )11 . 011111 , 1H after being Idly n UM to 110 hO. parties iteeilseil tile„ arrested- tots Made la give bail ill the out.. or p.m, to lois wilt at, cOnrt. Common pleas.—la Om Court of Common Pleaso.esterlay, 11411.Z0 slows on the beech, the pry 111 the case of 11. 1.. Prl4lo it Co:, vs: e. K. Mine it Co., a report, 01 *Melt wag 0111,1101- Oil 111 our 1001010 f 1.14011100 4 111 y; rehummia yen. diet for plaintiff in tlto neat of $213. A minion fbr anew trial:S.oi made Sty counsel for de fence, and rialsons flied. • The nest ease taken up was that of Janie. It. Hemphill vs, 6. K. bane A Co. "Net con. chided at the - hoer of taljourn meat. Threatened to.otlet Even."—Marthit Mc- LiTaW appeared before Justice Lippert rester day, and made oath against Samuel Nesbitt - for Hatay of the pears.. The eirenco consisted It, the defendant saving Ile Would 'mot oven'' with' tire proseuuttir. -What slgnpleunce the .peaket gave to his weeds by.tbo manner of delivery we tiro linable to say,hut it doubtlitm impllWl a Ull l Olll. 411!:1111.41 Martha's j/011,1. 0101 1104111 y 000.111 1 11 y, .1001 1101100 the information. 'Nesbitt we. artebted and gave ball fur slicer Mg. Allegheny Council, killi In.iimelie; of Allegheny Counors held a regnlartun,tt rily meeting at their chambers In City Lending last. night,. There were pres ent Me,,,r, Brolvn, English, Faulluther, Han na, Megraw. M filler, Iteed, Walter and President', Benny. .1 !ter the reading of the minutes of previous meeting. which a are appro‘,l, Mr. Sailha• liar lin:mint...l a petition from Joseph Grad' Co., asking tor the privilege at CO.VIICting a walk Over Carpenters' alloy, between their build In .I:ead and petition - granted. Ulalter read a neutron from the.-prop erty holders Of Stuttn C4:11:11 street, asking that it he vetlfjto un,l • pave,!. Referred to St rent Counalttee. . . , . Tl.e receipts or the wetkilmuSlersami clerk s 01 Lle illy, ae pftellted 1.0 report O . Mark et vasfi. ilill(11 - - Anderson, second ward meninx. 4 4711 Cl Ilucr:e Dallas, Clerk of Market.. 2,141 uri S. Edgar, of Diamond meal. - • 114 Ul ileport accepted. Mr. Mi•gruit . , !rout the Street Illtltroad Com , utittee, ,1101,1,1 :.Iversily to the proproxttion of the A. It Al. l'amtenger Runway Company. •ito change the terms entered Into for the run ling of their ears through the city. Report. treepted. Non-coneurred in by Select Conn , ell. Common Council recede and concur with Select Council. Mr. Itlegraw presented the roport of the Cinlllllll.tot, ott Whitrfs and LandMgs, setting 1011.111.1zat. the former were In bad condition, but, the appropriation being, exhausted nothing coma be done to repair them. 'As the recenits inc the present year will exceed by more than pot, tile original estimated reve nue I roidthe wharf, the lollOWlng resolPtloo ww, 011'u:red : . re ,td, That the Colll7llntee on t'inance be mil they are hereby Instrnete.l to make such airlall;;c1111•Ills WY will place. to the credit of approprtatioil N 0,1; the sum or cioo, to IH.t lined fu 1111.1:mgavilain: upon the Wharf.• The report was aceeptedend the resolution 11.1100.1. is ion NVILI mod from Daniel Illeken- haell asking that Green street IM cut through a lot owneq. by the petitioner.',l{.sad and ro b reed to tioi Umentittee on Is. Mr. Mil,Per:ottered the following resolution: 1iex , .11,1, That lite Committee on Streets be ituttiorilmol ao rules-the grade- of Chestnut reet, so tll'at Llk . t grade a dreori expend with that of Third street,,abont oils hundren feet h. length (rein the oily line:- und:referreLl to WM:nate° on Streets, with power to :Let Mr. 118.11IIII.mtered n reimlutinii changing the, LOOM,. Of Trelllol3L street to Grant. avenue., iuml Central street to t..neohn avenue. Read unit adopted. Mr. Fan limber offered the fol Munn if resolu tion: 11r.r.)1 red, I he City Soh lei for he direoted to Inquire i ii t a,-certain ° the extent of the allthority:iml right of the Woolen Ittentsy Iva alit I:ally:tad Omni:any to build :tad erinst met the 1 hrce traeks hew cod:We:lion aeress!Ateterson• and Sutillutdcy streets, natl. if, in Irk "pin hot, the Fald Coutottny are pro- eeed tag . and acting in Om pretntsew without autherity or right, or in Ilitelt at manner and way . at. 61 tilt it :Inthority tied that lo: to intrltete.l to rake suet: measures and bi - -4 it 11111 . ,:wl: legal prtweetlings lw he, in I COM' , 1/10St advantageous for the ettv and it. htlere-ds. Mr. 111,•Nelli calle.l for the ayes and Julys up non flio•iou-0100 of T oferriog the. resolution 19 tino 'City ' Bytio'n7Elorli4l, Hanna, Iteed, I:i~l•tln null Iny;lnt n+ , -- • Foolholoor, 31egraw, Miller,, :41! Elm rt. nl rittillialier then tinivril the In• relitrreil to tin: Ciitinulltee in coition will) the City wan Mr. Hanna, presented a resolution rtllnest leg tin: Ma: or Ittlei tnlieei. ot the cite tOderdet ftoat patting MIL the ga, lightm befOreAltlO loe.c4oool to pat. it 2.top to the night twatelo oleo eltitog the bow, Read and retorted to l',diee.4:ll(llodtteot. .M r. m ugha oltv . rtM resnlrg ma removing •4e.. s mith from the Committee on Fire En- • iietsmucis as he Is a party in the legal proceeding now pending lit relation, to the' horses of the (irant Engine. Stead and :elopted, Mr, !teed offered a resolution instructing. the coiner ICI rc on :::ewers lo Immire into the luanner tho st s'eralars revelttly laid on striieteantl to ascertain if It has Persil n constructed :win .Itubserve the eltiect for wit It was leitenTlM, and to report at the earliest practical mention ts •Iteicil and 'adopted., Mr, need offered a resolution aULliorialsig: the ty liarrniaster to have. !lathing Hosts olaCeil on the landing In Slot lower part of the vin !knelt I,laCes netinOly licCOOt. Itead ittra - lir. Itced, Chairman Of the Connuittee On Fire Engines. reported. Thotoodnilten report that it is nee e,fiary o place cast. Iron cm:4lllgs In the getter in Irma ill the Ft iendslilp oll'rra resoini ion that Thu Coln trill tee had coo:Aths,' the petition to" resin -Only I i Grant Fire Compa ny, font reported !Lai:CM:ly to the they hclieN n.l thllumnpany recently placed in atm.! On st filng to compl 1:11 the order of the e, proper authoirfeAy • whit.% the other company wag not. rualons, which were, In their opinion, sunk:lent for the retell' ion of the present contp.tity• ne,eptc.haini resolution adopted. Mr. heelprc,ented IL petition Won' a mein. bor of the old Grant ~ , telitti Fire Eliattlll 1.0 pUrlllit. 111 tO VILION'II frWil the Inne.e eel lain 10 let they claiured to belong z.I thew as they were destrquo of 'I art itht 0110911 company. Read as referred to Comm l ittee on Fire Engines. 011 1.1101011 11(1,011[11.1. , EINI2IMI In Select Couheil, present: MeAdis. Drum. lineeenstein, Irwin, Patterson, A. D. 'limn 11, .1. B. .Stulth,Thomas, and President Meltrier. were The rea mln d and approveutos DM d• ' last regular Meeting • The President, read it•xpummuleation from the Pittsburgh CoMmittee on Pirr Alarm . Tel egraph. Melting ConnelisAu he pq.,ollt, at WO opening of the telegraph on Friday evening. • On motion of Mr. Orme, the luVttution 4iL4S Mr. Hall presented a petittfi from the night pollee, praying for.an inertlase or salary nod 'neck. pay. motion of Mr. Thomas. 1,1“,' wilt ,NaSirtlrerri , d to the Pollen Cola. Mr. Halh n from book, reili.tis 0 10 tilt:opening of ; 6 recoil liareet. 1:r ferreit to Street Cuwmti too. 11r. A. li. Smith, a (,0111immic:itItm from Coil troller Franc.. noimillAlog bias tures for the litlk of ,cLolign, IMS also es ,imilltilres for thin year up, to Novetlaier let as follows : Ellis oht,rgo.l.lllO to appropaatlolo.—NO. 4111...0;,N,... N 0..,, 4790.4 t!, NO, O. C.SLOO; 3.5.:i.75; No, 9, il'tl'.lo; No.: *:14.1 1 111.:1—total V. 732.15. rilid 1 . .01k, ft l l l a . o.•tobor. Citv lighter . Fro {l gat liareo,t, eletl.tis to t letotter ;;) • $1043.1) 75 Total in date' , f,1G.5,11:0 90 %Variant - if out al find frig' IW :19 The cbnfroller 511111111414,44 a resoltatou, which was adlint.ll, previa lot; tor Ilia payment of the October lulls, and also 10 "transter the aunt •of Vg4`1.111.1 fret') bpproprholon .N 4/. Claud to if,. ered l tot Nu. $114.14, 0114 lA/ the ...AIL of Nu. Mr. Ir 11/1111110 Collllllll.tee on Common •Intortiveniont, 'Presented a report with the following rebolutien: Thal the rotte ner Is Iterelly instructed to report a 1,111 at the nen slid' II tutanitl,g of the Councils, for pre: sentatlon to the 1,14 Ist (lure, Itir tllu raising of means whereby to enei,„, Improve and 1,411• In order and repuly the commr grounds 0r the lily. The report was necepted, ILII4 the r esolution , adopom• Mr. Malin, trout' the Committee am Water, suhniUUUda llntit ion (Mtn C11n3313 !On Monte. r o. platy Mg tor the putting of w Met pipe oh ..mel solver, (rota .luekson •to Carroll, 3 . 111111. re,01141.5ri granting the prayer of the petitlooer, • • -The resolut lint was adopted. Atr, P. mulch presented 3 preamble and reeolution, as 10110 n Wu k.1[31, Tile Cotontil3 of theCldy of Alto , T. 7 ~.solut.lol,or-Juno 71.11, INA), directs ml the fdayorof IRO city' to transfer the sleek of -the (11,10 and Fentisylvatila Railroad held by the elle' to .hoots Marshall, Tinanns llowe ants .liolati Clog, as 'Tetodecsi to Nita Ihe .0110 or tml exelbsive toe , 'Moe tlt tool beltoof (Pt the holders (I( Ulu bowls tic eltv or, Antithooy to sald (bits nail or IL miteu;ription to the capital Keck In, 13301.30} , -31.11e .. .Ani, now Infnlinff „art Lie mu...lmp - go, Fort Wayne a, Chicago hiolroad Cloonan 11.14,,ri., the Trus . o2es Manes:Ml hav d mole( rmal thn : ' , lllLl,l 01.010 3lort,3tlLl, alter 113.5 , 10.4- accepted the upon roltdßion (hal I hey 111_10111d have till „ L a va: , and von:wilt. Of lie FIMIIIeO e of COUnei LS; Will the whole Of the MIS. ' of the said trust having been effected nod ilischartal, tooter the direction and . . . sanction or Um sand Commie tee, and having .net tied their account ell li the city ' and trans. leered to the city the proceeds of the stile of the stock aforesaid, and thus completing .their trust; therefore., Resotir,t, That 1 he Mayorof the City of Atte. itheny, - tei the Treasurer of She city, he, and they arehereby directe , to make, execute and deliver unto the ti teethes aforesaid, a release. under the seal of the city, for the taped: no transferred to them, and for the appropreas ChM ;made by llieul 01 the' proceeds thereof; also a Stipulation of indemnity for all loss, damage, cost or expense which may acerb° against theta or either et them. $3,1 motion of 11 r. Thomas' the preatmlile and renolutlon sn'ere referred to the S'lnance Com mittee. to r;reparn a'proper reeelpt 'for the Cominthstotters. . - Mr. Drum called 'up the resolution, adopted 11 tie October by Common Council, laid over In select, Lrecouttnonallag the adoption of DIM & kluserl, plan for a Market House on First ward sotutre, and Moved a 'COUCtiffeIICO With I the Common Loumfl I._ . .. , The motion prevailed. . 31r. Dram thou moved that the plan be res . !erred 'back to the Market Committee. wit!. .4 211010 ions 10 :Old:aisle for proposals. - I. all of which aCtlon tee Ceti:deep :OUtlell cam:Alfred.• : . .'• f Va . tuoUou,aajourn ed.. t ,„ 4 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~. PRICE THREE - CENTS. Piliockl4 Accident—Boy Bun Over and Almoat, 'natantly litlled—C,oroner's Inques,fr.. Yesterday min Cl og about the hour of 1 noon, a little boy intund Daniel Piper, WhOSO tend. dewed mother .1414/118 Is Factory Alley, be t, eeu Itobinhon and Laexa.k streets, Allegheny, was run over by 4 carriage near the corner of the last named ..treet:and Federal„ and almost laid:tally killedl The driver of the carriage, a colored man, vas arrested and consigned to the Allegheny tvatell house, it , being ulleged that the accident was the result of reckless di lvthg. A few hours after the occurrence, Coroner Clawson lint an Inquest on the body of the deceased, when the following evidence concerning the affair was elicited: • WM. Katie, sworn.--saw deceased creasing street with an armful orwooel; 1 wag on the Corner of l.acock and Federal , streets; culled to the driver to hold on:some other man with me hallowed too; the driver looked thick but did not stop; be was stopped near General itoiiill9oll'l4 110118(4- he struck the he: at the crossing and rolled • him Into the Intddle of the street: a gentleman-picked-him up and carried him to Go doctor s; the carriage. was sixty or severity riot from the boy wheal call ed; the horses were on atrot; he could have stopped if he had becu attending to bust -1103s; the boy was Cem the 'crossing when struck; don't kuew whether the delver saw the boy or not; we cried "hold Dr. Mahon, sworn.—Was called to ace the deceased at Dr. Ilerron's office; when I looked [UMW I found both tlitglie broken; his head wan swollen considerably and supposed his skull was fractured also; thought he would not live long; !relived about twenty iulnutes; lila death was caused by a fracture of the • James ' Morn, sworn —The first thing that at a cted my attention was tills colored man . . vellum . on others berme him to atop, and then saw Mr. Ilubley running to Dr. lferron's otfice with the child in his arms; I ran into the of fice; I discovered tlecemaed had been injured about the head and his limbs fractured; slid not tine the accident. W. Haley, sworn—Wm sumtlin,'on the Sidewalk undnne Of my employees called my attention _to child under it carriage; 1 ran and took up the child; new the wheels passing 'over his head; 1 wits embarrassed and took the child to Dr. flatiron's; think there was noth• lag "[reckless in the conduct of the driver of the Carriage; he said he was nodding hack to a man who ho thought know him and had culled him. Skinner's .S:alentent.-1. !stopped at the depot inlet out a holy; 1 was thua driv ing along and 1 thought I heard a car . hell ring.anel some one hollow; I never saw the child at all till I hear[ the sticks creek; I know I ought to haveetboned; was fin Ving a young !loran; 1 called, t0...111,111Pd MeCtillt, the driver ahead of me, to , stop; then I told tho.lll oar dm , Mg fur, and where the stable 11,1 (rove:ln thin toitn nearly elttllL year , : the other e:trriaoo was het a short distance allettO; 1. hall three belles in when the fteel olent °yearns]. The women In the carriage ahead of lee sail I was not to Warne, and Uhl Inc where they could be found; I tried to •ck up Its soon us 1 heard the edict; creek; as returning trim a funeral; did not think setwnnq were Hallooing Ut,,11110; I was not drir- n.t . too fast. • Tim testpuony, It will ba soen, fully ozone r. I,tl IkrlVer, out 1.10 wiIIIIOIIbLICIAA to a.- ntrgod, If Ito has not been already'. ^ Grocer a: Baker Sewing. Machines The general reader - need not be told of the superior character or the Grover A Thiker sewing machinei, since they have been - so Ming In use by hundreds of families in our own city, unit Minir good merits are thorough ly appreciated and mideistoml. These mu chiaes are easy to work, ea,, lie safely rile Ilya mere child,' and aric not Bahl° to tatt out of order, while the quality and qicintßy id sew log done by theta tit hut little time Is really, astonishing: They are all warranted, and father or husband who tVOIIII , I carry a blessing Into Ids household, should at once purchase u Grover .f Baker machine. They are cheap, and in very short, tone will reicaythemgelves in labor saved mot work performedwThe en terprising azent, of the company hero, Mr. A. 1.. flintoney, O. IS Filth street. hasjiist re ceived new It9bortMent of the mostprom:- uhly.et.ytese which tie loc, now Upon 1,1411MA/irk at Ills sales-moue. The ladles are Invited to . . call in anti nee these ad hilrithie nod nitexcelled tam;)linen working. Now fh . f the hoillayn are nooronehing we can in gins ue letter gilt for a holy relative or frie n d than e: geed Grover 13.1.ker sewing machine. == • There is not hinged - ) essential in a communi ty-, as a store in which can Be found everything calculated to please tile Palate .of the most fas tidious epicure. Such is place is the family grocery store or Berens S (half, No. tie Liber ty street, at the Intersection of Ferry street, . where can be found everything in the 'grocery "and provision line, for sale, at • remarkably low 41glin.s. This enterprising firm inst.:ust re ceived an. immense stork of tear, codes, so. gar, NpleoS, and in tact an infinite variety of every description of groceries, winch, they purchase/I for 'cash under peculiarly advantageous eiretteistaue6 they are ante to sell at prices that almost defy competition. Although but uncle Ilrm, they have already by their intininitnble energy and perseverance wou enviable reputation for their house that is not. excelled by any similar • establishment in the city. If their business increases as it has been•ilorig WI late, they w rip be necessitated to enlarge their already mammoth. establishment, to a comparative brief period, as their 'present stand will be In sidlleimit to contain their customers, even to the exclusion of the goods themselves. rho Itolt4ays aro Comldy; Tho holiday seitaan Is close upon , and our merchants , %chitin we 'are mourning their gays appearauces Country dealers are dally'ars riving to replenish their steel: for the festive days amp trade In every easiness has bright ened. Messrs. Rates R Bell. No. ill Fit th street, have Made extra provision for the great dm wand which bu c.xperienced for choice 5011 seasonable drysgoods, and have laid in a. large block of alt the most desirable articles In that line oft rude. Their shelves are teem ing with piece goods suitable for dresses, 'cloaks, segues, An., Sc., which have been se lectml. with the utmost care and at tentlou,und will be Iltvoi.l of at prices In keeping with thu usu al cheap rates orthe house. The Ursa devote emeclal attention to the -minufactu're ~f nil kinds of thetks, bisques, tutu coats, which they make to Order In the very best style of art and Vert:man ship. The house Is well manumit throvfghout, and pa trons may at all tam. safely rely upon rtsailys fur courteous attention from the obliging and accommodating clef ha .in atteodancii. Ile mementher the place, No. 21 Filth street.. 31,111 .4.1 . 4. 1 J., 75 IY.I . , .lo What a WarldThe Uwe Itt Only to think our old friend o t the corner of I.therty auilSt. Chair streets, will offer to Ills friends not pations three deferent kinds of (13 , 61,er5, all three or t 1 4 .0 best prb Celt to range as follows: be bent Cove Shell oysters at fifteen emits per dozen, better than any can opened to sell at thirty cents; and toy Shell at twenty-lie rents, will- ho better than you'enn get theft ally where else for ilftycents; and my forty cent oysteis 1 defy ally man lit the Iron City to produce them without dealing with me, as 1 wilt supply thmnt to any one so that they 'Pan sell at my prlcee and-realize fifty pet cent. Give fie a call, Don't forgot the place. Noopariel Din lel; Saloon, earlier of Literty and St. Clair street,. , Charsed with Sheri Adam Wlssler apperrod before Jystice Lip- Ott, yesterday, and made oath against Annie James, for . 'The larceny of four dollars 'and sixty cents. The dere - Adam sue employ ed a few weeks 'Mice asltt domestic In tho family of Mr. Wissler, In the Eighth ward. but dittlenlty occurring between' her and Mrs: Wissier, ehelelt the houseon Tuesday evening lam and since that tltuo !ma nothetin seen by any member of tier employers fami ly, The money which ahe is charged with having stolen, was in a bureau drawer *rap ped Ina handkerchief, which the accused was seen to have in her hand a few mammals be fore she left. a warrant lons been Issued for lierErrest. • Befor4; /114dernann Johon .Catharine Robinson charged.,,Zenn le Taylor with the larceny of a cape and-coat and other articles from the hone of the alflant. A war rant wa leaned; Jennie arrested and Irrau g h berme the Alderman. In default of bail in three immix - ea dollar..liairdo was committed to answer at Court. • !Mary Rook charged a galtb at, not a Lad look ing young lady with using -bad,' violent and denttnatory language. Emma, with her fr-r. r.ling-euris, presently made tier appearance In the cuStody of facer Thomas, and after a pa tient hearing by 'ILO Alderman and a largo amount Of lagla displayed On eittlOr Side, /WI accatied_ was disci:at - gm' with. payment of costs: , - The IVesinahaitler.Resiew Foe ocrOuse: 'Reprinted by the Leonard Scott _ uldishing Calumny, New York: Sold at 'Pittsburgh, by W. A. taldunienity. Contents—l. The Irish ChurchApo*. %les; by Ernest. Ronan; 3. Thu Neenah and their Origin; 4. The' :Abbe ....Lamennals on Dante: A. The Canadian COnibiterney and the *Reciprocity. Treaty,• U. the Dog, his genee; 7. Our ;North Paellie Colonies; S. The Verret ot.Vontalmbleau. Contemporary erature., . Daok Dlvidenda.in'addltlop to the all v Benda announced It day or two' since - onr columns, we havo to add. [luso declared .by tho Third National tied - Citizens' National .11anks....flie Conner declares' a dividend of els per cent.. and Ulu latter ilve, out of •the earning of the past six months. Both are sterling Institutions, and we ace pleased to chronicle the handsome dividends declared: THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. A kill! IIss3IMOD JOURNAL,, CONTAINI.I4 07: TIIIRTT-TWO COLT:ROB OP PRESR AND CAMICREIifING READING MATTER TOGETHER WITH sun- . RZT REVIEWB AND „ Cinl. RENT LOCAL N ERR. TWO EDITIONS ISSUEDI WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. The raliion Is forwarded which will leach aubwriber soonest. Ea= llngle Copy (par annum) ECIMMES Clubs of Ten or more Meellin,T.—The Alumni of. Washington and Jefferson College Will hold x meeting in the First Presbyterian Church to th..eitx, on Tuesday evening, MAt inst. This meining promises to be one of unusual Interest, OR a number Of the distinguished members of quo Alumni are expected to bepresmit anti par ticipate in the prOecedinga. ECM TAYLOR—Mrs. ELIZAISETII TAILOR, oci the that., at 3.%1 o'clock • The funeral will take place at 2 o'cloOr. ztn A nA.T, from her late realilence, klmrpsburg. to proceed to Allegheny CeMetery. The friends of the flaully are respectfully Itivlteil to attend. Carrlagekalil leave Va!man & nampoon , i, corner of:inveigh and , S . /11Itli9eld street., at I o'clock. • [Philadelphia papers please copy. AtYLEtt.—ht Clevel.d. Ohio, Nov. GL6. mt, WILLIAM orJaCasun. Tenn., brother or T. T. and 0.'01.. Mytcr. • Funeral on Fiartalr 31onlili:11, nth - lost., :at ,111 o'elook, from the reshlence of .1. A. Myler. Leacool. itreel, Allegheny city. Friends of the dtrulllea are Invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 11 . ILLBALE CEMETELIX.-J-The t.auttrui ••liedY-acre,•• the Direst auprirtx! l! ' eTPrialitatif AllegbesT. w ror iota, penults or Dllgg, tall at Centrai Drug Store of (AXIL It CLAN El, Alit ;belly city- ALEX. ,LigiEN; • • mr.csrla r mirafrAtjicaEiNe., N0.1G4 Fourth itruet. Pltteburgi. Ps. OOFFINB or tindA, eicArirs, in.ovsnoLud or Funeral FLITIIISMIZIN ktoons mrsuuneo. .owns d W. Jacobus, MD . .. Tlaomuu Ewing. Jur..ott H. littler, C.a. • FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN DEBT AItERS - N0..196 Smit4tleld coi - . - • trAstrance trim tioventh Street./ IPX"X"r/93317r1E1.C3VJECp PAL.. ANTI 133 biANDUSKY STREET. A ir.e.sersimiv v. PA • R T. WIIITC & CO., • UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS . , Manchester. Wl:lat'sd:iin and vicinity. • - 'NEIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE Ooruerot Ilast.ffitsll and Ckartlers istree.ts. • If isnc and Varriaxerfurolabril. rEIGA GLASSES FOR S4LE un HIRE:, AT OUNSEATH & CO.'S, 86 M.l.Xt.lta f3ltroet. oe9 , LADIES' AND .GENT'S' 740;7.41.2173ELMff10e.' ALL SIT LES. AT 6111EATLT REDUCED TRICIA, AT T.-17171-T-5353117 9 E5.. lor, WTI.IE - ST., SEAIL FIFTH. Gnovrar. itAttER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewi n..“- Maehines A re TILE It F.r.T fur Fand'y Rod Ittauurart urloK pur lbws. Pail and bte flit lit at Xo. is Fifth Street FOR CIIEAP SPI~7C7TII:CL~E3;-' 4!:3k0 TO 31A.SLETT & CO'S, 931 Smithfield Street. NEW AND IMPHOTED METHOD • - or { REPAIRING . AND POLISHING WOOD THE LKP 91 , AV,VC: OR NIMVILAC; I'ItODUCING A kt,Cl'.ll. - • UN.ln.lllit.titY IN lIIIII.T.IANCY ANI) PUHA -MLITT. mai srfl.h one harYthe tabor, time • and cost ol any-other procest. PATENTED AUGUST DIN STATE. COUNTY AND SHOP lUUUTS Attdreas • EMCEE% & lItViN 6, • noe:n6G , Con.loarland l.lounty, Pa. JUSIICAI2IIOI.A..r. W. It. LATSItAw. 7 a. ANDERSON. EAGLE COTTON WORKS. HAVING RECENTLY PURCHAA- Els THE EAGLE, CUTToN \WEISS, nrtner ly owned by KINU, PENNOCK CO.; we respectfully la lallll the public that Ivo will continue. the manufacture of Sheetings, Cotton yarns, Carpet Chains, Candle Wick and Batting. - Orden easy tieleft at the 001ce of the Work., CODER ISABELLA S SANDUSKY STS., ALL6GUENY CITY; Olt AT TOE ' P.IITTSIi UR Gil BILE PrjEltr, Cooler of De g asses Way and Marker's All y, Pittailassa - a - ls, Pill.. JOSHUA RHODES & CO. Doamal JUST ,111111V1 FROM THE: BOOTS'; t ILND SHOES. I JAMES. ROBB,: No, 89' Market Strert, Pittsburgh, Pa , . VIIs el.lestablleht,l bowie has new In sln thirtY- Gve worth of Boots not nboev, styles the latest, the quality the llevt, wt C leh Iwo. e ileterwleed to te ll at b FAIN I.OW PI F.n. We have revel-yea Ott to be up.bantold by au In tile be It• Ness that keep, worth Call touboaavutae bur ia..4 or sls. .0.1 we reel cattathul that you will hereto., wh ow at you want In the I:.L and 'Aloe I,tue. I/0 not fore - o.llm blue, 66!far}etetreet. jet% • • • ; Ctook, ori , T BE DECEIVED BY • nourishing Lilt COlutrka sulvertb4lnentt oritifetlur ktleb , uet, but get a tiltoV-} ItAwru.., • It b. been 15111 ttate,tror sixteen ye•are, and it by all,cOmpv -tbut Judges, • uou bi tic,llbe •• NT . No, 3.6 PIS" 83trepc..t. HOUSES! 11011SEsil • - FORaa'J • • • 81 . 1E6.4 to= ud INOIIK(HOSSES, Just r..o.lved *Ad 1r 111 ts, nold rhnap: one good DIU vING HORSE one goon IVOME. )laft.K. uaranirea o 110 sound and pool NtOt ktri. Call at • 110 WARD'S SA_LX STAB LE, • no 9 Fir‘t ntreeL. near niononcannla lloone. DIRER, CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers, CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS • Latest styles of 'PLUM I max ronnsetliron hand. - ptrirsnuttGit itallk - • . - , • • FOR SAVINCS, - -_ • No: G 7 X • crumtla. Mt - root. I.)om.oaltb m de nu or To. fare N0V.E1104.0 win draw SIN. P 1.1: CEN/ . . I..N'l'Eltr,.-3T 1 foto of 1aX.0 . F9011 NOV ' - ' • - %mu .I.lly OM 9A. N.. fo' r. On.rou Wed- Ilead AU.lllltu. day ercoings, loom 10 o'olook. noll:1110 • - . ~~€~y-~ f~~A WINE THIS DAN' SOLD MY EN. Tittle INTERYHT STAN ittotD V.E• TR.o.tttllK.ltiel IN itity rt Alm of CLARK& tiliEß, to Cot. F.LI C it, of .00t dr= tir.uur T W. C. TW.Etom,g. . October no7:ne. RIDLEY'S • CLI4. - E.A.Di. - CAANTX:O - 17. • oat rrerierci fetish no pply of vbrle tett Visnllla. er.,111 nalortr4 thttt , l , o,lkg: ti) VAC r.. 14 Wuc , ry Meteor uta JUIDT Ji...118 - 14.311*Vr.. Rued straeta: ENY I LLI GOLDEN SYR- , UP.— rive trerrels of thle eslebrate4 liftep lost reeekred and for •ale le: keen or -lay,the puree 'We rienpy tirocery Store, - • . : •.1 NO, .I"Xit/311/IW. *MI - career llter.ree anti khkedetroe MOND rigOIWSUADES-,Altttioyror: alarl !- iVf 'a :3 - littaLrnt - ' J ESt.oes - Os. HIRTIT ..,1 'RA MILL ENGLINII - VENZ*I44::: uzl3. " c° ?lZrel."ir t .l it legutV "r; !noggin. 3 WOO 4 Meet', 11 :!f# „.......i~.Lu BEM IEI 1 Hi ; 1 i 1 IS EU . 1 - r -- ) 1.7 ZE4I