`a , ES THE DART GAZEFFE, Pendiman, Reed & Co., AT . GAZETTE BUILDD,TG Na. 88 Fifth Eitreat. r. 11. PENNIMAN, Ed „ ori T. P. HOLSTON, JONIAII KING}B • mess Xassgera X EIRGN P . REED, , Slagle COpt t Dellrercd by carrier, (per erackl. = Liberal reductions to Newoboir pad Atents fte pt.lutr#ll (ftatitc. THURSD4T,'NOVE3II3ER 8, 1,866 TEE Etzerions-Up till the hotw . of go ing to press (four o'clocir, A. St.,) we have received very incomplete retums of the re . cent e lections. In New York our victory has been: glorious There all the power of the opposition, the government machine% patronage, and pecuniary aid,were brought to bear upernthocanvass only to secure a more triumphant dbfeat to themsetves. Fenton has been elected by a, majority closely approximating; ten thousand.. In Michigan the. , result is equallfgmtify lug. , The entire Itadlcal Congressional delf•fmtion has been elected, and_the vote thrbughont the State show's large Repel can gains. ' In New Jersey the Legislature. in both • - • branches is RepUblican.', • • . • In Missouri the result is as favorable as the most :anent Radicals anticipated. Frank Blair'has been elected to Congtess by a majority. of six. The DeMocrats have made a small gain in. Delaware, the • Statogoing Conservative by one thousand majority. From the other States we have no re. turns more complete or satisfactory than those furnished in our \last issue. TELE: ABDICATION of the Merl= Em peror is followed by rilmors that Lieuten ant Genera! SHERMAN and 3limsteF Camp. BELL will shortly sail on a diplomatic and semi-military mission to see what can be made out of the remnants he is leaving be hind. While all men have a high respect for General,linEnuks's abilities as a l sol dier, few have contide.meln the solidity of his judgment on questions outside of his specialty. In am:Lipton of delicacy, such as that to which lie has'been assigned, qualities, are requisite which he has not the reputation of possessing. How far tis de ficiencies in this regard may be counter balanced by the' nature and accomplish. ments of Mr. CAMPBELL, can only be con- . leetared. Good tiny come rut of the em bassage; hut as at present advised we should Much prefer both of the distinguish ed gentlemen should stay at Ironic. Awrittr. ago it was retained that f,iecre buy Stanton was going out of the Cabinet; that he had delayed, fixing the new army appointments and other matters so as to leave the President comparatively power -le&s. Ho* that was done by the Secretary did not clearly appear, and probably no man of sense was deluded by the repre sentation. It is now afftrrnt , d, and doubt less correctly, that Mr. Stanton is not go log out; and, in addition, there are rumors that the President Is coming - round, and designapropesing to Congress a Constitv tional Amendment not muclt different :loin that now before the State§ for ratifi cation. 7 BALTIESOILE has a population of 300,000, which would imply a voting population oT at least 40,000. Under . Radical rule there are only 8,000 voters—flvo thousand of whom are Radicals. Call you that popu largovernmerit?-BoYleatoimi -Democrat. - According to the census-of 1880 there were 6113,700 inhabitants in South .Caroli . nn. Of these 402,406 were excluded from reprefrentation, not, as - in the Baltimore cure, for crimes which the laws properly define and punish, biltfor wearing the color . that God made them with. "Canyon that a popular goVernmenti" TUE Tolcdo Vommercia! calls lttelition to the annibling houses in , that city, of whlchitaaye there are eight, which 'have been there for years di tog business as reg- nlarly as any other business" in the city. The Commercial says "somebody's hard earned dollars are required to keep them ih motion." It Wants to know why noth ing is done with them, In New York they-have commenced doing something with this sort of men. The Democrats have just elected one of them a Member of • Cangress. 1 AT COLD WATER, Mich., on Saturday - evening last, Ebenezer Leach shot his wife and a rung man named. Geo. 0. Brown, killing both. Leach was a worthless fel low, and had sellarated from his wife some years ago. Blue was supporting herself, by keeping a millinery store. Being afraid of her husband, she asked Brown to escort her to her father's. • On the way they were / killed.' She wanthirty-four years old, and ( —Brown eighteen. Both were highly re apeeted. WE learn from the -Madison (Ind.) rift pers that on Friday night last a large barn and other out buildings' and a quantity of lumber on the farm of3Uss Dells Webster, in Trimble county, Ky., were destroyedby fire—supposed to be the work of ineendle _ ries to whom Miss Webster has - made her stif obnoxious. - TREIM seems to have been pro-concert in the rebel movement to create a riot in Baltimore. Had a riot been actually atart- cd, there are. indications that Jiota would 1 _instantly have broken out in many-South ' erncities, putting the lives and property of - Union men in peril. . THE Chicago Repubtkart says it has as: alliances from private sources which it con- alders authoritative, that Lieutenant Gen: Era Sherman has steadflitly refused to signify his approval of that line of action known as Mr. Johnson's "policy." , Tuz REF. Gronoz L. Wtt.LlA.us, a cler gyman of the- Episcopal Church, and re siding iI Frederieksbttrg, Md., was arrest ed in New York, this week for picking a lady's pocket in an omnibus. Tree total number of choler,' cases re ported to the :Health Coinmlseloner of Chl eago for the month of Octobqi le 1,062; of these 847 "irate fatal. . ' - Tim dlyldend . of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, just declared, is six per cent, }ming a'falling off 'of one per cent. Ma Joal Prxrrr of Indian '1 - named - se a candidata' for 'United Siatel - Beriator in place of Mr: It. S. Lana. , , 'Lug colored'peoplo of Indiona, are hold ing a State Convention at Inhinnspolis, in bebnif Auta fughta., - ' ••..,trtsutao Ward biased the detartiem neve actor, Woman Bradhiat the Olympia Theatre: Loadort , TAla Mari atilimeronsalY=tbe ..japarpptAiseccate. WhO tzll,lo.oPog riMef attar wit or itenLW ret salami Ire snOW; PUBLISHED BY = 1113=2 15 Cent/ ievoo. . , ... - .. • - - , .. .•' ' ' . • ' . , „ - , ~ -- • - . ~ . - . .. . . f . .. - _ ... . - , . .- .. - • . . .. ~. - , . . • • . . . . . . . .. . _ . . • \ . . . • 1 • • • •-. ... .. _. . . _...:. • -, -_ .. - s- .. ~.•. •. -_ •._ . -..-• - • , •. .. •,.. .. • -..-. _ . .__.... _ • _ -- - - • -- • • I . . • . . . . ~ •i ' . .. • -.,.' *.• .., .: . .k , •• ~ •. -• , . • ; \ • I. E . • • .• ,_....._• . ~ I 1 •• . \.• •.--. - ....&• - . . . . . . • • . s . -, . . . • • . - - - - - • . _ • .._, • . 1 . . -.•-... -......_...__. -.J.-.--..- -• . .... .- ---..- . --• ~ . fik . . . . - . . . 7 . -1 • . . , .•-•••,- --- ;7\ ' '•------;.- s . . . l • • _. ~ ~ • _ • .•‘, isS t ILI S itlit .6--- - ---- , • • -- • _ ___-_,_,..,, . ,_ . . 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'-_ - _.... -- .,._],zi;L- - "ti . .,,,..,!.. : 1'.‘,_-::._ . :- .. .: ; -4-LF,x , ,.!*,...-f.„ . . 7 y• , ~.., ~,,1 _ l.\ , i ,_ . - ,_, . i 1 ~ ..,..I_, -: _;--;i•------ . •'- „.- '-,- 5.: ,-,,,, =-71.-: , -.;-::L7_--4— .. "- , , , t1:.=-. -- .:-11 - - .__,-.--.7.... ' l .---,==•_--:.• :•.:,__=, „_.--- • _ - ------• -- 'I, . I ..„.): .: ::. NT FREati l.; ExTrr llt iwEß, GZ; D : riv Ellt iimilprzsr : B -7 7 0 o tl ixtrit. L:llTlLN lN l: e. O:: : ~.. ...:t i.. .: . ,.-. - -I‘, R A,. ..s W i IT c H HALE- i --,. ...;:,,-..• .-u]ii . rti - "„! , .1 . . . r 7 . 1 . ' ' 1 - - -•• •• ,• , ,,e rv „,. _ . i 4 11 -'1 . 2 ( iIH , , 7, ) ' ~& TWO EDITIONS SSYFP ...- !.! i. l . ,-. t ' -' _ i __ .• ?. I . -' ll ,ll. •• - - . • E"', LC •C L . ...---.1 • /, ' . , _._-- , , '‘ \ (la ) e. ... t. t \ , ... . . rh x ; i t E D i 0 n 1 I t . E B . f D . r.r. di 1 3 , I A 12 2 D, r hß. & le h T 1I . 8•, : t A i.,, 1 1 .. * • . , : . • VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 269. CITY ITEMS roil Oita SNIP New Hops at Joseph S. Finch's • ' A Ele . Wag ! The daily sales at the Opera Hotise shoe Store, i tio to Ftetnines Drug Store. No, St Market street. •for • the be . et Table 011 In the city. • Yon Can Buy New Hops at Joseph B. Flin'. Go to Flemlna-„•11 Grog Store. No. 84 Market street, for all genuine Patent Medicines, at the lowest' rates. \ Fact ! They Lave nothing but good goods at the Opera; llouse Shoe Sol e / • to P101:131011 . • 13 , 10 g Store. Sa Market sixeot, for 'LIM - bast assortment or Pore Wines for medicinal purpose!. A Wonderful =doff! TLie axtramoly lotr price that bolts and shoes - are soh' at, at tho Opera Haase Shoo Storm Yon Can Buy Farolgn Liquors of all kinds at J oneph S. Fowled Dlatlllory, No. 199,493 and 195 Flrf3, ntrcot, Pittspargli: The Quaithy or hood• We sell should bo a guarantee to all that the Upora House atm Store is the place to bay su periorlloots and shoes at a low figure. Tile - Enterprising Proprietor Is uow• East, buying his second supply- of sea sonable goods. Look out for theM, as bar gains are in store for the millions. - Opera House,Shoe Store. Abduction-LA Curious Story °Marengo °pi tvorlee..-Ylifer Young Children Sao leo Thirteen Years Ago—A Clue as Lass Obutined—Deirettres on the Treelt. Thu Detroit Post contains the following count of abduction case in Delrolt : The sequel of a great crime has Just crone tO light, and It involves considerable mystery and a great.dest of heartlessness on the part of a amuse,' who deliberately intrigued, either for the purpose of haying revenge on a woman whom she hated, or tor.the purpose of sere ring ,a large sum of money, of which two I Young children were the heirs urospectfve. Thu circumstances, as related by the mottle, et the two children, who were abducted till, teen years ago, are as follows : Captain Slailden, who was an • East . India captain, twenty-eight years 'ago married it young wife in England, and came to Canada with a view 01 bettering his fortunes, ,al. though ho was then In receipt. of an tinnuity of 6010 per - annum. This annuity, came through his mother, was to cease at the time of his •eath, and some portion of it was to revert to his children from hie mother at the time et her death, and she was then con siderably iolvanceet in years. After reaching t;anatia,tlie captain sailed drat near Windsor, and there died. Ills wife batiberne him three childre», two of whom subsequently died, one after being married six yesrs and the other in infancy. One girl, Sarah .lane Stan den, grow up to be ten years of age, but in the meantime, her mother hail been married to a loan named White, who had a sister named Hannah, a virago of the first water. The re. stilt of this union was one:child, • a boy. who grew up to be three and a half years of age be fore the beginning of this chapter of family history, and a ;laughter a year or so elder. lianrials White, then a spinster, way staying at the house of hair brother and was well treated there; the family u:avisy In the mean time removed .to Sandwich. One morning Mrs. White came to this city to do some mar keting, leaving her sister-in-law in- charge of the Alonso. Daring her absence Hannah White took two ch W ren,SarultJane Slalom; her niece by marriage, a girl ten years of age, and her nephew, Joseph IL. White, a child three and a half years of age,:and left wit! ; them for parts unknown. The.mother,on her returnaolind out her, loss and•was for a time inconsolable over it; shsbadvertiseti in - the principal papers th relight:et the coon try, - .. net detectives to work, amf.did everything her Melte., would permit rf to and out the whereabouts of her lost children, but without _success.- • Time passed on and the mother gave up to despair, after traveling throughout .the country fur three or; four years in watchof her lost darlings, ;in 10,10, by some means, else learned that the woman who had stolen her children was in Detroit, and she took 11/ensures to have her arrested. Her efforts were reivardei with pat tie! success, and after a tedious law unit she gob beteg the hey but .rapid hot get any trace of her daughter, who had gone over with her grandmother under the following circumstances: Alter and tic ng the children, It appears that Hann:ill White took them to Vernon: county, Wisconsin. and while there she was married to a man named Allen. This marriage was consummatenin lied Axe. in the above county, and she Heed there some time, keeping the children with her. Some years ago the daughter Sarah, who had grown up, learee.l the whereabouts of her mother and addressed a letter' to her at London, C. W. This letter was received and an answer returned to the effect that her mother would come after her and take her home. Mrs. Allen intercepted this let ter, and calling her mace. who mean.' time, on account of ,111 treatweut. lied loft • her aunt end gone to work for a farmer, named Wilson, near Liberty ;role, in the same dimity, drew out the letter and pretended to read It. lint in, -Steal of giving its eintents as they Were she made op a story to the effect that Sarah's mother was dead and desired her daughter to rem tin with her (the aunt-) Mrs. Allen had,- drir ng the interval, visited her hither, who resided in another:part of the State,. and -In dured hint to leave hie wife after eettllog a cer sin sum of moo on Mrs. White, ner stet; mother. Mrs. Wh ey ite gut the 'children, ant started to go South with :them, lint ion the way %line, senior,. who wee the father of the second husband of the former Mrs. Mad der, (who. by the way, has silica married a third husband. Mr. Idenste) attacked the wo man, and after a fight got.the boy. White then came toDetroit with e boy, and, as res lated above, he was given up to his mother. Trio girl went with Mrs. White, it is supposed,:. to Cincimiati. White. the grandfather of the: children, haute, In 1561,, to Mrs. White's (flea Sladden) house, and after many expressions of contrition. -was received into the family. While there he attempted to aixinet the boy again, but was unsuccessful and left to return to his own daughter's house - in the city, the woman having •taken up her residence here, and baying obtained a prominent position ,in a leading church, from which she was after wards exPelled' as being an arrant hypocrite. , viTh as far the case was very much mixed up, I owing to the bitermarriages, and no motive could be assigned for -the abduction, but a spirit °I re , enge. But since then It has been discovereo that: the girl Sarah Las a legacy , amounting to °bent/ PAO in this country, and is sole heir to conildernble amonnied prop. erty in England. This .property has been De -ctitnnlating fora long time, In fact ever since the death of Captain Siadden, and ere has In law the full right to it. • Several gentlemen of this city have taken the matter In brinli, and having reeeutly got a slight clue to the where , aboute of the long lost girl have commtudesw; tod with the police authorities of Cincinnati, and will ferret out this complicated affair to the end. :Mrs. idenzis;whO lost her children, resides it-N0.402 Macomb street, in this city, with her husband and daughter, and has never 'until recently, - though both In allannat ear. eurustancen, had the means to have the-mat ter thoroughly- Investigated. ( By the Merchants . National Talegisph New. Oil Wells Stench: • • Special to the Pittsburgh Ciazette, COAL CITTI, Nov. 7,1813 e. The OgOrn ?dining awl blanufacturhig Coin. pany have struck two now wells to.day, Their No. 4 well is pumping • twenty•tlye bairele. 110.12 is pumping at the rate of one hundred barrels powder. Thu Merchants' National Telegraph COM_pite -ny now hove an , office on their property. it r Hy the merchants. Natio, al Telegraph Cal. Prow (MI Clty.', Special to the Pittsbramh Gazette. Ott. Curr, Nov. 7.. h P. U. River terentpone lashes. Weather Blear and pleasant. Market unchanged. C. • lEptheilspal Bishop Coniteratod. NIW OELiA2I6, November 7.—Bishop Joseph P. Wilmer was consecrated to-day us Bishop .of LOnisiazuz, in Christ Church. Be Was con secrated by Memo Tiopicins, of Vermont, as presiding Bishop. assisted cry Bishop Urea., of Mississippi, Wilmer, of Alabama, and gain tardr-Of Tennessee.. The Bishop of Georgia be ing absent,the Bannon was preached by Bishop . , [Meta of a sank reeeldent—Eleetion of Resister Nam trout, November 7.—Atenben aims. President of ,the /uilt Of the State of New York, died at his residence this morning. One of the most, astonishing - results of the election is tWa city is the choice of Charles a. EiMpine, alias muss p' wily , :Register by 'nineteen thousand majority, Union Victory In 'NSW York—Oise -How Nov....._Anianir . j , v I.—Tho Repub li can Union ateueizt t;oonitteo are &Ulf One hUnaretl guns In bones of their vbnory In Ude city and the re-electicaz of Ocrr. Penton, Arrived. =3 aimerma ronrr, lay.7.—Tbe steamer Da. imago= tram Liverpool "an UM fedi vim Lon• dynderty 021. the mho( October, has arrived ea' this SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY WEST MEGRIMS. rHE ELUTION Fenton's Majority. About 10,000. MICHIGAN ENTIRE REPFELIekN TICKET ELECTED Tow Jersey* Legislature Republican. FURTHER RETURNS FROM MISSOURI. NEW NOEW. Nye Tons, Nov: 7.—The jnturne we lance this orobing continue to inarte the election ofrFenton . by le,oe) major' Tlio , isciconitx this evening is New Form, Nov. 7.—Tho Poat'l fourth edi tion, from a careful collation of the' returns (rpm all parta of this St ate, eatamutes Fenton's majority at 9.00). Now Tong, November 7.—Dutchess county. complete, gives ' , union 1,2t2 ruitioritY• Ulster county, complete, Roffman's actual majority is NO; Cornell's majority, CAIB. New Youx—Midnight, Nov. o.—Tb a Albany Evening Journal figures up.lectonla majority at ten thousand. taigress—filing'a majority ,is 1400; Roberts majority is 007. I! UM Dernovr, Mimi., Nov. 7..lrMichigan elects the entire Republican. Congressional delegation. Reamen's minority in t i ne First district, 2.101, .t Republican gain on the• vote of IRdi of glut Second district, pson's majority 6,850,a gale of 230; Third district, Illuir's - majority n,ie1, .1 gain of 607; Fourth district, as tar us bettrd from Ferris has 2,100 trail ority; Fit ti district. Trowbridge Ims 1,360 Insjority; Sixth district, meagre returns give Deyggs 1,010 natjority. The Republicans gain largely throughout the Stass. In Wayne ceunty, which includes De -troll., they elect the sheriff, prosecut ingadior. uey and recorder; abe gain two State erns tors mat three t e eS. The Common Connell 'of Del .dt .ionnits ten Itepablicarni, nine Democrat and one Wort:lmola fi'A, a guilt. of tour members. • St. Loris, November 7, Nearly complete re turns glve the Radical ticket. in tins counts about ;OW majority. .The ottlaal vote, of the First. District gives General Pule S majority over Hogan. Returns from the Interior urn still meagre, but enough Issue bk.lin received to show that Newcomb, Radical. Is elected lit the Second District by about 3,r,00. Natures from the Th inl listrict, aro sik ta verof the, re-election of Noel, Conservative. l/SLVO/13% itadlcal, In the Fourth district, will probably„ have :I,thiek majority. McCieery wits reelected from the Muhl district. Slvtti ills. trict doubtful, but 1t In thought that ykkaliar• ra, Radical, will l e r -elected. General Loan, Radical, was..re-Oct:Wl in the Seventh dis trict, by a large majority. There are not enough returns from the Eighth di strict to indimite the result. the Muth district SerCtZler, CereUerrlstlVillelli probably Unelect ed. Frank Blair's majority Is reduced to all. Ills election will he conk stied by ItrAwiertmh, I=Ei J. Oclotior :.—C1111:1‹ . Ifittglll, Democratorna elected In tim US a Majority or Over .21)0. Tho Lati;lnialtire, 10 I,oth Itrataliee, . Repot. 'Mao. FROM CONNTANTINOPI.E. r The Eastern Qoestlon—Posltleu or the Great Poners—lttne.taantl the 1:111$0.1 - Nrus Tong, Nov. 7.—. l recent consiontlncple letter gives the following account of the Eastern question: There is now no Prospect _of the re-opening of the Eastern question in general. There will be active interference In savor of tho Christians in (hind in, big it will be with the object ol putting off the Eastern q . uestion, not of opening it. I:r.glantl and ranee are tigreol upnu this point. Neither of these powers are ready fur, any general clearing out 1n Turkey; both fear that Russia would gain Si hat she lust by Tai rt. ey, and boil, ate of the opinion that Russia is strong enough already. It Lord Lyon. hail' been re , to Paris, us was renorted last week, it wonld have given color to the reports of tbe 'European press, espechilly nit .11loutier bee pelt been culled • • from Con : slant Inept() to Ito Minister or Foreign Affairs, bat Moueller Is really opposed to any revival of the Eastern question. This Is se well. known here that whet, no WHIT. to Athens on his way to Paris, thin worth! have torn him to pieces, If theihnil (lured to do at. AM tt was they howled and limed at hint, cursed him and called him every uncomplimentary name known In the Greek and French vocal,. I Marlon. ltuitelit is tieing what it can, both here andln EUrnig . , it, compel the Great Pow. ere to take up the sick ease, for she has everything to gain and nothing to lon in the ' Settlement of this • question. . The Russian I Ambassador here is Untiring In 1116 efforts to !Mir up dalloultien In European Turkey, to cu- Courage the Greeks, and to force the qUl:£l.lon uporrEngland and Franco. It is tree, also,thai Russian agents. here Snit elsewhere, are doing everything In their pow. er to tiring the United States Into the spies. tlon. All tne stories about, I lio United States Government deSiriug to purchase an Island , on the coast or Turkey originated fromthis LBOUrCei null 011r;li . OVeril7r ern knows very null that line of t h e most desirable islands for a naval station is at our disposal whenever we choose to accept it as a free gift. People do not give tinny Wender ,witliont au oll,et how. ,ever, and in Oil • case this Object In to inaku the power ot the United States felt in Greece and Turkey. The Turks are already alarmed elitist us, and are On the poh.t of nenit log an omen-ay to the United gluten to cultivate friendly rela tions and head off Russia. And, by this way, the announcement of (his intention hits moused great ercttein nth, Gre• ce, whore It In pro )osed to fiend a Greek embu.sador to the United Slates at ones to neutralize the effects of tile Turkish embassy. FENIAN TRIALS. Anotber Fenian Convicted and Men, • leaned to be liixecnited. TORONTO, Nor. 7.—The tril of reniaMprison ere was proceeded with this morning. The usual crowd was In court. K. McKenzie- and J. Flunstn If atipeared for tho Amoi lean tiovern merit. Mr. Thurston. the American Consul, wad In attendance at the court looking lifter the interests of tho prisoners, as he had beim constantly since tho beginning of the Fenian John Stovone was placed ou trial. The pri soner Mang very deaf, was Kllowisi in the en closure for the counsel. , Ito hail •no counsel specially retained. John Stockwell sworn—slaw Ihe prisoner at Fort Erie, carrying a rifle with a bayonet; ho told inc, being very deaf and not haring tho watchword, ho was afraid of being elicit by the Fenian pickets; 1 loft them and returned to Fort Erie. James Nem higzen, William Millet and Identenailt Miller, lestlftwi—Saw the prison or armed with it role for defenso. JoLn 'lngham' said ho and the prisoner came to Buf falo seeking for work, and were cogagsd to go to Fort Erie to work on tlia Frio and Niagara Railroad, and were taken prisoners by tile Fontana. Jane Smith sworn- - theep tavern at Fort Erie; the prisoner stopped at the tavern on the Stet of May; next morning the Fenlans surrounded the house. Mr. Megenzle then addressed the Jury. lion. J.ll. Cameron replied In behalf of the Crown. The'Sudge having skimmed up, the Jury re tired, and after a abort absence brought In a Verdict of guilty. The .lirisoner wile then eon tentenend to be hung 20 the lath or Decem ber. E= . • -Wasifinovos. Nov. 7.—Tho following is the statement of. the public debt of the tinned Staten on the first of Noeom her, 180% • • Dent boating interelt five is cent bonds 1e0,051354 Sta. per cont; bonds of 1867.9 1tt033,741.80 Plx per cent. bonds of 1831.... . . 293,738,750 Six per coot. Five-twenty 833,1184,000 Navy pension fend 11.750.000 Tote; debt bearing coin Interest .. 323,574,811.80 Debt bearing currency interest of six per cent. bootie 11,1,82,000 Three years compound int. notes, 118,1512,140 Throe yearn Sovetisthirty 724, 0 74,300 Totatdebt bearing currency int.,. 884408,410 Matured debt not presented for parnOtkt • 08,939,959.21 Debt bearing no Interest, United - States notes 390,793,725 Fractional otarenOy 21,588,810.33 Gold cattldcates of oeposit 10,8'90,930 To al 428,6,0,7;1.M Total 10bt._.....• ................ .2,681.Ctia.964.91 _ • ... . . . AtuoUnErnTre.oury coin 99,419,U19.55 Currency 30,913,942.07 Total 1:0,333,1W.4.41C Automat of debt 'less cash In the Treasury .. . -551,3t0,005.7t The foregoing Is a correct statement of the public debt as appears from the banks. and Treasurer , ' returns in the Department, on the Ant day of November, Bel Doan Siccccrocei, - • . nearetary. of the •t'renenry. 137.23!! Utica, Soy. gamuel 0. Brown. Professor at Dartmouth College was onset- Toonslyeleottel Prestdeutof 1400dton College. as le meeting et the board ot. Itastees of that tats shy . to.clay, . PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER- 8, 1866 FOREIGN ADYICES BY THE CABLE. Great Britaito4 Legation Withdrawn from Saxony_ Possible Rising In Ireland .-llutigarlau lilinistry—lnsurrection lu Candia Ended—The'Empress Carlotta's Ilcalilt—Flnanclal and Commercial Qt - nnxivrowit, Noiember .7.—Th° steamship City of Washington from Now York, touched hero to-day, on her way to Liverpool. Ima - oox, November ,7.—fireat 'Britain Las withdrawn her leiation from Saxony, thereby recognising -the incorporation of Saxony with the Kingdom of Prussia. Sr. Parananuno, November 7. The Czar of Russia has formally iecognized the ilospoilir. Vitrian, November is reported that the Emperor at Austria has resolved to ap point a Ilungarlau Ministry. Loispon,,Novninber 7.—lt is stated that the iminrrecuon by llaadia bae ended. COKSTANTI3OPLE, November 7.—An. Insur rection has commenced In Caudle., and it Is otlicially stated that three Aghts had occurred at Glleadaon which the insurgents lost 112 kilted:" All the Elphattot chiefs, thirty in number, have submitted. AJeeff PashiCwilltm governor of the island, A further concession tor the Christians from, the Sultan Is ex pected. Mrs:treat-, November. 9-Ibon . :*—The mar ket for Cotton /el 110 L so Arm, prices have do. el toed !4:.1, and the sales. to-say' are but 10,000 bales; middling uplands, 15d.. The; Tallow market is Orin. Petroleum heavy. Loncoc, November 7.-11bon—Consols for money opened at Illinois Central, 77; brie, 51; United States Sars, 62%. , Los cos, November 7—Nrenfnp.—lllitioiSCen tral, 77: Erie, 51; United States ti.MYs, Con sols for money, 0•01. 117 Mean:her lowa., • • New lone, Nov. 7.—The following addition al foreign news was received by the Java ' Tamar Oct.Z.--The condition of the health of the Empress Carlotta of. Mexico remains unchanged. •Ataximillian has telegraphed ills approval of the course of treatment pursued by her ohysiciaus at Miramar. Ile says noth ing In the aispatchcs of any intention being entertained on Ills part of leaving Mexico. ..titi_isintia, Oct Ili, —News received here front Greek sources state that a groat bat tie Wok place in Candle on the 17th inst. between the Cre WIS. who numbered %,tatt, and the cool idned Turkish 111111 Egyptian troops, aIIIOUUI.- lag to JuAll. The latter are IIIIITRVi to have bona repulsed, and Ismael ruche wounded. °i.—Royal decrees neve been issued to.d.ty dissolv leg the Provisional Gov ernment. Ilerr Mosetes hits been appointeA Slinkier of the Interior. - • -.- FROM IVASHINGTOI. • • Circular to l'astielow•Uttleers-11;ere tory to L exicam •Legotiou—`ioedl from Anatrin. • W.IAIII.NOTON. November 7.—The following has Just been issued, addressed to the officers of Customs: TRCAS.7II, Uneanrnnwr , W•n1111.111T03, 1/. C., November Sd. IS — A.—Congress at tta last session, having-passed an act 'either to pro vide fur the safety of the jives of passengers On board of vessels, approved Jaly Itaiti, the tent it seetl tn of widen is as fPllown: "That 1111,131:1 going vessels =trying passengers, and those navigating any of the northern br and northeri ern lakes, shall have the 110, boats required by law provi.l - with suitable boats and disengaging apparatus so arranged as pn allow such boats to be safety 1111nel:tut with their tOineliment of pasengera, while mart , ren'irl, are Under Ottlers Ise, and no as to allow Sari, db. engaging appal nuts te:b. , operated by one per snit, disengaging lath ends of the boot hlllll laucously troth the tachtes by which It may be lowered into the water. ,‘ -tour attention Is railed to the same, w I tit the request that you will bring it to the nett its of slim owners and Others Interested, and Impress upon theta the 11111,one:tee of rem plying with its provisions. (slgnetl,) •11. Meeem.orn, Seeretary of Treasury." Edward 14:e Plumb, Esq., to-day received his commiosion as Secretor); of Legation to Mexico, and left Itere for NOW' York ro•night. Till, gentleman 11:03 fore number of years re sided In that country, nod Is regarded as, In all respects, eminently 'justified fur ti, .1. Im portant stotlen. .The •Comustssioner of Agriculture han re. coded from theJuiperbil .e 0112• metre, at Yleunii, Austria, through Ur. Lob. sey, the Austiluti Consul General ut Sep' York, shout one hundred varieties of cereal and vegetable needs collected from premium varieties shown at :the great exhibition held at Vienna in June last, and presented by the i - Austrian Government or experiment out the experimental farm of the New York Agrieul tetra Department: This donation, no kindly tondo by the Minister of Commerce, embr a ces nearly every variety of the cereal and vegeta. ble seeds In favor In our enuntr,, and it Is honed that the same will prove vala U ble ur old:galena to the agriculture of th u e nited Magus. noun of these seeds will be•for distrl button. The Jame, Will Case. NEW . Tons, November -.The Jnmal will ease, which has isecoplisJ so much public at tention for the past few- months, was fairly started tip the legal road thin morning before Judge Barnard, in the Supremo. Court. Tills e:rto le wrought to set aside a will made by the late Slade,. Jewel. The testatrix bequeath ed the hulk of her property to VUXIOI2S Chari table soclet led, and made the defendant One of her residuary legatee*, besides richly'eu dowing his church and making him hand. some legacy. The plaintiff as holrwt•lnw of the deocascsi, claims that oho wee induced to make thle wlll thioagh trawl, and by the undue Influence of the defendant. lt IS also claimed that the la. dy, owlla to Imbecility and dotage, was Men paid° Ord:Mg a valid, legal instrument. a my of counsel Is one Cl! the most powerful. ever engaged In this city. The heir nt•lnw Is repreeented by counsels Charles O'- Connor ' es•J mine Pierpont, A. J. Vanderpool, Chao. E . Whitehead, Toes C. Carter, Attor ney B. F. Dunning. TI e validity of the will Is mai II tut ned by counsel nuirogate Bradford, E. W:Stongluon, lt. P.Clintou, (Merge Duck , Ingham, Attornlen Martin and . . The Court behig oenupled In bearing ; OS. cue:. and arranging the Jury rumel, tbn,case went over till to-morrow morning. 11E135= Montnext, C. E., November 7.-111 r. M. E. Derlin, en eminent le‘vyer, Ie sere, having requested by the liulted !itatee go rn went to defend the Fenton prisoners Here, whose trials will commence In DeeeMber next. The Imporis for the !nit month In Montreal amount termer lour millions of dollars. A number of ministers ace here In Cabinet Counsel • lo•dut.prevlous to leaving for Eng land; Town: ro, Nov. 7. Tiro Fenian trials will be laid over until to-morrow on accuentof lICSYCS Irving• absent to attend to the elections In the States- Father 111c3f.ahOtionder men. tenet) of thmtb, has determined to appeal lora new trial. All application for u new trial will also be matte In behalf of Colonel Lyncht The mayor of Quebec heti received a number Of cable telegrams from England empowering him to draw money for the teller of the suf ferers by the tire. • . 1r he tittepenalon or the Book of Upper Ceooda—Troopm anti Gunboat Leper. toture. TORONTO. O. W., Nov. n the cam relating to the'suspension of the Bank of Upper Cana da, the sixty days' grace allowed by law.. - for the resumption of specie payment expires week, when the affairs of the bank will probably ho placed In the 'hands of assignees and wound bp. Meantiuto parties indebtato the bank have the privilege of settling their ludebtouness in notes of the bank at par. Af ter assignment this can no longer be done. COMOVAL,p, C. W., NOV. .7.—The volunteers ntailowsl here have receives! orders to break up on rriday, and arT to be. streak off the rolls, The gunboat Royal, stationed hers, luacee on Friday. Latificiilns of en Aseamor-Beltglons New Tone, Nov, 7.;....The Grout Republic, the flret vessel of the Piscine mall steamship Vu pawl's new ltfie to China, will be launched at Grennpoint, probably, to-morrow morning. The steamship is the largest anti is one of the finest over built in the United Status.l 800. register') 4,000 tons, measures over 11,060 tolls, and is unusually strong and symmetrical. A large mu ling of the Protestant Episcopal Clerical AltaoClatiOLl Wall held this morning In the Blithe House, In this city. Thu organization Is composed of.ministera from all parts of the country. , . The seventh annual rueolliagof the Awed* can I Imrch /Ilium/nary. Society was hold at nowt to-day, In the church of the Ascension, tida city.-__The attendance was largo—about ono hundred and linty clergymen being proC7 eat. Jay Cooke, the banker, presided. I=!M=)===: feller Sentenced. LOlnsvmme, Nov. Powell, an Ohl POs Neuman, was imitated on suspicion of haidniC poisoned lit, wife. Won. Lacey and Samuel Manila were ten tensed to one. ~_year in the Penitentiary for counterfeiting U. S. currency. Manton Damien filed , a - pardon' In the O. S. Court', and chaos the restoration of cones. sated property. • aos, Mamalea's Massage—Aegro Sof• Trager la Tent Naenvibt.n, November 7.—Governor Drown low hi it:remits was received In the house O. day. It discusses the Question of negfiNauf (rage, and thinks certain designing men; with tho connivance Cl the President. ariberidenv eying to overthrew the State Government, and invites toe Prompt action of the icidillittuio in regerd thereto. , Steer sad Weather at Louise. Lotlsettte, Noe. stattonar7 8 !net of water In eahal. • . • Weather clear and pleasant, FROM GEORGIA. A boY Of Hund.iation and Prayer—DC- . . sine Ure Fire. Mit..tiorvitta, GA., [November - .—The Senate mused to reconsider the bill repeal ing the near) . laws of the bill introil need In the House declaring contracts based on slave property null.. The twenty.second instant was appointed OS a nay of humiliation and prayer. Great Interest fa manifested In the result of the Northern elections. AtICIIISTA, G.C. November 7.—The Atlanta Empire block, owned by Wm . Marl:lain, con taining id: large stores were nteitroycil bV tire yesterday. Prize Fight for theLoglish Choutplon ship. Niw Tong, November 7.—.l„paper states that there is to be another great light for the chains Pionship of the English Prize Um com batants being Beldwin,Called tiled risk Giant, who recently fought for and won the belt, boil a man whit has been selected by 3lace, the ex chaninton,.bak wheat, name has not been al lowed to transpire. It is, however, Co be made known at least two months before the fight, which is appointed, to, take place in what is galled London District, on the t'tit of Arril. 191.7. The necessary articles Of agreement have been entered into, and the stake at I.site will be two hundred pounds aside anti the chuntnlonship of England: • ItOnnotion_Grantvel. - 114)4211,t, 7.—ln the suit between the Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Company of Bog ton,and D, H. White of Charlebioali, Dentist. an.in,unettOf was this morning granted in the• inited4iates'-eireutt court, restraioing . said White o,b the padil of $10,0a9 fr..in tile for: ther use or 10,rd rubber as the cases for arid. della teeth. CITY IAND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL. LOCAL NEWS ON THIRD PADCJ horrible ileeicient 7 Toons: Lady Mimed 132:12111 On Tuesday evening about eleven o'clock, an acchlttnt of a horrible nature happened at the house of Mrs. Martha Ihp..ls, a. widow, re: siding at number seventy—le rlr..t'St rect. It =wears that Mist .l ennui Davis, it iater eating young lady of some seventeen yelps of age, was pulling down a lamp !Pled wall coal oil, which_ depended from the ceilin F, PrePara• tory to oxtingulablng it for the night. By. some means or other the last 4!11111 it gave 011} . . and the lamp fell; striping the gill [upon the breast and exiaoding. She was linino•lint el p enveloped mer, unit urn n.sistanee wan 10 , 011 t the nee IC. 11,1. t and shoulders., she lingered in great agony up tilt yesterdyay morning at 0,...,11 (I . ylock, when deal li relieved her of nulTuiFing. COrOnetiChunem held an inquest upon the hodv of the obooood, and' a vynnel. In :o•eor• daned with the facts wan rem iered. . . . .... . . . The At:comic:4l Nan an atonable young lady, and her u Ottmely end w 111. proven. severe lan w upon tae VidoKkal mother and. a 111:1 citric of fricmki attl aelpaintan ens. ' . = O t te • ,111. y loot:week n boy eight yeara grand !on ofJosoph Elliott, Itch; 241/0)1( ono nille count Of ,rtia:zonburg, Butler county, at tempte.l La clutch on ochlad Monet of sO doing,' Ills foot ',,14,11,2d and WWI caught in , the wheel and carried around with It until bis limb was 1;1..)Ity fra,tured boils above and below the 1:111 , , 'rho loft panic were Pa much Ineerated•that the Crap:meat:l,Z the broken bones protruded :It Or Fla, of 110111 fracture, , . Upon examlnAtlon by the' at tending physlClttne, It WILY at once decided that his only chance of recovery ,pneia.c4 in the Immediate amputation of the noun, and that was anything lint prowl:lldg, owing 10 the seventy of the shock 141111 tle• nreviona delicate health of the !icy. ( The Li , 4113 re 01 th 6 Cast, Inti lig fully esPlalited, the danger of death oecurrtng during the op emit lon, or goon afterwards, or the certainty of dent h . lireceded by a tea futa Of leconceivatae suffering if the 110th Were left ou—his 'friends reituepted that; Sltilpllt BLIOII be performed. After adiutnlsterlng re,toratlye, to revive htm from the shock •sultatned, until the fel low/el: Thuradav aftornon Ida lint, was am putated by Dr. neselteniaaalsted by ra, Noy. man and Matheson. ILA g °Meet! the opera thin a little over three himrs. llrofa Dl‘orderly Vont . Mary 3lc owitaand - tweiiples n ton cutout In the Seventh lard, in the peaceful posses ~ion of which she has been disturbed by the cothluct of a carton, elderly gentleman named Robert Frank/In. Yesterday the latter pall:dory a visit, i,ut 'the beteg tlloge,tol by the tenor of it !a IT ot.lrred him per emptorily- to ruts her premises. Ile did Out returned almost immediately with a heavy ax and threatened to cut down t toe door unless ho was instantly re-admitted to the presence of Mlis Me Williams. The WY; tieing 01 , a re tiring disposition. disappeared I brood, at: rear door, and made good her ...trap° to trio Wilco of Alderman Johns, where, the tondo informs- Lion agalutt It Merl lor grossittimirderly con duct. While the accused Witt) stiltclamoring for admittance the Alderman's police arrived on the spot and took the assaulting party into' custody. Hawes conveyed to the Matt Iltrat.o.6 °Mee, and from there to the county Jail for the brief period of three days. dile was-Subse quently relented on promising to mend his ways In the future. • In4portont Invention to Iron llonutar MIGMI Mr. ThcOphilits Jones, a resident of this city, aria at prescntotopplug at the Morgan Moose,' No. 403 Penn street, claims to have Invented a new process, by which liks an make Iron out of commen metal equal to the bescJoninta Iron, and with less expense to to the manufacturer, and a shininuntlon of labor to the employee.. Me Won Claims that Ito can product; live heats faster by his process, than eau lour bents be procured by the Byttelllllol9 In tacit, and that ,enter material for tint mantifact are of rail road huh can be maths ma of the common motel by his process:l hate that of the .1111riate. iron, and that in the some turns,. Its has tested thin at the Fort Pitt Worti:, and now challenges a trial nt any•tu In tills city or Vicinity. Tills Is a truly valuable " invention. If it does all claimed for it, mei should let ex amined at once by all Our /ran thannineturers. Supremo Court Court loot at half past nine o'clock, a full bench tieing present• Meek et at. WI. Bayard; Grly vs. ficlionl trlel, and Deboth vs. mime; 'Greene county. Argued by Porinan for In error, nail Black, contra.. ;• Commonwealth TN Rogers; Fayette county. Argued by Kiiin for plaintiff in error, an .t Vetch, contra. lloeson rx. Miller et nl.; layetto county. Submitted by II wing for plaintiff in error, find E. A. WI/soil, maitre. stereos , anneal; Jefferson county. Contlre , `mid for submission at Philadelphia on the pa per books. Lantz and Stephens' appeal; t ;recut. courtly. To be fitilitultted it,. Philadelphia on the paw Court adjourned until Thursday Illortilng at b oil prcit nine o'clock. Return Day* IA tho Ilnprrute Court. The following order iia been made hr the Supremo Court relative to return ituys In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, now to-wit, CO; November, lero;, it to ordered : That the return days for the several emintles•oru• posing the:Western plstrict, tic Il sod as fol lows: Third Monday of October—Erin, Crawford, Venango, Clarion, Jefferson and Fore s t, Vourtli Monday of lictobur—Westmortilttnil, Armstrong, bultana and Cambria. , The next Monday after the fourth Monday of Ontobes,Alleglicny ; the term to conUnne two Weeks. The third Monday Otter the fourth Mouslay of Climber—Washington, Fayette. G mune, Bra ver, gutter, Mercer and Lawrence. • Coact of foinniou lira,.. Vitt couA opened at the venal hour yester day to unlng, Judge Stowe on the bunch. Tao CARO of 4ohn Caw vs. the owners ol the steamboat Cosgrove, ;rhino was taken up yes terday* afternoon, was concluded. Jury outs Thu next ease culled nil was that of It. T. Price& Co. vs. B. IC. Kane t Co. This was an action to recover the value Of an ell tank con. Mutated by plaintiff's fur defendants. achoyer for plaintiffs and Mug win for defendants. On SUSI Another Cure Maenad. EDITO ns:—That the deaf may know where to find aid. 1 hereby make known the Pict that I was ea deaf for several yearn taut 'maid not bear a watch tick, and lout Dr. Aborn, at Om Merchants' Motel, bus by a few operations. 60 restored Any tieartng Mutt .1 now can hear. MIN method of treatinedt Is Of the moat. acientitlr, and unaccompanied by pain. • Jona Reese, Mt. Waahinirton. tecident.—Yesterdny morning us a loco. motive on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad was backing down Liberty I.3treet, it German teamster endeavored to cram from Smithfield street. The train was nriirey to the wagon than the matt hull any idea of, and ho leaped from the wagon. The horse continued his hov4 safe, but the° and got across the trao wagon was strnek by one of We cars, and cog,. pletely .dencollshed. - The horse was not In any way Injured, hut the. German, who baits from the rural district, had to go ho me m m, u . .e wagon, as It cannot be repaired.... Warrant Iseuell.—Jotoph Motet, if the stalcnient of llobe.rt collies can be crodtted, Is nOt.so optiget and honest as hls ltlustrio namesake, who agars inuspnot,,t,,.y In were 1 history.` AfeW months Coco Robert alleges he loaned Joseph floe dollars, which he utter ly. rouses to pay ...I. all. A warrant has beet,. Mailed for the &treat of the defaulter. . tdtmatlonesl Conveution - • • The newly appointed Superintendent, of I Common Schools In this State, Professor J. P. ' Wickersham, has Issued a circultir relative to the Convention of County Snperintondents, called by Ilk prepece!inor, Professor Coburn, to imbue ele Sn liarriemrg on. the lith of De cember, and to continue in session for three days. Professor Wickersham ender:Ms the call, and earnestly requests every Superin tendent to be present, believing that thorn has been no time since 1,13 s when such a conven tion was morn needed, or its deliberations cal culated to do snore good. - It is expected that topics assigned to superintendents, and re ports requested front them, will be read, and that the subjects treated ot will be discussed. It is. suggested that, the - whole work of the county superintendency be reviewed, the School Department:to give such Instructions as may seem to be called for. In addition, the convention is asked to resolve DAR into a kind of Executive S.•ssttn daily, toe the pur pose of enabling the Senpol Department to learn tijc v tows of Superintendents and of the people throughout the state on pointaln which cluing°. In tee law, or In the practical opera- Don of It, have been thought ot. Supreliston dents will Its expected to come prepared to represent the wishes of their several counties upon the following subjects .1. Minimum length of Dom schools fhotilit be kept open. 2. Uniformity of text books in counties. 3. 1 County Mill to teachers' Institutes.. 4. Provi sloualeertitleates. -S. Renewing and ondona lug certificates by county Superintendents, O. District Superintendents. 1. District test -11110% d. Branches or study required. by law. Anzuxemeints. Ovita.k inniso was crowded last evening by a large and fashionable audience to witness the ninth representation of the scenic spectacle of "The Three Guardsman." The success this has attended its prodnotlon should warrant Manager,' liens in pritling forth additional attractions of this ohmmeter, which he will doubtless do, Tills evening the popular Stage manager at tills establishment, r. W. W. Ward, takes his first benefit lit this city, producing the beautiful dOmeitic play of the "Artist's %%ire" and The Tarte Guardstrieu,r in both of which he plays fax. portant characters. . In his peculiar. line, Mr. Want in a good aCtor, and we are assured the public trill give hint a aubstantlal e eld earn of their apprecia tion of Ills citing.s to please. - To-morrow evening !lip .• Romance of a I'oor Young Man" will be brought out with now su,:nory and Mugu effects. Tite,ran.—An lintnetuh, bill of entertain ment is at this House to-night, em bracing the in tideal extravaganza of o'Colum h118." and the thrilliug drama of "Lady Audley , , , eoret." the liiiinituolollroilghnin appearing In the forint, piece. 'I his is Built dent to attract. a iarg.: bon,. 31 A 50011' II A.LL.—Tile Arabian Nights' enter tainments still continue to drab. delighted [initially., to lissome Mill. It is well worthy or the Ilberil patronago bestowed upon IL, by the inthl tr. There will - be three more perform ance, In the evening and a grand matinee On Pat ;Inlay afternoon. , . Hold Itehhery nt Vellasllse. - stn eat =day night last, seine villainous hut , „:I..,,utteinOt.c,: to mince an entrance late the of Edward Morgans,oellsville, but owing tot he windows unit dos being all SC. cureir fastened, they foul.] not. effect dit4nu• trance. i hey tiled to!ralee tberiirtilow ot - the ileeping apartment - of Mr. Morgans, but lin doing so they pron,o,l the inmates of the: house, otter‘a - liTh they tied to avoid disco,: cry or capture. They nest visited But ger's grin-cry store an fl salgen, and effecting an en trance he reining the rear d , or, proceeded to rainhaek tub premises for minuet'. They ob ained seine mint y tiothrs In money in a cash desk. They next repaired to the singl ing room ur Mr. Bar g er, aunt , awoke ltim.bV their movement,. One of the , thieves boldly advanced the Ind, and .seizing Mr. 11.'s (unit:lll.A .come three hun dred dolmen unit meal ch, endeavored to carry them off. Ade 4perate.enconnter took place oetween Mr. It :.tel tilt Ituradar, wino succeed ed In making off, leaving', the pants behind, Mr. Morgant, win • us the notice pectic. Wars, says he wd. Iparod to give the thieves a warm re They have not yet been arrested. —.— A An old man HUM. ;)011110y, in hucks ter In the Allegheny iMirket, was . before Al derman Lindsay ot 'the IT turd want, Alleghe ny, MI., inorniog ea two charges of adultery until Ifefiertioe preferred; by 1110 wife. The wife alleges the'. thy acetn.eti hod ke14,11? a erimi nat intimacy with Mr i.':l.. Sean lon'for a long thee past. bonne 11.101101 i littlet , Ile deserted tier and t e !envie k them to provide for tli,n4elves, and look up his abode with Mrs. S. The case In reprenputed as a pOCllliar my tiger:lV:All - Li-OU, till) . wife bc.ug n cripple end nuanle to work for the support of herself and enituren. The tICCII4Uti Wool held to ball in ONO tin one charge. and $l,OOl on the other, tO an,wer at coact. Beat in I:se. Finkle Lyon, also, Weed Sewing Sfachtnesi it the purchaser does oot regard thew super ior to any machine in the market, he tan re turn it and !tare his money. It maims the Lock Stich, which will not rip or ravel, and, In fact, which allows the garment to bo wash ,e.l :toot ironed without gathering the garment or breaking the thread. The eilenpeat manilla:if, by twenty per cant., in not., and noisele.v. It to ranted for four years. • Alton Knitting Machine, tile best in 1.1 r; trill kontweire pair of socks Ina day from any kind of yarn It, 11. Lass, Agent, 112 (Irani street. - Good Templar. In Lrirrenervllle.. 1 At a meeting of the Metlaw I.: Igo, No. By . Independent Good Tent i.lars, hold in the Firet. Presbyterian Church, Ti i mperan °Ville, last evening, the toile. leg °Myers werceeleeted to serve far the ensiling quarter: W. C. T., John Bryan; W. C. T., Mlss Alice .31eCormick; W. M. Jae Fouling; W. S., 311,s Nannie McCoy nack; W. T., Joseph Bryant: W. C. Rev. J. E. MeGaw. After the election of oilleern, stir ring speeches were delivered' by Rev. J. E. sl..:Gitv.: ens Rev. e. F. Jennings. The pro. , pects of the ledge were never brighter., in fart n grand' revival Is tinily multiplying the adherents of Temperance throughout the land. Illetreseing Accident A very distressing accident occurred In the ! I village' of Rochester, Beaver county, u flays ago. The circumstances of the alfair are I these: A young man named Samuel Johnson and his brother intended going out on a hunt ing excm Olin, and with this in view, the for mer look down his shot gun, and putting thus muzzle to his ulontlizdioi, knowing that It was was accidentally discharged while he was blowing Into it. Tho shots from the gun riddled his mouth and tongue, broke hit Jaw , oil carried oft part of his nose and lips, disfiguring him !rightfully.' At last acconnte he was still livin g, but his recovery la doubt. The 111...1.10c tirtheflt.—llarrytiverington; the gentleumuly Treasurer of the Pittsburgh Theatre, presented .to the. widow of Henry Hedrick, the musician who was murdered by the aeon, Thomas Smith, on Fifth street re cently, the lewd of three hundred and twenty seven dollars unit fifty cents, being the re ceipts of - abenent given for her alit at that house on Wednesday afternoon the list of Oc tober. Mummer Henderson, - the stock corn= panics of the varloua places of amusement, unit the different musical organ lautionslll tho city, hrefieserving of the wannest commendation for the philanthropy displayed in the matter. A Trifling. Raao of Verwelly.—We are good•natui.ed. It wd were not we should "go lore the insolent rims who mum the police col umns of the .I.4,potrit. Ile had the cool thane deuce—if No con use so gentle a term—to tell too readers of the Dispatch that the ward robbery" item, which appeared . in our columns on Therelay, was bilges! lie tells an untruth; but we have no words to waste or space to use-with Such t rifling cases,and spare our priuunlytirtyncighbor ties tune. If ho desires to {mow the truth of the item, let him demand of Mayor McCarthy to see the Infor mation subscribed to by the party routio?. Mansions Hischlet.—Jerumlah IlrlsOoler wits charged ilium Ablormun, Morrow. yes. tertlay, with malicious mischief by Jamul WrOurson, the proprietor of a livery stable on Ross street. The prosceutOr hlred the. 410- tendon t u horso and bpggy, which lardrove to 'remperaneevillo. and , returned with the ve hicle in edema:red condition, Th e qul e ; and dignified dispenser of justice trauma a war rant for tile arrest of the accused. Maid ami LlPPrOldery•f3tampl for ail° and btartipingllolll3. • • 1180, n MOllOl for evading ladies und chil dren's drenren,Any person own learn fr ^m it.. 4011(5 mnntcd at the Weed Seerlng Ma chine Oleo, NO. ),I2 ra u t street. Anammoth casting wad • made at the foundry of the Chialestown ,Navy Yard. fins. SOn, last week It was it part (atalatone-11201), of tho lied of it planer, which is to weigh bet Simon - one hundred and eightzdive and one . hundred and ninety-dee tons. tit the planee a piece of Iron twenty feet long and as many Wide amid , smoothed. The section cast will weigh I hit tywilliu tons .w hen cleaned. Forty. o to tau) of Metal wero .Uficil for the casting. Thu iron was from the. Intlebitlerylaf the aid United. Slates Stermer lOchtsiond, .Two Months were required to snake the raeld, and eight day) will elapse borer° LIM plead a4t b e , tames cool. ThLS 29 tile largest canting ever made Iu New .England, If uotln the world. —The Park latliet bate found out a way of elle, drews unbent lipping them to Mem and fora fen fennel the clear creatures appear In any wit dearel, Luckier tut freab as js just from the tuulas of the kpOdiate, PRICE THREE CENTS. GENERAL SEWN, —Bustrtesa t 'err dull in Mobilo; —A New York' Court decides that dash means specie. —bOuthern Kansas la growing cotton with sUCCeSs, war path —Firteon thousand Indiana aro now on Mu • —England cannot man her navy or mercan• tile marine. —Pawtucket, It. 1.. reporta ifl rase. of ty phoid laver, -Corn in Alabama la culling at dye dollars per tmahel. —The copywright of he Waverly Novels hag Jest explrecl. - —The foundatlea of a now theatre is being laid at Louisville. —Georgia is making prOnslon to meet her old Indeetedness. —The Supreme Court of Tennessee is now in Session at KnOxv.llle. , —For thlrty-nre years Chicago has ft/Creased at the rate of 3,726 people peryear. —During the season 3,000 etalgrante hare been killed en mate for Montana. —ln the duchy of Nassau: no Woo or capital painiahwent has occurred since 1249. —There are 20,000 widows and so,oooorphans in Alabaiha; three-fourths of them utterly des titute. —A. Janesville (W 13.) paper.ree*rds sleighing In that ell. on the :37th; not moth, but enough tO mention. —The citizens of Holmes county, Mississippi. deslge erecting a monument to uhe rebel dead of that county. , —in the Catholic Sabbath schi.ols at Nash ville. colored children are taught in the came classes With the white children. , —The Philadelphia police have declared a eraser extermination upon organtgrinders end other perambulating street num [clans. hopeful young law3rv oo s Ilya that may young lady who possesses (1 dens of land presents sufdpleat groundrfor attachment. —Thu wife df Major.Gcnaral Wool was atrial,- en with paralysis on Wednesday anorming, and now.in an exceedingly critical leOndition. —Last Year 4011,2 W res., els deal ea and enter ed tno ports of Great itrlcain. rind only one per cent. of this great mbltitude irerOwrecked —Old Mr. Dawson. of 4'ralerl•tkeburg. Ye-. was recently cured of rneumatisin by a stroke of - lightning. Whether - or not hp survives is not stated. —A Cab company has been formed it sew Tork, and cabs and coupes hayst been intro duced, carrying passengers at a ;quarter of a dollar a mile, or a dollar an hour. —The merchant tailors of Terre limits are on a "strike... Tins time It is not tihe workmen, but the employers, who refuse to imbmit long er to the old bill of prices. • —The Lowell "mill girls" have ' to the num-1 her of several hundreds , adopted the bloomer costume, u+ more comfortable *Mile at their work•than the old style. —Speaking of sending it prrlsser to Congress. —ha would ne a shrewd voter if not a great speaker, for be has learned to illeenmiaate eiopely between the eyes and noel MARRIED. WIARAMI-LENKAIID—On Thursday, Nov. Ist. ISCG. by tho Itev .1. S. Bracken. Mr. WILLIAM t.IIAIIA3I and AEMINTA lIJ CHERI. A.ND. eldest daughter ofl. It. Lenksrd, Y. 31., both of Allegheny CITA. No ea ds. BLUME - 3 eCLELLAN—At New York, Tues day. Octoben 01- the Bev. Job) t Toompson. D. U. ?BE /BUICK BLUME and. Mils ,Z.LIZA. MeCLELLA. , all of New York. NO.carai. DIED. 6"..01/—A t Vest Chester, Pa., on 'V umnler morn. log, November Ma, ELIZABEI 11. daughter of , It .ries A. and Emlly,.E. Wood, 14 0,1 two ) eari. 3ITLEIt —At Cleveland, Ohio, NI v. oth, NW, WILLIAM mr. M V.DE It, of Jscison.T enn., brother of 'l'. T. and J 1.1•16 r., Funeral on .'FAIDAV Urfa Intl.. at 10 o'clock, from the rethlenceo f J. A. 9 t7lCr, No. 2 , 0 Lescock strict, Allegheurelly. Yi lends of Or amllles aro Invited to attend. 3V4,31 Pri RI AL; itzl fiII.LDALE CEMETEI tY The beautiful "tiod . a-acre.`` the 1 , 1 at suburban place of sepulchre. except hue, In county, sit uated on he* Brighton road, Dame holy north of &Bugbear. For burial lots, permits roll at central Drug Store of COOL, At DU %AAA, &Bo ;bony City. ILEX. AI KEN ' , 117.C4T3Z1Z7Z=LTAL137 No: tee north street, Pittsburgh, Fa. 00Y/fi ti IS 01 W kinds, CRAPES, EILOVIIs, end era" 'description of Funeral larruselug kloocus furare. Rums operas) midnight, Hearse and Carpel :a tomisocc.' vsrtniarcza—liev.. David Eon gm 'Y g , J sevens. MD., Thomas Ewing, 0.. JsCob Eli. FAIRMAN & SAM ON. UNDERTAIK: ERS No. 198 Smithield St., a ►r l 7lh, (Entrance froorEleverath Streit t.) E=XICITE3.IEII7II.OIII3I. AND 122 HANDIISKY MRS frr R . T. WHITE & UNDERTAKERS AND EMBAU BEng Manctieetei. Wood's Run -and Irta:1; COFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVIR f STABLE. Vanier of Bbeteetd and (Autism'. tresll.- }lsar. and Cantu. taratalted. OPEKA. GLASSES FOR BALE. OR AT • DUNSEATH & Ct. MS. 88 INI.MB:a. Sitreet. oc9 LADIES , A.IID.GENT)II W.A. I O , OIErIIPSI 4 ALL IfTYLIS. • AT GREATLY lIEDUCIED plucker, AT Viriraia 7C. 'vcrxmaanvier.. ice WYLIE BT., NEARY,II:III, FOR , CHEAP S ECTA.QI,I_, - 13, ofria, TO HASLET) & CC'S, 93i Smithfield Street. 10MIOA niOnnel.. O. W. U. LATBUMV..J. AXLMOSOX: EAGLE COTTON WORKS. VIAVING HECENTLY PIIVICILASo• Al. ED THE EAOLd COTTON WORKS, tolarr ly °nerd hy Alessi a. KINGj'PENNOCK dCO. aro ',spectrally Inform the public that we AM continue Wo manufacture of ' Cotton Yarns. Carpet Chains, Candle - Wick and Hailing. Order. maYlntleft at the Mere of the {pork., OMERISABELLAA.Sk9➢BSiYStS, ALLIGH ENT dm OR AT THE • • PITTSBUR GEI . BRE . WEB Ty • Corner of Duquesne Way and Ilarker's Alt, 7, W i ltteoltrtirigla, • - JOSH y k 0110DES-4k CO. : JUST ARRIVED , FROM TOE :EAST BOOTS AND SHOES._ JAMES ROBB, No. 89 Market !inert, Pittsburgh. Ps \ • Thu old rotabllotied house boo now In Ma thlttl die thonated ...Mt Or ihXdo aue , ekoOs w ..and i gu ti 41 IV VS 1 . 41111 ua have resolved out to be ersold by any tb•bUS. loess that tete. . so Do Ob heolef• • Call and et1.11:111:16 our Mock of goods, and we reel esllstlee that you wilt pert:berm ' , null. you Wan le th l) e /tot end oboe Lieu: . n ot forget the place, MI Market street. JAMOI Rink /. ' - ctioso & et; Practical Furniture Nanufaclurirs, CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETi : Llama% ityles of TURNITtIRZ constrallvosi BOIIBE3II • • 21• 4 10101.1111141.14111 . , Oat r Aug Ditrlie Two lionissoltobla toeDoeton or Yamikr ore, WUlbo Ica tor,. ae therOwasra hate no aka for Mori. at' 110.W1110, & SAI X, etroaux. cola .Irleatiireit;rsinar lloseasahata Hour,_ , ._ all , Millet" Wu. IngreatilLta ll it o.l.42llasket 'trees- ti t ocZ , - & Dam, _ 110071. AND SEIOES.:4I' Very .a." largo static at Yu; towns prates, LZIAnot A. robot iltrelag ARt. • ,••• Subscriber soonest. Blotto Copy (Per Innns)., Clop 1 of Fire...... ... Clubs of Ten or more 9o*pus 3 ioll_mEaciuMrs • BREWER., BIIIIRE ek: C 0.,. COMMISSION D11 , 31 . 1' II NIS, • Aut:N'rs rect,TErt. Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Works, AmpleStorana l o af rud cony Manned 011. I.lbar. al Cull aktranoot . ongromenta of Crude or Wellned Pct.:dean, Yard, for atonic and anta. moat o r crude 011 Itt.1)100elletrIlle. ()dice and Warcillous,glornar of 1) apt1C1.110 Way and llaneock a treed.l'lttabargb, PITEII KEIL & ai1D.4"317 COMMISSION ?EMT ANT% ♦Yid DZALIES TN Flour, Grain; Seeds, Mill Feed,at„ =1 WILLIAM C., LEE, • • LICCMOT autui r y COMMISSION ANI4FOIAITAIIDING I:III:IIEFLCMEE.a...V.TP. No. 102 Second Street, Pi!tatnirgh, Pa. • air Agent. for tap "St. Louie 'Lel PlDa and Sheet Lead Works.- Dearer In PIG antt9AllLl:a LI, SHOT, HEMP, CLAY, Coll4rrnrae.l. en - Ltelted and Order. protuntlr piled. W. owitat. r, EILMHZDT. RAIStAIL, OWENS, KENNEDY . DAR &i V/lODUCE COIIII.ISSION 3iF_IICOANTA *tie VK Wholesale Ia Ytl/IZIGN ANDO/W.IE-1U BALT, PLOY 0, - _BUTTEIf.,4-Utln. I TATOE, Ao., and In Prostslons'lnd Vrodtlee gen ten/. No. 70 FED/LEAL nittC.l4, opposite tn. 81/TO DeCOt.er.isonr.sy,..m. . - Agents 'tor the sale of P. Dor.neli A• Ellsnan , s and. 4. liern's - • aptClyd _T . a NE wurzykli & co., COVECBSION 1111101(63178, And dealeziln Flour,-Oren, Feed and Produce.' Cub advances mule on consignments. Warehouse, No. 3116 PENN STREET, opposite Union Depot, Pittsburgh., Ts. - 179.:04 DAY. CRAW/I'OllD, Commission! stEitt.HAYT inefli TA.. 61.4otha1v, IRONI we& wisusisitif etnim. IRON. FIRE NIC and CLAY, do. NV...souse and Unice. Nos. 366 ' and 380 YENS . oTEhET. esonsse furnished. Consignments stateliest. . 11•84. NI .4. B. ANJRII., - • SANE & ANJER, EWER:NOON IIZILCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, ORALS andPILODUCS, Second strect,. between oak and apllpy SHOE. POTTLItr....JONN AlKir! B. L. 13111.rrailD POTTER, LIKEN A. SHEPARD Commission Merchants, Ind dealers in Foreign. and Domestic Fruits, Flour. gutter, Cheese, Eggs, Potatoes! tel produce generally. No. WI LIIIP.R.Ty tiTILP.ICr -preen,' . 0010ccnger Depot. rittsburen. ere. r. ""ii 1013. artrantr.l. WM. P. BECK ac CO% No. 185 • Liberty street, Pltiatur,;l3, Ps., Wholesale Urocers, Goonutselon Merchants and des` COu.o. try Produce. P roe:alums, Bacon,_Laro Ei Cheese, Flab, &c. Produce, flour, jem Green and Dried B ruhn, Balt and s. Jyte w.auers.asOl PULP Si SIIEF'AR.I3_, Commission Yrrul - w.it mid dealers gloar,Grairi and Pm. duce. .1,1 "it Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Clamor- brands of nour for litters and YamilT use constant:, )12 bawl. Particular titration Paid 10 hiltup sitter :for glerchawliss generally: °crag BAIRD , PATTON, LITTLE, , i4nolesaleGrocerr, Comntleeloitglerehaate, and dealer: ln Yroduce. Bacon.' (: Deese. Plan, Carbon and Lard CSI, Iran, Nall:, Ulm, Cotton Yarns an.: all Inttaborgn reanefacterea generally 111 and 114 second stre,n, Pieta turgll. P. azilian r e. Darman 'Wu. D. DISTWW... REVRIER & BROS., (Successors** Renner a Anderson,) Wholearle Dealers Fora elfin Fruits, Nuts and Splce4, Confectionery, lingua. .Pireyrorks, ac., N05..1 , 15 and Wood atreet, snare Pifib ivaborgh. EMIT. KNOX' .A.NDEIJIW KNOX. RKNOX .ta, SON, Con:minion 111ERCLIANTS .o.l}nalom YLOUtt. MILL FinY.ll imid PRODUCE genandly No. 7 4 Diamond. oppoalla City MIL anaemia? City. .12.17:17U 4 . IPJ ° sod 105 , za ehaut L e dth le de?le n z In Western Reserve Cheese. Bauer. Lard, Fork, Bacon. Floor, flab, rot and Pe arl .tutkes, halerstak Linseed sad Lard OW, Dried fruit, sad Pratnce ?S`oa.dtt and lid frost stroht. PUteloug ti 10505 usoites mirSzOLUI. 14 ELI) tc PLIETZGAII, Grocers and Commission Me rebantsand deal .ss in ail kinds of - Country Prod.x and Pity bunt,. ' lisnuisctures. N 0.249 Liberty Street, opro.ite bead of Woad street Pittsburgh. ILFATETZ, PRODUCE,. parchaainCondml sad,na gents and Forwardlng Iderchanta., and for all Maaabetnr es. W artlaonae g . :1514bcrty edrect,Plcusburib Llidabargh, ./010r 1. 110{712••••NDWAIID 1101162...99111. lIOUNL JOHN 1. movsE is BROS.. Bucces sons TO Joint 1. Boca( d CO., I , ll6alesale Oro• cu.!, tad Com/anion ?demi:tack cone-sot limlth- IWO and Water exttets, IlttabUrgh. few QWPTON 64 WALLACE. Whole sale OROCELCA AND /mop [lca DEALERS No. 6 111.1 th =met. rlttstatreb. 101 TAPES PALZELL fit SON, Mann. facturers of Lard Ull, mad Commission Sferchants far the purchase and Ws of Crude and Banned Ye- Volum, Noe. at and 7+:l Water street, Ylttsburgh. Advances wide on ConslenWco i 4. LETZER AITRISTLIONG, For .. warding and ColnadssloS Merchants, for t,be sale os Flour. Grath, ISaeou, Lard. Butter Seeds UMW, Italia. and Produce generally, No: le karkeidtreet,. corner of First. L'lttsbarglLys. - , Pe=r,l3, d=ffM= _OrV POST. DALZELL .fr. CO., W hole - saleGrocers..Commission and Forwarding Mer chants and dealers In Produce • and Pittsburgh Man, io. Liberty street, l'ittsbargh. BIDDLF.7 No. IS3 Liberty St, • Pittsburgh, Is., Commission Merchant, a nt Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, (I rocerteuds/ Pittsburgh manufactures.. Cash adrumed on Con algnmeass, and paid tor Fralnce generally. atm ISMAIL DICKEY & CO, Wholesaler Grocer., Conunfsr.lon lterchants. and dealers tti Prod.... 1.4. M Water meat and fa Irma etreeh - Pittsbnrgll. WELKLITS LINHART, ((Successor to ktukeown • Lkagler in Flour sad Grain, Produce and Como:dad= krobants Ito; LLISKJIM BTItEICT. Pittebnrich. JOHN FLOYD w,. FLQIII3 JOHN FLOYD CO.,' Wholesale • GROCERS, N.:GYP:wood ~,t ittberty InGsburah. Pa. an.„Msgri PROFESSIONAL._ L, OO , t 1 Claim Agent. U. S. SAN. COM., offi ce, NO. 67 Fourth Street, , (soogoo rGo. ' Pittsburgh, Pa. Pen s i ons , n oik 'odes, and ArTCar or Pay Prolihnny coi:sted. No charge made untilt laa,ma aro ll4lll but a model ale tee. Tai: . - - - Pith 121)youllh St., Opooaltelni:lns Uth.- , • l'irticular attention given to /be coiled:loa of Counts. ht 'a, note., de. • ," - Correa: 1. d Beaver,w Torir. Boston, Eartlio.Nse. a Ilellefonte. Iteadnuge.ra 6 : indlatiapei la, Lud.- Iforgantorrn. W. Va.. Wins, N. Y., and elsewbeit. meuntet mcb c iar . /170RilEYS £ COUNSELLORS:AT LAW,' No. 69 Grant Street, • znyl4:lo JOHN A. STRAIN. 8S~?~F- r 33'Nrw Try • Ex-Oltieto,. , Justice•of, the Peace, _ AND rOLICE onice,ll2 Fifth St. opposite Vathedr:ai, ITrTSSURI/U, PA.: each. Bondt. Storsgagss, Acta metedittnenta, potitiona and all Leant Kali:teas executed with promptsettaaatitlinpatelt." VATILLIA.3I JANCEIG - NoTligy yv BLIC, JUSTICE, or TILE EACE, AND RE AL ESTATE AGENT. - Oreee, corner of Butler and Drayer etreeta, Lawrenceville. ' „ - ol i rar i Elgr. U tTe l e li% u‘ri r :VA p u r Earation and acknowledgment of all kinds or Legal • -- VILLIAst .IA.NCEY, ; • .Jaitte.4 of theYeare audNotary Public,. EUSTAVF. 13. DIOR RO IV, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, Penusylvanln Avenue.; Ink it tie Wain. ala opposite Calla area t larMaSe ' • CHATHAM T. E WEVG, , Attorney at Law, No; 69 Gnat Str!et, Pittlibuth‘Pa.. gr. eir.w.o,2l,lrafgeTtricili?Lek..T. z•tviics•colyx-r, • FITTEIBURGII IL3 sit • - L. FCIR SAVINGS..- 35741:)!..137 Fourth FR ;„).z . r . tvi s zia m d.e v :a or r y. i .tom tax. ) a trzEttß e tai °Pen 4.117 from 9 a. M.. to 4 1%. studs) auld liatqldareTrialage. Tram , - - . 13:173! .it,so LAG. I. ...- 1,15 ,349 I.Ii:EItTY BTREET, PITTSBUTZEiIi. PA I:3Orl=MS MD P/TI'SBUTIGH, PA. El ME , , BONI