THE - DAILY GAZE f FE. I =02:133 Penniman ) Reed & C 0.,. AT GAZETTE BUILDING No. as "V 1.1112. Settreet. P. H. rENNIHiN,/ „ win , r. P. HOUSTON, $ JOSIAH M. 1510 M ILLSOM P. MEE% nnalness Managers, • MEE Blngle Copkl Delted by cairl,s. (yei 'real Mail Sub.. lbe (per 1,,r) Libenal re,luellone to tigereboys and Age 'TIt;• ^r it1,57,41igh 4,f'Ntritg'.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1866 -. THE ELECTIONB which were held yesier day in Illinois, Kansas; Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada' New Jer. sey; Ne* York, Wisconsin, Delawerc, -Louisiana, Maryland and Missouri appeaar to have paSsed otr quietly. Our returns arevery, inconapletil, and upon them we can safely base no calculation, The con test in New Yorkilias been very close, Ina yonton htt , heMil elected Governor by a small majority.; Michigan has gone heav ily Repuldican.AriSeousin has also done nobly. New Jerky has gone Republican by large gdns. lit Massachusetts thq ma jority will bo very handsome. Two ac e gross have been elected to its Legislature. Mofrissey, the huffer, has been elected to Congress in Nov . York. ,Maryland has gone Conservative, thus perhaps securing: the election of Governor Swann as United :States Senator. • In to-morrow's issue we will probably be able to give the result in each of the states in whih (Actions were yesterday held. In our telegraphic.coluinns will be found the returns received tip . till three o'clock this morning, TLIANKSUIVIN s ti[ DAv. 7 -Elsewhere we publish the ebasteiand huinbly toned prot- ' lamation of ilis Excellency, Governor A. G. Clrniriti, calling upon the Christians of the Commonwealth - to .observe Thursday, the 20th inst., us a day '7Of thanksgiving and prayer. The year dliwing to a close has been a most prosperous and happy one. Our granaries are teeming with the .fruits of the bountiful harvests which Providence has vouchsafed us. • We have been blessed with peace and good-will to all mankind. We have been spared an epedemic visita tion- from the Asiatic plague which has left its learibi marks even mpon.neighbor ing communities. We have, indeed, mani fold reasons to be heartily thankful to the Omnipotent for the many blessing's be. stowed upon us as individuals and as a people, and nomf Tleanksgivingday should be ohsi-rved in a manner' in keeping with the , li.q;p debt of gratitude we owe the Giver of all things. The day seleeted by .Governor CUIVIIN is the saute as that ap puinted by 'President Jortr:so* CINCINNATI claims a population of 211 . , (r,i7 on the strength of havlng polled 211A1 . 9 i..otes at the Into elcOtion. In the ffivo . . . tg.hies and eight boroughs, composing What t is known commercially. as Pittsburgh, about that nurril,..r of votes Were polled' two years ago. This year theca were, in 1 -- these ten municipalities, ou the lists of tax '. hbles, 4,277 more lean ever before, and 're. the who'll somber of votes polled was .only 19-,8U5. If the full vote had' been brmght out this year, our population, oli. .the i same basis, would have been fairly computable's:. 3 . 28,497. This we suppose to be la fair a oomputatiou for our sister down the'Ohio- -- .- • • • . AT TELL la6t Sc 551011 of AU Legitlulu° u till was passed in reference to booms on the Suiqueb4nua ricer. The fate of it has not yet been determined. The Governor ima appointed Vivo engineers b . , examine and report in reference to tht matter, and doiibtlesY, be determined by the facts develored. Turnt; is a strong probability that the President was auxious,afrait - s in Baltimore , should take such a turn as to give him an opportunity to employ military force against the loyalists; and that if this wile acquiesced in by the masses of the Northein people. his next attempt would be B.2,gain'st - Congress.. . Tut -,Philaderphla • Ledger is a much arthiller nnwspapir thin the GAZETTE. Yet -its receipts for advertising daring the hist quarter were flfti,, , pei cent. larger than the receipts, for the corresponding period, of all five of-the. Pittsburgh A DELEGA - TION of JoussoN Men are re ported to be at Washington urging, further chau;ss in Federal officials in this county —and, particularly, the removal of 31r. .CARNAIXAN from the office of District At torney. - " 11.A.TOR D. L. EATON, formerly one of the editors of the GAZETTE, was mustered out of his office.- of Paymaster of Volum- Jeers, two or three days ago, because there was -no longer mid for his services. 31axtartaia . S has abdicated. The 31ex , ' -can Empire passes from the scene.' What next? One revolution less or more is of no cunsequence in that country. GEN EICAL NEWS, —Mrs. Keenan, of Lowell, Massachu setts, was diVormd [roil? Keenan at 10 Sat urday retuning, and.married to Jones at 4 Saturday after - nth She was a keen'un. —The lino e Commercial of tile lath says "There is in Knoxville, at this time, vagrants enough, both black and whiter, to :build a splendid turnpike road In every riirection for at least fifteen miles to and ( from our city.'' ; --The hog cholera is very prevalent in • the vicinity of Riclriond, hy. Ose men, who had 105 fine hogs, lost twenty-five within tlire6 days, anti other owbers bevel also suffered severely : At last accounts I - -the disease Was on'the increase. —The -oldest woman in America is Mrs. ' Forel, who lives in the mountains of East Tennessee, and is aged 'one hundred and twenty-one years. She is blind„ - but being quite hearty, - walks without assistance. Her memory is unimpaired, and she can recount many - of -he events of the Rovolu. - don with great aCquracY• - •—Beside -Govemor Morton, -of Indiana; Judge Jas. Inghes, former Democratic member of Congress, but during the last five veurs u ni.mber. of the Union Party,- and lion. George N. ,Julian, are candiTlates fur the Cubed States Senatorship. The contest is said to be between the Radical and Conservative wingsUf the - party. . —A young lad namedJobneen was Uurn-1 ; ed to death at Oneida, on Friday luat, In a 1 , barn. Johnson and hisbrotger had started 1 a fire on the barn door with some mulches and Shavings, which spread so rapid; that they became alarmed and onc- - of thon hid himself _in the - bay. His remains were found Ira the embers after the barn was burned down. ta?y, :sixteen years. of age, residing -near Marianna, Fla., this season has culu. • -sated fifteen acres in corn and five acres in -cotton ; has homed two hundred and seven ty-two bushels of corn and picked for tpe gin two and a half bales of cotton. With = the usual apPliattce the crop, was made by himself. With corn at 41 50 and cotton at 2,5 cents, rather below than above the mar ket price, - his crop would yield $717 50, • ! .11 . 1.1 • . ; • / : 4 1 ::• _ •_. • MEE ME! TEE VOLT SEE LXXX.---NO. 26S cllnc ITEMS • • Women'• Gom• at 90t. Opera !tome Shoe Storo. Closing Out dale AL the Opera Hansa Shoe Store. • Closing Ont Nolo At the Opera House Shoo Store. =a Great. taia - Frains. Opera House Shoe Store The Beat Goode Menufactored tre to be Lad at the Opera 'lmmo Shoe Store Our Slor It of Winter 1.t00d3 1,4 complete Shoe Store. Mplendld Lade. II And handaome Marv! Boots' at the . Opera . House Shoe Store. •We Now Sell Alen's Heavy Walter Shoes for sl,oo, Nora Boum, Ghee Store. 13=3 That will not make bunions or corns, what a blessing. sold . only at the Opera house Shoe Store. 131=13 Tlurt all Way buy we bare greatly reduced our 'prices. Best stock iu tne city. opera lion 6e Shoe Store. Go to 'Fleming's Drag Store. For a reliable Remedy tor the Cholera. No si Mathet stroot. t Ago to Flemings Drug Store, No, Sl Market street, for the beet Potash cad boas Ash in.the .ctty—at lowest prices. Go toilleculog's DrRE Store. So. S 4 Market street, for the finest assortment of Brushus of all kinds, and Toilet. Co;tabe, - Dearness. lillndaeis. Catarrh, And affections of the chest w , lll receive cape el al attention by Dr. AbOrn, at aid Slercbants • Go to Flewlsig's Drug Stor . o. No. 8.1 Market street, for Clark's,, Harvey's and .Cheettnan's Female Pills—Sole Agent for this oily. s=oo-Dollars 11!!‘weert1 Wlll he paid by pr. Spencer; the eminent den. test, No. 231 i'enn.streel,Aeaseihe fails to ex tract the most dittieuttnoiala without the !lightest psis, by the 1160 of Laughing Cies! Ten assistants besides two ladles always present. erect Ware Mil!. le Ladles' rats at the extensive Ladies' Far Rouse •of William Fleming, No. 1:11 Wood street. At, this 'establishment goods aro sold, lower than ut any other house In the city. Tile following Is a list of goons kept constant. ly on land: Hudson Bay sable, mink sable, Germau filch, Ellierien squirrel, black and brown sables, Boston. Um:thus; slim Gay's pat ent-excelsior muffs, gents fur caps, collars end glovoet gouts fine bilk and cassimere hats; men, boys 11111 children's bate and caps, 'at loser price, than any other house hi the city. Lion't forgez the place, No. IN Wood street' Flat3l • E 11 , RE BY STE 17.11ER:- ltor Veell-5 ort Tline Moveinent —Latprems 'Carlotta Improved—Den tal rk lltreatetteci with Extinction— Et:, trance or Victor linannel Into Lut=3 11:1.:.trAx., November o.—The steamer Java, Iron: Liverpool on Um 27th, and Quceuatown on has arrived here. Mr. Snyder, the Inventor of the Farther's , breecii:loadlog rifle. died suddenly on the 'twentieth. The cattle plague has dwindled down to on- ly Hie easel In one week. Admiral Mender succeeds Sir James Dope In eammand of the North American station. The short time movement among the Lan -1 cashire adieu, manufacturers was making I progress, and indicated a large decrease In pr i c te " .ll ` tTa . t. , or the Lyons workmen is re preise:ded as being of a very grave nature, and Pr unes - Mea of relief have been adopted. The anti Standard deny the reports of a Fre:. eh loan being premeditated: , Tne /writ' says, on authority of letters from Triest, that the Empress Carlotta's health bas 90; far Improved that she .will return to Mexico. - Trio LOWRIE, 7 toes alludes to the farther Ms. integrating u: the Austrian' limpiroOss being The Loudon Giebt ease Denmark isMunaced wlih extinctlen. • The Emperor of ithssia, has issued a mani festo announcing the betrothal of the Ztro w Itch to the Princess Dagmar, and eftderring on her the title of Imperial Highness. • Victor Emanuel would enter Vienna on the 7th of Sovember, and it Is said wlii bO accom panied by all the foreogn Ministers at the IVO- Inn Court, who are said to bare received in structions to that effect from their respective Governments. • FROM TRIAL Special 7LeuKe from Governor Tihrock snorters. GALVLSTO TEXAS, NOvember C.--4.ioyeruor Throclrmortun. In a special massage to the • Legislature on the condition of the eountry ; and its Federal relations' says that the true sentiment of our people is misunderstood by our Northern bretheron. Ile denies with la dlgnanon the assertion that Politicians that ; here are still rebellious: that we do not desire a restoration of the Union; that Union men are in danger Of assassination; that without military protection they could not remain nitd that thousands were leaYlng. • lie -meths Legislature to pass resolutions to that effect, and to solemnly pledge the State authorities to protect both life and pr party with- Out any regard to • political sentiment. lie suggeste that negro testimonv be admitted In all cases end recommends that taxes-col lected from negroes be atordted for their s du '• cation. al alluded to In the President's tele- gram. lie says he hopes the Legislature will snake all laws involving chill rights as come pieta as possible. so as to extend equal and exact Justice to all persons without regard to color. FROM CALIFORNIA. Chinese Advlees—Funeral of Captain Townsend—lnsurreetion In 'Cochin elalue-41. N. Revenue Agent Indicted. elee. SAN FILAs risco, Nov. s.—Further China - news of Septet:at/or let, says: The funeral of Cop. lain Townsend, of the United States steamer Wauchusett,' was largely attended by officiate and private gentlemen. • Twenty Chinese are supposed to have per ished by the burning Of the steamer IlungalW. TllO Insurrection In Cocain China was far from being I-oppressed. The rebels still occu py Tayn and Tramburg, and only wait the approach of the 'rainy season to assume the otrenstvv. The celebration of the Emperor Napoleon's Jae bad proved a failure. . IV. J. Welker, Caned. States Internal Reve nue Agent for the Pacific roast, has been In. dime.. by the Unlted States Urand Jury - Mr malfeasance in office. Choice wheat is Belling at 2c a pound. Sales of :dining shares an 10,20' for Crown Point, GP for Belcher, 21e for Yellow Jacket, 122 for Clml lar, and id tar Oplar. /Agra Tenders, 70;4. • Ymnhor I'M. Wm. elected over lineal], Of the Fiat Ill , triel, by riXl majority. The Radical con my 11.11.. Of wile 01130104 try tibout 2,f4.0 majority. The Conservatives elected two of elk staie mina. tore, and three' of fourteen rep reeentati re-.; Including Frank Blair, to ho boat Illanfierinib, :übottt ISO. The rut.Orni from Um lotcrior utu "M"l'"very meagre, but so far Woo. Radical major lispoaltlion—Blebop Polk , . Sueeeseor. KitakeD 4 City given :Na ItadieKl mulerti New Outi . aws,..November i1.. , -Governor Wells ; Jefferson .City lives majority. Franklin hair aptioiumil George Chadwick a Commis- county gives aro majority. Judge INVWCOIII I, ',stoner to the Purls Exposition, vice U. IV. IL. W 9 elected In the liecend ‘ll,trlet by us over. Daltrey lostion the Evening Star. whelmiug majority. The telecepalUlehopeof Vermont, Alalgurin. Sr. Lome, November from St. and Ml.sisslppl have ,rriVeil, awl will COMK.- ,yenmpli say tielierni Loan will Airely be elected crltto,.To-morrow, the Rev, Dr. I.l' 11. %% s pine r to cougre e a • libllop of ',Quietens, In place or hitump Volk, killed near Atlanta. during the our. Dr. Wilt:nor UrrlVCil 1.11.1 l evening. WISCONSIN. • , MlLw.scif Er., 10 P. a , Nov. tf.-1 7 1r.t Conlin., , memo dm Het.. Paine, :IMO m o alrity frt o r Brown Dem.: Seefool; liopkin, thild, 1..1 , •:.; souther's Railroad Consolidatioo. 1 ..,,, h ~.i,n,,',„r; and sf,,,ilf,Wanfl;itrue. All the .. Nr. ,,, T o mNov.6.— Rome (Georgia) paper . Itepulilleane are elected by an suoiregate tne.- Inakr , the following announcement of a rail- jority.of at Walt 13,00. In the lib flhtf lot lA roud ,onsolldation.on the sth nit., In this city drillge, Dent.; v. reldeclVfl by 10,0ii1, 3,1.001111. dent •teps in the consolidation of the Mahn- t Jnrif y. Roth houses of tl.e i.egl.datnre are Ma and TenneSsee Inver Itallinad, Ocorfila ; largely RepuLllcan y . 1111 In ...eased majority. and Alabama, and Dalton and Jacksonville 1 The Republican gaff. u,n c cry liellyy all OV1:r itailmad Companies were perfected, and the I the Mate. - ' consolidated cempanies placed under the con, 1 .KANSAS. • , 'trot of the Alabama and Tennessee River , ~ F TOPRIL ,li NNA... N . Vl.'lll l / 1 2 - r .1 1.-4 . 11 1 1 !Lentil Company, milli Gnu. JOteph E . J 0 1 •01808 88 . o .' bean tleket.lif Cl)10 eounty, owl elmted try Presithitt. 1 handsome Xllll.lOl t.TIle Territorial al.. , ttict glees Crawl ord, for Uov ern or,f.sU Inalorl- Chi the lisrcbants, Metiers elcaraph 04'1 i ty, Cluifir for Congress ataioC'the Name. ' 'From Oil cm,. . i , ILLINOIS: SPeelai to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Culosoo, Nov. ii, 0:40 p. m.—Nlne wards In the , . OIL CrTir, Nov. C, B P. o. city give Logan 4,,90 , 1 m ajority . The indica- River twenty-fear Melee. 'Weather clear none are that the linpublicano have carried and cold. Market very dull. L . ' I Cook county by 8,000; MICHIGAN. . • Removal from Office. • • Dernon, Mien.. November G.—Thu Itepubll- W...entmoxoti, SrOv. 6.COndictin Stta• 01112 11111jOritY in M schlton will exceed twenty. Manta have been published wlth regard to the five thouelted. The Republic:time elect all their remorsi ofl Wm. A. Dorms, District Ai Lonny Congrosamau. for northern NMI York, but the fact la maw: • -- triorllyoly announOVl: Siver nod Weatbrii piS 6.—The river la rising:with seven feet nine inehes of. water in thy canal. Weather moderate. ECOND EDITION. FOUR , O'C LOCK, A. M VERV UTEST MEGRIMS. THE ELECTIONS 1 EiTEIIDAN. Returns - front New York, Massachu setts, Missoitri, Maryland, Wis., cousin s :l4w Jersey, Illinois, Kan sas and Michigan. Opera Iloume. Netv Yorni,Nevember G.—The returnsi.from all the Wards In the city are compldto enough to .Elfnet that Roffman 's majority Is fully 00,000. City.; of Utica, Kellogg for . Congreis, 3.00 majority; Rome, Kellogg, 3G5, Cama.n, Conk'. ling, 000; Klrkland,Conklinr, till; New Dart ford, Coukllng, 321; Marcy;Kellogg, Sanger. held, Kellogg, 6.0; ;Unroll:Oh Kellogg, 114. Conk ling' s majority to itik.glL f,zot. • The Republican gain.) In the elate arr vety . large. It Is thought Fenton's majority will he aeoitto,ooo. Seeley, in the 20th district, to elected over Burt by 1,41:e majority; boll) itepublx.l.. Chanter, Dem., is elected. by 4,X4 over Steitibrenner, nt the Ott dint riot. Woml, Dem., elected in the 111 didrict b.} 1,12.1 over Darling. Conk tlr We majority In the district will hat 1,500. MEE NEW. long, November 6,—Tke olllclnl count of the city tomi up for Fenton, :1;:,23i; for 11o:t -omtit, 7P,ti.JJ, one small dintrlei 111 let, lioffulau's ulajortly lft the oily ie,16,67. , -0111 cial. Whole, plunPer polled, 113.1.24. . , New Yonh, Nov, 6.,3lorrit.ey's niajotity to the Filth drstrit tls 2,100. Fox's malority over Greeley' is ithout 9,3 w) th the Fourth diitt jet: Brook's majority to the 'Eighth Dietriet to over tt,CO over Cannon and Elezabet t Cady Stanton. The latter received eight votes. PemaJ Barnes iu tilt,r , erond District Is leeted by a heavy Inn) Itty. Hunter Dem. to ek tea for the ellen term, \V. E. Itollinson, Deni., for theleng term. . . Tuoeleetlon in Syrncuee• (:ice: Fenton 51 , 6 rim). ()sweat! 'glee, Fenton 70 Inn). 0...wen0 contay givms'Esiittia ut luitsr. :1,000111:1j. /411111- lo—Tlao untbany :aratust the Republic/ins is about I"; i1"031 - man sorties the. say by kLIJOiII WO. RuelleSZC/. I'entou Burreco, Novewbur , :.-Iwhoualon , are that Humphrey,, re.Meet,..l to Con• gress la this I.ll.,triet, duftiatinir A. id. Clapp by about- one I t walkway. givei 11101 Mani hundred muJoray. Huffman's Illaiol , 0111 the ballle: NEw Yonh. N, ->wttg indicate Bourns from 11t ecattuhug, Lot gatn. Nest . YORE, N'at tram all 1110 war litu total Ilu lu Ett3l . ~. talpoll•for F. ntt , total poll tor Voir man, 79,591. 'lnf. 11/ . 1)0111.) . In thf' cj:l).. I, 45,t,,5. Chandlor ) In the :111 N.:trio, is tklected to Gun 4,75.5 overt , telnbri n er. lernsuilo ii An.) is vltac4 to ton gre,,s In the: with DI, ...Any 11.1 majority. Stew sri.'s aLtlrtly In the: oth Cungrus,lonal M,- trlc.t Is '2,,...1. _ . • . _ .. . Robertson (nett:, iy eleete,T to Congri , s In the lath Nev. - York IJistriet br rnA)ority. Nett - Yon:K, Nov. -, ;.—Alhauy city gicce n0n .52:. majority; Cat; County OtH reito,, It. Lac repro country givo, lint on; jority.. Fulton county C n•:?lun ron uUou. blue; o,cegu About::;.W; .onan , lng, "C:lyoct 4 , 111:AA - iv Lortlancl I.SII. At! likin•oalo,“ 0k..j0r7;1.,, N.or . YooK,'N' , ven.O-•Y Siontfiotoery, r.l-trooA.te; e ran k Lornelt eloct.v , ! in the T , e,•:1“1 Coe,re, sional Dlctrict. Elnes vountS. w:!1. 1;i11 ;ion• of ...5,000. N,w YORK, Nerl2ll.lli.ll7—ll a. M. —is rumr:r.,). 12011111/1111.111, In tlot tllttr let 7.; elect to Cono,s, 111+0.11. /.1 . /(1./ (111.)011.1y,ily the Int usr, thouing ti , 1)-41.ottl., tie JOrlthot in the 4,1,...,1.1 Ittog .., are 1111,11, 1.11 01 OVerl/11.1111.1C1:111,y Ruby that.: It 1.•. r to the interior. The three Congrevfmr . ti ! iwrao!! crate here, are urr.4et I y threr ReptlllliCatt. Ih .110 rival o , lltffie , the some gtti - erlitaviaeu. I:eaer!,l elected City Feutous ininorit y i i i put ,Itr•rri at ler!. f, from 5.1011. • • ptifirriit, (11reilsi Nov oboe, in lt.,lttett teattering returrel (nest nit, toe 14.,vet or, 11411- lock t % 14,542; ^tvertzer, Den:. i 32. tier tl., Third Congreemlottal dlttl let, 1;., 10711;01,4 3101 for Asian w a.l niel t, the Fourli district, I.l,otter nearly lola vote:. .1 very heavy.irte ttreng voled. Noventhea . large vol. Ira, riiretrin to-day in the election or State otlleetm, member, of mat I..eghtlat taro. tiara Lie! It all neir n way and gtve luereazed u:aJori Den .00 r lent year. t, hen litiverreir 11 51 11,,, 7 , ht40 votes against 14 . .t.:,etaropittetat Retains arc reeciee , l Oirc a tile ti give map,: it a , at tinrate me railleilt}' Ili the alit!, ail I Cc fn,ne to 7.' 100. Thane lan IMI . I/0 1505 I:et - tut/bran!, DetrtOentlat and 4 lnitepetelentnbt tint Lett at- Irturo. The Sonaiebi lieleibticali entire. The Vote of Ironton tbot, Wry,' far bullock: for Svreetaer. The - Ilepnblientes elect their Intl Congrensional delegation 'of eleven aloalt•er, ; to Congreen by Maio:lth.. ranging train 2,0 t, tothooo .a large vote wax rolled to Nlntetachte,ltto. All the Repillalcan are, ISAI.7IMORCI NOY. !I.—Phelps IConservuti,,, I re-elected 10 the :;s1 biota let. by to.: majority over J. J. stewort,(fiepablicamt TharCiiiniur. I vatives have carried all the f.egi-lative. nail Senatorial diturtets of the Ineli oil! give than It tritJos Ity 11l the Isoionatilto; yll. I Thin:Oars, It Is•lifilltiV;il, /1 Thu tilt Ward glued Archer (Democrat) 1 , 0 ninjority. Ban:lawn:, Nov. O.—Without hettling. from other portions of the slam, line result 01 the ! election to this city Ilinniitn 4 that the Ileum. °rata COnservittiVi, lie I tint I 'will have. in the next Legislature. nth , . I-Collin, to OW Ifttese,ll(iy-littee Ile- 1 presentative , to t trent tmive iteloMileat!.. clear 13000(1(5 . 00 JOilit 10111 , 0 of tarts-sic. ISSLTIMOOC,:tiosI. urn. , from Western counties comprising the Fourth Congre,lololl District indicate the re-elvt tiou of Yrank Tho mas by fully ,t,Om majority. To-night, whilst there were bilge crowds of both parties [lathered In the vie Inily of the ! newspaper of:thvts to hear lire retoratt, there wan COnritilers.olo were oved, and One 1110.11 mulled Angina. ratio:, formerly a member or the City Cennell, and oelouging to the !tithe:if party, was shot, and, it is . thought, fatalli wounded. .. NEW :lElthiEl". g Twenty towne and count leelit New .ler , .tet ' give the llepeolteans u ielhOritY of 4,101, n slight guilt. haloes, Republican, 15 elected .1n Sew Jer i sec with an Increased ntjorltv. The majorities In twenty-Moe towns foil t counties In Now Jersey, show a ilepubilettn majority Of Anon gain. lit:wank, N.J., Nov 0, lasi the First Congres : Hional district Moore, Republican, b. elected. The Second district is in doubt, In the Tit and district Sitgraves, Detnncrat, is elected by a reduced untjority. The Fourth dent riot Is In doubt- In the Illth district Ilainett, Republo 1 can, ban attout bOO majority. The Senate will atand eight Democrats to eleven Republican , The Asaembly will he Republican by a Vinitil I majority • Miters with Tra.all , Ta ArTlVed. eat November o.—Forcy millers or. yd i3t:JoeVolt with t.:00,01.0 in treaarire. Other. parties are coming down the river with nearly a million nmi a half dollars In (NS. ', -- - 10 ,,- 7 - ' •"J - - ,---'' i rr 'Cr ` , 7 4451" .....He „ , ... r"" -- ;' r. as ,rr 1 ~r ,::: zro ~,_ ~, .17 a i i -- _--- c 7,." ' Ala ...,-.." - . ----- ` - ' , - P' '',"--4SP i N "....--- '''' .El ' • --- --- --e 4vlsrfe" s'---...,.,:=--"V*...i-4-."'-z ------.---;:' .-/&'-...---- t ---. '""'w - • fiy "7::t7 A -.,..... - :...f ~ ,,- , 3 . -- .-,----- .-7-3- , 3 . ,- • ---- ? , --:.-- r•-' -- ---:;::;--,;:- --:-:7 :1 1 °;'72+ z I.l=.- '.---,:7,_.:j.,1,.,--i-)A-____;-:_:•_-_--7..---7----,_-,_-..1--_,A,.._,--- ____;-:_:•_-_--7..---7----,_-,_-..1--_,A,.._,---- -;..------__ ili --r--::-:--,.,_;_,:,____,:- —.•-•-1,--=/-_-_-_-,-,-'7/2"----=7-,-",---.. - ..!,' - --v-----,---;'=":-.----,..,:- PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1866, • NI;W 1170111 i. K -t iruz: from Kings klority for linaman. )r come in slowly all a ,mall I:3l,ul,llcan city tut: 4,411w0.. I= I=l W;77.4 -,,,,,....,,,;,, Jail ~-~l FROM EUROPE BY CABLE. :trrli al of teamer Belgian at•London detry and Iron Clad Allautonoinak at Lth . bon —Mmihacre of Forty Passenger; of tke. American Vessel General rherman at Corra—The Pro.lan Army In Saxony— Military, Reform hi Austria—Foreign Market, US= I.tvnaeow., November 6.—The steamer Bet glad, from . Quebec, has arrived at London derry. • Ltsuott, Novellaher 6.—The United States troaelad hitaatnannuth hits arrlsedliere. Lees lios, Shvember S.—The American General Sherman, got ashore at Corra. Forty persons aboard were murderud by the natives. Beams, November 6.—lt la stated that all the Prussian army In. Saxony hate been or ticred to'be demolished. It nnN!., November 6.— . The Project for a mili tary reform In Austria Includes universal liability to servo in the army, the use of breech loading an:118,01t other measures. Lennow, Noveintrir. 11.—Earl Derby bas en couraged a dirpattoit .of the subject of the Nicaragua Railroad. lay our Doc, November G.—The cotton market to-day was quiet, but active. indicating a total day's sole of imlo bales; middling -_uplands Opened at 1510. . I.o.7ineN, November IL—A. AL—COI:001B ler money opened at SOY:. The prices. for Ameri- Cen securities a r e as follows: Erie, tit; Il li nois ntral, 7tilj; United States 5-tO'd, ISN! , i. • BE acts, Nov. IL—A. Royal decree reduces the Prussian force In Saxony to a pence LONDON, Nov. o.—The rumors of an alliance of Snain.with ISrnzil aganod ParagilaS is de nted. I.tvEitront.—llmting—Nor. o—Tho Market for breadstuff , . Is easy. Corn, 34 to 391 tor !nixed. Wt.:dem pork tends downward. Manehe.stor nuirkel for wool and yarns dull. 14)01.00. Nov C.—Kreodnp.—Con,olt. f..r.tno• ney, , 04 . ; Erie, to':; C. S. r Ivo•Twentles, central,6, Departure of 3les.ltultstm from Mexico .• IV„ssii:Ndt Nocumlicr G.—Thu following letter sus rece ived here to-day, and contirrtrs the intelligence contained In the one to Min ister_ tiouiero paid:Shed this worming: Co, en or ilia I.frirree STAT . . or :Oars Uct..2.s,lNG6.—Mui I have the houbr to in form you dint Maximilian left the Coy of Sioxici , ion the' 2.1 Inst., en route for This day a conducts containing 2,- :o),osi hard sliver dollars, arrived here from tau City 01 Mexico. There are now seine 1,0(51 troops of the Friaich troops of the French expedition In this city, and 1 am Informed that Immo 2,00) more are located on the road between ilrizatai and this nay. With mum respect, your most obedient ser vant, (51gueil.) F.. H. SUOLINIR, Acting U. B. Consul. Launchlug or the Steamer (Arent Ile public. Scw Yonx,_Noveruher o.—The Greatllepuh 11c, a au ,itennter for the San Franctsco and .China jinn, will he launched on Thursday. lect awn 10 New nevelt, Cum.. CCOltn..l the town election nebt here the Delnuerittlo tic k et Ii electvo. by Xi) major:ty. Death of tritnenu Draper. -. Drap, 111,1 :uttntit..]itone at Lail• th; vo O'clock Olt+ Morning. CITY AND SUBURBAN ADDITIONAL LOCAL 'NEWS ON THIRD FAC.E.I =I I n'th , ,cum ..z141!1,r .110 unthonty of the 4.l . Yautn ylvaßi., Au.i r. sr C.. 1,,V01D111. , 01 all, COMMCILIs of 1...000'Y1`,..‘1, I=l ' tyorac.,, It hate hreu thu good and worthy etV.l.oto 01 the i;ountroa wealth no ,t apart, :moonlit, a dart, the *peetal acknOwledge• - ,,cat of the tJ: the Almighty, and Ly Ch. 01:010 . people, ut. Otto :to./ %.I', It o. Coillillojl 00100, the LLII.IIIOI h throughout thu 'year art 4,.ri nom th, , ,. llearte , of wee, therefore, Cortlo, Governor of the Com -0,100 e .Ith of Ih:tuts)lVanta, do, Ly this' 11,7 reentrtmena that the goal pro the toinmonwenith onannie the day of Nn einner next, 611 a day of 'Pt:dui:4l46:mi( and Prayor, and to Sven as. respect", churches and pin.res an,ll..ike their humble thank~d- Y•:ln4 to 11:Traghly 4;o,1 for Ilas I , :twdogs Bar- :: Year. Um igntlinreti fruit/ tat Cite rut 1,11.4 ll,+ far e.ntin:.n..l tictlvity of In I or.the We:lend prc.ervtit'sol of health. Ar. , !evreLtlly for ;but ID 11:,11vino mercy llo,nAt4 'goy,' the toreatOpe.l pebtilenCto. triofeover, that they ,In he ,tech COOT Irlltt.un to Ili till Inn I,lensingn, i,n4 toottn t)tin the neettl of the people of these i. - elte.l 'Let liy the Inn tot fore° of their g.,4.1 antk Morey iu Iv I, 1:0,14•I . • - - , undo tuy 11.10 nod the Brent tient of the ..111rtrri5hurnh, this twenty-ninth dAy 01 0,t0!,,T, 10 1110 peer of our Lord one thnneand ,540..t:ruid red and 41411-011, and ”11.11, Cgomtnoaw..l.lll, tin ninety-Mit. t 1::: iii eiovorlfur.) Stdren, 11 l the I, , mroonwealth. Irieelloa me Mftochrster Uouoctl. Tl.r togni:tr tnm,tlilc meeting Of the 31 n• che4lcr Lunn.:[), wan hOll lent uVelaillij lit hi, hot 110114 e, corner or Chattier • Oil Chlo nut. -10 tttt • • Prevent Me•••• 11. 1:11-ku, Altailer, Moth.: ter3illl 13,ke,, 7ilcCl =I 110: 1111111.11, 1 Or Lilo 1/1Ni...44,11n,, octo •1, t;10 IfiCet :OR or October p we, I. re:ail and on motion nltiptett lir. hit i , :e, 1 root the hiss and Can tine,. I. tilhtl 0. reported progress. 31 ,. . Patter. , cm, Iron. tilt Committee Oil nines, tint led on 1110 hill of SieNtinghte CO. a., having , Seen the Street Comi w nisslo of Ali,:ral.t . ny City with regent 10 the price 1.4 h or to N/ratting street... In the report stated that the itettotrltles of the e 11000,1 luta lieett totting their IfireeiN fetid!! eon 61,1 , n able cheaper titan hits those of SI, rhester.. Me!0 , 1",. Mettle , nvel. liot bond moved tile ac• septettes 01 the (upon loot the it of ili, ,ra,ininittee, tol,l that they lat letjarosted le con.nit with 31e,,Ars. Mclntyre, licSangh. ter ,t: co. with a view to having the said hill ,rairtAle.fin Odell We the said work, us they believed the demand mallo to ht ex horhitan t, Red Unto the thlrgest be authorized to draw is wart ant ho the Nllltl.lllt. agreed upon. ~ , ,,,,t, Cele 0,11601.00• V etewurt reported as having notified delhettlollt property holders lull hhenieiti street Willi regard to the grading of the sidewalks, and also hoeing settled With Mr. Murdock, the cool rnelor for the grading 'Ol tile mild street. _ Sky. Kira, from the Street Committee, ye portt.l progress rut the gentling of some thir. leen streets in the borough widen are now itet• hria eettlithi. . . 1.110...111t:of C. .t. iteletthlSl, amontittng to t.,,,,i t i r dieglett tote 10:t1,1 iso4 %tall sod wool N ere 00 0 culvert ierTagttert. Street it lei tete. , 1 0 ., 0 get (er 00 Franklin street, und tile Street I..)lrool,lotter SIC It art's roll' for the months ill - Sept...ether 11011 (13olier, for work done - on streets unwinding to Oa 3. wore reed and the Burge, authorized to their its It errant. lair ; the amount. P,ittvrnOn MOVett that: it. warrant .110 Idrown fee the amount of .5,9 , 0, to lilt a now in the Manehelter cravings think, which lied 1,. n there for twenty purposes. The Itirerle it rerouted the decree of the Court ot Quarter the on the report of till view `re 04 the opening of Franklin street, eteforsir , then . .. Altai as appealed from by :11 , . The la.. Harper. 31 r. me Ebel lit,tortrot that the arttren of Court tira.rerad he Levet vol and 111.1. Carried. , Mr. Pratter , on moved tout till, Street COM ! te.-sioner tie nethortred to notify the prop . coy heel., ebett 110! uOll the heVerill etregts „, 11:,,,,ii.,t, witt a view to the opening of Fran etre , •t, to imy the amount tor ration ~ is, le Lillety ,I.y. from date of I sithl notifleutioe. On tootina totjourevii. I=l Tui, Court mot at thu usual hour, nano cechs,k,)esturtlaY mornlng, - Jutlgo Williams u,,;11e1112 b. . 'rho only,enso tried was that of N. Vneghtly et. al. vs. Wrn..l. !founts. Thts was an action or fdactfilent for a trust of land situate in Re cei ye township, containing about half no ere, and valued at five hundred dollars. The jury found for thelflaintar. Ritchie, Esd, for plaintiff, and D. IV. A, A. 3. Reel for do fendant. • - Thu Court adjourned to meet this =midi( at nine teclock, when Important business will ho transacted. Committed for a Hear Lag.—Walter COn• non, charged with stealing two overcoats from a nom ding home In the Fifth ward, was before Mayor McCarthy yeat ?dug for a head , In g. Alter a alight investigation Into the af fair ho Wan committed to jail for a further bearing on baturday next, • Wwq• • donna' Meetings of Cororations 40. nom toed In Ike Advert ising Column. . of T..-day's “Uar.otto." ..-- • . • . Ihe eightliannual meeting- la um ers 1 the Citizens' rasgenger Italia ..y Coin pan-Of the city of Pittsburgh, will be held et JH. b Hubley'a, Ni,. No. Fourth street, on Mut, day Nerrember leth,jsrht, .tt 7 o'cloelt. r. ...., at whNlittuie and place a &taro of Di re ,,,,,,,, 1 ; 1 be elected for-the Mg year, end mini oth Cr b;SilleSS tratllletl,ll as may C4llll, before the meeting. 'he annual meeting of the. Stockholders of the Oakland Hallway Cimipaitr, will he livid at their Station, in Ihtkland, Pitt township, on Monday, November Ilttli, trot, at.; o'cloch r. u., at which time and Waren Hoard of litre., tors will be elected for the 011SUIllg" year; and such other bnahices transacted as tatty cow. before the meeting. An election for thirteen bin:ton...l the Ell- TOILS insurance Company, to serve fur the en suing yea:, will be held at Ito I,IIICC, lit Kim, ter's handing, Water street, on Tuesday, No rember 13th, Itlikt. between the hoar , of ii ... li., and 1 r. u. - The annual meeting of the StOckholderi nil the Jones , Ferry Company will be held on Monday, November Iltli, at It o'clm , k, A. la., at the °Mee of A. A. ,Init.h..t Bro., No, ...! Water street, at whtch time and place Directors will be elected and other neeebeury lautnew. t ran.t. acted. An election for thirteen Directors of tho Wostein Insurance Com pun r, to serve fur the ensuing year, win be held at -the vine°, No. 1 , 2 %Vuter at , ea, tm Tuesday, tint lii It hay of No vember lorzt, between thu hours of 11 A. a. and e. The annual meeting. of tho-blOckholOora of the Kop , toneZtavinga 1:a a, for fhe pu rpo,h 1 , 1 cleating Directors for the on,oliot your,, a,tl be beld at iheir °Mee, 5.13 a) Mal hOt roof, tot Monday, NOv. lath that., beta - two the 11"1,..1 2 Atla - • ri1.1:1.11I1Uht xneelltig of the ,loc hold, n the l'lttsbargh and I:lnning:l:m RallrOtal COtnpaay will 1,1 - held on >lna•.lal . Noveulber 19th, or 2t. cinch r. a ., ~t I ~.. Ong,aholutllonhe, a - n . 111,13 I l: u ,• and I,lnt c 01. L . C1.01'4 Win 1112 rie,•:ed, uml uthrr 1.11,111•..1 transacted. I= The Court u , sombled fno ruing ilt al( past nine o'clock, befor, a full bibeli, when slid following bbsine, wit. taken op and disposed of • - IL A. McConnell. of Greene county, on Inn- Don of A. A. Purina?), , Clotro— E. of layette county, on foot 100 En+, George 15'. 111Uer , of Wa‘bingf..n. bo Don of Joseph Ilender,on, , C. Winslow, oh Jefferson county, on modus or 11'.' P. Jenks, we ,l sic atOol , :c4l qualified to practice In tills court. bnillb vs. itar..l.,;Jeffet son county. Argord by W: P. Jenks for plaintiff In error. and 1,1 A. L. Gordon Contra. Burr vu. hells; Jefferson county. by SW. P. Jenks, for plaintiff in error, and by Gordon, Contra. Sehool Directors of Union tow - r, Monks; Jefferson county. Ar • ced by Gonlon for plamtill In error, and by conrao:ec.litra. Neale vs. /10111dayi c.Thoty. good by W. 1.. Corbett for rboia.ff,,, , , Gordon contra. • tianutt. vs. I.obough; Clarion county. gnat} by R. J. Reid forplurntiTin 4 I.y Co bolt MA, a. • Full,r'm Aviv-al; rnyr"• ,0 John Fuller for nopt , !:•.t, ttn.l y ;son contin. OD appi•al; 0.111 ;cued by rurtmul for It ppullatil, at"l 1 1 . _ !co vz, Uwe; Groote county. Saloultt,l y Wyllo for 1 , 1.'0,1111r 1 , 1 onlnt. linyao et nl. en. 6 unnnt Onryvno ',only. A rle-I by rnrtoon for Itt error. Sn.yern, Contra. Div'ldend• Announced in I'o-ita3.l. a!=iNSE . 11:tid Of six por erttt., t Iti el/ the tel ' the 1,1•4 X•L .. • e/1111111E, 1..•),E0L44, Oat O pest all ui4,11!.., The All4 , gtleuy 4.%, 4 t•- 4.1.'1,1 4,1 1,,10 pc: 0.,. to earn 11511,4. The Elret Nenoe:,l of throe per 41..01; ." Too ln-onle , , .1. , • .1 of 15 . . II Ih., • • . • .!•• Tao tin, of net:Lir:on •tocni. , neon rilkolico.l to this Mon Cl 311r_ u.rof Inetn.naznr 11, , i0ta.. - y rod Jnly In vAel , yen, Tim hank of do,lno d end at C., per t.• n:. ttt. , 1 paAt ott munto, ThO 1:1/o k dividend of nix In, 1./ , of ttof jos•t clv Too IVice,torzi .• Con.' Lov u. • • Wood Of one •I,llor tool I , li ,foll thorn, on: of :Id. inroll I'lo,, .1n:1N: tin. v.-L.:I =I Thu (talon - I ng are 11.1111. Z ti... /nn 1.1.0 4..+111 ~ e u..' log October I - 4. sat T h ,„„ l ., !:, burgh. In: nog Jul e. .‘nt , itntu.l h..mst .touuplve .Irotm \V. W. t:am,g,uf . ;11,1 , 1 , 4 nomt In tuawohllle.. - (ir,gg, 1-.. prove,l'brlck O.nchtho. Ileary Hank, of 11-, ut.tostu 1, pinvornent arc rain t.:nrl+llan 1-,. tar Illftoliino for lo.' ”( tool Ithoe+. T. t., Sprlng,:or is., tot It, prOvelliellt Its • itAitroatl Archival. A AltAro.siitg r,:tilt‘y. fterii.n, In lIIu on: tl)t• f•o.1 of ro) , \VA:, r.O lhalco4.l r. .elt fttlally Its th, port;: lo:,(tree, 1.;11.11.:1 feat:Atm', of Ito lottateglt mt (;rl,l Ow( tan' loved a. m ttota, mt the 1011.1110010(1 I.l.lthe, lath: Nut nu.itlet., (I watt 11(.011(e,(.. too hrltlge, Ito (t eta oo (at 41:v(151u:oat; Nee( of the Itt,tler to ell the Imo Itleery, I ;15, 11:11.04 47y fooling, utel err be 1:M11d `,“:." 01~0- melt% lot lea (solo the t to•l4late , ..!1 I i(e , wheels of the coglee, • 1. I. " left trill erot.l(loe. , •t hot, I lml o 1(1.1111IIITY.YAry aotitut:lte lc at lot -M.. , der. Ills tom, 1111th 111. late, ell 111'0, street, 31aueles.ler, AM.! , tat illett , 'Ut, to it Itexy prevorloo,reatlitleo. = 5..3.1,0r., it. D., the tn:cate.l and lilltgooll and 01),Ician who In temporarily hit, learning fa the :Merchant, hotel, 1, nicctlng with tall the liticee.ll4 , lllo l l trinitty and we'.l known rptrilifient are de,m . vt,,,, 11.,, makca bi.eelallyl)( .11 , mv - e , et Ito e:s; ear, 1 t Moat, and of guiltof Iloi ninl 110 0,1 own 11011.1u1 onsernalon he.has 1101 . 11 11‘04t,tm cemsfol In the treat mon6 or the thou+.,u.h tar patlentet who weekly lilace I hetrirelv, hi, charge. Dr. Aborll Hit I,tal•th•t!.l.llrgC ,l ll and phynielan who ntands to the Ilrht rank to the medical profei,,lon awl IA In even: rem,. ct worthy - the emithlenee of the eenocunity. Owing to ;Ile great rush cf•pnllenia, nl,nn) 0t whom 1101110 from great di,tanet , , the i/oetor luau linen (arced 10 e 1.1111111,11110 1 1 1,1 which wo Publlt , h el:ember°, Another Wonderful tlare by Isr. Aboyn. To Wsiott 11,31 AT Cos.rtat. hereby UN that 1 have been hutTertng for a long time Pant with n eldonle tilibt•a . of the of the che,t, and n Colllllll'lll. °elan Italic In Illy , batk. Oil actions!! AVIO, f Unlined that. Lochs la 111111111•01nrelltni 10 11 , 11m - 101111 60,1.114111> 10 1 .1 r.-11.01 cc's -1.i111.11 of two 0 rolls dnrntlon. I hare hem,. t ,tored to the road of health that t now fuel illir alintll, 11111,011. L I w ' i,u ld nt tl . al l Wlllt Mnlilalqi to call Itnull Dr. Alm, u, Ic. Ihr 3ler• eintold , Hotel, ns they will thollinn n talented and skllltul Mumma, tool a gent !maim ex et v way worthy of confidence. 11. .1. I.A . Nnoticr. No. Is fiamphon ht., Allegheny l'lty. A hipitet..l Womns. irnar.l.—Cathrrine Connor WILI , I 11Inylle .WCllrllly, Yester. tiny. charged with Illalleloll4 ulbcldct, 911 not of Margaret M`lientot. '(ii Iwo under the influence of Woe,: Imlntlole, Pt" - ['coded to thin 1101111101 tlin proicentrlx. hi the Fifth ward, and not (om unle • Miatd ho no lif her rmieen," m him demonstrate. ~ the fury o f in, hut,. by bremang 'the Ironton. co! Um. Di`lellllll, for which atllll , Milent.,-11. 1111 , Intend to go to lan to awal'. trial In default of VW ball. ...-A.._.. Knocked 11 , 014it.-41.,N. inner befOrG AiIierISIRII John A. ',train, of the Teeth ward. ‘estelday, and totol.l nath agron4t ntr tin Scanlon for wslsolt nod b tiery. The offreee COOtObtelt lit Selllllo. :Collor:lug the when: the bri.wl occurred. o Milrlin WOm.toreeti to piano security lit the Wool, oh the tlllOtin trlttO for hlanopenritnee at the neat term of the Criminal (Ann. R. N. Abort., 31. D., urulur and Am al Stir- geon, and Physician for Diseases of the Throat and the °IAMai Of tile Clint, fortliCrly guru°On to the Eye ulci Ear hi flrulary ol San FranoLson, California, late surgeon and physi cian in chief Of the Nashville hail LOW 6111-niCtti intlattlte. Consulting hail operating rooms 99 and 97 Merchants Motel. Qilco Louts :lOW 9 A. a, t 0.4 r. Doeharged.—Samuel Wilson appeared be fore Alderman 'Donaldson, yesterday, nd chs bed a man, name nOtnowu, with the lar ceny or 1111;Irout u Chamber In tin, nett Lion Hotel. Tho Remised was-arrented, hut altar it heartily he Was discharged, the eviclenro twie t : Misufnelent to warrant bin prosecution. .--`~ Inn A MR.IIIIIIOIII Establishment We yr,tter , tay pata a tl.•,it to the extensive had w,ll-I.hown whOh•Mle and clothing of N. Gre..smayer, ,t Co., Fifth street, nod found suet sto , t us grace.g the main moth ern 1b00.., M a Siettlar character. Tee,. - very aotterior rueititle4 for the herein,e Of tt..1.10,1 rt.: enabled , to sell al 11riees w ho,hd,y vompetit atm Their stoelc othtavy overcoatA of all styles, silk, cloth, rh,-Imrre hml vel Vt . !. 55 , 15. and pants Of the lotc,t inade from the very best of with which' they 11./ extensively is ass Is' tarnishing goods, gloves, socks, undemlothing, seat pine, um ~ - hrella, and the thou.:and :mil one articles usually sold in +lin Oar Pr•d-elitss establish nivel,. The rate* , nO elicap that even the oeere:st toay ntf.,rd to supply himself with a chat or reit ,hit which will ,lely the a-ganit Of. the eo , dest weal her. The tlrut arc enterprtsing, fair We:Cling gentlemen who mate 111 repre:ientations In disposing of their . VOmltt, hat lt,frant (W e * . article turned front I e,dahlt.:llment to prove SOrVteentAll and Of the character guaranteed. Remember the place, No. 47 Ilfth st rest. Henry IV lieoh, acroc , iing to - 1 ha statement of Phillip Wearer, is a heartless wretch ivith a It: rfeet lllallla for crime...oldy happy - when giving pain lo Ills 1010 W-111101, and TO veiiiilg bloodrhea—a. thing which Henry in, the hoot plolonetl horror for—whenever on opportunity afford,+ for the gratilleattOn of Ill,4l.anwutlary .lpret.te: Ye.‘torday Weaver ho.t :he otec. a n d iota!,-lil, floury. and after ooiklng ihrea:a analu,t the lat,er'a pear , . au Ideelared that uht re..t. until lie would cut the hear, ..f roe of IV ...ion and spoil the synonet.y of I.y hint rui n,. 11, no4lit lie put into al-non the tor. ,netl Hear, - appeare.l Alderolan u.ade oath a.,;,‘ Phil lip tor .uretv tire. arleiltlitllt was :nutter the charge at. Cour:. old prorolie,, which long held its place ft gre.,t pqri len of the community, agnin.t lii in nra::cc 14rup Ally - Out— w,ty rations) cell! 1111elltS upon the prudent men:Mimi to prok.lo the :nua r..tntly, in the event of ‘l,, 10.f,et onsoar,trve povertV, IL 1..11VY : . 1,1,1:1, • up , ll The iL1v0,,,0-not laity re- to tn.o re. the 111 NI . !0,11 04111;1411V 0 kl at the subject ;lit. IIt;,0/1 11 , 1. l 1,,P111111e11 , / 111, , company nl hrk, a- . 1 1 . 11,11,1 t yori,orittlon ol sanhilon tIII , I 11.0.r0a t, l e •71:11,, vibe°. hi 11, 1:.1'. .1 tor Plell,yl - h where t,aalp! ',v.', I , the North I I all who ... • Idl2l,lVira 110 uutro lion 1., brtoro Mcc arcs tour fulls brought I,o4oln:try in m; it by goh , rt,. pitteutt,e , of Rob, for to [city^cruet Sioi:er•oo, of Franklln, Pork. of ,uoitto, of Bake 1111.ity (Or plointlll, aufl horo t ',told, for rte- :11:•! welo okl, that lit ,t 11,,,, Prl,ent, Mr. .::• Cr.1.11.1 , ,51 the pat _ „ A ~.artz 1., .1, l . ,11•1 yeit42l, BM , 111 At?ottier trreKt... 1.10...1.,1. , Zl , , in Liar 1-slO .L..• 111 nit! :• . r :IL. I,- ~ A, .Ltrr. I L.L1.1 lobbed Speen I \VII :. Thoy ILLtVt. EIN I ‘telltit'it 1‘.•• t I ',J.. 1 1 :• , :riCt t/'.l!‘ co,, 100 . .0m ct .1. , :111.. , ,1 1:4 , 11, Y. 1 , 1 1,, - 1 11 , ' ,1 1 1111,1,11, -Lou.. time N. the. Std,titr.l,—.l 41.1,4 Ow . 71., le,r 11=1 .”!• famlly In‘Ateil IMM • II a, f.r. . 4,k; •111:),. 11 , , \11,,` I I:. and A I ,711 t NEITT Ali VERT ISEISIEN t. norai i•, u. is: 1•4 , , ,rms 16 or tllles, C.ll • ~$ Ir • c1,A. , • El, • _ • I 1.. \•. Al4t inc" , 1 '.( •'', , 1 ... t '. ' '.. , t•at . . , a . , t, , ... ;1,, , :..:••• , 1:,.... 1,-.1 t i:. -r i1t.1 , .. 1;:v. VI ~ , (~ ~,, , .1,1,,, •i•• , •!r.1.: it.,.....t. • ItAIRMAN & SAMSON. U 11 6 D.E., O EZTA.KERS No 19 swithtleld St., ear. 1111, I Kntretncp fror. ',lre< (0 X . . r it . m... -71.3.T....t iiR.. ClFsc. ". z....a.... A NO 11:...+0.111T - •liy , TIIKET. 41.1.1,,2,147,17. ”A. _ _ 1 . . 1 1' . n rrn t , .. kV., Lt BERTAKERS AU EMBALMERS Isn,ti, ,t,', Wolof ..: :tcot n 2,1 :14 . 1n1,1• CILT!!L W.:MS Ai MANCHISTLR LIVERY STARLET ,:,.,,,, rot eii,nlvia and Lbirtiers str,ti. ' 11,r-i. ,n. .1,,,,, I 11,1,t .1. pri . Tii la . ICCi la ii.t Via. No. C 7 Xmcatx - rt.ii.SEitroc>t.• Corn !, , VEAlltirli 1111, tv. INTEI.I: , I* (fren'n . ..1 , 1:1. , 11,12 ,t > 4 r. >l.. and on Wed • cn nntE-. ITO!, IV ti),11 . 1 . 111C1 11.0.110 OOMANCII Ot A-POOR YOU NC MAN. nL nes.l..lrathatlo . LOA eltF attic New Opera House, wiTii. NIW erliTEn•,.- AND APPOINTMENTS. :10. Mt.-1•111 . 1'1 ..n.I in :lint., do: 1,..1. ‘ , C , looN 1 , 10i..1 • 1., gr., 1, I, 1,111,11 110t17,.. 11w 1,111.10. p.1,e1,4, 11.1}: Tr!. K. V. t,l; rillrtißUl:44ll • BANK FOR SAVINGS. rOrlntri thou l. , AVINVS INSTI loNr (; ourlh Street, Nenrly Opp°, it the . 13nrslt ofPll.l4lirtirgilt ,l k leal, Ir: ,42 OPEN' DA 11.1 i ou l{ k 7 t t ..4.o•o l lar s 11 k, ti ., l on wr.D- N Ent), anit tiA I , IIDAY I:' ENINUS fro. ntaY 1,11 to NOVelnlo, Ist, to 9 o'cloicit. and 1,0. . N°5. I,t. to Mon Lt, 0 to <10 .. A. ;lock. BUM. (if Llyiit,nws, Corni;titit 'at the kratle. Ttita Inctitotion csoccintly otTic to 10010 whale earning an, limited, the upportunltY by small deposit,. rardly ruccit, n coin which wilt tir a resource when 04 tided, and benring`tritercat In stead of nom:billy IsIANAGIEWSt r czy.E. ..%-.MR3aVt]Wir 8. 3=l. 13a€ , MEX INTI-aWriir. n. JO , IWA it1101•LS L..a ILA II AM. K. I'. r..eff.Sl Env. ',.uI.IC.ITOIt.s-1). W. A. A. e 4 , 1 t . ......: - laviar ,-,... 1 t PRICE THREE ,CENTS. I= L,ut• in.H rn Mnit nry r. ,, nnett, It: hie heart, hut with u ,1.1, .211 bunt tin It 4,t he Shia tAir Mare In her wit, he :vv. truth BEI II wtio .t , I4•U • Up. •ti,tl .!4•11Ilky. LIO r•o: ~ COO BM =1 FOR SAVINGS, =I = J A31E.13 PARK, .1 tt 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ......... _ OPEGA GLASSES ..i ' FOR 134 I L IE, OR HIRE, A DUNS EATH .8c- CO.'S, tile. Wilft.b. llEltr.t. _oc9 I 11. . , LA,EES' AND Gk.:WS N7C7A.W.4O 4 3EIMgEtt., ALL STY LEs, ' AT iMEATLI REDUCED CUMIN. AT TfITIMIX.a T. VITX.I.IIEIB9f2I. 1. , w YLI X ST.. NEAR TETTE. lort . CHEAP SPECTACLES.' pc, . . ' HAsLErr & co's , 933 Smithfield Street. EAGLE .COTTON WORKS. RAVING RECENTLY PtincHAs- ED THE E'.GLC CoTT. , :: WHIMS. f•Mer ,y tiy KING. PENNI/UK 6 wo ithr unlittfu, In form the huollc that ITP Will COothaila re Of Sheetingx, `Cotton Yarns. Carpet Chaiis, , Candle Wick and Batting. Orders may be . left at the Mee of the Works. ORM ISABELLA SANDUSKY STS., ALLEGIIENY CITY, on #T PI T TSB Ult G H BREWER r, Corner of Duquesne Way and earker•a Pittesicixtwft, Pis. JOSHUA RHODES &,CO. 001:0,0 PlT'irlarKGll • NATIONAL BANK C.JCAMEIiaILIM.IFL3M, CORNER WOOD & FIFTH STS. Capital, . $500,000 Dlscounir Daily stlIA. 31. • Deposits received and collections made on all the principal points of the United States on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITIES =&MMZMI .1. PATTE RSON, I M ILL, JOSEPH 11. ILL, Presient. Cashier JOSEPH C. C CRUX, Assistant ashi Cashier. . DIRISCTOII S. • • A. CATTEILSON.WM REED , JAMES REE, JAMES .11'CANDLINISS I ALLEN EIREPATRICE CHAS. LOCEUART, HOUBLAS, WM. lj„ BROWN, WEL S. RAVEN. . • .JoHN MELLON. mv2l:s9lrr. V.:ENTECKY DISTILLERY 1b..13 , 0T5C:42%.T. • Witt .01' U., 1,0 W£ll\ E+ll3l' MORN I NU, , NOC11.1•1tr Ulb, 15.. at 11 o'i:foe. ♦Lr TUE KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, Luti•teil on Itie Itirm` Opp2llll , fiartsulutitli with 22 of Lamii, a girt, Front for Wharf:iv. or 52.1 Caruielty 1.1100 . A, on the premise, the Ittstltlert. eon- CoPher.lined Math Tub, to beer fhb, I", °tith• ]. vault; hot and toll water Tube. awl eve ..leg remplete. Flouring Mill. with runt ran Barr Clone. tvn Corn nlttlite, .kr. 'Three Kegin. lOW' Atit,l3ll Well. ntore and mews, y Malt House, Vent Mr I- do, malt eutirtly of oak, twenty Tenement Dwelling. for 0.1111/S: alto. Railway from 'threeto Iti•tthery. The lecation ti ear. n 1 the best in the NVesten cetuttr rut a Distlllety. The Iroproverkeuta tout, .o.t oe ea I.le f‘a le.s Ulan out hundred the :ant It velllpoultlvelV be ..01.1 to the blttbat Mader lyttle,otre-t.rve or reguni to value. :1 4 suu,:—C - Aull. V,r further Durtleular. pri.riou t,p tpply to /dr. SING. oft Itte presillifs or to J. L. MIL:K.II.LN s 1;0.. I:vst Estate timer: an.' Aoctlone,r, ND. 7,/ Weet rard Cinritinal.l BAILEY, FA RitEC.L di. (0., No. Itl7 Smithfield Street, =I Lead kind flock Tin, Pipe and Sheet Lead; Whol-solo anarefall dealer's In all llnd. of Brass and Steam Goods, 11D PUPS OF ALL DISCRIPTIONF 167 taxxatla..ll.talct JUST ARRIVED FROM THE EAST BOOTS AND SHOES. . .1 AMES ROBB, Nu, b9 - 3larket mtrert, Plttaburgli, Pa This old est Mel abed house has DOW basso thlrtes 110401.11 , 1 donors worth 01 Hants ant shoes. and styles the 131011. the quality the best., which we are arty nallod to ten at V IntY LA ow PRICY:h. we bole rernvea u to or underreid by any In the bus iness I bat kerns good's - worth having. Call and eau:web our stool of goods, and we feel 031.1110 that you will purchase what you want lu the Soot and -shoe Lines 00 not toract - the place. SO Market street. JAMILA ROC.. NM. 1.1,R0C3 OW. S. I... Art BARCES 64 GRAFF, , ' 96 Liberty Street, DEALERS Ii GROCERIES '& PRODUCE, Fresh and Choice Aristle , , AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. Our Ann 121 to tiep'a First-Class 'Family Grocery, And nuke It 1, skrisFACTION to ALL who may favor ua wttt lioOr 11.1[cm:taro, In 41.1&1,1TY. I.`Ftil:P. and (MALI U BetIRCL'S s GRAEF, tut Lib rty .trees corner of lftrry. 5e.:1.1t33.T.Tt. 3E/MCCllll3a9ie=laEl. OMNIBUS AND EMU STABLE, .1b.410 Venn fitrcet. JAMS K.. DAIN , Tzoprietor, iiigrOninllnisca and carriages ci ilsbed for alt tralni. Also, earrisgrs for Inneri:s, Wedding n,l at shorttolls: and reavananix rat. s. • Stable Open Day and Night 1T3,9 0 . T. TM UHLER, CLOSE & CO., Practical_ Furniture illanufactartrs, COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS. or FUUNITLIItR onntlootlroo El=tl ROUSES! HOBSESI: FOR 031.41-T.a37.. • - one esculent Ittantg and Driving lion,: Ttro tiorsv,uliable for Melon; otranttly use, soN lots, as the Olt." have no use tot thou. at HOWARD'S LIVER , &BALE STABLE, Fltstatiret.senr MOllOn[ahelnliOnSe, - - - p I lESICK Engine Build- ERS AND MACIIIMBTB. manufacturers of :dent. balsocs Valves, for bteliza En t ors, nnt1•11 Mods of Prot/eon' MacbluerT.; Shaft% t 4L I . l .t u clig . op i nl ' ortme )ll V E art g erli c oiler i .. "l4l ; yr.. 10, Walking - pam Coonoctloop,__Plaleveo, rump. AD:, CORNER 1114JULIWN. ANL PillE eTIMETS, rburgh. itepalring iknit Doubt, uD umobluary promptly NECESSARIES FOR. THE WIN TER.—Fora goal WOKING 13 WV% and other liltcheu Utetisils, go to No. 140 target street. Plato Cod FILIICY ugat BC trltri.Lti. FIRE CHUM I.llld Utett.lle for Cooking °Yoer nd other label dlthes; revilers. btove • ' ter Conductors. and all other article.. call at P.... ;: s ` 2. 1 .? ' " 14 " • •—• • " JOILW autrrox ........................ 'ULLA= SZUIPTON WALL ACE. sale unoczo-l_ AND PHODUON DICALIBS. N.2._Ci_b_ilyri_ilty±st,rattabcirmen. APtR-0f all v r far part sr greas es Rooms and Rita ens, in great varlet). 5Z4.014781tia: THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. IFOIELY DISSIV4XIin JOURNAL CONTAINING" C.01.01.NS OF FRESH AND READ!No MATIT.I2, TOGETTIER WITH SLA R. K.ET REVIF.I.Vs AND Ctilt• RENT LOCAL NEWS TWO EDITIONS ISSUED OS WEDIFEBDAYS AND SATDSDAYS• The Zdltton is forwanle.l , thich 0 . P.1 rr.l , . subscrlber soonest. I=l 3ln ee Copy (Per &nem.; Clubs of Fier Club. of Ten or mere COMMISSION . 3311. EWER, BURKE ik CO., CORIBILSSION NEIWIIANTs, ' • VATS FOr: T HK Pacific, Globe and Liberty OH Wotks, Ample storage for ,Crude and I:ennea OIL I antr al cash adsanees made on consignments of Crude or Hefined Petroleum. Yards for storage and eall¢ mess of Crude Oil at Latrrence•llle. . Office and Warehouse. Corner or DUQUP•IIO and Hancock strata, elstaburgh. myle.ash PIT= ILLIL JAB. Y. MICHAS? KEIL & IIITCILART, COMMISSION MERCILLN TS, Flour, Grain, • Seeds, RIM Feed, &e. =I =I I= WILLIAM .C. LEE, Sac...or to ALEX. GUIWON COMMISSION AND FOUWARDING 15.31D1.1.0-13.416.1\7 • 1". No. 102. Served Street, Pittsegargli, Pa. AirAgen W o r k s . Baler Loui s Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead D In PIG and BAR LKALt. SHOT, 11E.SIP, FIRE CLAY, Ac. Consignments so- Relted and Or ders, promptly filled. mySL:IO 4 P. Wive , 'J X14N.61, .W.1.J21•XJ4 OWENS S HARPER, PIC RODUV (RIM SIIR`RUN ligliCHA NTS, sad Wholesale Dealers lu IUREJUN AND lo,algallo YRUITS, RALT, YLOUR. RUTTER, Etitia. TATORS, A e., and lu grurisioue and l'rognee gen erally, No. 70 FEDERAL SFISELT. opposite IRe Railroad Depot. ALLZGIIICXY. Agents for the axle of I'. 1. Rite's, Uonnel,.t. Ellman's mld. li,..arn'a Salt. apl4:lld J . S. NE WItiVEII t - commissioN !LEEMAN TEf, And dealers In FlZpur, Gralo. Ft ed uht Produce. Caoh advances made on cou,,Lguulents. Warehouse. No. :SUR I . C.UN Unloseßsoes, Plssaotogo. Pa. 11.91/. CEIAII'I , O2.; D, Couunimbion' siAltn RANI th VI.. SIETA , IRON ORE. Koh tot I sso ' N • 1100 11111e0 and CLAY: Se. War,uou se and ‘ithce, NO, 306 and AGM VENN uTtI,..ET. otora,t Curnighed. Cousigssre s, so:leased. se: 1 6LYX. 11 . 11.11 Nit , J s,:J sY Nil, 'BANE Ai. A:N.IER, C;t11.11111ISSION ...A , . !SERI:SIAN and It: F Lola; GRAIN and PEI/DUCE, Second stimet. tA,Aset2t, Nood and rittebtA %tea. spit :19 "M05....v . 17gs JON 5 , r :it:, Js. env-Ms:6 POTTEIR.,• AIKEN bt. CAnna,lsclost Mer,,,,A,„ and tlealera In 701e1g11 tad Fruits, Batter, Cileexe, k gee, ?t,Lattles 5, 1,04'55.2 AL ;a 5,11 y. .5.u. LIBEILEY iTIL6E - 1 PI 021.. PlAlsburocs. _ sysi, stv,tt, .17,111(.1:1. WM. '.... CO. No. ISO 1,11,,rtv PILI,L,ret, I so:sails A.lroc „Ars, I.lLrcltaa,ssndileslers Its-001111• :ry Erts.ltm,. Erovlst,m, Larr-,.Uutter, Eggs, C:teese, Fitt, Sc., rr,da-w, Flour, Grain, Essds, times and lirls,lFrullti, Fss., dolt nut LEE, Jrltl 01 - is ay snit Ott r SHEPARD, Conztuiasion •-• and dealers la Flour, G.. and Frie• I.7Litercy strest, Cum m 141,er .1, lial,rs,alel Family use mastauiay is hand. Partle4Ms asitutees tut 7111ne -suss f,r pmet ally. uctily IUALFILD & PAXTON, Milmals Gruce.m. emau.l4sluu Llsichaute, an dealers la Prude,. F 10... liscuu. Cheese. Fish. carton and Lay! lrun; 0.M6. 1•11111 an: all ..satirleturea ge..117 L 3 and 114 Sseecil nt-stltir,.:l/. REV= (Succesitors to lieynier ..I,rs t¢ Fur ,Sigst Fruits, Nuts . an., tingar, Fireworis. Sc.. 1..3 and In, Wc.n..l 3trect, above, Fltsti Pittst , nrgi, Ir-`:l4 MOT. an us NOX• R. Ptik?. SLILL FEED and So. Diamond, oprositelli,l , Han, Min:inst.) CUT. ja17117. JOEM . it, CAN FIELD, Commission and Yoruturding Mertnaul antlerlsoleculo donor BWeston:. lteaurre Cheese. linttes. Lard. fora: acon. hiour, Ylsb, l'ot and Pour:. Ashes, daleratns, Linseed and Las-1 011 s, Dried Prtilt, and Produce • generally, Nos. 141 and let kUtint Struut. rittsUtlrCh 61CONGT. nsna ti•Onat 11ETZGA1. , 1111EAD ii..lE - 17.GA11, Grocers and m Comission lie ITl.eulsana - of Country Produce suit I'lls.burglit . nienuf.tar , .. \0.20 Liberty Street, vitro" i iteau!of Hoot! stre am: Pittsburgh. D. MUTE., '2. nurkan. prieauco, CommiELtvia mid rotu..rdilic aul ocruintaing ;t4cuts ft, at: l'ittsburcit 'Yrultlnctemr. * Warehou.... no. 2t5 ea. JCILIN I. 11006 W •••IDWALO 1U:2,20-WS. 11. lIOCdL JOHN 1. IIDES1". noccei -0055 TO Jon:: 1. 110000 Cu., "laciassie Cro ce. and Comn.L.slon MereLante. unmans of Smith field and Water streets. Pi:trim:cu. TAMES DAI-ZELL A. SON, faCtUrers of Lard till, and Commissfon Ilerelianta Or the porrlis...c and ssiof.: Crud, and 15.1 ue..l trOlcurn, SO.. d 3 79 Wit., stret.t, Pltaburgb. , madeon Co.lcumci., , . IiZCHOMAI E/1 & LANG,Wholesale "...1 dealers in tlroceries, Flour. (Iraln. Produce, Pro leLsb, Sait. t'arbon till, Nos. rn 5111 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. selatly FETZER AILMSTRoNG, Fora of Grain, Baron, Lord, [timer. needs Dried 11titt, and Protincn generally, No. hi Martet ' St reet, corner of Pittsburgh, Pa. • HODILWg a. 1. DA.L.ZYLL. OBT. DALZELL. S CO., Whole sale Grocers,' Commission and Forwarding Mer chants and deaden in Produce and Pittsburgh You tifisctures, tio. "31 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. lams WATT WILRON, UTSTT t.l36loLlnT:Vil rwle t=an e, Cbtal h teittan deal er Prat d riLta MAIIIItaCtItteSI No. 15.5 ty.ZLib erty strttt. Pittsburgh. I 14 MIDDLE, No. -I&i3 Liberty St., 11 Pittsburgh. Pa., Commission Merchant, Wholesale littler in Country Produce, Groceries tar Pittsbargh mantas...tures. Cash advancvd on Con signments, and paid fur Produce generally. m. 21 • lALAII DICK EY & CO., Wholesal Grocers, Commlls.iin Merchants. and dealers lit Produce. 1.0. to Water street and IS Front street. Pittsburgh. N LLNELHET, v ( to Si lanhart) Datler la Floor and Grain, Produce and CoatozdaMon Idedr-tsdtt.• No.= Lilit.ll.ll: ST:tf.Y.7, rittibtagty fel:ly TOMf ?Lot° rLdiD DOILY FLOYD N. CO— Isvtiolenale EgS. So, IST Wood and .., - .l.ll , vrty stlC+t, pm s •shlSTett. 1 . 0. ' ".•••1:1,1 • PROFESSIONAL. a. F. BROWN, 13311 cl,local Claith Agent. E , S. SAS. C 031., i Office. MC. 67 Fourth Street, I iscoNi)FL.CitrlZ.7 I I I tn • P.qtsburgh., P 3 .. 1 Pe nsions, Bouie 6 , and Airenr of. Pay Promptly Collected ji t o . charge mule Until &alms arc settled in a , n4 : o4. b ruosintato fec. _ _..... .—.... WM. A. SHINN. - - .ITTOR.VEr .4 T 1.41 P, NO. 120 Fourth 54..n...' 1,,,9' " ,.. "An. ratticulte attention given to the co:leo:ton of ao Counts, a. .g. notes, he. . ,' Correct (. d ent. tu :ti, ;clam, Tivaton. n., rth.iro. 01011011 h • a; Bearers litilefunte. ifen,d .g., id.: Indian/11,h., Ind.: Lorgantonn. IT. { a.. Lttes, Fel:Pill it, C. ••hficuct.l .... a. c. i•7 7 cottild. MALCKRELL & IIIeCODEBS, ' ATTORNEYS a, COUNSELLORS:AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSUURGU, PA. MEM 3O -E' A. STRAIN. • . - Ele•Offleio, Justice cif Lite Peace, AND PDLiCE LAUISTRATC . . Office, let Peel st. opasite Cathedral, VITTSBUIDiti. • , Deeds, Bowls, Mongsgas, Aek akovledrnents, De ,DlOllll anti all Lent via uiv..1..1 WILU prompt nit 56 Ind iWILII.IA3II JAINCEV. NO'CARY OF TUE PEACE, Ayl) E RE al. EnTAT AG EN I'. Wier, evrts., of Boner and Dravor ktrente, Lawrencevnie. : ' apeolal attaallon ktiven to the a n d s 1 , Of Real E.tate. the Loiirctloo Uintan pro, p_aratlon and acknowladgment 01 all kinds of Ixo , ,Unnytyluces. VILLIAx JANCY V. Jaslice of the rem. and Soucy my7:l:b3d EUSTACE S., ALDERMAN AND 'CONVEYANCER, 7.2 penussivau la Avenue. Dot of the Fstensien mad . opposite Chatham Stree m5t.2.06 CCELATI. EWING, ; Attorney. at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh ;Pa, - . /4- Commiastoner for Ohio, Rehtheky, Was•. 'VD. (WIS. 311.rolar1 m 4 other date! . L. P. 'STONE, Attorney at Law, OLYICY, Its DIAMONI, NU: LET, ~1,1,0,1;"4. C.Aat !Lou., rittxburisk, ME SI 3u opposite j t