Zite6-d:rxritt. TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 6, 18 , 56. • THE NOVE3IftEn ELECTION. Iu several of the Northern Stated elec• lions for local ollicers and members 01 eon. gross will be : held to day. , Lei u 1 chow which these Mutes ayre, dwith the p6litieui complexions of their respective delegation:. in the present House: FIIDIZI MIDIS 11/21t1=1 Michigan.... Minnesota... Nevada...... New Jer New York.. Wise Media.. It will he seen that in five of these Suites the delegations are unanimously Rejmbli ann. Hence, there is - no robot for improve ment in them except by increasing Majori ties in the different districts. Ih the other four States the Republicans did so well LW(. , years ago, considering the odds against them in particular localities, that it border , . on requiring the impossibiC, to demand that they shall do Getter DOW. stud yet We are. ri. , t without hope that-better will he done. There are chances . for gaining One iLi.lllinoi4.two in New Jersey, two in Icew York, and one in Wisconsin. At-the ConfTessioual election we gained 'two ic the city of NEW. York h 7 - divisions .111.2 p :1 the Demottats. .Similar tliii,Llatl6ll,' evict now in the snato districts,• but whether sufficient to defeat the .Democratic csudi• dates can best be determined by counting the vote:,.• CLnii3ly 11= ZdtiOLIE., boiii tix • aLlzolli:v :1101 rrlsnvu number of Detn,,,.r.;, If ta-day Republicva.i, carry ll,ty eight, clistfict, :a these Line Statt., trice will be. ahueient raa.,nn. for cougratnla tioas. If a gain a:.aif. of bell' or many Ripie.,..tatative, the irjozcing I1':11 bd Election , te,il, .h6o, be Brld 10-d.,) in some of the Southern 5t..1,7 The meat of them is A, : Aolunvu:e Loa ILI I W .Ikl land 316 our: . Lonisjanm has not-buil restoreri ind five members have not been .:'“ltittect to seats. The other thyge Stutr.- Passed ordinaiii:Ps of sere.t-ion ba''ve laten and are rogulaily reftr,s, :dell. We t•honld be glad to younaute*. b 0 -tveci.ting eleven Union iteprese,ntacl , ti oat thew at:aint,t four Democrats. Missouriln ita.l Mary by provis ions of the rr.pectitat tir.ate lionstitutio - us, adopted ilpiing the war, citizens Who en tercdlhc rebci military service are 41I,Irati chisel. In both there is much exciten,ent over the existonee. lu 31.tryl , nd President end Gov - . SWAN N have been reimlved, I.v the ade,,t Lion of most extramdiu nme,.urts , prhe: tic:illy to break down the!,;rxin:.r and let the rebel s;ililiors. vor , . emdimi in this regurd, is just 1,7•1/1:!1"11aly it vMuld be in f(r Repoi.liean leaders to break through the Constitational prohibition of ncoro snfil.h4.e. and 1 , -; the ,blacks vott!. In it i. notonott.,.. !that both political part have heeti -arm ed dad orgtnized pan ; and that those 11-1 , (koger of bloody cedli.jo.l htniv,:n them. This has Leon I , Y- 1 , the thrt Una • the Unionists airs alt.!, ond, Ly the avowal'of Gen. t:r in cube of trouble he would ,t,twl Lc flit_ existing State gw,r,ernment In Delan arc the Republicaw; bare a cigorou , t - rtiVaSF, but against muds. If they - succectl, it r.iil be a grateful Yo rpi Ise. Bn tier es relate; Louisiana the iiew 11.,an , - ~ i t;acre tied th 6 contest h'.:forehatnl in I.IN - or of the Democrat. In C6lorado the eiecticar will he held one week from to-4.13y. The :luting member is a Republican, :is fit , :rill doubt -les3 be. in South Cnrolina the ele , t ion is r,a the fourth Monday of the present Of this, however,' we may be rote, tha; whatever unexpected reveres or succecrrt may happen on so Lt owl. a field, libzLic it, difet ent parts ro ,nons. peculiar tb general result will not only be nivoraf hlo, but will ha so gr,ti.:d as Co settle the .controversy re*.letit, r ; the deteitnination of the loyal people or the t ollutry by;Congre,s, and ILittit; sercauts, high and low, conform to their ItV.ViVAL OF It yL SeitiOM tilat ;);‘ , i ravll,, tieslza -in to aCcOLsIIII hterCo:, plojA.rt, i:f ac.. - ov :11t: m air the sight of t! iffill which they are la:• c:aiLn. Effine rizht I=l thCLUi,CIVCi , ILMBIE=iI =KM the rfAl ictc i 11'..11 .I.r. NEON acd In \I • Governor ZnVA:,:•: are, which every loNaf ro,rn ill tLe 1111.i,/12 0011 demos, Tul, t: pa Vent LII,UI fiOZ' In po,t , :n',lonsfor Ilia vintlie.a!ioa an d•hr, onerv,.Ac:: of the' they really after Maryhaarclenie!tklg right of voting. to man w h o hoi a;:einit the govern meut of theh tilted Tee v.,li,iity.ut the Amcadineut lths been called in question i ci er the Supreme COW/ of tlir Sate, hay Leen affirmed. e t-om, 3 u,. 1. 4 ouch a prAtibition in Maryland: That State did not secthle. Cf: fief, helped the iehellmn 101 l ;Iv Stole" in doing tot left it—hcc,ohe runaways and . Moreover, the doctrine which the l'iecident idol. his ::u,.- porters Yretetrd to Loll of incalcul,,blc va'lue—tdiat each ._. , tie. indi.-purable authority to regelate the whole goalie u Ft sudrage for jor-J.:l=, !-Icrol lit M.,. rylaud Ste in South . C.wolin.t. The forcihle abrogation of ad; doctrine itlMltryi.tlt , i, by the general government, in fiver of rebel soldiers, in 31.tryi.in.1, rairld in the curer of evenly, fur titit ft ',rect.:tit:Lit. for 'the sup pression' r it in ;;will C.frollum in Lobel)' bitch LlniouiA, The :Ifolt,ighle,fers• lvbich,floca,filft ,ee tlur. iv not pef it it. out: Or: tilt, ordinal y infirm hie, it and dangerous men. Seilifer of thie.ef on sidcrations have W' eight with the hbe,bhht Or Governor. They :::cut 1:o• raw!, vote, became their ....1e . ... would I t , their present futere. , .. ( - litter preten,e nC magnanilllity anti t dc.,irr lo peacc . on nu mlluittriltg scot; to restore the rehels.:to political power, even at the him:inept hazard of. reopening th e rebellion it,,elf. „ ( Hence it is tit every man in. Maryland Who was ktyardtirlng the war, Will hal; nut AMC!: its close heen...poreirased Ly wEnt I Secretary 'calls the Pici.itlenya "bread and hotter," is bpposcidto the ft:- inotrat Ot the Police. Commissioner., while I every copperhead, every tettel : ;py, and tAri!rY rebel Kul - ilia is heartily for the t I D, by hill inn I idlty, bus ad iltel tlik many Hod Nyclgtity ; I...urviooi tor vr'nk!/ u.o lop,' melt of 31urylatal uud of the nation -were indebted to him. Fit com panion, in all moral qualities. for the : great acid lamented WivrEa. Davis, he bears his own mantle and that of his deceased friedd. Ones. iu our be:iring, a mutual acquain tance comprinfented him on "furnishircg the brains for the republican movement iu IlArylaud. — With admirable modesty he quickly replied—"No; Davis furnishes the brains. — But if Judge limn aas not so grand menial endowments as his departed friend, he has gfeat ind powers, fortified by an uprichtne , s, proof agaic,,!,t all sinister appeals, and titer /1 and physical courage -that tot hint eat: ciall4 If tltc President imagines; that the men who saved the nation during the war are not terribly, in earnest now, be mi,setaidy deceives 'himself. While, they do not mean to be the aggressors they are fully .prepared Yon any event. Deploring the ',etrayal they have experienced at Ids hands, (her are tint cast down, and do not mean tiur,render the government, which ate cost such sacrifices of blood and trees are, into the hands of its enemies. What they have done once, if need be, they can and will do again. . Lain. U o I i 3 11 1 1 4 ."•enshceHos. ,RAILI10A1) tsita street, in thi , cli v. It seam that. Sr. JosEries. M. 0., Nov. I, Ali Just for • We hare reached the bank of t h e erected on Basin otio, and that she sourt at this lifter one of the two min .r as her tree', •in .• and iii(cresting day's travel we•l Tne of ento:ci.nkr olk• iia•vc yet had. -chi., IllOrlling .‘l.2%*Cri IC. .J, li ,, f item tinder ttie ..rztsse•tl the Misisi•ssippi at Qtnitcy, • , tioisi. 4 \rid iliciciole occur when the unilcitaliers ot the I...uilolitg seek' it car: attached to tho morning .he Quincy and Palniyra road, rut to I'.Ll- m t.11 . .b,Ce Ihcir i,111:,lt.1 with tile Duly fifteen thiles. where 1, ellltttle a; upon lier rept eseut titres ' . The Eiticessiiiik th . e oi the • It th , District .iud .. .fous thcougir • • (11,11,no: iron, Q.:lino' to this itV 21:1:•ed an , l ti:rouAL, ,ountiy. _For 11:tv r ,Ixty re.teltiug :IX or zeveli (lie iit. . .„ e inc t,eyeliZecti Ir. road. TlE:vlitie ot - t.llc t0_.117. !ti as 11 is at ,c.i; ;al.: Se i 1,12 aq led along I yl , st. rvoi ores :rra.iu,.iij oilt, of sight, jolt :ts d thsulait yes trelot tilt horizon ou.' the 01,12:11.1. • .s a ,ig ht it. OUCe•SUb nu!. inc soiloithis vitSt plain is vets ike the prairie's of Illinois; and [_o'.l,, tease, i to 54! that the work of improve- . aent Sine go:mg ou and with ill he marks of good tatge.xvinch he übiyuitious Yallkte. Past hut loved prairie, Inc for a iedance of SiXty Oh 1111thillaillg :urine,: of yallla LL •. timbered land, boot, smod: prarries, some tracts of tetuat in Penmy,l-j vaoia We WI Add call "barrens"—vtr 0101, as the good crops attested wlierd.' :t V 11.5 under cultivation. • Ta.!.1.1 WV t'd upon an extensive tract of iiniiela\ prairie, which continued for the most part antil•we reached this city. , l'almyra we were joined f, , everak •deutienam, among Whom tem" Captain C. General oils o:ul. Cider the go•ntirrnan the road is eeing ad irdraine ,•• titrougt: with tt to-no.rroN MON it, .111; OW: party I . , , t illt:Cll it , many acts 01 ot•urt.c.ty• and attontion. Nioni thoroughly hatasted, ns it t,tott wall no, t hi., road, ow tuO to (no r.s.trentety tavor- kbat gtounki over — which 11 131111 - ,: ', Vir, kkae,ka the tinekkt in the collulr". It 1, Ih, :n1,111101131 vile ktonyauyikt lii kk it!,;, over the Mit•zik,iititi at qhiucy,tur %%id. ,1 t:ottgre, Iktht . ::::,I_.r::::,l_.r itrot i k,r ; tk_kirvtuttn , ... Tikikt will kt,ta• h . tct. It %, it h tlke 0011 re F.yztelik of 103d....L,1. 11331 11Vel A Culler ttyk r tlkk , 1:311.,.. NI: It ij, ~ct uuktittg c takiittvlikka With lire • Ut. - 3.11 WiliCh qivo lOC 13Lter :010111cr c„,\:11 inc.-111331,1e Valile. :3c - thirty ca,l. Oi 1,1.1,::4:iik , Ia Ittlt.nclt to 1";11).:.11-.. city Icave - ; tt,t ~: t.,,ruttti, m or Nri,lo% is far atlV:itie,..l. rues Illftol;g11(1,, tiot,:ittlit - , 1 ot,tittt-, To-morrow. limraiug,, , very early, run Llosvu the east ,bank ni 1.1/e. .. . lies. IT rail to IVCston. 'l l hency, we mui , olt. our Car by 110:1I ',,./I111.I . MI:11irt d. , .11 - 11 to 1 - ...•.INT,IIIVI:IIII, where we '...1\ all ~i, , t,11.11., time—prol),..l o .y lil,:! Imig.ll'', 'Or ...e day. Theme we i.fp by Tall 1., Law I cure, ware we reach 1.:1,I IILLI.:1 )il:•• Of :!:s.• 1:,/101-1 t'aaltic road, Eastern Divl-lon, nr.,l it ...Iv', to Fort. Ililey, the nitimate dc. tina lion Of 'PP' fa,'.• 11:,..1:' Ill:I.:.1 further We .nay an wilt . deperni iii,on the wind 'an, the we,,i her. .10-day it has horn deli l itnoil, onlyWlittle too \varo).• .:I.s we eatioral ,, oi: we saw S liveral prairie fires, and one ore.' , .y l:Nil:11:dYlilllle. I do not wish 1. , l , e unki st, od tie siyiug th .t it was these tircLi tau'.. In.i.it the ~ ..II:Llilf,1 SO Warill. • to show Low far it is at -, - .resent prisi\ble to travel in II iingie car, 1 Illhke tie-'1u11 , 1, , . /lI,Z tabular Kt.:lt:LW:la OZ CDC Ui9tan,:c Cal'. WIII 114.C.,111.1aWi1e1l we reach hart ni, e y ... tut lo Pit nom ?Lk cir.c4;4o .•om L Jr":ll.td L MEE . -1 111 . 71.1.111: ,all ly i‘ve:ylday.t;‘ , th l= l.cre ' ;11 d I, P. OW n:111, 11i111.:11 11.11 , < . trLy ou9 1.0 I tVliZt7 ht n—ria w -t!"! "t • C hcmc of Uii".'o..lll Tito 1'41 ' 05 paper., report that tate coulana try I.ola the 551105a.nr .t l'ka; hit a:aan.a, ft :L Lets . t i,lted 5150 athartmana as a Lao ur.rs, an an. C o . o'l t.ry at the 311:.0.0.0 0.0 • /• 0 1.1,e, 144 . 1 . 1 . :1", 7011.0 11 in !,.1•••Ilty• t. • .I,i ;/e ~ V aronte or the :Taloa:eat ordinary la.richt. t r6 , 2ra: waia ,001h511 hay Ihani , ure, tar nu-a. 11f S't indOW lance V. , 1 tht; j 0 .11 0 ..tr Of lest Wit . , W., nI0( 0 11 0 ...1 and Ito isla,sata,ala .11 L5l 10 06 . 1naillliabitCli VC( taa ra rar tv, , .-aty•tive alarm al lout caa. I,faan. In tile I/0,11(MM, ti !lot iii•ol . • I,ooollu i.rucl:lar ta.ai, anal lanaaly ca.)ro.-1 a anal :lathy a any-, isty :la: body aa: the oars . Alt exataanhanaan 5d !Lao , I1:1111 Ina WV/11•11/ C.:U.l , i by 15 ht aa aal. It. fartia,:t atiapa:aareai a.lao ra.;al 6.ll.,titlltiOD pit .. .. . i ‘-'arvet!r. , th,if svilltui:y; awl in , lce , l ill I"':' of a V.LI inf.; tic Ilneo n • ~ ~;,,,,,,I h.,,,601':1, I asvav tit ,. Imin , (foul 1111 ini, , W) Cr Grf. ilel . k. I :\ 'MIL 11Sla L:III:41/er col:Fico•ra6.l,. t• , :itet.., ~.l iwmeti Iv ..C.7,o,ofitt :1. lea r, ,I,o• al V.;4 i ',Vifflt. clot hc il Init. a beqn;,, • .001 nr:en ~O-1 1 ei,nd c.iliti , ill 1 . 110 ,V - ,nl. lii,„ ii„,.,1 ~, [ II 1,13/ I . I t is , „s, of 1,:,,,1k1, :Ile r1.111 , e of c.. 61,1,,,, , 7 ,,,,i • L'on SA H.l:. o!.:o:r Vegti.r.lik.i, • and ~nki,-. 1 ,k, g;,, i,,,,, II 'r lilt she ph 14.eti ilp fwlll 1 111; 4lrl'ltt;:ti, A.' . l FP HS 1"-Ci..1 SS It 0 UTE 1 ;,•t'.' t;' 4helot;: Letdeathi-ho j.en 41cA,I u , 0111 - .-1 E CAZETTE na IN't , :tkilii,t , , IV/liie Inlti; in ,, , lin: finf, l ot ; 1),,, roloicrgv, from WILIIW,I Wtn..;; IN!.. ,1,, ~ ILL it , sw. ., ~,,, , 1 ,, : 1. , h. ~,, 1.. w,,,, i ,.. tuni,cd to t.diel.oine rclre , lllnollt , 1 ton , •rl,- , 1 ' n , ,,, , , ,, , 1 i ~ et,,: , ooN l'INI_;;;;,,;;1!. i.C. ; ;,, 1 4 ,, if, (WLIW harm:; that i ' l '. '''',‘ '' n ' , l , 1..11t SA 11,1 , .: r(?it li.i LE: , 11 VC; W pay fur IL t• : , , 1,0. i:ucceettet 111 4r11 ; ,- ; ..„,„..... ~,,, ~,,,,,, 1%.,,,,,, , i , I ; Jil;: ,14•rup:Ittplexil, and - was not alinnvar.j , : , ", .., 10.1i0 E.ALE AND RETAIL OROCERY -,, ~.nt. • :,-", A1..1.1 lIM,NT, ;;;;;‘' d•o; g Hn •A. trl , t• u! . ":7 " Tur. 4nd:lion:roll; /boil , / recently' A. telt. nay. =inc4 It yeting Leiy, with SO ni those tea; ShArly ;tiring her t h.3re,s uinat V..a,;ilngloll Street, When . shn .; , ..r.tt country horse munching "tak.- —the ozny . eerc.al, to judge .trocu his I , gpl.ca'rayee,' r. 71 whim I.een cc. h.r ix;ney it hungry mouth. A buw ir u i it relish of gleget itetVes encircling CO., the ILnn atom al a tait, att.rac•ted the I Ail , •• , Torfis, It.t I he nipped "' • '" The Lnlv.,;ei occur iy tied under the co • n ,ian.sa3; dielltled chin, and fora while the It iglsten- si • Aln..hony V. 4.1.1 I, 1,0; u.l ldy, W,110,.e pierringsltrieka taartheti. the "WIWI , : ig,hln,rhootl, wis, in lin. :thl n! k , ar, a•aka ,styr danger 01' strangulation. Finally, honer- . or, rotnething gave Wlty, and the young lISSOLVI'ItiN. - 7 1 'die Copartner - I nly god, leaving the old quietly ! A • 'len hawattee r !in; and ltinuni.ing the wreaths owl crown of her UA itt. t..e. ...II I 1 ir„, or. AltroN, IlAt 114 ! s a lt .: , . chiotistusl. L.: Mos a II All ry6cat.tiantlar !.tteut --C. A. mithed,u. wade an otter In hus t!!!. i a. i.atT A ,l s u!. G. or New lock News and convert ii into i • Dartntr, lea] parer. erA10;1:.133 Au. till 01 .61, .. , 40‘.5.11elit.uusrah ippi, the. Itni,".l i .r . . . C . a, of ..(4jullt 11. Pr, , i , .. , Ly::i, ::::::itor, i ut.,3111...,, , lial.;r2. - :::1,1 ..-.- . “...*.y til..: 1.11:y \'‘, ted I.ILI rilc 1,ri11i.1, , i1: , ...f yiel,,,, w.,l.Lyt4iii4 . Lion: quit.: 'i:t:-. . , . , - . =I —ln a speech ,tellvertsl iteforeteceutp thousand 1,1:1'i.00.5 ;IC a ietotl;; Glas row. on the 10th lush:tit, .101 in ItriLtitt told stoty ot elect hln itr.ll.ary "1 wee Sp , : akillg. 10 n membef. "t the Gov. rumen' ;Mout the time %viten the retazna lion of tic late Gorttc:wcn' tills 111 , 4 stout 1,!l/C , .1i, Wl.l I Wt 1,1,11. ill , ; lila that the true policy—the etMstittoloapill ~ t the" (love:111100n:—. 111,...t1' . .i.i1c1 , 11t. A portion of iti,txm,ver : himuher who on our Ade nt thci, ,, ,t-e Lai si , , , b.en to him :Mout it; he ,::id Q 'My elet tion I,as alrealy he :1-itle , t, '1 have, b e _ itt, , :te to pay.' lle said turth- Cr : what vrts veiy leasoitaldtt, that this was a heavy 1 brieri that \vas Crier its to he bottle; that it put tart to cieetslititz ineott- Nelliebee, auu ti a if the Crete he bor n/ugh: as the ease tilight be, ut would be obiigeti ti, retire iron: the field anti leave the tartest, - it there should he a contest,-to ek e : You will believe, titen, that 11,,Rio‘critmeni were greatly pressed by that . consitletation:ami this cousttiera• tion, added it may be to, otherF„, 11,, e t to re,igu ittlice rather than to tiis,iiire ['alb:anent. - :7'ew Ytrxutts Illy Evening Stir was Mrs: Nl'l.ll, teas bringing hither some .tweic ty or thirty girte tar her extertsise bagnio 111 i s 11,11/le, N1'111,,,, {Vial 111111 OE 1 . •:" • 1!,,, !tot Trail ctiOtt II I 11111 N:11,11.110_ 1 I 't 1 • t I I I . I 1, L. , :.11, I !1:‘,5‘1.;,:. MMMEItMEINEMI - A 01: thy 1,1,1nd Mice;u:, Arv.; cur t iLtriii..k . C . 7.31)1.,/iCer, Of tuffs o.llc, t.: Iw-100m:hie tw. Co !. 11,1 for J. II .1 w.., , tfnrtriV tic tlllllley Lie 4 i tcitlr Olin. lie :,l1 itilCeliY . . Iwilitto, .1 it , ige member 1/Illriliring the 14,4 vutrs tirk! l'..tiy, Itusl N. c.olaid:ltt, fur the enned 6en::torship The tilts) is lid to hLt bvtlN e,opthe I tlol.cal ;old Coat•ere of the li;th 1“::1 t•Ncly j MEM 1)1i. A 1.....041:1Cs ni'l i•.:: 1 1 ,1: 1.- , .IM .P • 11- • HAL.--Ar.l, =NM =I =IRE ES .1:: Ir , EI..IIFLEMIN . .; -~a- , :~ (.. n ~~~ .. .. i„ .; ~~:: 1".:t 22r! !ciltlAlt! Suratet&!. I I .•11,;11 ISM MEE e =II INEEEMEI ill Jr., Ii IMENSI Al N,AN. l'ltirTlT --Some to ,wrziv ME :• In 11 ❑I /liAl.ii •;. bl;I:ms- ME BE r.ry <: ~. I • • 11. RIM fln p:~. ._ - i..r i r:t I, agn,, BiZE L . :IE; W Ali 1. 1 .1.t.'1.' IS fl ill EN TS 11 . .V.tl ISC; 1121.11, Jr., Exprv" prritq ti%ih f1 , : 4 f. , ,,1.01i;Cne (0 rcceme nuter Szu:c G 3.1 the, MEE D. 1)- %via 4: .4 4 ' Cl - h: :IN:: In :14- ENG:. :.:11 :Itt. I: .N H t. L11,,0 - ur.e a :::•• f,t:IIIN:4 comult:uchig JUST, RECIAVVII MEE . •• fr. E F •• I r. ,11,1•• , , •• 12EIMI 111:NItY I4EA. Jit., 'Ott NA Street. DI lc: I , ...L . 1.. 111.. ..t. I ........ Intr , oikt .1r• • I.— thri.• r ,orn.a nt .0111. 1155,5 . 5 i d; I r. lir r ett,.ll 111 gogt, sil r rt,t, Alit ,thrny ENE! 1 4 . 0 It 1:.1.3.2:.--Ttiro it:tridree • & oi 1111. A 4.1, E:TE /2 I' !.• ••••1•1 I, • , :d to !, nt. , l t• f-ot:t t , 1 to 1) • „r at Ali- t • I NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. JIMES T. BRADY it CO., (StlCLes:Ors to Jo+.1 7 .3 Jr. C 0..) 'Corner Fourth and Wood Sis.. BANXERS 89,01‘,A T7 PR S . IN ALL I .,. nDS OF • Gdvernment Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. 11.1 , 1 , on all accessible yolnie In 1.1. e rl Stctca ...ICl:m.las Interest allowed on Tithe Deposits. ktIV,TON. S,kNINGS 1:.1.L• • I . i r r-u• - • •di. Nov 4 rid. I.* I ' ' pi D fitucr()its IS B INK ••••dlildend L.IIt N •.•• \ CY-ST:4 ou tall • ••ar• ••• • al. Fd••••l‘....t, ot ;101111 01 Ow 14 ' P,31 , ••• •••••••••d?..1 thetr 1. Jnl • •Tre , utativt,t.• 411., 5 . ..••N1•Al • V. , - . 1 / I .IIK , 1:011:1. Frc,ldeut._ 1%77 ,, e1 , ...11 S 1t1104,..1A11 1'.6 , •1t R. 1 . ., I zi,111:1.11, NOV. 6111. 14 , t. TICE ANNUAL N 4 .IE:TING id the llSli \ I Kit It SILIc. NU) c$l5ll , AN . y will eh/ Nou,noer 1,1, at t o'll 1•.A1., at )1.• 51,1 ll.ti:\ -- Ih:l.,ll{llC'Lat rhlch Illrtcl,l s A - 1111w eltLted.aut. ottitr InD , :1143 li'. Ste:, L.rY• ‘N,NA - ri.,A.t. BANK. t Pit Pihett,u. N.•vetell r 1,6“: ,\ IIItIDEN 0 or SIX. PER CENT., of llosermeeut Tax, of the chock et h.rek e:” liven duehired, rtvaqe oil 4nd all 10th I:Etilttit: A. EN DIX. .10.,.5137 eanhier. DIVIDEND NOTICE. r or A1.1.1..G1a51' ( AL{ Nov. 4 4 , ..1 4, 5. 111.1:LUItil( 1.4. , 31PAN h.‘a , at• or I , otat rEtt CEN .1 , 10 r%, lloot I proa, 01 au last 414.11 , (1th:. r, 13111 1,1,1. .5. 0. a loolN Taar'r. . . . . UTLIADITEHLY DIVIDEND.. 111,1 ICATInS, 11. at, 4,l.tattly.) I•tr,ist'.l,ll, Nov 111, Int.; /kW lA. fill, It Lm tt. ie. tots in • dee, 1 11 ..rtv I: , 1...0 .1... , t , 1,1,4. out ..1 pre21..... I ilit • DIVILI 1 . Y.01 . 1.t.':, N. 11 , ..NAL BANK, 1.1:1-..-, N0 , 1211.,n1.11, Is,f. .111 , , t 1 , 1 , BANK 11.,e 1111 FIVI. 0 of On, ru alt, I T., .1.0,13 L 1., Petit .1 I. 111- l lt >t s.f autl ,Im.u..tv and 1%1,11 ter. :i. V VoN11,11.11:•., OrrlE. 7) PICOPOS ALS will be re - I:. 1.. i _N7kOTI CE , 13r:. t. - .111,N1,1. w(1-1..L I!('FNEIES I; V' NOTICE—The h6v,. ,:,:..lay t”rultd nco-poltLor -43,121), IA: • EVANS, DALLAS S GILMORE, T. M. BARTON o: CO car"? tog on 11. a. 130 AL'ir 41) 111, *JE SHIP CHANDLERY BUSINESS, 101 ( .I sllll - kg , e, • Pachipage A'S' TM: s.I.I. ,' STANSI. C›. 30 1:7%.7 (IL 017 b.t root Is. 1. ~. lithr; V;1:.; PLTT:i111111(at t 1"21.Ellt1 170111.• NA,. on 11, C 1,4 ,:ock POCKET CUTLERY lo Gr iund zors HS 1, Er!.1:.3 JAMES T. SAMPLE: OA. - (ts F o1:1, 89n1 NV i i Wid vp paI:A:4A ..1 . 1)!$. G 7 n2:41 69 Fifth Sired, .C)G-I:3E Vd. =9 =1 . • . • V.ll r TIEI: 11NNr.tE. ?/Eta... 1.11,, =BM =9 CIE ".::. ,01 I. I Ni04A1131:11. lllrn. ISCAI r. ,at vhileh tut, anti p:areni: ,, lr , l 1.14 .11 to: year. 311 i ••:!A r c4yurr , T--'1"1 1 ' !'' 1 ; IT It •11. TII I 1 I 1 1' 1I F I t:11 F I BUY THE BEST. PETBOLIA BLUE LEAb, =I St - I=l T. Er.l.lr x C 0.,; 17.1c:pm..0 or X..a..ntWorisa, N. W. Cor.3d hull Market Sits., 11=1 BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WILHELiVI, to. 3S lia'rket St., I'[ttsburgli, h • t •1). r ths• • • ,Ith U. i • 0 MIIIIIE=1!!= 33C:ACar3". 43.1%T.10 .SJEIC)E B. Woo-,h hC 151 , repAre.1 ,n.. in thc rhiin ,it 5. St y . Al+n oraers for 1111 OWN K I, AND bIIQE9, ~h ich Iv! ..nr rao,•• ,or • ,I,i,tlou ;,, BUY VOUit NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, doc)., 440 , 1 '1' - J. G. Latier'i Variety Store, A GiL;(?. P. SCLII:CIETIAN & Fabi;;TiCAL LITHGUAPHERS. “N 1.1" ~)), . .01. LI rw , totArtio: r.,TA is. f.1611,,E,NT Cxt. , ., I *lnt,., Portrait- . 7, .1,17 1,1 I 'it Et'.Ekl.: 4. Inn !,lA:;l7.:ac - , or.: No 07,1 P •t NI- 11 1 - fl.l al, 1.1, l• fly bU^Jt. MMWMM 14, iEOUGE BEAL EN, CANDY MANUFNCTURER e, I'oItEIGN AND AMERICAN 11 . 'll N Urn, No. 112 1 etteral Street, S. Flr,t Nallon3l It nk, , ortv,1:11.1 . 0 , 7,11,Nr. PITI,M:11, LI.. NOT. 21. THE ANN* :TING of - the F ERRY CA/MCA !, hol.lf M. 1 , 111 . nt it o'c...oeit rt., a; the of A. I). Ott rti a N.I. Water strett, at which titar mud oh, 1,11 he , 14 other nee,: ary traud,Ectett. M. II E. WA., • horro•ory. lII . rICI, 1 ,- ..C114,1, COMPANY, t . 1'1 . 3,111:G14 NOV. ("EDON • Fiji( TII I Ql , Ttila . " Yi'ati will held at Its In Hat/F.li,, litroor. on' Not, tali., 1 , 1 aittio thalniura ..iii A. 31., IMO r .f.,1 x:7 IMBERT FIN %EV, !...crel.ary WM Orl tut: S. ritAII.COAIrnri Y, A N ELECTION EMI TimurciA . 11)11,or o.ls C9nipurly. mere ror Orr 10111 NI hell. at the .1919, I. 11, ,f No. 1,11, between 11, hrmer..r 1 , 0.. M.. sod WM. P. IIr..OILICr, 1 , 1/3, rctnovr.l. ti. "Mel! nr 111” 111t1q; WORii,3 ft saa slarket rlits burgh; in .n , Ir \Vorks CAII-IoN r where r. .4 can iirrrnfter bu 1 , 44,111 , 0 t.:on. rittenurgn. "1,1• A raj, \.1,1 62a,(100 10 LOAN. P,rron, • It4r to borrow inoLry oni IS,NI/ AND .MOltTlMir, Yor ono. too or more yearn. will do well lr.lcnll on 'FM: M. I . I,TTY.' L.lnto Altera N. I.Y 'M. Usirt,lreet. it 4 . l ii:lt."---41:oxite to the ircbi 1.-, den, of :lit . 1 41.,r1L., In Fast DELMXX,..I3.U.. . • • Ved and WOO.: tnrucla UAW.; wnite lilt hludtoot. lr ppty to AST I..llotlrry STRAY 15,01.. 1 CA 1 1 ‘ N I NU, ime, re ['wired iald for ••Ie by (.E.Pittar: A. ICVI.I.I' oval Wholesale J.// onWte, a 7 Woo l meet. FEW ADVERTISEMENTS BUSINESS MAN'S- COMMERCIALCQLLEdE; Nos, 6 and S (lair Street. licok-1:‘ eying, rtAman...l:!l: • Unit. unlimll.4 , d Arlthmttic su•l l'cLmansqllp thrtu Fent:m.lth'. I ro, ot o rvol:oono, „btr• N. ;oil. , lo •r. F.. 110 1 111 E -•• • FORT' PITTrOiT,I:11:;I?,'I: • C4.tiI.LES: IiNAP VA'UFAVS tiNA CP . . . • )ii. iiiitltlix& i't . TAS.II. :41 4 :1..) Ala.fylNl) sf F lIKAV 1 1 Aral .4.1f4-. flpyrl2.l tt1.1111 , ..1.(q ty, titil...lf.l. 1!11.1.\Y U6l.' 4, ' 4.",,. 1n ._ tfLA.:4'l' MACIIINF.ItY xr4 , 11:F.T4,1:1'.,4. RN:PAM:I Mtectled to prompf:y. . oFfac:c Or Tilt. Ar byrctotrt. Ow h., mat,rlaly ryI,II s.:lraf 4 t 44, CE(,) et thl. Iffoffr. fry di,,pu z ed ur VIII old pattern, are pared, with aLV: AND latruoeeD -,,,,.;- etruct.. , l under tire , ditblon uf 'dr. Kr lo furniall NAIL pere,hurt led :nll THOMAS H. PHELPS BOOTS, GAITERS AND RUBBERS, ; • • I The 16th dar:of 'Noverui).-:r, ' D,1866,' " ELD SQL,',';,, IMMIS KENTUCKY I) - .. • Tlh I". Gli i':..4'l'EST :NTiniTiON OF . .- - Wit! 1••• -.04 .1 F. r 1•111, .../F Iti LAE:\ iIiI.E•AV I ./. '1111? .f.FIE. • 1 • , . . . . . \IOItN Inc, Novem,rll - 1•. I , ', . at 11 or/ i/F/••., •." 1 11:rbster's l'a.telti • , Urclintlry ;1 tench," tLo pr, to r /FE. - . 'I im: T 111 E KENTECKV DIS'I'LI.LI , ,III ; 1 i; „ it ,, it i , 1 . ,• , • (.. n - • d j" . a , 011:11 111 ~.., 11., ..\ s , r. 1,.., ,FIF ~, •• , R.II.IIIAXanY, . L.:Att/106 tqs.t.lio'l:l , r, F/F , F....:1// 1 . ..-1 /Inont l l, I • r i•.! I . llr ~ "'" '''' . 47 '‘rr r '"'"u'.. '` r. ' r Y r "r" \V 111 •Al !!• It..u.1•11: , .••! i.!rt In I\ \I oil , : 3;36 'Liberty Streit; sg, \\ r ldlFil, ..1:..; I I. •T. 1 Jr, (II) A 1•;-i l r N ' !• 1.6.11 i 11.,111. , •, A ~., ~ ._ • F .. / ~. ...\Er..N.FII6r C:1004 ! . iC.: .I:Lt. IN N A,II. :1 a 1 , ‘,1 /.../ 1.. at. r 1 tv. . ~I . ~ - , rN, 5 , 4 , ,..„ ... . ~ i ..:,,.. ~ v , .., • V;:: ' ' f ti:•,- "' ::( ‘ .. , ,:..., ' ; .‘'';'• ";-.''''',:: : . ~ 1, .., ,-, ....,..! t.: . E///1 - .10. , 1 , •I, .... , •'.... ^.211,!., NV.... ~,,,, ,ELI . rt F'E 1. 1" / ' \IF , :lt, Er./ e trle.utv ' 1 , ....1.1Dar. fur I..anga, I:rl ,, sy ! I MEM •]tLETtYf7 of the h, 1 - ,!1•NI , , ILL; /,:rt,,r, Tho ntloo ope ot I 10,1.0tt t,tl Countrl for a 1 , 1•c111,ry. 10- lioproN not to To .c:t 1•„ I,•?tlto on, 1,11.1,1 ti.o. z r It: ~Alt to 'lr. t. I', I:1 ftl 1.0 11, 11,1[1 r: r• , {Vt. 'lntr.! r. lot 11,:a not, 'li. J. lur1:1JF: .... W. Y. 11OPPElt CO No. 45 Smithfield St., 011i,..5.,.139 No rU,ntret t, Ptt:Ontrgb, =II MI • Parlor, Chamber, - P OFFICE AHD SCHOOL FtIfINITUIIi, 'ln E.t All!. a Pittsburzli Mall factured Fuiniturc. ..IL74:::rwon,t C'za.r4l.l. D111:10.! DItUt:S!!. Dll . l 1;S::: %:1 , 1 I. htn..t. In Ilsg. All of FENIFSIEU) At,: FA . IvAri =MEM 111'PE311411t, O.th t.Nr AN" 'l , l'l , ILa LESTIIEIi BELTING. AND IN:q. )Innufgetttrutl e! Net .1. :1:41111r1F.LIt t HARTLEY. P.T.IELPS • & CO. L . Ale , . Agent, tor :•t•ttte Vt.relt. Itunner t't A:.ayg AtTe - ! or Iv LEATHe t "tin IYICANI •, IMINT nA r.r W. H, GARRA t.D & CO., • • •••• • • • Malsters, Grain& Hop Dealers, +•:,),, 1 , 41, til4 1 / 2 .1t GREAT RESTELLN PLANING MILL, fund cf tsrbcry - Strut trii Ittqfti-.4 Cougrc , t bourL• vrtl , ll %.-trl , ll P:ki4i^ra are cutlt!ed to P. l •l.t.totty I , tit 10 020(). .7. ACI1. 1 1E1.)1. •'u. - :IS 7,1471.71,1”..1 Sash Doors, Blinds aliti jloultliugs Att... - neva at 1.,0. MADE. TO ORDIrlf. Cntirashe.l work 13 Wit ln.a tirtcr., tat... 111 PI Rh atreet, dry Louse trod Itutaltrd taLrn out. rattotart PI rusniittitti Hourlng. Went Itoanitno Latlta opt talt.lnttirr ; Yon tend. S.twlttrra rrtatts , ‘lt.it r , trt.tl • TO CLASSMAKERS. ttstamp dont. wIIL .llapatrtls. Bor., ot a.II kind.. ‘ 1"" '1 . 11H•7. StIiSCILIESEAIS IIA VING 1 ONI . 3IENTS, GILL ES a co.:141 . 0;0d raattool, at! for orttAtrtAt the 0,L.1 , 1,111 Arr . no, illl,ll IL) 11.," 1 5,1 roady toa ‘OO., f t CAA. I,tri• AT 1111,tia ‘t 1110 ..ttt.11"1•1. r.r ton. In Lull. , tto In •" ft. r ' OAZZADI & CO., tn p prati, pan lunisb at 110 011 r the brvarn a... 404, •• 1 tit. Itore cut o. ton At avonaa. 51111 t.t. u..unt • . or to att..Ftrat E 0 I= :h tat ita i'y, AND • I/ELl:3ra OF EVERY DESinIPTION, , . N„ 1. it ItIVAI, OF (:001)S. . 1 ._2 , 11113.1%. t üba , uaars: •• Rico tqlgar , .: WI Moot, lutdat..d and l'ove'd aucar to •• A and It. Itaga ft Ir to ;•114,,, Cott,. 1.0.3 I fall; . ••chalet hr.:lids Floor: cm dot. Itv..ym., 00 loblz. a,vortett SyKni, ?...0 111,11. 1'1311 , 3 Itteo With agouti tuck of gmo.l , 1:t 4Pior 1. 11..1.7,F: .t 11111.5., or= Corner W•ter on4l: , mytlifir.ol I JlTT,StititfM • AINI) 041iLANI) link' KM!' .I,'SM.S. .. I . .loom t. dr A. niviti)<)cii.• . , '111: , i5.11A7.; & C1.1,1114...Ntr. 11 (buelt,u , vor. to 'Jolla Mottl...b. Jr.,/ ; • NI/Intl.:lt I'M L.: ANI, rimittmrst, lllttsbusgb, l'l., ; , ; ,,,.,,: ; ,Y, 1 •1;,,;::, ; R , •,'„' ; ', 1 ,:',, ; ,1;; r ;r ;, V ; 1 ." , , ,1 : ;, 1 ir t11 ; 1i ; 11 , 1 , 11 i y ,, , ,. : 1 1, ; , - , tsollelt ottetabbu smtut•lr ...rt.-nth,: -x,,,•1; us i. ICU, I s• s.. u s, ~,,,s, 1,4, t. ~,, ,„, 0 ~„, ~,,,•, , ~,, AI)N ;Mr , : It MENT,I.I. 1 - ; 1•.1.5, EVE lilzE,llNts, ' y ~ ,t, N, EP t..% i :lAA, I, - 4 .. 1 . 1';N:,' — ,,,..1 . .i , ... ''' , ' ,...,1'. - . " LIIIAPE N'INI,S ,i,lls IIIIII:b:SlItm„,y. IM,ANI't. 1 , 1.,:,,.,.,,,,,,.,, ,4 0 . ' ~ •••• • - .......` f cyII for t FJII 1,,,,,iv, ; .. , ms 11,..11,.. I'm:kW:, mt, ,:, sl,•sl psts,S im 11, It , 'I, ...Wu • MIII, to-I Ise ty; I'llts•burett at Isabtarml l'st.venster Cstr. fl ;I 1 5,„,,. , „.„, „„„,,,,,„ i ... . • .., . ttr.u.s, t, , ,,...,•tiu5y Or tin.lll"Mb , • Vt.!, 14 mittn:... Is ~:.,1 ..„ ~,, NEllf PAP1:11 .11AN1:1,i(4S. 1 C 111:1 , i , E.;?; CO.. itl:Lootiat". irn 1 , 011 VAlSLOlta—Yrenclt lleltstsv, wlth boil llor- I ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;.. 1,.‘ , ; , ;;; „ ,;;;;;, 1 , , ,,,, , ,,, , , tlttre. . .-. , ~,.,„. . „ 111 it LILIIIAIIIES-roulp,,ltti Pali,. on (Irmsgu I ~.„,,,,, . , - - ,,. t.f:, 1tt,, , , , ... rry stud I.,,nont,yrusta; .calltr.• Ft.lt HAILS- Ntsms (Ityck Patti rn. out s , ' I Ivy '• .I 1 v. '" h. " A bles "In.. I' , III, I.ItY; r ll,vrmt.lClll,ll yrstuud. 1 1 ,,,,, ,.:1atYS t'4, , lt r by SI: • I•urr..l. lotlYlutrrel ar_bs4S, ? MI 171IA.Illt1 , !/.--1..m., , smut lekuvllu riktterl,,,, ~•,... 4 ,'.d ....' 1,1, / ,, - , ,1 •• ~,,,,,,,", `•,.- OVer dark gr.. 11.6. ay. 1,. 1, . ,,,HAT,L. ,; I ,' ; :rh1. , ,,;; 1- ~.;;„;;, r„. ~,,;,,,,, ~., ‘,,, 1.,,,,,i , t.,;,,,,,, Fur attic by nulb 87 %Vouslotre,t. • ' ' ''' ''''''' ".;.' ! . .... 22 ) ST. C LA c t : IR I S IPIsvI, l' E'l' )•)'; AirESl c, ( , E , r I l :ti(Ev 12. • 4ciii,i ItllbblA\ rhE LE "ACLE v Y I' \F \\ ,i,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,„r ly,,s bUILVEYING INiIIIIIINI VII,AtII.t,I• , . 11,Esl st•EN . IV t' 111, 1/ . .t. ,1 IA VATVI: A O. bTstilitYt, , lEvs. 31 IIMMts•I'IIIM.st, i - WM., I tr, 1 ,•,.I. ~- s.,r muu• I 4,,,1 , ,,,uty [list, LOMMINATIoN' II 1 IMII/ME rEns, : ~ ,, , - t• I:11.1111111.i ill 1 ;t1.,..r eltv. I, ,v,• ~,...mitutly '''- '• tl'mml ,, /.) Iu s 1..1 , imts,,,ts ••.,, r . ,, ,, 1. tot•lc,, 11,.,,s smut , I . IIEII3IOIIETEM , , lIAIIIISIE'S'ItIt, tA , 111114/31. I bs-mmt , 55.t,,, , s Fia t , 1., stlrcrts smov,W4lll,, , ET.E It , ...• for Isslys4 s . tltstottM;lY btUrs e, by' 11.• Il' It ,t,.. sous t•, vsl bsditls, butPmv ,, ~ , I ttlVlltlelstst,; j , r•h , - , proli,plo .b.1..•1 4 Into I ~ , lll,i. . -•• ' 0i,1.1110 =no cnocui. um: hiker . ,: Ma , . art. 11;1.0 , ...;‘...: .Ir. .1, N0rt.,14 .lo 11 ' el. elo 5 d, Ilron mod L'Qrt.., Jn reerrrt..l all for tole by MIFFSM • !: MiDIiUTTER 56 hozer: V I.:ll.l.ralti,:hoc„,; _ . 7.. .1 , 'Lien I.o.livn do I flutter; imp 11,1.11,. I. 1.1 to err! Y.:: ' do w a. d rrd . lc .1 / H. 1.11)1 , 14:. Iddr, DR!EU FlLACistit:ltiiiiiii NOilek;: .1 Whom.. Le,. re of A•lotto'Orationon it, t a t.ttt. NJ It/01 AI: Y., I to of boon Val tto or, "WI nc.s 1 . .. dr, atotl. hair t,e •n gr v antt tiO . ' moi. ,, !ttot all ..neon, tort tp C1 . 1i,11% it, 111, thy ,1,1" :111. eAlti 1/•,1211rIll art bo DIULS• t:\GLlSll ' to mate Wt.. 1.1101,1.3114 all Pt..° 3. bb' . T b 7 1114/011e.1 to nattl .. totaltt . !attitoved to ,, mai! vAY7 • titkAtt. A. KELLY I.townt J0a . i..1 . 11 IS Kit A rl.lCif, A . ttnt r, inn • Wholesale Druggist, ti Wood oacct• h a 3 Liberty guecc, TIMM DEALEU. SHOES, six 1.--)(21.. Cent Bit WI 0 it A ELS 46 Vu sTti.LEitY ,A2r ALI 7 iDTX.Criq' (ducoes.tororto lt. it. Bulgero and Dining Room Sots, = lc/ ET c =I , b;-tant JBeiti g. I= Not. 5 wild 7 POIRII ,trcet, PIT7SEURCH..PA. SoLDIERs' :Vaults, Fountains T. LICiU9N.III, I;.. MEM E=ll =1 E=ll== DI P v:!DV,TP..TT. E ENT TS i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS._ puTN A3l, :puni: csa.iron,a,4, WEVES.. GURNER & CO., GENT:i Funisip t ; sTor t E , 80 Cedar St., New York, 7 0 ' f. e 2. oppo t l'oAt r Zil II I% III) St.lll:f,, TIE - ; Fit hi LSD 11b4i1:;;; ..r. Gent', al, IMMUSI COME cio ra.ua.l.t-0, rint, !Wis - ;-• and r,„ ~,, • tne t; .cti.rt, ./ tit! t•O tt ttt a tit .• Ft' s 5 . 4.711 t. who hate lotit strcnp't inn appetite. and Ittivr_flott; 11111./ rt. volut.luitt an.lverto:ol ,tutt ;01; lk yrryw; II" juA. heft., stontnen, . t;01-migenvratl Horan t .l; ta t,Ci ere tt• t 3.!.tlferte4y(mu or.ol tlttl.- tt v.t lieltrn .0 0 1 v nature and .o .yepept r r•t. ..t It utter:: ten, 'ere wholmvetweaEloutotelsange •: all 0101 tlye nrilarlous dletrlct. 0,1 .ire toert t,t o;l.,;onat r luttoro. ee, xIII fiud It of the most ea itable Inv: orator/ that ran te te-tet 0 , 4 very I.xlenlvely In lirti,•alth etteh al ...It tettoit that .0 00',10g It to the puttoe ONE MILLiON DOLLARS cNt el% en to llttle eltlrtlrrn roJerlng ;row r • we 1 / 4 1 1 / 4 Ittug l / 4 with Imo, Lapp,. earrt. • •lithe gq , lln prrtleni.tr. with pains In her helt, . r.. 100 0 Cy It:131111g 11.00 . tot,.:r. - 1,0, tu• 0, .1 skIII it.. been nern 01. 0r ll.t, rert,r , f. Clot bcran with but a Le,pnonrol to JO,l r.tftle .s 11., ani , tite and Alttength rapidly Increaaeo I 1100 , sr4ol II ter,i,t. A•il l•P the II 1!!"1!: . 0 , 1 , Uivo,r r t's erne lc. I 1.. 1::..%1:14 I 'HIV- I " Is' Sn Yiol.l,li. SCAN VEAL' lIL IL =I MMI 11. r... • l . i q IL .12. CO., 31 1V al.! n,ar_l3`.,,rlv, pliti (ROUT. 1311 a L 2'12 • of on 1. , ter IMI i I L N I 1 . ' liiill ME - :;r..sris • auil Tape tries, , Al2 - 1 - .1 A \ . I I. :•it!; ! (. op, &bands, Ta,o,ots and ' z A %LA N. 1.) COLL; N S. 11t1.:11.!It -.ltr.it I. az,•lrttvt t Aoui•no.u. I:OUNTIES TO Sidittersof 1 , 61 and 1662. t:ios,wr t. 1.• FOUL LARGE W IN DOWS. '11 , 1%< , .1.70•1:tv•, 22.111'd ;Pay le27..a.tirrTS °A, War, or =O,WELDON • & KELLY P r LITAIBERS, , Gas and Steam ;;Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, , A large Lesoettoent ho Art s "" o f Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead o.ty I aol , tler. r Cue:, ,S r Pipe, Purapsy•Sheet,Lead; &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. IMMEITEIS . CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, &c. .1C)11.:, 1,.11!1.1.1k.; .1. 11. 111:,.. \\*l4. I:OtiLES: l'o T F S Pll P. 1:t".1,f..1: 11.1.1,M .5 NN: ,t um mtt tt;lltru,Alilir [ln -61; Cro I.:. u1t . ... Ni tile 4,14 0,- 1 '• I itttl ,aco, ..r .I,,rlilezniutt and I , , .1,, v. Ar.. Hu.", etru..l, _t:atti 111111 r. w•,!tl - , 511 , 11 n I • , ;!.Inuan,t, 111.2 o tot r4lly : ill 011.1.". 11.1141•1.1., A. SN i 111.11..11 A NN. LEA'rgilEfie. 1 1, 611:S N. 1g.:0.. t:ll.4in ISt) i 341- .Lti MA , 111 •1 . •*1' , . .181‘,1%,,trern or 111••id'. • , a11‘..., IA 311 c. L. l ll tr" nil n, of Mr 1t.e11c,... Fiat .nt , 1 ‘.117 , 11,11 11 ‘l,l•,lttiN ,3'llti,t• 10, I . ll,l.fliogh. 11.1,11111, 1. 11111,11 'III 1 .1 e 111 1 11 . 1 Y • • NI ON WE corner of biztla, Ihttshurgh. Mon, l'h , to 1•1111 3'lo Wat,hee ,thht. , l-nrttel••• , ..t et / Ihe /et... 4, i.:tuttut ht. .1. sl,..rt.ti erlthuut 1 Nut etreutintahlt two: hl Prt. tot ruhttvry. t.).t.rrel° their s'alnahts Winer. wh:chats tent, a,tunlslithF raphttlY: anti .......... aoct ens:vatted popular!, I. Inset, Tbey base only to he fa: rib thstn the proferettseoler all otbers. tf th,y excel all utlter Wire, te.s witch hare selunta.. r•.! Van too:, en.nent. stoy-i• t• w•htl.-Tres. Lo est rr hoattlen co: •11,...5e Wt h , .11,1ullo. t.,ss r 4• tostssosti.le , l. Irmr ,7111,r, hasr otStrstl os us, TOO' ,—• rt.., Artrllt ; now arown It the State MOM 1= \t It !I I . ot i:r'rr \ I ,trae. color. • ; I 1.0,r , 111 • .. :1 - u I- , • 7; • -• CIE p •• lq r. .U,1.." 10 I t.t...1.1 of —ll/.. 'pure .11.tnia.ton of o.r WIN I". lgr,ell,l, to%to r • n d131,11e, ISIZZEI t.l I ul Ult. nu...4,0111W , )A THI I,r ...1,,e tha a..t, t Itv it I t/ t'ot, gunite. 'Or , 1,. North ttliring thv Inst ,ttr, to the tutioly ar) =II • . o • i to: . . . . . . . •••-e.,,s 'nut. r. c lisio: rgrelriui. ll , llfYlrin o•- i vry :nronnuat. t e rm. In 11. farm.An Inn: 4 a •ii'l : I; to guarani, that we. trill igni/g, on, . in farna•h an urrlne Prig AND tiIIALInLTI:n- 0121111 I...arst : rrr :ow°. Dorou 00 13m 4 00 • 00 •". TeJ • _:^ ho lt'lne Bit' r r. =II ~, . .t r .+4 F-7 2LN , I GENTLEMEN'S: FURNISHING-GOODS. Ell • .1n it In•i f }!t : .... F RIZ El aliDAl..ud h..: • NEW IRON - FTIONT, opp.•Oto slur 1. Jrf;ex:-rri , Z.. D. RAIVIALEY7 =MEE 334 Liberty Street, z.pr • tgb.AONABLE HATTER ,a-.IV , ta.111,11. Thls Newest Styles always on arid at the Lowest Price. WIN 1 )e..0,c-.± ist;6. ELAMALEV ) 334" Liberty Street, • =I Ladies', :iiisses' and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, =! "" And at Lower Prices than Down Town 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. DF ADDITIJNAI 63100 .10. 9S Grant Street, I?oa=lc► , . 7 DEALER IN EINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, itsi.x.evr33/4.. FrOnch Clocks, &c. jSp,lnt noent F lyn n to the REPAIIIiNG br FINL IV S. .To. 22 Fifth Street. Wm. W i _ 134.1 C U Ze. S GRA • 98 Liberty Street, -,OEALERS IN GROCERIES-6; PRODUCE, Presit anti Choice Arlie/es, AT LOWEST CASII PRICES, le to ktcp a First-Class Family • Grocery, n. 0, It rt ,vilfef,riox to ALL who 'nay favor 11, with I heir patron:Lao, In t.ILIALITr. 1 . 1:1Ce. latAl.l. .11 CC'S tlO street, corner of Terry. MEM Eiv s TYLES HITS. , . riVCORD & ;31. WOOD STREET, Are rue.frinx an immense stock or HATS, CAPS AND FURS. Embracing an enalre..s liArr: , THE LA 1 , 1 . HEATS AND 110Y+; EVERY ATI I.E - Full LA DIA: ANU (1111.1/ILEN: l• • AL It I.F. MINA, bQUEREI , . Av., anTslmpe or price, to they invite ExoEa~~' OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, .V 0.410 Penn street. - JAMES K. DAIN, Proprietor, AW .. omnibuses 'and carriages Cl:Isbell for all trains. Also, Caffilit.ii for Firaems, Weddlrta and rani., at *nort lotion and reasonable rates, Stable Open Day and Night CELEBRATED STEEL TOOTH 'PAY BABES.. "resists .Bird" and ••31radow Lark" are manufactured only at the Ul'clUEnNE WURKe4 . near the Penitentiary, Anti aheny. city. ?I • Bay Forks, aorta; and inln %mg.'s, Wheelbar rows and Trucks of every styld. made. of the bat material, at short llotlC, and warraDtgd.. Isl 2 COLUMBIA:I CVLIDELS. I=lllllllM CLOTHING, • =1 loi: LIES, MS AND OILMEN =I =9 I=l 01,11 . 1 . EM3 ME W.4STEIJ,- M.9-N. TO AIHITEWASH •AND CLEAN A ROOM. Arr,l:7 zi the tiAZ 1:1 - 1 F. L•M W.INTED, •io' .t E Ell Ui •4, IIL 7 4 !TF:::4)—.4 t LE A ND I,' FI - .31 4i F—ln W. ; ;•,:. ME t) \ I(h. ‘I • E \ H ANTED—the r, Jek.ri /3 r•T net >good :rid,' In ein 1.,c01ayv,,,,, MCI t. , ..&;%Tral oNcE:- -T4? englige 41, 1%11 A . 1 1 ,11 1.i., - w - ,t'vri;:b (a-I:cTs.-• :;.:31)0 T 1 . N5llll ,1-AN :.•11, :v.:14, , . t . ... .: 7,1 1.... runt..l Jo: the ut. - 3 t:I141 :lot! nrawititic.in 1.1, O, 11 . 4 agli. r1.1,,00t of the r Naelono.. WANTED, AGENTS AND SALESMEa Itt ..very 1 7 1'c.rn, C.) In NINJ =! E•reryt,ody ou: oY rmp:or,o eta itt tio.11: to to col: IC No.-13 Fifth St.. Hp 11= • IMANTED-:-AGENT—S74 to s'2l)i) f'FIL MONTH-for I.l , ,thontLl, anO ?AZ/ to $.l I.,ilt,,,,LoTtLiorr , . to I . n. r. 0103 rlcos, iiy rL I:roLros riLLLI tw r fe,IL,E. IL ty'l:ilto, frO_ 1114 cmhro! ouly l.aL:•! fo;:y, rra,li , ,L , ~•L vor-. V. p.:•. 1n:3 , 0, oLtgo.. tor cou:• ot,L.L•OL. /row, woi+th tot, LI ; O ot A.1.1rt , " or L.:11! L• 0 s 4-Lelee etr,t, -Act - - All !, tlctsstlttrtr-A Lon, A GE:NTS IT,ItNTEII) - 2'OR A NE:3V NOW WOMEN OFTH WF.R. E !do ,{ if Th.A Pi , Cl , l - , r,rwat of tr. at.:l 11.,1 111, war.. Iry, NL , I Irrtl wlth urn: • •I hr,.•,...1.1npr0•e! •t.e'ur `•ai tircu , n.ra, rAdra,/ apt,T 1, t , •1.1 pr 41 , t.l •.. N. 'ao InLer, Itn 61311 .• =1 MB= GENTS WANTEDIII THE r7EIVISU MA, fil'N ~ 1 1 del th ,, lr NEW WI I t!ena, • c . fort tn.! nen icy rtmr..,,, • .. eif 111t1:?.tre ' t:t!li:;- ' -!,:ltt Fl., r. 7 MiEN Ta ACT AS Stara.::', -r4 Et:Lrr lrr.r...nent:S tvan,r,r , .ly. w; v pr.ttui t.r enget4r t-,.14r r. App!y i.vrr.orl GC a.14.11.vts • I.K rend. (rrztr.: r n s;,, 1' MERCHANT TAILORS. gggp~ • MERCHANT 1=1! Lwrge and ( 14'il - ,Q. \IT oc_ 3 G ood s • s! = LA..r,c;f2.l‘l7ocli , i. oF 3E3 AND OVERCO :TS Of the latest sly GRAY , & LOGAN, 41 Chi Si reef FALL AND IVINTI2Et ArtTa H. • ill'G - 44 7 F.5., No. St. (lair Street, W 01,1,41 the attention of to las ..:Ges Gond, 1.11,11 it, h.ctt d a!11' :at,: care nti.l contain. all late, ay:, of Go," to IP: 111111,1 in 110.11. r. Gent. erannt, suLT VI , CLOTHES MADE tIllohe; Wlll Please 4,511 sad eatant'Ait•alt.! Mao a Pall and esouaplti.: aof 1 , 111tN11.1111,11-1 lil.lol/6. H. MeGEL, mEIt , ItA.NT TAtt.uit, N. 10 S. , Inir Stre-1. PittettnrO• SEWING MACHINES, HIGHEST PREMIUM LDCK-STITCH W . Reeler&7lVilson SEWING 31 - At'n /NE. - - Over 2.5,9„0.00 Now in Use. • SALES . FOR QUART s EII Expx:va • Jun, 20. as pot sworn or WHEELER llc 'WILSON .............. ra.osa SINUEr 1 :1:(2VER BAREP 6,1331 FLORENCE 2.2201 Showlnv W 1V1.203•5 tot.. , Lore 12r. thole 0 2 .3, , ther Company. 52 - 1....0 apore 'clailon of the pu3llc 1. renal c•121 , 33c3 or ft..- P2..31 - fly. 10 porcl233lng on: 011012 c 1 , 1,2131,1,322 -Ink It Incurred,. us Inrlructl 010, 0 3. .1Ik• eh." kept 10 , /r.12.r Ivitts.tpst cxtsa ciAarg, 1:717.11/1. E3l:lll2l\TE:n. et , ac.., 27.Figh St ret t oc:11:dx-T 860 S. 1.1.0:1 'SEWING )IA,CiIi9ES, tor'erery derortplton o' !amity rev:log 410 V tllloriny. hey F . ELL, BIND, AIP nod 171(.901,1, the a Al.. CA Tr E.1:8 nod ..011DS- It a li Allen from the tines: gaol. , to the ttocht.t I.env• r Cloth NelLhout any ehlnge • in he•.l , h , rdr° ar euriou. 31111 run for Iw., 'year, oilloo, VA hint .tartelran or le-repaired. tr Oho oorcha,r, atter a lair trial. doe, not regard the tie .t Lyon Sew ,ng 3lnclonee , ,nl , e ort any u,..,Aino to the mar- I, he ...au tartan It and ha, lila rueoo). make. ;he • LOCK STITCH. Stilh4t,iikt, 013 NUL) ,1•11: %horn' v.. nut rtn or rat el. The cheapest inschine ss r cent. In Ore. A .r year• . It hat bet, In !ice In tile plan: for tight ys•ars. and I n satls.faction In at/ ca.rs. I . 4alst tintsit nN In Slabos,n) 101014 N.llll pearl. slintr TO , trett.and Li.o.sw Al , so the iticeil.l.tick Mitch Sewing. 3Lachine t l 4 4.n n t ll. 4 o ' n Cr oteet tailors!, 4110,n:stem . anal karness makers to xu. a, 1 Also, Shaw kClark's Sewing Machines. //sr-Agents wautesl. SsrAll kinds tatnlly ,en 'lns; !Ise,. . I. it. LONU, AsTens, 112 :rant!street, opposite se,t:T.T.S • _ PiTrsuutsols,sP t. COAL, COKE, &c. COAL! COAL!: IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS., HUIVIMEL & RABER • Vitt. Itoe attention or Eli. Dotal , to :bele Dne ctoce of COAL lot!. received, incloalue tte following dories. Lump, F os. 1, 2, 3nntl ebestnnt, Lyi(lni - Vnltry, 7(cm. 3; rand ( lira Inn I', Al, of -Alan th.pre prepared to uelleer at Inn LOW ES I' ATEn. by the ~fn3le ton, car lead, I , oa: load or thoueront ton, ord. re pro ~P t, T at • e.de' , lo. (Mee: 103 Cne•tntltatrert, near the Depot, 0C93.1, f Altlft , ool2l. PA. VAL COAL :1 COAL: • DICKSON; STEWART & CO., lisrla g removed tttelr Ottice to 15187 X.W13 , 0x-t-s , saitzree,e. Metall CDT Tloor Mill) SECOND mows 4.1 A.,. A i n o s t 73.it n t r oar i , iztv is s umo ! hani • t the lowest Market thus. Ali orders left at their oDee, or addressed Ist. fhemthroogt tie matt, trilkboatteaded to tirosaptly, raraibiri ti,. • E It 4,1 %\ j•ry =ES EMBB , kciil ',