111 E DAILY GALE 1 PIIBLIBASBD BY Penniman, , Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING c›. 636 N • Litkl.two, ot. F. B. PE NSIM AN. IIt...VOIUSTON S 5 JOSIA nc,so,p. "uatuess 3111111115teri OEM bleglo Cop, s Dellrered by cartler, (pei'vreek.) Bali t3o bsci lbers. r Tem') 1 berafrettactionn to ' Ziewsboys and Agente : ( 4 21119"ottilh OSiutitt. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1888• A BLACK LEGISLATOR. The Democratic press thoroughout the country is much exercised at the notnina lion, in Boston, of a colored candidate for the Legislature. If the good folks of the "hub" recognize in their ebony standard hearer a tit representative, we cannot see why the outside world should be dissatisfied with the choice they have made. It is an experiment. Bhould the colored_ man be elected, as lie certainly will be, he may make a more faithful, able and trustworthy representativethxti 131Ftny more pretentious indrviduals who have laid claim to the titlp 1 of statesman, Boston has taken the • lead in a matter of vast interest in the poll . tics of the country. Time alone will dls cover the prudence or imprudence. of, the step. If elected,,t he actions of the eolT)red legislator will be closely snitched , by the . friends and foes of human progress. The Boston feernal thus Speaks of the I. nomination : "Ward Six is the wealthiest ward in the `hate ; it embraces within its limits more titerarary.eultureand more liberally educe tO men than auy other representative dis tricrthat we know of, and it is, with per li,to the exception of award in New Bed fmil, the only ward in this State which has kago number Of colored voters. The want is the home of John A. Andrew, and there scans to he a peculiar propriety that therirstrolored man elected as a represen. tative—as he undoubtedly will be—should come . from -a ward which porasses such . marked characteristics. !, 'A sr netalEx of the reconstructed style of. advortispg io New Orleana has just retitl e,: us. `A hatter scut around a circular set link forth that he "The only batter who was• in •business for himself before the war that ever heard the wlistle . of. a 3linie ball in defense of his country; the ouly hatt6' in New leans who had his property confiscated for being in the Confederate army. One'door . frotn,thc corner of Common, and exactly opposite iris former bat gore, which was coofi6cated dining the war. Please notice, —There are two hat stores opposite the 'St', Charles Hotel. Gen:lt:met desiring to find his establishment will please observe the of the three golden hats, and it is ex opposite my. former hat store, which. wa%cootheated quriug I he. war." • ISLitn.tsita,iilvay Ibr out in the West, e.ends a cheering 'greeting the lOyal States of the Union. She has nobly per her whole duty towards the noun try, electing by a ltirge majority Join: Terre, ;in nocraliprOali4l3g, Radical, to Cunwers. The territory will probably be admitted into the Union ass State by the ocxt urn. LIESERAL • —General Rusecraus has purchased 3,008 feet of ulining'h:rltory in Califoruia. --A society furorablo to the annexation ..riC . :anada to the United. States has just been +irganizutl tie Toronto. • : —More.htiiiiiing and improving is said to ate going on in Lynchburg,. Va., than at tino. Mitre it Wll5 amity.'. Colts- recently' t , aid in a ~ t,:eech in Banat: "Johnson is the body harming. on. the verge of 'the government, :tad it Ile don't mind his p's and q's, heir drop mi." (He is quite careful of his I's, anyhow.) . . --The :cew ll'or:dstates that Com modore Vanderbilt intends to refire from zr-il9c busines.3 "11S 8000 as 111:1 'Obtains , -prnpetence," and then quietly adds that hi, 051010 Is i;ov,- esOmated at "only fifty women of Fayette, Indiaba, -re cently' dres.4ed up in male attire and broke into u. etealiog li.2oo'worth of mer chandke. One:of the women' had previ ously moved in the best circles and borne an irreproachable character. —A young . gentleinan of the city, Ile, stribrng, affairs in the country, writes that "the cows act very badly being milk ed; sometimes,. when you are almost through . , they will kick the milk all. over you, and you have to go to work and milk them righOover again." —Ehinry J. Raymond. was educated at the Genesee° Wesleyan Seminary, NeW . York, and- the ,students of the Institution lAtely looked, up the records to find which of the - rival secret lioietics he belonged to. They were rather amused than astonished to burl his name on the rolls of both. - _The Mal Gazettegives.a table of taatilitics, reported, by. the society for the rescue of youug women 1;rom lives of crime. and shame, showing tharout of MS ca , C5 of young girls relieved by its ofilcers, 365 had been seduced before they were years of nge, and- 106 before they were twelve years of ag,e. —The oldest woman in America is 3lrs. Porch, who lives in are mountains of East Tennessee, and is aged one hundred and twenty.one years. She is blind, but being quite hearty, walks without assistance. ller memory is unimpaired, and she can re count many events at the Revolution with great accuracy. correspOnderit of the London Morning roof says that from certain • rumors which arc at present current in London Itejs forced to conclude that the vice or gambling is once more trying to make its way, and that 'not in what might be called the profession. al circles, but "initiated and conducted by those whose high social position appears to suggest to them no shame for their pro ‘Tetlin fzs." --For the 16,600 school children in the city of Washington ' We city owns but one school house, and thit hs,s been built with in three years. For other school rooms it hires halls, large rooms, carpenters' shops --any place where benches and desks can be put. Unable to find accommodation 1 for all, it has between 2,oooand 6,000 chil dran continually waiting for their turn to •be admitted to the privileges a common sehp - ol education. &Ex. GRANT AND TDE PRESIVENCY.—A gentleman of this city, an intimate , personal friend oP Gen. Grant's, called on him in Washington not long since.. His purpose was tic get the influence of Gen. Grant with (hi:President In relatidn to un office in the city. Gen. Grant told him frankly that his moue would be of no service to him, but an injury: Ile said ho had solicited very few - favors of the President, and to them noisy orable response was returned. He said that one day Mr. Johnson spoke with him in relation to It. Ile said to lien. Grant: "You sad• that you arc' not a candidate for the Presidency. Now promise me,'„' said the President; "that you will not let your name be used in connection with that office and I will grant you any favor in my pow er to bestow." To this Gen. Grant replied: "Mr. Johnson, lam not a candidate. But suppose the people insist upon -ma ting .me one, what can I do? And besides, Mrs. Grant hasbeen looking/at the White House, and thinki she can run that establishment „quite as well as it is run now. And you kmiv, Mr. President s , that these women will do pretty - Much as they please. And Mrs. Grant would decidedly object to my giving any such promise." The President looked an if he aid not understand exactly whether this was in jest or in catnest— New York core - eifiondeht of the Boston Jour- , , • i Al It , - ^vito , r .' \, ' ' • -J , ' b d. , ,-- I , 1 - , r, , j /, i e.ll f a ',..-,.1 --- --:" , '',, ' , •-s ; ., e ' ' P Fl f: 1 10 pr .T4'.,; ' .., / 1 \ Ell BM@ MEE SFI.OO, V9LITHE LXX X. CITY ITEMS The Best . Goals So the city, warranted to Du such. St the Opera !louse Shoo Store. , Bay- . . Ono pairoarul you will surely buy ugain. at 11111 V I I 'lll;i:tit II i i c i pi) Ili N 'Chu Opera llouso Shoo Store. • An I larth)l I/1/ :hi 1. ~ 1 13=13 • .. • . linegthtilett nod trarranted to givo satistac lion, at tho Opera Route Shoo Storo. , The •Tlatailer,,C• on New lurk Politivs - An Immense ?hock of goods soiling at half price fox : a sow! Tile . 1 0 f curb Declare IVar A galmd Coma days only, at the Opera Ifouao Shoo stoN. -The Pepe. thter ! 'l " '''idehee iii Epalu -Renewal or ,rat itokliara.—ForiAgn Markets, Deafocea,fillmlneas. Catarrh,. • And afro:Alone of the chest mill receive ceps- . il, 1'111: vitt:Lt . : • eial attention by Or. Aborn, at the Iderchan ta ' l 'f 'x ' ' ''' , N " m eber ''.—EMt,u g ,- Tbe 2,,,,, Hotel. . 'to - day in an edit trial CA I: 1 ,1:3 the corruption , . • of the New York Szate and City C9CC111111,11:4. All Work . • and. 010203 With tL morning U41.111141_ the colon- Made exprAsaly to our order and under the : Edon of the political power. inVamdtate supervlslon of .an experienced , LOM:Ott, November n.—.E,,,,i,a.—A telegram hand, at the Opera Heim Shoe Store. ! from Tlea,Tesin, China, ,Avs that the wrench . ; have declared war against Cor d. ' • • : lavracom„ N0v..5 —E,entrw.—The mat het ; for breadstuff/ ls ea,y. Tallow firm. Put re loom tint. Loxnes, November 7,— /; , r u in , /.—Ceesois for • money, SJ!„; Erie Railroad sham:. 7.0:',.,; MI ; nonfeentral Shares, 77; V. S. 3..2e5,11,•!;. liarnun. Nov. 2—The Queen of snail, lit, made an Otter to t ine Cop,' of a rv.d.lenee m Granada, and 41/11111 4 11 VC:1,0:4 of War are pl., ; ed.tt: at m , a ,110,,,d in ca, ,y of , vltiC.l4l.ellt-y. e iSTA ', 111::01 1 1.1.1, Nov. 5.—A 1 o tied 010.1011 : 1, 1 111 11•111:1111:1021::09:01 II: TUC:11S:: IV:it,j, Si . ..1 . 1:T1:1:411C11:1, Nov. 5 —The war is t•enew cd:in Botch:n - 0, and tne ltu,dati lot Too 11:1V4•14.- lege ll .l l l l l I tikt:fl lilt, clip Of Urt,,b, Losumm..NfA. n.—00115;4,. 11111 1111::leti at,e, for tummy. The 1 5, 15 ming at,, Ho, ceircut pricer of American Severii:es: United vi a l,', five-twenties, CS!„; Idle, 51; lllinoiN Central, 1 . 77W.. 7 . l vuticoor., Nov. s.—Tbe Cotton market I.l' dem. The sub, to-day uLI c 16,000 bah - , Mid •altng,lllll:lll4ii are quot e d of :7:!,,:. I White Lead, Unser oil, Turpentine; Varnishes, Sliaud &c. The above artietes - are aellLtg very low, at MoClarran &Keenan's, Drug. plats. \o. Market street, corner of Diamond near Flttli: Country Boyers {Val Andliectuents in patent medicines and per:emery that have never before been olisred. Avail yourselves of the. opportunity by calling at MeClarran S lieliennaro, Drug etme, No. RI Market 9 trent, comer or Diamond near l'iMh . New billy to of: Photogrnobs • . . A. beautiful new style of picture has been in troduced in the ea-St. *Lich vromlses to sun. i:m pass In demand the already common pholv. I graph. - 11 r. B. L. ii. Dobbs, the well' known It t otographer..Wher, where palatial rooms are' loco , led at N0..24 St. Clair street, has Just returned from a business trip to New York and Phila delphia, Is the first to Introduce the newstvle firthis city. Be luishlso made fresh purchase 'es to his alreadyJarge and well selected stock of, materials, and trusts to he able to continue, as he ever lansheen in the front rank of the profgssion. has is personally in attendance at has rooms from morning. til•night and glees personal supervision to thelaking of all styles of pictures and portraits from the tiny_ mina turoto the elegant anal life sized .portrait. rlcthresare taken In all kinds of weather an.? we can safely recommend, thli establish- ! night as the beat place In the two cities to ob. tale a faithful anal imperishablo;likeness„ • .117p . iyernity of Mod icicle r=!CM Toe trus tees and faculty of the above Sled ea College have issued "scholarshms" at set cal.svirc dollars each, which eatitles the * holders to attend lectures untilgraduation, brae niany sessions an he wishes. 1 his renders a medical education cheaper than ever proposed by any University- or Col lege In this country or Europe, rioescising the -same extenslvo fucllltits . 7 here arc - aLrictn Professors' and ever?! branch of _ifedieine n'id Surgery it -thoroughly taught. The stutlent holding a "scholarship" f,an enter the college at any time during the Le, ottend a.; long at be wlidics: and:re-or:- Cur t belt:oil:anion :13 iretll.ll2l2tiY nn 4 .1C211 , Cf1. Persons o. Mai vg to obtain lichnlarships can aNP y to L. Ohl-line, hi. P., Professor of Uri:to iat elegy to the ahocodnentioned 11 . 1 ditto and roEltlence is N 0.182 Grunt jtfc...d, Pit sbnrcb Pa. tintizhm and the Ltintia The ellslir,es of Climate Incident to this sea von of the year are rife with alsea , ies Cl ihe thr , at and fungi,-which win nod an nnfalling ren..vly in Itr.llleyser , s Invaluable n reetoral Syrup," costing only rovenlylhro cents a hot- 1,:. Ur, Keyser.i re:Aorul 63 . .r1:11, 2 0,111curd Bronchttle. 2'i. lingerie Pectoral Syrup will care 'Need: lag Lunge. Dr. iicyuer'e Pectoral syrup cure Whooping Cough.- rth. Dr. hoyaer's Pectoral Syrup will are Cold in the Head. 51h. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup, will alien a reccot Cough in half a day. oth. Dr. KeyAer'l4 Pectoral Syrup will relieve Conga:4 of long duration. :th. Dr. Keyser',i Pectoral Syrui; will cure the Laryngitis. etli. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syru' will pal. Hate Conantuption. ' KeYser'e Pectoral Syrup will cure rruluensa. 10th. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will rare Catarrh, 11th. Dr. Geyser's Pectoral Syrup wilPeuro . goarsencel, 11th. Dr. ICey4er's Pectoral .Syrup la sold at most drug stores, and at the pr oprictor's, 140 Wood street. TELEGRAMS. ' RY We 3ferebautA• Natlugs] Telegraph (:4. I Front On City. Sperm' to the Pittsunih.GezettO. • On Crri Nov. r,, 8:1Z; r..u. ‘ 1 River trfo. feet Ive inches .end falling. Weither clear and - leasa.nt with Rome lo , ii-.! cations of rain. Market dull. . 'FROM ROSTON, Trial of Copfaln Tom tirmst for Izaceu- jttenrisal Conelndel. Boirs..v, Nov. B.—ln the knee of Captain. Tom grunt, Omitted with burning the Atilp Yonng Mechanic, while under his command, on her voyage from Limiton to_liong roam, and which bus been on trial for several days in tint Cni- Intl Circuit Court. the Jury tuts after noon returned a verdict of not guilty. Cap. tutu Grout was drat arraigned for the offense On July third, and slue° that time has been at large on tlO,OOO bail. Thu . vessel was burned Mr the ,conet of &milt Atnerlea, April and wad insured with her cargo tor $114,000. FROM CANADA, A Plot to Atioatialnate Judge wilso.— Religluns Anlsnoally Engendered. TORONTP, C. W., Nor. ll—Mr. Morrison, the pro:,ecuting lawyer for the Crown in the Pen artt rids, received a letter, to-slay giving infor mation of a plot to assusdnate Judge Wlloon and others, concerned In the Fenian trlalo. Consider: ode rellglous'anlinoslty is shown re. garding.the proceedings. The fact that Rey. Mr. Lurrehleit, a protestant, is acquitted, Willis dec. Mr. McMahon, a catholic, is convicted, Is' aneclaily cominentea upon. Th. Baltimore DJWcnit7 Arranged Nsw Toss, Nov. 6.-1 special Loth° rtowiJer cial from Baltimore says: TM., Pollea Commis sioner's ditlienity has been arranged by Gen. Grant. The olci Commissioners are to appoint one de and to ace th for the ro. ceptl turd. the It fur th MEI E!~ ME Dent uctlve Fire at linshillle. „..,,,,,.4.,..,i. E. Nov. 6.—An extensive tire broke out aVli net ten o'clock. last night, In the wholesal rocery store or. James Walker, In volving Adler , s clothing' store,' next door, Broad.i.y Varieties, /those; aryl the grocery. houst , of Mobil. Gregory & Co., ad)dining. Wall:tic's loss, 6.15,0n0, Insured 1123,00 u. Afiler's lofts, $30,000; insured 420,030. Variety Theatre building, loss 1,20,000; Insured $12,:o0. Lasts. yroirletor of Varieties, loses $7,114 . 0; Insured 41,C.1. Loss of 10100,1, Gregory & Co., wianly• by a ater; fully covered. Tennessee Lexiefailure N runic, NOYeniber S.—The Trainnea Nash ville special says: The Tennessee Legfelatere ceu today. There will not be a quorum prc.sent for several days, however, as full re turns irons the election en Thursday have nut been received. - . Gov. Brosinioe t It to nriderotood, In lila Ines cageadvocate negro bultrage and poi pet eat dlofranclAnnment. for all rebels. I A to 2lupposid Robber. IC.. Ye.., Nov. s.—Tho Tribune's ableago special says: A man named • James Raw, - ! alms Cnlbers atlas Calvert, Mira been arrested 1 hero on suspicion of having robbed an express f company In Massachusetts of .27,00 e. • '• Maltreating Negroes. Lower/14s, November 8.--Eight men were arrested at Warsaw on Saturday for robbing nd maltreating nen."'" and are now in our 47-PP+O4. 44.- =2 (i . SECOND FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M LATEST PikW MOPE, FROM w ISHINGTON. Mexican tritelttpenee—,Tlaxleuillintea Departure frond 3 1ettlett—Preottlett Dal Appoltittne.tt—lteport Contradicted. W-AsitiNn-roN, nicht:re, to tiny, hollowing letter by tray of I New tern Cruz. oi:tuba, :lath, 1301. Maxtutil;lito !.•ft the CU , : of Mexico (011 1 the ::td Inst., 1 , ,1,1111/{.: vlrtually 111 favor of !General lh let-al Itazalne endear aced to puraeutle tlelity the departure until .General Caen rliulr r a 1t1 . 111,11 two 11113, Inter, but be deettn, ! :t. au.), Atutriang. to - ix . ..M...1 to thizovit Ity rouge to nvettl niectil; with General.Ca,. en. :I.lon. Ile reached (bigot, t....!terday and to peeled hem to-morrow. Jclto LIVIOI.III of the ; Austrian frlgato Donottt., siateo ' that a, hOOll Ito arrival lie r. it/ :It once Lsirc `tar Europe. • It Is NIP! that trill trahltoli to day n maid itnito of iii Anal . r:encral 11;!..4 ill enotto reache,l the city of, ale.xino , oo:l-.01,1. loft hut'. Palace, anti Itooltuted the telt, of t•overtnalutd. The FrenchbtOktlVl, , 110 lbot 1.) JP-U-AILI=2.S, All Undo of Iron rump* 11r:Inars, tibect. Lead Sbort Zinc, Lend (lath .ru.• .4k° ' W'tf. Clorete, Wirth Earths, .4tAttd.,. &S., St tt, Warerorrin. Diner Sixth anti •smith Gold Streets, All land. a HeimlrlnK .1.. prompilY. All c.r4erm I.T mail 1nun...f1e.t...1v.,n.1ed to. Caretnlir tvn , !, , •:l and t t , rn~tyaj L.. 1 11. Af l u o.rnent GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS lIATIIi, CL(1:4}7.1,, • 1 1 -1 / I LANT Cottottantly on liautt sod utlett, to ,rtlet l e .• tA2O £3IUNTIMaX./lil, No. 59 Fedora! Sr tt, A 9.-ielony. and PIANOS, ORO ANS,'- ste. Schonuacker X Co., Philnelelphia TUe Estey dt, Co. oottago Organ, EMI AMERICAN ORGAN. Attn.",ledne.l by lF.rla:a: Mt:Lit-11 talent in to, United htateplo ne. a..rwrl, to at! ..the r. In howrr, purity and yFaIIIy of pn.., ship. la,ernmente hate for jests taker, the .re: pleallunru‘nr etnahetir,,,. the and County Fairs. In /1/1,4{ OCT are lunar 1.1.1 0,14e , r5. All warAnt..tt to r nve years. 11 rNMELINK 6.; BARR, =l3l=3!M KlviABE tr. CO.'S GREAT UNRIVALLED PIANO FORTES. ramca t CO.'S world-renowned AtrrODIATIC ORGANS AN D MEIDDRONS. Chri , r Fon, limy siud pgr, tit TS. 6111V1141{112CIK 1t C . . 1 by cgi, CELABLUTTY BLUAIE., /111.4.4.“-Lt ts. OM REIM