i nE, DAILY GAZE i PUEILISIIED BY Penniman, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING No.. 136 Inftiit. Ei,trOot. • F. H. JVENSIMAING F. P. 110111.14T0N, aosiAii• ICING N EMO.II P. REED,Pcistnes• Nanagerig Elegle Copl,l Delivered by carrier, (per weeki 1.1 , 84 b.et lbers, (per T.. r) I.loera.l reductlont to iiewsboyti and Agent. britette. 310.NDAY, NOVEMBER_S, 1566 THE MARYLAND QUEISTII Independently of investigations, more or .ess critical and elaborate, it would be ab surd to inquire infallibility of - the Mary land - Police Commissioners, - or their ap pointees. In the innumerable cases upon which they arc called to act, - on the mo ment and - without Opportunity for full in quiry, it is quite probable that some men have been arrested who_ ought not to have been - meddled With; that -some have been allowed to go at large, who ought tohave been restrained; and that the right -of suf . - f frage may have beeti , witliiild in which it ought to have been granted. Even parents, 1 in governing their families, make naistakt.s which they afterwards, upon fuller knowl edge, regret. Doubtless instances have been found in the - Police „ Administration of Maryland 'in which faults of commission{ or omission are apparent. There is not tiibuitirl, of any sort, of which as notch could not be proven, For such tanks were the Commissioners deservicui.of removal ?, Clearly not. Nor _was their removal accomplished because of these things. The President and the Gov ernor had sinister ends to reach by the re moval, and knee pretexts .had to-be dis covered and emplO ed. Thconature of the case indicated the description of pretests needed, and they were invented. Nobody is deceived by the reasons assigned or tho . motives avowed. What is wanted isuot - a . .fitir en forcemoat of the Constitutional Ltilivs 'br Maryland, beta Sweeping and persistent disregard of bOth.,The object is not to let , all rote Rlt are legally entitled . tl;,that privilegeV but to let_tholsands vote who are ah.iolinely deliarred by, the laws. To- l morrow these votes are wanted, and the determination is to'gct them at all hazards, Under professions of conserving law and order the intention is to trample the laws in the mire. .Alv&ritEn landmark of Democracy has been removed. Chief Justice Gregory, of • Indiana, on Wednosday, delivered the de vkion.of the-Supreme. Court of that State, , that, the clause of ,the Constitution. prohib. be residence of n'6g,roos in rifinna,. is loid, bring in conflict with the COusalip lion 01. Ipey oiled States. The judgment of Ile Court was norm . RAPID INCREASE OF sown. — Reports trout all portions of-lowa indieuti , that set arc. ilocliing there faster than ever be fore, and that vilitst houses are very scarce in U.:. towns, the unds are being, rapidly tal:en up and . suitled upon. P93o,•the population 01.-Towa was 67.1,9t5, but it is now estimated nt more thou 1,000,000: • "Tut: pramtnary surr,y of the Middle Creek Railroad, front Lewistown to :a the Susquehanna four miles he low Sunbury, n distanct of forty-oce was completed last Thur.,',ay,' in the un precedented short tupe (if eight days. This survey leaved Setinsgrove a mile an • a half south of 'the proposed road. .It:miNo. from tile immber of Toles east at the late electiou, Heading is estimated to have :L3,000 iohabitants; Scrauton, :fitl,000; Laucaiee, 23,000; Harrisburg, 2 9,000; Yaik, 19,000; Pottsville, 19,000; Allen own, 14,000; Williamsport, 1:,000; Eric, Norristowu,l2,ooo;.Egi&m, 12,000. Fiticscis 1). Gage stys in aletter from. Pennsylvania : met one of the jurythen who' helped to decide the fstc of .Tohn 13rown-4-a more ardent hater pfslav ery and or secession than he $ to.day will he rarely found. truly the old man's 'soul goer; marching on."" AT YOLIngSI ,, Wa, at the; late terra homiug County Courts, Richard Bright well, a tnulatto, brought. shit against the Trusties of Oreen towiisLip,:for refusing, his vote, iinitgot a judgment for $:P)0, the jury being, cOluposed of turn of both politic calliarties.., • GEN. CESTAE, having got his appoint ment from the President as Colonel in the regular army, is now working for confirm. ation by the Senate. The way he pours grape and, canister into the Michigan servanyes and Democrats is pitiless. Tnt Rev. R. AC:DLEYBROW;M, D. D., has been elected President of Westuiinster College, located at Netr•-IZ`ilm}ngtou, in LaNvrence county, and under the :care of the United Presbyterian Chu_rch. IlAnninnuno ‘, people ore considering s . chemes for the erection au Operd House. UNION PACIFIC stAiLmosu EXCUE %lON. QUINC V, ILLlxote, October 31, ISOG, le r. Dear Gazelle:—Alsou announced, the party Of excursionists arrived from t'idataelphitt on Monday night; Ind, owing to a detention beyond Altoona, the train Of which this car • • formed apart, dlo I not arrive in Pittsburgh in time to make a. western connection on that night. Early ou Tuesday morning, however, .:• we took the road for Chicago, addcu placp-we reached early on W.lntnidayniOrningihav- Mg a Very pleasant trip between the two 'clt. , The party consists of-Gen: William J. Palmer, of Philadelphia, Treasurerof the Union Pacific Railroad. Eastern IR vision, who has charge or the expedition; Thos. A. Biddle. Esq., Banker, Philadelphia; Dr. Laeontc, Geologist, dolphin; Capt. W: T. Colton, Philadelphia; Ed ward Biller, Uvil Engineer, Philadelphia; Elisio). U . Kennedy, Esq., of the house 'of Clark & Thaw, Pittsburgh; T. W. Yard. , icy, Esq., Cincinnuti; Capt. John McCook. stenbenVtile; Strickland Knees, Civil Engl !. neer, Philadelphia; John It. Hassan], Esq., ~ correspondent of the liedv York Tribune; John C. Brown, hoi.,Philadelphia - , Casper homier, Esq , editor of the Evening 80.. .. lean; Charles Lelan d , correspondent of tho 1.1111" eljth I t. Pre., and Josiah Copley,senior, of the Pittsburgh (..; acorn. A. more genial and agreeable party of gentlemen' are rarely thrown together, and so far our expedition ha--teen very pleasant and very interesting. , You remember that Monday .as a very wet tiny. Tuesday (the day•we went from PIUS ,: burgh to Chicago) was bleak anddark with clonda; but this morning. suggested ttfc bean. tif ul description a poet gives of Indian Sum : uier:• And then there ere elate those calm, Wild days—for still hwill come— 'Tonsil the soUletel and the beejtrom out thelrynn ter horoe; ~ Vhen the aound OttleOpping,oots Is heard, though Andthe Woos. are And twinkle In the smoky light the waters 01 the It was on ouch a day that we ran diagonally through this magnificent State. over See cu iti- Voted and uncultivated prairies, diagonally Bidmiles from: Chicago to this place, over the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy-Railroad. To A. N. Towne, Eng., Assistant General Superin tendent of this road, and Thomas 11. Kimball, .bs' g., Assistant General Passenger Agent of .the Pennsylvania ittillroad at Chicago, wo are - much indebted for their kind attentions. Both these gentlemen accompanied us aomellfty or sixty miles. - To-morrow morning waitrons the hlinelselp pl, (With the elegant oarlwhicn beam the party froirahiladelphis to Fort Ittleyo and proceed to the Miss- uri at St. Joseph, and thence, via 'Wanton, into Kansas and thence to our ulti mate deatinationi I,!el.larninge.vre shall tak e . St. too • •• . • -tithing the - gran- If Shia country of apt I must deter . , C. • • . . 5 4.7-g I ' I , . . • • SEEM 92E72 Era! ME • FIRST EDITION. Go to Flentlac'n Draw Store. 4 Market street, for Cotes Dyspepsia Coer and Cough Balsam. Sold cheap. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. , . - Dearness. IllUndnens. Catarrh, ! An!! atTections of the chest will receive cape- ITF NF 111 - TFI dal attention by Dr. Ahern, at the Merchants' ! t 3 !Af Hotel. THE • Po to Ellen.lmes Mug StOre; NO. 81 Market street fOr the Itev. Wilson'a • frreat flornerly for Cmiouniption—Sole agent' -- - for l'ittliMirgb. The New Commissioners arc liefuotii an Audience 11 - ttL 111. Uid floarii- T Tliey Or benfoetat, der the Sher,lr 'I - CI - 111111.01i a P...4 ' ; and Judge - Maui Thr.c. , ltso. ,to Arrest that 1 1 1Indnesi, Catarrh and affections of the chest [Wirer If lie 1100. Police Oliicers will receive carom' attention by it, 17. Ahern, at the Merchants Hotel. Sll °ph in - A pilerelidel Or City VI - Opel:I' Minatlyil. [rout the 4 /id by the pew' ;Contending Part', Chm -114 ed [tors . Attentialt. fleet—sire g It. Bulger lowi eilspoie ng d of Ids Intel - , , mistocaters on a • Bench II arrant—lt, le tam establishment to 310. stow. 3lyers, Ruppert .of Judge--The • Su. rill :Ohl p eM Co., all persons Indebted-t) him can make Cetrunissloners Ordered In Procure Bail ptirment to hie-successors, ko. 45 Stnithileld to prep the Peace. Itt Defiehlt of 14 Welt street, or Thomas Itattigan, Jr., 47 they ore Put in Jail. • 111) aro authorized to receipt for him. t esea- VON,. Cm.- trils-lonersuppeare.l at the Marshal's ollins, of ! ha/I-past ton o'clock Ilia 1./Ilrilhig. Tliry • I r were Met l'y the clerk ll the OM BO,lrll of Cominb , sionera, to anon, I hey ittadr their dethand, 1111,1 1 4. , .1 11e1:12,(1,1 sec the III:m -in. of the old Ikaard. This rtoine:t fused by the cleric, %Mei, the I'ol Cior 111100i/10e es I mtnislittely retired. Tlicy wta e greeted, ma they passyll hcmilt tine rr00 . ,1:. gathered In f. - out , 0: Ili? 311,•shat's hiller-, teeth derisive laughter by SLIM!! 11r frlt,Dll.l 01 the Beard. The tom Comints s tor. ers then Inoue,: dal by . the tray et Lex attest to the e sherid's ogler. , Th carriage dl eve off it, the earner,. Ner, it and Baltimore strait:l6,ole bradquarler. Conserv:o.l,es, whrre t hest weld reserved with Intel ,:beet Jug by tilt-crowd gathered Hne. It is eeder,,ton.l that the new Cononiisio, Tire Malt. 1. , ,1ng Ii lit lv pollee I"..ree Svc or elk mete hers of the 4,41 pollee three engned hist mgt., and rtmorted ter atlly morning to Stoners. Y1,111114' and VIL/ li,lll - are reports of an aerie,. of Pet States trotip, at Harper' , [ , rid Kr, on the Ma ington road, but they ea miot 1,r,1, 1,39 P. —.Judge 11,nd It (~ • 11 warrant ler the aric,t. 01 N , 1,11,. 1 COD, It • Vultant, tile new Cohnnumstencrs. • nine 1t t1111nl:d tile , I,el elf hetore 11111nire•I it It .t• icirt that lilt P.at , .111,1111. lug 141,, 111, ,411,1 he a atahmor so , reg.:slot the Cominksioner,, •-n. aml said If he .11.1 Obey he 110,1111 111...11 1' ,1 Ills ,111'0,4% A ft, ollicers have 1 , , 'AII , OIII 11 111 II.) . 1 110 10 Police Commis:rimier t• de- [::0:11,,1 white ribbons. lt It rap, eto'll 111,1 ice wlllarre , t them. • The ildLuintn: prtsient, 11 Alai Board , Pottee 01111,1M,11 , 11,, :1111,11 C ,l llllll t.,0 ern wits Il formal tlellViliti for 1110 'II re all the statloh alarm telegt.tpo and lIIC.IIIIIOIIIICI -11,ti.titloSL'. Noyeltslier ds—Ai MOI-pest ie O'clock few rrohltr tadiee a pj , ern d II vestibule:lM I.l.e ' Coul limo, and e.llll ,e at 011VN. ejeeting the 1.1;erl 01 were 01 . 01VN11111.: IVO Shift ‘ . .../3 1- 0 10010 1:111 50111 entrance tO the ensued, Holler eihe..Pleruh, eiyhinsiOn stet welch 1.0.111,01.i..g 1,01v..v. • Uoe.l. Many . SlNCetolol . o 10, ,0,01,4 - 111.110 hash exit lek.hil The hhthl I.tg. Inuell cm:110(1101a out,hle. Pre:copy the he Commissioniers were Me en apppee`hlnyt 11, norlh eate.ll.ee 11l the 1)11,1.1. 1 1,e, 1,,,„,„ stroll. They hag :.:e:yreely ell;, red hao,i hen 31 . 41 , 1111 pat,,,,1i a ,..1 tog from the direr . ..tit ol the P , P.t 10e, 1,1 tile Ile 01 It 1.11 . ge110 , 1,. 01 0 110 1110.1e . a 10111.1 t 01 I 010,, 11.1, 11001 10 cleared Ike ni.e. 111.1.1 01.1. .0 1)11 eittering heCrheinal P.,11t• • , i h. ' 1111 benelt wartatut for the milt and Yount. had 1,00 ~,t tal, and C, met, We, C..1,1:r the cbtltlt Inopearel 0 ith 3lessts. Ntillanit and Y 1.111,,, 111 VIII: Court Informed I nem that :Woe w,I ll.; It. an Opport nutty alforoe.l rounsel. 1 • l - t tly . the, .NE`sYr, Schley - Tim:Lauotw Tipp. 11000'1 ell 100 atild.telt up,M. , 1111:11 Ills arry , t had been Tic Attorney Lit. ity Cited the CVO] 1,51 C ,, 1 11111 11:01 be't'el 1411,11 1/1' upott te , timoa r • log her , warrant fort pti.e.,Li 1.5,-.1 C 01111,42 I for 11.11 ine w Comte tr.ctmitirs, Schley and Ititrole-, then :orig.., that. the 'arrest was an 'ma .their clients leers the duly tamiteissmiam Commissionera of tad lie, unid• tt . Only their Itt fee The tollowlng , :es the reply , t ditdro Deed made to the ''appllatiant si :11torny t or a licntell 1 1 ,11 1.01 for the adlcw ~1 31 ease. ,I.ll.tut aml t 1, 3 ['Urdu::: to triug to the notice [-Lille COUIL the very grave Lets latvr 11.-I turtn. thmed. It tile only •1 ribuo. e rill with the pooh[ meat only e, tmc 111,11 till Ina ser val...id Tit, the peace. W 1 1 .1.1, 1 . 1. Jl oat a It ha, for thine purpose 6 slaml.l 1:011.1,11altly 10- ,40,1eleleiNtitI I.err. IL NVIAN•II ,1 011 .-llggvvt emill l ll.ll.ll 01. It is amt. .Our duly- to. deb,. me Imes hr tospute 11",.tauen cioinon./ is• rakers mid po:ler 1.1. it ....lilt 001 to ire id - mein:ly 0,14 L 10 11 gor e:mirth: .10 11.1/ 1:11t, ,11 Cl lalol, the. o,llj. tI 1,1 to 01 , 1,011 .411ee h, llv 1 01 orals. The emir, lII' ope. at, ;rime:lido 01 t hetweito n till, I.i s mi, , telt (I, This I our, cunt Le 1.1.100'L1...1. At. 41. ay 01 111100 hir [thy p111 . 11.1e11'41 , 1 11110 , i1,/, ; the parties eturm, , 1 1 1 , o the I/tr:lA . l . ' l,lld imist Le 111 11 , :e•:11th ell y,oyente.l. All the I 1.. •.0.111 I;I rkeielord With tagor lehli plump: he:, to pie. veal ,itch Vie.:0:00 1-1 the 1..0, 1110. I,e ,e 1 11.1 r., Thvjaele that livl .010, v 1.1.111010 • Ig 1.1.1,11 1 1 Or %I 0.1:11011y 10 1... 1100111 the ['ldes 10,-10.0 /... poiseselllerta tilargt, I wlto Irt aUrving 1111 pul.lie p,-sere, 1 1 .1 1,.1' culcuir,t, 0.101 . 01 the 1,111.10, 111111.1.: The 0: ...0/1- 6100 I.etweell the llyp 1 , ,,c.• 1..1 1,1 1111 111,Itt: armed contlici, tt ill 1111 the hood of pp:on:able and order I , mtag 0 11 lapo,ll.le that tillo cholll.l if isw call prevent 11, hie! the tv..reant 1 , 21, vital! 1,..,111. • 11,1 hat ell Ida de. CINII3II. 11/111 order. 1.11.1 ot 100 youolted to Into 1,111 11/ I'lll3 • 1.101 ill tae,lit lieu ihotts.olll .101,100 l 0 ket.o_ Iho 11,. I,c ward the hu,lrd 01 littsempof li.tl it- MON, 011,11 1 IT Thontpeon wag also reontlitol bail la the same al11:10/I. 15 1/1111e1SII,Ii .111 .1 1 11, part lea ra f00..1 ' to gave Ir I. di it la 1,.v peeled they 0 0.l 1••• Luated. 11011: foe I ••pvr 11..1 WitO opprai to Vi slut 10 I, h.:. leased Iron, ens, 11l 'the 111,V 1/ , /11Ce (role the poh.q...lpe:e Leru an Ail but the ueepest ill 1., 1,1,111 1- fe•ted 1 1 0 large (Z10 , , , 1510 1.,•,1,111, I,,,gerly (I 1,1,11,1 1 / 4 nila. and , prealat log net le the adore. 't he old BM. of Pollee hate of dcred thin Closing of all toveras and places tollVrtf Minor 11001,1. - • La 7 s ll . - 7T IIO liattles have been ['month ted to Jail, having Vet lined to give the req.. ed 11 in now rumored['tar 11211[11111 law will I/0 declared by Canby. • 4ets r. 2.1.—1 t Is not true that Gen. Latiltylur poSen tleclariog mitl law. Tha Gner sent, Mr Mayor Chap ar ma a n aunt the lid e C,OOl, al mlssloners, and they - had a very pleasant In terview with LIM Gen.:l,ll 04 ills beady uartl.r, a few moments 1100. lie simply desiv , ••l ,01,1. infurmrd by theta of the '01111: ton OI s.it,u and as Ce, their “hllity to pre,er,e the peace of the city. 1 ;0.1,000101101, Iltlide.l NV1.0.10 1t1.0011,1 the llellerril that I hey had ant extra force on duty, had closed all taverns and gro r T „hops, and Were arrentlug all disorderly hers &ohs 1 that they ha Ino tar ougeredohl 1,, pry-. Venting any outbreak, 51111 Judy ei.perted to be able to do so. With this statement the General seemed to be entirely satisfied, 1,1111 Inn COM 111 1 . 1 , i11/11111,1 Ulla Major Cl/11111311M returned Lo I hell . Onleve. It is 611111.1001111 that the nett ;till to be 1 atoll by the couesel tor Ales=r, ysii”nt 11,1,1 1'„„„ .4. will We to get out a writ - of tribute, latrine, Which will bring the whole question Milo.: the cleans. The ',nit, however, Call “Mreely 110 returned before 51oedur morning• mainly, n On which I before Judge Bond,„:bo8 temllt l thILL of coo_ vno lie was, th and support the erefore, ordered to be and }bung. corniultted In default 01' 0,5,000 hall.. - I.—The Ceinuthrdonern and the sheriff have just been sent to Jail. some excitement and riotous ,Icnionstratinnt, occurred in the ntriglib allotal of 160 newspaper mite upo n the unnouneemeot Of the rttsult of the 100. eretllngs in the Court, but the pollee promptly scads[ the mutter Icy arresting the 11110. 1 0. IL is believed that the hole altair NVIII 1100 11003 On without, tatty sertote, ol the imam G (Pctoca, r. u.—The W ily is perfectly quiet. The excitement has •ccutly subsided; the police are maintaining the best of order, ands there is DO banger any gt °owls for appreltenri• lag trouble. • • OIL LTakouv., November 3, 11 r.g.—The city IS now psi eetly 011ie! • the streets deserted, and the exeltemertt of the tiny has entirely disap peared. Messrs. aliant 0.0.1 You:, and Sheriff ThoMpthart are Still In jail, antrhave not been balled out. it Is repo/ tell thaat the co set these parties are end euvoring to get out n writ Of habeas corpus before some Judge of un ad joining county. IL Is hot known positively what course will be pursued, hut It Is pro bunted that some [melt cue will be taken, and that the parties will be bronghtlbefore the Court On Monday. • WARIIITIOTOir. Nov. 3.—Much solicitatton na. tnrnlly prevoth, here,lionewning the troubled condfilori or affairs is lialtlmore. - ) It Is reported that troops were today se nt to that nelghboihtfott to Co ready m case of any emergency, nod If there shalt be any hostile demonstrations On Ll* inwtof the amens. the United States authorities will Interfuro t i hh i h r t , the city under martial lnAtop 111111MP* pose of preserving the pence. - ,- - fins stated that In tile • CabluelCounell ”of .sterday, to wrack Gen. fersolt , Wlts gig/4(4 - . _ _ Joint Pastoral Let ter of L ille Catholic' Bishop% to thetrirlockA-AlrillrS of the chit rent Discussed, nod Adrooti t stuns to the Faithful. - : New 1 oak, Nov. 3.—Tlm Prelates and Eccle siastics who' composed the Second Plenary Connell of the Boman Catholic Church, lately In erosion lu. Baltimore, issued it pastoral let. er under date of Octemer glst. Thla letter opens with a discussion of the authority of the Plenary Councils, and after quoting the injunction of St. Paul—"obey your Prelates"— it notifies the faithful that when they aro warned, either collectively. as In the present in,tance, or singly, is the present dioceses, to avoid secret soeMties end all il l ,oeintiCillif Which are pronounced unlawful, they cannot, on the peril of their souls, disregard tne ad monitions in treating • of the relattens of the church to the State. The pasta. toral claims that the Chetah In the great. support of the temporal ',ewer, while It corn plains that the State laws assume to regulate tune manner by which church property shall 'llO held contrary to the Canons and discipline of the Catholic Church. It recites: These laws however, are, for the most part, based on principles which the Church cannot accept without departing from. her practice from tne liven/Wag, as' soon as she Iv ,s pettnltted to'l sejoy Melly of worship. They aro the ex: . I ' , cession of a distrust of teeleslastical power I as such, and are the fruit of the misrepresent tatious' which have been mute of tile tic. lion of the Church in past ages, as well so the Civil power, prescribe. to her the clectelitei Wile is to teach and the wor ship with which she is to honor 4.3 d, as to t lie rise on her a • system or lielding, her temporalities. which is alien to her principles. and which , is borrowed Prom those who 11 11.101 rejected her authority lastemi of seeking to disprove+ Various reasons alleged for tills dental of theTherents• tights in ottani of the States.. We emit e/ t our selves Willi the 101 . 111-1 protest see 11 ereby en ter alaltist It, and briefly remark that even in the tupposttion which ece by no menus iidillit, the lilt It denial was the result of legitimate motives: the denial itself Is incompatible with the lull measure of ecclesiastical or religious liberty o libel: tell arc supposed to enjoy. The pastoral directs that a contribution In .I aid of it, Poo. 11. i taken up annually in nil the ata re.g.t.t Thu political Changes in Italy lie referred tons trials slid 171111111 latlon3 to the Holy Father, while the fortitude. of the Pope under three circumstances hi alluded In with.prolbutni interest.-. The devotes con - seer:dole space to the fidertilileill of matrimony and urges that marriage lie contmeted tororn the altar lit lied. Touching linen the press the past, 1,11 Ines Scent, the eellnett of Teen t oti.rettetrom ill hooks that treat et rein:tee to be seined ted to the diocea.i.ei. /Wein-hen it says the book him no episeo , ./1 balked inn, it has merely the guarantee of I reed Ont trout error in faith or moral. Calholle Journals are net- to lie blench:led a ith tile; Bishop who may endorse I Mein by endoeseillerit, mettlly.deelans Ilitt I paper us One in w HMI; the lash pip wIH eau, to be Ilmerted such official documents as 110 from ' time to't hue may have to publish. • ' lu regard to education, religious teaching and trammg are regariltA as indispensable. The establishment •of Catholic tndu.trl al ' schools or Pt Oteetnr,„ is urged to save child.. ten from the seeterinci reform, where they are ! placed by the courts, t litmee to be transferred to distant ibraillties and lidluenevis litietar to I the religion 11l which they have Loch baptized. An Mete:lse to the null:her • cit pt Jests is tie. - 3:i Oil, end 3 01ing 111011 bre urged to enter upon tlvecema. The laity are urged to new 11l —I:ly a:A zeal, taut to pay more attettlion to the savrit.zwata of the chute::, In regard to aniuscupmts the Prelates say in this Conventiou: consider it our ditty 1 to warn our people against these eletote ments, w Filch may coolly become I 0 them be otettflull of elm, c.o.:molly those fashlonabie (latices, %Odell, as at presept ea rrled w Lou revolting to every footing of delicacy 1110. i briety. aud ore fraught cc 1111 tile gOdtteot :1011 tt ger to eteral,, ✓ We waled elou. warn them most solemiliv'agattrst the greats no ea w have sprung up in the mutter of fairs, occur. ; 510113 and pa, tiles, In a litelt, as too often con dueled, the name lit diy Is ninth: to es, air ups multitmle of sins. We forbid all Cello an3 thing to do with t hein, e.Seelit whom Indifitgeil In accordance with the I ego 1-tt 1011. of the Ordalltry,ititil under tliu lin me , 1- Lite shlierVlsion of their respective Pastors." The clergy are exhorted to unremitting zeal bud bleitelessiless of life. in regard to the freedmen ti:u Paeornt• holds the tollovring language: Wu must all feel that In 1011110 Man ner d mob anti lutitd ux t enxive Geld of charity' and cieretednens lots been opened tO in( by the emboli pat ion of the immense slave popolatlon 't 01 the' South. • We could Lae,: wirmed that In neeertifOree w Itil tile attain of the Catholic Church In prod ages, In regard to ther serfs of Europe • a toots gratthal nyedeln of 1 Curbed-platen could have been mired- I ed, 80 that they might Lave • been some Ilielocure_ prepared to entire a bet. ter ',St Of their I reednin than ilmy sin t Hite!, to do Low. Still, the evlls which must I neees.3arily ::tend /limn the sudden dberat'on. of so largo it militittide...e ILe their peculiar dlspo . it lions and habits, only make the appeal to our Clitisttati eletrity sod zeal, presented by their forlorn condition, tn. More forcible and imperative. We Urge epee tine Clergy/Iml I people of our charge the most ,generous co operation whit the mans T e.blelt nifty he adopt... ea by the Ilishems of t Liltmese, In a hich they are tO extlaid to them that Christian-ed.. cable ,led moral restraint which they - much stunt Minced of, Our only regret In re gard to the matter Is.that our means and Op portunity of spreading Over, theta the protect ing bed salutary indueneeS of our holy fen. glon are as rest,rletio t , ,A hearty I tilogisin is ',romanced upon the reholohs condiamlties 11.1111. the Pastoral says: I• We dos:barge u grateful duty In rendering a .pololic testimony to the virtue and heroism of these chrlstlan virgins 'whose lives elicit the good order of eiristiunity In every place, and w nose devotedness and spirit of stet-sacrifice have more, perhaps, than other cause contntt- Ited tO effect a layered,' change In the mind, .of thousands estranged from our faith." The protest concludes the pastoral by saying licit they have pronyilguted new decrees in tsgatel to discipline, hrelear otatementb of faith and morals, which, after .Utnnission and approval by the holy hem will be greatly,proinulgated; Kneen*lvo Eire—Petrified Ann an Won Ueprednlloo■ on file tipper Mie- 1111111 ST. Louis, Nov. 3.—A lire ]nit night on Frank. lie avenue, destroy .d the Soar milt of D. Greenwood; the home factory, of Chas. Sl uel Icy and I.everal adjoining buildings. 'Luse about trz2",ooo, partially covered oy lusnrance. Tim steamer Tom Stevens arrived at St. Jo• 'stub from Upper 511seouri, with ieb),ooo lu tren , sure. An agent of the Smithsonian Inst.tuto was also on. boatel, with a large number of petrified animals tor the Smithsonian lust!. tide mind the Philadelphia,Acaderuy of Natu ral Science. There are: ovbr three hundred different kinds of small, animals extinct, and countless bears, ,Irc., ci tritimmouth size. Thd collection was made - -in Dakotult territory', near the head of White River, by Prof. Ilayi den. Two Mackinaw boats arrived Outing thOday direct from Ftirt. Benton, with a. quantity of furs anti a considurimiu treasure. They con• firm the reports of continued Indian hostill tiro on the Upper Mllit,ourl. FROM NEW ORLEANS. General Ititidoo'n Examination or Ereedineten Minim—lndiana in Texan: • —The Crepe. • SEW ORLEANS, November a —.General Kid doo,- Superi ntendeut o( the Texas Freedmen's Bureau, Jo about making a tour Menlo the Htate, to examine into the condition or the Freedmen. He pronounces himself altogether opposed to thu determination expressed by: many, to decline making contracts for IFCri which lie declares will be ruinous to their moral and physical, welfare. The Indians have appeared In Barters conn ty, Texas, and are driving in the settlers. • , The crops In Texas are nearly all gathered. More has been saved than was expected, hut the cotton crop is still very short. • Math Mall Police Case In Memphis. Ticarms, Nov. s.—considerable excitement exists hero over the arrest, last night, of su perintendent Beaumont, of tho Metropolitan Police, together wRh E. W. Pratt, hie Chief Detective, for malfeasance in office in levying black mail, etc. The case wee brought up title afternoon, and a number of witnesses for the prosecution were exaxrdned, and the exami nation was continued until Monday morning. ( By the Merchants , Nation al Teleyrayli Co.] Prom Utl Clay,' Special to the Plttaburatt Gazette. • • OIL CITY, goV. 4, 4116 .7. 11.. Bayer two toot nine Inehe• sad falling. Weather cloudy Ana eool, With indications of VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 266 C=l=l TELEGRAjIS FROM ST. LOUIS. ,ST, AB ,"• I--d,. ,- S --,- ,1 -, 1 . 4 ,,6, 1 ,,. / _.,. . i , 4 _-..,.. -.. _ —B. i_i '..)z,v' .. 7 -- -,.• z•z* ,, , -- - - ..." - „,-,-,- : • ' ~ . ' ..." ',".' - - lit.:"i, ,ar„,:----477,-,...1".2-t:--=';‘y --, -•:-....: -':- ' --"" - , c,t- V; - ,), e ..t.:::: ' ~ .-'l,-,T Igi>" "V.,-; - ...., i , 0 1 ' & % ~ f, --:!," _ ;"` , f, • -% r,- ,„ ~,,,„. • -- ).' f, t "'"%tlf, N) •:- -2 .. 1:17-, ' , s - ,,, - , = . ,y.,)• _ , 'f .... c ; `,": `-, I •-•-. , _ ~,..:__ OF ."--_- :V/ele -- s•-•1 1- ":::."-, y ;..•-_,-, - 2_7. - ..y , - '''--....=2.-'S.,:X;;:tei,Z,,/,--1-j!W•t_al:e"..*/, ---',.:: : ---7--- — ::::/ - L ---- 's -- •,„---A -_.t.-":25\--- --,_-_ -,---`- . - - - --- --=----'-'--,,----- ,)--- - PITNBUR.GTE, , - MONDAY, NOVENIBER 1. and uh Mt onloubtedly related to the Ilaltl• move d Micah y, the position of the President ii,iferea Very materially from that or Gen. Grant, as to what 1410111 , 1 be the eland of the 'General Gocernm , ut Lt cam, of an . outbreak In Its Ululate. The latter, It Is; belle vet, only favor of the lotredllelioll of United States troops the arrest or eontestleir far - films In ease, there was an actual outbreak. The hsecutive, en the other bawl, advised that the intervention Fhould be immediateel upon the ofual 1110 /0001,,b0,,cs the Po lice Beard to aurrehnler the office to the ap pointers or Gov. Swann. • reoltto Trielh—tfle Come of Rev. Lum den—Acquittal on the Ground Drustlavinte..s. Toem,ro, C. \V., Nov..l.—The excitement regard to the tertian trials remain,, unabated. 11 Is 1.91.1.th1p, Jibdlce .John Wilson, having-In -1 Innate.] yesterday that the trial of the Epla copal 111101-ter, D. F. Luinadcu, mould take plate thls,inortilog, a large 'lumber of people I long before the time, congregated in the eleht , ity of the comity bulldlng,., anxious to °biota .a scat. Although the conitables stood at the tillrerent entrance.: itntl did their heat to pre serve onto r, Out only permit those to enter who had (',right from position an hurristert burns. or let tnett.ses,others managed to crow , im. When the court opened; the courb.ro •t watt tilled to its tam,t,ear t ,ette. a,t, ten tecio,..l, Ills l.ntdship trook lots teat 01 the ltenelt. morigal thit4o protentlas witness es tor the 4104 , 11,e Were phillOp COS, Dr. True hridge, Res'. 3lr; I I Thomas. C. 0, A, and other,. 1 he n ile of Ill . •.prhoner, a Volirol Woman o Islip this tientennor, tateniticilis Sellt. 11 , 01 !lei ColltlSel, mol seemed to feel Mt ontortunato position In which her lint-bant 9 - 10, phone!. The jury panel helm; railed, and the juror savoy; irnetvered, the prisoner, D. Cum, den, on, irate court. flu 1011001 pale, and mastift,ted 5110lety. iii,: Lordship—,re put ready for trial. I . rttt , n ~ my Lord. IttNait Opened the ease for the Crown, anti :dated t hal tint ttrisotier, o m prOre—....l lo 11 , 11110,1, r ill the 0 Oro .of God, wonl.l pro ~ to ha, aelotowlettgrel hint.eif chap. ma 10 a people w po-se•-seil neither relig ion 00111011 K I tevotol the-desire of cute. silo, lull , paw erful country foe the nd.n „r uturdernig Its puaeool/10 01 1131. 1 30alitS, 1111,1 p.ilue,log all the property they could lay their nand, on. lle hoped the. jury and !stow aside all pro.lotilee tile matter, and try he betel vent o,'olll'l man. opart foto, ligtonw et party twelve, I he 01 . 0 Wlttltrs called for the Lirtiu - 11 0110 John (locker Gatneron, for the defence, objected to tins sett no,. I , otllg examined, the name. of the itn, t... not elute:tang on the back of the in diet meat. lii, Lot .511 ill 111,1,' your object ion. The sett nese teittalled that be 14.10. Roc, 1.1.11?- 00 tine Ist ..1011e 10 (lie 1 . 100/01 al roy. ttlher Witli,,em were , 0:1.1. who teat Med that the tletetalant mloglited hew all twang its f. or Ina Fenian eutop. /*hey altoo san him in the l'ettion artily at Fort Erie. It No lte:l,n' from the [alimony 1 Ina the Ilex. Loaf-.1..n drank set y itettelly whim,' 011 i 1 the Feetat.,, trod got .1: tint: ' 1 - 6 ~ 1 For Ihe .I,tence, vittneext, 11,11:led to the litthlt drink:lig to tteee., ' Itur. Dr. U.,t e. tht. e .l , lence--.tut thr.aop the ED:neap:o Canteh New l'clittit Ottaw the prl,nrer: :tat , the-tint.ron he e. eht to itott- tin Z 41.4,, to v••rral g taut. Dolt ot rain, I r,tret to ,ity he had talokred hithject to da.a1i,..11 Dent the tc.teaa ot 1 1 11 .0rti.11,111,1` /o th, het May 1, ter troln Itt-Loy PoI Dl', and adv,ed utt to I v-it:uat ,tt. lii , entaltnian,, , tth IL the thui, long, cre 1 ,, 11.,' latill.11:1, i.el t!,,,,": .11 1110 heing ill It Le tlt an!: ‘ , .1,:t,t.t.0ng it ht• 0110 that Ine had no F nr,rytthyj WI the Fe nt:tn., ntot taw, had. . N. 4 iti.lll,olL tL, it ntadrj,, , , , ,l 11, Jury loo,t:tutt sirvoq:li (0r t ,0:10E: ea , el , ll - 1110 t.tt,vvrl w.,4 (mu t.,0411.-. 20132 :10,1 . nn ”rt orlLlltti , ....aio the C.. 3.1111114. 101. t!, Jengrlt. :And. Iteil.:l/.••1 41.00.1 W jurY /11:14./.,.. Itv IMO r,t. tat I :1I• • I Iloa. J. b i t!, eon teiti•lbli: Britt the aro,: Itta 4,laiiiklica It y ca.,. It th,J, ,• , ere ,I.:1:41;••1 olilthi:ver,-qtqy• • I thn 1 . 1, 1 / 1 1.115 • I ailt br wail:rub,. I, I X A,•;:laliy •1 ,Logltz. 11l 0,11 n 'inn • I •••1 -I if 11l II 111,. :or: . 1.1 , 1 It it i ni arth • ;ilibr 0:1ug...1 the jot y,i • uncluaing ; at hail 1,01. Tito. .1 Illy in it r. tier! nud onon ri•turnra, .: ttutiiY." pi istinbr :sal bar,i Intl, len., I; H. :t'in'e tho praiburr het Ilin L1111,5 , 1t.n. ,I'! 'J taey .n, v., .4 )ou: . lon itit:st. linr:litai Innir I :Lila hill :ha: Illut :It the lin It'', lit it , it Cr r a Stilt IV .lr i.ctioaa, yin.r irbraluate ril think,l . /11 tilna I I`t' ' , !j'hair:Rea 30110 Inn. • :lint, bl ..1 , 1111:r br (•ugla 11,. a by i•iiiprriaiti• 51.1). bincrraiy 1 It ..1111 :tail that) riti 1.• r•iriant ti, Oar 111.41 /4,1111 DLit! •••••Lip.4l., 51 , 1 Wlr how di...liars:li. ..I It. I 1./1., tht:olt,k ho crubriteril iI ili• Alin no, ort, pont:nal by I/111V(I 1.0 the ,111/, I ( Dislarbancerd a new.Oilcan liectioff . — lattlys to Ilia, lltrolly-nl , illoa• of New Yorli—lhel it., no* loilatidalf, fa, &lid lfero—A Levy-31 . .10 Oil older .odr, r, • t - e• Itten t NOV. •Tial rultretrins; t.; ,-;411 - 1 x 411111; ••1.41111 - 1/111,i, et the lief/Walt/tart i "tee: et 11 I . 4l , t_tfy flail'Park till:, ttfturnoter ! 1 Ile refit et - rt .t!treo Itrid 10,111 the t•ts tt-; 44410. 44. , 14,1 they t4ltt etort tied eft IQ the platter . ..t•••netai Unit t0,,,1t.' eft' !t ett,. f t••te• alf.l itatottaf't•lt ; Ite • tie,: 1•:, lit,. 'a all,. tag, .1. tt+ titt•ti. tt at ;Limlttl - lilt tilt. falr.y. rfsf!`;: It "Idle he watt: ee. I Inter: tztouteo i•tiltte t tt. Itt•rerat Beller ettett , tet•tt, met lott It hatl Itt,rtt ; 4 , 14111: 41 11111 4 -111;0 44111,11 LlOllOllll On Ili, 1,11111;u V.l , V. 1114 , 14! ut,re, 41;44;i4,1 4 ,,, , 111111t/1 1114 4 t•etAtel ht., voice, toter "ki t e net; irteur the ••;•otttlt tor protect tee dot tee. the Wal t 11111/ Mr DOW eteleavetr t uttr to inlet; 4411 Knarcliy. Thu hustorultie tern of New t ~,el,l teat ,ittit 1,1 littertere with the t 14,14114; ut 1.11, .1 - 4.141114, 1V141•14, the 11.11,111.114; ,41,11 party ex!,,, s ett In I t ;t•ffrej, irr4: F 1 l eft t• "tat, cart pi In I.lteett.l . ut New Wel... It 111, i 4 .1 he Detaverary 411 Net,' Yeti:, the I ••,i,,oet it ti 0 iheo out thin 1 ,1,11 . 1. Ilrgan heel Inn I.v. thvin tiro, plunder were 1., 1 , , c hhn. ti Bile rne tuay pardon he :0.11,1, they elan thole 111:01er'S hehting, log S., hold too hauler }welt;:. On,: got the Meellc 01 , 011 Mayor 11utlhoi, whu w , our i.ant ;tile,. the men who urn new howling were, in lest, burning nod [swig no.: tion, roe,. You poor (wily, Imi:out:tined, I 1111.01 1111 . 01 0•11 r 1,10,100 111 II •//1/140re 11111 i New I lig, hung your betters. If you l/0 ant 101111.03 you raelven I will have the plett.hre o. me you ming. Ito Sou think I 11111 K. 1)1 1 1 14 1,11 /1111011 DO )011 think you lire the equal of the negrot YOU . ire 1144- liverlllrOW frrw speee.l Um/ free thunghts, miteo ant tine live polutn, thleven and fw.00111V . 1,1 of thit tomb , I 'think ) aronot worthy or th o ,•fro.ivo null Mutt [ lie crowd Stlo cornoo4eil on the loud h lro ot the ilenoieratie pally. who urn paid no much n eek to Hu press (no speech. No higher nycetutlo rental ban prone:at:a Why lion. Yentosi chain 1..1 hu elected than 1111, if there . anything that nlioulil he urgued lo favor 1,111 twaltult the r tale of the mi. horily agulihst the toujority, it V,14 1 , 0:11 , /0 thin On, It Stotllll LOCO hilt it few Sieuonsiltratituhi of a Inks character to make hi. r;i, , ,AL•l:,innthineo“ 1,0. ty I , ecouto .1ibi(1.0641 with the free elective tranelilso. ii.,to.rdl wa..l then a,tte,l to go on and give tat• rani., n w hilt ilt.trvc4l. Ile to. No, no, fellow eltizenc; I will not pier the lii.ieligenvi; I am 001 a !Ire:Admit or 11,10 /my ill/unveil,. tulle 101 angry crowd." The ceenidnl log the lienertinf speech beg gar- Oc,erigition. TllO el Wll sus eouipoticil of villainimi faces. The General spoke ' , Pliny and leariesqly, tinnily defying 11 Is 0110111 lem 1140 manner sus Impressive and carried great er effect. with It Gina hie wont,. The i'nvt 0:13 s that a levy or sovalled con tribution has Ix ell made upfm the mnployees of the Custom 111111 40 end Naval Mill Surveyor's often, for tile perpoge 01 defraying elect ion expeinica.l , l which it number have refused to respood, 000 .111 R: WO 11‘0,1 reason to 1101 11211 . 0 /11111. 1110 ettorts o may - lie 111400 10 1101,r190 Onkern of the elit4olllS of their places beemfee id Their 1 el 11,11 to 1. /. 1 11/ . 110111.1 In this' levy Intl tall thcolih the reles.o Of te elector to /11:1, 110011 lie g 011114;11N mill 1 110 fac h t that, any man stood grin In opiendi 101 l to an Open or Implied demand 1., on toolurstaiiii, to .he talten,lia la vor. Peath of Meredith P. Gentry—Fooloaa Mooting% •„„ .-- LOR/SVILLE, N0m..3. - 31eretlith P. Gentry, of (lied etaerday Ut. the house of IL TultlliVe beta' this city. A large elithUsinst le weetlng of ' , ennuis was held hero. Resolutions wcro passed condemn ing the recent. action of the Brithir authori ties in reference to political prisoners. A h. avy rain storm Is prevailing. with tre- Inendous pests of thunder anti dashes of lightning. Radicals Elected. In Tennessee Namur - 114.5, Navel:Libel 3.—111 am Patterson, Radical, pun elected Mato Senator from Sum mon mai tinsitb counties, over Bailie rut ton, ittivu. by overhundred majority. 'WHO, lodua memo° Represeitust.en from Summer county, over laionain, Couserr. wive. by lot ty•llvo unkitirliy. Clements, 11...41_ iormerly member of COlllllllll4l, Wag plept., to floating Iteprenuntallye, hoar" - Iluzumisr. 'Smith mutt Macon porukt„4o,,,over . pro4.,,mt?ew M SECOND EDITION. Conference 4111 141/11 .o Allairm—Bre . Tel Cat. ^ to i ,- itey—unui. Wittman. Ar- FOUR.O ' CLOCK, ` A. M. . reNe t il—rroop , lleittli for Baltimore— .aittie, or i/ 4 . l l lliNedi Union :Soldier,' - - 1e.tm,h:,,, - . Noe. I.—The Pre,Mlent. ben. VERT' I Huff • fill;Lii , p, li lii v 1 ,`,",',',`,' .',',',",:;.',:,.::',°:',..„::X,"..',"„,',..'..,'r';',:.','"i.:,',','";74 1 Ji , ii Ilk " i on nlifitutt -- -ilo. , , a ceareiehre o in..,- the t ' ailtjeclot itr . , . - ; Mi at - it, fl . ..lima, ' -, , . . y itreVel. mrieilel one..:, M twit, and lei ri . RO' BIN ADV 111 ., ,., By IHE c tux. i m:` l.• • l lreet aim:Mato. to tm ia -im-tated to ; . ; hi- Mheirr 110,1 iln) . 1- , ' , lain' in tio, itrolV' i fteri. weIII Iva- ,: i- or ~, , 1 m coome,lnence Alliance Ili I%veenprin.sia and it ti,ia --I lal y E ‘ l ' ,c l,'''' ,Vt E "l',;,`-'1 . ,1, 1 .'''," j:, i . ll ;, ' , ' , l :,':j ' i ‘ . ,',' " , ' , E' , ) "' , l :i ' cjil`,l l ;l ll o l , d ,: . 0 ,, t h e p e „ e _p r0 ,,,,,, 1 ~ , ,,,• Lea, ,,_,,: „ . , ..Ca.,,,,,,,,, to Int nu ‘lOlll,l, /I 1n11 , 11.1 Int. re- J u ' ,, t- iii,_:.iew 1 . . ;,.,..1, Pope—Proposed lii ~--:,..),... , , : , a t tl. trai..ptie,l, that .the Pr. - epic:it Ism! le -1 ite tem fr t ion— Beller iiir the .(la cher !- 1 1111,•1,..r, ' . I ' lll- " 14 1 '"' 11.4. " 1. • 1111 ' 4 /1111 1' 1 . 1, ! "i''k —Cou-e :lat 111 :;'''l'''":'rTE,''';'."itl''4lpHt ; ; ta , 1ni..1,;1,E T,,,u,.,i ilnlllt iL Met t hanges --FM:int-Jai and Uomiiim- :'•,,:',, to to tee matter : . ; ~. 0 , i , !:1: , , , ,, ,11,;%a Mese ,tatenieni a. ...Ta; 0L. i 0 ,, n , 1 , 1, , , ,. 1. I rLl ., .y ,i tZ b a r 74 7 , 1 ,11 J.- , ri01,6,-,..ix. . ' iii , eormol i.io o-11 , I ao sitingtheaction Penis, November 2,--The Pr,..e , -nly‘l 'OW ;of 11 1;;I : ifIllt.i .i'11 4. 1... 'i " aiii,ace bat_Tscoa it,,,,,,,, and ita.,ma I. a a veil 1 It i• - neartalle Imbeved that the, troops in fact: Wl, biligln2l,lllllloll . 11 1 141, 111•11 . 1111111 1 osier,osier,. E - , ' 1 to }nor, i•.l In h.iltiiiiiii, in en., thin, pre., letiiite, Nev. .2.—Tlin Italian ureJol denounce ; ~, ~,,,j , , ~j,j 4J l ~,1,..,0 . , ,,, ~,,,,,j , ..,,r,,j- to pr, j .. the allOgarion Of the pope again,t I lieenjulino ; :Jerre the 1,,,,,,. • ; Qirtrterunt4ter 6,1;1,1 Mi•l'm Uni js,,,ed of I t...1.r. • , alininin . pal:Thiel eiiiiiniiiine rile roll of non it i s ' , ported that Count IlicaJin,,, n IJI bontl j or ne nine, of vieii,,,, 1,1 10.• ' IL,,.;Ajjw, i•urieil resign 111.4 poqittun ln,t lie Italian NI inintry: lln nu. N'Atnnial i 1,114,,1t.:. ill Moine, Minor- LONDON, NOVellii!el. 3.—Tlie lirlt,ll .1•1 in ii i .\'''''' 3l ' L ' j3 ij ‘ jJ° . 1 ... un - ' "'J. , ' l'h'"il . 1 ' 14...1 . .. rhan-n- • M0...j....ip10, i lor , JlJi Loull-latia awl rally have PrOrrii , ell a del.. .I,on rlep AV.lit- i CJ , lnrJoi.... The U.JniplilJ•t eiJOinins nimut rboO oil upon them, in_re,,,ini to lila matter; that- JJ'olo, J•t I:lnJleeen , ti —non', from thelitrger they will enenurietii the prl,purr.l . -N lea; noilon 1 '''' r "J'": •ill 11J. L . 01 “ ,.... . route. • - - PAWS, N0V121111,, :I—Ft I-4 ...ILI . 11. V 11./11,1: Monl.holo,n t.. tr.. ..inor 1,1-1. - rd, n:nt tn..; Count .I.h.'rthenly h 0 I .V.o.0111;;II011 IMO plare t h. 1... renny'.-1 in French Etnlia.4y to treehnh.:t n.i4 i•,L he'll.: fin' TALI ,n,-f, er. , by the queboe flee. 31 Anew. NI., 3.- It hi 4:thl !nat the h rh. 01 , 1 Of Illo• 111-.111..1it• Sr. naval Aire Aron t,, d I heir 1.11 rIENIIA. —Tits h.enn vnli...l toe the told. —The from enteretl bn• Lit el N.‘v. niner o nrninirt4.o4"l n Ile 311.11tary ::I'i :: , t V ihne.l hvi •-• or. T..- . 4 I.:. I.• point Ihihnn .7enn r r, , d ,. 31dnI•try p ,;t. V:01114,1,1 I:a -declare, ,Ay . r. , :11.• _lit-•• mu: 1.6113 4lt cor,lll.tlory it. , 11,•) . , oat. rt.ortLn , t; I l n ,101 ree , Ir, I ~! !r~ ~t:~ ~ n ~~r it I;, ' 11: /1 t‘lt4 . .•1411e Ati.ll - tor. 1t,,, 101 Iti• „ St 11.1 • •.1 h • , • !,,.„.„ V, ;,„ 1.. , :...1. If, 1.,11 t• 11,- . —Tire fattuly , 4.00. 0:1 t1:0 Tll,, Llor,:i 1%01:0: ~,,, 0 to : t:•:: 7 r IA:, . ; —I h,L4 LON Trcrn, N::1.:•!11 , ` , 1 2.- 0 1.7V171t1.077L, v t 0 I flin !II:I:1:1:0.; I r:oot , t. lor Irrr: /I --1:r• :01•,101-, IJ. .•JIJ . . I I: hli,ll , .1 ;1..1.1 In s - 11 1-1 nose f, 1 11 /11,Iota tiny. j; J.. t ..,11 J... --A It, .4 t_41,,1nni,4, ',1....1. all./ . 41 31 .{ iftu cr, ,-Inn 1•::,• Itt t In, .Treat. L 111011 1111117i11)E1:, ,I i n 1 31, I. , •nch, : • _ A ppllentions for n 31r - li/of 11 abr.% t Isr. lA. 17, Sll•pin s , to, , lriillFrCs n (...•515, .t.,44,1111 In .:, I lA. Nn , 71.— ' 11 , 4. A. Ste- In.. • 3t, or . .. Mat , ,,,,insi j.„ 11,1 Intyl• 10,10 :51111:1c.t:::,,, 1.• of O W (.. 0, 1 , 1 .51 , 0,ti• 1, .. ~1 1 • 1 Ile (111,11,.,Us !“,„ • - • 11:1•I c , ,t0.1y Ino tVatkt t.::; - 1 .t...:. Srt o/.1:• of .111 , 1, 1 . ...t.•1. MI It. • =I writ ,cvn4,r t hr ho 1,1 1111: E. •• •,131 . ta! (r: 01 1 ,, r. :t • tl.t. to, 1.1 )1,, I r. tlle• II I•ts.k.. ' , tr. , . t( r 1.013, a•t:. th, patty ,•• ,•,,, 1 t 1. :.,.! . .; .. for 1.11•3 , st Its .cl. ; •,:. 1••, I,l)tig , Irt• 0 , 1r.1iC.: I tit I:•!• 1.11:. , ~ 1 t 3. •c•' , t.• ;•2:111 i srt u 10.1, t. 1 1 ,,•• • r It .0,... , 1 I! t• Art .1- 1111; g.•t ,s lit,si .•,1.,, .• InUrninr. i•t 1.1111,:1 l'4 111 - I. pri,l z Tl:r,l oLr.l tnnorult. i”.lrs:, 1.41. 5 , ../1,11..1.,! I..aIm:NAL 1_•/1-4.r ‘Ve.1,11111.1114111 , 1 t.. icy j it I , Ile, Yuan,: an4l 11C40, ini•l Ilii• tllatroi of j • .1111134 lin aria, ant it , tt , tr•olg tr•Illove nail pa t ..lit nil lit 111 1 ,1••• and a. 1V0...1. iiiii.ll , -.1..0.•[4.4 1110.11) 4.1 It,n pr lit. •1 •. 1..ofIlly prop, ll' 1 ira ;it • ',II . . • • L'Qurt, 4./ I..crk tt! to l':Pnifoi: o: it .1g0r:..;... ; The preeec , loU.,:e;tnetti:, :hero!' ttcre inateti tio , rout,— .111, et, , !4k ttIO .• teat tio• :tte toe tt , rti, Thump-on In tt , tue •Oteitt III'," tore, :it Het to, tout 11, CO:11! . It , 11111., onion rouol-put; tut roc Sheriff :ot ttareett lo•o to 11eoto , lit. 101,1 11 , rc.1,11 L.r.11. uritluu I ho Intl:L.lW :1,-411,13. of, ~it t ie. , Piper, oil ;it c.Oh Atit lb, NI ILI I Lot. ol elo,o nom or 1: ‘1.1,1..1,, U.,„„r nl ,„„ tLwpreral r Si tft. • ,„ „,. , The nil nilt I, .;.. ;, , h, h th,“ h-I, ,„ „.;„.; ;;„„•;, „,„, w," „.,, "„„ .11 , 01111, , 0:1 (.1.111 . .15u h lintocaco IL ntuoce yn iu \ 4,l ' { ‘ ;) getter 011 Mil:stow 11 Irt, v.l. 111 the ;ht . i J - til 1,4 1: I•liii :if. the IleSt term .rt opt. hundred 01'1111,, Crlinllllll court Witnte, the ilon,litigh itongi, tlutl:te of 1115111 Court, lull Itooiett Lite ThIIII it vember, Exempt I . l'egn.-1:3 . the new elnise ~,,,,, ~.. . t ,,, c ,,,,, , I taw, the tat licit 11,1 eat, nut to ileiltrov tho . ilioilei, 4 , 1 Ore, initisur.. linil implore. it now Clerk of lin, Criminal tom I of 11.0t1 icon ' i oceoloo , .1,1 ir.wi the Mei iiiiv of Atli:Jet 'the city 111111111111, 1..I11:11;i1,14 , Illit I, IIIII„! , st. " „, i , , .. , ., ~,, , ti ,..., ‘,,,.,,,, ~,,, ~.„. WILLI ill'' exceptioe of i•neitt gm fierily+ iir . ~,,„,.„';„ i 1,., ~,,, ~,,,.„ „, ~,,.. ,„„ Ott ~,,,„ p..llph, 10211,L1Y .1 ,,,, 11 , ni0q,11., tO . LII.IIIOiI 11.11,1 I „,.,„ f ,,, „,„..,,,. ~ .„.„.,,,, „,. „,„„, 1 i,,„ , ,,,,. 1 . the mimeo - it, rumor. !leo hie in oil enhit ioi,, ' ~,.. ~ , h. op ~,, 1.1,1.1 , 1. ..,, h ,, i „„ , ~,, it 5i ., 0 ,, , (litre is nothing not we,itqc (tilt ot the 0ir , 1i.., ~,,,,,,,,,,,., ..,,,,,,, 0,., , ii, ••111 ti li. , ~,. the., ~,,, ,CIOI, Or eyente. It hi reintil nil, eiol ' - ninth , or Irilioneo le; 1iJ1111111,.. 01 !Ile., Ill Ilk• P .I.bl Y C "'"'" , "' U. "" ' . r - '"''' ' W """ '''''. i ..,.....1 . 111, ~ ...11 iir .- .1/111t•IVIIII , I chill leo, h.ill needed to lViiiihlnizton 1 I , lticiiiiiiiii,, :Ike Lc eteelio.'• • . ',TLC .. I llALvimnitr., Novioolier 1..-I'll., wrOollethoo. , 1 11l ti0...e.--The ate.. of the man 101 iititii corptic hasyret yet le, si ,eri.,l ei ,11 , ..h01i bui I v.l el• I o. li'i'''. It ' , i5 . .. , '',,, .'", ist ON' initirvii will 1,,, to II10".., 11 , 1'11it1..... IL I.'S 111:00 L0k..1 lil'ar L1.0110W1.,1 , 1411.111.11111110 L . 111,110Y,411, , 1. , 1 . 1 , 1' , 1, 1 1 , 1 . 111 4 1: 1 : , 1 , 1 , 1 A 11:: , •: ,, 1 , i t 1L1 c t . 4 1 , 3; , ,1 , 1 , 1 ,1 1.2 ,., V , 1 . :: . : , 1'it: ,, 1i...: {7, : , 11 . , i l . i : l t r i t ,' L ., , , , , , , . ,. , .V. 1 5 i e . , ..1 , ! . 1L , ..... , .1 ,, : , ..1 , 1 „ ( , ...1 , ...; , ,. 1 , L. , 1 . 1:=1.! ! :: n ..t „ l , b , u h r e L ILIO IVILown .111 'laic lii ~,,, lie hi . i cu. 11 ”ii.. il' I ly•litoi.li rind IA le. 1',1 , ,, ,, :. int , W 3.1 1 , 1- 111 I'd iately• . • licive,l to Ile: re-, O nne o e tit A. NV. llrwnling, It iii .11 . 11,101 y reporlell Ilmt thorn , rill 1,.• n : 1,1 the vlllar4l. of ` , .'esv lit- :loon, it here hit lll now get. of .Iniii.iiit or Ell , ion , 1t1111011111...41 111. i pll'it, 'A L .,: 14..1,1 Iv nitieoted to. liii 114.'- Cloll'ow LOI/I . llillg, 11, lIIipIIIIII,I 1ty . L1,,, u „,..., ~,,,,,,,,,,,.., ~,,,,,,,..„.„,.. 111111111,,11MP1, Thotegittetti of votnrii, it Is also reported, I. A W,‘"l". Ar,..i11n1.n . 11.11 one n'ehick and have tietiwinineti to return t 'unit . 11S1.11 0111.1 . to; 11:1.V1' , . ,,, On' , P.11' , . ,. .. nt livoing., e,en ooknown the Judges vim mull 1,,. iii,rienteti 11y 1iii1.,1 . 11. io ~ .t.,,1,L, it...ll.'lply loci Imo wnewly Iltrew or Sivniiii'm COnilitle.itinitti. it oil, I, i , ~„ ti,,,,.., tirot, ~,,,,,,,,,, , 1,, 04... j. I ,o, tin ,r0,,,i, Dia,,, Ri„.., will he fro.), eon - Wile:it tons. 'l'linin 1., llli iliiii.lit i m milt, of the ilpero li.ei, , Mo., ',ninon tn ,, t , tip, Milli:0 linin,l n ill till nut till pei,ont i on Fifth ..t rl CI. 1...11.1 II I/ tile In ..0 hllailt:l . ra 11, 11 , 18111/IMg (ill' el.'nell.3i iii , ...Inn/Lay of Inn ! to Malin Ihe pin i•llii-i. iil t i Ile., fielitlieniet ilowlY uppoiliiiiii lioniuthitionnet. I I.le. .11r. %Vol it'll, I lie prepri eer. ti ill loiei by rive oult, Nov. 4.--4:011,ai tiralit im.,l, thin outrai;e I ,lilt iliilli Llllltilrli dolltir,.l rived tint tiiiiieilleu Connuil.iiiiiners with Oleic I cotineili 10,1 now bolding' au thin. yiew iiith I ,•.,),.., p r ,,,,,,,, _ N , ~.... ~,,,,, , t it j i, ~,,‘ pen. him. ' ' Cage of Jen: Dal in—Paroto r vltentletl. rtlieritkee lion nee, Nov. B—The parole Jett'. Large 1,01110 111011111 n ago, glrnyt loot the pi/ellen. , 01 the refill or ill.. tinnily:4lm day has been t.s booted, throo,l. Executive clemency, In removing all onrird lanee nu him and the /111.11'11, 1 0..111 111, loom, 011 Carrell Mal at nigh,t,.. ItoO rue 11e... to 1.1/1a ef f ect letce 11-011 stmt. from General Batton, conisnoutlaut of the Port, L thits tellevmg Ida 1111111 . .1/111111.11 t ill 1111 N 1.1111111 like anverlty, and psylna the Avav, o generally prestuuml, o v ertol trkt Me 11,1 1.11- 11.11110. Al, the guard:. , 111111, f.o••edu Cie, an d nhtld, befog rottorv,.l, 10. nu onJoys overy Ito siblo means of comfort - awl , 11 111111 L ou 11 prleoiler In the Fort. llt 1.101.1 nu 110 hoe thefest.ell rcat grlaine. , - ! A l'oettent ..eoar,”--A poet has under.. ll at the unction Ut t, and taken to !unman al a retell list boat already eontetuplatem the vacating of Larr+.ll , Cry 0 ,, 0 ,, C , 1 , ,11., , 6 meluuchuly hu11, 1 , 11 wking residence with M , ••X stanza' Culls oi e Duels, in 1.1111 apartmen analgned Ilex, nnott- hosved awl -ot, mot and LicaVed. 11 . after her arrival here. Well 111, 1 udder dung: dnil .rcrY time ..ho lemeetl and eat • - Underwood's l'ourt. • • . 14 . 1/I . blll . It 1111 she eoralig. 6101 , U 0 .1 2 foroMber. 2.--The Unl- • -7 T tad Sudo' District. Coon, hoeing adjoor,..d. . iLn •11 4Drit aotl 1 1 . 11 • J c —. ) u h" " .1 7; yo„,order cameos. on •Itta Drat l'oeoulay In De- "' c .I • l'n. CO/11.4 lodge ULnlera . tnal, last erentnwrook . : that notion AI; iletaartUtu for Antin4t, tot the North'. [lll' n 'r' nn . 1 5 1 ,4 r. • genera,l'ulatmee of the - bttlrheierolure'am a ,„„ and ail tor o.e. v.tonots 11 1 Aaitmeg,•..-frrtilett.-•reqkDrea the ',m.o. ! paid 06141.4i,earear,DIS llotttltlia Or /111,0y1,! CLI n al eor reol 'lll etlialbs rebethim:Agaitat Lim IltUtixt Motes, adv,rosenlooL Pala , i, 'wittolantati rstlirdsWilillwAating d the Gion I sale and retail Stooery for,ale.. flee slyer . VA j." ) f \;''.., ....I P ) ' 1 / r I I , I - j ~:~;; y~: r"~ ~~ =- En 5, 1866 I ji 14 % lISGTO%. TI. Pan•lfie .I:4ll . rosti Esen reflonkslt.- 11;Itspernnt. I.—Eng 11,6 Ilnntlag It,. ly I, if pilaf ruff 1,3. 1 AN •ok , OINOI, 1 —The 1 - little 1•Nu1011 /1-1, 1 , ., Fort it :Ivy, urriv.:ll at:iy• tent:rine:l .•,:, :•1 111. 1::, t, : rite ;n411.4 . 1 ..teitiVed , en•l other plece+ :0..44 the 'leeiteltte• .1 11. I'r•t•el, lietor.tis 1 .M 1 er• - • P•• I,r, te•v•.• nor 001 11 11.1•1 . JIX tille.,llor Slll4l/. - 11011 !,1111 tll 110 f 0111010:1I 11.1,1 11111:Wail /Arlin it -Cltl rlll 11, 111111 111 , 1: : ::nr ly 1:: C:ty. I:runttlll. ter ',101.11111; 111 , 11,- Miry' Itn:1 cuter. t ir.r• 1v. , : :17. • L 11. 3. a: Ir. ,411111 wore :e -1 ••••,..:1 It, And a ..telego•. I/o.i 01,1:111,, N. 10 11 e 111/Irl,allllll/1.1 . . 111 F'l :v Hill/ I t0..0.th, lll[.' ••• • 1•• r •-t. 1 on, to t 111,11.51/g / 1011 , 1 •Iellgi:11111 41111 .•••eltetl in. ut/I 1 .1. "1:I of rile I'll i1,t.1..1p111... I,LN, I . 0.1”, Join . Drur t .00, 0..1 Sifih I . .1 .:: I. i 1,. I :111, I i..rntti.• Jlli[LL.•r tti 4 . ../.ll.oirr at . lll. n.:—/ 11.• ri n. tier fry .ttry,Setl. ES CITY JildD SUBURBAN .‘,1,..t11::i.J!.A:. '.........1.. NEV.:, ON Tall3.D PAGE.) Oil lt. .. l4' x.lixto ri• • ••.r-P,lt.ie t. alletL't`lJ[ " 1. 1.1-1 Ott to Olt., ..It t It . ' 4ll Ja.., I • Vt . O.li tr I .0, • 14, twl ,•,0 , ling,ttiatt ~ 1; ,:••: ot • 'zee. • z 2,; te,, z—elz,uel b 11, •e t. eo.Zl,ztee ez ,- n'ezerr: z.. et o;t4, Ili the .1 nI 1 ., .•! eet . .I:llzer,zi, 4.31 V peel!.e•leeezt ee! ele eze,z;e ltzeleisureets eee tee teze.ez, :zee i,e•zze , e!eee se reuree, , e:sez —ezetz•.,.l et t,f 111— , z:zie!, 013- /t 4 .,113.: 11,4 , . 01•141 . 4 (.•p 01131'1 , 41i 33/33C131 3d,1/3,31,11i 1111 3 1 0,141 311 V 3,1 1 ,, :Illll,C , .31 . 3 b: at,/ 3 3 , 11,,,r ttee ;AA V a , ee.y •:zeeeel ezee,se izzate•ltezzi, t.; tt-11,1_ LU tilt. 1,1,1 MEMO fit f4:120g I..„raphio ,11,11:ttel/ rItZI n:,:. 11 link, 11 . 11, purollttl,, ••4.44, It .4 4,4 . 4 114 4t lVe4,gcr, at. 44,1: , 4.!41:4•1, 14 44- 4..p11.4 I 4.4 ,•,41 44 , 14 , /t 114 Sony ,C k ; linf TI 441 04,1.,144 ,t 4 attil l• I:1 1 , 1 1 , Ct deltvvry • •4411.1.1.41:,•,1 , 4 44-444 441 i 1•142,1444 ,lu4ll, 11,5 4•41 4.1144 ,4,:44 (t(I lls IHT, 1 I' , 1i• t ,t,it ~" 4,4414, r44,-14on:411,1, 444 . , 01.1.10111,i, cue... 410- 14y 44,, 144,14 el, Thi , jLit tl-t VL, 1,111/I , llly IA ~ 1,1 I ,• ' •., t i , • 10, ^4 at ho,tl lug lor •, t , t.jore..l 1 ,, /k• • •• 1,1110 tho• ur A I , l , rillait Strain 1111 5 , 31 131.13 V Itint ;1.11!/.11 lionlat-t .$1 11.11,11 I, ard nittivr I,lt. A v../114,11.1 ttipl John goes , . la.thl 11111 even 1.. g at four A* 4 .11/14 81.0 it.ttre.3.—Pairick sllt•_rnt 11 t/t.lll, .1. 1 .1e11111\ II fittlor. nit ',it., niatlo . alt itiform .thm Rolltnall for Thu 11 1 11 1~. cutor.vll,-,1..+11131 too it, Mk! 1... waling! 0-I gun.: ”I• 1.1,11'0‘,1141k, 11/, Cllrt•li n 1.1,1111, 111111.41", 1.1..1,1% Inatled tor lb., PRICE THREE :CENTS. Oaring linbbery In Open Daylight-- Fire nominal 00110 es , Worth Wane., I Ono of the . c'..e.est and bold rehhorleS we have been Undo dj report for some time, was perpetrated 'one day last week at the home of Mrs. Vrawford, near the City Poor Farm, In Mlle in . tow nship. The lade mention. ed is the prOpriet ores, or a boarding boos°, where the 'workmen employed is Dickson's brick-yard are accommodated• i few weeks since two teen named Jack Leonard runt Michael_Murphy,the former hailing from }lab t I more and fuels ,ter from New torte, obtarn , work in the brick-yarn Imo! took op their lodgings at Mrs. Craw lord's. They show eit no di-position to wor k very hart :Ind were often 100 nd lurking about the groi/nds talking to gm her, while their erLployer's inter csLs a ore lug sucralceil through their luck of In destry. ate. Dickson Scaly immensed with, heir sera tee- un Thunelse. hist loot ihey unlintniniliy started for this city, tina gnrre serer al hours they ere. seen oi re lur. to Mrs. Crawfotils house anti en tens! hi. nick way. 0 few minutes had scares. clapsnd furled they name tilt the 111 e way thee en ter tni alill u htilitile of clash og [Miler ;•111 . 11 arm, and star td at a raped walk dirwa olurtg the ',lrk of the 3lonotigalrela ricer. Mrs. awtord n gebar rip stairs after their dem,- tore found et my thing ill disorder. Thu bus reas 11 11 MP ,, hatP been a riots:who :10,1 the c01111:111, st novo over the fluor, while , ortur valuable al lades .or wearing apparel Were flossing. mom 111,,ItigatiOn. .mml/fly made, showed that Ulu house had bona robbed or everything that rOtll , l by any poss.i• batty be carried pd, every boarder totheir/mese ‘arlfering to a greater or less degree.— Ime young Mall named lusso 21101 1tutitlle. lest One !Modred and sitteea dollarsin greenbacks. anda gold watch atoll churn yrilind at 4110. Anottier-an.ln ;rained Merl, was roboed'of 41.11 in cash un,l a consideranin quantity of cloth mg, in ram. Sir. Morris' Zithniay Ward. robe was taken, Itichard Dunn, :11101.111, hoard r, l sat Willow artleles, which stomp:less _:veiled the Natty si the thieves. I,lllet of Po -113,u0 was soot - hied et tile rohbury the 1011,11 v lag day, !lilt 111, to the tires - nt writing, Me anti...toes s.coundreis are still at large. Tit ere scene tt I , t, very little doubt that the rot W,1,1 001111,111(.1 by Let/hard /01,1 Si I.llll', Whit,. Shen we Cattle Into possession h rue raot, as narrated above, ad Lave learran are well knew II as cullers thieves to the pc bee ot the East, where they halm doubt/eel gone with their spode. /bat Cntie Again • Our readers will remember the tepOrt that iippeared to tntr columns a.short v f.ime Since of a enter In which a lily,. Nancy right sued .tames Melvin for the recovery et a hog which chi, alleged lobe tier legal property, and Which Melvin had feloniondir taken frOm her prguil ,e,. ..i.a.sll3fence Melvin :et up' that he could I , not have been guilty or theftots the hog be _lvrwell, to hits and that the prosecutrix, had no valid claim on the:intim/I 4hatever. • The ; elt,tl ensue tir,t up berme St•telranau' Strain, who dt , dnii,s . eil the Cain.. Inig believ that Melvin had fully sund.antlatcilht.3 claim, Meg. Wright neat brought the mutter for adjUdiCatioll be fore Alderman Morrow, %the gave j11.1,41111A1t In lever et the lett/1011w claimant. • ;. Doti:et/Inlet! not tO be outtiOne, Sileit MI 4 . Wright (or tre , ..pa-s and damages la min , Alderman Butler, mid the hearing calm. ow.. :until lv etterlinett, Mrs. Wright, on the ter mer hearing-, h a d :dated that :die got tho• hog nn a man named cleorge Duke, but Melvin uonZentte.l bitm oil ti;tblitally, and strange to he declared he Inil 111 ter give - n the hog In mAlienl, to 'Mr,. Wrlght,.but, tie had given her 1 her porker. Which Ile could recognize by a , -car tat the nialt. jaw. The iting6tlOte has I.ot y et elven Ilk deeimon, hid the protialillity .1 that Melvin w get tins hog. We mete PO the matter will be dingiatcil tot' finally met ePO Ole U:l4ll4peeting. V:111, of . . allll/1 . 11 litigation will line be brought rue', of the eontanid. cal I ng influence of the law. =MEI Di 4enise Oulgeireraled. Few'physic fans go thoroughly understuml the anatomy of man to guarantee a cure for any und e Very disease which Id Written TIMM , in !hi, vOluine 01 human infirmities. But there 1 31re ea-. 0.1 of talented gentlemen, who, having ; inane aped all war against disease, and having had almndan I practice, frion which thus de rived Invaluable knowledge and wonderful -k-lit., Valli mire permanently Tillie easel Vat ITT remi•elim Wlllen Mlle Under their treatment. 1 iif thin truth we 11,./0 thoroughly reimneol iry .t VeTit t.i the rtinzM of Or. Aborn, the eel,. booed author and Medical Onetne, who i. briefly itijoilriling •in our city ut the 3ler : elmnfs Hotel. we-fossil numberless patients. many of a Lout had come great distaiiiciN to I plum IliellemliTea tinder his Care, as ills tamp aA au eye and ear doctor had preemie -1 him here. The eases wero taken in rotation, mei we loniel mane 0e them expressing great re- Bel even after the briefest operation. One ~n4entleman, who informed Us that IS had been ett lor twentv-glx . 3 - cars, drelaied that In live MinUtes lir. Abuoi curs, tutu end bad full) f restored his hearing. tit course all the . e-isos at e not sueureesgfuliy dealt with, but there happen felt el•Cepl lons. The gentleman treats all maenad ot di,eat.e. null we have the at musiteonfidenee In his ability to seta where he prong lees to do gu, as he is trank enough to inforrn his patlimii.. , vbetlier or but It would he advisable to go an if, 111, treatment. • . . A,, liiternallottal Sidle 31i011,11.2..,C;rictwiths:unding Ills natl., 19 ', of Lure slat are 161,1 muscular build, and re j Aldus in that lbeal . - which 'has gained quite fnn eared ado repnta nof late, and hears 4 , 11, euphonious title of ./1 lardscrabblu." A - 11- .; joinin IlielmeDs resin • ee standS the :0,0,-10 Id Tau, Drake, a telion with a round, tub's i cc., good-natured taco, and a profound res -1 peol tor the loggyb,lu of Briton. On iiaturdity Drake imbiced rather too strongly of evr. t ail, Ynorxieating liquors, and elated with /hi , siculauts, he became boisterous in his laud!, t ps ot •thold Ihngland,"• the land of roast l;4,4 ambarregases, Ills opinions openly en. pressed 111,1 not exactly suit the tar of the tall le 51!e1,e1, and he informed Drake in an n,alting manner that lie (Drake) ens a goose. A quarrel mciledlately ensued between the lrb h man and Englishman, wldeli Pea in Die latter revolving a ,E•eVel, 0 bypplug. The wile of the defeated one, truncallutelp after the ressation of hostill!les, remilrell to the or d., ut Aldertuati Humbert, awl made an In -161.111a11t.0 against 511eliaellor assnuit and i'at lel, The ace 1150,4 har, not yet been arrested, although a warrant has bren sued for his apprehensaon. - =IEEE Caught and Committed • An insolent y alb named Albert Dame, partook of the hospitalities of Mrs.Slargaret sentilen, for a period . or one month, for which he prontl,ed to pay tier the :,ntla 01 twenty dollars, alleging lie hail money loaned ton friend who he expected to liquidate the debt very dar. Margaret dually olbeovereirthat tiaeour hail nth-represented things, and in fact he ens 'l.'ll4.lmi-tact° swindle her out of her lamed hill, and she thereupon repaired to the other of , Alderman Strain, and made taut against . the delinquent for obtaining hoarding ander r:t6e pretenses. A warrant IV. issued tort Alberts err st, but he hemat itic apprised or the steps taken against him, tplionly eluded the pollee. For three months he managed to ercape the vigilance pf tile minions of the Outraged law, but on S4rurday lie Minters.. thy - ttnuth his appearance • n the street, and WILS arre;gted bylVltuot, and t•rottuht hoore Alderman, M Strain. l who later a partial licsrlng committed him to Jail for a heartng 4lettfult of too teonlitlte vs,oo Mother.—Mitry Metrey ap peared before Jindice Lippert, on fl Saturday, and ade C.lll, charging her sister, Sirs: Ell zabelli Su lifer, with cruelly beating and alms big her own child, a Ili ale girl of Sere. years old. The deponentatf.tes that her sister Is in the habit of taking the child by the arm, on the most trivial pretext, and. beating her un til Ate would sink down from pure exhaus tion, often lining unable to learn bed for sev eral 41111, alter ret , lving a flagellation. The Inhuman mother was at tested anti made to eater ball (or Uhearing on Tuesday next. • Picture Wm...ex.—We made a. brief visit to the Lookino Glass 11111 i Piet tiro Frame est al, I. of J. Lyon., 110 Wood Street. We know beim e that Mr. Lyons was among our In eNtelittivo necesslul manufacturers in Ills lint', out We could not before certify tut Wlt COW tin that we hare not elscal&re seen sign speelinens of portrait trainee of so elegant de- Einleh as a pair on their counter. We advise oonnoltesturs to exam one Erotical other beautiful sample, of artistic design a nd pee het gilding ft: 110 Wood streer• 3140 . 01 . 0, nr1nc ifonrosiv.—Tlic Wrckly Mining anti lilanutActilring tore publiOled b% 31r. . 7 .-+ Bh ", . b een Flttb street, In folio rOlott,„_fi , U o . lo ,, , :t niaterntll3 . enlarger!, tool lel ba, tinnJdnwe fight 1,,,gt"1.."°' Mr. Blake Ili in ' making ills n inde. 01r"1 guts,t t "' ;7tl n g und manufac "lll now Itlrely to ret,gr nig linnetni per„.• honor rperinl Ills, r"."'"t - I. r ....r.l OW/ rt' - verlog effort,. Ws oilrna • I hob', • *re • fr• . fsnor...thout cdne. cciock Tha .tvr —rley evening *llll' adroit v 1,111- en, med Ile• hail er the rdsnionee iit .11r. Iticite.l e tVaring. on I:nein...me, -tile., he ey, and pus - mined three overcesis and two or three bats. Mr. Hang, of tile Gazetie, who wan speeding all hour at Mr, Waring's, retired Mi. nte , tits overcoat and hat. The rascals seem determined to keep warm In the usual may until the devil supereedes for them, the use of overcoats. eavy Powil ty ....John Gates was arraign. e beforre the Own of Quarter 40.0100.,, on MAtunistv,on Ibre.• chaarmu• of frilling Ugnor 11c.b.r. 1., a—l • .1. P..106(4..1 1.6 Int , • .11,4 ,•,j• 1,11•1114•11 il"ll n-.• , 1, -•:11 b •••••• ttryt...t•ut 1,1; Atti tt : et: , • 1 , 3 11l tit,. i•'. rttSt• Wtitt- t it k V,.. tot., ninety-4x years, died at Lancaster la,t week:. His last vote was tor Gov. Geary. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. VIDES DI lIINAIa JOCI.NAL, CONTAINVAG THIRTY-TING: C01.1,711N3 OF FRE".4II AND INLEIZESIING READINe; 4ArfElt, ToGETI1F:1:1ViT11 MAR- • T WO_EDITIDNS ISSUED OH WEDNESDAYS ANP:SATEMDATi' The YtIItIOG Sr fOrWir,led Which reach : 11PbeCribf, 60011. i. Slagle Copy (per;inn.tz).-4 Clubs or Fs% ..... . Clubs or Ten or more A. Great 21intftanre Abntvd. Thanks to in , litutas.!.lo bht.: gy of Ilts !Minor, Maycir Mi;Citt thy, the city 111.8.1tcon cc. ;hived of the peratillailating Istreet walkers, , rho plied their loathsoniti calling by uceoit log respectable citizens upon ourqnsin thor oughfares after !InJilt:al: Ile' i.i de , erving of the praise of the entire Collllllunity for so summarily dealing with this impoed Stock thought could, Ull.ll rt tarn our moral - coy into as dark n hole of iniqiiity us Philadelphia tic 'Yew York. The r0u611,-- t hose fellows who know 1101 What virtute .9; and are stiatigers to mitatue—opectlyVotolema' the 31toor for the course he . 111iS taken, but tills wakes no dittertn,e, u , wards are Cheap, and their a !gilt ins-turning public opinion amounts simply to nothiog. If lIIs Honor I . LISLI/111,1 any 1 . 0111 the stilt which ha: , neen loinight to to-4 iii nothority lor arresting atnl InearCer,iting the,. vile 1111.1111(y, s": 1 11,1 11al1 IL 11111 be the duty of the 111 1,11 portion of the congniunity to wake it good,' hhn. na the cuea.nwhile wo trust Nlavor los,energette etfotti to nee ut least ho strects of the pros- Mutes who patrol them. Wamllingtogs n..ct Je leerm.st An Ita,restll,; itapiotionn meeting of MCA,- aril ismh,clutimiof Washing on and Jefferson College., held on Saler, I t ; amnion.; In the Illstriet ( um! Houk, The Oa ataoli of till ineeting who( to he Coil ., noli , o Dr. Edwards. , d Vashiligt on att.! loa'sidtal, and int tmduee.l 11c tatnnni iir(c.ent to 11r. E.lacr.l-., uho Ivened a short ad .tress on I he econdillell, In. 'mince and Pro:meets of the I'M Before the hieetilig adjourned, a eon/um:or r win, cupolated to commit h ti Janda in other protessimis all, pii 'suit- I e cite, to lawn . : nod Inuanis el I lailiegi• in li,. • . •. ity, for the purpose of 1111, Ile views el ill. 1,1“ , •r.1 , ', nem, • a:Maumee; and conso.long on the nom, he Institution. 11e 11:tve ,oem :earned that :l trieeth,t of me ittee Lm been held, and that 1 hei.,l, 'enter; or I ho, w o.: en tit,lgiuto , l I. e Ireettng.- aim time tooltirbtee tiehbt es be formally adho The Gni!WM." rag Work.---Tho guillotine I . continues to work elb•ctuallv. Aless'rs. A. Ruchank, Leander Robinson, 'l'. J. Richardson, and M.D. Young, United States jr , peetors out Glowers of the ...^2.1 Distrlct;received a notice ' of their removal iron eine° on the first lost. The gentlemezi above named were competent and trusty officers, but were not "My Bread ant Butter Policy 3len," nonce their removal, Their successors ttre professedly copper-John son men, and for theit-ti , ll 7 lity to "My Volley" Irate been rewarkiedilla lint 1.1. knows but f lust .(..,ingret•-,...'0n• teitssmabling, mav not reverso , :Mm-presento . riler of things and "stick out' 'Mel, melt. . . Surety 01 rg, l Teeters came to the edit e'of Justtee Lippert on Satur lay and wade oath agalte , t. EtizAlteth ti ulnas for surety of the peate.' Ettzabetti was arrest ed and made to outer bail fora hearine, tottlay. The patties botlittesidit in Pitt township, . • PATlFl , ,tt.s.-t i n , 'eh,. at the of tile hrlde'd pa rents. W.... 1.• Oat/. S . IL, err.thr Iter. J. 11. .a:..1 Miss 1t {'l ' lll. 31. • • !une: Satortlar luorn ntent ber U ri T W. Ilt.:All'LetN at ILLEH.tur, ' Funeral iert lee all! tale it:see' at the rerldenve of 1.11.1 . 111•Illier, No. (tale! et reef. in T1.78,11,,y at 13e•e:ock. ••• NEW:ADVERTISEMENTS. 1-1111,LDAILIE beautiful "God's-acre," the lariftst suburban place ofbepuiclire.. except one. In Ws roubtr, sit uated (t -ort Sew lielatiton road, Indfu.diately [WWI Of Potbiurial into, penult:: or titles. call at central Druff btu, CLA \ k.Y, All, Oftbily - - FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UNDERTAKERS No. 196 Slllitlitield St, cor. 711.4 lEnt,nre frow.h , crentlt t‘trLet.) ruvrir =l!== ALt 9. AMEN, LTLNTX:)3OXL.W No. 1 O Fourth Ft rret. Plttsncreh, Ps. COFFIN nof sfiltlnds, CRAPES, 01.1.1 V lin. and er err deecrintlon 01 VUntral Punt :suing I.loous :urn. taro. open 14 y And night, II al C enrac anurrie. 2- . 3 thrnttneo. 'Rtrenxscss—lkv. 'Darla Kerr 11.11.; Rev. NI vi../...tottne. D. D., Thom, Ernsg. Jr.coll' Miller. IC,. B. T. 11 HITE S.. CO., UNDERTAKERS Ario EItiRALMETID .11artch,;ler, Wood . fi nitri sod vicinity. CSFFIN . BOOMS Al MANCHLSTLA LIVSIY STABLE Wrncrot ehaleta and C!larlicra //nets / _litar.' at,l G!..Ass:Es FOR S.ILE on mar, AT DUNSEATH & oo.'s, ss 73.1_tt21 Eitx-c3cst. LADIES , AND 4: N 7 17. 4 31 . 1710 41=1Ma o . ALL a vs LES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIELN, Ar NAT22-.2.a 'X% 171721-IM7Z 3. WNI.IE NT., NEAR FIFTH. • Fgß'-C E.41,.P SIECTA.cLES. GC7O TO HASLETT & CO' 931 Smithfield Street • EAGLE COTTON WORLS . AVIS G RECE:%II.I' TIIE EtGLE'ltrErt , re WOE f ,rupr ly owned 1 , 7 !less r. El Mi. PENNOCK d 1:0 , we respectfully Inform the iutollc that we mill cuutlutte the cosuufacture Sheeting's, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chains. Candle Wick and hailing. Orders shay ins loft at the (lake or the Works. CORNER ISABELLA 5: SAND um STB. ALLIGEIENICITI, Olt AT THI; PITTCI3IrfGII BREWERY, Corner or Duquesne Way aad Itarker'e Alley, PittStt~tu-sh, pc.. JOSHUA RHODES- & CO. 110.1:11,U JUST ARHIVED• FROM THE EAST. BOOTS AND SIIOES. • JAMES ROBB, Na, SO Market Stnrt, PitUborgh, Pa no old ...stabil alJel brorge hat IlIaW in 410 th I rty. 0 re thotDand dollar,: worth or iso.as and ebota, and sLyles the latest, the qua/Ite the het, , e t, Wham . deterntlaed to .elt at 1h at PRICE,. we have re,olsll n d to of owl , r,old by any In the Loa thes. that keep, rood. worth haring. Calf and eantn,no our at Vrk xood u and we feel that you .111 por,loase what you want In the Hoot and nhoe Line. Ito not osenet the p 1.., FO Market Wert. • Jan , all at' 1110113 DAULEILCLOSE & CO.,' Practical Furniture Nanufactur.N. CDR, PENN AND WAY.tE STREETS j.ttrot eortf; of rmt rt U K ronmanclvon hand 3 ITTSBA , RIiII BA • 11 FOR SAVINCF.,, • • No. 67 M . 01..1.1" t.7a.i t. pot. r ‘. v IL to. -All drew I%IX '* - 1 . crN i• ol L r. a,.. Iylow 0 A• t , • r 'a.. ea Cori ...)- 011(111 and ,itu eit nlnFe. 'lTutu o'cluck. :1110 Houses: izoitscm:' 3eNcort. One seen lent tZttOng neta.l"rfilt t e Two ttntee.earternfort, dr , Woe. soi bur, t.. nt ,t -ttt, El Ulf ].it 'PUFFY nw«pp : n an. 's. No. AID .cf.;,,A.1 KET RFVIEW,I/ ANL, VCR RENT NEWS liffil MIMI IMMIE En Mt ■