TDB. DAILY GALE E. PUBLISHED BY Penniman, Rged & Co., AT GAAT,TE BUIMING Ns>. 86 wirt3b. Street.. F. It. PLINIVIMALN, r. P. ItuFSTeN, JOSIAH. RING: Business Managers. BELSON P. REED, 1 ERZ 8 Cagle Col le .(€ Delivered by carrier. (per vreeal 1011,13ubsel there, (per y2ikr). 7 : .... SB,OU =I CITY ITEMS. llnisdisale,fisit . lltstre•Bleressulllo College, I Ittsbursh. Ps.• Wm. Van Buren, Pittsburgh. • . Arthur Cullum, Bleu dville, Archie Fisher, Martinsville, Ohio. Ammo 11. C. Itcli,Alloglieuy City. , A. A. Ificfinrlggen, ltirmingham, • W. Y. 11. Watson. Penn Station, Pa. serge Davis. liartmeburg, QhM. Alt of whooPpassed the usual searching en 4ftninatiod- of the College 'satisfactorily, and ho no doubt., • hereafter distinguish thensselyse by tin honorable proficiency in busincs4. Each graduate wa nuardmi - the I t eautlful Diploma or the College, a' a credal, tial of Ills pmtlelency; of hl3 Industry, and Of 1,1.9 eXClMplflif deportment dntdr . Ls course of study. Bezel be Ex trave/sat •If the poor house -has - any terrors for you, never boy what you don't need. Before you liay finite yenta tor a jewsharp, luy Joy, fleecy- loin whether you cannot. make r Just as pisei nut 'noise by whistling, for which nature furnishes the machinery; and wince you pay sun enty-tivo dollars for a .cmit, young man, dad out whether your Indy would not be Mat. as .giti.l to nee you in one that cost half the Money. • If she would not, let her crack her milt tinsel riots, anti buy her own elothes.• Whet you see a 'man spending' two or flu ee dollars' a Week -foolish IY,The chalices arc five to one that. 11q1 livo long enough to know how many rent there are ;In a dollar; If he don't, itt . t.tty• sure to bequeath that prty llege to ids widow.. When. It Illall asks you to hay that for which you Laredo use, no mat: ter now cheap It is, don't Si*. yes until you Ore moo that come - one Vise wants it 10 advance. Money burns hi some folks' pocket and makes such a big hole that everything that Is put in drops through past finding. hon't be extrav agant, but Pnrelito.e your hoots, times, anti gaiters, at the cheap house 61 .1.. t: Robinson Market. street. Pnusits, hydrants, day Now us n inter Is aPPronelda make all the thafiges they purpose making to terve them through the coming cold days, Wider pipes hi exposed places should be re t et. le trier -to guard ugainse the endless trom.' ids or having supplies cut off hy„li ink Frost. for all work or this character we know of no firinmorti xortlty of patronage than thht of T. T. Ewen's, Wood street. fie N'praetipal Pititither and mechanic , and gives his shOr vision to all work entrusted to him. Orders from lite cannery promptly attended to; lefe ut their store,No. 165 . Wood street. Itohnek'n Bittern. "litres there it man with soul so dead, , • Who never to himself bath said," tieback's Bitters—they at e the I,es. t -1 -To appetite they - Oise a zest; There are none so good, none so pure, , Disease nous will so surely cure. ,Talto it my frleml if you'd be well, Take it, aria to sour ncighliots tell . The trondions atory of their worth; 'roll 11,1111.1 let the word go forth. health is wealth and that means greenback one thing,better, that ta'Rolftekia Now Ix the . Tim, 1 re the Wight transitory beauty of autumn rut ire ty disappears. wo blionld avail ourselves- of the fair days sad have our pictures taken by.soine lirst class artist; one well skilled In all the : mysteries of the plietOzinpli art. One of tho very hest places In the city to procure desirable likenes..i is at tie, columodbms and elegant MOMS of It. 1.. 11. IMIM's, No. 22 Sts tine . street. Kvot if yon. do not wish to pro- CLI e a picture - you should visit 1 Ito Dahl's', el itildiket rooms keit Must your eyes alt 111111130 - rare works of tilt, comprising btatutiry oil portraits and snit delicate tinted landscapes toothhitille Delleacie4 Our reapers ahonl.l not fall railing at the popular e4nttnearal Saloon, next. dour to the Vostoflice, 10 the- basement, on Fifth street, tor a dinner or. a Meal lit for n king. Mr. tiolt zit elmer, - the proprietor. has long enjoyed a high reputation In his business, and having establis,loni a class nue of custom, he ens deas - otS: tu sustain his reputation by giving rtriel and careful attention to fin 1,1.111C99. to, IVithOigt exception, the beet managed saloon 'or dining room 4n Pittsburgh.- . fisso:yne , n Ointment for iftela nwayrie'i Ointment fat Tetter. Swaynn's pin talent fonyimple..l. ..iienyne'e Ointment (Cr K[1.541(.1114. Swayna's Ointment. for Bang Worm nivrayne , ltAntitient- for nit. of tho 51:11.1. . . by 31'C1atratit M'Kennan, .Drogglets, • Merl, c s!reet, corner ar Diamond, nrar Eal Pure 'North Cnrollas Ter In Barrel , , 1J al( Barrel! and kegs, cutt be had al Fiera qv: , Drug Store;?.:o t 61111 m get Street, nt lowrz I rut es; also, Turpentine, Rosin, Oils 101 , 1. • . Remember that the Tar it the genuine. South. ern !Weir, and can be had cheaper °lnclining than elsewhere In tho elt.7. • Par., I.ln,eca oil and Varnishes, selling ve FS low, ut Wetarran Druk Store., i. 1.5 Market street, Emmet . fila.tnno4l, near Fifth. The Romance fif the Three Gnnittsmen, now being perform at the OPern Ilmise, for sale et Plttock.e, nppo elte thi;reetnthee. • 'You Can B.y iplrls_ cheaper at 211'Clarran t aNieta nan's licag Store, e'a Market street, than oleo 'whete. -- garintiry Merchants Crul br:igains at Pl•Ciarrau lit'Kennan'a p rug dlnre,/P-1 Murlzet Ftreet. AkliZOTlCan..V& llllllll y In Gern3nny, by.l. Dols Drown, ut ttOelo , ", oppoHle the Post0II100• ,• • Loma Venerts, . • Bs . 9w inborn, Fold lit, Plttock'd,. opposite tho roatolllco. , • Griffith Gentili. Oyer 5nU topiesrolil nt rittoeic's,4pijosite the • 11Isles,: rapers. - ?Wendt - ISeries. at Pittoek , s, oppon I te the P. TELEGRAMS. TRr the lif,frebsatc' Nett.: al Telegraph Co Yrom Oil City. Special to the Pittsburgh Cte zette. ' • Ott Cirr, Nor.; Riser three feet 100' Inches and falling slowly. Wester cloudy andchilly. Oil mar ket quiet. • • Ilon.firArey SlCtloe's Hp - nen!. MONTILLA!, Nov.?. —Hon. Lies , Id , Geo made a speech last night . the Caledonean So ciety, awl said it he bad the ear of the Irish people be.mould eayi Consider the prosper -11114 llotatlOß of Scollan.l. Consider the example of Scotland. Cease to pursue the noposalble and impracticable. Try.,by every novelty Something that contains elements of success. :To the imperial statesmen ho would recommend the familiar American . word "re constrnetton,. and a generous policy towards Ireland: ' .oestructivo Eire In New Orleans—Rol " •ler Explosion. 'N ow Ontosse, Nov. 2.—A LS re last night des ..%royed the large clothing store of Thomas C. Xagan, Canal street. The Eames coin nalmicatcd to the !funding occupied by Darcy Wheeler, also wholesale clothiers, destroy- Ing the upper portion entirely. Total less, three hundred thousanddollars; insured. _ '• it boner on a flat exploded this morning at, the wharf, severely injuring three men. Bank Safe mown Open. Otass, N. Y. ' liev. 2. A large safe In the banking offleeof Chambeiltfln & Co., of ltd.; village, was blown open last night and the money contents, consisting of about 42,000 in currency, revenue stamps, de.. carried o ff by the burglars. Teem were several special :Amulets of government bonds that were also taken. Their mount Is not known. The . labia . ..riding clerk. ;. New Toss; h'ovesuber 2.—Thoguld exchange ! today appropriated five thousand dollars to wards discovering tho whereabouts of George cairn," tigliabscondlng clerk of C. C. Parka. 1 ' 4' . • 0" ... 4. ' l ' :. ..........,,..„ Hlr..:'; :: - ... : 11. . . 1 7. 8 ::::::;;; \ , ,, - x.c - :•. - ..•:: -‘‘ . .. " . _, 2..:' . r .. l „ , ' "7 '* ' ‘ ,_:: ,: ,"" 2 : : .: . • , • - .. . - 2) ~.1, - ,J : • 1 i 44FV...;"1 * ;,J4 , ;4 --- .. 7 -.6 - OrT‘ .r., ~- - -,, , -. 1- L - - ;:t..., 1 , . 1 .-,44-:, __ - to 1 1 , z7:-44i;1AM:',5-!74-77-:W;-''-E4,-, -.. i 1 , , . • i , , • ! ---=-:,,!.( A .---,,,--.;- ' -......_ —. 4 ci •i--f,s:.- : , ..1 , , f. , , ; ,-,- i ~. •ki —2l" .'--= . -_:: ._.-1: - ., - !..= __ .. -- /• ,- -`.rnT'S .7- '" n •-:.;..,--.• - -' ---- . --' ' ' i . '" '''.'. .•' \ . - - - "10 '` ' ' ' ' •' ' ' 4 ', , ..- --- - ,. := -,- '" --, . -, :f":; 7 * --• ,_,--7- 7 - -- .- - , ---.i ..- ' - - i' _ • . . „ " 1--': .- : ---'- - - -'-- - 7 '--- ; 1 '- -";'7- 4 1" -!-: '----.=-7.7:77F:Pi'...-1,-..,-. _ Er= ME! you TM.I LXX .265 FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M: LITE NEU S 111 - TREERIPIL FROM ECROPE.BF Mr. Blight In Dublin—Cable Banquet.... Napoleon's Advice to Maximilian eat lon of the Pope • Agalust Italy`-Turk- Icit Victories Claimed-hi a anal. '3 000 -,Christians Browned in a Care,--London and Live, pool Markets • Pror.uv, Ontolair 31.—Mr. • 'fright hio arrived In lava city. A grand tianquet Ivan glean him, Winch wan a groat anecers. Ho Wade a speech, on wain he argMl; . l n stronang nage, tan op pliant ion (If proper remelt 3 for tan removal of I thin grievances. • Lorinon, October 31.—The Lord M4An's ban. omit, In honor of (ho sue,easful' lueing of the Atlantic Cable.'catnu oil' last night, - and was 0 most brilliant success.. Eloquent speeches Wire matte by many distinguished gentlemen. November 1 is sub! nut the Erg. Napoleon has . informt tile' Linprcs Carlotta that filio had better tell thi, Einper,n. Maxin.lhan to code ta . o . of Wm provinces 10 MI r tilted Slates, in order to consolidate. hie rule in Mexico. • . Oa. e01161 . 111...i that M. flout is to tie the t'ortlgri 11illaSttt nd AU:11,1. .. oet.. 31..—The Pope has deliveiwt Ito allocution eolloiollllllllg the COIOiIICV Of hilly, ilechtrin g tint ho IS realty to die in detrnee of tile rig ill, and that In ease of need he will cock the!ite ,XerClNe of his inintstry fa mother land. din, Ntiv. I.—A decree has been Issued up . polittMg Commissioners for the reorganizing at the French army. The - Emperor Napoleon trill preside Over two MI.IOII. • Itent.tzt, October M.—The Government lugi VVisaeddecrec•• ordering that the fortresses f Loar, • 1 ants. Memo and Cahloutz ha 111, armed. anti the artillery force be reduced to peace tooth; a. I.onnus, October '2l.—The Turks claim great 14 th:tali, overthe Christians In Candid, in a hand to hand fought battle. near Oressa. The Christ inns lost seven hundred men, whilo line Turkish loss wan very heavy. Three thousand Clirlstlatis had been drowned lu it men Where ti.ey had sought a hiding place and refuge, lido raising arid submerging !Man. Largo subtulSSlOns being made, by nip Chris tians to the Turkish annum 'ties, hoanoci, October 3i.—Consols SIN for mutiny; 'United Stat., tive4 wentlea.tlo; 11111101 d Central railroad shares 7.“ Erie Ml 4. Lir zercoLOAtohcr th—i Cotton sales to- , lay, It , itt:l4F4,Ql5O. foil middling to p.ands. I.i.Noon, NOventher ;'sin„ - All Clents !lay, l Slack market is held. The cot ton wit-ket I.4hearywith dales of FOMI bales. The market for petroleum Is tint, tit lea! :1 per gallon 'fur rennet!. THE BALTIMORE DIFFICULTY, City Perfectly quirt-110w Corrintlitiarn era Not jet istyttra In—lteratint to Serve rtitler r wana—Yudgeo. View, Sorembor 2.—The city le per fectly Ilaitt to-nay. 'in dlstupanees latvo taken - place bevoint an att;Mlttn. In shoot a pelieeman tly tiring at hlm n i,il t In Taylor's news i . e.., • • The new commissioners have not yet - male their appearance, nor have ,they yet applied to he sworn in..- There 19 no troth whatever in the report teleeraphed from this'elly that Mayer Chap. man has decided to recogni:e the . newly nlt• Veintml police board. On the contrary, he is ont-spoken in it in date, intention not to recoil. 'aze them. The latest ',per bi, that Mr. finery has pod. tivoly deelitted the appointment of Pollee Commlssiourr, tendered him by tloyernor Swann. • • Brittantera In, NOVeninee '].—'hello 1:1 , /tetio, pf tots tits . , bite a special it switch front Balti more, which cape: tine. Swann , . new Police Coustassioners applied last night to .nudge Martin In be sworn Into onlcu. The dodge re iiised In vitteroVo faintness out of Court, and there to.vm tin application 11l Court up to ' this time.L Thu Clerk of the Court is.Altreil Mace, a staunch loyalist, and he will note wear to the lie w Commissioner.. Judge 31, 111, alit also probably refit, to swear ill the re w enolloloololleta in court h.-.lore taking potion .ion of the nnicte to wl,iiell they hay, ns.,, ~, i i,oliiita lo the. Govern,. 'rho old Police boininniduiters o ill lint recognize timaiip01td ,,,,•,,,.., of Cov. SWithit oilier any circoinstim except lif uCtula laili(lar toren. TM . ..- fourths (If Om ohl police Pore will. refuse to f•.•1•roo under iitiv; Swann. Itscromer, .Nov. ..,—Governor swain (he. turned to Aintitpoll. 11,10 moriiimi tomt Wadi too. Theo , lire throngs of p , ople lathe vicin ity of the tmlice stations. and • nowsliaiter 0111- cell, lilt. all remains rimer. The Milne log 10 Chat. wan .said ~y .111111 M Martin oi the ,:illieri. or Court of Baltimore City. before 11er:11ml:di the oath to gal nthoillivtorod to the new Com. •mlsetonera appointed by Governor Swann: ' ..11l tile nutter of 11 ii- T. Valiant and James Young, who have apnoea to be atin wed to 101,e Oaten preerlbed by the dent section of the ant of 161'2. chtpler lat. Ili allowing these aPitii- 1 cant 3 to take the oaths required' by the Hod. section of the act of 1,02, chapter 131, t desire to •lin nnilorstood as expressing Ito opinion on the question us to the jurisilic. lion of the Governor of Maryland to remove ' tile Police Comml,sloner, , , wan were In the of fice under the uppitintmeut of the Leirklature, for official Mlnconitnet, or a: tO the validity of the tttte of these applic.nla to the miles to which they claim to tarsal' led under 11111 np. pa:Anima of tho.Execntive. In tilreeting to' ha administered to these applicants the oaths requhed to be taken by them by the net of .Iv eembly of ISei, citapti , rl 31, thiseourtperforms only um W a isteri d uty - which may lie il lepers gee by the clerk.. It isto evidence of title In these applicants to too onion elate:lod by them, CI t Only puts them inn condition to maintain the validity of that 11 1 10, The taking of the oaths prescribed by the pollee act, in only a compliance with the conditions demanded by the statute, and without the performance of whicir the applicants conld lint be regarded as entitld to hold nitsnion of pellet, commis sionere to ascioirgo tiotlev, even assuming that Ohl, mode in wash •they have been ail poluted Ikag entirely unexceptionable, the question ot their,titlo to Glib onVo cannot In tried in this form. • ' , • Card front Hon. Jewels Harlan Regard toff Male of sue CneroUce Lando. /03111 - Tit:TOR, Noveml.lo7l. Junw. lan this morning publishes. an elaborate reply to tim statements male, hnougning his mrl Lives in The tale of the Cherokee neutral lands. Being thoroughly convinced that the Interests or lb° Indians required it, !ie . /Aye lie songs diligently for purchaser, and after failing In quarters he ultimately - effected a sale to the American Emigration Company, of Connecticut. lie claims that 11111 contract was In accordance with the treaty, and that with reasonable diligence the wholo amoont,, accept tine expenses of survey, would Le LllO Tre4bUty to the credit of the meatus or atlnterest vat bin one year froufthe lute of the eontniet. Ily the other mode of sale, In driblets, the expense would bo lunch greater, 'find Judging from pant experience it ethilla he a life time before tbewholo ethyl bee inverted Into midi. A few interested parties desired the vacation of the contract fur puipoths of - speculation. hi r. Harlan concludes by saying; Not regarding them as disinterested advisors their advice w not followed by pre ferred to follow as my-Own Judgment of alut the true interests of the Indians and the peo ple of gamma required. I did what appeared to me to be both .lee and Just, and 1 neither nor doubt the judgment of an impartial oZ:lie opinion, and if my successor should fol low all of the AMMO' Golleral, not ngide . centrnet and succeed In making a better dispoiltion of these Matta, none of his friends will bn iLturn highly g.tlfled. than I. shall Ito with Ids stit.i"Y‘s. • Ireland Once More to be Made Free— Andrei". by President Roberts—A Snit Agatost iireat Britain. NEW Yonx, November 'l.—Colonel Roberts has Issued a stirring address to the Fenian Brotherhood, calling on them to form them selves Into tutlltary companles once. The neutrality laws, he says cannot preyent them, and British influence will no.longer be allow ed to role tills comstry to your injury and Ire land's shame. strange events are In the near future, and you know dot how soon you may be called upon to strike again for Ireland. Lot not the occasion or call find you unpre pared; lie climate them to work. Inotrue• ,tons requiring secrecy will !PO tent to the cir clet.. A letter received Isere says two Fenian prisOders recently In the hands of the Cans: Man authorities escaped, anti me now in Rochester. They state that the American Consul at Toronto expressed hopes that tile Canadian Government will hung Meat all. ' General Gleason, In New Fork, Is preparing a cln.IM against; tho British Government, to ho forwarded to Washington, for sixty tlionsond dollars, for 'lllegal imprlsonMent In Ireland, • Destructive Fire—lnto Men Injured. • LEAVE/MO=T. KANSAS, Nov. l.—A lire oe, enrrodllds morning on Shawnee - 4treet, be twecn Fourth and 4 r lttli, -which destroyed a whole mock; th exception of the Moe -Cot House. Total lone between forty and any thousand dollors; very little loam taco. Two men were seriously injured , by falling from buildings, • _ alminuleraCaplured and flanged. (.leLviurrow. Tax., November 2.—The gang of marauders which have lately been commit. ting eo many oufrages, have all been cap. term', ebot or hung. Their leader. Colonel Young, formerly the chief 01 General Sher mans scouts, was hung by the Rancheros. Wine Grower., Convention- SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Convention of Wine Grorers met yesterday for the purpose Drainnsulting about th e n be d California a roduoticm ot tax on brandy. SECOND EDITION. / FOUR O'CLOCK, A. NI lERY LITEST TELEGIII3IS. I: ATM Fit OM BA IMMOR The Old nod New Pollee tolnmlko.dow er/4-31woofee1 Imo.; of • iti..pol•livolth— I Addre.o. In the 01111.16 —l•rocinum slob by thn Mt 1' tttttt It toodonem it A1.3 . 1 , 1eit0, NOv:'-'7 , -Thmiate . 4. ',port, to re. the Comaltswonern In that the nexviy uppoultpd Conimlsshmers will route rt to! rant demand to-morrow mortliwr for the htirreador to them Or all the stattoa.hoe,,, and other property, together Vi - tt I. I tio beloeging to tti fo , eo: Till,' demand, It I, (hither said, will he seuportedand onforeod by thll ,IterllT with a largo , The dctnand,.lt is ddhlot , tool, trill Levq ftiedand the Cionteho , ioiter, alit ammo... their aeletunnation fo submit wily to !Ill' al, n:siou the room Thov have sworn it very large nutulaw Illeeizt: p 4 .11":1114.11WhIC.1 the) 5'31,2..50 will br , (Mellor to tip Terre LIM (111/111111a3 Win ha 111,10 111 to enfOrce their demand, , 1111 In to:night, ton t it iv hope .1 the Whole unitieci r ivill I, set 'a., ieli bout any scrim. iibitarlialeee la the public. peaee. There 1 are born attest lierSteta 1.1 , 1.1. , 1 for the nese Connya,ionern, bat it cannot tie itiicart.iineil that they have yet out tied on nut' one. A very wig.; meeting nt Ihion held' a: the Front o root 1114,11 e. A:CUM . /LI JOhll lienly y lan , :wcre ninon;; toe TM al 1:hil !gilt the ',Mow ileeliti tithe; nitilrii,iat to the country in r In the eNcitang troll. le: The loyal ritirui. anionr at an rxtraorillintry JU,ie ilre. In t the. city uult o f nth, 511011 li dna to the rt'r and to I hot ether tn give apeallll :mil %Inas Unit iniriloo , In ...tenni, to Corrences winchfoal the of our r:unumn nlty. Po We num% and it to our purin.e, a tin. and not to rtiiait it. . . Wl• pi ly: , , (11 Mai:1151111 0.11 , 14.•rv11.1 otit it11;111:. nutlet 11,. 1;1 , ', :MI ill a manner. Third, IV.. 1. , 1.1 that to ea t ttil ~r any iloubt.l in tile con,trucl rot, t to to .1 !to! coo:MI.1V MIME Int,rpretur, 111, Wit ell are erenlvil (Or 11. tight, t;I:Al the que,t.butt Itt cunt/ ween . the tllO 'late and - the ;roll. , quubt Loll 1,1 wit lelisr. eit i:•:03, we Stave n.le , P intere.,t. :Alan be eublulto_.l to the 11100intl nt the courtt, :ql.l 11 ft i, ,uhmitted w, thel I, will 11111i0114. IV eh, NV 1.11, ,, to eXpre, olle ,trong etkllliticllCO 111 the ititerd.fty and 11 , 1 e, ity Messrs. riiml4 the MA, C01,411.Ut0 the pre: 110.11 - il, ali•1 W. appeal In tile Lit: Ilf .11/111 autt Miler prevutling 11l our city under prnVti,l , IVO or 011,1 4. , Y 0f tio•ir ai1k0.,1,11 - .,t 1011 ~uu,t I,` rtellgtiOtlr 1114,11Vith , t h. the 1,4 . ;111 Ilitchargo of thcir 4,111C4 uu tlt ,11.1.5.c.,11 , ..0 he de :1•4011 0.! 11 etutioctrnt . - F./Ka/2A W ,pri-Cale 11.141., earit, wont mad i 1111, erthls .1. rtre act- dispa,slotmtely tlrtzfly,.., not eatraln rout eSpers.ttna out Intlhoat ant at :Ile artion o 1 ttover..ol . ~.V.krl, 4 In II to IVIIII.Vai ~ 1 toe too Ulilove (fiat Ur: 111 3 ri"l:itiO, tne Conqt.ll.lttion anti. /tins the Slate, • a:ttt ittl teettutiptioa' of :tat httrlty h _he has legal .right to ev.e,ette. _v.nit The reiat mn I..,tween elerYts and their 131. ellaoi4o.l greatly Within file 111.1 fifty yea 1 1.111 - 3 1,11 1. slime elerlot. In the ; In 221 rs. e lit emw, formed part of n 1111.1. faintly, and he felt it Inv clot}' to exer• ri-e n certain parental oversight of allot;con. 1,111 . 1110 q 111.• to gainst the temptations ot y, ;cal provi a meg tor t hem tio sat, 11111 , 1 111 0 1,11111 . 01 . 11: 1 / 1 0 111111 I:le00unt 1101110. ,11011 11.1 ,11111111 1,1111111 111 11 boaroing 10 , 11,. If. hel 11.1.1 .I,igliter3 It 'll l 9 woural that the 3'01111.1 men, Ilettig Ile; the sacie roof, r , laculit Mem.. sem kible thmr httruetlena aita dream of nearer connection. alnny it thriving tiler /Maw; w 10, name 101 011101 , 0,0111.1 Weighty 00 4. ,311,0. 1.1111 010 1111111.1 AI 1011 14 1,1 Va l 1 1Y 111:1101111111 11L1 103.11,1'1 .1.1101 1011, mol Icamining 1,0111,11.11 331111 1:11C wever, everything has eliangwi. I, 10tle mete:tattle malts that 11-0.1 to Me; .lit ',cue have 0X1,001t. , 1 lilt'' 03; 1111/ a. 110,11 1:11.11iY there 111, 110,- it hum ...I or mote 1 111 ,111111. 01 I 11•: in lacteal e7llOl- , 1 . 1.; 1 , ./11,1 Ike pat•irot, noosnor numer little,., bat 'lot ry and 'l'll 1101.111,a 11101 10, :via 1.11,1111., 0110 lal 11.119 are o.lmtnett It on a that' a °nal 111.11..• lull'e .0. ady ohl merks ; 0 „, opt' n ole 4') autil,iliettl. • 111 0 , 11 .4 • ' l t iv 1.11a.-101.. for /lit ernplo,cr to 11,11.111 II Imml Into 111, luncw or 1111 kneWlc.igeof 1.11001 w1:1411 Frolmhiy there mu Maul* ; ft..,chants In ti'' inlll.llll 11111111 fall to recoa• ,0011. Of float . 10.11101. tilt , 10• Y allotll4 l'lo., of their stoles. 1112.1 y. ..eta 111 1:11.1 V1:1 - 111 11 , 111111 1.111.11 . 121e1 k,. ,1110,101 their oat 1111„11111•'" , 111111 el+ lett to tltota. selvo, it 11000 young 1111,1 are weak they are very likely 10 vlOlO to the • tetriptat lona Gfiict '901,0111111 01011. wo hred, 013-mingmen suf fer 1111011 iou'rooli et. y year 11l 1110 Oily, 111111 the 10140 Ropes of thome Who ate int ere,te.l to thew. ?Am, of these might have Oren fOlOll Oy n little lintel). uliviee. A The lieu I t Tr 1 alri In I'atrada-•,tr,/tt.'ll- 1111 , rethtut, for exatc tile, employ ing nay clerks i 1 11 1,11 can oeca-rocally hol.l elerks . intent el t 3 nem Prisoner.. • ~ mt.! Invite all 1119 employ to spend , '1'01111,4,1,C. W.. Nov, 2 -It lint 110,1. c.• ..1. 1 , 1 1„tt al 11011,.. The eVellilly; might 0100 , 4 that Mete Will any trial?, 111111'- 1.1 , e1e 10.041 10, 11.11.1 l'obalt Of It 11011111 , an 11 , 11 10..1 toll of the ruerellunt'a interest tentimic9 ill 1111 0111,11111 1,l„ 1,3111 1 , 71111171 looged ripen net l'pon Daniel 11111''. lit hying Pa . ). the 11, ,0,01 n „ 11 . 1 aoe, .t snob gather :nits , • , 111\ 1,11, 11 I,ll' 11. 11 . 1111111 son 6 1,(.."6.qu0 :41'1 , :011,1t. n-1:0,11 iloApoiannenL of Lewtrtai until the 1;111. lif ; t-t“.‘ealeea „, 1 (li •t+1111111;;10111111111::1 next month. After a /11,..e.h1!)11 11.0 tL 111111 /.1',11011., 111 1 ; - 11 IVII,I 113.1'11 alien. Mr. 31.1tmigic then ”aol . I" t OILS really 111 oceed with the Peri, C. 0., but `I" •„ the mown V.•111g 1111,1,111, 11 lululll,l. uul `l'.3. IL ".". 'F . Y• 1100011 lo Tit,day next. The Fraud Jury t Ilea 1.4,rv , 1 I 110 part wlt 11 • I.Ve.f ern UoiveTslity. • / tone bdis again. Tlionul , Conbey , Tlt"noe , ! Etit evening a. I , lem,ant, re-Union ill tile 1 , 11.- Sebrint, William Iturcan .und , I•Cor.ner- I 111:•unit lon, and of ttte fll;:tts of ell lenlan.pri,oner.:. Thomss C. , ,00ey 1/1110 0 ... 111 the 110e11 Fchteatauti ge n eral, way hotel at the Calvet , and attoied not gutlty. 111, I Fiat- ea 9 11011 1 ,Ity IsulhlL g motel' the 011 pert 1011111 of the far 1)10 " 11 l 1110 t• ThOT . " ''''011"111 ns 0011 Roe. Dr. Wool,, l'ocHluent, and the Pt ofewors m •petti In ti e ek 3110 el am 10 bean .1 intm• lean C 1117.00, 111 , 1111111 g 1/13t, trmr wpit him mil he work of insti.- - fired tor the letit inst. Win. Daggett plead , . ! Um, The oil eel-tons to. bring the matter'.! the ' hurt ' ', am! hie Wa' II sell (or thceunle E4licatten 11M.110 to the hearts 111111 minds of day as the last. • • 31r. liteKetute then upptird to hare. the In • oar 112;011at.: tO 0 IMltte them aith Ilietro,nt 401,111,1 on the gronrol differ- in I,E, L if, nod ,0 ,r,il e k,„ eat 00.11,0 had eiisrged ild Orl , n , ter , "'ill. them In. provlding a pr-oper and Ilta.;at en. being stihjeevi cohjeets, „t o s s meat 1111 1111 part kale unit subitillttui that 1 heY ere," 111,1 " "1" teallet (Molt llt the Thlid Ireso3terlan they are held to Le firttbdi subjects tilcy mue.t I e heren, tea Ar.. 1,01103 Rigby, and tt,slstot Ile inelleted tar ttea,llll. Tilt; tolge.overroled S 1 r,. Norman :fralth, tar:nal/A dUlhhlful the obleetlen 100 11 e , ..Pr .,401, .. Mr. entertatottwat ll tile way of In 111.10. Athirei. then ga‘m notice that he could move that t he were a c ite e r,, l l I,y th e Rm....lgen, 5, ihieb. grown el. et whether. 10 try the prim..., 10 „ 0 „ ,01 ~ Castor el Ilic First Baptist church; the British. subject,. Of American baize!, 1 1 1,1 , Itev, li. 11. 1411y.100. Or Christ slettioditt Episco -I.ortledilp remarked that tie thought -the in- it . ,t encreh; the 111,1. 0. 'l'. 0001 . 01, °Mlle Pitet ten.lo4 v lol'3' P ,O O OO 0 .1 1 ! Vral..“, 1011:111 church; uml the Rey. I furl lel: WOll 1.1 . 111011113:103111011)'whet all;the;' • JOllO,Oll, 01 the 1111111 Pre,byterinc •ehnreh.; are liralsit or American calleel, Dr: 1.1,tab., 11100,01111110 l'lollll,ll 1,N211 . 1.1111. i I CO 1011.3 given for john tocannor, aud .1 . rutheie. 'l'llo bloaett at all the whirr:a...a Was 1:001 - 1 EallOurnott 11111to.taort ray, win... lie, Iha ig,porto..., of Eli ucatton,utot especially tn'' 31r. bulusden's call) will ho proceeded' -vitt 11, Inn m s ner,departments. • • , Atter •nu 1111111easee, elegant refreshments Judge. Hole, anal the Charges ' Agritnet were served. Jetta .Tee Whole entertulninent -mental, material 111 a superior rtier. The New' roan, Nor. will b e, recellecterl that . . , wArt ti Cella Illy t 05,0 lit and trust !On:10011m Sitle , , the report 11111 circulated that it will bear truit, It me, in hard We oaott AdVodtdo General Holt had, by unworthy , least in 'abundatit g retail/ kl', for thls most tneanp, urged the preferring of the charged .•E I t orlon, object. "' triad!. the test It, rears, limier Its present against 311'. Davis, and' that. 110 f.“11,1,111,11t1 111/le awl lent col numngeumcit, the Uni‘ , ....inity n 10,11411,1 IS pamphlet in 1,11 1(11 110 lktallCll :1 1 1 1 011 111,1 V ImParled to it 1 1 0 t lettllth t n e d tentn .i,t . b., ', h ""e,,whieh t he '''l.ll }' l 11 It 011.1.111 to Le, by any means. It re chargv 11.1 bet. ruaeo. ',du rots nmount , 1110... for our eiticem. ot wealth to put it on appeared 111111 Snitter.i,Conover nil,. C. A. Dun- . I. ll colgt ion of grlltOgr 00 ,1 newer. barn volunteered 10 11101 1101:01 WllO 1041 etalo.l .. . 11e . .leolare .0 lei; pt.., • 't ho States what 14 ;0.1111tim111.13 . It et t hoyuate act or etseleel 11 . 10 the sevestigallolllo - I!ett,et 0,11 the is It teoeve e.ol.lloate 011ie, .0 0..51 Stales 1,1151.0 r, w., Itee . ool oft tautly a party tot Ase es.., 11y tillt Ilia drvA}!lln, ari.l 1.11,1 - 01rteaecael...etta !boss to new Ill' loci ;.ppotete.l le sus, eil'.the present Ceitlllail4loDets, that WIL3 1,110 le. 141,1111, , 11.:111.1.,I1,11.1 perseaal ends by the 1540141er nt lee 1.0, .0 . 4.1 Ino Slate to a .I,ooloa vocep.elo.l these t'/at w.•re and neettetls el the late rebelleoa 1 Tho 11111 ii r. ill .11,11 . jc: . .117111. V the uric ty avoinali• I' C01.10i1 , 11 , :e1, , . the old board fvgatiltil ilm• an a , al:bubo In ,(!110ett 11 . 0111 ate ationt o.suing n pi - Orkin:Mot, Board of Potter, Roir:nwre. 11001111; been :11,1,,I; u1. .1 Coin y iii,Exelletywition ciao, Swami .; bainti,l I.linil mid 1.. removed, ASO ' , it.' 11l • , 1:111, :hint In till, pro-ieent ion id „ , 1 Int dm hi we do not Ful l y ...torte:bile, in any , lb. spect, le lire now., or to naive any i..rtion comiteleil o li• it for lit. political ()jillllllllx, brut:tiled Ito, not lit ri - aft. Collier honoilt auiviOilillt to Ole Al , I • 11011 . in force for I Ito hoierbloool of I lie pun,. of Baltimore. We libmive bat the nth:be; .tril men in the t to iiiitpitoni to fie Filial the tawtc.plii eni hem to libl . ollr, , t, li of the lieut . °, ani , want)l II 'ho :I ant) Cl p,e , te.,l that they will cheerfully aid On jit pretervitor tile tone'e of tlie cite. ll',, nits 11.0000 all hood ell i 7 11n triiilmPit 114 by their and ex- Ftlapte, anil tlott they" will 11, it their en deavor. to in in'eat i•aeitentent,aiiii that they still aco inly oil net other. btu anti to quietly nod pew:ea.' , acipii ii.t.ce lit 1111, .1111• 1n , .• 101,1, living leanitli rated btu t ty lie Moan our v! LI I that he knew saint:twit about oho ca ., to war. ! II ho old Stuntl. rant such a charge ',clue mule: wacr..upon 1 . William Campbell, ono. J. A. linare, w 14, We take. pleasure In calling tho atteutfou of named al the per.... :ilimled to; that le 01. hr ! our ~,,1,,, „,,,t Ile po 1,1.0 ginner ally, to the to obtain the attend ince of the i , ,,•ihi• bums of motto Witt° tolvanet at ~,,.i ou; wive, leiewent of flumes Phelan, who has bud times to the eh . I coo rover, eon 1 hat Ihmre ' many }cars experience In catin log for the •tlid appeer before the Judiciary Commit- ' polo' lit canted. itto patrons have the nava. - tec of the 1010,0 of I,..prescio ally., ,001.1 t 1 Critllt .. lie Coll tell Co. teStlfy accordingly. Mate auh,sc,,nenny , lege of b •,, long t P ,t- aliMitied that I,li statement. 01 thin ' sally what suits them. . . whole affair wax 111 ( 0 'goal trltleoii II is Luttilltildli Vt,t 5 remove, more ills • any , foundation In trial). it appearing that . Than J.: It) . (1100s:old doctor's 111114. the whole story bad been served up by ton. • WI., nook 11 100 ittalt the bully Wartn Dyer, thb COMMILItor reettrantentled that Ile no Need Deter ores,/ it rottllog 'dor. , arrested. Accord Mg ty, Judge .1 ilvOcitt 0 Ter-;, Ettelaies comfin Is Call noon, a, Her, of Washington, ordered 111., ~,,, tto ti t . I el Dm all disease, built rich nil poor; wade, and Went emin v, r mailing his appear-. Prot:Ole thew, then, w Itliont. delay— anro in the city lin WWI arrested lit" l'nO t A 'rh,ro I, WI 410111 , C. let! to pay. Staten Ittarnbal Ain ri .V tool rent on It; ii ar.n. Doctor' I tninitstdre4 OIL sock hie atil t Ington yesterday. Although he 5e014,4 10 $llllll their trade: - ----- ' 'lit:glut., a httottilig or u curse, . • The Railroad Excuralonlri.. 1 Tlial enter it i(1,151. or bring on wersc; L,...,„..,,,,,,,,..rn. November, ./ . .._l.l,„ x t; „io n 1 ...,._ 1 . , I r t l itt, Good Warm II sidernlntlilng Itt Lt charui eine Railroad excursionists , who left St. 1.0104 ' I 9 t can 't .io !lam. - yesterday afternoon, - iirrlveil hero ut. , ten , ~,(1-,,,,,:1t•,,,1.,1.1!..:1‘1',11:1.;,.....ipt..71;11'...:.'1tiirt,ic!,'5t.01.1 Stand Stoek o'clock this morning . They were Joined by ; m the Eastern party, conshding a TlOttnus A. Ilitticlln Edward Miller, Stricklaint I, r0u,.., , - , A sent ad l4trollgth. Dr. Lec ' ointo of pniiadopnis., (7. ,, w. peck et i . eler halibut end Alattlicsr Jarotan are fel- NoW York, E ib. O. li c ' ' ,l‘ i n a . ;:a ., : l / ak i m " i.V, ' ,, le ,il o ' l .: low-employee, In Lowman's rolling mill in Pittsbargli c lO, , Ohio, awl reprelentat loin 01 the Now York,'. ' the N odli ward' Yesterday the twain etigag - Plills.ditlphits anti l'ittaloirali journals, and , col In an animated illsputo o,r the rotative several 'others.. Gentlemen of bath purlieu ' . c i ty 0,,,i n ,.., ,1,,, : uttenr,th of each,r . 9 muscular SySteitr. By have been the guest,. of the ilay, motel:log tti a ablaldlintle dinner at 0.. ' way of illustrating the trine id lila remarks, Planters' House, and a ball tit the .0.11.10 blurb ..111/1,:.311 struck Peter a severe blow In the race will take placedebnight which had tile once( of prostrating the form, During the evening the parties held a meet-' et the conceited Peter in the gutter, For giv ing at Elm hotel, at which the themher‘or . hot 11 leg this fot elide of Ins ,rnanhood, dalegatiOas were formally IntrOthlcutl 1.0 .0.1511 : • , 41 , 1,./1 ~. arraigned beloro Alderman al. other. Several speeches were mud s, 011 tog bent, of the Filth 15 . 11.r11, 2\llll atter a' partial forth the Obstacles .mrusonnted In the rOll. , hearing, was wade to furnish ball In the SLIM I atrnertOti of the road, it, prustna condition, , of thrill huudi ed dialer., tor his appearance future pronae.ein 'of the company, and it, elt• 'at the 1.051 term of the 6ri in 4 Court. torprise. A,general 1700t1 time nun ttatl. TI I, ! • 'olonrsiOnlate start at 7 o'clock to-morrow . Versonal —llll were ftLVOrrld feriterday tnoining for , Fort Natty and tltiant 1011 ctLy,arttl : wl ' It a csll Inuit Our friend MeEttrtill, the tita, return to per guce lit the eveniu,..;, Whille ti. ! „„11.4 ratter n 1 th e E,,,,,,,,,,,,Lrg 5,,,,,,01 . II e . grand sup and bull will be ay the city I was In the cll., - upon a business trip, and re.. authorities. . turned home yesterday. • • .. WE PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ® :3. 1866 - , FROM IVASIIINGTON. The Fenton,. Get G/111n i heir Arun. front the Cittvernment -.removal. front 111. tire—A • tttent by the ('t'mpiro lee of like .Trento. ry o Moro 14 an fount nooks to be Orconlzfel—Xxecution of at Mariboro.:.-pm.don Al•ptl e elision*, W. 4 NU tsuToN, November 2.,The inholon of V. 0' Day, of Buffalo, and, J. C, 011rion. of Ro che:ter, Las nocn Auceti,sful, they have obtain.' ed the return o: tho .irm, of the Fenian Bro therhood. (trough the Influence of lion. ,Ins, M. Bum uhrey, out B. liallughor of Buffalo. •it is al,o Mated lit thl., connection, that W. A. Dart Attorney for the' Northern District. of New York, tree to-day reinOVe.l from ottirg, 'Plni President to-day removed the Postiom tern nt %Cat - raw, Indiana. and Waterloo, loon !;Joia at Totaled Andrew G. Wood to lilt ne,for tiler and .1. P. Evans Clio latter vacancy. , - The Comptroller of the Currency that I,•nda have been received for deposit with . the Treasurer of the United :dates to an amount snflicient to secure the entire three hundre.l eireniation of the National hank,, authorized by law, and no more can he reeelvedafter this date. Tito limit has neen rcaelie.l and hereafter it will be useles , l to forward Lends or to apply for en . inereAse of capital. or file the organization of New BankS, or to do*aity thing .nth the expectation of get ting circulating rates. Fon reolored men, who eonleised their etinte, were. hung this morning at Upper Marlboro, Md., (or the reorder of Col, Vt am, Lyles, near I' seaway, is Jone lust. Their obleet vas plunder, which they ,eeureil, having taken :Omni, fr,nu Secretary. A large num her oi of persons went from Was•neglon and the surrounding country to. witness the eStf• &idiom. A fifth negro, who had been convict ed ot 311 illfatilon, Lures,.., was granted a re ,' inorder to hi.tnirn Into the triti,i ot the new evidence In Its favor. The 1 olton IteA regutallonS In reglad to tippli eat 0,11. , tor theruttSit pen -molts, were It-nett from the re s-teno nine° to.dny nittleat loon for tut:res.,' or netts otn,untler a he :101-1 , (. 1 11110 5111,1 . 10 ''UIY 11 , torth Inirt of the un. .o:Jteiteatod alt ellog and their re ceipt 1- not :Leh notrleOtted nine,. The col/dome 111 I(xlt 110:1 Mollie 11,1 el.stont 19 re. potted troth time to 1:11111 hy eirettisr or by let ter, and Witt not h., 01• pot red to :my agent, lin , hnil have been I . l:en r oll:tett by tl,ii MllOO,lllO nttorney.h. this Case, nor ttldt - et the 11hrdiedt1011 ..11:011 have been nit Ole at le:ast three Inn:ails, weettd .eXCepte I ttn1y....1 e 11111 y ex,nted p•ot oi attorney, confer- Ilpon agent the rielit to appear in arm-e, and no toustiludtested claim will ha taken from the filet for examination, uttleas materl evalenee have been offered to emta , .. liar it' validity: Durum 11111 past month, till • applications Of r. idOw, I 11111,1 reeeivol n' the pension el which 1504 were a:Mwed, 111111 it leer° rejeCt - ed. The number of application , . receired for .1110x110nettilOns. ‘rai or which 3,050 were allowed aml IV9 were rej-cted• • CITY AND SUBURBAN (ADDITIONAL LOCAL NUM3 ON 'THIRD ,w., ii 11'n Bel Ilona B..lween Ilie Ileralinat aad Ili vierli. aatl a Good Sagwebillua lor Ma . 1 , ..1 , : LI ,: I".l.l.:.lLlpLii ...`,',:, wc. clip the fol. lug lug ti•at II fat .artfele a Ilieli we tiut I. our niercliuut, wilt read carefully and act upon :ti euggeition, tVe know of erel O protnireo,t. gentl,to.,: in the front. rank olthe mete:tut:lc tort.'\\ha' long scot,' wiopteki the pion of letving their elerke aces• .; mionally to ile..ipitulity of their unit.' Moue.. in ple:ri.olt re•n,iou•, unll tee verily ilyo they Imre ilever hat Cation tg regret tho 1 eoetron • Lsrab. leninu Meovinv—Adalre•.es nud ; • Tint frlcndu of IKittit Nationality held :t I.trtte a .1 spirited meeting Lint evening ill Fenian Hail, corner 'uf Filth told smitiellelti sireults, far the purpose of giving eSpre , ,otv to their senthitents . tvith regard to the future Id I re hnt mole partlcular to distness" Itliat i+ boat to he dot, In the ease Of 1.110,e persons enndeinned to death by the British Govern nieed in Canada lot their adherence to the Fenien Cause, The Meeting Wits or CattiZeil by callitig Captain Biggins, of this city, to the Chair, and appointing •Intlo SilinOtt and Jas. Cotifittelly, :Secretaries. `ottenssinutteg - the presidency, Captain lint -Bine returned hi, thanks to the a'-ea/Na t ty lor the nneoliclttil honor e !trent,' upon 'olio, and in it hurt on,, pertinent 'lt Oa Well feetiecd, staled tin' object for which Illalneetlyac hall convened. In inohelasont In troductti Dr. E. Donnelly, >ulucnu 111 44,11. In the I:i1113.1, lllva,iinn, win., In cOlll- 111.; 1.110 inly Tin t Doctor began by allutitten lu the 4411,11 g. 11, Country httti sturet tut duringtteven hundred crtitt Brill:sit Inile—w Chic .vinete tor oat ours ism and trencher!: 11.1, "veer heed cc i a..11...1 studtine lorinalion 01 the w c alii. The op. ',ream°, and .stung, It man le tshmen to ll ei had tu.cnduro Law 11.t.1 the titleCt of milli'', their Lettalt anti soul agalliCl, their :01,1-cal tn. eally,ll . llo, ere 10110, in ilea:Ailed 10 feel the Cl retributlve vengt,tetutt n nil such tots, a:, O. 111111141 e her haughty pride anti belag uer tct - al purple to the; 41101: zipeidcer L;aeil an el history Of tile Yeillan Paid berliond te.nlll i. i co e/Vile. 10 WC 0102,11, told drt l.Lreli Ih 4t It. Only 1111,11 Lon luau the /11.41114',11411 41: 11,1.41111. 41 , 14tr114 /skeptics lire 01 the 11111111011 (hal F. - 111.011 Slit I,lleitti, not Mc :111,11,1, u tl 1.14,4 It Wild only The I.reschr 111:. Lint that w/1 1 c e li pteedt, et storm wh, silently, but surely, gullet:, he; at out, the. throne the te tau( N.,. i'incitoci Il liad. within fete Nt and o,,, t eicii et' three ado men te I. isciy 1 Ire he,. Carlidedati. . t rilis,irg 111.: 1 / I .lli/OI Q114.14i4 V1L.V.4.41 4..1,111,40,1 11l 11;411t li114(41, of their,;„teett t. -tee ,touit tett tte, and net. Ow: c:411.111001 al 11,4-1 . 4..11111.11, glech (row tllls city: tlO 11.1C11 aruuoli Tuoll“, .1,011,11 lit.', at. ut..• 1N1r011... Vi • • • WI I that. 11/t! CSettlLl,ll ,• 0111 1 , a :J111:IL: acl Ot 111.111,1 t.t.• w..r1.1. 611't/t1313. 14'111111w, , azt, , n,4 01 11 , 11144,1.1.11'd 11101.121,11...1 foe the c:ll.e. - - Tnc loth.a Ina; pr. _amble e ere theta NUO.llllli .1 It Or, tl.l tine, il',ls hiela here pLareateal.'l ithetzt n tia•-sentieg voaae: "nil I.lolnl .: 101 l 1,1,1,..,1 of Una POWahaallters• v i tAtll.ll.lll ill' I,lltriol :It lento, tre Ith Veal, tvao .tinea c1t11,11., Ti,,' 1tt21....1ut/ri Mithe k atilt liebert CellieMllctl to (Or L:11,-1.110 l k nttn liereintaleel end, 14 - 118atz.tii, the I .l i i , In colt zon,,, for right. of tho 0 1, 11.11. ti ,10 I II ,• ~Ii• 111 14111 111. Ito - tit prtitef.t. , :toil • IVaLitr.., , , The .101311 tiii• , • 3. , cit tii ductiantl CI Ili, . .ou .111...:1 our t-ltiz,u. ece•ti , deattl; R...1, • •:ti, n 4 4:lt • a ,with th!, 4, i• :gip: to utir CI • 11111,1“.. 10 laCtio 14/11111 , 11,, 1.1-4tl/1:1g 1.,11 til tiletu , tt ttut'otoit 1.11 ii et:to I: o:: troo: ati I.tuttlltsroml tl,tt 11. l'tat C, .% toot ....L . , I ,”4) no k I II; fan I 111 Iltt' huY • L.: ••-• • - • OEM It tweolrii;rkoor t 4, 11.1,101 st•i'llll' ,F; listme-n C1,1111t1 . ) . 1.1. It. ii,:ll, 111 , 1 liti love Eli, ir it,te IfritlSlt I ulc !trot, 1.1,01,i1,1. :01E11 i:11,11,4 , 1, al.l 111 , 12.11V111.1 li , ll i l ', tU AVV:I,, 1 , ' „ t 1:0111 {l,llllUtiY unel 101.11 . 1,P1:1:: , ‘erc “i,ll ii( . 11,171,11 1 , 1 Vern) gelttlrmem, Laic r V.ll.llnvclll.A . aw0,012.i. ill,ll - 1,.:..11”1 1111,1 t'l 4111.1.t0ik, ilill 1,11/1•.! rtaVe. th, =1 .1.14F..1.;,1..1.2n etuployt..l :14 a ,21 . ,1na1i Llothiug, tztae. I Ile cta..e.. of Mail ktt Vt. , ..t aay. purNuing 1114 tile:tllu1l, a pa •rt.L.I., Juice to 1.111111 Ii 110 mis.lita to jap...Eat .toy' %,111.0.1 . I. * Lauriuttately ma ,liatalL, illy . 613 , 0, Sll.lO itt•tt It ll7 tilt' “ ,kl,llll (55 Wat,. an. 0411. %, 51 , 41,E joyalg .1 hi isa la tokkllatalal I;:ivv coltbr to 11!!• 11.:1tcl 1/.11, volleviv,l lit ..5 .10tt.11,21 Mac tv., in;; Inrn.l.inn tlti nll.l th.•ll e" , 11 ). t.,, lIUUIy af ler he ri.•1 , 1r15,1,1 , , , i 1;111 ;11 tlltptt,t 11, Tliltl. I' v•i a.: M.. 016," TM., II:.- :•.rlarmle 111 ot Loik •mat , n.l.l o,or, Mdc I:1P 11,/(11.. hum tor a hettriltE; 111 0,1 otlt 111.• tint,tc VA. W.I. As•rtult 11.1411 tratrtit to sssss tglit n Rape 4 young lily ,uklnad Jt - 111114 , it.ty rainy tr. the 01:1e, Of,Aid. 4.11 lor 2,1.1 Institut...l iV“rr.. , for :‘ , .'01:2 null i ...rut to l'hurs.lay rrtoling, she %ran rcturlllll,, trout tier Irlotllllr'd OW strrel, in the 111111 uatsl, .to I. Backlun, on 11;311..sttuet, ini tru,st, fistil Li to• 1 , 4 runpl3t..l as it 4101111•Ntle, ho.l I:v IVarienoullo, utter eSolutilutti . „; uittl air thr usual grin! ~u liar urrouipaitylug loin to tile 110,, 01 a Col 131:i uainetl Mary %%lair r,..e tu .lu;naully 10115,1, u lira lie is a5t....1 ILI0t111.) the and ..liileaVOritgl hrr forrail, Ti V.L.l.lllg:a i 1 . , t I 1, , , \ o. utakin4 any) o::IcIN I In •-• Irkg III• 1,11 I rook ‘Va: mu,- tog x,K,ntier tt I,ott 11,, i.,11 I, rtle,l . lor tae arrt'al. ME= The Ohltgiog weiglotte,ter at the 1313thotol seJles, lu Alie3llleityt.ily, Me. J. :9. I:3ll33lttcAftB 3 elievect or lib lIIVIIIOI.III , IIItii 1 33 3111 arty-two tiolisthi 30 eiter 'lay mot hit, uteler the folloo tog 33,33.1 v At hot etteote,lttne, lie 1),I•11 11,1114 hi, itll.llllll, 1,111 c3trelt . 33sty halt 31 to the r.i33- in4 , orroeihloot 314,1‘ w 1333,3 11,, 1 . 3,4.3-ti red the wett;tll ol w•t,3on 1,111 01 1,33, . 1 1 .3 101 11- log to otke it op lie ttleeot tired Ir :hot o3t sler loosly 41333appeneed. IV e item the. evol, of btonan ii lee hill tin, et he set tinny JOllll lieu cone 3 .the we1311 31334, ier 3 ,311 3 .111,- the opportootty 113131.11134 "la Jll, LiCii qr. {hie t tie! %VOL, let, title: re 131,11 tutu ul his nut. O'er Chili-hum, leers. Charged I% ilk Ilicia.—ltehert Coward, the proprietOr or n brick purl on Boycinill, vane, to the fallen of Aldet man Motiow, and [mote on Worm:Woo el4argleg ttio 01110 , mu belonging to tiamut,l 3itt.0.11, nil I ic• cony of 011111100. r or cunt n u. , rci+ i I MIS Lt, P. ,- A 9eareh n Reran t 0-4,l.tued and t•Ln;. ed . In the band> or onleer Conner, It ho, diligent beaten toreceded in til/1i111,7 I i•A• nto lou artieleo in It COM anal attlache.l th , house,. in Blair cc reel. In the Eighth wa:rd. The father or 1110 iACCILIen until ell lull It, 1 . ..1•1r appenranee at a hearing tit 1.0 11.0 i 111 the c.l, te-day. A Maul In Danner.—.ln irritated damael uttined 1:11:;:t liroYer. ere.° to tiro rdlle. of 41(1 , man Lyn Ch, yeL.terdayoend oath nataus. Jianes StilltrAtt :or stott:, of the. peace.. Thu defendant allege..that ',Oliva.. Achooccopies nil welting costlitatot. to that 01 her own, on Tennell street, in the Fiat .t Waul, bald he would kick her eoni out of her bolt'. and me If to add terror totO ltie thre.a. bra:m.ll4llva e. huge, dirk knite In Olttalc rolls v. - man:ay to the lair Ellente erwututu. Jitince glieet. , 4ll for a heaej,:.. natal Avelitont..-.lti-i Ire Ilithooir of. pa iiiirsiot hmaitigli. it Illit•,I,I1,1111141*: 141 ,11.1.., .I,l,llo ' ilit /I noill a won 111 Inv icor of lit, a writ lyg yesiortiar, lit . 'roil° 1111,11111 1 0 1 : INV , t ti, lit, , , footing awl 6.1,14,1 Into in- non, a arstant ii i , , . . of sixty fret. tla 1:11,I 9 ,4 . tic •111 . 0 1 : 1.141 ! - ; The aintero,nt :I Will co Ilase all bountict, back token no. Corot., Claitrstin no , taiiiiiiionc.t I pyy loot I .lue totilinn, noaet T.ty, y ets e r to hula un inquo,t. 'Do' i100r.,50.l NS, it . h. 1.14, ~..0 , ,,, , ,,..5 , ,,,. h .„,,,.. . • 'I. _ ilhileSl alld g.......ieri111,' norm. :Lail his Ills tih, , iy i , . , ~ ~. , •denth tosll b” rogrottett lir all oho li.ol lit,: 1 t orro :a 1:4-.1.n. , P.0.e., an act equalizing Wan t . olonsttro it his actin:manor, , ' .1., on.t, r-sala,S, orterin aublleri are entitled 10 hulilay or from 3100 to kg.oo. Personal.-31r. Frsson Canitibell, it °Miro, ' JOHN O. I,kalltlE, ' ~ N. M. III:OWN. 111111 1011 g a re.uh-nt of this env, rot 01 ii... 1 to ' t Ilia Immo, in Inn, 'Eighth. Worn, 3 .- e.,lorday,altor I Attorncra at Lim; on iit'soneo of +halt - on yinars to I til(filialia to 11 t wi,y,,,,,,,,,,. Ofnre, No. Ili kiftlt atreet, i Idaho. Mr. C. Was It enli'lhittle tor UMW , . I ' I'ITTrIi 11 RI) II _ ,__________ ,_._ hional Delogato Irmo Idaho agaliott Alr. Hot- BARKER t:T & HAStINE. hooke, the present int:1110,0. alit: h... ~,,, I defeated in the 1111111likulllig 0.111 , e1l I inn 1. • .1 . Single ballot, during the law marts, ..- ~ ' ! Net. 12 s Mit Street. Second Story, . . In Istil.--Willigra Ward noloniie.l 1,..h I. (1%) 11. ItIC:11ARDOON St CO. t n. Alderman Stroll,li•Ellertl,y, ~,,.k ~1., ~a u , . . D U,- tagtOnst itichal.ll hate tool JOnn Itoiltne3 or, 1 4 . /Or ksson't and battei 3'. Th.' 1""'"' ""'''l 1 LOOKIN—G GLASSES, worn already In Jan oa it chargo tot 'trunk.). nets when the 'Moro Sel'loll3 eharw, Wl4, en terer.' against Muni. I Piclure' aud.Framee of all kinds, - 5 Cnro.—Dr. Aborn tlevot,, e,pocial atten-; Mon to illsonstis of the opt. anti ear, catarrh, i i ' :1101ULIDISiG;S, &C., &C, alreettons or the throat and lb., organs of the 1 chest. Chronte,Al4emeN :melt thries Its 11.1 y 1 it roll a0,..t rowst,llly on ~,,t. hate been deemed hopelt,s, sitheitott Coo- : .__ setroONlLAtilEill A. atiN aulting and •Olterating It.xturs, tal ono !Li; si e ... ' I cushy,' Until. •• kbont to, linvad,—Tbo Can tiel•l u n i on , iii • A mat, ea _etiatient ate peifil in g o int . I view of placing tbe Atilitaitul I :tail New lie- t ) 0 RE VIIIITt. UAL, bon nalroad In 0 her halal anti tut u ring lot • . apeody completion. - 1 at.o a Li.g.A.l, titt , ti i tei i i i t A iltit t i s .. , run eatri rt t i Attention is called to on adverhaeruent in I NO. as •iiim77,,,,e H ot Ami ty ... L. 4r.da9's paper, of a die illiery at auction. eOll - . tt •. „ . . • 1 .6 .. w n.n.—A company hare par- I rtai-,41 !alai In for the lama:h.:or envy; ing a large rollo g Ind], at a cunt of about 0,1. Thee have also decided to balk! a large 4 1 , m ,, 11., stock InIra.LCC. (11.1* Conl.—ProMl,rokl to I,noo tom of eon' are Ily brought into Youngstown.olllo, from the mine , in that , • I=l .NTl;o)ll , ll:—..llE•Ts—it•Syorlugaeld. Mo., iin II.• % , 14) hr ilk. it., it. Nseb. ootor to' oft burch JANIE, 13. , Slo.N room- Eltl' . Pertnyyt ottla and Mt .110 KY S 410thrtttyr 110¢..2. Ito 1. I'ltil Dr. DAVIS-1 . 8.1: :Ft ON—tto Itturolo, ey ening. Nor. lYt, r...tothto the tooth., fyttiett i• 7 tb is v, oho]; ft.hottott. 0 - t•lsted he 110. 1r.,. tomes Itfryttroth, Mr. it EtttittE. r • D•VI.., •htl Mi.. \VESTA:CNA. itittighlur of Marityy „Preston, both of thteetty. Met..lNNltt—ltyitlt.\\V—ht Rahway. Neer Jersey. 00 Oot. 100, tr. t-. 01.0 Worm , e of the bride's f.toer. itt I. It, D.. R. It. toltyre mole. Mr. 11 MOONS': . Of tlity.oltv anti \ 0 al& WWI , .1110, d.,o ) shtse 05 John Itolitttte, Eet2 , of the further julwAhl , Thurwdav • evelang No, 1,1., al U.. r...51,1cnce 1,r1,1...a p.rrnt., t. It v. ~ ~ el, Rev. Jas O. Mai.E 114 , W AHD and Mitt 0..1VA T'll.lll 411101.1.1 . Ur lexaader eLau, Ther4.l.ay yr.:trine. Nov. l.t, H • by P.O it E. b. n 1 •r. Mr. JO-EV. IMENH anti. Mi. EMI.* • DIM P. tWN—on 'f, n'rttl p. O. Ist, at 10's , r. ANN 31., r. , k 1 \V 1. tints,. In, in.., r... 1 +-111 p a6c front the 'ret.ttlens , of rr I,t. :IA:. W.staugtott.on O.e 1.1. DAY, nt I'. at. r vtll lea e fiaroer a Co.'s It' ft 1,1.! km nckl.trot. Attegl,voy, al Fl-51 , 15-4 , n ur..hv Innrnlng, • On. , from the ceriden•c Of hc: htnn,ml..s. i•Act t.lbrmy, on 0000.4. Y }•r a• 1 to Al:tg, city Cccurte :7. 1 lit rrlcn tt.t. f-atly • r...pectcult• 1n .1t..t to cl,mnl. LArrot,rec will Ira,' Mitclatll4, NEW AD VERTISEM.ENTS. ILL AL Lit E ER •-•.. 000•1 - tt the Ixrgre: eutmrbaa Ott. In thls r.A.mty, it tai.-! nußrigt.lo4 road, 1.A.1r.•,1.41.•1y n0rth,.;X!.,,,11, " 3, For buil& l it . u ntral Drug Stor,..r COI .1, 0, • ,y, All.. • FAIRIVI!kti & 6r..MSON. LI.L•.; :EYE, T.A_ KERS Nit). 196 Switit:ield it., froli,uven:tl ncrcrl.) 11 . 7."12" - , 2EVETICR.GrIE - C.• n+NOUnnY ItEET. t.ff-SitialllGlVV. v. IJMI Volirtu rittet,rgu. Ca. COYFL.I.3 oL ..1 s C GLOVE-1,u.) ever+ deecarlptlen rM. erel rtir.tientrm ltuo. nirnhsoeu. troll.l •; .h I • • fic•treocall.lC:arria,amer.l.e.. gr Davag tiere 11.11.. Rev. 5 , Timme, oeg.. 1..02 u . T. t, C UNUERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS =1 = Laravrot 61Ietthnn and Cbsatters etreeta :tad l fl lIORSES! HORSES!! ~c am=t .Inv 10. lilting and Drlrlag Hon, 'far.r.,rl),,,,n or Family use. Wlil In- ,tr. the 0”114, titre nu rice lot th,% I.IV ISLE. I , lr CT, twar :11011011,thPIA prrrstiouitGli BA • FOR SAVINGS, 6 . 7 M'ctirt.l3. ,s, ,I, 0,, 0, , fur,. St.VENIIItiIt TIN I . 1.I: CEN 1. lATE:.}:b.r (free of t' .Vi. if 11,11. 1,. • c.t .1-1 uu, 10 4 r and on Wei!. .41' ,14:,41. 1,1,11.11:1 nota tint o'clock. :MUSES! ItOIUSESI LIKIT I) IS PllisaßGll 1:r1..),. A t!...• lory •I' 4 ..11'. k• °TV P. 13111 I= = El= . _ EAGLE COTTON WORKS. - r A, v L%G IRECENTILA mil - 03i is t . tt'l f r• ty Mt i Nth,. tik puuliC (Oat IN, nal tamtahlie Ust tv.aallactua tm st i eorini - g., Cotton Yarns. (.!aspet. Chants. Candle Ilit.t•k • and ita , tittg. 11,1,, mat 1. t At Ui. ~C 1... 011:MA:IS.1611.!..1 k .11.LOMEN1ClIT , urn t'll' TSB Ulf t 11 BRE OVER 2', : r:t., Alit Y, Pitxisitamum - g , JOStiLtA RiiODES & CO: !CI YLItS, 11 . 0PPEtt & CO., iSocceutort to IL. • No. 45 Smithfield St.. rs amt to all 64nds of Parlor, Chamber, atid"Dining Room Sets, OFF!Gr SCHuDi F RNITURE, Together telth a full asaurt.t.ent of Pittsburgh Manufactured.rurnitare; (.0 ' 11,1.41.11/T helLtd eod for Bait et t M16.1:![701561, C,rtesb. 3Pri.o.oesr. i Soldiers of 161 and tsii.t. Al! who nrrsed three yearn ext. ento,al tO 3101./ 061Ity: thoec Art, Inc two \earn. e3O: •r nruo dlscharxiA by rel.,. of tvourldn % or ttinirLetry. 'I ttr.c :11.rositha. Extra Pay Is due Volunteer in the burs ice March if. and Lliuctetru...l. mustered out, or a...ivied at Anal, n.L.L.. =Latently disablud art ertitled to $l3, 120 or I accord Inc to degree of disabil ity. W. J. HALL VAT/ nitr:OS". Attorney,. SOLL)IEIIS ;.,' CLAlms.yoft lllipTl, &c. , 41.sruirtri) 4 Ml* . Lean N .irt. PRICE FUREE CENTS. W ADVERTISEMENTS. t Getiithe Best—They Always; rave Sall* factloo. Every week, Dr. Quincy A. Scott Is.calluil upon to Insert artnlclal Teeth in cases wi dro other dentists hove tried, been paid, arid/died, I and In every case hfr work gives entire sa I is faCtion. Ile Is quite an artist in Its lin iof business, and has merely - to examine a cas.• • know bow to articulate the teeth en thnaq,lry will present a handsome awl natural appear ance, and will alastica telhe food thoronxioly. rpneesare tower than thosi of any timber ix the city, anti he will guarantee his work d be superior. Bo it would better for any of oar readers who are In want of teeth, to call upon the Dr. in .the first place, and thereby rave their tlaae and tummy. Wu won'tkalso llICISI;,Pal40138 who ate suffering meth diseased and unsightly teeth that they can have extracted without say pain whatever. ItX.iralllog upon Dr. Scott. Ile has extracted for ore, 'ere thousand persons within the lust seven years, and among this large number there is not ine .le,va:waloll proceLis has proved injurious.. On the contrary, he can refer to numbers of his patient. abs claim to have been hen elll e,i in renewed healih. Ha extracts numbers dai ly by the new "Ithigolenu or Vapor" process, and gives pure Laughing Gus to those who desire It, without charge. lie makes to charge for extracting when artificial teeth are ordered, aud , gives a full set nu Vulcanite, with beautiful gums, for eight, dollars. Re member his . number, 278 Penn street third . door above Hand. . H; J. LANCE,• SILK AND {{"GULF,: DYER AND SCOUREft, • • • ALSO, Chintz Window Curtaino and Chair Corers Cleaned d Eteglazed without unpacking. Not. 35 and 37 Third Street,' Sets-con Wood and Smithfield, myS);a73' PITTYRUROR,PA. GREAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, • .Carnar EirEmry Etrttt and ittquenne Sap, PITTSBURG/I v PA- Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings • 7,1 ADE TO ORDER. Unglilsbell workli put In a 1 1 / I r3o n r r iu "' g ' . We d a n trl l e ' r h ga ' r,tinq t l " ,aVi ' i o att tinV. eonOnnt yon bond. Sawing, re-gloving and Scroll log tog none wall 11611.vch. Bones or 291 k!nde mad, Id order. JOHN HEAT /I. w. 11. A. 1100T11....W. 7. pOLVIcitIALT IJOUSES. W. H. GARBIID ei GO.l' . Haisters, Grain & Hop Healers, no. 17 Wally Street' and - Nom. 45 and 7 Penn ' PITTSBURGH. PA. sz- Thu It Iphczt martrl price oaf.] for :WEIVII.T. t:• I. V. 111 et, CORN XI./ 0 • Tti. 11.18-06 - rt t PHOENIX 6TEAIYIBREWERY SOS. nr !cm - en JAB. MEAT & MUSTERS IND BREWERS OF Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTtkRITGU, PA. I ROBERT WATMON. Manager. Iclnvira S rr'N 4I LT tat l INTJ A Ngn L EITHER BELTING AND TINE, Monolocturel at Na. 0.14131115L1 eT.; by EL&P.TLEY. PHELPS & CO. Oar°, Agonte for New 101.1 troop, co. Gr' ' um Et tit, g. • 4R"NM-YRITTITiIIa MONURESTS, GRAVE STONES Vaults. Fountains eta a tattry. DESIGNS- OF EVERY OtSC4IPTIOA, BANN. REST.A.ITR-ELNT,' SiptilLlD,.Yroprietor.. Xet. 90 Third St., Pittnburgia. DINING ituv.lLS,. Alt the luxuries of the wiasoa. Choice Liquor,. lisaara Private Diulog itoom Up stairs. STEPHEN M. OTT, Die Sinker, Seal and - Medal Engraver, SIAM, MID AND REA LINER CUTTER, SUPERIOR SEAT, PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps and Visiting Cards, Blau, PLATES FOR It,AREINti LLOTHINU. .93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, &writ - DANIS' BOOK STOOL.) ;_EORGE BEAU CANDY MANUFACTURER A " feller In F'U UI'IUN UV! i' dC A 711.11.1 AN tio. 112 t ederal Street, Ekeond clu.• •••••••• ''• Ftrit Nitional Back. DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE. a %V !serene Letters of Administration On the a tate of LIE fa J,a MIN RAMAGE, I te'of Coon Vet Ivy Lawrence count?, I' .. deceased.. hate be-; greenlet% to tile lintlerilgneeit all had eg claims evilest the eata• of the said decedent are requested to make tiles be known. and all pen° es Indebted to load use • requested to make par merit to JusEXII tt MI PATRICK . Adtn•r. n. .met art: tnt I.llatrey •treteat. Plevattneget AIONEF LOA,II OFFICE, NO. 1.51 roMITIIFIELD ISTIMET. corner of Sixth PRAM:arch. Mon'v Lotted on Silver !taros. Duns, Yost. , Diamonds. Irrrelry. Gold Ina •iP• .. •o•'''• ' , Miaow. and s atm •Irrorilti s ••• • • •:•• • 1 ;or cannot he ar.• 1.-, • ...Jr .mount ants I Gael. no lir, •.• -•••••• • Ut_;ll.•*.f.f • 1• f -1,• 1 n , kr 51.•afifof I, ark,: Arr MP. C. •3. • 141 f • f•••••• '"' ghelly C f It!. Whatibag. Ha, See= f , ff‘f rha. or the Deit row, nod True. ot 4 1•12 "th". "."""u'aoltrm.avd COWL/al.'. TUE WEEKLY GAL CONTAINII , O THIRTY-TWO COLUMNS DE FRESH AND INTERESTING READIIiG ]LATTER, TOGETHER WEER 14 A It- Ksr REVIEWS AM) CUR RENT LOCAL NEWS.' TWO EDITIONS ISSUED . ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS• The Edlltou Is forernr.te.l willeh will retell subscriber soonest. - Slagle Copy (per annum) Clubs of nve = NEW AD VERTISEn'NTS. OPEGA GLASSES FOR SALE OR HIRE, AT DONS,EATH & CO.'S, SS Wifth. filti•coot. 0,9 LADIES' AND DENT'S ALL ATV !XS. AT GIIEATLY REUCCED PRIV! N, IM wxy....mrst lan WI , LIE AT.. NEAR rileTki. FOR CHEAP SPECT.&CLES. HASLETT & CO'S 3 1866. F 41- ISli6 C.A t . We are now ertittil,tor for TA Lt. Mk Itt , 'tot roost extenAlre stook of e CVor , :ed the pleasure of onerlng to our pAtrvu,. . English Brussels and lapescrieN. • (Hoar own Importation. rlanprtilnfp , , .ony new nod p...Avrao , never t!ab market DAN Dirrei AND VELVET Clint; A E.IIISIWIDEttE.I) Wlna CICH.TAIN . 30{ - a i Elegant Pate Carnigen, . Side & l eutre 1 oop• e nil, No, 71 and FIFTH n It:e•xt Loose to U. t'uttomi Roue. . and rost •." . • r.,4,121.1 Floor. • pEOPLE'S SAYINGS BANE: Samocxx - x: , cara , l-.d is IEI6O. s.EztikENS—H LN KY LL..I RE. Floury Lloyd, Floury Bernet% E. Y. WinMX M. liormlty • Wl , ltaln A. Herron. ezcntr,arr nittN V. F. VON 80% H 011.51 biz ref cent. Int....telt allowed on tout , detooilt. Inve.unenta made In Govettonent aro , Itea: tate C' curtain:. ' ... • Bank open .91117 ieleept 1129915) e)fr co 4 r. N., and ou W[41131,1443 aud o'c ork to 9 o'clock r. 34 • AST ARRIVED FROTH BOOTS AND SHOES. • JAMES. ROBB, No, SO Market Strert,.Plitsburgh„ Pa This old estabilitheli honse has now In =to thirtyt five chnus...i dollars worth ut Boots and. uhoeg, and style. the latast;the quality the beat, which wb are determined to *ell at VEIIY I,IW ritiCEl=. We have resolved not to ne nudersold by any In the buss lochs that kceps goods worth having. Call and es anti tie our stock of goods, and we feel altlsnell that you wlll parch.. what you leant 11l the Boot and otioe Line. ' • itollBtlorg.ej the place. 80 Sltttelidire s t. Roou JaU NEW STYLES HATS, EVCOnD & CO., -- 131 11rOOD STREET, Aro receiving All loliens, ni.wk of HATS, CAPS ANI) FIFRS, HATS IMR TUE LADIES, GENTS 'AND BOYS; CANS OF EVERY 3r k I.E: kUlt, Foir. LADIES ANL CHILDUF:N: cAEI.E. ND.Sh. sQURNEL. AC.. Att.., to en} rharte or prlct, to trtarttthey Invite the •ttrothrtrot all.' °tit BUT THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE•LEAD, Manufactured only ant foraale by Plonk c. I',:'v...l_mitliTiTc)x-33.15i, N. W. Cur. 3d and Market Sts., 11..)1'iTSRLICGII AND OAKLAND) tiILEENII. , USES. JOHN K. Q A. MURDOCH, • (boor rreori to John Slurd•crt, Jr..) • NURSERY-11E , ANL , F h, ritttS.,lo, tb rolleft turf..ex t- snit, stock or With AND TAL T• CEO, JEVE DRAPE VINES. AND 61:KEN Hui E.I'LAN for . Foil Cartasr. ' •Knu,buryrit nod I.slistl • rantenßJr Cars r. t the lireenhrsit... • ver, IS Ininui, 11.211.+24 GEO. F. SCHUCHMAN tr. CO., PRACTICAL IITH4GRAPHEPS. The ONLY ISTN•ht EnTAti r IdnIIMENT WEaT OF 1 LIE MO L NTA.IN.S. KUPI etas OM:, Letter 11, nds. Lomita, Lal.e Lars, vlsow Card, 101. AS. Curtralt , V ea. cer,ltleateaorOvpowlts, Inv Colon Sr Noa. 72 and 'l4 T 1122 st., Piton ,21/. to I ant CO_ Practical Furuitun lialufacturris, COR. PENN 'AND WAY E STRiET PM2l3:=l== ROGERS f 313 itanuac , .4ESINVAI, CHitr.Co 1E3313.3110M7 virsci kr, w 0 S,JAN ~'~~,_;t:_, LIM rri pun! tri PAPER Mi,s, tr..; ftard ~ I r• • 1:•• baud. *ad fur Tecic, 1.1%ri /ELT u is • I' •• ortea ..cov. in Ws,,Trrion• ,, .... cllutoss Ntrui•T•• , ‘ , • T. BROOIVIE, ll= • NEW PAPEIt HANGINGS. • FUG PAk,. 0.1113-4 repel Destgns,•sclat C nod n ders. FU it LIBBABIEd -Pot:opt:lan an Orange' around Jli HALLS—Nan ( Patterns op Red • laY q u t. d. CtlillißElLS--Lati and stuslln Pattern* or dark gr , anda ' Fur .2.1 C uy T. MUSSMANS: ritth Street, b.:: erten Ttz • Chatham %Er , . • -GUNSMITH ANO DELLf jEOU , 3I el all dea• band sad fold at the ..Kcal aarafal.a"n•l.4lll S. H WILLIIIMS WiLLUOIS COWAA, PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT R Oh The, keep an baud a large yorply.ll terlala, dale Cement. Veit, lo.rolne Palate. , Vaillitttlen. • Pr..rept at•eotorn . glven the goon bust:rem (lace,. No. 251 Veen etre , . and Irea.l arm, I=lll NECESSARIES FOR THE , R' • Cit.—For • I{o.o COOKINII S • OWE itol other • Lltkm.lit, go to No. 1.46 tirantstret.,,_. goo rangy COA trl - 1" ELS rift.F."• tsln .E ,e n r. d c 4.. . P n b L ir ' . 4. 1 e ni 1 : s s' l ' l o kl ti t un e r t ll t 7• 7 • ' UUrTy• • ROOFI‘ti MATERIALS. Cement; Pitch, Felt,, Fa ah r . Varnish And iliac& Plaid. sil.llllfaCtyrl.s.Ll.4lal f r E e s,,aurs. 71r,41, 9.0 0 ! WHOCAN BEAT THIS?:.11.1 , • For Tuo 51)kitit- „ „ =I a • 35 eoAr. '4-IINiOT rr I iv, L ed L sa D el f or C A eTbal 1 E • • • OAtZ A. SILLY& CO.. irboleitle Drusgist3, z; wood .mtt. A 'WILY DSIIIMATII JOUINAL lEEE 131-C1 TO 93i SmithlirldSUEeet CIA.Ave bcyiels Yuttku.. et. nal°, I) & CuLLINc Of I•l!:".burjh. OFFICE, 50.77 tOURTI3 STREET.. • Tat 6 . ralia• • -William 13C1, ',Jam e• Lippincott. ;Lion. Thomas 11e110Ic, ..JO. , U. OCtUir.. Embracing an endleas varrety E=l=2 T. 11. .1 A CO., =1 IRON CITY .MIL W. E'. 14A.SHALL, g' filt*ert IBM MEI