GOODS,TRI.artINGS,kIic NEW GOODS AT 11i05..7S and SO Market St., elt 16^holcsale am! Retail ,11.1/IEI. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. lira! at :c the Ocheat and mitt liondsotarr, tick of A LIV 1/1/a Id. our Ity. tattler, cane, 1111 to tpt' Veclated. •1k t.•. 41011 a tcw rpvclala only. If tlLk/V.tti—Too Hue AlCiauilv.:' a and Courvel• ter', II AN PKENCHILkti—Vtaln. Iletn-ttlteht/d and Eta /trot lett hantLotatt. . ANT.VALLS VIA cud II III:LAD LACE CUL LA US, I.UN EY ANL/ NIALTE:IE LACE COLLAR'S— tretT rich. A (31: , . —I aki •• •ptt re. Clattey Valencla. Thread and 51.1./cav —new and tit-alert/le. , ASHA NI) BON NET 0110 NS— nee aaaortment. ILit. ANL/ CASIIIIKKE.a•GAIIIta, Tlka, etc. — New 111:1T;;IP—In Lt.-Att. Kettle. Bead. Velvet and Fano% for (No-k. tattoo ro and 1,1,..e. - //A DUO . idto/ IrEUEA, an d' Era /rag. ti, "t7 1 4t-,,, • apecolly vot rick i'lalt nod Faucy ple 1, .. to. )theta and Chit drcn. I. AO) KS/ LINDEttO A . r URN tail ISO tit VOA, etc., etc. ii r C11.1241:4 F11031(31' AND COUNTRY Are , t.A...lue our •tock.. which will be tuan4 sv Attractive, complete, and at pricen as low A. ee% for ca.. 1..• /I.4rIVC wiliaot be under.l.l by any' a the trade. EACEDR, GLYDE & NEAV FALL GOODS fiIACRUM &gARLISLE, 19 Flft4 Street,. op , ned nu exten itro and sgmdld stoel of ANI) CLOAK TRIII3IIIIGS, RICH BON Nzr TRIMMING RIBBON , 2.3IBRUIDERIES °revere deacrlptlon. MCI/ AND ELEti - ANT LACE. 1i...01/13, l' EA L of oil klils, r- AI, LACE. TR.MMED la/(11/S. i. A IION 1.X(:.25—a - nßlundid 11ne, N A INSOuts, SWISS. 07 AC. , INET. UsLIN: LINEN LA \\ N A CAMBRIC. IRISH LINEN: ls V) V ES- tusd IttractlVe !WC); cOlnplrte .3011121eMj 1. ATILEts• CIILLURENSY MERINO' VESTS A . 7.1 BILCIVERS, YANc'Y ERNIT ARTlCLES—t9pl.•stlfd tt3 ern /1114 500:on:/ r.11111.1N ND AMERICAN ZEPIIIIIS. //WETLAND W/S/L. T/1 GENUINE CASHMERE TARNS—AR ei/lois IEtEADLEY . ., U lOTA of every 41:e, FANCY ART ..ES AN/1 NOTIONS.. alercaa:r.ta and Pc olera wlit Sarl It to their L-ire to eta. au:li examine our pr.:scut ea Itualve . uck I,foro purob anion elauntkerc. n our roods r .nug purObasytl ntroct on Ott Lett terms. .-e are Mpar. !S will &L , : loW,pricea au nay. ral, l- e 713 Jobbitg Hse. MACRUM CARLISLE, NEW GOODS XLSIC DECEIVED • malr 1• JOS. 13011,1sTE'& - CO. = LS o .°f..9Ar.:T S" Iv 4 TIS, Al tbelvtuliagrall:tylel c:)c)ci. r:, rancr..d Coloral SIM V 4.4:fi 1 , 1 dealral,le mltAdea; Vlsin Fancy Bob n,•:. - .11 - I,liminlie gibbon., new sod ri , .11 colors:. ettuteest French and American; Feathers, ( . 7 hat a..d • • • YEz. X x i 23313, 4.) Liamturg, eiTaa, Lome, VAI tuuue Kair:age slid 1::Fualoga; aanas Ind aufUlags. Embraidered and Vlan laueuLol utte. Lacezzad Lace 000:25. r,r , and Cloak Trianaurs nail Ornaments:- Cittoru, all ii Braids: unto Tritranlnia, Bugle Frantr, IV I;11 (;061.)S A most complete stock of JaCOllO.l% . Cstotolcc, Mode, 4c., lirrelkercniefr, Fate. Lace, Hon,ititeoed. Hem nool, EuThroide,d, Tape Bordered, etc.. etc. Iron's, and li;orer In eVery variety and ntl Ares. r...diss' and lienCe Underwear. icr iyairta blood* tinaprn.t,a an.l Seek-Tier; Heavy rhtrt, and Hrau or: • lion. Ton, anti IXL Hoop ni,lrtul Corr,lo, Jial, Puff, utr. L.o lon anti Onn•llealufr ltutbola—tlivl•reat novelties. all klndc. • Yarn," Gruatert va Ply, Cashmere, Lavin, Wool and hal •g In the varlona nOzturea, ylnlo colon , and random. • . • 1.311111 t, Payer Collars, and ever 3 thing. in tIo No Ilo _Prices as on. as Eactorn Jobbing Bou.a. Pia, - 7.11 . and 19 Market Street con NE'SV FALL GOODS, 2i FIFTH STREET. CLIII.IILOIDERIEL I ,I".e. .1 nail /d/.6xot rattorn,; i 6 NCI and PLAIN Ito .-:I P.Y. In IY,t 1111111.1/ t F.IS It) taINDREnr,II.Z.IN; 111,11,1:111:1141/_. do -11:111.: .TION add BEAL LACE do VALFI.OI. - liMi LACE, 11EAL TIIP.E.AI) LACE I >ll ! 1111 S ddCCATION at, do - t: 11 . 1:11F. LACE, do 001111111 do NEW (/11.Cdo; CA PO In variety of stddso; Sr) LADIES' DEAD DUESSE6: IVOITE EACEIL 6, LIEI - - ' cD •- -. l r • I Al7l-: • • yt o Ejt,S, .1.11. k. ' NS. F iLtBuoN Ana a fall lint or NOTIONS, ,Egz,-d: = .11. Q vcrocat Chmisala. Pricso - - aiCCANIL - DEErrft , CO.; ((,TIC WILSON. C.C.P.It & CO") WI.ZOLESALE, DEALT-:zia Li FDIIEICN .AfID DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 4=Po IE4I, Wl7 ckocl. sit., Tara too. above Dlavnou PVTTNIITIPC-11-f. PA PIANOS, ORGANS, &c THE IBRADRILTRY NEW YORK, Schen:ocher lc Co., Philadelphia 3P1.41..1V r . The Estey & Co, Cottage Organ, Affil AMERICAN ORGAN, • Ackno. , led,rell by the beat muateal talent In roe United ttekttoi to La .operior to all others tri power. purity and quality of tbne, and thorough workman ship. Theze lastrUrpent4 bays for yenra taken the argil V .11.3ver all competitor., at.the verlous elate on coun ty Fair.. to prices they are lunar than any °lifers, All warranted for 070 yenta. WADIELIIIiK & BARR, .211 No. 12 (71sIr etre , t. Mu/burgh, Ps. KNAHE & CO.'s GUEAT UNRIVALLED PIANO FURIES. • CO. , S .orld-r,enowned AUTOMATIC I.IIIIANS AND SI PIISONI3. Ovor lortY Iton .nd now In nee.' Spiendld new stock Jost rec•.l by, CH A ni.orTll 111.111111. 'lO Pin tre..t. LEA & - PERREVS' C333-sEI3ESWVEI3:) WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, EXTRACT , of a LEITER from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at MAtiltaiiii. to hie Brother at iVtiliCEti ......... TElt. May. it% .., - ..... 40 "Tell LEA A PEE , .-. PJNS •that. their , i.F.,.,t,.... 4 11,2 , ci CE it highly es -C-i-7- 4.7.Vg 'ITV', and r ' r' - • - Or _,„... ,:,„, pa ate ,1.,. as t -4 .7 . Wa . 1 .eif as ton tinat 14 i.uheisoMt. VEF 2:llXialaC.. th at la made HA •• - . The success of Cita moat deliciont and unrivalled condiment hating caused many unprincipled do d. era to apply the name to MPUnIOI.IB Loh reCiata, tte r LIB f o lt, Is niterEerrtiLLT and r..anNE.TUT n.n._iest ..l tad zee that the , name or LEA. A I!EltitINS are 1 1 11 . g r att AN RA; EU,. LA . BEI, .61 (ATER and Manufactured by LEA .1 - PERitiNS, Wereetter. JOill NDIUNC.AN'S SONS, b KW' TORE , AGENTS FOIL TIIE I. S. oriG:l3lTur . PBOBOT:NCED BY. CONNOISSEURS TO BIC TUE '•ONES :GOO SALE" =1 EVEUY VA RI 1 . ,,Pz1.5E5,18 gOMIERCIIL COLLEGE. No, 4 St. Clair Street, We Gaya engaxird the services of an esperlenced teacher exprorsly for the months of July and An gust. Student. entering on theist of J uly can cast !). complete th e •oourse by the last of August. • for circulars and spectate. of pentuansblp, apply at the College Rooms, or addrusa - N. 511.11aFEII and a. WM. a YmoNrsq. , tezniectiltrw! AIONEY "LOAN OFFICE, NO. 151 1. SMITHFIELD :iTtIEET. - corner. of Elktb. rltuburgb , Loan d on Oliver Platte, tient. Pittos, Mona, - - j:,,,,1ey, Gold id bile.. Watches. 12 .io n t - w - g, - %itd valuable articles of every.description. - Tfte l g&ls -cannot. be delivered without•• ticket. Net Accountable la este itof t f i t u r: o i crcatn . y.. G°° ' l ' of , l e lleL r Ylll a lr rr '' ~ N • %rm.,. lee w.e. ______ ''''".'::.------_, firoLrriEs, BELL 456 CO, Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, • .gsnulActurers of . . , AaidlollCAl ti EKV.Vg.O* 161";3174elti011ar, t•H iiT1741414. V6/12CEO 1V 6 " AT IZ SE W FR OTRICEZoMisIg==3I..IIOA6A Ing:7 s. 4:te r scrip tloll . 41ed WOrat golttOll4.tUA oot or =OA WA * t° mid, onroclit, colittorl CITY AND SUM RBA.N. fdDLITIOHAL LOOAL HEWS (ix MGT PAGE.) The Lem-rerreville A motion for anew trial and nrrest of judg ment in the rage of James Loughran, charged with stabbing G.. 11. It, ISleVer. , , in the borough of Lawrenceville, in August last, was made in the Court of Q °arta. nessions, yesterday-morn ing, befofe a full bench. Idey . tirS vas convicted of winder In the second degree, 'at the lust session of the Court of Oyer and Tormlner• and remanded for sentence, which had been delayed in conlilderation of ii notneatien that an,,effort, would be made by toe prig. oiler's counsel, John M. Kirkpatrick, for a new trial. • The reasons urged in support of the motion weni the exclusion - Of the testimony of Juntr (irelg..and Benjamin Flail, who, it will be re_ memliered, were with Laugnratt nt the nine of the fatal occurrence, and vitio,c to ttimony was excluded on the ground that an liel let inent was pending against them as being he' cessories before tlid fact. A further reason was that,proof Mid been •t e ceived,-by the cout to 10i-hilly iireig and Hall as the parties indicted, and tint the proof, 113 Stlblllitted bY tile < , (glllllo.lWenit li upon this point win, not 10 accordance whit the offer of the District Attorney. nor suffi ciently positive and specic It 4. character. Another 1500011 wile, after ellicos - e red test e nmity, which, however, wiin not r,e,5,01. Air. liar^lcpyt sick In arguing Ili.. object aim., admit ted that pv the sirmt rules of (-wenn: the ex clusion of the loot:mon} , by tile oust his judgjment proper, but 11111 , 1111.:eh as possi ble, the into, and cert l ainly the' liberty of a Ml ' man being was involi,ed, that upon the dime s theyinteotlony, prejmimial to public jniaice, shoul d have been inlayed, :intl tlu rule rel.:ea re uthuit. Or a full nod fair:into MlHmioll of all the (seta loth° consideration of the jury. Ile claimed that .upou the simple testimony of tile Comineinecaltli nlune, tile Jury found defendant only guilty if i 115,,. sinughter, and. recommended blot to the mer cy of the Court, that on the testimony or tire): and Ball, had It been received the defendant would have been aoquitted without the Jury leaving the box, Judge Sterrett expressed 00100 surprise how an Indictment Could have been found against Grelg und.llall, as the testimony upon tau trial failed to connect them In hop um: with the homicide. Atige Stowe was of thestoneOPlll aml stated that the' watt, loht twon Ivy 11111/oina,ed 011 hqbaus carpi, 111,011 Inc. 'HOE mai ball, as unthing whatever num.:aced thmitint them, and expressed his sinpri±o that the. Mayor, upon the hearing before 11 tin, had -not diet:barged them at once' The entire- bench were of opinion !hat tile testimony of -Grub; and hall, It coining up to the offer of defendant's. counsel, compelicil au aupilttal, and iaiggested that it be taken, nod If It proved what it w a; rl.dotrd tt Fould, they wonld grunt a new tint tit once. Ail s to Gielg and Mom wan suggetted thin it n one pro should be ieturned, iiiht a verdict lven to th em at the first- opportunity of it jury. Upon consideration, and the District Attorney agreeing that. no legal objection would be urged to the taking and ,LILLILLI Ling the affidavits of G rotg and Ilan, Lilo further argument went over. The affidavits of tired;; mid Ball will now he taken, and if they :nth- Etantinte the LlEfeminttL'A offer open lain, vizi that he on, attacked tiret by 31vere, - 10110 W. a much larger tans, and 'trimd to Ret away from hint befere lie struck him with the knife, a nub trial will be awarded to him, tehlell wdl, nerhaP result In Ma aCqUital. The boy Linfghnin, the defendant, bears the reputation of being very quiet, peaceable mid inoffensive, this being the trot difficulty of any kind in which Inc was ever involved. = PrOCCP:IIIIaR ICf.C.Pl!oled . 'rho judges of the Court of (inarti., :onions appointed n commission, sometime ago, to in-. quire into the sae ity of Margaret 3letntoM, a single woman having, no allcgetl, n "legal tot , t lenient" In Um,' city of I'itt6b.mgh, with u. Vitt,' to having her sent to Dixtnoni. Tlifs ethrinib , sion, after hearing evidence found that Margaret Mclntosh-was im,ane, and also establighed her legal settlement or resi dence to be Pittsburgh, and by order. of the eourt•she was committed to Dlament, to be maintained by the Guardians of the Poor. it, cletitly, however, the Board of Guardians were informed that thb woman hail tweet obtained. a 'Tett lernhet" in Pittsburgh, and her le gal resiclenee,ras in Wellsville, Claim This morning I. Huhn, EKq., unit Georgo.Por. tune, S.;eretary of the Board of Guardians of the Poor, appeared' fu the Court of Qtyarter Ses , lont,liniges Sierrltt, Mellen and Stowe on the Leseh,•antl made application that the .former proCl,4,llllgr , , in the em) be „et. adds, and :mother hearing granted, In order aura the facts f the re , ,idence. of the wo,llllll be determined nod the Guardians. relieved of any harden Improperly imposed upon -them. After hearing the arguments of Mr. golitt,tite court dirc Med that to much of the former or. der as Ltda.:dished A "legal Yittllburahlie,let mOde, and fixed Saturday. Pith last., as the day for hearing the ce.4timeny In regard to the matter. Furth, Detuils of Witkin,") end //e/d• 6.1 Another r h.rkr-13/tr a i.'.,ty La..b.,:ek, e, taccratniat:R(l, Pa., aOvember I. 154... Tuesday last being the day appointed for tins further hearing in the calla...than burglary ease, Hon. if. D. Foster opened by citing vat-. Otis authorities to 'show that the charge did .rtaeord of guilt must come from the Sato Or Province wherein.the crltneli alleged to hare been committed. lion..Tne.Turnev, on the part of the Commonwealth, replical.tarietly, when his Honor. Judge Given dinnarged the prison .er, G oo.W. Stratton, 110 woe, 110WOVer. licit on another charge—that of receiving stolen good; iu the State of Penney Ivania. The s aidge will probably hold him to-slay to bail on the charge ben the matter under lady Isemeut. From present indications, several sults n ill reanali tram this affair. It appear' that n ben lire. Stratton was put.imalerl band', she left Laver mere, and while she Ira? gone tho S. to whom. the owed may little bills took a kind of "allap judgment;' and solo pretty much alt her peb sonal property wiliest sorylee or the regular process of law, and I am informed - she pur poses bringing soils for damaged ag.alu-ad 'the parties.. ' un Tuesday evening, the store of lir. Mentz, in Ludwielt ta.rouell, was entered through the traniome of the back doer, and aerie dot seine 'OA to 000 worth of goods. yo *0 to the perpetrutOrs. Ar /WAN.. The Ceurt met yesterday tnorniag at the usual hour before a full !much. Thu following, imlgments mere entered : Orrator /Iv Ruan, J.—Ante:leo Olt Company vs. Robinson. Itua :t Co.. C. P. Attn.:tea. Smith, et al. vs. PritchL, C. I'. Af fi rmed By Aofiare, J.—Forsyth & Co. vs. National American Oil Co., C. F. rrned. Av WOODW eno, C. J.—]larch, et. al. v.. Mar shall; Erie. Affirmed. Celia vs. Altemore, C. P. Affirmed. Kern. tureristors vs. Kerr Cl'. .. Reversed and a renirs , de.rloeo awarded: Huff et al. - valtecaulev; Westmoreland. Ar gued by Porter for qalntlrt In error, and Leif rt, contni.: Torrence vs, TOrronce; Westmorniund Conn. Icy. Argued P,g , Laird rind Foster for Oslo tid in error, abet by Cowan, contra.. A tees` days . slucc a gentleman residing lu Union township, while retutninti from this city to his home,. was knocked down on the 1 Btenbenville turnpike by a man nained E. P. COate°, and robbed of a valuable watch Coates wins arrested yesterday in the Diamond by the Mayor's police and committed for trial. Shortly after his incarceration It was ered that lie-had hired ) a horse and baggy from a livery staple in Allegheny a week or two ego; mini neglected to return them. .Tilo horse was recovered on Wednesday, but the buggy is still missing. Coates .s. ttil: in dire lock-up awaiting a hearing. A THIAIDOMI Tran•Actlop.-911 lbdurday evening last, some villainous scoundrel placed a lot of stout's and rails on the traek of the Indiana Branch Railroad, below Blacklick Station, evidently with the intention oftlirew legg the train oft the track. The night being quite dark, the engineer did not ore Ono ob. etruct inn unto so very close that ho Could not cheek the train and consequently ran into it, damaging the ipcomotivo considerable , . • Out or Their Laillude.—Our bunctilion3 neighbor of tho -Dispatch relieved yes terday by readinga lector(' to Street mini, stoner Flinn, ¢n the Maly condition of Liberty Area. It desires to know where this official Is. For Its Information alone We would state: - he is attending to his duties In the Second the. riot, which does not comprise that parte( the city in the immediate vicinity of the Orain Elevator. Larceny of .o.s.—!llehael'ipluno Wits tore Alderman Lynch yesterday charged with. this larceny of thlrtydlve dollars from the res idence of his brotherdn•law, - John lioyi•, the Sixth ward. Splarle had the money possession when arrested, but, notwittistand; tug the fact• be stoutly denied having' perils• Crated the Indreny. lie gave ball in the sum of flvelmintred dollars for a linarin on Sat. nrday. e Laremiy by Itallee.—An /dal:mail named Chum Ics Lattimore, appeared before A Merman tiumuert, yesterday, and made oath ulinrki , b; A, Ifungley with larceny by bailee. Tile prow eeut or utatei that Dome time In the e.trly part of-last spring ho - gave the accused, tor Bare keeping, no eight day Clock, value•l at TIO, Welch be iefused to give him hack. A war rant was issued for the arrest of Ihingley. • Aggravated A %MOO I and lemuro Woking individual, named Patrlek. Dines, who occupiesa tenement within that classic region known only to tie few children of inlaary, finch° ?Mid, appeared he foil: Alder • man Donaldson vest.. any, an t i pm,i„ oath against Colman Convelly. for aggravated aa ,adult and battery. C. C. war arre,tol and bell to bail fora bearing. t flag Aannirded.—The 9111, nug °tiered by the ladles of Kittannlnr, to The election tit. trictexArmStrong county utrtnir the largen !nor eit vbro for the ‘ettole Union ticket. on the 9th of OctolKir, 186,9' , over that. poll,' In 14;5. for Auilltor General, has been ax - ardled to . tufro Dena. Neer Publtesttona.-.4h0 Bigelow Papers. Second series. ° By Lowell. Dome: . noknor Pittsburgh , for sale by henry Miner. Blackwood's Megualne for ctober. Neel York: Reprinted by LeOniird, O &Cott .t Co. l'ittsburgh: W. A. Ciddenfatiny. Good nhoosing.—A squirrel hunt 'took place in the neighborhood of Cadiz, Ohio, by a Party of twelve or fourtkuin young men, last Weanesday, which resulted In the killing of lii squirrels, two rabbits, two partridges, one for and one opposum, • Special Canstou,-Pars. Winslow's Booth. mg Syrup tons brooms no popular that various parties have Put out artless calling them Mrs. Neneslo.o3. Venue take •notlen that, the Mrs. Winslow 01 the Soothing syrup is wi pot oOnnelet. th PAT Other &TRIM% . . • TllTvess for n Neu . Trim! I= Supreme Court 1110:way Roboory EARLY TELEGzIAMS. F 31031 NEW :YORK. Homes for the Poer--11r%. heater:al 'Wool Stella.pith Phritly,l%-I::•llstrant. Arrived—Wl:o Fitlet—Cleolerm Report. lotta, Nov. 2CII . A. T. St.:lvar: home, alver.,ll 1,‘.. on t:It• , .11, w l ill N.. 711 o r. I,tz• prtj, Ot !th, l• 011- BM 11, .a :0,11 !or t !n4l,tt :cop. po 11, 1,1;3: •Iny. atpl pen Wool :111 pa ri,h: 6.i ttio,f ei,vlWV ••:•0 I,lt, -,11.• • 'Ol 11'17'1..4 1•!1.• !....1 • e••••• {•••••• 110,441 (it,— ••.1•0 , • •1...1 1111lirt,/ 1111 , / 1'1 . 1.1 11111 11 0 MIT,: 171 ..,..111y. • "1.. r TW,ILIV• .114-IT, luet Ivith ;•1 h1t!...Z., tot,l ot ri:y gmt• of ,11011,p,u,,i , . Frr . fin 1.1:11:10n -..•.!:ot1 I.z; Of Ow Cr.lnot • on, IBM/29121 Wit ~r.,•1al : I, .111.1,,ey tl zeturnajo-Iti,•.i, ILad. 0 , 1:11•t ti ill 110 , 1 10 1,11.1,1er (11netkg I•l , ,ioe.nell r..4)1111:. 131 12.1 r, ilenounct. any 1. n.,nay, , Ltal,ay 15.11 :t Ofia Cl -111“litLIt rnmg•nt naa,ba,n,a,a. 111:111 1 1:)3..1,!on On. tour., LILt bark, apply tor anat,ntion The Attortozy tit oontt dot. ,;(t with ttto ..k.tott:Ation• to ith, ~ t,- . .1. to, tog to the rot. ditto.. of .1 tr..l rs. The , 31outrettl speotal lily,: .1. re- Inen,truneeLl.gunist rotted elett lon, ,Lidrce,ell. tel Lord Carl{oeroil, Her 161,t,erity,e Seerotary of elate for the Cwor, has I.eon here , I,etimeet',.:tcztt length. ully Into' tie 1116tary . ut t al . , ',tootle, au.: Lts.,lsheil be about otie-t bird ot th O e tavu•te, of Parl.theut 1,1 -, V,5e1a11..; Les,r. C:01,./1. 1.,,,t1ti1i . 11 , 1. ,4 1 /l 11,1.1.,-:5 againit precipttratcy it a su!!;eut that coacernS too tto-tho,t. :,11 , 1 tuo.t. ontlhrott.; .1:it,11,1.1 //t . 1.111,.1/o.:ltn . ;old :oh. , 1'.... sattjeft to /0 11 5/.t baCh to tt.eib,plo et thcso..l , l,,lncr, ior nn tXpI . e..,!OLL OP 1/ 0! tht,lr ra'.in an,/ tlelibor• atsjzolgul ... The Ilst of t.h.tuaturos !I 10, l ed by the rt es ot Mtriou., Button, LlOKKl,i, Linutiottle, thot Lattutthttalse, all 1/.1-111011/,3,5 01 010 Croscil. . I)eprealntlous by,lrll.l6—SLvtl'o su.ow New Ton., S-ovoutivr I.—Tho Leaveuworth lately lc 11lord 1 , 3 the .Irruplloe,, near Fort 11,r1 leok. A e eve re Huolv ,Lornr,l6 li,uver an.; S,L.It L.iLe, 'rue o leet deep. Trr.tly....; wtth for L 1, Overlong Expri,,.. Locuptoly bad .seventv-olx Ovule, frozen to dealL, - One Itnn.tred u.n4 141,410.1 cently sto!,a by I.adlan,' tell Mill, .Tule•burg. Denluttn'i alumSilco ticn lit Denver. Evidence of tit , t'fitiwnt es Flair,' that 0,3 Cheyenit•at ina•,•, ur4ere•l4,a grant s <1,1)+1:1,21 it 1 , et eiti:die , i horEe., atld butitt ttevertil wax' , ,on the Tilt , at Uniformlll,l ( 11 ),,,11,,L . r ' T ni ile a•• Caatit att•l ein, ••. • ~ ,t rong yank., at/al.:a and a boy and gild 1.11.1 a, F Ta,y baVe nog' Oral at,lto chtlartai iii thotr cadlps. From NIVIV Ortcon.—Aouttu•r Eliot At, ttelpftivtl. orlemnti A 71111/Ib , r rwlit.a7 Southern,,, CEter, tphlt nr t• I , t11!.1 0, :10,,tit the city iE E.: • Cfl{l.l . f t of th ~ laAnks I:1 writh.. at (h ex-Ictp.n.; I: ain rru ;,f tip: N0,11 ,, tal . lf,ry gt,ralls: ill,t 'lo•worri,w, .111Ly,,,1t tilOth, 11 t 101{01- he .t Mi.! it 11l he 'Oll,l 1111,1t,t by Grit. Sheri, xlerta‘ APP., MIMMM=II N_Lwi onE,Novel": , •r -, i ington h i. , '. , ooror•Li 0 . the "P , .' of hi. fitte 21.110(.1.11e a lo r!: iNT:ttio,nt ay.., ICLVIVe VOLIA 1,4 of lb 0,0 who go I. Two-till =I • ,roc , :lal say, no. F.,,, , o,llii ncs t, rat: 111,.. 411 31 a: nija: JeJit in it,, iy Canada, %.:11 pl6llll.laay.t. a: a . ~,,,, 144140M.1, '• =6 1," Nt.o{,l ctr. ebatnt,• , "“'"' . the lock at lA,: .ato. =I @Mel 1.10.1,T0N, the v„:ra ~t e , .r. Mr. Ctot.rte. cototo 1 hit !no:, to tov.. recent tilem tu!= =1 • liiv.krc, N. 1.. Ni,vviutk, 1.-11 o•. IrrjlAtu WOCat, Cuat tt,:,:s a'.,llllls at tight tight I, MMENMEM LIBBY It - 1111.111S &11:11111g1 Xat r..a. 13 , 33.E:11. t GAS AND 5T.F.410.1 tor, Silltr and Smithfield Ms., GE, PA., • Col'. ',Bea ye: and CltoAtrauZ Streels All 1,11,1,, r, Etn::Ll) . pLIUMBING, GAS ANI.I iiydranO, Iron Tvmpe, SHAWN' Llt":1.1), • 1.1 • WATER (LOSE T 1 AND WARI ST INDS- TOiI T. .11VILNS, (L-0 , 0z ,, to ?C.v..: 4 C 0.,) 1105 Wood 6t., ritl&bute,l3.,tVa Private [wirdfits and Holds I= HYDRANTSOSE AND PIPES At ellortotot u0v , ,,. bee: tor=e, h 7 Calling on JOHN MAFFET, 'Nos. 227 . and 229 First Strcei, PIT:TSB U H, mqlon4o It VERLEUT HEIRLE3II" 6.7; EiL.A.C77VIC6'aI-11 Plumbera, Gas and Staain FittarE, =I , Alt orders 1.7 tritll ezvellted 6allifseterllY promptly Attetll 4 l to Aft II Ile- of liath oIIN ramp, 110.1nt. •C' Closet , . Pinks, l'l.aedelter.., t, a,ll ,n nba,Wg, for tale at the mae. rotonnto.: , pr - we Order's from...tutu,: pat,. toy me!! tot,e.i.tts at teaded to, • ' (Jam 11000 of everY deocrlptf. 1. 1111 - DV., WILLIBIS Kum ou 0.4171up-rlor trtlWe o(• WOODY IPUY3 All Lind: Gt Irno P,mpa. Ilvarmito, Shrqt 811.1. Zlnt., Lead Tuno., Closcts, Westi %Laud:, U.. Warcrouto, Corner ti N:111 an 4 finlitiffiehlStreetti •It „,„i r i ng :?mptly. All tortlern In all urno•llat, , ll,' att.r.nth•oi in. • I elts4o lve. PrD,, rpn!rt. a A l,t-et P tur. l reatn nL. trot ltadical , r!ure of Pif ruttor rhcro., or to W,AlLneaA. Inyolontary I.,aLtona `Leann' DOlllty, Lt, LLarr:agy n YralLY: NarrunaneaL, EppY tleL. H , ntatjand PIoY±PAI Inca;n_city.rr , a , tlDy, from Delf-Abute, ha 1100 F . ei:L.V.SPLY -M. I). thur th.• tit a a'P' tot:lls.'3c. A:Ifoon to Thati.O.l4l.l of ttotterers.•l EDnD. underseal. In a Oath covLD,,,p, to any 3.1- drabs, DAL: Patti, 011 re1,1,,L At ,nta. t 800 Doetaity alara;., CHAIL'i .1. u. F. ton. 137 Bowery, t Ara, (.11r.o !Loa 4.61, I SCIIOONZILLaER & SON, Wm. DDIRTItAI• • A. D. ADDIDADD •• WIGLE OIL WOIIKS, . Pittsburgh White Lead works, I x.."-vcriNetzlioerwili.c.:' PURE WH.l'l't LEAD, 1 WICHTNIAN, & ANDERSON, ' I Refiner.' and Dealers In er.ustatt.) ki/V i le i r A lrat s YOU PALM T/5 - • • P Elkhr Tll 0 liE U M O . x,ra. Etla vuv•oont aaverseol.' 7 9 . 2 1galrirae ° . /15/3 ",= z we, SPECIAL' NOTICES. THE QUEEN! THE QUEENS THE QUEEN- QF HAIR RESTORERS! In . 19N LOW'S QUEEN HAIR RESTORER EF.S. not only In xem.., bat I. VI E TEIS. jibe Best Flair Restorer ever offered to the. Public. 13f. 11 1 3 1 ,. ntwrimEtt ant PIIESZAVES Of the air 1r I'Llthfaii} appned. ' It is no Glair Dye. upon the ruotz the hair cbsalr Ins 4 rey tots. orteinal life color; arrefiLlni n.,re decay soil !slime out or the h a ir: lugoo,rf and th.hdraf; and caring all hum°re of the • o enange dry .d why' hair to .oft and loan rn, tretrvs. Ili:ll,4ns frrquance to the Mil, 1:4 short, if gun wish :a rirstore yourbstr, as lit yr,:k, 1,1(1 ro.slu it through Iltv two \ SPITS QUIN HAIR lIES!OREP“ rtlt st tttitt by Ali Dragd , " .. E. .....C.ELLERS & CO.; • Wholesale Agents. ~ ,t h:Q • SUPERB ROLWAY PRES. L .'l e. Wachea! Watchei t Watches! , ' "11 t'O.. Importer, and Wholr 4 lle r• 'On ' , ONE!: WATCHES 01 all ao.. rlcttnns, Linctorf ,TI:ELT, N. Y.. be to ttln, , n. Lt. public Inat trier Intro lust the to' tloant, trerloat tool !rectorate Wale'. cror In ohn'ottla tttl- Inart.ot. The ENcELut On, a boat,- rt•IL ex, natl. Jew' "It ti, th ....aryl Gold t r. noornlfloontly ourrinvol.thotly and tnr'y Enntotod Hunt'. 1;:1.50. Patent Lever. ~- o notoolortnakonnot 11311116. ttorrounbly regulated tto thr 'atri .to. - y and warrant,' tOl , O the bY ANanyarb and most reliable - Warr!, lowa orrur. I.I , IV'A Ore. will he sent (roe to Tty Itlrot reaotr tut it of V.I. ar If ',referred. will . I . ln ". Voi. ' irt ' t'. tat :Lire atnorit. a vortalratY of roan.' tto 11 - 1151 in Anon: 13.1 t ,hoold ESpre3.l COM. p,i, or 1•.. t 'tutee lull In their duty. we 'rill sund ,oter h lout Ituttonlortolo. ur•terelor any kind rf 11 atc.s, qhr and faLtAftalyfujfiltta. Lthorto tattoo, to trona. L want Arent, 11l every tots and 'Y t': c.nuntir and to tbotn ar Rug ay Olen In will ha offered. Pleao .1 1 .11011ry by Esuorte, (Volt OVA Order or Litt-A Oraf> TREY d CO.. 34 Liberty orecr, N. Y., ' • oc11:1410 NjAll'Utitit: FOR THE ILINDKIMCMEF 'Nigh!! Bloomlngir Cc 0' “ilt6t Jiito?ming Cercas.” rindo.'• "4:lstloommLoa Oersay.. Phalon's Illoomin; Carona:, rh.l. ."lat Bloomlog Corms." A mo=t exqu , elte. dellate, and rregrint Partum., o.led from the rare tad teeintitni flower front %•:!lich It tna..a lta nem,. • =I 1.11. t. LON 3: HON. N ir.° 4 " BEWARE OP CIUSTENSEITS. - - & COy BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON VORIMRS, Nos. 20. 22. 21 stud 26 Penn St. Tan Sal furnished It with o.ll,o,l,lpp:dyed m yard, hinery, wt are prepared to IBCnu Inc., every deserlption toilers. In the is,t 'cancer, and 'corrected eine to any made In thr ,11,,,tr). Chimney, !tret:Chg. ion 11c". stesn, Leg motive Hollers. i:ondayscrs. Salt 'eardle. cds stilts. Agitators, Settling;. Roll. r Non, Bridges. nu,r rens: and tole DIXIILL ear ofBA II N II ILL'S PATENT tloll.E.lts, , -I,ortest nottet. It3:eil ia - D-LAKE surEmon COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PI PARK, ItIeGLIRDY. & CO. 1”,f,,t1.,:i of Stwatlilr,, Braziers' and 11011 1101- M, CDr .11.0, importers and deals. ‘1,tt1.., Tin Thett Iron; Mtre, Cgs, 0 on hand. 'I lone.' Machines and Tools. NV No, 1.1,1 Fin, and IMSacoNDSTItsre, e1,,,141 ordure of Copper cut to any patDra• Cop per sAivWORKS, firIIIIARD, a: Ilanuhetu r,re I. Al . irN D 10 t .L. 1.11,1, W„artant ,,i CAST Wi+, of every ile,riptiop, Creel-en 1. Gang', and ail other. varivtler. -- • • • . . . AI , kfrotao.f h INES• and lA' , made from Sl., 1: r xtra rctineJ arnl,lloW -1,6 tc . .,flta, cornet ViaTtult tad lly 't - 1::4T,, I' - burgh. tytt.l re-ttmtlting.gum :altu., nal P:14:6th1.,1:1, C/1,11:13r alto. rel.:Ott ‘ and Drllitag data, at tell, Onal I, rat, .7.zerIitOAIINSON. REA /.4 CO., (Suc "--"" 3t11.1.C.10,) WASHINGTON WORDS, BIZEI lonntier. fi Nzsubliilnti, Pittpburgh, lt,,,:fActu, rt of btattwanry Bum In• ‘j l7T ri. ?T?!l aVlescr , l;aol7l. „ u n„„ • tiIiTSILII'3YATESTINJECTOIt COCILIIAti 14. nnii., M fActurcra or 1,011 Vnult:s tud VAUI .Ir, 1131,1,g, Window t l hecterr. Window ,Pak. S .1 1 e000•1 and SA TAlrd street, •weetl WO,l ILnii et,k,t, bare an bowl A sorts , or fancy nod plaluijultAL.l.; .4.7 - I',..r:leuisr;ts,ral.,n 0,1 J., ea:ril. , ding Lot, .1,001,0 du, *1 01,,rt untie.. .31ARBIAGE AND CELIBACY, yor WaretuA And instruction jor l'oang s -.1-•I; Dirrm-es nod A fr-I,Sta v - uch pro- A . lth 111lli of lure re4er 1.)t. .-nAre, 's 1k111.11.111,N, Iloreard,tr n, lAre dL W 0 kc;.l - al, C sad PAN Er 8.L7. e SOHO OIL WORKS. BUITIIIII.KEHWBc.,OO., =I CELEOILATED SIUUI LULMICATOB, PETROLEM LUBRICATING OILS. z.persn. Lard and Whale °lb!, LIGli?, lINNehT OIL AND 1 4115 EL CRIBS V.andatcl Burning WI, ail. 33 ?larLet street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ===! WoisLavaliGiEUAL micundixo o PITTSBURCH. PEMNA. L'i, c i'‘'e e 'Tarl Tr. eas 'r. G . () aliS TEMPERANCEVILLE ericc, No. 2 Duquesne Way, t• Pea 6us r .unelon Tind g e.) 14 .C.l'; LI TUItE tur P U ILE WHITS Brati4---"Lucifer." _Atu:n \IV . 1 -1/ IN Li 61- KING , • MI:IISSM MECHAM AND lIROKERS IN °Petroleum and :Its Products, 4 PI CT QUES.VE Frul r, .IPri.reikoau.raocaoqc, riut,ADELynte Auinutirs,, WAKING, KING & .co.. . 1 17.33 122 WalLizot AIL. . SeOEIIIOII OIL ENOLNES. - • V. are r.onstructlng, and WII biep on band, ' .I , rto: 6 Isl.; of • IZIZT<4 - z - N3EllEl - WITH EITRSR CO OS TOB WBBLLB 801111 Wo Invlf e t .rtica nectling knKinea for tad, pl,loa 6.n.1 atom, .rner.of FLEE and (P/JAH/1 .sr r n , .ar City Wafxr Wnrk B. M ACE LtiTOSH HEMPHILL & CO. WARtrEN Et. iiiii'CIIELDERT Imo Eitti IN • CRUDE AND P.EFINED PETROLEUM Y. OIL, ROSIN, 51'110113 TURPENTIN NVI:TU CAMOLINA . TAII, &C., Corner of In/nein. Way & Hancock St., WNe. l A " inTiliPl4 l :ta rbEtt.!c:p!.._ onlEgra2S N•V;a7itotat • .I?itEIS 1111WLN tir. A:NUrACTT.IIIICHIS OF i OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. com.D.D. lti ncrsza-ir..c.t MB vnaoLEsaL - 1-: DRY (-30 D:. CARR, DA, VE - V viotAl'tv.VP 6 9;1 , 0 r3 f C f g tr,y 94 'W. 0.0 D, ';i-, - ;. - r P, F. PITTS U Rs4l - 71 , , VitOL , LAL;', 'SE4t.E.I';IS Foreign and Domestic DRY G 0 2 Announce that they have just received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE aid WELL SELECTED STOCK 'of all articlel3 in the DRY GOODS LIKE, Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their aa vantage to call and 'examine their Stock, comprising a -hand some assortment of many Scarce and, Desirable, Goods Together with Superior Style& of all the best HI akes of IN T o: 13C. - ‘,Voycl. Street, Prints, • American Delaines, Standard Sheetings, Bic:lc-11(.4;4;a,, TiCkingS; Ginghams, • ' Canton Flannels, Apron Checks,' Shirting Checlzs, • Col'rd Drills, &c. PLAN -M Y 'l2 r Plain White, Scarlet, 11 . 1ixell,Ited am! Cell Twilled, HOli .114)Y; Shaker and Shirii6a, White and:Colovcd BED BLFAIVIC..ITI2E;9 BALMORAL SKIRTS, SLUE ii r ck 3 o FRENCH, GERMAN M Erf,GLISH FANCY MSS Our Stock will embrace a areal etT and all the latest Nel NOTIeNNS, A. Full and Conlplett!! ti r. CARR, 111.1VILESS ~'_'-itit, 94 NV 0 r• t • z • t TERMS - - NT-T OAS H. 'ELROY', DICKSON 111=1 - vxr,o•Cia Pri."JCSl3TJ,c:ki-1. DRY jGOODS W HOLESA LE, OCTOBER FIRST, A LALRGt AND FRESH AHIPAIVAIL MOO BOOTS, SIMS,TitIftS EZIEE3EI Jost receltied, a.l tH• th. VE:tlll.9ii . EST I'ILICES, either Wholesale or Retail,. WIZ HS A CALL _ HIPLITtit I'CTKIIASI ELSK WHISK. • • • • - W. C. BORLAND, No. 99 Siarket street, 24 dolt from Firth et 9 I==i Ltran EM BERGE & CO., Alanufac s Of Grand and Square Pianos. Warn Mae. tt7 BLEBNEB i+TBEET. Biota ti en from Broadway NEW The PUBICIa Pianutsetured by ibl. firm re tin,. r paned forpowerful, clear, brilliant imd inpapalla.lo cue, with cteellani worknanaisio. Circular. , mud price iln flan nn apolleatinn. n11,0:1,01EWT EEO fi I I.'M V ti 1 , 4 00, 12, *4' ,: up 1:11.'r 1566. dnd Da!morals, EC)Cr. EBB - iT,il.l - '(;tO.ODS r.". 71 ti 11 CAt , mai f i 0 6 a , • '.. 7 f . gl ki..t pi -,m al DI t„? , hiJAi.ow-mul ra 86 CO, .1,) .; - ,—.Rlq street, • • r-`ITTSBURCH. i.:Ed are iiccei‘ing „,,p,t .: ~,,.., :ATM N, ~..., • Eli) 'firil .:1.11, q A . t!sey otfn•r,at EASTERN PRICES r.. 2110 Att. , :ltiiin flealei P. is iilVited , e. ", ft C 2 14 g 9 I .- 1 1 .:!!OLESALL PI.,:ALEItS IN _ tr.,...r-1 C.?!s•-,e _OIE4I tia KLZ:I 6 I • EME2EI ortsc-RIT(S'II-1 " • try k • , ..i.tny I: ~rn J,.1.11:ng trarcllsiln fz• i , P:4 - S larns, ~,., - : , 2.4..i - f-:- 4. , :',i1 . A.E ,, i . P.a014:-,- t CAN.FEr CHAIN, vo* +'C.. ti^i I'~ il' Floniptiy, Filled at FfACTOIn' PiIiCES & CO ~ ` .11 DMI ISM Q. g,Rq", :11 4 1'74" ME IBEIZE ,• - - • lantny. IT!! th• . , . .r. / /..5::',..1).5.:i.E3 ;.-.:Cg.'.i !.)i 'lli E FAS " - iii4 \ A l',;:E W. 011,136. • .-, 1 , :11 1 ::ST,.;. , ;Rt.'iilAi:i. L. tiki, • :„ . ,/,:i, , r , ',...0 ~..,‘.; r .F.N.CLL' ,o T, i i l NOIL:e.a pLa SFU.NriI:Q EDL1114.7 .; 7 :: ,, lt , i ; 7 1 1 1 1 4 iLd'-'•: , :11. - ..., '',',. , ..,x , 1 vo Aror • :;v. , .. - .:.•_). • • - i i ''ii 1J 0;11 v1)It a Finr,.ricial Crisis Er, , 21e. .1, et 5L4 Noway, EIMME ("in( Ics. rial3.l4,lllelnde.• ORR,Sp 1-or Ware, &C.. OF AT . )011...a1a• Each, ant rernr.l, von' r! 1,1 not, 101,' pale for • antll you voo are N. rer,it e, to: tin :Irt! , lP. if IL , toes not . aadi pw . money • TILI PF mrttrlilV. "n L.—ziver 11l I, c!•. SRO • • • 1111,• (11 t,:ttrt, 1.1 , 11v3' 0...1n1 .1, • I ry ,w 1. 1•1 r...r Mtg.; of - - :•I eioutt tilones 4 .111;! 111,011, f : [4,1,111(0 plterns. n 1" ft , — .11 a: •: tr.:* and Aan entlie., Ito • . In 1 ,, ,ii , i.0.11,t4f tii.. :.‘l. , t.W.1111.1011 or trade In t.r ranve A tar, oriou4h. tt.1,11 1.1.. npr ‘tl.ot., B,lit-Cdr rv. ith l,ra:4 at nay sac till r. Pude •1... 1 . 11 cillaet , ,r,e,l tin "t 1 ATCiI JEWELRY CONIPANY." I:. z re A:PPORTIONIIIENT, Sitt&rt. rt . :rut:lt t'r rtttlett i teil or , N ,clolllt I.: ni.trit tri• triter - r t ter.t. tut :vitt "r. r i:•.• i•tit tior i •litt c. tit ti) W. :1,1 r 0101 1, lt•t r: t I, i t t. ti t ti• - •• tri:tt riti•! th, it tr iit • tit tii:l .irpt t: trt it •1. 4., r 4 ttit - . •• pit , tip ii• •it Ai 1.1 tti . I ta"Z:lr „ it. Iri‘ll fitrwarillii: 11:i 't " or. Fit t•nerit ititt.tid u r • ',. it it tor , :..,1.111.(1.) tot Crrlr-rr 111 tii• ••••••, ."` i: a. 15, slty-nne 1%, •rr'i •"•, • • • . . i'Nitn—Wo 4bAiii• In eve.ty wilt vtetete Ali tv v thee, t.rttn r such wilt tete .IFiliv.• .1 TC•It I.•' 10 Ail • vvrv . v..vt.Hetatee orelvrvel nr• to t Hot vs.le 'Ng, ttarapre A Ai . vetullvt! to. le •••enttle, WI , P. titvl al zee ~:everlit:C.tte.r. . 'our Nom , Town, Co'.aly a plaluly. nod nddreEn ali or.let, to • SICH A,V) Gum) HUEY CIAIPANY, 36 Lit.Ary suet{, New Yar4. CEETI F OR S A F OR-SALE.—No. 1. Farm of 400 acre,, Falrgeld township, Westmoreland cone-- 1 17. L's.. shoot 7 miles south of the l'a. liallrossi, . Llsdlvar oration, and 68 miles from the city. She Inly.rovor.lent.i are. First, a two-story atone dwell. Ing with sr set rooms;" Sta.le spring house, carrlage Louse. corn crib and a gm. I.sarn 44 by 76 feet: a . :ergs ~tab, . .. ITLI granary, and the best of water at f the door. Pecohd. a large frame dwell!. with 7 1 and a l.itet-en., a large steno string Louse,r bahe 00, torn trio, wagon ..11ed, a large hewed log Lam. 'I lard, a frame t• urn rot house, wan ss go'-d s'a 4 :e. Fourth, a t . .setery beirod lug bogie and harn. T,...• fencing la_ gen, rally good, larm Mead- O. Of thee: h;tllllutLy.nol rioter; an ail dance . Or Iln.etune .11 coal upon the farm: a young Sod old Apple oretArd al 1 ,, d welt In.' acres Clear- -I, the residue In good timber. ouch as white. red. Igagb and rook oaxsugar, leech, poplar and locust. - The soli I. gm,: pr- siztolog the 000 y th:at el,p. If' alt ...le ofa t grain; would ma. t , l No. T -rock rm. aud . will to: nod low. rostexelon op the trst.:ay of October. I soi. No. 2. Farm of 5:1 acre, sttuatetT In Chartlers t , rwllfthip. Allegheny county, l'a., about. ass sulks front the city} . u, ar the line of the ht• else:v:l.l:s It. ll.,and wlthlu one-hatf tulle of a stat.on,:lo a of the m:et of creel. hotteM land• and le a L., : state of cultivation; 13 acre, .."1 wood,and and pasture. The lenclug I. ere:tare:ly goal. The nolltle So, i. arol well adapted for -- ardenlng. llse at - e anon of those a lotting to cult..ta. I the husluees will call at hnoo awl seen, a good hargale, . tilts le arase shame. So. a. Farm ef p. I acre,. attlla,e In Ll', 0,1, t0T.,,1110. Alleeshi-ny courkr, l'a.. on !no Nome, estool e riser, atoult one tulle from the Itorooan ..t.- Eitsahetl.. Ihe ...o Ile of the taset.q.:tty. The In, proVi.n3enta area farmhouse 1.1.0 el x rooms. a good. ~''•r1 1,11 other out Molding. 1.-h. - lint 'ahout '..` ofoal. a Lerch., echo -14 and mllle mrY eon - se:ll,ot. 1,,n InInIrt!Ille:p, ' . y \ try i. Ahem the tu st o ke-. i Mr:tug :shout tso acr. en the ..)lour nx s tela riyurt.t.e..-at to Por Lusk So. ,‘. -,, 1 ' I ' l ' h leers .101 x :at, t wo.'e tury 1,1,5. de,lllng, or e -log and ono : rAll, 1,111 I, u, vont Crlb. ,nu;,. h" , . let, k ^P o, nt h ,,,,, ... 1. r.teary. anr.. ,l,p, Sr.; Shoot . scree hf . Le above le test qua in- deer bottom; the ha1a1..., Oxlng ihneetono :and, and uwieriald with . oal. ami :shout 20 ace e. or 11 , e.t...... There are , tw.grarchar.. li , Apple trees. It: good besting c4,.1.1.1• ,i„n: ~,, o.e nt . , polls (Ito. AntlArant erne., one., ' the land la e• el; os-1 sated tor gas - 01. plug purposes. : Imlng a e::rt illallooe front the r. !slug borough tot lx: tzalu-ln, creating a utaeket at hums for ail the pro , •I•. _ .1.4,. e 110 proserti will he sohl cio-ao 1114 en . ters:K. _ . 7. A F., ef aur nitu...l Ellza , lll , roul tez:e. 51e21,14. neer pr“ve teceta freur - 711, fts e mote,. es,n, qu.t.lti. AOe al.Koee .na'he to e d 7 can:ll, aa7 of the above Fs[>. Yrni , tt. H. TOWER. bawl En, ta Agent, 11i1 ibun Fou sAlz,E—Tile beautiful and SUBSTANTIAL MANSION M!3 GROUNDS Ontonl Innd cnniplio! by NS 11 A.: m:•uated oil Western ATOLII.2. MTV - 1'" O=P-Sr. Inv nom° M a toodel_uf arvlllre:thrxl beauty, and voml,tWa't vny applmtco for comfort and luxury. It Is butt of Pressed I , and trimmed -. Kith liroa n otono, urcl goora v.:lout:m[lc 111,. plate al•adow., and io Very talzatt 11.1.41 Ip 1.13- ,truCtivn thrJUglavtlt cumplet, _ THE Areal - 11;in. lnesrly (oy....t.xerrs)And beautifully OM& a1t11:..4 with ty, Ent.t4v. frees awl Flowers All the Fs aro ln • style ,yr seqs:ostllng will the insuslun.. Zhu 10,.111t . Is neeNe.pttottable, htlitz free (row ter.trite of the e.tlet, sel the t,ex (rout the Lou., extent:v.. partt•ulars furntt.hol on arptleat.lun to 7. b. 1:R A::, Ezokt, In Stoces and IS, ai Netnte, Foul LL st., (8ur;,, , •. Elttlidll4,) FOR SALE Tba tleacrll.l prararty calered at private tale antil :IaTtIEDAY, Nal - tatter. nth, . . =I At 11... Iyee•t of Prunut'El, , turol. lu( - Tore town xt.lp • b au`..1.11 lot. to entt pt.rchabcrfi. E. , : EN LtITS OF 11l Man.; bt•lng I nta No 4 Iv:, ICS, 101. 11.4 111. 111. 115 and 11l the plan ...1" Ihl UI NlansneAter and lot:tads.' by I,e lilt etrset, damns street, tjedar alley and W'r.slitugtott street. prop - -rty wtll snld at rea onald,Drtnes•td ettay . terms. Ittle Indlepstn- • . I'll: further Informarlon apply V. t 0 lA' 1:1VG, Or Par. attorney.. S. A. W. S. I.I,IaVIAN C 0, - 31::09 , Filth st I.ll.t.,lAtrrth FY:A . :ELLE:Yr CHEAP 1%1101, .t • • LOCATED NEAR M'KEESPORT CONNELLSWILLE RAILROND CASING TILUO =I WSli vrblun tcrol3, cr the who!e any purtl , krt 01 it el.climagtd 11:1;• City ll= Eon sALE, • SIX ACRES OF LIND, :•ti Watt. near Johnston !Station, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, 10 Inlleg Isola the city. 'lov lm .plocentents •re ato.o.l.tory Frame ltsaellingof six £.0,11, a Stab 0, an ....cit... well , wattr. hd as- • .. ot , rrtth, and tht 1$ Ll, , a r t••:,tv, 14,,,rry uo, the ;1,1, Ns . fuot rela' , .l I.,v,t,o,1•11110. l“.ty 1,1 ottaltably For trma, Apply at th, t e tale laud luvirau ( )nice oil 1.;01: SALE-12 alums 4irwatsd; seen 'lunar:ea w atered on Yottirrel illn, ten icinutra' walls Troia I'3 t.r.z ut Shady Lana. Fourth irArcri 'loud. 6 acre Ran,. woo.l hiatiorn barns locate:l In Al...czar:au , And An , . belly rou alive. Coal lirriaity, Mri. aryl Lois in tar eny and Aitirtis. For Prriloir particulars inv i r i e . y .l l Am wAr. , (Or pall,. No. 110 Grain street. i;13,000 WILL. PIURCIIIASE THAT art•l bullt Sfar.lo, tret th 4 on h. lota groim4l III: by !cot. Ix , ted Dr, zr , .shsh-lon. IC En, Binning heal. The heti, I, hl.t tttd (run - thh hot tlet• you Lily, tile illrect vi.we III,: 0 , 01571 three fr../th the,:to ic CO., • if. Ii Fuhrth etrt,t. MEE Il i O CASH WILL_ PURCHASE etory Frs., Demlitra, of three roolus rind teller. awl lot 13 feet btl :cet. on louotete Al.eiehehy. Apple to n- , 1 H. AI•LA:N CC/.. A Pourtet street. ,SOlllll D. BAILEY, St,:al7. and Real Estate Broker. _ • FOR ALE- , -.100 Acres of Coal 1...he-lc:ow Imo ollately up tat thr Ohio Meer, ; a .3 0 10.r:h a.O Clog/ohs, 300 Io talk s above Wu clonatl. Oa .the a.m. tract IC a four lo)s - vein of a...• general humus a. I,not anrl•aase'l• !ie . shirt, thCcroor from tau huartern oltlu Coat; coursilna forge. trial Cokrs well. I a. 701 for Sit.Lls canna , . be care , .td. 1 Ito io raL7ln.k...q.uo!k:T:t“wtt ararffade'rerre'Yeallft'g' ne-e la a watex.frowt hof a wale. Stan a gus-B looting iOi u, feat, tr-carui.h -; I. r.. La:ea:re wllll t tie . .c.e-ruwlars lor aoh cw• I afloat. said Oset Ooubh. e Clroiler to wh.l. l'ortan 4,0.4 mat. alt order, plcary alto vary bc,f ath .111.11000:at 11).t1mr. %Could Bell nee Inl.areit If too hany with eiperienee and eaphal Inc k tr: JtwiN 1). L'.ock and liar! Estate Broker. • )0... Int roarthgtreet. FIIESENTS itereB Coal, In serer. au. tse ori East aide tie .Iyhto River, thebeirilles o. saboeltag. with rialtt of way t (es r. Tbo oa butt? to gOod tear • .;ru. Wheelltbr, teyel.tes ♦in. toe tact that the Fool Crop 3 net nigh thd bill to be used erolltalba for rsolle,a - nakea this a geedfur . * St.% sad Steal Estato broker. No. I ts Foe rth street. }OR SALE —A Well n establlsked atnuufertu 13uiluess::The 1.1. pl 1",,, and au.tcept4t , e of beng . l.rgOlT I.lcrtnt,u. s A 11.111.—Au Atabrotype G3l - o!. autl • ter, Boots, She Oiten, to V' 14111, , L1 GIVE *IX CALI. • r• Tt_-.7j.," • BOO& . IU/ VI/ I's 1 , .11 ' 074 Fa ,le-ral ;A.y. m....A r Si EMLE3