The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 02, 1866, Image 1

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Penninaan,.Reed Sr- Co.,
Sic,. SG Melttb. Strout.
T. P. HOUSTON, Edli°ll6
Jos' Au lii
II LIMOS P. REED; itnih2eseltbinagers
Bind• Coptei.,
pettrered by carrier, (per week)
11 . 1 1.Euborlbere, (per year)
Llberal reductions iabtesaboys and Agents
Witios'orgh 6itzette.
FRIDAY, NOS} MB R 2, 1866
The telegraph announces that Governor
Swann has removed the libiryland Com
missioners. No evidence was adduced;
showing malfeasance, to 'justify this step,
evenft the Go'verucW was the proper officer
~ to try this. case. While the GoVernor
doubtless desired such evidence, it was not
matial to his pffipose. He wished to
i t
remoi the Commissioners, not becsuse
they' c 1 violated the law, but because they
refuse l l to let' rebel soldiers vote against the
plain! requirements of the Constitution of
• the Skate. This is all there i 3 in the case:
The. Governor, backed by. President John
wanted tetel votes to elect two or
three Congressmen, and to make a Legisla.
cure that would send the Governor to the
' United States Senate. There was but one
way to accomplish that result, and that way
was taken. This view is strongly corrob
orated by the fact that his police were all ap
pointed' and ready before the trial was
ended. If the result. shall conform to
the Gocemor's expectation, it will be for
tbo.:, Senate and House to say whether they
)411 admit to seats, members chosen in this
ilia the mean time, we trust the loyal peo
ple of. Maryland will listen to no revolu
tionary counsels, and adopt no rush mea
sures. Those outside who urge them on to
violence may be their goad frieUds. but
they are far enough from being cool headed.
The telegraph announces the • death of
Mr. William - Wright, United States Sena
tor from New Jersey. His health has been
freebie for many months.. He was born in
Rockland Courtty,'lrew York; but removed
to New Jersey as early as• 1794. From
.1948 to 1847 he we's in the House of Repre-
sentatives. In 1833 he Was chokii to the
Senate, and was re.eieetedin 1803 for the
term ending in 1869. He possessed very
fair abiiities, and acted steadily with the
- democratic party.
• His successor will undoubtedly be a re
Tire European governments, and Partic
ularly inch of them as instigated and en
couraged the rebellion, have been mani
festing much solicitude for the personal
safety of JEFFrnsori DAVIS. They have
entreated our * government to clemency.
It may be they are entirely self-moved in
this interposition. They certainly owe as
much to Mr. DAVIS for haying abetted his
'crimes. Eutit is not entirely clear that
the Administration in Washington has not
sought this foreign i...portunity as an :L`7C
cuss for an act pre-determined upon Sy
itself. •
the : other hand President JointsoN
interceding on behalf of -Fenian captured,
convicted, and sentenced to death in Can
ada. It may be England wants a preteit
for letting them go. It may ho she does
nOt,-and will show practically her estimate
oflbe lenity to which she invites the Uni
ted States.
. Uor6ore the Fenians; who pretend not
to want Lvsca and his follows hung, and
who have invoked_.PreSident 'Jolts:sox to
solicit their liberation. Are they sincere?
Do they want their associates hung? or do
they desire the excitement the hanging of
them would afford In starting a fresh foray?
It looks as if they meant to bully England
into tigor,-and then make that rigor the
- motive to anew invasion of Canada.
IT is perhaps reduced to a certainty that
Mr. STAIITON will leave the War Depart
ment in a few days; that General GnanT Or
Lieutenant General , SHEIMAIT 'Will tem
porarily take his place; to be succeeded by
Mr. Co*Me soon aftel the close of COll-
This is a skiip'prsctical conametary on
columns of invention; by Washin ton cor
respondents, touching -unfriendly relations
between the President' and Mr. Cotiast
since the election in this State.
Tutx koms to be danger that by arti
fice the Preddeur will secure the election
of a United States Senator from 'Kansas fa
to hia Policy, though the Legisia
,?; true la largely Republican and Kr. LANE
*as led to commit suicide by the abuse
heaped upon him by the people for aiding
with the adminletration '
UNLEss the "W.aahington spebluls" atop
lying abontlitexican affairs, about the re
tirement. of Mr: STASTON from Itho Wait
Department, and about GittFT, SIIEII.IIAIc
us Ids successor, the mass of
newspaper xeaders will soon vote those
"sneetali" the greatest impositions tolera
ted in christendOm.
TO "FAIR."—Our: correspondent
At New Brighton,, "Fair Play" is respect
fully informed that the gentlemen whose
claisms_for office' Le so strongly adrocatei
lias positively refused to offer himself as a
candidata, and hmace it is admit
any correspondencenpon the sublect in our
.11n. CA3IPISELL, appointed Minister to
Mexico some months 8/11CP, and who, ac
eordingtto the telegraph, has been forty
t4aes'about to start in chime of the govern-
Intent - to iPhich he is accieditea, has re.
iturned borne, and_ is on. 1118 farm in the
Miami Valley.
es ,
—The Philadelphia City Item nominates
General John W. Geary for. Vice President
of the United States. We second the mo
tion. •We want 'ho better candidate than
this brave soldier and honest man. His
,name was a tower of strength: to the Re
publican.cause during the late contest. He
lead his ticket in nearly -every county in
the State, which is a sure indication of his
jointer's's' popularity with the people.
,eheater Republican,
-L-Mr: A. Barbarin, of New Orleans,-bane
Invekttted and patented a contrivance, for
simultaneously lighting all the lamps of a
theatre hotel, or even of an entire city.
A Maclinte, like an alarm-clock, Can be set
to any hour, at headquarters, and when the
appointed time comes, all gairburners con
nected with it are instantaneously set
ablaze. The invention Is toile publicly ex
bipned and tested in New Orleans, In a few
few days since a gentleman called
upon some holy friends, and waeshown
into the parlor, by a servant girl. She asked
him what name ahe should'announee, and
he, wishing to take them by eurprise, re
plied, "Amiens" (a friend).•, The girl
seemed at first a little purled; but quickly
regained her composure, and in the blandest.
.wanner possible, observed, "What kind of
ene did you say, sir?"
- - •
I ,
4a..,-.?—•„, • 4,1 , 7
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. 1
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• ----
* - -
I •
VOLihn LXXX.---NO. 264.‘
fill X ITEMS
Extra Good
Goode, at the Opera Haase 6hoo Store
• • Clilf and Kip
Boots in_great varloty, at the Opera 'loose
Shoo Store.
The ; Boot nod Pato,
Home of Plttaburgh—Garillner's Great Opera
llouso Shoo Store.
!Superior Goods.
A prima lot of Supurlor Goods en route for
the Opera Rouse Shoe Store. •
Goods Sold
Cheaper than any other house in the city, and
era warranted to ho good, at the Opera House
Shoe Store._ :
- 1,(X0 rucn, women and children to purchase
their Boots and Shoes at the Opera House Shoo
Store this month.
We ,Wonld Sue -gent
To any of our readers who may wish to provide
tbemsel . Xes, for cases of emergeticy, with a hot .
tie of good Whiskey, that Fleming, Druggist
No. 21 . 31arket Mt., has a Lot of Rye Whiskey,
manufactured expressly for him, by Thomas
Dell, about fivo years ago, Which, for excel .
lance,. has, we think . , hot. its equal in tho city.
It la a pure article. We speak knowingly
Hearlug . Bolstered
To th,. Editors of the Pittsburgh atuctir, Sins:—
Permit me to announce through the columns
of your paper, that my. hearing had been im-
paired for lave years,: and a disagreeable
noise in my oars. and that Mr. Aborn, at the
Merchants Hotel, has by one operation en
tirely restored 'hearing and removed the
buzzing noise. I reside in Waynesburg, Pa.
Merchants' Hotel, Oct. 115t,1930.
rbillidelptilii University of iledleine
and surgery.
The trustees and faculty of the above Med
ea College' have Issued uscholarslnUO at
sei cniyllre dollars each, Which entitles the
holders to attend levtures until graduation,
or ag many sessions as he Wishes..
ibis renders a medical education cheaper
than ever proposed by any University or Col.
legv In this country or Europe..possesslng the
same extenalvo
2 here are - rizeco Professors and (tern branch
of lredicine and Surgery is ihorouglay sought.
ho student holding a "scholarship , ' can
autos the college at any time during the Lec
tures, attend as long 119 ho wishes. and re-en.
ter the Institution ita' Crow:mato , an desired.
Persons wish' ig to obtain scholarships can
up ,k,ly to L. Vhishne, I. D., Professor of V rino
Pail ologyin the, abose•mentigned tinting°.
Ill's office and residence is NO. in Grant
tr,i) Plttsburch Ya.
Police Commissioners Removed.
Appointments) by Governor Swann
• .
MALTIFOIIL, Nov. I.—The American has re
ceived the following special dispatch from An
napolis :
Aantrotts, Mil., Nov. I.—Tne Governor has
decided to remove thn Commissioners. The
decision is very hater against them. Ile says
the registry lists of lilt should have been
used and that the Judges of election have no
right to go behind the Registry Law. Ile says
that the Coltce Commissioners and Judges of
elect on, were moat partizan in their charac
ter and were guilty of gross ()Metal miscon
duct. Ile Niould call upon the United States
Government to uphold his authority, If it
should he necessary. Sheriff Thompson. of
Baltimore, arrived here this morning for the
purpose of taking up the commissions of the
new Mikes,. Mr. Latrobe goes to Washington
this aftermton.
Great excitement prevails in the streets of
this city over the removal of the Pollee Com
,miasioners by Gov. Swann.
Batvixonr, Nov. I.—h is not yet ascertain
ed who aro thence Pollee Commissioners ap
pointed by Gov. Swann. It is rumored that
the new police tome have already organized
and.will make their appearance in the course
of the day an the streets. The old Commis
plotters Lave their full force out and will resist
the demands of the new , force for the surren
der of the st ton houses. Marshal's office, Le.
A body of 500 V. S. dismounted cavalry, who
arrive:there yesterday_ to disembark for Texas,
aro now 'at P ort Melienry, and rumor says
they will be retained here to act in case of
The Baltimore dicesierfn siva it is repnrted
that I'. o.. Ford, of rerd's Theatre notoriety.
and Capt. [torn, of the Third Ward, one of
Gov.-Sim:lWe Ilegistera, have been selected for
Pollee Commissioners,. and that ex-Marshat
Van Nostrand. one of the witnesses for the
prosecution, is the new PLarshal.
Half-pail, 1, P. .3L—Thero la considerable
feeling manifested hero in regard to Governor
Swatuds action—some bitterly( denounce it,
awt , others approving It. Large crowds of
people are gathered sit the corners of the
streets and near the newspaper °dices dis.
cashing the matter. bit otherwise all Is now
quiet. The new police force have not as yet
.made their ap'peartmee on the streets, bet It. is
supposed they will do so before the close of
thc day.
The names shove given as the new Commis
sioners and' Marshal - aro given on rumor, but
It is 'programed that they aro correct.
General Grant and General Comstock have
arriveallu this city.
Sathanour, November I.—The old Polio,
Commissioners are in session with thel r coon
sel and advisers. It Is not known definitely
yet what they will do, but tt is believed that
they wiltlak - a some such cause us the follow.
leg, under the laws which creates the hoard
of Police Commissional - a. It is claimed that
they nave most ample power. They can, In
any emergency, exercise their force without
limit. and call out the military, if they deem
It expedient. They can also summon the
shoruf, who is made suldast to their orders.
They have assumed, it is understated, the
gr.:Muds: drat, that they aro not guilty or OM
chat misconduct; and unit, under the follow
log clause in the new constitution of the State,
they maintain that as they are elected to of
fice by the Legislature, the tioremor has no
power to remove them, on the ground that
the clause below quoted annuls and abrogates
the provisions of the law under which tho
Governor acts, which was passed prior to the
enactment of the n e w constitution . ;The clause
in the new constitution referred te is as fol
• ..
nil/trios IL—The (10Vernor may suspend,
BLc., and May remove for Incompetency or
misconduct, all a 'lion:leers who received ap.
pointinents fro Ciao Executive , for a term
not exceeding tw years."
It is claimed the 'Lathe commteeloners are
fleeted by the gislature, and not by the
Governor, thereto e, tbo Governor' cannot re
move them. On t le ground. it is understood,
that. the Committal tiers will go into Court,
and in that mann r resist, by lawful means,
arrest, end other tee, parties who may as.
"some or •.attemp to exercise any of their
functions, or the. f auctions of a police officer.
If thu United etas troops_ccme, they will
protest. to the antler that they are elm-
Ply exercislog their awful functions, and that
they are not In eltb insurrection or rebellion
within the meanie of tho elm:mita the Con.-
stitnuorLof the Uni States la-reference to
[ that subjett; bnt, If ho Government troops
tl id
foreibly_elact. them f m the mneseesion of the
Commiesioners Mil Marshal's °Mee, police
stations, kr.. they w 1 submit under protest,
and await the deals It of the Courts: They
profess the greatest °Denude' to avoid any
eolksion.wlth the De end Government, and
to prevent a popular Outbreak. It le now said
that Mr. Ford to not tripe a littamiestoner, and
that Geo. at. harry an Capt. horn, as before
ps t o t od, are to be ap fed, but nothing is
k positively known 113 3.
Fort The SIR y Exesutelott . •
. •.
Special Dispatch to th Pittsburgh Clarette.
Quisrer,lii.., November -I, lace.
The excursion:ate #hopleft Pittsburgh on
Tneeday morning for l.hellniou Pti - eitle Ilea.
road, Eastern Divided; arrived here ail well,
and after a pleasant trip by way of, Chicago,
slept and took breakfait at the Quincy [louse,
andleft for lianas by ray of St. Joseph th i s
morning. - _
(es the Merchants , N floral Telegraph Co. I
: Preset 11 City..
Special to the pittsb h Gazette.
- ix Orrr, Oct. SI, 18611.
River four and a.feet iind talliortiVestber
Cold and clear. 011 firmer. ' ' .
Talankartirisaraiir Appointlad 111 Maine'
Alansis, Mums, N0v.1.--Ciovernor Conel
lass ambn_od Tlanzsclzi, the SIQUI 2ristoll l
Clay 01 Taliaksglrlai thls Nate. •
Arrival of Steamer Aliwtria-111( Atlan
tic Telegraph I xrwalitlun Atria, at
taneenutott n— heath 01 no It 1.1% Bishop
—Abatement of the tattle Plague In
England—the Lonanity of the Empreus
Carlotta-Inm Ittetrocen•lon or Venetia
—the neural' of tile Fleblarlinin w V...
netie—The orimateetiee of the Saxon
Army—Anatriatt Neon—Dentla of tar.
(final Zetouvalat—Pranalsto and Pollfth
Altalra—The Cretan!. Attempt to 'Fire
'MO 'Furbish Fleet off Camila—the War
.In Braall—Flarine Munster—Eng - IPM
,:Florkets. •
-New Yerar, November I.!-.Tiat ncr Silo.
trilastan, with dates from QuoLinstnwa to the
:Ist, has arrived.
'The steamer Idedh ay. VOlllleeleil With the
Atlantic Telegraph expedltiou, arrived at
Queenstown from Nova Scotia', op the 20th,
with the loan of her propellor. I
The t ills Pop. lzwd .f . lunizeitt, died on the
'r In COttOO erOp of t.gypt. n num to i.e very
luu cattle plague has 'almost died nut In
The Paris eorre.ipontlent\of the London Nu,
says: Tlio greatest synmathy is manitemed
fop the Empress Carlotta. It u' aid
Dint her mental state gave.catnee for al trio to
her even before her arrival iii Crane... During
her voyage trout Vera true to St. Nazaire, she
appeared to be plunged into the deepest mel
ancholy. and constantly, spoke of the immense
responsibility she had us,mineti. Oa arriving
in Paris, although indirectly prepared for the
Emperor's refusal to alter the period 1.1 , had
tired upon for this evacuation of the Mexican
territory by the • French troops, she lie: stated
In her decree to have 's. personal Inter,iAw
with Napoleon. The result is known. '
though the Emperor received the wife of Max
with all courtesy nod kindness, he le
t:mined absolutely firm. The Limn e•is tient ,
tunatery lost her head completely. Slit u , Par
forgot tier seli-Ksseselosi us to give way
-to the most violent. parOOStil of Viellettl4:llL,
and made use of language which not only
startled, but puzzled, this Emperor. Tlits
painful excitement Is now easily to lie act
counted for. The drst subject »Lich appears'
to have distracted the insult of the Empress
was the clause Inbar tather•• will by which lie
merely els.° a life-Use In the twenty-nye lull.
lions he bequeathed to her,althouen he gaVe
her power to 'lisp°, ‘if the principal by a ill.
The Etupre,'s applit d toiler brother. 1.e0p01.1
11., end to the Court of Flanders. to annul this
clause, and allow her to 41C1,110
to the consolnlatten of the 11,tlean Kin pl re.
Her brothers, howevvr, turned a deaf eAr to
her solteltat ions, retnt ttd , ng her Or the prodi
gal generessty - with width her husbautt had
spent las own private fortune, n oil an u
portion of hers, and po,tif vets refn,d her re
quest. :The Elopress cannot .tonelvo
and Its s he Inc is nig at,/
brother hulk: been pro. alely supported in
their dreisl6n by the stuAtrtan Lirprnnl bon
ny, she wlll s not con6ent PO visit her hoof le at
Brussels VleniCa. Thence a• 0,., her 'de:,
Pair. sant the Pope , lans'lng dcetie,,t to vane-
lion the eon...ordain proposed he 1l ax unilOst ,
her appeal rejected by N apoleon Tided, by her
Own brother, and by the Pope, it is not
Prisittg that her inind way in the
presence of so Much hitter moititication.
Thu Offieliti net of Use 1,1.11,C.,,,,111 of the
a bole of Venetia was completed on the even.
ing of the 19th, and the Italian national
was hot:dell at Venice atuhl great popular en•
tit usiasm. .
A Florence teleirraut .of poth The
Royal Oeolees have Intent 1 , ,110ti appointing
beautor Pen Cola Italian {laments loucr at
Venice, the Video of Verdua. at Vetoria, and
Detv Gnyicardi. tit
The result Of the Plehiseltum iii'Venetia
be proclaimed en the . .r."th lma., and a deem..
Lion of the Mayors of the chief 101%01 tViil at
once proceed to Turin to dotal tittile II ;10:0 50
! the King.
The C , pini , rre. of to-day states Mat the Gov
ernment will trot Merced .Sidi the ueneral
elections, but that oil., the Pletil,elt LIM In
Venetia, the V imetiall eleetoral college" .rill
be asaCtueled lu order to clicar, Deputi, to
the present Italian Pat Ilailiont. Ti.e ~ate
the efli,CleilliOn of Parlinment ii tint vet
fixed, but it t
that it-will take place
in tlie early part or liceembe r. .
PamSeta.—The betnt-rstnehtt North German
Gmeze of the PAli C..rt ato JoU seat, h.lse
published a :int.:Mout that the Urn thin At:l
ett-savior in Om. City, did P.,\• TUrt,l.:
nation. with Herr Vol, Ttucil, Iliv Pt u.,, , nt0
der Secretary of Slate, had tit her demanded
that the prielllN }Oriel.. Of Moe tieot ge of
Hanover should he given op to him or pro.
tented against its steine,tration by the Pro,.
elan gOverntnent. it Nth regard to in mi
tigate.) 'we are enabled to stai e that the Rot:-
bib Minister, on the OCCILnIO3I 1n oneal lon, cou•
lined himself to asking n hat cones time Prue. I
!thin gOvernment Intended to pane, ',dative ,
to the private fortune of King tieorno, tool'
that his rented:F.l,v no 1.1,11 r, pa,r(ool, of th e
nature of a demand.
It wan rumored that the Prue.,a-•,..axon Mill.
tart' Convention had been concitnietl'opost the
•basls of the mixed- o^cupation of the SAXOII
Kingdom. The organization of the ;45,0 11
army was to be po-dgioned for eteehdon by the
North German Parliament. It wt j alsoatated
that the PrunsaSaxon treaty glom not atit,o
- • for the permanent occupation of Saxony
by the Prussians, but merely that the latter
en nil remain there-until the re-Olgamol.attoll
of the Saxon army-
A Letpale dispatch. of the 19( Ii ay, At Is
meeting of four hundred members of the
Hone! patty, a coniMittetraaA uppointe,l
In the event Of the contnined resistance of
the King of Saxony to coact tole u peace with
Prussia, is to eolielt lileg William to order
new elections of Members of the Nt.trin Cham
ber of Deputies., who will then have to repre
aentthe intervits of the people of Saeone, us
opposed to the particular interests of the bar
on Government.
Aestitts,—A -Vienna - dispatch of Get. 111th
nays: Yesterday-11:4 Malest y received General
Aleuithres, woo will Shortly leave for laly.
He is desirous of bring appOillled 10 lila,llo,lL
Or /Milan Ambatisudoe In Lela illy. Count
Willett will leavo thin _evening for Berlin
the capacity of. Ansi mut Envoy at the Pres
elan Court.
Tn. municipality of Vienna have selected,
by a feeble nutiority, a proposal to allow the
Jesuit, leaving Venetia Le, Lunn e thmr Mei
rience in this city.
. .
An imperial reemlpe, dated on the lith of
October, bad been published convoking 'Mr
the 19th of November, ail the districts *of Ills
Empire, with the exc.:tidos, ol that of Hunga
ry. The Emperor also addressed a letter to
tao Aube Cam:Milos of Hamra: y.anntfuncing
that the couvocation ot the Hungarian Diet
had been deterred for the present,' on account
of the prevalence of cholera. •
Cardinal S. Zetowski, PrlnCe Primate of
Hungary, died on the 19th at. Grasv, ngod „ J o.
ty-one years.
The cholera was greatly diminishing at
The London Globe adverts to' the /liver.
gene° of policy on tile l'ol. 11 question, be
tween-Austria and Russia. • _
The Ituselan tthops 111 POIOULI, Willett stone
time ago received orders - to proceed to • the
gouthern frontier of the Empire, and whielt
are now on their march thither, have been or
dered back to their old quer tens
__as a protec
tion against any insurrectionary movement
agaiust the Poles. Moreover the Russian
Government is apprehensive that Austria's
ooncillatory policy towards Polish subjects In
Goleta, Is au. indication I hat the Court of Vi
enna is preparing to follow ail antmionisl
policy to that of Russia, lithe Enotern quer:-
Oen. and very naturally 'cuticle:les thst lit this
mutter the Austrian Governinent is acting In
concert with that of Fratitc: ' • .
TrazzY.—Acivices from Constantinople to
October 190, via Vienna, say that the Cretans
have made an attempt to set Ilre to the fur.
kleh fleet off Candle.
The Prot:Mee of Selmo has been evacuated
by the Tars. - •
The Cretan Insurgents ate nald to have mur
dered an Envoy bearing a tlag of truce Sent by
Blerfle Pasha.
BIIAZIL.—Some furthet details haVe \lven re
celved relating to the war between 110 Bra.
Vila: Wand I .. .Arai:unpins, They ildrOUll
Brazilian source.
The sinkieg of the Itio De Janeiro is con
Armed. tier commander aed slaty:Leer of the
crew perished. The Brazilians mrecesnully
stormed the fort held by the enemy, inking
nine pieces of cannon, three 11 ,go, and a quan
tity of arms and ammunition. The lessor the
Brazilians at this assault was 'AO killed and
9CO wounded, that of the Paraguayans being
mueUgreatcr, as over 100 ot th, tr dead woo
buried by the Brazilians.
The session of tile Brazilian Purl la Mimi was
closed on the But, when the Emperor delis.
crest a speech, encouraging the pat ran le - spirt":
of the people and urglag them LO germ
prosecution of the war.
Ltvgavoot, October 20.—The Cotton Broker's
Creular says: Cotton was in extensive lit,
mend. and prices daily advanced in the early
part of the week, with continued advent:ea of
higher quotations front Llndia and NOW 'York.
On Wednesday the demand feel off materially,.
and was very limited on Thursday, the a ro g.
elosinequietly. Still Most descriptions show
an advance, notwithstanding a restetion of.
j , ..,•§l.i_from the high rates current on Monday
and Tuesnay. American has been Ift esten,
sive demand, and aft et rising about Nol closed
fully !4,1 above last week's prices. Tiles Les of
the week amount to 101,9310 bales, nieliellior
22,03) for sect:elution, t0irt7.1..414 for export.
The market Is steady.
Flour in good demand at an Improvement of
24 per sack on the week. W hankie steady re.
guests an advance of 1149141 es the week.
Beer in better demand at late rates. Pork un
changed and the demand Moderate. Bacon
Slow of sale, but somewhat steadier; at late
quotations. Lard:declined law per pwt., but
more active at thedeellne. A:neat:sit offered
at Me per cwt.
Lomita—Baring Bros. Co. repot), Wheat
active at an advance of 16491 per qnarter;
white AmericaslibaSrnly *lnter red ,1 11 , 20314
Atrierlearr Flour WOW* per bid. Sugar Very
dUIL COffee Steady. Petroleum etaiW , • ran-
-/ _===_
The T loryloodHillleoltien—Deelolon of
Wovernur .151/11(111
Itxtrotortc, Nov. I.—Gov. livrann's decision
is It lengthy document, covering some thirty
pages of manuscript. The following are the
main points in the document. Tim Governor
ea), ' . I have duly ,onside roll the charge,
which have been preferred by certain citizen ,
of lialtimetc. who were denied the right to
vole at UM lute municipal election for Mayor
and members of the city council, against the
holler emmuissioners. In connection wills the
testimony suomitted for my guidance In the
case, I have arrived at the conclusion which
I .11,111 proceed briefly to state. •
,Tlic refusal of the Police Commissioners at
the opening of this Investigation to appear
beim, the Governor Upoll his summons to
answer the charges Of misconduct in olllce, I
look ripen its an ottonse for which they might'
nave been held responsible without any farther
Inquiry Into the tiVideliCO 01 official InitiasOns
duct in the late election. • It is true that the
I :m l lmi...tiers through their cdunsel•havc, to
some ex. cut, retraced their steps and an•
tioiiiiced 'their willingness to appear and
tinSwer ally questious the Governor might I
have to propound. but I don't understand they !
li see yielded the point of Jurisdiction to which i
they still adhere. Their action 111 iledining to I
respond to the summons of the Governor, ,
places them In the attitude of theatateoMeerti ,
made by the lair, a uhjeCt. tO hia direct super- ;
vision. Treating with contempt the power
especially delegated toilful by the Legislature, ;
and the still higher power conferred by the I
12th section of the Wilt trtie/e of the Constitm ,
1 Liao, to hike care, titt :1,0 law* be (unbridle
I executed, how is the iv ern or, it m.y lie asked, i
I representing the not' reigut) of. the State. to
discharge all trupelatiroAilaty itnoosed !soon I
trim by the organic law In conflict with rebel- 1
lions idneeraxelling bia.a.uthority at &Ilene° I
and denyinc tie right to bold them accounts- ,
able fir °Metal misconduct or a palpable 1
violation or neglect of their dative.. lire
Police ' Lair' llivesta these , Commission. 1
et . 01111' almost absolute power, fearlol
in its scope In the hands of Alcsignirtg .
nom without it check nip , where to prelett
the imbue }lnterval. Tlld Legidattirii neVer
intended tatty 'deli Uinta. The State of Mary , .
Mud Is, at time very motnent, thiestened st lax
Invasion by armed honied trom other Staten.
Military organizations have oven fo mot in,
the city of Baltimore for the open and avowed
purpose of resisting the authority of thetas,.
No bangle kteli, w Car as I amluturmed, tip to
this time, has been taken by the pollee laia,d
to superess thin tendency to anarchy and re.
beliton now SO threatellitle tO excite riot and
1/Inoildluit among sire reunite. .
It 11 well known that no tar as the action o
the Governer is concerned, no pretext hits
1.,.en I itruL , ll.l fur these revolutionary mo.
edit ge. Is the Governor, to whom these
°Meets are made directly responsible by the
law, to rest quiet and. ewe the laws Of the
Mate, the public peace disturbed, %heats , e 113-
Vh•lcti by !trilled reirtiittilo3llS , :i, In epraplicltY
wan those whom tits police board are eucour
aglllg by their apathy, and made no effort to
pt meet, the dignity of the State against Insult
and outrage; but the Legislature did list leave
to inipl•Cmlioll, this power of the pOllOO COM.
Fol,slon, in the discharge of their ittifelal sin.
Ur. as ctate tinker, ,
The GOVerher limn proeceds to, review the
. .. .
. .
100 gOl erhltic, his action, and prOClfella to or.
.plu that tilt; arctudiett of the newly registered
votore of the tail linuntetpal. election by the
ytul Wa.4 adlagtant violation of their data,'
It:.. ....a/WllallfUl Itl igee of the
election ate all radical la their ;wochrltice,
withone or two C.ICUpt.IOII3. PrudOeed
tho,t - lit/favorable luarreesion *mon toy
uanli Conduct In the
If continued In efilr-c. Entertaining the Intel,
Crate Clow - that loyalty reeldedonly with
r. 110 their policy, le it no; a res-maable
Inference Cleo, lei, would Mann, In the oh
-011e, or any inetructioue • from the l'ellec
colati! , -ioeurs wile reins° CO Interfere, to
vital ts,Oge the voice or all who do no: come Up
1.. their st.etelaror It they ignored the °bilge-
Lion of a et . colol bhillot rout tar I,ICICte•I vote,
Plamly.tanettrMut by the law, eurely it
e unld be no . gre.t ter stretch of authority toga
I , chind - the ft.'lCl•lry and recognizewhoui they
pllsa..lollll. legal voter,.
The tlovernor next review+, the registration
law and the varidas decislonsiander Rand the
election laws, and AMU. up ws follows: Tne
evident-ern the Ca.,, proven beyond is doubt
that the Pollee Ciatimisatoners been violated
.ho law and rendered theinstlyes liable to the
charge of 'utiscenhoct In shies by cresting or
i.e. witting to grow their eyes, and
wua their complicity, n v l',Lent partisan orgy.
nization, treating all us thEorni who dr, not
aCopt the vie,. or Itio , 'Radical liartlt
by dent the riaitt the tioseroor
,0.4 tail, jurlvllet lon Of the charges of °Metal
misconduct, prepared nyitill4t thoJ
,itiliern, itpiroUltlNlll, CCM . ° Judges of elec.
tie. • t•piaital polteetnen and clerks viol naivety
• froze their own party, and In many InattillCitil
Inco,lPVlelit, and in eorne of the product. the
teed disreputable chrtmettx., and denying lip
-1..11,11.:111,110 any oth, class of our citizen.;
tiy delegating; to the diarnbal and ttie officers
under Mtn the power to 11111.0111 C spec nl pi).
ii,1131:11 wit tout thentscii es inquiring into
the cotaillications or moral standing.
stiles r+, [has ~,,upting to tilt ow the respon•
slotitty of the bail appoint inentn. which hoy
wore ready to [incept, noon their Butior,ll.
mites; by nal:fertile the judges of electron to
Olio. - wilily the liens for rejected ballots,
and gin lug I item no tolvlce to 1,, their ohllgas
Linn under the low to lorurinr,
to remove theta from °thee for no Mittlikrt
violtwun 01 ditty.
Thorii it Come exolletnent 011 the street to.
night, with several personal encounters. One
num who was badly beaten was carried Into
the headquarters of the It tifilitelkint party.
. .
It Is nntler,too.l the Pollee Commtssloners
had an Interview with General Grant t
ternoon. They informed the General of theor
view of the ease , and elamod that they were
perfectly able to presetVe the peace of MO
General Grant also hail the newly appoint
ed relic. , Board before him. What took place
'ls not definitely known, but It Le reported that
the General advised them TIOL to attempt to
establish their authbrlty bfforee, but to rely
entirely upon legal measures before the
It is Ilonii r amtn.l they design to apply to
.I.idge Marlin of the , mpretue Court to-mor
row to he ...yore In, when It Is the pm pose of
the counsel for the old board to apply and ae•
(file tht: ease.
The Commissioners hai.e a yore large force
on duty to-night. Speelal policemen have
been sworn In. All the station itenor,
4,rnOglY gaol 0.1. .Ifm city is quiet.
General I: runt returnee to Washington to.
night. Mr. Latrobe left Annapolis. for Wash
ington thlsatternoon.t
The New roundlund Ilncn were down troth
on Wednesday cud Thursday, and we rouse•
opzently have no later hone from Europe by
the cable. •
Neu Poxtel Arrnegernente—The Lan
Judie Squadroh—C e Petrify Lamle
WaStorttrox, Nov. I.—Tlio Third Assistant
Postmaster General ha.s Just ar
rangements for that reissue Of, :Um solf-rultng
i, Ls pi sss t envelopes, which will be commenced
immedistely. Circulars notlfyirrg the public
of. the fact wilt be nest to all GM offices
toroughout the rafted States. The Improve
moat which this popu'ar Invention erected in
the liability of ho subscription and postmarks
upon fetters, while it .web In use a few years
ago lots encouraged its re-introduction.
Dispatches were received at the Navy De
partment, tills morning, from Acting Rear Ad
miral Bell, commatal Mg the East laths squad
ron, dated Simunskl, Japan, July 31. The
Hartford. the flagship of the squadron, was
Itt Nuruski on Gm Eith of July, and Admiral
Bell exchange.l v tit the Governor. An
°Meer of t h at Tycoon, who seemed somewhat
anxious as to the motions of her, arrival at
that time. In - consequent° of tee arrival
In port 'of the. Hartford, and of the British
Vice Admiral King, with the Ptineere iioyal
of three guns. and lour other ',Manson of
his squad run, and also of Sir Barroy Parke,
tne British Minister of Japan', Is staler.
Mom!, granted Several Interviews in that part
Of the Tvcoon, notwithstanding the treaty
with lhnt rrince to the agnate of the Prince
of letlama, a discontented noble, whose ter
ritories lay In 110 , 0111 13•Weat01 Rllllslll, 11114
whole Lori also of tile Lowchu Wanda Before
the departure ut the Dermot! trout Nagasaki.
the Governor of that city informed the For.
tugs Conan is that the Tycoon was at war with
the. Prince of Negate, Lord of Blmo
and requested Glut 110 111511 of war, or titer
chant votscis should posts through those
Straits and the island Sea.
Admiral Bell had previously determined to.
take that route. anti calling to taint! the in
suit that. was Miens' the Wvotning, the last,
Afoul Wall 1111111 that displayed_ tlin flag
then/ three 'years ago, - and feeling 11-411 11W,
also, that It WOlllll !N.M..,
r u serious inconve
nience, 101101.1 CIIIIIIII,CII With 11 lOga, situated
within the Wand tea, and tile Paolfic line of
steamers shortly to be started to run for Chi
na, if that if Important peal was allowed to be
ell , red without the con tent of our Minister, he
likviett to go through the Straits; but in order
to quiet unv uneasiness the Governor might
en ertam about the affair, sent him word that
hu would uold no intercourse with the rebel
lions Pritiee of Negate..
. .
Admiral Bell informs the Department that
Several eases of dysentery and lever had Des
curred on the Hartford and Wyoming, con•
tract.' at 'long Kong nod Shanghai, but tire
change of air from the pestilent coast of Mina
bad such u beneficial influent:a that the dis
eases have nearly disappeared.
Dispatches have UOl.lll received at the Wary
Department from Rear Ailiniral PeArolll, corns
mending tile Souttgracific Squadron, on Bard
the ratted States steamer Powhettan, at„pal
lao, Peru, ender date of DC colter Mb, unit re
port all well.
The Commissioner of Ma General Land
Office hew received roturea from the local of.
11 . 0 ut Stocktomi, California, showing that du-
Hug September last, 80,W9 acrea of the Puede *
Lands wore disposed of in tha,t. State, the
greater portion being taken up under the
Idomeitead Law for actual settlement.
Testittiontia to 07rou W. incia—Plabot.-
est Controcie Nipped In Me Bud.,
New Tose, November L—The dinner to Cy
rus W. h'erld, by the Chamber of commeroe,
teems pisee .on Thursday next at the Metro:
politan Hotel. •
Tho Supreme Court has deeldtal aiffilnet the.
power of 1 los Common Connell to snake con.
trace at the present high prima for twenty
- .178'
Defection In w itcainient of Mexicana—
Murder of lie Anatrian °Meer+—next
mlllwn and Diabeartened—lic
Shuts Himmel!' - Up in ~,
. a'estte—llls
Early' Abdication Looked' Vor.
NEW OnLeent, November L.—.A private le.-
ter received from the Mexnutn capital announ-
MI the 1.10(0(4,101 - 1 of n. regiment of
organized with Austrian otileers,, who MU,
I tiered all of the latter, and went over to Peril
! era Diaz, at °Jam. ,
Thu Anitrian hand at the Capital ha. (4,,,,, 1 1
to give Its open air concerto. because .4 the
riotous (11111(111CL of the populace,
The Emperor, by reason of the sickness(lllll
dlStre(l9 of mind as to the health of the Mu
' pees% than shut himself up In the untie of
j. Cll4lll/1,411/I.:C. lIN liarly a/ale:Q.lOn MIS
Mentarity expected. •
Imporumi Leiter from lien. Eftcobedo
WAMIIIIIITON, November I.—The follo,ving
introrlant letter from General Escohedo Wei
received today at In,' Mexican I,,hz tti, on
//eadquorte••. Arial/ et /4 , . „Worth re, ; „
dfontereb, Urrofio is 15, 10;i.-41tIr affairs
here are progressing
,Very la rn rally . The
states of N °nova, Leon,Co o t-
bulla, are 110WWIll 'rely freo front the nrcenco
,If foretell foes, as are ale,. the Stale., 01
Sonora, Hlnnlock, and Chilitiallua, and ris earn of
them. Considerable force,. are now helm; rat.
idly ralse+to panel, once for all, every for.-Ign
invader front the national territory. Fro..
this State an advance column, comp - , of
four thOfoand men, well armed, mu, lotted
and .luipp.t. nu. already =vetted to opera , e
against. s4l,llfi a t'" fate!', awl twelve Lima
sand have peon sent to ock]opeinte n- ii enl
umn front/ the state or If the
command lof General .tutu, La a un,etnent
aga ill L Durango. loom watch the I , e,t
are canceled
Trial of Fenionot 1 . 1.111011et1-I:llnedin
l'obtsirt 11ilettnow. I
Tonokro, fl.'w , NOV. I.—Th.• t rid of ihe lii
01:111 prisoners lots been 1 . 1)4 , 1 , .. , 1 otttll U. ,
secant trei•lr In Noreihher, 11, ;wow iiiii,rk, lit:
csi,l further I iihe to proem e er Winer, . Tri
rown couloiel itit Weil tilt! lit :it" iiiit t eitily ii 111 e other, iti lit rerlit., ,
OTTAWA. C. W.. Nor. I —Au in!, 11,1 t i iit
ink of Or (7:01.,t took ph., vi eterititr• 1 I.
unitereitooil that Ilse inthr-ter. a 111 titnlciani, i
!loot real alit bold :1 rrgitlar er,iihiii t tttaii
ofnutnettelniif to-Oho row.
Tl.e. Dry 44100.144 Trettir .14,4•Crili,s1 Pure.
illtiosa-1:144.44x4y Apprarnore or Thlii;.;• •
Lt Itte Sri. York Malritel. now I,eyrottl .11' titiost Inn ot doubt that
' Yew Yung., Nov. I.—Tho I)tv ttitoilttl,,th tat , ottll ~ ~, IF itotloro tho li:ond to
ts .
I . .41,a1110' 'tire nlnr•.trnth , +ot n
g00:1441.dt go:owe, All It:11.IS of di WO, • k
are alow loot drooping:tool All fol . i••••••: . ',04, 4 • 4 . ,11,11 .hittt lit
pdreti, t onouttotot hoot,. 14
/Ma: flOber at6 , l FeCtil to 1... I (I,' 4' , • 44: lb.'
logo ls appreiviltiott when Moo' toltoot loot, ;
1,11.4 dawn. Al: 'Fig i„. r 0.11 t
,SOlllO It to 1114`I tort, plo-t, 't • ~ ~e '
ti to the 111,11 loo•t• i toot,l littt it tioth'itt'ii.llti Anti Oro.
tutou<lioht the tt holt, cot,: ry iitt, tt ' , i , t t a , • •.1
gov4l44tlran .I:. ;d tit I:tit. ttott. I ' l• i t t,, tt. t t, , t •t, too. to lie
Kin, While 6the -, z 4 14,37111,, isy ,e,l I ! , , I • It
tteli hlgh,r oit Ko:41 4o 14: 111,, het .0.: ..'". i` th y
then Colt ;051,, ot.itt vtt toli• it, I.tott ottitottott o h Liot, to
Ittloliets tufo,. •, ~,,,„•,.1.1, A.... 1, 1 ,111/ lit'' . 0 `.. 0 .
morell.Ol. Ma. 1,10” V. 11,1 1, 111,'
think II," th.O
the (Lore
1. ,
corntratted hy the I.llyeret.
r,.L1‘.., comittlam to One
S•A7ll'd 1. ;1, walk,
the tty ceetli ma the ,leteue.,,t of lee
. 0 11, ne,,,-;
wnlcl, the Ltherw , • : • • t,,..11.+11 1,1 !or. tie•.ser's
eaptureof renorlo land other., Gen. o1„f: ; r. 0 "/ , the weeder of
mitrrendero.l toi a pri•morot war, SO," I I. ,,, i 4 N•Nty 111100 the health
from behle.l, hung a. r. 'Ol ; IP,It- th" 111
hentlre 111s/ler It. j j Inc 51,1,14,1
heat tiros. 1,14 T. profe,dlon.
The at...norl t.r , (loin .a • O k • i 1 1 1 . 1 .. the
hringe 1.4: - ./.vo In I. irten- •,4 IN . , Dr.
'The amount of 0;111,10;111,1 eolned lo•o• v.
1t... cit . ,. There
Br...neli /dint during the (111.1 ailiot:ali to x - 111011
Viet°, in 'attar 110.'4 0111 :2'i • ero•il•
whole. eatiouereMl to .proo•
trilvn tlie,cretol come. , 0 ‘1,1, • :.‘ Lilo. 111,0- hi ,
before experteneett. „.••• Nrarrti.. , .. It will
to:1 cm; SI c,i‘lty W. you
The t'ney wee r'o"rv'. Iro•it
NlWYek!,Nevetrib cr er 1
15.-11,e " "
11.1 T;, j , 00,r. , Mon fi
w.d ma-. in,; , ,The :
lArge Ificalmn 111,11141. ist 1:11 , •
1111.1/.1“. I o ' ' 1 • "f'•
:e.t. to:iy. TI,o llfu r
1, to.
.•eymotir. • 1.. Loo s a . 1.1 islll.l.s,
Jlll J . 1:1.. N' .01 'alterative
Very- (ergo ertr.,l4.
1 , .-11• Zi0..1. •Vlir.
Tee Itepeelicalsh ertit hot! a. . •
1.111 1 cr', 111.11,,
at oe. Coop., '
..v en ,o nor
Generale John C 10ir.0at,.%.
Wenrritge N
e' I I
S.elienek I. ill !Ain 4';ly 11.:11 1.1 t •
etyterilaV uftertleoe. If
• •
To-morrow Is I/10 las! day r“: 1,1
when it 1,, latheved th.t:
Nrw YnaL. Not e:ohor
Eagle bring, Havana date, lo ho
mars were current olurior the n-t we. 4.
WCrl, pretty w!::1 ant hnnnertt , nl, nr rt. , :
landlog ofa rat go of nentocl near .1111,11. and
Candians. The tiovernor
°lnners to Investigate the matte',
The finrernor liener•cl wa. talt!: eon.-
e.laatle reeepttous at She cartons ; , .]... , ,,vlctvd
by tam _
The l'altal States stequter. 11:,rnle Nunn,
with .A , ltnlral ralruor trn at Ha
vana on tho 25:1:. Too
°man:motioned to boy tw, monitor. of tho
-Unite.lStatns liovernittnnt, la n
the I:egio.
Meiriultge or the littvoroor nt thleorgin. of
N..r. I — The OrtVeritor,
Stestogit etrontriv oppo.te• the it top; of of the
COtistltutloual othentitnent, tool - t t tet :this •
atiteloirrtellt to equally void Still not tot. .
Ho Computes the (u tied tleht of 1i14,1t00
P. 540,600. tom. the plant tog totere-i, nit
Georgia can never in wont they One, Were,
lie at • preelate, the oottre,too or the tlehtor
gins. en•ottor, pot ote . totire 14 rer],„ Issue, `ln
and ttiOnty devoted to slot., topic,
The speaker ot' the t on, oeto Ihe t.Ce
011011N, Ith o otiteeelt olowe l ting the p C n on-I tzetion
ill, othentlment which Stu, grveled v. 11.11 mt.
phoute. .
Ctinierri Atingle, In Limissill,-I.olllyei
Elected Ie She Tenuee•eo
lentil Ile 10r.,t1•.4
the I xeeullosiel
Lortsvn.LE, Nov. 2.—There is no 11113, euN,
of cholera, awl all the former noel aro report
ed conYalemeent.
Nash tliie — Lellyett.COTlAl•rt Mire, wa , olvtle.l
CO ttila."thilltUr•• Lp i•lght hundred ma
Lometafft--FteFolutions inert, nitoyied jor ity.
Clt Coo neLl protextlng Trgithirt. tin Pirelli lon
of Lynch, 1131 requ,llut; thin Dateinv,..lo., 4 .1
the Pre,p/mat.
Hentructivn Eire
116 , r0x, November 4. .1. R. riPte...,4
Nall end 110. I r:ato factory at 'Milford, NIAI,I,
holly conquined !by Ilro this olor
Apart or tho 1,1111.11dg wspy
&Co.'s Needle Worka:-.lThl , tiro tinoh e.oinmu.
Welted to the Benton and VVorceAter Ituilron..l
frenaL ly hien k." ILY 13,11 With lin
Its contenta. Ti,., lire , 11111) , ,eil In hnvo
boon the work G. . 1 z .1. I:.
Florca's Ines la $40,P;111. whirl, innure . :ll for
$115,10). Lllley A Co. l a 1.183 le not known. The
uostaa and Worcester Railroad lose
New Wallin Allisirn COrnnaltin!utier—lte-
mains of MI., hessartl.
WAIIIINGTIN. November I.—llon. Louri
Bon', of Mlsmatrl, the new Commlasioner of
Indian Affalrs, amulet( the dot les of lita (Atka
this Morning. •
Thebeeretary of Slate, nceem eluded by; near
ly alibi. family, left hero In the.nalf-Tna ten
(Veinal:train veetera my evening II) take the re.
males Of.ble daughter to Atthutn, whole mn n•
must will take place on entente} , afternoon.
Grand Army 42-m11.1.11m,
• •
ST. Loris, Norctriber 1.--A National r once,,.
tiuu Of Ow G,:.1.•1 111.1
iirilerrit to runnenii at. , lndramtpol , b. orr thn
twentieth of Novi-miler, for tit., uirrp , i,n al
perfecting n torciiinir,ll6ll. Ati
honorable di4cu , rtrwl 001 , 11,A:rad
those nary ecrvlu ti w thin tiraiy or 1111Vy. V.lll,
Iwo ileslrciu3 of I:corning toefilli,-1, oI 1110.
grand array republic, illl II1V111• 1 to- alit 1,1
the Coal - out lon.
Robber* Setfinuced
Cocriraca, Nov. I.—llichael
derion• and George %Vella, who rOlThe.l
deot, room of the Adams I . lxpre.4 tmal hotly
at crack - , oak,. In A ogoat hoo, lOwoo amity,
and were each auntenewl to tllO pen Iteutlal y
for a tat to:of pears
A itron.o,nioo., day 1111 W eok a
little boy four r 1 in old, named RAW., sage,
II•ft 1111 paront,
.i.,1.1ch00, In hilonto,
nial‘lent} ,h. 31.1, erred.' .limappearanen
sta4 111 Jowls!. W:111211 1.01,
In 1,1110,111C03* 0v
roroi..y i“ tonna,: "The
F.poolltion of Young America has hoot]
oonol, Ralph ronvinili•il to Vh-it his Krand.
(outlier, ohi Going In the ilopot, he
I got on it tlowil trtia. und told 1100 voiolactor
The Case of Ur. Culver:Lit th z a hit wits goinit lit Ihi City. Ile got ~11 - at tint
the lion. 0. V. Culver, LON aintllaril In Jell at I I , :iy.trul mail, lila way to Filial:lln. wher"
Franklin, Ouellette to evall hlniaolf of los t'ale I krotnt-met 11,-I
greftaional privlieke, and mill inept lila trial in ,
2ioaemher.• lietlite, el% it proe,ara 111111 /1111,11.. 1 sAa
n, el,
hie, several Intlietment , ttlotrgleg Not lib I , eurnal Lucerne
taloa pretense,' and embezzlentent are pentlm 1.,- bI da, a aia,-
s t . lad )'. ith
Lug and to fie exiled up next mon th sit
014 .% %,"o'tt,,,,t-i'l,l„r
burg. Last, week the linu•to mei furniture of ty,, :ul e 1 "o"
ate gentleman were belt' et the intt mice of him and (hilt he ' t •11 'her
lel the not
- tit
went ion, %vb. „ aiw.
for 1111. i 1 „ r thu
lirdortloutloly 1i,.' 1 lie 00r,
ie 00 . 30 . ,.
Ivlllvhcannt , l 11., •1..M11
Goodyear Denial Voleanise.
COLUMBIJFI. NOVelaber I.—At. a and
the Ohn, State Dental 4w:elation, and eth g
of the profession, upon...lee 11 1 , 1.1eratiort It
Was rpaolvod to decllue neee.itng to the
reanel of the Gootlyear Dental V t• Cant-
puny. ;
About Iron Tank n.—The value of iron
tanks Se resisting llre was amrdy dem mist ra
ted on Um occasion of ths late II r 43 et. Olt ity.
The large Iron task of Fisher brothers, the ca
pacity of which Is 12,001 barrels, ;,watsehnut.
ted to a fearful test, and came through the
Gory ordeal nobly. The leek was %Oen half
fah of oil, and for eleven boors the site nest
to the Are was aehJected to the most int. nse
heat that can be lmeglneth and VOL it Is uain
jnteu. .
• dinrunkais young. men named Cberles
efidlar has strayed from Ids .110112 e. ut. 14 " , ""
atom Barks county.
. _
I,nrgo Shipment of Cool upon Usti Pre,-
lr,lrin, the preNent 11010 riv(r anoilicr
lot g 0 amount Of oat wa, .11101)04 ;to Cincin
nati, 1 .01i.v;l10, Mum phi+ and New Mica'
Tile ,:i1p1110J:1 would 10100 !woo larger
had not runt 1;,- . 110 of Itll.ll rmJlled oitc
04011 deal , re 10 N 1 ,11.1 or, grcia unantltles of tli
ack dlumoud and the preqvnt rise, fol-l.
lowing so clo,e upon 4t here, found Mc trade
pr..j.recl to get out 11,.. usual number of ,
100.10 , 1 nOul. , and l0ir1:0, I, We Intro carefully
Preparo , l a 1:11.10 of tun slllinnents up till (has
morning, whlen will 1131411 y 1 , 0 auguionted ILA
IN. riot. H rapidly reccolng. hero ate the
I 1.1.11eN
Tom r: •
I (.11, II ...
k 1 I . f
I) II Ulu,
I I .it • .
} JAM .
.. ..... .
„ otr'll,l, n...,., 'C.,.
CIE, . e e.
10,,, -,!,,t,
~," /,.. • ~,,-
~.3 pAirfl i 4. it ',., I: ~c
an, - .4 . 11! ..7:11,1”. I n,t (Ant:mu:L(l
4•.ltvr - ,-,1;• • ! .•
n.,•0 !t, st•rs.l
Itntawry 441 4 .100 +burg,
101 e 01 . .1,1.. e n 1,..e donr,
.1 110!.nt -0,a•• ;.,nn
1 ,, .00 en.
! t!':, .0:: an prnv Ided them
il:o,rna., and 1.1 0 ,•104.` tt.l.lrtnce,
• !LerV'‘ . • and after
In la, 01,0.1 n 1, , oan. ,aveet..lo,liu
then., I, 0: oat Or Wit.
I'l r. L.:.vt.
nit .41:1,.4, and
,11 , •lo• -Ilk ,1111.1/1“:,111.
0,10, :1.: won.,
dlng he 00, Im.l
ea 1, , 7.1111 n novo eurly In lee Ing elf I,ld.
nore.L I'at-11,11 -0,11011, a 01 the after
sni lonl ,b.pp..., 11. e re
-1,•.1. 1,110/i ••..., VI, 010111 Z, 110
t.. I. • 4,1 011.- nt;et freln rot
Inc, evening,
0 , et-, and I.4;gy at the
.le 0. FE , nr,,rn, Ina 1, , , in fltrlVl,
In' a
lck 1., CanOn.hurg and
hnehod :'14.(.1a,'.11(= (11 the tom 11, 'elan, It
11.1:11.1nt tin, of 111, arrest. It evideot.-
!y labnabnt Inn 11111 ry back 10 Pin.
V 1 , 11 II:4 , -o , ly Cnlolrot Irronglit
111, .0 ',nail 11... te.olol, and lodged In Jad
light ern \% , •im-utay ~o naing•
iol,ylar;f 0111 his mcCurreii,
The J 101 ,:0 ',tared In town On
IrvtiilV4lNLy ni..l tat., I.r.ak liven
at ::.'lilt •v.v.! Ilun (11l ball
In the naavol boar litublrini 4101Irytn.
A fee' 'lay, , 1t111 . 1., MI. IVllltant Llcitlow, was
k 11 1 ,41 'a the t,a , ithA7l - •ttng :Ilan the Cam
-7,,,111t ( coal luta,: Cfttat7
t7r7 , '... , 1,1,01. Mr. 147-tiow nu, w77ll,ing down
tbe 7,...:1.t,0t 1:11171 the mine to:at . 7l the Iton
1 .7 77 1 ,777 ever h halt the I'vrinsylvatiht Attro.d
nuA !rant w.ts tiro bridge
atihr time, witlett elle:l34lh' itttent ton,
wide at the sotnie Mitt,, the ItheleA _teeal cure
7 , 07 a1 e en 7 7 ,17, 'lowa tit, track . n whtelt 110 um,
wklntr unperceived tty hint. Te he et rnelt
his,,, kalns hint alintmt Iseaantly.
I , ntn was all it Mit irlo.l )11311 $ find bad
hetaka ,IWitr In flitl'abm army 'luring Lilo
wgr. 'After•thltig the bullet in the hatt
helm., mot net unttn.ety late. Surly. 'in 7 the
t 77 7 0- ..t of /IN we arc In death."
I pyrtfur•m—Atuutlter li rttlltrk Millet Carp.
the Eht,,, 1, , LI , l'ats,sl,ry,4
I'erllllr. lily I„ alienallee till ml oil othnnus
of pfUlt - paper the 1116.1 A calm ss..bieh Dr,
at al, .7,l,:uhantm•han .Ite.t. Per
forti:ed upon lair. Ary L,..nt tang WA, 111 - I[l[l.ll alit
for Ilve.yeap,, laud n 11S.igli.t.tilde finiSll in
ears; hut the Haul pourer reelofed my hear
ing. atel retuoptal the 10i7.r.10g n01w.., hp ono
opelutem, lit the ruparn or :line front (Ito to
eight uthmte-. I 1.1.,1de. 10 - Vt'uenrehorg. hat.
ri Cntrencr.l..
- r , nruhti, lel r , I:!-;. •
That 4 li4-I•ll.4ti' 444.4, 0 rate..--A. largo anal
of uut . rolored Ir !pee el,.
Iou•t, 11,10 111 ,1 1 '1011111,, al thetV)'lle street
law Ihe lelrruee ill tußtilat : - one toeur-
Oleo 1..1 prop,!lv olraptrkg and .. topportltig
tho R..• the 1.t)I
0 111, 11-11... t Mid,' the “11,pl. V- of th.• colorot
ef ilea
ka .)l lir.vle 3 few briel
urging upon lire fault
"fe 11
it • 11 1 1. 111t•IpTi •• :i• II anlll allvattu L ,
the . tallio or the people all the Stale
and ( ouzo}'. e plea-e!.lf hat hi, ,n . nrt k ,
to .callay ot the ent,6 trete duly.
11 14 ,1,,,,,, t1 111 .a t;3•11111111
Of 11,, Ili litli:11 , 1.111,.. .
Polsintar Mock —ll. J. J. Mattoon of
sh& r uet.o. In.loom rou ntp, meout.l.7 10kI two
CheAter •••I.x months old, for the
*um of
The CeminlC Winter.
. . .
1 The weather-wise sages throughout the
' . uutrY arty all unanimous in the belief that
the comlnea L inter will far exceed in oeverit3 -
any of its prad'ecessors during the last twenty ,
years. Vario 4 are the prognostications cited,
among whicli re the fact that the squirrels
aro more than 1 u.illy buoy in hoe - tenni: uP a
supply of food f r the inclement Season, and
that in order to I. cape the intense cold, they
are burrowingit great deal deeper 111 the
earth thls season t MI 1 , 1 their want, thus in•
dlcating thei g I sense in making early
provlaton agianat the fro, , ts. Their example
is worthy of Imitation by even the Intelleetnal
animal malt, who will allow Ids good Judg
ment by preparing himself with Worm eloth
leg, to meet the attacks of the blustering ICY
monarch. No a here can a mall procure bet.
ter garments, or more peculiarly 1111110 , 1 10
Ihe n eu.4011, than at themammoth a os. 55 auction
house of Thomas Al McClell m and, N o..
57 Filth street, Immediately under Masotti ,-
IMO. 'I he •tock or i boots, shoes, gaiters,
dry gds, inrlllllln silks, calicoes, flannels.
rool.try /dullards. 0 erenatinga, and In tact.
everything re.ildale to comfortably clothe a
man or woman during the tire months that
follow the present one, 13 Just such a outs as
Wren; the best selection. •
; If you want anything—no matter what,
where manufactured or grown , at low Price , .
—go to [ McClelland's, and yon will be sure to
be nulled. liemerdlor \ the place, under Ma
, settle Hall. \ .
• ,000
I xl, A /
It 3 .0
1 MI.( 1
11 1.1010
New Librarlaw.TlikPliblic Catholic Li
brary A.....ociation hal ellted Charlei Me-
E.e., Llbrai tau to the emening year.
Mr McKenna 19 a gentlemen thoroughly qual
filed for the proper discharge of the duties eui
ogne.l the po..ition, and undeo hh. manage
ment an ant leipat.• that hey . v.i,or will he
into the altaira of he Library. Mr.
Frank I'. ,trittli, the outgoing otllcial, has ae
cepted a pOiltiOn "(KM the Reptthlse w city
01,0 , 0
4,1 - I
Embezzlement.—William A. Arnold earns
to the ofnce Of A 1.16 titan Strain,
and made an In to: mat lon against T 11011.9
charging him with bnctng taken cloth
ing to the amount of ninety-two dollars and
ilfty cent: trent the defendant, and selling
them. and appropria•ing the proceeds of the
sale to hi• own use. A warrant was Issued for
the arrest or the accused.
1 ,
1 tt.., ,1
A••anlled Iles.—Mrs illbgartkooch 'came
to the office of Alderman Albeitz yesterday,
and made oath charging James anti Cyrus
Tumor with perpetrating on her person an
aggravated assault anti battery. A warrant
%V as issued • or the arrest of those who had the
htuial audacity to raise their hands against
the unolTending Mrs. Illbgartitooch. What a
elcCorlon came to
the Mlle° of Alderman Taylor, yesterday - , and
instituted legal proceedingv agatnet James
Leonard for assault and battery. The accused
was arrested and brought before the magis
trate, tint after a hearing was discharged, the
evidence being insuillelent to warrant the
Abandadmiat.-I:llr_abeth Unit; appear.
ea before Alderman Strain yesterday and
Teitde oath adalied her linsbauo.Zeddlek Hun:.
lor abandonment. The parties reside in
A , p•r! k.
commitieel.—Charles Porter. accused of
do+.•rting his wife, was arrested and brought
before Alderman Strain, veAterdar, who, after
a hearing, committed the defenda.rt to Jail to
await trial.
Died of W. Itsittrles.—John Ilertolute,
7 .'110 %SI. Itlf 111 - 0 d x few slays since at the liar
-4ltpot, of the Lebanon Valley Railroad
ny a train of ears, sliest of his InJut
New ftertiattort.—Catherine iiichertx,
Jewess, I, creating a sensation IR I.lllCd,ter
COLlnty,lll.l4 a pulpit declaimer. lies sermons
urn pronounced vory able.
heiddeti Dealt O.—Healy •F. Felix, a promi
nent merchant of Reading, died amide:illy a
taw ibuys ago.
besutliul "Gal'o-scre,” the largual suburban
pls., of sepulchre. clueut one, In LW. Collll3ty, Alt
nat., an 1 / 2 vvr Brighton rood, grummiletely north of
,Mlegt, roe. vor burial iou., , rellnitu Ittlee.
ck-ntral Drug More Of COuL & CLA NLY. Anu
s bout CllO.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th,
(Entrance fromSevooth di:vet.)
root. 123 s•NDUSICY STHRET.
a arassassar.Nit. saa.
A LEX. Alux.ri,
No. IUI booth rlttsburath ra. OOPTINIS of
all muds, C.I.CAL, Is LOT fz, and eVer• desert ptlon
or to..less! Vorment as rormsoro. ovoros
open 1 t y and clobt, Hoarse asol.Carmarasturstsorn.
StarsuaNcas—Ros. Wahl hors WU.. Ca,. .11
h"..1 somata 11. b.. Thomas dooms. Kai.. Jacobi:l
Minor. C n.
T. Vi'HITE &. CO.,
111 (II I , • 6•lttla,
1.“4-Ing I,y Lilo
Manchester, Wood•. Run and rtchttty.
lturcer ot tilteelehl and Chartlers atreeta.
_ll•sru• tn.! Cleft-tarn rarnished.
HORSES: 111:11tS VO-.1
, .
FOR 11911. - 1.61E1.
one r.sco lent.lthilhg and Driving-I:torso.,
Two Horses suitable for Doctors or Farally
WU' h.' salt low „as ,as the owners bore no use for
them. at IIt , WARD'Or LIVEItt d SALESTABLZ.
:net° Fl rst sirert s hear ilonougahola House.
pirrsitUlliGH DA .11.
No. 67 l'crtartlarattbeet.
- I , rpoittsd.+an or nrrore Nt ov EMBER 10.
.rlll draw Sl ln X
VEIL CEN - r. IhTEIiEnT .(fror of
tan.) non •t , V KIM ELL I or.
on d. iv from I) A. U., to 4 r U., and on Wed
neadar and - ant :ulna. Ilom 6 to 8 WOW , .
J 1.61.4 5163--- JAa OcOTT
Fine ,galches, Clocks, Jewelry
Pis tbsizaarGh.,,Focassa.).a..
Vartienlar attention given to Itenalrinit
Watr.u. a, (pock. and ,lonetty. All work warrant
• , itS:CkS
11. SCHILD, Proprietor.
..Co. 90 Third St., Pittsburgh.
All the luxuries of the usasou. Choice Liquors,
serer, Ar. rrlrste Dining !Won up cadre.
Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver,
Cancelling stamps and Visiting (lard!.
Also, PLATES MAltliaNiti NU.
93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond AMY,
Marosfsesured Skil for sale.
Wholesale or RetaiL
rf o. W Titkip,siltscrr
"","'" "'"'" * .r:V: trrintz
Manufaxturera of
5EL5313.1E1333T .
urn ...ND WwltwaTOUhr, No. UN MARKET NT.
0 hide. Cuba rassre:
..ei •• • Pnrta Rico nesters;
lin bine. A
Cr •nd 11. ushed, (I
g ran elated and row'il Sager*
to •• Sar: •
:in. liege fair to choler g Cotter: • .
1 iiil bins. ho. 1 Belt:
:oil .• choice brands Floor;
:or , dozen gm..., • ~
SO Shin. 1•11.4134.1 Ely , opt:
Z - Yu 1.b1.. Yortalcieo 2.1..1.5.....
With a good .took of goods In our line.
0c...f. Corn e r Water and thnittineld streett_
.!n::, fro= 9 A.. •
to . ni , Wedev,.ll34 SIId SittlO11) Pr f i .
o'cpock to Oe.9:m7a
• .
41... 1
Thls id ertabil shed house hns now to std ? thirty.
Hve thou and dollars worth of Boots and trboes, and
•tyles tit . test, the quallty the best, which wears
deterralat I to at vEnv Lt/W . PRICES. We
Lave reaßlved not to be undersold by any In theft.
Ines, that keeps goods worth having. •
Call and examine our stock of goods , tad we hat
'sat6tied that you will purchase •what you want In
the hoot and zhue Llue.
Do not forget the place. 60 Market street. •
letti JAMBS RtXlit.
131 14'00.1) S TREET;
. . • .„
# .l)
Are recelviniin Immense .c6t Et ' . ".
HATS, CAPS . FiTllB, .
Embenclng an cndl t . ntlet.F. •
cars OF EVERY n'TY IX: 1.11. FOB LADltin
.*,. A... In any shape or prlee, Io rhlcb they Ignite
the attention oral!. WI
FOlt'oll. HER:SIZE_4,
Manufariarrdonly and for safe g
t clagell AND OAKLAND
JOHNA. dt A. aitraDocs,
. . .
(Fnec...ora to John Mardi ch. J..) ;
lITISEIII - 3.1F. , 4 rLoats - rs4 littaborkk. I a,
attenthai to tnelr t..nihro stock of FRU) C
111tAPE VINES tikEEN kW), n.IC
Call rota PallCircedar.
l'ltisPnrigh and Oakland l'assen
the Orden house ...IT to allot les
(Zioo. F. ScHuCumiati! Co.,
ness Cards. Letter Heade, tioads, Labels. Mea
l..., abets Cards, I ttplamae. roman., Yvan.•
qtr.-Ideates of Depostts. 112T , Lition Cards. te.,
Noe. 73 .41 TiTatrd st" Pitt sbaigh. se
Practical }Vulture Manufacturers,
Latoot Mimi of TURNI MHZ oonnontlion hood.
Tranboas, SKI lima :greet. keep cora an
hand, and at 10.r.t toszkrt rates. is BA•
TACK. MANI LA. lIARI,N di until,
as.ortedlokw lit Warehouse. ,
Clinton Mills AL I'
. -
d FOB, I'AIIJAMS-7treact Dettinas, wittt (1,141 - 15 or•
gilt LIBSIAILIES—rompIan-Patterus es binge ?.,
itronnd , air
rt Ili 11,—Zic0r Greek Patiisras ea Sad
g79::ALCHAIIBEILI—Lace Gad . Munn PUNT" 1
orgdag. Gall:As. W. r.
~, itizsaALL. "1
...r .
14, .... . ---'4".reet. I
'F. MUSS '
Fitih sired. beisteets Ttinnel 004
CA athcins Atreels,
First cia.s goods of all tlssortptto _as stways
sr .011
hand sod sold st the :oest prices. holOsh' o l l6°,l
• swags
,Aan•Ml, Montt
3. n •
WILLIAMS. 64 COVFAN, • • ••.
The, kerp on hand • largr at
lortals, 'gate Cement. Felt, It camel
Varutal ' s. l'rempt &Petition glaen
hostiles.. I 'Mere. No. 231 Penn ' t • !rep.
TEIC—Fer ago.rl COOKI\tr -Btgy~and other
Kitchen Lite n‘lls, do to No. 14011rnIMS . Filloy
• eL
Plnin And Fatty t3/31.SCUT ELS- , • gar .
E!.s. 21• Mt •no • awl . : Utensil' for ColoklnfUr
tt t ear
dt4u e•
Oil. t 1 i et .53519:""
Cement, Pitch, Pell, Paradiail
r'ararfas and Black
Manufactured and sold a• stirap S. .i.t... k."°"""
r•lsk: C 07... •• fra ti.ana
For Two 17reeks 012 15 :• ,
I am sell Ina% • goal PHENCll47ll.l"tipi-k!ma„
of toy own In•le. tof the mai Want.,"
SPICEDDIINCIE----1 • ..-71.E2mAT--diTur re:
1".:4:174Vir TAZlArgsnripdlit Dound lus.
Mum nr
rorner Lllertt ands
BEILS. ENGILIIin jib?, r... - 4 1511
" u• -c't;',2'irclinief.ify *IVY"'
nelt Wbnle.ate "'OW. Wood Mein.
:_)F. Nliv rT d and irtoWtt \
a. j SU"' Kszaa"
pal wacassue Przscuu, za Wood St
i 1
The Zdt Int . in - wardef 'qua w in
Alexritxr waeuts,,,
Clul. of Ten or more
0 rEfi • G LAS 81E8
FOR S4LI Oft Jamie ,
. SS N..-Ira2. aßatarc..-t.
, AT
h ., is,' V*l E yf., NEA R I FTH.
C3i-C, "pc,
93i Smithfield Street.
. .
1 866. :
I eibibttlos for FALL 'Mint the
r„ock haTe gel did tbe
c'rioir o. our F.troos.
Brussels and Tapestries,
emus Weser I.e fore I¢ thry ID4 ~
)1 %\J 1111 ET CIRPLI'S itp P . Ct9
el) swi,3 I.•CF: CUBTALNA.
nd Elezitt Patlems of folios,
_Tasse s, 1. oops & Bands,
Cr st r ic: Settlog Curtalru. - •
:TEAALAND & 0011 HS •
tioa. 71 and 73 FLY77,I STREET
• U. s. tubtos house sad Po n s
• ...Id Floor.
1,% c a no
nan t extenl
ptessure orb
Of our own ..1
Side ot le
. ;Of l'iltsburgh.
lauLacktcz . x - zirc!c1.133.1134343.
Vwx I•[tx.ri:t , i N
Ilams Bet,l
dators I. iturincl.l, JalnesLiptiliteatL
E. /.. Jon• :'lion. Tlitnasil
Wllllnto t:.,rukle T. I' oobuls.d.illy,
WIII law A, fierroz.
EY F. VON Bo•aomsr.
rer er.ut. Inrtr,. t ealowed on {Mir deposits
los - est:7w,- made in liuVerinarnt and iscia [s.
Site S. i
No, SG Market Strert, Plttabiltgb, Pa
T. li.. ErI.V S CO.,
rket. Sta.,
NI W. Cipr.3d and DI,
Cr a t
42°D*= 4
re l
kl 3.