The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 31, 1866, Image 4
--"Jrzr .IVICI&IarrZ, 1 Banizer and iflrok-er 10 Wood St.. near corner of Fifth. Alt . descriptions of Governmont Bonds bought and sold on liberal termn. London and. Continental Exchange sold. at Now. York rates. (bold. Silver and Couporta bought at highest rates, Mid Gold Drava lanuod ou NOW York. FINANCE AND TRADE. TUESDAY 0C1.01,01.:0;15123. The New York block quotations tteday, reFartba by nobb,,soll.. get:lime a QN, were as Geld, 14114; IfErts, 111%; 8866,; 'old, 111 , 4; do new; fluxi, 10-40 s, 7zEkl .Itd. series 106-4- second and third 1 - alt't;. Michigan. Southern It. It., ft2N; Cleve land & FittSburgli, 86, ritttiburgh,, , Fort Wiyne tt, Chicago; 109.36; Erie It. IL, t, Union Telegraph Company, 53 , A; Chicago d Eock ISland; 1103; Chicago ft North Wtbcrn, 8 11';; 40 preferred 130% —ln cobscortence of. the large number of thefts of bonds in various parts of the WWI. try, and of the ease with which stolen brmds nre dispreted of; (hide is nn ine:easing 4o, F o ' ettion to cesividt coupon bonds lot° trees teredlyonols.. We learn Item Washington that - the conversion by the public ts taking with a rapidity unknown before. In the law pf Jane 30,11E4 this process of exchanging coupon • bbbdo / 13 ' to registered bonds was drat author ized; and, by the eilating ingulaticos of the Tre t ppry, oonyersion to mimic : without_ anyclaarge'-egoopt that incident to transtuls. alto by express to Washington and back. It busboys suggested that the conversion under this act should be antherized to bu done in Noe york, instead of at Washington, where chiefly these bonds are bought nod sold. —No now National Banks were organized during last week. The circulation issued dur. ing the week summit to $W making the total atnouut Issued up to date being $ -224 ,5 23 , - RA for witch the. United States Treasurer holds securities for circulation to the tunoutit of fa 10,613,550; for' deposits in designated tie , pentodes of public moneys to the atotall of g. 17011. • • —lnterest on the 7410 notes is credited from August, IS, 1066, .to date of conversion, sit? :-le per cent,nod the interest on the 5-20 minds is enargetlrom duly 1,13 Wt, to data of convcr. tan ut G per eent—differcuce in interest re conved 111 currency. Alt notes must be en dorsed .`ray Smretall- of the Treasury for le. deuindon. ,, and endorsed by the depositor. Notes made payable to order must have in, dersemont Verified. —The 11111011tIt of gold in the Tre,eury hat reached ninety-five tuttlions. Twenty.feni . 2ulllious will be due to the public on tlw is; of of November, for the ii-Zu interest coupons. --...riTawistau; Et -n-Au BT3 OTNICII•os Prraddltiltod A.Zirrie, TURADAY, October lio, histl. Tio weather continues rather nu liii - orable, and thero were no now features in the pro duce markets to-day worthy of Special nrs Lice.• . , • (MAlN—Wheat is ottiet but held very drolly at y 2,65 for No.l nprlne. Marley dull but nom- Inally unchanged. Salo of. 1 ca; Oats at to; sacks, on wharf, at 50; and* entail sales urea Moro at 53 to rd. Corp is llrm but unchanged; 'prime orcar prune Shelled at 51,05, and 100 bush prinie Ohio Rye itt PLOUG—is yerflirm and another advance , has been established. W o now quote in a reg ular way front store at 411 - 2.4 to 51`.!;;; ; ' for good to choice brands of Spring Wheat, and $13!..-5 to $l5-,n for Winter. Bye Pion , : is selling at 57,rd fog new, and Buckwheat. a 511.34 to 53 - por PaoyrsioNS—llaeon is quiet and unchanged Stitill to .17 for. Shoulden; 15-ror Ribbed Stiles. and tralt; to 7.1!..; for Plain anti sugar Cured llama 'lrma is dull and nominal at 17 to lilt.;—ltess Pork is held pretty firmly at eat per bbl. • . - ar-lIES—Soda Ant in firm and it shads higher-4;4 for. common, and ON for Unlined:. Pourl;teh is selling at II to 15. PPLES-7n good supply, and while the market Is n shade weaker, own= to adverse* reports from the runt, prices urn not ollotoblY lower, ranging front iN to Cl per bbl, us to (moldy. CR AMU:BULBS—Steady with a continuo,/ fair demand but unchataged-9 1 5 per bUt fun 00113111.11 ? ntol VO for enitt tutted. CU Eflor.-14 in good supply nut a little doll but unchanged-17 for We4t. ru ite.nerril IS for Ifambura; and to ti f-or Goshen. BUTTE It —The supply °flintier, both good and toad, is considerably - in esetaet of. the de wand, and prime. Roll cannot fairly Ito quoted altos - el:0 to • EGGS--In demand', and prime fresh packed sell on arrival at:10. . 52.. 5U to LIIIE—In good demmtil ut sii. Pll3 I.E.ID,SaIe of tki i pigs ut POTATOE'—SaIes of S weeM 51,51 (nor Very little tail ulry for Peach Blows. Olfc:-No. I Lard utioted at - (1,50-good Stand brands held a shadu bigger. PITIBOOWIII4. rtrrktounost SISICILF:t Or/lea Or Toe PITTOM:11101.1 GAZETTII, - TIMLIAT: October W, CRUDE—There was agaln traded a spirited deemed for. Crude to-daY, which wiw own, to the very low flumes now prevailing; well as to the fact that the Unpresaton prevail. to eoine °steal-that the.bottous leas very nearly been torichMl.We now quote at 10;4 to 11 en!, in bulk anti barrels returuml , 11.1111 15'4 to lii, • bills included. fades of 'Soo tulle, to arrive, at 1114'; 400 at 11.4; Woe do ail f; Mee, on the msot,at 11;and 0,50 e. io Into, all bonght by one dna aud • all at 10.4. The Olt btilhOym has now got%Oa point that is very satisfactory to refiners, bat Mleath" to crude pip dealers, some of .whoth , will lose as much as they bare made *during the past twelve 1110.11 Ma. TO ¢ q outsider, the PILEIIItIOri has become ezecctii ugly Interesting. and both buyer sand sellers - are new an fonsly wafting to. Bee which way the.' market wilt turn—whether there will be a reaction ore further decline; • • REPINED—The market lOC bonded oil was very dell end. weak to-day, and, compared anti! ytmterday, prices Lave again declined. We now.quote at trit.:GW, free on - board care ibere, antl:l7dy tn delivered in Philadelphia. Sale of WO bbls fur November and 000 for De cent ber;botti at W. The above are the lowest -::figures- we navelmen calledlopon to report during the pre-sent season, but as yet, there is ..' no disguising-the fact that the tendency la atlll downward._ Free Oil Is very dull and de eluting. intwinnathy With Wilda,. • ..11.1111.1.VALS—Ziourrivata, stnce our last re - port. lint within the, east forty-eight houra the reeelpta Will doubtless be - large. - - . ALLE.cIIIENT (3.4.TiA.E MALtK T. •.` • Orniott or•ein: Pirrationon (44. z arts, t • . • Tucso,l7, October W, • s The receipts of Ciittle , isre again . large this , • week, reaching fully ..thlrteett bundrea head, •• and with wet and disagree.abla weather, and • an over supply, e' marhet was regarded mt. the hardestte Of the sensow. There was a very • fair. nit • Mance or buyers and a•very - good demand, provided holders wert, to make material concessions. As will• bs . .seen by reference to the sales. inferior nog :-...„ .common cattle sold down to r. 434 eta. which • - ' are the lowest figures touched for soon., thpo and the same pude( of stock a few weeks Mates would have. sold at sto 5K- cows, Cetedand steers sold At foul 5 ;Lb G—one very -good drovaof steers and oxen, averaging 18-is,, changed hands at*,„': Priam to extra fat 2.0- .14111ns cattle sold at from to 8 pen t.s—some few at SK to 8%, though the number that sold • above Seta was very small, and. there was bet. • very low sold oven at that-figure. Takla , It all in the market was a.very hard One'ror I • „drovers, and it IS altogether likely that seam • of them returned home with very diminished • gains on what, they expected—mud many tiler° were tionlitless,.who,Xo use a common oxprei; • . alms, iidid not get . heir-men ay back. 7 •• ; sane Ann LAmes. • • ••.• .• The - offerings of Sheep were compartively limited this week, [hearth the supply seemed I to be up to the denlatid,. which also, was some . - what restricteg.hut compared witir last week, • ,pricee here have undergone . bet c or-nit • :change , Tre eel:Minna to quote prime • fat rt. -..rtatilnirMieep. at 5% to Zt.,% per, pound. laws, • while Ulterior to COlittiioll. C 3111•01., ho quoted. .above 4 t0'4,4. L11111)8 5.0 , 151. Ult. the way' from Ilarket.quiet antitiuttlint unchanged,s‘nai sales in a retail way at 40 to CO per cwt., Arcs, • ,BOOnal lots cannot he quoted uliove aide tO , • for fair So prime heavy averages, ~.. •.• sh LiAr9 :••••I„rernieold G . aarG lass .I....talfertY.W. head of fair. .• • . ish steers and oxen, 'averaging .1240 ills, at 5%, 'Ann (MOW latferty , rotalleil tin head Cl' 'cattle at 4% to tqc-ra head. left 'wet.. .1. 11. •.! Muir sold . cB' head of very cowmen cows :nod hotels tan forger &Bro. at • • • •••••:31yera St eedy sold 41 head of fairish' steers to Omen weld a. Kuhn, averaging...nun ut Su; X.l bead to.(kkisady;.,T iiVernirtne....9 , oo,Lat , 5,1; 2:lllettet to same buyer, at 6,18)• head 'slams buyers at s,tit Xi head to Ural& at 5,11 head -, , . -- "eery • -comtnon at 4!s;•and .re tailed head rrista & • Crum retailed 55 ben4l of stock Mr. Dealer: at 4,70 to howl left over. Wolfe retailed:sin. head of telircal -,...',...0h105t0ck at 4K. to 054. • euer & Mc dillstei re -.tailed 98 head at 4K le • - Co: .01,1.-4 bend to (kis sails , CO4 tiVertighig: loDi ittaK; :retailed beinfat 64.1014.. Mel Ran. .hend at "5%. fl to 7.V. Stott to into 13 ij enaltnal Isat 4, and Ilia ini. 4o. -,..._••.;,,r; , _„V„,...F . „ . t•Y *Old ..:4361da(eill',141rerld ,, of noon . at us. liattivctitileti as liemit 3 0 . herd ' i l gt i Cer c .W; i fli i r e t l f . bead • at.••.V1.0.7 , 4. '•:• :Antitank ml ?' to 7ii%•.'3iertielt . ..9.l Marks jt , fi t i '•'••• :.••• 167 haul at Trort n iN% ' 'Tsc et T r6 ' 46 1 1 ' 4 k66611ed itea4 at 4.Fi>etiwaittrA •'• Moderately , active 7 1 ,4%! tees .weron2unotiongok 'show. :rot 'lltn 4-- ii i r t . : • -.soh! at fronE-10441014.6 - -tov.,,..t r ii,„i ~,fovreboloo atilei.roe . T.o - good at ,• ....,,tomoosofit from fl@tiver 111. A. tortualny . ;r:•••. , ,, - :Abif,p,.4.lto nitinA leirck-A S IP heed arrieekt, •I,•t•Aid•rtrtiy.soltritt fretn 5.4 5 0 ;•per 1,,•;;;,.% oWnrto 'l s4--us to bead-Oa'dial3o t ower: sfswold forent Saola - atirear L, i • ;IL,IYpII. thOpttfirs-Oet,z , •-• •',CfAtVatattp,-*r' o, 4t l3- • lltattc O l • ',fdr. anti unchanged' carieal car Osti.aorlow • tit, ••leftr l'lOAnfit ll 94 , :a l,4 l§ l3 [S o . l3- ,l ,On s o d. ltyc ot •:•••-•' anti :Ze.6ol.l3rgrill::::Li'le!.:.. a o d e 11471P,Siretito4/14;1',!, :4030 'gin] ; *Meal tar' Off Itreek•Nitaat.4Bo:;•:ttio•l MlLwatris t -sb. sir active , Wheat; a ctiveolitaAtot 11"030toietil.101(*) , W' , . ,, Re;ot , celtdo-4000Oldif,11OnrittNald td)ZWEollerittlitP. • • „.. • • ~ .. ~,.._, --,a,'..::',,.:.1•-.',=-.,,,H,;,=•-:4-,"',1:.:.;,, .4 IRARBETS BY TELEGRAPH . 'SOU'. York Ffruarteimil. Alta ~ . , . . t The riverliasitace rtpitliv . die-e the date et . our astrcpui , NaWllCSiftk. Ott:lA—Money cali . aria claiidii F I . , .t anti Wa: •.‘eviliog :detoitly :ted. ...t. ies per cent. Sterling quiet. and ltrenOtt t evening with alivid occult feint in the eta eel. 303,W1C9M, Gold - withOlat , titieldcd. • .• change, y rho and eight feet three opening at. 10f4, inivanclug to Irr,;,deelin Ing.i' l l ' Llo..S ity ll t ° ll n e ° ,B " 4 1 l a tril l e ' t ' ly in ar ks. 1 hos far the . to I.l6 l .4,*uutt'eloaing .ail ..146.K. riot' 114 11011 moiety in tier All egliny, but da Governments 1 h 1 . and quiet:. - . -without ' decided alterations. lam recent rata , appear to have - In:en general, , , . . Freights to Llverpoot quiet at laii4 for grain. tn .. ~ t ere wol detmtle , s he athe or setae Import- Stock., better: 11:1,1105,1; Ft. W., Uti.i4: A. A. T.. . n ,rein I ~,,,,, A , , a gettet a, 11,,, antler, hor 3 .,,,,, . ,11.,44N.W.,5C64;40.33ret., 79;4 C. A e4ti'iNt ter,' was Healy and raw, .11.11.11 Indications T_ C., 125; 111.-8.; 72141 f. _ C 1144, 1i..-1`.11•,-Iisii; tavorabllL,atiztrerlttn. mi,,,,, i Erie, 8 . 42,'; petition , iXiii . : W• tr.,;,... 1. ,, 53 , 1 1 i i '',.. 4 ~ 1 T P,!:Vc t iattay, iii luting the vh;iel si.e ' l ui lli l '! CerL. - ...40 1 ^Wel ,id sealed, - .‘" , .i." ,- - y ,°"-' '. I ". • 'York tow. , Mottled Wall:1 ' 11 ',' I% ' • ' 9 1 " 6 iW . '• ' ' .•:' ' .. ' . (. . ' l ' : l' `llllVerll7ll 14111 t ,Lull . ' V ' ' ' ' ".1 t h ar . / V e i l f ° o l, ' , s h li e d on . e ve y a'd'r:',,t.eleclot6adVit"il.T•htl,oo•l•Tr4.• ]) , li i . . ‘ol‘ , ‘:.:t o 'Ll,...Wllll.A . 'llu exeeittot (1 . din c4 .l . llt h i ' a * Manta are in limited demand, but. Pr i , , , ..iif ~,,,_ . steady. the 7-3 , es being Mori!, quiet.. ' There are some lee r, “ t 53 , 1, 4,2,, for gold bearing bonds. Border untritdenirg • are and 1 orktown, witre detvine‘l at 61:1.1i.•1 HOU ti, being unable to get over. , . bonti4 art, • Ti. Ida Rees NO. 2 lit for Oil City lasi evll. for Norte , , , thug w•t... art e.X116111 trip alai liar 111!est re polio. from the 101111 ye/41.'0111V aricenomi 1.1 , - V . .. c at° ll ll46 . .'a..gegt r 3 N il e g r ' il i r:l tt - 17 .- 7,\V - . .Y i 1 t 7 , 3 , i n . no , T u tl:11 e 1111 ,;‘ ‘ , 11 1 1:;,1lell , y 1.1,-.1 0 g wilt' I orl). Inches continues la favor andiwa,nt,„_ a 1 , ,,,..6..1, _ , . roads Opened ireak ant el . I ~1 1 The ) orktowit will go on tile:dock for re it g In etorthwestern wi idol 14 411,• - iy not. 1 Lola ..e.l yell. badly - , 1 t ' b r1 " ). ...: 4 ,, 'owartntlerneehr,'.4.l..- about noon, the - w . is ex . pectlos . ee'lltd• tit l ' l ' d. till ' iltl 11111;1111J: be. ~, pc failng off rob toad 4. littek Bharat; 11113 Slat. fOTO loin:11141\111i ready for Indint,i. '''L.2.lread bonds are drat. . . Capt. hlcCorter, hue clerk of the Messenger, .Gold idea. without animation. Leal stocks emt who has been here for it few, days v htit tog am ammo . c t , m harisG2l4; Wllkcabarre• lei his family, was to Mate. left tOr Cellinati Mat Atnetdran, 7oi Delaware - and Hudson...lW; At- ens Mg As already noticed n tints tattier, lardle gall. lilt Gluon NaVtgatiOn, 11314. Fit., he lit , purchased Ihe condo mi nting t alert:St in Man giarket ls easy and the rates are Si4ttl ea the N augat lick, mai will assume continual at governments, and 50 on MlBCCllanallllBSeelal - once. , t ies, Commercial papet passes at. Wog for Itte . The °dicers and erne: of the Camelia lel t for 'et:go/lir 1 )04 11 4_ 1 m quotations were: New York Wheeling Y.1.!:il entity todiring up that steamer. Central. lira!;; Ede. 81 l it illldSOo Giver. 12 ll'it She has been laid op tii. that, 'l.4mi for some Reading, /.161 Slielligati Central, 111, klehigan data past waiting for ...ter. southetn, 95!..i; Illinois Central, 10G; Cleveland Tile Bayard, Capt. Motile, will 'crouton her and Pittsburgh, 95i4; Chicago and Northwest- placo in the Plttsbitigh anti Parkersburg ern, SG; Chicago and Northwestern vrefernai, trade at mice, leaving oat Thursday tiler reg tt• 7014; Toledo; 11.9.;,;Chlcago and Rock Island.. ler olay) nt boom. , taiX,• fort Waytte.lo934; Mao and :Oast:talent The await. and commodious low pressure Lertllleates,' 333. Foreign exchange quiet: , steamer Quickstep, Calll.-W, li. fiana1,6.1,,, bilis nt CO d_uys' on London im90109 , 4 for emit-. with Stun ltarr, Jr.. to the olliee, is the rettn morale]; 1 09 1093 for 'bankers 1104 eltort tar packet for Cineinitati • toolay, leaving Sight, 110 Y, • promptly at . 110011, OM! 1111,,,i1ge1, turd ohip. peva should bear this fact 111 21111111. .Tllll , l tine oteamer having been placed to run regularly in the 1'R:8 1 / a rgil and Cincinnati trade, we hope she will receive as she deserve, a -good lift,. ' The staunch wal reliable Minnie. Captain A. 11.Sttw,will posit IXely lailVa (or St. Louis this afternoon. The little Itottinoon, Capt.ltobt. Itobrison, is uest,in turn otter the Allume, and will COMUlellen bll,llleS., at 011171.. The America, Capt. T: 11. Golding, will pool. ttvoly leave for New Orleans this afternoon. She will be ftillownil by Intl Artnentit, Capt. A: iC. McCallum. ' Odd, tV. S. Evans appears us much at. home it, the bout sIIII,I 1111,11 i”.., as lir, ilia on the hurricane roof of ti , 4 eittulaut L. Ile 1. 111,1 V a5 ;.4,1e,1 ; .4,1 e ,1 by Copt. it, S. it. till mere, laud NI, John it, Dallas. TM., nom. 111.111 Stott. ill Maier Very allspleiollS CirealllStal‘,o,l. , 1 - 110 COIIIIIII4II. trout Clllailllilltl, Will 1,1111!.. 'ably reueli here to.miglit or t,,,,,,,0 t .,,,,, I . We. ellp the (of:owing Items trout the Fin. "Batt 0111111/Crellli, of It' ed' : Bingham, 1010 of the dentate, armlet in, it It' albeit; the Al talent:es pa...tamer, toe ]lons I phis The Fleetwood repottS a 1111111.01 twat blank 1111 the toot below home, 1,111,0 lilt towboat Clipper woo Sault. 'file 1.01114V1110 1111.1 Carrolltoa packet litleoty, .11111 , q1 , 11111 . 4.111i, blilinti from Cineionnt i to, St. Louis, t. , ii ided optio•ite ]taster, Indiana. on Friday ~ N l•ii. illa. Abollt ....IN: 10,1 It one Or 11, ‘ , Gl u y e y , , guards was turn err, lota no the r•h000 lIC k term compelled to go ta the dock at NI al i•on for 1.431.111 , .3 The tinteral in Milt. U. Wheel iln 01.1 ;Mg •Wall•know a liver At ewer's, will m ...1., ac Place front 111-, hate rt,blener today. 111 W., tak en sick at I•vitasvilie with I, plata fever, on the Oliver :pray, and died =ova aftet la was couveyed home It otti the boal‘ • Nlr:Morris Dorsey, formerly of Ill' A nil , While, is .1n the city, nal will take chat mi 4 - , the °Oleo or 'captain I:00th', ..siltillar. Ilia I W. Garrett. Jimmy :ittal ton hits , left tilt . Ficetwtiod and returned to his Ili, t lots, lilt `Cottage.. DEM The ease in money continues to.increase and the supply Is not only abundant but consider ably in excees of the demand for speoulative and legitimate purposes. Call loam, rouge from I@s'll cent.. but the great • bulk of the business at lower rate. In the Discount mar ket there is no change to notice, and prime short date paper is cermet. at 51feli if vent. There la net much activity in Foreign Ex change es importers generally are diluised to hold oil for a few days. The marl:rt., howev er, romaine very arm sail prime bunkers , bills lira glinted at ItieValltlif% fur sixty days , bills, and 110;4110iff for short sight. The gold market fell olf this afternoon lo lin I 6146%. and remained at these tigu is until the moue of theday. The Government secant tes firs lower on the FivosT went Irs of 1862, but are arm on all the' other gold 'hoods, and also oil the leven•Tuirty notes. Thu following were the tgosing prices at 4:30 'leg istered fat, 111!_,@11331; coupon `Bl, 113410114; 5.2 e register al fief, lostylpiftt s.:bleoutfon 104.01004: Affe costume ftD, 100,41014'; tio January and J sly. 'los:f,alo2%; 1040 registered, kaj,;(y)lteh_:; 10.15 coupons, virMDlOOlis • 'The steamship shares are rittrac•ing more attention In view of the prospects fir large oiVidends at no distant day. Pacific malt has been vctively dealt, in toulay at eSail.3l. At. antic triallopened. at 112 and sold up to 113!4, but afterwards reacted again to 112. The transactions In this stock have been heavy luring the day. Union navigatiou is increase ing in favor, and was wale active at the stock exchange at 11417113.4.. Tito miscellaneous shares were all lower at the close of the llay. At the last open board, the rail way' market. was a little lower la some respects, but gener ally. 'steely. After tho board there was a better feeling genei ally In the market, with more dement for stocks, and higher prices wore made in the lOwer hall. Thu market. liar been se verefy hammered toulay, but ehows great rectipura- Live powers.. nu followlog • were the closing prices at Odd this afternoon: Ohio and sissippi Certificates, fr.P.,WIt.:N,• Canton Cfini yauy, .5.114655; Boston V, titer Power, tff , ,ad'al; Cumberland, Now York Central, 11SyjD'S.,..“ Erle.ift)gdt434; Gen•.ting t lls Of 1111; Flttelfurgu,92;Q:kl%; Toledo, Hoek island nod Damao, IlOW11014; Northweste.n, 5.41e50!..:; Northwestern preferred, iteal , D), - ,; Fort Wryne,lool4,QPX% r • New'York. Produce Market. -. NEW Your., Oct. 30.--CottOn Very firm, atee. for middle or - uplands. Flour opened a situate firmer, and closed very ulna at-yesterday's I prices; 810,10@1155 for extra State round holm Ohio, and g 13,rgt14,73 for trade brands: IV ;tis k). quiet and ti rut. at 12,11. Wheat; receipts 12,311 bush; market =Dee, excited and Sf27e It cent higher; sales of 1:36,00.1 bush. at 4i2,22e2.,:i for N 0.3 aria No. 9 Cuieago ..sprinx all.! llli wnukre;f.3,3o tin new white nettle.... I:ye quiet amt very- llrin; old western, at 41,23. ley; receipts 7.5.,121; bush, at !file better, hilt teFs active, at 41,1761.20 for ‘re,tern; 41.3:1 for 2 rowed SLlElejtl,:* no 4 n1.1(0.1.10; t 1,1541,1, for Canada West. hl 1.011(4,41,22 for very Allot l •to arrive, and 41,3,ga1,40 tor Canada t. fee, 'ltarley - Malt firm: Cure; receipts 31.527 ho-b; market active, exCited and SOlOO nigher, at 41:!SaLM.fot inferior: 41,-WlO.l for elopplue mixed western in store and ati‘ l at; 41,:i.;, - ;13.5 fur western yollow.ited 31,3 i for w h :to western. 3 , t1 le hetter,ut 4 :no74:g:for CLIMi2I) t oo l 31.11Waulve.. Coffee quiet. Petroleum 4.1 for Crude.: unit 3.Sitta7s for . Relined, tii bond. Pork la less net ' ive at 4:3,Ly;;J:31,75 cash, and 01.73 , 032 regular; Mess closing at 4.31.10!, cash, 431 for phi; mess; trini,2.3&:;,:it for prun e , alsOt,7sO.barrehn New Me/a sellers' opthin, for' December and - -lannary: s ad v.:lle-b.-25; sellers' option, for November . . Ake( .steatly •at about previous pikes. Beef Iltons edict at 4 10 4i 5 . Bacon inwitllLc. Cumberland CITE on private terms. Cut meats heavy and lower, at 14.01P/.:e. for Should,,,, and latillSo for Liams. Dressed flogs dun at 12a12" , ,-e 'for' Western. Lard heavy at ltutter.liill at - .104335f or Ohio; a.V . ;•44.; far Stile,, and zoraze. for Onangt , cemity ; in , ails. Cheese heavyQl7c. Market. . _ . .11trr rift°, llctolair nab, of at for No. I Spring. 411,0 e for Weatcrn ba. hero', anti. ~ i ,14,15(1,11,5.1 for Amber .wlnter. Wheat firmer ana bush at C.2,%.1 (or NO. 3 Milwaukee Spring. 4-4 21 for No.. Chicago Spring, and 6!..49 for bred, hay club., Corer Ini,no bash, nearly ail to arrive, At a. range or it1,961;=, aunt one cargo Wan. rive ; at Railer; 70,00D,0C0 bunt; Canaria. to arrive In bOnd,•at private t...rc.• ?...00 hush Canada at 41;13. Rye: s4::e bum. al V.:L . 0,21,1;. Pea.• nominal. at $l,?-541,35.. Pork. e33,u0. ll;t3i e: Wtilakr etaeiszzo Market Czneemo,'Oobober 3J.—Floor firm but quiet. Wheat quiet; ff,lDef2.2l for So. 1; No. u Ad inured 34-le, ut, eipt , ic - AO6. Corn . tml ynnecnt ifyiv; -Mos :19 41. , ()At,. 'firm nt nn sielvauce of ii;€l7c,cloillur nt 49!4e:r2c for SO. 2 Illghwines qtnet at 411231 for tumatul. Provis. lons' Meml7.• Bogs burly active ut an adrunct. of Crigik; sales at 41.V.i1ad,02.,,c. Toledo Moirk.t Totabo,October at—Flour firmer, but quiet. Wheat lc better; sales of White .1511chigun, atitt,l3s4l,97;amher hl lehlgao, at , VAtitt,Bl,tual No. 1 $I ring, $4,15.' Cora excited, ann I I@l2e higher; sated at sl,¢l ,or 14.,; -I mixed. (a, Ktec better; sales at 56@h8e for No. II Ityu Ic better; Saleti at 61,150418 for 1: Burley steady; Cates at $l. • - . Ogiwego Blwrket. Oftweoq, October 30.—Flour steady at 512,25 for No 3 spring, $t3,73 for red winter. SI for ;Odra. and Sla,tOtSls,7afordoubleextfa. Wbea; firm but quiet; No 2 Chir-ago spring, to arms. $2,35. Corn nominally higher and unsettled, without pales. Barley firm but null; choice up take. SIAS In bond, kt,ln free, aye scared I{lllll no axles. • •11..X.0rk Dry GOods Markk. New Tone.: October .71—YoLtere , 13 rown betltee—Applele2, A. 22.4; Porter, 11 12; Pare,. 121. Ahlrtinge—Lon9dele, .T.P4;Jamee,4ll;lllnelcatone, 2. Prluts—Voch eco, 21; Donnell, 19; Freeman,, 3; .Globe, 11; Vinninutte, ItP4. ..tiroma 1111.114 25...G10be pe 11111:982.eltusette,27. . Mt. Loots 1111erket.. S. Loma, Oct. a 1: Flour very firm and en. changed; loa , grinica seam, and nett ve, IV firm unit unchanged. Corn active' and higher. at 4i,u;;31,10. Osts higher, at 514.5.56,c. (Sort lower; at Baron unchanged. Lard , loweP, at lie for prima nettle. IV hiAlcy rle- elincd to Ie:.• . , ••• 'Baltimore, DlNrkel. ALTI lOU C. October 30.—Flon r tlrtn end tend lng 'upwards. -Wheat very arm Red $1,15. Corn scarce, flow notalnal • Vellaw $1,17. .01it,1 firm, at GCVO!. Provislons (inlet. Stock light, Groceries steady. Seeds steady; Clover seed scarce: - .Whisky dull; Pennsylvania 12X7. • Philadelphia Paib,tnaLritta, Oct. 110.—Petioloam uncetti ed; flour bteady; wheat firm, but quiet; earn an-withal; oat. advanced I cent.; loess pork, MUMPS at 311,50ap; lard dull; waLdray, firm at El= PrrTSZIIIIIOII. /bit? WAYnim a CHICAGO n t 'Cietolxw 30.—s rolls loather, G N Hollinott; 1 car staves. Italya a co; a do metal; NllOlOO .0 co; 1 -dodo, Everson. Preston a to; 5 caSes tobsioco, ti wcomer, Goo & co; 100 bbialfour, 8 I.lmtbay Jr; 000 do do. Klrkpotrtek a: Herron; yl boxes cheese, N &Braden; 51 .10 110,11 Daizoll ; 57 do do; 11 Ilmszieton; 17 Ittilea, 9 bids tallow, A 1101- soothe; 5 pkgs produce; 11 Lenz; 8 bbls cider,.( Eckert; 1 car upples,loo bids llour,T I" Janata,: ska laasiGoarrey a Clark,• 10 hbls sipplcr, 'Boyd a Black; 1 ear burley, Male a Woods; 1 car metal, J Moorhead ; boo soup ' ,Arbdeklea C.; 1 ear barley, 31 Linker; 15 hints bacon', F' I Seller. a , 4;21111.18 101H1C.00 3 J Yolldrton; bbla 41our, E. 11 Myers At co; 1 car hadeyi 7. Wetiftwtight; cux..millfeed. P C "Jenkina; 55 IRA claooo. ULU...Baird a Patton; Eba do do, A ' Garr; 45 do do, N J Dr3.11.m. GLIVELAND it Ptrreasuisolt 11,11. Getobler 3d.-5 pugs tobacco. ULM., ILL Int Patton"; sdo do, thulium& Thousus• 3 do do A Scnsioh; blots Mama. WII %V ilboo% pleia-s E I " Myers .10 cm b.pkgs thttantal and pcartbarley, Shomnker L aog . 3 dodo, John Porterfield; 15 boas pototm... j,, tzer • Armitrong; 15 do do, Potter Aiken ) Shepard; olu . wdo elder. a ll do erglilllll. W caeca Lotacco.V. F Weddle; 7do M, It Etnu bxti ctustlieP, - No.coMer. Gosist M.; jao bi d s llour,lirahum a Thomas; ;oda butter, DihiNro & to; 41 Lill dowse, N .1 Bra den ; 22 111.. *triples, J 8.1" col a Oro; .71.1.7411.4 . Pettit tr„. Newlinclo,llo do; .1" 11,11oreland; 3 ar. w6"vat,ll)4ll Waltman IMIB - elind, .Ott. rberry co; 3 bars 41°,4 BLyon; to tnEgs wheal, J Liggett co; 1 Car . umber;;Mllltrigar w - qui .10 40,1 V 11 - : ttedslon; 8 oars iron ore, Shoonntwitisr Blair; Ido 40, Mama". Wells a di, •10,01C-ISa fal1) 1 4 1 * ,00 i d'''/ . 10 'want & . laribblo upplus, IF Voo, • PrrVaarnanr.Cot.nflund enbataxasi October 30-1 Ma corn, Gilmore, Sltopon & co; 3 bolt 1)310 L Vogt &cop/ aka Mirky sks potatoes'," Y Shlabls; %Utile sluts, Ge.llalm "ley ;2 big nut ac, IY kersgalto 33. Obis ono 1107 iwsLwick; 1 otscat - tets.J K. rim I 411;10 bins .Prflue.l.ox butter, 1.1" Ilaßau;,o7 18118 paper, ' ,Pstab Papal- Alan nj; l' 111,1.1.1h11, E 31,1011.bton) to 'fiblic.ppka, 1 3 H An.late.o3o, bbls 105110, 8:1,.- ' . Uutble4l.44sleAcNO..; LI Rea' r,370 tdds flour ~ T" 11.FJ ebb! l_luut; II )-!.!!!.tx t .01 109. j. do. Cullr.t. tihoDant. - .111:1-xuktcur,-.214.47it9r. J.. , Ciober • 10.-int 0.. 1 3teq."& atm; '7ltbidee, IS Y.01114;;'.1:13, .. 0 90 1 ? Aa ll l.ll' Al Ott Anicklmio•iaL:.ltour, , t. Iziduy4l6 Wire Aram...Jett, .11amiltuu.' 2 bbla burr ce,Vil E 494- -•- • =5-)ictitylue. E at?"' Reiiuet~ and y .3p3mr Iv! %/Egyfa7Zafrar - ' • .DIEWO STE:JIM - BOATS 11OR CAIRO,r I/ a: 4 7 , 4 . 2.74c A. , 11 IN I'. A' paa..ellgor 01 0 33001 AVM 49i1 Capt. A. C. M't SLIt a. 'Will to.tro C. the above . :itt,l all. Intorit.,llato port. utt b.', at 10. It. For 110: 1 0t. or pa.r.a, t e. aprly oil lovini or to . 001 FLACK A. C01.1,1301.1W001.0, A, 01*. PO It 04180 AND . time Cl, 111,101: 110113 ........ 101111e:we for the tt , •ovt• loot All lutertoodtale oit tlo• first f not. r. For fr•l t tlit t •••••••Or 1 1 • 1 11). oa hoard , to 0c29 FLA or CK 'D. Agents. ni•lern•, .I.••Attotr ...... , t o 0 . 0.. 11 ‘l., On.. .1. 3".. t r: ..1,1 Ina 1 . .r.6 It I. lli 0.1.'0... I. o. TI I t" I:0- DAV, Nt. For -..1:t or 1,0. , .1 .3 .4, - , I[i IL AE L:Y.II'I3IS •-•47,7, (11.1. It A t: , TUO,o1•••••1!.1 eto,,•••re,...1•14• • •••• A. 51 0/:11' A • T. .01111 1,10 •or .. -col Al! toter•tto•tt.ll•• I rort4. On '3. 1110 iP.r. 4 . 0 /Z ST. 2.0 .t.,•••• r 1.1 Aod tItortoo•IlAto loot. on t. 0.17. I~VELS.Ner;, ;13 .t It CT TA. A It It iil.ttt••i CO.; ..... .• ....• t•Plot a. 3t9N DAY AN I) it TVEiii/AN" -- rur f,111,L • r 1, 11111 , _ . 1:11E NEW Spring ard Eurebier Medicine FLUID •.ar."(RACT SARSOARILIJI, =I lodide 61: ia:Dyon a: W. PETTES BOSTON 1 1 Jameg R. Nichols & Co. WAS; FACTURING Witt LTACTO lt6 I. Or SUL ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARB terra Protoxitle of, Iron, Whit?, has 1)0:owe so flvorsbli huowu av Toni(' and Rebioratipe, By aPhyrirf.... r m./ !wenn:4B,n MI put., of Mr . . .The new. preparation, ••rIA LISAfA 111 1.1,A IN COMBINATIW: Piltipt; 11F 1.131E4 areatrite one of the most prompt alterative 'trms' Insform capable of exert log full action op en the syetent, and this lu *tante and Otranto t dotes. It Is conceded that theadierallec, resolseet, or tonic effetta of lodlne, are exerted MONt de . chte.ll7 a ben associated with other alteratives. In combination; and th a I'W . ..twills senses to fulal perfectly ail the favorable reaulaillons. • The nut, erect ornally observed when *PA RSA, PAIIILI.A. WITH Kil/II)E OF LIM r, ,, Is Laken. Is an,litcreaseof "appetite, &boning that It has •tonle properties of. markeichiart.ter. Ito PIL.L . MILLe:L . f. recta arc manifest In it. ready coniblealP , n with the blood and tisanes. lisle, I,,ofthopg vL pull ehndrea Improve rapidly antler Its pLpg ,LL LP:. V I tai fanatic.on assume a heali:hy earidition; It is *dint ruble adapted to *lime 'nnlllit,fo( citron icor acute elle:alone peculiar to childr e n. it Is suited to them, twill by tho Inildnraa and ',rummy of Bledielnal erect and the plats:tut, attesettre torn] Of the remedy. It may be kiren for. long Period where•constitutional Indoencea are desired, steel no repugnance. or, dLsinellnation to take the encountered. In Whlte-Svrellings, Ills ease. and Distortions of the Heine, It seould etv en'persistenltly. In moderato i,doses, until relief is obtainoo. In the Spring of the Year. and during the Warm Weather, • The - accumulation of morinultlatters in fire system seem* td becomh manifest and very troultli,,,m, Lassitude, Headache, Hons. Cost ivenes% Loss tol Appetit!, .1 . alas In the Joints. Inditrehtion, ete...nrc r3ry Common. Naming ever devised in In•tter 8.4.11ttfl to .:St.11111170.1: C.A.., OR these ear, 1.100 than We, nu* combination of OAL•SAPnRILLA WITH itHHHE . OP LIME: iVoPrelmrafion Me a, c.t. tolitr4 4ppro,zioottt, to it as an • . . ••• • •Alterativei, or BloodiPurifia, hqs eron • Wore t,rsn plated mit Ain Its rise: of envoi. Ida. Indeed, It le an ran re•• ban . and beIeNTIFIc rnodnntior eo re,nect 'reariabllny/ aayll/Ing .l.atberto employen. eol,erolna IL Lim .ter. I.lleralleblic o+malar -Le, rte., are given In a Oreille r. width ran Lb dad at Ulu store of any sod all mai.- class Yurbelaan try ttblaltali by I:. E. 111r.1.1.K1L9 S CO.. . , AND AI.L .I)ItEGGJMT7f. znyl4:a7:siwr r LuiD EX'I'ItA(;7• OF ' SAtitSAPARILLA, eombikuedlth zodidc of tiluct r 1,1.; ji CPS 14 Et UV, sw:a Nu. S.l Mutliet Pittut?urgu. igOiNa. S' RAtvTBREWERY. : - JAB. wiceir & Ale, Porter aka -Brown. Atouf, PITTSB11110; rAs acanutTAVA'rSONi Alanfiget. . . Er6ilM - g - SION ffi WM. :..111,41,11:, C. W. RICKET:A/N. l'ltukbure raLLEII Br, RICKETSON, iVholesalc Grocers, I=l BRANDITS, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin BIreCAS) PITTSBORCH, PA. RON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C. • Conmtandy on bane! BitE WER, BURKE & CO., itif it vMl' 4:01‘1311Sslo!C- . . IS, rata Pacific. Globe and Libtriy,Oil Walks, Ample meta,. ter Creaks onal:laellaie.l I.lear• al ease mita:soma made en conatiternents Criada or !teemed l'etrulosui. Yards leratearage Ind slap went of Crude tail at Lawreneerllla s Ounce and Wareham,— Currier el Duallerne Way Ilautoti street. l'Alsburgla. a =CIL 11111 L., JAL. F. ItreCILCUT. KEitia & RITCHAILT, • • • COMMISSION.KEROIIANTS, AND DII&LZII5 rr Flour, Grain, Seeds, DIM Feed, Sit. J 47 LI 111,11 TI: tiTltr. 1 . 11"111.11U1k0 IL vA WILLIAM IC. LEE, Successor to AI.It.S. (11)111/0ti coatmISNAON AND E OUIVARDING Nu. 102 Second Street, Pittsburgh Pa. rtorAttent for the ••et. Louts'. Lead eine and Le. 1.1 Or k, itt SKI and 11A LE A I), SHOT. Fl CI,AV / 7t.e. Coushtnrcetas So licited sod /Nero promptly Shed. uty3l:l , l T. 0W¢N0...;.• ..... 3. trxurittolr w. tiAtitells IWENS, KENNEDY ti. ILtIEVE3I, s , PRODUCE 2:041 hll/.11.1;11ANTI, gm/ Whul/o/Jat Dreier/. lu le/PICItiN ANL/ I'o.ll gong Vlth IS. SALT, YLUU 11, Burr ci„. Lkitia, 11J- raTtltai, an., and In Praha/J. an,l I . r.sluce Ken "'Mir. No. 76 Iltt/r/ ILA L/ STREET, osposlto the hot/rood Derot. P.s. Age ti for the sale or I. WWI!, Doone:i stol J. lixrct's :not, J. S. NE4V:llliElt a ItO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, denkra'th Flour, Grain, Peed and Produce. Coati advatteeo made oil conclunmeuto., No. 396 PENN ,allik:NT, PPnslte U AMA Depot. Pittsburgh, 1)9:1•4.5. iAV.otul:. liA NT MVPs Al IC PA.., AL.. !NON (3 t Coulmishlon OAF., rtuu..llz biJlL:tt` .11:0N. FINE llNaCea ..Ad AY, ,Le. WoreLonae Awl Ilpi , C. No,. 'lBll und AA, ialora o u rulabed. Goludgnmold.: en:lotted. awl ALAI. WU:. J. al ' BANEa , , , LNJEIII, .01 ....11 - AIt:IL:NTS...I dealer., LA FLULIII, URA IN and PIR/DUCE, tocotid atr.t, between Wool and amitheeld, PAaburnti. . ' • Allik" A. A. 61131 . 1'ACTD iIOTTENT, AIKEN K, SIIEPAItD Cb.nnn:aidvn- lirichants, and dealers In YolalgO and 110[112411c Frudtb; Iknar. Chavae, r-lnrodtica annul -ally. No.•rx , opos:te Pa...leaner Depot. rndanargn. WM. Y. 1.1117 n • TIIO3. W:11.•• P. .11.3Ef & ti. CO tio. 185 Lllwrty el.ract; • Pit:kb...all, I a., Vitioltalle• liroowa, eowlllth3a—„ercbantsalailllt /den e hil:01113. try l'rodnee, Frov lons. Ilaaou,Laau. Nutter. I[F a, c oovao, 4 Produce, Flow, Grain, betas. I /r1t.,1 Fr 011.4. at.. Llsno. Jy la OTIS 11111CYAltD 2.4. SHEPARD, Commission • Flour, Grain and P.. Jen,. eit Lfborty Wort, l'ltteleurgh. Chew', , e'lesda of bear for Baker. and romilly nat. amoo.ay en band. rarticular otteution paid to nl it ne ono e -tor Merchauelire generally. oteletr LITTLE, 11ADRD & PATTON', eonnoaleiirOrera. C01.131=1"1012 Morobants,onel .loabern rroteco. thereon. I.7herec. Fish, aroou and Lar , l 011, Iron,,lmo. Cotton l'areer ad. , an Flttaburegh tuatoeforturno generally Id And Ili e'ocood e. 1:2Y1161L .N. n. nxTatr.x. 1.1.:1(31[ - ;ES fa , altos" (Succelisors to LA. lt r yyn., At A y.alercon,)Wllolellic 1 / 1 ,1,,51 , 3 hlOl 1 N stsd bp Wes, ectd,.. ~31onan y, tiuysr. 'lrt•s•srL A, 00. 155 a.:1.1 Ll 3 V/ Utrect, *Lose • 1r72:1v in,NT. KNOX %42/1111ty II MttZ. • - • • IiNON, sori, Cormemismioa 12 2.1 W IiANTO no.l.Neal..ra In 11.1)Uit.liltAIN, J.:l.t. FE2III not CRON U2:1.2 ,coorally, No. 71. 111 a uuut. 0100g22..: cu.) . 11.01. Jilleglamoy City. • I It.CA:it , gELD,t;o=ttniasion Ar..l MerrhLut ant rea;alesakd; star 11 T Yinh. rot Halemtaz.. not Non. 111 T.. 21.1 114 i'lttat.t.roN • • • • - 4.!AFE.' PBODUCIE,' c. , ,,a!,510n and r..rwar.:log - 7.erehltuts. and )101,6...1112. ti. 110liA. ()LIN 130UNE 1111t03., Sticces -5.7 .I,IIM I. Hour. .5c W11,1.-sale tiro ..,*lan.••batu.;, ccrucr ton!lb Plttsturch. fulti ELF. di. SON;ltlauu Lard uu d C,daludasitul .11kruhant r• . poccua..,• j La!, -1( rude au , l , lcluud t 4 and it , ar.r I . .tout, ou • L 4.\:(4,%Vholesitit 171'. vl,: , • , in. Fl-1, r 011.1:4, 17: •n 0 uena . L1tm.7,3" 711.71 , 17, 1% , .. 061 1/14, 6,13:17 opa/t.t ita.OMSZ LIITZGALL. •• • • • - Grocers and• AM/ ./rl/1 . 111111 kh.,a ;Pro.lure Jord Siocuracturer, No. Zr),rty,ltroot. Wood rot. Plit,o.rgti. • ixTzElt Allowrizos“, **Or warding add eu.ninlgalon iterellants, Cur the ate Flour, Wain. Ilatun, Lard, Butter, bleeds. I Pried r ot, and rrLk4llll, generally. No. ttl.ttarket btreet, corner of Fn . ., l'lttabnrgh, uwiam.z, ....... ..A. 7. DALzA.z.c. 11.01 i •rtef.; enantsan . ..ll.7 ' ollen lu 'mtulnn l . rloeu s and ll r ttatfurg n lf °la.:lures. NO. tot L1b..17 Street. t'lttaburgh. WATT "...AMIN WILSIM. WATT & WILSON, Wholeßale VT rirucer., Cnnynasolon nternbe.uts,and dealers In l'renlnce and nlanufncutres, lid LLD. en) streCt. l'lttnburgt. WIZ RIDDLE,-No. I%3Liberty St" I'lttahnrgh, l'lttatotrgh, ra... COLUIrII.IO4. Merchant. and Whol. *ale Dealer It Country Producu,l/rocerles awl l'lttalow*b wanufdcturrs. Cash adraner-a on Con. slanone nw, and paid for Produce generally. an:/ i' • • smAto MCKIM .156 CO., Modem le lirortra, Con.onlaslon Merchant+. and dealer* In Produce. . o. t 0 'Wawa . Wort and $6 /font Watt, - - • - • - • • - • - • V 1 I 3 i (l ' L li c c B c a I o i ;r l r N o lit/t i e° . 1 T O A I A nha xi . ) ire,:er In Flour and Orxln, rr,Zure In,l Conan:ll6am I.lerchnata IV u. 7411.16E•1a If ISTILEET, 1'8)&4.40, k'n• : es:iy )ottS /LoYD —• . Wu. rlArlD JOAN- 11.01'0 1 14. CO., Wholegove tY 610.0 E.l.`. No. 171 Wo6l arvipa L.lbtrtrBl , ...t. l'ltr...lnt r eh. I.a. ageol:l%d .0011,1 murrov ' A. WAGLAC6. 111r1 ' 0 ,11 rti. lIIALLACiI. IVltole. •J .....i, 6160:E16 4 AN I , i'ILI , S6CY: lIMALERS. No. 6 Sixth :greet, Introbarnh. .17 11 _ .. _.. VV. 11. 0hn10.10....D. A. BOOTH roiNT MALT HOUSE:* W. R. GABRAED & CO., MalSlers,Drain & Hop Dealers, NO. 17 Water Street) and Not. 5 noill 7 Paoli fitrecs.. PITTSBURGH, PA. 11Apzttegirrlroykla for N , IIIAT, 1 ,lA‘/8. 1)18 . 0 , 1 . IBON . CITY MILLS. ROGEB.S 'Er, BURCHFIELD, Al.nufactirrers of 1t IL £a), CIIAKCOAL, JUti I AT:li & 3F-IClinErr xira.ipoz. OrriCX All D WAIELUbI,hX, SAN WAILK Ey BT. MUTATE' OISEASES: OFFICK L'EN:g tfCII.I'..ET, near fluid for tile cure of all ,tl:eaues of • ' , mate nature, la from two to fo2r da)n, Ur an r0t113.17 new and noola treactu:tit. Alzu, Weeknee3. nod taw, di3e33ea of the:l.Ra' orrnon and thelfllCYColl rn Cure warraulcd or money rriumle.i. l.lllCe 1/011,-7 tri to a. no. IS •O 3. •,•• • ,0 • r. 114 , 1( YOUR. 1V4)130:04 : ToVs. Baskets, Nr.".r4r4mrex.m.p, 4113(7., 451. T J. G. taner's Variety store, leto 101 hIA1:1071' STREET, 22 iii. NT. .I;n;',,,I,'E P Tg•TeT.6. icliecol.ks, ILIYI)I I. [ S. O.IIETERSL T fr.V.)l 1)7.1 S t t tttt t t t tttttttt --"tt4Lttl:llL• DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE. 14 - I,,ca. Letter. of Administration On thr t c- Mtn of BENJAMIN ItA,IIAUE, I to of goon Val ley. Larrrtniii• county, derenceit, haVe been granted U. the ionicrelcnol, all 'croons Itscltit vitiate A.—Alert. the WA' c or the sant decedent tire ticiitte.attil to make 1 /1., 1111 known, awl all pencils litilebteitto tail rstate . to make par ... 01 to dititiril 193 I. i . I rtv Orop. itt...rah iiirAcE run tmrchsse A COUNTICY RESIDENCE et,mz,tuti:g 10 uoroi. on which there Is erected t , To 24.1'11,1 t: tall" ttlotis, :Itauto' on the Up. tole Alleenxnt V!OrtlitAlrOA. AP.PIY to • hi Of. PETTY. 111EESEI AND 11111l'Elt. ISO box e• 5111,1 cream Cbte•e• ZA./ 41.• • It . e.nll.••ben du • I s tniraelnds rr•sn parked Butter: • IS barrelo coir.. A poet; bustlers pew D led Ersebet, to arrlee• • , •00 'do do p•r•••• by 7 - IT. RIDDLE. No lei street: etrve • • • •• - _ MANUFACTITRE RS. UNION IRON fans, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH , A CT:NUADATiON 01' THE •`11:0N CITY FOILtIK. , AND • `CYCLpVn IRON CO." 1 crxxr. ti MANt•FACTVI:I , I , or 1, IRON AND FORGINGS Fpeclal ettentlon given to tim'annuilf3”tttrt. of Hannitered and Itolled Locion9 , -. II ve and .Car yiltlsi • 3 3 .r-sClad.aaNT .731 , 11..TSTSZP.' liAtMconi) 831.•1.1,:Y. 1 MON MILTS. Sc.; LIN K31"41' G j i II:0N: OCTAIIIJNALIIIII.I.IIW W 111/V. II T T ANtZ ANICLr WALlEnousc.! 95 {'Puler and I 21; Iles( Sereetm; OFFICE: ANT/IP; WOltliS, NINTII WARD, oci4•1I:7 FORT PITT BOILER, STILL 14 Ml{ womic4.4. CARROLL & SNIYDER, I=l TUBULAR, DOUBLE•FLUL'D, TUBULA FIRE-BOSS CYLINDER STEAM OIL STILLS •AND OIL TANKS, . CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON, DENsElts, OE AM PIPES, GASOM ETERS, AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL SIIIITBS. Waco Baud Wort.. corner Second, 'fliird Shyrt onot Liberty Streete, Pittsburgh, Ponnsy Ivan Kr()Mere own t to tile a bovr a;! , ir.. Wilt it prompt./y otcoododt to. tt 11:1,1 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, Ric 8 GO =I BEST REFINED CAST. STEEL . [SQUARE, FIAT AND GETMAN. OF All SIZES. MILL. MULAY, Clltel7l..Alt, k AND Ci-toq, SAW PLATES. EI.LIPTIC AND 141311-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Case Spring' Sfiel, Cast and German S(eri • PLOW WING, A\U-) l~~W'L•'!t SPR.INGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, f3IIOVEL, 114„ PARE, 4 - 4.1:K. TOE. CALK Atin.MA , •IIISkIIY CA,T SThtL, . E=T3TM Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh. selS•k4 • - ViESILTVIIEJS IRON AND NAIL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DWELL kt CO. =I BAR, BOILER, SHEET ,11.11733.- 7C.A . :DOEK. 2E - Ettcl , l 4 Q - 9 ' NAILS AND NAIL MODS. Warehouse, 73 Water . t., 90 Frout.s:. PITTSBEIMIT, 5@10,%5 KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. HIITCHISOi, GLASS 6.% CO., Manufacturer:: of the .11Cert ;t: Bound, Square, Flat aial Horse-Shoe Bar Iron ; Hoop and Band Iron, • Boller-Plate, 'Pauli and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &c„ &c., &c. , Wen to, PITT TOW If ::11.11P,,au :long:flu:1a :It r Odle,- and Wart Louse: • No. 146 W6ter Street oe4:141 TORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. • .49.1-..C31, COpying Presses, Warehouse Truclif-, Baggage Barrows; - Sugar Mills, Sze FORSYTH, TAY/.OR 64 CO., Er'l:•YFd 7 7111 MA I: KT tt , T KT. riAR.IIW B. WOLF, JR., & CO., DCALLIts 11l Hardware Sz; Cutlery Are now receiving large 4i - ,141 - illons boyar eilmk ulllcla Is otrere4 to Dealers at 1i1.49,JE3T3511 , 1-1V Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts.,. instoglauxslx.i6.l4. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE UNION IRON MILLS. .IP'XT • re 331711.9r=. ROLLING GARLAND BRIDGE CASTINGS. NACIIINERT AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Mffn Orders promptly and carefally cxteu CIIAIMEh REABONAIII.E, EDDEIRT & AUCKLAND. Inn piTTseuncan NTEEL WORK ANDERSON, (MOI A CO., (1/UOOEIIBOUB i 0 J0:44. BOYD .2 C 0.,) klardafacturers of tC bust redned Can Sted. tiPoem, Flat and Octsgon m o fad Area, Naar Plate., floe, Fort and dlicet Cut dteel, Cast nee' tot REAPING -AND MOWING MACIIINEV, STE= PLOW WINGS, NPRINGS,AXIffIi CIECULAIM, AV. . Cast and Common Plough-and Spring Steel, Offlite—Gorner of First nod Ross streets. tyro bloats ittstme th e efooopenbele flume. MUM I.III2OMAL ZCLCI I. 1 . /1 10:111{)::1 rAtd.L hltilt liko. tall•L Dun , • CRESCENT STEEL WORKS,I MILLER, BARK ./k .PARKIN, MANurACTUIMM , or • BEST QUALITY EAST . STEEL XV nnnnn led Equal to oraln the lEnrke either lOn i cL.t . N.l . :r u f e l.) . onteella iIPECIAL ATTENTION FAIR TO FINE CAHT AND DIE IfrEEL. •. oftice, 38 Wood Street, IN HT. CHARLES HOTEL ))UII.DINII Juue pth, 10 , 1:81.11 22 line FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS •rirtUTACTuninn Al . 111EANTi ()RD:I/11110E, AND ALL KINLtI or !LEAVY OASTIRIIII. • stu.ntloopold to rt.)LLINU MILL WCHLit NLAST ACILIN KILY and ItETOILII6. NE VA Iltld attended to promptly. 11Wf A• l r heretiltofore, they. 1.1“ t mate:lsta 'III Afar. Le a. 1., Foundr flaying 1115poeed of onr old ph11,11., we are pre pared. With NOW AND rurnoVico psttorni. con tstructed Under thy •upervlslon or, Mr, Itr.uour..‘o arnish NAIL Id ACUIN Lth at abort notice. Iry At.l. - Gi JAB. I. 4'E IE 'VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ' ALLEN. M'KEE & Mies wad Warehamlie 301 Liberty Slates 'opposite dmltbdeld, , Manufacture. • great , iatiety of COOK, PARLOR Ind HICATING 1170 , 175, among which are the. cal, ebrated. Allegheny and Monitor Coal Coolaug Stentimi also. the Autocrat and Sentinel. fo p r coal or wood` crod, and he Om yertealled Star of the Smlr roc also. Arcs, Orate., fenders, tinntrMett e, les. nag 111,W aria Hallow War. amarrativ. .1' ... Ti Orn 13 'IE. rt , hl• .t NM aoya , AMERICAN i':-all) CUR Bar, Root), Sheel. and Pl'itle on; Bridge Iron; • Angle and T on; Guard Iront. • Coal Screen Iron; T and •20tirt. to the,l aril Train Rails, pit ticlied and coati. ler sunk Bridge X id trantt. Itivetß Ciil Malty and tioilies; Militia lad Boat. Spik, ,, d • Railroad Pliriice,.; Rai I rillad,rg ii R u h and 11olt , g Railroad I '.2" :/;.1.1.; all::,ides; Street Cur Wfwe'te and At2c - , Coal-Pit Car llitLeelA and Axles; Patent Cold ltollecl Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piyl Rods; Motver a nil.flcAiper Bars. ViAltr.ill.l:l , 4 , . A f.i. 1,1‘). T. 120 tVa.l:3r and 154 Front Sis. BILAN,:Ii • Nos, 22,21 auti 2liiliver St., Jel:1 . KiltiSitYCTol•l!ROiki WORKS. LLOYD Er. BLLCK, NI • n llehl Common, 12. c fined Charcoal n nia La Bloom Iron. SI1Slo:11A%T tali, 1:01 - N1) xnd , 4 9Uhlre: IRON :0. , 1 A NGI.E IRON. 111)1 LER ef.ATE opt t•ili.); I RoN. , 31oWER rvi , l REA IT A CYLINGF:It Ana FINGER I.ROV • ,ItIA f. I. TLAII ',And lGit,. In the lard I2HAI nFlii F., for hire. FLAT HAILS, PALO:, and Cuutitvrtnn.:. FN I f: ,, N NAILS Anti Lti. N. f, Marlet Ms. Workt..llri vr.l L. Erguth a•11,11:Ing City 14 Pitt at:21:14 RANBES, STOVES AND GRATES. 4„ Li, i.I.3ISONS 1-.1 , E10 NnEll•ricaw • ;1.11:36 IL—I tv • 311,0,, ]t;,. , at ~, L) ,111.• 1, re ‘,1:1 n.r.n /hid . • t tiatzz.A.:l (41 Lz, CO STIAF, iIEATIAG S 11,..1, HUI!, rUrtil,. ua•ll..tmlry IriSsE:l.l. 2:: CO., cll. , t....!;re.....1 =I =1 R (ME F.),IL Pg' L. PETE SON, Jr:, & CO., =t9r= Cookrfg anti ileatilq Stoves, v -;;ARE, &c., th, I r,E-r STI'LI'IS Wart!touse, 197 Liberty Street, FITTstsURGrE, PA. A NI atiNolts DUQUESNE HON AND 'STEEL-11,011103, 31A.liatilV, RAHM. & CO., Xrou, I pring I'lolloll. f.;£l 7 .l.tie .6.1 - IL , A. 13. TELI., &( I= =I I:GEE=g . 21011). E";:•5 ~.:-; CO. 1;1,4,CP: AND _GREEN GLASSWARE. th•rizgh+lo Il'are, !Sol lies. DEP.IIJOTINS, CARBOYS, &c., ort, and (Wixt., 1 . Q., .},ll. Aliolll,, I . :TT-111; A lwayg un 111,1.1112 p tte, atm, 114,n. All 0r.1,,, ,o. t 1 privatc OntiS TrIcLEAN& SLAtOR, No, s:t Liberty :4,, opposite Fourth, ,)e• CABINET lq AK ERS' HARDWARE, - - y 11,.,1• a 4-nal ty Irou 1 . ...4,, al .41 VI, ot nt,T ['lvo( 11..1,;,..151••,.. I. Flatolt.-lou Tabtva. TI”, confitxmlY IsAnd.l'l,l":l , l.4;ch,-... Nkrlnc 1 AVlsi't", Mn,,,,,,L Patton..Art , i ruit Moue ,14i vigia.A, • • • " • LIPPEWOII ELL, No. 116 Water Street, , LlANt , rAcrirlt KR, Or PATENT PA PENT TEMI•EEEI , PATENT lOUTII ED l'lßCl'i.An, lIIILL AICII CROSS-CDT • :520 ' . " W " . t. W. In, 11. tAKNIIIILL (yiIAILA 11011. Ell MORROW BARNHILL, N UrACTI:I,I:., or • Strum Roller, 011 Stills, Agitaton, Tahke t Salt Pans. Casturter,.. Wrought Iron Itrlelgr.s.Shott Iron =I PITI'S ft I GI lir, rd. iiriEM . All 4 .Sti mr73:1121 • ..V• K. T. Nlnilhlt c:1". OILAIIATI• AilaciticAN niciii . mu oltus. FISHER, GB.Ati.lll &GO., Engine Built!rrs and llachiaists, Oil Engiuds, Oil Tools, And cv , r!,l7lt2K 11,,,...try for I , ortog OIL Wens. nthm t , ,P"![1.1 - olg up zUrdthw liariott.lvettur, aca r Ft. V Ct..l_l.c>g2s.c>33.Tr, 11EI•Al ICI YU 1., 1 . 11‘011 . TI:i I.Nl)UreltiAi.• IrVinitiLS• I= • HUCI - 9 rOLE & CO.. rooNi,Eitt, AM, • riuN . . . . N N 1 LOCONItaI V KS for I'l.ll W4lrl.s, nil 1,1n.!a :tad I. • - rruin thv Hell arn,iirht,(3ll .n of the Slanag,r, JAmy.s f. tchs...s, tr.: h.q...•N1,1111' n r. .11ftre thWohn hrt t, from Str.hoot thikhlurs anal ',thorn wanting pthhl nhwithltty. mr ahh Ile I.l_ l 410 MI 00.1. In I. ,t mann, t.v It le thh, y. ,111 kln 1N or mad,- to onit r.' !.I.v . hlouty t op on 11,1ne, IV y, Midi. /..indry ..t . . --• 1)11.1.1tOND 1 . ....3 . 1 • M.7._a "QV' PITT:3II , II[CW. l'A PAII K, 141t0T11 F ft & rtnuft. N,o—t'or • 1.1Z3T 01. 1 / 1 .1.11 - t N dTICI. , &play, /Flat orril Irrttol, of all 511,.., Warrant° op:alto .y to, pollard or trourztarturt..l to Loh. Coon ArrtlNct• end oltret•or.r... No. IN mol and Vetetool 011 7, • PAcIJESN A :'6i IVEST ,POINT 11:1N 1.11'1% , 1:1!1:“11, i'v one., nMn urArltirl, rerglog!. ,'ran 6n. I.le.tou J:u Lover, l'lttuan (not mei al,:, gallneel xl4 n, I.ol.llllloliVe Vriener, nlt there e. - ofh. The 1A114,414 ted Itavitur time et, MAI, yearN rent..,- , 1 butlers,' ore preletr.l to leieelttel order% eoirkeited to Oulu with prOteptne , e , detieitelt. tylt:fit IIAM:11,t1.1, PITTSBURGH IRON /WORKS. J. PAINTER & MANV1,1,11:10,11,4 or Ertna 11.5tetittt,'Irlibanni'rrialtak HOtjPS AND SHEETS, PITTSUIni:Utt, P. oleo. D. hArt.s. LA:CELLE tiTEE . L. ' c_lct., • 6 MA'; j'MY ttA Air VV.,— No. 27 .WATY.It ATV.XET fon-stAlte) EVERSON, PRESTON ft CO., • Pc.itxsiv.rat.ria • 1.313.0.1. N ... WC) Ifd and 167 Tint nptididia 114.7", , ,r . ea NAM,* - INSURANCE lIISMELANCE. Fr B L T A E N ! !S. C R Oa ausLatiet Tuesday, tictobur 1.9.19• will ma bcOvita A11e6999Y City *ng Sb srpbblrg, S. W:IIIONPSON & CO., i•ircat 3:24 SAO. m., and 3:10. 2mi P. U. I :arrive at 2,ll.arydnirg 6'A 9:123. 11:5 4 y., and (3:29., 10:f ;I and t:o' 6:20 r. 9:113, MY? . rrlfe 3t Antler Nat _tree L U.:a pi — czwylLt .t3a . gat . and 1..1. P.l) it U (. .21.t.L. . Second Floor. Burkeo Building - I.3ivrTspr ItGll, - l'e- Fli:E, Vait, um iND A c 6 n DixT -rgiNcE ' . 1- LLIMISUb AND ei !WO , - affinitiM fa ILI ALL —PA:I-Mu:idle noate.- 4, n an, . • 1 a l t Ti tl l J.V , October Ist, leoS, tea's. Will lest* • and 1171 V C 29 TOII,If ll' , E s istsi . ,c.TP.l/ IN a 1 IIST CLANS' COMPAI.IES. a , ' I.- taAVIt. Mini PR. • ttt,r.oroates. LOb.llCiltlitably Adlusted and promptly I Man .... .....0 r. sr. 10.3,5 r. N. xrre. • AIiENTs Fut/ I last Line Etna 1.1 f• Insurance Cumria North Anarleto FHA Ins "'of Hartford. Ct. •I ~,,,,, ~,,.,ft ~ 3:13 P. Al. 10:, OA. U. Watford. Ct. IU: ~ 'r.'."""". " I llcLonald do 5:35 r. H. 7,13" A. R. I Mititll‘sll.4lClirl'CCWOLlSl'LLlelb.iXTlVO'lll'.'. 4 5 :P.5 . " 1: M N: ttir ? :: rt. !droning Evening Night Cottiontima Tiro Inmarame Company. of Matt- I for. Ct ' Train. . Train. Train. New England Fire Insurance Company, or Hort. ! Leaves Pittsburg. 2:00 A. H. 60 :AO A. 0. ford. CI. • P:U.33-.6w.. I Arr. Columbus... , ll 20 A. N. 4U... _ .0... , to - ' - ' . • Ci11a1111311... 4:24 r. Ist. 4:!4....•• N. 1,0•,; r. • 0 . INSUICE `Writ: LIFE Di THE i '' I. ' l4." ' S ' ih'l• 7l'''' "N. 7: 1 4 1 11 t . • 9 ' - ‘ °a ' r '• y.lO P. H. 10:50 1., m a C' AIN ER OAK LI FE INSURANCE CORPA ' 'II r• " ." n '''''''' ' ' ' '• N . 17 •3.5 • is .. .u0 A IN .1:7 OP II ARTVOIt Ir. CONN. a. THE oN LT LIFE. INSURANCE COMPANY Is I ', 1 '"' Il ' Illk. "" •, 5 4O. ••• , • • • ,A. • 7 rm•A. N. :Ho , ' A• 0 A , I Ela C. 4 that now orate. 'awl pay. an Annual' '• Cairo 31.11. 310THEI,ISP , UULI , C Ael I nivIDEFD on: e Ilrat and earn subtequeut Tick el Agent. Union Hulsol: riti.t.r. l3 . ~.y.t . t of premium. .16 CASH CAPITAL, an a- ' J't/1N OHRAN It. ems ulution of 4.7-IAA.GC9. II securely Inveated tn pub-: lletaral Superiole odes., Plltabbr,th. liC .b 6- 1-..6.1 mortgage. of HEAL ESTATE.. It is - SCL up., (PI its 16:n yesr of b.luess, and Las paid to the , • S. Y. oe'... rJS. te i sows Aaa OILYIIANS of He members Um sumo • . Gen•l Tieltet Agent, Pittabu UL _ ON 6: MI LI.RJN DOLLARS.' To tills date not a sin- ' jp.,,,,,,,,,.. . . . ... .. gp, r..., of 11tigatIsm has occurred , an uvidtbe ' tl-`,..... , " 1.6, a . ..A I .'s ' l gi . U 4 W!!yiati that 111x,•11ty.r.1,1 fair dealing Iss specialty 'nth - A.nATital. ILA' Lima 11. th I r Company. July ":.:11. 'I he policies of thl. Company Are not forfeited by I Tr ants unit.. :.•.11..,vt. Ll,.r. Union * 0! b b, ~..C. .. e ,,,,p elf pop-payment 01" premium Icier the seemoi I of Wasblan 'on 00-11..lbcrty streets, as lollv•5: year. No payment. required after ten year.. 'but . ....„ _. attrovm . Dors.'. P .. 11, .•.0 • m I•av Expresa:.. 1'.1 , 1 aPI pollclte cOPputae good through 111"... . oPPICIate.. J. C. WAI.KI.I", Pre.ident. ' ; W•ll'6 No. 1..... tiV2., • m IV,ill'..Nv. 1..... ta:au •I. 1 I:Mato:1'11u. 1... 7:60 a m Ail•r•Tik ACCOIII. 2:Ito 0 m N. I. I , AjomE , ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, ' WAlrel No.:: ..... '4,11 m I .l.lclultral Rs. 11:03 ato 11. 11. WHITE, Secretary'. I Johuatown Ar....d0 a m Wan', No. ^—.. .10;' , 0 a .. 3 ranch .1:000 for Western Pennsylvania, wile. , : h : al !" ss 'l e Es.- ' l f' 1 ' in. so alCa No. 3 116 7, . 11 c:,.1.11.are a 31.1 Ulan...Applications 1.111 Dr furalabed. 1 . 1.1.a.16 a mese.. Irn p m 1-1.1.6t0wn Alm O,N , P m 6N 11311113 street, klitebtargb. ~ . ..,:w tort E 5.... lalo p rn 1:1,•.1.....,1. No. I. a:4O p il to VIII.WO Nu. u.... uttal p 5A1N.0.... !Zayre o Cl: put A.reub, wantral thnlngbont the Stste. Aroy aii• .NO 4.... 1:111 II ts.P..l Fars N.. a . 4..2 • .1a ~,,.%:iy • .101 IN A. EIIIII:Y. State Agstrn II 11 . 6 No 4 ' .. .1 ' • t tt• N.• - . no•• (R. , . . •..• p V., • a a . 0..3..... ~. p•I IiNDMANE N,'l's No. 3 .... lUn pa, Line MI , t •J l4 A;:tionr. Accom. Wall.. No. 6.....ima, p or and Emigrant .Ifula p m INSURANCE CO, OF NORTH AMERICA 1 1 ,1,n; .. ;;;,.......,,„.,.. • •.11.111f. allother. sbnolay. t•yevia.....l. PHILADELPHIA El= liartfprd Fire Insurance. Company. E:=M!M:I CA' rrotoctlos <au be mecum! In the above name tul!abie Comp. W. L. JONSii. AgeaL fr.r.ty H Water .trot[.(ar .taln..) rENNSELVANIA INSURANCE CO OF PITTSBURGH, PA. 9.W.ce.g.1 Filth Btreot , Bauh Blue, TI.Is Is a 11 unit. Company. and Insures an/U[l3l.lons oy Flse rneluslvely. LEIONAItIi Nym.rinc. Presltlent. . . • C. C. 1301 LE, Vice Preal lest. nl r''.ur ; r. Wa eeretay. Dttutt.volte: I.eultar , l Walter, ILe . 0 . z „., r i li , 2l: n on . (.. Ct' C. 150)q, Re Den l'atrlek, t. V. 'Lapp°. Jr.e..11 reinter, J. C. nether, King, Jan. H. Hopkins. Vl l ° .h .k 1 2 . 1"". Henry Splint', IY4:f3 WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF rrriattu RCM, ALEXANDEIL NISfICK. FreaWent. ' WM. P. likatilitiLT, Secretary. CAPT. IJECiili NEF.1,13, General Agent. Vince, 02 Water street, Spans( ;stip... Ware House, up stairs. Pittsburgh. . Iciti ateurc against all kinds of Flre and Marine Risks. A tonic institution managed by Dtrectora who are well known to the COMMUIay, and who are determined by promptness and liberality, to main tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the 1.,,,5t protection to those who desire to he Insured. DIESCrOuB. Mex. Nlentek.Andrew Ac IL 51Iller, dr. t David M. Lung, Junin. StcAuley,Rena .I TLomaa, Nathaniel Hamel. I Alexander :sneer, . I John IL McCune . .. Campbell B. Merton, I James P. I.Lanua. C. K. Ulnae:nun. r Men , KM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. N °LI T !' Ard....LA LIFE INSURANCECOMPLAY, • widows and Orphans' Fund. No. 63 Wltitans St., Ntur - ror.%' lIIESIDENT-15. D. MOILGA.N. TART —J. W. 71Eartu./.. ' It. ZWI:I'INDALL. Dlerdleal Examiner E. T: C 0.3 K , AIiENT FOIL WESTERN It.. 67 Fourlh St., Pittpburgli.. AGEN I'S WANTED . . ras=:o.s.3 LLEGUEN INSUUANCE CO. J.- or PI TTS LlUittl ‘.llllce, No. N 7 Eltl2 street I:sr.k Mod:. Vinurse'sesl.t all ileac of Flee 5.u,.1 5140. 11.1otsi .1011 N 111W1 N dlt., President. .10.111 N D. 1110_431U/. The Pataident. c. U. DONN Seetetarv.. t , 1.1. IYSI, DEAN. lieneral Agent. • DERZCTOUA ,lolan C. U. George tl. lirrul, CArlry . U1t11.15, Charles Rays, T. J , IlonkritroJ, Capt. Wm. ll.aa, ..Jolizilrwit,, tiro. D. Mclllrew.. Fabar,itt,o.k, Itulrert H. Davis. 1)e......92.1..4rs INSURANCE Co. =I A 11031 E COMPANY, TA NINO FIRE AN IF MALUNK • ronaG2ol.w. Wuz.Capt.: Jobn 7.. liboadi J Urin Watt!. Samuel r. John E. Parke. Charirs Arbuckle, cart, Jac. Miller, • John F. Kirkpatrick. tti nr. Van Kirk,• Frank 0."Blaaell. JAM,. D. Verner, 1 C. Hanson Love. ,bl. PRIM. AL'S, Prealdent JOHN WATT. Mire President tr. v. •e•••DN'FIr., Secretarr. • BANICe - Alip BAiTKE RS, BA-NKING N.114)1111E5 & 33ista Iri..eret,. No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh.. • V.,'N,•",'f,lnr;`.!•l`,,V.T.Ti'Th F euptineVl Fo ' lu r ts v g the United Stat., and Canallas. STOCKS BONDSANDOTHERSEOURITIES .11Ought and Sold On. Commission. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale or ", UNITED STATES SECURITIES. • . United nustes nixes or txsi; • .• .r i',4l; • Ito. Seven-Thirties; Do. ' Cert 111,114,3 of Indebtedness. (triers and Vouchers boughtor collected. JaiSilp HOTELS. iiIERCHANTS' HOTEL • • Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, V , i - Frwismstrx3e3l-13r. Tilts OLD IFAVORITE HOTEL having been thOronelly renovated,. repaired and rournbevd, IS NOW OPEN FOR TOO RICFPTION OP GUESTS, The proprietor (formerly of the IT. MIAMI.%) cp,:rto from It. central Incatlon, his enperlenCe. .Iclenulnallun to please. and by 1101.11r.RATE, Cli F.S, to deserve And reeelve a liberal pat ronage.- S. 11. Itin, Proprietor. e70:e15 1 - A PIEItHE 110111 SE, ..PAtterdelphia.. ri;tlerlaera Inning 'nand this favorite noose' IL has benn In.:PITTED AND FU ItNt14111{13•IN AN ElattiA NT MANNE,It, and le now prepared with the untotperfect appointments nettle reCetn.lou of guest, 'The trot pooition among Drat-ninon UoLela wIII In. inlintalued In the fetnre,As in the lust norolenva ItAnxit 3 YARI.EY. ) C. I. ismomix.irsz, - , r, Corner of lubella and Veda:llSr* Near the Suspension UK idge, A LI:EMI% NV PEP PA: FELTItAiITEILE • Aso CAKE AND WOOD ORATRS . Idanuftiettired and for Wen • Wholesale. or Retail. .111iNIES W. WOODWE L L, - Nthil V d eg “nrnvite E. Ir.donirldron• YOT.10:11 and • NO. fSTRILET. MEM ME ALCIF iiiiENY CITY FLOUR AND N 8 .13103:6 asspOittim, S.C.TiIeMASTER & CO., No; 145 Ohio Si... Allegheny. Moles:Lie and lteall Dealers to M". 1.40112. 1 .. 'Wood. d> apx;al.22. pall to Wirral and Bye. - 10:d54 fill OP COLATE!. CIIOCOL ATE! .s bocci }latex's 31asi 21 0.1 Chocol•Lr" • d N do orfolk do _ - do ' bo do .-au,l;realunz,. amllf 1% 4 .11to pronaad Cocoa, -••- - sla4 ra•na lo st'"od•o , •••e sa , - - =BE The Church Trail's leave Walt', Station every Sunday at 9;15e. ot., reaching l'lttsOurgt. at 10,05 a. M. littlirullus leaces ttsonruls at p. re., and arrive at Wall's Station at. .ol o. the Philadelphia .d the . I.lartimere Express will arrive with the iew York Express at p. to. on Sundays. 'I he new Colon newoi 1103, 1, oeaupylee the three upper stories or the Depot 131111d1o, IS now clan lOr the ZATILLIAL aceollllllml3l.lo.l of the traveling cow. ,ouulty. A capacious Restaurant is open UOU.lia. day and night. Su tala s excepted. • NOTICZ.-113 ease of loss, Luc ressiasylvanht R. It. Como 0y will hold theruselera rusimnolble for •mr.. sous! baggage Only, and for an ealoUnt not Ciees.l.. 114;1000. 1T:.1 !lEEE gi,tssa,ouu 1866. TILE PITTS VT B. H. ANII(iLKVF.I...S.NI.) atilt 1.1. lL Trains arrive and leave at the Union Deleift as follows:. LEAVE- wonlYe. - Chtenor.apress a to Clifesen Earfuls in • Cleveland 2:Wle in U.., trleuti Erie fr Yeti Ex.. 5:5n • et Chlinato ...... MAP win I'l. .0 WOOL. All. 6:10 w ileViNg Ft. Mall.. 0:05 a in 'Chicago Eepresas:so lllo CI.A volg. 1:.55 pm 5.+10. Chicago ex ...... 10 E n (c . f yen. ISO. at Wheeling Et.... -12.5 p to t'hirsgo Express p m Chicago En 11:101. • Wi.g. m Dynan from Allegheny. Arrive In Alleghenel, N. lirth Ancona Enn) a tu.LVLlsdalnArcoun th . : ll aua Lect6 , lloe l• 10n0 a ln N. Br,. •• n. 15 asu • 11:50 a in Ness. astle " pln " I. In " 1:SIJ p N. Hr•ili •• p sa . N. llv•tost •• Leetsdale 411: p in 1 , •.p . • .U - 11 :00 p In leaves . Z4, - sn. a l ) ;A nd 'l .l. ‘" ?l. ' ll F llll:. ' il ' ea " e ' S ' 2l IFl'geeris",s'elisriv ALlfinco B 4. CONIC L 14.4 VILL H. IL Spring Arrangement. '= Cra anti after THURSDAY, DAM!! MU, 15fZ, t talus will lc:are ih , Dcwt, eunier of Rust .11 at,lo.reets, as fu) ritfourpll. Moll to au.l from If 7:01A. x. oou Ex • proso. `• `• 2:P.0 Y. N. 10:i10 A. 11. %Vest, ri'votort Am:mull:or:11w: G;17.1.. tl. N•U.I. U. Vlrrt.Morienpurt Acc..m`u 11.0 0. Y. r.:0.... U . Se, port •• " • ..... !O:M P. U. 2:(f. r. . 144 . 11oct's Molds,. Church t 3 Gal from Wt.,: Sovrto. ...... rut TietcL9 spply T. li. W ii. mltrtil • Copt, LEM A LLEEltili AA- VALLEY GII I:ULM/A.l? t.fuAri cm: or TIZIE. • • Oa and after MDR: DAY, 3).'Df, liW, train. rrli. leave and &rely!, al,rlllelturgit Depot, corner l'lka and Canal streets; ) vet: A rrit7e• Ilrat. KUM:etc:Ws Areomod.n, r yy or. ma, Mall, to end frdtn 7:m A. N. 0:00 r. m Worka Assom•tion. 7:01.k. A. 7: Second tilskOnlottls .Aecourn 1:30 a it - . 7:00 C. at Express. to and tram .111abon's• 3:SO r. Itefm.t. Second Sotto Works Aeconf 5:101' . 2:37 r. m bundsy Church TrAln (rum and • to Unto Works. f :so 1. • 10:1) .0. m ocl3 11. •111.A(thent:tit. Supt. STEAMSHIPS SEAM TO AM) CIION Lll'Ell- P-71.0t.1. AN ILI.LIINF.NsTi LIVN NorrIVILL: A WGIRL. Tin• INMAN LIN N. EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WBUNESEAN, CARRYING U. S. MALLS. Tit Leta 'gold to min from Ireland. England, geol.. land. Germany and Prince. Apply al the Company • d Officer. ' JURE U. HALE, Agent, . . 13 PoMnthvar. N. Y., • or, NVII- IV NOICA M. .114.. nertaink: -4-- .I.larns• Exile,. Olffer, Pittsburgh. ' HA LTENOILE & IIAVANA STEAM ..-, SKIP COMPANY. A. III:OWN A St' Ne fleLeral Aents. VIM NKW "(YMCA , NS LAIIICTINU UNITED eTATY, MAIL. • The rlnt-tlasietesehiblot Ilea 11. Conn., "C RA" I Irt Lou, T. A. I; 4to, Commavd, Oa SA 17/h. "LIBERTY . -1.24m05. Wm. IMulni,Commumlar. riATURDAY. Nos mulx, . Fru= RU W A'S WHARF. I.T. AL 2 o'cluva.r. u., preertly. vu LueOSD [LOOM. et,l. Fur freight or 1141 Bate,, IL, lug ac. rvnalmulatlvns. apply tv HILARY II W AI:FIELD A CO.. Aat al5, _ . , Z 0 nr.A.n`p u . :1,,,,y. N.H.—No P 111. of Ladinr hot t0.....0f the Comps ny %HI n.r..e.1gn.01. Permits for tilt , Itylrld..mobt na procurr d trams this orate. No :reirld, In:rived nor bills orluinne biCUPdi no day or .1011mr. on, rip MISCELLANEOUS - M PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. PITTBBURGE, PA '- W • °' .-0 ar - ...V1F4." - - tfiiM , l' 170 4 - ; ~ Z ,4 ~ ::-..., .: . L,Kr.,:,1,,,. ta , - af. , ) . ". 'Ovr. .ffig-IktD? -1 _ I - 1 PENNA. SALT tiIANUFACHIEPG CO. PITTSBURGH. PL. 3BAL.II:I=33WiTTrIS U. P4' • -- • On this Cor(tinept. • rs .80 POONOIUNCED fii" TUE I m et scientific Analytical Chenniats. It Restores Gray Hair; It Prevents Hair Fa ulii Out; IL Changes the Roots to their tit Ig.n• • Organic Action: , It Eradicates Dandrufl and Hutayrs, It Keeps the 'Scalp Healthy; It Contains no Injurious legr&littit,. and Is universally am:lvied to be &Splendid b rte InF and /Superior Toilet Article. Ird ItEltlrat at V. BOTTLE Retry bottle CONTAINS MOILELKII) 11/than any other dollat_preparatlon. • - •• NO LAIWK °Tema to. e•tabilsh Its eslcace, bat WIG HUARANTItItto refund the motley to any pe It who wilt nee two bottles and danthen aay that oar Itestoratire C 55 laded to 51i we s. J. R. BARRETT er, Co., Prop. i•tora.. • Blanchester. New Namystsire SELLIRIERS-dc, CO ' , Wholesale and Retail Agents,- Wood Street, Pittsbei rat, Pa myZ:a2l I )RIVATE DIiEASES. DR. YOUNG, (Late of Pbibutelphlao N 0.75 Third semi. Drat. all description. ot Pal Tate Diseases with naps eh orrr een . Particular attemlon t r'tonpetinatorrtioena ant diseases or the Urinary Wrens. Hts treatment for the some being tire most suCeessid ever employed 11e_gives hope• of a speedy core to the'aelleted. • Ladles will and hts eirtmenagogne superior to any Mbar preparation for removing obstrom-ons to the lbesltrry menstrual flood. 24 0. t. trho DOUse sm bottle. Ito. 4 which la four degree< vrtron•er as &air e d far obstinate men, Piro . Dollare . 'pe Dpt• n4 nb d abr e a , rl thX.• tos p. y. ?; o res 'wi stamp. :Die.. ItilgYra..Yr itThird Street. Pittsburgh. - rotToroi, • ' • AtYrlin 6NI anin,rlnientin.l3 W. U. IS6ti. ••9 O a lu , WW Cnstle • 111 'l.cetr4.oe • 4 11:15 rln •• s r=a!Ml mann =I wmcin ■ .-, - ..,..:L(.1.';:i'':''' . 7.: , 1_. , ii