• i • • „ - „ . • -I.e•-•4o,==t •r. . , .- • _ . . • • •, 40 _ • . ; 1-1. GOODS.TRIECELINGSIte :NEW . GOODS AT Not. TS and SO Market St., 41:7111West.zie . aiact Retail. 1./LidE7t - ELEASE .TAKE - NOTICE. that' we nave the richest awl mast handeome stack of NEW •411tOsYSin our linen ..lty, .which cunios tall to no appreciated. We .mutton stew specials only. -MD imovics—rwi line WWI COo rVOI• near a. A NDKEN.ollllll,l r —lial llent.stlfebed and Em broldertd—very Ilandsome. yALENCIA. end THREAD LACE COL " 1,61:04.ND afivrEer:Lecr. ccraaats— •`ll"l'''' et Valencia . - Th . ALE —ln (1 , -Dure, . nue), Valencia. re and ' Maltese—new and desirable: • • .• ASII AN NET ILI inioNS— Fine assortment. •lIAL AND ()Atli IS EItEnCARIA TIES. etc.—New styles. .- •• BUT tnoebet, Hanle. Dead, Velvet and. • Fang'. InrCio.ks, &mines and Dresses. L Pt1)1 ET ELLE D • SKIRT! and Em fie r t :lff. l irkli e g e Zg Y );;W•Vs.Ml'v_"ieVe vaes7Ori a ,"gt, Apemmuy• lel, 'rich t , entcb Timid and rant,. I:Lim/timer! li.c ( or L es, Allsses and Chll.• MMIIREST ILt====El= )I b; .'pttAPls YRUtt cury ANU COUNTRY are toexamlue our -tog. et blob sill be Nowt allrlbettee, CJlTlptele,•sa at Tirleet as lay' as 11... meat. for cash. • erATWe trill not he unddreold by Any' n the trade. • • ItIAORDfiI,! OLYDE &!-CO, ! AT EATON'S, • A LARGE !STOCK Ur Ladies' and. Misses' BAWORAIY HOSE, 433.014=6. Fleeced Cotton - Hose, I i all - Sizes and Qualities, 21 I Wholesale, and Retail, I^ZSI P. 11. Acr<c)N-s_, 17 Fifth Street. NEW FLUX GOODS. &.lACRUM &CARUStE, 19 Filth street, tee, e fist opened an extensive and alienate stock of • • • DRESS AND CLOAK TRIM VINES. BONNE C & TRIMMING RIBBON , EMBROIDERIES of evy•ry description, 'OCR AND ELEUA,T LACE tiol/DS,. Ent:LACES Email kinds, LACE TILMILED GOODS, - I.• EATION AC A—a splendid lion, S. DyntOili, StVIS, A. , ;•.NET ONE , LAo N & CAMBRIC. - Mini! LINEN; Lt to ES- al.. and attractive styles; I Dist Ettr —a comply to atmortme.t; LAME,' & CHILL/LENS' MERINO VESTS and D it ‘IVERS, .VAIsCY EEPIIT ARTICL E S—SPIeIidId styles DOA season; t.Wit LIN AND AMERICAN ZEFLIYILS thl.tr(;ANl) WWL, IiENWNE CASHMEEE TARNS—aII colors tidal/LEV' , RTS of every slse, FANCY. ART,,ES AND NOTIONS.: airreounta and I.lcalers wilt Pad it to their adven t:we - to cell and eXIMILIe our preteut extensive I,orb before purchnsiox elsewhem. All our good. purchased Street on the her t tetras, we are repar,ti SI LI will make a stow prima sanity East-- Bro-dobbluellousel . MAC & oausLE, = NEW GOODS JUST DECEIVED 321-7. J OS. IIORNE & CO Fulisseortmentiff 13 0 .Y. 9 tTS L 4 T Al :the lesdlog Till Styles 240.11.1imortr Good's.. • e• - es and Frame% roils Fancy and Colored 5.1 k S' I. la ISIOYt desirable shades; Plain Fancy 1.10.• nut and Trimming ILlbbon% now and rich colors; Flo wets, choicest Frenclittud American; realms% la ce lot and Meg-. JaXI 142 it =EIS" • (WellAs+-orita.) • , • • . Ustol.ite. Hamburg. Swiss, Loonc, Cluny, Valen ce:lu.. trdg ogs end losertlugs; FD unclogs, 'Bands tad ituntlogs Liobraldered and Plain Linen Col ers,-t.uns, tete, Lures and Lace Goods 11. tt.i. ayd 12.10/kit Trimmings end Ornaments; Fringe, 41.mps and:Waldo; bmrs, Yulmmtogs. Bugle Frame, • SI In re: - GOODS: . • A moat complete Mock of Jeconets atuils,!Rr.; dr. , Cambric& • • . • lianalereltleta, Male, Lace, Hem-stitched. Hem e.,l Tape Bordered, ell.. etc. • linelery and Move, In every variety and all sizes. Ladlts , and Bent'. Iladtrvrear.• rlirttilhfng Voods:' B.pelle.tr• and Nevir.49.; }teary _Shirts and Drawer:: Ilsoolez."1.too-Too and IXL Hoop ekirts; Corsets, Male Po* Nese, Union and SIM Bolting; Buttons—the i,test novelties. ali kinds. I sees , Greatest va 'Pty. Cashmere,lambs Wool and lint ^g in the T. 1065 mixtures , plain colors. and rsnoom. tlotienta i..ai>er CoLau, and every thing In the as ow as Ebetern Jobbing Bosses. %09.17 sited 79 Plarket Street. NElf FA LL GOODS, 1) I , T I t=l4 0 1 4 i ..v O. 2; FIFTXUBTREEZ ititVIDEVIE:I, o des and elegant pattern. re NCI' and PLAIN tttlal OHS, to b..t qualities ESIBIIIIPEREIaBANDKEECHLEFO: iI EM-TIICH It do varrATios and REAL LAVE do ' V AL.P.N CENEB LACE. ;I e A I. 'THREAD LACE 11,11PAIION do do BRITATION do du HPIPIIRE LACE, do HUI PURE do 1,11) I li'd` IMESS CAPS Lo VA rlaty of sire.; L‘Ew Sri LE LADIES' HEAD I)H,ZSES; WHITE n/HILToI, yECK.TI EA, PAPER A EN COLLARS: t.PII Ivo BATED% SLIIIPP.E PATTERNS, SH rt. Nei WC OL; HATS, pIitBANS, RIBBONS, ', LOWERS, NEE= NOTIONS, &a. TA!' out Goods ale solfl at Xscomeast perasisloose. EICAIVLDESIS & CO., LATZ:WiLsotr. Cans It C 0..) • 1.1; itOLZBALE DE&LYistS IN FODEION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. - Da . o. OSL N7‘7,cpcscll rd nous• it booms Dialilol2 .61147,) lIIIRKRTITZ,3I4. PA. PIANO ORGANS, &c THE IBRADBIIIty NEW YORK, lIMMI Schotnockeri-If Co., Plittadelphia . .1 :6 .1 . .43.4.1V . COSI. The Estey dc Co. Cottage Organ, I= AMERICAN .ORCAN ' • I Agghiedged by tbe test musical tab, In We flatted ass States to be lamellar to all ethers • • • veer, purity cad quality of tope. and thorough on • a Ltn These Instruments bare Ibr years Janet, the • re panalum over all competitors, at the various at . and chanty Fairs. la armee, they are lower than any Others. All essranted for avh years. . _ WAMEraNK di BARB, )r24' No. 1251. Melo street. Pitroborob,po. KNABEAr. CO. l B 'GREAT ''UNRIVALLED PIANO'FORIES. I'ILINCE & CO.'S world-rcnowned AUTOMATIC Q BO ANN AN U It &LOD SON 8. Oren Forty Tbous Gaud now In use. , liptendld new stoekJust reeNtby cneti CIIAIII.OTTE FLUME. d Mtn rtreet. Bu B I S E BB nws COEMeLth COLLEGL , • No. Si.. Clair Street: IVe base engaged the maraca or an ernerienced teacher eZpreeer An the months of July and Au gust. Bludents entering on the lit of July can complete the coarse by the last of August. Forel:value and specimens of petunatublp, *pp') at the College Cowes, or addrese • N. ANASTED. and .f. P. 111.117.AYMoN1111.:, MCI= MONEY LOAN . OFFICE, N 0.151 lIMITHITELD STAMM. corner of 'Birth, Montt Loaned on Barer Plates, Guns, Pistols, Diamonds, . Jewelry, Gold end bitter Watches. Clothing, and raluable articles of everyecrlption, The goo& camnot be delireVed without a ticket. Dot accomitsble In emit, at Libor robbery. on; nY every desoriptdon for sale at lo jot 0•1 rook. - . 11•14024.1 ICU • • WITIPI.I.• IL`: L OLDIES, BELL & lueltqr Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, _Manufacturers of ANCHOR fA)MEI:Iv/NON . -.• 1 ANCHuit (k)ISHISETtIiag, 6DSERSN(3Fy No. tCSB WAVES Brvir.Th,witou - t - W4 - 7cogiazaCla snd - of onery description. • - • ...Era= l .l. 4 :l4 o .lsiedaVe4clllT.;4-x m.ftganktegestauttloa - •-. , . CITY AND ROBURBAN. ' (LDLITIONAL 100 AL NEWS ON FIRST PAGE.) nolloween—Tbe Night and its Ob- = Next to Christmas and New Years nights, perhaps no night to all the year Is eo marry land wild.a night as that of the alst of Octo ber, All Hollow's Eve, or Holloween, as it is called by all its observers. Thin is the night of all others in the year, when gay and fan tastic, but oftentimes badly frightened super . stitution runs riot, absolutely without stint among the young . people of both sexes, and eerie of the observances which mark the oc casion are so Whimedeal turd absurd that one L 9 at a loss to imagine how any one not afflict ed with a mild insanity could ever have in vented them. • It le evident that • the obiervance of :this night is of, pagan origin, as there Is nothing in church beliefs to warrant any such goings on as obtain In timeemotion Teo/cad -leg idea of the scums to be that Jo ts the night, of all others, ftir supernatural manifes tations and. Influences. It is the night set apart for the walking abroad of epirtts, bOth of this and the invisible worlds, for be it known, the gbo'ts and goblins from beyond the grave are not the only ones that walk on that night; but when the devoted observer of thethystle rites is sufficiently under the mil enceethat he has conjured, he becomes Insen sible—temporarily dead—and his own spirit, leaving his body, goes forth on an exploring expedition of its own, returning with stores of uncanny knowledge. Throughout the mein tries of Europe there is a singular uniformity in the customs marking the observance of Halloween. Priuciple among these customs are those in which nuts and apples are employed: Indeed, so promi nent are nuts as a feature of the occluded, t but she night is Inatome localllies - collect Ntacrack Mohr- Burns, in his poem on lialloween. thus celebrates this feature of the ceremonies: The fluid guldielfes wtilthoordit sits Are rutted and round divided, And moat lads and lasses' fates • ere there that nigb [decided. Some kindle townie, side by side. And burn Walther trimly; . Some start away Wl' saucy pride And Inlay eat awe the chtmly Yu' teat tti•t Wnt. • Jean Moo In two wf. ten , te e'e whs t she wades tell. 'But this Is Jerk an this is me He say 10 to lierrel , lie bitstdowre her and she owns Lira as (lee resd never war part, Till few t he start. it up the Mel And Jean bad e'en a sale heart Tosee't 'hat night. Brand in his Poynter Antiquities says: "It is a custom. In Ireland 'wen the young women. would kupw if their lovers are faithful. to put three nets upon the !woof the grate, naming the nuts after umir lovers. If a nut creeks or jumps the lover will prase unfaithful; if It be gins to blaze or burn he has regard for the person making the trial. If the nuts named af ter the girl and her lover but n together, they will be married. . There is an old custom which still prevail. i n come localities in the celebration of i his merry night,ln which an apple fa ho"meiliuth of mantfestations." A stick is hung up hor izontally by a string from the ceiling, and a caddie placed on one end and an apple c. the • other. 'Piro stick is rapidly twinned about. and as lt revolves, the merry outgo( We party Jump up °W after the other la wild attempts to snatch the apple off the stick with their teeth, no use of bands being permitted. It falls out, however. that the faces more fre quently come in contact with the candle than the apple, and much scorching of hair and eyebrows and much smearing with talker' and lampblack are the result, to the great merri ment of the apectators, This queer Observance seems to have been invented by'some person with an inventive brain for grotesque fun, but with not the olightest tinge of the superstitiou that luta given so much significance to most of the .observances which mark the night. - • Tim same is true of that other eastern con cerning apples, which prevails among the Ju veniles of Some regions. A tub is filled with water, and a number of apples put afloat In it. The'youtimiters then, one attar another, dash their beads into the water in the desperate endeavor to catch the tantalising fruit in their mouths. Of course unbounded fun, both to participants and spectators, reunite. Among 'the customs stilt retained br the young_ people of Scotland is that of kali pull lug. Two young ;people go out blindfolded, hand In hand, to the kail-geaden, and each pulls the first Stalk of knit or colewort that is met with. They take the prises back with them to the fireside, and there Inspect them. According as the stalks are big or little, crook ed or straight, Such shall be the future hus band or wile of the holder of the stalk.. The amount of earth, clinging to tho roots of hull indicates the amount of fortune to come with the bride or groom, and as the-hitt:rot the stalk is sweet. or bitter, so shall the temper be of the coming man or woman. ; Another device for settling matrimonial doubts is the. "three dishes." Three' basins are set side by side on the hearth. -One is empty, one is 101 l of clean water, and ono is full of dirty water. -Tile inquirer comes up blindfold and dips. his finger at random Into one or -other of the dishes. If be dips Into the clean water be will marry a maid; if into the dirty water, a widow; but If Into toe empty dish, be shall forever remain in single ler. lornness. There are other customs that are anything tint so I Igli t and merry as those we have dlscrltr ed—cnstoins so we n d and fearful that their observance has. liton known to craze those who bad the nerve to carry them out. One of these is it spell familiar to all, that of eating art apple Lotore a looking glass, with tire pros pect of seeing reflected in the glass the shadowy face of the future husband or wife peering over the shoulder of the eater. Another of; bess uncanny ceremonies is to wet a shirt, sleeve and hang It before the lire , to dry, the (Avner meanwhile lying in bed watching It. )At midnight the apparition of tne future husband or wife enters the room' and tarns the sleeve. Burns, in ono of his songs, makes this mention of the custom: '•Tho last Halloween I. was wauldn , sly droulcit sark,decre, as ye ken. ••life ilkenliss cam' up the house stalling, And the very gray bresiks of Tam Glenn." There are numerous other weird perform.' ant's,' ail having the same object, viz: the conluration of the spirit of the future wife or husband. Among the superstitious most strongly be llowed In la Hui faith that a child born on Hal loween Is utfted wall mysteriousfaculties, such as second eight and the ability to hold converse with disembodied spirits and super natural beings. The observances among us have Click origin among those the obi world, Xipd • aro by no means, no generally prac tleed In this country as do England, Ireland and Scotland. For the most part, like 11103 t of the customs which have been trannplant*l from Europe to America, the cerrmonle. ld Halloween have become, among un only the shadow af their original substance. lack the body of genuine belief tt at glees them a Substantial existence among the old world peasantry. Here they are practiced be cause we have heard them .denentred, and pay inake-tplieve superntltion languishes. Nevertheless, Leila. r an belief, so long as Halloween Is mallet he occasion asocial gath erings and merry makings, so long will It be a icily. time to be wished for and made the most of. So we wish all our readers to.nigtit a bonny LIALLOWEZM. Supreme Court Yesterday morning thei Supremo Court met at nine o'olock. Judgo Strong was ablenti'.l4l3 except him a full bench was present. Burford vs. 3lcGee; Armstrong county. Ar; goment concluded by E. B:Golder', for plain tiff In error. . • Eccles vs. Stemart r et. al.; Westmoreland county. Argued by (laird, for plaintiff In or. - ror, and by Foster, contra. Utfener Ulity;ll7estmoielaurt county. Argued by. Laird, for plaintiff In error, and Foster, contra. . , Allegheny Valley Railroad Co. T. Temple ton; Allman:mg County. Argued by Golden for plaintiff In error, and looter, contra. djourned until t oday. A Domestic Spat Frederick Alerted was before Alderman Lynch, yesterday, charged with .beating and abusing his wife, Catherine Merton, In a shameful manner, and without just CallSe or nrovocation. Frederick attempted to defend himself by showing that Catherine bad given him ample provocation by scolding him !Ikea virago on the slightest pretext, but the roughs trate bad the good sense to know, as all ra tional men do, that the power of speech is wo. man's only weapon Tor offensive and defen sive welfare, and he therefore held Frederick to bail In the sum of $3OO as security forbid ap. pearance at a further hearing to be had iri the 1 case on Saturday. An both ..partion left the ogles .considerably mollided, It is to be pre sumed that the affair will bo amicably ad justed. , . • • ISpot 1111 M. Thu Bedford inquire, says: Ah lndlvidua •• Calling himself Samtiel Saunders, has been travelling extensively in this county for the ostenalble purpose of raising money to erect a Stati inonument to the het OC3 who fell at Get tysburg. Tim scoundrel succeeded In getting a large sum of money oat of onr citizens. lie ,•was snspicioned very sharply of being. a swindler in St. Clair township, and was arrest ed, but succeeded in makinghis escape from an upper story of the residence of Gideon D. Trout, Esq., on Tuesday ,night, the 11th Inst.. by fastening a blanket and letting himself down. lie was dressed in n black cloth suit, is supposed to be about ilea feet eight Inches do bMght, with heavy black moustache and whis kers: it is supposed that he had succeeded in collecting several thousand dollars, • The Wormier Univeralty.—The Ohto Sy i mod of the Old Sc °el Presbyterian Church,- 'which closed its $5lOll at Wooster last week, agreed tolerate eir proposed Ultherstly at that place, provi l the citizens ' of Wayne county will contribute one hundred thousand dollars to erect the buildings.. -The Repuba can says that all but fifteen thousand dollars or- the amount has been subscribed, and the remainder hat been pledged by the committee having charge of the subscription. The Build. lug Committee 01 the University expect to organize in December, and take irnmedirdo measureefor erecting the buildln;;e. • DlStriCt Court.-District Court met yester day morning at the usual hour, and the case of - Wrn. Parkinson vs. Win. Brown, report edon trial on 2donday,was reset eed. It occu pied the attention of the Coexl during tho en tire day, and will probably not he nnished tore to-taorrow, as th e case for the defense bad Just opened at the time. of adjournment last evening. - • • comszum Pi - eal.--Court. met et the usual how yesterday morning., but there was noth ing to do, and the Court adjourned until ten o'closk this morning; when Licenim Court will sit.. To=morrow Morning it is probaolu that the Criminal Cones argument list will be taken VP. • Large Loallea.,.There have been two mil. hone of dollars worth of propetty. tlas oil realer:, destrOyednr,are within &year. - - • 'appeal. Wtnalow , a Booth ma Syrup Was htvoute fa? popular th at various p_artles hays nut out. art. W. . -calling them Mrs. W inalow s. Maas lake notice that the Mrs. „ Inge , tbe marlatur arra.. k. not' Gowan. ed. with all , / EARLY TELEGRAMS FE‘IIN EXCITEMENT • •. Canadian Volunteer., Demand Ibn Death or the Itolilere—Exeltrtpent In Clueln' . ' NEW Tong, Oct. :10.—The Herald's . Toronto Special says: General excitement exPts . among the military - organizations; who• are Strictly oppoied to reprieving the Fenian pris oners. The .. Queen's Own" will eltedlitte Petition denouncing those who show the white feather at the bottling of William 11, Seward. The Hrrafd's Ottawa sueeliti says t lie threats of vengeance' ny the Runlet. should Lynch be executed, is creating great excitement I here. The volunteers at Ridgeway demand the death or the raiders while others oppose it, believing that war with the United States would follow the execution. . . CINCINNATI, GM:W.—The Feniaris of this city aPsembled In large numbers at. their Armory last.eveniug.. Cl eat WHO IIiaIIGCS- Ica OCcr nest's tri•ln Toi I Into sit Wu:Ming ton. 3.lnny of them, who part impaled JO tin Buffalo expedition were present. (lead Ccn tee Fitzgerald mustered Into service four lull companleA of men. A!rangemento lake been completed for imfformingand arming as many as may be mustered In. General Stiernoto nod Hof War Clllee Dearture of Compbell—T - Wtt p llessvtill of French Troup% t i COM 11.10ft1C0 Next Month.' New Yeas, Oct. Z:o.:;-The ifernl,2 , 3 ,AVashink too special says: General Gt ant is anxious that General Sherman shoUbt ss,suttle the port folio or Mr. Stanton, in otderthat ?imity hove the hearty co-operation of the war (Ake it, the worker o:ganizing the army. Gen Sherman, it is reported, lees not lispl re to the 130, it ion; and Gen. Grant hopes to have Gen. 'Steadman' nominated for the position. The Times' Washington special says: Colonel' Campbell, tinned Stales Minister to Mexico, has left that city with credentials to the Jua rez GoVern men t, and otth fall instructions conforming with the tripartite arrangement alrmuly ahnottnetal between the United State% France and the Republic of Mexico. Napoleon la to commence the withdrawal of the French anny from Mexico next month, anti It is pro bable the whole army - will be withdrawn by the first of January next.. Of course Maxettl tan leaves also. -- • • • • . ' !Our government will extend to the Juarez Government n protectorate to be operative and ready in case of emergency. In order to accomplish this u millrace officer of high rank will go with Col. Campbell, and both Groat ni Shertuan and Gtmern. 'lancet-it are spoken of in this connection. In consideration of these friendly offices, Mexican territory vitt be ceded to toe United States which will give no the whole of Lower Caltiornia, together with Sonora and Chihnulgia. Surrender of 'milt:oh—Body or Lieu teu tint Ittiode... Now Toms, Oct. &1.-_.l Herald's special Hated Fort Garland, (Cal.,) October 11th, say, band of Clan 111lllans hare Borland...led to General Caron. . • - - . Thu Santa re Jfeaic , rn saps: The todv Lleuteuunt Modes, who mysteriously :11.,,t), cited- several Weekm since, has been (man! It was found ho bud been shot. : Outrages by the tie • Nair . YORK, Oct. 30.—T4e. Tribune's 'Leaven. worth ep 9 elul cape the Denver paper, publiAt acconnts of the most borrible atroeitiei , yietrated by the Uto Indiene. PLUMBING, GAS PITI'LL'Ij. /DK WIL1111S . &11,111T111 za..r., - Er3a.13M1FE..57. GAS AND STEAK 'FIT TE tor. Sixth and Emithfield Sts., PIT7ZIBUROH, Yd., ' Coa Beaver and Cixeatnea Streets MANCIERNI?; R. All kende Watcr, Lina and :tea= Fixture! eon. stantly outland. pLumnixa, GIS „111 D STEIN FITTING, Hydrants, Iron-:Pumps, - &OAT 1.1?..1D, 11RET Vdb PIPIA 7X103, .848.1X6 WATER CLOSETS AND W.tSU STANDS TOM T. EWIND, ,c4u,L,—,!tat:Trer, - 163 Wood St„ Pltisburgit,Ta nav7:aSS BA111,1! F, BROWN & CO., PLUMBERS,GAS SI MI PIPE FITTER F No, 55 Fedoral St., AllegbePy, DM 672; Pena Street, Pittsburgh 1.7A.T.E.11 AND OAS FIXTURES col:mill:alp. In. hand. MU , / lip WWI U., Water or r. , fram ripe at short notice. Oil I tnerlee fitted up .t short notice and In tee Most approved s;yle. •glistors, • Ta..Le, 1.c., lined vrlth Shen. t.e.,1 bI ilyarn-Atmospb,ilo !Con Pi 0,. sin K LNAl ) (:ocKz..FirreNus...p ALL KIN 1)/:.% N'l HSJ E to .1 uoil,rln: toll by • nolabllonment, •.• . , We would Invite the attention °jell whol", en, WOrit 20 do In our line of buslee&s, us we reel dent, emcee give the best of sat thi faction reeardt material, workmaughte nen mire. he4tln NOTICE.------ -- Private Families and Hotels .Cark be !crabbed wltb best qualltr of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES At shortest notice:and beet terms, by esllleg on JOHN MAFFET, 221' and 21.9 Firmt Street, PITTBIt q.at OH PA sayl7:MO AERLEUY & JOHNSON ' , " 'Pu",,"" Plumbers, Gs .aud Steam Fitters, FIFTH STILEET EirENSION • W • itt2ll - 13113 . 6.7:4 All orders by mug executed aatisfactorit, promptly attended to' A Poll Itn. of Both Tubs. rumps, Basins, Closets, Slots, co... Welters, ecodents, ltdmdes, for sale at the mo.t reanou 1011, price orders from COLLI2Iif Patruna 45 . mull Premintr at tended to. Liam Rose of erery descriptlou. itILLEAMS Blifflitll 9 Keep as baud nEepen. , , enielo Of - IVC IO O - I:{J All kIoIo of Iron Peep:a, ebei.A Lead Meet Zinc, Les , l I.:ntla Tube, .lots, We.to Cloaets, Waah Rasing, Wean eteictls, PLC.. tt tag Warcroom, Corner Sixth laud Smithfield SiTects, All Y Inds of Repairing promptly. All order!, ny immediately ationden to. • PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTI2iO, L ALL ITS BILANCIDIS, Can:dully attended to by c tpertenced and ptaccical workmen. A Ave esiortment of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS MOWER BATHS, WATER ciosras, ' • HYDILANr Conetantly on hand and made to order. TISAMPI 4SI NTI XI X.ll3Elf 31) Federal dtrcet • Allegheny. and •J9O I.l,rte 41.1,Trir a. W..7011W6T0N .uv, SCoTT JOHNSTON ar. SCOTT, • • DEALERS IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC . , •tio. 274 1.413211:71" STREET, I =l lt t issU22 7 4 - 6 . 14,343.22120.. ALT ['articular attention clven to Renalrlna IrVatcnes, Clocks and Jetstay. AU work warrant ed lea:cZs SOLDIERS , • CLAIMS. FOR BOUNTY, ae. The undersign - ad will collect all bountler, back PSI and pension. due soldiers under We seta of Co.:tumor &ate laws. Congresabasinst passed en net equalizing boon ties, under Which veteran scl.llerf are entitled to bounty of ftbm $:00 to 5 . 401.1• JOHN e. M. !MOWN. attorocva at Law, Oillce. LI4 VI fib rea, • , 3•111-1[82:11kveT I'ITTOIIIIIOIII, wma. RI - Er az= =rt. dee CO., No. 27 F i n s. LEATUEit ILIOLTIIIiti. '''--Ifr • - s/rect. • -- CAN§ BIO Pi I 46 , 4III • - ,4NI ANH " D '_ ° .-11 ti. No. 1 1 1 usT2.uw.-riot" . koost! flow r ___ __ _ ..SILK. NO. _... T , ~........„__.,. .. - 'uldiZad, in snestilitz.- -, VITIO itTILEET , near the Penitentiary, Alle- ...7,4.w. f tr - 1.;,.4,t i , e . Lecture on the Sle "lia;, ogetnlgal*edaknerale=ttrryttYtiV:rrs *shear City. manufacture/a of ever, deserinden . o . i `EtiVAraci.iitiatLiliailigo.niklik*el,V47', e rn nal Debility. and Impediments no Marriage ken artier and moaned at short nott . c?• Particular at-. " ki tr , ,:i'`!"al...°7.l,,y.:lrginvlaon. Epilepsy , and tendon paid to note for Bolling Mills and heavy f(i.,,,,, , ,421,... e '''. 1 ,, • 4 itcal.lnt, Ly t a „,,'"“4"„ i „,L °l works. All work warranted. order. resrerthilly 1 , L .• i i , ,- e t , Z ur ....,,,di c ic-i- • --- solicited. __ • • ~,.,,7 4 . .. an ar o c c. "A *Joon ti. Thousands of Staffssers.' , _ . J. C. PrT/Int O. W. nvirecw. Scut under seal, In a Plant envelops , to any an 1.. C. BUFFiTAI A, co.; H anit f a c. dress. Volt p..i 4 i, ,oa ;: nt it t or .1. ants, or two SF slivers of Bsrsepartlic. Lemon slat Raspberry ~.1 . 0........k . .., 7 ...,, o , l3fa tto.lSLlziE A CO., 19C:P= 1%. mrtr.aor ram& sa, JI . . rS ; l ;.;=?..Lf: . 4 4....• e° B°X "M I6 ... A .U. il .ste Wsittz, , prt asapbeny.Strawberry and Lemon Jyrupat !Solders ..,....- _ —............—.- cr.:halal Alekhrown Stout, Lager Beer Audi:Sara. • PAPS elder; caderpz the barrel, itsirburei Or ledt C 1 1U Ell-40 spit. sweet Cider Just No.. weld a 4 XAJLKET °T.. Ifni KW lid. gli received skid for sale by_ tairlfb. rs,_ -- _ ' • 1 • V6TZER A AIIbIiSTBONG, orders Wed San eIIIPPP-00 &URSA. , Cr 1 " e0 n-1 1 - 0024 • ' Miser blertet sad non straits. • sioa abrin Bales . • - - letcurdswr • SPECIAL NOTICES ggr THE QUEENS THE QUEEN! TUE 'QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! WINSLOW'S'QUEEN TIAIR RESTORER It QUEEN. not only In Nenc , Cul In VIIITOYS. tea. Beet Iltdr Et...toter ever offered to the Public. 2 • An In fallible hasTottem and razextivin bf the Halr If faithfully applied. D is no flair Doe. It acts directly upon the roots of the hair chang ing grey hair to Its original life color: arresting pre— lnatUro decay and fallin*,ool. of the hale; eraillesl ug scurf uad d =drug; and curing all humors of the It val . change dry and wiry halr to soft and luxu riant tresses. It Imparts videllghtflal fragrance to the he l lr. In short, If you wish to restore your hair. as 10 youth. and retain it through life use EMIIINSLITS QUEEN BUR RESMER. nice ;:rr Lc ttie. Bold by all ISrogKloly R. E, SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents. =3/73 M"- - SUPERB HOLIDAY v TS. Watches! Watches! Watches! DTI TREY Importyns and 'Made:ale i Dealers in GOLD and SILVER ,CATCHES ot all de•ctiptlony, 31' LIIICH th ey E N. Y., beg to. inform the that hav trio ,, t received 'be nicht eleganG - petfect and accurate Watch over In. inelnced In tills warty t. 'rho EXcla.SiOno a bete . WM.. extra mails Jewelled. heavily f;arst Gold ed on bilrer. Incignidcertily engraved, bluely and richly Enameled Ca.?. relent Levr, genuine Daruiv.kenwarrant thoroughly regula . ed • Ig t tp a r =err Keeper. and b -d .to a bo . r,. Ve li P a t: Watch. Gent's or Lady • s ' iTe r , hnent free 10 any a litres. on receipt of eV, or If preferred, will tio smut, e, o.d. un receipt of la 113 part Preieleal. !Me The watc that there i in attainbe ren a certainty Of Exprem or mad reg. ed, so tog thciv .lestinatiou; but should ,the Express Com pel, or I , st Mice fall In their duty, we will send oo i heywaichlmmedixtely. Orekroforany Undo/ Watches ,alt! be promptly notlfattbiollyfet(tllled.. Lib,. terms to tad trade. Alit. VI n.—We ',ant .auent• n every town and 4,1111ty In We cou I country. and to those scans as such fiber+, inducements will be offered. ?Ica, scud motley by Express, (Pont Office Order or Bank to ,DE TEE* & CV., 31 liberty street: N. Y. • oc11:110 ND; HE Fell THE lUNDKERCIIIEF. Photon'• "Night Blooming Ceram... lehmlim'' "Night Blooming Corea." Pho'melt •.:Nigbt Blooming Coa-en.. Phalon'. . 4 Night Otooming. Ceregts.” Phalan•s "sighs I:gloaming CSress." matt ezqut:lte, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, ditti ted ham the ram.and beautiful flower from utlilcb it takes Ira roma. Irannfnetured only by PpALIYIN h SOY,IVew York. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PIiALON'S,-TAKE 1O °TITER ...,.f7 - ;""i1a., 3 / 4 1) NEWS FOR THE UN• YU /IT LIN AT F. (mil SPECIFIC REMEDIES • Are , aarrotled alt caeca. far the bperdy and per tavzcnt crne of ell. dt,easo, &Oahu. from sea nal ex eva.es or YOUTHFUL INDISCItETION, Eemlnal Loo. Nighty Emlealons and e.t.a! Dreams. lien. Dal, No: Heal and NC1,0115 Uebillte. Impotence. .tket.• eexual Dlseace,lo., de. NO MIA NUE 0 r FOt ti,A HY - -They ran he used with out 4eteetion, and nee, r fall to effect a enre, Hatted aceorktmg to Ina tructlona. HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, Price one dollarper box, or six bones for II re dol lars; ako, Arm. tnixes, catalolug lour sn.all. Price The. e do n llars. Fawn four to vie boxes are gerally required to cure ord:o arc case. of cremli en nsi Thames. matt Ztall. stoat, though bensdt Is derived from using a single box.. In Chronic Casio, and pottleolarly wilco hobo twice or G• nital It tally wits .asrrous rrastra lion ha , atfccind the systco, • gIELL 7 s I'ONIC PILLS ire rc....anineudrd as most reicadous rejoulost. In: no i I ociaorat ing remedy to lastorld. . A parkacc, Our dulla cell; month, anal is generally sailicicut. • Iu rairmne case, of Debility anti imooteuets. Be !External Rempdy, Price two dollars, stacirut tar a month, can be used et strength t to . good advantage: .• It. street tie• organ., andYwith the CUM mill restore theta threr uormal coddition.. CAI; TION.—Tht , ahoy Remedies hat, note been tCute tee peddle many yt and their greet twe h.* In the allerlattod of human misery. us% etthed s cupidity of IfirVi,al partlee, who use the !twos . ..31..eitic rills. t! cop, my .clreralt” and wt. tltetnentl. etor.eti.eee word for word. and put up ',tide, compounds text .11c..ppoint the lust en ectalloos or lite parch:tort It you, eaneot horeh.e Itell'iSeeelfleltetue•lles of irect to nee D•ugg.st, take no Other, but wend the money • • DR. JAMES EtRIPAIN . _ • • No. Fll9 tte Con uadwa ml,tlog r New hplcina y York, And you .111 erten, them, by return or mall pcist pal r, and free from oMerratlon. JOSEPH FLEEING. Dm/grist, Corner Market andlammed, )l I eta. • ant.nit"bwo hot Pleteborali. In, 4•-' LADIES.—II you xequire -••• 3 reliable remedy to tee - ore yon,and remove Tre:l:du - 41.s o`Etrartlons. WILY NOT USE in, Be oT. Every lady know* the ailed , . irrt'lL olarlts of nature Is likely to bangum foliate Elddlnet, Low Spirits, FaInLI.O. Ilyatettern . inert the bloom of health bona Ilia appetite fall., and .ether avoid.," more dlstreaSinel Commence. Woaanest epinat the White, Pr.. A NEVER-Vat LINE.: 'LEXIE:in will he lonml In DU.. HARVEY'S FEMALE 1.1.1•145• ~ .n....rltaco 11 years nes roved they nave no • qat for retnov lee ta t t o o obetroctos and fret:gold-Her. a., Inalt, from what they arle. 'no., are 61: • ,11.141 turn In every cane. Up• north, of Ml.Ohrt boles are told annually. an 4 no come I, mot et their ealcary leaver heard. for they &cram lot ol what llt,YAre repreeented to do. Sold In Imams d•errining riot Price one dollar. HARVEY:a Lit'1,1)11!: r 0.1.5 is a remedy deyrees rtrnnlltrer than the above, and Intendedfor special ca,neuf long etattdiez. Prlen bra dole lire her buy. • • It you cannot purchase the Pllle at your druggist, titer will b aunt by Stl3ll, post paid.' secure trona oh servatlon, recrlpt Gl' the money.. by Dr. JA.Sleb YA.N. Cous'ulttuit eLysiclen. Is or SIO Broadway, New , York. Jt.SE - Pll . FLEMING, itturraidt, corner Market and Walnut.% Agt for Flttsnnrch. ituniZicklaw arINNI. BARNHILL is Co, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. Raving secured • largoyard. and furntelied it with the ;hurt approved 13140111. re, we are prepared to urrinufut ore every description of Bailer,. In the hest manner, amt. warranted equal to ant rondo In Ilse country. Chimneys, lircechitor. rive Beds, Stettin neve. Locomotive Rollers. Condenser,, Salt ran, T uts, Oil hi 11... aeltitors, nettling Pans. Police Iron. 'Ridges. sag .r Pane; and sole mane factory,e or it AltN PAThNT 01.)1LICktri. itepal ring done on the shortest notice. je3tc4l zr7" - LAKE SUPERIOR • - COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. rirrsuunuu. . PARK, McCURDY CO., .11Actinteturereor Unwitting% Brasiers• d Bolt Copper. Pressed Copp, Bottom, Raised S till s Bot toms, Speller Solder. Also, Importers and deal.. in Metals, Plate, Sbe.t Iron, Wire, Etc. Con- Wstonily on hand. in..' Machines and Toms. Archgune. 245 Fr per and LB SCCONDPTUXITS, l'pecial orders of Copper cut to any desired villein. InynlicZtial.t.srT — "PITTSIBURsi RI SAW WORKS. HUBBARD. RHO & CH., Manufactu rera of r T t ATE NT itliCHLAIth. warrant d CAST STEEL. Wt, of every description. Mill. Muley, Cross-Cot, Gang, and all other varieties. All lines of, KNIV E S and SP. INltti made from Sheet Cast Steel; Extra refined ItEAPER and MOW ING lil IVL6. Z4-Warehuuse and Worka, corner WATan and Pittsburgh. Partleular attention paid to ie . .loothieg, noltt oin.t and a rthltrittetting Circular Sawa; also, f all hinds. Punching and Dtilling done at rea. sonablu rates. lestoY3 ; - "RODINS0211, REA Sc CO., (Soc- CtiBols to 1:01illi60if. MINIS d aitidante.) • WASHINGTON WORKS, FonnOloret it Iffuebluinse, Plitsburgb, 3fartufoniurorn of Boat and Stationary Steam En gl., .iilnpt Engine., Mill Mach/nary, Bearing Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Olt Tank, and Stills. Boiler and sheet Iron Work. SW-Agents for GIFPAUIPSPATENT HCJECTOIL for feeding holler,. 10"".10118i COCHttAII 84 11110.4 Manufacturers of Iron - Vaults . and pant Doors, Iron Railing, Window Shutters, Window littarolS, &C., tiOs. DI Second aul;e6 Thad street, 1 between Wood and Market, have 'n band a vane ty of new patterns, fancy and plain sultAble for all. • I • . I" Zra ' r . tleular attention Paid to ncloiduir Grave Lots. Jormins done at short notice. . • inlintly SEWING MACHINES, HIGHEST PRIMUM LOCK-STIT Wheeler Ss 'W Icon SEWING MACIIINE. Over 250,000 Now 'O. Use SALES FORQUARTEIi ENDLtid S.lun tn. n. per sworn statement: &WILSON 10.083 SI At: tit{ Nag, III)Vit It ItAKEic 2,431 FIAIItENCIF ahocrlng Wheeler Zs WinsOnls snlea to be more lA. linable these or ant' ether Company. which spore elation of the puhl la Certain evidence of Its sn ntrtorlty. In purchasing one or these Machines no riot , Is Inc erred. PR Instr./In , , le given. and 3ta chines Sant In order without extra charge. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS CARR, M'CANDLESS & CO,, 94 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG-11, WHOLESALE DEALERS EMI Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, Announce thak - they have just received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of all articles in the DRY GOODS LINE, Which they offer to • the trade at the lowest- market rates. Dealers will find it •to their ad vantage to call _,and examine their Stock, comprising a hand some assortment of many Scarce and jlesirable Goods, Together with Superior Styles of al! the beet makes of Prints, • American Delaines, Standard Sheetings, Bleached and Brown, •Tickings, . - • Ginghams, Canton Flannels ; Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, • Col'rd • Drills, &c FLANNELS, Plain White, Scarlet, Mixed, Red and Grey Twilled, Bob Roy, Miners, Shaker and Shining. White and Colored BED BLANKETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, C71aC),49.:13.1ZZG, 050.• too.. FRENCH, GERMAN Atia ENGLISH. FANCY DRESS GOODS. Oar Stock will embrace .a great vari- ety and all the latest Noseltie..-A% NOTIONS 4. Full and C6mpletc ..A.sortmerit. BR, lITINDIES 94 Wood :Street. MEM TERMS - - NET. CASE M'ELROY, DICKSON &P COn., wceocl. Picrrirskgti)a,G-11;. DRY GOODS CU WHOLESALE. 31VE.4;01V1D.41.." . 5e' v OCTOBER FIRST, 1866. BANK EXCHANGE RWAR r EA.III : 4.4.IsTT, • 11. scntim, Prop . rioter. .i. 00 Third St.,. T ° ittablirgh. I.IENTLEMEN•3 I)IN1NO E901:3. All the luxurtee or Ilan ioasort. Choke Liquor*, Senn. a.e. Private Illolor Room op /glen. jyr.ngz- J . SCHOO:II3LILHER & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works. . PDEE WRITE LEAD, NLIIE LEAD GIGOIIIID INorr„ Fog pAllmrzt ou. irmttir.s, -40. as w MISCELLANEOUS WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. • - ARBUTHNOT. ; . SHANNON & CO • . 5 o. ][s Wood Street, PITTSBURCH. ilaie in store and are Receiving - A PULL ASSuRTMLNT OF DRY GOOIIS AND NOTIONS ! they idler at EASTERN PRICES AND The Attelitin of Dealers is .11nyited. C. Alrb.TR r..w. G. hia.2IIy.N.ION. 0c:4:a.5./ WILDS It li 0 L ESA LI; I; IA i. ER .1 IN BOOIF , S 2MOES SOLE LEATHER, No. 138 Wood Street, r A. 'fn I"VIME ona CA, 11 1.1.1. ere. we offer au prr:or In a, taelluies for toning are ;..Pll I.ist nr NV st. l'arriatro Olfr.o'y r eitt: irANI., n.l.•ely or Call!. iln stro.trottroolito srlt as lort as atty Ess . .ertt Jobbiorr .11E11"11.l1,411.1 are 1,1,1 t) and-examine 0ar,10.,/, purchasla el.e4Lere. 3C•CI ••_32,&: SCX . 7.F;,': 9 - I; ,=SILLS Superior Cotton Yarns: 4 , ;Et.kliN B,tG!.e, Batting, Twine, COTTON AND WEN CARPET CHAIN, \ era c 422 Will..b• \ Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES Crtref::: r.,01 I=l H. & CO cb 4D FLFla'? kj" E ZS X:, • J. W: BRADLEY'S 75 (O Darr] 1.1; SP.RING) t. i t • 3, LI? s 9 W . 1 71 1 1, !N r , or Flit KAK Ilke Atte staple 1. , win EVER. 11F.TA IN their l'EliF EET Imo BE ArTI c 111. ,11 A l'E, %rho, arc, or four 0111.- 7 . art , Sf . .".L.ErS. the ,1 t l'lC"tha STANDA.I4D SHIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. • Wholes:sic: hr nll th.. I,llltur •Tubhers In this city. For isle by 111 raullerr w!l., cell Ilmt-cla.r&riktrta. 11.11iLE1 it CARY, .JL IC .•C fllu FNT A : f ill EXCLI: r. I; OM, • N06.•;17 •ti! AITBEIL6 mad t:E.,1317 STI:EKTS. s p a=' • 176 1 • SPLEITELTIIIiniIIAY PRESENTS. L riolf--., 11 ' n 67 ' ~,, ~1 'F.', , 1 Ln;iji)..l:l itiAii ii =~neial Crisis =1 In its° e;:oug tt , tJf Six rtionib7 . .5200,0 EMMEN 'Watches, CtntlL4 Chains, Dia woad 1:1",gs, Pianos, itlelode on3, sewing nacliiue, 611 1 vet: • iVare, ALL DO rt.),".E D ()FAT C) , ne Donal- -nlath, Without reg.,: to enlue: and tot to be poll for unlit you '.:norr ntac you are to recUre. • AR`Aftor req:elvloo tho lf. It Loy pleas, you. yoo oan rutOrn ;Ma )our moneybe utica. wlli THE ST , tt. 7 lEamong other artlelts, Splttalltl dae`to, Goal 011 S Sliver G atellea, set with Dia , a , ,,ado, Ruble, Paarla, Garnet and other stonee tialit.tlre and 10 chatters.) Ladles , oeto of derror, catoprtolng and Err Matra of 0,, most (0,1.10,:lable Mlles. set In Precious Stones at' every variety. tape L:.er will, large taGar)tr.ent of Gold and En:Arleta-at and l'e•rl Sets. o.ll.lsual, and Lentsßutte., the ruo,t he thtlful patter., Gents 11 ,, a ,, a; and SoArr this. and an entllev, varlet) , 0. Bracelets, t;ltslasOlo.leal Boavo. 11,7,11)1'ra ea, Lamb, Charm.. dec. ) , -;n r• or I a. treat rm-mall:1n of trade in the liniturneturt,..- Cr F ranee. nd Enelantl, Allude antity.- of vit. .tble Jewelry. ortgln4llT In. tt for t le 'Elrntorati nutrltut, .n tent OR ~,,ttn try. and tau,. be suld at aay dile°. Under LZ:Se /Le 1 . 1 ei UCH & 1131.0 IE4 ELRYCOMPAUY. P r;vt; ...Ista upon APPORTIONfiIENT, • Flitdect to the fninneing mulatto.: Certillcoteaof the VarlOalwithout ter,rd to choler or Caine :Ire Ural put l ' oto Curcio: re, mixed; and w hen ordered. ere taken oat by, blind folded tx*r, and cent dr man, inn, givinK•l lo " r L a n n i t. taa , oetlle Verllllcata , 3011 'Oll .0.0 what rku arc t.. hare, and then It 10 et Ywtr. nr r '"! to /and th.. nil, NMI lobe the Artie, or , ehmerd lacy tint: 4, o.lmin a aew lao3tachlue,g Machine. ti Weeh. I.lmnend Ling, or guy Ott4t 'e w eirY 00 Onr !Art for t , nr. /Ic A A:KALI ir In all franc/Actin,. 01 We . • oo for forwarding Mt • I, en ing rho ba,1.te......cet rinsed wh,tt the te I.ye r n . „, lioates Le sr ,•t forr o ; is ! r Wilpere fur blot • counNTe—lVe want serete In Vl,ll /own s gsi ty In the con..tre, and those seting as snail Will be elluterd teu rents on trees . rcellticsle ordergd nJ ,therti provided tnelr rer P 150150 ennmat• ts• A., Agents will enllert 2i re is J ere crettllen: e. 'end irrnd.lscrnis if, 114, ritiltrlO rnkli orpo tags damps Aevrits remilline al °int..% will ne entitled to hesitUfal Oliver IVehhis and alsO MOgertlegAtegh rlecc-,.rrt'• Name, Coy an d Ea .,. Olaluly, and address all orders to • if End ASD EVA JIWEIRT CORBY, • mu„„ - 3Gpberr Street, Few Taxi. I co., 13 t ' All the oat-bulialopt am maim:a Ina style cor ref pondloy with the 1121./... The kw:tilts . Is haeseeptluasble, being free from smoke of the c.tles, 01,1 the view frost the house esienslve. FOR - SIX ACIIEs OF LAND. Situate near Johnston Station, on the Allegheny "•/ley 1t511..4, U miles from the city. The Im- PrOcementa 're a two-story Frame Dwelling of six rmcns, a stab e, ALrl excellent well Of water CO as ,onted t ecs of crafted foil% and there is also an tenslve stone Quarry ' Lu s e te place s u c c e s s- solo the best bulldluF , now being fur.y ml prodtabir wonted. For terms, apply at the 11,111 Estate and insurance Odlce ll WWI SALE-12 acres of Ground, writ ituf bercd scot watered on tiquirrel Rill. ten minutes - walk I rom Pm:corer Lotion at 2411111 y LISIO, Fourth Street Road. Al., 6 acres at Rome. woval Station; anal several Farm. well located In Wtsttoureland and Atte. hear sou fates. Also Coal Croffenf, liftut es and Luta In the city and snhurbs.• Yor bather particulars enga.ro of WILLIAM NV - ARD, (Opposite the omliedral,) sen No. 110 Csraut street. S 6 000 WILL PURCHASE TWAT 9 eMenot and modern 'hollt Ilanslon. ereete.loa a lot or grouod 11. 1,7 160 met. I:mated near :o ilr.tmlnaty ta Mansion. In Knit Blue:lna ban, The boom la lost tint bed, tud from the por tico you have tone of the unest views in the county: three minute:: 0•11, from the car station. Apply to & Co., oclo Fourth •treet. JOHN D. BAILEY, - Stock and Real Estate Broker. VOlt SALE-400 Acres et Coal li lox Immediately upon the Ohio River, 20 tulles below liallapolls, and BS milts above Ole eln no I. On the oh the tract Is • lour ton rein of Coal. telelelt. foe general purposes. Is notsurpassed. It Is entire.. different front tile Southern Ohio Coal; OM tains ' at little sulphur. forges and cokes it 11, and for making steam cannot he excelled. 'the tit ration being about midway from rOIheTOT ndl flanging Rout, must make it valuable for coaling boa There is a seater front of it of • mile, wither loss at •11-taires of the rner. Ancntraorn loss hero roll 111 the bill about. 30J feet. trek tulsh ed to Over, tosether with the necessary datuma tor. am: &Overtax 00.1 al/ oat. On said (tact It first-clan double Port/nit. Circular Saw Mill to- Pet her wills a Pariah a Grist Mill, all Its good run uleg order. end of the .very best oat, s n it and poplar timber. Would sell one-half Intores cif. oh to a runty with experience and capita! for working same., JOON It. DAME r, Brost and Real Estate Broker, No. Kra Fourth street. ~~~~~~~ low FOR SALE-231 acres Coal, la eluding 51 scree Swan., oe the East aide of the Ohio Elver. three rekles alurre_Wheellng. with right of way to river. Thu Mose proximity to a good tear • ket at Wheelies , . together wait the fact that the coal crops out Irish enough In the hill to be men prulltany for roiling milt purposes, makes this • good Invosisatnt. JULtb IP:BAILEY, Stock and neat Estate ftrOker, ocr. .o. ICC Fourth street. r 1 oil SALE—A well. established and proUtuble Slant:factorlig Dianthus. The basins., la c.aa, eel sorceptltue of belog largely lucressed. JOHN D. BAILEY. Block and HAW Estate Broker, 0.31 No. IBS Fourth terse r. -- 1. 4 '011 SALE—. n Ambrotype Gal lerr; oecourlng out of the beet loratlo. In the Cal, and having a good ruu orcustodr. Immedla youesidoe ran be;Gyre. JURN U. BAILEY, No. IC@ Fourth street, Or, E. C. ISEFri. aa3l o. GSM's Clock, uqueene Way. Oth WORKS, COM PAN IP 13-etc Xiaist cal. 7-0312 CMICJEMS SOHO OIL WORKS. RTTPFUN KEHEW tz .11Al1titACTUELL , OF TEL CELEBRATED SPERJ: 'LUBRICATOR, P.FTEGLEUPA LUBRICATING OILS, .kverra. Lard and Whale :Dili, LIGHT. TOMS' OIL AND 81l OI GEMS Atso, iinadaid White Burning Oil, 33 Market sire.... PITTSBURGH, PA. 24E813 Pint A CIECI , I.AR. e7;esB WOOLDitaFGE OLI OW:LP. , 11 , : ra — St s OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA, JOHF .1r 177.6JI P Tatui4 Trewr . womas F 11 TEMPELLiNCEVILLE Dice, No, 2 D11Q1265110 Way, . ~ ..arEnspem4oziEr.di ge .) siANUFACTITEERS Or PULE WEITZ ILIUII,NICN4.3- 01.11.1 L.. Brand--”Luoifer." )n3:165 • WA RING 4it- KING, CAVUSSION EILECULNIS ASB BROUB3 Petroleum and its Products, 4 DUQUE:3XE r, - x•rrirlamirririckza. , rniLADELPifIA. AIWILESS: WARING, KING Sr. CO.. rayl7.s.s I4T VialssinA 9t.. Plana _ , Biirpuzeit OIL ENGINE& We are co n.arneund. and xli beep oh ion& cmrlor -Isle of • • 1 CPX:ra ZCLV43-3ZDT.IDIM tnua . 01103 MI !OEMS Palk es aced/ne tbr. for Ibl., aarrppoo We Wit° r,„ WU, itiottuia. CO. I .11AG/el- WAILDEN& DATCUELDINt, • BRAKE -nit.= ' CRUDE AND REFINED. ptTlatium WiIALE OIL. ROOM OPUtri'S TRUCESIII4Ik NORTLVCAROLISA TAR, &C.. Corner of Duquelese War 4 Hancock St. Pitt aborols, Po. Represent W -- EL tr-WAIICES.II3 Welton s frert. Phibulelphls. . mvisoci 110L1E5.6.. •........1 1 / 1 3111 LEWD , jAMES IKAND7ACTWIT.I2I3 OF OIL OF VITRIOL, AND AQUA AIDIVIONIA. comae, 3.13 MiCaxgacit PLMBIUGIT, 10: FOR SA 1.7! con SALE.—No. 1. Farm of 400 eves. Fairfield township. WeatMetrela • • titdre.Z; 8.6 u oath or the Pa. I".UrWid * " malts from the city. be improvements are. First s a terOsstory stone dwell. large stable add granary, and the best of water at. the doer . h, a 1 e frame ,t Felling .with . rooms and a kitchen, a large stor miring house, bake oven, corn crib, wagon shed, u se, dhuvred to barn. Third, a frame porn rot ho Itis • good arable. Fourth. a t •Pa-story heard log boOse an&l Darn. The fenclng is neutrally good.-lareglnead ow, of the beet timothy and clover: an ahaance or limestone ha rd coat upon the fr; a young and old apple orcha At e•ch deling; WO acres clear. ed. the resider In good timber, mach as white. red black and rock oak sugar, beech, popluand locust: The soil Is good prvduclug the very host crap. • f andkinds of grain; would mace a .No. the far, ; will be sold low. ;Possession on tirsi day of October, NO: 2. Farm Of 53 acres, situated in It s - township, Allegheny county, Pa., about tulles from the city, near the line or the ht. ebenville It. it.,and within one-half mile of and tin h i gh of the he of Creek bottom land, ln a high state of, cultivation; =ll acres of woodland ut d Outnre. The terming la generally good. The soil to No. I. and well adapted for gudenig. The atiention of those wishing to embark I , the business will call at . onee and secure • good bargain, as this le a rue chance( No. 3. Farm of s 4 acres, situate in Elizabeth township. Allegheny county. Pa., on the kieeee - I Etiele-river, bout one tulle from the Baronet; of lizabeth. •i he boll Is of the best guilty. The Im. corn and other out buildings; (elicitor good; about 50 acres of coal. ahurcbes, scho.ls anal mil t s very II convenlent.'• Possession Intruediatelp, No.l. Also. the best Farm in Elizabeth township. containing about t/C1 Xeres, lying on the bionougas I bele river immediately below Lock No. k, on which laerected a large two-story brick dwelling , one log and one frame ban t bate, core crib. wagon shed. brick spring honae, pranary , work shop. Ake.; about Mures of he above la hest one Its river bottom; the balance being limestone lend, and underlaid with coal. and about at Sore. of lbeestotie. There are two orchards et apple tree., in genii nearing aondl• Lion; Deana pear, palm trees and grape Nines, AC. land Is well adapted tor gardening purpose., being a sheet distance from the 11,1 ring borouge o(lE6:anent, creating a market at home for all the pproducts. 'ne property will he sold cheap and on reasonsisleyl l ma. No. 7. A Farm of 06 actes, situated In 'Ell.stnib tonoship, Allegheny e'otntY l'a..about.one mile k No. Monongahela river :mprores (r entsm are eve f rame house. with doe rooms. barn'. sprint< house a o.berou toolic Inge. T he laud is of the best , tao.lty. Toe above wilt be sold at very tow tigeres. re soca wantlug any of thy above Real Estate will plel.se call on G. I/. TOWER.. Lel;l9 heal Est to Arent. 16* roan street. FOU SI/LE—The beautiful and ':4,;sTANIIAL MANSION AND GOOUNDS Owned ^ I occupied by NCIL.LIASI HAG ...LET eatuaird uu .11 - COttrll Avenue in • 4516.7.-OC-a - E c÷azczma-sr craw-sr. a be Donee to a model of architectural beauty. and coffiblnes every appliance fur comfort and luxury. it to hula of• Pressed Npck and trimmed with ilro , en Lia'l floors laid la encaustictile. plate Clan window., and in every minute detail In con- FulfpAr,lcularn furnished on application to it's. oker In Stuns., and Real Solace, 4,22 57 Imerth at.. (Burke , a Building.) S DATS, Butler eirtet, Lawrencev E Ile 1 ,AMUSEATEPPII3 arNEW OPERA HOME. c. U. ustt , maim= =1 LARGE, PASHl? , gyni c eD DELIOHTEp TG-NIGHT, third product:on of the great imp tanalar Drama, the Olympic ealtioa cI I= After weekry preparation, Immense cost In labor ettEMIIM Ito 4,1205. 1332M111 Sew r"P.ak..4'ardrobes ♦nd great cast of character, Saturday A fter. cent Malign, WWTTSRURGH THEATRE. EE AND MA NAos.n,'W/1. HEIN IJERISON • Con tl nue.l brl ittotrogaremeut of •• ' • 3112. .101131 BROUGHAM. .1 • 1..1L1', M 4 -.ranee of Er TI IfENDKII.BI , N. ills AerMlt , A.N, at o'cloet,an normaal In- Tlajeertatnment will be Oven for the ben , JIM!: core.letEDCK. zl e a, l;atz . and•host Or pear lo , tenetl i mn conlety rLeM nri Pm.!! EL \ND. 'EVEN Pl• RM. Ittl CM . . w M t....0114e per . funned the laogt,Mi s e fmr, ,, Mr. Brougham 111 one ut laZtable characters. To eonmude. wtih Pto-CA•LION-TAS. • i'owhaton Mr. John Brom, ham. (IRANI) nATINEM THIS AFTEHNLJOS at. two ISIOHTS IN A BAB notql. MASONIC HALL, , • 133315931 AB 4 DIAN NIGHTS ENTEITAINPI EN r; 0,., 101TEIDNGS ON ENCHANTED GROuND,' UPEN I.Vkiti" N . I9FLT. A:‘l, Wednesday and Saturany Afternoons, AT TnREE O'CL• 'CH. When Maldive will be admitted for 13 teats. ~, k ilielssi Jo . 25 cents. ii-ors 414.11 at quitter bet .re covet o'rl..ce Ee -111,4110a ...niece at , a f paet se , en o'cl , rk. ra e eiselT. --- • fittook. o FA 01111PAA UAN CI. ACAIIEM I • ttiLp 75 T 1 111:061,1x,r, ['Mal - au - oh, la [1...W nt..p dAy and Ovealug. .lUs eat a• Cla.s . 1Ve...11,...11,4 and Sat. , ..Lays as 21•. al.; . ad.a.• a.:141%. To. ad •y Scot Frlday at 2F. •, Lient'cluan's rtuesdat. and FyidAy at 7., P. st. All he fattOntatt,l, "aura c.,..artllea - *oil Cu • tauaLt on Illoiteitt .01 at !he Ilttale otore. for ', ln. ti-tra contain $ tern,. 20 PROFESSI - 614 AL B. F.' BROWN 9 IMO 11E1 - • Pittsburgh, Pa. r'.2usions. 80u1,.E. Ar-v.pr of ray i'rofnimiy (0114-cied No :horse adt•le uatl.l claims ate settled. avd rhea but 4 tramle a rle , • — m ht tds) WM. A. 'SHINN. aTTIII.R.rE r 1T .1...111r, No. 120 Fouritt Sc . opaccite Waking Hall. r -rtleular attentlou atria co I he eh.:ect.ton of ac ouate. !Alta, note*, S. Curre.puntlents lu lye, 1 or., Roston; Baltimore Phllattelplua: drawer. Bent:font., ng, Ps. 1nd.:1.1.046, Intl : Niurganto,n. W. V. Utica and elsegrbez... R. LINOS IY, ..2•_1.3MX1L33.CC..A.T5, oitlee; 83 Boyle Bine', Alleitheu-s .h . . bpeolal attention 107412 to drawing , need,. LLY . , and otlr r Watt 41, , cuments. All colleetoina intrusted to him WI MI and prompt att anti O. . E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, - PITTSBURGH,. PA Sit - Special atteutlog given LC , . 11 ._r•sres requiring • Surgical operations JeidB3 J. C. 1M . 001111.9. NACKRELL 45c McCOMBS, STIORNEYS & COUNSELLORS:AT LAW, No. 69 Grant §treet, PITTSBURGH, PA EFEMEI OHN A. STRAIN. ~es-T_CIaiILI I 33CLALmT, Es-Otlicio, Justice - of tie Peace, AND POLICE . MAGISTRATE, Mee, 112 Filth St. opposite Cathedral, =I needs. Ildrtragsa, va twadedgmenta,-13e• po•ItIous and atl Idd. al Bual‘ess c_a,cula with ,Irazzildoesd and n1y19411 W ltEaL ESTAT a AGENT. Office. comer of nutlet let and Pr, or streets, Lawrenceville. lcipeetal attehtlon ;meta to the purchaso and male 01 ilea' Fatale . the eotieettor of Runts. and the pm, p_Alltatoll and acknowledgment. of all kinds of Legal Couveysneta. • WILLIAM JANC EY, Justice of the Pcace and ovary Public roy2Z:b3S • Eu9TACE - S.PIOItItOW, ' ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. Foot of the Extemioa and opposite Chatham Slice t xnyxx.ne CHATUAiII T. EIVILNG„ . Attorney at .Law, • No. 69 Gr a nt Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. CourmlreloDer ror Ohio, Ilehturky, Wer VIT. glum 3116auuri and other . ..tater. my18...59 • L . P. STO:VE, • .Attorney at taaw, OFFICE, flu DIAMOND NTKES I "oppo,lte the Court House, FiLteborgb, Pa. BOOTS AND SHOES A. noliumm At. .AU., 61 Market Street Eisve 1.1 ys.ivircd a largo and well selec.ed stock Men's French Calf, Kip any' Water-Prom Boots, Ladies'Ofsses% To asheand 4:tuld•*en.. s BOON, SqiiES, GAIIERS, BILT'iL BF MIN A MT ler, 1.4.1-s Of Ad the Latiel ztyi 3LA.NUFACTeItr-D FOR THE RETaIL TRAD 0,0 meci.v. o . t h. 92 Fed, rat Aliexfit fast reFeletd the , urge.t stid hest bt.ectcd • noes 01 • Boots, Shots, Gaiters, tialiaurats, - Sapper, and ham Es'ex brought. p. , .01s msrtet- GIVE'IIIIIa CALI. 62.CF“itt: i Cu• H'.-1M MY101:-.ux0.. .;; '1 22" - .1 .51 EOM. bilOtt ` lll It Ol ' l 11111 • , ptderai Otrect. Lit?. 0024 A LAIL64.:4O:I3FIIOret .igt II or SUMP' :.11 BOOTS. Sliil 4 .7N i • 'I'E; ttr. and Iraimorats, Just renedrail, and will be sold at cot VERY I, Mi. EsT rfaCES, either Wh01..-saln or Retail. ()WS CS A. 01.11., Ennußr. Mitt.flaStxo RLIZSZ. J. H. it W. C. flottiAND . No. Dallainets tree t, =dour trona FIRS" St. mylll 01,04 PI L ha.. TILLAI2. IFIELDEVG BRO., • • : Srannfacturers and Ural aro to 4:71.2.101[0221 BOOTS, SHOES & - GAITERS, • No. 140 Ohio plt, Allegheny. [I - IkPaxinX Pxccuptty executed on the mates. u.t ns. ' NEW HOOT AND MOE STOKE AV. 24_81. Clair Stied. .A EN ta T% a n d atp d t well selected of r . 2P ADIE, G etc:, 'dile)) will be' .14 at rile LOW enT , JOHN ViI).)II6I)ASS. PAINTERS., es 4,..)Livitii r. (.4 1:10U - 3E A_N YAIN'II U, GItALNEB AND No, 64 Hand St., Pittslpre.h. 4. , TetrA: r . d rit , l , lWlN4V4Z i ftij'atV''°n able rap.. • - t,„44.1. W LIAM El. ipitol7N, ILSO of the AIM Or bll.olllle di Moot.t.W.) amass Asaz smuts raisrriss. btospwittncoriTez ft,Totr 111.4 sucati, K;;= 1 IBM =I ' Jc... a ■ ■ i v
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