Zite Wittobitith (6azetit B VirEiId.SDAY, 00TOBER 31,'18C6 TROUBLES WITH THE INI/lANS. Without accepting the recondite etlinrilo . &theory whieli classifies the savage tribes of-ahrogiited found on this continent as belonging to a Pre.adamite genus, that by a stupendous forgetfulness of Nature have. past their foreordained limit, it is not dn.. : . cult to arrive at iheconclusion that they -constitute a worthless population, henefi , eentlYdestined to swift coming extinction. -;ObServation and .experience of their char acter and- conduct long. ago - disenchanted - us of the illusions thrown over them by . • ' such . writer's as Cooper,Zatlim and Everett; and Iced vs to believe that the sooner they - • vanish, Without inhumanity' or mime on the part of the white - race, the better it will - he_for the world. . Not that the worthlessness and depravity of the Indians are not matched by like quill .- Ities in certain clasies among the whites. The Indian is not only eVil, but is the oc casion for the manifestation of Much evil among whites, Ayllich is foreign to his - ture, and 'Which he would Spurn with a . grim, stOrieal indignation. The whold history-of the annuities grant ed 'by our government to thelndian tribes illustrates this. Was there ever a contrac . ter or agent for annuities .that did not man ' .' ageXspidly to acquire a fortune? It would go far towards aisproviug : the doctrine of Total Depravity if one could be prodpeed. Not only are the Indians constantly swin dled, and' so excited to :nets. of retaliation and revenge,.. Narrberless trains, freighted with annuities,have been Conveniently cap .\ tured by white men, disguised as radians, = the . plunder appropriated and marketed with impunity'. If the supplies belonged to the goyerninent, of murse, it was the if to a contractor, who, by collusion, aided in robbing himself, indemnity was wrung out of the. Treasury, under the 'plea that the gOvernmen t was hound to keep commit .. nicariens open and safe. It has even hp . pene& that members of both* Houses of - Congress have Seen enriched 'by-„pkirtner: ships la these transactions. This description of Tilden depredations • are always followed by . an appeal fora mil itary force to be sent to the scene 4 - action. It is carious to note how small forces .ai e deridtd as insufficient. - Armies'. huger .than that with which SCOTT conquered Mexico are clamored for. Does any hm. .cent soul marvel . 'why Y, Simply bemuse armies -•- large afford handsomer pickings -than .saiall ones. Those who furnish transportation, torage and provisions cal culate on- a fat harvest from the marching or ten or twenty thousand troops on such . exreditions. Hence the manufacture of Indian wars has become a regular trade, arl yields a larcei margin of Profits that, ro . ..st others. In 1800 the Southern cOnjpirators went Ainto this . business for the' dou'ide mirpoXe 01 plundering the treasury and scattering the 'army, both of which they did most effect tt . ally. Prom Texas and New Mexico . swarming reports came up to Washington, and thence spread all over the country, of Indian depredations and atrocities. The men in power at Washington, understood the trick, because they had instigated it. The Indians were really the last peoule in those regions against wheat the govern ment had need to senumilitary powers; but they-were sent, and filly acfmniplislied the end intended. NOr; - th .re—r.yerto of hostilities on the part of Indians in the west and not th west;"some forces have been sent thither, and more are to follow. -Perhaps rum furnished by white limit, and swindling practiced by them, liars influenced parties of Indians into doing -horrible acts. But - sonic white Metz out there arc worse than Indians. Plundering Indians does not suf.- flee them. They want an army out there, so that by means of it they may reach their --long fingers away to Washington, and into • .the strong boxes of the Treasury. They are in a fair Way to be gratified. . It ma:) , well be doubted whether, if the. • Indians should bo absolutely exterminated this - 'year, the government and people of this country would be allowed to find out the fact for sieentu . ryi . ;They are too pro fitable to be dispensed with. and if the last should expire, lay-figures of them would still 1M used by cormorants and speculators in order to produce the impression that tens of thousands were roaming the plains or held the fastnesses of the mountains, eager to scalp whites, men and women. LECTURES AND LECTUREIIS Some years ago the writer hereof partic ipated for several successive seasons in the management of Courses of Popular Lec tures. The Committee 'with which he was associated were thoronehiy anxious to pleasoltil classes of people, so as to secure theltirgest possible number of patrons, the o b Jeckbehaz to endow a Puldic Library. Animated by this desire to please the Com mittee secured the services of Lecturers of different religions'and political faiths,, the distribution being as nearly equal as prac ticable between Conservatiies and Pmdt the most eminent of each sort being secured. Now mark the result! The Radical Lecturers regularly tilled the to overflowing with auditors, while the Conservative Lecturers invariably left a freezing array of empty seats. The Con servatives in the community would not ..„. chain to hear their moi conspicuous pions. It took aft the money made for the Association by the 'Radical Lecturers to cover the deficit entailed by the Conserva tive ones. In particular, we remember that one week the chief iconoclast of England Radicalism, since deceawd, spake to a vast concourse, drawn from all classes of society. The week following one of the most eminent Conservatives of the city of New York, distinguished for the tireatitli and accuracy of his culture, was the speaker. Though the weather was favora ble, there were not to exceed twenty-five persons in the hall, and they were mostly . Three yeara ago we were spending some days With :eh Ives in a city of Central New York. A nephew, intensely copper bead, was a member of the Lecture Com mittee of a Library Association." A Brook- lyn Thtdical, of high repute, was to Lee tore, and our nephew invited us to accorn __ patty Mtn to the Loll, which we did. A;- ter seating us coinfortably Le bade us. good evening, and went away. 11pon returning to the residence, we questioned the young man as SO the motives coy his conduct, when he fraukly„deelared he would not hear such men speak. ."Why, thea, do you invite them?". we Inquired. "Because I want money for 'the Library" Ito replied. "Why net initite.equally eminent Conservativesnl I Moined. ' , "rhere is no money in them," was his business-114 resPonse. • ' Now, we venture to say that -throughout the entire Nprth, from' Ataine to' Oregon, le the general rule. ..Cpeservative fiemerr learning',eitly be superiatiraly, proper, but the 1:0II55C9 ¢f n n and'women who attend Public Lectures do not care to Rear them. A Lecture Course, supplied by RadicaLs. IS stiro - to pay ; and the more strongly i,ronnounced the Radi calism the .better; while a corepond rs. .' , , ; ..Ji•;. , •••=.. . ~: ~~`. __ .: ing Course, supplied Conservatives , is a dead failure, in s: vowing certain loss:. And this is natural. The leaders of thought awl action inspire. enthusiasmand• (Ache I curiosity, which : the staid upholders of moderate and established opinions - 00111- wand only respect, and often hirdly that. PETROLEUM, OR . 6 *ENECA 0i1..," ' „ . FORTY YEARS AGO- The followine commuication; published in the Pittsburgh. Gazette in the latter part of 1827, is carious, as marking the advance : we have made iinee that dark age, when there were no lamps in our streets, mil 0.1 ,1 )- a little crude oil was oozing through the rocks, cud equally crude Ideas taking form in the brains of our haling men. s, It was stn odd suggestion to propose t,, light a city with gas made from petrol cunt at a time when tee supply was so extr r emely limited; and it is a striking evidence that no mind, however ingenious, can anpeivate the results ofscience and art, that at this day., , , when "the rocks are pouring out rivers of oil," gas is -"still manufactured in this and other cities,'from bituminous eoal, the use of which the writer does not seem to regard with:favor : ' . Obiervattons On the use of Seneca -Oil, and particularly on its employment for the purpose of producing illuminating gas, • in the city of Pittsburgh. * * * "IsEE that the corporation has, at •:sst, determined to light the city: it is a very sensible determination, for indeed few ,places needed it more. Freer that lighting with gas will he found troublesome and ex pensive, in spite of the vast supply and cheapness of the cool. 'BM I will tell you, what is the cheapest, best, and most econo mical light you can use: it is what is called,. in the west, Seneca oil; which is Petroleum, With some-peculiar characterlitics which distinguish it from that which is found in various ,other parts of the. world, in the Ceinish and Devonshire mines, in Eng land, for example. - "It would, be superfluous in me to describe this oil to you; to tell you how. it is found throughout all the coal formation west of the mountains, iu springs; in the rivulets w hic h . flow' out of coal mines; in certain clays or earths, from which it is separated, as it seas formerly,' to caisiderable amount, on 0:1 Creek, by manipulating it iu water;. and also floating on all, or • nearly all, the salt was. This substance, were there a reaoy tuacket for it, 'might b• , supplied at your very doors, to an-almoit unlimited extent. At present it is almost val eless, being u.sed only as nu ingredient in what -is called "British 01V- sautes a horse medicine, (in which, by the bye ; it is very useful.) The price of it is very, low, because a few bar. re:s glut the demand of toe apothecaries; but if the city would take a large quantity, or if it were brought into general use other,. wise, I believe it could be supplied rit - 25 cents per gallon. Tilts may be said to be a very indifferent price for the article, unless it existed in great quantities in particular places—that it would not tie worth the : Ttris. ble of collecting; and of course being ne ,, - lected, the 'price would rise for wuut. of supply,- and Rea 'stmh qisantitiesWould be brought forward as to injure the dealers, a thing always to be deprecated-in a Well reg ulated country. Few things, however, of fer so direct a proof of tee doctrine, in po litical-economy, that ruffle is the effect of labor—a doctrine which I - do not confess to be true in every instance, neVertheless. The substance in questionis diffused through out the country, rind this will make it abund ant in the ritarkerf but win-rarer 'lt is round, it rises and accumulates slowly, and what 1, accumulated can be collected in • a ley,. minutes, with scarcely any labor. excel,' where it is procured from - the peculiar clay-, banks Ili which it is found, The salt well , max be cleared of what floats, by letting a blanket down every quarter ot' an hour, and this will also apply to the,springs where it is discovered. It is like t honey and bee's wax, of which few familiekbas elmr ' & quan• , .tities, • but so many persc,nswrouttct then, that there is always a good and cheap sup ply iu the market. Such \ articles, when exteuftively used in a city, . and obtained from the, surrounding eunntry, beget all intercourse which is mutually beneficial. I: is manifestly desirable for it city to wakes to its interest by encouraging such a new object of trade, which, whilst it increases the circulation of money,) will enable-the country people to purchase more largely from the' scores in town, In a word, I. is the true policy of a city to,enricit the sur rounding Country; and that :city flourish, s• most, whose vicinage is tne 'most prosper „, ous. "I . need hot argue Iforther, ;to at the 1 advantage ()fusing Seneca 1)11 to tight Pitts burgh, if It is applicable to file purpose. The proof ofits applicability is only to 1, procured in the old and sure tray—rev tr. Let any one who doubts that it la a perfectly good oil for lamps, send to the al:race:a} 'a Sir a half a pint, and burn it one night, i u a lamp of auy kind, precisely asnsh.or Fper maceti oils are burned, observing only thr,t to avoid smoke, it is necestsary the length"; of the:wick should be clentinisiMd. I have tried it, and (Mind it - succeed perfectly; but I have not tried it, clarified; andthere io no ot be clari ied as well reason why it should l \ I as any other oil, (and ben it wi 1-burn as free from smoke,) by filtering or precipital ling the gross particles contained in what .s now brought to market. I am not chemh t enough to give a disquisition on its mmn ppnent parts, but coinbustion shows that it contains more inflammable matter .than animal oils.* ' "Fish oil, to a considerable 'amount, i 4 now. taken over file mountains, ,for which. you have to pay money, or money's worth; but if this oil gets into general use, leitoal 1 not be surprised, if in a lew years, it beenno. a an object of 'very large transportation to the east; thus affording a new article, to' bring. money to you. I proposed last winter, to one of the directors of the light-houses, to try this oil for those establishments; hut, as yet, there is not a sufficient quanity ea the sea-board, to authorize ,a large experi ment of the sort. I believe it applicable to most of the arts-in which oil is used, and have now employed'a capable person to be gin some experiments on it. Some of these applications are of my own invention and it they answer my expectations, ['think I shall patent them, which will be_ a slight recompense foriatroducing a new means of wealth to anextensive region. If no' tithe r good is produced by this communication, I hope' it will have the effect or attracting at tention, and causing experiments on a suf.- stance so abundant, which now. runs to utter waste. "Let toe add another idea, which I sin. conscious, will at firsiview he thought very visionary; but I Fay, onlytry it; the expert- mentwill cost nothing. Many of the sa;t wells are filled, from the surface of the water to the mouth of the,well, with inflammable gas: let a tight barrel with the head our, he let down, perpendiOnlariy, into such a well, and after havieg, remained some minutes, .o ' the gas is heavlerthan the atmosphere, it will displace, the latter, and fill the barrii; theft lets wet blanket ' down, to cover the head of the barrel _.,,,.__ _ t e her `i i ` h e ,t . smallgelonta,sice and tilt the lairml; lone pole;be placedeautatdial"' at the end iif a bar rel be full of gas it lale t .'" i i r,, l l k re t it ti le b " t- . bly explode.- If this „ xt, '„,. , ras, mot pro,_ tho induction is clear. is., l T tl e t i ent sueceol, the use of the city, if you ch,',,,,,°fig".,,, for with eas, will become an constan'ta,; " .I g " t of commerce litoul the 6 d l, w"rhn so Til i t. ' 1 C s now.. These :barrels may he emptied into a grand air-tight receptacle, easily con trived, and thence distributed exactly 1 0 t ,,, made from coal, Here, then, is :mother source of income to the country. Isitleed, Providence has been to bountiful to the whole West, that Wealth stems to court you on every hand. Should the experiment of tilling barrels with gas at the salt works, not answer, it will he _Very deSirable that the city should cause an essay to be made on the production of gas from the Seneca Oil, which abounds with the materials for its - production.. It is well known that the. tic Of animal nil to produce gas, has been. ex tensive in England, anerits auperiorily over gas from coal had been tested; hnt the high price of those oils there will probably pre vent the general adoPtion of them for purpose. Some writers, however, Contend ' that they will produce gas at a cheaper rate than coal; in spite .of the cost of thein.. If Seneca oil will eupl.ly more gan'tfin animal oils, which I do not doubt; and flit I.llh be proem ed-at 25 cents per gallon, a fair trial of it in this way, would, assuredly, be tleS mantled by common prudence. -, - "It seems-to pie, that Indispebeable as lighting the city is to the cungort andsafety en: nes, been recently discovered by /tr. /lel : ler governor of themlees of Trockanitz, in CALM, that papilla glees& light.anice rem part:oolw that from tallow, Is 114 it/M14.1.. ..... SO itspetoritaf arts and &imam' ,Vi . . . - REM! of the inhabitants.. the corp. - ft-at:on ought to deliberata,maturely on the plan it will adopt, because any riiture alteration will he expen sive, and because the lighting of ft town is. among the heavicfst of it. char,fres o "Tint n - 111 in troubling, yoti so much t a e t lm n. i st arC i ~5 . 1 , 1 „ .1 r0 3 f_ t J o d i(lie nogf which concerns a city and a country where hqve been kindly treated, and of toy de , sire to TIVIT that kinflumsf, with my feeble exertions. Were f. to do !Lein tenfold the good . I ever expect will lie in my' power, I stilt think myself in :arum" Mecirs have insert ed t h e foregoing observations, because we apprehend that a portion of the information which they contain will lie new to inost of our readers, as it was to us; we refer par ticularly to the large quantity of Petroleum which eau be obtained in the. vicinity of Pittsburgh, That this material will afford an illtunimiting gas, by destructive distill ation,fin.undoubtedly true; but we appre bend that it will sit be superior to that Vaned from the bituminous coal in its vi doily, and are convinced that it would lie inferior to the gas front oil s In a manufac tering town, like Pittsburgh the coke froth a coal gas establishment, will be a very .valueble article, wig, of Course, great ly dindhiatt the expense of carrying on the works. In Baltimore, where the gas is made from coal, ..the gas cofpituy have been unable to sell their coke, excepting on very disadvantageous terms; and we live' but little doubt, that were it in their power to change the system, without serious loss, they would there adopt the use of oil, which DOSSeSSe6 ceveral advantages over .coal; among these, the trilling:residuum left flout the distillation; the dindnution in the Eire of the retorts, grsometers, and pipes, which; from the peat inuminthing power of oil , gas, may be of less than one half the di• mensions of those required when coal is employed; the avoiding the necessity of using lime to purify the 7,19, 0 process both troublesome and expensive; the compara tive freedom of dil gas, front that otTensivc , smell which predmbinates iia,oal gas, trout the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen, which is but partially separated, by the purifying process, in the Way it is actually conducted. . , Those persons whits have vkiled London, or Baltimore, and who have had an oppor tunity of consparing the odor coot tett by the coal gas in those plates, with that trout 'the oiltgas in New Yuri:, must be sensible of the very great difference between the two. At coal gas works, they tell yen that this is accidcntal, but thist. informal 1'0116 . 111.110 Cplll.,latiOU, al It is the :Accident of everyday. We perceive that we ate un wittingly traveling iron Pittsburgh, to which we at first intended to have confined our remarks; leaving their application to other eitietz, to the understanding of th'e I reader; we have lak2ll a glance at Loudon, Baltimore, and New Vol kt 'and although j we have not mentioned, we have thought j of Phil:MOW ia, and W likt we hope to see I the loilliant gas tight, illuminating tout streets and titorcl.t, we also hope that they will never be polluted by fhe utitsauee ut coal gas. In Pittalitkrgh, where bitutninotts . coal is generally used as fuel, the Ulna: o f this-' ajection is greatlyilintiuklicd, and its chcapnetis-will I,lo:tidily insure it a meter. cure to all other substances. The high liriget t ir oil , iu England, has not even there I .preverited the "iixtensive use of it in gas I works, and on our sealioncil, it can lE.' af. forded at a less price than that nasigued to i Seneca oil by the tether of the übservr,t Onus. It. hasbent purehatscd int New York by the gas company, at lcsa than tr,:i ttent j per gallon. and, it i said, can generally ba so purchased in the tat g e way. The sturn'estionit lau de rest citing the rib- eituilacititileg : trout tie e 9alt wells, u'l+irb ,1111 11!!eii with it, cure, tionnir 1 in nil iniperie. ; itnoc..licie or the c..nstit,e;:on the L!arz, ntiO, jerl 11.., 11:0 IIII• d 0(:. Wit pretend 10 be intimate, the iatet:ei!ti.J,l w e, le s ; (eel ! . ly natural; tlik gar sl ibrd. ;in c‘ttreniely ! feeble thimej uud were it possible to tratil port it to tbit city, witititut ihcorring nu expense tannyfold atitater'lleot that of gen- crating gas trout j e0.1.1, cur from oil; it scarcelymake darltnes4 'Ali th e -species of enrhurttdit hyth, t .... tire . j i i t I er thn n . atni , P-plt,rk nit, and tr th at otrt-t! tabled ill the. welts I.; heavier, this arise front its: littiog itontantinated with car, , 'Louie, acid, triated iiir) hi..h hi.pahl stilt j decrease itaillmuin.itin j : t.oarcr. • 1323rEnt.virk: F. 3 EF. —A (...uns Itr LiiY. rn, %In tizt.nit., at•,rd gia. lion!, r volt% t i • 11•11.• 7.1, 111,1 atit: Co,. pornd lit sill, Itraid, ill se Mr e bean -11,1: i.,ll.ratiou ta non-, intd, in ~1 id 2‘1,1 tmLi. orticre fur Las arWS d uty n (nd. indtirtt, -In, In !ottani, 31.. a I: I;‘,Ari a Ali, v t ind, 'a., a Len 1.0 'no in T d n tlttoltai Ina t,l iat . o.ta, rad. thrt, tl Yr- . .1. 11 - 11.aik.L11. nfrAdf t•iirt, rut,. it rt.: itatY • its. .10 1: • N.,. .11• rant airadt. ne.nt ,scrnirat.ltti, 1,011 'Ott, tit, t er.n.to one. 5. :tortittitata, t.ds C C Elt COM in ~ I tinnily carry a , : In id,, d r h.O , or that: and in tditty natt,t,e lomat, , 1,11, f ttnen Via s trt., liver,. in 1 tdhar • t rd .r haat ~,, f.dtt, ,tin In ti.rlt lit POCKET CUTLERY of ttA 1..• a 1:1111 . 31 %Tit: liaati . :lty . ,, A In 1.1,1 e city. Al.r, • doantild•ni, ti....try id, ti•tt attatti,a • of Inaariatn. • I cral..l. tAtt, .acrvott. , , twitta. anti an atialtar , ti..dnitlalt•t, tnts rt 1 - 1 , 0110 G i • oitri d R azors IL is %dry drot :at r nnutittoua rt-nd..ind nhich •rit t.tianfid- t.rtittAitf Ile; t ttf 'tea Iti MI t..ror•a Mr, mur 4,r naufedna 11,, tin". di...hired rnlici ',nu ked. tit.st few Cita wttt.derful inctlteine ants adti Lilt:slot, Lb, MOilt ur:L• • n rade it tin. Ceti von • t - anittfed fricipl to e 'C.t!, try It mid \M . 1 . 0(10:11, CA 14,1 lar ?wi Nutty Agent fur Plitt,tairilit, .st bi Marker afrri.t. 0,1 A Itealstittil ilcad of Hair: The great ' • ii air Color ll...starer' ••11alr itrdiGer• •i ldidou" id,urt nt t•tilor li•fitor.r• •. I.on"lttit • ' Z.:di:tit ti9lor tn•ttinet . “iddidion•• :fee Ihetr!rg • lialr C•.lor 11••stort r• ••laiiion•• • Hair C•oli.r Itettort , r• "Liptddn" 11 , 0, ••Ilair r• I.• it a• ill rtatorn arty hair to it, original color. t.". It will tusk, the Pitt . a , .tg./it bald bend, 11. More thy liStaralt , erttloos. 1, ft Will 1,1110, all , tau Drug and Itt•hing, a. It will maxi , tilt root rnit. glol y an I :1,111111, A. It will Or once 'Li. original r rdd 7. It it it pri trot tier. natl . ' trout tailing 01. S. It trill cure all .11,entta of Inggealp. .1 - 470 gents a tiottlt. tit tinittlea. si. 0014 at Dr tirld 1,11411 sixth 41,104, alnit, anti all itatling Jrny gills And Aleflierl lu tun, rd title, • Sold by Mr(ll..lL 7: A Atc.IiKE , AN. s 5 Vor ket acre. o. awl ti Ell. A. i.E1.1. - 17, 37 W..” 1 ,11, et ittobury.b. alr...kAbmWr - THE CIZAND SECHET.—The gran.lhecrt tin vord!callon Is to help 'Ulla, tit:— TA"( atol• its,CLAIF:LItiI,/, are the A nll.l lhacya . 'of only theory of cure thth has common thote for Hsean t,. 1f the net,elth , yateha to hh.ot• tonal the tillea,ea WPik, 31,/ Mo. owe!, lac the 1,0.4 7, to a htthe of partial co.hthst —a hat in htat to do? fi lia l, hriJle 5.041',1: I= Brace 1 lm lip as Vol would brace a torlurlng odl Poe. The yubUlow nrodi I. a Tonic ot,t,ral Ire oil out of tbe drollia of troapty no d Lk, C CN WITH lIDSTF.TTER'S 11/TTERI. They cannot Injure. A child may lake them In II -es ettlted to Its Ivllll9lL the pot thility e.r harm.' 'like enteeloted all yi e lure jo gementd trier,seltea:ly to thell nett.. as the vraett •nth. IS to en et 114--b,e/er Under the ethlf)Hir 1111e1 reffesl4ln alit. 111 at ICa ,c. •Ithllllr She 111lts et are requtsrsl. -Ttere la no sabot lino. .11 1 .nr,11.11 . U111 , 1112.5 eslll MI their iliac,. J:caOrt to thla 11103 t worith rral t f astedern 'rssnlc's s • ALL W/1.1. !tear iu mind that lu I'4.Tel"la. Int, ernlitt Futera, Itillotts Memoir", end Aft. h toes ttr tte Se tea e, no other ineoll-lUe nth preditee out title...Pl the ynnl effact that Isle:trial) 7 follows the use ot this It•SeClit`lll. 'tut Igtir.thor nod C2T, , rove told everyerttere.—.V. V. iribunt. Oct. 27. YENkALVEkTiiEERS:r JVM. BINUHI.II, Jr., Ar.:antg Ezprel, Office, 34 IVA Street, is an authorised Agin! to record Advertisements' for the GAZETTE'. and at/ other papera throughout. '4lle United BM/es and the atnadas. : OFFICE IViiThite I.:46VICANen t;O3IPANY, velet4, A N ELECTION FOR TIIIIITELN L 44 In g,'1010.• nr thls Company to .erve for the teetiinfr year; will be heel. nt the Mace. ho. tl5 Water btreet. on TCY.SDAY. too lab day of No velM Cr test, betNACIL. hours all A. M.. and a. WM. P. fitittiEta, 311INCEa..1111EAT— , Jiit ro -4,ive,i,,.0pp(y•41/6,•:4plce) Meat, pre pared real} for oni,lng. pot lIR In evellll , } jl{.. or fur elia• Ly - thiy . !Anglin], at the F.:m l, y +.roeery . Wore ~r .firllN A. Ite,NelIAW, re, eer 1,11/1 It and Ilan4l street', ISTUAItri'N EXTItA GOLIJEN'S9/i -,2v.—Five 1 . 1 .1'01,111de jeer.tro ern') hot for Ale . In Le ge or ey the '-' i.einni, at :Store oi r • .1,40. A. IJEN:HIAIV. :$l/00 C 451.1 11'111. PIIIICHASE .ototy I , ra,, 11-rl,lng or tbreu, tot_ 0 I , ot 1:v :0 fret, on 00'1 CC- 1 1_1. A I Ere, t. VC:NE/14AX ~t Cl I{o , • • w ~- " o ' . " li, f1.1.1Xt.:5 Pi . e• 1 ..1/ t••FUR V. A t e3l le Jill', of e :7% \ , S al, prime, i.e. - • t.F.ota. r: n. - Whole:Alt: It: AN ::7 ..... 1 C01.4: - .iIA;VS 3111.!ti'VA. l 5( 1P-1117! 1 rh, r,ort !red I , r 31T .• or Ii VOlaii: A. .1' A, PE4-6,000 feel, f • og) . 1.1 h tnch cullbre. fo• rite % 10 , • • Ili , HE H. COLLIN:4. I for•tlt by 11P,%11V 11. 1:111.i.I•ks: CILIUCifti.ESPk/ MIZASS FOUN. I/ MI" . ii,)LLIN.S. I.)LASTEII-100 'blots.' fresh Cot.. Tirxity 11, cv4L4...„y, Fillll , - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARES T. BRADY & CO., (Succoscors to S. .J01.11,t C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., BANKERS & BROKERS, DUALXIIA 111 ALL 61.1.D5 Or 'Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, 1 Gold, Silver and Cdupons. COLLECTIONS made on all seeemilnla points In ❑ta 'Malted Matta and Canada". Interest allowed on Time Peposlts. FENIAN BIIOTIIEHHOOH. There %it' he a SVECIA I. MEET \t3 of the FEN. lAN IiItOTIIEEIIo../1) or I l ittsbures sod tiletulty, at the :SALL (Collne's IM/ I .IIng).FIFTSISTREET, on FRI OAT EVEN INVI, November All mem bers are isrnestl7 requested tolbe 'present, as M01t... t... o I Importance cell! be transacted : . .? 31 * EST COMMON ' MACHINE STONE 1V01.1C , , Ncirtbwest Corner al West ALIT:G.IEN V. ALI VATEIL Wlt'l larger Mcllltles for speeT and economy than any eel.O.lashment In miller city, love conmautly 7n hand or ptepsod on short nollce, !Semi and 'emb Stones Sawed Flags for Streets Sidewalks. Seer %%tulle. Ac. and fea all ballOug pUrpoves. Orders promptly and carefully caseated. kW/I:Irmo HOSIERY, E L GLOVES AND IMEdIVEAR, ca-Rm.a.T. -crzLriLmE,xiir. Ei= WHITE, ORR & CO., 213 N'ITYI3. latre•ot. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS INTERESTED /71. hereby notified that the undersigned View er,. abbninted to view and assess darnagea and bsuelit: for the Opening of - Two:Streets to the Third Wr, the Alle Ju Y n en. O a tt d e Atm, ction of Fleming and Pain:Mount at reeta East s 2 • feet, met erne from the Pr:whin of Fontattin and Fleming About nYI feet. Will 11,Vt On 1:1 . 0111/Sta, on TISIDAy, No.en, ber lUo'clock. A. 11.. to alactArge the .lu , les of taelr A .poto .1 AM IS OR 11 AM. (OIN DT N KA.SI.ICY. 4 t]•inub: 1!E ADDITIJN tOO .I3otuity I= IttoIgASTER, GAZZAM & CO., Xo. 9S Grant Street, i =. 4032.22.01, oc.:1 VOiC SALE The felheJue,teserlhol pre- arty will be oircred at ertvate sale •Ittlil Noveteher lath, =I At lite halal of liron.la, Isl sad, la Mcclare 5 D1P.. , 11a It.e to call p,chatera. =1 • In Min:Les...l-, I.—lng I 01;0s 11 , . 111. 1 . 4. 111 and lIJ I ll'n Wan of 1110 011e11.1on Msorlsce., old I .l3llLed by fel bit. CC4lar alley tad Wa.alluglOn The. nhare demi Wd prop_ Ito ee - 1 , 1 b• sold pouable Let:itsa td Cu clay txrdo, naellaputel. Fie fart tit, Ir.l'ed - rattloa apply t.d • • S. towNINO. • Url.lo Attorral, M. A. AW. S. I'UsIVIANCE. ItOst:tn... , • r, IIA Firth I)RLCS: OAMES T. SAMPLE HAVING 1:4I":111' KNOWN !WU,: 4,, 1 0:N1,1: FEt4EIZAt. AND •ALLE.tstItNY, full a,,sorlar...m. zof Linda of x33E1.1::r G rs, At:.( nlis:.l.'w . ,ll 10. 541.1 lb. auy ti.. {l,O I_ II if,. prepiut..l by a drat ,lava PEILFI.3IEItY and FANCY bIIAI') ..o tt \ • BOOT* ANI) WiLFll4Lat, No. Market St, Pittsburgh, r,C rl•ry Itut, 0070)51 J.51130iE a In End:ong Varlrty tv - ,33.tr. N. •1:, et- la law, A guett l'llltbuegtb Cutlery CetapanT. .roy. 67 and • 69 Flith Street. • • 1111 $ 1. ATCH'Itt711.1311.1tY.) , .0,12 EXCELLENT CIIE4P !:41131, LOCATED NEAR M'KEESPORT. (26N N ICA 11.1:0AD PASSING TIIII4O • IT: WELL, IMPROVED. ' 1V 111 Ire to!.I on ftvorahle Jo , nes, or the whole •,•:e toy port 1., of It rachanied ror Ituoro‘e.l City Properl.y. !ITEEL * 6: . WILSON It 1t..1t lnS ANI: Rut E. TATE AtIINi; No. 119 Smlthoel4 Street - A JEW STYLES HATS M ' CORD & CO., 131 WOOD STREET, Are receleinean Immense stock of HATS GAPS AND FURS, Embracing ao en111, , 54 :variety. HATS MIL 'rif.r. LA DIES, GENTS A\l) tOYSI or.tvEttyt.E• FUR, Fult I. A: DI eV A.: le (:111 I. [ALEN • SABLE, MINH. nyUISICEL. nnyohape. un prier. 11, which ['lvy Invite the atteutlon - 0r::193P'.P7 . ETV ell • ArltS; Dr.:KITCHEN' has Just rc lurnc.l from the Fait, an.' wilturea on TillilLionY, al! PIE WELT br 1 Ldts or 16*1.TTER MILLIXER 3", And Y1,4'401111 •sinrtnteht of LAInEI. FUEN. No mo AI.I.EI.IIIXNY CITY "•:', 1.:71 CorilOCA lIE ANNUAL MEETING •of the Stockholders of iho I . II..N.NhIM.VANIA INSUR ANCE LP • niL'.lll'. for the purpose of r lowans . 111. onon+ for the ensuing year. will held at their r ~PI r, Q. 31 Filth street, on MONDAY, Pinson r 350. 1000. lietsreeu rue hours ofo A. si., and, r. m. 1111.1 U Mt:E l l,ll:ha V. necrentry. D • ISSOLETION..—The' Copartner ship heretaktre existing under the name find .tenet,t T. M. 'MILTON Li me. No. 00 Wsler • erne tli.eolveg on the 20111 GAY OF OCT°. 1/.1.11. It.e de•th "of T. M. .IAIITL.A. All t u tor h 00111 chap.. alf.ifsitt the GM 1,11 present them for sottleulent.- OSAL. N. ARMSTRONG, or • it. . • . Surviving veneers, et the °IA/Ilona. QC . OtertSl 4.114 Water street, rltteettegh I'OR SA LE. = Tli ree Necond.liiind DOUBLE-FL II Y. 1.) Loll zits, • Forty Inch. diameter, fret long; Steam Drum Cllll. Stre•C:cont tit good conditlOn Alto, LA ones CILL:41:0/t HY:VANED OIL TANKS covered co parity -'A barrels'koch. Will be sold a n tmeldn. Eniin to, at the ofilde of Fort I'll t or Works. CA. !MULL 4 Stsi'll att. MRS. S. I. STODRART would In form her mmtomere that use hee Just returned from the EARL with n handguns, maorttntmt xlf MILLINERY GOODS; Tb.ving : rt.snovel to the !SECOND rLouit, No. 40 'FEDERAL STREET. A LLEUIIENY CITY. 0..4 !Mr TLIE ANNUAI,I.MEETING OF THE block holder, of the ['ASTON P FaII.OI.IZU MI COMPANY It'oll,o held Cl the I . . lttice of 101)111NOHN, SPCLEAN 179., No. 25 Voarthatrcet, TUlted/Al', Nov. 11114 at :1 o'clock I'. xi. A full attendance of litoek holdern 1., dertred a. Matinees of importance Mllt be brought treforr lh« mm•liiig. • , men ru ~p•ltn • F... EINIOII'A 'LINDE nSIGN -I,I)LAVO remort,i the °glee of the IiOI'& OIL ii,.froin 3, Ala, kr ;ire burgh. on hTit/ZET tirownytotru. Ohre , ' found. h+ ,,, 111.• Addl... 0:10, Pittsburgh. otrs , i,s Ai s ivll.l.lAmY • •- o tr.Ni).— II A GENT'S PELT A7'; I. paper; rutancl Ou VIM Weft c.nto have a Gy callluk at ELAZIETTN. COUNTING. .. . ..itpuit u i , Cao Vi111:41DOIV SIIADEN—A iie wir Jul of .v v nov aud beautaul ...signs on Gram Tau. a„.B.,for , lUda. tauld auu Palma.' Lurdara. at 1. , o. tur.Uarket eine. u.27' . . JO4. It. HU 011L8 A ZLO. NEW AD VERTISEDIENTS. 11 01- PAIITNEItSIIIIP NOTICE—'II 4 e s-'..d.rCignefl Lave. title day:font:v.: .1 co-Ityrt of !- ship Under the LIAO, Et) IC EVAAS, DALLAS S. GIL)1011E. hOci.;ZP,P, to T. M. IRA RTON For the iolrpJar orrorrylog th, 33t1JA21.1. SHIT C.HANDLERY BIIKNESS, nd 3lnnufactortr4 of Cordage, Pa eh Yarn:, lc., AT TIIE OLD ,TL' U. No. OC) 1 :75.7 - nctor ...Sttroot .101 IN PALL IL =l= JOHN CROFT, REAL ESTdTE Office, Nu. 139 Fourth direct, I'lt6burgh, flu for rile the (vile ni.ir Ilesl Este 1.30 Aeeks of L.ald for $2lVe 111111- '0 nlolarg county, Va., fit e miles fern Altty.l b, the Sinking Valley Iload. he i , 1,Ai11.1101, of this property are nunntrons, and by 0011I1g un n, we will give f u lly aal-ulars 00 acres, :Alacre. of which if. 111,1,1:;1,1 null Coo' slunsie lu North Fayette . 1.3.1,111 p, 'ln Om StelllldrlVll , ll goad: Improvenoxils, House. slx :owns : find Hank Nan:: nbu'it'7lo k roll Trees last In thslr prtne. . :111 Werra In Union 'fon'uchfp, on the Wa•llingtun 'Fla.., threqmilles Iron: the city. Ili Acres In nenit To xnehlp, LIE 1011e5 oht no the OW Washington e.ae: • . ' , Aeres /fps,. • • , tur, m len 1,11 it n, Alieel en y Market. ; Dwelling Houses. Allegbeny one Wilklnsborg, onwin greeimri. 01. t• at Station, en the Colons!, i'vntlNVlt h k inna.e. Also Immeillamiy a•• Joining tams c taunt, a Lie mnre Acill I.OTA. Plan ems 1 0 lath For particulars, .noplie the alas eg• hours nire from lOl2 S. Si., 1 10 J P. It., an 4 1001 n the 000, ing. - neil TO PRINTERS. 111.8ELE CIEE.dI.I\TC)M• I= PRINTING PRESSES CHEAP. , he con,,„ln g Pre,s, ft t ; ~ •.I 4 . .n rensur,lor,crrn, the' h ur,rl , ,,r nvlisg her, use for Ode Rupglet. , FPglei- Pre , : `• - Vue 7t,,gglese'lfl Viol VIII If, t.I I rt 11,, ~: Itklea V: i•nr,l Ihree nand 1 ny.d, Imperipl =II Al-o. a lam.. Dl:int., of um NT Er, Attig,, Cnttntry -0111.-e, For partivalnr. athlre, W. E. ra.a.NrigiV, Carat, I{ out! a roll Itini :its., Po oc:armao I- E. S. ABOIIN, • D., ParloiN 96 and 91 Nte'reltrin si" • Dttaar. Vnilet Jai attention to 41.844, 41111, ETil p, • • AND . „ 1 p' I Ai l • AND TUE ORG.INS OF 111 E CHEST Imbra:lng all .ruts 2.4 „ r • Eye. 14111.11,,, Cr,,,, Ilte I y,..• I.t. ataract. etc . Ptern.,. 140111..4 au.l Itum•lig troth.: far, Ithebarge In :In tl.n Lar, eke.. ni tI , tarrlL,' .1.311.1na. I ean.ptinn Antl anectiern,nf tl,e 1 . 11... it .114 nt..lnarh. re:a:m:3 n13,1“r. t‘,141.744.1,4, 'l4llB )11".11:NCY COLLI:CTS 141011 the Vetted etatea Artearurr PAY, BOOTY AND PENSIONS, Vt.• ~"alirr ..r•lt.et• ,1 , 11;1 , r5.n1 I r.tl Ull.l. lire ft . C.ll. Ivl 1,14 1 41 1'tto or Char;_re /of•lue, te. corre...onn , uve rr,.. %• fp, Li ts "i Ar,ri, ocinac of Apf..lffe an.t it I- Itroper 1-I.tgrnis 14 lo lu 11,:f F. JORDAII, Military :14rnt r..r pEopl.l-..s sAkli?i4; B.urai „ Of I'lth•burgh,: 2xxoc.riaOrnta3 2.L1C0 _ , OFFICE, N 0,77 1001:111;,TREI.T. FN It Y rim-ITX ,, Henry Lloyd, • ; Wl;lryld lo••," Ylant., I. Ityulyttl, 1 .I.YNT11.11,..;:o•oll . I'. Jorol. Ilan. I1lovi,".1!..:1,.0 WIIIIMI, yl, ninriirla r, 10, 11,,c,,r,r, %1 1 ,:ilauk .t. iir hrt, cr,,,,. . 5L.C11141,1.1".*ND11,•.11 P VON PON I rrr cent. 11n .tee eleteeett, lot estatent• leetelee tteKernteetete repel tee al tutu liteurltle, Bank open daily L •xerpt¶)-i•M • W P. and rtll ettnes,lay • a u,l front ill , c•or.k to IP 0 I EGA!. NOTICE. - •REv, C H kILLF, A Vt:itY, OF ALlAitillinNY 111 - 1•, P.A.—lt) or d, of tlin nlgolinon• Court of Allegheny CoutitY. A, PmilaottElxnrc ivuii tnobrnn gfiv l ii i n o tLhuant t L Iw:, ill o uitd,yofflnny yntn to-ilttit iiiiceilent, ha, au agcootil, whlols Is Sled In .01,1 t.c urt, thrlr hand. lu eath and 111,n:wow, of Two /It:o -ften uud Sisty•four Ttiontaiiint nun moil'-n,rVrn and ion,-lOU antilynd 1, .'reduction of not over OA accordion to the nal.] Idibut•blo—onc•tialf to the. 'American Mlsnlohary A+ elation," of New York: the Other Flk f to lie illsboraed by Executors for V1:0,4V. but. forth to .14 7ni. Ail "Denton. mad corporations claiming or to claim said funds. Cr any part thereof, Are require :I todsppear In ('our?, at the tit , •rf V 111,5,1111, on the DAY 1F fetrVESIBLII, a DOD:, or in o'clock 1. 111., and file their elf In,?. or bove 01,1., If an• t . h o ee a h m a r r d e, • why { card nail a an nc t: e m o be s l ho .t u r l i . b i n x ot According to lily proclaim. of 111111, vs' 1 . .1 and to.. Lllllcllt. t I Laid deerlen t, as ale.. set rorth. TlCllklAtil S. r, Jtinltlet Surviving:Executor, Ir. MOMMIMENTS, GRAI:E; STpltiiTS Vaults, Fountains, • St,atuttry, EMI DESIGNS OF EVEPI'eSCRIPTION, T. strportlE, BUY THE HEST, PETROLIA BLUE•LEAD, you I. REFINER? ManufActurr.l nr.ly "And for rsir br T.ll a EIVI.V, .5* Plc/2200Z' tI:7I7GPTIS./Eill, ' N. W. Cor.3tlxml Market Ste., lIIIMEDE= GE07.11. ; . SCHUCIIIIIAN 64 co., PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The °NIA BTEa.2 1:n1%11{- I,IBMM:4T N'idßT'lN 72E hICIJNIAth.d. hort. nese Cards, Letter Brads, Conde, IX.e's ' alum Cards, Dip Portralt , , tivo• Cardficatesorlrrramita, Invdedon Cantle, ,tn..-Cr, Nos, 72 and 72 Third at., rillzbUtgli. re 1,01 SOI1G1111731: SORGIIILY1111:: EEL 7. CHOICE NEW MOIC/lIVII, Jukt reek' red and for sale by • • kil:A 10 0e'29:107 1 249 fAberly JARED Ifll. NlAVT.trAcTUltiut or • Steam Boilers. Oil Stills, Tanks, Sli • Iron Works; &c, • • =l=ll Fun Tim Av. ELICTEI). PATENT .BI EDICIN KS R DRUIIS, nt. low Nivel. 1104 rENT it b i‘trr EUti 41 per bottle. • PLANTATIUN tt.lo. ItUOVLAN Wei ItPrlliltti per - PloW 'I) ICIIU LIAR 11, pure, ti Aud eYerything elec. In proportion, ta ItItt , WWH NIGW 1111110 STORM.. ',rpm •Z No. N N1,g7 . 1! , !1 _ Stye. t. • FRODUCE IN sTottio iNI) AR cars r hole° Winter %V Id 34; 110 Whitt/UW.IIIM, 4 do IVldte Ohio 1 / 4 15: 3 do prtme bprln g Bark): 15 hartel& fresh 1, liter.. ...11 leg. prime Lai4l; 150 Irou noun d (Ida ltltrrla. 111.:.:4115 I:MA. .1 it. Al JOG 1,141 e. /i . e.!! itionp Th..in; I)3IDiIIES. .Y.l drums Caialltc Alks , l; Tl l caeca Soil% Asti; . _ 4..; pig! Hutt Lend: • • WO bags liellned Nitrite, la ',tore and tdr .10 by , - - ALEKANDEIT. KING VALL PAPA:It—Of all gra.de.l7, I fuvrarluee, Dlains .110011111 add Eitel,. enVei great Di. U. ID. staxtet @creel.. o /1140. NEW ADVET . ITTSEILEEAIr" ,- 4 I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: • OF.Z•r!i-tl.!' -=-ice 4.,x• "eic (1, - 1 ;1_ _ ' " Cheap Clothing House., Coriwr 6f1 , 1,id Sirvel anti D;:llutr.:(1, ALOSEaIEtiV (Fir At Wiz olOo.le and Ileia it LIST EL'ilt EINE MEM at a t A Eght litteide arorri ! all, a le. con - -joiner to the celehratiol Trikay . l'irllT- ieep red tailor. tine thee ar, and la. many restirete 111:11.ar to the old wine: of Idebon. II KA N trY —The pure ill, inadun of WINE BITT Flit , — very agreeable 1,0"0, ant! • tor- r.itiedy for the dlarrnev. Tlll. hI. Of the most ralualre uiolatlnne o r us•efin and no ageveahli. Unt haw weer ~;;..re d to the llllitoue isntli e war, sold throughout ilo• Nortlidurlog the last ernes. ! d ithrreeer In. adored It has pro, ed a welcome a billion to till' In' alb] [aide, the family circle, and the h icheleira eldriadird. will, have loot strength and nppetStr. End. inter frontnetts., vont fling And vertigo; gontle torn ho •Nliin•l feel very 311a13 i.ire break .,,l or dinner WllO/14 bton43 , b4 are wit of order nod Who,- of Ir m. are R,,erally ,Itrang•.l: 01011,pry V 1 WlllO children and suffering fen. general , chlotten a1..41y .Ature and snot, ilystiepttc .! efit. edits/thin:: travelers who hare °erasion to change 1 - their water; and all who dee In niatarlotte (Mettler, nod are ento. et to nilaareat c -httluen' re, will hod it .1 one of the eaokt.valisble Invigorators (ha, can be toben. it w e , very extenalvely . in 'with anch ,-..u• dal iall.feettou that in offering It to the politic teia dee to Itonneeeiretv to publish any of the er.llleaten that we hair recelvi-d. testifying 1 1 i 1 1 4 ti y .i• e x etrAngret terms In Ile favor..AAll that ne le ',guarantee that tee will pledge our tele, to 11rulsli an article runt. able ENAnctirart i A rhte. nap boon ultra to Iltlle children intrering from node rah In with tonal hanlir effect. Larir itc 1,11,MP,, 1i:111. girl hip artleulai . . with pains In her Lead. , •••bilivt of anpettre nod .I.lly eveattng reinsuanpilt 0. ou Whoni nil inedlc•laklll has been taxlsade . e.l, 11. e barb P. , . (110: !rale.] pt.:Trier:, for • 4,3 Itrely restored. :the began with tqll senspoonful u n Iler appetite and etretigth rapidly Inereneen = Eni;:121; reo:k I=3 I=l= =I =ll Ml= =I I=l E= Ready-Made Boy's Clothing =I zt S Howl E-41. ,1 Jr., (ief r OFFICZ •i iii ECM One )lil!ien Poi Ears of the 5 per cent. 1 ONE miLLiou DOLLARS ii;:" Auvilra - • , • • sltlrcaterl • Pei r u rs .or l'ehhrl,ll:l‘. he re- 1 at II.!• r, •••hry heo:,11, the City r ,•• TA IC7 1.3 The 16th day of November, A.D, /Bct3, • ar. fl, r, J. ;.1,`.. -,141ny ra - L..: 1', , 2z:1111n , 111t:f IS T, • .;elko . f r I,: . .1, ':11. 3•1•,. 74 .1.; • of 'T§ surivane. ctiuirr - F1):: I•ENNzi 7 , 1 holder of bond, . . . • • • . sr"rig Lv thr, LAM.. ra V; CLIAI:IIEILi 12...1!1'..N1' and .11)ILN {.3,1 rl/6.% It YttL.te, i:‘ 1!I v.,ojty, 'Cerra, fh c p,r-1,1:10 of or„rr 11l ttite I . . , ,:ylvatilt. 1-"*... I, An./Ve1. 1 12,.., wI.I 61 orrr.t.,. in I 11...., 1.• 1:... 0 .; t tr.) ..10er. • 1:Irt:c :IL r. A. at T. rlre Nto: . •;., C.. ,tructe,l ;L: I'.o In I t t..t...1) . 11 1, 1 ... , 31 r . ) 11:...Trra 16 1 0i. 1,1 , 11:1‘ 0 , 1-111114 t .n tIle• e.ll 1 e.121.11111,1u..,—., t 1,01.. 11[0 . 111. . . . _ . . •,ver IA .1,11 L • I.• 1 r Ali•t • ••• 11. 1 - f 1..• ;1,1 . . . .• 11 • .14 I'l,l ~ k .l n.,11•••ol tt., 11 1:311- t , ,•1 11, .1., 1.1 r 11.11•1,1.1.0 ‘..noty 01, :Iv. in Ili, c • ersll,,l, am, :1? J. 11 11 1,,••••;:j1 , ,, ,a 1•1 • .2111.1 t ',Mill tuna: • • . . It. h, der, ,s; --;.. • 1•% •h e. harr.l r . . Tin ru,t.-4, 'fir Mt 11, of .I”thr, 7,441,1 Am.:, Al:,:lieny ryunty. 31,t,c,,,..05. 5,4 •11,, to, v• or with , I•1111.216e • . . . p . r, ckr .i:;11,1114 IT to .. ;.. v 11,, Or 531, to I - t.f .11 . nil ••14; wivrn °II, to r.; .1• : 4i :0 r, :11.• ~It, t I,u 1.. r 1-r- tbaj Cr,t tt, 1.,1r, Or ,1:1 'tile .1.17 a .1.,,ta .1. 4 .1 If oe9 ...f tit.. 5,11, 1,1 1 1.. 1.. 10111, 0 , 6), et, t 14.. . I. use of p•op..rzy 3114 pr,1:1,3 1.0 ley r atilt Li ' 11,11 2.1..C1 I, pal-I in II t...13ty-otto.thoo, ..1 use tam, ulot ! , 415n..e,113 tbCtty zu . ."..1...,a , k , !1,1Crtr.1t:0n !,11, w 14,1, term, illt.rrvr Ntitt r:.l, nJ !rye hargefl Irom :It ilt.a so•I it I I.IVIER9, 1101`PER ttitste4,act, to P_. IL• Littlgto .1 o. 4 Smithfield St.. &E.! Mi lauds of.' — . IPMELINI.VIITYPILM Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Sots, OFF!tr. AN SCHOOL F;;RNjTURE, i.!th P. 1.01, , c7ta,n; of Pittsburgh Itlauufutured Furniture, I= - I.l,:pvcrcEst azvosi.2. TUE: GREATEST INTENTION OF Webs! er's Pa tent ." Ordinary Wrench," I= P.ultn, So::mI Huue, Steazu, (;as, Itra:. ' 2l raid =ES Dolt in , cur..wiNi.4 orF Atmlane,. en, in thia !or enttteg up I'll, Arr. eon earrled In the °by:a:ln , the Vllrenee and burden or the great weicht , d long.. kr.. to lon earrh-.1 and oath! . I'd TIO.i UV Ant , It LeAl tiLNAI 'le, ts.ellat lkw li Rl4 C, art antrd ry and tt Ad t.kiel, n, ao I t'Attlti...kt,E. BUILD. I:IN. and ne all taI7F.AM all - 111 . 1.5. Aei. and , very RAILHO,IO I,El'All{• alll/1. nub every tarttitb, reel %%AMID , . IVA h.t.11 e:Aa 0111 , , ErtICI). The %Vitt:V:ll.ES htn ulr,le to the nee( thud. no.tisnanno.r, ah•l cro r 3•.0 Ikr .rent. elwapk.r th.to any nth, r L".Oc oled tentrform the tome work. A 121), ctrl If op pipe iy to Ate la. reach wl.l cut or and - Plea to Inch dlatoeter. An ta !orb Wre et: k. Rll ,, •e-ew On pion h; tot: loch,' .11aneti r. Inch Wrench rid rot otr end screw ;up 1.11/le to 2y, lee Les diameter." Fork:tie by 31. ;714.:NTEEN ti, CO., oru Irs • No. :1417:.:er 4t, near Liberty.WELD &KELLY 'PLUMBEtZS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A hrgt• asaolltro.ut or Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., ' AL 11%.1. 1 - 3 /T.4l'D. Ha Wood Street, sear Sixth. I TO Ca. ASS MAKERS.. • ti VEIN CliiitElßS co.not„,l til 1, i t raugria,oita fUr erutiDng the I lung lie,lotiikaoil Nucl., .0 10 1 * lirtPatr . 04A0 10 har 0151i It 'rot quality to 0 rra dv •e, .11.110 rll,l In cm.; 1.1,1,4.13'. Allut:11: - tvottAa..4. At Elie:'. arlittrii 014,101$4,ril)ei 0100. /i 1 hula, oreti,titi 111 I,aea, or lie 'ilollrenal [lvry, ultla, :UV. at ,1 91.111, , ',to, or _porn, can Ihruirli': hair 11,11:0, price. 100 nit, 11... tireeri Wars .Iqpirtt to thulr toe. tlillect to Ito - ;‘:Llll. o h,Tc:fiLli r„.."— In., or to' A1.1..,i0N11111 151N14, Nu. 1,411 rlrat of 0001, ,+ill 1i prutoplly atlenik,l to ECOMEW & CO, 1281113 CO - PARTNERSIIII S . -. . ri , ETE U,NDER,,SGXED DIANIX(4 4 - -1134.0 n , of the Ittlo tit nun tart °litho Etrst pnleie4 n partnerthlit r I lin rtyle tt f Lim: V. 1,14 it 1Y1 . 3t t ut & c u. In ,. too tutottidniorn of WttidONN..tc., at the olri tattllthett fiat of Fr:die:irk Aoreltletntuto And ThonIUS I.l.rlttrt on tießrer, Street„ and trnold rri=ullyan4ll2l et;mitiitit of of the 14 ; 1031 .Aj1 1 1 4 A1i.17.14 • A. ANTilAle.i4llrAf on12:1. ADAM. A e:CtIELSIANIN. CMIENTII , Pt th e very bcst quaLtty; • PEMENT:I!, • 4.,c23 0 RUST H. . COLLIVS., punk CALIFORNIA WINES. GURNER & CO., No. 30 Cedar St., New York, .r 111 , altlyhle Wine, which are salty , .1 . : • I.‘ er aatontalling rapintty. and I . e; . and aurlealied puoularity teer. r. 'lt. •I'lley have only to he huely to rive them Om preference over all other.. a ye E hler of 10..1 they excel all ether Wlnea, ale! from the whirh have voinnta. the must eminent retiesuen In elery poaltion in fife, : .. ere.," een. that theie Wluev. in 1 mil • a.e. teld. It they ate recolninenthl. lee ,stela art now offered by . - .:tae's Alt thetenet!, now groan In the Late • tl %VIII FL., Li. oci: WIN F.—.`c linhi !UAW . 1..1 ler d. wine A tit arel nalorattv for rine. neirt. Icy and ~thlai.le in the ..1,•0 art , rer, to A... to and ;elite,. It rt • • • ESE IMMIM=MMIJ ITEM IBM MEM BM EEO MEM MEM lEEE 1-,let7t of X . 21.030J1d • Per B❑ttlu. Per Do:e❑ Ifee'L e 0 ti IVlue Putrir 1 12 00 I I, 1 21; 12 IV 1 2S tO 2 1. SHOES_ GIITERS, DRY GOODS,' Blankets, Woolen Hoods FLANNELS, Cassimeres, Cloths, SHAVILE, SKIRTS AND DRAWERS, ACE - u.sll3cLgs, 110USE-FURIISIIII'G GOODS, IEtZI McCLELLAND'S LOTION IMPORIIM, I. Nos. 55 and 57 .107FT.LI STREET. MERCY HOSPITAL, in Charge of the Sisters of ',Mercy, • 'l,' , OZt THE TILEATMENT OF ALL; or •urglral 11.1. L.ct!eule mot:ratted. Irrespective of orredrr rm., Clergymen or all donolulnatlons permit cut tor fell palleats orthelr Own (lord. i'a tle ' s ~, to pay ore mlonittoel 1.11•Nr iCoII,II to any of Mg attenolto ;Ms globous ur ear - goons. All regular physicians sent n¢ liar hat Lira, to ;Monte Looms may Lave hid .hares Orthae or - mei-tit nurse, combined with the parsonal attention ot the slaters. hookas thle inetltntlon su per:fay to auy In the ?tate for Leone aClic weds Mara,. 11 11 , 11:iyskIla and surgeon la Malls at. ortolan,. 31...11,1 =lnt!' e.r..1 month) of d• 11). attendlace: 1). 31,41 E A 1., .10.. 31. D., 150 ()rant reitt.,l l o r..oremt•r. NI. 1,, 149 Slatlhrield A 1.411, Mry 00.I.June. 011.24: 2 N. BENHAM. 31. 1., Irv! Thlral tlrect, ' . , : '. f . . " 31L 1 1 ' 12i.1. P .. ' ]r 1 6. ' ,.) 07 Hoc. 5„ . 4l 1, ./00- or; V. bra/ A, qtal laarch. " la - 1 .. . I F.. 140 . ".::4 ELLA', rotor! Slith and I; trot I 44r,t4, 5gr,.2..00, la dally attzu.lanee. '0024:112 110401 6411111. EL A. 1r0t72:0. a 0442.4.0 44440TH, 211032445.1i1t0W0. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. porch...and the old ett..hlithea iteewery kt own 114 the ALLEtiIIENY Bit formerly owned by Camp.. It Iteehtn t we wool.' Inform the hold lo that we Intend mmtinutug thetnalillrAclure of SPRING WATER ALPS, lladr frolwl'ore Spring Water, and front our fvell-- tit-, sr.! long varvartence In the bitable., au feel hallStil tint v 11l be enabled to give enure rat- IFfael.ton to thbav who way favor us with their pat- sndx•rs £ 400.. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY aii-Atl orders' left st BROWN .1 lilt iiHA Mu?, '4.03 Libettv street, Pittsbrgh, ertil. p romptly sttrible.l lo: orsiil6l pc. J. S. KLNG rualined the practiceOr Den the.r7 at NO. 3.09. "WIN."1"-MC tem. Opposite the Cathedral, w„h g`Xr , M:V.llr:::;,•'l%.;',n,ll:gr,V:A" DENTAL PRACTITIONER. ittent ion will be' given to . the preserva lion att., natural teeth by sLlllfuliv -flung theta Trite the tilont select material, and by glding them Lroper treatment, thus preferring them for Culure aces and eututorl:ln tk ripe old age. Irregularity of the teeth of young persona skill fully attended to and corre - teal Tim,- beautiful itte-Ilke artlticial teeth renderedso coneartable anal 11F01011.1 . the magic oI the Doc tor', ii.e,hantsm, will he made ready for all who Way order them. recent discos riles of value in giving relief from pate In the extraction of teeth, will be sant: fully adutlillstered to those who May desire item. Mier bonen nom II A. H. to 4 r. a. 5e1703 • ( INA WAREHOUSE. • RICHARD E. BREED, - R. No. 100 Wood Street. • RRITA NNIA AND SILVER PLATED teem' WARE. TEA THAIS AND TABLE CUTLERY. !VIVITO on hind.- ( 111 . NA TEA SETS. CHINA DlN:it:lt SET% CHINA TOILET SETS, ,'HIN A VASES. SINTTO, IWHEAIIAN IVCHINA oF EVE ONS RY DEBORIETIO.N LAVA VAIIO BASK aff S. LAVA 5iqr7 3 6056. . ENGLISH STONE WARR oral' earletlek tasul whnlesor anthretall trade.- I . .ne i s , A t e h d p Tt i la . cori pip te stock of alre r7912514' in rrlet. and ten. the easle le Is the teeter:lattice. toy IHAH DAY, McABOY & SPAN(, I rnoI'RIETUIRY OF . IRON .CITY 1111118 OFFICE•ANR WAREHOUSE, N , t,. 15 Wood and 102 and 10/ThirdBt, IMPORTS/1H OP AND DEALERS IN at: SaddleryHar,dware and .Trimiuing, At t 2.:lncrActurra oral' varieties or .Superior Wood and Iron Barnes,. Rfrrh` ,P ,TM Wilf P V. k kelrgrol; and on Astro.) tertne Oa ar ood) In titelr'ino, all of a e offered by any kope In Ibetrade r.AST 6{'A:5T. NoTh.lbit Farm! rApEns;rirrsntruan • PAPER ISA tiI7FAEJTII}II fia COMPANY. - 'Warehouse, 82 Third Street, keep carman 1141111, and for as le. at lowest market rater. NEq TAllg, klArlll LA, liAltUkrAltE, .ktLirpirrh. PIiLT and Nita ['NMl rePtacs. 30,C00 MHz. a . a,orted now In Watenotme. . pv l. lA kttZtplUA .. .dltle t him. •—•• - Kkw PAPER HANGINGS. SOH PA ElLUllB—Yrthch Desl,o;l6 with Gold Bor. th irtiiii.ollAßlXS—Poralielaii Patterns on Orange gitatlALLS—New ()nth Panora on Red Cloy i IV I CITAMBEIL9—iaLce 00,1 Yuan.P a erms ordeuk ignuhdi. For We on. W. I'.'ifAIMESALL' ' :V Wood lawn: WAN ¶ll3 WANTED—A Situation by a .• Youag Mast who has Lela ‘l,e pssitlon 01 :•ook.• I:reirer in b,t.e for tit,: yemi ; is thor sicqunintril Ith I erotil,f prwri, trarcliug for a NV ri" nut au much an obi,. rt a- a • Athltrsa • 'II7":4STEt) AT'ONCE--To cuigime• , Y A few men ArWl tcalif nt tu Ara., :AAAluel cv. IA A 'WA nnd TA.- It lq A N EV.l.l' INVENTED Alt 111. E AT, ',ow..I:0,000 be.'n nib nr AgetlA:l tAtery A , WA , ED. CAll At No. /0 . , SI. CIAD 1,0 NA. ; st err:,lL • ZlrO.lllON .0 tc)aIINEEPEE., = ro yc l • L y . , re a n2 s,rd flit; I . I:AYF -11' \ 10.)31T. AT . .±1 . 121S .. ..11%., t :.'..10 mouth or on color:11,1Am. Yetlzno:, err. .7tr cOt,r-4 to cans, PAr1i , +1 ,, ..1 , 1 , I or att.trets, Ctv., '.4•1,0t1 . 3 800% t.tort.. t'or;o, 0e00,791 lelrfvtl, or 1,14, WA ATE!), One Thousand Far LUC I'm, To. 11 gnnd., for u= rola nil and Wlntor, ' , Orr on elan• ur o.nonalmalon. it cold he clad to erdploy • few , ho can devote Out a parr of their time. Arldreas ' • W. :T. HOLI..kNI) St CO PlOrboorti. Pa.. or Columbto. 470 for evcryulirrc. to 1 , 4y/duce/be t Cononoll neut. st.wlng Macninc. Inwr sc. u.r. fectod. It Lou, f! , 1!. rtlt.o, 4011 1111.1. braid, anil crobrol .cr bc..lll:n!ly—prlcy unl'y eut)—tunk. log the ela.tle fully warranty! lOC tnree vcora. poy !to tali, . ullaslo . n, Iron ouch I ie6 Ilint r.nent can b+ti made. Add,.or ll on U. 11'I:Itt .r Cot Wier No- 201` 1 . fi fth etrycl, N A!! It [ter. utLiwcrcj wILL clreul.rs .00L tcrin, a!: 1.11 0 AGENTS, WANTED COB ANEW 1300.11, NOW tt EADY. _WOMEN OF T;it, WAR. By FRANK MART , e T t,, rfl t..Bc of ••Tlol Rebe Won The object of this "Kirk is I o collect and iirrsont narratt trio: of the sort Iron or tt.e a odiru who shared the perils It the war, and onab; to Iniir fit its piorm,.. .v,lorne contains about 000 oet.vo payee, and Is Elo,t rated wlt b strol plate jwirtralts, eadrartd In the Inost luiprornil Alto. hold only by subscriptlon. For I_ Irculars, address or apply to 1= OCR No. OS VI:1:i st +cat. l'lttbburati. AGENTS IVANirEn ntvriic ItEKA SEW INU MACHINE. .0311 . . k NI to . Lan their NEW a:5 U ACM: , E. WI I tut.' room tlasue paper to Itsavy Itaav, .tlot h ur !ember x itlt• out change of feat% net-Ole la . tan.lon.ttlf.ajustlng press., toot att.l 0101 y .li . algne.l .1 , or tuulioutel •Addre,3, t-at7l,..trta; .1 HALL • O Y1:11. 4.11005. Is , . oct l'a. AJLEN IVANTE 1), TO ACT AC SaLESMEi, Either permant.lly or totoporanSly. who are , Oras Pas.cot to nog:an, 011,1.01aas Imelocsa Apply 10 Yen li or addresa W. D. 13 4ri Grant et - zet, Pltt"hurnt.. to. MEM IfERCRANT TAILORS. HENRY kAlaid; ThTF•RCHANT TAILOR, Northwest Corucr of Puun St. Clair Ste neetres to return thanks to hit rift o•In oral the.nottr Itc for the sane rant Tut err, tint reape..tfultr toile. lin a shnra of their future ryntronage. Ito ,iraa. • e Weaned to have Int= examtue his .11AarzP, and tiarefully tielectOti stock OF Fine "VVoole - n odds Panic LI I mr!y ap4.l • iENTLEEYS WEB ton PAU - :'‘.o .11I1TER, LARGE STOCEI OE 13407 i T'S AMR OVERCOATS, Oi like Igt“t Ts:inler Lur: la GRAY - & LOGAN, -Ya. •f 7 Rl. Clair Sb•cct FALL AND NTISTED: GOODS. • We rvl - ' GEE, No.lo !=it r Street, ,tllll, kftrtalon of Loys of Coo.lt. which hs, ...I,ett.,l t•r e.te, and oontilon all the 144-at t y Ina of Good.] to L! found 1 / 1 • llr.il-t.tabn boo,. Gru t. WIIIILINht a SUIT OF CLuT/I Will 'pleth , , ali Wad exlmlne n goads and priced. Al.. a lull v. 1 1 ,1 bto , . k wpm:3. ' 11'31. 11% rficGEE, 1.i:IZC:11A Nl' TALLOit. St. , •imir .4117ePt—rill11,1170. COAL COKE• Sic OVAL: c 0.41,1: IMPORTANT TO ceNsumEns H.UMMEL & RABER. site the attention of ill • buti!le to their Gnu etoilt of COALJustererlred, Ir.cludlng tur (tattooing, va- Lamp, Noto.l, 2, a nil Cl/ nAtitit C. k 1 42 {'alley, Nos. 1,2, 3, and Cher:limn, All of tlt&lare oreprtre.l to Wirt, at UM : LOW h HATE:, thr stag!t: too, ea." lona, bolt load or thenoatttl tor,. All order, toot aptly it.erttlz-I to. (1(1Ire: 111 . 4 Ca et:nut t.zre.e: Llir Drool. • no1:1 tC • AMU:3III.IIUL I.A. COAL ICOAL : I COAL : DICKSON, STEIVIRT & CO., Ilavlngler.wreci then - 61/Ic*; til , Toro, 0437 csrt7, 4 • (LLtell M ty Flour MI) :?ECON Arc. now prep. -01 to turnt'..l rood Totighloglittly LUMP. NUT COAL . OSt At the. 10e1 . ..et .11=Aet role, 414 - . Al. orders tett st their fare, 'or adllrecso.l to thtutthruolrh the wall, net!! he ot t toolA to prOtortlY. tuye.s: tr±l - CIIAIILI;S U. ..1.111451 RONG, Youghiogheny and Conn ellsville Coal A ntrM.r.‘ase=re. Coax, Mack, and Desulphorized Coke, 1 /I , IICF. ti , D AltD. Corner of Futler_nti_. Morton; erat yard on Ltb..rty end Clymer street:, Ninth sr and oat Second street", near Lock No. 1, Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Menufhetrirers sLentledsrltl. the best artiste of Coal or cols, at the tweet ga sh rates. Orders lett at one of ad sarda win receiserrecopt . TOBACCO, CIGARS, EXCELSIOR TILTII I- t iCCO WORKS. & . V4 7 Ja*KINSOhr, 31...91TACICTIZR8 OP ALL 'SIND:, 00 : Tobacco, Snuff •• anti Cigar's, ac, 6 FEDEIIAL:FirkEET, b Int .nor ftom Suspect olost i • . l .llranerk • Slore ay, Salem. Ohio. mv21:13.1 R. B. JErraxEs' Manufaelurer • and Nrhoies.34e and Detall Dealer In all kinds et - TOBACCO, SNUFF MO CIGARS, No. 6 ST. CLAIN STRECT, Zliturtison, Pa. 44 - Al•rge ensoitment of SIEER - 31,7HAL`7.1PIVE3 nod S.3IOX.INt. TORACCO. of ino best gnalltr , bent on banns, torll:b7a GEORGE BLUM= SCHEI Dr4/..611 1N FOIIAION LSD VOIMSTIC BEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipm, 6r. No. 11301;roza.t.b. Fa1re54314 (Near comer of Liberty.) Iny:bl4 [~ JOHN IVIEGAA.viL Hanitf Wturer cd and Wbole6ate and (retail Dtaler In all Iclnda Tobacco, Snuff and. 'Cigars, 321L.A.-T•Fir-1 15T Rail E r ZTA A general lassortment of Smoking. Tobaco. Picea •Nwr • • ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. All who nerved thrct yearn are ea titled to $lOO bounty: Motu nerving two yr•tra, tatt; or who were discharged by mut. of' wouttdl„ or their helm 7 tar.s Months Extra .IPau • • Is doe Voluaters 0111eura to tha aery March id IKS, and discharged, musterod out,or r0 . 4 „ 0 4 glace Aorll9, rtliSlONS.—l'ernasnently. disabled of eoutted to .1.5, .20 or $25, aocording to degree of dlaabil.. 101. {V..I. d HALL L PATTETLhON', /.tiorners, • T 1 “rynt Xtnut . PlttabllP.A. P. UICO. 6. 6 VTR ..10111‘ 11066 JOHN •ROSS 8c CO 0:21=0:=1 WM_ N. OLDEN & CO., M N UFACT mins aND Dreizas tlarbon Oil Laiipi and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS,CtIiBOIIOII.I4 &C. misc.. Eva, CHANDELIERS MCA* ehtrie . Mfrt il laya:l29:daVT 2./TIVIIIMEM4A, I K. li..' MI