. L._ .. • THE DAILY . . - PUBLISHED BY • Penniman,*Reed & Co., • AT. GAZETTE BUILDING . • No.. se mnstal.. Strout. . 0 ,P. _. • .1L PENNI!' AN, ida.ort. • • Y. HOUSTON,. • . JOSIAH HIED jj 11 ELDON P. BELD,§ — ""' • • JEUMS: • 81ogle Cep lei 3 cents Petver!-d bl aWriee. (pc! . weekl 13 cents Ilan &thee - Mere, (per yes?) $B.OO. .Ltberst reductions to Ne)rebopi and Agents "0 - A , 2 , Xitl',Argit Tozeitc WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1800 CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD Yesteiclay we made some statements re specting the progress and prospects of the ”I.lnioh Pacific Railroad'land of . the "East ern Division." It remains . to' show what forward:um the "Central Pacific Railroad of California" to in, thatbeing the connect ing link: on the western side of the Rocky Mountains. From the geographical configuratitin Of the Country. on the eastern and western sides of the Mountains, .respectively, in which the railroad construction' is progress ing, it would naturally he inferred that larger actual results in miles were attained on this able than on the other. Such is the fact. Os the eastern side the two lines ure pushed, as yet, through loyal districts: requiring lit tle Trailing to make ready for 'lie super ' structure. Ott the westem 'side thp tuns up and over.the grand Sierra-Nevada chain of mountUins. With a heavier force f',.f men and teams much slower progress is f made than on 'this' side. Nearly twelve thousand. Chinamen are at 'work on" the ioad-hed in California_ Next spring the contractors expect. to pin on ten thousand pose, when their operatloris will not only reit& the summit of the Sierras, but Stretch on to the plains and into the valleys of Ne- MI Already the trackis completed to within sixteen miles of - the summit. • Starting. from Sacramento the distance to the top of of the Sierras is ono hundred and five titiles, of which eighty-nine are completid. On such a line heavy mason Work is inevit able. IThe crossing; of Canon Creek, twen ty-eight feet in highth, and fifty-four in breadth, is a very excellent piede of such work. • - . ' • Sometime next year it is expected the work upon the "Union Pacific," on the eastern slope, will reach the foot of the 'Rocky Mountains, and then the real unties in construction must be grappled .Ix consequence of 'changes in dams, made in conformity to alat of the last L•sgislature, the people who live along both branches of the Susquehanna and italribu. tii.ries . are anticipating the enjoyment of fresh shad next year, as in the olden time. it is - quite probable.their, hopes aril nothe realized.,, e Two iintiortant statements are made res r.rtipg Secretary Sianton;pue that he has accomplished the tilting of army sprint -1 icnts in such manlier as to secure un doubted loyalty in that arm of the service; the second, that be ha 1 not sought, and does ti 4 waut.n foreigri Tux Conservatives and Democrats have_ thlt . en to abusing_the Beecher again, charging him 'with having abolished the fourth commandment by preaching polities on Sunday. - Ths preaching does not suit-them as well as it did. A Hmtnisntinu eotrespondent of the Cin cinnati Gaztht asserts that „lir. Thaddeus' Stevens will not be a candidate' for the United States Senate, but: will probably give his influence towards Gen. Cameron* Tnr Congressional . Committee on Re. treneliment met at New York yesterday , bavuig summoned many persons to be es• unlined Meter. seems to be no truth in the tele. grapple report that the Constitutional Con vention of Louisiana is to he convened.. MR. GIOELEY thinks tho Republicans will gain one member of Congress In New York. • . LAST week there were one hundred and 'lleo dentl4 from cholera in Cincinnati. Mempliis Commerdill Amy() mnsolidated. Splisib;e. _ • Tag I,IIIEnATIOIS OF VENICE.--Great preparations are, being ma,le at Venice to celebrate the entry of the Hinge(' Italy into that city. The Bucentaure, the historic galley upon which, the Doges of Venice married the Adriutic, has been reconstruct ed and magnificently: ornamented. The King be conducted to the Ducal Pal ace along, the Grand Canal; traveiaing Ve nice in its greatest' length'. Among the patriotic manifestations that wilViake place is one that is calculated to produce the most profound sensation. • One of the most. beau tiful 'women of Venice, entirely clothed in tuoirning,, end covered with'. chains, Will be presented to his Majesty at the moment; of hid coming in sight of the eity, but, in place of : the keys of the city, the ,Pedosta offer to the..ffingesymbolie axe destin ed to strike off the chains of slat cry. At the samelnstant' the shackle's of the captive and her mouintul vestments will disappear .nt . tho sound of salvoes of artillery mid of popular acclamatioos., Venice, personified, transformed into a goddess of liberty, will then Present tcs the King the traditional •cushlen upon whi^h will be found a golden I:cp.—Express. •' , ' • —The Paris corresphndent of the New York ffome , :Joernai writes under date of October lOtb: . "The Imperial lady,- who tuts made it the fashibn, by august exam ple, to dye the locks of a carrot color, and bedaub the complexion ;with red and vhite liquid cement-Amax it, -ye ~graces, and tremble—the peerless Eugenie, alas, has grown fat. - Yes, it is the plata, un varnished truth, and consequently, now, no one can lie bell:: in Paris unless fat, fair, and forty.five. It is not, however, the fig ' ore alone or Iler Maesty which has taken to autoopoint; her features have, alas, lost their delitlacy, and she has become "moon faced!' as any Eastern hood. 'Die on bandit is that she is Yeti; daepoir." 'The healt of the Emperitir, howaver,-Is by :no means so satisfactory as that of Ills Lepel ial part ner, for,3thiie she is daily -:increasing in size, he is dwindling away,'- a Imo tyr, it is said, to a very dangerous and painful sease. ' But, though so great a auflerer, Na .poleon still attends to.publie business-" criminal trial is in progreis before be Circuit Court at Adrian, Michigan, in which the attempted murder of Aaron :ADAM is charged upon his son, his (laugh : andhis son's wife. His daughter, it is `charged, administered the poison in the lhrm oraxsenic, mingled in the old 'maws .tea, dolngthis at the instigation of the son 1 Jahn and his wife. The daughter is a girl batthirteen years of age. The old man recovered from the effects of the arsenic, and" is very desirous that 'his children • 'sbould escape the penalty of the law. lie -even went so far as to take his daughter scer,Aly, by a rotuidabout way, to a neigh. -bering conatyAnd'seated.' • . Premix Senator i fmealdng, some in t b,„. C o m kttif, ot the t.--- 11c T e a co g u i ldtion - zof ideirs 1 ,1 1t4c0 acid • 4. lA 'n that.' :‘,'brigandag , ego; princi . Jit6ctstittir Of Arzcioo.' • - ; . &7 / • I , .. _ . • . ' - ; , • i - !'- _ . : ..• • ! i ' i .1 1 : I -' - (.• I'' .• t.:_.__ ;•4 , . 1 ~ /.„1• „, ~ 4..., J: •• -- • • , 4 7.. . • • . . • , ~.,. VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 262 CITE ITEMS Abora—Parl9ra at Ilefellanta' Hotel / hie "Workingmen's True Friend The Opera Iloase'Shoe Store. Great fiaerlfloo • Of boots aunt oboes at the Opera . Hoses h hoe Store. Immense' IIOIIOCtIOD .• In pricks of swots ant,l shoe* at the Opera lloiise Shoe Store. .• . . 511 , 1141 C d flown. . Our entire stock; — geedrraapi; Opera Hauge Shoe Store. .. _ ___ ' Warranted To glee satlshietloo—goods soil - at the Opera 'Elouse. Shoe Store. - • Terrible Minuet ter. • Everstbing selling awful cheap, at the Opela llow,o Shoe Store. . - Real Hairs Has, And no mistake, now to be had at the Optra House F.hoe Store. . = \a l / 3 mado by hand In Allegheny; the shoe+ can not bc beat; Opera Horse Shoo Store. - For Everything elegant In Tul miss, Circulars t,!d Sucques, suited for the Opera's, go to Spenee'S . No.7s3larirct street. i Boots nutlbhoes .ijolng off like hot calres. Come soon and cc: cure a bargain; goat goods; OPeninons2S/rc Nuts: Nuts? Nuts!, . Pecans, .AlsnondF, Filberts, Brazil or cream, English and American Walnuts, Ground Nuts, Cocoa >luta and Chestnutiyat 112 Federal 6t., Imay city. G. 13c./A A. splendid Meek: yelvet Sactrtue tritunied in most magnificent styles, go to Spence•s N. 1.1 Market street. [tearing . Restored mtdl3l3leol in the Earl. Iternosed;, • I corttfy that my hearing was impaired for three yearii and a constantbuzzlng ht my ears and.tbat Dr. Aborn, - at the .t.lercliant's llotel, bas by a few operations, entirely relieved me. 1 stop at the St. Clair 110101, my residence is in Jefferson county, Pa., . If. BROWN. 'Cloaks, wade from thC following : Tricots,. AaStrcan, Chinchilla, Beater, W nitney, and all tee leading brands , at present - so popular, go to the Pittsburgh Cloak and Mast ill:Telt:we, N 0.73 Marfcct,st rect. . fantlinti and Scotch. Alen nut forte!.( lnslish'ana Scotch Ales and Porter tree:Oho celebrated breweries of Allsops, Byars Iles, which are acknowledged to proanee the tines:l..Tait liquors in the world, Is sqld by the „ singlebottle, dozen or cask, by hlcClarran hiclZeanau, ttl Market street, corner of Diamond, near Fifth street. Beautiful, gul,t,untial find elegantly nod flotalted IVrao,, front Llkineltilla, go to tiyence's, NIP. 73 Market street. , Bowers 11104i0101111% lily Cerilar Mowers InudOrOtra Glycerine. Rowers luoilorons Glycerine. " The above, stands undoubtedly teltbout, eu ':tool. It is perfeeltli Puro lE is more benifng and boothine In Its nature, and has not the slightest color. Sold wholesale and rel all, by aleClayran Druglsts;i•a" Market street, remora Moment!, near Fifth street. - For I Ever3 - thing In the Way and Chra.km; wade (row the thateihrt adapted to the,purtlese, go to the l'lttsburgh Cloak/use Market street. • 4111 all the Excellent Tonlex For 'weakly and debilitate,' invalids, commend us t:O Arm old English Bottled Ale. We bare lately bad oar:talon to use some of It, procured at Fleming's Drug Store, .tio. Si Market streel, which we dud to Ito a prime article, such a. Fenny": nev cromm - 1 n this city. Leave Stomach Bitters for a change, and try soul° of this Ale sold by Fleming, and our wool for it you will be the gainer. TEILTEGL 4 M~. I= Nis the Merchants National Telegraph rnmpanyo Special to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Olz Cirr, Riser about thirty-eight Inches and rlslog. No rain today—Looks him more—very cloudy. Oil deli. __ • - - Flood at Jersey City—ocean Yaelit Mace —ltegiutration Trout>to In .1111asunri The -Case of Priest /McMahon to Fan.. - Nor Yong, Oct. 30.—The flood caused by the rain this morning was so great in Jersey City. that nearly every 'basement and cellar was tilled with water. The city prison wan flooded no that the prikiners had to ho removed. • An ocean yacht race , for a purse of F 40 ,000 takes place early In December. Three yachts, the rleetwing, Vesta and Dearletta are enter ed. They sail from Sandy ilook and go to the isle of Wight: : • • The Tribune's Leavenworth special, of the 29. th, siva: A man Just from Lloerty,llo., says he was driven from there, and that tWO•Inell were kilted. The Supervisors of Reglstration have been arrested and are bunt cofined in the Threats bete been made e rebels to clear out the ktegtatratora and destroy their books. There line been great trouble, and the Indications are of the moat nervous kind. • The licralcrs Montreal special says: The Ro man .Catholai liish Ili not allow the Priest McMahon 1111ecuted, audit is to he feared that this Lead.to serious trouble between Protestant Upper Canada and Catholic Lower withttrey Gen. Meat allowsth elicit assassination if he the exe cution of tile Fontana to take miace. Indian AlTwit is—Arisoa—Steetuaer Born ed—Frorn Shaoslial. SAN Fusactece.get. M.—An Arizona letter dated October 12th. says a scouting party from Fort McDowell. allied and wounned fifteen male Indians, and eaptUrtnt two annual' and enven children. The Ainerican built slimmer Truguary, was burned Aug, ibtb; Kankang, China.. Advice,' train batteghal In neptember Sth, confirm previous reports of Lite considerable success which Choate bad obtained over the Tycoon, who made a descent on* Choate terri tory but was eau •ht lu a def i le. and routed wig:heavy loss. Chesil retrieved the losses suffered at thy beighning of the struggle, and had crossed into bkokonra, gaining a victory over the force under the cenunand of Kosher', uncle of the Tycoon. The uteutucr.Del Norte, (rein Crescent Clly,t brings $7,093 In treasure. Thu bargee Camilla from the Artie ocean .brings barrels of oil and' 12.0 m Pounds.' or bone, • _ 97th NW:octal rsprea• Company, E • UKUI ' 67us Ye. October M.—Thu National xureN, Gompany reorganized' to-day. The now Directors - re lien. Joseph It. AnCereon, of Richmond; W. H. Perot, of lioltilpOre; '4. Garter hlarhury. of Georgetown' Col. M. le. Barman, or htsunton, Va.; It. P. Zimmerman, 01 Atlanta; W. It.. U. Webb, of Now York; J. Foley, of Baltimore; W,n . Lwors, of Balta. more; and howls Noreen, of Lynchburg. Va. Mt. Perot will Do President. In place of Gen. Jfkeph N. Johnson. A further requP•ition of Ler , per pont. 'anon the stockholders will be made and payment enforced. Dinner to itonfederation flefegateo— Dore Penlso• '1 otileted. liAllitT.T o l4 IN. 14—Atrand dinner was given to t lic English Confederation fast night. Speeches were t nude by Hon 4, A. DI coonald, lion. gr. Haagen and oth all lts ti:o Interest of tae Confederation speeches vrero remarkable for the cheerier, of -any millions tattle Fanning and to eeeretery lieard4 letter. , The colaw am, (C. W.") Oct. 30.—The assltescorn warmed yesterday. Tree Wile of Indictment .H.fire (fifth A. against tho prisoners here. the rase of lieniensas IBrokin•.g :New Your, Oct. 50.-I.lent. -Undue, who claims to hive held a comuitaalou In the cr. Codrederato nary, and whOscired the steatuur Cheattpeitite .Ictringthe late rebellion, has been millcteit for retarder and piracx or! the high ache. Ile well be tried at t.lionort tension of I,hp U. ti..Cireodt Court: Pt om St. Thomas.. OEM. th . t. 31.—11. 8. steamer Blenyttle, from St. Thorns., in tying atquarantine, with eighteen of t"e crew Meg with yellow and tn. .termittent fever on board. Fourteen others died. on the pass ,ge. . , --- __ , - 01.1517, tPlorm—Rn Mable News. :Om Yonw, (*.V.—The storm has ',wearer.- ~, ,,t (42,,uogrape was; .enst, of rortland. Me., aml /a certeestuenee we have no Ca. 410 news te. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A.M. VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. It R 0, Napoleon and NiatsltniWan ro Yaks Lands Otf—A United Stoles, Proteeto• relic—lmportant it , e.stier of Torrltei . y. New Yong, Oetober 3 . ).—The following I; the Tones' dispatch referring to thu reported treaty between the Uulted States and the Mexican titmest Governments , Colonel Lewis D. Campbell, the United States -Minister to Meiten, has left this en y.wltli credentials ail dreseil to the Juarez Government, and with full Instructions conforming in tvory respect with the tripartite arrangement previously comminticuted to you, between the United States, Fervice, :mil the Republic of Mexiim. Under the arrangement now perfected, Napo leon Is to commence the withdrawal of the French army from Ilexico - tivxt,tnolith, although lie ha, rt year fl mil that time to emo. plete the evacuat Miter Mexico, It is more than probable that the whole army lr ill be I'd: 1.1- drawn by ur before the Ist or January next. With the withdrawal of the French a rmsa Maximilian takes his departure, and the. farce of un Empire on the North A ineric.in c oauncor Is ended. The adinintitratlon dertahes to.extenil to ditarez's Goverbition In Alexlco R proteetOrate er hien Is to he opera live, however. only In ease 01 elnerguncy. plainer term.. our army on the it:,: Grande, and the ]Meet in the Gull, are to be held in rea diness to assist..l hare,.. Shoal.% elicit 11,sis. More become necesFary tii him fh estalilbdi . lag his authority as President of the Republie, and in bringing to work full vigor the tils afftlery of a Itepublicau:Goveruntent. The ad tutaist ration has Ate• erre hied with Minister Camilla , ' a Military ollfecr 1:r high rank, eminent abilit ie.?, and 501111(1 J nag inent, clot. Mal with pOwer to ter hl the enter. getter referred to. I.iuut. Gen. W. T. Sherman Is now spoken of to 'RN connect:Oil, his,! also Mai. Gen. W. S. Hancock. Thu re:Tonsil/le pilesloo,lt. is strongly' Ivelt len dereil to Gen. Sherman, it there Is reason to - believe that he will accept it; but, should Its decline, General Ilaticoek w lit IltalouSteilly ne Sent. •I t to no part of the plan 'l,, move any I:nil ell States force into Mexico Until all occagion shall arlae io render .nett it es..rt necessary, brit It is hoped that the attitude a.sinutal by the United hates thus imolicly 1n sending all officer to Mexico, clothed with this power, will lie snMcieut to overawe the various loaders of' that counr tol lliu Milacron, rival factions that-hes t e:. y the e land, and to lead to an unanimous .norm-sloe to and support of the only Government that has any pi-e1...n00n to regularity :old vonstitinumality, or otly ability to ..tablish and itself. In consideration of the friendly elites the , assumed fly the stlVerilinellt , of Otis Colla try the government et Gait coun try, which Is 11111,1 I ta,01,11z,1 and l•Mtaltll4l ,, l, agree to cede to the ales the terri tory, as • liereißfore efrailllllaktirest to yell. The precise boundary of the territory thus to be ceded it Is not possible at this tirim.to glee. but the (UM, SouthweStrrn N 0111.10,141 hoe Of the Unitetl Tutus w 111 prollnllly leave the 1110 Gmhile at Or near the point where It now der s, hut, taking a Wore f.outherly courer, will run • in a straight !hie to the Golf oi California, striking tlia; gulf at soPoiiit south of Gmiya rims, so 10 ill elmle that seaport wlthin the limits of the United roll,. We then gain tile whole of tir• Pencuoila of lower CallfOrDia, with .ho more valuable portions of the states of scams and llll4 with all their immensely rich deposit...et pt ecious Metals, the oil of the gull of Calif n nia,tind much shorter and chore practicable noire to the eO,lSt. FROM NEW (mums, Proposola for,puttditrr the tt vee—The Cotton nod • Ortega nod Genii , trol .bt.i.rectUnts.. NEW.OrtLEA,, fh•tober ori outnl kalle‘l for lii,tun I ti.day. The 'Board of Levee Comm., to tit rii '- sued tiropomals for lindiliti4 ivelvo loonire thou:And feet of level,; Cotton is unchanged; with ,_ale , Of 2,1'1,a loci,: bi nominal Tim receipt. I.lr the last four an y+ Werebale,y 7,541' hales for the da- , year. The exootts were :r.5.14.1 Louisiana sugar Is Igine:ett Me /8.39es lx ,1110tanl :ti b , 7.i.tf.e. New Ye,`); Ex titian& is quieter at i - lkeount. Gen, Orteen, irbn 'has been here for ;i , lll, days, left this eVening by tee al i t ,ii•ana,4 it. Man' for Ittar.'oit, St. In:ni lie refit..., to C.- gard himself to included denunciation , lit his letter on Mexicali till It , to Gen. - Sedan ich, l i e nsi-ts It tam !Ile von,ll tutional'elaims to the presidency ottlie nepnh- Ile. lie says if hits could think that lieu. CII,-,, Bite thought Of setting; "'He the en e. , 1 it Utin , l Of Mexico. or upon h s titli-s to nlll nnr- Itr Under It. he would formally protest tiii.Litst hia assumotion. lien. Sheridan leaves to-ttiorroai' morning for Texas. _ . . • Tito Trinity Property. New Yuan, thi.t.:Z).—A meeting of the Imire of Anneke Juni /was held, in liroohlyn hod Orening to bear the repeat of the committee who were Termitic apporittei t o confer with their eonnsel with t•egtrit to a settlement Of their claims with the Trinity Chant corpora tion. • ifhd committee reported that the rertilt of , the interview' with their counral loud been highly gratifying, and Olathe Lind stated that ' the eitUrcil eorpura t lon frivol ably regarded It ,a compromise• with the lietre, Mat he deemed It probable that a tout enter t wonld be Made by December next. This COlll,O luta hero adopted, It in paid. main ly in coneerillt,Co Of the refusal Of Certnl,. (eh an t, to may rent, anal if payment was enferemi by e. suit at law that suit ml ht hilllM that Om title wis unfounded. Tile heirs of Annette Jane now feet • confident that (hint . claims a iii he recognized, and regeol this prod-al eompronrise as the enteral.: wedge svideli to t enable them to recover front the. CollaOr..Lion all the linmenen roperty itninentina, tonearly 4,Noßroperlill valu p e tirld by the Trinity cerpo ration Fenian -• NEN.: YOMI,Oet. creel toady telegram , pour In at the Fenian henilgteirtio , i inguleing In regard to the :mllOllOl.llO. Fent.ul nitthert ties in the event , of the e,ention 01 the pi 15- Caere. The Mint:Ned ,IHratell Preelilept Roberts and hie reply will tve ae ,bl,2l,acoa 01 the great number that antra tank, are tin sWered; C z INCINNATI. Oct. r. Prraiiil'nl Neu. For!, Wu hold a Grand eir it and [unitary Ineet.ng tonight. V 11,1111 beat to 1/o done! We have Our military, tboroathly reorganized; If you cull for one bemired tboil,llll 111011 for three tnonthi they would fni really tit tome. Annwer this initamllatt:lV. • .4. W. FIT7.lIliEnAl.b. To J. 11% Ginri nnaak—l:et yoar wet In military trim moan tly. iVo will •eom teach tAnadian etrvard's whether they on hang a minister of lied or in. If they theul a hair of his head thaw will him. to run forth ur than Booker, tpeilneen ,, , nag; utslod don (Slirne,lo WM. It. lionettrA, Prespient , Fenian Brotherhood. A - OINCOVerell plot. Now Yoga,-Oct. Times gives crc. dente to a rumor, which has been Mr ...MO time current around City Pail, that. a pint trot been concerted try rental , noculiers or the dedtont,- ard Mr. John .of Aldermen to and alio re Ave their nt( Mr. would, while • ncting•fut Mayor,'ln the Woo - we 01 Mr. noir ' Man, urocced to remove Mu Street Commis- - shiners of the Croton thlard, which lire very lucrative and influential to thu charter the Board of Aldermen may' &mt. 4101114 - or whim the Mayer.tialeent bovend throe days. The cotispiratort waited until Ihe thren days had expired, keeping the Matter Of Miran vat y secret, and had livery thing ar ranged to meet at noon ami thillWO Air. Brice and appoint another preddiklg °Mc , Oblyhr theme telegraphed to, he being t„,c, the interior of the id ate. The message aas re- PelYea / Tao Maier. however, tool. the ihr gIVIni , up two hOthalt . gngementm, traveled " four bundled mites, and arrived at his Mace alma one hour the nicet lag of the Baird email mho piace. Of course the meeting was postponed indednito, Trial , er the Baltimore COMITIIMAIMICI.M. Ilsi.vixone, October :11,—The trial oft lie Po lice Commissioners continued t0.‘14, and the wltnesimS summoned for the defense welt, present in largo numbers. The trial was con tinued up to [Kee o'clock, with tau Intent:oh of holding a night 014/431011. It Is expected that the case will be brought to it to rmlnatMn hp to•morrow nlgliti , the evidence went to prove that the boxee aced at tlie lute election were the same as used for several years past, that Lulea lor the rekcted votes were - sent to all the waele, end that tirersty-seVen Web re turned with rejected y0t,05. Fenian llecitag at I.Outtwillo • Loetevici.erJet, Vllrillll4 Fenian clr. Clog or I.lint city held an ineethig to,pight, Announcing the Itrit tali got - eminent , and calling upon the United hint. to Interfere In behalf of Lynch and 11n11 anon,. - There wore few Caliell of client to-day;tno4l , of Wein mooring. to people DeWitt Warrisot ,Sll4l'urd-41".1"n • liIItRISSUMI. October "A.—Tito linverhor has alga.% a warrant for tile execution on Decem ber ath t , of Peter itota for the thurder of Ills wile. • Them Was a fatal ease of cholera hero yes terday. peniagylvve.o• CMeiai Majority. . Mibatanuao.P.a.,oet.:lo.—A letter from the fieetetari Of the (Ameiouwealtb, SlAted the felloying the,emnplete oftiMel vote for tiorertmeGeory, Suttnt; C1ymej72‘..0,9.16; Gen. 9remriiiiiejOrityd.7,l.7l3: t ... c ,.__. _. - ~ ,, ,,, . .- i ckEL.isiii, - . .--,- —,? ii.---- -- --: ----- ..__..o , ' - -,, .:-, - • . 17b o t..._ _,.., f.,.., . - , - N ,.....,_,, -,---.---..---=',,,,, :-_----,,__...„-._ 7 .- „_ _ ; r „, r , ?,. \ -- ; ,... ,,,,, , A ,.,.. ; ,... 7„ .„. ~....,„1,...„4 „ ...,....„, - _ v _ , , r 7.--.... - --1 ,T:._ . .?.. 1 2 4 ,-; - -i,z , , -:-:_i, ~ 4 6T ..._, 1....=:4:;74..ri5' ,- " . Q.,? , 7 F. - k r. .. * /4 - ;.. - ~----....4 ~ ::-.7' , -,•.54.7 s --..--' '' , 4 , - - ; - - :1a , , ,, ..c- Lz 2 , totoiAd \:zilf--- , --- _ . t--s-o,‘-,..,' "- cs ,, 3 "N t , ..".. 'T . ' - v . " / . .i ... a.V1, - S: ''..^:-... - , ' - ' -'7.C. t tiln 4' .../'?, ........ , ...4...2... -- : , - - , t. , 1... I .:- ".- C , 1"....e r. , - t . .tiAw i........k. - 7 -4":' ' .-, :jr„.-- _ .--- .- - .1,-'77 - - ' 7. -- - - / - -=-----ri ' -'-------.---. ' -#.- - - , 7 . --- '2 : 7 ----. ' - / — =' - ' 7 " ---- ME WM ME -- ==i PITTSBURGH, W INE A OCTOBER 31. FROM IV A SRINGTON. Oficini Mexican Dl.patchem—ludian Set pert otemilosat Appointed—Yank Chang ett—lPrtego anti 31extfto. W /A1_111.1'0:1, Oct. 00.—Thi, moue= Lega tion received to-day, official despatches dated cotton tin , lot lost ~Ltiontalutng tbo folio% - lag Information . • • • President Juarez issued a decree on'the 'Nth nit., repealing the decree dated Michael% An gust. filth, 1011, in which certain in leech:mita wereolfered to foreigners whnirould emigrate to Mexico to join the Mexican artily: Now the Mexican government reserves to 'ltself the right of flying the terms on which eke will ac inpt the services of foreigners In eVer.i case according to circumstances. The official paper of the Mexican govern- Meet published Gen. Martinez's report of the several successes obtained by t ue Liberal for ces In the States of Sdnoza Outing the month of August last. A communication frilm G n. Lozada is also published. showing l lent this General, who had at the lieginning jollied I he French. and Max imilian is thoroughly dt,gusted with them and lute made up , his mind to desert their cause. lie advisee hie COUntrynten . WhO have taken sides With the my tilers, to abandon that cause. This lea vet grea t blow to Maxtmll lan ltainia was one of the main Sup- Do rterS Or the Wei - aro, alai a man 01 ranch la , tinetiee In his ,n.,triet. The General land Office has direCted therm pr W oval '2 xi lien% Ot the State of ison csin, onon,ii account of t the Green May and Lake Mk:hie:in Canal. ' nmninii. of Kansas. was to-day ap pointed S , iperuitentlent of Indian Affairs for till 111intl...ist iiiiperintennenci. There has been several cases of A idlatlo Cholera daring the past week. The [honk or the State of Missouri, hi St. has been changed to a National bank, with the title of .uThe National Bank of the Stale of Missouri," lied received its certificate of authority today. its capital is fi3,41ti,300. No cltculutlon, will he issued. There Is no truth In tine rumor that the Mex leant Consul at New liricros 1,, 0 1 oo piloa to Gene al Shionlan fur per . missien for General 011. , ,g. pass t0 . ..111,1,0: ,• Ti1e Mexican eoti,el Seat to-day it dispatch to Minister Romero. 'denying tile charge, as General Ortega M- I leads to IS,IIO a print iinciato against the Moe. ! lean government:. It,, cannot, have the sup port of the 'Mexican officials. . The Fenian, •and the Sentenced Pile oncen—lkehant Renolntlunn. Pitll.A uttrui A, Oct. 39.—At a alerting of tho Fenian.) Of Philadelphia, held at .Logan this evening, to express their sentiments on . the conviction and sentence of Colonel Lynch Ilev..toint M'llalion, the following . .pry amble and I‘I.OIUtiOLIS w ott offered by JAMOS CIU111".1411 . 0 010 COILIMitteO,RUEI 0.1110.110Ay tO/01Atti: 'Wheat:AA, The conviction and /lenient. of, druid: , ll 011 ettlOn VI luta Rev,: .1 oli n Nl:Mahon In a CalllOtian court Is another' vs - Went, of lhn brutal und vindictive spirit of peril/Ilona 'Britain, and In keeping with thst (.100 , 1y elwlc of laws that lets been indicted by her 11,1,11:aloes on People . of Ireland Our lila the seven himilred ttata - s; and whertur, Culef J notice Wit-on out, Of the repr.-senta t ill., 01 Brit 1-at Rot-L:11Y on - this t, In p.insing sentence, road a I. Muni fullof that court IrAt hypocrisy peculiar to BM:limit pullanthrophy, on tlie.heitions crone Of intik. g who tevc e diem ally ti:iln, w tole the government ite retirements, :icon making relmillesa, bloody anaenter iiiimainginar lull the people of lreinuil for genet IlalotO.;_, a people who never injur- Ent:land; oil the contrary, iglu nitte.l her Innocent /dogs V. lien her people. thine buried in Orson baroarinur, Owl ochrtY.ht, 00 learned Judge white Illicit with holy horror lit tile no called crime Of Col. Lyn c h till a therii, I his coat, Mu ithi idol comfort given IIV hi, government lo nolve thia Caton tool to overthrow • this gut menet; he forgot the depaahillons of the 'Klub:teat, the St. Alban,' raid, and !hi, ollier infamons tract:Mations ortlty of that Malik:- mita tette ov hived by England since the tor aw at ion et 11th, tiovern men t. :Ina whereon, The invasion of Ireland In the year 'Nigh sell freebooter:, whereby sill. s, v Hinges um! 1131111 , 11 wets eonituitteit to [lle thanes, Oil lithaht , ,tut , tali 10 1110 :td er ilrlt en to I'at'l, and mountain fort-, lenseni. --a.erirne camtitnittted against ail law,- Minuet and divine-laid every generation of r race 01110, that melancholy event has pro t copal agtinit that inva.lon with arms in their hawk, ibcri•torv, lie It • - rwa - ,” view m the foreg...A fact. Ill,: lira ti.th territory lay. the oiherhood of the lliateil States, ens a 1,4111(11a:it 3017,E W:(1' It the part of tillop thitlph ; 11101 the tithe to strike is lot,lill of Wiley; whether it be seizing the colonies 01 Ole hiovrt,,, , kor, or sweeping - her cornmeal. , from the mew, It wits then...at/30 14 IttiH GOti-gIVIUI Light, 10 regain their long art OlO:rtituf and rOMIJIL, their ancient nation ay, hal nerved Ile, arm of the Fouls!, net. an, le strike to the du at Ilia hated tilt:; of heal:mil olt Litn,l,hte .4` 10011 tot the trial, convig. IOM and nen 0211ceit pitsJeil on Colonel Lynch iina others :OM 01011O•oft , .. -- i-0 the Irishmen of lea, nod accept it 1:1 the mplrlt Intended, wa• pliolgo our liberty. and sacred kll k ERtO hel,,,tlt, it race 1 1 Lit ,Lc:fteeeptutl the yoke of the Norman reti • ben', . - • Tighti 0 t he o E%capeati Fontana. Comovcit., C. W., Octoneina.—Ron, .1. H. Cateerit, crown counsel, notd led for a writ of /, , ,btuf ',rpm, It takes the three lonians (rem her, to T 01.114 .1 to lie tried with those now at Toronto. - The Crown counsel also moved for sentence of ontlaWry Nob:int Mike Morphy and other lenians;, , aho occulted by breaklhg Jail. The naines of thoee at to TU. mote are Keys, Ilartwell and • itatiroad, Detentlinis • l'ark...ntri Y. October 3e.-4'ne Albany rain, dun a t . I'reksklll about uluO o'clock this Horning, MO off the trick ttro tulles south of reek th o w Am g r t ] o Th c r A e r e a s C h ar n e g w ur o thrown root the I,ll.,rllgerS worn karlouely ohirea. huh truelte' will be Obetrucicil tar ..vvret hoot, 1111pOrtaut lonia° Ad Yom;, Oct.3l.—lLh itateLl tb t Prev!. 111 soon 1,110 an Important 41, , 1 tilo len lan I tl . ollk,ll ,l oillnrelutton to lUn fq:Laf.ti co of 1:kylleil .in Canik , l%, and 111. taro otf.7,uflr.fitloll . ! .Tocer 111.3 lien much 00- L idol , It 1411 101 latn Isc:1;1- 4ifiartc, in LUIS coy to-lilly - . . • ILA-Rebel Gen. Meta 'risylor V 0000 Jelr lout itE:ls 31ox not:, iie4 3kl.—Es.-ret.l Gen. tea Taylor arrived tlica mornina Iron) ‘VI$Sil• Oli a Vila Ile rgoallaud 1110 tort Ldi d„ty, taal *eat earth q,-dayt•- 't he Stenmer halt Franc Plea. • r • Ce .1 11.ce,TON, - October V.o.—The steamer te Froneoiciot from NicOranien. for w York; With NeVell 111111th ell 50i1 , 1 4 01 only pawit!flgerS, puL In hero tooluv for coal. She will rennin.> not voylige to- Mearow. lteporterft' 'Work Tbe last number of the Phonographic Maga :one 1 •wit.i,.111.1 follow lag: • must, Of coo CRC, po4soe3 the ability to report. any kind of It Hpuuker when required; tilt, ability to cat a speech one•intlf, and yet pi,: all time was rL,Ily Leo ability to re• port a loose, rambling speech, and make “I,ort and concise ciao la Mace of It. Then he n,houlll be able to do 'descriptli:e writing; p a per u is s a r s e p im o p oinia ntl l end mist m bo a r r y Oon taodhaon murder, Intensify wilre, whiten a saint blacken i& sinner, out-talk a. lawyer, make tt• Si 1... intere.tiow, and so paint the dh. 11ta1,gs of I lielmantiatoir 13.1 , 011 till, OIOCkIIO/111101- 1101 01001:0,111100 1 10 11 it lit r makeeading, 101 . the faintly .circle. lint lie must do this, mlllOlOOl tOO. ut float union...sable hour., atilt], to most. people, under most peipluzlim etre niSlatices. 1 0 mgst bu 0140 to collect his 110140(N iu a political caucus; honk devotion .lll 01110 rnnor..ng minister's prllyoll and 11 111110 stipprcs.L tedianutiou while knew., to till, to,ll sinony or 11 111 I 110tIS whom Ito k e ese,,"to 11111111011119. Ile moil be able to write w 11,111 lialf 0,1111 ler Whlltoilllooll. aged to drive a hell alnodenttiS e.xliausted. 110 toast 110 v..IW of 1111 own but to work (or the dear news -hiving public, and be able, under all cireitinsi once's, to •0411101103 an atirritable. of 11111111, the Minter's devil. The Milo rep re. er 11010, 1 / 1 1 111l00.0r of himself :I II peeJudiceS. if he be /1 IR:ulienl, 00 111100,00 wiper, nu 110t0. lately inst Lost ConsurEal lf he he. a Dent -001111, 110 111 1111 00 WC:11011110 11l Misrepresent lag the L.:A reinistitedic.i. hecluel anti Laird rata 1011101 , permit tilt: reeortere' to inlsree. resent epposition mica - mu. Firstelass papers insist upon the tidiest jostle° been; 001,1 by their r..porters r all tot. misrepresentation. ecee.e.try tile editor claims Inn prerogutite of 11141.11100 !Cullers. • llow 11. Went a Illisu A philadcluidA papier given the fullowlog little funding iv Iventhro "A moon by' the 11111110 orO'llnurku, oil Saturday, undertook to Co shooting for rail birds. in reaching for itowilerdiank Le ilfolitied it Into& tub of water. This by no moues dieliearted hint !Min OnJoY• log Ilia half holiday lie hail taken trout the foundry of iorlh, Chase A North, in which lie Is etui.loyed. Ile pourell mho powder Into It trying paa and oiled It over tile Itru. Thu re sult earl eaidly guessed at. kir. O'Rourke wuv 1,1000 1010 the yard suit" his Ito id eo singed that 1111 looked . 11iiI1 11. peeve fighter. 1.1.101,11 y tot Imo On I centred no bodily lapin% . ib I,,dr; board and 0y1,1011111,1 Went i11k0110. 41 its eltoehy an it by it nicer!, ----- appnlottuent.—Goneral J. Irvin Gregg. of Lew Ibtat rp, ha's beertappoln ten Colonel ot the rill United Mates Cavalry. Thu regiment Is to be ralseol In California, and the General trill repalr to that State in a abort time. Thu Gen eral Was fortnerly eoinundider Of the Seeend iirtgutle, which WWI com powed mainly Of Penn. ayiventa troops, 'and ribose `Cour+ ac, endur ance andforsorate'rras displayed on the_ many bard-tenths battic-tteltlt or the Army or. tb.l Fotopme, owl WaS one of the coniudestoners appointed by_Gerteral Ithertdan to 111V411144fatn tam eatwo of Um AO; in .New thleara. Effi „CITY AND Sp"BUR.BA. t' .tlMl,orgzetlts. I _t‘ L1 ,, ,,..—1iv• ennui seitnle drama of i .PIONAL LOCAL 1iE1.7 . t ON THIEL, PAGE.) tt: -rp.)....,. i..liard,ten,l'addell bit. been placed i , upon the singe al this populdrplave 01 manse- • rii - 111 . . al itii exl , oll-ii of' tiloni- .an d s of dollars. I • An Earnewt, Lover. ire, s•totliet e•e, dm him., last eye... , Animila Nicola, as lain . 11:l1111` 1e.110.11, , iS . {V, „iii . u ,,, ~, •,,, 1 - „-,, -- ---- --- -------- trim it lima, an,l Illte it great mi.b.rity of los sod 0 ,,,,,,,,',....,. ' ,..i,, ~., i,,',.,,:, 2 ,. ' „ '.' ,L, ' ,., ‘ ,11 1 c " , ' ","„-, " „;,, " :. countrymen, he is gifted with a heart cull:'.'.;.. . 11 ' .1 '`''''' :.1. .'"; , e i .eid , erab,d been St it ,l in in., Ines! rival Jibe, in entsintralt. of hiving or hatieg" in the latis2l . ca,e,0.,1•,,1L ',..,,, ' ..C.L.I 01,1,-1.,,11•1 . I, In hi:ening 511tH tile gerOuti extreme. Antonia, who earns a frugal . I.l . th:lit 1!0,'! II:t; 1 I,rilinet ili sum. iv,, trust living by ventlin, fruit through the ettacts , ,li ne "' '",, 1,1.10,- 51111 fail 111 witiies, 1110 •et nree t;itat.i.ineii - „„'t,e htm it is uponll doting the day' a n d playing the liar., 01.,:t 1,,,,r ~ ~,i t,„„' t ,ii,,,,.,. " ~ thinking saloon in the evening, fell min,. a ' I p rr ,.,,„,..,,,„ 1 • 111 ..„.,.,,,, —,,,,, 1 1 , i , ~, short tone Calico AlcLI a fair .‘peCllll4.ll ill tie!-. , j ,., ii ,.,,, , i,, ,.. ~;_, "„;, .... 1 . I 1 . ,rou„ am,. tie beauty, named Anna iit nlgall, WhOlenitio•il , :,„„.,.,...,6, ~.,„,. ~„„ir . „.. i o "U" . ' L " "' "." 14.11tl I linstudittle netgliliorlaiisl'ot the salooti I!'::1• their ~,1 i r ,;:, i ~,,,,...... it,. .., "- , ‘ - ' ,, ‘ , ' -'3, " ,, E 1,7 ) ' • " ,, ' ,, " i t ,:. orreil to. t 111 . st...tuna revolved Antonia's advancer !.`,T.:,', " Li 1 ,,.?;, 1 .,... '-‘ , ` ,.` l , i i e ,j ' ,. ' ,; ' ,j;:',l l" ,t, “ d 2 i n j o t" , ` ,7r'e P r " :,, t il. " very tiraciousiy and held oat stroag hoill, it. ~,,,..,. Whin that the love miala at lento Ii lie 1•100,- . ' '""" et by connubial honors.' This iitepirci 'Na 1.,,, e 01 r or .It limiesit Xs.—Our 'readers' with Confidence thus. Ise 1101,11 should ints 1 11!!! nut lorget that 1110 grand einnolluemiary with n ready neeeptafteti, but Jean- eil his : lII' ',hi Ii teraierint Mr , . Peary lledilttek, tine Pe when avowing lila ei,ntini,ni, ef iii., wltitiv.. or !Ile 11.11tri41,11..! !h. , Thlnttle orelle,- lie.rt. to the object of his affections, 11., u ds ' Ili L. II iai o, s 111 lied lir the liegi , lasi week or, met by ntlat refusal to have aayt hang nt all to Viltii , II 1 I 1 ' 1 • I'll.' , 11111 ., 111 , - I aileron at till, dot' ith him. . T„,.„,„.. 201 1111 prominent musieilm Oct 11.0 ..tt, first the rejected lover implored hi, 1•111- . 1. " i . li.‘ ,L e ye , '!" . ' .. ' . : Ll I t ‘ " ' .I. ' '.''''' n 49.‘ the ecinta tut nange her reply—to et•e hi. ~,,,,,, „ilia, 111:111' Mr. 1:1,01,7IIIIIn am,..arq in one hope, but his pleadings fell oa stolid ear,nati ' 111 1110 "' II. " 1 111 ' 1 ' , I; ,•I Y I'"III 'l'l the prei futind no response in tilt: lwart wha m . ove he , la'ls ild ill t h e widow 10,, b ,lll the bt . ll,llt IN craved. Seeing she IVU.II dead to pay lie deter. to ila Orel , . Adlitti tam , to 1111 pa ill of the Mined to resort to force, 111111 graliping tile Un- ; hi-IL'''. fill) Clint... S" ''' -i ' i ' I'l i""" 1, butpectlng Anna ln his arms he attempted E..... .Ittini., Alen -.,....- ):., oe 11, Ilall Was eras:d i:arty her into tee street throng!: 'Om Stlloon .i I t he ,, „,... ',.., i.,,,,1”. jii.• ~,ite,nen,,,,,,,,, crowded with men.. While iii transit u s e , Win !le,. t 11 o•.‘i 0 1 !el iiisstnetion of :lie "Arabian Itherated by tile landlord Id the house, 1111 , i' ',.. Ina,” liy 101111 e LI, Itti dle. 11, within". to terribly exercised at Nicola's conduct, e.t, . lin t ...e..-1 . ni, tamment, ,ilia :it itself is a 111111 rather uncerinaniondy into the , treet. , .c i rat inducement, 1 ie. proprietor i ll s a Sibs Hellman, fearing Milker vanenee, ..p- ' vit tnin .d priairs each evening with i :Ludt peared before Alder:esti Motile:l t anti 111:111,1 i cut 6 iOy t 11,110.1.1131 t °oily gilts. oath against her minaret for asseiult I+llllll.ll- : ten' Rua surety or the peat, Tun accused 51110 arrested yesterday aft! noon. and in dettult. o(lllll . neces , are bail at eetinultted to jail to await a hearing on Ft day next.. . (A6ll • 17etti111: Into • The !ailing of the roof at Wilt, ins . Hall, la '811zUlller,•lel Mere ilatuage than uptaau cal the Lirril. 3.llVere Its wit 1110 3.0•14111,3 by eV cry tit big throughout the 1,11. C . ,!: ii;; ; 01,411 stains below, I lin wont i ,, fort❑an tea , follow, long . alter the rubbish of the fallen to hail been cleared away, and the iniind nee the Inundating 1100.14 hat! itritill'ott .1.( bra ,lilt WaS.the cle enneernizz3( the I • itt-14111 A4.3oClilt • ••••.Tlteliyutuastion iv tilled in 1110 tnpain.t etne:4•4l Inn 1.11011•13; of Course reeelvt . ll the arid.iana tali,'-7 brut of the crash and (be (Ore. at. 311101 of thew, impoiltint wprati'atul of the - bit:to:eat a locatedillreetly cad, the !allot ip•rt 101 l i• 1 roof, anti was daniiiit...l th zrreitter oe /es,. give. flat the too,t, serbio4 (roun•l4, pi be .• sOCLIIIOII tins beef, , Inn;; tielay eXpern Cod in repalrttig lit': 1.411 , 01 nun. Iturlln( the tinotAllitt tqapeell -tata, the ueeniet the GyninaJtuto latii 1.e., it, at, unlit iaist.:at I for use., the repairs ha/ Int; cozonni the roof wa-i made eater tinder stall clec•••ll4tasze4•4 /3 a, 11. t (I fair of the lizellibern •Vel e 11,110.4,1 to neat, a in colo l .4oplciletz the attcnitaace land lit, hut, eat liaCe Innen rat ianwatalny. ;ice ar.; .1,11c,e.1 now, heee's r;.,; ~,,r; reconarractinn tia-lied tot in stew day,. tile 1,1111,1..111111 WIII lie . r shape Ills, , eo.T. 'I liea e ;•• Vential ht,attna• Part:. full retarn of the member , - to the The .;t tile 31,41 101.: their nect3tOtried evOint Inas. 1 . .1 0, 1 a titit Oa: Ott 2111111.1.ty nigh; at the 71 1.4404 , 01 Mr, 4'. Race, On IVoini 34 rect. 041•1 land the 'I re Ili, • the fob, .olddion , tl •lireelor - • Were cle3l - ! Lbiten One nirellicne, anti we iris , it•" • • • • • • • • , • •ed t z z •-••••3 •• 111•1 11 3 optelnber. 1 , , .1 0101 ‘v. rit yell shat will ila /note la . .] I. btoi 00' 4 1% A, p0;11.14 oc 11111. atol gatlot, .1••••- ' ; • • • • OW 'I 1., 4•1•11/••• of the Company now wee fl‘'t ,tatel l'risoliait,.To-ilot M. Koala tug itir (nel w uncle ,0410 g l ee, 1•-.1,;etn. NV. C• 4••••thlneral 311. / •pa ritabnelant. 14 P. Alorwiaz eclarY 44 11,4 Il purent,tilattou el hell., ,r ; 'VI A. Spent-. l/levelor4-300:13 1 1 /41.1tfli are nele , lcal IIV 4 - 11 total ate' e31•••rienc•••I • M. limp;. C. Morel:old. D. I'. Tito, hands, ttlt tb••••,..,:t• 61111 A .4 h , ! •A- it ' 1 " h " to. nilth.i • C. ot . I I.trvey 31 ,1 .atn. •14.1, K. Dr. Key3.•ri'li itoo AO, NN rill— I, doan alt.tue,JeAfie b011...rega1... pair a!! Ili. 114;.;;.0113(orzape• It ii e nody, and it tli inivert id rue iddr.d Cu l. it l" it 1,'1.111:: Ina in (borringli I•lactieit wet., reinter t •••; la p.or, :11,1 ..ri.3114 , 110,4 1 •••••• ;wing ;nude for a ,e;a44/tato.,( 4estl reze.nn. 3;0. 324y4ten•j•rOof iii.9/01 In, 01 1,11 ,lal •••. p••••• ••• ill •.•• 1:‘,111.1,1: (1111/aal olekne 4 04 and lc ••.• and ••• 11.•;• cal- V.zz •••••'• .• rati i ••• zz , 4/1/ 11 /re Ilutal a1ne..14e4. Tl•o4•l,uni, 04 lice, ;and n 1111, r ,•••••••• 0,;•,' tt In chat Fit ot trenezire eaull.l •••• .tilt' I.•E ;t.1.,•• •11•1!1 . ....1 by • cle. rirnee. 4•• 11l at 041 r ell llio"ln414 Or. cO. 11.14.0 entcr tri,rdinary `icarelicr, benne v 2.••••••••• • 0. • I.4l.onent '••; Ihr Cad: 1'.I:, Nz nil, Man !Lea, p 0 cer all nutlet,' 0t11, ,, , ”ti.l • 111 alriaolv for falli'nalttever still: ion) 0,., vAri,e; zelvell 1 , 4 I, p; ••3 0b ., / at tile triitral Itead core, nu In I 1••• el I`;‘ , 411zree. I n Inter. bargli Minos. by Dr. he} +r ' • 1:1•.0.1 :real 1• yoll Cannot tail to 1,0. Venn inee•l II•41 It ; , A 114, it 0 , : 4 . trntr. oey ‘,lt Reel It 1 ;Val in I till VII , . .P 1 tue•111,1 , 110 , 1 nas 10111,111 , 1 • c ,;r4 'alive. ; • • " """ )1"'"' rc 4'1•41: f3r Dr. 3,.4. • 4•••,, •••••I • Itetz, .. I!, 10. ;a LI ••••• 1 , 1 Ine 1111e4F1 0 113 3100, careful in (al, 140 other. iii' ;•• r 1I'll!!'', 01 .; 1..• ••, it, I• 1 0 . 111 or six. !with, tor +:,, at, 14 , 4 Ve". l -1.1 •:•'l. . . 1.0,4 ••I b, ;•.••• t , tet 'drain, tool "lade )I a tilt ra nob y to nal- A i llrotail l !1., 11• A eorrti•ponileto, a e iroin ti•ti •ieli••••' '111(01,1 • 1,1,rd stied -it I ~t iti• ploc-ael• ••I '.'''•-••• •• • " • • / • 4.• . , Its • , •,11:11••, 1 ..longiog iittipling grAini ..nneet I VC,. IWO . 011 MOll- • 1.1111, • 1.110. , I••• 0r...1. • “lii-sell" a ilaini;.;l1L1111•1••r the 1111,14,, 01 1 . 4•1 f. 11,1111311 '1.,: .”rn "!•",1'1,•,,,,,. 1.01•1,•,, an./ ICnake, the talent 0.1 organ 04 1.1 h.. tili unlit oi• tl h 1.11. Sta lz• ry re• peel tn,.,1, 1,,. !„., 1„,.. ;,; r ;,,. Cart was a grand 4•14••••••••••, 11,,,f I It, 1,1 put I.; ocalli, Induced est; degree of credit. urn. tin. i.ntle.iind ;:«c. .Nlo-e,, tio, ante tile • o ataiyi• stated. (14::03 C11.11111•Oaring upon the Tt••• Z I 1 4111, 1 1,01. 1,, .11•1,..ir C 401; tlie Intorination audience. UOtwilll'atall•ll.4 the Inel , 114••••••:: of that 1•••• ••1 ri 3ea any . olrelle , to the the weather, Wroi anotiii,litt tow., it iatita.ll.,ii in any VPu are:plea: 4 rd Si Rule nee: eVittelli,•4lLreol. 0,0 111, ,1,•11 11011 C. I 112,..1` Is ate addl. /i 41,4k4,'4 141111114 Y. Am Justly e4lneln s 3 I •••••131 z• ; ez.e.•••• Ira ea•••••, it 14 clearly 'one or th.,4n0,,t and lalcute•l ••v1•14•11( Izat 3l;er, been eV towel) . teIIvICITA art l- tea of 011 r eity. e !to , 1 he alit:, ; sq, to I lo• tutbai , member of the tee . - favor at Pittsburgh 4 , 1411 at t•O'll , •1! 1 I,i i'lg 1,1111,, Ilh 6,1,11 11Cr /vol . /41101 4041 e Maier aq4pletir, kat/Wing till (I he 10•11I.1 ••••••••••••1, 1••• .:1 1 1`,,e inn to ”is celemet Le pu itch tto,o Mall 111,1 th natio:loy. In store tor our I • l'ltorkool Stull atone ~triton::. TI/0 Weather. - i iticher.l I'lloll - .1) -On catne to the . 0 , 11.!!!co' 3 ns..- The weather during the bug In day., has i tleo ?:PP, yentoolat', and pot.0,•••1 inch:lran I been very v a riable, now tr e ating U.. 1 to I.rtalit,! Ed 1.....,.., stealion nnah,t ,\,i.. ill Mow t ray. The I rape or hunoa,.., uuor , to etilllClll, tllltiWitth It . : • parties 01 , 1 , 10 111 11.11 , 14 :II lOW 11-1141, 011 farms rain, ..tntt fllfltill to cell, chilly, nu,ty. rpcite, ~,u. , ,,,,,, , 1:.01111114 , , ~ti Oh ,\ltoolny after above till,tho Ittteit disagreeable. Ent/0 , 1.11Y ! n•. 0 00 t 'I 10unp,01.0: ,,,,, lII' , t1 ,, 11. 4. 1it toll-he the lire Own., .I..ye ho nagt!....ab d inch di le to . loon., ~ ill I ilt• sil Y. ttitittlittl lon on:rid-en tattoo, who,:o ,ftg,,utty arrAne , l , ffilr' — ' ,.. ' ' niel tec; , :,111 f..1 , •1,' a it ty 110,-0 Valllttil tit Cite reetil• of stnoontt. in;. toll Calor.. the nttroo— ! to..lred ••!..1 1 e rot 5 dollar,. which he ;.nlyn to nt 0 1 0 •-•ed and tnlntoed nhout I, _Lilo ••• dol . ! '• •. too. 1.:101..1 i".•.! er, n 10. took the nototal to Cirttl, 11111.1 With It 1.tek(U.,911,5. th.tt no 1101 , 1 • •„,,i.. %v.,. ht,o4 too 111011 I:14 Iltil tioro returned. .I. hital ~./..., l • t l . t l a m e r r , , L • t i l t , t . g e i n: ‘,. 11: 5 e i,, , , , i ' , .. 1 , ,' , ..1 - h l trr ~ ,, : i . , , , , , .. „ 1, 1 1;) , " . , 1 5 , 1 ,, e , t .. , r 1 .2.: ,t , ,, i , e 1 . , .......t t p , , ,,..t .., i , t. ,. . , 1; i t , ... ,r . , , e ., , e ” ::, , 1 ,,, n! , 1 - ,: i n ,: ‘ ,, , f , t e h i t: reVrlallone than 1101 , 04 enttY 1i.,0411 . . 'IA,. (coo j „,,,,,,,,,,, T,„,,,,,,,,, , , ~,,,,,,i,..,0n to Carter malt tolorns that 11111 , 11.Y.ilig 111 4, I"I'II 1 IIi 1001 . t It, ritth to lliekory, wit-ro'he Sot 01100.1 to per tT.lOl ut it itottntlful r!tall , Ot 01 i ill y w i' n ' ! ! ! chin ,. eon , 0010, •'l'll.. oefe.ol.lnt, who hit, a Or I.atrd'n blot,. of youth, are nnotlenly !net- ! ~,,,,T „.i,,,,,,,,„„ f,„.;,,,,,,,,. ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,ty, ~ e umorpbiz,,.l by the chilly ttir that 1110011 It'll 1 1,,,,i f, t , , 1 1,,,,,,,,,... ~,,,,, ,„, t. I • flikleete Milt hole W .terlileilly wetery I• 1- I • Ilene}. 11111 enough, the wratfier I. Ow th.a. i, ArCtlil•nl. greeulde even to tfeert.o the iiiioll.l,lt 11411{4.1... Itit. . -- -•-- - I ~ 4.:,;,, , , rat.about mion. a. Onto eland 1 AlMllidOlted. I } ; I :C., 1 . .111....11-oit, ttli It at 11e1et.0.13, •,, , , , , fitly , tot Inc lain nay of l. mot ft certain Celli- " lf,eti ,al ,`, , o'- tn:lO,ll,W 2,11011,101 Pike stroct, cline Porter WilS 0011111 the holy 1,10.1. ol ' 01,1• . ....1 I t ~,, • ..• ftli,liltn,:.'calent. lie wedlock with a youth name Cllll3 il, Miller, , et.. ii i i 1.1 , ,r, ~ ~1.1,...,,i.... otg, e hit il eh ..•tlflJ• t, lwit 1,.. wino: 1111:S.11 II fell. coo' ',lett - who, nocot dim; to the atoi - y of tile torn,' r. le- ; I ..° ` . _ ~ .. . 11. .....ei 0.".-11,- lai x.e.,.t ire. /he toj tit ea matt fteictl, after the third they Of their iich 1,41 1 trite hililo‘.ll Mill. Mitt: 11111 i 11011.0, CM lier of life to 1,0 with 1,,,, , .-4,,,, to eoutrimos." shell iv I 1v.h, , ,L :,...i o IN Pit, at t,, ,1,11 ,, t o , .o,,The , hisem. injmorieslor Or Indirectly to hersupput L. !111, Import on- i '...t e pomp te tug him to lion with her 1111111 slit. heeame tin. Of Ills ft•ot tclt, to.olly et 1,10,1, lota It to tnought tally ashanacil by her ilor-mabive etfor is rho , that ,L11.1111,11.11.i1111 %11l 1101. 1W retithred. care 1111 till hope of pettecably having liar Inas-1 -....,- . - _ ' , line orVvertY re- ,,, r0t t“ lice, tutu lailie'lri'l Painful I:osolt ot root.-1 e.lerday morn before Alderman :arab,. ye,tertety, Unit pie- r i „ g it !„q' it .„,„,.,, w Pyre, ,„ 1 „.,„,„, ~, ,„,;„,, ('resit a clung,' of abandocasecnt ' , fare , bet ; reee, ell a .., ' e le 111"otry an hi i 110411 4411 Me re.. defaulting protector A 11 1 01111 a. W. 1.1 I,SIICII 1 snit et hunt. ton 111 , V...“ I..tving. Ile, unit for lilt arrest. . : point' roam:other', 1111111 leillilit 0 over a bum, ' when hell, MIMI It fit the ground, his head 4 Deserved compliment. I chlein ii 11l 1:0111,11:1 With a large stone. The lit. We lac In the receipt. Of a number or tile., tie ft how nu, ..0. , et eiy. ali hough not shoe,. foreign papera, hi Which we lAmorve eNtem.l ., %t•., 1...,".L1,',..:',/,...i...4 ‘,,i:L,‘,:‘?,.:',1'.1,',.,7,?,,g,,,,,,t.i,7,1.:,111,011,0,,,1. clippings from the clever heliSh111.1•110.i Of 1,0- ,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 „ th e ', di.s.l ~...,; (111 e..1111,1i, if jjoy ropeun scenes. 1130.1111e1a trod ellshee, h. pea I,_ , j .,,,,j,1 1,„ j ,,,,,,,, s 1 1,1,01111. Silllllo 11111t1Sehlthlt cal our contemporary, th Doputeft 1 / 1 ( D. i C.. hi.li hilt Mit ell'hill. it, ill, thei hi el, Neill. Bilh., its titillated editor. lill4 Is li 41 , `• I i Bet Vett tritest,' to the ahlilly ot on , lell'ov . , tint t b.- -Wo received yester.lay trout tOWIO1111311 4 :111d its lilt -1C1 , 1 0,1 1 1 1 01r.... 110, t ... .' 'Mr. !tt. t 1 . 1. It.ll, t, of t \ml 111 Fiv",et Le township liberally approprlsted at Wile he the leading 1 , bun a„,„ ~,,,, „pi,. n. that rye., greeted Journals of the ...snarl', It ...kV 4111 °.' 11 ., k.... 1 ; rN I 'l4lll denim out cog t ity terns in toe eds. proud of the recognition tit America ml l 1 . .11. I 1 ,,,, ~,i j .,,,,, j. ti ,„. 1 , j, It ii,,,j, i t ,„„ j il, , repo of his 110Serlttivn puss it tool vcr side . '.,,..,,,,,, , „h.,. 1111,,., 0mit „,,,........i..:‘,A4. a„,m4 style of composition. • -.7 . 1 ll.t, or, weighing ono pottier toot aren't tool ' - ' ' ,yen-eight., and meas. mg tom liPti ligeilen l)g. Aboon.-We hope that stoaaor our read- ; anti tone-t•it lugt to eti l t lllll l .Ol re,. The Miter era will rank 11,15 truly eritfirrillisiit.Tl pt PI , . St 0.1t:11 , 1" ,” "'“” "' ""”• tleld P/IYHIUMIL WI" WlrgeOn , with lill lit /this j slid lite , ith 4 151111 , 0 mein, loot Otte hilitl 'painting onacks-wito have hitherto vt,,ne.l tile 1 its cliental., eine, Who vat. Itt,tt t h a t! city. In... Aborts 111Miliin *1111131.c I.3ll•llillriirt j . . -....-,....., las permanent , lieteloptartei,,,. and I' tole lot ' A ...1,1,,,,, ri. - 0.1.- Ito tcrtal ilment. -II illlihi.. l 11. CV.Pl,ol.lllitisrP liChelisro to ihllo , j , itl ilerlettleti. 1111,11101 Vet reiht MIA was every person who ha all wit 1a..1 1 1' 1.1- the ,Ii 1411 CAlillilitril, v. e heta. - 1 101Visl Litchi 14 thOefillliti ills ti, which 11.'sti 1. , heir, .1111 Ito , :,,,,., „,, „ ......,,, nett ;:m ~...,.....: th: ...„. .., toe wo _ l. Jestly claims, anionsanionslit the treatment of a . Int ., .. ~ „ b , ~,,,,. . ... ...,.... ::. 1. . 0r , great per menage of h.. , 0.u. , . 1, . Ills ' , Oß!' awl null y tiotiont: to ...part , v.. are at the Slmeltuntsi note!. . . ' tattietto, ha- ever I , eetk a Illtrim./ 111 . j _WIIOI err ry chilli tuts semi and Theirrnehlateneg.-The tireerisburg ii. I. ' :shout. nod grown per.stets, nevl% pert [TN, refetriug to Um fact that Ihe neutoorats . 'tow, tor the tit- L time. purser I , d. Its voted a negro In .Eiiut llowsolleld tow 0 dap, . of 1 ittoie.,o,on a ....stool inagulticoina Lones.ter county, and ' ento in HillrlSl/Unii , dm sfilellll.l,, , :tintg to IWllolkt. any' , that. "la the hottnntl , of tircensiong, tilt the day of the last election, a Democrat. into oh- i im ,,,,, ‘ ,... ._ tg- I Ito roldti,li reaullii od 'a 'tout' of Al dealt' tienc , nt , up to the pall-, " ~,,, ,;,,,,.„, i,,,,,,..,. a t , ,o . 1,1,,,,,.h , and had hies vote leo whole Deumeratie ticket I I ~,t iy:::;, , ,,, : ., 1 1, ; ;;. 0 ,,,, ,, ,,, : r5t :. , , , , , L , a , ,: .. ; ,, , , ,i ; : : ‘ :::: :,;. ..k10134,,,1,...i. thonglt nu Wan hot a remtlent of the dints let tctifSsltag:,.,ouYi:,!;sj"L'o"tebt.lektktalae el'I':•Ulit.r011"'ll Lou!: r l 'L '''. l'''''''''''°';Lid:'''‘tt,ru4llf:":' L(' l I hb.:', `%. : ,."'& ,.. 1i x . ...- 1,1 - „,5111.11113,0 their topetat ions se 1 ~... _„: , i lull tilo,t egale at their old states IV 0 tat fintall Olt 1 . 1...-iiit Friday afterit , "io• •"'.. 1 earn their em, .. , ' ' oil tank of well No, IC lioltst ton Farm, caught: „,.., ..,, ...rt.f lion tender them our d tire by Means of a 'Truk from the dutoke.lisol: ; ' ''' a o t r io t ts h L e t h .. 1. ' ; g t y lo t o tar b r U ers B' of n T I . ' ' ' 'l. % ti t t. ' ' u t ‘ a 4 lll.. e =t ' l I t n rs L I i ,:,, i ,r e i t l,. l _ S : r “, k- ,: s L -- . 17"'"-- '''' Ingh '''`''' '''''' - '‘''i''" e ' l 011 it contained warm, I is , :. property that .. as ..,.. _,.'„til nift I) , Ilontlay nigta. tine largo deetroyed. 'Pius eagle , . home , t ors t torts down, f,T',..u,!Wi''r.ci,,,etoitt.,lll. A ileg hen Y riv and the derrick. catokla tint once alto, ,but: I Cr .'' ""'• moo of tint' plena of Ili° rallrna'l tc ,l ? e t i sf titil;l,l.,etil::).,arrf,,,z.; "ridge. Mel 51,1 lit olun to men, Another shits tel et reek tint iitst pier Itt!ell the Aiii:01111y : meni j - ,g el l i b t : h' i ' t : “ 0 7 g .tj' g, ra' s 'I l Yi o n il i : I t i ' V t . , t .,, jjj ,i, , . 1 , . t . t,. 1 . Cit , t , 11 V . 1; u.l t c ~... to a bridge, and war r.., 1- , .___.............-........_—___ . 110;er:hey is:111111pr... ~,,,_ 51 ' 11” . 1)*" 1 1', . 11. Cli r turN K I. - m:M n Vl ilano% l'o Inn e.estoti.-T1,,, I . 4atflnd of this ell y desortea ( tom tic ~.n Wort, I ret ...rem, 'e- ....----•.-11 I announce in too . liiirerilli.ililli eintlllliiS Vett a t un wr, was overhauled by policeman Tetley, I meet Mg oid I.! I"''" Cl 111010 im'' ' ‘""im' ' '''' ' . of Erle,a few bouritafter tie had left the ye, ' uer tit Fifth and Stetthsleiti talents, on Frlttuy ' 4'l ' ii""witan wa4"rglining w ithin attli-Iall• ! ovenitig. 'rho outeci.- Is to thorougbit , root reader, i. e.s brakeamun, 100 a COntrubasol 1 womb the Litele, anti a 14 to he hoped that passage on a freight train. I %hett , will be a full attonith,,tee. , 1 i 4 . , . lintßebed it et5t.147...- , Lirentlah Dresden no.. flii.ichnivi:ii.-I'.%tric:l; MeCornmek lentil ut.. , Peltrod .. „,, "nofOre.Aldernlan IlUmbutt, .N...aerday, : ed proc-ed ti. in ~, ~stu,t A111,,,ti llardttneyer tad m." 6.,,, 11,f3inSI:John !lowa tor umbel- beta re thi-ras in To )ill 3,,,,,f0r theta.r. 1‘ misty breaking a buggy belonging to the do- , eeny of a plel , a ‘e sai it slinr rid lennailt; In the barongii of West hittsiellilll. , ii.. 3. Tile iles tress 11,11e1 arn,teol, lea was rubs,. A warrant has titan mowed Slit the all rent. of the 1 0 ,, , 1 a nf t t v , ... , r . a ua li t t . ju •nrie t s u g ,, . tile I r t g r o lt . lron beteg hu. u 111. allaMitid. . . . . ._ '_ .. ..f :.. .,_ . ...,, , .-,. , ..IYI i 3 , MEI ME 119113 Sollael?.114.; atriangular I , uttyucit tile Fort u 9 j Maya: read :tad l'it,tatt lane, su t cornering u Ijle West COISINIML I ,:trhegiteny, there leas erected during the pa4,llllttner, a large build reaou l'iio ii Yuman hunt. Wn could ,cu sat ! that a Itr.q.nea of 1.1! , t atiroad had been extend s:! into ti r e ! lull, nod tidanalerott, crane ii.6o liii et 0, 1 ,1 and Pile. of atoneWu 1 trout tin, l'reepoti, Haden and MeKccaport. 1 titntrrots had itecurnulated, and Iltete eppear , cult:tans let r.dttehe :d ll ot cleaut wt.:tonal; "; tee a ottinotti ttNo AdMit of 1 lance - deterred ie. trout : pi-covering tau In seie Itty,tera,. et,terd.9e the veil leas Ilf cd, :psi 31y. l't c, torten .111 vrtler,r l entor, partner or , Itvater .I.,t_teh. I.op:it:torn of the e.tab11.913- : La ; ! melt t, politely ,!,,,tt ed as through. We found ",. 1 a lino Chitin entane •Xls'lo_ 111011011 tobliatting, ' e ' t ; I belt, awl Talley s, Ity 'watch one gang 111- teen :old :toot id, of Itrlirtk 4 . 1111 , i16»1% rre. lurid ”' 7-1) - ,11, lug op Int" huge the ! t re, :1101 . 1,10. tilt.. eleleOS and ?dins lit' the hat py Living, or toa, 'S .- for the launched dead. There wasalso ! Iron Pnids , ltttn: table. rtt - , t ! ',' I Chile evolyina.to Ile nt plane of tee Itoron. •It! liall a Ite.tqlt -tones, ju..t Trent the eave tun !mlll, held to tau ye , . etc all Ittlon of lu to table, t, ntet, Iv ... , totte I , eatttltut gta+>-Illte palish. 'rue v, hole pruee. ,, t, eery itigunitati,:out the •"'", it valet' Co. living Purchased the :tn. ' I 1,.e• et ',lll prot ',get,' lit the ! euottOntV tit la: , or, -hare I hie- with their • all•t I .• • • t t `E• THREE CENTS. PRI MI=E=EI •At about two o'clock - on Monday morning two men named Jamea Porter and James Mc- Kenna met in the beer saloon on the Corner Of Penn and Canal streets. opposite WrnY' s nix Dining Saloon. An old grudge existedbe tweet. the two idea, flint titer soon fell Into hard w ords, , which resulted in mutual ehal leage to light. Pending the preparations for battle, McKenna mapped outside and brought back n brick. Porter objected to this. as giving his Wall:4011M an u n due Advantage. Meßenim replied that he hail MA 0111th right to it, bt with - a bring O. Porter had to tight with it ktkifo. The latter declared the the had guitl,, • ,vberoupon McKenna threw away his briek anti ,struck Porter is ill, his fist. The latter immediat: ty drew a large knife a n d i colleted a severe and danger ous cut in Melicnun's gem. The latter in ly ing now preell noun condition. tie refuses to make any inlormation,und his etiniiiiillll. accordingly still ut large. The wounded, nun with J. somewhat slid-ter significance: till I get well and PH fix him myself!" Colllo on lu Iho Tuusarl dt atlout , 4even o'clock"nn .sloilaw evening, engines No. 4 and No. 16, attached respectively to a pusteng...r and a freight train on the Pan handle P.; - oiros..l, came in collision - in the Try street Tunnel on that road. Fortuulitely no serious injuries were Sustained by any per sons on either or the trains, and the- loci:mow tire and cars escaped without serious damage. Mr. Perkins, conductor of the passenger .train had Ids right arm. somewhat severely bruised, but no bonus were broken. Mr. Per tine was removed to the Union. Depot, and Dr. Donnelly was summoned, who attendeti to the injuries of the wounded man. °there of the employees and some of the passengers were bruised more or less,llin t none seriously Worthy of Encouragement There is published in Philadelphia, Pa., by Rev. E. Weaver, a newspaper, owned and edi ted by colored oleo, and called the Chridian Recorder. Rev. James 'Lynch, the editor is at present canvassing this city for subscribers. This paper contains the most reliable informa ties in regard to the colored people, as it eir. tulates most widely tunnel; them throughout he country, and is a moat respectablS exhibit of their intellectual progress. Mr: Lynch pre•weides this canvas In order to secure ennuis to establish the paper on a firmer basis • 'that will insure its permanancy, •und add to, Its usefulness in the field In which it is des tined to wield an linpoe,tunt influence. • 1 laqunat. Several days ago the body of a man was found In the Monongunela river, near Eliza beth, and Coroner Clawson way notified - to Loll an Inquest, The Coroner tiepin lied Jus tice Graham, of Elizabeth, to. investigate the matter.. It appears that the name - of the de ceased. was John Evans- Ito was about sixty- Iwe years or ace, and resided In Elizabeth. lie had been drinking .very freely on the and while crossing the river in a skiff, with acompanion named Rogers, hu fell over board and was drowned betore be could be teselied. 'I lie deceased was a Welchem:l, and had been in this country but thine years. Ile intd no relatives nere. A eerdier:orahaadete. la: death wits mndered. Rya, ark able Itecovery.—Our r4...a.lers will remember that ' , tone four weeks ago a Mrs. Kelly, of • East Liberty, wee removeo to t bo Merey.limmital, having etenaltted fearful inju ries from the exploeion of a kerosene lamp. ller brad, breast, lack and limbs were tern bly oust lt. seemed drat else robin not pos•ibly recover. Strange to s !Ile, however, eho has survived her I:titmice, anti is now nip idly recovering. hitch a recovery, being as i' Is. tIIIIIIIA. It ItlirtlelC,'3lll2ll.l.l volumes for the ettietcne of the mystical treatment at the hospital, and for the tender and unremitting C.ll, of the testers in charge. t'omoti ttett.—.l nstive Iterry,of McKeesport, .y eat erday enmullttoQ tOlall for Isle appearance nt eon., it man named '1 boa. Laughlin. of that. tan - ratan, on a charge of eolllllltßlllg an sault wile Intent to outr,ge Mrs. sarah• ItApil The aforteation tl-4 nad., ;taain women, Laug hlin b Johu I:app. lm-ba n nti 01 the women, and lie waa urre.ded :.411.1,0V0 5t1L14.41. A hearing; was had in the C:l6e, and the defendant was hebLin ti tern hundred dollars ball for hi-,appearance 4,11.11 t answer the charge_ balling to se. .tire the • required amount, he outs brought to city to 1.0411V21.1.1d,1t111i lodged in the 510110 1.1011,. Carpi isrect.—Several warts ago,otne horse thieve:. , tole it pair or horses belonging to Mr. David herr. of Oil Creek township, taking them (rota the pasture at night, and at the -same thee stole saddles and bridles tor them from a neighbor's barn. Mr. Jamie Titusville, 110.1 been searching for the proper ty for some rime; anti last Thursday Mr. Kerr received a lliapatell trout Sir. P. to the elreet, that he had recovered the horses and captor -4.11 the Wives at Si. Mary's, Elk' county. Beim: Flnishett—The tower which lira/ the griat alarm bell raidly appro p actng rout pletrou. It ha, been th p oroughly alo h ted• from lan teat to top, the stall, 10 the machine _ room are be tog Put up and the machine room I tsel r has twee neatly enclosed. The bell.is lit 1,0410011 alai the unteltinery which hi to ope rate It is heing adjusted, and will probably be In operation during the next week, at which time tile whole system of telegraph is expect ed to-he in Mitch:tit working order. -A I)..perler 111.1m11.-‘Johri W. Dickson, a soldier ef the United States'army, intai been lodged in the Allegheny county Jail by Lieut. Win. C. Green, of the lot U. S. infantry, there to remain until taken out by the committing oflieer. it seems that Dickson is a new recruit, and had been sent to the recruhing rendez vous at Newport Barracks, tiy. fie deserted train that post :Minn time since and made his way to thl. city, where he was attested and lodged in jail no uwted. luceinen.—Tbc income list of Cie city of Ilarrimburif, for the 3 - mr ending Juno 3utb, lead, 13 Jun pubinkbed. Hon. Simon Canierou return. bin incoinu at 128,741; D. 5.1,311..; Hoe. J. C. Kunkel, aftlel; Jame. lticCorluick, 311,100; J. W. Weir, f1t 4 .019; David Fle:nitin., ex... Speaker of the 61:11- e, $0..013: Cliarles 1.. 11411 y, $16.490; Dr. Cleo. $11,•501; Wui. Colder, $111,531; Valularof Hummel, 511,215. liestsnyed nit Assolog.—A man named Fend Miller was before „Alderman Humbert, yestetilite r to answer a Charge of walk:tons mischief preferred against him by Joseph Kau fear., the proprietor of a vegetable stand In the market. square. The deponent alleges that 3111Ier maliciously destroyed an awning, which the former. ham! erected user his nl3llltl. In default of ball Minor was tent to Jail for ' _ Annan, 111 on nrrw Thief In Grief—flits.. tiee Varner; or Baldwin township, committed to Mil. on Monday. min Matthias Adams, or that township, to await :I.:a trial at Court on a enuree of s Mal Itig 1101 . 11C.5. Tile ItCCIISeti yeeterday suceeeded , in &naming toil in the sum of eight hundred dollars, and was ne. coulingly released . from Imprisonment. lie Wilt await /I t$ trial outside. rslno Proteeseo.-:-.lohn Worts appeared' bolus Ablemma Strain yesterday unit pre forr...l u cbarge of false pretenee against Oscar Stinger. The offenca consisted ht the latter procuring trona the former the stun of Ilce dol lars .by fates and fraudulent representation. A warrant was Issued-for the arrest et the ac cused. Campbell, the individual who recently testified before Alderman Mor row that he was au adept In the hog husineas, teas lined by that magbdrate, yesterdaY, fur keeping and maintaining a nablattee, In the shape of a plu sty on his protilses 011 I.ocust street, in the Eighth want.' Charged vs I lb Keeping • Van dy Houma Itoyat mato Information before Alder !ono Lynch, yesterday. agattat I:!len'ltrown, • raddont of Union attev, In tho SiXta ward , for lorepintr and Inalntaing a bawdy hound. 'rho ViC.lntli being 111 alto Was not aerostat. • Paid $b Pectelty.—Wuu. Motun,-convict cd durln„,“. the recent tern of court, of Illegal liquor selling. and lodged In Jail in default of Lite necessary funds, was yeuterdaY rolcane d nu the payment of the prescrltted tine and costs. To .21. F.."—We have received from "fil• F." a beautiful and touching poetical cm :art hatlon, which. owing to tha great press of other mutter. we arc Mal pelhxl to refuse pub livalien. Clare Unit —Peter Lnul, of the Third ward, wan before Alderman tiumbert, 'yesterday eilarglui With 113.V1111; to:meted money fr 1111 grocer In the Ithouond 144 - mare by false rellrn• ituln. 110 gave hal! tor a hourlug to-day. AL Henry Connty c o unt .—The people of Emporium, Cameron y. ore exulting over the loot. 'Wit, 01 WO /11.1 t election, they pnllr,{ 1(H vow% while Smithport, the County sent, polled Only 57. - In row n.,—crilonel James Rosa Snowden, of p:116, iirriceil In this city en route Or Franklin, Fa., lie nlll leave this afternoon.. Need irforoillt nscol.—There inn great aci .city of 41wellifigs. In Coltuubla wilt I-ant:ante CUllUtie3. • - --- Tuesdar. 'olh 'At I 0. v 1^4.k r • .•• i 1 KNRIEMTAIC.,woongost:-.4.elatry of J. W ...I E. s. lllll.r. . • The fun.neerill tnkb place on liiunnoar mon, ING, at o`ciont. front the neshrenne at her pa. 7.-nt., No , 7 tiny etre,t. 111 ILO I.CE CitinirrFEPC...The • •au tin ! ..1}4.M.11-IWhe. • n .. .l....be n titYll•Lt. llll 4 lll l Bl , 11.Mt.i7 0 ..hht , Vet panoits or tal.s, cad at Cows! Mad tltons of GAUL VLA,LlCY,.,Aitc stmaly THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. UHT DINIMATED JOURNAL, .CONTALNLNG THLTZTT-TWO COLUMNS OF FRESH AND LSTEDESTING BEA.DINO MATTER, ,TOOETUEI: WITH MAR ) ET MENUEWS AND CUE RENT LOCAL NEWS, TWO EDITIONS ISSUED ONWEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. 7 he uditton Is forwarded which will reach subserrbtr MZEI •)uc)e Copy (per annum) CIO or Flve or1•«n ar mote NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FAIRNIAN 6. SAMSON. 'UN DERTA-IKE:R.S Pio. 196 SII/itiltield grlttm. from tivree:,) PX AKI , s hilUki.Y riTREICT, • 1.11.11,1.111 NV. • I:T.LV3I:II3EIPLW.aaErCI r i.. , rio. HL Foorth street, Plttzburi..b, Pa. -COPYI Ne, of .1; t.ln its, CIL A 111JUVEO,orol porn , 4«.s4rlDrtrOt or V' o u trot Furnisettur 00000 roma U.. moos. open 1,..),,r1t1 vight; Ile Arm sod Ca rrla 1.111•11.,C. nr.VERILNCICS—Itev. Daoll Urr. 31 W. Jawoua. 11.11., Tlo.o.Jos :10100. Pisa.. . Jacob Li E•o. T.AAMTE tw. (AL, • UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Man r. Wood's nun and vicinity. CgFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE. Corner ea ititicanid and Ottartiers streets. Di 'sr.. an 4 esrrlszei ()PEI:4 GLASSES FOR.S.4LF!IR AT DUNSEATH & CO.'S, IS et W . . 11111. SPLX - C:CCI. o LAMES" AND GENT'S waorcusoosi, ALL.S'n LES. • AT GREATLY ILEDCTED TRICIA, AT 171i7XICALa T.. - cvms.3Ery Wll.lli tilAl:t FIFPII. FOR CHEAA. SPEC'EC_LES, arc, HASLETT & CO'S 931 Smithfield - Street MI FALL 18lib. _ .A-111E 1 .1ro r i l k.**. - We are now eahltittlpa kn . FALLMAIM the roont eat...helve lOC urgood+we have ever Itittl the pleateurp 9forterlOg to our pat roue. • • • 1866. gilsY Brussels and Tapestries, RICH WILTON AND VELVET CARPETS AND LUGS... ntimologitED WWIMS ACE. CLIIITAIIi3. Arir and Elegant rattans of Coraiers, Side & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, Choler. 6tylos Nottlug Curlatus. MITARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 71 awl 73 Firm STREET. Next houee to U. S. 1.1 our Ilouse anal root 02500, tsecowl 1074 • JUST ARRIVED FIIO3I THE EAST., BOOTS AND SHOES. I JAMES •ROBB • 89 Market Strert, Pittsburgh, Pa This,l,le,:taloi,..b...oillaPo,llltillP +O,l llewe sati.ltlollary orth of lieu O t. alei.ahoev, ana -- ly rho latest. the the 11/ Melt W e ore letertraned to 'ell at .VEItV lo X1:1C?: , We have rOt.nlved a ao to be utal.,hl by nyrht the bun ,evr• go.el- worth ha, af. Vail 3111 i can lulus oar Moe , : na..l we feel ea11 , .11. 4 1 that you Wilt ourobale what ) 011 want in the Boot anO I.lme. I hot ha.get the plAer ,rt.et str,t. EAT OVIES'EEDN PLANING MILL, 1 1' Cant of Ua[bury Sirett and Dtlquato 6n, I=l Sash Doors, aliudaatid liouidings MADE TO OItDEIL w.lll, In put lo • dry boner and linlclu , l whtu tat.. out. Isllog Flooring, Weather ltourdithz. Laths .nd thinglca constant baud. swing, I li-row lug and Scroll nn 101 l done cittlt ill:Tata:. Duxes of all kinds mcfar to order.. ata.l.lf. JOHN HEATH. • BARKER & HASELTINE. - No. t Filth Street, Seeond Story, UICLIARIMO.N, .t DI-V.S, LOOKING GLAS S ES, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, MOULDINGS, &c, A full slokk const.tly on baud 3. LA ATE, Pa SILK AND WIJOLEN DYER AND SCOURER, I=l2 luti Window Curtains and Chair Corers Cleaned S Iteglaze.l without unpacking. Nos. d:s and 37 Third Street, Between Wood and .smitlitlcld r== !~ DIRELCLO SE Si Practical Furniture Ilanufacturin; CON, PENN AM VIATia. STREETS. Lstent Oying of I,IIILNI RomEsl iionsEsn M!C3. Vt. One txcelent Millng and Prking Lloroe, two Uncles ectlUble tor Doe! ors, or kamily nee., Wal.be sold ion, as the owners have no can fur them. at 110%5%1.1UP:3 LIVEILY 3.II.3.I,ti:STABLX, ante Ftr•t atrcet.PCnr binnnnVLrla Hoare: • I r EOUGE • BEIVEN, CANDY MANUFACTURE And dealer In , rottraGN AND /MILTS, £I,:I:LES, NUT,. &C.. Bc, No. 112 1 ederal Slreet, Second NatlonAl Liank. •• • i:MUSSMANN, Filth Street, bettreers Tunnel and Chat? ems !tired s, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE , Viral tin , goods of all descriptions always on nand and ',hist the lowest pen«. thermlrlng dot rAreftlitv ....ast..ri :PITTSBURGH_ AND OAKLAND 1 .. tiILEKSIIIRI:SP.S. .1011 N R.& A. 3tVUDOCU, N II liS ETLWIIMINTI John M''''." ..h. Jr. ' ) . LOITO, Pltinbu rots, Pa , itolictt attertti , ot to toeir yltennive 'tot o JIN - I) 111:N AMKNTAL .10. ItLS. LIVI: k,, C I r E RII" . .ICNS. UnAPE VINV.H ASL) GREEN - 11011:E PL R Cl*l for • Fall 1.,:lreolor. - A. 2.111. ristuburpth owl , Ooklwol Ponsener Car. o L Ow IiT,TIII, sr eve r 7 r. tot note . V. rt yza,...24 J.H wILL. , tali WILLIAMS W. COWAN, • PLASTI3 SLATE CEMENT RAFERS. The, kcep hand n large eupply 'tooling kis. terials, aisle Cement. Velt. 'Groan; ratnut and. Varniatica. Pri.dopt atoention• given to the 14,0 , 3 0 1 C r 4 .1171t... 1 43•Ultitntpo'Vell.Ln4' 17•A'r 1400i4NO , MATEJOIA 168 . AA, • , - Cement, Pilch. FYtf, Patt;ttfiiste, rarit Oh and - Otack - rat 2 4 , . • Manufactilred and 1.1.1 as cheap LI *al , otnclrua l, lhe u.,!;01:t1c,,H.111. •• I,l,gas 41 v; turan of Grand and Squaro Planos.; ., • B=.l7.l7toili7l:r!tkl2%7VEVMlll. becoad The r. 111210• to•svdnetured thi.iirra are mum,. wooed for po• rful. akar, brl Ilaret.ulrytapntb etre with esceltent , 4..1 1 ef:ter. WA •• ' .amsr• jECIF:SSI 41110 S FOG* IrliE Is cc.. T a woo.: COOKINti H OVE.a.ad 11 1 11 o Plel,. tun riarr aatiVnelsee•ts for Coktug , r:ea'P°. V g.l.3TlTlCZ:tr77,dt.':f ;I'l - s...?"•aAr 11.1[9i1 . .• • _ ~,{OLARtIES--10 ,44A• gbunt ty "' - - oaf . ignaes.Varketand ilrzi,ststcts, =I 41.50 - ME 922/ MEE=