The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 30, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
"INTck. 136 Firth Eitreept.
P. norsror, Editoro
zygos gEzD v ; Easiness Managers.
Single Colol4ll
Delivered 1., .e.errier, (per weekl.. ..... ieute
Bo bscribers.. (per i..r)
Llberii nduclfons to Newsboys zed Agents
--X"ifiot . •orgit ifiagette.
lif.n.erfitira Is said to Want to be Sur
veyor of the Port of Philadelphia.. ,
Um Wu, D. KELLEY, of Philadelphia,
is making political sixeches in Illinois.:
TUE Anatanche claims that Memphis has
from sixty - to severdy thous3nd inhabi
Notratsrows, Lebanon, Lancaster and
Willlanisport haVe each had a number of
cases of cholera. - •
Mits. ENERAL GRANT a grand.daugh
ter of the Rev. Ttr. Wrenaball, the first
Melodist local pre3ehei,.lieensad west of
the °hid, and well known in the 'early his=
tory.of Pittsburgh.
IN New South Wales there aro four com
panies engaged in manufacturing kerosene
from shale. The production runs from
forty or fifty allons of oil to a ton of
klde, and the process is so cheap as to rat
! der the ltuineks decidedly remunerative.
A Tnc . Wheeling Intelligeneer esticriwtes
that of the Legislature. of West Virginia
chosen on Thuriaday last, 7 Senators are
Union, 1 Democrat, andli doubtful; of the
Representatives, 43 Color), 13 Democrats.
It is, therefore, probable the Legislature
will ratify the Constitutional amendment.
YESTERDAY imerted a communica
tion from a veined friend recommending
31r. Sailed A. Purviance for the post or
United States Senator. In the course of
the day we learned "fit the movement seas
without his knowledge, and that he totally
declines being considered in the list ofcan-
DR. DAY HeyrsE, of New Albany,
la., has conmtcnced suit to recover three
hundred acres of land, situated in the heart
of the city of. New York, from Trinity
Church. He claims that his griindfathet
- was the owner of this huulvtle,t one Bogar
dus held it by lease; that after the death of
:the Hultze, Bogardus executed a quit
claint:to Trinity; and, that this is all the
title thEit corporation has for that property.
Mu. A. IL STEP/[EN' recommends the
Georgia Legislature to adopt the Constitu
tional Amendment. The October elections
are producing a sedative effect:hoth South
and North, on all truculent individuals ex
cept President Jormsos and a few of his
brigade His case wasadmirAbly describ
ed by WENDIZLI., week, in
his Cooper Institute Spe ., 'ol, thus : •
"1 never read °mac his speeches, .-I nev
er heard of one of. Ids acts that I was not
reminded of a story I have -read of the
Manner the Russian peasants on the outer
-moit proVinces of . Russia have of killing
the bear. These peasants arc too poor to
buy inuskets, - aral the bear's bide is imper—
vious to any arrows they can snake, so the
hunters practice upon the bear's credulity.
The bear loves honey and will do anything
to obtain it. Fxr , they go to an empty bees'
nest and fasten a peg above a bole where
the bees haVe built,-and from Ilia peg they
hang a cannon -ball or large stone, and
when the beaf cornea to push his head in
for the honey he moves the stone and it
comes buck upon him with force. Angry
at the blow lie gives it another toss and it
returns on hint with stronger force. lie•
raises himself again, an•l in his rage he
pushes the moving pendulum with greater
strength, but back it conies with salditional
motnentum, when he swings around the
whole circle, to use a late phrase. Well,
now, Vermont was a good blow, but Maine
was better. Ohio Was appalling but Indi—
'ana was terrine, wad Pennsylvania was a
settler. (Great Laughter.) When Massa
chusetts. and New York, and Illinois, and
all the rest of the States swing _in the cir
cle we will have no fear of that individual.
obstacle." ' '
—The Tycoon of Japan is dead.
—(ireelei is worth Lelia
!---Prussian ghee'', have the small-pox.
—The 31exican muddle is more turbid.
, ,
—A. great overt:lO¢ is feared at New Or
—Squirt' hunts are in vogue in Ver
—A grea I,udian war is expected in New
Me tco.
- clt copper ore Las been discovered in
- Alabama.
—The orange crop of Geolgia is remark
. ably large.,
—A wicked old man, like light raillery,
is bad in age.
—A soldier in Maine hiiihad a leg ampu
tated five times. -
-Coal has been found in twelve coun
ties to Arkansas..
' . Mexico,' keeps a bank
account in New York city. - • ,
•-13arnum is lecturing in Chicago on the
"art of money-getting."
—Four hundred and thirty California
wild horses have arrived at Denver.
—The latest torpedo arriingemerit will
blow up the British navy in an hour.
—Peoria,' Illinois, manufactures daily
1,930 barrels of Hour, and .150 barrels of
whisky. _
—Massini is ferious—he thinks Italy
should have wallbped Austria and France
together. • , •
• —Thirty-one negroea were captured on
Saturday night by the police of New Yprk
hi a gambling hell.
—ln the class of civil engineers, at Paris,
two young Americans seand first and third
Pont of 113'students. '
—Several of the German Jeliknals state
that King. George, of Hatioterc:' will prob
ably repair to England.
—War i:ricea prevail In Buenos Ayres.
Coal Is selling in that city - filir $3O, and at
Corrientes for $4O per ton.
—deneml Garibaldi has sent in Lis res.'
iguation as commander' etf - the vaunteers,
and It haa'been accepted by the King.
—The eicitement civet : the continued dis
covery of gold in Georgia is increasing.
- tiales of mines are made at high prices.
General Mahone• has completed the.
, . "earveys tind the estimates for,the water
- works at Norfolk., The Work will cost
—A bear weighing GOO pounds - :was kill
ed at Stonehani, Mass., on Monday week.
• "The spoils and Staw,bounty netted his cap
- Aora $lOO. .•
Loriliards, tobiecouists in - New
Yotk r itaveyaid $785,016 of internal rev
enue on thew manufacturing business in
eleven months.
- • '• - oYer $20,000 "worth of sumac leaves
and twigs Lave been sold this season at
- Fredericksburg, Va:, by the country people
round about.
powderivagon,' with 2,500 pounds
, of the explosive material, blew up in cross
, ing the plains recently, tearing wagon,
- -•-oxen and driver to tatters.
• .Aftei Queen Emma had visited Green
4iroes'l Cemetery, she remarked, "Your peo
ple live so fait wonder.. they dud'
time to
-bury their dead ea.superbly2,
I',. 1 I lll ll y
, . „ i
, ,
..... ,.. , ,
, • .
• . crrir mauls. ,
Dr. Aborp—Parlors at Merchants' Hotel:
At the celebrated Opera house Shoe Store -
Every lilting
At t h e Opera House Shoe Store is sold very
Get theadrantage of thu good buying done
by the proprietor of the Opera Ifouso Shoo
Ever tpn Tatty, and Cream Candles. that eau not
be excelled. hlnnutactitred and sold bydieo.
heaven, II Federal street, Allegheny
Of the Opera Kongo Shoe Store does not order
his goods by letter and take exhatever is sent,
but buysall-tite good under a close examina
tion. As the factorlerget the best and gives
Abelr customers the advantage, Its , result Is
very plain. Nothing but a good article is to
be found at No. tie Fifth street:
Is an :exceedingly difficult article,to geL at a
reasonable pplee, but when you want It, go to .
Flemlag's Drug Store, No. Si Market street,
where you can rely on getting a better article
for less money than at any other placo in the
city, where you •cad also procure the hest
Medicinal Liquors of 'all kinds. Remember
the place, S 4 Market street.
litilaticiptila University or Medicine
and surgery..
The trustees and faculty of the above Med
co College have issued "scholarships" at
set enly4lre dollars each, which entitles the
holders to attend lectures until graduation,.
or as Many sessions as he wishes. .
Ibis renders a medical education cheaper
than ever proposed by any Dniveratty or Col
lege In this country or Europe, possessing the
same extensive facilities.
2 hereare - rizteen Professors and every branch
of Medicine and Surgery is thoroughly taught.
The student holding a i`scholarshit , can
enter the college at eny time during the Lec
tures, attend as long as he wishes. and re-en
ter the Listitullon as freguentiyas
Persons what! sg to obtain. scholarships can
app'y to L. Oldshue, M. D., Professor of Urino
Patl elegy in the above-mentioned College.
Ills Mile* and residence is No. 132 Grant
Stre..t, Pittsburgh Pa. •
In selection a homes from which to make
your purchuses no matter in what brarreh of
trade buyers will always find It . to their' ad
'vantage to givethe preference to those houses
that carry large stocks and receive their goods
direct from headquarters. Firms that trans
act-their business in that manner are enabled
to sell at low rates, and consequently, com
mand a large'tratie..
The Drug businessiof this city is ably tepre-
Lactated to the ibovertianner by the,well-known
firm of Dleelarran .t • McKennan, er,, Market
street, who, In the m irkets have ail the ad
vantages accruing from ready capital, and a
large am ong acquaintituce Eastern merchants,
importers and meant:Let mum, and the forward
position occupied by this hou e to-day is alto
getber owing to the ahovit advantages proper
ly used. Odr renders we hope will bear In
mind the ahoveLfacts when they desire Pnro
Drugs, Medicines . and Medicinal Liquor.; at
something reasonable rates. •
We are frequently asked this question by
those who desire to have teeth extracted with.
Nitrous Oxide or Langhing Gas, and we un
hesitatingly reply: Yes, it is safe when it is
administered by a scientific dentist, physician
or surgeon, all of whom use It In their pole.
tlcesvith the highest succeseL, but Drs. Sill &
Gillespie, Dentists, No. fit Penn street, (two.
site Christ M. K. Church) have extract.' teeth
with the Gas for thousands of patients, embra
cing naany distinguished clergymen and of h.
er prominent citizens, and wU osta single at.
- elden t. and all have testified thnt the operation
was not only pathless, but that the gas wan
The leading Dental and medical Journals of
the country now admit that the gas is the best
anesthetic for teeth drawing; best, ...cause
enough can be given to produce entire
without danger; best, because it is
pleasant to breathe', producing no d I sXg rein
hie dens:miens, and leaving the system entire.
ly in two or those minutes ; best, because it
will succeed where Chloroform sand Ether have
been tried in vain; best because the most del.
teat°, nervous and feeble persons can breathe
It with safety; best, because with roost it ren
ders tooth drawing a pleasure. •
The lion. A. K. McClure, editor of the Chans 7
Isenberg Repository, pays the following com
pliment to the introduction of this great
blessing of the age. Ito says: "We .recently
tested, personally, the nee of the Nitrous. Ox
ide Gnus, In a dental operation, and feel that we
can not too tiy.f.tity commend it to persons who
must undergo naiad operations. An in
11amed root of a tooth that hid defied our Lest
dentists, mainly because the preliminary Opew
ration of getting a hold on it sufficient to ex
tract It, would have been too painful to be
borne, was 'taken out in one minute from the
time we took the chair. The gas Is entirely
barmiess when pure, the effect of it when in
haling it In pleasant, and:the most nervotts
persona can take lt without any disagreeable
results. Bat a few seconds are required to pro
duce insensibility; In one minute It usually
passes off, entirely, and the patient feels none
of the unpleasant sensations in the head, or
the nausea often produced by ether."
Drs. Sill & Gillespie are well known Lbrough-
Mit western Pennsylvania and 'eastern Ohio,
as practical and scientific Dentists, to whom
we recommend our readers for manlmilation .
at their ,bands, Whenever they require atty .
dental operathin. They manufacture the besti
moat perfect, durable and elegant teeth ever
produe d. Their facilities are extensive, and
entire satisfaction Li always givendn every
case. . Itanember, Dn. Sill & Gillespie, No. lit
penn'atreet, opposltis Christ M. E. Church. '
(BT the Sterchasts Nsilossi.Telegeleh Rempesy:l
Specwjto'thel'ittsburith Gszejle.
Oil dull. Rained all last night and today.
River sixteen Inches and, ruing. '
Moo of Col. !Womb; the Condemned
oton—thfervleor of Me Tammany Usti
Committee .1111 Use re...Went—The
Preaident My mpatlif sea wilt' the Doom
ed Pe -
. Wawa mares. Oct. 29.—Gen. Murphy, Super
visor W. Bosch, lodge Began, Judge Sharing
and Senator lirmiley,the Committee recently
appointed , hy the Tammany Bail General Corn
mitten, arrived here this morning, 1 be
tween eleven ann twelve o'clock called MOM
the President of the United Stites In conform
' Ity with the duly for which they were desig
nated, and presented to him a copy of the pro
ceedings Of tun General Commiture hi relation
to the if cumary" , convictlon and sentence of
Robert Bless Lynch by the Canadian authori
ties, and declaring that the President should
promptly and rmolutely Intervene and Insist
that Veen and air the other American citi
zens held on therameehargeshall he delivered
up to oor National authorities. Senator Brad,
ley spoke in behalf of the Lemmittee, clearly
but briefly stating the object of Lim Commis-
The President Informed thorn that lie had
received a copy ot the Tammany flail proceed
lags through idaYer BoArman, or New York,
and said the committee would perceive from
the Correspondence with our Consul at Toron
to and the British- Minister, published in to.
day's papers, that he had anticipated the ob+
ject or the resolutions. lie expressed his pro
found sympathy for the condemned prisoners
and would accordingly do all that lay la his
power for their welfare and relief.
New Yong, tbitober 'S.—Patrick Gleason,
hying In .Ifunitan street, BrOnklyn; was • In•
slangy killed on Sunday morning d a b Owen
McShane.: Gletumin bad gone from home
into the street to rescue a friend who was be
ing attacked by Scalmne and a man namcd
Thomas Harlon, stid , was struck by McShane,
from the effects of which blow he Immediate
-1.9 expired.
CINCINNATI, Oct- 74L—A. boy lope teen years
old Was shot dead ou Third etrees yosterdp.i,
by a comrade
oof the same ago, for kacicaltig
tut ff. •
Cough l'uadg,
70e Proprietor
Pate Rye Wtlky
111ite* to llayers
i• it Safe
From u►l•C►tr.
Increased Appropriationi -, for the
British Army and Navy. .
The S pani sh-Chilian Difficulties.
The Turkish Army Repulsed
Amerioan - Securities Fluctuating.
tar Tut CABLE.]
LIVERPOOL. Oct. _a.—The steambhip Alleppo,
from New York, October 17th, arrived at
Queenstown to-ilay . and proceeded for Liver
LONDON, Oa. frmrr!...lapan are;
conflicting. The latest report is that the Ty
coon'a'army bas suffered a heavy defeat lathe
lianas of tie Insurgents, and that the Tycoon
has in consenuenc, andielted.
It to said that the Pritiali Goverhinent la
about to ask of Parliament an Iriercasu of a
million pomids sterling in the amount voted
for the army, and a largo additional amount
to that'apprepriated in fernier years for ;the
navy. .
QuEmsoii*Oct. !itennethip Per
sia. from Son• York on the 17th inst.. ha. 4
LONDON, October 27.—1 t is sat•l that the 'rela
tions leered, Austria( and Prussia are assent
ing a Metmeing detractor. The London
Tenet says that the G•rrcrnturnt u
latriguttig for the' further illslatcgratiou of
Austria. •
PAWN October prejeet sithmitted
by France and .I,:nglai.o to the Spanbdi Gov
enur.ent for the battlement of the t:h111.1a dd.
ficialt!cs have been approved by the queen and
her tliniaters..,.
Ftonzamc, October ;it - rival from C n
dta Matt, that Idiot her-great battle took place
on the 17(11 . Instant. The Creeks report 1 hat
th'u Turkish army *Las reiod,rd.
I.trenrooc, Oct. • 2:.—The Cot tear tat:,f I.
Steady to-day, with sale, of bales Of 1,1-
.11111 g Uplands 11000,1 at Cot.
Itreadatuthe weather in unit amide
the market to firmer rot. an clerer,istma....C.a,
has advanced.
LOA INON. 0ef....i.--COnsols for toonry
alert a 014.110001 lor Alll4 . rjr.ll l S.Cll,:rl
0. folMtrs: S tvrtl 7747.
Fancilet: Point.. Ilctoin3r
Moravian, .frota Liverphoi on the loth. soot
Londonilerky on I he Dili 11101., n rolve4
point ttizi, Morning en route to cluntree.
Me:Wilda hint been billet !annul at break
fast at lart4gose hy the protnoterai.l the reform
iletuonstratlein Ilemade a ain,elt. to a bleb
Ile briefly referred to his approaching visit to
Leland. Ile laid the more folly the p•ainie
were nalfrottoil to a hor elle., of Par:ismer,
tary power; the more completely would jt.•
tie he done Ireland.
al3itliteaS Sacrarrta4.—Sattertii smile , . cir
cular reports that Ar.eriCelll AVeltri{idi have
!men characterized by Important damnation,
IL A. varying from 70457!, , ,i, and
tinnily at attL6`..1.,,; ex COLlpOtif. INl oni. Won,'
remain odeady at in. Tho I•et
tlement developed a great prairmty of Erie
shares, oaring to the .large amount of certiti•
cater; thipped to .liew - Yorl:, 0141'; till , licen
`paid for the lotto of them for tio, next fort
night. They have advance: I during the w eek
closing wleis a Reed demand at At
lantic and (treat' Western emisolltlated
closed firm at IdleAl Pi; er dividend, note - ills.
standing attempt..., were made to toms ilown
the prices.
RCieila.--Cuunt Hero, if id 11t1Ati•iii. hill ini.n
relieved of hie inactions Mrs “1104,1101 . of Po-
land and bushel.° siteeeiale4 Irp Ileneral Coon(
tlexav AND CANI/I,—.l.lvies, groin Athena
states that the Turks have evacuated Camilla.
and that the Greeks pormicit them, killing 1 . 211
and Wounding I,,Re. • The Ilreek loas ea,
Mosta en was orhantrang do
expedition against Ilic Insurgents on a largo
scale. Two ttionqulni ranks of polvder lift Sr.
rived In Candle (cure Syria.- The Ifi,nlitur fie
Sari menus that the Taxation of affairs in fayttr•
able Lathe speedy pacification of (hind la. .
• FILANCIL—The Parts hourse, on thcl7th I ~
was flat. The Rentes•closednt
••• _
troop, entered Vermin
on the 16th Inst., and .40L11 - 11.1i an en chl.lllAtiC
reception, r
- -
Tim Democratic 'and Union Slate wen . -
tral Committee of - Sew York tnll on
Presideni Johnson to Intervene for
the Condemned *Vivian Pri lit
Toitiq (telpher' 29.—The Democratic
and Nations' Delon State Central. Committee
have passed file following preamble and rem
,WireatseyTwocltliens of the United States,
One the Rev. John Mackenna, a Roman CALL.
oils priest, engaged at the time in the dlr
charge of his dutiel a clan/mean, unit tile
other, Robert it. Lyncli,vilderstood to ho a re
porter cd the public mess, have been Weil,
convicted and sentenced to denth inCanaria,
for alleged Fenian movements; therefore
Rewired, That the Presalent of the United
Slam lie requested speedily to interteriefor
the safety and protection of them persons,
and to represent in the roost earnest manner
thatsuch an unnecessary rigor as a aentenee
of death, 10 etlea/ated Nhoch • theeraninga
sense and justice of mankind.
G .11timphri‘y. Plyospatlalees
with JefT. /Iberian." Order.
ed to leeportait•Wcsittlugton, der.
New OfiLLILATI, October V.—Governor Hnm
phreys, of lifisMeeippl, In view of the pre
earlove condition ol Jetf. Davis , health, ro
commence that the Legislature appoint one or
more 00E0nd/1910[1er/1 to proceed W Wading
ton to confer with the President with a slow
to release Duels on parole or ball.
' Ltententult (lettered 1). Joaouln Del -Sian
steno succeeds General Learsiiicii as Captain
General of Cuba. •
It le nimbly stated that General Shuridan
hag been ordered to report to ,Washl ngton. it
Leunderetood that•the order= originates Iron,
the present condition of our elexican
. .
• •
COtton 'unchanged and Ortricc; sales. of a,Bw
halea. Freights and. exeliango unchanged.
Tile receipts or cotton to-day were 4..3ce bales.
A Louisville lindericrounit Unttreed
Oute—lieo. D. Pren tire Recovering-• The
Turf. ' 3.
tounivitts. Oct. M.—no Courier publishes
the recant decision otthe Court of Appeals, in
- reference to General rainier. who was indict
ed In the inferior court- for aiding tie o.fleapo
orsievee. Palmer was discharged by the tow•
er court and In appeal the Conn.( Appetite
remanded the case to"the lower cort tor the
trial Of rainier under the original i n dict ment
Tins gave rise to the report that the Court of
Appeals had decided that Gen. rainier was
guilty of felony. -
The health or Air. Prentice is.lmproving.
in the three roar old ittlkigl to-ilay.
deni Grey Colt by Pilot den tor, a kutored his
competitors over very slaw trackst tem
Examination of the Ualgluier° Pollee
CoMmientoovarer-Train Storm.
ilat.Tl-Oct. 27. : The Cl= iDatlou of the
charges Ena
ntait th e . Police Commissioners
was resumed , loamy at Annapolis. boob:,
twenty witucisce were orainincd, when at 1
o'clock the prosecution announced that tboy•
were through, but would have come rebutting
evidence. The exa.ninatlon of witnesses for
the defence will commence to-morrow. Thu
evidence to-day elicited nothing important.,
• A heavy 501ith-enat‘rain storm IS preVailing
tonight. `• -
Visit of Biallop Lynda to For/Vera Moo-
Fowrassrl Moxims, Oct. V.—Bishop Lynch, of
Charlanwn, arrived here -yesterday morning
front Baltimore. 11a preached, at the Catholic
chapel, yecterday, a sermon upon Chris t's .
Apostles. The Bishop was the guest. of Gen.
Burton. the commandont of the Fortress. and
visaed tne Davis family, with the members of
which ha has been acquainted for many YkArs•
Re left for Now Tork (1 1 / 3 'afttrnowk.
lnm ts. take the inland route for Charleston. ,
i s snowing quite ; easier/Y.
,-...,.. '‘,
The Reduction of (Luortertuasier'a Clerks'
Yap—lmport/unt Decision inelutive tfl
ned oysters. Venn.. Se.—Gels. Sweeney.
to be iteinstated in the Regular Array—
/110'111ft &tenon or the Agricultural l'om
nils.sioners with Cereal Exhibits—Crops
Larger Than Ever known in This Colin-
• try.
WAStilxlllToll, Oct. Z.—The following are the
disbursements of the Treasury Department
for the week ending Saturday, October 27th:
On account of War Department, V.,g53,180; Navy
Department, 6407,279; Interior Department,.
0(1;429. Total, 113,1aa,.e , 5.
A coliunittee, consisting of the employees of
the t,tti ar termaster's Department, waited Woo
the President this morning for the purpose of
obtaining from Min a reply to their petition
In relation to the reductfort of their pay: The
President dissents from the reasons of the
•Cluttrrermuter General for the reduction, and
In a eomin =ilea , ion to the Secretary of War,
requests him at once to designate compdtent,
officers as a board to make inquiries and re
port to the. War Department the rates which
should be allowed. This order, he add., will
apply 10 the two petitions accompanying the
applicatien to which these Instructions refer,
and will, for the present, operate against any
restitution of wages by employers, In whese
interests they have been presented.
Tile following is the decision of the Treasury
Department relative to taxes upon canned
meats, vegetables, ,tc: By the amendatory
act of July lath, IRA, a simile duty is imposed
upon every can, bottle, or other" single pack.
age containing meats, fish, shell fish; fruits,
t eget able.% sitnees,SYrups, prepared mustards,
Janis, or Jollies , contained therein and packed
or scaled, made for male, or removed for Con
sumption in the United States, on or after the
lot day of October, 1566.
While It Is believed It was the purpose and
Inter.,e Cl Congress to Impose the stamp tax
upon the above named, If cold or olfertsl for i
sale,. Or removed for consumption, in the
United States on or after October let, l&G, re
gardless of the time of their manufacture or
production, that the intent is so imperfectly
expressed as to retitle: IL dentinal whether,
limier a pruner construettea of the language
of the statutes, such n tax can be Celle, ti.
Internal revenue officers are, I hereforrj 10-
strnetett not to interfere with tile ',easels
.Ina Or Rule or seen articles of domestic Mans
tifactiire or production when satisfactory ovi•
.lence Is furnished that they were prepared
and passed out of the possession of the pro.
diner prior to the dust day of October,. Oys
ter...old other shell fish use ultra removed
trout thn shell. and without undergoing any
piece's for their preservation, are placed, in a
raw state, in tin or other vessels for this sole
purpose of transportation in Ice. When put
up in this manner, and fir this purpose only,
they are not regarded as Canned within the
meaning or intent of the law. and no stamp
will no requited upon them.
Articles named in Schedule C, when Import
ed ei of foreign manufacture, are liable to the
stamp tax, In addition to tile import duties
thereon. When, however; such Imported ar
tie,es, except pit) log-cards, lucifer matcher,
cigar Ilgot, and wax tapers, are .1,1, Origi
nal and unbroken packages in which the not;
ties or other c clueuree were packed by the
ninufaei r iter, the person selling them Is not
subject to any venally 011 account of the ',WIt
of a proper Stamm: bat when such packages
am opeard the artioles should not, under any
eirtunigtances, be filtered or exposed for wale
Until they have been appropriately stamped.
Tile Yenlan Genyrid, Thomas W. Sweeny, It
I, call, will be restOred to his former rank In
the CultiA statcr .daily on his own applica
tion. •
The monthly report of Isaac Newton,
Comnalssione.r 4/1 Agrleulture, says: Ileturns
not the localcorreepotelents up to the let Of
ire:ober verify 411 1.1 4 ,0111.1111 particulars the
statements res peel In g the crops CCM tAltle,l la
preenuirtomithly,exiiilins. Thu condition 01
corn 111,4 sulTered some detenoration from ear
ly frosts and exce.ssivo ruins, but the crops are
larger than tlei lagtst ever pre nonsly
chronicled in the country. In the pro
duct 1011 of wheat next to corn, our
oat' important terra!, oar agriculture hag
been nefortunnto for the present year, now
nearly complete. The yold will ma rare
Much front ICUs/0,00 boMels. showing a small
percentage of deeream, slid, Is fully eon,
icettcol the ovitipaativelYsttnerier mint Si
lty ol the g hi, 4.4 ear ` pre/titled In a pre v.
Moe nontlmr. J. 111- 141•11/04.1 1.11,1101.4
than the crop Mel 14 within 1,1150,..11X/
oft. prtsleet to prep(rtlon to the Inerews.
populat ion Teo dliminition In the 804111
IA More apparent. The esthetics pond to less
than 17,00,00 Minims in the eleven Mates,
' heretofore ititretAvsented, a fraction lees than
five-ten:lls it tee er,o, of P.:O. -
It 1.4 acutely et remark In connectlon with
Uneaten le ellen of the nom past seasons, that
toe wheat crop of England I au been likewise
delleitet oho,' 101. The Canfontis,,
bar, pal, Of attic!: little note has In cn publicly
nWulf , In coveter:two vi lilt the preeen L crop, to
Ce.VtiVe. In the procluct of this young
stiel y 1;.0143.14,0 bushels. Now It is
clatieml by Matting California agrlcultitrodw
that the surplii• for export will be nearly
double that q nom It).
A.ll 15..1,N. elet. evident that the
eon ire wheat ercp will exceed by seem,' tell,
lice toiMel. that of IvAo, when the ) tell was
Imprints( at 1M101,1.1 barbel.. Then there
live and &halt 1,041, :11 cach
the estimates point to five bushels to
ach Inhabitl.h t. Thee is no around, thee,
' far apprehensions of scarcity, 1111‘1 little cl
eave in (ire anosent of the. crop for starvation'
Prire•. 1.10.1 , 1 1. extrmncllnarY,
and the quality excellent. This indications
point to an 11/crease IS OM I i 1,491,07: bushels in
Pio to . 171.a1g.C2g , Ilushvas in I wki. It is the only
row le kill, soutlittiat inalbtalos an equality
With 11/1 last 00115114 1,11 111 1. liar 14 1041 111
gooney 0411 to ule liteVlnlls year by from
one to too-tenths, hut is bs,ltve in quality.
An analysis of.tlift mt rin Telenet up to
I tetoker lot, lora hot Warrant. n reduction 01
Ihe fortecr eottorietllntate Mach below 1,750,-
OW beteg, though It WO early Or the 511141 1
estimate. The siirOty of the altruage from m
ere!, is retooled as Increasing.
The New Innela TiMee flu Mexican AC.
Saw Teens, ieet...tti —The Marx Of th In Morn
ing sass: it cannot be doubted that the (me
ei nment of Juarez has already Ronald the aid
onto! United states to its efforts to re-estab
lish Its authority over the contending factions
f 0111 eels,. open ten roles eif_ tife lee, titre
t',111,4 hu reports already received from
tVo•hin gt on are at fault, the Ere/Anent has n•
(Pealed; ills own willingness to enter upon
such arrangement, and is (,spew( to weal` to
the City of Meter °, if much a step should lee
deemed advisable. a force of at leneetln,non me
innier.tiereeral ti runt or some other oftleer of
high rank anti reputation. clothed with lower
to alit the Government of our sister Republic
in the restoration of order and security. As
matter of course LllO Mexican Government will
lee expected to lunar all the expense of such
nu enterprise.. Bho has abundant resources for
Lids . , as well este secine On for whateverguar•
nntfe•S it ~,luht be WIII.I for us to give for the
payment of debit' Justly due to England and
France, which were made the pretext for the
recent Invasion of tier soli and independence.
Even it we were to assume the el trent payment
of these debts, not, of course, including those
of the Empire, which we hays newer acknowl
edged, and fur, which France can have no valid
claim the per * cent, of customs CO he eolleet
-4.,1 a t Ales heel, ports already pledged to foreign
petrol', and which would he transterred to us,
would be =phi for this Object. .
BAL:TIMOIIL. Oct. 7.9.—A lire' broke' out this
evening In the large warehouse, No. flel Balti
more street, OCC , Ip led by Fairbanks as a scab
warehouse, and Ireton Bros. its a Mane store.
paring the progress of the hr. the cornice
.fell, badly Injuring three Bremen who were on
a ladder. Two of them, it Is thought, will
Tho I.s by the tiro Is quite heavy.. The exact
amoun t is not yet known. Thi3 sleek in
Mews. Turnbull's More ad.oniing , slightly
• immense replan filleeilling.
Berri - T.O, 0ct.23.-10 tptto ortho la avy rain
thore Was another _big. .Pcnitin meting to
night at the old GoeFllouse. Fenian Senator
Morrison and other ppolte, :and. th ere was
great cutirugla,M.
The !rich military organizations aro roc rait
mg men, and umneylla twang callteto. E.,,,,,
the women are said to 1,0 at work,. and tile
war spelt la rampant. .. .
' .
Au Elg.Confederatr Post Baiter lo re,
war of Aririo butfrage.,
GALVeRTON, Oet..Z/.*Ez.Connulerate Post
Blastertion. Itcagsm,publlshes a long letter re
ferring to a furnterletter. Ile LI very atrongly
In favor of grunting negro,s suffrage, and all
other rights, the same 10 white men, and says
"nue mall uniVinnig to Ito thisos a demago
11. ate Mexican 'News. •
Ly es . ros. Tcsas.Oct,29.—Tho llrown±vlllb
pupern reeeiVed;,etaln (net anew reyolutloq
Ortega was ant lelimtell. There has been sklr
ullahlug between 1:94.1na and Canales. Cur
that penLponed the attack on Illatarnorm \
ref' nes t of Tapia. Juarez sent lloulmentloAcra
to Canales, win, put them all in, a calaboose.
Death of DIA* Oanny Neweld
D. C., Octeln3r ' Funny
:Mean, the only ilutighterund youngest child
of the Secretory of Slate, died eurly this rnorn-
Ing.from billions foyer. nor romulne Do
eburoyeil to Auburn, New York. for Interment.
TeOwn'''. lit Canso Ilona.
' SAN Fits sonic°, Csi.„ October M—The Brit.
ish war steamer Scoot sailed for VlcWrla
on natorday: I Tbo ship Templar, Rogers,
from ,
ttoston reports largo . Golds of tee oad
Iceberg" pt Cape Uorn.
The eallimoire Trouble.
.4 . IIGPZ E ons, October Baltimore
American. says: The evidence against the,
Pollee Conunnanoners will.ho completely re.;
Riled today by the testimony for the defencch
Niew roax, oct. A Yloteot storm set, to
oAtlght accompantod with. wind. tout hcav7
AND CITY AND SUBURBAN. Cla k nod I started up streel, and we turned
round and went hack' utter William Noble wlio
• • was grOng to take me home; and 111
GODIT/ONAL LOCAL NEWS ON THIRD PAGE.) while Thomns Smith was finning on the u e ' a
; men t-W it lr some ~ lark man who,' seen strike
• • Thomas ma Mt on the !nick of hetead; ant sure
The of floury illedderick—Con. the Yuan who struck Thomas Smith was not
elusion of Cho Coroner's I ottorst—C - Soade Smith: Thomas then ran op to !Nowt°
pivio . U.Port.or 1 4 . e Evidence Addoi , d I Small tool, calling him a y !low' mot of n b—,
—Verdict of 1110 Jury. hint. If he' lind struck him; he dill not
Coroner Willittin Clawson )estorday alter- ! give hint time I 0 Say no or ye., I ill lilt
noon Concluded, at the Mayor's ottlee, the null utter he shot lilm grZird:ds'hig
quest held upon the body of Mr. Henry lied- i through tile 1eg.11.1 :titer he shot ',coati
drink, who wan fatally shut on Tuesday night: time the In u.delau stepped la between to part
last, on Fifth street, In front of th„ Theatre "i ter which ""tt'l
:hot." I was to them catrunt tau
by the negro Thomas Stall S. It is too 151.1 j shooting, say about three feet. In the Thee
that through the technicalities of the law the ! tee, SOado N. 1 ,1 Ids lie to get ready to go
black assassin will escane capital punishment. g" . "" 0 "" 1 T ""'"' ked hh"."""""1"n".he had
dling her to go home. Iscadc 10141 lbonnoe
00 110 Is worthy midi a fate, eve, Mail : f but he think it I SAW
It appears from the evidence that the omstemn step in between to part them.
dri.k was acting peacemaker la the Adme two IMO.. alter hitting Iko musts
received the fatal bullet. But hew is the 4! Vi•
Sltruh Jaw. Clarke, twin n.—l reside with 3i re.
deuce I . I -Lean, On Craig st reel • Ali,!Kliolly• ',Vila at the
, „,„.. , ,
Joiner Rionordrott, swern-:Atn an indepen. Theatre on Tuesday night of the mOrder. A,
1 cano• Old, stone Own, net Notel, Stall h, hula
dent police officer; Wan in Williatt,' nal, ~, ;, ml colored mar., struck. Tom :Meth. iilitli that.
Tuesday Light of the mitnlYr , and heard three 'Tom stepped ;tack, and With tin oath, asked
ppitol shots in succession. lieddrleit stumbled I 3 `" mle if he lied ,triietr him, slid itemmlietel3-
Into the door with his hands upon his bowels ' . I , it,, ' , ' tl/071; ' . " st,,1 1 A '" ,, g .,LM ' „• ' ;,ifftr; I ,1,. ' sTyi,;, i 0 I;, '
I started out and pursued the negro tip . Womi ' het/net:a t hem or not 1 can ' t say, but he Wan
Street, 11l which direction the crowdrile-I
Mpg. When 1 got . far; us the Academy of I .110. t. ' fizot,ell. Shit/, sworn-Live at No. 39
Motile on Liberty street...met some men eon, Ciawferd -trove; 1 heard 11 ill lam liarrla Say
lug, back with the pri,oner Smith. At the ( that he and George Alas,ey hail struck ThOttlan
head of 11 , 00,1 Street °dicer Herron anti iny- ; 0111 it lt that night.
boll took village of the prisOner, and broth:Ott 1 Tile cc itienee here rutted and alter eOll.lll-
hiln to the tombs; Mantled prls. ~,, ,t• to the Cap- I tat ion the jery retorted the following cer
tain Of the watch; pre
otter Itek m,letlged to i diet. e l hat My deceased, Ilenry, ile.l.lrick,
me that ho )Ind done :he shooting, and Bald, 1 rano, to his death from a 1 .0111.1 inflicted by a
“ This IS the first time I over shot a lean." A1r.. 1 Millet dim 41 Iron! a pistol ill the hand. of
Litgaril produced the pistol in the Wallet, and 1 Tholltas slit it It. (colored) on Tuesday evening,
the prisoner owned that it Wan it in. 1 October Old, 1n,,,.
Est ee ,/ Logord, sworn - boatel lit ~ i .! La. I
Cock street, Allegheny; went to Plitdon :fit / Meeting of IL i q Connells.
1 Theatre on the Tueaday Mich t of the slasnotg.
1 After the performance Wan over a enitple ef 1 The re g ular to o ti l lit Y .. . tie /4 of tile City
young gentlemen anti myself lett tont went CO:11101s wo. held last evening at their chum.
down Fifth street towards Wood; /lent 10.0 0 I hers it; the tit • build '
' Wetal street, and was near ItoWn't. hard, are g ' .'
eStabllBlllllClit, When t heard pistol shots tat I SELF, cornet.: •
Fifth street. One of the teen remarked to on, 1 Pre , ent - Me? Arnydrong, Barckley,
that they loot not vet got done play t u g t o t he i green Conisiti, L one, Morrow. McMillen,
Tit i tintre. I walked a few steps tut they along . 0 0 , , - O. .. ~,
an licard a lean im,welog that man ;,, r emirs, So lit ten t Thom pion, ,ittson, W ode,
tinned around tool saw the hutch of a pistol on 1 and Pr,,lLlent 3!...1it1ey: . .
the corner of Fifth and tVent,dlstreet.; call a 1 The • , / ' of t Le previous meeting were
mann running op Wood street toa ardt roc; I r
then got Into the goner and picked on a par. / read and approved.
l b o u g o. s i f t o d n ,.. o . lll i ll it tl h ir i tZlt , V. , 4..ien d n i, s , o , , i , 1 , 17 , •• ,, ,, o s , 1 11 lL1 1 ,:„ 1 Mr. Ito re I: ley presented a communication _
: from 31.....1,. hearney and Goodwin, praying
on the pavement end tun after lie up tr 0 .3,1 .
to Liberty and up Liirerty . .treet. Ile,ed 1 .4 r the pacing of Wylie front Fulton to Crate- .
tile street near toe Ay:Molly Of Sheen% or eros
the I lett streets, lit the stst It ward. Adopted.
Second National Bank, earner of ilan.l •01.1 I A petition itit•+ read frou,Thollitts 1/01111011y.
Liberty sheets, I followeit 1001 tteowts told I lel:ill, to a leaky nee plug on Soatolichl
threw a navel:C.4ollo atter him, ,drikine lon. / n•lrret., Witten 1V11... 1111 1/101 0111 reitotoo TO the
In Dot hark. After I ',track Into it' turned I W,.,' • Omni:III tee.
about with a revolver In Ids hand :one point., I , A fel Wiwi wt. also r e ad front .1.1101 Harper
It at tne. • I bailee Olen awl he dropped hist. Inretail/ e lo ,1 ire!. 3 lite 1.1110 tga Llh o rtY , ireel,
and again fled up !Malty /Meet. Rotting. he ity a hiell his tenant/. Mos, s. lilt It itatrlck tool
got to tau middlo of Itait.l street I rautiltt tip I lent eit, art• :0.1 . 11.11....1 61.1 111.1 1 ltd. here. ed to
with 111n1 and seised him by the arta.; I the. I a... Watt, Colnalitt.4 . .
hallooed that • tie had a pistol In lits hand; . ' FM, Pr...meld submitted a rendutmicatlon
there wan a crowd emeriti.; Lip •
near u , .... Hy for illy Cdy tontio.ler. lotthorizoig the inaY
then Wild be email give up co 1 110 (1111 , 10$ 10 - 111,11i...1.1 lit, I.lll= et W. 11. Itrow It and 1 .. .. S.
the law, lie fell to the ground and I told- Mott ow , the former amounting to ideol, and
v.' the revolver nut of 1.1. , hand. Too eentl, - the Mum to t . 2 * . or, I
men and myself biteight hint .1,1, a Latrrit, 'flat i oat:oiler el.o ./../..•.1 the transfer of
street to Wood street, where al. 1 . . t I 1 .- /.11/1 , i.. .0.10 10 A High..., What I Approptintlon;
lido the bawls of two police 11111,1 ,; 1 tallow- 11,I..: lo Alettena•WeLt What f A poroprial lon.
ed non down to the Station Douse ;torah-0 I . 0,0 t,; „ :,.. 1., pi "dine. sabl ,futols boom es
gave the revolver to lit:.d. law 1.,, manic it halt, 1'.,:, 'the i ~to roil/. states that It is prole
henna. 1 Reee it np.• tittle t Ala a it - feeder win be noce,entry to the .
I.3;lict , ..fo3ta //. rr.,,t, not ti - tV.L. , t.....i10g i Niald. / . 11:1 i,. 1 . 110.1 1. , 1 1-11.110 four .., tin e Dam
on the Thetore eleit, en the Tuesday et rein, : .anal dollar.. and eau or Intl themanti dell..
of the At,. itta,ttear the lamp nett, ienlthliel.l 1 1u ,{4ITAI, i;1 111. the lilt en the Ilterease on the
street. tatting lo t a frlend I/ 1,0 1,,.1 ju...1 ulxol 1 i 1 , 11 V 1 00 , -. from to e-ent Lippe:ounces I /IC
left me at the time ; low rd the repot t er a pi,- I n. ;T".• 1 . 0. 11111110 01 “1,0111 1 UT, a 11l execed
tel and alepped dot it our tin• 0.10111 101 11 0 1,1,- ~
1 10' ...1.,0..,0 011 tem 1 1 111 n 1011-101illvva thettOtted
meet. Heard a second It it at, ate I ,a i led deilat..
solse three or four steps inwards it t,0,,,,,, : tee
After the third report. I . ..t, p bean y net 10.01 1 100100 111 1 0 t he etertlietwe el cAdifyit.„• • the
about the centre of the pan. ...tont, ~ eh w no.. ey.. orati.,,eve, 1 eyolt log ihat. they Mot en
kers. thrOw Nell hands to - rt Iti, .1 61111101, .00! ~ .1.....1 1,,:111, ./. I. ,0,tr . 10, 1 ity soliettorott the
stagger beck toward,. Shill tnn er.. • ., , V 11,.. - Plitlintvgi 1., I enevil..and lt,entlsovoll.
1 was thee, near tile a lade.. Tie Id. les 1..i1 I r.,, 1,1 110'1 1: 11•1 1. A A0.11'1,0 1 0 to twilit Ilet t
fen oft as he fell bark ; I .11,1.1..1 oad 11. ,•..b . . , 111111.111 , 1 , 9111 . 5 tit . 1,4,11 01 Ret cep. •
at b lin alter he slam:end . ..el, ~.;, a .0hn..1 : 'I
lie i. glor t ca. I end. a - twitted tool I eferred
Mita a 101 l DO haten . log onto tee malt., et 1 itr I. Ihe 1 titatter Yeti., tett . tle item net et. to
sue. t. Da started to rim do., a e,iil. and ....k,• 1,14 . 0.r..1. 0
o te on•e;„- - tri,•\010.11.,0 III•
LI I nll,l intoWeod. Al chi, tom ~,, I as:onto/0 ...; ted on ti..• 1 0.111 ,i. 1 t 4(1) 11l Illy ...Ong
after bias,, he ran 1116 11' 114141 10 1.1,0 I). 11110 . i t td •
alten 1 cot nearly el...M t Ow Art/dent., f _ MI. 3101 non .M. 1,1 a ti-/alotiolt tilrertiug
Mute, he wan 1 , 1 the . mte.ty of it 1 01,101 ..2 I:0• . 'lO . l 1 1 0110111 -i.mer 1 ,, f the 1...31011 IT 11 1 ..
men.' Conti, mt., the moat 11 of i 1 ~. I m rt. I 1 t et tt.1,0 ape teitel Lit Pelt!, sit...;, I/
tae aa o given in it/ enter: Rte.,. tl -en , I:taw...tat la. t.tos ...J. - . 1 , . 1 . ..e.1..'
and myself, and en Inoees u i • '1 b , the s• at , Itile 1:.LI . ..1. - 1 0/I ' lll . 1 / 4 ,.{ . 1 i11.it0.,i,',. granting
lee "e. there giving prism., mt. the , , i•l-i:, ...., , .., a Lo. thy 1 1,1.1. to ei .et lei , graph
of tht. Rectal. Of the ante It. 1 Itete a, a.. - owl., I, eet : It. ~• tnlll. it. 111 - 'l'loh it .1.01 to
Veller learditst to tile cores. , e lo e lt In ••••• , , ~, . r
I la-, .a, elee, w . ;ea IV., iir. .ii i in-:. Panne, I.
nicatioorlrdard an 1.1.. Ile at I, nos letli:. it Lite 1 n et.lotater t, ...Meg Co )lore head it. (it. a
aliettling. ; don't I fillik pile .1,.. It Al 411.0 , 01 ,i 6 11.0 1 . 'l.l 0, 0-.1 1 , ,,•1
liaVlng ell. re
dive....l till 1,.- v. , lit .r.. .1 of TV,. re......,1 1, . e
L... Lent toile, 'O,O I ailed
having done so. I.r somebody In t he.e .1 net t. 111,....1 ! , h. I i.,,,te: - ~-1,...1 ..1•1 e . fol.
°ter., Seth Irtintar, egtorit-Ant elartr, a, It I: ~,tt 1 teat.... Itt %dealt,. alt." f ;
the r Ill , JUs, 1 1, 1 , 1 tittad g y 111.- I, el the le,- ,1,....• ~.,.. 1.._ to Moo-, ..,..1.• - 10 a 11.11'. lllOl
let t-a ll B ,1 10 11• 1 1 ,1 1. 1 ' ,. . 1 . I°o o' 1 1 1 1 • , 1 o.‘ ~.i. i... , ,,t00 tt at.: to r, to; ~,
orv,imen stand mg in tee 0, 6 ,y, ~."... ~. ro ‘,.. ,„„,,„., „...,.„,,,,i .
standing ...I tie; step, I steppe.. tor, nr,l
to them atol 1101110 .10.0 v,11,1 billy : 1 104. : .1
tiler. what aa. the Matter; their w. et:, La,. ,',l ' ..l t i -M g • -.' il . i ., V o tlW s . C. a gl lt. rand.
l'I."10. etas said to me, pointing he ' :a ./,,,,, 11,:... is LI , ~. • st .‘. :Jane',, ,nt..1.0...,.., Mt q,,,..
ttlablaCti Negro "that .1-1 ntacer Lel 1... o •"• M ' e I ' I ' l9, , M• ‘•". '" • 1 I, ''' 11 . 1.1 "• I ', ""l•
erowdlnailteleis. decent 14,001C11 It. Me ;011!.. 11 ." '` '•''' 0 • ,1. , '''o' • '.." •". ' 9Ol o . ''''. T l6l h . Y, n - e ,-
I asked the Melt referre•l to, 14 TO 0 1 11, 1 , 11 . 0.1 . ".' •" • 1"• ' . '" ' . " ' ll •••''', :01.. ', l ' r • .04 ' 00 . '
man again Spoke up, ..a.) , Ina 1 li:1 I ° l t• 001 1.6 ell I '''. ' oooo ' - ... 11, I' l 1-1 11 1 "/:. 110,, T 10 1: -
buying oats NWT 1,0111 0, for eat • io vo- , ,z,.. ••• 1, - ~ .of ..V: a, .;. so ...I. ,
Icry," and the
~ettow Otllow ..1.1 to ale . It ari, itit . 1 .,..1• 1, et ..... ~1 . 111 11 1 1011 front piopet ,
fella.. i tt.,t 1,...,,,,tht it,,,/, la. , ~., ;,„ ~,,,, it I 'tele, ... 1 101,1110(11 .1111 . ).'1 , 1.1 4,4, 0 . 00.1
If hoe:tat:ld Idol domg at .s, to., • 1 lei, ut,.„ ; •t • t•• t ~-.1 ••,. It. in. I, et ,le • lice act eta
Ihey tun It not •indret in the I 111 ..0 lc lit ...I.:0 ••".' 0 1 I 0 : °: ".' ~ IF''' . 1. i i •lo."I ' a' l. " -v "
lt, else I ftiould at... titre. go a l :at t • tt, t .,,, t„ I ettm1i..1.../ . lit ad aid lel, red to the strait
the watell 401010 vast aal 1 111-1. 10 - 1,•,01 1 , , , 1 , r. I- " ' "I" ' I ' '' • ' , ,
solllC three or row el them u I ei 1 1110 11 01,..11,' O' 1..:° " , 6 ". .4
1, ` ,1 1 0 1.• 01 .111 6, 1 Ing
to got a ilriat; 1 N. bat:no - no , lobe , the 'I
or, , ,;.• . o mia , t ,.., ea -.1 r. e ,•• to no o•oo i-3 .that
Ire was outti .1111 remake.% in the f0bt,....1.... •nno,mli, lie:.., ' l'd ' 3 • I ''' "''." ''''
Chia party rain.. eat of WW1:moo; 11-,...1 one '',... 1 Y , L , I Vlam an , 3 • ..• ~ - d a,,t tii.,We
black man say to the oth e t • -,1 be , . lhe flirt- h'l: 111 11 Lulea I. / ;et° ten of the ,ity or-
tro Is mit I will blow that tl.-t1 tda,.. 1,,,,i tentee r. that the - .tete . Weill 1,14.001 Ini in-
Ml ' l ""11. ' d . I' 0,1100 0011 told Mat ltr sitoelti .It geotsl to 1.., i110rt...11,-. 10 10,.• 1 111 0 ,1 1110 1 0.•
not. make . such thirsts . that.., , . he might iu ' ' '' °- -Ld'l''' 'l•
f r ~,
get /,,,,,,,If WE" ~, , ,,i,1,.. 1,„ ~,,, ~,,„ 1„, „,,, 11 1, 1:t.011..1.1 0,1 , .11 1,1 protons 0 T 1
ant Intend to nein./ It Lego On 1m .t. rent° teat ' I. ' I I " 1 ' ." I"IIII". 0"c h ' I ' I l " (" 'h,' f°l"'""g
the Theatre. (Thin.. T 1.0. 101,..110•1 - 01 11, 11r,.., 10 ,• .1110', / . 001 011 11 t.:011 r ttl ri 01, hetet.,
reit:n . o.l 10 here, would know him -Oil !see hod, 1"•.:,,t and i onott tilts., 0101 011 Nerthee-t.
1...,itt0 toot Weenier street,. ono tat
tie theta 11.V00:11 011 141 51/01 , / I t. al. la d', taut r ill
htni Very clonetill the perforate... ea. os. , r, the turner It T0w . ,,,...1 mot•l' 10,1416,
mot he kept hi , . sent and ,1.1.1 Nut a11 ) /4 . .1 I' OX.• . o°4 1 11 0 011 T. lO. ° O. In side 0, " .01,014., 01 1,0 ;
cited, I Opened tn./ Tl.Lentre it hen the per- bet seen Login. and 1 . . 11 ton seteet, ItYaLl and
fortnence was over and started up erect-.r e l . ' t te d t " the feints llire en ',:t,
s: lir x i t, ". .. t n u i i' g t l g h I g t o i t ,... ;satin to
, t : i . ::; r e o‘ i ' s : . ‘ Fr
„, k r . 4 e. t .
r :
e , " ale. Serb. , ;
L : ,, . :t .
, /11:..ct i - : :
.!: : : 1 : i , e 1: . : . ?
1 1;1 :
.., h -',1 , ;1 1111
. 11 : h :':' , " , lc i:': h :: 1 i
1 .1.1
~1 . . .:' , 1 : , : :. : ': :I ' l ' i t ' , ..;: . .. " :l: i : t ; .i;
lure,,l ' l ',r t in:14 , 1
ether, since Mete mot been a latest luade 1,1 a. , 111. Ibe accouter of it tel Roand. rh o ~„n o.
that effect; tout on ',lip slit•et an,:• wet - ward, gaunt , 111 wit .2, tiereple.l, told gill sort.. Ford
Caine dont, to the watrh4e,3.l, cool 11.0.1 teat 1 "" i MI Q ,1 "" ,i1, a: 1 1..1111 , 1 tat the part of C.C.
they Inui been shoot ing esNI 111.10, 1 Nell/. 10 3t. • 11l o • d; ;-;., e ...les. ;eat ft, 111,11/0.11311 10
110 1100 illll prisoaer, and tiall of the oplOnnt Ite " II " , °I h -
le• tar ll 1 • .011.11 111.4.1 11 14 . 01 l'etlaCllS,
wit. the tea. who made the threat . . I ..a..1 1 , . to . . 01,101 i1.a . .• .1,1,1004 1 110 ',XIII 11 .104 Into two
him.,,i , ,,,,.,
~ , .I
~,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0. ll,' • ~,e, 1,11 111, tlt I-, le, t.. Inge voliwnenving at the
said, "ie.., but rod Ild I eat 'lt a I, awn er .1...du lot on the 4,liter 01 Logan Sul yet, and
( Me. , Orites " 1 1 emerked t o him llYtt it 10. tuns..:,::c along said -tree) to reitit.ylvaltia
haul ;atom toy advice 110 1,01111.1 11,11 11,1V0 had11:01010. -. 1 Ile !h.q. pr , r , am went or Log,.
thin It...hi, Ile ~ ,t hi yen, 1 hat 11:.1 lite .• tee, ti n t
leet, to vete lit the Public School Mandl the
toil trim had it to do over again Ile m onlit 'lit ll ner,td
,omo,oi pieetoef, tee., or L 0 , 0,,„
~,,,,,, to volt ,
, ..,lable place en ration it( reef. The
a aro, :..., It now st,,tots, poll.. 1,..1 vote., and it
O th lr o cr lo a w ira , I w n i . , l .. s , t , t a w r, N , T i ts ,„ :l l e w e i l i thlt t lt h .. , l/. 4 0 , 1 1 .. 1 , ..1 , .. ,,, n i 0 i t ,
the. .
WWl ' . I told hint he futd killed 31r. fled. IL, 1., vo/1111, 11 11•,,01 1 . Itl 11.1,0 /1 divided Auto
°rick. lie said he wentry, ...he (Ileddra.lo ten 'le t ft. tilittiVie.
Was not the man lay lied !angel...Ll to (Ill," 11r. Welsh tidernd a re-olutlen lentracilag
Grorpo S. Gray, 5 U'llrll.-SE.OI, at the Ma ....
Man- the Ga. C...01t., to have rattily ga. lautpm
sine Douse; an at present ungaued ... Ilea. et teled at Ilan fellow lag, plat as: One ita c.,' -
dermal's Theta rot. On Toes.b.y . c.mlog 'i. l• etsenate. beta een Clymer and Smith
of the .atotd mg, after the Theatre •st 1.. I+, on Retort tete ett the °Mittens( Corner
wits out, I remained inside of the Ttte,.. Ili Pei ' , and se.. It •dteem; Into on fens street,
Ire till all of the alldielive ltatl tome Mit. 1..1 a. . 1 • 01 olt tot° Taylor. 74 1 1 . 1 . 1:1/ 0110 00 the
I then trent reit of the theatre 10.11 stood 011 Itet Ili ~ v./ ,el lea el Veldt Wel 'f itylor streets:
the step, when I hoard three dottitteL shots; one 00 I it, ,0,11 11 V. cot 0.0111, 111 11111 MI 1011.1
saw It White loan 'defiler again s t the door of setatint,m 'dr. e to, aml ono on the soothe:l,d
the a IliSkey ehilp next dour With lilti handy ; Cornet el stall 11 end ilutlerstteets. Read and
presod to Ina bowels; sit W a Illan a born color referred UlOO/11110 ter On Gila.
1 COUld not detet intim btagger In the Middle - Of Mr. Tarn.) . ottwegi that Kos lamps Ite also
the Otreet, Mai beard a remark t.htat'l negro e voted at the comer of Prospect anti Wash.
had sent a white lean; non , It 'negro run along ington :divots, ..., the corner 01 Fountain and
Wood stieet. I ran after lam and notrielastly ,te s entli ...tracts; also that. the Metter nitraber
said "catch him," and several Other eleltinta- of 1,101 1 , to , ph0 ,, 1 on hiat ell th CI re.t...T. 01 •
Mee such an "shoot 1111 a," te, I piffled my t I 101 l b ou t ]toes to thitthatantreets. Itelerred
Derringer pistol out, of my locket and tired to Colavnittee on Cite, -
but fortunately dud not stri him; followed Tllll Preitiglettt steoutltted 111.1 following emu.
hint down to Liberty street and sale hint 111 , 1111101CatiOn Relit the Board 111 /heal 1 111
costal) Of two gentlemen schoin I dill not, . • tier:, eor Munn or lit, Liu, i i
Loom. I went hack to the saloon where 3lr. 1 - - Pirryounutt, Oct. lni, 1401, i
Deddriek, the deceased, ens, and a cut In and l'llos. Airrl, Erg., l'reroarra of 00/111/011 CL/1.01-
saw that he wits wounded in Hie stomitelt . cif-No . :-11.e mealier of laterilwats fr./WM°
heard an excitement outside and went out city of Pitt:burin for the month of October,
Ish.,, up 11l *lute, a rts 11110 hundred and olght.
f m
reeeY wile
Itri ancs met
fy M , ri e t? s o ni r ' n I - w it e e n st rn
.l i o in uT No . . • .:31 For the vet...pond tag perhal 111 1565, the nuts.
Robinson street, Alleithenly City; was It the - ber et interim:nil we:misty-011m The last vets
thwart) on the night of the murder; niter Dom- t illeato of cholera relented 01 this 011ie° W.
tee was out heard some talk between two. eol- 1111 1.1111 . 12i1 host , and we tmoat. the 1111 Irene luny
area . follows, and I started up street; Mend ' be relieved from any apprehension or no, ti I
soma •, funsing" going on wllh twO or tilde. , I cease In t eolliil3ll epidemic dating tho present
shOtn - fire I; raw. tleddrick stagger back and year. Gana. Foil - Iron.
went and caught 11101 by the arm, and l I
he ' Secretary Hoard illi 'lean!,
told toe that he Was shot; Imllilln into .1 lin 1 'rim ~.mwo on kat mu n, its accepted and enter-
WiIIIUMS' door; as he got to the door ho fell; '•
ell to be Med.
some gentleman stepped up and Wlth his s-'a ' rho ortlllitetre., passed by Select Council,
llNtalieni lloritirlek Was marled In and laid giving Alessi, letettalterger ,t 1.0,, Ilaittitan
down uplon the floor; slald there I 111 Dr. Gana- I Mahal .t. Co., and 31.torhend .1, Cu., 114111111, 1 611111
her arr i ved rind then I started away. Thi it k • to l e Cll. !cleat oph lines through the city, was
Ileddrick was at Williams' drat window', while ' then taken up, 0 hen Air. Port! Offered t lat fog
, the flush Wan alien,. Baker's full:tee° store. ' lowing ittlientlialeill., which W.ll , lopted; "prur.
Philip Load, sWorn.-Lice in, lin ion Alley,. i ruled, Teat the City Commits Anti'. at any time
Birmingham; was On Fifth street the night o f have the alltilorltV to Order their removal, or
1 the reorder Mining roll of Baker's rigor store, ithattae thew re/novel, anti let.,..,,, of ~,f,,,a 1 t o
and heard solitelasty Ocishol .. o say, 'y'et had vomit)) . with ;ethic Order, t he :1 1 re..l Commis
better, nOt strike me,. or, .t don't want you ''n 's toner shall be :en, pow. c.I to remove theta..
. to strike illee ' . turned round and saw two men 'rho man et 11111 1 1 :to poi ,fed at a former facet -
on tile paCenaellt, In front of the upper Thee, , log of einnioo.l, to aSeertatlll the most adem.„
ter gas lamp; am sure onto of them was it color- t,11,1,01,1 1111 11I • 1111' , 0 01 grottlici 011 which to
ed man; heard the other nay something about ereet a City II:ill. 1,1 , 1 , 11.1 that they had ear,
npologizing, and the black one said no Wlllllll filth' 11.0 . 1101111 .1 1 1 11111 11111) 6 .11nd flint the plebe
not apOlOgizet the darkey then turned around of ground nu the northwest side ul staithdo,l
and walked about. five owes luto lite crow , In. street Mid V Ire., alley, Ida feet r rnitt by lai
',ads Wood street and tornisig et back fret Ilevit, ea lest 1 ., Y Messrs. Lyon, Shorba co ,
agaht,• when Nieuwe back tho man who loot Mu Most advantageously situated forme pm:,
been tell , Mg to 11101 Caine lip mot stray): the pilau designated 1 lett, .111 110 Obtained by the
blank man twice; the darkey taggered against city. The proverty eau he had at stud, prime
a women, think she Was colored, who w. 10111 ten.. 11111 stilt the city and the eommits
ppushed iatothe gutter; ho thou ran iorward tee Urgently reiantillleadial Its purchase. The
(the darkey) WWI Ills 1100 down . titotortt report waste:tit and accepted, and that emdm ft.
Striving to avoid mows, lin stopped at the ! tee contlmmtl 11 114 ciallOwered to act;
loner window of Williams , minion In the mid. I Ott ItattiOlt it I,llolrtleil.
to oar health nod con
the pavement ;there were four or live men 1
stantlingolong by the window. Theresa.. the ! No. aq Market Pitreet,
flush of a pistol pointed In towards lite 11111. 1
1 n at rii 7:::::1 . 11;:: :11 g : :1 , 1:1:1 ,! ::: . 1 . 11 1, 1 . 1
8 11:1 - 1 0 11 a 0 t , 1 I,:in t. n f.1:1 / ,, y ,.. n 7:: , :ui c r u y_
_,,,,,_ p
ergni,:rairr,nl::. I
1/011, from the darkeys hand who bad been At tills itartieuttr season of the year BIS
and tired again./ tPinl4,-us I thought. he was
\ 'frit t ••1 ' rf t
Itonolowl my Intetivith his hand or ptstoi; I substantial boots RIM shoes from oho assaults
;which I suppose leas lu• oOrtiamuence Of his ihi t h o othhh t . „ Cattier. The l
trying to get, out Of . the' crowd; tie tics rant
. 11m.y r is sure of re
durable at
`lowa strata XS ith a Crowder - met af terhins ; I,
.Y ht o r, n petit. rs t e; : f din vi n.: : : l l. l le i n s eo u ,:il e;: i c nir r i ;l :, e ,“ l n e r s tL
dotaltbelievei I could remote') either of the ; Boot anti Shoe limporiunt, No. St Market.
f s i i : l : s a n if Y s t ile ' i t i l . o c t e .:l ll n:l . 4 l:l l ::l:.
; g o ': I ige w - i • rm n i*t o o cl i thln t ue ll uh°: r b
e rr : e r r: il l lc
'i s ? : 8da n :11 , 0: 1 3 eu u ! li a'n. k btni beard -dt •
: t '::.
that ilte'ilregst;he' e tta o ; 1 n nleila ; lW l7 °l e r i l - toeery" 'l t " . r.' : 1 1„ e 1 ' t i , „"'
la.iles l gal ter* just recel p y , e , ll ,l, l l, ro m al:: - ! , je - ,3 ; - e, ---1
: - tie fur s doctor; I then beard somettodvesy
eNntiliiii.laii,n,'sro'nwlT. t w s'A ,,, n;:f t a i it r u ..
,CarA i
utonntundut ti, It. a corps of il tat class work
led lround the negro and made sorue'wlhl c
'men are engaged ho prepare ordered work for
. tit. patrOns Of this house, and at prices that
1 1 . t rors it 3 1. Vilheitn, those persons
1.: :; •,,,,g-an u d ett ex u e ll i t 3 Z 4 ll' i s e , n ;eenntl ' ' et . reet; was al o tl i
•57,-. - Ifei. Ei ‘ ut P I k W feelOred) swilrn-LI :
: Teen
Tuesday nlght,of Om murder; at-
.r o til !mower.: favorably with that demanded
ter the .parformancei was over, Sarah. ,I ft,"4'rn bards,
ano =author tiaa.lgatet N0.3' 3 Itarkot inniet.
. . . . . .
) \F -- .7
1 ,
%. • i
ett C
The Peoples - Savings Sank
%Ye take pleasure In announcing _the open
ing to public businessof a now banking estal
lish ment, tchicti under most popular auspices
commends itself- to the patronage of the en
tire Community. - We refer to the Peoples'
Savings Bank, located at No. 17 Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Iron City bank. The stock
of the Company Is held by capitalists who
have not made the InVestment out orally spre
illative motives, bat rather from a philan
thropic feeling . to afford the middle or poorer
classes an opportunity of saving their hard
earned money, and at the .same time Invest:
lug It in a. site and paying mouser. With
this otff eet Ina-Jew they take all deposits, to
matter how small awl when left, for auyspee
bled time, will allow the highest legal Inter
est. Tile corporation numbers among its 0111-
C 0 1 .21 some of the hest commercial and finan
cial gentlemen of Pal sourgh. Henry Lloyd
Esq. of the Orin or Lloydd Black, is President,
William Rea. Esq,, Vice-President, and the
following gentlemen Trustees: James 1. Ben
net, Esq., of Grad; Bennet A. Co.. .11.01.3 Lip
piocutt, Esq., E. P. Jones, Elm., lion. Thomas ,
Mellon', '
William M. Idormly, Esq., John D.
seully,Esq., Cashier of First National Bank,
slot .W ill ialll A. Herron, pm.
The mercantile community will 1,0 alike la
vorablyde ,It with, and will find the induce
meats offered fully equal to those obtained nt
any ther banking establishment In the city. •
The numerous friends of our esteemed fel
low-citizen, S. F. Von Bontinorst, Esq.. ex-
Postmaster of tuts eft), will he pleased to
learn that he has accepted the office of Secre
tary anti Treasurbr. Mr. V. has hail liberal
Ininklog experience, which, combined with
Ills large acquaintance is a sufficient guaran
itee that the affairs of the 'mew bank will he
iiropet ly attended to, and that the interests of
the depositors, as-well as those more immedi
ately interested, will be carefully. guarded.
We cheerfully commend the, new Winking
house to the financial community, and trust it'
will receive H 3 liberal patronage As the char
actor Of the reliable organization merit!. •
A. Common Scold
A young lady named Emma M riteen came
-to the °Mee of Alderman Taylor yesterday
and made oath, charging Kate Purcell with
being a common Scold, antl,_therefire, a nuis
ance in the nelgithmthoral where she and the
fair Emma retitled. On being arrested and
brought before the magistrate Altss_, Purcell
demanded to know. in an emphatic manner—
the forbade dianstroud consequences In case
'the Information was withheld—what was the
nature of the accusation made against her,
The worthy Alderman conveyed to her a full
knoWledge of the charge In a brief, concise
way, t hat sead of soothing the quirer,
seemed o n l yy
teirritate t ho o r h the more, ln until her
race IrlOWed purple with suppr, seed rage, and
she burst out into tears und sobs, through
which could be heard a broken disconnect,
e.l string of aboslve adjectives reviling
Mks 51'titeen and her family, w 1M she declared
to have been importedtrout a certain warm
country not prurient to mention for the single
purl me of malting . every honest person truly
miserahre. This need the soul of Emma. who
retorted by Informing the mixed tl“Illellefi
present that att.. 1.; wan such a falstlier as not
to be worthy of credence even on oath. Then
ensued a war of words that at one time threat
ened to terminate in a general melee, which
-catastrophe wan only averted by the polls,
4leci,trinkr that If perfect quiet Wag nor oh
nerved in less than two minutes he would con
scythe belligerents to the tombs. When the
tumult suhsided the defendant gave ball Is
the senior $3151 for her appearance at a hear
log to be had in the case to-day. How many
women could be arrested for the same offense
if the depositions of busuands were recut:-
Iti red It
valid testimo•ty. •
A Seasonable Admonition
A chiebrated divine—no lose a personage
than the poet, hop ono (If his
benuteOus t.tfaAions advises man to ' , take.
warning by the leafs decay, the flower's
death, the summer.. gloomy end," end pre
pare for his own •iltimbie. If ho- had been a
man of practical Idea., whose (rattle hail been
pinched by the frosty lingers of title frigid
clime Ilurlug the nix gloomy mouth 01 win
ter, lien null hate told Us tOlitepare for the
advent of the dreary sea.oll fly prOeuring
good Comfortable Pair Of horde , and sliOes.
wain Overcoat. :ltd a large ample sot of wool
en blankets at the tang:non h alletlOn hOnSepf
Thonnts A. AlcciellAml, Non. 55 rota Fifth
'street, Inllnediately tinder -Masonic Hall.
Noising Is se conducive to perfect .rain fort.
alit, retiring than to feel the shit folds
nisi he ortat warm blankets, and 110 where can
enell hullspennahle a sidles ho Pati , hAsed
such rmarkable low prices an at the place
tine; a e ted above.
McClelland has also on hand a large ass , url.
tarot, of silver ware, rOinprlsile. tea to 1.5,
calrern, casters, pitchers, au.l. In fact, every
thing essential to a perfect and elegant tea
Horrible •ct.ldeot at Milton
The 'l/illarillia. of 1.1, week, publishes the
folloWlug account of a most horrible occident
at diet place, Thursday Inert tog last,
ithont three o'clock to the into . rn ing, John Fox,
pnoig man of this liolong h, while aiding In
making up a freight train at the Calawism
depot, at :hts plum, was rim over by thin cars
wnd most terrpiiv tnangled. : It appears that,
hile to the act of signaling the.tratrt to tato:
and he oallUug backaards in the rear Or
toe t rai hoer beixone fast between two rails
when lie fell. and is portion of the train run
over hum, stripping the tlesh clean MT the•
tames front the tough down to hits feet on both
legs, to a manner to horrible to witness. Ile
Its oil until evening, and was sensible to the
Ccdlede President Elected
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of
We.dminster College, held on Wednesday Isar,
Audley Itrowne, D. D., of New• Castle,
wan elected to the Presidency of - tne college.
The Westminster College Is under the care of
the United Presbyterian Church, and is Ws
to,l at New Wilmtneton. Lawrence county, l's.
lies - . Mr. Browne will make an 'excellent *M
eer, anti we have no doubt tile lIISLi Union trill
be prosperous under bits presidency. • Mr.
Browne was formerly a resident of this city,
and has numerous relatives now residing here.
The Mere rend gentleman is a member of the
State Senate, and has the Charge of a congre
gation in New Castle.
Court of Common rieltPl
Yesterday morning to the Court of Cominon
Picas, Judges Sterritt and Stowe no the bench
the urgument Ilst Was taken up, and null ho
contlimcd until disposed of. The argument
of the Court et Quarter Sessions will he
bo taken up and disposed of utter the former
is disposed of.
Tee Wel liscor the Com mon Pleas was also
celled oree.'yesterday inoinliur, anal those
cases were separated into divistoes - of one
hundred. The first hundred will be coalmen
eml tins Monday neat, nail will entirely be dis
posed orbefory the second hundred ls
Cowardly iet.—The excellent team of
bay horses, owned by Mr. Wm. Colton,'ot the
Cochran - 110u., New Castle, has been
Both the horses were In good health last
week, and as floe a team as were to be toned.
One of them died on Sunday morninx and the
other Wednesday night, under circunastanCe.
that leave uo doubt that they were poisoned.
Who minelnistered the polsom and what was
his onleci. In us yet n mystery. The tenor was
-Valued at •lbJ. Mr. Cotton will pay any ten
sonable. amount for such information as will
lead to the conviction of the Perpetrator of
the cowardly act.
charged With hert.--Jane Morton was
before Alderman Humbert, yesterday, charg
ed with i ha larceny of: it sliver watch and oth
er valuables. from the resulence of Myer
Shentlnnii, in the Borough of West Pittsburgh.
r ha demised strongly and emphatically denied
all knowledge or the theft and stated in ex
planation us to how the articles came Into her
possession, that a man named Daniel W Hein
nail given them to ber in lien of a board bill
of 413 which ho owed her. Alter a partial
hearing the defendant gave ball for a haul
hearing to-day. •
Odd Fe Adolveraary.—The New
Castle Courant says The 20th anlversary.o(
the installation of the Shebang° Lodge, 1. 0.
0. F. of New Castle, was celebrate° on Satur
day last by a general °recension In full rega.
lie. Hebron Lodge, of Youngstown; Chin,
Beaver Lodge, of Rochester, Robinson Lodge,
of New Brighton * and two lodges from Sharon
participated In the festivnies. The proms.
tdon made d very imposing d °tibias% An ora..
tion was delivered in White Cali, by Rev. J. J.
Idellyear, and the Order had a supper at the
Leslie I,iouse in the evening.
Eletnayed.—Anthony Itoeseher was' before
Justice Llpp Yesterday, charged with manila.
t fon, on oath of Rebecca Forma. The proseen
trite alleges that Anthony gained her coon.
Bence under the promise that he should make
her his partner for life, but unfaithful and to
tally disregarding his sieved word Ile In
formed her .a few days elects that he would
never minim his pledge, and coolly told her
In an insulting manner that she would have to
•hunt other game," He was held In lOW ball
for his appearance at the next term of the
Criminal Court.
Warrantslnuted.—M, H. Green appeared_
before Alderman etraln. yesterday, Led made'
oath against John Wllllnirmayer and William
Wilson for assaUlVand- tetttery.:. The prosecu•
tor allegee, that Wlllingutayer, without any
Just came' Or, prOrocatlon, did shamefully
heat; and Maltreat the deponent, and that
while he wits no dome Wilma blood by ng.
mid abetting In the tm.ttult. %meets were
belied for tne street or both of the *teemed.
Additional. Meal..—Thein n - 111 be in fn
. tore an additional mall for I.llllntlelnh Is,
9:o'l', a. daily. (Stinuay exeepti-d.)
log three through Malls to slots
Inn at 3 and 9:15 r. It., and 12 midnight- -On
.tiunday 000 lAnit dal ly,clolinw .L9:15 A. M.
The eastern, western, and southern malls
close dally, (Sunday exeaptedd at 3 r. Y ,und
The rilition lc forwarded which will mach
cullicribtr cooucct.
(p; - r annum)
Club of Ft,.
Clubt of T•l4 o'r more.
%nitres:on Court- - • •
At lru o'clook4estortlaty tuornln'gCmill met,
a full beurli, exi . ept. Judge Strong, beirig, pre
McKenna. vs. Mtirylar: 13 C. tttlittoetJ, affirm
-03. Opinion by Thompson, J
O'Connor vs Pittsburgh Groin Elevat - or Co.;
C. p, udgutent unirmed. Opinion by Agnew.
.. .
JIM!. A. It nu air. On motion of II; P. Laird,.
E sq. . ~,,d ,h,,,,,,,,, A. Logan. on motion of 11. o.
Foster, Esq., Were duly adulated:mil qualified
to pructioo is liiii, Court. _ .
- • .
• Thu ILst for tt estruorcland, - Armstrong. 'ln.
diana and Cambria counties Was then called
Over. •
W II ron et al's tippeal; Westmoreland county
Judgment or non /I res.
. .
- Piper vs. White; Cambria county. Confine
ell for hearing it Vottudelphlu•on the :nth of
Junnary next.
Brenitlinger' vs Yearley• ' Cambria county.
Argued by t:oorge Meade` plaintiff Lt er
ror, and by Robert L. Johnson. contra.
Caldwell cs: Brown 3 Co., Armstrook coun
ty. Argued by .I.:A. Fulton for plulntltr In or.
ror, and E. S. Golden. contra.
. . .
Burford 'vs. C. Coe; Arrugtoongcoubty. Ar
gued by Boggs S ltblilen tor plaintiff to error,
Una by J. A. Fulton, contra.
Adjourned until tiffs morning.
Sample's New tiros . Store
Our readers si'llidoulitlees be pleased to Warn
that. Mr, Jitoes T. Sample, who has heen long
and farm:l6ly known in lan,iness circles of Al
legheny and Pittsburgh. 1,4 purchased the
well established drug .slurs located on the
corner of Federal :ma Robinson streets,
Allegheny. lie will devote Ills exclusive at
tention to this basin es, trail baking purchased
it frevit stock of drugs and per ferneries, is pre-.
pared Wolfer superteir inducement to all who
may favor liltn u.ith,thelr patronage. Buying
for ca-h from the, manufacturers and impor
ters, he eau afford tp retail at rates.
Ladles are sp-erally invited to call and exam
ine his Carefully selected stock of the lichee,
rare.t and most fashions:lite of.perfuenes and
toilet articles. A first Class druggist, who has
had liberal and extenSlve txperlence In the
11111 t, of prescriptions, will lie f: lied on hand
at all tintes 111 compound phy.icians!prescrio
-11011, We cheerfully commend Mi. Sample to
the patronage of the public, knowing titur to
by 111 every. way St unity 01 encouragement.
An Alleged Rubber caught.
Some montts since a man named John ELs
eagart was - garroted and robbed of forty-live
dollars In the borough of Sliariaurg, by two
men, one of whom he anodes to have beca
An If to gtve enlor In this p,=sertiou, the tat
ter disappeared :t ehort tithe alter the rob
bery, :11111 \Vela. to Mit:ll6gith, where he .TO.
'pained until a lew days when he
'turned to thin city tti trannaet nu to private
.I.lsengart learning of.hi? return, at once in•
formed the ,mthorldies, lola:yesterday the al
leged robber TV:. arrested and lodged In the
comity jail, to answer theUltarge on u war
rant sued out by Alderman Morrow. Since
Clark's iticarcetation there have been three
charges 01 theft made agalast 'caelt by
dtlferent parties.
commepertorsat of thr:lblotrict Court
Yesterday:morning - tit nine o'clock, the D
triet Court :opened. udgfij Willlnrais on
bench. liad,bcen prvp,..l
trial In April Inca wn.l lald a np, 11rni
digposell of belure that now )1.,t i 4
Thu first CUSP taken lip was that of tr
Pakinson vs. William 11. 'Crown.
feigned issne to try the validity of .1 iidgmants
Nos. lit, 195 and lip;; of term, lea:.
M031.1r9. llo.brom•k, niuwnJn sad ChriSty
pear for the plaintiff and lffirgurin for the de
fendant. The calm wa,:stiii. on trial nt the
time of adjournment, the testimony for tile
plaintiff not having Mai concluded.
Stsperisiletiodisnii NoisilOisted.—The Com
mittee On Fire 1:a111 Telegraph hava anitiii
monsly nominated S. T. PMsely, Esq., at the
Ninth a ard, to l,e :divert...omM. Mr. Paisley
Is all Old and experienetsl!operator,.and for
merly held the position nt liivision Superin
tendent on the Pennsylvania. Railroad. Hots
a defy polite ..,“1 commons gentleman, and
we have no doubt that till the Impor
tant position to which he been assigned
o ith credit 10 !diesel! and luitl•tactlnu LO our
A...attollett reit is individual
ned 'lames We'rig.lid trame to the °Mee of
:Oaten/mil Strati., yestecstay, and' lustillatell
legat proceedings against Mrs. Moehet Bowers,
ellarging tier with having Idekud offal and
111111 y thutler oat 01 the gutter and struck the
depouerd's daughter, a little girl of .tieerll
years, in the laVe with • It. Mts. IMwers wait
arrested and towed to give hail la the sum of
PM (or a hearing I ii-day.
Attempted De•ertlott.—A woman on her
way to Iturhaninit lett an infant child ti. the
lit.liesi• noon, at. the Iniiianapolla depol, ou
Sat mita idalut going t•if; abandoning
it to thliehartty or Ntrunger., when•one of the
Marabal noticing it, nhe in:tomtit:red to take it.
-with her. lioulitir,s 1. 111 again attempt
the ratite game when a convenient, opportu
nity Otters. . .
Gemini. the Cord tp.—learing the recent
Hint in the Monongahela river a Lumber of
Cute and bat gee 10101011 With coal Were sunk
In the river above railroad bridge. Thin
proprietors of tins sunken !mats have a fore,'
Of hands now at 14 . 01 . 1: rainilig the coal prepa,
story to having it removed.
liVe are Indebted to Mr. W. A. Giblenfermey
for the November number of the Phrenologt:
e3.11.1er.1.4ine, poblblted by Fowler
•New York.
3 DiNOM WIN til TA piei • pigu .
t w ,„%f..%.0.v...., , ! the larger/ ioberban
place of sepolchro. earept one, In thin county, M
oat...lon New Brighton road, latnardlotely north of
Allegheny. For tonal lots, permits or titles, call
at Central Drug store of tArttl, A CLAN:EY / . Alle
gheny City.
- •
Po. 196 Smithfield St., cur. 71h,'
(Ent: once from tier earl Street.
PITT ..eA1311:1-E1.413,13C.
N 0.1 6 .8 Fourth street, eltuburgh, Po. CUFFING of
all tinds, CIUVES, 6 LUVIto, and aver• deacriptn4L
of Funeral Formatting tinotta Mind. Yea. awn.
Opr ad y sod 0 lea, fit.. and I :arrlint,, tarrdantd,
aimmaxxclo—fiev. David Kerr trt).. nen. hi
Jatootut. DAL. Ttomaa &mug. Jacob
Miller. IC
el, CUt r —
Mann Lester, Wood . . r.nn and riclldtr.
yam.: 01 Shefflold andOaarttere amts.
H•sraa and Carriages fnrnlahud. ' •
.FO/1 S4LE OR 11111 E,
SG fatracrt.
SPI7ILAX-a T. 1717XX.1371r PES:
leB . WY I.IK T.. NP.AIE
iovc. wcz,
931 Smithtleld Street.
No, 89 * Market Strert, Pittaburgh. Pa
Thls Old estainished house Asa now and tlyirtp.
five thousand 'dollars worth of Boots Shoes, and
styles the latest. - the quality the.liost. widrl wear.
detormlaed toren at V KIIN Id 1W iltlek:V. We
have resolved not to Ms tnt..twiiii by any lu the hors
iness that keeps goods worth having.
Call and eamniuu our monk or good's. sad we feel
satisfied that yon will purchasewhat you want In
the Boot and Oboe Line. •
bo not forget the ;dare, SO Mooted street.
Practical Furniture Illanufacturtrs,
. ,
stale. of valivrnncx enrmt stas..e.
One exc. Tent Int Eng and Uri'elrig
Two Horses suitable tor-Doctors eser,'•-
Will be seta low, cc the owners ,Itnee :as& tor
Ultra. at 110WAllai'ISLIVE an a SALLtiTAUL4.
ocla First street, near Evnankabel.nlioubiA4
--,:,- •.}
art k` ~_
I --