I le.ii,-. 1 1 : 1;. :1411101Err ' 4 -Z, woiiinger and - Broker, - HS Wood St" near corner of Fifth, deaniptions of Government Bands bought and sold on liberal terms. Lonoonand Continental Exchange sold at Ifew York natal. Gold. Silver and Coupons bought at highest Timm aria , Gold : Drafts lasned on New York. FINANCE : 'AND TRADE, , . , • • • •PATITILDAY, October 27,1E66.. lie* 'York stock quotations as reported' by Robinson, McClean & Co., were as follows : Cold, , 146;.• MR's, UM; 6.40'5, old, 1143`; do new. ,111; 10-tes, 09% 74 05 . ISt 'series, . 106;8; second and third 10%. Michigan. ,Soutliernil. '.11,91%; Clevt laud ,iiittaburgh. ; 71ttelmrgh, . Fort. *eyrie=.l. Chicago,. 1004 , ..Erie:11. Vain 'Felegrapli companp, 51%; .Clileauo 'a Zook .1093,€AChicago a . Northtfestero, 157% do proferted,M.- , • - ...The-yrObl market,- it will , be .noticed. weaker.': . :l,. great effort has beenteade to turn to some account the .lialtiroore troublesr but; tin:utter with but little success. There was a strong effort. made On Friday to put ' .gold nn tole 0; and . it •4111 Perhaps be tried again be fore the first. of November interest comes on she itarket.: Bpeoulatere for a roan have now hut three wetting days before theta, tho,rgh It la possible they may.earry tho contest into November, should the de3bureelnerae, prove alqw. is computed that daring the first ,three days 'fully sl:„OCepoe bo paid off, Tple cannot fail to weaken go.d• materially, sinless . the. cotabinatton is Mach stronger than , - - . we suppose it to bo. j ' ' Governments are quiet and a shade lower. save in new Fit u Tuenty.and the Ist series of j Saran Thirties, both of which , nave advanced. ,--- Balla - are stocks clOsed weaker; on . an appear , ' mica.. 01' stringency In the money market this.,; le:mover, can be but temporary.. The large - disbursements for November interest will crid eadh snbsc,sint ' -.-- ..•Lr T't'" l ` A l. Ctiloh , r :ti.i. ' , Fait. will r.- I jotiii;:s.. ( 2, ,, 11.-liii,:4;i:,qigs ; F117,:7:11,,,,, i=zo. , ,; , : ,A il y ziA L, sl ai icl:: %.... , ,,,,,„n Atte:Jo:or City ond uharpil . ..rg. as foi da LI Lri r'-'l:::;‘7•:','M'lY.tgit'f4rni.,?inesii,-ati'd has naldlititi ltl‘ L '•• A thh• - • .• - • • ,s. r's,. 4,1 , ..I . n of IV members the sus., u; • ~,..:,,.. ~• , .74 - ' X...7:712..f."--(.3"2.--',Y,C..iI--...--Z. ieN l. .1111.1.10 N DOLLAR:2. TO this date not a Mu- t ~..&,.-. - , • ,- I'....iit , . - .i - t J sitn. li•.• r t .. , pie cr,: nt litigation has occurred. an cold. nee I• • , ~.; ... .• i Vitt. Unceality arid fair dealing 13 a .pecialty with . .. on. ird..ii 4 ~.i -, •:,. 10,CO A:. 0., mi. wit Cord,sny. pic .-..iii..his of this Company are not forfeited UT ‘., i L . , ',* ' .tttn •lrict . ....h. ~ .-11. 1. 0 .... A. .• .-" Thi not. - hal merit of .rcin after tior seJand , ' -- '.. • -.-• .• CiA ir : yei.r. No psy ITIt MS mottled after teu Sem". It" ., ~ , , A thfliN ON) Mill, Ifs ‘,. , policits continue good through life. i "-- A i5......ni rivrerlntentian! urricut.S. Y. President. 1)/1"i Slit 111.;111. C0...M . . - 025 N. .S. PALMY:I, Vice President. ..1. I.llilliCir AND ClNiii... S -- .i... ii. N 1 RITE. Steretary. • N....ii t iAii,iiitAtt - inn -t. atoll, Monte. -4t Branch tlin., for \4"e stem L'eumply.la. srhe.. after MAN' MA i', . o c r,,n, r 1 ., ,_, L , ,: ry ,,,,,•,,V..1.. Circulars and islank Applications wiii he fur:A.llnd. 1 ...I ar- , t ail •I' •• - ' ' - -- - - t .0w,,, 611 Filth atramt, Pittsburgh , I - Agents nrautdd thron.rbunt the State. Apply to i nci - Nir i tr tit.illi A. f...11T.11.Y. State Airs , i''- --- FIEIL' AND ItI.A.IIiNE', . ~.- IN CO. OF NORTH AAIERICA it ;' t ; \ .10L/J1.1., I= P„ 7,; rJ AMErtat'AN Bar, 'tool), Sheet :tad Pilate Bon; Bridge Iron; Angle and T treFr; • Guard Iron; Coal Screen Itctn; T 11110A:4.6 entd to the 3 ard Tv.= Bali!, putadtv.d and coon- ter sunk $ Bridge a td Tank'. Rivets Boiler, Cut 34t11s anti SpiN es; Ship aud Iltoat Spikes; Railroad - Spikes; Railroad Fists Bars and Bolt's; Railroai) Car 14 kleelo and ANies; Sii eet Car - Alieets AN.les: Coal-Pit Car 'Aiseels and Axles; Patent Cold Bel Eed Httatiing; Patent Cold BolSrd Piston Studs; Mower and Steaper Vara. 129 Ws7.l.er mui Frent Sts, BILitN4II . ;dos. 2*., 21 a:::: Di Itjvtr til„ KENSINCYON WatilerS. LLOYD 'BLACK, af . q . ti:!fl (111, n ttrel arc oaf _ • 4 rtn in. ta Blooi Ti _ ANT LlZ.)ti 111,11., .p . AN .); 11,1 31A1.1,.T ltA I I lie 1,11 N, I IN ::” , 1,1 . 11i1 -, 1 . 1110-11<,,,t CoLlt“ , rsont. !RoN. nrrh ~, 5u•4;: ,, . I: :klnri,t 'A.". Light:ft adjlitittfir ao",fl 1111.1111 ES, 5T ':ES Ir-Nit GitATEs. WHO NE Ell NEW 1,1 1• Gil 1 Ls. (WAN, SPAI. 4 , VAI:1.01'; 1 !I 0,1116 Si . ul ES, I.tiSsf_ll.l. Titlumrll4.l),)KsTos. Es. van 4:1;i1 . :i ):ili Nvolid It 41. , iffID.1ff-C-2 STO P.ron L. PETLIT',S,O - 2 - i, Jr., & Co., I=l =NM Cooklag and !tenting Staves, 1.2.6141.4)1,V %VA Aze., ry V VA. Awl Lk :S. . It'arthetir, t 97 !Abetly . Street, twr•rstivite.ag. Il Nl' ESN I:: Illt)N . ANI) sTE.EI, IVOIIkiS, RAlilYl & CO., iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, ~v;p A. E. '77 *75.v.tc,x..Vvh.t2.-ecYt, 191" I'S r.: As;` c:-.4.4: 44.1.,2,14s ..:1 !653. • AL OID li;;Iii, t5,-,. co '11"5": AND GREEN GLASSWARE. 1) rtl via re, Rot CARBOYS, &c., 1411VICIle. , int, ra. ~':L UTICITV wolitzs ItIe,LEAN sLATor., No, tv3 Liberty St.. o:,llslite Fourth, OAl3iiv'ET MAKERS' lIARDWARE. lit .11,4 skp•l ;I.l.:tvr Ir . 0 ;',A I "PI J F‘i . ELL; No. 118 Water Street, l'A LP,. 17KMrY.RF.1.1 rooTnE" 9I1':21. 9,11. .411J1..1Y G lA. AND EROSSIATT E 4 X. W. ,LOl I, 14••• D. 1,110.111 LL noiccit Wolucs. MORROW S; Strata Itoilurs, Uit DUI 1., A4itaturs..T.llll o ., 14att P.m . I:asotuctcr, Wrought Iron Itridgi Iron or t, CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS4. PITTS fil:11.14 • icruv.t• In 1•: PROMVTI.Y. my7.l:ten 4,1 , 0 r. ER212.4,i . 111.41:111.11SE UOIRIKS FISHER, GRAHAM & Engine thiilders and Machinists, I=l Oil Tools, And verrylldng for Itonng 1111 Wt.l6. ,(I‘,2Ar stt. ullon 1.01 I, Fitting 11.rlon Avenue, nenr it. IX. S. C. it. ni...l•Alitt ct. t..NE .10 3 :4 9 1ND1C..11t1.4.1L 6FDRU.S. RCM., 11,A.U.:..J.1 SIt.R,2I;.iIIVNTINI °An H rcq . VOLE. & CO.. / , 1!!: I 7 , 4 I , CII.I /MR, AN Is MA t,l',4; :TEANIIO I If 4 31N1.1, OIL 3.V EL L. \II , T IV t,mi kind, of 1..t0r and Marine EN -411 01.1e1. _ Vroc. wt,ll .1 t,-patntlon of Ili, Nl3llngt, Mr..; ANII,ti t.r.rot wt. t. to , nhare of p.atror..t. zna.l,ln. loll:dor, owl /JUR,. goo , t ry, - our t.. , 1 0 .to All - work tonne 1,...u.tr tor talc romp. t,a lion. :1,1 to .11. It lo t sr, , .y. .11i I, 111113 of I; or.irr. It. 1,1,1f0r NI I. Motory prom y to. NV, eta t.,ro fert 1.000. :•10 bone or torn .4-zo - `bot , .41 toot,. \4'..y, to.nr o Point. 11 0,11111.1 . 011'1 .stmt ..car .11nr4.1, . • 1,1./inek Fa.7.4•TZW:T.. 'Val/Watt/if. I`.l. PAU k. At GO., I Mann 1 - 1,11 . 11, rr 01 It EST QUA t El) ekta 13quare, Flat and Onto ton. of all rite, W arrant° equal to any I:nnoratuVoz .11711/ fx,turf rile r,,un try. ,e3l,mee and tynrelionse. No. and 111E1,1.. all Slid tircutid strecta. l'ltttherore ' vs' V. • :5111.1.611. FiIiQUESNE AND livt,:sT POINT -•-• FORti VITIfIl1.11; 11. 14 l ,te rrntok., nl.to o (ado ro MI elm! of, Vorpdlog, Varltl . olLt Crud., 1..11.01i l'ltioan .1 tae fool NV(l,ts: al-o, Itealr4ool Vrarnes, a n al all f.lolpo Work • Tito t.solfrslgi 111, for foLl..s lo Loaf...MP ore: preloartLil o fur .6..1l tntr0.....1 to 510•11111111/ pr00.pt0,.....M1141 'll,l3strit. 1)11411 JO` . 1 .• .11A11.411 . PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PP.IN'TER & SONS. 2:l,,x,i...crutostv; OF, Iron Bucket, Tub and Treenfz • HOOPS AND SHEETS, rofivoa VITTSBUIM II PA . .. .. r. 1 MaLLE TEL 11011.14L5. .1-1 • !del ORS. N''01::50. e;latqniTtig, B ZElY,' &leg air lta tit, 56 ,WATr-Ii,TICEET AD stttim) Pittsburg.. P!- tart) EMERSON, PRESTON ettti., ir~r:.v.rsrv,ra.r.r4 woxitiszs. Watchotten, 240 V. 163 a nd 197 First 3Lr. ,• . n l / 4 7!),!,.. as t v..n.e. ..... . - =MM PHILADELPHIA 13:9=1 ilartford Fire Insurance. Company, • \ 01,686,000. EIMIE cam securc6 the above nsule.l Sad rullatile. Couly.lts. W. L. JONIO. • fv?..7:lT 21 Water street. fur FLO. .2 I)ENN9YLVANIA INSURANCE CO " OF PITTSBURGH, PA. 51f1l36lreet,13.ak Clock. 'M , ists a Home Company, end Insures agaluallOrt oy •Fire racin,lvely - . LEA/N AM/ WAI.TE/1, President. C. to V HOYLE. Vice Preal lent. I..tiliE.Wr PA'T'RICK, TM/ iallre, II Uttit kr.iII.HILNI, neezetary. ' DI itriCTOlLht • Leonard Waltcr, GeorgeWrson. c. C. iinyi,, 1100. W. C oons, , Hebert l'..tilele, J. C. 1.•p1. , ' J.., , .. lialot..r, J. C. Fleluer, ..kiah 11100.,1 oho Vt.:awe. Jas. 11. llopkins, I ApAmmon. II sissy l•ssoottl, .1v4:19 • .. 1 4 V1,Nrk...1.1. lISLILAAGE CO., OF T 1 . 11"1',.1.:U11611, A.I.EXASDE6 NIESICII, Frcellent. ''''')l. d...:l4 E . `4,M111;A:'..f.1.5a,,(,...,,,J A,,ent. nob tr.: Water ktreet, :Vane fes..o. , e vv arc [route, he rzeirr. lrrs.lsorirh. ' St lb se re nentuer'ell kinds of leire and Marine Risks. A home institution rearaseed by Dirc i iinT. Woo are well known to the community, by who ore Ideserts:lord to prsonpleees and Ilberality, to teete r/an iln• eilarleder which they hate amemed, as of fering' the hest protect:on to tluee who desire to be Itartitcal. 1111121 - ...Pouri. Mr 111mIrk, ; Andrew Arklny, Dgyld M. Long, .I.lmr/iAutry. I neon J, Thomas, NAtilanl;!; . Chas. .1. (Ana, Alr!cnn.l. , n!‘” .r, ! John it. 3.lneune, ! , It. 110.rrot, i J.Pas.., manna. 1:. 0.. 1{:0,1100. %VII. P. 1111.1t1: seer , NOirrErAMEDICA. A. t • LITE LNSURAI3OE COBIPLNY 1' Widows and Orphans' Fund. .1 4 0..63 !William St., drew Fork rltr. l ll/ENT - 1 • 11. to. MORGAN. •rmty --JAI,: MERRILL. ' li. TINDALL. Medical Examiner E. T. COOK. tirt:CIALAUFST FOR wr4rEss 67 - Fourth St., Pittsburgh. Al:lt:4l'S NTEI.. • A k LEA:GHENT • INSURANCE CO. 1~t.1" littce. NU. 37 Fifth stn. ct 1110:k. lucares aFaltut alt dada of Fl:e and Marina llUtct .101 IN lICWIN, an.. Pr. JOIIN I). MctS , .lll.l), Vln . e.esta,nt C. C. 14. WY.. I)V.A N. 11Queral AFr=t. cc! , • .1-. , ,,n , 1 , .'.11cC0tt1, tl tea. T.. 1 ars floailtoon, ; Capt. l I,a, It wl , l, r., • ; (It. 1/. 11 . 1.. k'slancritock. • nob,ll. 114 Day:, 111:2)P3.111 , 3 INSUILANCE CO. TBEI,. £.C., nyrlci, CUILS NV ODD AND yirrit.'re, A HOME COMPANY TAKIN4I FIRE AND MARL ill: AltltiS. PIh.Q.:TOIO. • ,ltos, • C3•IIt.ItILL Rhoasl• .1,•110 Waite. ' • Sannsel ,[deer, o John Barks:,Arbockts: John P. If trhhatrlet. SS us. Von Kirk, ; Fronk A. Bissell. Is. Venter, • C. Henson Love. WM. PlilislAVS, Preside:: .tULIN WATT, 100 Pies:dent oIINEX, ~,,,4" 9. • • BANKS AND BANKB;+S BAx - Kim:, HOUSE. ME= N. 1101,31 ES & hONS, 33.evit a Bars, No, 57 M ARKET.hTREET,PiIIsburgh. reeelved In Far anJ Co •reney. , ollect lons ...le on all prlnelpel points of the In c :tea:ital.,: and I STaCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEGORITIES Dongllt and Sold On Connllission. l'arUchhtr •tteullon ptht to the purehue std of • UNITED STATES SECURITIES. • • INCLUDItin Uottc , l States St:l:sof ISSI • do Do.. Vices ad 10-40 s: o. Seven-TS:lt:les : D Cord:lea:es of liloatts:dass. Mors :slot yro:ehers boaaltt or Co:lce:ed. JOS: Or DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855 ono, daily fromP to 2 o'clock. al. on Wednesday n In Saturolay evenings, from !lay Ist to November in, from 7 to e o'clock, and from November Ist to May 1,,t, (0 ,010 tv "'clock. neponts ree. 'red of all nuns of not less than One Honor, Anil a tllthletel of the profits declare,' twice oyear, In June and Denemlxe. Interest has beer . el ereol semi-annually In June and December since the hank, was organised. at the rate of six per cent. Interest; If not drawn ont, la, placed to the credit of the .hopoeMor as principal, and brava the same in terest Endu the 'inn days of June and December, coon pool rt Oleg twice a yea} without trouble,. the de ino,:or to roll, or even Id present his pagrbook. At o,o' r,..te money will 40201.11 n less.au twelve yearn. • it,oosanontallilug thr Charter. Ily•losess, Mules and Itecnlations, funnelled grans., so applicatlon at Hie non,. Pnlelforcro—tiEol[UP: ALM' vies rrtZSIDESTS: ' .Tolln U. ilaekofen, o A. Al: rolleok. Itr,j: 1. Fah neetbek, Hobert Robb, Joints Herd in.; - John H. Shoenberger, Mmes McAuley, JapliesSlziOle. Jana, it. !heeds, Alexander Speer, Isaac A1../Itainnok, Christian ''eager: I . llCriral.A, - W J. Anne' , n. I ames P. Hell'', l'Air In AulUnr, Henry J. Lyncn, John C. Mooney, Peter A. 31adeirs, is Itlack, John Marshall, o Hill Burgeeln. ' Walter P. Marshall, Aotnizo.A. Carrier, John it. -McFadden, Charles A. Colton; Jahn Orr, 01 in. Douglas, E.yrns John J. tilll'espie, lttslau.n.rrEL.ScillTurwhit',"‘ John Alexander . Tbsdle, 11115,0 S. Haven,- William Vankirk. Peter 11. linnker, Wm. r. Wernurri, Richard liuy., . Isaac Whittler. S A. COLTON. • Sre.l(l,l,—JAK. It. 11. H REDS. 171.1 I)BIVATE DISEASES.. Dit. 1 011 NU, hate o( Philadelphia,) -I No. 7r, l'hird s ecet. tree all descriptions of ret 0 1 sate It ise.o.cs with untm tle Usuccem. Particoltr attention pt 10710, trielOrrhot , om an' ,11,:to , of the 11l riper) . it gates; His treatment for the 4.11, Irelttg %no Meet e vcenistal ever employed Ile pirea hopes 41(3 speed) eurr. to the atllletc,l, . tAelles Will fitahlaii re .usgoir.e.tolle , lor to to , / other preparation fur rem clog obstructions to the itesithy menstrual Head. No. 1, One Dollar ve. bottle. No. a, Wtllol Is tour degrees struts ~ er, an ii..ig e. nmt for obstinate eases, Fiv e , Dollars pi h ut l "ill, hourstl A. M. to 5 P. If., Pr. st. t 05 C. li. nd.leee. with An tin. YOUNG. NO. 76 slo, ut r., pttlAboruh. -- --- J. C. eurrvin : u. w. lIIIIITVII. • •• C. BUFFURI 4!4. CO., rtlanulOc• U • tore , of Sarsaparilla. Lklll.loll and Has born • *PDX) Hat terry, !tin:N.lo,y and Lemon layrups; Battler*, of