Avoiffi *tail XONDAY, OCTOBER 20,.18G6. TEC NEW ADNEN'STRATION. Gemaul ' GEAIIY laY 119 t, unliirly be ranked as a new man in the politics of the State. lie has never, held office in At at i 4 leastfione of prominence; and during the war was away, honOrably enbiged in the •• military employment of the country. Ile owca his Loniinatioti and election to - the -Governorship not; at all to cliques, and intriguants, but to his personal cbatacter and public services. The eyes of the loyal men of the State turned to him because he Ras not battered in politics, and because. Ida conduct during, the whole period of the war had inspired confidence afid command ed respect There were coMpefitors in the field against : him for the nomination, who, Wider ordinary circumstances, would have been formidable. Ccinblnations were formed axiom: potticians .1.0 secure the choice of one or nother of these com petitors. here 4re points of time at which these combinations promised to be ' , all-powerful; but they came to naught, not by treachery, but simply because the popu lar current set strongly in favor of the General, and could not be overcome. In thecanvass that followed the enthua• iatm swakent,tl Ly General GEARY drew all factions and all interests in the Repub. liettn..iauksbeartify into his support. The issue and the man were Loth too great to admit of ,jealousies, .heart-burnings and alienations. All divisions of the party having contributed equally, and with like enthusiasm to his election, bare a common interest and.pride,in the success of hih ad ministration. In these important particulars General GEARY occupies a vantage ground of singu-, lar He has it clearly within his poWer to cleanse the patty, in large part, orold feuds which have distracted it; and this without doing injustice, or having in justice lonc, tb any body, much le . ss ai men n•Lo are eminent for worth and ork . By changei in the Constitution, which we do not regaid as fortunate, because not tending to a wholesome administration'of - the laws, the Governoi hasAittie patrunave at his disimsal. Such as - : ' he has, lie will find fruitful of perplexities„.jathey than ,prolific of advantages. It will be to him not a help, but a hindrance. Whatever good be projmees—whatever reputation he mates—will result from nwise and steady adherence t the cardinal priuciplei and measures for the defence of - which the Re publican party is set. To this en , l, we ad- vise Gen. Geary to cull . about Ma, in the ^ few places to, whic:h he has the prerogative o[ nominatht or appointment, men who nre - coosplciousfor - .13(1 fidelity ; who - are mote intent on the predominence of fundamental ideas than thesuccess of any clique ; who are outsbie of fictions because too great and true to be bound by them; and who co-operate 044 the Republican party, not l'or -what airy c:u m.ekc out of it in the way of pecuniary sales or otl:cial promotior.s, bat because they hold its pro fess:sit principle. to . be of vital con:-.cficnce to the maintenence nt equal liberty and im partial justice, nu•l are In , active sympathy With tite main scutiments by which it is, aniabitt;cl. In :Liz ^ rhe will reb‘in the positiob be now fills as th9..acktviwledgeci leads of the pony by AtUth he was cio..-:en, .still to plczno!c: its anity and 11FC , caluee..s, and will ple.par , .: till Tray before it (or new tritimpbs whicti Chill yet more firrnle rot:said:lto ito power, " paten sl .or good ttry , uzli,at the been ,htrie:-.lof the republic. = after the October olections there were i aclications that the rreshierzt wouid cease attempts to co:•ire . Concress into the cidoption of his Folic; There t-as a pause in the reniorinz of Federal oiTccrs-hoiriers because they _would .net surrender their rrlnciplee. It.ricas repel ted, _evert; credence, that two inetub,2rl. the Cahl- net, in view of the popular verdicts,-bad advised the Presiden! to revfro his cur poses, even to tbe extent of faijina iii with the Congressional Plan. Later it was st t• teti the Secretary c the Tntasury had de• dared he would make no more 'removals cxcept'for cause. All these evidences of übatement of hostilities on the part of the Executive have disappeared. Decapitr, item among the of have been restam., . ed, and other.and stronger proofs Lana' not . wanting that the President is rcsolved,still to pursue the path he marked out for him self, under Mr. SEWARD'S inspiration, soon after he reached the picsidentialchair. What has wrought this change? Who ever has read and duly considered the im port of certain telegrams from Maryland, lias.tliscovereil the reason of it. .13,y break. lug doWn the legal barriers existing against rebel soldiers exercising the right of suffrage, the President hopes to gala two or three ruembers'Of Congiess, favor able to his views, in that State. The - measures conceived and entered upo n by the Governor arc so clearly revolutionary, and involve such serious hazards of armed collisions as to force the conviction,that a . pledge of military aid bail' been obtained • from the President before the initiative. was taken. I.Os , certainly to he liciped that the men ;`tf Maryland will not take counsel of their impulses. but will act rigidly under the control of their judg ments. It is,betier to suffer Wrong than to precipitate an issue which may lead—no one can foretell whither.; There arc l'ett tent remedies for any injuries that may be cm:fluted on them. The courts and Con gress are competent to undo any wrongs that may be done, ; In New , York the President a l ma his friends hope to gain some membersurCon• gress by the same criminal. methods That were employed in this State in the counties oflanzerne and Yolk. An immense nuns - her of naturalizations have been effected, and thousands more will be aceomplished. The process is performed in such hurry - and inticeencyai to awaken more than a suspicion 'that it is not done honestly. While the Registry Law furnishes some security against fraudulent voting, it does not abaolutely exclude fraud, as was •the , expectation of those by whore efforts it was enacted. It puts ballut•bos stuffers to ad ditional labor; Involves them in some great er risks; but it does not 'effectually stop frauds. • • WL'atever gains the President may hol e to make tneue expedients cannot give hic. and his Volley uutjtuitieu in' the new Ihntscs. it may - 1•e ;t:...uutcd, thcrelbre, that tile Prosidtint.hau decided, as all risk;, , "to fight it out on that line:" no matter tivhhS Coi3gtces or the people may ordain. Ali Slit rephblleans la ofilee, reftn-. 6:in Lion the presidents al despotism, ditty as Itroll less; their heacla with what grnce they cash c smmand. Their _successors alt ready tor the honing 'and cut llumes,te. What Is transpisivs shows that Ithest• sue ees.ors are -neither conservatiT4 repels!". rims, 'Fur scar dentocruts, but ddemocrats of the :copperhead sUecies; . Who welt heartily he - rebels in synipathies and , ednvicsiOLlF, ttir,:ughout the ww, awl are wita :4Cll.l.!..vilugiugaroun'cl the u4-01e . ",41e . President,h4e'got . entirely. out- sid, the crm i munion 0f1 , 12, a; ILcn, u 0,,, h ut ti,lother br , t rcutly in his schemes, • lion. t,aiatucl A. PurVance Eutrons GAzF.TrE:—:Anteng the names which have been presentee for the United States Senatorship, there a: e; we are sure, done which :Would be so acceptable to the 1 Sttite at, Urge ; and none which woe hl I.ring .. to the courwils of the nation more shallog weight antrworth, than the name of Sam uel A. Purvlance. .. , - i As a :Representative front the 23,1 Dis trict 'Rif two terms, inhe National Con gress, he exhibited maned adminidrative ability; as well as unswdreing patriotism to the country and devotion to the right. As Governor Cundn's Attorney General he developed a character for puergy and, honesty which was Let too ttle apore dated. ' , : Its a word, lion. Samuel A. Purytauce is just the men that Pennsylvania wants in this crisis—a man whdavoteld not Cowau• like betiay his party nor sell his birthright for a mess of pottage. We do no.l propose to diScuss, hut , the relative claims of the, prominent aspirants for election, among whom are john - W. Forney, Simon Came ron and Andrew G. Curtin. Suffice it, they are eastern men, and we want a west ern man. . We want a man, too, Whose garments are unsullied—a man who would never prove recreant to his trust. In Samuel A. Purvianco we have such it taut —a man who has been tried and not found 'wanting. ! In calling attention to Mr: P. 'we have 1 dente so without consulting him, and do not . know that he desires to bet Candidate. But, taking into consideration the ~! ,i.ns of the west, and the britiortence of haying a true and tried man to represent our State in the Senate of the United States, we have taken the liberty of thus presenting the name of Samuel A. Purylance. , . . .. • TWENTY-I'IIIRD DpTIIICT Allegheny, October 2-6, 1866. - 'STtfE NEWg • • BitoSEJAlL. — Robert Crown, COO tilled in the jail of Lawrence county, charged I murder; escaped on:Friday eveniug,lhe4 19tVin.it. - And at the same time Frank Gregg,.also charged with murder. They escaped &tint thuliall of the prison by sw ing. a staple in which there was a padlock, and also sawiurof the despot a padlock that was on the door, leading from the hall t 9 the yard. The second door was locked, but by some - means they turned the 'bolt, and got into the yard of the prison. They tlieu tied two benches together with a I quilt, which had been torn by them into Strips, by which means they ascended the wall of the prisonlard—t hey descended the wall by means of a rope. ; Bow they procured the. saw and rope is a mystery. Brown isabout twenty-eight:years old, six feet high, and !proportioned—fair shin, light hair and blue•eyes—has a scar on hi i ; I..sboulder from a pistol shot w ouud. Gregg is about five feet eight inches higltheavy built and slightly stoop shouldered. Are ward of three hundred dollais is offered for their arrest and detention until delivered to the sheriff of this county; or for either.—Lt ;create journal, I IJEATTI OF TWO OLD eit IZENS.—We bare 1 this week to record the death of two co the oldest mtizens . of Jefferson county, both of whom were well known to - nearly every person in our county, aud few leave so to. voralde a record behind them. Mr. John'Matson, Sr.. died a. ch:s reEi• deuce in Rose township, on Monday iniu-n -ing last, aged about oue bundled year:. Ha Lad resided Foy Ilse greater liars 5) a century in this county; and leaves a la7z.!, rangly—zim ten ecildnar —htb,ides minter. otis oilier relatives and frien.ls to inqrn Lis loss. - Mr. James Corbett died at the residence. .11 L. Wood - , Esq. ' tn this ornine; bged about 73 yrare. Mr. Corbett leaves JAHN, eblidrev, .W. W. Colbett, Mrs. W. I'. .!mils and M s -li. L. Blood, besides many I'tiCi;tlS, to mourn. Lis los., Thus have two of our oldest citizens iteCn „..athered Lome, niter a long life - of usetulnese.—Th. A GRAND btrObTOrt..—Att individual calling himself Sautuel Saunders, bat, hecn ttaveling estsusively in this county for the onleitsibte puroose of- raising money to erect It State . 31 ' ouument to the lissors who fell nt Gettysburg. The scoundrel • sue• audit in getting a large rum of money from. our citizens. He wits su,piemiteit very sharply of being a swindler in SC Clair township, and was arrested, I,Ut 611,- c,e6cd in making his escape , front au epr.in s'ot , of the residence of Glileou Esq.'', on Tuesday night, she lath li:,- n . .bleUteie a blanket, and letting hiluse.t down: He was . dinsseir 111 a-IJ;ark' deli F.IEI, is t.uppvsed to he fire feet nicht inch's iu height, with benvy black 1.110V:slat Lt and whiskers. It is suppossd that. its Las rested in - collecting ses . eral the.usited I a s.—Brayerd ri 7 vire'''. lims teen the &sits of many citizens of our c ,-. .unty, for some time, that n suitable monument b eret:et' to the 'eueniory of the token 11; rooi: ofL,the late wa-, and for the. puriose furthering this good work an' As;ociation has boon organized, ofIleor:s elected, and all the necessary prellinivarici attended to that will expedite the completion of a strue- Jul e that will rs fleet wont open the patri otism and liberality of the pope of Jeffer son county.—Brookuille Ranublicait SUDDEN DEATIL—It is Stith regret that we announce tini sudden 'death or Mr. A. Johnston Wilson, of Neshanuovk town .hip, on TueSday cvenin ,, ,lust. le was in the orchard. picking apples from airee—iin descended from a Mr, awl, staled to,Lhe person with him that his back pained him, icon after which ho fell over and expired in a few minutes. Mr. Watson was one of our most- respectable citizens, anff his death is much to be regretted.' He leaves a large connection and many personal friends to mourn his death.fb. Tuc the publication of the Alleghenian has been discontinued by its editor, the Bon. A..A: Barker. Account:Ps to ' k tite Jonesboro (Tenn.) Flag, the conservatives have a wax of pro ' Meting the freedom of the press Which we du not fancy. It says: "Another daring attempt was made to destroy the Mug Alice by fire on Friday night last, but was foiled by the tine being discovered through a mere accident, In tin e to extioguish it., Iladlthose vile, incendi ary wretches effected their base tlesizn, three boys (aPprentices) ,could hare perish ed in the flames. • Wino can content! late so damnable a deed without a shudder? But, as we said before, they. arc known, and will finally rectivetheir jar compen sation of rpward —as also those who comae:sante and.nid them. We have re treated fur once with our office, • behind more ionioegnahle fintifications, and mean to fight the cowardiy scoundrelsout on this line if it takes lea years! They can no tip,re prev..m. us from publishing a loyal Paper in Jonesboro thau step the sun, moon' tut stars from revolving around their or. hi ' s ' The' good work must and shall go on, trai'ors, incendiaries and assassins to the contrfirruotwithstanding." -- ' TRADE ON TIM Gitt:AT hEs.---Sixty years ago, says the Troy (N . y 3 Tri„- g speaking of the great ICe6teru. lakes, tiler:: was scarcely a craft on these waters Itr , er than an Indian canoe. Now the tonnage of side-wheel steamers alone Is ion 'sly; tons. •In . l - Sll the Cross antount of the lake trade, independent of the property stoutly changing hands, cost of vessels and profits of passenger trade, amounted to li,/,000,000. Its 1561 it had increased to 1300,000,000, and in 1661 to $560,P00..000. .;:lt the present - rate of increase the lake t . :fonmeree of 1871 will amounts to the en. ormous stun of 1,000,000,000. In leso the northwestern.lakes were navigated 173,600 vasseis, whose aggregate burthen ! wits 400,000 tons. ',They were manned 1,3: 0ver.13,000 seamen, navigating overii,Ooll mile; of lake end river. coast, and frans— portiiag over ~ 600,000,000 of export;; and vntliot ts. I- A MISTAKE.—A thy-goods mer chant iu Vernniut advcrhises us ninon's : "The reruale who curried tan pair td - black kid gloves 'rota our store took also, by tois doubtless, half anuther.pair. She .I.3lT.zpeetrUlly requested to return the odd glove or to come to our store and get. the -onn left, as a tingle glove, like a single in. dividual,'in poor stock until rusted." . Tdouias Young, an Eaglisbnisit; has been appointed to the chair ni Ensoisi t merature in the ,Queen's Lidiast, made vacant hy..the death of tine /ate Pro lemur ....:1.3 . rr .1....13 . .... - . -- il . ' 7 - .T T.' \ 9 ' ; 7 ", .... . -..:-....:- - •' -J i --.•'-' ''-...____ - - ••• • •• - -••- - • • , • y.-- • , '., , ,,i ,T, J:l5lEi T. IMA.I)Ii & CO, A 1 , , ritcr in A,I i-le • •+i) •• • - - • As the st , •totier fi,riii C.,1 . 1".-:.11...1 , ) Rau-! 0 .,,,- ; -" a ~,,. j ,,,,,,,,,,, C 0. ., logne ilea:, the eI•JILy out lin , •••1 the FrLuch . c oriler F 0 , 2 ,11 a... , ~,,..,.......,..., coa,t Ow tlitiitiCrl' ,ll :tot t1.•11 .ail tO fiettlee il ~, „ .. . ,7 ,4 7.. . vc::, 0 a . 8 ....•.„,........., , ~ „, :c , c ,,,,,,,y. 5.15.,-5 1 .50,11 c! ;selling iiii. ,, , , , 4 A 4 ,01.., n as :.!..., lirown iii !it,. 4.1•1 sunk° any ~ thiug i ...a 2.-....1 b., 0 3 L.,. :5 i itniliar wit..—iii•i•l iii •it'itllt•lLt,, as ! ILLALCItti IN ALL titta,t , or'' repri,eiii•ad . in a l•avii,:eii 11110 r-flan, ,1111- • . Government ::::Ciell.ritnt3, I 1,0, tl t ttli, ICI! I. liars been toucti,,l . ovcr i ~.. . ,It:, re d ochre. Api,,, , i1h.,: ;in tilt capt:tin, . .t 01 Ol n E . I. a Exchange, , .:., the thrt,u,/htailwayu.ll,l, the saint liar- ' , Gold, Silver and Coupons. der IN ill be In foruie,l it. 1- lilet.tiCne aglltil illlll 1 COLLECTIBS Ina•tt: so all .ecasiLin polutil 111 isljoiaiug the E,,tab:islimeat ties Baia; de • ~, trut ,„,..., c ,,,,,,,,,,. Ser. " The .exterior of this Disaster flit'hallUll ' interest allowed on, Tune Deposits. is 1;0 Divan. i•11.:.•-ia4 li.i the eye Leitlier •0 1 .-,,inaLips :;,.(1 - iNiu,s BANii OH it ttll ililpit, I:tt. Nl,ifOl' %lilt/ 1,115 1.11 C,.. : 1 antes, on being earned. Vje E:i2n: IMO CU!. 1 41ty pits; bottle had sealer in theta; limn =EI r • • otners the tido had t:er,l , . out,. mid the few 1 X7-1. 4 P or Icorivtfsci 1i 3.8430. living: thli. - 0' v. ;Lic w : el thcie /It the ebb- r like "BArk: , .," lied gclit 011 t. with It: ; OFFICB, N 0.77 FOURTH STREET. 1 "A. few tlahbv wore crait, .!.itte wrinkles and pecten, gaping for air and watcr, a ;e:) , „! urchin or two, their' j,rckets . if' lime and.; nietrinrane qi dry that tucir!plueS and :suck , ers were 1.7.• tures lilt, theni., -. 1v,, , ,. several deadang ..ymgd:ll-I . c.n.t , ina , ...!. ep.1,,,,um 1. , :t.! t . t . N., tre.e , in‘s non - , ii,..., dee! , . it seemed a , iiaos et' v.in..., L0i . .... , tn..11:•.,e,, - Ilba. 1 hie openings. There were legions of title pipe, whicii apte:Zt. , ,!,l to 11:150 FUN definite direction, leSding to every place and Iron; ever y rlace, eros•in it and reero;!.ing until the eye failed to take in tiny thing but au incr. ' nlicable confusion of lisle: and . lines if rope. It sug.gc;ie!rthe (ileac,: it; being ths,.work of beavers mud 1:111-1:: at ~, It '.'no ~, , Atd have iin.i . OuLd them “pect to mating dialling Pipe, all 1. ,. .,i, :ae, no tuns ot concrete. lu this state - et hatted hope a 1 , 1„ - erchman heck. 1 oaed lac v;,:pir to Pillow him, 'and rhook , . , ',2i,'lot. ad at till lie lid hien contemplating. j We crossed FeV,l , ll 62,0 pits nu emerow.l planks, llireatled - Oitt Way, pa-t a I.lle ut hinny I looking rocks, down over it slotting kind j ' of place whets water tea' . dropping trom a 1 stream above, tint tumbled into a chant' and (dimppeared, nail alier winding along 1 a damp, intrien.te,l,thyrintli , iike pa,3ge, we eame ;41.1,1,4 into an il,illll,,lse cavern. ! Tito mourn I:, at a rung:, goose, a! - ,wit ! sixty feet long, au!: net quite FO . w idea Th,,, cen!„,ce is supportOt Olt massive pillars made ! Ito les( ml , :e stalactites, while ttneughf the I I arched and.L.lootny 19. , .. tight Fiemis in toys- 1 terieusly. i"Real a; the inure lead. , still much More strongly h. the hint g of really under I the sot brought honSe 10 Inc \Clete along i the ;ides and fronting the ct.traure to e yen- i !able, and not inemplimically, a Ittlllitt...r of Smail sea.,;,..iv;rrilike openings are skillMily i tattle in - the sides of the vault, the front, of ! which are ofgi.iss, tel into the illegal:idles ; of the concrete; the intertors of these Ini!es I are of all shape;, arid ale holowed cut. into : quaint dem, and . turiting-place, for ,ea•li,h to skulk and hide in; only ^. few ;if them are as yet coruplePed, but in those that are tilled with ;ea water the light i•so artfully and cleverly admitted that one can : , .0.. tin talti , ,to the space; It is like . t7,azirF. in t to an !trot:it,. : Itie , extent, of ‘k :w 0—: , rea, looked up through, instead of down in,... "Tn.: at tint 10' W it ,, 31 tlt', clever pit , tlue. tiOn 'hits Lien or : qt. : 111,0, ii i , 7.1.. Edouard Deli:W.oU: I, atul under lii, carver and 1,1.10 untuag - enient it I; 1 : 11-nail - g; otvlng to- ~ var,i ,sirtili!etion. Pei,: t NelliNlsers - that this rams ar.i. t is to to• ,qii,,mi,,..i:iiic,i to erect another nii.int4c i :yin,: iiini lor the comic;:. l'ziri4. exiiinition. - Tii^ft• in Ilt , t it grief tioll tin to thin aTiiirinni isci2.. tut the lancet in the vroi; , :', 'll,l tor, inuvh to sty in pi uiFt: 111 I tt u. , :; •igubor s on the other tick t: tilt, l'ilallori, that Ile will confe. a benefit do .lia• ~N‘,11,1 if tn . , traina . ceei. of tit. :i! lithe ine;in!, ~..enwlii:e tte! al t I e.; linz 4 iirectfy!!!! Ice !on !:!!.ci o! tn ii•! - iaif l„o ! I.! A eln rip i ,!!! for tne • un.11,7.:.M f•Uni: • tWrt: 1 41 reo, - o • OP. • ..rsk 11 1. ft tte•l tot iI • , , 1. , • ‘.7t. for I In 1 ' of °flit .k,t 71, Art, :I,ll'. •tt , l Itty — t! • ttt, —rtti t 'cap, t lit ths:7 • F. JGRDAIN • . . .I•frut. for P••••••••• • 1.• ••.• • VsrEJ-r D 0 IM (F... 0 KELLY •! ;‘. EMI •i rrl^n MME P=atzi il;;; 11: a‘i “f Uitvirt El El t!.• ES POCKET CUTLERY , \ !.. • a, I I•4ltn, n_l .5,, -1. In ~ In c,!;• Also, '2 I3( - )11ol.vG-rouncl Ra,zors In L'utlless Varlrty, r 1.1 1 .:::, •I :1 I -- utrovt citt l ull htrr, t lay. toy Itc•/. 1.101 Uttutiy 1- rutl•tutel t.th.totl•l - ttu'l ton t:11,1 no• r. - th rail forNP,Vt 11101,1,. during wltt,tllla, I 0.-.11 rhy:4,1.7 s • prortrult. lb .1 1 utmost tlrtt or t.r Irving alitru.ot «ot.rl , :y I•tt . t it:; iottlte fir •I/the. not bottg al, a lora: 3 :o,s. I. LI: 1:4 1., wrath 1. twu, utetr t ,r,t Ith rte..; la my Iteu.l. 01,1"1 10 L.l;' 1 , ;1 , 1,/;1 P ,G :.„ ~ . -4.4141" try omit:roe ot.tur üboth. rilt.r. .1 a I . rttlt4l et•rott.w-u.1.•11 not 10 1,, 1,, . I' tt.ol.Ch Ittlt. o rot . 0; the buse orstlfistthtts .S . ry f..r.n. .11:.:11i...11, ut artrti,..td uty I•r•jtt :lc:, an taking tbr ot•I•tout tor rot ••r.tl ttt , •ulttotltt , rrtuthrlot.'utto:l.llllll I am r titl.fty ttr..tit•rtg o .Allll, un.lllpar. Aly Mom tb, of v. t•,l ttru•lt, tutu urv., r Lotto] lot, trr tuun now, n• zttu 41,, •ou..thl t u alts•tro ALir, l•qt Ity roytutt, .v IJcL f0ri,11,....r . ) :10.1 Irr otutar, 'try trot , auto al, Iv .1, fert. lam 0,1 to Ott t , ..st I to• nthst.ll t.r.v? Watt, au., tenth, 11. t, tesliDio -1110. :kppreciallon •tf ),11r roll r•rder May trot! or t. rtrtucs. 1011101 prer.:rVrt.sn log for F., lig it lint fig,. 1 Ili Hy, mht•Ant-ht.m I Irt:3 e.r u,u rue, ,r0111r111.1104.1116.111 lint ttg very rt4torti - .llollit or= . 4.'t Itt#rt,tt. Otte. t. • NEW ADVERTISELIEN'iIS. • ir.3l. All. Jr., Admit Etp6.3l 018 c,;; 54 Fifth therei n is an . Ina/Lori:ell Ageni to remit - Advtrtiscpwn:s for the 04,74.077 E, and as o!.t , f . papers thrurtylon: t/ United. 6:nUr and the Clemuitts, ECIUI'OI3.S • NOTICE.—TItc_ . 1111. dined, r:“!,.ito, or the e: ate of .1 01l • 130YLit, late 'at to Atrua Townalflo. Alff-glo ry snoty. taII.„ flccid, p ive nail in all nies Indebted Sabi aVslilo , po to 'wake lint, filmic yap moats and all partil hapligar.aln•t et fl of tale are notified to pref.,nl the r ano -, di t ty f o f . theutief sed, lo :Mop , f the underslgnufl. it their reSkISIICiI. DAN Hi It• fill, Inllls.ea Town s hip, •EISENII.ZEIt 31 . 1 i !, • tao, oSIIIO7SEEvT ESE cuSixth .E rd ...bn URGFIUTRI, • • SaittallU3ll.! • • , SOIR(=YIUMM to 1313 t, 3. C/IOIC It 3:1:1::S )111i HUM. Just received slid It,; sale lip nr.m. 54:1ZGA It. 2.19 o:t CEESEI CAUDIGAN I"rs#s end Jackets =9 PHELAN'S 0 , ..D : 4 1%,‘,NH tl roe!: LNG. No. 2 i Fla h Ytrrct T The best th , ct,tittlaa and mutt de:l.We hhirt lu the mark• t, at • I' LLAti•b Ul U r.i TUCKING bi OWL_ • '4l Iflt tract. A . Attn., STIICIIO., tr •t tai 7.;=. 0 11l be .t. ttr ottuttlttrettil tt ,tt t t..t•itt tt. tttot VO VA G A ,iliiii . l - Ei ------ ,—,-_______ A- c.a... 1• . :., Ito ~/,,,,," a ! • itt ' t 1... A Ut:l, - ..1 C.,/ Czt Ultit: t o ::, .. .!' 4 tt , t , tt It P.11, , 1R Jot/ It, ::11, 11 . JNO. II: ,• A: ,,, 1F1 DA ..1,- „,,,, „, ~. :II utt•l 1 •,1% It •' '. _,____,....,„, /1 VkAtatilt4LE 81.11 KI. A good lit - ortultnt tt ' I` II EL A.N'E t LI; SIAN!" :$ I OCEING 5101:12.. f. 11 . A Play. GRA pEs, finA PEE. 0, : , '''..• 4 V , " h " r " t __ ; - 1. F.1..p, I. (Put-to-11.y In . find, 0.)• e." . " , • , E-I.4IIIIERG CIII ELSE - 200 b , xes ''' o “ . l u. .+cc.!.-id i , .. , , sl. aq' • . - itIO Mr It &IMO.. ~....- If nil u - Clict, No' rcrel , ..i ::11.1 tor ~.. In : i, - ' '' - ' .' . ' 'FI 1 i k• . -• .. 4 N.. IA It LS 11 0.,11 tarcek. trzi - -., 111 ...I:4. tl ,t ,tt.rt.t. t• 'Wilt O. l l#llV SIIA DESA newlut of • f 111.1'.tillERUIES-20 bhls. cf34)!cr i . n...` 1,. : 41 L1.1 ' d., '"t .117 5 . :.: 1 1 : Zat 3 .1 t f . 4.,;.1% [ 7 .: " mi . , - , C.:1t17...::.: criv.l.r, ries ',it r...._. ,t.l f t tr .A It //3 . , 2 , 0. k 7 ALLit,s,*lnet. J> U. /1 CAN 17A1.11 4 ..N. I u, JOA- It. 1 4 1:GiiEl+ .}. ' n Ito. ~.:o • ' ii. si C r'ir,t atria C 1 ----------- • .. . WALL l'Al.fr It—Olf Ida graded, 0144-41.0 1/1,18.• Pearl. .V.int , r for l'atloi,, Hsu., pink/. donjus gintt %Itch 11''''g'&.T14.,0A'e toy eui. Id 0.14 variety,. . N.. IV! AIM/44 fe tr. ct• t,c,„9 '• i ' J.:, O. U. c0.C.4.:T1E.L.D 4 OG?' ,_ .3od. It. Ltuulty,4 4 880.. .. Of Intitrburgh I'cr:.2•DENT—ILENILTLoyrs. V.ct VitLADEST , WILLIAM ILEA Thl'fit Eta, • Lictary Floyd. WIIII= lie , . 'sorest. Ileuaet+, Lippincott. E. P. tuui Thninno bte.lon Witt - lin L. Go. tnli • ,tolku 11, iticu.ly. 1VI:113in A: Herron. SIDS.T.Y Y. VON BONN - 10121' • sts. Innlvlrst hEovreil OS titan ataPoalt. Inrealal,to to CrOveralaneat and Real Na tale S , carlttea.. . . . Bank •Utily (except Sunday t) froth. 4 A. tt W 4 P. SE. and on Wednesdays and Saturdays from fI O'O.lW, to P o'clock P. H. he:armlet -a— -1 I:GAL NOTICE.-ESTATE OF , ExT. AVEHY. oII:cf:AEEL,, LATE PP ALL:Et:IIe aY CITY. FA.—lty ord, of the crohstle Court ot Allegheny County, lilt, neve« la gly.n that the uuderelgool, oh , tetotS LlYoutora of the Last Will and hest, whiht o! -old decedent,no ¢CtoUllt. ch lAN, la s_..l Oslo, ell. Arlog a Soloure to (bell hands tu lull and Inyeatmenta ot into llun .lvtd-ood Slat ' , lst, Tot •nd and !Seventy-toren and N'-IL'! 1•011 see, rut re,. to a reduction not , Sae. .111111. t. oroort lug to the oat!l wal la dno or triton- tde—!.codtolf to !or —A retor!eatt Misslnnary dl AtoutelaVott,' tor Now Yoe , : the other ha I' to lot E.T.C,IIor. for pur,,oeo r uot forth in, told wt I. Al t rlrr - nni ad corpnryttlnnom clnrnintr or to elattn asltt tonds, or any part thrrent, are rentitrnd n't 'war , n Craw, nt ~r a p t It• of l'lttattnr,th, 0/3 tLIC lin/ I)AV OF 'lll[4, IFltil, et 10 o'cinrk A. m., and Pie thelr ot 'lion. mote. tray Eller harm, who th.• ...t.l“C.Coriut rnoniti not stunt en,nrinn d. tart ...I Imlartcp or riltaribulnd nerorttlo td tht , mutt of Ow In, mtl't and ter t ..ttd a. Above get forth. • , I',l. LANG E STOCK OF 111) SUITS AND OVERCOATS, Jr Wiuter 5,351111, COW In w.,re. uT V GRAY Sc LOGAN, ,Yo. •f 7 St. Clair Street otti: 144 co:, 25 Fifth Sixeot; /DT: ~,11(11.4,, tar • •. ilthOr :asg...tuct.Ct , C4c,cods. MMI!I3=I2=E! 41,11. ,IIIN(.1v, BE ICS AGENCIi COLLECTS FUOM tio• 1•::1•.co Al 11 4.1. ..r PAY, BOUNTY IND PENSIONS, !!i 1: 1 1,L:1:1113E1-3S, Gas and Steam Fitters, :q4CS - routom i 1 I - 1 .`l. Chancieliei.; and Et ackete, teadi ?ipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &e„ ' I 131=111!M M! 1 , 1 rear j:)1 '4`l7 ilUttl. 54 S.. EA' LEH V COM.. . L,n b. , . the flock of 1717 D.C. N. CIP , G=IIM.II7 nt rlu.i.urgn Cri . Ll,l Company, 67 am! 69 Filth Sire(' t, 111b1'ATC11 - EXCELLENT CHEAP FARM, LOCMED NEAR PIPKEESPORT. RAIL llk r. 111..A.,• , ?5iNG [IRO • I r: I II • till 17 ,. JOlll4ll fAtorat':_• tor.ro, or Vos I:1 ,1e or An:, roz:lon of R ov.cl:Aniced for Lironnol City I • ropefiy, . , E,1CE(1.5 11.,ENS (CI3L II ..TiT ktiNT4Q . .. lilts, 11. KITCIIII I Isas just re. - 1 'art, !I ;rem tit° F.:1.1, and area or , ! THlJltny!,l". LEa oF ER LI.VER Ann ta&fortmunt of LADtr.3 , Funi. ALLICUIIENV CITY • c.,:;.11.71 illEly' lk. S'IODDAIIT would In forth her cotton. re that the has just returned frton the Eta w.th a handsotut assortment of _ . MILLINERY GOODS, Uro:log scovrd 1.. tiECON I/ FLOOR. No, 411 A LI.IctiIIENY CITY. oci /33 E ANNUAL MEETING 01' THE t Lock old tn. oC PAXTON PI.:TROIA:UM COM.PANY . Will be held Office of Ring N , ON, 31 . CLEAN r al h . 11. 0 4,1 e •4 VIIL/IIM: e l t.f 1111portnlICe wilt be tout,,rn Ili. meoting• • u t. .Is , 141 •sr /1 DEIISIGN- IeD bare renlued the Mike or the HOPE OIL SCOURS from :13 31arket ntreet, Pittsburgh, to their 'Worts nit .C.A.liso3: Brownstown. wherp, tney Can not efter founil., ' _ . 1 lAulllen A4i , ltnw• tija, rittlbUtigh. N a TVTT.t•t•I+N FOR SALE.—Three Second-Hand ==! Forty Inchon dimneLor, 22 hot tong: Steam Drum ' Chitrineyg, Witch. 0, trire-C rant to good condition A 1.,,, D:o now (Ai itLIINEDOID. TAN KS' 00Yrte,lo.,paelly 20/ 041,01, 0,11. milli be sold a: at the VNce• or Fart rut hot or Worhi , S. YIIO It L)1t0.01.10E - !N STORE AND An- Jo v cars Owl, Winter Mititat; 0 .10 White atiiidllneb: .1 du. While Milo Oats: du Kuria tiprlng Rarity: IS liai trio fresh i Mar. . • 211 Igegii imam Laid; IW Irou CM, Barrels. 11.L.NRY 61;A, JR, 0,101.0110 , 11.erlt [lr.., a...hit...00...0.- )9t EG STORE F. JR SAL LE.—The :tuck awl Fluuree of n BETA Ile PRISCILIPTION Nam,' Together wlin Lease of Dwelling Ilona, itlactied. entisiwriory V 71,0.. given for ACiiitig• Inquire 91 J. 0 Drug elm-, emu, thicort sod 0u.k.r.0 •Begneny, or riIk,VEN , it CO., corm r ~f Wylie:mil o,4pm:streets. creainii 9 Ems 04NNE1) FRILIFI'S. VEGETABLES, • Hiss. rte., de. Eight 1 Anursnd dosed Pesch. ~ preys, tercrn tiaras. Whortlobtrrirs, Urea Ists . lorbcrries. Insclbtrrlea. ewe Appl,. I,errles 'iornalares, Lluns *nd StflUs Oval., and 1•rc• , 14 sss. 156.1arrlrq J eitleikpa tUrrdd.rS s , sd rudsts., winch e ow u¢er At, the loTreat marae , 11. N.t 31 F.lt ,t MltUu. No. C.,6 & ICS Wood street. rilLaV !IF/EST SELECTION WEST OF NEW YORK, Scarfs, Cloves, Ho 'Undershirts and Diaries's; Smoking Caps and ;119111er,; Silk Night Caps, Ilamikereii iefs; Negligee Shirts, [Jaen 'Collars and aoe-: Alexauklrc's ;kid es,l:llsitc , . and colors.' 441 - .111 vf • awl Just rtottvc.t fr• , :u r• t NJ 0.1 ..ock. GRAY,. POSSIEL.&:RESE, E. S. ADORN liorre.hants' Dovotea npecial talentJou to ;I!reit,e, of ;I. E yE 04: f , -; '. ;; ;;;• . ;;,: A,t 444 -a cc. c o I nn e AND THE ORGANS OF 111 E CHEST ALLll'll ' n r' " )‘ ; ';' '' .ll;:;Tr7 ' errY ) ; j 0 o.;11,3; ; ;;-1 i:ec E.br. ; cing ..11A,de chthroc , pc:Ale ;;;.; .t ace..;;;tloacvg tCear.lotlocttlre cf Ere. tillooturas, Cross 1;:ee. It/1 tau ot tat EI a. ; 114. Cataract. I;;;arttels. Itoarloc a;;;I iSP;UNG WATER ALES ) 11, Care, I tterticrre troo, the t. k.arl itt•ra,s of 'co t•.;. , :.elr o r ;Valor. mill rl,7llNclft tarrt, Irr ooehttli. A on. t 1 •PI tlo; !coca, e feel m 1; i !o; t;;;-1 tr i.e.; 4' Fre sat . et...option •.r • fs, er:th orti;11; pea /Lear! arc! rlo;nacit. 11, AVE KINU, • PURE CALIFORNIA WINES. GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St., Now York, Igict .- for u4ll . wlkt . :l.l, IV Ili,. fa,.r ,v; ‘1.1 , ,, V. 4.1 “.11:4t wit‘itp, 'II., y t.. I...tett to Hs, th.tutn:.ra•l. •t . ••.• T: As a TiL/r11.1.r. 1,. i y • . 'OW o.rtl, 1111 - L.. u • . g ntlegn C.. I! aro prt..of cou..•!, I Vl' I • I • atll gor " Thr - folla , wht.o , r , t4; -Ar' ' Cmin - lac all U... vai eultalk (Ca' •a 1..: t .4 . 1 i WIN I. - ,r.rf rlk:lo•t4. ~.- ri. !nor,wltztlp.,l Itv tu:Arr. I: , :sto • 2.2, I, 1,11, 1,1,1 Vrry •••••••:Ar t • G.u••..• I 111:1N 11••• 1,: re WINE lIITT ry ur. , /, 4 .1 11 , 1:• •1 , 414;11 ,, i• , ••• '• th , gruy or. MM. , . to the. I 4I• the I. at,t,:l•,at•l e 11, .uger •a, nl,O nw :WI ft, .•t 4 , r• 0111114 r le _lie it, clitJtir, ••( takir.ut•r: ,t, W :d.,.. , and ecNI: U.! ; nd•lof , cv f ti t ge,olal t {I r. DO* Wt• ./••-/// i • Maui evr 1. • 1 • 'Ow 11) 11,0,,,1•• n •r• l'11:r :11:rt 1•1 ••Is.l' 41, 71, !•.:C.l .411 ii II . tre ..• rt . . 11':.... 3% • of brt . r 1 orrici: or Tlii N.!, 1g ti rehy :hat rec., , One Million Dollars of the 5 p cent ONE MILLION DOLLARS Six Per Cent. Loans, lit the. Commr. , w.Alth of , i:! Irrf et the 1 retrury Pcp, mop , . iu cOr of . 11r14barA..u111:: r, b. TS lIFt .v Tho 16th day of November, A,D, 18.66. Bidders .1;1 wt ttr anlntuit • frercd. and wheth. r nt C.,9•04 I S. artwr.seel, •Totu.nt,lositrs i, 1..110. i/lr • end.r../ . n.,rve ,P 74, 1,1.1$ not, In Theft I , t Vu nen!: h. • . UV FOR 11.111:.IIEST WOman's Work iil the Civil War; fiTILICI; ==l!Z!= JtYrs. C. II '..IIfIV 8P.•1.P This stork, pr..rare.l un lnr I 11.. itAnctl.J. .k• tilt . tn.; Uolt•••1 l l a onloll' Toil naultary tn, s,ffigyry Ilan sun. 1. in Ulu an•l is pi!, early In January twit. it: Pr, co:lir...MlA more tilln OM, mitt 5111, be..n orioNernl , .,l yd. .11 .111.,..•10,.5rl Or .`Nrrn-e 111. t..01161..ire.114 , mAle auil Inlrii,tiriv. usmt.tial.• Irtv.• fnokh,..l Intl,, Irtmlllt;n:lra , .. l, .. -at.- Jeers. It ro.llll inlne . 111,11 , 1:111 411 . ti 1•, Melt' In ne - ItAllThf u,. , 01.11,r,, wit, abundant turt•lent.. Irwu, k, a.,el •or .a bout (0 , 11 . hun.trt-.1 lOW, a Jo . , tribute . 1 ,111 ne 1,114 to thr in ll' n ' tn t'• braved p .. vey .lauge . r and lot,m!, Al or quit, ir an.l nacre tire t1,..111 many oft], tattle:, to Kit, :111i and !flirt to tering bvso, tl nt ablest pe /.1 ns In ~ salon e.ployed In tit prep', "ion or Ow %1,..tr1t.,. thr Intrgolu , llu, to writ!: n by :in tinliumt awl .11 'enr.te,tl .nng Ivsrin phllantnro,iu labyrn. 'rho •rlt vlll cunlaln rb:all nil trio. unit ..ron •,•• pr• 11 , 11,..by vor ray. rs 11, counti y pllot,grspip, or pa!ntings"...l the AUBIJEL , PUBLISIIING AUBURN, N. V. 0ct.3.4”:14. NEW STYLES MTN. ----- M'CORD & C O ., 131 15`00/1 STREET. Are receiving an immense mock of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Embracing 11U a - ainty. H /iT3 FOR THE LAME?, GENTA AS!) I)')V OAPS VI EVE4:I" 4' run:, F.,!c LAI , I, AN gcMil:ltEl.. ur price. to which tory 111%1w the allanitlon oh all. BUY THE REST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, Maaufactured only and for sale DT Pion oe.v 1-' .:il3 :7C7 orlcia, N. W,Cor.3d :tall Market S Gir.O. S. BOUTI, • JOHN ROSS & GO• idAlin•AcTupicu.., AND krAI.E.IN tN CarbonZ.l Lamps and Fixtare3, CHANDEUERS II CARBOn CILS, 43 , fis mymegur....T TriPArltral, I.A. A_ 3 _____._ DMI A 1 I 1 P1T.43 . 0 le.S DTI(' E._ n 4 11 s. 6 lrg. c r . ....ott.7 to Me Chain or :.171 I(1 I 7 MAN, arre.altil, Into I.l' .I.ffci cm .-.• Towneltip. are nyuceti..l to wale Imult-.11:it.11.0.. wygle-,,,,... ment. . 1 . 1 . 1 . I.77unt 17.7v10,7 71.1.. • ngelo•t r... 1 1 ,1 r e,,.•,....... -.11, estate; witl pro•etk: tht•ll•lne, worthy auttleuti- Cr.3IENT . rated, fur settlement. to • B=MiiMSM or• G 2 rirT,rx STE LET, ll= , ~ Parlors 91; anti 91 PRE =II RE MaleAt cyr 11;r.11,1 ' . 1=113113113 • of ',Mt W. 11. KF:i!NIA-: BY L. P: 6ROCKET7, M, P., I= T. H. .01 CP11.1( eV., MMI3MI =NM I=l WM, H. OGDEN " & CO., CllOl ERA PREVENTIVE. Cheap Clothiog House, fil tftio Streel a lid Diaintnid, C OVltolt k• a rill Hein `,", 1. MI I 15 I MEI= 111= 1.1; - ..ady-Made Boy's Clothing `i,ol: Ito 4/12JE.1. 1111 , 511,11. = 1 • n 10.'1 S,treet, cri•sd. 9 !I tIA 31,t, • " IMIE LL ; EMIT BEM - • Tr: 4 CI MB rr( t. Pit rah, MEE 1121 ME "A' r 1 r. Ii :14 7 !' VF:VIIIIN 01 i • • rtneh," lEN ^i An,l;;Azi t , 1- i ; ~._ r`%~. =ME Co, MEE a o It. It. ttulgtr.) . 3 :7 " i - nit 1 Llielci =NM = Vir3 fir, e TJ I'arior, Chamber .rinci Diniug.P.oom Sets, fiit- r..I3F:iIURE, a,,,,,r;altnt i'atthitrzhi , lamfactured Furnitnre, 1111=1 7....c . .. , "1ATere - .t 1-,`x-ICeqgs. IStiti EigE C_.% r.l. - 1.1,37 e 0.11.!TI n 7. for PALLI'ItADE the et. e e rye; 1:2.1 tie p.Ltrone. 'ail Tapcstrius, r 4 ar •1„ L...rt • , ' r!! V“) ET f IKIETS AID ECG?. L cunt:a - Ye, 1%...te7! et Ccmi,et, ern I e To.y..;•s, Loops Bauds, COI {Ai,. CULLY:I,II r. it r.-. 4 ;:5 rit _t..l TO CLAtl , !_iriL•fcict:',-E:S. 5?,•;;AC..7.7.1..E3E1:6" LEAVING Ir rr.,euzgllti for cronlatng the non - to t o , !. 111,1q,,L1 %VD, d t u v. ,1"411!.1 R OA rcr t.R. or t 5.0 1, In • • - -•-• on, port!, ,to n.t r W.tot non, tnt t kot to the rwor • l'n or to • ~f 7;: 1 , 111 Flrn to n, X i; =MMI I= CC' ,- FARTNERSii,I P E - :t:N3:711NI::?;131) . -.litlate [tit: art •:., :1, • ;!‘ l, l'EN,tel., I, tt a , l.ll*S. al l'r A...W..1/111 , m and •r, r, t , ” str,t, Itla,ltrster, ; , •1‘ . ..•1"ct It a contlttaluee Il.v 11'0 , 1 ;lAl:l'k:it. :I. . ,i2:114; 7 /AM A Vii; a:aF; ~.~;~ (ROIL CITY RAH WORKS. •ry Cooootl , ha.Cl I OFFICE AND WAREHOOST,, es.l .4113, onStr t 1... t.r.a of r, Ir.rc. Nos. 45 Wood andlo2 and 101'fbird St, t act NUallAtlg 1,02171- ~.111cra arc cat:tto , lto rooty of Ilion BWO 6.200. N S. hi. 1:14./W AttoriarEa at LaW.. Nu. ii, arrfra a er-.tr 1•11-rstmiittif CLAIMS FOR RUNTY,- l .11111 11 '.1..!1...1 '.l..!1...1 1,5 1'0.1.0n01.s ofda 117 attrndature: If.ll. 0., 150 Brant atrarl, Or anti larraanbar. 111.1,1410.8. M. LP.. 1.1 2 tranithflrld atr I, .a. 1..11. :Inv and Jun,. t. 5- f.N II AM, II: 11., 152 Ttard L•treet, July. A . ...an, ',I ..irptembar. 1,., 107 Root areet, .1.1- C 077. ..rtnn;nra n_nrl [lar ch. it.• ra:NEI.I.I, cner bull, and Grant :rr...nt.,1[2.1n11) t or lendautna. au.14:11 IFSURANCE. 3. %V. 111031P,SON & CO., Second I•'loor, Burke'• rite the attention of tha 01 1 .11 , t•I thel rspe rl4^l, of ciJALjnat Terris eil,,lnvioiling the 1011001 u Ia• rlet ler Lump, Itirt".l, 2,3 stud Chentmn. L tiles Velecy, so.. 42,3, wad Chest:ma, All of rrhlish th.r are pr,pare,trn ohltrer at tha I.OW r ear load, t't,t 1014 or thnusarnt ton, Ali order. prn,nptly atter,;l.-1 ()Mee: Ito 2 Chr.tnuE rime: ncar Ito- Depot. 0, II AM: EF FLCTED TISIST CO.,II•A•i EP, 9:1 1,3 ; • rntes. equltsbly anic.itetl thirprumptly I 10AL,1 COAL COAL : .17catir-tla PRZ, EIZE AND AIDDENT INSUVANCE • t.fm LI, la.ur-tee lospany, of 114.1 ford, Ct. ...tuert..mn Fire bosursocd CompauT. Of tforo,,r, k . Ito Ineuronce Company, of Hatt Eng!and Fire Ineurance Company, of Hart fot JrZP,,M , lgivr • _ ' J. s. KUM Has /12511111,1 the practice of Dentl.try •t 1866. ICTO: 304 . 13T., iippogite thtt Cathedral, WI. re be iv: .be• to reeelre hle fr:entl.3 sad patron. bo ere In r. t 101 th• et mute of an experienced DENTAL PRACTITIONER Flyeetal 'oleo Iton will he given to the preetrela rum of the oatural teeth by skillfully Anita them elf.. the must select materiel. and by giving them attire raper treatment. thus pre.erylag them fur future uses mall comfort In ripe old ago. Irregularity ..f the taut:. of young persuns skill fully altesoled TO end curre-ted. Thoae beautiful la fc-Ilke artificial teeth, if lidera/ ea comfurrable and useful by the magic of to, Doc tors mecbaulnub will be made ready for ell Who may onler them. .. . ,1 Crumpcent 1 113coverlea of value in giving relief In In the extraction of te..th, will he skill- Dilly .....c:li.kterr.l: a those who may Intro them. 1 i Pince lloctreiratn 9A. Al. to 4r. Y. eel7ol I GMINA WAILEIIOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, lUD Wood Street BPITANNIA AND MLVER PLATED TAliLl {GAUP, TEA T i t 16 AND TAELE CUTLERY. Always - nu bind. NA TEA SETS :CUM.\ ri gE.I ef, ' tt N A TOILET 15F.T.1. ' ri A VANEA, (1; INA 110HESUAN WAREOF EVERY DEPCIUPTLON LAVACAIR/ 13 . ASKEls, LAVA VASES LAVA sPrri 6oNs. til /N E WAKE of all rarlotlrs, lOsttl whole,ale ar.1 , 1 tet.ta • targe=t most cOMVlttenthlk Of ere rythtnii iti this e • ty. Vriei, and tering the mane us in the ea.tein cities. 210 17:n. DAY, kicABOY _& SPAN(}, =I IMPOSTY:2B o r Alio bEAtacuts 1:4 Saddlery Hardware and ,Trimming, Mr. , ..tacLure.ra.of ail varletles,:f tier Wood and Iron Bawer, - - "WANTED—A 'Situation by a hchl ;he hoalllen of Lock • keeperha dry, good.. lease,: for We last ' year; le ther.elghly lieituallated a Ith the Dry lleeele.:TraC:e: areal.' prefer trAvel f.. - a Wholesalellouse: asla r7- aol w rhuela-hnol.ciect ae t permaient situatlca- Athlress "11. E. 1111 &Peru e. j i tT. ANTED AT ONCE—To encagc n few men 0: ....ar ;tad Mille aril, ,ey wont ao tt.e triC, tie Y• in IsL t. and lioGorable l•ord. •/. Pod! a NEWLY INN' LATI.I. A WI It S.W.t/U0 ba , taloa ma to td at:ooa. elthlnt he last bitty thy, Good as I, y allowe•I Nem tett, to elc•eka oneralle. A. • L ts' ANTED. tail at .moo. Itfla Citifr street, Bo?, o. 3. WANTED, lly ALa ir ' , Ws no Col.lly. ol retcrrao give* and requlct:cl. At':1:: sr li. It., or:U:1117 zur - r _l , rll, r I Eu.travis.,... I.lt Al Eli Al V ALL. I . Fo::(:%...•ro , •LIN('4 , LN'S HONE AT .51 . 1t1 ST, r- VI rltbec by tho 1:orilt15 or on couontolcu. The moll llirlus eye- offerrcl to Cunt,: c:5. For lull particular:: rp,: pero.:. or Add,. 5, FAHRO A Cl.. VAINTED, One Thousa el EarsnerN, • r.,ooda thb. FA! and WltOry, Ilt r l :1 salary ar e.quollos:na. old.] twitimi IC ho. Ina A y.i . t of th,lr time tip ILe o•. 1 NO. Gfi Fifth kleeet. Pittsburgh. GENTS WANTED BT.THE w o \1 to tell their NEW $1.5 it SF 14 1 I iron u paper to heavy' Din.' a... OW it of tea' her, WI • out chall,n2 r pressure.-foot, sail four L UNDERF t .U. Adttrctz,: j 'ucl . r.l i g .,, ..t i n . ulp ;,,,.. • • Fleth...±..rert, Flo , r. I or'l • I.:Uxburgb. "VIES IVANTED, • TO ACT AS SALESMEN I Either permanently or tonnoantrlly, alio are colt, pettut to engage In el et-cloel'inttluto, relation.. Apply la I,erson be atttlriec . tv Buin, et.11:j3.5 9p Grant r.tr,vi. D. IMSI Art,' to return thanks to his ft leutts nn•l the out tic for Met:tour oast (Ivor, nn.t rtts.Stertrutir son Its i stisro orthelr future patron:4, lte men tarnsect to hare the= u.stuttlor Fine Woolen Goods. fart tot lArly adapted Lo • . iLATILIILYS BMit FALL .AAP 'WINTER, }:AI.D. AND. WINTER GOODM 1t'0111.1..01 the attentlttn of latyet, to Litt st.:ek ot it h. , ),arhlt.ll hattl.t,tl rrlll. preur..l..., att.! C 01,411" all the Litt...l'3l,llr to pc fotod !list, akz titnta SI;IT OF CLOTHES ]:O DE 10 OEDE It, Will I.lrair• r 411 and examine oar ',lull sod rr1.•,:0. Alto a lull .tt,L FULLS:rah] A 1. COAL, COKE, 82C COAL! COAL!! COALZ:I I= DICKSON, STET 11111' Sr, U 0 • •, lacing temored bcr (Ucc to WC). 13437 Malz , brt - 5 , 131 - re44Dt. (Lately City Flour Ill 11) D FLOUR. Are now _prt.tureol to forrash good Youghlogheny LUMP, NUT COAL OR ?MACK. • At the lowest Markee.%rric.. .r , - Al oniers loft at their oMee, or Aol.lresse4 to them thrtqlgh the moll, ‘1 , 1.11 be at teuded Lo promrtlT. har.s. hiL ------,- CHEYALE'S 11. ARMST;IONG, - • 121-I.Kt 1,1 • Youghiogheny and Corpidlaville Coal Mtn:ay:oll'4 - 1s ci • Coe', ,; - .lack,, and Ileallphurized Cake, . • Corner or Buller no Marton: tnt y sril on Lib ••rt, and Ct mer streets, Ninth st•kr4,- chl no Oec.n streetar Lock No. ritt.,her_••p. Famili ne es . Ind licoufactnrers r.pimed with the te,S article of Coal or Coke at the lowest led_ totes. ..11 dee! /cll. at 3.117 on.. card. reeelvernoit I hird,...oof from aulo,,nalon 13r1.1g ALLEGaIINI", al :la: m. mylf4;lJ,l R. B. JEFFRIES Malantactuivr soul ITltnlealuo e.,of 14• fail 9 • I.ealor In all [lads of • TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CICABS • No. fi'ST. CLAM STlLP.6T,l.lliturrnon, WA 1. rgn , trur , r.t .4.slEEttlett AVM and H.1.101i szsu Top/Let:o. b„,,,,, m , t y, on Saw.. ' GEORGE BL'UNEN SEGARS, CHEWING' TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pip es. Bf. -. No. 4 1343.cr01a.tb. ESiies) (Sear corner of Libcrty,) rtiv•:bll PI3 . T.,RL UAW JOHN ITILEGRAW, _ Manut acturer awl Wtolesale, •Cd _ Tobacco, Snuff and Cig4re, 48 miLelasrm. JErr WI". 4,lq , 7 . l' , sll.to s ltment of &maim glkikogroi,el HIGHEST PREMIUM - LOCK-STITCH . Wheeler IV !ikon • sEwiNG Ovek 250 1 000 Now in Use. SALES FOR QUARTER ENDING ID. es r.rs. nyvor,2•4lsteizenti WHEELER Et - WI L 80.1.: ... +-. 612..053 ttitLlowßnß ... ............. 11, v.l Showing tvi. - on•e salet to to more thus double teinse 0 , ,11 •ktLer CoinP3.3• elation oftne polite 1 , a certain evident:eat pqrchseltme one of these 61,61nes iS urrel. as Instruct.... is given and .51.• cl.abee kept 1n order Without exer.se6m-ge. "CITA , X, 131:731GEMS-IEL ch 00-. GEO. F.tiCHECptil.ill iSrs• CO., PRACTICAL LITHUIRAPHEF.S, • The ONLY STZAI6I. LiTootiitATffic Ir TA LISLIMENT sVOST OP TLIE 31oUNTAINS AV. Carns, Heads, Bonds. Labe's Circu lars, ,bow Cants, Lnplonas. YortralV, Cer.lncatestrlrepolts, Ineitatlnn Cards, An. Ay: Nus. 72 land 77 TlOrdst.. PP:an:glen. so , L'azr FAFT.nt psprarts.pirrsnuutiii PAPER. SLASTIPACTURING COMPANY. 61 Third Street, keep cons an ba,d. and for sale. at loweslonszket rates. NE% ' TACK. MANII LA. HARDWARE.. set unfit, Mr.L.T.and WIOAPPENtk.PAPkits- , 30.1 tku,,,, as.orteet slow In Warehouse. Clinton JAIL at ktelibtitylAS: (Jan. , • EMS A SITU!, r7oti d 5 riotwx.EEFER, LOT, rorts.. tua 1.. W. J. HOLLAND CM l'lthr.ttmll. Pa.. or Columba,. . W !‘ „ S .. ; ; Ii , for P. re, to Introduce Comukon Sen, and fee:ed. I. It 111,1, it net., goat. no., enobr , .l or I, atztlfull)-1,1, only $2O--ron I, - log Ili , rinktlr w•rrantrtl Lon , neon.. pip 111 , +no,. wart.. or • COl.l - , enk - 10..1 , -1.- ma: altount ,ao made. roil I. n.LIVWEIt 4 S PO, OCR, No. 205 , S. rill 11 en• AA Utter, , Insnwca ta , tapu,„ terms. n,, , - - - A G ENTS lIV ANTE') N ..1.11 , 1,1013K, NOW WOMEN OF THE WAR. - B y ?RANK IVA 'Ur, we, .1 "The liebellfou Thy nlth7ct of to work to collect and present narratlt cs of the sarnlccb of ll,r a0..11 who slo, the ..tlaof the w , ar.entl [nigh, to Inherit Its gho Th e , tam... contains shout • 1100 eclat pages, nod Is hattattol with steel plate tolttratts, .engrarc , l In the most Improved style..,sold only by subscription. For llrenlara, aCrcat nr apply In I= MERCHANT TAILORS. HAIRY HALE, zu -- EROHANT TAILOR NorthivOg Corner of Penn 4 St. 6air Ste. Largo and Carciully Sokol:11 Stuck MEM W. H. warm, No.lo Si. Clair Slreet, McGEE, tiT TAILOR, 1:0. 10 I'olo,looi IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. RUMMEL RA:BER M=UMMI TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c, EXCIELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS. R. It W. JENKINSON. NUTACTI:4I:II.!. Of ALL Els°, lrobareo, Slain! and Cigars, tio. 6 FE:W.:CA.I4 KTRFET, 12=1 EM=M= SEWING MACHINES, No. 27 Fifth Streit Mil