The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 29, 1866, Image 1

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Peni#man,. Reed & Co.,
No.. 06 f'if'th Eitroot.
F. M. PENNI!!! AN,
a. tram.,!..
.. la. HOUSTON. $
DI ELDON. V. HEED, Mumllol4l
Blues . Coyle(
Deltiered by cearler, (Per 'reek,
Half b , obtetibers. (Per year)
Linerat reduction■ to Newsboy, and Agents
• OF GAZETTES mailed to a party in the
eastern end of the State, tun one•third of
them fail to reach their destination, being.
stolen by postmasters or.,their clerks. NOw,
we do not✓blamo Conserrativo officials for
wanting to read. Nvbie, we prlitt: fit far
they how good tenke and taste; but we
protest againt the gratification of this laud
able curiosity by means of potty larceny.
If they want to enlighten their ignorance,
let them pay the cost of instruction with
out grumbling. if they must crib news
I)lpri.s that do, not belong to them, let theni
take those of their own' party, and plead,
as they reasonably may, An justification,
that there was uo value in, what they took.
A. IC. McOrman, under the signa
ture of Musks, in the , fast Issue of the
Cluimberaburg'Repooite4, made some wild
and misleading figures do the Senatorship
question. Po rinstance, he credits Philadel
phia with having fifteen members of the
two Houses of the General Assembly;' of
these he gives seven to CURTIN, three to
CA Kum; and holds five doubtful. Now, the
facts are,Thilad alphla has four Senators and
ejghteen Representatives, making twenty
two in all, instead of fifteen. If the other
seven are not pledged to any body and are
riot doubtful, what is to become of them?
• (IV.NTLF:MEN who Claim to be thoroughly
iilf.nuicd about the matter, say. the South
cru expect .the Constitutional
atueudinent to be ratified; that when it
become part and parcel of the organic
law most, if not BOuthern States
will - consentdo enfranchise the blacks upon
condition that the disabilities impoied Tfy
the third section are removed. It is said
South Carolina will lead the way. The
dangCr is that having got rid of Ahe penal
ties of the third section the Southern con
itniions Would be changed so as to ex-
Chide the blacks again.
•Lasr spring, when: the French Emperor,
through his Minister at Washington, prom
ised to recall his troops from Mexico in
three installinenbt, the first, at the begin
ning of the present month, we took occa
sion to say - .. the Bonapartes were not fa
mous for telling the truth, and that the
troopswould not mavens agreed. October
cattle, but thelir4 division of the French
army has not, gape from Mexico. It waif
never : go .because. the Emperor has
pledged Ails 'word, hut only because he
linda the Movement necessary. ,
• A mitunke of the Virginia Legislature
who, when it was rumored that General
Butler was to be appointed to the command
of nivlimohti, offered a resolution that the
i;eopli, be notified to bury, their "portable
rropeity," is Mr. Wemmick termed it, has
turned out u defaulter to the tune of flfty
thousand dollars. He eridently btiried
',aye body's pttoperty where the owner
c••old 'not tin'd it. lie is about a fair sam
ple of the 'whole bit of menwho deal in that
sort of stiff. •
A. NEW plain has been firoPosed for sup
plying London with water. It is no less
lbw constructing an acqueduct from Mar
ten Mere, on 'the borders. of Wales, to the .
high grOunff about ten miles north of Lon
don,. a distance of one hundred and eighty
three mas. The calculation is that water
can be oidained by this. method sufficient
to supply eeven millions' of people, or four
millions mnre thrmthc - present number of
inhabitants. '
Wishn Mr. Johnson came to the Presi
dency/he found the editor of the radical
nrgan Postmaster at Cleveland, Ohio. He
held on to bin. for awhile. Then he turned
bins out, and put in the editor of the con
se rra.] re organ. Last week he turned bins
nut, and pus In the editor of the copper
-head ingan. This is an apt illustration of
the Rogue's March.
dm.unLsts to the threat to indiethim for
exciting insurrection in Maryland, Colonel
Forney keenly says: • •
"Our fate is evidently sealed. Never_
having counterfeited money, got drunk in
the &mate chamber, poisoned cities, starv
ed prisoners, assassinated it white man, or
murdered a score of blacks, we arc remov
ed trim the pale of Presidential pardon,
and lutist prepare for the worst."
G C.N. HAILTRANFT, Auditor General of
Penusyl;mila, has accepted a commission
as Cotonel in the- regular army, and will
leave Ilarrithurg on November Ist. This
gives the filling of the vacancy for two
years to Go , . Curtin. It looks now as int
Chester county would get the place.,
SOILE. of the Fenian invaders of Canada
have been tried, and convfeted. The Fezi
lans are surprised that Great Britain re
fuses to recognize their foray as a legiti
mate war. Borne other people ore not.
Ttta Presiders hi fast taking all the Cop
perhead candidates, who were defeated in
the October elections, under his special pat
ronage. As fast as vacancies can be made
lie Is shoving them into snug offices.
I Gov. Stuacri has resolvcd to removo 4 the
Police Commissioners of Maryland Ware
the November election. Where a will of
this sort exists, reasons will ho found to
assign in the public;
- _
TaglinionPacilic Railroad excursionists
arrlyed 'at thii one hundredth meridian on
the 26th inst., and spent the day in hunting
and fishing. On the next dqy they started
on the return trip..
- _
TEE 'Newark Advertiser predtcts that
with a vigorous effort there will be a Re
publican gain of two membersof Congress
in New Jersey.'
EVIDEFICF. anew:Mates that the Emperor
Napoleon is in a hopeless condition of
health, and that his death may be expected
at any ntoment. -
E. lit:Weennunt<E. of Illinois, it
compelled by condition of Ida health to re
frain irom taking part in the canvass.
Pon the year ending June 00th,11305, the
excise uis was Feld on only 47,106,449 tops
of coal mined in the United States.
TEE Rending Journal is for ben. Came
lon rut United States Senator.
Tag :Choleril, luys dleappeatcd from
Vbicagar : -
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VOLUME Lam.---NO. , 2
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The South Athericaili War.
, .
ScW. Venn, Oct. 27..-Tae Parts correspond
ent of the Times, writing from Faris, under
date of October 16th, gives the follow ing ae
the upshot of the Mexican matter as TICASTA
from tliat.point:
, •
The polio - adopted by the French govern
ment on the Mexican' question is not simply
limited to the Wltlidrawal of the army of Oe
enpatiOn. It embraces three other important
measures connected with the first, Lie settle
ment of which will probably occur all at once
lie all to facilitate the evacuation of Mexico
and put forever an end to Me Intervention' of
the French la that country. The first of these
measures has for lie object to secure the
French debt; the second has reference to the
immediate abdication of Maximilian; the
third alum at the restoration of the Mexican
republic under the presidency of a native
born leader, who will not have been compro
mised in any of the, civil struggles, anti who
will then be enabled
to oiler himself to the
choiceof the nation without much opposition
ft um any quarter.
Unless aonie more satisfactory way of pay
ing the French debt be tonna tho French gov
ernment will stick to the contract passed with
at.ixlmillan, and will. in consequence, occupy
the harbors of Vera Cruz, Tampico, Ihasatt,,,,
andothers, where she will collect half of the
custom - hour° duties which have been ceded to
her in the aforesaid contract, but lithe United
states were willing or deserving to take the
place of France and collect, themselves, the
aforesaid revenue the French government
would make room for them and abandon Mex
leo entirely, on condition that they should
guarantee the French debt, for the payment
of which, the most liberal terms stupid be
' The World's Buenos •Ayres correspondence
of September 12th. gives the 'following Intelli
gence of the war between Paraguay and Bra
zil, and the prerent situation of tin...hostili
ties: . When, to 18fif, Bra nil aided General Flo
res In Me rebellion In 17mm:thy. Lopez sent a
messenger toasty, that he would not permit it,
but Brazil proceeded and carried the Flores a armee:Mint revolution, and Lo
pez sent hn array to take Matto Grosso, a rich
Brazilian province. This he still keeps. What
the Argentine itepublic refused •to give him
permission to mesa her territory to Invade
Brazil, be began acts of hostility against tier
at once, without notice or declaration of war.
With varied fortune .he has, carried on-this
war, first Inshaultig his republic and then Bra
zil. and afterwards he retired among his own
jungles and swamps. and as soon as the invad
ing army was across the river ho has set down
below them not 2,UtO yards distant and there
he has remained lor these four months.'
Fort Humana its nix leagues above the con
fluence of the Peragnaykind the Parana Rivers.
It is at a bend of the river where the channel
bank narrow,rtnil yards.
the fort extends,og tee
or 1,500 yards. the Fort and
two hundred piece att empt sn can play at once
on anything. that to pass. Below
here is a Sunken stone teat; opposite there aro
. two heavy chains across the river. About two
leagues below this is Fort Cnrapolte. with but
few grins, MB with three lines of defences
landwards anti a sa,,tion fleet in the channel.
The allies entered I'n raging at Fos t
which they took anti NOW 11.111 - , end In the same
pOsittOn taken four ligo• Several eit-
Vera engagements lia,re rimed with every
There IB leases to believe that the Paragua
yans are nnunimons in thin o ar, and the sol
diers of their own accord seldom, It over, sur
render. It Is believed that , r.Loper has
camp now twenty thousand men. with Paul
seas at Hutualta and at Curapolte. All along
from the Estero Bullet° where the army now
is, to the capital, there is a system of defence,
among the passes of swamps. For months the
fort Cnrapolte has been In the way of further
progress of the fleet.
On September first an effort was made to re
duce It. A forest of toasts .moved up Paraguay
river, and about a league below the tort in.
masked battery opened on the ships with thir.
teen well directed gnus. They all drew off
but six Iron-dads which stood in tozether .all
day. A temble and - oustmate lire way kept
up from the river and shorc.• Once an Iron
clad, leaving a port-hole open, received two
sholle through tt, killin ten men.
at morning the firing was resu g
med. At two r. e
the ships landed a force to attack by land, end
at the acme time a torpedo was sent floating
up the .current toward the fleet. It struck the
BAG Dc Janeiro, the best ben-lad In I lin navy,
and blew het up. She cost 1,75.0e1, and, it is
said, had on board three hundred men. The
fight went on and the Battery of Curugu fell
Will Brazilian Meade.
At sundown the allies report killed and
wounded one thous:Ma, The loss of Paraguay
is not yet known. Two bomb
laste In jured besides the iron clad. litho mo
ment the Paraguayans In fort Curngn spiked
their guns and blew no their magazine,. The
place was deeply and widely mined and the
mire was great. Brazil has ordered up ten
thoneand fresh troops and this republic Beetl
ed onifor three thousand more. The loran, of
the allies, now number about three hundred
thtmsand. Two young Americans are Waking
torpedoes for the PareaMayans.• •
- ••
Government Lends Entered lin lone
Receipt* of Interned Itevenne-21intinn
al Currency.
Vir sours Gros, October 27.—The COLDMISSIon.
or of the General Lend .01111ce bee received to
turns from the Branch Land °Mc:Etat Milligan,
lowa,' showing that during bunted:titer twelve
four hunded mud
acres of the
Public Lands were o n to red that State for
actual ettleinent.
The receipts from the internal Revenue to
day were 4716,1n5i. The receipts from lito
first of July, the commencement of tile pros
' ent fiscal year to date, amount to $131,975.410::0.
No new National Banks were organized last
National Bank Rotes were twined during the
week to the amount. of $459,383, making the to
tal in circulation up to date $`1,01,0.v.i.
The Government holds securities as follows:
For circulating notes, $335,533,593, and for de
posits of public moneys with designated de
positories, $33,735,95 0 1 total, S3M,IALSO.•Frac-
Llonal currency was recalVed frOm the Print
ing Duman during the week to the amount of
$%-8,30e; shipped to Assistant Treasurers of
National DCOOSIT.Orii.. and Nationul Banks,
$39,393,050. nedeeia ed. $370,350 '
Tne followlug is a statement of the fund In
the cash vaults to-day: trailed States MACS,
$3,333,030; National - Bank notes, $140.719; Frees
Lionel Currency, $215,8411 Gold, $144,771; Silvee,
$3,733 . Cents, $330; Three cent coin. ILMO —total,
The Louisville Mayoralty.
Loa layiu,s, Ky., Oct. 27.—1 n April, leer, Phi
IP Toinpnert was elected Mayor and In Decem
ber was deposed - by the Board of Aldermen.
Subsequently J. S. Llttigocsl was elected May
or by the people. Tomppert brought stilt for
the oaten and emoluments of the mayoralty
before the Court of Common Fleas. Judge
Muir to -day decided In favor of. Llthgood.
bolding that the court could not. Inquire Into
the decision of the Board of Aldermen. Tow p.
pert earl lee the case to the Court of 4P.Pea lB .
In the United Btates"Court ThoS. Shmek,
Marion county, was convicted of &violation of
the revenue laws by selling whisky hearing
counterfeit Inspection Marks. Smock aids n
ed 01,619.
The Memphis Argue and Ovumerrica\ti se
been con s olidated.
Cotton Is coming In freely. • All branches of
business aro dull. Yolney heaves ball was re
:focal to $lOO which he procured and he was
lbe LealUmn Conatftollooal Cour en
' Chin to be ne-sissensbled—Tbe Colton
Crop. •
New OIILICANB, October 0.7.-11 in reported on
good authority; that Governor Wells. and
Judge Howell; who claims to bo President of
the Coast ltutional Convention of 1654,are about
' reeonveidng that body and hold elections to
fill the vacancies.. The Governor says ho has
asvtirances from leading members of Congress
that he Will to sustained by forco If accessary.
A gentleman Jest returned front a tour
through the river parishes, report the etqlon
crop far smeller than neretofore stated, ilo
says Ave-eights of the crop is alrealn mar
ket from the rive[ region, and the ~lo ne a 111
soon be hem. The freedman's bureau °Melia
report says In Concordia parish, awe acres
were planted in cotton,, and only tics... thou
sand bales are made. 'mere will be great !ut
tering among agricultnrallsts,
. -
Tennessee Mato Convention,
N55.8,711.Z.14 Oct. e7.—Vie Mate Convention
Met to -day. There was '.no enthusiasm. Not
over one hundred persons were present. Ed
mond Cooper was Cliosen President. Besot,
tiOns were .adopted endorsing the Vhiladel.
Mita platform and the President's iugicy,
urging the Conservatives , to pPrfect their or
ganizations and pledging resistance to the
Coostitutional Amendment; Stlgmatizing its
ratMcatlon by the Tennessee Legisl t atu body not
null and void.and appeal Leg to tha
to pus lows obnox io -.0.-us tort majority.
------- •
nearing of the Police Coaillassioorro.
1 DAvriiiou.Clotober 17.—Tb e examination et
W1LD6310 1 5 against the Police Commissioners
Lelors Governor hwenn,.was oontinned at An.
napolls today at three o'clock. The cede was
adjourned tilt Monday.
when it ii believed the
matter w ill be ended. - i
• .
Gov. Orr and the Amendment.
Coima, Oet. 47.—00 v. t h at an
thOt /WO ttl. HOUM Carolinian to say he b
utterlY W/ unequivocally oppomd. to the
Conatitutional Amendment *An wi a a t. re
commend MP eASOptiell; 1410
' 4r
1 uE FH N►4Ne.
The Uni.ed Statew nod the Fenian Sett
tences—Soto from Secretory Senortl—
The trecorda of the Camel to be Exam
ined anti the rrenident to Act Accord
leg to Inca.
New Yong. Oct. 29.—The following docu
ments have been received here: •
' W.s.iisoiTors, Oct. 2; 1814.
1). Thurston, Esq., Canna of Toronto. C'. 11.,
Dear Biri—For your information I enclose a
copy of a note of this date, which 7 have ad.
dressed to Plc Frederick W.A. Bruce, tile Brit
ish Minister here, noon tile subject of tile con.
vietldn and sentence of Jarnes Lynch and Mc-
Mahon by a colonial court of Canada, on tile
charge of complicity and Participation in the
late attack on Fort Erie. In accordance with
the purpose expressed In the communication,
}mime eXpected to procure without diqiiv,
;elm use of the Department, ii copy of the
.cord of the triad and conviction of Lynch
and McMahon, and also of all further Ii hits
and convictions of a similar chaiocter which
shall take place 11l Canaila,With the least pas
s Min delay after their termiontiOn.
1. am, sir, your obedient servaut,
(Sigiuel,) Wittlan 11. Selene! ,
• Deraarst ENT Or STATi., ,
IVASnixoTON, October 2), 151 St. i
Sini—ll is understood that James Lynch and
John MeSlation have befit recently minvicted
in a Colonial court of Canada, and sentenced
to tleatil upon a charge that, being eh isms of
tile United Slates, they were actors 11l the 10.
sault made in tile Month 01 June last Oil Fort
Erie, In thateolooy.` It eon Unruly' be neee.m.
ry to direct your attention te the fact that the
Government of the United Slates Is required
by the highest considerations of national .11 ..
nity, duty and, Loner to inquire into the legal
ity, testi.: an , Lregularity of tile judicial pt 0-
ceediuns which have thus taken Bacot, and
that after making sueh tie:L[oloi set tinny we
shall expect to make known to Iler alnje‘tv , s
Government such opinions as the Presidein,
Upon due eOnsidelat ion, Ann Wept.
• ith this View the Consul of the Foiled
States,-lit .Torento, is thin day instructed to
procure for the iniertnation of this Depart
ment a copy of tile sneer! of the trial amte•m-
VictionLynch' and MeMahon, and also of
all 1 tirther4rtalti and convleLlons tif a similar
•character, which shall take place lu Canada,
' While no nolleCessary delay In the examina
tions of the casensw filch lire then expected to
come beforli,this Government is bit.n.led, It .
may, ',clew Iniless, happen hereafter that de.
lays ally" unavoidably remit from past Mel. 1
dents or from !inure events which canuot nowt
be foreseen. . .
.1 have now the boner to request you to take
1 such proems' logs as you may, think peopocie
I Gm einl,•and teat mien application. of the con
sot shall bo promptly granted. The Presldmit
directs me to m. 0.: you of Ills conntleti,, led
hope that Der Majesty's Government um me
imy :cheerfully ...amity will, this, request. I
have thus made, but they' will; think it proper
also, •10 eXemille the .11.1,Clat pi ore., Mg.
aforesaid trait a carviut 1 egard to the rigid.
I of the United Stales, and to the nailintalhenee
Of goad tut:Lain:li between the I Ito calvaries.
such relations tire alwa:, 5. difficult .1.1 .1010
I cute In Slaws 'lint are tidiagiatt to each other,
without tieing separated in im w pannible Imo a..
1 dories. For Antis reason, it ould be very
gratifying to the President, if Yea should he
able to give Inc an assurance that the eteen.
I non elf tile sentelleeS pronOutteed Open the
CotiVietedl3 per_ was , w ill be ~Uspetnied, If oc
, canton fur - ihiltiv shall arise In the
manner before I Mentioned to ' matte It
desirable. Ti.ol v, 1 dn... it proper to say that
the onences iu.volved in these trialiare in the I
nature imminently political. It is the idiot
, ion of Oils •covernment Ilea • sound pot ivy
Coincides With till best maltase, or a lailevo
lent nature in 1 efTlintileacting telideriles., mu
m sty and torch - cote:nu. seen cases, Thi, , bug
gentlect IR MAUL: With fret:dela alai tianastras.,
because the sail opinallis were propo-sal to
ci s In our recent ivil• war by ail tile goy, :-
melts and puldle isles Ot heroine, and by hone
Of them with greater frankness and kind ne-s
than by the ii iverii mend and stalesalen of
Great Britain 1 um very sure that
you Will Ilia that these reisialincolia.
Owls of a pone •of clemency an I lorglVene-s
In the cam vs the parties concermnl, are
in entire harmony wan all tile su.mestleun
and reprenentatione wtoch thin Government
has made to Ile r Majesty's Government in i...
sera to tile liggrialsion. which hove Liven Made
on the Canadian frontier, and Unit they 'we
oleo In lisamooy with line proceeding" will , h
tills Government ban I !pinata it jest, wise and
prudent to purom In regard to the end: aloe
of It, own neutrality laws, welch w en Ini olv•
ed In these aggruSsionn.
the tumorwi th he blithest con
sideratioe, air, year Obedient t
( Signed,) W ;1. It. scw..o.
Tuff. lion. Sir Frederick 11'. .1. Bruer: -
the Fenton Priamicra—latmel 1 ittrati•
nese of the Canadians.
New Tons, October 2-_ , ..,..The I frruld'r To
ronto speteat s Lys: From all parts of 1 ile
provinces dispatches are cowing demanding
that no mercy-sheet' lot shown to the Fe:limn,
felled giant). I think It is eoulatui if the
Crown tine- 0,111 evidence cuing enough to
canine ,, lin:Jury that tile llne. •Dr. Linnsiles
was In tang way connected with the raiders lied
June. The Mycelia. wade lie tile Pentane , to
New York having the death of these Mtn il
eXecuted de groat Injury to the prisoners,
Petitions ' are to ha Circulated itennallAtely
and sent to the Governor G.:octal Ili Inc (Sr.
wooled to the Home Government to have tile
sentence commuted to inipri.ititistet. 'rt..,
unsOners wore arraigned and pleaded
not guilty. Their homes are David Wiinier,
Patrick Norton unit IMMO Monument. Fears
arc expressed by a majority 1,1 the peOple Ilist
the Fettle.. may escape before the day of Oleo
eXeCUI ion through tile all of their friends
from 1 he other Side, ,
'Ebel° are now in the City over live hundred
/rlshitinericans, apparently ont_of employ.
ment, and Waiting to do something which I
believe is to aid the prisoner,. confined In the
'old jail by overpoo et leg their gilitrds and
then escaping to the United Stales. The Fe
nian prisoners at Cornwall me to be Indicted
ou Monday for high Mason, and are to he
tried on the 10110W/ea' Weenie:Slay, If the
grand jury and trite bills against them. ,
The.Fenirtns in St, la/Ma—Committee on
irrAnnigetion ApToltiled.
ST. LOr ts, Oct. Di.—.fames. tephens illilmint
cd ten prominent Yellin in iii thin city
as fiCOMlnlttein on Organ igatiO n tor tile `laic
of Missouri, who nre to aliv supreme eiiii•
trol Of the Mot herhoo . i e n
this State,
movearo authorized to establish circles, coot
ion ottv'ers with military men In the in
terest of Ireland, collect money and our son.
Lariat for the use of the Irish It...public, and in
Uniteder wayscotunatible a iththe laws of the
States to serve the cause of Ireland.
The COMMltice Called eliOn tal friend , ' of Ire
land SO imtnediately organ... , and nut them.
selven in COulmllnleation with the Committee
anti from whom all necessary ittforinfition and
Instruction may he obtatiiml. A meetteg 01
the Penlans 11110 been c: fail for Tneselay night
to consider what tuition is necessary to be
taken lit the casco of Father .MeMithon and
Cot. Lynch, sentenced to, , leath by UM lirltide
Government. y .,
A Mnintio Vroteal. Agalnet
nta ;the Reseal of
• Fenian Tri.
BUFFALO, Oct. 23.—Thure wet a meriting to
night at St. James Hall, in response to thee:ail
iii yesterday's papers, and was fully attended.
Great nazism:re of liersee3 Were linable to gain
entrance to the hall. Among tile speaker/tans
Senator A. L. MOrrisOn. F. It. The object of
the meeting was to protest 'the festal of the
Fenian trials Mi.:atomis e and deViso means Or
at least threatea retaliation - If the sentences
anent' be carried Into effect. The Amerman
Slag, which, with the Irish National flag, was
borne through the ball, wits draped in anonym
log. Tile British Government and Canadian
°MGM'S snore dellOuiteml, and to greatest ex-
Citement and eaLlimiasin prevailed. A arcouil
indignation Meeting Will be lield to-inorrow
evening. •
Fenian Excitement in Nen York.
Now Ytnic. Oct. 21.—Tlic clCitement in tile
Toronto the Fenian trial. slid tiriltelleel ill
was lively yesterday. Mei threats 01
Beyer° retallatlOn arc heel) Made by the Pen
tane if the sentences siiiiiiiil be carried tato ,
e it e et. It is expected I hat um l'euselent will
intercede ln behalf of the urine Ornate prin.
Mien. - ,
A discovery was made yesterday by the
Clerked' the Court. of Common Pleas that the
name of JUdge Cardomi iptil been serge' u.,
several naturalization papers. •
Assault on n . Judge—Sudden heath
from Cholera—tiewYnoner Decided a
Felon. --,
Lonsvitte, October 27.—Judge Cral pi, ill the!
City Coast, was tlll5 Cretring liSnalltial liy_lio. ,
licarnan plater. Tito accounts of thu ground
fur the assault arc so conflicting that an its.
Milleation Must be had before the Canso
thereof can be ascertained.
W. C. Summerville, of Charlestown, Wert
irlrgtnia, was found dead Saturday morning
On the Stearner Pima D -; Imo, evidently from
cholera. A Chet rk
(luta , at Marlette, Milo,
for :weir.. thousand dollars was found Oil ills
Lnuliry.4ll,—lL is ritinOt en but discredited In
legal circles, that the Court of Appeals Ilan de
clded that eneral Palmer Woe guilty of felo
ny wasg in the escape ol sves while
he a commander of this military la district.
muse la lbe Department of Tes
PrOICIIt Simians. Gesm. Sheridan'. Lot
ter. •
'firm Onrreas, (Rd. rc.—tien.,lleintzletnau
bas succeeded Gen. (Jetty in command of tile
Department of 2 . 01119. 'lea mote companies
of infantry were ordered to Texas. All the
cavalry LIZ gone to the frontier.
Francisco I'. Me Castillo, representative lirt•
-pedal of the Mexican government here, pub.
ashes a Vboteisdt, age
sn r ixt e ti T li n lanicuage adopted
riTalleetlext:fiching,lll:xfeanintTrtsirs" unt
Tim steamer G 141,4 live salon for ELM:Lore.
. \
Visit of thogneen of Denmark—Reform
Demonatentlona—Napoleojea Health—'
snanereettons. dm.
NeW Yens, Oct. iN.—The steamships Dent
zehl and. Allenumia, from Southampton on the
17iji. arrived this morning.
F.sotaxit.—The Queen of Denmark to on a
visit to the Prince and princess of Wales, at
the Marlborough House.
London.—The London Slue says: Col. Taylor, I
the Government whipper-in, has forwarded a
circular to the conservative agents throughout I
England, urging them to devote special atten
tion to the new Register, as an appeal to the
country will belnade next session. -
Great reform demonstrations are to be held
in Loudon, Edinburg and Glasgow.
Five hundred thousand pOundala expected
in London. from Australia at the end of the
Fourteen hundred English VOlttateets, now
In Brnssels, aro being feted In a most princely
manner. The King has invited them to a
grand banquet.,
FILINCE.—Ts.O Berlm correspondent to the
London Times says: According teat:ahead° In
telligence received hero Napoleon's health has I
not Improved by his sojourn to Biarritz, al
Ills recovery is probable. Thu other
alternate does hot seem to be any longer ex
cluded. -
• The Biarritz correspondent says: The Em
peror looks remarkably well and daily takes
walking exercise.
Buttons are current In Paris of Ministerial
Ivstv.—General Menabrea has banded over
to the Austrian Government eight hundred
and seventy-one and a half =Pitons 'lvrea,
being the Italian indemnity, and at the game'
time he•recieved from Count- Mendeaorff the
iron crown of Lombardy.
Thu subscription to the Italian national
loan bas been loot successful,'
Itatillcationeof Um treaty of peace between
Austria —and Italy have 'meta excnanged at
The Italians will enter Verona on toe lath
and Venice on the 19th.
Austria agrees to the Italian propoaltlon
that the Venetian soldiers In Austria should
not be returned to Venetia during the pre- -
valence of cholera.
ALTA.—Fifteen quarantide is imposed on
arrivals frinn Ireland and Scotland.
The cholera has appeared at Japan. Marsala.
Ti:,, Prussian Governor of Schleswig has
.prohibited the raining of suhscrlptions by the
Owlish inhabitants for tile purchase of a won•
ding gilt for the Princess Dagusar,
Tile 31attrid lien declares that Spain most
obtain satisfaction (coin Chili by force, and
u.lvoeates the re Lennon of the Chincba Island.
littssta.—The statements that thaerar Is
and tile resignation of the Itussian Ministry,
are devoid of truth.
The insurrectimir in Almsco and Daghestan
have been suppressed by the Russians.
CAN eta.—The insurgents have determined
upon an energetic prosecution of the war.
The Turks have evacuated CandOra, in Can
ilia. They hail lost In one engagement i,PS
killed and :ha wounded.
'fee Bottle of Esmiquitplan—ltelsien
Legion Cat to Pieces—French Troops
Leasing—The President and the ro
11101.—Lower.letilllornla Land Grout.
WAsilinoron, October Mexican Him
i.tei has reemveil di.patches from the city of
Puebla, Mexico, emirate ing the °Metal report
of the battle of lxinlquilplan, where the
Itehrian legion was entirely cut to pieces.
Colonel Vanderswisseu, tint Belgian NW-
mender, attacked littind inlet:in, a place thirty
'imams from the City el Mexico, defended by
31exicans, n lie repulsed the Belgian dealon
tration: The liclgtan legion lost twenty;
Sefllicare ktlls.l on the :TO!, The legion retired ;
to Tut am, scoring their artillery and trains Ic
the hands ot the Ilexicain... The officers who
s urvived the battle have since embarked at
Vern Crim for Belg MM.
The IttilOwing is a trandation of a letter re
ceiveil here to-day:
V rue Cnc,, October 1ii,1566-1.1 P. x.—The St.
Mn tat re steamer arrived here early this even- '
linc,General carat:Man being on board. Ills in.
Mrtiet lons are to send to F ranee In two de.
tuchincois all the troops that are
here. lie brings besides a message
from Napoleon. tO 211Artrnillan, advt.
Ing hint to itNlivitto 'ill favor of anybody
lie pleases Mal it, go home. lie Is, authorized
10 rat:: the protection of the
French Il to, with It View; that he :may return
safety to Meramera. Marquis lie Gallliet, has
110 mission of env kind, and be only comes to
Join regiment mid return to France.
General itarsine mune to Puebla to meet
General Castleman. 'the general feels very
s ore against f millian for the very Illscreds
Rattle reports that Empress Carlotta has
spread In Europe.
It Is Understood the President has interpn..
ed the geoid tames lit behalf id Lynch anti Me.
Melton, retentiii.eOurietell lit Canada fur Fe
' tilnit Utoreniedlir lit t at Colbny, and has ex•
io hopes that tier Mallisty's government
ill exercise them ercy, emit sty. anti for.
The grant for the colonization of the want
lungs i
of Lower California to an American
en or „c.„ O. tiarristm,• caluti
L William m i l
S. Butler, Fran- I
et. Ed n 11.1,1 i%anfortl, Wllitam
and others, has rece
ty hi - en count hied by the Juarez government,
and the 11A1 tie, rectintlylecerved their formal
,irder of p05,,,1011 1111 .0,1 g 11 Me.h. 11
‘ lll,
I-ter et Washington.
Tor, grant, it Maybe recollect wan made ex
terior to the arrival of Alasimillau la Mexico.
can-elplently its title Is hell' to lie without eh.
Jet . lion, lend also that Lilo great to en titrieri-
COMpiil/Y makes It an Americas interest,
a 11 ielt Is entitled to American protection. The
Colonists are authorized to make all necessa
ry. laws Mid tee tllllllOns for their government
pro% Ided they IS sot entigiCt with the GOnetis
lotion and general laws of the Liepublic.
The articles of egret:melt are very liberal
to ,tlin parties directly• interested, it radoig
I,W Ihe policy encourage the telt
alrallOn of Attiltriettti citizens fur the %level
potent of the resource , of the eolliptry,
no for front Its being true, as has boon stmt.
1, that. the French government hits intimated
I,l , ll'llokt of tuna fur the withdrawal of
olit;t1 ovens from Mellen, the accounts re.
”ivini la thIS city, iallivitto that they will all
olopOrii lona that conutly in a Innen
hur t r perl,l Of itl/0 than tht heretofore
Itaitow,l lry tint French governament,
Erialen.. Before GOT. Swann—So Troll.
illy Auelcipairal—Ortepe - to Enter
Mexiehr 117satii Lien. Nherldau Consent..
N ,tv Vellll, Oct. llcrolel'a Annapolis
peelel ray The ellttninatlon of the Police
Commissioners of Baltimore as continuel
tsderdav and much evidence showing the bad
clittractei of tin eleetien jtelgtl, special con
stant,. :del police appointed ny the COMMIS
- elicited. It is bellowed that the
Clonisiksioners will be relieved and no diffi
culty la bared in the event of such merino.
Tr., New °rheum special of t ho 27tli
says: Thu Mexican Consul was hero to•daV und
enquired ut the Military headquarters if ur
lege. would he prevented trout entering Mobl
co. The Commander was absent, bet Adito
taut General Crosby enlvised lam that 0rt.,,-
- ups eleell.l not attempt to leave until the Gen
eral returns to-morrow. I MeV. Wet a large
burro ready en the Rio Grande to cross with
hin, le policy of the Government Is
clearly defiOned. not be pertnitted
ioenter Mexico at present.
Saida Anna point:thee a letter In which he
denounces the plan which u Boston Journal
has attributed to the : American Government
of guaranteeing the debt clime by LlaXlMlllan's
ridiculous Emiptretti Fraser, In consideration'
of the ce,siOn to the United .Slates of a portion
of Siesienti territory. He says: "Mexico has
nothing to do with th is debt, and will not pay
it.' At all events the people.of Mexico through
Its Congress 411 deente What 'ls to lw done
with it."
The sengeuro of Fenian Colonel , Lynch
_fitsaineels Gamest I.4ettlell.
Now Vona, October 'd7.—The Express
says . The eentenco of Coronet ; Lynoh
to duh,
continues to be ex
citing Wpm° in Fenian circles. There
sent to be general linpresslon among the
hood. that tile Sentence will not bo
carried out. and that the prisoner will be sent ,
to Jail for lite. Tills anticipation hex halPthe
effect of materially modifying the feeling .
against tho Canadian Government, which
would otherwise exist. It iri lincierstood that
irouri meeting will be called in this city. to
ex pre , . ,yinputhyf with Colonel Lynch and Ire
ssoci4tes, awl talco steps to l procure his rei.
_ The ease of IJi notice it ilql.lllcr doing Mug
ness lit New tow,,, L. 1., an i kezierti. lion S
Shatter, distillers, at the corner of Franklin
and Flat bush Avenue. whose places were seiz
ed by the Government in August last, for the
fraudulent anutacture Of whisky, were to ho
tried in the Untied states Circuit Court. thin
morning, hot the casts were settled by the
payment of Ono handfed WM . nine thouteeht
t theier. to the Govcriviient , by Mr. Bohm., rind
thirty-two thousand dollars hy Messrs. Roo I
shatter. •
The Anteeedent• of tot: Lynch.
Lou my mix, October 1.8.—0 n the authority Of
Cal. Starr, minima:Ming the late Fenian ex
red loon v,,,w here. WO Plate that the Colonel
Lynch convicted and ectitenced to be hung at
Tmonto Was a hook-keeper 111 a Mercantile
house in thin city, end Itull Mint with the re
malt es pod It lon by his um ployera, Ile uo
rook in [Lo Pehltin organization, aid not
belong to the expedition. He accolnPauloll It
merely as an adventurer to report to the em
ployer, C.I. Starr ellfered Lynch u COMMIS.
Mon which Lynch refinied to accept.
From Nan Frantlica—lllezlean natters
SAN FYANCINCO, October l7.—A letter from
General .51ontegro, dated Acaqmleo. October
'l7th, informs Iho imperbil Consul here that
the campaigns against tho liberals in Guerrero
wall about to be opened vigorously.
The steamer ACLIVO, from Victoria has ar
rired, bringing $3.2.c00 tresaure. Governor
Kennedy and totally were among the pawns.
Dlnastrcium ItelTtle Of the.lrrosts, 10
AUGUST•, Ga, Oct. 2 1 3...../1CC011111.5 from the
interior represent that the recent' frosts nave
killed vegetation. nod that there can bo 1110
mom maturing cotton WU.
BIONTIt.e.AI,, C. W.. October 2L—Niine Witt,
Lynch, the who has been sentence.] io
death at • Toronto, MUCII
here. The ;Prams newspaper a. not in favor
of carrying out the sentence, nA' there atlas 11 I
13V11.1elleC that lie actually coinuili tort utnrder,
1119.11111 e Was purely political. Another wares
of war material has aril red frnin
Quenge, October Mono, Iron, the
Royal Artillery, died last night front In; nth,
received at the late lire, while rmilleried
tune°. •
Twelve preseeutions were issued yesterday
from the neeOrder's Court for erecting wood
en buildings in the burnt district.
The City Council has decided to erect a tl
egraph fire alarm throughout the city.
Snow fell last night; depth, oil
Important Railroad nenntlrem.
FOZTIMS MOIIIIOE, 00,1-I.—lmportant. rail
road pleasures have Wel; been consummated
in Norfolk which will prove of vast advantage
to the town and railroad intermds of south
Virginia. General Mahone, accompanied by
Robertson, of the Georgia We,. ern
Atlantic Railroad 'Company, O. It. Branner, •
President of the Rust Tennessee and Y irg lam
Railroad, and others, have arrived lit Norton:
on a War of inspection of various roads be.
preen there and the Mississippi Valley. A
ssttefaetory arraimemeht 11111iie :Ma a
schedule of freights has been entered Into
seblell .111 give a through eouneet em tot rate
and travel hot ween New Vora tool Al
lied cod Low. oll.lfo,
devaka an, October tiS.—Tb'e brig Nora, finch
Savannah to Cardenaa, a lilt - lumber,was
wrecked and abandoned I went yfillvo
from Cape Canan - oar Light, on the tab in.c.
William C. Waters, 111.1. mat n 4 nipd ont , colt - den
seaman dlml , and the Captain :nal one man
are Whiling.Gudtave Weide, seeona and e,
Mimi colored neaincn, it. boy ntol one 11,1 , 1,1.
gem exeaped Oka raft and arriccd Jack...m
arine. •
• it tcastout ,
Ball %VII, played a11t,110011,1.k , i , c•
National Clam' ami the Pa•-I Sow
club of till; city, re,alting to III!!;!1$1
latter. Eight inning, were playeli—N at icmal,
7N; Pastime, IS. ,
Gold apt Shipped trots
New Yong, Uct. 11r•rohk,
worth ollqmteh says 1r25 m JJJ (.1
were-. 911 I p pelt I rum Colon,to duel ti it the week
muting the which is au IllercA,lt . 2.10
011110.1 carer the shipment, or the yr, ion
Funeral Of Ilreirieli—Grand i:oorlic for
II . Widow.
The remains of t to• cift,
etance4 Of whose murder were ably 'report ..s1
fn prevluit4 109 ees of Ile , u.rc h, Wt.f.• I•llried
yesterday from his late reselence in Birming
ham. The fume., Was attemle , l by 0. t tit C.OL:
COUrSO Of jlL.olol,l‘lllollg. W/10111 were the mem
bers of therllnert:et..te termsl bv, t ee t ,s;
cities with their lest 1,1111.•11).. NV I, Li, I it , 01.-e.
gales ware In itragte7-11.t• :al 00 , tn.. , - ‘;•;•.xl •
hy tin, .;; al no 1101. n; tail tio ~.0 It , aat.
tier ofbraia iiisLtUnicat , , iittilto l . In ;;;;.•-.t.1 -f.i.
t .ton ;Urge tor 11, inn, nth, .:.iit 01.4; It.t ;1.1;•ti
harried In-ill li. , nonhl ihtoa t tit in, t ".% n..
itt 01 utt unprlno Joie.: it i;.;rtnto.
In nit to telt., n I;;;• 0 .1.r. , ;lf II;;1 , .:. r..:. .-
ed. lilanattt, Ilt•tni• 1, , ,, VII 1 , /ti 011 , t ilt t.!
wlit.,"e Thentro 11.-.)ruin. w.l, Ant.0 . n0.; , 1; 11 .1.. : : •
ranged 0. bell 111 fon hi, Iti 111, 1, , ,.., .11, i,
tattles °lion tV,bbetbit nib, b , .00. 1 ... 70 , -
gradlnto %VW COTININt 14 Ittmigham'- , 1 , PTA],
' or .. .1 genlletoan (roan In ,•;.00l." In ~. 1,, z n‘•
t 1
great !attar will /Win-Ar t I"; Intynot ‘ o1;10 - 1.•••:;•;1
for the hetan+ittit, and 0 toLlttnt tall .I,tl ..;
by ant orclo,nra. ini4,, 17711 V-11,1. 11111,1 , 1-01,
.4'.'ititell will lat mail , tlo ot tn, nolt . ilig lot -
1111,1 able many of in atinal
Great %Vesturn Ile not, 1,... , 1..t . P.. (Vi i.. . • tin- .V-
ingtOn Cornet 11,1.1. ieol , r, %V. P..;,;i0, , ;ono! ni
& Tenrge's 11.tud, It a•il'i t , tit'... 1 t-t•t tt, Ita;.•
pet,' Rana, leader, 11 irpn•i'; "; , or. , ii , . , '.. 'L•
fatwattn, lw.tatsr, .1. k., ilartell nut ~.... l'Ut ,
1 Illtrga Theatre llrehtnitre., lc id,. t:no. 11 tt I.
'flat'll.itt , lVAl part of 1110 enb•rtn . .onn..or ‘,ll
; ennedat of p.nin tronn)the xr , ..a "1.,0.;;..., : t t.i
In our Judgment is 1:1 l tiro , o, vlO tw.uo f
ny • , 1
, Lino progrannuto. ; -
1, TIM entire rec.;opt•• ,01 •tho Innt. , .tin 1;;•
{Wren 10 AP , . 11;nirlelt, 11r. 11,101, , ,, , , i,,,,
non the eXpb useh'of t t0 , 1100...tr0: o: i 0... .. a
Private exch.,.itoo, w lob , lb, )0,140, n au
1 all have kindly colon tyre, 1 lor Co, 0t.....n0n.
1 Tickutit of nitnnbsrlon to All .it•t•: ot. tin; Ilt,lt•lt
/ fifty cent`, to let bail ilOO at. all IL, tnti.iit tn.:
! bounc atttruti, anti at 'the b0x..4•01. , - or Ow
Allegheny Ironnty'reneiter, cm.
motahlywvcii4 , ;..t • 4.144 4 . trxr.7. , . 4,4• L.l
of tearlient,n4ii.ili ham ••-•
hit operinn
belil rita tiiintorklay is t lie W,,i Ii•
(lunar,. Penn
3leser, 8. F. rat tel , oll rtll.l 1.11 f
and methn,:o tt!lirtlin;.: •1311'
enl Both gentlemen tool:
• aeleibil education Omni , ' uteri ilt-
Iluenee In develnplng O.: tut ori. men. 1.1 nor
present method 1.110 111. Inez y lino!, Ind diet tl
ha tee:manor pow. exerelt..l i•Lit Tie.
Teaeliers should be limns hi more in
with the moving ICOrla ftIOLIII.I 1115•1", ;01 , 1
. to be Inset lea] In tllO r el Lire
Mr. lieOrgt, ii. 11 , Ifit follow t . . 1 to I&r Irr only
prepared lecture on the “tedeher,.. ~,, it....•'
Me delineated eery iiectiostele the
responsibllltit,,l ells and it .
teacher's orb Thu lect are eoetdii.....l in
valuable -Suggeillong, e4pecittliy yodog
tensors. -
Miss Martha fill‘3l it
re.' 41.,,Lay 1,1110 , 1,
. "Thu County ilupertritmoleney—lts rifest oii
l ; tour Schad . ," It w tilde prod.:l.lmi awl
adltdrably read. In her Opinion the Lou illy
Suptirinledelezeiy hay riot been n
Teachers ate
aril reMtcrtol luau 10:1 - 111erly.
she considers 11,2111 t Of I
, man pi/win. N 1 1 ,4 rids lent; nerinpied
eminent la. leaciter, :LW! 1.111”....
anti The 4. , .nn . I.ltnOt le.
espy,ritl too to
tilts city paper....ind nil to 10,4 ed 111 lie••
c't tottr 1.111.1t0 ~.11.,111.1 v.k tIIIV
, read it.
A Noppnwed 110 l Klnr Arre• led.
About 'llO ,3
114:la 4111 , -1 11 1,1.1) . 11:;111 1
t:eorire Blakey, residing on the crit nor tit
cock and Hope st reei,
awakened lay a toe., 1 I,totte pc,...1111 11.1.
onileavorlng to rotor the eeemel .tory I
which looked out upon the root 41 II
Silo aroused her liteitnool 41111 rolled 11 1, :1 1..•1/-
lion to the (net, lilt he 01111101112 11 , 1 11 1.10,1.111
to Investigate the calls.: lit the h" , "•
llinkey I,llllllted oat at the too et her voice
"murder" 11/1.! 111'1, l" 1111,
4,111110 W Jtoit ttaiiii to eve a matt sn lug loot.
nett Orr the corner of the poreh and he., 11 11/1
alight on the pavement beneath. o gentle
men, named Ala 1,11101 Rllll MeElhany, were the 110100 anon they lieura t ile tottery,
and rushing to Where they 'I the time eal,
the mulderi tlegeent.,. they ,10,1 him aryl
conducted him to the Allegheny tootle., w hero
! he yet remain. Ile gave ills name tot %V 1 Ila ut
- ' • -• •
. _
- Beat in lied.—An old man natro..l
O'Kane came to tho °Mee of Alderman I, sieu
on haturflay,and wade oath agalfea NV 111 MM .
Burros for tenfault hatteryf fe1...! alleg
e. that he was 1)1141Sleep ill 1111 Ii0:114111g
boom MI AVI•11110, (halm enter
off the chamber In if :date fel intoxication mid
committed the offence etated by :dill: ma . the
defendant Wino beast a Ulu in. hool-Jaelf..l.lll
- his hair, and Wherein ,
nla ulil[Cd Url. wan arregellloAvlault an. '
to Jail [ora hearing tI,•,J.Y,
Inursktry.—Lato on Saturday night, or at
au early 'Mar un SandaV laarning.lho
deuce of Jitmen C. It, Anawalt., Ott Centre
uue, Wax entered and'it , l,t , e.d of t0e:43 , 41 va
dollars In cash, a numtryr of private
among winch WWI it prUliiih,liry nine for .17",
anda COnSaltrilde ,inantil!, w.entlklll.oo4
WParila; app,atel, TM: lota glata villa:Led an
Olaf anen into the dva ny tak inn .41 na ,
ofdial,lnlidnra 11..nt tanlol.l wll.lm,
In lila rear or the hos., No Co, to Ulu Iltlevr,
henyet talen oldnowd. •
A New Paper.—We rover:ell tlt. fir•l
number Or a nprlghtlyll r SI CN, .10: Irl.l, eta.
titled the I'o/ fr y U ' etrbed at Lob
Pa. by U. W. littler, Es.q. it j.ea
ouch a lively Ilttln vialtor as will ever reek:lvo
weleoino in our nauctuto. Neatly pruned alai
containing n choice ociection• of rentltlliz mat
tur and loyal news, It eentreeti ,l 3 hull to the
good gracen or the render. We ws• , the tab
tutted and enterpri•ing editor all the nueet , ,
bin enterprise met its.
ttera w btai i ni l lg l foe be ,
Palled her lilatr.—llaygret Graham op ,
pealed latforti 'Aldertll43l Strtllll, FLO.lllltillY.
and made oath against Ellen Aiken for it , sa el t
and battery. The offense consisted lii the lat •
tor beizing the flowing locks or the proses:a
tria, and by dint of strong pullmg eessed
log to removing a goodly purtiOn,troni that
scalp Windt it had long 'Mon.!. lor perm ,
ructthae.borir.boti.ruits Lived Ellen was held , ,
- -
Knocked DIM lII.—All nuotTend log Indic ld•
Sepperted.—Tho Lender, In Its ,
'•llronte, , 1.4 naint,l William Wilson came to OM Calto
1111110 good etY 2O aeYe, yesterday: .I .lronitel 01.ahterman Strtin Saturday arid instituted
dm rquatina _another week at the Theatre,. legal proe,,,ii„., „s a te,,t, w titian, tireen,
during_whieb be will lie supported btu• ]lcy,! charging hue with lerving . knocked the Prat
Ettlu kionderoon and Fanny hurt!' li ‘,.1 ! William down, on the ci,rner of Union and
t u t g le t t '' Cli n ar w l l i l t:ble conduct. or e ,“1„,,, A wa r t ant was issued for the armat
able to keel , ' Filth ctiems, n Minot any just cause or prove•
dl l ' a ° d al le er i .en w r"). ho will support him for a : of the ammed. .
Ptw‘brftsekuw-Itsinore'Llithly commendable.
lmprirtstot thscovery.—lt is said that a
Eagle Ball.—We acknowledge an Invitatton I Traci•av for Idesch.nt; lulls rubber. so as to
to be present at a grand halite be given under' make It perfectly wh lie, has been discovered.
the auspices of those princes among good fel- I The India rubber Is'then burdened, end will he
lows rho Eagle Fire Company, on Thunksgivt used for the m..nufacture of collars and cuffs.
lag ' Ere, at City hall. The Eagle ttbuyse I Then everyinatrmuy behlsown washerwoman.
know bow to manage such althdrs, and. them i .
can be no doubt but their coming ball will De Itlsarlet rourtl. , -The NoveMber term of
In keeping With their previouitthirorts, the District Court commences this morning.
.......e. ,
t•ei i'.4: !-- . \ '
.•.., ..:4 4,2, i _'• - , - I
i \ ' l ' .i• - ' ' ! 1 - 4
cirand Centenary Servlcen
Tits mtere,rinir religious services inangura•
too nn Fritty. evenincs, during the month of
4 ,01.nbnr, eln,e4l on lard Felling evening
1 i.r1,1 elmroll, Rev. E. I: 0 113100, pastor. As
ulready ,tatidito,o Friday evening services
I art kip:tied in ity the .lifferent Meth°.
concrc•;oti-ii, in Iln,eity.
IDIKOVeiI by, a. very exec.!.
lea! troal Nev. \V. Vat 'Varner, of
11011 "We aro
in. 1 I , , the place of %Odell the Lord
Paid, 1 will ;,tro it you; conic ttion ills ll4 011th
We IV ill tit) getutl; 1411 he Lora hath FIX/-
ken 6,04 concerning Israel." Number;,
To It trill Its lucre 1 . 11,,,..11 , 11•ti in it forcible
manner tel
the eaningidllib , pasKitue. Tit e
t.hrtstlan It Is our duty
per m onal interest in the
ieeltare of onr lelloa -ten.
At the elope of the stallion the sacrament of
the lAed's sapper Il is administered. in which
the Iles , . S. P. S. F,
(V. 11. It'atknis, .1. A. Miller, Al. 1..
part ie,pstial in the solemn service
of dhliensinir the eletnents.
lit ileeor,f,tiov arraugeinentu Arcs loos
-15. I.,itierty street 31. E. Church, Rey.
Joni , . A. It., pastor, devoted N•esterility
andning and e% ening serviet , to Centenary
pto poses. 'l.ll, Iv, beautiful, :old as
it he exiweted, a “noodlle" taingregution
were uatliervil to hear the young and talented
ialio-i,er in charge of Illst einiaeLgation. Thu
, V1111. , 11 at Ili' 1111,111 W; h... 11 . 2, evidently
well le enured :poi did, (.1111 a vine° show
inn tolnoralile Ctlil.l% 01 i,rht. The discourse was
toweled t word,
lit. 1 il3t 10011:1,111 r011.113:' , /110 111(,11-
id. t 1110011 Or. , tile Olin, atilt
... .01 artily 1,1 liiinners,"—Song of Sol:
onwti, 10.
4,1,1.1.:rti1t,: thy, henrysin the
.01111. reprehtniting the the
he,.iyy, irraiyiiihy nth! tithjwity et the
i-Jsurtili or C. 1 1 .11-1, wppic
laliest 1111,11.1
01 Ibultl o 11 11 10,1 11111/10 1 In tthit brunet. or the
_ilitrult v. 1114, Centehary 111111 Vt. 1,11 1 . 3.
1% MCI 1,0 k• ., 1 . .114.. teVertittil speither
I lie. tircwi•y.tisi to I ow the distinctive char
.ll ler et 1 . 11:i-t, it 1., the clearest
1111 , 1 1,111 1/1. t ..Silkint . ll Ot 111.1 . 0 retli_ernith;
lovy for hilt.. It in floe! ri 111 It “.
z4.c.r11 , 1,.., titlts 111111 entlll' .
doctrine I. rinieettiti , lti prey).
ton 111311 by 1.;1/4'm 1 - 110 gilt ot
lel .1,1 rile We vivo I lie crearesl, broad
-101.1 Inu-t santuleistioa_ia all
our "eachauts. AV ltlulat the least oa
,eartiy, Asaaguity i'r re-Idabel 0r meaning,
selr lu-te declare !het tied 10 nu res.
!web, 01 per-au-, bar..l; Ili, ',detailing Inee
lwr i- doe! , :ma bruiel as a wor1.1! bat
I.el in 11 u.l.etlbet , ',pea up a elet.r
at 1,14 . ,1.12211 :Old la. Sue lonr, and
Ileblubt therein, tt.sure liiiti that at
the ,1,A1111,01.1 , ;s0 ,
mile 1,1 0, 11,0. ,0:,•, 0,0.1 "It 0110 et, ine
ante ay I±le, la se "2001 1.1,,es .P 1 l`rorY
111,111's hest' N,C bly this "-M
-ei,. l'hart". , h 2 ,
eu're 1;1 the searelier ot hear',,
stal lb.. .1 ,b 1:;.• ol all Illott art a 'dialer,
guilty:l , l
OToi COO IMO, loot bteits, ..1 A•litin's "11.0-
Is•.!Ielo•o y l..1:111: OW. Oa 2.:11in
'Lee ilegOttoll nt un
'l,- .11 e,.!.!e'• I`.oll roulre.l le sbi.
b. —bat 0 t.ioner nud
.Iyolk 010 In
cm! 0..1.11 tos.1,1!• to (lo'l
rare' a awl tininspelleri be
1,,k, flOr,Olf./OLVI`OI I O O YO - il
;IT 1 ,, :o !.2-. We
,Vo L oi !”.• ..011 •lf I ~eunrolot!'l null guilty
• 'too,
ti liesetent . , ettil.olerat
I soo.o! . .11:.oir ,t: he • lett 1,111in:otter:I,
tlttl-..-.1:1/111.1111. /11 the,l..
ite.l , r 1 11:e tilt 61,b,t, we
et:,” hoe dlr.. , alll :loop:a:ate
Or. - v.., 111 ;Oil .'limy`,lll atiettlrl.l2gll
.1.,r1.111 "trot:y.le from
1.•— • wet . pooell.1:11.•j •• 11,11 . 1 to the
Ilf 1115111,C1,W1.1011 .11,115
r.., WC -I,Wt 11/ 11110
e he "ri11"11ro.1.10o 11 t , or
o t%lorte, It' not 1.1,1 e 11.-Itit
t .11, 111,11,1114, Co ltie ~,r ii, t ure,
1,e,11-1111er tlo•
•-- -•--
ofto a..11e.• one on
all coutiire,
p i.•I). Thu only .
111 01 - Ill.:LI., at tile
1•),.or 400 till you {yet
...A 1. •11,
1.a...1:2 1 . 1 1 1 At 0144. ,
05,11 0 4 II:1 IlLive wit...icon to
.. uti 1 . 5 iray to build
; lIV 5, ac,Lp 1.1 any
111, Art' 111.1 010.
fio 4.1 • .1 1 1 411,0 14 ia 10:111,
ado; r 1 ,;.0.1 31 .-. 1.. .!.., ato ill-
y 1, your loot:a:Limn
11; ,113141 re:tch
;ionlhrre 14 11 0 tho
,0 0:0,0114 , 1. I , ..lpokusliy
10101. nl,l
,• ;10.1 , 00,10.0. lVa . 0111111 0 W
10 . 1; 0001, -.01,,
1) 000 r, 1
:001 0001. 000
•..: Po!„.t
111 1
. nle 1...1,1.1 1111.111 IS
•:- farlo . .ll
,rl. ee ltentoted . 11.11 1 .1
47 t•o'oe, so et. ty : -1140 water la a
We ow node.' 11, Ille clirntee
n 1•
• r nlll. tog, and the . onder
er :Ind 1 110 0111 y
t: •nVer n •'l7t h• 11, n
• 1,11
.2,2.1 .2 ...en O. tool., 20 Iles , iinwr
~T j u-t il,t. I. too tote.
7,. ... of 1e ,. . poll. Alt throngli
1 1:• ' 11..127. all 11,0014 1. Aluerie.i, all over
10.ncli 1 117,.d..,
ve. e 7,77,1 t..otinc, we have
coo., 77.1 down It seele l .l " ,
leo. , 1,21..11..2 nor nor . -nor rstlier tind i n fire—
jetrtieles have
21v It h :tie rl , llig: sonny of trout int ,
11 a do"( ,111.1.1c•i n anil there
01 r , nn 1171,. Wild wall
co,. 7.1 keep he 110' ever huritant
ololeweetl..2o.ll WI, 110711 1111.11, to 12 pper,
:oar' 11l 11,1,1. 1 nut ltd., 1,3 niirta,re,l,ll
t1,0:1: 1 1 r.^'l•'ll, 7.7 • 111,,1t1 111, in inn, the
10,.1 ve , o. ot nor 1,1.1-1 11.10071 Meth.,
.12 , 7 t 5:517..1th.) . 1,110,
itt /wt . 1111 , nlini VX, 1ti.0,1,4 -
I In. ,nn . 1,01 II:, -lii , lllll , pione. , cliv 01 thts
gran , l feat ore ..1.
gra - . 01.7 772.1 31c1 11, 111,0111 eeollo..
11, All ,ile
~• 1
'llllll. For
11 1 '' 1 ctn.. tia.intitY 1110
fit , Whir: titinll:,,
, nr of nest. 3 )1111 11;
Inut A 11, 111, of
„de s
pt.... 11 it 1011
. .1. 11 self to meet 1.101 wants or
711 • 77 , 1 long of humanity. It
Qpr.77.1, ,, 11 -ell -ell ah1 , ..1.1 over eartll It7elay
' we ,not 1,1 to. air e loch 1.1“ esstnnOve oar
111011 id:1 , 111,1g 10 it, hie-giving tool
lite,trendthenitt, linnolll the lolly eitditr 01
1.1 Inn 1110.111M:I 1p at the same
i 1 01 0, the o,
111 e 1 +l and
~...ot he- It II ill, el 1.1'::.71 Is Iwo.. In, tender
111 1 . ~ 1 Ile 7110 . that 1.10011). tool Illoslics 101
1V21,1t pl in event. 111 trout giving
7117 17:11.. r et t. 1.14 .11.0 . ourse. At Its
.... •, 1 , 11 rer,ll,ll,i, of 0.7 Fenntle
neede 10 0 . , Winching
Wen, eacds welt , elret.laled soil
1.1 Inv 111.. v. 31 ....Woe . , preached [oil excellent • ci (ovule 11010e5er (11011;tt1
Iwo neell Ire 7lvett, :poi lie ?WWI love 'lmre
Ile 0,111 111 1 117117) 1 _4 etilleetloll, With 1111111
17:t,1 1.e., promised, lacked ti
ni I/.'• , ..t , irt d rs. elta ohjeet selected
(,yd e
the viellndoes new for the pnylnent of
In. eh., .:etc, ellarl s 0010'1., near CO. -
~ 0ve....... l'ilt-.1..1,1;11 Venetic , Collegeoo o l
Niel 10.1 0t ti.rd. lopost no )1.
.. tl s t ' '
12 orrlble Dent h
nisi aggctlent of en itennettts 11111 A
slat lon, on tint Inge 01 I Ile I 111 (Il eel; and pit.
hops It.
It.. et eg,gioet on Thursday afternoon,
1,11 ivn 411 llle Instant death 01 mr.
A. 111Avel I, uu 010111i/1,0 In Lllll strew saw mill
at that paint. )Ir. newel Awas,t he helper at
the ggnetegte saw, angl while In Vile net 01 pllll
- ,1111/ Cl,llll Litt , I,lll'. IL (OAS ril,b) broke,
anti li mning his latlance he tell into thn 11y
‘111 , A.1, 1, V. it, In:Odle:51 , 0u seventy rove
lIILIonn per
ill ills. The Pin:niece rover:wit
the 1,01,, 0;1 Dlll in I,alo
to save Mr. Ile, ei wen A lAtri VAC tll,llll.
0,11, It ti :1;4 Plaint that, 1111111e/0i
waA split, ilia I, It SA(1111111 , 1)1 . 01,21, 1111L11 hiss
br0k1.11,10.1 1,111:1,11LAI, Mid 11l- lardy more
.spis'tension tor ~ n t Iteleteee,
Sone slnyts ,illel3 Mr. bwarczwelder, Eq.,
motet, that ho would Maki) nn - appllea•
1,11, Oi John WilhiCh,
I•lll,Vgea Wail ILO 11111rder or Meant MarohYr
bourn tlittete stulmal il:lnuflutu. On f,alue utorntun Mr. 00.11 - 14 0 01er made the an•
innali , .n allot ti-coral wilat,46Cs. aho
were eX:nnint , t l .oy ilot Court its reguid to the
o,tost Inhere, Jolts . Mribineon,
soot w.u. on the ItOul tsc the tlme, and Mr,
w,,8, t0 ,, :Lrol Cautstla Abrams, of the
Innen:out: , cw ...Muddled. Their thithuouy
won : ohuunt tOly the n, givers by then.
twioro the Crnonere Jury. Tim Court revert
a ll...nit:it on Inc appheution until thin
Dancing . A callonly.—Tho unprect4lcnted
soceesd of Prolognor• IIL, Iwhtuuubin
Dancing .lilolviity, Philo Ilan, corner Third
111141 Market htreelti, bi only it Just uppt cola-
Rol of that gontlornan's Walt) . to In:drool ,
in the torpslehort arl. NOW CiAliSeli are roil.
f"rining 11114 xe recoutm , :ad this place
to !Ito koormlilo attention of till who have boos
and daughters to edneatti In 11'11 , 1 , 10g t h e lig"
fantastic toe. II It tenon arc. very runrotittble.
nears Robbers—A Stranger's Pocket
Pickett of b,4,300.
Some time since Mr. Jonathan Townsend, a
drover and - fruit denier, residing. at Haynes.
sil', New Jersey, left home to go west ar
.13 (
inek.. lie reached Zanesville and made s me
purchases, after a Web he left the Stacy lie c,
where he stopped in Zanesville, for this city,
arriving here at half past ten o'clock on Sat
urday morning, and stopping at the Red lion
Motel. On leaving Zan'esville he had *IASO ' in
greenbacks. This sent lie divided, placing
14,74:0, closely wrapped in a piece of news
paper, in his left trousers pocket, and the re.
maintler, 43W, In the breast pocket tot his vest.
On Saturday evening Mr. Townsend left the
lied I.lon for the Union Depot., to take the
tra i n east. When at the corner of St. Clair
round Penn streets he examined his money and
r oun d 1,0(11 packages all right. lie. took a
street car for the depot, and stood upon the
rear platform with six or seven others. At the
depot he bought. his ticket with money from
hi. vest pockni., and proceeded to his birth In
the sleeping car. After taking his seat he put
Ills hand fu- Ills trousers pocket anti
found that , the pocket had been cut
open until the money taken out. Ile cried out
immediately that he 'wits cut and Instant
search was made through tine train for the
thief and,the Money, though williOnt any re
suit. Mr. Townsend remembers now, that us
aeon its the alarm was given two men came to
him and evinced the deepest Interest, advis
ing him at ones to offer a reward of at least
VOA), as by that means he might possibly re
cover his money. The victim' Of this heavy
robbery got Oil the train at Latrobe, having
concluded that he must have lost his money
before entering the cars. and returned to this
Intl' whore Inc Immediately made his loss
known to the authorities. The police are mtir.
in g every effort to trace out the thief, though
on far uusuccesslully. Mr. Townsend offers a
reward of 0,000 for the re. every of Ills money
anti Voir for the apprehension .of the thief.
6i, env of .Lltektolen moony was - in COO [MIS,
:1,300 111 VA/ bills, and tire remainder in 1,5 and
ite bills.
An Object or lutieriff
. A little before twelve o'clock on Saturday
night, and while Captain Ale r wi.l was sitting
quietly, conversing with some friends In the
.once of the Tombs, the door was quietly open
ed, and there, in the doorviay, stood an appa
rition ragged and black, that at 'first glance
mfght have been taken 7for a mendicant from
:the gloomy shears of Tartarus, so horrid Was
'hie physique and no utterly wretched were bin
hablliti.ents. The liffrighted captain, unlike
Poe, questioned not' his dusky visitor, but only
sat and stared at him is speechless astonish
ment, while the strange tiling, like is gnome,
walked in..ot rather waddled to a neat in the
farthest corner of the apartm eat, out of which
he grinned hideously at his mute auditors an
if Inc relished the amazement Ills pt./fame:ft: had
created. -After tile first shock of the i n trusion
had tiltsi_rtway the captain proceeded to in
.lts ire Of the new collier to what he' was in-
dented for the honor of the visit, but the only
I nitelliglble sound that came from that • spaci
one cavern tilled With shining porcelain was'a
'.unuttered ''yes, nob," followed t immediately
by - a chuckle of delight ttat really expressed
nothing. Aftera time he became more con,-
tellUleatlee . and stated that he had coma
front East Tennessee where he
four sombre sweethearts yet remaining, onset
whom he would have made Mrs. Ezekiel Bell ,
hilt for the untimely Interference of his broth- '
ers, uncle, sons', wife, Clementine Gibbon, who
liked not the object of Ezekials affection and
I herefore, frustrated the match. ,He further
stated he Was intimately aequainted with
tioVerrmsr IlrotrnlOW, Or. Tennessee, who he
hoped to ceo the next Chief Executive of the
To snow that Ezekiel is really, in indigent !
eirentuellsnees we publish the following des-
criiftion of his present appearance hoping
ear picture will move thin hearth of some of
the Milian I h ropi•ts, to tender hint a little sub.
stantial sympathy: lits.shOrt crisp leeks are
hurnmatitiA by en gut beaver, originally white,
but which several summer salts has Meech
col ton leathery late; his back is covered with
fox eouts, the goo.l parts of all placed : togeth
er would not make it <lucent garment ter nn
1 infant; Isis itedala are adorned by two pair
I of immeuttonablen falling piecemeal assituder
throngs very :s e, yet kept partially together
hr strings tlml from one loop hole to another.
Ills feet are surrounded by enough leather
to nicks harness for Howe anti Custilna's lion,
while the nests had crept ep the ankles emu
steal like great hard ugly carueucles
from the back of the slims. We hope
till, ,liglit flescrlption will enable this
oleeet of pity to be easily reinfrayszeil. '
Rioter Captr;etl.--Our readers will re
member that some two weeks clone a party of
roughs got 14,01.1 a train of cars on the iioll-
ntll.,ville Railroad, taking possession of the
train, and acting in the 11:1V3t riotous rummer,
abusing the conductor and outraging the
pson.eugers. Among the most prominent of
the rioters wm Juliu Br uly, who succeeded in
escaping tirre4 until Saturday es ening. On
that eventing °Meer Moon tll,cover.l
the Connellsville dpot and ••"vent for Lim,"
arresting him and lo e cking him no. Yesterday
morning the father of Brady apoettrod at the
Mayor's office, and entered ball in the stun of
one thousand dollar, tor the appearance of
the defendant fora hearing, which will twain
bit lake place to-day. losing ltrady had come
over to town on Saturday evening from Four
Mile limn, whore he resides, to obtain a snit of
clothes for his brother, when he was captured
as aure,Aitl. _
lrlal I.lkt ot C0M13300 rtes.-1:1)1.91110r°-
Mg the triel Itst of the Wen n( Comnion Pleas
wilt be a dird over in order to ascertain how
many caries be ready for trial during the
present 'reek. Tile calling of the list will take
place before proceeding to dispose of tile ar
gument list. A. full attendance of the mem
bers of the lat . 13 requested.
Charged ‘r I id. Eargery.--111ruin JOlinstOn,
of Huntingdon, was arrested on Saturday last.
charged with forging a chteit on the Pennsyl
room .itailroad Company for I7M. He
taken to Harrisburg, whore an- ly,vestigation
wail be made. His friends are eoutident of
proving that Ile is not the peraon who com
mitted the crime.
. _
LareClll.—villtlleel Patten came to the Calico
of Alderman Lynch, Saturday, and made
oath against Anthony Pilllsdn. for the larceny
of fifteen doll re In greenbarke from a drawer
lu the resulenee of the defendant., In Peuneyl•
sanla avonne. TIIIIsen was arrested, but was
relented on ovlng bad for trial. - •
& i'lgrorrora ...Plieber. , —Huring the pro
greas Or a game Or Uaae Ball bCtIVOOLI the mar
ried and stogie nines of the Social Club, of
Huntingdon, on Saturday last, Captain F. H.
,thlei hail Ms arm broken between th e eltoul
tier and elbow, by throwing the ball from the
!lOW 1000001 the bases.
- -
Good Rendlog.—We are indebted to .1. W.
I.lttoek, - oppo,dto the Pestoltlee, for the cur
rent touriber4 of liarper , a Weekly, Frank 1.. -
-nu's, the Nation, and. the Round Table. All
are excellent numbers, each, In Its way, being
of the beat. They are good ppecimena of I . lt-
Lock's general stock—
Stiorlaug . weeldeut.—Joaltun Sarver, a lull
aged eleven yearn, was knocked from his
horse by an overhanging limb, while riding
along Augliwiek Creek, Huntingdon County,
slid his lent remaining fasten al in the saddle,
lie wa- draggedsorty cods and Beverly
'noised mutt eat about the head.
Released Cu Arnett, the
negro who was committed to Jail some thee
stove for slmtsting the lad Cook, near the
borough of Lawrenceville, was released on hat.
uotay, ball being taken for his'appearertee at
the December term of th Criminal Court.
rrrrr Fie..len. Trial L1 , 4.—T015 iot
will to, taken up this morning, at ten o'clock,
and continue from day to day until disposed
of.. Members of the bar should make a note
of it, mat be on hands. '
Dr. *born—rarlOra at Merchant.• Hotel
Evertou Tully, and Cronin Candle,. that can not
be excelled. hlanurnettired and sold by Geo.
llenven, 112 Fenerul eciret, AUegbeny city.
, • DIED. • I
DUNN—Qu Saturday. October 27th. Mr. 111131.
N, 7E Scare.
Funeral will take plain from her late realtlence.
tin. 24 Pike eircet. 21113 . 01owls3 ) Arr Z " °" ' "
2 WeJeci. •
MAYffNaVia)vis 34, lT 3
11LDAILE cEmErrEitic.Ttie
wauctlui,rs-acre. the larsost suburban
plate or sepulchre. sacrist one In Oita cusuty, C. 1.-
intnill on hem 11011r1090 rO.l, luonedlately north of
Alit Olen,. For burial lots penults or titles, call
at Central Drilik Store of CULT/. b CLA , Alla
ptienT CItY.
xo. 196 swithaeld St., cor. 7111,
anu•stas from derentli dtre4,)
♦Mi. 123 so, NUMMI' lIITUEBT. •
No. lite Foust, street, yituecingb, 00,11 , 18 dt
all tiods . CRAMS, tiIoVVILIS,Ama aseredoortiptioa
of roue:al tiarossiog tf was =mow, sosooss
orlse aodulabt, Rouge ae..lCarttsva so nossoo.
untaxxcen—Rci. Da.LO lit.. WU.. it...
Jacobus, U.N.. Thou iwtot. 6W
• Sttilvr.
R . T. V RITE & CO,
bislitheste r.. Wood*. an sad vtelaity.:
°gran oe 60emsM and Clasilan Meets.
Hiszse and Cut tsralaAa d . .••
7beWon Ls forwarded which will re.loll
snbsertber soonest. . •
SlngleCopy (per annum)
Clubs of Ten more..
SE! "Sirth. S 3 lbroot.
of 9
wirer_. T. IPCTI-Ts •es.
l wvllE F.!. IL P 11,711.
1;OOT . 14 AND SHOES. '
Nu, 'B9 Market Strert, Pittsburgh. Pa
• •
Tills old eatahllnLed Lon le ha:: 111 w In .to
Ilse tiro: wand dollars worth 01 Iluota and 'Aloes, and
etyles the latest, the - duality the best, witch weave
Atte:lul:A to not
at V I . :1!Y I.OW lIILICES. We
have resolved not Io to. sonr.rsohl I:y any In the boa.
111,16 that kerpv goodh worth having.
fall and eaannne curator h or goody, and ne reel
eativtled that pm wilt purchnae Wlial you want In
the that mot ehoe Line.
I::: :tut toraut the place:SO arket street.
J .15 WOO ilvion.
, We Lave engaged the aerviera or an t.perteoce.l
teacher expre,ly for the mouth:. of July and Au
guet.. htu.leuts enteriug on the 1, of July can eaSl
- collo...lute the coerst. t.V tho lust or t
For circa I:trio:hi tpeemeha 4.1 . 111 . .1 1, 11.1hi1h •I.I I IY
at the College lhooo, or adthe,,
N. SH A FrER and
to. V111.N1.1.
Jos. svENcen
.1 ) 11.11WEill & mickAy,
Ale, Porter and Brown Stout,
ROBERT ‘VATSON. Manager. 1.79:4.95
ponir ili.ll.l` MOUSES.
H.T.-AERAO & 00.,
Ilatsters, Grain S; Hop Healer's,
air The lalehest market prb, bell Mr WHEAT.
4.%11.1.!ti. Ii Y F. 121.11t:i 3.1 0 lyttogti
EW J 1!): it •I A Niali G
Fol.; pnico V rents t Detlenr,4eltl, tiehl Par
Halt LI I , lt.tlllEcl —rum:.llat Patterns on Orneke
tet clt 11.1L.Lti—Ncav Greet Patterns on Ilea Clay
F titCß Jclualln Patterns
over dart yevnativ
For earn by
„ an ren or
mcno •
Orrwrx BiAl.f.liET WC.
Ooe exce lent Eldtog . And Pylrlog Hur,r
Two bores. imitable far Dorl rri Family on,
Wilt be Bold low, al MP on•ners have no toe far
them. at 110WAILD'SLIVElt1 F nALESTAELE,
No. 112 f e de ral Sireel,
13.•cund dua. r...•.. .'.. Mut N saloon! Raul:, •
Filth Street, between Tunnel and
Ch at ham s treels
g.ds of all descriptions always on
band and aoldat the :000AL price, Repairing don
....Mitt. on t
Practical Furniture illanufacturtrg.,
5t.71.3 of rttllN I 1111[1.: von•Lxn Ur nu hand.
. JOAN R. & A. 31VIIDOCII, .
(Succecaurs to Joo Jr..)
NUILSEILYMEN Art 11 Fi../Ktti VS, Pittsburgh. Pa.,
1011Clt att,ltlon to tnetr trUctre eructel FItU
Call fors Fall Circular.
Plttaburirlt and Oakland . 1 . 1.6,011.1 K, Can nu tO
tbc.unenl ocvery it minute., ITO:Celt
Cough Cautly,
931 Smithfield Street
No. 4 St. (lair Simi.
«-00:I 21[1,0.,
1;"Clo 7EL IS.A.I.ATI
Flrst•crret.liear. tlonongaliela Unime
tbe• ktep Ja hand • large , supply 11 Rootlent /Mk
tertals, Plate Cement. Vat, Ituodue Pstuts sod
Vat:ashes. Prompt ot•yottori given to the NANA tt‘ .
1n . {.510e111. title". No. 251 INum rare , . atul Nu
t..{. .. .1.111•11tny..P111. 11. •717,11
Cement, Pitch, Fell, Paralliree
l'arvnish and /knack Paint,
ntartufactured and sold as enesp as .. an j j. olna .
e . nsa
a the enc•• • ^ . • mlita At",
Stal.lm n
Irea.trar. lit ...
TER.—For a goo I CiIOIiINO OVE and other
Altana Utensils. ao to No. 1.1,-9 Grant atreet.
Plan. and Fancy, ..; , ./A SLIETT ELS. FIRE OtION -
ELR, Man no sney; Utesolls for Cooking ltystel.•
and other fanny dishes; Venders. C Dna Vine, Wa.
Conductor.. an.l All other article, call at P. 4.:
Na. •• • " "-•-•" • •"
L OUIS BERGE & CO., Manufac
Grand and Square Pianos.
Wsrernomr. ‘l7 ,
Block ss est from Uro adway NtiIST REETr" I SACK
'llebs Viaues Marl mfactureu grm :fecund
r msgrs
passed for Vow crful. Meer, Land Seenpattlette
0., with eseelleut srorkmaussto arcumrs sad
roses , list /5.11 ftntato4•ln,
TuCTII MAY HAKES. o•rnuste 111 rd" ant
"Meadow Lark" are maskutattured only ai tttO
DIAAUT.:LSE FOWLS. hear tho reultentthry,
H►r Fork •prtnx add I . l>toous, Winslbar•
rows and Trucks or every sty Id. lade of the belt'.
sy.wrial• K &hori isattc, and vra.m..tefL
MONEY LOAN okritcr; NO. 151
burritnELD BTItY,ET, deer. of Sixths
inolt•V Loaned on dUrtioei..Plates; Ulnas, Pistols,
Diamonds, Jewelry, ni and Oliver Watcbes.
Clothing, and valuable articles of every d escri ono's.
be goods ealluot be del iveretr without • tteket.
Not accountable in rave 111 an. or rubbery.
Uor eve re dersertidaou tor vale at lo est
risumaOods (1,4••.1 V•I •VV VI. I. m .v
1101 MEN. BELL & CO.,
Anchor Cotton 111111 s, Pittsburgh,
hi.oun.ctur.:rs at
►NCIIVNtAI :01 KrTIN , ,k..
j---A.IIES 8ALE11,.., .
-41.2acszawrIctp.- - -•
tarras E inniVtiqingi.m,'" a d dr a tC!"-
tend•nustrereetfor, on Te*Tona l* fl
Mee on ANL/SWAIN rine; LT, bTreee. sl4
334 ROMs= strft;•, - A 13.1011.11 2 ,1% irg# , Atil •