-- f at gitioburgit 13 SATITROAY, OCTOBER 27, 1866, THE. SENATORSHIP Six years ago the Republicans of Penn . syliania elected Mr. rtiG.All. COWAN to a seat Is the United States Senate. He bad, not'been tried in public life, but had been somewhat .pratainenf at thC bar and in local politics. Possessing-more than &di - nary: mental - endownientsv - and these lin , proved by a breadth of culture rare among his clasp, he early espoused the side of the Whigs, and later, upon the Organization of the Republican party, attached himself to it.., A radical in his yiews, and living in a county Where those views; were. held by only a lean minority . o( the citizens, there , seemed to be good reasons- for supposing hie- radie.alit* ,wai . ,grounded both in ra itonalconVictioir and in natural impulse. Entering the Senate at an epoch of most "unusual ferment, When old feundations 'were giving way, and new securities for oider andliberiy had to be laid, hb seemed in the whirl and, excitement, , the npheav ings and crash of events, to, lose his bal . ance, and ,recovered self-posies- Sion he "&ystalized into an altra.conserv . ative, and talked And vdted iu a way to g i ve e i ar i e i n eesnre of .klsfaCtion to the"' rebels :all. throuel the war.• We du not • Impeach his sincerity., Ho claims .to -• have acted conscientiously, and'we arse not *dispoSeid 'te deny the truthfulness of his plea. ` Sineerity is much - commoner, than atlperfidsl observers imagine. A consider , able number of the great entries which, in • varfous ages, have appalled mankind, have been . committed :under a sense of duty, When men settle dawn -.full inthe belief that they ought to ,do that which los hitrin . eically wrong, they become dangerous in a superlative degree. Saul, Torquennula, Robespierre; May be taken as speamens. • - What we doimpeacliMiXotiaw for is that having..obtained ~ : position of great intie * Mate by, professing sympathy with the Re . publican party, he held .on to that position after he felt constrained to violate the h.:in ' orablepledges upon .which he obtained it. If he had said to the Republicans, "Irebis , . ed the Senatorship at your hands, agreeing ' with:Your•elms and fully expecting to co• operate With you to the end, but a change has come over my views which mattes tapossiblo forme to fulfill my implied en gagement, . and hence I surrender the trust," he would have shown a true sense of honor. - He chose not to • rici this, but to , • wield the power he 'held, to destroy, Ir pos. I ] Bible, liose from whom he received it: Now the RepUbliCans MU - called' upon to •name a Senator to succeed Mr. COWAN up-' on the expiration of histerm! • The betray . al they have experienced makes them 'rip] prehensive. They feel that special cautions aught to be used to guard against a rePeli- Honor stela disaster. Unfortunately no pre• vision can guard effectually against trench-, cry. Mr. CoWast 'santecedents, furnished as complete a guarantee as could be desired, except, in one particular. He had not been tried in public life. It Lad not been demonstrated how he would bmwthe strain'. of actual service, and under extraordinary. I conditions. When tried he proved lamen tably deficient. This suggests a test. The new Senator Ought to bee man of large -intellectual . powers. Tls Senate, . especially in. these times, is not the best • • place for even respectable mediocrity. The republic has presOing need of the brat abil idea. If there ever was a time when the ,clearest headed and most sagacious men were needed in the manivtement of public 'affairs, that time is] now, and "the place Washington.' Nor are high moral quali ties less indispensable. It is true that sonic men of blemished morals make better] public servants than other men whose mor ale are unimpeachable- Indeed, as no - men are perfect, the choice seems to be between differing degrees of infirmity. Other qualifications being equal, there ought to benohe.sitancy iu taking the • man Whose morality is most transparent. • But just here, the test to which we have , '.referred is of great efficacy. The new Sun:- dught to hi, a tried man. In the Li- loan service would be accounted pert " to:take a man from the ranks, and, at a bound, lapd him at the head of an army. A man who has-hesitated, drawn back, been confused in hia judgment, and left those who watched him in doubt as to. which way. to go, .during any crisis of the war is' -not fit to be entrusted wtth the Senator . ship at the present juncture, when the waves are running higher than during the actual storm. There arc men whosejudg• . %onto have notimen at fault, whose self possession has not been shaken, whose ddellty has never quailed. whose nodding pleines in , the'van have ever been banners, „and Whose flashing sworde have carved -the way to victory. From these the Sena.' for ought to be taken. It would be as in , snit to these true men to take one of a lees • ffrotiaiind it would be perilous to the pub lic welfare. It is a good time for email men and doubtful men to stand back , and let the other sort be honored and em ployed. UPPLY . ..,I , GAS The increasing value of bituminous coal in New York makes the use of gas there for illuminating putposes so expensive es to be bitidedsome. Various scheme* have been devised to lessen the evil. The one chiefly recommencted and pursued is to abuse the G.is Companies, which; however, much it may have relieved the feelings of the abasers, has wrougliknolliminuthin iu the rates exacted for the'-eater r-alid more beneficial : sort of gas. giber- schstqes, have heed (le died; the lateitinggestion be ieg to - manqfacture gee In the coal regions of Pennsylvania and run it through tub the Dletropolis. This scheme rests upon the false hypothesis that gas can be read. ily produced In Schuylkill or Carbon noun ties from anthracite coal. However much gas'anthracite may contain, such is the con ,dition of scientific knowledge that no feas ible Method has yet been devised for evolv. iug IL Anthracite has been used to some extent, mixed With bituminous, but these experiments Lire sn9t Leen sutisfactorY,. either In the quality'Of the gas produced or, in the expense' of the manufacture., Be aides, all - managers 'of 'gas works know, that even when the t mores aro located as ' near„the consumers' as poseible, the Opefa- Oen of natural causes, superailded to the pressure required to force the gas into the pipes and through the burners, so as to maintain a steady flow, result in a contlen eation into water of is large proportion of the entire product. Iu New York this con densation' must be as sofa as twenty per centurn.. .I"t' is apparent that if the retorts should Le removed one hundred and fifty miles away, and planted on the higher ter ritory of the anthracite coal fields, .ay from one thousand to fiftnen hundred M e t abeive the city, en 'mount of pressure would Le required to propel the gas which 'would Perhaps 'chit in the' eendensation'of the whole of it before it resched. the intended consumer& To obviate this diMeuity, it, is prorMied to employ suction instead of put:- .sure.; Eons utivnutago may le gained hy ilus:iietchange, If it should be wand practi .•l,lrel Ind slot cough , totako the, Sekente out of the category of the purely VidOMITV. EllOrgil gas, of the very be it quality for 1. =nation, is thrown off Coto the atmos phere,, in and near this city; to supply.-a number of such cities as New York. It is a gigantic waste, discreditable io the scientific attainments of the age. Now, if New Yorkers are earnestly in pursuit of s speculation in the way 4 f cheapening the cost of lighting, here is their opportunity. They 7111 . fine plenty of6gas already made to their hands, and all they will have to do Will be to bottle' it, or run it into pipes, and carry it away, Down at Allentown, : snmeYeara ago, an enterprising individual started and conducted a gas worki without laying mains. He simply "ran the gas into . bags; rut the bags on -wagons rigged simi lazily to those used for transporting hay; and in this manner supplied his customers. Here is an idea. If the railroad compan ies conld be „induced to carry gas at the same 'rate per ton as iron, the freight would coat lltrlo. .As we view the matter; this .plan is just as.rational'as the one the New Yorkers are talking of. Tats texaaLegislature luts appropriated $2,000, or, so much of that ,sum as may be necessary, for conveying.the remains of . Gen. A. B. Johnston from 'New Orleas to Austin for interment in the State Cemetery. A committee of one from the Senate and two from the Ilona° was 'appointed to su- - perintcnd the removal. A resolution was also introduced directing -tire Governor to enquire . whether or not .31rs. Johnston wishes to return to Texas,'and making an appropriation for that purpose. " Desperate Leap of au Duane Man from a Railroad' 'Train It Is known to many that Mr. George Bartlett, of the firm of Bcrtiett Brothers, under 'the Sherman.' Mouse, has been for some time insane, and was taken about a year ago for treatment to the State Asy lum, at Jacksonville: After a previous nu -successful atteLnpt,"he lately escaped from that institution end returned to Chicago. There• seemectro tie no abatement in iris malady, aud, after a short sojourn in the city, IL was deterniined by his friends to take him back to the asylum. Ile manifested the most' intense opposition to this when it was being discuss/ I andcontinuEd to do so -until he was . saf y eaccinsed•on the train. Atter the train was under way, with that.deep cunning which is often exhibited by . insane persons; he professed to believe that, upon a due consideration, his best course Nrould be to yield to the wishes of hie friends. The train left here on Wed nesday night. Deceived by his proles: rims of acquiescence, the two gentlemen retired to rest, one of them—Mr. Willard, occupying the same berth with Mr. Bart lett. At about four o'clock in the morn tug, Mr. Bartlett arose form his berth find .retiretrts one end of the car, but his ab sence Wag discovered, be returned again to Lis couch. Shortly afterwards lie made a renewed attempt, to get that of • bed, but was detected and induced to desist. • . .I.n a few minutes More, when his bed fellow Mid dropped into a momentary siiimber,,hempears to have sprung lightly trims Itis,berth and to hart:gone to the door of the car. Ma absence was discovered in l an instant by his guardian, who at once sprang to the flhar and rushed out upon the platform. Just as he wavopening the door hc met the colored janitor, who in formed him that Mr. Bartlett had, gone out on the platform in his stocking •feet,.and had jumped from the.train. The train was running at the rate of thirty miles an hour at the tithe, and it was very difficult for a person to Maintain a footing outside of the car. • The scene of the occurrence was about fire miles this side of Lincoln ? which place the train reach -ti in. a few-minutes. • Here Mr. Willard and Mr. Ilut4ington got off from the,train, and as soon as It was day light proceeded' on foot up the track for a. distance of twelve miles, but vs,ithenat find ing u single truce of the insane man: Every nook, cranny, and culvert ou eahcr Side was searched, but - nothing was been to in ale-ate that Mr. Bartlett was iu-the region, nor was there anything WWI where he had landed when he made the fearful leap. Tire embankment for the whole distance was a eoft,-grussy, or sandy:. nature, and, iucredible as it may seem, 'Lis believrd• that he has sustained no injuryjnit. is lurk iug.Someerhere in the vicinity. This Lap peeled on Thursday morning, and theugh the search Las been continued under the superithetadenee of the lunatic's brother; Mr. William Bartlett, and several other pet sone ' fiver sincethe occurrence, nothing Las yet Leen discovered of the insane man. Mr. Bartlett Las an insurance of sloo,oou on his lifq, which makes the question of Lis safety, matter of great pecunrary in toreat to ithe life insurance companies:— Chicago .14publican. , Northaru slcrchalit3 and eicatlieru',Dcbtuck. . A writer in the Ilia tr.oad Mpg confesses, with an 111 grace, that Northern merchants have been lenient with their Southern debt ors,. He says:. "We believe that *man •s$ littlem cannot get us out of our troubles, and that great distress da. inevitable. But let the people themselves feel that the remedy is in their own hands. They must . compromiseand they aresloing so: Abuse the Yankees as we wil4 but give the devilids due; The, compromise op liberal terms with their, Vir ginia debtors. In the past twelve Months many thaiisand dollars of debt have been paid in New- York and Philadelphia at twentysfOge conts on the dollar. Merchants this day _going on in business have thus dis charge, their deLts. - And our people are doing the same. And necessity cont. pel them te, continue to compromise debts, and higher motives. will also induce them. Let-the Legislature enact every law for their relief which they can pass, but,let the people dotheir duty, too. , Deeds of trust cannot he avoided. •There Is no, disgrace in making a deed of trust, and they will be made. Let their provisions be fair and just and honest, and public opinion will sus tain parues executing them. Creditors must lose; but riot all due them; they have some rights. We must pr4tice rigid self-denying economy; anofTndustry, ener gy, honesty, and frugality will be rewarded with success. Realizing our poverty, we must conform our habits and modes Of life to our impoverished cendition. The Leg-, islature cannot make moneY, and tinkering • with obligation's and remedies is danger ous. Repodlation is an expensive luxury, "destructive of credit, on the proper use and regulation of which our future success in a measure depends. We have au assurance of the.` supply of food aud raiment °if we "trust In the Lord and do good," and-no discharge of our obligations, except honor ably. can .compensate for, the loss of self lespect.". * 'I he Unly of Jeremy Bentham. , The Louden Notes and Queries '4oritains aletter from the lute Dr. Southwoed Smith in relation to the disposal of the body of Jeremy Bentham. Jane 14,.1557, and says; The letter is dated "Jereiny Ben tham left by will his body to me for dissec tion. I was also to deliver a public lec ture over Ids bode to medial students and the public generally. The latter was done at the :Webb street school, B rouu h um James Mill, Grote and other discipics of Bentham, being present. After the usual ahatomitml demonstrations over the body, a skeleton was made i of the bones. I en.' dcavored to prescrio the head- nub:inched, merely dra*lng away the fluids by placing it under an air pump over sulphuric acid. By this means the head was rendered us -hard as the skulls of the-`New Zealanders, but all expression was . goi.c, of course. Seeing this would not do tor exhibition, I had a model made In wax by a distinguish ed French artist, taken Irons L'aeld's bust, Pickeragill's pfeture, and my 'own ring. The artist succeeded in producing one, of the most admirable likenesses ever seen. I then had the Skeleton willed out to fit Ben them's own clothes, and tlds wax likeness fitted to the trunk. This figure was placed seated on the chafe he usually sat, and one hand uoldlhg the walking stick, 'which was his constant companion when he went out, milled by him Dapple. The whole was enclosed in a mahogany case, with folding glass doors. When I removed from Finsbury square I had no room large enough to hold the case; I therefore gave it to die:University College, where it now --Pitts' tugh au ti its subdrbs aro so Lc consolidistod.—Barort , Pot. tow you 60 ;' SrAFLCITT OF L ILLINOTF.. - -TOO f'Pri field I caz "Oar waster Iddiders, coatraccol s and boss rm• chanica of all ciaat.es of Lush; less. are con plaiuiug bilt ul ly of ttie . cc i tt dlv of labor Of itll kinds. Lahorc,' pay in this i.y 1, I now 2 per .lay; rtone ratters ilud masons. plasterers,' ;:..; brat ; carpenters and 1 painters, j,:;9; and these price;, large as they seem, do not. secifre enough labor to carry on the -work uiresdy TiZgun. The carious public improvements, the water work, ' sewerage and post.° lice building, are all delayed in construction front this cause; and as Springfield of f ers the same wages as other points, there appear obe I no other remedy for the incon.veuieWe but to wait patiently until time bring, relief." SINGULAR NOTIONS OF THE MAT:MAGI: RFLATION.—'II7O Chicago Republir , n says a man, who said he was thirty-five years old, called on a justice on Saturday night, asking to be mailed to u girl of seventeen years.. The justice asked the usual ques tions, and received correct answers until the rollowing was propounded: "Have you ever beet married before?" "Y.s." "Is your wife still living ?" "Yes.":"..ire you divorced; from her?" "No." "Where is she ?" sold her." . "flow much did yon get for her ?'"None of your busi ness. "Well, I can't marry you if your wife is living." "But she liked a youuger 1 feller better than she did me, and was will. ing to be sold fot if he bought her; so I let htr go." L'IOEE ►ND TEM MOON HOAX.—A. do Morgan, in his Budget of Paradoxes (London ithenreum i , disputes Lookela authorship of the moon hoax. lie credits Nicellet with it. "I have no doubt that M. Nicollet was 'the author of the moon hoax, written in a way which marks the practiced observatery astronomer beyond all doubt, and by evidence Eats in the Mott 'minute details. Nicolitt bad an eye to Eu rope. 1 suspect that he took Poe's story and made it a hashi for his owa. Mr. Locke, it would seem, when he attempted et fabri cation for himself, did not thcceed." BOLLZILEVS PERE WINE TINE •“AIc. Bollnuch•s Fore WI, Vlneaar. ReHome, l'are WI, VI fin. llollrnah'e Pyre "h In: Vlne.car. Dodome'. Lae It toe ro The We.Vitra.. for all Porpows. The heat Vlneeer tor all Ferpses. 111 e best Wlecciar :or all .•urpo.c.. lie b sl VIIIeRir for all Ile rpoota. The best Thies.. fur ell Furposea. bold Wholeaate an , Retell ot hold Wholesale and It tall et - told Wheleiale end Ret•ll at .. bold Wholeeale nag Retell at - bold It hoiesate and lletalt at • I" LEM I Nal IS DITCO STORE. F,EMING•S c , RI.:U renallE. U n. ORE, .LEMINU'd 7)11170 oT •IC.N.. ELLIttSt.P.i DUI:USTUItr, No, Si 3fail'el start No. SI 313 rs, t etrtt t. N. Si %larsrt atrect 1 ,1 0 3131mq:et street No. 31 51.0 wet itreet. • Itch! Itch!! Scratch! Scratch! swAYNE's OINTMENT cures lteb to than 1:to 4.1/. 1/0011. "111/11•• .1)r. StellY•le C/inhotret. •••I'FTTI7.II•• "TTCII" Dr. ../..ragor's Ointre"st, °T1:71'1•:11" ••TC1T1:11•• ••ITC11•• NLVE..II. It'lll.llV*l • TliT , Ell . ` • •1T C 11•• TO FAIL _ •'1'F.111111 . • "ITCH" •• 11C1 - 1 11.•` “ITC I- 1" Iti CCM Ali T/Cs.l . "CeTTLIt•• ••111.:11" _ ••11 1 / 1 1•• Tutor EN Ti . NG' • •T b TT 1.11•• 'ls ,•• - yy "ITCH." ' Cs../.1.11 . 1../ ••T TT CC" Cures Iteillegr ALI head, 114.1, .-- all //kin t.lses...s. Crvpare 1 Nal/. 117 1/r ell/ A.I'N : //tN, /.101,1 by N1'171.,..11,:A:s k Sr n\ it, N. 'l, 710 r re...rt./1, mod AT W0..4 1110,1, I•olls.Ltufgh. —• l'rrr.rt,cu, MAY, loin. IVott.. MESSRS. TIOSTETTER& SMITEI: GCNTLltatEilt7Ditrlnr, a VI It to tee Wert loot fall. I contracted out fever, which brotinitt me to ray belt, titan? term tooted. to tytd , nld fvver, and crintintl , nte to my rla for cv,ral month.. du:inn...Nett time :• ovi by•tvaily ,• pnaairat..ll st 'alma, rivr recovering 1117 • bealth, bantnir, aantl.o 1.47 appettt, far day, tintl•elan •i vat a :••••,,I. to 0 , .2,/1 I area : 11 .t.tv."vil•..n.lition tn.: !Ica.% 004 lay ninbi /r,nn vanteil orailia••• nititt•••ta, aTout by fever. At tilt. at.i, of my ca•ndlibin ica - onitavr.oo,l me. t.• use robe rubibra botraavb iiltttr•. bet bellig ia the me of la Jai:lpin, I at lit, •!C,1111.4t, artilitraid 3 btril .111 t afar %Alb, ir..l ortaa, zn•Antivt,t, retntne,l. 01,0 with It I ant raplnly rvgalninn my termer alr.t.,th and vire, alv Mom the la, of unit'', wive molt' rv4 tittivio nat. von, rest bvt• ter than It la bow. ti.i. ei attune, tai tia. vtititely Iva me. .t - :.111vIe..)1101 ors .01 Irr.,:tt•tr, are n qui.e udtbrtl. In foci, vlatl that I tevl nty,i.tt a new inait...l,l 200.1, Illis teitilvo• Oat tny appiantattaits of )1 , , valnatbe Driparn- Ajoti 1,1 1.(c1,1 :hots btlitra evall tnen.• eltr, it. vartura• 'rate!. bre u•lb, art , . tan front vniv tint: for so Inn,: a pitrivt. • ••1 lb. my 04,1- clon, aft., .teibr her. II- lot t of p.m, tot, n•cutoir.rn.l,l Scat] Iva` toeTla ti ye arty. Yours. t . . E. NO. MsrLt..,t:lePt M3I=t,MEEtIMME W.U. BINGIIAif, ✓r., 4cram. Erpress o,oce, 64 Fifth ti:rcr, is on nuthorirxd ..14:6:1 to rrector eleirc - llmrk • s other pupers throUghout -the Urittt - d 6frae, and 01 Canadas. 'WU, SA, 1.1117.1 i. Alr..b= al' 4 4 17. of 'Fa i.111.10.7}.1 . 11 Pastor, 0 , 1 tho comp, tO, of t oar w LOU,' 'Pr n,r,.lp to marl to EXCE.L.SI!..):. HA L f., tot urr ut fooloral Lacock atrtele. ryal" 41 UP; a, tool in. to. ate..tlng WED. .N.E.SDAY at:;,..0 . .0t k. Ps.tro. roar .U• U•na •• Fur—. it!ZALIST elf tile 11, th•-•' colt!: t.l t tti /ter. A. D. ta•Lit;lA I", ace at, EVERY • I.;NI.tA Y At .10.'S -•••• h•• anti 7 Y. h• tteheol Al t) A. Alt the pael•;., a, Welled LI could sett heat. 13 , allen. for to-lip:47ov: eve Go:;: f.•: the World. •, —*erviees Every n . ktinATll scts•fptat 1 4,o'CloC A. Ct 1 tr'ti.6L . Jr. Lne • E CHOOIST HUnCH. nu Wy( 6trent, 14". • ,. C.en l'unant a 1110 s rent, by th' t•n•z•3l. It-t•. JA), gi z 11•01.• A. 31. notts pan'ac sr, r:irent - . • t to-tooth.:. er-tlng. Denent.s or t4k, Atuntment. Egr.F.IILST iItPTI&T CJIIVILCH.— unt.l the evlupleiluit of the tiew WHIMS win MAnUNI , ki A 1.1. Pre,ch i•K by tho P.tor. .1.1311:$ DIC . KEtttON. every 111 o • clock, v. to. iSullOOl. p. All Are curdlAlly luvlted lb att..ll. rar"PO PULA It • :11 ES ENTS.” Hey: ire.Nl:l D. MoultE. P.l , tor of l'ly month CoutrektattoualCLurell, ulti 4-i Der main on '.•• doonecineold. In Mt new Acsil enie of Mind.. TO-M . /it-1)W S.VENINI , .. al 7 o'clock. Serviced tat =ur..lng at I So''ltc.. , • MRS. 4. 4. STODDART would In tt frirm her customers that she has Just surnrUnd IYum It. Lan w,th at LIAIllt$01134: assortnanut of . . MILLINERY GOODS 4. H►ving removed to thin BECON o FLOUR. Igo. 10 FEDERAL BritEr.T, OC4 13 TuE ANNUAL lIIEETISO OF TILE 2tect 'widen ot tbv PAXTON PVTo.oramaicoNPANT Will be bill at the 01111ce of Itl'ltlNsoN, CO.. - No. 15 rourlb atreet, TUK , DAY, Nov. At la 'clock ki. A fall attendance of thock bolder,. dealred boalnera of lroportaucc Will be brought befg.rp the rn.,..ric n. men., nv Ito HT. 14 . EMOVAL.-TIIE Dave relnOred thy oCleo of the HOVE 01L WOItKS from 35 3tarke t htruct, Pittsburgh, to ;Imlr. Works on VAltel):: sTitar.t Brownstown, , eLere they tau hereafter be found. rostofflee Address 836, rltttburgb. ^^)“. 111I.r, • i on SALE.--Three Second- Ila d DOLIIIVINFLUED lIUSLEIt ~ Forty Inches diameter. t feet kw: Steam Drunk• Chimney, lit•itylsn, Sire-, rout in gond conattlua• lit Ite.FISEDINI., TAN tovsred sap..elty b.,rrela 0. eh. w ill ha sold at a Ilaraatti. Ettrialre at the OfZee of Fort Pittt•r Work, «:a:• CAttlkot.t. & SWVl,stt. TO LET, • • Two Bedrooms, Furnished Soyone . or two reipretubie gentlemen,' haunt]. henlthy. nod el; se to the butters. part of .the Cite. he rooms bare been thoroughly clonnettnn t newly forntobed.l None but gentlemen of steady habit. need apply. Address malanno DRUG. STORE EJR SALE.—The Stock and Fixturve al"a•ilret•cinzs ItETAIL I'ItESeItIPTION *TIME, • • Together setts Lease of Ilwelling nitwit- attached. Satiafactory reasons given foe selling. Inquire at J. S. DHOWS'S, Drug non., corn., Lneock and d.n.lers.•nstme,e, Atlrgueny, ur sTEVENs it CID., earner of dV met emigres: streets. orgent,9 CANED FRvJT9 , VEGETAIRLES, Sc.. l, lliea. Sc. Eight tl:onsand dozen Puma ssb,l.t,s, , Green Gazes, Whortletalrles, tiroon rfrtu'estrt':le", ISlnckl,. rrtrc. fine Apples. Green eras.' Als ' o . u,Sor7,l J n IAII. P r loc i u nit " re and bottles, width Nre ollkr at The lowest tnarabl rate. • IIE sMEIt U.S.Wood ;Arcot. • ____ TINSURANCE o LIFE Sql4Cli" 1 Thlt.-.—Wa, rrA).—A WET:F:IIAT. At.P..N ['tor lt.hurah end Wertirro Vellii-ylVatila, I,r ono of the 1003 t popular JAI, lumrace, ..lowielol-o tu tile . n Called mate.. Irlboral uc to . man (...t experleuce su whir a rotoet. rt,, at.v4ilatitri4s. AG . 0c..1.MT1 . Monongahela Ilmile, pitelotreh. 1 CIC3I ENT Of the they beet qualltv. CVMENT flEtiltY 11, ciII.LINH ItAPES. MIA PES, U (Pat-Irollty Island. Q.) Catsiba Crapes lut.t.rcetleed and tut • ale 1314. M No. 116 .1 1.3 WM/0 btrect. MEI I,lllNi/on' NBA DES-411 new In: of or vr and wil'autitut • eelvc uu Tan, and Iluff Ut“unas. Ue d d4a-falntc‘l reorders, an street. °PA • - JOS. It: TIVGIIES BRO. 1% A f.--I"API it—or .'U. grades, z j i 'vriiloTa, ...Ili, /Ming It+aki aud D.r `real vaitetr, aiNu; lu7N>tige; etc.. et. .007 .I%)e. R. 110,1 1E5 S. NEW ,VW ERTISEPapt TS, JA IES L BRADY & CO„ Out:co:Lore to S. Jones &C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Stilt., BANKERS & BROKERS, DIIA.LMRS IN ALL KINDS or • Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLSCTIONS male on all accessible points In the Malted States and Canaille. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. • N CorrICIE. ON AND A PI Eli NOVEMBER Ist, the price of Mtik ~ 111 be IBIS rents per quart, sad Cream 00 cent; per quart. -•• • oe:llm72_ By order ef ' THE DAIRYMEN. 4:01:".MN LINT inr.. - Arils. M. hiTCIIIN has just re "- turned from the East, sod edit ores on THUlt,:o ...Y. all the t•E WEST STY LES Olr TV.1.17 ER Itl JILL .r.r. r, And ...Plc AI 4 aaaortstnt at LADIEW 100 IrEuEr..t.... BT.. ALGEtiIIENT' CLTY EXCELLENT CHEAP LOCATED NEAR M'KEESPORL CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD PARSON/ TEIII9 IT; WELL IMPROVED. 1V:11 be sold on 11,vorablo terms, or tnemennle Sr ►ny yortlon exalt:gad for Intprove4 City Property, =ll BROM= AND 1376.1. Setan AGIFTS e• 00 ataltlatellstres CLOT US AND 'rely©t Sacques, rqmvi7 a./,-stxamer. YOU. 9'.LE tIY WHITE, ORR & CO., 530 33`.1.11.1a aitrecit MEM FOLEY'S GOLD PENS, Wetx-rtxratecl. ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON SAND AND FOR I= (heck Books on all the Banks, Blank Books and/ Stationery a= I'Ens, SCIIOI7EII A" CO., P? FLFTLI STRICT.? brain iWum,Z rt. 'lllll9 AGENCY COLLECTS num the AM., of PAY, BOUNTY AM) PENSIONS, • • Ithe I , rttpylren t. . or thelr Widow, mot tqchans, loclu.:lni the. andltional bounty tatoler the tern ut Act of t;onifefe, . , Free of Charge. • • • All t.usines• Can be transacted thrOtlib the auk ail corre.pondence will recetvr prompt...WS ti •. Agent, tannot act fur elan. In the. modentht r Agents and attoracy, and It la not Proper for A b-ent • or At...4 . 11,1,14Pu collect for pay, to th:e ageacT to Co their work. F. JORDAN. anti .111111Ar4t ..la•ste for Paiatea. OFFICE OF THE • ro,),l.ss,arEm 4,P TII6 EINZTYO FC7D. ? 1 ver.A.SClltr DYIPART.M.ST. . • 11•Lkobruo. t..ct,lk-, :4. 1636. \<.t:,l la Ivr c e'..s7 frITCII that sealed proposals for C.. , .,:.1:e. of One Million bollars of the 5 ptr cent. ITEI ONE MILLION DOLLARS OF TEIE Six Per Cent. Loans, Of the C.ltono..rnOth ury the be lf ea , , , 1 at IL. Tr4a.ary Depar went,. in the 0,3. of liattleharg, until 30'000¢ r; J... of wizrrrzusi,,a^sr, The 16th day of Novembsr; 6,D,1866. TILLIers will stateargorsut , rtrared, prior, arke4. aLkl•rlirth•r Itegisternl LOOP 11. b. ndrirrzst,l, ••CouLrdssionerr. of Slating Yund, liar. robure, eet.,•• eudurSerl4solo to art/ etate Lotus... ' Th, , omulls.lonera reserve the right to re)eet any bids not, lu their opinion. adeuutaircous to the Corotottiutaltli. JOHN Y. LtAItTRANYT, ELI ELIFEI Au L ditor thiteral. eeeretary of gate. W. Ef. ar.atin.L, elate reasurer. oeMntel Coiuntssleuers of the Striking Wood. wAir FOR TILE BEST Woman's Work in the Civil War War; BY L. P. BROCKETT, M.-0., • AND • .Uri,. :'TLIIt r C. UG.114.4". • 71,1, vrrlt prepared tinder the sane:ion and ap• Tto , l al o tar United elates emitter) t trimiesitfm tho Western banitary L'ommlstion. and tha Chris tian V0...arf14.1.0u. Is in the press, and null ne pub lished early in January next. It•prornfratlon was commenced more thatrthree years ago, and has • eine, been proaecuted with cans and diligence. No elfort of rayon, haw hreu spared inmate it authrn tic,, cnmpl- aml Mere:sling. Its materials have bceu furnished by thesgeilllow or frjenda of the b lee, vvlll npututu bleu:hes of one hundred and In ty-dro WWI dtfillagulahed for their Inhere in Inhalf et the Poldlere. Refugee. and Fr ednien. abliedant Incidents of tio.ir work. and Mier no.lcoe of nbout fnur hundred Where, while a in ftt tribute will 'le paid to the ttionen. , da of netnews. Heroine., who braved every danger sod privation. or gulo•ly tolled and sacrificed time. health salt. tuloy of tio as life, 10 gird aid and relief to oar *of fer., g soldiers. tipt pen, lath. alatlon have .been employed in tli • preparation of the sketcher, and the Introduction iv written by an eminent eeliolar sinkl divine, Mimed actively engaged during the li t labor. • The vr rlit HI contain about GM pages. mall quarto. and be lustelee With nuineroul steel pot ty oy the engravers In the country from. photograph.. or pan:lllnm. of the sit Wets. 1 . 1:111.1511eD Utz • AUBUgi'l PUBLISHING COMPANY, • • AUBURN, N. y: • ocLadn:fia. • WELDgN & KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A large aacortment of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, itc., ALMS= ON LUND. MI Wood Streetydear Sixth, lIITTSDURGIII CUTE:V p IM COlll I'ANY.—WO have en hue] the ost stock of ROCKET CUTLERY In thl. clty. Aleo Hollow Ground Razors Inndloss Vaikty wart. o Ch . = 10; • bt l'lttsbu rgb Catltry Cotoi!lyr t,. 4, - ih . oB. 67 and 69 FY Btretet. trueraica vtimursq.) 1:j 00 NFAT 8'15,000 "RTii..43-F 4 3EAC10 11 1 1 1:3CIEnz.-, FOIL BALE AT 4 At i eGrit*Talt r" S Cheap Clothiing House, At Wholes. lc and Bela it LIST OF RETAIL riiicEd Pine deotell Tweed Stilts ItLae Palley Caselmam Suite 20 00 • Flue Yaticy Heavy Caseitaeie Sulu 13 00 Flnz S'ack Bang tip Overcoat Heavy /Wallah Beaver Overcoat =I Ovcr oats Floe 131ack Cloth Froci Cots Flnelth,k tretich Frock Coats Alt Wool Potts and Veats A n wool 1 F ..0 b C.?. r.ras •ad Wcote.:.. 1100 Carstmera Yens frox Alio. A LAIWZ VIOCIi OF Ready-Made Boy's Clothang. CINTokI WOE% MADE TO AJIIDEI: ON THE BUOUTEST .17 OTIC e. • J. C. 'ELLETT. Jr., Cutter. cata27l plum CALIFORNIA WINES. GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St., New York, Odor fur sale their valuable'Wine., which are so In tog putyllo favor url'h huontalungraploV Y. sod 1. boas nnorro4wentrd Ind rlvellee paou:arltr not slthont merit. They here nal)tO fumy Med to Sr. them th -.prattle nee ricer all other:. So * hottest' of hot rhry excel all other %Vlore. and the notorruna rerthle widolt bare voi hot& lily been hindered trout the Moot eminent Meta. as welflts/e..ntlrtnel3llll every Volition In .If, lie 1. roof ehtleillslre that 111040 Will., a tuurtul lu all ohms fur which they are r.cormruded. Th4(.110.11,1 brands are now ofhreil by ne. They comprlea an the varlttitS tray Owen In the 01005 sultab'e for sale: Wii I rE. I , lr HOCK W 1 " fn light craw color, Vary dello its and Ana decor d. c - OL Alt sive, for alas for table am. AZ:MELD:A-as. ricti end neittim ewt et wine. much admired by /emu. aiiil Yaluaida In the laic chamber, a. It maims flue wheysand _Milli... It ~o flue demiett us, andwill adapted far Lauatnuillan " aitrATF:r..—A. lIRI,j roloied. highly aromatic wine. Very similar to the °Ashram,/ XURT—iieep red color, du< Aar ir. and la Man,' rrimeets Itrotiar to tire .1.1 Wince, or Idalhon. MLIUMMi== WINE HITT Elul eery agreeable tonic and IN, Our+ remedy for I b, dlarr.tes. Trit., ty - e of thr moat relttab'e rb , blnattour of neerol and an agrreab.e le.runtge that has over been offered t °the oulthe. aithlons of tr , ttl,e were soldth.ourboot the a orin donne the last f,ur•ear, s ethere•er IntrOuced it boo edt welt,the tdltlon to the Invalid table, the t•tudy circle. wild tbe hie:lolore eldetr,erd. Ladled who have lust strength and and iv:l7er (Torn onanena, vionidng and venom; gontte men who •'don't feel very well'llnet bet ye Oreng fast or ultiner wan. I.lollthel. ore Wt of era, r and whose ay are rinerally ilerang. mot`00;:i weaulug children and suffering Irmo nein; de' I ty; thalen o k ure and boll., 4,pe pt, - consltut r i•; l rave l er s wh u have occasion inchinge their wnier; and. all ;who sive Id mantrions di•trlets and a.r“uniect to intainnas a Innuen e., will nod It one of the wlOOl. TO liable Invigorator,. Ilia C.. 0 by lake°. lc was used very cite:lilies:ly In 1141. '410111.1 gerwtai iallsfactwu that in tifferlng. II :0 the liunde now we dem it uniteeeteoy to onntleli any of the many certtee 1. es that we hone ' , ce11 . ..4, 1, A l l In th e they {Milne. tern. favor. All bless we ran say Is to Kll4ll,lllff ilith We will Wedge we r salves to furnish an at tide rune £l5O CNADULTtI, ATM It h. been Oren to Ellie children suffering from weans yrs soil weak la! K. with tt th , pPrcoact. One lit t.c girl In rirthlutsr. withbeta, loos of Appetit.. nod it pp wszllngroorninpilt Rhone nit turdlr I xllll hr. been I: slintio id. 11.6 lwrii entirely restored. elle Itemtn with hut I tn.y.ooti f.. 1 • day. liler appetite amilstrcrinth rapidly "1121ki bta , Is now wed! . Last 'Or .X . ..r . . 1.0,0131 l'cr lit,,tle. . l'c, Duren Hoek (Ito , .., ~ Wthr Dint!, I 2 - 1 . /..... Claret,. - I'm furl 11 o'. - Aug•ltt, ' • I 1 , i''.'. 0, fltlicsict I 1 , Fir...0.1y 10 , - OCS J. D. RA/VIM-MY, 338 Liberty Street, FINE 'CLOTHINCi, (EW Ironu SLAIIIUVACITILE, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. I=l Areal to: UFO. lfpa Vl - 3 rrazr 1r.1,A1. and MOULI.gzo:O6 ere :41111:Cp.. Itergembtr the IS.EW LEOS .1"8 , 11, , tiT...111 , —.11r Vr ayatatret.C. • ' j 7,.t.:-rrS 2. . . . GEIT'S FURNISHING GOODS. MURDOCK & PUTiVAM, 713 abnlth Eitroot, Nearly apposlte Post utricr. Undershirts & Drawers, For Men and nOig; GLOVES AND HALF posr. TIES, SCARFS AND RANDKERtiIIEFS, Fin t Shirts and Collars, Flannel and Castatnere Marls REYEII/Itll Talc :Liam ANI3 11ERDOCK st . PtiTSAM. oCAdf6:n► • J. D. ItADIALEY, 884 Liberty Street, WINNABLE HATTER ♦ad Dealer la all kinds of 81:4 4783750, FOR MEN, BOIS AND CBILDEEN. The Newest Styles always on hand and at the Lowest Prices. Look oat for the FOUR LARUE. WINDOW!! op pcalte Wayne street. J. D. RAUVIALEV, 334 Liberty Street, - Dealer In all klada of Boots a;ittl Shoerti. Always on band s large sad varied assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Cliildren . CUSTOM- MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, 0( the !Meat New Vork•Nanutsettrre, And at Lower Prices than Down Town 41,.m.e a rgv ; V :e f l oon LARUE 1V1iii)et,474,474;,- .11•110315 liro. S. GL•Arr RC US (.4 It A Fri 98 Liberty Street, DEALERS IN GitocEniEs & 1110DIICE, Fresh and Chotec Articles, AT Lowzsr 'AML - PRICES maim Is to Leep Firat-Clais Family Grocery, And make It a SATISTACTION to ♦LL Who nIAT favor us with their palrunwo,. In QUALITY, - • . . 11•1112CUS . GR.+ 1/0 Liberty glutei, corner of Ferry eeJ:k7r:Tr6 G". ALIAGIrMc", nzeisaUi FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, kiXX-6171115t. ‘741749.11.XJ, French Clocks, Bvc. iF ET/Cella ',tCl.l ent 2013. n Alyea to the IitYrAULING 07 INZ IVAT '413. 2* Fifth Sired. - icriearr . g • s ammimmw_ „ - L S .. \s.`i .2; AURAL SURGEON, Physician for Diseases of the Respiratory Org - anB, TrAs TAKEN Room", MIEI 31ere1izunts4 - 11,r , Lc prt ;..Lred irr,•' • • I I,llt vt MEI.:4:ISE and EL7I:6 :,1". tor 1;:c.. MEE OM Itff 1.2300 HISEaSES OF THE 1: 1 10 "fg - 7 7 • 0"). • AND rAp AM) THE ORGANS OF lIIE CREST Si TREATED WITH TICE UTMOST UCOESO. Einbraclog all Seute and Chrnel: Maladies of the Erie. tillnattets, Cross Eye. Fall Itikr of the Eye- , att, C atarrh. tile., !Jeanie.. Ro.log • ittal Buzz itt the I- ere, .I.ll.trfn from the bars etc. 1/IL en-. of • No., Ca arrh. ffriatClitti, Asthma. Con aux.ption ane Affective., of the ito:at and Ctotuach. MU DM 2 50 to 5O HEALTH IS THE rligliEfyT BLESSING! bleu w/11 gine bo baf t,r rel.cf fro. dla2olllfT •. Yut [nonfat:4s ante, r. long leflel antlang, nut a 0.. ln“ Illn, wh•..1,100 p erprop- trextutent,nl4oll , o ,natort •I Leg. and coo tr:hute. o the onai 111 and hnno ne.- .f othria. Ufa fat t. o, 1.0 lb- fgatnr. , . for be trios per sabelf:ly the vartOt,. Donlora and QUACK NOSTRUMS Fur relltt, no.l on ...it not. The rnecon It. the nen , rut Fbsslul • but lithe lime to furores 1.1.0tn/f In rogestl to the trn,o notate la noullelne att.l sur• grey. 31atry physk. ab.. La., but lin, of toe core,nr ebseuts utot are f.::1•1 gntnrtr lenon..ot or cure. Itit nu. u Initial opportunity tor . ntlA.lse stodnan , estr.etecl In the, ot.scrt attons ail etre nf coovrr. tbry cntru tap,c; ber...rf ex ecrt ft, all illseeses. A tc:toutlen nue prectlcet tneens of cOremust result It ern oboe it oat •tol ex tntotlvr res.....ett In tu.pnct tat In. du' r aset. t , l (.cam elcti oleo or Oil cults,,y and ell the untrlns Ettt . otot er , inure; nails eau rot Free- - tluoanif• tt , e ithrtoit tb-le lit condo, to .r.. 2-1•1 a1...6.0.• Flier hare m, , nne•l the I ors of 1:(.. nod heel , n—outel...l netl.ob vett.. neon,. to tlltease and found safe oral at1L,14.0 reme , iiks. o loon nod pall. IA stagy t,e nleoness of the Throat, Lungs and Chest; Shand las disuut,rl •of nerf :no-dies 1,41 n s Illustl.rs or° uorl diva{ es. au. strrca.v to curing ,s-- thlureat lre i••;.g taint.a all luus ves ts. la. and 103 eezt t ro.s and uellusta ent u;.araLtuas.st flc e, E ar e Ace., An . the !run...50111a Einet knnvElt.l . 7.. of ArvalMY allthan pr.rtlre 0, 1 - :,e,1.11.1 far Intirnt,v 01 Nan rraark Cal., aro o.l . lll=tcOJO Mrdiett and Emr..1...111.011101.•. Th. 01,1 Ilr -0.,1r1n0 Enalid , 01110 vac 0110:111 1.0 vin 1110 , , ~ 31,d W,1“...1Jg 11, 11100011 s .1,141,,,LicC0c CATARRH. Cxurr:: of C . o . lieu 118 the connnoneat of 01!..easel. int, tally et :gait 1% OTltlCrit r4•111p,1:,, a !Lilo n•f ,01 , 1 to the 1,8,1, 1 ut line:11.11 11,e•witriong;.,. L.. in likely to otnum• I,ltn•. If vNt., Ti0..111.1,1,..21.1 soot or, 0,, and !awn gt c”1::no- ,. .11.•1 by a r , g.goeut ~..tt, g a 101 l doctors coll/11, An.h.o t o ,o• ron.i d/7., (ill It n 001.1.9 10 Unno.ll. • Voryz.m. 0r.t,•10, or r at 11•ns. 11n . n the .flunol:lng siinprom - of p,•inful soli lig lotrk, tlghtne" uo,o, tit:. gortupt .11,e4urg , s • profits tuatloti. • to - ,ore t0r..., furrrol toLgto .1,,0r a., I. • of .4p. ct . t.•, nod get0,..1 If :go 41...05t • not vool lt,rttt lo•oon,• 11,11,n00l 1, th, to.trl,l 111,1:ArKe.. ti bcon.l•l Irrltan,•l, 05411,0 ,uugs 001c0n...! the lu• 11.!itton of 81r 15,10 g r no . pa} • taboo Ivrenly trooo•gn • llito s e prvuosul. •o.th lA. 5 cougnto,oi rustle., e c 46 . gra"pint ha z lu,lllo, ocotillo/ Iv lune . govliitios uut:: tho lunge Con•oont.tton , geur. ~, , 1 oi ••I. tlier,forr../1001.1,, r.. 1,••• t.roo.JO AO orlon. ,or 11.ecore nt !tit t, is ,goo,pl 00, • oorolto ellarrh. ro ihr 01,10 long lung to raeo hot• ...1 hovl. t0..1,r notl.l , ty 1:1:* 10. 1:1 lo r nil:: of know it., Dr. tt,t'aigni auto to ‘l,l , o•Iy to'n einrtiZy In :I cool. I,:ete Loro. OTOB.RH.CEA 1416 .11 , dlatlogni,lnnt by s !dant, t cnp.ll ithdit ditchnrgt. num. tile • sr, 'I !12 , 71-1 "rdy tr . :Lwow 1411 re:::.11.1 . -41:, tlir"octt Din a lcur:tatt, l!.at it dnu• PO, nondt•rtul inntilgy :nolgat,dll, I-Ia I Id.: arr.:n t!,4ll,rltarge In to p , n v• d;on t! c 1.4 In to Inn nt "nt In .. tn•d, •naidzatro, pftrt." nturadily of .Jun pl , ldd., V 0. :nlo:nany da./nuntna:dricurtnipt . ,lttuncra,'ur Coun.taln 11., Cdt:, I/14y dry up: A .n •enr,d r wlt dot .d 1:.1t11,.‘11.1 f7,21(, ,, T era.l , ;la lc lin .51,rt ;Imo. li'l{ only without Injury •n:111...r...11.11ti, /Inprova.ment Ild•ISL ul dloinvt pre Para; ivi..tb iiito that system Iy absorption Wt.'s!. the I.yro, Ears and Scalp. It pavl.c.i In ex seat ivoicileu and alit be scat to ant in the world. on reisilpt of the at..it CERTIFICATES 'OF CURES. I, lit. C. Chive, of CatnbrllopOrt, Mass., do co, tlljilhat 1 have liven [vaunted with a bat catarrh for ollytaftle of thirty Year., 1 olttatiactl Mrs. tirutrire tletaphyelcal IJltcovery, and In ten mint o s alter htingi It found relict. 1 have uted the meal. Inc cud Inilleve it went to the ri.t y ill.V.ste. I feel at It vat.trrheradicated trout tit , eteill, the foul entree of nit! iliteate hat allt C“tett. ]IT wife alt. /139 buettnu ll'crlu;; OM+ 0151,,13. 0111,,1ng I On eatery, rtottett Wood anti *tatter rushed from her bead. and the found inttnetkate relief, and that ealuitt,...,lN ileArtLy the tletafloaleat lulteet err to tilt who trifler. n, - ncever, rnaldlng at No. 8: Allenstrnet, a s, n nave !wen troubled for )n.r•n. nn:rn. nation., catarrh, nlnd 1 nun-. 1 6 3.131 t ad dintnness 1 , 11,15 . head. for year, could not attend to 121 , duller, nail der paired of veer be Itnrlt.ug of 3lra. 31. U. llcncr. l • 31Clailli.),,itOaq..111.Ci IL , Ine rn,ndt :tin entc.rcly inurcd, and dettrtulned to I.cr, a nr.d. of it always In uty Unirsc.” IRS.V.I VOHS'S 11. ER 71 FICJTE. • of f P ' I to rettlfy that 1 I.l.itc.l9llTurcd for tru yr,rl. (ram dyclirpsia, catarrh, and a complication of illst,ies. got the past year I 'hare boot testiest. and .1 Did nu, .iritcr at allot. co extittniwit tLcute, .hathat 11.601 C 10 do day houselioid tlctles I breams, au coin that It as:clued Impoill hie IO 1.1,11 warn, per xeducticue my eyet secretary much .11.,54d, and my Loarufg dui). 31yeicit•Eand Itirtids ~01131•Intelme In Consumption. In this Vrcur to 310 s. 31. U. Brown and obtained the bairtvery. 1 Elate used one box tadltfody, and no 3:mitage ear. tell than benefit re. eelawl stow it: Sly rye., have become clear and Ettn..g. dytocitala 1t entirely gout) 1 Ertl fluff rty own vtora, aid fool altogether a new belnir• Sly Erich...ay low galutuglitatt. 1 know Eta s wat 1 roalil not have heed. 1 tool grateful to tint far tau tica , tit 1 have received. 1 reectumewl.3lrs. 31. 0. Drown and her wade ul treattoeut 10 .11,Yr110 111.11 , for as 1 Lace dub, OJTJFIR .7 CUR E 11.- , ..11R. JEROME :WI, ()FOLD C).I.3IBRIELIt), MASS -71,15 is td certify that !have beau iroubled with a. bail catarrh f r FLC loot 1.1% '!'hale winter It b,..111e taw:hall} trot iticsotor. f ws obliaityl to East at owing to the 1111.1.,;11 , whic a liscould have Pi:locate. me. attn. il.l U. lirown's 3letayn) slat! lElscovcry come watka ;haat, until tt fittu.3, and wy catarrh began to glee way at note. 1 now coaelder myself a cured Swung wan. acing ch lively .delivered tram the terrible Uinta:. el .1.1111. Sly sla.cr has alto been dlactocal In her head and e).5 trout cinitlhootl, to much so that the row Ily thought .ho coUldr:101111C. 111 Meuse atria ailro..rety toe haa mewed 04061.benetit with WY* Dlf. .• o ed.a ly recommend the Iletalthyaleal istal try. MISS E. LOGA.V'S OE.STIFICLITE. ;. ftetetta Logan, do bsirebr that I taro bad atArtry Cont. fur els years; would could , sa4 rake for I bras Loan. at a meet often !could nut It down at alp golbt; do a [atm ally work wouldexhaust nue. haLe.l2f,LL .satelt olLulefue and dottortug if/ the aye 1,,1t was atilt g t.tlert wore*. Pro,eldob . tliv .it a L.l, p....ettred AIM AI. to LtrOvru'a Jlc La. p:rymic,ll,l.iotcry. l acre Used It true w tI ENTS.S7S io s2O o .PIER MONT II for 6 , l:Altman, and {33 to .13 for Ladle , . every.. here, to Introduce the Common t 4 enee Yamtly St-velne Machine, Improved sed'per feeted. It will hem. fell, Mich. quilt. hlnd. hr..% lad euabrolaer beautifully—price only {ll.l—lnak og the elastic I,a-stitch, cad fully Ivarranted tor three years. Wepta the oboes wane, orecorn misaion, from which twice that amo . unt can El 3.d.lreel, or call on li. BOWENI CO., QVce No. yO3 B. Ylftb street. I . a. AU Ithere answered prtnuptly, with clrcutar a erd :terms. an I f i gai E NT:r4 S.:LA ItEld YAM!! ti . e.ss I nts ru, fl." r . Intradute !..1.pr07. ed end perfs died. It wilt bent, fell, stitch. yell, brattl rattly embroil. liellniblA only • ..lielung the elaello 1 , :c 6 otxtuti. and flair V" rented for fob years. audit licensed. We yey the above wades or nroisszeirston • from which t. lea that amount ran be sonde. Adorese nr cation it. 11.. Ls.rsti, .no. tireut stroet. l'ltlebnexls . Pe. see Idlest IScniOli of the '(id le hr. Lyon And the Weed ce/Ing3lachmeg. another rotor., ,T 9 W ANTED, ' • ACENTS AHD SALESMEN In scary Tonm. City and County to tna I.llddia r.Fotnliarn and West.= Etatas. Ererilody oat of employment Nelll .Lnd It to they Interrot to call at. No. IS Fifth St, up Stairs, Or iddres!r. u. box 301 Onburgb, Pa AGENTS WANTED FOR 'A NEW 434,P0K, NOW 114&131% . • WOMEN OF THE WAR. 137 ru.A.NR.7I4 tel.-11 tau The object of this troth. to to collect ithtl present 1111/ V! of the services of tho,resten who lliar.-41 the peril sorthe ernr,end ought tniulierlt Ile glories. The rehnun comets., about GOO o-trith pages, .lod Is Musts ated e lilt steel plate port rah.. cuerave4 Its the 03061 110 provutt style." toPiel Ob:i subscription. 102 I. trculati, wltiress or apply to =2 No. GR . Plfto street. VictaborAn AGENTS WANTED DT TILE SEWllsll MACHINE CUM VAN) W their NEW ettll Wltt SPA (rent tlesll4' paper to Ilea•y Beaver cloth or leather w Ith • out change offer.!. I;et tenslon. telf-altestlng preasure foot arl newly deslgtiell four htollouial U epanratitt. Seldrtta, encloaingstamp, .( . ..11. 112L1 s trhi., • GS Fifth Street. teecond Elooe. rl: 6 ritt.f.bollol. 2, ES Xi, 'l' F. 0), - TO ACT AS SALEShiEN, p e r rr , r ,e,air nr tamp:n:lly, who are t p , tunt engtge.lll 11,st-co" bunthuss reltliont. Apply lu pc, suu or othltess . _ . W. 1). 841.1E1t. tin Grant street. l'lttgliutzb. MEM MERCIIATIT TAILORS EtEigRY G.Lay, - Iff_ERCFF ANT TAILOR, Northwest - Conics of Penn . St. Clair St... tleelrea to retnrn Menke told! feleotte and the lob be for the i•LITI V haat revere and respeettlalv e..11c Its '1 sharp or Milt future petronege. Lie wawa rteastct t•o have 'Mein eSK,lnehla Lar4c awl eareftilly Piteetcd Steck Fine Woolen Gocias. I'artt , n4rly adnit,d to ;EITLLSBYS-lIIE FGR TILL IN? TINIER. • , I FALL GOODS. - NOW IIECEIVING, a large and F' '. ': (~ ,a lplet.ll,oBl,ll. of .L 4 213. _3l, (it 0 4 01)S, For BUYCI. Y.JUTY.I.I awl CIILLDICIEN, AT THE' LOWEST MARKET ' PRICES. Git.tfir 4 1,96.t.r. • FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ' W. IL / 4 6. 7 GEE, ~ No.lo St. Clair Street; . • Would ...Oil tb• attention of boyars to his stook a 0,,i, •TVlllik selkc I' with to 4.,. 94 oout4 us allthe latest.tviot of GoAs to be fouud•ott a ftret.c.• es tour.. Omit, nantin: a • thilt OP CLOVIEb !lAD& TO UIIDEI. Whit plea Band d examlno our ;owl, and_ ',10c.& A' io a toll a complete stock itf 21.11iNLTH tb , tl G VOL*. wall. 1:: l . MCGEE, HISiI.cII.I.NT TAILOR. . . 7 , :0. 10 it. Cial r StrTet. Pittsburgh. . . __ ........__ . _ _ real asic :4 as4ll COAL! COALS!: IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS, HUMMEL & RABER eiV ,t . 7 .41.°).tg=.1.'11:cr,2 1- 4tintebngra!:l l ! Moues. Lump, rfon.l, 2, °and Chestnut, Lyktn• Vatter, Ilion. o, 2,3, sod Chestnut, Alt of mnott thvy are prepared to deliver at Um LvWES uATEs. Limnos:a ton, ear loa4, teat lona or thousand tom. Mare: y at. eate.l to. 102 (newt. czraa hear thn t rot. oe8:141 IrAItEIS Et LI CA. COAL : COAL : r COALS 1 : DICESON, STEIVART & CG., - 17.1tring removed th'eir Odlce to • P.Tc). CB7 Itzilloortp galitreot, (LAttly City floor ..q111):-:COOND FLOUR, Ate yi r . f . /I . p . wentroctikß. leoraol s ti k tite. r At thi lowest Market price. /Kir kt. ordurs If-ft at thair ollco, or A.lkires..l tb..(brouch the mall, yr:llba At tEndal to proropttl. CILIAITA.ES Youghiogheny and Connellsville Goal And Stan utsetorera of Coal,::lact, and Desalptturized Cok6, rvice. A. sD Y AWL ilorner of huller an. Norton: Ors; yard on Liberty and Clyorr streets, Ninth Isrard, and on tlew.n. street, near Lock No. t, Vittsburgt‘ FamiliesSimunracturers aLpplted wish she teat article or Veal or Cote at the lovreat cub rate. Ord ors left at aae of the yards will meal re °romp:. TOBACCO, CIGARS ; - tic, pxecr.sxon.Tonikecia wonnB. • R. w. JENKINSON. ViUTAZTVALLIS Or ALL irt :‘ Ds Or 'Tobacco, Snug and Cigars So. 6 FEDERAL:6ITREET, , '3 litrg oor from Mffpettsion 8r1 , 14., • - • zcavaserr. Pa. lir.eb,StAre at Salem. Oblo. • 0ty24:1.:4 R. 'B.-- JEFFRIES , Itnateelater slue *holesa.e IRO Ititstl , Dealer in all elm]. 01 TOBACCO SNUFF. AND CIGARS ' Zio. 6.ST. er,Alll nTREZT, Plrrence-Get. PA. Seete.ltree assortment of MEER 3etisant rirEi and SIR/la:its TOBACCO, of the beet g e m e l l y t z k 4 e 7 Ve n hands. GEORGE BLUDIEN SCHEIN, D[4l,ltt IV 10,121:1427 AND 00010110 SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipes,sc. , : t9e4l7omth Eiltreat f• Mear cornet of Libetty,) mrnsbti PITTNBITEI3II - • JOHN IVIEGRAVIT. ilanattetrovr Of and Settotenale mid Retail - Dealer 111 *Attach of Tobacco, Snuff•and-' Mimi" Ams, arrEtza ilMil=striaragyaMlL"Wir 1