The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 27, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed &
2:Jcsr. 06 ",11 5 1=13. Btreet.
T. P. HOUSTON 91"1"1"6
Eiso s f jp. RE le Elastneas dianaieri.
tingle Copt I
Delivered by carrier,' (per week)
Mt)) Subscribers. (Per rear)
Liberal reduction, to..Tiemsboys and Agents
t'ilw,yl.ll,;:iiir#ll . - 64ki.ett.r.
Years ago, when Democracy was in the
ascendant and ruling the nation, it was the
habit of postmaiters thoughont the South
ern States to exercise a sort of supervirdon
over the press by abstracting from the pub
lic mails and committing to destmctiOn all
printed documents which they were pleas
ed to consider seditious and insurrec
tionary. There was no provision of law
authorizing this surveillance, Mit the local
sentiment demanded ii in so imperious a
3vilY_ Milo enforce compliance- Let it not
. be:lnferred from thii that the poit.masters
were unwilling to; ',perform the required
set vice. Such a supposition would be en
timely erroneous. They fully shared in the
hostility, to freedom of the press, and
were glad of the immunity they enjoyed in
_ ruling Mail bags.
After a time, as the Democracy became
more distinctly pledged to stand by the
sloveholders in all their exactions, the Post
office Department was induced to promul
gate such instructions as seemed to author
'ire this _violation of the sanctity of the
mails. Under these instructions nothing
that could offend the slave barons, or re
mind the' blacks of their marthoOtl, -ob-;
tabled circulation through this public
channel. Steadily the ; range,'Of proscrip
tion 15;1U3 enlarged until eyery generous
sentiment became an offense; and the pro
mulgation of it was carefully smothered.
If a cunning artist had desired to transmit'
fl representation ,01 Deznocracy to pOsterity
Ac could have hit on. a - no. more apt form
that tl.e figure of Suspicion assorting the
contents of the mail bageimd casting into
the fire all documentsupon which the odoi
of Liberty was detected. -
With the collapse of the, rebellion this
function of the Democracy was-destroyed.
_lt became so dead as to appear to be be
-"S•onti" the reach of resurrection.' As the
mail service was re-esiablished the inviola
bility of the mails was recognized and re
ispected. This was one of the natural re
sults of - the-war; mad it would have been
permanent but for the encouragement ex
tended by the l'resident to the rebels, and
to the spirit in which the rebellion was con
ceived and born. New, proof exista, that
the prictice has been revived. A gentle-
Man at Spring Bill, Tennessee, writes to
the SecretarY of the. National Republican
Committee, that,
~''the Johnsonlan nmil
agent has been destroying all Radical pa
pers. that pass thrOugh hist hhnds on. the
railroad from Nashville, Tennessee, to De
,ttur Alabama. Congressional speeches
with Congress franks arc iluovrn out of
Thia is neither unexpected nor unnatu
ral.. It „is one of the legitimate coons
quences of the President's Policy.
One of the most marvellous things in
modern times is the fact that the people of
the United States have not liter - ally starved
to death. Regularly every fall and winter ,
there are direful. reports of the scarcity of
provisions. There is no wheat; no corn;
no buckwheat': no rye; no any thing.
Prices are advanced an though famine was
absolutely impending. Yet no, body is
famished.- Them is always enough and to
spare. SoMetimes it happens that before
new crops are gailsered there is grain
enough left to last a full year. This makes
no difference with 'the croakers. They are
so accustomed to lackryinatiOn and groan
logs •they cannot desist. Like hired
mourners in oriental countries, it is their
vocsition to bewaik'and they would be
, entitle if thrown out of that employment.
Perhaps they ire less to be censured than
the multitudes who foolishly accept their
tdolorons accounts as:authentic. It is not
; easy to get up an actual famine in this
. country. There is so much of it; such
iengtis sad breadth; such diversities of soil,
, climate and'production; that a general fail
ure is quite impossible. In spots, here and
'pare, a particular crop may be damaged or
measurably fail; but, on the whole, there
is always enough, not only to "keep the
graik wolf!' from everybody's door, but to
Atop even the mouths of croakersand grain
' speculators, if they had not the cheek of
the borse , lecch, 'which continually cries,
• "Give, give.' •
THE independent Republican, published
at' Montrose, Susquehanna county, advo
cates- tlio selection of Mr. (4ALUBSA : A.
(]now for United States Senator in place of
Mr. COWAN . . • IL pays a fine tribute to his
consistency and ability; Sisquelianna is
Mr. snow's • old county ; thOugh for the
pin year .be las been residing in Ve
iang°. Coru -Evening Journal is for
9olonel FOHNEV. The Titusville Ilerald
is for Quitnow. The Erie Dispatch , gra , :
face new man ; but if the choice is be
tween Cemanon and CURTIN, prefers' he
Utter all the time.
'Tire election in_this State demonstrated
to the 'satisfaction of the President that
neither air. Cowan nor the'Conserrataves
appointed to office upon his recommends.
lion, had inguerthe with the' people. In
eAnSequente it 301313111 probable that air.
POWBII will be discitrded, and the Senate
- -
relieved from the necessity of passing on
the fato of his friends. Democrats are
likely to take their places. ', .
11, Nemz.—The name of the Demx.ratic
candidate for Congress in the Ninth dis
-04 of Ohio was Finefrock. But 31r.
Culkiand heat Mr. Firiefrock 1,287 votes:
/dr. Garfaeld's majority In the 19th dis
trict (formerly Mr. Giddings') is 10,986
proixibly the heaviestlin 'any contested dis
trict in the Union.
. . _
- TUE indications are that Mr. William EL
Femble will be continued as State Treas
urer; that George W. Munmersly will be
i.entinued as Clerk of the Senate, and A.
W: Benedict as Clark of the House.
In Michigan all colored persons having
less than one:quarter African blood in
their veins have been declared by the' Su
-1 rem , Court to he , white, and hence are
cntitled to vote. • I
lin. DELANO, member of the present
il'ongress for the Knox county, district,
and defeated thisfall, has resolved to
the seat with his competitor.
--, Tim Louisville papers some =laths ago,
dulged in the luxury of enlaed dimea Experience has 41 . 4e* rg them to go
Chto thei r fonier prOporilons.
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VOLUME LXXX„---NO. 259. '
A Loral Miler of Note.
• The time hasbeen, when, if a person desired
a first class photograph—one they wished to
PreServe throtuth the fitful changes of years,
they thotight it imperatively necessary to
visit the Quaker or Empire city, where those
who luul acquired a high reputation as
artiste, were onlyto be Pried. This necessity
ifft ever exivted as such, has become a matter
of the put; since B. 1.. if. Vabbs has located
in our city. This gentleman's pictures not
only came folly np to the Eastern standard of
excellence,. but In many rcsp.cts exceed In
finbth and brilliancy of coloring, the , best
works of Brady. This is no idle boast, as
those who have visited Dobbs' exhibition
rooms, No. if BL•Clair street. 'can conscien
tiously attest the verity of Our statement.
For a picture that brings out all the expres.
Mon of the el:inject, be It animate or loans
mate, and - may truthfully be called alikeness,
you mast go to this establishment.
Even if, a .person does not wish their pie.
turns taken, we would advise them to visit
Dobbs', for no other place In the city affords
such facilities for spending a pleasant after
noon, if there can be any pleasure derived
from a tour thronih.'a gallery, the walls of
which are Adorned by artistic creations, such
as wo seldwit have the opporttuitty of seeing.
. . . Pokows. Hydrants. te. •
How as wlntertiapproseiting,pattles should
make all the ctianges they purpose making to
servo them through the coming cold., days.
Water pipes In exposed places should be re
set, la 'order to wised against the endless troll;
bin of having supplies cut off by Sing Frost.
For all work of this character we know of no
firm more worthy of patronage than that of
T. T. Ewen's, Wood Street. lle . is a practical
plumber and' mechanic, and sires his super
vision to. all work entrwited to him. Orders
from the country promptly attended to, It left
at their store, Ho. 165 Wood street. •
Venfran" Teo!son!!
At: Ilultztiolutees popular Continental Din
ing Booms, next door to tho PostoMoe, on
Fifth street, a splendid specimen of deer has
Just been received, and all of our readers who
are desirous of obtaining choice cuts should
be on hand early. This saloon is the best man.
aged house t:f the character in the ell y, and is
patronized by the beat class of our
zens. - For every delicacy of the season, served
up In the cleanest end best style, call at the
Continental. ,
near "tear. tilled See
DrrAborn devotes especial attention to the
trcatinent of diseases of the Eye and Ear, Ca
tarrh, Affections of thoThroat,Latigsaleart.
StOutaeli and other chronic dhoti*: Consult
ing and Operating Booms, 98 and 07 lierchantat
The Three Guardsmen
The grest matter of French romance lies
produced no better work than this. The play,
dramatlzeil from this translation, will herrn.
ducod at ilia Orient Muse next week. Putock,
opposite tie Protonic°, his the book for sale.
“1:001111t. Gams',”
11..rk - ,"•'Art of Amm.hig." "Gen.
Sheridan ia Leu'a J.,od l.;ampaig:a," "Antuor
"hip of Sbalisneare4,..The and the.Folh"
and all the le to nublicatione can be hnd at Plc
.tock'o,,oppoeito tint Postodlre.
14 federal Street..
92 Federal street.
Boots and Shoes.
Batters and Bahnonals..
Gams eusd Sandals.
The Cheapest in Ma World.
Beautiful sets of teeth for the low Price of
ten dollars, and equal to , ,those other dentl9ts
charge fifteen to twentidollsra • for. alto Ar
tificial Homan Eye inecitsd. Dr. Spencer, 2.51
Penn shoot. -
The Poatratteo
la oppoalta ?Mock's, and\ I.l!tock , a !a oppo-
Lite the Ppatotnea. At the former plane you
can buy etampa, and at the latter all the new
hooka, and anything you want in 11.0 rending
Eye. Lat.. catarrh,
And ail nifectleaa of the throat and chest
treated with the utmost success by Dr. iborn.
Consulting nod operating rooms ea and al Mar-
Chants' lintel. •
Eyerty Taffy, and Cream Candle!. that Can not
be excellent.. Manufactured and sold by Geo.
lleeven,ll2 Federal street, Allegheny city.
The Ureetest Sueleen of the Ape.
'Teeth extriseted positively tcit4old Inc aligla
edpain, or no charge, at.Dr Spencer's, 2:4
Penn street.
Uo Plimlog . • Dreg Store,.
110.. SOlarket street, for the finest assort..
'meat of Flavoring Extracts la tho caveat
lowest prices.
. .
• Chronic Diseases.
.Or. Aborn solicit* easeu, - deemed. hopeless
Consulting and Operating Rooms. 0 ' and 91
Itiefe4ants . lintel. ' ,
?Whole Lealtber 11.1 p Boers,
Very °beep; beetle the city; warranted to wear
one year; Gardloer's Opera Gouge Shoe store:
• • The iterebtie •
TM' morning pgbllebes the. Ineothe Mete for
the Treaty-third (Allegheny) dletriet.
. .
- nor, Goods
At the Opera House Brine Store than any other
three rotathsboe housei In Plttaburnh.
A Word to the Wise •
la suilielent,, Teat wool is, go to M i Chntoek
for Boots mod &Wes.
Greatest iiallittss
O( any shoe house In America.• eardlnerre
Opera !lonic Shoe indre.
- Cl:tempest oboe uckosip
Lithe welt Is liteCllntocWo. 92 Federal street
Allegheny City.
_ Beat jamas '
In the world- selling very ehP.P. at the Opera
Mine 81.00 Store.
• • • Boots sod Shoes
At surpusingly 117 prices, at 91eCILarek , a
92 Federal street.
Go Ito Fleatlnes Drug Boors.
No. E 4 Markey Vioet, for your flue Toner.
•The, Loading Boot and Khoo Ikon"
Of Plttaburgb—Gardittors -Opera HOUSO 'Shoo
Eresirli Calf Boots
At hictnintock,a.
ival Early
And.svol,l the rush, at 02 Federal street
Bargains tpL Day
n ;:ootii and Shoal, at McClintock."
Greet Debtlthllon In Nor th ern and Cen
1 tral Alabama.
Wasainercn, Oct. 24.—Aocounts from North
and Central Alabama report great destitution
from the failure of many of the planters who
had mortgaged their lands for supplies, but
the crops falling, the lauds &resold at ruinous
rates. racolyte and homes are broken up un.
der these forced !ales. In Green county atone
there are more salts on the Circuit court dock
et than there arc In the . countr.
togs are being held urging tee Legislature e
laws preventing the sacrrgee of property.
Troops Quartered at Ottawa—Tall tir
O TT AwA. C. W., Octagedober I:6.—The llotel Du
canine him been en for s. rof
the 100th lioyal Cangadian liegi troop nient w r in t lso
stationed here this winter.
• There Ivo,r light tap of snow here thiS
' Forney On ate Vaitialer. Traahtes. •
Nlrw Tong; Oct. W.—Col. Forney writes from
W, blnetoruto the PnOadelpbts Press to tbo
effect: /t GOverhOr Swann ecides
to remove the Pol l f
en COMMMaiOnera foroci
that proceeding will undOubteMy be , testetett
by the Unkon purple of Beittmore.
• . .
Oen. Sheridan on Slezlean affairs.
Saw °amts.. Oct. 24.—Cien. sherlitan
vises in a published dispatch that the Imart.9
tinu t l:L i t oar i „ govefrosyntoistaUan given
Gov. Horeman Itc-electedQby a Heavy
t'A., Oct. thi.—The vote polled in
West Virginia esterdaY for Congressmeh
and State officers Is larder thou at any elec
tion since the Presidential campaigd in tall.
Returns thus fax received, as comnared ith
the vote on the Gonetit utlonal ' Amendment,
which was carried by 7,000 majority, show Re
publican ' gains... Governor Borman 1 , 1
drjubtedly reelected by an equal majority.
Mr. Hubbard, Republican candidate for Con
gross from the First district, will be returned
by about 1,600 majority. The returns from the
Second district indicate the certain election
of Oir. - Kiteheo, Republican. Wheeling city
and Ohio county are warmly contested. The
Demotirats will carry the county by about '7OO
majority, a Republican gain of 144.
norrtnents of .Ntrono.lifp.-Emperor of
• Aostrln at Protruc—The z kifin: of Italy's
reaftroteer tutu Venire—l y OGOR Of Japan
.Meported Dead—Ml.lp Burnett at e.t.a—
litextely In Fromm* for Len's Work
men—s Drelgo by Yrn belle and Swe
den to ab.orb the Magnum of nen.
mark—Coilotto's Condition Lupele•n
--eftextnitillan to Ifortorn—floury nod
Ltrutrooi, Friday,'October . ..11.—Tho steam
ehlpCity of New York, from New. York, October
13, has arrived. •
• Sorrnaue . rcer. Friday. October - 26.—Tho
steamship Bremen, from New York, October
13, arrived here to-day on route to Bremen.
Paeors,Octobar'2s.—The Emperor of Aus
tria has reached this city, and met with a Mali
ly favorable reception [rem the people and
officials. • •
FLontures, October _5.-King Victor Emanuel
will make his formal entry into the city of
Venice on the 7th of November.
Comratermorts., October •Ss—Tile Sultan
has lormally recognized the llospodar, amt.!
given him a reception at his palace.
1.05005, October:Sl—A report is current here
today that the Tycoon ofJapan is dead.
Lwanimoi.,October %.—Ati arrival bore re-
Porta that the ship Saginaw itoutelle, from
Cardiff September, for Panama, was Mimed at
sea. No nate. - No lives lost.
Quarusrows, October ..31.—Ereitirip—The Ca
nard Steamatilp l'ersia, Mom Now lock, Octo
ber 17th, ,iirrlved to-day en mum to laver
• Pa L areOctober '2O —Crest an'xiety prevails
In France, in regard to the condition of the
Lyons! workmen. • .'
Loanoir, October 2.—The London (1703 e, in
an" editorial, alludes to a design or invention
by the Courts of Prussia and Sweden, to ab
sorb the Kingdom of Denman IC ,
Paula, October , 33.—The condition of the Em..
press Carlotta, Is described as being hopeless.
'The Emperor Illextreillan, will probably . re
darn In the Austrahision frigate, which lens
recently dispatched from Trieste, by the Em
peror Francis Joseph. .
It IS said that twenty .tvarateamerS will
- leave for-Ruske. In November to bring lysine
'LIM entire French forces, - now I n that country.
Losmos, Octuber - At —ms°' s quoted at f=l3.;
ht ]Hones-. (;notations of American securi
ties Cr,-.: 'United States Five.'Ewentiek,
Erie Railroad shares, 30y;; Illinois Central
Railroad shares, 77!.
LlvartrmOL, October %i.—Cotton market dull,
at I3d for Allddl •Up lands. Prices have de
'Mined 3 . 4'03111 on the week's sales. The sales
of the week amount to 60.UU bales.
LIVEItrOOL, Oct: _s.—Erasing.—Cotten mar
ket steady; sales amount to 13,051 bales Mid.
dllng Uplands at 13ai5 , 4,t. unrad.cuir. flrru•
Corn has advanced to 3:14 for Mixed Western.
Lard tends down Ward. .
Loans. Oct. tta—Errninft.—Money market
steady. Consols for inonoy ONd. The
following are the cloning prices of American
- securities: Erie, &IX; Illinois Central, - 771.ii U.
6.20 ?, - •
Cough Candy,
Father Ltunscien, a Catholic Priest.
Tried, convicted, and :Sentenced to be
Hanged In Dceensber next.
Tot.Oxvo,t. IV., Oetobet.ll l / 2 totwithEtanth
log the wet weather. the CorEti: Ltouse was
again densely crowded, and the interest in the
Fenian trials unaliated.
The first prisoner placed in the dock Oils
morning was David F. Luiaden, who profes
ses to be a clergyman of the Episcopal Church.
Id. C. Cameron, all able lawyer, appeared for
the prisoner, and ask: d the postponement of
the trial to procure two Important Wltheß3B.4.,
Bev. Dr. Fuller, of Syracuse,
and Bishop
Coro, of Bu ff alo, the American Consul hieving
undertsken to. proems! their attendance.
lion.J.IL Cameron, Crown Counsel, replied
that ample Dine bud born allowed to procure
witnesses. but the Crown would put no [eche!.
cal difficalties in ine'svay, and Saturday week
was tweed upon for the trial.
The nest prisoner placed in the iedk was
John Ilalalion, n Roman Catholic Priest. De
fendant's Attorney challenged one Juror.
Air. IL. A. garrison, on belialf of tile Crownt
then addressed the fury. The Indictment con
tains three counts, charging the prisoner with
being an Au.erlean Citizen, and, as such, In
vading the province Intent:to levy war. Id.
After entering. continued to act with persons
Invading the province. - ad. Charges the pits
oner with being with persons who levied war
Jo the provlnee.
The first witness, John Ray, of Fort Erie,
sworn—Saw 110154101111 t. Fort Erie on the let
of June with the Featans; saw him again with
them after the fight at Fort Erie.
The next, witnees, Alfred Wilcox, sworn—
Saw the, prisoner at Fort Eric on the lit of
June; ho was giving orders about some Retch
elst saw no arms about him.
Alexander Milligan next testified. Ile said
the prisoner,,who had a revolver at his side,'
Wel advising Fenlaus to take care of them
selves. &mere' other witnesses testified to
the gime effect.
No witnesses Wog called for the defense,
Mr. Cameron then made a long speech for the
defense, saying that the prisoner, a Cal holm
priest, was forcibly compelled to go with Die
Fontana to give spiritual , cum tort to the
wounded; that as a l.riest he could not refuse
to attend,th- wounded. HO was on his way to
Montreal 'on private business, when the Fe- .
Mans took him al lluffalo and compelled his
attendance. •
• Bon. J. N. Cam emu rep11 , ...(1 at length; saying
that, ln law, the fact of Cid prisoner iniFlDfi In'
any way aided the rattlers made him equally
gu Tl2 . :ludge then charged thO Jury, who, after
retiring for nearly an hoer, brought In a ver
dict of .Guilty, , and the prisoner was teen
sentenced to he hanged on the 13111 of Decem
ber next.
7110 ilatilmoie imbroglio.
LfstatkeMb, Oct.lo.—At the opening, of the
Investigation this morning the counsel for tho
Commiesleners submitted a paper ip whiali
they explained that whilst they hail and gild
still maintain the groundlessness of the
charges against the -Commissioners, and also
do not withdraw their plea agatut the Pula
diction of the Executive to try the Charges
tevertheless, its that plea. had been overruled
a n decidedagainst thew, they ftlitSCOMMis
stoners) deemed it due to justice add to their
fellow -citizens; as well as to themselves, that
their counsel simuld return and render such
aid as they might be able In the proposed in
vestigation, to crOssexamtne witnesses pro
duced by tile memorialists, rte.
li l a counsel for the memorialists object to
the Colnuilesienere counsel coming in new
less they WithareW their 014ec1.1011 to the
isdiction of the Executive.
After considerable argument the matter was
arranged by the counsel ter the COMMiSSIOU.
changing tee language of the docubsent
submitted by theta aq as to read; for that pur
pose We aro present, and not abandoning the '
benefit of the plea tO the jurisilictlee, of
which wb desire to stand , the record to
avail ... it may
he, on behalf of our clients we
pined not gouty to the charge against them.
The Governer then made, a etatement: lla
noted the counsel that he would
exam a
that all Irrele
prompt dectslon of the case; that this
in nem
nation shall be gone. through with - the
aside, and that
shortestmintm titsnracltiritasibdwlieplgtetphromlicx:lt..; r
the Case
be slated. and atudi be disposed of at the ear
ilestpricticable date.
He informed the counsel that be intended to
get through with the case by not later than
Wednesday of next week; and be nOtilled them
that if they had any important evidence to,
fratenit, that they have, it here promptly; liez
also announced that as soon as the Executive
was wished by the evidence that should be
Presented, that the commissioners were limos
cent or that they were guilty, he should take
action as promptly a.. he should feel Justified
In doing, even if that action should be -taken
in the midst of the proceedings which were
going on.
ThIS annentiCemant was regarded by most
of those present as an truncation that the riot ,
ernor's ilsettion would be adverse to the
Commbistoriers. The exens moti o n of the nu
merous witnesses Dreamt Iran t 12,1 commen
ced, and. continued Up to three o'flo.k, • bee
theerullitnatiOrt was adjourned until tosnor
row morning. 'She evidence, time far lien been
Meetly against the judges of the eiceiton, and .
cheeped the Commissioners with partisan- 1
spiv le the discharge Of their duties.
proth or Morley Meddriek, who - Rea
shot by the Negro Thomas- steam—
Coronerslinquest. •
The circumstances attending the shooting
of Mr. Henry Heddrick, coronet plearer of the
Pittsburgh Theatre OrelteStri.bY the ,negro
22homits. Smith, on Tneadaynight lest, On Fifth
street, must - be fresh in the mementos of our
readers It will be remembered that cnithe eve
fling nihntinned, two negroes named 3IMPer I
lively Need and Thomas Smith, had - an alter
cation in thd Theatre, which resulted in blows
after the performance was over. Thomas
Smith drew a revolver and flred'at.Nrodt
sing Mut, but the ball penetrated the abdo
men of the unfortunate deceased who was,
Jaat at that Moment, coming out of Hie The
atre. • Mr. Ileddrick lingered in great :lent'
till yesterday at noon; when he died. torn.
ner Clawson was notified of ills death, and
summoning a jury, proceeded to hold an in
quest. The following citizens composed the
Coroner's Jury
I.• Thos. P. Houston. 4. Joseph Meths..
2. Unyan M. Irwin. I. John Barry.
3. Faulk P. Case. .111. John Kerrigan.
• Dr. James lierr, who had attended the de,
ceased during his last illness, was called upon
to hold a posemortem examination upon the
body. After considerable labor, he succeed
ed In discovering the ball, -not much larger
than an ordinal y shoP liad lodged
loosely against the spine. The following is
the testimony of the learned gentlemen; .
Dr. James Kerr; sworn—Am practicing phy
sician; held a poet moriem examination upon
the body of the deceased, Henry Ileddrick, on
Friday afternoon,; Oct. 25tb, 1866. Found an
openim: in the panicles of the abdomen, made
by the passage.uf si ball; on opening the abdo
men totted ills envity filled with blood, the
bdi having traversed tne stomach; pigging
through to the spine; on. the right di widen
It was found lying loose. It did not appear to
have entered the musehMsof the spine, haV,lng
spent its . forte in tearing its way thrOaillt ills
walls ,d tile abdomen and stomach. - It is my
opinion that death resulted from internal
hemorrhage and pient gangrene. Am pos.
It ive that death ensued from the butler wound
described. (shale ballet "shown witness be
Coroner.) This is the hall I found in body of
Tile inquest was here adjourned to meet
again next Monday afternoon, at two o'clock,
at the Mayor's office.
Thu deceased was an estimable citizen and
leaves a wife, but no family, to mourn his un
timely 'end. Met,IDUITIOICT, Thomas Smith.
the colored man who tired the fatal shot, is
now ri jell, and of course will be tried at the
next Unmet the Crlmiiml Court upon &charge
of murder:
Donee !Exploslon—une Man angtally
• Injured.
Yesterday about ,seven o'clock, the usually
quiet borough of teusperancoville, was
throws into the wildest state of excitement_
by a terrific explosion, the report of which
oOuld be distinctly heard In this City, fwo
Miles distant. Tho cause of the tumult was
the explosion of one of the Immense hollers
in Woods and Cs's. Rolling 31111, situated on
the south bank of the Ohio river, a short dbu
tance from Its formatiou by the Allegheny
and •
Thu boiler was gee of four,. horizontally
resting on the carne Inundation. and War. next
to the end. It bud at refiaired last week - ,
patch having bitch put on the top, about
the centre, anti war, WI far us could,be ascer
tained, In good condition. This Morning a
leak was discovered very close to Um patch
alluded to, mud In contequersee of this but a
-very sulall amount of steam was being gen
crated to It. • The explosion, as above stated,
took place afo w momenta before twelve; the
patch, which a tut about lour foot squaro,bolug
tern off and _hurled with great force through
ate roof of We building. carrying a large part
of it away. The Masa of ft on came in contact
I with the smolt° stack, at a point immediately
above tee cone of tilt roof, with Such force as
to completely•-alemollsh the Stark. -Ina inn
want the Interior of thin will, was 11110,1 with
clouds of dust unit stoma. and the greatest
confusion prevailed among the employees.
There was only ORO of them hurt however,
the fireman named NV I Mani Davis, who was
standing at, the end or this boiler when tI•12, ao
cadent -to •k Waco. lie was not ”fitlOtlely
Jared, being able to walk tO - 131* borne after the
affair was till over. Considetable confusion
ellsted amour the spectators, moll it"vois as.
certained thatlthere was no person injured,
nfl e[ which it anbsliled sod Litre plume to
heartfelt tliankfuluess, tbat all•had escaped.
Woods it storo. loss wilt not materna to more
' than sl,nO, which it fully covered by In
Sup,reme Court.
Court met at the usual hour morn
hrg. u full beach with the exception
of Judge Strong. The following business Woe
trail:muted :
• Poreytte k. Co. is. North..tmerlean 011Cren
-patty ; C. I'. Argued by Shiran tor plaintiff in
error, and by WOWS mat McConnell. contra.
itnap es. Duck Creek Valley 011Companyi C.
P., and Dime., ca. Ike mute; C. en witted.
Woodward tor plaintiff In error, and helloyer,
Allegheny county vu. McClung; C. P. Sub
mitted by Carnahati for plaintiff In error, and
Minted" contra. •
McGrew A Co., • vu Stone; C. P., argued by
Acheemiand Kuhn, for plaintiff In error, and
Woods and Howard, contra. =
Illsttloisre—Vra are hapPy to see that
there is an earnest effort making to establish
Misslons Lr all avallable parts or this city.
Stich work is sadly needed in several sections
at the two MUCH. A Mission several
am, opened some Sundays since In the base
ment ot .St.Pettlr's church, and already com
prises thirteen teachers and onh hundred and
ninety-seven scholars, the latter, in great
par•, residing in Tipetown and Ilardsomhble.
A scoomi kllssiou School will, we are Inform
ed, be commenced to-morrow Morning, at nine
o'clock, in 'the skating Park (Tair
tireuuds,) Ninth ward. There will also be ill
it.neservlc peoplee moue place ut 4 o'clock, P.
All the ln the vicinity are cordially
invited to bring their. children to the hoof
and to attend the service,
All In Valn,—Diary Jane Beatty came to
the Wilco of Alderman Lynch yesterday and
Instituted' legal proceedings against a certain
Marla i rdelloy for tue larceny of a quantity of
table !men from the residence of the former,
in Church alley. Barla,l on being brought
before the magistrate, proceed.' to defend
her ease with such oratorical ability as unide
114 regret she had not been born a member ot
n he l
s l t a e wrnyer
swx u f d r
h h ve
Mfec an al e l yobscured
the lesser lights that now shine In the legal
horizon. NOtiyitliatundlng her persuasive Orte ,
tors, pin waqcommitted, ir. default of 000, to
Similer at the nest session of the Criminal
• •
A Wornin's Blear' In Danger,—An inter
esting lady, named Hannah Itichards, ap
peared before Mayor Ateltarthy, yesterday, and
lodged an information against, William Stew
art Mr toirety 01 the peace. The prosecatrLT
atates that •Williarn threatened to "cut her
heart out and chop a into mture meat." Un
witting that this tender part or her compost•
tion nuould form any such a compound—no
Matter how' rellahntl It ts m this cold weather
—and determining that he thould And. other
matter for pie fruit,.fiannah had William sent
to rt, there to ruminate on his mutt Mid con.
duct, and lay plans for future reform.
Struck " Wormser—plary Clay , came to
the once-of Alderman Humbert yorterday,
and made oath twain" Simon Tillbon ter as.
alt and battery. The prosecutrit &dein"
that Tintson 'etruch km' In the breast without
Just cauno or WO7OOlllOll, add Injured her po
saveloy twit the was run:mita remain tithed
tor two davi t Tule of court* proved that even
cloy hi nueceptlble or feeling,. end that the
wretch who would - thes attire leratild clay
ü bp.l,l recotyu the dire retribution of the hew.
Cilmou war arrested cud made to give hall Or
tuir appearance at. Court. . .
Neer lore on the Conneliayllife Roll
wood.—ln order to better accommudato the
traveling community and to meat the lucreaa.
Mg dementia et heolllthe Mee,' the Mt/WM&
and Connelbvillo Railroad . t.biropany have
Placed upon the branch from Iliitontowu to
connellyville, two new', beautiful and comfort
able. Care.. The public will now have much
greater !abilities than heretofore on tb is road,
and will duly appreciate the ciforto of the offi
cers to meet the 'mita of the community.
Dedimat in w. Methodist. Fplecppal
Church at Prospect. Bader county, bat been
completed audwill be dedicated to the wor
thip of Almighty thial,ou the fist Sabbath of.
November. Thu pastor, itey. A. F. Kurd, will
be assisted to the service by gay. S. Crease
and Dr. I. C. Farthing. Sere/Oct will begin on
Saturday at two o'clock P. x., and will be con
turned over the Sabbath.
• -
kee r Oual.-511ss Cecile .Rush; who turned.
'An heeds or the Theatre-going .•hub
!Ulu', at the commencement of, toe. sea•
sou;spassed through our city yesterday, On
route to MI Rh engagement of throo weeks et
the Olympic, ;Sew York. We understand that
Manager !lees haa gged this seemnoliabed
and tont one wilt ear In the early
'art at 'el.
',Lonrho; ponney, Charger
W ith , hating eominltteti .an ontrugu on the
Parsee or illatle girl minted tilizabuth Venal
eriagteu. hi Wein. eat.nbn. gh, a row (lays =We,
had a hearing ' , ohne Jurttott borung, 'yammer
day, which resented in his huing contrultten to
jail for trial at the Peeember Lunn of the
Criwinal Court. • ,
Indebted-tog o ere W. A.7Glltlentenny.
hilt street. 19r a copy of "MI In the Dark,"
nov a . by J. eherldan Lo Fanu.. Now gori"
'Mariam & Brother.. .
Also to the Publisher, for Frank - Letitia,* Is. dY's blamaZine forlieventber.
No n,....pernons baying bealneser. /1112
.Her,.. can find laza at the Atit.. Chaffee
Do . and tlaa rettded for a
year poet. Jr at Mailaw O m ° , 24 ._
otreot, rittaburgh.
- -4 i a
Trial rtHenry Brahe for.ilie
.01 Henry Ilellignii.
No sooner itad our courts oft ustiee disposed
of olio case of homicide than thou - attention
became occupied with another. On Thursday
evening Charles B. Stein was convicted of the
of David Unborn', and on 'Friday'
merging Henry Braho was arraigned for the
shooting of Money lielllgan at Hatfield.
The circumstances of this case, as ilet ailed
at the time era doubtless well remembered by
our readers.. The defendant and-tile man he
Skint tiere,ail•we are told, boson, friends'; anti
on the night of Saturday, the iNitit of lust July,
they wore together until a late hour, "having
a good time, While pasiiing through the lit
-tie village ofMatdeld, their home, they had a
rencontre with another party of young men,
and in the course of the quarrel Ifith itrahe
and ilelligan received rough usage at the
hands of the other party. and Loth became
very much exasperated. The mysterious con
nection betweeh this street uuarrol and the
horrible .outragii committed on tee name
night and at the Same place on the per on of
Fenny Smith, is well remembered by all our
readers, tile circumstances having been fully
detailed at the trial of the case recently.
After the disturbanee the ,s'oung foes Visaed
the home of Mr. David Holmes, at Collilis ;
township, to call upon Mary ilemminger and '
Louisa Taylor two young holies who lived
there. ,Moth th ei men were wider the I ntio once
of liquor. „and were excited by the ell cutn
stances or the quarrel in the street. The girls
persuaded them to stay all night, und they dld 1
so, one sleeping in the parlor, and the other
in the kitchen. The next morning Beale end '
Helligan-visited the garret end began plat tug
with an out musket tiler, Bridle, supt.sing
the gun to lie empty, playfully pointed it. at
Hellion and pulled the trigger; tile gun went
off and Hellman- was killed.
Yesterday the ease for the Commonwealth I
was conducted by Lton:B. Dull, Di.trlet At-
torney.! The defense Wag conducted by W. C.
Moreland, Esq. After the ususl preliminaries
the examination Of wttnesses was begun.
tiles. Odhcrisie Xeingan, so - Oro—Live at Hat
field,ESecond. ward of ,awrencevilli Henry
Mention. the deceased, Was my son; le died
on ttie Mob of Jtilyi he was hhOt at the house
of David Meioses.
Mary Hnuminger, swortitlinew Henry lie!.
Ilgan; saw u few moments after linens
hurt. The night before I Was Up blahs in bud
at Mrs. Holm 'house; sums one name up Mid
told me that Henry Braila' had the toothache;
found them both down stairs. Next morn
ing Louisa Taylor commenced to. get the
breakfast and 1. went oat to milk the cites.
liettigan and Hobe had
. stalii all night and
started through' the house for, inn. !noise
Caine out to uns a iit tie after this and tutu me
that Brake had shot lien ' 1. ran from the
Dern yard stairs and Milligan was IYlng
there with the Mood runniug nom his head.
Bruhn; Wan bOnlltig Ills lead col atying:
shot my friend and my braille," I ran down
and told Mrs. 110111gan, and the deceased WOO
carried home. Mrs. Holmes' 'townie is in Col-
line townaldp.
Crort-exemined-linel been cqueinted
emcee: with
the deceased and the deree e slant a
year; they teem to emse to the hour° together
and always seemed to be friends; they hell
bean there thereon the Wednesday eviiiiieg event
th accident, which occurrent on habeath
mo ning; they used to. come to tee boose to
visit Mies Taylor and myself; they Mewled to
be very intimate; they came ts s the house to-
gather en easterlies . evening, between nine trail
ten o'clock; the accident wirer! ...1 betwvon
Or. and seven o'clock the item nesisitegi when
I cease down etairstra the eve n Ili, linthe Wit ,
suiteline Ift - the grain' ett °Ter blend, be ihtti".
been stabbed under the chits; he seemed ti lit- '
tie tight; 'bargee •W e
event out for sin's stick
g piaster foe Bra'e's chin; he emus , Wel:
With the ittleking iramter, but lenore be
back, I had. usa et let ing I , l:l,ter and put It
On Itrabe's chin; Brittle laid down eel the floor,
and' we gave itellleen• 8 blanket for the kitch
en, and then Louise anct I went IV bud; ist the
morel= when 1 came town 'stein-, it Is mi
Ith.•llt six o'clock, anti 1 /ma, the heys lip;
they 'were Just- Where Wf, had lea
I them' the night berme, one in, the pans
lor anti one In the kitchen; they went about
together, and eeemea us full of fan 01 ever;
: they were in the lower pant of the hietee when
I went out; thee never were through the lionse j
before on toy of their suite; I net betel in the
barnyaraFily a li sw bOrt. time-just lone enough
tO milk nu - co-ewben Initisa cetera tee;
when I w nt up to the garret, I found i1..11/.
gan lying In the !Mil 8 fillorL titsranen fram the
etaifway; Beebe was holding lissiligarie heed
and seemed frantic; afternte to rarest hint-
Wee° as not to live his friend; Ilentenst
was stint la the heed, it. the left s ishe he was
dying when 1 gay bin; he duel a ten MUocr
that morning, at his inept lee house; Brahe re
=tined with him until he Was removed to ills
mother's house and accompanied hen there;
don't know whom the suit belonged to; the
boys who lived at the hones got the lain; I
think It was the weer: before the accident;
don't know whether the boj s came down the
stairs before the accident; done know cer
tainly how Brahe got the cut on his rain, but
Ilelligen teed me that they had a fight on ,the
street end Brahe had bece beaten.
Louisa linder, scorn.-tht Swindle,. evening
Bridle and Delligau came to our house, after
eine o clock; Beebe had his face tied up end
said he bad the totithras he. Deegan went
out to the barberie to get WMIIO sucking pies.
ter for limbo. Waite fell asleep en tile Boor
while he was gone; Ifelligan came haelc and
'still seemed in a great rage, raying that no
must be revenged on whoever lied hurt Brahe.
Ile would splll the last dropo of his blood for
Brahe; ha was going u Mint those who
hail hurt Breese. 'We pershaded Wm to stay,
and in the morning we woke them tip, and
-they west op stairs its Mary' has said, Boon I .
heard the repot - Ltd Ole gun and heard Itrial 0
halloo; ran up Oates and found them us' Mary
has trete:bee Brahe wanted to kilt hiteseli.
Be said Unit they found the Old musket there
and went to playing with It, supposing that
there was nothing
box Menem and put one of the tiaps•on this ud
tiets ot them fon a .
to snap it out of the window,lim. did not I •se
fear of frightening Mary anti me. • iralligan
then started downstairs, and Waite laughed
and said that if he want down he would shiest
Mtn; Itelligan kept on rad Brittle pointed thO
gee/ at hem and pulled the trigger to seen the
The gun exploded and utmost knocked
Brahe himself ewer; it was loadiel so heavy,
and ho waa so neprepar a for It tO be loaded
at att.
George . Berger, worn. Brahe nna Heilman
came to the bowie on g turray night, a little
tight-Brahe with Ws Mee tiedmp. They ;data
all night; hut Mary told me when 1 anklet her
If those boys BtBld ,11.' tuba, "that. lilt' went
home late lest algid.. 1 Maui the boys talk
fog with tile girls n th . nursery norm. 1 went
down. Afterwards on of ll...girls oral me to
go to Mrs. Hellion's, for !leery was sick, ler
Smile bad shot JIM]; Beebe, called me up
, stairs, saying he Iliad eho. Vier ilelllean. I
borrowed the gummnd Bentz amt I leaded it
with powder and ehest. Don't know whether
anyone else touched the gun or not. We did
not!put s cap on'the gun. I did not hear the The Cr. f L l 1 ii
report of the gag for I was upon the hill after nee o . twin to . aVe .
thh SOW*. • ..• • Vnr readers will rwmember that some time
Albert llounta, sworn-Live at Mr. Holmes; n ee we published with some stricturee an ex
ert , Saturday nßrittle ight Burger and I eat with One I fent front the Canton ReptabAtcan of Ohlo, in
girls wnen and ct; the
girie told till tOgOto bed and weDeillgan
we ame P nt up btflarti , relation tO the In yeti:tient a katp peantnci3 of
and left theta; next morning I heard the boys 1 Captain Criswell. The Bepeigicen smoke in
In the nursery sad when I wept down I asked rattler harsh terms of our police and tne mo
lded, M those boys-went Mane the night be- ; prletore of the St. Client:sill - a eel. It now makes
fore; stie lead yes, they dill; et broakfaet Owe I the (musette hunwvitle as it - e e l.
I Was going home tO my breakfast when Bor. I Severe! week:, since we published 'a
ger called tO tee that Drab° hnd shot ['einem , I meet. itt the eirciraratanees 'mewling the ilia-
Wm. Minion, sworn-em (Wooer of tile' eispearance tit Captatu J. E. I:Mewed, of Ma
countig held en tunuest on the body of Henry i 'deism, at Pittsburgh, about Octolmr lath. In
Muth nee teen:tooting of du Vale Dr. Mee I 00181/118110.1 with the e halt el• friends who had
bison examined the hady; there was a gun- i been there to investigate the matter. we sta..
shot wound in the heed. • - j led, What they lee awed to be true, that nein
atm O.Purdy, sworn-Am a reperter lint the ;or tile proprietor of the ht. Charles nor the
aluecuc' on the morning of Sunday, July ISt h, melee of Pittsburgh manifested eufficlent in-
Henry Bridle eaffes in pith Me to the Mayor's' te Olt lii ferreting Wit the elyedery, noising :
ofileth• I learned at the Mayor's . °Mee that a' thereby to stimulate iicia eagles to make such
shooting had oneurred in Collins township; I , taut Lions as the ea. , . went,' lathe Opinion of
went unwed lat ely to the house of Mm line t- ' there interested., The Patelsuigh Gazelle wee
ligan, ethers I eoundyoung Mahe; a - friend ot I sourawhet revere in its strieteme upon our I
literate! , asked me if t Were Coing Lao i In the
living:but bud : article end etutillct e that Camera Creswell ware I
'city, saying that if / were not in
en telleer/treins • etpleatrell, nod wliftely env-
would come In with tee mei deliver himself I eyed up all crew., of lue s. he esteems ie. a Bt ;
by to t h,, Mayor. Brahe veld he dill not wish . of letnisarary insenoy. The Unzetie way car- I
to be weaned by en mincer, but if he mend rem. Folionleg le a wee front eir. d. „ll,Ctte-.1
find any one to show 11101 the way to the May- j well, lather of Litigate Criswell. .
O go r` a w l
t ff in 'e l e ,
t i w ie
t w n o t u r t e d
!, c t o 4 tu yn e r tl a u o l tn t
c o a lis. l?
n w otList eithinee Depubecon..--In tins tetetuent pub.
i . VAN put, 0.,,0ct ober Z, ISCCI.
lie came In with me end delivered himself mi , imbed to-you or ley sot's ersamicarance, the
Voluntarily to the Mayor. . - ; paragraph which intimater that there wits
This closed the testimony for the Camerae- negllgencd On the part of ties proprietor of the
- Wealth, and . I et. Ciliates hurt, ;l of the d'itteltugh pollee,
. e., yes OPV/Zifna does j u in s tlen„ it'd is tweets/ retracted. On
. •
Opened their 'side of the case. The drat wit-' I the es:nitrate:, 'Mem Pestles, 'ellen the
extra was
netts relied watt - ~ ~,,,, property to their I attention, maul
.et. DZAndervon-Arn well acquainted with ; Seated till , ' ll .M'' ''Ulkaulhl 11l MY behalf, Ma
the derandaut and have had tale in my IMI- , all that nOold Is , required !ot than, ena, for
pray, lie hears agood character sod wee e , the Marne, hiltit Mr.:rants ilea tne police wit
hoe= friend of the decresed. - I• , : eVer 110 Ilvld it grateful retarathrattrao
air. Duff, .wurn-Arn a brother Of Ithe i 5,... J. H. CntsWeLL. •
triet Attorney Meow the n ever lie 1.5 ! . Captain Criswell Wm ',Mended In the head'
a good Cherataer Hee lets ilever been known ! at Getty-hi-serial. Some ham thouebt that Me
to do anything Violeta. lie and the deceensi . eusteedy . . erratic course inlebt b • traced to
Were intimate friends. - • . that hurt. 110 Is IlVlng out west noose where
Robert Cher, strorn-Dave known defendant and regrete the act-the only event of ble life
ever 'Mee be was a child. lie ban A geed wig, which ee ,,,, s.
t h e ten 4,ll3piclon u mei t be rallail s :
for tar peace and q ui etness. lie saes the do.' owe of hie heed ee
l . Meal. it Is allTolyr.°l;)..
chimed were intimate Drawls. - . gotten. We did
beathop see irs
Thlselesed the t.tunoity and the congaed . anti live in peace, t o 1.11112% ~,,,,„.....
'Uri were ably esadresewl in aucemeden by . Mr, Its lermletertuiessc to sett , 'a C OOL. ..!,
'Moreland for he defenseand the !hairiest At- • Maim
tomes' for the w Coltimon wealth. . ---esw------
w i ns , m ssiding In the
The addrette Of counsel were 'followed by , Rtoten.-Natlntrael.All
or , ,„„,. „ wee
the charge of the Courts The lure-oiler aim ie., Ninth were, We; e,..l:,t'!'ile 3 grt. 1 MOM.
destoil on two seoufge, one for voluntary and I Dom hi" I' m "' a ''- --meyer ideCartbyanu
the other for involuntarY leniticide. The Cow.. tag henppeared y
,„, 4r1733418,r Welter Central
monwealth bad waived the con.sidenitiou of
I°"ed nn s ' ,l ' M' - 'ith tise theft. Connolly WB4
the Met count, and the only
front an unlawful net. on the part of the tics ; birth f c "" Ut ' ---"
/rig Whether It WaB loaded or not,
. ____—..ass
fendant. If It bed been proved that he had i - - t
the jury was whether the e m hoo n' t i lli e tr i rmi t U n it f e o , r i I I:Ave's:lOW •ann-ii-rei.rrehntaattrtiiasi,t
. indlvidnel unmet Daniel
omitted the gun at his friend without know - , e 1,13ree5ty...." Ir a lierilan,ydaeafi_Laalt of
n t before Mayor McCall he yea
r/meg me • 'Cr uise r * T are' s s 1 Jerry Murphy with 'diem.
be Dad committed en eniewfut ra t. Thu mac • terdey awe
e bew.c..
e s - The pa from
rties boa 1 °
at the came hems, in th e
At Ism not/clue/on of the • charge the jury reel Ylestnard. The neellsesl Was Committed for
e ci flle ir h p a r V o l v e a g d flune so, however, had not noun in Mos UOr Blghtooo (101181 . 3.
tired, cwt arm au absence or about two holtru MULL .
. .
returned n verdict of not guilty. The priej
corer Was dismissed front enstody and wen!,
borne, certainly to abstain, hereafter, from the
careless nee. of tl re arms which has. already
wrought so much terrible mteery In this as in
Other eases. " •
(ilrtoortcl atil) I :(7k yesterday
n,.r‘lg,juae:siert 11.uBro
oco,,;iugto i ucl
The jury in the case of Robert Fowler. tried
for burglary and assault and battery with Ind
tent to commit a rape on the person of Jane
Young, returned a verdict of not guilty_ This
case was very ably argued for the defense by
1i0n.,(. trkpatrick and John C. McCarthy,
The next case was toot of Sarah Mtuidell.ln
dicted, on oath of Thomas Mullen, for selling
liquor without license. A verdict of ktilltY
WWlreturned, null the defendant was ordered
to pity a tine of Chant! the costa of the prose
Thomas Mullen was placed on trial for sure
ty of the ware, on oath of Sarah Madden. ate
was acquitted, end the prosecuttax ordered to
pay the costs. • •
Patrick .O'Day was brought hp on three
Charges of selling liquor without !footsie. He
pleaded :lotto contendre, and .was ordered to
pay a tine of i=l ou each charge and the costs
of the prosecution.
Fritz slimier, who was triad on the 11tH of
.Tuue lust fertile larceny of a small sack, was
granted a now. tend. Yesterday the Case came
tip; and It was proved that the detendant took
the sack to protect hltuselt from the rain. .the
was accordingly - aerated.
Albert, tas Alum Leyyston, was called.
had beenlndicted for arson. to setting - 11 re to
the stable of Gotilen,Starc, In the Ninth ward,
on the night of Alityiad, ESTI. By tee burning
of tile stable the dwelling belonging to James
McCune w:as also burnish. It was shOlvtt that
the building of Mr. McCune hail not been real
m! or occupied ap a dwelling for some Dino
provlOus to the are, on recount of unties:tit hi
n ese trout water In the collar. Also that the
Information hail mit brett made within two
years of the burning, and therefore it was de-
Oiled that the indictment would not lay. ,The
prisoner was accordingly discharged.
Margaret Smith w'as placed on trial for the
larceny of becliet of ol o the Mit of April.
A verdict of not guilty as n
The :mkt ease aim that or Joseph Cession,.
tried for embezzlement( The detendant was
employed by Messrs. .1. C. Buffalo Co., and
bottle thine since, ht the of his employers,-col
lected from A. C. Kalb, ton sum of .$ l2 - 50 ,
which, as was allered, hn failed to nay over to
the Brio. A verdict of not guilty was returned
and the prisoner discharged.' • •
Jacob Welch, and alums null kbrihum
Mcalichaels, were placed on trial for root, on
oath of Catherine .I • Aawretico. It nopears that
the riot complained of ehiedsted sidely of loud
faildott and much noise. Tito prisoners were
neq oat ed, nod the - prow:en:rim' ordered to pay
the costs.
John Dixon, n colored mint, was , placed on
trial for gituthling, tile pi osecutlng witness
being Scott, another negro. It seems
that the prementor visited tan defetdiant and
played a game of cards with him, eh-thing 0,
sun or elet heA on the remit. The prosecutor
lost the game sod the clothes, and therefore
brought th 14 " nution as stated, tot gambling.
Tindery found theisprisoner not guilty, and
the costs were divided hetWeen the parties.
Tile nest ram was that of Catherine Dan
gerlichl, trial for, adultery. The defendant
was acquitted and each party ordered to pay.
half the cast,.,
dames I..cduard was placed' On trial on a
Charge of hurgiary. On the oteht Of Asunat
Mit tim defendant. In company with one Wm.
Oliver, went to the house of Ellwaril Mc-
Dermott, on Water street, lit the First +(ardor
this city, and entlcavoi ed to .enter It berets.-
rionsly through uses:4).lstory Window. Oliver
elitntimi epic, the stioiliders of Leonard and
reached the window of Mrs. McDermott's
window s an ing ro d om thrust, Oliv l er Mehir back. mott
T opene hey d
lef tho
ind t,
but Immediately e itne eackand uiado another
attninpr. Mrs. McDermott iscri awed, and a
nef;;llhor, Mr. Win. roll.sek, Came to her us-
Shdance. ass:drams retreated. but com
mented thrown.: stoat, at the house, Limit
, nril tree i tiriclat,d but, Olt Ile was
sub.,alucally err,ste,: by Ins,. watchmen,
(mill v. 10,111 i_seaocd. Ile
is a[itl of
I:4 rge: and. I,,kni trti *thew was' en trial.
1 - rti, Jur!. Mtn!. nod a verdict. of ton Amtit-Y sod •
the prltoner waif ilechareol.
Jahlt, Leonard, the defendant in the former
ceni, W,L'h Catiell up for MelllvllCl3 OR merge Of
411,1i1C100,1 nr , l biele lie 1.4 previous:-
1y been convicted. In vtvw of tine tact, how
ever. that ne idready been to j.. 11 three
intaiths, and has a mother depend.
ant its ..•,tenee was , left rte.!, and he was on his i,VIt recognisance to refrain
ft 0:11 drinking nod his preview. ill conduct.
I-This cum was the hen .05 the doeliet, sail
. inSecittiled the M.0.,' of the Court for the
present torni. Accordingly the Jury was dis
leinirge.l. With she thanks of the Coort, and
.t ho holy adjourn,: mita the drat alonday tr.
L . covsiriwr.
' -
/ Sabbath Scheid I ontltrire.
"Permit rue, Messrs.. Editors, to make a short
appeal through your valuable paper to Sab
bath teachers hi .1 110 county of Allegheny.
F e llow workers, you will remember :hat:near
ly three Seals ego a...effort was m ado hyia feW
earnest men to estatilish a coltutV organiza.
tinn. A 'fleeting 01 teachers untl 11-lends of
Sabbath Schools convened in one of the city
churches, piens:tut, we Ulm:Oil, ant) profit.
able. An organization was effected; ottleers
chosen; an executive committee uppointed,
who were directed to appoint diStriet secre•
taries hi every is aril mad borough threat:bout
the comity make thorough visitation of the
schools wienm their bon sets, tool be prepared
to report statistics at, 11,0 fall emir ention, to no
held on thg 00e011,1 Tues.lAy of 'November,
twit. Two Years have' elapsed, -and WC bare
Mot neither contelni lon nor reort om the
Executive Committee. Another p .att fr empt ia
being Made. It rents with you whether It Li.o
shall he a failure.
A Teachers' Institute, miller ths direction
of Mr. VIAL Pardee, ot. New bora, 1500 Loon
called to meet on Tuesday (wooing next in the
Second Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh.
The low Who flay., tlikeli tan requinsitillity of
culling this Convention Invest your lasslataliee,
and mad time : he .rouse demanos your
pre:tenet , amt participation In that meeting.
Other comities In
State are moving.
stitutea similar to the ono to 101 held next
Tu , silay have been - 11,111 in Lawrence and
Lrle. A stirring appeal comes to ui
trolls the Erie Convention to unite with them
In terming is Western Pennsylvania Sunday
School Teachers' L4tlOn., They see the
ious fruits of earnest organized effort in the
western - counties of tho State of New York,
and they call upon us to lielp them inaugur
ate similar work In tqato. 110 we not
need It, Lei sun give you the retails of a dew
'months summer visitation made three years
sling, in Allegheny connty outside of the cities
of P:ttsburgh, Allegheny anti vicinity.
"Whole nulohor of children In Lila country
districts between the get of 5 and .10 yearo,
1rt,',1!..t; No. 1 Sabbath seinds, 11 - 1; average at;
lend:1111 , I.f , ~tars, ili7; Nh. of children
wholly ont.,:du ei Sabath lielloolA, 111.151; 1111 M. I
Gut u.mdly sin scary li.ibluith,lV,lsl." weld
statistic-Orem the city presents more favor
able appearance 1 Nay, hut worse. Noeti
rata anything to sucti lot array of figures! Thu
cull for tile laslittite tollutl L.nother
I column. .Mr. Pardee needs no Antrollllol.lolllo
I SUlntly SCIIOOI workers, is veteran in the 'ler
' %lee, earliest, elm - meld, practical, we cannot
Ifall to learn ninell or mot, - and be aroused t
new enthusiasm for till great work: Let no
I one stay awayA TaACU;II.
A lionleistilf Eomanee
. A new illustration of the old fact that truth
is arranger thud flction has recently been de
veloped in our own city., A. celebrated and
truthful artist once Said to us, °lf i lhould, by
any Possibility, succeed in trensforrieg to can'
vass • a perfect reproduction of the gorgepoS
colors that make an bctober weal so Splendid.
my. picture would becondemned as an exager
ellen, and I would be sharply critielsed &Jena
who was not controlled even by the farthest
limits of posslbUity.o That Is trio. and tio of
this little story, and of many other little sto
ries that are constantly being told In every
day life. If some bold romancer would weave
it into a magazine article, ten to one his arti-1
eta would be rejected on the grounds of Its ex
tremoiroprobabillty I
. .
About fifteen - years ago a saddler, whom we
will call Smith, lived with Ms family In the
First ward of this city. By thrift and Industry
he had succeeded in laying by some money—
sufficient to Dui* a email home in the West.
Accordingly, t he husband And father took his
money in good aoild cash and set out for Ohio.
leaving his wife and caildren behind to watt
till he had made his selection and sent for
them to acute to him.
The family waited for tidings, but none
came. They wrote repeatedly anal made many
inquiries, but no trace of the missing man
could be obtained. At last they gave up all
hope of ever hearing of him again, and count
ed him dead. There could be no doubt that
the unfortunate traveller had been murdered
fur the money lie carried with him. SuspMtin
even fixed upon a resident of the city who had
been In the tame Beaton of the country •10,1111
tile supposed deceased. Meintlme the family
were poor, and had to live as they could. The
wife of the absentee—the bereaved widow—
opened a boarding-house, end so earned an
honest livelihood ter herself and family. Two
of the daughters married, and ono ot them—
Ruth —was left a - widow, and returned to live
with her mother. • ' •
Recently a young man from Baltimore came
to heard with Litre. Small. lie, was a. saddler
and had found employment in 'the city. A few
days ago, at the table, he inquired of Mrs.
Smith if she bad any relatives In Baltirnors.
She had none. lie had learned his trade, he
said. witira Robert Smith in that city, who
was a saddler and had come to Baltimore
twelve or fourteen years ago. Bo proceeded
to describe Ills former • "boss,"l and he describ
ed the supposed dead man. The accuracy of
the description, the similarity of the name
and occupation raised great speculation. At
last the widowed daughter, Ruth, obtained
the address of the Baltimore saddler and
started to visit him and at once recog
nized litut as the father 'who had dts.
appeared so many years ago.. She accosted
hint and at once made herself 'known to him.
lie was taken aback, and in • his confusion re.
ceived his daughter as his daughter should tn.
received, acknowledging his relationship as
confessing his great fault in leaving those be
longing to him to struggle through so many
years mudded by him.
lie had lost al. Ms money In Ohio, and was
then ashamed go come home. lie earned
more, bathe had than been absent so long that
ne determined to return no more. lie ketit
nts resolution,
and keeps It yet. Be sent
home presents and affectionate messages to
one and all, but would not return to them.
hiabbath Retool Teachers' Istalltute,
Conducted by R. Cs: rattle°, A. IL, Of New
York, will be held in the Second Presbyterian
CS urcb, Pittsburgh—Rev. Dr. Holoard'e—codo•
manning Tuesday °venom , . October 3Otb, and
continuing throughout Wednesday morninE,
afternoon and evvron a. October DAIL '
. .
Ottlntl Olf N26IICIBES.. .
Taaarag Evening-I-7 o'clock to 7 30-15evo
tIonal exercises. 2-7.30 to —General Ad.!
drew' by R. G. Pardee. ow Sabbath Fichoola
end Sabbath School Management.
Questions, Answers, Criticisms, An.
Widneiday Morning-1-h to 0.:( 1 -0hvO•
Vona' Exercises. 2-11.30 to 70.00-fewest Ms
mission by Patters, Superintendent. and
Teachers. Subjectt-The quelthcations or a
good teacher-what 'are Caryl 3-10 30-Db.
cusalon reviewed by Mr. Pardee,who Will give
a Model 1.05.9 , 00, with Questions and Criti
Ilkdnerday , Afferneon‘-1-2.301.03-DavOttonal
Exercises. --3 to33e-Discussion. Subject,-
Teachers . &leelinga anti Teachers' Training
-3--3.30-lictin w by bit. Pardee, 'with practical
Instruction to bupet Inturidents, Parente and.
Wednerday Evening-1-7 to LW-Devotional.
Exercises. 2-7.30 to 8 30-flow shall we enlist
the whole Church iu this worat Encourage
ment, nitibtlated by facts from Schools and
entire:ln, 3-3.30-Mr. Pardee on infant Mb
bath tichaols, with suitable exercises.
lb Ma Pazicer, Supt., inteadants and Teacher A
U., c, tathaut the Call oil Cl.l 1110,—YOU urn here
by cordially Invited to attend and take part
in tale son Ms of meeting, herewith announced.
Mr. Pardee, whose name is Known in an the
Churches:tad Sabbath Schools, is to be with
us, ant! givens the benefit of a practical ex
'milt:nen in Sabbath School matters rarely
Tno object of the Institute in not to occupy
time in speechmaking and rending reports,
but in giving and receiving practical sugges
tions and valuable Instructions at the art of
Those who receive this Circular aro earn
estly requested to interest themselv es In se
curing a good attendance from their lo
calities. . .
It in probable that a permanent County or.
ganizatlou wilt be effected. Entertainment
will be provided tor these coming from a -dis
tance,.t. . t .
Commatea ttf A ernes:Wears-W. 0. Ungliart,
.1. p. Smith, Hobert Marshall, John F. Loy, If,
W. Strickler, IJr, A. G: art:audiess, Thomas
11. Lane, J. IL Burchfield. Robert Morrow.
Our Rajah Trade
A few Mort years ago and we had not a re
tell home of saillelent magnitude to command
even a sursory glance from then:Lost observ
ant vl.ltem to our smoke.begrimmeel city.
Small !a-ventilated Insignigcant store-rooms,
the cobwebs hanging like faded drapery from
We shelves. and ceiling. were not well calcula
ted to impress the stranger favorably with
the Importance of oar retail trade. Within a
short time back,•however, there has been a
desire manifested by !our retail jobbers to
show transient residents here that oar
trade - 1n that particular line is as extensive as
that of any. other city of oorresponding popu
lation in the country. Among the most no
tictibie of these honses which have risen to
Importance within the thus specified, is the
mammoth auction house of Finks. A. filcCial
laud. Nos. 55 and 67 Fifth street, under Ma
sonic Hall. This Is, without vacation, the
largest retaU boot, shoe, and dry-goods tudab
lishment in Western Panasylviusia; and those
.who wish to make purchases, whether in
sued' or large lots, should not forget to give
aleglellatalts- an early call. lie, has just re
, cc iced an immense Stank 9f WO' i, shoes, ga t
ern, overeostings, hosiery. and hats, caps and
furs, direct from he • mainifactortes in the
East, which lie prepared to yell at lower
prices than can the imam Veda be bought for
In any other boaae in the city..
Celebrated Pliable dk I.yon .
Lock Stitch Bowing Machine stitches alike on -
both sides. It Is adapted for every descrip
tion of huntly sewing. It hems. fells, binds.
braids and tucks without measuring, and
makes the tucks more uniform; also gathers
and cords. Nay, the fact is out, tustif artsof
the trade can olsgu,so it. vial '
l i t will stitch
trout tne finest gauze to the- thickest beaver
cloth without any change in feed needle or
tension... Alt those vexatious adjustments
and obstacles are removed. It the purchaser,
utter a lair trial does not regard this novae &
Lyon sewing kteentness superior to any ma.
ohine In the market, he can return It andliove
his money. lhe cheapest machine by 20 per
cant •
Sem advert isementr In another colnmn. For
sale at 1124:kraut street. Also the Weed Sew
ing Machine,
Domestic Int-Iligenee.—What is the nee
of ladles paying for getting their dresses cut
and fit every time they want a dress made,
when they. can get a model that tuts perfect
every time without the trouble of fitting! We
gunk antee a perfect lit in all cases for. ladles•
Hod children* , dresses. Any petvon eau learn
In twenty minutes.
Also braid embroidery and clipper 'stamps
for tale, Ana stamping done.
At the celebrated Finkle A Lyon Sawing Ma
chine once, No. iii Brant street. Sue adver
tisement in another column. .
nearing., Beat/wed and %Olsen in the
Earn • bl terated.—i certify that my bearing
wan Impaired for three years, and a constant
buzzing in toolbars, and That Dr. AbOXU. at
the nterchanta harnitira few sP"'" ° ":
entirely miteve.t me. I stop at the aietennul a
lintel. 'My residuum is in Joirernen , nnu it "r•
Pa. . 11. Daew.
. B tioViet Coo Illou.—Xirs. Wi nsgm'l varous IMM1"
nYruP levotue ea Popul ar
partioe have run out articles calling tncoi bArs.
Winlow's. - Please take notice tent the airs.
Winslow of ties -nothing' SVro" a. slot ronnfttp.
deal 0w1.% •••••,enp,mt• 414111[1.
TlVittiS "`—rOitti' " rrn—O b n
.al H2I.
awl NA , A J.
'Dt.. VA
E . ? sT,
El,ltttlield. an.] tbe 'Ato
p 'sere! a t
...1 retelre
.e aa e Dle rawer 1,
fromthe OM •rt.r
XI. veill be received for tbaboaltlon of I.lBlUi-
Itlrir4 neat •
Saturday, October 211 b 1660.
BOX sal.
Catholic nu* Beitring too budgie'',
_ . _
F,n ictlys CE! ELIBITED CB Allr.
" ' a "K "E i. ‘ ll=ll "l . " ltteat e g).. •
The Edition le fa z•Wardea which will reach 3
Lulea dopy (per annum)
Clubs of Ten or more:
beantllul •Yial•s-acre,.• the largeet auburbao,
pine., or scpulchre. except one, la this cnanty, gr
anted oa Nearlirkghton road, lanmedlately north of
l a b 4ar i brtirWl' l o l f ° Ctorigt.eWAP. N ; , 7 "
eteny City. • •
No. 196 Stnithitleld Bt., car. lea
(Entrance fromßeventh Btreat.}
.FPX•1 1 7C49.1311:11 - ElLaift. PA
A NI) 122 fIA MOUSEY sTueliT.
I A 11.6.1101141/MENT. PA.
mrArx:nairaprii ,
N 0.168 Fourth street Flttatinhitl4 Pa. OOFFIND of
all [lulls, ciurmi,owvirzomol Won
of Funeral Itamtsoluit Hoods htruutites. Sus
o do 7 midnight. 11.110 and Comm zannanco.
riranaLMCZA-11.. Ltarld Kerr a. Bev. ha
W. Jacob.. N.D.. Tturuass RAMS. N 04.. Juan. El
Nailer. '
Manchester, Wood.. Minima
" Owner as BbeMent and. Chanter. stredts.
Blanc and Cerriauce furnished. •
FOR sicamast.
One excellent Riding and Driving Horse,
TwO Horses suitable for Doctors or Pantlly use,
Will be sobl low. as the owners bare no use for
ogle ' rltstatzeoLn•sir FrOoonXilhA.
Bet Wiftli ESUreet.
or 9
uutAmy emoresro
741,211r-s VICrXIII:TIL" 'OS.
931 Smithfield Street.
igff - TlifIEE GI/ARDS:PEN.
It s First Fell. ak ano a . n
t ß il c e ity rlitsaartlr
Produced at au Actual Cpst of $5,000.
CU) for maul' 7.41.
The result of over TWO
Las er 34. t": IttellAlLP3 d xAslstauts.
The molt
known to (1... pm uwehanlne Thel.lly. (Oat of the
mast briti an.l (nitre, Ind ill the modern stand-
Itrgi 41111111,) neeien,
and numerous others el equal me'rit. The play end
ing with the
illagrad by WELDONurI) Munnlnu4. KELLY.
. d perb!) Deem
GILLESrIIe h 4.3). an
The Cast or Characters Is beyond doubt one of [Dr
ila 1 beal binele clompu the ted by 111031 AS DA
ele Director of •
Where thls play enjoyed a
Get ( the Bost—They Alwaysj.taice Nails
festoe. ;
Every week, Dr. Qatncy A. Scott is called,
upon to Insert Artidcial Teeth in cases where
Other dentists hare tried, been paid, arulfasled,
and In every case his work gives entire Batts ,
faction. Ile to. quite an artist .In his Iln :of
business, and has merely to examine &casts 't
know how to articulate the teeth' so thattuoy
will present - a' handsome ana natural appear-
Moe, and will masticate the food thereon: l,l P
Hi/prices are loner than those of any dentist
1 . in the city, and he will amen:tares his work tr be
Superior. go It would; better for any tat..urr
readers who aro in want of teeth, to call in KM
QOM'. In the drat place, and thereby sato
the/L - 11am and money. We wooi
d mows'
those persons who ale suffering with dtllled
end lIDIdeI4II teeth that they can have born w i t he t arrupais tatudeva', by calling
Dr Scott. Ho has extracted for over ten
upon •
Monmad persons within thelast seven years,
an d among this large number there is not- me
case in which Ms process hue proved injurious.
On t h e , oh itrary; he ;ea refer to numbers of .
his patients who claim to have been benefit ed
la renewed health• lie extracts numbers. dal.
ly by the Ems olliaolens or Vapor" process,
endgiyea pure Laughing GAS to Lila! a who
desire It, wlthopt caarge. lie makes •as
charge for extracting when etruncial teeth nro
ordered, and gives a fall eat on Vulcanite,
with beautiftil gums, for eight dollars. '.ll°.
member his number, ZS Penn Street uarl
1 door above Hand.
\to: sp market 50..1, P **rgb: Pa
Mils old establish's:thous* has now taste, - thtrit
Ise thousand dollars worth or Boots and anus, an
ossles thelawat. the eptallty the best, Or otos. sse
deterznPdsd to • elt at ERY -to d.V
bate t050trw1.21441.0 De Onarsoldbraory In the bur
111.-S• tbst 'keeps good& worth hatioq. ,
and esanllne our stock of goods.. and we fe,
sattseed that pm wlll purchase what Too
the Boos sad nape Line.
Do not forget the planes 10 Alatkut arm.