.. . . . •• Clrieln 1 ; - Di TELEGRAPII. . ina t I he.ut liiisrber. / 1E...14; .)a . ..'. Anal-VIM, : .. t CIeCINIt;ITI, 4./.1.0. 1 .e.r . 1 ;.:-14. re 11e 4 14,11 al • . ' . Nest Turk. 'Financial' Sin;tern. . ' A in. l p ; , good demanddemand for c10,, , ,,1 ,in,!,: - 1.,, , . createc' Banker an ....rollier, • • . l e a Y 011.12, Oztober , 21,-lionny easy andportion attic tre26-cli:eily ..0. , :e Lei ve -and teady at 5 per cent. • Sterling dull at 'Db.@ I Pr , i-iciv_itticeil it/ Tel at wieca....;:,,, . • . :.:;:ol rmsheis are . 11111, 111,4414,1 ele4lng jis Wood ti ll. near coi•nir of Pak, , 10:4. • God nos,,n, druace, oueulug at 117 l.: I ,-, i very arm at the advance. s::,;:s arc 4111, • . 1 advancing to 118I,l', and cloning at Iry C ot- - ' all • doacciptiohs. of . Government - Bonds ' •., i 0,.. i large, mei a, ia Olney .-.l4itS 1,11.11110001 In all . ernments quiet and without decided change. t I iripatt,,, of A 51 :a le.i . lelprusoooll.. Tl blnght and sold on liberal terms. I tally seed has ri. a del; throughout .110 ° • London and , Continental Exchange sold at . Freights to ll.lxierpool gala. .0 ' • I week, the th•lnand being olio light. Prino. NM , ' York rates. • • ; -New Y ohs , 0c10ber..21.-Stoeits steady and I swath,a -.. ...,,IS at ..,; e." 4 ,,, : ,, 1 le. c .1.01: Sliver and Coupons bought at highest, - d ull.d ltoek inland, M. Toledo, 120• Cleveland ' ,..'• ': mere ~ d • - ..r. -• . flux 1 - "' corn,' ' r rata , . Ana (fold. Draftg 133411141 Oil NOW York: I usher:o.ll,P.; Noitharbstern, 1:5 , il Put' '''''' ' "a t 0 n.1 . . 0 '.... i , .° is ' 0? h.OO sn. .. ..t..1."-. -- 2", i retied, S ) ; Toledo - a it IV b . 0 13 '3' .1 " V r' l - '.'"que''' an ' the .. '''' kl."''' d Ili;; her n a ati ,4- 4:,: /-10/ 1 1. 1111 1 liglores, thengi: 1141 41.41teldal ad . :ale,: la. pot 4, 1.0141114 . m. 1111111,4 : 410 prelerre °- . - and L. • am. ...., . 6 • • •, I --..- 'I• - • " '' ' ' ' ' -- FINANCE AND TRADE, ' ' an '" L ""' 47 ' Id it"a"e - (1, b,!:.; lleading;„ lltti:. Michigan ; f.2,7.:72,:... • • - I Central, 115% . ; liailew, :tit Bach igau 4 1,01111151 e. : - ;.- • .--444.-.. . .1".... . . ...4.....wg,,,:5viy,0ct0ber24, i .„." .. . Itllf,lt linnets taint ra.l-125' . ..'; New 'York C.a.trel , ;_. -.... • tit. 2.01413 ala1:14 et. . • i I lPi: Illinois C [MI Pee I °-• 's f •-t •; . f ' • The New Torii. - stock : , quotatl6rts to-day, ; pone, 113,;;....20 endtpons,•o[ '62, 11.1., ‘ ; 3....5i eeu- . s s, ~ F it 01 ; ,!,,„ „,,, 1 i„..,,,,,„ ~ , ~.. •,I; ° .' as reported by Robinson, McClean d Co., ', pont, of , 01, 110-%; .. - 1 , J) . ..4_, reg. V 3, 160,; le.te coo- ~,,,1i.,1,,,, . 1 ''", ` ' • , °.' ', .•L 0 , were as • follows : Gold, 147%; L 'lSSrs, 113%; ' "T'.. bit er ay ~,,,..,•. (I.ii„, 44 e_ 23/. '' ' 1 ::°: 55 - 1,1,7a - nd ' 3 ' llss ' is ' ;;,,, n i .C.:riin'ea're's. ; „;,..:,:,;..'.::,;;,:::::';:',•::•;-,•:::,I:•:•:',',, ',:,-,',:::3,,;;;. : 1 _„ changed. PrOViallein aril Whisky dull mud . s=3Y's old Ilfti; do new. 11014; 10-Ins, 11.10; , ..,,,, • e Pats: money article says : TM. o. a I unelnin-ed. '7.3o's, .:Ist.aerie+, 10.3 l: ;. do- '2,1 and - "a l, ilnarket is casynt: a per cent. The d bennnt I . '"': 10511: ilichigtot Southern, it. 8., ,j 2, c, 1 ,„ • demand is light, an Very tittle iMl:erill l . o . l- I . -2.. , ness is doing GoOd bills ' land ..t 'Pittsburgh; P.Pt;-• Pittsburgh, iron -. 1 0 11.. , Mon to t, pare at 50ali. clock Market Is dull, and there a a I ,t $ , Maynt2 'ft Chicago, 10 , 1%; Erie FL IL, 32, 1 4;; 1 , 10 business, except. -along 'lite 6 1:enmit° ' Union Telegraph Company..MU; Railroad shares are irregular. Mining shares La t i c „,,,,, , e t 'cliques. Governments are barely s ustam,,i; noclc island; 107; Chicago tti North Western, feverish. hail rcatil bonds strong. Bat 1; - SY& do preferred,W.i; ~'.. . • • . :I shares firm and State stocks strolls. The chief. y 11 . 11.5 111 filehman South ern, of wipult .Xbere was a falcattendanee at Itch waives ' i',..t...Wcgolt.t. et 0.11.410 .0 .4 - North. estern, la;lXili 'Stork -A.tiptioni I,ot. evendaff, ihougu toe list sold at.S3I,,AyME, and new prelerreo;;Auuu at offered wan ..calculated to 'tides oat buyers Slibillt . it l , ter,... 1 .„ 1,3 1 cr o g r v.;:b..u , i, 1 .,67.2.nn0ta- Thetc.wita but little Interest manifested, and. ; ','f.. 3 11 ,,,,,,,, .1.;7, Rending,e 'tt,.: , 121 ,, ,& " ,:,.1 -Only two or threit Hales e ff ected. !IL Lt 31. 1 thihiral, ill; Michigan Stauiern,s;t2; illinois . . Batik stoeQ: wan first put Up, mo kiloolwa i central.lLAT Pittsbargh, MNit Northwestern, • dowriatftteX,ufhichwe consider chesp. - Tra.'''';) Rack Island, WIN; Fort Wayne,leS o ,l. Foreign ' National ; Exchange dull • bills at sixty days on Loudon, . mons was put us, but withdrawn at . . 105 bids Forirttiliatlonal brought but one bid, 1 109,4010.5.%; for Commercial, 10$‘11033i; for diau tot par, and was withdrawn. 'Allegheny Co. 1 . 6 ,1,T , .., 0,, , rci, , , V1 1 , %XQ ., ,1n11 U." i te s • rivettincered more briskly, but strange to say, is - n fumy active'detuantl 3 tornoneYP;o l M h a . wore - withdrawn at 77 bid, Which in above brokers, Wt without any change iu the rates, .F a irLt class borrowerspay 4 "tt emit. Philadelphia quotations. 75 Fos bid for City of ' Fittsbffegh /WM, and ulthdrawd. - 4 111 Lr/a° tool ever, are steadily r e et t e l =nb a • t ll s l '‘.!...; v olume. i' Oil Company was very heavy-sales at :sand There is rather More -activity to discount,: .more was offered at same, without gutting nitti pi ln . ln n e ft r ui elLse t t i l ei .s . upply of . paper, the rates 't buyers. - somebody has burnt tingeraover the '" 1 um rim t fir'more acti ', 7e ' ti 6 d .i4 ti r r e inr. Th .l ' . s c ii ` ; ' , el l ` , Into purchases at 61 per share. Who are they! I activity was developed at the regular ho ar d .r axton offered at 10c-no bide. . • In Mtobigan Southern. The elll4 ; aninee . t...l 4tO lo 500 shares at Po 'du , ' n I • ..The money market is folly "PP'i .l n " I per Cent. The act 3 ., ..i . e • -, " "“"""""f """ i tt,l .'ortil Western toil call loans. at .11s - 5 per cent. By reference to ii .. i MCe. t he movement being aided by It ;a 11111- the Bank Statement it will bosom that ttn'ir I pllclt. rit rumms of the feta usually efi cola. managers Lire still. expanding th eir loans in ; Y . i tml Nobel, that stock happens to l• I Ma face of a steady decrease not only in their, ~,,, ~ 0 nin er , deposits bilt In their reserve of legal tendms i ~L et ht . t i, t rt i iiirenieut, unit with probably no i . Nor is there. touch reasOn to suppose they x ' lll 1 Tie rice rose '" usuall,' IIOIOOIIC Of truth 11l teem. 0 change thew ,policy mill' the hit:metal bah. „.,.„!', . ,on the cnututnii meek, ~,,,i t • 1001 i e.xploiles. hank officers , managers ofq ',.., stacks „tug preferred. The smaller western rellways and of thuitelol institutions Keller. ' s ro ''. l ” $' •llisl still 1ict1 1,..,', 1 ' 4 .. 4. ' 1 . 4 Wl'n , h se - s i cent., and . and at. tam ' idly, go a great tray in making .0 the swarm , ~, • , .. i , I of hulls who um now Tatting, up prices by 1 '_" 1 7 ,,, , Per emit. Fort-hf n Excbm4,, 1,, ciinue moveme„:,,,idot , y, , ho‘w. ~,,,,,e y M . .1 •1!%7 but call. At present they 10 . 11' not ilit1001 1 :111 I.y I ` -'l. I/10 11.1. 10.1.;.4, and f rime, 5:1),,, long date. • mg:sere:dive measures to cheek Ito advance which wohlil Inflict severe term. 111 1 011 012111 in common with Ordinary .recuhttot I. Tucy tray, however, he brought If; the,. 4.111151.4 4 by a reduction In plain local tenders; On ilia next Treasury statement to the extent, ot iit0,000,009, and perhaps VI SlbirO,tioo, and un luaitrance 040 ' 31r. McCulloch that lin 1.4 aide to destroy O,OW. OPOper month, untlf the whole Cl the dis a raeo. • fta forced loon in the form of I. o gal tenders is , canceled. Such are the intinuttleits frnan Washington, and in view. of the meeting 01 • Congress they are likely to - he fully realized. -.Y..F,,Tribitne. • ...The New Fork Times ' interprets secretary MeCallocithi''polley' , as follows : • The Treasdry. Ike believe, is pu rchiisi lig or exchanging Into the new consolidated 1 5 55-, • July and Janury, all the considerable 1014,0 f 'seven thlrtles anti compounds that - ntror.bn fair term us it is buying with gold till the short, ft pet cent golibbearing stocks, duo in 1517.0, that Offer 111 the Seale way. One of oar fault finding coteuiporaries I. l lcilling lee the removal of the Secretory lerimitie he Is ci Maly • paring off the old debt of the ttuventruent hoot, .1.0- Gal due, in gold, oil toull her. is cha lg. ' in se Witt with Ihvorithnn Sconce he to mixing off or fondle gtheteummary currency addle,- . lions erented dere', Pal eloaino vears of 111 1 .3 • war. In the one 0.,-a it 1$ van l 11l on:tht not It , pto Sollil ills rsmiil 00 ally terms until oil of i1,7,3,000,C5Y) is I.,lica no; tustlev other that be : - 'cm sht L 4 loin:'i !II; grcenter.:::: Immitig ;Ir. Interest' wytt,:ver, i. • o , ..ther than pay 011 or laud Its intere.t. beam,: 4 . 1104 - 4-11ey 114.41. e. I'llo a'l4 2"1:0 111 11l ..0 lia,lls ea:l.:deo!, hilt inning from apposite stnnit {stints; this I. not in by aconite, cd Id- The lon', In the ~, 5.1 room ' Weald he ;lei loht ad In 1dir.1 , 1:,;1,'..C...!,;5i,; ie p'....• of -y);.i.e's),lo) or li - ,(,d.e., of in , padi .ena 1 - 11 . 1:t .: . loeked ht.; nit, horse ..r. Ihe site. O EX.:halt:, would he ;Iteabli• al..,ed to 1,1 . 1 . .• leo 11114.1ey market di:dyes...at an.l tuo e.q '-.0 0r,,, or th, • c....weru,... 0 rove...:a .. -se I hy 11:': .r,ph! curtathzoolt ;,! Lit; 0 .!. .;.a. , aio, Tar. 01, Inc,-." . it', ever. 00,! I. d; . MI-. il •,...,;;; a ..1.,. ; ;,; 0.,,, 0, any pi! tion;:er ,0.4.:1 1,i , , :0,0.0 .' , it, 1,1,8e11t riChn lea ess AO ids ....$ . ev - ei..; ' li; :'•. 111 c hear pes-ible nil ,0 .piu ll2 --1.44 41'.11 - “,tif 1 1,111. i i, . 1 :. - ,..iy111:; 01.1111 g01.14140a. - . a, ,114..11, 01. )dl i.... 1.1. • . 'alien It Call De done la In nil... 70 rad ilaaai t;'.. , - .. pdar.e.q.._o.-. 'writ 0, 1.'•.....111;7 1 il, prinetpel ot 11i4 currency ohl Law, ets,si, lom .15 11, llae LI,. ineaaa Of dal; i - o, or. t.• e...,;;Pdatinz, the lal ' ter whenever th,;,o ;unity :0:01z. .15 to •••o,t brokers' , mei idi I ;Lit sort' 01 talk, we dare say. the SCCrelt , r': ha......ree ; 'ode slace ce5.,..t.,1 In retard or ueii...;,l I.:.: 11. Aa; broke,, banker Or Ol_ler am-flea:es. 1:100 bay 1 . 0',1 , :tither sll,";li,isi cr ~..*5"), ,, , en 111, ...1..01 . e tor I,sl.l . tiallty,llas ordy to .polv :A tile Tr,..,.rt dohed Si be laltalle.l that he . rall deal w 1; 4 tie ,4 4 ,erlillzeltt 0:1 11'.5 4,11..., ter., as the lad -favored parties" ;loth:no P.,.....l bull: morn wlil ho muite out of the itoverunMut. ID PITISSILIV t • , CIIIIICL : 07 7150 Pl - 1 - 1,,1171 - : e“..7. , 24 .- Sz..t S • The Inorerbente Lt pre.l.Lre radr, and while there is - a fair Varna,: of le,- lotus, 111 the eggreg.the, LSo traos.,:tmn, it, the leading are almost su 11011 y Of Is It/el-Li still I.llll.MpOrtplt character.; Fluor Is more ac. . tire and firmer, with an' upward tendency, • and there is a might in the wand for Grain. Is a very f.i.irjuidnne delllll.llll for Grucoric,,are NI Litton! • geed:trete cliangc. iu prodeve, generally, Market Is 1.116,1‘,1•11.1.eiy ,lenni T.: • atrot equal to the +lll/IV.y. 1/I.lt nero 5101, Changes td values wortlic - •notice. ' GILLIS—No. 1 Spring Wis eat Is ,ittoted firm "-et ev.,eo to . ‘2,«74. Sale of 1 car fair Winter ite.l et $3,bS. O ath Id Letter el. Ludy but steady ,• sales of of et* bulb, eon wharf, anda sales from store, at.:l3. Wd. 1110VellIellt dye or Varlet. !Ale of 12ott Shelled Corn, • ' • in elevator, at 5I,01; : ;, toe teller to deliver ft co . on hoard cars • ELOtrit—The demand is more tel and .• whtle the market Is a :dude firmer, prim, have undergone no further change. We con. tinue to quote" at $l2 to 5.12.50 for S p ring Wheat, and $l3 to 103,50 , for Winter Wheat. S.tlei ol 150 bbls "Ford," ..Crossett,'' and " ilartiett,” gala; $12;50. Rye Flour Is quoted at *7;4.. /or new. • BUckwheat ls droopIII:4—IIIYy Ise lillVte,i • at $1.50 to $5 potent—in store. '•FROVISLONS--1.1.1c0u continues dull Wit un -.chartged.We quote at 17 for Mloultlers; 'lB (or i Ribbed Sides; and 2.50 for Sugar Cured 'Hams. Lard to doll lint tuti:lntu„eud at 17% to - IS for prime kettle rendered. Afe,- • York itt quoted at. 433,75 to $31,0C. Dematid • • BATTER—III traiet L o t steady. with regular ialeSof prime te:cholec Roll :::tie :.,Better. Is In good supply and very dell, there . being. no margin for shipment alit. '• • - CHEESB—Is Irtgood supply and a little dull *tit; as yet,'neehati god. }Vestern I.leserve, lit • • liamburg y; and , •Gositen,ll/ to 51 . .!. • I M • BA—There' In a very fair demand, and • fresh peeked sell on at 20. • •APP is LES„-Cootinuo to arrive pretty freely, but the demand rather bettor, non -as yet, I prices are maintained, ran-lit•• I rum 53 to ,:;•._L per bbl for good to choice. CßA 4 "tß/ES—TI supple Is eather light I and the market is arm .4515 i.er bbd-fur cein• mon, and Yal fur coltiyat:•.l. B.EBBS—.Timothy tic.( is dull* t I n eglec • • With small suies at 43. iluiseedl ' s ' in dema nd atirl/10.vgaaeett.s autj unolumged. • haul:- On wha l r i f, at°l P 4" 'titled o, —ge"• given ate , to 42 ,..,.. wti11,d r . d10ns may ill! fU/....../{.1..p01.5t4,4 steady with KWEET POTA re tar Wes per WA. • - DRIED FitUlT—Sale to the trade ' quarter Peaches at the. p 0 t,,, 75 bbil • at 23. No demand for Apples ' . --. • :l " rde ''' • PITTSBUSitiII pi,itjui' OT•Los nP 1-Es-ra-renuann tiazr. - • - Slinosesnav, iper o b o , CRUDE—There le no improvement to note lit the demand for Crude, and the market can. l • thanes dull and languid, - though p r i ce , 'unchanged-19 to 12!:-a beds re turned, and 17 to 17 includ.t—eeto et *DO tdds at_l2. There is apparently no dern.iil whatevhtat girt:am:o..l.4llor for Immediate or fatlare d el-Verf, and labile ahlppors have hat very fp* order:, redo e - a are at:a dispon- -I to hold haek m hopen that Liu-does:l v. In,..rurr, MOTO Auttle.l, and IiONALLay irep rov ed. Te, eLtStCTII marketa are quiet and bull, whlle Lit the wollti,attlioigat we hove no late-nay - Ic,, • the ptiesumption is that %Lagnatiou rules Lu- Itt:FLNPI) , --Thero was rather Inorc mm - k ir et y 10rb02tUOILtatily,01 1 ante 11,11 was apparently a little firmer, privet; as pd, AtP nolotter. 4Ve have sates.of D.1)1 bia% for November delivery: buyers optloa, at fray on board cars here: V.KI grat half of 2,"01, - ;::, ber; 4011v:rod is Putiadelpti the epos. at 37;x;-WO for pecendier, at ale l NV for Novelly:Ler, etas. -from from the above it Ef. will. UAL aeon that quota SIOn-i may; Ina taui,. ell ell at COAL, free on coard cur, hexe,anyl -3754t0 3s, uellvvrecl in l'ltitaiorphide -Free oil is dal& and nominally' anchanged. ALtItIVALS—Tho logoa - tag arrivals of oil ",i' A vere . reporte a to-dav tuire '2 • l l u ' r r i3.... a tICCreS; white; B i r rilL C 0... ti • Toledo Market. , tocroo, October ikb l extra dprllig, 0i2,42; No. 1;:bor pu:slc,. 1 nosed, 710 k I , clghtt., 23c. 15 ew Orient. 3inehet. Now 00.. a =lOO 4,00, 1. . Oct. IL—Cotton unchanged! ecClpta 4,24•bulte. btu, ;lag ' - ‘as. gad. " 1 " 14114 LPN ILAILLI2O6II Pirrdnueoli, Foal-Yv • • October 24-1 , ./U 01/le. • • •G'! 11 .. lace; 20 do bums, II ,‘• Yni nneen, A J Mar ray: 10 1,14, a 4, 11 1 '/1a to Vrogt & co; 3 do du, Hubbard, alcobol, 'Jos Fleming; ts, ca.0c0 ••• ;„ . 11 1. I,olsattb; 20 bas 0110000, bbll ~up' .. 11 001003, 3do eggs, 1.11 Vogt re; 13%,„" Itsebar,lo•ll3 do d0,.1 11 Cantle') I ter, Cook ' , Oro & co; 5 1,1,10 vlnt-gar,loun I.4un-C. btll.o oil, Oro .t. co; 4 Old, coder; 0 ; Cannel ly; 5,51 1 1./o.oes cheese; I bids seed, 1 .11t1. - , Baird .0 ratton; bbls apples S' Bucher!: ir, 1/010 11dar, Watt WilsOn ; ,001(10 kinsl,o l ska • olts, .stslan slo do, Floyd; ail ‘lO Iblaset W - ThillabY ; 1 bar, ~l nl eider, Seghyer a. skatu 0;22 bbla opideo, W.l.steeltt pkg,s wooden will 0, Sucher lalzear;.l cur iroo, Johnlilcoarlioad; 55 1,11, hides; 4i N Ltorntott; SU do do, 4 A 31e11e1.1i; 11,1 1,1,10 uptaes..l Painter it co; I ear 1./arl,y. Carson, Darllncton .0 co; I do do, 31 Thiel:on; dodo, jt Itea Ir. • C4.r.vot...truo AND 1 1 4TTuCT.01.1 ears metal, Nltnick .1 00;10Z pig lesbl,llakewel I, leant co; apptes, but t.er. V( .1 Sleed.V 11ro; 3U hi cheese, e Swart `'.;.23‘10 91 W [hulk lu; la/ do do. W Coors; s buts apple:l,T Llow artl; 2. cars wheat., .1 1. 1- 1 11- 1 , 0 a t,l; I!) kno oats, !Dole barley, .7 cilpna,l,.:l lioooloo,- I. 1,510 eggs, L. 11 Vol gr..% 00; 151 dla "p e r* Elii , aZintou; CI do do, ellonoicor bbi4 .lsl l, lp . lfyi produce,Blair a Synod-; 15 11 , 1 Potatdos rut set [roux, 05 505 clama, Suroaker tt Lang; U pus water pipe, 21 c tops, LI. it t.: 0 101 ,, , 5 • 4°urrr.l7trnoan:irl3st2ant'!‘l°'CL: 1.3"A.T61 umber 2.1-1 oar wileat,' Kenn I.o y ll,o ; imlenwnyal Ile 2tarket.. . oats, W Patterson:l do do, w 1.041,,. 1;1, 0 , 1 ear lit Cni.o.soo, October 33.-4h6 [malt reoelpts of l i i t cbcook, 5 -letlreery t oa d t ,; , Liggett & co; sdo corn, D sknan.,,, Doer Cattle' toolay are 6.58 head. Bnivreir JAilertiv 1 dowbeat Amino aides, 1176 Dead,' at ',rico+ reusing from - 0,9031 ree.q. 20.374 for common stool: to /air pack.lng uha tro . catits!, & co; / do . do, . 0 .... 1' 1150g 4 e4 c° ls;l i slo i /reed a 8 steers. The market. is extremely d . 810. 11 Bean Odd bbls dour, T Jenkins; 152 notilwlthstanding the Light supply. The .Li c a ; btallaDDidd.. Airairltlo lumder. Facktnoreiteri I oar score Iron ey ~L. or beef cattle today incfudo the following! 1811ead fair butelicrs stack; welghtax 13,73 d . , lbs, nt 05,10C4; 39 weed stuck Weighing 61,641 1 Airsinuniv. STAIIng, October 25-7 bble gt_54,75;211 IturAruAlserei. caws and stc,ern, ; cider, J Eckert; pos bile apples, Owens .0 Zen weiolog 31.N50 lb at 45,40 ; . 21 lair. steers, nedy; 15 do do, il - jyr Lyon): ItZ bgs wei o w , g 4,75;), at, L'S 87.4;6/ bead lowa feeding B wer & Hamilton; Iwo do doo,m bnydamini MM.! inner, weighing *J10,125 head steers, apples, .7 fiert!crti 1 - car lumber, F Bechcrl i 3 in weighg 123,4n3, at 53, , 90; ta ;Air butchers cow, kgo olitsmeal,Howmolii NY , holi.ol d.+son. yff cam, welshing 17,810, $5,00, U/00101, J At tardiest. : Total. ClacWnjaf ieu;a-3-1.:1-7e1Cel. CrNaIITY.OO t, Cic,tob er Untied ;Iwo ,1.111 ' o,vf of• it son: W 4.1. urL ' ‘;llll:(ril:..',... s .' r ; other Ilrep.1110” r• ,•; Iltley'meti,triir.l J. 0; „f ;•. tile N". .t• O•f.iglao•t oloAlicito I,v Lot ''“" • t, lig/0C lvttr,n .1. 11. to 4 I'. V. Atidr•As. tidal 'tamp, P.•Y.lilt Il .• VEEANITtfru , , Lbw. CANE AND WOOD - OHAIRs, Moon tortured Ana fur alt. Wholesale or Retail. J N1,1113S W. 'WOOD 'WE Li,. NOS. t 7 it 92 THIRD 4TRILZT, ' ''ooprulte E. Etloadd ^n.'<. .nn roll ND. YUURTH STREET. 89,00 . WH0 CAN CEAttiiisT,s9 . oo . For Two. Weoks Only 11 I am &ening • good Ft/ESC/II CALF SKIN 800 I Or my awn make, for the mall sum of NISEI , MI. LA F.S. at MaNrad acrect. 1 my/Lai • 11A vrcf. COr:ItELS'STO.N JEEROWLN IS i MANUFACTURERS C. W. itICILrf6O24. - fu11.1.1...i lAILLER St . itICKE,TSON, iirteetg, I=l BRAND IRS, WINES aND CIGARS, INios. 221 and 223, COrner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &.C. Constantly on lutinl BUE.IiE & CO., COMMISSION MEIIIIIISIS, FUct I'IIE Pacific, Robe and Liberty Oil Werke, al A cash t a e d t r o a r n ag e e mna Crudec r o a g d d lt n e l r. n n e t n a 011 . C r Lib e e or r Relined l'etroleorn— e Ya n ds g for storag o and u A d nil, rovnt of Crude 011 at Lawrrnrevlllo. o,2ct and Wart:Lona- Corner ot Daouetne Way and Hancock. atrert. I . llthborgh. royld.agi .1 , 101 afal. den. T. grrdildwr. KEIL '6,. RITCHAIt'r, • - • COMMISSION MEB.C.HAN TS. - AND U6•1.18N lSr Flour, Grain, Seeds,;' , Alill Feed, Sc, 349 LIBLI.TY StftEET. mr . :111,17 PlyTtittUllial, I. • WILLIAM C =I COMMISSION AND FOILWADDIING 7AKTM1a.4730,7,81h...1%rr. ?ie. 102 titcossd Strcet, riltrburgli. Pa. ka - Ag..,nt• tor the •'fit. Louls7 Levi Vire nod 5:1,1 11,rke. 11. l'lle A I: LEA Pi li FIRE CLAN . , x:t,l t , rvr. pn,ru . 1111. pt1.. nett Mylll.lol J W. 11.4111 tit. I 'OWENS. IiENNEI)V 41. IIARPEU, PII II IWI/1: Cl/11 N neittiN 1111 , 1ICIIA NTS.•nd Wbol. 11.nlers In Volt E 11.1% AND F.. 1111.1 "It I e..A.LT, FLOUR. 111:.,5,. A r., notl In reoelt!ois And l'irodutte N. '7 It 1.1..t11t !I'LL SIItEET, opposite the null, 111cro• 11ePr, I . A. Agrut.. for :to: id f P. 1. lf:te'S, Dontie:l& Elhou.u•s •0-I .1. tinru•s K.tt. a1114:11 , 1 E VE.It CO., COMMIE:ION DIUCHANTB, :nil .N.. 11,, in Flour. Grain Fe , ..1 sn.l rro.luce. Car!. a :N ante. TD:I4, on omhitionientt. aletotoi, Nu. 3:Pi l'E*N b - riuraa, opposite Union 1 ~ put, • .I)thfiti IA E. tt •tiot St: lEk 11.0, FIRE ail:Wm and Cl l Warenuipio Galva, Nns Cu.L. N , TI), ET. Nlorsor furnished. oilohinglo n.• • - of .• . 1 . 1 3 1t i l OItAIN tr..l .tree t, h.ii,:ca ti and ap11:17 ntv ror rCit• h I too S. A. Ott urn no I)I7.I`TESt, AFEktIN Ls SEIEI'AILIJ .Ivalers I, Patel,. l• hoc,. c.l od r , . Nu. I.II3.KICri 1' 106. 11111.1161.1. t. tiT 111r:Cti & :CO., No. lit Vltt....lruigh, to. W , adanall. lnts.n•ldealato l n Conn. 15:1.•-1 ,1111,0. 1 , 131E4 . 411tt?. CotnuaiE•sitkn ‘• LP. :,1 • • 1..• • - (1 , 0 rr , 310 i Fatril, - - - - :; PATI L 'ON, :chant,. And •. toLt..it !;! , •!!ryil 11! e.incturi.•CL Jr: il Eni ME Ea tt!,:f:S Bil MBES /2•111 lIREZEIMEEMEEM ES 1 .. N -1 • .I!co.t.t•s. en - Lcf Or .n.III Ell . . . . _ - fpln 1 , . SON. :Ilium 11,rcl•Auts nn 7u V, au-: ..t7l t • tw: , urr:~: . Zl,9llAllElt .... li emit, • auit,!:ltari(lAti, I I i;:tl)4s. M t:"1".1:12,1S tt, l:rocers , dr.A.lcts ID nil tin,. •1 ii‘to•ary on•I ritt.:Jorptti fdenittActvies, 7.0. tr optAl.gtf.t. Iv.A of Wteetalt e of. • _•. • - • /i• t. AlcnsTnonit:, )L for the Stir yoor. lioeon. LIN!, NAL ltr1“.1 i•rodoo,i In .11.riiel tit feet, corel I ir.t, eiti -he reb, rt-th.r , r A. r. te.CLzi:La. c:o., tioie sof F..rwat•ling 01*.r.• n•I .1. In 4'r+_.! et otol Ileto of, 1.1. A rt, t'll,!mrprn /.01 Vi NAILtoN. i'L I 1.1 I % C.' Mr • • • Vir.S.li' tVILtiON, INtsole4ale ,T nmpthalonlirevlutots, Mll3l/ Aegr rfi la I llitt—fn..rgli Manua; tut,s, No. (Sr LIU t 111111"1.E, No. 1.43 Liberty St, I JL (lemanl“lon M.r.:Uant,anp In Con n Lry ,Ili.k111161C:111, C:,11 nu C0u ..1g1:n1.., pald for llroanen /v/11 f SAJAIII)ICKEW &CO.,l 3 lltolemale it7,Lrf, Cmulnlfaltyp llerelmnts. Watcr sl.rtnt and r. 5 Yront elreelr, LIN T . to Max:con, 1.1•111. art) Fl•nir aunt (irato. Produrr ,lerc'Ziats 3.1 I.I.I:ELTY WriLEET, (cl:IT I Oil% FLOVI) ( 11 - hule,,zife g; it. ri Woo 4 rty slit k l.lll, k. • AS IP I.IOII,CCE Dt:m.r. ni ID IMACIlEIE:11111E..7. =9 No. 'XI Liberty , trert 11.1011t11 , 31(4 * =9 '111:11. liEg)3 11C¢St1 MAISEL? Foil ,ALE iir • CIiARLIN C.•BAI9(.EY, ertl . Nn. yll 1.11.0r1Y mrent.. .100 jaws 4211010 E bAiSIIEN FUR BALE KY ne It; In. 201 I,lherty street CHOICE CANNED PEACIIEO. IA "1.01, hi 2 and Viputtud rnu.,•for sale by IiIiSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. • THE or JOSHUA RHODES tills ilny ills:cved byfridlnal COnsent. ?Alt.., tho o parturs will glen the nano: of thy Otuf In 'witting op Ihe old boolueSe at 03.0111 . .1,1'We l'l Lt.GurKli Iron try. Itlttfl/FAL I . W. 11. LAToll .1.11.7011 ANDEIfzUN. •If eirithr tlls ',iced of our entire Breolurt, Malting sa,l /lop ihoooteh to Ale: r.a. ertlt , oiN, th. 'eweuld ask (rout our trleo'ilr a con tinuant,: of Ihd itutrimage ro MA:roily !watt...cl ouou il t (iota their loug,exptirleneu lUtlin a ut. 1..1 tali, tied that. the)' will Inalutriu of our Ale. JOSHUA 11110 DES t CO. it u r .w l ou n ei g" ,.. above, ro u :bs ini a i n l ' t. "e . u t ly " ; l ;Ttlf;e ( 7ntisfactlon to n t hbe.e " with then order., • ten GAIINONL DARLINGTON A- Co. "- . RESIDENCE FOR AL E.-01.4.0 will purehue AL 4.IOUNTUYILES‘DENCIE Containing Ifni nee L ., ...m o p 'there I. erectedtwo eturleu Loon., elluoLu. v i tented un the line . tne AlDAnen L L ituthpo4 An to y . 17, - .111 pgrrs. • CEMESTI . : • - 01:312 . 1NT:1 SOO pARRELti, The boot a rtimA Enid 1.1 this market. ' • ,; HKIVAIT ,:01.1,1N,1. UNION IRON- HILLS, WARD, PrITS'BIJEGE. A CoNSOMDATION O' THE "IRON FUIP..iE•' AI% `CVCLOrA 01.:NEIIAL ZIANTFACITIIritr, or IRON AND FORGINGS Hammered and Itral.ed Lect:io- Jive and Car Axles, lic.ioz•aar.a.zsT RAILROAD CHAIRS. SPLICE BARS, BRIIRJr. BOLTS, Sc.: • LINES AND BOLTS, 111EslIS, OCTAGONAL HOLLOW Wito1:4:111 . I ItoN posTs: 'l' AND ANKLE litoN, WWI:EIiot:SE: • 9ri Water and 126 First • Streets; 01 0 1 , 1cEt AT TIIRWORNIS, NINTH WARD, I'l rTSßriti;ll. oc V 1.127 LEE, :9, v. m. 11. uoat. (SliCtl!hrllll'. FO •e Lhal,z,n, For. „ai;c„ ry, S•,gart, Mtn,' n • 1. 1 L , n.k, MEM t' ••• • • 11.1 - rbautr. and =i =9 I= =9 • • .n.tarraCiculots Or -BEST QUALITY' CAST STEEL. Warranted Eq . .lai to any In , the Marke - ettiterlusr=lx:LD . Otnettle BfECIAL ATTENTION l'Allt TO FINE 12t , T AND 111 E STEEL. 'FIE, : - ORT PITT FOUNDRY. F CRARLES KN - A - 1 1 NEYIIEWS AND A 1414 lUNUII ur HEAVY LTAbTIMin. sp..rle.lattention paid to 10)t.I.INIt MILL ww:L, DIACHINEICS and 11HTORTd. ltEl*Alll3 attended to promptly. As heretofore. the best-materials will always be Paled it this Foundry. • Waving disposed of nor old patterns. we ore pre pmd. with ?Mir AND lIINNOVED patterns. con. atronted Under the sopervision of Dir. EIINZAT. to tDrINIBU NAIL MACHINES at short notice. JyD) W. WILLS JOUR A LLim JAIL L.. Y'.lll. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. • ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., OdicsaadlVarehemse 301 Liberty Street eppoalte tlassithtleld, jaszmwtaree a mat variety of COOK. PARLOR wad IiZATING OTOVES. among whleb are the eel •tcated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking moves; also, the Antoerit and Ideottnel for coat or wood, and the unrivalled Mar or the Empire. rot wood; &leo. Arces. Oat.. fender.. Beget Acttlee, Poe Imes end Hollow We, I= FORT PITT BOILER, STILL „IND TANK NWlooi a Iron. M.l 1:,11 INT II -.WI :••;17•1:F. III• , I'. :;I\':r. 'l' I . lNti HY t; lAN t. 11 'l' . 2 • :: : It• • h. 1.11 I 1: • a ,1 . 1h; I•or I-A El: ... L,•l `,l:f et.tn.Lrneting, and a - 11 teep . at Land ""'"' mivo6:r_avmF3 • RA-NEES, STelif:S ANTI,ERATES, j sTfq r. 1178 COYION OS TEDULAB mtg. a.Z N H • C • ll ' UI NIPIIILL &CO. • - i';• , ...1. , , .. , .;• ..,'; . 0.7,, -.., ,;. '.„',', ~ , ' ' : ..:._, .... _ iii:li i....., I i,, , ,,1 V, ;., i ti',l 4 11ai1j1,111; LIINC,:,p,Vit , ' IVARDEN /54 iIATCIIELDEIt. , . - V.... ti H.... 1, -,.... •-:: ~1 1.1., rt .',. . 1 LIM tliEltri IN INS, I- :11.: : . ,t.s. il tL., 1 CRUDE AiiD REFINED PETROLEUM :,,...,,,,,,rn:, t : li t . ft.. 'tr.., : t '.l, it ALI. :)q.. It./alt4, at'iLITS TUI[I I E:NT:NE, Tltst .1 1 11 , 111'011Li. r."2 1 0t LC.S. 1 , 0 1 3. 1'0,11..., . .Nt'ILTIS 4A10_11.1.,NA TAtt, .....st ~ 141 , 1 L.Sl.3l'', 0.0. Ivr pr 11..2. 1 Caracr of Duitaesna Way at liarseack St.. _ 1 Itsrs,nt W .. it. !..'" I. ' l ' ,Aftlit ' N r .7l3\Valuutstrert, LI f.P. 11 '.? - : ST; 4.1 ff. .S 2 :41'4...). ; ..:: L/ •e)n xis, I '''."'''''''.'. .. __ raslttalrl L. p 1. - i.Tizz cm - , J r . , 6 : CO: . i E.&(r,r, ciL 1v0r,:14,5, '-' , V.:t 1., - .. ,• , ,IL.I 1 . .i . ...*. • ...11 ,11 -1:. 1:01 ; 1 , .1.'at.1. - 06 -- 3. - 0xc54:3 - 47 - 11,1.a. I WICHT?sfIAk ee. ANDERSOid, CtiOkiii rilci "- - "it" , q,'Ave , ~,, ~... ~,,, ta1.,..n , ~,• a, fluent lid Dealers in , t' c -sr rs, r- r-•• a ar , a , ail Zl• i's " i 5 ,... %4 . L.:. .-. E... t'. ; t-, 1., 1- , 14] 1 1 1 It 0 E 11; U Ai. ,„ , „ , - 1 ,, ,: r 1 11 . I : 12,, a1..1 ,F 1 LI .., : (r. , 1"1: 1 ... likruk l N:)l 4 l'tllSl' COIt.IN EU tIANCOrIi. i',;.r.1,,,t„ r. 07 ,p.lerly titse f q, , -„A_N , ' 1.1J,Q-±' , .. , '"i4j: v.... 5. rslyln . ali .; a,. 1,144 , .......... L ... ....... ..... .—...1.111L. , 1'11517 L. 'l7 l'! - .111[14442.1, 11 . ..',, ; I.s.mz:s ialwiliv ti. co., . , . .„.. .. MA.N1.77:-CTUIVZI:9 OIL E: - 11TRIR nu AQUA AiiiMONIA N Q 1 i;t TT %.' ,. 1,:''...4).7 . .-7., T E:: TT 717•:. , ..` . ...; ' C,' g., 'OI 77 RIM • L'rs IME IMIIIII : fir:.._-..._..: )i.i;:-3 t'2'.:7 c.'o . - 1.., N. lianrter. • Ipk.te 1.t•t.... 1..1.11s 11"......,r, ~ i....14,r..1 4.. 11.0 e, ~.a.u..llironl. " lietYlge Fn..:..5, . p• , ~.., I. ,thil, .. , A 1 . .1 , r_e .1 , 1,1 . 1.7 , .. v ~,. D V 4 IN f 6 F ~ .7;!: 4. ! i, I:•SSti A .i.. ,„•,,, .- ti tlig.., L . l4. h y 1. . , , ,, .. 111, 1.,,,,,,,,,,. F' .\ '... :II I', 1.114 ik•ri., Flt 1. AIII) C. DAM:, V!,.C.....1.:.1.. I 1:-. :I*. 11 ..ALLISTEU. ,,,. 1' pr ,:?.,;,• .. . ".E'.' i :JO yr A 2. CL.R.LOYS, kc. ~ mi, „rr c'• c A....c... . C.ortz, W0...1 a.r..1Th1r.1r..15.:, 11 orl, ;WA 4 ;11. - .1•. 1..V.1 r••l‘.., illy, Pa. - =IS ; .; ••• .Ir. .• -.• • o •.e.'•• ; ATE NIL A :batnow Motes and pr. All .Snuea; out. - l 1 rst St.l sash subsequent tymsta or psesnfurn. .I.s C.VII - 1 CAPITAL, ZL , • ti 5 .. or Is recurs!) . Inverted Infm, rto,:s arin mortersto ontEAL 1. - ... STATE. it Is rff.cLE.A.Ti 131.,1:Tak , now In Its Web year of berths.. anCoas paid to the wrbors A Nn ottr/lAss of Its members the sum ONE MILLION /1.L.111.5. To this •late hot Inn. NO; , s 3 Fourui, .L.,••• Iltlesslon tr. 3 ocenrred, rtn es:s:lce ' Ilbscslltr and CeSltne Is A rpsrls-ItY . !be ire, Ls sr this Cons rnv Ar • o • orrOtel CABINET . 7 .(1 AK ERS" lIARDWAIIt - ^" • 3 • • rear, Lor-bsyment or pre n.sr the s• een !;• r• t‘is •!..,41.11? y . 4.1 ,;:tt Vitga , rrgotred titer LCn norm, Lot • • • .. • • MEM . . . . .. ._ . . J. %V \I. liT il; - Id eat. I ‘ ',,T:i... f. ' „;,; i=.:4- .' 4,:, ' , 1 .'... -- ' 1,r ., : " .: " i . 1 : .":: ...17 : 1 1 ..e 4 ,Y1' , . -:•::::. rkl. NI t ' !:... V:41 . re.,1:1..ut. • m. H. WHITE. z‘teret..Ary. 1 '. ..., ' ; ' :... ' C.; I :::;•' - Z ' t . t. ' r mod 1,,L)11.,.... ..; rt.: . !:- : ,i 1ir , 112,2t , ~y , % 1* 1 1%p " ..i V . n u ,! .., t . . 1:, 7 1br k;.r.= - ' l '' ' ' - ' .-- -- a'' ' . -.' -.'l".- 4.....". ' c " ....;: , :erith prtreet, Yalta...um-h. - 44ent, vevat,d thronglaont !he )itate. Apply. to LIPPiX 4 CO I7 '. Illia EL- . 31.11. -!1111.ti A. N.ll LH I . Mate ACUO. Ui No. 118 - Water 'a cct EN rnmprAtr.lw 1. "" r " " ' • Isnr,t7 I= =3 E. - -r. .A. w .... . - - -- i . . . K. W. MOIL fLOW...' - ‘ , IP. N. 11. 1; A KS: ii ILL. ; .11tiv14, ( y:aAn.t. 110II.Elt WOIIII.S• i . • MORROW ..;/11,1,117i HILL, . Steam lloilerN, Oil tilt-, A gitature, 'runty, i Salt Pal,.. 1: - aaoap2terQ . , 11" rough t intti I(:4lge , ,Sltet.: 111111 04 Water meet. Nu ataln 1 . l': • 11 ore...cr., iwc., . 1 rENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. Cit:INR I,WEIITY AND SPXONDSTS.,I Pi 'l'7'S V I:1214 161,_.r.1; Or PITTSBURGH, PA. j At , ir It i. .i • d II:13 , 4 W , •: l • 1•34 .13 1PT11. .11 , 1:41,1d1 ' Oflldle.3l Firth Street, Ratak Bloek. i.•,• • ."'••‘ ' • - • ••'• • ••• • " ••• • '•••"•I'''''‘•"• 1 11,1 l /6 I/ Iloute Company and Insure i A 311A11C.1,7e • 4134 ,4 _1 1.. INC IVIIIIIIiN. yy ~,,., ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. • ' ,444 .Z.1.E. , 10ns I Lim INAICII ATE.II. Presldent. • „ &LAC O ., ' • FISHEP G` -7 11/.111 & O ,c; no, LE. VII Preal lent. 11 , 114EICC PA'raltlK, Treicurrr• tin mine Builder, and Machlitists, 1 • 11121341 31•E•LtilENY, N eeretary. DIREL - Altilt.:'... :•:.‘, rat IL .V.niin lit , Leonard Walter. liedrge Wllkon, Oil Ei4giiiiis, Oil Tools, , ~ c. 1{4,1, 4100. w. v.v... gokert Patrlet. J. 4,•.. 'LANA., And ,tt r. thin, to et 4,. ~‘ for Porlng .1, Weila. 1 Jacob Palulrr, •,. .I.,l,Plelner, 1•x.111, ular athdattho pal 14, I k Itttrag rap nhatl Ina .4 , ',44, film;,l John Voegtles. 13,1,,,-, I Ling, t.,, A,. . 1 Jae. 11. lloo , ,thc, A. Amnion. , all .nry•floont. Marlon Aye Nue. It en: - lJt. IN. :o C. R. It. ~ 4 - .4 4 . , ,..11C , G•341.0•111.•37, 2.. ~ .- i ... . I WESTEEZ.N INSIJItANCE -(10,.., OF 1:1-:1•All,iNit 1,1,1/ :••••,)11,1.1.4. Jrl3:4h : I . PlTTraßllltl4l - 1, - - A I.F.XAN I/ Mt NICIICII. Prealdeut. INDITA , TRIAL ii . 0;,1!.1.ti. }5 • 31. P. 11. lIIIKItT. tat:rotary. . I CA1 . 11.43.01:1JJE, NXELL , ,,lleaeral Agen. ......_ 411 ,4 14 at. 411 , 1....43, , , ,, ~.E., . 077...111;NTHR Quit. , l'n". V' r .3" ' """° '. 1 .. A/g / 4. C. 3 ... , We.re 1t0... I up ctalra. I • lttal , nrab. 14 if/3 FA M. r,- 1 1 . n. et, CO i H 111 Irenee &attract all tinds of Plea end Marine r ,,, i . , r,r,,...,....,.„,, - -i ; ,,r,,,, :5 — A --,„ ~A . , Maks. A home , Inatttullon traanagedary /Jlaractorl ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,.. „ ~, ~ i „., mE, , r Es- , 7.lotre we ll known to the eonthuunlty,',und who art, auritylales, Ind Ilt , arallty to maln -1,11 N Er., , l'l. S., 1.E. , L..1.111:-‘ Li IC. I:* rri v rti !n k. rj,..d1'4,2'• •• •};.1 . ,,. wh i ch ~,,. y ~,,,,,„.• 4. y . ~ 4.4.• ' •' ' 4 \V. '''. 2• ' '•••••'' ' 4. L ' l4 .44 M4444.4•c4 EN- j f; ' ,,ri ' n t g, ' the I,e r st pr.raerallon " to"lb i lra v e r Vito de e tlre tal, ! . to 3 4: 3 .4,,,, , :. to iii l• r. 3 Iniurell. Fr.. I:i.• ... ,)•• ..• t•• 4 r. I lit itio. -fi tar ticnagar 1 Mr. JAN LS Nk:I.P , )• , , .•• 11 .1 , .. ~, •, tuft' . li,wral -, Andrew Ataltly. •.1 , 3r , .4 P dc. ,,,, l• 1. • ••• • '`'' -34 "E•b•r•• ." i It. afiller, •• •tr: . Li, ,, ‘ • 5i,,, ,„ Dzitur - Nn, ~ ; 11 , 40•1•1 31. Loax. th..r. aran•lnJ ael • , ~.,,, ,k. • , •:4 .. will In :•! , J.,,,,,.., m c %,,,t, I Cara J Thom.. no Ara 1,11,. In th. 1,0 :,,..ill r p r.. Itlr compel, a- I a ., , „,,, i ',,,,,,„ 4 .• . , 4 0,., 4 4 ko a 114,11. a. ito it, It lit Ow I ,u.•• vrk• b.ii. All 31.14 of • ••• -- •nu hue-. I j• - • •• 4 7 y . ,•• • • m • - `, ta .r y 1,1,. , , 1 , ,t31•13,,ra 1,4.10 1. or or. 'C. p Ail Irla Nr.0bt,...., A:C..s.i.ler NA-1..r, ' ' •• ' Camon.ll It. Herron. I Janina P. Llanna. plow pl, r all• ..I, .1 . . . .. .•.L. .1 . E , LE,, , ,,,,,,,,. 100„, .c.. 1 ,•••• .tr lora a I .1, , , t 2., le, , Ipthrad.d. ! • • ~,,,,, „,, ~,,,,,,,,„,. p,.,;,... „.,„ the i .,,, , ,, i . 1,, , U . WIII. P. 11EIIIIELLT. Pecretary. • r 0,1,10 ..44. :I ~I.: 43r, , , or Mlrk, r, P,t I t 1 . ,, ra , l. - VA. Syl.l,•til A . i..31..Af.Lk . 1)1.1:91i iA'A ;) • 1"E,111 , 1:1.st, Co, . (~UALIT ItEFIN V.ll ....v.': ,TE}A,, :4 , 01 , art., Fiat us.l't .1;1 ,rmn to 1 mny I rrort.,l maltl4ll.,inn.d e.,un tr 7. sn•l yrn.r(l..N., 102 rald an Slid 112:4,0114 141,1•!.r.,,, ' ;.:Y' UMIMIII iyuquEs.NE Ars::) :TENT pviNT Fc,itt; Es,_vurrsitußGll, l'cnus., man ureirlu, ~ 1 :11• .^..1.111.., Crank,. 1•1,1.., Pituk:Ln ova I, oft. ...I Iv•• $ 1 , r5,,,,. :and .01 Lli.kr, I:Ork.Tnr 4,11.1,10, rnr 1.1411 ,'rat , ,ue1. , 1 the Imailwba ,- Lire gir,b4l,l Ito:11.4i nil ord.., entri.ete.l Lu thirm o'lll pr,..pllv t.,1•1 l)lt;Ul..!" - • I". HAIGH ail PITTSBURGH IRON WORK c J. PAINTEF & SONS. iron nuchet, Tub and Trunli Hoopt,v,.A.N.D• SHEETS, rels. Pr/VS PA. D. 13201.21. LA BELLE STEEL VFOBB.S. .VILZIXTUMEL clop). KL G 1 Aryan wed : c a v °e w , So. 9O,NFATEBSITLESTIstain) EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., P . IRON Worrili.• v ••WaLohorme tiox. 185 and 147 First Ora., nysroalt: C,'LL WOL.'Kh, COMPANIES-8w cLAIN, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING• OILS. ,°4:pt'ril3. Lard and Whale 4/Hs, LEAD I,:(iET, ill; ND If HEIL GFASI Standind White Burning Oil, So. 33 Martict Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. d K3~Ii3~I~A7Y• 07 PITTSBUR6H. PENNA. jf.)?:Ni WATT. Preildent. tl ESHY M. LONG, teer and Treas't nr Suspension 1.5r.1 ,N.) 1 ,... , ,irr^.^...33 - tai=2.4ai-Y - A. -3?-li. WARING, KING ez•co.„ SUVEItIOII OIL ENGLYES P. :jos,: INSURANCE • Cit.4.f.:TER 1529. pEtteETuAL Fii:E PtiIINI!E O. 0' iIiILIDELEaII k C.!. 4: n J., 1. 114 G • • 82437..119 US .o l'rerO 4401. I or , , :1,1 i'r• for 1,1 t i,,r • L l'erplus.l an.' Tompornr; l'olldca on It, rid tvi TOUR I.IIIFE IN THE N A r:r vis •,.SLY 1.111 LNSUItANCE CU3iI•A NY IN / 1 . 1 , FRE INSURINIT CO. OF NORTH. DRAM PHIL_IOELPIIIA Hartford Fire' Insurance , : Company, .C. 3. Prarctic. car. La arcure4 la (Le •hove named and ratia'rle totruuralre. =I i• _ _ _ ._ NoRTEI Aincitic..a. • LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, i Widows and Orphans' Fund, -17. 63 William St,.Yreeo York FRESIDENT—N. EL 11011.01EL.N. n.P.C.t 'LAITY -J. 'W. 11 . 1 .R.R11.11..L. . It. 111. TINDALL. Illedloal Eznialesar E. - T. coo x, ,e:"CIAL AGENT rot: WESTER." PA.. 61 Fourth. St., Pittsburgh. i _. AE.F.NTS.IVANTE.). ___ mom:h7.3 11.6...E:.;11ENV INSURANCE CO. Al l'ITTS11111:(111.- 00:Ice, 14.;7111tb lareet I.!,ffit Innte.C.Ralnal all ttn4. elre•ed Jr., President. JOfIN Ir. AIcCOILI , , Vice ParsideV. C.t.. IAINNY.LI., '-.pt. tvm. 14.E.J.J1, tieneralAgett. • 16/11,11011., •D' r "Cr° Ati a .U. M cCord. C. Cl. Hors% CI ti ,orit N. 110.1, Harre l l Cid . cwricl, Hays. ./.. J, or-tabula, I Cebt. Wm. Dean, John Irwin. Jr., . Deo. D. McGraw. 11. L. lebaretoet. . Robert R. Davis. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. oyylor., S. =WOOD ANDI/31114213. jlo3ar. coasuotT, - TAK.II 4 IO Tine A.ND -71L1113LVZ MBES. Am. rnITIIPs• Joka Wtiti Cara John aboada. enaannel r. Waiver - Joan Tarte. Charles /Mn canal canc. Ja. ithicr. • John►Kintnatina. Mira. Van Ma. Prank fa Slaaa lL JamuDl. Jamul). Yarnsk: C. Hanson Lim, . Prealdant Vies Plaindent W -s:-.44? ft RlD •rtT ' raftMOn.nar. aaaa ArL - - WESTERN bILvANW:A.II.I3.UNIP US'a Lr.al.ll.lllrt, ..ertn , et u Al:,,_r.F aud z.t as to:- s.trvrt M...., INECIMENE EiNiniMll=l PirrSilt • 1.1;3113.U.s 1) .NATI ttAILU f. OA after .1D oN tit :ob., itt”, %TA and ox-'ve fuLlo, E xpr4" • Fa-i. Line' M Mitrd Train to 4:.).t. .1.." t,) 112,,,dt1 , 1 At . r.q..1.r.0.1a' .4 A. %I. I:IN . . _ 1,, file ot. 7 . 4'i A. It Itht • teices ::101'. N. 11::1,1 7.1 Arr. Coluntlkus..:.ilr:., • v. I. ~. • A. le .• 1 • 01c0INA 1.., . V.. 441.3.0.2: 0 .?. •' A. 0 1 3 4 rrrry . , I.:, A. M. 9:31.1 1 I . t•%. y: 1 , 11. I FR....4',1f 1111, :.:•c. 0. I 1.. IIENNst I.l*.tAi t • r.& ci • Tr 3.1%, -F. iv of W.1 . 1:1r, ,•a a , 11 , N 7 lirtuut.ll !... t a.• \Van . .. N.,. • r • r•r t 1 . 1111.1. E r ',NV .1 • A.... p. Nea• o. ; • t N... I. r:0 No. 4. p N • 'rant ' • 1•1 • •1)%1:v....71 t %C. :A...! l'heCi,uren Tr dn. ~ 31.%. rf A. Ittturf,lrig Av... I nn....1 anlv,cnt p. • • . . • The 1 . 1111A.1,4•1113:1 , 1 the 11..•tlhh•rl. Et.pr., ar:ive with the N..h . 1 ,rl. h ll,l '' 1, 3 he Low i7:ll.Ja the.,ltr.t tipper L0r1.2.., 1)u p, 4.l!st it m•.P.5. A •I rial ISti6 = 11. It.. A 1•1 Clevo.,:n I LA , : S s.. ... .. I. wt. mm., m —iv. , 1.•.:..11 I htr. ',:ti t tt. ch.v.v.• Ui C 4. A SV:I4. ..... t. F. , 1.55 I'l !:,. 1.. S t,:tt,t . Itr*L. •• rn N. Pr•ts \'• it .v1:1. m t SEE MEE OM Eli ' =I yt C..t1.1:5“7„ sne. aft, NtoNt, mi:l n.rrITA. Itt ,;.•11:a.r”C 7 4i, 1.0 .411 , 2 Yprf t., and [ll 1.1 ‘Vt.r . .... t.,..,:n•11 PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO, -