DRY. GOODS,TRIDIMINGS.dm NEW GOODS AT \ • IS and SO faarket St., at Irholcsale and , Retail; 1. A DIES PLEASE TARE MAIM?, 'Ala we hare the richest and ..wthandeume CtOrVor el KW 11.11/Sln ill, It 110 to the city, Melt cannot tall to a,nmlstletl. ls7e mention a fww tpeelaln only. It ID MA/VAS—Full and Courvol- . . mi ElV:lllM:ri•—rialn. I! cm-fit:ltched and Em- _ . .. . . . t)r..l)lrred—vcry Itand:cmc. , ' /INT, VALENCIA and TIIItEAI) LACE COL- L.% IV' , LuNEV , ‘,YI/.3IALTkSE LACE. CULLAILi— re ry , ric,, ACEIIi . I' Ur, cluner. Valencla. Tlirc.Vta.d Styli e— ny y.. an)) cicelr•Lic. A).:I NS!) 11..!.. SET RIBBONS—Fine ruciortnicrit. I l.s A NI) CAEIIIIKILEsCAIIT:), Tlr:s, etc.—Scw . , . . Et tONS- In Crocliet, Bug:, Read. ." for Clo.k...,. , •rquuuund Orraser. . E311:1:91DEI:EI , 'and of a-rely orsersl , oo , "I new des4"'" 110.-11 - .IO."AND erne :111,ortu.nt, r,puera!ly ,ry rich na n d Fancy 111.1,i111/11, for I, . (6. Sllews and Chit.. rel, I.A ffS' IiFNT'S I cl:N.1,111NO (4 , eJlltl, etc.. etc . . . 3iEtt(l-1.1.NT7 FIN)SI t;1 . 11: - AND CoI , STRY are try. eied ‘,.. exasolue our • lac'., wh.rhill ta , round s ers Ai rac:lve. otompisb , and at pric e,: as low as 11,, I NI st. for rto•li. .1),,- , We will not be bod,rsold by any la tile lrade. MAC IThl, GLYDE & CO, MIME =I Ladies' and es' BALMORAL HOSE. -EL',sic,. Fleebed Cotton . Hose, In ail Sizes-and Qualities, • gt Wholesale and Retail, XLT JP. IE - .1. IEAL..I24COrti7S, 17 Milt Slivet. EW FALL GOD CARLISLE, MACRT,TX 19 Flit 9 Street, lfsre lost opened Suellen , Ire and splemlldstorl. of 1110 , ,55 &Nit (3.0A1C. 113T1.5105.. 17.1(11 NEI' .t TItI3I.IIINU 11111 SONS, E 51 1 ,1101 it EI:IES git,rrlptlot, EL.E.Iin NT LACE t....1)111,1, .I[V.A I. LAI . k.S I,C all LInJ I. Hi'. AL 'l' It. m atEn ciocm:+. 1 iii eirioN I ,NA I hStuJl.i. SWISS. JA.C..N 3E13.61.1N: LINE , LA N 1111511 LIN EN; V ES-r.. of attrme l lye styli,: asearinte”t: I.ll , lEi` MERINO XESTS and Dlt Else. • • FANCY Z H Ylt ARTICLES-Splen./1 , 1 styles . . • _ _ .ItEILI.IN NI, All RitICAN ZEI'IIY ' sllF.Tl...tin WOW.. THE N (:Aril UR 'YARNS—aII colors FlitltTS of tVer):sl.,, . FANCY AIITI.CbES ANII NtrfloNS. Merritt:lWe awl //Cale:, will find II to their eolniin- Isre tonsil af. .cxsinine our prevent extensive ttone liefors purchasing else:client. All our goialn wine porch:wi) illreec on the last tonna. we are preparsil al d r.l nine, au loin prices an any East ern Joleliing 11001 e. MAGRITa & :DAELTsL.E, • , 111.1 YIIITII STREET. NEE (44;14,!6s 4ilSt RECEIVED _ JOS: 1-IORN_E ez =9 /3 0 Or: T "I.X JD II T At :lite lending lall StYles 1121.11133.e.rp (*taper and Pnrk Fancy and Colored Silk yeti,•els hl 1114.Lileibraliic shades; Plain Fancy Ron rrid and Trimming n-w and rich coin.: Flowers. enolccat French nod American; Feathers; in et' hat rind liar,. 37' : R ' , pus t Well save/ Leib/ Cambric! Itamnu re, Swiss. Loans: einnYValen - . c'ilic Edging. and In•vitlngs; /:suds and liudtb.g kiinbrafficrobt and l'laln Linen Coi ls,. Guff., Laces and lane,, Cants. I). ClFun , l Cloak Trinirulni s and Ornaments; • Fringe, Gimps and Grab,: lire,s•frltianings Bugle Frani., , • . Ili taxms: A most complete sleek of Jaconetr, Si , I I andkereldelk, Flab, Lace, Gem rn, Emlll,lltie , etl. TAW', Ilorderiab etc., (I ,'. • and .17101,1,1 In every variety and all .tree. 1. idles' and Gent's Underwear. . I L'ursailhing Goods: ashendcre and Neck-Tits; Heavy Shirts and lion.'ren and I.XI, ,lain, u0ri...t5,.11.0r reefs. ticks. Union and Silk Belting: lialtons—lbeb.lest novelties. all kinds. - arils- . Greatest vale iv, Cavlitherr, Lan,bs Wriol and; nl • g the ',dines till a turns, plain colors AO , / rannom. ib , arit's Paper Collars, and cieri thing in the No tiriii rrices a 4 !ow its Eas Lent Jobbing (louses. Nos. and 19 Market Street NiD" FALL GOODS, JD 3EI INT TN" S .Iro. 21 FIFTIi STICEET. • VIITII-1111DERIES, In M new . and elegant pattern,: 'fa ~;(ry a:01 PLAIN ONTY RE. In kr-at qualltles• EmEgol. lIANDKEttintiEFn; - do IMITATION and REAL LACE do LNv:IF.s tio du I LACE, RMITEALATION 'COI:a d D LA u CE o ir/LOPIIIIE LACE. * do lit111.1:1[1: d ADI L. , I INE,IS CAIN 10 0 rst.7l4 - or of n0 . 10 , r: N rr.TY r. LA DI PEAD 1/11ESSES: • /SUITE Nti I 11T, rAVEES. LIN- EN - I.i/LLA ics• ZEPHYR WO ftSI.'EDS, bLILVER I'AI"FERNS. SHETLAND WOOL TURBANS., HIMBUNS. ytowEltb. And a 141:Iltie-of NOTIONS, &c. MI our Cluotls nielold at M.crwoest actrabi.- ( lAREt, IficCANCDESS tx. CO.; I (LAT. WILSON'. Cd.lit. a C 0..) WHOLESALE DEALEES ronnoN AND DOMESTIC DRY DOORS. • Z+To.o4 "L"trocsel. Thlrdpinme alx;ve Diamond Alley.) c' 1 I.I.TTSBUROII. PA PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. se Isonzo c i,:r a Co., Philadelphia I:DIALZSTitio. The Eetey & Co; , I ,'lttage Organ, ANL' . .AMERICAN ORCAFI Acknowledged by the hest musical 'talent in .'lO United State. to be superior to all others In power. purity and quality ol time, and thorough workman ship. Tbs • re Instruments have for yearsaaktin the first ' pm - nit/In over nil competitors. at thr. T1V1011.9 State and County lairs. In priess they are lower than any others. iAll warranted fur Ltc years. 'I.43IELTICK S BARR, .172.11 . No. 12 hi, Clair street- Pltriboreb, REmov.a.E. 160: qmlflifield Street. 160. 'JOHN. ZWELDINGEIR, TorMerly of tlO fIiTIT STREET. bar removed to PIO.- 160 Smithfield Street, Two doors aho've Sixth etreet, vibere be has as •1- eellent eared: or • • • Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, And ell kinda of My 1 SSTRU3r.CII4 sad hTICINGS. afirlirrst - 1.1 Itirtrurrehtd repaired with mariner. ..ad dlbpare • i111:CO %NAVE: 6,.'c0. , 21 GREAT; UNRIVALLED PIANO FORTES. CIdIKCF , S. CO.'S worl4-renowned AUTOMATIC ()ROANS AND M MA/OWNS. Over Forty Thou gaud now in use. hplendht new Block Just. reed by ne,l3 . Cu ittArrric 1 1 1,1SAVY.. 43 Ylfth wAt 4arx{, Ac s k r, ^ noUtll tiNn tuex, , PAINTER,. GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., P i ttsburgh i.. plain and OrnMental Many or:ovary &me iotic.. done to ordar. IX work done orocapey Jeatera ILLWILIG spowrio... • itovim!-IVIS/GX Nartipeast pbniker of pqrd •rd 4aalult stn.? t• cAris a • : TSB 012[1.1Wr i ng tittridaleg . ..aus irmuwitimaverig 7 Wood auftet., CITYAND SUBLIRBA_N. - !.T_ARLiz CADDITIONAI LOCAL NEWTON FIRST PAGE) . • I ' teoinmunicated.l • Discos ery of Plans to Impeach nor I.res i Th e Tin i Ter .ay or Medicine and Sae; L I , dent—.lll.ys in;Ettne" to . Protect inn. eess—LnUhe 01 MC.Ntelliosen itesigtott tloo— Unc of tire most complete and thorough in- moxteTe.he Insmaity (11 50e ••of stitutfons in the Country for the • attainment NOW (onto ter 1V.•• t,. works of medical knowledge, is irg lon ..:ptaaal deuthl no • ' t O l f et ¶ t h :r ho u' ll i : n i, er ,,ty df m e dietae the plans Of the littolleaLA to itupe.tel, lose uc theident. I•or ge Jc gory, siteated near the cOrner of Walnut and werePre, to he .nit to Wa-over el Itington I, 1,0- Moth streets, Philadelphia. Nyinin I say the teen arid aid uologre, in Its :1,1...mei. .1 ,rii greawd work, Ido not mean that it furnishes mat distribution of arms thrmiglieut. the Kest the elementary prieeiwes met , mme more. , had heeu mle the Italia:al Governors. 1 fie story Is thee trim. ly, but .In every department needful .to tile The W1,11114:1,1 special successlul treatment of disease. and to .1 mot act eat ba , . e-garding the iutionre.i tioto of f 1„ 011 e, SUflietently endowed by nature, ith the necessary helps In eeptirteg such now etiga,,,,l in making wr,. r•ln r, and knowledge. , soon as It nue:lied he will undoubtedly The MatitUtiOn above alluded to, will not l, • ion li.os L..eu long in attaining a. stand among the t,'). rho ?" that Yr;,''"" ablest. and best which our emontry with its rt " great facilities offers to all.. Here 110 0 ' 1 10'"' • • .I°Z. royal road to the ucquisit ion of ho its • 3 , tr 1 `,1 .^ """ . "" . ' avenues are open alike to all who are 1, 's”" dmg I nem and anxious to engage the of fej- 16A t:te appomitres', and ou deem them to repel Influx-Ito General I;raiii tor. duty. I:eneozol ii.unt Once, learning or an honorable fame. 7,ry, toil, perseverence, In the study of -- nionlo- h '"'l"' '" eine, any other *Useful setence, sure neir y mr;lnto by the Pi e,1010,t, to he recognized lot ono time or another with i '"' "" th ""' 1 " ”"" Its .1 list. and adequate reward; and In no Other !" so-ro. '" " 1" a "'"' th ' l"'" toed "uo f ti"' College lunar vast count r: nee greater or boll tot I ici:ities afforded than in that Of the one "." 0- "'""; e. nonnoro ne s •umin of l•in•mtedi. Toe re , toit wa. Inc abOve referred to. . - It numbers amongst Its teachers "' lass than right peote,sors •ot the teachers nuu:r out hi; " 1:" " , °". ''"- eat leading !mooches of — medical se iimee • • • anyone of whom Is thoroughly conversion. Irvin "" with the department - he cog:L.:es 'to traeli. ~ ' I , no. 'lle Aiming the names a tit' tat found ' ot 31c. . 0 it."l :v .cu ;mni , that- ot Clintocks, lhotton, Deueet, of ti t " I ! at ' delphia, and tildshur, ,, of our own city. The U ', eo.opm a; ion. t IV:or niversit y h as, besides. eight flojene* proles o f - ant ri, who teach ouspticial.subJee.. connected Ir in the to rrk " i" wi.ll medicine, the purpose of the inSlitlllloll I heing to fully coloicate the btl1(11,11t, 111 every „ • •, „ L . • • • -- department conneemot Wit% that gloat sei- '": • mice, having for its object. the 1111ov ion of 1111 sullertng and toe prolongationr . 10110 lite. • • The 'medical student 1,112, i 0 really de shoos of •• perfecting htfuseli 111 all. I ha". per ains to medicine in every department., wit: 112,41 In the University kind and oldiging professors, Nr 110..1 jil,t 11110 Is to make blur all adept, in his profession, and to furnish him with every to 'hay in their p,ower for the accomplislunent of that encl. Study, attention und assiduous 24)01,21 101 l In tlig use of Iho means tthlleh the - College otters: cannot full to train and educate those 110 . engage In it seriously, with a thorough knowledge 01 medicine, as fur as it can •1,0 learned lit the use . of lectures and clhtiell in structions. Thin Is tile groundwork to which I have al luded. Constant appliention untkobservai and a good use of good authors. must finish the after work in making the coult?etent and still I fni physician. I have taken the pants to say this 11111011 in favor of a medical ',chool'in within two winters ago, in coutpull y.w I t Pro. fes-or 0141.1ine; I was shown every Undue,s and atteniidu that.' could be extended to any one, and through the teachings of who., me. ultyl reed rod great Iltlvilliragts The enivelsity of 31e,:10111, and Surgery is nnliudtud 141 . itS Wtehlrtgs of medico. , that every variety of, medical materials are prt,entrtt for thtlstudent from wlllOll wake selections, selectng, au lit, ill other resuetts, i 4 com- Oct,. In every department. Itespect f oily, Guo. it. 3i. D. .. The Marttei Street Setter. En rots issue we notice that yon make an extract front an. address—by GM ft lend Dr. tiallaber,'and tc e• pre3lll.llo that he Li still running on the old subject, ••Sewers.” .He has been trying for the last year to convitice Councils on this particular hobby, but - has singularly fatted to Impress - that body with MS mild theory.: tVe do not profess to have the medical knowledge, or to have tho ability to 'lecture Ott fins, like the learned Doctor, but tic realty think It Avould tic well for him to study good practical common sense, and quit such ritliculo, non sense Ills has net forth In his arguments on the iiewer questions. It Is conceded by all setisible Men who have examined Into the matter, that a sewer on Marliet street, Is indispensable to rittsbui•gh. Anil IL is sunply for •the Doctor to talk and spout about pot:firm, ir on , pon.oned gays, polluted air,_.tvl, if the sewer is constructed. The reason u oy 'the Ordinance was liltrfiflneed in the Councils, was to prevent u hat the sorter says it wilt euuse. We wonlil mspectfully refer I the learned gentleman to the pricers room inlets-_ mg the Donnell ehauthor, and we thitlti it would not he amiss it the olikeer Would visit that locallty ; occasionally. , Anil !La ther, he says that sewers are no cause of disease. It Is well known that 1110 re dealltS have resulted Dom coca pools than ever was' ! known to have originated front sewers, and if the winter to ehowl d to pass over and the overflowing cee's pools In tan WI:11111S or I'D tl,l street are allowed to send forth their noisome stench another bloomer, we will have such another epidemic as we and in lHb. horn ad- Mating that the Dewier Was right In Ills hobby on till matter, that EeWerd canon filselo.e, it flees nut at alt apply to the Oaf, prOpOm•ol on Market street. .1s there would be an ample fall, and, f urther. I Ile tire plugs are allowed lo ran allinkit tinily, and would effect itady wash allay anyyegetable or tither matter told inignt .uccittnitlato In them or file life of me, I eatinnt ttleina What the Doctor wants or meal. latil 'Ss It to that he de sires to increase his business next summer or I to try soitteinew clip:zit/tents on coy s••tt. • WheelA.r. de Wllsonio Piemluz Illarhinro FAtr. G MOUNDS, 11,1 ToN, n., Oetpber the undersigned Committee; as a find, award the First Premium to tini Wneeler Wilson Sewing Muebtne Company, as the best Sewing Maclaine for family nor. Tne i, sis hf our-judgment being, first, simplicity of eon. stenetion. cond. durability of work. ensine.w of working. Fourth, [Wets In run ning. film m simicity and Mnopletenes or its attaeldnen % ts. In machines for ler foully use, them were seven entries—Wheeler Wil son, Grover it kicker, Singer, NV tiCOX it Gibbs, 'and the klorenue, The strive is most respLct telly submitted. . . W. G. Mr, W.W. 11 sinner, Mrs, COSIMILItc. Among the 1111-faimE—The Pitheic Retard says: We learn through Conductor CottMg that among those lost by-the foundering ot the 11-fated - 'steamer "Evening f;tar," was William Rockwell Jacques, formerly of Illitl city. sir. Jacques was well known here, fie was formerly employed in tile office of Shirk Co., Oil City. On the opening of the Ott City and Pithole be accepted the position of agent at Oleopolls, which he tilled to the tati,factuni of an concerned. lie W.., a young Mall of genial disposition, and kind harted. Ills many ji lell.lo, as well us his fond parents and L10CL101.1113,11 biller, will mourn his Rail and untimely end Minix fat Slianclial.— The Steithenviild Herald nays: As We go In press several tale, ar.iiiidaillspittebes have been received (rein McCoy's Station stating that a riot is' lo pro gress thele. As our readers are already aware young -11ellov shot a Wan by tile name . of Me liavern last summi,r. Midiavern eOlleelet! .erowit to-day and caused Mr. Lewis K. Mat.oy to retreat Unto a room over Mr. James atones store. McCoy tired several pistol allots but is still enable to raise the siege and tins tele. gr aphed to the bberiW for un armed licence to relieve biro frOla his perilous Battalion. $6O Wied Mewing plachine:—.lthtuted for every deict Iptiori of family sewing and tailoring. Looic S TITO/ —Tbe best In use stilt:beg alike on both sides; Lilo cheapest machine by twenty per cent. In Ilse; !Lint will mt.' honer, and it gives isitlstactirni in all CUE.,. Nails tiuish up to mahogany inialtt with pearl, sit ver plated and rosewood. Also the Finkle di' Lyon. Warranted live years. IL 11. Long, Agent, No. lit (tram t street, oppailte the Cathedral. See advertisement In another column. New Arrangement.—The couintisiiioitor or Internal Revenue hay Issued a circular torliiil ding in tlist Merles the old pretice of repast lag the low and high wines ny allowing them to run and iieparato through 4.114.111 Kneed near the outlet or the still Or worm, ant prescriblnir the 050 Or Velfll, which shalt be connected with and made to part of the pipes or apparatus con:meting the outlet Of the still wilts the receiving cistern. The new apparatus must be In nue by the ifith of.Novembee nett, utter which the ohl prac tice WU; Mit be allowed. . • 11011 V to Present rfres.—To guard against tires, the flu rgeSs and Common Council of the city of lithole appointed a comuintee of citi. cons to make a thorough and impartial exam !nation of each building within the corpora tiOiltnits counseled with otes so as ct Lungeor them. The committe h e r have made u a lengthy report in regard to' 'the stove pipes and their otinnect Imes in a multitude of Pro tmisc, nd petitioned for an ordinance to secure ection against tires, and carrying out r ot their recommendations .'ln the cases com plained of. - ' Woor.—The Ohio /Loaner says there is eft ;I a little vool changing hands lu that State. The range of prices paid Is from forty-flee to tfty cents, but there don't exist, so far us we can he., a very strong desire' among buyers to take much at even these low figures. The stand-still of the trade East. with the doubt ful future for speculators, make all parties hesitate. • Mole a oun.—Aildbion. Antlers appeared before Aldermim Lynch yesrerday end mode oath charging Samuel tireyson with having fe/oolou , ly taken and carried away from the 'residence of the aeponent, In the Second ward, a valaahle Shot-guttrworth, In the opin ion Of theldOsecutor, the sem of 451, A war rant was Issued for toe arrest of the accused. Not 160 nneii..—An exchange says: o Albert Lyman, a young ltepubllcan at Potter county, traveled thirty miles over u rough and bleak mull, on the day of [ho election; to poll n vote for lion. Geary.' That's nothing. Hued:Axis of Dontoeruf o traveled out of their u. ' , States to get a iota for Clymer lu Pennsylvania. Two Hundsed Patterns bruit! awl em brolderyi and slippers, stumps for sale, and stamping done also Indellble Ftumping and receipt for sale, and model for cutting ladles and calldmtes dresses where. any pe r& ,,, can learn in tir onty minutes: No; street. • Nis. sit Parlser.sborg.—Gavarnor Bore maros property at Parkersburg. West V 11gia lit, etaislaving orliwelling douse, stable and law library , , was destroyed by aro on Thursday • - Boys to Btoe.—The E.teouttve Committee of the Boys to /tae, are requested to meet on .Thursday , the 25th inst., at T. N. at the ogles of. Gen. Xemson, on Grant street.: Special tea ilota.—lara WtailOW'S SOOtle Jag Syrttp has brooms so popular that via - lone oaetles bt , v . a rout =c/el call e i i t h w e r t e r f: hlra Wiseacre oftlwl‘ootbin,sr ayna, iceot concoct. ed wsa any Other Utica% ll=l GRAMS FROM Il IbIUNGTON V.lninnzat te %Viten uillitr 1.41 Ent ,•p, !or Alt•Nlen'he ,ens 411stpn.t. (11,n,” lo Inv IhTe In rk . .lort. cAntrell 'Pt e the e1 , e.43,.. Tni4 lie 1111111.1 nt on, It 111, It:, l'Orr,",1011- 4iC111 . 0 .the tons. to pl•itn In in:r,on I NV hai The Bn7t,tmgrn Inibrotxlio—ityti‘rli or tie.,. (Sub3-I'. S. Trpoit4 Meat to Fort A•111:,i1 . 11ti, Ocl. , lsr --The imbroglio coiaino• theaaa gvneral Itaca.„ to ea peel,' het troeli rho par Priiluv next, atom tlic liorti no Iris eon, lit Inquiry. Hen. Canby, colionitatiiiig the MHO,: y Ili • tile( larlilOtag the Dl-tenet nt Colloill•ra nal Baltimore, !tat , toturneil Irma atl-1t ti Mu latter city, avhiell Ono avotrealy leari Avlint ilegrite of Ntolenett talcla co appre howled. Ile Icugth ttli : hot tho ! t oiler •401.1 110 V. NU .11111 ' lutist gave both tooki h 'al If thi,,,11, 1 bcIII 11,1,1 t! Flt of a u aii n in.trceti, 11111 ,tittoo x 4,11.11,41 seat to thooven,: of 114:11011. this Goller.o , i1:1 • 111, the 'l'lllergvnuy a VTII illl, as 111 , iit'ateki Flnye 111, lat 1,1 tO tai. by tin I,l"iler i0 , t1 • 110 u.r. 1t 4,01111,11 • sit 11, rottrth Itogular Artillery 10 repair al oliVe ll Fort McHenry, Halthaore, TOrileit/ii l'eoce% Crow... Lion. Mown paisti—Greni. truction ul Propi.rly. CINciNO26II, tornado of unit wit, but .c slight Iv 101 l in AI lIA d hint+ Iddi 1,01 dOl, The litirricane rig.) iron. twelciiii . cl,,di, TWA Li:7ll[olM 11 (lire o'clock In Itin tutdo Th NOtioruil :1 t.O 4,,r. IVILS par unriiohnl, and wycind r don n or ,cverely ing crops wire blown don, in thy ourround Lne eountry. oroenc,tlr. Indinna, to large builnu,s Nock, 1 yr, new four slot \' unirlde front bniidlng Wow n n Illcn anici Turrier . ,i null, pr 00.,, ervetlon,Wa, 31 , 0 WOW., 4, , , A11. Wasgeneral Ille'wellters pa.ri-of the ,:t;lc The Failure or Arden, Vrtnk Westor N. .p.arra , ays : ..,11,;,‘• .nL lIIN . OI‘, IL or dollar, : VIII only ..00021. i'rr' , Yradnd . sierdnent. The beer, are d 0!::: Tlibutneort I Son,. 4;ed,oaa; IVlnk el e3;,,5.; Troy, at: the Cabo,. 11.101:: ti:m.0,04. 0 . : 11l raetary hand,ho:lo coa—nued .ter Tlrolup,,:. rea: el the rta.v:o , l o.den tirtrt., tast,t‘.•.). .tlo,tat and it 11:M1,011 trill- = N,e; y,a L K. port ,Iteelal ,ay, 'I it Itrniaeoot , t Company'; Fat:tiny, con-h.tot4 it t nroo 1..r; . 4 brUskillli 111111, i 4 . ILt in.:",' / - oyett Orn re , nont. /1,1,61 fill' ahl 1,11,• 1,11/1 artni tilt', la, hco'A II I,: 111 eltrpi...ylil,ll Cell/ll,nr A. V , . largo Lz Zoe A n nand The. I,uil.llttg and ,toelt u tot. hent. 7: Vote t'w.t lu ()lblt,. t tirns.of a I ••• k. i'tit': for ~..n.;ne v . of 11, nf vote.l . PLUMaI:NG GAS M. - TIT - NG _._ • - - - 11)11 1 1 : ::WILIALS & EliTiki i''r_.•,crracs.Et.2=tzr:.tr3. GAS AND STEAM FIT rEps.s for. Fi‘ni and = Coi. Beaver arid Ciar.tlll32 St rt:etr; 5C111.!, - r . . R. All klnds , , ' • itAntly GIS AND STEDIFITTINV. Hydrants, Iron Punips, SHEET LEAD, SHEET Z: : 4j 11.1.Viaf, WATER CLOSATS AND WASHSTANDS TORT T. EWENS, I=l 165 Wood 171,1:1. BAIL' kr os BROWN & CO.; 't IILUIVISEP.SjIA.S &Si EAF.4 PPE FITT t No, 55 Fed Oral St.,, Alf eiltsn3, 672 Peng Stecet, IntLag:rgit WATF-It ANL/ GAS 1 0 1 X.'l ronotoottg op /louses :Mel up with list, Watt-Tor at nhort notice., Oil Itellnerlei fitted up at short notlee atl , i lo tlo , knookll4.PrOVed fit) le. Agitators, Took:, An., 111.11 rillll:`bet . ' 1.1 , 4 new proren, irith Ifytino•Atrto ,, °!r•ro . Illo° l'lne. wo keep ',no:hotly sro 110114 , 0 larne .nninnig OS I,RAL/, 1 1 IWIN, 51/ 11 110C11.n.'1 , 1171N1i:' , ~F ‘ 1 .1.1. 11 I 1 15. 11 I:A VI to,t A , l material 1 , ./14. by • entAbilclonent. Ito woul.l Invite Ike attention 0(011 won hart 00, work to do in nor line of b.:ln , , we feel C 0111:. dent we (.11 give th,1,0 , 42121 . ,11.15(3,11011 /5 no yorOr material, wor1:11.11,h1° non p'r'o. NOTIC:E. Private Families and 11(ilels I= HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES At 411ortent notlee;2 n.I bebt terp.n, cal II I JOHN MAFFET,. Nos. 227 and 21:9 First. Street = COMM It. 4011N,r0 11 I:ULF:11V & Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, I= I.lttraazrileri - , - ,lv, 11. Alt °Mora 14 t nll - exerute , l 6 5 tiltiictiall ' promptly auendol to A full line of Mob Tobs,ll it. 4.1,, p ClOaela, :A uks , (Mandellern, l'emlaum, ae Il•„ bhades, fur sale at the most reahmalq• price Redoes front cow: vry rop,hy mall p rrrrrr ;Alf - St tended to. Moir tat-tcry dear INV, 11l LIAM & BARTLEY • Keep on Itsttil or • WOCOT.) All Ltrploof Iran Pomp, Sflteel. libtrl. zinc, Lea.l Pipe llepi Tu., ,lehl t e (.711.eta. Wstsb Firtult Etmute, ..t the Ira/rowel., Corner Eiixth and f.; al it tifie E All of de . .el , O O .P O F• All ordez a hy jacAND STEAM 11 . 171NG, Lti ALL IT3 BRAN6III-1:. Carefully attentle.l to by expert...tar:no bract teal vortrauteo. A floe aeaortutenrol OAS fIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS STIOLVER lIATIIS, WATER CLOnETid,, JO:DILANT Con!tatnly on hand and made to order. ;% 19M422a2aM1, l';"° 7'l 7l ' 7 B }M: ' :lo " ,!fro b t7l;itlV , l,ltb. •ort I • N E celring atAl4'. PAPERS' now re: NO. 4..1GT STILEIST.-11Ellil FIFTH. .10 JUN. R TillkikUDl A NILO. :SPEC e LiIL NOTICES. • • 'ELIE quEtzi: THE QUEENS TIIE QUEEN' OF HAIR RESTORERS! nItS. V." M"'B QUEF.ti HAIR RESTORER. Is QUEEN, not only In 71M10, but,ln Tllrrut6. Is the Best Rate Restorer ever offered to • the Public.. . nnIIRATOttEII and PRY.6IIIVER Or the 11.tIr if r.lthruiiy applied. • ts Bair Dye. it Itetb direetly upon the root. or? the hair chang .. Ing.grey holy to I ty origin...l life color; arresting Oro 111.11r, decoy :old foiling not or tor halm eradicat ing, NE.101.1 , 1 CA ruff; nod raring all humors of the lc will clixage .!ror and irlr) balr to soft and lux 71 r;: , u I • it ire part; a Itch: NI fragrance lotto. hale. In t.hort, 1C v... Nel.th to store your hair. to in yot;,.th. and re talus It through ..tore 'WATS lit C} :E\ II 111 RB•uC36 I= R. 3TELLEitS & CO., 11 , holestile Age•niF.: 1101.11).AV I :', 7 fitchee! Watches! Watches! !nr. •rt:EN - I'll., linte.rter3 .and IVhole3ale .11. ate, In 11111.11 an.l II'ATCIII . I tlt all 113 - 1:r 1 1.lion 114 1.ir.1.11 . , , T11”:1'. N. beg to tlte im1.11.3 that r bare _ll.l. reeel‘e.l3l..• 31.,..1r. poi le , and 33enrate IVatel. ever In -11...1a.aal total, market. Tlte Ea...stun, a beau -1,1,11,11, tr. raids jewelled, lea.elly 13 3.arat liold ~/ 0 11 , i: , •,,1113,111.,111t •11K.V...1. konamele.l 111111 ling 1 'Lever. vtiino I tania , t, unnet I.ltoron.ally regulated lle ti.. 3 .0,...r,at0ry and warrant...lto be t,he ..Ve Plus Vilro Into lieeper. A snprrl. and 1130 st reliable 11,11.'. I.r Latle', NI,. will be .eat free to au) 1,1 r,., on reoriPt 4,f $1 . .%, elf preferred. will rerelnt el' 3.. as part ipallnelit. mateli 'l..a.presl. Or 11111111'g ao that tl:ere 1111110.4 .. ..al:ity or reteh - Ing,l.clr •lestinatlont but tithe Exprv“ Coln -1.0.t 1111 In their 11111 V, We will bend t:• v ,, tettizmrillat..lr. Ord. r,3 jor any ,1 " I ,,, aPtim audf,(M . fraivia!,l//e.t. ta, t" t rad, e want .mote 111 I,ot - y Innn and Illn v. 1111,1 In tin., aCillg an melt r 11 Ind eleement3 113 offered. .1'1.• -Ptoi nitowy I.y E Cl'ost i ”tiog. Order It, 'HM r V'S CO., 34 .d ,, er , T • _ . 3::: In 'l'llE ILINI)liERCIIIIY. "Might EC loom inr.• •• Night Blooming ferous." Blooming Cerra.." ••Sight lllooming Cerens." •• Blooming ('.,c00." A tz,n-; cn.l I•r3rrntit l'erfonte. it It, 11.1141 t, Matlubwori.ol nti.ly by PIIALON & MON. nielv York. ut:Warlf ov corNTEurt:lTs. B=ll I, I) :VIEWS FOR 7l'll EUN - FotalltiATY". . • . BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES . Ar,..warrat,.cl in ail tht. and per -11,111,11 CV, .4 all ..c•ual ea. Y: , l' I. I 1 , :111, , ,, uETION. r-rnltrial kin, , toll. And Drran., lien- IT V.. all Nvrt.tti ai 111,a-t , ...te.. .7... NO uuestut .•11L1..1' I.- Is'l'l::•eranl.•uwdwllL -1 an.turvyr rail to rtf.rl a tire. If oßed Inslructiou, MI , ELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, ver t.r sir bor. fin ore dol- - Inr.l SE.. lour . Vrice thr. .•.1,414r5. four to Gem rally required to eq. - 1...H1...try et..., of Seminal Wt.sktiess and Ende s...its. thou.l tub ;it Is derived from 11,Ing a single ;in.14, , ,r1..111aric lion Iml . 1).:. 1.1, wit ti rvolt, Prostra -111.: 11E11.1. , r• ~• , nvaclou. reformat Ing t lnvl.or.ting mly in th, /. iot ,In 1,1 s Month 1,11, ,13111eivii: fn - . Nd.r. nod 1 , ..1d!1ty and Imodterdo. • nell'%. External gtemetly, rtde 1.,a mould , . CIVI bn pood advant3g, . • IL ,tc, etrt•rogth t hr:,.! with the I.'l;j 1. , If'''lrlparmal tradition. C I'TION.—Thr :0101 • Itemon, :.n‘.• now lwrn • j•li •••••, thplr vrat q•••n fir 11,1 , Ox•eltelled r , : • epl.t,ty .?1" Lt.., the iinule • ell-re:ars:m.lB.l - et. eord for v.er , l,l.ed pet up •- ..,e7e.iz ed. 1,81 di- ppolet the lett ex p. clattee, el por. ,•ttrr,ta 1tre1.... I.ll's tot..!1•• • 9 or . cat:; oncr, beAd the M.yully Da. JABEN BRYAN, onn.taltlor rhy&ielan gr 05. 1 ,.. ay. Nrw Yor . k. All 4 h..t2., try sc., of mall 5 , 151 . 111 Itrugglst. 1 , 111.0.0, A,:ertt. :LAME:S.-li, you require o• Wily '.+PT Tt: r r ~ tro..-1 the :40., Strew , g.llt itutt. i• • 1, 1h.f. 11 ... ,12 vbe. ...•1,1710 111 , 1tIne. fl,teric,, hr..lt.h ra.:`,, the apire,llll. bit>, . r e•izatnt ore, • IVe• • • ,1 , 1.:•, Pro 4 , Al. • A NLV'el:-P - AILINti ItFMFP,P; , e• 1., .•1 la PE3IA Lie .o.• of 1.” I•u• 1, law I:, PI; •traF•ttot,, e,nd vlO,, rnmlt• , e In, :pry AL..' 111 2,12, 1 ./11211111121/, 211111,4( . 021. tf r • ir p best, beard, f0r . ....,faer0u." :,d•u eAt prepenCe,l (oda. S"I.1 in twies 1.1 t: m' t 4 a remedy re.r r than'tbe at.re. and Intended ter epee"l ea,.., et lung I,.‘asid lon, 1/1.1/- otn-111, rtir+ al your Ori!ggliit... 3. ,of L... ,ra 1.. c re frt. ulp. n e. Ipt..f by N0..19 liroatlway, N, . ram, Mule, A:t for ill:simrgh. HAICNIIILL & CO, BOILER' MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nod. 20, 2 . 2, 21 aI14: 21; Penn St 111V1,11,. pant, and forultheil It with 0,,,,,,pr0,e I In .4•1.1”..rv. vor. ant , ”ret. , M t•ry 11.,erlption 1:4.111 , ri, 1 , 1 l?.11 n~iaij:raleim. .u n -1 r, urnrr•itt.l equal to any' 1:1V1,• In 11re 11011/ , ,, Snit l'n-, , Vetne, r Iron, It rid .r.111,,;.and role tua:s.u far: ur..r% 1:510;111M., I` •1:011.EICS. I:. p1ir11.,1....m. 011 - • - . f(Tit - I, AK SUPERIOI,It C OPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PITTSIIIIIWII. ' PARK, McCORDY ,CO., • Mxnnrnrturers or Bra , dera' and Belt Copper,. I . rt tad Conner Inatotni, U.alFed 'Bot tom, Spelter Solder. Ale, troporteri and deal. re In Aletall, Tin rlate, tike. t Iron, Wire, ke. Coo. on band. '1 lonete 31.r:blues and Too,. Waeultdase; . tio, I+l Ft nor and it, Hurt t :rn urr rat:.ldir,zll. nneelal orders,. Coppernot to arty 1, -.1rF.1 pawn, . 4 . tnyel:eitnlkerT lard IVOlt KS. 1111 , 111111 RU. 11.110.1tz 170., Maolifactv r.vrrAT n :11"1,AIL•i, warrlnt e.ll:4l,l' i 1.411.0 n Vi 5. or 0•117,1.-,rriptIon. 31111. 5101.), ciang, alnl;alt other vaeletirs. All Al 11l or it NI V E, [N“j c% nteel; •trn :cant it'EA.I . I . :IL wet .11..J1V -1".:11 Is NI h od svork,n earner NS - knit! and nlt.o: n;s.anl^, t . . ... .. . ~,,,,...1,,, p. c... 1. 1 ,.., ;.:01 t) re-toothing, gum -1...: arl,ll.trailzitt..ltiv'Clri.n.iar ~3,,,,, m 5 „ ..,,,,,,,, M ll e.. t,,,,,i, 1 . 1.1,1.1,1 g, zu.l. 1 , t1111,{ at , me at rca• non at .lo rant. i 1eh...M1 iOUINSON, li EA &CO., (Sue— '''''''''. , C 01. 1 .0 to iloltlNNlltt. MINI) it..MILI.E.II:IO WASHINGTON WORKS, ronndere d linehlabocet,Pitttburgb, or 11...atand :o.hSi atlonary Steam Ds- NIIII 51luery. (:Faring iI~~ISI nit t'nrtln q+o6ll .1.2..crip . ti0n...; 011 T.4111:11 a.... 1,41.15, Boiler - mid rilica Iron Work. qv 'cents for PATENTINJECTOR for 11 , 4100 holier, CI)C1111tAN & RHO., Mannfarthurt of Iron Valli. and V aul j', inra. I ro n nailtiiy, Window . iltulters, Window 1/1 nod sPlLiir4l Opt., WIpPI and Plarkiil, hat, on ty of lien• palterno, lain y npd plain, suitable lar all • attentliip poll In etwirwing ,irippinit done nt ahort utak,. 1;, -- ,':1 — ,11[ Alt 111 A AND CEJLA CY, )•,y,ny of Wurninir nod 111e0a5iir w hien ot trnto 1 i„. 0 1,4 power,, with meant of suru rout i-ent of irlinrpe w,:i4l o lrticr privOloprog. Ad lit It tITON. Howard As- R0113..1. I . lilladelphla, Va. au'L1:110:0,tv(1 TO CLASSMAKERS. SITOSCIIIBEIRS HAVING their orraithemente for n: tithing the Ifliotimplon bunt Itofl. aro now prpp a mi to fill Melt a itrtit ol SAND; flair for Use, dein eil lo CA it wt.% ltS. AT THEIR et lila t 00,,, rate nritiou per Loa, to 01115, or $5.01, In t,,v, o r he orair,ml litre, either loots at 49.00. Ir to tio.r. at 11,311 per Lott. or parole• can , throlsh ra:i at lie pr re. offer the tlretu lila" 1,11,..1 - IStad. adapted to their nee, cabinet to the ohote 8%00 per toll At THY NVOltil, Ord,* forreartitt to ELLIOTT NOLILKY, ;1111 l'oxt e, lininti.don Collate. Pa., or to A I.KX ANWEIL IllAtt, No. 120 rltfit street, I . ll l l ,, ThmKik. will IV promptly attended to 11011LEY Si. CO. • AIAN111(10D:--Iforc Lost: lloscro joblialle.f, to ernb•S ennAtopo. Prire, as ten!, s I.ecture os flu No tn. 31 Treat.. enl.out! Radical Cure of liftertnetor mai, nenllnal inaoluntaiy Entisslonli M . ..anal Debi Illy. and Initotllmentu to Marrlage gen orally; * Nerrousnces, l:urnurnoticiu, Epllermy, and :dental and ellymno Incapacity', reoultluX ralnl!el bf boor. .i..cutommer.u. nt• D., author of Vlt:num/wog., tc . "A Pot.. to Ttiottaapd. of Koff. r .. nont nncl , o enl, t , anveloya, to any ul dron., pout pall, ou recelltf Mx cents, or two 100tace Man.r, ClIAlO J. O. KLINS .16 CO., 137 itagary, Near inn, Wane pan 4,ty110, ..alan, Ur. flniarrtral I, "Hartigan prke • aaate•itat,tataa. HOLMES, BELL at. CO., s s • 'Anchor Cotton Mills, IPlitablirgh, mOiaoketnreta of ANcnoit(P) HU F. Ell Al VTAL I 2 .•TT 1 NH. v.. 1114•10 I W.H.OLESALE 'DRY GOODS CARRS gra__,ta 94 WO 01) . ' ST , , _.._,.. _ ..• . Will ;_()1.16A,'...E EEO Foreign and Domestic DRy con s• - • U L-4 Announce that they have just received ,aid are now opening an UNUSUALLY , LARGE and WELL SELECTED: STOCJ j all articles in thi;. TV DRY GOODS' LINE, 3' Superier Coiten Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market. • rates. 1 S V.lOl G A.e.y 1131:C Dealers will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine their Stock,- comprising a hand some assortment of many Searee - Land Desirable Goods, Together with .tirPerlir•Nigicr ,ol :j FA''TORY P all the beNt makes of Prints, American Delaine3, Standard Sheetings, Eraeached and ofirott 13, Tickings, Ginghams, Canton , Flannels, ' Apron Checks, Shirting Checks, _ Cotrd Drills, &c PLANNZI-, ,1 / 4 :! Plain Scarlet, )liv4l,llcel and Grey Rob Iloy, Shal:cr and ANThite and 13 ED BizliMr--.3:EMS7 BALMORAL SKIRTS, WORM). FRENCIi.,, GERMM aeG I..MGLISH. FANCY DRESS Our SPar!l wr.ll embrace a •,crrat ef3' and .7.11 the !ate .t N4wilt4es NOTIONS, ..1! - '1111doAc 1 1 211 14 Assortniel I 114 Li MR, THAWS & CO.. 94 - Wood `tveet. ocr:. TERMS - - NET GASH, M'ELROY, DICKSON - .~l ~~ 54 wc:).ocl Vi r rTSll3l;ll, CZ . DRIAIMODS .19-"X` HOLESA LE. 1!C1EC301%773/1i."5?", OCTOBER FIRST, i o 6: > 1110LES1ILE -.DRY GOODS. ARBUTII N CT SHANIVOii & CO., N 0.114. Wooei StrecliPlitstiurgh, tcvfte Ifoyera to • cel nod i•xacifile their LARUE 'NEW BTOCICoC DRY GOODS.AND NOTIONS, WILICh they offer at ( &full line in all Departments. AXAMV I O7..IIN 7. Avt,fllllo.oli REISELLANEOUS . ' LlL'aflLda tiIIOLESALE DEALERS IN 'R 0 tf" -- - r- nTI!,• 7 ^MI t.g EN," MEM - r T h bp :3;.1 \\rood Street, 14 5 ; ':;"!-.!' ~=; z •c' _•.1'7:..,. 1,..t lIMUM I= wi AS!' (11111:f (11W, t' cl-t Will 'be Promptly • Filled ,at H. CHILDS ez: co Er - 41.LL ' 715 01 -‘ IS j. iliAi)t:EY'S ~T meg Ml= "t D'A V r. 2.%. ERSE !..ql!..tr For:A , nttF,l EST i ! 2 !';' ' 1 7 - p fkr o S . o t n; , .1 •—• A. ,r 7 VEI:3 SPLEriIiD I 1.„...,. r.L..•.... 11 '1 liti'D 111 L, • : 11114 t 1 Crisis = 3iou .•;),-,t)0,00 1 ) " " .2,50,000 Walclst.h. CitoClks, f';Ltif '?4 • avu, SeT.ileaL: Cal +t , • s'er I= `•.. , • - tn 14..1n a..a.1 "" 1,1,111 R. • I ~ 1":4 Di ...In., 1, ; •:r 1,••- 111.11,. .1.1 al ady 1 lid, Iroan COLD JEWELRY Gijit:iPAAT," Ai'd PriOß - 110:sUr.ItIliT, • - t.t.t Wind .o, f.ltll,talr I't I tee w It has ~,ttr „ ....1,,r or wt. ...Ali. Y , I% 1., 1 , 1...1...a1.1 or :any y ...if I,Lit Mr. DU:. mot. h.tt oo by matt, r, •It to elt.trge f0, , ,, , r1t0, , tlrr•rr.rl 1,3 t mom: otot h, , bo • ~ ..•nr • .1 ••• to , ~ r11,:t.,. .1.1:1( :or. I'm cot 11- tb•at, 4.1 t, 41, etvlrn tor 4:, tlttrt3 lot ~t)-the t - ot - 41, t 1111 ",rt. nw,rlli In 4., ry town and eunnl; In Ow 11,do. auott will ...:ttd yn sir• - .•rrtlnr.ll' ordervd IV 11, . ur , , , .!-.1 11.4.1 r M110“.1.1. 10 $5. 1.11 I' 1 1 4 .,thie.11•, and j..nos .t cd.dt t Agt ~,illlldlel, .A." 11 a I.talitdllll,ll,, 3t, I:. 1, and al:di :,..1,-I'rllEc3t,, Ivrz, s 42 , ,tutly awl StAte V 11107,1114 •• i•• Ain! !:;11 (:!11.11J1.111.1.:A 0111'1NY, ot•11:11I Sly... I. y or k. DAY, IticAl.3o l ! & RANG, Pi;~ I au, '..iG; (r IRON Clii. NNE 11.1)11.1iS. OFFICER:PI VIAINIGUE, N;;;;,1 . 5 Wood aid 142:;.ni 11)S Triiril 31'1. 1) SZ(1(1107V, tind - aare n `.l.'rinlmi;gl I= SUperior a oaa allll Inca yazkie. Wrought Pion, Fa..lna Itit, Whoa Ilan; Altll,Bl Keep A... Kp mito oft a •fall mot •routolgte an:rah:none al good. to their lin, all of ..'ll