6 - • ;%tt • hi- t _ , SWEDN-P.DAY. OCTOBER 2.1, 1606 3113, STANTON-MR. COWAN. Ilumors sire revived of the speedy retire- mcizt.Of M. STANTON frOm the warr.flice, • and the acceptance by him of the Spanish mission. There seems to he good reasons for cretliting'the'rse reports. ' • Mr. STANToNlitis made for himself an Cm/fable place In the history of the coma .% I try. Gifted with clear perceptions, great 'industry, and an indomitable will, his etc ',ration to the headship of the War Depart ment was in nil respects fortunate for the country.' ITC performed a yea amount Of labor, and in the maha did it well. I•irl . General in the field did More, if as much, as he towards the suppression of the rebel- • lion; lint his laborwas of that sort to.strike Less palpably and with less glare the popu lar apprehension titan the :tctual manage ment of armi-e on the campaign. Ills was the organizing and directing mind that made triumphs . possible by preparins the t • means thereto. It is even possible that 'what are generally accounte%l his defects of manner contributed, on the whole, to his success. The emergency required a man in the placihoilled who could keep ,hls eyeasteatitly durthe essential point, and !who could meet tho thronging appeals for concessions and abatements with a rirrOr % that made their attainment impossible from . the start and discouraged a repetition of them. Some little time ago we felt constrained to censure in Mr. STaicrox what we Could not,hnt regardets willingness to retain of— ficial position . (by a compromise of essential principles. Th., letter which was drawn from him, Actin:mg his position, wt.s not mall to our liking, at the moment of rub , - : Hendon, nor has reflection upon it since lessened our Alma objection. T;te let ter wasotil the more injurious and ...corals ble becauselof his former welbearned repu tation for sternness and iutlexir. ' dlity. Vn inference could lie robes natto al rein that, if such a zu;n, from his high post of obser vatiod felt constrahred to recede. .reason, must exist which ought.to prev. t il dyer th e scruples of other people. Wu arc aware of the plea hr wsich his personal friends excuse or justify this de. limpet:my—that li se - mid yiebl . rtr the purpose of retaining power that, in other hands, might be wielded with prodigious . enact against loydlty._ not is our DS. tn're to simulate au acquiescence we do not feel, and•hence - wc are not iMpiesse 1 . with sense of the wisdom or ellt,tiency of such ...strategy. Besides, we do not rate patrou• age, in time.; of carnest.discus9l6a and fee: -racist, as weighing much in turning the scale pf pu'dle judgment. ThiG Ike. been ` - recently deinort;tratud in ro comple'e a mannevas not . tiitttlinit of-cavil:inc.. More over ive incl:ce to tilt...op:W.oa that if tira Administridion had turned all genuine lie— '.publicans out of billet!, and put Its own .creatures in, threemonths ago, the p‘t wet. of patronage would have ploved even less than it actually was :s the dispensation of it was managed. Sall, we are not disposed to ques!.iou hut what Mr. STANTON did what he thought to be wisest under the circumstances. What 'We urge ie, that Mr. lianhAN's frank awl' explicit way of dealing with the same pro blem impresses itself upon us at Once as more dignified and raornpolitic.. It appears probable that the place to be !mated by:Mr. STANT.O:4 will be held open for Mr.. COWAN.. A soft of fitness exists whp President Jonnson shoultl reserve this (ace for 31r. dowAx, 'Who was 'lda leader and model in the betrayal' of the party by whin]; Until were trusted. Early in the war, while Mt. JonNson was acting vigor- ously against the rebels, Mr. Conv,x teas giving them all the aid and comfort, he could in his influential, position as a Sena• tor in Congress. Directly hostilities com menced, the radiealistu'Avhich secured his preferment from the TAxi,itature, departed from Wm: 'lnstead of r sing.to eontem- plate the sattition with tho open eyes of a 'statesman, he' descended to dissect it with the microscopic vision of a lawyer, which is always fatal to the jutcomprelteusion'of greabnatioaa i l movements. Hampered by technicalities, beclouded by swarmitig tleties, and embarrassed by instances that were not precedents in the novel and start ling condition of national affairs, lie first floundered about, uncontrolled by any rural nrd principles, and then seined down in ma lingent opposition to all filen and nieMzures by which the rebellion was suppressed and the Union saved: (I In this attitude he went through the wnr. Ey6r after he had made definite engagements-to east his influence iach as it was, on the side of the iebels and copperheada,-he bad neither the man )rases nor honeity to avow his purpose, but assumed to, feel a more ardent. desire far the success of the Republican part. than he had manifested at any ,former period. This was the kiss of betrayal; the stab;hy Which he. signalized his apos lacy. . • Whether the. Senate will consent to, .ratify his nomination zt Sectelary of War,! oven to secure 3lr. STANTON the .mission to Iladrid, admits of question. There are :reasons of public tlecMtey why a man who has been guilty of as flagrant treachery to the'Republican came(' as Mr. Cows:: hat , should not lie. allowed to Step from one high position' to another still higher by the . 'advice rand consent" of ilte Republican majority in 'the Senate. If he shall be a llo we d to pass the ()Meal of confirmation we.do not see with what show of consis tency—with whet pretext of principle— any.other- nomination eau be it.je ete d . First Mid deepest in his treachery, to stureishim to rise spil higher as the reward. of hig Levet:less, would be to surrendtT the whole question and With Unlit' bauners to retreat from the field THE CATHt)LIC The action of the Roman CathoNe Men ary Council of the United filmes, the sit tings of which have just closed in' Dahl more, cannot fail I to exert a mighty influ• euce upon the destinies of our country, both religiously mid politically.- " It is frankly ayoweil that Europe is no longer : a congenial theatre for thir opera ' tiontrorihlS' vas and oveta.-haelowing reele siastiel establishment, and that henceforth its mightiest energies are to be put forth to make Lan the great CM holic country of the earth, the centre of its world-enihrseing operations.. The objec t is to seize' upon the elements which are Row ip.seething and turbulent agithtiou aftiongstlis,::and turn them, with a skill unknown to any other earthly power, to the object ,or streogthening and extending that st4endou.s orianiFatiOn.. We Copy a pari of a letter froat the ape. clal corresporident 'of the Philadelphia Arciiinshop Purcell, in his sermon,-stated :`this morning that this Council was impres Ted" with the necessity - of reelalinlng to Catholicity the United St:decor Americo, and intimated this to be the grand oWect in iteassembling. There is to be 'no crusade Drenched against Protestantism, no offen• sive thrusting' forward the doctrines nod •Draetices OTltome upon a population, the great majority of whom are opposed to that Church, bUt in a quiet way' the elPrgy to act ' abgut their work of proselytism whit energy, perseverance and industry. If Ltaly toonens her chains to follow strange idols, America must come forward to thq i front and assume a first pace among the faithful. If the Catholic nations of Europe show signs fitilecay, and stand btit indifferent spectatOrs while Pius IX. is perplexed to find a-spot where to lay his head, beyond the reach of his enemies; the Church in the tinited,States is to send Lim words of cheer, and draw from him a tribute of gratitude. The Council - has taken the most derided stand on the Palpal imestion, and pledges the American Church as emphatically its the Latin language can convey to his Ilidine , s its unreserved loyalty and attachtactii. The Council, it is said, cab no less tiecitied On another matter of nodes.; importance. refer to the public school system or too United States The bishops do not condemn that 'system, but insist strongly that the Catholie youth of the country shall be edit ecetisduif nUM"sirglioe cstahlishmcats. The (L. graninfar. The principles of religion must ant be subordinated to thoprinciplesofarith- medic, nor mono worldly advantages be par. ,11C(1 to the detriment ofthe soui's salvation. Those who know with what pertinacity the ' Catholic clergy in other countries make all. °Uteri considerations sink before that of making converts, will realize the livid of I :lw now open here to men who devote their entire energies; towards the accoin ,olistiment of their &rang project. If this Council can effect it, there will be a revival of religious fervor that will extend ;to every portion of theeountry. The scheme is of the most comprehensive character,!eintirac ing a field of operations that is as yet un touchQ. The freedmen of the South form the new missionary. field which stands ready to re ceixe the new crusaders. On the subject or threvangelization of the Southern negim,s the Council have not merely followed what the shrewdness of its prelates at once saw to be a Fplei)did chance, hut have carried out the express instructions of !hone. The Southern negro is to he Christamized, edu. rated and redeemed. The ,Cotholie priest it to enter there with the mine zeal that he does the interior of China or the Sandwich islands. ThiS work, in every respect so important, was to have been done, as I have been told, in the inset glue!, tltoligh most determined, way Possible. It was to hare• teen done before Protestant seets had yet sought the idea,.and hence the iudigna. thin I hear everywhere expressed at the publication the other day of Cardinal Barna bo's letter to the assembled bishops on that subject. Thntletter was recciveu by Arch bishop Spalding, who for the 'convenience otitis brother bishops ordered the printing ol• a stillicieu(number of copies, with the most positive instuctionsihat there should be nothing said about it outside the Counci!. The printers say they khow not how the Latin cony could have got oil of the mike, 11Cli6SS slolen by a correspondent ore Sew York paper, and, the tran'Oation they sJI- I was execrable. The Catholic .Church doc , -, not .li.spi6e . ti, poor negroes. That is well. But it' deco not stop there. , It does not Say to them. "Be ye fed, he ye clothed, be re school,i,l, be ye taken in;".but it proi.pses to de hilt these things, and so ratio, them tip, give them an inheritance among their brethren, and Mahe them it power in the church end in the nation; and alt this is to he don: , that the clutch may be made strong. Shall Protestants quarrel with that_ -chuich for doing these things, itnti for-csnbotroritrg to proselyte all classes of our people, white and black, high and low, natite awl titrely,n'f So liar as they 416 so they injure their own . cause, and build up that of their great an- , tagon . st: Their only tuluroe is to go and do lihewise, and to say to all-these .c1a5,,,,, "We conic to sginv to you a'inoree . xeellent way." What care the' quiet weirkers of ll that thoroughly disciplined and drilled con-,I amnion fof learned diScussions and zealous , denunciations? For example, shall Rome I have on/ recently emancipated • Freedmen ? 1 This is a question which must be answered by works, by faithful, abitudaut and per- I sistent labor, not by words. Anil so of all other classes. . • Rome they he wrong iu her, ereed„itta she is ritzht lie her met.ht-t.. 31A3i11000 SUIPRAINC. f The advocates of reform in England, and of the extension of the suffrage to poorer classes of men, than have hitherto enjoYed it there, have imported this expressive phrase frore.our country ; and it is nue that. -will have a potent and abiding influence noon the mindi of the English masses. It is a suggestive phrase, and well eahm lated to awaken the dermrintfatiulties di the mind to an inquiry Mtn the nature of things—into the relative dignity and excel lence . of man as loan, conmared with a little property which may happen: to attach to hint. Tt is a pbrese Which - starts au IDEA, founded in truth and justice, and 1 which is bouild to go on "conquering and 1 to Conquer," until it shall . bring down everything that seeks to exalt itself - by de grading humanity and usurping the rights of God. • • The phrase is equally applicable to the politics of both countries, altliwgli it is made, to strike at vet," different abuses and wrongs. In England a man has no politi cal rights, beeause he is pm,. :in America he has none, because le - is not eiaetly if Mr . right color. In England; a man's skin might be as dark as Erebus, and all his an cestors, for a hundred generations, may have basked id sunny Congo, lint if he has a sufficient amount of property, lie can vote; while his pure Caucasian fellow sub ject, who tuay happen to fall a few shillings short. is disfranchised. The American dernaerat vigorously de *flounces the English aristocrat for denYiug Merl the right of the franchise because they are' poor; while ,the Euglisbniao just as emphatically condemns the American for doing the same thing•to men, merely be cause their skins ate dark. Each accuses the other,. and with equally good cause, of injustice and oppression. The English man's argument 3s, that a man who has Property has more at stake in the State than the man. who ,has none, aud that therefore it is the rightful prerogative of men of property to rule. The Atiteriran contends—he does not argue— :hat this is "a alike man's lin•ernuit te 1," 11174 Lo that assumption he rests satisfied. To his mind it is the end ofail controversy, perfectly c onclusive, and therefore none bid w bite anal have any right to vote- Wn are not going to argue the question . at all; our only object loving to point nut the different applications niade oC the phrase, phrase, '.'.3latiliood Suffrage,” on the fn site sides of the Atlantic. bu this pid colored men, and on that side inlet litigate reaching l'rth their handsto Him whols nn respeetor of persons, 'and fishing that they may be lifted up from beneath the feet of their fellows, and set beside them asequuls, as brethren, and as M ere NOT a feW Republican newspapers sneer at Ibe nomination of Joys Mount:mt.:l% pugilist and gambler, for Congress in the Fifth District of New York. Is there not, after fit!, a fitness in the selection? The nominating Convention thought so, and we `arc not disposed to impeach its judgment in the premises. Either of the IlnooKsts or [the WOODS has some exterior accom plishments which 3lr. 3lonniSSnY lays no claim to; but these are not the things that -•- - - the representative eysiein talios account of So song as such constituencies exist, Why shOuld not one of their own sort represent them.? , The unostentatious inanner in - which Miss Burtiett Courts, of London, ministers to the Poor and afflicted, is nu illustration of the Divine truth, that (!n love of God is WO /ova of his creatures. - - , • —The rlty of Chadestort,' S. C. Ja u, "ssuo fiic botOls to the Imam:a of $2,0tH),000, ,TEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES T. BRADY A', (I)„ • (56,—..t. S. Jones Zi C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., —l-1,,,, L.,,, z ,i,i, ~ , ,t1 u•it , E,lto I,‘Miu their !BANRERS a lIROD KES i I .11, _ vt . imout ~..,,,, . i ,,,,,th„).„.„, to sup DE.ALEU, IN press . ALL iiaNDS Cr • - s re . t .. 1 i1t , 13. t ,1 1 1 Government Securities , ....:r i .ni r -11 ii I nd., . ims colifiscated . a 1 paiteign ,E . , , z.eho rige, , yang a j 107%, 1 ii,,,,5. Gold, Silver and Coupons. i. __ lt t : .- -.,•,ittly:,Kivitt,,,, to km time, i • COL I.EI.:TIONS made . all 'anneeslble pvlnts In time .11Witys Istils ln,ony., wi,,l old pi,„il t e., r,,,,,t,,,E ; p j , or 3 . 0 , . ty United stets and Canalt.s. ;wad ':' Tin: n.oc.', p...-e.‘, . ' , Interest aihrtfed on Time Deposits. —Ailimi tool Eve livit.! oii - toy, - Op. T , , 0I ET 14es—but thvy itte.too nl:my: : . , — ionnLi this, ( tjo• Y:lin.ge,i)l boil. ;V.._ . Ler, is repoNed oto , e ,,, ,e.i. vor 1.•.., rt f p• ,`,..1,,ie ncollynn.n: Aluntlun —A. 11 t; 1113:1.11'c ni T.,,H0n1l i A a pin,: .; .. .. ,'- : ,1', • 1 :.1'"1. 1 ij,',: t - ,:ti' iii ,.. . ,-', 'Ar,:tYi:'.-ri',.`,•`.. r ..i n t',,f'!4" for the hest iVi,lkiim lion, • • fiot.,:i.t. N•,,,.. t.ll, g.,nt h. Inca ut .nady ItACILJ n..—l ti..y. AJJ,,, One county in '1 I.lliintin A c lii twenty : tt , t 2 t• ,,, i , • `•.1.. C., ,n,..n.,,e.. _. . . . COlni'telit ',AV)] I.‘,C.it:rn. I lItt!t; S 10111; ILIJit SAI.E.—The —The c , . 1 :!1 , 11:11tnc:IL, of N , ,,iv ..-.• .ii.i.-., un.l Ft • lure. orn nr , t-claz., York employ 50,0t10 femaies. . —There, are 700 eartlitmalies recorded in history since the year ' , .'..;.1t B. e. . —si x : out or n family of ten 1tc45,11.: in Brookville, hid., have died of choler:, =1 —Bichcnam MUM —There mi. ei4Ltet,i2 !:1115iyin., fur i—tlics • • —A horsednce a'll,l a mayor rauodately took Idare. in Portland, Orogon, the sour day. ';;00 lifirsilVOlllett of Eog have Lee❑ hunting the vv.lll,•r On I e Ex moor. • —A. to roll 1 , 11 ihc. 101) of Lis ro l led ( , Vt. I . and bi'oke his Deck. ' —hundreds or itietly itl:Eugl.m.l an.. &cop:it to the l'ow.inent tud inetio:al purposes. —The ali-allsothiag sliorl .Nortliwc..t. ern peopld just - kt"ly chickens. • 'wealthy Datithitat Itit . n•itati.: is h i , Hove.' to have tita:a hturtiorcil itt illf 11:..; 11101,1/4r. 1,u01". op'', St•ty York are 4 the keiFe • • —The la\vyvr, havt. in hand a litigailm that is taking jhe siataq: out of the impv: CIIOLE;tAt7 Alll7llll, wll.. th,r•oint, • titio•.l,ox , 11 rt 1.••• llt , ;r••• • xi 1 oro ; , at. ,in-- 311,1 noi• px,r01u.,... a iiii ll l , l:trtl , l••:4-Itrn oit “11.1ro. arlio,...ort 11...1 tj, 4.1,1, a :+x tool t ‘•••• 1,, Or 'Pt I. 610,, II 'Nil , fo.:•1 , 1 I•y ••• p , r). 1 . 1.1 ,1 1.1:" 1 711. X re,on 111.v . ..0r yori wou1•1 tr Joi so-Ikt,, only 1,, r“ r,.•!., e 3415E.1.nd MEE= f. 4 35.1'x':;,• i BEE tzs'l: 1 MEE =llll BM A i T 1 n': :. -,...•., ,: ~ ,itse In new and 1.,,, • . 31ESSIIS. 110S'I': - .T('Ef; .t ., , - . ~ , ';,11.•:1: A E.:1!...P. , i. owl-, t,,,21: cUlti , Alm, • tr ,l ..sLito,-I , lsrtt: •...i it 1..1.• .• I, .: ,:. I :....., , • - 7: ': , ..:t! I it•Lltt P.13 . 1,uf Grric , 3 . 1 r0•1ir.,,, , d c 1;! 1, 3E , 1 r,r, .., , b,..: 171)(1,.,..• ~,;‘, ~, ~,, ..,,, ‘ ~,s. . e , ~., 4, my bed, Alla :!naliy t - rmLtixt.d I , ( 1 101.1.1 :t., r. i '''- ‘. ''..' ' • '''''''• .. / •• ,,,, P , ` .. & ) dIAUSII nut! tonGord Inn .., so r - wrsa I, 1 - : :14, C.ll 11,..1:', ' th“l . .. , tylt t Nottlnt I :urt.do,. duri whlc!: th.v. I 1,, 0 - ,, -i!!‘ ,• 1 i l'nn , r3 , • ,, • .'i...liiiAitD .°:. CuLLTN2. 111 , „,„„... ~,,,, , ~, ~ r ~„., ,"...,..-„„ t 4 ••,,..:lllk' 11. ' , 11:1.:N.Y. , ...• „, , , 1 , e3.1:11, Itavls:;, alts ., ,,, , trily 1. ,, , To- anin.ttt. , f..r ' '''. '' L''' ' ' U. ' ''''' '''''` ''''".' 4 .. 4 .'Yt ,, C , ,.. 4..),, no; I,lng :• 1, ..1.Yeai 1f114 , ,r,:, =1.(1,1 to 1,:,, It . ~•'',. " I 1 d13 , ,,c,t d ...ta .1 r,. , ..!1, - 1.,-.C. Iti st:y 1,,,...„,,.....„,." ,„, „ ( I TLI:1 4 t1( .'elvi he:o ..:a 1 .,,,, a ..,..a ..,,,,,. • . 1/1414,—a!1 Iron, l ' '' • ."`-' •• 4 4 , I --, - -- - ----. ~,,,,, ,d ....., . .. . ~., , , i cANII.-V.1..1. a , ot:ls.in,l Ti.t: /i../ ,. ..t.,L4,..1: of nt,cst. by spu.r. At IC, ~! ;rc rlr CI, c.. 1•1111,1 4, ' frIF n.I r,..l , Yr.tn, st•l• 'I ~.• 1. , ,'•• .-I• ~,,,,,',... '. POCKET CUTLERY • - ~E0,..,1, EitL.,,. t"11.1.,,,, ,r , yrCY • , • , in , -,1 :.• t,.. : •• o 1 •111: I , LI: '.I. . 4 c..41t1 , 4. . I , i ;CI. CItY. Inst' nt.n...,d •,, , 1t1. , 1 . :17, [..r,tn ~ an I ft. : • . ta:.!ng llt , . 114 , 44, 14.0 1., :.•,., ~,,t ~ t • ...,n: • apt,: 1.. , -,--, ~ ,Itares t 4. :I,d .tri I ~, , : 4 ' ,,, .•, , Itstn4: n+Y _Lii.ol/ OW - 1 ( itiiiii. 1 .-i.aZOrS rlncrntr,tortir :tstsr ,I.Nir. NI) I.lp Hr., n tkJ,, , of v.ItII I isa,r sun •Tt.tl ~• , . .1, , ,,., In F.n.:!y, Vi'ylvly, • .1 . (ban It. I : ta..1 , , .: - .-t i,t, It t•:,,, ~ n,t , •st t'n ~,, A ll4l e , lt.ol.a.,,irtly , ,I ~. vOYYlsi,., , n . li a t u -.l t l tr0v,1,.3 , • , . y . t4l t. , .. tv it,n, , v , " 7„ .• • , . —. . , OMA,,On II i l ,l 1 . n.lll, .1.: ,o, y...: tt:., le, s',.. ! let.:1; ra . .buNls f's”l Com onn- - nint its sny 1 1 -, 6 - 1.: of 1 ;;.r.t. ', stlon 1, Crdcr 04, * . 11 c , ~Y •., I'd ~ ' ,“•,`. ~ .t i ..t . o`3. - (:7 «tic! 69 Pillh Sh - ice ~,,,.. ~..1,)-. p , ,...,:,11,, , ., 4 r. V ; f0r..5..; I..ng a pyrow. I .1. , , ~ ~I.sts, .tni.r LA vt , s; 1., I lit 1.14 11. 11, 1- .44.41•111111.41/1!‘ 41 MCA r u. .::., 1 o3r, Yyr) re.pt,t,fly • .• ~ • • ••2-1! 1 •..• ~••• , I/1 „_ (111-1..11',11 1:11T1,..1/1•:,i.i-- n•-1,. ; , ;,,,, ;„; , :.•••• ' .17 2 C,NEL ra .a. X.. M, .........,......."...—.......;......,...-...,.....,..„. NEW ALWERTISEMi!INT.S. In _Allec) - heity City. .- . . Wit. is /I 4 .1f Jr„ A fhlrrt i !...rpr; ••• 4_l;ler, ~ 1,,,,,,, r ~,,, L.,!„ 1::o.i 1.4,i110n, ( . ril, fifth fir,t, is ari a uth , • - •7• - .1 A:7 , ~ 1, 7 , •••••:, .'!n i., ir -01 , A drertiaevir I{!3 fof V•e: ( 7 .;:i.:7.i - :, ii•:: :f: ‘ , 1!;,, , S`E; ~` • , 3 •S • , acir r r 431111' pa;••_•rs througlootal the jf.:::..:f Nf•a4.: itn•l th , 1 • ••• s, .1 Illk. %V 6 ••• , ....e, o.incies. ' : BROKE:It', AND REAL ESTATE AGEUTS, Gr ----,- P - vov:ic: az EN'ti 172 . I: !ILA NTIL , ' Zt,.. , '' At No. Cti Smithfield Siteet, 1,11311AR1 ASS'4I;LITION, ' - z- ''x'z' 7 `. 7 E 3l r- 7 .7c.t , --Ex. tea. , _ _ . ! N: - . 31' ....TvLEs 11.1.T5. • --- . MISS ANNA C. DICK U . 17: so N ' 1 :,...„,„.., . • will .1011,:, u., 5t , ., , i i i ov,, or t:, Inr.c. ~ .1 1 Al l i Li OR D Lk - r Thure,day Crening, 25 . (1, iiv.t., l . 131 C4^Oalio STREET, %. , iti n— .. , :%i1 . ..1111..nr,n, Etn'lc of • I ACADEM li . OP 19 iNDC. (. 1 HATS) .GAPS AND F SI eon, T -- ,il)7llFriii NG 1.. Do. ' URSi ! Etnlir.iclnr an en.lll-, raTletY. ... _ . :iratm tie, I‘.• 31 Al:A11/011' 3117,1e..r. TM' tin alii JrTlcho, -for at. ell,l/. ITIIRSIOO 50 r.,[4.. 71o'clock. N, GI:F.ATI.:II NI:AMP:11 TII n. `..• TWELVE SEATb CAI, BE STA 'CELL, /11 . 1' 01, E. dolt' fint.lor, l'arrolel le C.:, pitA, In •t. the ./ 1 • JA.. , 11. 30 ,1 t(1,1.. I _1::A 'l. N. .411.1E1,, Ioi'i~:l: LIBI4RIAN WANTED, A FTLlcAirioNs IN witcriNG dii no rt.ret,tl for the 1 10 ,.1 . 3,1 Of /MA' Saturday, '')OcAber 27ib, Iso6, SA:7ll:ti ri/ELAN,'Trean'r, r. 0. I:0y Library. and Nadine . PITTSI3URGU, LO. E'.I7.:CIt3LiCILMAN PRADTICAL LIFIIi:ERAPHERE. rcri:A. , t 1.1 LIAO t, tt.izo ort. Cbciw it .• C. • mi:s. s. sTit 1)1)311T 11:".14) :orm r from the I.:ast tli hoolto,n, of or • MILT.I/NERY GOODS, revuovtd N., It, .1L1,1%1:11C.N CITY. 0,1 134, • • - TIIE ANNUAL i _ iL istookliOlth.rs or 11. PAXTON . P 1 TJU) f.F.IIZ:II COMPA 11.1.1 at 11, 111 , 111N,1,N, Mq:LEAN Nu : 7 I , o . lsrllz ou t p . A O I , isa : 14. trerora• itiErb:lll2"A UNDEESIGN wojuis-Z7,:.",!‘v.iiii mil. tic.: Liorvi. wor „ on 1 . 1.1..1.14rg1i, to t PoStialke A t 1 •11 - ..a,, • .. 11110.1,1,11. oc2:116 ' I,li.tNt./1N W 11,1,1.1 NIS. ECiNS.4.sittiES :Volt TY:U.-For ge..l I , ld •..4 . IA .1 :.:•11,1 awl °tiler limey (11.11, U Locus ,teer ATOLASSES-10 Stergil •• • -•Ill11169CS (ur, trop) jtitkr.te.,l7.-4 bat” 14* Jr r.'l 4EI: L()%'_. • turner 114110i.CILftri nrnl • • VIVE.II-10 Sisneet (Atler Jost s•-• rOrelvt .1 and for fair by • , Yr:TZE;I: RIISTIWN“, 0c.14 rumour Market lilt rind rye', APPLES-75 OW.' Green Apples revolved owl for tale nT. • KETY,E,IL AR,UrTltOalti. or:. corner -Maar; Mot First al rt., JMILS. LIOILEO .LINSEELI • OIL received led fogsale , • . •' t.k:',ol:tiE A. 71: MAY CO Ora Wbolasala Drusirlatt. Wool ttetti. 12111 Two .Ib7cdrooms, Puratiphed, r Nll,ll orlU ngattached. tztvt...l for , elling; Inquire at .1. h Ilritg :tore, emit., ',woe,. and -.•11 or etTIIVEN,t r r e ad .4rot tr. 0,..1:111 A 11.3911.Ni5l'IZATOil'N \I I,..reaa E,r, Athatniqration on th e 4,4 , tit. ILA I Ir of Ku. , “ hate Levu d the an.l.•raigned. nil rwrhot, having the f!Statl• elil are • oe..lana7 I:1i I.llaaa y u4a , L. rlmirst, .• Ly:11 TO AND . % t•ICOn A11 : 1:4•V EVERY SATURDAY • - EVERY W,CDNESEAY; 1:11Nii 31,111, I . lttkt 1 ......1 to 111 I frtott fr , lan.l;. Etiglaud; ti'cul• 1.1. 11,m .. y .1 Mi Fr tll co 2.1.1 , :y. Mt. I, toopotty 's . 1 111 t, g, - • .11 1 11 - t.. I. 4.1,5, Ain:nl. . • ~-. WM. HING•tA•M. :Iv., - Li.. :11e! iANTOCIi, \92 rCdCrill .1 rod. :1.1 Bclecicd 1121 , a ,, m1*,Errs 'and GUM% I:., lt mark. t.. GIVIC. !Int ItEI,ItErCIZCILASING. 1V.!: S;1):); air2l Shoe Elupoe Ft . Ll , 2l:.tri ci, .1. .... C. 1,4.0 C. S. )1 VIII, IiIVIAC •lIOPPER h CO.; . l , :nereer . ori-to IL R. Bulger.) . 45 Smithfield St., ,;1.1 n.n , ers la all L.In.L. - 1721 1C7 i yT_Tl=l.-M S I01:1 Parlor, Chamber, .~c!:.: rat ~~ ~~La='L and Dining Room Sets, SCHOOL FLTHITURF, t.f th, r .'ll Gulf at-on, laid' ill` 1 )11rg1. hlo 1111 fact ured Furniturq =I C7a-v4.311. 1 . 2 . 11:3 ON Pi ' .; k ; 31_ 3 2L'::::"Q. OEM itn, , ,vh, anti Tapestries, ItATS 1 , 1: Illy. I,A I . :NT: , AND Boys: tiV r.T I,e; I , lliCs 11111 LAW 611 AN I/ 1 '11111;1MA; SA W. 1.:, t e., it, imv -0 the or prlio., to which they invite he attention of all. belt E 3. WINO-GUARD AtIDAIR-HEATER FOR COAL OIL LAMPS. - PATcsTED OCToll/1.11 STII, Ihlta, • Thezio:ritn of Lida Invention eoublat In Its ma / tretlon to Into'. ChirritleShr witch or , Continually bre . .sl.ltor beinx to • with the ordinary lamp.. No aird , len tro,ILIOn from beat to eolif eau, rack or Mena the,.e ehiloneya; the Intups ran Ito exerted US ~ ,11, : ty and without -apprebenalon, m the ott 1;,, our n steady light Ruder all P irClifilbiat“,,...el the trot that ono -third leas o•ii la f cotmmod, render, Liam a moil. valuable redo,. I . alton, to hour., kerhers, hi roplm sent to a ty port of the U. S. on reeript of-2.5 rent, post,' 11. .1. 11. entoEWELL. I OM,. No, :IA Ititee Street, or 1611 Ciolitury A•rt -I.IIII,AUEL.AItek. DOITOSN.9I, 310UNTIE5 TO '-tddicrs ;if Itint and 1862. Ali all, cerYi•ethree vie . .. , are toltllled to /1011 I honor,: tro., arm tsvo sit-.rs, pail: who Were I hoo d': by this,mi ar or their halm. .7 1: r.e „Montle r, • JP: .rf ra Pay /A dilo Voluut v., Officer; In the urrsil• - e . Murch dot% :1:1.1 .11:irlinrtied. lout.ton .1 out, or resignoll tin... A; dli INIS. 41ca`11,1 are cntitto.l to $l.), 4'4 b.O , 1 , 15, According to clrgr.c of illeitl,ll- UAL?. L'ATI*II.I[69N, Attoriley 13Ble TILE BEST. PZ,7I3OLIA BLUE ui:' OIL ILENNEru:, .11n1.1,,turecl obly bb.Flfbisble by 11. • .47: 3"IcV K Co., Z . lO. X.l oor I . atilt t WOrit.6l, A'. W. Cor.:til and Market Sts., PITTSBURGH. PA IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & • Aantithcturerr. or . ILEFINED. CHARCOAL, JUN/ ATA & POLISHED iSILIEIMMT MOW"- •ND WAlt/0101,,C, Nu. i$ MAILE L•T Sr NEW 'PAPER lIINGENGS. - FOIL VAttLOßS—Frencli Designs, nlth Gold Bor derv. I.IIIILAU I k:S—Pompolan ratter/13 on Orange 1 . 01: Grrek ratter. on lied Clay CIIAMICEILS—Lacy and Yluslfia Pattona t n,un ' P. LIAIOTaA l'.1111k:Lll STlcitlf.T, corner e l' 161xtb,. 1 1,1 ONEY •Lasor OFFICE), NO.1:11 VVElatndrye'srdeleasno' .`_liver Watepea. revprytlescription. ..... tlart: ol 111,,, or 01.617. ...;•?.:" ~ 1 1 , . , .. 1411..l tor 4.19 t: 19,.ert. • L es.• o• i• C I.OIME I' int, • ir • , CANDY MANUFACTURER, Aud• dealer 'ln Vollr AND Alf FIII6AII Nov; & , v., A.,. No. 112 kederal Street, • sec„,,d National • and `-uwexv.ntmr. PA. 410 • rrnii. aui I : or 53:e at ihe 1866. Ti!ADF, thr rveF tad [tic Die Sinker, Seal - aud Medal Engraver, STENCIL, BRAND AND STEEL LETT . ER CUTTER, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, taucellin g -Statu r s and %lilting PLATxs FOIL AIAREINI.) CLIITIII 93 Wood St.,.Cor.DiLizoond Alley , (A.OVE - DAVIS , BOOR hiolm,)” • I.ll7,:glieuit. ELECTIO N. TINE ANNUAL ELECTION foi the OinCerll f the IMAM; ff). T will be hvi Ut the aff o u t s of the % euntal WI E Eel/AY.' elAkher beof Fen the Were of If A. al. a. 1 oettllallf4 : W. UL,I . FAILI./. Sheriff:lCC. Steam Boilers Oil. Stills, Tanks, Sheet Irdu Works, kr. No. GI PENN . 4 "E. , ;IPPTTARTII”:II , . PA:. ___ NEW ADvERTIsEmEt; 5: s. ' 1 'Z. W .:-.LIJ V 2PTisLIIT.EI'ITS HIGHEST PREMIUM '1 -'„ Ni , ~ , I 1 _., LOCK-STITCH 7:, ,r , , ' A , l IWhet?ler&Se., - Wilson ;''?.l'‘,. ° -; ;,',,.. SEWING 31,1kCiall,F.. , 0, Over 250,000 Now in Use SALIES P O ll QUAR:i'Cirt ENDIxt; June 10, n 5 1,, to , vrn statement NVII EI:LER at WILSON SIN.: VII linflV LI: .1 BAKE!: FLUILENCK Ivuble in or I ,b, rlatlon ortbe 101,11 , t , a . rt.o”., ICY. .In I Int ture,. a.I lulu[ In 0r.:11 ., 11,... a 'Or. :V t 737 vi"l. 2 =r 3 nal\T - 2 - •-y - A. CO., hip. 2 ri Pl It. t rect. „, . - (dnEATEST INVEVI'I()% 01. AGE.. ilVebster's Patent "Ordinary li - rcach,' sttl: cirtTlNt: ttEr • Bolts.ltound Lead Pipe , • Will bet.t 1[0:001 0r 11011, PI '4l I.;"lNti ttil• - Trlttriteellattres 10 A :Ai for eff and: 4, n wltti.: Etee,.. poe ol.vlrillog lour,!• groll.”-r1:10,01:)(011,, el 1.1• •• pi et, 1 r Ll' AIN It 1:1•.e.t lilt NO , r1.111:h. , lint I. woo. /I 1.3' • ,TF..t`1,,,t01•: N.' I.t.ttli tt • oft Ni I', El.Actis.•llli, V.\ If. 101,1 CAI:1:12t • 1:1:S. and NI, I..t•t tt t Fs, fix" In t•,. ry I: ,11.1;‘,,} ;1 I.! p. 11 !. •'1,4 ty I, .110 l'Et: ^NII I:A- I: is Tlette Ea 3112 1 /..1 , /,•1111/1.. 1,•-I Iti oursli ovvr 3 . 0 per 4,0:. r 111:01 0110, Pot , nnr.l t•• "ri . forliill4.• F.lOO • A 1110. 1 1 ..rr11,11 , a 111. t.•l.•r 13 1.. \\'r..,ll IVI•1 cll. nr . tcrf .10, Inch di., v Wr pll r , lt 011 Soil .„ r. ":1 . 10 , 11 Wr4,0.11 sill ,rl.l 1V Ins 2 . ,1.71,: , I 1 34 • I. rp., v DR. J. Hwx resiimr.l the iltacti . - 0 of n,ittl. tTr nt 01)roRile the t'aliie4ltal. tvl.ll, In Cri.nd. , au.l t r wlto are “i need ...ILI, et.t.vt,..3 DEIV AL PRACTITIONER. • alt.urlirtt ITV. 1... ,:1v..11 u:st.T.ral 11:'11.K wIL:t tht awl I wtvitit , th• 11l faturr ill 3 rt , e 1rrt.,111..1 - Itv of the I.• tlt f..utte •ns !. ntt:o.le.l na , l roar,. IL Ito,. art W.1.:11..1h,r t , Ilr 11 lai,14( li.t. tor's lor 4.11 tuAy or , 1,111.1”. All ro 1,111, .Itt from paitt itt.,44st.r.ortt..n fatly Ilk., W, 11..nr,rom P. 31. 10 1 -7 I'. 31. Krilr, .ALLEGHENY ItHEIVERY(:. 114ViiIK 1 , 1114.....: nt• 01 . A ~.,1, 1 1, . U. , "%n al )1J... A1.1.1.G11 EN 1 I; I:EAV 11:1'.. 1. , rn0 ~, i • , - .Er ..! ~S . .'.. , P , ..'1 , & ~e , In.. ,t. Ai ~, , i.!1,,,,ral II;' . Tir.t . 1 . 1,...,,G . ii - - S - 9 .Z . , tralnie l4mt. we Intend ~,n t .1.1.; tl,, .1..n....,...ur, ... , 1 1 - ~.......e -....7 SPB.ING WATEB, ALE :73 . , . I . • " - 1 1 - 1 11,.1/to Pnr..Sl,:tig 11..Ie:. mn,l tr.,nz ~•, tv.•lit- ; 110 U Sll%ffliT F. ) , :\, ISiil :\ f 100 I) tl4, and 1.,3, v•5p,1,,, , , In tll,. i,n,ln. • ... ..• t.. 1; ' k G.I li, IP:, k ~ I : i , ...11-, , 1 xltftt ,iII 1... .II t',..1 (.0 y:11' t , ,,,,.. . i,..ii • , 1,..1 . 30A01l U./ tho, who /I , :t it,, 03 Fi :Awl! liil- . • ~ 00:...i.C,,.. Erroar - DIX c.l"c . . 465 Robeoca Street, I NE,.(7I,II:.LEzIND'S AU t I.•ft. 1:1:4•WN ‘lllll 10.11 1 .1r1 rrt) trt. rat,horgtl. w.l, ~ AucTIGN ragoßiuivi , ttvnr4l WELDON & KELLY ; -PLUMBERS, Gas. and SiPa Fitterq IF rn -LT-41.'11F" , AND BRASS FORMERS, Ch4ndeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, ece., dr. I). 161 Stfcet, Pear Sitatt. nil Pii.'!.:VS • CIL4II L.E.71.33 s a , vlrlue onlar , o 1 the orpli.tn. auat ‘O, irta.ny.i al:1 at INI.II, FahTh ttse wendee., ass Not ciaiLter 2•2 d, At I o'clock 1.. Ira ;sit t:13: •a.rtaln 1 , A1:11I, I , ,!SQW DE, 7,tVN.,1111• ra , snlA s:. the•prots, ii p, , rty ES ' %V 1.1. We :ter and I halt, ay lashl,4 tar Ila ear. 11, isprt,%•••,,,t. Itwelltng NS ,1 Thare In alter nn the a 1 tlami 4-Krt... ppla'fret• , . 'I ne I ual ,11 a,a.t viols :Omit tivs.'sst. "sera a, ....al!, 1. Nearly Iltb a lady undcr aid, ' Or SALL -11L1,1 ca.!, nn ded, asstl VONS.,,iOII wra Use s'.ty sd'Af , rd and balms., In -11521 a 51,311 pact,. there:M.., will. l'tolll .‘1,1 . . I . I , i ,r• Narurad "I , f P. , ,,,! wwr:e 11, The ps,ellaser ply tor ca , n, yai,.:l; 31115:51-. For forlller taarl, lire lilt ttit'K, P,, 1 , At,/ la,. lii ruisrth streat, .1,. ~ ::14 Jolt , : Atd: Auctlon,wr. w IVAREGIIOI3I . :E. • RICHARD E. BREED xrieExcuL-1.7...30 re.. . No. 100 11 7 0 Strect • IlltrrAN NIX NI, nl.l WA IRK., 'PK.% TUAIS ANL , Cl' 11.isni alnar. on band. CHINA TEA • 1:11IN A Tt , 11.1.1 SILL , • 'HEN A VnnEs, (111 NA !1 . 11 . 1' , 1 hINS, IILIIIF:311A.N NV Ant: OP :•'/N I.AVA.CARI/ ItAhn r rt. .LA Vn. VA,K+, tiTONK R A ILE all I - 3,1, U,, tnettl wholeaale.and retell trade. • The largest and woos complrte stuck of pr. - Wong In tills 114 r Its Ilse city. • l'rleva and Genn, the same au In the ....Astern r:LNII. _my lit 41.1 soLmEns , CLAIMS BOUNTY, tte. • The aalkl , lgard Trill collect ell Eno elk!, lie , k pay_ and peuxlons dye eoldlira under toe acts or Cow/rube or Slatelwir. • Congnee fused an act cquellrleg boun ties, en,, winch vc,crok n , ddlers houety or num slot/ to 111200. .10iIN S. 1..1\11•41:, A. BROW N. Attorsaya at I..tar, (.I.llco. No. 114 Iv3l-¢32:ll.tme I'ITTSIII • l~luntJM[ 'I'S, 4: E . 2lli'E tri . ux N Vaults, Fountains, Stntarktry - , -Vases, ITIII • DES ( IONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, No. 90 Penn , CO - P4RTN.ERSHIP. 91.111: UNDEIZSIII:NE oort fotaiol tho tooek pod onarbinery .rf the FREI/I:Rick a RocIII.EM ti N..1.av0 Co , t.r - t Sly of t/otober. wlter..(l !wan liit 41er flit 11,41, or BARPER, OuT3l C 1... manuf.icture of IVAt://:Sti. Ave.. nt too ohl 1.- " b1 " 1 " .1 °"".. Fr. ,, 5.•r566 Ae,eli rut .iln ,/od 'Flonrvi larper, ot/ ntftver •trttt, Moll weak! telp , l.lolly nollrlf colarro3nce Or So t bttLimn 11/orally In.slowcol. adage 'Fl i lto /in* TEAM/ER A. A NIIN.I i t ,y SiSil' 3 lA ADAM A r..,€'IIELMAN OEM EILO. B. SUMP JOHN ROSS & cO.; PUCCX,OnS TO • WM' N. OCOEE/ &CO.. MANUFACTURKIV3 AN I) TIt.AIAIS IN ilarbcin Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, AC, No. G.% 31121Cribr2r-ot myl9...79:dawr • - STEVIE EN M. wrr, GENVIAL • . JARED 111, BRUSH, • NIANCRACTITIMB OY • GERI ME =I 1 ,:,,.., ~::• ' ' - ',A,',',',,`•'':': ii.,,, .:.„-,; ,: „:,;, i 1,- !:'',',.',,,„. 1. 1 :,, t ~...".. t., h. 1 LI 1 ,11 -It h. I . k 1011., El i' ~.~.~~ a. 4. I' on 's. DP V,Tooleu L .1)%7 Cass! * Cloi SHAWL', SHIES •AND DELIVERS, 17 oz. 55 .cud 57 NEra" ( Spring' and :41.1ninler Medicine. FLUMY:TrIACT A. RSA D ARIT LA O • rt, i liilc' c' G. .17, ,17.]Tr,117,, Ei'XiTW.,T, .lana c;l3 S dl =I EMI IR P VIA N BARK Fvotoxide =ET T-mic. and lieN,torative, MEE - 11.• :Ar ttL•,. A !OLT, !, "A - t , s!.:11I N.Vl'; ,, :: 1C ITII I.,DIDE LIME. ”( , I 0,00.1 tip . . l / 1 1 the „.„.„.. • . =ME =IN BEE T:,,• t'lret I w!.1.,t1 1 . .A1:11.1...k 111'1'11 1,11,1()!,. LiME" t'• I. Aft mppet, , tng it /11, luni propyr:l..,,f a ..t1 r. 11“Iternil, cc: ni Fa,ll It• eninil 1i1..n Hill, ii And r 'L ii~lrro Imp." j 11,10 i i it. •. ol'6 • 'l, In) 1.,11.....11,111W11, LC:Oll,y It is :lito slnr....lllllllborefeliron pc. ,ll3r to thlltlre.a. It In . 1 14 , 1.0 tilt in. tto., xit.l.l.llelt or 31,..11. e form mAy •F t . :l for pert o d wlic-ro ~: r.titntlo,l3l /1.1,Z1•11rt 1,, .Is , otinl.•rrd. %Visl , - , %.•11111,. 111p..1!,Inl 01' :Epai4t, of r.,610,1 I r;;lr. inod-ralv until ro obtallor,s. I illithe Spring or the Vent' and 41nring the STarni Weitlll en, Th, arehn:l;ol79n ;9f u.nrnni nnattrra In di,,nn .O,IEO/ (0 lbel.ooo. (1)/(104 :tn.! vrrn troehh•st•;.l... 1,413. 1:0 , ; 0/ van, in 11, Jnint,, (Ix.. arr. (00, conihlnth Nothin, olertsna hutlvr sdapled II ; eN.:rinimth• (VC 00 0014. alreclloll4 than Inn. on 15 1 , 1 , 40: 0100 of W I'lll 1111111;1: LON_ ioni lit, If., appro.einiat,m Alterative, or Blood Purifii:r, hot,. r the r.. 14,5 4., It I, 4il s NI:Ar 11.. 1,1111,1 of 114. deserlioll.oo of It, r.P..., 1 .1,1 .'zo lan " .1 , ,111,1r,u, :alc rAto Hag tht. .an)neal!3r. Wor , n. 1•• :to It , 1":1 I:. ANI) I:IIAUtZ(iESTS, . m)1.1,17,, , , • !p- 31) uvrialcir OF SAUSAPARILLA- Coto b uott;3l. e 01 Li roc, _ :a Low 1:at.,.11. 1 4 )E31;C: NTiaitE No. si Mar Let St.. Yitikbur I) 1.1%,TA URANCE. EMMEN S. W. 1111011PSON it CO., Sea,nu.l Moor. :turke's - 'cam Il r - t]3 ~. • NU, LiFP, I! AAD ACCIDEAT INSURAICI • • E.FFECT4 , 7I, IN viusr CLASM et/It PA . ..IES. at fair talllp aLllu.steil and promptly =EI T,lre Incurance Vorepons, or Liartford, North Ants...luau I !re loidtranet Cumpauy, or Ifortford. et. . (:onnectlrot Piro Insurance Ccunpans., of Ilatt , ford, ut New Entatol }lre Inearance Company, Of liar,. ford. et. . VA:gt3-m-wr .• • LOUIS -' CO., Eanufac-, Grand and. Square-pianos. Warororus, t 7. BLit Pr ECE I I, 9 7 • III:I7r, Berard. Elora Man froth ivarway . NEW tali A , hanfaccurni In tear drm , r e CTZrpowarNl, char, aaahln n t prier, enr, list withat at Ort rac.:h ahatir, atn worion. 9 999 , 9 th Carcularo arid ...1006Chalfr - EMBNIEN MEE 1111 '~ C :. ~`ii~t i' x: ,~ . ~,. ~_, ~ ~, ~'.: .. 't =NM 1"; X: •. 21,. / V / 1 / Mar LAI 1 • t i I tl •••4 oor.•::1 of 11, rctnalotlor 1 , 1 Ht. tl 1101, It rt ttrt tit Ilvo•rittz 11, to lb WI , Ar t .11 r• t tt:tt • I.r 1., I.tt ntt ~ ME MI d ;.~. ~~ ' •s• r•.• •••1..11rn i • , :: , , : r .•i • •• • \ k .1. r 111,11! S ()E S, o.ll'l RS, G OODS, . 1 14_:1 4711 =MEM lEEE ..• lIIALStERS ANA . BREWERS] I• • . . 01, . ... -41 e, Porter and Brown Stout, i 1 ceAu co.ita: cb.l.l.in i . ! • PITTABUDGD, PA. i • IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. ! 11.011ERT WATSON. Manager. 1e19:.1g. 1 IV. 11 . 11. A.1‘1.....11. A. E. , 111.—, T. 17 ,1.11111, ! SE:. ---------- HUMMEL & RiLBER. EEDIOIIt QA Ili TANNED, PAT. yi , , ,,,,,,,,,, , , ~ ~. . , . , ENT E :I:ETC:I KII AND RIVETED ..ii.to,ll:!u-.1;',.%14:r!;;„1Zt..":4'.!!'01ic,',1;;;:',:'..t 1 LEITNEII BELTING AND 110 SE, 1 r ' - `Y 3 - , Lump, 7. oft. t.=. :t and Ilaton Inlet. Lyletna Volli., Nam i ", 3 ; anti C 171,4 tmltt. 7.lnenn(e:mc..l ~t No. 77. , 3 aMITIIP1171.1) r.T., 'Y i All of wki , h t , ' '.... . • .'" ELAR.I'LEY. .PHELPS. .& CO ItLl'nL r, L , Ml" . .l' ;ul:sl; ;'• '' ' ' ' '' ' ' :';' ` lv '''' r ' r, '''''''': ! M1.1.....1‘,..):1',..e 7..7 7.• , I i , ate e : gutz clo , llllt ., :tri, : 11,, tt.rl),t. Ala, 11,atsIor New York. Itubberiga. 7' , . A I ...1.1.i0 ilaItItIalll) la:, PA. !trA.„„l ktel t i lag% I 'COAL': COAL : : C0'11.: : .• . . t.f'2i:i)ilir. : l:l i i i'lniViiiii.. l :•Pti. " ;....lfo l iVal NC IiSON STEIFART co ~,,....., and IN/1:1. 11F.1.T ItiOKS. eta. f 1e.1.0t0 I - -5 • - ' .&' .5 . If ',log lelooyel their 1471...- • to .- I , 1 r if 1771 of 11, Tner*,t , ,! , 1 , 1•••Ily tot - HOUSES. (No. 8437' x.. 1 . 1 .01.-t - s- eitilr. W. H. GA RRABD & CO., . 1 (I.4tely City Floor MN) '1E0):: ti trLott i W., 1,,4 : musters, Grain kt lop Dealers., 1 A— ArtdireP.rl,perrl.,,,A?-11,,,,,N,!,1,,.-A , A t the lowc,t Iltnrlh.t.prtre. . Ire At. ortlrns hit et tlhir hiller, or adarihitc.l to 1 theta Ihrollell , the w all, hill he alto rote.! to p. v.yi 1,. toy2S:bra . • PITTSBURCH; PA. 1 t itfAitirAis fur LFH DZA Ltl3 Pr n'-,1,1T1 1I e lr ii;,•l'4!' Oughiogheny and Conuellsvthe CoaIGREAT INESMEIN PLANM' a MILL, - ICorner of 2arbori Street aa(l Dagoesea iTzy, PPCTSIII/ItGli, PA. Sash Boors, Blinds. and Mouldings MADE. TI) ()MIER. Unfinished work II pat In clr 3,l lsuil alien ot. Vlo y orlis, lroatliter h ilfoirilina taken Laths n And liitlnglet rvrt,l4l/1. y on hand. +slog, ru-aawlng and Scroll IMO & saivlng 40. nab Si [loads of all kinds oroPr. Ank.1.15 JOIE!: HEAT 11. BARKER Bcf,HASELTINE. • 1 , ;(1. 12 1 Tall Stkeet, second story; IN LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames Ilan kinds, ( I A Nil H . J. LASiCE, 4" Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Oirers Cl ea IVA ti:Lieglazeti without uliparklng. 16s. 3:1 and 37 Third Street, t:c twee° Woall awl Sulltlinvltl ulyl9:.a7Z. PITTARILTROII. GOOD IVEIVS row AF!' PAPP:NI' MEDI CI.N DRUGS. 19 e cc Price!. iS TT Be, 111,K; nt s 1, Alt PA Ilth/FLA IP:, HITTERS. Per Pek. • t hr. 1 . .J'W . 1.) ILIILTBARD, pun.. SIPCr •••• Anil ere rythlyg:;‘,7l,lllValillyi. Oro ' No. 1+ st. char . rit - reet. • I • RODUCE STORE AND All. RI I; I NU. —3 or. ehote4 Wlntrg- Wheat; .- 4 do IV blic Middlings; 4 do 'White Ohk. Oat.: b d :4;01 F 451F424, 8" , r IDo keg. prizing Lard'. - 10412,” BOUrld eldltter 4ti,rdig. / Inceifr.EA - dsa.if,glll. • siusintrEs; - la nuap Rosin: • :41 drums Caustic AJAAIL; • mass Soda Asti; • ' Ze NO ds 1:0111.3mg_ In star. and for salc by nnc :W ALEXANDER JUNO. arls No. DSO First street. PROFESSIONAL. Ff. BROWN , MEM Local Claim • .Agent. C. COM., • Office, Re. 67 V6urth ,Sireet, [CON! , I' LotNI, Pittspargh, Pa. • E'rtisions; mammies, and Arrear or Pay Pr pU Collected. c1A1 , 119 are :4.111.14..32111,, 4._T;; Ug'EICE, A.l .Co.3+: Grant Sir'ect. CAllAhl Ft BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys aid Coansellor3, 1 •“11,110, ;rri,utpt: catlr evulva, Cris:. nr.t3,4,1,a,v• 0 ,,... :tr:1!:•••.an• iqr row: L for ~,,u11"1 1 1 V3l. A. SHINN T T RXE 1' T No,S'.3IIFOUVIIL 5151 l'Arti . ,;l:or ht. ittricn given to tlte ,4f • ronittt., tall-, 11.11 40. Nu,' 1 ortt, Itaithe,fe Pl,l,li.lp!rat cr. air I:rfionte. 31,,rg.intone, \V. VA., N. 1., JJ 1 . :srlt.:l,ll - - R. LA NDg A*, zI.T,DMXt3;I2I!I.-ra, Otnee, 63 Boyle ,Fitreet. Allewheuy alt•,' g;s.n to arming Octal , . It'asta r• ' All c.ollv..taaia iutri.nal t,f 1/1111 win recckaa• eure- I fi:! pronipt 41.7 .7. tr • )it. iiit.t.-iNELLV, Odle% Sixth and Grant Streets, PITTaDURGII, ttt tent tort given to xll rams ~ . .r..tl,ll.l..•mtiott a. .JeV.ttl,t) lIIACKRELL & McCOMBS, ATTORNEYS h. GOLINSELLORS:AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA nty'2l 01IN A. srnAkis Ev„-Otlicio, Justice of the l'eace, .A\ll I .O LICE IVIA(II,,TRATE, =211M32=61=1 =I ; 1;on•13. Ariolowleilvflents. 1.)•it1. , :13 and alt Leal 1,11,1,1.6 s excetl,fl 11 Itla au.ll.ll,l,3tria. L,yl9:ri ' t. wor EY, NOTA11111( r i'mAc,_JuSTice: 1 1 $"1111; PEACY AND 1:1 .- A1.1 , ,TATE AG Es T. Mn,..e.rcer Dra,nr edroet, .0110,1:LIMIleutIon pon•lmgr. an,l sale of 1:4.31 thetoio-clion Ifroi.s...ankl 1,,r.n..Pn and acknotylvdgmvnt of all Llllll'l.l' Erif.Ll th, I . ,. ' .. C :c " : lll l cl A lYof 1.1,1,11 e UsA TCE S. ;noun° Iv, ! E ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Peausyl vanla Avenue. ro‘,l of lb EV. , ,ision and opposite Chstbs2 Rotel 1 ,1:AT11.131 T. CUING, Attorney,at Law, • No. t. 9 (:rant Strort, Pittsburgh, Pa 4 Coto for oh!, KeutUeki. W.,' VI 1'1x;.1 • Anylt,a, L . 1% S'.I.I):VE• ...A_Lt.orney at Law, orrl, I , IANIoN. STUEET, tptioslte Iv .arc httsburgli, n . 4 i CROFT, EST 4 TE ii E-9-T, Oltire. no. 139 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Has 'or the Liijwirla. Meal Est. A trearr,llrl vul. Fratar, 1 1, reellInz, high's Iltrirrherl. rrr,r,orritrr, r:L.; rr , ctztr.ararl whir halt, parlor 16 re, du nlll. Irscrlrre Utant!en. lferretr,.lll.lll:, Iry noir: In C4/1111A31011 or er,rzr,..l. arntlt, I.rrirr.lirrs .laruz4.2, Cat. hay, 1:6,1 crops ref Appro.:, rolts, prtata,r3. arr aline t:,11,. it , .. , :orrt. third rlowt ha'r.ance 1:s v )4 ar.r. iry hour, arr , lruorrza,.. trrr.rr.. `lre a• 1.1.41 tin. mile s 011 th, retina. : 1 r..tr, jr.‘,sln.! to and frcrn .statirrr. r.r•r, .1.0, 11 o • clutkr.r. It. roa r , r ...r r01n , ,11...,T5. at 44,0 , 0 ta.•11:onr ti•il•I.1.11. trAlatr, lh rive year,: b 110,1,. at the • iatrotr. griart the sr. lotE, aurt thr.rhlne rr, .1.1 .00,e mentioned era. bech at title 1... r, llrrel lio sr or!n rooms, with ul.lr %CT', r.0t1.0. 1 41 re3l. r till gnr Itvooghout tilt I;ourr., •.:, sr.11111rrro•t.IA111•01,117• i.trge amount of other r I. l lll..iontra from Bto 1 NI., lin I% slol 7 to l rlo eyr rlrs, re`, PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY • `l,..Nt k 1 JAP. .11" :if. W.ter Street; and NOV autl 7 PCUIII Street, (ivr::! 11, RICHARDSON s CO. MOULDINGS, Scc. DIN= VILE 'ANT, WOOLEN r -11.7 ER AND *SCOURER, MI by a h, 4, dry goo,ty • year;• , Dry trav , ;:lag :or a Wh0:r,,,1v11, , ,,, A •I', • 411:::::E—'Z'o engage • 3 . ! ide• N, • lv A TE A SIT. OAtIO. N .- AS 11.0;;El-a,PL.1, 1;r .1 Lail . and 7 . ; tzlfficd. 11 . 7 .NT skits iu F•l4 ell' {sari \+*•••...:u t , .•• FEEL!..' tirwr LT Ile ton_ ,h or •qi Tho tlrt, ever r iirt:e•pt; .r. ,t t:tk„ Look: t,,• Corner:tntl,b:, Id and Scvert , St. -ct-, )VASIciD . One Tho Faritifr 1101.1 co I'll' ,tan. Ceiu In!Lin.: 0 _ . v .: A1V...: , .:1*5—517 0 it. S2(111 quvn. su , l r 14 4. 4., 4 41 and • 4.:1“...L -- ptit • tilr t. 1.1 t..r ~t 1r3:11 i o,ry Che 'Ol4l. Is A CENTS ii . ANTE3) Nr,sy .1 - 3.1:091i, NOR- WOMEN OPTH el 'WAR 13y PRANK 31. , 0 , 13; , - ,..u . t . i . 1nr . •:,,( —The i•••• 11 .3,.•t I.LIs• r isr••••:12 ••erN ••,..ten pi•til.”l: the v• lime .Ib•ut Coo :•••I.to ,tn•l I111,:::,•••1.•Ilb .../.,r3'ellln II intprovv: tbb: obi, by • 61::•icr1;•:ion. Ircular,..lo Ire, or nr, !1•• •n. f.V . I:%n .rrc r.. t_.:Aur¢h A GEN'E'S IVANTI:D iIY THEE Er— It "Ii C.,\ 11'-'0:1' thttir \F; 11 "Z - r 111.1.!4; 111 Cr,,.: trt , sll4•lttqlyr 1.1 hi :try 1,,,0r10th or iutt pressari• f..rot .31,1 hnuly 1 I.l,oruPru,. Addrc, rtlc!“,..< .1 I:. 41ALL'a • rio Prg. • MEN IiVANTEii, 1 • •. TO ACT AS S4LESTAE9, T , , F.,114ei pertnant,lly ^r, tomparnY. mho nr , f ,, , pc tt tit to engave in 11,1.-cla,, niily,„ r0.,t,,p, Apply In pt,,on , zp:drt,t, r . v.-. p. I: 0 , -.!:, 1 , , 13,P.5 9.; lii .. .P.t =,4•4 :. V1tt , P,,,..1.. l'l.' MERCHANT TAILORS. ITIEIRRY MEECH A.l - 4T T. Northwest Currier of Penn:i. SL" Clair NV+ Desirce rettim tii::•1 the Tin!, Ile for the x shirr their (nu:, lilt! !le. We:teed to ha-, theni ex:Lint, Largp and Care-ffily SeVied Sloe!; Z+'in© 'Woo oods, IEITLEMIX3 11i1lEt. ALL GOODS. Now rtEcnyfir.v.u., a larc-.e rt , IT pl. , S . 4•1 Y.r It' u AT THE LUNE:IT !..IA:It.E.T PRICES. 6.!'.13' .N 4.1: FALL _IND ITINTI . 3II GOODS. . 117 7 C4PIE x it) st. ir St reef, 1N . ..1a....1: Ow tit...l,l°n of buyer; la ids nr t. L,0,1... wool n stir arr.,. or, aitd raulmlll.• I to I, folm.l lu •a, Loa,. nantime r4:l7' IIF CLOTHE:L.. :11 ADE' Tti ornl)}:1;, plense.,ll etlallne our a”cl A 1,0 a full an , l vouipl , l, , lock of , }1 , 10.1,1i1 ' ?Itt;EI:, E.WILINT 'CA - No. lo ,t, tirar Pi, =MEI COAL COR . , Coal, Slack, and Destilliltorized Coke, MINE A NI) rkICD. I Corner of Butler an I Morton: arbt yar.l on I nod ClymerT. l lPer ty streets, Ninth word, nod on d . etonol street. near 1..0ek No. I, fitter urgh, no. • 1 f unallles not .Stknorseture - re fil.pplged nILI: tho 14e.t artlele of Co. I or Coke at the low,nt oath rat‘,. i tirorrs ion at so of 5110 Curls will r,,,l,,srennj.L 1 ...... .-- TOBACCO, CIGARS, &e. • pxeci.stort TonAccolvvonits. R... & W. JENKINSON. • KA Sl,' SLTKItEiIS OP ALL KINDS OP l'obaeco,* Snuff and Cigar*, • No. 6 FEDERAL: STREET. 'L Third 'oor from Mmptmsion Brdbre, I.lrancl qt ore at _ . R. .33. JEFPRIES, dlaimin,o,trE:r and Whotesmo and Crtail I.lez:m. In MI kinda of TOBACCO, SNUFF MID MARS, . No. 6 ST. CLAIR BTREZT.l•;trenun6ll, a , TA I TOBACCO , c Ao AWN INit irM` n..,9ortment rd alllEF., WetiglltletiAlTYoll.K.4' d S on :land, GEORGE BLIIIIIENSCREIN, I DISALCII IN ',DENIM AND DOKKAXIC SEGARS, CREWING TOBACCO Smoking Tiobacgo, Pip6e, acc, iwc, 4 f€ 3 .-bc."ema.t..lz!. (Near ommer of Lib.. rty,) 21 9 1EGTLAi, I Mann' win o iLli, l 4tii , ll,tl;3:le r and fict.ali ITobacco, Snuff and Cigars, -is xx.ei.. - sa-m) szinc..riL bacco EEr r.to A general cogiyininwat of Smoking To Inn 1 •to T.biarth, Pnwr.lll ,, a tIe,TA on hAno. • BUSINESS MAWS COMIRCIAL - • COLLEGE No. 4 St. Clair Street. We baye eoaaged the soryloaa of lin' exparlour/I Leuher for the months of 701;and Au. -goat. on thejitof Jul, tan o,,,mplete thp,oottrac, by . the laat Alvin. • •poretwilyri taypettweds oitotamailattrp;;Doly at thetortetre ID _ or address 111441 .alrlittmot t. 5 tutus. SAP& . ; WIER xto.ely et* _ • I===l GI WBYd i'~. vcrt,',.., eir,l • • 1•A7,,T, Att , l W;nl. n 1.ex1.4/1 to a 111 p; •V rholv t•• 11:•1 FII AO( .t PlTTsitnlo;lli -