Ei THE. HA►LY . GAZETIE, PIIBLISHED BY Penniman, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE, BUILDING, No. 66 23 3 11133. Eft:root. IL:PENNIMAN, ) Ed i tor . r. P. ifoisroN, ; fraLgoIIAiII'AIRNEGED, Business Managers &ails Copies. Delivered by renter. ll>et iverkh= 15.b:erlbers. (per? r) - Lint ell redactions to Newsboys and Agents giiiZettC. WEMZESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1866 • AFFAIRS IN BALTIMORE. It the report that a reglitnent of United States cavalry has already Peen ordered t., Fort McHenry, in the immediate vigaity of Baltimore, shall prove tope well lona ed. : —ind we see no reason to doubt it—it looks es if Governor SwAsere Is resolved to //take the atteim/t at least to remove the Police c'ommissioners, and thug give the ratins free aCCC SS ° ID the polls, in spite of the constitution and laws of Iliryhurd. also rumored that even the members of the cloveritor's staff -are deserting him end going over to the Republicans; and it is'eertain that powerful organizatiOns have been formed to maintain and defend the , Coramissioner. and the . laws. There are 11 0 higher tempered people on the conti non than the loyal men of that city arid State; and the result of the collision be- I tween the Mayor of ,Baltimore . and the Governor of.the State is aVtaited with pro -1 '_'found interest and anxiety. Were it not for Anunnw .lonNsott, with the military piviver of the notion at his commend, the country Would laugh at the Governor's threat. In fact, but for the . .support tie expects from 'that quarter, he would give tip his high-handed and usurp lag purpotie at once. 'But therein lies the danger. The Governor will proceed against the Commissioners. Then the Mayor of the city and the people Will resist. This will he esteemed an insurrection, and then 'the Governor will call upon the Pretillent, as the COnstitution autlioriws bins to do, to aid in it=_ suppression. Then the Presi dent will have Isis political opponeuts,in the apparent attituderho has often said they 'nem/pp—that of traitors and .rebels.. This is what I.e is /dining at; and'in our opinion It would be bett/.r far the Republimns , of Baltimore Co sugllr wrong for a brjef per iod than lapel themselves, even-. in ap pearance, in a false position, . • CE It AII.EpAIIS The new Legislature is not, on the whole, as strong a body as the immediately preceding one. Indeed, there has been:al gradual diminution of intellectual' pOwitr in the Houses at Harrisburg for ten, years past. This is an evil which culls irmiera tively for rectillcation. But no adequate remedy can be found except' in the electors themselves. So long as they are, contMrt, to accept infetic - men they will get plenty of them, and few r f the other sort. When they insist that men of the superior grades halfte-selected roetlietekialiduie, Enda will he brought for Ward, and not before. Speaking of the Legislkture enlist° mmd .tMi fact that mane of the members elect are pledged to support a Free Railroad Law. To matte sure of this measure it is - needful the Iconic speak in season and with - C1311 , 1111Ei?. This should be done in popular assemblies and by memorials. to the General Asst. - eddy. If any. member • fails to go for it, he should be so spbtted as to prevent 415 xenon - lin:Won, or if remomi inited, so as to ensure his defeat. ;This is an effectual methyl, and if vigorously pur- sued will not fail of prbducing the desired result. • _ Ctironic Dineanes. • Lir.Orn sOlieltS e.lyuJ deemed hOpele99. Constatiflg and Oparutinz 1100 MP; 96 and 91 Merchants, fiotel.- • The General Grant /anises—Card of Ex , planation. The reaolutlon missed at the last meeting of tlimalleitheny Councils. in reference to the action of Mr. C. C. Smith In regard to et pair of horSes belonging to the General Grant Fire Company, only needs a little explanat.on to render it satisfactory to the public and relieve Mr. Emith from all suspicion of wrong doing, • The facts are these Dr. C.C. Smith, as a member of the Select Connell, anti also of the Committee on Fire Engines, being/ In the discharge of his dote, traded a pWir of black horses for nulair of greys, giving 1 , 115 to boot, which sum tie paid out of Lae own pocket. This trade, on account Of some alleged informality, the city refused to reeogulae, and Mr. Sinith retnrned the black Lorries In much better condition than ,they: were when the trade was made. They now . want the grey horses, which do red belong to the city, and de not wish to refund to Mr. BmpL We C2D Which he paid in the trade. Smith Is willing to giro up the horses, provided the city will make hlm whole by re funding the amount paid out. Teo driver of • the team, in the employ of tile city, took the gre ticks to r t Mr. tamith's stable It took • the y blacks e engine house.. Can. be proven that they, were in better condition • than when the trptie was made. Tile Only oli - Ject haView 14 to ett thing , right before the :gr. ninith is out of pocket by the operation, and of courts could hove. no mer cenary object in clew. Sarno of the members of ito,Commil clearly exonerated Mtn from tilt Intention to do wrong, Wad . declared that he 4409 actuated 1,7 proper motives In the mat ter. The allegation that the trade was mane without the colleens of the other members of • t Ito Engine Committee, may have Roma weight and importance with the members of that • Committee, bat it should not and will not blast the mind of any unpreitaitced citizen at to the honesty and, good: intentions t ot Mr. . • Lye, Yaw, Vallseyl4 col all atrort.:oos of the throat and treated With the Utmost Atreeras by Dr. Alien, 4.:ortanlting ant operatic% rooms toCaoillrat•r chantie 110tel-_ • • Your attentirls lirttes l to an examination of the Immense stock Of Ladles' and Misses . YUI9, atthe Brat Class hat, cap and 1 3. f u r I ; woopOriUM of W. Ft ascot.. No. O street, Pittsburgh, Pit., sign of the large alit hat. Our stocic consists of .all the now styles of hitiffs,Capee, IterthaX, Gayle Patent Excelsior fifuff.and the new Skating Muff, Collars and Ea Arian If tuition. Bay Sable, Ulu]: Sable, Siberian Squirrel, Water Atink, German Fitch, French and OPIIIILn exbie. All maybe suited, as our stock coMprtees every variety, from the cheapest to the most elegant acts.. Also ladles' Far floods and Gloves, gent's,boys i and children' Efate and Cepa, ladles , and 113153e.3 flats—all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest " City end C0'11.11 ( 17 ruggists: We offer epeeist inducements in the following goOda • 13OrnetVe Cocaine. Wileon , e • hlehol's Hera and iron. .yeti Peeteral, tweet, 00enOmax. 11eClerran S:efeffonftan Draggista,"M tier .ket strio6e, corner of the Diamond, near Fifth r I. If ?Dere ere /Lei ui Onr treaders • WE; doubt the sinewy of BeT. B. A. Pi'llson • s Arrest rernedy for coeliac:lokm, we would refer. Meta to the testimony of fiecirge Unix In enoteet °Melon. WWI it. Me getout for :1441132,1101X10 1s ,Jos•Pb Dttiggillt ;4oleAterket street; Pittsburgh. . • o=l --- ‘, *‘l)."..\ ' . =-71l i l' ,f•F - _.. , j.IF-: - ".. - :-. , 1 . , - . .; ii , .; . - -• . ''' - ,- tt t Iti _..,........- , , 0 F.,, RRNA.,,, -- - . -- - -- i•rfi- -7 =2 ,- ,- . ' : - _, (~ 1 ' :-. ",-:',--,,,.. I ' I" ' ' K ' .." - - - - ~ . : e., -; , ,, ,, _le ~,,..-. ik,..,-,13 . V.!.„,-L A 1 --;,'_ .. . - _ _ ~ - 4 ,- • ~,- .:, i: „ I , - 1 I --"" , 1 -!'" I Ir ' 4 . ~,„. ~ ~ \,•__,F___-- ~_..2_ ~_ -- , „;:, 1 , , -.:-__:_i;l.,,, 7 , '-, _-7e,:.;., '.. -* ---1 --- ;;in. 4- I ---- 1 L. _ ' -------- - 4- - '-',- - - r--- ' - .14‘ 1 ,-.--4.rrls. -7 - -..` = - • - ''' _. ':' i - -- ) 6 , rltllsl s I== E=22 $B,OO LITE NEWS BY TELEGBYII. ANOTHER FENIAN EXPEDITION. novement Againnt—Mexico. JAMES STEPHENS ON THE WAR PATR, Full Cabinet 11/leeti_ng MEXICAN QUESTION DISCUSSED I • .. IA special dispatch to the ()I,roniefs last even. tog edrstains thd following: 1 Bt.w Vous, October '23—The irsr/d cOntatne 1 the following in regard to another leniaii ex peditteni A'sliOrt Lane Sluee_James Stephen.% Head Centre of the Fenian Bretherhood, en nooneed In a speech ht Jones . wood, that lie I would leave before the close of the present Lyear to 'coinrnertee the battle 'of Celtic hide ! pendenee 'on Irish Soil, and he is new pre ' paring to redeem lit: premise. The arrange ments for this Wevoilient, whirl, will nets;. stielly he of a secret eletracter,haye been made on a scale commensurate with Its importance. Nearly tweuty thou,ased arms have beeu ra- celred for this minicar , . and they will be far- warded to the Green latetnanner which wiii, It is acid, render dertnetiOn linpossible One of the lending oftleers oft he orgionzat3on l i t e h po e rtt,arittil,tis,tt;tol,errne aarer when he twenty nS t a h m e n o sa s n te ti v tr e e n n 3 really to tight. in Tirmerary and the adJOlrdirg a mantles, and that. they arts only, waiting for the weapons of war tersournamee the revela tion wino, is designated to get rid of Saxon Oppression forever. beady Celts, la nearly all tue.countles, are alto fOr the rising. An Important rilmonavint itrahrculation yes. terdaV at.the liemlquartees; that there were two Fenian war ships ready to sail from a cer tain port In the United States to Ireland, with rides and men, which are now subject. to the Order Of the Brad Cent re. Ile will also leave with the expedition. The uniforms of tile °M eer!, renicli are of green cloth, are being made, but the Ume of their departure is of coarse a Prefoo rid secret. It Is calculated that at 'east one hundrol thousand cells will rise rig, Inst gives the signal fur the rerolutlen aid I tile numbers to ..I.trotight agalnit them w, not exceed thlrtY thousand. The bleshsarrquestiou la althaTsumin im portance- ,IVLS believed that General belts. I Anna coma:Mods the exclusive lase of about (3,500,0 re to gold, and he has been (isnot not that the el-Potions, ex-Federal. and ex•Confialer ates, who have Walled upon him Can master about. seres thonsand one bundrcd men, most of whom can bring arms for their own use, thouall of course nuy artillery that is procured will have to he de novo. There are pose on foot plans for an attire ptenaratiou for an expedition. On Tuesday. the :hi nit October, iL Is •rtated that a confides t !alai:Lent with plot - twit( power wits.ll••patelied to New Orleans to organize for the etnt lexical ion oi a 'southern Bunt in gent from thatplace, s hick Is slated to tel Unseen ]tral rerniczyouTof tile enterprise. No Ste tn. • ers hays been pm ',eased, butagerits are at ! work Inetng 011 1 :cc' rocny, awill donble• enders, nett It is 0 ,- ntempleed to purchase four if can, ano •1 in 111 cm down to New Orleans,' elliell is ts and . not New Vick, ' the aolot of settle , stated 1,24 .ms are nosr stated t4l be under 1 •.. • , , place not a hundred miles fr., • - • 1.. the same - , place whet a-. 1 Le ,• . - .•apolithel "rho '_lnted_oaL ,11,1a&m,i, a... rtznovine.l.inn., , Orleans, li • -tarot; us tie ~ 4 , can he by the 111141d10 , 0f la. st ii..eith, lip •• a, a time 1 .2 Is cc' peettaLthist tile an ores and llti. , r prem.tutions will be re i ..ady• It Is next to Impossible to gel at ;Ire names of most pi the officers, but It is.reported that General• Sweeney, General Urntittlart, General GllrtiOre, 011 , 1 some say even Kirby Smith, are atnone the number. Inn, report that Li eueral little Tri3•lor in [Mace In with the entries. his' most Intimate fr lends In New Terk deny. 'l' Ire point of debarkation on Mexican boil is at Tampico, or at Panuco,' , lB circumstances best advise. General Santa Muds ITeonfident that at Inst he has fairly under way something tangible, and, as he believes, smicesafel, and he attend! to ocanntand the expedition himself In Om. event of its streceSTful set sir. General 11101. ST. 57Veeiley 14 reperte4ll.o he, his chtercxecu. Cite officer. Santa Anua as err to that as sffilis en he plants bin etundard imrn Mexican [Mil. the Llik oils will rush to its 1.,n15, aS he Is the only man that has led them to victory that ne su red peace. The reports t hit he intend , pits' elaiming.hrimelf DKr ater tie prounouces false. de soya that he nit ill first Ity to expel the s u o su e r r per g . a • n p d shtaic tfh ehni eM n i a e i s i v th e e I r l o 4 r , e aell tinevein eco cLuleice urwhat e re r go,ernment they eleet to have. '• . 'Dispatches frOm.Wesitiagton say: Nothing further hie transpired in rehttlrer to the Sla 0- Icatsquention. partly owing, tooloold, to t to Illness of Colonel Campbell, our minister to MeX7eo, who has been contlro , d to his room since bin arrival. As I stated last night, how ever, abet I have telegraphed you on thin se's jest. although isnordeish it rutty Inn coesteleretl art ther stelegratrictlyphed In a ll et few darner,und will be fur ays The New York Bank' statement was pos. wainscot' Unfavorable In Wall street to-day. and in ctom,enrienen..l.here was a feeling, es pecially In the stock market, aparoximatiog • a usmell panic. Dut it was of short ditottioa, and, practically, did not amount to notch. Th. Cherdeease on the deposits, no doubt, Is Onrine in withdrawal of balances by 7,01710 of the Western banks during the week'. To the tarn e faun the other change - S - arc 11,1,1,05i:a to Inn largely attributable. TIM Cabinet is fully attended to-day, an'd It 'le untlerstreal that the proposed treaties will) Milliteall affairs are receiving their neat con sideration by the weightiest ' Deartment. 'That it Is a council of the weightiestp moment, is etidenced by too udden ref urn of Posri nas ter (lowers Bandar s whorled departed for I he west, but has tiltts soddenly re-appeared to lei present at the Cabinet ill,cusdon. •Gen.l,W Campbell, Mexican Minister, Scull in the city. • It la evident that the President has tli4er mined to recover lila rust prestige by alternat ing's coup 4 , ant in• the Mexican question, in the exneetatien that a revulsion In te•P l r ll, judgment will be Induced by Um Inaplitlconee Of the results. Geo. W. Alexander lien been appointed A, leaner of Internal Iteventne for the Eig•stli District of Pennsylvania. .. Marine IStrot eeeee . • Nest' Yong, Oct. •2.l.—The brig Vein. fly 1 1 . as n.rriv ol here. .'lee 1,11.7144 li,; 1,11470e11ter 111, 41 efelerellll, en the Int !natant. 3144! iel 14,477..; - lag l u,ue fl ll damage. On the ail. slit' met a brig told a seliermer, both d.,aided, Oirillis•• lien sine was t.rnarded by the 1,1 - I,g ()stray, of a--t. Jons, N. 11., a lach Wel Ise hoard inn crenv ol the h selmOnnr aatilla, of New York, Abort ra pi nvirdens. The Velocity being also shoo, 47.779 suable 10 •Up 1414: them. Oa the 4270. i rem ehe suer the steodoer TM oder. D. Wagner , Ito,toni, for 'Charleston, 'Oil fife. I:,.nill.rril theca all the trasestanee iroasible, tort go , the women We/ rhiltlfe.U. 11441,7,1711.-171 number,. ter board thenol.4. when the e,resr, Meting P. tiro possibm t 0,, MO .4.011.0i;r, .W,l.nclUlketl her. Thirteen Caele on hoard ten t t elre,lt3 . and the remaining' tiver7ter 41 wen Oti 147.44 rd 1 1 74 41 1 schooner Lerrea Prtt,. hornet to New York. The bark. Starklng reperts that In a gale on ' .the late, she took from thethare Its Elirar , beat the Captain and crew . . twelve Its !ramie , . Tim Captate reported the passing of tlin wreck of the rehoorter my B. lupus,Der will , too r Men oil board, but was unabie ls t teem. The bark Chineaoern reports. that on the hist, In latltodemin., longitude-7J tieg.L3 mln., at one ricioea A.. Y.. elle saw a screw eteateer on lire, with another ;:teatirer (Ting by her, which Is supposed to have taken her crew o ff . The one pa . Are Sunk al three O'clock sh. x. on the 'ad. CITY . ITEMS i.adleti. Far. VOLUME LXXX.7 - NO. 256. FIRST. EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. • --- -- .7.." — Y Sllttlary Ordered Issfisiltlmore—Trinity •Ctitirels Property— N.. T 0... Oct. X3.—The Purl', SVasltlngton special says: General Brooks, command i nee t mirth Artillery regtment.,thatt. been ord to Fort Stenches. Baltimore. The heirs 41 Anneal, Jenny, Um Orlsittal owner of tsr: Trinity Church property, are about to contest. the tight , et purchase to the PrePerlF. Tile Tribunes special says: General .illitrutan was at Fort Dodge on the 7th, and remained over'.. Sunday. The General gave the Indians eight days In wit mit to bring In the other three white women they hare, and If they do not return them without presents then there would be war. The Indians started home to nave a. council among themselves. On leaving 1 they said tf we did not hear from them in five days we might look Out for something else. (The Eve days expired last Friday and we are on the slerti Leilaliallye Bribery In New Jeraey. TesitTo7l .1., Oct. in.—The trials on the castleindictme for bribery nod corruption An the In Me t legislature commenced to-day. The Brat case called Was the elate against Cliartc, Utth, of. Buda= county. The etate !deduced bet 0110111t12611111. Attorney tieuer:i I. Eilinh naysen end promenter ri,:galkirzirryro ti the part of tee 814 an for u3 Y o . a fon . aielilr elee e lea leM2 Abbott ivied that the I;tet4 dant. Br. ..radleycontii had toned 1.0 atorg_ . . , • Tbe.Texas Zleettoo, etc. 1. 5 1h.r Oateaes, Oot. 91.—The Congressional elections In Taxes wok place on the 15th. TAO returns received thus far show' the vot eve to be =kali so dte tel t, hear e let:. from. daw so far 4 P alies rs 4 is tri • lig= in is taken ih the election. The Treeetk Corvette ridegetoe, Mart Vera Crux, arrived at the bar this' morning, wttli tense for the Transit Omuta to Now Or• . PirDSBURGII,VEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, IStii. SECOND EDITiON. ICIBLE FOREIGN MU. FOUR O'CLOCK. A. M.' i'llnother French Manieed+ _ _ VERY LITEST-1111131S. f TURKISH REPULSE IN CANDIA. , FROM WASHINGTON. !Liverpool and Loa4on Markets ! deo.. et5c,.., COSO • The Late Marine `fluffJenne. • . CT Cana.. . Lortr,o3DETLY, October, 23.—The steamship Nova Scotia, from Quebec, hassarrieed- Pants, Of-toher 21.-There are rumors hetet I to slay, that soother manifesto Is about to be ti Issued to tIRO didercut diplomatic ,regesens A' , SIGNIIENT ill SPAIN Alllit I WEN OA. , - . re. , !' ; Ifoat,0:1, Octoiii - 2.1. Reportsi are been re-1 , celved hero from Cantli t, stating that : atter ComplAifits of Soldiers',Rations. four days heavy fighting, the cifylattan force* ! lout rep stein the Turkish army. _ _ • ' , !Lfrearoot.--Vcon—Oct. t3.—The cotton mars NEW COTTON. REGULA'CI , ONS. ! ief is !Ire, and quicti nt , 1e ,1 . 0 . 41 . 1 Y 01 9 , 011./e ' : •-, . middling upi.uu; quote,int - 15%;. Th Brener i sogrs rau rbet Is lamer. Flour amtn beet tend- TIIO D?a-I„landS Upon . Euglancl. , leg upward. Gore' hay advanced to Sic &t for j _-- -. . ! ,Lund toe-torn. 1.....e05—N00t—0ct.'2.3.--The teem, Y mark et ..ti )Nl' ER 1 Nr, ,M E X 101, ; 1$ a,...t c0:, , ,015, for money. e.i!4. The follow. THE REPORI 'S. ! tag are the opening prices of American scoff __ _ . Arlo-: Erh , , ,r-!'“ Illmots Central, "."....!-.,; U. S. FEARFUL LOSS OF LIFE. tV ash's,. 1 i,,, I /Cl. ..:t.--.1 ..11,111.13 11 1,1V1,1 '.l. 4. 1 live-Teeuties, 1;1. .. at N" ' ' '' ' ' W i lt's "' r ' '' '' '' '.."..' In' 1:; '' ".. , lI.N ~ 11. 10111'0 ',..51, -The Vienne Pe eA, of late 111111 11140 ill 11.:0 1,1 It 11,11 . •• 1 b. 1 ..... . ~,,,1. , .y ......" 13,0! 16,, 0 , son 110,0 t. 1, Vert . 111,.0•• 1.1.2:11.1 of ,C. 01.1! W1.1• , ..` 1 1.0 111 AlOl2l It .1.•1 1 r ..... -. 1 ly to 1,,, th,• i ..,,,,,,, mt‘,,,le ,. " t be ' 1 . 1,, e” , I -, ‘"', -."." I` o r I'"I I •''' I - I' 1..., ow., . I:to , a 73.-1.0;.1 I:ls...elision in sun s contact! 1111: 11.1010 , .11' 1 11,11 or t:/•' :.a!0 11 1 ' 011.15 I'l. OW, C 1 ,,,, 1 11111,11 1111,1 1.,.. 1,, 0 ... 1,,,.. !,, ~.„ 1...5 , r , e0, ,,,,, .., I t; , t ; : , : , ii:r st.: -Eteninc.-Tite Mar beets Wart el. Not a .„.,,, le odSder „, !.. -vas ...... 1„.:,.!c. 1 .: 7,;;;,.,„.,: t Z.`L N,,,,,,,,,, -Thu Mt 1te..5 . has leached tlftv Co's Slaliste, st:Llayss„li ::111 Mal 1,1 1' sone, t•ces-ole, e'rs, for money; 1'a . ,.., 1111 V. 11. 1, 1,1.1 ,0, 1 ~11,C then l. riv tn.,... ,• ~ ..,. • I sal°, t eut,..C., 7d U s ; nlted 9[07 , .19[07 , .1r1ve - T sentles, „ ..“; Major Genet:Nl 1.... IT e. Casasy, c 01,10,11 , 11 n i . sr'. the De in. 11111.11tOt XVII/11111141 011 . 10 .4 genesel . order stated October lash, isoaeuiscs. , the ftli• Tr • it Bi 'i 10,1 . 101 r 11,itg.11•01 lof tr,sso and till .ere la thle nnnit, so tel., etl,ct els 1111. r:• , 1 11 I I . lifiilOßE T OtBLI S. tft lank.. er Isu Navea s s hers.after a._ I 1„ . . ,espectlN a commends, •ese ta! es...awl:shed ar the tennis i -- deelgtroed , •lirevet .11,sr Gen. W. 11. 1 ' rncry, ei Ille sth Til •1: (TV I:IOIARKABLV QtIET. cavalry.,• „ votnnnolst the 1 10 1 t ot I"ftsl,- -. . Ington,4 Snell wlll he vonsposest of the rout -- asnl tlll,l Pattallon- of , 11s. llt h 1.... e Inlets. y ' • and 4.4 lls regtment I% e. N „torsos Ile-es ye le. Resort to Violent Measures, 2.ltry 111111 ii OA 1,111111.111 of 11, fol.o U. , U.,. ,1,.., 11 1; Is. li 1..- k I ..' • , Considered Unnecessary. the WI t', - 5. Aa tdlosy, to comman I Fos. ! I Mel , enry, sletvland, gas rlenntst hy esassoes , I ,,. 1,41 Ist's e. ArlilleY• 11r... 5-v t 'J .,. e'' , • ~ • 3 1. I, Uattss.s.,oe., Oet, - ;1.-IV „Ile 11 15 true! that I ntiet, C.,1135...n. sty, I:. '-. a/0i1...J, 'e si he •,, ~ , .; ~, ~; 1 e:teinent heretricldent wand Fort NV se, l h ston. Maly ssed, garri-obs . -1 ''''''". '"' -'" '' n `' '' ' - • 110,seoinpsitil„. ,S and P. Y.I, I. e. Arll 1.. 1 ~. up11:1 11113 taltlas I „ lof Ist-Os:ceding, lonkin.; to isisdor doecish :nee mi. ste. I'. 5..1., ,cle , y, r , . ' Ins. 7,11101 , 1 01 1110 1 . 0111 . . i. (20/1.111114,1011e1.0 by 00111119.1113 1 [ll.l W1,4,,,1,.. W., , ~,,.1.,..,,., 1 bl . . 1 iov , •runr '..u . val and wells, it lb also true that comp. - does C and 1 I,4th C.,. :11 , •Ilery. lb.. N, - . , co:, C. Is lits", calit.iin, .1 111 C. 1, .."1.1...,,. , 11 , 0 14 11.1..:C11 an ziet; ur,l much npvesalatiort i 1 . 0 e 0,,,,, 1am ! 15 -llt e, Y n 1d ,,,,,, 5 .1. A1v ,,,, 1i , b, . east sle.cesslon as to she Issue ants result , Of i To , gstrrlsoren by toostsal.y. r, :11, I. Art T...! 11,„ vendin •111.01.,..11111g1, there 11,134 i yk.01 , 3n Tory- Bret', C !Aunt. 1- , .1 , 1 P.ll Ilscs , i'4,,sans, . - e 4,,1, 1 - . s art 5,i,,.. ~, 1 . 1 „,,,,,,,,,1 1 11 ,1 0,,,,,, ; 110 .....v1 pliti 11l ot the peace; ionising slaryland.,,,, st-05,,..t by eo,npany C. 1 , Is 1... 0. i 1 I.n.t, ......lizi to, 11 ut hinny characterised Ilia Asittlery. .. 1 'lll,ll or n riot , beyond a] 100 Intern .l etroular I, , ' •1 -, 1 1,T1t .. .i 11,It tbl 11:1./ . . u „, „..,1 an g,, ~,,,,,,,,, n0,,,1 let.!,, n 1 D l =l'. l 1 1 ° , .. 1 ''• 1.1 ...'• th' . .. ,t ) •! 1 " 1 " I ',,d'''•''''' ... ' ' 111;11/01 1 -AI re.ulting mno serious injury, and 80100 .111.11.4. , ' 111 . 1 11; r . 1.1 1 , 1 0 .11 1. 1. ' ll ' 1, 1. 1 ' t 1,, ~,,,, c r ,...,, ill the. :cur,,, 1111011 of a built:lln bentuLlons a 1,14 . 11 haVe heels stools to 3,1111, I—• . 1,,,,,,,t of an hi 1.1. 1 .110011 paper yestercir, t3,' partment 10 Tula( lots to she:resets ale! e. 5,1,,,,,, ~ „,.„. ~,a,„,,,, ‘,„,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,, I'l. ere .1.11 1.1.1 v tr,g in dasidscrS rattr „, It Ir . al , erled : In, re,sity bitell mishits,. of a 1 ilsteug Cbaracter. that if Jit she v.-04101111,5t u- , • of the sittlocs of report tteflay. The 11//V has beau reularlr ans uaeings ars,e, 1 . ,1,y ssts„ild i, aPproPov• ; uhly 11.11. I'lll.l 11,14,1311.11ati0l of the 1.;00. led 1 . 16 1 . Y 1 0 the ~I°.)‘°l ° 'l ' '. ..‘ L ' . ' I'''' ', ' 1,1. , li.- /11.11 , Ca 11e1,1 rho O , ')Kl 01 10001 liir-1 - 9 , table MI oor 111 , conifer!, In lee fin.utetf. v,„,,,,,,,,,, but 11:11 1,10 1 .1,1 110 010110111 1, 1 1 IV. 00, 11.114 110. 11/ 1 / 1 1 C 1 iVl•rt , et In ney other wet . ! ever. The tu. 171'!:1 the 11‘,11.1 v , Vof e .-. " 0! ‘ .II ! 1 ,i-nlght Inset:Olga ere befog held at varii,us a, paint. ,i s t,,,,tsst b . , tn . :. 1..,., th',ll .1) . t i... ; ~,,,,,,, 1,, , tau ttot.a..la Ilisisbr.insiblo. In vlits4." (l ' Ctnr 010 th" 'C''''.l"g ."' l. ' In ' Ae*.t or ' :,..,,,,,mat1:1:I., ors:a rs tr.atunts „ I' the .I;assul„ the Collector of 110. (till 1 1 , 1 W lo.ll ' . ' th''''' n .. 11, 111:.. .1 : •'.1111; 1 0 . 1111,11 Itlg, 300- orZallsza . ion 'W . df ! ''''. .... 11! '''''' ' ''' . ''Y r.. ' 4 " •'''' ' '. ' !1:{VI. al.° 11,1 11 held. orNste tieing held, by the ,',.:0.:, ',sed Iroin llfi , ifillef• fuel, aa • ' 1 ' i,,,,,,,,,,,t,e.s .isci Defeo, ft, But all these 44. 5.% i '' '' '' ' " I'll' '''''''“ '''''' ' 1" '''''' r ' l ii ll I meettri.ss wile olden hchsie tile procl inutton la , lonsi e1 , ..5. 0 ta. , •OStS , " S'a y "''''' . ' ...I'll!' all S' . ' S it., lt-uot, not I 10.1 otto, 140101 be ref.;artletl 'securing the pa.i 11:1-1,L Id 0,,, 1. .... „,,, 0... b l,O insen.g to. i c ittl,tlar feleroneo 1.0 i, 1 totaling tee . 11, V 111.1., 1.11 1 0 , 1 ....'4 l 1 ,1 1 " 1- : t r...„..5n, les doubt, some of those gattscrsegs ./'art es des:rts., ot Iv 155,,,, rat too Iss ..../1. , ~,,, ‘ 1,.....,.., Si l o ~,,,,,,,, ~.,,,,t by 00 fi,,,_ polio or other pl,ces 7111 th1t,„ . 1.1. It saa other , ~,,,. ,flutriete will t o 41100 el to us/ so , l!!!!!!‘ '''• .I. L . , renrral eNplalott 1/rev 11111,2 unions; tug delivery to the Luisa:etc, or 1 1.... , hi 11.1.1 I thefullftlal peL l l/ 1 0 IA, mat even should thu o 'llero eliel , !seq . !'" t or Phu' , I , ' l ". le ' l. A , fen , 11 , ur titensle to rentave 1.1.10 Clllllll3 1 VllOll. 1 tarin alto-to or „sear -ultllesst : : mettle oje , ss, ned a livolnt 0t.h.,.. toattenesol them. th.sre 11/oVed by the' Colsevtor , etc:N . ll , 4 11 I . oo ' l ' l l, ,1 1101.• 1,,,./.1.11Y, ea ft •truort to violent " 0, -“ ,s, 1-0 r lite,l:r.rllwlii t - i it" , Iti't'lt tlti, tench, no'asurt.a , in: ease would thou, it is eupp. „ . for to sliest pa) :dents lune ne f 1.0.5te. 1 b} - in,'. ' .11. , 011, rsessonsly hefole the courtn In also Ansensor of the silbto ,„ In „ 1:1,11 -UV! , Nolte. , ! sa.l - 1 , ; 0/ , 1.11. _114111.12, .111 MO ../1 010 W10.1[14,11 ; I.IIIIY b 0 2 (OW 11 -.. Th 41...; 1.1.1 111 ., / , •0 1,1,11 ' 1 ''' i , Wt . ...T11. 111 bal., 10 ft,.. nettled by a 301,[1.41 ; 111 11. penal sum coital 10 1101101 1 1 tie aundant. et . , ! ,,,s; 1113.01 1111.1.,1 1.1,1 y It would tlhally be taken the tar on the wilfully t I C•otOft totett , leo 1., to i Ile Caul!, of A pilot. , Ili 1,131,7 , 01. 111.13.1 In loaltall la utly ~ ,e Ow,. The lbase „ comsat's:one, litre been nelle - ,luring Its (a:intim...we, ',1;111 At,,, , ,,5, 111',,. 1 e a t, i ,,i,,, tdoteseoli that the enbllllsint.st ot easeful not tss grunt !miller ,se , hills 1,1 on ,o,y i a :o,e,, a sil be elaoueneed VII Is elity. at it I Imo, wud, if, 1 11111:!}'t u x upon the111111:!}' fflfueis ; ~,,,0,, ~,,!. teortver, Lino. tins COtrisill-slisue , Perinitildalnoants oro,se.h.disna .anal 5,,,,,,,,, i a is, tit see he C,CIlt. even by renewed at thu cu. u therem ntil certnflcate of Poi ' ,1,1,1 1 1 1 te‘ 1 , anisuattnn, al they 1.1.,0 determined not ,w on the a hole or a 30,11../ 1 1. Or ti. C 111.11.. 1 ,,,- - , I. now ledge the right si, the Oeveruur to 1 , 1 ported undsr biter permit". ore o cutved , 4 ,,,,, iforntne acci.tvtng i ll i t lira st .„ l 11.1 , 1./I . -...--.....,.. pet Mit" 111.1. Y 1 , gr. 11.1, LAD 11 1.0 C.,1, must , ~,,_,,.,,„_.,,,., ..,„,, at „„s,„ 0r.r5a.,..._.,,,.i, the tax ::pen the quantity nosier iscrunt nu!: ! 7 4: .6;...1„.2;0I.,;;; ; h i; %.7.. r .,..: utsaccouuten for. excerel 011 C 1/,11( OP . .' 111,1...1 , . 01'11 /11 . 11,0 bond, thus If the lased is elven I, I :1; [NO OiII.LAX 5, oe/. ,i.. 1 -rue steamera 'll.n ._ rl.• 11 ...MO , i t the Ina upon 000 il undress ;on end ..t..,11,.. 11001 :.,•••• . ..c 1,1, . 11,100 1111:1!V •cl. I 111. , of tons hand alt ponnsle each, ald I, 1,-.o.ena Ifinallueff on i olio. and 'L. sent ths, ;1., it is reached fuetitel pet ' I I runup! ; ,trectu, ropeocoeleno-tIY n , wil ol, -.- N nfe groe , i' . he granted, ../(.1:0T, upon the r, yelp of no,- : , 1..01 0. 1,12,1 ley Ins till', 11101 . 0114, 113. et y wt! put men!, le. Itefrln after pros' ine.l. , volvlnit a 1...., 01 . 1 1 1.1. 1 !1}). ~001.11. one-third of ltronediatel3 ,Illeso the ,N,V41}.1 1 . 0(1.3 1101111, , 'l llOll W.' , 1 11 ' 11 .'n• 1011, Vt.°'. l . ‘‘ .l.l ' . ..'../' Zoe Colieeter to v. lobo ILI. slellver,A, a 11l , ~ , ,. 11 3 , lniurtel sly tins Salting walls. transmit It, Ft' .0 resiio the: In thtE, A 1,144.1. 0 /, 1 I , l' /1 . 0111 MCI.IOO, tigtral Al tilt :omen to 140 it,te....r of lee fllit, let -when°, It ' 7.0, 7003 published In Ens limes lay, Oldie Is intends: 4 l tail not.ve the es.st „ ls, „ 110 a 11l has ostler, to ilidnise Mationoras. L ile gets , thereuren gtaa 1 , ,,,,,i1.., 10,,1,, ~,, ' ~,', .4 7,01) net, .2,11.„ 1,1 0 111011 are 111."1.1r1, 31.111 ft 1.1 . 10 CllllOO, npoo ~,,,1, . .,,,,,,, i.in, ”,.,. 1, f!r, totttet 1, . Illutiluenti flee leitying dud • to le- I tii o 11l llulleti or Sfe , ne , et, two, f 0,1••!o_ 'lulu . awl ottatify pefeen eat lately abandoned. tilts appilesionr, the A....essen aso as. „vs, ~,, . 51 1511110 , an la at britCull„svacsca. licl,osnentn mina. The clrenlur ,11 11, a „Is ned usu.. a 1.1 , 11 Were en route ranee wetelsollered Ilona 111 LllO A1..., - .•: , •1 111,1 Culleesor, nun It 1- , !!!‘',. 1 • . • Panted that It the esslt.sss Cls nal b.. 11 11'1,14 0,1 Late; du icy says aldla started oil lii. ,,,, teulY befole removal by .11 oIY .1 , 110!1111,11 11 . 1,1glier. 1 1 ,1 01 o.lsdo. 1 se• Tones aniert, til:it linriotttt trile elllettl . t. , J 1 tat name!! on 41,et 01 end, It Ifilly cola:ft:01;d In F roller. .0111 bll 1/11111 . 1 0111111 the weight, AR 0111111:L11 by the OWIAIr 0" the proprietor of tile 14131 ite,e. 113,3 e) an litlillentlore. In order toarrlve at the true amount of 'la v. to , Ns: e I on., I I.nober .....i —.1 . 1. l'hilettelplitn be mud on the 123!!0! 1001.013,1 waler tIO- 11 1 1 •'.1.C ., . of 10.111, 011111,111.11,,thvi. very long let. condition . , I sn. - . it he weighed ill" 1:1 11.0131" I 1.-t' 1,0111 Ale l'of 1, , . 1, 1 1 11,1 . BIM 1113 01 1' vas In the re..eiving dt•ts let, Its' Ur' sdhs , :s ,„,, ~,,,, ;i:, • , „ ~,,, c,,,,,,,,., of „,,,,,,:, ~,, 10y ,, appointed for cleat titir,..,lo whom, I.d. s 0 ~.,,,,. 1. , ~,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „ ~,, In ~,,,, twrnty-Ilve cents Inc 1.111~ wi.11,, , rwi ( , „~.,. 11/1Y ,1•1 . 1 . 10 1. , 411 1 1 1 . 1 i 11 . 11 0111 . 01. 1 " 01,,,), "" ". , ,1,,,,,, , I,,Ns.s . Chap.:in loss taken Inu on- I the weleht the tax ulissil 1..., cohocted. ~,,,, ,'„ .„.„„d ~,,,t,,, Ins a...1.111, 11 n of the I, These resrululsons are to bar' , 11 11,16 red ~s,i,. , . ~ ~,. . .. , . , ~, . ~, ,„ ~,,,..,.,., ~ (....,1 1..,.. Lionel to Anti et 1101 rupereed „sr II:0• 1 . 1 , 11. 1' .,,, ‘ . ‘, '.., u ,. 1 ~,,,‘ „ 1 , 1 . „ 1 , ~ r i L ;, , 11.1..,..., ~,,,1 1 ~,,, 1 3 1, 11..1. 151,101 Ln Seri , 2, N 0.5, or the unolstnnal tea- . ,„,„, ,„ 1.„,..10a 11 '4 , lilsellims , have tendered nitst lons pulsllslaal meter slate of erpteml..., ~,,,,..1„„ ~,,,,, ~, ,),., : ,, ,, , t. ,. ~, 01110 g th,...,,, I lit.h. 1:•••;.3, • • dee I „her sl 1N.,,, ,, , ft 00ferul ItenlY, Is has !nen slate'l - in :sea-stripe, ~ recta" , i GOl,l al Iteena, utneffft 55 voile), Lt... feeefft that , nt the In.! rahlriet met !Jag 1! eet re- 1 ,„ , ,, n. , :,,,,,,,i,„l 0,,,,,. . 3 o , ~,, ~.,.,,..„ , ,,, , ,,...1 FOl l,l l 1° " 1 ° tn't rs.."‘"' at ' .. 4 1 " ,. '"." . , lac Dl, well known us Ins gallant Witll, la the or 00 liritio,s oil ill 1 off 101 . 1111 , . ‘111,1 , 1 11 isle ass slarlng the wa . , and the.ti the ontrbisei emu mit:tett liv 1 ebel In bratt , t , , .no „din, el hy tile Be) , in Muff, at least lirted ont in England, but Sliest...man 110 CO, ,1,,,., 1h0,,,.,14,1,...,..,,, ~ ,L 0rg,„0,,,,1,,,,,i ~,,n,,,i. Iliderell 11. ilt... 111,1,0,1..;011. 1 110 1 1.1, 1 0 1 in,. fiths' eorrcntiiienee 1011 g 11,0 111-11/11 1 51 1. . rat alma 6 1 1101 Min br. Avian. hagv015,,..,,,,,r%e„,,5,r,,,0; ~. as, si,„„le,r;:s.-,Tts „ Jun r J•a/ Of 1, espy :iirel•t•llatt . a Whercatbastta. ,I ' lV ,ILI , Uctill,lll MCCII.III I . II 11114, egily pre-flog 'upon tlfft Itrilkli the 3"' ' ''''" 14 In.fS",V P. f r if l , " r; o ! , I ! """ ';_",... , ',',“,"'!'"".",,, ~, pool, bevn ultllltrgiVat !row Ifot tfOn , A bl - s'Oi' ,.• v` s ' ••"" - ' ' •-• ' ' . - ' . ".".....--..offiffieritiori will, the .otuelenu ! tlult• no inUraff•111111; 111 Arry 011 any 11,1 11l • 01,113, ',. 1 .., holly removed Iron , „II our d'"""' "" 1110 "P'l‘ " " re "'""" '‘l's. .511- ' 1."'". '' I II! '1 ts Th„ In:atilt of Isle ran. loot Tlos...day. That 1. , hat the slay on ' pont 'cal pn . , ta . ,.. et . wills II she ' I Ite tsep'srt merit covimunicated by , th.1.1,..5i.1.).,....h.:.,..1,,..,..1.1.:1„,,e11 ~,1,,11.0.1111,51...1.1r1.,,,,, 1.,.11,1.1...,nit,,1,0,reitri,1a,, Steams: , Nor 1. , there anything' now 1,1 1 110 .91.11 . 11) ,1 . 11 I 1 1.•1. 1 11 It 0101 „rel. bathing 1,1000 In Miniver, that The J.illeZ lone'i.illl.l will he TI•ClIg1/1, ,I t y the otitero tit eal and no Other. ILI ey secognizen 1,1 ' Ip'f,';.l,:ic'S.::l(!!"..sl:'ilsl,:.;:i‘uote3.l.,.,tlll,ll,..aie,ssufer..otnisnil:.luutitleide every form known to it ./pl y and the . tees:tinsl In th .. Ivo, It 3 g 1 . 1 . , . u s ages Of nal Vale 'lb.*: 1,,s twenty. , recent . eitlev,„ ill the world, 1 utalnusi sy 1 1 , -• line ~., ' a ' s: ' ,.l 'l. le " :s 4 ;.. re ll l e n l r o N .'..o" s ' s a il .: s e d l' a r ! " 1 1 1 '' 1 '1 1 1 c 1 : ta t;l 'i t 1s 0 0 1 , 1 !; 411 1 Th U e 's is ' a s il . s h.l .s ' i l l l, l e " t ' l ../" s g e. 1 1 " : , . 1 :1 ', I I a st l i I " sill n ul l su u' e . r e 'n ti'LL ' N !. t s 3 s i ell • o . l' determ,,,,'!l 11l retomin mei as hail crated, lint , we ere happy f t i s , nay 1/1 . 1 , t l . 0 li.. 4111..11111.11-11. of. this Adnonintratten ` ch at' a Illimerueltetrful and hope n 1 rugs, n, we alsouln TN.* . 11111. Vrench claim to t - leo nun receive Mexican ter, nary In exehang A, ; 1 .41. 611'01313!11. Lit.bbcry. /iT"'" 1"" ",l'''''';'l“)" "j. ("U)'• ti q.: , I' naseisest, pet, 10, via Buffalo, Pet. :M.- .00/ “1,1 DO 111001 ,1 le 1, 1.b1..0 1•1r120 f1 1 .... 1 10•:, . •. .. ‘,.. j , l ~ .1 ,,, ,,,, ~., 1111 ,, 11 . iturri. men Olt tile thIV 1-16113. i, nor llll they at any .It 11l , . , other time dollbelate on that suld,set. , 11 11,10 all' alma rssitly ,oinklusi prepurattosvu to &l A . '. e t V 11 i, a ",i . g t I ' s ' s ' s r t.' e l Pi ‘"1 :1 1 11 1 71 riti.,, Cannotln I e t' 0 0 , 1 , 0 ‘ ;; 2 1 0 s ! ' t! ' ll ' s 4, 'l‘,..l:ll'o,',ol'uts 0 P i s , " ,fa ' i , ee ' l l' es r lTo 01.e"arry'yten't'v"Zr.. ' sli n k' 1 on thn above -name.l nllbjeCti end therefore iitit,T,1,::',,1t.5.,,mei.,,,,,,,,,,, from coiunm. itiv,r, those who hove been led to expect Manifsede. , ~,,,,,. 1 .1111 0411111..1 , 1 11 , 1,0,,. .., et°7:Dn'ecln'o":4rtnllte'eWlSleblll.aurlt'n'itelni t h' is a s i OlTl P a ' ls "t o 'l.! i i i . c. , ; ebirAol'i,gtilAtiriti:to'llis;t,"ll%7l).o7,,Up'.,,U,Y,mtZ,,uo':.thra, noor t.b.slay thet islet , a trouts, mad ..,VviCre. c O.O- i co,,,ra Ente o n, Cello" status l'aytuanter , tnenoing town tlio Ist et .I)oveaulter, Irvin halt ; . 11, ..,....d ~, r o 01 1101,,,, 011 oetota „ ton. or . Lake City via. tit. licorge awl llaQyville tit u l , ~, ,'.."` %kosher. containing 4:,51,1,00 in grueuhnolin. e:„...-i. thy; capitol 1)/ .M . 17.011 1 ,. 1 110 duo!, -f, o? ~ „ , , ..,_ , . a c en 0 0 4 la trasse.nm.tatizoata.,,,Nu;ss, y,,,te, anti ...es,tots.s sit SOM 3.3018 .011311. rly ft intim mud ut auttipm lately' Milled. it Is reporled Ilett. itsi isittl Arlsoula is twentystWo clay , 9014,31 will be Lllll.Stuted for the thief ___,,_____ •as • _ 1 ote , messily , ____,...._ "'onion Aetlylly-Anotber DIV/0110e. . ----..- Xllllloel4lll. front the 'retitle. , NE. - Y ,, ltic, Pet. Sti.-Tlid /.:tenirie Japers' nays: The Itotants headlines tso son It/ sent- Sass rsteseireo, Pet. 31 -I lls rum Orel. th,lf way are beginning to sesume the animuttel . the Tycoon arrived at Jeddo• A .0 ,, Of t !I r 1 : 11 , .... aPPearanee they prirsentsil Itefore the hive. , Yids' is mentioned us the. most proisa iio e ., Ilion of Canada. 11111 clreinnotanee I.les - elan, • censor. Ile in hail to by It unto tit great Wier ed by the Mot that tin, President 0! 160 Bcfele !, gy t amer usti 11110000 of foreign Intete.ourso.c . r .. arbors,' and all subordinate °Meer, through - I rile ican ships anleb slnitid Jetla t e . Ve_Cariadas ere engaged in making prep , ' tureen 10 listing's.. mulled'vera vessel* s f or e ,. sins for another campaign. Contlaele tor I Brltielt stiegdrisit bad AO other I"! r t ,, : u ' ruts haws been given to a tnaintfacturer ; All 1 110 }beech thili-ofewur bud been 0 ( 1 , ..n .t..i , t 5 . a nd tinny will noon be read; lor the Fenian me. ; to Corea to icon. redress for,ontrog is c..,! , 2 1 ; 015 my. A 0 the blab es have , 1 1 1 ,1 t o .n ta tl , it o ns , 1. 1 . : e r ü lr : : 1 0 ,1 ,; i t T 1 ,1 1, , ,, '1' 1 1 i n, : I,iii,,l,S.l3,,hiptsseatu. et Li?Wia ,l WWI .“. sem i military dintriets, 1001 each are ready ' While 31:1001110 the 5311111 01 Cunosalty,.bot suss Alining shares firuser; Yellow Jacket, re; whentoletncd:ll'hd.ei lrlo B. l P r u P. l ° l t t u I Sl, ' •h d 1. evr r to the revert Oplo 0, e 5; Belcher; WI Legal TaralarS, ' that Colonel Roberts hilt' eold t lie . 01 . 1015 11111101 . W1,,,,,,1, 1 , 0 . his control to Banta Alma. Tina Colonel tn.nn . , dlgnantly denied the rumor 111/ ao The 1111 110r1.10A are 10 110 'warty 000 wor n ,ar t lacoo worn by the Culled 5!11!03 arras,lll, ception of the buttons. 'rho cups will be roots: men ten with 0 110.111.1 Or ihreth Inshon, anti the Harp of Erin In to appear on the lieut . From Caonds—Nlettlement of n Greet 6011—Neticed ins Cocifiesinry. . TORONTO, C. W., October ItS 4.. The million and a half slat, • between the Commercial Bank and the Great 'Western Beltway, t hat has been at Lamm for six years, has been closed by dlreet negotiation satisfectory tokoth portico. The Centenary of the Metbodista In ckinerlds. sou celebrated here and • throughout Cannes. ♦Violent storm hag prevailed since Sunday, Pennsylvania Sivenon.. • Zlrtantssoso. Oat. it. —The omolel returns of the emirs sutte aro 330 t yet completed. - Some of the return Judges a r myatt the Sinn of 00t0tMIC to mean, th vo te before utak: 4 < C , lV ,w , ~^.---~. . . •- ..r, n. Nonni°, tleeird, Get. t3.—The Vern:lent Legislature elected United States Senators ite folion . a, I fill the vacancy oCcitalottod IV the death CO Senator Collainer: P. Poland to flu the unemoire.l term of benstor Foote; lion. George T. Edmund., for .1.. c yeate (row in the fourth of blarcit neat; and Um, Jeet Morrell. Each one of the candidatea received the entire ',Weer the Senate, and 1n tholl ou se 213 voles, while fifteen votes worn given for too Douoeratlo nominees, who were ilo R .u• I lenry Kayos, 21.1u1t.b, and Lion. T. P.T. "Ilie Quebec Flee. • Qtrzsec, Oct.l3.—The Grand Trunk railroad Osail: free all contriOntion. for the relief of the suiTerers tol. the late tire. Large sup plies of prod Iletbitril coming In from the Palau. trY, and carpet:item and joiners are working .gratulutsly et tho erection of temporary sheds. The amount of contribution. raised la this oily is 11.0,00. • • The weather continua sold. . . CITY AND SUBURBAN CADDITIOyAL LOCAL . ; NLW:3 u:.: TI1.111'.'..11;.) oyLg AND 'TE1i:11E.71;;•;:e.. r irlul for Murder of ( harks G. S..e!n MI •roavrintsow - lr. Few Or our l'eaileri; ar, uoacquitinlea ttiri circuinhtam:es att,^ ding-the tuarth . t , o l David Itoherts, Inl'cmpr•rnucevill 0:1 tha nlght, of May=a, le6a. Nina:lA - Wet alky of opin ion to to tilt motives ul,elt led,al,l the eau,a , setileh notucea the killing of 11:,1 1101,1111, tleceattol, pteettlltal WOW, 1••••41 1,71 }n3lgmtnL 0,04. blltl, the 1,119. rs :Ir, at 4111 to ••:,(1113wid, primary lateetlagt, toelecf de:et:ate: to the Unto:, Ilet,ul,llsan Coustly had been 1..e1,1 con,nlera , •le 1111:11:ty irtaulged In by the participant, In eoatylny ntlll 1*.000:1 ,r 1,1, 1 ,, beer .Intat kept by 11::: ert- , ,a , r, of'. SOhle Coils ei",ltiOn, got let , . a * 1 ,11111,1 fitnta. Ton ',utt.t.r, in the he r,f the 111001e4: turned about, awl, pte!cattr, . u ed. IC7OlVer. hilllol 111,' , 1it• ,1 , , 111 , Ilan •I••• • .111111 head, nboont I:: lanky_ o.::lll',thett na.l 1,, rm . , A:A 1.,1; • •1••,,, , eachtng N,lO 1" , 11 1,, a I,ta ,•, t., • arnl ,•nerg - ,• of Al'..atab 11Intr,,eoltfaa.,1,a, 1•• • lanoght In,. Ju'.y. 1111 1 u 11,7111 1 ,11 1 . : .!.•• CIACIt 111,011 111, E•• (.1 •••• Ilk. :.: • ' 1..:1,1,-•11•1 ME tt ex t ts , et,e xtot ifir rttetht•l :a tt.•• tor lite lezettttore,•',l•t!:•- ,tr oast tettl!;••:, • ;.,t, Slier 11,..1 jury I% I pion etas 1 se tsre:ttli jttr.o. • O'clOCli. pls 0' der. I.',,,rt , ettetee• , l224. 1111 , : thre 071.• 'lll,l • eeleeted Itt.•l se •tt .Tlitlarts Resti, %I',lll, , , , Crter;er, it.ticts, ,, lr, lea , I,,,ltettwt•t. 111,11, 1 lO er, after ,;sl,tell 0,11 • • 11,,1f Tata Ulle. C. 11.0 C a , L L 1 Ll:Pre::s.,e.l:•lin,t or Co -11,4ti 1 , 1.t1 lel t for the pro4o , kLi oll , CUTIVIViIIeeI of 11, : . .. ef11,11:i;o11. 01 he te3ll:l:inly o: Voc •...IVrLL:SZiolloWs . ilsp?.. 2:...155•15. an OI n L-11 , • .. 0a nsinlyr; Itte•Con.L.t :IL. lII,' 131 V ..011n11 VII 1.1113 ..1:101 y ,,,. ,• is Y..' Jal.l 11. 112., InSroti 1 , ,A. , ...,.. - n , o'cltik. at ti tithe, re t:.1., ,n, I':: turn othe. teat. r.A.T c ~ ...,r1 -1!,,y ti „ c•i,tt na "O'' nit . ' t,..",..4,,, Yr et - , t i ., : h wetglted ill the time i, 111 ..... ~ patintla; 1 atoll: I, 11 tow Id- 'eta t, notpie; don't, reatont'. r the natal. wherarx led lam home, a tt..ne:wr ma. , pre•icitt . .1....1/itt.::t., i.a.. rti..-aVs." ratvld note:11010 hp, la (Iv a two minutes nitor I.lr 3. a", on Ilautli, ,1 ILLlns••nt a '.L.0•1 on In. , liras; nn day I0:100 tn.; Inale •,..,,,, I. rtuatattlen; on ~,entin; a o t 1-• '..t: small idstCl.l.,:/: ti o• t. 01 nJ.a l'.111 . 1 , •1 111,1111; IvitM . f , 1 , 111 , i r:. , 11 111. , a meal; Wmont tee- n, ce,arny nit..", a . r t nritr:v the enthe diameter ..: t 1., the post toorteor ex:tiniest lon t,.1 ,I.e a.ty honing the ai...11 1 - 1 et I lie 1!, .• • ....I. L',ors•creonscil ny Mr. n,. a 1 izirr hall eat. , eil a lath , arta nd ...,`, a..ei e ...!,•. ett , i think ILto:hitt:tun t le ...., .. LI, c0ure.,01..0,1",it appealed 1,1 1., A .i 1 , tamed, liut coital net to III" i,e1,111; tt. think nu n as t, out I si o Inr, , e, tt,..s iht ,i, self, hut taste ut, tr. , ...tanp.tr handed the nail la the t...rone-i; 1 t ,,.., , ~ It since, lit 11l lanai:cid:l lit ~z ~....•t e ., , about the a:iv, nut. 11 , 1 , 1, 111, 1110 ~,. I ` lt, there wore hpoat ot !...tiVr 0:0 :t 11, ta fare of the trine i e .1. S:rphen Tim mono. ~,..1:1-1:tp,,,., D.,, pi . tell; In: IS .103 , 1;. It.: ;cu. shot In ~,, : a , .. I , the bowie is tate , . neer- licher ta.• t:.. Church, on Lilt SlaulwrlO sin wk., In 'l'on unearths.; he wto chat on the - .Y.: n of M. , IS an SW Listuolny :tight; it" 34 11. 1`.:1,1i . .. when, o,swasea was 'holt , rit , v nth , feet la Co...rased at, this tatuc. lat .ii I friends to Unto it .11 lab iltth nen an Stein's house, end Motet V•rile.or 1 ,, .1;0,1, vitas a reni , .. Platy; I. knoch,l, sot Mi, op! oval 1,110 60., and lot tioi -,..., lincali, of I:ern:ails iii the :004 n; 1; , WCII.OII, Ground-, Dal' el l:.. -cri.i, ,ttlil Ureic; three e; Mr vern .01 I allo , ~... frielant there; Mr. 6weidal" and is lo WOO: ',Wiling; Mr.. SICIII.c.IIIIe trolo I , the (WWI. , a ILI IL dun and Nre , hit illnition will; it , +.1.• snalslo. Club Irons 10... and the fell ,',.., n; tam not It' HllO , Y1:111, 1.1.0 0 room ~ .".ti ~1 inutora no, :Int 1111 n ;Tarn no , I 1a....,,1n10r ..,...I ..I.,•••I I •11.,Celi,n1 ano- 1,111111'4 0 , 1 1:, C• 1031.11 : • IWO 1(.1,7 , 1V , , , ir.l ll 110,1 .100 , 1. -?•-ili 0 OW 111:u10I,011k -.0 1i,1,1,-, I. 01/` 1:. , 7. C., i 1.•.. ill.,;orns (nil In ll'. :10...i . , a Inn. -low 1;1..1 sccorni limo, Ilitna In. ' , inn az I. olio. , )It . Wein then snovoil Mc ot.l. or Inn • !.. o s, holtril it: I Yoke on. 0 lio• Ws , willl n slit . lOW In ysell and e o n n 1 Itl,llN , rot in; SN 0 ~ ..t. thro“gh the 'neon it coela leocri , linborla wns lylso; .•11 Ille ha ra ~,,,t lane ; ... tile. 1,1110 tlllll , city and pp. e min talne ,ea the Mayiic . sela‘e; 'en +C. , ' Ittrti - tintr i, ,nrp, to i.,,ti 0 the train se yn...1. ='.. Er t l..,' /.,111111, 111'111101 the reenter, . t . 1I .It. lending inn , another I 010,1, 1,••1 i ,,, !,,,,,,,, docensod, the ‘l.lor 11.1,1.101.0 .11/I.C.itetlc ,".., thine, ts wits ~iantl tot: It! I lie ',nit . I , 1.1, , Stein in!, lin; in et,; tutu non Ilnint.., I. I , • 4011 lyn.l l-rlll. net, ile , 11,11,1,...t, 11,,. , s . %lent ,itlt nie; Oat tee le nr P•i.• I•., , p.• t . v. 01,1 , Witt 1 ,V.li 1,1. 1110 1,11;1; 1.: .1. It., 111 t 111,1,/ 1r0:111/..!..011W1.1.:,,111,..1!•1 nr.; 'L.,. pi own s., to WI,: line. Id .11.1 ~,, 11,i wont tar, t”a ,h , , -,,,,,a 11,a, 1.:o at 1 ",110.• . 4 Ili , Mill . Ilia nap c X 1110.1,1; Ito 011.41 Corn it Ill:.. , ii i, ii. .. liter. , rn• ern'l ,,, 1 tL.cre e. t , ..1 their c,i..ii, mat o.'"'''`‘'''''''`l''',. to. '''''''''''''' '-- It ' I It, ci....rl,•itt•illl,. ki 1.. 180...1. 1111.4 morning at """ '' i n!ii.• telirel:, i. , 1, ,, t tie 'l,l , ti,e will ol o Id, Irma In SLOW'S. .Mr, l'alntor and t5.2. - smil( hall I .. ; ., ii. ..., Icon 10 lIIC delegate cantina leilorti dal 1c; : ~,..., ~,,,, ~. Pathan awl my itch weut to Pitt"aoren att, ~,,,,..., the eleutioe; to Ph 111. and rerg , lnnt. on Ow I ~ .. hearth, Mg In Tempera. ccrllle, whcit I Il•kl` , 1 , ~,,. i, Ahern It; lake ddrilla; Inn' now,,. Lurie in , ,•,.,,... SLOW , bail, c; had spoken I. 111.. .Inlen-r. ; • _•_ _ lint was not Inilollo.o v.llOlllO, ; n.;, : et. 1.,, Slicer..., , 00111111• r• . li n ra i n t sT , l% .' l l,l il 0 a 't..."t,rl:.‘t'it"•'vlf• re ' '' l.klllllitt, ; .1,1 I;',l k I l• ~.. '' r''''''."l ,i,.'11,17.15...,i,.V. t 0,70 and sea ll.W.ort's Iave:WIWI; 3irs. Slant c ..no f t ,nn ,k1 . 1:1,1 Ki V,li, ht.°, Illy Leen,Lnl , 10.010.1 11. enamor tOllli n Cllll',ll , o.lotinOinnl , ~ , ,1 .1 ,.. ;L A ., n., , ,,,,.. i.; tl i ... , 0 11 1 , 11 ,,, of „wit,. was ilttlng en a elralr nt I.llciiil et the rounter. i ~, ~, hl, ~ ...,i,„„,,, of c„.,,nt. ~h,,,,,n:w tilt ipo,rrualoo of the meet sIWIL , I lin , W1tnn...,.1 I ' 'I II I n twin: its not sny note twiny sere lit the :item to. iaternien In tar military ivot la 1 4 u 'ertn i .d. the time the affair took. ohte , e, pet Imp" a hoc- It . h 0,,, ~,,,,,,,,,...,,.,4,0,1 ..„,,.e.,. 11‘,.i.,,., mt. Itonects m 11910.11110 w till Illy e11...1 , .0 ,, .. , 1110 Colllll.l , Admit Miro Ciao 14,111. I: Mr, V, e t. er .eraty etintpar , Lively unl.,ton it ana ObBCUre. Inn wlt 11 in... Link. itolwrl ll did 1111 l l i•iir ii 1- xiiii• it. ' t-..t, 'rho, to ..t...tti .1 htinciitin lit 0. )451 She rii.Seil elate laddinl 1110. SIW .1..1 not „„. ,••liy ~,. 1,., ... , ,.. ,.., ~,,,,,, ,, t ~.0,1 ~.1,,,,0., 5,...,,, speak 0 Word; *Wither did Wolfou. Tin-, s ~11 " a Solinlle to or 11l OW toranr, :OW 0r.0.1c..•,..10 In 110, Innen In ' , al 1' , 0 , 14 A l llWlllli'- 1 . Watt. E not wenn .wilic Gertonl• 1.1.i'. Wiwi s. IL Ilion. M.L•ts , irtt,nilr, alel other'', tire 11•171 t, Wl.lloll in. lesla of the Id irk Air , c,tcu. had n ,=taleriai eie, ern v to tame ay titter san te hur Inuel rtiter,loi lota been ,arnel. - ; tont at • , re eonteinci :MIS 19 010 ecLan , tulesOf ha tempted to sk (WIWI It :WI tel lint harni.• It 1ti. , ..; man In ,n, and i I,‘", rhea Or nioll of the cant ra the struggle wit'. *genie imelle tell to the Steer. ; 1:L1...W-101d te: tl...11,1t0:1101..1 1 . 11.. ItILL , IsoL•It eould not tell Whether•itomit e• hail a ingLir in ,r, n,,,, it tot 1,..,,,. Gr, „. ~ i.,,,,,,,., 1:1 tin mouth or not; 111 , 1 11111 0011 ihtlY. I as ..1. , - ' 1, , ' , on, .1.-I'•i , • ton .1: L WI Catai ; MinlntAl belbal 11111 Cl/1.0111•1'; dint•l 1 elnlLor I i,,,.0. ; ~,, ~,,a 1:1.1 , p , it : iy, el' t itin A delid,, Saying Inhere the Coronet '“ lat e :eat I:" , eht ~ nor , . wit You ,t. Irnir itt•l unknown, nee. wee not In the rootn at the ttUte I 11 r.ti entered I net, ha, set thiaii to a place atta..,g lb.. ill m i g h t 1,,,,, b gid go; Nrl,9 Intollen , et at the t tocichaffis or e ice" c ease,ft be i7ot Id. li t navel wa. L 11111111130.1 nt, lb, In , it; nas not. l.tatr own e . , th , • prineip al and drunk on the night. 01 the taunter. I ant, In 1 eriterea ghoul a. We might sweets a score, the house about ten tolnutia at the tune Ihe,, el enor4f. , of merchant?, MeChattes, ebonies} toOk 0.., Roberta dui dein i toot moon, .rhot knololl, pOpUlpy 111111 l the stone position ail 1 hero sioiCii. iii ii It - I tool tit it-0t.•1, , ,it5, it:. ilitit:towii, enterprise out attesting it word shot the time 1 entertni 1, awl 0 . , tt.L.1001 , 1n•1ina/ Press of the roses until the . shot wits 111,..3. Fa (gnu , . , Inc oILN , 1,, Li (Lien II•oal 111 , IS 1•00.111 begin. Ipe 1.1 th, 1 1 0 5 .1.. to the blue Painter NMI Fritz ware In Went atse (throat all i ningA 11/ iil the time. David lido' WIIA 1101111 the Llal, Al tot' Lrisl, ALIO V ILL'Y ...WOO 011'.1.11g, 1110 0,11 J.. Itl 1110.t1111111tOber14,1,1.,141(11.i 1111C/111Se Or oral it.nl, 11,, ertr,lll,ol, ,11 1.1,11.111 y. WI. 1.115. It'e ,11111t1 W 14 1 .1111. /1011 a roller to tl'oed's tolling mill, ; t edee a ,4,,, ~,,,,,i , ,,,,,,f tills k „ti 0a ,,,,,,. , t h,., ~,,,,, or ;in; Innidur; 'a to. wnill,o4 ;I, 0 nni, na5...1y.0. 110,,,, 1111, there whetilrit time. Welton was atiintr ten! , - : Illni I.lng ta Ingle estonott, itolitm.on, tan log hn Mr" , Stein snatch bite with the ihnel, i 11,1nr Slwn t dor; No, 6 fi.‘t f t.i s t sei• n i t lie , 5 .,,. not , flut , e a i t , the ,fdlie gning OEI Ini Inti soared 10 ' hiithei.t le tinaele of hi" Wu- VI i P 01111p3110 COriler or the room. . t billtir.til it of flttitk , Ow bower in ts (wail sbna Whitant Ireton, sivorta-tt es In Stein's bar- t nett..e a nlOlll4 iruire . ll (..1 . /111 , 1 wide " 6 e" rtes") roomer the thee of the tuurtler of Roberts try 1 p.marn for h,r„...,,. i; ‘ ,,..,t,...t, c,,.. 0 .1,..it , the fetter with Itehertc, they anti (Wren], I at his L eo ," n „,t . t „.,,,, winlwisscstlniony Or Ili , ' They had several drinks - It no t , I else Into i fleshly ol 'l,l, •,.. ,, t. , 01,,.! In.• very 1 e asortattl the room I 62,,1S Stein knock taut gar out of Koh. i In," tii , i tort, i, ~taireta-retcsot 0 " l ' i T'''l arts' Meath. .bo cigar foil oo lb , ' 11 .41 r, and ~ ala lio,a; li.' Ila. f•L'ai.l,‘,l,l!ittlib "1.044, r 1 , 1 . 1 Robert" wanted .1:eill to pick It up, They 'aril the Intei,t ~ d ~,,,.Itsi.liteteth "."1.:',1;;;',„,`,„",.„;i ~,,,,t about, 11 her some • I true, and Ithally 1 1 alto,. ant waiter, wittelt have i ,. ""i t e, , , ,,,,,,.. picked IL up In order to •voiti a roe.. Stein In the klit•tet it Winn , 1,44 L ii 1;! . . i ,,,,l i nis kept. Walking backward , and forward Itelttnil youth", 1111.,C3 11114 eltiltlrc%lt ~_ 11 .. t o ,. in the bar, Muttering something In '.German our thought. ii.oiiii• ~e.,ooCeo,C,"'roe%e'ir to lionini 'walla 1 manna not understang. t it up your owe c.v . ..." . - 7 -' ,Uriraven 101511 gll.' tO all centre of the bar, viten it Gerinao t stat i c Itaanar and stlpp* d l t • rro • - ..,,,, in " wi n . shaved mo away-.I told Mat to keep glow, t eiL3, 51i1..( 0,,1, t''''' ' '' Llllo: . lnlatlnsa.. L lO L n thiSt Ultra was' roe= "eiahlge ror troth of 11.1. I pros, Collllotlo4o 1111 , 1 it - • TheGierman atolmed back, idol / been him /2 11..1 your feet. . ____._..__...--- [eked An gt , li.unae w i lb Oroundi• larr i i 5, ‘ I • ' I --- if of h -no r‘ tot. , r,raro reeria. came lino tbe'tharsrooto at till/A.llns a St ir n IILIYI , L I t.. , ; si ..', L . wi i n .0 4,.,,t,, club and attempted to. strike Ina. , /LOLL. ca 2..1..t'1jY,%,..,•7,...5.',:w.S leans ilia Ide'soir - kl.. bold of is and wok it, from her. She the. icf 1 rano" .0 --- -".' oil Cat • perished 'in the ' rel ' the _roorni , embl , WI, tell .5 hothia, she went G stilidosh. 0. , i i • down Into th e Geller or mat lot° wqother room. i edit destruetilescuu_Shoitodti__.thera. /its re.. WWI/ash* went ant Iptolcc stooped Linda the - Warm waktrrlT 1.C.... ...I _ ~ rs'','"-., e•ol r.t I I;e•eoty.ter, end a revolver and -h,.€ 110 was 1e.U..111/4 with 11 Is elbows n the .•• ranter, so.-, fte , ertt fell We t1E), , .. 1 ..toiluell counter. Stein, Oto llobert-, er.tel:cd several l'l•eo tired ft seeteout to,.tot. Roberts was do.• no, notht,g when he was shot. lie Was the t 1 003r,04t tu4ol to `-ooeitt. c.on,horxto4ti 404/—Ain a llllddlerl true ,vork -100 1,,12 the 'tine this at- ToirCrab", Ciroutots a•••i alto iolll 10,1 in tl.ott tut It) .11111) , t , of !red 111 9 t ttlioor la the 111 tinintz roust!,/ iii, e!o;le. lloherts 10r lice :,bout elgltt.. U . CIOCIC I 1109.: OKI II.:• 01. the I Ime;4. wan ltee r I hue:, hetore that 1;111; T. Fee Gr.tilll.l. , =tt Ike the tiermau • 'lweelit they were In n;..1.11 - ... Stele, when f•uql• lisle the rents, ale ,lit cetiv to rn. ; cl' but when • w en! 10 ,t 1.11•• I hold of the stick I 11 to ,S 1 1.,; 3 3 alugram 01 looolatedi !: tor I,ol.utetlont 1 I:4.000011'e I. ;LI the 'Hue tILL 011001 , • ceurrool.) Ito 1140 itne , the tuttue (If t he 0:04 e oh w:• , :.way; 11.110 it 11.t' rown and 1101,erts I.••• the hitter • f•..: a: , U111111,12.9;COLIM !tr. lII.' 0110111 112 I hI.I 1 . 1, ItubertS ..1- .t.i•l 0 10 whip re.itto ,141, - 4,140:4 up with er 4 net, stto roo:1 lout toI• loot4t , ooous any lorl.llr noise. f.O 11',01 '1,01; croutd tout tell o. 10.4 hod° oor• et iotot I o• 100 lio er net; 4,11 e toti tLot woo,l.•1 doour. Let unt ree auto 11 , 4 —et -11- nono'II; did Lot 011010 !,•1: 114.: Ile slut ..t r I .7. loet , Arroot - r $0:,414,3 torkirto l'oe- o tt.oo' Fitetoot tol.4l4t t ed 134.0, •. • . . I 3,1 10”., Cloth 1 , 131 U 1.. • o, • ,unliu 110 .... uf,r 1' itltt, Alot. • • .;:. • ha I 1... Us t 3014. it, •0101 0.; ~.o .T 1 U.,•••luur.-."UuLI =II C rll I ••• . ....• •.• s . . :.• • I • •• , ... 1)1.1 =I BEE , J 5 ' t 1 ' it, I mt ..• • •,!k. Ie • Ira tePt Mr-. S!1••!o crust l•, ,tick; .111 +.• • • .11.• ..! cr. ~,, ft: t• 51!.-. IO 1‘k.17 ti :rel D /.! :AV at !III!' el, tkok ttl.i out ta.lum; i•! t , • .•to•n ttk •!! ...I 15.0 V.t•,. =II ~..~ .. ~..' t.'.l~j WE •uc.i. f ,•1 1 • "".' ,•11 , WIIII it 014‘ , / , ; tr .1 ;1';;"„1'1'r,...1,,,. t 01:r,t1 .11 0 lt"" 1 .1“: • • " -• • 1 , z , „ • 1 1„-.1 ", 1 ,, , llitl I 1', , • ,•, • , „. ta ' l ` "'"'' tio ,ot M,,,tnyllert.o ll it; '1" " d'ol no, IltiO , v 1,, lit, " I 1,01 ..1.1 r. r . r ., • r ..11, c ~.,00„11 NSI :1 , 11 lit,. ,1 MEI • I ,-1 :on I -1,-I,A 1.,1•11•1..., • • Nt!, •••••••• :" • !: It, Ii••• ••1,1.,e•-.L , t••• l . : ,!••. !•:in Yott . t t• ..• • ~., • 1... r. W,14 I I • •' • :•-01, Itl I • •It-ti,N.,. '•. . . • , - • 0 ;:. 1%, •.v ssit , • I t t'ulet twin:vat 1112.• ,"" I •.•;1; 11 , . • ••• ”.• v 111, 1 .1410 v v is wit 11 •j• .•• ,1:• - • .t:14:. vt•il I •1•• i I;tt,lllkat 4,1 ; .1 .10tp , 010 . 0 It 1,1 ,tgain.+l. tit.l ! • - I, /lA.! i1,.1.11111, ./ the •i ,ij411,1,1 . 1 1 t , bad nrrt,t,l, ,t• 1.1 wr, tutgll t-!1,111.'a attott •,IIU ILe. Irtntt,t lull MCI PRICE THREE CENTS. • Deoperate Affray—Two Men Shot on Fifth Street—One of Them Fatally In. pared—The Would-be Murderer latent, 1211112 Laat night, between eleven and twelve o'clock, at the entrance of the Pittsburgh The atro on Fifth near Wood, wl/3 enacted a terrlbl,e utfra, In which two mon were Ohot, ore of whom will hardly survive Ida intoned., We arrived at the acene of the shooting wl thin u few minutes after the occlvrence, - and ob. talncd the following partlenlrra: It appears that two colored men, named icapectively Thomas tuatl. Noah Smith, had been at the The atre during the evening, and that the latter was accompanied by hla.wlre and two young !create relative+. Daring the iilay Thomas - - -Mirth engaged One 0f1.116 - girls lit conyinsa i i o n, and asked her why she was will Need. Tile lot ter us el hearing the conversation, tutu hint to attend to his own business, and 11 there was any flab tinb , to lie done, to .10 it outside. Tanana: then quitted the Theatre, remarking to one of the Mrls as he paseml out, that he tihtt fellow, referring tO NOah. tf tell Ole Theatre let Out, Thou., Smith tins .1 looting on the step?, land he nilrgry Chia when No ill came along. he struck him on ti n : bead with LU fist. Ile turned aliolt, and was again itrtmls, ,alien he nailed a Sharp's revel- , Ver and tired at Noah,- missing him, and narrowly escaping one Of too girls. The hall struck Mr. Llenry who Was pveining out 01 th e Theatre at the ruoment,and pn.sco obliquely through the upper left cor ner of his stomach. Mr. lledrlck fell instunt• v, ad n Woe earl ed to a rapidly Slrilillig eon. .1 1 I.lo.Willinrost Tavern, ',nolo log the. Theatre. 'he infuriated riegt - ;,...itgalti brand in Id the in terims weapon, and, NOall. (Dial, the ball striking tins man on the right arm tin inediately :ilmve the w :Ist- Ile and the ball this I min bit ed .the deal}' part. of Noah's lett thigh. The ne a•vo a ta...itt then tweed and 110.1 t Fifth wt foi towed by a liamber of ge n letnen as 110 :lad bran powerless site , tat ol.i ill the airair. lis.l ty 00th ".t.re,..t a eltlzen shot al the I: , tong twat but missed Ills •stin. • Mr. Lniur y La tiara Clone cir,e upon cud :It at the corner et lintel and Liberty streets.iind hurled 1 huge boulder at 'till head. whleh, striking, le ll mentarily steam:ll blot. Innueillately re anon Mg b lamelf, the homed negro stood at bo3'J and phintlitg revi.li . e" , at till pursuer, woo us then 010. m upon him, endeavored to ”boot. No. La Gard sd I net: him over the bead, aiei. •eising lain, held him 311.1 till Miststance arriVV•l, mid the prisoner was eollVeVed to the DI the meantime the IlegrO Nonh who 1111, 1 . 1101.., hail been conveyed to the tombs 1,1 Dr. George 1.. aleCeok vi,Ls summoned to, attend him, and Mr:lied:lea .19 altendedbY Or. T. J. Gallaher. .The wounds of the former though of an extreme s' painful nature wil l neeessarrly prom fatal. Tile lull extent of Mr. Iledriek i s woondicoul.l net be properly 1.-vertu:lied. Or. Gallaher had faint lintel el Ids ecovery. The I..Jaretl Ulan .as conveyed to lot re‘tdenee at Itatalogi.tatn, ailer hui t.,; received trm proper medical illten•lallee. Ile 15 aVery v. _e.t.a:Or. anti Is tegaetni VS, la plael, WWI Ole Orelielt 01 the 'lineal. , Ile has a wife end family.. Whet, the 10 isoller _twenty:la • till° the `oink 11e. e•se..l Over to Where Noah Wll5 Te e:l.llg, o n t o , singular to ',ay, toe .oundett eht Ilia 11111111 Itlet Said: . 1 1 for give yell, toe roll did a:o.mm. to shoot 1110." NO.Lit intoned to swear to an intormation .11:awn up by Mayor 31cl:rattly, charging Themss :Smith with a_ssault mai battery with intent to klll. Ile sand that before God 11e be laived that suaith did not mean to not him. I%m Injured to sald that be had not struck: other a, Mame bit that he saw 5013,10 other boa,. l iket him reliontedlY. Noah aloe denied ,that ie had any other 1111111 Me:Leant words of th the stMoting negro in the Theatre. although the girls were equally as positive that the two men had verbally quarreled there. ThW. e prisoner, who is SD - naI:VICIOUS 1001thlg ft black 1111 the ace eel:nowt.. nllgca the shooting,„ said Noah had struck . hint and that he got wild and shot ind iscrlm 1- cutely. Upon being asked why he loot the aniere.. wet/1.011 In his pocket, be coolly re plied that "the times were Felell al every lehlV carried a ulslol.” Lie lives at. lie. Gratis. tiM Penn street, who:n• he it employed ,an driver, Noah Smith drives la horse and wag -11.1 111-, 0.11 lieetntlit. The men arc ea:up:ar t tve rat rang,s to each other and not relataVes a.• I heir letthei Might impl y: lie. ilerPirlei: siinsertliol to art lofortnation ••hargilitr the priqoner est:ollunit battery with intent to kill. • a vr.,..,reatent great excitement on Fifth ••: teat. ion; indignation raganlit the negro mut d ever Iva , 11113Versal. lilt .hands for Ilia Will 101 exceedingly amid if lit. 11•114 r ateri DOM 1115 r.s:l.; in :ein'6 ee; cret, take 14 et lz-be:tl 1.:0• 1 eel or u IMII , ;:.•• MI 014 , We [MI :••!. liW 101.1 UICII •A't I..bt•tt,o • i7t est, 1 - ...!. het, I •cat..s dell sl• .111.i -41,1t.: 11.:;. 1 , 11, , 11 aL: St.,/ Ili: n 1,1; 1,..15051i11.1 not iinstil 1 1 . e•,1111(11,1 ; •,•-• 01 . ; , Vtrt •1' •': :hat t., ;,;1U :II .•:01.• 111, COI ....... •, ••;til , ll ut.SteLn, ini Criminal Court ItISIYIIIO. I . 1 la thr Crinilual Cain tt this morning Adam ;I:te,r, of tlzo Fourths wit rtl, .1.1144; lieu y, WIIE. I 11.-a umi found., guilty on 011 111di01 mr at for 4elllog 11.1oor W l l.•out SerstLnee de- f,rree. • . , .. itnthard nada', al6o of tl.le.Fnurth word, ltd. lodlo.ny, AF:LS etIIIVICreII Ut lb. : intitar otretn,o. ,ent epee deterreL .I,laut Unblesl,s tried on a ebargo of surety preferred 1,1110 wtfe. Catherine liable. He wto ordered to par I no eo.ts, to Pinener I,llit in ale ,utn , of WO to - 7k eep the for one 1 YL J "L o r im A l t. Itobtt zer. Tenth a ark], three charzes ot ilyetra uor .:11111a, !ted on the dr , t and Fla: moll of OL111,1" L 4,0 . 011Argefl. • Neon- nolo ,or. of 111, Eig.lll.ll want, .Ix charge, Ilne.l V.\ $.19 tkod VD, reot,efttively on .7 ":re, ch3rgeS, ...td QIW edeh Oa the other Gk.:1021 , I:orge, of the Fourth ward, Allestie -4.:9. - tl. atlCdut, rauie ward, fined 00. • It4obbery h , Co s iossellawllle. On Saturday morning • fast, between Ult." hours of t wooed three o'clock, the store Of ?de-s-e. Shale Kurtz, in Connellsvills, Fay ette Lotinty, Irrt entered, by burclaroby „ lute leg open the front door witisa crowbar.. VrCi- Ceti:line to Intro.te hack plirt of the storesro:nn the rebbe re open the safe, Mid Mbnriteteil Met:eft:en thirty-tine hundred &diets ill mon ey Iwloottlng to Mesftris s Shaw , & Kurtz, and whir!. thee ',mil just collected for the purpose of unind East on Monday to purchase goods. sinail hitt, compartment of the sore was carried be the burglar. a short distance up - the iothrhiligneity river sand blown open • lit t et,Oei in Government bend,: ant $1. 1 ‘ , 0 In ',roods:o:try notes belonging to Wm. Vance, whieli he hail deposited with the firm fur n:sfe. keep the buralitri. also ter the ti r d al outoent ot their booty SS,Se. Up to the prerient no trove uf the berglars h. 5 .et: obtained, but it to en 1 hey will ere loim be her tired and brettcht to Just ice. --- Au Unfitlthfail 1 othavlo. • A . pretty and faterestlng maiden, named Grace klartlry, appeared 'before Alderman Taylor yesterday and_ made oath charging a ,ming man named Charles Manners with ban . ing guinea her love and contbience nailer the prom fee that he would enter with her into the . A LEX. AIKEN, hymenial ereAe. This promise he ,aid he went,' lath ful I y adhere to; ant ti last -Sunday, ri. l.,11,•1‘ he nateelingly told tea girl that let 11,1 1:7.MT1:J3E111,1".421....13r81NP., t,...1.1 to cum rnet an aillatee that would he ! surrounded ~ ..1:11 certain peeea Ler: eaVAII- i Ho. la Fourth ~,,,,e , „ ~.m.bosrgb. Pa. ~0,„n 5 „ t ~.., tagee not to he gamed 1.5 - wedding Grace. A. rinds, CILAICi.I.3,IILUVItZ..4 e'en-440=0110D u iticAnt has been issued for the arrest of the lof Funeral Vurmaelne tioects furatuna. manna del:lulling "lovier." upend a y adnlght, tieAre.dCarriaraatereasnen - ItavaniNcta—ltev. David Kerr Mahe BaT. , 11 le —lacunas, MD., Thomas Lwlng. gag.. Jroah a 111111er. fl.n. Suprgme Court. Courtin:A at nme o'clock yesterday morning, 1 . It tell hen ell helm; plosent. School Directors et 311 thin rs. learn; D. C. . Argument rrimulett. Deane anti Taylor -tor tienuntant in error, and Woods contra. Olinger vs. ilextupee; D. C. Argmrd by Ache 4