Dirk GOODS.TRIMMINGS.Eze E,W GOODS AT Nos. IS and SO Idarket'St., 41: Wholesale and Retail. LADIES. 'PLEAIir. "TAIIII NOTICE. that we have the riche,t and most handsome stock of littO OS 011 r line in the city. which cannot tali to be appreciated. We mention a yew specials only. /111) (:LOVED—loli Iliac Ale santlre•n and Courrol- • spur's. • ' II A-N I, is Elir LIIEFH—PIaIn. Rem-stitchedand Em broldcrul—very hantl•mne. 1 . 1./INT, VALENCIA . /Lrol TillfEAD LACE COL LA:. • CLUNEY%AIf!) . 31A/ TENE LACE .COLLAILJ— ery rich, , • . LAEE,--Lo r, vure, r. one, N aleneet. 'forrAlanl M. 0.,/ -rv.w owl 11 elr.loo. LlAhll AND Ill: r 1 ItltoNS—Flnthro..ortnli.nt. hll.o ANL/ CAOLLNERESCAILFS, Tahrk, etc.—New 1.. r - 41/, .. • r BUT Ito NN-.lu Crovhet llogle, •Ilead. Velvet and ..'• Foney, for Clo-t . s..ki rq/...s ond:Dresses. LAME,' OLLINOIII ILk:I/ OMUTA and .Em hrohlvtleo of, cory. . eseriptlon, of new vlckignv. 110,1EILY A SU .61..1r E.5-Comillete to/kortmeut, ...perlally n cry rich Octitch Plaid end Fxney 11/aria/lyre 11/we for LL/1,.. 311 0/ , ‘ nod Chit- . (Irc4. LA DIEN' I'INI/I:ol: AI:HANTS. I:ANTIS in UItNISIIINti (4 , 01/li. etc.; etc. • 4•• MER(.II,INTS FROM CITY A NI) COUNTRY are I nvlted to ezatolnv one •tha. .111 be !Inat erg •ttra,llve. comp:ele, not At prices es for low I •vrebl. for Co Cot Co underlohl by any In the trade. MACRIIIii, CLYDE & CO, Are EATON'S, I= Ladies' - and - Misses," BALMORAL HOSE, Fleeced Cot:ton. Hose, [mall sizes and Qualities, At Wholesale and Retail, .41.*X• V. TL • • 17 Fifth Street. • • • 009 , NEW FALL .1400DS• • MA.CRUDI & CARLTpLE, H 9 Filth Street, nave bast opened an extenSlruntul splendid stook of • DRESS ANIL CLOAK • NI r A mistmiso SIN SONS, ES111111•1.1.ERI ES of vvnr) desnrlpllon, 111111 xlll LI.FALA NT LACE W lUDS, ill: N 1. I.ACLS 01211 iIY AI. LAI •ETILMAIEI) 1,011115 I ItrrATIoN LAC t.`4—a Eplnnthil f Inn, NM ISOOI, SWISS JAC—NY:I' NII 1.1 F. , . 1.5 A SWISS, IBISIII.IN ENL •v ES- a, •v. and :Lunn:nye /stir las; If i sIEJCV— narlipl• te A•aurttnenl: • L CIIILL)RERS' MERINO VESTS and . FANCY ZEPHYR ARTICLES—Splendid Mlle? tlita It EILLI NI) N NI)•AILERICAN ZECIIT ES, /OR:IRA TIIE.LIENUIN CAsLINIEILE YAILNS—aII colors MLA I)LEY•s FANCY ARTLCLESI ANL , NOTILLiS. . Stereo:unman:l 'Scalers will Dud it to their advan titre to rail anti exarnthr 'our 'Present extensive stock het°, porctiasing elsewhere. All our guo.ls being purchtvoni direst on Ell", nest terms: we are prepur. d sell! make as low prices as any East ern Jobbing II nuke. T , TACRIESI & CARLISLE, u•ln to VlVill NI Fn . GODDS JUST RECEIVED 33 - 2 - • jiOS.I3ORINE 4 CO. Fall assortment et B ...r..rET TS, AI the leading Fall Styles. • • .13.3-1.11.133.c.1.-3;% GockCifill, 'rape AM! Framer.; P•rli Fancy and C010n,...) Stlk Veircts meet de.lralee shades: I . laln Fano - Bou vet and 'I rlunnlne new eel rich coler,; Flower, el.eleeat Vinnen and Amerl.n; Feathers. Ia er hat and thlrg, Xt. O M MO lin R XMJEJ • (Well A.,iortv.l.) lonne.110111Y • Ir.ol^lo - F.d.;;4:6 and 10 , 0 , 0 ing.: •VI :t CI: Ban , ls /kn.: t:p0111Ing. 1,13040,1.1yre , 1 Itto.l. Plain 1.1:04,1 tar.. f.,-rs and La,. ti 0,14 10, andTrlraluln.r.lo,olrnymente; 1:411 Fringe, 1,010;.s null M.le 11,110.; • V 1 UE GOODS: • A nl.l. edra . plete &tuck Jazonets, Uatubrles, ace.; ll.:ndker,l,l.-fe., 11.0 n. Lace. , llem-stltebed. Item- End.roi.le•ed. Tate.II , MIVrCII. etc., etc. lloblery 41,1311:1..vee in every variety and all sires. Ladles . and Uencla Underwear.. (100th: • soepen.lers and Neck-Ties: Heavy Shirts sad Stonier. llon-Ton and IXI. troop Skirl.: C.•rsetn, Bair ruffs. ,Nota, Union and Silk llattron,--the neve:Mos, all Stands. Yarn:- tiro...a Ca tell., Cashmere; Lan.bat:Wool aro: Kit • gin the %adults tnixturs,, plaits Bolort. a.12.1111....Nr.(7 • VI) t'a 1 . 611...7. Rt!. . erect thing in the Ne t hot Sine. rriche ts low as S.:extern Jabbing Houses; • , ";as. 17 and 19 Market Street ia• FALL GOODN, I2IJNN.I:'O O "N" S, .vo. 2i FIPTII F-111110:11/ERIES In nen Ind eICVIOI patt.n.: FIN , : V' and PLAIN 10 011 , 11 Y, 10 10031qualltIcs; EMENOIDERED IIA_NDKERCHIEPS/ • HEM-STITCHEI/ do 1511TATION and REAL LACE do V A LENCt-N ES LACE, REAL THREAD LACE ISHI'ATION do. do IMITATION do do GUIPURE. LACE. do OUICCRE do • LADIES' DRE.'SS CAPS Ina varli.vy or iltided; NCB' STYLE LAIkIEP NEAR DRESSES: WRITE rItIRTS, IN ECK-TIES, PAYER& LIN EN COLLAR,: ZEPHYR. wousTrm., SLIPPER PATTERNS. SHETLAND WBOL; HATS, TURBANS, RIBBONS, -FLOWERS.' And a foil Ilrie of NOTIONS, &e. Al our 000 , 10 are aohl at- X..eamorist Clcziol3. 3prioems. eianTYS CALM, ItIct,AINLDESS Is CO., (I..LTIC WILSON, C. 1.811 k C 0..) WIIOLESAIX DEALEILS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ' MiTrz. 9-3 "C77.c:/cts4. . lahlrd house iboTe 11lamou , 1 Alley,) C - f.el3 . P/TNIMILV:II. I'A. PIANOS, ORPr_ ANS, &c.. THE 1114 uqlnv.. NEW VORK,... Sehoniacker Co.,&Philadaphia 3P1.41.Dt2 - C). The Estey & Co: Cottage Organ, MEI AMERICAN ORGAN, Acknowledged by the best ncnsleal talent In toe United Mates to be superior to All others In power, purity /wslunality ot-tonc. and ;hotline, workman • These instruments have for years taken the first premium over all competitors, at the various Stale and 1:0111 Pairs. In prices they are lower TAMIL 'any others All warranted fur nee yeas a. WAMELINK do BAUR, JIV No. 12 bt. Clettr etrret. l'ltteborgb, Ps. ItEIROVALL. 16 0. Snetthfidd- Street. 160. • • JOAN ZWEIDINGErEL, Vonneriy of add rirru STREET. bee reotoyoe. to •No.-160 Siolthlield Street, TWO .100111 above Math akreet, where be bar an ix 4:abetk idoca of Pianos, itlelodeons, Organs, 1.1 'all kiwis M 1. INSTIWKENTO and fr.sintral instrumeata repaired with 0CAL1,39 and disc ate • 111 6 :n 4 EINARE & CO.'S GREAT • UNRIVALLED PIANO FORTES; ('MINCE CO.•S world-renowned AUTOMATIC ORGANS A.ND 11E1.01/KOMS. Over orty Thou sand Hour In use.• Splendid new stuck Jun reed by nets Kid YETI,: Br.tlll o Fifth nireet.. PAINTERS :,3 - 66•Erlar 1.1111. NE AND 131(1N, PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No, 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh, 3•laln end Uroamentel Sign. o[ every descriptiot done to order. Ali Work dune promptly able W rates. .1e8:c87 rr LLUI lI,.II3ItOU'N, (LAW Of the firm of llnourx & MOKUOW.) AML* SIGN PAINTER, ,k corner of 4111r0 W a Market streets. 50 - CANS CELEBIRATED CHAR TES OAY LEA.II reoadvad and far ule (11C0B0.1$ CO.. ro teigae.Drostrir weed idesus. CITY AND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS ON FIIIST PAGE.) , The Market Street Sower. • From Dr. T. J. Gallaher's able address on l i Sewer., eve extract the following: In thls connection I aish to make a remark to reference to-the se 6Por proposes! to be con.. strutted on Market ett, eetxif this city . . An or dinance has pm:scat h Councils authorizing the construction ofThis to.extend from the o ld ,eron Lluertv, along Market street to the Diamond. The' first street Opening or drop Is bogie placed on Market Street, nearthe co-tern (gee of the, market buildings. Into tlin,eirer it is contemplated opening Water closets from some ot the mercantile house. On Market street. When we tech lcal the nar rowness of the street, and the -high houses by Which it lined, it Is not diMenit to see that. good ventilation In this part be olitain ed. The impure sewer • gases :which would come tinthis drop; could not. be carried tawny by the enrre.nts Of air, but Instead would pass around our Diamond. 1111 our market house, and in fuel. pollute the entire air of our Dia- Mond space., When U.S further recollect that our ;real, meats and suceolent fruits and vege tables aro exposed here for sale and that our bee to old and young, the delicate as well no the strong, congregate here in thousands al most daily to obtain their supplies of food, It can clearly 1,6 perceived that we run a-risk Of purchasing articles of food in a state of In mplent putrefaction always Injurious to health; and that tho se' visiting• there must necessarily inhale an atmosphere iinpregna telLwith the most poisonous ~oaises. The legit imate results of inhaling this • pelluted all. would he an increase of sickness and mortal. lty in the city: One priantbfy would be struck down with' a sudden aliment, without know; ing • whence the bloat came, whilst another 10001,1 he Affected with I.! pined fever or:30111e (brut 51 'bowel affection. The WllOOlll of sick ness and death. in OUT city is enough :breads, God knioX's,,witliqut making this pestiferous addition to the canses which prodnee,theni. We should rattler try to avert cal:unit leSl than court them.. I would also Say cholera can he spread through sewer emanations. A. slight Contamination of the Diamond air with tiliolent ,polson -through the agency of a sewer-would soon cause lanamtaticins and mourning. throughout the city. I Ibis's laid' this subject before the it and of Health. who have) appointed a Committee 01. its members to inquire Into the mattur, and from the well known ability and Zeal of that body, I haven° doubt but, that they will exert their power, as guardians of the public heath, to pi event the accomplishment of an object fraught. Witt- - sued alarming results.' • 4 ,, DV:eh:tram" from I 1 ranco-:-A lloonet of Ben y. - L - From the lin:ober or ity'and festive young. A trien.that were to be seen lingering about the office o t - the ,spanty jail yesterday afternoon One would supposti that sotnething extraord 1- - nary sus on the Lapis. There were earliest . confabs held in little groapsand yearning glances. east at the iron-riveted floor of the prison which was finally thrown open by the courterins deputyJallor Smith ainleiglit young ladies Mine tort li rol,tl in gaudy hanilimenis,. ' . resembling. much as they walked together the portrait Rogers gives of the beauteous bodes of Venice on their way to St. Mares. Quite an exiting _scene took place . on their. arrival m n wit no 1 e walls, the gentlemen helm e all.. ded to riesling forward and vieing w lib eitell other in:the warmth of their weiciunce to those Just liners ted from - the • disagreeable con fines oh prison life. The names of the fair ones arti - Carollne Strickland, a quiet, demure looking',d atusel; ETIIII. Clark, a bright eyed blonde, With a weakness for "celestials:" Kate Smith, a tall dignified creature iii black; Fan nie Ito Witt, i.L. short fat girl„rather pretty; Nellie tat liah, of ponnerons build; Alice Mar shall, iuelined to be pretty; Annie Smith ' very flashy, and last titouga tint least, Enitna Stun ' ley, pretty hot not. beautiful. • - Oh inquiry we learned - the femlnthes men tioned hunt been arrested as witnesses to testi fy against a certain Fatally Splane, who is churged with keepinif a bawdy ' .liouse in Mil tenbereer's alley. The an - tensed ultnough un der lull fur her appearance at' Court, hai left the city, and heave the prosecution had to ito stayed fur the present aud.l he witnesses liber ated.. Lh e clmrgcd. G. Carlin was discharged from the county]sil,Yesterday on an ordei from Judge Sterrett. Carlin had been committed by Jus tice hea,on a charge of Fraud; preferred against him by 'AndreTv Itl - Quincity. It appe.ars the latter was engaged to build a barn for Carl hi,. Which Ite•did, he board mg at Carlin's house while the structure tams in course of .ereetton. When the Cuildlihr 'was finished .11*Quincity St 11l rOtitlnt.M to partake of the hospitality of Ills employer 11111 it he wane invited by the lady of the • hpuse Ito reel other quarters. Before quiti ing the premises where he lent toiled he demanded cum peroat ion for his labor, but was somewhat nstimished on being told that ibis bolrding bill would more than cover his de mand. lie brought sup against for his wages, and hail bins locurcerated;in the county prison until 'yesterday, when the question same up before the court, - and resulted us stated. ilndm yearl.4.7 I•:ilinutul Coyle, the nit man charged with baring outrngeil the person of a little girl at.. Alearier'g llotel, curlier Of Penn street itittl Cecile alley, on li-qui - day night, hada hearing ye,terility before Alderman Strain, which rm Atilled in tile being committed toJail in de fault Of - 0.1o(O, in ax - ait trial - . At the excite.' nation lie toluene,' - having perpetrated the rand net, hot SLlLlell in extenuation far his con -4111,1, that be 1,11, CO 111 null 111tOXICHred its not to be able to fully understand what he woe doing. The name of the little girl is Eiigg boll Buttenbaker, and flint of her father Wlillain I. Ituttenbak.r: 110- formerly reel . ilei in 'Meat nr, Illinel, - rutted States District Court. • - 'mitt opened lit eleNen o'clock - : yebterilay : • ruing, non. Wilson 31cUmeless pn tile. bench:' . . -' • Tile only en.) tried was I hut of the Vlll teil Slate, va. William I'. Alcorn,. impleaded with Andrew W. Cox and J.aulus uritlin. The Jury found n verdict. for the Untied' btates in he et of C 3.593, 2I including Interest. ' Court adjourned until ten u'elook this morn •lng, when the cwie of Toounns King . , id ins Mint well, and W,,, Perkins, the 04k.I.Lud counter feiters, will be taken Plymouth Chureh.—Sunday evening last , at the Academy of Mush:, we had the pleas. , re of listening to a very feeling anti eloquent discoarse from Pm pastor, Rev. Moore. Thu theme was, "Tile harvest Is past, and the sale. mer is ended, and we are not -saved.” •We have not Space to give an extended notice of the revereintgentleman!s remarks. Wo halve seldom, if.ever, been so deeply Impressed by pulpit oratory. The subject war ono of rare appropriateness, and was handled by the gen tleman in Ills usual able and Impressive style, and we thinlilio but reason to feel proud at the result or his tailors in the livid ,ho has chosen. • • Whelesiome for Farusera.—nr. Gal laher says, in concluding an interesting ad dress on Sewers, published in the Chrunicle yesterday, that 'lf the night Soil that Is now lost to vegetation by being thrown into the river could be deodorized and rendered tit for fertilizing purposes, as is done in some parts of Europe, aunt especially in China,. where it Is Collected, treated .with sulphate of /lake and other chemicals, made Into cubes. and sold weekly to the farmer, it would be a great sat lott,to the agricultural wealth of • the State, and an al mtement of a nuisance that Is now so prolific of d ista,e. o No cakea, thank you. • MIIIICIOTIM MlNchteL—Afarguret Whitney' appeared before Alderman Lynch yenterdav and instituted proceedings against Mary Ann liarinan for 11lalid0118 mischief. The sirens , " alleged to leave been committed consisted the defbndant breaking a porcelain flower vaee helongidglo the prosecutrix, in order - to avenge hpilsc,r upon Margaret for a elliqn,Wi wrong done her. The accused gave bail in the sum-of 4:oi fur tier appearance att.Murt. Personal.—Mr. Isaac 11e1111,..0f the Aria of Greenwald Kahn, etterr4rc and well-known denims In cattle, has justteacacd home atter an absence of several months_ in Ills native land—Prussia. • Pennies have become n innisance In com mercial circles, and we hear:of surge amo:mt s being disposed of at. a discount. BM a short time ago nickels• commanded a mondani of ten and ilfteen per cuntutn. , Decrease in Travel.—Thera to aMotlecable falling off of travel upon the roads centering In this city. The presence of the cholera, both east and west, is probably the cause of 'the tic, cress.), - _ 'The markets are well supplied wllkull the seasonable traits and vegetables, but the high MHO of prices imposed upon purchasers re mains unchanged. • --- The Ntreetotwere never lira better sanita ry condition than now, although in Bmm:quar ters there is still much 'room for improve ment. Trio Uarelie.—l'art lei can have the Gar.ctic delivered at their deers In the eities . :l.llll oughs at 11l teen cents per.weelr. • The Cholera appears to have entirely abated, at least no new eases have fallen tin der oar notice. tipecind ennitots..-MrS. Window's Sooth ing Syrup has become KO popular that various parties have nut MIL articles calling them Mrs. NY tallow's. Ples,to take notice that tho Mrs. WitINIOW of tho^,ontliltnt Syron 10 MA connect fat with any other article. . Jyll3l.tw LEA k 4. PERRINO' C33113b5175138"1"303 1 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, vv'7 , ritkiNuENCELI ICY EXTRACT of a I.li - trill from a CONNOISSEURS MEDICAL GENTLEMAN SO PC •ritC . at MA IIIIAS, 1.• ela • 6.05 Ly GOOD mucr .• • r)g." — • -'0; LL ADD Al•Cl.li•ant.iTn • 111S.rt lest heirsA t le 1111Isy e. EVEItY littlEtl r': lntno. the utrot, pa stable as 00' ll •as the Noel vrt.olesonse, HAL CL 3DIEriEL. that Is made " The auccesa /hie most delcions and unrivalled condiment having caused many unprincipled deal. rat P l ' s Y g7lM t° rl t • EMS CourovxDS. the Zattle Vara' refine et ad to see east tun uss% c LEA rattltiliziarn ppuua WE/LITER, LABEL, STOPY'EIt and Eanuractured LEs. & t•IBILIXS, Worcester. .11011 N DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW TURK, • , AOENTS. ocie:l34zur ===l N tr ing IiV a ALL PAPERS now re- MARKILTBTBLIST,. NEAR. FIFTH. 8,110 JO& U. Wail= i 1180. EARLY TELEGRAMS. FOREIGN MAIM; RI • MAIL. The Empress of Mexico. PROCLAMATION Or THE KING or LIANOVIR American Sloops of War fur ,Sale. C1101,1:liA I'ItEALUNi, IN Youw,'22.—The Paris Opinion.. Notio,tale, of the :.Ill,s.i.r.st. t rwo days ago we hatl rk•riVir.l very tiro, of the mental stale of Ain; I:o,ko,rk or • 001I111' Irolll,Whi(iii WO I'oi:rivetl it trust worthy, lie ,ere unwilling to era lit it. At presont silence to lio loilizor perm kg:oth. At first her shut , of intuit wits :On - honed I 51 snnply Herron:. null Illsappoititthent, but hreounto mare unit inure Irrunent leave noltnilit ;{c to tile' 'malady, 1111,1 no hop, orrui e. • • The Count Ile Flainlre has Ite,n SMIII110:11-11 10 home, "'here he Is now witnessing tints hignitrions und dramatis ophwulto or an en terprise Whiell nns nrtwlneetl nothing but Tho Bru,sels Rh, Parliomcnt, et the !Mb sat', New; reeeivt,l here (root I:etne•Lite that the ha, greatly 14111/4 led. Ilir MuJe6l y . bee been enahlett to undertAke the Jaarneyt,?Mtrawar,atechuipanle,l by tfie Count tie rhmare. LOlltloll 41 Of the 11th to the at, rll,l say ; The I. tog. of lionover. In another prochttuatioe • t., 111, lato subjeet,, absolve" thorn from al kgiiinee 1.01111140.1", With the res ervotion ih.it the ootor of hottinge again ho 00trle 01111gat ,, EV (rota 1.110 moment' that King George the or one of ht? legitimate ~.tte Ce,Sors, ShOiil re,t,o me the exerci,o Of goy. ertoni‘ht io„I he lahgdoth. The sLezleAtt Legation in Paris had received and published the adieu ing telegram fieta the Emperor Maximilian : . ' • l' . u.servreene, September 27, 1 , 47.1.-1 - oil 1(111 [dorm our Legal 100 of the excellent spirit, which prevails minim; till classes the mini:dry is iletinitely, cony Tile hest understanding.. eYlk with our all The Atittlico hailroad is I . omph:tett. The raris'correiponflent of the London Pn,U, writing on the ftlt instant:, says: The Ameri can Government, it It. said, Las announced tint till, two sloops 01 war that are now at Kiel, one of which is the monitor Niliuttonotnalt, are for cute. 'A committee, composed of the N, '.al Prussian adnunist ration, is reported to 1110" c gone to Kiel tor the purpo•-e of examiu. ill : , the.' vessels. Though ever.}{ possible prceantiou has lie:en taken to prevetit. the spread of th, eheier,Cin England, the ephleinic Sk2llllls :OM' making, a good headway 1.1 tla, 111.1.11111.1:Illtiltg :111.1 lig ri eultui al dist riots be: troll LlVerroal 311.1 }lan ehester. Ihe true type of Asiatic chOlera ha, appeared in , Newcastle, times Head, No, Shields and Sunderland. The rot urns or the. eliolere at Mar:wino , continuo to extalitt an Ni:rag,' moil:tiny of about Cart,: 11051115 ils [Wu days. The ileraltrx Part, ‹.Ol - ri.,;sontleilL says lilleiti,lll 01 till! repr,,L•nannoti 0,1 the ULIILLsI Slates till, Utter Loll, wtth,ty Lalevaas.sl in pot - 111,a circles. lett tire writeY Intimate- that. ynetal Dix , vlll oe very :I,ceptable in ail' nar• ties as the ..thltert,Lut Minister. What the french .rnilieitls term the F,Liale uavla questlon, an ultilr,Lte HC of Sweden, Denniarl: aed Norway, is loonliug up. The Of ieleOres 11$ 1.1,e1 Men! of the . subject, show .. th4t n is likely to fi.rin It serious point of rlvnlry and ittitagunisin be tween llubsiu and rp.1.1.0 111 Ulu THE SOUTH AY.ERICAIq WAR. A Three Days' Battlc, ALLIED. IRON-CLAD BLOWN UP Brazil Satisfied by the United States. YorK, October 3:.—The /fcroM't !Ho Janeiro corre,ftendence el into i . leptember - • 2511 b announce. daportant MOVeIIII,III, Of trl ' v allied army ill PI adv,w, Into I't I annay. 1 011 the 1,1 Of September the :tilted fleet, moving op the Paella flyer Moo-operate with the iu ItA attack on Fort Cleriffattl, 1111 Mit po-• , C Fort Hamilton, vanee opon tomAed In 'with which the Had became imganed. tromehel 1101 .I.teeird, wine!, it, in sume, wws he a .-ixly-einld ionnel ;hot. The flora drea air In ,ait Inol met:. On the . 2 , 1 the battle nun 00111101 , 1, mot during the' flay the Ifto de Janeiro 1,1, Mown into fragments b torpedo. y a torpo. All tile 'down perkie ed, either hy eg . elosloll Or at. the hand- of the sharmhomers In the Wien,. • On the :fd of ,eptembm t ie . army mof - ed for ward and Made an meecult on the tort, eariy. inglint th,,.int.or the Imvonel. I'll to the hl.!l44latel from the atftly, further advanee hwl been :rho Emperor of Brt“il e10,.t the 0:05100 of the A,mlnaly on September i - ii,. 11l ni. •pevell he informed the int,lllherA that 110' United l-tafe.fft dmerien 11 nls 1101, - .11 the 1110,1. complete ,ati,daetion for Ihe violent capture in the port of of the pl• it laver Florida, be ihe•war +tenon, Waelot-ett. PLIIIABING. GAS FITTENG 1111111ill&nutirm X.X.."OI3LESELIZLIFII.., GAS AND STEAM 'FITTERS, Con Si%th and Smithfield Sis., - PITTSE (11:CiH, Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, 3fAJCIfE , STCI All Linda of Wnter, (.1:1s - and 1%111 fitalltly 011 hand. . pLumuLNG, US BD STEDITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, • SIIEE7' LEAD, WL•:.E7' ZINC, LEAD PIPES, . SINES; BASINS WATER CLOSETS AND %C AA STANDS• TOM T. EWENS, =1 165, Wood St e , Pittantrat,!ya. BAILIFF, BROWN & CO.; PitIMBERS,GAS t. SI E ANI PiPE FITTERS No. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. MEI 672 Penn Street, Pittsburgh VrATE'lt AND I.IAB Fl vr.11:1:1 constantl < y on • Land. • houses titled up r• 11.11 (1,,'W:11, or :item Pipe at short nottee. 011 ltooftn.ries lltted op at 'port notice and in Lin moat approvt t ,II•tr. Ag!talogr., IC, lined with head by ovw .6.111, If p.tro-.lttnnspli , lo Ingo. l'hpc, loo.p y on nand a 1.0,re ,uplo!) - 11..:ET LEAD, I.Ek II rirt, ANI, A lA. I , .LN I , c‘. It V Di:ANT llt r. cod In tact. all Inat,lnt I.ola by • 1i:el-class oitabllchment. Wc wonl4l 11.0110 Inc attentton of whn bay.; arl) : Work 1.0,10 Oerllnc of b0.1,342,P, so we Ito! .7onn dent. cnn give the bcFl. of coll. , fAct lon as regards maternal, worliman.dtin and lo IV 1:17; • NOTICE. • • Private. Families aml Hotels C. be tarnish.' with best quitilly of HYDRANT HOSRANDXIPES At shortest notice ;and best terms, by callintr on ) ' JOHN MAFFET, • . 22,1 and 229 Firbt Street, PIT IT Utte ( ;I7 PA MEE ..... .. ..... It. Jollsur,,,N LI EIMILEIIY h JOIINSON, _Li •- • • p Ea aoTzv~g, Plumbers,43as and," Steam • Fitters, • Fyn! BTILEF.T Pitteslkniirgly, All fm , lera 14 . moll c•ta,utol &MP:far:m . ll; promptly attorolml to A full Iler of Bath ulo, 'Clo , ets, Moan, Caa T udol lora.. emolantr. r0 , .1 Palacio, - for sale at t lo• moat reabonaole prior •_ It ;Mors from country patrons bp 1.1411 pro, puy nt tcoJctl to. • Warn Hoes of ororr AC9crlptlon , ADDY IVILWAIS &BARTLEY • Keep on band superlor netlele. of W 0 01{). 1= 2. 17.313P5., AU kUlile of Iron Pinot!, I:ydrant3,Lti t i Micel Zinc, Lead l'lpe. Bath Pulse, elonels, int Ito Wareroom, • Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All kln,la ofltep ring 'lone orcilnollY• All enter,. by itsnli Instal ode. CO. . . PLI , MBING, GAS AND STEAM( RUTIN°, IN ALL ITS IiItANCIIKS, ettrutolly attended to by experienced •1.1 praettcAl workmen. A line a4coruneut of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS SEttiwEic WATER CLO.ETI3 HYDRANT Oalstantly on hand and made tu order. sue.., et, lIEFIEcriX.a.T-•=, No. . .nmulawair • SPECIAL NOTICES TIRE qui:EN! THE (KEEN: II (OMEN 01 HAIR RESTORERS! Mltti. IVIMI,ONV'e QUEEN HAIR RESTOREIt In QUEEN. not only In N/6.112, but in vntruss. Lithe. hest Hair Ite•torer ever offered to the 'Public. • An . In lallthle ILINToIt6It anil PILLSSIIVEU Of the Hair If faithfully applied.. • It try no lair Dye. It arts dirsrtly upon the roots of the hair chung- I e grey bs.lf tol .. ortginnl life color: arresting Pr. - Motu re decoy nrol falling out of all; eraklfrat- Ing et:rf sh&duotruff; and curing humors of the se.tlp. - It Ir mange dry and wiry hair to soft and luxu riant trer.i.rn. .It imparts a dcinchtfni fragrance to the hair. In I:crt. If you wilt, to rcltorc your hair. an In youth, and rcialn It through lire U.' 1111S.IVINSIAWS QUEEN LIAR RESr•OREif. I.We SI per tattle. by all DruKgi.L. R. 1, SET,LERS & CO., Agent 8. MOM SUPEIII3. HOLIDAY PILES ' Es.:rs. Watches! Watches! Watches! TI:EY I'o., Imter.: and Whole,ale lioalers lo ter, ut all de,tid StttX, N. V.. bed 1 11 inform Ole 1 0:1.11,• that thry have .ited te,lved the itunt. elegant. to, l'.ct awl arate Watetk ever In- Unit tuarßet. The ccu EXCXLSIOn, a beau -1:7. •stra rulds jewelled. heavily Iv Carat tiold P.tiver, nuvenificeut!)- engraved, dtu•ly tall rictilv Enameled Hunting rateut Lever, genuine DatmeXenuet thuroudhly reguloti tve the 01,yersp.ry and wa , raut.ut to be the Ne 1100 Clirt 1 harper. ruperb and most reliable Wat , ll, tient.•, or Lady . 't ,fre, will be tient free to any a Idreti 1,11 rret. lilt or or If iireferred. he h.. o. r. go.lot pr e p art payment. u 1 ) 1 eent. Lapre, urn ull red ddo that there alimod vertaluty of reach- Ind their destination; loit should,the Express CoUl. pm, l'est °Mee their duty, we will send a uoi her AVatill 11111111,n.r orrto r.v foram/ kinder Werbdax real be pr.onptly ut..l . Cr,,,.lra tor trade. Ali want .t,tt•ut. In Every town and county In lilt country, and to thorn lining ea much Indtierment4 will Te offered. Cl).. 31 1.11. , tr or Haat: Draft:, to I ""'"a"°"cr or11:140 . OAR:MILL kt. CO, BOILER. MAKERS 'A I) SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. ttO, 22, 24 and 26 Penu St heen reds large vard. and furnished it with the most approve.' Inaeltinere. we are prepared to ntanufseture every cleseription of Betters. In the ne..l. manner, alll WarreLtlled equal to any made in the ......try. chimneys. Breeching, Fire Beds, Stem., Pipe, 1,..,./110{1, Boller.. Condensers. Sall l'an, 'Folks sill stills . , Aettatora, Settling Pans, Iron. liridgen. mug, Pane: and taste mann faeolrera of ItA 1011111.1.'S PATENT BOILERS. Ite.pairjng done on the Alorteit notice C z lrL.llilE.r SUPEIRIOII, COPPER MILL. AND SNIEUNNO WORKS. =I PARK; ItIcCURDY 45k CO., Marinfortnrurs of Shrothing. Braziers: and Bolt Cnl'Orn. eolther ilottornr. liaised Still llot loin 4, rorlt., Also, Importers and dealt. at.a4n., Vint, Shur: Iron, Wire, An, Con .laully on hand. linnets' Mae and Tools.. Warettot,r, NO, HU 1"/ and 'AII SKCnSII Sot Ern. nprelal orders of Copper eut to any . 0 1 i > rrrsicuit6f II SAW WORKS, ill : 111111Ln, HMO S. CO., Sionnfactu rerr I'ATC.NT 01,1 lUN iilliCULArtir. warrant ,: 1. Ail' S l'E EL So WS, of every denerlptilln, Mulny, Cr,,--Clll, IJang, and all other varletlea. Al, kind. of hNIV slot 1005 made front -thrrt.C.ol Extra reilneJ.ltEACElt and MOW :S, lo %IVES. So. 4si-Warrllou4i. mad Works, Corner WATER and Darin,lar ulteption paid to re-toot/Ann, gum ing lin! qtrAtnliDnlng Circular Min g also, repairs ~ f Rti kind, rtairlang nun Drilling cone nt re, wink rat., • • o N , (Sac c..snirs to kOetris nO. 31101 i 5, 3111.t.E.1,.) WASHINGTON WORKS, Founders at 2.l.orkintsts, Pittsburgll, alaoafsentrer; of IlieAt and Stationary Steam En , ... ',ad Kuria,. • Mel klacionory, Goaring .I , seription, Oil Tanta a0.1,1n0, n'. .VlO mi ho W t sork. WIF.F.:I:I , •z)..!ATENT INJECTOR for COCIIIIAN BIM., 1..., r.",," v.. N..... id .5. . - ond and Sd Third sirvei, Woool 11.0 , 1 Mar,..l, hair on hand a van,- :.y n•-a - lan.::, and plain, ...11141.11110r all ttLention• iu..l to CIItIOMMI7. Mr.re L dune . apart nutlet.. rulunly • - "'.13.41211C1 . 4.4:EAND CELIBACY, of NV xrul.., sad I.truetion for YoOAlg M 11. 1/I,u.vr sod xmlarri whi.th pro.- : tto/11,:11 , ur sure rti.f lutrzu Act • 1., Al. KILLIN 11.01'11110N, l'a. tuU:4:1111:u.t.."1: OIL WORKh, CORIPANIES.dr.c comm. SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFUI KEHEW & CO., LlAtiUt At:TURKEL:4 OF TIIF CELEBIIATED SPEW! LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS, Sperm, Lard and Whale 9135, ligiD LIGIII, TONELE OIL AND WILIEL GREASE .AI.Si o, Standaid White Burnipg OH, No. 33 Market Street, PITTSBURGIEf., PA. SENT) FOR A VERO:4AR. • ~ 7:c55 WOO L D L/IDGE OIL REFINING C/ C3PlblCP.A.Virlir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, President. HENRY M. LONU, ace•y and Titter WORKS iN TEMPERANCEVILLE 02ice, No, 2 Ductuebuo Way, (Near Soapt:aiton lir;dge.) • lIANCFACTURERS,Ur Ytlltß {SMITE 13 tilt 117 Ni 40- 401_1[_. Brand—" Lucifer." MS WARM; 6 KING, 60.1S.2ioNLIMIANTS AND BROKF4i 1N • Pore Wain and its Products, 4 DUQ UES.YE Cr 4 VIIII,ADELL'IIIA AL)1111.K:,8: WARING, KING at CO., inyl7mls 127 Walnut At... Pl.ll. SUPER:ECM OIL ENGINES. Wo are notacructlngi and ryll keep on hand, parlor btyle al • MriNT43lO-rISINIEII WIN EITII I A• GUYON GB TUBULAR 8008. We tuclie pgreica needing engines Int tale to calland tee them, corner of PIK E and WHAM ETEEEIN, ttcir Cilv Water Works.. Ira • MACEINTO*II HEMPHILL & CU. WARDEN Ar. BATCHELDER, 14tOKEILI . IN • CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM:: WHAM , . ItoSIN. 111 . 1.1t1T6 TUItrENTINE . CABoLitiA TAR, ac., Conner or Dog P ittsb ...eon u 16Vay g. llaneock St., rgh. P IteprePent WM. . ARDEN in Walnut street, 9,1.1:A . P 1 Veal. wI4+III,IAN A. D. ANDLIDIO4 • Mil=llMl 3•wWronoov111o. WICHTNIAN & ANDERSON, "Zenner:B and Dealers in. 1 ETR 0 El M :.:F.C.O.NDSTIIIiY, , COLLNEY.DANCOGIT ST. ANI, I,I.I , QUESNE WAY. m719:•33. - Wit. 1101.111. JAIIIB IRWIN DAMES IRWIN ist. CO., HANUFACTUREILY Olf OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA Osilaa,2L3 Ma airimat TO CLASSMAKERS. 'VIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING rompi•ltd thoir rrealnertnenta for crushing the Dootto t olou Satolltock, aro non . ' prepared to for. [Orb a first , uality et SAN Ih reagle Air ate, den , (!Alt I.IIA DS, AT 'IIIKIII VOLLKS, at the rate of 81,50 rwr lien.,ou. In bulk, 0015.061 a bat., or ho .101 vrred either low., at , 00, or to beg, 019.50 ton, or Dante. eta ta rnish bare at Wei 011 0 1. 111 . 3,1, We Tarr the Orson lila. tout Sand, adapted to title use, subject VI the entohtlona. 0153,111,p0r too AT Tel a,eiOnae. forwArd..e. to ELMOTT. IOLL6G)", Mm Crooh Po.t I , lllce. Filtottliplon ronotr. Pa., or to ALFXANintic KING, No. 120 First street, PlLlaburgh, will IA prucuptly attended tu noutEr 44 Co. =EU JjOL MES, BELL & CO., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Manu I acturars of ANCHOR (A) 811 KETlNfifi_ lati C MIR M BLIEETINGI3. $ AN 0110 O bl - LEKTINGS. • And MATTING. • fnylafaZ) I wI3.OLESAL3;: DRY -GOOD C.ARR AP LESS 94 WOOD STREET, PITT SB CT RG.I4; WHOLESALE DEILERS EMI '.Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, Announce that they have just' received and are now opening an UNUSUALLY LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of all articles in the DRY GOODS LINE, Which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. Dealers will find it to their ad 4antage to call and examine their Stock, comprising a hand some assortment of many Scarce au►i Besirabie Go►►ds, Together with Sap - triarlor al nU She bo4 makcs Prints, Ameriean Standard. Sheetings, Bleached and Broirn, Tickings, Ging,narnS,.. Canton Flannels, Apron Checks, • Shirting Checks, Col'rd Drills, &c FLANNELS, Plain White, Scariel,_)lixed, Red and Grey Twilled; nob Roy, - .lnners, - • Shaker and IVLitc•anil Uolored BED EL'iIIr4KETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, ~~~~~"~~ r'~~r - cfc detc3.. FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY DRESS GOODS, Our Stock will embrace a great lari- ety and all the latest Not cities NOTIONS,' • A Full; and complete .Assortment. CIRR, 111INDLESS CO.. 94 Wood Street.. TERMS - NET CASH. M'ELROY, DICKSON Uzic WC:ob CI . DRY GOODS IMI W HOLE.SA LE. MC:VZgiD.a. - 5?", OCTOBER FIRST, 1566. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. ARBUTHNOT. SHANiIOP3 et CO., N 0.115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh; luvlte ltcyrre - to call ..o exrtmlne their LA.147 Y. .NEW 8 COW( cf DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, Which they offer at zunusormirtisr mutt.xcrinta. A full limb all Departments. C. IRAUTUNOT..W. T. bliA bit Wi.4. 51XCII.JEN COY TJiSCI.EI.La NEC*-W -s id li'IIoLESALE DEALERS IN 800 SZ-lOES SOLE LEATHER, - No. 133 Brood Street, 1 1 ) 11"fn3'E.M12, PA. • To sii. ti:T 'I N 1 F 4.11 CASii /.1 !, Wt. t 1.11- 11 za.•1 , 41, for Im, Ing'xrt . I ‘.t IV• I. Are tnalptc•l ..,1; any .101ohlilg are trA It, I to ern an,l extxtratte our ,to,k an.. .to our Frlct, twforo Iturclm:ln ultt,lture. I=l ;3 P 11/ I Ls Li S Nupetior Cotton/Yarns, Si:EAMLEt4iS GRAIN 112k(45, Batting; Twine, cu•ETi\ AND S.Vti-! CARPET AVIAN. Will !)e. Promptly El tt FACTORY PRICES. gerAll ,aer I.y mall anl . raeelve , erame , ll tee mel al a 'p 4 44" Pti J. W. BRADLEYS 'TT r: e 7r, =I , - ‘C.I V .. r 1 - 0 o •,:n• , 111,71, , prltzg, 1::1 I • 1,111I•t. t.. 1. . 7 rwtr.,,;(llrm- - .I:W. n 1:1.1.1r1 S . :FANS/A 11E1 SFL;EZT T9° E; r:c In this , tltr• -For r• who !! CARY; ri!r• ' • ;L:1.1 ...17 (11 A , II:EIN sad •-• N:IW VotL. SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENTS GOLD 111/11E11. al:nate near ,lohnston l'datton, on the Allegheny %ale) Railroad, li tntlea Iron: the city. The lin provena•n:f ru Ato ur-ntory Vratne Dwelling of ti room, a atable, Ildni of water. t,l) ~optrti hlalt, and mere it.alpo an ettu,.tre,tone Quarry On the 1 1100 e "ifil ata , foot `Ott thr ato.iv, non . bcing stmcvsa --fy,Qy nd puouital.,y iVOlritrd. Or terrna, apply at the Real I...stale and Insurance 01500 np Etta • 11. S BATES, liEe Coillse of Sla IP-tinaiicial Crisis =2;50,000 - - - X 50,000 Walelies, Clot ks, Alai us, 11111 l Rlii s, Pianoti„ Melode ons, Sewing - Maeleiße7+, Sil ver Ware, A,,!, AT • one lEnc,ll, r,Ard vAtrv! and not to To• rah' for !“,11, 101.1.1 you rvt,lve. • 43 ii-Aiwr (14 , 1%111. lb.. •It. 'lnt pl. :t• you .11 rt.turn It an.l 3 oixr raratty will In r. 011 . 1:1- T. , . 311,1, 1. wk, `liver tV,:tr:,,, . . t ”Ith 140,, And In c1u,,,) rail 1,111 j., Oi• L: 4 ,11, Ir a:1.! t.. v.i 1 • VIII, 4,4 All varic.l 4 , r a, .tar;. 3111. r. :0 r:omr,S, &CO !9 t. 4,11•1 t) 1,11 kr tit.• I. , t.e. ~If rtkuntry: anti la, 'la Lit Caklk r tkv. `;PATCH &GOLD JEWELRY COMPANY.` AN APPORTIONMENT, • 1.., the following. ri,olations: . ' Cortlficatesor the v.trlnui urttrlue wit/loot rrrar.l to elite or e.thie ate tiret lull :Lad nil to!, an.l why:. ord..; 'el. ore not I, 1,1,101 I.ov. ..ut :et all lug o nil fair rtiilt,,O, yu trill Ele vdint oar. no! a it IS at your option o. ten.' lie at,flt3t. or lint. Pure ~11.1•1. r, softy Ono 10.:11ill 3 V.., t. 1 , 1 V.,.. , ...1,..1,10u0eu , 1 1:11.g. or any ca.lovriry our Ll,t I', one Do.lar. le7 sE\U C POll A, C'l tlfrrlCAT K. In all trnns,tlon , lir mall. char:le - for riirwarilll, cort:ll,.i.trii, nun, and .1,- ni; arn, ~„_ t.1.1,..,1 lion Illi•te s r:lllvilv)..•ut nir. n nil; tor rIi•Nl.11 for 44, thirty for Cri 410. air) tii fur ±l5. A“KNT, —We v-..ut a,tai In cry tnerri and rolisli 111 the anti (ling as such will tic., 31101,d,Iri pv roirb , l 1r.:5 esv lit 111 , 1 to 4 . ! erirertlii , air, mnd t.t • ro, to a .11. sod cCrtie.CIILCS. wrO, County wad Slav: I.lsltay, asi.t OIL to • g ART .I‘ll OLO /PIM (42.1 Ni, oc11:141 Lvry ,tret. Now York. DAY, lie At OY B , ,P 7 ANG, . viwpitiElultl3 IRON UR 1113111 141 . 0111i5. OFFICE fiNli WAREHOUSE, Nos, 13 Wood and 102 and 101 Third S. 3111'01:TYIN OF A NI, DEA Saddlery Hardware and ,Trimming 21.11d.516^211Act;,, ulna vat:1,4.:?7 Superior N'Tood 'lnd non riarnes Wrought Post gllt.troLon, \}"h•...l Bat, t .lso 0 hand full not .-oht.l , to ..sorngool ot 0134.. ts their lhtes sif I,lteh thoy r tt brie mol on as pool trsols , ..tr , ogrrod ht. any l • the trot , KAIsT W trlt2l:,l_ 0;) ST. CL4 llt Writ I-: ET. 22 y ,0•1.1.TAC1.r. , . ,URVEVIN“ 174,1'107M, •T., • '7''Atl'.l.lL }l.l":llLi?jrlt.Pi:LLS, r knitAl OM ET El IS. BAEOMET hT . L" ". ,• Clair "tr.-.A. COI ) c:r . ; - • Ars ample , nearly four acres) woil betititlfolly urns iuotil Shod,. Tri.es and Flowers All tin St+ tiro ihathitil Ina with the :wins Lou. The lorailts Is liacxe4 . ptlo4al , le; tieing free town •stuotio of the and the low Irwin the house H. CHILDS 8.r.: CO. 1...t0,.1ve• rASS CM . 1 hey t . 11 311Sik thy I=l = OEM =I • FOR -SA r.E. ...;.;.1t I Vtrizebr 400 towh,l:lp. Wet.tntorelar: cost. 1,t`...s ‘Cf the 1 . .t.1i tAt 1,, and C.: Croat the eity. The a,. Fll,l, two-Story atone fl.rell- L ' carrlao 4 ' 11 Y r . e" '' t oor . 100 - It r h Sl aa./ L 1141,11, svt4l:lg hat, ovt a. eera erlb, 0..1, a lardelgewed I,‘ Thlr.h frala, nen eta with Foll,th , -sten 'll.•we.f lug hove.. sod I,rn. The V, re..lnot ants of the 1. Om"; h. :tie! 1,0,0 1 1 1 , 0; of Iltne,dorto e..: 6,0 the inrta: a and old oreb.: at ,•,11 der,- r „ hla l . g..” 1 tiwter. ate h 1411 e. red. hank 3110 rock ;a:, 141,1, loe,t• The • of t Pr , . 1 all 1.1,15•• f N'.. .auof i„ lose. l'ossee,luu ou the 111.1 day or No. ^ Farm of 53 neres. 1 1 .1.teatet1 10 chart, ttovoildp,AllegilehT vol ll ta l rt, Plu ~.•• ttbout thut. ' front Lfic city, hear the 11.• the ..ttrouv,llPlt 11.,antl within 0n,.-11 Of mile of a Llst:OT: Ll, o't the heetltferee hottuto 1110.1, and 10 a logl, lf miltlvatloh; 23 acre. of 00d land arid The lynclan It geharallv tto o, i• The ten I. No. t awl 0,61 adapted (Or . ..gardenia ilv 11l'ett WIN tho, 01,1110 g h./embark the thirine, 0..11 at onet , 331 good bargaln, Oa Ohle le rate ehane... Nu. 11. Farm of 04 aere., ..Ituate in Kiltabeth to, 0.5135. Alleeheny eutlutY. Va.• 011 110 Mott.ol - er, 011,1111.•1112 halls from the Borough of I:llraheth. he so , l of OM beht ioatlty... The Im provement, ore farm Mouse wail all' room, a KOOd ham and other Sol bulltllngs; fenelne food; about . I sta.;oo.l 0(0001. burettes, hello .1s and Mlll9 very eonvenleut. INosewletllmmetliatelr, No. 1. Alen. the 10, 4.01 lu Kllrshelll township, cautioning 21.01111111 W, 0,13111 g 013 the iron rlt er howediat. 1r 1,11410 Leek. N 0.:., up a Melt ereetott a lar,e tao-,tory hrlvl. .Iw. Ilittg, tote tog '4,1 011 r fr. 41,4• 11,1, 1.,111. 0,11 4 . 1 . 11, rayoh 1.11. 1) 01/011ig I:oll,...pearlary. ollrk 110aeree of, 114' above Is 'trot .100 . 110 rl evr-lotttom ; the balahee belett 13100n1018e 1011.1. and outlet - I:114 with tool 01,1,111 :ten h 11...en/mit. There are tO,, orchard, to apple !rem. In wool I... l uring emoll. loo; ;warts ;war, 11111.1 ir. - en and Kr:llW 'the lan , l Is well adaotra ,oe gardening lieilr,., i.:101 - 1 riktAl.CC (111..11 4 .11 t. 111r1r1Og 141,i11A11 0 i Kozabeth, creatttor market at home for all the 1.0 proherly a 111 be told 01100 1 1 1,111-1 00 it - L.oolo.de terms. No. 7 • A Farm' of 91/Acres, nltuated In k:ltzabelll Alleebvity e..enlY. ...tit nvt tune trine f.ocii No. 3, o t liontominnehi ricer. improve ments are Ow fratne with eve roonis, barn, ring !eon, en , ' v1111.116_ The latel 1-1 :e• lent ~ertnty. I'fea. Fill bind at trey wAntlret any.uf the above IN NI E/Inte - G. li. :11cal V,: le Az. nt. 16 / Fuerill.areet. FOR SALE—The beautiful and SUBSTANTIAL MANSION AND GROUNDS own....t z And occupbt4 by WI LI.IA M RAGA LEY. on We.qtrn Ayoub.: In . Ei2a3.~'EGI3~NY CITY. The butt, Is a of .art httectural beauty. and ettettilne, evety appllatice Pir comfort and luxury. tt t. I.tilit tor l'reast d Utet trltntatil with Brown Stone. hal Iloors loot In clicaustic tile, plate glass uitel4w., atel it t every Miuule delall in con t•triietion tbroug belt TILE GIIOUNDS Rnll p.ikulats furnished on applicatinn to - 9 S. Exoker In btuccs and Itnal Entate, (Burke' Buildlair.) GO AL WOOLLS FOR SALE. On TUESDAY. the 7.1. day of October, ltAn, at I 1) • C1001 51, will be euld by order ••••'llie ttrphanst •onrt, on the vreettse, Wt utrnomland noun. r. ith the rlorla, nod inlet eht CHA stLES I'. .locre,ed, In the Coal Work fa, situate in lioi- Da: 5, totetedil , WI rhoorelAnd county. on' th e Mohoehhtent river, tour above slonongaltela t•tty. a i d on.tourth tulle below 'Webster, known us the Union t Works. anovo Coal Worl, aro. , arsong the bel: an 4 0 wiling Hou,e... There ore lame forty ,:are, with in.”,l work.ng the Lane, and souse 13 • • owut...llo.l4ths 01.1 h, work, nod the rclualuPur 4ths can alio p,: purchases' if de,i.re.l. -.For pat al 011.11111 u or .111UE.VII • 1.:111011fliS al u l cL li T. • .1. KOETHEN ".N?. St Grout street. Attorney , O,IIIISSI(VNEIrSSAI.E.-By tm. of aN, 0,1 lie Crittenden Circa:; Court., oderml at It..luly rill term. In the con,olPla• nt/lil or 1.1,1 am: and others. Pilllittdfi. agaiont 1.. al4St Co.. :cot otlo, deientlants, mitNltAl. the Mb, oar of November nem. it helm; the mt lday of tits: t.freult Court for Crittenden t and the 3,1 d.y of the tern, tell. to the bleb., Miler. ft the ‘Court Ito se door. In vn MArlon 44110 eredit of 12 to ant 2411100th, the I . proper.y, tltate on the "Cook's embra,:na. .pert L.( itmettocr w. dill tinning prislieges, Improve ment,and lc,ottallty hclomrlng to the ..,11.1....11DY, to fort En. gdie. one Meant It oiler. goo. Meant Comp, ,one Coal :Mart. one Ch oe lot of hallroad Iron. one lot of Cars, ono lot tit It lot, mid Azles. two onn yol, of Mx, n. ae.. For forth, partteutar.i Ingoireoftbrundm.dgmd Comnit,tdott er. • Cam& Immr,t the fn . , ardl Olt clot s t00v1.4 II wdi be remoirml 01 tm• tosrcum.er.. told ait imvardy. . Coudr. I Fon sAix, First-Class Business Stand 'Mr :toct.• nature, Co., WM, Stott , Ilou•se r and Irrak. I.ot?yi CWII sales amoan,. va given immediately. • Six su,:t!l L 0,.. very cheap. th.veral Lot, al. Edge' , orth Station, from one to five acres to each. A pply to JAMES T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker an.l Insurance Agent, It No. I.FA/I.:RAI. ST., AllvgbouY FOR SALE, ,SIX ACRES OE LAND, Both, sues[. Lawrenccaille. 'Von SALE-1.2 acres of liround, thuhorcd trot natured on tqulrrel 11111, len tntantes' walk (ruin C.an.ongcr :Whin at :shady Fourth :Ito, Road. All . 6 acrea at Houte n odd Station: tool accent-I Farms welt located lu We...morel/and and Alle. Reny countlel. Alt, Coal Fropurty, Monies and Loll In the city and ...bona.. Fur thriller particulars en.nt.re of • WILLIAM WA11.11,. flipptc.lte the Cationirat i ) sen • \n. 110 Grant surer. 86,00 0 WILL; PUIICII4NCI'IIAt el.¢ ant. and modern built 31antion. teemed on a lot of ground Ir. Dv ISO grid., located near o it r. kirmeliT•t Eavt Birming ham. ht. hon.' I. itlFt and from the por tico ion leave one of the ettett views lit tile eituuty: throe tiviunies walk from the ran station. Apply to B. • 001 i, 11.: Fourth stre.. TWO 11111C11 DWELLINGS, 7 Coutainiug S or 10 Rohm Each, Within ;:o Ir.tik of the 1 . ..05t llEnce. for o 1111,1 a liberal p• 'vitt be ttalol, Lv TIP, ,t AU STEEL. • Heal Et.tote broker, W., tOulthtel.l st. , ORNEC: AND ROSS 11:1;:c1 •rt.it nt 1.1.—A thr,..C . ory itticl 1i0u,2 ut o hfe twelve rootnb. iratte crl- Itriulkaa.iflirarcr hx:ttre:: In exc,ll4 nt for wery ttor, dry. t 00.15 ot, or rot th, Ott . 21 tt .Ihchus trout 0./ F k tuna or pre.l tersnh. apply at t ite.tihe o:11.,, of 009 G. CUTHBERT a St?Nr3, 51 M.Arket It. ASPLENDID COUNTIti SEAT FM: tcENT.—A bburtlli;tauce from the city, with four ken, of ptruellll,l4i.S.l.Zd with the choleeist earl, ty of trultt.o Large Betel: Mali - sloe nod torrioxe Iloo,e and ,1:01e. I:eut very moderate. Apply to veto li. 31 . 1.A1N 1..c0...12-Ifaurth street. JOHN' D. BAILEY, Stock . and Real Estate Broker, VOll SALE —4OO Acres of Coal lying Immediately up. the Oblo Inver, 13 mile, betow Gall allot., and Psi mill above Oin einuati. On the nh we tract Is a four ton vein of Coat. is 111 , 44 fib , general purposes. Ie not surpassed. It Wire v dllTurent from tir, Southern 01110 Coal; contain, et little sulphur. forges and cokes and for unto tor neumcanot be excelled. The M emnon bring about mldwavflrum romeroy • And Ilatutlu7. Imo! make I valuable for coaling s. There is • water front of , j of smile. Anna Ilelauding at •11 wages of ths river. An entranOe oa, been on. in the Uhl About al feet, le.ck stnlrh ed Inver. together with the necessary lister,. tor t oln lug alg ilellvenng aHoit. On wild !tart Ifn double Portables Circular Saw Mill thermto ge th a P-rtali c Grist 01111, all In go at run nier oer,sn.l plenty of the very best oak, aid, mid noulsr weber.. Would sell one-half Internet If do_ireil. to a party with experience ntolcsplial for m working to e. JutiN 11. ItAII.E.V. Stock and Real Estate Broker, nc Pt_ • . No. 11l Fourth street. COUNTRY lIIELSII;ENCE ON MT. 11 AbIIINUTON POE SALE.--Over an acre of ground, on which la a ttage Nouse Lathing 19 rooms. cellar Frame and 3 Co wida balls: a , w con- ood aa [rout house, stable stories high, with hank cellar fir cow stable. and chicken honsui large cis tern at !Muse, alt. at tablet Stoo'l we,/ which never tidal/Oita less thou 10 to 12 feet or s. ater. The grim nits are planted In (full trues, vines tout mall bolt, sod are surrounded on three skies hy wide streets. The locality In one of the most collet re tired :Led healthy In the county,• and yet within utinutcs• walk all he rltYi Post "rike• required coill.f be gi ven at slim, !lotto.. in! Al ya- Cant loth icutitlnie !lig., Mutt!. and Iter!tia hits, jaHN 11A11.N..1 e """'Ch tor..k.. and Real Estate Broker, au2d - .330. Fourth t u r r e t . VOrt SA ILE-23.1:acres Cpal t d „.,,,,,,„stiorace„on the Elan elite of the old.; laver. three miles anus, Leslie,. w i t h r i ght of ,rap river. Ilid cm., proximity ft/ai1...1 mar , t t igether tedis the !art that the tan!, Opough In the bill: It! no Used for di nuepuncl. tuAllont . thly sostu.t. t. g" "' ""' • etx and N [ Beal Estate Broker, oc.vt No. led Fourth street. I;(011 SALE-11n Ainbrolype kce, occupying one; of the bast locatiens in the city, and lisving n goindrun of custom. Immediate JUHK U. Y. No. Fourth street, •• Or. k:- C. ISEYN, ssvt No. G tilllis niinesne Way. it i r ° ‘l l 4T ,Js rhettope. tut , SIX C. , Atf, A Lento ou the !rue noel Trtat? , and itadical Cure of Spent...t rim., or teminal Weakness, inroinnt•r• nexuAl nrol Impediments to ts•rriag• etT, erally: Nervousness, Conium,tiou s.ite; Mental 'and filysical incaouitr. iroun it- by hour. .1 CULVAb D.:autbonof tile - time an ••A "non to Thionsande 41.7nr. t r x " at. :knot under •eal. PIM? ,"%,e' r ienct or two Orem!, putt Pahl, OIL abr i t4 . l d , ta - c. d iT3V."'7llf'l7l"H'ilt BbVide.inlite SO. Dr. Guivererell • arr .AIiIISEIYEENTS THEATRE. • 1.1, , ,,,L6A ND NIA NA4:1:14 M:l===iMl - MR. JoIIN 1317.0IGMAM. Who TII IS EVE. , .INCi 111 hls . grea 1.:11,4 ...nettled • I _ , r1,q12.1 . - t :ipv.Nranct• In l'l[. burgh.) ..Suppi.rtrtl t, It, rutin. ,:rcltgl!, a.O ate in.,st. t•TCOI- •7 n:oxy. Th, wo-fs rx,kilval. New 14. .! AN. •Intutent, S AlTI:.1•A 1 A t . T.1:.:".00N, at 2 u•tic.,.k. r.t:lt!y 6 " - :7:2;f"N'ie. , ii* 01.12.211 //OUSE. 3111. t',4lU 1.111/1.1( .17i 1/.l,U4if lIITF.II, •t , P• 1 , •11T, forth, Oral, in rtroimwe :he , W1T,1,11. EMI ...... Lore ly i bt• I.ett To): ft. GranAM.2l.l t•uon tho •ale 111,, THE Ti!L,:it; ft;47rIIIASONIC n ALL, FOR A SRORT TIME ONLY, =MEM Tuesday Eveningi ()Huber 23d. OPEN EVERY NIGHT . AFTER, =I Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, =I THE MOST EXTRAORDIN LXIIIIII6I IN THE iVORLD, TILE GREAT ' ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT;. `I.IITF.R:NGS ON ENRHANTED GROUND,' nyl fo , Pi In :1,11 pro•lm•t lon. ent.13.1.1 art..l - •vititt and rth tng . gTent are• at1.0...1 ,Licci have Charmed the World for 200 Years! FIFTY SPI:6 u Ulll \ IFL II blob. fur I.o•ty i;ronolour, and F:therlal I;canty, ,urpo,ca oil that 31. t b.,.” produced by n. u or. viral,. by mortal )e. Will now be Exhibited in this City, FOR THE FHISTTIME, As Exhibited in the City of 1.011.• dim, at St. matne.,' Hall.. for 3SO Consecutive Night,.. To the largtr.r tha.. renown,' or Mt.reott . P , ; .ncl a5...1111 - '14..110 Cities: . ..h. r....llTring 1...nr no. Nal,' or th..o 1,...,1,, It v1,1t...,1 Crowntsl Eieads of Europed 6'lll4'rllEi P. LQVAL FAMILIES • Who. 0,-ether st Ith the PliEttr, CLERGY anti NO , 1111.1 T Y, have unitett 1,1 prouottuclog it the Most Sublime Work of Modern Times. - A.DM:S•I4 TO ALL PAUTS OF TWENTY-FIVE CEN n:::•ln.eiter before lereu n•elne::. Ex hlt.ttloa C.,m11111.1it . .•- at! asipa.t :ere3•••el , ...ck pre et sely. MAT/NEE ON irednesday and Saturday Afternoons, = =1 For partl , nlara. SEP. r..13:111 • ICZ?:rr IRO E. 1111LOOliS* BLED.kNCIN.: Al' AIDE %I 1 . 11.11.01 i 15 T rlt ha) STE el,. I' . t a n nd :r -„'„i at at r. Lit-11,11"s :alvttrittay at v. __ All tile I:lshionaht , Writzes. tltEt.lrtllt, and Co till 1 , 11, WI! i tl , . 1:LIT,I:t - 41H tona t . r t. forms- rigs ce roll at the 31n,1c ',ton, fiq . cltettlArt , cantata. , g tr rtrt AA, BOOTS AND SHOES 3 . A. ROBINSON S - AO., 61 Market Street. =I Men's Frerich Calf, Kip and 4 9 Water-Proof Boots, Lad i es'Oliss eh'. Do y's, lion flu' and CMS cone=, SPE3, G.kITEI:S, .BABONALS, 1M BEITON G-_,EI.XTM..ViLg3 Of All the Latest Styles, 31ANIVIACTUIIED I..Sl`P.eSnLy FOR THE RETA.IL. TRADE 9 2 !FEDERAL STREET TO THE PUBLIC. have list reeelvotthe lar6est and must enmplete assurtment Ladles•, , Lient 5, .I.tisms', Boy's and Children 'a • Boots, Shol, Gaiter, Dalmarak, Idippdrs and Gums, Kra, offore 'ln A!lrglogiy 4 Ity. ITy gthol6 found NTI;11,101 1,, IL.] 11l o• thole ...Li ly oilete.l, and at prOoa equally too or loti•er rho. tr^sh rail he got elsewh,re. MC= • W. K. IIctLINTOCK, 11',3 Federal VArret. Allt , g4euT A L 41Z1141.'; AND 1 . 1.111. itlittllrAL •. SUMMER HOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS Anfi Baimovals, Jll4t. rerti siqt w,i, '01.131 11, VIO:Y LOW- k eitner Eaie . MEl=l=Z6M=l J. IL & if. C. BOBLAND, =I .1011 N rlcsuittO C / V l Ul`Sit FIELDING BRO., • 11.uractarera audlkaler.. eaxesitc:xxe3. n.tEetcla BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St" Allegheny Repairing promptly e xeco tell on the .hen. tIrP. ~.7. HOTELS lIIERCRIIITS' ROTEL, Corner Smithdeld and Third Streets, PST .s+~3~ag3GY3. THIS . OLIO FAVORITE HOT/EL : o t wr i u u rti = choioughly renorated, repair"! Is • NOW OPEN FOE 1115 RECEPIION OP GUESi. 1 The proprietor (formerly of the ST. CHARLES,/ expects Cron, Its toItSSI• location, Ills experience, de Mete, -sod by 3011Sit.A.TIC. 424.1.1itiE5, to deteryo nod recetveS liberal pat rouxjp... S. 11. RI3I, Proprietor. c7.3:e45 LA_PIERRE HOUSE, I.la i tlciphia. The nu/Ilex/hers il/Critle. lesao /Ale favOrtte }lO.O It has been REFIT re.h , A\ll F LINN le II NI) IN AN ELEtiANT 51 A NNtJI. end IA now het/pert/I vollh the malt perre, appoletraenle ler the reception el M 'l'9e h tat pu.lllon ,einoB,l nr,a-elteet win he ur/ Inn/ Intel In the Inter, At In the Pest ntstenhaa A- Ml cElt noust, C. nes. m.ic. - sz", Corner of Isabella aral tasal Ssr Near the Stespeution - 1 , 11A1 . ---- T ,s :290! 111/.1.h- h Ilk Vli. ~vl\ll, m V, o'clock. Pratt'{ nth gyICItYI, held at thr. Com A r00r.i.4 1 0 7. - f - , 4 ,, - o, tOnllMletti struck;. neat : T o le, et . ,mll smoaph, nt+uftne t! Inooteo'gr'rant oome a of I'm: lonn.pre.m: oat trodo rm.. book. •, ilvelraol 1)1 eltot - rt bo or, -di Woe of Sprec Krrs , ll•ti Awl ,11P1 . 1.1.4 , th., p otter,' 8.4 rim.) {lt ••., PP , m0rt...,, are fug) . ropre.ent-, kip° Fano . and l'ovitt alb Anti Note:V:11,x:: Ilan! b. Brother.' extra ban (1014 torgAtti 211; too, an et - v[l , 6[lle. Call awl esulllnet. atockdastag the I.la, die!, partLealany rie, eatoo 41. I .o* - ee‘ !LUCIA= prim. /SII. , .WAINy„ YAWN Ir. 11110..WexueZ4 .1 ohu limuglinnt . T. E. Morris, B==