The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 23, 1866, Image 1

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penniman, Reed &--Co.,
• No. -036 Fifth' IStrocre.
r. U. PEN 'am A\.l Ed „.„
Josi.tu luitaa
.jsm_sos j r. REED. Business Mainagern
Gayle 1.04.
Dcilvervi by cai.rltr, per week)
blalltininerthers. (p.'Ye•r)
Litters' re , lttettotts to Netreboys 'nod AISMt.
td 11;$ 41.iarttr.
• From the meagre reports received it is
sot easy to determine what Is covered by
the alleged treaty entered into by the gov
ernment of the United States respecting
Mexico. The acquisition of Lower
tbrnia is affirmed, and this is eqmbined
with a gnat entee of the French claim and
a protectorate. This may mean no more
than that the preliminaries of a bargain
have leen agreed upon, in, whfch the
United States is to have Lower California
• 1 1 agreeing to pay a sum of money equiva
.ent lb the French claim, and, is to assume
a nominal protectorate, so as to let France
off with an appearance of dignity. A bar
gain of this sort, as things go, may be
woith looking at. The Senate will doubt
less scan it carefully before giving the
reaty ratification.
But if it is really intended that this gov
ernment:in addition) to assuming to pay
France as many millions for Lower Cali
fornia is the province is worth, shall fur.
ther stipulate to- exercise a protectorate
dyer Mexico so efficient as to keep out
European intermeddiers, and at the same
time to ensure domestic tranquility, the
expect of the bargain is totally changed,
and the people_ dill pretty unanimously
admonish c.he government not to engage in
• the enterprise.
On the whole we inciiim to the' opinion
that the French7nre attempting. the smart
dodge of selling a province which they
holdl by ., a slight tenure, none whatever,
far a round price, and , do get out of a bad
Scrape . kvitti some degree of credit saved.
GOV. HUNIPIEREYB, is his late message to
the-Legiilature of 3lississipm, says:
. .
eiy 11 nights bill passed by Cotia, etas at,
123 recat Deobioll e9nfliets dirOCIIX with, many
of our State lawn ham din pursuance io the
,ementlruent of the State Constitution, edam
- clpating all the slaves 10 the State, and re
outring the Legftslature to guard them and
the..itate ll nm the evils that may arise hum
their satdilon change and has alno been a fruit
•fnl ::bores of distal:linnet:. Iminediately after
year adjournment m December, 1265, I no
pointed lion. Wm. Yorger, of Hinds county,
mid ,lekern, of Monroe county,
Comm instep et s to visit .Wanhluittou city and
lay three Inc s before the Prestdent, and to re
tiltSt b Ito to ImLicate which a them the mili
tary alltiOnalUS to the Stole would be allow
ed to rre3ltlent, .ia his reply,
.Face them fell assurance Dist , lOW. of MOM . ;
should bc rtueicricd cusp[ Lp the cirif couris
The Constitution of the United States
expressly declares that rhe lava of Con
gress are parumofint in authority, to the i
laWs of any State, circa the constitution
Many State. lf? thni , the ' Civil Rightsl
law "conflicts," ( a s Goy.. Ilcatrunr.xs
says,) with many of the State laws of Mis
sissippi, those laws were rendered null and
void, made inoperative, and inj fact re
pealed, in virtue of that law of Congress.
Yet, if we may helieve Gov. IluarrnnEvs,
the _President, instead of seeing; as his
oath of office tequires, that the laws—not
of Mississippi, but of the United States—
shall be faithfully executed, deliberately
orders that the contlicting .statutes of that
:-;tate shall override and render inoperative
oue of them. It is impossible for Congress
to overlook this information voluntarily
'tarnished by the Gevernur of Mississippi.;
aud if upon investigation, the facts shallbe
as he has stated them In ids message, we
sec not how an impimclonent and removal
front office can be avoided.
Two months ago there Were indidica
tiOns of an armed struggle between politi
cal•part:es in Missouri. Both sides were
clearly prepared for any event. The decis
ion of (len. &Trill/AN that he would stand
by the authorities in tbe,enfurCement of the
la ca as they exist, has restrained passions,
and possibly averted calamities which were
impending. In Maryland enactment* ex
ist ilesigned to prevent rebels from voting.
The Governor wants to ignore these laws,
and set "aside the agents appointed to carry
them into - effect. He has made an appeal
to the President nit' military aid, in case' of
need, and, report strys, has been promised
all he may require.. By this movementthe
President hopes to elect two members of
„Congress 'pledgeO to his Policy, and to set
an example of his mode of dealing with all
• legal impediments laid in the way of rebels
exercising the same degree of political
power to the country as loyal men. It is
difficult to foresee_ what this matter will
amount to; but both parties in Maryland
are highly excited and apparently resolved
"nn strong measures: It is possible this mat
er may grow into 'serious impurtance, and
;.hat sndderrip
SOUR of thCSoutlicrn journals openly
urge the President to declare himself Dic
tator.. 'By way of e,neodragementthey sug
gest that people as good and intelligent as
the citizens of this country have submitted
assuniption with easy grace, and
that addl. - sty aid will not be wanting in
case Mr. 3 . 03:(50 5 shall see fit to make the
.experiment, The scheme has not, howel, er,
as feasible a look as It had two months ago,
and the chances St - best were never flatter
Tiar. banner township in Indiana is
Plumfield precinct, in Ileadckty ,
It gas'e Republican ticket 621 sco ones,
and nijt crLIC Copperhead. In 1861, Me.
:71elltealiad One vote and Lincoln 675
the lone Copperhead want crazy, and is
.130Prill the insane a.,iyinm. Ile could not
stand so much light. The Republicans in
ereaseltheir vote since 1864 by forty•flre.
This is the banner Republican toyngdp in
the. United States.
Tun Conservativts; are bo . asting what
valorous things they-will do in Ndw York
on the 4th of November. They made
huge Vaunts a month ago, of ittiat they
-}would do here in Pennsylvania. They
promised to defeat Geary, and Moorhead,
and Finney, and Cuvode, and Kelley, and
Taylor; and Morrell. They did defeat not
one-of them. Their performance' will be
as small as in New York.;
Tut rumored retirement of Mr. Sc.k.s
TON from the war office may be taken as
evidence thai the P,resideut does not yet
mean do abandon his Policy, and 60 bring
himself into accord with Congress and the
manses of loyal people.
- Mu. `d4w.annhas become a weak, letter
• ing;garroloos old man. Bodily and men
tally he is a wreck. If ha only hadAiscre
t tiontenOn,gli to aftk the iihade of private
:life, it would be better tortilla time.'
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trolvermty or Medicine,
Tim trustees and faculty of the above ]led
oat - College hkre hauled. , ' at
sere:us-flee dollars each, which entitles the
holders to attend lectures until graduation,
or as many Ses.4lon= ho
This rendefs a •medical education cheaper
than ever proposed by any University or Col
lege in this country or Europe, posstssing the
same extensive facilities.
There ore iixteen professors and every branch
of Medicine . rind Surgery is . thoroughly taught.
The lett:dent holding a. "seholarship" can
enter the college at any Limo' during the
Lures, attend us long us ho wishes. and re-en
ter the Institution as frequently as desired.
Persons wish! lg to obtain ;scholarships can
apply to L. Otilshue, M. D., Professor of Urlno
.Patbology in the above mentioned College.
Ills ogles and residence is No; LW Dratit --
. street, Pltisbureh Pa.
Last evening a very worthy and respected
citizen of this city called upon us and request
ed that we announce a wonderful Cure per
formed upon. himself by Di. Aborn, the dts
tinglilshed physician and surgeon, non atop.
ning at the Mechants , Hotel. 110 assured us
that be had been very deaf, to such an extent
as to prevent his hearing a watch tick if
pressed upon into ears, and in a tis'm minutes'
operation his bedrlng was perfe4tly restored.
The most surpflsbig, part of the ease Is iu the
fiteCtlfat the gentleman• has been deaf daring
the Past twenty-Mx years, he being now near
ly tllty years of age. Pr. Aborn has his rooms
In the parlors of the Merchants' Dotal, where
the name of the gentleman who called upon us
may be obtained..• LOCAL 1,1" GAZ4TTE.
Worthy of Notice
When you deslre Perfumery or Toilet Artl,
cis go to Wet:Janne 3 Iflulienitau i s Drug
Store, for there you will thin the largest stock,
best itsilortinent, and Prices lower than else
where. The same. can l,e sat lof all other aril
cleSto be found there, such us patent 'Medi.
Drugs, Bc., as they manage to purchase
In such a manner, and in such
. quantities, as
enables Them to sell lower • than any other
house. Try ti Ilaiket street.
Whole Lentherlilp Boots; splendleartlele at
n low figure; cheapest In the city, at the Opera
House Shoe :Store.
. .
• Gooda Sold
By the race very cheap, at, the OPera. Ileuee
Choc Store. Country dente] take note.
• Chitdreu's
Boots and Shoes of nli kinds and descriptions
at the (Vora House Shoo Store. •
An End leis
l'arlety of st3' , leB, of the Opera nous. Shoo
Storo.. ,
line tbe•ltest,
Sold at the '4lOl, llonse Shoe store
The !. punish .f tivire—Prosep utinu of Coy.
Eyre—t. Itau_r•iu the Portal:wrath Fortifi
cations—Britt-1i North AMtriCail CIIII red
, eratiou-4 xnerlran Bishops to the Pope—
. Austrian and Ilan,. , rarnui Matterssl-The In
surrection lu Candia.
Hamra v. Oct. 32.—The steamship Chine,
froth Liverpool October' 13th 'and Queenstown
on the 14th, arrived The news brought
by the China is unimportant. •
It is stated that im the case of the Britian
steamer Tornado, seized by Spain, the French
Government nas vise.l, that of 'Madrid to ad
mit their mistake in seizing the vessel, to in
demnify the owners anti crew, and make the
most ample apologies.
The Jarnalcs. Committee appeal to the pub.
he for subscriptions tone amount of ten thou.
tyrnd pounds sterling for the prosecution of
Gov. Lyre, Tin'y had specially retained the
services of Coleridge, Quinn's counsel, for
the prOsecetron. '
It is stated that the engineers of the N'ar s
Department had decided to alter the construe.
troll of the Portsmouth tort lilcaticms. front a
combination of granite an•l iron to erre of en
tirely iron of the most massive character.
The delegates at• present in Engtriel from,
Hon North Atnerleancnlotites had been
entertained aLii banquet by the Britisu North e
American Association. !Post of the apeakers
were strongly in favor of tile coarederatton
scheme. Earl Caritaven, Secretary of the col.
onto., declined, however to commit himself
on the sal - Jo:I.. He premised that the matter
should have tile lull and respecting attention
of tile Government. ii
The Bourse was firm, ,closlng at . CS! at
o'clock. The weekly retnina of the Bank of
France show.a decrease in mall of over [wea
ry-MO millions of trance.
The Calians had eoniple!ely occupied
3lantua and Borg forts.
The Italian Senate had been convoked and
was holding secret sessions for the trial of
Adualral Person.
It has been oiliciallv stated that the loss of
tine Callan troops at Palermo during tile riots
atnonnted to em killed and wounded.
A t elegranYfroto Home datedGct llth, says:
• dernatch dated Baltimore, Oct. etb, hits
been received here [rem tee council of seven
Atch Bishops, anti four Matthias., in which they
solute the Pope and express wishes for the
preservation of the ancient rights of the Holy.
• - gretr.
Acsrata.—The r.tapet'Or had returned' to
to Yienna (rota Isclutc, and was to set out for st
torn . through Bohemia in a few days. Prior to
hiti,departure the Hungarian Diet Mtn to be
converted and the imperial Patent issued. an
nouncing that us soon as negotiations with
the Diet are brought to a satisfactory eOnclus
sine, tile Irungarlan La.nistry will be formed.
Tho Prussian colonel, had addressed repre
sentations to Austria in reference to the at.
re-St by tl.n.tustrian authorities, at Satirical
lek, of . eight hundred Hungarians, who form
ed ft portion of the former ?russet litingarian
Lsogina. 'rue AUStrillll reply ny telegraph um
nonnoed that the neccusary steps had been
taken for carrying out the uarantees cotain
ed the peace treaty, and no imped n iment
would he offered by the Austrian authorities
to the return of the members of the Legion to
their homes.
Accounts from Candle continuo to Indicate
that, the insurrection was losing Its Merit)us
character, and the public mind was becoming
appeased. It was sail that the leaders of the
Insurgents had rent a. deputation to Liritly
'Pasha. °Hering to miter. in to negotiations for
submission Oil coed Won that the conferences
on the subject shoot take place in the presence
Of the Consuls of France, klinglapti sad Prus- .
eta, and the condttion had been accepted.
Therefore, already thirty thousand Turkish'
troops had cruised the line, and further rein
fOrgetnents Were tO be :eat: A rising or the
GhtgatiaaS Cri area° districts was coutinered
-natant. •
The St. Lents Explosion,—Verdiet of site
Coroner's , rury—ilestnege by flee Tor
nado—A Itstdlent Conference.
6r. Lon's, petober 21.—The•corouer's jury
.at long on the boales of the victims of the
explosion last week, and returned a verdict
that, explosion was the ;exult of the negli
gon6e.and ignorance of the engineer.
Thu damage uy the tornado yesterday is es
tiumtbd at elauoo. •
Tbe.PresLytacian Conference, sitting in this
city, passed a series. of very radical resole
tions,,condemnink -Vree.ideut Jobnaon and en
dorsing the action of LougresS.
Baty AST, Mr., Oct.'22.—ln the aetiOn . ngainSt
Certain parties for destroying the Bangor Ds.
mocrof Wilco in 2tugust, lift, which has boon
on trial heroic the humane Court in tlllb cay.
for a fortnight, the jury, this evening . , after
being out eaten hours, rate riaraT a vex clot of
nine hundred. anti Mitten dollars agatiitJnn:
Tabor, of Oldstown, and eamuel Nunn of
Bangor, and of nut guilty C.. 5 to the remaining
defendants. The assensunnat of damages wan
to cover the property destroyed unnecessary
the newspaper. The Nata goon
noprtPoutbhiet'fhallq4court upon exceptions.
Another F.llArbo ll iOn Case.
NSW YOZOr, An other 4. Honda's Mont'
apeCtal says: extradition ease in.
been deve~oP•
V. njounticreerinnt i s t o2 la w e ', o l f4 t o e
tradlted for forgery, and charged on iiis P aa t .l
with uttering forged document . It in argil
that lie ca s e
b held Mop . ti
was granted
Under erldrb eXtred was granted by
the United States. do case of conviction an
appeal t■ to be made to the United Staten an
Ilostructive Vise 14 011 City.
romsoii,n October 212.—A , fire commenc
ed tOte
luotning. in the 611 yard of Victim
Pro's, at Oil City, which destroyed property to
the arslue of aCe,COo, partly corereak by insu
rance. Amoco the loser ere fisher
Gallagher A Darniera, Adan3a Lnceeco
.0.11 Co., and tilt> National Henning CO.,
A Cincinnatian Snot. •
Cricton Oct. M.—Richard Lambert; of
Oils city, WWI sleet to a concert. saloon. on Sat
' t
and fatally_wounded by Jolla W.
Blair. Blair says he acted to self derails°. •
CD ear,Oolera Report. ,
Cota.too, Oct 'it — During the tereaty•foui
Loan ending at two o'clock. Limn!, were teen•'
tyreren Meta of cholera ead. are death.,
I • ~
Reel of the Polme.Conpaissioners.
I 1 1 I iCtill l 3 • •
- • Boys in Bine Beath' for Duly,
foreigii Polley Rumored.
• Expected attach on the Radical
Our Reiriti6as Willi Mexico.
AxxarOtis, 'ALL ; Oct. '22.—The Case of the PC
-1 lice Commi s sainue're was taken up by the Go,
ernor this morning. The complainants were
.:".., ; rw Tons - , 0.1. 22.—d. special td the Pr ,h 43, represented by Mostrs. Schley' aurt Latrobe;
GUalnlnß the iolletwin;,ti 'Caere u - 10 important the Cormyissioners by Messrs. Stockbridge,
rumors in circulation to•sidy that I nave traced Alexander and Sterling. The latter
_renal a
to an authority . which, If not orilcaet, Justifies I reply denying tlia,kurisdiettott of the Got:Tr
ills In sending them 10 you. Thu Pres:Pent . nor, but averring a readiness to answer before
and canine, I,,„Leyp, eour ,..3. f i c , oin al tin t te ri t t io ill a s A llo i t u t A r d t 4 '
of tee intuilni,trat,mr obed kince to the
' crist r illi.:l for ttio Cummrse•oners then withdrew
of the people, as 011 , re:ft:Li. its the .octoher I caylng . 1:113t their mhssion tins at an end.
electtorv, ale 11100 intenolay to create al I,OW 1 P o li ceCOl/MlSiio/I,—Wf cannot recognize
• , t,Tor. Aght to try tie. 0 cannot vivo up the
and poy•ulat - foreign popoy street the aaUttlfirla 0.1,1 fi!ity Veitra,al 11111% And imposed
vend), election, , us unless, upon tho Judgment of the Judi-
At the last meeting it was rosoiveis d tribunals of the butte, we are required to
to iterminii handi ca t lie 13r, di ,o.
list, Government in tuil fur all th.• oatragaa Tne reply concludes by expressing the hope
committed by the priviiteeri which WWI, CaLtral lilac thy. LipV01•110r will relieve the apprelaim-
Tat in Lugland.- This l 3 segit to iln.V M aas of theettizbus or Baltimore by reiusnig
the deels'un or the Cahlimt,dmi to eerry to entertain this novel .Jurisdiction, and de
" "" 1 10 II r, ! cii otith to wives:co the °Wets of those who
dUame last Tlllrlday. Il tamtand suesge,ls nave app-aced hint, and a Isl. they saY. would
the prePrielY of _
. reimue [uses , you .produce a conflict in lislti-
cra - eoo., efeso.
Goverith . ant wal it a acquit,..o.
It is r. 1,11 stated en the ,tele geo , l mithol Iry ! 51,,,.„ 5,r . ,1 0 ,,
i Eli - ore.
and LatrOln . ,_ for the refl.
that on Wednesday I ist Preal , out Julm ,, in, ' iluutra. maintained the Jurisdiction of the
un , L , (~ ”, .." ,, ecr et "" * . s° ' . , "I'l u: Governor, air.: rvincod their readioesstourguo
umetiag, cue It lvas,letilitilliee to 1,,,0011110114, i ~,,. ~,,...,
~,,,! 0,
~,..„,„ yell, ty,,, n it, m ,
as a nie_iniiro Of the e•Millesir atoll thaw
shouid pay the Frehch claim+ La Mexico, :sss 1,, 111r1:: retieCtiOn.Lew as Sati,..tlita the late gave
! him toe pow, and made it las duty to tures
reeelVe 31,,x,esotritory 116 olel.alla0,1;r0ms- . Eliz..te title p.,4 Oa charges Of Offlillell tril6001.1;
illy in the twig l er ib , rhoe.l of Guyilina, Mr. ! ,w,., ~,,,,,,,,.,.. „at ,„„ nor, th ,, ,re f orx
. t.„, ~,,,„.
' cm:op:nal will short:. depart. for Mirel.'lo. i he' ' lalrieS that. be Lau jiiri.iliCliort in this tuts,
Juarez - ovelliment wlli be recOgilli,liilisl no i ~t,h„ co , inul. for the COnalliMslorierS the., ho
w her. nour,ced 1111/1, their illitsloll leas et an end, and
The 31 nistro , to Sexton .rave.; hero to.dav, I a' thdrew utter ounsaluftlon with' the counsel
having i nee telegrnidied tr.'. by I he i ' l - ' ,1 ` 1,,,,, ', tor Ue petamoors. The Governor appointed
110 liEs been clue' cal "rail t he /,',, `,
, au, 1 IVe m
i4,ley next to try when
el the case, ah wit
necrary Simla:lit:l evelliti,e - ., it 11 iteitlet . „„.,,, ~i,, ,;;,.., 5.,,,,,,,,n,,,,,i to appear.
that the ]lexicon oncmlon will suon he deln• , 1 ..5 ,„,,..._1,,, e .„,,, or the v o n, c0 .,,,i 0n .
it or,. settled: 31lander Gamolieit 1eav , e , , ,,, , ,, ier:i :. i cr - 2n i t , , , 3 ,.. :( 1, 0e., , ;1 n . , ,, 4 7 1 ,, ,, r 0: . 14_,,i th i 0 i1i r. 1. ,, , ,, ,,i r.‘ 3 , . ;,.e ,, , , , ,5 0 ,1
soon to curry pito etruct the new
atin , rs. Ti.e laThlers or 311.xtrari bonds ate ':
Mire:lloEli Mrs hlriatim to-day and La.! au in
jablient over th , ., state or atrarn. • tun vie N. with Ole 01Ya•Or atlct Pollee Commit ,
The ficrOrd Eltys• - There lino good rea,Gme ,
.snide:!. It Is Understima that the erijoet of
to ,liimilsi. tin 1,1. 1•10,1 111 1 0,110,12 111 /V:1 111.0 ' 11,n ~ , ,R, 1,,,,,, t info., hireseir as to ti,,, c 0, , , ,,„
to Mexican ua...i, win I ,o—, no, made by 1 1,1, ! ,1,1,,, a „aii r , in tills city..
Govero n:
noor ,ion- NI na,ter In 31 ,- ...tico. i;"l• : . ',Se ease rspOrl, from 1 1 agerStoWil of o.-
c. , no . dboll:ha , l , oen , ~,,,t .fo, l'r r!o• i're ,,, i , ' ,, ,%, i ion, nnirorr . chore on :, , ,turdoy evening daring
nod err; t'ed itt - illehE l'i". l ' lMiii of Ne v. ' Y'', st i ; pillitleal liamlini; field ily the unconditional
will pi ohAnly :-• eni -,,,, 1nd 7en , Mare 0r...1 i • Llion men. A di6turhance occurred, end tire
/1.00. Th e i% '''' 'i ' l ' ' '' , ''' l.- ' 1, ! ,. ' 01 . D r. ' ,.. .10 0, were hsed, Ir:salting iu the I . :111aq; of one
Iola! ion of the New,. tine.tion, Mel it 1.; el', „i,„,.,, C ,;,„ ; ,,,,,,,,., ~,,I ,1 0 „1, ~,,,,,T h• din
incite:Wed will nut ne Lathy In loltlatesit ' ,i ll ; or t ani other domino Pantile the meeting. iho
aeon, measures. IL 14 liot teilllECls that ltia ; i
, Wall Ns 110 tees killed ivies named eliarlei liall.
t St0;01 Of UM United Mat,. regulats
Ing, mplOyed iu. • the occupation - et Me ..
1D...ft.-miens, October 142. ,, -Thereims been ' con
, ••4 i • t i tl it • trit I a
lon, I f nitric an ex , , ,, eney k 11,11; ar:,.. ;s . ;;elO. et• i•_C it•inen ,il ie C ) a.; y in is a
svior'iwe, a will t.e ca,led for fro.
tine , t :. - qtor, to tile enSe of the Pollee Couniiiinsion
, .., ..•, el, nice the atitionneettiMit of the fact that
Stlittfs, who ,-I,all he eurnmantled by ae,....i.e, , th.
u„,i,, ,,,, xa i .,. 1u ,,,. 5a ,,, tic , in
: United States e1130.,13 01 the Iligher grade, or ,
~,,,,,..„ • the case, amt 131S r eCterillintitloh to InVeStlgtatt
by . 0 fikelS 11111,4,1,1,d IN 1,110 ,-....,“.•
mer ,,, , ~,,,, the e „,,,,,,,1„.,, ~.„,,,,,,.., i e , ,t, e ' and try the charges of ornelal nascontlect.
G yee1 .„,,,,,, , ,,,,,, r„,„ steno V . ,,,,, .;,,,, 1,,,-, ; Some siiieat inntrii", , , ,, Latlons of excited feel-
Probably...a ion., than tivelity thane:': 1! vol. ; litg V- -E. Il {rem , Eine Matson l 'll s knoeiz , d 1
~,,,e , r ., w i l l ~,, „, , , ‘ „.,,1 , ~,,,,,, 0.„. F....., ~. 11 - o - v-ii nea r ,:: toe hi,..otont,n - ror , or the. on.
nr . y ~,,..m . .„, ,, ,.„,... „ ~,,,. ~,,,,,,,. ~,,,,. ~,,,lit .1,,,,,1 party. No th ing lettre,eflOtai thou
It 14 1,04 4 1 , 3ie our 31 i.,lMer to t'ae :` , ! ,-, 51 , • ,, , , 1:. - • th ,,, ~ ,I glit , a ll,r nn , t-a,iiiiimdi howev er, cad',
ptinlik, may be r., er. - 0, to rp,.,,,,, th„ ~,,,,,, r . t. , ,,,,, 1. 1: 4 pre:emit, tto reavm to exp e ct _ that
eleeptnder the ,hieht or ko 00, , , , .: t.,,, lent I- , P.b.-, peace ,ai Inn disturbed thine:,
that the Prem.leni hi, ~,i, w oil; ou Mi.30.-an Litl'itSl.. ._
relaters very . short,v, there le 4t this titan ,_",,,,,,,,,,, „,,,, t0 ,,,,. ..,.. 4
_ orea , e: „„ 0.. .,„,„ t. 1
every rtnaunable prouxielltv. • .
. . , d.r.l pees orr- , , withal Is not lessened I , v , d irer.
NEW Tong, tie1•.1.,--The Two,' It u-iangion ,at Canhy's visit to the city to-.luv. Tuere are
correspondent suye : .The Me xi,.., , i , iat,iltai ; I nem:, ;0•11iltlit, that;the I t itigi Cgilts, of Md. 1
at lost draws to a eomplete it:. , : positive ,•Its• loan- are oreaur.nun for an attack . on the
non. I Shell be ,Ilsmoniiatiel it Len - ,:'s , V 111 1:A001
, 11 lis,ll.lii 0101111-, In Nen,: Daltimore
letter la printed, then, is imt at 1(a-t s-• nil. ' - tree , . The lied ioas made every piep,
I °Metal announcement that the imme.ltute nenn tor a Vlllol'oo 4 deteuse. , They 1,
withdrawal of tire 1 relic::aud MuNlilthiun ..thred au . arinuly of revolvers and rill, in
from Mexiee,ls e axed rot. , The harts or , In, tlno nonnlnunnw, noon, a very stron,.; holy Of pp.
Solution tilts Mianoly •I•een l, , re-lia , lon ed. It •ana.. 1,101 two ur three hundred armed Heys In
la briCdly the ar,mitattfon ,it a proteCtorele .l o' Milo, reinaln within ear -MOE.
this GOVerniment ever Mil X vo, tv;.1,5 -Mae ; Teel , i- 4' tell of amen.: the minnorter 4 , of
guarantee the trench .rearm. n. 1 ,1 id sampan:-- ' the ibises eutmul,totters that tint Eadieals or
nations therefor. the Melmad l•overument - Peno.;, Iron to urn ready lie tn.isell to thane as.
conic, isle re.1111131/111. of LOW, Ca . /1(0911a 1.1.11 , `I,IIIC, lerile)''S slut to the City Vesterilay ;
other territory to the rafted. Mates. •- . riot 1110 1 111 10 001 1 :101 Elle imprebston. Thli IS
Vi r e.SEINOSON, D. C•i 000Mat":•.i.—The IV,th : the lii neatened 111,114011 tots 011 Got. swann
Department orders that. geld and general aril. ' alluded to in hie t•e•uarlis at Atillepollel..
core, may we...their beret 1 . 001: o,oforth. This mottling a street nght occurred in Wes:
Quarterrna4ers will furnish s pur union Baltimorelt on the itimenilietenent Of the Gov . ,
to oilleerm,--omal,oiy to fon'onro—!,:nn-nn order. ention to twee Willi the Catin. Otis
eel from one pas to another un duty, lass 110 X. • unin, W 1•111 cheered for Johnson, WILY kiioelEed
~,,,, no. ~,,,m,,g 0,,, .h., ~I ,i 1 0,,..„,,. um, ; , 10SV11. Flee 11111C11: jOhlta In the melee, and
cora entitleP to indeacu, will ho ithuweo unto- , sum. 01 Diem Were severely handled. The
al tranepo.lation cost for authorized ser. • ti,uely arrest of all the parties prevented the
, .
vents. . . .. , fracas hour spreading into n riot.
Thu Prethleut has ithimaitial William 11. , In ...mile of the wards the old rowdy argent.. !
Thornburg . to be surveyor General for the ' cations which existed before . the war arc be
State of Nevada; Joshua 1). Goddings, Asslst• 1 Ing reVived, and cane ore puhli4Led in the
ant Caircd Mut, Trcattirer ut Chnrlemou, S. I papers for . eve] y Democrat to prepare for
C., and Eli 1. , 4 Norton, eolicitor, to reprethia., action. At midnight , everything is liniet, and '
the Elated Saar. 00101.0 the Court Cl Claims. I the excitement Is calming . 110 1 X111. The tilet! ,
AMIIIiE 31..5t, Hotly, commanding the
S. 'tug preelaination has, to-night, been issued by
steamer Neuf:lan, 1, ports Ice tint Department I.Governor swami i , .
freurdiey Blest Oil the 4M: Wien, itsheitialii , SisT w It.ranS A , It ha 3 sec./111
29 deg. 3 , sec. Moth. 1011;1110 , 10 ...l, ,leg o.; ,c. .1 10 thu knowledge ot
west, On ditcovered a large 1111'110 01 110,11111.: ! the Executive that uillitary and other numbs- 1
Umber, and by , vi4ilatlee ,n,,,,,veted a rat: • 11.111011,111011 1 1 , fume UT 111 the city of staid- I
containing eve men. They Proved to Ire the inure fee the purpose ot lihstrueting and re. ,
Captain, Second Male, cook and two 4••111113110,1 ,.1-11111; eX1,11111,1 lairs Or thin 111.11t4,
: the British hut: Atuurodne wlit,n fumnlered .. And. a le , thas, there I 4 reteme to believe 1
in a gale owtictoner I-d. rney were train Pen- , that sun Ilaf combinations are uttouipted to 1
eacOliii ..10rlila, bolttlil IO Queenstown, and l,e:organized w 111, the intentmu of invading '
when picked up sine without food and cloth• the null of the mate , f 31, - yluntl, todeprive
Inc unit n.,,,,riv us hanaed. Ton raft WWI 111.0'1;111d1 .1 .111 , 1 of t1,1e.110111411/In4lllllllclllolllWc.
small, the SC's letesy, audit was with the great.. ales In control the people' of the • §ltite Up
cat thalculty they were enabled to hold on viol rove and ititimutton:
until rescued. Them,. 1.111,1 Wtsye the 1,03'01, • NUW,111111,101 , 1, 1, Tn0111:15 SWUM, Governor
doe of a crow rib fifteen', tenor whom pert.-hed. 01 the Mate of Maryiand,tu by this my pio..
ltear Admiral Perater,, commanding tie adamittion ..dy warn thwacuttern or - nol
South Pitelflc Settadron repoi is to i'LM lt:iiVll' ;atMli lilleial Mel ;rot:WM.l°oam combination,'
tmpartment (Tutu co oh the - :lllnnit.., that ' itgain .1. Da., 111011;11 1111si dignitv of the State,
niTaire there ere I ranqui. 1 . teat in rm. ease tit riot sod bletashr , T.groy... - Ing
d v leen from Ithar Ad- nut 1/1 111,0 1:1, y prOceediugs, they
m ' f!“ " :" . , 'lt...e.Pl'Lr-tt1T:r.t,,t,i.'",‘:,',.n,,,;,,g. ~,,,,' n ,, - ,, h „,,,,, . will ho Leh: to the m 1 ietest accountability,
Squadron, dated Nugitskt,.l.4l , un, Jony•:3sll. on and the 'power of tile Mute will ho exhaulted
welch trifortautiou 14 given , of the arrival net to Ming them to inemptund merited puni,u..
the United States *tote , shin ,aipply la Mac,. moot: .
On the.Eill of Jllly, Mll.llstore iiir-tilu squa , l4 Gls on - under my 'hand nod the great. seal of
roil. Tee oupply.w. as ninetv.erght dayson her the:date of Ilaryland, at the.eity Of Anuapo
paHsage.% hush Is the 51-mama time made fir ' !Ent on, t o may-Second day of 00.011er, A. D.
any vessel:ruin Mc Ullllllll Males tu I.:Um.: . 11' ,, • 1
Una ESiOii. • lii the fjoveruor :
- (Mgue,i)
_.. _
.1 0331 W.‘c31L•13.11, 30e1etark of State.
bew o Oct. 2•:. —A lisitimore special
_—.• 11•14:: , T t hr ne, ee :I,AL-ism: Boya in lithe and eiglit
• liiimir° , l policemen hare reported to the
Great Damage to Life . sail Property. Mayor, armed and ready fat city' , • but _lt to
hew tholight that there will be no trouble It
Is reported lin,: all the tueinhora of Governor
------- o wen's stall have - resigned and sided with the
Sr. Loan, October '. —l%, moo, terrine Radicals. -
wind storm that ever v i,iteil this scat ion of : B O
• Beecher In Favor of Fenton and pposs
the country, Swept Over till, It at half pan t ' ed to iiolrolll3l—Cstivernel Suffrage—
fear o'altiCflr.` yroterday afterairtm, doing ith Cholera tru the Incr.:as° in Hudson
fiacredltable anion:it of daunige fro:a the Sontil Elf Y...
bearing II MOLL cr.:Award, it seemed to twist • N.V . " Yotia, Oct. 22.—Ilenry Ward Beecher
delivered ere: 1.0011 la nO3lOlllO c-urch lent
111th it screw, and ho .Iv
lasted iron, fa'ci ' e f night,ifteen , th
,e following- i 3 luo LI ,U fILL,,
night, of w hienell :
minutes. It was about a quarter of a tulle Governor Fenton represeias the idea of civil
Wide 3:llEn It first struck, but area: lull Lauer refill mutton: Mayor Rodman repreeents tlio
as it proceeded North. Scores of buildings pl e a of mitt:mei' misgovernment In' the State
were untroofed, and Imudreds were More or and you lofty smooth it or what names you
less damaged: Trees and leaves were uproet• 140101 holt, It plethora no reformation, while
ed in every quarter, Outliers, aign.boards, 11,11 popular patty represented by Gov. Feu
timbers and nil loose things, seern carried 10f L 10 the Ste., represents reformatiOn in eve
through 'the . air, alniont bits k No ,ll arl,trs. illarci .L"1 telt hero on the broad
tires are yet reported loot, soot ai Per. aro:di:tot moralty to aeal Loth , " intermits, to
ions wore severely Injured. The folios lag
the reason and. to too conscience of ovary
are thine of the mils , . serious itiju: les sus- thoughtful ides on tills subject, and I. do. I
tabled : . ~ have it rig la to appeal-to every lean of party
All the chimney! , to tin City IthrintaleArete, Emil say ii you 'have ebrisilialty' awl uf you
blown I.IOWEI, 111111 the adjoining , licusui were love MOlllitty, and would *read It, I. demand
completely •wreciteil. Tao imethisinal brick, la too :mine of Curial. and morality that you
at:One; of the People's Mailroad. Comp tay, giro your gate. Idol iii '
ii that
luenee to that ellat
near Lafayette bark, were biowe rimy., and will m st certalulY, establish Puttee and
'Vie old stables demolished; two breweries on u quauty. ...
Lafayette r.reeue lost their chimneys end i Tue I:remitted Connell of too colored men
part of their roofs. The Cliiirch. of A:igelo, h ,i,
i -of mew Jersey Imre begun three abate, two in
•the 000110 of construction tin St, Angeetue , theliiipeeme Court . of that State, and one In
street, had. the roof of the wilole south awl the,Clthuit Court orllitrir
ninthled State
tin,le to
portions of. all the ether wai:, blown down.
wiiether a black of
sght to
Tho pattor't house, beats by, was also badly eats", 'rile Council. flare Issued tot address.
damaged. A 1303' nrce-story wiitehOuse oil Tile cholera is abirmitigly OU
the increase in
Sixth street, Luton ging to Sir lthenlg, was , Iluiou Cit i s Jerser,OPPoslln New . Teri:.
prostrated:Only a put flea of one wall was loft , There 1:10 been thirteen new eases since nut.
ntainling. The rootel Of I ,the Barnum and Lau. mintyand taint dent ha The cases Olive, in
dell hotels were somewhat damaged; :LLD tin every Instance, teruileated fatally. NO aunts
Mercantile Litmary Hall. A large pottion of Lary Measures have cell enforceti. • .
the tit roof of Uarha'a@mnrWa building, tier- .
nee of Fifth and Oliva streets, 3We rolled i
apart and Mown into the street. Tile gthatest Murder nt ROOM, Gn.-•Girild
fury of the- storm aeons le hare Mien snout i • ,
ou the thFallati Phlytechnical Inst Mad. A-rot:STA, GM..Arthur•Willlams mar-
1n.., very large: utitliiithid bullring on tie : wit° Mid two daughters were recently
corner of ievenili met 151110lant,tvm immense ilered el' Rome. Two freedmen committed
chimneys were blown ilos:u, breaking it hobo . the murder :mil they' 1.000 been arreated. One
In the roof, into which the wind catered and . confesses that after wounding Mrs. 1%, lin ray
ter° up the tin root:m:111th paper. IL carried - fished her. tits Recompile° killed the fattier'
large portions of i t , L ,,,,,,,1 L L L , ~,,,,,,,I I L L,- , and datighters lei. 11 an ear, The object of the
tired pound., ndietitian of fro::: two. Li', it C , , it agrees Was money, bet they found none. It
Meeks. The three story brick 11t;4714 atl lola. wali Indict:lt to' restrain the people from M
ing bad the whole rear end lotted in, killing iliethm,numlarY Punish t he upon the treedt
the pastor of the church of the luthineulate , men. They were ithietultted Lelia:tilt due pre ,
Conception. Its occupants wino Lathy hurt. • If re , s ol h‘ w. :
Several other houses lti 11111 Lm mediate
If • The eold °set temen tln the upper counties
ty were serioualy o w n
tr o t :several tif the of the stale is locreatlen. A rtell mine Is
steamimats wore blown troth their tritmthus, 101114.1 in Tempirin and Mall count/les. 0110
and forced across tile river. All 1 Ile telegraph . 1,1 • 11, of 111/.‘" see r "' a° at hi g h h g""'
ant Ili le e a ll d r i o ng al ° alt 'A te 'l lTe ' r ' a r lili w w " S '' s e P . r' • s :, -1 r ti " a r :ll a ) ! ' . 1. h ' il ' u ii .4 '''' nt L'Utrien,f,"--13" Persons .
cutup. Rat a I:011:011 id :lain:it:a dime in 1 1,10 • .
city IS yet known, and nothing hat been 111,:lid • 1:1110301;, Oct. 2J.—Durltig• the violent gale
from theeouutrY,whdire Iris inspected Ihe iiiini• last niaithe lirtch buildiug ill this process of
aite has been very great. 'l'll° rum storm was : mecum, near the corner of . btate and Blailt
sucOmptinled tby wiod, 1551 5 good de:4l of Itoil . 0 03 r .1,0c.t. 1•1011: 4103 11. el:tithing ilea frame
else fed. The stone of wind eats ,envy, and', stria:l.4.S lotparting. Twelve persons were
rapidly drifting clouds prevulled until past burled beneath the ruins, and flee of them
midnight, but tide morning the weather Is a were hilted and °inert seriously injured. 1
clear and quite cool. r . . ,
• " ' -
- —Fetal !Shoo. ling . Affair. •
i - .Hnt
olooteal for g
Conress. 1 .
Nisnrittrs Oct. T. : . —C. H. Bent was fatally
fin . u. . 17.,) Oct. =.—At the llopnbil• ; glint this uf ternoon by II ugh avorick. The
can 'Union Congressional Convention bold I ddliculty onglnoton la the publication about
bero co-dsv, Eton. W. H. Robertson was norn• ; an improper intimacy between Bent and 114.ia
mated for Coggrets by acolaination. I verities methor.
. _
_ I
ruf „
/o•.= - .gf'f''-.V-.:F?
- _
- _ _
C:0 Z.71:1 IVX ..9. XV MC 3. 7.4 X.a r. 70
. .
Moverrients of Ste4Mers
The Temporal Power of Pius IX. to
be Sustalue4l by Spain,
LIVE}IPOOL, Oct. :2.—The steamera I:ra nod
New York, both from New York . October :CU,
urriceel out on Satutalay.'llie Otetoher Sax,.
eta from New York Oct. rah, and I/manse:is'
from Quetiee Oct..6th, arrived nit to-day.
3:tcas.i.s.,Oct...t2.—A steamer will call from
Trieste for Afeileo, by express order of the
Emperor Francla Joseph.
I.IAMDCRO, Oct. 22.—Thu United States
clnd Minutonoinah, unit the other ves.sels nt
the American fleet, ate istlismburg., The oft.
errs on Saturday were the gueii.ti , • at a gramfl
banquet prepared by the ndlral fluthoro•
ties of this
:flatimo, Oct. St—Spain ba•- • an,.ounciol he:
inters:Mu to uphold :he temporai - Power of
the Pope alter the froheh force, leave Ito. ,
Lay EtFOOL, Oct. •2?..—Tne Lotion m trivet
Mostly, with palts oet 12,110 below Middling t•p.
lands is quoted at iniv.
Loatioa, Oct . SS.—Tae mr7l,- , y murk. 1 is gn:et
Console, for man ev, .Itoce:eao
T wentlee, uO.•
Railroad, Do•root,,r,„,„_.
Yoaa, oct.,!wr
In tin :Lilt:
des . ' tot.tny Lttn nano:n:o3:M,, I init ilr
Jews , I%atoli, wo:.•littti., oullint,
trintlt,beil [Lenin:in On ot
ror.:l co:to:V.0101m to purl v
naLlipliliit "not, Uri liriOnitranci:
It Art, niin 1 main net.; ivnrit
tog of Ito•
and innuac, Cllo 1,1 nI till' L.:11.z ,,
Sort nWi.titern 114176,y Comiiin:,, iin
r. , ,i,loncic , •. II 1 , ntlv4
th.• .
t• ~ Fl !11 i 11.
/11,14/ i•k.. •
alvtde:lur.loog of 'l3l - ••
float [DAL Ul% ;AA,
po: , 1 - 11.,e , I,eco !-
rowe.l[l: Ue.tlay et ee,at. at 1.
:11,0 11.51.0 rt C I 'Mut Ille late] 0, Uaktl,prozinj,,El
have buen tat tit Mot; the 10103 1
f/rlY•elll,hlie , ceet..ln tot ',me 0:
lair return tor flair aetitlOtl, e.1.1)i,!• ahe at
title brpttaly illt1:11.0e, 4,, 1.011 V.lla
there ElDnkes uru lef c!.e: ti.r t pu
:till ,111,a go; ie,y
peaces of 21cCleliao la Eurcf:e. .
'New Yorrt Lorena Ii CIi:N
Scw V. , 16, o,lt,lvr : 22
an lved la tali clty
. . .
. . .
an alr. , eneu ~1 A . :X ,t eel.; !V
nthief Vill • rol),ed lie
Comp qtv of t 11:, city - 111 Jul; In
It,' 1.., "ctrl 11. i• ..1:-Ir.r . 1 :,r
prlticlr...l(t.ttl, of 1.tta1r..,:1,1.%;.,
quarto,. of rltepht,i, to
rlvol of a very hArelneee from
Fenlans offt..tterii.r
copula:lea:l,m -1
ca01,...i the police 1!.
C. 0.1.11 :11,11uviting:a d e
to go to (Alt, lot Org:3.lllLlpi4
Teo hearing of the 4 11, 11.>:n:':
den. John Slascn, and- We, lfcUellotll.
,Were Oil:
Caving :ipprii;Jthte.l ,L ,Ige 1;
oruwear. twoxrial 10 1!,-,heel
.iiek negro-tor 10-31.101•10iV (
0/,trlct Coat, . •
, 0
arre,t, were e; the
144...141j,141:11..1 I'l ova 1114 tour 4,41114
wt..trn14:14r11 , 1.4,4.
Tne crop pro: he.l , 0t1,4 h0.r.4
der the :.411u4.14e!... 4.1
110, 14 - ranei, .
14.141:44.1.11's 1011 101.1
the letn.wi Lvlll. 41.. ha
} . 4 Ar ,1.44:41.4y.
riv6l, 41h1e :,14.41ch
Sttermatt Coiled t.t
I v , ILtcluti ant to 1., prv,lit at
taw t•ttco,ty of the Artily ot I
1..10 N ov, .1.
'Grant it also tO nr,—,nt.
I: tot t 1.3 tbkt u
to V. ushinutUu, but ,linlnnt .
there ha, any nollavetion wito
tune rullrunlunt ! from llos elite :s 11,
Another, Gift trove Mr. rendi. , 33:..
P,ALTimonr, Ci.einnan
Veiled LOU City Connini today 'to tne
allratigoutent.. for thll :110.i;e
Peabody, tut the neva,lod of
of the readody la:nut:to on 'l' burvday u , xl.
Mr. Peabody itne written a letter to Lbo t:
PUN, ill which be mule , It lurrner t;:rti.d ha.: a
million dollars. •
Train • tr the Triteh
714 , 51,N, Oct. ll.l.—The morning pliPmefiger
train (ruin DOAtOn for Portia:id, olt tin.
track tu•dey near Nor;.:1 1.4.1 SLatton.
There ants coasld!,rublte danun4o to the eta.,
nut delay in itleatrlizis In, Li act:, lout
no r;it
sengers were hurt. '
itrward Itecetsed
NEW YORK, 0.11.0bor•
peruitemlont, liunuedy rwukv, } ti
pnun is ,106111 g 01.1 0 reward flotil the Urttl4l ,
Govermutut lot Lb,. approhei:Sion.l.wq, )cur.
of Robert ilteitt, the w Ift, murderer.
Storm et' Lout. vine,
Oi.t. VI n11,1%1 Wind
L uVt•n /toroth pa.ltert h tr.rhrht , or
rule, New doh. the ',trill well or the Tel::,
1 e.orl'heittrir and vou,h:enthle 11011149
other thu ri,y•
'ride in 'ft..aerve 1 o/iosittp—t.o ,
lteo litittest.
,hackle,; --cane of suivtde eecui red Pa Tie'
nerve tea late i.e ellelehty al or.
early . latur.ycSlottlay 11.01 olcr. Toe haul, of
the /info:tonal, w ,io, ,danter, l and
the eh OUltltatlee3 t•
eholj 1,1 liver , e Illf e 1.0,-n
to 0,011 1,1011, Are aboat .
day morldua, Mr. Ztualtling , ., it., old :00:-
tlont of lf,erve to, wen_t up Into
haylott of litsstable for Le, purl.„-u of throw- I
leg down .. l ottie`, whit:'he- 41ImmlefIltf1
men uppnia , tly ush.ep. 110 wont
be wits /loony there, but re, ',pa no anrover,
wen t, uU itt duo and took lilt el him. Ile
has bort Med to Bpd that the roan was dind;
having banged Idut,elf with a rope. our end n:
which ho 11,11.1 rO 'ached to a rafter. Tee 11,
ceased bad Dree,l lull Intuself net h a stout
cord, and in order to wake It etrurlier
doubled it. Ho bud also relovved a portion of;
••• 104 . , 1 1101•1trupt in the
the buy to a., to .a. 1.00 10000 room, no leer of; ,
svaa very low, I,IIL even then 11, c 'map::-', %i
ed to draw up los leas to previ..t. h If. Mt. I Ihe tt t. 011.11.11 fel.o
rfeth touching the door of the oft Ili 1 11, d II.MOLLI. .I/he AftAr/r.,; /19e;EVMhieg
rondoprc.macd it taunt '1"'""g kinuao tp.f. , ritue,t I.rotA jou'r..alt-,. to
t 3
twee, due v iae Lulu;:eyea
tended. and Iha longue proll l noln4 II an, ; vow,. . I a tt
a iring evolonee I/1 a te,rrlole death. about II on. ha, - to ide, Ittlroor .t,lv Mt, aC•
Front the loetlinony otlcluOtel Iteleft , the Corot •, 1h y vi hAI iron
ner'sJury It al:Ocatca that too dc,ea,:',l polole pelt , ol •.i-tel , .arda it
been In this country but eta 000ko. Ile had : 3 1 ,0
been employed fir thu vtolittly (or I,vet ,l l . L.n.l Itr,tto+ ottt. 11. n Io alt'o I 'tr.. the 0013-
weoka, but fur the last week has been out of th ou [anti, ut ;Le In : ; ant. It 11011
Tfvl3 Or three ShiCe;he VII- t“, 11 anat.:it, owl la no. irPte IA
Iletlol boo who had comb (Coln ,I,rut.tity ere. II 011 11 o
him auti 1.11111 , 1 111111 3,1.11,1 II,11111:1‘. I ill 1 l tlI/At f meL 1.0
ing that. he Intetid,4l either 1. , 1 oit Ilia': 1110 f t ,1,1 1 1 ,1,1.4 I Of,
or hang 10111aelf. The bny err vo.vore.l To ‘ll eLtetl trient tim.ll,-t 1101i10 V. I IttV „of
•sloole Win 'runt Lis 1.1111 put po.o, tout told 11.,.
Ittrn be would gen Win era. 11,. 1 , , U.-
replied that lie did not leant ork, and tuea
left, Nollllll4 farther was 11 ( 0 0 : 0 "” , 1.:,,,/0.—T111.. A e Meg coin
matter nroll his deno bO.ty /it., found thr,
morn lug, The.a
decealed waippa yen Uy a',01.11
f u t o tl - 1 , ); 1 5 . , , 1 1 , 1 e 1 7 fr,ll,ruti:uc'l,;,ll'',s kuun , Les .l7 u' f n s e' .-I, U f: : ' I L ,Tc:
Itomosi tut 1113 01100 l ontol tug o t tlillIes• TOO
Chilli le Germany. No COllle lo aczl,,,aed fur :
, bee' e.u: 11.0.1 lea thous:
the Vail deed. - , cad ll l experole_pyweet,
The fury, after a thorough lercatlcallon, ,l lle ' turned a vordoit of death Ir; nulcute. .
eis TLc
Gltlcoo'a Ijnotl evening elute dr.d. too:, alit IN', by 11.
11: ;t ; :L l l l l
~: : 211 : ; ,
alienss^umeut of
man usmwl
for other hands winch have. ideated
t iLnt I O hovel nwcr l,eurl more cay n;-1 [a r n ; 001:,1 i;c:ulu .t ldenl::m el::liltycstcld:,p, and
night. 'fhu cottipllmoote l curd i I Ililx burn : yaa.cli fits 1.1 cony' nI.I liw:. 0•' piv-ernlor
in our
-not onlplttcrd y
la melhory 111 the Bawl, but 1/4 1,1,0 1 V-111 , 3 ala the hand, int the.,
. r ,,,, t ,„,,, of art.t.m. C' , // lerolant k, , r '-” '
gentlemen. We are plu.-blueately
MUSIC. 110-1,1 tally Intli.leti ',to, 1141 v .1 , 461 'lt Lie
amount. Tlte eatoi 0, 1 0tt.:11,-; la etnoto.
Cllartrod anti Sitentior:. - 5 11,1 ”. 1 U 11 1. •, cf thermle eat,. or( M . ftf •
was arralenctl heforu Aldei num T.tylot taut wel,
tord.ty, chat god wlt;t having 1 0 0 6i um , 5 ..,,,,,,
tried the re. , lttenve of J. It. Nt blrtun, el mated j 3-'...eope of I'd I /../ oers.—T v tneu man/ca
on Foolery street, in the Fitt. ward. and car- liohert tiro, u met Vrauk i'Crela. alms t,rega,
ile a or n certain antouot of bed eh/thing f Charged v. Pit it/order, attecerded in effecting
vxlutxl at thirty.aeven dolls., nod eighty liner drop.' (rem tile . I.fla tener county J.til,
Depts. After a lengthy hearing the nerusetl in Now Castle, on Friday nignt, and it l a ., eq.
At as dleobargett,the evl encobeta •InenLßclewlt counts w ere still nt tarp.. .iheritt Mt:COI/nett
10 warrant the magtstrute in holding him for lovi.reTetvd u re ward or three littadred dollars
trial. for their orprolloablen.
. -- - ,
Aeeldent —d. young men, whose name we i Mtr
eeeered.—We are letpur -to see Our old
have been enable to ascertain, was Severely , Snetl, Aidurtnen Lylleh, of the Thlid ward.
Injured lloorlteerlts Molting Mr/I. ' et Ids islet egato ready to dispose justice to
on the Monongahela River. try bawls 1.1. i ell. He hell l•eru duneerouely 11l clurlng the
111 1 1• 11 Might between the rolls. pgramor ltert Of 1301 week.
Nam: it Iper eked
on il,l' vi•rrln tilt:
Eighth ward. -to: with an atire
tionitte hetrt apal,le or 1•lying:01y and every
tiling, 'out Ale ono m iakilei,4 and that is
an undue ten r nienitioril of the
• trine, 0 1 . In other worWI, to Ilse a fellll
- plirtet t`,llo Boat e + ' 0,1 11011 i. A few
ra many twee, mieording tiJ her own 41.1i.1•e•
wont, 511 e. ohi lireseatent trait a trio eniacta .
ateit , porke ' r,” Lip a certain George Duke,
who, not wiLli,tantlin . ; tits kitty title, resides at
the city' poor farm, iin the •3101lItatieln river.
ilettlateit by the noble ambition of netting
that watch had been eurittte.f to her keeuing,
properly ear,il fur and phyziettlly improved,
she tittnitred e..rerully and frugally, tile 01fal
ithidfragroentary food that dropped fi,ut her
Irnitrl, and th r ew Uwe, during the
day did sue feillA tier flogellip with Suitt 100 d,
itoarulthl ealine the porcine epicure to re
jrnee with pm:ceding The idly
-0: .1 lie . animal unproved - daily
ineler the fuU.erlng ears of ire. Wright.
until the bleb had stood out no
lituininently, when she wan riret brought the une tort right of al
together tice. mitts or Ule , nennitii liarater
ttarly termint The very brim of till her
hopcs wet u about tin be reached—the object 0'
her earlivet Lino a- to increase
the anneal pelarten .ti half a dozen
—non the einCe po iiini.. ni is it intizhOur named
James Mel V la Le, nt i .r.nAct tO the 110 y, and to
the 41 - 1.1 liorror of Mre. Wright be
antinal as his legal property, and
!A- determinatio n of taking podeies
7.rn ~1 :t. With all the eloquence of tier per
• ivo ,oatorv, del e. 11.3 appeal to Me Stone) .
heiti Ot the r;ew to allow uer to re
lain piti,ertuni of Me mad, a - 110,e form by tong
itioociation lie 001:0• tonleared to her, und
• re lain❑lar~nra wall tut nateleet ;untie
10 her ear: Tee heti t of toy ruthless
s nietillln ul
c,r pein.t.Vated not, and
proceeding An :no i nsiit int noonday to
;tie pr , ou It right 1 1, in:ZiTaCitteY
• .. .1 eL: ao.l o.tti led it uir.,
,laic, on in . 'it . Linn uorea.Vell lady
tee,l i.e 51.r.tin,be•
tore oho pi ,it , irred entrgo of agalll3: Mc.:Vlll, 4:10 :V, ri:LiVe i ne l : l Ls
nielLne tn. utlmgistrtitu 10
i•C A .te.ivlng 11'tni had hii ill,a
nlrge 01 tire Lie
en., • 1, ne 11.LV111,, al,' e ' the
Al ter
a p;, 01.11:11 to the thin/Cent
dint jasoce had
tot ilinn• !,,o, Pie,. IV rti;lit Pro ,,,l dcd
n•%,, .n1..11 niv, wet 14,11Iiitett
•• h ut ner
• Ittnilleg name oaf
171 in 0: lit., A:J.L..,1
an eager crowd
tine wetter at
Lan, repreienteil
in 110Seltentelit
.11 tin tne InCeineVen Live 1 einceltlstVely
an 14 .1 . 1' 4. IC ,44:1/.. 4 1 by the
tc,',,litoted :awl the
it .1 rcin..titt n ..l, 00 An eXpeitinder of
lei a red e'llo :gained ,:very
in ;net ~•.?' I Iterate forth „
•i e.lning an
11.4,1 , 1 J It to tile witio ,
j..• ia • , y 0.3 Ind,: hexer
inat tie i , ei 11171.tately 1,115
ni linr tares 111.1ntite, both
lc, 1,1 i to, of the
t• tutu:, t./.1 te,o at .10,1 what ne inearit
ii• eic , ine.aaevvr:l•L
v 1., .y.
1: `tine ti.e 410, WWI ILL Vile di:or the wit
'''t ,11,411 1 ,1 1 4 ,r1 . 11.,4 1 5 the
4.1 tJeetinu I Joon w.i.i,,iittdatinal.
too,ar a mon gentle•
au :71ni,comp:trio, and a itch
who 1i: wt.'s,: to c,rintiscur lil
ties'l it e.tau 111 - . 11in0 nu and In
• r to tliewit.,:loai • I lJal yen ever raise a
he ept , -1, "YU+ oven' ea 1110i1,10 , 1, both
.." I •Iti eoo know any
p-,tiet.:Ltr 01g1 . 0 le, 'lt Is
knows" "By
“, the itns,er, 100.114
ten gait 11:d:
—Dr:te , th,
la-ura,t ,
uti '
de:arati n the
Ow, proqe•ut
ot the plu. lint
. t•i ;• •• ir
Lzl.l . II.•• I t Ott :tlIctl•
`I •t ut
• -
- 31.1%0 •ly
1•i•• 3,1”.!: 110' 1.•
:e nu A rd. , jrn,ktua 11, clang ho}'
1.1, vox, I.‘ , A (0.
,•••:•• !•••••:•:, •0••• v•; Le
r, , r0l and tno car.
nzon ltt
.;n: co a :4 tin , Al,:erlunn. d0t....
t.... .: that :4[r.
r.-- -- .„
, y 4 1 ' • 5::4 \ 1 5 1.7
r ....‘ \
' .7 - '' .
-31 " 1 •
' ; „
ItrAtioq Tooth
!.!,!!! r:ter
.I•{1.1,„, I:: !Or oVer
.1 :0 nty 1110 Clog
II ,
. . .
i, `.1...1 . 11 , 1,1010
, ,
100, :11,...1).
L0,1.40:01;1 , 0.01100.010....1.0g0111:1
ll 1 “. LOrl,lllo .0.11
frOill 'WO-101a
.—t 11. s. 1. , vnitr ot.l (Lucile
Y3lll 0141 he CAI/
u oi,ll 11:0 11.111., :It} VV, r.,0111.10. , •t
1,0,1 o,nt:auo.l 11.11.0,Lie...1, the
011 y :I . re:1011,1 our
.1 Ion.: , trout . tho Country sees
t lilt Ittephnot... •
go•ouJr11,110,1 yootb, ja,t. vrrivo4 from
tne country Ith aft,tl., Vt zAitacy of 11.1vrurttl
• 41::01.1t libji, tfiv 100 111.1 :1.1/00 nc 3.14:11".•
-,'e Loory.was rol,ovtol of :1(r? ,
;40:,1 o.actl tool, f . .:1 lowing
ofeuto,,,nov.. poring L. a
19 r.,ery nattu,s'
foo-ify •ooTon one',"
14, 1, too cities fur
Ito oitroo -oho 01 :we
log ;Ile . votol,lng 100olt ho
toot ono ht.. ;is I: , iyal nod wolfed tier
; huut 611010'0 %11(1.711 1.11110
11,, 1,11 vogho. of w 111514.
Lot I to
l Lou,l of :it , fellutteCOW-
L .Ftvol, Tor nlvorvl
hon,—Lh• I, .0 It, tot thle t,l toll,
, vo,f.fsfla lac:. he
1:10111111i4 lilt
• I
• un.l. air.:":ir 0.,
13, I, that ,,h4
!,spr:lo-6 10.74
2..3c 3,5t.:13-1.3"
lor I :
11 115j'IV.:W.1.Coropmov
1..t:t7,01 - , •
1 , 1010 , r 4:1:411.1111 L,ll.
1, 1 1 0, ror, .col' l' t
‘7. zui,raltt...l I , or
01,or, 1,01 L , y IV: or,l Btu,
n M i town:011p N's.
/tad by
Lois, L
t i o.x.i,_z this uloraitg tst teD
O'C/OCk. •
21.11 , yert hang mid Its Fruits
Few per.mna plodding through life upon the
path chalked out by the tottering footsteps et I
then ancestors, diverging neither to one side
nor the other, have ever given the subject Of
selvertislug hbY thought or study, They may,
day after day, turu over the musty leaves of
their. toile-stained journals and retlect that
their walk through life lis only brought
t i ts e
to the crave, and,v e ol 'wave them e
eel( en{ne spot where they entered into the
basin( Ina acrid. They are no higher upoa the
ladder of feu time. The grasp they got uimtly
lifc they still bold trolly, but never had the
conedeorn to let go In the hope of reaching
the "am, above, They will look beneath them
and bind many struggling for mastery; above
are itien w 110, giant fike;grappled the hand
sonV.iniele difficulties dl,appear,
they steadily iniVanced lit prosperity. Luck
and chance - get the credit or
,tgold tile fogy merchant closes his Journstl, and
hanks n kind PesividenCe that Imams held his
own. Ile probes not the secret of Ins'eentent•
poraries' good fortune, nor dots ho stop to
eXiiiritito tile ftbulousmouutuent of wealth his
Leighton has erected. in the. business world
he will find that printers' ink is the
cement of wealth, newspapers Ilia
hands which bold It together, mot type the
tell tales of commercial program. Ile will
have ilacoverea the priceless value of adveo.
Using too late to derive its beuetits. in latter
days ominess has forced for itself new chan
nels, discarding the dead waters of old canals
and embracing ... facilities which a few years
ago Would have beam insanity to believe-pow
slide. So ids° with the manlier of conducting
the trade which shit te (foie door to door seek
-0 rusting place in the mercantile community.
Tile merchant, if trite to his Own interests,
cannot neglect advertising any more than
other departments of his trade. lie inMpts
every opportunity suggested. of bringing his
wares to the notice of the paLlic, and looks
upon the newspaper oaths best guardian and
pi - Muster of the patronage which enriches
min :and insures his prosperity.- There are
evidence's about us enough to show the merits
of printer's ink. Liberal and extensive adver
tisers who lave persevered in their efforts,
discarding Liu spasmodic flow of a'shilling's
worth of_ ink Ili odd times, for u syste
matic,: steady outlay, the advertisiug
direction have prospered and built Lust
nesses which are not only creditable and
prhie•provoking to themselves, but likewise
an honer null glory to the community which
sustains them. Here we may be pardoned for
citing au instance. T.. 1. McClelland has long
been recognized among our merchants who
thoroughly imp:a:elate printer's ink. lle has
advertised Judiciously, liberally. From a cora
narativoly small beginning, to-day he finds
the pmsessor .nt OUu of the largest,
tsest stocked and widely FrILOWn business be.
sitar, of the weq. From year to year U.S
tearle has Increased, .did it still increasing
True there were other material agencies Me
: ides advertising at work to accomplish this
retell.. Ole keeps goods which we certain of
provsii,„c even um than he %Fad - rants to On;
ourelaiser; all prices m ale so cheap 115 to shamee
_on Deittloll, mod his sy,Lina of doing business
is most saLisLactOry Lind complete. lie deals la
dry oiods of every style, pattern and maters.
al; hoots Aimee and gaiters - ot the best 'manu
facture; hate. ceps uad uu endless variety of
notions to tenuity: Retail Customers are
waited upon with 05 Callen good grace and an.
win:L.l.3on Or gentlemanly Clerks, US am
uwtchmita who dual to the amount of thou
rends et dollars worth. Aside from ail
inducements of the great auction bazaar of
Metile 1.1,1,15 and 5; lath stn vet, we claim
for the press the credit of helping to build up
ilia lin tiaIUSIS trade watch at every hour
tilrougs tuese noscivas sales rooms. Even thv
MazninOLlL Sign bears welch stretches 'ltself
above the doers domes under the bead of an
advertisement, more especially sines the
ire.. of :donne Washington, some miles from
the city, are tum;lit thou ""A B Ws" from It as
thee stand upon the cliff overlooking the Mo
non-gahela river and the smoky outlmes or
Pittsburgh. •
Court of Quarter Me,.lot.
Tlv, Court mut, ,A.,; ten o'clock yciderday
morning, Judetg and Brown op the
Aftur rending over tho list of jurymen ox.
psettil to bo present, tho following buslowts
Was transactor
Warner Powell, colored, was indicted for
huralury.' it woo alleged that on tee night of
the Stn of June last lie entered a vault attach
ed to the untie hoitse of likt.tuan Danahl.oa, •
In liwrelleevide, and stole therefrom two
iiiicketsfilll of whisky. Tne jury found a ver
ttet gn LLty. and the prisoner was aeuLmiced
o pay a tine of arty dollars and costs nail :o
Tin. let go an linprimmuinut of two years in the
Western Penitentiary.
C riarker, of tho Teeth ward, plead guilty
nn tseo charges of sellin4 liquor without it
cease. lie was sentenced to pav n tine of ono
hundretidollars and costs in each case. .%511-
Ilam Moran, also of the Tenth ward, was ben
! Dinned to pay a, duevif twenty dollars, having
plead guilty to selling without licen , e. G. P.
Vielifeller plead guilty to three indletment9
for U. similar offence, and was required to pity
the costs and tines to the amount of three Louis
died dollar t.
famed Reed, emsvicted of stealing a horse,
nod recommended to merry, was bauLenced to
pay n tine of fitly dollars nod the costs, and
undergo an itepritionitietit of two years to the
1 Ahraharr. timillth, convicted on a charge of
as-nult anti battery with intentito eonamit a
rape, eind recommended to matey, Seas bet,
tetteert to pay a line Of fifty dollars, and to Un
dergo irt imprisonment of two verve In Lae
Juttles Weyman, committed on an Indict
ment tor an attempt to commit barglary,WaS .
neat called up for sentence. it will be reinem
bet ed that Weyinan was detected in the act of
effecting an entrance into the dwelline otJa9.
, Marshall, Esq., in Allegheny. Ile WWI settLeaCe
rd to pay a tine or fifty dollars, the (Atha
proe,,, , cutiOn, and to undergo an 1121r1r13013111tat
Or two years and six months in Lae Westerd
leitheettilry. •
COUrt, their look a recess until two o'clock in
the afternoon,
The Conti. Mot according to adjournment,
when several eases of illegal liquor belling
I ....ere tutren up and disposed 01, after which
i the Court again adjourned to meet to-day at
ten o'clock.
Mlle Auue Die*lubon
The Young Ilerearttle Llbritry Azso
elution have opened their series of lectnres
most admirably, and under the most encour-
aging . auspices.
Lest evening the Acadelny of Music Was
filled to its utmost capacity. to bear that pop. 1:1V0111.4 Miss .1.1111, Dickinson. It had
been announced IiOLL the would /I.3tUtO on .
.eornethinA to DO," on Init evening; but site
ncluded to postpone I..lini..i..`CLOCO until
Thursday evening of 11.11., week. and give her
nuatiors.•The Rejected StOtle., another 'new
lictule, and lu our opinion the beet we have
ever neard her deliver. The lieJrct
ed Stone if which 5110 epode wan that
Itrvev I:crativt co solemnly recog
nized in the DOO/brIIIIOO of ludependenee, -
yet 50 strangely set aside and rejected by
these who reared our national temple. and
for the wont of vt hien that temple has been
shaken and riven, and stands this day t rem-
Whig, nod is full of unseemly rents. _tier ar
gument was that uo *lllMetry, Cr beauty or
maul] fly can be !eyed for until that stonn
finds its Nuper place. flow so grand s. concep.
two hatted by so gifted a speaker
we mind those of our readers who did not
hear her to imagine. It was legit which wont
• to both head nod heart. It was a thrilling call
1 to continued action, and to "let the fight go
on e , yet It was singularly* free from bitter.
Un Sunday afternoon the Centenary Celt:dna.;
Con of tile Ilettmslist Episcopal Sabbath I
Schools of Allegheny end Manchester 'took
place in Itev..J. A. eanneyfe Church, Beaver
street; Allegheny City. The children compos
tug the tioIILLI Common, North Avenue, 1310-
well. street., Beaver !Street anti kunchester
eeLIAMS were preaenC. Tile Church wan illicit
to its utthust capacity, and tan emercises were
of the meat interesting character.
Tae exerclaca commenced by culling Jona
than Uullaher, Esd , tluperluleodoet or the
)1 iuiebecrer school, to preelde, utter which the
14 hymn 'was sung, "Oh,. for n thousand
tongues to clog." Atter prayer the eongrega
, t s.llO children twig, .I'llo thip is
5.01104." .
Rev. err. Efollingsbeatl, of the Ifunohester
I station, then uollvered au instructive and ef
rewire address to the children, in ragardlo
,entecary roar. Alter In ging ' .•
A loug," 'the Rev. Sir. Lynch, of the Son is
Common Churen, the unildreu, ro•
vie.thg the lire nod character of Asbury
Theoutlier.° ;bens ulig,..lliere's a Light lu
tile Winnow," after whlon.the school was ad
reettett by Rev. I. C. l'erchllig, D. D. Preeidortt
or the Yhttelsurgh remelts College. Tng
cloitiren then suer, .11w Eve.rarcen ebOits
enuureg ttiou Plums. Taeoxemiseb
were couciude.l by fug elalidren of -tbo Honer
or lnduatry singlitg, •qe..11:16 Aater
was pfunonneed.4?! e anmOla an't
congr,gialou separated to theti.
to Pnr.—An humhle follower of St.
CrPpla named John KrultSs Cattle the ofave of
Ilderuma Morrow yesterday and made oath
assolemL an isollsoOssol esstheil Fetters for the
iereeny I,t halloo Cl is pair of bouts froth the
store of the laver on Venus) ivailln avenue,
It 4,111 s Fettelei, who from present Indica
tiorl, 00 Judge to not fettered with a surplus
nhOstissi Of odnselenttons scruples, got u Pei.'
Orlioots ftoin rouss, woo:titling to pay tor
them o the following day. The appointed
tittle died for the pity asent :acne, but wills it
came .13l)t. Fetters, 111 , 1 the shOttml;er nem - -
o ,„ c ly 11{4iti,t hints llr 'staled.
warrant was Issued tor the wrest of the tle•
rersonwl.—The gentletunu who put lobed
silver , iollar from n lade In Allegheny (Illy on
Thursday evening, will pleAse return r•n*
sn n.e I tik tned Intel y to title oftwe, nu.l thereby
avert the consequence ot. a legal Prosr 0 " 1 " 0
ns he Is well known. -
Commlttrd.—A oploted individual nana.
Charles Ramsey ...a cominlittal tO
da b Mayor 31orrlson nt Allegbenr_allY.
charged icitn stealing $ 'nub. train iioary
st nurgoes Houskin tbs Fourth Wll/44
The Edition is forrenrded which will reacts WI
sub.cilber soonest.
Slogle Copy (per •nnus)
liter Arabia.. 7% lithda Entertalrtmorkt
This great exhillitlon, about which the people
hare bren talking so multi ft, a week past,
has at length 11,1 . 0.1 in 1d , ,,. and wilt ha
opened to the pubhe for the ilnd time this.
el - ening at Illtisceuc Hall. At expectation has
been on the tip-toe, we shrewdly suspect that
there will be upon the ground tua”.y hundrodlil
more than will be able to gala actin:l"ton.
Flee Alarm , Sizolat stemea.—Neatly print.
ed card,', contaieing the number and 'hearten
of the Ore alarm signal boles can be procured
at bbleida S. !bluchers, Grocers. 108 Smlltdield
street, and of William 14. Ogden. eatlaiT deal
or, Noe. 67 and t.i Fifth street. ••.
Lay Inir„. In coal for winter has eora
mented :n right good earnest by 013rClUSIttle.-,
WOODS-0f Cholera, ()owOer Pitb, Rlow Lou?
eine. OP./. WouDO. of AlloghenY •
beatititul ••rioct's•aare," the lards c st suburban
hts, nr sepulchre. except one. to this coantY.
har.t cut !sew Irrlcettrun °‘
.I.lleihuus . For burial lute. verrr.lts ur .11
at Central Irru,htbre ur .t.CL&NEY,
No. 196 Stuitlatield St; - , cur. Ith,
(El:at.. from tieventy Street,)
rPx•sw ,o23I7IPdeVIEI.
ILEX. 4.1,11 EN, . •
• •
ICr cs.73zlm.R. , 2o.4s—lmEirt,
No. Foo rib stront, Vltiotoirgh. COKfINII at
al` Wu G LOVES, and ere, dyeeriptlon
Von oral Form, Ong rarc.scro. Swmo
0000 y llearoe aul t:ornormi tort
I.<YrecrtiNct.e—lter, 0471,1 Kerr L.. Rev.
Ttoolas.i...lag. Ja.oob 11
11111 or. N. •c.
• . •Hauchester. Wood's gun and vlanity, . •
Garner al titetletd and Charlacrs streets.
Carrlsees (undated.
- 61Stler Strout.
LADIES , AND Gaii7"3
•. ALL ••11.t..E.1.
AT UR .A"I'Ll" itEDucen PRICES,
1 171i71 Lvi—a s_WX.7—• "S''
les %ti , Mt' ST.. NF.Ate. 811 H.
GO .rici,
93i Smithfield Street
747'1:0U3i61 31E309 MERCANTILE
WI:I deltver the,c,ul So.:tura of flat Course. 00,
Thtirae,fig L'veniqg,
Svpiv.T-60311.T111.NG TO DO.
Seats Sreeture tua , lwceeured at the
AC ADF:IIY OF3ll , rls;oliTllCl:St ) , , y
a! 10 n•c:...r . k, Ile:late of ,C.Olll
C0:111‘....1 to cl,rck• Witll , 3t (unbar C , : argr.
Single Ticket. for Ite•ztrvcd 'eats 73 Cftfla,. AO
-14:A31011 3U can...
Door, opCl,l at 7 o'cloelt. Lecture LO .0111G9C0 at
.9EATa ed.:: £. E . C(.7 . TI:t.L , BY AN i" (12. E: PER
Ouht bolder , 2l' rnrquoftt cheeks please peas
I 3 at the u 3. er
A 'ln . , It. .r ,, TT. 1
.13e U. 11 , 1Rti. , . I •
I:f. , J. F. JE , N1. , 05,
sv 11. P. 11 e.x
0. P. r. ,, ,117..
the Closi4 ht Premien of the
r r1.2.0 El clay, 42 , ,t fola 28c1,
Fnr a vtemium or etoo: tnint• maks. 11100 sa•sit-
C. st !Isom ontart St • Y.Ati ..E. •
It. Pyte caters ItISD BOVC.H.
t mitre CI L 1) IV &TEE witiAam.
An to b• ragas ßl , tber f•nctlt wilt Ds sold
at J‘thlN b.k.NNS.ItY'S TUTS I'VE:SING. corn
=tensing st 7 o'c.ock. Tills will no doubt bssnelosst
and stetting conwst. as the namert arelct a nlttans
of 0000 n. S. I suarsutto a Ruud. fat! . ezhtnitlnn of
speed, 113 , i Ins nrtt It•tr.n to tsla. out., natal:a
ttn.. of speed stltt U. arrauccd tuts evening at.
John tl. Iscusedy's.
ontli 11. B. VON
111 n. rmred for tbe nos.tba or 1./Bitl
- October 27th, 1868,
r 0. EOM 5.11.
(alblic LitrarF E.nm Associstios.
No, SO Mattel Strert, Phtsburgt, Pa
' me ofd elitobltehi , l house hae now to do CAM ,
pve thousand della!, worth of Boots and !hoes, sad
eI flee the latest. Clio <ante the toot, 'w• felt
iletercalevit to tell at v 1:111 -- Ird PRICEn
we ere
have re.olvtd 31.4 to wort h soldby
any lathe bur
toele that heel, plod o f
Call nod eeouaine rod s:ock of goods, and we ace
intlanedthot you will piirchaen what you want la
the Boot nod 01100 I.lou.
Lo out forget the Plac,
lidifiEsTifoiisEzo s
3`coriL FJEiLY7
one esculent Eldirs eV: Drteinglinine.
TwO Unites suitable for Doctors or ra=tl7 nu,
VW be vol. , lot.. astbu otniara brie Ito use for
tterti-aa 110WA1tliib LIVER • STABLE,
nelft First eft., near AloGo:sgm,Fit HOU..
BlEllit, St, s:10.,
Practical Furniture Manufacturtrs,
4.l.Pet sty:ska 41' n.rrstantl•mt baud.
S. 11, - .WILL‘•I I, 4
W iLL.I.ILMS & O. W. MR.,.
Thee keel , on hm4 , l mr. large •upply rf uulur Xs.
WI riUte etment. Fent, It tr.lue Vetoes and
Yarnlsiu,. Pr..mpt nt t Own gle - tu lo a., It.L.onni
buel.., 01:Ccea ;. No ..t teen etri , .. , . an.' N
....-nel no.
... ~i , .e..,.,.. p. ..,....
TFIE cELE:mizrEiTo:fri:rni..,
100111 It-, It elst.l .• "•=t;
,z , 5 ..",,
i"Meadow Lxr:e• tee ntnnut.vitu,nn,..,. 5„....
D 1 ,.... I-7,N E t,-4).:•... near!". .. ,
i 4h.) - elle. •
Hal tr0r!..u. ,. . , . "!....t.. ','" . 1 • ''''
to ~ .0.1 I,e. e.
I )"" irtr
-v.. . ctse s •
71 . 7 rite.le.el et: e - • •pi tse e It. wlte
A rt eft csruer el elate as, sta, It
ill owN•A Megtore. ore, t• of • er , m
Diners,. Pilch, Fit ,
rarnish af.d
1 ftS,S= l74 - 1 ",°„7.31r/i ll -
; •