PIE L. 311!,:lt.rEZ, flanker and Broker, us Wood St.. ne a r corner of Filth All descriptions tit' tiovernment Bones • bowed and sold on Miura' terms. London and Continental Exchange sold at. Sew It ark 1111.eb; atts , r and Convene tiought at htglleal ray', sus Gold - Drafts 1941100 ou New York. --------- - - - --- FINANCE AND TRADE. • • • fleTraDer, October 20,18G0. • The 'New York - stock 'quotations to-day, as reported by Robinson, McClean & Co., Were as follows t Gold, 140%; 1831 , 8, 11th; • 64Pe, j old • lilt do new, 110%; 1040 s, 92yS1t 7-3u's, let series, 10G7 , ,i; do al and 111, 166. Sllchlean Southern, R. R., 00 1 4 a. Cleve land SiPittsburgh, SPA; Pittsburgh, Fort 'Wayne k .Chicago, IOW& Ede R. R., Fry Gansu -Telegraph .Gom pony, 04; Chicago & . Rock Island, 'OW L ; Chicago &.: - Northtdtestern t 0.1 X; do proferrod,2sll;. Tito eastern market • IS weaker throughout. Gold Is olr about two 'per cent.,' while toe Railway list varies from 54 to IVolown. • - - Our local stock market closes for the week steady,.,., with bat few sales. The market Is bare orbe,nk shares, width woul•f bring host now morn than - obey are intrintisaany worth. The prevailing ease In tummy will keer 110 bettor Moss of stocks out of the unit/rat. to 14 probable for some 4reeirs lyceum , .' Columbia oft stock ha.sold to setae extent . during the week at prices varying from 5,3 i0 to 16,14, and 010050 'Saturday etenitig at 16.tt. Marine is olfercd at CO. We /earn of bids •at 8,70. Triumph, ad. hid, 81 asked. Thu rumors current In regard to w t'atrlhb", we aro unable - to trace .to a Tellable tonne. Email lois of Paxton cantle -1 m to 'change hands at 6 Stoj There tats more paper offering for viscount. -tiwards the close or Oat; weak, and (,tstct , ti sffened Somewhat. IS.says the NOW York rvfb n:; Tho Saari tary of thn Treasury Is understood to too a buyer, through a few pot houses, of the tat Or Woos of seven-Thirties at Ins, and of corm priond notes at ',A per cent premium. is may' l fouler tote: of tu the Governent bue tut Its currency debt at there light premlnit, but io n aoa On:tacit:re or as much-ex - pertence and more conslitetiey than the Sec-. ~retary of the Treasury. -by his plan Of tailing up the curreney debt at a premium, and itv his policy of .eon.M.lntly water.ng the looney lottoskel - , ho gtves the leader of the crated id speculators In hICKSIGN and, commodities that ; MIS the streets (tithe cities of TIM Culd 01 But • for title lisiltire to - cancel leg old c - oU -2110k1Ze(110 Ito Ctinrr,s at teirm licttation gold would g not non :it 148. nor stocks and commodities at Illotr cnc‘r- Mouartrices. Instead of reducing [be-volute,: of the Currency itinl . gettint: out of vx e-tence r the legal tenders. which demos all tale:- neon, liis.energies are devoted .perils hats 11. IteCli/lag 010 currency nt Its UllOllll tin. • log a high premium forourroncy whieh, under prudent issatits4ualuat oil his 1, could be had at par. cable - quotations tor the - Ftst tan', - doe : , for first-twenties matt lie umlerttool tat exedividenot. After the 1510 of October nml 17 It of April the sueceeding. November nut! I.lay , eotVats ate cut oil for tranam , selon New Yor , 'aria the dealings ea. the Louden Exchange are ex-coupon. 14 is gate.' that the" • amounts transmitted 'alumni 14- the Persia, had In preparation for the steamers to telt 0., Saturday are unusually heavy. Thu adverse ! intimations from the eranktost ntniNe, wilted - some. of - our cotemporte4 have dwelt upon (portly for pOillicat Wren , } are' Certainly not borne out.'sby what is doine this_ trees: In our own and Now York market for foreign ac- count. Same Cons! lur,StSu parcels have al reedy boon meeired from abroad; the parcels In gold anticipated by the tamelvers, and Ule amount reinvested In tie Vetted States funds -The new tivo•twenty bonds are most mug macently executed, and are, so far, of the de nomination of coo). They , hear the motto, In Uo,l we trust,!' slid eaeltursapOn wear* the of Andrew Jont.sen. The viamettelC aline picture' of tne United States Tro-nury banding. Tue ten-forty COO pons, 11010 'ruble Alts things, liavo betel counterfeited; and the Old flee-twenty Coupons have h:lntl} , cacao,' the same fate. These'new coupons - whi 10111 nigh defy the linnet:ors. Tue PrCii sups The daily demand for Cuitoma is, estimated :atom . huarlr6l 'thous.old per .lletn•nt New Tote nlon , :, and the nnlnn the Jnoreasc. The dlyposrtloa.' of et Mary 111peullaith in In 110,,.rd all the gold reeotied lot ell:A.0111.1.1114 i 1 ."111,1" the 111.•11“-t ae a belle:: inertly with a view of Intl antetteg price... The course or the 1 r-asury 11010 I s towards an early return tot specie has's, 0i11.11131 illipOrtnlit: step lOwards that end, tat ,ecret nry wilt part with his gold only for the purpose of green back emeellation, .or tho payni , -ni of m Ling bond,- The lute dechot unln.nrs to hare been brought about supply or gold lain the treasnry oetice, paht out for the intret.,..e Of 4:00,0(O or {. ~0001.111 led State, 03110 Plus •ClreltaLltatiCo 1101, Only lip,OL tile •,,,01,1 /11:11.1 . 1thiCh had Frhi ay and ea. orOtty e.1.1310,1tii per cunt, h.l. gave rlse to the most, ftnprv.nthle rusuors at t o the purport of Ill:, Ctill'urtllllent to let /0,0 a Linen forger atli0t111! Or geld. It 11pin-ere to be well duetted that the payutrut of the verahereOnnOns all not ha eal.teip . ated.:.nd all dread open that . dullest :for the to can eat dianteate4. •A. great portion to tee realer, recently. brought here from California in un tleratoed to be on Government accmint, or rather . transfer - limn the United eta', ,rantos In Ban Ft actetAeo iii,ita smiths here, eo 'that tots^ nrrtrali Ito not in eases, and tertatal),' they hare lint of hoe, a orded tho rellet that oai gerteealty ex pected. 12a3=E! s OFYICO Or ran l'lTTeae ita ii.szerre, h,ernaour, October fm. 1365. The produce markets bavo Ocen rather dotter 'thou usual during the pit week., the operation,' of a roped for character being EUrtiouguat rCatrieted, though Wert has lunla (1. tar volume of buidnusi Au the aggregate.in a . ./.44113,^, nay. - Thu errls - nts u 1 thelr reel Grain, and, In facz, rat en, generally, Irteu been on the 111yr:use .raring rho pact day or, two, awl of some urnelei, the supply Is !new oonalderAtly In exec;; of thti de eaLsnd. NJ, far; 31.0Werear, as value; are Cnarairlied, Caere' I.aa been no changes of nu ;,upuroset • • tiiii2lLY—Wheat 19 In better :ur:1,11 - ni.)l 1125 actl9a but unetia,igedi N. I Sprin?, is ritioted nt ea.O2 to 35,e5. Corn aieo, is cowing In tOoro freely, and the market la a 511:011 eLoileri Sales - at 95 to 51 tor - Shelled. [lmlay steady, air etde3 Of 1 Cur lorinan old Spring at 31; ban 01119 No. Sdo at 01;101 2do do 210.2 at 5125. Primp. 2(a. 1 .9 prinz to • quoted at 51,20. Oat., et ady with galas of . 55 care at In, on Creek; and mult• from more at 13 to 55. 7., (110vdruent lu Rye. ,FLOLl2—Courinues ruiner dull, ttwuri ilia I fanrknt.ls steady and prices are ee,7 well oils- • mined-511,70 to 412,25 fur Sprina tV !Lea:, o:,d 1112,71 tO 513,35 for Winter Wheat br.tuds. 2,ale 02100 bids "Croetieti." at 511,90; le) ellesplanc" at 513,/k1; and 110 "Eureka" at. €.1.1,215. Rya 1 - lour to quotes at 65,55 for old and 57,50 for now. ' MILLE . E.Eil—Sale of 20 toad 31aIdlings at 1 E. ,85; and 10 toms prime'wolte do at 13. 1 acre very for,Bran, and Eno In. QllO - $ for Shipatuff, and ShOrts in also awn), What restricted. PROVISIONS...Bacon is afet hot nuchungol: Na quota at 17c to7r Shoulders; lac for llthbed SldeSi and 2361 for &Isar Cooed •Ltelne. -Lord Is dull with • noadl colon of prima kettle rendered tot 1734 to IS. Aleos , Pork le held at 433.73 to a3l. BUTTER—Continues dull and weak, with a drooping teraelter. cannot be qubteil above .7C e of SOO lbe eltoicc at tbut figure. - common peezed Butter to vary dull. £oo3—The demand atilt 34,11111 to keep pace With the supply. nod (reek peeked may be quoted steady supply . CtiEtiinE—lo qutet and uncbanged—Weet• ern Iteaerve le mulling at 17; Itaultairg at 10; and Goshen ut2o to 7:2, as to *guilty. • A.PPLZS--tioculeg In u little-wore freely,aud while tee market is less active, ',duce ra n . eta about. ws lent ciuded—a7hlll let dad, for fdlr to prime—an *au:tetanal famish eade at choice at. 113 • • !WED9—Flax:ice:l is In defused and sails leanly at ta: T 1 .1:101111y aced is in good au pidy and Very dull at stone figure. Clover quoted at 157aA55. • , Bay_quocaa a 6".0 tosn- SWEET ro.r.vrons —Dail et 61,55 I to $1.75. CLUXlSEltitit:s—uetul- trua at, $l5 ' to per MIL JPITT3III7IIOI.I YETlitu. LEII3I 0 rirms n. Tria PITTSISTJROI2I ti , zrms. t B.e.TI:III).ST. OetOlrer ' CRUDE—This Crude ~inarke his been very dull and ikepreveed throughout the pest week, prloea are aahaile lower. The demand 13 very multi restricted, even et the decline, both refiner; and eltippe . rs evincing di6 b tton to hold and small further develop:nen (.2, anew Idle the alocic is prittg well reduced, the Supply la neverthelems,Otinnidereb-li'M eat eel of Lltawants of tho tunic, and the tender:Cy 1-1 dOvrairard. ire now quote at /2!.f to btas rpturood, dud itt bun:, and toy., gisekagerincluded—stile of 20 bids au 10, 3:111, We have grbll reason to hellere, That there wei sale elfected tt 10,1 4 Thu advice. from Ihu east are anything out encourugloc,, and it . Muhl be cualescd that. the. ProN,ects for the tutor,' are by ro lumina encouragnig. . titillfigh—There uile.leet n nine Ir tram an. imp Nraci.ll tin: e'er of, nud'ilie muraid eon lnues very .'till gull 'limey, with a drooping tendency. There ale - litatieutTer. to buy at 00, dell need In possibly 00,5 0..u1d 7w ontioned, lutt the. far, our ret tiers are nun ailing to t:oott..tet Si the. flguree, and cite VilliSqUelle” 1- 14.4. have norates to record. Colorant ed WI! in early pert of the rbk , prices have deullited from 2to Ec per gallon, and wren at the. de 'cline, the Luc:nand ' to by no fineeno urgent. memeala at 1e thought 11111 a Leon:sitter...an I anunditt could be sold at the nand/alone ablivr memiel-21 to 2114- Fred oil very dull, demand beiLig re.stllCtfil cultrely to .upj.t.y.. E sag lb. ',mots Of the lec,ll trade, and priors, b.vrettaellnatllocorrtapotitra t th • Ana/Vll—Tho iirrire.l3 of ell Were reported : - 'l,bera life 240 i Az - error it Burke.— 110 1 , D. Bay 90 • ' Total Totatrucolots for thu week 11.313 Ip CD last 'week.... Total reoutpts since J4m.1.. • • _Balt/more Cattle. Market. - • • liai•rifritcas, October. 15 —Reef Ceitlo—Tbe A "' BRA- 13 Wir , a CO - ut the scales auttitlg tholitut *twig anions ted to 934 Levi, against 10.:0 1. t week. . maxi • Lf•icturliverr 7 of 4.14. the DuntOur erouin 75 Head re. =Med UnSOol, and the balance We/ tat ea COOK, PACLOR AND HEATINO STOYZZ Id th e taloarlag rates: stock cat tie ht .I.Sdb 6.3, • • Conprese $5,16at1, fair et .10,5' ear, geode. airkoia l fritear m e Teceientaud . Etllltica, TEbt•it Atk PiAfith A VAT . was, arid a le.. retie. breves AL g...,54 per RV ALAI Llitif2lslZl (WOOdVoOk novo, ') A :I;(l=l4ll..etleap—Tile supply Wad MOMprage, •• Lg. - and taif Midas ranged- from 3!4' We per le. manaue , GWAGH, fatATE - tertoTiTe, .Ire. . Ackge.dappir moetapita but Nuak to the , L , 4 s md vr o . zarkiman Vial wadi at aliWkria pat /00 /Ds iliaaa".ll4 Kress, SIAILKETM 111(•FELIEGII.I.P111 New York Firmerlol natters New Tons, October 20.—The money market, Is working easier and - has 1051 all the 'flraMese apparent on Thursday and Friday. The de mand is fairly active, but is readily let at 445 per cent., with most of the busineas at the lower'rate. Tile Government has a good sup ply of currency, and is gradually t-sklnit in its strict olil4idlona privately, which prevents any. stringency that-might otherwise a lee from the active spivis talon at the. Stock Ex change. Prime flint an . are current at Siiil per cent. The gold market clostst up at itiNt3 . 14n).;. 11.1 e twoettremea of the Slat - Wel e 14.1 and 147. Liman:old has been betted 142 per cent- to flat. The recovery front the lowest point was Ooilng to the rumors from Battu/lore 0. the prospects of a trouble It. that city oil Men lip. ! The Stock Market at the close of the dolt . w i lower on Erie, North Western COMMOtr, fort I. Wayne awl Cumberland, but otherais , gumr: ally steady : Now. York Central 004 ,polll. 1 anti litglie . r. The lollowluir are the . ciosin. rpiolationa: • , 0 '. File• i.V.;; iluthrel New 1" , •ri: CeotYal, 1- 1) • • , „ e .,,,,. fl'Over,l2 , ili' ; Renchng, 11:64; M i T i l i , :2l c..,,,, .1, 116; Michigan - Font 127; Vat tabu rgh , 917‘ , ; 7:: " O r r, r il6:l i ‘" , i , f l ;!,Fr . ,, fi N!itt , ll . 1 Weatero.preyerris,,*in:t.a.ii„oogeo andl :l' IC S I t e. i' /.111i, i1,b4,•}( 1 / 1 1 . 1 , ~..r y ~,,, i "IG"RPer'neferce4ste'cu'rTtlli were. heavy mid I I lower this afternoon undersalca to realize the.! i•rollta of the late v.dvatico. Tile .fOlow hie wore the closing pesi limilstercil, laii, Ilii, n , 3 ,.. , . ; coapona, ISM, 113X4,113 , ,t;i5- . .lea Reins. Z7..,1, - ,,f o n e , 10G4104.-it 54e. of Ise2,lWgisiikkizi .524 i Coupons, of iiiii litiriiiillY . ki 5,0' t.eupons. I to 1..i..5, Itiis.-.4115%; 10.40 a ttegletered,9S,l.;tsi , , , F,;. .one Ceemereice...t money article say, Tee money ma' tel I 3 scarcely - no firm - Some 4 per cent loans have been Called In, cat It 'lnta not been found easy to replace them ut b per cent, and the weed CIOSCR apparently with n re.ac tionnry tendency towards a 4 percent marker. Toalny truneactions sure reported at 410 per cent, but tne lower appear• to he the prevail ing rate. Dineen:its arc dm at Sal per Cent, tau trunsuCLlons at the lower rate being coil- Ibie•l Pa apecialltics. Governments show a • allulit inaction from the improvement ol the h hi od w dayil. Thera la less de old 5.20 a, arid toe oriel, is;: lower, °titer securities 1 eyui path izlng. Tire tiovertnuent has. uaeel a 1 portiula of its alliplus currency . In the our. chase of 7-GOs and compound not ea at the cur rent tuarket price. TOO stock market 15 ac tive Wit liregUlar; North Western continuos 1.0 load the Market and advantud. 112 at Western the morning board; N. Y.O: and M. S. were akin 1 strong, lint with these exceptions the work et le ventrally lower. Gold opened wohk at 10, iota steadily fell off to 'WA. The market to> tug woll supplied and house being Made list LO 1 144 per cent. per day. , I -- - - - -- - =I3 _ • New' YOOO, Oct. Z.—Cotton Irregular 011,1 declining. at Ole for unddlitta anq for Ode... Flour 13a2t i.et ter. at. (..s,lO-41:10,. 7r, (or EXtra. State, 410,a511:;5a for 11, 0,, and 812.40.4;13,73 for Trade Brands, clown;; quiet. q• let ano steady in nand ; at, $•.:,41. Wheat 3,;;19 better, at 4.2.2 a tor No. 2 .• Chicago Sprinl, .r,Vg2e4 for No. 2.1111 a althee, I •nul . lir new Willie 311chIgnit. ltyu 202 , better; 01•1 Weal ern, bl,1:1(0,22. Barley aerie,: una 2,330 better, at 31,95 for Chicago. Corn esened, un,ottled, Irregular awl 31,31,, higher; ouniand 0111(2113 - speculative and la eg•.- I v tor eaten: ala-onti la, 'at $1,00g1.01, and 4 I ,‘•:1 iii Mo tor cfnipping Mixed V, ...stern in store, 1,07 do afloat, $1.0 . .. , R1,P.) for W cater., ,yeilow iu Cs Ore { I{llll 41,10:11;13 for White Western In as ore, closing rattier quiet. Oats lc better, at - Z3:6.: Cents for Chlea - go, a 55,1 Gl cem, • lor - Milwaukee, Petroleum dull anpl nominal, for Crndat. itetined In Bond, Porlc exelted and clecbledly higher, but eh.- 'a slog heavy at C 1.3,755•1.00 for new 155.00, ,111 cash; 631,50 for old do, tel 6...9,3 , q.t.t,!! 70 far Prime; 501,0 1,203 !parrots of new ha,s, I PiPii.3,63aviiers option for Octobt;r, 133,21; sel:ers apt 100 to November 40i, 44.11,00; option. , Py!!nther, 4 , 1. 4 .:•7q2 , ..g. , , in:het a option all ally ear, and 327,00 millers option for plantlary . Beal p untatangeil. Cut Media heavy :51 1ia11 , 4 for alioulders,•:antl 17410 for Mini! tirer,aal fioga heavy, at 12 . 11,4713 wettern. Lard iteaVy at 15i117. Bhtter heavy a.t . a)U2J lot 0010. Ni rte Tong, Octotrer e 0 —Flour—The market has been very Active and much excited daring the past week. Prtees have • advanced trots 7.50 1091 u barrel. There Was touchelCitement at the close, and there Is a bens; dewatol, partly for forward oellvery. 'Caere Is a pro— sect of still higher prices. The diminisitlag Stuck creates appreLiceslon that there n ill be shot,LL supuly tubs senile, The •prri.eht !deck is only 73 'I barrels, against lie i tti-J I, C. rels at the same time last year. Wheat—T,..e. , Ileparltv la the stock ci eiheitt Is :till giehl...r than Is Ileac. The pr-vent supply helmsl3o,- ri'd bushels airainst 1,70.1,0(0 last ycar. Cite umriret has been rather mei . ° active, and elo,es de highs: fur ei.r . aa . . • Wmter sibeilt heid firm mid With,. Corn Connie 3 to I cents:lino-hot 10,4-rier. The:: tnetruils el the creek wcre 'rely'lice re. rieds. _have im rive , :11,11, h 0 I: t1: , ..1. The d.cl :has been pin [IV :Or orho tore or the marker., /ixi ley has 1,1, aI•SIV., Witt iIUCIAIRI.VI.I.'7/le. Market ,1 1 71,f to, Internet, If attt. Jrn.vn onto 10 pit 99.91 to Us_ crenllt or ttit: t!Spot,ltOrs.• nlid 1111,..1 1, 1,21 - 11,11 (ruin till' tir,t or Jut, tattel I tnottn lll ott r, c..otty•ttsn.llng trrlo, a yt•nrst.l Nom. trootnit•st C.O p toleto vm!. pu.,211 nft t9s _lt told rste unnisy .111.100r:in lit Iv, tnsu 10010 t 'lonia containing I.4.l:ltnrter, it}-Ls•set. E.tlys Anti 11,1,11.1.1.(0113, (unlisted C(1114. Lisa f-intllcstl., 4: Me nL CC. •, VILA: rit/C51067:2•21 . _ Jolla U. 1: . ..,k0rtm, • •, A. M. 101 , ,ek, M. 0.. B.f. L.. rucinertocl.. , i5.A . 1113.. ,, 11. .11.,Me9 thr.l.LuAu. "• .1..,11 , 1 11. rilpm , ut,,,,,et 4 stut, M,Aale , . ' , .: olluv. Stil.llr. James U. D. sArt.l2. A1 , ,A1..1., rve...r. 13. c. M. t'clino..., I (Thris.::nn Ye , it , r• - - - T 111,710 , ,. Wm. J. As , ltrays., 1.•••• es D. lit,iny, (.;.:I,•tu A.,.. I ~. f lesty J. ~ 3, • :':•• ' Peter A. 51,1e, - ., 41111 burg ~,,,, C. filndle.T. ,1;,,,,,m5r5t.A1:. ' Gns. - . 51, Bia.:i.; • , wu. ' V.'altur V. V...:-....•''.,. A'..2.: A. l'Arrlvr, 1 John R. 31,k'Sr1.1,a, et:Arles A. Coltun. 331.:1:?:r, • M. in. Douglas, . .1 It.tay 1.. lEis.f. ,, q. Ic , lss Eva., 1 Wu!. F.. ttc.smi.l:, Jot.: J. Gllltt.plt.., ' • -• ,,,, ....k r . T1. '.. 1 '. IV - 1111nm S. :laves, 1 :A*llll,ll \ a5k1. ,. ., Cuter 11. tlsulet. Wis. V. V:111 ,,, , I:tr hard tiny, • Bar. %1 nitt.../. ,Ir.ettl,ll,—.lM-1. I:. I:. 51::1'.1:::. 1.,,,,,:, E;T.EA kiSill PS nAL - ramortu & EIAVAN A STEAM- Dll/I'LA , Crr2ll'AN Y. • & nt.r.NS3. Genera Arrenti; I'r rlt eV! al t1..t./% 'l/11tEL.T. 1.12••11 , 1.) nTATES al 11 1.. Virateelaaanceanrablpn t 015 an, Will 0.01 am (0111/WC • /SA" 1 10) tons. T. A. CA nrrrant•Le 17. h. • ' '''' tone. %1 to. n•nilna,Coaonalr.lar, e.ATCIII2a.T. INl.tronao, - Prom 131tar11 II In F, At 2 o'cloc e prec!%ety. madly* an don ••I , ror freight or 150550«, GY7III, - !.. , 01 . 1.1.11e1Allgq11, AIM! • fa' 11 %% 4.1%F1k.".1,11 A,eete. _ 10 WitAnr.• • ~, • V•••••No 1:i.0f1.3 ,11r Oil: bto.v C.e Pl-r.lto fur tle Nl. ight cced r tl• l aaltn,,lgliv .t 11, . • _ G . Eu• .ce., PRALTIChi LITUORAPIIE(I3,, .T/ie //:;Li :q.17,, LITII/ l." 1/ 111 L %.1,.//:..1'• 14/./. -Ctrdo. /..t . ttutll e s^. .•% 0./.11.1 " Awl . 1,4•1 pat vaTE DISC.9:4EIS. 1c1: PEN u.aa tlanit for Lod cure 01110 61, ;0 01 ge• Or • r r Lnr. (rem Lrru 1u :r day, ogre enttn.:y • 1 . trentu,nl. 61,11. Setnlu.: dlaclave,t/I tie Feo Ral I.ign.e 4,0 Cure warranted ur =.oory relunt . 4 1. 1 /Clco tuora-110 : . EW 'WALE PAPERS now re- Cdlvlux at. • 1 , 0. va . rmET,SfREKT. Nl' tlirp. qn CASES HAMILTON Flaw •••••• L.E.4.1/ re:ctruriaud for gals . 4 , y WWI; Ii..ELIAr 63 CO„ BOILED LENSEED gr% A. KEL4F co . age whom]. Dzumpti, it sod new; COAIMISSIOi3 DIERCEt.,kN IS • C. W. utl i = b„ MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, ANO L . 3IOILTE/F3 OF BEANDII;S, WINES aND °NABS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty acid Irwin Streets, PITTSBURCH, PA. IRON NAILS, COTTON _YARNS, SC.. r Constantly on hand II E W ER, B URKE & CO, 'ON ISSION 3r.it 111 Vt i ii, At. F.NTS nid TkiN Pariii , Weft awl Liberty Oil Works, Ample , ,ur•pe tor Cnolo ont: Ir.tonr:l OIL 1.11.er• Insilr Cn rourlsomotts of Crode or Itxtu.l .4-km. ordr for storage and Map' t4rot ur 42.ru0« toll at Lawrence:Me. r.oUre all.l Wetrehotoo.. Corner ot thovesno WaP and & HITCHAILLT, COMMISSION. MERC;HINTS. AND InALiuel IN 4A‘eds, Mill Feed, Sc. 319 LICFIITI'tiTI:r T, AIV IA :11 C. L.EE, • z....cceoaor to A LE7.. UOILDON CO.II7tIANSION ..CNIDFORWAII,DING "Aar. 7EI Set:Arad Street, Vltlotittrail n tor Lunt, — Lead r ' lpe and , n.od Land Won, t‘ . enier to R tiA RIG and lt LEA , 11. 1, ti E.Rr, FIRE CLA T. R 6 ConalanalentasJ d,lt..d a , ort , r icre prvl;il r-d nty3l u+ - t • - coc:Al W. 116IAISIL. IiENNEDIE * MOO CA,11.111,511,S .Sr.. sod 11eol..rb to rt,111.1,1N AN 11 1/0.11Z0111.1 1111'1 1 S. hALT, P1.91111 ' 1111TTElt, Etillh, 10. et , 0.,, A c.; rrOv11110:te an.l Produce go• cro!:y, So. 71; 1 . 1.1./11 HAL 1IllE1:71", oppoelto the 11..!1,0,1 uTot. 'ALIA...II,IT, CA. r, g e n t . .fo.rl 4 th e 1 .A el rn le t u S r oot. h. Rite's, Dstubhl4oio S.NE t'O COMMISSION ELEECILINTS, %.”.1 r, Fvo.l rt Frodnee ..ule on von,.l4ntnekts. • . , 1 . 1.hN uppo.lt. I . lt ,burgh. 1yV:1715 CEIAWFOit I). Commission IRON 11 I.ltl I“ON. .-,1.14'L .tc. Woreholo, .1.10 N. IMP; ,TIL,Er. Stunt/, turnLihed. ocf l t NY.; tv. A.713E it, COIIIMISSION and il,ters In 1 , 1.0 U It, ULU% IN sn.l eArvet, tc.wieett Wool sod . inn ay U... nurtnn• n AMEN b. .....',l3,2rreun k_ /OTT S IIEPAIIU Li, And dialers In rOttign ntur. Iluttnr, crh annit illy. No. 10]Mitt: ary 000sttc rltteburgb. • - • - - • - I'. .1111Cli rt. CO.. No. ISS I.llw ay gt,et, Pittsburgh, Vat°lrssle Ctrattuise.-, Yerebuite &de. In Coll. tr, Eggs; 11,, F . )-ti. r., Seta; I K>,.l Lime. jyle r s.. : , , ilL'r,i!t.D, • ‘..1 ; Ala tintlu and Pro "r;-t;„ r.mtquie .1/ p.,.1 to !tn,cr7trkerr.: j 11.5.Vilfa IeATTON, 4 v. Cur,za:,:lcar Ilt•rchurta,p.u.i !,.../.Ir-r, 1:1 1:1011, /1,11. Ulnas. (101.1,13 .t: I•lltril,tirw.ln gt. rail y !I ill r: t:. • • 1:. nr, . ; ... O. I.%1;1 (Succety.ors-to .1,(1e.,:an,) Dr:-.11, Iron. to tr.:l :IV:. - ; : l,lrt.lrctlonery, nuors. LII IV 6,....111ty Wr>ai dlrrec, Mrme k r.I• - nnita. • I SiEV, Constnission L. N Ttl n In iLIJIM,tIIZAIN, ntlti Ity AllegnenV :n1 Trly, c?'.llX :3. Comazaziss r.:1.1 !.I.,rc!!!Ant n• 1 “Lulci4l. 4caler • • . . : I:varr, Butt,: tot , , 0 11 Vot Sala:Mot: a., I . I.'ralt, • Guar?. ktEETE3I, t - u o,, , ,atug •cd a., a.• rl Marburrh.tlastra.c:arat. War,..a..../r. a. .1:514 , fy aLr....t.'rWra largh. .... i•olsi•ao uousa. • • • •- - - - - t; ii1:11.1t - 4$1 AL, Etneg., - cces- J.,15 I. tio Wsassale Om. ;; r, ;11t•rr!,..t.s. corner of brrilth.' At,.l feta ftlautt ,-- ntl! Ctr.anal.slou 51ercliants • 1 Li Cruac and Ileu,e,l y e . V."‘ter riwyJuncll. • -, i n T• 11• it iNeLt. 17.! n,vl 174 It Llt,ty oLreet, ?Mett:H . R . :4 ke1,17 EN i C. A) rt;?.:TZ(i.i, 2{, Grocer: :It'd LA c. fat n 6 .... \ ntitlllcalors All 1,11.11 t .1 fit , Les:, of ll'oed i•;:t nol If ,`l l- ",".3.:1r. MsTsl.o"ill, !..I.treloolt, for tbe6air 1 r, 1,41, 1111.4 t e r p...vrAny. No. to Eart.et tit t, •,• r,f l':ret. tk , 7. Un:LZELL. ~ 013T.'1)ALLZELL Lc CO., Who, e - r,,mrul,sion am: F..rwardi%g Vter .l C• r rs In rodTico, aud I.:ll.llwrty blf Pit it SEE FaL6IIN. %kr he IVILSON, rT 11 r,x entnnv,slon Iltrehnnta, nntl Llcal,rs In . Itnuufacuirea, No..MS •r 23 iberty.'St. 7 I/. i ir - t ;t 4 - 1 ?” 1 -!!: l i''..! 4;t C•:yr. i Vteh r t 3f,relrAnt, rind w;.,., r:nutaryyrlur.,ru,erle.;l, li.mn.irm.tilrr, advall,l :, u:d. 01, 0,4 fur Pro.l”, generally. au= 5.4.1.-111 DICKEY b. CO. - , IVltolesale Cnlrmlou Mutebauts, clealtni 11A o.r Vtster street and 64 rroat struts, WiLKINS • ffu,consor to.11.6f:0 , 111 Linh.ll) r Flour Ind G Produce. and Cornmlnloa t•lv. 363 LIIIEHTY 6THEET, fel:IY j 011 N ch., Wholesale N0 . :174 Wool 4.loliLltaxty str.rt. !..irol). Vs. • • . c' 'UPTON & WALLACE, Whole a , CEES d SU PM LWA.LEILS No. u 1.'1: rltoburgh. Jyll BLActillettltlES. 30 1113 LS. 1 - 0![ SALE lIV 12=2 =I IIkIHECHG. CHEESE I== I=IITEM =M=O B'~'=t-: FREgli PLCE.ED FUR 8.11. r. DV 'CIIADLE.3 C. U2t.L.31..1.17. So.. 1t r..lbertr ..reet EMI ORIILN FOR BALE II r =I E===! =UMUUViIa 1:97orl, In: kild VI: pound can.l.tr eels by IMM2ll=i DLitiOLUTION OF PARViFIIbIIIP • TISE FIR3I OF RHODES - 1 S t• •Il,olvedtuJtanl copse:at. Litter at the pArth: is will Situ t h e nAme et tee": m s..ltli:At up tilt old laimle•s at the othoe o the .I . lttibur,lt ISr...try. JthiLIVA. 1111111)}th• u% li. LAT:MAU% .IA.OOII AND VII.SVN% Her ler dlep,:ed or our entlro !trent:3k, Ittalttog le37llpp itualueas to Mot r.. It3ON. PAULL NU- I ,t (1:.. n e would welt from our Irleods a con : null., .4 tnu petrouage• no 11:3erallY beetowed opou in, as (rum tiler I. no experlenee lutum !m -ew, s. full • otladt :1 that' they rill melotaln tue vlecileaCc OSIICA TO UODES 17.oh.rrIng to inn Above, wo would Infants therpuhr ,, Ile that wo wth leave uddlnna• end.he to merit a r, ot:was, orthe l iteral netrodage onJoeett or the late Urn. ot ./0611 A 111101,ttti & CO., a nd from nor es 1, roe 1.. , t.e bo.lnets, feel natislled that we adr or[Welled to glee entire rat isrgetlon to those win, only (sear le , Lk, Ir orders. • Ird ItLI nOTON & CO. ( !OUNTIES: 1:011.1 patch.. A 42011.1ZiTRYILESIDENCE <;4TI ~lalrg rE. 34 l ti C ,lll:::?c ' e .b l i ga t jr ' ,l " tan " th e e re g e ls 4 ti.g P. 11 VA!It I toad .tim 17 • 4* 1...GTr7. czbiz3T3 crwizattli ZOO Bwitatzt.s, Ma be. utlelo told 1a tbta market. ono *ILIUM H. MANUFACTURERS UNION IRON MILLS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. A C , . — NSoLIDATiON" OF THE —IRO': CITY FORGE , AND - •CTCLOPs IttUN CO." ar.ST.EA.L. 3LANVFACTCTMIS Or IRON AND FORGINGS. Special atteolion gtrou to the.ILAOSI (US= Of Ilammered and Rolled Locomo , • Clive and Car Nxles, 3EC.7-. II = 6 RZE.A.X.S 1E1X1113:), RAILROAD CRAIIRL SPLICE BARS, BP.IDGE I HON DOL. CS, &C.; LINKS AND BOLTS. I REAMS, OIRD ER IRON; OCTAGONAL HOLLOW WhOUGHTMON POSTS: T AN'T. ANKLE IRON, &e • WAREIXOUNE. 95 Water and 126 First Streets; OFFICE. AT THE IVORKS,'NIN Li W MOD, PI 0c1.5•127 PORT PITT STILL: AND TiNii NV® CARROLL &SNYDER, • mAst - rAcruitar!, Cr • .TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED, TUBULAR. FIRE-BOX-a- CYLINDER STEAM. WILLI - IS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANS, COIIINEYS, RI:EEC:111SO AND ASII PANS, SETTLING PANS AND CON DENSERs, ,STLAM PIPES, •GASOILETLII,, AND IRON • BRIDGES, • . PRISON DOORS AND COAL•SISUTES. UR:lce 0.11.1 'Works, t•.oruer Srroml, Third, Short LlLerty.Strrrys,. ' - Pittsbtagh, Ponnsylv an ia. AR-orders r,tnt to the •Love .I , ltlrtls wttl hr proutittly ntteuded to. EM=== SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS NNGER, MICK & CU BEST BEFINED CAST STEEL ;SQUIRE; FLIT AND DLTACON, GI ALL SIZES. .11/1,4, AND CC? SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND FEVI-ELLIPTIC' RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring - _ - .olcl, Cast and German Plow Steel 'PLOW WING. , ANDSIOWtn. BARS. SPRINGS, AXLES. AND STEELTIRE, SICKI., \T.., HOE, 11,1E4% FMOZ.. TOE • CALK ANTI 31 , 111tiV.ItY Oz.t.T:STEeL, . • CHOW-HAM, &c., So., &c. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh, sels:k4 It °SE:DeII, El ST )9'L;'S'OIL ILS. R L. PETLI{..Seff, 3r. , & CO.,' DCaierN in all Ards of tookilig and Heating Stoves, 'IL , LEWIS, BAIIJN, 'Of vor , fI , A;NO oukl vis.!;. NTIC+4SIUN 7 IIE7S SMOI=IM IRON AND NAIL WORKS. SIANUFArTUREES ul', BAR, BOILER, SHEET ELNTI irzt.w3m. NAILS AND NAIL RODS. iVarchouse,l3.lVater & 90 Front sto PITTS II R§? PA erZl:kr,s KEYSTONE IRON 11'01litS. HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., I= llonnd, Square, Flat and Horse... Ale Bar Iron; Hoop and - Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and -7.- - Salt-Pail Iron, • 56e4 , ( Iron, Se., Wort.;;, SIT TOW Ym 0111, and IVarElaa6, N 0.146 Water Street oci:ili FORSYTH's STANDARD SCALES, ZLialS CO, Copyinr, PreNsew, . Warehoue • Baggage Barroug,l Sugar FORSTTLII, TAYLOR ee:c-4% 3) sunxer STILEET I - 1.A.11 - 1,1130WAL.1 B. WOLF, JR., & CO., DESLLLta Hardware & C utler V. ern now receivin g lar g e addition, to our Ethel!, which Is offered to Dealers st EI.a.WraELFLIST PRIOEI7. Corner Liberty and St. Clair SAS., ae2S:k7t MONT BLANC , FOUNDRY, Butler • Street, Ninth Ward, OPPOS.ITE UNION IRON MILLS, X . 1" Mra t 13- SEC I ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS. GAM El AND CASTINCS•6ENERALLT. "Orden promptly mid carefully executed. Rh:AMJNABLE, EBtiERT & MACKLIND. 0t:50..8 Ill= piTTsnunuzi STEEL NVOlili ANIXRSON, COWL dg CO, =I Aanufacturora of Lb beat retine.i Can Steil, Ono xo, Vlnt and Octagon, o altaa, Haw Elates , Ilse, 1,1 end Sheet Cut plea, Cut aatei for REAPING AND MOWING MAC:IINa, NTS= PLOWVEC WINtO4. NPILINGO, AXLE/4 OIILALEON, QC. • Cast and Common Plcrogit and Spring :;u el Otaso-Ch/rner of rhrse aid Hess streets, two Moots above the Monongahela House. • setr:dy • OLN art.A •L PAIITRLM~, REUBEN )ULCER, nAll'L 11. KIK!: GEO. W. DARK, purr otlAd. PARKIN. I • ORESOENT ST - Ell WORKS /HILLER, BARR & PAIIKIN, 11.4.NUTACTOD 0112 Or • BEST QIJALITY CAST STEEL. Equal tO or lu the llArhe either Imported or of Domestic Manufacture. nrsciza, ATTENTION PAID TO VINE CAtT AN 11.111 0rK14.. •011:1ce, 38 MI ood Strect, ,• IS BT. CIIAILLER HOTEL I:AI/LOIN° Pirrsauerm, 40.4 nth. lAA, IFIE • -FORT PITT FOTTITDRY • • CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS dArarrAcronsue OP • ND A!MLA N N Y OO H R AV D Y NA T N IN C GS E . , A Special attep l l P n S paid to E tLL C G MLLL I htOB..S. BLAST M AC RINKRY nod RETORTS. REPAIRS &Metaled to promptly. £5 heretofore, the bast material: Put :leaps &red at this Vootatrl. navliqc disposed or stir old patterns. we are pre pared, wlth NOW Asp Ix:porta) potter., con structedder the oilper , lllori of Mr, Kat s [AT, to famishfuish R A IL MACHINES at short notice. Let@ WE. 20/LE.3.. ..... JOHN ALLIN JAZ. L. *mix VALLEY STOVE %YOURS. ALLEN. NPKEE Oma• and IN•rehonse 801 Liberty Street gypealte Nma ilannfacturae a finest varlet, of I.lotiffe PliftLoll and MUTING nfOVILS, among et hlcb are the cel ebrated illleKlien7 and Monitor Coal Cooktnit littn..; 61.10, MI Antqcrat and Be i nttrisl for coal or motel, tba e hl r osat i fo i r luitiViaonlYar 'away. I=l MANIIPACTURERS. bIERICIN IRON WORKS. JONES - t&..LitT(OIIiNS, PS'Z'TS~'^--.. a~7'tG~~ TAC.t Vt. IMERICAN ADD, Bar, Hoop, Skeet and Plate Iron; Bridge lron; An and T Irort;. Ctiregti flronchitis Guard Iron; • feat Screen Iron; .r itails,l6 and 2011 m. to rite) and Tram Unit:, panelled and coon= ter sunk Boiler, Bridge a IA Tank rlivtit - Cut Nails and Spikes; !Ship nod Stoat :11311..ze5; Railroad Railroad lla.rsand Bolts; Railroad iitwelA aitel Axle.; tilreet Car W;let• . Es oral vicib; and Axles; Patient Cold Rolled l'ilialting; Patent Cold Pi.lonllotls;- "lower art,: i:eaper Bars. ?-.NU GPI ICE. 120 11 ate: . tail 153 Froat ERAmli , Nos. 1 . 4'21 o.a *.W River S ryrrannant. January IL ISM. Dn. PlLTllAltk—lly wire Pao maxi allaleted with cankL and Ultactilay ski PrgalSlng'ror floe ur ell your, et L. for several gears bacl6 had ilmrsased In vlulesee. The complalnt has been bre• .1 Itary. r1.4 - Che had been treated 11 several pill rt. elsk. w 11.Lotft cry relit'''. In this ;date of her ca. Prosured :one of your rEcrouaLcouuu.i , itur 1 Loueld, the tr. time. a .117' cent bottle. which I en ' , or very much' I then culled and got amnia. which cured ntr oniretr. and she has now 00 J uni at a Blo om I ron . I 1,f",!. a 1 C . 31.1 mud cougn. The medicine cured me by tax till .1 TIP; I T 11A It, mid n()LiajlE dose, 1 express ray entire aatisfamlon with the I 1.1 , A 1 1 . BAND, T anti ANGLE nedletue. aOl you are at Manytopuldloh this If I you dea!se to 11 , 3 an. WU. la'lLbs).l4. 1.101 LISIt PLATT: ;,std PIIPC n • Alderman. 111th Ward MOW Li and Iti:AP PlTTnPuall April 2-1. Pr% 4' yi,l;.; anq otJA.u.D FINGZH IRON. 1 'MAD TUC TIUTIL—D.n. lizit.na:-1 nave a , 5 1 .‘ , . , 111 lb:. to the 1 d..a, i d..gruter wt. 'ma taken several medicines fora' ail W 1:110,1 IT CHAIR:. u'l VI ',FS for roe,. , 01,141,...11111,111. be3Cll2, 6113 , ./1.1 thenl Ayers Claam Vmral. I purchaaml from you a bottle of yaw PLAT PAIL", lk encl. /lad Count rand.. I P., tvral hyrup 5..1.1 before she had onetl half Wt. COAI. ; abe war rol,eved. The secwod bottle cured her N.M." un.l 111•111.1,. • euarmy or her es. Igh. JOHN DARIN, lloblnoon street, A' "klieny. W.. rein_ no. 1.0. a., Ada a and :dn. )Marjo sta. s, .01.1 de., ; Illghth 10...1, niak ' tiTruncraOtt, December al, city a; Ito utd_l:l(_ I IttATCLIHE BY DN. Ii.F.TPLIPP PECTOIIAL bl LILL% live Peobles townahlp, Allegheny STLWES AND GRATES. .."*" ac ""'S' whi'b menta•d avokt Ire ith of Fe.hruaa last, avid I oet. .11t months. • / employed the beat .thysLiano A t.t. I . CRSCiNts 111;0 NEEItNEW In tl.e ' comitzg, and my cough cantlnutai unatrd ".• 11; I ..11 I: • dad to call and i nodl early to October. At that time 1 a. ...sac 11 0 tar,' !J. ./. 'a la .0 1... li N.; I:Afitsr. at 1p• try your Pectoral Cdugh which I .11.1, nr .1 rip at rd, 1, y aril A L ...in./ .1 gitor I had talon one bottle 1 was on:Moly tree ft um pis to supply and Lem mod ausu.slad 1 the mice Gil 0 Es, I II EAT ING rovES, I fi",g'l . f,ll,l:. re7leVrttl W o o , Pura 0,, 11 01.00 , 1-' I TVILVT2 . I.I: Know. jin i.' N eel . asio l w .' a L atr. I.3IIILILL • klnnu me , tad,. of the "narrate.' TRW: 4 l , l°li FOR, COAL, Ism KENSINCTCrIi-tOriVIOL",iCE. 'LLOYID & BLACK, IR= iflrst Con:Lann, nerd Ch nrco.a "Livil3l4:l;tlikli forivac;,l Wartitutt , ze, 197 Liberty Street, riTl'SitUlt(ill, PA. METE DUQUEsNE IRO AND r,TEEL IVOIIKS. BAIL iA.id, 11,AF:M & Tyou, Nails, SpTings, PLt)U:.II3. at,'D'A. STEEL, =I INT O. 77 3 0V zatoi• Is!TrglilUß A RSENAL GL.i.S:ti W 011419. (LODESSS C 0.,, .. I - 1. , ..NET....ct111tr,7 or - fiLltli: AN) tatEEN IiI.ASSIVAIIE. ' Pruiggist.' Ware., It ot:les, . DEDLIJOLINS, CARBOYS, &0., It ..r L., ;m it Mite., Lavretece% Me Pa. Pv- : oerl, I: A 1,,, ,, ,, I' 1 - 1,111 I.r.t;lT, PA. Al..a , ,-.,, .41.1. 6,1,, U. of 1 , , a,,,E , .1,:o 61.- 0.... AII .r.lk r.. j, , ,uaia'y a:truth:l t.j. I P., - .1.,“.. - :,,, , .. 111 p... 1 1 ,, I rlv., 3lnuldi. , i n.IZ•:0 , . (11111.11'l'4' 11 OR MeLEAN ez, ,SLATOIt, Nt. Sa Li4erty St., apposite Fourth, CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. 4,1.1 conitmwt 11 lit .. I In do‘. 1 11 ,113 . `lit:I:, it 1111,gr.., lirtod ,:nkt:ll.togisior, Wtlycitts, .l C., LIPPINCOTT &EWELL,. No. 11S Water Street, CATS \T Or,ot , .str, IA eNT TrIirERED - PATY:ST COOTRED :Nifty. AND CBOSS—CUT "c7c7 ,E. W. loultltOW J.,. D. 171.1.1111.1. 1101LE111 MORROW BARN HILL, mer.virncrumuts c.r• steam Boiler•, Oil Slllle, Ag!taturN, TaUke, •e it Pans. Ca..,meterF. Wrought Irma Brlslgcs,Shett Iron e;:c.. CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., I' T : tiY3Cßtd J. Pa. tTIf.Y.I'A I RINi; 1./t0M1•11,1-. s Nee.-- a. Ft e4l MACIIIAL F. eirt•HAN• . VUE.itICAN It amis.! GRA,R & CO. Engine Builders and Machinists, lt,ie),=Clle.ltEl or Oil Engines,. 011 Tools, • P. rid e ln Iwe neoe:q.try tor llorlug .00 Vella. ~,,e , l 4t;. l l;i . a r . L .g t , l .r . , t t. t = paid to rittlug ellartlge 3ltarlem Aveuue, la enr rt. tv.& C. R. It.- 41-1.1.0 6 -12.49.13. 3 7-, 1:7,1•Al I:IN I'Ml 1e13.18 TNDUNTRIAL IVOURS. J. =I MUCH M. BOLE & CO.. • ENGIN!. LIUILI /FIRS AND NIAO CciMlwtor.. ,,, oTEAMIIIIAT lIIN trl L WELL. NtilN ES. LoCoMOTIVES (or Cool Worka, all kind. of L'-odon.l Martac EN ES.olatle to or. . . From the troll eart...l trio:tattoo or.the Manager, Mr. JAIltB NEI-SOX, he Loh , to se c ure liberal share of patron/go :rum ht.A.oboat Loilliters and others wanting good tosebintry. Our elm will he to in all 11 0114 In the two ulanntir for a fair rampant:l. .n.l to do It 10 the Unit we ota. All Lind, of PAnTINOA utode to ord., Ernolt lug alachlorry rawoti7 Attendurl to. NV,- can turn A Sliart ha feet long. And 001, or turn a Pulley tee) Man.,- n Ihmnesne Way. mat the Polut. e onudry On Third strut t o near Mart.t, Pittsburgh, aplUirund BLACK DI-4,111(INID • EV - PS:MIL V - V - C3Mir....96, L'ITTSBURGII. PA. VTIFIE.It tifi Coy Usurax,tourrs. ct , • 131".5T QUALITY. tiIf.FINILD.VAST STRICL. Bluare. PIA , matt ~ etAgor, vi A 1.,. WarTanta ual to Any Imported or martofew.turolirl coull try. w.nttionse, 113 tad L5l L .12 1 1225 03 , 1 etrei-An l'lttAlotra It. 1.1, M==tl ••• - - )IiIjEESNE AND WEST .POINT aa- IRON FOR ti k 5, lienna., mau l/raglanr all clasiaia OF Forking, bterinitaiat :naa(i, Crank). Flatou lipda,,Levera, Pitman JAN 3 MIL! Wrbitai atty. Railroad Alit, Locomotion Frames. and all entire work. Thu under - rig gill barink been (or litany )engaged In vie business nre prednired to flirnipear, li all orildrt rutrustel to them with pro:Tiptoe), and dilipatch. .h):'. AIGII & In PIITSBURGH IRON WORKS, J. PAINTER et SONS. , lIAI'CFLCTC➢CH3 07 Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, felled v , _ pyri..tomo FN. PA. " p. II'OLLILAN A LIF.L.LE STEEL WOHAS. . LIOVI'MUEZ. W CJCIP. Itailuttevarers CHIT ,t3TEFL; 4.3k;atxu more n • Bub -rag UTEEL; Ss'IT.LN US, dza.l:s,.eisuw it oc . c , 1:0; WATER tap stain) Phut, rff n. rt. tr 23 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., PE.rJrcr 6^4.17.1 mow - mo - Ers. v=nrk ggantaliwgrktr- °mu MEDICAL DR. KEYSER'S Pectoral Syrip CUES CONSFM7IIOI CURES COLDS, C e .41..sthuriaEl CURES ail Diseases of the Lump A else or rtreyeare nanatsiz cared y Dn. RZY VECTODALSICILUY • urroti Tot• Nadir, April 14, lat 3! A WONDEU•T/I. CUR.E.—Some time ago an old ntlglthor of mine was very ill with a bad coug I , witch eve.y one supposed to be consumption. Ills relatives told me that he had taken every remedy they Lewd of wlthodt benefit: his brother cattle to bsee non all were confirmed In the bellei that e could "tail,. !had about. Cho third ot a bottle of your Pectoral syrup, which I gave /Am, and It en tirely cured !dm. to the astonithment of all. What mates the cote more ft:marl:able. la toe eatreme.age of the oclng about elAtltyyears old. 1 Env a nOtleiltd , the Peetosal eared Iris life. , JOILN lilt.l r. S ElO'S PECTORAL SYRUP VlLLE.—Pleace tend roe another atypty of your sr atle Pectoral nyrup. Almost everybody arol.lllli ne has the cord, awl are cow:Orli. for . 13r. Key.rar'g Vector. rry roe.. We have sold clateen bottles Olt nct wort awl are now entfrele out. Mr. A. Alter tot Mr. P . Maher. both of litalrevllle, Pa. told ug wor,l.luot Le without It to their fan:lAm it far:, oil arir etc It once wat.l. It again. Tours. aesneetfulle. J.-b. NVATTEE-trAN A aUfin. J an, ary Erg. L'ITTSIXII.6I2, :love:Lana. La, WA. lip. Ii VPl , ll:—Al:l3oußtzllOtltli ZOTOCAtCo, Patent Aleuts:her, In general, It &fiords me pleasure rude rirlbahle umumnd your PE.O corral, Snit , r. S V.l.2diektle. It IS well worthy the attention of peep - u ,u hoy in any manner be attlkted sellt peugh.s, colds an ti TAO, sarnessof an^ larid,aud for tat culiar quallncatlona for removing al! that ills' g,eable scuastlou atte nava a severe cold. 1 have been, more spies, In my tile, affected ant L It, Set err.t of colds And boar:hoe., Al, tbs. .A 1 [Moat would OCCSO. SO 6030 d 0.• to prevent 1111 speaking alio, a whisper, and by taking a few 005 e, el' the above Syrup It wouldrelieve - me entirely. In recommending this meiliclne, I must ;inherits. tingly say that It Is the bat remedy I ever fa rod. im [porting to cure the abate, nor should any le without this remedy for 'diseases so prevalent. ' I ours• most re,pect fully, XL WARD J. .101.7 Ry.. Cashier Citizens' Deposit Bank. dI Ctataff TILLS, 1 , 1.10, 31.afeb 14, 13f.5. 1 have a.. d Dr. IS c) cc, Congt ey rup fora bad I,llf.th,rrAi'ieara atandlo,r, and can cheer! Jll5 c, ea, al D ace tint rtottelun lire tna acute that 1 b IT, CVCr talc, J. W. rifICE. Mi.. PRATT A.lll KEYSELVii I'IM - IJF! &a'. a till ICLISKIL—Deax ltd Excuse the delay of my neknoo edg ing the excellence of your Vector., Cough syrup soer. 1 take great pleasure In say. log that it 16 all you yap It Is. It knocted the nolat 003 of my cough, and the wont out I was ever salt! lilt. I have not used more than'oue-half or t'll Utttly, atoll can and do twlstxthat Ott ctto are aallitt ed would wive It as Mir • trial as 1 have dune, sad they will imol. to say, "It is no quack medici ne.would not s m nller soother soon attack auy onslderation. or at say cost. lam Confident I' eat rorthe mom freely than I ever ltd. 1 shall stony, or knowledge a debt ot gratitude (or Inventing se t Vernet/I a remedy. You are at liberty to ute tn) name In (Ms regard as you thittt proper. . V. PRATT. ' Nl3,senncr Common Council, l'lttlbut,o3, N. 13.-1 sin no Itrnod., to my ialow.,n3L,, nu ,„ all who etllvrlltill entlblf con consult me personally A A tallElt NEW CEUTIFICATE.-1111. M.P.I" • SEWS- Pl:tl'lltlt.t.L had been trouOleO wlth a v..ash and COW for Set.tal Oat V MI It that I snobd out sleep. 1 bad the advice aad Ott e rtn tons from three of the best uhralclons ltt tilt city, whom 1 staid name. Out do not do so. 1 00•11 I IKCCureti la bottle of . soar reCtural 1.1.1 p, wLitet rt lue entlrely. . . (bigncd) . J. W. 8111VISTON, tOo. 'tic Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, 1 January Sib, tote. • , 31 - OPTILATCULIIIIIING."—"EIoss can 1 do It?" flu:to lieyeers, ou Wood street, and get a butt:, of his:Coug mus h Pectoral, and If that don't cure you, scur eAse tbe desperate Indeed" 'nits Is • sprcluien of the aollottitY our bears every day In cold-CatclOny Periods of t se yearf Anti we ran. from attest nap, rhocut. cheerfully course the adviser's admoni tion an above, tar we have tried the "Pectoral," to • most stubborn case, with enttre• success. hest two ws est , ago we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the rtlUkt distressang. CoUtrary, nneutuluatne coughs we ever. experteucett bluets sun . advent ut.on t hi s umus h suu sphere. We coughed steadily sea la. butiously Cur sum whole even, an nOne• of. tiring It oat, but .t ens slogs. .tu tact. It scented rather tc have Improved by practice, Sect to hare acquired strength, potency and distressilthlty .by the opera. sloe. In this stage of the rite- .we coughed our din. to Keyser's. No. se e Wood si eet„ prugured a flit, ceut bottle of the "Pectoral," took 14: according AllseetionS, and In furry-right hours we were master of the (rid, the enemy haring oitcoudltionally sot.. rendered, alter a bd., but Coequal osettlet with foratidab!e .4 adversary as b emr's famous Cone! L'ectOraT.—Brutensallta tYliygste. Dea, 14, thbe. " DR, KEISER'S PEC I FOR AL SYRUP U prepared and Cola by DR. GEORGE H. HEYS.III, No. NO WOOD STREET I.IA - tsslk:surigia. TUE Great Nervous Remedy, iii. Ke)ser's Nervous Antidote Will relieve, without tall, and often tPertnenen cure all Nervous lertninllty. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote-- - Core Hrttett Ur. Keyser's Nerqous Antidote - Curie Twltebil2g of Ner,e Dr, Keyser's Neryous Antidote NM Cure Nerrour kiesdashe Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Care,Nerrous Cramp of the Bowels.. Dr. Keyser's Nerrotis Antidote will Cure Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgia of the nee Dr. Neyser's Nervous Antidote Ma= will Cure 2:rearalgla of Lai Btorarkar Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote;_ • Will Care li - eoralgla of Cie Hear -- Ur. lieyser's Neivons Antidote' Will CureNeuralg4 of tbf MIT/ and Mitt BO Dr. Keysei's Nervous Antidote *LH Cure lienraigic Headache Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Pulpits Hon of ins Heart Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Faintness • Witless of SlomSels Dr. Keyser's ?err •Antidote Core St.PPU cur. a:Mean/ 1 Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WILL Cure Tremors hum ExcessloB Des Dr. Keyscr's Nervous Antidote wtu CAM klYpotheadrias Dr. Keyser's NetiOns kande% Will iiure Lowneas a erspazea sad eGUI Dv GEOERGE H. Iczysz:a . 140 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. TehlatelikaT RAILROADS. prrassunG CO-anws . LUMBITS A-N1) ATI ILAILBOA. , .—Part-ElaaT, noete. - 013 Ina after MONDAY% October let, trait. Will leave and antic as falwWs; . . ... . . - Ir.LVZ. .LHEIrr. Mall ^-01 A. M. 9:40 F. x, 16.xpr. sl ..... 2,0 P. Y. 9:SI P.Y. Fast Line 19,50 I. M. 10:30 A. Y. „Mixed Tralp to Steut.envllle. 5:41 A. M. 6:00 I. Y. litav•tleld Ac,ointr.ol.l9llon.. 9:95 .9..11. 1:15 P. N. 9;..unctsillc .do .. , -15 P. 19. 10,0 A. u. 51c1J0n..1.1 du . . ........ . . .riorntng• rentog f !Int 't rartrz. Train. 7..ev7eiTlttrburg. 2: 2 A. •t. 2.13 P. X. 10:to r. C01um3nr....11:2.2 M. xt. 7:12 r. Pt •• r. N. 4:41 3. r. Ii 7,2 r. S. 4:LV P. X Cerro 1t.1ute.:1:3% rt. 12:31A. K. 2:00 r. L0n1a.... e :31 A. If. 3:35 r. Tao A. X. A. o. C. v. .5:111 C. Y •• Llalr 1-15 r.(:On M. D. iturtle.ttst* , . l..itl Uri , Ticket Agent, 17:-.In n. ot;ir,lo . General Sur erlnsen,lrnt, rtttsburgb.• S. r. or!• Agcut, a- . .. Trains aritre and le. e the Unit - i DepWt., corns of W .1,1,,,,........1 I. 11•014? itrce,... 4011./42: • ARRIVE. utr•hi. Fast, (Mir 2:551 a it L•ay , Leperae , ... 3)0 I at .W•II'• .N..., 1,.... •Tr: a W4.1 1 .4 Nu, 1... 6:05 aso Brhttoa .N. 0. 1... 7,5. , a in .5 00500 Arena!, :On a so Wall's NE. • L., , •in •410,Mtnall e.r. 11.56. at JohneEtwu AT... 0:.:04 a in V,t :I's NE. a..... tr:2o a , a Itattint.Tr Ex... ITT 0 In tVall't No. a ..... 0.. , 1, p¢ 1',41.. Fame... I :3 , ) I) In .1..1106t , twn . Ate. 0,:,0 p ea New Yorv, Ex .. I:t i• 0, 1:1, , ,10M, Nu. I. att , p it 1 -a a l , l l ' .. '.l-... 2:' p " . 12i).t. k' au'r 4 a 5. 143 ‘ . Ira Sp a..., 4:015., 11.1. a . 0. V :,1 , , , 1 . 0e N a 0. r. 0 . 4. h:•.. uIL ,V,.11 . 1 N tr. r., :.• 1 'h Itoou ' a .t.f.Ter;;:; . . 7'.."' P ' i t . a " .5 4 11 . !• 7 2. •,...../0•;. ' i: ay • 1 wl f... 1g: a. 4 la t a t v ' iii> , ;.:.... '- ,?, l • i • I ' • • bal:v. Mt othe. r ur,lavr exr(Pled. 'he Church ' Cr ab a Irate Wail's :station every Suatlay at v;I4 a.... r. achln, Vll.huratz . I 005•,.. ut. Haturnlu• Naar. Ihtt,Tralt I I , mI• ..,' erns, at WalP• St ~ ,,,a at 'rt. p... . . . Ilte Phll•de:t.hla atelt.,.. Valtlreure Earn,. .EI •Trlve v - Ith the NT.' yott. ES pre. AL 1:54. p. m. Ea attlay.i. 11. e new Union Dopo: Hot,. ~ , , ,,511131. the It.ree Itories Irere,t It ,, ltuit.ls non ort tor the r. , erri•t. acouo.taSlAlo:. or toe t;fteellnK murthy. A Ca.k.:l—..v, st • .1 • Pe.e. T 1,71 P. It. roo.:1 r MWM=M/2 -IStl6. TUE .1' WAIL F 'A' t AND ( LEVIaLA :a Li, H It. I t . Trains arrli,, and las,e al tb, Union Eel at, us fo,lowa: anni - VE. Chicago Esprees 2:0.5 u it vrka 2:30 aea Clevc:lll , t 2:05 a E. Ctavi 1411 , 1 Ex... anal a la Erie You Ex., 5,5•1• to Clticaga 4:x...:..1.":4? {e in .t C:no A I:: 14 In "lug I 'tile. Ex. II UL. n:45 n In tr. E x p reen p at ci. .t tr hg. Lx.. p :1. :.... 1 -1 471. h iE . E . y,. v k4 ') : ! l::t u r44 , Cii;e.n, En llnn n 4 . 0 Wlpe. EX-1 1 1•1 1 c Depart A114.-tip4x. Ar3De 14 Alleghenry. a Ca Lee 1,1•10 Ak•ona 6:50 a m t.eetu^sl^ •• .• a:11 4m •• 31::,6 ant Wa 11-xlile •• ala 4ia,p en Npw `1 ;41: •in m- Le. Is -1 11::,, ain p •• • E. 5. n en •• pi. I..piti4ole • I 40. an N I sh' • N. th MUNI day awl nvt j)22 1 , . .111 .kir:o:s3 . 11.0 ra, z i /,•• Oa /ma . traps Viatvr,- • t!,i• 0.1,4, 4 ot Pft:•itsrt.S. i t 1 rvosn :o fr. W'rsL ,e•rto Arc ',Au, Flr4t Ac.• 11.1 z.,3 •• .• C.lr. P. A. 51. t". ,, la • I:iri P. 'froin West w....z ror e T. IC. EINO, Aw'eat. I, tit:l.i A VA L.1.:151' 11 AI 1.11.11 AL OP,' TIME. On sa.l an, :1P /NDAY, 11111. tral.i SL leave mud r ;rmt 1. 1 11,1mre.11 Vika aud . . . Leacte. Anita l4rst 13.3sIttruinttis enn.o.l 'a. A. Mall, so e.n.l !rnnl Cahnnle,t... 7:23 A. H. sst Pint ddd A. A. Id ticetad Arf••1101:1 I :3•Jr. at. 7:'U r. Expre,.. Alnl.on'g 3:33 r. U. in:3,A. Second Soda Wort, AI:I:L.:rill.. s:3dr. H. '0:31 Sunday Clutch Train (ion and to sad. . ...... 1 0 :00 A. it' tic 3 ' 11. 11.1.M:1SION P. suot. MISCELLANEO US _ .-.-;,,--:-. '- ---; .;;,..; -- t . t ::‘,‘; , .: , i Liz:•::,,;,,La- r . ,-`.v).:Tt - T':= , --z.4 :- . 7.••••.=_.-4.7.7 ;•-••=_;,•,--4.:•-•?•••,.3,-3_,,.k. • tl qi" .. ..Fikr:-7.:V; 4. -. 4l, l e•AJ:i-cw A ..,,,..,.,..3,„....vv. . ,r.....____„.._..,...._,?..., ..,,..__......,,:t.,..,._. • : .ir. © v:1,11.,.k.,.4.1 ; , V l ilar r g" ' 1 1 -, P - • .-1...--.1......-1,40...t - PENNA. SALT riII.NUFACTUIVG CO. PITTSBI;RGIT, PA 'W - Jll , ;v--: r:-`.z - .,, tt.'p 3 -, ..t . :a - .!.. - -:li l .. !' - ', ,, if - „Z.c.:f: ,- ;:if, " 11 11 1i2• 4 '.. ''',, ;4 . x ' ,; ,'l'..,tfi .1 ,, i 1.)1.4 ' '''.. ... z.4.,., 1 / 4 ' F , .y: ,efiijilic„,•:74l„..4rrii ' NV F. '''l ! '..-" t - Ti ' ';•;',. ' 4( ‘ 2' 4 , - I , ti.Lili.z ' , A.it-'F4 • .- g" . 1;:*; - "-..-: - 2 -5.,,1 -=...T......:.-..---3„.1.1._ - TTNNA. SALT ryl ANtif ACI 11M3 CO. i PITTS:BD - R( 4 IT. 1?-!... ~~ , - ''' .---4 ' - -- - i-,-- ' ..... ..,I":4_'.. ' .. e . i 4 ,,..k„ _ ._ On this Continent. IS 80 PRONOTTNCED BY THE t , ientine rhea] I hamkte. It Ites - fores (:ra) Dale; It Prevents Hair Falling Out; IC ChaniVa the to their Origami 1 / 1 )::1111e Action; It Eradicates Dandruff and !tumors, It Keeps t,e?tral p Health); It Contains He, hqurious Ingredient, ACA 331eLeabily ycren - deJ to be a :0.11,1,11d Ilene lee sad SobLrtur Collet Article. 113 bIEItIT3 at 111310E1H b Ito I r Ever bottle Et) NTAIN4 MORE LIQUI 11 'than a.? otherdollar pre prrallon. NO LRlie. !U.:Witt:ln oSered to e•tbllsh lta enthaey, A twit WE UARANTEF to refund tba money td any person who will tee two bottles and then my that coo Heatoratne Laa foaled to do all wit J. 8.. BARRETT 6 CO, Prop rla tos. • Manctlcoter. Stew IlarnP•h/.. it, E. SELLERS & Wholesale aud Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittaburgb, Pa.! mr8:19.: STItICEL/LYILFS Meltill nollta lilt. COMMSTItICKLdt.YIYS. ItAIA.:.I Is - • wirrynted to be the only pre- r, •-4 •• Oration 137 Woooplog Coo ttn: I: . • ft' Chronic Cough,, Con:to.P- • Bronchltle on:lCroup. Belog prepared.. from 4- and ['orbs, It Ls betlnar, rot:- 4. . enlog exOtor.ttlng and .• p.ortloularly eu•tobe for at! Wotton. a toe Throat ar...1 Loots - Poi Bale efi Drtlitglsta OYer,Towl_re. . • -R. E. 14E1.1.E1t3 CIO . 13:1 yd WuatiAA.L.lt AG1.31 --- PILE U • E.1)1( ba..• CUl:l3o.4hon. J. roots of wt rs.t ea-e. BLAND r elief, b. .11 Alve4 r 41,1 5 t/feet.. a penny= . lent con. Try It directly. t It Ls wart: bird to gun. /.b . ^ For cafe by nil az 1:11 ; 50 cents per bet.tb.. /, **Cp. B. E. ST f.fr ". Fa. WHOLINALS•AetZT CM DYSPEPSIA. --.-Dr. Strickland'! Tm. . macro. -- I [toted prx p oration of Sputa colds Flerha vath ant , odds awl carcultottlye to clre dattluo the stomach •01 orriouulate. ltl• acct./ • ro,aost7 . for 'Zug , Va, • IndLg111:1'. Appettta..l 71,Xtity ' O ' t ! Ule Stm a ch. nototrocir and de1,11117. .11 It oot-alcbottollm thereforo, patticalarly milted for vio.O. nerroits and dlepeptle tier- g rsale ut; ocermlt o rl. Llc - r SOW*. L. Z. SKia.ER3 a Co nnr.lea•r• •Qig l 4 FOU.TY 4 t t r.. il. 44' • ' RS PRACTICE - IN SEXUAL DISEIIUFS filers me • knowledge seldom ..quirod t ry Pb,„. elf Inuit residence In this city. and the anima of patients treated annually by...tne, aye euIDUW' proof- of me seeress. Brynneruity.kftg•„, or Scilrla Weakness, earl all diseases arising therefrom, are cored Ina meek' shorter time then heretofon, by me NEW FEU ET., ABLE. REMEDIES. Medicines sent_ to any put • • the Union. All letters snait contain a stamp psy return postare. Conkspooodence h.ld Deere/. us flee E. 5 SMITHFIELD STREFT___._ op•• AdA r ,.... 1, W. BRAN•JTRUP, 0, hewn , • -lane, REA D Pletalwerek. /RIVATE EISEASEs- ATE DISEASES. . • Dn. yotriso, (latent Phllaaelabia.l Co.ZßTiaraEveet.tree. an amputation at Fri rata Mime' with revs en dsmeetaa. • Particular atteattono t lasPematarztOras ru t diseases of the Uri:Lary Vilma. till treauaaat for the same beteg • ere* o. them paesetd I y l CcNI fit! ever ..mo tor ed_ ,li l.mm b o o it . aa a eUrmen rt e h s e p a erior e tou attar arapatatton for tsmor leg obstructions la baslan, ataasatnal flood. No I,• une Dollar ye bottle. No. I, wlnablo fottrdeareei irtlz dralroa far otitlosta tetras, PS hot talloeberaralilt. ta f . r. It:, r. to= Addleaa, wait ataipa. IEOCIAD. o. fa Tturaimmos. ri,551r5545. uot.: : . s El 1866.