jar guttatirqh 6nettt mosb.ty, ocTQBErt 22, ISCG RE:NRI NIt1) BEECH EU In the Academv_of Music recently, Mr. gime,;snit eiplained why, While con curring subMantially. in . the President's Policy of ReconstruCtion, he feels it to be his duty to stand by * the Republican Party, and by the Constitutional Amendment proposed and insisf tit on by Congress. His Main argument was that political parties are to he jini..ged not so much 'by particu lar measures as by the spirit which pr vades them, and the gcecral 26311 C of their movements; that there are only the demo cratic and republican parties to choose be tween; that the deinoeratiepiart - y. by- a long couvse ofbad condiact,' hai forfeited the .cunAdence of patriots ltd friends of lib, erty, while the republican party, whatever may-have been its blunders and Short-turn ings, has been animated by just senti ments, and has accomplish •d, awl is ac complishing a slug arnoun of good; and hence, notwithstanding.; his differences with the republifian' party, he prefers its success mmoasurably to th . f i tt. of, its oppo nent.-This is weft said . he republican . party 4sts, not because its members per fectly agree as to all plans tad' measures, hut because they agree: in eneral ,spirit, and in the main ends to be acetimplished. But what Mr. BEECIIEI: say on this head ,w - aslust as true when he w s favoring'the Cleveland Convention ,whi it was a sort of branch of -or tendert the 7derao eratie party, as it is now. 1 . Ikai not so mach the faet,that Mr. BEE:MIER, had ideas of his own, variant to a , ! certain degree from those held the body 'of republicans, that hnmiliated lil friend, us that hallow ed those ideas to so sway h in as to .givd lila moral support to a parts , that had prat ed false to all professions of; regard for im partial liberty, and that, in Altlitinn,. wee deeply implicated in a causeless and mon- strous rebellion. Iluwever abort-lie hos come of detnanstratlng his ceirsisten . cy, are glad he finally perceives the rule of safety and ie prepared henceforth to pur sue it.- The sawn incoherence pervade.; all that .31,r. BEEcnznsays on this important head. lie woultimagnaniza - nhily restore the eleven revolted Staten witlout exacting any eon- litioni; 'whatever, and, at the same time he 'would. press the- Constitutional Amend ment, now pending, as just. in itself, and , as affording a solid •h.t,is fort future harmo ny. By what sort or , nmounO)f tiOsua'sion he expects Co indtve the eleven seceding States tb" ratify thi: Constitutional 4mend inent, eller having been uree l niitiourtlly re stored, he does nor state, fin 1 it is difficult to conjecture. That t tie hellion, for illustration, sbptild vultuatatily consent to disfranchise then4elves, and through nO.other malice thog to :7[...ttif,y their conquerors, is alto,cether it prohsbie, Then, again, Mr. itb - ccur.ilailirmi mast. Steutly the right, of Colieri..ss td prescrilsc terms, es the only taw-reel:Mg power in the natiOn. In 'view= of this dl L miFsion his support of the Presldent is is eirarts to override and supplant Congress';. appears all'themoteremsrita - Ne. IC Congress vas ,1 armed, as he altniii; coutOp i te and !exclusive authority;_ it its re:jiiiari<ietit are so beneficent us Si 4ompel. ceriamentia iCeeems thy.: Mr. BEe...enEn lieen oa ilto si 'M . file Presiden; resto: ton, and against Congress and the r,111.011- limn _party. That Mx. Bnecanit did the r , publi4au . interest great harm is undeniable. - fits *re cent successes-were achieved not only with out his influence, Inn against- it. Still, tie are not disposed to deal Tt•e i emember his •,.:rentness and good ss. That he eivedis manifest. But moat d4eply has he expiated his raista:ic. • , IMEI 1= The October elections i•iiparted fresh an imation to the canvass iu New Yoth, and both parties are putting fin th their best en deo:vars. The DiLriiiicrats profess ability lo , defeat the Republican State,' ticket, head . edify RECI3EN• ... FRNION for Governor. These professions, so tar as they have any 'apparent basis, seem to rest upon the in creased vote anticipated in' and near the 'city' SNew York. This increase is ex iteeted mainly flora' two sources. First, thenaturalirttionof unprecedented num bers of foreigners , ho were restrained from :.applying for applying for cltiz nship during the War by fear of the draft or sympathy with thti rebel side. Second, the doznicilization of many -- rebels, drawn thither since tlie clOso of the war for purposes of business, but princi pally.to influence Southern trade. Fabu lous numbers have .been assigned tothis latter class.. • Stilt, . the Republicans are confident they 'will at least hold their own on the genel•al vote. The .Tohnsonian de fection amounts to as little there as it did in Pennsylvania. As the President Was here sold by not zie" . few of his priifessed folio yens, he will now he more. gerierally deceived there. Besides, the losses occa-, sioned by patronage •will be more than compensated by accessions from the Dem ocratic ranks of men who have hesitated long and can go :no farther with their - old associates..: Thcia, a larde majority of young men, voting for the first time, will go with the Republicans. . Edneated under the discipline of the war, they lean ii stinctivel do tbe Republican was noticed in Pennsylvania, and doubt less saved the Reputtlit.!tns the. State. In some precinct., (ital.)* mau who voted 00 hge, declared himself' a Republican; In stances of this sort were not t watitiug crew in Democratic countie.i Ia Neat )7 011 the same 'Orteral causes ha ito operated, and will produce like restate. • In the Congressional delegation the Re .pnblicans have not simply to hold then oßen,"but to make sane gMus, Iti all the metropolitan districts, two years ago, there t 'Were triangular contests which somewita perplex present ealeulat Ont. Indeed, it. the Sixth district there were four t'autli 'dates. ' Mr. 11. J. RArmoND was elected, anti Commonly, id the lloume, talked fat the Democylits and voted with the Repub licans. The latter did not need las aid atm the former do not EC . .!111 to It.ve pollted either by his elocution or logic. Whattlie -re. alt - .will be in the district this year it is not safe to Predict. As Mr. ItAvstoNo in. met the Manton fate of trimmers in find in4 nobody waling to tie to him, he int: ; prudently declined to be u. ....1n. 11 ....1 01... In the 11th thstriet, at the In,ttriaf, Mt. .WiriFita.o, Democrat, succeeded by a-tri j Oritrof 24U votesover.Mr, 31unit.vv,'Itep t ib theao. General C. I.L. V.....x • Wyca, who. formerly,represeatcd the district, is lion iilo ltepuLlitati candidate, and' a. mon, 4ekiee of asSumee is felt that he will 1/... MEM In the 13th district, in 4864, Mi. GATES, Itepublicaa,. was be.iteu by EunnELL, Dem ocrat, by 1,5.15 votes. utlast year, in the, , mine countles,tCtraummts,...llemocrat, for State ,Senatnr, kad Duly e 4 majority over, I.l**.eir; --- Bel)ablie - iat: T.IIO:NLAS - 004- NELL is now the ReprMlican candidate ter o:ingress, and, against a, competitor or Ices popularity ; than EirxraELL. Bet this is ,lutraly a fair representation of the 'cam - for. CHAMBERS ran .behind the Democratic 1 - 1 , .0.de ticket about GOO votes, giving, Con. 'nen a majority of 700 to overcome. On the whole, we shall be.glad.if the Re publicans hold their own: GC 'TING REIXOY • ft, TiLkt,Gerletai SIIEIIMAN i,houlii_Cglvu in Lis adlinsion to tho •Pretident's . "polic-y" , will surprise no onn , who remembers the ex traordinary terms surremler he offered to the rebel General lon's roN, and wnicn were promptly and indignantly by Seeretary STANTON. Had be iwi - - tnicted to have his l way on thlt occ,ion, he wpulki ;lave eetit the la,“ of the 10)0 ar utis to their home: , with all the bonott of war, bearing - their toms with thew, wh:elt thefwert, to deliver up, nut to the riot t • fill and completing gucerunient, but to the yet existing authorities of the Confederate . . States. • That such a man shbuld be in sympathy with the President and the rebels in their present controversy with Congress.and the country, 14 only what, might Abe expected; Mid if that were all it would lie a matter of very little consequence. But that such a man should be put in - charge of the War Department, and tlauabemade the -otheial superior of Getier4 (theta'; himself, in a contingency well ettlitilated to arouse the country. We do nut say to alarm it; for after. wliat we have seen during the past live years, add especially during the cur rent monthove cannot doubt its 311114 to . graprilo'with sitch a conspiracy as' these sinister arrangements - indicate. The com bination of two unscrupulous and innbi lions men—one mid enough a nd the other bold enough to attempt anything—armed with the two-edgiid bNfOrti of the govern. mem, its civil and rnilitarY raAver t t and backed, as tl;ey'a"re, the'rebels and their sympathizers, wound in any other nation than,this,he aTowarswhich nothing could resist. Whether ale PresTleuti meditates a rou p chat, iu the event bfi'Congres4 calling him to account for the m'anner in which he has executed the laws Ad discharged his otlteial ditties, and for 'ids usurpations of thelaw 7 making power, is to lie seen. :list he is manifestly getting ready for some-. thing. Ver4ps he Chitters himself. rhat, with <IMA!: as Lis war minister, and and his army (for he thinks-everything is his) well in hand, that Congress will sot . dare to - interfere with hint: But this Can cress trusted in the people once, and wet!. not Jisappoiiited; and they will do s.o The people will expect their represchtut to do their duty; aad if they need any help they have only t..) call as Lrxtot.,N di i.• Go 1"&1101' SIVA:STN, of Maryland, zi_ems t o be trying a small experiment of the 5.1111.2 kind, and if that should prove a .sueee,,, very likely ANDREW Jouxeciii - will attempt inset Congress aside and take the entile Government into hi; olvti Land,. I NTEi: ESTI LET r lief Vktom JrtiL: =2 EDITOII3OI , ,Tar. PITTS.3I - 11, - .13 CAZI-ITTE, G.ENTLE3I.7..N:-+ it 75 eoul,:fnl if , an; l'iit..- hurgh.paper iisbfficiently lindici:l to ziant 'me a hearing on tlia• pre•, , eat, F.tate of cur country, but I cannot be silent and see her deadly peril, and, :n ray n&tivecit3 - , he.re I spent fifteen yc,. s it; and out of • Een..5 , ,,z.•, to avert - the c..lataity of a war fv.r the overthrow of :!sure, I murt try to giTe tilt. note of , .r.rarnin;... If-Lny community Can be arou.'eci in tilge u, take any 4 , lfective btep. to meet• the co:atiu:2; en:ir, it nuzill to le that which )v,. , to take note of the apProathing store:, of the Great ti,beilion, anti Et) pews pt , rvs def,u,l I. It 0 p• •r. IL for fie. ivapo. IcuM St'•.'rloll. Dow . in hif. , letter 011 the Pt• egttp d'e:at; tells how many .•. tholsand lor :oldi.:rs will camp 'on iu Washinvon, and whet a nice: P-Lb•tra ,, • - time they are going to have; yet he tioes,i not say just how they are to get here. he' talks is though it would he quite a pleasant picnic excursion; and a McClellan gland review. This is the common view taken by loyal men. Will, our , aatestuan, phil oSOphers and soldfers answer to themselves this one little qUestion. . Gentlemen,low are yon to get to Wash ington? • uncut., titution:Cily t rLenal to t.o, robi;e,i ze of overthrowing the Con- IMMEMEI People appear to forget that the eapital of this great, free government is away down in Dixie; that It is forty miles be yond Baltimore, on the direct 'route to - no place; that,', in time of peace, it is com pelled to pa Y tribute to Maryland; and, in time of war, must conquer the right of , way, reros's the Stole,at the point of the bayonet. They over ook the fact that, every ;approach to the ',city of the wilder ness, and the city herself, has been Um oughly fortified by Yankee brain and mss etc, and Molded over to the enemy by Yam kee magnanimity; .that - the madman who, by the wrath of Sod and folly, or the Re publican party,' rtow holds the capital of this nation, her defences, her arches, her prestige with foreign powers, her treas. dry, and the command of her army 'and navy, is one who, from the first, bus only differed with his colleague, Jefferson Davis, as to the best means of whipping the Yan kees. Davis thought it would be easier to whip them if be got on the outside of the Union. Johnson thought the best battle ground lay on the inside. The gooadiu [norm! Yankees furnished Jefferson with forts, munitions of war and rations, then held him up with his right hand, and boxed his care with the left 'trial the Great Out skier surrendered, after first seeing his col eugue in the position to try his plan of warfare. The over-magnanimous Jona than furnishes the Big I with every possi ble facility for trying his way of whipping Yankees, does his voting, turns his tobacco in his cheek, whittles his stick, and waits to see what will conic of it. Was the North justiciable in lighting ilavis under all the self-imposed disadvan tages, Nettie'', prolong,ed the war for years, and cost the lives of more than a hundred , thousand loyal.,men, end a thOU.saml Lmj I. lions of treasure? Will:he be justithible now, kr entering on the teeoad pinre'of this traitor war, with Fiznilar rechleF,eues-, of expenditure? Has not 31r. Johm,on given saftleient• notice of his policy, or did ever conspirator more openly prosecute his plant. 1113 yippee to couquor .the free North; to turn;it out of the Union; and lad the Government into the litods of traitors lately in arnis.to overthrow • .it,- could. tit aud rtinaciously ex well be mole clearly pressed than by his wince Feb. st, IStiG, and his awl-3 since Nov. gib s 1-411. Steady, as the needle to the pole, ]tas been the entire lieu or his actions; since the dav of his election as.Vice-Presidem, :om he iv no more in the interest and confidenc e of I. the leaders of the rebellion, to-day. th:n lie was when the assassin's huller aim iu position to du this work. When hu threw off the musk, on the of rebruary, he already had the two bun , dred thousand paroled relict soldier,, re ,irganized, • arms within their reach,= or iu heir hands; and then more defiant, and iu, better condition to fight, than at auy time or the three . yearsgprevious, previous, Now, the Norilitnm peo;de are waiting for hint to eiolunit au overt act! Suppose that Davis' .utale intellect is guiding the brute force of Johann's ,solid belief in hiunell, and Unit t .7: , 111 ANNUAL 11E' the useleLsuess, or ratheftlanger, I, wastful harangues, he keeps - quiet until • mx - rf , s .:ongrces meets; and a largo; proportien of wi It, h. 14_,t .„,, atr and Ilsititary leaders are eurigre- 7"A eye in Washington; that tie then seizes f, ;;: ft ;, k. city, shoots Stanton and Grant, Mr dis:.! dieying orders, hones all the itopublicau - ----- tacutbers or Congress, a s traitors, place 1' 'REMO% U.N . DEStSit:.N. Beat:regard:Ml Comm A —an , . if. the .111:1110CUS of Y 1,120, nil., 01 Vin °Met uf tae HO/ . 4' 01•_ the city, foce'ut the head, of the army, for } OCl.i,,,fr:an Market...rt . :Ct. 1'1,3.h/ugh, In t 1./elr restoring the Union; \‘ found in the Cm, makeses D o lv d i4, 4.MawueoWn, where tu.th),),;,s,l3.lccirthetaerylo).?afi . gr, people dti Pastulllce Adds-eels/13C. l'ltMbargh. itol 19110.111ay be thought of more value for 1' 111151155 ,c WILLIAMS. - this purpose than for execution. I . NE CEsSAIRIES FOlt TILE lIVEIi -.lfsountidur like this "should be the out:: , '"„ d I,l, l M:•g ß iWl Oth " . tine of his .•overt•act,i' anti be should have I PlA , .;llrteneu Use tiSi • !SC T ILLs Flit I; 3510 V,:. , ELS. Plata ana Pacie3 secret OrgaratZtic/rIS in ottr prindpai cities ; s„,;t„th„ dui ves t i e r,,,m re rine, Wa n) strike siradinniettlaly Buil occupy loynt i.x j ( 1 4114 . 1 . rt0r.. ass all r.ther ...Mat P. V. men even asbort (ixtul, :teeming order cb6n.:, ll k " "4" """. c ° 7 ! . I "Milne; find (loro - niir SW:111- nhOIIM 11.• •at i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TS. all active it, - • T. .11, 1 ,. At , v. pliNici/1 " woui.l U•Vy ,r t LY. camp on C . w . 0."! 1... yc:ll.?:_ ,, I W.,- :4, 1.,.; :to jllni :V,lllil 10, I !IC.CI'SN and lan nn condition of Innli,•drawn arid their Idlicit 162.1:c, itit. (vrtain 111 , 0 lLc n l / 4 /VC it, Sil OW and 1.2 1., tel to C.llry tilcal inn ihte W 04,11 6.,11 al]y, ; 1,7 a• ; to la: Lti'.lll.lll • !. th, ..1 11111,:l them in tztiti our DA; tool I t•i.lpf, ,1,11 1 h•• 11;1.;.21' a 19;111.1b11 . mercy alien to every law of chrisitattity, which t;ver req . uirestepeph.nce as cittutial to r:tni,lu. • lit a ny • people, in It.itikin;.; , UI the dark 1 ! prosplict before as, tcfpollsibil ity with the doinfortaltle tlkught that Prov idence is attending to the nation, lint! Nye ea n look alter Our own privatd nifairs. rifr.videti3O . ivorls, by who trlu4. God, intelligently ; 1 11 11,1 lain at' being em.llis,sitle, and in the day taut..., keep their priwiler \Viten this government was oretenii.ed, : cur lathers, tirthe of French Intl-.I deliluorately UN.eluded frouldhe Con stuthion bilinowlettginhet of. the exiit. tenc'e andauthority of (jot!. tiveiverasi ed Ills name from the oath of ollice ed by our chief magistrate. and V. tiro anything which ilipetits in our. fun...Amnon tat tun;,: the God of this canon limy lie teroeodile. To yx[lcil Curt SUprrillo holey or the Universe, Ile, Sat bUlr into Whose laallaS all judgment is rtinuilitted, to work mit:tele:4 itt delenciiof finch a is a sublime height ol piety dillhadt to at - Lain. • ' Prue , We Lase 11.1 u fast day, got a little dronitt•r than use-, al, but Mit Ibmy obligation to tat:, oiry vtf its whiie our sins, tithl i His justlai, hull to yi ; dl our iniquities upon ust• so than it "every drop of blood drawn I .l y itu• lash shall L i , repaid he a t:roil slrawu Iry Owto old: . cog Grit it' all th, up to the borer; who flays 01;4' harvest, by 11, 111 . ,Vt I,i_ Cll hop!. :wry::ir..y ut our ,ti t inon I ruin, we call tally say thtet "the judgment,: of the Lard are Irilt“ Wild rielthwitzt alhe If see is mull hale get on the Lord's side, tieroit the Plitt:di de bumf Ile "Ints made of our blood ail nations tit men dw e ll upon the face et: the eirtht — and leant to render unto all ince that Which it just and equal, 101111 , 4:n 0v roll . ‘ILI 1115 I i4lll. I nun goVerlilmull do,viyes an) hilr,r, His hand, but utter ilestrut tion. Ilc wl . : i -11.11.1101y est:WU-11 t tps houn try, ivhielt shall the itencbn, or thr 1 . 11 . 1 it I . llri,t — KIII4 K 0 1,4 Lord bat Ibs- -toted MEI 11, CUOLP . V.C.:! INEBIZEM r ~~ nai ~ . MEE 1:1;t1; 3"i`oit i:emistce::: ~ e:. ; •h:. • S. a 1; 1.,:5.0 Slzaut ME MEM Tilt . e:1,12,i'1" ... I .l2Cl.iiji..tTlNG T 4, SI&-- . .‘ Itt r....erII,SII:LTi;IC-,,::',.)1,0:11111T rEtt. 4. 11,, , :kt , rac..4l ..,,,,, 7^ 1,71 IMO .“f 1_ li.- M Of. i.,,-1. ,- .. - I..ty h. se. 1i.1: , .. !,ced lute ,n -i,3;11:3. rtgl.... tceir • It. cis in Ite,:alni,,, thv , ILealt/:, v , ,Tor 0,1 .nln.:al bi.,ri.e , I , le•te wo., (e - rv.ite , 40)lecIe.1 Iheln to ...ktr.or.:l,etry t:kk‘ in,. eopeA'ne,,,et ,Ivatlen. la, e ht:en xertel,ful. In lIIC Arn.y tie :uperlurity .4 :lA, a-t , ele ..eCr • u':ear oturn,/ildlliordthor 4,01 altvratlvu medlutno liaa l,come on manifadt .1; tint It la fell. d upon, e xxlttAv ad a idot,ctinn apahlet Ilh a fun Fever, Feder and Apne a and !tumid no:nplalnts of everypthol. ray it ha Ito: ONLY lithnud lant x LItL prodlinna and Levy, up a iloa'thy hodly lu 110r.:1101. aloalle Ir r ttioro. For the linaedl mated plunoor and :ettler It la Li.' 1114, rt Ildhlt. of all askyfidirda a,alnst t Throughout In, United:ital.,. It l• eonsldeh al the no, I.eahlatil and agrooable of all tundi. and altogi , lier nnontial ed aa'l - en:wily fur 1/yrnop7l.l lie ',dictum lit .7.r.olleonls aro all v. „ctalsie, an.l are hold In;aohttion by the tlo , t allulesnnle fildn.olant anunu—tiv:F., sotice of ltytt. ; . '1•Ell!.., Are loonulannired at rlttanuedlo, l'unlorlyonlo• and no lels tltan dre ould sow, ally ttrdirolla;. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WS!. 111,ViWA .If, Jr., Adorns RX1,12.1.1 () ICC, 54 Pijih &red, it , an authoract( cluc t a rctu - ac Adoeitiseulfuts fur the G.:1.7:1:77'1:, oh ti oil whir paper., throughout the United 6'1,14, mot [hi , (.11nuqua. • -1.-&-VOUNG MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATIA. MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON Iker tin Flr.t ,15e,ture OtLin " Monday Evening', 22d inst. 6uidecl—SOMETll7l.9^W _TO .190 • F. • Ceti, 0.11, WI: I v msy :a In. ACADICIII" MuN )101:NN1, Ali t. =4 in-1., Lit If llo: Ngn,ll . Tlckcte 1. 00-4 turth, ..Ingle Tlckict for, at., 25 rniNslon surtatn.• 1, 0 0, "pen at 7 o'clock. a - clort. GUEATEFI NUMBER • 'NI A N !SEATS CAN BE JECTiI:r..I. BY ANY ONE o . JAMES .7 As 0. 377•1:0 ItE,‘.l. 1. .1, .\I. 04!, 1.1:3(371/4, W3l. I, WA 0.-19:1:11 N. 31/1.I.E1:. LECT Tizu ANNUAL ELLf!TiON for the Officers of Ow BOARD lir flAi,g; ,-111 hpt,j tho 0.1.0,p,0t WEDNEIDAY. I..r.wrett .k• apt] Nti. 14%11:1/. . 1.U..1 S'UOCIk.B x 1.141XD. I uel 051,3 , V.,n,L: c 6 wm Ik et. 1.1 u a Nt•l i;•,ot. of COMI/1,,...i ittf..1719, S./hit:lnch • 3.,:zarrs 7r. , ll;:mlui• N3II. , :p4I1: .. 11; -,, •• Ettr, ka tr]..r...!u,..'....i)..1.1,i„,,,,i. ..) • • I'm :1..,,0i .Y. te , .2.,,.. t„.0,,,,,i .; ....F. •• Put .totrgll r,,0, ii,...,........ ...., I , i olutnt.l.t old t..:0‘....an) . , - t•xt...,. ,1... , 4 1, u ,,,, , , ,, .. •n I H.,: or ~..i...g,,0v c. 01 ,' , ? ` j„ • . '' Coavrii , • Ilog ,1 •;" '''ri',,, i r'.. 14 ' . '. 1 -. l ' l ' l:t ' • ' , ' ,4 ' it ' , 'l l. . 11, 1..., .....t.,...“11, I:.ilrwiq Up:."_ , ~... i ! 0 .'' . ', 4 ,.. _ ^, Z=..___ _ _ :A. Si, i 011 AI !, 1., A ~1 , . -, . , ' .- • jilt N. S. i. hT tElJi).Aft'l'.l6votlfi !sr, - 1..-.1,‘, CU.r.lll. r..11,:t ..,1, lia:i I,t returl44l trout til.. Eta, Y. tit a Lltipie.n... n! . . , 31i111C11E 4 11 . . n ~h,,M ILLINERY GOODS. , I 1)..:.Nt0, 1!... F.A...:11A1, ..., 1'1:1. r.1.1, 1.3.F11:::, V. , ...1 . 1 Y. „, ... - - THE GALAXY ~.~ Ta"'~.`l~... SPECIAL F-JOTICE. , 11 , .P.“ I= cnunout lilt , Irl.lltmlloll And 1 , ..t/ 11111 1 1,1 n, ti IP.11 , 111"11 In lair pi,10.14,1 O ,,, dnr , '• l.s 1.1111 . iotl.11:d1Log Ow nand, of th, •nd ol od:reptlng orllrlra 01, lodr uod 11., alone, has r:ourd grdltful Id boll: oad, r, mot o:1 it ern, and has . . fool rod to TIIK 1/Ale charm of llr>bnrsa allJ oncloty: \\ Oh tho 3.10 w of plying lu. w rc.olor. of 1111: LA X 1 tar to Loto nto,Ally he greet nototo atthe 1.6 wi!l mot :thosotolto: .en(nn)OP. Of 14,,011tig Itts lirloeil t ..1110 /tort. file I.olol,lter, NVIL civE, To LP Lll l' • • • - THE.. L.LAXY For Not embpr pl, (No. '13.) Which is No'w Ready, A Cupy or n il...l•••mely • 1011otrnt,f1 0,1 • , 1 I CO CO*A IN I NWl'lf R I'lllll' TW ENT V-SI ill A VTI.; of THE CLA,VERINGS, ASTIIIONV T#OLLOPE, 3 1, ,,, 1ttg Itt 1111: GAL AX t.ittllttl..tteott.ly I.lth pttbllrAtlon 111 Fug ' VOOki. S AIVAY 1 t ' , LILLY EQUAL 1\ A NI/ Tl'o l t.llllAl . lll', \ W I( DINAIIII.I FUR /5 rtiN:t..11,,,,i THECAL.IIIY giv,ll.o^ to mrt.t thx .-xprr.r.,..l ,0„, .1 hi, aft nl "1'111: of Itr. Tt,oll.l , ra.'s lat., blot \o ..b.. I 11.111,rr of TIIE ti A tuly hnobtalut i Of aay Nr,..r..cit for 30'0. tat. or TILE ti `i 3n.1 TH l, lil.Al'Ell'lNiis will 11, prat' tw any wii.len,-lo•v, Iflr,1'ul•11;ber• ..,111.1. pr,:+•-nt tiun:l.cr%•l 111 11AT. piri,~r.~r'lr:: . :; s llll i .l " 17 =IS =I =! EDEN ElM3B=lll=l =lll9 rtl 1111 GA 1.A% Art fl rt t t t t ;,.•t t titAt .11..x.t• t . .t• t t: ft, tt rnnotlll: , ..t. R 14In =Eli VS% C. fp. st. . I N0,.39 Park itow.tiew. Yoe:. EU =I { li~OO.Du AND lOU U WHITE, ORR. & CO., EMI No. 27i Fifth :Strctt MI le Fit Ur:i 1.10,125-I3 jr =ME In .A..11 , . - _. a.4oriv City. s,„ C. , rtn rlint, 1u341 Location. sTEFE, ViaLSON, ORDKERS `AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, AI .N 9. 59tilltlield Street; Bu tTnE s'r. PEXROLiA BLUE LEAD, E= lbublvtn,.l only anal fur ,ale. by -T. 11. a•EY'AX 'ea, ion C>OW N. W. Cor.3d. and Illtarket Sts., PITTS 1.1 (; I:0 li. l'A A. I)ll .l .l :TV.—VT! li on 11C.th,(1171+1Le POCKET CUTLERY In MI, city. rou n (113, az oi's In Eo lr.s Vitt kir .TlPll/. N. OC3'DSi3N~ 'Ay l untl'lttshnrgh Cntlery 67 and 69 Fifth Slieet IDISVATEDI (UILDING.) ocUI NEw . wr , k-Lcs • • COR D )I & 131 11^000 STREETi Are receiving au immense stock of / HATS, OAPS AND. FURS, t:,„lnuolng art eittileits , varlet y. ' HATS VIIDili!: LADIES. (tr.Nl's AND HOT*: CAPA.OF EVERY STYI.Ie,; FOR., FOR LAID LN AND CHILDREN: SABLE. MUSK.I:9IIII4EL A..., A..., In tthy Mope or Klee, th .melt they Invite the altenth.l of all. hell jft. CARE WELL, • WIND-GUARD AND AIR-NEATER • FO COAL OIL LAMPS. I.,tatia,rtip oceronait JTII, 168.1. Tith uteri. or Liam Invention conalti In Its pro teeiltin to lamp chimneys, 10 111011 are cantina:illy no.thin, hilt. with the nrilinary lamp N. ts +. 4 ibleOtran,ltion halo beat to cold caul-rack Or bre.ll, sc the least. , coo he ellrriell with 'al , withatit apprehentlou, lu the tio:elit trite!, — lA:fleeting a steady Ilallt wail, ail elreatii,ance., oue.ttilril lOns 01 o'.l rentleri tit, a itl,t. raluabloractinl. Atli: 1 1 111°am...6e, per, tie moles rent to . of tilt 13. N. OLI rLUCI:II. of 'Li cent, y part el. It. I.:ArENS •:o. 201 Hare bt reel, or lOU Cadbury A•, DOC, PHILO OEI,III lA. SOLDIERS' • ,CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, ite. ucoletntgactl co Itont..ll lotontlen, Itmok pny: :too pension. due Alot•Ilorn under the nctAiur ColittreJs or Stn. to lawn. ettngt . ,:ir hasin,t h.t.el on not tionllzlng InrAt a tton, tool, 1t melt scteren, noldicra me outtl.tod; Lu buitUty Ur /TWA tiloo Lo 81.:Ut). JOHN K. • A. M. HICOWN. AttuTuoyn nt No. 114 Fl ntre,t. YIT'FBIIIIItI4II. A DDITIONAL,;.BOIENTIEZ3 10 Soldier; of ISM and 1862. Ail who zerye.l three 'Tara are entill6l to 0106 b„„„ ,r;berrineV.TO or who were dl,o,Arg,ll Dy 1123.013 of wounds, or their Leird. I hrre .liciatihs Extra Pay IS e:ur Vel , mt.re thlirrre 16 L6O rervic:r March .1, ilf,rharged, 6164.0r04.1 out, or rehliruert clicabiod ere entllltor. s. az, {':u„ttr,y, Ae. - orrling,to accree atle.ehtt W.. 1. A 1,1.1.1. l'Artk/ISON, Attorneys, ON CITY MILLS. I : I OGERS & lIIIRCHFIELD, Matio fart urt:f of . 1.:.E IN ED, CIIA ICCOAL. JUNIATA rOLIBLIED XxI.c3PAT. • urnct Ww.r.uousx, Isu. ;my 11.1.111.i.ET IST. 1.1, Z. 115 _ GEORGE REAiEN, CANDY MANUFACTURER, Awl dealer -14 FO.ll.E.Rili Adc.l.l AIIZOICAN FRUITS, PP:lstEs, Ac.. 5e..112 Fedtral Street, &coil:l4oer from tbelFtret Isittfonal Hack,.. *.,•;33.112 ALLEOLLESYIGITY. PA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS:_ I NEW ADVERTI,SEDIENTS7 - _ JAMES I. BR DI SEW INp MACHINES. 9 cu..> Coritvr l'ourth and IFY-00d:=1,.. BANKERS ez L I KALLZIS IN ALL NI, Or • Govorrunent socuritios," • Fbroiga. Exchange, Gold; Silver and Coupons. ' zeceG,l: , lL in" 1. Uulttd tau 4nd Can Intrretit allolvetl on .1: . F ,14, , ALLE-1 , 4„. .1...,..1.,; ~.::a sti B,lANTlikt. MANSILIfe ANS r.ifilu'eJ ~,,n,, ~ .1,4,-,.0 . ..,- ~, WILLi ANt it ~ .i A I.E+. Esq., bituntl:7•4n 'W....1yr., ANt , nnk In - IE3LM.INS hutue I• a model of itrolilt, I . ollrbillefl n vi.ry for rt. It 1. built or Prearidi Blown riot', 'WI doors laid window., and In rtructlou tlirou.rhotil THE (iltol Are ample r ortrlr four rwre- In Slirtiblwry, Alinil All ill,' util-Imll4llng4 :t r.:. 11111,1 re - •polidlog n 111, 'lb.. I.wallty It HE111116.1• lor the .1104, :n.! I parlit,l4ro forulaiwd 0,1 Frokor nt., ANS . C0 1 1 • irl • I. 11..• 31/ ”nlys ..ttl..• brin•n, no. :ntwto .1 •I ynlr. On 111 r roirinlev• ThUrS4ll3 NOV(11111 be • '2.'2tl, 1 S.GC, I lin tirst . 11..101 AlO4l, 1 . . 444 4 ., • rollVS,11111.„‘ 11441,.4-44v 4 ,,444 .. 4 10 4 1: 41 1 4 k it ' 14 . 4 f 4 tt4 U l l :l • 4 ' l4. r . 4 1• 4 4 :4 ' 1:1' I 4:!; ' ;ITI land , 441 1414, •Inr e 1 44,4 '111 44 c 11444.1444. ,4.41.14 44,444 ,14. 44 4'. At. 1144-r.1.4 al,. 4444 it, 14414.1 44 44, ,4 . 4 4 da AN4444 . 114•4 1 1 144.1114411, 0 .4114.44 4 444-4,1/- 4 7 V1 ' :11Vek ." W ' 1,.:44t ' . ' 4 ' 4 ' 4„4 7 V.:1 ' 44 ' 447;4 ... i . i 4101 " 411 11. 4,1.44.4144,. . .a 1. a .1. Ire.r, ,ni nil Mi. nod 11, I ..,lnltee 11, 111 u • ,01,1,.,,,.:141 p , olt• lilt ahler..llllllti..Tvgi Irobt. t,l Iky yr, 1t70,t,r r.. t.. par I. , rconi: y 111, r,qll”, (.. II tor 1.1, tor, 451 (moth htrret, 411...1:4:E•F1,11E1:, Eke c 1,4,. Joi, It. - r !;MIFF, HILELL & CO., Ne). 1(7 Stuiliitield Strut, = Lead and flock Tin, Pipe and sheet Leadi. =I Brass and Steani Goods, fID MIPS OF ALL DESNIPTIOS !c7 L'-3rnltllriolcl igla;R 3. Li MEI •VAItEHOVSE RICHARD E. BREED, • filo. 100 Wood Weil. • /11:ITAVNIA AND 1..•11.1'E1: CliAl2 , ANIS TAlii.v. alivaraccch3r, , i • • TEA • CHIN n , 1.11;•.A ,4 ill NA - CHIN, I.AN'A I.AV • ,i`11',441 \ • I!NGIAMI eTON NV • f.:1;( la 1141, 1.1k1.7-wv lc •!,t IERCY HOSPITAL, 11i(' of tile Si:less- y, . IZ(?)A THE TIZEA LI-E• !!9ulrTnie patliqi, :1!!!uhlt :;•,• ;••- WM= IMMIUDZIOMIN MM=ESIC 4131.1.111,141"t1 . acme to 1,.‘t.,111 nurzr, con.lont,l aline I , at Ot 1/1. 1:11krs 1 , 111 : - .1.11 to a•.) 11l thy n'!lli, 4.. .11beme. One 1,11}e1..1.1a Ftirget.l in at tenclant.n. 31‘11c.“ n:•11' nwirnoitths of .1.11) . ...t• 31e.c.KA 1...1”.. 150 atl , l I). . ~ .4}I4JS. J. AI.t.AIII,IC, M J.., 1,2 otret. Jotne-: Ni LAS ~ 1te.7:11 A al, 51. 11., 1010 Tldrd streci, PIPI seiner:ll,r. H. .1. LAM enEl.l.. 51. U., 101 11.0 r, etrect. t a u. nary. l'elarnarrand March: On. F. DONNELLY, I v Slat 1 and 41r It streets. Surgeon, In dally •TiviusTEivs SA LE ()JP TA LEA ES LE 1,,,Te.-‘-The underslgued having 1,. c:.. appllit• Trustee OK the Copal or Comm.,. erolintV, off, lit rloll.,lii ”ro. lets. on bAIIIIII.DAY, the Zell low or (lcieh., at 10 O l elOtoi .0. 14. TIIIITI Ysi-10,0 lil-11.1/IN4 1.111 1 1. In the Paghtli Ward, (ally of Plushurght property el the late Fr.. roan sod 01111.-r, (11 , 0 huh on Pennsylvania avenue. Pride, L0r.0.4. reesp Marion too Ping' etriThta. port twilit: 1001 - 01,1 and numbered In recople,llplan, or 1110100 'Ward a;::.1:.: PI. Si, PS. SI, aa, l ht. hi, 109. 110, lit. IL.. /I tau, balance 110100 LI el y antslit Plod-nod In.lri.rl unw lithograph _plan Nos. 111, 1.12,1 , 4 Pti, ne l67. 1105, I A 1.11, 171. 17.7, 173, .1.71, /75, 176, 177; 170 170. property Is surroun.llll by line improvldnrhia and onnventent to the tumbler-. owl or the city. TAiata--One-third cash on con 11 Ml:Pion or dlar•ls, balance In two taplol annual 101 l to, 111,. onh pp, r ent. secured 12y bond and mut Io.•ce on rhsl 15A.1.: JON ES, 'I 0001.0. , A. MeII:WAI 17, Auctioneer. ' Lithograph plans umy 110 , 00101ellsrolo.. • 4 lint, !tool. ,tr,.et, .1. I'. Penuct add Ilawklos, A tturne s. f. 4. tirm. Miller, or the Trnriee, eornt r go, and t and eisvings 11011$, 03 Fourth street. 0,11:12-• JOHN ROSS & CO., WM. N. OLDEN & CO., MANUFA,CTURF.ILS ANI) DP:ALFIIS IN Jarbon - Oil Lamps and Fiktures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS,i 41,C. 134. ISlLarlsot _ mr19:101i:41 sever l'llTnltlintlll. PHOENIX STtkill BREWERY CMI;IUM=1:111 MUSTERS AND BREWERS Ale, Porter and -Brown Stout, PITTSBU UGH, PA. rcomcivr W ATSON. Manage., 4.11: , ir. , • W. /I. •AIMAfD....fp. A. 1,011111.... W. T. Wfi1:11A1:0. ;,4,UPEILIOIR OAK TANNED, ENT STRETCILED AND INVATEP -LEATIIEIt BEL'fING AND NOSE, 51 - ssafactsrett 3t n511T111 , 11.1) sT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also, ..tertte for New Yuri,. Rubber Gruan ]Bel ti n Always on hani ) a superior quality of LA I' E R I.ATIIe.R and 0 11 11 Y lIIIA NT 11010 E. }DOM'S aod ILs, II F. 1. 1. 1101110, etr. I 1e.,. prom MALT lIQUWES W. H. GARRAED & CO., %lister's, Grain &Mop Dealers, No. 17 'tv.oer Str:cet; nriil 3 . and T Pctin Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. ACT The larbea mart.ci. paid fur AT. .....i L tA o K u tilil s - . O I: H Y ER E 0. 41; At ie N 1+.44,i1 Co.,ttl ma ;:ylltifgaler, Grand and Squaro Pianos. Witretnooo., 07 BLEt Si!EET, Block `A en 4 from Broad erny. NEW t DUE Thu Vienne tuanotartored oy Ms arm nre 1.1010- panned Airy...coal, lotitintand r ylhisdheto r scriltut norktnutirolp pried lint .1 tat ou 41 , 0. 41 y. FO/t AC tIi•TED. eATEN MEDielit EN DEEMS. at low 110,:r Id El 4,101. nl tor E`h PLANTA . ) /UN H•i US. itiVl.Aw BIll:13A NIDa fill I EIBD, ia% 41 per I•ott• • F "4 ""1 t" 'l=):?.Z per ii par lh. No. SO. (3.11, A OHM IST It AT,OWS N C E.- All per... lu .eLted to the estate- of MART CT ItIDA NA HINDMAN, deceioed, Late of trilernon 'Township, are requested to wake Hationlldki Pty.. most. and oh peraohr we citron agnlort rald will uresent the amine, properly stuthentl. nested. Air actlivaddi L. to , THOMALEABN F.R. Atlm•r. twa09...44 Baldwin ton - "MOD UCE E STORE AND AR rtiVitai.-2 can chore Winter Wheal, 4 do Whits 4 do White Springl • , • a do prune arley: It Farrel* Dealt ',Myr, , • ' kegs Idiom Lard; 100 irowaJimattatelarUlarrels. oaMnUbt7s HEN •Pp Y a R Is E • A tf , ett mtßu yn. at, t!kr.i'llit ENDENG r •+, , 4:1:0V Ell A L I !;,3t. 11 . 11 E EI,Eq 11 . 1LSO:\ 'S INM=I2I.IIIE E .12.1 W . i - 4. t;!, ',i'..; 11 L .. ". ir.: ill ',• , . CO, MSMI rturra .kirort luxury. EZDPVER .4.. CO., =9 -l.) I-Sinititiield St., ICE I=l 'arlo.r. C.'aaruber, I In.; Ir rro and Ropm Sets, 11 ttl A• LIFSIV ft d SC:IYA. ti f',lo'., r1..-'.. P.lll ‘IIJ _ Pittshtirgli urea Furniture, Crag Ei 1 vic o rah I ju..r. = 11TCa. 1n d 2lll £Pr., )r ( •• vim Cal hedral, IibINPAL PRACTITION ER ott 1,11.1 , :'.1v 11,11. g. Ilivr9 ‘t ,cl• .1 . .. 1 . 1 !!..... /...s to / I. II ALLECHIAIi IMEWERI. '• III•t Iv i: el, ! t!:, I:rosv..rs • !I f•.!..1 ,- ty• {it." SPRING WATER C AI ES SITAMM'X'aa: )(`COZI, Street, i.1:1;i:4111;45 CITV. r.rows A NukiT‘m•-z. l'itn pri le. IA .1! BEE ..4Y.111 r. •rfl I C4OlrT, 1' E i; T, 4 , 71,11 i Strive'. lII= 111,Lit EOM .t • I I IiVELDON c KELLY • . - .1?_1_,13:,),[1:1114.11k 7 i5,. Gas and Stearn • Fitt6rs, ANU fItiASS FritiNDEßk, A ,sorL,l, Cliandeliera and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c:, .1 "AL' }ION /A t*b 151 Wood StreeE,near IS,i6 (T&1 rj are lor VALI. '11:11 ,, It the Late vier be.cl the vt , °inn. in, putro:t... 1.7,1141i1 , 11 Briissels curl Tapestries, 1.,.r0ur en, II:11.4,011.o, e.on pri. lee nr.ny nl a 1....fe 0 t, In 0,1,10...1. 1:11.11 11.1111 .119111111 UNA'S IND ITO; I. itTA IN 41,1LkaA 6 , tuires. Side kfentre Tn , :sets, Loops & Bands, Choice :stYlt, sol !Amu, • 2.TAR LA ND & COLLINS N., 2 lIFTU STIIF. ET. Nest lA..' to U. :I. Cit-1..111 lionnt" r#gtuelce G IVESTEICS PLANING MiT,L, Corot .of EArLori SMA• ad 11:1:11,... Way; Prrrsr.urt.tai, rfa . Sash Iltrin , „ and )19uIdings =CM 1 61 1)F:'1'0111111101. wori, pnt In a dry Non,. unt, Int.en nut. 1 1 •11ng..i, Vloorsn. r nn , / bianFl l,l . raw:L.6m on ',mit!. Ln r..-tunlng :L11.11 , 1,611 -a. log Bunt. 01111 ot nll Idiots ItinVi. Wordy,. nll.l .I,IIIN E BArZKER &IIASIELT3NE. Fi CI :Street, Secobid Mork, = LOOKING GLASSES, 'iclurrs Ftaincs of all kinds, tv.v. A frill bl1.1•L t;"; 113:5i, 4 • AION 1t.111% LI ISTONJUS Vaults, Fountains, 7V - a,ses, DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION,' T. E3ROOME, UV rral. co -PARTNERSHIP. .ITNI)EitSi( 4I :Ei ) Parelt.teed the tlin.,lain..ry or the 1•14. 1 , FI:F.t.I:I , l , A... 111 C.1:31 A SN. 1147.• MO 111,t • ,,, 77 4, 1 0, 'l, p.irtitcrsttil .1. r 11/OWL:I:. CDIA.N.'.'t !or thr It' AM) SN. se., at the add Ael Arschli'mann and etre, Manellestyr, nil w.,tll.lre,inetlully .-011e3 a contrail:tn.; of the. t h"."' V1V ' Ar1. 1 . 4 71 " A1t . 147. 1 1 . A.4.TtIONV 0, o..12:141 XII, M. A CIiCIZI ANN. I.IIUSSDIANTI, -Filth trce7l Tunnel and Chatham Streets IN HARDWARE qt! , :tl,lll4lns ~.,11,,M at c't I :4tit,,,,tr,„ 4 vn~.tdo. .715417 - 17. I C. 11N.TrEfa CO., Dutnuitic• u • Or. :n of sore!. . evil] m. 1,0711011 std itsp_bor-y • ,0. - „E'D litroiurry, .itro.trborr; sod I..rmOn Byrotfoe: Hostler; of cLoice pybony 9rTllhb9 , ( ;: 7 ds n ba!dde n Mout , 1.0.2er Birk r sad agail ti.trog. d' oo h e.VO 4 o=att c Ofders 'Mod so a' obtrpe4 to all CO Dario of tbo la •hort enithb- • RicoFlati NATERI•ir 1. Cement,',Ptleh, ..Parest lane _VA.rnib# and BlesseliP6ll4,. , ; gaglt t a 01 d epre r as u r t v Is ottse lyntwo 1 2 1 vs/414 Vont, ilYtkittiii, MIME ti73.U~ . P,I:S C:1 Ore I r I =ZEN =MEE ~~~. ...,,.i c,~. , :n. r ~~a.~-,~a ,~,.~. ~. i u:. n•., 1 , .i.iu- • t! I,OH, rettli t`.3,tr 1 :1 ~. a:1..:,~11R t nd n~~_ _~ ;rt:~ k•a: Llt •• : : ~,,.r. ~ ,i,-u =I 1866. 'Jim': Gil EATERY LVEENTIQN or -.THE AUE. iVebster's Paint "Ordinary Wrench," ' FOR CUTTING OFF Will held a Round lied or Dolt in P.CIZEWINU UFE A Read . Y - Pi I !T. The APpilances used In WRENCH for Cutting od ~,,iamreiving tip Pipe,' ac.. canfbe carried in the pedet.llllVlYllloP the espense and burden of the great weight of l'onits, An., to br carried and used eteryteit; Ur AND REPAIRINU WORK what It wanted by every nTEAII am) GAS PI a PLUMBER, ENGIN E.Eit, 31:vent SINT. CAR. and cAreteiAup: 111111.11- EV , a....,l in all STEAM :all IPS, Itila LIICIJM - 0I e.. and In etcry BAILIIOAL) REPAIR I,d• ed.. r(mix. Ac., and every sTUILE and WI [EKE WATER An I) UNA ARP. USX!". Them IV RENCIIES are made In the moat time ono, manner, and are over adll per cent. cheaper than any ether 10[4 a 111.1 to nerfortn the fon* work. A .12 In. Wrench will cutoff and screw up pipe 11 to lui'dianieter Aib in. Wretmh add cot of and vn, nti blpe is tn. Ineli 111.1311 Yr. An IS Inch Wm eh will rut nil and screw up pipe y, to u Inches diameter. a 71: Inch Wrench will eut otf and screw nti Pine hi to ehee diameter. Porsale by • , 111. MCSTEEN Si. CO., oe3,Es No. 3n Water street; near Liberty. ED BUS INEKS MM'S COLLBGB No. 4 St. tlatr Street. we haTe nnigaged the setTleeeof nn eaparteaecd teacher oxpreatly for ihe mouths of July - and Au. anat. Studanta entuing on the fat ofVuly eat east 4...coinplete tee coarse by the lan of Angett. Forelrenlers and apeelmena ofpetetamem e , at the Vollsgelketots, asadreas, • sa.urkzic ALI • 1.011,e.4111.81rir V. Y 110111111..... ik . et—PElif-PAPEUR 11 . rezrfor-OTIFEACTVIMG GOMPAIM Warehotisie, tist Third' tiervel; keep eaturtan Werldfitt4 HlVlN.tar s ara - 'FEL and 'W aPPASEI - PAPLE4.`- .00OP • assorted now In Warehouse. ellutosz Mills at IStossboss•ille. Ohl*. Brighton Mills at New Orairtatoa. Pes, Sa RUN C. C. sEmors CHOLERA PREVENTIVE. FOR REGULATING THE BOW- E1y,4,-4roying Itel4lty In the ....tomaxll.cre -3,,N, 1 .‘ . .1 , hy action of the !Aver. asshttluglu... tion .0 11,01hy 111 . 0, glvlug to the . 101 ,0 031Ingthehretclu to n1.1.-slibyrtat o . 1 . 11. EV PATIN' t. It uu,atip.t....eul. .1, h. , tcin 1,1..1 in 11 1.01, of I:o+l..ner, and 11.11, vet . 0,, :0 r,l the directlons wtre ctrlctly Al vre t now no: at upon 10. nothln4 ,1,01 , 1 1.0 ft I. 1,010.0 .thut 15.• dot, t„ ,1t the ~mtetu t, 1,1 , rata', u 111` 01 it.eir Is th the troug,,, 0000 t•te chol.-- nnln.'l,retit 1. , 1! ,t‘ r,,..,.•11)1mrrfw. (.. cll,l it cora phiut-1.•. b.:l4o'm - Seely ' s Cholera Peevelitive taany yearn stu.ly entll7.litr. Tneolk ot :11..proprictor In Ilteltrt.t I.lace wet taprolnce tt.ca lauttlA •naltt er,t r,litve • Mtn It [date at ilay. In s allttilnat Ints great vol. he !pond that the lure was atitifilitirShit. reXilelor, .111,1 that ID rat.. Ittat re :triton Ma, .wo,f,ful. Incipient 'tali., ettrt.l by ai,lea, bottle, enr•• b. ea-, were ettlnt , ll . .,l to anecontb to the ellleaxy at tit' e tottlbatte. itavlai, ht aqual raptrltnent In hla own case, all that at Id. i t, p aetzt,lco hl .rte of It, et/ratite effurs It I, th e pabllc nin !tat It I ih.fl all th.tt hi.e1311., lor. It. 1-111t.e the Quart. no.trums that at, po a 1110 t rethil.mn Politic, it la not e anttr..., .1 tore-all, t ra it la ItiteDdt 11 fur a renttalt, iit.. toil iOLIA lit exte- laclpleut I ll.trtlo a, D51 , 0..0:16. or 1,11,1r.,1 In,: analog for mot:. ;tort front lotperftet digestion, • to ,tllroa:rtivort, 01 lit n•storaL lee porter:, It la one rttl to the public. N 4. blr.et. hold ,i.DD hi tie at .suoply of 11. and aliotild always wujr,wl. It Is L.hiyt , . lake. slotple WI Its miture, aml In:tan :nu. en- In etreet,. ttble rlruyeiila an.l vuuntry . uul.7,r,syl 11001 V, SHOES GIITEIIN, DRY GOODS, 131aukets, Woolen Hoods FLANNELS, CassiOteres, ClothF, SHAWL 2, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Adriasai3a.s, 11014 E-FURNISHING GOODS, MI Aft- €1_,..,'1.4.1,A.N13'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 and 57 STREET. TILE NEW • Spring andSunither Medicine. FLUID-EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, • COMIIIN ED WITH lodide' of L4ime, 1'1:1 7 1'A1t LA) FOR O. PETTES, BOSTON, ►roes It. Nichols & 9IA,NUP.I.I;TIMING E=EI ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARR WITH. Protolide of . Iron, t:leb Las tn:come to rwroral , ly known Is a Tunic and Restorative, l'.'.•/sielans and inraiide f.. all •partg of th, uNtry. • • new hrevaration. •`SAILSAVAILII.L.A. IN A CO3IIIINATION SVITSI 141DIDE OF LIME. presents one of the mat tennt alteraLivc .rents . In a form cap aloe of cier full action ['you the system, and this In minute and hicliant doors. It 18 conceded that the alterative, resolvent, or tonic elects of iodine., ar, corm,,l most decidedly when nclaied with other atter:stir.; in combination; and the Marsaharilla scents to tuna perfectly all the favorable requisitions. • :11Le nrat erect usually, observed when *SA RSA l'Altll.l,3. WITH lODIDE OF 1,111 E" Is taken, Is an Incrensc i of appetite, shot...lna . that It has tonic prouertles pLia marked character. Its alterative ef feel, are lorailielt In Its ready combination with the blood and' tilinues. Hale, scrofulous_ women and tt \ i , , litidren tut p rove rapidly under . its oar, and the VI 21 Innen.s assume a healthy condition. It la admirably adapted to alarxe n umberof duet] acme alroctloni iwcultar to children. it is curtiol io them, loth by the mil/lyeas and efilelency or Medicinal curvet and the picasrat, attractive !ono oil tile rr1nc,13 . .. It may Ge [lc, U for a long period where ,onsqttl ttonal Influences are deed red. and no r. nclination to take the syrup, 'encountered. l,t NS - bite-Swelling°, Illp-Jolnt Dis ease, and Diatorthint or the ~ p lnr, lt..otild be gIV o peralinently, In moderate (doses, Milli renal. 01,1.1112114 In the Spring of the Year, and during the Warni Weather, The :wee trollatleal of morbio niaLtere In the system socius 'to booonte manifest and very troublesome. Lasiitible, Headache, Rolle, Costiveness, Loss of Appoint.. Pains In the Joints, Indigestion, etc., are or, common. homing ever devised Is better adapted to ostermtnato or drive off there affections than title new combination of SARSAPARILLA WITH 111111 lit: lir LIME. it....l:rip:ration 'like Sr, iraite4 eiPP ,O -Titttitf , e or au Alterative, or Blood Purifier, placed toititin flu renelt of thing id+, Indeed. It 18 an entirely !MI." sail sCIINTinc In nit resnect relicnitillng anything In thrrid 'I lie opinlon ineillral men concerning .21. the in,cripiluti of Its clirialcal clanractii, therapeutic value. manner Ctn., stor e of In a circular. Which ran Inc hail at Lilt More 01 any anil all Milt ctn.. Druggivis. • . • For 1.-Ale In eltlntnirgh by R. E. SELLER'S &CO AND ALL . I)IIVGGISTP4. . 111).14:m7:n1Yr I . FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPAftILLA. Combined !Nigh lodide of Lime, = FLEMING'S DRUG STORE No. S 1 Markct St., Pittsburgh. msl9:aruirwr Bolts, Round nods, Steam, Gas, 'tram and Lead Pipe. WANTS, • k 417 E FD AT ONCE, ' .1 GOOD SECOND-FiANDENGINE. (No Itollert ens 10 Inch, (41111.1,, atid from IS to 'X met sient.o, oi"otottst Ilene Pow,. Appl) 1m:111di0tow to rorTEit, Al ti :MEM R. N, 1,1t0,t7 • - 17trANTIEt) AT ONiT.-L-To engage rin.rty a .0111:v. 1,• loryia morn-, !77 a 110 n,: ,t ?AArnt~irriv,i. - . . • to -on • "np!r. a N ,11.1 IN Vt. ARM V3:t11.. 5:31...01.,) n'ltza.te .agen t5 ,, 1t1,!, I A A N'l ...it No. Hl', St. Clair WA TE I= • rAnY:y. And quir•Al. ".11.••art• , 1117 AVA V A b,•• . by Li,- nb,.,••• For full pArtu•• •,••• ''• Corn, -:•131.L.:. :a .vi ,1 Se% or, a:Ru • . NT Ell, Oite Thomsand lverrinrs • lof ure.t.:llll, ion. UV, 0.61 I t o t •.t it. %It" c•tit kw:A PUll of th...lr :00, -4, OW .'..1. fl 'LI..L\I.- It =IE • U !.; I'4 l tC:11)1? : tor the tn,•n . 11,,,,•••1 14 , 1,1. IL (01, eatleb, and , 11. y T2l/ Lug 1.11, eiat11 , 10.1....,,e1t. and lor 13. th, d,oon, Irmo ,ll I, mal ~ 111 , %V V A VIP! , t, All I. Iteri.L.,l vroe.l i.rtnitpl:y. w l lll _ . • Ft)ft .t NE tv nvt t:. ruts ItM.ALT. WOMEN OF THE MIMI: Ily • Th v nbJrct 01.• this work it to rooter pr. mtrrat.l - ,i, of th , o,r - cis', o( , h.• who the perils ii a r thi• hi 10 trawrilit,stiii,. The ,1 • 11 164 .. .1311, 1.)106t COO 1,- 11 , 0 Pn".I.MI tilot i pis, asitrave.l Itietuost iniprovi•il 471, 0.1,1 tis!) u b.:0+11 , 110m - Ytot llreulart, I.l.lrott of 314.11 10 FAI tit r .t How 1!1=1 =I!IMIII AGENTS 11T 1111-; /tEKA NEWISH MACHINE ( - 0511 . .VY1 No cell their NEW 31.11:1111. E. WI I 'err n , ta tb.non riper to heavy heaver tint'. or lent het e ont eltanr, of fe.l, si... cne r prromoroo (0.4, alio! newly tlei.lgn...l fuer tope„.. Addre.i..twli.nwr etklnp. .1 It. 11 a LI, (1.5 Fifth rilvet, V....el Po , or! MEN WANTED, TO ACT AS . SALESMErI, Fierier pormanontly or ternnorArllT• peter ra 10 rt•Tollon • Apply In persou or ad•lrt, NV. 1.. I:tii,l: ME I= MERCHANT TAILORS. • HENRY G.;-11.p.L1113, MERCHANT TA ILOR, Northwek cortier of Deilre, to return rtmnt.•: to the Ilie '•. reLl.nfollr Ile n el.a, tor.iro.es . e. Ile wet.:.. pleased I. have Illon Large and Carefully Selected Stott. Fine AVoolen Good, lENTLENTN3 WA!: iliil F.t..L IV V . iiA IP, ~,11:ir. • FALL GOODS. Now ItEestf7 : l7.i'% :t large asll. = r:o_z%:3 1 - S 1# Y , .l'fli, an 1 , :1111.11111 , N, AT THE LOWEST EIA fIKET PRICES. rz...r 1. • FALL AND IrINTEIt ir.OODS. "Vir. H. IN" GEE.' • - No. It) St. Clair Street, thonuenti,m hot, 111,or GO4 4 ,4, 1.1 4 1114 4 4, 1t,4 heel, t 4. (c , irtl with 1, - .•atetr,., nil I alllll. ail 1411,, /4,4 or 4 ioit,(3 (4,1, tourt.l la ll.rst-v• bout,,. Gent. wartiant, a Sittr OF CLorlf Bl 'MADE To Will pleas.. call awl 1 . 74(11;144 ,. (, , ,r ( 4 .404,44, ,(sl.l Also a fiat and cutovirte >I crL , f l'ittttil`As [NU (.1(/(11,S. 'DM. H. Met:EU.' .31 r_rrif AN r TA 11.1111, • No. In .nt. COAL, COKE; &c (JO_I6COALLU IMPORTANT TO CONSUNRS, HUMMEL & RABER Invite lli attention Of Ili nulitic to LLnlr li of liitAl.fuet iviiiiudlng v rletlea 1.11 , ..p, Icon. 2; Mood tliraittut. kin*, Valtey,. Son.:. 2,3, am! ll'he.ll.llt, All wfilet, lltpy are to nt Lrr\Y ES i 11..A.11.:,, by tut, bloi4-1, too, enr boat, lona or thou.:m.l too, All orilerq pro aptly atlru4l,l to. 102 Cht-ntnit rot, - r,tt, near theDor,ot. et,51:111 It ItIIIL,IIII,II{II. COAL ! COAL 1 COAL:I DICKSON, STEWART & CO., listing zetuorril their °Mee to INTGo. 087 X...1.1z.0rt-y- Olt - root. (Lately City Mar 11111) )311COND !Lou% Are oortyprepare.l.to tarnish gockt-lrompthhhr,beny LUMP, Fi UT COAL OR SLACK, At the lowest ilarkct 43- Al orders left at theta tato, or sttl:lrrsar tt to them through the mall, wilt ha at tetidrato prompt] y. ' m.y:sltrZ , CHARLES H. AC2IISTRO.'I,iG, MEMO • Youghiogheny and Connellsvillo Coal Awl /latmAeturrirs or Coal, Slack. and Desulphurized Coke; OFFICE a. I) ED. Corner of Butler en i Morton; 'trot yaril on F.lber Ips awl Cirri., streets. Ninth want, tit, :second street , . near Lock No. i r ClOshiirpth, Pa. Families and Mantilanturers shimlitni with Om best artlele of OW or Coke at the lowoo. rash rate., orders left at any of tho Tanis will reeeive prompt. TOBACCO ? CIGARS, &c. EXCELSIORTIRiFeO Won R S. R. & W. JENKiNSON. OF ALL FiNOS 01 , Tobacco, .Stittii and Cigitrs, No. 6 rEIIER.II4STREET, • Third door from :institution Bridge, •• • w bLEtiIIENY, PA. Branch ii.t.re st On!, turiiiiii,•; R. L. JEFFRIES, Sianufisclurfr and aro H e w' .11caltr in all Llcitl TOBACCO, ' SNUft AND CIGARS, No. G STIIF.Z.T. rirtanotent. /trif - A I. no. ai4oilitiOtit of MEER/CHAU)/ P/ PRY and SU. IKI SI.ITOL/Al.3:tt, of tier, 4,, quality. Ll.li ou 4atiti. GEORGE • BLtINEENSCHEIN, • • latnnan 12 Diann:4 NU tiOnnSTIC k SEGAR CHEWING TOBACiiO Smoking Tobacco, PipeB, Sce. No. 4 Elocrcaxtlx N car morner or - rIT1' , 1t111:111 JORDI IVIEGRAW y MIMI %atm, totwl Wholc-ale and itetall 11e.1. a 4.111 All kinds of Tobacco:, §nuff and Cigars, 40 • MIALZ,TX) BTU. PAINTER& ---------- • art.)llaNial. - 4G-ILAV . , • UDILIE AND SION; PAINT ,-GRAINER AM) GLAZIER, No. 64 Hand St.„Pittaburgh. 1 1 . 1 ... 11 rOVThallt graiiperr der.erbtloll <lupe agittaz. All-mort 4.la* priampurs6 erason. Witt_4n_ [MOWN; . ILatior•Vhe . ers,l aritaolne MoNFOW,) ,Ibtorthst corner or Third a... 4 Alarket •tio,;ts I,vrrazusaur,,,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers