The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 22, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, :Reed, & Co,
No. 86 31 1 131.12. Ettreat.
F. B. PENN/31,LN
r. e. noesTos,
AEI SON P. ICEED , f "n"qesa Managua.
blngle Coptes.-.
Deily - tied I.y owlet, {per waeb
kiubserl ra, (i,e6rr,
Lnersl reductions lo Agerit,s.
• • •
i'lll. Viti,s",;lll
MONDAY, OCTOBER- 22, 18136
. .
Thu Washington correspondent of the
Boston ..rournol states that a treaty has been
'agreed upon between our Government and
the L;bricia Government of 3lezico, under
-wt.&o United States is th•assume the
protectorate of Mexico after the abdication
of -MAx.r.mixterc, and after the withdrawal of
-the French troops.'
It may be true that some arrangement of
this hind is in the wind ; but how can our
Government enter into a treaty with an
authority or 'government which it has
never recognized ? The Juarez govern
ment, and That only, has been diplonzati.
rally; known to our government ever since
the advent of Mext.undxs; it would, there.
fore, boa very strange proceeding on the
part of the United States to 'recognize that
dissoic'ing monarch, as having the destiny
i;f Mexico at his disposal, Just at the mu.
went his throne is crumbling under the
vigorous blows of the Republicans.
If we are corrMiniciur recollec,tion, the
Confederate Government, While flourishing
voider the rule of JEFF. DAVIS, did recog
nip! 31.1'N:1 - MILIAN. Perhaps it is under tlid
piecedent and that authority' that Messrs.
Jorl.NsON'and SEwAnD are acting .in this
lover ; for ijicre is certainly no other air-
Iliority under which they call(' lawfully
!Li!, , wellrink it very much more pro
bnhlr that the whol'o affair is a canard.
That Mexico will ultimately, nod soon,
pvs under the rule of the United States,
Ave think, in the natural- and inevita
(de course of- events. It is now clear that
the 'Mexicans are incapable of maintain
ing a stable government of their own,-
whether regal or republican. They are
commiltiently in a lit Condition to be set
aside as a political power, and be obliged
to give place to a new set. But whether
that new riding class shall go in as immi
grant-, or ' filibuster -, , Or as national armies,
or all of these, is one - of.those questions time moat solve.
Whatevef trentics are made, whether
with MA7crirILIAN or anybody else, must
first be ratified by n two-tifirds vote of the
Senate before they can have any•yalidity
.IN Ille"Stain of New York .the llepubli.
cans are conducting the canvass with,ener
gy and ' wisdom." Numerous !meetings
have been held, and many More are to fol.
low.- From the names of the speakers an
nounced, we. judge that the discussions, in
conformity to" the ir.agriiihde of the State,
arc of a more sOarchings:and'exbaustive
character trap Las been customary. Ia
the metropolis, the D,c4merats will poll an
-unprecedented- majority. Defections from
the Republican rooks, and l'argi : accessions
of voters from the Southern States, both
with a clew to influencing trade froth - the
rebels, will conspire with the ordinary
Ci111 ' .1.C . 3 to give the coalition candidates Un-
I , recedented strength, But this will be
room than neutralized by the rural die.
trictl.Our best informed. riends count the
State safe,'and the reelection of Goi•crnor
l'zrrnic alrehdy
tic ConeTesslonot District 3li - .
.11[CLI13ALD, wi,ll con
telt dtc sear. 3lr. CILtEpES DEN:Nrsor.:,
In precinf ts, registering only
tax.ddes, as high us 7.50 rotes were
pone" These frauds sere perpetrated by
double voting and 1::,- fo'rged certificates of
llRWraiUatiOW Ot these cc:tit - mates a(a)
were secured In one batch. No doubt ev
iqs luzerne county as to proving frauds
,uflicient to unsea DENNIVJN and let
Mr. Auctin.ttp in. From personal knowl.
edge of the men engaged in ferreting out
detail this 54. -- Indle, we know it will
- .l)e done thoroughly, and when done, it Will
establish a fiepublican gdiu of three in the
Congressional d,legalion froni this State.
Sheridan's report. of the condi;
icon of tic freedmen in Louisiana .should
Jilence those who pretend that the. negro
needs no other protection than that the
planter chooses to extend. Sheridan, who
:s neither politician nor ]radical, declares
Clint, now that the crops have been gather
ed, the freedmen arc, to'. a 'great extent,
:liseliarged IT their employerg, on- slight
pretexts, and, wit hom'obtainine any wages,
!eft deFtitute for the Winter. Outrages on
the freedmen are 1:01711110A, end Gen. Sheri
:Ain saVs emphatically that "the trial of a
white man for Rifling:l freednum is nothing
hut a farce. - •To the benefits of the Fyeed
inen's Bureau he bears earnest testimony,
-No honest, intelligent, unprejudiced mind
ran continue to believe in the justice of
• Andrew Johnson's policy' of giving the
whole South into the hands ;if Rebels in
..the face of innumerable. facht like these
Which Sheridan has furnish'ed.—X.
Swinflurne's new book, I rrrr aul Vene
tls ~~ otbert poems and ballad, recently
suppressr,o:,in England and soon, to be pub
lished in :.` , l4:w Yolk. by Carleton, the Lon-
Jon Etazaver slnirply says : • "The wiili
dtawal of that . Volume is an act pf weak.:
nebs of which any publisher win' does not
give himself op to the keepire of g milk:
walk for the use of habes; has' reason to be
heartily ashamed.';
Tlir'Coyton Ito,cript announcel . the
7te.ath of Joshual). ItShinson, author,of the
poerii,.,. .'The Little Boy amt. Died,"
:which lots Ireefi attrihnted to many leadinv
poets. Ile died of chOlera at San Antonia,
Texas, where he had ;Bred fura ntunber or
Dr. Aborn curtp Ikandnesa
Or- Aborti dup-s t;rots eye
' .610. to Flewtrio. Drug 9loTt, :
...So. St Yarket sU et!, for the twat liellabd Gln
:l the ca 7. • '
Dr. Aborn curel jeurne,?
Dr. .born curt:. aolacs is the ---ear
tt) lteraitihia Drug. Store.
"Fora reliable Ite.metly for the Cholera. No. $.l
Ilarket street. •
Dr:Aborn'cin'el chronic entarrli
prominent Wizens.
Dr. Aborit refer! to
Go to Elerulssrs Draw Blare,
No. o Market street, for all Genuine Patent.
aledleLnes, at the lowiot. rates. •
Dr. £born refers to the mottle:it faculty
Dr:Aboro curea throat arta cheat Erf-T t lons
Li:Aborn Cures offensive dlselzerge from
tho ears sad polypus. . ,
Dr. Aborts curoa cileetrosi of the eye
Dr. Aborit—rar/ara at ..11.eratiant's kiotel
Ast Aborn solicits cases deemed lnaarable.
Consulting and Operatlng Booms; Se and 97
Xerehanta , Hotel. Consultation troy,
fi ~
~ .
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ZB, Ou
Currency Counterfeiter .Pardoned.
Neariy Every Vessel
Extra Pay of Deceasad Officers
Wasuisnros, tictOlier2.l.--The President has
ordered' the pardon of itlichtiel lialratn, who
was convicted at the May term (19ir3) of the
United States Court lot the Northern Disfriet
of• Ohio, of passing counterfeit fractional cur
rency, and sentenced to one year's tuiprison-
Mont. •
Lieutenant' Commander , 'William Gibson,
ceminmoling the United States steamer la-
Loma, reports ,o the Navy Deportment, under
date of Nusinu, New Priv:Mimes., on the oth
lust_ the following . .
.4M the,3,l anti ith instant, when ona line
between tile Berm !Mai and Hatteras, we en
eon ntered a revolving SWUM, of llOrrleane vio
lence. %Ye are not in distress, but the damages
si,talned are serlou.,. As car, fully computed
from our OLSerVatiOn9, the cym On 011.1 moving
I,IF. N. E. at the rate of thirteen MIT - e per hour.
A t,
.1 s
;. centre,iotr,.•.h...ei.2lir.rgesti-ot,o„iuusnit,.,v,a22ioln,,,,eleLot,i,ill
119 •st.; bore - S. S. L, forty miles. distant.
whole.dlaineter Wn9 llta/Ve n miles. It
Caine on /19 • smblerily and with little preniont
non, the barometer registering rattier than
1' foretelling the charm - es id wind and weather.
The sea ryat, as rapidly and great, en dangers
Misty heavy and Toni tiled, that being tad/.fled
• wu Were in the lett 1 hand semiwirele- of the
storm, I deemed It safe to abide the /satin 'by
heaving the Telnona to one of the port tuck.
• The centre of thiehlirrlcane passed over the
1:11;11,1 of New Providence oil the ISt Instant,
and the Seelle of w reek said devastation Is
marvellous ono very Saul to see. More than
half of Hassan is In ruins. Most or the houses
are unroofed, narly blown to pieces, and Swale
meted bodily Irani their foundations into the
streets. Tnecithrches, warelMuse.s and oilier
buildings of solid stone, std shattered us if by
I, bombactlmeuti TIM trees are destroyed lent
and branch, , , by a conflagration: Nearly
every vessel boat is sunk. or sWept high
and dry:
tin the outer Islands the destruction of prop
erty and the consequent suffering Is said to be
dread t cl:•Tile important light' at the Hole In
the Wall Is not burning; the harbor liglht here
Is only it taimporary lantern; the lights un the
stirrup key on the Great is/Mee mot Oil gun
key ore reported to be Uninjured, though the
tower of {he first homed Is crooked. Judging
from the Illsmantled'und otherwise distressed.
vessels that we have Such, both at San and in
this port, the eltipter of casualties from Lill,
hit 'lssue it 1,1 Dot be a brief one. A more
couitpiete report with all the duties nod ;Ha
t/harm rel/tIlos• to this.liurrienne, tile Meteoro
logical Mu of ' Her Bihar:lc Alsjest 'a . steam
er NOlllile, Ills wit ashore la tills hurhor, and
Other interesting inforitiatton, I will send by
the iirstopportouity to the Bureau or NATI:',...,
Hoe. _ , •
the GOvednor of Minnesota has filet In the
lictittat Land (M, st map of the located line
of route of the and Lake euperlor
Malltuart trout et. Pent to Danleftli In taut
State, fore hien. gn4IIL'OT land was Shaul, by
act 431 Congress appt oved May 7th, 1,..411. Tu.
C(2111L1111”10141, 1114; the Ilet,3B4try stes
fur thearithOrasral of the land gram.. by t au
out lu c• hiormlty tau duo of route die 1.
The Governor hay nisei:Boa astert of the tint
divlston• Ut the et:Paul :did PallIIC Railroad
,how mg Ulu loestkin and ttoustruetion of nary
:rifles of 1.110 : , couch lion of 'alit rued from et.
Anthony to a -Licata hear et. Cloud In that
' _/ •
The President has appointed B. B. Kennedy,
Nel.r.asta. Tor“tor,, lire-leer of Public
Mune), fur the U strict of ill , lands subject to
corn ut thnatal, Sobrivore, etephen'P. Pur
•dy, itviater tae . Laud tlrllt:e. at Dutton;
IL a cutio whore th 4 widow of a deceased or-.
Leer trp i ,illed on• the: y oper
that have fleet - nail to , hiderl Ile law
of Metre &II Inc Leon 10:11:,4 ea the
Unit,' k..t i! isaitgia tit the awl, liFsl bee:: :1,,
iTeti 'l, the pruner occouutnis ogle, 01 the'
Trait:it - ley' That the right ox inheritance tint
not aurvlve as the Jaw make no pruclalon
•, /or tue descent of this extru pay to the lichen
01 nn olllcer In Cannot his itekth.
The Internal re'rlinue reoinots for the
, ending te)7ehly toot lip nit '
receipt, tr.ere /he total amount
train title nOtleee . otertui; tints decal year amount
to ti l7 ,iile,eii7.3 Notional bank notes fade,'
during tie week, $1.51,245; UWE/UM insanity to
, ha e, 4.174,377,:e35; /ILO uhleillla or fractional
currency reel: Wed during the Week is 011,tkiii;
sent to the ALllYlet , a , TreieStlret . at Now Yoig,
0, w.d to the l i •ittlonut banks, #2.1,./Ut, 111
Itnet . lotial currency destroyed during - the
The following Is the report of
ttoi T eastiry Vittritri at Chia tl:ele
try notch , •_V1 . 0;11; fruetlouul currency,
!'«_'i 01; gold, f„•2,51e; • nye t
coin, three rent 0010, tiiXi; keuts, 'l'U•
' The th.bursernents for tire weelr on treeouot
were to. follow,: %Var . Dephrtment, 09u,t,16.:;;;
Navy. Deparynent, 41,43.3,10U.W; Interior De
partment, t1.4;1C. - .3.,u. Total, 41,:&,;43.;.9.:.
Large Meeting of. Veterans
i . ,• Wt . :lnoue, oat. .!o.—l.ast night a tatio,
meeting of veteraril, representing the boys In
. - Blue, was held In Baltimore. It teas presidedl
over by Brig. lien. %Voolley, who advised them
to eland shoulder to shoulder In this COIIIC , II,
,mi they had dons in the field. The following
ml.lresi was Unita itaol.l,bly agreed upon:
,-, lloysiI: hoes, .V..tes . rion . !- , The events now
: transpiring In this city matte it incumbent on
..1 us mace more to miserable In mussed confutes
to resist the attempts 01 traitors in Ourruld,t
to Iteprlvel , wul Man 01 this city of tile coo
-1 t rot of its affairs ' and lea: e us to the tender
tnerclea of our deadllestenemies. You will
' at once report yourselves to your °Mem, for
assignment for duty, and hold yourselvi s
ready at a women Ca 11011 CO, 10 1/00,1.1 OUT Sa.•
cred righta, , now menaced and emlangerml
by the ntl/Re. .leFpleaule traitors whose really
sympathy arta always and ever for rels:11 in
a 1 .11114, and aorta,, curses always followed 11,1 on
every bloody dell of the Maryland lino. -Wt,
have loughs cud cot..ieced the renels Wit,,
had the manliness to trice us in the Held. Wu
have now 1,1 regulate these heretics who for
the last four years have stood- wilt, yard-stick
and erocker3,-ware In hand, really to fur - also
their tlll.r friends of the South with their val
uable sympathy. The loyal Police litatril of
Baltimore mini be Unstained at all hazards
and at ever: „cost. Be rowdy. Be prompt.
Each ward will report its strength and orga
nizations on haturday- night, at eight o'clock,
at the headquarters of the Unconditioual
Union Centrut Committee.
By order of the lieneral Commanding.'
,s,ignerij F. C. TARR,
, Co:tmel and Wilt: of stuff.
ll:Wrrlrong, Get. hi—No new developmentS
have yet been - mule in regard to toe pollee
difficulty. :rho Pollee Commissioners will re-
sporolio the charges of .ofticial misconduct
preferred agairmt them, through et:mum! on
Monday. Gov. Ilwann tirade a visit to „Wash
ington today. There is much speculation and
~,,,y , „ rumor„, are ,onut as to the project of
bhP - ,sit. Nothing' dclMltt.: la known lu re
spect to it; everything us yet concerning it Is
conjecture. The Boss In Bine held another
meeting to night Losualuin the Pollee Color
missleners. •
The Directors of the F irat .National heck,
of which Gov. 3 wenn is President, here peti
tioned him to desist Irvin Ott purpmmi lu it:-
siert; to the C muststiouers.
last COrirt Ifertlal Adjourned.
LOMSVILLI, bet: 20.—Th e Gcnoral-Court
tlO otßrevet uenoral af
ler 15 Preside t, of which Maj. (inn. .0. C. lid.
005 lOrmeriy Presidont, which Liu been
In session In-this city for the past two mouths,
today adjourned sire die, having . conoluded
the is. Illness beforothein. This seas done hy
order of 2daj. tien. Thomas. This le the lest
'mart of volunteer officers on the Service, end
its .I)min:trams'. Is an evidence that the striul
01 OSlcern and others connected with the
onteer service has ended ° with the military
court,. The several members of the court are
to repair home and report to the gem star) , of
War for Master out of service. The Judge
AdVOCate, Simnel P. Voorls, formerly Captain .
Of an Illinois regfment, now Lieutenant of
the 17th U. 5. intantt7, reports to General
. .
Tile. maga of Thompson Taylor lu thp United
Stated Metzlet k;ourt, has been dismissed by
Inaposink; Reform Demonstration,
Interview Between the I'ope and the
Empress of Mexico.
' •
• •
FdialiEtr, ,010i.,1 z..—The emam;Lip
l'erarlan, from LI 4.)1 the 111.11, vin Lo
Ilth, Ala Lon.
donderry . on the )111,1 arrived off this
point : The news Lk exceedingly meagre
The London I/air/AN - en/ FayS that the - Leeds
rerortn demeustra!lon, Loth lit numbers and
Organization, is admitted to have Leen more
itnnoslng than any of the demonstroxliina that
hive preceded It.
The London Tateairsph asserts that the etatii
or affairs In (Sandhi become leas serious erery
. .
• rite cattle plague 'had made Its re-appear-
Cure in several places In the •Cuntous of (ins
ane,: and SchalThn, Switzerlaml. •
The Empress ' o f t .!tlexicP hail arrived In
Trieste from Rome. A letter dated Rome the
.24.11115t..."/Ohl published In the Lyons papers,
says: The Empress of 2dexten is the sub,) ect Of ,
much conversittloll here. Yesterday at a s. 0.,
without havir g requested an nu.llence, s!'
presented he s eft at the Vatican to see 11l
1101; Father. She was Immediately received
and is said to owe prese.tted IL petition pray
leg the Pope ) sauctien everyt hint! her hus
heed had non Ale
as Emperor of xifto with ret
5104:1 to yell lons matters. The story meeS
that the Pot • positively refused to do so, white the Ern press declared that slie„would
non leave net Vatican If the reqltent was not
granted. 'l'n writer athis that lie cannot
euarantee tht authenticity of all tills, but he
la certain tilt the Empress did - not !p.p. th e Vatican until six o'clock m the 4,,,1ng. see
then rettrod t I the pries' it study ()film' Pope;
and WY tioliet t is continued ills illtOtolletOl gild •
(ally routletqleavlng the Empress Valli tee
Indy in whiting.
• tar TOE CAPI.Z.I
Livr j r.erhar„ Oct. —The ..temuer CulAl,lroin
noston vla 11.0 Max, hasoars- ed.
' LeNDON, Oct. lA—There is no news oftseller.
al 1w pm-tone, to,l-4;north telegraphing.
Console closed at foe money. 41111t.Tlenl
C 1,4.10 at the fo'lowing quotation,.
Central, 7.,; 0 ; Erie, 54.r.-4.'
1. , 1:11POOL, OCt. 2.).—Cortmt 3nlw Mot
Lip 13.000 bolus Middling Upland.,.
Cntliettsirentares in the BUSilat'SS;
Nkst: act. 2.).—BetAreea 51x nu i seVen
thousand nut urallzioaf [Oscan; Lave talreu out
the necessary papers , lthto the past week he
inns the vurlfms courts. There are scree cur 1-
One features in the 'Matorallriattion business
this year. TO. I,lmi - came to of the ill - it' Iry
law an It I,llvriireir unsettle/ ti,e
Usually admitted richm of large ninnhers of
persons of hit eizo :out ri who are not to be per
mitted 10 rot,' unless t hey can prove! hat 111ey
['venni,' lienS I egularly b the initUrallSti
-I.loa of their fathers. This InYwf they cutitiot
prOil are toe large
.1 1 101 , 01 - 11:111 of the
arising, atilt Inn reBiiit 18, ilnit ',fore then
namei are received hv tile InsiMetc,
,try they muse mire our,e'm or citizen:oily. I
fit 18 found tryinii of the neater:,.
; done rocrtire,l a , O fur, rimy proliaiily morel Min
hail of the iron, perBoll.3 wine
have httlzette 001st a.: the min, children at
foreign born 31arigper,on,
ken out paper:. Who 1; f• 5
mti olll/i, and
lioiiiing ranee sear,Elt •
It in erreil Shit!
hump, have cirn imtratea
:the acina hand,' I',llll hi,: to
another tap toed ot inherent distri,-,
Atlvl r“ I . tt II Ma.
Nev TONE,-I' uylnm:i th,
12th announro llie urrienl eamel frwil
Au , ttallti pon.l eultmri Kfih th,,
from tho.ocountrir.,, but dose from Vlctv;rla,
us tire GOTCI ,, IOVIIt Of thttt COE , { , Ey Lave e
fit,,,l to contribute anyth!ng
115Idng (tie HE, Tin ster.:r,r
Coln and gol‘lNio4l.
A new Cabinet Ira , l bee. form , ±,l In New
The harre=t prosper:: m throuwhout the eol ,
lele, Coil tint., wood. Tile Ith,keidi are Gltly
hopnlled with Chlllne bre: , l , :.:/1., out stuck,
Clutu,rnla we!, Lahlornln wL,a, I rlonr 101.
lumber Would eumninn , l 111. n
ce3lcere in n tlnnl 1-h;:ng
. AAre at Selkliked. crilithlenciii, to tho Gov
ernor Llobdun 0 ./• 6 !rnrctl silo,reelvori
of property. Another, at Neli.o7l, heel fever,
three three InteiV, the Teuiliuren, f,IIM g
31C101 Chrii Lia _ l• _ - 'elatlu u roothi and 119-
tt,n other hothlel.
The Int pore ;Ire , ilreils:lll4 pri,lethlo
oraof the Span6h dret,roill the , nlf,rent
euntmna to I , trrnirthen their al:
ate! tortlfy !bolt . port... They ray i: tLc wnr
ho rene4 ed' It / 04111 be a kii,perate :toe, 11,,:
liove,ranhf ofrPer :efoltre torelgucit,to
the tier-oral leo; and :those theto to Vale. The
Gny,rnnnnt...,l 1.:,,d0e tierree•l the ex
pnl,nn Cr WI who •
woahl not he
untnrallzed L tilly..,tx
Coghe , hhl. :he nh ,
tea, roeelved
reninn Trim.* in 1:1.211•44.
TOR.C•Nno. C. Vt"., 24.—MorG I',:r '•:n
sone', were P1•1i.17. One Of 0 WI.
proved to inn Inn It ic. C:rar,n:
intitnnot. , l to ti: , , , :uott !hut he lia , l recetve.l
IthitrUCtioni (rout IVlt , htnittiat to engage
cout;el fur Drt4onenh ut Aumrlcan
birth. • I
Jame? ./. Itog,rl, liner, ter. of Nrw Sorb
city, - has volunkerre.l ;rot!,
defend such prif±une, as are Fe , tan .11nernr0n
citizens. to actlitr: so he Al linet.; that
SPOPid receive 'rule vondna - front Li , .i:ottit
While here, Ihe application Waiuuh. to Mr.
JtUto WO . tOrt tnrntrth Mr. Th urAon 4 Anion .
Can •21rtur Hon.
Mr. Cameron, hi, loni,hip refust , t the appit•
ration. on the ground that the nipplicant w,t.4
not en . .n11,1 to Karl I, 11 . Caowntan court..
None of the trzah will be inn,eed , - , 1 until
torn Wolne, , lny nett. by
eraloin 11 , 11/00.Z of i.rtwiter, 50!!! bo ready
trial. Warn tile=,' Stmo Or,- Up,
they . will occupy Or attention or the plo , ent
joll.•es UAW they gre nil grunt zoroae!, with,
which will hrobnl,l; he thren weut, or 0
Sole . of St. John Pert—tlnntom Doom°
Revensto Er , noH--iletsit 0 Report.
New Y"og• coin of nt.
John Pal IC to the linjton River Rol/rood Cow
pony, Trinity Pall.), reset vet $40 ,, ,r0d, the re•
woindrr of the ihr),lti.9 Otte! then[ herb. , thVe , ..
t,l ahl(mg t he owner, of property surroluoling
the Park, ut the rote of Sl3,eun per Int. -
The Revell', V.11101.W, In re,-
'on during LW, pot!. lortnlght ILL 11, Ater
Flow, bun [Wren a recent for K. ttis. tarn , and
renmuc lie tutor., next wrek. A lane
amount or te.llZllOll3 relittiv, to 7,,, ,de In the
'Cottom lion, WWI token '.)urine the twitter:.
The. report of Depute Heelth 0111,:er Potteb,
received to-they from the totpitol t 1.111:, 13 Very
favorable, no dentl. vleg Occurred rt feu
tat tie 1 , 4111:1w/01 Of lee,. pellelll,
linvlng tuber . ) :wove they.: prey ion, ~,,,,,,.
Th. cleaner Helvetia, e hn, im...yenger.,l m ve
been tire re/ th , renl, hat been cliwrondhle
eiwinord owl fnin:4a'e.t. The ruport robe tier
will come up to the city oW toue/sy ere.) lily or
Monday morning.. - •
Hotter, on the . Textn. Frontier —Fire . 10
Nem, 0r10n... •
Nuw ilntz see, Oct. 20.—The steamer Ml,,,ts.
Sippt, trom Now York..3pok”
sington In Intl:nal:J:1 to, long It Oft to, volt rut.
der goue,ll.nd It. , llned
OenerMll'3herldno, to r, t..tegratil tli Governor
ritrOClLM6rt,.,n ,100 atitltro . ll7 boo 1)..i
, n
given thne•ral ,
1. 7 1 nm, w g lira
District I Te.a.E.,; ~u11,,,,:ate.,
eavulry fore.: I::5 Nuntottn.i
point, on the front ter or Toya, a. rnll7nn. , x,r
b oo t for • protectlon. „I
,twenty-on. companion IA ore two
2 . 11,P11.1 Ili 14 Ion!, in, Imk , l ,, ,uuto•
12004 tr00r5,..0; pr t. ont,
A lion °court ed to-7.1;;l . dcltmy :n4 !!“.!
Cnr rouge 1,090,1V/re' Of .V.:1111..r.. Thu loan In
not at.vertatned, bat 111. }neva:owl tihut It wilt
not t•zene.d $•30,0' 11. •
October 25. Interesting , P It
La, teen 1:(.11.11anC,1 In 'l,, S ap,,,g,
by 3lr. Cal,'" La Wl9 H0L1aa , ...1 Itaalll,t• Mr. Aoo.twa.l. 130:li partit, t.; iLe
outbreak of the ever were reaalOnt I of
r;pppi, chituri 'that hi
March; .1.1ex1.. at bonded a pa . np
burned up a largo quantlty p ovrty be•
. _
~ ~__
•i •••.-IY , -:.- lor the pu!.!!!!ehnrges, a -well ordered admin.
_,... _...
longtug to LH., nod 00, ~ F5 1 '',!...'"-.2',.."E!;: i istratam, carefully considered laws, nu equita- Atnn•estteo la,
valu •tV 001 wit. rit ;vit.. niicsl , o o , ,/,!, ~!,• i u„c and punctual aotninisti talon ot joetlea. ' TrlL.'4,l'ill,.—/ - he success of Joho I.Littighe Ma
aid e, eld In 4.50,00 , bsii. ‘,I. mollou is noir H!ndo Liu , he i s t all the yottirtinleett which havo aisle ..t. this b".„, last ,2-,.k..,,,,,, eel; d a ,,,,,,, at , ,,i 1.,
to vticaft, the order or erre.t. The 4:.0 ' , di he Pra,lll .401 mho has hewn herself to be in
argued t at ThuridaY, bcforo judge Llerice. ; ,
ta.. ta c o s luveris fdrUggle, will to tutors be al. flatter even an 01.1 Mager llize hint, the n!ten•
to the ...'` ambers of IL° ....!npfelAc Court.' Ivan ae einntnun to yen; yeur youth will dance being Imenue from th.• Ope,,ing :Lilt.
!'coos 11,. ...inE 1-.'— tteit.:..ol l lC/. 1 Vote. I 0Tht.,7';,'F'.1....,..,"•:','0tr0 ,17 f i rti ' cl., th o ' f .l o r l reentryl ' lt reU' r'-t
',Tid y . . 1:0°.- Vi g ie h u t e l lTs 'P ltll ' t:ii " 1 7 ,1 f. , ',' : -1 1 4 1 0 ti fi ri 4 v t P;1•30°, ,b,:•.7.1:;,
1,,,. 3. ,,,,,, r01,, , ,.0 , L. ,„ . _ Tu0 i., , ,,,i,,,, 13 ‘ di, t ;„ , tilt Pitt-elan army will JityfullY ve- ' w ritten by himself, cal Wi.l.•li toot it u: i
o ni,i„ . l rot,. ; ease the Id eve ItatrovetlitligtO whom a granil ease wherever preeetiled do the I.
ti - g' .'
;Ids afternoon publhilms the tall
~a..! pride in . the nnuels of German glory is now' .0111 . 1 e the house will he eriiwilej.
tl ' •fit. 4-' ,. 's. li.T.ltt
th e a ‘ t .' ,a . '- li v e ‘ l '-' •:, ':',. .i•V • l t l i tlV tl lt ' it is ' 0 f olIed• The th , g7 sniff still contlhuo to b. !
draOrAits.,olllo,ll,ns,lize-albuepipos,,ezour.v t , i ,, le wi d,mes lt t n l , c I
I..taill‘lticgasift!inlrt'i I r f ti t t l t l rtlo r li ' s te s.Ti ft e l t f , a d ul t: l r l tti% lout'. that tnniutlfal Nature of lienwr ltre en '
V . I... , e b it v Itt , lo . ll4o ,w hi a l
. t.f . nr: a lt i z• c , te l a t
t 1 4 11 , 01 ,., ii .. ii r i . 1 7 ,.. •
carefully from the Counties front the tables i c , iii.s . a. Ad . 1:e..tre,11..e cultivated German or.. : •Vrile Cllinaney . t:orner,•" at this ustahllntonent
printe lo the 00, 100 0 f ' , ant)" III, P er8 ! cud' be.
I tiIIIIeII lici le nc . l7l ltfes P li r.C ;lt l7l / 1 1 : 41 51 1 :1 0 6WN.1C 'L l t 0Vg n tritI ; . “' S n d l . g ri ti g t h' t w e i r th ih i iiiPc . D. C , Q t t e l ! A°° Tb k i:Y 3 1 1 .. . ti ' f fr s 'n e l"
liewe that the official court nt our
will I
licit vary One Unwired Twee our figure.. It I enfoi 0., heeotne wore and more revegulZed , conldocit's boat oico, one in faet‘in ° nlA i l ,!:
pia,. It*eary'e tuajorlty In ihe Stititu at 17 ,7C .9. f 00 ' 1 "14'r...a ... tt.. Knuth... Or the 1l betty. Stands without a rival, and ttiose'who wyee - -
The total vote lettahaS 1(.0.00. • . , ual Inuepon.lence of i. 1.!!! Herman country' ferm go entrain, 0 na...„,,,, „
. • •
~ • ! then your mine will be found among those or
i i
for tbeproductlOn or the
caunt at l ii , ost I It'll le.
romantic area:lgor
. I its hest children. Ton seld then 'bless the Imo. !, , lim it i ng ,
ert i tuth„. ; .
moat which Liu joined you to a greater 0000. PrO.terat loop I
. I . O T h i e w resent . p i reicivara.....--; : 1 1 .,...h0ta1d not full i.
' I Lories - H.1.2, October 3.-1 . 1.10 river In falling I try. God grant IC runy be ao.
Wniii•X• style or usegnifieene
with seven feet rives inches in the sans. tazgned,)
envy dot', lit a
Weather clear. Meroury .la. ' I CAATLII or ilasal.aasso, Ott, 111 Mt In, the wen, ° never before wiltia.led
. •
.. , .
' ,
Arrival of lho Sleamer Hermann.
The Chc - dera, in London•
Advices. from Italy, Russia, Austria
and Prussia,
I`itrf Year., Oeteberel.—The qteamsbip Her
man, Train Ilouthatupton, on the 10th lust., ar
rived to•dtiy. Too cornmercidt+ advises bave
Ikeu anticipated via the cable, but tilt:details
o' the general news Is of an Interesting char
LsotAxo.The Tinte's says: Certainly no
poi itleal movetnebt..,ltiss fo longitlanti at.
trucAeLl so much attentiOn, as.w. proved on
Monday, by the collecting together oleo great
a multitude, In order to discuss anti support
the principles of tile manhood suffrage assocl.
att., which has been r diStatiltilied In Leeds.
The Loudon Star says fifteen \thousand per.
entat worn ir taunt. Many speeches were made
and resolutions passed. Mr. B glI
rlt made a
powerful speech. -.
Lord. Cowley will continue AmhassadOr ar
Paris for some mouth, •
Teo cholera still centimes in London and
hi the North.
Three Shlps liairearrlred at P.eattleklnlewik
from Hamburg, with material ifor the Ito - galas •
Alnerleati "'clog mph, toe entire mutant - IAI is
in excellent eurilthm.
• Alarming reports are ourrent la Parts con.
euritluir tile Emperor of Mexico's bealtb.
Glamuteur won vastly the French grand
scent.-Ills ratified treaty has been pent to
Vienna, with thirty-aye • • Intiliee. aortas In
rt . ,,,sury hoods In pas went of the Indemnity.
,persons aroclUnpro.
011,1111 by. the dlsciusures at. the lirartulrosolft
t etal. sane has been condemned to death and
Litman to eXile in Sluerla.
Ai7STRIA.-The Emperor 1143 dechleit tare
110111tee the title or King of 'Lombardy etrad Ye.
Parsst.C.-The -lan IneorpOratlng Pre . mktOrt.
at. 1 Pille-hill 1101,: rely Wia3 solemnly pummel
gated. The Prussian flag was haat, pl aud
far,' 010,,i3 ...vult,lttl. at ItornOrbei,• Th',l
inhabituuts remained qutet. ' Similar l'Oini
p.itelitei taking 110,eistou or NtiSsauatur, 00,0.
,on3el a ero sulealitiy pruilltitilitteri At 11.2illiel
An't Wltahatieli._ .
Tone,' - -Ipprelleneltitis are • enterta En etl Ca
A 110111,i tlt 1 liesholy and Espirlis.l Itels.foree
meta- 0., e aye" ,elit m Est - Mos. Cagdla Is
esoeet...d to be iyieulett it 0 ..b , 11 mh.
Site letll/111 Mee:Sled .I.llllloVer t 0 1 1 !rns•la
0110 prOlti olgate.l ut - OetOlter till.l Toe ipatent
11 , 11,1.1.11 the atti.oxist ton to bathe exult elf the
tightens w.i,r lit 1111110 t Prussia wa. ',nag ed. It
demands ouedledee to Prustlitti a thorluy and
iti,t,,lll,',l,•.‘•l,l,,l;ool.,,llliltit,tl,,,,l,U,lutiatollUiLill„l4,„%lMitit 'itifaiti
, i'
the reurgatosation of Uertnany.anid the 111 allot
11•5111e1 the Liunoverlim I that Priassix's s equl
slefleiS are K Ai ne to ileilitutty. •
Tim Ex-littig of Hanover bating fulmi i listed
tits protect against the anneratiem, nu 4 - re-
Itrves oil his lone.. nab : facts from 1 heir aattbs
of allegiance to blot. The I , ,rttniefortert pro
tett,d. being tinneSeil to l'rtiesla, Int.-
:m:4i oil y upon the ratitlcat len or the treaty,
which Is expeetthi illreetly, the turtressout will
be handed over to litincral Letortelif,laa foilows:
rehelitiriti Ilartuti• • togero, ni
Verona; Uraa
-12000. Venlee, arid the Province of Venetta.
The text of the Moral Patent dechtrln* the
abtot talon or Hanover In the PruShlnil .11.4101-
'O,. Is it, 1011011,:
. We , , William, I, ale grace: 01 Cud, Jill's; of
Prussia, to., Make a nriall to all personas by
• three 10 t,era, Atter that In iiOurwitienet Or a
odr emit unsaved by •Ilanover in league will,
A ultt la lit the viol ation /of the federal law .
1.1./ it
it eX:htenee, a %rat' successfully to am
-1,111,t1 y eel . I raoles In lawful tlelenCe the
cauttatricre a bleh haMore rortned the it lag
•:„et Hanover had Leoo oceopted by EIS, I,t,
ittitvrtillilihl to Unite ibexes eMinti lee 101' Our
10 onalCOy and NVO have tieereeti luta prockcirn
ed to tniit effect the law of Id.' , or.t.s4of [Le present
yea,' .. Itn tee urseal, of tile tiro Chtunbetre of
the monarchy. to eMihequeriCe, we take pus.
,e•istor. of these eountries by the present pastett:, ...
Afrafra In Gettrgin
with ail tint rights uf sover eizettyautlauprielne 1
tleminlon, and t'so incorporate with Ourelion- ! ACtlesta, ~a., Oct. 12.-At a preliminary ex.
area t y, with ell 1111,10 011,111 tee,,,,,,,, ~,,,,/ allausinatlon before the Jodge or the County
tidily rights and cleans, Melt:l - Izor*. which Court, three of the parties art eitett for tn.-
he t ete fore f.,,,,,,,,1 ti t , lijogd o . o f Ir oo , or, tier of freedinco In Columbia county svered it
/tumefy: the Prinelpailti es of Calenberg, Got!. ° barged , and one John rerrla sv a ,•- nonallled.
tiagen, coo betiliagen, Luueburg, Ash/Wreck, to Await trial Upon the Charge Ur 11eIrdel 111
1 1 11..1!3p1ei1, aralt the town of Costar um, La.4l I the Supreme Court.
• trie.tanil, Wan the divel e t u r ii,yriinv the I The couthet in floury county bet wren , th e
Duchtes of Bremen, S'etdott „..,,, I , r ,;,°; b „. u . eivu and milltaiy authorities has been adju.t.
Slay pen, mei the illsowerlata portion of the , twit ~ . . •
Lou en berg, [helots - county of Lingen, the Ceti. I !- 11,11 • . liiirnm , oroor'' ," pr isoners ~ In . „
at" „tribiga,bleptur.c Ilubestain and ilenthelm 1 . ah.r;,,eg truth °l"Ce",,agai,"*t"" [lced men,
and the ilvtriet of Hutt iiii. Wo null to our r ,,,,,. I to he millvered ap to the c,vil c our t, tito pen
el title the titles belonging to those eountrieLi
lVe or•1 , 1' that the 1 1 :M.111W ~ Etde, be placed 1 n ' en 111 ' ll'l 1 ' " g lin "
pie pledging' theinseive, to protect (111 freed•
A notice from the excentive department or
•11 Elie 11011111,d In token Of oar soVerel,snty; i
that 'the ntyal arms winch. hitherto,
1•••,I.• 11 lzpiny ed to I eplitaial for the future by ,' , ° , l.G rrgia o o `' due-. ,. i ‘ d , llo ' l l ' l'„ . ~,„„,,,
1,,,., i the State stoles that oil the bond , : u , t ,i d ' , ,t ,, e i llt o ta t.
'en royud arias, Wel de/1111011111/11e 00111tl 11111111 i I ' nl 11110 Sate, . 11 •hh " - "-- ''• .-
10-er Ill,: olaeleiti Of 1.110 Pt - M.914n Logic. W o , bondsof the bearing:levee per cont, to
,d ii,,,,,,rer, heoeetou rill 'tatted to 0,,, e ,,,,,,.. In London Or Sen . l'orit eon he funded in tile
arehy, to treeogeb te es from this time I (love bonds at tile itellinitilliunit Or the 10100-
n.l'"' "" nnna"" '" N IA the re 1.1 1 1 "r I , ll , gdom I terestlrom July, 1667. The coupons payable
_ex t lelr Inc• ,
It Ire.; and 'Covet eign, and to pay due obedience, • 1 " 1 . rr`'' ll ' V " 11 1•
S o ou, Irate'', 01 "Imam, ' end commends. We i
li ploteet every one In the enjoyment of Ins :
alforrlble 3lnrder.
aolvitte lietit4 • shalt have Luba. instil . I I
• te1,11111••1, end . , 111 retattr the oft- 1 ~
..--‘l‘rr'nl"•'' Cuss., 001. ' 1 -A
.I.ll* WOO 11111 h WO
ave to snake o ot h or i der 11105 perpetbstud In West Hartford on aut•
atleelance to lis 10 the 011jOyinent of their on. ; Imlay night. The stet 1111 1,11 11 Mr. ,I titles
octet, provided that they shall duly perform• ThOutplort, a lattchelur, forty sTaIS ~c- 1101',
• thew trusts until I.: Prussian constitution • w " 11 " e 'l 1,10 1 hi , teener and ''' 'R .. % '''' ! be
,h,ll route Into bare, We shall oxeteijo the . road leading to Taleott Sliandule. net wean
Lit , ' , " . l ,o erg.z . s r l „ a L i z . :
locoedo•e:-. IS p v u or t i v i l , :h , s
~,,t or
slat bloc
~,a ni u l s e h ig i, ll: : : , t s re o l i n se i k ,u ,t i s i r: r i o u l ri : :_t „ m t a , , , t v i. , •:t i I ei : 1 11 7 .:
the lea 1 and 11.11[1111011s et flJolll,ffief, olio, I
nlOllOO, and regothtted Mr. Tel/1111,011 le •,1•1
Cu ter as Llie'y lire the Capra...tun of legitimate • Thompson went:out with the ti , l ,a •an.t , er 1 1 1,1 1 , , t
aelt.government, and that they eau 1101 allowed t
n w r e. , s ,, t , ohttil by Ina street 11 01 I '. ab i '• .. ' 1111 .
to tie/Mune lit lot co-without prejudice to the - ''''''' l " , 1111 ' 1 ' ir i ' ~I•' ''' ' ln 1 lie h g" ' l7 ' L ' U•
ex lgencies orpuldie Interest resulting Motu t o a i l t l iS, 1 ' • ,., 0 1 ,1 1 0 4 " , , - , r , s e t il i .,„ !/ 1 S 11 1 ! 11 , 1 1 1 ,,
. 110 1 ::: 14 7 1 . " Z e : , l
lIIs unity of the State. The lioyereor ( Amend, ! tent ii club. No"arresta a ,
who in" ItlrliettO held ulnae, Is charged by .I P I 111 “ •• • • bi- '," 1"."' 111 1 " 1
. who late: on toe tiliek of the sup,ti,d too, hi t
"I" ' "Xen"111,1 • 1". In" act "fla'"n"1"" in nn " . ' Cl. '.l •• hp - ,1 character has lice it 'teen tor
ron o ti a alto I, forearm:l. In tills manner t • h .•
Ihi • ° ' . 1 11
•tnr .111 might Ito done.
) seArs• thrt s tOutiiiing . el nett the 1, :tar, and
GlVell at the Castle of Ma I I bevy, the 3.1 of ; In "/ "'" d t" I''''''' murderer. R'' ' ' ''' ,, ''''
i the prlable cause, as Mr. 'Thom peon 1.4
0,,, , ,,,er, tt I, Ii I .
saltie ril nay and hotels In 1110 LOU,.
. . ' , IL I.I•LN, t_ . _ • .
' • 'disuse, Scrtomiescags, • , President •• JoLinnoti in Baltimore-Ito
II r cos VON lifts. Darns', ! Anemia the Isofilfcr_cr the *touts..
Vox Pont; CUl:tt DiIIaa,PLITZ, , (Intl 1111 l fc, Plenary ft l i 11l eil.
Von II:111.411C1/1111T Ds Lterti, LIALTIItOII.4Or.t.'2I.-president Johnson iel t
VeleOetCHOW Ut.•CN: Le h1i1.1:2:11C21.4i. i Wamlatoamf lit seven 0•01001: till+ usurnilig In
The King of Proslia Lae litho Linnet: the 101;1 a spacial lit, and IS now ut the Cal imriral ht..
l 0 t' Ina to ocittatien to Ills new sun:frets:i ten" tai' theciostna eitscillii of tho It - earn 'CI ~
l l.l t'''' , ''' , '"ll 11 . f " ! ""t ,
' ,, 1 , i , V I alrfOrurer . tholtc Council: lii, VIOf I, JO 11 , 1,i:1.1,(, of
Irelfidire of liaaut.c , :-Ily the patent which I• an luvitathsu from tile Young Ca' nolle•••
have this div 1-.. tied, 1 nave milted Yee, the Friend Society to be present at the elo,ing
lanais:taut, of the coati . ). Cl .11411101 - 1,, to nay . sCaslon of 11a; !'I saucy (Monett, .
a li ens. your /,crush tielottbors and broth- The Preableht. hi fleeeiniele led . 1.1 1, 111,1 ,1 , 1 Z -
aepar..ted ItetmotOrth by the decision OT tetnon. After attend itot the Cathedral ....-
war and 1110 reorgautzatiOn Of the COMO/011 J ! Viet: 1111111111,1,C tea Eutaw House with nil',
German. country frelll a Paincely !louse to i Wallach, whom:coml.:fled lute to this cite.
a litel, yr, nave 'seen devotedly Ilild falthtelly ' They returned tu Washlval an at lour Waits. a.
,c.t.,,,, .1,
..,....1 unw eater Otto mime, Vitt. it I
100,1,r ,, ,11114 . CUM,LrYS tau population cc " , - ,1 ' , . ; Closing Exercises Of it tt.. Catholic Cettnett
is 'dile I to yOu by u. communtly or
0r ,,,,„ L.,. 1,,,,,,,,,, ~,,t , t • h . ,. ~,,,,
~,, , I.IALTitiONC, OCtOlter2l.-T (J
he ail:clic Conn.
•.1 • by a community of interests.: ell closed at, 5e9,11111 V isley. President Julio
. .iin wah pr -soot, The Precia -11 1110, anal ' 1 o ' .
I f ,oa 101,001, without 11 St.-. 1 .111 (lent o.f grief, ;'' • • • r •
sever O ri cleat einnactlonA which had (weenie ,
. v i e , i ; n ' ,, 1 1 , 1 „ 1, 1 1 1 1 , 0 - , ‘ ,. - 1 , , , 0 ,,,, i!c . xi 1t at, , t , 0 , 11 J: ., i , t , i , 1 , • .. 1 . - , , t i
i 'i , nd ,, , e1 , 1 . 1 , : ,
deer to you, I honour Oust you and your dos. . - . ,
~,,,L , ,,,,,, 1 ., In ,tiaola:,• a like thleilty towards - Counc i l, ,., , . 1 r , , : c _T . ,..,T a 1 '. 1, 1",
..: , , • 1, 1 1, 0 u 1 .'1 111 :, 1 ,1 •.1 . 1 1 1 „ , .: , 11 .
toe a ii•l my hue-e. lon wail ~,,,,,,,,,Iz o ~,,,, .tt tt . th.
l i , t . i i ,
i n r e ,, c;.; r l y ,
h e i r , re lo h . it , l , h ,, tt o it ,,
L T: , st .,„
u lions, ,. i
goon, ty I tetotiee ore RUG to be lost. to tiers I Celan...Lift' LA l i 11l .to.
I l i n , T lo ,
i . ./ 31 . 1 0 . •Ir ft, each tax s ace.,,,
tunny, the •luty ot eelf Pre , erelln'Ai. us well 110 , 1 , ,,, , ,,„, 31,,,,,1, 5.1., 'l , : ;:i.-f:0,,,,,,.
I I.e ilevelopeillent ill the . national in. dote LA.:null hrrleuti 0111110 "1 .L,..,ny, e,/ elh
11 ,1, 1., •Ict•taltd the , (1%. and durable ' trsost, hts toitt ulion tu A-P.1,0 I . ..luter. , mu ,
1.1111011 . 01 • 1 - I•pooyer with t Vocals. As wits. co.eitilatiug the Atlaval: etsa-t gad.Atlstelde
..1100 Bald • 01111 V ((WWI' Wilo Iv,- rests a Ith 2000.1,..t0. .
1./11.1, 111, 0010 Germany that g.iii.,., I Ina which '
l'iu , ira.lia. tiiiiitllt , 'l• s'lo l e 'III, take toil into ' Democratic Cong•rctistoo,hl Nowlin:Moo.
roar ,e,,, ' . ' 0 ` . '" e""o" ' ' have ' ° " 11-. 13nssos, Masi , Oct. 10.-Th, , Ittumetacy •.!
detaa, 111 . .,:11• 13,1111,111 fl'ilek 11e, a n d g ood
,11,e, ell•i 1 htilhoo 1 h c: you wul eiyiiiii fideli- i
,`,"0.:47...ii'.-1.1,, of , 1. ., ,,,,, , , ,,, , ,, 1 ,
L . ,,,,u,...,,.,.
Et tov..ti.:ll2j, Wi th 111, b,. t sines .4,y p , Viiii I. - .
.il , ll 1 teri•tre par atneuginy I;tople. To' - -
voitt - 1.11,1; t.. - } . 01.11 commerce, and your; Iron IVltatf 1%1 tit, {host .1 DC,11...),ed.
i , . , , d , .''''. , s t ~,1 , ,,, ettanncis ./ 11 he • oPeoud .. New TOUR, Oct 2•J.-1 he new Iron - whart al
1 0 - Icy elates. . St. Thome. vot , " destroyed 0V the r VC11:11 L l ll.l ,
Y 0 .. ;I ' ' ' . ' t. r : tur, ,1:1'0, 1111
w 1 11 eliecmtvely Second ;le the Wert Itlles. - -
~,or . ..eityity. The 0,001 dtstritattlou , --
... ..., ~_ .
I ,siTAßlds
eg -
Movements ofJuarei aud
IV.taumoTOLL, OCL. 11 CIV. from
Clithunluta up to tho Nth nit ht. been receiv
e.] lu thle olty.
President Juarez had appointed General Fr
; vaulla Military Governor of the , State of Go. range, and ordered him to advance from
Parra to tile chi . of Durango with his corn
!nand.' It Is expected that Gen.. Avanda will
have so difficulty lu capturing that city.
I , Acting In concert with the forces , as soon Hs
Durango shall have been taker., President Jo
axon will leave Chihatrhue- for Monterey,
Au official circular from the Department of
Foreign Affairs, of dated) at
Of Maximilian, dated at the City of Mexico,
iI September ffEth,lrr.M. end signed by the :freer°.
Lary ad Inftran, J. N. Depertla ci.nalildta 'anti
1 the following perairaph f •
Day after to-morrow Ills Majesty will proba
bly leave the Capital for Cuernersca with the
object of taking soma rest and restoring his
health In that excellent climate which agrees
ao well with his temperament.
This official announcement is guile different
from the statements of the newspapercorres
pendent that Maximlllsn bud already let t for
Mtn Lout=,where he was to put lfluiseff ut the
head of t he army.
Oftlelal news from Vera Crux to the Mil lest. 1
has been received here.
, General Custelman was. 7 hourly exeted in
Permian, It was thought that ler , wun pe la stop
the embarkation of french troops.
Mexican Affairs—A. French ftrglaserat
• Attached by GuerriSlaw—Tbs. Eight
Your Sysleut Iss Wa..llltrtass—•
1111.11 Pd for Saisisf3lug.lthlltinboados tail
' led.
Wxenixii•rox, C., Oct. til.—The eizlitY•fit,t
French regiment of the line; which had at ,
rived at Vent Cruz to embark, and which Iv:,
lordered boot to UrlZahn, lust uiglity peel:
mules, with a great deal of its bitgt:age, Cap
(sired by the A. couniairy winch
' assen tto rescue 11l outoph.fe,
ly eat on by the Liberals at i.,lllqiiillinte,Aree
loses• being twenty Lined [Lila xlllllO Diners
W 0111311.: or captured.' Gell,ral
hourly expected in Vora Cruz. It use thought
that lie would atop the eatharkatiOn of the.
French troOpe. •
Thu employing prillter, Of 11, Is; et., ti ll ?,
Withdrawn their 11.11 , ,i from thole Mte
teSt against the eight hour system. 81.1 thu ,
the Typographical society has triumph...l.
On tile first inst. the l'onimieslOnr
' Invited propotens for u very 1
ply of Indian gucd. , Soell an blaniretc, clothe,
4,ty-geods, awl naval wares. The bide were
to hltie horn Opt•Ued toenorrow, bat at thu
sliggestion of the ace. COinintsAtinerof Indian
Atfairs, who is to miter upon Ills duties the
flrbt of November, the advertisemen t has beer,
witleit awn fur tho reason that the but by ontract
should not be made hr Uhl 1,1;1106, bu the
lucoming Corn miss loner.
a Fenian Chief lin, nil
the rtrenitlent-11, tom ran to, of Aut.,-
Penn C0M...1, to Irelnattl— flan Prot.!.
dent tnympatltlzen Ilretnitti.
Nnn. Yogi, ()rt. Wa..lungton apoctal
nay,: Colonel Donis F. llnrko,. tato. of till
IrStt btlnntlo, hot an Interview atilt the Pre-1
Saletst thin attetnoon.' ColOnoi barite. Stuteti
that he anus one of tho les,h,
nterto ntt off.err. trill toto,..,ottorl.let Ironot.l,
spoho In the 111.1. Q.l Lt, brother
ly titTlYntl from Irolarol, whore (Leo oho h.ol
bean Imprhinnetl. llurke rOprotionttil
, to tho l'oonhlent that the ..Itnorloon Con,ll,
i 17("t Of Dablltlltoil al 'of Lurk, in See.
presented the e..hlntry, onl re 4 pCNIC:ly 111 . 41.1
j that bettor 1000 nn n ponnOt..t. 'Can
Pr... Went after hearing Cnlnt.ot no, stain.
meat, et,oredh Itztotthi lino to rottent cis
fil3Urtt/Ctr to the 1,11.1 , 4,1, that Cc wCit/:.1 stint
1101 ,I,Co matt., t.potnal at tt,lntont, and ettp.
.thlog tel cool 4 do for am,. t,n141.1.0 Itt„,htnen
nonhl. be yantt happy
bad /11, ...srtnt,r -71:31 , 411:e1 , ; e.
tat CM rton•oilte In All - ie.:CU, 101. IN; al, ,th { t,tj
to a Trend :Wt . Dr I ono ;t., 0nt . .C.,,,t1 it! ltoi
fast, octet! nobly In behalf 01 the Irtt.tx
Can pr1,c11,..,YE a 1,61 m the , rhtlit man to tepee
mist hi. rountry wttt, prudonee, dhoti!).
I nPaken. I 61.1••
The Trouble In Ilaltlmorp—nov. St;a . ala
i . roposi a Vtan,roatl,e.
; Ilit..TimOrtr. 0. - U .—Governor S'., ann te
turned late last night from Iti4 visit tO Prei•
Men , Johnson. it is urni‘n - Ftood that it eotn
promhia lin. been propo'.ed by pat the repro
. seating the GOVernOr, lipid that (ha Commh.
I Planers should appoint nue or three )edge, In
each ward and one eb-ri,. Of ...le, 111,n flout (Lc
ative pirty. • Till- prnpu , tt ton as now
tinder con.l4eration by the Pollee_ (:untin;.•
, sinner!. Sao Police COLIIWL,Aonta i hare
4.2E11 In CunblllGstiOn with their cousin! awl
prominent eitlren4. It is undentoo.l teat ,be
Commissioners will not appear in person te-
Into the Uovernor to-morrow, hilt. will, I h rough
their counsel, .111 e ii re.pori , a nenytow the
Power of the Governor to try 1 he charges, hat
at the same tints declaring thetr riat.i:nc,, , se,
meet lho FIge:CALItiCI bolero an; roar I 'Of ',Cr
petent jurisdiction. The Con - imil , , - ..1^r1 lia,.
not, enteitained any propo:lition looging to
Any comproullea, but declare theirdeternils,
tlon of resisting any encroachment ..ii, on their
` ,
Lecture.--111 e s Anna S. Dickenson—a lady
who is glltell Avail MOM oratorical abltii y that?
any of her utunher of her sex. in Americo—will
delivers lecture tlds eVOnlng to the Academy
of Sle,he. Liberty greet, under the auspices of
the Young Men's Mercant lie Library Assoela.
t.tou. Her ..nbie,:t for this evening Will be
"Something to Do." -We prollet a large au
arc MWitalkbelm.—We direct wattention to
the letter—the tires or u serie:s—which appears
in another column, from the glite; pon of
Mrs. Jane G. Swiisheltu. This lady, 'who has
longlmjoved a.national reputation us a free,
easy and vigorous writer and mann,' thinker,
means to spend the coming winter at her old
bottle near Wilaineburz. Leetioat for her
letter a eureral
A Revolting Outrage—The Alleged per
petrator lu Custody.
A few ' ,lays since a Luau accompanied by his
two tillpglittra aged respectively nine and
eleven years old, came to this' city from !Ili.
noil on theirdvay to ell, .New York', but
being in destitute sit: lasedances,' he pat up at
the Steanor Hotel, to the cower of Ceells alley
and Penn 0 10n , t, to await do expeetod remit.
tunes I rout their friend. in the east. On Sat
ond.iyl vining the Alttle girls warn sent to'
. .fdeep in a chamber In the rear of the house,
e. Nile their Esther went up to Itlarlad street,
for the purpo, of hunting,up an old ncluain
ta nee, WIIIIIII he o, Speett:ll uould tender him
11l some tiSsiStrti Lll nsi. 1 0 onut Old Mon
satra-Coyli... it bonnier ne
In I.atil to 1111111 mitered the 'sleeping apart
of the little ones and outraged the per-
Still of the olderone in a shoetting manner, slat
bell,. almost iiisensinte when nor patent. , re
turned. lint willful/Int in Rile laialilber
0101 sti.picifill being thus directed to. 11 ITO. lie
Was brought to the toinlis s where
Ile , little girl subsequently Identified him its
the per:.etrafor•of the 110111011 4 . .1 • Coxle,
111111 ha, Just attained - Ills kixty-fifth year, nes
been come - intro AO J• t! lo liw,rltat hintring. itt
A Idernlatt St ruin's office, this morning. Thu
111111.11111101 (no cure of Ltr.lteorge L. 1 1 1 , CooLt,
leho lir, St rang hopes 'of
.her recoVery. al. .
through at present =he se to a very critical eon.-
James Jones, who wic, tonlitlOned in tout last.
issue as itavnig liCe, robbed of two It undred
dollar.: In a Lome of ill repute kept b Cattie
r:nu Hamilton, on Water idreet, had Li i money
resto-red to - him erday la thls. wise.
Protalsicg to withdraw all pro.ocutlcar. if lira.
/LOriiiton wouid give litra 1 / 1 3 money she
cOn,cotc..l. und told Slot to go to her
Conk wherewoold find a friella of her re-
Julcing In Silo coact, cognomen of ”Jacir,”
who would give It ito the prf Tarty.
la corn pa ,y with a policeman JOIIC3 proceed.
e 4 tI I:au/urine', residence, wherd Ito tuet the
•ei Of whom hu was to quest. Ht. Mad,
known his intssion to Jack, .who. without
further ceremony, told them to /allow him.
Tory did •o, aolog. hp Wood ' , tee: tioLlOemY,
.f..//ni t h en,/ .1 , •11,1 111,1 to 11/14zh.lny
valn, , , where Jack, with the ua.ietaitee of Lis
new tow ml ( , )/11:,//111101,, 1111 . 11,/1 over 4. huge
elicalar stone nod revealed the ntlesin g wullet.
VIII ert/rr thing In It, , Jllat wilt WAS When It
so alyinerion , l7 Lett the oo4,esalon of ins loyal
own,. Fa do fai to Sin promise. done , i
tri (be char,„ , ,, i,,,/itint ifitralltun and .
her ewera.a.. 113 . 0 re, ;Ina they were
di-et:Loge trorn co.noly. Jona.. raft .I.or Ma .
Itc•ue, to Santilth, t”, I 1..: aventi”:, folly out.
this ! “I,il ii1•1‘13c,..1/1/•111, Clty.llll.l
.Tartu: - , Satin, itnil tare to oath agatuet
• .
ler ia.euillt itiad hitter y with
it,;:,00 cottinit it rope. Vise prone , harts,
rectiles ton rlyhtlt, hint. In that
p , 4.i . t . 0r1ir.11,4 to li6ine lu F.a4t Liberty
,1.110 Liven been on, It visit
lo moue near 1; inrieurg nor! Dg the
day, hint t:hen within a slinri. , lliimnee r 1 IVII.
larritoirz, the wit-, ttoroso , l by toVnt. iteebet
11 110 111 VI 4,1 tier /0 g 0 wtth 111.11 i, In net Ore ill
Err.: Wert': Im' 1.11. , pun peon. Orp• luting
oot, rofresOutoot. Soo de: fined, 10.7 b llr 3/I0
ante to go iirirne liatnetlrstely. ei nt le l:4 , 1
Dii rails been torn log:, away., Att.,
iree.let threw Ills. arena
tier 0111 iti Lenin:Lid to decor:l4lli till the
.ti Her erg', I'o ,.. .,lst:turf, lie at
ti-to sltewl In [Ober
111',11:. :titer o prat Canoed ,raggle the broke
hi+hell un LI noun tile in
he•allitir otieurren, to the rat aroad
113.6c...11, POLIO, Or Mel, Wore D141,11[47.
D 11.11,911,1,1 vallor,teyoung . , nor more/ Mott
v ettr s een, rAlltet . prODO Selling• In. per
With tier Brat
soyrstto.:, he litivlor . at nine Alr.wea ito / 11-
iitlelt 111 to Court /1,. A. worn ant Log tAti a In.
k 0.30 tot the orre,t or the ocett3e4
~,nset of Ile:. holy SO/bath was brOVren
L. - ruffle.' Inley, an G.:aped:et or
:oar r. oil Peattrytt ant, avenue, In
tile '1411,1 vend al taint:llo i ; to maltreat' a
t . ..onfee len.rntLoted tetnale* who endue. 'to
spend the eve:nog in lU:en:nit:nu wntil j
hln : Wife. The lere wa rtt the WCHlCllattreeta
the aetuat.on of it pre..., of the Aluror, honet
a Liu laviah4 4 l, the talle . W4) . Patrielri ItOatta
and att,44.4p4,411ft r.
Eat, qtritage Iy
It way appear. the woolen ~..ho hod 'teen thus
resoind trend the of Zia, 4 .4,14,1 Ott.
hatata, larsital peat hp Latta On tilat
gaardiani_or the olden. p.a.., 4 4, 4 ,1 air I ,
polhaaniat tot 44; Elm !ray. Re-
Infomemente ul pot., a ITIVIat' Jait at till.:
lane Ulla. then 044411 a an alma , oundlng
retreat, tat: 111:0 or hsLIL tutu c,h and la u few
moment,' Putrne.iind hit It-Intuit. Yupput
H rte 411 4 401'hie4t and lie hOrao an to 1110 [01111.4,
%,%.: of tu, 131 C-A %lU3tardiy. 1111prOVIiiieJti US.%
Luttill,liult it Mt , * tau, our pro., Inc, It, rec. >rd,
zot - tog, • vain. , to our I.ll.lWletign ye& ter
,lity. tat , S., SunOS,' A 11e11-1.1% tom,
merchant tulUled At,ttthent Cott%
ll , ty.rt. the It Jill.
t , ltltilll.% Irma C •Ity,
in, int t na 1.11;0111 lUU
tiut% t.liu• patltng al Dug
t. tt.•.,,141.4% D 1111110,14 dell
butilittl• the
1, 411 •.'l rtit , , sliArit troll at Cho
, Cowarel lit the JUL
tt. materially, that I im
111.1tIgut IA• HI thatlime:niter, No Jul.l
be f.1,1:1,1 at (4,1%11%1(55 rultlan It, nor
1%11:11 1%%.1111 , 1.,%11A !MVO Inlpelle.l linn to nen
timl troacher..l, act.
l'aptlir. , 4l.—.l). 11.0 tlth 1,1 I,bruary'root
IVllll..llo.,,pie'y _hot malt :linnet Sivi ire
gen it it I , oliiiiing litintirtlll Water street, lies
ti.titth Grant. mid 1t.... I ;Seen try Witte Ili pod
(nue, unit hirer it 10111: per 1 , ,d
f.,ere,ten recovered. C
tutu sneeettie.l In elihltiii; the vpzilane€, of
!Jo, poll, !lilt d :2.llrtlay yrn...11 Ile wa, arr.„lta.-
4,1 lqid the 31$ yok . '. fort.nit In.,ird
0. tho 11.11, .110 y Living at Ihe Min pi,
4 , 1 0,0 !Jan toi,lay at
4 21.0rc1i-tioor 1.1 tttt all 1431111F 1 U
sbt calle,l to /1 011 •:.• 01 101.1041 111,115' ILI
- v 11010 ,0100 taLo for 1451114 u,
,1:c yout;:gentlenieie. HLo WM, praet too
01 1:0/0ith14 ...0/01tt 01,0t00 01.4.1:t•
.10:10K 100 1,01. f ,, 01 1 ,0 1,0 i ; ,. livy Art! ,r-
Utility 00 10 Mr col i,taCt, of ILI
i13,100,t 110,:rttly arantloo.t
01 theal7elvt,
Crttolty to on Infatoll.—Anntr Wa.E,
Lon): e A Idernr, Lintnl.,n, 1111traa:).,
41114 11,114; bi'atan na,l
, • , 1 n 1111V:of ant, cl,t , :iftitor of llrs. Jane' WI,: U.,
,n, en , lln4 Oa r - 0 . 1,0 : 1, 1'COL13 th 1 . ,,, r0n,t,
or Ltratn,tu.,./. ATtii.t t. 1 1 1 1000 , l LL!
• 1 . 11, 11 , 4 , 1 of 1 .11 , !,
: , 413 , stt.l held In anSwar Taa , Ilnrao at
51.1„, 3sti y.—A f,,lualg.
4, 1 .. 0 : Lilt, 1:11 . • 10,.;:iwil I,llm &r t ., OIL t4 a r.
by 5,,1,nt you/1g
.1.1a7r• :11.7ti.7
•it,t nott/,p1.1,1 11;ot or it, anti
• !. 1. .1. .I..itil:l7ol:t,z. 61/Cll
12.,:„ y 0.11111 0 alt Any
. -
to Tn C liewerN.—.l4. C. 110.7: MC,-
ttla hn.1,1.01.0a body•of
Urn, `7a. .I:C4 11.. a Of /3:L
-1"K LI, trap .'nor, ,ity. fell'
t 1.4, IL 3,P 4 114:i of 1 , ./thicr, pra . Ucio.,
wn, row,/ s nerntnq 1.11)!, , toia:al,. an WV.
ha.,aula cialrur Ol!hn
targ.a v•ccailent
t,r r Sal l'a,sene , r
F.alitvay tha: Dna IL
Gtlalar,.... It. I, a 1,1,,ara 'to Of.« ap•aA ;.a
'Vito :C.,
1;a1-1., Clakrwa tiltan.
ENO"•t pc —Our pro3L,
dhauncicr //miter, <nr s. ur , laY ehrlt t the
lii .e . h.3l.lthliit cvcr 11,1 the lurk to L , -
Fekve , '1 ., (4. 4111 put it, agulnaL thing Ir. the
, . .. .
. .
, Vrrowtei.l,--A Ulllll nauatal l*slr.latu Clur-w
-t<l 13 1430 boon A I' r u•i: ed for pluelngai23l.ll:lCtialli .
on Van 011 Creel: Itallrowl stout opt month
ence. • ..... -
. .
.Gcroal Irtqa —Our Inerchataq at° expe - 1-
--- . E t i r:A ' A v u e v r ing9Toticu tma tziC s ol j trl n". r"I
VAL g ear
Ft re.—Tbe 3.feCoi HouEe, Titus Nate, Tris
.itroyel flro la,t week , loony ructir
,ImaDy Found
At tern t , !e: tradik.
11 4.nrclerntui Ammanll On n Pollee
well-knuwri character named Join, Patch;
was arrested late on Saturday and lodged to
the tombs, charged with . perpet rat toa felon t-
On, a.ault . anti battery ou the person of
Hamilton Lowe, one of the night police. Tin
wisault took place on Fulton eareet, In ibu
Sloth ward, where Patch a cumber of
drunken comrades, Were engaged la a iLrect
brawl. Lowenttempted to pre-mrve Hie pun , :
11 -" , pence Bud. drive the reeler off. whin
Watiselfed by Patch, who wrenched hlt mace
rorn and struck blua elevert% t i re„ / t?
blows over the head and- face,
nglykllShe!, from which the L,10017 , . ‘ 4, :P orr,
flinty over his per s on. .
ground under toe repent el It
valiant Wen critic/awned to ell
.. v! o , ;e!va,y tfar
roe r c,
'running up it oat row .
et rest.
Lidhut ere bard 6u[ fur from
k. 'pot, he arr,ted by...Lag;l‘“: l 7al .r in t ./u t Fu o
o t 1 ,113 0 ,1 bocu ecirta..SicUotwl.:o,
A • ci'cr.—Pitt.burgli on IF',
,:.cepL:dlll, the 'chit moral city In the
• drurigen man staggering upon thiL,
Ci1'.1.;;;.,; rely seep, Willie the absence ttiß
t rv. „.l,,,nd lights Lionatirrat.le 14 all tran.
tern In our mimit. 100 bUIt , CV! . that a tingle
r psi( liquor cannot. bu odt/until Inside at
.c2ly Ilinits on the Mildlatli, the tarerns and en. I
l wo „,jieeptria closed door, to perrcttrsn . For
1 .uch,t COCtilL:011 of affairs It Is etaleil that
ateyOr -McCarthy hat forfeltiol on for
1. re-election, but as he lid, ont worked tor per. •
:Aortal advancement lu the matter of placing ;
ombirgo UpOn - rum selling. his COUSLIAIULV I
de Ulcer and he 1.1.4 won fir himself thelroiden
uninkpris of the Detter dust, a the. cOmmt.- j
Vase AdahaS snedei3 - oun,
f-1111Ci mooed /lacy Clarey belore .11 , 1ermeo
for ber oppreblous lIILCCIOS end
threatenina to rob her maid= of U. hli,uto
adornment. /Katy wew urreeted on Saturday ,
afternoon on her way to one of the matinees
and-brought before the masrletnto who forced
to wive ball to the Sum of WO to tee') the
peace for one yea from data B iieltanithed
the rewasute meet:tray and went on her way.
She will. doubtless leave the ambrosial lOcks
of cathezlneltost uuthreaterted hereafter.
John U. Eno, deaf rums
cur.dni averntnut ni Os by Dr. * Ahern, ,
st M
01=4' Metal.
The Railroad Accident near union— Addl.
tional Particulars—Names and Condition
of the tnjured--lau.piclon of a Deliberate
Plan for sVholesale Murder and Robbeiy.
From the Tit :Ist-Mc 17erurla we clip the fol.
' lowing additional particulars concerning the
recent fearful noel:lent at Union, Pa., ow the
Atlantic aad great Western Ital.:way, last
Of r the forty or more wounded passengers
-who were brought to the Baston }tonsil for
medical treatment, the greaterpart were ena
bled to leave for their resnective destinations
on Thursday morning. Only-thirteen or-fif
teen remain. No deaths have yet, Occurred,
but several of the victims are 91111 In a preca.
rlous state. Among them am Mrs, Elizabeth
Rivers, of Cincinnati, severely Injured In spine
and from a fractured rib. She teas accompa
nied by
yearnse little children, sodtheeSta boy
of nine N None or them were severely
Injured as the mother, but all their faces are
bruised and Swollen. Mrs. Rivers' case Is con
sidered hopeful, and the prospect of her re. •
co Tery Is very favorable, notwithstanding she
has executed her will for the disposal of her
Mr. Miner, of Titusville,
Is here attending
hie I fe's liaretlla, lr. and Mrs. Boughton, of
New York, who -were Mr;
way to Titus
ville, on the Righted train, and sustained se.
vere Injuries. Mr. D. was cut on the back of
his head, and his spinelwes else injured. Ills
wife lied severalsevere contusions of the
head, and remained fora long time Insensi
ble. It Is hoped they may be able to leave
tusville this evening. Mr Boughton la octet--
KS - Man, and agent for the Seamen's Friend So-
CIOIV. lie was returning from- his s . labors in
the West.
Mrs. Mary' L. Durphy, a widow lady from
Rochester,' and matron In the Penitentiary ,
there. Is suffering traps two broken ribs, and
W .1. Durant, of New York, Is contined
The youngotnao whose dead body was found
beneath the Wreck, has been itieraltled HS C.
,E. Matthews, a. jeweler - '
of Elmira, Now York,
and an °Meer of CointlUNlge,lls. F. A. 31.
Conductor White, the engineer, Howe, and
the fireman, all shockingly Injured, were re
moved to Meadville, and at last accounts were:
alive. The fireman was found Inextricably
fast 10111110 engine. Ile was severely burned,
and but for the timely discovers. and relief
Dom his perilous posltion Would soon have
been burned to death.
The Railroad Compa . used every exertion
to contribute to the re f ! ( t and comfort of the
sufferers. They were miaowed_ to the Boston
House, where Mr. E. A. Davis, the energetic
Sup dintendent, provided amply for their ac
• eounnodatlon, and the Company surgeons,
Drs. Stubbs anti Spratt, rendered prompt pro-
fessional attention. The citizens of Corry,
and particularly the ladles , manifested a
praiseworthy sympathy for the unfortunate
passengers; and were unremitting In their
efforts to contribute to their comfort.
The follow-mg 1• list of the sufferers, Es
mot those whose Injuries are not described,
they are not considered serious
Miss Frank Howard Springfield, Mass.;
Jacob Williams, Corryt'J. Wilkensou, Cutter.
Angus county N. 11.; David Seaman,' New
York; H. Putman`' Reno, Pa.; Martini Bab.
cock, fracture of the arm near the shoulder,
cut and brnised.Yrowsburg, NT. Y.; Ed ward L..
Imth shoulders Injured, Ifiesonv Hie Pa.,
John lettyplnOtt Jamestown , :N. Y.;John
Trewlv cut In the ; Mrs.
bruise:l, ,
three childrenspine unhurt, Rillvt h
Pa. leg ,
Rev. Mr. Broughton and wife, above descri
bed; Mrs. Rivers nod children,. above tia
serteed; Mrs. Murphy, ditto; A. L. Smith and
wife, Meadville, both severely burned, child
un- art; 1.01t180. - Rlaymer, Pe.; C. R.
Lathrop, vincennes, s.everef-Sotot L. House
and wile, Clitrestown, 1. Y.; Wm. Andersen,
Renzns ' A. Wheelock, Portland N. Y.; Dr.
Heard, Spriugville, Ind.; F. E. Kellogg and
lady, California; Dr. N. P. Bailey. etantord; Ci
K. Daugherty, Corry; Mary At'Clure and child,
Duane county, 111., `Clowns L. Culiough, Pay.
master C. St Navy: G. D. Smith anttwife,Cuba,
N. Y.; Li It. t:ussliell, Corry, severe; T. D.
James. Canlateo; Mrs. S. C. Vellett, badly,
Mediain Cd .. 0, Lieut. Carroll, lath C. S. In
featry, N. f.; P. A. Hovey, oreenvilie,
' lra. ;
Asa Brasher, Nashville; .rohn Newton, Mem
phis. Hannah MulroOney - end ctrlid.kieedrllle;
Mra'Reerer, badly Internally; WI 1. Rowe,
litlatintrilCa. Pa.; Joseph and Mary Drake,
Salamanca; V. R. Stierwood.A.'t. G. W. it.
R.; Miss Bell, CinctneNtl; W.l). al War, Ctir.ri.r,
besides...large number taken to Meadville.
Of the ono Wandred passengers on the 111.
fated triin4tifero.wero but two that 'cleaned
unharmed. There`seems to be little room for
doubt that this terrible ttlaigter was dellher.
ably planned unit executed for Um puose
of robbing U. victims. A red bad been rp re•
moved from tile inside of the ;curve, add the
train thus precipitated down twicekment
of forty feet. The cat s rolledver in
this descent, end but for a line of beeches and
maples bordering the hank of French - creek,
nothing could beep prevented theentlre train
and its living contents from being hurled into
the water. Al It was, the train was literally
knocked- into splinters—or, to- use the more
forcible expression of a somewhat arc Rod pas
senger, "it was ground to powder—a was p
rer.ied''. Excepting the wheels, Marta and of the coaches, there is nothing that
can be used for any purpose but fuel, and-while
the vlctluas of this fiendish outrage were lying
unconscious amid the Lielirle, or painfully- en
deuvoring tOI.XITICJILEI their bodies from the
appalling wreck. they wets robbed and plun
dered by men who had apparently come tO
their a.sistance. There 13 no daunt about
this. A lady passenger testifies that she saw
a lean delteerately ',arca the pockets of an
other who was lyidgmeensible. Another lady
says that on regaining her senses, she discov
ered that her ear.ritrys, is diamond pits, and
her tlnnewings bad all been taken. The hies
that such a performance. was the rezult of ac
cident is absurd.
The rails rad con:twiny have GaWNI a reward
of 1 - 2,000 for the detection of any party COI,.
nected In this colt-blooded atrocity. It is
stated that two arrests have been made of pens
sons ensper tee of complicity in the act. ..
Tho Dry G . 2e41tt ... 11-ouno . of J. W. Darker
ct 120.. 59 R n Irk e aireei
Among the numerous houses In the whole.
sale duct retail dry epode bastness In' this city
none stand higher than that of J. W. parker d:
Co., No. L'i Market street, fits a place to buy
goods at-the most reasonable prices. 'This its.
terprlsing [lint havedmit received an Immense
stork of fall and Winter imbrlcs from head
quarters in the East, consisting of heavy
silks and cotton velvets, cloths, cansimeres,
merinos, dell:tines, calicos and 11411/10/9, with a
choice assortment of ladles' furnishing goods
and trimmings, parpc Marty salted to the pre
sent ses.son. the WaINIL that will aeerne to
buyers by purchasing their goods at'Earker's
is this i that their stook being no large and
v stied, comprising every shade and quality of
material In the market, it will give tie pur
chaser u large tidal of choice. In addition to
tadr saluvroom, they have large cloak-rooms,
where the most fashionable Cloaks and man-
Ulla' aro muds to order at the 'hottest possi
ble notice. The great success Of the Urns is
attributable to the fact that while they keep
!palling but nrst-class goods, and 4:Galleons
salesmen, their prices are Su very low ai to
win for p..,Morket street a Impularily second
to acme //A the city. Certainly the commer
cial agates of no other retail dry goods est iii,.
listiment exceed theirs, while the unusual rol• 1
vantages the trio possess el purchasing, goods I
Ithnblen them to sell at prices which are tally
as cheap an those urfered'by eastern com pelf.
flan. The bargains which are new being ,
offered are rareand Imidelvo, and the scone- •
tnical lady shopper should call and examitir
.the fabrics offered fur sale add compare
prloCs. i'ia also will. the country merchant,
city dealer and all who buy to sell again, ton- 1
salt their own lot crest, by favoring thls house
with a share of their patronage. No charge
In made fin ?bowing goods, and whether de_sir•
ons of porches 1514 or not, persons who visit 59
.lla ritet t,reet will have a ea:Lately Of rees:v.
Jog the best of titentlen from the arc:Antic, :
dialog ialtAalllCll 111 attar/dunce.
um MEM) JOUrill4_
Ile Zdltlon Is forwarded which wilt MCA th
igubscriber soonest.'
E 223!
S thil COPY (per Ital..*
Club, or Flre
CI Ilha of Ten or more
The Gireat steabless Night. Entertain.
From all we have heard end reed dot thLe
great exhibition, which opens at Masotti° Ran
I to,morrow evening, we judge It will take oar
citizens by storm. In fact, we predict •greatar
rush to witness this wort or att then anja
thing that has yet been brought to our atty.
The press, the clergy, and the peorleevery.;
where pronounce It to be one of the finest el.
hitntlona ever witnessed . ; and altatiat lepers
natural L in 'lts chancier; Illustrating, as it
does, the most charming. Imaginative enbjent
In the world. Those wonderful actions. the
conception of which is so brilliant, and the
Imagination so rich and varled,—which have
have beim the delight of our Whiney, ant
which, at a, more advanced age, we can never
read without feeling their enchantment anew.
—Dosses, a charm alike for youth anti age,
Who will be sure to go - by thousands to Wituies
these surprising tableaux.
We clip the following notice of the C seals
' on from the Louden Mernieg CArossfole. t
was written by the celebrated Charles Dick.
ens, the great novellst, while the extinaltleak
was in London:
eEnterlng Into the spirit of that Iminortat
pratuction which Is so:Q.10301P entwined With
our fondest memories, the artist appearaa to
have gathered inspiration anti has fliVen
noble and magnificent expreselon 10 those
'bright conceptions, which, excepting the INC.
red writings, are without an equal,. It was.
Indeed, a novel idea to bring - before therms
the , splendors which have . itherto. existed'
only in Imagination, and by artlaticeffect to
aid the Imagination In comprehending the full
grandeur and. magnificence of the anbleet,
satisfaction and enthusiastic adinlistioa are
very freely expressed on
.4.11 the
manner In which the Artist hasexeouted the
diftleult task of illustrating a subject that
drain entirely with the realms of linaginas
It bile looking on these Seeneki we eat Carried
fway into the regions of fancy, and, Indeed,
orget the real world around us; for the ta.
Meaux - are, one anti all, so Intensely iverebt.
inn that they completely absorb the
connected us they are, with conceptions and
fancies whlch 1111 the mind with wonder, awe
and mnasetnent; and the mare We have looked
scan Cho matchless portectioa of thismastar
s orb of art, during Ito extraordinary tide of
success In mar metropolis, the more its won
drous merits bare grown upon our admire.
tin... , •
This k iery high endtirsemerit front Inau
'like Charles Dickens, who himself dealing la
matte. of fancy and imagination, la entirely
competent to give an opiruon• upon a work of
tlik kind. We greatly rejoice that our alti.
will have lux opportunity of witnessing, tble
great exhibition. and our only regret L that
we Have no hall In our city large enough to an.
commodore ail xruo will wish to seal; during
the short iliac the exhibition will remain br
our whist."
• •
Fatal Aeciderst.L-A little girl named Zen.
nedy Cell off a porch attached to the dwelling
of her parent., on Gay alley, in thp Second
wan.), Allegheny, Saturday night, anti dulled
her brains out on the pavement beneath, She
',arrived the caehlem hut ft few hours,
---- Lome Down.—The residents of the watts
side of The Monongahela river ere' taxed two
cents per trip toll across the bridges. The,4l.b.
legbeny bridge companies charge hut one cent
per trill.
Pearly Coni.pleleil.—The bewitlfilledtloe
of Lb hard Prx.leyterian Church 000grega.
Limit., r,...pldiy apprOnetang completion. -
. .... .
rW.II it/ ki kin) 01304
1.111.143 A L E CEJMETERY.--Tho
aa. beautiful 14 - .re,V,the largast subarbicki
place creepulchre. except one, In MU, coanty, sfl.
nailed on hem- Sclghtuu read, hatnediatel7 annh
Allegheny. For turtal lots, permlta or titles,- eau
ac Central Drug Store of COOL CLAVYY,
.heap City.
Nu. 196 Scu ith el(llt., Cat.llll,
- (Entrancorrom&ventla Street.)
X ., : 01,70 w13 7 CT1A.C3-13..
A Nn 1213 40 ollitIEKY STREET,
• r.r.VdrmearT, IPJA.
A i.E.V.. ,tIII3EN,
Ido Fuorth eroe, Plttetrergh, Pa. 001rFlatia of
et eI:APES, GLAI V E.%/ad every dascrilitlOst
tlf Fvu tra I Purraerltig Hair rant , roma
open ymul Cams talT4811 ;
HE r Lit etsccs—Her. Eer: „ Zt t,
Js.tati, I . twfut.• tinny. '
hi r. L.' •4, •
T. WHITE & CO. •
Lianallene,. Wood' a U. and vicinirr•
Veraer oi Shataaut and Clartiera EMIL,
H:arsa and Carr:lea. harnlabed.
Horks..s.t nousEgn .
Riding and Drlring Horse.
Two Horst: actitable tu•Docicn or ramrlly Elae,
bc.roli low , as toe Owners hare no two gtar
'thew. at HOW AHD' i ur FAT t SALE STABZ.B.
ocle First screar, blonontaltela House,
ucv SU Wirt2i Eiltroot.
W.21.70 1- IEICM.SI.
Gk. .-r6
93} Smithfield Street.
lh Windicz ty nit! Cluink! Oct PIMIII2I of the
"1".44.43.a Gaoscibow lima,.
1 Puy 5 ta,n.lain p 00• Intli& Atake 6100 tack.
• .11 , :un ellt*rm 41:AV C•()LV:.
)1. I'T ILEI) r.ovEn
Al r-cu ters AV AT . F.At WILLTA e
Crja 4 - .
mencluo 7 ... , clock. 7'llll wilt no Joubll a riots
and ,y - tltlngronir. as the 4, +nen art all. "oral/.
gu,r&n.u, fair cr.llllsls*C
on./ Other eiblol.
he atr.4p , l orntllng
I"nn'jY4• 41. 11. VAN Vuoatme_
No, 69 , Ilarliet 9ti`ert,ylttsburgp,. PA
TLIs .I.letabasea L0u..4 of
Dow to alo thiTtr.
dye thou-and dollar. worth of BoOta hi.1,1;q10(141,
Yjt. ' ,llfl h o7, l .l ' r l o
b•re rawly, h o , rlold 137 say - la - SC . 2 hue
tllo,, 1. aryl hartog.
Call kr , l'elairoros our ito6l of c. d.; nod we rant
satlseel that you yurchaae what Tott waat /la
taw flo9t•ad Moe LAse.
Ise u et icratt sae place, nu Market street.
1.:0 JAI:1E1LS Rt.S.
Practical Furniture Nanufacturirs,
I Mirlabltjilkni.VOLllWlCiailill37ll4l*ll
J. 8 WILLI 118 .... ....... ........Q. COINWr
Thee keep on tans a Isere snooty 11 hoot:Or-Ka•
teelCs, State Cemetelt. tl
Varnlelms. Pratnt at.en F t.on t 9 am . i ue Paints anbang
tuatZt:e. Once. y NO. 251 Penn etreet,
wetal Ve.
TOJTII. PAY • •rralate ltitrd" aml
"afeadoar bark" are mannftecured onPe at the
1)(1QTJ IVOltlin, near the Pan t ry,
Er ben. cite,
Hat Fort., awing and Platn Maims, Wl:walla,
rows and Tro ia of %very atyld. made of the txtat
D .
1 ,' M *TORE - FOR SALE.---A
Drolt Lad rresappttha aloft. doing a sots! 'Oa-
I Marc., ultli all., 'Joan 4 ca.-Iran, etharally ioorted '
I. olleue of the princlp4a 4U . .. le-of 4410 .47, with
rlarletVeLre paaaria "veal' afLeth thioutr. Tau
1 • tract, ILatores end_rae . e
_no ,o boure for . olthor two
rtlrOteLlotithfr crlbWa*Vi7i.Ta.l4r.,4..YP:i
• imo 2., ryg taore. comer of a pderthu -ked
LICOLdf eireete, eileatatur. lorlaarl:thix