PFl=l' . ..1-7.,. IVICJE. ftrrz, I -- .. , Oltril7E Or THE PITTEZIEUGH GAZETTE ' 1 Banker and Ilrokt.r, . , -. TVEsDA.T. October h.% 1,116. i ''''' '1 1• moiety. . Fifth. ; ; 1 , .. 11 - r: , ark.:::li n d i v„fh ° :l l ,7th d :L.,-Ti tin : u :-rt, ' :i. 118 Wood St..' near corner of 6,,, ~men, Monde L ii...te usinc,4 in a regular yobbing; way, the . . tran 4 actions „ , enerally ode Of an unimportant All descriptlOns of Dought and sohl on Upend terms. - . Loudon aml Continental Exchange sold a : character, and we have but f •' Hew York rates. • i ' few Clribanget to , 1 , note In values. Gold, Sliverlmal Conponis honglii: at highest 1 , ;. rates, and tiolll Draftaissued on New York. II HOCEP.lES—ltatitct firm and moderatelV aelive -I 1 :A:a legalle , at previ,er , quota '""'"".... . a .t.t liens. Coffee I, quoted tiro at t.:7 to 2, 10 r fair to prime 1110. Cuba Sugar Is quo ll ' , a t '' I to 13 , 4; Porto Inco, Id to 14 , ..1; Iluvaltic IC to t , L ~•• ' erte.hed; 11 , , to 17.14, A ogee, posi; li, 1u , ,; 1 1,- C Ill• Porto Ilico Stoeeed4,'t 0 "..,, and .., I cle , range all the pav front, 75 to 4.1.1 n. Ittee, 1 9 :: LO II: Goon Tea...,...1tie2. tool i totem:, ',5 :,, 0,.,.., 13 RAI N—W bent 14 , 11ral but yeet,..iic 0i 1 ear NO. I Chle,go Spling nt 61., , ). ',“" ''''''' but unebangtnl, sale 'lf 7on welt en ttael , .. , t 50 to 521a150, stolen front slur , at 6(l° 55. Penne 00W Spring itneley I- In I,lenttlnd ri1..1.1,94. o :le f bear 4, 114.11,01 Corn ut. 97. and ,4941 1.11411 do :LI ti. No movement. in 11Ye. .., F E LOC—Is ouiet but arm ai Ch a moderate 'local de nand, and prlvei are well mandaine.l. W c y continue to quote at 611,;:, 412,2.5 for spring Wheat, atal .11.1. ' 75 to 13,1.. 10r it Darr Wheat. Sale of Dv bblo,Nlllwauln4n opt mg at +l9. IlvellOnr Is thrill but. unchanged. ; PROClslONs—ltacon is quiet, bat stcade, ~,, , ,I ;,...t yet, price:. :tie not tototably lower. \‘,, contlnno to quote at 17 to 171, tar slloalder,l IN to Is , - (or gibbed Sides, awl 2.5 for Plum , llgar Cured Hams. Lard is quoted itt 17'.1 to IS, ono .1.1‘ , 4 Pork at 433.1..y.it34. . 11UTTER—Coallum.4 dull, alth a .inIpPlY consderably In exeees of the demand, and prices are barely maintitined. Prune 1:011 t.. quoted uL 30 to 32. . . EGGS—In better supply strut ICS 3 active, alonitb, a, yet, ttellanged; I te3n p.te10.91 till being held at 30. SEEDS—Flaxseed is In demand at #3,w7ile Timothy Seed is thrill idul nominal at n43—to email lots. Clover Is in light Edipply, but the demand is limited. CHEESE—Is quiet but steady at 17 for tVtd ct;n Iteeerve; 10 for hamburg, unit . ....0 to 22 tor Goshen. APPLES—Coining lu more It coly, but t here, ' is a lair demand, with sales at 62,59 u) 1d pet bbl, for fair to prime, and 1311 for choice. .1 CIIANBEIIIIIES—Quoted steady at ;IS per bbl, for common, and t2O tor cudivated. VVEET POTATOES,—In natter supply, and eartuOt be. fairly quoted above ep., to FINANCE AND TRADE. • •, (JO:Abel - 19,1:9;G.. • 'rho 'New Ydric mock quotations 1.13,10.}•, repyrted by Robinson, .)ItUleilti t Co., •were al : Gold, itt33,4' ; if.'.i.vs; 113%; 52O's;', ola, 1147 , 4; .to 11074; 7-30'i, lit. • cries, 1or1,i; do 11..1 jai 2.l.lcltlgan Soutilorp,_ll. it., 90,14'; Clove- Pittenurgir, 11 . 23 ; (advance ID rltts• burgh, Fort Wayne t Chien:go, I 101;; '(utll. linen I) Kee It. IL, (rI,o 9%)lVestern Iraton Telegraph Comi;u!ly, Rock Island, IOW.; Chicago-t North We torn, 49 ;,(advance's per cent) Clcrpre (erred, T4o inatkctliav Suiprovo to sonot•Oxtent ml .ijoioratnei6„ia bynipany v.Ati an ca*- • • market hre, and at the cat:. Gold dints hut little change from yeqterilay:-ome is a fraction higher. It seems i m s Rai%) to i„Ve a sensible reason, aside Erdal apeimilation in . Umgold rooms of the large cities, shy gold should maintain 'anything like the present quotations, moth less advance against, the largely increasing rionosi',.s In the iininTreas ury.. lt d wits hemt.unicially reported at the . . Treasury lieDar:Tent nt SS - aAllingt(m Sester aity that there ,vus thin niuutythree million dollars of gold in hand, which would be In creased, •In. Alf Probability, to . ono houdred millions by the first of November. it may be at fault tin • our vet Miele, but we believe gold' will befOro the 10th of November di:untie five per cent from present quotations, Per. Imp; much more. .t few days shier the Gov ernment pail 0ut.t..,..it0,?C0 for the porches) 01 flatted States bondsilif ihB, cauelug a decllim of six per cent on the street. The Slightest of, remora will uplet the calculations of the gold ring, what. then Will happen when twenty five millions Of November co - aliens are peel, uud the Secretary, takes other methods tore. , hove the Treasury of the larg,ti amount of cola on' band bp, the redemption of green baclia,which may happen any day. fielder., of November coupons have but ten ;I lye' in Which to calculate their chsfCcC of fi igli pre miums. Our local stock market has been remark a lily quiet throughout. the 'week, considering the easy state of the molly market. There has been but little done In bank stocks, but a. few shares offering, and those hold lit figures quite abovsothe views of bnyerii. Ilailei Rail road stock is firmly helifiit. .2.utfts Lper'isharq with none offering. ss . per share bid for Pitts burgh ,t Steubenville. Columbia oil closes a. shade steatiler-1a;; bid. 10.; asked—no sales :reported today.s The Boston Stock Board Magnin aCLIVe Coppers. Almost the entire list has advanced some, the 'most marked improvement is in Copper Falls, and Northwestern. Largo' sales of the former at.priees ranging from 47 (which IP per share advance) i.;41, !Myer :40 days. Northwestern, sales 41:fishe s at A 4, liking one dollinpor share :advance. Franklin is op agnitisalies at 55. Rockland weak at. 7. Few able, (b. 31:1) . ..36—an improvement. Minnesota firmer; sales at 1914.. Pittsburgh .Boston, no tiles; 50!.5 fa : asked.. Quincy, sales :B. atonal heavy; no bids, offered at 17. TOO subscription book of tho Atlantic and = Pacific Telegraph Co. are still open at the •Ranking Mouse of itobloaou, McClean .t Co , 75 • Fourth street. But a moity of the stock allot . ted to Pittsburgh remains to be taken. _ —lt is denied that the Government has been eelilng goltrat Now York, at least the state ' anent wants °Metal confirmation; but under the apprehension that it was being sold the price wont down on Tuesday at one time to 147—a difference of 6 per cent from the open-. frig price of Monday.. The 'lower rates, how ' ever. were . mainly in coesenuence • of weak holders, being compelled to realize. The lending rate was ~ 11 per cent. With the ease of money and the rate for it, 4 to 5 per cent., there areholiti who are disposed to hold back. for higher rates, upon the Bopp:kat' ion that m thetvent of the Government selling gold an • Important amount of: co rrency may De wlth drawn into the Treasury. Any partial fltrin . geency, however, Which might arise from this 'coarse would Ito neutralized - Jay the maturing of .22,500,000 of clearing-house certifie•tes oil the %th instant. - Tile ease of mosey results chiefly, it Is thOuglit, from the late disburse - ,- meets of the Treasary •for funding, and these _ • payments corns 111 good time to meet the strain usual at this lemon by adVances ne cessary to move the cotton and grain crops. The policy-of the Treasury seems to be to proinote the ease of the money market and turn speculation in the direction of the Gov ' ..ernesent bonds, and SIM promote the con ver slci.of the ,Seven -Thirty loan. It is, stated that - ',Several considerable parcels of Gs of 1837-Shave been offered 'at the Treasury for ; 'gold - and accepted, and as an evidence 'that gold is coming on the - market from . some leurc - Ocasti gold for the-past two days has been more abundant. • . —lt is said that a forthcoming report of the TreaSury will show that the expenditures of thegovernment in the/A:al s . i:unending June. SO, leas, were about seven hundred million dollars less than in the previous fiscal year. • Tne amount pf the premium, on exchanges, • Wes of gobs, d nearlyhe fiscal -year endmg • June ZO, 1C66, is forty-two million dol. I ‘ —Thompson's Note Reporter says The governeent examiners of the national banks are on their rounds in- various pat is of the country, and it is but proper to saylihav banking. eats system, and us a science, is lag worked up to• standard of safety and uniformity never before attained in this coun try, Those e'en - doers receive their commis• • eons and instructions from the ourrencY hu t. Titan of the Treasury Department at Washing . .ton, and of cents° pindr,oautics are Cecil do. Rued. They are to Aoport to the Comptroller of - the -Currency Di& management us well as the standing of the banks—all the Moat:pees of book-keeping—rill irregularities in mph accounts—all omissions in, detail. es a.s • . soundpcss of assets. Under this dieciptine great and rapid change 118 taking - placo in the banking institutions or the country. They be systematic as well as leg corr e cteir puniness. Everything mast ho 69 as safe. A good many banks have been • - found deficient la the, knowimige of book keeping, so that they could mike no credita _-. bit exhibit, while their 69.90t8 would pass hi; - spection. Some have assets made up of stock notes oraomethlng very like them. All such loose banking the examiners abut down on. &hint. to . this unexamined: Pat your banking Muse in order. and keep it so. .:.—There is a steady conversion 7.Ds . into n-0a of the - Jaly and January issues, but the amount Li altogether out of proportion 1.0 the nec,essity Which exists for getting this tree. ,bleacimo debt out of the way prior to the re. ant:lntim:lof specie payments, which cannot be safely attempted until they. are. put, into long gold.bearing bonds. This class of. debt , •`was put upon the country by the nflatakes (called at the lime necessities)of the Treasury D( 7ll= l l4Ve nd m ib o rc t e e ' s l ia i gga t ai e sin t trm n of a . ° ,4! .remising and commendatlim ever bestowed upon a loan, backed, too, by commissions that Secured th ou • services of every' broker and. banker thrghout the country. Sustnined now by a7u0,000,000 of irredeemable due-bills llt " the form of legal and Nutional Rank notes, popularly called money, Limy commend an common with the bonds into which they are convertible, n premium in currency, and Into these at maturity in Vinland 17t:a they :.:.tu inevitably hind themsetioni, leaving . the . - Trkkoniry to fund or pity In the missal the compound notes, Ill'AMO.On, anct Dar , -;,the atco,ool,ooo 0 , legal-tenders, and drift to where specie payments can be rminned." eat • ',the: interest of the mountry den/ends that, " "'congress and the Treasury should no some. thing more than drift to, specie; they must Lowly -Meer the nuances back to the got.[ Standard, slid by the most energetic Mean, 'ltulng , the legal tender money up to gold. Tlifs can Ow.dOne effectually 'by resorting to the means by which the 740 s are sold; and by pay ' . in to any one who will surrender them ter aeOunnteslon ns large as brokers make la turning curaritallway shares, State stocks, ur Mining shares,- even. Tim commissions for - , ::',111.111, service would amount to a good rduni auto; Malt would hapald Mr a laborite vatus-1 big bathe nation as the last decisive victories, by the Union armies to end ilia gobiliitme i"TheatiOner tkingress gives the Secretary: too .. - Powar to pay larger eciminissions and makes .lt Imperative upon lam to open them to the ; , - . 0 pi/Walks ha:Ser.—N. Y. Tribtnte. New,York Iferatd charges -Mr. Wen]. MOW wills ,tmduly favoring- ceitnln "pa," banker •in that city, nail giving no show to. "in equal If not better standing. The .• libretti "The fact that the Trcsury • bee been tedeezolait lase,' of )177.(at .77.) and 'aiMaCifligapit SO Tomei; .).to gold, to slow Of Ira furs_ tailor to the rumor, set afloat by the bears that it was sailing coin.... The patine •tilitaa it *, tithe tO oaken some Persona who bare therm of tSe treasury amount have their me. -". dust bands - redeemed luethie secret manner, tbereEnt the baleen of the same bonds 'psfilmlLrly acquainteil,are not admitted to an.'egant Is a :irlege.,Tneen is evident favorit ndestlita and discreditable' Inc- Mr. hldCnlloch owes it to himself to inetispatdidelanittion Of the The :.'::.Aittottnt of bonft 18Mpayablott Mei De. On October 31 of year,. :7 - 119,0115,2i10; While onho bonds or Ism, v.v. able sttoirAtdyl ha thatyeari.wasillSOmAtLw. MEI Ativer4ierc tot tkiiids sidarirei. Xrzir,ron4-oatoborlo.—This dry good* traan '.l o Pona „tab - -only moderate - baldness . tUfs • =Main& bntorlgs a nonttnied drunken ou-tile „part, of.batders of-goods, The-deollimin.-not.., . -I°l VAnoa l4M ,l l g e t ti tairaslit: t e a mere two:aerie =pr i 4% . ort&llgbt - :=1 ' • - all *lnds ordnmestan-:Ttios.r. nor =Lure : go Anxik ,ml,4ng lor t i N n i ! , grAr y P . 1 1 71:1 g_sshua,.. , ag74Hetutlied,A:atfifigiw, 7ar t = l l l3 4o l,N uisk t r 3 qpin - Tiekr?-tisauffonan4l64 • k= u l;teri 14"....ttrikeirA12104411101r4 4434 MARKETS._ ttli. • - - 1.1.11—1 s selling, In a regular way per ton, as to quality. • SALT—Is quoted at +2,SO, on erns, nod 62,00 LO t:3 from More... . . IBON MARREN • Or/ICY 01 TOO ITTs LW no 11 , de Z ETT • jr.lDAtc, Ont. le, kW. The lAnnSaction.9 in metal have bueu. some . what restricted this week, not that there is any falling cs in. the demand, but 'owing to the fact that there is no stock. Desirable brands • of Anthracite irons are in very light . sultply, and compared With last week, prieeis area shude higher. Indeed, the stock of all kinds of mill irons is very . mucn reduced, but particularly is this the ease In regard .to eastern IMMO% and the demand for tomniry trout keeps pace with the supply. Manufac tured iron Is vet) . I.lrulcand tootling upedted; autt stalls have been advanced hoc per keg. It is now intimated some houses are now refut ing to fill' orders for bar iron at Present card rate!, and front title II /3 but fair to inter that there will be < a general mivatice sit round be fore lung. The following Is a report of the salesof metal for the week . r == ITUILINOVS ' COAL Etaicirzo ynou LAKE Sty . _ . . . roman oar.' ___ , 500. tons 1400 v Grade Forge.. $l 00— eash, GO) do - do do 4. 41: 00 do tso do Medium Grade G'y Forge. 11 0-4 nuts, :400 do do Open Gr'y Forge. 45 50 do 500 , d0 White medium brand 4150 5 do MOdo Open Gray Forge 4G 1 4) '4 110 g. 50 do •do do 4 40 Oa 410 710 do Mottled Forgo (to arrive). 44 5 0 do 7: do Open Gray (fanny 144144441).. 40 10— e,5,44, al 4EO . • do. • .1.1 .. 40 1:4) .144 cd .do . do do .. • 4065 do WO do do -.: do to. • • • • arrive ipo do Open Gray (holey brand) arrrivo .t.. 47 .41 do 200 do Open Gray (Laney brand) '• to arrive 47 60 de 120 do Gray 'Forge ito arrive)...- ei 00 do 250 do Gloss Gray Forgo 43 50— C:1.41 .54. do Clove Low Grade 41. 01 .10 2.11. do Mixture with native ore Forgo 42 al-4 nio. 109, do Mixture with nalave ore Forge to arrive .•42 00 do CM do-Mixture - with interior orb • Forge xely inferior ' , l W AO do Low 'Grade Forge. 41. 00-4 tilos: 60 .1 °Neutral 'Forge . - 50 00— easlG .50 do White - " 41 00-1 mos. 20 do No. 2 Foundry .... 52 00— rail.. 60 do No.lFounury 55 la do 160 - do No. a Anthracite . 49 ...0 do 50 do No. 3 • do 50 00, do 50 do No. 1 . .20 ..Y 00 • • .10 50 410 00. 2 do •50 111) .10 400 .111.111ixe.r, do 450 do 160 do Watt° do' " 4540-4 iiio, ==il R` tons Bell0(onto No. 1-11. ' 00-6 mos. 00 do Vlnton—cholce-11. 00 00 3I• dO lAwrencla No. I—lt. IL-- MOO do 78 :do l'loncer—clean-1 1 . II 51 wl2 do hal; do Cambria. No. 1-11 13' 00 Vl caals. 45 Oni Plke—.W. D.— 56 0) 00 115 do Ohio—Cholce—ll. 11 • 58 00 do .81 do Etna—L. It • 3oo—time— tme • 'hs do Foundry 43 No. 1 Foundry.— •••••••••• 00 do 1 8.0 . 10 10 No. 1 Foundry.— 56 00 do 100 do Itanglng; Kock COOO Forge 40 fa) 110 a 5 do do. do Fo`dry. 15: 00-30 :13, 103 do Lako Superior Charcoal.. 55 0)-4 Inas 100 do do • .do .. 55 00 do • l'h/ do • doto .. 55 01 • du 100 do - Juniata .. 55 005 do .25 do .11101ata Soft ",7 00 , 4 do 25) ,do ldiasourl- 00 00' do. 150 tons Red Rank.— .... 100 do do 1050 do Superior Furunee 'slo' do Colwell Furnace. BLOOMS. lOU tons No.l.lixtia•Juntata . .....ll,l2s tool. 5 do No. I Juniata .... 110 00— ettslt. 011 do N0..1 Juniata 115 00 do 1.5) do Nlonrou 1)0 00 tlo 100 do No. 1 Juniata, ox. quality ISS uO-1 toss. M g oo .51.105 - ou:il o gro,Ild 0 00ms - prlv.. lo term,, 100 do Champlain i ßluets do s tICIIAP .03r. 100 tons'No.llVicught (2 . 210 /b5.).569 00— cab!, PITTSBULCUII I'ETICOLkArfit_BIAILILET, 0/71013 Or Tun PITTSBURGH OnZeTTR„I FRIDAY, October TJ, 1,906 1( . . CRUDE-There is no Improvement , to note in the demand for Cradle, and the market con tinues dull sad inactive, though prices arc nominally unchangal-'•sale of lisio bbls (10 to 41 gravity) at )3, and quotations may be tairly, given at IS, bids returned, Mad IS, obis inclu• tied-email lots of heavy gravity might wx,i bly bring a fraction more. The stock of Crude in this: market, aside from that la tank, is pretty welt reduced, though as already elated rho demand is light, and holders generally, arc anxious to realize, although • they cannot do so at present without eustainln,: u pretty serious loss. IiEFISED-There is some inquiry for bea ded-oil at a slight decline, say SC Lc. 3.1! , livered in . Ritiledelphla; or, 3134 cents to 32 cents; free on board cars here, but thus far, there are no °lrene to sell at these quotation,. We have beta single sale to rte. port to-day, 600 bbls ae Z.-on Thursday even ing there were sales of lOW bbls at <10; and :11.0 at 3934. The truth is, the• waritet is pretty ivellifemoratized at presenti-rell flora arc on. wilting to sell at, current rates, and thoy do not seeintinclined to buy Cruititain the-face of a declining market for Relined. Free is Anil and neglected with a drooping tendency. • RESIDUUM-There is little or no demand for this article, and thris far this week, there has not beets a single sale that we urn aware of. We quote nominally at 3.7 per bbl. Altai% ALS-But a single arrival repelled, 012 bbls for J. W. rorter. • New Ircirk . Produce Market. Yoar, oet:l2.—Cotton heavy, Inclad lug government sales at 40c for middling up 'Pmts. and 42a do for New Orleans Flour 1011 X. ea' better, ana rather more doing, at 0,500 X 0,65 for extra State, 410,60012,10 fur extra It 110, and $12,0301.7,60 for trade brands, closing firm with no sellers at inside quotations; in eluded In the Bales are 3,(X10 bids rejected , ex tra State for export at about S%(O. Whisky quiet and steady In bond at VA161,42. Wheat receipts, 30.013 bush; 1034 letter, at - 81,95 for old Chicago spring, 52.25430,943 for new do, and 8330 for nety.whrte Colorado. Bye active and 100chetter,ht $1,12@1, 1 8 for old western, and algliej for mixed do. Barley lo better, at 51,14 (111,18 for Noll, rowed, State, /11,211431,30 for Can ada West, and 0,00 for Canada Bast, to bond, Closing AWL Barley Malt - in moderate re quest, at 51,4001,50, tho latter Mr Canada West. (nru receipts...4,4ls bush, at 1/9c#sl ,P) for in fericr, 0,(001,01 , 10 , 8141oping western, en store, and $1,00f41,01 for do, anon[. - closing a iltUo heavy. Oat receipts, 21,4-12 bush; dull; sales 00,000 bush at 59662 a for Chicago, and CO r eStaterilllwankee. - Coffee quiet; stiguaYnt, 16 :0117.4e- -- Petroleum lower, nt 221;4235 for cruu et 14 44035 c. for Yenned - inbon I Peek decidedly Urmer and exalted, at . 3.,1,4423,174 fir now mists. closing at 433 , 70, cash , - clean, for old do, aoltaol.teem,7s forlrlme. Beetateady at previous prices. Beef flaws quiet at 450 48e. Bacon "um's. Dressed fltigs lull and heavy, at 103P11144c for western. Cut Meats Wendy, at, 14 01. 4 y0 for shoulders, and' 174M9c. for hams.' - Lana heavy and drooping nt 150 17114 e. . Butter heavy, at wow° for for State, and 5005. w for 0y,,, 0 , —hullo nail county, in pails. Cheese dull and heavy. Amway , t;! ! tit e Market - ALBANY, N. Y.: Oct. 19...Ttie imirkZit r Beavc. this „ r ed, has been one or the dullent of- the season; buyete refusing to purchase ~r ceet eta decline, and had thus remained corn. Iteratively firm- until to•day, when some con cession was made and some 1:010 or 3,01ai head :changed bands 'at from LUC per pound, live weight, for. the best, down to 45(Abc for the pOorest. 1,400nr 4500 reviatn . uusold. Bechtel.% 'terthe week 9,1110. Sheep Are dull at 03.4Cre!..rc. 'receipts, 8,000 head, ilogsin gOod request ut - . . •Laub' Market. - - _l3r, .X..otos, October 19,—.Flour Armor, nt sap) 010.4 for super D , 01,40011.0- for alnalo - Extra, $11,756140:0 for outao Extra, anda11,50@15,50 ror ranor. Wheat buoyant aud. , 51210a higher. t t 'at 2 ;rfutt,g i a,rgiVa t ory , 2 ' ' to f r o n t rl P 4l,lt Eaggb . 44. Provolone and Whisky manage°, 'Or',.'. arOL oilaums ba16..-ColaxinkUolveriamlon 6 : 0 'balm; quotlUons ,Roccitas,fpr mo . " Ws n irg rir,,, b mr,p a ntrl bah : 9- .0 2- ,0.; maurs.7lSteating , 6l. ow roritExclaimse )4 ¢rSac 111.11ci r WiCat Mvo suit sake a/ new- white Michigan as !*9l4l4mberdi(i4l4o-I.Vrime ItPolextra ga.4o.-VOMI lot No: I mlzed.' , Van" at MO. ;. jiiiiwiiiiiiadiT.:illiraiirilii::.-- 1- :lii,,, i r it r iiiti; odrobeir ,19.-..F3odrArm4ind ad. su2O64ATIJS:-P wadi { 8 to tor No . ,I; an 4eyd - ' ar , o. e - Cora a nnctut io Nita drm;73tio for pd. '?. - . , e 1„,.. N • 1 ,77 .1. 1, , , °. ,•,' 7t 1,‘ - ,..' r ,., i- . -- 71 : : :: •: ‘. :: m' '',....:- , .;_•:. , AN . - . 1.",1E1i A, W T -tai ONC IL C '1.4 ,. I. (;011,1.,,,,,, ,, , ,, i..•:: . 0 ‘., • ...- .., ..,.., , ~,.,,., A c -- ... ,. .): - .) F,EXAND-liANDEti . alril. . . • . - [•••,.- . % ~,,...,. ,EILA :LI, . I, II ~: ,u'...c.. 61' aaeto 2a ta u.i H o y, paw, y. ,liteld , -.trod ttel-'vell''''' ell •;'" ';-• ; . ; ..., ,l l Loll - r) hav le Mel, Cylluder arol (rem 10 to '2.2 e ,i '7,, • Nor. u ' A lir& hemedlat,orlta '' a "'' '''''''''''' d.". ''':" ." : ' roTTEn. All A, I , IIP.I . AItIY. itli.,tera. w'; .M. 1 ,,,l l'''''• ' Loft " •,,,';'. ; 0; .„ . , 4 ... No .',/ 1 Owl tr s treet. peti• I•oiedo, I'2, New Yore ; Contral, 111 ,, , - , ; . _ ;,_, ; • •... . . _ ____ , ,i ;; , -,,,.,,,., 111,10, r , •' • .. '' ' - WANTED, • ' i . N 0 • Nt ...tern I icon I ele-ra ill, ' " . . ohm alai 1•t1y,..-1;••el 1 eritlautte ;, •", t• i ..., I ; ouv., 11.1•:• :6 . 6, Coupon:, of '62; 1 .-iM , 0 , l :, - i „ . ,... ~,,,, ~.1, 111. Th.• P- , !.. , ~ , . • Y . 0,001, - ~ .S', : Tho 1,,,,,, .!lis alalt w Ith no faintly. Le.o erten,. nees given indrket L- elt,y. ot iyii7,.. ider col l Items, and 51:6 " and r.; ua1,..1. Address N. H.. ~, :iii tor; di.couot.. I io• pletliora or on- ;.. re. 11,1117 ' (;.,.IMMt °rm.. ~„,,,i,,,•,•,1,,,,,ud ~,011,,,,,,t, , 1r.a.m.,xi,... 1 -. _ 01 : , 111 , atitl 1.0 . M..ti . “ . r. e. for I.m, ti.. . WANTEDP-4Zellita in evcrY Part u1cer,..„,.„ 0 „,,,..„ 1 , ,,, ,11:1.1i1,•.”2 , r,1ii. Ili,t,r,' : . or Nv,,,,,, - . 1 . ..,,n.,y :yank Mr the ; line nv., not, icet i.. very anatoalm, 0.. , . Mi1....,,,,,,,,..1 I lie So PI Imo:rat - Iml, •• rim l'lcA til,l, AT V A1.1..K . 1 year. .t Coal faction 1.4 .oloiiC,. ~ .ni,.1, , .1 tor' IN Mit e.•• an.i •• • I.lNctir,N•S Urea E Al' SPILL ts ti- Moo. ol letnt:., and are dr,. o ie lwean a i; de. " 191:1,1/,'• eith. r hy the moot h i .r Mt eollatda' lo 9,• 1..1 - ,1,1 , :i 1•0,11 .:1 i 0.,!. 3 11,, 50 t 00:.,, .1 1 , ''," ;',,'"'' ll t !'' , ''' 4 ' , .. ''''"r "C''''''' l ' i ' .. .,,T,,t::: ' ' lOW. Iti c i111.21i11 , 11 , 1 it , ,v; . 11.101. - al'it 111,,,,. , ' l' r.. "‘'' . ''''' . In r A r ia t , ° ,,f, ,0„ ill.t/11:11 . /o#ll, :111 , 1,1 , 1, ,, /1/ii/V , IllatJitt 1, 110, ; SlAti:out.•l, Book rtore. ~ .1.111111a1e.1 Ilt a very too•I mato degree tete ' • .. c 0 ,,,,,,,a, a „,,..;,..„„ t h ~(,,,,,, , Icr.;-: the vote iot.y reval•ion eisrlata Ao le; i ocitelia : IltMurglall.-: ; more iiiiaelliti ow, in proPortiiel ,ex oaterioit - lista beet r,,,,t0.•.a.1 1/11 , e11112: ill till, bolinkl,... ANTANTEI)—AGENT S -I .SO O PER The .4", k 111arlict I. 11C:11.1 re . but irgular. 1 . 0 , - ' , , IEA 11—Fierywhere to Introduce ell ANC .t.' r1111{1,111.0 are N 1 rong.' Ilailrod'i I;l'are - ' lin , CI-A llN•ri FAMILY M SEWII MACIIIN e, Imprar rev.,ri-I, 0..1 MI M 1.11 ., tog. -titer : egalur htmml ~/ .1.1 1n.M . .et0..1. It .5111 hem. fell. WWI, 61111_ 1 !•• the lel low 111? 1 1 , - , h , 1.11 0 .idolatein, Ihe mattut. 1 ,' , 1 J 1 2. 1 : 6; , ... , t; . 1 , . , tiel enthrahler Lo•autlryji I . 'r u lr; ?LT; bolo:: leveredi ml,l Irri_golur: New l'ot•Ir Cie, 4 " • liarrauttal to ' ili t i l a ' : ' l ' i s ; l n K r ' .;;; l , l ...T.ll. l N: L I'te:,,',';,]. we Pay tmi, me:, Era., Nll ,II tal.on River, 1 . ...7, 14..1. 1h.., ,0,..,, , ‘,ag.-Aur'll. .mnatalatlon, Wow , whicl" wit ; e ing, 11. ,, ,,, Ma. diruutt ' ,00thera, eol.; fort 1 hat amount ran he mode. Addre•s oreall on U. It. Wayne, M. 0.,. Foreign exchange lima: lolla at idtNiii No. 11, ttraut id, Pittsburgh. Pa• tee ow, , ;,,, ',nom,. au , ~,ed „, 1 ,,7, 3 .1,,7:,, f „, nilVellie,rlll.llt of the flokle A I.yoll and the Weed e amayetemi, lue.i.liti'-g . Zro Imalrers 110, 10111 '''''''..), ~, ,, Ilitletk. in another rotate, settle/Pre --- . shot t sleet 1•1 , ,, sit 6,. Vl7 ANTED--.441.:EN1114—575 to $2OO • T. 1.., r0u.,,i.,,......, ,, l lie elo,ilig prices ILI ;1'.1../ g T p i .. , ... . _....,,,,, -1./dd./STU tor Gentlemen, moue. , r. wit 10 Cert., :l'i' 00V.; Colltoll• , Wria 1'..r1....h...1 everywhere, to Introduce the Common Ito -toll Watt ., r." ,,, . - . r.,!4.,.:-.2:',,; Coml.:Hata rens° Flunly ;Sewing 3laehine. improved and Pet - Coal Cm, r. , ./1:10'; i : Quick -fly , . t;; ;0 ;.'11": 61 .;; Mar- teeted. It wlll hens, fell ii , :t.. q. ll, - hill'' , br.1 "... 1p;) ,,, 1 ,, , ,i ; i 4 - .: 6 I li . , ~,,J .2.91. , ,, - ,..1 , ,,,, - , 1v,.,,,., tj, , sod embroider losantitnlly—price nuly s2o—m•.- it ' ' -11 . N y I• ip. , -"e11 , 1• • F e , ~..i ti t.° lug the elaidde lock-stitalt, and fully warranted lot shore wag es , or a 'tom , Hil' l ''''' , . 1 ' 47 '4 4 '''';' l27' ' , i '''' “n g' 1101 • 1 ° I 10' , i l ' ' n ;3 Pr ' ora e ivrith the leV u ll. t .01.11.1 e.. he 111. Cello I,, llieleN 7 l i'll l SO'lrg ll , ili 1 ;:i1. 91 %11 'To - made. ' Address, or call us C. BOW Elt - 1 &Ult.. lode, 1 , 4;; ; 1.11.1 11. 1 .: 1'., losiowi; N ; W., Kg °Mee No. 2a 5 ti. Filth F trt,t.. ritllatielphts,t'a. 7: o'• N. ),".. pref., 7:0,, , a17:: ; • ; y; Pt. ,t'.. lou: ; ,.; ,1,1 hum, answered promptly, with clreitiam and atl.lMl m chi..., 311.14,1. xtr..,Ciitiii), - _ • Cu1,..5.0. October L.—Four active and tel. , , 'towed Poi;Ut.e. W lice:. limo :old advanced lir, ale, at i2,15!{'2,16 for NO. I, and 11.1,11.12p1,9 1 for 0. It. Coro ore ater ay t foe, al an tml,l.llCO "f , t..". 1 elo.ed rs met, at Out:dell' c tor 'No. I, itml .16, 2 , tea. Nn. .2.. ,Jate lima; 011 .'l'illi' ?., rd.. Nu , . PrOvialoim dull. Cie.-IMO 'itliet- ❑IPOILTS LILOAD • l'l r rtr,ar con. hoit - r WarNr.t October 19.-3 it kg, batter, I ccg., isktr Wood, .12 1,8, 111;:,1111061; DI hole,, 1101,, 110 ' •ttit 1;,;,21 7 I,IOIN ettler, 9 01.31 It ',chat:uteri 2 ear.. , barley, 88 sack , oat, :LI 1.1.1.. flour, It; ukicy 1.40; Lear barittL . tr It Garrart‘ I Cur Mari gull L u'pouli Ca attg , feed, I car wheal, 11 Rea jr; 3 ilk, tnetal, dclitught co; 1 car re, .1 S lott Itttl, f l lour, 'l' C lottLitt,t; lut. y uo 110, GrCgt.; .t lire ,la do, ICirk patrlct:, Too co; 100110 i1i),•1,2c , 211; . 20 dozen Itrottac , , E 11 31cystr:ti It no; IC, do mul,r IticketttOn; -211 pkti,s °ode it n aro,3 ), Dilwort co; LLz hater, J 810 , 1 tiro; Ica bat .dour, Gran:tut tt TLI outt-t; ',lit do ,Lt 00,0,,,,• It hang; Mhos chect,',rtney Ii httit . t barley, II Eidtllc; It Itx. A. .1 Korn to do,Malt Nen blds huntiny. 11 I witch; ttl bales COILOII, .1 littodett co; 12 I; Itut tor,2 do lard, Volgt cO, 12 Unlit apples,Cainito, Move& cant; WWI toltaktco. II Iley1; I ear hay, 1) ;t: Courtney. • • .". Prrl*PLlMMili O c t o ber 19.—1 ear barley, Carson, Darlington Zt. co: I 110 potatoes; I. 11 . Voigt .o co; IZ, barrels tobacco. E Ileazitdontls.l,lids biteiln, .1 Lippin cott; his starch, J A IttIOXIMW; n tIL4B 5 kegs lard,' Pettit .0 Newlin; 40 lag. (1013, • .51 no rye, 10 do onionsi do seen, 'l' Jenkins; IL tins eheese, Potter. Aiken .0 Shepard; IS tln,lo, Griot S Geller; rki no do. T C Jenkins; 1 car barley. Spencer S. McKay; . 27 tdils onions, Crag' Si Reiter; . '24 his eheete. W MaslagetW Pkg. oatmeal. 23 eka Oats, I. 11 Volgt nO CO; 1 car wheat r Eennedy Urn; i ii:er barley, IS New layer IC 00;5 ears metal; Nlmink co; T. cars Sand, Ilaknwell, Pears 00; 1 .10 ,10, .1 II Lyon: 1 do wheat, Liggett 0 co; TO tins cheese, J Ihlnb IS do d0,.1 it Candela. Ata.zonicrir STATION, October ears wheat, Kennelly S lire; I car lumber, .MOlOl Mc Br hie; 1 4to corn, l 110 wheat, R. Knox Ton; ado metal, spang. CI; ml foot S. no; 19 1,1,15 Artethelde; I. car wheat, Gilmore. Simpson co; TS 14110 apples, J6l; n Herbert., 17 suck). oats, S C Idellastcrikl pkgs potatoes, tiaut . 1: .1 Talley; 1 car, t•t• •0; 10 dos brooms; Drennan .0 Bens; l ear bar ley, Smith .0 co;.1 Car Malt, Al Wylie; 7, dozen * llttlollle, 5111117 .0 Danner: 3 hales hops, Lutz Walls; s tlo do, ti Subtle; ;iS bbis eider, F Snout len; IT do Or,, F Essonwine; 10- 110 do, I; Wag elty; II ri l e Leon; I cars wheat, McKee 3 - co: 1 colt tests, AI WWI; $1 bags oats, Vickers .0 Robb; 210 Tacks Insley, It String;. 15 dozen brooms, Hahn EiIIMMIM - . PITTSIII7ItO CENCI riTiATI R. It., October 19-110 libls door, linos A ao do, StiOmaker A Lang; tlln do d0,.1 I Ilonsr; 1 cor etirii,SLeiraieS. co; I du barley, r,teketi co; 1.9 (LIN. J.' shields; 11 11,10 apple. 4, Stur geon-A lino; 01,119 eggs, 3 kg,. hotter, Head All&triip..r; hhl+rgr*,a pkgri huger, 13 intik: , etterdnittl, 1. 1l Voigt d en; .2 hirlit egg -1, P Beck R :o; lig,i dry fruit, Potter, Aiken A Shepard; 100 1,1,19 flour,3leanor, Harper A. I 100 d; 10 do Ilenzeton; 1 ear I:Smith:3 ear:, corn, 1 do, oni,,,Hiltnore, Shop. Nome. RIVER- NEWS • The'rirer continues to recede tdeadlly nt this poult,witli lees than Pier feet in the chan nel 1.1. evening. The weather yesterday , wes clear and warns Mall JO Wilkll:4 slttolOwn, when It clouded' rip sa little, and the indications Were considered favor:a:lol.r ran. • There are no arrivals to; report it file from the regillar. wickets. Tire 'ltel.twitre bad mint arrived lip to 111.4. eveni ng,"beets de tained, doubtless by low outer nnitfot. The Nor:Orem i, ii, alsnit. .W 0 runt the iteivitoy, from I he saint: point, wilt QunUtleCss he {Olll.l In port this morning . . The Colom lila left for Cincinnati about mum Yesterday with a • very fair trip; indeed she Led all :lilt: cont.( take On 111. water. The Spray u' L its oinking preparations to leave fir tire same peletlastevening, and it Is pIi•JWIJI , , tile ItObtyldoore get off fur Portsmout 711 e , Forest City WWI I.olVed Up to the Par kersburg packet landing ye,d,rday afternoon, and front this it is sate to lister that silo will leave to.ilay in place of the Grey Eagle, the low water forcing the latter boat off the track. TIM Bob Hoy, in e0111141811‘) Or Capt.' Charlie Beers, is I.l.lllltiolleell tO tenon for Clnelnitat I this evening, twit pas:en - liters:tin' shippers sheets hear tins fact mind• The 1111unle Capt. Shaw, is filling up stea dily for St. Is :an:, lute ATribries, Capt. Golding. for New Orleans. 'lle Waintri- Ito passed 4.lfcreonville on Wealnemany, 'mond up strewn, and the. Kenton nun Ern,. Porter passed down the .111.10 Tire Sherman and Camelia were advertised for Pittsburgh Oil Thursday,and lbs Rolle Vernon awl cheer Cloud left St, Louls for Pittsbdrati on Tuesday.' Among Other items of trefgh t,t he last :mined boat, has thti followinz for this port bids tire clay. I for lahnestock, Fortnee hgs feed for 4. Taylor; .25 .lo fnr.A. Scott; la bids barytes for T. IL Nevin ft' Co.; and :12 huts tire' clay, for People'? Line wharf boat. The Clncltt• mitt Confmercant. of Thlfrighly vilYa Tie Leonid... , :rolipeit do.n to the levee last evenlng,and 1410 ilig for phis Tile (unmoral of Mr. John P. Smith well firms 0 St. !AMIN pilot, takes place flow his residence ,la ;Newport, this atternoou.stt The Saw J. Hale has 'too I,olfiers from Newport Barracks for New Or. leans. They belong to tire Fif tiwn th Itegulara. Cant...hones. 1P...1ae1: is en the City pros 'panting, utter a sojourn of two. mouths is Portsmeut h. Thetis appears to he a ;treat ;soarcity of boats on the tipper - ..l.lissiaiippt. Whe Muscatine JOl , l7lUt Sava:. _ 617 ca— time 411 vo cath . 41 00 110 45 00— time • Our grain dealers are ju,l. now experienc ing a world of Uoulile in regard to the ship ment of • grain down the river. For several days it lists 'men! ins posslioleto get a boat to take a poued of freight. The building on the levee is crowded with sacks awaiting trans, portation, and ut least seven or eight thou sand um stored in the various warehouses in the city. The great cry la for more lioate, and If some of the light draught eteuinera now plying on the Lower . ..Atitelsaippl will only come up this way ,the y . can get all the pa tronage they could poselblfr wish. . STEAMBOATS VOACINCINNATI, LOU- IIiVILLE AND Sr, LLAlJlS.—TbeielMts line passenger steamer no RO 2ESI. Wlll'l ir eave Y for the oltove and all i ll a ire l ge ' dl:te ports on SATOH isAY. For freight or patsage apply An board or to , oelp 'Ft Wt A COLLlrollyoOlt. Agents.. FOlt splendblakle 'abet.' et. am, ii , . C. B. Boss LngON. 8.. Battu. Jr.. Clerk, will run al a REG RIAU PACKET'. as announced above, 'caring on 1,1; 111i.illAYS at 121 r. : • Yor (might. or nel4 - JAII ~ ~ CBLLINO. Agents. 1. 4 - vu MEMPHIS & NEWE.n."5ll=t4 OILLEANd The splendid ateamer AMERICA / Vont. T. 11. lint.ide a, WIII leave for the above and all lunirinedlate porta, on TII la DAY. IMP. For freight or [MSS Age apply onboard or to ofil3 I , LACK & CUI/I.INOWIn Arnts• FOR — O ST. I.oll.llSTlpier t ipi passenger steamer MINNIE Capt. a. H. SITAR , . W ill km., foe Um above and all Intermediate norta i on Tlllfi DAY.. te ‘ ..l r l treig Var.lll " .t g t:VlTl l .l74 " 4lV , Z " . rl" ... „ t „ MILIRIET-z i Ett. T TAS PARKER:MI/1W PACK ET.rThe spLendickpaasenger Moonier - BAYARD Capt. 0000110 .5160111 G. =I MONDAY AND TNURSDAY.....tIIo4Io•.ti. N Lt.. Parkersburg TUESDAY AND YID DAY at. - 2 o'clock r. N Pot trelgbkor psszaga apply on bo•rd. nelS:kt PIANOS, ORGAM IHE BxtADBURY NE4P Y6itA~ Schonsocker & Co., Philadelphia P I 4!‘:I%*TC),E3. The Estey dr. Co.- Cottage Organ • AMERICAN ORCAN, Aeknowledurod by the best musical talent lu toe lUalted Matta to be superior to all ethers in power. *-h purity and quality of lone. and thereage workman- 4tsi, instraineota bay, for years tairn the tint premium over all competitors, at O L , L . and. County - I/airs. in prices tbey are lower-than any others: ,-.1111 warralitelior tire years., JiZt , St. Otsir sliest. Pittsburgh, Ps invaßE Co.'s GREAT UNRIVALLED PIANO FORTES, ritrias A co.v worldqvaowised AUTOMATIC vacuarnwspacLuinaus. Over !arty non stud now in n•e. pplendld new stock Just rco4l by 0033 CLULKUVM BLUM!, In Kinn nun nt. A SITUATION AB gousnErsr,a, AGENTS AtiD SALESMEN lu iivery Town, City out C....1y in Mu Aladin. Everybody out of cutplopuultt find it to the) =I I OCB.TtS • A GENTS IVAN'IIED IFOIL'A 111E4:, 1 - 1 .11 , .0i1i, NOW ILEADY. .. WOMEN OF THE•WRR• ItY FRAN 510012 , , author of "The Ite1.1:10 1 he object of this tO•cnllect and present narratives of tins ...cakes of the semen who shared the perils of the war.and ought to Inherit Its glories. The colon. , contains alsott COO OOt vu pages. and in Illtnit tat,' with ht,i' plate h0n.... , caeca, c.l lit the moot inipreacil noltt anti ley niihscription. icor litchi:tea, address or apply to AA !PENTS WANTED QT TIIE ItEKA IiEWI,3II mActitNr. COMVANY to .11 the. NEW $ . 2.3 WI I lea' from Mettle paper Co heavy heaver cloth or IrII her with out. change of feed. aevOle or teuttluth. tielf-MuMl l 4 nitzle , fz . lol. detlyttetl four mutton. r CIiCinIMIK stamp. It. HALL .0 CM. 68 Firth ..gre e t. t5. , ...1F100r t ) Oct • Pittsburgh; a. INIEN WANTED, TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Either permanently or temnornrllY. who nr. ; rum potent to.entrase In first-class businesr relations. - Apply In person.or address NT. II PaCElt, 5e13,155 9 9 Grantatrett. • Pittabureo. Ps. ' PITTSBURGH CUTLERY COM •n. PAN Y.—We hare on hand the eines% sleet Or Ho] lowG round Razor WELD.ON KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., NI Wood Street, near Sixth. mat :w JUST ARRIVED, FROM TIIE EAST BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, This °LI eatuto I shed Loose has now into thirty II re Woo, awl dollars worth of Boots and.ehoes, nut style, the Imes, the qtaality the hest, twolell wit • detersillued to cell at VERY LOW PRICES. W have resolved to to und.trsoid by any to the bus ineas that keeps gouda arorth having: Call 311.i.r.amineeer stock Of (00 , 111: And we fee Umthat you wilt purchase what you avant 1. the BOOt and •Ato. Ito not Puget the place, 80 Market street. 4 Alf CH RIM... FALL AND WINTER GOODS. • • - W. H.. IYIPG-EE, • No.lo St. Clair Street, ' w‘, call the attention of linyers to his stock of liuud s. whirls has been selected WWI mat vire, and „main, 411 the 134,4 & Wes of Goods to no lioattil to first-e' ars [mite.. 001113 want.. • CLOTIIES MAIM TV WIDER, will pleae call and a'samitie oar goods and prices. Al., 4111 and complete stock of FUlihISlllllO 001. to. WM. U. McGEE, • MEM:LUNT TAILOR. 10 St. l'lalr Street. vetch., NEW STYLES JIATS, ErCORD & CO„ 'l3l WOOD STItEET, • Are ll:caring an Immense stock of Embracins s an en.licba_varlety. • RATS FOIL THE LA NES,. GENTS AND BOYS. CAI'S OI YTS 1.6% FUN., FULL 'LAME. AND I.3IILDIthiN:, MIN h. bqUirliNt.. .10.. In tiny shape or price. to which they Invit the attention of all. deli BUY THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, you on, REPINEIIS, =I MEI vrAiummix BAHR, I= No. 43 Fifth St., up Stair I: c', ,i & HOWM No. ON Falls street- I'll4bortb POCKET CUTLERY Inabla city. Also, I= wnex. ZW. C:04:24.3a331V, Ageut l'lttstyorgb Cutler, Company. , ros. 61 and 69 FilTh 81yr . el .AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A Wife wroortzocat. of I= No, S 9 Market Streit, Pittsburgh, Pa HATS; GAPS AND FURS 2'. //. s CO., I'.l.c.xliccar N'es.iataiT/Cramllroom, N. W. Cor.3d and 111Farket =I DIULER, CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Illanufacturtrs, CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS of vtritNrruite coostatitiv on hand. In- MRS. S. I. STODDART would ' 4 " .. form her thatomera that alto has Just returned from the East with a haaihoine naortment or . DILLTANERY GOODS. ita•leiretnoved to the FIECOND FLOM, No. 48 YEIJKILAL hTILKLT, ALLEUtIENY CITY.- REMOVAL.-TIIE • UNDEIREIMA-. YD hove removed the °Mee of the HOPE lrfl. WORKS from 33 Market street, Plasburgh, to their Works on BAILION - STREET Brownstown, where hey can hereafter be found. , • Postoillee Address 030. Pittsburgh. oe2:116 ' OUNOAN .1t WILLIAMS. iitEND—on Penn street,' Tues day afternoon:a POCKET BOOK, which the owner cut Lave by cilifug at No. II Diamond (Treemout: ilourteiani Pro*lng protwil.7 =I! CM Dump BLACIIipERMIES. 30 881424, 101 BALE BY =i EMM=M!I! 11Ai/pillßO CfLIEESE. • • 100 BOXES FOB BALE BY = No. = Liberty 'Veal itias mesa mow) PUB BALK Br = =1!M;1 CLTE.s . E. • • Bti32 q.1:101 - C8 CEIAR141111 ' :0, BALI:MI6*, Ea ( I ,IIOIEE CANNED PE. C .7 al 0104 11 . 2 awl ** P"idcr• ibr tita by Dio.. tot L tMct! a :cent,' MISCELLANEOUS. i Di ANT T '' ' J'\ Cl'l'l7ll: 7 '7 NE GOODS JusT BEcEi E U 5111T;;;1".1' • JOS. EIOI-INE CO I=9 11 o.r T I) .11 a TS. AI I thelefOlng F.:IleS "rtir 11 I.3i.cex-y Groc,Cl,9l • • Crapes:m.lYr,,ln.s, Part, TAncy and V1,•1.5 1110bt tkaithie 1aos: 1,4- 1111. and Trltuntin: Inte;.tl4. A:11 rirlt flowers,wr choice, I..rt•ucll .111, riyaa; t aud t. 1114,•. aal 31.2 353 3RL XD .174.. X ==l ell!tang, }l3ltllllllt, pa ISS, Long, (Teti . , Valet, renne Edgings and Inserting, Flconritor.., and E lit pllllll,rs Embroidered and Plo Llisen Col larS, Culls. eels, Lae, aud Lore flood 4. e.s rind Cloak Trlmintims and Ornaments: Ball Irina, (limps and Baids; • Dress Trimming Bugle Frames. II MITE GOODs': • A most Complete strict of Jaconets, CainbrirS, Molls. se.. se. . • liamlkerehlefs. Plain. Lsee, item Embroidered, Tape Bordered, etc.. 4.1 e. Hosiery and Mover r,ery variety and all tires. Ladles' and Gent's Underwear. seurniffiitig Goods: Suspenders and Nerk-Ties; Heavy Shirts am Dutiles.. Son. Ton end IN I, ilrb , p iris Corset', llalr Puffs, Nets, Colon nod SUL Ll Bettons—tbe I Ltent 11OVeILIrS, nil Lind, Yarns—tireatesteve tete, Cm.hineri , it, , ,, and Knitting 1p tun varlonamixterea, plain eoler. and random. • dent's Paper Collars, and everTtlillig In Ilir No la , es as low as Eastern .1 obbloc nous" Nos. 17 nod 79 Market street an 2 4 1 • N EW FALL GOOIIS, DJfIWINT )17ti ' oro. 21 FIFTH ESIRROIDEILIE-N, 10 new and el,ratat pattern:: FA NCI' and EL, A IN ItoSI M. !CV, 10 b..itplAlll.l.:-: EMI:ROI:IEI[ED HANDliEltHlilt.ES: HEM-STITCHED do • IMITATION and ILEA, LACE do VA I, P.:NOS.NE.S LAVE, TH I:EA I) LACE 4)IIrATIoN do do IMITATION (I LTIIHIIIE I. AA do !Wirth:l; do LADIEs• I,I:ESS CA PA VA. vork.o o 1 ovl4-..: EV: STILe. LADIES' It EA D ItHESsI , : .IVIIITE NLHIS-ETIP...!:, PAVE!: A LIN EN CULLA MS: 1 ZFAHIYIL wousTEDs,. SLIPPER SII ETI, A ND W 001.; HATS;.TIJILHANS, EIBISONS, VIA:WE:Ls, Aln a fullj)ni• of NOTIONS, &6. =I Xacoov•aisit Cla,ea3x am . • s.Zl:irn JOHN CROFT, • RE4L EsraTE G E.VT, Office. No. 139 Irourtl; i rect. Pittsbus-gli, . • , beautifulilavlGl tale the following 'teal Estate; e A ti Dow Frame L/we l illuir . lll,glilv flultheil, containing alb rooms rind wide hail, parlor lo hV 110 feet, with two fire loam nail titartle Iliac 114.5. or bundler. 47.2au; w ill be told 10 conneeLlon with: 1 or 0 acres or ground. Fart! 0 baying the entire acres, Inclodluß the house coo Lave the none, , which einvaistyof applev,' oat . 1.0. W . ,. an I milt row. Price 811,00 o; one thltil down; bleat., lorflve year+, et:cured by bon and mortgage, Cho ate at kelgewtwel Mallon, :Whin out au Ow Pella, Railroad. Trains imbilug to awl :run 1111, mutton every hour of the day, op to II o'cloc4 P. N. 1 . 41 - GresIOD 1M1n441•4413 . • .140. • few morn ACRE Lt ITS, at (1,003 earl.; one third cult the bylaw:tin nee yeatJ; glttlate at the above station. Tne plan of tliege lots, and the nine setts and bottle above mentioned con lc wen al thls other. . . A hew Frame Honer, 4 Mon., finished garret and wide hall; lot IS by 07 feet; 6140410 00 Jefferson it., Alleglieey. • L.yrge thick 'loose oflo twin.; with sill.' balls, brit and cold•water and 03 litrollghout the IMO r...; tin 4:114.41nut &trey t, Allegheny. AlLo,..Alarge amount of other city•propeilp fn OM, • , Office holm* from 3 to II A. v., 1 to 5 r. 11., 111n.I 7 toOlutbueveolog• ' 4 • F '. • GREAT WE:Sri:IIN , . • PLANING MILL, I cove ef., lultffey Street an/ Duquesne IYu-y, = Sash Doors, Blinds and Moulding/ MADE TU ORDER. Menials...l wort, Is put In dry Unuse and Ilnlithe.l when taken out. raltiipl Flooring, Weaklier lloestllng. Lathe end Shingle constentip on haul. Sowing, en-vim - Mg end Smut sawing done will Of all kind made Warder. . DARKER & HASELTINE. No. 12 Filth Street, Secono Story, OVER' U. ItICHAUD6O , I 47. DZALLIIS LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, MOULDINGS, Bc., &c A . full stock roustsntly on hand MONUMENTS, GIMAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains, Statuntry,i V nses% EMI DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOMEI CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING VOrtbsued the stock and machinery of the late FREDERICK AESCHLESI ANN, bare on the Oral .day of October. PCS. entered into A partnership tin der the style or HARPER. tarritAN 1 Cu.. for the manufacture of IN AtiONS, de.., at the .04 e tablislied. stands of Fr...tenet: Aeseblentann and Thomas Harper, au Beaver street. Manchester, mot Would respectfally solleit a continuance of the patiodago hithertou liberally bestowed. THOMAS II ARPF-It„ A. ANTHONY OU - oetttflA . ADAM AbSCHELSI ANN. -F. MUSSMANN, • Filth Strut, between Tunnel and Chatham Streets, 1 GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE First elms grads of all .didteriptiona always on 1 hand add bold at the lowest mice. Repairing don arnhilly on t voile.. to. J. C. Durlen C.IBILIFFIThIi . Carers of Bareapar II a. Lemon and Eareberry SSICID TA7.4I2r2.IEI3ELESI. lit.nm berry and Lemon Syrups; Bottlers otelsolee Ale., Brown Mont , Later Beer and Chun.' Dune Cider; Cider by tbe barrel. half barrel or h.g, Nos. Sea and Mk MAIL lila 01'., near nano nd, burgh, Pa. • Orders filled and abloped to all parte of too goon try.oo entire po n d 164.011..1*.T NEW rArilit VIANGINGS. • FOll PABLOltti—Yrencli „Design., with (told Boy den VOEL Fatterna on Orange g glt d llAL.l.3—Nerr tireek Pattersis on Kra Oal ground. • YJIt CllAlll3F:lls—Lace awl. Muslin Patterns over duk nr , nondo. For Bale by W, LIAR od n1A1.1., rent • sr Wouert. IPITTSBURIIH AND ,OAKLAND OREKNHOUSP.S. =• • JOHN R.& A. stinaDocii.. (5......0rd to John Murdoch, Jr.,) NURSERYid EN AND FIAJIIISTS, Pittsburgh, Pa., sone)) attention to their ei tenet., atoek or IT AND -01tNAMENTAL • THPIDI, EX thi6ItEICC3, hiItAPE VINES AN I),OREEN MOUJE I'LANTB. Call fora Fall Circular. • rittaborgh and Oakland Passenger Care- rim to hAlireetihnuse every IS minutes. vZh 0:4 ROLMEs, BELL bt• CO., 'Auto ( Coll6n Milts, Pittsburgh, n • -ANOHORfA)SHERI/N • AN NWICIMITIVINIZOS , And ,lATTINO MONEY .40AN OFFICE; NO. INS tibllTll FIELD STILIENT, cores, of Math, Pittsburgh-. Money Loaned on eillver.rlatee. thine, Plidolt, Diamonds, Jewelry, Mold and hilver Watcher Clothing, and valuable art leles of every desbriptioo. The good. cannot lw delivered'without a , ticket. Not accountable in , caae of dre or robbery. Gouda of ever. description for sale al to e.! Driest.. gjels:twe /MA NU Y.I. lie Itt•V B VlLLtaatet ' n. W. coWAN. .WILLIA4B & . 0011VANt • PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT ROOFERS. ' Then hest; On hand a large supply of Hoofing afa. teilals. !Slate Cement.' Yelt. Mantas Paints awl Varnishes. rtnnipt attention given to the Rooting butnees. °Mom No. 251 Venn street, and Ha n iat minnow. PiW•nntil. a. Pit • w 07.1.1 TnE EELEnnATED STEEL A= TOOTH ItAr• WAILES. ••eraiste the 'ldeadow Larko are manufactured only at the UlltatlgtiNK„WoWlLti, n!sr the renttentlary, A le g IaTVM . .. op - rfng and Plain Wagons. Whoelbar- MINA and Tracts or every styld..made of ito beak rAt..9IS. DREG STORE , 11 , 011 SALE.—A Drug and Prescriptionre. doing a good Ini- Manse, vitt Silver hodaroun 10, centrally located )c on epe or tae•prlncitral elm of tbn city, with aims( can passing 01 . 017 Tire minutes. 11 And', tLarure. and lease n house for one or two tears can tie bad. •Por particulars, enoulreafJOliN MITCHELL, earner of Matti and Wood stE, or at diltOWN , tl Drew shore, corner of A adrisou and 'Lassen stn.; Alisstisny. .412,14,41 , 1 v GIUN7`ICK F RESIDENCE O BALE.-47,ecev1ii purchase . . . • " . A COI.IIITATAF.SIDOVCE C ontainfiag 10% Mira*, An which there Is erieted two sturlsol Co[tn4r an,m.e. situated on lb& line • the Allsgheur Vsnityltstkoarl. A Ir iioiTy ll=2l .30 EA8litt•11141111111.TON_ MIRE ,LlC.ll,lo.!reqhl e and.for sale by .• .• •r ti itvi A. EILLLY.A IX).. .4.01 t —,.04 , 1•M000ll• r!lnorirle.„ , • erDDLIL=BOILED !LINSEED OIL ng ! lv " saa ___ - —.oat • rnitintt, Z 1 Wood ureat. F. OHM JAPAN DRYER received' tr " ° ute " 01011GVA. KELLY a co.. aor Wiormwr UtmclAP, FIY9m l'lNTii WAF:O, liTli3tiliß.GH ME IRON AND FORGINGS Hammered al;41 Ilmeoniti T tic ))N! Car 1:1:11 , GF: 110 , N I;o1.TS, AND •1,01."1, , . I ”1'TAG0NA1.11 , .1.1. ,, W IVEUU.:IIDI.It4)Ii 'l' AND AN RIX 1.1:0N..1. -, 95 • IVater 8811 Ib2t; Fir,l Streets; • THENVOItIii, MN't 1111'AI:1 1 , EI rrseee9n. FORT PITT " BOILER, STILL BB TANK CARROLL & SNYDER, Tp BULAR, I 111.1 FI.D MD, TOllll EA It 4'IILE-111.1 .t 1' lAN I. Lit L•ni LERS; On, sTILLs AN!, Ini, TANKS; CIIAMNEIs, PREECIIINki AND ASII PANS; SETPLING pANs, PANS AND CO;:- DESSEP. , ,. STEAM PIPITS, GAttEIIETEILS, AND IRON • . PICI*ON AND C0.11.-;IILITES 0111de and Weirlin. rnrtier Snood. Third - Short Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Za - 0r.1,5 r t It, the abnvc h 4. ronavt 7.1tCri , 1.1 tw, erl4Jsa SIIEFFIEbB STEEL WORKS SiNGER, MICK 8p CO BEST REFINED CAST STEEL iSIIDADE, RAT AND OCTAGON, OF ALL SIZES. MILL. 3.11.,LAY. CI IiANG SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND , EMI-Eiurric RAILWAY' SPRINGS, Cast Spring Stcd, Cast and German Plow Stec CLOW WINK, AND MOWER BAK.i. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, SICKLK. eIIOVEL, (MK, FORK, TUE CALK AND MALIUNKKY UA>T KTVAI C1:OW-BA1L7, Ac., SC., le. Warehouse, S 3 Wale' . St., Pittsburgh scl :41 . - ‘ 7 .1 4 :15 . IU-N-I IRON AND NAIL WORKS LEWIS, WtIJIEY, DAUM & CO BAR, BOILER, SHEET AELDITDEK. IPLCVD4 NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 72 Itiater & 90 Front 51,, PlTTSlntrwri, KEYSTONE IRON WORK` IiUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., Mann factnrers or the preront sire, of Round, Square, Flat-and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, .. Hoop and Band Iron, Botter-I'late, Tank and . Salt-Pau IrOit, Sheet Iron, Stc,,t.c., ,Stc. Worke. 11111' TOWNS!' IV, on 31onongmlols flvto ()ince and Warrhonse: No. 140 Wr4er • Street MEM FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. 136.7LNEICIry Copying Presses. Warehouse Triteks,. Baggage - Ith - trrows, Sugar Bills, FORSITILL 'TAYLOR E&•CO., ee7l.ke3 3.9 At ARK.F.T STREET. ITIAARALINV - A..1 B. WOLF, JR., Sr. IMALUE ti Of Hardware 8, Cutlery. Are now receiving large addition: to on, stock. which la offered to Dealere at m.e..isrriaxtrz 3e , Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., -.'V'litEtlbtaac_ • , se.r.:krz • MM=MM MONT BLANC FO NOM Butler Street, Ninth Ward, 'OPPOSITE UNION IRON /11-11.LF r' X. 'X' "X• it. 113 .I , 4Crla- 3Et ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTING MAMMY AND CASTINGS WERALLY Orders promptly end carefully executed. Cihlltl ES ItEASONA OLE, EBISEIFIT DIACKLIND MEM =I I=l PENNA, SALT MANUFACTUR% .CO eENNA. SALT MANUFACIUn Co FOIITY YEARS PRACTICE _ •:_ IN NILTWAL DIBEANZII Olsen roe A knowledge • seJdom acquired try rbyal. dans, y utwee .' e nee In thls thy, and the amens of pstlenta. trate annually try me, ma sansosesis proof of my • . SPItILSIATOILIIIIM, or &anal Weskneas, nt` all diseases , Arising therefrom, are cured In a inset rlif i gltratiVirlti. i ngt= % T or ro w na " sm u 7sf the Union.' All Letters must contain gap to t pa wiAgn pottw. Curreapoudenen h-ld snared. Ilee,• 131111THYIKI , IS tllltaKT, near Ingleno Address. ' muumErntur; at. p. - sok rat DISELLSES.:I* --• A. DN. YOUNG, (tato orPhtlidelphis.-1 No. ID Third wrest. treat: , all deaertpuons of PO vote IN.esses mith.oolot ~ elf frueetes. Particular attettlionpa .e toSpet inatorrimena an 1 diseases of the Urinary' Organs. Ills Crew:wallet the Some being the most suocesidelaver esopitlet' lie glees boors ors speed's - cure lathe atlicted. • Ladles - PHI end blatirunienasrogae superior WOO Otte , PreParitiOnObaltntetiOng 10 Um boOthy , tottortnte 'flood. No. 1.- Lind Dollar pet . bottle. No. 2, Which Is four domes stemma'. , dedfneiblbie obstinate' cases,- , Dollard"po Ottleebours SA; x. hod p. r. u. Sp Or. w. Add ress, with stamp. .- DR. ItOONo. No.lll Third street, Pittabilrlibs- ) etMagtirit _ COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; MISCELLANEOUS. S PUNDIT! IibLIDAY PRESENTS, ; 17 _ l '"" 6, MILLER & RICKETSUNI • 7 I= =I =I PITTSBURGH. PA. PITTSBURGH. PA. Wholes* Grocers, A S; Li InViila b: MS OF BRANDIE, WINES tiND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of r l.iberly and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, SLC. Constantly out hand. in! BREW - F.ll, BII)flit & CO., CaIInISSION DIEUIMINTS, AUENTS FOkt THIf. Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Wotks,. Ant; de Storage for Crude and itenned Oil. Libel. SI 'ad ralle• made on consteranents tot Crude or IDNIDe.I Petroleum. Yards .for storace mad anio n:rut of Crude tilt at Lawrenceville. °ince Awl Wnrebouge. Corner 01 DIVANNINe WAy and liancocit. street. L'lttatmegb. , MI/C.2S erten NEIL .I•3.t}. 1L12C116.62. ObATISSION MERCULNTS, • • AND DELLZILS IN Flour, Grain, Seeds, Elill Feed, &r: Ji PiTTI3I3OE9 H. VA MIZE WILLIAM C. LEE, SuccesNor to ALEX. (JORDON COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Plrimß.O2zcAkisrr. No. 102 Second Street, Plttiburgti, Pa. 11.7rAgent for the .. ht. I.ole' • Li•si ripe and S!lcet 1.t..1 Rome. Desler to MD and 13J111 LX•O4 111011.., Vila :CLAY, Sm. Consignments so astd ordera promptly tilled. .121:1,4 r. o e J. XYNNsolc le. iialn . r.U. ()TrlinVg . 2Efa4l . l l MVs hole.nla• Ihelers FORICION AND DOSIE6IIC V taut's, SALT. VIA/lilt. BUTTER.. EGUS: I 0- TATOES, and Provislous marl rroduee Kea rallp. No. 76 Y.F.DIELULL 6CILEET, pp II t oe .11.11rowl IJr rot. Accsour.Nr. Agrcas fur the Ealo of P. Y. Hite., Donnell a EllmsoVir vl.l j. KarrVe drat. . ' aricird I S. NEWIOYER CO., • •, J. • COMMISSION MEBOILiNTS, • And .Icaters lo Flour, (Halo, Fecd and Produce. Cash advancos made on consignibents. Van-Louse, No:3tHl PENN SIIIEE'r, opposite Cobol Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. r . JyattZ CRAWFORD, COllllll itimlon Rai:CHANT lulOU al ETA b, BLOOM., IRON our.. W /Woo HT SCRAP IKON, FIRE BRICK and CLAY, Lo. Warehouse and OClee, Na.. 364 sod 1364 PEN N eITan.IST. Storage furnlshest Constgotneots soilelted. ALAI. M• 11.0,111. 4. B. ANJYTI M "BANE .Sr. ANJEIt, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and dealeralst FLOUIL,ORAIR and PRODUCE, Second street., t.etnern Wool mad Smithfield, 1.11.411)11reu. aplltly 1,106. TORTZR::. f :.JOAN /111141—...8; A. dltlerAuLD, poTT en, dIKJEN • & SEWPAIID ComaWWl Merchants., and dealers In Yorelgn and Domsat Yrst FiOUT, Batter, Cheese. Urn, l'utsdoes Dd torodnee geld:rally. No. lad) LLIIICB.T •STREKT: 10poete rafWellger lkOot. rMtshnsllh• ws. P. SAC" TtiOa. WITGEMLL WM. P, BECIL b. CO, •No. ISS Liberty street, rlttatrargh. Pa. , WholerAle (imeero,Coalteeatcon Morelaants.d dealer. In Conn try Prude., flaZoo, _Luc, Ullti.% 141. Cheese, Vistk. Prodtree. rroor , u n . t „ yfaimiae.., Salt and lame. W. rand.... OTIS Migrant , CULP & SELEPAIIJD_, Commission at,..s.mant and dealers In Flour. Grain and Pro duce. ,17Llbert7 street., Pittsburgh. Cbom, orands of Ylour.for Bakers and Fitmlly.use consluttry du band: Partleular attention pad to 13111nr..ruer %for Merchandlle generally. ocikly LITTLE, ILLIUD ac PAT'rON, n.ol.4.orocei, Commission Merchants, and dealers In Produce. eons . . Baron. Cheese. Tlsti. Carbon and Load Iran, Nulls, (Mass, Cotton l'arni and all Pittsburgh manniaatires general!! 13 and 114 SeCOntiftrect, FiltSblagh. P. R[TIIIR .I. B. WM. D. BZT VIM IptEVIVICR &. BROS., (Successors to Reymer .t Acdcreou,)Whnloiale Dealers in For- Ved Fruits, Nuts !did Spleeq. Confectionery, tilars. Vvenorta; Ere., hue. 1.% add= Wood Weal.. above Fifth Fiftabwah. • 9.91199.79evrux. 1/ KNOX. & SON,. e019219111917110rk 11. EtzlicHANTSmiaLDeelers In YLOUIL (MAIM, MILL /MED Ad rItUDUUK gamerally, No. 79 utiond, oppoll‘e CIIP Hall. Aileskem7 j917:1991 OIIN B. CA.NFIELD, Commisaion to tkrAti r g'Rng-Tr: k a.leStAt.7. 4 °.=_`i?:,!t r Bacon, norm rah. Pot and. Pearl Aanes, naleratna, Linseed and Lard one, reeledand Preninee generally. Nos: 141 and 140 Irront street. Infanta , / rn D. J. A. GRAPY. GRAFF & REITER, PRODUCE, Codirtissleo sirl rt Portrtitult nerttleetu. an d pnrcblatk agolU all Pittsburgh Weasfsetures. - Warebusse i 'hu.saLlbertY street, rittoarsh.•ra• Jon& 1.4101.111/.••••ZOW&UO 111. goon. 011 N .I. fIOUSE BROS.. gucces son TO JOIRIT 1. BOOBS & CO., .OMIIII.IO te and Comma'lpalon „Ilerehantm, &MN/ 01 Smith geldn and 'A r mee .strecte, Plttabontlg. fell ANJ}S DALZELL & SON, Illanu • (=Were °Mar.' WI, and ContmaLseton Merchant, for the porehase nod sate of Crude and Reined Pe• trolenen, Noe. GS And TO Water street. Pittsburgh. AdVaocel mule on (lonetenznent!, ~, , CIIOIIIAKEII, & LAING,WhoIessiIe 4-7 dealers to llrorerles, floor, wale, Produce. Pro ital.', Fish, Cheese, Ban, Carbon OU, Nos. 111 and Pa. 174 Wood Wert, near I.lberly 31.1h47. P/444bullth. sellay BltOliGr tiZOILOI XLTZGA.E. READ akitIETZGAII, Grocers and Conuntsiton Ifferchanni, &nth] earn in all lauds of Country Produce and Plttabumb Mann iinturei. No. MO Ltnerty Street. ooPodtunui4 or Wood eltunt: rittsburgb.: r • 10317 TorrzEit & ARMSTRONG, For- A.' warding and Coamaxlaslon afercbants, (Or the sale of Floar, Crrala, Itaeon, Lard, Butter. Seeds. Dried FruSta, and Produce generally, No. afarket Street. corner of rine. Pitts - burgh. P , *•• L • renAY ROBERT DAZZELL .16 7. DALZELL. 10.111T.•DALZELL CO , , Whole .l-.• 640 Grocers: Commaslon.unl Inafrardlng Mer cuhacnttu.r aend Ndeea. l2esrs L n b , ery do t c re a s n i d P a it btuughh Mu. JOUr MATS .. • — WILSUIS. WATT ..SL WILSON, - Wholesale Grocers, Comudieston Yerebanta, grid deafen In Produce and Pittrburitt .lialmbeturca. NO. 138 LlD artpstreet,Pittsburgh. RIDDLE., No: IS3 Liberty tit., 1-1-. Pittsburgh.- Comsuladon• Merchant. and Wholesale D In Count Prodace. tlrorerles Plttahurah manufactures. ry elbil advanced on Cu and 11. . iv.ents, and paid fur Produce generally.' .n DUCH' DICKEY & CO.; Wholesale Grocers, Commalesion Merchants-and dealers In Produce. No. BO Water street and, E 6 Pront street, Pittsburgh. . WlLliblS WILLEM • (Sureesaor to ligekeoma & Linhszt)C • Dealer ill ?flour and Grath. Protium and Comnilashht iterehLats 151 LIBE RTY 13TRYYT, Pittsburgh. L. . • 41:11 JOHN MAY 0. ..... wit. NWT J O 011 N FLOWD & CO., Wholesale Zi0.1.72W004 an42l3Liberty street.. Pittsburgh. Pg.• ' • ardittlid ionx rToN A. IVALLACL. !..ltrroN , & WALLACE; Whole axle 11111/CERS AND PILCIDUCE MULLER...I. N btrer rittsbUntb. • • • • • II PHOENIX STRAIIMIXWERY JOB. larriscrat.,a. 408..lelLiT PENCEIL ,-, & MCKAY , 1111LSTERS . AI D :BREWERS ox Ale; Portei and BSIOn Stent, EITT861111611; PA. j ; 113. VAINOVELL, • • • • • • RD AND AIR-HEATER • -FOR CO L OIL LAMPS. • - The merits of thLa In oW consist In Its pro tection to lamp ehlmneys, which are euntinually breaking - while belnktiso d With the ordinary letups. „' sudden transition tabs brat .lb coldasneraCk - or break these rkimnersilhe imps can be. carried with safetyand without ,apprehension, In the most elolent wind.—renenting a steady light under all circumstances: and the test that one-third /rag of oil is consumed, renders this ',most valuable acqui sition to home-keepers. Samples Ma tO any part of the U. S. en receipt of zeenta. pet aid. CPEIELL. No. hiG:Ttare Weal, or Mil Cadbury Ave nue . - ocailteidirT ;Jawolovitaxturarr. . I was." MICRO . • _ - • A. BRYAN. Broker in Stocks, ' BONDS AND REAL .12STIri, 57 VUUEUI bTH,VILT, Bulidlnt 1!.7.• uI telly on COmmlgston DANK. ZAlytUdl), INtiUttkNeli. I=l MUiIICITAL.:iLAILItO/11).AND OTIIEU BoMVS. cederaeseented b teleteapb at the lq EV YOBS and rtltGllt ELrEtt6 ISt thßliSatthe ratee. otcummluloa camel to those et Pre Er9 i gni t ig LaTUtit'llooll4 1.111 HOW": No - OOloeitared.l4 No. 64 litlaTlMitr•D ..PHE1.1"3.4 . CO. A'oenpi lor . New foi2lint6ltCti 4-uirt'l3elting. LiltivialiTatiheariturem° 92 ' ILIVNTO and BUM. BEAM HOOK& etc. ftesaw POINT !MALT 1110U8L11. W. K. cutsnako & co. Masters, Grain &flop Dealer's; No. X l7 {peter Nes. 5 ARA 7 'Foram Street, pirrseußcH PA ' Ber.rr:batheztaeadstet- wirgt• PRIVATE" DVIVABE&,: • eirsCi xft : . _ For the. cure ego wo thopues.tiazit•iagniA nom s to toar is try INV mamma: USK Ausaustot-Pareatiar.cein vera menOß wn llllMlNUallitiaNsr 1 it 4100414%Wilia1411iii2i,"?"-) NEW WALL PAPERS atqw re. MAURXT*IittiM, 211/Giit AVM, SIX Age MURFIERfI! APO.. MILD I\ll MAR, Financial Cri is C..pel us Vr you In the course ut Six Mouths $251:000 -*r MEMO {VatChes. Clocks, Chains,Dia mond Dings, Pianos. Meode ons, Sewing Machines. Sil ver Ware, Sc., ALL TO BF. DIS10:4:1) OF AT ne Do1JIL1• • Without regard to value t and oatpaid for until you know WWI, you aro to root.ts o. 11-Arter receiving the - article, ir it does nit Oen:eten, you can return It and yowl money 'rat ni r f r •neett. THE 'trite in COSI E RISES, among other "". ire. Splendid Citteits. thud sod Miser Watehei. Attics eel with Diamond+. Ruble+, Pearls, u anent and other Stant, (solitaire and tu eluntern.) Ludies• beta Of JewelrT. eoenttrt stng ettbl -Ear Rings of •tle most fashionable style, net in Precious lltorte+ of every varlets. with large ostlnnetent of tluld cud Enamelled mud Ite•rl:+etti t (hold Dillti a au •I etleers of the ecoahe Ineatalfal !Luttrell, Dent. Bosom and Scarf Pius, and,. endless Tar toy 0, Ite 2 eelets , Munieal Hones, Wad Ore, CO. thmeths. Charms, etc. In CORM linen month. great staectillon of tratle in the Ilanufacturtna dlarleta or Eras... and Enrlaud, quantit• of vainable Jewelzy, oriejnelln in tended for the t lt:u ropean marine, ha,,e n et:oton for sale In I he enantr!. and most her:cid at Imo Sac. rider. Under these cireumstfbets the "WATCH &GOLD JEWELRY COMPANY." =I AN APPORTIONMENT, • s o b ] , to ti or f o uowlng regulations: Certlncaleant the various a:inf.:l4th withosit regard to choltt tsr Value ire liret hut Into envehnw.i. 1 , e21.1,1 and mired: and when ordered, are taken out by aun folded boy. and sent by niall w ilnia I etialve • tin receipt alibi Ceti evade, you .1.111 we 'S I ; what ynu ate to hare, and then it la at year option tendthe , dollar and tale the article or niut. l'n, • :chasers nifty 11,110 01113111 a lnatio. Melodeon, Sew- •i • • lug Ilatliaue, 0.4.1 Veatch, Diamond - Ring. a or ny .;; ; • eet Hi Jewelry on our List for One 1 Wnar. • ' . 140 itt Mad - IV - MC EL SEND i.:N ; CENTS FOIL A CEETIFICATf. Snail traussetious by mail, ire 611111 charge. for forwarding tin, cert ideate. raY log tiriatane and de :lug the hunitinaa2.s cents eaol w t, hich must he en- closed wpe the evelidcatit Is sent Inr. Fire enrol ;agate, n be sent for 41. 'eleven for $l, thirty for arty-dvo for $lO. and 100 for AGENTS—We want agents la 004 county Wile country, and UM. acting .5 such he allowed ten cents on every ccrtilicate ordered • them provided their rew Mance smolnla to al. /Lamas will collect 23 ' , eon !ureters certtnente„ and i remit IS cents to us, cline, in cash or po Inge stamps , Agetail remitting at once Od. with beetitled to a beautiful Sliver Wateb and also :AlO certificates. Please wnte your Name, Town, County and Slate ' visibly, and address all orderai tU VAUD AND COLD JEWELRY OMNI. :tG t.lbery Strert. New. Yea - . t JAB.% RMITII. R. A. TOWN°. • TIIUMAR BOOTH. THOMAS BROWN. • •.! ALLEGHENY BREWERY. .1 • 1114.1 pg purchased the old established Brewery' known as the AI.I.F.UItES. BREW EttY. formerly petted by Cato peril .k In m teino, we would foru the a public that we intend continuing the manufacture of 1 EPRING WATER ALES Made fivoit Pure Spring Water. and from our reeilf. ties and long experience in the butane... we lead latithed that we will be enabled to give entire eat sfactiou lo those natio nay favor ea with their luti 13$71drriEt 465 Rebeca 'Street; ' ALLEGHENY orders left at BROWN GRAILLIPS,• 203 Liberty .street, Pittsburgh, Intl be prom by attended :0. 1866. - FALL 1866. C.A.3ELI"II - 47.7rc4 Wetkre now exhlbitinir for IrALG TRADE the most extensive stock of goods we have ever had the 4 nrensere of oiTerinir to oor Patrons. English Brussels and Tapestries, Of our own Importation, .coinprialna. many new and C.: choice Pancras nave, befure lA till& market. .1 ITCH 9ILTOI BD VELVET EAEPETS BD CUM shun:cowman) ww rds I. acz New and Ileput Patterns of Conlim .;! Side & Centre Tassels, Leaps & Bands, 'Cliolco gtyles Notting Curtains. WFASLAND & coulaa. N... 71 and 73 FIVTLI'ISTRZWF. Neit bolus to U. S. CuttOto House Ind Post Mire. - Second, Floor. THE GREATEST 'INVENTION OF TILE ADE.. - Webster's Patent abrilinaryWrencb," . FOIL CUTTINU OFF . • .. Bolts, Round Sods, Steam, Gas, Brass and • • 'Lead Plpe., Wilt holds Round Rod or Bolt 111 SCIIENFIND OFF A RUSTY liter. The Appliances need In thls WRENCII for Cutting off and Pm.evetng up Pipe. Ac., can•be carried In the Portal. obviating the expense and burden of toe great weight of Tongs, 3e., to berried and used In eUTTINO UP AND itEPAIRIN ca D WORN JUSL What to wanted by every nreAu and GAS FITTED, PLUidliElt, ENGINE - SRL MACHINIST. 111.40104 HIT% CAR,_ and CADRIAUE MUMS FRS. and on all STEAAlntilni, BOATS. L. WOld TIVES, iliz icrt lvAd v ln REPAIR 1.100 at SHOP WORRY. WAYE it AND a 11;.-,..Rit,IT„ These WICENCHOS are made In the most there °nab manure, and are Over ale per cent. cheap• r thou any other Santa need to I.E. rforgt tile Same work.. ' A 12 In. Wrench alll mit cdr and serest, up pipe Id to 1. In. diameter Alt In. Wrench te r cut of and screw .up pipe trel. loch diameter: An IS Inch Wee eh wiliest oil and screw op pipe 3,1, to 2 Inches diameter. A .Pinch Wrench will cut off and screw up pipe .36 le 2% inches diameter.. bonnie by M. McSTEEN & CO., 0c3:14 No. 34 Water street. near ' , M.D. DYG..I. S. RING ' • Hee resumed the prartlee of Dentletry 'al NO. 104 -m-..X3E"PX2r, Opposite the Cathedral. • Where be whine to re - c , ilve hie Mende and patron. who are In need ut the eervtu•s of Inexperienced DENTAL PRACTITIONER. Especial Attention will be Alyce to the ppreserve-- ttnnofthe natural. teeth by skillfully Ulnae them with the most select material. and by giving them other proper treatment. thus pre iervlog them for future uses and comfort In a ripe old age. Irregularity of the teeth of. young persons skill fully attended to mad'eurre-ted. Thuile beautiful life-like arthicial teeth. rt odered ' so comfortable and useful by the magic of the Doe toe's umehanium, will be made ready for all who may order them. All reeeot discoveries of value to gloluit relief from pain In the Atmutton of teeth, will he skill fully admluisteredto those who may desire thr La. ' Vallee Immune SI a. N. to 4r. tr. te17.194 General i Conunisaion Merchant, Anainr..trzn IN (41141 N, clEuxxocv=:xin, - Hagler oempleta arrsageMenta - ha *henna , ., by ateem,'lrabeshete of 4:orn rer day, and iso thighoa of Coralleal, iesperthdly sonata patronage • All ardor., promptly:attended to at the toweet. ' • -•-• • Ell=l=l Fri 733 Bo: M. Chilteothe. I PIO 3 E I . 2 COMX4sgiCe2=I. 0301 E. SUSAND LIVEELY STABLE, - au. 410 Penn Street. JAMES B . ; DAIM , Proprietor, /Sir emolliesea and . 'carciagto itahed fbr all Ultima, 'Alio, Verlag:es for l'userala. We:idiots. ,anti Parties an abort notice and raisonable rates. • stable Open Day mid Night. JyanlOtT.Tit.a • SCIIIVCIIMAPIF. St. COop PRACTICAt -LMIOGRAPHERt i. Ths LITitoWIAPUIC. 6141011101 T WEST 011 MOUNTALINB. Bald nat ness Casda. Latter Boas; Bondi. Liam'., Ism bow Cards:. DIPtoAsl4. rolThati. Views. CenliestesofDegoelts.ll4,o!leards. ito .Noe. 72 and 14 Tnirdst«. Ittab , nib- wuksi pANZIAPEIt tram L _'`. l otiCl 23ll3 l2yM7irtßi MUM. - warearan,_ B* bra ern= enstantlyors t aqui& wA . m aawki rt w Mir A ble ,t.aPlat - 730.0 13* m u :- itelfitelkaasa. 'Asia at ilteubsamttla,_ol l6 . lartxktattattalsk at Biala Iltlabsaa..l.6. .11.111RICATING 011.-50bbls. JLA PatING u. cows, II El I BAX , FORD,