NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. -GENTS- FEBAISMAG GOODS MURDOCii & PUTNAM, 78. MoSttala Eintroot, . Nearly opposite Post Attlee Uhdershirts & Drawers, : • For Men and Boys* - CLOVEN AND HALF /1:11151E. TIES, SCARFS ANDRANDKERCIREFS, Flu( and Collars, Flannel` and Cassinieie Shirts ItEAIEMLIEIt •ruE NAME AND PLACE MURDOCK & PUTNAM. ...LeL145:178 • • NEW GOODS AT . • Nos. IS and SO market St., 41 , il'holtsale and Retail. • . •LA.DIEIi, PLEAS ' IC E NYTIC that_vve diave the richest and moat ondsome stoek of Pt tiooDy in our I Ina In the c ty, winch cannot tail to he appreciated. We menu a few specials only. G(..ON/LJ—Ftill line A eltandre's and Coorvol sear's. IYANDI'ENCIIIE tem-stitched and Em ' oroldermi—very hondooni, . • POINT :VALENCIA and THREAD LACE COL LA HP. MALTESE LACE COLLAII2— y tie U. l;nurc. (limey. Valencia. Thread and - 81 alWse—new and desirshle. ...SAND AND PUNNET NUM/NS—Fine .soriment. SILO AN!) 4.IASIIIiY.ItE SCARFtt TIES, etc.—New siylcs. lillTioNN—lts Crochet, 80, Head, Velvet and Flory, for Cno.ks, Vsceoes gle and Dresses.. L *DI El? NYIBILUIDEILEII oli.iftTei led Eno. • hrolderiet of every oeicrl piton. of Ile...designs. YP)SIEItY AND (D.oVES-11/illlpicui assortment, oserelollY Very Hell ecotch Plaid and Fancy cosstunere !lose for Ladles. ]Metes and Chit- MESLAENT' ` LND NI E N N D CA N RU C F , NT I S N(DSV UID 0. 010401 e. hSERCU ANTS FROM Cat AND COUNTRY are invited to examine our-tool, lw bleb will be found very rotraetler, coinplete. and at pram' as low as the, lowest, for card, tkirWeu'lllcot te: undersold by any In the trade MACRUM, CLYDE & CO. . J. A. ROBINSON & AO., Qa Jtlarkee Street. Have pat tt cnived a large and well selected stock of Men!a French Calf, 'Rip and ' Water-Proof Boots, Lad ies'4ll ss est, Boy's, ion ths' and Childreus 9 BOON, HOES, GETEIIS, MO OR, AmnfnoN •ar..c.x.irmitra.Es ' Of All the , Latest Styles, \ MAN UFACTURED FOR THE RETAIL TRADE, AT EATON'S, . • ' -A LARGE bTOCK OF Ladies' and Misses' BALMORAL HOSE, Fleebed Cotton Hose, In a/1 Sizes and Qualilieg, F At Wholesale and Retail, irat ArUCIOTNi'S, • 'l7 Fifth Street; o