The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 20, 1866, Image 2

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• _
Vittoburgit 6agrttv.
the Oilier results of the October
election!e-counted the apparent in
2,elin4tiort; ?I - President , JOHNSON to have'
DAVIS brought to trial for his crimes.
For several months prior to those elections
it • was manifest a favorable opportunity
.'. was sought to liberate him on.arole, as n
preliminary * step' to the final dismissal 'of
all -pniocee dinga against -hint. The judg
. -manta of .tito.ballot-l)z rendered in four .
States are not only consequential in them
• - selves, but are really prophetic 'of other
judgments, similar In hind, soon to follow.
. No room is left for that high-handed career
upon which the Administration was eager
to enter. To attempt it would beheld by
- all loyal people-as revolutionary, and the
• _ attempt would be met not by such patient
and moderate measures of redress as doubt
-14 and cautious minds would suggest, but
by such incisive - and heroic measures as
would preserve the rights of the - people, if
need be at the saczitlce of the letter of the
ConatitUtion. In this view of thd case the
resident addressed'the Attorney General
latter, conveniently dated three days be
fore the elections, but not answered till
throe days after, inviting information as to
'what^ could be done by the' Executive to
' hasten the trial of the great offender. ;
,What the true men of the nation want is,
not si trial which, Commenced with solemn
pomp and unwonted stateliness, shall end
in broad farce. Such a trial as is demand
ed could have been had months ago, and
ought to have been asstired. The delay
has been in violation •of the spirit of tile,
law. A man, aceused of crime, hasa right
to demand a speedy trial, or a relinquish
ment of the charges against hint. In this
particular Mr. DAVIS. has the same 'rights
as any other citizen. has, throlfgli his
counsel, signified'his readinesi_add desire
to inset the charges made against hits. It
is but reasonable, that this desire of his
should be complied with.
' If anybody supposes Mr. DAVIS can he
convicted in Virginia, no, matter' how
strong the evidence or how clear the I ul.
ingi against Idm, that individual misun
derstands hoW universal sympathy with
, the rebellion is in that:State, and bow ef
fectually it sways the actions of the great .
. majority of men likely. to. be summoned as
. jurors in the District Courts of the United
States in the Curious States. )1, - ltere a fair
trial cannot he had, in an} case; owing to
the perversity or violence of local senti
mentN is common for the proper Legis
lature to pass a bill authorizing and com
manding a change of 'venue. The design
.of such special legislation is simply to Se
cure the ends of public justice. Congress
• has analogous powers and responsibilities.
It can provide that shall be
tried in any district it shall see fit to desig
nate. The exercise of Klett discretion
could not fairly be regarded as unjustifia
bly individous or unnecessarily harsh. In
- such event the trial would proceed regu
larly in conformity to the established rules
'of adjudication. _Tlie• result would he
forced neither by the Court nor by the
jury. Jestice would be done, and what
: - ever' might be the' verdict, the laws
:would be vindicated.
When the President makes up- his menu
that Mr. Davis shall have such a- trial as
the'gravity of his offences and the majesty
of the law require, be will find little dill'.
culty in adjusting details.
All reliable accounts agree that the health
of the Emperor of the French is not only
unsatisfactory; bat so enfeebled us to excite
serious apprehensioni. These forebodings
do not relate to the probable departure Of.
one who has acted a great part in the drat te
, of:ev'ents; but to the uncertainty of the
succession. The heir apparent is a child,
and it is a grave question whether he will
— be allowed to succeed peacefully.or at unto
his father's sceptre. Whether or not the
'two branches ofthe Bourbon dynasty have
• compromised their rivalrieS, is not ptiblic
ly known; but it is probable both of them
Would contribute to a condition of affairs
in which a Napoleonic succession should
be impossible, Misting to fortune for a result
faiorable to their aspirations. Then the re
publicans, often deceived but never hopeless,
Would manifestly_ he disposed to try what
fortiMate . ShanceS might be revealed by the
disruption of the imperial regime: Ag,ainAt
all these stand opposed the careful and sen-
aitive merl of business—they who hold that
government to be the best under which the
opportunities and profits of trate are am
plest. ''These can be relied upon td . main
tairt the_existiug order. The result, there
fore, seems to depend onithe- fickleness' of
.popular opinion. Io Paris, as has been of
ten demonstrated, a breath may make or
unmake a dynasty. What is in the womb
of the Future, can only be told at the mo
mentor birth.. Hence, France and all Eu
rope stand is profound eipeetation: •
-Guyernor Gnu seem to I); in. favor of
the ratification of the ,constitutional
- Amendment, and is rePorteifto have said
in e, letter, that if the remaining Northern
elections shall result in favor of that policy,
he will immediately Convoke the Legisia
tura for that purpose,, and thus settle the
. question in the only way it can be settleq :
We think that, inthis view Governor Out
. represents a large and intim:Uttar part 01
the leading minds of that State. But the
old race of fire-caters still exists. General
WADE HAMPTON is ...a representative map
of that, class. He declares that "shame
would cling to us for . .ever if we admit that
we have been guilty of treason," and that
"the &ea is and has been, loyal in the
propei sense of the -ieiird-" , Of course he
. and his set will. resist the amendment; but
we are lnelined to believe that the sober
settee of such men .as Governor Onn will
ultimately triumph - .over the readiness el
' ' the fire-eaters. In fact, haul it not been for
• the Moonragentent they received front
Dnew • JOIINBON,) the.' rater class would
. have been powerless long ago. He It wits
who kept the South. in an agitated and
. semi-rebellious condition ever since lie put
forth his "policy." -
If we would see the extreme rashness and
• folly of the Piesident's: partisan di clara
tions, wherein be speaks of Congre'ss as nn
incompetent body, because certain Shiite
. are not represented in it, we have only Lo
• carry them ont-to their lOgical sequence. •
If this reasoning,is correct, then. Con
gress fell into that 'condition the mon:tent
the eleven rebel States tore thenrselves away
from the Union and recalled their represen
` titives, and we have had no Congress since.
'Tleen the whole national debt Is invalid,
I and the natiphal securities worthles.s. Then
isOiry enactment of Congress since 1861 is
as; null and void as are -the ordinances of
siceision. Then the second election of Idr.
Lracomi was no election at all. ANDREW
Jouttecoi never Was Vice President of the
United States, and consequently: Is , not
now the l'rtaident. The logic, when Car
- ried out, cannot stop short of this. If the
seceasiOrcof the 'rebels worked such disas
ters as these, it was more successful than
. ..„ixty of usrwaisdit was.
The American Board. of Commissioners
'for Foreign 'Missions has just held Its an
-nue meeting in Pittiftelofitisachusetts,
at which it was computed over two thou
gaud, personi were present, from abroad,
anti hospitality was taxed' to its utmost
We glean from various sources some inter
esting items
'Red. Dr. Hopkins, President of Williams.
College; occupied . the Chair. The repor t .
opened reference to' the ',meted,
Persona Who had died dUring the peg year.
.Thirteen names were announced, alining
.whom were Rev. Dr. Nolt, Rev. Dr. Brain..
twd, and 31. W. Baldwin, Esq. At this
point Rev. Dr. Barnes, of Philadelphia,
arose and stated that the name of Ray.J)r.
Porter, late, of _Farmington, Cepa., ritiast .
bo added to that remarkable list. It is a'
noticeable fact that it was in his parlor, in
that same town, where Dr, Porter has re
mained pastor, so long, that the American
Board was organized in '1814). It appears
from the report that the income from all
sources for the past year amounted. to
$446,49144: 'The nuinber of missions, sta.'.
Lions and outLstations Makes a total of 345:
Ntunber of laborers sent from this country,
312; native laboreisi.Bl6; total, 1,127. liire
are twdestablishments which have printed
13,649,826 , paces. 'Rumber of churches,
194, and members, 24,630. Tho additions
of the latter during the past year reach
well nigh . 900. c The educational depart
ment shows the following: Theological
schools, 16; other hoarding schools, 17; free
sclionls,lol Whole lumbar of
these schools, 10,001.
The annual sermonwas preached by Rev.
Dr. Hickok, president of- Union College,
from Phil., 1140, 11. "That at Ms nonce of
Jceus ererip knife should, bow " An event
occurred, which had a thrilling effect on
the vast concenise, on the occasion of the
`resignation or Rev. Dr., Bolus Anderson,
now seventy years of age, who was taken
into the service of the Board from the The-
ological Seminary in 1822, and has been
Corresponding Becretary since 18.12. The
addresses on the Occasion by distinguished
ministers and laymen, were alike credita ,
ble to the head and heart. At the eltse
the •specches, Mr. Alpheus 'Hardy, a mer
chant of Boston, on behalf of the business
men of that city and thereabouts, present
ed Dr:Anderson with the sum of ten thou
s'aradollars. Mr. Oliver E. Wood, a mer
chant of New York', announced that. a
number of morehants of that city, hag rais
ed a similar suin for Dr. A. lion. W. E.
Dodge stated' iu the concluding remarks
that these twenty thousand dollars- would
yield Dr. A. about twelve hundred dollars,
which they considered his half. pay. •
Proininent among the topicS before the
Board was the interference of Bishop Sta
ley With the missions in the Sandwich
Tins called forth the earnest pro-
test of: the Board,ns uneourteous and un
kin4 Action was taken on the State of
the country,; urging the education of the
". Here another picture of minionary
;work by one of the most influential baffles
in th'e land. The thirty-first. annuli
meeting of the- Board of illbsions of the
Protestant Episcopal Church convened
seine days - since in - New York. The au
nuaLsermon was-preached by the Itt. Rev..
Much of the' proceedings 'of the bdily
were of a routine character, still—Sev
eral points of general interest were dis
cuss/cif and action taken, worthy of .re"-
producing here in a condensed form.
Shoitlyafter its sittings commenced,' Bish
op Kerfoot, of Pittsburgh. Diocese, intro
dueed a resolution urging the claim's of the
Colored Orphan Asylum in' Tennessee,
upon the Freedmen's Commission. After
some remarks the whole matter ,was re
ferred to the iCommittee on the Freed
men's Counnission Report, who kindly as
sumed the work of caring for tke not
object proposed by the Bishop. Bishop
Quintard, of Tennessee, exhorted the Con
vention to conic up the work, 'but rather
thought too much attention was given to
the secular instruction of the freedmen.
He said he believed the right way to pro
ceed was hitjpepare Ctiilorcel men for the
ministry, and expected, soon to- ordain a
colored deacon.
Considerable feeling was aroused in the
Boa4l, afterthe reading ofthe report of the
Foreign Committee of the Board, in rela
tion to its aCtion in regard to the Mission
at the Sandivich Islands. Bishop Kerfoot,
of Pittsburgh, took strong ground against
the action of the Cummitree, not only in
refusing to aid Bishop Staley, but for not .
expressing sympathy for him in his work.
Subsequently lie offered a resolution in fa
vor of expressing sympathy With Bishop
Staley and his Work, commending it to the
support. of CI& peonle generally. Bishops
Lee and 3lcllvaine objected to the resolu
tion. The latter spoke at length, stating
that the action of hist year was distasteful
to hint, and had remained so ever since,
though lie did not have nn, oppor
tunity_ to • register' his disapproval.
Finalty,.at the mrgent request of Bishop
Potter, the resol4tion was withdrawn.
This course, sustaining the action of the
'Foreign Committee,' ICaves the cause of
Bishop Staley for the voluntary action of
individuals. t • .
The Greek Missicio, occupied considera
ble discussion. The delrite,tthough lengthy,
was 'conducted in a courteous manner. The
'matter, however, was finally placed in the .
hands of the Foreign Committee.
Funt-r, the offending correspondent
of the Philadelphia Ledger, exhibits the
nervousness of a ntivice in wrong-doing.
Arraigned simultaneously at the des#4 of
his employer and the bar of publie opinion
for publishing as genuine an important
document, the authenticity of which he
cannot substantiate, he endeavors jo ex
plain, and does it so bunglingly, that he is
forced to 4 xldain his explanation. This, so
far from mending his case, only
make it spar.• serves to
Instead of extriesting
himself; he gets still more entangled in the
meshes of hiS fabrication; This .is singu
lar, considering ho had full before
him a
revat instance of the heroic handling of
the same sort of perplexities. • wy eti the
President was criminat‘d 'Ergo mutilating
tine of Gen. sirkninAnQ dispatches as tc
involve the moral guilt of forgery—nay,
w hen the act was brought as clearly to hill
door as this later stet of the same kind is
to -the .door of Mr. FLINT, he -answered
not a word. Ile maintained a stoical si
lence, which admitted. of no i other inter
pretation than perfect indifference. That
shows an adept In thls sort •of thing; the
hand of a master which no exposure can
trepidate; a trained 'mind that spurns all
impertinent catechising. - ;tfr. lemur, bay
ing taken so eminent a personage for a
model; hlundCred In not making his
lotion complete In all particulars. Per
haps, however, something ought to be use.
cloned of the crudity of a,first rtssaf. Far
ther practice sissy develop bins anim-
Pissivity equal to the original, 'after whom
he patterned. -
. . •
Doran, through the Pall Mall Ga
zette, asks restore Iluekuall
Tos Churchf la `which lle burled the
bodies of , . Loft BYTO/4.. mothet 1 40
”Ada, Mtply dWASAliter. ..
my Lome au.
•.•. • - -
:'.,...`".,,„.-,.; -;,;.:.•;'.
The Legislature of this State*semblFd a
few days ago, and Governor IlmrrnitEY
seat - it:lla message. It is a gloomy docu
ment: .The only bright speck he can see
in t,he political landscape is the removal of
the colored troops from the State. Ile
speaks of "that small cloud of fanaticism
that rose in the 'East, at first no larger than
'a, man's hand," having overs . preatl. the
land with its "liortentous Wad - mess," and
destroyed "the rights and property (slav
ery) 'of u portion of the States of the
Union," and then pitches into the Consti
tutional andilidrnent thus:
"The Radical Congress has enacted laws
and proposed amendments to the Constitu
tion which, if adopted, will destroy the
rights at the Statmaud of the people, and
centralize all the powers of Government in
the Federal head. • it I{.
This amendment, adopted by a Congress
'of less than three-fourths of the'States 01
the Union, in palpable violation of the
rights of more than one-fourth of tho States,
is such an insetting outrage and denial of
the equal rights of so many,of our worthi
est citizens who have shed lustre And_glbry
upcin our section and our race, both in the
foruth and in the field, such a gross usurpa
tion.of the rights of the State, and such a
centraliza&n of power iu the Federal Gov
ernment, that I presume a mere reading of.
it will cause its rejection by you."
Very well; the Union can do without.
Mississippi's representation in Cougresd as
long as Mississippi tau do 'without the
Union; and if she must be treated as a ju
dicious parent would treat a refractory
child, be it so. And should she undertake
fo show herindepenlience and chivalry by
'abusing the most helpless., portion of her
population, she will-be put under yet closer
. •
GEORGE: •nitTlit. of Armstrong's
Coal Workw, l'..l,ll6sWtialp, Allep heni county,
speaks as followa of 16e •
Great Remedy for Consumption:
•'l wa+ redneed no lon with rotnton.ittlon that I
Yr:L.4 ttnottle In leave Inv It,. and my In
th they could d , 3 nothlng w rc forte , .
Cane being ntterly Itopeleto. that I hail not eyrl3llll,
over x 11103411 Wilt,. Att ht. •tage ia as Indneedtt
try Itgr. E. A. 1111. SIN'S ItEMEIII% and ttndar
AM at well as any man ht the world. there an
anr wo donht Ills. taloonent, they e3llrall and Cl
tne, too per above a dre.l) and I glve them al
the part foulard ref Inc ettraordinary reeovvry.
Tne nole,rgetter ror the ns le of CON
nUAIPTIVE ItEIIEIJI' In l'ltlattorgli la
xcynsmx...tar.. 3V12.1-3131Xxiv--
No. Si Market Street
41 , Sencl.yr mxll anywhvre on re,elvs of 95,00
itch! itch!! •Seratchl,cratelat I
SWAYNE'S aura , Itch la franll2 1..
IA •
• 4 1T(' II " Dr. AJ.11,4r . r . (, itount, ••TET'VEIt•
IT(Ill"'Ws --TErrEic•
• •-r t: rTEIV
“rreit — NEVER KNOWN •TT rE n
••ITCH . "T F: ETT E
••ITCII . ' . • •'PETTER`
``lTtal" IN Ulf RINII THIS "Tx - virEit•
••rren — - • ..3 4 oir.)IKNTINU "Tr:WEI('
I • •T EFT E a'
"ITCH" ReOl PI, A IN:. ••"r- rrEit ,
Car.,l Halting Vllrs, SalL Rlaaan. i,ni.l brad; Ra+l.
aII Skin 1,1,..a5e5. •
Erepared only by I /r. WAYNE& SON, PlaLa
011000 hold by 11• E EN\ AY
o.l7iarta earcaa. mod ll EO. A. a EL.I.Y. :17 Wpo
alrert, Vitt.hurgh. au2s.ll,Tth
TONlC—Wherever IItoSTE fT ER'S riTOM Atii I BIT
TEAL'. the celebrated AIM ideals prevention Of el I
tulle Diseases. havo Jenlu ,Introductsl into un
healthy regions, their r litchi in sustaining the
health, .vigorland sidinal spirit. of
those whose
pursuits sublecterl them to extraordinary risks
trout exposure and privation, lute been wiruderfnl.
lit the Ariny tile superiority of flits article over
every other lorl,ositlng and alterative medicine.
his income to Itiallif4t silos, used, that It le relied
'riloor, est:node C. as it pr t n. et ton againSl Illituois
Fever, Fir%er and Ague, :tiol Bowel cotitplalutv of
every Ito/. The SOldltrs ray It It the ONLY $l.llOll-
lout 11101 produces and ke , it up,:r healthy titbit 0
Ludy /h 1 unwholesome licationa. Bur the unseen
mated plonivr and sillier It Is the Mott relishle of
all safeguards skalnit sickness. Throughout the.
Bolted ntate• it Is considered the tooth Liestaltful
and agreeable of nil tonics, and altogelllor tau/vials
t.l as a remedy for pplioT,ln. IL, medicinal In
g reillents ice all vi C. table, slot are: 11041,ln:solution
.ny the most. Voiloieselne stimulant moron—the. E.
Bence of Bye.
Are mental...lll , er at Intrebnree, roinnylra
end no IVe3 teen r!Anou .:urea t arc suld at
ally by drusetrar.,
WM. I.l.lhreillel if, ✓r., Adonis lerprese Ojlee,
54 Fifth Street, is on giothorirrd Auent to reeetre
Advertjsesunts for the 'tl AZ ET'I'E, and att other
papers throughout the United Mates and the
TIONAI. ell 1.199 I. I'n9llc cdIAIOOI
. dery Ices In the New Aeatlen, of Meal, end rra neh
e by the pact., Rev. lIY.N It V o.l.lltd)lte, To.
Mlllettite at Ili, A. el.. ante , . P. L.' •
R s —rnes-rcinusTaANcituitcu,
A1.1.19:11eN V EXCF:l.ld , lll. HAL,
coner of Federal Al,! Itaenek streets. Pantnr, .11 L 1-
ee r pli ;. e.Aev I.Ollll'S IlANat po t
p. tn. Prayer Meeting W F.IIN EA
WAY at7he'eldek.
FaVer..Rer. A. BOSSEILWA ti. Prraehnig EVERY
Y at io.'‘ A. M.. and I M. ruedny
llehi.l at 9A. 0. All the people Ore Invited td retrr
and hear.
liptdeet fur to-morrow etenloc. 9etend ,Thee.
hen the Lord Jesus shall be revealed (rum
Ip•aven with lllc mighty angels." Ae.
Monday Evening, 22d fund.
#sabjeci—So.llf , lTlll.,ll^G TO 100
Seats fi r I,IIIG I.ectu re tu.ty I.egeru red at'
A CAI/101 Y. ,py MUSIC. Olt niONi D A V Alf .LN IN
t,t. 'VA 1u- t.. At ID o'clo,k. • MOM,* Al
, l'lckettt tO ,tl4-1“ without tertlter charge.
Slagle Tlekete for Cemteretl Stat. 7,A et Atilt Ad
-11114,101131) eentA
' I /1/0111 0114,1 at 7 o'elttek. left
e re to corptaleace at
ik o'clock.
Nut aIItEATER Nusiniat , 11 . 11ANTWELVE
SEATS CAN Br. BECtlltitti ANY Y. 1.1.11-
JAS. U. 1101:11 As,
7 63 . 1
Flit IE if ]ION.
Idv KommMee
r W31..1. 111,11111:1[T,
SCA 11.1% •
oc18:141 ' T. N. 4111.1.K1t,
at Private Sale.
bit the Bran dyselne, beVEli miles north of Downing
town. The )3rairrlywhie and Wayrorshorg Railroad
passes throne. the property. and within a few yards
of the Works, which connects with the l'enosylvaa
Fta t oo Cheater Valley Icalirosd at tiewelnstarwii.
or 1113111lia,turInK poronws the power exeunt be
excelled: Sweaty-rind feel, head and fail, with a
large APIA, new used for dri slug a Forge with four
large wheels. A goal !Ocarina for a Polling Will.
Cotton .11111, Paper 31111. or Anthracite
o.llwidred ant riftyattirceserra of Land, part fir
Wood and the rentarnder In Fenn fond. '1 he Im-
VareTet ' ST :e r e of largee areoatirlit:l3°.:".4lCZN!
log Lions, The buildings arcaunplied with a anal•
tale of Spring Water. ,TllO power can be sold tell,
a portion of Our land. A large deport!. of Magnetic
Vrt vu the tit'olicrtYr
This Is sews. desirable property.and imbibe cold
on moderate terms, as the _perms an: mashies to
Hoar their Cruelness. ' A part of the 'urchaic money
can lay in the property. For partl i
eulare, inquire
ou the pr.-adder, or'adoretis
oli:m60:14 • W.allace Clitsler C . 0., Ps
NEw cEorits;
Ladies' and'Misses' Bacques,
WHITE, ORR &co.,
5313 faitiroot.
, •
V .4 :201;1. lESALIXEI t
In -Allegheny City.
Wm Room., Corotr Lot 'loud I.estlott.
At No. GO Smithfield Street,
WANTED AT ONCE—To ei --- 7 - kga - a 7;'
a few men orenerey wad ability,. -
want to make money. Ina Ily bt and II on•ntbAL U 4Y
DC. to felt by X.OW/N NICWLY
/Milt:lX of greatyaluel $30.000 hae been IhR11:
by agent. wl Wlo tbe las tt lately days. , lieod salary
allowed. New tonne to clerk. generally.
A eLERN , WANTED. !Pall Mlle. /WY St• Clair
street, Room No. 3. ' - •. uex
17 - :1 . 41E AirWALE MEETING 111/F TUE
blocktolders of the • - •
Wlii be bad at the Mceer HOSIINstme, hve LE A N
me C 0.% No. OS fourth streOt. oh TI.IIroDAY. v.'
I stet , 3 o olefao. L. A.fu II at t end need or-i3tOet. ,
bottlers I. dui re . fl al be Oyes e , of I,roportatoop wilt
. be
br.4203.b0f0r . e tO 3 lie . e
. 41if.... ;; ,,:_;.. - ,.. 0 „ ; i 0, , u5h ' •
c5..,...z0r. to -B.
Corner Fourth and Wood Sta.,
smAirss #l.srcertas or
Government Securities,:
Foreign Exchange,
Gold, Silver and Coupon&
COLLECTIONSItudeaa all aceuelble poLatat?t
the Thiltid lila*? null CiaadaL.
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
The New York
Tookrt 17.
TILE. N. V. WKIIILLY Tit/RUNE for this week
contain* the following:
Lea MN° A 'tile L.—lf the Amendment he Italia
el—lb hot Then? Mr. Julturonts Polley - and the
enterleau - Cnollt Abr. Finance and Currency;
The Ilennerneuts of Agriculture; Our hell Jtrels l . -
tore; The of Orrolwr;Tlte Merman Question;
The New Orleans Maosure Defended; rho Old
Laodmarkid Editorial Paragraphs.
Etoroniar. Notts.
News or rum IV nex—Domestic Newe; Crimes and
Casualties; a grleulturst and other Fairs; /tensions: ,
obituan, The Fenton.; The Mullane; blew York
City; to nthernlNe we—condition of the :South; The
Er. edmen; Meek.; Eurotend hore—Enyland.
DirsiYalt or 'run F.Vl,ll,4oll . llt—Stntelocnt
dr our of t‘,.. Crew; ThriPille Narrative of the Mil
feritt Frhittotti by Um :Survive:a; Heroin Condart
of Lady Possesgers.
A 1.1.1 - trlt I'ollll Mlt. Itall4olD-1111% Opinions,
Es pectof logo and 110004.1 es Last July.
haw rt 0t.141.4.110,04-1104c to IAI I.verythlug:
Keeton 1 revels. arid 1 t•ilan Brigands—A Nor ra.
tile of 4:Amore
Captivity: Iliblothren Auterl•
coon V t.tmaissinia—A 1 / 4 .4Ctlptiott of Work' Heist
log to America, published between the. I cars 1412
rend 14.91.
A toil TO Cot:On nno—Yrolti our Spector Corers.
poodeut. Itvyori 70) . 10r. X Vl—The Ark-sous Val-. 1
ley rol ill. Mu Luke..
Levratt roost "Tom LitoWN or OXYClitle'—Fnirn
Our own Cores spontlent —Tee Questren of the Mate
Chureh: Polltleal tios he Postponement of the
Tit h 'Lionel at Umlaute: The Late iittperlments la
ar el totenarY: Nord lintughsm; The:social /lettuce .
(tonere,: 1 be Jamaica 900.000.
ThK Eheurtohn IA Nov= ban—blissourl;
Tut: !serve or Oda lid 1111—Hrory Ward Iteochar
at the liroolll4t Aln4c , lll Lelnarks Mike Lev. Dr.
Storm: :speech of Mr. Beecher.
Tilt ACT ur /le Application to American
Monufaeturm. -
'Pita Pra bey I.l:alia COOL Yleurii—A Month
Among the Moonier. and 1 . 411•411411101 Coal
Urns Illnes; How Coal Si. 1441 ,, rd and Soot to klorkel;
ity Railroads: eyemning. emoinshann SW/ .
ton and lAcesmamsa Valleys; Wimples et bah
sloe,. Williamsport. Nonitemberland, Pittston,
retro:ton,. Vivi/cods-le. and the Delaware Water
I; rot. It trrhateollhelleStail PrlECrt•
TUN Cco - totAL•D',lll POLITIC&
ELECTION 1 art.t.t.lnENce — Peonsylvartlatleteltrus
kat rod.; Mortar/a/Iowa; alentpitla.
Peasomory ebtilNotonktor.
Pol.t7il'at.-11to southern Loyallets; Addres• to
the People of thu United Slues; The Mendes of
their roof.
111.71 f 011 , JOSINIVII4 BURIN.
I.lTaltnTtio.iE. •
, FoltE b ld4.lllcC4l.l.ANY. •
Alt litre hth—Anierican 1 tootitute
Club, ocoley, wt. 9; Fruit Ladder; An Illasolved
Quol too; clovrr Flnecr: Presertlng Fox Urapes;
Mutt t Potatoes remit orth of Now •York; Vence
. Posts; 11ros to Meow Setrawbenlett; Apples; now to
Cut 100 m.% Otto: Cot tient. Keriy;,Coregme
lug; tirowth of Treeto am the Pralrle: Vinegar from
Pontur: Barometers fur /carmen: Wlresor Clothes
Lliree; Plastic PIMA., /Mee More; What Is New/Peat
Purl; linking by Steehinem tore Curd for the
I:spea in Chicken.; /lire fur 11.11me:110o Kingbirds
Esc }loon Pees? &Deb Worms; Proliteblu Fruit
6 rowing: Windmills and Pumps for the FM us. The
II &Mit of 1103—Wheat; Corn. •
Pon/ttY—Ertuset in Autumn: Ferrnaylverds for the
LAMM. EpnorrAis MatiOnTa..
• TOE Unit/00PS Mortars' I
flier 17'1.115.
al 18CL1.1.4,410CS ITEMS.
al a Milan
AND 111•71.11.
clal 'Wenatchee tn Tho N. Y. Tribune.
COtrit Luelor.—Full Ihrporte of the Stove. Money,
Cotton. Oealn. and Cattle Markets, •pcebelly re
• ported fur he N. Y. 111001.49: - •
Ready Ibis morning. Price In Wrappers. ready
for malting. I/ye cent.. • For sal. by al/news,
Moll subscribers, single copy, I year-112 mons •
hers $ TOO
Elalisubseritters, Clobe Of lire
Ton copies, addressed Co immee of lielomelbers 17 hg,
study copies do, do do :do 14 441
Ten copies. 100113 '_dress
Twenty copies. to one address ' ED CO
on retro ropy wilt he sent for each club of tees
drafts on hew York. or Post ()Mee orders, pays-
Me to the order or . 'rut' Flinn:llW Mini/odder,
are preferable to flay other etude of .emitl suet,
_ombetorn Addrem THE TlllisuNr„ New York.
J unpin, as per assorts statements
SINUNIt • 0,411
(MOVER .1. LAO:IL •‘
FIAMENUE 2 1i 26
• ehowlog•Lkeyoridin doubt that • •
Ie Ike Fumtly. Sei*lng
Now. Improvemerta have recently lieen sulded.
Salesroom, .; 27 , -Fifth:-Streeti
1511.11.12173Ca191. •
tErIXALN7I77.O9. •
• miaacztrings,
• No. 26 Filth strect.
• blanufsetartni a •
• • eszsclowil =Maar.
Otfrit.+ll. 2o irazkrr
. . •
—Vor • good COOKING 8 roval4.lolbar
mo to-No. 140 tirLat 1,".4.0;
iitTia:g 7l7 .gl42gLiNi k t ß Nlgaii
and otherlatacy Yentleraostoye
ter ConcluCtUr.4 and all other srUebss; cal at P.U.
DU InTY. , 'No. • , cinua stract . ...B.lB Pt
talt18:10i11119) , -
.1.1" D .1T THE
...__. s~~:.,.~~:~,.
....e_.f. ._._..w.e ~
,_ ~. ~
swe:si:r•sr):Pmco xi lB4o,
neorperated by Legislative Charter.
Favorite.' College
The Only hnlitution,
Of the find. IN 111E,UNION, conducted by n prac
tical BUISINMS Onr highest counnerelat
Buthoritles. east and west, pronounce his Ppitelll of
ook-Keepinirunequalled; entnyrehending every
department o i business, and yet so at.ilifulle eon
denied that the Attentive students niaSte r tbeirltoin
lusts. or eight. weeks, which coullats of
Stock Books,
elated once with a Visa iwd twice will, it gain, ex
hibiting. by three dlailreut methods, the trausier
of old to new books.
• . Partnership Books,
Condurted by. three different metitimis, exhibiting
the transfer id'old to nen hooks, with the introduc
tion of a nen' partner; also practically illustrating
, Private Ledger,.
• p.
By means of which the [vault. of the bustoess or
kept of the geverstixpoks. for the ule of the panne
only. at the serthAneut of Partnuithip dools by
Single Entry,
With six practical illustrations; exhibiting 0
Books reopened uponbi Entry. Our course
original lectures lnc details of
„ • •
• . Aeiunl Business,
A re, to one koolng into towlines. 01111 N own scroll sit,
warn) more than lila tuition Yee, and may-save him
IhOuvotnola of dollar» In experimental knoveloootge,
that may take year. to arquire In lousiness. In !loose
lecturer we have nu compotllor. 0f1.1011 ,, Init. Po VS
perienerol merehaut can Impart tho prolate.] in for
oaation which they contain. It will also In. oet . . l •l'
e xninatlon of other systems tot aerountA, Mat
IA the oaly one In use containing comprellea
Ave exercises In
Business With Foreign Countries;
other tntult.rn treader contttlns 1. aftwir r
t.. In Mil lite,lcortv.t trout them
ie. Own - lure. lett totally delident iti title depart
uvlit of American Cowmen,. I.lltr *pilots, (hos OS
ruded Into Inlihieni wltolly entitled by all
them ensbles nal to prt•setzt 4plir .studetitt vtlha
omprultro*lre .41 - valuable colle<tiott of.
Business ForitikS- -
For every 'deturtm
o ent. of tuland mod forefun butd
nude. Our method f touchlug the detertiou of
Countertilt .11auk
lIT roroartaon of an exteitatire collection of-cottu
terfolt and genuine notes. lanettogola,ll.7.A, psi
runs to all cllcoollona as a valuable part of ll at
otr l
s altless educallou.
Our Railroad Book-liceping
(In mar...script.) et hibits the enottroefleb and
e,ulp ut. the operating receipt a and expenditures
tbellooka closed and rilvbiend err 4. ed. Theac
BOOka art. advertised by other,. b taught els , e ,
Avbere. In the city. Ana bee - a eat
Private anL
(In mnnnnrrlpL t embrarinF all the beat fnnntlg a se,
smog p irate B.ukefl. Oar uew enlsrge.t itllttuu
ur Ullb F'B -
Stentilliont Book-Keeping.
In this -- epartment students are 'instructed from
the now revised and eularged edition of
STEAMBOAT 11001i-NEEPINti:" the
plete treatise upon this parte( the science published.
Our fall muse 01 bmaluru practice Includes about
FIFTY BUSINESS 00000, ruled to about thirty
different forms.' wilt 1 I Ledgers, 7 Day,imuks...4
Journals, 6 11111 Books, 4 l'agb - Books, 4 rules Book.,
Invoice ttooka. Dirount (Check Register.
I Deposit Iteglater,2 VOlJeetion Iteidstrra,lTlCXice.
1 Baud, Itogister, I Ferlgh* Boot, 2 Passage Books"
1 Fuel Book. Thole retreat n'' , " l,
six import:4 busineas trantactious; .roprenetollnr
Buff . , original plait of business education Intro/lac
ed twenty-tire ytetra ngo. Uwe far othershare suc
ceeded In Imitailny hint will be best seen Ily emu
paelug the boldness polars and books of their pupils
willtlttose ratite graduates of this Inatltutiou.
T 1
Port•geM cent.. Yobl by Ewkiel
TheNAN:wring teslltiondols la/Beate tho rhoTarla
of Bola work:
`•Nootkrr work loom. Rook-b , VINK es Vlaln 5 U:
kubloct.wllla . m ow r 1
V. W.aptgrogr,;.
CoablsrAftarlionlea• Book. Wall otr.wl. Y.
"1t.111,61 I clear I usiglat Into all &parts,. OA •
his xrienev." • ' A. S. FLIASFAL
Culder of tievastiti Wun Bask, N. V.
12 CO/UMW. lunch Inqley . mx.r i ti ma
r_t c
Idanksit. liana, N.
•`TAe most complete work or the kl trit I blow wie
seen. • JAS. It. AIUMPAY.
President Etrlisture - linuk, I•lttHturph.
••I graaluatr4 In 'Duff's Chilean lu half the thaw
extutereel. adutlaahle 'ayslaan lualthlca nut his
shawl - duo., our bare. uut
.Casbler Niagara hank. Lalaport, V.
••Tlto most steer and econpn•bro.ire ,that that
Wet with.`• . • JOIIN
hie If AttITI:,
• Casr/P ant of VlAlsboriflt.
"You have put your own lout experience as
tuerchnut to good 1. ee in AMA wort." •
No. un FroDint,str ...M eeterc, N hant Y .
. Y .
. ...
. .
“Ns at, eatenstve t , hll.llwiter. 'Atnerlestrt and E
rnheata Merehant. Bank Inr..ctor. rte.. he has I.on
the repotatlets arta." ttlehett anise et tar:lnc. to
, hotalt st, N. Y.
cest.' • Duff
" JVareinTVill ' AVVC:e l( : " p i t. us
llnloll Street.. NI cgs Orleans.
• 4 11r.111s s merrimut of the first reilpeetahlY.
.. J. LANDIS, lierclumt..biewliriesue.
”The nsvorsole opinions &livid) , esprsit.seil
gentlemen of competes suthoritr ere stelr'tlesers
""'!' very
t riattl.F4 3f.
• • AtuunirricKhi.Y. •
fipeelsl Committee of Lim Chamber of Comment,:
I Extract from the Stioutes.l
rltll3Ptit 11.'WETMORE, Neeretsre.
• i•Vonr Committee --tumultuously concur lb 15,0
oototou of the utility of the im_proviot method Mr.
Dolf.•• 1,11311D0N J. LIEU. , -
ltecordlng,!Scey of the .fittltilelll IlMfiltlttrei
The New and Enlarged Edition o
Dittirs Steamboat Book-1E4446g,
Just published by the author.' i'rleo ~ ..>l‘3 by
• •lluoSsellers generally..
. . .•
Tbe-.oelly work yOOlllll.lOl arty 'value to•Sti
Mesmer'. - Aooomment. .1. F.. 1. A1..1.100N,
Formerly Clerk of the steamer Forum,
••The most perfect Nyateui of Ble*mer•e Accou nts
Formerly Caiitala orSteatner Nashville.
ii . e . rfect by stem far kkeidrg.l9p24.1 l'A Visceig 11C
" •, •
'ormerJr CastOr or Merchants 113ok of I.ltrobtirgh
"The Time Table alone •I worth lite prire (4 -
book.”-- - D. B.
- late Clerk otSteamer Mount Venmoi
"I COllfiliOr the trissi Corm or ths Stesuier's Pr
cat so valuable that 1 never load port without
opy ow board."
, • ,Cspitt A.C te l a A i L A LA ur
IfireoPles oroniMerenntlle or Stekrobont. Book
keeping are mantled, pat•pak!, on receipt of 11;00.
- • --
Twelve First Premiums.
For best linsinesi and Ornamental rennianabln,
awarded Mir pram,* peninan, trf the
United Mateo Filar at Cincinnat In '
Fe unailyantit State Fair, at W.TenniiF , ..... •••" 1 "
%Voltam Peunaritania' air. at Pittantirgis . '.....lign
'Western Virginia Fair, at Wheeling. lani
And the Ohlontate Fair. at titareland lint ,
- • • Ail orwhlrh are eallinitinl ouregice..
"Perfettgeamierthe penman's art.".,Pittatrurga
"These nee roniaan tea earl 'noir; be . eXcelled LIM
"Al l."—Plitiratirgh
"All his ornamental design., are new and remark..
Taelate 47:1.ern 1 1"ennillegrt k a z itir . a . viarded
him tlig }lna. rtignitrairin all branches or , the
art."--tdiii , tante Jeternat. ; • . - '
. .
- -- •
CZIII7II. Me3Eirt.32dEll:
. . .
For the Graduating Course, locluding Itualneue
VolloutrthiP, time unlimited. IRO (0
Blank. Books s LU
o,arper , a , Enlarged LtIltIon,o1" pntre.
Other Go ler charge. from •$2O fur blanks.
• Gur blank. are inade of line. iXtra !dee nonce,
tided complete, with full sets of aux . •
- , ,We therefore present the Unsterile etodent with.
ID iwrtaut Adyantages.
lit.' We Wire the nest Penman la theirext: •
241.: Oaf, Book-keeping latight under . disantlan
14. ho jt• susses of an eitgainneed inerchant.
Sin. A using ut KiCitor . right: weeks' titan in
hying -
•A saying ortlia same nataberof weeks` board.
646. A sun:mot VS on blanks and prlntad book. -
4th. laminates stints In the long standing tennis
• • goadur elegant Clrentar. pp._ 73: coatatnlng
• - • ..
online of oureolleglate wane of Stadyja walled
.•Iroraisnoleaer oar Irrillag,•-ineloro TIVEIarTY.
vaVECItNTS; and Or oar .p.ENJI.I2O/3- tlir3.ltr
i#TT LIENTO nani.bei tarloted to ,• .. • •
'F.. DUFF, & t3ON,
rvya~ T
~-. vyi::.2 tea
_ -
L S.-- ABpR,-Ni
'Physician for Diseases of the
' Respiratory
11A9 TAlitS krATIT. , AT
where be Neill to, prepared fo practice the mist re
cent and feleeflac sratem of 31 EilletflE
anddUltliV.ltY, for the alfevlatiOn
oCW:forint humanity.
Embracing all Acute Riad Chronic .Maladlei of db r e
Eye. Blindness, Cross Eye. rang of Vic Eye,
L.T.I Catarrh, etc., Deafness: Itoa'ring and
Miming in the Ears, Discharge from the ,
Ear . N. eIe.:IIIIC.CS of thu Nose, Ca
tarrb, Bronchitis. Asthma. Con- •
• • M stimptionart andA ffectios o and nf the- - •
• .
Biln will nit,' all be has for rebef frt. disabillt.g.
snit pain. Vet thou int tnis auffer'for a long .0 ries of
years, and linger on t a useless life, who. sr Itla.progc•
It treatment. mightlal restored to health mil .cuti
tribute to the Mall Lk and happinesS of others.- Hot
the fault Is not • lilt the patient, fur lie tries per,
giste i ntly the vulseie Decturs.aini •
For relief, and 1011511 sal. The reasonla, the gen
,rat phystel-n hos but little I lino to inform himself
In regard in the future...intents In medicine and sur
gery. Marty physicians know but little of the
conics of dime. , and arc manstoucCitly Ignorant of
cute. with Mg a limited opportunity for extensive
sway, and restricted Intl.:le ObnervatiOni to a quail
Ott,. orcouptry, they cannot expect to become 4:0.
pert In all' diseases. A selentlde awl practical
means of. cure atust result from long study and ex
tensive nem atilt in respect to bprelar dtstases. lir
this faettutslleat men of this euungT and Mt the
entries ofEitrope are aware; and Ma , eldest [trac
t !Limier,' are giving their best • TlernieS In, alma toil'
diseases. That have mastered the laws of 'life Lull
health—snarled l he oatinilegical chiange.
—and toned safe
effectual medies. .To long
arid paticrit study of tilt diseases re or the
4inFeg, Mgek.3Erlu.,
Throat, Lungs and Chest;
And his gligOnO,}ll• or Pew I . ..clears In.! new aryl n.
leal loos of o:d ones. Lit. ALIIOSIN owes bin nu
nsatleled a.leCcss in curing diseases thst hivetanK
}Wiled all soroalinia ireaitnent. And his de stem.
and delicate surgical operations on the
Eye, Ace.,
Are the trolls of his exact itmoviedge of Anatomy
and an entrust, practice of hit art as surgeon of
Oa Eye tind.E. Infirtitery or tan Frannie eo.
awl MI tllVtitiao awl hurt...At:in-Chief of the Nash
ville itledieal and po w reseal institute, -The cleat dis;
pairing lavalltlY ill be encouraged to hope for
cure on visiting his rooms and witnessing the nets
Me runs testimonials and evidence of lila skill.
- 1 '
• - CATARRH, •
Marsh of the bead Is the eonamonyskor diseases..
In ta early II tr.. 311, to 5 , 2 n•rly noticed. heedsient
',complains laittile of eold In the head, Int not
tie warning; or. if he does, he is tarty to zteort.
khoseif +vim, the th..nd and nee soups and sung'
recommended by regiment of self-ski led slot:torn
ortgrandatnes. , And so toe disease runs on. tilt It
results In Chronic Cory., Graved°, or general
Omta. !thencomes the mit:toying empires. of
lassitude. - painful Pemba, aching - back. tightness
ins. the- forehead„ corrupt discharges, 'p rofuse
iaehrsrnation, hoarseness. sore throdir , furred
tongue, nan•esh Z,.ss of itputtite. and general debil
ity. If the disease Isnot noon arrested the throat
beeoniet. Inflamed by the putrid dl.ltarnea, the
hstincharr Ital.!, and tile lungs poLsoned by part.:
'lllation of air Das"ing Ott, r the oiseased
about. twenty Wonsan Lintel a day. and Drennant.
with the dinitasting ellinvla. A cough soon misses'
which. aettrarated by i he sully bend, seeumniet lona
drayittoind One-award.. cantina.. null:_the Dings
Rt. way, and fatal Consumption tio.. We scene.
citeight. cold in ine iliaLett fore, should to ,
prompt atteutiun. for cure tills ata •e
easy: but it allowed to become , chronic catarrh, It
require* the best skill und n long thins to cure It,
f ,vir,ed,ll.tients ishorlnk under this terrible malady
Imre limbed in. thin for kelp. hitch shostid know
that Or. Anon!: has dhicosered a uratment .re to
aloe sorely relief. end to result. dually.. In a com
plete Cure, - ,-
drseare is distinfusishcri by ibnutulent or me
cfmorkstent discharge from the ear. which Is only a
symptom of tae real rihrease diattrauffer through
lire wins this evil under the Inaprmslon thatlt ran•
not be cured. or heroism /MOO PrOteleriM prodtir
iras promulgated Use Wei tbattri arrest the discharge
it to lon uD thrpolum In tire syst' in to break out
t o ' mine more oangenors part,The stupidity or
cis tremors is to he pitied. What, beep open
eildreVlST lOC running off corenpl. humors. or Mti
Ole funntain that the . filthy stream cony dry up: A
thimble tui of common nature
gelded of
this pent
t. nletigoof tiro nature aud canoes of disease,
will eradontle ittn a Omit time, not doll without
I ulary'bel wllh a re unokable 1011MOVerOMIVM the
tr. coral health. The raorres of toll Affection are in
tlatematirio Pons 'toning or from 'exanthetuatous
oincAser, It con forivol, morn graindatisms of the
men:Warm tympani. scrofula; kr. It Murray to see
last if the canoea 7a It pus. It eat. ensile be
and pith si Ittlie • anger as Use e ttrosi ion
or a wart on tlot band. The same Is true if granola-
Voles of Um tympanum:are the cause; audit the I°.
nammation I. Mr-i . e. - IUL of a scrofulous condition or
a or arm toil, polio, ellosinate the poison or eimuxe
the mortresta and' the cause ensues.: Thug a rare
mare la effected. lint riniervot varieties and 4.015 es
Ot tornMetronm crooplaint mat be. 1111.TOMl . M ,
lAirOnii`nrobtua, cud a sure awl safe remedy
Hope i for Consumptives! •
l'ohte vendor., I'aISTTI, Catsirti pto.l.lrei Lat
u rattiest's, thonehltli not Cionampthin
Ttiete dl.ew. ban. lona babied the ordinary mod 2••
of rrrrr meet, Lento.e rewriting bate out been
brought to brar do the pans lini tie.
All•Jl.Ved New inhalator. eiceTl.ll of the breath.
Ink opatatmi eon at once be reached by tindian.d
tuhalsl len. and the mutt setonl,h.he rusml. Jolla.
it.appileatwo. or tte, LIIIIMS .11 Naga
an. speedily eared. while tilt Intonation Is taller y
eel lend toleeh.ei.
We. site undeleigned citizens °CR. - eaten. haring
lineestN) the 61111 of ltc. Melanie surgical oln.eit
loue. sad these...ferret en rell of cant, of long r land
n■ and reiterant , deemed hopeless by pattents sad
thratelatis, ern happy to lend one natrie• fur the en
eregement of thb afflicted. that They may nut
le pair even In the most desperate cane: .
lion. K. ti L. LILL. Mayne.
I liona.T. San.. Pinta. and Prin. of 111014 nebool.
Prof..% N. tiittirdtlii. l'flnc l 7. l of VOffleterrial
• W. 11. ranitine. Keil.: 'Ranter.-
Ita.rr usWit It usetitnite. Dedgelsts.
15. Y. Nanir. Kat, eropelettre Wyoming Hoare.
tif the ming teliiniontali 111'11111' gidisession we
ieleet the following. ()then Inn, ite.raose of cher
acier and high social buritinn, who may ho referred
le, and can lea ecru by calling et tin Ilerehatil,r
Am an Act of Justice.
/realm/ It as on get of giscp:o osy that
lir. Y.. s.. A h.r. lige been practicing as.• physician
and ...asap In neraoton cur el s weeks Poet. d... 33. n
whinb b s has •nceecsristly trc.ted asca other os
Scull curs thought to be Incurs* le, and Wilms,
Wag / consder. him to he a 5t.1110.1 phsician, and
one yyyyy W sy entitles/go coonience i ..
' , opt. nod Psi ocipal of 13Igb School.
de:iLANTOn, ' Slet. I. laC 4 . .
, • .To the Suffering.
I h.m ehroldif rove eyes fur
drt en smooths. Dv situation wit called to Dr.
Absirres aavertitenttnt• lo Aka papers of toe day.
t walled ipso am] hare been und•r his Laval.
lova{ a few ilaya..aaol have funwl rcat g relief; In
deed. r,vl .Carly well, end would sotissre all who
are sntrerlux with ditesse .11 tha cyv to call oo bliss,
bulletin,/ Usey will awl
O re N. lief.
II ANA rkinatstit: •
ttemin e el the iletserat Assembly.
NATi O tIVILS!It. J 1715. lad I.
A 'Wonderful' Cure.
head the fAlovalnir anon affidavit regarding the
rare• of acot or deatneas or tiorculy-Illtr year.
stxudluX. 0 7 be. Alr. l " '
Thla to rerttry 10211 haft been totally deaf la
any left ese toe t.eats-I , to yea., and that. Dr,
goons restored the hvarina la do, intantotine, the
Ant time I have been 'able to bear mato( t h e lett
or for tweoly-two yegre. ' As I consider this a re
markable care. I
ta havu I oludiartlg made Ole panto.
hworn to 004 'aat.cribeil'lltia Vitb..tag IC
Of August.
WIC, before toe,
• 8.. JAY, Alderman, Seranton,.Pa.
To the Afilicted I
• lir. K. &Aber..the. entinent hite ardor, and net
news. formerly of the city of nazi Prawn... 0 .1 1 -
- knoll., end more. recently of the Notbrint.
0.4 tilArglell Institute. who... won4erfUl
ono aatuandel Ike orld In too treourrent of Deaf
ens*. 1111110rtrils. Catarrh..AiWunl. ltromellitaa. tall
all chest 01. tones. h. strived In our
cny. The
ores. of tiosbvlllo .0 800 Yronelne. teems with
he piton nattering nutlet& of Ur. Aborn'o r l lll. and
the many testimonials be Wino from men of high
one/st poslttons, prove lent three tbn ineplelen of
quackery, from which eia• prophs bore so loot sot-'
leered, and point to blur a! a ministering angel to
those who are otilletled. — MsmPd 44 / I PM Dr , •
To Tim 1.001.00 .CIAMITDIIIIr and ,•eblootortlY
mole known. the tool that„l bad been dmf for nine
years, and that Dr. /11.1 s rert.o,4 my tm0r,,,,t . ,„.
teeny by two ortrot.oul. 1 bid the tiortoi , btat
speed In Ida work of Mercy. • P. ti'llOtto.
ewers land sUbscribed tub' cal day of teplember.
• . JAY. Al en lieronlOn. Pa.
' This la to ecOIIIF than when come Into the office
of Dr. Abaft, woo entirety loaf 1. my right eat--
110,111 MM dV•r *Ofcal years—and woo cattrelteurvi. '
In a few momente—could en coOd as 1 toner
001(10.. W11.1.A12.• 13.•
. ;Insister of .Illisaurt Itiver Preobytery. •
—Mothlon Psochragai, Pirontoo, dcafucu and Mat
stage el Warm, restored In 0n...r.
mlotite, led the lung stfeWitin cure 4 br Stir , Medi.
—B. l'syne, Pcsautton, ichrunte. eyes, cosa,
plettly cured. • • ,' . . .
tsCriitami 3 c ol °.'lbesie
anti •
• cp.,• Cure.] In three days. • .. • • ' ••••
t)oodwitt. fortlilitOrla
'years. with corstatit.palw.lll-o.l.bead. gallantly ,
0..04 by w numb of trentillintilietitiro
~—Tha a=a upw a ni, S.:pitapat. ernrektry.
two operation..
(r ing Pelt, Cont.:lst:aro, deaf for tight net.
nearing restored Of ..00lm..
•-4.lltorles derostos;eatarr It to the head'
for nineteen years.
Cared by three Weems' Wife;
' • "
-Mrs. Haden.of Xersatoo. WIWI Car ale
`Sittoths. distil restored.
ttorris,•Xstroaton, %sort diselsul. Crest do.
laity. Cored's, &course al tresrment, • • • ••
* ) .
• ...di.% Altetell. &mato". ttYrlseSsla sod yudots
Cared Oyu. ',mho.' roxsossol...
W. U. Mos .xt litoshsrto, Gal.ann *J34 dyspep
-141C• 'Cured:
• •-flan: Bevy. Ihnoser. Nashville. foreign body' lo
asft eye, Iras taken to Dr. AbMIS ht.- medical w
rists, who loath:alumina, relieved tho eye of Its
foreleg foe owl
o f the
• •- t. o•l'Pr• Bersotho. URI dttailli_ll4
lode, unable. roster. poo - the heitortrof LW POI
for tauten. year*, Aluftst by two °pond loguh•; s.
_mu. Eh hittlet. N Ashy the. statehtta teltillsk
-11 es. Meadherr. I's. stbospotothtsesilliser.
resist humst , 4q. I •o 4 . ol t4eS•l' ICted 60.1 utr.
5111sstuIrros. Seranott:alieharis triesithe ems
sod ds•arnerr , with os • brokeis , dotso• etraslLlSitlhas
syssnoetely tote& • ' - - , o. ••,.! ....•••••• • .
usditrOsreil Bead. Abeganals. Vest ettlf6
„;.. o soil. 9nattrnitinlM).
one ".4 06 .• • ,
V13. 31141 nar , . - • _
- ,: 1 ". - -'...'''r •''::''.7'.'..:•i,;
:V., i , - ."..i . ~,::, . 'l
'.1:1 -
:.~':.: :. ;.....:: -'. •:: :~'.: ~..
Y s~. Liy~ 9 ~~tijMr~j::J:
"=Yt~^"*''t'uv~r-R`•a".r`~.~r,' ° ~ ;, w? ', t~~s' ! ~z*^~-:a. Y~ ,; y~gx,~ ;+ L~,yr•
'' ~.~a.--~ - .. , .... ..
II .
Robaeles Stowel! Bitters,
..- . • - . ,
. ~ .. . With SU end es
o ery..l.rare which I Eh is t he human
- ' ' - NAY. toted effectatlll i
by . -
• ,
Atter irareor eipertenee and td ti, hire pro Ten to, .
.• . .
he the best rentedtertant - for all 'r'natiltinta where' 1 iiiib 'M.
... ~, A
..... • .
s tonic and Nth:natant are required. - They never fall - ' . .—....• ma awl cinurWN'S
to strengthen the weak. Impart rigor to the strong. ... , _ ._, , - ~ ,
and In all resin:AS ieitdre abattered end broken mutt •
down comet Iva bone. - leo - retnedr ban beenreeeleed APHYSICIIA 'DISCOVERY
......uchtavoras WHACK'S lerelfACll BIT- . . 111
. . . . . , . . _ •
. .
• • - .
' . . , ' . .. .' .. i Pride. $4,00.•
And 4U Diseases of the Bowels.
Blood Pills,
Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old
Sores, Salt Rheum, Dpspepsia,
'Sick Headach
Liver Coraplaiiit,
lEfill IND
St. Anthony's Fire,
tI. Artiltted byeor moss learned phystetasa that
tn. IttltIACK'S BITTEIIS combine the propertle•
to trestle ha.utlee. an etheket anti-WMoa meet
rtd the best stoutachte knows la the world.
RITTIVIS lie used by con vslescrats to
streastalla the plostratloa wbleb always Col.low•
&Colo 410ases.- • -
la the bilious' districts of the %Yost and Booth,
towns bola for • lone lime, born cob needed, as
article of Stonlaeb lilttrra wbl eb. if m
taken in Prop
er pa..Stes sad at lb* Pron. , War. axe • sato Pao.
(totally. al
at •
Bilious Fever, Fes•er and Ague,
Liver Comp Lint, Dyilperibi,
JaundlOgiii* .
ney Complaints, nod sill
Diseases 'or
/&.re Better
All Preti• tivi tor Milani deahngetnent,. tajtablt.
lag Ins ernem &Int tont to the dtgentlae• or-
Sada. time nay other - known 'Toady;
• Nan , ttua the woe Is °ter. Iliere'slll - bt turassads
iota lag boeoes la the Moot. ,Nopaimeli 'rho Taloa I
Ills Me .11.14 thtre ttboa luring constant')
on band the I 1 - 11KIWas a aalegnard alnet
decays .nad 3041.412,1 IMPardenA hl•nand
pointed water ' •
Tras,•era to lad all ,roildenta or the rank. rper
boa not *rat. vines and antb. •24 the valtry of the
htimisodrpl mud MI tributaries, anotdd pnrrhae then.
::::..BETTERS. l-
To vrtals all lottemli.u la
Negi ail -62
Trs - 4• . ,77 ,
, 1t iVtifillaiMt 4.`A4.94,1:Yi'it;1.0
.:. •
. .474";.:• 1 44110.1/ 7 0afiti ... e trti, * , M iear,itnfiiitti _ .
: L n i " a 4.l' " 4 s "4"41141...°*4226.4".'
Blood Pills,
F011,013 . 111NU
or Indigestion,
lar nature, amid
NsEs E
- -,• s
J.? .
- AD,
1.7‘. gOB from t h Ear
Bronchial ikffectiomy, •
Throat Difticultes,
Diseased Eyes,
Loss of Hair,
Drrelri4as Enlargement of' the Llrer. B is
tallCS Of tbo — lOaner.COUG l l l2l4 'n ,
Gravel, Plies, In -mMty„ . Fits, Para- •
Iris. Kush of Blood tothe /lead,
In Lvery Form,
Otriees-110 - Arch Philadelphia,
51 Dodd,. Wed, New York:-
baring with Instruments.
No blowlog In threat's.
NO sending up the nostrils or Introducing wires.
No pouring medicines down the throat. .
The DIET•I'IIYS , CAL Stltle:OVEltV will reach
everyspot that drugs and reatmements - will reach.
and thousands or pieces besides.
Truth is mighty and must prevail; error. Is preg
nated with urath--ousequently muss sooner or
later sink into ,' •• "
In &nacos twee of the prejudice' ea istlng against
puma medicines, it Is my ,earuest desire that my
Metaphysical Illreovery should not be received or
clasted with patent medicines of, the age You out
[roan tut other I eltiedlell and preparations Ishii
have ever gone before It. And further. natality Ike
Metaphysical Discovery is thult of Inherited
power tO trace effects to litter lintangel therefore
fet It be =drew.' that the 3letsphysical Maros
err is not only [be resulted' laberited power, but .
also the result ofa life of rare philosophical re
search, and that too, In =unbeaten trout.
Evei,.and Thev• See Not.
Awake . ye slumbering world and behold your
selves and your children Use prison boats of dis
ease, Crow the cradle to the grave, betake Your
selves to shougut—[hint and lire.' The worik
writhes in pain and passes luta untimely graves.
Mark, learn, that your friends die through pert-.ex
melting on. Every effect driven is a death blow to
the physical system. I nave never met an Irutivid
' nal who was treated for anything but effect. There
&roman) agonizing hearts, sorrowful b. mraand.
graft, graves tb.ough the Iwo of Instruments which
Lactose, and Medicines - Which destroy the system.
The Diseover7 eunalsts of (Leen distinct Prot , . a
tiOna, which pans into the system by airigarption
.through the Eyes, Ears and Scalp.
It le packed In a neat wooden case, and will be
Sent 10 any address in thu world, on receipt of the
above price, .
I, S. C. Chase, of Cambrldgeport, Mass., do cer
tify that I have been troubled with abed catarrh ler
upwards of thirty years. 1 obtained Mrs. M. U.
Mown , . Metaphysical Discovery, add to ten mio
owsslteroning it faced relief. 1 have used the
medi, Ise factually; and believe It wens to the root
[my disease. I feel as •IC catarrh was eraditated
from my system, the fonletteci al the sad
having ceased. My ifs else has been suffering
fro:exc.:implication °rein... us using tile as
cover/. clutud liheal and matter rushed from la,
ihead. and Immediate relief, and has feet!
praising health ever since. heartily recommend
the Metaphysical Discovery to all who suffer.
Mrs. Cheeses . , residing et No. C! Allen street,
Roston; Mass., ways: ••t have keen tronhle.t for
year!. with asthma, catarrh, sod sore •iltvat. I tur
reted from continual pain and ditelness litter head,
coulfeet,.ltc.; for eight yearn could nut attend to
my household dal les.-and hod despair:At of ever be
ing cured. reovldeutimly leani - ng of Mrs. M. it.
Brown's Metaphysical Doseosery. .1 obtained it.
.Tbe result ts, I sun eeturely eured, and deterinined
to keep a besot It always In icy
MRS. GEORylf Vd utyr:r s pyRTIFICLI TS,
This Is to certify that I have' wßorel for ten veers
from dyspepsia, catarrh. and a coinpilmaton ul
diseases. tor the past year I
bte 11 reatlele
and could not sleep at eight. i+o eixhatisted ba.l I
become, that I was uhaute to do my household
dutle3 l became so role that It seemed linpaid
hie tel keep wino. For sow:Sidle my eyes were v. re,
much disessed,and my liedelue dull.. Myself and!
&leads conaldered use In Consumption. In this
state 1 went to Mrs. ht. ts. Brown wit obtained tho•
MetaphValcal o.i:cover). I barn used one. box
faithfully, and no language mai tell Use benefit re
ceived, loom It. by eyes , Lave become clear and
struts,. ftp dyspepsia is entirely gone. 1 can now
do my own work, and feel altogether anew beteg.
My Irfenda hay 15M galls ing drab. 1 know as I Wad
I could not hare lured. I ceel,gratettil to 1.1.1 for
the benent 1 have received. 1 recommend Mrs. M.
U. kleulen and her male of treatment to all who suf
fer as 1 hare done. '
V.ITARRII coaND.-1111. .11;aullE treO.V.
NOM, OrotapeAilltlili:liK. .11.443,
This la to ramify that I bare been troubledwith
bad catarrh ltr the last Use years. tuba whit.. It
became unatimily troublesome. I was obliged to
rise at night, °slog lathe mucsa, widen would barn
mitiocated ml. .1 ohmiand 314., al. U. brown's
Metaphysic. lilacevery some wet. hark. u.ed It
faithfully, and my catarrh tagan to give, way at
saw. I asyr consider myself acured )000g
being entirely At/Lycra/ note the Le rn tur diwace et
estmrh„ abater has alas been di... is Mr
bead and sin trona cullethood, - . math to that tin
family t lament We could not lire. In the use of We
Ilibt.rary abs has vaulted equal Mnetti with my
amf. • We. curd ally recommend Mao Metaphysical
• . Loairns oscrincers. -
1. alms. Logan, do benby teatlfy that I have bad
a aware cough fur. Mb years: would mud& sod lain
for three board at alit.; olLell leowld not ilo duals
at night; going tip stairs, any Work won.arose..
me: / boon beep sating medicine and aloctonpg
the time, bat Was men
ill gtile worse. recrriden
alally • Wen/ procured Sirs. at. U. Ittown'a Meta
phyla./ Inseuyery. used It one neck. nest
my cough la nearly Roue. I bane gut rid of the
Ughtne w h ic h my tbroat. L tan now take a Mug •
breath, leould not do befOre. 1 cao eP
and down atalrs vettbout feeling any fatigue. I lees
disease la fast leaving my aystein, Nu. Fs Ilatiovec
street, Boston, Mass. •
(, •
A nose 41. the worst rape tlironie gar Rya •P
Toodnotsjt. years Mown. caeca ba sum .
Netspligslcat hisrovesy.
1;1W. IL Jades, do oartify that I bare been
sulfating for twenty-aye years stlw diseased tyea,
taken finda memies when &child. I caeout describe
We nature of all my anderloalk but will slam that
rag eyes ran corruption an d water all the time. lly
racets also broke ton done to my Win. and the
MU. from bulb ilea andkept constantly
dropping on my drew. Ad the doctoral spoil. dto
failed to reader ma relief. ands .14604,4.1 u( and
lOW It until Icansing •of We wonderful car. Insole
by Mrs. la. U. ltro•ra. 'then Lupe eutereslmty breast
went to see her,and brought home 01111 me the
Metaphysical ilcercry. I used It 4e-crow/Inn to di
rections. and flaw Mutt solulanly Ana tb.klully
Wat thrunall the ...nista of thal and the 41441
Olaf. AL It. 'trowel toadiathes lama cured -wo
man. LLIZA. Lt. JZVY.44.3.
11 VS NE C
liana to Ike Me.. Inionlegof the Kars, slit
Neck and mare lbw •1 woe:4 by Mra. M. U. Bro.,
SIC •xeb stteet, aletagt.•l4•l ray - victim, rrufasser
on the Lye, ear, Throat and amdp.
The fodowing toniona hare Leen eared of Mt
above dheast s. &brogan the use of Jmy Mytaphyal
11Mabee.e 4, Watson, 01. ('ant atmet. Ifrankfewls
cured of nearness and liaises In the bead., eau now
hear the children called by nanseasln the .st
Illiato .Y.lnwechltr, N54:11 front Streets •
lad of about years, was very deaf; can mew liear
the notes aistincUy on Om plasm. Coeld nut bear
a sound Octave. Ills whole system Id laheatted,
be was an
Peke X4i/Y. gooln &coma dlr.', mos quite
dearth one ear, and partially. ta We other, has
tegalited Oradea 4,(04,114
• in s ist...el Ilutoplireys, if Lull township, had •
swelled and still neck. far Naha years; could hot
tarn els head without fis ralligniondhtsi whole body:
MOM. • isratl wa . . side of a bail, and bard. wa
der bls tido, ono year. Ruth have .141./(4.44
triteagb the oar of my Metapbysibal Miserryery.
• Aeon of Capt.. David- Wary to Wilisdattlea,
Delaware, baa been cared of deafness 404 running
et Um WI, brit years nandlag. Ppent large amms
of money on Wherein renutilm; coca. and ao owe.
my meumbybleal Dlwanerls wake
lauetediately cared Mum _
ei'D ref ft..A - Yg AMOY Tell RSV. P. S. lENSON.
PASTOR urTillritßuip ,YTACEET DAP-
?rota inlartrs •received to My rig. :eye Ohms a
boy. climate 111..11.110ti bad been rod, L.
cusmodoes. KIWI. 1 sugared martyrdom. tmulY
moMeowif my waking lien Y 4¢10141,44,1. spat
was frequently onabie to sleep st tI/JO4. • Carle
ty of remedial. b. bece resO4IO•IOVILDLI•4•...4.
`? I antertaladd 4.146D.14.4 . • lost resort.
having We ball main .t Me *octet. I. the re ma
• Nes te'', rep.. 'ln meant I.e. usoat pier
. , I asitlced OD* daT la • shop irladms •
bottle of Yourt tutliattl I d ri e nra. ,,,,,t t o ttad , hav
er baud MIL before. ,
mid did, with she meal 1.1•1 Mulls. in • few
digs trocillat animal. was wrta.g.: emnd
/ pit lista, and we.... ails we.
..•JOya.t. of • newt ife. • 11.414 teep • bottle
of t.idway• la the basses liad If 07 e7e mews at all
ellapeeed .uoy me. 11114 14 S. doww„ •s,p ( b en . L .
an and to Weald Oct be. without It for lay
me I have etteasiott to say fanner.
that my wife shed to ...attar seetereleat Unita from
nos SlVethetal4V",7.l`'. a°d one
u s her case s girlie hser alsacat
Airatelld to U. tor We bandit / have personnti r
versiorad, I cannot 'lr. commead the preparation
most &lethally to Wawa who Lee Gencred et ipm
11. P.• h. Nk2 , l a,
Pastor Of WC Drat ht. 11.41$1.4.anwew,
Residence, IP/ ropier Matt, Ebiladeibble,
The Cilebrete4 Reerlidiara's Eye .
Water, per bottle:
Large - $l,OO
Nettnid ■tze, - - 50
Salta' si z e' 4 28
w': :T~
G11,1".5. slaw. liActiclaatta hnlad Of •LL DRUO
of ~sr
114..*1 win •bdt Pit/stare,.
imily alai% Of YONAMPR...tritv
, - .
• • - • - •
- to