The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 20, 1866, Image 1

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'reeilisnzo BY
Penniman, Reed& Co.,
No. 136 1 1 1.1113. 2tremot.
:F. P. siorwroN. S-","
JOSIAH KING, Hu.lnea arh.nairows,
blngle Copies '
liellyen;11 by carder, (per vrekl
Liberal reduction; to Newsboys and Agent!.
ihe Wittgarorgit fiazette.
In the city of Baltimore the persons des
__lgnated to hold elections are appointed - by
' the-Police Conamissionera, a board created
by law, and chosen, we believe, by the peo
ple of the city. Ito the other districts -of
the State these election officers are appoint
ed by the Gjvcrnor.
The Police Commissioner.; of -13altiruore
are Republicans, as are a large majority of
theiroustituents. Gov. Swam is a friend
and eupperter of President JOIINSON. The
'Commissioners appointed Republicans,
while,in every instance, as is stated by the
Baltine're American, the Governor appoint
. ed mvn of the opposite party.
Pieties in Idaryland are not, as with us,
divided into Republicans and Demperats,
or Copperhead, but lute Union, men aid
rebels; but the Union men are generally
RePublicans of the most radical type. The
opposing parties are more widely separa
ted, and more bitterly hostile, than in any
other State.
There is a registration law in that State
requiring every eitized who is
. registered
as a voter to p take an oath that in no
Way aided the rebellion, - which excludes ,
thousands who were active rebels from the
polls. It is to get rid or the obstruction
- 1,0 rebel suffrage that the Governor has
— leen applied to to remove the Police Cole- .
missioners of Baltimore. •
•_ The Governor is a candidate for this
United States 'Senate; but unless he can,
by some means, secure the votes of the
twenty-one members from ,Bfiltimore he
has no' chance of an election. It is thought
thit if lie can, on some Iretext, get rid of
the Poltcc Commissioners, and thus sweep
away the Union Republican election offi
cers, and open the way to rebel voters, his
- friends might carry that city.
We see that lie has summoned the Celli.'
missioners to Annapolis to have a hearing;
but what the result may be we shall not
Undertake to predict. But everything in
dicates a warm time in that city shonld
Governor. SWANN take it ;upon himself to
interfere with the la* and with its estab
lished institutions.
ONE of our Democratic exchanges,
an effort to console its of lieted readers un
der their late defeat, 'resorts; to that never r
failing source of consolation, "the good
time coming," . and exclaim's "'Victory
yet auwite us, if ice remain true to Countr y ,
to principle, and to °undue." No doubt
about it; but the trouble with what is c — la led
the Democracy that for many years they
have not been true to aunt' these things.
It was keCause they gave up to party it'd
to slavery what was due to country and to
;libiarty,.and gave up to a • Iditighty aristoc
racy and finally to traitors win' belonged
to their government, to the people and to
themselves, that their party is now over
whelmed with-disaster end disgrace.
third Dharlet.
William!. Childs. Majority
3 - 55 .3,(YEV.
inajorit y over Ch 11.15.4 44%
maprzLv over Koontz In 14 3,.TAL
YLllndelpylo Vidircrsity of Medicine
and Surgery-
Thet.rustaas and facnity of the, above Zded
. cal College 'have issued "scholarships;' at
, 'seventy-fire, dollars cash,. which entitles ,tho
holders to attend lectures until graduation,
f Or as Many sessions as he wishes,
This renders a medical education cheaper
• than ever Proposed by any University or Col
' lege Instills country or Europe, possessing the
same extensive facilities.
There are sirken Professors emit every Grans? . ,
, Medicine anti Surgerif is thoroughly taught..
• The student `holding a "scholarship" can_
enter the college at any time during DO Lac
.tm esiattend as long us he wishes. rind-re-en
ter tgle Institation as frequent.y as deldritl.
Persons wishing to obtain sellolarahlpa can
upPly to L. ohlshue, M. D., Professor of Urluo
• Pathology in the abovemsentioned Co ll ege:
Ills °Mei and residence Is N 0.191 Grant
Street, pit I eburch
London Al* and Porter
Scotch Ale. •
London - Ale and Porter:
„Scotch Ale.
London Ale and Porter.
Scotch Ale.
LondoO ,Ate'ttn&POrtor.
_ s
-The above articles, which have of late Caine
• much In general 030 On account of-their
healthy action
. upop. • tO, digestive organs,
'were first introdbeed biqua, and the quality
. of the goods
. vto have speedily maintained.
golt by single tottle, dozonsor cask.
hlc(iarran h Mcliennan,. Druggists, 05 Mar
ket street, corner of Diamond, near Ififilt
. .
. .
It hart long been the alra of physicians to
End a combination of meiliCines having, Dia
requisite stimulating arid tonic properties to
relieve and cure the common complaints of
Biliousness, Liver disorders, languor, Head
ache, Lowness. of Spirits, indigestion, Jaun
.dice, Fever aud'Ague, rte., which are the din
.eases incident to this climate. Tito remedy
has been discovered by Dr. Bobaelc, and in
:thousands of.casos the merits of his Bitters
have been„proven in - the above complaints.
.•Teeiti Witracted
Without. thw.slightest psi)! ' by the use of
laughing-019, nay cents. Dr. Spencer, .No.
2F4 Penn street..
flieboel Books,
'New Books, Albums, Wallets, Photographs, a
Mipslvs, opposite the Posudies.
;Ilarper, '
ainfothere for November. at Pittocles
, oppositit the Poetolltae.
A Large -
-Saeortateat of Pocket-boots, juit received, at
tittocrs, opposite the PosteDice.'
113rIftith ilistipt. •
Heath's latest and - best book, at Pittock , a, op.
Duette the Poltottice.
. ,
Gents. / k
Fine French Calf Boots. retnarketWebesp
at the OperlL House Shoe. .
-. . . • Copal la. linen' . .
Will beorg.e.Kd servico to yen, of tho Opera
House Shoo Store. .
9ola Pen.
With tor iTabout Itoldtrs, Plagek% oppo
. Brit UrMai
dollar, at rlttock , e, opposite the
Price 0
Taste.. •
, ..
Sboo,.stout $X good Shoes I:ll,fteowcenil, 11t
~ .
Well the tale, ito to the Opera Souse Shoe
- Nananh - IM7I/ilN's ) 1 , Ar --. 7 1a -''' .
••.i . , •
t\ i . . y.' 7, -Li/. 1720
.. .
. . .
- , -4 - -3. - r:- ,, -- . „,...„ ? ...... -.-.,---,.------;--- , ?.;;; -_,,----- k 3 - 7-. 3 -- ' -
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__„._ -------..a.-._ ---- _ ~_ • ---,,5-:_, ..:-- -
. .
, .
Gums, ninety Cents, at, the Opera Ileuse Shoe
3,000 Atereseoplo . \team.
Juit received at Pittoca's, opposite the Post
Indacements offered to country merchants,
our Mock comolete, 'at the Opera House
!Moe Store.
An Examination
Is all that Is necessary to sattslY you regard-
lee our 4,10 sot of teeth, the- best In the world.
Call and see for your elf at Dr. Spencr's 2...44
-Pennreset. • '
Evenl g CI )
. . .
In Book-keeping; Penmanship, - arithintitle;
Phonography and Telegraphing,. at the Iron
City College, corner of Penn and St. Clair
streets. Students can enter at any time.
Toothsome .Del icacies
Our readers should not fail calling at the
popular Continental Saloon, next door to the
Postonlce, in the basement, on Fifth Area.
for a dinner or a meal fit for a king. Mr.
Moltzhelmer, the proprietor, has long enjoyed
a high reputation In his bukness, and having
'established a brut class line of custom, he en
deavois to sustain his reputation by givilig
strict and careful attention to tils business.
This is, without exception. the best managed
saloon or dining room in Pittsburgh. •
Tom T. Eweo■
At his old and well known gas fitting and
plumbing establishment has just received a
number of new styles or chandeliers and gas
tlxiugil. which will commend theu4eivias to the'
attention of the house rumbaing clkinniunitY.
Councry - residents will thid at tuts housC a
stock of superior iron and wood pumps.
which cannot be surpassed by any hciuse west
the mountains. All work connected with gas,
steam or water, will beL promptly and care
fully executed in the best - and most durable
manner. Remember the place, No. Wood
!Larikad Opeonioj
Of ladies and misses Furs, ladles Hoods,
ladies Skating Caps and. Muffs, gents fine Silk
and Casitsmere Hats at the popular Hat, Cap
and Ladies Fur house . of Wm. Flemming, No.
EN Wood Street. At. this house you will fled
one of the largest and finest stock •of ladies
'Puts over offered for sale in this city, consist
lug of lull sets of Mink, Sable, Ferman Fitch,
Siberian Sgtiirret, Water Mink, lad'. Tue.
bans; also 'aVe Patent Excelsior Muff, which
cminothe !celled for beauty and comfort.
Those wh wish to Purchase a good article at
a low price Will mill and examine our goods.
• . Wx. Fr-immix, N 0.114 Wood street, •'F' •
Sign of the largo golden hat.
.. ,
The time haw been, when, If a person desired
a first class photograph—one they wished to
'preserve through the fitful changes of years,
they thought it imperatively necessary to
visit the Quaker or Empire Illy, .where those
who . had acquired s: high reputation as
artists, were only to be found. This nem:asap
if it ever exinted sa siren, has become a matter
of the past, since B. L. H. -Ltabbs has located
lucittr4 city. Title gentleman's pictures not.
only came fully up to the Eastern standard'of
excellence, but in many respi•cts exceed to
Mush and brilliancy of 'coloring', the, beet
works of. Bra L el. This it no Idle boost, .es
those who have • visited Dobbs' exhibition
rooms,. No. 2.; SL. Clair street, can conselen-.
tioualy attest the .verity of our statement.
For a picture that brings out all the Ottani , -
shin of the, aubject, be it animate or L . Lnani
mato,land may.tru Whiny be called a likehesa,
you most go to this establishment. • •
. Even if a person does not wish their pic
tures. Laken;we would advise them to visit
Debbi', for no other place 4n the city affords
snchtecilities for spending a pleasant after
no:kola: kr there can be any pleasure derived
Irani a wog through a gallery, the walls of.
Wiiith are adorned by artistic creations, suOt
as we seldom have the opportunity of seeing.
Femoral of 1100. lobo You Boren
• New Yong, October 19.—The funeral of Mr..
John Van Buren toot place at Grace Church
this morning, and am, attended by a very
large congregation. Among those present
were Judges of tbo Supreme and Superior
Courts and Coil its of Common Pleas ' members
of the Alanhaltan Club and Tammany Society,
Mr. Peter Cooper and I,lr. Cooper, Jr., Mr. Ju
lian (1, Verplank; Judge Cowan, Mr. Charles
C. Kirkland, Ur. %lathe, of Trinity Church, a
number of prominent members of the Bar,
and other distingtilsbed gentlemen. Long be
fore the hour named for the funeral service to
take place the enur6h was filled, and many
were turned away from the doors. About half
past ten the family and relativat of the de
ceased..oansisting of Mrs. Van Buren, Colonel
Van Buren and daughters, and several
nephews and nieces, arrived at the church,
SEW soon after the lumina proommion entered.
At the church porch the procession was met
by Ltevs. Dm Horgan and Harwood, who pre
ceded it down the central aisle, the coffin be-
Mg. deposited near the chancel rails. The
usual services Of the Episcopal Church wore•
then proceeded with, the mnstu of the fine
Choir editing solemnity to the occasion. The
services coucluded, the remains of Mr. Van
Buren were delivered to his family for trans
mission to Albany, where they will be interred
in the family vault.
New Yonx, Oct. 19.—At ono o'clock this after
noons meeting of the Bar of New York, was
held In the United States, Court rooms ' to hon
er the memory of John Van Buren. The at
tendance wasiargo and comprised many dm.
tingumiteerissrsons. - ktesselntiosis of respect to
the deceased :were' p.ased - - and eloquent ad
dressers and saloon:ha acre pronounced by
Hon, Samuel J,•Tildeti, Ex• Judge Edwards,
JamesT. Brady ithdother eminent entlemen.
Arrest of a Murderer of Vreoaalenar
aored—tior. Wells AfterA,ll.
NEW Omar:sae, ocl-11.—S military order di
rects the arrest. of Terrence Totten, charged
with shooting freodwelt la tho varlet, of La
fayette. Tile order-la-Issued under General
grant's order, it being alleged that the civil ;
authorities negier.ted,to bring the accused to
trial. •
'ells, IL is soi,pas geeis to the Cale
Was, . _-
glen county, in the bnuthwestern part of the
State, to look up al,l'apings on the laude of a
company chartered brthe Legislature of 1864,
to dig a ennui. and to which were given by
that body the grWater part of the swamp lands
of the State.
Breach of Promise Case
. . .
New Yone. Oct. 19.—An Interesting breach
of protaise cure was tried yesterday before
Judge Davie,lit -part three of the Supreme
Court, circuit. The parties were Mrs. Eliz
abeth Richards, a lady of Any-four, and a
gentleman named Robert. Roberta, aged
aerventy,. With. residents of this city. The
lady. who claimed WI 000 deranges, was mar
ried twice before, and has now brought a suit
against the gentleman on the ground of being
false to him matrimonial engagement. The
Jury brought i n a verdict for' the defendant.
Judge Eitaardhaa finally decreed that Har
riet E. Christy is the lawful wife and rightful
heiress of E. P. Chatty, the negro minstrel.
£4111144 of- gibe Not -Lake VldePle SWAM
by 'Normans.
lizie Time, Oct. Herald Leavenworth,
Kansas; special says: The Denver News pub
11,3W:tit the following extract from a private
letter to Captain Cochran: We fear that Mr.
Weston. editor of the Halt Lake Union Fiddle,
wan taken by theMortnons on the night ot the
3d oat., and severely beaten and given six
hears to Mare the city nnelgake with.hlus se
veral promineut Gentllos. "Kr. Walt= refus
es to leave, and denounces Idormrprilsto In the
bitterest term.. Prom the frequent occur
rence of outrages by the 11011:004.8 On thOUOill•
tiles, serlous_trouble may be looked. fora.
steamboat lustiest&lots Sewed Askjeattied.
g u rogtri, t.e Y.. Oct. 19.--This Bawd of Super
this Inspecto last steamb In session in
this city - for the ten days adjourned to
day whey lutve donee great deal of business
andesambsed numerous devices appertioning
to the oaring of life on st smmbests. .8=
the Most valuable Wa s h the life
s a ving cuntof Brown St Bevel, attracted un
attention; it being a sere mode of disengaging
a boat -Instantaneously from its tackles by one
man either under fall speed of- otherwise. It
receives! the unanimous and unqualified ap
proyal of the Boar,a. , ,
caraalas Stectlee.
smear N. C„Oct.l.9,—Thi election Muni
smut in &lowly.. Tbe, ildleaticsos are. that
Werth WM Lave= egererbaltdthlt kieJarill•
Dotherrsvete livery M. , Vance - received
several votes In variousparts Of the State.
Witanserea, N. C, A.Uen lets
.been elected to the Boulle of ; columetas from
Brunswick county. Awake ratransao - fax re.
adved teem towns and - near the rail
road lines Indicate that the ortb . for Gayer
n0rw1.4...1;14,?14 nuanthsups.: , • • •
• •
Deamperatho casirrimit Rentratilft
BOSTON. . - Odeber Demoorots of
r ourth comarasiouu urinal' have =SOW S
pixtra.alsprAliaenatatioisPellok ,
• .
The Booth lieward".
Lotter from the U. S. Consul.
Eight Hour "System in Washington.
tyeeetxor u, October 19.—The,Commisslon
or Of Patents has decided that the Yale patent
upon Cil.ta, chilled and wrought iron burglar
autjliee-proof safeii‘ and vaults, dated October
Pith, la!, ought not to be eitended or renew
ed for a new term, or a term of seven years ,
11dm to-lay, on the ground that the intention
and improvement-4 contained in and covered
by that patent were the invention and im
provements made by „Lewis Tillie, of Troy,
New York, as the original and first inventor,
and embraced in and covered by the re-issue
of his (Tllltais) Patpnt, dated November •Zah,
PO5, it being a re-issue of a patent granted on
his application July 1:411;
Messrs. {Stewart and Riddle. is counsel for
Gen. Is it. Baker, Dorgan, Smith, Dougherty,
and others who received the goternment re
ward for the arrest of the assassinution con
spirators. The object of. - thla milt is that the
parties may come Into
s po of rt and the equity of
their claims to portion the reward of men.
,ty thousand dollars offered by the corporation
of Washington may be determined on.
• The following commenication has Just been
received at. the State Department:
GvarAuss, Oct. 11.
Sir—l have the honor to inform you that tno
evacuation of this port and the State of So
nora by the French squadron upd laud foreeTs
will take place on the lith tusk 1 have been
olliclally informed of this fact by the A liniral
In command; the preparations for embarkation
which have been going on fur a few days and
the fact of the withdrawal of these forces have
created a panic among the population, both
natives and foreigner/4 and In consequence
.the steamer which leaves on the lath, for Ma
zatlan abilfSan Francisco, will be crowded be
.yond her capacity. The French portiou of the
community mail Mexicans, ho have bees.
compromised, or who have givennupport to
the Empire, are making every exertio.n to
escape the uhnost 'certain rerlbution which
awaits them at the heads of the Liberals
merchants and tespretable (eolith% not coin
promised le these polltaml dimenitks, opens
handing danger fruit, the, lower classes during
the interim of the withdrawal of the French
troops and the entering Of the Liberal forces,
have sought the prateeLlon of the Consulate
here. AI no ens here appeared to hi, able
to support or move in a plan- to protect
the place from rapine wail warder, I informed
the Admiral and the Commander of the niece
that I would communicate the fact and the
time of the *dear:mai or the troops to Gov
ernor revinera, Chief tof the Liberal
forces of the State, in . order that lie
might hu ready to thee possession Immed late.
I lk lit ':
p d eure„bryof:troT:it'l
patched a messenger to General. Poseur s,
with this termination, bad' rut appeal to his
.gencrostly In behalf of those .wlto are threat
ea.! with rein,.and who are now preparing to
flee the country. trust his answer
conallatory unit humane, Thu', knowletb.m. of
of the factor' my having comuoinicated with
General Yesquira has restored quiet to the
place, and many hope yet to be stile to remain
in their homes.
The steamer for San Francisco will leave on
• the lath, when I may be able to report the sit
quiet and again In the possession of the oni
ons of the Constitutional Government.
• I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
•• EDWARD CONMEII, U.S. S. Consul-.
Tiitis. H. firteurel, Secretary, of State.
,WABIII.NOTON, October I - 7,14Xt. j
7b His Excellency, the Governor of .
- .Ste—On the Gth inst. I hail the honor to ad
dress a letter to• you Informing you that'
schemes were on foot to Induce freedmen to
emigrate to foreign conntrles, and partieular
ly toren', and suggesting that till loyal and
moral means at your command should
,be used to prevent what was believed
to be an attempt under specious prom
ises of , advantage to practice Imposition
upon the Ignorant freedmen of our country.
Iteferring to that eounnunication,l have now
the honor to -transmit for 1- - our tuformation,
extracts of the dispatch addressed to this De
partment by a Consul of the United States, In
Peru, under date of the 15th,which prompted
the suggestions upon the Su bject reterred to,
- which bare already- been made.
I have the honor to he,
Your Excellencies .obtPt. sarv't.,
Wit. if. SEWARD...
F.tructsr--I consider 1t my duty to advise
the Government that a person named Sllilan,
a native of Chill, reside.' in Lima, has .li:wart
ed for the United States with the object of
for two thousand lioullica of ne
groes for this country. The Intention of the
party, or parties, interested is to giro the
speculation the coloring of freo colon's - talon
In that country, hut hero the negroes are to he
sold , in the Caine -manner as the Chinese
coolies, for the term of eight years, for
the moil of .e. 375, each ,•Under the pre
text of remunerating the simenlator he pa.
sage and advatice rummy, the to re
ceive during the eighi years twenty-live rents
In Bolivian currency daily, equal to 331-3 par
cent loss In hard money. There is no neces
sity for me to - depict . the horrible
erreittes and sufferings and ill-treat
andti noon the Chinese labo ud rers.'
which would ha the raft) of the deled
people Drought here under this contract, If
permitted to be carried - out by your Govern
ment. I lain only add that the greater part of
the negroes are already contracted to plan
ters on the terms mentioned. 1 leave the mat
ter to your better juffignient, 'nod decision,
I and remain .te.,&D.
The proprietors of the private printing offi
ces of this city, to-day entered a protest at the
Treasury Department against the eight hour
-system which on Saturday wasestablished by
the Columbia. Typographical Society, and has
been in force at the Government rt:illittlg
Bureau since Monday. The practice of the
Government In such Miles has been to regulate
the compensation according to that paid by
private employers; therefore, In oonsequenee
of this protest the Treasury DeSuperintendent partment re
fuses to pass of the
Pnblle Printing.the
other words, as the pri
vate -officers refuse to grant the eight hour
system as it le not accorded by the Govern
ment. In consequence of this denial Ulu prin.
ters at the Government Printing Bureau sus
pended work this afternoon and will Monet
row band a meeting to determine thole con
duct In the premises.
- '
Attempt to 'Suborn the Officers of !fa
llonal Banks to 'Help Carry the
Nen.l ork Elect 'in n
New Tong, Oet.l be Pus! has the follow
ing which it stlies -
!stamens Proceeding:"
mid that • nun have arrived
In the city from , „„; g .11 od an errand
. .
which will . not in o end Itself to the good
opinion 9f honest men. The statement which
we hare'reestved Is to the effect that they are
visiting tho afferent banks which have de
posites of flinds , tielonglng to the Treasury,
and saying to theollicers, ,`Tau have the ad
vantage of kneeling the public money. and we
ask you on your part to help In raising a fond
f ued t h e bDy
emo n c g r a t t h ic e app d r da ch tes n . g "
d No
threat Is held out, but-the banks understand a
request put in that shape to mean that if they
refuse to give money to be employed for party
purposes, they. will lose the .keeping ot the
public funds.' .
, ~ •
The ileY to Mneoller Their A atm).
•Bawrisoaa, Oct. organisation
known as the Boys in Blue held a meeting to
night and passed a resolution to stand by the
Police Commissioners and offered their ser
vices to aid the; Commissioners. It Is not
known what response the Commissioners will
make to the summons of the liovernor.
Fire at BISIIIIIBOII - New York. -
Tsar. X Y.. October lit—One of the largest
lirso with which Ballston, Saratoga Co.. bar.ov,-
or been visitetl, occurred In that village. .".
evening. and resulted in the alintot total de.
itructlon of the manufacturing establishment
of BTOWA & Cbapman Olen - Woolen Mills owned
by Messrs. II omit*. W. Chapman. but !cased
'and occupied bt Mr. A. I. White: for Mina"'
/wring broad-40th: The fire caught at Mx
w(Macke from the friction of shaft In the
wherirroom,null burtma until twelve o'cloda
bum night. The total loss win not fall far
sort et`paws principally covered by, Wu
=axe. About Tort!" oVerntives were employed
at the time of the Itro, thank tho Capacity of
- ' -"'
Arrival of Steamships.,
A Common Occupation of Saxony.
Litmarciet,Tarcur, October 19.—The Intaari
steanuitilp City of Parts; and the General
Thans-Atlantic Companyta eleamabip Vale do
Paris, both from Now York on the 6th, have
arrived mit:—
, . ,
FLOEULTI(4, , October 19.—The cession of the
province or Venetia to the Italian goventment:
was fully complete to-daY:
Penis, October 19.—The French statesman,
91. Thouvenel, died to-day. •
Bemis, October lit—Remora are afloat that
the rrusso-baron Military Convention have
agreed on a basis of a common occupation of
tlaxony. •
livstertiot, Ootober IA The Lemke/at circu
lar reports the sales of Cotton for the week at
bales.. The market to-day le dim, with
sales of 10,0.* bales; middling uplands closed
it 151 l pence, The weather is still unfavortp
Itle for the crops, and the Breadstuff,' market..
is extuscquently advancing. Flour lies adi
voluted I, shilling per barrel; Wheat, has ad.!
vaileitil S pence per 100 pounds for Americtuil
grades, and Corn hes' advanced toll stuilings
per PAO minutia. The Provisions and Produce
market is .unchanged. Tallow tends•down
Lormos, October 191—The Money market le
quiet. CommlN for money. &010 =pole COO
tral, 761.4; U. S. FlrmTwantles, Ockyi.
New York City Deriroeratle Corogreirtoo-
• XXIV Toni, Oat..l9.—The Peet gives the fob
lowing accounted the city Congressional nom
inations: Win E. Dodge has declined tbo
publienu nomination for the sib district. Con.
John A. Foster. Henry D. Stebbins and Maury
Clews, are mentioned in cool:motion 'with the
nomination. The Conservatives of tlieith
theorist "have already placed Mr. Stebbins
the field. The Tammany Hall Cementations!
Convention met lost zilgtit to make noMina
lions In the 4th district. John Fox was nomi
nated instead of Dm. Cox/ The McKeon caiv•
d Mate t Mr. lien. Wood, having declined, the
lawfulDernocratlo voters of the district are
about equally divided between the Tammany
and anti Tauunany candidates. NO nomina
tion was made in the sth district.
John Morrissey, now ono of the principal
leaders of the Tainmany Democrats of
the city is understood to have the pledge of
the nomination, but the present Incumbent,
Ileneral Nelson Taylor, 1,1 making a strong
effort to, Secure the support of the party.
Emanuel D. Han Iras nominated in the Sixth
district. •
Thu Mozart hail Convention 'Blur met and
nominated Robert Price.
The Tammany Convention of tba Seventh
district has re-nominated - John Winthrop
Chandler. who was defeated for Congress. 110
will be opposed, probably, by U. F. steinheim
or oh the Itepubllcan side.
James Brooks hay received the-Tammany
nomination in the Eighth dlstriati, has
also the McKeon nomination.
Thu Tammany Convention of the Ninth ills.'
trlet 110111ittAted David S. Jackson, Mr. Anson
licrrick bEIVIO{: declined. .Thl3 makes .a tri
angular contest between Wm. A. Doollnic,,lte
publican, Fenando • Wood, Mozart,. and Mr.
It OSA 5U11,09.1 t lion. S. S. Cox would
bn nominated in'the lower district in lien of
Mr. Fox, but Mr. Cox declined, though uttered
UIII nomluatiim. •
Grand Finalise Movenseeita—inbelers.
. :Lew Yonne.-Oct. I9.—The Earning Erpress
says: Movements- have been simuluuleously
made lu every State in the Union by tried and
well stalled organisers of the Stephens party,
during the past week - , for the purpose of ob
- taming all the aid that; OM possibly be given
by Irishmen to meet the requirements of the
coming struggle of Independence. Two °Myers
have been 'detailed to each State through
which they are now travelling for the last
UMW prey leas to thecommencement of a re v
lution. 'relegtarns Irian nearly aitthe States
to-day announce SUCC.CIOI.. Money, arms hind
ammunition are being subscribed with' great.
spirit: It Is calculated that Mr. Stephens has
securest upwards of ten thousand stand of
1413119 since Iliwarrival In the States, and that
great portion of that number.lias been ship
ped to Ireland In the most open manner. The
great mass meeting about Co be held at Jones'
Wood on Sunday the ''Estli InSL, It Is supposed,
will be thel hod held in this country by Janice
St,pliens Until the war commenees.
Thu report received frounquarantins to-day
to to the effect that there were DO admissions
of cholera patients to the hospital ship yester
day.and deaths. - .
The Ocean tilOrmlll Ceatlo!abar
otrramse liosnoc, October 17.—The etorin
along the coast still continues, but, ua yet, It to
a subject. of' congratulation that but ono or
two' serious manna dlassters - balm bean re•
. .. .
. . - • • ... . ,
corded. The harbor is full of vcasels,*north
waen.bountl, waiting_ for Dotter weather. -Tee
barque George E. Kinsman, Captain Ham
mond, thirty days from Frontera, Mexico, ar
rived here this morning, bound to. New York.
She 0110313 ternl the hurricane of the nd inn.,
in the us ales of Florida, tasting forty-eight
hours. 01 the 17th of August there was $ hur
ricane on the coast oCklexico, lasting about
twelve !pws. seven vestals, which were on
the eosin. loading, Or preparing to load, wont
umhare, cum Of which-was the barque Caleb
Haley. of New York. ThcEnglish brig Eclipse.
from Guadeloupe for' New York; schoonerJ.
1.. Nee ton. fur Jersey City; schooner T. E.
Aursdeur, and schooner- West. Dennis, from
Georgetown, bound to Bonne, with cargoes.
have returned here for a harbor, after being
nt sea twenty days trying to reach their desti
nation. They got, gui far ins liarnegat: and were
then - driven - back by the nerve northerly gale.
on the Prisoners. Fund.
SY esnntaron, October 19.—1 n con tormity
with the limitation of the time for the prenen.
tatton of claims against the fund now under
the:charge of the Coixtrutssary (loners% of pris
oners, princisaliv money that had been taken
from Union prisoners of war oral recovered, is
tined by direction of the Secretary of War to
be on onbeforo October I, lOW, of which flue
pub is nonce wan given orthe Voninfirstory
General or prisoners. No c aims presented kf
ter that dubs will be considered by the Board
of ollicern new in amnion In the city, which
was convened by ,special ruder NO. 4S; dated
War Department, Adjutant Generalin - Office,
October lyt,lebt. Such evidence tO cOmplete
the claims presented before that _date' an has
been reseeded by letters ruldreined to claim
ants or thole pins must be forwarded to the.
coonnissary benemi of prisoners at • Wrath-
Ington, D. C., no as to reach that officer on or
Ignore November Mir, InOti, to enable the Board
to make their report and complete their pre.
rata rewards. •
From Heir Orlemma
New YORii, Oct. 12.—A Herald'a Now Orleans
special says: The Louisiana radicals are fear
fully afraid over the discovery, by Detectives
of about seven thousand stand of arms and
four pieces of artillery, Which they claim be
long to rebel associations, but which In realtty
are the property of the "Knights. of Arabia,
who are believed to be Milos out an expodl-
Moe. Lieut. flarilluge, Of Steam'. loalinotori•
sty, left Now York on the Fanning Star for
tills point with others,•to..complete the ar
ran gain en te for waling. but as be went' down
lu tuatill-fatelfressol, It la probable the ex
:sedition will be delayed.
Petty 'Minitel Against the XesTnea - sit
. O c t
A IMIENTA. Ga, ctober 19.--Datinga Ilagyre
seutution to a waxy° volunteer comoanyof
freedmen, at Charleston, yesterday, General
Scott arrested those wearing shoulder straps
and 6 tte arms, In Violation' of the. general,or
'dere Uthe department" which prohibit. at
tary. rganlzations of any kind in South Caro
lina. • • .
Another Elnutfleetal.—Elossatlon frora
taco. reababy— • to elarvard
NlCif 'Cone, October 19.--George Peabody has
given one hundrod and fifty thousand dollars
to the Ilarvard College for perpOses of build-
In Er and mamudelugn museum araLprofsusoa
shlc of archaeology and etymology In connea~
Lion-with that univers it y.,
Tiareets to Bona the Hest of quelsee..L
gurare. October li—The weather . e . cm•
Unties beautiful, which is tbe greatest DOW.
ble biteable to the sufferers, It la understood
that threats have been made to burn .the re
=minder of the - city. Tots la owing to rotterl•
bus sent national - animosities... The eltivistut
are arranaluir to form a night patrol for Lb,
- -
JParelleartea Wire flu
Nsw Tong, October 31R—Yrank Farts, other!
wise Francisco Ferrero. the wile murderer,
was executed toe Jail yard in this city, sr.
ten o'clock this morning . - Perris made a (61/
remarks, saying n tremulous voice be was
about to die, Mtt- Was innocent. , lits Nana :
lrsa_gnllWY but hie heart was Pure' "' '
Voters tn. Brookliln.
New . VORA, Odt... l9 ; ;—Ttdr total- auditor of
voters registered In Brooklyn toots; zip as,ZIL
The ell vote last year eras only 37,300„
chosen' us. runsaaphis.
plutajaateaza. Ota. Ite-The Mott of ctutl
eta at the eines at the Boma nietptktaetan
• •
Theileld Deiyof norielnesh—Thetireat
Sate Texterday—TheNimeedy llorses—
nlagoosler Mee Well—boxier Doe.
Hester mind
Yesterday was undelibtedlyt ho greatest turf
day ever .experieneed liererdxints, As our
readers: knosq the announcement bad been
Made that Dexter and Patches, Jr., the world
famOuf trotters. and hiagookier, the scarcely
less renowned pacer, would compote lo har
ness, the 'best three in five, for three prizes,
the first of $1,500 tho second of $7OO, and the
third of WOO. The sporting world knew that
some of the best chances for speculation that
had been. offered, was Offered lathe proposed
trlal...ThOse that were not Sporting tnen knee'
UM the most Intensely elating contest they
bad (Wei- wtinesseil was sore to result from
the announcement, and. the Consequence was
that both classes were,cepuilly Interested, and
the event was waited for with the - Utmost Im
patience and anxiety.
Yesterday, the day appointed, shone mites
beautiful and favorable - as 'if It bud been de
signed purposely for the oontes t. The weather
could .not have been pleasanter, and every
body; with all his relation, ; seemed deter
mined to- avail themselves of the advantage .
offered and seethe races. At an early hour
the afternoon Pennsylvania avenue wits
thronged with' people, on horseback, in alt
sorts ofwelneles and crowding the-street ears,
.on .theis way to. Oakland Park. - This tide of
progress all net In one direction ; and one go
lag out could not help Wondering,"as lie looked
' upon the Crowds. vileoiDidajor Van Voorhis
would sus* them nil. Donee the hour of
starting, the - Park, spacloini as it Is, Vas w,il
tilled, nut less than di'ti - thensand persons lre
, nig present. no stash per tentage of t he spec
taters being ladles on horseback and In car
The track hail been carefully prepared the
evening before, and was In perfect condition
yesterday. lelutteverndslortnne might have
befallen any of the horses, It would hate been
certain that the track was not to intone for it,
As the limo for starting drew near the,•dis
tingnlshed actors" in the scene made their ap
pearanee lit thorned—Beater driven by Jrimes
kotf,• rli
ateen by lkiebel; and. Magoozler by
sainnel Keys. A brief sketch - of each of the
animals may not be out of place here,' Dexter
is a brown bore. with white legs and face. Ile
Lallans. his present owner 817,010. The beta
time be has yet taiule, accord ing to the state
meat of his drletr, James Eng', is Ida to sad
dle. Ile has WOO made his mile, to saddle.
once In eil9 1.5, and ordain 2:19; and to harness
cinch In and' once In rill l . The above
time was made over a Tulle trac k. Consitlera•
bin Luardiderstanding exists with reference
LOU* best tinny to harness, front the fact that
he Is said to have once trotted over a one-half
mile [reek to I.ii, and money hits often been
Jost on this tantalum:it.' The fact is that this
truck was fire fret short, rank lug a difference
of ten foot in the aggregate.. Ills weight lit ten
pounds Ms helghttifteen hands anti anoint:h.
and he is eight years old. • • • •
ratchen Is also a brown horse with thrin
white fait. - Ito was raised by Joseph Iteitgun,
in Iturtington minty, New lenity. 1W hen he
was live years old he was purchase I elite:4s;4n
by Ilendrickson, his present owner, for three
thousand do/lara whonnmediattily took him
LO California, where he remained until lust
spring, when ho was Nhipped to New York by
Water. - Pollen In Canhirina bus matte the fast
est time ever made on the Pursue coast, and
ten thousand dollars in gold was refused for
isles. At Avon Springs, in 'July last, he made
his tulle In 2.rM, when- Dexter mode it in 2"21
(silt track.) At Detroit his time Was 2rl,
wtt n Dexter'. was 2,22,‘. Lie I. nine years
old, sixteen hands um( ono-hell inch high,
and weighs 1,035 pounds. when in trotting or
der, The long lea voyage, and the fact that
lie was Stocked Mat seasdn should be token
to-1a consideration In juicing Ills merits.
-- The .Dexter-Patchen" combination has
earned for the lucky owners (131,000 during the
t X
on. - .
;present .The . 111 ry, of Id:woozier I. shrouded In
Myster -. leis supposed to hove tome from
Kentue atpl,Lratlitton has it It th at he-was
at one" is mitered by that prince of horse
thieves, John Morgan, and . smelt powder.
Ilewever.ol.3 May be. some tw_o years (deco,
Felix ',Welly rejoiced la-the possession of
him, and at length sold 111 M to Sonnet Keyes,
of whom he was purchased by M. present
owner, John %Yemen. The best Dine Ito has
1 yet made is 224 t tj, to harness, in Philadelphia.
lie Weight. 1,1:,0 pounds, and Is sixteen hands
i anti one tech In height.
Some delay was exper`enceel In making the
first start, but the word was given not long
after the appointed hour.
Finer Ilesv.—The animals left the judges'
Stand In very fair style. The utancsit excite
ment prevailed, and as the horses meare t the
Seem on the first round, and klagmtzler gas
seen In the advance, t m spec-muds became
half frantic, cheering and shouting moat ez
eittally. Maceozier won tills heat insplendid
Style, making It In 2x323.lDexter emu Mg In not a
half length behind.
areown ileac.—For the firsthalf mile of tills
heat Magoezler led, making IL In lila. On the
home stretch of the second round, however,
he fell Iseliind, and Dexter won by two lengths,
making the score ir1_....t.'1, - n. 3
• Taunt Itez.v.-Detlater led abatist item the
start making the diet half utile ta 1:10, and
winning the heat. In . j.r.(.13.j. Patehen had rous
ed to hts work, - and. came in second, tootling
•Mageogler by half a length.
Fourth near.—Dexter had this heat almost
his own way, leaving the other two easily be
hind him. The beat was won by hint In 2,32,
Patchett corning In second again, a . short dis
tance ahead of Magoozler.
This won the race for Dexter, liageozier be
ing declared the wunter of the second prize,
ask the race closed.
.As wo have sold, the most inttnse cal:lit--
Mint prevailed throughout the rare, and bet
ttig was very rapid... largo amounts of money
c anglng bands. Dexter was the favorite
from the first, an d after the second heat almost
any odds were offered by his friends.
So closed the long looked for tournament
that has put the satire sporting world on the
qta the. - Darter and ratchen leave our elly
to-day, and trot next, es we understand, at
Trenton, - N. 3, • .
During the efterntion the Judges' Maud Was
visited by u delegation from the company of
distinguished Ventura est arrived ittaareity.
Among Client were, Ilan. Lafayette Foster, of
Connecticut, Vice President of the United
Staten; Ilan. Mr. Hooper, of Ste.isachusetts,
Stem our of the House Committee on Ways and
Means: lion. Mr. %Vat}, of Massachusetts, Ft
meets! Agent of the Treasury Department; I
Tucker Needham' of New York;
President. of the Reading Railroad
Company; nom me. iYalker, at sprlngrield,
Massachn setts, and Don. Mr. Lefevre, of Cog,
land, Member of the British Parliament. •
These gentlemen remained mill WO' tiler!
were concluded, seemingly as thoroughly in
terested In Dm results US any who had money
at stake. t; •
To tbelruclng season will conclutb; with
• a match In harness, the beat three in lice, be.'
tweets lied Rover, Cold Water. Dilly, tirey
Eagle. and the celebrated trotting horso,Sllarr
Rich, The last Is undoubtedly • the b 13.51, four
mile trotter In the world, •
In, the Ins Ltd Ward—Two
House. Entered and Rubbed
The shoe store of I—Russell, situate on'
Pennsylvania avenue,- near the corner of
Chatham street r was entered by burglars on
Thursday night or Friday morning, nudely
dollars in cash, and three hundred and scatty
dollars in boots and, shoes' stolen. The, thief
or thieves effected an entrance through a
wiridow on the first fiJor in tho. rear, the,
shutter of which they forced open by means
under large butcher knife which was -This
knifethe window yesterday morning,. - This
knife was subsequently rocognired. by - Alm.
Nelson, who resides at the corner of High and
Wylie streets, as belonging to her.. This lady's
dwelling was also robbed on the Mime night
of a couple of mars of ladles gai
ters, a dozen of cans of fruit, a pair of gold
spectacles. and several other articles bruins
Mr. Russell, violas tint just started in bus
iness 'will feel keenly, and will be tiomewhnt.
Oaths's-raised, at this unexpected toss of 1 . 13
little stock: He has our klndestsympathy,
and re trust tne scoundrels who robbed .him
will bo DOM brOught to Justice.
All Insane Woman Loot
Mrs. Adeline Coniek, wife of David Conlek,
of Conneaut township, Crawford county, Ley
been hopelessly' insane for the last tweiVe
goats; and on Thursday, Oct. tth she 101 l her
home and has not returned. She Was last seen
on Saturday following, in the viCinity of Frey
Chapel, In Conneaut. towtship, since which
time, although every effort bas been made to
discover her whereabouts: 4 h° has not bunt
heard from. about. forty-live years
of age, below the Medium slue, and without
when She left. Iv dark calico dress
crinoline. and a dark hood. Any inewmation
concerning her fete or whereabouts will be
thankfully received by. David Conker, Stem.
burg, Crawford county, Pa. •
- Not Dead.—The ides has prevailed. for a
day or.two past, that her. Father Joint hick
ey, for tour years feud. connected with like
Cathedral In this city, died In Baltimore, of
beart disease. On inquiry at the Catliedrafwe
learn that the Bev. hickey deceased • JAI 311:4
gee. gather hickey, of this tnitspttoo,„
dent . of. Baltimore. Credence wee 'scree to
the report fronelhe fact that'the Xatter.bag
been In Baltimore for some Orneriest. -.. woo l *
exceedingly sand to be able to llelqradlet tee
Prevailing false ~. ,
We office of Alderman Taploa,perterday,. and
prepared- a charge .et ealaute ;Ltd tauter,
stead John APLanneel. 'prosettor
leg thatirDoanett repaired' re:Quarrel be.
tweed (=Wad fad wife,aibess nat t 1 ),
the feminine a bedding baud: to "Wall"' Min"
se be angle:alp 'apnoeas It: oDonasel was,
asalated,sueLeater ftt=aball - fora "ear,
lag, lintitatal legal I ttl; M is
- 4%
abate Int eittatred.i!se
T ~.. f ,~
Allegheny C41110i11",
A special meeting 'of the Alleghnn,y .Cona-
MIS wits held last opening in their chambers
in the' City Hall, On the north-west corner of
Federsl and Ohio streets, Allegheny city. '
Present: Messrs. Drum, Q nekenstein,
Patterson, J. O. Smith, E. C. Smith,'.W.l.lllaru
Smith, Thomas, and Pr9sident ItcHpler.
On tablea• the chair the Presiatit stated
that the pr-cnt;speelat meeting had. been
called for the purpose of-fixing the oracle of
North Canal street, about which there was
some tnistuuterstanding. ! '
Mr. Patterson offered the following, which
was adopted without debate: .
Resolved,. That. the .grasto of North Canal
street, between East lame and Sycamore.
street; be 'fixed at twelve Inches to the hen
drat feet.- • -•
. . ,
Mr. Irwin presented a. petition from the
Pittsburgh. Allegheny and Manchester Pass
edger.Rallway Company' asking that they be
relieved from the Several conditions requiring
them to pity a certain stipulated enter per car
*per annum to keep the streets through which
they pass ht proper repair nod pay a tax on
their dividends, and In limier these- several'
conditions to agree upon a certain flied sum
per- annum, for the privilege of;using thet
streets of th city. Thii petition was referred
without debate tetheCeintnittec on Railways.
Mr. Thomas presented -the report or the
Committee on Police, when the resolution of
fletrber 9th was adopted.-
The reportJLIIII Market Committee
was proamiedand laid Over.
The refuilution to disband theßeneral Grant
Fire Company. was next taken up as unfinieb
ed 1111SiikeoS. It will be remembered that at
the hot regular meeting of Councils Mr.
blicas pretented u rev-unarm asking the
C 011111111.1.430 on Fire, Etormes to disband the
Mummify mentioned.- The resolution w
adopted. but on going, before Common Coun
cil they noioconctirroiLin the action of the
higher body and appointed a special commit
tee to ascertain the cause which led to their
A motion was mule to veneer stub the ac
tion of C:C., which provoked is tens and ant.
mated debate. Io the midst of which Mr. y
ler, from the Committee on -Fire. Engines,
stated that- the Committee had—en they had
authority to do—disbanded the company and
hired a new company.
The whole nitsir a - as Ilually referred to the
Committee on Fire Engines. -
Mr. Drum presented the following preamble
and resolution which were referred to the Com
mittee on tire Engines:
W amines, It Ims been reported that. Mr. C.
C. Smith. a member of this Council, hux taken
pf.199(:SSI(111 or two of the Gem Grant's lire'
Company'.4 horses without the consent of the
proper authority; .
Resolved,' That the Committee on City Pro•
party, In connection w,ith the City Solleiter,
boand nee hereby instructed to take such-le
gal steps us they may deem necessary . se
core the return of said horses to the city, and
that they report to Councils whether. am their
opinion, any further action should be taken
by Councils regarding the coati uet of the said
C.C. Smith.
Quito an animated debate ensued on the
pre.nzlng of the pretnattle" and resolution,
in which part was taken by Messrs. Drum,
Tetanus, C. C. Smith and blyler. The latter
gentleman stated that owing to the fact -that
the City ttolicito-,was absent from the city,
Thomas Marshall, 141 q., had" been authorised
to institute legal proceeding% against Mr. C.C.
Smith for taking posession sad bartering the
property el - the city wittiest due authority.
TheCorumittee of Conferenceepttmintcd ata
previous meet log to inquire into the Claim of
the Go:ear, 17147xtlds and Freedom's /Wend;
Tor additional reumberstlen for extra print
ing lione during the last quarter Itt this year,
reported in lavor of granting tho claims, and
both branches of Councils Coneurring in' the
action of the Committee on relating, the
claims were ordered to he paid. The Commit
tee on Printing was then instructed to cow.
tract with the papers named 50 do the city
printing for the current six months at the rate
of We per annum each. -
On assuming the chair' the President stated
that the nejtszt of the present meeting was to
take oakes Li regard ,7,Ltio .tho 'maids of
North Canal street.. • •
The rideo !here then iinspended fqrPur
pOSO of iairiniirip new busines.. •
-• The Committee of Conference in regard to
having Water pipes pine,' on Washington
street, made a report, Which was accepted
and adopted.
On motarm of Mr. tnglish, the .Pittsburgh,
Fort. Wayne .t Chicago ibdirond CompanY,
was requested to purchase u lot of ground In
ths.yielnity . of Bidwell and ra.•le I I n ,streets,
which was formerly used by the First Presby
terian Church,. a grays yarn.
The resolution Wren read three times end
anopted. . •
ler.iMllier presented a petition front citizens
of the Third ward, desiring councils to • rein-
state the penentl grunt Fire Company.
j The petition rend three tithes, and re
'(erred to the COW niittec.nn Engine.. - •
The report or the Committee on ling was pri
minted_ and the action of the Select Counei
con tt;
concurred i . - - •
The resolution adopted at' the last regular
meeting, instructing theCommittetron Water
to lay water-pipes on Perry street, between
Centre and Church alley, was brought up and
the ItCtloll (CI the Select Councilconcurred in.
Dlr. Ingham offered the following resolution
which was read three time:, and adopted :
flgrelerd,That hir. Conrad C. Smith be in
structed to return the pair of grey horses ta
ken the Grant dre engine house, and In
ease he neglects to do so immediately, that the
chlirman of the etimutitteo be authorized to
cuter legal proceedings against hint. - •
English offered the following resolution:
Bess:red, That a Committee be appointed
conjunction with the Select Cennell to Inquire
into the causes which orkrinated the charges
against the Gen. Grant Fire Company. "
After a lengthy debate the resolution was
withdrawn'. Tin:resolution Originating In h e
,lest Connell ordering the disbanding of the
-General Grunt Fire Company was laid on the
. •
In all matters not otherwiiie mentioned there
"triti it mutual concurrence at tile hour of act.
lInY haiewnn rolled In tunny in CUCIOUS fret
Much like a rich and curious coronet;
Upon WillPiC arches twenty cimllda lay, a
And were or ty'd, or loath to dy away—
. . Brown , : Auto - rale.
• Feweir Sized nations bestows SO little'atten.
tiou on the cultivatimi and arrengement of
the hair as the Americans. .IVitir the one sex
it is gefiebtlly thought to he sufficient to comb
smoothly, to curl a /a cork and to
twist lip behind -will. some 'expensive Comb.
With others to flail( through it with a brush
or dressing emu., leaving . it to arrange itself
for tie% balance of the • day. Little care Li
taken in pit ri fying the' head; there Is an hells
e raeL tat,: um. t.i - hurtful and tan highly per•
belied, and we. everywhere See the
etiiiit.spionsis. title hair Minn gray, grows
thin, usel tails earlier than any ether peoples;
hair dyes are poured over the head which do. i
strop tile. texture turd beauty of the peat'.
forever, and . 'never- . will or • del
deceive:. one'S 'eeightmarst Zino - aro
enough of these destructive compounds used
and sold lu this country to make ns
headed for tun 'generations.. They matinee
these thin -s fur better in, Europe. Thin or
gray hale there seldom seen until /ate in
life—dlnon women particularly . This can be
hale them
anted for. European momen t of
env chuts, seldom or never dream their own
hair. The Min have accomplished cogheurs
or experienced lady's , maids at every day's
toilet. Even the Italian peasant
girls wealsis office for woven oteer,ana when
their h or hair is lnto a labyrinth
of glossy braids, they Justly. consider them
. poor and simple their dress
may • bo,rlobly . °dented ' for any festival.
There; hair dressing is an art of taste and
saieline. Nobody. risks - the danger of using
anything for the held welch does net come
from tho .Jahrlque of a ' hair" dresser. of
established reputation. liVell bred families no
more think of changing their •coiffieur than
their physician; end. thus trio.' tasteful and
Scientific; hair dresser sees is many a/wale
group Of Sisters grown. up under his honest
whose golden ringlets he dressed in childhood,
and Whieh continue with his care, vigorous
and luxuriant even when silvered by Age;
eo much for the general subjected but we
have at last had a great want supplied. A
Man of genius and learning, not only in them- -
istry ; end dermatollgy; bet one sconaleted
slith the whole art and seientis tit medicine,
who hue above all others, succeeded in .sqp.•
plying a preparatiou which letlestined as soon
nett Is'knewri ' . to supplant erervtiting hith
erto offered. - It is so perfect, an.,trtiele; Qat.
Pa . ..Keyser, thee . ..tent, offersairquedtheradatek
fe'ctarypurchaser !oho lamina( ed Okra
We &her to Dr. .Tettbers Lion. r; .
Sudden fear; overwhelming terrerodeltiess,
care and tiouble,. are Some-Of the-menrd of
grey-hairs:" Thugdire not' probated input
alone. It le therefore, most desirable to have.
a remedy for sucit - ekigeoelest,Thie is txpeci-
Lally true with women. They do not 'Chili 10
grovrgrayt nor do theseidrho love them like
to seethe. sliver anew - - fol I ,upon their. beads.
They - are the gentle and genial bells Maven.
sends. finer and - Me - bltgetlng -. haw of lime.
should be gently laid On . theln.' •.• " ' ' '
:..To tmO, Dr.,Tebbetthi•liegeneriiterls Just
Iwhat la Modetittuld it will gain Tor the Doctor
I. the plaudlta Of :Millions .of people who flay"
heretofore been deeelvedwldi the trashy staff
W.f. , BOBS eVerytiiing with which It comes
lneflatard. Te.those Whose hair. like Queen
Mario Antomettetor like Sir Thomas' Stentrew..
• Writs' white= In .a, strode novae; .or. 'Moat , in
*bran. the change Ls more '.grradtad.'VebPstre.
itelenOrstOr offers a complete and tberOnall.
ewe:, as well as preventing li. froutfallinc i
Ont. and - becoming berth, dry. ltbdriV lawn.
wtherwtse hemanageable: Yon , can trek It . b y
the gross tiol.lll. o[llll4oo biatili4 It.i..,llt,r.,,lpsys'
-• th* Aeolawnt.—Tho - ContwanholliOwitier
. 1 4. "- strtrw i ta m irwri=tit l igta:
eaetof thfg talkee. totleath on Esti;
ening e , nnifog. A little *brother •:er. the de
tensed nes honking babe twee the nteount
in demi inanneestembled mid tell agates; the
neve. Upsetting she tostreuto nun bow i
t i r i titir= n tglio n. ‘le2 l 4 fiVr nano utter.
sad ;the ist beg wed. Wrenn About the
lees .Iste and; sternu -- Ntr. Bough, who wow
Salto.! 41:013111,W!MIO DOT
In the most remote earners of civilization
our city has attained an _enviable reputation
ash great manufacturing mart. and articles
of Pittsburgh nieehanhim have penetrated
into every country and clime, and , have been .
adopted by . every '. people. •is but a Short
time since that anL Ainerlisar.-t.traireltir to
Greece found a man plowing near the Amhara,
city of Thebes witha plow nianufsettired not.
a league from where we write. , --
While we have attained such notoriety as a
emit nianahlitturing con inanity; and. Brit,
tea have patronizingly caned us the Blinder
ham of America, We have permitted our retail
business to lay behind until our trade in this
line has become a matter of contempt among
foreigners. and the great Masser thp populace
olcontigotis • . .
• -Wi th in a iew years. however, there had been
admire manifests:al by Our, - retail dealers to
havethisibranch of industry keep pace In a
measure' elth Our manufecto ring importance.
The consequence has been, that where yeste
day stood the narrow dimity warehouse w
Its amnia shelves but half tilled with nut dy
garments and closely 'arranged ware, toelay
we have large commodious store wimps pack
ed with an endless
_variety of goods, compile.
tag material that have been constructed un
derthe soft foggy skiee of Fusin:id, the clear
+due of La. Belle France on. the banks of the
•Guadalqichler,' amid the vine clad hills of the
Bhion, on the arid plains of Egypt or where
the Soft snows of Siberia cover the home of
the tiny squirrel -whose •• tut" covering is
coveted by our ladles, both for its comfort and
beauty. Among the pioneers "Ilithb advance.
ment of the retail business In this :city, none'
deserve s more favorable recognition. than
.Thomas•Ai•BleClelland,' whose auction jlOll9B
hone of the tronsnicuous ornaments of Fifth
street. Possessed with a peculiar business
capvity—and,rticularly with that rare fa
cility of kuowingi use exactly where, bow and
what to. buy—kir. IleClellantris, prosperity
was au easy matter. .
By purchasing Immense stocks at eastern
wholesale price+ at a time when there Was an
ebb in the market, he made it protitable to
dispose of them at such prices a+ caused his
establishment to be resented nettle poor mash,
friend, us there only could be get good articles
at reduced =tea, wed there the moat needy
were enabled to. supply their, wants. • The
establishment is well worth •a Visit by_every
stranger that comes to Ms city and w is hes to
form an idea of the
. giganUe business daily
traneacted there. limn can be seen great road
Of Shelves stretching from one end of the
extensive salesroom to the other, pliederith
every variety of goods, embracing dry goods;
gentlemen's clothing nod furnishing material,
. both. in the web and manufactured ludo gar
ments a-choice assortment °Moots and shoes,
In 'filet every imaginable articles required in
domestic use.
- _ - Purchasers and country merchants alio in
tend laying In their whiter stock should not
forget to call at alcelelland , s, NO3. 55 and 47
Filth street, under Masonic fall.
Court opened yeatenlar morning at the
wont ,hour, Judges . Mellen end Brown on the
Joseph Friuli was placed en trial en an in
dictmenplbr selling liquor without license.
Thejary.fonnd a verdict of not guilty, and di
rected the costs of prosecution to : be paid by
• -
the county.
Mrs. Margaret Neal was arraigned on an in
dictment for malicious mischief.' The defend
net egiat pied a dwelling house owned by Mrs.
Augusta O'Neill. On the Itch of • September
last, the defendant, moved out and the prose.
catriz alleged that before leaving she tore the
paper from the walls and broke some thirteen
penes of glass. Tao jery found a verdict of
not guilty, and ordcred the defendant to pay
the meta.
Martin . Schnable was indicted for maintin
lug a- hnsance by erecting an "Iron-clad"
building. In consequence of the decision of
the court In u similar ease during .last term,
the prosecution was abandoned in cases re
maining on the docket, The jury found a
verdict of not guilty, and directed the Mayor,
Aldermen and citizens of Pittsburgh to pay
tho costs. •
• • •-
Court thou adjourned until UM o'clock this
morning. the Juror* having bens), discharged
until blooduy morning: - .
Charged with Fraud.
Mr. R. 8. Smith, Cashier of the Union Na
tional Bank of - Pittaburgh, came before Dope.
Lit Mayor Morrow yesterday morning and
made an information charglinaohn Stoddard,
a resident of Robinson township, wittiohtnin,
Mg O from the bank by (also represents.
Orin& it is alleged that some days since the
defendant visited the Wink arid-presented two
'second Mlle of exchange drawn by Wells,
Fargo & Co., eit. California.. and payable at
the house in New York. The bills were en
dorsed by S. N. Calvin. agent of the house, an'S
were drawn In favor of Stoddard . One of the
bills was for em, andAhe other for.
able In United Slates coma When nod
presented the bills at the bank. he represent
ed thatjhey had not been paid, and received
the ameantmentioned in National notes. It
subsequently proved that both Mils" luutbeen
presented in New York. where one had been
paid and the other protestinl. A warrant ter
the arrest of Stoddard was placed In tho hands
of officer CuppiPs who proceeded to the house
of the defendant In Utibiniton township, where
lie arrested Stoddard and brought him to the
Mayors alike. There .be waived a hearing,
and gave had in thesam of SUPOO for his ap
pearance at courtt.
'Megan of 2117... W. A. Watt .
The mortal, remains of Mr. Will lite A. Watt.
who, wait killed' by a .recent accident on the
Western Pennsylvania Railroad win be eon.
consigned to their last resting place in the Al.
legheny Cemetery,this afternoon.; The tuner:
al will proceed from the residence of Geo. W.
Patterson, PIK:, corner of Ridge street. and
Walker avenue, Allegheny city, at two O'clock
and carriages will be in wMting at , Mr. De.
vore.a, Grant street, at one o'clock.
The - decease.t was a son of Mr. L Wan,
Merchant Tailor, - whose death from accident
several years ago, caused inch universal sor
row and regret en this community.- The sad
accident which caused the death of this woo-
thy Young Itentleeitan, seems to have been . the
result of mischievous cmultict on the part of
boys who removed the. fastening-of•the car:
whichlilted him upon the trunk- He
o rs a
kind, _generous friend and the possessr nf
many Una qualities ot head and heart, which
rendered him an universal favorite with all
who enjoyed• his acquaintance: ills young
wife and relatives have our eagpast tondo
tenth talkie their dark hour of sorrow. a.
The villainous "causes" who are engaged is
a nocturnal occupation for which we can.give
ne name:seem to be reaping
. quite a, rick bar.
vest Just now, If .We am toludge from the
number.or amnions. looking tarts we edemas ,
ter in our midnight prowlings. We have no
idea of Interfering with this legitimate branch
or busfriess,ind since the Asiatic cholera real.
ly exists lu our eity, we do think that at this
particular time It. ts not wise that the voca
tion of these nark knights of the - shovel
should be brought so exasersively Into reentst. ,
Wm. Perhaps we So . : wrong in offerinr.the
suggestion that the trade be. suspended for a
sew weeks, .i.e,st certainly-more harm arises
Irons the poisoning of the atmosphere by the
Ct7d al i b us u ir=focuilrOt than
b ° urn d 4 2 t IZI n g '
member of Councils stoutly opposed the dig
ging .of sewers and other ex
if dining
the prevalent° of elsolera, and if
work Is
harmful to the public health, hose mot*
so i 3 this disgusting business, mi trek/lasi
the atmosphere breathed by. sleepin g mortals
with, worse odor than. ever- arose from-•C0.4
lognOthe ctty of stenches I _ • •
Liberty Streeell. serYl-;
ces.last evening in this chareh were highly in
teresting. QUM'S barge audience were pees ,
eat. Rev.„,lit.p. A. liolinete. Dreachoct an ex.:
cellent sermon from - the text—it:or, ii att:.
at the close. of the sernion; a large body of
communicants, from the various fettkcalist
churches; partook - of Holy thnorannion.
Quite. an array of ministers woreresent,
among whom xse oblierved, Rena W.D. Wet.
king, 3.A. Swaney, W. P. Terrier; /LT.
ley, W. W..Renp Burt. J.H.'Rbbert , ..."
.11.11..8gher 'and S . F. Jones, pastor of
the: chareb... neat Isereice. renrrb of the
aerie*, will take place at ChnstVharch on
Friday evening, the wi th , when 'Rev. W. P.
Turner of . East Libexty, willpreach a swam"
retest Tiarning.isa newel roam-
Prom the Warren Carotids we learn that
Wine 01 the priaoners In the TruMballCOML.
t 7 Ail have Mx? planning. , *hair - escark.: end
have been so far successfig as to Ana ble OW,
of their snubber named tieti,coaaned foreotne
smailonenee, to get rho head manager
oi these *claues for bresrningjall is said to be
Ablated/ix /Didion. olio bus • taken eentraet
of the job Of getrnur all his co•prlsoners, out
o ,Cluranee, thecoasiderstion hetes that they
an, to turn over to him &Mete property.. .A
written coat:recite that effect has been drain
up and algae& wa attorney he tarn save
anon to sympathise with itts clients.:, ;
.AecidealL i • - • • Tho honer _attached to li.drny•
driven br Dennis Shannon, took fright seater
fluty on - wood street.' sine MD sway. at fall
2taf4Trir.:ll°Ztre'llribtA,72 46.
stif¢ina and dazna,th„ m train
.of Dr: keysees drag store- The driycr was
• thrown Pain biblical end reeelved verfievere
,b n aasd and cuts; the thiambilf =ahead. being
,net entirely Oft The collision : with the Doss
.stopp& the career hi the runivirsy,harsei and
,hawneecared.r.: . c
-.Awe the
s c,suipak:. mama -11,6 ' k rk s 4L,/mt
IcOrn:Fbers of /br e .ti,
iestiskr, and ir .a.g swarm&
axe last an
lair AMMO PieWialk 1, q6=4 61 4.eart ,
*ea: , Tipa rper two re p a si o r riew
N 'th • - '
irma-Vaidoala.4"-T ',lrenglee„
aDd Walaludnirs' cgdadaDiabaZDtad
ward. aaddankr laidraaNdalt•arldaralt•
4..ceun -
mos avast; araza Alma , : Maar&
:Yesr•a delorredly yoDular sad ragNiculd.and
Ida sodden death aDASID,
I tustAsium
• - 14Aritira 79 , ;IPKELIRIVITlibtbit-
KIT. Ilati.:AND -
RLN• - • NEWS.
m •
The Xablan ts 'brmmed artstri will reach tba
subscribes soonest "-
T ç
514 10 4 Cinr/Pwr
Clubs or rite
. .. 1.513,
•••••••"•• 1.35.
caught Intbe Att.—Latour% nareddlleurT,
Jcmes. baiting Item the Firsr ward; Alleghe
ny; was arrested yesterday attereoon at the
Blononanhela $Ol3OO, by echoer wrigiey, ot the
Mayor's pollee, while in the actor =gang off
with a amen. ,beg. bekuiring to coo of the
guests of the bouse.! Jones teem- locked upend
I will have a hearlogttoqhty:-Ile asys he does
not recollect taking the (wren backat has
been drunk torsotne 'time best,-and did not
known, what he did: Ile Is a.laborer,and bass
family In AllOghests,. -
Bobbed fa a Ileum& al 1111 -rte.—firs. -
Catherine Hamilton, who has gained= tom.
viable notoriety of late,' was - arrested last -
night with a frail boarder owned- ttarab
gore, for robbing a , rialtoetd • them abode of -
two hundred dollar/4n greenbacks anti It title
to a farm. In 01.10, yesterday, ...Tile mad
robbed balls from Stinitsbi twenty - eight
" below Whooping'. and is dotter adminord •
years. lib name is James Jones. - .
the residence of the bride's father. on Weenesdny.
evening. Oct.ctn. by Rev. T WM. R.
WHITACRE. or sots city, toAtim ARUM T. HAN.
-NA:daughter of Rent. HasinseE44* •
iiiLraNdroan—un Trldly =mules theletll
not., A. M. WAI LINGFOLCM. Aged 51 •
The friends of the family am Invited to attend the
ftnteral Service In the First Presbyterian ekt.r.h.
two welock"8.111/3/111.1.1 , 1T.RNOO's:
FULTON—At the residen even i ng parent; lie;.
Mama., street, 00 Friday MA.ltthalLiT;
stennd daughter ofJohu and Msry Y. raltdrtu, aged
elightiests and at months...
Notice funeral In etening papers. ' •
'- - WATT-' l on Thursday, Oeloberlarb, WILLIAItA.
WATT, aged . 24 years and ti menthe. . •
Tha tonere' will take place TO-DAT (October
fermollis residence at Geo. W. Lratierson, corner of
Ridge street and Walker avenue, Allegheny
o'clock p, m., to proceed, to th e Allegheny Ceme
tery. The frlentlior th e family are respectfoUr
rip d tt attend. Carriages will leave 'W. U. De-
Tore 'a, (Irani street, at I o'clock p- m.
LiUg4t,J21.J.9.e12.1 ,, c , m00i
beantlfol "tioarit•scre," torneat suburban'
Own of sepulchre. except one, lull is rointr. LLh
mated ott Hew Brighton road, tounrdlotely north of
Allegheny. hontiortal kap, "ornalts or Mice, call
ntltontral Drug Moro of COttl. • CLANEY, All,
gtherty CUT.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cos. 701,
It ELILIIIIICt frOMEllventh Strut,)
N 0.166 Fourth n.let,ritteburst-Fs._ 0014138 of
ol kinds. CLIArkEt, eLOVISotto ever, doscriptlon
Yourrai Fornuoung tioons muumuu'. 000kus
02 , !.434 Heane and Gallia aps turatatusa.
7dirillANC/8.-BCV. David /Carr WU., Mr. II
W. Jacobus, D.D.. Ttkauma 3Wlus. Uriaoto
E . T. WHITE & CO.,
Manchester. Wood'. }Ma sail vicinity.
Monier as Sbeideld and Martian streeta. -
lissrao sad Carriages throbbed.
. „
• • W•47).NIL.EideLIA3I. •
One exec:lent Biding anti Driving Hone. -
'rt.) Horses suitable fur Duelers or Family use,
Will be sold tow, as the owstun hive no 131.1. for
them. et HOWAIIIPS LlVEltit it SALE BTAlttat,.
nein ) I Dst stree t. near Mouongalkelit House.
86 liPittla. SEltiNeet.,
•' ,
1931 Smithfield Street.
• THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON,.►( h'itt-pluil two
o'clock, .harp, one of the malty e xelting.uputesta of
the p,: seat atusen• will take place attlaklasil rark.
iiaee Course. between . . - •
431L1al uYu ,
^E7R6Y ICAGLIS.. , and
tir MIER BILLT. , .
For the grathl premium of FIVE lIURDRED DOL.
LARS, to go lo hs-reese, - wale bests; best three In
tire. to rule. “Sllss ktiell , 7 tee rum' four sidle
trolll borsitto the world , in 4 well c012;44,1 with
•Sed Rom(/' "Cold Woter Billy T.. sod "Grey
igaglas , -to celebrated as pacers. 'run tautest for
toe honors of the Earl, .sr l 8 Ouse the tirsad Eons
Zehloolon. ' . -
!fourth ISCreet Pe...eager Can p us the tract
th evety
fifteen mthetes thropshout the dky nod
B. VAN V eve
ra f is.
Olt Always; Give Nails
firers, week. Pr. QM:my .....Scatt . 151 waled' -
Open to insert a.rtirlelil Teeth In esserwl are
other dentiserhaserrial , Sam Pia,' red./redid,
and la every case AisWOrt gives entire mil..
fsotlon. He is gene an artist:M.lW' fie zat
tenaness;reui has merely to examine a Mee
know-boil to - articulate' theteeth so thatt heir .
will present a landsrene andoaterid &Pinar
arum and will mastiesto th e food thoroughly.
la:irks/are lour Man asps isramr.dminal
ill ON CUM. and ho Will asarrager hhi Work Is he
sepertor; ISco It .woulte_ bettor for any - ot Our
readers whorls . * inward of teethito call even .
the Dr. in the . ..first - glue, end thgreby.aire
their time and money. We would aisa enema!
those perartis Wholae suffering With ilisegetql
andao.igbtly teeth girt they can have Oliva'
extrocto4 tothout oolyobinaarentr,tryeafilet,
upon Dr: Scott. lie has , extracted 14r mei kos,
la pawn's ;inetaii 1.1304132A81441yeiriN;
and among this taiga istaMbei.there'liati his
cap 1n which his gamest Wit:feral lalarloas. L .'
:On the anitisr7, Woe. to, numberso
his pa tient, who claim tis have ham lallgett al
in renewed health. He eitractannmbers '
‘lsr by the heir ratitgolena orWiper" Proftrii ..
and gives : pare Laughing, G el thcsiOraa'
:desire it.',,wltisont Margo, Us. ,, raskes;air,
obarge far egtemrtuie WheOIsII4ICLAI meta - ow
ordered and - Oreg. oiroll. seL '?'"
With Mutating gem:for rigla a g tarr • Er"
member, his tronineri Plum street ,
w ar iza ttli T ts alrAlZAßA .4t teireliAlt.i ,
- "