11 f.t6 : x , ~ ~w~ : i.-. U II i 111 FItIDAY,, , OCTOB R 19, 1866 pogivics Asi• - an `EDUCATIONAL . c. '''*- - in and true, '•-. coinaerbilt . 113 e-PCish -- -. . ."- '- - - • Im o metjeathrought ' _of a poillleal cuirass. . . . . , to , close in - Yearurylvantaimottriew persons indine to tbeeplatonLthateleetions COllle , ' WO 611=103nd .4i rA:" 1 _,li'?f 4 4 iz • fr eql4 6 ?,. '''.- • sie Of - periiiebaits' inauence. - This Is too . f'iliallini a Weir &the:matter. - Alt human T affaireare OfMiTedtCO.MpPSILICIII:'; , No ,L tI . aIy . ig t"- is altbidon all geed: In 'the *Mt.' case • :there are . cotapeniseticitia—in• the bear, ' dranhtieks,-. When• the balance is on tee . : ;right side, wisdom dletetea iliatvie should Ills indispensable that they who rule in ' . .the" .. - Coneertitt lif, peat ~ ,.ruttione, should-re ceive; an amount_ and lticaltifinetinetion - ..-fitting thin:n-11Sr the , fieribnnance of that -; (inuatiOtt;"ltineitarthialkoneitiiiii,.'ewiitg '.- 1•0 : t • t 4 ' : - 4i,uiiiik!ii•6icii ) Yertime:nt. - iliesO . • pertains ire comparatively -few in number. - - Buticreetcost -is inenrred that they maybe wanting in no .lielpfal diselpline.' For_ them, eigapie and - wetly facilitation! of. . ~. leariiingTere•created , and stistained.-.. - : No , paliM . ;and'eapitesci ard - ,spared to famish . • • theta, forth prepared at nil points:for what. " .. eVer iiiiptiniiibiMies:May be laid On therm. The fieti:lS:reOgilied - . that they 'Must be, : wiser than the mimics over whom they are . . - te eiere*autlierity, or they will be over cciessiad reducedtesubjection. This sys: tame( politieal training comports with the - . riatiinand :Aced - snot monarchy 'which la itititid - o- - ' 't "' benefit, ' , . 1 1'.. , ' - • I .,e. f the fen', for heiT. own . -- :- anitiit",ths Cost of the many; - 1u it republic the theark is that. ail' - per eons shall tentielpine in . they - government, ... -- ..130faraii:thlearid le : not `reached, violence -•• •,. is done to'the't7cnientarj Principle. But I.ilsileavly impossible for many millions tnacttlirectlY- in national-affairs. lfiss Meetingeer moll., are - sudlcient for certain putptiatis,- in) such . detiberationva are es . Bantle Loth° proper nmhing of litive, are . .. „hot within their scope. - Renee the fleece city eta :. strictly veprese.ntative. system; undiviihicii all the peopleare. heard , and ,jeltli - drily appointed "delegates: To , the tight saection of these 'representatives it is il l J et*lititil Ail theipePPle"receive a - SPecial . ."training le IR7IIIICaI science. , To a.cert .in ~ extent this - Valuing is.obtaincil by means • - of - newspapers, magazines.and books. Bib, after alt; polithmllmeeting are ithia_ univer. sitleipf the - people. In thei . c ' popular as lenthlageethey net - only Lein the underly - .lag. prinelides rof government examined, . but they hear the current limes, on doe . _ tiines and meseiires, dismissed from vaii; • - logs stand points. In addition to this the • , masseseomein living contact with leaders bropiniOn and insensibly ."become imbu .. ed with more or less of their fervor: This is analamius to the beet felonies bf univer: . ally of education; the contact of the : pupils with the professors being the best utrt of tho discipline. . It must be conceded that thetrue theory --: of these popular assemblages is often in , • • (meted by setting'up persons to speak who ---have lamentable need' to be taught them , - selves. But .the Barite blunder is frequent , I 4, ly committed n schools of at more formal Bird.' All College inters and profe ' a rc , not men., of ripe learningand apt - ay . eh - n.. ' • lag.. Some of them; who posSesa solid t tainmcntii, are smitten With anignoble love of temporary apPlatisc, and 'resort to start-. • - linzlatititheals, .brilliant metaphoric and all manner of ; literary siy-rocketsOn the .: glare and - explosion of 'which sense is lost ~ • and utility confounded.. There are maul . rally tusSugli, many political talkers-of this breed. They measure all' capabilities by the aracurcit of noise elicited, and bence talk mainly to bands and hpell, and little „ to heads end lactate.- A monkey and a fiddle would sunless not a few of [base imeidteni in producing The effects of which they are -vain. But there are Apeakers of another description; men who have care . . . fully sifted Sue 'mutters of which they trent, . and !abet - loudly garnered up facts end argu-_ ,nientas to fortify the:positions they assume. Zech men, animated bya glorringenthusi..' , emu for a great camse, become powerful educators of - the _peapic. ' Through their ' ; labors the poptder intelligence is increased ' . and the peopleare guided 'ln the perform , - - emceed:their ftMetions as :"connected with .. --• ilia.governeeent. . .•' r; ' '.....]...*:: Iti liii;a the men .whii organized the Re- puidiear_ party commenced, under pecvliar I •'-', -offtgicelties auddiscouragtiments tha vindi. - ,-- catkin of the essential doctrines of person.: -- - al liberty:: Tice task they undertook seam. -.P. ed, except -to the eye of aniliu.slasin, :alto-gether * r etina The most mnneat and „.•;. confident among them scarcely , calculated, '-:-.- in iratevingeldage, to witness the ft nition - .- totitif 4c4,*. •In ten yearn the main part • . Of the..gMat noric_to which they deviated 2 ' PeCalt,!!" 211: 141 , accomplished. Free (Hit _. , , - .. enaskini - In the history of the world, never - Ir°ll- tiwiiiill'etritinaph, '.' • ' , 14 4 1 544 Iteemmil as if a strong un- T ,dorettow.:erouldmrry all out to sea again. - o eopenildiir.olitervatlen,' , . it lia;ked as thmaghtheehaticiar Indiana keit en the dial _ 4011 Fern ,yeass„., X • renjit - iiild.summer -c efiPtvideso end 144Epate4:' reuctiOUlaill Ititini* lb* ikkafrult,ofOrS.rairiellolla :harvest. The renal:,-tha ambitious,the cowardly. among the republitmis ree, in. +decent haste to unbind their boilers mid 1 cat ilotol4o sayel ! lll iitbeeitinitstion of . tanking - galasr or -564141 " - i s eettr ll. Y . - iii' _ lb* here:tar of the-meet canto. - Sturdy . nefeSii 3ll ! 1 1. 9 - d id • -bt4-•l *e-riabend • nilmiteer. might .betide, were-. - zot iietie eau thefoundationiOn- wide - h .- tiny stood - 1 1 Yould DM he swept from under 1,.....,„.,1,..-, ,phil theyAsinas4lefi 'the •. consecrated banner. , - - The po.ipile - gitthered about it. - ; limier its , : • folds they - fiikett over the twil,gitty prob.. „...." - ..leamanalthig dcelehin; reennsed the breve' . . , :. • ..dwiltiperlofjne l In other years; rekinaktil ~_;•-.- initial ottiere fervor, and ,teek . fresh vomit *iilioniiiii e ,„rt. sh o u l d ne i t he' r ,ioeziebed fro m ca r gap net 'trailed 1 1 411e11141Now 134 has been irrought? :! - • . - ..- 7 4 ' 44rtgaikhrii a, enrinounted; The alii , Piteelticet,' sad it leagued tieaspirators, llsiii.:**:liitilaiNt. jsre:it;iidzise i 'tiiit : .... .!1'!i!gc.44,4:.#4hit401n4 Lairbeent lifted Into, XlYidiaeossfola the peop le were eittlindail ~ifiintt, Ire::: rebellion .. - that WWI ' ,a-,4414.: .. '.lil ijOjitt,:!l.!llo beak ' -,,.asalu • . • • 4011% 'Vita Itlineal. The Ctiath 4 tf MIA lTUll aet but piritfe hap (Mired forth 'mime/ohs notices of -mu! comments.apon htanllfe and character. Lettmeh ed inhiscilve lira on a lie, isg e t a i level;44 *di no ere! Min dasitait**th; his meteor.like care a, er. with may ::00e0ire end some- admirers. A• Dayilbolmii'lityidescent and Inheritance, be -it ;. - 1,. 163 0 lime Melt siimeg ground figainot ---- , - Vl:!firev , PoslY et Mei PefiY, and gains/ Latridaaik in the matter of elnytijAiit •-44,41tlitieitalutnictobaf petition long.l .44 ee .114-65#040ni anyinhket probablytifd nOf. 11P0* deep .or earnest . - ceirtiutfolo hut , tal ere rethe f , t hs vitiptingiorpoiti y pr the. 4Abst ttlauotsolcaprice. lie wiwomphaticolly "...ik Zraus trurld, and.being genial,brU -: fleet fascinating, he n ever lacked tiosis „t i fif adentrus and 'what aro called Mandl,: nee ,llte'lrai a failure, and few pleasant VIII chitin. *mind his samei d • ?,e."-- • ; • ..• • • Of -.RADICALS AND CO? SERVATsVM- Tag CATIIOLICS AND' TM. BLACKS.-- - - These terms were very much used in the Cardinal,Barnalx), Prefect of the Propanan- recant campaign, - and many :people sup. de at Rome, posed that they expreesekseinithing new. sends letters to the, Catholic O C/Incil Baltimore. The eighth , clause Thore who • introduced them ;wished the "Atial n y ci lt i i l s et t Is Ni n iali ci t77l Sacred impression to. get . inti - the popular Mind -Congregration that 'the Bishops; of the that a sells - to Had takenplaeo in tit e great United Slates in fulfillment of the 'charge which has been- intrusted to them of feed- Unl " Bc P ub l i&r i P ert /''."' th at!' : Cue 'wing ing the Lord's flock,: should consult togeth-' Was known asrcpriaerrdive 'er respecting souse uniform method "of pro the otheris %rhea Rtiiubliams.,that the .viding for the-salvation and. Christian edit , Aurtc nt' ittliled around the; - Pr • • cation of the, entancipated ; blacks. This president sun , 'question Ids been brought up, , and it is one, braphileit:Of ,reeerustructinn, white indeed, of the fast 'necessitY; end 'unleas thtfOther'oppoOd the.Presidetit, and . sup- tIMy speedily take, action en ii, and gather ,polted the Congressional plan o f i ec o o - this great - harvest into the Lord'egnintry, struction. 11, was upon this idea that the, ittoilrilli°ePwlelews2nE(lteffieirilftrelb)afratil'ilee injury ' Philadelphia Convention of August was The Council wilt titdouYbiedly,nee.tnunA conceived and carried out ; and buoyed up the suggestion cif the Cardinal. - - by this notion, the Democracy, both Rebel and CopPerlicad,,witit , 043 Praklent at their head, pleasedihemaelves for a While with the hope that, either lied -succeeded .in dividing their lelal itintagordsta; they Could easily conquer'them..-r• 1 It . was this exiiee.tatiOn s that led the file- Leaders of the. Democracy.to agree to furl for•the time being their old . party banner, - and rally naderthe new fiag'of . Conserve. darn; borne by Di:N:MITT:LE,'" o..ownzt and RA.Y3IO2ID, and supported. by WEEP: Suw &RD, Dix, Annne.w JOIINSON and others, togithervilth the entire host ff the Tenders of the - rebellion as a(resersfe. ;NOrrhatt. there -really been-a divialon in the.itpub -llcau party--4utd..that;parly," IBM thalli.l mocracy, been merely docile Jolloiers of old and, accredited leaderiy,the -- scheme ' would have been a success. --It - was nnen then that -th.e -President and his chief ail ,vieers: ihipended ; and It was not Una! the 'result.of the Maine election came thunder ing -into their early that the Demo2ratic :chiefs awoke to the appalling realization ,of the'fact that their ne allies, or in whotht7Y expected so much, could do nothing 'for Melia, hut wars rather ii . dead weight I.that the conservative wing'. of the RePublicau party wasn myth ;that ANDItEW JOITSSON, with all .tl-e itch patronage he held. In his., hands, was scornfully repudiated by ninety: nine. hundredths of the - Men whose ykes had lifted Lim Into Abe position of heirap , , parent; and that. the. leaders with when.. Ley had bargained lied no followers. Then thek ciMaged - front, struck . the ConSeria tLve their old party ban uer, and went into the fight to do the best they Could.. -flow they succeeded, so far as the battle has gone;ore have.. seen. , Row iliey will succeed In the greater. struggle of 'No-. veinber wit may ink.r from what . has already taken place. • - -Ail . ~..1.-i:,-_,,,;..,:..,,.:.,i, . . • - Wenow see that there is no Rua party as Coniervative Republicans, in the sense In 'which the term has been used, But re have seen what Is still better; for the late elections havedemonstrated that the great party which noq rules the country is made ,up "of earnest and patriotic men; men who do their own thinking, and who cannot be led aside:by any man, or any sit of 'men,/ howeverhonored and trusted heretofore( in this they are intensely conservative, for they ailbere.toand conserVe their'own print , cipies of truth, and justice and liberty and right,,, let who will betray them, or at tempt to persuade them to ,do likewise; whether by sophistical appeals to their derstandiug, or by, still more corrttptimir appeals to their love of power, or place, or emolument. 1f the patriotism and bravery 'of. our citizen soldiers, and o• f uur hiyal peoplc•or both se.Tes,.iu the war, inspired high holies fur the future. , of the ilepublief the unswerving fidelity to .principle mani fested Just tow 'quqr as 'cheering and hopeful nn stip:try of , a gloriousluture. . • TROUISLE IN.BALT IMOR The : effort made by the disloyal party in Baltimore to rethave the Police COllllliiS .sioners of that city litteln 'it :sOme- of the features which charaMerimd the history of the same class in 'IBM,' when they, at tempted to drag 'Maryland Into • the vortex of secession, 1/12g who would have succeeded but for ' - the firmness of President 'Lincoln Now under the' rule of Governor Swan and President Jehnstin, both of whom sympathize with the dis franchined rebels, their prospects for Cf fecting their abliet are more etcouragie s g. The Baltimore American „of Wednesday, discussing this Important questian, re- ... , , . The incensistency of this movement and those engaged In it is so palpahle that we do not wonder-at the general rifusal of intelligent and responsible and honoint*le mei/ to sign the memorial. . The main charge made against the Police Commis sioners Is that they appointed Judges of Election from that - party - which stands pledged . to uphold the Constitution of the State /a all its provisions, and to maintain and enforce the Registry, law. They, may, - possibly, .bare done this'. to .sense extent,' and if they did, it is the question for discus sion whether It W44lnot their bounden duty to-do so. - Governor Swan had entrust 'ed the, enforcement of the Registry law entirely to those who are opposed to all Its: provisions, and who have actually. violated and rendered it almost a dead letter on the statute book. lie did not select any Regis ter, . except- by mistake, who_ was not a known opponent of the lilW, and where be did mist ike his man he forthwith dispatch. ed his Secretary to. Induce him to resign or obey the. nor ructionsof , the . Governor. With what grace, therefore, -we ask, can ' any honest and honorable man ask the Gov, eraor to remove officers fer doing what he has (10120 himself in all parts of ' the State? •The Commissioners were lahoritiet to, pre vent the violation .of a law of Ilia . State, whichit was their bounden duty to do;‘and to uphold the clear, distinct undispuht= btu provisions of the Constitution, which they'could not' o except . by the - appoint nient.of Judges of Election - who were _dis posed to observe nnirtniiiptain tlictuitivio te The "opponents .of the Gtlloll pftity / 0 " Mittyhoffi maruill themselves GotWerva byes. Democrats,. or anymther name they, choose,;lnt they aro. mainly'romposed Of ,I . 4 1 treantant, Rebels. - There hro-lult /We '1 4, 1 1 41111 the Etat° one Of which nrofesses Adevotion . to. the , Didon,• and' the!,dther, With ts, few houorahle -eXeePtions.. is i.Pdi. calittebel. They are . for- present .pur pOSes, shunting behind 'a• few ..merrwho_ claim to be Conservatives,' but by °sande; in( the 'P rlh Vellingll' of tifelr'ineetings it wul Iss seen t ha t.thetprinelmil movers, like • those who- are englneteieg this.moVement for the removal or the Police Comtnlssloti-' I ers do not profess to entertala a sentiment __ _ - • , .. • We pefer to our ,telegraiklalckdipiirtinin for later donate: The 'elentlou for ineii‘ bore of Coupterviic,, take! Platu In 31^/Y .Innaon th e Cat of NOvetuber-; • Tlu account ren la tho pipers or the luxurious style In which the distinguished hanker, day Cooke, travelled irora Philadelphia to Sandusky ; seems to eclipse an thing corning properly within the lauds df mutocracy. either In this co u 0 tryor In England. The elegant special ear tendered the great buyer , suc h seller of national seturitles,was 'ismer), alralr, hav ing all the couvenfoncies or a well appoint tal dwelling—a porch in tho , rear where sareral May all and take air free from dust; an elegant furnished saloon or parlor,. with seta*, tables and mirrors; a sleeping apart mem, where sofa scab ' are quickly 'lmtis;.. TOrtiled into easy couches; a dining-room lath eiteasion tables and all the necessary et - cet(ras; a pantry well stocked with sub stands's; washrooms, etc. • • • • - • , —At She Lowe Wiz Cessions, In Epg; laid, a laborer was cluurged with ilea turnips, value two pence.lle ,lii not daisy =lug the turnips, but pence., r,,j ; lowing eistraordbibry reeona for doing so : lie h iI b elittd,who .wee a cripple; awl a myself tohl him It be got fire turnips, not hit. own, and robbed the child's back with eas„and throw them. away without. Oar ing ,_anything to anybody, tt.tretthkcare tbe eblihad tungps of bisowtribut• Wes told show world not awn* the porreoe' ; • —Owing to the scarcity of freight and grain at• Buffalo, there arc at present over fifteen hundred Madmen lOunging abbot that city -wanting Something to do,•and hard up for ratans of subsistene many of them- being.'glad to sleep In neighboring barns and ouitiouses: , '3lany•Of 'them are iiithistrioim and well-disposed Mit their condition of - Idleness is fast denture]. izing them: Tuksday night six' Or - Ft - ven of them were takan drunk to the station hause .in *wheelbarrows,' and having no Money to par - fines:next scorning, .they were: loaded on a , wagon and sent to the county work-house. • - - •• _ _, . GEORGE 'man; of Arms t r ong's' Opal'_ . . . tom: . Works, rein : WllN AlicKbenrevanty, ittemks as follows otiO•:: -, .. - "- • • Great Remedy for 'Consumption: . , . wa, ee,hied 'eanshmotlon that! was unable to !Pare my he-I:. and my pliyilchtim (OMNI Me first they e0n414 i nothing more Ivr me. onse,hetnx ntterle hopeless; that 1 hal not rerta , nls aver mouth t At Mut stage if we. Induced to try. Its.r. U.A.At'II.ISON , S •1:1:31E.I/17. end to•day ta we/. at any Men in the world. )(there ore any whotroubt this state:neut they ran call and se. 'me, tan y e r above a dress) /ILO twill glee them all the :1..94;3:7•2*.b07,ir r0uite-rivZinatetyy in PI tt.X . lrgh • .- . ATCAti3MI = 3ZI • • No. fi Alas - het: Street; .4;r:iota by Mill ?IL ruct'.ipt of 53,00 00/3:17 - 3 - • ••• A Benutifiit ilead . ox. illtiet 5 1.ondoar'. • The great. 4 •lltur Color Itestorer , “Lourbros , • -• • . t•llntrColor Restorer , . "London"' Li:afire Cot..rit etorer" ”Loollon.•• . ,'hit Color no , toter" • I. 0.100"' Dreislog 'Hairlt , slorer" " I •nnd 'n" • Hole Color !femur.," “London" - R om, .•Itelr Color Restorer"; I. It will restore Cray hair to Its orlolnal it tort 3 make the hal; grow on bald herds. - • a. It teeters the n: tura , amtettous. • J. It Will remove all dandruff unn,lrehtnea. . I. It *lit raoxe. tire tia.r tort. toos,l. Ina O. It Gill pr servo the orlel nal col r 1.10111 age, .7. Itw li prevent tae hair from .A/11nit PI It nlll en re all dales,. or toe tea ' p. - ~ nly Vies:etre battle:oar bottler. I. Nelrl it 1/r. WAYNE'S: 333 North cloth street: oboe-'hie. •nort all luaslinr stragrrirty trot stealers to toilet Ar . Sold by ItteCLA ItItAN d NletitE ' , NW, Fri Warr ketstrert. anq Stem A, 11ELLY 37 Nroltd itr. el, ittsburgh. • arin-Llty TILE : GREAT , ACCLIMITING : T ONlC — WheruveritOSTElTEll'OnToldaeri 131 T TER i s the relate:tell A thetivau pet:iodine or Ca m Ito illsezies. • bare . been lettoluced tutu un healthy rrylone, their tti; eta ln • anatalultut the , hello, • vigor and ' , olive' ' * Wilts of their. ~ rhvie piranha .sublected Allem to ex !raordirriry Chits Iron czposoreand tn !rattir', harp tteo wraith:riot. In the Army Ilm rune, hirlty• or flits article ever every ottmeinelgorating . and Wleratire medicine . het neconie it, manifearteh're necd, that it lit rated upon, eatellh , l T. avn pt id. cl , t. .ael,zt klillone . Fever, Fever rani A gm., and itowet complo'ati y tier, pled. The soldiers coy It le the 41 , 10 f 'ittlsou lan t which kr&litc and Leere op a Inn, 'llly behlt o body.ln tin orleleaunte I cations. For the neaten mated pincer and ecitler It Is the bot.t relloble. of all safeguards aralult ‘ I.:knees,. Throekhout the United tile:es It is cm...kit:red the nets, healthful' i :anti artse6Able'efol/ t-tt ke, alit] allnre.: il er ttlbot n al ttl as a retredy for Off pet-la .: be rrititZeittat iu gretlients aocall of getable. anti are h.l l l.lu:aoluttort by the molt, "hbtitfouto btlinut tot .Kaaveli—the Le i :. .. ~.•Il()S.1.411.F.11•O, EiTTE.It3 •- -Are .manutattlired at ;Flit.Outelt, renneylvallle, and uolesslbant.e.aft Sores bottles aru cold ahuts- P" A Y* l 4 r / a4 Vgli /tING/14.11; Adanis Exprcza OT-re, Fifth &ma,' is an aLI .r tOriZiti Atien.', to rercxre ^ ettivertirernatita fir the (743.717712,.air.1 all of/ter she Inlited _ SA - 77VOSING 111:POS 7fiht:C.UNTAL,F,', `LIBRARY ASSOCLVIA miss ANNA E . .' Digittr,lsoil Win deliver. the Fret Lvetirc of the'Covne,,u _ . ',Bluilday .Evetiing,r, 22d, just. ctibject--S6-72.0 . 71 - 21.1 - oro O o. i'c'4ll:4 c- 1111'xh;'..:1:',1, , ‘'''.lT , '.'',,,t'Au,,v,,t.T.' 7i';i7;. 4 ,elit'". l i" ' ' '." l:, :", n7tiplk ' i!7 . e " ''''‘,..'",, MilleSlngleTickel f 2 r7l:;:e.tca, .r.'ala •;.1 " L r u. t .'":,,,,.... 1111.1011,11, Vk ,a.. • • N., I:BEAT St ' IVEUDEB TB lti TWELVE 3EATb CAN E EECUBLO BY ANT O. E riAt soN. • , JAIIE4It..enTr • 1 JAS Li. ap.a; - k F. I ttc e o[l 9:141 Mr.7ENCELIi.iOR 11A • - ALLEtine.NIC- Friday Es'ening, October .1.0t11,. • . 11101.1 . rUlr A ; , ,D rsrceit,t 0 - r. 1T0Y..,r; vrr.tn.sti. MATINEE tArt.TiiDAY AVs ErDiDoN. op 1, 14 I)nonluela IS ST4/It: AND A. tNu.--3 tr..; I Ltd, Wilder 11 brat; • do IVidte .11L , dardre: • 1 - do MM., 1/14,0 liatAt b,!i:r2;.`"ir,•";',f,`l'g,".rk?: • • • 7.. Id•xx Ord . ' /TWA Zut..1...1 C11. 1 .4nall18.• oenrutr I.ll2eity sdrvid. optiosild , treven L. - • CORNER Og . TillaD AND DOSS s="rltEKl,l Fon.E.—.l. three-story Melt Houses: te l WWI. tor e ratrn5.,4 , 12.1!, tante cel lar, two r••at Vaults. etr •; [tt and Water Or ton's; In' rarcelletitleettion for urery'ropre. ory rood. 'tore Sr bosrdtur Timm.: lot 21 Ittehra Ono t on Av. /greet. Fur price nal terms applyot /test (1419 8099, 61 Slarket, St.-• Fw 0n •1 eau bireet,, , Tues.. • . , dayafternooa,-n PUCHETLIIIUg, otrotr attill!:fe tri calling at Ira.' 171,11.14vicul (Trewnon l Ilonse) awl pro yl r g property. . " 18:130 • Dnim4'.:STORE Unit and Prescription more, .doinA • laudLc- OM., with Soda roantoni, cenally atcd nn Arc of the Hirer principal styret• try tho tr •• ty, ioc with stritt carP.poilfino story pl - ern ininutt, Tao eincit; 1131.4nrts aa.i leaso on. honib fur ono or two roars caa be hail. Yo rpin Hadar., enqulren(JO )1111111S.4.1:, corner of Wain and Wows W., or al filtOlYNna Wog attars. corner . 'uf•Ars , ler..n'tkrl .4•COckstreht4 ' • • • oel2. dolor . • NECESSARIES - •FOR. • TINE TKN.,.—For aAcaod (PNIKINU b I OVE and Label - Allonen [Acne:44 to :o No. IAO 43 r4olstreet.PlaongYaocgOOd Ill}.ol (oV,l6ti'lde/PtW. %c4.c,l oigdi e:s. ? 'leolutplueluti. and oi loilier troct. P. U. 1071Y , a , _ .-- - RENOVAIL.-.4-TIIE': 'USDEIIBIOIII- ii) 4ive 'sninnted fbi. Oflicti cif Om 1.101.44 OIL WW/Kgrinni,3,,lfairatitract, netsbnrgli, in awl,. Woiks on itJAILION, nrstsmr BrOnlntOtrii;nll4re Ley tin, nesnanni*Stmnd. ' - ' , rctLiuttleir ad4rcao 8313.114tabarab.-. .4)c2:".141 .I)Ut:tltiN W21.5,1A1(24 I=gl 116.11EM8 . „ 300 ItAILRELS belt artdcla sold Igthis marltii, Miri=M TUE:IIEIIM OVIO*IIII4IL 11. Bet: cu .deeiia..t fois ,or /sic is 'union loa.. rLe icaided lo IllrFlogbato int& imidiluqr aidrial to. .131411ie OutlotBatt oateonv •••• ctoloryett; Alleobotio. (LIEU ULACILBEIIIILES. 30 0111.3. run lud.i cu.sittn C. LP.x .. 717 . stem.. 11)11d1 DUB Li tit LE SI. • , /00 COXES /Olt BALL ir VIAICAze, C. BALSI.Cr. No. ' 2 . 4 2pb.ri17 orce. Bur . • ..8 . 1118i111.1411CR1l I'ACZCBL V.oll.s.toz Hy -;' ~ a~tetiies a: aA4e+.er MENI ==m!l pc* act,* etnert wintry role loo+xint• `OttAttLEts'c. maiLair. 'Ns aol Tdeirty.tr.et EM:II.ICtI. 100:dosimp).$6102,4 pers#l4pa, tot sale by ; OnAlatel =MGM =ZE:=23 9.11 CASES :111111inttle 00.. 4"1 r."IIIVEZ• ia '6• • - • 14 1,L - . •- • • ADVE JAMEi T. BRADY (Mar , ...aors to 8. Jones & WOOII gt!ke BANKERS B ROW -...13rALCItnnn of I Gsvermnent Securities, Porei„gn Exchange, - - Gold, Silver and Coupons. COXIECT/ONS made on ntneulble irotzta the I.rnlted States and Canatlay. Interest allowekon Time Deposits. TUE ANNEAL MEETING bk" THE block - holders of the . S - . • ,PAXTON PETROLEtIatcpriiPANT. _WI'l he had at the °ince or xoniNsol4,•3tsoLEAN k CO.. No. 7, r wain street, on TUitt-DAY, 'Nov. 140, M. 3 o'ciock,r. A full,wtictulaucw of Wick oltlerA la Attairtul sa etteittese almportarite will te brown, before the wteegitg. • .•' • ' SIT intl , tit or 110ARD. BITE•THE BEST, - PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, • YON -011.12EFINEIIS. ]fnou incturcd only nn for 511 F ).,r , T. 17. .V.T.F•147 • 3 PindartV/Par3ras; N. W..(:or. 3d and Market Sts q • DpSOLUTION,OF PARTNERSHIP' . TT4E PAI ILTNERSEUI' " HERETO- F.uic ~xis!hqc tinder the name-Auld- Utte . AIeDON ALI) d: LO CO.. of the NATIONAL t'LA>L\G HILL, BUILDEOS AND CONTitACV OIN, day dissolved I, eintenl consent., Gil:Alit:el theiietv . firte ehall be intriik,t, nadir the home end title et 31cDONALIi:POTTISR CO. Alt rialtos agnlmit t,c ibrirner campanile he settled et the flake of the Ltlrseettt 1414' OS Ltreek street., Allegbe its.; ' •- '4 • ' NeIiONALD,POTTEII4 AcilatOtxT Oet:• , e r Ili.. 14 - 0nH97.1'. w..y. wrkrr w, -c. A11:6 E FIOPOESt6-.:C04 • ((Successors to n.lt. Bulger.} "' - " No. 45 Smithfield, St., 3Unti (*acquires and Dealer. In all &lads oi! Z l ' ll7 .T.Tatklicrinairim Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Robin Sete, OFFICF ASO SCHOOL FURNITURE,' Together utth n fultnssortment of Pi,tsb4r6 Manufactured. Turnit*, msoccronit N 221:: J UR. J. S. EtENG remmedtho pruttcO of Dentletry at: M.:Z:OW= tail, DENTAL PRACTITIONER:' nitiechil alien' Inn will he glean to . the reeilteri• 'oll' l the ul"at select It in hill: halal - AI teeth g them hiaietoal, and ay glsing them otier roper trealnient, thug pre icrvlog thew for future liare 011 , 14,111f0rt In nalpo old age. 11,0 / til.rity of Ills teeth ofyoung peraona skill attendeil loail cern: 'Thane n e beautiful life-111:e 'artlaelal teeth, rsuilared, so comfortable soil .1/.l{ll lie the maple of the nue tor, :11a01.n. 0111 p 0 :Dude AMA?' for all 'who itet All e,-enot 4;10 - ferries of 006 In giving relief from in' u. 10 wctraetlajto Of teeth, will tm atilt, folly ailnilidateced to 11 . 5100 who mar desled (Mice hourictrom 9A. g. to 3 r.. ' aett49.l esTE E is - SA LE OE 'CA LEAAILE Trance hr the l;cn , t jr fi t Ivo!, twuntr: tyilf 91f,r Ibt bib, Falb on lib/prem., ly oa 0 , 14'141:DA 1% to on,, lay of:otor..rinn., .t ID' O'clock;, ' , MUTT-row 11l /1-Dirib Ltri,% Jo vie Wbird, City 01 P/Itobuttb,' property ot (ha 'ate k bomb nod from:log' eeooeyleauto ovetiuo, Prble. Luetort.- tbto, 1 , 14,10 n gioo'Ltiul tircion Da•L aarkvi o L.t.redlt!g - 0c0rd . , , ,J1 p„lart , of t b;b111 Wncd, y Nos. 1 7 ),, .13.1:ec..-L4,. 346411 Art, ' ;i 1 • 1 1 - 1 ,( u n ri . M il tr). " l:l4 1110 IlLhogra,ll Wan p. Noe. 101, Pit, 14.7.344. IV!. kb, lil7, IX; MP, 130,;1711;117, 103, 175, 1:1, 11 4 tyt77, tile property ancround, by toe Iprovf*.ta nod roll), Iliat4n,ei; part ot-tbe Mama—, beello.r.l tu.). on ContlfMnlion deeds, balance parnenl.'• with Injer.- Cat,. ::acurcol h 1 1.., and mum/ tio tbe pretolaet.' I stn4.4oNl,S, Tritotoa. A. Mt AbetieneGg. ' Litho:trap/1 'batty Tony ho b.ertt YtellaratoobeAtie thin Itter.be em tottio sir( oi, J,. 1 , , Penury atbl,W.. all , 11 ClYf' LE I t CO_ • rAN oiti, sad Iho meat rock . POCKE.T CUTLERY In OIL; cl;y. lloNv G round. Tiazors rer •MqGrM.Ll7#;:. Agent iStlAburgh-CnytryConipany. Abs. 67. anti: 69 Fifth Bfreet. • J. u• (DISPATCH DUILDIND.) 7 .eta APEiVELLy • WIND - GUARD , AND AIR-HEATER . FOR COAL 031. • LAMPS.': • rATENtrrn =TV, The merit. of thin Inveatton roaalat la Ile pro-, t o akin to lamp chlaineys; which are contleualty or beret lOnsort- I n xi ' inneY.:ll , O, WIT* run he carried olth enrol , and appreheuhroa. lu the anal slo'eltt vrla..relleta log atealy light under 101 - eireralstanees• nod the f irt that mu-third 1.., .- oil Ik:consumed renders till a most ;valuable auto). anion to hooae-keopers. Son. pies nent . to Say part of the 11 . n. on receipt of Vieer.leil.Pmpltlkti.4.,, 001 re. Na. 2re Hare' etlYt L, or 101 l Ciao,/ A.T. cue. VII ILADELI•IIIA. opiarslsdarT NEIT Sl'ItLE3 , ;OATS,' - co 31, 141000 STREE'T,-• Are rcrotrlng an Immense, stxtior HATS, OAPS :AND - FURS,- .rabraclng nn et - otitis ;rahety..: IIAtS relit Till: GENTS AND-BYS; CAL'S or. EY Et' STYLE; yUlth Fon LA DIES (1111.01tEN; SABLE,' MINX. SQUIt BEL. Are., It, nor thlho or price, to whlcktner the >nen [Jon of nll. N 111011 A; ATS.U. GLOOGI WILBO.If. CO - PARTNERSHIP. THE lINHEIRSICNED HAVE 49.. IN - ether4ld t r tLe styli of 1 1; A . & 'WILSON, rot the purpose of ir.secling BROKERS AND-REAL ESTATE AGENTS, At No, 60.fimitittield Street, z.t.rx , v.suertrxtca.rEr, rr^lfk_ antiftraTtrh. IRON CITY MILI,S. ROGERS & BIIRdEMELD C11A1100.112., UNIATA ibiasztEi/ - • eihMXIDEri.- ,ICELCIIDIT. • - OrTmc *ND WARUttOrB . I4 Ora NAlll{2:l` MIZE NEW PAPER WANG/NGS. - .- • FOC PMILOIL37.IFreach Dmtgae, with °Ohl Dar V. 61% LIDRA.IIIt3-7Popelan.patterna on:Orange louit 'HALLS—New Urea - Pattern.% on Red Cloy ..P rit Utia,3l.llCllS—Lace sal l'atteni/l• overdarkor,undr.- ALC., loor safe ep. - 1 . . .OEO.II6E...IIIEAVEN t - , . , . . -• •• • • • :.•:•CAPIDYMANUFAC.TURCK: aiia:a.mer sly vouimi: AND -AMP:RICAN, „ . • ~. .wo; )12 . rederall:191zketi 11Qi011111 ilhotfroin tihalreiNalLeasi Bank, . • ' • • ;....:...!I . .satutistirettr. - PA4•,' 'te VFOODART 3vould.lei forth her enaothere,ght. Ebel= idst hetmueelt hone the Lithe th a hAntlewnles anortroeut of :.•;*. MILLINERY GOODS.iodi4i revered to - IbeBECONU FLOOtt:Ne.. is 'YEDEIL&L• G 1.674 . &- vo • r.0..r, in tai . . PRACTICAL"LITNIfORAPORII, T . 1,0 0;.; wr 1.,113.1ChT UIG YOU hl - rAI - -Nast. ptas.c..ra..'stetterilleaufs,Boei4.,:taitwria. hem:" It7:lluxtot._.rJs. jutplitiesaii-ror.tratts,jlT, ;Sus. 74 mid V4311a1M,..0 _ • 1-,!..414E111 • . ..• maroPertruaiNG COWART,' Otrert. koep amitasty w illi . bilti4l.:."AVVrviktte..."-!._.=, ITIV VNIAL su4 sgA *Tint) I :4 l .Pltita• r...oriod now In I,Vaceboutn. . • Itiralnevingle. twn AMU Ai „Wow. ArtAA ~ -___ ME M=M=l Constantly on Land and i'oi;sle ‘ at the Opro3ite the Cathedral, Entl;,:t ' s V t ty 51=1111111 ' • • , • . _ _ . NEW ADVIERTIBE M ♦ L&IU 13 TOOK OP Ladies'.` and: Migses' BALMORAL HOSE, Fleeced • Cotton Hose, In all Sizes'ind Qualities, At -.Wholesale and .Retaii, d.~ ]u[. mA_Fr9N,s, 17 Fitlll Street: Ullloli 111.0 N NILLA NINTH WARD, PITTgBURGEr. A co4SOLIDATION OP TRI "•IROv CITY t A ND.. • CYCLOPn4RON CO." - OZNIBAL 11.UPUTACTOII - 1:126 OP fRONIAND FORGINGS. 0,1 1 .1.1 nitention siren to -the o r tkuroc t are of anal an Holled.,l,oecano. ill e and Car Axles, , . irTACPTIMBIV.II3.I=I...a.IIrizt, ItAILTIVD CITADEL SPLICE DAKS, newer, • I„,u N DOLTS, LINKS AND ooLiv, I lls' IS, GIRDER IRON oermioNALIMILLUIVIVIIOUGIITIROSeomb -T AND ANKLE IRON, do-- •tvAnEttotrsr., 93 Walter anit 126 . Firit Streets; 'AT THE WORKS, li/NTII WARD. PI tIKIILIEUIL v - MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, -Ninth 'Ward, ‘PPOSITE UNION IRON MILLS," qoaiNa MILL AND BRIEME DASTINGD. maCEINEII AND CASTINGS GENERALLY 'Orders promptly and oarcrully. ciecotrd. • CHARGES BEASON TILE, . • 0ef3:13 . • . J i.E AV o t :11 . 1 . 11% . ALLEGHENY BRIEWEIIL Matrix purchased the olil . estsblisheil Brewery known as the ALlA:kill 131SEWEIty, fornalirty owned by ramp Delta lieeliru. we would inform [be priblirtlint ne lute 1 1 4 1COni4niting the otaliorsciuro of SPRING WATER -ALES, Lade from Mire Spilox Water., land (thin onr teal- Iles lad lung experience lo the ma 11... • e feel satisileil that wu will be enanleal to else entire sat istsctilin to those who may (e'er us with their pat . • ._. . ~ • • .., .ssticirsamved cci., 465:;-• ',Rebecca Street ! . ALLEGIIENV CITt. ----7-r --' • .:40 - 0-All. orders left at 1311()WN . .t GRAHAM'S. .3µs3 lawny atreet:"Pitteburgll. +eat be promptly attended to. • - .. • ot5:141 DAY, MeABOY SPAN,G, • • • ••morittr.cons fir IRON CITY ILIIIE WORKS. GIVE ANIL WAItEIiOUBB, Nos, 45 Iliad au,llo2and 101 Thinl.6h ixeutcrEnoor Alit! DEALT:no u qaddlerr ItarklwAyo and AntlyLnufecturcio of MI 'nineties Of Superior Wood and iron Barnes, Wrought Post 'Attu, Bing Bits, driatileib Bran doors, Sl'licel DLLs Muhl n 'lbis.. an:. se. lie alto on rimil aAd and complete oisortnient Bl airoola In tnetr iine..all of Which Ltiny.otter at ns prices. and no as sped terms as are offered by any house In Ike trade IdAtir Ott 1.-Co.SP. my:4ii _________--____„ - -..littilEttCY HOSPITAL, .-,, . 1 i , . . . , hi Charge of We Sisters of iilercY, .1 .._ ~.. .. . .. . . Ton THE THEATMENT OF ALL DISEAti/111 requiring medical or surgical aid. All classex of patients oduiltted. irresportive of. erred pr emor. Cleraymen t he all denominations '' remitted to visit patients of ir OW a e rte.!. Pa tients too poor to pay are adniltted &Pc of cuarge, 41,1 • prit 'canon to any Grille atiendin !phi etch.; or SIIIKOOD•o. All reguisr pnyvielairs 'tending pay pa• Dente to private room, may nave lull enlarge of Die t ompetent nu orubliteil with Vie iortonal attention qt the siste r , wakes this Institution su perior to, any In the ti ate tor' those tinily ed with disease. Ude ph, siclan and anrgron In-dally al- , tendance. ' aledleal elan' /Cod montbs of d illy attendance: It. Mc MGM:. J.lr.. M. D.; .150 tirtntt street, Ot. toner. lilprembet and December. ... . THOS. 'J. UAW, Alletit. 11. p., 14St builtbaeld t' t Vitt r il itt l ia l 74.ll, n.‘45".1 Third sliest, WY. Atlrilt and Septemtrer.• . .. . ~ . B. J. s....iMPLIELL,,aL D., 107 Ilqrs street. Jan. nary, Febrnarrand !larch. ' •Du. - X.' DONN X 1,1.1", corner glgift and (leant streets. burgeon, in dolly attendance. .r allp1:112 1866. • FAIL ,• 1566 moat ere now ex/111,111n; for FkEt.' Tltd.Dlt the en:revive stock of goods we have ever bad the . pteisa ore or Deering to our patina. , ••• English Brussels.and Tapestries, of our own Importatloo, NW:el:wising mazy new and choice .pakternii never before In {Ma market. • NCO MIDI AND WET cARPEts LTD RUCS, IMBENHOEUED f3WieNh 14C8 . .CyJNTAINS; :• • :ear and Elepit ?Smoot' Cornices: Bide & Centro Tassels, Lapps & Bands, - Choke Myles Notting Curtains . . • - • • • • AITAULLND &puns. . •Nos. 71 and 1p FIFTH Crt 11E61'. Difxf house to V.. 14, Coatoto Louse and Post 001ce. • .I:iscond Flew. • - .• • THE Gil EATEST INVEZFTION OF ...TILE AGE. • Webster's Pnleitt "Ordinary Wrench," ' /00 CLITTINO OTP . Boltsiltound Rode , steam, 'Erin. and ;111 told a nonad Bo lor Bolt in SOltffil g l i O o;s' Thu Applisnces used In th's WitENCILI for Cutting , un'•nd sierewing np Cc., CAU . b