YSZ •'''..tit'iivirimiritifill'..6.it*tttil -WEDITP. 6PAY:-..odoiElt 17,- ; `1660. : CONGRESS:APPROVED., Dyeing:: the Ara session of the itreserV. COMivearts large MitiOrit'y of the nicinheiie. of vitt& were ; chesela lii - 1941.--otany of l - --'' ,- .lPt:ltellßelltelatvf c op were in . . . ileuln - ;.whether:„ - thepeoPle - Would inkalri thein'in ihetciursithe'ryioOrkia redstauce totitensurpa Of thaTiiilltnt.:lllever thetas, "lr exceptions, thci . stood firm : teltho - priiicipltri nylon alga they - Were:eta Thoy liti- - Whitt they -believed - to let their.duty,' and trusted to the Intilligenceof theirconstitustiMfor the vindication: of:their acts. - this trust they have aoip bow ,disanointed ; for al idehte to. lovra, a with the ti oice - . of. one • the people hive sit d t Bet. vras Congress, at..the tat:east= 113 • ' advance or the-people:or were the pole advance Of Congiesi -; What say the: :votes t - They tay;-,almost without,exati- Urns, that `the boldest and most iadical. Ike taitarierskareitie'Moskirtfaior with the .. people.. -.Air of thisclas. who were Candi dates tier', re -ejection' luta been choie:n.by ray large and generally increased tie's; while "Indio Weald seem to some nixes- to' .have lost in:pop:der ; Antifideria id faior ! _ One, "Iti . :- . Dr.i.ano; ;of - 011164 rho waslrealkketeed7auti vaseillating; Was defeated. --.- This being SO, - pc may . Infer tbat thenten, who stood most Direly-up to the greet prin. tiplei whicirearried, no ..tinctigh,the, war, incleabied-the loYat Mai Of-ttin: Country - to ‘:*crala the retellion,".Were the, bearest right. the jidgment Of th - e country;-and as teat great job is not .nuite 'finished, to I l ong as President Jonsson maintains . the of tlto cluunplonot Thai° who tried to crush the government, and who; so fay .from-ciantfestEng any contrition for their , great crime, rather glory in it; the people haveempluttically - endorsed the ayllon of Congress Ca. tho premises arni;repudiated flee "policy"-of the President. `But it ilea pot follow, because they have approved "of lb! just anti generous plan of,. rcconstrue• tionprOPosed by Congress, that any harsh_ Measnres:would be approved. Congress' was approved. because it did right; the is condemned because he is Tiles* Of.,thewitcdelnatter is tins: ' So fercp,theenErtliges of. the country have.' been given, they ' ttnnattna its decision tit' be, that, tint i-ebel Steles shall not berester- - placesfrOM- secsditf . except_ upon the terms prescribed by. . Congress, and vuittl they shall,. by their Own acts, show , that they accept those teats in good 'faith hi all theirlength and bread& That . Point may he regarded ai settled_ ME =I ■ * TUE LATE llO.►X - . . The man who furnished the report of the - series of questions alleged to have been ptopOunded by the Prestdent i ko tbe:ittor.. cloy Penetal, the publication of which made Such a commotion In the country, persists in maintaining that he had good aid snffi cleat reasons far what: he tild. lie may :eve heard reports Which he bellefed'; but so pat ibesevairtfe repertilato the shape of . a 'tteries of.- definite al:mations, , and, palm -them upon the country .as emanating from the - President in 'that force, was'. en "act -. - which he will find it diffieult to justify,..." But - the epinion which holiest -men -may ' form of the het and its perpetrator i who: is • -.simply a liar and a forger, is ethatter.so .mbnporttuit es not to be worth dismissing. lint why was it fhat a story, which, In- the Jays -of .. any other President, 'would not —have mot the smallest degree of credence co alarmed'and disturbed the country? Bo canse, if It Was/not - genuine—as it certainly . was not—a tens a eerygood eounterfeit. those words were, not.;ll:norisw Jomvson's, they were' very. much -like some he his uttered. ie alone gave it. what plausibil ' ity. it had;, and. the very fact thatsticla a report _conld , have 'had the effect-that this. One hed startling evidence that a bad • rind "tlan,gerous man is ',at. the . bead - of tbe governm2nt. Threats of some such Move 'neat as was: foreshadowed in:these boges • nestions. have been uttered, - and these tureats and dilate caused this reported mi. ' sics:of questions to-be regarded for a time as Ael?u4 lo . - - . Nizat course the President meghl'. have talten towards Congress, hadj the eiectiona . tOne onterwisedtten they did, is s matter nt.conjecture only; brit from the terms of bitter hest4ityand contempt Flitch lie has Topesteidy- used. towards ; that ,h4y, .we ax.,(Sitiritate the dangers over ,whieh this iloaditide Of ;wieder patriotism has borne' the national .barque. unable to : ' inangarafert revelation with' any prospect, of nee* because tie pelipla are against hint; and-.lelag - unable either -to:change : onset aside, of controlthe representatives of She natiou, we are:satisiled that Le will. BM M Mli =NM iwir Orgill? the. Idea of playin. , tito -port o dictator. TUE:GtiB.AT FUME IN QUEBEC Mil . , -The telegraph'. yesterday brought. us •• fbrkf account of soother great cslamity by the which has befallen lids' enchant Cana dian city; more 112 . 131 two - lhousind dwelt Hogs Mid 'onto fourteen churches hsviog been lald in -tnlne leaving not less than eighteen theadatur people :homeless and homeless.' Thiri cala - sty is tha greater be ear to the beginning atuie lt happened so n of (belong arta rigoroun 0,.. 1 6 3e a1i z i winter. 'The case Of those linfottnnani,p, o o,;, r ! peals strongly. to the sympatiges•of the Christian world, which ought :toknow no national bouirds . ' , Two-terrible Lira occurred in hat dry to 1845—the year Ol;tlin great „tiro la ibis dty=at 'only :Month's Nearlythree tiapumnd,hp,oses werrkburned faubouiga of 'L'ltablinnd §t. John , . . intolviog a loss Dr property' of tibout In 1314 the population of QUebee Nee n little over thirty.fiva.' thousand. It- mity , now be In the neighborhood of difty thous: dud. It is' prohably tho oldest. city on tho cootine.nt;having,beed founded bjr Sam uel Chnieplain in 108, tweireyeare before. the landing of the, pilgrims on Plymouth or Manniaora.—Tiat dn. • clunati Gazette r.otio - sa. at leakita . the ME =I tuaritable increase In . the, number ~iLo,, e s;dtirlng the last *.atatlstical year -143-8-ea. compared withauy ,prevloua elibeitalerb O r doling thdowar. The nanaher In thlneAll eoWities in -0/420 are • givoa ii fellows . . . s - 100. • • 00. per et. 1t- 41. • ..,a c . . . Auuens $1 21. W3 w $24 21,1 01 60 3-toni2llu2ldotocc/••••;.••• 470 : , t ati 21/1 ". .: 666 .: If° Mai ME , :Lv •• ' I...:Tbe ortbe..Lieuern l u T a e li a hn oo l ) . rc4iMal fin" exalted ! *- de ' ti tiur i fl a pt lowan' te4:s7 114L5.11/111111"Id-"wIr o 6 .the rsr alat We "gPar. h.t..m litnibetlij y 6 we fOfgle !iisi:9filchr,vosT9 ' "'' not . uoatoriall, Yc hlc Yc •• • . , • Ttiietiitirtfigiale*Nllol. - • -4" 41.1i:eteekt;„ but be . • heal al° di r ., prover ilia :',lii",4oll:lisgailaar"'. mg& tubllo a 1414.4*/iPP°_,Flejl La la .:441iNarlaaaPted io~ltitlon I —cg 44- . 14 ° ei°9l ', °D ;- '44tioaolol— Ell IN A Wondered Physiological Phenomenou--- .. Leather a Young Woman for S l. lOlll . kr. DirmamOttereda24s.ooo—Tourhingßee erd of a Mothalspeiettair. - . Within-the past two days- there died - at her obscene lioree„, at Lewis arreet, MBAs ekty -a degulir and unfortunate crea ture - ititie!bilijMnets was known to tut 'few, hlt presented the lstrougest 'l4tracticinlto tbili-curiosity..not erely of tho Mire crlred,. ii arso toilet or:the most ilker'.llll6.lintilillosoPhl4l rahnis of - WO. ff:is iariOn. these' days of:.Barnu m ism and humbeg, and exhibliionsOf dwarfs antnmstrosides, and idloiscsuch tur Blind Toni and the Aztec Children, that a case occurs in which delicacy and sensitiveness an d rapaginuaa to-tho popular gaze are car- • tied to the extent that _they were_ In. the. 'of carat singOlOtre*Og. dise t st e r-. A l T hen agrri itsfed that in agirl eighteen years of a ge the morbid comteenced - in.entlY Igo was such, that,,while.the,nutritiotrand_ growth of tlfebixiy were arrested, the era relunt,Cirithatied . ,to :enlarge ,heyonel • all preeedenl;:eo as Conatittapi,d, length; an ininsaiiie.globe, of she' *radii- lit. . &union ,Beemeil but an tiPpendam—when . it `isf zonal& red tliet up to elite penal this extniordi. Dare Person Pois -used Certalrinhara of in telltgenee and tiffeetiols—whenfit lit stated :that her mother Ims steadfastlfrefused the most tempting otters of money (in-one ease 826,005) minus - mut of showmen: whit de eiredto eklalbit her Wonderful child for restonishmell of. the: public: and that she now mlusei the most liberdoffers or thpio `connected With the "Airtime' medical 'sehoole and:museums of this city tit , permit , lier fo mains.to -he Theset sett its the shrines of "science; sind,Whenit . Is` added that- such was.the enrioidty.of those in the immediate neighborhood;when ;the fact of the ?Wit - tamarmi;;lnoivn, that.lt was Iseetsystiry" te: 'hive .st poll:crow:1'4o restrain the • crowtl from filtering lire:house, our rhalers,wlll be able _to jtulge that. here, wes sometletog -remarkable.• It tva.l` reinarka ble,, the most remarkable inise edits kind en ,record f It was sit instance of Bait disease which wouldbe mere :common did it not usually terminate the lives of.its victims at . * early date-7%re .mean b,yilrooephalui, or, as It is more popularly termed, "water er' the brain:" The :case.hes "been !eng ender ttie eye of some of tile mit einhient! physicians In -the city, and notieel ont have already appeared la =edit:it publica tions:: .Prottablythe most - complemii that. Which leea.been prepared i y Dr. Sequin, of this city, the'eminent . atitheritfof and which appears., In' Ins lecently issued Work. on - that subject. From it Ire learn the following The largest pulling Op of the ,zrantimi, by effusion, he knows is that ,presented by Miss Maria T- , --,•of this city, Who, tit the - time of his. eliservation, :was: seventeen, years old. Fier bead' was thirty-seven inches in' ita - circumference, and _twenty ' seven and a half over the vortex, from one car, to the other, ~. Between the &WIC points, round the base of the forehead, it meas tired only thirteen inches, "a subsidence so 1 _extreme that=lt it: ono with iLI7C-" Tower down the body was a "mere stele ' ton," whose_thighswere !forever crossed; if stmightenef4 they slimly resumed their twisted Redact; the feet. were thus trans prised froma right to left; wile strongly arched and-protruded in a stiff mechanical way,-like those Ofwooden dolls. Iler arms ant-hands her compares to worded forks; they - Moved, slpyrlpp lutt.eintainly toward their object, of which the lingers 'would take hold -by crossing:, each. other; "us I the elongated claws -of a - prisoner diird do when- seizing a''tiny . wire." I She - nit - Ver. assented-.the - sitting or standing vesture. liar -animal funetioue I were always gold, arid aheuud, by prefer- I mice, animal 4,00 d. She began to -.speak when- live years old. liar senses were ' acute, but at twelve years of age she lost her sight. A, little over year ago , she '.had,spasms for the that-time. She een. commenced to grow weaker end "entered on her period of demy." Though her. brain was, we -mai:, say, _drowned' is an' ocean of heterogeneous fluid, It kept up se. Live communication with ithe *arid: -She was'elteerful, sung and talked until Leidy, used playthings ea ordinary children do, lilted to see bright Objeefs waving before her eyes, and, even to the last, she amused herself by making papers rustle, and move before her. absent ,visien, muttering yet, though - indistinctly, "Ibirritlx for the colors 1 Bernd) for 'the' tLeg"---touching reminis cences of popular festivitieswhieltisapreas ,ed her at au earlier period. Her gentle ;disposition, her affections and 'family feel ings, to-gine& of the angel. spirit which ministered..te aud- brought- to . her couch 'every! thing which could feed the body land the soul.-2trew:ll:rh.Ystrs, TAMES , "diurets Troutie+. I A year ego Trinity Church was, linen- daily, as poor, as a church. mouse. In illay last a large iunouut of ducly improved property held by the Actors uuder a long lease reverted to it again- ' • and Trinity vcs trilottnd itselfin receipt of an income of i 1000,000 per Atlllllllll in its poorest days it had practiced economy with great sue , cess, and on entering on its prosperous es seer it found that it could do business .Iu the sauiestyleot nn annual expenditure of only sixty thousand dollars. This would. have' .len, and prribably will leave, the , , vestry" - handsome' sumst the walla the year, unless the numerous claim-, ants whii have -suddenly sprung up sue. toed in establishing-their claims to the property.whiek,hes reverted the Trinity 'Church corporhitori. There are not -less than 700 claimants for various portions of theiercited ProPerty; and - Trinity Church haethe,preepect before it. of a generation or tsvo of litigation. , This state. of' affairs is attettlefof die windfalls for-Genets) Dix,, and waybills.° something to - do with Ids de al/cation of the 'French mission. For; forty Years'General has: been _the. counsel: fee.TilititY-Church Corporation. Ras son, Rev: Morgan Dir, is rector of Trinity par- Yi ;Paper: • " . A Boy Ten . Wirierld * boolca Drunken Lut.Thersday,. James Carp()lo, a citizen of Bullard County, living about, ten miles from Renville, opposite this city; bediano infuriated by liquor, and demeaned himself- In en outrageous manner. Mounting' his hone, ho galloped furiously along the road, 'attempting tondo down the people he Met. Visiting the farms otseversi of his neigh bors, he made repeated eltorts to ride into the houses; and, in one or two instances, Insulted. - women 'by using .violence upon them, frightening (Lens from - their homes. Finally, as he was passiug along the high way, be met ho_ of Dlr. hiit..Tyroll,-aged about ten lean, and attempted to vide ever him. The 'boy had' a' 'thot.gun upin Ws theelder, having been In the woods bunting:* ' Re- avoided the lforse's hoofs severe! times, 1 and at length fired upon the madman ho eras Oiling hit& i-The shot took tact, br k. lap; Curpolu's arm and wounding , h atvernlY. in the aide..i ilis fell to the green . and was picked op by souse of the citizens residing is the nelghborimed, who properly eared.tor win., Ina life is despaired of, hut Le tuayreceeneairoDeotocrat, Get 0. ' uePonh• on the autumnal else' 111 tioni may be , teen by II glance at the ror lowing: West Virglut;e4tepresentoth no; New / Belmar And na Rerosenus• Hires;massochusette, -- ... r•- Pteeentativee; Nose•Jensey, 1 Senator and 1, Itaniceenta tryes; Maryland. 1 Senator sad 5 a nne . ,ac Michigan, Representatives ; Il i 1 gtativea; _and 14 Itoprelentatlves; wit:twain, •1. Senator and 0 Represenia. tires; 'Minnesota, 2 Representatives; Dalt. ware, Itcprocatntlyr i Senator -and I Representatlyeal Kansas, 2 Senators a a n t l i i i ii te e p p r re esca sen uai titl y v i e,, e; , rv , 'Senator A. BustinEli BABIES IV, • STALLS.—Au English paper says : "Ati old stable with one hundred little babca .nestling in the liars° troughs is- something of a novelty, but the epectaclo 1.3 daily to be seen in the locality of Union •strcet, Borough road, London. .The work has been. sun_ etchnt recently • undertaken by the" Ea*: George Aldiugtpn, who at his o espense secured an old stftb!e to km a nursery, and fitted it up fox taking, care of the babes of women obbgett to ay n - clfar ,Urworls,aWay from !flin Lakexilra Vetinhi and serve as • • , ' • ha one single drop of black • ink will tinge and pollute a vessel of crystal water, ;Eo one little Act lidthleameea may irre. , . depmably poison a whole lifetime of the. ipurest friendship and confidence.- • which in 1837 imtiottrA, about v 3,000 Uwe's of flour, can export tills year, acconthig lo the estimate of thO fornfil ffiroter, something like two and - a miLlidas of barrels. CHOLEVA: cuoi.Ens ii .4 Wlth the . almbic cortalry advent of cholera With' the coulter of the aprloar,sno tlionahtfol personwill be unprepared for ft. Secure what eabertencohas demuustrated to be the tab , c rertalt antidote—that 'which has cured Arne , wdl cure again—and never purchase a new and be led article, when an old and reitaule article ran be bed. .• - When the cholera - eta:l.d •us on two forntercieca• It was fotod by experience that. rt.E3rac6r.s, cuotAn.s.lura - TuRE {Vas the hest aid supelridcd.all °Uteri, therefore It stand• to reason that, If Sou would hive an art!. ele that you ran depend on,. You auould purchase it tot exclusion oYall others.. -Bold only to Pitts lOSEPILFLERIZIW2I,I/17,116 ISTOICE. i,Corlae of the DlatetiAd...bear Fourth atrtet. THETII,I4Aq&I_ • lI=EI9I , DER. Tar, PLACE, 'B4l7l4i4eifStieet. . Bent pymuli WWW)Ie re on receipt et thre• dollars oclStutw • • A Beautiful Bead of Hair! • ....London" 'Tliorgrent "Iltur enter Restorer" •lbotidd.." : • . color Restorer" Luxur7 lisir Colorli, stone` "Londois" - Color ßestorer" "todlllaa" thilDPllo . 2g Half - Color atarrr" "London" : • . Iliac Color Restorer"' std.". : Riosto.. -"Rah-Cola. Resta. ea" ? , ... 7 11;111 i r s= r re.rtltalcalse ir"" lll ' ,VtlV! r. 11l II restore the u.turcretiors: It will remove all'ilatoiruff and liehlnrs. . roase - tlos eair colt: gloats) and nerihl4 ': S. 10 moll prfOrte. the original too r ar old age; • 7. it to proient.tus belt from fading -8' It will tura all dlseitsis or toe 1100:p. , • • • • • -lusty =cents u natio:6ln broths.. GL "eta ut Dr: 411 , 830:North math street. shov• VW% unit callus:4lCW druggists suit 'dealers I.ti toilet. int , • Sold by MetILA RUA N ii.Mettneu4.77. War. Net sure. kaud Caa..n. ktri.L . Li7; Ft Wood stn " THE . GREAT 'ACCLIMATING 10,15.5.C-Irlii•rerct 114)3TE [TERUO tault oCti /11T. Tbllt 4 the celebrated Auttrltrou peoscution redo lltitasm, .Itatte, bre* 'kutiColored Intoron , beelthy. resim . u, tbeir ifects • 11) "suetaluluc the gor awl itaimal spirit's of-tboat whose ea Wetted tbeit to . extraordinary Iroeu ca'posnrs sod privation. bale beerierooderioll. In too Army ttie • stipottority or tbts.artrels Ow? treiy ,ototr losleorstloC r.641' alien/41re mod/slue hros•lii:COmt ao tuielfssOfhere used, thatit le celled 11p120 . 14 tie:nitre T. a*.krottotiott. agalasl Fever, Terror and Agate, and Bowel tottiplabet r a, of ortrYteludi The soldiers eay Oils theriONT' othrtui lust roltietkprciettetettudkiege upr heattlilt habit 6 body tu tou ebolesome •I: tatioui. For unaeoil mated pioneer and iettler It. Is the malt reliable of roll "safeguard/ asaluet.eickutss. .Tbrongbout the . 11314 ed ttotor is /nelderted the most hcaltbfal stidinicrecable of all Moles, arid altogether uttetlital rd ete a remedy for Dieptimia :she 'medicinal in gredienis Otte oil ci getable, and ari held:in:solutiOn by the mots whole/cum etiotolant smog/a—the Ea.. tIOSTETTEE.IIIiITTEU3 Are manufnetared st rilttburib, Peerarirards.,. Ated . ao less VianEo,%o dozen 'tellies are &old Anal. sl:y by dfaiflals, . , ' W S ti WM. BIZTOMULT, ,Jr., .AdamsErpres . l Office; aII Ivo eirrez; is an authorized Agent to ramie Advertisements foi th , fiadZlNTS. and ad other papers throughout tho Unitect States and Me • . 0. o.'F.The members: of rldetti t ci•lge Fa. (a:0. P.. ttre.rt, 'ilucatetl to tot 11.41ti,Loirfl HALL. All, • gimpy ells. Tro le. (Weducad ay) Arr. , l/NttUN. for the. plfrpo.• ut mit-1301We the IcSrator nut lilt tu,ther, 4:.. 111;0It WAILIN 0 K. 3lembers- of 41, ter I ...4o.. l ..*lmetfitily to to attend .. la order. • . • . • A,' titaLVISELL, b . 0. TOUiN 311:X'S MERCANTILE 77 - 7 :LIBILAUV, - . Imetnre Comeilliceaatmuueotheir la r tention 'of veering Course of Lectures su venal, staring the coming neason. -Teti have IMlZlCarraugeruents with tts' folio• leg will-knOscsirersonii • MISS IiNNA E. PICKIESON. JAIIES E. 11.U1513001 - i... •.' Ital.rilAVALD t3lEsEv/IST, - • . :itEt./ . 1114 31/LEEEI:ZIE. • TIIESJDOItt VANDENIIIIIer t • AfirllED TOW tiv:END. 1...;T. BbCo UAF.•, • • ViNCENT; of . Job N it. 9.v4e.,• • • .• • • itu.N. nun Act - aRvEi, r. and others. 11A.1 AUD T A Vi.01:,-WENDELL Y1111.1...1CS and ure ektseete4. • - . •iscasvm Tlekots, tannin; the hulatrato reserve eats at thole ',etas.", fur-1,14c1/ vesti may be se. cured. can be.bad of the metritnrsiofthe tromntittee and at the Lthvary Upouw. • •••. • J.1.11E - .H It. * . epTr. • • • JAz , • I r. JE•Nt•g3s. .• .s , I.ITIF:II.I.E)I3Iini - - • W:oowatiten: • • P. 11,, , tstli.T; • - • • ceitst27 P • RATTN 2 . 9 th - ANICUAL SA lit !OW. ••. bTA.I,IO:CERY:VIBLE-, EVEItY EVENS:CU. at ?,Si o'clock. Prati. , s nth Annual gales bh—ituction..*lll tie heel at the. Cont. morclai esles4limma, .03 timilluleld street. hear .t comprising .the lira. St. end. mo t vale:tale colbetlon tioAs ever brow:Ott to this, city, .n. eluelica costly- g.ngilsk editions el' Me finest ..orks, and most enewset esinefs.r , the Met Icon press: ad 'at them such nooks is desite.l - by the student and tor tile gear !emelt . * lzubser. Ittl 101 l A...U.11hr. he the tier suni.:Asnerican It shiarti cholge Penes t niers. sod , Irivy lit ustrated works. Fe fully reprrienstet. also sup-rlor copies or the itni . ., loci Let LAWS, Letter and-Note riper card Drothere list Galt Peas. elegant lu every IA) " • Eall - 1113fisautnine the stork d cuing the Car: 4.!es ptrlicularty iavltad. rereato sale. at lowest anetPm pros. - 21c114 11 - 1411:E. Asset • tit/ - - • '. TITTED'OiI IT. WASiZ s .Ciao • • irrreatitou,lti, bcpt. dOth. keg. DiVi BENI , • %O. 11:-Tao Board of Direct octet ihtstatipany More tleclare.l the coeliac diridbon of TWO 12.11 ttlig..trA me as, PAK CENT. on tha Capital Stork fur Co quarter enutok beeku,bcr.lotb 11114 4 1.10,1 x . 11,: r" all:g 1-7 1I70:e.ffo d e•finfi ' A. " 1,11 . 11eVX.47,.. " , z Re a : . York,' to th.ttocaltohlera registered that oft). and by the rresctiter to thoce tritlaterol •ritt... bur' b. - • ' • tutTranrfer Rooks ewe acotember St7th. al BM O'clock, r. ant but op. Ill:Lobar lith.there.. nor, By brd4r Cl the Marti.- - 0c.10,142 - . 111./lcrorikoli. ticcettarv.- 14:4ENkW. nr4aGy,IIObRAWAY • AND sulsy..—Towtsukrisollplitr4. at iici•Jecli. wit. be sold at .the COmmerelel ales nee rem &taped or and elegantly Ilabah.t Top Delray: entirely'. w ittt blinbry, and leather trt 10MM/ft nod. sop stays: workmanship atilt material 'retreated' Also. Ante new itockawaY. one second baud doable seated llapt - narotiebe. and one alike. .. • • . • A. , algaLwAtNr.. Anmeneer. p,,tnioniEs. , • --. . iu, bb3. Yo. '1 Uosp no in; '• 60.drnms 1;130,v/ wirl,3; • ' • . • i • 3/0 /7 Vol/ Ash; .. . . 103 pl eat. Lead; 1033311 • 11000/4 lil'rate . 40 Mrs ad foe kat by - _. - '.: . • • ~4 • • •, • • ‘l,. , • ALEIANDEII NIKO. ..i. . '' Nu. ISID First strter • .111UGGIN CARRIAGE AND WAG. • ON 11AIINL153- , —TtiV/1.911AY 310/LNINO. Vet. 18tb. at 11 o'clock, will bo solot at the G. inaufelAl ears Pow., I , llamlthllald infra. 2 nag Illogla.r.up £l.llarbeie. beletoto snake ot the best Fero oak tad lestiter. ILIVI tills solvei plats =mustn't oat set Double esert•ite thetieas, e1:565E17 Oul.heds one set Ileabie• %agora Ilaragss, conswets. Tbla work le all belt' and of tba vary best sty.. wen . • A. KcILW Al HonsEs: 111011SEInt • 3000E11. 13436.X.613- • . One , tl4 . lent )tld:De and Driving nom. Two Horses "ratable far Doctors or Family ase, Ira' be .00 Joer, ws - the owners haws n 4 nay for Owen. of IrDWAylral ttr,aar a DALE eTABLZ, mro , First Woe!. near illonowtabols 1100. e. - NECESSARIES FOR • THE 411' IN. T .—For 4'604 C9O lONIA II •UV lIC and ether heel!. to No . 140 t i r . "l. l l""' • and patter WAI.AULertKLS. tE 0110 V. LLB. Ml* and r see,: Uterolls far Cooking trystera and ember fancy distm i; . Venders. etore ripe, _WA aea.tirglititherterthtle.. call at P. e t cheap• Cr.r.l:l . •• • f sn MI: V II "TI ••-• • CIiI.E . NT:; • • .• Cr 141.123 1 ' • • 800 11 AIIVELS, .• The beskarttcle sold In tbla market. . ..1 0.17 ' ' /117.NItt H. CJIZINH. tale' et /46.4"4 who trotted I. ittnoiwitpitiftWilt) Witt avid tbelr Wants. to 11144kocniio. 9Futt butt. • cola= Crit titteet:Allejtheor. • Cus cKEnzigo. riAN o AND 11001 i . tIAOILtI. —WILL/NM/AM 11 1 .11:42111,(fot Mt, et .00 most, VIII 1 0. added to ibis solo of ',mot turf. toGldon.erLD IirEWS WOD.. WU& - 114 "" an u sal t Maillt u jos,: t airP ri °": N- iritir4,—AsTareb.vass." Vpoirlth 4 24T T .4thin grAgv t ilnl e aZit14. rtosi . :::; 'NV'S - sac. cum. Serest:, rlti.... againitit,"l. sma aaluvbenl - tl.•.tarare 0f"3,1,xu., 45137-t4 41.1L'1"1 =le" . . . " ROOM° aliaTrha "US!' 0ng.4114 : rifekeetC . :.rilndigh VreArlre!,4,-,:arii„W i- - -z , : - ' 7 44ll.lllMspg _ • '4 , t4,1111A10141;" W4* ' AMU oikaotai. & ,;', Co., WHOL'ESILE - D3gglii 13 JILN7ZI PA. r : Orders for MILLS Superior - Cotton Yarns, FACTORY' PRICES. _H. CHILDS & CO. Finandial Crisis Compel as to Bell In the course of Stx Months wownior reseprWi upon = • • - WANTED, -.ostelYsous' and Farmers, So toll goods tor as tbls nu and W;ant; • salary or ownsolaslon. -Woad./ Do thd amploy • taw who candsnots badat , partortthetr Was to tk. baldness. Address' W. J. HOLLAND a CO.. daysnarg • Plttabargh. Ps.: or Columba.. O. . " . WANTED, • 1 .‘,1,-... e.,. , '. _.... - • . ;ri3 . . A SITUATION_ AS IptiIIEpIIIPER„ • • ~.., _ . _ By a Litrirtili isp Wally: , Beat vif telsreaces tins awl reelultid. A.ellreis ~ , ...,, Z. FL, - ~ 0011:11.17:= , - , C.. ,„ :-. ' ' , (ilairili-OrTICL. WANTED —, A 600)) 31.41 N LW EV. v • EBY CUUNTY. trYN Eli let ielltni RE A aTICLIC LittrAT VA LAIT- „Wilt Mr- Mbld.letapitai to. any good ma , ' Dr tact. Unit teaVel ptel, oink. time. Nf.II mq I , t r , La a a Im:a,cuanatiadau-bm.ldaa.;- Nearzerata to agents. Call at 31 rlita strart. , . , J. Q: TILTON. • ilttaburatt, r.„ ECM . . UriNVED—AGENTS—S76 to $2OO VT ran lILIN,TII for tiontlemen, end 13* to 473 for Ledt.., hreryw homy, to , intrqdl;oo the, Commas I "n'e Yeall7 Mir g fh l ir th eti" dP " .- fected. , st . lt pd , quilt. braid. sad embrot ter -"Jeautiftilly fo l l y ly. leep—mee. terttuveleecle lack-elltek cud warnnitoh tor tura! year& We pay tee , ilbeee Wages: ore Mil, - 01403% MID which twice that a.ornint rah be made: Address or call on tl.• fitgalth Moe 1i0.11556. - rtith street. rhshclelphte. ea. : Ad Uttar, answered promptly, with circulars and an:t. 9 o .• AtEMTS AND SALESMEN In errors Town. CUT And CountT In the middle. Fonthern andWestorn Watts. Zvorybody oat of employment 1.1 4 111 ml It to their No. as Filth St.,up Stairs, • Or addl . 's, 1.0. Box 301 Plttsburgb. P.. AGENTS WANTED lOU A NEW puor.,, NOW BE4LDT. WOMEN OF THE WjArt. . - By ?ELASTIC moose. author ot "TEO . BoboWort accord,.. do. The object of Lttl work ti to collect and pa tent narrative* of the seri - loss *fide amen who sharal the perils of the war.and ought to inherit Its Cortes. Tiro. aminoe contalas shoat Goo 4:mtto pages, and is Illostratal with steel plats portraits. vograved tbs most Unproved style. Afaid only trt , ou rg r tgitre; .iaies• or splay to. • • • EliEllY a amts. F 0.68 Fifth street. Pltubargh AGENTS WANTED:HT 'THE WIN BEILA • SEWING MACHINE COMPANY to sell their 'NEW S MACHINIc. IVII sew from t Issue paper to beavf Beaver cloth or leather "ilia. oat olninge of feed,A eagle .g tension. gelNalustlug pressure foot sadnerdy designed roar motioned WWI:SPAM). ,Lldress. enclosing iltMap,_ • L• J HALL OM, GO Fifth Street, (Nretlint Floor.) PlttsbarglL re. MEAT WANTED t TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Either perannently or tatartMtltr. who a r e hots• vettatt to elms In business ;elation& Apply In perstylor address w. D. E L , ED. - ielBBB6 9B Grant atreet.'lltuburgh. re. PLITINBING, GAS .FITTING. UK WILLIAMS &BARTLEY maxasncrazisawces. GAS: AND STEAM , FITTERS. Coe. Sith and Smltitheld _ Ann :maw. Car. Beaver and Chestnut Streets. . f ANC/TWA IL • 41.11Ittndi of Water. tits and 2tvata Flxtuzes s. ea band. - - jtbzelDon pLumouvo, _ GIS AND Ilya - runts, Iron Pumps, ECESET SHEET:7I - L L I .A .,C• PrP eetzas, .84121.27.2 WATER CLOSETS ANDIWASEISTINDS. TON T. EWPINS, (Bueet/tor to xweits £ c 0..) _ • 166 Wood St., Pittsburgh,!Pa. mllsa46 BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., PLIIIIIERS,OAS &SILAS, PIPE FITTERS No, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. AND • . 672' Penn Stree!, Pittsburgh. _• . • .• . NTATEIt ciaa' IS/41171185 co nstantly , on . i touees titled up with dis,.Witter or Steam Rives 11 lisluertes fitted up at. notion and in the =oat approved style. : seitasors ryas, a, lined d with Meat Lew by new bessess, with Bydro-Alato2Aoune. Bleb ribs li VitiVAtig comm. Plf - rialiel r ALL SLOW& kSII3It.A.NT EWE soul la tact sil mato sial k.ept by s ?Int-slaw, We *veld tante tte attettatut eau wbOtais say wart judo la marine of. butanes', es ere Cul cone dent en camels the beet of sauteed= se - natant erottenasitto nee pries.. : NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels Gen farn;sheit with but Quality or HYDRANT RosrAND PIPES -A* 4"111""t14.?:'d bat ter:Wl 1, 7 vaunt on JOHN MAFFET, Neb. 227 and 270 Find.otreet, ; m om • P1FT587780.17,24. , WELDON Bc. KELLY _ PLUMBERS, G4s and , Steain Fitters, AND' BRASS FOUNDERS, El= Claudeliars and Brackets, Lead Pipe,Tinnps, Sheet LeaAl, 4e., , 164 - Wiitod Street, nfuiiitb, SOlrsiTo4 RERLERY*73OIEVSON , —.4 - Ws ES.A.CPX , X4I;fB7.• Plumbers oaB And Steamdittag - Eztrironox..l - ° Ail:maers Ine.t.r.ientml•iiistitionct, ri. ) 74l2,:treV‘t,t; rawsp. — 1 . 1:{11111: y - 011Oists. balm tfluuldelters, , sYnitLtats. se libAdes, JO mite she Inez* resagmat4speles, Omertaa . won puiLeug itatronsby tas4Pying , PLY/ at" ems bon OTlYPerrdeaoritotlon. -I•mdfas &GALSAIIID ' rirT 2ol o, UK ALL =I /11141.Ncliza. CahluAT sttendid to br maul al aaseriment at ilAttartirta i llNS4i BATH . 711811 • mums sarg r s. ' • basta l ys tob grAhmx2 szi r vxmacan. N0:49 jeeeittl itree4 r'!!!!'"lY!ste".Fm"bitritt- Elithinitingt 3 40kotibuiiiinveiurartsthiot• - : VVOCR/I)..x!tiss, - Taiga Iro,P- Isiarsate, 'rant Liad ReroNsu•l3t4"4 0110fitiitiaii itiellidiati Sheets, motrauxtubp7=7.„ iI 03 rVMEEt4T 8 2 - GRAVE STOpiZil • , -:; *E1,44 - iiiil7UltEdEllt. • V - ii4olll l , Azle EVERY BESCRIFFIOW, BROOMS, "- - Ire. Oa Peititiiat. MIODIEIIECE L 7. WIEMpinCE cdttirbteirstiettrietwire BM 1 EMI ME