cttbllLlit . . bl.ol`in-4-Y, i)(..:TULIk.I.t. 15 : 1811$ BerI , i3LICANB: ALL I.IAILI As the smoke of the contest clears away froivi the hattle-field of Pennsylvania, the nature, the Incidents, and the - results df . the Conflict stand out sharply defined. for ,contemplation. The _stake..struggied for., : -trits , lminense. Never before In our, poll , ,tice were so vast sousssitlunCes wrapt up in issue. A. gigantic conspiracy was en. tared Into between the .President and the Deinocrtits to crown Mae baffl , d Rebellion with all the aubstantial -faults of victory The blandishments of Federal patronage. and the deceitful professions of the Demo . casts that they - bail recanted their incl./ism • - _and were sincerely for. the Union, co operated to beguili loyal men. " Moreover, large opportunities( existed for the use _el patrouags• hero. There were unusual Ctril ities, to ths contiguity of Rebel elements on one b•irder and of Copperhead elements on another,Abr celouizing Illegal votets. The Dentßiatiq managers , resorted to fraudulent naturalization certificates upon .onlariprecedanted scale; Ansi found conge nial materials to.vvork upon. The depths of the Tliest'sed za - nst turbulent jealousies • and hale' de were stirred by .ovaily appeals t o co sts, always and everywhere, la the highest and lowe'et classes of society, of greater weight thou solllest•argurneats and the most pungent considerations of Justine' • and huMasil. , - Naiades all this the co-alltionists had pollateral advantages in their. favor. At !tha head of their State Committee was a 'an pf fine endowments, singular energy, - • Intintate acquaintance :with leading men and predominant Influences, baud esper -3 lanced in Alm particular duties ho was I called *on to discharge. In all these pia - - Um:dam he .was superior to, the man at the head of • the Republican 'Committee. In iddltiottto this the Republican State Cate nates' was organized• upon about as can. •aurable a basis as it fould - be; Insicad of **clog composed of a:riaidly limited num ber of individuals,. specially fitted for the I.ositiOn, with leisure and zeal for the pm :. accution of the work, the Committee:con listed of a hundred men. A. mast meeting in good for some pirposes, but gle worth little in the management of a politicalcam patgn. Either five members of the Com . mitten would hove performed the labor much better than the Witold number. Nevertheless the Repuliircans; arc sig. flatly • victorious. The loyal people took the matter into their own bands, and ani mated by a feiveni Patriotism, Instituted's Siscussion'of pending questions so search ing and vivifying as to cicar away all the fogs and uncertainties in which it was in tended to, envelop them. The hearts of the people were right, and when the path . of duty and honor was made plain they ay : tered upon it with a resolution not to be shaken. ; - • liar moat another eanslderatlon elate, oas tien. Pennblranlit is gun 4:4 arest o Washington of alt the great lay -- Com annealtha. ette of revolution. - 117- m meats there, .fomented and pa froatzetti by bad 'nett connected 'with:any of thi s Department.;of :Ito governments, She can soonmt peke her power felt for 'the maintenance of order and the Cotte , !rra tabu of fostiee. :With,Pennaylvanin in the control of the 'cOalltionlste, any mettinses of uggressionupon the rights of co-ordinate branchee of the government into Mbith the. Preildent might be lad either by flare° pa s sioes.or tmon premetilitalan, "vont& he of much sealer accemplialunentthen rcith the State under the headship of a patriot sol. dier whose courage has been tested and art .proved on fifty fields of battle. view, thefefore, of the deliverance gained and •of the e!gnal advantse:ee hleved, we bid our Republican friend.s, all tail l _ • • =1 The following late has Sus'' ;ien eared by the Legislature of South Ca na: . A LI ACT TO DECLARE THE SiTOTITB 17 PER SONA LATELY ENOWN AS 'ELATES '4CD 1111 TREE PERSONS'OO COLOR. Ili' is enacted, ¢-c. , That all persons hith. arto known In-Saw in tots State as el Irvs, At' as tee persons of color, ylit.ll have the tight to mike and enfot'ce contracts, to sue Wined, to be affliots and glee evidence, to Inherit, to purchase, leas; sell, hold, , convey and assign real and personal prop- I erty, mike wills and testaments, and to j., i have full and equal, benefit ot the rights of; Cilecation of the 1 - reefbneii-• nrge Meet. personal security, per-gnat Illierty.atid pin- IMg in 11.1thaore- thief Justice 'hase et te property , end of all • remedies and I Pre , lde...-Irrieechea of the ries% Henry proceed-age f ur t h e „ foremen , nun pro- , 'Ward Beecher and inner , . ' BALTIIIORE, Oct. 1% 1500. Section of the name, as woite perious now A large meeting of the most respectable bate, and Shall not be subjected to -any reitiv,n. In Baltimore was held title even ether or different punishment; pate or ie - fog iiithe Front Street Theatre under the SID' for the commis:don. of .any act o a r ' I Mayotte') of the Balthnore Association for offense, time inch as are prescribed for .'White ptey,,ogs -c ommitting like act or ; the Moral and Educational Improvement of OtTslnce. , the Colored People. Chief Justice Cease Sec. 2. That all acts and p ar ts 0 f acts `presided, and the proceedings were opened Bishop Payne of the Aid , 'Peden). relating to persons lately slave; , `lntl' prayer by caa 3letamlist Episcopal Church. Judge Stet free persona of color, "contrary to the I 1 Russell of. Besfun made an eloquent ap Provisions of this act, or inconsistent with hereof 11 1 oi shm /,, , tie, end the ems ere peal in favor of educating the solves; race. hereby repealed; Provilled, If we give them education, he said, they That nothing ' will defy any treason to trample on their herein contained chat! he construed to re - - peal so coo& of the eighth section of an just rights`: President Johnson ells upon „..;hat. entitled "An act to establish and regn- us tor u day of thanksgiving, nn.l no gilt . We the domestic gelatines of persons of .given . n ill be fonad more precious taan th it colir;and to amend the law In relation to to Chia poorest, weakest, rapstleeble paupers and vagracy, ratified the twenty. of God's children. not day of ,December; In the year 01 our . The hey. Rotary Ward Beecher was the next speaker. Ile reviewed the Progress Lord ~,orrtl thousand eight hundred an n . _ynve, as enacts Chit marriages Mawr::: that had been made in the public scent- Willie person Roil a person OL ,1 1110141. at Baltimore since his Lief N telt bete be illegal end N01d..” ca. M . S a.,./1 - , some time since, when thB presence of a This Is certailly av c ry doeid ed rte.) 1 I kno vn Abolittmost wet not c.'lltatitn et! de n I sirable or welcome. Thu feciing or caste the right direction, and is taatamoant .to a rind seltklt seclusiveness ' he said, has been ratiff'''athan of the Arm section of the . t marked charaeterisfic to f bunion manic In elltutional amendment. When na‘diLes°onr :11l pied secs, and has been manifested by B Lit " once begin to move in the iitl . of the Yankee and by the Southerner during humanity, jilitiee and rectitude tlti9,.. the pretent-but It was and as wrung. Nu not likely' to turn back; and It would T not are al di a l ' at ma n i ' '. l l. lo g d i s . irc u : e.cli t er, do is a follower of be at all surprising were Smith Carolina' would ,lo if be were flow onaqoawribusllCald" Christ which let! the Somit into It - colon, 5e 0 ,,,,,,,;; , he did de while In humanity's form . The preaching of the Gospel.to the pout is one. . sad rebeilloa —4O I:. td the way-beck ~,i i, ,,,,, , li . tt;;„ ;. by ratifyin 3 the ;:mislatitioual ammachaent, 'Co (reach V "1""44 611111)1c" llu ' bs °I ti'n v le,: mien/ The education of thin wall pceaMalellatog itself In all ie. wit' and the tulastration to their wants-- " eie spects to ,the new condltlonwhich the war ` l ' [ ' ) ,-al, moral and Ino.liecated ftla oat: of the ur-a, d has, imposed. The leading men of th ,r ; ge,mi„ua ufitis, of the Christian i •hat he whether ,i Baltim. ffe had vet ad. State are too agtute to persist in n hopeles , 1 vanc-ed fur eri gla to make the term "Ll , O " struggle, or to bits I themselves to an ell:, te I 11 . 1 1 ,; 1 3; . i t i o r tt i l intrud e the colored men`. ca r d la hair laud had ' democracy, or to allow a stupid In...jut:lce Imu courage Y to P' c ' i l ,,t an heipa ti , :e w negro, or that against a eciored cuticle to iLlila in the Ith it b,, was the if i leed ? t , co do the ground ne luttl beuelited ur way of their political interests; so look out I Ile predicted that before tea him, fora thing - Chat will horrify and disgust i; Test's Ii we il all Kejllflite3 will ear copporheo,cls, and set their deli- l a ' a ls il st ;thlui now despised 1 -".° ,,:"'', l , l ` lll ' d, tate nerves to v,ibrating at a fearful popular. lie esrnestly wi ai l ,pt,lllA - ;',,... :° , 1 ",e x Lc , , ' , t o g , F i rete-fer, lather than lose three-litchi hearers to rise above this prejndk . ,,, „,i,', l 1 , 1 " .1;1 " ; a t ' l .4 e, a.,, - o - orC mi - El l i tt l o;.3 .l o l V iL e a. l i ,of their weight In the councils of tho tianclisrethe• black rune, dignify th, es en h` I' I ,r1 " . 1. ,.t .. 1!:,! ‘ ,; ' , ..,' '' ,'..;:','" " r "" r jr o f , f , lr ol d wil props...! rote , of a inen, and mien 1.:; L ; ?....T •l ". • " ' I'a:r i LIP " 1 : 1 ' 'l.:lll**!l ' '' ' ' ' 4l nation, :lacy will •prohahly be the first to t Goal ;aye them s; f..• .:.'ac'..'''.'aa ' '''.7. .','.'', r. i... - ,", ° ,4i. r. ' ciarrauchise their colored. people, and thus I Mr. iti.a. e l7e i r ' w m es a ire . quently and cattiest. " L '' t' • f` , .. , •a , 4 14..1: 'i.‘11.,:a . 0.• All ' ~ 2 21 01 v y:I , Make.them .the equals of -miffs men at the I waicatly applauded. I I sit 7 . ballot brig: 4 Taty wiit probably do this i'li Gt.u. Bowen; said that five years would 1 ~..., ' 24 e•ht: AT. t 1 tit . 1 1 putting down ot lollies flat I / 4," 'i. l.• I,.o'..''''''d'" for the above laW shows that the Lids is i ' he's rite . let Salt now in ninny quarters, lie nes . tai ,",,,1"; r , --.. v 11, •I ' setting in that direction. They see iv., very 11 , 1 A lel of the let.froj of the li eed- 1 „.,"°'•. , - , •i1.."-; • 1 % 7; , that the only way In which they can get Lieu's Bureau, which was simply taring 1 t. , r .i..l;' y 1 " ''' 11'0 .... D . L , back into the Union is to accept - the terms ;1° mist, th e "";Pek 'of the colored tuna 1 ''''''' I -----...___ , P.m.:aloe trona slavery to freedom. They I LIOUt.t.I:, LA • ,ase - ;; prescribed by Congress-that those'tirma I had Niffued during the war that there Wit* i 7 ... . - ',:,,' ' . " '','”! . 1 are lUllt nod generoue-and that when at , .r is 11, in the United Shines Geverantied 1 -*" I I - , e•• " '; I ''''' L am; ;', - nit _ • el r ,:, ..1 .1 - V r i... mted, Maculae:l of South, Carolina nod t tuft that it was not vitsted in tine del ' L" YU.' ""g" " '' n' . $ r thecitlzen of Massachusetts willstaud upon I meet. Ile was eallalled when thin Burenu I'' .2' l 'Am ' o ~ ~,, o uyeitim ,„, ~, I )Lf; ' , POlfft kir A NiT 7 Fciii . ,.. , Ju:awl) , the bailie platform. lint they aie 1 `,.,ease4 its ^erat-15 kthlt the muld he able to protect the humblest (Mt- ' ''''."'''' ' I.I 'I"- ' "" ' La... " thu "' 11' nut such Laois no to allow tho colored 1311,, t 1 zeta in every part ot the ' '. a' i. ' ' .. "'" 1 "ik''' '''""" ''.l eollolry. A v0,,,e i.e. , C... al.o or 1 , Ja ~. ~„„ , of Massachusetts to lie represented in Con. •e Lich had retched Mtn ;from Maine, Ver. I ''- _ _. , gress wisi , o theirs. aro nut. To put it in moat, Pennsylvania and Ohio hail told him that the people Who twite free; um f o orn thin common lingo a the class iu dispute, to the slate intended' to 113411111110 It, and they will say, **a South Carolina nigger is that the voids'came from those who I , ,„,. „ „„ ~. as 'good. zill'A Maesuchusetts nigger any been tilt him ou the skim:tub line. e't''' 4 '"" - . '" , r",Xv 9 Choice uo - As)." TO clla soiwill give to that state five Judge hand pledged the emanelpation. ' u ma , . l er' ''i, - ,li t , zs c. HAM. Y . late et Maryland to advoauto tno pu um ti o d . ,04 ,a 01 Lihyrir or eit , Yoprwcatativas le Longressinatead of two, of those they bad .mada tree. 'rad& ill & con*id&r&6°l2 weighty m u g h Chlaf4Pottut..o l o l 4 , ltad Zit the wadi yorrifybithkuos A iiii to a ill'lONgc (4 2 OM lid /Mall •Itaßgit GO Malt of and EH TM, EIY 101 th TIMES UN TUC • IC E. floe. Tic:gni' J. RAY l uottn, the editor el the New York Times, it will be rementL - . b eret], was one of the originators of the, Philadelphia • August Convention, one of the most active spirits in it, and thelfise man of its address or deciansilon of prluci i4es. This fact Om interest to thefol-Spi% v, article, in which the results of the re cent "elections arc ably and frankly alErd. We submit it without further corn ,tufet TUE STATE ELECTIOSn, . 9 .. The results of the late elections Jo n.. tcry clearly that the route,.t hey LC(11.1: Ili „,, it, most preci•ely as it WO 5 t” Y e 'V u i„,,, ',,,,... WOOL' the Democratic and the ~... ..1, ,,,s les.:j La' ditr""''us Le a t ,l u n e'u e C ret ' a:til)M :nd the President have L divisions . or 0,, ' uthien " " e ' the IP'r-i for has the Phila.. ,ao.t tour or Urn Yer , . . , . ia,,,tpettii:(2,,o.buiv,„eun i l t ion , L' , , t T a u e I n o s i ; out , ; .,ut.s LUe ,, , , :i pub li c m i n d, produced any MA: Ilea , i t ~,,L upsnl peltucal orgauizalions te tau -,e'veral States where elections hose been ..eld.. On the onOide is the old:Deem inereasedor ailllil/iblleil bllllle- NTlli i l o 7 1:41 5 1; and there by loud iniltumce and on the other is the Union Majority, - dronger on the.wholo time ever belore, and not at all affected either by the strong . ippeuls [natio to its judgment . anti reason, or by the influence and - patronage of the .General Government brought to near upon ,t. It hi undoubtedly true that the nliule power of the At ministration has • been. thrown - against the IfepUldieun party: yet that power, great as it always is, bail hem able to effectabsolutely nothing in the gen• . - eral result. . - . ° The reason of this is found In the fact that it Las l•een thrown is facer of the De mocratic Party, es organized and directed daring the war. It has not been used with primary regard to the principles and policy of the Administration itself. Thu Phila. delphia COuventlpit set iorth whet we be. Love to bo tile Admmistration platform ou the subject of Restoration; but' that plan t torus was not made the ortsis of political action of the Administration 'tacit or' any body!else. It was simply surrendered to the Denuicratio Party as• a stepping stone to power. The leaders of that party 1 w i r ed ypen it for that use. Their Ett're qUent action proved conclusively that the r motives in accepting and endorsing it were' potrtisanL—that they aoliglit, nut 50 much oho restoration of the Lnion as the .reor ganization and reinstatement of their own intrty. The Philadelphia Conventiun gave the country a basis of Cost oration open the p r in t ip:oz zottject by the war—and to this the South gave ite unanimous, sincere and cordial assent. If the Democrats of the North had accepted it with the same sin cere desire for the public gond, it tveMd' have been endorsed and redodirmell by the people- But they did nothing Of the sort. They'torik it as part of their own stock in trade. They seized it as the ladder upon which they were to climb back ngsin into' the high placesirom whicll they had been espelicd. • Designed as a great 'national movement, for the attaintmet or national endf, it became, in their hands, a tool fur the attainment of a partisan purpose—for the resumption of Witt:Jai place and party . power. • . , . ticfortunatelY, the friends of ilia Admin • istratlon lent themselves to the projeit. Derucieralle 'enrunoluees and. Dent e[t to •. candidatetilepaired to Waatotecton and de. i mended of the AdminburiAti...m the aid o: is pittronazO v and. it, influence for their party pnrposes,—and it was very largely . taccorded to them. Democrats ot Copper head antecedents were arpolloled to c:lee, I.—not universally, perhapa pftvu ail ui34lt madreriehce and lack of loofoltuation,--but Upon the application of Demo:nat.:eh...al ail- ftti more auzielle to restore their r....ny fe itirtfer than to serve the Adualais.rating or Say , : the UnlOn. The same titan , acting , loom :ho-'same iletireS, Beenred Demo. I cirricte r.iiroatione, for Statue:lieu° a-col for C..:ougrcas, whereyer they load' chances of solcossa, and the whole curreht of political action ran in the-same direetien, • The na:ttrel effect of all taleMls to pro. deco trpote the - public mind the coorictloa ;'sat the tlra of tile Ad wde to restore the DetnetrAllc l'aril• to p.,Nrer; Actioff grew the po.hiect iminietratiou 'tiwlnuied u :.eueeri,-,a5 I,llc UMI t: En Mere Is One tui6g Upon which the pdople have made up their mind: bad neither the President nor , sa) Other tower cart change it, and that Ist :7,n the restoration of . tlo . Urtion. shalt TtOt, be , trtated La the moo who 17 fed to dol.:Toy is by tsar, nos to those who fated'to at tempt. bp ail the means in their gorier. 'lnts determination may unt•be luy,isal, nor con, stitutiontil,.nor strictly in accordance With 0:n110:Sof States and sections; hai It 14 instiurtiye rind unconquerable. Oneelet.it be distintlly und,rstuod that the Denut crUtie Party is oat to be restored to its old ns:entittncy„ and.tite peopte will he libaral jmt and Kcaerous thelt adjtistment at all political ctifferences; but :so long, as, that pnint is left in doubt, they will be exact ng and Intolerant upon all.. T-he late elec.- , tbms show that they intend to base guar antees upon that- point first; and - nothing is likely to tin gained, in any quarter or by nay party, by resisting and 'defying their wilL ‘• .f.l: by. '7IV.: cr) n rhat, neV , .1:C11:1 ('; 11W1 PP. ) rt Rud %v..," 16.; no v, - ELriak suLli • Tile llieliai: pi.;.joe.r,tid T. I ' 1,, Nev. - .3i - The Grainer electlon Na Jer,y, 'rokilled. to 4 I.7idoit triumph Ever:,. dopttritent of ti ujty ntON Itepabliean. Tit k 011;1,10100e of tt Mato' Itilutupli in t rnrufilt rein.ir Finn Coottre,ilhaal nistrict l'itrinor‘rreta in'tire 6tutU of New Je soy were never bkighter. Tito First :Congressmintl district; Will ele the c teditimesl Its n matter coarse. Tic tc a 1 coutt.,:t is to the nib po is of ',119 Siitta. ' I Joh ti D.o.tid,o, a ,7. , !• nt 1 eotaa in this oily. is the itepultlken cundidrt C r inlrires, it 11.0 :11tird. r ii , 41 is nothity eautoe. His cdittratitor, SitgeCaVes,l Lil 4 I efuie I td Meet • lkim; ax so :11,t'..1.h0,!LiSttil is gding I: .. litouglt the d ti ha . 11,y hino , olf, oetCriultTd to eivititt. If c!ifott can 6 . dtire. pod Forater.unci r u r tar eIY cti'vei E•pa ers are alsd, at ivork , 2,in tI4I same ditori 'rue two )(Attaining diteiriai Hot flron Hews ate Nierfo"Ogliina of t'arrying. NL. Jersey having iolluwbxl 101 l ha footsteps l'tmite.s.i , eo 'and !edified tlie ,toustitution A , eudmcttt,,uprcars e ho tatting the Di; step to secure admiet•lno of her revicsen . iivos tato Uttaisrt!.itt, by ducting loyal m who real tithe th(l.l.tgi 01141.1V11111./.11. col mining perfury follow my laet r ile cre.ildtdatea for Co groa . : I. 171111 nm ]torso,2. 55 11:Mtn A. N.,:svoll Ilnlght. 3. Toll. 11., 'aeon, C heat,' Onto rend( '.1%1 74111, As.,l row J. Unger, 6. titurgu A. Liuleey, linhOrt .Yeto! Tan; Tribunal _ _ OffEd Ac'lNcuT rAtrMit The ,Sherbroolie (Caunch that last. wvelt Lawrence been., dribiing, got veil', , on, and Ida excitement burst some of the !hind ve add dropped s dead to an short time; before hts del net care fe God, Man ['ld his wile that 51M rni4 flu fOr hlaireu or for I lduisf, NVIL.on !unW,!r tha inftnen paasleu N . Vtle uncontz J ollot.l ttioLt'iLt: . • .1 • • ! • C1107,E11.1+ It with the atm.'s: ntli o-nlrt •.4; I he ter! t hr ue pro ptc,l Tor It fr , t‘ro dva,“”Rt nta.l 1. the J • tch:ch het .an one t c. paccctac .r' o%'o end u tit` i t• II t treat an to by cx;,:tal • Vl4 cu a C4JI.,t; • .11111.10.1 tetteded It to A tree. thel.l 'ce IC to yv.ccae J to • 1 . ... che.lloe of ell ottc”. !.sett. rt ir.l.l:eiNtr3 I.!nrer et the 11l tha,int. 01 lth:// E.ll Dia Tilt; I'L f • •- 1c kaf -.1.‘,1 31:0 4 P:et Sf.rie . ! • . e.,.;3t-hr N.lN'yr he 1 . 1; (AA re: 001.50:1,/ Prime— DEAD in) G azelle 111 poyle, whci II • augry with 'Fn's such Oa) qs.lals of the he i Instant.. 041, Ittlt.„le said 116 tti• t,.e deehi, t'lat prepare a 41 , cif before niq uco of liquor • CIIOLEII 1:: • vtot of chol•rs “o•g • ne•son whwt r f• i r i,riencv 14.1 sui hiett--• r.c Again—mod W • , 14110, ALan tal old t.,11 tirmer noc that., IA dtI I X I tU , E nl l l othe.e then h*c. an .1. ". 11 1 ,111 1., prtra• 101: • Jr. Fourth otretc, I= 1= II I; • i • 1 , I.A. too 1.... e. alll.le;tti of Flair! ••T.trulot.t . ' The gets.; ' •`Tltt , r .!•!..te Restorer' ••L.1 , ,i11. •` . - I . ••114,4:01,1testelter" . 1 ^..:" ., "1 :. , 33.uri . or ••!, . 1 . , .1 r 11 ....., , •i...i...;‘,1.• 1 , 'lll I, I'• i, ..< 4 -lier t. 7 . - .”'” , int I.77ettins • It sle 1 . I, II -r.r. F . •l .:1 It" . , • 114 r t"... -r r,-te.re- -• ' - 1 , '." R n -. ," • I, •• o. I:. bt,:r•' t , 1..• , 1 , I • .: Oto. Ali ~ ~, t! h. , ~..., ~ 1r.,1 15...,13 . . ~ It .01• I lest .rO.O - 0 , 1 , 1 - sl li 0' st .,, ••s• A It .011: tit t-• 0 t11...1.... I' V.l . ' 0,.0.-y .4t , ties .le. . It srlt 1.- • ...,.. A:0 i.r,,,1 ~.1 r.: .4. a ,N. 7. t t 0 1.. yes, 01 t .0 ....le r , ... ...1.11,g WI. F. it • l'l / I• f• ni. ,4.-,.,., a It, oc., p. . , .I l 7 7o ''' , :t e. 1.•. , . IN 1 •,..e-.. et , I • :st. t'r: tve • l.'s t:ltt ..", Seo - 111 - ix :.,..1-00t; that , Vic, 00.1;.:11,....!10.,.1.00 , :t... it. dr.....r. 1.1.11011,t .r. u L 5 A sa Lt -147: 31 , V . l+ • . Cll5 I, 1. l J 5 . _..—.,.......,...-+ 1....• " ' ' ' '• " I lEn .1.,0. fano 4at 3.k 2.1' 11....... all • ; 1 ' I 1 e• , .. , ,, ~ ..-.::lnt, btrn a !Cccr u: -s int:int' ri4 t rin.:nrt.e. dt.y4t . “ta. , ht.'3r.: - ytttpe I , ratriw, r t•.O v . ,Lic. s f i.l.tr at ft ::.a: In -rS;y In ail'.' ynnytt of EcTi , t - aid t o la cr.; . lit Iton , I 4 In r o'or Envarta::. a,! ryal . , Itlya 4:,.:fi , b.an u A:lti it:-..',0,' I L - OL I::'.v i t rALCIIC: to t[ , l eliel Ili; er llktira,int r .at•C . l ,t9r. them, ant! ~ . re . ',at. 9.4..: its an-{ tat,i^. As, .at•aclt-'4l I an+ yr p.'-,oli aily yea.;Us ricr't t,nlailluryd a 1 . 0.6 ;Or T A12:4 A:i:Ltho : :44,:b. r:ec , .. ot•tivol ,^.l to .1, ! 14 4: aft tat, 4.lyeat pe t"..1. ,11r , , , ,,._ Ir V. 1,3 .a , - a . y....' -- .nd •lia.ya a , t-yr: ,0 Li, ,•e, .. czrre,: 17.1, cuor, , *t. ddd .1, .ti , ,), I. I'i. ..3 r.-1 , II ,tt LIITT 1 :' ' ,!):. ' ;rii ' - I':V -.1 . ,. ak ‘ 'WO I, CI, .: .1 - 07, •... 0., W. r.. r t ,l , ' , 4.:1, tee:,. r . • )•.1., c '.•.,-,,,..... c-2.511 Ift.. WALL .1, p ..,,, ( { r --',.- ..... • s f , ' ' . ..,''r ' i7 t. : 4 '. ...:::•; " ,V , ',U;f0:: - ;:t",:' „.., f.,,t r• cal,L.,• ,t; ;Ye VIII -0 .0 Tl, or c ," , ,,r... ~,...,. vut t ,, titr)r 'II, .:. 1v... .., litt • ...r. - ..,„,y wr. r. ~ .t.. /..; :.....e I.le :.. A Alt. ~, I, . (.}-, ri 1., el. , :', MI I.IL , Ai .. I,tt a no. - ay of o ~ a Col , It 1 1 ,1.1.• tyyTy Itte rar A .1... Z / .1,-. * 0 - iv. A t ~..., ro.d I a.1, - ...:—.:: , ro !",1-1. ?cp.”. /, .*.'n, .., r,n. • 't • 11 ; . ~. ii . DV ::::C'tiSElll,Ei4 T~l:~ . ~ti.'l. 21;/-Vtili..C.11,i jr., •liri:a..,s fry - yorray. 34 F.j:/...Y.ry..1. 13 r., rr.........hz,/ ...lanll, r gt Ice- r : ":1 raer n :a •(or 1, GA z.tirrE. and ally imi,ers 0. -, ....0g?...r6 're f, ni,il 64.../..re an. f.'am..f.r , 4. •• I • •• , •'" , ...10;' , 0.; :,: , :''.l,•.i 71 - .EFC tNr FOnlallte.a.nro:l y:g ...nco•krir I.t ..r.., or ,IL c.., Lcs..t..e'Lceturri n!. i_..1..,g t'J• r ~.. T o , hav,e'.n1....1. air:Lug...Nal., ....11 1 foal, lay, weil.kup.enlyvretinC• • , 11)11b.5 ANNA E. D1CH1i,',.. , ,N. • '' ,IJAMIIa I. 31t!i:fi , Cll.l •f' • . I 1 It AI..VL I WALD ...ME SON. .. ~i,,,.. . 8E ,,,., 314(allyzir, • - : 71 ,E,D.,10.:111.1.0:5. . - ::,,,,,.„ .‘• ,NDE, I t.ll . 'n, • '. . ~ o r.u.loi.,:rD /up. NIL: CT. ' 'l' T. `l.l , ft!: G. l l. i.• I; . . ill-Es11: Vi 3. GE T. 41E431414rt, .1.,114.N U. P AXE. • 1 ' . 14...1b.. Won ~, , r. nYEI ,s , , anletltor, 'll IN a liDl ASl. , +l:l WE:IDi.L.L PUILLI D.- ,t , r,A.LoW4 az: c i f07c , ...: 1 . 444 4., 1t T1,.1...4 ..tiliad CU • hr,...y.yy t, ye t y.yl tt a , 1 'vanes, fur • 1 lan ei•ts in•f I'o f:. ran be 1.14 Igil.t. Incal,r4 at !tt., k.O.tra: C.to o.llll.lbzary I\polna I , , .1.5.Ah,4 l'"C`l7. ', ; • .1 AY 11. a , 4(0 k S., . , 1 .,.: , .11i - Hr... r. JP1. , 44• GI% 1 , . o 'IX, I.n. t £OlOl As.. r,03=1; . ' 01 0. P. i . .cliiilli Y. N. ;iii:l"4 ‘... i 4 UT, 2ii. I ' . (3 1 iSll 91LIE 11E i lItb .i. UELIII, CiOT. 1 Y.I. let:. 1 }k..•1.•c0. or F 1.71 In ~ouut7 , I'.. feed .lie r,r4d la L4rnidetpllu MIS.) will 3* uClthi:lr ad ruat to , . yd.x.dd tit • iu, Ol.tl-t liaw .14.1. I.. ' ll'UTitilLl:t:iii • ANL) CONNELLS. V)LLF. 1Ca11'.1: ,, A , ) 001;!ta i NY Dave e tat:ll:eil dtpi: IT Stet In. - toi.e tenca 11 llt)IV. , 1:1.1A M, fur all AecOtia..ll tidal; ,Irel,ett :,tti: Te•1u,..1 Ea.t eAd en t'.142.11 ',Lew Brdif e, . 1 , c l l3 '' . ! ' ' "._ I. t!i t7 t .e_.• /2.1::01(GE Litaiiii.;:ii •, ' I CANDY IVI.AN , UF ; ~ .1.61 dt.o it 1” rod r 1113 Yitd IT.I. IN 2, i 1.. I , NO. i It' .1 Cd.1.. 1 0'1! d..i.1 4 d it,,iroda 111 c VI••1. E o • vii 15 . : I A I, t.1.C..). Me ACTUf ER,. ta. AIIEuICAN k/ s refit, t al llank. ~ i l;s .;I r Ira. ` Vii:!..:'. & ST :34.&411 octal - 0' Ti.. 1.• Lu . t.lint. ,, fr...:11:.* Lust tv LL' u.I all 1/1”1.1 ,1 i .. I.IIiLLIN .:RY flayi l ng rdll 0v..1 i n 1.1?,, ti1..1 Jr, 4.4.i.t. li rice,a, AL uvi •<%3 - pTi3DTy - A, L.—q . II G , --. Fin hrtlrb relnuv.l th ' i. I, N't 1/I , lia fi , 1a.3.:. mII het atrj, j %Yorks 12. CA n. - ' I. I,: Kt..l e t 6. CAP 11:111/iIVI 4 tuoit.: lon ul4. A.i.ar,•. alk t vitt ne..:4.. la I DUNI! UN3)l4l+ cg nr the titieE ott, bOr wikete L,burs h. N 6.-11.•*1.4.MR. EN CET 11,111 L . ll/61^ , rl. L/1613/.1 11 . 1 , 1 / 1 6 1111 1.,./1 • • V 6,‘ 1 liE:SitSl b 1 duet re . o.ly LI: • u.4.e, enent Ad' etr ita• butto ellottsjhum Itte . u.ettatittetttrt ri. f• tr 41 , • I JA.itrte Itoelret ocla I . i;11 Wer d tett PEACH. 446 Cats, Sur a. hr V. /WALE 3:o4.4iirrly a agg I liella% 4 1; • flu agmen, 11 JAMES T.' BRADY & CO.: (Bocce .onto S. Jones & CO") Corner iloutth and . Wood BANKERS BtBROKBASI IN ALL KLros or Governinent securities, , Foreign! Exchange, ,1 Gold, SilvOr and Coupow • COLLECTION i s matte d all &occult:lle po I.ulted Stall . and Oaaatlas. Interest al owed on Tine Dept BLANC FOUNpRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, upIO3JTEINI”).; MON' MILLS, l i 3~YTT e SZTstOF ROLLINOII4.I. AND BI GE CASTINGS: I,IACCINEi AD CASTINGS GINERILI.. O'dor.Prntnpilr .4 care folly execate4. ItEASONABLE, ! WERT & MACKLtfIP TMUSTELps SALEOF VA LUABLE I. T.—"7l. , mad Vint hovlng o.«,,tlflootal e•• Trutt. r bathe' inf common riele bt A alt , 0-anoy. 11111 oiler At Fobil tale on IMO I Tan las* on OATUdDAY, t ••• 20th lay or 4)0,00,1n•t •nt 40 o'olnot ' Tlllltl F.* oh t. 111 ILDINts Lain. In r Ward, clay of FF,t,t.orgh, prOper4 of 1110 440 Fre..tstAn nail Miller, Iron 14 • l , nnnanvan). neehne, Hide. ryes., Mario., eon Mar rirros..pliq bother marked tirbOrsd Sn Alordad plod of t 10th ard'on Not. 1(4! ". 16 . 41. I% 01, 04, 100, 110, 111., Ill,• 143, MI, balance In- I only Sin: Do. ltthogka:.hl plan an Nos. Ini, 1411 405'164, to. tO4, Ito. 151, tr 0,1115, 171, 111. 171, 771, 420, 175:17 1 11 117 . 61a prop t. aorronndeO by 800 :improvement/ and ennrefuen , 0 inn piss% or bird intsii 011 ounliituniiOn nt dais, ltdAur, a 1 004.01f1 Annoa, ram niA 5.004,tr0i100it4 M A031;4014 Igo °a . t.loo tiretal.cs. J EAI, yo 4 A. AII.W . A7NE . .IAuct I O.c A e er.A tl5. tea. ' • I.lll , oziAlto ran. may 1.0 1601 at Miithriti es Anti 1101, Itoolti• 4,4 . 1 , 7100 sir r. Ho. Al a. lAttuibe' a. "qs tirssi•S Jona Miter, or one Trilitei • .o inlet . Qua. stud F St• sodzATlno. Bonk 151 Fou.lll 00.4. " dot INF A PETTBILi - RGII GOLEIRT e7ion- Ita+a on band tnn duos, alvbk of I • POCKET CUTLERY 1 • In thla altyl Also. • I - Grround . • In•Enalasil vatety. '043-3:11=1:57, Agent i'lttaburgh Cutlery evenvantl la4o/. 67 ! and G 9 Firth 'S reef. • (DI ,VAT,CII 1 pLY3/0 1 0'eNiON ' ' rTut urr i etteitti . 7 . Ebt. O. O. HONiViIDtD. tte l ro of Dettysbui g _ Soldier.and Chri ll'Dial i tyrr a l eal.atrain the NEW ACID EIJI" •OF 711 07 'E VEELLLIT tlonbei 15 1 .1 at 1 , auf 4) at crawak. E.;17.153 J.,MCPr ‘ a • -Our Cluts.ttau Duty to the. ,outh." MAJ. C Patriot, WII, kr o x t i. b; lS ''"l l j " j auda.:l e et, 3 h it'. ••e tr . tte the . 1. L I it.. CAPEWELL,' - i l• ; . wino I •ounfio AftiD AIR•HEI 1 ' FOR COAL 'OIL LA i-I ' . —1! P.I; , SIXITS. oC7llTait't n, 18/14. I i .Th•th•rt , • of Itjts inroxOton oonslstA t 1 1 ., 0010n t • la p 0310,0. 54. wh ich are 0 or-Ocr, a vr hoe bola. tin d witht' , o urtilt So -u d•le u krom.it ale fr be hue! la 0 , 114 .. at I 't•l••trre4k 11.2,0.t.one•altiao trite rail 1 . I , 1. 1: ' ,a :It f :ri ' ..1 i t " 171{ : t4:1 " " 1 1 . ' 71. "' ;' ' . .1 ° 11 1 2 1' . ',i etreg , tst•t.noto r anu e l ' ilu ir f..t . t t u:l: • o. -toll uu . •,,,,nu•urcl. r!zeler, ili I t mO-1 ralt* ".. 1 O n' ilt . : V.V.'"7;4i'l'of t:::!`. 3 . ':.11,7 e , •1 J. plat., , .. r ., ; u , v,. , f i . • in 7.o 4 e i Nt l y , it i or l., f . ttri, Cr % . ..1 . .... , ..9 ri, 't 9 I j. IBEI 3I'YLES 11*TS. ,84 131 fl , "0011t .sztiEt • Art rtce,lht Att litrali ha& at"Jk CI, I HATS CAPS' AND F 41.• TSIIII4 HATS Tnit irn El PA Vrg A kr3 rp - p Ftrim Vtsl.l A%IJ ?el; !Wyk, , it ~,,411,0110rip1e..1.11 whiCh he 41. till .M 1 .4 • IRiJN' CITY, MILL,, ROdE BURCH.' llmmtnei tan" or ILEFIrEU, pilditoo A L,!,11:!4 , ATA d MCP.t , Orricx .Nll MAHI 1 • I lEGM A. ROfikii Ercity Don! siiouto. • , • c:/.46:trEola,' BV E. A. In/Lt./4A • • The only atanard and olni•Ial nOUTISEI RinTl fay pkbloSee ('A "TM • el) A AIN nl' A ,s 1; o'r E/L :EU I/ LICAtII.O parvo.: Int t.• h. a , ' , mt. I ,irws in no wall to t end (or 0 alrenlars and tarnaa• • this end nei moor In works bcor- enge. trig In the ano. ninth. r . • It.h/rane.. nun, 10 • A. 1.. TAL.,. '1"?. a Va. 41:a • r.wE an Market alien% Pi tahni• k. I •zluy, ATALVAI i fiI E STOrtifi.-11' te•day r. T vd•Ni LTA. 161.13.,nt N 0 o ..4, Itt on : , of of 4.....n055.tc,..1 tu..11w.m4 1(11 badtl.olo•l.trros. .0 on.ares reorrliTaTilt 1111tIfnlafs CV "topsoil n • .•• .! no . 1 •• • 011= 4.n7 Vklleet11111•0011 no •• &.••.-teube”..lll, , l ntlrea.Gl •lI •• u.nlo Ginr.tor ( ompT , 7T •• , N.tn.nat tiodizing to l•r tip • • 11 I do •• • LayroonCeVUe B. • .ell . 0. 03C L%O Al;‘);.•0 .clones. 1.4 •c _ EO. PREITICAL•LITHCORAPH RS, • The nh'l.T ?TE tll LLTH , vi7itArt4 TATAR I ImHSILNT Wt:ST ,, P Mth , IITAJISS. .e.l nets Oiteols. Letter 1.1.•01, Donde, I.4^els,•Cl eu lore -1.1. car ho t , •iplotoas. rurtreita, t e r. Ger. , O.terors Ihr•tatle,, taut., Sc N..e. r. TII Talc f sr, • atsb irgh. se 1.1014 parEit: PAVERI-P11T6111.11141U 1 PAPE MANtIPLOPITETIG COMPANY. Werra •oie, CI Third . atnrat.".Y.4.4. calstruntly cu i.•ria. ...PA or ale. .a 1.4.4 . .... maik. - 4 1111 i; ZI (1 .1F.W TA UK. M :, i 1. 4 . .11.1.111. 44 A1M, i it./..Y/, • . LT and !flat 4 Il l t:la/: l'ara.LlJl.. I .01.10 0d144. a• mt. nu la %V arr.a.cr•a.. . r II"... pllll. 4.t. Ptietabeny , llJ , . (MIA • .H.-1 liLo. AlLlislat New Bright • ta. Pa: .prrysilustoot AND OAICLAND ... t.ur.o :Ik.t. , .wse.es. 1 . . .101111.1 R. &A. IiVIrIDOOL . lburl/ 4. r. to ,Joi n SI ur.1....h: Ll)r.,): " ; t• 13.E1t 1 11 V,' ANI/r C.1)1:68. n. Pitt .0 . sh. PA, ~t!' til " ;1 . L .4 . 7At i ? V I tIVAVP Vlt r it . .7"..g, olt k IT. CI . K•A • II ORKENtit)U-.k.iAwlti. '• 0 I/ VI, . Oa I C.Tc.lar: riu..1.111,4 A.l "A1...1.1 riLaNKX•r I O C.. to 1, II rr.r.ll. low . re', II ,i1nit...... . ir,...2., DZ1E3314 A -.. 1 111;15 iLi '11.4E 'b. Co., in-LAnufac -1 I Gra.nd and Squarb Pii-no3. w .,.„,,,„, A ., i . 7 itt..,......k.r. IfTltfdll l'. fl.rtrnd Block.. ~ I , frottf ifrf.adolAy NKW • 1: 1 1 , 0K I If, l' luso Olio forottfrO rft t .101: , tz , ft , .p....tfl f'.. ptiffr hal. cleary brl 11.11tifff , f topeAtttle fh , .... lb .4.cv ..! t ..orkft.mulslp CL, .1f •rs 41. , 1 prICII Het e. tit Al N. 1.1 0.11011 r 10:4 ilitT ILII n Oilid .1/ . ii.liai J....i re+f aid. .o.avar ipant• 0 GOODS* i N. , Y. 0 , II i o. 40' h.tils2 ... Y Cl Y. fificds 1 1!;TOlt 6 I FOIL gikt.E.,lA ; , .. 0 g **crlcirsor . ptinn More, d 7114,: • gaol tin ,tinerc. .1, it 4 -W. r bod• egonml, Cell 119 y wirated , 1 ,. on n .oft e otintittal •tr.•' •of the ttYt ~ t h • ,te Itt. ~,, 11111014 1,11117 itlftet.n min tem. Ton . it 0. Cato es Fa 1 lotto. , no . 110.11 W for one nf two let...scan t. II tit For pa t1.1".,41 , vial •.1' JUPN 111 r. •t, r. 1.1 c .inor of OF to W•tel Y. otit i t•ts ,or it Ltd.. tlt; y• .. t'ortt n: o . t. 04.1,141 r of n i . pon sad ...coda atrrpts. i o.lltothtuy. . - ott A A ttlyrot -- 0 - 131 - E - 3 , Y1L. - 11/L ILO" 1. ancliOr 'Cotton Mills, Pittst • , 1 unnol, K tumr. a ANcltuft(AyNiteens..p , , ANToo fit sliKKrisun, N(414.911 (C 4 [MEE I INOS;.. An , " HATT , i \ -' ~t4a ~ ~ \ f (YS 1: V LOAN OFriCE,I fill. troll II Pi 6111TPIE:41) liript.rt, coruei of Bixtb. vin,lourolL,L I Mtun , ' Lonned on Minor ?Intl% On - P 1411101111., Itoweiry, Littld and nlinnr C10,11111,./1,14 . 1.411.1.11 , 41 111 01e1e5 i11 r i e 1 y , Y, 1 111 e 1. I tutu und he cln.tvenl Irian. ot ocuuuti Itlllif In ...Id! Oro or ronOor Cuudo ul ~.n .. draorlptlvn lor lootoy ur1.,... . f t. frOrAinl 1 M.M a NOVI. 1i.., Id Afi IVei d _ "• 10131 I 3 LI • ,y j ViTt UM' A LL.E.UIiEN T VA • Tn t.,c*OEFoll ECouct - 43%3 !py.AIILF,II) 4'llOl'O9AL% tai 1-De re oMee fin. ....char! *, TWENTY El]: VEIL F mus.tcir..t. .os of cold ic ;e, Of tor t zr outicirltor 1/71. Le* and laf 1. !vol. to b . .I.lf 14.1 . •I'ropo-ais for Moolclosl U0t034. ,, UTo der of IltoCsomoittor .• o V/1/ inee• 0104.1f*1t30.34,, JAS. .1. 1 it , rt I , OEM! • A IrriiIISTRATOII , II , NOTICE. -- t 1001 , NEws v THE oI THE Al. a=A ti yore -, In r..ik...1!t0 the estate Idf AI ANY pr , ‘j yucrEl, IP/ AN. 0 ,M , MAN. Okre. - t.d.., 1•1 , " 4 f J fres .. PATENT 31ELTICINE54 in , LRP.• at 1,, D 1 •,, 1 0,3.1,11 v. :v , V r•Apro.i.d to 'make Itvoval.t".V 4 f: • U. r 3 CILTTt:It V V trr kso. si ptr botti. - r `.' ..u ,, ...I I. .V. - ... , V.. 4.•10 , 1. 1 . 1 ' . V NVIL." •- "1 4 DV AIL Vii ri..A NTAI lab 13 11:1"E lt,, ol do ' 0, .. , .., will prewii: Om sat. prO9triruttVia. , .W.V)VLAV WV Kai xim el por tmt WI • • r C• "1 . i.r Ir6Llig/1... ,14, to: ' , , ,! • Ott Mt. ivW.t3 utionANA P.... IN PCi lb. 1 Till/LAU 7111$ ER. AdlA'r. : And vVvlVlVilav et.. lo prvpurtwv. ~I . I 11•1 , 1 , 4. 4 , " Vs/09. . VIVO W V 'O- ) . l••W 1 , 111 , 11 :•11,VE. :lasii SEC.IND-11AND• 801 i: RS, 1 .A ., ... " 'ir Cill e :ll " 7lllF:°4l°°l - I:l,(:44ll6l' C lll 'it i t it i' l ' ( 47 ' :1 roil. oe LE. . f -:. .4t , ......-----___ , - ' - -- SIX liti:A.,ll7l,ols.h. tu.. 6 .04, , . or I ~ - .: • I. -4 tiv ... 1 . 1. _ iicl4, ... bio „ Quu. .. lb • tregla 1 ugt ~.. -- - illaricr 11. onaaert: . rouTiori var. - . . . . . , . •t• cla'• y ou ie.". W U ' I MEI ME UNION 'MON ITIL, NINTH WARD, PITTSBIE6E.' A oFnu);:jfilp..L.Tl.oN.oloS,oTrELEa•u4l,s:lCo...e, ry IRON AND FORGINGS Spailal attattant sl•ea to too mx• uracture • liamtnered , tuad Rolled • the and Car All ItAl. l.B kr. o Ni SOLEs, %IRS 88LIcE 8, Sc.; LINKS BuLTtl. I DIV.IIB OCTAut , N ALM LLmv W t T AND ANKLE 1110 N, - • • INAT1E1101:8E , 93 Water as nit 126 Fir • °FPI< £.s • ATTFITMOIOI3,NIN WARD : I .ocls 117 site. JAMES AMITE 111UsLAS IHAJTM. ALLEGHENY BR H wind Vreluseed the 01 , 1 0.114h1 inowu es 'he It EV, pubalo y 841 NVO !,uet wt. trallriU COll,llll tang Ulu • , SPRING WATER wade from Pore Spring Water. sad Orr ♦nd long oxisrionor In the b ',demi at an .0r0.'1,1 to Wootton to tbolv WM, may [aver n. Oringm 11 Llt-• most r.., , I.etlabit,.nith, l . . ..... -.. .-.,-.• . at a•ery 'varlets, t g. t`-.. r .v1:1) ,rgn aclorm vot'uf osintE rr= eb v 0., ' •. Th.l.: awl En.int.l , • n an.' re •rl • , ..e..ti, t:ni i .-tml, an , ' q.va lintton• of Cle /lit,: be ntlllnl nntt• 1,8, 465 Rebecca, .iStreet, ."."eit.".,.ti:i - Z.^, - ,,ri:`Ll:!;',l,',l%'ol'il . c".laTr'.'2 6 .7, . . c0,,,,,,..,:ha•.:.. ,c,.. AILEGIIIENY Ciffr V. . • ' la c0n5.14.”.. of the urvat -tart:a , lon uttraduln 04.11‘norgnt or ra dl•.•n- v , Ft .., a .n , l En- land.' ifirAll ottlon left at Blinwli; i t. GILA tif Am•ft. ..a tar, gnaillt‘ ur en Palle Jen On'. 0 ,, g1..C.1v In. IWO I.loerty street, o , v rlttsbur,h, II uo 0 ,,, r 51 1 .5,1,51,0 .., 5 ,, I: ~,,,,,,, 1 , .• ,,, . 1, 4 . . ..” , .. 11- attoadod to. gn 4.0,1 .f.n• enn; In i in• 1.,n 0t ry mnlny:a Fn.. 1.1 at 114 . .4- . i rid.s.. t.ulltr tnto,ulrconeta,c,,s llln 1 8(36. , FALL C.A.14,1,11E iiCris are now ashlbl , lor for VA non azoatlrr stock of good, wt h • lacunas Or olferlog to our pa tronA. Ei3gllsh Brussels mid ilestr:Es, 'Of Oar own Importation. .o•Milrl.l7 many IsetraZd chulo• paLLerail niVecr before tu paarttg. HItH WILTOX ASUITISLI cam Rucs, 1.1123 /WIDE KED ' 5W1.1.3 LeC etlia.t/Y6, rs 3 So tad Viva ' rase Bide & Centre Tasse , s, 24otiltr keTiBLABD Sicto.7lml 7.3 El Next beiiie v.r. eastam Second Mar _ NAI DAY, MoABOY '4t 1 . 120.17=0111 0 IRON CITY lIIME dna AND _WAR .Fos. 45 Wooa and 102 end mma iltrultrztis or rati6 or Saddlorvtardvrare and MC, ISM at Superior Wend and I Wrocobt root Ito, Ring Mt.. M MMI' Wheel U, at, 0 01*!, 60.. a • aud • full sod coo* let! tooort, • thou Its, Olt of which %Loy °fro r saloon towd term• or ore otlar.! the trod. EAlff 1111 tc ES U. ' .AVI 4, ..t 31 , 340 l ad o. on xs - sr. 44,11%,.1' A ... ; ME tt I A. ELL'.. I 1.t0c,.r0 JOHN ROSS 7TA Wyti N. ocOEN at CO.. • Mali LT ACT CIELII4 Ai Jarbon Oil Lapps an 4 Fixtures, CHANDELIERS'. CARBON' OILS, G. =Cr: Slackr.LE-cl , = two m71,,671 , d irirT 71111381LE0 a. ?A. ER PB. Its pr - ;tinct Hy Call ai ,P c 1 I , ) h ' : ' ; V ' tsl tin d.r at 1 4 III" at I , '‘ e " , ‘ p l ot ' , \CST L. 1. ry .V.l. lITT GREAT WESTER .% • - PLANING MILL, • . circa /007 lertet. • PrITSZFCROM, A. • Bath Doors, Blinds and 3ion.ulngs It ADE TO ORDER. rcttctl.tielvrork 14 p , ?. dry tioato a d Eulabwl .kbeo ctkt.n ont. Ykr,krlasg, Vr.c.her Bo.rding L.Asttl. COU•i.nt On baud. L , Wll`4.t. •U.l 3.0.15te w1:11 • d1.p.m1.1. k trade Vtorder. , sills In • ii.. 1115 0..." is. S, T• ~,t , .i. nors; L4,1,1e..r , ' 1 UttR • GE. 4. y la ur tcll MI = Elf! . DYEB. AND ,§c9grar,4, , . • .t.E.O, =anti Window Ctikillie and 'Chair Covers .. leltallod 11:Itcg4.xed withcint tuipacidlig. 1 ...' Nos. 87,a nd 87 Third St +. rvet, .Stlivion Stood and 11=1th1634. • /. • i5ty:24473 PITTILItii , GIC, i.A 1 . .) i l / 1 :44 ,z i 5 + 1 ,1 a 11411i. - ii*.r W. G.ARRALI \ D & CO., , n7 , %" 0 I r''' , l Pistols. Orslobes es , rlpti ot. t • tlast. .g,l`:,"' IffM2E=MZIMI ILoconto- ~ XN.I"3:), h , i BMOut, tilD• I r ••• rUzra !'t stirot..; I=3 TOO.( O. AS LI ulf,. WERY. hhn.l flrowory Oct, wry., t/I.l:llU.nn tuo umf.e.aru ol ■n"~ roar our 11Z 11121 TI:AUF ttit C GM' bad %Lc ':r¢~`. I{q IS Band:Z i g. airs. • COLLIN 3.: tru to , • slat ro.t SPAICC+, WORKS, ,llausE, ~® SEM Trimming, DEEM And Manufacturer' "del t. on - 11 a In ee ~QeTtrnrotnone. linap also on .ent of fp.., 13 I fAr by tnt -:0 .70133 0 ,r% le 4 Aji...4 111TX.2130/11 TO . , BUSINESS SIAN'S COMIERCLIL t 0 LLEL I E, 1 (lair street. '' • hav• oagagod the ~mice, or on •rporicu , rd toarAor osproonly for the months of July en Au. goo.; bto4anyo enterloal On the I,Cuf Jul, ton n'ast•• If oci , tepfece tis• tour* byrhyt ol'Augu t. • rOrtlrralarn ..d Wont nrcnsof et the Colle&r. Rooms, or oldf , - e, 11. *HAP Ea and 1e . M , Y41 . J. 7 .,1dr.43.4.1!4.)!410.. H. 7. LAcNCE., BILK A..VD IV 001. • • Roisters, Grain & Rap Dealers, . Ito. 17 Wi•ter 9 tttt t y ll i and Ans. 8 and 7 Penn N i • - . • PITTSBURCH. PA . ,: 1 Rfir,W.bili.hrlrtrPa.F:Cls-itl for w"''''''''' 1y,R..,: riiTtg•Ti7w.z4iiiiiicl ; 00 ~71.3 —- ,,y c 0 . 1 • 0.1.. V ,t4s.. S, ear', : . PITTIBC2IOI4 C.,.., 0.1.0. t01., DEVIDEN I. • M . i),../ I 11.—Ttic iiiillf . (l Of LH:So:ors of 1100 LuenpArly bait: dor:Ai:DI rio! Pik of 14111.1.401 of TWO •:010./.. r:•,i AI. , 100 V•K Clf.lt 0. ou LP. Caplt4l to Oct Ix - . 0 i ql , t.. , * -, elvd!og i4l44mtni tit.. 10., p•!../..1i, I," •.I ‘....0. aril:slut 1.. b., oh ob.! per 11, aOhtt •Ith tr.:N.. .1 tO. 1141.41.14 11::usi ofl lioboii. l.•::::::' 4 !"!:.. 'N. , 1 ork. to Vt•lill•teh..idrt• regt•ter.:l l.•: rho: i. 0:•• soil Or tub CZ...bier ia Lilo.. r/glitir:bl z• I',:t.• bur 11. I be Try:Mohr Rti.ll4 will o`oie .ript•mb4i 0,0. 01 21 cia,..t. r. U. i l l .l M III 01 110/C o.?.ir bb.b. Elan:- ./.41, lly old, of tb.. boar d. ! .x:10.14/ V.! .llli : Cols:Pit:, lircr. tarr: BARKER & MAS;a. VINE. , So. 12 Fifth Street; S i econd oVss/IL ulcuasuboi. a co.' n. inu.zas LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frame:, ?tall !ouch+, MOULDEVGS, 41S.c. A Itall stock constantly on %nod : on7llo. iscisoosnetktat • Pittsburgh V. hits:l,9W It orlis, / ?UEFA WHITE LEAD, gi.uz LbAD WS:MHD trt WM: iArllls ISAIMSLI, • 1 6 742 , .1 Ca IC/POOQ r 3 tx - ca cot. Pel:• BUY YOUR NOTION e, Toys., iSaskots, Nraartxxs-crx.ie,.;.*,X1.71.3 EL, , NO. Hi° WOOd Street. HICIT.tNNIA A Kt) dILVItit CLATEII TA RT.), F., Tr: A TI:AIS L.) TABLis . • • L'i • UNA Tr:A SCT:i. SET 3, • : 'l,CLI'lt7:ll44 HIS A VA,FIA, CCI , ;A'S , •II . I'IIi!?4 , , r.ou - L:z ‘V KVEICV nr.SCitErrinq LAVA CAI:0 LAVI • - 7..\1:' • ..PCI %11. NE W A I:k: of all varthitie.. tom' tr.? r. . • . • . • . .. . 1 Ire I •11. , .. , 1 Rn.lmont comwttestochut crerythlo4 tu It. 1.. Ilium tier city. ---,_ Pt,.,-. r.,, , 1 turmi,t Ile lame as to the eastern title.. :MERCY HOSPITAL, " In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, VOZI 'FLUE TOEAT7IIENT OF ALL / 1 -•1/taKaaete. remorina inc•tlia.l or aurelcal All ,:ia.5.105 valleat: artatltted. Irreape live of erer./..tr covir. rw to ytmen I delmitileallooi permit ta vial, it •tleate ot their mva weed. Pee ttelliati/. peer 10 ray are admitted Cm eaaear, R an *./le li mma to au, tot (r 0tt1.11,1111, t. of ettrate.m:. revec.r phYaittiae• • enttwe.imY Pa lk eta ta• private ream , :asaY Rave WI I etietele of We • awe r,.l-at n vRe.,1 , 01,1 wlth tha' perional atteß/Rtti of the un., thla m.titut 'an ...- per lit iir• in UR state her atm,r loCirc rpt with 4iht ate. OR, pus al..o•vi and ourgt.../11 1t Jail) ate tmttlahrs. • •• Medical . 1, 7 an.!trivetheof .I.lly altraasetea, 1/..'111e 4: K.l it.. M. .t., 3.1 .1,01 weal. Ve tt/tie,. • ',init....ma/FIR vmhter. . /ii ha. Oh V.. 140 dealthaeld s't.r rt. A tail. 11.1 •thl r I i.ae EN I All. P., 1511 Third street, July, h.sipmt meet. • • - • 11..1. I'n e I.i. M. D.. 107 Ir • • Ett.ruary am! .t.. 1.R.. F.. I/tit corner St; 0' and 11rant etvaata, lis attetelarted. :CO-PARTNERSHIP. 'TIE UNDEFV.IGNED , or kohl ltis,lklnery of the dale , cCut.rat team ort the lint te;...reol.rhal lut..h. ptnership r •th .11t• or 11 • hr•tt. ar ult., .or. tu.,,umuo•tur. ti. old •—• 0. 1 .o h •es a Fr .Irr ek At.ablemln• and lhota•h•• 11, ‘" , . outarb.ster, to evu.ly .011011 • contilmatreeuttit• u•tuer.ily thbiwaml. •' • •• A. As rtiorty oursfAjc, MIA)! Aeh..3.1e1.31A,.N.•' 12=11 TOVF:;ICINGPA SUG 41155.--JUAtre. t o "1 . 4,1111.. A (7 V. ;tun , *vol. ; Cost;. 41 rulv, Ist4 •Ev/ t'rueben bt.• tL.. for ...OD& Ito folflitt prhc., by Cali biniklia' b - - 00 • ; ipnaer L:bercy 6w; LLum4 MIMS. Ho CHILDS & CO BOOTS, SHOE SOLE LE A THE 133 Wood Stre To SUOyT TIACE. Loa CASH .bacera rr• °fit ea perforinduccm,at., sa our laclittlea for built:: aro oun rirlsl ell by AST bou•o East or W“lt. Purcilas :ng dir.tty COM /MST RANDS entirely .'or we aro euableS to eon aa lowaa tuy Eaai era Job Sing dons.. 'll sre•tnvtted to call and ex,. our stock and note on; prteos before herein elsewhere. • . Corclorais for HOPE MILLI SEAMLESS GRA.tili BA COTTON AND LnEN CARPET CZ • "At Will be Promptly Filled •eVe,ell orders by email will rendre Linniedia eszetul attention. IMISME 1:111 NEW , I Spring and Summer Medicine. SARSAPARTT.T.A, CU3LIII.I) wait lodide of Lime;_ PIIIPASSD /OS BT Jaincs B. Nichols & CO. Iff/LIWFACTUTLING C113211.11Th , BLIMIIiTERTIVIAN BABE WITH IFrotoude 04 iron, 17h10.1 Its* Daman to tayorslgy kumin.ca Tote and Restorattre, BV Thviiciana mid incjrafatss aii vart; 4, au • coaatrim . . • • . The new preparation, •fIeIAIL4A.PAZILLA. •IN A COMBINATIOrf WITH lODIDZ OF LIME. presents, ones of tile most prompt alterative siestas. In form capable of exerting fall action mien the system. and this in Minute mid pleasant doses. It It conceded that the alterative. - resolvent. or tmlle effects of lodine, aft exerted most decidedli.when associated watt other, alteratives, in condblnithat and the Sarsaparilla ;menu to MCI peifectif all the favorable requisition... • •• , I: . The drat effec t usually observed when .13.4..IISA PAHILLA WITH lODIDE OF is taken, is ati Increaie of aPPettle. ehowlng that it be's! tonic Properties of a marked. character. Its alteraltve el. rect. are manifest In Ita ready combination with the .blood and tissues. Hale, scrotal°as women and children Improve rapidly under its use, mid L the el tal functions assume a healthy condition. I It la admirabir adapted to silage numbered tbron is or acute affections peculiar to children.: It is. suited to them. boat be the . mildnens and eincleney of Medicinal effect ind the presaauf, attractive forte or the remedy.. It mar be [teen fbr alonE /Deriod wheit constitutional influences are desired. end no repugnance, or disinclination to take the encountered. In White-neelllnas, Idle-Joint Dis ease, and Distortions. of the epine. It'sdiould be giv eapessisiently, Ln,moderate Oases, until relief is olitainea., • . . . . . In the Spring. of the tear. , and during the Warm Weather.., • The eccomulitiotior movtda matters in the imam seems to broom* inentlest and rery:tiontiieonia. Leesltude.lieeitsehr. BMA Costlreness. Lore of APimitie. Pat.!. the Joints. bidhreelioh. very common. Notithas ever devised tel better adartid to v Stench:ate Or era. off these efictions tree tote rem Demean &Von or de/tddrAlitLla. IV ITU wail lie uF LAKE. /vo prepargtion ttte a, or Ohio% opprarlstatss to Karon . i . Alterati ve, pr Blood.Purifior, hna imer.toVen bora placed tottAin the rem* of facml lo,,eed, Wit entire • tier and ea;uta - T.rtc coo~blaatluren ...mt reactilbling auytklng hitherto etapldy.. F • ' The ontnivn uf seediest nien ettneeralna It. the deberiptlon of Ps eutent,al 'eh 'ranter. therapeutic value. sulneer p^.. etc.. are 'teen In a CireUtar. it had at the itOre of any and all &et c:ate Druggleta. , . • • for male In l'ittalmrati try, It. S. BELISHA d CO.. • A.N.I) ALL DEUGUISTE. .m.TlttaTtyley ' MEER/ FLITID.EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Comb Limed Ivlth lodide ot Lime, 15.14 at Low Hates at FLE3IIIIIG 7 S DRUG STORE N 0.64 biarket Sit., Pittsburgh.; myo:nm:•+r ' ; JOHN cnorr, , I _ . • Mice, r 0.139 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, rum tor Whth• following lied /stair, . , A beautiful nsw Prstne.ntralllnn, Weds trilthed, conta.ninir al.:frowns and w'de na il. parto•]at7l:* test, with two due :paces and nianie mantle. t.oii will 22 sold In conneottost ors acresof dronod... Partica Ourtig the optima acres. Including the house, 0511.11.11 , 11211 :which Col.let .4"52:2211, Oats, pnatoes. an 4 . 6132 milk cow. Price•l9.ol9; ono tni. , o down: lanCull to use years. scoured 07 Wad and marque. Mtn. ale at k.dire_wood rtation. miles out on the rem.: liallro.d. Tlll4llacsing to and min thts station seer[ bobrof p up to /I o'clock P. Y. ._! • "nun Lard. at 41,033 each: one lhl tbc baiancrna nye 7eara: aittlgte at the above D1a1.102. Toe also of thee. lots, and the Was aergsalld 1.111.11 .Lane mantloned Call Ng seen 21 this onice. A Ile,Frame llonse, 4 rooms, dnlihed ferret and wide 02111 101 a 27 W RC; alttiate 02 1e611106 at., L,r Atka - ben]. ick flotiar crib rooms, with ' , Walhalla, hot .d cold wets , and gas tbrottatiOnt the how,. on Vbestont street, wheat:tilt. . also, • buys antotint of cntodr city prapeis7 for sal, • • Ulf.ca hOure front ttol3 a. X.. 110 /f• 41.1 and 7 to 9 In the rsvolug. • DB. .1. 8. KING • • -rrcate4 the practice of Doittt.try at 730 . 4= 0 . - 104.. - xmaurzt arr., • Opposite the Cathedra4 . : i . . W here ha enthoe to reotlye hL triania aal tosta who aro to head al the wilfirtool 04 an DENTAL liIULOTITIONE.E. I Palwelal Wel:vim will ha given twill* peitserea. It it vf lhe amoral teeth by skinflint 6111ae, teem with lb. noot octet nta . erlala and them' " . . r • r-por treatment. au. pre.erri.4 them tor and comfort to • II pa .14 U. to hr the t. nth or Jonah' panw,ll4llll.. folly ..headed tt, and Cortt OA* 1 bov heatalfol hltwllka artliklal teeth ? glidgaz, ITh%n r te ri bl l' k IVl t ri=r W ho ay cre el the.. ' Ail reel.; daaawrzleof ,valea fit Orlon ,rallat from p.lo fin.. extraction at troth. will Oil MA- C I t y wlmlnrateril to llama who our &mita theca. " Uhl. noon trout OA. 34. 10 1. IL. beet 18 M . ONUMEN:II3,! GRAVE STORES, Vaults, 3t Stat Wiry, Vages, DESIGNS OF EiERY oEscitortios, T. stßoome,- - ; ENE IVHOLESALE DEALERS Ri .E1.1%77Z1 PITTSBURGH, PA. Superior Cotton Yarns, Batting, Twine, 0,0.. 0030•1, FACTORY PRICES. H. GEOIDS & C FLUID EXTRACT G, W. FETUS, BOSTON, ItAirciAcscsina cis T 1 BE4L EST4TE G EXT. YO rani► era* WANTS. t i si•::v, i,.7.1.0N, AS HOUSSIcEEPE Mil y y Beit ieftzrert Arleta and.reu.4ad. 0041:1117 ' • WANTED -A. GOOD !lAN Di EV ("itlllPAT'attEt.o Nlll n for nlah 104:0 capital to any good man of tact. Mast ttavet.p tn. or tae tUne 1111.1 pal $ Poe dal and • large emulates:on Wald.s. Nen term. in . a4aata. eatl at 31 rltla Stray, . „ U. ritt-latrati, ra. rEM WANTED, ? • . • ACENTS AND SALESMEN In e.. 7 T 0,3, piT and County to the lltddle `.Eouthern nod Western etst,s. Ererytooly out of empioTturnt .111 tirolft to their, I= No. a 3 Fifth St., - itp Stairs, Or address r. 0. I . b.a . 301 Pittsburgh. Pa. TV INT ED.- ;ENTS--$74 to S2OO PER Mo sTil for i...ralrmen, and .13.1 to 97.7. for Ladles, every-h. - re. •.• le.trfoloce the . Coomon hence istaally lenprosrd sod or, reefed. la mil. re NI. C. :1, :ouch, quilt: bleed. araot, wad embrot ler hr:roll U)—price only frd Mg she . full) , for t. , reee years. We Ivey flee .abgre wager>, or a ...mo rals/don. from dalelele twice them a folent cd Wad, Addres o call on C. POWER+ tdde. I.)Mce No. 25A It /l r ate strort. .del fob!, 1 . 0. Adl lattersanswerod prbruptly, sante clresters and terms. . • . A GENTS WANTED FOR A. NEW NOW ne.A.Dr. • ' WOMEN OF THE WAfi. By YiLANK mount. author of "Thu Bobelliort Ittrord.” • Tha object of . it.in work. la to eolloet find presont iiinffatttos of 11W corvine. of th< women who 0111,1 pages, and I. Ilintt rated with '44,1 Maio poitrAti.. endraYed In the tuo.t Unproved titllk, rold only ny Intaeription. - foe I.lrou tam address or apply to ••, ll= ==! AGENTS"WANTED.— The • best 4. Kook for steals—mat e and rustale—ts WIFLT-101.N.1 1 ..A.STSI :F2„; .117 Mrs. IiEI.L• o•out. Ttav-Ity 500017 cop.en lael x Lour,, alaitarr tee ty tot , eoplet b 4,y. \re 1.50- gooti territory left tree Will De turlgrit I to a rioalay,oreat•. e coo 01t0 • few agents a line ch ace •ltb our sew i&tamrtata 11011 E rYtiAI&.APCIr 1 J o r a o ro e l & CV. 1.12047.7 7r, Third ,tree: Plieshwett AGENTS WANTED BY TILE SP %VINCI -MACHINE ru.):?:.Nv t. 3 selt timer' SEW V.V.. . Wll eeer renLy flea.. Paper ew Nee./ v Dearer or Ivy be r wtte • Otit chsnips fee.l. ce, dle • eten,lue. he , Palus‘t•ot pressurr foot 6.1,1 newly desweed Your motioned U*rizareez. Adderes. •erlostny eteto;i, J •,2t. Li 4.1.. L - rtruaStrect, te Y•ittWcuad ore MEN WAN TEDi • ~ , a•'..•••••• • TO ACT AS SALESMEN; . ; tidier permanently ar taroporarlly. who are :ion Apply to enga,., In n7St-GILIS busli.cu relation. Apply In person or saarets 11•13:JM . Pa U ran t erre7 , Vitr.borg ' T:Pa. • 6ff\lPT7 l l l e. AIlflY AVILLIIIIS&IIIIITLEY GAS AND STEAM •E'ITTEES, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., • ..P1177213V73G13.PA S Cor. Beaver and Clionnut Streetw. MANCHES2T4 • Allkard. of Water, tins and ate= natures COO. etantly an nand. . ' jealca'r GIS IXII STEIMPITTING, , Eycira.zts, Iron runipt?,. BELC6T LEAD. simer .2'LiVC, LEI" 1 711s - zu, :8 44 t:,'3 WATER CLOSETS AND WASH STANDS. TOM T; EWENS, (Saccessor to Ewe]. & Co., 166 Wood irii,taltll7ll,9Pll,. BAILEY, FARRELL 8 CO., No. 161 Smithfield street, I =9 Lead and Block Tin, Pipe and "Sheet Leadi. Wholesale and sel.ktudd of Brags and Steam Goods, BD PUMPS OF AL DFRIIIPTIONS, 3.67 Eirmit.12.121.014:1 isstraot. .16.11. t Tll - - BAILIkF, BROWN & CO., PLUMBERS,CAS & I STEAM PIPE FITTERS 55 Federal St., Allegheny. I= 672 Penn Street, Pittsburgh. WATE.II AND GAS hand. Bowes Atted up with Glai, Water or Seca. Ylpea at short nottee. OUStetineries fitted up at short notice sad in the X. o ..Doroved style. • • • , liitator•,.Ts Ls. le...lined With Shea. Lead by new ;mock... with flydro-Atmosphorle Blot ripe. We teepoonstantly on nand • large ply of- SHEET LEAI , , LEAD IRON AN D IlltAS6 COCK* tITTINUS ~F ALL Kilt U 7. 111'1/RANT fit 1 , 414 tad in tact ail material kept by a Mit-dais establishment. - - We would Insite the attention of all who have any wort to do to ourlitte'busines3, ae we feel roue dent we Can gise the ileAt of satthroxtiOrt AS .re.ents ' =Ueda'. workmna.lain ..1 NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels Can De f at - at Me &with best quatti or KYD/UNT HOSE AND PIPES •t dui:list notlse tsid best terms, by calling. on JOHN .34, AFFET, Nos, 227 and 229 First Street, • • PITTSB P 4 WELDON & KELLY P.I.,I;r3gEfERS, _ Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, I _ =1 Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead -Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., • AL WAY'S ON HAND. tat Wood Street, near Sixth. 132312:b7 H. zennrerN ELEULEFIIt & JOILSSON, r.Ecabio.rxio..sura Plumbers, Gas 'and Steam 'Fitters, PIZ= STREET EXTEIif MON Pittmil=num.6.324 all c ,rdaes by mall eietuted astisfactOrlti• piromptly attended to • Willa. , of Haat Tubs, rumps, Basins, V. v. Clorts.maks, enan.tcliers, Tennant", and 111Mdas, for sate at Ibo most reasOunTle Orders from country 'estrous by mall promptly at tcadad tintmlioae of evert !escrlptlOn, • ", 1e13.498 10DLI'3IHING, GAS AND STEAD Ltt ALL Its BWiCrird. Carefully attended to by experienced sad Prar , if..' Workmen. A Ana wortmwnt ot OAS FiKTURES, SINKS, BATH NES Intiyza BL 14a.T11: CI.OI.CM . VIVDILLNT coustentlron heed aoil made to order. • 8 . X . Z1 613 • EIEINT'X7:ataIE4 Yu. 39 Federal btreet, Allegheny. and an ,taletioedly 141 LiterrriAcreet, Flttsburgb. • noLwatams& DEBBY yap on band a sapater - 'AMMO: WOOD.' PUMPS, AU Linda of tron Panany, Hydrants, SAW • bead, Musa ntse, Load Pine Bath 7 . 1 a se. mots! Water Cle,ata, astillanna, Wash Mans% &e.. at Awn.' wars 4 . 4 n 1 49 ' ti :and. Smith fi eld Ends, - , . • • t. '3 4 4 • II ti., G r astrre orrmu. CEO constantly OM