IC 11,.-.11.11-EalrEZ Banker ftrolier, 118 Wood !It.. near corner of Fiftb. . byliterfurnOttt DOucts b"lt"us aanCer-4Coulagial. Etzehange• eokl et 21 tAd.,1311ver end Coupons bought et highest jilitakilatt,oo.l4.Drittla Its clod ou New, Fort. — E,insTaNcE AND TRADE. • FRIDAT, OCtoberl2, 1E46. Wit tevi,- York stock onotatioits 'mai, IPA f011611!fi Gold. 151.3;; /SS/ bonds, 11 4 41:-, *forn'Twenttes,old, tio, new, noy A Ten ' Totill . S. 9010 7-30 A, 100 N; 7.30 d, 5.1., Issue, 100. Micl?licattfiouthern Ituliroad; 00.4; clevektnd . . - Olg a ; Pittsburgh, Frirt - Weida' Es Chicago Railway, ic4P,g; Erie, an,/,;• " Western Union Telegraph-, Company, - 51e5.1; '• • Chledge,2t North' Western railroad, 47-l i i• „ • preferactl,7s%lChicago & bock island, . . ; —lt is gatierelly b elieved.v that the becreiary ' ." of tlaci..„TiMasury not , eirtion of fuelling „any portham. or his coin erve,altnouga he , LOUR urged „to do so by, the . ..beer? , specula- Wral =temente on. account of the • 'ifoVCllttior coupons, , aggregating more than' • tWinity=threis :millions. will amply replenish' thelinatingisupply,andpreveMt inconvenience , . Dasrers for the payment of customs duties: —.Therilegal-terider notes in circulation on the let lust. Was a 564,677, '43?-,exclusitli or 6a7,- . 010,23150 f fructional.curreney, and-4233.034' Of national bank notes; against (.53e.1 3 0, 54 . of legal tenders on the let of.lttlaa, PM, arid 4137- 773,705 of national-hank noire.:: Ey rhisit • be seen thatwidlo there in a decrease of 410t,- 453,117 la the amount of icgal.tender notes. therehas been au increase of 41163,530,133 la the • value of national bank notes, and them an no. tad adaition has been made to the cireula ticeyor he eceintry of more than City millions. . Breen - millions mere of national bank notes 'amain to bp tuned; and coo are coultddnentiy • nearing the highest point of our currirucy in flation; and it-will be strange If, under itlitp. fluelsoCorpeeniatton Should not runarilder t au it dictldtue tpiiins or ise4. . • mueb raid (says the -Philadelphia ; radon. de regards at specie resuteption, told many waY , arc; suggested fe: renculnet teal gerientllydesired end. ' iline'euggentims a atop - tbuit,direction the makingsif iCaal- ea =tee interest bearing at tile. rate or 144 per theat.per annum.." r•hould such cOurcrelon to arrytouilideridde extent. lead to the hoarding Ot these notes,lt would tend to dont:3pda the VOintne 'of the eircUlatiOn, and' trine opine• • . • cleteltit value; but to they weld , ' ha di'alrin oat' again - the moment , the strict; ency -felt..l&wordsi probably" make but hate alt. r-. 'thee. need worry about torn • :speedy return to specie payment:, t, 1,,, eery lat,ge amount s of temperer) , reelninu Uhl United; and the newitinper appeal , . Sic• weary hickullocli to. hurry up po•toy Ito • amprovirig the currency are eltle, mt,.te Ignorance. / the whine sutipi,t or for km- Moab. to eCt the ppular mind la vie, al 110111011111penclILIC, dr-..t. I hllig in order in to isettle the maturing debt. nen rile is done the et cps towards eine ~ payment will be plain that they will require Ito - built,- ' - poste. Any talk of resuming Such payment with 'nearly a thOUlland mil tons tooter log . debt atilt unfincted la either on,:enee Or WORM.. Jr.l3t now the TrgO,Ury Delharizooll.l3 doing" as well 'ea Curt be expected with the , debt and the natinnal ic,oureco, and W.., hi nge - ,o.doabt, when alien oresent policy aln re • Clueethe debt, an to make a rezumptiou qr .pe ate pntottrnhs way at. ultretolg.' • It wIU presolllt itpelf.• du: for the presetlt, while ".. "Itit well enough ~.••• hold that round tel di . , • Simblo,polleysteadily ia view on a thing not to be forgotten, 'schemes 'for jumping at the , conclusion at oncunro 'rerun tOall —Elberatary - SlcCalloch In his management Of the tonne. Aunt nerinek to otilulog to 11011. 6011tteact it, Into a single re.carity, bearing a chiffons rain of a barest. Wln:n tit a iodate, and the entire obligations male' . payable. in , serest Ann pane/pal, in gold, probably a lower rate of interest lien that low paid will be . considered fair by the hob Mrs of bolti,. Lime; •. In this country, we bought there eccurltita with paper. In Znropo they were purchased , . withgold, at. It depreciation, and these facie should Ito onnsidered in the- heal cousblidu-. . 'don. In the meantime au long us we can go !On as .0 aro now, retioxing the principal at the rate of twenty-four millfony it month, and doing it with paper, we can utrord To bide our rirrin tutu Amen or rfra Flrrsnanoa OALCTT2I, . Ymosr a . oMober • The produce markets atep eglunnur to phow Blips •ot a little 010r0 lire CM A:linty, though Spero is mill wa abundance. room for Im, provement. - The receipts or some commodi tlea scarcely.; keep pace with the acmand whlle . with aoluo . othei urtbilea tile market is completely glutted. So far cm prices are eon• cerstift, hoireser, theie are no than ges worthy • of special nOtice. • (11/,,115(.6.wheut Is firm but unchanged. 1(o. I arming is quoted at $l5lO to .2,0, cancer I car choice Wilber at• 41,91, and 1 ear White et 5.7,05. • Oats dont in:loofa:a 1 u:1141M wharf, et sU:cis°, • aalss from atom at 5355. Corn t coerce and firm at 95 to $l. Late of tear old crop Spring Marley. to an Iva, at $1,13. Ilye lc quoted firm ' 1 11 L -1111,1 q.• F _ • - • LOUR-mi, with a continued fair local demand, and., prices are Volt contained. We condom, to quote la a regular way from store . at 511,75 to $13.50 for Siirlutt, nod Z. 12,75 t 0513,21 for Mater Wheat brands. hale of ISO barrels oDec - planec." at $l2, mint re tads "Ciari: sr. 21J dean at. 511,73. New Rye Flour is' inded. at $7,i5t0117,50, and old do at - s9,stito ttaZi, I YROVISIUNS-Blc9n Is reporterialull and ' . unchringed- , 17 to 17ff for Shoulders;lniii to 1.1 ler Bibbed Palen and 95 for Sugar Cured all but On chnog•cicli quoted or • 19;4 tO Mess Portz is quoted at an-clock light and demand limited. KILL, FEED-Salo of 'ear ehelee Whit,, ' ldirldllngs an V. - Shorts Selltnu In a regular - way at el to $1,10; and Seconds at $1,55 to sl,c(r. But little Inquiry for Bran. • BALT-biter= with a demand fully up to the enpplyr old - - we' can report regular sales at 4 7 , 10 , On trace, mid a 2,00 to aftrorn store. • ' • APPLES-Tee supply coati. ues somewhat • oatienac. nry:Liii3 demand, end the Inn eke' is okdl but,unchanged; we quote at to $9 per - gailes,Theie is aregialardemieuil for Flax. seed .10. and but little offering. `No move • =era in•Chetier or Timothy needs. •liu ,z.r.u.-Is In good supply• and doll but • • Stnebilnicedi We quritoit Zi told for prlme, s and 33 for Online 8011. - 21.1015-Searce and in demand, and (malt DM ked 3,41. readily at to 3t. SWEBT TOTATOES-Quede,l at $4,75V. , , ' . 741.511-Flointet,ll34_l9_ll.., • rtersavzcar. prrui,LEu.tt .unnurr. 017/112 - OTTR I T. Yrrre scram; GAZIITTe, YI.IDAT, October )2, 1666 C111:11/S—Tlieie is no hoprotem eel: to note 611 theAelnandlor Crilde, and w title the mar lin COlaants dull and depiesled with a 111200611alttendency, as: yet-, 'prices heve under. gone no ohatge. if 0 coullnito to quote us 14, We- retimned, and 19, bids included, with 111103 Of M. 193 and - .313 bblz, On Um epot.eli at LS, sad 600 bins for .November. ;It:livery, at tams %Id's..? Mire appareriily nO dem ra . l witateyez for. ehippient at least none of our 11131OM11.1.1*1911ear hiliave anycc i ders, ile. We nawmattenrepeatedly; refiners appear to be pretty well Wicked, and du not core to buy atisnssent 'quotations. Thc, eziateru rearketa .are sgotted dull and nominal. fUenliED...The deetinetnnohl,from 163 yes. aeritay.to 149 to..lay, hes weakened the market for-hnndest oll*Ull more, tf such u thing wet e poplble,tind while them is nothlne theng• in this weg4if-vailes * primal are nominally ui, allengCnittloll6lW. the-.tendency notion to, be downward. There to same little inqutry bath for present - mud -fears 'clehvery.but our re glners,.a. a : general thine, appear determined not -no contract at present quotations. - it,, quote.% the absence of bAIUs. at 35 to 35'4, on pits here, and 41k4 to it delivered in p p~hta.peeerolt is 'clin; la a usual way at 53 AII 56, far atandardbrantle, , telourinii from Oil city this yorencion reports the aitieuiimiy atatiomiry. with tweniptwo Inches to the channel at th a t point. The following arriy_ms of of went im• ywni Ilaxter it Elit.rm.., rted today :, - ; Esher Et Id Wade ~ . 230 . . ...... ss Jai. 42tt Brewer 233 Total tray ■BOS nerairx. Oincr, dm ilia PITTABVILOEI GAZETTE, FAini.r. Oct. /I, 11?. - , The trantaotione in metal wore somewhat restricted this -week, but lids was: owing to 'the scarcity of the coat edlty, and el , mit to any aldlini o `std the v i . l . m ean'd; On_ the contrary, tlitidellulad,if anything, Is more active, and henstderatdy In exms - qt. the 'supply, and eSpee‘lly hathLs . the case In regard to desire bre brands of iron, and the Market, home esztentir, thitn; an :upwardtendency. Itanatactafed Wig,. , firmer, and It probabletnill, theta will be an tui Vance In bar_ mix before .znany days elapse. There fano tilling off in the tterinind for malls, and prices areVell sustained. - The renewing is apartial, report or llie r opeiallons in metal during the _ . yin tons Iteatrai FOrip--e5.1r0n..350 00... crash. al -A do r Mottled do • , 0007V+. 8 damhracito . • 1 4 1 ; 00 d 'u" l elo 781. a do - 00 op— 00. 0 %11. 40 • do NO.I - 02 50-4 wo o • 00 do 71o:s 47 to du trukaorSo 310 Cr. CIIaItOOAL. Ft (CMS Star Format", 14 . t.0.). 1,314 0 ' o ' —; Amos 77 do 101101064 No. . 00-0 Inda .do Cii6111.6.ch0t00.., .... .. . . 00 d o A to D do V10i..,ch 0 100.4 00 110-1 do • • 21. [lO Lawito 4 oo .00 oa do 60 do cg041: 1 0#71 18 an 4 ..--- 4 4 oa—e. do -lootoims - Aueslitra" rge••••: 4s GO—a:mos SOO taliMl3l,4 l 6.Vgiller " $l5 01—• cash 102.011. Juniatit , . QO. do. '401011,1111,101g1e Sl'irSget•- *Maar,. October the open go( tho rattle market 'holders asked lit-t week's pd.. Oaf, but found it "Impossible to effect Sales. :TO day. hoe ever, they an btottted to a deedne of %Gyro per Down/ on rho beat, and WV:ton meanies and- tower grade., and at th..se eon• awistions ades were made of three or roar • thousand need. The top price- for , becc,, eau% gratucky.:was. l 23o •per pound, 'end vines rennet! down from this to 4Ao for sem. tavola& - receits wertan.ooobett4 s U r Or which. seartyl4oo head will go to Blew Y Sheen lltt request at - 6 '316011 , 4. 1 5,, iNa!MC - Elpgli ta tar donsiavriit NEM ARIL ETA BY dew Tory Mioo4 _. it;"tai-ritaviiTri: icrw Toga, Oct. Ill.—There Is it fair. dematail. .4 for money, - but the market - remains:very-easy t at 4 per cent. as the general rate for call lomat; primeAtimannta are quoted meta; The, marketr for foreign exchange la dull. Itaukertibille lan LOrtdOttiiii)Citteitt4 . 304 1 4 tor 60 44450; and 41.i144 for short Ails The Conon...tat are 771..c.0ti-tiremont 55 4 4 on Ilatn- Mug; 40iti on frankfort, and 1a...if:01t% on licr, lin nod Cologne. - The feeling In the gold room ts vcry bilatzt4.o.iid.tho . price wee .to bloat baa been loaned from 1 per cent. to flat. Government securities Masco steady. at the quointiona: ' Itegbut red coupons '6,1,,11!21011cf4 ; 5,10,4 •62, Ws4olo6losWODulton: pont 'tbfl Ilury LlOjt 5 , M Coupons 'A I In Wall fits eet, tile name 01 tie lire u( Troyer - It. Colgnto wort forged (or 43,0 ,105 1 " Merenamt's Bonk and duly C.,NliPti lly tag teller. Tue Public see warned suelsa Check. — - The Suck market fl•td and active at t he Irt.t open Board. After cull price, were welt edi.; 1 Wined to tilt, lowet,Lialcf t int:stock E xcaang I and the market was higher Ill,!" • slan 6 ca • 'Tim volume oi bu s bic.st.'titedttly increasing. imdalmost every eteet i tlic St la toPre or levol 111 Ow halide ot , 1 ; .„ e i In II Toledol nagnutie‘rve.tt.nbc;itil,ll%,!.htkii,ea.,:,,,. jadt,1,.,_11,1;„.,01;e central, w , II RiVer.l.3ol-" elk; ii7litS its, The Porre incite) , article sahe lean' mar Is Sissy at It per cent. ys: Dis T count . The Ldemand_ Is lather larger and good hills' 'pass readily at 606 per cent. The Stock titer. set .active and Quotations „titer tile Board the (mutations • were: New York Contral,lll%; ki1n,7314.; liudgon Ulcer, 12 - 2 N; Reading, litoi; Mihigan Southern, iokii Chicago and ttpck POreign ehanita is Inns at sixty days 0111.011111lla, lus!4@lisi; fortkinatnercial.lo6kill/ l 07; for Volk crs' rt.,. lit short bight,lo7lo6-P 7 N- The Commercia/O meney article amyl: Stocks ace this morning taken another strong up , aril bound. These are largo bnyert- for Uhto k a Minsissipot Cortilicates.'lludten Ricer, blichicatt Southern,North We s tern, - Toledo and Wabash, and ..11ou and Terre Haute. and each of these stocks show considerable tel. canoe. GeiVerhuseate exhibit a reaction (root depression • produced yesterday by the Philadelphia bogus dispatch. Ittce-T welit of teed:are Arm at 118 y, notwithstanding a dr clineln gold. The Issue or 1635 eold-freely at 1109)110A; the first aeries of Seven-Thirties are y. better, selling at 1t 6 55. Tile money market-. is BMW°, owing to the enlarging transactions la stocks. - Tee pre vailing rate on call is 4 per cent. bat the ex ceptions at, 6 'per cent:aro ..mbre - thin ern 'movement of currency West will d, Itsm itilrd7bt ceased, anti at the I% estern ell is., ex change ,31-" in our furor. sDiscounis relltdAtia comptratmely quiet, at per cent. for prime haines.,,k‘treign Exeuanae. Is rather more lietiVe, and the rates a ,bade urns,. There It.: however, bull a eery uo.‘erat 11151)0- °llAm to pttrebitsu In 110pe of loiter prices tor tiola. Stocks batter( Toledo, ,1-.*f,;;Teledo,Mra bash & .Western, . Alton & Terre -133,1; •do proterred, Ad; Chicago .t NOrthwedt, ~ ,r ll preferred, 75;4; blilwattlidif & St. Paul, pre. - 1 - vrrtitt, 7614'; „lit I Wiltlit 00 & St. Paul, fitt-Cnicago, liurilageen 'St Quincy, 136 Chicago & North western, 463g r a t.leveland & Pittsburgh, tal4i illinels Central, .121; Aliohlgan t:entritl,ll.l%.,A ltearlieg. j ilmison;l:6l - 1; Erie, preferrv.t, SS; New Your Central, Ittla; Michigan south ern, 90-X. 5-al coupons. at-- ; do 55', Treasury, 7.30i - Western Union Telegr,iph,6ll.l. iNew York Dry tioods Mares,. .tia' YORE. October l2.—T ha Dry Go mar ket dpaned dull and inmates in Wraps , . ell the brunches Of the trade this morn ng.,Tne ni 4,5-peet peet of sterms• has kept strangers :0 ma the market and the inclement weratneT chi, •iii 0rn ,4,, lug peeve t, important transactions. Tim ad ance in ten has madeV •holders firmer in views and y.-Ts decline to !ilk., w 4.6 01 11111 0 a more itiru4 bit! condition shall tic apparent Prices are nominal. • • . The season'. activitY Is well over, and tin duet mahout in the raw materlid hm4 nn,ctticd the rem - tabling n 113101,4. 111 COI tem goods.verr : mach/ Theitibbnig I:loll±Ctlkt,p recelptaorith the !endow. mattes of go>yta hr the agitate each day; ' and take up nab 'goon an they anise go that .nook,, 410 not, Inc. cumulate In ageute• hands. Bran Wilma Blurb , . ad domestics are quiet for the moment. ' The advance la cotton has caused holders to Inc the ad and buyers detnina to operate the advance. Standard Brown gimds tare not 'changed in price; they are generally lucid at Some few Makes are a trifle lower. . - •- • • • - - . . Tim prices of blenched km:oda-remain . 11km for leading - makes. The foilowing,priet , w ere quoted: Dwicirt, LS, .4.0;4; Nashua Y, Liman E. 23; Ideilionii 21t2; Stein. tf. 20.. Ticks and Dentine arc steadily nett! and etocka aro light. Canton tlannels are In light e tip ply in; lending makes, and nee wanted. Prints are Neil Lent change. The trade in thette line become very quiet. told a few cases are re ceived daily by the agents. ThFse metllstrib— mud aeJMon no they conic at t ome, etittsten; tinily tile Itattle, Tile enimly ts jest ego ti po tile present very lignt demand. Woolen goo le. are very quiet with the exception of Liu llght er kinds. flannel, and Lihtlemys are 1n steady request and prices arolvell maintained. Bets are lu great variety of hentiseirM and sell steadily. Most - brunt:lice •,f fi,rehni uncels arc query quiet to.luv. The atarket has become morn Irregular and the storm preven to tiny particular• enquiry this litatibilltt. The Call ler high-colored all.woOl 'Fluids, Velvet,. and ottiergorals suitable to the.latest lull trade in very steady and:prices are kept up. • 'New York Pro4uto dial !Aut. - NMI, Tom; October U.—Carton quiet: for thug Uplands, and for Orleane. Flour doll and 15;425c lower on medium a nd common grades; to.e3e - 20 for era 1)0);; 0,91 • $311,75 for round coup Ultio, and 411,'C11 - cip,3o or • trade brands, closing quiet for common; hi s eluded In ealei aro 5,V.0 bide. extra :State, for first lh.lf of November. at 11.0.5 n. W hloky quiet, Wheut—ltmetprA, 47•370 .bushels; heavy era'. 3fige dower•, rtles '^l,ooo bus. at g2„25 for new Chicago spring; for new No, 1 11.1.1Wanlree, ' ark 'S,M for cumre whito Idicnlgab. Rye in, fair request-, Mew i WLseensin, part at *412; and the remainder on private terun,. Barley h.tvy and 14f2c bower;', $1.31 for Canada Welt. Cornsi-Itecellits, I 123 bus.; market, a IV le easier:demand chiet!y speculative; sales 141;000 001.; 53'4" for Inferior; 03'4491e for shipping mixed Western atio,el.;•l 90:40,'Xiii tor do. ill store. and Sin ftir We,tern admit. Oats—Receipts, 14510 bus:market tali ly nel ire and without decided cnatige;.•ftles 50,100 hin4.;:".3.4 - 4 , .c tor Chicago . , nod Z, , ,E,tiri for : ,e 3111nnkee.., retrolenin . tin itit and ....tend y; .1 tOr (rude, ~fad 4IS Cufy tut refined Oontt. - "l'orki flirt and more cell en; t.4, , x,R zs ,30 for nee' mere, 5.13.23 rash; 1,31;04.../..; 31.23 for old do , and 4t:41,5, 29.73 for ill - lute;' also 5,330 bola. now mess at e..r.t.r. seller and ' buyer's option all the _year, e25;5.5. Beertin changed; ribbed eta. 111p114, 11,;. , :14 4 40 for stiouiders, and 174 - 19,-, fort lianas: dres.seil bogs . quiet at 13a13' for Western. Lad heavy and lower; nutter '20.W.'3.c. fur Ohio, I and ltigiSe for agate. • . • 13 Mao Metriiet. • • •, • liorraLO, Oct. 15.—Flour 'at 411.22 for Se. 1 spring; 412, - -25 fon 'Michigan; spring batters for linsall4l4. I Wheat-22aki9 bush. No. 2 Ciii cago spring., ittia. Corn lac; to arrive 84e, on • Lim aped, an extreme, and 050 for whits to or. ' rive.. Oats-19,000 itsti-No. let 54c. Ilarley -6,000 lainy.ordinary Canada to arrive, at e11t . ..;; state 42• ?owed 4.1.18. Ilse quiet. Pork 4,13.50. j Lard 10 019 c. • Whiskkat Canal freights Xow York dull. - • . Cl:ileac° Martial. . .6xxci00..0ct,12.--flour 'toady, /1.1:75. Spring TV boat, $1,3941,5et for No. 2..." Corn advanced 33 . tsc. .clusilliottrzu at:C.1.1644 for. 'No 1, amt 61 , ,a" for \u ; 36 for N o, 3, any 81,1331'4 for No. 2, 31e3sTork, 431.75. .1.1.4,31,71nua freights dull and TlUClNlaged: Oswe t wo Market. Osvcroo, October 12.--Flotir rtc'etly at 611,75 for \u..1 boring; nap far reel winter; for Waite; e 1,5013,2.3 fur double extra IV bunt dullt No. 2 Milwaukee club, 642,0- Corn galut. Barkyy active. Bye scarce tuld qulet: I= Sr. Lorne; llctoner U.—Flour laminar/1, and boyars are holding opt. Wheat 1543 lower. at 11:40) for prirtue fa 1. Corn firmer, at oats actlvey at 4745Z1.5e. ProvlVorks dull, and unchanged. -Wh y firm, at 51,70. • " =1271= Tetra*, 6ept. U.—Flour qutet. Wilma firm; , r eales Or 1 . 4 W White 3itettlguu at .12,adi Ant tan, o. 1 Spring, UAL Gain cln-ett e.tisee 4t 7:4 for No.l fliixtei. Oats trm. Little fruldltte 5e ou auntie Buffalo. philadniphla Market. . rIIILADEL7III.A. OCL. —Fki.r firm. Wheat— rutl westth•ii 0t3.1 0 1 wtato. 0,10%0,15. .For, active; bale+ ot 4,.XXt bunli $1.410* , at 41,01, koal 1111Sed Al 61,01 U.. 413 50037 e. Whisky . eteetty. • Lew Orlewn• .111ar.e.: ) • NEWOC.tailve, Ootobor 12....C0tt0ft advr.b -411 Sales of 'IA bale* tow mlaolln 4f itt 371 i LtecoloC+ for the week wine 11.al maA1.1.8,500. 3,1e0. Stook, WAX,. Cincinnati Market. CIAO'S - BATE, Octol)er 12.—Flonr and wbont 7t nn. tthky, 61,33 foe tree. acid VA falland. nach.aged. UeblS Park, l2 "1) Lard,ls).lol7u. Gold, 150'4 . • '4-11 3111Witaken Slaruez 7 . ll Ltrargsz. Oct: 12.—Fluur erendy. WhoAt 5 1 ,utettittl, at .2,10 for I, and 61.u9 tpr Q. cl%o. Outs Arai ut ts;;u. Tide-Water Receipts. The quantity of • fmnr, whpat, et:titan:l bar" r•lr left at ttflooater -ndelog the firat week in 6,,t00cr, in the year. in an2l2.V, won et f011owc: 1855 400 . Wheat. Corn. Barley. 119 • myn • 47,1,M0 •^-"," " o .aa". • trat I t o it.7"e Dec. 12,400 Vec. 2 tmeln.l 3,c0011 M. 2402 The aggregate quentxty of thoaatee art • it.ft. at tallest - fuer from the conmaenetnne;rt.`of ~,,,riget lon tn. the 7tn of t1et0ber,4,:,,,,,,,av0 daring the yearn 1545 and lnua, we. ea tonam. : Floor.. Wheat. Corn. 5....71ar1ey. 1519,002 5.245.2t21 11,27 214 , 14:00 2,416,100 t 11,117,040 647.21"0 Dee. 10.90 Q Dec. 30197,100 1u.a,t40.000 Dee.512, - ra. fly real uulng the wheat In hour, to. quoh- ULy Of trio latter loft at tidewater tole year, comphretl With the toreetpurfaloa period lan year, allows a dellcauticy equal to 1,%.43,3Y.1 holt. Ofllour. . - IMPORT!, ur RAILROAD • CLIVicAND *ND PiTTeseßou EATLftrm.p.—+ October IZ-I:cpre wheat, flitetwack, Mcerrery S. cm& do metal, nil:Mk Ze co; 7 .1.3 'Kennedy. & ISro; 2 do metal, Gral7, - Byinu z,t co: 2do do, Bryan & Coughey I I do wheat. Mao Wallace - Ido barley, Spencer Dickey; :1 DIB , cheeau, Mobil:on & co; 14 eke rage, McCul lough. Smith cot 41 bbl. upples, L Yolgt IL cni 40 tali c Scale. Slaomaker a-Lane; 33' do In, T e Jra. kl n-; 20 do no, Una /teller; :15 do do, Potter, Allser4.4. SLIOIMIU; 4 baa aced, bok, Mr. no; De Ws oil, D Lily; 3 bbl 3 bacon, 4 go lord Pinta. & NoWlin; 6 bide vluegar, ,W .1 Otool Jiro. • .125-4 mos ALLIIOIIIIIT STATION. Oelober 12- ,,1 131 bide% 11 Town gl 10 bbla whisky. It a „A Caraoittib bats Soar, F N °blot el do do, CrOf a :Coal e; . 00 , 11 a e k a wheat, ilaKes tt cot tears do, liettoctly a Fro; 13 bgs Elaxood, M B Soydaes; 1 ear bay, Stew art a CO; r &LX toit! , , /51 titre). a. gno ; 1 do wheat, 100,:bblo flour. R Knox & Boni 1 Vat bats, GII. moss, Simpson it co; 1 ear tooMood,l do nos, Standly A Lotitrop;ll&s eggs, sumo & Um. _lirturosio4.Coixticoost'Vniarritsii October IS-1 rar - borrolo, G D Whonotnot4 boxems bluickob • &Doi. o.cball: bAplce, - Ir, Moos; ebb,* erritb 1 keg lard* ... 01 g , ~t o ? 1-1 br. bui tar,W I' Seek &ON C • kbic 4o % A OFF a: noi icor Awns,: (Amiloo , .' . £ - Brown; 2 looses . .ucuitereroel Zajtsuctrl v. ::- 'ti.; , 4,..7 , › - - 126:tii4vomaavi , •4 ' Tito river cOntintres t 0 swell s te ine with nearly. eight feet in'the , ny -the' pier marks last evening. strange to say,, the Allegheny h 4. very slightly rtbove, h telegram front reporting hut, twenty-two the' rise has. been In. Ine_Monoog ldwer end of the A lie4then v. 'rue; vtes tan 1..4 cloudy und"\l3.ol, wilt, freq.., Thu anivuls lneindn ins I rorldlllolltll, bad arrlVela when 11 from t 1 .1 ... ! : ' 0:1:t n .! 3 1; h : I Then. were 111., dtlisr but ono tyros t art's aside• f/01. r. 1,111,1 1. teteketS, inertia hat wlthdrawm! ifronu the ' L .:nitwit 111111 l'arker.nurg, tradt..niin Wlll load let n lifter the Hernia. for S. Tile CulllltallitV2(l3.3l,ol 119, (1 . 0111 dock hot, evening; where rliebas lain] under going repiorp, and WM lotitlin moll for Ctn. rolled! and Louisville alter the Argosy. hereafter, tdie alit be emu mantled' bey Capt. ii. IV. Marmon,' hue of the !Wet. Houre, and a v ens clever nreanlbo.llll34ll. ' The y kern; homer.. Capt. .1. H. Pl - irtor, will end tiyolv leave for New Orleans today—Capt. l'Orter d.Pateis w giit ellithent loon. , She will he followed by the Anteriett Ca tit. T. J.I. Gelding, leattng Soinetruie next? weak. Tire Ar gosy , CSin. Van vergrOLl vrith Iralter Scott In tire 011114(41s riling up. rapidly fir Citteluntitl and Louisville, and Will doubt less De ready to leave Cilia Crutll7l4. Passen gers and an lepers nlinnlti bear thin Ipp mind. Tliellert int, Capt, Piereel, 111,„iall 'possi bility be reedy to leave for st. LoutS Hun eve ping, and we hope she will recetve, its she de- Serves, 'good trip. Capt. Plersttis a Yen' attentOT and clever oflleur, The Watianitit left St: Louis forj Pittshaftgh on Wedfiesday. Among other ItemS of Ireigbt she the followl4gt 3S bids barytes (Jr.". Sehooninaker Soli; 1(47 s lot wheat, for.). S. Liggett S Co; 30:1 togs lead for ,W L. Fantle stock t Co., and tit bets are day fen' T. Como. We find the foLowing particulars In refer enee.to the sI n ug , or t Yorktbwn Indite Witeelit t i Hrgislo% The muter Yorktown' bound ir Clnein nett to 'ittsiturgh , struck a. reefi of .rocks In the Oslo! river near Proctor, idSdut thirty tulles. below IV/Jet:ling, about nu icier lifter daylight on WY , cluesslay wonting, and bank tyllg.”. __-,,,..1ity ... .-dii'd - le ell. Or ten l k eet," Mater. bile Is . us pretty Ittuvil . freighted, 11.11(1 halt OR board 6 2,110]. il TWA' lek r, senge: The E dinlie ,eh Came "plonklJout an hoer tiftar thu.l.ll aster, am , ' i took et:lent:4l the passenger, of it e. tli•fated it . .eamer :anti brought them to 1.1114 city. _The Iva:yr Way ithnutit loot deep on theXiNt tech of Ili, ellikkidi . ..iadnur, aid as. Cie' nold.wa i tilled a lit .hoer, sugar, etc., the l't'ehilt.' will o NA , Atu ly aaged. 'The heti...A cif the hr, oa I ti n,tor th . bow, tens iladi) ntannogoot And to n tee piece,. "by Ito roclifif Thu Yoe/clown iodned by Capt alai Ebben and ?Se, of Itto irrgli,in Nehrett city the Was partittl.ly inzured, 1 Wet to which phom to greater portion of the, ft ehrut seas OEM:: Igned. - 1 !- The. Qglelestrell t totrlved *t. Cincinnati od tin IVedsdai, and , a, !Wye rthera to leave to,,Alt, st on Tltu.‘4l..y! .41-4,.t.. Kent anal Pclnwaro. Tito Spray left ,Cinetimatt for rtlitlUnrgli ou Wednesday. Ix Is twported that Irdre had at. cargo "clam Cogaged—ot Ilaugiug Keck, we tuppotie.• . 1 = I I I ) - .t diepalch announces that tInX l'ilollh. Do -lee, widen ennic on the t'd lust., Ittl.l'apIllon; just I,olllto St. alas}'. Lae In ok,ll 1 twootntl. ~.I,:uot 111, 1,1,4 , 1. , :rllO MOlllO Wye. owned toy C:mqpiu ned, poiler, cud, value at $73,000, ari d 11,111 . .1 for i.:.0,040. The j'ilotm , .s.,ociatton of the i 'Aititilillie di rk-ton, ot Cairn ond New lit lentil , , Arica:lens 1 . :11111 White t 1.- lyet pilots, has 00, , i dell, with the vi• wet the 00000! lb:4,11011 o heir a. 550. 011on.on a morn not i 1,1010., T t Irby-laws ' :v ...ti, iv:rotines will 1.• mlittllari c the Engl., ix s , Ilcnevolent Axt.ocintion. ' I ~ , ..,.y. the 1...1,vti1e Co.:4er, of . , .rdnclitirty: The l'..npl, " L :ne. be..t......, roe St, harlot apt 'the Wil.t Wagoner, a-, w 111 be .tie OI Otr rote, ring , i.O onr , utivcrti-lon . colt:intro offered .:tie. le. TO , loruter it at C 'nem, all, and the latter' IS 10.1.1 et, over et Jeg, :mu, •Ille. Tlies7l k'. c. very gmi.l packet bouts, 1. W0u1t,..1 atilt 1 . 11 , 011..U1 . 11ntlei title. ; 1 i` Tl. l , Mniority of th e stockholder In thell'on• ph. , ,..1,•ne are very anxtohs to kee Slur, the.or• I .... cnix.alon, and O 11.11 11i101 . 1 0,1 . 04130rtt+ 110.. ts,lllll.lll+ cit V' andCilll,llll/111. I '111,3 do - Into ar-t to wi tn.,. ' oat 01,1 :tenrec, Rill commence i , th e..,.. with n nOlO "directory, BO pit express unbounded coned:mem in Lap, .1, 11W K. 11011. . STEAIfiBOAI 4 6.: ------,—,-------- r ata...SCA t TM: :Mtrttll:l_Mttamer .-'-' . . t'apt. T. 11.•Guittl , 6`. 1,1 t.o_tro ;tt,l all Intern . .. State pOritt. s T 4 loa. t• itM,.. - - Afip, cn , o+l.or th n'til .5:• . T1tt1.1.1..5ti WO, I: ...% gt•stts. • bavN.vra ft Ni,) l ,- ' .;-' [1.1.--11Itt title rteoLttit . ' '••:=1:.T _. ..... .... ..... ...... Copt. 1 . vmaal:ciairr, ,• i 'tore an.: MI Iraq:Al...Matt porta , r t ~.1 e Ittocy on t..,r11 •••• to •Itt'4 ..r. Cui..l.lott NI-t_tgentl,._ • 1;0 i4C LIL ILAVC , oL, WI , I Y., fret!sitt.., L• , 14:1 Li. r A TICOSY I lVilf!.ntc to. C. 1:./ • V tiCi7 ". pr,ntlM iszv;.• A.. • , 'buti , 11. rnztc. •••i- 14i3 :ence.fortL, eArte end eli :nttrliedixte roru. on k't lt.ll .1. .. I. For t~rl• or In 4. I otel .. \' t•. l[•It!. air LL. r,t,gtn E u F • to nriki agl t .tcl,firdiAle pert NV:a :,k , :NI, the NU, I . }:'`i tY. ME • FOR Ct, A.ll . 11, Otiptr., ri , ! ' • • EZU A. I titt i l ;cut lot"- te toe -1.0, utt.l ;U1 ttittil Our 1114 Lt.I.V, a L i P. W.. k.T.-1 eplttolot , o,2l,oj(rr ett•amor .11.-157.11tL) evla. . ' Lca'vc, j• I.O.I!;DAY AND Till:ltt 04.1" • • LenT,s Tur . ...",k17 AN" Ft:III For or or; T•po,. DAY, I:IcAB0o i•~c~t~r;~.c~ ~r IRON CI Tl' ILIIIE L ARKS • UEFICE ANTI WARES USE oi, at, Wood and id 2 and 1 . Third St, rexur.Travi 1)L AL' OS IN Slddler; Eardb aye and :Irimming, =l=3 Superior ,Wocid uad Iro: Mimes, . . . Wroogllt r0, , P....te, Ltrx Zlt.; .tui,„T.,l tglirtl 1'..., 13u3...” 13. u. 4 ,- 7... ao.: o ^aril n NI/gni co:unit-to wartmnu 1 tho-g1;.....11,.1 - ... ; , ..:1.1.1.,0" carer at , . awl ou rut good wenu, a, gre Agile/gall tou. tr ol.'i..AuT VII Vigil'. ' , ' soLpir.itst ~ CLAIMS EOll , llO r EVi - The tinder/Irac3 Rill collect all • •u . pay: atm paits!ans foe cuY4L.rf and Co,arela a..tate Canareay Laylaat pstscrl act t.in I !Se?, uu , lcr :tar,' sol , liere. idoulatr . of !Mu :0400 t o , tO./• "' 'JOHN t. I.A)1~: A. Att•.raa : . qttice. No. Yr I Vi LI ! , t•Ei; ISOUNI3II hob:tiers of iSPi and All why uorred three year. Are cr., ttoootr t.ttionr - senit)6ltro Tr... ....oh 411E411,0,0d by - rt....0u of 'Around*, ur I t • . • ;Moist/se Exit- , t Atte Vol .1 nt (!Weer( In• the ocj 1.41, an., troutorittl_ out ii Wore Aprlt I•uNrotir.tl.-.Vuritr.uuntly dlue.lso. to 413 , ...4.41.10r t 4,3 hccut.tlog to .1.0 , ty. • r I RNLI, 4 MIZMEI CIANIDUS AP LIVERX r 9 u.4IU i'cu►s I!.tr i t JAME'S Aktr'o9 r ran !uses Carr ages Farrlrgta fur Ylitlenti toG YUrittS, at • tlf)ft:loftett $1134 stable opcil Day find i-4-CcV4IN, PIASTICAATE GE. - lENTR The,. Ip.riti , plrly PAAIN iv. • etlf... II•111 141 , /¢, ;• C. ...... • ;1:;'.rg.1.11,1 E!... ,14 2r g ila :6L. a. I CO., A. I Nrir-fx..x. xdra VI All. •11 pc Holtl r. ( . slid WIMP. h....1.krr1. r tnrrr.l yr N, us. 22 +EA 24 MARA. utor*CCOrttl, " 07d h erri s ;te ,/..st, Vi? Co? P" • f 2 . 10 TN. N ,7- 1."-.E.riC` ':-, • -7 • ` .v0.,56 .'ederial 4 1 rEti,v1ileglien y li • ' • • : - CARPEFITE:IAND JOPItiO, ‘• • I. . . will . Alt wort iintrorted tor hr. csre ,riti Iniqt 1.10 pnm,pc aurralon lith•lther rill, , t :L_1y,2,,,,, GOIFINT !it Es Dra C' • wax:4:4 3 •.;11 Purch.e 'COVNTAVYI:ESIDX.IKIE .Cdotalning I . o3tacrai,nalriitch theiell• enured a storlo Oloasa.',lcuateri d.o the or tuo Allegto y Valley ltallco.d. AA- PETIT. .005- No. tN dl'. Clair arrow!: A • CRA VFOILD tensed to -be a .4.1,8 • a rgyik. os' AV ; (.1t.:01 .ait Von , DAS . CLAW/Wilt. ' ' • • IRON WORKS. AMERICIN ly at LatY chanbul As Sur, risen lint 021 City bus far JONES & MEM hereon L shoo 4-.4 , .-,..#4 lEstrza. ♦crtrnme DM lam and GlaAgow, re, trona is kit t he ntua. rn the r, AMERICA Bar, Hoop, ShO Bridge Iron; 'Angle and T Ii Huard Iron; . Coal SNreen ly et and Plate Iran • I • '. T .11s, la and 20 lbs.in the ) . ar , Train Baits, punched and coun. I ter sunk Boiler, Bridge . a - td Tank Rivet! Cut Nails and };pikes; Ship and Boat - Spikes; Railroad Spikes; qailviad Fisli Bars and 'golfs; Railroad Cari gees and Axle, - Street Car Wheels and Arties; 7 Coal -Pit Car Wheels 'arid Axles; -!anent Cold lolled. Shafting; !Merit Cold Bolted PiikonliOdWi I'l°u-or and Ireoperillars. TAREUOUBE AVi OFFICE.' I • 12Q IVater and '153 Front,Sls. nuescu thitiSE, I ' 1 Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St.,' L i el .15 • COU W. 00,174,1 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. L„LOYDI ez BLACK. ! rairdrActrauts • i • Best Common, Re fined Clins 4 cosi Lsi • . Juniatad3l.o•ord Iron: . • . . 1gE4....11A NT BAB, dIIVONLi and 01.)UARE 110 , 0% VIAND. T A 240 . T.F. ION;- IpOILEtt rLATE r.TIEET IRON. • • ;LOWER and 11.4A1 , 4111.14.0.0. '• yYLlNDEtiandlilliAßD 0112'149ER IRON. • MALL. T efAiLt+, and Id lbs.; to t. yard.. CII Al 4i and *1111.43 for .ame. FLAT ItAlLti; l'unOed and Counkciaunk. COAL SCRLEN IKON. NAILS and drum • • V . WarilmuAt..4.l.oo Wallr sod No. O. tOrke4 • I. , e. Works, e M . et. LIAI4IO aryl, - adinlnCag City l i ,, kr. I . lq.bar.ll. ' an 2 $:l4 . RANGES, ED VES AND ORATES! . OR D NEB l'llUlil \t3 li In lte d al l d ATES! `ALL IN Ct.lo . li. I.l "' lLASW ' it.r i es N:224 laherir eir,t, where they will a n d. . ea:elude supply uf due and coalmen euatueled . • GMIEtCuuKING 51.611,4 PARLOIL & DEMING SIOUX Wadi LIOUse Futilaces and Latindry Manna. • WS4ELL 04 'CO.,: Mantifedners of the celebrated " TILIL'I[Pf I CO.*. STUN' POLL COAL, • And .131cli. Uak for tri7na. 'nett 4:177 ' ' R°SEl).94e STO f - E Fronics. L. PETERSON,'& Itricyllacturs4Lud Denter;thalhitzda Cooking - and Renting Stoves, 110 LO WAKE, &c., Of 'the Tell . EATEN rAxTEE;Ns Lad, STYLES, Warehouse', 197 Libeity Street, ' IPlTTsnu.c.ll, P.ll, iNVOIIIIS," 711 o.\ C. tIQUEsSEIRI.O AND sTEKL WORKS. . 1/All3l & CO., iLLN I FYACTCII; ,NailS; Springs, PLOW'S.. 0111k0 AND L B. STEEL, 40: • • - Nye!tEirvicBE.' Xl7O. 77 liSifTrixte)F i . lEirtzrecotp I :MIT! EMMEI A LISENALI.I.ASS-WOKKO. 110 IS & CO., ILISI,ACTIMILIIE pr BLICK ANII-1.4111E01 6LASSW. !E Druggisis , 'Wstre, Bottles, DEMIJOIIS,.CARPOYS, At to sk,it ME Works and piiir.e, La‘rrencesille, Pa. If. PORTZ - 11. •,..LaIL p .114, • 1`, 1 ).T orrict Aprinses. 'PITT:An/RUH, PA. ...„ I. i 4 Lar L: i'id.....v'xilzol I.o , abovr descrlp tle!la, 17 9 I:r.lers p9omptky Atte:idol-to. . I ,Pi'-.1.1,6tar atunti l_.. frick Aldto privitt iloalds. IrUTILITY WORKS. . 1 • I 1 . 1. • • McLEAN & SIATOR, !N0..83 Liberty St:, oppOsite Fo ttrWy rto I). Alt •ett es= , ,t , JI.X. =OM yulo N 14 t.l MINUYACTOILtreI or CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE, 3 olake s specialty or iron ttedSteati sod ?loot rosselsin,, Bedstead and iltrot Castors: Alsts.t.l Fasten:o ss: :Enos tor Extension Tables, de. it., stito 'mann factorsnod hove constioitly On handl kU1.11111,14.7.11.. Sprint LatCll., Lego e Window •Osati ounottstor, 11 . 1.osn's Eccentric nEsti Hutton, Utility stbOttor mud Butt Hinges, Wind ' stone Ilanglngs, nisi Irons, +sash Wolgb &C.. I 3T2:t.) I PANG, LIPPINCOTT & No. 1181 Water Street, . , ~. • a .th7CTICITAX.III 91 V.S.T . I.i;T tllttat.. , l , . - . ~ I'ALZIITTICIIrEirD .. 1 . 1 t'Ag#NT -roorazu . - . . ... . catty tag, zuL - LAT,, • NIL I L AND CIIOSS-CDT WBSI. WM IL Ord v;0111:cir...4 i.e. 1411.1111 ROLLER WORKS. •-• 11ORROW BARNHILL,. , ISte:nui Rollers, ULL btllls, Agltatoro;,t, Salt Pau,. Paeonotter.. Wrought': . • Iron uridges,Shet! Iron CORNER LIBERTY AND tiF.COND ; ' PITT:011.1110111. • 'ar•Lt EPA lit (.1 AnlN rttO3II•TLY. • mill:b9l Druvloci.P. Pet, al.. 93 to vrl, • of tut., to I• n 3/11..34 JD a er, hark Attie aet3 of )1 . 1.11,4 V. 0.1.1i1.1: i ERICAS IMACILIALI 01111i13. 111 r FISITER,IOBAHAM dc.oo.1 r ; Engine Ituildeis and IDiaciduistb, . • IitANVTAVIVILI/larpr • • Oil gngines, OI Tools, As] ,yeryttilugkuotry Cot Itorlog Oil We IS. I.llrtleolar 0.1,11 o 1(111 paid to Ytttlus upt111.4140/r: rullext, 11‘torers, ac. ?fait.. A •nt Ft. W. A. O. 11. A. ..9611cogi ta voxiar,; ItEPAIIIII.II 101$6 1e1X:419 'sang bocci- Lusltlea Lu I. v. 11.trret .1t ,14. t 62, eJ to 316 U 1r o note r WORKS. •. L - ~.4fooll nOLS...JA.t6 N113.101C,..15115T1111 OHS: • HOCH fiILOOLEi& CO. • EN (SIN). BIWA Vts Munurirturers of rTEA.MtwAT.Ewe (ONES, OIL W V.:WriEt' tvcouvroms fu) Coal Works, WI kinds of L:Ltd fiarine NM- I/ ViSonade to order. rout the well careen reputation or. too au." ar, j AMEN ELtuIN, wu Itime to secure a Ilheral uhare of patronagel from eltaauthost builders end others ergo on Rood machinery. ;Our aim will h., to do all work In the belt mangier lk lair e01110.,4,-, lion, and to do It In the time we any.: All kinds , Of CAnTiNtitt intole tolorder. Irepalriuir Itiachlohly Pane. attended Lo. We 0011 torn Shaft A root lune. irttl bore or turns rulluy N. tort diameter.l. - *rlhop qll 1)0000000' Wa7 I Vial' the Pi.tot.- 00a0dr7 on Third !street, near Alarnet, l'lttobarmh, 101614) Pay • March ' , l, milt ~,J re erillcl , 1 44 dlYaLll• =I manta :TABLE, prietor, BLACK DILLPIOND r 1 • rtTraßuttettu'i' l . 15•Irin. 1717"CrtLIMILS ' . ;,. ' PAWL, iiROTICCIEt " Co., ...- . 1 . . • tiliOurarnerrert of r ." ' • ' HTZST QUALITII I RKILNED Olin' STEEL. Elquart, E iat ono Uctsapirk. 01 all Wt. tir • equal to any Importialor ir.nout•ciutial In Ull. Will trb • Zirtlface sod wareit oci.e. No. 'l and 131 Finn. .in WWl= thstaZid µneat. I gnorith •fa 0..4 ..tcd fur • ❑ Ifeda tr.g MEI 32 Mill liMf=l Joe. r. 141011 '. wits'. nEQILJESNE..I AND WEST • POANT . 1 4 - I HON -rottutawrlrrsirCuttia; lean recter. , An YoraluirS, Flu Ptearepoat bhalla, Creeks. Piston Baits. Levers, Mutsu .3 less sod Ilrbte; also, i Railroad dales, Loconwolve ' , napes, sod an sitars work. The galderilljt lett been for ist•OY True erlawared.lw the b l 4 ll PeO are prepared to nuelsb 01 pryers eatVastat, them with P" mPtu t °l"d a d j: P .ll. Cb tiAliill ge . I il:ft4 OFERS. ioolata Ala ' in. sod •Ilia ltourrug nu I - r mr-J7..1 INITSBURGH IRON WORKS J. PAINTER &IRONS. I . KANU/A.CTOBIIIO,OP. • ' ' Iron Buckrt, Tub Ond Trunk HOOPS LAND rmu SHEE, • - pruttou. TS IMO sirszasz. fiTEEIL a uELLE • Wjar. IDEszysatarve * r I rd LLTI . SM /ST Ajl4lP.a. , APIT64p: tlYlLtDiutt .'.WATZW2I FOR EVERSON, • „Pc.tr IrELCON insobonse, Xos. .7Xslies6Mcloit • .. MAN' trFACITIIERS-- { :...raitir.PlTT. : ! , . : . BOILER . , STILL ,ID TiNh' i , - w - 4:3 - Ernts_ , I CARROLL & SNYDER, ~.. ... •.: ••• 11/LIZTACTIMII3S or . . 'TUBULAR; DOUBLE-FiAIED,T Bi.a.M.t. i :FIRE-BOX lb CYLINDER STEA BOILERS, 1 OIL.STILLS AND OIL TANK? CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AN ASH PANS, i SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS .AND CON-1 DENSERs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, ,AND IRON i BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL MUTES. ' OSlcio and 'Works. corn Rerond, Third. short wßil I,ll.lorty Mi.ree:a., ilttsbtirgh, PennEiglvanizi. ,--. IlirOrdere ant to the Above '..ti+ldren, ' , RI be promptly attended 1.. . 7,.. sel.l:P3 CTUBERB. LAOBBIE,S I AND'a` c i SHEFFIELD STEEL' WORKS. SINGER I .NINICK-- 'CO . -11LANCITACITIMIli BEST REFINED' CAST/ STEEL • FLAT' AND oaltoN,.oF ALL SIZES. ikirg., MOLY. CIRCULATi. Ii A.VO ,AND CItORt . CUT SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND eEnl-ELLIPTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, • Gast Spring She:, Cast and Gentian Plow Steel • rimy- WINO. !LSD .S.IOWER LIARS. _ • SPRINGS, AXLES ANTI STEEL TIRE, "r 'tLWTFII‘7"NtiI WIA.h a M o.,Le. AI, CDOWBAI4, Ac., E Warehouse,-83 Water, St.,•Pittsburgb, selitt.4 . N - JESIT - V - Itrs IRON AND NAIL WORKS, LEWIS, BAILEY, BALZ ELL & Co. DLABIIPACIUEI UF BAR, BOILER, "SHEET, arra "'PLC:IW, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water 00 Front st„ PITTSBURGH, P.A. .e 24 :kb KEYSTONE - IRON WORKS. HUTCHISON, GLASS & to., Matudacturen of the dLlierent .1... a of Round, Squate, Flat and • 'llcirse•Mtoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Baud .Iron, BOHer-Plate, Tank and Balt-Pan Iron, Shot iron, &c,, &c., &c, Worts, PITT TOWYSTS IP, on Monun, I, Vela, &MI Fare bousc. No. 146 Water Street. octall - , FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. ALIal:34OO, Cowing Pressei, Warehouse Trucks, . 'Baggage BarroWS, • Sugar Mills; & "FORSYTH., TAYLOR & CO.. 3t, UAKKET 1:3. • B. 'WOLF, JR., & , DIALLIte IN .11ardware..4; • Cutlery. A.ze now, ,recelNlue lure •411tIons to oar I.lopic, • *bleb 19 olYerrd to healer,. at Exuerrani.e.rr Corner Liberty and Si. Clair Sts., z=oltesuricriarsii, •e=tra pIITTSBERGR STEEL IV OILK . Ihfutnisotprers of tb butt rcermf Cut 131,11, &Iwo*, Flat and Octson, qf all Esc., Sow Macey: klov., ' Fork . u 1 btoct Cut Steel, C facet fur , . ''REAPING Au ft OWING II3CIIINES, 11.1 - 31 Alt Wit. u. 21.NyaiSAI. 01;101k:It tA. BROS., (titiccesspre to Itellacr A A AAer,n) Wholenale Dealers le Yoe . len Fruits. IS eta sod Snlcee, Confectionery, s.llgava., Fieeworaa Aro N.. lb: and I'M Wood tared., above ISTZXT PLOW WINGS, IerfILINCIIi,AXLEI It" I. ' ". ‘...252 Wetly .-- C 111110111.41.101,, dad • boar, eiNox • ANDLLW [NMI. cast tad iLlatunon Plengti and Spring Steel oMaa-6,1 . i2er or rirst Ind Itoan.crects. tw'obiOne. abone t4ta Idonoo4taliala nous*. tit4l it E ". AL, r.lLUTbritlllii, , arectat. PAIITNXIM, t tillieN lii IL. 1..1..Z KIER OW. W. BARR., 11/,..11 9 9., Durr.-, • CINAS.I . I9IOLIN. CENT STILL WOR K S. • MILLER, !BARR 1.; PARKIN,- • • ltAticTAcTL9uXuspi ' BEST 'QUALITY CAST STEEL •Warrantell Equal to any In the Herne either lea_perted or or Dementle 191matatac Lure. 'Recut. ATTENTION PAID To YLNE..(9AI 9 ' { . I 499.619 111 esTECI... ~...._ ..Clitico..3B Wood Street. ' • . IN BT. CIIAULE:3 Minn. ..... , U iLitibal Purest:noti. Ja..... Rib. Or. . 'le 1N:419 , in t • FORT rrrr • FOIJNDRY.. CHARLES - KNAP - NEPHEWS WAtlP7Acrunsea or REAVY ORDNANCE, Ala) ALL MUS iHEAVY%ASTI lif M f7.4l ." ettelri7i P lllP , BIWA IRS attended to promptly. As heretofore. the boot materials will always he died at this Youndry: . , flaelog 'disposed or our Old ptler... we ere OFT - Vaned. with SOW also istrpoVso =LlVN"Allrbillli7ingYreVatt.tl'a? f.,5T1.41 la TROLL' DIACAUNE W 0116.8. R. 8. zamicrir.-ir, . . t' l lll?;flisgilli,ll,7;?.°l•AMlZl,'T klirtleolat ottLenCtoo Inetted.'W raltuted provrtnenti In of and Juluto. Undo at Junistia, U. ti., and Low Mono two, *caution' sizea, mud numbered. lorthat pan. eon be ordered bycoat, 01 Wax on and rouod • pen*, lint an nines. We fbroiet roper, otuall ttio•• woo way wleti E.lrlntil nail lithalthle toll mule to order. 01.1ers by wail pruititly ptteudoel to. tam prepared U. uther manta tkr. tonna for Mewl improvel . Wl'Llberal terms: box tl Altrorneby P. U..• - 1:20“1711 'lt H. [Awe( r. • Na. ALLIN JOE. Z.; MMI. VALLEY STOVE WOILKS. • . . ALLEN. NVICEE:Ct- go., . . Odite• and Warehouse .301 Liberty ti _opposite • Manufacture. a urrat •arletv of (YHA.' PAllbint aria HHATImiI liTtjyE,4, .movw whlch arc abrated Allegheny, and Monitor Coal Cantina Mores: abio. the Autocrat sad UenttorF fur coal or ‘OO.l. sod the Untlaalle4 Star of e ono, f or wood; also. ArChal, fender', nug.r Kettle., Voir Iron. and Hollow War itener.ll-T. - tuba A. iiKADLZT,.. ..W. IT/414111a ........J. P., LIWLDLCT ZTN . A EITOVE„IVORKS. ' L BRADLEY & CO, . • mi.orie.t.re erelTTßrlOy of „ • COOK, - PARLOR AND:HEATIfiIISTOVES I alonf wtactk fluNVe t uu..,ll4ll.lSS (WoodCooll.sto;e4.l Also man t0n.... GRATE FRONTS,. 0111oa and Worettow, earner of eloomol and Woo iruOsto, ilttannur,a notrouce on Soconn Argot. , , .a. 1. upwas ORBS.' liEvEasivci.„nio.• WAT*II v. to Pittsburgh, tuanufattareror P l oll.lLit 1a19t.1 - 6;WHOUIiiiT ormics, =mon subi railroad • . • • of *very dtSCXIOOOII. Particular Wad or shaparrithltes and RtYOts, tarn or mall, ;nada to oriler sbort good as ortra•ar At% t • n • • czco. rum Ast..z. 0110 W tar ow molt FIN olk•Cp:. . - PREllr erLIP• I " W 0 89 , 00 . WH0 CAI BEATaliistB9 , oo . For Two Weeks Only: ivisietem . z . gt. razNea cALT N 800 gara i N. ati ItirlwarAti.""""'" DM , • 1101144111,, 1M.11156 SZA t jit, • ~1 rrae. It vexes: oppo.lo. _ . . '►IDEBSON, (*OK a CO.; IBtICCZBBOBB TO JONES. BOYD 4C0.,) i 2 Ohfo ritreetc AllosbonY NIMES U, 4.ILSLEY, IPIEENuAcIis Produce jandi Commission! .31-Erpoix.2l-..--v-r ; Wholesale dealer in EVERY VARIETY OF PRODUCE. LISERAL! 6,AGI-1 ADYANCES lllatle oil Consrmnineink QUICK SALIN & l'llollll' RETCEINS. Itef, ' REYII E IC JULIS .t CO. Irareboue 201 Liberty Street, • N'. MILLED, 8& lIICKETSON, Who,esaie Grocers, UP )3RANDES, WINES D.ND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, P:TTSBURCH, PA.- IRON M AILS,A COTTON YARNS, &.C.. n conktantiy on hand. . BREWER, BURKE, & CO., CoIINISSIoN AI,ENTS net Tn 6 ' • PaeiUc, Globe•and Liberty WI Works, .;ku‘Ple , turare:, for Crude end I:ouued WI. Utter (.llo/ ed , en. a f made un ceue:gnments of Crude ur itelluLd l'Otroldere. l'arde 'rue otorage nut!. slap -1411 iianenek etreet, tnyl3.o2S I'LTKII 116.11. . J.. P. lIITCLIAJIT. KEIL es lIITCIIIA4IIr, - • . COMITISSION MERCHANTS,, . 1110 D 6. /LC=IN .. Flour, Grain, tiveds, Mill , Feed, ,te; 319 LIBZUTI ITIIEET. =TM= . rtrrsavuoti, V. WILLIAM C. , LEE, - Ouo s ccsgor to ALES. (JORDON cortimissioni AND FORWARDING 7,15:01.1.13C43...73 1 j3". Ito. 102 Inecotid street Pittsburgh, Pipe ra. Pt • sz-Axera for the Loota" favati and Irranl Works. Denier In VW and HAUL/Cap. IT. II rut?: CI. Y, Cone gnment4so- Arnl Orders promptly 311 ed. m 731.104 S. OWLN, 4 .no.ootD l r W. u•de Cn. 114• ENS,; KENNEDY 1 4 4 • , rwruum: lttlnlnllOSloNl 1 11iIttCHANTK. end I/e•lrrs In Voile-014N AND DOMEdI IC It. WITTER, Effild, lU. TATOE.n. n 0., and In Prorlsloni nod rroLoce gel:- trolly, So. TO I'Palk UAL 3 ru;....er, ofTonito the. it.:oltund Uetot. ALLnod ntrY, 1 An:ran for 1.140 'co of Y.,lllte'll„ Donnell 1.111nao•eno.1 J. diou'a 0.11. spl4o7d J. -s. ~EWn ` L'R p; Co„ , • COltg):231017 1.11.111011'.‘ NTS, j .Ind .I,::!crs ill Floor, (/tmln. Fred %DI rroanCt. ( n.:1) alvanctn (undo on cyuslKn,ocnl~. NyJa,jj,JJJ,, :tott PEAri pTILL:tT, opposite Union .1 , ((n0t.. klttsl•orxn,, 1(n. • 104 . • D4v• FO it 0. Comatuisil on 11.1:(;•I rIE.I'A tsi..P•st con ...Ls PCICAV FIRE- Ditsed. nod CL•liT,...sa. Wnrenoune sn•l`OCine. Non. :tad .1'I) ET. btu's.° furnlshtd. on( /1•11., I Ju.ANJ CD M: IRAN E . 4 , AI% .11*36, commis 2lopi vit. el aL'O. tal z 11:31 . ,11. • , gtio•-•: 7 tJ•iinit• atilissi it. a. tuarr•an pOTTEILL, AftiEN Le. 811EPAltD 9,lst:on Idi•rchanii, and dodlers In Foreign ind I itun tetin Fruits, lour. 8utt...," Micelle, 2 gar 'siat•aa • 1,1 nrod unr , gem, ally. Nu. ILO LIBE aCY miositt Patrenavr Depot. Pittsburgh. • TllOO. silrlilJUI.L - •• • • ••••-••••• - - - - W 31.1 P. .13F1CH...t.. CO No. 1245 '? I.lber.y gt,t,' r elltbbarii4. 1 d e neS,de Grocer, l7clat.l4blot Mtrelia a ts land illn Cottle. try rrt,l , lce.. VIVA lalutL, Bacon, lan-. (letter. Egg., in(,:rwt.a.l. Fhb, .2c.. Proclnce, Flo.. Oraln, bee.ta,. ner 011.1,1,1.1 FrUlt.t. ..4e., Solt awl Lime. , Jyle w :• ariS eur.raun 1 1 13' 3(." SitEPARR, Commission ‘ttti 3: - :..• ant land dealers In Flour, °rant and Pro. duet. • .11L1berty street, Pittsburgh. nna is Er /lour ft, Rakers tad Family WOO censtaztly 0.11141. l'artlealsr ,aitentlun paid to dillor^sitr -fur ?lard:t a n:llse ganerally. ocatty I ITT LAG, BAIRD £ PArTON. V. noktale Ur:4,r, Commission Meralmt.l, and dealer. In Ortalute. lflOng, Baena. elute.. YU'S, arbttt ttud Lunt Oil. Iron, tilvs, Cotton lirua• atl l'lttatturgn manufactures generally rod I lt ntruntl -tee .1., rlttelturglt. • • . MILL FEED said t`lttiD No Vlamona, drive Mt city Hs.n, Allesbart Cal. . - JOHN H. CANFIELD, Coszacnission and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer In Western IWserse ch..ese. Butter. Lard. Pork, Bacon. Flour:Fish, t'ot and Pearl Ashes. nslerataa, United and Lard Olin, Drled Fruit, sort Produce generally. Nos. Ili and ttl Yront [tract. Pittsburgh D. ',siren J •. Maar!, . . REITEIt, PRODUCE, Coo:T.11,31ml owl lorwardloi licrettants, irad agents for LU rltteborler Ifil.4.ll