. . • i . . . . . . „ . .. .. . 1 PlTlrtolgUittili atARKETn.. • . 31A11.111 . :gs ult 'lLit:gliii.Al.ll. . ' 1 nif.A.NITPAC/ USkr.— iti: , ›JULA... irrTZ -- • -•• • . . - ' 1- ' 0711 MON 011 1 Tar, Ins - rionaltan Gazerra,l" 1 - New York IProdat Market. . i ills lc i ‘ ii • , : IRON. \VOUS a.- an, Broker; ~ i • i . r 12abramtr,Octobsre/I,llioe. L • I •••, - e y,,,,,•K . ottebor ILL °Lion le, be 1 .. r. i 1111 • 1 , , e ow that .:the exeiteMent attendtmt the Fes. Web/ ler aliddllnu Uplalals: Flour rather • 1 ~ .1 • - , • stSter ' - timer * ' .. a confer , of FED. • soot alecailailS, bas to a i rroist Measure !cabal_ mores steady, closed dud lint !teary al y___ _ • itS lretalt•s * lle F• . . day's &leas $.3,?..53a550y fps State. 6• 9 •W4 ,11 .".. " . '.. • • • -7-. , . WWI 0 , b , .....allink:idesOrga 0,011...11•1 00,,,Verrinnan4. ent 2 150:ads ' ~ :l _p e o ye ree l m t .k l in i bt l ti ,t l aindrtbaslittleesTbliarfaCePr tth /8 tin' for exiim rOusel hoOp 6111 • and a 11, 9 01.0,1. 15 : joNto , 86 , nianuais . has.9.bee..ia at - tl.lo aone,the - owations. . . In bond, at 41 thLisreek _ trade Mands. e .,Whisky drat, sales of aSe bats: . t - Ua: .-.3Malrllnd 0011tmeatal .11achange - Sold at • :. 1.1 _ ~ op, ~,0 , ,,,,. i1:, 4 .1 : ,.. jj;bnientailed cl,Pic.t..."seill'E3gilb‘a'sni'd , I I • Ito producabeing .somewhatxreetrleted , ~w1:01e, heavy. -,,,,j,..,. of :11.Ese mole" at . J.1,...,7,,,.htffav05til , *, „ rm .' i5i3 6, 13 .1 1 41.c00r, 9 4. Vale 0,30; • • ' lna ll•WaSPkialaSerto.-ermeerged 'there are nO I idliwauliee - - 11101 - ,11., saver and 00npOnaboright-id, Wheat, Geld-Drafts Issued on New York. • chancres wOrtby of SpeelldnOtlee. and • • , irloteatasaal...... I.l.llooElUlla 4 atre• •'grOcery market' re- .11,1 Itlllsvall ' ekle"[l'''Cf.ll3'i.l2, 41 50 190 r o' ' . 00 '. . e 11- : -N -" i i / d " : ''. 1 I ,ltye dull cowl heavyJon l 11 1 c!' ) er" .V .ll: • : r1"/' 1 c l • , I KA. - ‘"rr ' lCTUnlng " IiZAIICIE - AND TR/11)E, Parted UMMY and Moderately active, with a 1 142 e. loafer, Suite ..41,2ditivirti.. I. ol ' . a i r _ e . n m llll 'l . ,, , . I regular lObbitig * dataand Eat abOUL previous 97004 bushels n c 1:, ; itetten,,i!l . ~, t! ' ' °*(l'"lC''''l' AMERICAN i AM) CLU I R quotatiOns. Collee, is quOted firm itt.27 to :le, (trate tttiness, doitt . d, c , h , , •3 ....,, , T, .11 ruler, ~, , .. for gOOl tO prime . RIO. Mown Sugars range 1 sales PI tsi,o‘ so Y. -an ' 't "-': - " Slott'" - •• , • et. w stern afloat, , all Um wag from 1:1 to 35; hard. retlned, 17 - i.i to I fellti; lot• shipping In li i i, j,j un . ~,,i ic::.. ~, . 1,, , , , , ,e uar•uoiroirons:iii and ik„iat6 Iron; 10;•soit do. 10 to MU. 'Porto Itleo, llolasses 7.; .9:: hoed, 11, 31331 , , a. 5 , to.go; Litee,lo% - to 11.. uoloug Tvas, , a u., $1 50. Gmon, la,owto 1,&r: - . 1 - , , ' ' rat her more dot it tt; saleli IN) nl !alto , , s !scuts „... , t booth. n. Oats tetelpt3 4 -,!ton_e le. better with .Bridge GRal.l-W heal is 13 arm Walt a moderate Si for Clintato, and !t . ,,aqi for' , • iolllog . k , tar Angl'arid T Iron; • , .f 1001-„c 0 Milling • deMand, but . . nutilianged. No. a C01 ,,,, ." 1L i..1'. '5 j,,; 4 1. ' 5 ; ' r i 11 - , iticai, ,31olanses Guard I •• ' L . 'I . • Spring Ili quoted at i2,(0 'too 62,13 . Oat , I n he i r- C"" ' 7'. -----,-,. tot . gban tent , 141) 1!for I 4 ron, ~, 1 , ter supply, but. steady at:h3 - 40 5 e on track and t doll.. `etroleat „ , - 1 r0,.1; firm 1 .Coal Screen Iron, - .. in elovutor, , ana 53 Le 55 from suare. • Selo rd 1.,. ! rrutle• 401;32e for refined I 1 nom . ear shelled Corn tot 95. LILO sale - 43f Rye .a t i 41, 1 0. 1 bug 11 4 2 , 5 vt , ... o h , a . ; j 1 .. 'r r , 1 • 11, - tr , , , ,,, ,, t ;,. 0 ‘,1,,:17,,,,i,i1;i1.07‘t., j ,"!„ , ,1'; ,. . ‘ , 7, •, t Rail 1,6 and 20 lbs. to tile yard Trato Rails, punched and cone-. Barley lahr demand lout there .111110 0 r 0000 a p o ri aaj o ,' ; 0, , j.,, 1, jo ,, t, , ~, ...: . . 1, Olforl7lFLOUß-4s firm with a : demand fully up to option:all year; 4 , ,,t1 lor,s . el \er 10 . N. et In 10 c er ,,, ,.. tor NMllli. • . 11rersed begs , I.loiler. Ilridge 11.'131 Tank Rivets rho supply, and prices are opetty well sus. , anti .F.17d,5.5 1 1 . , , , , 1 r ni l . r ; t , lL.ip: s ocr Mined. We quote at $11,7.5 to 112.25 for ',prom( I Chat , de • . ; ; _.„,, , .. I %V belWanil 4,11:,:tt 100'3.15 I tor shoulders For Winter A% hest. t steady at ~.,;,..1.._11,.,i.0. inactive. (:ut a iii • • •• , CU ,and 1 Flu and 9 pikesr • F. des 'of. 101 barrels "Pesplan es" ! at 11,2; WO i ttient hi.e..tqY at 1b... ~ ~ soy . .„_ 3.. ___ _ ._ 1 Spikes; n t, ' 'rossett" b u r r t . 60 "Pr'lde' iif the West o _ at I.l7"a•ecle,O.fe tor hams. 1... t las. .d. I O•laTol'IN p Boat. 411,:5; and 53els °Eureka,' at 11 , 13 ill. New t th.• hat i . r pr i ce tocilhe,x,,,t,,,rel..lkkk t e .., :w il .. i ,, t t te l r o u 2 l 7 l , o „ . at ..... . aiii .to 7so su, Bold s io 1 esas,,te for i.) 10. . -., • 3 ...•3 , r oa _IF s luxe and Dolts; pad d •Sp i it: eV. s Ilya Flour is quoted at 11,2 6 ~, . _ ~ ... .. ...rho... - ' tO . ' 1' ' a 1,45.50 tO 101 .0 , New • era .se.Y st. Dos as. pitoyiatoNs_ibscen 4 dull lout unchanged I „.„..,,,. y or ,„ :„. 0,1 0 ,„r 11 . _..ypore I, a; percept'. I nai l l at 17 to 17,i,,,' for him...tiers; I'V. us II Loo Iti'' i Itly better leeltng In the !try Goods trade LI, 4 , . Baal! t oad, Car Ili meets and Axle l s; „,t .1,1,,, and 25 for Sugar Coorod ilams• Ltra , d ri r. , itnia,,,, 01 miods tor . Ilrul in their views Streje CalOVlLeela rind Axles • as dull at im4 . 2.. 'Swiss' Pork is`heitliot fail: I ~ ~ , ..., ,_, ~ proimbility ot it cleallne (Mill .. .3111• L FELD-Salo of ,tie ear seconds, In It W ‘ n ,, ‘ , L ,; ! !, ' ,..e ' n ' t. tlgurea, Imo, on the COll trllry, there • Coatti;ictocladra.ioylillee.ei Shafting;ialitid Ax Axles; lois, at 41,55 to 91,01. loran-is dull and aloud-, , „, „. 0 , ,,,,,,,,,„,,,,, i n ~,,,,,,,, 0re5,,,,,,,-or ~,sae-arato,, nal of:9n. bhorts. si 3 O., to 31,1 e. 31111illiens i .. .„, ,t ,,,,, g00 , i , , to ~,,, up ~-1,,,,s 10-euie,,pou , [ :r , source and t1rtn,...1.1. Sinai; salon kt„ 41,,50.0.1 wit 1,111., advanced last , reek. Jobbers prices rEtte t Cold. Rolled Fist °allot's; .. 61,1 e. ' it ....• r-....11Leirti.,--..1.11.110,'Z1t . , - - APPLES , UnIet road unchanged. Regular 1 y " ,,,14 f ; ' ,,, ''. 2.: ,,- : - ; 'N"'iosloti Li - tra * 22.: Illeached Mr , Br an d and !Taper Bats.. ,40.,..t 62 to VI per banal-t:, supply 13 /arltl, :i•llirillwa-i.cuotke.g, A,I 31; L0,Ce:...93 .NoW - WaltE IdlitlE iiii ..il • FlatE, ly 1n CCet•63 of the demand. . , market: tal. Pconta - C ntlan l o, ' :2 ' ll AIn"1""• • L ' . ' i - 120_ W''ater and 158 Front Sts. SEEllFiarseed 14 lit demand 11.12,1 T t. '" ) " pe,t Autoslicing 19; Waniontot, 15 , /,. Thotts-E , „ . . idly See ,100 in good supply and dull at Oat, 31;. , , IMMllton, 37i.i.,lticastoee Iliver,t.i. • Stripes? BitaNcil IIoUSF., ' , : . Clover Sued la i ening In a small tiny Id 41. 1 _yoric, 55; Iltryntati, 2 1 ,ll ' • ! lIIITTEIt-1a In good supply and dell Ind . , . •it NOS. 22,21 and 26 River St.; thol..,ied; Sales of or:meat 32 Le 5.3. Gloolce • • •- 'this 5:o Mnrket. '' - 1. . • I , . • CilleAoo, It.li. . , 10,311 y lie quot,ed at 35. . • r elliC3oo, October 11.4Fleor - p as l. . Wheat EGGS-ItePorted • searee and Man at 2 , 1• . • • ; alai!, and mlytmeed 7 ro 4e; el 0.; at te i lli.i (211E5:ki-Is selling...l 17 50.10-10 r Wester. 1 to 52,14 for No. 1, anti 41.11 , ri1.50 for Na. 2 . t o o'n, Reserve; 10 to 19 for liamMorg; and 09 to . p tor I „ e ,„,„.,1 1 0 , „.,,,,.,, ~ , ,,6„,kii,- , ,,.4 I, ,t. :.; 4,5, and 1.11, tiOshen. ; (4.011, , t, for No.,' o.its advanced ttifle,,elos,ima I'UTATOES-sliaPnraed stcliolly a .0,74 • 35, 0) . I tit to:Pc/kill.; for N 0.2. 114 li w 1 110,1 klll.lk ret,lotl . , dud and Attellited b:e. 1 ltecelpts-o,osthlatt. -, , ,t s 5.,,,..ti , t time; Itht,Ota but. whitattlhtttets) butt. cOrn; 0.0,0 errrsneatin PETRO/AKUM ll ` .- " ---- ! . bas. out , . Shipments-21A. 1,1,15. done; . 53,00 J --, ! j - . bus. Wilmit; 11a..5. train r0,,31•1 tall. Oats. . br Ma 00 Trtpr•PlTTeill'lTGol3 GAarrTa, i ~,s , _ ...0 „ h. 0 .„. s Tomas oar, October 11, 1:141,3 ~, ,,,:51. , . ... 51. 11..2:11,,,...1. oe. 0.,,, , .. ehar , g. C111:1)12-The Market continues very quiet, ! c a, „,,,,, ed.° tees., - ut 01.75 f r No. 1 Spring; and while there :is not inject, of a disposition I 513.25 'tor llee Winter; 3,11:2•:. 1 , W!.. 10 1 . _ . ;1.t. 1,, , : 05.25 for doable eta. a no. t quie t , Do la _1 . • tnanlreated to sell, 1110 demand is by 5 In. mean ' ,,ou Ana quiet: .3.31e.3 4,00 , :l MO, No-1 pre94lllfr, unit priers are 11111 , 4 oltslultoul -11 i lilnlun , a. s7L ...C.. Bath y 111 Ibe I ter - tlrlitand, 1,1,14 returned, Und 19, bids Ineluded,wlll. salerl ,t pr ln ri...111y to 11'1 ortlro9; Itt 3 of 45,100•Itt 1311 . of 1737 yt,B rePorted. It, wll5 rllluorea tioil, eart,..5.1; et 51,174121 :or. onbicary ma prime. , am., ley., twee an offer to sell at 1;,.:, not, It . ' ' • ' ~ ~,ci uoiltot• 1r. , . We Prmmure at, tells ligla et 11 .1 , t.r. 1.'1, 3 , 11..1.01)U1-11. -1.'104 , ..: lt131.11c; ute,ll sttiriolt. Cert.:ll(y alto early .re,titopttga - - .1 , ~,,, ~,,.„ : ,„„ttt, ~,,,, .i.9,73,1,0,,t1, tdotor eX• Marke ts 4l oll . Ima a tende • an Y . 4• • • n ' - ' 1 " : '''":: . I • L "I • Ira, f10.:. - ,,, ii; do.ll,l•Va.lns, 411,,e41,75. t% 15001 somewhat, an.l 1,4,1Ljt, , , Oar refin, 13 ,,,i, :,.,, . I ~,,,l1:,•53150, tor InOltre3-1. 1,3, ,1 1u r t ern! tO InLVO ahollt an I : s ' "51 11 ' 0 . , '''''''' 55 I.r:r'• cot .p ...,..o:'y liwo or. tim n. slow, at d 5.. .2 present. tool von oequeul.y, Ile nig sem,: .. 1 ,•;• e. • tsi, .....1. ttn a. 7,1t,;;:t1e.: Provlstolat and of to Imp when there is ere, a 1:033llult y • tylit3l; y uneln.ll,4oki.. ' 4 of a decline. " I Cot e{toOre ItEFINEW-There watt apparently It little I .. It ~,, a.,,,,,,, U.nher 1, newer feeling manifested In the in . .. Mel 1 ! , r 1 ~.;. . ,:t„,, t , :„, ~,,„. tt,..t,i,;[;:t, 1 'waded nil t,,..,.,,, in gott...eylenee of thg_st , Or 4 nlt 1 :1,12, ~ Tot i!'..l 11, .1.411 OM/ node. lal tolvanco In gold, Iticntsli , :, ~,, ~,,,',,,,,,,i5t, g sg; Um Sr ,3 05110 appal eta' linprevetuest L•} ; he , ,•„,., ~, ~,,,,• .- ~:, ..,1 •lematol Tier any adVIIIIUO in price, It l'eonly 1 ;,,.• t,. ~ ,,1,1, R' lt I.:, , 1 .1111ercile. we 130111‘1 . ItureelV3 , roctoreell 1.3,31. c. i ' plot t,s,igillti at .1 yesterday, watt that holders apptittred no I'om3mo'Ll'ol • :' . O it nave t little more.ebaelalamen.inAutietlyit led • 5 ,,,,,, 012.N . ,1,1 ,2,5, a, that the npa•ard (hind.. gold, 15111 to t root Leo t 511,-.0; sale, ot 1 J.; 0I - .1 ;he : market-and cause lustier prices. Tster ‘1 , ,.ti.,,,,, I t...ttt,..7t. st teAs but a Slttele axle reporle4, am' titowm ull . 1 ' Pct.:U.lm; r I um . , - 21..;. haerels for November. dedvt • ri • In r 111 :‘ , .! ,. . - i ' it ,1“..0 . . i.h,hi., :.a 41%. Free nil ls du . ; 1 an 1 onay L e , 31;,,,,,,,, 0.,.,. in quoted aoudamiy at ss to 37. • . Nal al:, nt t.:.0 i.V.No 1. e . AantvAts. . . The - following arrivals of oil we. , reported V.'S:. to-,l.tyt ', • ' 1710 or.. Crop.. Fisltee &Me ...... :701' iP. 51 0 . Edgellim .... !2.5) : ~ ~,., 1 ,, ,„ ,,,,, W. 1 1 . Logan 1411 Ja,..Gailla her •}5.1 , !,.",:';"•••',. ~..L. , , ~-. 6 ,t, w 0! became sato-- Jas. Wilktus. ...... .. 243 I 11.yereigio.S. Co-'. 3 5 . ~.. ~,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,,i,,,,,,,,1_10 our eon, crop aai . a , • • much ervider time li i • getteraliY stnPlit.t , ed , ' ' •' !lu t we hopy.l ..;:alest hop, ti all would ,Cnn, out I inn. all.ul all.. 11551 Ills , truth., , i „. , Cr:Oil:Illy lore: 111 . 4 .9 , 11 01 Central lllntoli ' 1 li at Orr corn e. gills .l•ct lunsly [ !,)tire'?. The °iv°, pr ..gag r i „..,,,„,',,,,, a ~.,, ts ....,fr0,,,,2,...•1,,,,,a:.,....L,,,,i;,.% . 4 , : ,. .,1` . : t . that, very little oeisi In ~ e ,0u...t. , , - The farmers - - 'rliCnD •it Y. U"'''' ' ' 11 ' 10'." 1. ,11,vo l,n 'I . r. on 31i ' lour ' nulllS 100'killn lOr ,' cal : lcl., . . . ' -•,n1 , 1 • .11,1 f,, r seysil aal rot to Ilt - ltbt pros, The tuarket, owlng„to to mato:trial fallim; oil 1„ he , ~, . a.,,,1 har.l. sfely Crullers , lt'clltt U 111 Lilo 'ass leads and 15illte,1 F:noilly, o'll 3 , CO n.• : tnyy tau le,v t,i; ~,,,,, le', aved. otheri ttittfliAls :1 rm ' or than last wceb, the unfit oc- ; Int y n c.ren lip o ,: XI ' , M o o nalLorill bolt seed. It is a1.e. , ..c e 2t.ii•. it :• d nets , f the mop . •,tde Italie,. from the La_st to Ilie contrary ,,, I , •:, ;,:; •i. 1.1 •o ol ~..b.till, til,rl,.a+"•. nottrllll 3 tamllng. There ' ll'3 , . full iir.-ra,re ~\ .1 1.!.... o.t. u a til .1 ::,.• 3.31.1,' nal. We ,;le ttly ot tundonee Of baytt 3, stna 513. ,3,0,1,..,, o 1 , j;;, , , lenr oldo nmi. : r f ttr. rin tr . . v.. 1. s,:11111 the. via, 1,3,:. 31,1 3 , price, ale. a ,1.,/.. Is Irk,: !Cod ^,', l' , ir'1..3 . t0 1 t'••, , r 't .1 - 11l ori.,tol , to ell 11.113. e',llerially 32 1 Ile C3 O O 111 ilegor,l to a,..• ..., cAttic., P ' ' . - 1.- , TOst fal:lod Ott ... [0.9 airivals linty 3."3•,1. ~ I. 11- ,1,31 to tlletarretat. many of tee west ersi Jr:.. ' . • rod rern.lllol at home to vote, and to 1.151 Ittelletl supply' may ha aoll - iinot4l the sltgia , • . advance in prices. Sine!: eat,tle root !nog ! T:t - re.'t ,toll anti 3111Cluingca, selling at ii um :, to 0 . ..„ : ~,.:,,, ~,,,,..,,, :. not good ay:asthma oaattle lose be eilloted lire , ! . • , . , ..it s is, s'.:. M e el the supply we. ' s Alut 4,01,1 tO ' 'll ti- , •lln'.onlllttl e j . 'lire donto3,l, nue IirOVO Or extra Sett:trier . .. I. I.a. tai tte:l it:onts tilito Steer.:;, bfouglit 254, or •11-i per hem!, tio , 1. ,.., ~,,,...,,,,,,• 1,,,,, olrocc 115(0 iturctrised lose ~1101_13 es - 911 to N ,,, ,1,,,,,,,,, -, ki s ,„, .1 01 lr, and e 3111113 operators small,' tat thou k 1 :4 5 ~.,, in ~,,, ~,,, ',J... , nut. the lOaCliarer nu _ lad have rya-am to - „,..,._ _,. „., ~..., , .. lhatik his ;Oars .1f he got Ms money Lae' ~„,,„, r again. . . . • . ' Ti ensnav, October The New -York-stock :quotations to-day, sire re as follows t Gold. 153; 16i 1 bonds, Vora' .Twentles, old; do, now, lie; Ten. -Forties:l)o4i la?;; 7.305, 21 Issue, • 10C. -.,segMlgan.Southern Antiroad, 9015; Cleveland & 'Pittsburgh Railroad, 90N; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne a Clitcagd Railway, 10'l;4; Erie, Si;, Westorn ' Telegraph Company, S'sy n ; Chicago es North 'Western Railroad, '444; do Preferred. 7 4 !4t t;htcago .1-It's , lslsland , 103!i. ,The "Materlal anti bneapectCii advance in gkatis attributed to political complicatlonA, aggravated by the renorts Of the President be . Ittg dlSposell to doubt the •conatilutionalitypf :;'Congress, as well as to the fact: that 6-51 bonds nre too much Inflated hero to a.linit of bh 1 remits abroad. . The CbIUMIIIO. Qil Com}inity Innounces, 'anarte.rly dividend of foutper cent. - The Co . tumble:la about the'ouly olt company , in thi, bocomurdy - that. has aoy real merit, and at ,rvresent rates, It Is certainty a good invest iaeOt. - Bank 'or Insurance atochg there ig 'hut little doing. • - 7-The Caec:toe froin -customs Ito • p's. up eery Coriatilerlng.. the o.4lvallevtl -stage of the iseivon. beau: for the week ending :loth $3,14,2,87 3 , Atli-heave lead tog roft.9_or sew York --.:Xo~'LuniYhlladclDhln. Sew OCI(S1111 and Itaft • toore. It Is believed thimw lib -allowance for • interest on the debt, and farther liquitlation of short hsans; the coin iialanco In the Treas - . Ilryst the close 'of:tlni year will opprOilinate 1111.00,000,000.* ,T)is daily Intense' receipts row - AtialFesouai.W.hut i.I.C2CCS.4 of 41,050,00 ii. has licen stligesteil that the goverifment shollltl offer the., now howls of I ticr. to the lie In exchange for the cOnituptut flu notes and Id_ so fo cash. -Ton proposal has been favorably - r entertained, and the report Is that sown eXtenstee transactions have already taken fil.sco.l, The Now York Pat: -of 31olitial exeutilgsayS the aggregate tie ioalsy ' Is eald to be about ono: and the whole rzhipUnt being, w? We 1e:.;.,,•1nt ex for! eCauptiand notes itsil I sove: _ . thirties, no'sales haviag been a•LOtt.i. • • • •--The- Chicago Trig:idle, or portsi notterattattnrs in that city .1, t_attiositati 'Notwithstanding tit° untrida , aat • • :doer, Whloh in.anteatirtre reo :lewd oq ,•.•' • ..;•.( ; eltlolol, there' etas an increased dt • ed. 3:110110r. at Most; or the tliseottoi It.tt Other relncets there wan no eh tita:- • their Market. TnoTtailks are otltl di,.-; tat'tat with welt:tat:peso that la. neither ao,-, •:. tai to - borrtiwor nor Ljeldier,.. and auto. tet ,tho,o tr,hott,e accoluitoclddle them to it, Inct neemaino:lntionstaight. There Is: eonsi.hieo- Me Currency beltur . snipped to itatertn: Jolt • not tO the extent that was dvitites•ted. Mot week - . Vieth To no change in the bon al tate.et interest. In tile_ open market grad' nanm, are taken at per cone per month, imd desirable signatures at LS percent. • . • —A telegram from Lawrence. Naturar, Tar 114110 7 ,3 of E. 11. Gruber & Co., of _L•tamt i worth, lotto helmily noon depodthn 0, ninit Poor families whO had small same on aerated:. - The itallura amounts tO about CIZO,Oth It. to Woe:tilt they will nntohe able to pay over thirty vents • the dollar.' It IPl' SmlllLttlit United States -Marsh tt had on deposit 001.14 .1 , _ , 00) of Govern ment lands. ' • • , The New York Shipping Ltat says t • ). • IleolLess exhibits no • improve:neat on far as the ag g regate of emu andel:it tronm'atlites I, noere nett. hut In view of the tl rtnater , . with heytolal ',teatime maintainel, mot the fact thateuriency "continuM.,tin esmss on the demand, the general market,. with lief, • • and there. all exception, mahltaln a Oral ft on t • It to verg !generally - remarked among the • trade, however, that price, of neat Iv Intl con:- - ' modttleSrlitgb as they appear, atlord - very situp ritarrtine Or profit . , no comparett troll 1011110 c I. Mom. this, - In emdie_etion math the in. staldhly of ralwes,, 11:1,1 t in ceo.lo.ieul coo ' suniptinti of r,ood-iotery oficat ft - demi, autotto ,the =saes. operates in no atnall degree to limit thp volume of .busine , s. 'l•h so (Oct'. too, explain why Untie is 2,1 ittLie speenlat lot, • .at a perloavelien menet . 14 se Alndttlant and aCeessiblo atmerely nennnol rot-, of littme-t - IL firgcnenillv . rimicro:oad - that t • et/else:awe arc to be again oVerhaulvd duritm theens rang omsion of • Cultt:tt,: , :, and the tear of I rulleal changes Mahe:tti haunch:l met-n: undauntedly h•tve rteitralmng eireet 10;101% purehneers. All the 11,11111. to cOli tinned ease in the mutter market, - the hooka anstrapitaltati flnalor It dialenit teeleitp the , funds employed, even at.' art", per cent:: wir lett • would corm to he' atamedication that prices of staple commotiltles are tot to he rel,t , tett less there .shovid Las ',ll. ainderial tieelitio ' gold, of whirl, Chard appeals to Ili, 110 11110.1,4 4 , eta preerpret. • 4 --' POW - TOO, Stock anti M :1 •Money 21f:tut. • • • ' [lly TeleCraph.l, New Tor-U, Oat. U.—Money .-ready, at 40f.',' percent. Sterling dull; at .10-.."4afie'lt•a. o:,1 esalted and decidedly llichert•iffiei•lng at I al, I ad irtneing to MIT,%, and closing at 15•'%. Gov .• • eminent. Stock, w.ithont demand ' !St,Yeiglatti. do Liverpool null. •• ' . • , Tau money market Is ea,l,:trl the ,letnaud • is not sullleterit to ab..orn all the. L.:Carl:up... The Reueral Tutu for call Jollam 13 4 _per but there anore doleg at on Governineuil. Thu market. fdll oft.l" " M(1 31015$ at the eleie wiu.n Wft , lllneton star!' n'iss itronnuneed to b.,a canard. f.du • erument securities barn been ,letva• tinring tile greater part ~/r lee , cfl l3t . ,•l , trl r b tt elote tile inarl:at won 31,3,1 i at 11te t Prude Pe,: geotattrink , beet 112' 'was t.eci-u , red t",!, ei00; 5-2 J, coupon: 1:4 1 2, 114;411314; f.:0;l3 e.tet toe. 18e14;• 1104111114; .e.utioe • 110 , n )104; 11/414-tegl;ter(3l, •10.410 eon. I&d, s ilff.)•,oll7; .Inly4lo,ll.f!?ql•Pg, - ,; October do, 11t.%411.5; De c ember do, 1 it,t,itlif May dm 1065,111,,:•,;11)11 . 2•• August do, 111.%u.Ildl;; Septetalbei do,tiela'; &loner d0,,1et,7,•01iie1.;: - . • latiacikallrin; Rock isisml, - 10; Nortie tt ern, 40%; do preferred, T02u.10, 12131.; 'To ledo and Wabash, 49; Paella, nn , l Great aVest. ern, M; Michigan and S. I'., t.tf';:tlo preferrel, .• 74%; Marietta and Cincinnati, pr.:retro tlt Chlcao and Al [of), - 161; Saar,: 1 olk; Cent r., 1 1 12 ; titi r c t tll Piltatearg,l, 01,14;01810 and Mistoe4npi Certili catelool; Messner' Sixes, It'd ; Tennessee Slits, 70%; New Iteatery Seven-Thirties. +at Coupons, Five-Tato ty Coupons, ',:i,113]..; d0.4'65, 110%; 'Ten Forty4Apupont, The Cothatercialts rtitinay article says of the Philadelphia lzdger`a sensaLirm WuxhiAglon tlispatudat !Class.° farsucceeded as to put up the premium about :le ' widen we pi calling tali. ntdeb below tbirt7.pectation or the ince. lual station - of the canard. The stunk. market contanneS active, bat shows collie irregularity • in prices. The, ',relent tendency _of speauln •• • tion,hmseveri favoraltiglior quotations. tiov . ernmenta are liesitallmr, and slightly depress ' ea, under the motor ax lb the, Prepident's let ter to the Attorney Generl. Ti;. gold-near , lag bands arc ,?.4 lower. Some • round lota of neve:ndltirtiestvere pee,2o4 tar sale, but la- a • manner untt by partten,whlell ju,tify thu - kup. position tliat the. motement'was merely u !tint to support the ¢oF l specula:Mond - Ited With the report. naltlded 10. 11,3,.y changed, Ou the rate wad •tit - ji4 percent.: • - tae Iftttel7 - •belng the genetint.. rate. Fore4lt coot:nue. dull, the firmness of g ,1,1 tendtoe to still furthe.r depre..4 r & ttotatta, ; The rates Ler.Saturnayt.iateatner are 11t Tilts rost's trios:sy article says: Till LOY.II Market Is Wlthottl. nntaworthy chun, Cfal and Dineonnta 5qT, la)th rather Flatare paper. Offering. The 'welt. tnarket ateaay, but dull. Government. are erre. Eth area e feverish, allehlgan hen. J, • . being the strongest mi. the list. After board the quotations were: :S. .Y. C. fludama, Iteadtas,ll.o.;,A'at, - Hu y. 0,,r ~ g ; C., 11,; Pet . ..urge, el 54. C, ill, 43X; prhf., 743.;; Toledo; 11. 1., MU: Yat'W4, lefs,y; .1.31. cert., ' • . The - atoek -market, at tofflast. open boaid, 'armless buoyant and fell o ff a little since tbc _ •• seastori. bar. soon rallied. There has tmen-a . largieshOrt Intel est created by the reettnt salt t In the market when Erie broke. There are tt allaalll' .01 atrong cliques In Ito mulicet., and Ilia Outside public generally believe la higher , -t • prlerta.? , eaer favors au upward inov anima stela ,ant . there. le notating likely to Imp .' pea:to pernauneatly disturb the rl tea. ileney.: 'Ohio et:nide:ties ...re 'being :Loneliest •• by strong partied who belle.) lst 11u:future of • LUIS 1.0111. , Pittsburgh - look a start_to.lay alter ' a I.OW[ stria( Of dullness. Illmois Central is , • bald Tory 'firmly and net offered to any extent_ at present quotatlona. `4. -• unto Certlfc. ttat, 33% Ct.T.I :t.;; Canton, : - .T f ,211,:.,:; c u mbertaad,. ay, lmottstiver, Ittltph.V; Martpoaa. 13!.;1itatit pfuferrol,..4o4:t.r.; :Mew.,Tork Central. I Ill14311(f;.,,; Erte al l ..s6rttr; e. Reading, fell t;ett t rat, Plici I: , 117X3 Illinois t:ontr.,l, • tiv,ts L2s!-:; liflobbota ' • Souttiern,9o49ns:s; .t:leveland - rittsb tl. h. 1/1544291%; Cleveland &Toledo, flock 10f1f05110Sla1 North, thesterno ingobrefetradj Tit,tAilj; Fort Wayne, lett;.,:tfy ,• : - . •su 4 lfgreatailnenlty In. the-way of-specula tors Is tit) fact that there are bit small noel:. I of leading goods' lb the tuarket, ltd egent4 will only aell ahead tit value. r(101 , 1011.311 00r• Sons damper 41iI011 FPIWOIIII,IOII. an tends to 1 tiaLgOCkla.relitm lava . [cudate:atty. Tint' J 4 Ulla 1144.15. more -Meal 1111:i 5 ear, and less affected by Speculation than ?-II aeveral years belbre. blot 1;00113 have-hhen kola at errs • retallellabierates: .ntamiall 4101111 go.ets at; ,071e-Italf cent lower thee le,tereay morn imr,' antl.nOW generally lteld at fa omits. T 111,01014 • In abetter demaad and all the goo.h, ill Inc ucar k o2 t,...,liy. Ore wanted at' these rigor,. s o me-flebter. tattke4 are higher tot,malte priced co apart. 11,11.111VCiy 10 1V42.1114t. 1 . 100 7 are WltbOut ehangti further than stint...boyars IMO* leis caution In tak Mr. 11,0 ..- few castanet -goods dally received by steady prices.; Drllito ere fairly. active, Kw:: c.lpat/y,fromsideruund 11001 jobl.tem leading ataast stocks and .10r :exports, Some Ica u lhg '. m orel Of tjelcs are rattler loner, hat o,,ther more le eorM414;111111 lhornlnK: .11th:tit - tsklrta are treely•fOr' the - leading, new styles, • Yhirenide and shaivlsurtr enOvintf treaty - at "LP ,:t.hAsysta lire steady and dn.- /. • , ° wiled -mill road shares clostal 'atnrinalorsidattons ut1..7. - sr,' were .rts fit Itlti • 1 .7 - 0 - 01(571,.grw., six;;„iim mon. Istf•ltendlug , id. itr • 31. S Vasi; 4;eutraSiV; • PlttablErgb,€l4l,7l: W., 40 , A1 1% - .. preferred, 1:50 Toterlo,1:05,1: •IL 1., leas:, Y.. W., . ' 11.0ertitIcatte.,337.. lEEE ••• 2'otcyrOl-C-i:IV-4 Arctober 11-110pti extra, ' • .473. superior. $404. Whetar,f 11 croyrs, tip • 1,41,4 spring.4o. v.40iki,,15. Oats, 2*llSLa. 3eyl recelfita for the pass vivo; ute trpdlly sac ' • op ,itaricy; was - q acted at Gaa the 'early parr of ttie'yrok, but has nOWldeclUted ~; _- 7! MIS ICiENTBAL LIVE-STOC ..11.1USIET pi., 1i.y.164 1-- I everthiZ. , I ....;,,, ,, ,nlty dni rag the :, , S it in burl air ta.lll- ~; t•t 01 t•iktle in r .Oltllo a.,1 ,V,..... , 11,:111,13 7:1 . 4 ~ ~:ie Ilorlill, ,tro,lo . Itl • 1.l• .. I, ~ ~ \ - t +"•I , : ;I , : hy 101-en:tan, wait Saco P.. 1 a0.173;;u9 • 500.0 et hel to al tur•l 1103. 1117. Market .i ,14, t14- 1,1111 la: , iF.., , 1re , U0 . r ','‘, z, 1 frol .0.1 I:. t, 5, •It , , . ~ t ~ :t:t , Ari!Villi, 00141111101131011 OrliVOl, dila it better qua, .. •5 1,.• 'atl/ 1 03.•,. , h I- t., 0.1 I.h; 1.0 hu -crate 1151,43 05 sltqp, pt lees etaaparert will, 111.1 t. • tu 1,, ..... „.; ' ; r,,::„„ „. ~,.,. ~.„„, ~ , i ~,..,31 , ,., 1 ,,,. : ,,,,, tatty he 101011a1 a Alatle higher. We 0tt0,....0 - ,„, ~,,,,... c„ 1,. p., ~ , .t, • , ~ ~,,,-, ~. p, th,. ‘,... 510 584 10r oornition to meKtuin, 1,1,1 sta 1.,,,, ~,,,,,_,-,,. T! ,,. A ,.... , :„, ~,,,,,,, ~,,, a c ,„„0„,,,,,,,,, Inc good to 1)11mo - fat tnntton ..10,1t. Y 02111414 „,,,,..lint •.f n“ :, . _ doing in stock Aileen or or ofo-.. The -I;her.o.t. 1,01 ; 110:t.0 ill,. 1 - i. tie Put-, - tevn . , ti,,.• -1. 1 o .t•. ....-.et 1: 0., Mau, 110ra • 1 'The transactions In. llogs.have heen 010,1 e, ~,, ~,, ~,,,,, ~, ~ , . , , -,, ~..,1,,,• 111,j ~,; ately 1.0-ge .11 the agur;:ljate, hot rotatt,,t. 31 ~ , , 1 , ••, 0..,.. : I ', 1.30 ~ . with la-t Ns eels. pt tee, are It. 810010 bo-aur, ...h.! . w., ~,.,. , ~„..1 ~, ~,,,. ~,,,,,,,,, I , tt,e ,11.011.0% 1 0e now (mote at ti, In 41n tor I.llr to pr.. , ,t; Cul 1.7. W. 1111; oh, v. - .30 del,...1•10.1•I11, II fo Itetto7 averape, Vile .Irove of extra. 3. ot 0015..1 ~, ~.,., ,i,,,.. ~,,,1,, , ~, y ~....,,,..,,, ~,,,,,11,,,,,,, '1,011:OIL 410,91, bitt 1.1119 hamlet. Ite . zaken a: 0. '„ u ~,,',.1it.“111,, , , i , ti ~, 0,0 , sra :a.0 14 t,e.11.1 Intl' r,:u. I,,tes or the hullhulll4;4. 5: , •1.1,5 4 lit 1,.. , Z •••01 , , o.::. 't. , . II:: o 141.4 4 , 4 I ' atrothri.o .7 11.1 , ..... ..0., , ! 4 ...,,,),-,- ~,xf- 1 ,. :: 1, ......1. 1....... t 1,551 S. , :fer. Nur , . t . .V.• A , r''''''• 1.,. 01,0, l;., o 1,1 , :Ai,: n•-01 ,, 1itt., 111 Collllls Lafferty 1 Ghos to !ledges. Oa 2.3.7 u ;;:.,„ 3 ,-,,,,,,10 -..t u 1 3 1 .; .• 013 t.".o_•. 1.t15-rly St 61•1 , -1 to lied:11:8. 192 -- 9 ~ '1 1 ept..i.ho •l . T -.3; . , ,,11;..- 3.3.101:101031 13 . .rl 1 1:.111elly .1 . 0.10 11.alligatt r .. 41 2.11 u .., ,„.„,„„ ~, , 1 ,„ ).,,,. _ 4 ”, , i; ,,,...,. ..,..,,, ~1 ., ,..1 ,01., ! 1.111.015• -a- Co., to 11 alley ats .. 110 2.7 ... 22 t r..ti... I r.••11-,..0- ~., lu.; .. t.: - ...; and ...vett; Y 1 I.:an-s-ty 6. 4,51.1. , 11-1. a,.... :',,, i.. .. !. 1 ,,, k ,„ .; i a t ,.. , ..„ .; „ ~.......I'll ; ~ ~, ;;;,„ tour boll Mot ... , ..h Lo 11,91,, , , .1 Co , * 9 - 1 '• '-'.., '.` - ' .le,,:ii ol ni,l 1. h. 0; u 00;11,10t• 11,1; ipt. 8..te01, i; to Itea_re- .Al ,1 - 1. • 9 '' .....• k• (100.1 , trill o. 0 0.,e 0: 1.1, t(So•t Butuilut“ 1 1,1 •." 1 " 0 ”. I', 11 41P -1 47 '.''''. '-• ': ' I ..i .50.1 1,0-•,.... ti 1..1 1 ; ../.it 3 04", 4111 IL Inc o -I.oltolfto tlat, 9 ; 1 ,•• ••! 1 , 11, 11 I.le. ,1.1 0 it LAVe Inn 1.11,113'4 •w•:I ll: 10 /4 t41.,,,Z. , .••. , :d 11l • • c10t...1:... . 1 , 0,11.4 11:101;reltit .7. Co.. 5t _:.111 11;0 q 33 3,,., 3,,,,,,,,..,, ~,, ,z,„ La Ifer t ' y to llook .4, Co .11.1 ~,,, to ..),• ~,,, ty,,, at oer ILi e 31.9...rinter to. Imhoff ~.. . 51.. 215 "I :,v, -,.,1„,...,,,,,, ~,,c,,,, s , l'or.er lo JUNI:n.9 ' ; , r. 9 '' an'l i e,1,1,, , 1, 1...1,....,.1% „. Green to 19.1,011' 'l • tn , .9 % 5 . here in that. r 0. . ,,.. 11111101 T to liiichrgidt: .:4 97. In ::1 1.....,-, t,,., ~,,,,... 1 11a ti hory to Inilinif 9 1215 '' %, , 1,,, - Cup, 1.41111, , ,-- that9.ll.l Ezra ;Porter. 1.111 Cro:.by to Imhoff 1 • ~...t J 1 . ,, II .',/ - ~,, „ R . ) , ~,,,,,,,,,, i .... , trieuns - cit 89turdit3' Unbol t llialmiao to Unbolt ' 2 5 7 _2 l U: 0 ' more tut!, ha 1 pal: 0 hict 3 land , l4lpylets should Bell to Gilehrelet . ' ,O .22'24 ' 2 ' ,o 1...., the+ in 11. - ,4•.. Ilawkln9 to Gilehrei9t ~ 4 4 44: 9 fa. 1 T,,,, A, ..,,,.„.. j,,,,,-, v,,, 1 2,,,, 04 1,5. „,,i, ,51,J . 114+ 151,19 to Odell fei,t.. ..... 1.: 2o) 9 :' , U , tr,0,,.,. s, ~,,,, t , ,,. °fa . 1 ., 1, , I , 1,,,..,c,,,emr,,,,, I Meanur to 011ehre.Rt.,,,..„, 102 255 .:I .4 ', iig tin, toil will he 1030.1 y 10 10,55'0 Ott Saint , Oicen to fledge% - 1, 95:9 = . 9 ,1..,.. , - . . Jones to iinhotr ~ 1 ,1 9 : 5 • 1 9 1 • 1 The 110111.0, hi 01a1111.11131 05 W. 11 g Piorst 9 l. 1, n Co :ow to 1.01.612 .4 .2...:, t 1 ;n 0,,,,... on ~,..,..iny 1,,, ~... 1:0.•.....,1 will i., Salad to Gliebreist - 91 set in ~,i 0,,,:t3 to, v...,,, I,lr 11514,,•14,1 , 011 , 1111,11.1.1 y. SOO IV iliOil 10 141141511.111' 1 ,, 2.1 ... e” 'v. 11l no toll to 0,1 eat 1 .;,• 0 e•ct. 0.120 twine Itin- E 1 ad' to Orr ' ' 'T ..,-, - 9 ' 9 ' me,' to pt. A. 11. NU-, _ L'otertY to Ott ' 2,4 ~",', - 9 , - , 1 v-4;lv, Cin,inn at/ e:.1011.-111111, of Wedne4- 11001 ins to Orr • . 1,7 4. " 555 :Iv: - (7.titt. - Jr r • 'molt, ha.. Ina . tak CO ~ C,ll- Ward to Orr 21, 4 : ,, ''''''.,' 010 011 Of 111, S. “,21, 0 . , 1 . ..dt emmartteo ' ion.: ing Marlon' to Or- - .•: - . 1 221 , 'l , th•e tot. '1.,: Orics,l iO. 11l .. !111 Mr: Spencer, Funk to • Orr . ~.. 1.2 .L., 0 7.. . fru-lowly tin, I: ol ill, Prima Donna, :nth, lt.7rOUTh.Dll ll aLh. , or E.rfrzy: ' .......ge or the .5111.0 rut. towt,oat , g , / I, '. Bulirr". A ., . A , P r fr ^ .. Mary 0.108;u: p.,..-t,i. op (lino ~ L!, . ball. toe L dfert3 - ::. Co. tOl/e3ser.. 1.44 ~.7 sen 1.,,,,,,,,,r, 3.aterilto. B,' illi ;two Itt tre, In Sloe. 110 ton to Raul 175 • 9., 5 .54 e „,„,,,,,,,,,,, it:to re rp.(15,1: Oa Oro, , Tito Velerill4 Leech to Us o,ny 11 ' I • !!'''.! Capt. 11.11,11 I.on 1,1,0 ;11.11t tilv a ,,, Derrott to•ll,9lgt•Q I 113e9 ...:. Ten remaini. 1,0 :15l1,1•• Le. ei ,tatten. 1. WM ty tooo4lo 1 , 1 9: 5 ....:, , 11,1.1, who die.l 1. cently of cholera, were In• 15,,019 to 'leap, - Id , 10 '; 5 , ' 9 !erred in .I..rinr Cole 0 yeAterday ' 'Captain YeCatl to 11.91ge5... .. .... .. IA t.. 5 _• 5 :...n 'lt. n l'erki advert 1 , 1:3 1 , 44•1 till 4131,11111 itgaihst '... Japan.' to hedges : ...... 1,9 I -`.. It 114 the J. It. OH thorn ' The thachtner9:„of , Chr isty to !ledges ‘-. l ''' - . 5 'E the Prima C0nn0..13 ad hortl.e3l for, sole. Co r ylt.to t13.0t1t4e.9 le er co tirirr of 1111.10.1ay sal,: 6 011414.1, 501.14,4 A"' enrols. 5 ~ 1. Tine ~,,elolol, l d a it:r nd ectors of tho Poo- Stem to Oweit Smith, 7.1 common .74,71, ipips' I.lnh of .hont3 had a meeting . Testerd v.! in'ernging. ILay it 444 - Gr. 4 n v • 4/44 4 Knl.” 4 . , .ut nlll.l.llthalothit una..1.11004 sentlmonvap .ow,n L' , ....tt. 45. 111.11.1 00031 steers, avertighig • ~,,,,,j to presuji twit, taelhoutptuty ,I,nnid 1 '13.10, at). Lamb tO•Owen Smith 51 head, Berl a• nut “I,, t hdret Ike track. 4 .1.1 01444 one boat, It'l ging 11 . :5; at 7.. - ils t honlll7, Wlll let kept i tilinln .5 11l order 110 11 .10 ~f tt,or to Marne' & Co., slabparl, nvernging , cheek I lo• efetteat plated advanra 115 freight - by 1150, 111:. 7i4. Smith to Corbitt.ss head or rem -,the 3 1,11 Line. There . 011119111 00140 AOlllO Mk-, inottion cattleirmet /who; 1 1 00, ot 8 , 50 . W. 1. ,7 7, I iniJerstaibillig betlrceri ~loo4nolslors and Uhl ; to 1 ' n .1 114 15 h eal °rg'''''l cant o,- '''l4h'.. 4l ; I .11,-C7V.,, Intl'n colollll4loo Of, SIC ,rag 011 350, at•I,10. I. rt nf to ,Nlchlare,i, 19 head, weigh• i pointed to 11115011ga:0 tno rotnirs thin 1 c.- ' log 15,4.50, at .5,40. ' • • . . port.pro.zi e.,s. ..1.11,mi to 1111derhrand, .19 bead, weighing , ......._ ..,...,..........A....,......................,, .2-1,125, at 7;...;. Smith ~ t . Co. to itlioad,.4l !mt 144.16111141 g 515511, at' ,81. Wta II zlO It - ".I.ir ' ' • TE.6. I vIBOAT'I -- • :-. . • 1.... • t orl 1109.1, U . eigitina :91,125...t .f.!..... , 110111 .V. ; ------,--,-. --- , Co. Cbridtr, 4 i Itead, walKlLinj .13,5U1, at 5 75. 1 IZOIt .(tiN(';‘,lN.l,7l 4.5.111,, , ,,,, , ,,,,.... 1 7' /.4 T"5 "' l ' !da Y nes S ' C O9 . IS 1 ” . ” :4d . W'/10- 1,, g ' .I. I s , .1.-300 11,L.E.-.Tho toe 0.tanter.15 , ...4.5....Zan :I 17;40, ot J. C.. It. Srattli to Allll, ..91 Load, II eigli. . a Lu i „ s r" - ... la,t. V.,:pErtrnril, - 1 Mg 19,675. tat 1%. IL 8. Phillipo to' ItlcCoslln,2l j ' . • ................. . It head..weig la in g,.., CO. Itt.rit4. (WIT to. Testhaw, 1, Wl ll l''''' ,''` 1I .1 e ''''''''''''" " I t I ''''' "" P" r" .l la head, weighing /0,050, at O.:. ,on ',AT. 1:11, 1 .1. • ' , . ,r. l'or fret••nt or 1, r., re &polo on 1.0nr.1 or to ' , .i 1'4 , 1 , 119 to l'owera, 31 !mud, w 0110100 •111.,05, at; 0..11 ' 01. t ; . 0. • & 1'..0...1:tpt . (11V . 11 ' 1 1 1 . 5 0e 11 "l, 1 r:% . Stapely to Worn', 11 /mail, we.l. , lling 15.. ,----'' ia ll i thy, 017. Itntrto Smun.ls/.11. 0 1. 11 . 16 ,L 5 . " 3 . 40. ' FO/t ST* LO L'9-'i. -The "' --* "--. 1' \liayard.toStn 4 th 1.2 head, weighing 19,70. at G. i um „ilk., ~,,,,,,,,... • , , 1..;Z.4.. , ... ,11 t . .rultli & Co. 00 rounook, 39 it-entl, Wettflling :15 , i n E „.„,,, , , , • ',, LO. Ikt ri. • 4'014. 11. Pier,13.,1 I banith A Cn. to EarlAman 4.1 hentl, NV elg:ltir, ' Wl'l I'', for ''''.'''''' ''''''. ll i''ti • ru,'" l.4 " p on !ql V ;13,.9; ; .1. n.r... 1 , it- ' i r i con .. k'rt . ILO .. Y. 1 .r, . ortl to /1.11 ey, IS Wu, ,-42 , I, I .etgaing 19,10n,,,,p, 5m ,,,, ~,, to ~,.?„,,, t I , .or . 111.1,1.! 01 14 , 1!, ,, , , .. , i phlv - 011116.11 , 1. or .0 ••• ,'t l\ t;•,4101," A 1 II Ili 1001. Nvolg4ll .* 'N' ' l CO. .. - i" ..* n''' ' LB''s----.l':-. ' . - . ' . ---g• ' ' Mambo, 92 howl '' ' 4 ' ,I•A at 4 ''' 1" t" ' '-: la , F 0 ,15' 10,4 -I „,,,,:, 4 ve. , ti•thltitt 19.1)00. at 5..1. Ault : I{'lll 441% , 1,61.7 f 15.-Tii a i ... 1 . : W..•, -- 7,l's; m . ;;; „. 1 ,, cn. ,,,i , ; !:ff.lattg tan, at 4;,30. - i 1 y,,e13,,r hte.7lr 1 , 4.- ..I weighing 9.1,550,01,4t4. "g,',";:„1:,,riu,Tnt,',P.'4,,,",,'..r9 MINNIE (..:.111: A. 11. .111.1 , 4, 1 1 In 110,1t1, weighing 17 9_, ,, , int. 19,... ---11.,,1r.V,Y-,•-•,.,'„' Mil 11.,.. 1 „ 1 1110 015.,y0 owl ail Lott riceillate r,o, i it, login,. 31; head, wellthi x tj 1 ,1:, -- ”" .11 --"' Ott 1 1 1 1. K: 1 1111: . '' .......„,, ~,,,,d ,s, „..__ _ ..... at 7- Huff to g.,„,,,,,1,0,,,,, pIAsIK , an , ly on 1,1,1 or to .gro .. 11,..). at 0,15 i '"")" - . , ~,•,,,, i . L ,,,,,,,,,, 1 1,0 I. 1.1". ki %VOW). &gent 11 ..:LI '•' tit • isarosaTi BY HAti.stoao. I 1;011, c,t 1110, ISIENPIIIS if ~1.:4771 Prrisstraou, BOAT w Txa a ttnto,,,j o t .. ~ •I A- AND NE.) Ot:l,l:,itsr.. Tn.: 110, ' ' 1 Ootober 11.--1 11101 Wheat. A Taylor; 54 h.. ~,,,•,, i I' . ...V' r . 1.. n" • 1 I wtoe., Shlnton At. Vi . tlacc• 7 team , ''. ' • • • • ~ e • 'r9 it Joiii.llll l'otirt.tt,' i i ll'et h at 0; -114 i kgs 19 do lord,; - :It It " ".k . X l' l ' A 40" n • '•••" ..... '' • .. di - Townsend; 51,11!1,, ,, f./.. the -tot , ,:11.111 All loteruiedlaYo portr.,, I 35 bar soap. Knox, A.. Orr; 1 car barley, Snroloe, ' 1 9 . 1 HI:, DAY, , ' ,l 4 1 • 04 . At IdeKity; 911613 eggs, Lll Volgt a. co; 4 keg . rm.:nigh; 0,. 09.•^_gd.i ant y}'. hrrr4 brio , I Lint, COO:. Ilro a eat 100 Ithls nom-, S Limbo ; 1 44,5 V I•a ,11 5 1 0 1 .1•11• 11 ,WO /1 1 , 5111 , 11l5:_ji ,t & Ill:1040 110. bllolilaker ..t Lang; 1:9 yIICIVI rag., 1 . NV ‘311FC1,1• 1 /i(j,, 31a ittITE.,... - 1.:... 1. ' 1 ti,,i,if re y ~tjlarlt;l7slbss . ehhB. 1. 1 151. 1. 01.4. 2t) ' TA 1 r .11f( 01:411171;“ 1.,..c1i-.i.i . " • ' i, "I s ~,ples, 3,1,1)1i onlcms, Ikg butter, jK I XT.-11,1,0,LE: ps , nl.7er , or 'li Sot:tit:B7 letr9 170 R, Binger 1. Nliniek; 120 030 i IS ..i.Y A tr.D ' ' (tow. fioonan 1100r.e., 1 burley, I Onngwich. , , . ,• L. tuve, 1•11t,ltrOt1 ; t 1 ; (ILIVELe.tc73 & PITTatteIIGH liAlt. ILI, t...- , Mit,: I,AX ANL. 711:115811AV ....at It 0 •ct0t1.... tr i October 11,300 tist9corn, Bricker ..t. co: 9 1 11 4'1 1 1.,,,0/er. 1.'ar1,.... 4 , • .'l I T00,11147e, II K Dalt; 18 1,1114 chain., Le:rnon 4. , •rt,T.4l,Ay a „, ~,,,, , .. •9 .ire ~• , 1 : ! Wlliirt IS4O do, IluUle7. Once , .1.51 71 (10 110, ! Fur t re t,„:,,,,,,,,„ . ....,r,1 .1 . ~,, 001151. U .!..7. ,, k 1:..314! Manatee l'fthillet; a bh/a once 1'004,1 It 1. " 24 1 =.-_-:..; 4: , --, .....-..•-• ".:.•.'. " r' "4"4l ',' hob. twines. In skeipothi, NV .1 Steel A, lit oi . 51 • . ~,..,;. - - '------"---- --- H ; ItxB ellettot,J Ito ittetd; 11 plign leather. 0. .1 McLaughlin; he I Is band, Fry. 81;0It ft. 'tirr . , l . ~ ' a 1 . 1. nSitta.4al '[ 11 eae olooniv, J Moorhead::: do whow,lr sva ~. , T.L I.ll.lu:otter, 5111111nger ,S. Khlwollt 1.1 okg. thlt, , &it AT - L • -ki IOI.A. ri, 1%, id 1J o.• Anutti; 15 On rto, nhomaker .4, L.trigt 9 do! . - • 0,.1 4i.t1i14 , 1441.11; Alan (10, W . ttoopor; 5 lo ail, ; ~,,,„.„, ...„, .......1 I '.,. .."' II 1 !'IF It OD,Z./0100 ;:ni IJXO 0/01 1 44 Sl/1101, JO/4 10 0 0 te• C0N1.....).1.1.410.1 1 ,E 0 "M, X -L i ..07 ,7 -.. 1 . 21! ( ; ect;•;.8; sin do, W 12p0het; 5:1 dr. dr., ,1 ti 1/1 h ort It . . ' ton xr.it tv'lioD & FlFT: so iil o 'S .( 7 o : . :.m on: 111.1,141e...1 1 . 0110111 3 1./1414...4 1 0 1,,,0 .o. 14 151. grunt 1 car ettn.l, Dart.l,,to & co; 92 hid , ' • q onanns, ,I: 'Cott. L - , - A1.LE.41 0 : 7, T. Si'sll October- 11. 1, 2 ears •• -.., .01 7111.4.0 Coll, ,r.Wer .4 116111l11,011Ll.: 410 ylll. M. 11. 1 , 1, . , l ' CAP it a 1 1 . 1 . . II ,S(41,1,61,11; 200 ..k.i do, Heiman:9 Pates 01 1 aro, ' Illceonntn 11),alty at 11A. at... !. .1. 42771tiy 5 4 1.0109 hope,R. l'. 1500101 '2 no 51 ", If 1 Wt.. rrorrien & Sontl do an, :Inuit.. 51 Danner, I Deposits receirctl - awl collections • ~. Ito do, linli..n Ac. 1:40.1 ear 0.413, 6111...1444 4 • • si u t,so. & 4,..,, , 210 00010 blitlol, O. rnl.lle. i m. Th ia c - u all the 'principal points ot bOreil soap Mercer A Robinson; lot enrol, Iron. 1 , • , _ .. .' 5 / 4 n • n i 7l Ci ' d ' Aul 41 ' Co ' ,- 7 "i t " ' "P '' 11° '' Ir '" .1 thei United,States on favorablo termS. tan n & CO.. /ear of wheat, It. ',nog . ,13on; 3110 , . • do..l:enothly st. M; / car. 'sleltere.tltoloht . Joe *fteeel... flour. Owens, Ikea A Harper; 5 , UNITED: STATES . SECURITIES , p t,ir; ....ax,„3l4.Kce .y.. co., a. _b... f. , 1(.. :: .- m—crii.c.,iii 17.23. 1 19010., ,1 ,John'lterbert; =T au barley, .do 0ar..., ...few- 4.1r1P 15 le, r urt,4, voropuor. -,.....!.... - , • -• • lk. r.yrTF.itsf)i,; ' vios.E.Ps if. HILL. 11 - riersurraoll4COLUXol7ll & CISOINKATI,LI2.II,., , . , Prfoyentt. _ , Caslsteo. Onttit,l3.ll4•24TCllttutZt.. Stewart-a Lingenhalmi , JOSEPI/ C . clUltit ~ Assistant car .. aii.r.. 00/41trinaleat Bono, Mccalloagh r sakub .t.:(;‘,., an ~,,.. ~,,,,,,rTnrvioN pial!..;9l.lNizEo. . 1 ,1 barrels. fintisekafionr, Hahn Jiialete.bb i 3O.Ja3lk..l .51...:.A.5iikaa !ALLEN foRKPATRICS apples, ReiLley- a-co., 27 lanai Oataf.tnrgeon A (711.1. Y. LOCIiIIA„T, r .Dove,,.. , . Bros_l pat - Pelt:h. ,Kaasi r0.,10 par vds ek, -as, j a•M „ i ll. k t a u te,'sl ' - ly'sr. s. u5.V44... 477. 11 , lit. IT g'. .la. lat.+ eildpeLsle ;. 4 , ..e.f.fistf) , ,., , ,01.. i... M.Z.1., 2 ' 1. . . IMO Mil !' • ,Inir4cl. ilrm; Cpro dull; wh!te, tiles ikt iurt st,trce.: Vror cotrce II;111; Ittol,o ~ ,, t et:l l 1.0 unr 41 Lill 0 . Whi-ky; 0„31 , ,1%64. .. -I . 'l' .l. a t. ot. ES ESE • !,2q•1‘..1:0' ll=OZ== =II= ==l , colon," w‘nu7l , ill Clnc:nnat.l or sonic- We did not. 4 I_~ IE~ sirucTim IRON vvORNA, LLOY9 & BLACK, KM • • mkbbr.KTUßCnn•or - Co )1t 1/14Re Japed charipai iniatet Bloom Iron. RANT ROUND and SQUAILE IRON., (RANI). T antI'ANGI.E IRON. EH. 11.ATIC and bill:Et LEON. • 'ER and Itß.kl•Elt BARS. ARII OR FINGER IRON. T ll.A.ll!..a,l•3'aand Id lb.. to toe rod._ : IdillT CH Alllti add art It FS for lame. • It AILS, 1'111::bed mail Countersunk... . SCIILICS:' I IttlSi•.• . . ' .S and Stllitta. . •ebouse. So. SY Water and .No.. II Marie t so. , Second street, EIRIAII Ward, . 1 .)° ,1 . 1 u1t , ..,... i r Wo,lol,4llltibilr. h.. , 1.121:Pi • 11 NOES STOVES AND ORATES. ki.t, rimy,' ovs wuo , IiEEID NEW ALIOKI NU It.a..Sttit.:6 are In• hod to call and aau lIII , ILLI. A t..O.'t SEW Cttalli i Nil RANG Y., at , il. TZ... I.ltecrly ,tech, where th,y will LI/11, dud ~; irplo., .I!i•Wvi , :f Otte an. 1,00.1000 cbatuelett tit ' sNitS, CUEING STOVES, rnIAIS & lIIITINO SIOUS, 1 V 1*,,,h Ijcitt,,:lF:irrnace9 mot t nundry Edoves. , il 1 ii.ONELL k. CO., 71 Id sou fact arra •of Idle celebrated .. uunini c`ouu. srovtas. FOIL C OAL, • i Awl' IOU& Oak fur Wood. .. '' ! ifp.;:l4 i.• 1 ! . - r-S1 kl! l ItO COS NM ,s Wdr 1( 1 rt • Nia.l4E S:10 1^1: lire/MA i , L. P,ETE I RSON,. Jr., . - /k .Marki,lactur/r4F1.1 Deilcia In all. alticl of Cooking and ileating.Stoyek • , 1 ! . CIO 11.1.01,15 .1111 , ARE, &e., 'Of 4r) . abIT :PATTERNS and STY 1,F4 WarellotisN 191 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, REST F. , • auZi IRON AND tl'yEEll,--illlitli-S r . if r I AN, AARE & CO., I 'LAIL sil~t~iw,:zcnYna Ur ails, Springs, Axles, Iron,' am] AND' A. D. STEEL, MEI 4 1TT51111.111,31 . _ EEC 'l;"'n.ier Eat re, ot. le •1 A4LSI.3.NAIL GLASS IVOIRKS.• • - TO f ' a_CO or CO., • pt..0.c...c - rtca • AN GREEN' CLASSIVAM I Wape, notlies, • !DEMIJOfINS..CARBOYp, otqis Loss reliCe Me, PA. Orr I'ITTCRUIIG It, VA. !i_ wey s 'al, ovare. of it, above .leettli.. l jirlAll or. ere vrtouptie ettebilt.l to. • li V 1,11,11., att!, :.,tl , Ltt pelt! to pits - att. lloalde. • , 'T FriLury %conks,' . ; • . - 21.1eLEAN &; SIATO • \ • No, S 3 I.lb ; rty oppos . ite cif\ i OABIN - ETZAKERS' HARDWKRE. 1 , a , . trot, Itailetewl, awl PM' ':iev!ture: Poreel..l, Itvl‘tvad 'anl Vaetleee: tility hitter Butt Madre 1 statelrttraalt I Iscg zadirous, Saet, Ac. fLIPPIN6II .&,..111KEAVELL, . • I.\to. 118 Water Street, i.,,,,,,..6......;,. Or' rArvii onyu ,, if, • - . ' • l'A ENT TAMI.F.RED ' • '-, PATENT:W(ITH ED cittous. r..6,'m CLAY. MILL ANp cuouskirr , , 1 2. H'. w. , ,„,..„1..... J•in. B. Tuaxi:Th.t., 011..V11.11.. 110!LIEII : 114'01 . 14.5. ,/ , iIogROW & BARNHILL," .• I , . . .. M , A.SLT/ACTURIMS or fitoaln Itoiliaru, Olt Stills, Agitatory, Teeny", t , Ult faux. Gasoructorp, Wrought • ' Iron ltridgea,Sheut Iron I I' Work, Ace., air., l, CABERTY AND SECOND STS4, TTs n via G :B. Pd. ' StuN° OON R PROMPTLY, mylittei CORNER I. is-a-impAl :6,1 1. .. . .. C. V. (IIIMIAM• icIALN 111,41.111 NE OftliS. ER, GRAHAM CO:, '! • Guilders and Alachinjsts, ImAxurAunnaclui OF oil • • sngiues, Oil Tools, Andeverything neetnienry for Boring Oil %Vella. I . .rtikulnr att.natlon paid to YlLtlttiy upohtUsig I'olieya,Mrl, , , de.' Adrian. . r C. IL. R. Ai-116 g . 7k3.6 x 9. Pca r . 11.4A•dlitTG I . ll>. P. .141:411 NOE'S WORMS. . • • ___. ii FIIL EIS Eugiue 11E0E1, DOLZ....IASSIA Pataasr...illr/rTLIL OUR. , IIU C M. soLe. & cg, F 01. 1 ,4 JEI:n, ENGI NE BE 11.1lEILS Flanniarturcra of CTEA3IIII./AT WELT, ENG I NEE, IA lE0311)TIV for Coal Weeks, all kinds of L . andand Merle! ICS. UlNB`l,ma3 to order. From the 'well earned repo tattoo of tee Manager. Mr. J A5l t+ L'Agi S. we hope to secure. share of pm trunage from ntraellsoat in:lidera and otbereartn og good machinery. Our also will be to ali tenet in the It. Iliallurr tor IF ceinptrasa- Ge do n, and tel do It In the thne we sly. All kinds of CAS 1 LNG: , made to order. Itepah log Maehinell prOniptlf •1i41,41ed to. We ran torn a kli.laaft 23 feet ang. and tort or Vint a Pulley Z 3 teat diameter. 4/erPhop toh Duquesne Way, near the Point. r atop ry cat lliird street, ' near Mart et. Pitptslo:9mburgh, , • a.l In • -••••-• EZLACIL 1 1)LOIOND earrznEsza vcrcrwarcts. • PITTE111011(111. PA. • I. - I PARE, Bit(Yrn do Manufacturers of BENT QUALITY /IF.Y1.1411.1 ) OAST STILL. 2410 are, }MI and OCW(011, Of OM Slid. warrants equal to any Imported or manufactured In Ws coon Alirovaice And warehouse, No. It 9 and 1511'11 . 91.w - • - St•colsEl attnets• VilLithurek 1= JO A. I, H.FIGit .../ ... :: ...................WY. MILLSSI. 1 ItiguEsNE AND WEST POINT i-f 1 rtk,N roRGEtt; PITTSBURGH, Nana., WILD/ IlfaelOre all'ulasaes of l'or/Inga, vial Stratnl.olll. Shafts, Ersints, Piston Rods, ,Levers, Munn 4 4.11 toWrlsr also, linilrond Axles, I,o4oinlii Ire F /awe+, aor nil , /Rare work. The un.lergir led a myl n,/ he& n /0 ninny year/ engage.* in inn baslnEu re pie unto! to :111rnieb 1/11 Order/ entrust.' tb thtnn /10 Vrompinalli scidsVAP.V.e.qi mon ai l L till :rA , 3 PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. AINTER & SONS. )IANIJIFACTURCREI Or Iron litneket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, • • •Ir PITTSILIURGUI. PA, w. D. Butyl 1. P. COLLNA2I lit . IgEILLE STEEL WORKS. • T , LpTTOELYIL dig C7CI. : "! Ilawatamiers of CAST ETICiI..II3IIIINI.I, WA)" 31 S A- Lip!. IiTYLL; CROW SA- kotoo.i p Ito as W ro. L ATLII. (op slain) ritutwrot.: P.. • ~•19 EVERSON, PRES:IC:Int& CO., irEavrisrLw-a.47.4 nacirr Warebo , Fes. US &Rd 1r Vint Mcnianistada House, rlitalmrsty j.x.d, ! FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK ____ CARRO•L & SNYDER, 111 =I TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED, TUBULAR . FIRE ROE & CILINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL, STILLS Apit• OIL .TANE., CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND,Asill PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON-- • DENSERso I - STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON HRIDGIN, PRISON DOORS AND COAL MUTES. Olios wild Works, corOksr Seroud, Thlyd ' • Shore 1.4 t Llberty'Streets,. • Pittsburgh, PenusylvaniS.• 84 -0,,, • .ent to [ha aboro addrelot vrill :be sel-lUd4 --- . • SREFFIELD STEEL WORKS SiNGEA;NINICII Bt, , .CO - 1 • . ..... i MAN CTACI I / CDIRS OT BEST REFINED . CAST . STEEL - [WAKE, FLAT AND OCTAGON, OF ALL SIZES. '1 MILL, ](tn.,ty,.cincuL.A.ll, Ii•NCI AND CDOSA C. 1.7" SAW PLATES. • ; ELLIPTIC A2ill F EMI-ELLIPTIC 2 RAILWAY SPRINGS, . Cast sartnii- Shia, !. • 'cast and German -Plow Steel •PLOW 1Y . 1N , t1.1 AND '3IOWKE Wits; •SPRINGS,.IIXLES ANI/ STEEL TIRE, salwEi.. ROE, PANE, roitic TUE .OLEICAN I . ( ciloW-BAlts. So., Sc., sc.. Warehouse, W S 3 Water, St., Pittsburgh, I..eatt:kl . _ • IRON AND NAIL VORFSI LEWIS, BILLET, DALZ ELL & CO. kgI:FACTUREIt , BAR BOILER, SHEET ACX. IST X) MV.. 3F176.40)114 - NAILS AND NAIL RODS. I • Warelio9se, 73 Rater & 90 Frunt st.i • PITTSBURGH, %.e24 AS F,ORS YTH'S: •• • STANDARD•SCALEL c>, Copying Presse rs..Tadis, Baggage Baretits, Sittgae Mills. ilaze rousTTii, TAI1.4)11 k Co., MAlt IRE r. DWA:I IE. B. WOLF, JR., & CO., • • 1:1 1.-I.ardwo-re & Cutlery. Are now recelvltkg addltlovt •-• which Is it 10 Ikalt•ri at. =4l.EFrmaißi..ra - Corner Liberty and St. Clair St., . -32 lurrsisuut4ii wramitmoN, CIN)K dt co ' MTN ' d . W.401t2 TU :O 7cB. 131)11 , A I • Matratattlrers of at ht reaped I••at , .Sttn,' , , ,, ••• • Flat an Onotron. of all pile., a. Flatn „A,. wad dbent Cntt Stet. Cast "wt . . tut 1 REAPING AND 101VtNti 'IIACIIINES; NTCEP,I•LO TY WINOS, Mr Ira .ti ti, )1:1 L • CISI'UI:AIiM• Cost amt Common PloOgti and Spriklg *teel untie—Cornor dr,lnt. and Faris etrort.. ....1,41.1 atxrve the dittuunKalLela sendy_l_ .. l' • - . tist:srAt i•rarrrtrar. orICIAL Al/it.it , ... itEUBSI , .1, r A WI, / 1 . 10 P:E. ' lt F.O. IW. IJA Ult. r.t.1.1•L DUFF 1 , CH A . . PARKIN. CRESCENT STEEL: WOB.D.' ~. • MILLER, BARR &.. PARKIN, . bootryr.crcurrscolr • • BEST QtALITY , • CAST -, STLEIL, I Warranted. liquol to oar, to liar .31ork• i ~ either thilporittl or of Domestic. i 1 :Ilannfrcture. • . , SPEC/A6 ATTENTION rAllt TV itt • -NE'TA , ST AN! , 1,1). eaKEL.. ditto°, 38 Wood Street. 4N . trr. CIiAMEI itorEL ..iituil:so , . Virrrileroll.:lu.. Iht.k, 1.1r.6.• - leli:,1;0 . .. . , li . irr. - 1 . • , .• , . • • • . 'FORT PITT - FOUNDRY. -: . . CELtiLES . ' KNAP • NEPHEWS , # . pActcnaafi 07 . ,HEAVY ORO:VANCE, • 1 AND ALL. KINDS or HEAVY CEBTINIJS; Speattratentlonjetl4 to ROI.LINO NULL With BLAST ~ N I ACH IN F.ItY Lod HETOICI". :, . itzrA IRS attended In tiremellftr• • , . ' As hetehofore, the beet materials will always be! deed at 101. Foundry. • ' tiacielt disposed or our old patterns'. we ore pre-. , ,pared, ;with le LW aNe itiritoVehFetter° , con•j .eructed', under the saperrielou of Ur, kits rot'. lei furnish NAIL bIAIIIIEN ES et short no n ce . - _ Jiicii ...,.. pE'TOLIA MILACIIINE , IR. S. 5a39033.^1", • i , . I, NYS.. Xi Oblo Pltregt, AllOirltatti• '- I - - .. , .klanntanturer of 111 MOVED /AMINO' TOOLS,: AND PIXTI.I RES' USlit) IN SiN KIN li OIL AND SALT \% E L 1.1. Yarticular attention Wilted to Ids ,Patented proviontnts In Jars!and Joints, made of Juolatla, U. S.. and Low !four lron. In •Mdard sites. and' numbered; so that parts tan be ordered by Mali 01: W6 4 " .2.l','fr r ' ,, d it oa rt a pe S s, Pe a r s=s a ,L, " :LP :,Iffies.s . l r ti those who may w h istr It. Ha l loos, and utarbine siot V, Made to order. Orders by Mall protntly atliliillmrlo, I am prepared to grant lloonses to otber manols, tnrel• tar attic trooroventents on liberal terms. hoi• 17 Allearneny d . . th ' 1 Jelnull3 _ 'R. 11,1.691 r. ; NM. sew.. .7.‘olll4ALLsrs '— JAS. r,:it'irir.l yALLEitSTOVE_ WORUS. •..., - 1 • • • - ALLEN., PeI'KEE..& • 061ce 'arid Warehowie 301 Liberty' .• ,opposite beialthaeldi • 'l, flannfactoren • great variety of WOK; I'A 01.01: and II EAT I .rtt bTVVY.:I, ionnag whin!. are %Ile eel . l ebrated Allegheny and lionitoy Coal Cooking BLoves; also, the AtthneratandSeutthel for coal or wood, and the onrthalled tiler or the .groplre, roi wood; also, Amt.., liratee, fenders, Sugar Kettle!: and Hollow War generally. snll9 A.e1.101.1f.T.L VANKIItA i N. BRADLIIT EVNA STOVE .VVOOKS; A. BRADLEY & CO: I s....s.nrascture ecerp variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES . Axg.,,, wtten are the Celebrated ItiltEiCA, TIMPIC and Th.LissiAN (Coal Stores;) /'OMAN A. S . ET IItA.N and ILIWNSIDES (Wood Coot strives.) Also mincifseto re • I.;IIATE 94 ,'GRATE EIIONTM, 011100 Witreboase. corner of Second and• Woo streets, Pittsburgh:* /Entrance on Second street.. T aCIXJ Al. STREET, Pittsburgh, mmnfacturcr of POI I:t. ft I lIIV ETS, W BOUGHT lIVIILES, -e.0.m.. and rdllrdad of ever? aserlptlon, . Part oiler sized or abapedrrolkes and ferrets, large' Orarda I,Made to order at abort notice. A good ae or m tootoatantly - , ILATE DISEASES. . ; TMYOUNG. (Woof ThlCd s•rret: trusts all desert pt out of Fri Tate itteeases with guparelleled success. • Vast feeler attention paid to Uptu DlSlUrrhocn% an!: dlseashs of the Witmer t/egans. tree' went fet the setae talag toe • most succesent vete employed ne gives boue. of a speedy cure to the fat e/ a d Ltulles wlllllnd his tirunteaaitogae super i or to an, ether preparation for removing uh.truetioas to the. healthy menstrual good. To 1. ltetel Deng, per b o ub.q h0..4 which 1. four three,. siren er, nod d.sliftled for obstinate eases; isofise. Des boc 063eb0ur56.6. name X el, X 'oar w • Add ens, with. stamp. .1./e. AUUNG. No. 7.4 ptlr•latrt.ei'.l Ail Pk:TS-7 VALI. OF 1966.---Ncoef . 1 ' l'' ' - SI ',Fourth' Street. A roperbissOrtatoot al erevtlllog lu tirs . Llvvcc tt tool at the lowest take theissmaet will Hircrelitßai 00,110 CAN BEALTHISUS4 ,Ot , ). Tor Two Weeks fa r t 2 Zigt B ItN N Z B IZ I riNe. i p3Larket stm , $9. I~ . , • I ON NER CHARLES C. 11.114SLtY, Produce and Commission 311. 1 E - JR.C131. 1 .. 7 .§i 9 L • I Wholesale dealer in EVERY VARIETY OY-PRODECE. LIBERAL CASN ADVANCES illade. QUiCli 8.11.E 4 Z. PROMPT RETURNS. • . rtr,rgln ti p. 1/1...W01LT11 S. CO War . ebett o, vl. I ' Iberty Street, 3.1 , 4 V 1 I. 111.1. WitiTTi-.1,7cF.7 , * L'lttelm 4/11. MILLER & PLICKETSON - Wholesale Grocers, • 1 . ...0 Li 13IPUICZEIN,01, BRANDILS, WINES aND CIGARS, N 65.,, 221 and 228 Corner of I.ll}erly and Irwin Streets, PITT4BLIFICI4, PA. IRON NAILS, COTTON, YARNS, &C.. constantly on hand. BREWER BURKE & CO., COMMISSION NV.III .I IISISI A (..E.NT:i FU, TLIE • Ysi:ii t, Clc.be and Liberty OlLlVotks, Arni:.', , tort.ge for Cri1.1. ,, ...uk: Celine , ' MI. 1140 . - t.l •••.:1 :of raw', [Lad, •in c..m:gnments of Croat or 1 l . t.ote•m K./L• . Lawgcncevilli!. . and Wa.:•••1."u....1.'0n1vt• of. I)ipv.it•sno Way Owl • 1(0,1 I AUT. VEI!. larrcliAarr, 11. 0015TISS1014 ILERCELLETS, LND V1,L1101 4 rinr t Graill, EtTas, Mill Feed, &c. =UR r u!to Lt. rn A:M C. LEE, Succeniur to ALES. UOItDON CO.3I3IISSIO.ti AND FORIVAIIDING ' :...econ.l *free, PitArburcb, Arl-Arf . v. for tire and i order.. pr•o-opil . to;SI•lrel • l'S.Nittl, vi. I )11 - F;N:4 - 7 h. q uall)li Li. AlLl'lat, i " Al. c iPilt)Ti . . 4 I 7° , I 0: i ITN! No., %olio l•revistoos end 1•t....i0re RM.! rrit•.c• St , . 1 ,, I. LoP it At, opposite list Inil ti :es Pei Ag, I 1,.0r e. }. lif D0m0...11 A Sl,' hi5r0.r.0.... uUIF ITS I S. • tV NE3/YEll j: CO. • L ' YEEC2ANT2, £, , t. I ,1,141. 111... t .• ts eg -t,. . _ ME ..... ............... ••.I 611 k COIVIISSe I GRAIN H! o p I th o l at! ay a. : , :it.i . r•no POTTEII, /-I:i.EN rILEPAIID c o m:.,1,/.. 11.4,Lant6, nun cfc—Jers In Vorksga 11.1•Lts nvse, k l• ..• I it El/ / . 1 'll .•. • . . .. . . • . mITCI3II.II ‘‘,l Al. A'. rl.Ei_';iS h.. C.D.. .Itio. ltitS - T I 1.1,;1y itr• •t, Plt f..,t.,tltßit, Pl., TN nol,sale tiri... r...,;...11.,,A0r,11...1-r.,nt,..E.ldeAlt.re luC.llr.• kr?!fl.:Ti:''"'''t„.;','l-I`;'..• I'.t.!''‘'''!s,-.:Z'f.:"kl?t,l'Ft§:: 11 - .. f a mIl.l I,rl-1. f , rl7lE. Ml_7,, : , ..,It r.r.tll.:l:ms..._.jyti OTIS 511¢1,1113 ?; h)/11.2l • LOIIIIIULeteIiOII ~lc -..• ,tvl dealers In Frollr. Grilu and t'2o .,.te, • 'tree% Picesuurpli.l • • Ig . row; In hied. rarllenlar attentton d lOU, ^ran? Alerellandho, geuerallyLffO:ly_ ErTl.6, • tiA111.0• Gc I'A TON .I , le:tele en,nr, Connntsalon Merchnnts, and ",tts,” In Produce. Floor. spoon. Cheese. nab, gr t., a g nn toe; :int.,. Glass, Cotton 1 01111 tv.ufsciatva generally an d-11•1 Second sin et, Yltttlnigh. • .... J. b. itIYtICIL WS, U. nlTlhttn. 2.11011],it .t 4. 6111.05., (filOCcessors to A nd, ,,, 0n;) Wholeinle Dr.alers in Fne , 1r NNa::! Spice.); IN.,,,tion,ry, Sugar.. 1.4: W ova littNet, r. Imnr Filth 1'111.•,11,11. ¢Moi. AL, SON, Ceskiluisaiou l• • 11ER{:11.ks.r::.ni,11,1frs In I , LOB It, BRAIN, MILL I. ES .D tel gecerallf , No. :9 Isis-mood, Aileen...Tett - T. • - . • I Oil N 11.CAN1,1ELD,CoalCilliSR LOU and Forwarding Ilerchsut wad whole-8.3u deals . , In Weal , rn Iteserse Cheese. Butter. Lstd. Fort, Ilseun, Flour, Fish, Pot and I'earl Agnes, Bsleratuf. 1.1,,eed ve L t ard Oils, Brie.] Fruit, and Product generAlly, Nor. lit and lid Front street, Flttabo b D. IMIT ' J - 4411471. MODUCEi Ilennull , alon and Forwarding ktsrognots, and purchs..l•4 Agents fr lt Pittsburgh Usatiractutes. Warebuts,, L ib e rty rniat.4lllll...PS. JOHN 1. notag••••r-trs • gge ; 2f 011 N 1. 11(113141: t Bll.o.g.,gocces ! u hOliB TO jUIVC 1:•11mrsr. A Co., Wtoistsle tiro. •11.1 trammishlon 'Merchants, corset of Btultlis ! o,ld and tester streets, rlttsbnrcln. fel° I MOES DALZELL SON, Mono ity 7acturcro of Gnat 011; and Commission Slereluntz ibr the parens.se and sale of Crude and Rennet in. trolsurn..Nns. eA a.q4.74 %Vat , street, IPlttsbnret. Ad nolo:a It on Consignment , ~CltOnAlkElt .15:1-4.,NG,Wholesa le ers Uroc'erlbs, Graln Produce, Pro isions Flub, ebesce, Setit. Carbon VII, Nos. 172 and 'l7l WoW4 Street, none Liberty btrerts rltl l b ,ll glls Pa. ' sel3ay_ Oiltilt S. 111,1 p " IILA D MIETZ11;411. OVoceys and Colntutilkluti Nlerrhanie. gml dealers in all kinds a Country Vro.lol sod Pittsburgh Manuractureas No. e Lead of irF ooti Str not. itp.l.lF t f he ° sale h Floar, Lawn. Bacon. Lard, itutior, needs, Dried Fruits, on.l VI-wince generally, lt o. IJ 3luket htreet. eoriior sL First. rttesuurgh, RuuCßt ............ F. 5/11,011.1,,,, R I)ALZ ELL CO., Whole sale Grocer., Commis:nail and ForwardlngMer• 'el:ant , and .idalers In Produce Ind l'lttebtlrgloMllll. sal utt or. O. 'ill Liberty street, Pittsburgh: J011`! WATS ]OILY ATT .14 WILSON, Wholesale . T nictrY, Commission Sterchatits,'and dealers In Produce andl'ltisborab Manufastares, No. 1.5.3 Lib erty fltreLl. I.l.4llbUrgh.. 1,1 A • Willi/I.E, No. esa Liberty St., A, Pittsburgh PA., .Contzul 'Merchant, mud Whole,. le tearer In Country Prodtte alon e; tirocerina mei 'Pittsburgh: ettanuroturn, . Cash Advanced on Coto mull bald for Vrodune generally.. au= .1 AA1 . .4.11 , 131%.: LiETi LO., Wholesale : , Of oO t W 1 ,:i!,';',,LT.%7'.".",ria . "F d r.tit" I t" Pittsburgh. OJYIEL II Ll•IL - • L.. { - Orli ItT. I 11. VOS(iI IT & Co., Si, ccesso ri 4 • U. ki rxtf. P:radtsce Commlselatt .11eZ• •:1/... '247'1.111,1.v strea, Pitt sburgli: W I 1.,. Isuccceenrto ) . Iteil'er la YinUr N.' Grain. PrOINCe COMM/MOOD Item-S.ls No. 351 BTILZET, Plttsbiga, • ' • fel:ly 161 i N r Loy r, ' Wad. rLuit , }OILY FLOYD - Si. CO., illiolexate G , N 0. 170 W,00•I 6 , 1 210 Übe rtY 1 . 11.20.0 rah. • . .211 Iva Jon,iiiurron A. WALLACX. SIIRPTON Br. SI - ALL/110E, _Whole ..ie 1.:11.0CF,IlS RODUCE DEA GEHS4 No. rt,,lxtln AND P , 1,11 STEAMSHIPS P,ALTIIIIOIIE .111,11VA.N A S'r EAM. J.- , aUIL . C.M:D.A.N Y. &LtX. BROWN k. ,UNS arneral Arent,. P..lt N W OFILLA INRECT, t,ALLaYL4II THE UNITY.[) 51A11.. The Virst-elaAi:ittetuashlps °Mit line folioers: IS A 1 103 tons, T. A. Man; Command, • ..1.1111.1iTY•-1;13 tot., Wet . ifollirm,Compaarttler. r , AT It LI A l'. I.; oVetulia , Teem BROW 's WHARF, YELL'S POINT, At 2 st., prvciaely. t on the .1.9... 200 0vv , i• For freight of paiottn, having uttsurpusoed ar cottunedathois, apply to • 11.e.h0.Y S. CO:4 Agent., 16 brilarg ilAhr. 11.—No of Lztltug but Wow of the Combs :ly will be 4lgned. l'efittiLei fur the freight must be proeuvrorrow it office. No frelght received lair bills of lading eles.l-.1 on day of .11Int. anll.ll • Cat (11 , ALI.E.I.IIIBN.Y. PA.. ee istri--sultl3oaVYFlCig. Aa.astV.d. RELLVI:OPOSALS will be re ceivd ibis en. ft!r . ntrxhatl , TWICiTy rEit CENT. 'MUNICIPAL BIJI'Irn4 or said en,. mdturtmt In Vat WI; Irrin and tr.l. Illds to 4e inarlien •••rroptiate for llnulelpal 1.10n,1, ,, Of order if the Caumilttre nn 11. MA1:1 , 10111uN; CUT Tilmarcr . ISZEM lkill'kTlTYll,lgAl STNIg.I4..IcCorIV.AS4 Paen:tub. • Mout), LOILII Etlver:Plates.! I" ' °u". I'VraZieUsk= oth ereLflrs C W, b ..13. , .11 ' e5%n0t be clef Ivere.l veraotts - tra.M.- No .ht.b. c" "mb b .. 7 . VirlLl.l2llNrols SPIUDIfi m i oo or •,..? 4. "" 19 U .. h " . " - JR. ' ln immix arrisiag far saki try /I.XXOXII fon price*, (.IeNNIONt LUNT, Das.-}" • INSURA.NCE. S. W THOMSON & CO., Second Sloor. Ilarke , s 8a1141.11g. ocx'Fourth gat. l IFILE, LIFB, RAIN% BD 4CODEII Link3Cl EFFECTED IN FIRST CLASS COMPA , ..IES, at fit rrates. Losses k.qaltably IWO:mud and ytvraptly pats!. AGENTS FOR .7tl"li'tumg:lirlttfo rd. Ct. • .01serclnegeeumpany o f Et‘rtford. Ct. • of non. COIIIICCOCU , t Fire Insareeee C omp any, f'l,el27.ngfand Fire Insurance Com y M.4llext. ford. Ct, • INSURE YOUR LIFE AN TIIE C.IAItTER i , A aLI FP: llpldUltali ,, LY CO A NY OF ItAliTYViali. COON. comp y THE ONLY LAY a ilit.lkettl2el.vore etiteeep... AM 4KlLiCtltiliPromn lirat and tail , mibm.L.4 eCAgeatiof premium. .3 CAbli CAI ITAL., an tee iiitleelatel:neooof C.,ooo3o.rut.eilseafeeßnze.„ ti llll7ob2r.ialin.toithtli no.. in ita imb year of bnalirsa..a.. re p e ,000 0 MILLION trAolL.M.To‘irbrinatruoetilA:; 'f%iisrtlger‘alltingtr lon h delib ° f; It a d .Pet:ILP 7/Lb th'ilsi'P'lfe.slrel.of this Company are mt e psf:l= lesson of non-paYLLPIL If u ri nd .r se t e n Y pOti r eleli ' cUtgifro tdTbniugPllfe. YTlClVetdent% • jbf.CB.. PaAtaalateeY'Vlooter„Pretioeut. 5. WitITE. ere p. n imtennia, *- Brandi °Mee for {Vattern I be fbrebabbi LL...; Circulars and blank APPIMIL I 92.:L. 6/4 Flab street. rittsun. - s •eente wante' thrughoßt. itcr_biata._ Appl e ,. to oc2Mly FERE AND IIL&BINE • INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH_AMERICA PHLLADELPHIA.3 = llartford Fire Inauranee, Company ei.setweo. & t ime(S. • • and Protection ears anibese secured in the above named reliable Comp. . W. L. JOISILSTAIMt. Water ,treat. {AP -) MI rENNSYLV.eLYLi INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. omee.Bl Tina street,Vank Stook. Tf.l. la a Home Company, and lammea aialnet loos ny Fire exclusively. 'LEONARD WALTER. President. C. C. HUI L.E. Vice Prenflent. ItGIIEKT Treasurer. Utlciet.avELtiKsY, beeratnry. DUISCTOIIni Leonard Ws/ter, George Wilson, • C. C. Boyle • 'Evans. 'Hobert Petrick, J. C. Lippe, Jacob rainier, C. rielner. losisli John Voegtleys JU: " A. Ammon.. Beery WESI'EILI INSURANCE C0.,,0F PITTSBURGH,: A LEKANDRIL'hILMICK, Brea!dent. 7:M.CI;;N:VgiIiTAVVEIfdIu...., i f . t : _ abllee,La Waier atreet,lipmag 10,0.'11 W.:O:Am op atalre, Plttsbn:gb• - Will laattre sat all dada of ?Ire and Marine 81st a. A home Institution managed by Directors who are well known to the co :annuity, gild who era determined by promptuecs and liberality, to main tadn the 'character which-they ,havesasstinted, at , 4- fcrlng the lAst, protection to those T ho d.i.r.,to Ise insured. DUDICT, ORS. • Alex. Nlrulel, - i - A nd re, Ackley, It. 111.11ur, Jr. • , David H. Long, James McAuley, • I Bees I",_Thomas, Nathanlat Holmes, , Chas. J. Clarke, Mt:tarot., Speer, I John )1. McCune:\ Campbell B. per uO.. I Jt.121.P.•115u0.. 's C. bl . kticl,,tson, 41 „ . 6170.• Wit. P. LIBRDS.ILT: Sec:eta:T. " CIIARTEIL •, 1529, - PERPETUAL. fiLANKIJN FLEE INSUPLINCE CO. Or PAILIDILIIILL . A•ooto on Jon. 1, Dint, - - 92,457A4L1 05 captor • suaOso are rued Premiums 97).,04. . Invested Premiums Cn,eltled Claluls 5,416. 1 Imessesmessesfor 1 01 l 300,140. Losses Pahl sincelbD I 1,0re,Z3, B,IIAM. Pe:pleat and 'ft mporary Poildea on Meru tern. Lee, Edward C. Dale, . • GeorKe nue.. F.... W. [Awls, 11. D ertildon. - DA I.E, Vice rrealdeat. J. 41 1 cVag': A Wood and Third litrects. Chas. N. Corselet . .. Tubial.o lunar, • lomsiel Grant. Jnothl r %V.-Itlehords Cit UL MC V. E Ent , / A Itit C. 11 JAM' W. kit:ALLISTER, mhZ Corset ,TeOIITH AMERICA • AI • LIFE INSUBANOE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' rand. .7ro. 63 St.,..freso roi•Ts . FREbIDENT—N. D. DIOILOAN. :4E 4S TAJET — J. W. DIEILIULt.. TINDALL. Itledle.l Szambael" 0 0 5.,. SITECIALIetir,HT YQI WESTERN rA... 61 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. 01:NTS WANTED. Mv2S:b53 LLEGUENY INSUIRViCE CO. OF PITTOBUNGII.- 00See, No. Ft 111111 street B lgat c tobi i at allOods of Finland Marino SIAM JOHN ITT.WII4, RD. President. JOHN D. McCO Vies Pwestdent. C..ti. I.k .!•1 ELL.. necretaxv. Capt..'.W USA.. eel:torsi !gent. I Dni2CT J IS • - ohn D..lleCq4. finorav Charlet Divs. C•ot.. ' fit°. D. Mel3re , r, Hobert U. hum . c.u. nasey, Haney Chlias, T. J, noalneon, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Pahnestock pEOPLE , I3 INSURANCE CO. ornes, H. s. ooss Ica WOOD AHD FirmaTe • . -.. • . A MOMS COMPANY, FIRS AND .V.AULNE SISSY Wm. Ptt Jolla Want. Job E. Parte. Capt. Jae: Miller, V. trt, James D. Verner *m.. • .IOHN s.j r. OAILDNER. &ern.. lallat Capt. JA.MICI igAl a :44114 BL..LAMi,QtiI 13411iBING HOUSE. N. HOMES & hONS, - . 321a.1133.01 6 0 • j . No. 5? ALIRKET bTßEET,Pittsbuigh. .Depo.lts received in Par Vona, nal Co - rency. United CollectStaoins aerie on all aclpalpointe of Oa tes sod CmuleA.be pfl STOCKS BONDS AND OTHERSEGUIIMES Comfit and Sold Oa CONI,MISSIOD. Pgrticuiar attention weld to Um pUrchate 'B2t4 UNITED STATES' SECURITIES. . • 'SOLI:FM - Nat United States Sta. of JOS Ur t I Do. le e d • . .31s: L. F o 1 s or 10-4,4; . - Do. • Seven-Thirties • . • Da. ' Certificates of fridebtedness. Orders and Vouchers boolebtor collected. Jara:ly N.ITIONIL TRUST COMM, 423 Penn Street, I ___ MTH wARD.PITTSBURCH. - tivi+c , lis received and mtereet allcired on ecc. , mute 'on MI the principal polutiver the • t H121D13 07 GovEßNauesr_ SECURITIES 113aur.ist_am.cl.Sol 3. in MMUS BDIIIDIALLT i USPOM. i • • i BORK= D1CK84.4 Pres:Mem: • -, • JOHN H. HALSSU , .ROSEHT.• Jj - OMILLL Cuhlar * . V" "Mide" , . I • Doiscroxs: .' . • ItOTWWIT DICKSON, LMAItLp. MYERS; • JOHN H r It ALzIVN, JOSEPH LASH ILLIAI twITH - WILLIAM HRlu E CLL. Yl.trETliuHO WI CHAWPoNI LJI• AIBrrL,, p a , Eta 'w t . .. I.,bi l i LEATHER BELTING. • HESSMAN '.k. CIL/JUL . No: 11 . .11110 STRY4T, near the Penitentiary . Alla. et) OM Inuintacturera of freer, !!!4t i r tr i f i E .tent Wretched, Cerneb_ted e ano lot ANNEIP LATHER avt,nig . BELTS Made to o ar and repaired atbhart none.. raittoStar at tendon ;bid to Botha for Bottlait_lt. 4Y_ nab boan vtorts. kir work warranted. uraorr . ro ecre4 pßelted. I—IVEINAL 'CLOTHES HICING.• lath—Wittkout anl n broreAdin tat toast rellal4o I Hat t for sale at the ata =Meer "POI, 41•44 "a ,#. Cdr . u r L • - 1. aH. FR1L1.129. • N FAPERIIno:cv u. NT mils= try TX?, irsut ram ., ant. , .41UONILIC IpierTSßUlaGniGo. . LISMBUS C1:411/3 1- • re ATI AND Home. — Ou sad miter Web AT, Oztabgr Ist, ISM, trail. Mn leave sad •CrlVe u fol.cm • • LLANS. AY:Urn-Z. • !tall A.r.pr•sa Fast Line 9.5.5 P. Y. 10750 P. Y. A. Si. 13l138.1.Train to Stera..nnville $:4O 6:CO 'P. N. Mansfield Accommodation.. 0:35 A. Y. 1:1 9 P. Y. Steel:m.l%le an 3:15 P. Y. 10; Pe , • ci ) . 5:35 P. Y. 2001 A. Y. 3ionnlng Evening 9105,1 • Trnin. Train. .. -4 ‘ . • Leaces Pittsburg. 2,0 A. bee =:10r. Y. 10:N P. M Arr. C01umb05....11,30 sx, 7110 A. Y. •• Cincinnati— a,A , Y. A. Si. 17•10.3 r. • F. Y. 7::s, A. 4:CO P.Y. • Terre Haule.ll:G 1, Y. 12:30 a. N. 0:00 P. Y. • rt. L0n1i..... e:00 a. m.r. S. Y. • 0:1 SA: ie. :en) a: A F. sa • 4 Cairo ...... 1 - 1; r: 1: - .50 A.Y.11•00 H. D. 310THEItSTALIG11, Ticket Agent, Unlon 1/ert. PIG,' email. • . .1.03.0 i 1/GIiAA D. General ElGXrlntendent. r/rAbnrgla. • 1. S. r. on, liel- v. Ticket Agent. Pitts bargta. -13 .• Trains arrive and IeseENN9I'LTAI IA e the Caton Depot,• Corns Of Waslallor ton and Liberty streets, attlolle•s: AUILIVE. DEP.SIO. • Fast tine m' Par Expreas.... /POO a ra NV•11 . • No,m YV:111, No. 1.., 6:90 • m Itrloton No. 1 ... ... 7:5.! a to aitoeux itc , 0”1...7: 50 am Wall . s No." aM. 7,lmanotal : tia‘s a m Johnstown Ar... 9,541 m lYall's No. Z.: ,I,!:Ze • la Balthon C. Ea.., lot p m _Wall , No. .... al Phila. Ea pet,. 1:20 I, to J•damlowt , Am, New York Ek... 1:51, p ol,11r5. 4 .10.1:„ N 5. 1. 5: p a alPs No. 'T.— 'Otis.. Exproas. t. p to, Walls No. II 1' to Braddost No. 4. 2: , 0 kn. s Vall's No. ' • Wail , Nu. .... 7:eo p 1.11:e. ....... •I. M Altoona accom. Wall's No. 5.: ... p ta . .EnaJrant .10:15 p MI • . ...se:top re! DII e i r , • ally. utia-rel ono., etc...ldea. The Church 'rtains hate tV mos rtatidn every Sunday at htlhe- Loh c ohm ri Lto-mro, Iwo.; a. m. Returning leaVe Ihtieourah at 1;. p. m., and arrive at Wall . ..edition • I. p. ln. The Phlladelphia and th.. Haiti:Lore press will arrive with the Nciv 'kale Expres• at p. nt. on Sundays. 3 hi lietr,Unlou Irepot llotel. recup7ine the three piper stories or the Drpol Itnll.lio F, lx non . open ler the tercet,. accoinciodaltou or the troy cans core. unity. A, capacious itesmorant is open at •1.1. 'MMES. day nod night, hunAsya excepted, case of losa, the Penusylvattia. R. R. Coinp any will bold themsFlves te n thin for er aortal baggage only, sad lOr LL not exceeds in i e r Noo- - 11. BECKWITH Agent, 1866.- ... bil=gZg 1866. THE PITTSBURGH, IT WAY NE & CHICAGO • R. H. AN D'CLEYELA &ClTTal:Uktlitt It. h. Trains arrive aid leave at the Union Depot, as • follow.: 1.E.10 n'. ahnier. Chicago ExpSe 2:C5 a m Chicago Expresi 2::5 , Cleveland C 0... g. 2: 4 •1 m Clevelend y Ex... 2.N) am • Etie A Ygo Ex.. 1:5 ,, a m. Chicago p at' cl. A Wig. 511. 4:10 a 111 V. heeling. EX....11em a to Chic. Ex. Mall.. CO a ni Chtcagn EaPreas a: 5O p m Cl. & Wig. Ex.. I:al. p & rag. Ex.. 3 ,40 1 , e. •1 Chicago et. ... . 2:10 pm• s.rit• Vg a. 00 . Wheeling Ex...": p I , 'llleago sps 9:SO is M. Chicago Ex Ilao 0.. .:1..t Whir. EA.. o.= Depart from Altegoeiy. An lee to Allacheoey. N. Bet:: Accora 0:le a In LL , t.riale AC,Oal 6:".:11 a La L g eetadala • • An° in N. hi •tu • •• ain •• " Ii :l vale Wr!lsellie - YOO am New Castle' . p Nei . Cottle ." 9:4.5 a la Wellsvtlle " 300 pm Lees,i•lale '! 11:10 am. k"I,IV N. 111/ Leetsdale' Leetzaule •• W2O •m •• . hen pin •• . •• . 2.C4 m 1 , :40 a. m. Lhlcago day sod net on :....111,41.7.7.f.anre.. ar:lres dally. , .liZt F. I:. My Gr.; I'leCet agent. • A LLEGILIVAY• VALLEY 11.A.I14:0A1 1 '. • , citAlvor.. or TIME. ' f 1,730.0 00 . . On and after MINIM ESOAT, lat. 1004, trines arIL lease and arrive St l'lktaburen Depot., corner 1110 and Llsnal streets, •,1,41011•: a . I 1,1 spy Arrives , . First lilakiratelf.l4 Ac,orno.l•n. ~ ,, : e A. 01. 12.:22 5. re. Mail, to an tr:.lo 51Au.inlvg... First Ilnlton Act...airmen. toen a. af. 11'.2' a. to. Varna,. .1 ....11, , ./. A. U. 0.01 V. :t..- Second liiskfmlill.T.Aerefe'n 1:30 V. U. ',Second Ilulton i .4. ...... ~:.) r. Is. 1:-0t r, 0. Express, to and Troy! Mahon •g ntnr. It. 10:110 a. le. Third Halton AccUrnetodatan. OAO r. • . 6: 1 0 v. sr. Fourth 0 ' , i . 1... Soda Works :'de ' .. -- t. .0 5. id. The ninallar CWirell:Trala ~ .c .,22, . .l a t .Vorla ela tion at 9:n: A. 212. 511,1214 St Pstt.-1,1'..t. at tOitt, A. u. Returning.' Ira,. 1`4...,4,4 et 1:00 T. 11.. reseltine tall. Work. ...t. 0:"... I. 11. . . 1731 • , . Li. IfI.AI7I:STON F. nxint. . - ,rurrt:ntrieG7A. A N 13 gAT,..z -- -- H t p;* --- a'' .. l . Sprrng ....,rraw;...rnannt. • On ted •i - -or ' Tlitlnkfl.k V. rIA_!:17:14 I,erl. fE,..e.. The troche silo 1..a11, :he f• 2 put. ton:, al hell ' I , Water stre , t,ib. TX' - 3LI - net's ' Ws,: CJ.O 1;:o • • V. v. 9uoday Crrlrcti "rr32. [tom V"!, ..... I.'l, P. U. 1.2.1 For I.l.ckv 31,11 IMO '- _--,. .Ne • : E ' ,1 1.....- , ..A , ......:,..„ , ..A fru•-,* r v k''';3 . "V - $ - 0 4 i -': .I'. '4l i ". '4a ',. * . ,• a • . a 7. •pay...l g....: , ~,, ' , aSTI•4 ek, 1)1 j . • ~ .., 7 . . ~ PENNA:SALT - MANUFACT,UR'G CO. PITTSBITELGH. PA. PENNA. SALT PiIANqFACI UIVG 371.a.:"Ex.3a_maisw , Ea - • - . . Mans. 1. WJohn L. Ilhusda. itel P. EltillTe.r, Charles Arbuckle, John P. Wripatrtek. • Prank Pe BlsselL , Clsin Loess - .itiLL. President WATT, lea President On this Continent. T e 80 PICONOENCED BY THE It.t.cteptitc analytical Chemists. It Restores Gray Hair; . It Prevents Hair Palling Out; It Changes the Rouse to their Ortglna Organic. Action; • - It Eradicates Dandruff and Ilumpra.] . It Keeps the Scalp Healthy; It Contains no Injurious Ingredient.- • And to universally accorded at be bpi Drer lag and Superior Tntlet Article. ITS MERITS sr kholDtc.Tli IttiTTLF.. Every bottle CONT.& INS 3.IOItELI ID than any' other dollar nreruoration. ItO LAtttah EKWAIWS offeror! to %Nish Its ut WE WGUJJII.STEE . •Itud the * Zs= any person who will use two b and then say that our nestorsUce hat lasted tofu cos d. 13. KAJIRETT & CO.. Ptoprle re, I Manchester. her, Li bohlre 8. 'E. SELLEgs co ' Wbotelale and Retail Agent:, Wood Street, Pittaburgb p Pa' myrCosC '!4 .1 1:11RDON. °tan Aft. DRSTIRICKL.SNIVS .itt ell illuoE .. 10131.1 BALSAM b T ------ --- - ' 7 vramotted to tte ma OW! Pro - , I It, - .1)13 .-- "It. ovation known to cora , ...0 . , , Cough., Colds. M.oar‘oonaa. ... - _......-. Asthma, • Wbooptug Cough, I .. ........54.:1 , 4" , ": • - • Chronic Collat., Cototuturo 1.. - ......-Aci. float. Broachlas told Cron, I, ..,... , , I Being prepared trona Hooey !!,-„ , ~ „,„ „ -,„,,, g , rbs , I , I.ll,Allng, eaft- , irki ., , ft . 3 L., gulag and tgp act° ratio e. and ...3_ ,,e7. m r , pc.rucularl so , table• fur all , • -- &Motions of the Mane. and Lang, 'go, pajg ti Dingtsta eTerywhere. : ~ B. E. SELLERS a cu., . , • , 'Utlyd . WIIOLYSALIt Atrits? ' iSTRICIfiLAII(D'S PILE nltY.bus CURILD cues ...re._;•••••••;„-iistktz undo of the worst cet of ; " ••••"=-•••7•.'„ EILIND "AND t g glee* lutruedluto , _ • •.• relief, to& etfecti - peon.- 14 neat cure. .Tt.'y It dirt , rtly. ILO rct- It II untrfaufett to care.t • Pao itule 3011)nototstg, at • 1.• 1100134,6,1 per bottle. ' 11••• S • • • .K E. sit!: Fra Co' WittOZA64/LZ Aorsir 12MM13 DYSPEPSIA.--- Dr.. Stricklandr!L TUNIC, s a cancels- oT e s dr g "' 9:ri nl l t —-...-. N• . . . - !Olds A u e d carmlaatleaoto il t strengthens the stomach and ..... 44 nervous oyster, It barer. , Wu rarded7 for 1Y1L1.P , ... ' 6 ". or fadigestion, Nervous- ...., d .1 netts. Loss of Appetite, Acidity of. the Otoosseh, IS L ("aid plateleary and debility. It e , V not alehobotle: therefore, ',..b t particularly salted for weak., V,: . .....! ........ 0\ 1; oerrous sod dyspeptic per- ' . tons. rOrlale b. all dent.- • . ....! . . OILS eVerrd'--rd at 113 yer bottle. • , L. it. SE.I.LEILS & CO. as 1.1 ' -,.. NS , i , n, e•Al.a . Ant..,, FOUTIC YEARS PRACTICE IN SEXUAL , DISEdSlid: .1 (dyes me incrwledge n , quirna by rbrll• ciaas. 1y lo a ng re.ldenee In this cloy. and tae amour t -of .patlenta treated rontmlly by ./Le. ate aninefent pivot of rer BPICRAIATORRUCCA, or Vernal Weaknesa, and - a/1 Canso .artatn therefrom. are cared In • ?neat abortim time tban boretofore byres N CW ailnkil:t. ABLY. ItElidDIE.9. Idedlelnaf sent. to any past • tbetftdon. All letters most contain a stamp to3nLy • nt2 l6 l rnniVrrtl e i ? oLi° moot. Ut J. W. BRA IMP, U ear . , I , f INXl.rlttabargh - . - Ps. pRIYATE DISEASES. - • omen Fahl krafl'i STILLET, nos: Band. .:. . L.. . . We safe of ifl %Hinnies of a ile. natare, in two' soL 101 r Als, Ws's to new and mil =Tisk Also, Smlnni Weakness, and at other , of the sotaltal organs and Stott velment/Oa saissilinaSed or wonky nefnadof. 1- : , . loafs-714104,16 WW2, tad a kit P. MOM IF: Weerainaaen4. arirthit . ... aiIZW!Ak T Ate; Vi J. SP.(' t. MIMIMEM PITTSBURG P 9 wsia a -, It t a ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers