The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 12, 1866, Image 1

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I : !ennhaaan, Reed & Co.,
Nv. 80 If9lStlla. latroet.
F. 13 .;.1'ESN1Y2 IN,t X. P. norsroN.,
..„. -
1 1 8 % - Lt /I° llll, l4 lBustneas ma •
nal .
. ?.J....
Slagle Copies
Delire b 1 carrier,. (per week%
lialabseribers, (peryiai)
Ltbeisl redactions to Newsboys 'and Agents
Nearly all of the western Republican
• counties in Pennsylvania have given in
creased Republican majoritiea. Washing
ton gives 830 ItcpublicinCteaver, 900;
Lawrence, 2,400; Butler, 300; glorious old
• Armstrong, 1,000; Jefferson, 90; Venango,
7000l1ercer, 900; Crawford; 1,700; Erie,
8,300; Warren, 900;_and: Indiana, '2,400;
• while Westmoreband gives only 1;100 Dem
. ocrate majority; Payette but 800; Greene,
• 1,400; Clarion, 1,100; Elk, GOO, and Cam
brie only 000;
Altogether Western Pennsylvania has
'done her part faithfully, and won to her
self imperishable renown by her unswerr•
lag attachment if) the right
There is now , not a single copperhead
member of Congress Ili Western . Po'nnsyl
- nor 'nest of- tho - Susquehanna, ex
cept-ono in : the. York district, which isobar
the Southessterntorner of the State.
"There is no other such country in the
world; I have visited everykingdom 'and
people which have any position among the
nations of the earth, and with the Wen
lion, if ever I could find an acceptable
place, to settle clown and.gather my little
fandly me i and 'there in quiet
anend the iemainder, of my'. days; but I
find no pldee'in Which am willing to.
leave my Orally . . k; r good or evil,
the best country is tits Unite' i States."
• So writes JACOr. TIIOII.PEON trout Dub
ltn,. And Yet the scoundrel, with Ids per
jurati associatcr, seceded, rebelled, and
rushed but') a long and'desolating war to
destroy thi4 best of governments and most
gloriousof countries. If he is really pen
bent, hi hint he forgiven; but let. ns bc
, ware lita- we take to our bosoms the thous
ands of men who did what he did and still
glory in it.
Nricirilic (Va. j correspondent of the'
Raleigh (N. q)% ProgresB, a rabid rebel
sheet, says: • •
"The go . od workiof parable the - Gosport
Nai y Yard of Mille:11 othee-holders and
epiplo3-ecs is stiili progressing admirably.
Our noble President is aware that there are
certain conditions in political, es well as
- Ph.Ysien ,l — r,towth, when; to check a tendency
to corruption of the "vital blood., strong
easel it's. tarenecessary teethe restoration and
harmonious operation Of .the 'functions of
. she-body." •
• The men to take their places dontaless
belong to. the class who, in ISM, attentpted
to seizo,this Valuable station and compelled
the oil'eerS in command to burn vessels
• and - munitions Of war worth many millions
of dollars,to'prevent them front falling into
the kinds of _the rebels. Thus' ANDREW
Jonsisos reconstructs the South and in
creases the necessity - Of extreme Care in
putting only loyal men on guard tit the
Northern States. -
Goon eon Ohn A.nstsinoisci.—Tho esti•
mated majority ftir :G . F.Ant - in thA county
was set down at 300,, which would have
Been regarded as doing
.pietty well; but .
tlic latest accounts state that it is between
900 and i,oAxt. Marge number of "boys
• in bine" went from that county, and were
fighting reireis when LINCOLN .was last
'elected, but this vote shows that those who
• survived ate-home again. It is but a few
years sinch . Armstrong was one of the
,etronghords of the-Democracy:
TWsENTy-FIRST DIi•TRICT: - - T le follow
ing is :be latestfepprt of the Congressional .
yote fe this district:
Westulorela.. 7,122
Favette (est.truiitcd)
Indtrinu '5 'St `
• • "1:4.:: 77
Povode'a usajoritp
• 'DIE vote of Pulaski township, Lawrence
county, Pa., is as follows :
Geary .. . • Va. Maj.
C , Y3ner • ' 4l- 2
1:1w-ranee , `AA
Montgomery - ' - • 44-2:{l
a gain of
. tifty.ciglat on Curtin's ma
loritk , .
—The first instsllmeut of the money Aus
tria has . to pay '.prussia went froraViennit
a fesi days since ins speciattrain.. It con
- sisted of 20,000,00 retch thalers (about the
same number of dollars in gieenbacks):
It;is all silver, sand, occupied twenty men
six days in counting it out, and reckbning
thirty tbaelers to the pouncLweighs 6,660.-
, 66 pounds, or with the packing; 7,000. It
was under the guard of a detachment - of
thirty-six trusty soldiers, together with the
props' treasury officers and-their , servants.
•=ln commencing upon a recent cenatis
return, Et NeW Zealand paper states that the
great want of the'dilony is an• "Infusiott of
.vigoribus and industrious women."
do December, lall?,ttliere were in that co
.lony 06,50 s males; of European descent,
awl but 51,578 females. The journal-refer
red to recommends a systematic course
of female emigration.
—lt is • repurtcd from Florence, that
Prince Humbert, heir to tbe Crown of Italy,
has a purpose. of inarria•tu with an. Austrian
Archclueho.s,' and that the Treat nod
• • some more semi-Italian territory still held
by Austria, - will he transferred as her
ry. The Prince is in his twenty-third year,
' and ~The
a marriage might ho of much po
2-Tbe Island recently throrrn up on the
Florida_ eonat; by volcanic action, has been
explored, mid censlstsmamWor quicksand,
dangeious on'except in one small
portion, wbicli is of a rocky nature.. Some
algae. of vegetation are already apparent,
some rank grasses and p:ants.having
• --Ii is mid that there is a village in Ver
mont Which has four churches: -Only one
of diem has a bell, but 'inasinuck as
oth i - denOmioations reibse to assist tO pay
for the ringing of it, the owners of the bell
will not allow It to be fang at all.
Waite, Viet,* -itanaeMed. from 'lndians,
, . Sr: LOrts,•Octobcr 11.—Copt. Barlow, of Gen.
chemise's stair. arrive , : yesterday from Fort
• ' Dodge, where he saw twO white girls named
Days; one seventeen and the other thirteen
y a ars of age, who hart
h een ransomed from
the ileowa Indians. Tbe girls 'say that on the
• 1:01'0f August the lieowa's. attacked'
tome in northwestern Texas, and killed, scaltheir
• ed and burn d their fathert,themseives, moth.
er and sliver, eight years crue l a cid
made cap.
• tyres, and treated in a cruel and most revolt.
Lug manner On arriving at the Indian camp,
• the captives were knocked senseless . with
clubs, and -repeateely ravished by the :Lends,
-and were treated in this manner four or five
times every day. On hearing their condttion,
; the commanding otaeer, not having aracient
L,.,rer to. rescue them, effected their ransom,
• -`c will send thent •to their friende Texas
a span as they recover from their terrible sat;
tiering% While in the Indian camp the °Meer
• - sent to arriume their radium= saw the captives
_knocked down three times, and
• , (ion, Sherman will Arrive. Dull on the 16th._
•- • •
Riff -
The : .Ledger Itoaumt—Terrtfia Storm.
.oe,tober II ' Ceitmeretof
-The - indisdelpttla Lidgri , it Boss, am
oesarselog the Prevalentanti__ Congress, was seat
tel the Ledge? from' this clty, Tor stook arid
• .1 'tibias' purposes. -
One' - - - -: ..
Specials Intim say : • • of tho loCet
terrific , Stoma kuowniu. Washington,
has ragect:there f ortiseire bolus; Darla of tbs.
city are- o'rerttowed, .auclhO t =Me BahUt
il-sithfiVed Pr if4t IPP'M t 041,1 7. . -----;
... ,
: i . ' •
' l * Ti T 1 I 1 tq ) ,(11111117 . 0 )
il,:k• c . ...,
~.).. , J A..l i , 2.., •
11 )
. - *
.. ' - ~ 1
ties Superior
Millc Biscuit at karrin , s, No. 64 Fourth street
Colftaild'llip Boots,
At aL prices at the Opera House Shoe store. a
• . Hato Ratted Shoes,
Extra good and very chat*, at the Opera I.loase
Shoe Store,
Go to Elemtniro Drag Store,. • -
For a reliable Remedy for the Cholera. f 4 Mar
let etreet. .' •
Our Arsortorent
is complete hkevery partlenler. Opera liOuse
Shoe Store. . .
Women , . Qom*, .
Improved make, only Me, at the Opera Soule
Shoe Stpre. -
Go to Ftenins•s' Drug' store,
.t‘ 0..e4 Markct street, tonsil GeEkutae Patent
.3tealclnes, at the lowest rata*.
Money Raved la Blaney Blade.
.-Boots-and Sheen are selling cheap nt the
Opera House Shoe Stara. .
True Eeeeomr
Poicticed by btlYtilir your Boots and Sboos ut
the Opera Bowe Shoe Store. - •
. A comfortable DwelllugHOUSl4 In either Al
legtiony City or rittehtirgh. Good tenant, lib
eral rent awl tmeiceptlonable security Mien
if required. Address or apply ito B. C. L., at
the New Cloak House, N 0.49 Fifth street. Will
take, immediate possessloa...
I =3==
Cod Liver Oil in thd world, Manufactured
Opal fresh selected livers on the sea toast.
This oil is characterized by aof weetness and \,
purity peculiar to ii alone. Its reputation .10
so great that it takes the: lead of other tile:
and is utuvetrally Prescribild by Physicians.
Remember to ask for /Ward d. Caswell's Cod
Liver Oil. • • •
CAswl.t.t.; MAGI. tt Co, New York,
Solo Manufacturers.
• For sale at wholesale iu Pitssburgh by E
deller4 it Co. At retail by all Druggists. . •
The-style of linilps furs has been Somewhat
changed, from the stylns of last winter. The
Boston Bertha &bound to halo great run this
season; also. Gay'. Patent Excelsior Muff.
Pittst urgh has one tir.i-elas% fur lipuse.=Wm•
Flemlng'o; No. 129 Wood street, which has for
years bums famed foi , y.ho great bisaitty and ex
eellence •it - its goods, as well as for the ex
tremely low - prices at which they are sold. At
this establishment you will find all qualities
and grades, Irani the cheapest to the most
costly setts, and all those who Want to boy
anything In the tar line would do wellto make,
their purchases without :delayeas the stocks
are hew full, the assortment 'unbroken, and
you are all aware' that those goods, advance as
the season progresses.`_ , Don't forget to
and examine the stoCk snd 'prices, at the pop
mlar anti inshlointble liouse . of ‘yilltain.Flein
ing, ,o. l'...l.,Wood.street. Hits, pips and L
w a
dles' Furs, holesale andt-etatl. • • .
Iln,lversity Af 21ediclue
am; tigirgery. • •
The trintee:s and faculty of the above ]led
cal 'College . have 'issued "scholarships" . at
reventylire dollars each; which entitles. the
holders to attend lectures. until graduation
or as many sessions as be wishes.
This renders a Metlical eductatama -clicapew
than ever proposed by any University or Col
lege In this country orEurope, possessing the
same extensive facilities.
" There are sixteen ProJeuors and teen/ branch
of. Medicine and lS'urgevp is thoroughly tough[.
The student 'holding a .oscholsrshlp. , can
enter the college itt -any, time during the Lee=
tures, attend as long as he wishes. and . men
ter the Institution as feetiuent.y as desired.
Persons wishing to obtain. 'scholarships can
.apply to . L. Oldshrie,ll. Professor of Urino
Patholon. %in the above-mentioned College.
Ills office and residence is N 0.132 Grant
street, Pittsbnrah Pa.
American Freedmen's Union
BAxxxmous, October 'll.—Thu American
Freedmen's Union Commission has concluded
its mission in Bdltiatore. The report of the
General Secretary showed that. the Commie
lion has sustained, during the last year; seven
hundred and sixty teachers; maintained three
hundred and one schools, and distributed
half a million dollars in supplies, and that it s
organization extended Into nearly every State
both North and South.
Bon: Chief J native Chase was elected Frail
dent Of the Commission, and has accepted
the position.
among those in attendance are Chief Jus
tice (Jiggle, Maior General°. Howard, General
Gregory, late Assishast Commissioner of
Torts, Rev. liertrylVard Beecher Her. Hobert
Patterson, D. 11., Of Chicago, and Judge Ras
veil, of Boston. •
A great public meeting of the Commission
• is to held this evening in Front street theatre.
BAIITLXOII.E, October IL—A public meeting
was held to-night at the Front Street Theatre,
under the auspices of the
I American Freed-
Inis Union Commlaiton and the Association
the Moral and improvement
o the Colored:•People. 'Chief Justice Chase
presided. Notwithstanding the inclement
weather, the spacious building was crowded.
lion. Judge Russell, of Boston, Henry Ward
Beecher, General 0. O. Howard and others ad
dressed the meeting. Mr. Beeciheris address
was a very eloquent and effective report, end
waimll applauded.,' Ile made a stirring ail
peal in behalf of the'educs Mon of the colored
people. •
From tallFornia
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct..lo.—The steamer Got len
Ago sailed to.tlay for Panama, tarrying salt,.
OW in' treasure, of which $7.8,000 In Inc - New
York. Among her paaserigers are Brevet BOW
adier General 1L C. Brion, U. S. A., and Jamea
Street. .
Bales or prime millingg.wheat were Made to.
day at $1,6754 per IDS Ms Fifteen vessel's are
loading with wheat. destined as foliciwa,live
for New York, seven for Liverpool, one for
Cork, ann two for Australia.
Alining shares are dull; Yellow Jacket Is
quoted at. TB; Uplift', 177; Savage, 11,45;
las, lit; 'regal. Tenders, 71.
Canodifth Matters
• .
TORONTO, C. W., October If.—A dispatch from'.
Guests to the Leader of this city: says Mill.
Lary men say the object of the British Gov
ernment' in sending additional troops to: this
country is not so much to guard against Fe
nian attacks as to be prepared for more seri
ous consequences.
The number of passengers who have arrived
at Quebec since the opening of navigation is
twenty-serum thousand, an increase of pine
thousand over the saute period fast - Year. ,
Indiana Election
isrotagerOtts, Oct. 11.—Olidcler - returns arc
coming In slowly,. out show nothing to ball
ade any change in tire general - result given
inlaid night's report. Thu Legislaturejfront
returns received up to this time, stands: *Sen
ate, Limon,
democrats, 1g; 'douse, liniob,
cf , Democrats, Sc. The Unionists still certain . :
/5* have id majority on Joint ballot. Congress
Uniou and 3 Democrat. Washburn(' and Orth,
Unionists in the it h toad Sth districts atu con
ceded by both parties.
The llcesian Catholic CoonCtl. • •
BAXTIMORE, October 11.—The session of the
Malay Council of the Homan Catholic Church
,tcvday was public. Bishop Planchet, of Ore.
Ron, celebrated a solemn requiem mass ,for
the repose of the sonic of the deceased pre ,
Isles of the church, and Bishop Bay ley, or
Newark, delivered an eirogy on their live;
and services
COI:INTO 611110111111 Pi omluattons. I
WORCESTER. Mi...., Oct. IL—lion. John D.
Baldwin was nnanimonsly nominated for re.
election to-day by the Sepobllcani of the
Eighth district.
800. Thomat D. Elliott was nominated to.
day for re-election to Congress by the Bepub.
llcan tioneentiOn In the bat district.
be Ohl* rleetiona—rarther natural'.
Czsciairs.n, October IL—lteturns from forty
five counties give a Unlock majority of thirty-
Aye thousand seven hundred. The remaining
forty-three counties will probably increase the
majority to forty.flve thousand.
GUneral Morgan, Democrat, is elected to
Congress In ttm Thirteenth District.
FISILADLL7SUA, OetOber U.—Justice Strong
has granted the two injunctions applied for,
against the. Luton Passenger .liailroad , Com.
zany mining can an This company
hits been running on : Sunday for several
te 'mentill past, let =Star of the United. Ste s
Base Ball Gaspe
PNILAIMPRIA, October 11.—The Athletics
commenced - legatee of base. bait with the Eu
reka, of Newark Vaufatternoon but owing to
various delays 049 fear Imidnii it irre PhiLoi.
the ZarekaseeritS., and the odes L :the
'O• 031 . ic,""lit'ot the drir*.
, I
._:. • • ,
Dental by the President and Attorney
' General Stausbefry. it •
/ °
.• .
iffssittinrox, Oct. 11.—Tbere Is positively I to
truth in the special dispatch sent trent this
city to the Philadelphia Ledger, relallve to the
tiliti ,L queries by President Johtison, as ;1.1)
the tad, of congress plane niiAttornrY
General Stanherry. 1 1- '
On the Philadelphia Ledger,'., d!opntth , tiov.
ice been read to President Johnien to day, be
pronounced it felon from beginning ;,to enti.;ao,
slot containing one word of t ruth, ;atatati ad
dition to this Attorney &metal tiftnibe'rry has
made en equally positive d ia
New TOnc,Oct.ll.—The I'li lliulelpi}ta Ledger,
In a statement regard ingtho naiad whi ich
appeared In that sheet tenter:toy; pays that'lt
wnaptibli shed no received from nn eXperiiteiol.
well Informed and intently caretul correspond.
onto who Was deceived, and adds!: While we.
ainrerely regret that tin error on; se he porl
a subject has totted its way into On , 1 edge:,
even in our correspondence. we ars:glad Lobe
able to record the tart ilia tliu President ;hits
not raised so serious a quest 100, forme pound
lawyer can debut the entirersegolitylef the ex
isting Congress. p , •
; • '
11 -
1 , •
Houses and Bridges Swept Away.
° I
imLz&-m" - z - 3..ezroi7
Two Whole Families Drowndd
1 1,
lES FO( 1).
_ 'lt
. . _
s i
.• i
.13.thTiNtoar.,Uol.11.-,1 heavy rairs;storm pat
in 'yesterday afternoon and iticreaied • durinfit
tile night. A.tireat amount of wet r fellaml
the streets wera dbode,i. In some. , the lower
pOrtions of the city: the water .is so, oral feet
deep,. thecater.tilling the .cclltre:r Sc. The
streams are all very high. Severil railroad
Midges near the ell y have,l,l away.
The rain, at! rail., eati:lnkni, ~ !I ,
LATI,t.--The Yoill hat atall In if fg1,:.t...,1ity 11-.
most without Intyrtulssinit anti c-still tail tin,.
A hoary CAM erly Waal preVtlial.l ',kit ad...falai,
agree that the-m ear city' of water aThell lell 111
this region Issrvighi and tits utnthing was
must extraordinary. ' .1. wannad . or darns and
bridges on thu FAisoseo Were tlelarllYetl. The
extensive tutu at L,y.vtile was •Weal. or. and
coming a.,-amst...the turnpike bridge at till
cott's Mills d est rikved It.
The wrx-eksla natty accumulated aft be heavy
atone brfogu nt lliehester, oil the:P.l4m,,
'and Ohio Rea I, thirteen tulles from Italtimere,
which a - lye - Lk/ay to t Ile tretnemiall , , pressure.
This bridge was considered the -thttrigest en
the road. a tad ;had 100.1 out iumi ostliail.leret or •
likkods. All the ether,bridges oil tileTe.l.l are.
"safe. A large force ff work knen , ,haye com
menced repairs and trains will 'run as Usual
to.morrow. Gonshieratka, test rept ten - et 11, e
Stock Is reported. Lend she p. licigti; Co., nand
horses are strewn along the riser, 1 •,
lILLTitIOItt, OCLOter IL—Hear:: 11000 on fill . ;
the streams have caulked consideralite damage
- and loeS 01 life. ,A. number of Mill tri tins nod
bridges have been .carried away. al., latkig.a
on the Franklin arta Frederick turnpikes are
gene; several hnuoei have been sYcPt: away ; a .
family of six , persans. and another f,three,,l
were trrowned. Severallhodies were fottast , to.{,
day. I.lcl - rester bridge, on the 8..01{1/1014, Wai:
Oh 10 ItalitOtil,' was destroyed by Oka llood., 1,
B•tristorke, ?du . October Il.T116 . : bulliesl 91 ,
the unfertanatii f.stair y drowned ip, the flood
on Giwyn's fells, by the siteepilig ,Avayof their
halite, aaolit 0110 1011., from this city,' have nil
- . .
heen tound.-except the mother and4oFe mold.
Tree of tile children Were :mind; nenrly to.
gather. et , the foot of Ithiley street.: The bou
y .
of the father was lt , dnveret: to
Sty. Ills name nirte. Daley. There i!are other,
reports at losi of hfc , but nothing Ofielte hed
been ascertained. •
Conveislon ,gby PS e et.Thirtlelifitto Floc
'resentles—Heavy :
W.Mititilosoir, 11.—tonveril9is of tie, I
don An gust, 12 , 67,
into Five-Twiintlen natal. ne to ne imniu tO the I
Treasury Department at thn,rale, of some
thing lase than four millions pet Week. Thule
are now 011Valltilltrtg HbOilt, tw le byS lrad nno,
seventy mililm.ofthls'it.sou Of Seven-Thrrtien.
These notes, owing to the imsneindl clerical la
bor involved lu their examination; 0.,n bo re- ,
decined by the Department at cooly about the 1
average r 5.1.0 of riv4mlllions per win k. If pre-
swat t ed as rapldly'as they eonill,be a "'posed of.
Par ics holding ~ Soven-Thirtyl holes. of the
above Wine will therefore do *ell ;to fora and
them to the Treasury for emdiersiotrintoyive
.Twenties as soon al
Captain Willi ,, m, C. s. , Nury, died
toAlay In this city.' • • I
Thu President te-dey appointed. Wickham
Hoffman „..of Louisiana, .(snits not 'hi:ere - ter of
Legatioir-of the UollAd Stuituzi nt Part, .1
Yrufessor Henry. of the Stnlo.lsOuisit Innis
tote, say the amount 01 rain rl,lO fell fro o $
yesterday morning' nt ndio• Welnek to ,ItilW„
morning. at theben , e 1:0111 . ,1010, hOtlleW but •
' nihre i
than live inches tieing the, greaiest •
quantity Dia; la Runner
WAIN] fora tong time.'.Cfonshierah , e dani 4 irn
to property Is ieported alongIlle),111110 Of lin,
Upper Pototnan and the Cliesupelike and Ohio
Canal, as well as in Dile city and tieorgetown.
Tiny storm h continued_ since(' yesterday,
with but brief lifterinissiOn. - , , •
The Adam% -Expre , p• gobboir- , Scoppon
eU R,.bb.•re A.rebted , -61.1 . T•A0s uou
-••••-.. . ' i, • :
Lot, itte October it Two .121(IT . SVIA. I , •
posed have been engaged Ja - itittFrecent 'robs . ...-•
Ctentlemon Mitten - have exPerlerieed muol.
ry, o Atil.lll4 Express,- Were arrested .:tlel3 difficulty in °Melillo linltabitt articles of fur
rooruin nenr‘goymonr. their names:are, nOt , i ill. ,, bing goods at..rn _S approaching the ton
given, bat they Fa Known as resklents of the 1
vicinity. • , .i il, , _ stumble But ' n nes out of things has, been
'‘ . .t .11a the paymaster's train of th e, Louisville established, and now our city hoaSts of a first
and .Nallivlllellidiresil utits orl'ee4ding eonth- ; clais furnishing cm orition where gentlemen
al,ed this: inorlng, it as 1 'nitwit nit the 1 ...• . •
. t tit any t r o t bin ' , hetet , en tem
track bra rail which. bail loam litosenei and I `'''?, ` l- , 4 " . . whatever., it. il
pulled front Its bed by, men tis the train 1111. I stlyes at everything erteleing to a coMplete
pi °actul the vicinity Of Itoulitigtireen.' liir. outfit of fun, g rot tits: lilesirs. Blordocic it
Chu'rch, the trainetniester.avas tiser lentsly In-. r r i'utlilltel, 75' Fifth ••Att ect, are' the proprletori,
Jared ily the oiverturiong drit ear. The:nibs : l, •
henlol3Ulllll,lisll,ool,,,Tyec - t•nip:os . offer talk i grid from theirlibon I 'man our of transacting
thousand dollar. atai a onliFfin. of, tht 111 , 1,1 , ,y 1 b1e;,11,, ,,, i. null,. great facilities. at little coot-
TCCOYC red for the apprehensMit of therrolther, I main], ue ate glad to Pm.. have •acceedvl in
•In response to ase renail e given ex-Atter. ! Int f lilliti up a large iAd profitable patrdriage.'
,y G,,,i,..1 g r ,,,,,i to . n .t g et; has express td .is 1 tail , deal ext.:lustre rin all klilds of linen
joy over theta?, trlu.mph.of the patty or, I 111. f unit t i anncl • under-garments.: sUrts, vitiate.
renal truth and Jest ice ,111. the, Si*tes ova he 1 eulfs, es, Intletl, haw; kerch leis, gloves and en
river. end exhoirted hiTheitreTs tcespeeillly or-1 endless variety, of liddery. In shun this' is
ganlze 1n Kentucky for co-operatiou Iv lib lac I Just the establishment whereat. to make all of
oar parches. lit thli particular Mu of audit.
great Cuba party everywhere.. - ,ii . •
. , , Their tutee's aro' vegy reasonable, their /Wipe
/nnes - Brooks tassel tadEcrivao Wood 1 non of stock large OM their, articles areal!
• Noinloneed for congren--
aFentale lin.. ~i irranted moil . tei he mo serviceable. The mem
deviltudesta Candidate; -,. I . s: bets of the hemare ilever, fair dealing and no
: , • I ' ,f, m ,otilit
ing g..ntle nen In celery way worthy
New Teak, Oct. 11.—Tho
.nonzart Dontocra- •
of rem eon ileitmce urjA patronage at the emu+
cy of this city last evehlnir lima Matra 'lames
Mutt It,- hem, inbertho Emporium Is located
Brooks. for Congress la iho .Eighth,- tied, Fe, t• ~_ .. '
• i •at :Ist.. to t r uth atreeti ,
• -,,-so--
• •
mkT,':. I tt7iVabl.ahth l li N l3 l •"S tl t'ur p rol t il l .',inn ounce's to I :
the tilefitors of the Elghtkdilstriel thuds city, !: Hen 11,6111 C Firma 7'
that she le an independent caildidalo fur Cole.l, This Is the lendlugiquestion among the real
gress, desiring 'an, elrctfon us a Tishah., to the .
.1 ..l
ents along North idv,enue, Allegheny. The
Demoer..tic party for 11.9 re ti ogreAsive leginla-
tion m; So &Mending the Cohstithilon as to I,a venue is to be pavedduzing the present seas
make Invidious distiuctlonsn'
of ground of 'son, if the huge piles of bOttldert and tong
rex. Her creed' Is A fr. press, ;free lipoid), hues of curti.stottes.slthiett havi been doom-lied
free men and tree rado. .
-4' at various points along the thonnuthfoie I,
Patterson - i any indication, There is an much tardlneas,
New,Toug, Ootbber IL— The Pa/tarsi:in races • however, exhibited to cornmencinibperatlons
closed to-day. There Web a fair'fattendanee. I. that it is quite douhtfu whether the work'will
In the hunlio.race, two miles andrght leaps, lie completed during - the season. ; Thu thor-
Z,mneg twat. Gen. Nillisms half a' ength,.Nan. 1.. lead ought. been paved from Federal street
ny,l Craddock and • Citadel being howdere. we.tward to Irwin avenue. 'Tile ;remaining
Vle, 4:03;.4. In the Sequel stnkui, two tulles, ; portion lying moat or ! Federal sixtieths a perfect
three. 3, ear olds; liuthantress beat himev one.;.arrant!' daring the *lute emon tea, and it le to
length, Delegate good 31. Time, g:58%. Third 1. be hoped that the crintractoray ill time poi
race, three mile beats, Aldebarron and Walk. fable efforts to complete their work before the
over, la the fourth raCe,'Onit and a eual . Ler • lecleulent season is ¢tpon us. The people hope
nines, Ulric', was, the favorite /against the that their questionbe speedily arbskered.
field. Two to one were offered against Luther
awl eight LOOM! agateet Utetimopd. ;The lot, t i . 3lnitlai‘d ;Currency ] ,
ter won in gallant style; U iritia 2d. Time, 2:17.
Treasurer' SplnneC desires persons who have
forwarded packagee 'of • Mutilated :- fractional
; •
currency to Treasury Department roe re
detention, and haveireceived no commrince
than froM the Department announcing the re..
ce lot Of the peckige and el/elating the amount
°I the sum forwarded, to 'address a latter as
before, stating distinctly the amount forward.
ed, the date of Fraosinittai, and the name and
poinofilee address or the wilier. The °Meets
of the' Treasury may Dina ho enabled to leen.
tify a largo IlUalber,Of packages now to their
poasession, the forwarders of. wtilen•negiested
to etatta their named or pastel:flees.;
- ; •I
;' r: Inciter. Mipeescred. I
Si. Lome; Oct. li.—The Di ITlCierat'S ISt. Jo.
scab enema] says the- latest k MOI/1.1311n advice.
report that forty miners out of n tntrty 'or enr
oll:ay-eve to Oretin MivreOluglagei Weril MAUI!
by tell o tdleyenne Ina lane. Thu rWnat Eder were
driven away. The Minera on ilMe litre? silo
were driven oft by the Sioux, add enamelled
tetilla to the neareat tort for protUctlou. There
are news or very rich annex bavbig bean Ella
covered at Mont .. • and ColorndO.
. ,
• . IP/re lu PUllaqelipLas.
ratsapsLystitt, Oct. 11,—,a. anti at /I *
WC! t.,..
tate evening totally destrwad alto largo soap
works of 9.. L. Ilaticroft. on Woo 4 *tract clear Alec 'Ear...nave
1 %41. The - toss cannot•. be, ascertained to- Western 'Railway C.
t. A. Lowry *torn previa:lcl ape spread, ,handrail Utousaad •
1 o lams to Obit boildlop. , DIA Slop& Lit LOW'
Peace wish tazony—The peueagen Die
—lttaximMau ant! Ws 'yawns. .
Nate Tonic, Oct. .11.—dly the Riberntan'e
mills, a setni.aftiolaijourual tallerltntleolares
that there is nu prospeet'of the conclusion of
pettee with Saxony until Clint; country' gives.
sure guarantees against the rechrrence of
those dauttenewhich at the outbreak of the
recent war meuaned both Prussia and North
ern Germany. . - • .
The Upper house of the Pruasian Diet, and
,the gliamber of Deputies, have adopted the
Government prorogue wadi the 12th of No
vember. The Minister et the Interior, ex
prnssed the desire ottl'ak , Govern:swat., that
Gas next session should abort,* in order to
make way for the Eons. atiou of tee North
German Parliamentary •ictostag.
A.-dispatch dated Vl•nott September 234
states that the Empress • f Mexico has visited
the Emperor and Ens • ens et Wad,. a town
111:Uppor Austria: It is .ald that in,lhose
! thrviews toe probable r tarp of the Emperor
Maximilian seas broacbe,. an d oho his even
' tuii•reintegration In his rank; title and' hoe-
Ori of an agratti of th. Imperial and royal
family of Austria.
From Chins an!
Sax Faascisco, Octo. r 11.—Japan advice!'
of September fourth rep . rt the arrival at Tog
ahomo of General Van Valkonburg, Caited
states Minister to Japan and An.ii
game, Minister to China Both of.the Mints.
lure were on a visit to J- do Mr: Burlingame
Wits expected Seen to lea a for China.
Ihe Italian Minister ad given a banquet
to the French Envoy on hoard the steamer
Magenta, which subsequently sailed torChinss
The Minister proceeds to Riskin; for the par.
rpose ot malting • a treaty` betwerin China anti
rvoTiench, ono Italihn, onev - Russian. and
eight English menrof-war weft:laying In the
diarbor ui tokahemo.••, •
.1 A lo ter 'account rays tLat the.Unlied States
steamers Hartford, Wyaleing ad Waehusetts
- aitiied on the first of September.
Little activity is noted in the geaeral mar
kets, but in cm, )nlviing, rude there in a goal
oust-ens dumg. Taste I a lively demand for
Te,tettlny the book k eper Or a large firm
absconded with iriarge amount of greenback 9.
Tee faints Of Ills partied are not given, nor is
the amount stated.
palter.. selllng at front thirty4four to (Mr
t y-SI cent -- --"'- - I'Etaat rotten is
' r pound.
Le,giti attl I .
Tliu :Sono,
Cli..rk, of 1'
of.! .llobt poi. ~ . .11Ittill
Mr. White, of ' Coventry,Chaplain. -
i too house of ..iisein ill HMI: tun -
J. W. Ssit
st fr ,
lss re•eote.l Spook J. O. rtp,m, ~:. Bur.
.111.gton, Clock, [lntl Be . Fostur, of Burling.
too, Clio t.intn• .
croVel . llor Dillingham s messago wal bode ,
ltvored to,norros:
~ .
.. .
lienry•. Majority --Tyboncou.s Itepoited
Aelltaa. •
rHILADCLPtiM, Oat. 4 .—Tlse Ituggiin
that. G,,ury ,, ,s 111.13 frutri 1t,1":00
ki 23,0110.
il'hr repot tool nctlon of the 1'1 . 614.111J, al put,
In the , I I,rr of tilts laprolui; create,'
much dlst rot: to Inercatitto Pittner, .•
Ilre In 1411e1..nntl.
. :vcix...4...i I, Oct., 11.-1 A 111 a .6nourren bete
014 tilormo.,: ,I,r : oy tug J. H. TIIIII', h.rx fut•-
t.Ory..C.'t W. E. 3ixtli etteet. L0,..5, prkAO. /11-
'ar.'4 “''''''' .......0.La........ ----/'
(4.1..D1r;0:rm. LOOLL NIX :3 Q.ll THIRD Pd..
Thieves AI - routed—if
.• t '
1a our too yeatertin
that a calor,' man uanafed
pee a loom eiNoluing
clouting ... l . .lM, hadi;
Uri 'Tuesday 'light and ti
shieraide amount 01 el4l
Was pried open with a
thieves I.dt ottani] the--
Nit . . Massey came to the
t Ile case-1:11 tfe, and tell(
r+cofolx...l It ai - the
Ej.ans, utight
lii eating hls
t4vn proceeded to
against Evans for la
u,ay pot into ' the P.
•.van startot sea
Evans wax promptly a
Ch ter Ila,ste aka' °Cheer
ItivestloitiooS. +itot
arrest of Evans, their 6,
otarthes revealed Ja
at the e heempi
..011 traced an
and in their,possetslon found all the property
stolen from Mr. Massey Us the porter, of Ly..
Irian; wits toe ed a Vat. hie gold watch. which
laid been ore' ranted Cr in the pocket au gen
tbonan efthis city, on the night 01 ten grand
prkession, which clone 1 the Solitlers Conven
t eta. The gentleman mentioned haa his
"ppckot ptekett oft tell and chain, and his
pocket boot coutalnli g a cortslitgatile slim
lel wormy; The walla.. eat no; Ildund in LY
.M:inb, pOSIV.1011; Ti,.Ling," alto found'on
1.!!, ni,Lo's porton $l5 I monep and a patirn
ticket c,ilitng far a valu bit gold chain. Tokibg
die of the thoneyrto red ern the chain they pto
cjrded the pawn sh rp and found the alniiit
lelt belonged with he etch. After there
revelution4 had been n ado the prisoners were
lathed up TO' await a t curing to-day. Lyman
original!: from. err York and snorts re ,
cently nom Polladril Some tune ago he
wan barkeeper at the t. Nicholas. 110 states
that lie hat a wile 1 vlfig 10. Philadelphia_
Cook'sin/rents reside. Wa..hington, Pa.. and
ale sail-tit be_ dry res totable.people.
Liglit — salnZ
i At aboul five o'uioc • on Tut:A:day evening,
as Mr. James liege,' .elegraph operator In
7.'ane'sville,, was enga on In telegraphing a
grl. -to Melon.. I. •ho tens %tattled by
noticing On the switch board a -. sheet of light
ding about , four Inch wide - and ten Inches
rpnar. This tiallte4l alo g the lo'wer side of th e
switch posed, accomp Med by a report like
thst tootle by the ill. harps of a pistol, and
. .
the fissh Instantly dl ppeared, without 7113..
thtblng or Ilunitudng nything In the office,
not even Interrupting he cltunit at the 11010.
Inolusliatelv thereatt •it woe discovered iliac
the el- ctrie flalO Lodi 11,1 i tato the stllolning
hall or sta Ira ay, lend) tg to the ether. ntol hod
' there struck. the ass pipe . peg torioltla 14— IL
tirntyll hole. into Which a man's anger might be
Inserted, and had fl .1 the gas, •Thes. woo
!Wail exttegul..lted, MI i PO "tiler damage, was .
found to have been tlo te. The gas pipe. a heYe
pen waned, trap IltlnUt ten feet from the switch
board In the office, Ith Ito wires or other
. means of communicailon, and with a brick
oaf! .eparatlng the coo points, .Th.d . e. was
Seal eely any appearance of a storm at, Fee
time, and the wuolo cps is a carious one.,,
Gent.' Fortiltallok..4itOdn.
, • ....•._ ........ ' •
• Thls.VerX taw be properly termed, among
our - tdelhOdiat friends,' as the "Year of Jnbp
lee," Judging from the demonstratlon3 every
where amongitat body. ilince the opening of
the year, until the present tithe, the event has
bra csommetitinatd in so,ue chap° or torn, by
special servings, religions or Otherwise.' The
teOnth,Of October, however,l3 to be specially.
devoted-A0 Centenary • purposes, for holding
religioui services and securing contributions.
In some coma:amities religious services dre
held flatly. • ~
• While several congregations in this city and
Immediate nehthborhocul have secured' contri
butions. either for the purpose of liquidating
a debt on their church Property, or improving
lt, it 13 nevertheless expected that) all the
churches will also contribute to local end gee
oral centennial object&
It will be reel:mm.l)nm' the general centen
ary movement wits Inaugurateu set cent weeks
ago by Rev. Dr. Peealling, in the Interest of
the Yltuthurah Female College, ate blob inert
log a large sacs was Obtalnett.' :Once then the
Canton (Ohio) Method Ist Episcopal eon grega.
Oen held a grand meeting, at which lioihop
Strep•On delivered an adAreas of great power.
Nearly • s-fgaly thousand dollars' were secured
mainly for tdoeuttininnCogeste. MountUmon,
Ohio. It is expected tie sum will ho weeny
increased. A movement leftist oar
that congregation tit create it Chair in that In
satutiOtt, to bevelled "The Linl let' Centenary
onhtiath last Christ church of this cil . ) . dc
vntdd tue clay to Centenary pureew.9.
the day the handsolne num of well nigh one
hundred thourand dollars wear ',cured. for var.::
. ,
0113 centenary obiecte, en Allegheny Col. ,
lege, rlttettrao 'etnnle College, Boor, Dernr3-
11ory . and Adneente thullrllng In. tntn •It
Clturcti mariennrele, elle. It in likely she h 111
tell! Ire co:tette, ablyr‘rogroente , l, • r
ite,lderi , "InaterialT' t-Itm Is, the pastorN
of ,the ht. E. churches .of 11111 rdy have ar
ranged a aeries or ~11,0! , o, het 1
In several of ihnellttrOM , nn. tra6t Fri. h ly
evenlifgoltirtng this month. The 11155 or the
series. took olpeo at We9ley; Cii,toel. Fifth
Ward. on Friday inening hist, at Which time;
Res , . E. B. Snyder, iwitol' of Christ. elnirch,do'...
Meted a fltanttafen on "Ulu Pitiful l'ef feet ion"
from. thete wortle, "atm!) se, ell final a In
tie." after the sermon tae Sa.nratneul ol
Lor11:4 arnaltillotolNterell. Among inn
- ,
mlnletere prestint wry., S. I'. %vow, I'resillin4
Eldor of rztt-burgh Dia,,,,2t, Du. , ; A 1b•11,,,,,
Wars., h. F. lone", J. W. Maker. Weekly, It. 'l' '
lllter,, IV. I'. Turner.
•The'reuraludersOf the verist a ill no - 11,16 at
tbil (OHO wing c•blirelles: F, Wry ,rcutue.ll.lll,
at I'entu , vlvullla .11.vehou N. F. l-hurl . b. sel.
mon by 11 , v. a. F.,' 0ur.;.0, Fruity ~,,, . u4 , .
19th, 6 me, MO7l Will be 11 , 11vereL1 lo i b.- Lib,' V
Ittreet..M. 11. *Avarua by 11... v. (. .1. ii•ilt,,—, 1,.
D. Onfladay es - el:ging, .I.lth, the 1t., - . AV. l'-'
"Turner. of 1:/.‘u. LlllerlY, ,, la del!" , er a ~ ; 11a
WO 11•0011r.ial tairl•t. CIL amok. It I. In con•
tell pinllo. , ill huh] it g , nurnl Vv.rtl,llpLl Ow,+
fog fin ill' tact ”ff`fl 'AUL tat, tfoff, of 1 Itk
_f_lff/1111. At blnfflaff.l.l . ”11,. , . M , , Iltol 1, , ..
EffinCtlpfti Cilfl,lll, ‘211 , 11, I:,„ , . oit ••til..sf
of line. Dr. C. 't. IL - um,: 1,-11, or D,.!
church,. All tho 1-letlimilAt. ..;.11igf ,. ... , 1•: ,,,, `Di
the-clly mute In /tl,l , ling - 1r , .. - y - , ,,,,,, i ~,..-
vi, , ,, 1,, 1.:14., TOP,MCCLit e Olt, 1011 ... 1.1.1[11.d.
. Tll.):Celltelotts . CollIttillIve"( All,gliettv 11,4.
11 - IM, ' Itev .1..W.1111A15,, I'. Y.., t:. It. 11..11:reV,
E..i, Seer , lury. kuts.milter Vila\ Ilit, 41 S. 11l 1..• A
r, mectlmeot tile predate, ~.n.I u ,, '1,,.
berg 'of 1i,,,A . ..r `i,1 , 4 . 1, North a v.•..,, 4nd
South 1.,, 611 V, ,1111,41ar, 00.i0,..1-17t11,
la 3 , ertnOnt
lace .104111.
ting Henry
ses 5 irrk.V.
, and Rev.
ft. - so:tit/. That the i.:oiperintendent of the
V. ale, itiol lie .
antllnt tied
to lac LL then Outer 1 , 11. E. Avery
and Thild loan t\'-1)t to Middle at reels, and on
.) •• r.l Beaver at re.-t to Shields
alley.tll.o boils to completed as 5000 us
-I't Act lettiEle.
On motion . the report wan aCiepte and the
motion, the resolution paeselAl the Sep
watermet tier. reltottec to thil laying of
water nipnon Washington street, le. rerun.
•• Mr. ti
then Enoveil Clint the matter be ie.
(Oh teil to the Water Centifilttaii, with ivstroc.
Gans to report !the! tier It woubli tint La
etit to lay ill pre on onls portion of Bald
all ret. The I rioln.lini oat adopted.
Mr. Thom!. titferiM t evolution reCOM•
mending the of the General Grout
Fire Company. on the grounds that the Pre.
ent company to in the habit of recklessly.,
delving to rough the street.; and otherwise
alen,ing their liar-et and the apparatus..
One of the menthe!, stated that the Corn
. puny nad stuffed the 01110 . of General Henry,
:The Secret of CMEG.nmptints a 111, the intention et, burning it Ito a reproach
Hay lilt ia the fact of th e to that ortny soldier, apt that tlany sh oa oUld
therefore he dishan,ed nod anew o=6Blll
- Use brat invasiaii Of some minor disease of I u„„ „b oo ,„„ .
the throat exiting.. ilow in It with men, that ? Pr:sident Meatier (Mr. tint) In the Mar)
they are so otten and so suddenly struck dean.m soh, untl'Dundal ` d that the . .
with a poll cough or c 01,12 tCe , 111 ti you: doe° their duty Jul inlir.tlie last three months,
they negleCt to attend to the lirst.nym Plnms. nd As to any political notion of the Company,
for instance, , a man stands lialL lilt hour on • lolls It O „y b o i p ta p i o tiZiii
some' street corner talking, for eft log that life' lie Fle inn e p aft went titk , vha: they
i . m; :illy pal t in a pee
valeta In abaorblisg rtirmiatt hl fee , an& Par It maven
pores of his skin, the causes %,rot the 1 eoulLltion lot oferred. tO EL EiIIeCIELI
_ oveittee.
fatal direa.e. Hoar lire' we tiquerent 11l Rea. , •
ri:r. 1110110 n wag pat .0011001, and ,the reso.
Cr we will tell pen. 7:W1000010 of fan, of 101 Inn a.
• g " I ' o ' l gr"'""ny ''" red "Dr ' Mr Mall fo irate that there should
'KEIESCr t a Pectoral Syrup' . it lint only hindei a, i bd , tbt,
hut It cures unit Caille• off [tar/Lige tee clots, t 11l F. e .LinanAnice, as there was a
title appointed by nature, the ntol'Ad aivunio- the atrutiatit used. -by latlolol which atop up, end choke the ; „,for „,. ''peh„,i
alon of our Into the lung, a 111, f eon-amyl ion - of feet while Col-
Dr.! Kevser's Pectoral Syrup 1144. In lime
Ared"r "r”.'t • 3 "'
rvs-liame Coulnion Colltiell at
state of the lung.. ...; have Known than the con•
bairn b ttle 81011 Om Mek!. vtoteht sa i l hart arNito.ler toit to e.•ri It v any wart ants for the
aim{ cough, and the peraon, on Go% other halt. fetieltig itahrovithr of tin, t °melon growth
P r e se.vo total / " lt A ' ‘ l. ` " r ", ' o: the Diamond Square was Drought.
eit the winter. Dr ffegrer'y'rr'o,... ,Siet,it - ;
renlil'.a .... terru ' med, h ' " ,elect Connell non-erineurreil in and a Com-
Ole approval of Mimi! than five thoneimil of!,
the ‘"44 i • The. Select C„„neil non-concurred In
•••-••.: •,.
• f , • the rei.olotiOn it( Cian11110:1 CO:VICO of SePICIII
- of he 011101}. ll huge.l • tit , r 131 re:ative to flooring of the Wash
er lives by its thnlily ore; wan it Will cure ,
cuvgbu tt.," 0111 , 10 tb a ,;111 , , , ,"t?....,...,:",',1,"`,%. ( A0 1 The t of the Comei . ttee on Printing
1.' 1.' 1 " we. ; I,IIIW t•aek LOOIICII, wto wilier
d to their former uetlon ill, nuthl)ri iii; ilia
cares r, t., n tn p %
rT,,,,t,.t ll l)4 her«of every ph:,sc rt,tt.
living aliments, II ntailnanal al teir tion.eniwurreil ill li
`vho ere -rtt dill 1:1 the 1..4 ' iwtloll and Willmanaat a Committee of
lu th n7:0"141: rata ineuealiie ,
to knewthat r ~,,,,, CL , T 0 1. 1 • 1 1 1 L. ,, UL , ..L1 11 /1. 1. 4 .1 e , i , t 1 f 1 i; .1 1 . 1, 0 , ,L , ' . C0LL0 11011 ,
rat syrup a 111, It emote every instarre etr•et "
thorough CU, O.! lei, - inure-Ix l
hours. Sold at 1 Ite Wood ittrret:' OrlicerfL i t - Present • Ilioan, hill,
Wog einuainatlintis, 120 Venn sortie:. • Poillianber. lumen, .51..g0ia.,
• Melt.inultl, heed, ItillEllo,Wolter and Prespient
Tiroinutes of the: pievitnt.t meeting wcru
read and 11 , 0 , ..01`ani.
presented alielltlon from the
abode , , of property. On Seebilil
ward, in reh,lton to the paving of cold alley,
WWI Wan!atan . lan'erreallo 1110 COllllllll/00
atatt • l ' t
Mr. - Hanes 100110 nreNenteil a report of the Come ,
Illittee 011 ..k111. , 1,t, The report recommend : it:
100101011 of }lllle ittalio i•Stlitlate for tbei
prdinGeil new 11101 het building to the Find
ottral prepared 01111 , ala. Parr .t.
51.eier. The plan Is anallnar 10 tile market
house &Gaily vreet.l, and the cost will be
about COO,
The report alai , embrace I Cho monthly state
molt of the Weiglinlaner't 1(1111 Clerk of Mar.
kiss tot follows:
John s pdaar,llitinfand 27d Oil
W. p. And, von, Sornati. ,1ard......:75
D. Dana, Chills Mgtheu ' • Loll 15
. .
oNloek p. m In tho tont:, ,:m„,1011
crth, Clt. ent en,ry sclonor.. by 1. N.
taltctuuto, J. HrJekoo..
,it 1 o'clock, 0. in., tio, if W"./1 De 6. llict . t.
hix. to ~,,1 1 / 1 Common to Onicto , ...
~I N•rttlifl l l, 11, CO, I , CI r 4 With Thr tr.ll,l:al y
te.rett. TUcre , be a log
me Waco on 'A.111111, 1 xt
'hock, .hett atl.ll,,mei I u. 1,,
J. W. White. Exq., and HMI. JAM,. L. 'Jr .-
earn There will!ne 111 , 11111IINer in, ..1 , . 111 he
MUntiAT PCIIOOIsV ET Din twilet , r.rf.
Sunday. October 2140, at. X 0.:11 , c1t, p. t:.tA
Beaver Street chutch. latetesttnic add rq_t.e.t ,
mar he expected.
Ucet.inV la the Itouncla of int,' aktriot are
also to toe held on the
=I, 0411 EL SOW" h and _sth.
:rcovcry ot'Stolets
morning ststol
]Gentry, who °CCU
' 0 St.-Nicholas - hotel
shop . broken into
obtlect of a very con•
thing, *.0.. The lock
case.4rn ite, which the
-..TesterelaY morning
ayor'aorlee tlr Lugieir
• g C ht 4 Itugue that.he
tie he had .eetilleorye
f The 'lSt. titeholee.
I ght. lunch. Massy
wake • Information
any.. nod the - Cane
ode or , orTleer Moon,.
tit or the ateused
restal and 100[041110.
Moon. eon netted their
Iry ehortlyafter the
conducteddlfully re.
en n. Cook and Fool,
- - -
co, of Officer
arrested these two,
0 a Spree
.OPrIA —Notwlth,tenilingthoineesp-
OliCy, of the weather hot evening, tine taten,l_
eneWra rho Overa 1101~ , wee very hap., the
auditortnnl behr.z re-plendent with beauty
- inefashlon. ••)larltana" or “bon C:iesnr be
B. nut.' - dorm Inlopera, w.a4 grven , yo!t oil the
s.truna elloct. that 'llan ciluntrterizqd• the ut:r+
formances of 010 Rlciang, Troupe eloce their
.advent among
To-night 11100Laroll e ildrhing 4 , the accom- !
plkhe 1 Direct re,. of the Com paep,. .111
the recipient ogrand complimentary tome
tit, trel n test bnmm~lOf tilt . enleestl in wbirh tr•in`
1,11.111, both perwinally and profea-lonally I. Y I
,the pooplo of This esty. • On Monday IV::
Conldoek nIW dadghter tomcat .
in a new oltiV called - Tito n. 1,16
Kot." • •
TnenTnr..—ernt , letiilollSCS still cent Tithe
greet tho9e toe great Wall J mthly popular rep
regentatives or Irish 'character. Mr.. am! Mr, I
W. J. Florence. at thin Mum, That they aril
tieserefug of the patronage bestowed u. 011
them nny one trim hue been one of 0 , 4 on
,mertntt. auditor* tor a mingle ovetongo , ill m 'l 7
Tcen‘glit they tag., It j•ilnt 'tienailt, lit
tering a tretnendoira bill for the occasion. WO
10niefor a lurp.l 1111111'0.'
V A lIIETICS.—This Ileltt, Con' tern
pie of .111tWettICItt 111 nightly :Menge , ' by large
and apPrilative nudlenee4 toWitne-ni Win Vit.'
rled:and choice prograltllllll(aCte , i lip the en•
terpriglng otanagetneht. The nenilt
Of the . 1.1 Witch," and air tolg l o.log;4010
with Irish laughp
ballads fro the laugh • onvok-
Ing Ceetetsn le the ail ruction tor Lill eventng.
. .
John McDermott came to the office ofdlider•
IMLLI Taylor yeeterttny and Instituted degni
proceedings aguinst .slstor-in-htu , „ Susan
tiallsgher, for surety of the p s elice. Thu pros
ecutpr al egos that Suign entered.. the Hacrt;(l
r y.lect of lite' own domicil, situated In ;nu
Filth ward.naut gave bite a candle !eel are ae.
COl'lllll6' 10 the 111011 talfliaVed 111 t Owl.
Among other things she salt ihnt she would
burn down the aforementioned dointeil and
cut the deponent's i treat, Fearing her incon
ditty thrmit might he carried Into ext 4 etnpat
John Made an information an Stated. •
5 anart WKS urreated and arraigned bolero tile
magisterial bar, allure Ste ' tier
extent as to cause tile Alderman W,llotify her
If she did not curse her :vocal battery he
w.ould he constrained to tips her for disorder
ly conduct. This had the desired effect, and
Susan Kaye security In the suet of three bun
dred donut a for a hearing today.
A lady named SAlli Bove was run over by
. •
&butcher wagim, on 'Ohio street, yesterday
morning, sasta.ining injuries of such a seri
ous naturinas to leave acme doubts as to her
ultbnate recovery. She hail Wean to'llin gro
cery attire and .as returning to lien home
with a heaVily laden basket. when net. foot
slipped. on the reit 01 the .Plitsburgh, Alle
gheny and Troy 11111 Passenger Itialway caus
ing lasi - to fall nail ere she conk.' arise again or
thevelncle be en/pried: the It'uvF•walzoh Pus
oeerlier lireioit. She was carried to her
house tn - the Fourth ward, %Lure she bad the
attendance of a physician.. -• • • _
3laltclonit iillseblef:—llichael Carlington
Came to the Mike of Aldernisu Lynch yester
day ereuln4 end preferred a eliaible Of mullet.
pna mitichiet, agothet John!lt. Lihirey. Thu
defendttrit It appears while. limorlith , i er.
llt offtemporiot exelteruent,'lmtheil by the
too flee use of Itggor, Mope; the wthilows of
Carli n gtont dwelling, and on being applied to
in his more sober moments tit repair life datit
age done, utterly tefuseiii to homply trial the
request and mipudently or ratherauilucious
ly Informed the prosecutor that 'he would do
at, ugain, If Insilght to do do w as questioned
by any one.
A warrant was placed In the hands of.otticer
John (Moaners tor the arrest of ClaireY
,—Tbe itlantle & Great
clime& three 'Enlll.loui
Ackll4rs, 4etireen J. 1$
wregetied . Condigion.—Penn street, m the
vicinitypf to eel:4=l' Skating ?ark, la in a
wrirtobsci aruddi coaditttrn.,
Dielbodlst Cstnteoary
1.i.C57.51.11.0;07L-12:ke flUe
Fonalsilaio itatmpant
Protomble rilttit Accident
4 r - F i: - 2-
1 ~•,
14:: ti/ t i t e
\ ; )/ , •
Bleftlog - of Allerbonl Counells• • 1
The regular monthly Ineeklng of the Alle
gheny Counellg, was held last erecting in their I
chambers City
Present-114 , 41 . 5. liill, h. 11. S ' mlth, linckeo.
;..11-In, C. C. Smith, Ir.'. Thonms, A. D. Smith.
John A , . 31yler, nateraon, William Smith and
Pre4lgloni. NVllrje'r,
ThO minui c v or the
_precroding meeting
wore read. and on motion approved. .
myie, , presented u,veL tion from real
demo River Avenue, between Anderson
street and the Railroad :Bridge, molting that
the pavement hn willened in that. particular
place, two additional Met. Referred to the
Street Committee.
A Petition was presented and read from the
citizens of Resrve towtn.lifp, praying that
.certain etreett: lrut the Junction of Fleming
acne Fait mount streets, 60 1101 oloacil as
ot tiered lip a 'previous Ordinance of connells,
fur the I emir)ic that the property abutting
thereon uould be seriously damaged. Refer
red to the Cutout Itten on Streets, with the re
guest that t ney would resort action at the
next meeting of the Councils. •
An ordmance teas otr,,,t by William Smith
Par the grading anal lace hag or North Canal
street.. Read three tiloo9 and plisied.
&P. A. 1 , . Sultan niirmiltted the report Of Mr.
Fr4nels,City s Controller, tvr/tatalit4 the. hcic
for September on the various appropriations
as-follosi . •• • • .1
Appioprou foe No. .4 5510115
5 2,455 21
. sli SO
. 115 46
~1,945 57
.1,26 . E
A 6.065 Sal
Proitously repbrteg • .160,•Z75 44
w le r t r rt u l , lo .
' , 1'. .. , ta11 , 11.1.: e i197,9+4/
• pi 70
The 'clued r,t• aceepted, and the Controlleti
Wilt leaner:zed do.verttfy burs •for the tety,
mentor t he.e. renerte,l. .• ;
Mr. J. B. Snnnitil fro,n tfic COMMlttee nn
IStreet,, n• report recommending
he loseling tics pen log . of Green Inifty and
the orwnineof•Mdnicrey rtrect.. ItepOrt ties
eented ahn.l curia Linda nJojdCd,
r:A. U. ronth suomltted the report of the
rnmdtee on; Finance, with the appended
eSolurlon •
Rl•ergerd, That : Ala, city tax, atnounting to
and the poor t.a . c, amounting to 62.07, tle
ee.sed for the year to Williarn Itur l goyne,'
property hood for the opentng of Morn
,terey street, 1,, nod the nave Is hereby, ex.
Re.mtveti,..riml pirment of three conpons
due Jaan.try 1-1,1•4 A. alleged to he In the pos:
WS. illll II Mr. . Tonn, eashier, herele-Te
dtc.,l, and tne sand'cou e. pons 'could h.tve :men
imi.l it me.tenteel 91 rho authorized place In
relleJelphlat lit the I line they wete due, as the
bonds her,, for tit it purpoAe.
'.l:esolvrri. 'Eliot Um Fla. - IVO CO ;II Mati•Q be,
.11110 lw . rel,y, end tO
re,ot a t te a tetnporary Inoue 30 the tine et of
31,3!3.30, end eme.tit uppr , lprixtit 3
ela No, , 41,as0a
e. 1 1, ts3otpi Nu. 9, $23.103i n 00.0; N 0.12,
IteiKnt nre . Vted itt.9l , resOlet93ll adopted.
91r. TllO%/1.“ it Ili , I. Lee report of the
' Cenendtee en et ater,lollo ito fullowmg red..
lui lott:
• Totsl for eptenther„.sl.t;s7
• 'll.. report, WAS Iteetagi,a and the, plan Ora.
tio•tid II:or ,t ,Maser for the new 11:tritet
I llonso was adopted. '
After smite ..,:bate 1ad:2141.d in 1;y severalmnt ehers, Mr, lisatina srited that It was pro
to,proceed with tho' ImprovnmenL Our
!' lug the rfext ..uttimer. -
Mr. Ingham linferett the following, which
woe tolopied : .
T Wit ; t he'Corn toll 0.0 on Ordinance's
,1,,, and are hereby authorized to have no ONII.
, those drawa :IP tool reporceo to. next-pipet..
tug, cotopellileg driver, it portant:lOn. Of
ntriitiL cony to stop atiddet the I:hobo:411es pass
while polls g 100 I I • '
Mr. klutlh auber offered n!rrsolutlOn instruct
sins Mayor to oltforeo theord mance against
permitting re ile.m.l cars to block tip street
0.1 . 0,111Lf5. AdOptetl. • I
L from Select Council
' Pest t acting the coin:Otte,. on Fir Engines to
dish out the,. pre,nt oraltuizat too kuown ua
At.; .•tirnei tintitt. Fire coMpstiV,” aOll-
oonourre , l 11l 113. C. V., null LL I COLULtaittOO of COI.
COCO napOITOINI, ' • •
fit all actlons not otherwiSe noticed, thew
W 0,4 a mutual COOCOfftaleo pt the hour of oh.-
-; Jo:lre:neut.
• •
Charged with ~.on, l ow n Stovr.-11arol4
Tracy wt. Invught [whore Alderman HUI - UN:It
yoOorlely, 011 ticharge nflarceny, preferred
maims: Win Tlannvi
IT:ledefendant Is sal,' to hove yarded away
from th., pre Ml.', or he . prosecutor, In the
First ward, a k..ecund-liand eoolciog stove, val •
nod at eight dollars. together with a full set
of culinary utenSlllnleltmg
accused gave hall fur a hearing ori Sat.;
ardor neat.
Another Count erfott.4A capitally ere.
cuted'counterfort one dollar bill of the onli.
nary greenback Isspo Is la circulation. I;
would tat taken by almost any one not an •'e2•
port," partmularly if aJ little tolled, or by
ever...0'1 , 00... 1 11e chief iaoros "of difference
from the genuine •pa tab. in the wrinkled
and, eattered condition of Chief J notion Chase'.
handsome physiognomy, an'd' the Inferiority of
the lathe work around the largo figure
Beware of this perilous counterleit. .
Thp North Britt kit Itrvieli.—We have re'.
coined the September number of this valuable
perloilleal from W. A. llriblentenn,
Fifth etteet, near Wood. .1i 1a a part scolarly
rich number, eontullung a. delta 10 no small
interest and value. ,The criticism oil Georuo
Eliot's Novels will be louull of weer 'Merest
to the thouurinds Mllllllol'B lit that author,
and the artiples on Sir William Ito wan flaulli.
ton and Recent Humorists will he widely awl
gladly read. . • . .
&ail or the Coniser warm, I'latfartn.—
The rough board platform which thin Conser
vatives xreeted fn front of the ••010 Buttery;'!
on Grant streol on the mmulm: of the guber
natorial CaMpdigh, demolished yesterdaY
morn trig,and i n' Inn , nose wears Its
I etnpearanee. Th IS of tilt, Only Polio
omtle platform wh I;e3day evening,
Into become. obsolete * .
E•ror.—ln advertl-ement on .FOll.l page
of to-.lay's paper, under the he.dl of •'relikr•
lous appears an Hlllll4loneoioeilt that her. J.
Grullam wltl,dellver a lecture 0-mcwrow nfed
In the tAf Ile street church- The. lecture will
he delivered Sttuday night . Inetead to-uier-
Good Mellow Apples
e Let every libusekeeper lay in a good eupply
Of apples, and it will be the Most economical
investment in the a hole range of cutinai les.
raw, mellow apple Is digested In an hour
and a half,
.while . boiled cabbage requires
live hours. The Most healthy 11.3E1t that can
l placed onthe tablelstbEkAd roielf frequelyatre,ara.,,,tco;me
bread and butter, without flesh or meat of any
kind, It has an stindrable effect on the gener
al system, often removing constipation:cor
recting acidities, and cooling off febrile con
ditions more effectually than the most ap
proved medicines. If familial could be In
duced .snbetltute apples, sound and ripe.
far pies, cakes, and hweatmeat., with which
children urn too frequently -stuffed, tnere
would be n diminution In the /1111.11 total of
doctors' bills, In non - Into year, sufficient to Inv
In a stock of this delicious fruit tor the sea,
on's UPC.
;;Veleo iice Change
The Connensville Railroad Company are
about to . ereet a new and well arranged elation
house nt Lam; Station, abOiat (our rullusi•
trom the city. The present btaiihn Is nothing
but a common shed. The populatioa ha the
vicinity of Lanclitin . .s Station has Increased
so rapidly within the but year, that the Rail
road Companv hive determined to provide a
neat and comfortlahle station for the secrets nab
dation of the ninherlaus patrons of the road
this point. We Utlfiereltynd that, when the
building Is completed, a w tehruun will reside
there, whose duty it will be go inspect the
trestle work over Four Mlle Run and keep It
clear of obstructions. quite probable that
a ticket °dice will he established at Laughlin'.
In at short. time. The coulPanY have In Con
templation a number of other Improvements.
Anothi.r Victim
Either there are it great number of people
Who do not read the mars, or else those who
do read them do ndt read the multiplicity of
warnings against the careless use of keroilene.
Anothet victim of this carelessness suffered
the penalty of her thoughtlesSness yesterday
morning. A servant OH, etnploye.l in the
family of Dr, lulliliun, ut East Liberty, was
at work over the kitchen fire yesterday Mori/-
leg, and iss the fire dill not burn silth sufficient
rapidity to suit tier purposes,,she poured some
kerwiene oil on the Mimes to increase tile
heat. the fire folinaci the stream of oil to
the run and an explosion ensued. The burn
ing oil wits thrown over t to face and br,tor of
the unfortnnate girl, and befc,e the Users
could he extingultied, she had bee badly
burned. Her Injuries are padurid but are not
'considered fatal.
police, on Wednesday
night,. matte k descent on a house ott Craws.
ford street., and raptured one male and
three fionale •inilividuals, and conveyed them,
to the lockup. Yesterday mernlng the pris
oners were arraigned on a Charge of k e eping
a dlyse~er' y house, preferred by d proprie
tor of Ate 'nem tpe, hot after a hifarlog were
the Ileldenee skowlisti
Conclusively that therl was on' fOhnilat ton t o
the charge, and. furthermore, that; the charge
nes made Inorder to uldpossess kaid,partlee
of Wu tenennent they occupy.. i
Mot., n W•teh.—MaYor McCarthy had be
[ewe nim yesterday morning John Lawhead,
charged with the larceny of a a atoll. John It
APP , -ars, In some Manner not Quite regular,
came Inmcsaesslon of the watch of one Frank
Weigand. who, upon finding the same in the
poilesslon of John, and ,as the latter failed to
ere any satisfactory answers as t,- how he
came In possession -of the watch, Weigand is.
sututed. 'a omit for larceny, and John was ar
rayed. Altera hearing, he was committed lu
defaalt of ball. , ,
Anntlarr Hotel Robbrry.—During the a!
ternoon Of Wrdneaday some thief entereo the
room at Mr. J. W. Barton, at the Be.l Mon
Hotel, St. Clair arreet, and attar breaking open
his trunk, curried away a lanantlty of clothing.
No trace or the thief hat been dusoOvered.
The Choler.—We hear of no new eases or
cholera ooeurrlng In this nelgliborbood. There
are no goon reason• longer for alarm.. but all
p,.raons sladuld continue to exercise due cau-.
lion In order to_.preeerve the good Lealth
wlurat oar 0117 now enjoys. - '
'rhiladelphla, on Wednesday
11. • I. UTE W • /Li. Esq.. or Pittsburgh.
urtheresolleeot lua. rsa.,• . tia be given
11A it' lus Tir.rsilas, the eite 1p t., at: 4
o'clock A. 111.. TREWS ItiellAlculin.LL
to tbe a2CI year of oL adre• • _ _
The Nostra.: 11l take place trocci Ids late residence.
la uyillos township, on daTo's DAY, Oct..ntr 111.4,
at 10 o'clock Win. Carasae, will 1. ate Fleircoan a.
eampsoi's. corner EnVenth and imitlideld streets;
.as 9 o'clock S. It.
beaut.t.ul Vdc
slue or Nepulchre. l W
rue. In L. county. alt.
aLca 05 `law lirialltat. road. I:..mcdtsdely math
tallegltcoV., bur1;1110., P. ruAlte or tale, cal,
.01 Lentral I.lrug . .litotd of COL , L S CLAN LY.
ghoul CIT.,
tio. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th,
(Eniesnce from lievenitk :tree:,)
x2x2x-r =2E,ll:Trica-TZ.
AND 133 SCL.SLIUSKT rittrr. .
LVIC:I3ELE4I2S7 "-- -, Pr — v"Xl., •
N 0.1611 Fonrtb street. Vlttaborgh, Pa. COP RINb of
ktods, 1:1011!ti.1. 4 ,13L0VE1,,..2.1 every .le.porAptit.L.
or Ft. oral Forrotalog uooua forms:Lon.
wet, • y .m 1111,014 !Soarer and Carry, tr2.ltormsol.o.
AL/Ea/NOM—Rev. David Kerr off
•W. Jacob., LLD, Thom." k.0 . 1.Nr, En!.: JacoO
'] T. 111 , 111 TE
Alan cheater, Wood'a Run and vicinity
. . . , . .
Varner ortßosOloirl and Chikrtlers etretta
anal ,:arrittres 111?olalafil.
• •
First S treet, above Suitt/Weld
Ilsr.lng added to their:lock acts CarrlsKes. nn-.
mutates and Bungles: aso some of the doe,. Indlos.
and In Isinit 11%r.cs, In l vlse that want sand.
rig ta gls. them in call. rarticular astent Lou paid.
tonoylog bind .c Ilpg Itorsta counnal.slo
nurses 5e.71110
I t . f . 'mw OPERA ROUSE.
• • -
P.cappenwance of the Favorite Opera House Corn,
-. 1
pain. raturoln, freshly crownol with `the molt
en ign - ,
crebe fe tone in the West. will 0.,
near on naTilitl7A EV e NINO, Oct. tell,, in t out
Taylor's great ad nal re•l seneation at drama of the
C.t in the following highly negotiable manlier:
lioliert Utterly H Leak:
Italk nstinw •Mr..l. F. Hazen.
Jon oat 00.... . ...... ..... Mr. J. C. Hall.
'Melt, Moss Mr. M, .
M. M ard:'
Mr. ti,b,on,‘ Mr. J.
Oran Jane s • Mr. E. Jarkyon:
. Mr !Inter Pettit.,
J •ett Sir. J M. Co k.
sharp-- ..... .. • wt..; M. thanes.
Mort° • ..... yr. W. W. ninreitiel,
rain Or Aloe tiny • Kiss Louisa Wylie-ter.
May ' , dosed Miss Annie Waite
' molly wt. cvertuand . ' Mrs. etcritt..
Aim H. F. Si knots,
Beyond dobbt ale str•inaest stns
gireikt thit
L. /re tirnino In this
Monday, Sir.C. W. Coni•lnek•s lielerei and greats
est soeciaity,PlittTE,•htt KNOT.
izooTs: AND MMES. - ;
• No, SO Market Strert, Pittsburgh, Pa
This old eitahllshSol house has now to ao thlrtYS
five thousand dollars worth oi Moots and whpes.•_n__
styles the islest, the quality the wet, ih
determined to reit at VERY Left% Fan%
‘• • .
pe boa.
have reaolvad rt to tie and mold by any
Ines. that keeps goods worth fleeing,
end _
Call and eaatmne our s ot.s.
T ant tu ,
satt.aed tast you still Wenn. Wu
the Rom and :hoe Line.
.170 not loran , the p l. " . JAM"' "'
Practical Furniture ilanulacitirtrs;
. .
et;len et I vane;
.10 licroes very . choice
-1-1 no!' Liuttar3unt rtecll , 4l a d Ivy I.le M,
JNO. Li. CAN M.1:1. &,07••,..
• . • drat.Ll•Nt
fifty FRIVIT-1 4
, 3 Peachy.,:
;. Now landing 'hi , . Rail rad . e.r sale by •"?'";.
lv.lo H I. hEV 0 r•li`
.lAlto bbl-. No. I Fall
4 nor lauding-Crum ettamer Ilerthalcr tl , l' by
t•ttt st. 1,1 , K Et .t
1.,`1..C.ED Fl.Tti..-9U . : tli- - '.
CIIOICF. illin.LlNtis -ki, ta r. . t." I SAITSAPARILI .....1
'"'"" dr "r'"l' br ' -Ca
. I ' . '''''' " '''', ' i tubiueti As it :1 itioifte of 1... ,
ell . 75111 m .1. 4 I.,a,te ...-..,,
CflolicE BIiJ\NDSFA.M'It rtoun • 6'44 " L''''. laic '" • •
urivereg sad tor role by • )e..K.NoX A t e -tert.: FLEMING'S , D R.l.', G- STORE
q, CS AR ,SOUICTBERN . ..I.BBEII ' No. in Market St., Pittslargh.,
.., WHEAT arrittog.fot talc by kt.)).:102 & "OA, ro41.):10:xlsr
The 4 dltlon is forarar4e,l which n - 111. reach tb•
subscriber soonest. '
Single C'ePT
Clubs of I' c
(lobe, oir TEn or XII,
wx r_ix. T. pPxx.,T r sY 7Z3.
NEAR Fi rs I.
W N. L. g.IN FOR
eneral Commissioh Mercha.nt,
E.le•tn.l , -;;:nr1,15
of c ot . m,
!All unicr, P PV, ULU lowest.
sr? way ri : r M. FORD; ,
;660 FINKLE; & LYON - _ • • .
Atit,ittrd tt- rtntn,
1.1 , 011.11,, I. 1„, I:SP...slat till And
1' I t• •11.c`D.y.
I:r ,, lIE inei•
sato F . ., pakt
ND - tr•l
.t: y 111 1...0,, 'mar
lirt, I. CAD rctura .13..uket
t— Ott rip. or
1 nu cl..,;reat per, tent. iq
N. , e, nod nuT• el, fu yrara. .t
Liashu,u In Ibls pli , tiror eight Near, and
witli pearl, ulcer prated and
A. 1 ,0 tit ,, • •
it ced,tmck .Machine
ftits L,unlinee her.. for t. vet, ant hat at
ib.on out of t! e oetrke.. ttc the atte_oth.n Cl
titian., I:4)0. 11. A era au-1 Ittroest maker. to No. I.
Shaw & flarles Sewing Machines.
Air Agents,c!.
.1/I‘,ll kluas taxanyil. 11. e 'sr ln erdo
' ,1)N1i. Azent.
1 . 12' lirata .
• n
been tnvitedril the ylusr riont wars n't the
rolltortng Fair. Flor the
! First Fermium fur Lett Ntaaltinti.ntor's. at Penna.
7Saat Fair: .
i lint premium for best .117tehinen•trii.rt Sew York
First' Preminm for best 4a:tally onto
%State Fair.
!,...}jrrt Pis inlont for tad: n . .:r.tClt:rtnghtse;ittne ar
I,state7t , •lr. •
.First Premlunt for tea 51,7ottecturteg Vim:Lane at
klichtfitatuntote istr.
- Ftrot it/7011,0m for In at klonu? oeturi. g Moot:Ilan at
.Wisoonatis.State Fat,
Firm.Fireratom for bent Manufoott rinichlaeltitto
Latersnnst Cannty • •
Ilrat 1 • roo,1 011,,a,in. for EtueraiLyttl-
Pul. Laws o n,. tot Frit, 1 , ,
nt Prrm'.oct Tyr heat F:ttul:y MlLthlne at Berta
County hair Ta.
Pr , mittm brtst - Mar.ffantartng.liackine at
Boras county Fitt'. Pa.
lam Ft - Latium for 'brat Mrnit'oetur'ing and Fatal
IT r toll.
First Prnntiato for boa Ito io.footortag and Fut:A
lit Manittao At N. .
i First t'remi . et ha ba• Olt o :art n ring ana Fara
ly tchnCtstlflo s tr. h. 1 •
Ftra titnonlem f. twit Manors, tart, and Fami
ly Vat:Wl, oh l'outas • a:r.
Firstasrounent to'r diachine for all parposes
at A:lnt:inter Conn In 7 de. fo. • '7
Flr , t Pre:awn: f.o.b: NI tottrocturing Madhl-e at
abut County Fair. VA
First Prionitint tt, bast 11..11100 work at.AU,AihenT
County, Pair. Pa.
Oe:7:v6.lMr. NO' tabargh
TLIE Nk;11; •
Spring and Slimmer -Medicine,
}IAN CrACTI.,6.II,pr TIPS • •
• •
Which hsi be.coude
Tonic crnd
By FhyHetnna .ani int./11,1A 1111 all parts J MO
. cu.:a try.
The new prenarvldon. "dAILSAPAMILLA fS
.presente one of thr.timLt protnot eloratlve ecru.'
Ina Corm ea pahle,of exerting felt .aetion upon the
system: an,: OIL* In lei ant e and viral pt dates. It
Is conceded that the alterative: resollent. or 7.010
elfecte of 'crime. atr exerted m t thandedly when
asdoclated with other a4rtativeL In en:WAR - anon:
end the SareaparE la seed, to feint prlfectly all the
favorable row I eltloas. '
:The drat rffect unually obtrsrec,l trpeit `SAMBA
an ippetl.e, allowing that li hat;lente
properties of a InarLed rlfa, act,. Its alterative ef
fects are inararcst In 1:5 rein} rownicath.o with the
blood and 1.155ner. trrettper net., and .
•thibiren Imnrner rapidly under Its 1/3, and We
tat (anal.. assume a healthy condition.
ltis adadralde a.lanced to'a!nrer untnncrofehron
leLor acute atieetinns peculiar cl-Ildren. It to
suited LOjbel3l,6oLh Ly Ito pilldness and cfnciency
of Medicinal effect andthr plexstot. attractive form
of ti. remedy.,' It map elt .fer aloneperlod
where ronatitntittaM Influence , Aro de511,1. and on
repugnance, or I.e . tat , ' 111 syrup,
encenintered. 'inVhite-151,11114:1; Inc
e., and Pisferti:ons of the tips ne, 1t seonlsl be giv
en perilatently, lq'zuvatratt , oloseit, isnlll relief Is
, , '
In the Spring of,the
during the .WaT d'ealher,
The scsthnulstfon,of luou insltsrsln ths ssbtessci f
seems to .bssosue.snanlft ot! st eon vs s .rr.: tnnitto.sotn s .
I.sysltuds: Ilvadsen, Costlvene.s, Lo., of
Apprtljs, Inilns In tlin Jolnts. Indls,st!s•n. etc.. ate
IT C0111111 , J11.. littler
.dlllttli to viten:Una , or off nfra.ellous
Loan tins 1 n5,11.,n to' n.,11,A I:ll.isn
wurii .
,nn prsparntr ,7l (Sis. •.• tr"..isn.sp;
it, un ' •
4. over Gt.,. p.
plo rt7: ‘
itnthl.n .
acemptluc of I , 0,1111,161 Ch • rlett.r. r...q.u110
vmWe. sr.
Witch ran be tiad,at tLv 'ut aul au.4
Droxiinta. •
' Vor sale in inantinircn7 ft. E.
, .$1.50
68 N".l.l"th. flgtrolat.,
Smithfield Street
lodide of Lime,
Jameh - R. Nichols &• .Co.
NANuFAxi•uirctsu cimmisTs,
Protoxitie of Iron,
AlteEtiv,a, .; .: `-.oal Pririfir,
, t .st c.). I IC
n t)11.1r11: