G'~+ maw a Tau",Ay. OCTOBER 11, 1,t;(3 .114 Z a Ei I 0 N S. 79,31T,K9 . mis.t4e r; s,.lyinc, :Is we 45 ' 345." ! iiacliWel:Crlitt‘ille'Hiiiiitryl;iriis thoroughly temrpat:Ori 01 §O.l to the uocOldi,„ n.,l.lq*t ion gLrelifils into our \z nit, courici)s, Tye ftiltr Stales- _Which hat-:, Btotiarh wee meSl l ennt.itfatilently ropmlietteiT ~...., ..„. . .14e_ietticy_pr_thn_try4i, t ent, of t N he Phll - de10 . 14 conx:sn , ,u,,i,nd of the mongrel party that madia,LlAnt platform and has. ytith equal cm phasic, endorsed chat 9f This result merely . shoos that the resist - Trse . itirien t - Z OPlrtion ' , ma. tlistin. trialdcrilij - reilriof‘t"iiia Maine, I. sweep _ —trig - mitrt7d7lrt. tibi l iTninlsbea tome rive,. i -43 tit it is. mete than an MEISI I ME3 MEI index. itat.iipower, and me wt.. 4ive such . intpolus to the same mighty ilitlVll''Fiontiinent, end roll up such .00 tlatiliorllti.all u 11113 .States yc Mob vole to No- YOU*!. ae ticiU teach the Sou:born roh,d, yw _Oast se theye ‘,ut 1, , pleagcd, [hey rrstr3t rnme trim a , lee please; .“ 1 /0 the &avoor they accept of thr ^onerous 'taitiilicld out in Ole Constitlitp.aal merol meet the better let thLuiscli. • ‘lllj, it happy - thin!: 1 , , , i le r of the , A • _ rebel li.tates that the party cr1,.,:11 bupdort9 Congress-bar. shown 11,1'11 SO unitol, So strong rte leo ileterintne.l. 113.1 it ft led to return ale the ril.1:10:1 of Con grew; had it..taken au male°. a! ol middle course; had at all, or even had its h. • .111. • 1. they %night Lac( nin I solnetliin.; or al, of4hese thing, to encount4e. to .r Lope and sustain tliern 00 1 . 30v0 got thentseive, i further tranble. 11.1: now, tl.ey r Mt.ll e. STEVENS rid WILMA]: r , ulth incroa , ed way.: o. radical memler re , ,. will accept the sit t.,111.11 'OA 4 I.4£E ct to ORA . ", . Tho,c Yuen t -ht that th,+y L s' gren t ahti prm, rllll f•ln 11 JOTI-NON--One • tract the 1.0.51 S K',o tad con , I•1 the field - , - bot n• . -n - t: is trescheronn to 1., or,o , Uld his country, cannot purpose: lu aCo .ntr .. I WUr the mdn of Inc South ,11 Our Met, ,1 , 111 , 1 fall; w“. and these electito,s l v ;'~'i' p "'7, they arc as firm in the maintenance (7 then pimaciples, at the ballet hot est . -y were on the beide held. So seeing, I -lay nil: aban don the Prescient and LI- ~,pir,rLeyd sup porters, and mal,e the li, 1. they ~, with the only party O. et has e.ther the right or the power to dent them The fate of JOIIS9C , N, I.' . t TLS. and other di.tthat :shed :'y 177 who swerved front •he path , cf eethude and principle, an , n. :.it and dry by this gtent wave of pop, tlment and indiTcarion, n,:t be a wqr7.E, to other men who may he inclined to tol. low in their footsteps. I, has tsught lug men that the time is pest WIWI] the .. Amer:can people can he led can be led tip to Moller sui ud ic: . pies, but they cannot be led day ~ But let the great 1 arty. in whoee bands the annreme power in this rrd,:lity nation h'ltEita. 110 solemnly impres-sed with Lila tre• mendous n,,te re,t,ng ripen them, and use that r.ower In the fear re 7- ' God, with a slue regard to Ile , I , ,Lts of all classes of tnem And with no to the glory and highest g,,ad of tie-hr [MID. try. rirElt The campaign he t itt-et in Pet Alva. nla. The election ,a over an I tt victory baa nate rare petrit. : att., It, banner of the talon rottitu:;,i. t .tit party. We hare cause to be (14 ,- vitamin:. vt to Om we owe nor sur tee- to the intelli genre of the ',cap . ,. NT•vci la t ...re :a t!te , history of oar lu-dint-al cal=tenee w, there itteretfcar oraf•f,,, and ),0 ; x: ;or tory. The oppo,..itii-11 NVI re il t enll.lgl.l3. or .ganized. They bad m,nry to Invi.li upon thOt.c Rho Lin t'"l •• till•II ...! places of trust all ;ion • • recreant of a great Gov -I.n. on the enact- T Their 06119 nave .4,4c.rt te , t an p09' . 8 Kara tern f to the wall an I o tl aprointment and ra;;e a:,. 1.• ii.l Lout one end cf the co; nia v to 11. e c. Their inglorious rick D . 0011,33 lettnia, Ohio, and Indians fni!crveiri; • :n E at upon the heels of Cour e: ici.•, Vermont awl Maine 81101111 IT enough t - . 6:1. he terror into the hearts of the Irv) inr:- Min have done their best to c o n verl traits of the lute War into adTriii• aces for binc.stained rebels and traitors. :I,re this the electric chat at,' t i tiling across Atlantic and two groat con• inens together, has Shisiicil upon Europe *.• 91te'edrods - newt that Congress has been nufttritictl tremon rehuk-d Hearts "..I.i.\-Lthenfltille,l hate: been. AttliniXt to freedom and liberty will Meer Te Drum ai thanks giving, while tyraatn is ill treintile since trolte;more proof of the ate': ills} of liTe ~goVernment and free institution , has been s iSheti by..mloyal people. '7liittAbe otiposhiez will now d•• or - what new line of policy they will pursue: the ftunre alone will reveal. trey are b e gtpd,,but till they be drir en:from their • designs upon the government , They have • 14111 within them the nucleus of n party or • "sinlzation. Their lead• rs are livid mu Who Will not give Op easily, Dor be ilishear. Attired with entanniier , that would shake and iiitiniitlate iser and better mot eats. The ). Will fabricate caries for the luglot ious .they , hare susta ined ; i n y ett et .-"' tilirk'donbtless of frauds and mil prat -tiers with which to charge the people, and attribute to every cause but the right one• . their ill success- -.'-They will do nil these things, and wait patiently for another cam hien again present themselves •Mothe political arena in charaeters some ; , ; , ' • 'What changed but ,nodisgtiiseil. But they • ONE of tbe 4 most horrible picture, of want ia..,...ousztot deceive an intelligent, rending, en- the hire met with lat a ely the accouro. of lighterrai people, who knotelbeir July ttt the fam i s hin gfij o in i o t t i tgrotttro children eath Z iL P";i r o w i tdo" , God and country. The inener they, . 4 ,4 , - rho whole had beau livi n g tealize this truth end fall into the .ranks of tan government rations, when these the Caim. party, the earlier will (bey sN were stopped nothing was left them bat to Lia , s cure t h etreten contentment odd • pence of starve to death.' . Tint mother, hugging to ye t her botioni her hungry little ones crying "Lis much o tro feel IMe exulting Over the not but bedew their vainly for , food, l bl d uerteurs. She ity.;s tOirioas - sictorics or the people- Dar to the 1 h lo o u ll n o d W d el ead On S the floor. Her lisbe, when ~...„niasseethe credit belongs— et iii w a feel sor I, discovered, Wag too far gob.e to-be rescued. slitud 'grieved that even a gre ,,,Starvation had done its work, but the in- Own Comutonwealth, - Mut begged for bread till It expired. The " next child, a pretty little girl seven years ItOted In thin election to strengthen the re- old, was emaciated . h_y hungetia complete -of the Smith, and t tend skeleton, She prayeouly.for bretd, her the bthd4 qvac ,„, sre .,s. refire- life could Litt he raved. The other two, it Legislature mix t ,ar . must a peZ, ; b o n W ith care • `'. only: t heart iltd it , erCitikrests of the cut- A fittuliy td covere d, al b root t he le r's a rull , • vens•of-all seetiong"nf :Union,: They I - their - o*w sufferings. - 11101a9Www.1,T . Itthor forike 0914g..their :.stitmtvc:an4 the glory of;titef'tlatit4 41h• iirjte.l .. ..their policy on reentistitietion is . t**Rilelhasid.filiaear, fair • . AbOVO the steiPleGm of p - rejuxu,:e. 1360 7 ' - K many;fretemg4eg- , P4."20t ,10 4 V ) P I 4: nitig)=4 - 'uol4 - 34e..9.r tionans* -• . ! _l%a-A , the NEW AD VER , nsEmErvr a ttrellAy -...1 - not 17P tr,n,lttnt nv 117 - 1110 fn ,or the leaders of the opposition we I, ~ , • ' ''.. .' - . '"'" l ' - 'l , ;;; th i e ,„ f i ' t :. ' csaseenors to s....l7rasitr,V4C • I win.; -,' ', c• ' ' ' ''''' Lx '' .. Corner Fourttr. mll4' 011itiffa, no sympathy. Resorting to the VIII . „ „ i' L 1,,,1cr General.; _...- -means to accomplish that which the pe...,.:. •'. '' ' . 1,..(-^ ;AO I ID ANKERS St .1101tErtS, reserved for another parts, 1' HO: y. I ~. y . i ,„ ~ , y ~ ,t cil you that 1 . nr.ALYt, IN shiastosor have forfeited the respect of their te',..nv ;'..e Post , — ''' ‘; ". '' - '' "rows that the I Gn , .... ~ ~. restored at as —yen:anent Becutitles, ca, "ad should be con si ; .; sc.`, to ; h... 1... ; se , \ it, .i . 1 '.• • ; .; :i47:,g: 3, , .. m,.; : , , .t . ' '. i.,.. l a n s tli t s i n. m b ez et n: ee o n f F slaziof political Oblivion. Ts.ey ; ()reign Exchange, • cor..L.roTtoss =reds on en ancesatuta rotate In Gold, Silver and Coupons. i tiaviolust ploalstunent in our on n glee ~,,, p „., !, ~, „,i , 1,,,n, of the eo u n ,l 4 - 3 - ; ~.„; cc . i tiet ~, r, I.locod a plan destined I Win* tenfold ars , the renegade Ihrpu`di - , the Ualtad suits. end Ca as. „ ; t ~. ' tut nn ••. 'n " n;• , n ' -.. ,, 5C 011 the part o f i cautiii , rho ETA their Finni , nod in ~. w , interest allowed on Time Deposits. prkisf.alStirlee and looters.: ito•.l - pr net- t/ , ' , l'''''l' l , '' , . '‘",, 1 . ' 1 , ' ' '.' '''''' l l', ll th e , ‘ . . e , r , -, V , fle '' . - ' ute plea far [Mil)* Itien- t hit upon th.:.. ,I'o• s " .c -. ~. o • : , , ~ r• 11,, , host ' FRUIT TR EES,GRAPE VINES,&c. I tutve not disarm ed the patty Ji pr , '.. , - 4. ~ ; , , , , ~ :. ~ N __ !also to it, so mu. I. as t h c lc ,, .ti ... I'. I ~, .. „ . , • • their own names hy .ortoptim ,A! o , - - • years will suffice 141 Wlll-1, 11, I i Awl: I'' [aliment. timans.Av .4,,QQ:. -n;‘ - ;.5 power Meeting Wi th swill p/1,.111:1.1:1.• :1 1 1 I , i'l :I he shall be shelved honest nom , 111 1,4 ...ought to occupy the 1•1,.111.,w. ~,,, .., oraeed by uniinirtby and tlisloyal c , . is-7i. their epitaph is already written, and "ion ;,„„,„;„ their political graves few good t itiroa.- o i.' sue, tap to Sht`nl. a tear. MN TRU. lILVOLT CINDI The entire population of ads Lireidai, -,• s, which is .''ll under the awni...)a. t ' Turkey, k said not to -xceeti lne i Turkish army numbers 4011,5001 men. Ti,,, inprmona disproportion beta eet, the I - .; •, tans suet their enemies a, pies this recoil is one of the reind.'est CuiLrid 1--05 on record, or that It Is but the I.egiunit,e , n strvg.,;le between the entire Grrek ru,' and their hereditary toes, the Tun I. .k; ready there are indications I,,st the will soon spread beyond the laland which it began Candia at ! adapted to the ulalntenar.c, znee; warfare by p cot:won:a:lie' thu iusUrgentl ❑'.t I: quickly .subdr.c.l. But the cneffion Greeks td gain by (0,1 - r,l a.• Tbey ran hare no expec"s(l. - .n, fr on a • small islands, of extendia; eonquillk" tact, tho are :. ) . (a (bald an! rule what y !tar riJA at gib( moment no lacc P. prrde , ' • Ili Great I,,we, Of EUrk)l , o titan WI •It!n , nation M :1 , •, ties halo v. , ry cA,. 11.1! EILII.III . nud Lion of Constant in..l , !f• nrd Inge L,./ LI, ever•growlLL,L; LiquLLc C - LL A uiLri.L. wbo'e • i , 1. - .g”r ab!e whPYt &tea:lllll[W... 11,1 k are not, in n condition to u Crimean vat- Torso arc mere sretru'.l'l,,n but the signs on the p,r,:tial I •o:nt to the eun , ufilrumiou of 0. It w, Alt, 5 , 31:11 , 7 or I - • of cur Turkimil rmptr, tlotnth.t.tt -krtd the tray. the extractidttt I are net ! ! ! ill ! a! ! Pot W 101: 111,1). ime &Jule mist reveal STRUNGTiI 7HI. 111 I t ri: , GIVE TILE COPPI-:;‘ , 1 11 - •. In (1..: w tr I, Fir ASS.iSnr WEAVrE. halo; rceide, the Repubhcan mAlori:y , 4hort of theVCie or In Piet township, where Mr. I A Yrs, "editor of the Re;,!.c.li, , there i^ n ftepul.lican gain 1;..t :y thr. e , Tye!' LISCOI.N . : , rote. In the :Mxth ward, a 10.0. I , ...•• 1.4,y Lower cuee tLe P.rpublicAu 11 , 1 perctpt,bly wbcro tnit.rd ,I.lalM ..r the Repub..can All of RvpuhlicamA v. ha w,110./NUC Ntye, hu• l',• the democrat:c - .•11 of ttiern, : th.. roug:11 tie opposition s V ..he fr,:t oL:r rank, ❑p.o .1;.; .aloolots , l so much Tor. Prvl ideh, TO • 1,1 railating our ..ler rk 1.- J.ur judrulf.rlt Mnin'•,. that .•1 ur tilen:k, init Ice n • nut r • err-9 7.1 Fly inerv:rwri •+ 4 .,!, did (Um, pC.Ir , di) Then ILI' ht,K is all with ix+ in the cl::sn di nric • • \\.:• not look fur this but if Wt . 0 , 14 11,t i-ur or Elia, rule to-morrow, it - will be c . ouceled Ilt . :CI Con glean is safe, an:l tLcCoIIUtZV wrll rest earn that the principlcs u' valor shall nut to sac:l.t . : tr dccrt ar9gulam. lIIIMMi=II car t ' riag .r• up y 1: riled. 1 en , 4 ills It Hill be a pleasant oucprw: .7,,r-oit to learn that ne of Pennell - an,. hare not only returned as many member+ to Congress, but two or three more, while in none of the other three ,rates tare any been lost. The American Colon.zallon Society 1•••. s received np to date Lithe hundred an•if,rii applications from negroes in the •'• , •tiiii to emigrate to Liberia, They; with others, wlll depart November Ist T Ley Ste mainly trom Georgia, Tennessee, had a .ew front Virginia. The Society trft- , agents ,a the South to ameliorate, it possible, the pres , ing . wants or the colored race, but holdout the inducements of emigration Lv prOmiftng C free passage. Sin month's pro visions on arrival, and every family receiv ;rig live acres of laud to commence life with. The government of Mere is pa , - erned after our own. The Cot:Tres" and A.dministration are composed of blacks, And every cittleti is equal and free. Tie elimate is rather cool, and varies from , 11 to ad deg es, which is the highest. rue taoentry is represented to be t•ie , per ous, except along the coast which is swampy, where 'the fever' Tulin.. Educe ', ti•ni ia especially aired tor. Vi at the So et-: acknowledge the inferiority of the black nice and their inability to • .11e sue , ce..,Alilly with the white race, they offer Li herda to the negroes, where they can Me I need in life. During the rebellion the So• cloy tEsconnienaneed emigration, n‘ only ...maimed and utteietis inenittma of society werernot dm-Arable, tti build up Li her:. I Therth re don'telieli the platter up .red Wig Continue to en tout-age the emit; rat Mu of the•black race. - 17 13 1 0 c140f the /ite Pre,i -sOtitVlll '.2in".thtPosed itykats4o4l7 an d w 1: lew:,..gatilitiitAwrorrectiOn "re d -I.'Bl'lllg tetidicias' or 1. ( 7', m , - F dl- n; Omni , bicti lurbod " 41 'r e s - JkOirkie-.,:outetecatilltlat was ovetapughtvibilhOt3t r licotiol4; c : • • - tltfriq ,^ by nu , er;:l•zr-ir,-•-;Ir',.:.••• • 111 Mil ,Ight, for HEE I= =EI ME Colas.lzatio:l. , t t 4 MCI OEM , 3111 guana)l,e and . it“: 01,1 1 awl. anr , r.. OE! n y•. 11 Mil I i, 01-‘1,:t.•11111111e,h 'wt. ? : . I[l4 artmV, lIE IMMII . I how .11y ,)111- • kid T.•lr.r, sylil expiT tr‘•.), r! ' I 1.7 , “1 , 1 • 1-2zlr , Pqr A c,.1111111:1 s u,r s 11 1 sr 11E';II flu, . i . , f ...r k I 1 11•11 =NM lii ISEEME=EMOMI =IMMO 1)1_1'1101*TH LITE:HAM UNION 1.:!t ti) C:1..E1 1-3 C 3r T., JR: ivaxN c - I=l \ .). *. )I klt prrrpl ite . ,lol,icl UP :id of flair; !.• LILA SS MIME ENIZE - 1.4LV1..J .St e 1 0 Akal _ lei SU!. r:. it W. li, GARRALD & CO., -- • p: llalsters, Grain & flop Dealers, ME L • f lEEE I I bry liITI Li.] .1 av rnht , tt PITTSIIIII3 rt. w yxs. a ratiCAoo •Itoe•St 00. DITTSIDIM2C I A?: hept!tra c t, " Al. NO. 11.—The Bear Otramors of this Company Wall deelarnd the ern ar , tal , Pqnl of TWO AND "NE-HALE 4-30 l'Em CEN r. on the stholl t a giartor 1(1:.1:11Am, 'r., 1.4 I.:•prrts inol esptamber 7Cla lust , pasta, tras 4Z IaUT ' fth X al 54 F '- "h Av'w Cur:r a IT Na. Advt....ft f , r (~.1 XL 17 lc, tgrvi Us. eitireholdel, feiliter,d that oltT, (~., and (2 , t. n .y tat r;eoilrit to taws rrelaterad at rat.- bur • • hi Transfer Donas o , ore septetobsr 8001, it ittht will op nUataber Mayas/se. r 7., NEW AIJ V biATNII;IIIENT6 TUFO BRICK Dvik.t.LiAcs, Containing , 1 or to thorns Each, BARKER & HABELTINE. R'• :o " " . e ''"' Q M " ' a :so. 19Ith Street, gerttne story, v. 11,“ a p 1,, 'LI .1; 1,7 ti Hen' Fella., If ...g.1,11::,14 )00 1 01,1*TIO 'V OF n•AIiTNEO• DrinuEns LE 1-Nrlrl ,11 , 7.1 , ..tct. I At erlt '''re" H M C ' LOOKING GLASSES, 1,11•) 41 , 1•14 e •IL 1•• •• r,ln‘r, af,er 101, 13.1.'. 01. 01; rvil,ll. A t• • I r I , 313,1, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, 1:3:1.1.. at ti0,,,11, N 0 b-";1'.' tit "l/;':,,UNIIELL. 1. Mee., ..134. • -- IOTTSBUSOI: A\l! OAKLAND 10,1 ,c 3. .11/11,i U. at A. M UtIDOCH e 1,14 Z, er,t1...... ••• u•rtr , • t I , • )1, ;. I E\ h tilt I . F: I'l , A, •1, ~ I(C.E.N k Call T.•l t: eCr.:l an , ! hr ..erelee ra n.I I•n•tr:ig, Car. r n t I E . S 04. BitO., Eng iTt !guild ll of I,k l w A . ;1 F• . ,!`"‘r,. ' ,' " crE An7ry, arat ,,,gta Sr . )..noe n II- rt s,a We I tn.pa , •ItNk I ..E 015.r1,.. lintrat 134 •.ta pltttittg up Tr srltlnery pturppily G. It :TT,. MILS. s. L. STOOD AL ILT would In toot rt.t Lae Ja.st rlr -Ltt tit, Y.,. 48 LIII. ' 8. 741) TiCi0. —. 1.P.11 el For Akiluilnistra. .1.1 Ilya t..e 4. 4 ,4444 o• W 4 41 k: rI. tats of OP . It/ 4.f 4.4•44. 4 .1. 1.1 v.., 5tt.r...1., ' coato.i. Pave orro • A:3 14•1,44116 4.t .v..• 1,1 le wake .flair' pay 4.444•14. n. • 4........itanthotif y no. 1 . 1 ,4,1.11 leht wake b.uoa .t.o, :VIP . II A st, P.A.ik.'ir;Cr o• nl.. P 1..2.1tryb. 11310E1 BOLLELLS r - 011 SA LE. - noeotAirEs clriatiii.kisit - . . SIX SEMND-RAND BOILERS, . t,..... bo.r , 4„toltoe clavtr : . . I !il ,r, , : 1,; i r 14.1.- ° ,; :db .. 40 feet by 20 luebee &meter, for pale at ! re ' a ' . 1 . 1: gra. -,- .it °' o eet , :l. ~o,l4:XYlunlvitz.Kt:oA.... LowEIONO3S tilll•l4lllttg.—Jiuist re.'i asst Marring . / t! Ye or 41:e; i ; - _ jr,,,..y a i r artago nod eruilea Lusf eu u. .17 the narrei or at LA RD 0/.1.-2tlo 1411 131, 14 .41 rut 14 retail. bi :No. nrwsuAw. listvand Poikl and" ar A. latisitalire• DAL!) . oet onfooy,plao ..- -nortlP"' labarti •tront. ~...vrky and , sin, On I "AL W. Cit.: 1111 . 041 - V, Cli,llll/1111810014 . A- , ..taliCHASTlllek.sUirrikl..,,LlJAM 11(01,1,, .4ttc. gl.llv.nr , deltba!"/110jr, Unitle,.. as_II.4LAY, Waretkonsa sad, Ottlas, tins 1 3,6 1 : a. d 304 .4bod, da7d.dara... diary" - tandsbe Ilf sh...Signl4.4tdodlUiAd4t JAMES T. BRAJ)Y et CO,, ILA lIE VI NEI. 11, st II EItl: lEs and :mall Frutts Irk o'7 • Ita , slo 1.. r I.! pi ruling. are the 177 11V., .it ur . .111 • rr oCerr 1 rrteu Lt.ts.ent to applt,not . & Se NV i cklev Nurseries, GRAPE TM S! GRAPE VINES:I 1 . 1,06 Intrtidi p' aatinfr Vlneyordx f, ranking !• . l• U.I. xr, rrepeetfultS =SEE Thcy arearn. t n odd carrfz.lie trained. 1 I •pproved awl, fur tale lu ial psi ort ttae SEIVIC'ti I' .TURSEBIES T. L. Et 7.323311LL.1:1 1 .151 cfb 040., =I . I N STYLESL WITS. M'CORD & Co., Mil •; )31 WOOO STREET, Art n,ca , :oa so i.,actense otext rf HATS C; PS AND nuts, Etet,rortne enrrets tvertat I; Ai-r•k“ *lt: VENT 4 e!eli itr•Te: ~F EVE ,, I . 1 Cum I , tott Mr!, A.L. IttLi , erS. e*ItLE , Nitt•e. * ••• • -I .pc or price, tc ' , Max leeite ei I ./1 0: A 13 lette 4.1 - nung-! ; 1 .; , to . I GOLD ['ENS, warranted Uottnt pin 1101,1er, %TRU Vulg . * Pet), MIMEUEIZ =ME heck I Woo., C vwiLLug Route SialiOnery of eV ory Ui- Criptlutl . iDir 11..1LS Meraoran dom•; ( 0, 1toott• and Presto.; Port fund*, MEM 7'2 VIERS, SCIIOI - ER GC CO., = =la • MAJ. CEN. 0. 0. HOWARD, ME 'lle Hero of Gettysburg, l'alt iol, soldier and (hrietian NEW ACADEMY OF NIUSI( IL ESL/Al V.VF NINA, 4...t01v, 1R 1.6 a... RI ad • o.e.Kret. -our (luisttun Duty to the South.' 114,4."v , t0 , • ti IJ.i.L It., • e 11.. t.:*t unnoiltee. awl at it, '4" NC .11)H‘rrON, 51. P 11.411 11, J A /111 111. I . . KT - I'LETON. L 1.1.15. i.rotttrog Co.rrol , t, U. CA PEVIELL, WIND-QUARD AND AIR-HEATER FOR P ''''' A L OIL. LAMPS. EIMIMII:=1 ~r ~,.. ..«n..,r ~i nt. r..ttalet 'ate pM n lee eae he carrl.d '' t • h‘lqn. lo the weal t 1• ala I. 4 eleate. halt: u vier 1,1 u 11.7 illy 1. 1- I , oal..al.—thlr , i le.t of a ed e reltdrr. tr y . a niu ea...ble ,e ei part vu of 25 Ceuta host po.i• a• 1 ihnua- .7. IL FlT . reet, or led Cadbury A.,- ocsilatlsslmT es; =1 s a to is Ca. scul • 1 is I=l b cut ' folt•rk4l, PITTSBURGH, PA. , trargeh;:t(..7',Vra'fitlt ld fr,V,l7 wlll op us er. By al d..f Of tv. Bayard. X. HUTCNVSM . .4, Stf-TetOTT. ll=l MOULDINGS, &c., &c. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, itsoull•toren. of ItETI]ED, CUAIICOAL, JUNIATA S POUSUED 0313.111313 T =FLOAT. A./Yet - CI To WAninucelt, 1.0. 21 MAX% tT o Z.LIS .00IS 10E111OE h. CO., Manufac. tunas 01 Grand and Square rialtos. Hi4l-coolult. ALLY , A N EB E r. ScAond rt gtt hout Oroatlttoy (MK b ?font.] tostulhicturall I+7 tb AMA ..AS ALAI, passt7d foryoverful, dear, bit thint and sylupsi bctt c itb es telbezt Ctrvu , pra and price lint P. At on twohtittlita. reIIAWART NOTICE.--Tlie•Annittil Meeting of the Vtoetbo:dal - s.of the rzwir:rtyr•sznA al t s IMAA UFA VaUtiniti COIL-PANY will , El hod t b.. t..thpaa• '• Wo t ts . kta b .4.24l...TßOlatt. r . 'trig I,l. ( lkTot . hirer To* ma t t' be 7ea, Eder ei2Ml 0.1.er oust... , as may be by•atirbetsetorelhadt. By urn.' Oft•rcHeart Or lltrectqrs. •.:AkhON. PienandT• POUNTOT -11FAIDENCE • FOR DALIC.—ig.6OO parch... • A COVNTRY REIBMENVE CoTits ID% aci . C4 n Which tiLeivel• emoted • two Florio a cottage Limit!, .1 sled pn tha Ono of Ina Anagueot Valley HAIIna.4I. Aputrlo • . id i'Mr. • ueZ ; • . 1511.011iWatr110t. ..CUAAvreelLtticeasedul. be 3 I . z4tv i r inix=trava - spook.; el em.v.i MERE i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.- NEW AD V ERTISEMENTS: I:: , (In rit ANS' COURT Sfil LE,. —lly LI cHti ne trisl. of an order of tio• ttrol ,o • t ottt : AI. hop - bent count, - I .t. ill earto•.• t.t run t• •., .tolt .• • 11 't ti IL-UR:3 1 ,•,„.„. i,0...., la toe ( My a e ,. ‘ ,, •" ,, ••,' ,•,' 1 aforesaid. ou . Tueeday, October 3r th, 146 t:, • If At 10 or...llKit. A. ,1.. :.II tint contain 1,.k , .. [.... '" ' if i = „ l;: . :l ,. t . . i ,t e LI 11..TtlIve.1io.,urthei,,' et u r ‘ l T, :tl ,n t t. , ...; I I: . t, I : 4 4 .; . C 0 8 1:1 only tide ttf ...lberly larl2.el, 0., 100 . t 0111 , 1.1 .11 I , t 0...• 0 , or Welts owned tty n to. T.atts • t .- - • tt' t "tr , iulag hew . ..along he I ne of the •Itne .. ; •:..• 1 ,, { . One tottnip. I and forty lees, nod . Dr ~..... : • 1. , ••r) 11 110LE . , , 1L1: lIEILERS IN • noel, and then.. along Id O. .• t oot ra,...rly forty six fret tight tonnes. More ••r ; . . r to th....lne of lot now or tate of Craostoo. and I. ..eo I to. :In- B o otna 6' ._ tg a? TV e. 4. . ,: fLi a - molly one net owl fort , fort. MM. , . r e.,. to \.it. ts . .), sj: :•.W:Ailled - N17,41 Lasers) , atreet, Slid sonnet Mimi, ,sll I i•• , tr , rrtt weaterandly f0tt.....11. ft.ott yri•l sells ii.• • .• f. 1.. l • V plane of begitto In-: on attach there are • ,c . ! t.O Vort.storp brink I/ ontllrg OASCC, Ii.• 11, 0. 011 lA ,- erg sreet. arlsll two 1.0-Slvr) n :rote Oa sot.- :•. 1 fronting on Avert . ainnot. ' T.lto anon. sr ill In• 0nf..11 ,, 0. 1051 or to -• i Aral. 't. •• to s .11 polottsa. to. 11 I aymen 1 .t, tlll, 111,, .t Lr• 1 .. I , ••I JOHN DEAN. : 111.'.- , .S nat...., .t.• _a T: - ,. or . I -' :I ol a- V ---, -- - - - -• iiii:4l:4 l Ii;ATEsT I. V EN T r lON o Till , : AUF. Webster's Patent "Ordinary Wrench," !Solt, Round It od, Steam. to 81 . 11 SR and ; 1,1; .1i ,„ n a- r Lend Pipe. =3 Will bold • Round Rod or Solt In 4 , ItEW I 6 A 111'-1 N. The Aptqllanee- nted ;nth • 11 v lung it on and . - ..nrrwing up ripe, . • n 1• • a. q:.) Kai • J obrlattng the expense end great ..e4gltt 'Tung', tr.. en he eqtr, ' , 3 1 , 1 1.1 TIN. 111. .it HEI . AII.IN.I InAt wh•t bred rw, I) n 1 KA ‘• . tl r Nt , hr 1 5 s, tvt:”. anol In refry rr - N - IL I) SiilW, rffin , Ac., eu.l ,eery ard H•tUCBWaE.IIx. WATER A 1.1... th e se WIIIsNCHM are made In Inn II!. 1 in r• on,b minter. a..d ire r it e. to •,• than any Wrench'in 57100 m tn.. • a•,.. A 11‘er will Out trff -rr. un t.ll. If In. Interior A'l In. CS er,cll up the 4to 14 In, llnm..t-r An 'blunt N re m on • ut ana LI t• .•• dlinuet.r. q 21.1u01t IV ranch .v r,. up plp.4 . to 2,4 1 genes dlAme ter . k e m.BIeSTEEN 0 , 1 , 1 34 Water I ,t•ertT =I =I J511:7 33J Crr I= MI ntl on hand EVE EZEIZEI 131 -SENlll,:"‘"!..i 5.17,A1N RAW*, w. J. uncitel w C izorre.k: & CO., Batting, Twine, CSueoessor9 to R. r. llol.rr co. 45 Smithfield St., CoTToN AND Ll' EN CARPET CHAIN. sOntaCttrtrs mad Dee,. el!: 0.. c 1:7 FLINT .1 a ' 11-7 Will be Promptly Fillaa et Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Bets, OFFICE ANS SCHOOL Fy!INJURE, el:. re: , 17e .arefui stts,lgn • Together nlth a roll ass;r: Len , Pittsburglildsnafaatured Furniture,H. CHILDS & CO. Von.taatl/on Itattd and for erle at t ArYSTOv \E - M ,:2„ON 11 . ms •c: „A laiii. MEI C 3 AAR IP ici . r . Nke .1.1 no ex111.1 , 1o• VALt. II kW' mo-st w I. ere. 11,1 t to pleuUrcof offectag LOU. rat,.. Brassrls and Tapestri , 2z, ur.r On 10aportalloa.rneee nr..l vtU er 1..1.re In PUB CIIITOI AND %ELM CIRMN AND I;la F.MI3II I, II.M.LED .81V lIS 1. *OE t HT ^. vir ad Flew Pllll 10 of tortgm !ftti) & Centre Tasse.s, I °op , 6. LI anth. W ,¢ • TO V., 1.1,1 t: t r • cholo. arjle. Ku quR eurtAn• &Tit KLA N & No. 146 "Wo.ter Street - . - atd bouar t.. n. Honor Lt.'. (111. N ne..roa.l /.41.• .11111, Int.sa4o 1110•1 • air. • ALLEGHENI Bit Eli JERI. 11,1114 pnrchsse4 thL 01./ e•ub1101 , 1 e = 4 • , k , ovru 0.. O.+ ALLEWIL Y 111(KW. icy. to--t - v ' 0.21. 0pw.,11 & I Pi,. • • SPRING WATER ALES, 412 , 1 e tz oho Pan 51,114 IT a, Ind fr.., th , and 10.0 • , t ,,,.. n` ,2 in II." that we. will terac elan those 0110 NA) 100 of It' I' I9TIZEIT'33E cat CO.. 465 Rebecca Str,,,,t, ALLEGITENE CITE. 417A1l nr.f., • ten \V !i • & il' t 11\V 303 Fltt to. t y atm.odod :o. 11,14.1 - • BARC CS bir GRAFI 96 Liberty Street, MILERS IN GROCERIES it PROCCF, I=l 1=2711:1112 that Urn le to keep • First-Class Family Gi °eery, And 11.11,11,,c - TIOv 10 ALL In•T 0• sOth thelr pAt r 01,,, ; PIUS.; snd DEA LI Nil 13.111.CUS E OS Liberty el ree:. corm, of ; 1:133:12311 MONUMENTS, GRAVE :TON.ll,ti, Vaults, Fountains, MERCY HOSPITAL, Statuary, V - tIL C--s H 2 In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, A! , 11 TREATMENT OF ALL • Ly•la.,bni 1 . 1 yitting Medical or .1.10 c.! aid. DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 1 '7'.•"0 I:a n r " "or owo :I; L ; a t, .prolcanon to any of the cite collo g ph, siel• 0, Ii Aurgeoh.. All regular gOtystalan• •endiug Pay pa . uto to Fri Tate 1000119 A) have 1411 ch.rge Use 1.12312 • omretent hur..., combined Tent Uw p-rsethal etton.lnu of 0....05ter, unsay. thlo Inalltution oi to )In the Mate no . Mose adlie ed with IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS, din Vac ph)slul•n road surgeon la 41.11, a, Icedsnee •teoleat .nd rnouth• .7.1 y attendance HUMMEL &. RABER .10 .1 1. J 1)., 10 °rant street, r. end Pctenner. Ins - Ite Ilse at teuthm of h • loolltat Co thel r One .tuelt J o H 11. 142. nhaliblleld of MAJ. Jost relel , /eil, InCludlng tha fullOwthg ea- et, Aprll, Ma •nd Jobe. unto' , I/F iii. If. NI. 0., 103 Third street, Loop, Nos. 2, Bond ChPit nut, Z. g " " 111 . . , IL, 107 ILoto street. Jan- Lyktne Volory, Dios. F. 2, 3, and l'Bosinot, • I 11, - ch. N.. ' 1 , Y testa bleht and Grant Ni4‘4 1 .tit.4 , 94 t'eut'"P'74 to °•"•7' 'a dany eui4slYl 1014 or thnitsand ant. " 1. • ear • • Ludt ' t o, orator. promptly st.tomll to. PHOENIX eiT.ELLM BREWERY 0 3. m.• 103 Cann‘necreac, the 0011 till lin Itltle.lll 101, Pa, Jos. SP‘3lOll JAB. I , ..`EAT 7.W.JOn ta n , l , ` , T r :611L' Er.INI it: ER ik JOILYSTON SCOTT, DEA. IDi ~~ IiIIL STERa IMI BREWERS Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelr OF SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, T. BROOME, rm. 00 Penn stv•et COAL! COAL!! COALIIt dlo. *l4 LIDLUTT taItZST, PITT6BERGII. I% znitiostrumsl4,l2.o42-7."" I 1101334D.T WATRON, Mom Ayer. lels:d6s SIW rullculsr alteptlon even to Eteroorinftl St: I ' l % lll On OA li TANNED. PAT. Wacoost, Clocks .d Jemmy. Al work warrnnt. ILN T s b lU. VCII4II AND IDVICIEJ ad / te51,14 H. J. LANCE, LEATULII BELTING AND DOSE, ELK AND WOOLEN 1111macture41 at No. 111$ B.3IITUFLELD DT.. by DYER AND SCOURER, HARTLEY, PHELPS & CO. ISM Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Corers Cleaned di negtazed without tanpactiug. Nos. 8$ and 31 Third Si reet, 8en... , Wood sad Smithfield =;!M=MI = SOLDIERS' CLUES FOR BOUNTY, &c: The undersigns,' will collect all bountier, bock pot and pensions doe soldiers under the acts of (tomatoes or State laws. Pougress has)ustpassea so act equansing boun ties, under 'Sakti veteran @Goiters ore t ottiled to tiostaLy of from 111100 to $2OO. JOIIN N. LASII3IE A. M. CROWN Attorneys at In., Mee. No. 1.1 k Ylftl, sorrel. Jval-ganidAsrl . 14. COLUMBIA OIL COMPANY. • EirthalTlMll, Octoher 1. MS. TiIeSTATED MONTH E LT UP TH:F. /WAL, uF DlNEuTtnts 0. t Compooy edit '4ll beld,ot :be Plit•hure ou the IoECUND 11 - EDNEAI3.I.I7, doy of Votober, sit lb* Droners. State of the Company - will be eioe ed Rozaboutr.loye-tIN4LO, to Itouday. the 1.10 Uel.bee• PrAnAsrof iito Polar, , c soL .E. Vo 6n F,11.T 61,T, Sc.:rotary. j . ...601!19431471 1 /411.&111 & BON, fvsidmelf Mate Lead Works, PDERViturt.: LEAD, FILOX LAA111:1118OMFD IN 481.4101 L 1 . 011 PAINTIN - a'ap:' 17ITCsitbia Witroert. alooiracnircuiwr& . PHROTIOALIEffitGRAPHERS, laviv.ffn.hpihe py.zusiguttar.tuah. ***O4.44RIV. Cl.ca. -14 0py4,21r. • teaa." 1,- SOLE LEATHER, NV , Stn-et PITT! , 4G1:1161I, PA ISMIEI lIOPE ayi.iL -Lis Superiou Colton Tarns, FACTORY .PRICES HITTCB.ISON, GLASS & CO., ME Ilanara, n nOtiud, Square, flat and 'e Bar Iron, !loop and Band 1: - on, Beller-Mate, Tank and Sali-Pan Iron, Mle , kk Iron, &r: ,&c,, R Ear, ES T 4 T Q.E.VT. Uiucq, biu. 119 P•oarth Street, Pittsburgh, 1:=1 A loe•tu 01,1 rr.m. !ng, h 1,41, ftntshed, Superior Wood and Iron Haines, nt. tug el. ro,ns •nd p,rb• ty• •• tn., p a:A4.nd mar . le mat. 11,... ~,„ con „,,„ un Wrootcht Poet Ring Bite, Posthee . Brando One. r A ,- • ./ 0$ Parties Pn an vlo, Lho entire 4 I V. 1.... kird'" Htu+ ,e p la.. 00 , II i teed a felt end complete eeeorthlent Rood* 11l ca0 7 . 7:,,* I the, r tlyte. s or they °get at es Aar In I'l e •.I.ln, down• •roa On IF irlet, Lenin ate offend by may hohee cr ..1,1 loam erle?, Mtu- ‘1.10.4...‘An"W°11.,,t• Pay24:b34 : tat ...out on ihe Penn.. , ,Ir•egd. Tra •lad it•sn this oallon n. . 1 : s. Limo ! tu ME x a 1.0 T ,. st SI,(IV n-1:1; one n,lar. in if.,tb , I •••• t.i.t 01 41/,,- mA Ihr nine • "".""°"'d"", NO. 108 IWTH MVP., A nr or Frmre Hon, 4 room, flnl-ned tarrrt ••n.l , L.: mtuatt J efft,sora 21 • Opposite the Cathedral, ~ it•••!, ~ 1 It , r 14 . 101 me hairs, +,•I 4.1 1., .41.,ut the hoose, '-' • " r property [ur W•Pgortlint-nrint..,r,`,7,7:::;!ku:.ll;f.ll,l,adrP.slgNs 3313.•.' 103131 4 ' l 0 u A. a.. p PfEll: PITTSBURGH PIPER )1 FURRING 10., W arehouse, S 2 Third Street, Keep entsc tat, •n hut. and for axle, at laweat NEWg, TACX,'MU+, HARDWARE, I:.• oftng, '_"fit and WRAPPINCT PAPERS 10,0001.41 , osso. , od now In Warebo:sa (Malan 'lllll4 at Stenbrno.lle. Ohio. 40lusts littla at New Brightoa. rt. 3:2IOLPCIartAMEII2I.. filo. ISO' Wood Street. BRITANNIA AND SILVER MATZO TABLZ WAIL, TEA THAIS AND TABVC CIITLEEI. ablestr on band. • CHINA TZA e z TB ' 'nlnA TAU ' '• • BOHIRIAN C SV I 46S II U I S IIOIOIILITIOIN LAVAS/AEI; T./YANKS INGLIS/3 0 1 51r1r1IIII*O. tninl wltotert le and ntal/ Gad*. • - The la t and snostecnn;leteeloOkOtallesstletng In . the elty. Pelee/ a. .....rtnntbe Gann aa Siktomilitera MSS. my Ms: Orden ex vented by telegraph at the NEW YOBS CI. Also, Ageo t. for Now York Rubber Co. Cll-titan l3elting. Ahrays on hand, aertar 9 naC t 7 ofACE I.x - n Hann *WS 4. c0rp4 . ,,, RIVE an 4 I{ Id Itn. I.T ti(r. SP. 88V.43, Broker in Stocks, B.,NL AND BEAL ESTATE, 57 rt/URTEI +TILE ET, ( Burke' a Building ) buy. and ' ell. on CommDO. BANK, RAILROAD, INSURANCE. r4TIIVLEUM STUCK., aoLl GOVISILtiIetENT, hit NH; Rd 11.110A.D OTILSII BONDS. I=l of'rommlnntnn rurrnnt In tbrne Cities AciorrsosaLnounrirms TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. Slt who sorted three years are entitled toeloo bootity; hone oe,loa two Inn. 1130: or .40 ..ere W.:Oa:wed Ll.revue of wounds, or their bare. 1 hr.@ Morsiha Exfra Pay „t oe volneteer ieleers In the service March an, InS, sod .IW:barged. mustered Dal: Or resigned A n 4 disabled are entitled to Is g9O or $9.. . ateordroglo degree of &MOW- W. J. it BALL rATTE.)I4ON, Attorstork ==M=i C... allr.rnira.A.,..f.,o, tinkr• . ct,isreaparllll6, 141:301 v t.,nwnerntoi=l 4 trr.61,11:21 J. D. RAra.ALIEY, 338 Liberty.. Street, , FINE CLOTHING, NEW YORK 11AFETACTVIIE, AND GENTLEMEN'S rußNlshimo Moot r.„ aFO 4112 A NT•S r RIZ EINES/AL .11(1 SI Alt SkilltTs. Remember the NEW IEU opposite rke street. 7ett;e3s. rt S. B. RADIALEY, =ll =NM 334 Liberty Street, FASHIONABLE HATTER 13TH ANSI 0."...1P OM. 108 11E5, BOYS IND Canna The Newest tityles always on hand and at the Lowest Prices. pot.,l:.Ztyto.or wiwzipAr J. D. RALNLALIEIT, 334 Liberty Street, Deglaf In .11 lands of Eioots and Shoeo. A.:.ays on head a litree and ruled usortmeat of Ladles', Misses' and Cbildren's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, of too tnest Nirof Yoft Dianafacture, And at Lower Pricee than Down Town em.m th FOUR L.A.RO ZI iNn‘ , Wt, op,o id. b. e le:c4211,11 DAY, hIcABOY & SPANG, IRON CITY II IR WORKS. OFFICE ANA WAREBOOSE, !dos, 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third St, I VIIPOSTFELS OP AND DEALERS IN Saddlery Hardware and :Trimming, Hat recut° , 1 the practice of Dentistry' at DENTAL PRAIrriTIONER ME Especial attention ll be given to th preserve- Mtn of tbe natural teeth by skllltally ,Ullt.d them lei the most select material. and by giving them °it°, ,ropir treatment, thut pro•erriog Ms= for future lima and comfort in &ripe old age. Irreettlertly of the t-eth 91 yam( persons sail fully attended to and coretrned. Ttiote henotiftil Oft-likeerttticia teeth, rendered no coin fortehle and useful IT the ready of toe Doc— tor's mazhaulatti, teal be mule y for all Who may Greer them. Ali recent diecoveries of vans he glans relief loom pain In the entreat°a of meth, will be ally administered to those who mop desire them. ',thee boors item US- M. to 4 r. eel? spa DiStOLOTION OF entrualsair THE FIRM OF JOSIIVA RHODES & co. la Watt day dlaaolved by tuatoal coemant. Elia.. of Mu partnera d :ol alto the net. of 500 0 , 0:1 1,1 ekttltay ol boalnada at We Oak* ot ate t'lttabdtgb Broavory JU9 . , ff . s U lit i a ' s Mk su kIW R. Ravine disposes! or our Malin BTsalbg. blaitiag nosfrfeas to lies (J *j DA(LLfa IF TO , . A. CO. th e would ask Credo our Wanda owl ttnuanoe of the patronases ao Morally bestow - ad upon us, aa from the, I..na . experience Illtbn 0n.., nn; fool ratladed tbey will maintain Wa of oar Al,. aIIODE3 t CO. tteferree to tbe oboes, we would Inform the pub lic tout so uoteleg undoes to merit ownnet ore. liberal 01.r0011/11, enjoyed by tt• late Dna ofJOall I,ololll9ldit 00aod from oar who may favor to , telth thetr OrClool.• arb-OA 11.1..1.0T0W & CO. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 10eIf, ORDER OF TILE ospNANst col/ UT or Atte-enemy Cooney, _the Adinlatatre lOr. Or P , Gestate of 1/I.Tfli d•Oenied. wit, sell by Vanden or , PublUt Untogye all {ha COYfI. luuen City of Pittsburgh. on adTl,OauAY, oct, bet Zed, men, st weAvek r. X,..TRACTOT LAN th oltonle WilkLna toe-nadir. Alt.gOilny %panty, containing ty tag Awns, Mende lea}, hotnaleat. on the aontb by land or J• ibr - V • gtlillnd,,cni tSe b bend of Jam. HAW - on isolughelittid of John y n ebader, land on ttz 4 ;tiirth Or tharPlttabeirgli and Grerti•Larg Torpid hiartgi4mirlion recta.! Log Home an , Log . There la • ara• apple and peach orchard on tli gilintbalin. and about tett acre* of It la underlaid with • Teta of yainatilnntonia'Cont. TWeindiapatable. 01.1--t.too- bye f caU.iiliderlette•rf of the deed; Oa atunsln two enual pa en .1,•1 vsaantrwo years. ttn aoterast, tsoll secoll64 by emq4.o4 au t h e pram:lller. AppirP3 . "tifatiMhß, ilklaateirg. Or. YO.LIN 11•33.1..? % Att0i11en , OCCISiIw . CHIBA WAIVELIOVSE• RICHARD E. BREED, , L.1,...43-313:110, DEII2IIII , • FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, French Clocks, ittea to it. UP,&181201 OP ff!WfMEZ;i== vvEnrw ANDIIALEST,IMILW MOlantriliffalk 4l r 1 , .. 1rri..1,1,1f:WY Iris:, IMO ./714 1 WlotesLlG land It.t•II And Denlex In 41 ktndi of = Lod Manufacturer. of gal varieties of ibirCeNTSEM.axm • AND * *SI* F ED. A SITUATION LB HOUSEKEEPE By. L. ly mitts no famll7• nest orrei , reue , s Oren attd reeetifod. 4.daret• oclt:1117 6ALETTC Of no Oills G AN IN ET. Eltlr COUNTY, as PARTNEIt lo lling • ANTAL, &la leitabAT A LUIS. W ill tur 41.4Will•ArteS;treto .esty;gasod ins. , of met. Meat Mittel part of el fine pay per tisy mot • taro...roomiest , . lo•tdre. eery gMS CO Vtt 5".4 "11j'44 ‘ t‘ .10011 . j.. 111.T0N. rittaburgh,Pe.. ME= WANTEI)--AGENT6.--.410500 PER 1 LA It —Everywhore to inieOttnce :lIA %V k iIIak.IIII.4S7A.IIII'.I"..Sr.WINGLAA4:III lee, Itnproy ed and peektentsr. Lewitt be. tell, stitch it nu,, , . plod. braid aid ontbrnittor postal ru Ir. Frith, only I OM. Makin& tt e olatall len-• stank. and Stu, warranted for ere years, and is Iletorod. We par t th t stitch &ages or A corouttqloia. !rota wit le h to tow tha e t amount elan so male. Addeo. or roll on U. it. LuSks,..Sar. i lid tartans atenttn Plitahorth. in. • to , asvortlaetntint of tLe riot. l• & Lyon an I tits Wood new InF Ilaeloutna to anutbar col amst. at, po , ry ..--------__ WANTED --AGENTS-675 to $2OO . , r Eft 31014TH for Gentlemen, and 133 to 013 (Or Ladle., evert-hors to introduce the (too wen Sen. Ysmily rtt wing . 3toehtno, Improrod and Pt ., (acted. It w•ll'oem, lell, 01UL...quill. hind, bran, and ernbrOlner bettuttrollY — price Only slo—met- t lag the elaailetoehoatlten, arid fully Ira rratt,..l for tort , yes. We pay th e 010 TO wages, urn cow -1 otti•adon, f rom witteh tortes that a suent eau so made. Address or call on U. In" K It. a I it,, (Moo No. 11133 S. Mirth street, Pittl dolphin, t• t. Ati It it., an Set or •d prompt[[. with circuit . tott terms._ WANTED, AGENTS AND SALESMEN L. .v ^ .7 To•mn. CU) and Corn() to 111 c ‘1,44 I=l Eeeryttody out of employment win tod It L Ltl,lr ET= No. 43 Fifth St., up Stair”, =I A taurrs WANTED Fon A NEW M)W is lteDY. WOMEN OF THE WAFt. BY FAANIS. .41 , 10r ,c , or uy:or of — Me lintW.tot The object of this wort Is to collect end preset. Y ossyutestscs of Ibe AY rv:cos of the ....hooso sl sr I the perlle of th e wqr.und oust. to Inherit Its dlo - les. The e. loom co oo: toe •beut burl tt , ltt a . p. r , sod Is tilust • cu.,' ebb ereel oil: , penult •. co rayed to the Most Unproved style. of :l t y sr , betty lion. Yor LI, Colors told reel or apply to I= IS, Gel Fifth etreet. I'letehargl! AGENTS WANTED HT THE EV REicw 6FWISIJ E COll VS NY to Sall .1411. W MACHIN!. AVI ,or fen( tissue paper to. Inner ltvarer cloth Or Ire' her eelln out Gb.go of fee.l, tiesdlo..rtenston. alcalss D' foot and t...vly destgriled four mutton...l Snaterano. Addtens, enelostrtiC stnlnp, It. ALL 04 t lb Street. (Second Plttsnors,. TE.I3, TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Either permanently or tetnnornrlll, who rotn putout to engage in bnaloons relatlUnn Apply In prroun or nthlrens W. IL BOOM. 991ratt ...Let. rltt,Onr..to. MEI FLURIBING, GAS FITTING 111 IRIS &BARTLEY ADDY 3.1:7 131011031, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, (or, tillth and &Milneld Ms., Pl - 1 - 2'513r • nOIT. PA, Car. Deaver and Chestnut Streets .11.4..NC/lE.B7ri R. All 10lxdo of Water, G. end Steam n stxntly ee hatid. GIS IND STEIMFMIND, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, SHEET LEAD, BILEET ZINC, LEAD PLPsEAR WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS TOII T. EWENS, I9' 165 'Wood St, Pittsburgh; Pa arr7l•4B BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., PLUMBERS,OAS a. Si EAM PIPE FITTERS No. 55 Federal SL, ►lleghenyi 672 Penn Street, Pltt4burOta WATER AND 0/LS constantly on hand. Houses incd up with Om, Witter or Steam fires at short untie.. 011/Yonneries fitted up at short notice end In th , . most approved style. ..fitatores, Took, ie., lined with Shee. Lead by new proc,ss, with' Hydro-Atmosphertr Mop We keep colmtantly on nand in lge to pnly o( SUVA'S LEAD. LEAD PIPS, IRON ar N 11 It Abet , OUCH'S. PITT - MOB ALL KINUS. b•tw ser IFIU• SE ond in Met a d mala ri al kapt by a etst-class establishment. We would Invite ttss attention of all who sly Work to do in our knout bealnest, ,cout:• I dent we con give the hoot of satisfaction materloi, workmanehlo and mire. F.6.1111.1ELL e 4. I. 0., No, 167 Smithfield Street, =CI Lead and Block Tin, Pipe find Sbeet Lead; irtioleatie and retail dealers La all Wads DI Brass and Steam Goods, IND ' , LEI Of ALL DF.SCRIPTIOS. 67 IBmit-laticacr strovt 1111344 TN NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels caa Ln turnith , l with beat quality latlclarilluol43VAnsi;iia*i At theyiestAnertkosland best tonne, by nnlilne on JOHN MAFFET, Nos, 227 and 229 First Street, PITT&RUAGH, PA 17.M0 WELDON & KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND--RRASS FOUNDERS. A large lissom:Ann of Chandelier& and Brackets, Lead Pipe. Pumps, Sheet Lead, &C., ALWAYS 02f HAND. 161 Wood StreetOiear Sixth. m -;b7 ITERLEtIY & JOIDISOPi, ELELCM.T.O.A.X. Plumbers, las and Steam Fittere, SJJWB ATYI,TXT X;STENZIO N. . . IPittllllllalazigh. Pr . ordlen try executed, • satleflaeteril 54 PArn =Tr' AL L I* . Pni_iruk. _Um .e,. itre?Tairt • Orders fre; err trf P"peulbTruell Pro.Dtlr 4 Treil t itie — dteeiiiidetfere: • • .04 . WI 1 _ St T LEY -- t , : . ,, ,-4.”;..t...iti.!inSiztai•Atibgeof Wis6l - 10 " . 1 ;:b --" if 1,, . . ►,', , BCPS, ; ,* '''inel• 91 =- , Wi" atraCtre:,tv 4=l. 1 . w, ' iimimt..., vi.ip*,. *i 1 ,IefOVVIO4O AG.. St Wel el4lltreets, AS h,,,*!`raliff*iirf,,ngaver, *ft 41 Aitiosmaanp . 17#11k011 - 1 ,11 0 ).1EsSEs, 04A151.,,, ' wanimmes. ~] MN MO