Tiff DAILY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BE Penniman, Reed & CO" AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. 00 Sifth !Street. F. B. ipswsrat Mgt, ) .r. P. 110CSTON, i Editor& n /O ziso NlAll m P. 1L13 R IG / j) , . i Bum ... Bummers I= SlAgle Coplux Detleered by carrier, (per Iroekl Mil thabsertbers, (peryear) Lit. 17,1 rodottlous to Newsboys and Urn La ght .gitishurfilt Gazdte. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,1868 HON. JOHN COVODE. The election of this gentleman, who is fmown throughout the entire Union as a (borough Radical, in the Twenty-first dis trict, composed of the counties of Indiana, IVestmoreland and Fayette, gives us an other member of Congress; for Mr. DO- N'OD E. takes the place of the Hon. Joint L. DAW SON. It is, moreover, the severest blow which has been dealt to the two re creants, Jonnsoa and Cowes, by any por tion of the people of Pennsylvania. Mr. Cowes; resides in Westmoreland. The district is closely- divided politically. Westmoreland and Payette have ever been strongholds of the Democracy, and - Wlien that party was a parry,- "old Westmore- ! and" could roll up majorities of two thous and and upwards, enough to neutralize the vote of Allegheny, and Fayette was not much behind. Now Indiana—the smallest of the three, but as true asVertuont—has to j cope with both these old giants. In 180.4 she came within 158 votes of overcoming their united majorities, This year she has done it handsomely. When that district was composed of Indi ana, Westmoreland and Armstrong, Mr. Covonz represented it for four succealve term; so that he is an old stager in two of the counties of the district which has now chosen him. He has never been beaten. In the contest which has just terminated the most strenuous efforts were made to de feat Mr. COVODE. In no district of the State, probably, was that meanest of all party wean< us, prejudice against negroes, 'so much used or so much relied upon. But It was all to no purpose. The people knew that rebels and capperheads, and not ne groes, were the parties in this great contro versy that required putting down, and they did It It was is great' tirnmph. All honor to our true and gallant friends of Indiana sad yet hose the less to those of the other two counties, who are slowly and steadily gaining upon their multitudinous oppo nents. Ex4l-.4 You Lowur was quoted in the New York Herald as authority (or the statement that there were eleven hundred changes in this county from the Republi cans to Johnsonism. The returns would indicate that the ex-Mayor was engaged in tl c common business of counting his chick ens before they were hatched. Tan Republic says yesterday that "there has been defection somewhere amongst some of those cloaca who have promised us their support." Just . so. The Liquor League, Trades Assembly, Coal miners , etc., did go back fearfully on the Fusion ticket, and showed their great good sense .by se drifirg. COVODC'9 DlSTRlCT.—Dispatches from Uniontown state that Wern'a majority for Congress in Fayette county is leis than 800. Westmoreland gives Went between 1,100 and 1,2007 Indiana gins COVODE. 2,200, He is, therefore, elected easily. Tun boast of Mr. NAT. SANYTILIt, and the dozen or so Reptitellcanswbo revolted from our party, was that they would take over 3,000 Republican voters Into the Demo cratic ranks. What has become of the three thousand? Isotaxa. —ln tic Eighth District, Hon. 00n1..0c - E B. 011171, who was elected in 1844 by a majority of 1,184 votes, is now re-elected by 2,087—a gain of 873. Wu were correct in our predictions as to what Allegheny county would do, although our conservative neighbors scoffed at our prediction, at the time. _ Mormunrtow's Soothing Syrup is good for every Child's disordered constitu tion. (This is no advertisement.) Tun people of Allegheny county say that J. Y. McLaughlin tvineligible to the office of Sheriff. No (tens were fired at the Third ward battery Tuesday night. Vireo it for wain of ammunition?' Ton opposition broke our panes on Non day night. No one can bioak Mel: pains now. A large defeat—Captain Andrew Large'e, the eppoaltion candidate ice; Recorder. small vote—that received by ,John Small, Fusion candidate for -Register. RUMUNO for Congress lx 110 child's work laths 23d district. . Is it Billings?, Titian was a ground swell felt in Wash lagtbn on Tuesday night. ()Lewes in a new rolo—cllinbing upon the majority of Geary. Tar, GAZETTE building .763 not groaned on Tuesday night. A 4weitur-easo on 1., .yOll4lOOl biee—kl eu . J. B. Bweltzer. I=l —Another strenuottseffort la tO be made for the comsolidlitiota of New : York and Brooklyn. . They have been catching five-pond ban in the t cellars of DayWn; Ohio, dulls . he flood. —Abridge 22 miles long and 214 feet " I '4'o° 404t14580,002'0 1 1 0 0 is talked of at . _ Dover, Eng. _ —The "bright, pnetly, arch and piquant actres l 4" Miss Lydia Thennpnort, it.comirtg to &urn*, —Rumor has it that Rrs 4 lllioperattcriooos the Irmo= on $lOO,OOO, in order lobooomo 3dra.phae. Simmer. ; , ; —A'Oontoetteut-bosband has cowhided a photographer tor telling photographs of hts wife, 41sfigured i ith , wastorrs. nglandlasla Wig/lord *Me Dile& 'yes 'who are to mark:Ogden., notorratles br beitsgellacatort foinursas litthr• —Tits Ismael ot'Ethrlo: BoOtk; "and , Y0u01t.14,-1 4, 30445hiri. kady , oglldladid• WV ; InarA;outoont sCudititionfal gossip. .2:6 07 go r ~winaludarittiquir door to dooror and slee k hair to 4nutt , o• bat', boon "a4lO ...:45bidlt4iiiinuenitfroil intrimincing England !Lootions,r. arch a washing ;orashitroorTooktog storsa, , ' t S c r u) ,kt-the • ONG dcPr94136 ,,, z' ..; 17. .1/nUo..BLAI:o , ' #4l 3 ‘ V hist: 4L. 4404gralt " .. ..;,..., :,.,.-.-...c:',;.:?...‘:.,,,-,..'1'4;•#.2::';',.i,41:....':';..::L;.. /- j'll-4-0. re. 11 -''' -\ . • \ \ \ afr .,,, ,,% >- -:_ , ,•••_:".....,,,••--7,---- 4; , i; . :;', 7 ,-:;-,., .. - .5.: , , i. •?.- „, , , ' --:.-- . r . \.._. - • : :, ..k;• 14- . -.. f...':7.. 4 1.;) , .;.7 - .101111 ,:, , .:.,-,' • '= _' . !it - I?: - _ , .'.,. , -,i% . , - lb. it ~.,, .., "-i-1.c... 2 '''is . (:-.: ..... , .. •;. Alle ' I MI T '‘l --TT‘-.111&• • -:' ' - ' f :11 ;4i•- •-L. ' - • 117----7:4 ` li• 4 kLY \ '''--ti .... a) r , 1 - , .:.,..1.1. 1 1 i ll ( 1 1 ------- 4. 7 - 7 ---- ~,-..•,,,: ~.' • 7, --'- ------ • -------- = - - --.- ,'*--••• •'- -- - ;;-r.7-. -:&a---.'''It:...'i.4.::::_:",.' .7::, • ..... - . - „ --- Ork, • ,- . .3-1::V.- , -...,...____.:_-••-•-• - ,•'SW, - • -----,--. -- 7 -r--7 - / f't•-• . 7 f.--. ---= ---- , ..-==;;T - . :-- --, 77".7.- --- - -- ••- - z- _ ---___..•,_ .. - lik '',.;• • - . - ___Lv .- ,4 L---..-1 Er= 11121= = VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 2.44 •14iii.MOD15i: Get Superior tiGY(Biscuit at Garvin's, No. 6.1 Fourth moot. Womeo•■ dom. 81.00 At the Opera noose Shoe Store. Men'. noporior Brogans 81.00 At, the Opera !louse Shoe Store. RMall PrConti and Quirk 19.1 es Is our motto at the Opera House Store. Women",. Heavy Whaler Root• For seVert ty-II re cents, at the Opera UOOOO Shoo Stoic. Ws• itle Like Ever Flow they can tell Boma and Shoes so cheap is a wonder. Now goods at the Opera lieu. Shoo Stori, A Poor Excnor, Is rendered by those who fall to satlaly the demand• of nature, by not hastening to the (Vora House Shoo Store and got u pair of good Bey's Stant aboe., 13c Comment Is unnecessary, as those figures should satisfy all that the Opera House Shoe Store sells Boots and.Stmes cheaper than any Other liana In the aoild. No. 60 fifth streeL Pure Blackberry Brandy, The fineet to the city. Pure Old Ryo Whisky, •ery old arid floe. ()Lard, Dupre. a •lo.'e French ttrundy, yin taco of 1861, none liner. Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines, finest grades, imported flatland Gin, Jamaica Itum, of acknowledged excellence and purity. All of the above Minors for tuedietnal par- Poen , re guarantee faraday porn, and or more than ordinary age. tV hen you deal.. a pure article go to McCtaaaaa S Kaawax, • Druggists, 80 Market street, Corner Diamond, near Fifth sti eel. Gen. Geary on Me Election Pnit,Detrala, October 10 —Forney's Press publlshes s speech made by Gone rat Geary at Harrisburg to the Bhp/ In Blue, in honor 01 the red Ica! victory in the State, in which he say.: permanently established those facts, that the government of the Malted States 13 Vested In the people, and in their representa tives in Congress assembled, and not in a cor rupt Executive; that the cruel and revengeful traitors, defeated lu battle, shalt not be res tored to citlzenehip, :o ruin the count ry they attempted to destroy.; that when our foretath. era sieolarud nice capable of self-government, they rejected the heresy of human slavery, and Mt./Zed Mina. political rights to all their suceensorei that hereafter the citizen. repro. tented La the State and national legislature., must be clothed with the rights of citlaeruhipi that allthe agencies of the government, civil and milnary, must be pers..veringly and sternly exercised to protect, and vindicate If newt be, even our oppressed brother. In the Booth, against the savage perseou Lieu. o r rot. els, who are still Impenitent and defiant Then Andrew Johnson tears to pardon them. Having fortified these great truths ag elan all future dangers, It is for MI of Penrurylva la, to malntan the forward position we have en proudly - and gloriously won. The attempt to restore the traitors of the Bouts and revive he copperheads of the North, has proved to be a galranism so brief, that it has consigned both to a deeper death and a darker grave, than they occupied bofore. C.aandlAn mwtter•-Boyal Eaglaarrs— llanelpal Instigations of Caosa. .. TORONTO, C. W., Oct. /o.—The arty. of Roy al Etigineoril who lately . arrived are Inapeet. leg the country to doable upon the feasibility ,of erecting fortifications. Large pitnelsaae* Of Oats on Amorlcan no• count aro being made. Tho price paid is • half penny por pound. The market tot Lar• IMbas eel:dined 6,15)112e and Itaaw_cmotaa at cda The 61st regiment bad no sooner disembark ed at.,Quelito, than orders zero received I.ll{l. mg them Immediately to Bermuda. A. liassian i;ommissioner is here examining the working of the muninmal Institutions of E==l Nair roar, Oct. Io,—There was a large at tendance at the Patterson races on the second day. In a steeple chase of three tulles, Zak Zag beat Nannie Craddock; time 74014. In the second race Enchantress beat code In a mile dash; time In the third race, a trial stakes for two year olds, one and one-elk/btu kienday came In lint, Ruthless second, and n.edwlng third; Omega& Fourth race of three muse Delaware, Richmond, Lo -dy, Dan Itryand and Local started. The bet ting was 2 to lon Itlehroond agalnat Delaware. Delaware won emdly; time 3:50. Citiarges of Mi■eondoef. New You, October 10.— The Commercial's Albagry specialsays charges of onlcial m bacon duct-were presented to Governor Fenton to day agelnal Charles G. Cornell, Street Com: nuadoner of New Tore city. A committee of eminent counsel from the legel bureau of the Citizens` Association met the Governor by special appointment and presented the charges on behalf of the As■oetation. The docruneaLls a very voluminous ono, clts tabling charglia for alleged fraudulent alitme of canotal power, misconduct, malfeasance and malveraatton in office. Eleelllon to Da/Lame. B<EILORIN October 10.—Tho election is pro gressing quietly, confined to the old reiristr. Lion lint. Lars.—Cbapmati. Republican, for Mayor Yat majority. Via Republican city Gonnell ticket was elected. .11he vow was very light and controlled by the original registration List. Livrirre—The election hero passed off very quietly. There hub been e. very henry rain etorur therafternoon. - Woolen Mills Burned. , 3011TOX, Oct ' lo.--The Asllnglon 31111 s in ' Is were destroyed bY ' 'bre' yesterday . The mills were used mainly for the purpose of manufacturing. woolen yarns, and employed about one hundred end Slay bends. 'Dm Insets estimated at one boxidred and flax thonmuld dollars. Disused for ono hundred and tarentysllve ttubuland dollars, of which sieverdysiwo thousand dollars was in Dolton oftlees, and the remainder In Prost -dente, finritord, Worcester and New York Inf licts; Naadieted for Arson. Bigangstrron. N. T.. Oct. 30.—The Grand JOY,' it, the session uf the Court of Oyer and Terminer. sitting licreJast.‘ enk, manned for arson, Drs. Jonathan Edward Turner and Thames Jefferson Gardner, Superintendent I and Assistannffbysician of the State Inebriate Asylucti. for-settler Ore to tbe north wine of thltbuildlog On ith,O,DlDLiai September, IM4, 1 Y .latirthat.DOrtiOn was destroyed. Drs. Tamer and Gardner gain bail in the sum of 0000 to appear and answer to the charge. ~ Ileeekor so ileePendlns Elections . Nsw Sou; October 10.—The independent has the relieving aanounocusentz Itcv ileurY )Card Setae/ *III, Seam anthorisen to wry, speak either In Plymouth Church or the Aead- May Of .2111131rOOltlyn, on some evening next ireelc;im ne au argument and eppyel front his own ground in favor Of the ftepubu etm party in the pending elections. Lie will also Speak afterward in other plane. In the State In support or the Republican candidates. Cotton Prespeets—hawed rummagers. Nrw 'Tenni 00tOber 10.—Cotton advice. are ern. disordirairing. The general estimate of taut lion year's bales. crop now amore to less than one mil The schooner Bargairay arrived from Sun tan at quaranume with twenty.severi say al posatmgere from the wrecked steamer Es, • AISO arrived, the steamer rather Gill eitip Belle Wood, from Liverpool. • . Note Altoona Opole. _ Yoax, OctOber 10.—The eafe at tbo American Express Oalco at this place woe blown open ible morning about ono Mei ck Yobben Q 112.400 Worth Of Unlted States VeVelliab Stumps of denominations reLoging from,.ono cent, ItO ten 4011ars, and 1n - postage Amore. A reward or two hundred Cloll2=ll lettered. They also opened llEssrs. Bees. and Sieber , . safe ' from which I bey got about twenty tiolkita inautuiterielt money. Ord of cooaasoillore Steaks.. - Psuiromem. N. J. Dot. u).—Tbe funeral of Commodore Stanton took place at three o'clock this affX3ll9oM_'btodnalta was sturpetakd. m g , *en idurxmoded at half mast and the .011133,..100-021 , 4 011 D 0 Of - utourator. partot re_irippot , moldy:ma to the dlatingwaf. of dm!: Tlot fauna WL• eery and Im posing. ]qtly of the loading pub men and 01 /rri": 4l. a." 7 -P* 1449 1" d • Nair Tost l Ootobor 10.--Ttke cOptriltteelt rarataoflrras;=, k R.,. a uzz V i L e a u r e gl , Intl on the vovonOth - ts polo initoultoo at the r In this any., The matter uniller •;40v . rMstea - to Ms Casttuo . oFtfe-_, ' • '• MaitiiirainActkitralieiiii.-41coste •a oX 740 Trempi =tiviA 442 tvierirsTiremstits4 AM* niM. SiMarander Verpmilosorlatontalutaatalk aX l4PClASlketValnialcUategered.' le mags - bsikAtiss WO= SEM MON. LA ri; FOREIGN AVILES Arrival of the SteanwhipAeia FOUR O'CLOCK, A.M. MARA TIO VERA . LATEST TfiLEGRAMS. Results of the German War, • A TEE INSURRECTION IN CANDIA. cfba., cbc3., ebo. Republican THE ELECTIONS. Large tistirsx, October 10.—The steamship Aida from Liverpool on the 2lith. via Queettetosre THE RESULT IN PENNSYLVANIA. ol g. t h e 90th betaembm, arrived here tidleVen. The Atlantic Telegraph Company held a special meeting on [health of September. The Republican and Democratic Directors submitted a report chearaaulating Estimates. the aharehOldera on the success of the Cable, and thanking those through whose energy and perseverance it vas laid. The reporneska the aanetion of the eliarebelders to apply to Parliament for power to Increase the nOlidnal capital to live Millions sterling, Ineinding too existing capital. The Dtractors explain that they abandoned the proposition to save one million I wo hundred thousand pounds with the first preferential itividenda as mintier., Nary, and !!n stead ask for power to Issue the balance of capital and to apply to Parliament lot It created powes. The report was adopted lilFht Hon J S. walleY, C. airmen, said that be aatielpated, at a very early itOtrnit, a groat reduction In the ea , de tariff, pro.vsbly to one half the present rate.. in fifty-five days, ending September Ilat, the cable earned L 40 ,. 045, which. would make an average, Inolnilltig Sunday and stop age of land line, of LW ster ling a say, and If they osoluded the omen- Uncial days, when Ihe cable scold sot work at all, tile average would be MAXI a , mny. Tlr Sarum are very fan from conforming with the recent statement. In the Lei:nine Tones, that the Cable was earning at the rate lof 51,900.000 a year Thu various Cable securi ties have some% hat declined in prices In al dttlon to the laingent to ill given to the °aide lapel a by the Liverpool Chamber of Commence, on the Ist of October, the American's hare re solved to give them a banquet some time In Not ember, to present four sold medals, lietn telitene.ative of their aeldevinents, to four of the prieripal persons alio mere on h ant Of he Ureal tan ern daring the great work, riot Cyrus onci Lam. Andersen. one; kir tanning, one, the head of the engineer dope/1- (320 W, and one to the head of the electriCian department. 1 . gear it —The Emperor remained at Distill Thu Iron-clads tiadron had arrived off that mom, mad passed In review before the to:k- W:10r. GEARY'S MAJORITY 16,000 to 18,000 Indiana 15,000 Union Majority OHIO UNION BY 60,000 PEN:WRYLY...NIA. PSIILADLL Pni A.. Oct. 10.—in the 12. Con gres atonal Milner. Dennison (Democrat) Is r. elected to Congress. Ills election Is to be con tested. The Republicans lose the State Sena tor in the Flret District. In the Fifth Congres sional Instrict, Taylor (Republican) I. elected. Forney's Pr..a tins received Inter dispatches dated this morning Indicating the election o Cake (Republic:tulle the Tenth Congressional District, by about 300 majority, and also the possible election of lovode (Republica.) to the Twenty-ill -It Congressional Dhoti lot, I °a:li ana neuraly giving hi .12,200 matt oritY• Thosc allspaiches to the Press eau itnate that the Con gressional Delegation will stand IS Republi cans to ti Democrats, cud that Ovary will be elected ticr,rnor by 111,000 majority, possibly 20.50. The Democratic Stain Central Commutev have received eisrialcitce u - nich cai , . entirely different result. ITheir ttettmate ”r the major', of °eery to Lou, with the itotto poet thnt it will tie retinioo. °turn. (rem the 21.1 tong reteteme 1 D , eta ict indicate the nieuthitu of their Detnnoret over I..ovntic, Repel - Menu. The Intim:ring 1,, the vote: Indiana county, 2,000 11,p. mnj Wedmore. land county, 1..400 Dem. mai_ certain. Fayette county, 1,100. The Democratic Committee also make the 10th Congressional Diet riot very Mo., with the possibility of the electron of Dr. LI Main. ger Democrat. Dispatches received by. the Democrat - 1e Com. matte from the iititti Congresalonat Dui riot state that Clymer is defeated by 1,000 majority, a gala of 12: on Lincoln's vote. Tao crusted anxiety Is expressed to hear from the northern mantles, and ewe. I ally Tinge, Bedford end Susquehanna. V. ashing ton county Indicates x Democraticgain on McClellan's vote of 2.W. Lilt county gives WO majority for Clymer, a gain of IS. The Evetilnut Bulletin estimates that Geary's majority in the State will he about 17.10). RZADISO, Ye. , October 10.—Returns from forty-flve out of tlfty•Ove districts of Berke county Indlcateh total Democratic majority In the county off ,100. The city of 11...1ing circa a majority of 15 for General Geary. Petty oetrni 5, October 10.—The democrats claim the eleCtion of Degienoinger, (Dem.) over Colonial Cake, in the lath, Schuylkill and Lebanon Gotiaremional Dietz and eta r,,,t0 (.learratriajorlty from slir to ten thousand. gangers or roes era "rases Part•ostes s., October 10 —The follow lug Is the latest estimate of the Press Adams, Clymer 150 Lucerne, Clymer 2.Sw. Allegheny., Geary 7.500 Lycomlug, Clymer Sod. Armstrong, Geary 300. Sichuan, Geary hi, Beaver, Geary in Mercer, Geary JO. Bedford, Clymer I®. !Ili 111. n, Clymer 70 Berke, Clymer Monroe. LLyinei Blau, Geary SW youteomery, Clymer Bradford, isenry t 00. I,ltse Becks, Clymer IMo. Montour, Clymer Bather Geary WO. Northampton, Clymer Cambria. Clymer 710. Mu. Cameron, Geary 100 Northumberland, Cip. Carbon, Clymer Ste, to r, 600. Centre, Clymer 'VO. Perry, LI bl.o. • Chester, Geary 2,60 e. Ph ...err Clarion, Clymer I,osi !..0.0. Cleardeld,Clymer ?Me, Clymeru., Strange Reports of rreedear. Real to Clinton' Clymer nn Potter, ,eery, . p Cone—No Poosideelee for Tboso—A- Coburn bla,Civ mor Sehily at :yr me r Davis. Crawford, Geary 1,4). Stroalser.. P , dean Cumberianti,ClymerWO Somerset, Geary Low. , Da:twain, Geary 1 1,20/ y er n Cleary roc. Wallinttlesa, 00t. Causal Omeral Delatenre, (Leery ,400. Sullivan, Clymer, As'. Savage, under date of Havana, Sept.. r7th, in- Rik, Clymer WO. Susquehanna, Geary to , yearetary Seward that the Royal order usury Erie. &Son. i Fayette, Ciymer WO. Glary 2,7C0. Angnen 22.1, suspending for eta months the Franklin, Geary No. Union, Geary 630. , payment of duties upon experts from the la Fulton, Clymer go. I laud of Como, liras published for the drat time Forest, No retur n arren, 1,,,ry rS,. by order of the Governor General In the ofd• Greene. Clymer 1,400 Wimlitngton, Geary - 300, of on the 25th ' from Huntington, Geary MO., Wayne, Clymer 400. Indiana, Geary 2,t00. estrooreland, Cl ymor and after which time the decree take. offset The Attorney General , on Get. reply to Jefferson Clymer this Seervisry War on the point referred to 'lmitate, Clymer 503. tesorn Ise, Clymer 100. In the Mum for his opinion, onneludes 1111 for- Lancaster, Geary GADO York, Cl, mei 3,000. ' "l therefore . 1 I . OOO P IIII O. that you Lawrence. Geary 2.310. Total for Geary, 52.1n0 P have no legal authority to exclude authorized faimoon, Geary I.ns% Total for ci r m er.o 7 . ,l2o . agents from collecting bounties, and that In Lehigh, Clynser I,ooe. Geary'. rusjority,H,,iiin. the prcsentaLLOta and payment of shame the Scattering returns (ruin the First i 11... riot in- claimant. Stay eat by attorney." dMate Randall s re-election by over 3,i'so Vine LOttahl Savage, under date of Havasu, jority. Sept, 27th, lu a letter to Seeretary Seward , INDIAN A. , Maya: Some two mouths ago I was toraidenti- Isnixiisromo, Oct. le.—Fuller retort,. Mom all wl t d ?,,f3„Tnetrattllgng;;orf, on, rnt of oe- Banal the northern pen of the State re,ei yrs! this • Honda, witch bad Lome colored to a insider afternoon, ehow large I:elongates. From the caving a rilastatton Laird•riog on the pea with Dent estimate that can be made the Lido, ma- • of zraitrl.Z.3l jority on the State ticket will be 11,0 W. Wash- learned Um name nee iche er planter, bad bean borne, Union, and Orth, ruion, of the :Wand written to by Lis overseer, asking him he eas tO purchase the net/real.. speakin oth districts ore elected. In the Ist district, Eng „ 4 Nitilitek's, democratic, majority . le 7,000; 241 di. fir sale to him (the creerim thrt er) at alo been w rate, t dem., majority 13.11 ail 411.Crlet.. provided they WeribeOPY•lyeoli to his plantation Rtinter's, Union, majority Lint 4th dietrlct, ,at the hbo risk. which In npropositio was rejeced. Dolman's, an majority Mu to 51Xit Sit die- I This insorudition Came to 0 through the tries, Jultan'a, Union, majority 6,IX)0; eth die- planters' o.ol"fiteride, o f rumors had been trim., Coburn's, Union, majority 1," 7th die- correct for tome time of attempt. made to Diet. C , t insjorlty 300 i Sth ' abduct freedmen from.lflorlda and Louisiana dletrict, len mtGoritY 11001 dis- —ruiners which had been ondletently entitled triet, Vortex's, union , majority 2,0 10th ills- to credit to engage the attenuon of the Gov. trier, Williams,' Union; majority 200011Ith ills- eminent. I apprehended that the Degrees re. Diet, Shaer...Calm, majority 2.000. Tim Jarred to might be from MIS SOUthern males, publicans claim twOdhirds of both branches who were kept In Concealment on souse out of of the Legislature. the way bay for the purpose of running them I In, 0 the island and rednalus them to aniVery, notwithstaudieg the apparent Impedialbilitg A/10/11,...111‘, 0., Octobrir 1 0 t—Ohio has gone each a schema beim , carried inw . a ., Union by SOAP) majority. Sixteen Union Gan- ' I -• I lie sucoessful eneeution. 1 made further In ert...nen are elected certain, and probably ntry Uy and proved m e, ri „„ Seventeen. port to he unfounded. Richland County.—.Geddes le probably de --- I The following Interne fteromnueoglcere were rested by 11 votes. appointed to-day: Jae. G. If , reit. assessor Astir...o, 0., October M.—Aehland County— fur the 3d district. of W/00013•1st Jesse Alex- This county has elected Chu I:emit ticket— ander Collocate lorthe 7th dicta - toga Indiana Probate Clerk, isherilf, and Prosvoutlng Att a r. Tr:Navy Department has received infor traeiiy.av,,gryouLin..r balance of the and donotlel. mutton from (4mM/30/dory under date of Charienton, October itli, teat in, view °TWO aws- snooesslon of serious gates hedsemed it prop. From Texas nod Mexico. or to *end the eteamer rollaway on a short ernlao in the gulf stream, in toe hope of b lug New' Oiszkani, October .o.—Tee United . able to render asidstauce should any disaster States Internal Revenue Colleetor. states t no t wee. the Internal ituvonue Collector for Texas, has The President having, tind t er date Of March authorised planters to send their cotton grantee eaves J... E. Day , e. to their consignee., from whoui he alit ~11.ut. the b Stn rother of Jeff. bavis, Mal. lien. Howard tax. -This is done so an not. to detain eettou bay ordered that poaseaelon of his property bu unnecessarily on plantations. Iron him at the expiration of the _protect The Texas Leglatatu,e appointed Joint • nuns I hereon, viz : On January let. lee. Such committee, to promea to New Orienn, , , and p mt ie,. of the rents of the propert panic. pill y as accrue remove the remains of Albert Sidney John- ate ,. the date tee son, to Austin. Indlaa amounting to about $20,C00. Lc paid to 011Lrence9 on the frontier of 'reran J. IC Oontrlntted nt the December Continue. term, ISA of the (Jo red States District Court 'Tim Legielatore has endorsed the of the southern district of New York, of pro. ( 7. rmee.. .,............g e s e a e u e tt e rl a e t r iy t e of the bi tenting for payment false and frimuoleat anchers of the United States. las been acts. an (mantle dates to the 4th are received. !Levee.] to one year imprisonment. cdrtina has proclaimed In f rot of Juarez, Commander Jea, P. hantordium been appoin espouses the Canso Or Topla, whom Juarez ap- led Fleet Captain of the North Path:lo tiguads pointed Governor of bamanpelos, and pro nounees Cianatas nn usurper oul rebel to the , constitutional government of Merle°. General Ltanipaza. an auxilllary of Cortinas with Ave hundred and fifty etilbusters,crmsed Into Matainoras and attacked Canaies furiom ly. A Streetlight raged for five or six hours with varying sudboen ilanipasn, for runt of emmuoition, it is said, gave way and retired to the upper fort on the river. Corti:teas is some ten mules above Materna raw on the river, and avow, his intention to take Matamoras and put down Canal.. a. general force Is leaving. Disaffection prevails among the Inhabitants ofMaterna. as. and a large maiorltY of the Peo- pie SIC anxious lot a change of rulers. The Rebel Exebenice Pund—Bonnty Applleaats. WA=WIGTON, Oct. 10.—The board amp dated to determine tilo source of tbe i mad turned ever to the government by the MN' ColaW Is stoner of Exchange, Robert Ould have deeldt ed to extend the time to applicants making claims for this money until November ht. Ender the new bounty law appllcationS are Pouring into the several Auditors! °feces at the ride of a thousand a day. Over talrty thousand were received to no_ptember. and only four thousand seat out. The Paymaster GeneraPs Oftloo is receiving them in equally Veal Munbors. It is not probable that any payinemuswill be made by either officers till ajtor the assembling of L:ongrems. Laclede imams . ; ST. /.0018, Octobilllo.—dt the /-0.0104 a COMM! to-dny, two mile (bleb, prentiosi of SSOD, was won by Mollie Matta. Ttme, Wei minute, anti forty-tour seconds. The next rand, I boats, beet titres in Ilre s prembam Writ - wet Plywat Leobrirtile—Debtrusave Tornado. won by Malcom in three straight belts. line Lozravass,Oeftober are at, lb. Bal. 1 1 14 1 0* wilstrt.q. Iltbuiks "Wham° lii nix last smelling reinalted , latsittasacratuay ibAn was hemtleal. The inn Iblk abSultlx, diart e WlLlZlettir ve4 eV* rnssy '3 7l,l7l47ta wrur [Stif "l "-e Vex, .ess ,os , 1,a444 migirli s seracaly wousW ittrea s , Mew , PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1866 .GABLE MATTERS The new foreign Munster, Marants Da Mous tier. hod err veal 1n fr.nce (tom Tu. key and gone to Moritz Tho wnottly returns of the flank of France .howdecrosse of half a million francs to spnale The Purls Aerie asserts that the Inv:wren- Lion In Polo Keine, Otte revolt in Candla, Otto disturbauce la the Ottoman empire, the the, in Grrecv., end even thw roues al of the Juarists In nut ICO, /ASP WO abed of vast plot fo 'flied In - the boiler that a general con flagra [lon would be the result of the late German war. The Spsnlsh War Department has taken stop. for the manufacture of the Prose= Gaeta," V.—The Estatoa of Saxe Melnencen, ilasemtilod on the 27th, to take the Oath of al leglence to Doge George, .ho ascended the Umtata to oonsee ammo of the •bdteation otitis father. The new Does in a epeech from the throueoleelsreatt willing that Prussia should be the trader of Germany. lle farther stated that he lied gladly accepted In the Interests of Germany, the allegia nee offered ..y Press* and had kecoLacol the trOepa, that hall Joined the Vertetiil army. Tea ImMissuctrrioe la CA.IIDIA.--On the aril- Val of hiesteoba l'ashe In teandta, Le issued a prirelernetton, tilting on the inhabitants to submit to the Turkish aUtberlty and prututie lug To redress ell grievances. The la stirrea , too lets are rogiestritost to lay down their arms in are days. Advice. Demi Athena say that the Tu. 'lab • Ain tialisador had threatened to break elf rota• toot with ("now and his representattves to ' tile Greek Government appointed t y the I' Fetich and English Minister, Fort her insurrections y movements are re p..rteal In sinyrnia, in widen the Turkish troops had the at vantage. The London money market, owing to the clime of toe quarter discount. the demand at the Bank, at the reds. ed rate of ttr, per cent., was pretty active. Gold eouttnis •,1 to arrive trwy, and v.. flowing thin the Bank of Ingt. land in large FROM WASHINGTON. Akdionrumens et Clog Social Science ASo ===l New 11.• VIM, CT., October 10.—Tne ATDOTII3II Social Science .111.0cLatlon adjourned this evening, utter a session of two days. The topic of ditantsslen to-day was the deaf smite system. Able addresses were made by Mr. Turner. principal of the institnUont Prof. Day. of Yale college, and Mr. tts./Ihnte, Of WpAhllagtOn. D. C. Mr. G. B. Ilubbell,,formert b' Norden of sing Slag Prison, gave in enter. tninlne account of Lis Pr LSOil experience. misolotion• compatriot:Maxi' and eniostsUo Pere passed on. the death Of llenry Boger*, rofessor of the Untveysity of Giattinw. To: morrow the members of the Asicietallon will be entertained by the litenity of Yale College. = New Vona, Octetwr 10.-87 the Manhattan, j LIA aar/ved from VeryMaas We learn that It was reported In that city that Idazattillan sad taken a strong stand again la entail.= to re. tattling Ills empire In /Janina)* that Treoch money was ou IU way to him, and that the French troop* will remain ttrappport DESPERATION OF 'FUR' PRE ADENT. The Beginning of the End HIS IIDELVOI3 TO ISSEIIIII CONGRUS P111L1.11.1,011., October 10.—The Phiiwiol phis. Ledger has received the Mlle% og be portent dispatch: Washinon, eeennber 10.—The Pre sid ent has mat Rent e in in t Zir o the Attorney General the (bl owing questions, and requested that a res ponse to them be returned in writing: First, Is the present Congreto, emu pette•l of members from SOrtin•rn States atone, such a I Congress ah [Lie Constitution reqUiros, or ,s It an Illegal and unceMstltutlonal assett.tilage. Second, souls naPstlng Oxen ut stances .Instt fp the Yresiident In sending Ids next annual maitsa.r.e to an !UMW and uncons Itutional amen blago pretending to be the Comirms of Lee United States. '. Third—Does hat clause In motion sth, of the Drat artic t le ohe ConsUtution, which makes each house the Juoge of the election, returns and q CaLlOna of its own mem bers, give to the o sent Congress the right to exclude the me aura from the mantes. Or to Impose dishonor il.. or tlncOnSlLltlLlothil terms Upon their atilnlsfilon. Fburff.--Does the PrtstitenPs oath of °Mee re. quire Anita to color. those 'trust:dous of the Cr . , ittition which wive to each State en eq.... taint of IsLptrsruLatlOn In Centimes, —Article Ist, section It; itrtiale sth,lmt clans, IV th—W but .top, do the I .otottltullon and his nett, of ogle. t',., u ire the President tit take, In order to 40010 0 tae Ilav,,la t .:o 01 a Con stitutional Congress. UP°. the rid , y that ma) Ito manic l•)' t-n , A.. torney Issno/ et: 0 the 0,00. the llreshlnnt. there Is reason LO believe, has clnterinintat to 1 take his stew:. - quektni a s put to the lot hey n , o oil I.Litt wore important. when taken I„connec— tion with ti r o hot t tt.terance• of tne Print:dent LL the AVVIAIC 41,1,11/g t1..1t the present was only an 11.-tunvod l noigreio, nol nre the Loncres. the (..onatautton caload tor; and whin, In connection with stook, declara tions, though lean polracio, that fed ft Oat Ile lip prior to lien ictuthi to the apoul. non the.. uttaranco. It le elenr that the F.:M . .117e hag ItPly tuado up Ivy nun, moot that the Thit ty•Ili11111 COOQI'IS, w ho, a gal body. lie no 1..e.ci0.100 ,“ of the Al. Roomy teetieral uptio i gra, 111,1 mOrtientous soOlect, ml When 11. la alvennt, alit go, ern htmealfaccording/y. it t. riot dim •o.t to foirghteliite what Ilin re gion,. of Mt. ataitherry will he, and that ho till oh Lulu 11l (oily i, ith the opinatu the La cent', an airca,l) Caprceac , l thetu aukula to no no doubt. More Roved from tit.- Lvenlog Star. LILA...TON. (SA —0 0". lu.—Tpe morn uc Inca "Lt.,.1; .l 11 I larliaaLtalllo, ,111.1 li{Crt 1,1 It!, nt von persOne v.llO it t•:t. vt olog T tr nwuaonnro to; 0. • .) or.. p. I , 40f1,1 13,1 ry, M,MuLoti. /Lan .1. ant engine., A. nia-1:a. pos , co.ngt.t; L nr l S. Okloto, Lowoolttutri ; /n) or. pn•lto,,. rile Nrlnoo, pu.songer. Cite IotIOA lug pained potrotons %ors 10.1 wit of tlio 1.001 which tho 0.4./0o gore Wk.,/ up John linvu ostUtali, Llrotono; Alurttu Itr. out...n:lond a dy end goolleulan ahono numce win un known. Neminntlon, for-Comumeas If tool-grows. S, Y , Liotot;,, 10—The Royal,. Ikon Convention to-dry 11011114.1.1 tiro. a. Al. Wyek for Congress, by blAX:i&Illatill11 Rossos, Oat. 10.—Ybe Republlesn Cen ven- Sion In Li.oth long - ressloos. Olvte let to-lay non:Minted Lion. Geo. S. liontsrell for re-deo liOn to Congress, by acclimation. BOATOX, Octobvs 10.—Iton. uncurl Hooper Ann Ann nOlninntoki by Acclamation for re-elect it, TA Congress, t bid afternoon, by the flogulille an ,Convention of toe fourth district. T..e Worit• ingtnen's Convention of the name dist ;Act ggailnittel Lion. Joatslt G. Abbott for Cone revs. =I One aces Ten. 9. C , October lu —The French k )(sullen, Imm ttrelele of Cormark, I /011 rid 10 Laura. vrae towed Warn ...Merl. mita Lad lost a man overboard. Silo reports hat ehr peered a number of essal..ileatned. Till Lrlt trtisreftl, from No t, Ittesle lalao.i , ts,/yel to (la ream, bias Int ra ea, And . buttl )' Sue lust a eeaman. =I A,i Mt 10—Toe Itchoon,: Lucy Voortme>, ut New Y uric, pat late FertlluanU lu illstrems. Three or the survivors front the Evening Btar heft for Now 2ort4lki3 morning on tan Vargo. Pardoned try the Presidebt! BossOn, October In.—J. W. A.1,11....b, who wee senton,:ed to ten yea , * Imprisonment tor stealing letters from the Boston ooto. been pardoned by President Johnson aft, Lltirty date connuement. CITY AND SUBURB-1T (ADDITIONAL LOCAL SEWS ON THILD now puniness glen Itnereed. To succeed In business rtopr tres lho es ..!r•, to bane the two great qualities of when and bow to purchase goods th id he may be able to retail them to the nubile at such prtoes as will command patronage. Those who pity any attention to the workings of the great mercantile cauldron cannot tail to notice what oOnsnmate tart had been displayed by some of our merchants In this respect., wade others plod along and nay hap oce.lonaliy blunder Into fortune at. [boat the all of soy shrewdness whatever Among the fore- most of those we haves mentioned, as belonging to the drat ctn. In our city I. Thomas Met.lelland, proprietor of the mammoth auction house, No. S 5 and 57 Fifth street, tinder klasemic Hall, who by eto orgy and shrew., hos!nese nbitity, has nttalu ed for 015 1101150 a Teentotlotl as h place to Chao, gnoes at tilt, very Ins vet 011111 priUrin, second to none 4 n the Went. Here can be tonsil a choice assortment of good I of CI, des. ortptione, from the plain organdie, .t ells. and calico, to the heavy brocade silk and abloang surfarod 50110; hoots, attune, 51.1 dies and gentlemen's wrekhing goods of ail qualities, anti at hricon tnat r not suit the most economising buyer. Do not target the plane to pnrehass cheap goods, at Noe. 65 and ruth street. A New Way le Wet P . Ist A day or two ago, Mary Martin, a colored girl in Hayti, was sitting with her dusky lov• we, David Harvey, and took his watch, *lust to look at It." Bho looked at it, liought it. was pretty nice, and tucked It into her bosom and showed no signs of returning it. She did net return It, and as Darla gOt up to go easy, be insisted on her giving It np. Still be did net do It. Lie in.isted, anti she rrtuarti point blank. At last tato Informed him latne cool est manner that when he should see tit to give her all the PrelleElls that he had prowls.' her, then, suet not till then would M.' I,IIIAI In hi. watch. for answer David went to the Mayor's office, sou made informal ion again., ids latianiormulor /arena). She was a? rested and wait yesterday trotnrnitted to lad, to gn awer at Court. Struck With w •'nand, hilly." A man nettled Joseph Hastings got into an alternation with a certain John Ciriftla, ut the corner of Webster end Seventh etruets, ou Tuesday evening, which resulted In 11. tings below struck la the bead with a "heady billy" with such force as to fill him to the ironed. Ile wan carried to his home, at the corner of Washington street and Poplar alley, lit n com atose state. where he hurl the rare of a physi elan, who pronounced his Injury very serious, but not neer...am:wily fetal. Hobert Colwell, who witnessed, the occurrence, repaired initnedl utely to the Once of Alderman Buller, uud en. tered suit against. OrlOin for assault and bat tery with intent to kill. The accused irns con sequently arrested and committed to Jell in default of ball to await the result of Hastings' Injuries. Identity Establicheit—On ldotidny gave the horrible particulars of the aenidental death of an unknown boy who was rim over and killed while jumping lrom a train on the Pittaimrgli, Fort Wayne and litiloago,ftsilway, near Wood's Run. His name, it has ethoe been ascertained, was Wm. Len Reno, son of Capt. Reny fi. Reno, residing nt Po. en tiobinion street, Allegheny city. The deceased was about twelve years of age. Ills funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of his psi outs. biosekett Uer flown.-11rideet Andrews apiwered before Alderman Taylor, yesterday, and made oath sae net Adam - Thomas for es malt and battery. lhe prom:marl' emote that Adam, out of a pare spint of "devilment," etrtiOt her In the back with each force as to destroy her equillinruin and cast her prostrate at hts feet weer° shOremainect limit enlaced 10 arida with the aid of a spectator. A war risottos. been tuned/or the arrest of the man what'll= wantonly lowered a woman. Domestic,.The style of domestaa endear. meats la Erie toast be worthy of Dahomey. Rare 11 Whet the DUlpetee 111,011 00113Verldeg rodent little family jar there I "The spltthon that Oram dashed to Weed, on hts wife's head, on Saturday eight, Is' of heavy pottery ware, being fully half an inch thick. Unless hie wife sees di tet withdraw the prosecution, 1.14 - ounce for Abe , Peattestlary for commit alsabltvithluteat.to about, Ps g , siamoccnit4zollo, it” • • __. . .. . -,ll4BareW- Vereeimle...Wo -- vrtcre 3e6tc . __ . abaft 11 .. 11- 1111M011111 - . , toiet, which had I • The epeed7 Aeisuata—The that:Deite". 1341 . 11 14Pattibtr fan* Of W. J. Hessler, Do • sod Potation-are to Am exhibited at the Wheel' , ilgi.WptsiSaiLsolumP. wrest.. ' acis Pair 112 . 0 1 10 03 to Mak4 2 l4 chets *bug test* .s.i i a r i r . 411 0 . sete citrousaterssisck ant. 'oakland -Park. 'on the 13th .leat,.!rhe mai IA • - Attu tie;',. pawls , Aunt. a :Amerce& . commenced yeaterday.'" Ulf! atieleretebd tnat I ttrairosikat the litabit..4egetAbles .ut the are to contend - sor the special necra of. .14 , 441. wie. bass era' wan, although *ln uua ezel ellteot be Pertalthato ----- term wig. um , iny e plier preuguip, 1 etas? Oa Lean lie ring A hearing was had yenierday morning be. fore Mayor M'Carthy, 14, the cane of John Ilughen, charged on oath of Peter Dean, pith assault and battery with Intent to kill, and the accused was held to ball In the num of one thousand dollars, for his appearance at Court. Hughes bad been arrested and com mitted, tint atterwards brocured ball in the corn of three thotyinnd dollars, for the bear ing yesterday morning. The Mayor deemed one thousand dollars enough ball, upon the presentation of which Hughes was releueed. Ile then auntie informa tion itgatinst Dean for anmultd battery, al- leging that he Alt nek hint and an choked him. Thin animal[ le alleged to ha," Oche fretl pre, lone to the tittle of the al itiged Cu, Sing. A Wat rant wan Issued for the ttrrettrot Dean. The affair, It will be remembered, occurred In Meltin's court. oli High client, In the Third ware, on the oth of iiepternber last. Both the parties remde In the locality, and the difficul ty In nen! to have arisen between them re garding an accumulation or r 111.13 In the yard attached to this court, watch the city notifi ed them to ten:love. Words soon lea to blows, end it Is alleged that Hugbea drew a knife mad stabbed Dean In the aide, the knife pent tinting between the third and fourth rtbs, In flitting a wound chottt. three fiches In length nil”.bunt Iwo inches deep. tiugnes aim kicked U. an In the hto,tt. Delors. Injuries were ytthe . seyttiv, nod until Wit• in a day or two past, 'Lore k. , titt him t.thigue.4 to his house. An Appeni for Mercy An Intllvlduil named Atchison Briggs. to gether with iliree lady It lends, were arrested ia.,• night nod lo,gvd In the totals, for main fadnin ft a colooler.y ho use on Crawford street. In the Sixth ward. One 01 the iadles was pos, sensed of eonshlcrahle personal attractions vonslating of nark wavy curlt—not of the Hy perion order—stnall gray eyes, with an odd rerldesh sear in thalr covers a largo brilliant nose, whieh front the nisnner In which It rooded, gave evidence Ma desire to culti vs: e inure Intimate arh tintanon with her ell le an I tooth, In wid., ...leen front, onuld 51,001, dis,rne ant partleles toe Vo - dtcht acrd, dlll'orent stages Of Utast!. cat Lon Thl•eceaturc, a tot wat . e her rotten aa Mary V, I, n'a. proldte Inu br one of Mat or htt a,•..t'c acauroetty and 11,1 N Of heart, hiau only the ruclnee to au ltriont af , - ~n 1 to t a Auto Lee the reprcenintative of he titter of ltrunlctpal authority, for lint free att Ia rain a . .. , Ad 11 rr.ul.pitcntlone, the ot hit Honor found no ronpoese to lb,. bi - O.Lnt no. roi , orOlnate, tt.thlllary was analantni a _place hrts Intl the , or. 1., art the com.{ ot Inc Mat or ho i,l hot ean , nnty to ottet,-c u . /t I,lt - thhttry thttl t 11e ao/to charnel, g Ist .t by the erring fat pent lent roll(lgon% Roughly liendled rs." tervnt .ng inmates tein k tinny CI eau:" and .tnnn Joik listen, Immune blielrig.Ull 11,0 lit *amble to.•ction;••ef stri..t.ter I 0 Con• grey, In Tawdry, end Ca the glow of their us peel at lone and heat of their cla tit utstaalet, t.tey begiot loudly to cheer (or Lunt This Ole ploy of sfurtt but nut butt the lastollooll ear Of n Certain youth hauled Sylvester Mayhew, who, no well as the ladles, restrict) In Ilaytt, and 110 accordingly told them to desist from their elaumr s 'or he w 001 , 1 find a method to effect unity Stop their utterance. Tnis threat hado effect to upon the tongues of annte "tell-tale women .. lint seen,- ett to !aerie. their en th aelasta, until they became en boisterous that. Sylvester could not ttln himself longer, and he accordingly into thewritnen and gave them a se vere heating. Tnu re. tilt. wan, the hilt:Med tontine net aninntreit looore Alderman Liacb, of tn., Third a avl, Roil Cot creel suit against Sylvester, for assaulter, et l A utg e y . O n b e i gg arrested and taken tottore the Magistotte, young Mayhew made a similar eliarge against I Fanny an.. Anna, snit all three were required to glee ball in the sum of PIO each for their appearance at a bearing to he had in the muse to-day, at eleven o'clock. AtePiaui ott the resaUsylVaulos Railroad. Tecaday morning, Itt about two o'clock, COilisioll occurred between two freight trains at Latroho statute, rahulting in the demoll• tien of a number of care nut the serious In. Jury of two int,. it appears that the east ward bound freight train Wee standing on the tract taking wood end water, when a west ward hotted Is ale eau. slung. The engineer of ire latter .1,•1 rdtt notice the former train onus too 14:e is , ,heck up, tted the train, came together wan roll tin-.. The engine attactiml to thewtad weld train wan hrogen to plues, and anu teber of 1,1, broken to 1)1,41S att.! rued oe t • ~ the out. rin a most confuged mat,. The ls t anteut. or the care were , CattgWeit a L uOtt 11l It prom:se:mut manner, conarletely oa-tru• tutu • track. A brakeman on the trum, earned Reed, wan severely intered, and who wan ritllng . la one et the freight ear, had both leg% terrhey crushed. Both of • e e 1:•, pared rn were. removed to the hotel at Lalrotw, w.her .te llv received tire'attention. etu..ll delay taw:. 1,1. to the pa•settaer trains, a heavy force ••I mcoot was In metilately set. :a work cleat lug away the a reek. An 11 . 0‘Viiiing Cavaltl*l4. foe alstrimony. A frees importst ton from the sunny clime of fair /Lilly, named Louisa then netts, came to the office of Alderman Taylor yesterday, and made Oath against Michael Marts, an Individual hailing from tile banks Of the hemith Arno, (or altillation. The defendant, In pitiful ac cents, and with -treacurng ei ca, luiplored the magistrate to have nierey Un Wm. The Alder man referred hum for clemency to the lark eyed Louisa, wile quietly but fiercely Informed bim t matrimony at. ne while! app, sea her self and Justice, 11 , 1 ss an he cause to the conchal°. of Inching tics his wife ' then and not me 11 then seek' all pr , seention he stayed. Ml.Manl del no• Itac lel, clan.. In the wart of camel/M.l°n, and r2praii.ati hi. deformation of soot,: to Jai; latfaru an %Maid accede •c, thin tern, laid ,Inv„ hm. iii' Mially rade °Lai, 1111.1 the pair •Itmartnal 1n ri aest of a Mints:or, dilly ananfliat PM rorin t Interesting cote. moay that iveuril link shop lives VVIII Entcrprl•lA Engel/,lee On Toesday evening about sixty of the most. influential Republican nit !runs of Mcßeesport, eager to know the result of the election, Nt,itott upon W.ll. Stout, E4q., the gentleman ly and obliging eoperlnteudent of the Pitts burgh and Connellsville Railroad, to amar- Cain If an Pant-sten train could not be run fur the purpose of bringing It..nin to the City In the evening and taking them heck at mid. Want. The - uperiniendent complied with their reein at by sending the Mcfreesport. ao. commodation tram, Conductor Drake. from the city abont seven o'clock, which returned with the eintarniOnlell at about en f Dash eight cloak. They then alighted and viAlted City Bell. where file.) , retnnint,l until twelve—mid night—when they left fur Ma:covert. clty Mortality Dr. G.. 0. L. McCook', Physletan to the Boarll of Goaltb, (urn lahos ni wall the follow Ilst of d e „, h. for the woek ending Outaber 7tb; -- • • Cholera. 17, l'hthlaitt, I; DiarrhSro, 2; Injury - I; Lontmatution, I; Enteric Y.-ver ; 11 Bilious Foyer, I; Dysentery, I; Dylirium, 1; Senoan rootonoratton Crou.., 2; iho/ots SlorDus, 1; unnvul ,uno, I. Lnolrra Intorituts, I,• Putiul2lo-- TAA, I; IlkntBl.ll,, 1; Still Dorn, 3; Spasms, ,t Inn or the Erotic, 2, USAIDOWLI, I; boar lot Fever, I; I. , . tlf !be above there 4 rere ander 1 year 9: from Ito 2. 4; from 2 to 6,3; 'root 510 10, , 2; from 15 to 20,1, f rpm 20 to 30, 6; from 00 to 40, In; (tom HI to 50. 1; from 50 to 60, 3; hum 41010 90, 1; (1 . 0111 00 to 100, 1. Ut tlitmw 27 wort, matte, 10 female., U white, E colored. Total 43. LMBE A young woman narnid Mary Ann Arm strong appeared before Ah e errnan Lynch yes terday, and made oath chargh.g Annie Mur phy with feloniously mite - ring the dwelling of the prosecutrls ou Pennsylvania avenue and taking therefrom a set of cameo Jewelry, Val ut ten dollars. The scensed WWI arrested, and atter tarnish. ing ball in the BUM Or qVV to answer the charge at Court, entered salt against bliss Armstrong thatssault and battery. Miss Murphy alleges the farmer struck her In the face and stomach with a heavy stick. without any pro. vocation having been fairest to Justify tun A* - smolt- The defendant la this ease was also - required to give ball for a hearing to-thiy. Borelble.-1. woman resitting In Frank fort, Fa., has been held in two thousand dok lan ball tO answer Pi Itch srge of th.treatrnent of her step-daughter, ahem thirteen years of age. /t bus been stated that she has boon in the habit of nesdang the girl. SOrnatlmes she would knock her down, and boat her hand against the floor. Laid winter she compelted the child, In nearly:, nude state. to CO Into the yard, hresk the lcu in a barrel, and wash herself. The girl has been treated so tram meuly that from a bright, Intelligent 'ha nee become almost an hildt. Threatened to Blunter Her.—Na - garet Bradford mado oath Raided Atmle alley vet. torday betoro Alderman Lynch for sandy of the peace. The ol n e oe n tr eo li e n o tdh n e t h l e s lar to .ro d : lo bbe. th ut o u: de i fondant stating, loan eroded mariner, that Ly ali::o e t . : B vv o r e k ld ed r ge rd tb m e d e i po d rdered. leadag such a fri ght. d nod terrible /bade to bar existe nc e, httrga. „tic , in rostmou_A • wartant.wralaidad. • PRICE THREE CENTS. = The following correspondenoe explains it self, and needs no comment. Every one of out music-loving readers will rejoice at the tact that so eminent an carting nda ao fon are pr.:lllation among nin PrrtailUßOU, Oct. Mb, MG. Miss (beeline _v. Richitogs, Directress of ths I/h a/fish Operas Troup, We, the undersigned patrons of the Opera, having become convin•,xl of the unequivocal gammas of your efforts In the somewhat hazar dous undertaking to eetablish English Opera In America, and as American citizens wishing to publicly express Our atlantic!e to you for the enterprise, and our admiration for you as an artist and a moat estimable lady, would re speetfully suggest that the benefit advertised for Fraley evening next, he annOtmend as • "l:oll3pllinentary" at our hands, under welch auspices we will endeavor to mate It a sun stantlal token of the high esteem In srhlCti you a.ro hold ey these who have beard and *Om it+• od you and your excellent troupe dur ng the short Beaton with which you h a ve favored no. Charles C. Mellor, B. W. Mackey, V. De Ham, Mont. J. Money, J. E. Brady, Jr., A. Flowery, Theo. E. Took, H. M. Murray, Frank Tack, W. It. Cassidy, Thos. B. Hamilton, and others. 111-cagy ea et, October 10,1860 Gentflemen..—Your kind note has Just been placed In sty hands. In reply allow me to re turn my sincere thanks tor the very Clattering en, oni turns therein bestowed on myself and tile company_civer whose profesalonai des tinies I have at present the boner of presid ing, giving, at the same time, assurance tnrousb yea to the public of this city, that naught snail be wanting on my part to Merit a eoutintissoee et the Ill,orai Patronage I have ever revived at the hands of my kind friends In Pittsburgh. Ancept.eg with gratitude your proposed compliment for YrMay evening, on which oC• canton 1 wul have the honor of presenting for the Orat time, Belle's beautiful opera, °The Bose Of Caatile. I remain, gentlem en, TrAire, respectfully, C•aot.the Riouthes. To Mews. Murray, Mellor, Thek, and others, Additional Return.. e have received the following additional return. for the county: Upper St. Clair—Geary, ON Clymer, 71; Moor bowl, 8.7; Swettzer, 7L • , Booth Foyett..—lina.r7,l67; Clymer, 49; Moor head, 1 Swettaer, 61. North Fayette—Geary, 1.77; Clymer, 78; Moor howl, 1241 Bwetteer, 7d. liloh land to natilp-471ea.ry, 79; Clymer, MI Wllllhom 77; Childs, 47. Rubbery,—During Tuesday night., a room utUmmne the et. Ntrholm Hotel, °occulted by it colored mais Burned Money, shop (or reuovsting tart cleaning clothes, was natures nue completely cleaned out or art tie o..•.t.snce. Toe inlet ir tabwa., Gliciaited o enc1 . ...1t by PO log OST it lock with a..., knife- No clu e L e us yet obtained as to who Ito perpetrator. Al lilt! ED. Wow) W.L.RD-il t,to t , loth, AIIN, A. ciarke, N. A. W.N.H.VABIA Les A .NAA DTJAA.B.. DIED. AAA rrETT—OA t h e fah leer., at ate o'clock, r. K., Mr. JOHN ALMITILTT. In Me 4714 rear of els eft. The ftimteal still, take place M I o'clock P. K., Tate Crbareds, .Arrsro.oo.w, from hit late real de. ce, earner (Merry alter and Second street. TOr friends of the fatally are respectfully larlteCl to amend. H~dilJi —4am Wednesday afternoon, QM. 10th, ISM. all o'clo ELIZ &Orr!! Y. ll• runeral from the residence of her tombs nd, George Martin, corner 0( Sandusky more and Weer avenue' at 10 tre ock on PencaY asOnfricrn. 3ILLDALE CEMETEIIIf.--The beauttrel tt titei t te-aeire.," the target% suburban place or ee ❑n t ui cnr re e e exoept oat, la Oita county, Sit uate, ou Neer brighten root, hataerillately north of A!!cgh.e♦ For burial lot, penult, , eall at t-entral - Drug Store of COW. & GLA Al!.- Oleo ell, FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN IDERT A KERS No. 196 Smithfield Eft, cor. 7th, ent.ation from be , C Cat Urea.> F . X . X " re.331:7 - E1.131. 747 C, ANL , 133 *Ala uthitlT caffein. ALIA:AMIE:WV, PA. ALEX. AIKEN. 0 .1 - 10.7111 , 11C.AJECE11.1, • N. oursb r Men, fittabarill, P.. CNJV YINB of all clads, CRA.PLB, UWE., and .1/rare Josaription •,( YOU Oral Furmaalaa tloou. turn+, sea, busnas 0 1e. I AT ...Intibt. bear. said earns rza xarmariee. 1.)1,1,1 /Son. JP. b.. bay. al Jaooo aa, D.. Thomas asusg. Esq.. Jacob b SM., a a. B . T. IVILITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Monate/dor, Wood'. Hun and rtetnicy. COFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE Horner to Eitedield. and Chariton. streets. H .arse and Carriage. fltrolched. SUPERB HOLIDAY PRES.. E .Ty. Watcheb Watches! Watches! TUEY CU., tnpurrs and Wholesale licat• re in GOLD and O I LVE It WATCliklo Irttlune. .14 I.llllrdrrY STar.VT, N. Y. beg to inform tbe ub 1c tont ta.y bale mst leerlet.f the moot Iles ant, per her and occurate Watch ever tn • 'traduced In t rt. mar...E. The LlClLkautt , bean tlful. extra ruble it:welled. nearby Is rat a ..d I•Ia ed on eI err. tungulacentsy eon/ at .1. 11.- I, and richly knam-le4 tiucting CuSee. ffstent Lever, (*lint r ime Keeper. A superb and 04 oat ale tasters. beittre or Gady'a Mae will be aunt free to t. ay T eat.rers oil ree-Ip t 'reel. f 11.3 e of 4ffi, or Is part ferreo. will Teec. v en o Tee waren wlr be emit by Expreso pa ur ma.l:neut. lireed, to that there Is alma, a theatt of re ev- Inc Weir deatlnationi lour moul d Empress Com pauy or I' fal l in their duty, see .111 send he• Immedl•tet toviere for any kind of Irate/kr wall prvmptly dred.roltatuttyfatatird. Llbera. tartars to too trade. old • la. —We waist and cv. ry toes and conuir in the country, and to those en log aastich fiber., Inducements will trs Offered. Cleat, send money by EXpreea, ( Poet 0410 e Order or Beck orofte, to DE TIME & 34 . street... Y. unit:l4o JUST ARRIVED FROM TUE EAST. Boots AND SUOES. JAMES ROBB, No, 80 Market Streit, Pittsburgh, Pa This old established bones bee now a n d o thirty nye thousand dealers worth or Roots shone, mid styles the laws, • th e tee beet, with we are determined to at VERY 1....{Y PRICE.. We have resatived o 4 to be and-reold by any la the hos tors. Stint kftebd goo& wont tot . Call nod stem , it. our moat , good. reel ...Wed that you wilt purcbase wbat you waist to the Root co t bboe LI Ye. /orgc‘ We place. di Markel Went. Juxf JAY•b HOWARD'S SALE AND LIVERY SEST,2OI3Xs.EI. First Street, above SmitistLehi, rigin ItUNONG /01 EL& , ISSE. Barb, adoed to their stock new Carriages. Ha mt... And Haggle.; ales Coma of L. dna. Biding and tit Ming Li wan, Invite tho-o that want a geiwi mg to Rine them • call. Cantle.ar altenllon paid to nu' og and ...ling noise, on connammo ii.ma It,. al Liven, Mal MOO NOTICE. r rIIE REPUBLICAN COIUNTT El suurtvz consurras wW mast his (Thursday) Afternoon, At Ir. at lIYADQOAtira6B• oe11:143 J.VU. W. 11/ODYLL. CrAtrulAn. DICLEIL CLOSE &TO.. Practical Furniture Manufacturtrs, CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS. L. 1.1.4. style. et TORNI . IIII2E conseantlyon 1101.1UE8, BULL & CO, Anchor Cotton Mills. Pittsburgh, Blaou lastxreri of • A.NCHOtt f A) SHEIr.TIN..., CH. It (LI SH r1h433, A NUNIIK ) CC) ell ES I !NOM, AnA lIIATTINII4 mrThieo 1T• NV II rr i. 66 Federal Street,4l/eniseng. CARPENTER AND JOBllll3 All -mit entrasted.lllazaza met 4 *WI prompt attealloek td either any.. JyrkflZe L - nicelved wad for We tit ISEED oce olenhavrt tarativris astvvit cep" eArAlw DIFZR tecehrell. _ - outwit c irgivia=ro. •- • 06 @4nlaa4 Nta RR u4 :77.Y nM w 44. CAlltß m capa ka.. Ad. WrireVkiT- Wbotes ow> .....grum„l7,Woo4 fser44%- ASES: ILICEILTOSI • LlAD~iect and focialt•' .r., ezwitts_'*; °co •—•:•241/191010itlThistattLA I • "WM( . 1‘11)14.101 it,' r 4 P,)l. I CONTAINING THIRTY-TWO COLMAN Of FRESH AND INTERSIVIING READING MATTER, TOGNIZEN WITH MAR- I= RETTEWS AND CIIR RENT LOCAL NEW& e. TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. • Oa OTEDNESDATH AND ELLTUBDAIII. The Linton Is Cbrwardsl 'Mick .111 neck thsr elLbsertber sootiest. lin/Ila Coln War annum)..... Cluba pc iry,.... . . Club,. otTyri or more NEW ADVERTIBENENTEL OPEI6A GLASSES FOIL 84. LE OR wins. AT DUNSEATH & CO.'S, CO 3Pirt.l2. Siherimet. .9 LAItIEW AND GIENTPS Vc7.4L.TlCrE3iniele ALL STILES, AT GREATLY ILEDCOXID:P111011111, AT WILL T.l 'll O 'M. lee WYLIE HT., NEA., FOR CHEAP SPECTACLES, IGHCO "I' 0 HASLETT Sr. CO'S, 931 Smithfield Street. 771.:(f)A1144:14.1y411 sou RIER. Financial Crisis Compel oa to !MU In the course of Six Montle $250,000 - - - - $250,000 V7Olllll 0 I Watches, Clocks, Chains, Dia.. mond flings, Pianos, Melode ons, Sewing Machines, Sli ver Ware, &C., &c., AL/. 'TV BE IMPOSED OF AT C.)ue Dollar El:11,0h, Without reF►M to value! ►o! hot to tmt pal 4 !Or outil you know what you are to molt.. ii Aft r r o e a ut s lvlee the article It It doe s remelt It and ;out lmey 4111! THE STOCK COMPII/SLS,among other Mild... Splendid Clocks, Bold and Silver watches. HMO set elth lnamands, Robles. Pearls, enamel sad other stones. (solitaire and In cluaterso Ladles' NM of Jewelry. comprimag Pin. sad Ear Siege et the most fsra• humble styles. sot In het:dons BMus. °lmam. rerlety, together with Who allartisest of gold sod Enamellrd and Pearl Sets. tiopt clads mad sleeve Ifuttonsof am most besellted patterns. Bent. Bosom and Mart Pt... end &needle.. variety o. Bracelets, Chain., Madera Boims, kfearlDree Combs. unarm., no. In vmsroasnm of the great stagnation Wrinkle to the lianufmiterma dlmrlets of Frame and Knelead, • larre quantity of velbalno Searell7, o r iginally (in tended for the European market, has Ms a cantor Cereals In lbe eel:miry. and must nomad at say 'so- Mice . Under Mese circumstance. tam . "SNATCH & GOLO JEWELRY COMPANY." Bare resolved upon AN APPORTIONMENT, Sublet! to the following cultist/oust CuttlitutteelltE tbn •artonsarticles, Islthout 'e.t.a to cholas of valise art film put Mid undone., sealed up nod mused; 1.04 wilco ordered. are taken out by blind folded our. and emu by mall. I has Melo( ail • We co.. 4. Du receipt of the Cutillu te. you will ut• what y o are to bane, and then It I. at you optima to send Use dollar and rata theutsela or not. PM , chaven may thus notate a Plano. Sle•odneo, Sew- Inc Itsetuue. U- Id Watch. DLansond King. or say set of Jewelry on cur Last for on. Do Mr. BEND 00 CENTS SUE A CLUTIsrIOOT In all tranuccluas try Mall. we slut *bergs ter Nr.lll-01. the eerllikabt• paying peonage and ihe lug he 0.1..e5s 21 beau. e.g. srglag mats be rin - closed Wb..12 thet err! acne!. teat or. FM geese. ertll be •e• t . or Sl,weevil Ma 112. 14.0 efirr lip, •ILty-A et for g , o, aud 103 for Sib. A GENTo—Wsant aseuts la ...PIT town sod mutt) , he cw• and thor..cthag IS Inett will Os allossudtt cs , n on every ocrtines. ordered tbtm provide d tn.t, fen 1,•••• Age., vrt!l^.l. , sl7llmcbts tor es. 7 osninstata. ead rent 16 coals to us, elmsrto eflb orj. Utast stamps Ageots rentattlnst at 0000 IttO, will 00 ...M. to a bus.ll.lla/ rat. W. a. and also VA cartle.oatt Cou"7 'Ad 8"" WATCH AND GULL MUM CO M% 3t Llbery Btreot. Yew mt. ITEM THE NEW Spring and Slimmer Mr le. FLUID EXTr SARSAPA =I lodide of "Alma, rREPARLD.TOB. a, NV, PETTES, BOSTON, James R. Nichols & Co. acsimpAciumca cumin's, 3wnTrAcroasas OS TUB ELIXIR PEW:MLLE Protoxide of Iron, WlPleb Mu become .* taeoleby tIICIMIIIas • Tonic and Radordittee, By FAirletane and inixtitt* ht an yp4 Of Os country. The eels prrperettuas ..s.t.ase.r.t.suLt a tit • CO3l HI NATIorI WITH lODIDE OP LUIZ, presto 4 one of the most prompt elteratlTlD mama` Ina form seeable of 'earths{ toll entices Upon the system, sod this to I:dusts sad Mama/ doses. it le conceded that- tae etterellve. moots...al. Or Walla effect* of loduie. ere isevie4 most ilecldedly whoa eseoclated .nth other alteratives. is, welath..th m: Lad the eersepertlts see= to AMU alaTeCtly Ulf the favorable rel4/FDIO.t. The &et nthst usually observed orb= mums/L- P *RILL& Arm IODUnt ny Lam, ". take . , an Increase oeoppethe. shoeing that It has tenth ',repent. elm marked character. Ito altaratthe et. feet. are taahlfest to Its ready cotabinathet with the bleed and Moles. Wile, saran*. women sad ebnJren ta.prore tepidly under Its use, had the *1 tal faactle. an e healthy conditions It la adahlrable t adaoted to elan* thither of ehrvit LC or acute affeittons pecallar to eb114.11, It te salted to them, Win by inc. Widnes, mut tillnette7 of Medicinal ea.& sod thcplcsaamt , ettzenthe totes or the remedy. It Zpay be Cyan 'for a boys p u i nd white ColUititUtlODla. Inhumane are den:rid s had CO topanclanCe, or disinclination to take ilia synth. tooonn tered. In 771ilte-htraabtge, /114p491.2 t mks sad Olatonletthot the Spine, It see= be es. en persistently, la an/dente thalrrellefle obtain.. In the spring of the . Year. and during the, Warm Weather, The accumulation of inortntlmatters its the system towns to become manifest and very MOtthieseine. Lausttude. Ilendsobe..Holts, Costiveneins,'Loss of Appetite. rates in the Joints, indbrestiou:ete.. are van commott. ever devised •le bettor odootod to eatermlia,o or , roe Off these affections than this new eatiAtitttlint or 54.itseratuu.s WITH ur prcpametos .or wO4oO appoostowtio Alterative,' o EIS P uiVer. " 4 " 4 " -i !'"'"°!" 1 ". tutgAUftirt i i Va 4114 Int • 61 ' . 1;1 1 :1 11 11 . VI. 13 ' 1 " 2 :.. VN at .r'/!,0.!/..,'"6141 hilltorkr entolVfect. • . ~. - • lt. . ta, ,Ele at i stsf:p a lta p ie lo e.,.._ l . Ref iiltl . out ett . 7l4M lir 4 :41 . 4 . wblok ban MU D.. Itai . • ;b. Myr* 4, 3 41t."4 . 4 'lt en. camibvirgligh•l• •,-. 1 , , v-,:. i , %: , -. , • , . p", , ,, , Lriplouttat lya ß t .lX.llll,auurn -,kl,l7l6.:***P ACT..',Or • - , 5 4 4011714' 01" .-•,:''il 2.-eriil. 404#41'w: %.„,i.:.:'::: * - I:citAi l iit . 2:1: •.--. 1 , :.. --- ;: i.. -,-.. . RrIdENDIMIS,' aii.fitaM6VM:i --I)l64l4ll4oiiPlilraki-:':::zi:;:- t I=3 =I 13=1 CW3