IF'l-1. 3111:1;'1rz, Handrer_.seed-b, ro k r i n....1.......m00k mod glione - y Market. ' l e I . New Yong, Oat. 9.-The demand for money ' The river na a about stationary at . . , e .,_,,,.... I hall fallen OIT Very Materially, and the market 118- Wood St.. near corner va - Klitu , •IS easyg irrAi- cora. ae it porn,. Teeter:lay, .1t Is -sr 1.1,t thirty Inches Ic- ! -- I, Air ' dfdlerriptions Of Covent t, it, e ,,,h,, laeleare u few exeeptiena i rt n s "al thing. "'I per cent. Lis - bOtightand sold ort liberal terms, - - want& ate rumbenged and prime _paper Is '‘,.l,',"hi', gKe‘,?„'"il'olhlt.,',,",',,:',';',',4,o", k t. "l" n g ri o n f n r, :t l l " ,.antl i I Ported the " . ' lll l ; U n:zi ' ' ' '' 7lo l l l l, ', ;- "' a . n2 ' n " ar ' irra t and rewards I - LOISRIOR Sag COnlastelltal Exchange sold at ' .dt/i down at 530 , 4. The market for Exchange , , , SO W TIIOIIIPSON di, W. CO., ix.. York rates. l•arkes•harg, are the -Cold. Silver end Coupons bungtt g t ki rk. hest . ` 11 " . ° 4 nniter 00-day, and rose to .101 1 .4 for "" '''."' L ' ''' ' ' .e ‘! t's , e - theioarann Gold Drafts homed an New yo I loilkoret bine, but closed nit at ohMit, ';u71.,.•1 Only on !vat, nit., e41.1e Noe, th e p ,, e ,„, ,, 19eeond ,Floor, Burkess nalldlog, - ' ..., r, ~...: ~„_____,.......,.....,eefeeee,.,..w....,,L........ 1 tio d closed st/tadily at 119 , ..t. Loans we 4414' 1, ' ,7., ' i ' . u d r,.. " . " ;:::,,, ~,, i.0 , ‘ , , , - - FINANCE AND TRADE. ,iti „, ttr i l , e s!o to . llay. at ..iI cent. premium to fir e r` i , , , and the I . tosieg rate was 4 per -rent. ints.rent Argos,. from • neinuati, are lb , : tisst bents . 0 .- Currency. Toe uovemment Seen, Its,. .1,10, a.. 1." 1 " , L'o" .I. Ir".” '',-• L'snla. onKilt 09 3D-401-8.2.3c-faa ta-ta bare been in good demand to.dity i tt o , to teach here to-morrow or next any, It et - - n TrhenAs , , irtOber A, Infiti. :lie clone feN boucle %ref, a little teenier: :'.O s'S-' n '' I. 4. " 141 ' . " '''' del q''' b, hits . a `` '.e r ' ' '''' --- - To. NeW Tort stock onotations today, Ii. 10 =11 . 4: of slis.4.lloLgiiigllON., 10-10 ...Put. , 1 "' "" ..'"'""' Durnh ioo. low , I.Y Wslann onn sr, )cclo. 1 or the Nor t Ile rn r. et' l'a• het FIRE LIFE. NAVY animas follows : Gold. lie, ;„ Ism bonds. 92%, 9.4 " . ' 7 ‘' jul Y I,•:*' hE.""" , "' " ss 1 Ali i D I oillpaL VOf ,I 1.00. V. Fly° Twenties, old, lie ; 00, nee-, lleh; Tell- ; orts ' nul th e " t i ,ll% u f ..." '!' n ' f '" ; -1 st ' l:e " rn ' ill ' l• k ort "' ; ', V ke r! oont 5 ar -, 1 111 .5 ~rte. ~outs,, .outs, h""".'"'l lino 1" ' . Cel l" IMUIANCII Forties, 99%; 7-30 s, IIVII ; 7 to n , -2,1 isene, Min, In - st eooloson I ' rst r e ' Tenl• rind In les , Sort LSI Inn., pie, lout o' , •Sock tau nal nr:l l aT g is " l- t nl ' ,..a " , '''' j'"j‘ Michigan Southern Itadroad, 43 , ,, Cleveland lentral and slicissa e s, nontites ts ‘ lrslT":''? ! - `.Ii 1 :: ~ , i f l i ne Sargent end Sloe, 0.n.0. ;Ye": EFF4CTED IN CliteT c LAOS COMFA'AIES. at Lasses equitably adnuted and promptly PittSbUrgh llanroad. 89%'; ritt,rm rgh, Fon i n ' t ' e d n i t u ln ie ". 7 -T/? ," iofa h ; :r" o l . '", ; ', g h.. P7°Lb', .' '''. ' . let r 1 • 4 .1 ... I' l ' s ' s sr S 'i" " tun: '.""4 . "." tl " . p.2[d.""'". Wayne & Chicago naliway, lOSS-5; Erie, ,Y3‘,.. ' peremptory orsters Iron: Weal:moots. that no and a half feet ,Is pf. ) l.l "'.' , I ll ,' l ' ,l ‘. H n e lln d il ue 'e AIigINTIS FUR ,: , June or July noteso e iedi under any eircue:• I , nt,ight 10 nos city, u here urn cabin sod I 'Enos LIR In Western Union Telegraph Company, rzt -.-- - w ant Le wrested hi earls...ll for st n meclonery . I Ibe 1,1 H N .i.I. A tner!c°:t rrlre ' ll ' u n 7gC r e g (! r o ' 4• 4 ,4 C , L ot Chicago 4 North Western Railroad, 44.,,, de t s :4 , ..5.• in no w t ex...eh...Mel ...ea this hes Les, es on 4, Ex r l. ' s ' s '' ' . , Wa s , i asi , L. e n I In, i nee i " , ,", ',,,, , a ,;,; - 1 1 , h , 1 0 ' ; '. ..,17 e ~„i': fr,0:.,rr,c11..1:::1.,..11tr E ngland l'l. Fleet Ffre 1:::::::: Co co tn . p p l .. n o y ;, of Rant - 1 1: n art n : preferred', 74; Chicago & Rock. 1 , 1an.1, 107‘,.. , hitherto beau done. !....,,, y oga , t tot n -The Jitif s monei article Ph l s.sPeeirs mi lolif , U .1 . -The last statement of the public debt Is pt , o4 . bly the eon gratifying 01 the ..0 , 4,0•41: There In onrlinege , st , ter kelp mas Let. ' I. .' , l ,.. • Nslsln i Soif carnatieS Ots hoard of steno ,- ! , Discount mien nit S t ier so. ks et, 1-,„,f. /,,,,.. {, 1 I,lloflly 0 03'th at coil I t0n gJr2.111,63.10.• that have appeared from time to time since ern:some, tiros nithosit much chan gg e. 111. u- ,Ater nussereessir), ti u do e ~,,,:ee es, j ", e Oil, ' !if sods g, s ., opert ,„., 1,, tuna Shares esiv o a s ucing, .I.CoOt Et le, U Olt: h, I .In n hrolnled tor the it of ' lr ' siTte th s I l ' Z: .- ,C L A . r,:'rZ,, V°l,ll LIFE IN THE the debt assumed Its gigantic pr I , F ,, F N LN . OUR LN CE 00/11iPA.. the Month. of September the net liquidation el i n t., -..ol.l l l:L g erlu . s ~:,1,i,tur,e,,,r,,,,pr,F.:;,,:!,,,,,,,.,,,t,v,,,,:,..,; .. ,, , , , , : :, , , , ::: , , .. g . , , :,, , ,,,T.e „, , , , ,.. r . it„,,e, only ,11.0 . 11/ SI om , NY of /1 4 itTir"Ult.'9,- a ddl.' a IniSURANCE COMPANY IN at " un -CO tO-Ct.r-U - Nt and sinne Anynst let. North's snot are Itinolla the strong:a - a on the • lots. I. e i ,In ,u nern etenailike"t'sl!"ll:':...".‘.",,ln:,,..';!. elTllittleJlL''S ~..,ororhr,„nra ii. or 5i&u:46.3.. bolo, a,, overage , ,n..t. , A 117. .,, , ,,, , ,, , ,,.,„,,, yi . „, e Celli sal tan. quo _ , 1 , :1 1, 1 1 1z1;,:a 1110 •x" channels to .•10.,. 1 , 1,, r.llll 11) Ctl! . Lit VI II Ejele:7ll s m t ,e fl e rnt VII t e :u tirt ' llt Ina= t. , : n it ,,,,, 1 , J, ,, t5 .„ .r ,.. 0, , 11 ,, v 13, 51 ,.. 1 . %11 ,.. ig ., 11 , n u t , tt ., 1 ; 11c , ;::, s t t , t: ,so. , ,5„.,,, ,day 1 1 , 1 . 0 „1 1 , :nt i ls u f l 14 ,, t:1 tui i in 1. , t . 1 . 30 I , i r : n . Y . 'j,E , ,..1 . ,1 .. ... ,,0 f o... lr r _ en gre net ,. ~. C. , 511 CAPITAL. sus no" iTrover thirteen millions per month Once tlmt securely invested In pub gate. The proceoo of lig. d a tion a. t hos ex- tensed, '74 , , , (Int.': Illatol. 1e: 1 ,,, f ur l li n ,,,,.. , . heed e ,,,, ~,„1.,„ ~,,,,.o . , i - ,".Z . ,' , ',i 1 - ",, ,'• n '''' ' ----- --. Mortgagee of REAL ESTATE. It is etntattled is a stead y and it re thing, east bni• '''''''ltt i'o , elsti Exchae,,,,, d o t,. i t ,,,,, , ~ , t , y ”,,. ~. „ 1, , ,,,,,„ 7 , 01 huller, C ~ I,; n oi l•t1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 . 1; O 1:47,1,Z 1 ,, 1 42 ., 11/2 , 1 year of berleess. and has paid to the oft E. MIL Lit,;;Pr;:ltn Z e s. llo-`° , IL'irt jl,4"`' ° • eine fait, tinder prudent manse •men L. Ito non [lone I .Its b• lo ' r ut" ba j u n a t o 'as ra ll , ' irrt!i "r .r,: -" :: . t . ~ 11 :: -. : .•1! , :s:. ' „ '1 , ,i ' ,, si . :17 . 1:6 1 ' id , r .., , .;,"ele !„ " 1,1,, ,! :,.. " , e,:,:, i n , n ,:, , , n , , ,, ‘ , 7, ) ,,, e !:, r , L ,:, , , ,, ",„:, NI ;Jr i le .„.. :l4lt ‘ l n cs , iLo in, b ,i as ,oceurred, an e rid en ea in that ratio until the en ire burthen of the ~linri en; hi, hi; ..,,aite.a„ ,.. ea Inc Is a apegalty With ti.,14 CoMpolir. mums" tisdebrodne,ss Is r e m ,,,,,,,t . A ~,,,,in . Tto., rionrerresur's looney art 'cle Say, The 1 at e Ms times terrle , 'S U.ll ' Nall, aled eteetu L.ri o llu o ie n a. ,.... r . 5. , ,L1 u1e y. r! , ~,,,:.,,, ~,,,t the multi eh . I sts , a , d ,,, by !hi., picisly of . suer, 1/ 1/11 1111.11113,,,I; I te llue:)l . r o le:_of lets Fompsny are aot forfeited pr festers of the last stated:rent lathe conversion of moron-01,0m Into live -t cent y bond., a feet per 111111 a a gnat t o na be rkei ' et l, 6 "1 6 4, 6 1 1 ' . e e r r F t !. .5 i 1 1 . 1 t... l i . :Wo- - s i! s4sl I.% . ' s si e "-'44'10,-o e o st r iu " .lll ' l ' s ' n e‘i ' n u'. l' i , e- " re ' I '''. "".. No '''''2,,°,,,,:''''';!'l;,,,,,V,,,irl're''7'r;.'he"e'r7:l°' whifth Shows the determination of Inn seer. ' I'mg. and 'dim t dote , Forint:ll Els:l...he I 1111 lon g • ' ,, 1'er ,,,,, .., ..,•"10fLel'h's.'-‘,sllo'l=s. hum "Ucie.'""l''' - 1.1 ' y r", Itll ---.... • firmer end tho rut° has mi , mired to 111-.,,,, ... „ 1 . .f. „ 1: . 1 ,. ...1;1 , / ,,; . i n t a titOed u 1111 ...et P. 11101 . el° J. C. WA LK 1',1,'.-I•t:esident.. Cary of the Trearary to consolidate the debt ' ,old. The general p. Ll.l for a I ' • C ..} l : l, ;t l .ll•Pk.`;'r7,l.7,'s Y tar as 1701131,b10 into a Uniform skirt e, and commodation 13 Yi tO l ist per r e ' ent. In 1:11 ' .: 1 :4 . 1.:... ! sserldne of lei'llsj's'll"l',.'" Co u ti"" , ' ''' l I S ' ',..';',.:;''' a nd ttiedepartment or the apprehe t ,n„,t em . , um, ket Ene still premmts the tru'st's ,f ' hem 3 in ettiure.. 3 , 111., tfo l l .' C ' 3 ‘ l ' l l. l,: 3 l.:r , s. tr 14.11,j; el - r;:l ' a ' r b e a‘ol7l for We'ee" Pea' fr ' ''''''' when ~,,., , g. ~,,, ~, ..i ~,,,,,d 0 ,, , the v ell eitturated elem. .. ill do 1110 a tar .. Cia Fif.",ll4tx.iziii°4-.ni b----d. . berrasionent to meet the Italians,: credltOr. 1 ~,I"Weeejenlilt,•°:"lti"egnassi , and stoup at hart p.st , t itn tench more ad.l.faction to IL 0 V11.,11113c.1, ~,A.1.;33,1.: wante,d,,lll;snreth.catixtbner.!:m.„..,.,,,zL. setion t bonds fall due in a short Limn. More I one Weleek aq gp.„4,,,,,5h. um , rad , oad slock. 01. /....or. lea, expel', 1,1111 113/ snore ed.:anus:l than eighty-'lr million -1 Of the set - en-thirty I are Irregular, hut the market. R. on the , ..rl.lO I,le tat tubular nod,: s 1 1/1 It, 13 1.0111. -,.-- :' , l ‘ citl e tr . eli vu.dained. New York Lew sal ens : dross , these being lib in acis.,4 su t Is, In Its curet FaME AND MAIIINE loan (Originally at 0,0139,030, now reduce:4l to g e 01e.. ” 1 ,, n , t .., 11 , 5U , 11t* .. ) ,, ,t_ . i , t , l n te ,,,.. la:L:ttt u ln NJ: 1 u l T o t, I 1:g t ., , 1 , 10: , Ool s let Ilea Is rat,906,013) hare thus been funded. The antes 1 the drat n 10 1 4.1 1 , 4 eto b o u t t so provided for were ne-arly all of the first I iiie, and advanced to 11S'Arali at tee one fur use or the hugr ' tio!-, l ' o s ' s ' in I ‘ , ' l h isi n g ''' , a n s ' INSUR.INCE CO. Or NORTH A NERICA series, maturing In Atignst of the coming I , ° :„;', l° ,.'h k Bemftn* l'it'verun"'"U" ''' "lrm wi' '' 'thee end. " l'"'" ..." I' "".1I"'" year. Donee, it seem, that over n font t hot A „ L".:'`,71, 1 ,`,.',P.171% n r, d ,„r l o s ,','.`'.l l ,'`l's`.`„`,';,',`',',"; - ....:',', l ,,",,';'„'' r,,T,'`,'. r i:'.,',';',,'. 1 , 1 ; 1 , 1 ',1,.,,,,,,', 1 , 1 ,1, '9',;',';', 'ir the notes of this :tart. (originally amounting 1 fonotrina aeret tlte a ootatlons 5 ne• ,'snit • e ii , I le. I 1 ,, 11 , C , corat), an , l 171.1 U , l ' ; ' ,, ' .. to W 13,0011,000) hare been pr , onstnietv funde , t l ' .' .ht ti • Il ' ' '' Erl '' ' , 11 ' 4 ' r ' R ' ' ''' "9 ` "'"'"'"e' ' .""‘" "". "L" e ' "'s ' ' enu '" " good. ! c.arlpetelit Si a our eta] el. meet- anti /aliening, tO this eXtent, t Ile IMpeO 11„g coll. i% ' ,,, 5 " L " :, g 4 r h . "; ,,,:i'5,. M ,,, e , " t ' g' 5 ,..;,,, :;''''''“, .'"N• 11, 1., , ,, it,. 1 pilot • On the department for cash or hnn'hq nernr.l. ! f•ltind, lON. .! . Tort it, 1,111111 , .o. 1 cu. -.tat L.. 111 1, ~,, tag the reserved right,. of the noselloides - Seer York Produce Market. • tha4no.. ‘1,..1 -,1, The Milk or , ii(o amino v 111 dd. , .. -• ...- . • , ' I ''''. Lost, ' - '''' . ' e ' -" ' ll d " . ' ''.! -4 .•' de d in ;hi . . et , ,7 ..u.r.ctortly\.„.oj,,l 10,,, , ,at , , ~ ..,, o , ' ,°, a ,, 1 :. d1 „ 1 , '" 1 ' ,, 1 ,.g, ' . ' ! ' ,: 1 „ ' , ' , " , t ,; ‘' ;_ l"' , n ,.' l- 1 ,', " , ' " --„ ,- - 1 ' 1 '.''' nail of the temp, ai , loan in. 1,, . ~. , 1,..1 tl a Clate, t.1,,,,,11,5,t im cod,:e.:: s,. ~. ...1 ,' , S . "' • ‘." . .•,.• l ''' during th e mourn. It uai a. most, L . se, -,,,.. 1 I , 311 , T 1 , 1 - 171.0 t I.r. rOllll,l hoop trio., and tI • ''.',.',..":.• ,:, • ' 000 on the Ist all. , it 1+ 11.3 V IlLOri, • : 0.... j ~,,,„:„:- t„ ‘ , 1 „ . .,..,1 ' ; ' , ' iV 4 ;":',"' ! 5• .",,‘ i.,, " '''' ‘, li.. 1.0 I, These are Important gains fro. t/.. ‘• 1 , , I ~, ,o .1, Hi 4-2,45 Wheat 4 .•:,, ~;' , :si .: -.. i ..,' stet. I: . -44 New York,tiove , linient.• 1, , • ~ ~ '',. New A a. , . , SI let, a .out •: . t.,••• , firm, stare the pato, •.,:lon or 1 . ~'.,. ' , nil and OrooPhig , •ea i , • it ~, . . 17 , atateroeut of the Trna•nry. Lnr 4 . ~ , .10- , oq IL° I 1 '1 ! 1in...) end Jo s sfic so,. , e , ~ • ,„. , , old Fire Tamil 1.. s nave Innen not .. 'I a s Or ° P . ... " ''s". ' 4l ' l "'''''' 1 ' ,"' '' s : I , "•' • ' v i e ,„ „ Cling ~,,,,,,,„ ~,,,.„ I , ,„ I , , „ we , halt dull. Receipt,. of torn , I 5. , ,1i.- ! , s-loss , ' e '''; ''',,!'„,' that were 1 , , rerun's for +upon:lnc s .31 ...1 3 //,• market le lower, n stn a fistr t, ~,....• ~, co . , "-..' .-,' "..,." allta2o time the London market for , , , anti cloning :nth, more 41:-..,s, , Laic-. of So ,m 5, - " nI un ' and the p.m ~,,,rke, err ~,,,,,,, „ ,,,,, 1 oushets at %at for isern;r. •L to: .s: 1,,,,,,, 1 , n , Co as to chime in with Ito. MO, an: ' I 1,11 , 0,1 at ...tern, afloat, anti !1t0..., ~,, a t.,... i '. o .., l ''' ' ''.. , . essern. liate-Retlpte 01 1.-.77.- toodod nos: List heavy and 1 :0 2 .• low's, to , , n -,, ...! ” , • 1 , • . • . .:red) for round, welch are te..l L., : , .,Ie• ~‘ , ',',. ' . 9 .00 , 1n.ne1s at 5V57e for I 'll te.,e.. 1.)..// . .31, f.,, ' ' ''' ' ;.` °PESO{ or rile PlTrancl-n 1,, C I 1,, f ‘1.1w,au,,,,•, and ..1,, , ,U, for , tate..., ' ,1.-, dn: ' .." I '' . • • , I .. ofq,Lt.leady ot 111 , -,411, tot I .11t.t. II ATI , tor ; ~ ~ , There mows 'seal r•. not hio, ...•,,.. :,• ' • pro l Porra.p.,... ir1 , ,,P1 for II:I 1 . 10,1 NI•1//,..••• ..,.., '• • -. s ls " duce Markets to-tay, the Isle -• ol ... g the . !;', n ii:ii, s ,',: ! , 4 , i t'''iLas- I '' (I 1 I- s Isles so -I s.G I - .' ell absorbing tonic or eons. i• is lon, ent toe soete. firloc ' f!, 0 t ' a. ' 12, ,, 1 ' aT . 1 !' . r 1 '5 r.!; .1 :C,". : ‘ ‘l '''.' great molorify of 0111. 1110,1,, r ,, tn., . . , ...-_ , 2: 1 ., ; 1 } - ..,10 noel,, S., . , • Ic• , . , ~ ~. , Ihe poll.. Con-mete-sit ly, ere Hare s• llsti le to 7', •. 2 1:i .. : , , , P , 1 , 1 , , , ?1, aI•L , . ..o ~./.. ~. A 1:. - • 3 , L report, the tram:actions its the ;...[dos e , nun. 1 .:5, fuller r„ - t - thi rt y ,h,Tys, " ' ' L, ' ,,",,,'' . .;: , ':', • 1.'.. :.... - - modltlen bring very much re.r loted r for Yr:veiniest Reef huser a' 3 •tt ' - ..,; . " 5 “" GRAIN-Wisest la firm lute nehnsiged. salt- s i,, m. hi e „l' el- ~......,- '' 3r .at - n .. I ' 'l _ of 1 oar No I sisi ing at V.,14. is ,: 5 ey e , t ell e ~, e.1 7 ; , s l - ..' .• ..4-. 4 lor .5.. 1.11,0 steady at 10 :n 5,4 1 oril /0 .111,11„.1 at , ito to et,,or l it „eh., and 105,"• Cl 1 ' .. ' 1, '"e e 1 5 . ,1", 1 ,-,,, ° , ' , e 7 d ji ",: . ' I 'Ott (' Sll2O crack, and U.:, In al from et ree N.; mr,von a „ at I n ! qui ~ , rim . ' s ll . • . f ' ' I sr , s• 0 ' O. In Bye or fiat le4. Se „pis of n nrnt altno-I ; Inut - t _ :11,.5, ;:ti ,1'1,5 .1.:Y ' 1Y.t ". c e' 5; ' ,..,.,. ‘ s t:;,:, ,"'''',".,',- " '' l ' : eltbanated, 11111 1111 11/1t le i ',ern or 1:.11 10, I Meal, henry 03 14 , - 014 . 1 , •• f 0 . . '• ' ' FLOUR-There s 5 a. eontinued s.. I .I. mend in leg .• • I ." n 1100 ' s '• s ' ls .4 .' . for Floor, and v Idle the market I. arm pr,.. •e De ll', e ,t n i , ! ; " e r , i ,'1, 11 6 .',.," 1 ' r " ',,''. n ," . ' • . /- ' 4 . 1 '," ,, s- I" • ' Ls ' Cenllin unchanged. We quote I coin •.• •.1 e rtf ' , • ~, , 5 • ,--„- '-',. r ''' -"'• .. 4 ' ''''''' '. . 2 ' • lIIIS t 05124,,,, for haring Wheat, and Sin. to 11. II„ , ::,",:, s''' I sr.slffc I o . ~. • 4., 1„, ~, „. for Winter Wheat orandi. Rye i Ida; I- ...fling I 1"- ' ' - 4,..,- T ee ., F ettle ~,,,,e , at SO,lO Lo 10.15. FRUYISWN a-- 1113,031 II 11111 1 / 3 0.3 / 1 •/„. ~, 1, ''''' 3 11 ....• I °' 1. 0-1 111.° C . /It!, 1, s 1,, Mou e we eye.. ni II- to 17 ,„ ' '",- arnl. k , e l "" th " 01 ' 1 L ''' ' A t' Mr Moulders; IS', to IP fo Rs nines n,,f e e, en ., ~, lair nr ',.., -- ~,r , ,.' ,' 1 ,","_,• 1 L 1. ,,P"' il' f.: IS for Sager C sired Il e ens. Lard in deli , ~,,-,4 ~ ' t .- ',- ' '''''-' .' .", f o re's - and a shade Inv er, being quoted at In .so el. - i'"" • I ' r! I' ss!""r / dcs.l 1 2. . COI/ /I son l all ..-1- ~,., lo- ! ...., ~ Mess Pork at to 1011 i.,. t:cre 2-1; M.o. , 1.1 1 V YO t• 0 . • BU a TEIL-1 1.. , i ',en,. of lint ter condone I hadageit . 1- 5 les ' 1 ... ..11 * i large, and Silts a supidy eone„11,1 l ems of the demand, the msirkel Sr dull en . ' ‘ i.l_ y ,,,, i ,„ ~ weak, with a drooping t c .1 , 1. 17, y Prawn 10 I 0 ,1 , ~, :11,,11.,: , 7;.,.,. 1 ,,..,.;, ". ,,, n „,,', , 1' ,.;,' V i l , " : :„ 1 choice man be qu0 , ,,1 at 9to sf. elle, EGGS-Ttre demand is 1.1 end net, let . ...„••„ ~I , I , ~,„, ~,1 , „.,„ i ,, , St , e:ely t with regular •slos at .- , ... • PI 'LES• -, lendY. a 111 , a lll'''. lln ars--In 4 " , , u70.:,,e /i 7,1" inei r.. . r., ..:; ' ,.;n e- it ' ..ro ll r l .... ' l " , l 'Aa . t . t, I " ' but unchanzet I, al SI to e: In , l I. I es nts W. -Cnris h.l In, in e, ; -; s O S EIES --- Ltoirti noel's . 1 0SI war Is o vs:Med rat I Ise sst and inc.ll.lln. Ina h. ~...' e ' l'll 1 for common, land 6 for Felton:is Pe•el•, 15 POTAT49:: , -11sy be quote, nt 31.15 to 55,25 ' 1 1 , 1 !: X,' " "" "o"ree.r.'"e"l In "'" '''."' i ket Mt ter ( cenle raw. : .. I. •I s. per hid -tined I y at 10 , ( 0 1 J.- , -, • CLIEEst.-1-,ntn” Led stela, at 15 10 l't to, '''',' c, u,,` el; to " were "" 0 ' ‘.• '""".• Western Rreerv. ,11 to IS im II 1,11:.1,1 3:. ~,/./ r ' s ' o ' 111 ` ' ''''''' pr ier_ 0 1, " 31 I. 1 . 1.1 , er el lac. 't he bask of 1..., , ,, 20 tO Y 4 for Isoshen, a. to I, nal SIT ,al from 15:45 - 7,17ei the latter pet s lee -1 -- - - -..-- I Tbe - rlrialll, of the Oft., 00., u .... I ao, .' ril-rnaloineu rzynotdr.ll.l2 9 A RUST selOoft I.•-low t st'lsc. The so , o; sso .-s , day as itic net souei VA-1.1 , .., , Oto .e I Ornox or TO - 61 rev,. Senna t s . teetyg, I I Veal curve. „re I, rood - *nen:. .2 , ~,,,,,,,,,, i , ~,,„ „, ~,, ~,,, ( made to 4.. ~, , ~... of • 011,1 .. , The on men on tile Alle-alte, . I..ir( ....no I ' f " . ''' "" I ''-. 11'0 g"""''' '' '''' tel have forgotten their collo, sort tl,ned ,', 1 ,1 , 1 ,,gY . ;a1.1 lan], arc In I.l.r¢c their v.II 11 no.. r, enei c, 1, a polish-as r' : r t., ' '' , --r u , I n out) . a 1. n. In , ',- lion, and Inst..' of -,-ns ~- se sl •1 ,- is, s, .4 i,,.,:i,,..',,n:,. r ', 1 became . .11mt.ei . a..„ ~, ,....1., . ~., I I, In 0.-, so • ,usr t e '."..,- boll: 1.30. I hey tn. ned tilo, a ~ :on In the , 'IU" lOnnt It-10 .t.ei en , bulk of rote, 4.11 ,-.1..n0n r 1., II: .. fele,. , ‘„ . .. h ,,2 - e . ) ;:,1 :- .1‘ ''' ' •'''' l s ;he 5:11.5. to manforltiee nit Isrr Ilion r,„,,,, ~ . I , . Tue arrival., al th e Ail: ~,beti. , o s -c, sen 1 - •1 ,- . lon • 1 . , ea. e.; •d . Moat as ineecre . the Iran- I , I 1.,- 11:e ntag. ' ta.t neck I,Til -dine,. 001 .I ': se !', ' of ;enter pin - Soiling tut •nipitions o; s -111, asol . .., Is '0,1 , 1, ...:.e. li,I1", lass ... s. I I . the , blptllent Of beret-led osi W. 1t,,,. , asc.l during the Nell wider, mi. - . nor e t ),,,.„ ,„ ~ , , ' . ' . 7. T . ' re fa O - Y .....I •VI 4, t.. t resumed, The eastern markt 1 , Fr, 1 un 1, t ~„. ' Li' 7, n,'' '. '. .V . ? .'". ° ' -rb ". C '" ' - oat tautens, chsrige, hut is 01111 4, I , 11,... -- ' , ~ t - '' ' ''' ' The raellemenl Of tier I-I Ito • • oter u r hot. , I'•,r" a ;It Ih• ionr. ; ••• - 1:1 , a.C.1 ' 4;,,i low .ta.,....,- " ;,,,,, '" .,, ' ,: , . I'. , r . • Into the -trod, The . fll.t • , 'LA, 10111, I - . ' .. ear , returned, at If, an, , m , ..,, bolt ~ • to a; a t . "' `"' ""- . I l l " . I " '''' 'v, 1.04. In gen „ed ..., In o ~.1, .. lO r..,ves. ..... "n-irr4 P"-"b.' s - d ' er!'e "' though min. toll)' 11.1. been sul el- 4 ~, :, . ~ ~,,, ''S men 1 1 7, ! ''' '", ~ '''' two nue Offered In )'lns sea:rip:de- s o on , 1 .lul l „,,. ''‘ !' ' ',,,,- !. " • , two Int.. ref immediate holy er; .is„ I t nterns iss; enr.i ,o 1{;,„,.,, T 5;,,.,,::,.. 11 . , .... I , lobe the reline role The arrivals cord lone light Fl-h , r a hro. , 1 , 1 , 1 , , ,„ 1 , i ,. 1" , 1 ,.: I '', :,'' , g ';.„.'' ;" '', report Ira vina t .. seed lel., sind I.ls • a. W,l ! ee ,,,, I ' , ' , ' b e '„, ' :, ' ,,,,.;„,',....,i,,i!i,'! , 1 " • /lams 6 0 0-total, 1030 Pal rel.. I 01 1 11 tintcloth 4.0 111 Cotton. ... thco. /.., • • , ns 11 ,, pn.1t Inn t :.o sal.; I-. s • no O .. AI.L.E.CHENI e ATTLE .9 AM. LT. +., ( - n:.nn - ~1,,,. to , 'C' 11.0 :i .33,:. '''' ----- ..• 3 let. • Goners Or TrIE rt riot,. It.lit us tas-ra 4- - Si ',et., - 'let s -Th,• in 11 .mula Mark , 1 I . C.DAT, tit ton., / 9. ICO.. •incohng..l, lll.s tot k es CAI-its. .jost, at `t Enult.. a sclttat , vial but to . -, , . The market was very dell and Ina,. I, ce this. ' :':' Ir°11 ,"" : ''' ' 4 •' • '' jb. ''.....- n. '''''' • - week, and a ith asn pp:, cm, 4 Ide en ~,,• :n : 1.. ;5•r; .. 1. 7 .... '1. 2 '. 1 ''" 1 " . ' 5, r 1 ,‘ . “ ...4 1e t. ' .; '.j , '.'... ,,, i''' res. nf the derrinni. If stet ("mg, pi Ices wein 0 1 ,01 1.0 , k; 2 00 1, ..6. tu , .nU n " 0 Made Inset tiara Last week. Tio , ret t,l ‘l,- iturraln Starke.. mend 5r e . ..rp" ,,,,, 1y, 1 ,- ----- , r.. • iris's 1.11 1: Rer ' e ' r! '''''''''''''. 1 ' I Inn , -I.S. 0 s-.: the blitehers Loyola .rat , er. ..,,,rio,d,, ~,, , ''..,• /I, ~,f, 9 .. ,, -, 'ft .1 ~.,, ano t., there 5 „ eh „ e „ .. , ~,,,„,. e,,,...,, ,enrol p. I , ,Io ro, tl att.,: d e.t.., is n 'to s s sis.;„ peen-bra one tar hoof -.old u... 0c0..... t, ' 4 7 ry ,' '`.' the ten tem ,- , to. ~. .e I , o shspnusta. ( , o,,snon anti snterlor ns s lie e e , I! "• % I ''' . I 'sss'S sIS 'i s ,- no Ind , '-- I • s; • excessireir do•I, and to cif. -er • ttos 41 ~l ' '''''..; ooret , 'Ad ..., Tol.in ~ 1... ~„ , , Concesetne. hod lo he ade; ~,., .. .•,. I.' .. I '''''' ''''''' """ " P"rh •i ', ' . 1•01 r .., • r..1.0.at.t.1,• 0 ..1 not tneet 11 1 1 il ,I, I. O. , 14 1.. 0.... I'9l NJ 0 'Earlier 'plum. , l . a ' f•o.vo . F10 , ,r te, . ik • very bard one for dimes. rotil end • •111. a, ' .. • log th e supply Tore not loos- . 1.: , ~ .-oe, 1 ft1 , .. - " 'l'v. 12 .. 1, 4', 2, ..''.; N. 1 - i''.'g 4- -• 4 - estimated .14,1 ! 1.01 1,,,, , 1i;.,1 UPI., .ete et s' ' '°' , o ' " .11 .' 1 0 41. •., , os e , -c, 3; ,‘ " left, over unsold / , ~.,se I- , eign I • uso i1. , 11,• , 0 11 14,4,, I &VII- =SE ~ 'U MI PITTx BURfa II NI Mist. r Kew Orleans Market The market for " . ..cep tet, ttud•• , , , ,,tro• 'in ma- .N . l .. “ -,, aS, ...rt , -,-- ' ,l ' l " , ' ' . • ~,,,IC 0,,,,,,,, fore si A . ) At the p ith: r It 3,,,,, it swles of 44/si bales Low 1111/1/1, low cd :it. 14 true that the desound tot ton slick, eelpts for four days. 4,W81 bele-, .igs...rl. i .., Ifills ollf at this 1 11 4•nten ft Ihr , e.., ~1 Q ~J-, ..i. , t., 3 , 11 .rn3a , Gail, 149', rne that the Offarlitg lid good 'nut tr., tteep ' -.A- re Watt. and contoethetaile j,l - 1, r.• I r••r 11, IMPOST!, 11l RA 1 1 110,11 D. wall maintained, ranging from tl to t I Am- p,,,,,,,,Ge: b oar ~,,,.„,,, a , „ 1 „,,, e ,, „ , ~..,,•. 1130.1 to o;carllum ILIELV tee ~,,, Ixt , t , ,:,.,.,, , Olean It Latterly bought H' head hl .', cq, /4.M1 (. 14 3C0tAbr r-10 pOlll butter. 1- /1 l 4l. ,It ~, ~ t , :., ( 0 , 1L7 SOW Ettosrlck & Co. lua hen I. a vetuglatt l '11.,',,,‘1,1°.eie,,L1 j rn r :l• ll‘ i n e: ' ,. ' ;!. " .y, 4; a l °o rt ' it. k .t7l, 4 l: ' , •I, li ...o r ~ • : IL*, at 5. .ornber, 813 f.'s, Hopper .4 or., S , •li. •t••••,,I wITS.. Nitu11•1: & co; 14 keg, huller. IS ht. hec reh if " " .i •"" '''' '''''' ' '''' There IS a Moderate retail dencan I 1../ II .es Piddle lereliiiterirelloel c ol. h cei, ter, & ~,,..14A ...' r." -.''''''''''' "'"" L" t". . WWI la . retail way, lee quote at 6lu to Mt, tett. applex, 0 4 Ale,k, I Us Duller, 16 .1 •••,...., .., ~ ,11 1 I '' 1 ...., " , 1 • Sgroan, for fair To prlcua IIc." i stAtuwee •i1a.51 4 Urn: I bbl v1neg,,,..1 FC - ,,,,,i• 't •,.. I.- r 1.. .• , , .... .. •. •.• ' , Larert.Y iaed limerick & cr. int he.ei .. 4 , 9. as M e`, Wu] ILntit,g, • 1. , , ~, i ,t• ri,. ' , ;•,' .• ~, , ,„., LI II /.,I - 1 .. :,. atrowran a•twt or . •TOLlt Lt tigs 61; Aldo. orotons, Id 33 /Lehi.' ~ .' / p , ..,, c:: ' ,,,,,... ‘ , ' ,, e,,,,,,. ' ,.. 1" .,;.,e . rci ' . ' ,/ i .: ' , p c, Glans & Lafferty rettal/,1 75 head nt lst on 4 - , ' ,, '" , ' . 0 0" . I. j "". lul'l, I 'or """P'ill ' . ~„,,,.., ,•,,,, , 1.0060--35 head It ft nv, Ullver 1 .4.,1t, solrl " • ' ..1 • • •'.. 1 , Illi lible Or ur,e li 1 top!. lwe dr..1... r ' ' '‘ '..r. ' ' or Glam. A Lafferty ..4 head ot fairish 5t,.,,, ~,, %V Idlitied 11j fur 10 , 111, Iron. INI ‘1 ,, ,,e, ,t ~ - , I• •,- ....Ire. , laa. 1. ".. 1, ""••, , 4 0,, E , Imo . ~, /f . wa Eine, cr., ACo ~ m . ,,..,, ;., eke eft..,] H i ital.. S ilo in 111 I. -.1, H../ A. t.,,, ,,, 11.1 •415 to 73.... a, ~,,i lei hlils Hoer, I ',e e 1 ,', , .01 • , ^, 1 . ,1 , lo,Aso• Kerwin et Crum tmlil 11 1,,1,1 I, 11. •I .1 0 , ..; I ". T I ' loo k nit.' l'il 1 0. th. , n , A t.,. • ..cedlte.n tin 71(,; 19 toad for Ily de at 4', to ;.- •./ t,,,,,, .. 0 .9. 2 kile lard. lillhOnlle e A 11. rihc. ' Lt- over. Hartman & Met, II newt • at 0•, 1,, , f1. ' ,. "5'. l Itrewl. Ilarllngtun & . ic, i i cc, . Jae. Morgan IS head lit ;tO 7e.... ' . 1 ' 1 . 3 /itetl A ~/. A. Smite 01.1 Icnr r A. Alp A !bete, P. lioad cd ,1,7.1.•e1, at l'll-11‘1117M411 RAII rt... pretty 5.01 calf], , averaging 111., a' 7C. • - ~,,,... 1-1 ,r. sand, .1 1; Lion. A. l' , . Hersh aohl Marks& It nt averag ing ,•,,,..,.,,,,, , .•''..‘...". 1.,,,, Ar ..... I at; ~, A 11,, .4. 6 3 ... Ilstlewoott A l.„ 'eta, led 3 .3/ c.c.,. I . 0,... ice rs a itetat, J .. I .nruct , tt . "'• lidenbery wad Wan A h.o'; - • t... ~: .! :, 1 A Molt .416 nal, l' l .. '' , oft and II head to leidli 1 L.. et . , AfecriLL. A , M^d'e a co, la. 0 , 11,,.,„,„, ‘q. ~,„. ; „ , ~„ , ,-, 1d , , ,,,, ee , Laud retailed ' L /lean a. a , id 70, Bream i 11.ri ' l '''' a nth.. 21 .1. ,e,tnt... , 1:11,,,,,i - 'wad Kahn 4n :tend tout 19 1.., el 0... ____ .a, maaa.r.l,l It , hem' to L1.. - al , Wide ft 1111 3-3.. ...,31 63 . 1, 1 : It., •cs.. . ~,,,, ~ ~„.,:th ~ ~., ~,... - dO.. and retailed it at le. In ; e ta , in , a 1i41.11- ''.'" 4 " t ," , Lear nu lev.w. tt'llll, sec hr , .1, ~ p '., n p Man retail... 111 helot n• • 1 , , . 0,1 , 1 IrbOlr- ”'•1.1•01 .. 11 " I•• " ‘••• n•• ,, / I , A, t •-.., , . ~. lii '' '• ' % "'l.' & en, 9 1,1-4,- rid ~• ' ' ' salad 30 head 01....... per haw i #0 , ,.. a N„,.,,, ~,,,f ,i, h„.,,,, , ~, ~,,, „ g iff, , , %• LI eger • OLI Natt th 1 n't," ..... A e ,' , " g ' 1%; ' , • .,1 '' ;.: i n the .. 4 Prilg of the Year. and FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH, tartvoOrbee ILL (1, .t..' lii I 1.4 ,:o; 4,,i ~ f 4 ,, ~ . 4 curs .1,1., It 1,1,1 A ~,„, , , ~, ,„,,1 during flie Nana et calker, • aVeraging Moo, at .:‘,„. and r01..,,...1 i• .! ~,,,, "...•‘.• Sir. i '• .. 4 ••• i " 2,, , I r/01.1,11nr; 9 a• o, X 0 AI , :rk . l. ,CP Ih. I r' " •'' "” ' "' "'" n '''. n'''''''' ,11, r, 'n ''' ” "r"' -- -es._ clic hf ci.on, Pease At t.. Detroit Lumber .ttantet,. ,„•,,,„ ,„ ~„„,„, ~,,,,„(r..,., ~,,,., ~,,, ~,e 1.. • ,„• 1.•,....114 rt. e11...1 "1a .elrr. o ac....•rd on d '111 . T2/ 1 1:10.011, ( nt,1";11, . a I ~,, ,„ ~ f Its /he /amber trade eontrnue. to ~, I L.‘rcieter.. ~..1,,,,,., _,,,,,,,i,„,,,,,,,„. th i s i ' ', ' '' I I r , ''''•-'• ••''' n• "•'••• '•• • "'''' ' -"`,...^. '•' °' ';,,,,..,,i,,,.., ~..,:,. ~,, ...: lard by greafrdlelty, the r t 3 acict eoccathy •' ~., ~, ~,,e , ~..,,, r o , r ' l , ,. , ~,,, ~...,. r..i. t Apo. r. e. 1.441 t,, ..11.4.1•.11,1,, Irolig.olloo. etc.., sre I th e p c ,th e d ..,.,,,,.. den..." be ' ' '' "" '"''''' '''''' I'''' ' '' I. "I''' ' . 6 ail/km.l, /an Mita (Inttr, t • horrtniter & 1 ' ,,7,,:, ' " ''''"'"" ''''''' " " t ''''' ''' I" ' i n br'' ' ' ° good lagulrY ". alnoad A leadfa I: Cleve- I ,•,,, ~ t,,,,, • ,. D.,,„ 11, ~,,,,,,„ I ~„, ~ ~,,', ` ~,, , r , 11 , st, rn , !net,. , ,, .., • ~ a l /lean aireel lop. el.l. lil/ifl, r72' land denier Staten that .1111.10”,,it lie ha. en• I camp & nr , ,,,tx, q la, 01,01,., 5tur,..,,,, ~ ~,„ I' , ••• e• • e ~.r , , ~,,,,,,,,,, ~, -A MI A Ko., /ULLA tiesirtrared, Ell Is 0u5(011,61,7 in the ta:l, to •lo,PIr ~,,,,,,:ir „ ,, , ~, , r , ,h,,. ~„r „ r b r ,,, le r ~,,,,..r : ~ ~ ~ ~,,,,,,, ~,,, , ~,, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES ..P. 1, ... b° , ", tior.'" .", .t ,,,,,, a. , -1- 1 2, .- ..., Ido , Id, lintabb k 11ei ',err At ,••• I '., • ,• , * It hat perm put In. in the 338Wille/W va'lt•y, a.- 1 ; ,.,',.1,,,, 4 k1,..t, 1 ,1, - , 0 , , 1) a ~,•,„.,., , , „ ~.::e''" ' ^ ',-• •e'' ' '' rq ".' '.”.." '', . thoost, tht• Irtteie icoullitutcs to en ern., rrn , oo.l ~,, ~ ~,,,, , g ..,..,,,,,, , , ~,, „,.,.,,,,.,, g . , ~. _... ' ' bytbe hlitfi price of 0 , ights, lutrph 1 I , ili ch ~,,,,,,, ~.„. and 001=111:10n his• tes.ded 11 paurd. In' ,Wite••• ALLIr; STerlett. t•cloher .- . '.., .. , fl ithough the mnipiy iii it t pre•went atuuno3, be. ~ ~ „ , , _ "end the Capcwil) Of le.. flock*, pr,••••. ar.• . o ' o . LIO , ••• - •r• 1 . , •, •1 , 1 •,. • ••,.,. rt en WOll maintained. ft net r' ,• ~,,,,,,, 10..1 ~,,, I ear st . r ‘ L 'e . .. .1 %I iletnlth , ll, •••, I •i• On ~ I UIni,LIIIIIK r will t. annt..l. .11 out mai 1... L.... KnOr At nom I ear wheat. llt • t•t.t. t • ~. ~ ---- MearOf a sale of n qua, bcr er a cec.li..„ reel.. rl cv-etsl, 'Ai i e, las, •In er , I ..lir , ~, ..I NI, F. • • A common, at .P6-the 3At r•I I.: to, -1t .q. (.... co: 19 111.1 65 ,1pp1e., J 11.•thet t k,,,,i,.. ~., , lorrl l, DanN•r; 31 rat. out, 2 .4 . ted.o-, 1, ~...,.. tat , 8. I Alt erl../bllls ',utter, Idu vac.. II I.e.i.Z. I! hit. ~„,,, Seal 1a h Ilarsc,t. v riegar, J O'llanion. „, c„„ ec e, - Farther ad. - Ices from I'4lN - i.r rroi n•,e,r,•,• there pre. lourly 14 Vet, 1. , t. 10 1 ior 0 Iler i 1.... it II )13j1P" A TI: 111,11EASEN. . there has beau n partial failure Of 11, ertgrx7 i 120(11 to Great fauna, and on 1110 cool ~,, ~, ,„ 7; 1 , ~, , ~.., ~-, ~ . ~,, ~, „,,,,„ ~ ~, ~.,, in coneeqecnce, b , e ,, 1- , ...ir• h.s . " wit. '"' '"' "'..e I '' '" ' ,72, ; i : ,'„`' ; ',1 ::: 1' ; , : ', 4 , ::::..,rrn.,,,,, An • FLUII) ExTrct tT or In price eat.l•letald, In the Eidried, , •, tt ~.t it.: •• • •: , .... ~r._ . , ..,„,. ...t . ~,, ~,, ~, , market The mum of lite tad ill t• oal Irl mt. ,', , '3 3 :3: .,. , 1 ., 1 ,'.3 .. . , ,, , ,..... r ., ....„. ~ ~,,,,,.,.,, , ~, ~,,, I SARSAPARILLA, Led to long conththud bo th wine. and he,. , ~,.., ,'.'• „,••:.; • , , •••,',,`..., "" ti enr.. t , tll, .111,1 .1 C Mbiiied sell fa lodide of Lima, rains. In Ireland the iliollagf ha, 1.4.4-1. pot • ~,,,,,, ~,, ~„,, „,i i rn meting ,•434 op. 41,r 4.• on, 0 t.letllarly great, and in 10 1 010 dieLrirt• kit ni ..ii,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,I..ii i,,, ,4 r :1n. „ .. i . , , , , , ,, , , ,,, :. , r, ~,, . - NO lIVI deetruellon of the ert.p, lean .•:, , t , u n ,,,,, t .. - , i, rt,p,,,,,,d,,,,,,, , ,, ~., ~,,, ~„ i,,,..,'',,::,,;,',,;•:.:,:.;:,,,,,,,, c.,.1,,,:,,,,.;,,,', ~,,,,...,,,,.7. tiia , ' FLEMIING I' S .11.) Et 9 . (; STOItE alu. 90 Third C/ iPil/ab , trh UP i Nu. 14t Market St Pittalinrgli. e.', 3 . I feTP_/.lllBdPC•it 14211111Inilia; e rah.. hour . ..A .• 1.1 to ,!, r. M.6/ 3 v. 1t 1 . . SI ”..,,,, wrII, ..tairtre, pot. 101;N. Ne -3 tort9tatotte.r . _ -_ LtiNTLEICKNMS DININet ilotate. jiNnin nt e (TM:o.lam ryr - Vl/ --- "• ,1- -;44;::: ~"..,. 1.0,,.. , ..,r0. - Is oteieasruitt ' ..._. -•° ' ' 0,11 ., _ erlee Of Mc 511.05, (:zin:ge Liquors, '•:.'")..,' F - 3,I4I •IJarILYI Or 51/./s Int • °. ''' Fr ` •••• ... ~ o xerrt ht 11, 7 11.11.1AM1S Sic COWAN, arm .r.i.sot r im p..., u.,..,k tu,.. 1 1' ,5 '. ,I,17; ti. i l: „. . e !tt r rf " l:: . u pa m riii. .N.. i co.. Alan olne - f I . Ari. - _ k to our morel/an . Aron 1n0t0 , ..,,, isax, • .a.. w ... a.. . x, mil_ . 1 E!.. , A i 5 . r , T . !1 . .!! C ,, E ,, ,11 . E .. 14 ,, T ,T R , 0 , p1E ,,,, R . 5 m . , . ,v t. r ,s ar, • Are. rtdeme ltinlng ren,ma up .t•tro. 6. - . 00 . WHO CAN BEAETIfISTS9 00 __ ___. ____ nintg In kti Per bush re t r i,„„,,,, c r" ' e "" Ann • Thottaands of busfiel, 7,'' , n 'l ei ler pa, I.t. Oen oriole -care ( • /neut. V, tt.. It Ind Valls, end , • ri__ , l.manY balding their i re?t ' Zl; '''''' ""- , R "'E t '''''..:Pl47-7, F iV•;:r",1 , 1 - , , , gn• ri tre Wm- ~•rui•hr.„. Pr. , 04•• nt etat , on given tc llar Itootlll% • For Two ,Weeks"-Only. nape chid. mcee 1,111 take a rise. Til 'n th" ' "c 'lr. ! . 1..,,,, , , I ~,1 1, ,/ a.,,, 0, ~,,, inniioi-i iitire No. 4151 Pena •111,40, kiiii ha. , e ft ' 'C . '" C 14'.. .' ' i r, e ' . ' e 1 .09 Wel beet unasoell 4 ~,,,„K i - r .....T „, nr., ,,, ,, , 1,..•t5.. , It• n, , ,, (I.•to•I 1,u11,11r,/, r,..1..b,..,,,, VI, .. , i7,192 • ti K ...M., ' 2 0 . 4 rh ZNellil cmior 8 " 2°U 1 - 13101111040eihuknot Y g` Yel ihn M.'. w hite ~..,...,.,.." 2 1: 212 " ••.. -- , ~..-,- -- -=_--= ,of nly 01•21 make, ior the mai earn oral NE Dul. ;nirvana. I" A 1331 Pi OUTfiEfIN A m p un I LA i.. 4. at Nu. 36 Ilienteti Wee i. "'"' ."'""" Nr •I' l lu g , -- (.4 - e ' rs ;had toe thippea to • all part. nf tee Conn- 13 ... ItecA.ltd&wT ' triff.A3 ~ ,t ~,,, ~,, wer by 3„ jui.ox ,g . ~ ~ i my 26.4 PAJAIr.L Maga. di, 117,021 .L art maJne. t . _ MAIIUC►:TI 13l 1 E 1: EG - 11 -- ;\ P 1)11-1%11( 6t110:1 •• 0 1 1 Irig.l • I =I ,1,, ttztt••ll.t. rAt•ltl., 1•1•Aor 11..• 11., 4114 11.. • I 141 1",,,1,.,• 11, a.,0 •,•,.. •••ttt.l:l.l••n. GATED STATES SECLIIITIES. i, , •dittlt•itit ...1apt,...1 to •Inrge numlo'r of cl.r.,r. trot t.t.to, ......tl , •rt. 1 , ...,1,, t, c••Il tr• n. It I. IN( 1-UItINI4 t • ttlted Stat.,' ' , la,. of Im, .I , I t.: I, Inn. VII. I tt I tt...,.., •.xr,t. at t .1..-II r..1t...ru It., •i t Itt t• ti•edr. It s rttro t..• IC •• t• f•. , t. I. " , r"''''''' Ito. •••-• .n•Thirti.. ' •t:t ..•-•t 3 'lN , , '• • • • 4 t'.• ''• ••,,,, 't " .1 t•" , t.relet, ' ,:t7tl Vertse . l;:r " • ' l. , '1...../•:'!•1•1;:i..1::•'‘;•11".71:.t.• IT "j'' ..1": ' : ' ',':-' A 1 TIONIL TitliST 11,031P11V, ME tI •• .1.1r1t• rp4 I no. an. 11,1 „., , i,,,,,t„nT .i . . 1 /11 , , , 11. 11.,,,1_,1W5, VI HMI It ItT 111 , K4f IN, PreStllon t. • i.,..went. •RI E. IL, I s.kler. cr.., It. thlt . , . ~., ~,, : 0 i . ,.' 1 1 , ,'... • : . :, .::. , . 1 ‘.., 1: , 4 , : 1 ; 1 , ' . . , :,,, 1 it t i r . ,,,1 ., 11t .,::: ' ,, k ( .. 5 ., 4 . 1' i 1R 't : ):14 0 :71 1 : . . ,,,,vt ;; 1 .11 4 : ii . :14 .. 4 ,.7.. ..:; t 1 t :1 ty, ..t . : i t1 11 :1 te4 , 4 1, : . ; ji..L... ” ''.: A ." ::.; 1-‘;°;Ir.lt:: ';;RI14 . 1 :1 4, 4; ' !.:. IL' 4 41" ..lAlts:t:.:l6 II I. L L. I I'M/la-SIMI, KT, IJA MK CA YLWL. SEM RIVER NEWS ' , lda,. *ay , Hartford Fire Insurance, Company, .art k ::1 I 11.li I 11 MEM STEAMBOATS . lIM U=illll=llllll , ,1 .., c • fIIE ' l / 4 ! 1$ FLUID EXTRACT SARS A PARILLA, =Mill Ea)(licll' 4)1. MENEM l•••, lone@ c. litaeary... L. /rwl, Jr., 11 _ . J 111163 P. Nlchola & ('o. I)EOPILE'S 'LANCE CO. G. W. PE 'TES, ELISTON, RING ELIXIR PERUVIAN DARE Proi,,Lide• ionic and Itcsiceratle e, LIMIt N. 110141IES & NONS, 13E1.71 1T..(31•64, -- • r— :,,ldc 4-, • .1 No. 51 .11 411KET sTREET, Pittsburgh, =1 n,!. In 1... It 'tit, Alterative, cr blood Purifier, ENS EMI thin INSURANCE. I=ll3 =EI i 1.1 1 • •.1 .• . •el swe, , rt..l In the , .hove named r..tarne u pan It 1. I.•::11 • . ni• I 1...U.11111,11C, ~11• t... 41 FIRE CE Cu. or PRILADUEIILL „.„ a „,_ Ae 0. Jan. I, 17104, • • (12,1157,aktia pV • ...kw. • A r•• 1• 1 - ••rnIuut• .... • . 971.4(.1.. 1: .ru . ........... • • LAM.= 4 • • •.• • ............ L. ..... 1•••rpyow ••••A •r•,•••••••,., I..llirit•A Lein. • i.lO 11Atictt.:,°"'. Leo, nrne.r. Edward hale. ~ SA..nue. •yt., If Y - eltlk. 1 ....a..xt• N Itlrls. rya. All V.,• IV. ‘.•••••IA, 1•1.1) I A 111. t.< S. I•A Ai I( l'reol•lvlrt. •• II I /.‘ Lk, I try. llreAlAvt•l. JAY. . A LLISTE.K...,v tegu. J. I l•Aveat oruer •Y , I Thlnl strvy•tt. >ENNBI . LVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. °lnce, SI Flab Slrentsl, Bank Bloch lido fa • Iltomt Cmcp.n, nu•lla. n, Flre r,A I.}.”N :,f/ A. r tt, itorliLltr rA eittt A. I r..•urer• 1; m • 111 • 1 ~ .re Lary. LIB ar"MIN; ~rorgt Irlloon tr•us A J. =MEM =MI F.MTL:ICti INSURANC I 0., OF ',REX , . • /'ll I hail/F4H, • ALI . XAYUEH ".!'• rr. "." I Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, • ,•, • at. .•, a o 14.. 4 t: rids of rt-. .4,4 Marine ~. t No. 77 1747,5.1,2,1- tiroot. • ha•c .r o!, tut•e ....cog& 64 of • pr. 10.01100 who alewife tot. t ME , II .1 0.11 1 • „ I.! Sim], If 43.,„, sl.l 1.., I I , •lnsa ' el.*, .1 .1 tr.., I• laooa. _ .. ._ • ARSENAL 44LANS WORKS. , • lo.c• . t1.4..t r. it 1,.• rPr "..." 11 ti r 1117.1 i VRT ..earl, _ ' BLAA'K ANI/ IatEEN A , LA . SIIII , II-:. ',',',, , \‘..i. I 14.,; 01Itl' I I I AIIFItICA Drugglitt.' Ware, 114,t1I1• , „ LIFE I.NSURANCE COMPANY, II ;DEIKIJONS, CARBOYS, &c., '.."- ?Llla and I ttlivi - , La la rent - a I nil. Pa. 11 idow, and Orphan,' i'atid. • r ue 1 1•7•1.,.. 5T‘1 , 41.4. ~-07-t-;/ gi ' lii la el 5'1., .Aim fork ,i:k‘n".i... •`:;;2.':r..'',,‘.:,.. 72 , - , 1 I , :" 'I r -Iy. D. agoploanhi. 1.... cu.., •11.enia,. 1. 1 .1 ‘..... .t . .t 1A , t I' - -J. W. II ai Ilia/ I.L. ' . ..... 11. tt •M. TINDALL . Illedle•I lei•oa lla.r UTILITY TVOltlis. .1 , ,.. l ' . (.) 0() K McLE.liii & SLATOR, arc, la' V Al , 7r t , it 1% Evl ERN Pl.. i 67 F ,, tirth %t., Pittsburgh. No. 5.3 Liberty SI., opposite Fourth, , 1.,1- SVANI , I. Ea T1.11it4 , 1 ' .__- . - _ —_ . 4 L "."'"" 1 IN4li t•iN c. E CO. CABINET MAKERS' HARP W ARE. •NLITHEIt NEW CF.RTIVICATE. -Da. X a.Y• t .„; •; .., •r iv t ' Ili 11.- t , Cluu. La- at /111. h aver[ tn.-. m.ke • spnetal .1 , ~ 1 1.-.4 h..• ••,.., ••^. I' ..,is.U•S PEA:DI/CAL dl ft LI l'.-1 had been troolLlee Cas , o ' ra Pur,..1.1n. /tr., ekd r. 1 1' , ' :-. . ..tli It co , •1,1 Colt, lur .peer.[ weela•--ao Inad 'a sa tv•or. •,.., lin,: a., it lads Cr El , •nd MAllle W. 1.1 , 11.41....4 ~. .t.,..,,,, -• ~, ,-* 'p . "'v.., ..':' CCI 1: Inat I cu“,.l not •&beep. I had the advice •nd Pa. • 1 rltatoua /cre I lahn 01 the haul ottvalclane an tae - .• han,1 • 71 ' 1, ttn ,1, 1.•11•1,....,,,,,, 1 n. , .. 1; .. - 111. w•lmin I ,rult.l uatne, out do not do au. / Ilnall,t , p , wurrti O. G.. 1111.. ~,0 101.10 reCtol 7 ll/ Syrup, arum/ 8„,,,.„ ,•,,,,, -,„,;.„ ,„,,, ...„,. i, ~,, , ... , ..r. a••; • .. . .. . 11C , I , /1,1112. I raved me entirely. i 1t... , 1i...0nt.• s. , •• L• - t. ~..., • .1.• , i. , It NII v. tv. MIN, Cola :la big iou ‘''.'' , '` , l J. W. 811110.24TUNL, No. 212 Liberty 'treat, Pittsburgh, Fs. .1/ , 7. , • 0 • • 11 . .1.1 11... N 1 . , r.:1 ,, , . -7 1 n i. Ltt. . ~,,,. all' Sth, 1.4.1. ....I. .1. I. i . • 1..../.,, t E g'k 1,1 - al:. %.,. 7 ' . • j'n" ''' IJIPPINCOTT t . . 8.11 I) V L'l,ll, , .:,:;' l'-'....."k. ''' '' ... ' ‘‘*77:'.l7. . "'MTV/. THA. TCOCIIIHINti.. , -"Efiter eau 1 do Itr. . U./ to he aer . a. on Wood atreet, and pea • bottle of y (),,N le.( AA-FIELD, CossalasillSilto ' ''. ' .. t h ' ' `' er.l ... 4 V ih..1.1.: ".. 1. ' u. Y_ ." No. 118 Water Street, ,1 n . ~r ~,,,„ ,_ 7 .„ .. .,, ~,,, . ,„,,,,,, ~ ~ case must Gt. deeper.. Indeed' . 'able Le a apanclinen ~., ~ , ~. ~, _ „ , ~,,...... ~.„,,.. ~,..,. 1 . , ,,4 , ..... the collantut one hear,. every dairt:, cold...Clete/tang 111,..11..,•( Tr...tr, , e i r 1, 1 ,, , ..:..71 . .. , e . .. , ..... ; : i ~.1.1 ....t....:,.:,..,1;e1:,!„.k.,5..11e:,:14.11.er,..r;,13,,., . rPL`,.k...',.. ,:.,„,‘.L,f.,,12-,,,..„,,,,,...,,1,1tipirz„,ev,..r.,":15-1.-„,.,,....-.0.1,17: , IA I INT ttn.,lfn to, VAIL:, I rimi•E',,' ":"•.• • ' • •`'•` ''' ."" ' . ._. l ' i0nic,,..,.-, 1 " ,".. " ,‘ b i ` 2 .' . ", :: . .tt.7:...;!: 4.,,,a,rtitbeentlre au;:euf. ''..., ell raT/LNI J ,,,, 1111. I/ 1 , 1.6.1.,, .•.11.1...•".r. 0 Iwo weeks •r01...e went to Platabn i zla, avlth one of CILIICIII.AII, MI ILA T. I ' !LAI'S , ' A. lt1.11'1:1{ PIICIDI ., I'E !" . .. 0., d , " , "..1.5. vontnarg, nl.l h unsubduatala MILL AND IL IDIINPI-ct2 • k- 7 . .....4.-i , .t, I Yor,..rm c . iµ liercAwntr. snl . "'" 44 ' '`' ''" "P."1"'" .U" ' m"."'" ' t ' l ." V-' '' ' ''' ' ' '... ri t''' “'r h ......,."..,•- t. ' ,l t" y d ;• "' ,.. ....th•Ville h4 . 7 , ' lria..pe ‘* : d y . V Y irt . ‘ '. l * E 3 ..Zl. N.7 l g - E 3 . s ~. ~•• ‘.. tr, 1 ...--, I ‘,.1. Ltabotuarall. l', . „,,t, ' ,,u; 1, f ovea no go. 'ln fan. It seemed ratdrr 4 t: ..,h, ... A a,, ,5.,,, ,h ~ ce, im".. improve./ try praelice , and tat have acquired j 'eta IER 1111 A I. titlt'S/: P... lIILO3 Sacco/. I ''......'' t ' ' '.°Y '''d 'th'Ln".lbint Y b, '' h .1... r. I - - (,)'Ta -- . - •;. .10;neow ...... .• . It.. . etnlt, l lli,l. J ~• T., 1.,. 1 , i 1,.• - • a' ~. G .111 . 1 . 1,11,, e 1 ' ,1 " ' tO ".'. "'. j''.!"'C''ret "`" -'"°'"gh°4 "‘". ' . 1 lARA DOILLII , IY I / 1 11104. •••. -•,, •,,•,',.• • . v.. ,al G. cal•Nera n 11,10.• ~,.f',v.1.1-,..;,,•„; ' Le ; ',U p„," : 7 1 ,, a , t .. W I f ' ,! .. . c . c .... ',1' " I " , to . f" , ' , , , Itrvctletts, and In forty-elght hour. we w ';';' og e LuSaLel MORROW ,t, BARMIII,I,, ~ IA 11 t:!. I) f.LZ Ii:LL :-4. SliN, MIDI' IS - '; ' ,: " ,',.T., " ' A""t..-I °art.! , u-co.diuo-diTv , - _..,,, ~.,,.,.•,_,. 0 ,,,, u , x. L ~,,,,,,,,, , ~: „ .., , ..i .k, , , ,,: . ,, , ., , ~,,,, z tango!! condiet w . te to: u, a..... 1 t , •dv al, 1t.' , 1.'1 1 . . - ' I ectoral. - lirsnotleoliiii (7% f; 1 +:74..:41 . 47 ' 31111:. '''') 1. , .1 70.. 1.11.1. , etreet, I.ll.l.urrh P Intl; II 11•...10.nt •pt. 421 N. 4titt•l oTTICIS. P. K. COHN £JI WOOD • 1/1) rTti aT IZ,j, ' ,Vlr n •• tn.cls „41, .• n F. " ,, patrick .17 1 JAM r l'HII;(17.. L"'": 4 , A l ml P , ' . „A RD .4 TT. At =I BANKS AND 8ANKE4.137 BANKING 1101.,h1:. reerived In Par rands and Cr ririd). principal pf,lntrs of Me '' STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES : "' Bought and Sold on lommissibu. ; •1,1 lb. ~.4n-base s.d 423 Penn Street, u prlo•lps.l pf.lltts or 3E3 cr I.2.lt:Lit zi.a. ct !Scala . TILE STOCI , IIOLII}I9 1111111 DI Al,bY , RETOISIBLF. ? e ,tlliii EXCEILANGE Rl_l]STA_ URA NT, H. sic!' ILD, Prospriel or. PLI I LADELPUIA 11 1 .7710,00t1 01,3811,000. %V. 1.. JuSr.y. H Ws[4l, rtroe, (.0 olatrs .1 1529. rEnreTuAL HALLMAN, RAHM & CO., J... 11 .• tieL , r,r S. H. ae. .0. V 1 1.•• i Mel/re., ILL.Pert H. I . I •NCTACI,nICIIin 1, Steam HuHen, Oil mtlii•, ‘ I • • ''' '' ''' ' ' -- • - Malt PRIIII. fißllottletent. k% rungl.ll On tlis Continent. ..„, 110,1.4 h EH .•.. lA, Nt,i,ll holeuille I iron HOAK., Sheet Iron Work, Air., Arr.. ~ r ; •,, / t,,. • -..,, • „no„ •• , , -.1-..,, DB, KEISER'S PEVTOR AL SYRUP fs so PDNOUNCED BY THE: ~ ~ , , . . . , , ~, ~, ~, ~ „..,... :, ~, . • • ~,,,,,.. 1 ~,•,.. ~,,, . • ro lii en tntlArralyural Ultemlets. CORNER LIBERI i CID hEAOND t* , Ds., ~.. I^,Y It Reatoreara) 'lair; Pir TTSßuft44ll. Pa. t1ik,.470, It Preventilair Veiling Out; I. prepare•l and said by i *TIM re 1 ItlSti DOS: I: Pitt i%I irl.l, n.rtsr , r, i i 11.. • 0 ,i, 1H: l'/A. %11, f ~,,,, r , a iad it Cbangoalie lion.- to their Or ulna • A ~,,,,,r n o n ki, •.• l. an t I-••• • r.:: k: nit OntlittiAftitttl; ALMIEBRAN MACHINE- 1•1 01i.h.l.• '. .. . :i, . .. ~...... ne...1 . ,1 jk ton ' : ca ret, : It Erni:hears itandrnil and Humor. —i:: .:", .11A, DR. GEORGE H. KEYS. 311, It keeps ti M. , ca • p Healthy; ... FISHER, GRAHAM & UO., . . . 1.4.1...fi1; r.. it tt , isTitoNG, j'ut - It Con tsdnao 'wallow. ngredient, Engine Builders and , Ilarniiiisl, '." -,. ,',- .•• ..,. 4 ad . 11 tralverily_nved t ro be • yraratll•l I/ r•e NO. 140 WOOD STREET i ilsra 11fIrt ' 14fL E. A' 'le ' ITA '', gun', , .....v.,. Tt aril, Or Every Darden/lir /1 INS MORfi LiQC/D tan Oil engines, Oil Tools, other donee nipirttlon. a an , NO ARO e_fr AR, ~,S 111 MO kl ent b. . ' And treerrrlnne 000ttnakry for Hurl 0, f .11 In . . a. ,1 4 41os 1. 0.4 I.Z EI• I. Sk. t 0., Whole- l lPilltititildetairgal • lIPIINNi.ar:I.'t etteiter, Oat us uu ,:,.. A RA ST RE to 4.1 . 4.1 '.. e I . l, , trUln. •tt , -Otton paid to rl tti tot up moult:10 11. ......,.... n , , ~... .., I, Kn,l Von. nr•lln, ni, r. 1 irl:rnY,W4ToolU.,ohrl4;"."bl'rt:LlTa',!=" '''' puller., Haneer, .i... . ot• ••t- • at, •L. • , r I ,! n'n i 1 . 1t.1 .01/ r,.: I/ II nu --n cleft. 7 et' l al. o, Marlon 000000 , neer Ft. (V.& I. It. it, ....,•1. r,, •.,..,, I ..„.. ~ ~,,. r ,„,,„,„, AL 1 142.4p1ac.3.3.3r, .i.- a.. ~o‘ ~.ii•l 'I'M: J. LL, pajuET , F . A, co, IFiruprse tura, orneNter. /Sole ilasnt.hire HErAltßlnci I o oki Ft l'lll : 1 11 . 71.1. 'n / ~ .l• N v A 'I - 1' & it' ' • ON, VI it i.lesa le 1 EL E. SELLERN zt, co . _ piDUSTIRLAL WORKS. ....,nn in anianturne. NO. 1131.1t0 WbotesaU au( Retail Agents, Great Nervous Remedy. 1 1 61721:492 Wood Wreelt, PittBburgh, PRI 11• o i 41.k.f •I. _ . HMS Y. BOLll....tAitesaUl7oo27.;;;- • ttl.n II iiII)D1.1:, No. I s !Abet( y St, MUCH M BOt r E & CO : O rouN DIEM EN1.41% X. HI. Ll.ltElt, n s.l: SI A. PVl....lat i tTi ' ;: l' . ' t . ., l ::':. 't ' s - V,...' .",.. . r ‘""% 4 " .1 CHINNI'S; 111tu5tree,,,,,.., ptit iltg A ;I, ,A f 1 .... I • 1 t•ttnt g t. It In., tr...i' ' l '‘..t .. " ;••••.I "ri' l. ‘"" ; il IA gm. till. Wk. 1.1. 10.1.1 • F •-. 1,...,1.. t I, i , .1,,,,,. ~.....,: ;.,.... ~ , ;•;.,..:..„.,7 . „..,,,";;;7 . ",,,;,..- . for I Loa! Work., all Illn.to .4 1...tt I att.l ll at :n.• t. ,- • Dr. heyser's Nervous Antidote tel, , U.S.:nud e ti, or.ter• i SA 1 411 DIR.141:1 N. l'O . Vaistillesit I r / roan the well eartivil reputed., or tr,.. \l . •„vor t It , ..P. • , •., •.. . , ..• WCI tuller i . etreall.l"Zrothoott7lTZlirfite"rlldll,;.ll4* l''''''''' .111,,r,,.r1Atif1ar,.,,,,,i1nfty....iir1: ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ 1 . . .pi . .it., . , . , . ., : , . . ...0 - e '.t, .7 " , : r • ' . 7 % ', . ' .l ft tlit .' ll'r ' .:i ' l t i L a ' t r ' :tt. l ' ' lio all srt; tu th e i.e.; long.' t., • t.t.r e 1.1, . 11. a ."" " ' ''' . • • -.. L. vg.1...11. ' Dr. Keyser's Nervous iffitidote ;lon, nod to .lo It In it.. 1111, .1 . -41. ~ t ...... . • i li. , I fill:III' ie. It ti,.. (*lit l'lL•N*Orl I Will Cure Hysterif CAST/NIN route to artier. Kettal. I, ,I.• .I I. Its i• • ... t.t.,1 Ct...;,.. an , . • ,',,,,, „,,,',..„ 1 'Wh"'''''. 4 .ll.,`7: 4l ;l:,'• I.'; - •"1"' .'",• ' .".. !'` •r" ' - " 1- '''''""'''• ' _ . Dr, Keyser's Nertions Antidote op u n lintiu?...o.. " %li r ,. ' t......, i ' t. 1. It. i kV IT .i: IN * LIAR 41(T, . Will-Cure Twitching of the Nerve yon Thlrti st N... oral- Mar i• , r•[,, r•• , t 0 -.......i-r 1.11 a• I...ttt•rn a :.t.h•rti • . ' 1... ~:.,,,,,1 ~,, ~.. PI •tut and 1., •t, Pr hree and t..ttn.nl•tut t Dr ; Keyser's Nervous Antidote ...._,....,,,, 7 ,,,._,,, ,,, , , _ - ~. . .. ~.,„ ~,,. ...,.,..11 Lilt t.itTlb l" kith i. 111, 1, 101 • • ' nit .i. Dr . Keyser's rvons Antidote , : e... Ne Will Cure Nerrona eagle P.,.be PITTSBURGH BOLT CORP ANY. ~,,, , L.., ~ . WE ADE PREPARED 111 III:Ake "DUN FLOYD ,',.. I 0., 111 0)lesalc . ' . ~ all k ititi• of Hotta. (Tow • t.t i tot, 1 t.. tt. , . ~.:','1 : ',..!. . % ‘tt I '', W , ttt., awl 21. LIU+ its •, .. • i 'l 111 Cure NerrOua Cramp of the Dowels .itt, ti.l - - - - - Dr. I, • is Nervous Antidote • • ... .. . SO I i PTZ).% &tb it.I.ACE I whole will Cure Neuralgia , 1t..1.1,t ' ' ...,iy 1 :il A 't.t CC .I'l'l e lie Litu N.• ;1 ,•t tt -.-.... Clt. t„ .• . --'- 1 7 ;r1 ' ' Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote _ _ _ Will Clint Neuralgia of the rare. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Nalrulgla of the Stotnact Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgia of the Hear Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will Cure Netirulgleet the Liver and Right aid Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgic audacity Dr. Keyser's•Nerrons Antidote Will Cure Palpitation of the newt, Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Fallacies a akuitia ottitornadi Dr. Keyser's Nery 1 Antidote will Cure atopuuir an. • of the Rears ; Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antiuote Wilt Cure Tremor. from Mumma* Dale Dr. Keyser's Neevone Antidote Hypochondria. Dr. Keysers Nervous Antidote • Will Cure Loves. or Op I JOINT DOLTS, ('AR %oft 1 111 ILI, NO 1101,Ts, , SPLICES h 4 .I•UT WASP .. Corner Ic.r.Lnu •n.l Huh, 1..+1 dor. It. at. Fort I'M 1....1.4, liolperal •IL . tl Jrh 31 er EA IYI SH I PS. . _ _ -- -- . ... _ • : • BAL - rutomaz r: .., ii,t 1 4.0.4 NTE AM ' ' 1 1111 • . ."". • /‘l. JOll. V' 11,11/11 ' ' ' ' :-.." ' -''' P.`r,t - `: ".',‘",,s, ~""..".."i?. i '2•'7:. ' l. s :\ ' I ' L ' IT YI N U /.)11Injtit‘l'iw.'1.1.111,11?111,1',A,Tn.,,I,4."NT iii , i - ii ,,,-,,,, - ,,,, ... „ ~,..,,,,,, a „,,,.„, „, ~„,,,,,,,. ~, ~,.,...; ~,i,.,,...tin ~1 ...- 3 -d . .. 4 1,1,441.0r ant wl.l sa .te and ' , Glair, a 1.., 1(.1,, 1 A . .., L. • • • „ L..- Yraree*, and an .th ^ l ^ "' . 1 1 .. t 11 1• •-r .• 1 • •LI It t t,t• y ....ot ••••.. tt in. Itnltlns.thanatander, n hawtnit twee , Wr m•r.y 5'... ,, -,,,,, , 4. ~ 0,, ~ -4ftJZi . , 1 . later..... 3.1 arr prepared to rnthish all or.l. r eutr ~13 Ito yr,,,,, gi,,..1, N., st 1,/ (Lem with prompt au!! .11ipatrl.. , At . .......1.,..k r. 3t.. 14,4,3.1,, ~,. thr.laya au unoneeti, 7 . 11.11t4 ; slit - . • 11A 1., 1 V...., iri.t .•.. ~..33..,, i..,.., ttheurtivae,l se _ Cl/14/./•11./.,....thi.t, lo 11,NR1 li IV A , . FI FA ~. it ( • U., Agra., 18 SYCAtt'll S 3 N . S.--Ni, 1 'lin of I.a.ithe bui br ae of the l' mph n, ~ I'l ~,,...gn, .1. Perv.,... for the frittrtht 11.4. 1,. f' , : , : 77 '; , jr -, ' ,,, 7.2:: . .' , '" , ;:r:,..'.7,`'.7.r a t, r ."" 1 .7."j, t r un I ....r A1.1.34:014 EN Y. l'A. i , 1 Tu '0 3 4 1,1.'8 , /rrw S. Auaust =A, 119 . 41, f ri in. _. I i..:E4,11r 1'1t0P05A....4 will be re. i k.L. , ,,,,,, thi, orti•-• for w trchaal. a TWENTY I nIN rt . . /t t k.NT. AI UN ICIVA.I. IloSjottl or aairt ..tri...1.41.n05e maturing . In DiNt, 7,,:„.,"„:„.,:dr.:.., ...... ~ I.r t,../1 -Pr0t...3341. tor ',Municipal I 3,14, • . try 1.r.i...r or the ( a nunittOe 031, Fthance. 13. 1141.1,1Kitifithl • • 010. /ACTH. W. D. bx.".l.xx r. rot LA °fr . " E STEEL . N llltH ti. riIIEIXTIELFt. db C:JEJ blttstorzotatrarts Of At+T BrISIN(1. rt,trw oott BTIk ttatSflNlitt., 1 .E.1.1. • ,W H ARA, a. PlttaboSs OM rsto., NO. N It'ATER IVritILICT loostair 1 ERSON, PRESTONitCO P EAVMS Fr. P 4 XI.I motC.sorc.h.otti:r., osl te s 1Y ELA:% C E , IYa hN WAT*II ow7474zitrl raugr . o . r d i f .ztaamar tll LHH ryltuad aver/ descriptlon. Particular shed snapad PPMaa and El eta, luits ar insudi, made to order K abort noun. A good as. orttliasit constantly an hood. BERMAN URN WORD. JONES & LAUGHLINS, 3E,X•r• wehlsrtrptci-mac, K.A. AUFACTrItLiIfI OF AMERICAN AND CLAIM Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails, l 6 and 20 lbs.lo the yard Tram Rails, punched and coun ter sunk. Boller, Bridge a Id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fiat Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car lit aieelll and Axles: Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting: Patent Cold Rolled Piston nods; i Bower and Reaper nays. WAREHOUSE AN ,rFICE. 120 Water and 158 Front Si% BRANCH Hors e, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., .1c1:05 CflicAo,o, II 1.. KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, tX I77 • I 77CRZIti or Veal Common, Refined Charcoal j Juniata Bloom Iron. MERtIHANT BAIL IMPNI/ •AF Act , ' A HE i IIO , IP. HAND, Tend ANIILE 110ILER i'LATE eud eH LEI MOWER and ItILArEI/ II kHz. and GC AEI. , 2t FIN( RAILs, 8 1 .14 i 0 lb.. to tne •Ar,i, WItOuIFIIT CHAIR./ and FS ror FLAT RA I • unched ilo.l Countersank:. COAL '(KEEN IRON. .• ; BREWER, 13IIRKE & CO., .NAILN au./ !Wilt F;5. Warohottse N , .. lot Welter an•l No.. el M•r%. t e...... COMM/SSIO MAN liPOlt.i, Wort e, tfeeon •freet. I . .lghtla n ar.l. a.: ~,,. n K CIL, lino Irl . o • 1... PI t I ,z,o r.. 1. A . .F . .!.1.1F1./.: /HE RANGES, STRVES AND GRATES. - ' Pacific, Mob(' aud Liberty (ill Works, _ , A mt ,,,,, ,g. r.r Cron.. •,:; . 1 penned t.ll. I I , er- A L 1... PERSONS WHO Nflt:lt Ni:IPIP : 7! ' '7 7 :',,''',:,.: : :, : ':.;;;,' '',' '''"7',7';`77''`7.",,',7";:,`„;! ........ cum( I NO RA Nrwc, ~r, o n ..1,,.,1 ~, ~.,,, ~.„ t „, ~;.. 1 . ., , „,,..„, _„..„ ~,.. ~,„ HISSP.tt. .4 1....,.•• A t.:11,. el . „1 ..0... HA Vt. b. ,„ ... •,,, 1 , sr. 1 . ..u.: ' . urn.— of . 1ittqw....... W , U' No. = I.Therty ntrrrt. wberr t tn. 3 .111 alreit 1 10t1 yl . oi• .. . a (~-• , r . / I'll iln ~1.. my)..A.SS complete „ pp., ..11,... and corumvo •et,nm.:1,..1 ' rwt ..... ...h.. ... . ..... ...• ...,... P. ~,,i:www, GIMES, (TWIG MIES, PARLOit 8 IIMiNG SIGVES, i - EIS, 66 .ft yrt . u.nicr, A, W•sh 800.. Fllrns , ..• nod I. , to n•lry rt.,. , HISNELL at Co., COMItITSSION MERCHA.Ii TS, Manor., or. r., of the ee,nl.,t,-.1 (5 ” 1, /,1.11 I, TIM. alpil COOK STOVES, foolt t .0.11, ' FIWIr, Gra IEI, lieefis, INN Feed, &c, And Mart Oak for %, ow, 1 3,1 t, 1..!! I..:n' , TRE It I. .e,r111•7 mr,..t I, I ' ll l , llU/11111. l'a. - nosE D. 4 LE sTor..E 1 5 ^ 0ItIO'. . , L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO. WILLIAM C. LEE, ~ .,-eneor to .11,F X. ill l ftl.H.ol • Manufacture., awl D...., 1,1 v. '. '. • ( 4 'OMIT I set o.': A\ It FORWARDING Cooking and Ilcating Stmcs 31.a-Il.cuoL-..1,--,"•T'x'• , , •;,,..,,, ' , voila ...Tr...et PitbebUrall, rn. I.IOILLOW WARE:, A: r.. Of the very 1., rf,r P t 1 * T1.11,3 4,1 e'. 1 1.3... t. - ' ', ~, ',' l' ' , f . ' ' , ~ • ,• t...'...."''."- .„! .•-I Warehouse, 197 Liberty istrect, , , ~,,, w. HA 11l 5116 inTTst : ll : ittat, p .e,,, i )1* t. , .... hk.' , .... t 01' & lIA 11101•711, :, : , . . ~ , , „ ,,1 . , : ..‘ , , , ~ r , ~12 er.,,,, It , Hill A , rm, •ml . WORK' , MA', 11K.,1,1t. _ . . , :. ' rs k :_'; . '.. 1" I n ./ ,''. 1; ' . ' h7 S r J A I. V ) 1 t..1..... * Li t , 1 i ', .: IWQIESIVE MON Clill oTLEL It tillii.ii, I•,''!' I- • ~,, ~ . 0 i •, ... , e If et , • .., .. . . ... ~j, r ..A t , t i.k.t..T. ..bite we - - Yr). 1,1 pLocuu. spelna AND A H oTE.L. MEI 111.11 =1 •11.enituu pa.,l Ir prli Nt- COMIIILSSION IVlERCEEkiiitit CIIIRLEti F, BILSLEY. Produce and Commission ; r Intolemale dealer In EVERY VARIETY OF PRODIIE, LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments, QPICb SALE 4 Z; PROMPT RETURNS. RFT sl Jotl N 1 , 11, WORT if • R arehoue, .?01 Liberty Street, t• N. itl , 'ELLER &RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, ANo BRA.NDLES, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA IRON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C. (.01110/111t13 On hand I'l L 11 .12 1 Elt 1:1::.i.,10!; S:EHGEA VI'S 001111 WC= 'Ht.'s ". 4NJ f:H, t HIIIIISSION Ail .1: It, li/IA IN •,, t. , qr., I, 14 •,/ )4)T , TE . R. , ftl6l 611. Pi EVA • t '44., No. .1%.11 EMS ( ra qtt' Igr untiiiil3o4olll 1 1. I. I It MMl==l IV.I fitatt.t%,.‘hifel:e!shOrnyl.o Eli MI ikj ()NEN LOAti * ICE, N 0.151 /11.1. riSt ITII VI LLD bTICHET, corner of Elle.tbi Pittsburgh. LAMM/ 012 Plates, Gana, newt., UialtiOnde, Jewelry, Gold and bllver Watch,. Clothing, and rateable, eveyttescrlption, The ittrode Cannot be delivered *eltboitt a tle.ket. Not actentutable Callt are or robbery. tiootla of entre deeerlyttoo tor V. at to tit prices, title:TON EALANIT Dx. ablr DR. Ricraws::, Pectoral Synkl,i'° CURES CONSIErnot . eitres 'l3ronohitUt C U.real.aMAiin^l*)44 . _A : /ill Diseases of the bu A rase of erryeara• itandlafeCtlZed r.Dit. KEY BMV., rECTOLt•LeiI(2I3P irriTestraam autuan 11. 111116. De. screen:-.-Zde Irtra Liu ama •194001.7rUk• b,3 cauxb and difficulty of Meaning forkesca akk. Tears, which, for rears back. bad trlblindit Increased In vtole ace. The eomplainl bee bean bet. tl !Lary. and she had been treated by tem:sill_ 2 1 101" clues without any relleL La thLestattinLeT=o, procured wine of Tone PIiCTOBAZCOIia 1 bought, the first time, a fifty cent bottle. Widob to 1.0.0. her re r 7 moth: I thee called and iota doll*. o tile, chick ma red her entirely, and she nagool/110 trshe ot the former diseue except nemntess.. nimbi aasit state that 1 laved t h e myself cold and cough. The medicine cured me by'taltula oat dose, 1 express my entire satlsllctlon With the nedlcme, wed von are at liberty to ptiblizil-tiallil you desire to do I a. Aldermn A . T jtlh d • ?Ta, April SUL Rita 3 TlUTll.!—Dn.nzman Rziam—riSave • daugloer who hoe taken several medicine{ lkrr • had cough without he neat, among th em Ayer!, Otunrk Pectorl. purchased rrons Ton a MM..? Pectoral S!.. ru read . l before alio bad used hall • Dot ! Ile she w. rel The around bottle cured her entlreiy or her co igh. JOHN DARLIS, Robinson street, A ',Minns/. A frrrananattrpeeember=‘ OttliATelltf.6 BY DR. REYaREIM Plaine/IAL HI Hee. t ilo• in Peebles township, Allegheny county, • cough and r ' , tang, which ete• me need tooth the 4th of Zeb e ua. last , and anti lo nen eight ...Um. employed the beat physicians In the runny and nu . rough taktittnueu unatened until early to October. At that time I waa atit3se.l trYlnnr l'enntal Conlin •Yrtin, winch did. aid after I hut taken one bottle 1 we inttrely free nom the nwiroleg and opining. I had despaired of ever settlrg wed, and think It ehould 047 canna .taAs thin ~ ..lu•lue remedy will do for othjrgotbst - lt has dor eln or C. 50. JOILN C. LIDVLE, IV nue.. H. Kinn. Feeble. townahlp. ' urrox Toemeitit, Aprll KAMA A tWONDICS`WIL CUYV.. , --oome time eigt. alt old wc oelrbiet, e bor of mine sr. very ill with a bad cone, re. y one supposed td be caitsumpthun. Um rem...es bid IL. that he had Ulm every ellettedY that' heard of without benefit; U. brother rube to bre tow ...e kku all were confirmed In the belled that , could not Ur, I had About the thlrdnl• bottle Alyour Pectoral syrup, widen I gave him, matinee ory cored m, to the astonishment of all. What metre mm, metre the opec more mar k ara ghtyble. Is we extreme sge t 0..., ....wing Mi no doubt Lb. Pectdwal saved till year. ollL - t dye* s life. . __ JOHN MsfiniNitle 1-M. lilt VbEll'll PECTORAL SYRUP ill BLAltilk I vi LL K.—[.teas, send Mt .notber sopply of your ve:t vile Pectoral Syrup. Almost everybody around us a tow to. cold, and are euqulrlnn Cor "Dr. Honor. ; ['..:oral p-0.,....•• We hare cold sinter • --- - • e ..s.nn. and are now •tlr•lisota. 41, to 1.4 tdr. Mabel, both of BlalrsvUls, PL., al u; they would not be without It la their famines. IN tact, allyou us e It on. want 11 men.. Yonrs, sospectfallr. . W ATTIEBBON BOND . Jann•r7 40, 184 n. PrrrgEl7ll.oll. leovembsr la, Utis. Dn. kiarraln, —Although not art .4,0.Z/sta./ha.' gleuicines. In general. It affords me please+e led,. rerlt , e4lsl.o recommend your PlCUrvetAt. Went/P. Ad a moltelr., It la well worthy the attentron of anj peter a who may In any manner be afflkcaeol w vouos, colds and hoarsaneas of any kind, and for tat gooolor quallneatlons for removing all that dis areeoble see...ton attending a severe ,old. 1115 re nprre or loos IL my Ilia, alfeeteA aritti The severest of euldo 50,1 hoarseness. A t ..gg. mould _oeronst SO Closed tO strprern eaking .ho r s a wrl.l•Dee, And by taking ,t otos, oyrup It would radave Anit. t to reeummet.'.ln this medlejitegy , tinsfr svY that it iv rb !...,41 . eor snonld any for cline. 5o prevalent. cnoot rearm...MUD, ills Ty Jou.D J. JON En, cechter ns' Ileponit Haat. OCIIIIMIII Mina lone uee4 STMLYeanytta.n. Ohio. Ma+eh it. Dr. hey.. 'LI Cough Syrup fee a tete ~ t re • eral yer, standing, acid cast etraert alb .aL L IL Is Lac best medicine for the same that 1 hist eerr J. W. mice. r.: • • .Ln r u . CUL,. PRAT AND Lilt. KEYS E'S me-rim...L. St us, all C P. i —ls n. fine axis—lrene dir: Eacutie the dela) C Lnirt leder Ina LAC excelivaceaf your Pectoral ue It syrup ...ice. I tam. great pleasure In 'ay • iiiet it is ail you say It is. /I. knotted the noise ilf toy c.•iic I, and the worst One I gr. ayes itinfet ~•I with. has, Litt seed cadre than one -hallo( t .tie, sad I rs. de wish than all .110 are allitt mVd clt as fair. • trial a I have done, and prqud ••,. • •Il 'Anew:met Medicine: uil nut sutler aunt., aucis attack for any .rd, ration tit al any cove. 1 ace, • con:W.:it I eta 'a., thsn ever lid. I atiall always I. liei•isiedete n tht el . Finnan., for Interning •C r rt... a remedy. on are at Marti to Wie .7 nem° I u this regard as you think p10e.7- Ir. Y. PRATT. liessenrcr Common Council, Pletaburati, ra. an, no eiranser to my fellow-eillseas. asio all who entertain doubt. can coldsiatt isio prsonally e !fa _....mac..,xe n so rt Itantot reeparea sad Mid 07 , 94..(P01RGE H. KEYSER 140 Woodltreet, Pittouna• ea nashaikwa. , ir" ' , -. , ' CURES COLDS, CURES 1)R. STEISI.CANDPS m-- XDY bat CURD thou- . - rel"lefa:l3ainA!.ldelt7tSta7.:ul of • 1: 1 •4•7 's ; r, • ,... t." 1 t;;; ' PILE& It Ptvel L alla r g ' :i%,,,. @.. 'il i . ... e tri1t.,.......r.:.117,0, directly. If..i . J. , ,,,r1:? , .• ,•••• Per ,ale by all I . 4 ;iats, al I r'oo r t, SO cents her bottle. I:ge.l z -. ,' _..... S B. E. sr , t — 7l C. r ....i.t,ira _ W not.SsstJe Arrest i 0 I W SPEPS IA• • •• Dr srricklat -•••••• TON liA a a e0„,,,_ • rtatedpreparatlou of ci. ~..---- • ----••• and erbs, with ~.,_(/ •', ~r, 47.-.:\ .old. and eartulnattek d r• •. ' 4•41... I strengthen the stomaeh d ...,'-.0; • . 1 nervoua system. It la 11 f, 14 .. tutu 117g=114% r , ltigg, ~- 5 , • 31%,0r N. iglu' '.'' ki :- 6 Platelet., .41 debility. NIA vi.zatogioyhata.p:g.rzt. ....ravager ItIe•ROUS &MI tlytt•eptle per. %;', 4•11‘ .• - sous. For sale by all /ma , . flats ever Tr.," as V Per tie. • - C if.,:‘.l..ent. ,t. cu. 0.11.1 11111," II a n a-ea FORTY YE.iii9 Playia -- V_ " dliAl. DinaAdvs saves r, i ,. ~ ....1.r:1i1f,..,e d by MY,- ' g i rp . Alelita n ife r aTed annually bi ' l*,ll l :,T,:: 1 PX" MarrZlitirska.,or ersual•Wts •••• ant si all dlsetwo a rising therefrm. are ter v ic• Moos , starter time than beretofore by me n Et,,,,, ' A.B.LIS lINALILDIZE. Modiste's& seat tan, pm , the Onion. All lestars must eontals i l =or p ., "4 9a T.IMTIVErri " TIVET, nee nest, i all. 4 ; it J. W. BRANS/RUM. t./. Ston SOO. Fitters/h. Pt What pits V ATE DISEASES. • . LIT "nd.°4,=.'efral areal= tre.tinium. Also, Seminal a Sitattness,e4y4 oth mmo of Abe a ttar organs aadth r AEorrollted or money r0f00403. hperes...7lio at ui li, aottl , 7 . wars w 0151041Paymee4 110,10 BAILILOADs. -----_--- ' trt .. nv &?N ) " Lf -fu.i. t.T,: 1)."":..r - l"= `"iallliMa n : 1 l n.mmrl,... i.. 14: ;l'e.eAd aerie' as follww e . idd ..... 1.13 Ar... At lit 31131,131 1 101. /11 1 0 r w. 925 r. It Fa r Ertte. ... . . . - . . .. .10.10 r Y. 10:5, A. M :Lill Z L i ii ... $.l. ' 0 faro l 3 l 3 l* tI 4 3g. • 0 t l I I ' P. S o i ! 112 „ 111 ,,,, T„ ...„. 316ru. .2 0 A.31 I'9 Morning !trent',/,' Nicht LeliTall Pittsbur Tralo l rain 'I rain , , g. 2 0 A 3r 2 lo r m P r 61 Arr. C018mb0.... .11 TO A 1.. 1. N.. 11. 1-0 In • 11 •• tisrclottaU. • I. 0. 443 3 I. II 03 r U. .-.. /134b.312p011.;: -:M ro 33. -.. A 31 1:00 e. . •• Terra riatatc.ll 32 i 0. II 6. A o . 3.1 r V. °.: Elik:rlit . ..... A3l 0 6 TI ''. I ' A ''' I t 0 ... -• ' l '. ' l ' • : •• Calro ..... .. 1 12 r 14. 1.20 A. 10.• IX/ A 111 M D 110 TrIElt.1 r Uti 11, Ticket Agent, Da J.' to!. 1/ N D pt,, Vb. dD, reb. Flltk S General thaperlittrodeut U l'ltt6t.or,ro. 8. r. 8 , .. t. i L. 00 Own , l Ticket Agent, Ploabor•b. p zi E v .N N T sivir...v.ALai vi ,,,,, . w iligkviwk July N D ON. Trains aertve and leave tile Union Depot.. C 03134 Of Washington and Liberty sor.ts, wri l 01133• 3 . NRIUTN. tr.r A it I. W Llpe •CO• en 1'97 Exp.... 303 / . Wall'. Nct, 1... ti 'ot ato M al. • No. I.. 6ln m tv ,lll2toia 1.0. L .. 2:01 •ni 411.0.. Ac. 0n... to •n• all's No 6.•1 • m . .1.3....1.1 r.• 1.5 •Oi Jobastowa Ac... 0350 • to Nro.ll t N 0. ....10 2.1 L. Bslttmo a Ex... I 4e , pnt tI ...II /. No d 11:109%l Pella. Expreas e . I:50 p 0. 3.1.16t0ver. Art. 2. 9, p of 14. : 11 .V0. E .....1t f: ' rt. ' %'.. l'a-d',.3% sn. 1. 1 f' ' ' ' ' :' nt Wall•s No 4. .. 4or p li. %tall s ... P t 4 N in Ar PO addoci. NO. 4. 6SUp m d. all sNo t r W• 11•6 No. 6 .... 7 pto f.,, Lille 10 .o to Altoona Aco3m. I N all '• 3. a. • '0 .j In and ranigrant D t^ li . ' 4..7:i! 35 1, 011 !hone. I!hone?ot o . rerattlole(burro Train. I.•• •s eV,s .. r . ~ tatt , err boorle.y . •1 9 .1 2 4- m., rearblor 1'1tt..0.. r I. Al 1r... M. iltkirploc I ... . Pots' 0r... 1' 1 p ar j melee at Wair. Station at lay pn. - ' . The illllulelphla and the It•I .3 too,. r • p '..' arrive with the Now lock Ex pr.. at L 'Ol p1. ". U.13 &today.. cp 2 p h e . r A wl:ert tt l er t r , 1 1 0 ) , .,V6 ,°' ' , tilt lo• rid. the.. taelLOlTOCLAl.accomorrol6tlo ;I''7r, '‘'''-':,'"",;;",:'' maalty. A.Cabo... de/taproot 1. , r ....... ' : •t n. LCOUZ day awl rabi, 'Outplays • ‘‘...,, ... • A ManCM.-131 case of 10, Lb. l'woueet.,..N. a It apolparly will bold tbente•lvos . e tp..... 66. for er ,optisl bmiroge only, Wad for am an. or nt not ex.. Irtil' i s i$ 7 R'. U . NEI' l WAn•nt. 1866. aCi-4 1 13.... 1866. THE PITTSBURUH, F WAY 3. u .t. K. It. AND CLEVE.I.A,II.I S VlTTmiuk,,ii 11 k. Trains arrive and 'care et the Union Let.,.,, , adlowat LEAVE. Am.,'. t ChiCallro liExprtms 3:00 03 Chtcag.• K xv,s. ato eleTeland Xi... 2:Ga 1:11 Cter..l..no k • ... A Ede & Ten Ex.. tan • m.Cltlca.o r e Whit. 61 . 1. 6:10 aut Vit heed., 1. ~.. t t • Cble. Na. Mall.. 6,3 • to El,.resx & Whs. Ex.. 1:21.1p 1 111 w. Ex.. 3,40 rn M i leSt o tt ' 4 " ; !? p P Chicago BE it tt..; .1 u". Depart flea, Alleettrr 7. Art It to A N. Brig Aceont V:Ot a at Leetxdnltt rt.Xn • ,t, Leetsdale • • tetlx •to S. 11r •tu 8,1.3 a •• 21..1• 41 N, 1.1 111 r • • 9,a,: e m New Castle •• 2,25 pto Sew I . x.t,e • • 1 , 14 14 Wedb•llle '• 3,30 pm 1 .4tett..1.,, •• I i :it •:a LeoLalale '• pa, • • .• lA.• At N. Bran .• ptu Le 11r.tou • Ih Leetsdale .. 6,13 pln e t etd °lv • • tr., E.. p a,• • .• • 71 Sarlltoo p •,1.3,1.1.- 414/" .. i0 - 44 R. day and Out on s.. - ~I,x. • Jyo.l 1%. It. NI t a A LLEG /I Ell VALLEY liAl..tt , •.‘L. 7 &-*I.OZ - Wierk4l OF TIME. aid after WISDNKSDAY, Ist- 18ra, tralr teat/4AM twelve at Norte: rah Depot, corner e and I:anal streets, a, follow,: Finn KleYam In] tla 6. , 0rn0.1•n. 1; . ... 1 74.4.;4. 121 ' 0 rP . KW, to and from o:leonine.- ::.r, A. Af. C.. 0 e... 0.. Vim Humor Acvon.ioololou. 9.u0 A. M. 11: . :' A. it. Parnao•. ou ....11u 0. n-. tam r. N. Second Ktetintioilla Accuto'll /.././ Y. a. Second Holton to Trio r. ti. 4140 r. 0. f ttgrifor .tlc ' coT.: `, .l l :. " ... " . ' , ' ,l ' ,... n .:. 1' 0 " ...;:, ' , f: . . Fourth. do in. .. ii... 0 P. It. 0.0 v. i.. Soda Works do. .. • lA/ A 11. Tbe Sonde) Chnrr. Train leer., SeillV.,ri., -.- lion at 8:10 A. K., art "log 0 1 . 11.0,404,i 0 i . :•. f N. /Uteri:lake. leg,. • itiebur ,0 ~,, fruiting' Soda Wurt. at 0110 P. ogo at . ' ' ' .. ryas ii. 111,A uti , r, ,N E, 0 ,r, piT•rsuotte,i DUNN a:Lt.: O /11.1a if.. Spring ArraAgemf.siit. I.lu sad atter TEULLIDAV, bre ItCli Izaa., ilia trate&will !tare the :pot, corner col R' ter atrreta, ea foli,e, .A.-•77•As •••,.r .PAVAArrpt. rt,...• • Hall to And from 17alzatown... 7:40 A . ••• r• a - ress, •• I:tu r A 61 Nest Newton Aroommodatlon r. r. •-• r first ASAISA.port rA••••.,cm y 11:r) ' A• linuldocit•A Borlny Oltarth TrAls. to . ..AI from o.'est ••••• /or rickets Ayply A R. 71",,!...! , I • MISCELL LIN-E 0 US PENNA. SALT I ,I I.4NUFACTUR'G GO, PITTS BLit 11, PA SALT Pi\ NUFACI Uft'G Cu. PITTSBTRGLE. PA. 3131!i.11_31t.1a ' •=3 LILL STUCILLANDI ittelltiluth•• couGusm-sAm la pp noon warranted to %the oat" Pre- I A ,, s,iti; Con 6a, coktZ.A.ZZ i•V" I.aaaola, Whoolaro Cough, j. iohfxli Vr4l:gaad 4%4' preplredtron HonA: .Of and Hawn( hulling, wart. ' 0• ' ening and capetkratlilg, and • • • . • particularly.aalole rot all • adoottoru ot Drolrglata overprice X/11.14 and Lungs For we by R. R. BlLLliitli • Vv. WrIOLSI4II.3 kg EN'T =_ OTriCE 15:1311 PE/IN tITEISSL, nettase.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers