U.Olll won, sr 1 s war i‘tv , 14 ,444.- 34:E44,41, 1 -itiT i it 1.9.1 . 4%1, - iiL , t^ his:rely V - I.lv mein. tot tv •'• on, r , ,u a ro the right of tale rt lit-1 . 01 ,1, tsv terms to • PENNIMAN, lEEE) & CO. IAT Cernprl:LeThis ! ' NOT:il as 10 Se , 111141 It - the demands of Congrio • I ; was a 1•n ,per ;.re. VittleN i w arr tk. rlt/inber 11l to , t• tLlci" '1 h n o ose anti It:lltlttnct• • •..i WEDNESDAY , 1..lCT(1111',11 In , 1.866. !election. !hi. , • ter-t have • • (•••••,' TUE ItoMAN c ijoLic Nc IL. was We publish s ning ~n aril, Go,. whom, 1.- sloe- the New li.v the National Owe. • of the lit Church, which wet in Bali, terday, whirl, will be read v. ill, interest o - • both Protestants and Catl.elt • and We 1,111.1 Important results 11 , -;:ut ry ( r"rster , likely:to flow from ti.is . out, v 'affecting the religion, the 1.1er.. • C.MlrlilUlional politics of our couuti v. ~,e eei Ut.le ' • of this council is to "lengt nen the cords and strengthen the. aura VIS; BO : „ ‘ ' t i 0 .,, most COI:1MM ,111,•111:1: 0 . in the United 5 ales,t H "i TION 11 it 1:ONIAN t'Arltul.tr t lit lit And there 1, a nerer,lly to: lor .. In Enrert Th its ti,a•is Riveting ot ;to. Ai 1. cent ecent ower there , of for /10,U.,‘ •• • ire r the Pope 1., United SiNV Lt, obliged to irt,tt , ent , 11k1L,Inflt.•, uhtl,l,l. r,.ting , 1 . .: . • and dud ,non e Cecil , This he enrino!lllrrledell. Franc.% nor in "ruin. th, pantards are not able Is relisblo it the Illuelr year, !eel •.- they were able Angirin wiil rot do; for j the nuts per id 6sho l,s I r. the late war with ha. so t.,..sen it.. I integrity that the 4,, Iro,•enr sr~ cicu,ent~ ram about of whichis ....nit -tse‘i 11..,y at ronnecttd ritt - li the n to't fall asunder wl" not loot at 4,001,0 0 0, a ur:e,..e, there cane, I , e *e iourlr in on, u tion. But v,; ' tho 0,5 it will II .1 . - Le w.n.O. lin ..; .ico` Yo. prote;:ton, h .n, tieexerrkr ^t oi- ktal Ilea hie with s it his 1 , 01/11 , ... r 70 C • t 111 power, li' I io tit, urn tile lint 5t1;10.,.. progpereil fr, u❑ a century, in MIME prOlvS4l , l 11,.; , . P that 5 - stem .! ! Itut sh(a . l4l 1!,.• makv thi, the ~! vOUI! , nI , I it , Atc I t etn. .11 , C 1011 1.4 I> . r Churell and U reed cv.t. tellectual 11!1.1 ”1.•.:11 . in n ' m j 1 ' 1. " human le - iwar can ot" 110 Bible die iuY. errantry, which arty country ^ precttil,d BEIMEIE .1 it i' xtralued to !al:: dom ~.C•1 of manifet.t;y gAth, Europe. 'or:: I I to EC6et 1. IMMTIMI taXit3 (Sian =1 under the I the saamf , meal;; - . ties whirl all Then i wntrare, a Le hranz.b.: Lr hiLskr unxtrt trra tir.7 I=l BM= = (he En .nn, I :flI froip :Le Nrya The idea a mlnolLt for i',l,u-s - !can chcieknuste tLiA e•l tit tLe r.cthnt.. .r . cress to :r,Creas,., 151=1 1 ,- CI Riad tat ,be antll-, I= poses, In bitumin - c•.t . ,n girms and 1= new. Re' 4,1 , half the pri:e thereflt e r: ne • Perm rt..rn made it; V 2 1 ,, Ill1: 0 ,1g stn., thracltc ! Sri.. .• con,' c•,:,114..1 to tike ;oct :nut thkir ;up.the— rt C•,•3•41 , 1 ,. . o •,t. I •,Zl//:). • .1": ! '' • jAvor.,l m0.,1 t` d e increase:. ala•y nu Mae..., .. ea i to 11,, ( - , L1N.11 ...,... That duty was not ihnigned to ii.r.• ,at aiy. the didiked Itee ~..:.... • n hOdy except the men inlet - es:n.l 'a I . ..oi;dig, 4 ,tate'' , ''' , i'l Ii w•ti , ' , '.' a•••• a . a . 1 anits a.l• taa•in• :la a... . i t a . •,... and extending the market for :...".•.I.: - .• ate 11.,Nal t y lie trllatiLio ill Lt. t , ; they to k• at IJilii::, ail,ifr,..,:. la 1 ;. LETTER FR -01 ttit+Wlti t...11;t, , t.11V A h an d ~ ' 6 ,. the ~,a , , ee, ;• tat the ~,, a ,-,,-. ~, Frain oar Spec:al t. yi i e,ponderd , —.---- , thus '0;11 not fad emeia i. e . a i . a . ; a t infneace upon lbe Cathiiii. w0i..1 .NE ‘ r " Eir '• :"' '' '' ' 14.1 The prneeediaege air tie Cann, a. at .. leacral Dockery dc. - din" 1 “ . ''II I I" d'' the noel p a r conreiit taaa:tea -•ra I. otamtuation Cro (:r, ye rrt, , r, ai eia It w.as ten a :e.tastiral anal aletiondnat.ono.. ... 4red Lim by tin- 10.1111 :141.,..f.f• ['Ulf 1, men „hub rite I, alotill "( our ,',co t,. , 4 the State. In Ids letter he ei;.resses ... a Ina little. But a le•ter from I ~. I'd-i t . ;airy:inn:lli, recently pulaidoet a' , 'it 1-4mselt as lit the main in favor of leo tint- 1 emu., indicates that the edu. I.' ion ..' fbrm and address,, anal fiha 111 N-9 111:11 het comical rare In the Unita .1 :... s ta., a ,could raiiit.i a . .rept the Hower I Amenta•. Protnim - ntly tiivii-11 . lit" alletal , ''ai "i merit than MIA the rad. of new condition. , ad ''''' Enbieni iti° '" l4 V"• hope l'" l''' ' in, t,se. a,/ ,nut laa „ .'....'..., r .1...11- ..I reenrif.trnetiOn which at mere Itadietal Cen ; Counr II maw largely aid la ~,. a , ~..,,„ grass mould le. a daely 10 I,lifff a ii.‘•n;, * i nuinier of neit . ro -.te ,edl ,t ..., mi.', raid so much, It wool: have • born la rter if aof out !Ow of the Biglarino, a trait nt•• e. General Dockery had not dealt:real an rim, t 'it Rtltriviti OppJlien t, a of ..,:, , ,, t ~.. t gine, it re,,, ~i , 1, „,„ ..... , ,at e ,. ;11 , y al ...111 Xff now 10 4;f111 , iftt V%il . I. ;:.t I eilection to determine tie , t ,,,,, g , a; ~, ~ , '''''lnt Miseinm o iriesi r inrtara, r ; t...a. i•i. :,n .l then by ease 4 tat , . 111101, t., 'party. and wh ''' he r '' `'''''''' - .4 - .n the etharti for meliorating tie fou , :at a .a ad South. A. toipectaide role ; attn IliffilaO f ff ' n' . grra the icilatenti. a.; tie da.a.i.... I,lli . ;minority, a 0ut . . , ,1 tc. t•,- ea ret.,„•„..:, : tot,c , .. ac • , r..t 1te,t0t.,.. ia ? tat,:, k;.. li•fla. -,;.,, a weakakueyal toyadet. ind given it, taxrt) ..I Y . TeP.a.,, Isuch an immoon of ,on rage , 5 Wa,1:.11.:,, .. . ___ _ _„„, 0 ,,..._ .). , ably bate carried a: Io A :,:uty Del; (tea „ t Ipiff:rtal4t 1.- the flora 1„1t.t..t. I His I.leCivilSitni n:tAt.tt.t...ht movent.•ct 1.. a c 4 I...uityal 7 tale , . failure from the oht,ti. Without a tt:. , , -I;:.: Culled !, , tae. Cou t.' ~" „et: around Which ha i L,lf y 311,1 a Itra , t• , ..+1 .'u.; Ett a .-.1.. ', t1n.1,, ,1„, , a , , aa to be ticcanni.aislied . iad re,ll. h.,/ a 5 110 .1:. 1 11 CafilAttfttnif."l , iaM to 1 ire ttia...ra-tif.t - tat ' venture to expo, a:nen-ens, s tai the vttma i Tretotut y, wane, that he trna ,sem i fb e i ng 1:1 3 , 0 a men. ant: to t:, aiatty , -, , Not , tiqh.tto on tht a ... 1 1 . E:, - ; at a a ~ W iell, without allsguate threatens - I.Mni lair, tin litit.sh Ala", t„,,,,,, ,„, '• . - .. ~ i I s'' and -.l{acticale" Ihe ai t ;anizatinta i ...n a o f n aeate d ,„a ra t ;:,t . It \ was hoped to a',TOWiStI by this been,,,, i , pueutnat:c process. A, diet n „, , ,,,, . ,:h , to now hopelessly !cntorttiarc , l. anal Congrvt,o i ,ent,,,, au„. leauctre„red In be 2,1 t , . ,,, •LI aseetnkle In December without it ~ign ' vier and oils! geni.etu e u a , „,,,,.,. 1 , \.:, artgaturnlug loyalty Iron, North Cat ellu t. anther ray 3 Will 110 called 1t... a:.• „u, a. Gene-rat DOtricry Is a fair stMole of tho :llr BesseL - wr tc winii Lai a,,,,, ~.. man ;through IN 1,,,,,,, aid It was Loped the a hie orponer.t to by a dzfect IL a., t...,:,. talonticket might be elected. OfOrtgartl • ( . 011Tel tang iron Into simil, ttata...., • , U 4101 . -1 mow liat-rd ate a clidereb.e num- 001. en large r..o.l.sses tat nooecl Into. „,it .. Ler, hut In many Avtloll - 3 of tau State lug to :rum 3 :019 tons. s'e ct.L, , a.. them Sri probably Ettrdll cl.lo,:gh to -]r .I..tvi, it do. not becoute hoite.„ena.t.o 00 - Thclr vole inure, i...,0441 the ._::tame 7:r. 43,1',..ft!1ter pptrtlyt odna.,ta d . I.- a . a , art - stein connive., a i.. 1.1 ji...,.. - .111,!; a u,1ia...... . a 0: tu- ~.1.,) .c . . I tat, :.at Slz.tCd tan' lit •-. ........ it they dared a,, so ..: at :,,,, I.;e ~, ; -0, • near LL.n.ton an ;Piprosetti , it: hit a ~. en . ;:. deonDo"nateei ele cting ."' ' t, ,' at was JP the . been eta,, by which, aft"r the in , vain,. a su ''' '''' men -.., ':." ' , '"" -. .0 , l'iln'tto ,- tat the SpiegLi Els,ti, the NY ut.t!e to '-itt to .. lay wWC that l.ne,iress 15. t , ..1„,; '.... pea ide up by aims fitted to a revolving a y lin 'yr. the question of raa.u..ll - ae1t....., “ti I tilt • I Ile him) -roost that the iron of Ow Untted enough 15 come in out ot q. , ",•t. A, to , btlitet3 which Le has Seen Was pots utia ray questions of justice , uti , l ettu...lty, :u.l sic ad pt en ;f/ tat the manufacture of e,.1 iv In. Safety of the halloo, IV r.,,,,,:„, ~,in.{ pi „,,,„, in Aug bind unit. the ~,,,beet south doesn't care tor - .at: It t- ea, 1.,,- ', t0i1e.,,,, be used tur, thh ptirpme, lad that edUcated mind, net up to „tette 4 m Lau at,- a winch le rut,.: tic, from forelg:i litil.,lltOce , , iItraGUOLIS. .10C rude Walt, and the nat. ~,,,,,a a . . y ,„, a ,.1 „r‘ ,,, , 1 aa . aaa ,,,, aarana ~,, ,a , a a - onuth garb of the average t t.• 011.1.1 t..tala.,”. :tttti Wiltyb Is ciltfly ..M.t.2. ;:, the licost ...el - . an, are DO unfair index of tots uthol. Alt- ttoths ore tenor it ,; (.1 . red Letryi.to, the .tract justice, there are jeu - ruin is arty h ee l of which is Dined tau Morecambe Doe, where that can grasp, altad if the Ninth' near rttruest A hhey c a us u i Ad,hori close Oarolint.,oo could ,01.11prefitLItt It MI WOUld .by piling • "Vulltalite ale is tie juveution 34 LI ' nor , like-It. kle (.1.-51, tai li. 114/5 tic' tal.••• • , (.1; r. enr..(Ell.r, 1 tunnel recommend 11 some euvm,ths., In ~,,,,/,g WE binial to. , to imericau rhanunicturers unless thev stored 10 Ler and valati... n, Y. 1....0 UniDa, ' make toe, itt thi 1.1'01.115., flt t h e Very Le- , and there are e0rm ,„,..., re , mg ..„, t ill ‘, i pig rota, and that Which Is compareut-cly con di L i on , jin. , - a n t , e d, by Cuagress are accept ' t ree. /Wool sulphur, phosphorus and who: tad l the day oklizal reatorntien is far un- i isartnriilell ” 1 hi* la tun ttlisitiuu of 13.Ooeral Dockery. 1 'rhe following is en abstractof the re. • Rerhaps an original 'Coign man, but a I Inuits of lii:Beasoraer, alluded to in the i I ISM IME=SI .11 ME= MESE IMEIE EIESEI =BE .. `ls' u.,, iii , =1 i! lIMESI itL! ct ~ ~ ~ ..~ t 3 , 11 " I • - :m.. in 11, llh - Atnerwat , lb., t.• 11 :he cb.F,,, H tw unre. ,. .ru.s, t r. which the Y - ty MEE , . . .11 =INI ISM Mil y ;he / , ]. pr MIR IMEI ME= =MEI '.ll rn I • z. lIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII= ltio I =MESE =II 11 , PIA . I U E Mtn Mil t li ' RE 4 .10/ (4. 111110111111 E IMEIMEMI MEI IM3 d'io• at• Pit, IX X. tie r MN NEW ADV ER risE KEA TS. NEW ADVERTISEME N T 6. ____ _ JillEs T. RIUD Y t (4) , , cuoLi:tl_4. IS ALLEGIEL . h. 0... , ,..r5tt.d. Jone• a C 0..) t' To the Citizen. of i::'i . .:"*.'. ..11, ef it , i Corner Eonrllt and Wood Ste.. ~::::•.]‘ : ‘ l :' , ul ' BANKERS 8L \ BROKERO ~,,T . 1 7, , ~.. 1,, r , t o et CI nr, r til , t , o , e , o , f ,, • 1,,..x .. ti , : ,, ~,., •,,-. '. SCH:n [11ea.... r... 4 Ara ....wow , %,.• • " • ' t••• • ap• •.t' 01.. t hol , r. '.- hi, o"•• '.' •• • ' " " NV h, r, . 05 our ,ty. Some of the leo , llne t ` , • •' " , Imi•Lent. Ite ALL at'dbi or , h. o• 1,,n r,n1u1.r..1, and t 1. ., , .. m , 1 , 1... moll' Lt. , ,„, Government Securities, , o 7„; Foreign Exchange, of on r h0n.... ...QUM ~..1 .1 . d r . , I. , 1 , I , •• .0 :...0 . : •t' s T,' i..7."V`T1V4'.; 1 " - . 1 ..f.:' ,,,• • ~ ,I I nr , wIl Gold, Silver and Coupons. • ,; 14 „„;',,,,:„,, ,„,,r:,,,„:—., • -• .. ~,i•, ,r, lt extuttennookonooes an , ~. ~. o, :'!• ~' , ••'• ' • ,' - ' ,.n. •* 4- 7 '7. f: 1 '::' '''ti - ::. A t3 D t) . "I ' L E'."'" " "4 '" n ''' ..' se "' "" P'''' " i° touren ot tit..., on i ...ton 1 , ••,- re . •,, •-• F.;,,,,,,... j . ~ . ~. ~, ... 1 ,• LA:: ~ • tla Unl,ll tßat , 1 sod 123..Ar11L5. ...mt .;, , ..5....., ~ • burned sir mai..., AI. 1, •Ii I. . • • .r. ,• ,• • " '!:" Interest allowed ,le . - _ • - --- to 1 rotlueo . , ttle••••, ,ue . 1 , 1- , n• . • ~ 1 ) .1.1 tIOI TII LITERARY UNION ' 1 . , , , , ,: r e . ?„ 1 ";, r„,;,'''',,, '': ,;';:" ••it., ~.t..., z ier al,' of LI • t I/I ..1.. 40,0. , II , •l. rt , Pt 1., '• i• 1.11: li ~ . , T, , fl • 'I i . tiVt nirs•mr, ~,r 'e- •no :-... —• .. • • e.g..: 1.2.. ...turd ;•• eft n , tlr tt.l .: I' ....: .. sol i atnlt., ITIGII.Uf“ Wit; t•en I'.-n , .. • , t , 0 • 0. H °WAR 9 , r:ntVot, ' '. ' •l " e , t " i , e ' e ' ~ - , 1 1 1. 6! :' 1 : , ” . 117 , %.; .•., :: • I.ewer to rn• ~ ~• .111 usAle, 1,1,4 Jl.- :1, ~1,...n. 0 • ry7,.,.,..,L,%' , ' , ... renoemte e.cattac aull pttry I.` •• "..i.r. J 1 , -1(t111, Jt.TIN A ALEX 11A •X A. MEM , Patriot, Soldier and Christian I= I=l] MEIZE I= 1= ratcti! I= 7, • • I r n 1 :17 ‘ 1 " I 4 C:it -wui:n6:.— I. i ;II lIII=I rt uaa ( !Oa' NTH IRESPOENCI.: Fe l/ h• •• ' I lk I 1.. • h ,•••• sA —VAN , 1.•••••.saa A. col.w.raii RES IDCNCE rjjkitrrra — ' CALL OF 10,4; °WI F IL) Sirerl. . 1 ‘ b ' e o n i htr.orb •• •••••••••• ••••3$ thh •It I'HT L1%4 hahg Velvct h ••••••c••••leh. _.l ilgralt•h.he•••cAh4 who., !hi i••r . h ••••,1•-. hwl ••• be au=k at Ma Itorti•t prl• - •• ale tuat I", .11 atrord hot, ..•, to Cc...lalug 10), arra, !--_-..... ;-, , - ,c,..; ENT: - 3. • R 1 L 10VA 1..-TIIIE VNLIEE SIGN -- -- -- ! rI) ~art• rt•lnove•l the ofsco of the 1101' ROTC. 1 ••• ..N.3 from 33 Markot *trot , . l'lrtalrbrgh. to • bet, , W taw, t,u CI. MOM 3T &LEE I' Etrbrr brtow bow :Irv, .ii, 11 . . twat , ' 1 t y pan ornral Iwr br (mini. • •• ,, t ...,,,,,, ,• , ,h e . l'ob,lller A•lb,st b 36. l'lttabbre. , . • cwt., !•) 1r1: \l'A' t WIT. , IA%P.. ) !.‘ •, h EINE A' 0.43,6 Federal Street, Alley:tea y, CARPENTER AND JOBBING, 1 4) V LIU liii. , B b 11:14 A Its.—i it. t re *i. r I.' ''' " 1 11 "", Vt ;" /' !' , 1.; 4 r ~.. 11 ort,,•'s C I'Llltsw ano tW. lino: sir , ' All work el:Mt:lsta to Ills ante will man i as with " ' ' ' '' '. ' ' . ' ''' "'" ' I. S .' ' ' 'rsrlartl and Crnalino Loaf bn• l rsompagattentlon In Yttllsr r , l/ • virtad Dome: or at l . . ' ' ''' ''' ''''''' ''' 'b"" 1'10" by the At ' itooFlll4o lUATEHL4LS. t. ta t, try• . J XI,J. A. 6.ENVltAkt i ''' t n.: """trbt"Y ."4 , , Y".. :___ ""'"' b' I Cement, Pitch, Fell, Paratti le I) A 4 • 4 14A14 F° 4l I'. C 6Minig tV r 1 i'air'nish and *nark vafni, to .14 , HAN Tln l'ltt !X r. ik• .. 0 I.V. , 111 _ . ~,i:l. 4 , .. _f_. _• keltilt:±. . z. 4 • sold as cheap as any other howls ..n ' tl Y tl'l.. , N " , ' i " C " . ' Ni l a ' ro U lto e uov hi l d il ' .001Y‘st.1"Nr C o !fa 5t...1 _ton ek.a X satt.F.T. ISSOrao fearalsbe ..._,,,!;,..,•• • 0 , s Zt h 'i S tS b i 1 , r ik r :•.1, ,, t , ,L . , ; ,4,. ..•“.)I.,ist. •••tiottr.l. vc• : l,''''F'''' ME +, .3 ) mama 130eLL:10, a Oil SA. 1.1,. SIX SES -, PiD•TIA?P) BORERS, IMEIMIE _ : 1 Alt til 01L.—`24) tbia, best it;laciair; 1 coaistiboinairb Ts IN "eToBt.7. - - ..-....,,,,,,..i. , ~.:. I 1 ' ,•,11•,,,real k t° ‘ ' 4ll by JOO bbl.. Jersey Avion PotatoAr 0,0 t.. OA t. 1.1.41", .1 . 1 ,0 ,^ lO AVON . lIITITAELL 1 .:.1. PI .2,1 1.1tor•lf Otrtkt. • . S L . . 1:,=.;,..' " :,',,,,,, A tk.Avi FirrlD ceased 10 be a , a P'c do... - 4 VP .1 1 d:r ' • ,i Ili 4, . r p 5 . 04 , 31. or Rao Urn' , 0 .11 , A A L ,. t.' 0 vat f (MU) In, 1 20 bo.bt. - 11r .1 ppts., bow, V ilt.AlOl - 0,00, 1 .10 b•STO1040110 be rims. AT IV FITT r BROS. 1 CO.. C i 11011.% tom:* atEIMPTI .wir' --- :4 — '''`')wr 1 G ir.0214" 9 " 4 . / " , :v "3147,.r_R: bir .....,,. ~,, 000 Mal :, , ny,t, .AI eirtil hud Yoi. tale oy .: its-X2lcals wx. i •-- - '.. - - . /4'- ' —.- :.'. =I CILES FOR SA LE, =1 NIAJ. CEN The Hero of t.tit!,sbittg, INEMMII NEW ACADEMY . OF MUSIC 03173E3 4M C7rl": 'Our iLI klinit Duty to the South." 11 n Xll vt , TioN NS. V 10.1)111 A I NlErtl. t. Nri A 1 LI . h I S` ~. Ay Co.) 1 - .11 . ars, 1 111111 EN I , NO. ll.—The Board • • •t• e I , •ve d•rlar.4lll.- • 1 , g Tll o ANit rt t•. 1.1., 41 a. rall L. d V 5: t'VEI.I„ ViIIITI-SIJARD AND AIR•HEATER roR COAL OIL LAMPS ;I. it It ANDI 01.01ILD .1111_,I.EIT..fa. SO:no 'vrery Choice Goods WHITE, Oflß & CO., 2G I'/ftl f3t repot VOIN I' :9111 110:11.... W. L. GAD.B.Ai D Vial ter , , uruiti liop Dealers, r:7i sflu:.GH, o BM •riAF,KEP rt it F. EL. TINE No. 12 • i tit. ~rc•t, St i•ond tri: =I LOOKING GLASSES, juu.% .TOli S. SCOTT, l'irturr• and Frame , era!! kinds I=l 11 t J. 1- 41...`. I. DYER , 1A:444: ATE, I fi:t Ft :t I z it* 1.1.“ v 1 111,11, 6111/ ( halt 1'... ra , Aiwa( unpacking. lt''! • t .t• U nn.-.iii, No, 31 and 31 Third Street ~U I. I)I I.1:' (LANs FOR BOOTI,• - sTEPII Eli e G6,21tAl I= IRON CITY MILLS I ILV I'LOII. AND IZOCIERS do BURCHFIELD. .10EI.E3Z1 rarr , CYJE&..ID. A , AI 41 ',lt, , i S. C. McMASTER CO 0 P.: . No. 113 Ohio M.. Alleglien). JARED M. BRUSH, t..tealo Boilers Oil hill's, Tasks, Sheel J. scutoosmAtiEn b. soN, Iron Works, Sc, Pittsburgh White Lead florkti. • ~t.. 1:011. - - - - PURE WHITE LEAD, 1 ., ()115 ,, i3En.GE 4 Co., siouutae- BLUE Grand and Square Pianos. " °H. :7I tN t . ,ir T A Ix rn LA, " Dir CY, ea szs7s=.=.srs ta.,a. : 1 7 1 , 1. , nen +11(e.11 1 from 1 , 14a.1..) IL\\' 1 i la* r• e • •, 1 . .c.,11•y t , .• D P n + l, GE O. E . .S C UUCHPIAI AL 10e, ...i 1, - I++. k .l. rec.ll*. And.o+l, s +oi n•, wall "t•t..110.1 +orltn..4l.•+lp V,. u •ro mod ~...,. ,t•t +LIt. on •,.I.l+l.l++ rt ...,.++%+ . r . -- - ..c. PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, % . OTICE.—The Annual llreling , The ((NIT FIE aM. 1.1 , H.•9 itn int.,' Ebr.k It k , ..flue ~.ckuuttler+ of 1 , ..: 7 1 1,14-71-V +1,1. 1 4 11+11110T SS EST i/17 'I Ill" 1i1 1 L,!. 1 . /i1,,, 1 . u-, -11.1 Sl+ ~ 1: /, A,. 1 LOIN, 5.15.••PA51 +.l ++ . n+•• V.rfl. L,ltt, Ito W..1.,..ta Ir. 1,,, la, Ci ...: ~. q. at lA., tapaa, •• %a or". at 01A Tit, la A. AI - ' lar., r.1.../+ Car.ls, t•Iv1.11: 41+ 1 . .,r r.,.. \ ~.,.. ~, . .-,..., r u1y, 1•A . -t. , ~,..Y.-...‘Y. tkrtola, Ccr.l....+esof itTp.....ltu. In , . II 11111 t ' 1,111. .5 ,. .. 5 k to. 1,5, 51 5 0 •4• 1• kl 5, V , k.. , kk ,. E....11 , u +1 , 21..... 1.v..t :47.0,4 ~.. r, l•b , 1,, I.• •V 'I I• lk , .i..., for Lae eu.” , ...1 f++ , ''.., r'+' •ur'' - '''' '' ''' t "' ' 'V" t ''''''' ‘.'.' COLUMBIA OIL COMPANY h, of ~a ta.lar I al 1.1,4,1• - • tstolitel. i . , a It, .N. Serrat 1 . 17,0t.,:ra1. 1.4, •,, r 4. ,;... port lIENT, T"E STATED 1,110.4iT111.v MEE r- INO },* Tux 110‘110 tIF ~1,,,,,,,i„ . , L... A WELL FURNISHED ROCIAiI, "...D1 . . - Li Ilt. • .1 •I i 1., 111.. la i•li ;'•1,1.1 ..., ,I t . ar.(11,N,., Wk.,:.. li.r.tt., 1. . kla. - ., at •1 o 010a9a ' ' IA 111...1. Ifoa.rd, ott.“ , a. on 71,1,1 it. , , , •1. l ...4 au! 7Le TA- ft, Ltools 01150 4 q . *pan, al:: . ° , : •• 1.1 ir,ya 0 aaµMAy. tt.e el, 1.. St klado, . t'ke 1:511 ,51 ,„, It t• 101.1u.1(11. Addr.....• I , xl l 11...1. rrr.. , i . /1(14.1 , ~,,, ~,.. 111 ~.‘,.,,, t, el ( t. `..-•::1,- . e 1 r , r 1 . r it r I r it 11.1 I ..f II II II I 1.• F I ... 'BIIIA. S. iI.NTODHART would in NEW PAPER HANGINGS. tent the Ims lust nsturtl•cl YOU PAULORS—Yreo. Des . ,,n•, Ith i. IA I' ". .111 tbt Lastx • lisn.lsvme •ssurlnorot of arra. MILLINERY GOODS,. FOlt LIBRA IVES—ru 44 , ,, !In l'at , r444 •4. t`• around it, ~eed 4. 4 44, sr, 441 14.41 kW-LS -1 4e 4.4•• ea - 4,44rn, '444 1 In? C. 141.11 LL eTlaa.e.T. Al.l ~.:.1.:••1 1 I'll. Y rp (11.4.11 .1.11 u 4 ,4 :14 • over awl: Fr. uu, rot ea.. 44 'SIOOOL4TIL: C4IOCCILATE.Ii •• r tr't Mass. No. I Cbuculwu •toNorfolk 0. , du I 1,11.11.11/4 .1.. Y 1.11114 uu.l t .1.2 mod C 0 ,03. J . :4,f' tvrd and f..r an, vod MIII3 31 , 7 , ,,"'. m.J. UTIIIS C. Ilorrt.ti a le ul, it AIVERS, HOPPV.It s ( I.quer.eador• to R. R. I.Sulaft • No. 45 Smitlitichl St., • al 11 CVO , k t 111 1.1. sonlaelstrere awl Dr...lv, In n.I PilLTl=LlVarrit_TE l . ll3 Parlor, Chamber. =EI Ind Dining Room Sots OFFICE AN) SCHOOL FURNITURE, I,elher with x no.lna.orta , ut Pittsburgh Mauufacture.l Furbitui Conytantl, 1.,13 , 1 KII 1101 al .0, LOVva Bt Ca. 813. Pi•f oar.: .1 1866. hianpt . ly Filled ut 8ru...e1, and 'Fapestr:eN, LICH ‘N9 I^ NfA -ott I Side & I eutre I °ups & IS Air?o, MEM ALLEGHE7tiI I hi, • • , SPRING WATER ALES, EN 4_l;:> •Rebe,•ca 1-St n 210.3 )1101:e..11EVI'S, 4.it,411...•xt•Nr Stat liar DESIOkS Of EVERY OESCEiPTI34 Flue Watches, Cloclo„l ell . F.:LYER-PIATES WARE, ETC., ST .. , . rl .osL wd e ~e w..i ~,. •n~ _ =EI ,Iwt • • „ 1. r E, Lite Sinker, Stal and Medal I.llgraier, ';11 , )111, i•itAID , lftl I riTll: it Ti!1;. SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Clauct"lllog Stem:, awl I,lltstg t artl, A'a • l't 1 , NAItKIN•• 1.•:1!! ,9 . 90 %rood M., ('or. la laniond =Eli July. - I 1•1' . ., A. a t‘li , u• orar, ll* .u.l H•!.II M'cloc,cl etc Wlss,t end itTe M PETTY. .ry 11,110, ICE VALI CI _A_ ISEIII=I3 ..• la+ ;;Ielr.•: 1.k.• ; !:‘ ; r / k oil )I ~t .• 1.1 IJ IMO Et Mar:r3FlL elf co AIAJA,4ILNI tiTI ME Vaults, F., unta.ns :1' t, nR 00 t..P. , t nis it" :14hk.E. ANNII I=l EIIII = Ll= 1101.111 ES, Ix Itichor Cotton Mills, Pitisbure). - Stanui•vtur,e or ANC-1101f IA) till Eicr I Nlll4, A:O.:at/LI SHEA. AN UkiOlt. I INt., n.l it ATIISII. . W IL r-1: I NENA,79.DITERTISVIYEErNTS. 1 _ • _ 11;: , ..:t - Int C7 7 : 1 ,( f) , I . c 'f , CT . Fctilll , 1,1 1 ',i N TI:D. ~.:1;,,,:'. . . • •Ii F. • ho`a!4• * ut I:ra\d; ' 7 - ineen (1.1) Trunk -Makers 4 4 ~,..„ ,„„ ..• . ~,..:,,..7 tca I Cacti,. - .1 t 0,,,Z.41? V• 1,, & ‘ liAltilltOtb • ~.‘,. „....., A ,, • ~.11P A• I wad St./11t. lIIMIGUI&TELY. A': Rey. - I.IIiAIL VELUM-ON II ust.ce a 1 • 1. GILMORE & LEIBLER'S, t• - Ltd .tungsget. 16 /-4. 1 :. .1 , 01 let6l. /.8.1.. - i , 1 , P. 114 , , , e ano to purscar.ce . of au osier an.111,661‘6 1 ...., ~3 106 Wottto lITPECT. .9• of .1.-._.., ente t.,,art or to • •••t .tc el l etatylynat, 1 -- ---... _— ". r ' -'"".'".. ' ' 166 In '''' ''',"*". ''''''"" b' ' WANTED ---.4, (;,00u , 'IAN I.N EV'. Lc. •nt tn.. Houtz,. ot Ult. fttct , ttf .rs.;4, la .....,a ci. I . • ac I EMI,' ( . ‘,l; STY , •• PA It TN Eft . ..lllttg • •'' i . • . '''•' I 4 ' '•' .! P "" ° 5 .: 7 • '' '' n ‘t it!= . i ‘ NF. W A aft,l. E. • t.' t...ithA r VA t.t. Y.. WIII fn. 1.. .to it, li c` , •••• , • 64 ' "', '• .• cr. .ii . ,, ..,./.,...1,, 61s/1116.0 0 c•pi Lat It , •nt c..... 1 n••• of tn.,. Must ,t• flirt ,• It .1•1 .f •IC to ll , "r A. 1)., I . • • • ..‘ A• I vtl Amoral.. tlx. cuttre nal, , tr.'st p•ct uf u, t Ice , k t.! Cc"' C Pc , .1-y ftut.t . , t-t. . -, . , ~...„,1 ~,,, • larr..raucrit..t.to .....1 tc, 'S....,ttsi tu menu.. „ c ..., tt I nu. , •tc ,••• • it,an tu.:1L1•141.1, • 1,•,- .• ' ..... .".. ' 1 .. 1 I l " • ' ,:1, " I ' l Tl 7 S ' t ' elb. ". lell le V Vaal- 1 t. ..t A.. .1 . .e . !.y..1. 11 . e r , ..!.1 ^ .. 01 .. sualzio I L'ti L , Ell =I Ki 5 ~ I g ;3 k:-.1 d EMIZIE 11:11.;,,t1 r ~~_ SOLE OLE 4 ;` r [IR3 1:3f3 Strec:, INII qT ;dL 'A I=l • Ot tiers rot riT Z. 4 r Stiper:or lotion \ Batziii, 'I'\VUT«•, rf rt r 1 is kIN, MEM!I=II VACTC7iY PRICES UHILDS & CO. liO iKS UM HUTCHISON:i:iLASS & CO Bound, 1-quarr, Fiat aad llorlc-'h - e tar Iron, !loop ur,cl Bawl Iron, Builer-I'We, '1';.111t al.ll ! , a1!-Pan 1: on, shun; try, Sr, J,c., 1-4 ( Strtet CfP.SA.! c ()Ai.: iNIPORTANT TO C01i5'j. , ,W ,, ,3, 1 - i TIIII?,'. FL e.z.. B'. 3E ET ft I 1-n Air DEN I'AL PRACTITIONER. (LS pou VI I I k V • e Hydrant -3,. Iron Pup •/ Mr nrt. 'it by iiklidaiF ti• wit wti c os """"SHE.'rr T r • m •; t t of ,onlL, per, ..as skill. •• • malol-I.ltetth. rt.ptirred . 100 I ER CLOSETS ;) 4 .: ST :ND o" rt:ur fey. 1,1,n e ,r.teti.. of 1..q.b. .111 .t u;• ttV•110 mar Sem', 9 tO 1 ,n. Ur. am, ' .%.- 11,11 a PARTNER:4IIr. ,tlcll h.; totit, 1. ankl t he•ln I. • I 11 1. v.iinar) i 1 ranch, CLNAT IMMiE ME V,N . & 10.. )011N CROrr N T.l T Al 1 Gi N“. PI! Nburgil • ~. ~ IMIIII=II •I t PITTSDUROH MANITICTRINti CO., alri:11(11P,C, t' , 2 'third Street, 1% . , , • , w , r •tes, NEWS, TACK, MANILLA, liARDWARE, Roofing. Ftlt and WRAPPING PAPERS I=l rlintnn I , IIIIA nt gtrubrTville. Ohio. urtyhtu:.atut,ot New Ilrightota, en MERCY HOSPITAL, In Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, I.;Ott THE I'ItF:ATMENT OF AT.t. 1..-1 •trrl'--! rua.c . a . aid. ~ or .• me n drl...turtwris It l's ot own crtrd. ft, of cot-yr. , Y•f • ;•••~cdln R pl., gl:lAut or n•lu.r. p‘• nor, rra tilt I= =I • •, n pe•innai a .7 113 tlt. ~.,,.. fort. ^ll'. i.ns , I 11. XI, Anil .z.t•rl.nre: F JR.. M. treatti,-a.t.oe •l I ...Uri!, 11 142 I , Lultbileld ‘,.rt. I .1 J.,. • ;K•1: Ist 11. 'O.. 14111 Tblrd sc'ett. Ross stn,t, J.:L uzon , ,• y .sa•i 11.kr . c11. , Mt. 1. M I .II • W .ty, tn. r 1.1.1tv n i t (031.11EtICLIL COLLEUE, f N. 4 S't Clair Street. CV, Barr vngag...l the yarr:ne• or ac ea ~artaa.ed ea pro,. y for tha mounths or July luol ,ru-t. Pio I , cutrrring no thc lit ofJati veal. ento; , ,t. cnorye by the last of Aug - no:. .ua sycvAmene of penmanship, applT al • l'oourg, or L ddr,.... h..ISI:IAFTER, 1.1 J. V. IdtCLATM..7jII3. ADDITIONAL DOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 141 and ISSI All wt , o serrnel trate yeses ere eolltfed to $lOO eert...ts; those seri Ins two sten, 1.30: tor ...he were disthafgf4 1,0 otk Of %auntie. of UK& heirs. hr.e .tionths Extra Pay Is due Volunteer ()filters In the service elareh ad, isS. ant dlechurgetl, mustered ant , or restireed 42 1;retsiseetty disabled are entitled to lab. &eV Or *43, acetudlug (leer. of dtsebil. Its. W. J. St HALL. rerrzasox, Jaterneye, ant T I avant Street. rlttibufirit.. PS- t IVEW *ALL. PAPEIIII-. now re iselvihe st NV. 1107 EIA RENT OT ;IA11: *Oa trUillital HAW =I '• '••'" WATE-AGENTI4--$7:5 to $2OO • . .. • ~.• aoirtetta6ces, • and V for a-en, •rol Ok , r• rt KIVA, 140.431. , toe Lad..., e•-try•abere. to • o • n-o-t, traa,sever sans- yozuw . Ir o tm:y M.a.010. -,• I aiwl n and or rat.' Iht chArtlrt, Tadnl7 tertrat I t 1,11 he, 5111.00. •,01,1 •,! , u. t 1 Ortritr" be " 0 " tarld csobrol heaotlfut, vniq a rr d ,o ao •1 0, Utite. inie the !oils -moth La • -1,11 ,a rut, oago tu the tome yea.. We ray Ehr. shove or • N't. irra ...Otftl entsalOtt, "-me vr1,1,11 twle, x uoun-- can •.• rz, `./ 11.4 e atertat Into 55 A t m.," or eall C. n a • a , rot., too ••• l'lttahorgh and V ol WO, n. ftPbotr...l,l•.. :• 1•, oor,ao aol 'fns hart 1.-rx Vey RAU- Al.,tt .ny , WO 1. , sal-sr...nth day of w rm e, ond t wen , •-nllttlk of 11.1, 1).. I 1,4 i, reea,t• r i to the Altarvr re.Cordloii deed.. ! WANTED, „„,1 the e,,tot7 of A ale nervy. in tut .tate al' Vert er,l 800 , . Vol. Said to Ur malt opou tne following ta, ass wad . aoud,lcrot mum Or t.:` time of +ale. 3.1 111 the eernt Of ant of the boblers of the bonds. . warrant., or emsmoo recut-rot by the nowt - gy. K a t• day of Januar, A, U.. executed mud delivered by the,bartlers Everfbodr out of employ moo 'op: 8i well r Woad I Orr pn.llllt, J. 211,1 lirshant •nd J. t Inlereal gairae Thont.oo ru.tees r epa meet of to ` - • '- t, baud rwl Ale seand d 011..., r ecordedr ACV., I 11; In All,lBeny county. to Mnrtrage Hone, " ri. pry,. trrrrrrrsillirg Ihr• urr rr s.t.. 1,11 .t the .10.1 4Are hv them.elsra or wstit addrew P not 301 PltBebargB., o rrr r ) 1:/ hr auriirorra.l mad al ow ed to owl ke.l payment of the balance or revealed. , of the mho yr money Ind or them at ..Id SAW tither A .., •, - „,,..., to part uy traoshaerlog or dellverMg up to I to I' l RANTED FORA N *:4l ••• alores.O.l the. el. and Interest w.r. Int otpons held by them at Lire time Of sale, oon or p.lre hid by them: the ra .-{loon. r• et w.rra .1 or ono en s I, Ai, raw/ p•r r. nt. of the par rattle tneroof. the holders so ampalug may ba r lair to re I oy Ph a NV. Mt, grr-ITO theown out of the whole of or sum ler noble said prentf.sehall .01.1 as aforesaid. Or.l 8 8,....0et tog from the raid price or rum tho aiwount. The r.trletr, of 110. tr.••\ Is to .- shall be tTtoe it &thin Min • days eller the depot sale. id. I trig cry. of Smd property and premises be. Pages. and 1 5 Mort log purettaßed pen...settler Mao the brlders of engraved the moo Intpror-8.1 style. r 4.1 in. rr he bon& awl cOtipOns aforestld. then the whole •übsorlptlon. perces.... money mlran he paid le trustees. the P. tlreulars. ad.lieel .tr apply m sub of twenty-one thousand nee hundred dollars. toe th .of the 10E, and the balm.. In tOttly days Men:Anti 4th. Moon the sale being solflatle,and confirmation .6 b• the Court and romp 1.84. w th the terms thereof .„. Ak D B O E O k N t. T r ,LN?. nd ,T t. C b pre wl.es and e veyw appertru•newa le and .11... charged trout al, Lien arol wurr.riulr , I te.krr I.,llOC'Te r. w1.11.1C38130 la TR. - UM JOH.h. nil 31 I Tenet... By Mrs 8E.1.1.A 1 8 .1'1 8 .N 1 1.R. One ;sent . rtv , J. rDOA It HOMSON, I twenty rep o bob,. /motto L... ty PUITAD/I. lllll a. Sent. 156, rippled In 8,88. Wrrr I ~re g I, ',WY 'Ye: L ...lg., Iko s: aaent. edl K. , DAY, DIGABOY SPANG, 4 re- • , t.. ur• •18 oor n. w tea 141.8.11 g Ali nth. Art.:, to or Addrt I W. 1. 111,1, h ft co. 'third ,beet 0.1.u.a1t, p. CRUP.II.IICTORA 01 AIWFATS :ITANTEI) TILE 11.10 N CITY TIDIE 1. tl~n Uri paprr to lit-v r c , och or lea , . .re o .11 ler , •s, 0,11,e •,01 , ,,10n. ,e'f•molt , OTEICE ANB WAREHOUSE, pre.ssore foot 1.1).1 tww , t fcr,l motto , . L LI, Nos. 45 11; nod and 102 and 104 Third St, oc6 isAri,aTERS OH AND 11E.A_LTLIV2 Saddlery Hardware and _Trimming, ALI attelie, Superior Iffood and Iron Haines, " n '" u " . • "" ck ' ”" °4 "" °• PLUMBING, GAS FITTING An.. iitts, ay. Ktep oe .1 • t r 4..eOrtament or sbn.le In I • r. ttrulLne. r th,uner at as nar Prit* s I • • " I I ANY 1111,1/11MS 111111 LL .IP 1r.17 .F...3310..Ei, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS r, Sixth and Smithfield Ste., PlTT . :l3Clitill, .4., Nom. 7. 1 _043, M -4 7.7.7'2 , 13L EVV., Car. Beaver and Clieidniit st:rei L•HESri R. Oprosite the Cathedral, .n.l a: , F 1)11..1. S. RIIII - . L> THIE 11- OF RHODES ,'• t•y , ,Itarivt.tl Jymutual conacut. j .J 1 tn. partu. ro alit situ tot name all 1.11.1 u' . 1.0.1 , 112.4 at Ups allact of the rlttsl,,,!. !treat c. ki 5... a'.l 11.1~ II 1 . •,L. , • r Ilneln, ron — 1 or .t lr,ntiro Brewing. ' , trains t.t trfr, r•, , ....A1tzi0N.11A1(1.1 , 7- 1 , .t. I ,tek frwuonr I, , ,,tritLou . V % , r 1.0 pittr..n.tra Itesoowe4 .te 10.0 n .o ,or t..og elpertrn., Int ..e that thOl' .111 11., . we would !nform pub- Ibetw , le .ve unthlng undone to went e :11.. fiber, tretroname enjoyed by the tie rot J 11.1101.1tiZ CO. utol from our p. r,,m, I me buslneta. Levi satich..l that we .1f; im uu5 , ...,1 to elseuutAre asAlmarllon to /twee bn fl fly wltb Slick order. +..1 C.ll4l'\'. DAILLINOTOV rlt. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. ORDER OF TILE ORPHANS' A.leibene County, he A.involAttn. tor. the el tete or {JAI-111 3,111/1,1.,N. w 111...115c undue ler (owl° o.tety, at the on rt ..,e tte of l'ltnEburgb. mitTl'lt oAY, I.E.Cd. or ^0 fleet. P. V. • TILAC T , ll , LA NI , . i 10 ”1.111. township, Alie,eneal etx ACM.. Mate or trot.,ll l ,lC4 et, the .11 , 1 i by land ot J. to. ...lard. ut the vre.sl. by .111 , 1 J•anel Kelly, un I 'le rut he land. of .1.0.0 ohne,. xtz.l on thee Pitt•burgh nd cireensumrsr Ternp`he. :hereon orecte.,l teu.e and Los Barn. There le • Ap pie au./ r.earn orch*.rd on the pre sod idle. oi IL I. u.n.10r1a , 4 —lib• veld, 0, al Athe null Cot I. liVe Indisputable east, st the dell Are or the d0e..1, In kmv oleo • atone and tao year, te tererl, lobe Ik-cured by boon sod asongsge 13 it,. peewee , . Apply to L. D. DAVInt , Y, (11SOStien kinCINER. dohlt•strators. V. Ilk ex. “,. J., BAH 000, Atloruer. ?Ms buristx, e11E 4 1.1 WAREHOUSE. .n . . Cn:,.: i ec ato .0 J. n.~~ , ~... RICHARD E. BREED, No. 100 Wood SlrecL BRITANNIA ANU SIVER PLATITI TABLII W AMR, TRA TRAIN B AN D VOILA CUTLI.III. aorni- , . CHINA TEA SETS. CHINA CHINA TOILET AIMS, NINA VA i brt giNs BOHEMIA NV lat r BVIII:2kIIZICHTPTION LAVA CAttll H rg. VA St . Mt MINA. SI3I.ISIt eTtINE AIM of all varieties, tem! helesel• god retell tree, The largest sett most crelePle• lnclek or .TMThi.ll telt I.ne la Me city. tl l'rirea and lc rte.' , tea same na la the eastern Mies. .217171a31 LIVERY AND BALE STAILLES. 310RELED & MITUELI4. Nos. 425 /a 427 Liberty Street. The ter,' beet HORSES, CAEKLAtICS Ard tifo.r kart . The Aueet hl P. A it, Et 4 It. 'the el! t. a& P'euern.le. atter.ded h then nutlee to r.ve best mast r . Pvettme wiettinA engajd Shy Iu our Itoe C... rely Chet toeing turret! oath ..b , e,ltAtrt style, A/ Ive prdprleture Atte welt pettetod slim:ion W Um I tt.eht PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY .4.43. WRAY 4 crIiVEIS. dr. WRAP, AND DREWERS I 07 Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTESIRGIip, ROBERT WATISOSOI.O.II7.r. 102,03 I ILIPEILIOR 01 K TANNED, PATA STHETOMID AND BITZT.CD LEATHER BELTING ABB ROSE, u..apactured U. No. 68 S.IOIIIIIiLD n 2., by', HARTLEY. PHELPS & 00. A. Agent , . for 2bOY - 74::ri HabblooB. G. um- XS Citing - . vta S. N. POAktr:; .' _Stocks, litmus tarp tritesilrirr" p 7. PuusTs MEET. (Busks.r. Ittpo44;) till*i t ith Tells 021 • • • H AIL Bu iPv - Dina 4 A-9/A, PICTROLXVIS ituilunnerwr i =, F9/IWFrg.:444 - xi'4634itiliaisttit vedd i 6 ,*w r . : 4 L agrr.o k 4 imatruivAiritigbliatitto=stoa or cotttattivo carnet is Zoos arum Kt ACENTS AND SALESMEN PO to to paid id cash at the in every Town, City nut County In thr Mid le. I=l7Zl "MEN VIANT,F.I' , TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Eiti.er perrnsuently o•r tamr.r. , l l r• r•"" 0 ' tp , ,nt to rl.rx e rc tou-Ivr, relaLlour. Apply in p.r..ork or .I.lllre.s w. 1.4 Grunt screct. l'• MEM 1=1:11 r , 14- a^ pki: I% W. It. LAT - 311 vi .SAL,JII 1= BM WA rtlt,trur,t.. riL =I N 0.43 Fifth NI., op StaiN WOMEN OF THE WAR I= = T S -7F-7 REM= TOM T. 1 7 WENS, =IEEE 10:3 Wood St., r 7 . ADDY, ILL! t S B WI )() ) 174 I All Una, or Iron $• 11,^ - gut, .n 0.., 1., Sheet Z.lrr.. oathW 1.W.... 14 mu . .7.. •11,1,, Wm-cram, Corner sixth and Stnet , •:•1 e All ord. e If mall ..rie,zietY ,"• BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., PLUMBERS,GAS ,t 4, SIE 41 , 4 PIPE FITTERS No. 55 Federal SL, , 612 Pence Streei. Pitt.bvrkla \7Arr AN, I. ISt! IZF., t•0L01...04 , so. Laud. SMMEMEMNI Oil Heim:ries Uncut 'Lott nutter: tud In moot approved tap,. Agit...ors, Tu.... On., lined 'with She. • Lou, br be. procuse, curb Hydro-Atm...ph •r“ limp • L eep conakket!, op hand •uru. , • SHERT LIT Al., 1. , LA.11 virK. .S NI , rWCKu 7ITTING, rF lrl. /To • V sad In luel sit mat. .l 4.: kept by a 11. e...41.111511Mcbt. • We woui..llUVlte the •ttentleto of •II who nn.. .,, work lean In Ourl:n• f I.osi no f., vwn fee. ,nn deli, we can save My ••11afael 1. material, workm.n..hle vn.; NOTICE. Private Families and !latch =I HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES +4ortnat " term, 1,7 ru.:aq JOHN MAFFET, N05.2:27 and 27.ti;First Street PITTS)? (JB, PA tartl.44 WELDON & KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. =I Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead. &c., 4.1..w.any OS HAND. 161 Wood Street, near Stit h . 42772,07 HEKL.F.EUX b. JOEINSoe 2. Et .A. CM' ic).9,.....T, Plumbers, Gas and steam Plum a rIPTI-1 STREET rxrie,l,,N Plttiesbouralx, X-"e• IA Orden by marl erbtule4 saLlstbiztort.... 11101tIptIllttO•ied to .4. .1411 lurbe tia.th Tabs. Prtip, Bulb, ClO.Mita s blabs. I,3lbAdellerg, l'oadants,and Tbir ratio , at 0, most retw Imin prw, , urirdt• from enstritry pacron• ny curkl! pr vivr et. elmH . Hobe efe,er•, db.bribilbb• le Eh= pLITUDXG, NAY AND ST • rarriso, I.s ALL LTB nitANcussqi , f:. -Var.:l.l7y littrii4ed to by evrertrew voetzosa. A Mae asso r. ' • GAS FIXTURES, SINK , BATH TUB& STIOWERBATFIS. WA.TY.II CI..OSSTb. I TRAN) Constantly on hand sad made to coNter. .r.iminEt eb b V22aLl7, 59 95414 % 5 8 7 eittgige1 57 thiat b. . ITTSDIUItaii AND OAKLAND eAstallAutuiVs• 5p,44.11.. 21 118110C11, Nvggatini oiearaug:llidL.;)c aolltdma t AND M. 1.• 41 RC ! , : i N i .S. PASENHOU,E. Callll2thrtalu. - Elttatra d Qatlatid ?lumens.' Carl t Allellidke 'oven la nannies. I -Ake.. K -77- inrs.. --, - . , I, foo 1" Igo r . . , . ~ . • : SoiD ltortn A tiv I r,.., 4..; x,i *acme Casiugte Allmit I • Ije :0 it Slwilk . itg i t& t i .. - . lln elattna ll % ee e tTith46l4l2l" Azrx.A_NDlsig EINGF 11 .0. tau Pint . stme" =I El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers